Re: [Goanet] Goan girls avoid foeticide; made to wear salwar-khameez

2006-06-23 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Mario,
Thank you for the novella that you've taken time to
write. Thank you also for updating us once again how
right-wing conservatives are so concerned about
abortion and "creating a culture" of life, while
simultaneously not really being concerned about the
living. Why else would they be against gun control,
stem-cell research, gay rights and anything else that
might make life more livable and lovable for a
multitude of people.

Secondly, just as you are so certain that some posters
on this board are anti-Christian or not following your
rock solid code of conduct, you seem to be very
certain about what lies in the heart of every parent
who decides to take this very painful decision. That
they are just "abortion-happy" as you put it, and that
they would like nothing better than to tear their
babies from limb to limb and discard them like thrash.
Incidentally, it's spelt trash :)

I suspect your outrage is not at all about female
foeticide in India but about abortion in general. As
such I have no desire to get into a protracted debate
about the morality of abortion. It's an individual
decision and each individual is blessed with their own
moral compass to guide them in taking this decision. I
am not their moral custodian nor do I have any wish to
impose my code of conduct on anyone else. 

If we do so, we are assuming that people primarily are
incapable of making their own decisions in life and
must be "legislated into subservience" at every point.
I find this hard to take coming from a man who
routinely reminds us that micro-managing economy
policy is detrimental to the natural laws of the
market. Apparently micro-managing morality doesn't
have the same effect.


--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> I was wondering when your "left-wing intellectual"
> ideology would get around to supporting abortion,
> which you say is an "undisputed" right.  How can you
> then turn around and say you find only female
> foeticide abhorrent?  
> >
> Since you abhor only female foeticide as the mother
> of
> a daughter, does this ipso facto mean that male
> foeticide is OK with you?  You have already said you
> support elective foeticide which is what abortion
> is.
> >
> While I agree 100% that any woman and/or parent
> should
> have an "undisputed" right to decide whether they
> want
> children or not, once conception occurs, it gets far
> more complicated.  I'm pretty sure the foetus they
> create would strenuously dispute whether it should
> be torn limb from limb and discarded like thrash.> >

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Re: [Goanet] Re: India gobbling the world - Malthus, Cornel and me

2006-06-22 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Mario,
Cornel, my soul-mate. Wow! I consider that a
compliment, I am unworthy off. And there I thought you
couldn't say a nice word of either Cornel or me!

Mario wrote:
 Your liberal soul-mate, Cornel,
> describes anyone who agrees with you two as
> "educated"
> and those who don't as "uneducated".
> >

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Further to the Da Vinci Code (Re evangelisation)

2006-06-22 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Vid,
We seem to be on agreement on the whole. 

When I referred to Hindu religious authorities, I did
not mean the polity. I meant was there a collective
apology to Christians, on behalf of Hindus for the
atrocities carried out. 

In general, I do not seek apologies because I really
do think they are redundant. My point was simply that
there has been insanity on all fronts in the name of
religion. Let that be water under the bridge and let's
move on as a secular India.


> We must always be careful to distinguish between
> Hinduism (the religion)
> and Hindutva (the political ideology). The dangers
> of such confusion are
> clear, to make an analogy, what if people the world
> over start blaming
> Christians in general and 'Christian religious
> authorities' for the
> imperialist agenda of George Bush, which is clearly
> motivated by his
> skewed interpretation of Christian fundamentalist
> doctrine? 
> -- 
> Question everything -- Karl Marx
> _
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Re: [Goanet] Further to the Da Vinci Code (Re evangelisation)

2006-06-22 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Hi Cornel,
Unfortunately there are a lot of Believers' and
Charismatic groups operating in Goa and India, that
are actively pursuing evangelisation. Although
initially the Catholic Church had distanced itself
from Charistmatic groups, it seems to have reduced
that distance now. Perhaps this is owing to the fact
that a lot of Goans are attracted to these movements,
which are perceived to be slightly more dynamic that
the mainstream Church.

Active evangelisation is very sad indeed and
especially when pursued with the idea of "salvation"
tagged onto it. We are as irrelevant as ants on this
universe and yet we assume ourselves to be so
grandiose as to be concerned with the "salvation" of


Cornel wrote:
> Hi Elizabeth
> Irrespective of Kamath's warning shot or rant, and
> the sad case of the 
> murdered Australian missionaries, or for that matter
> other cases, I would 
> think that an active and organised  policy of
> Catholic evangelisation in 
> India is fraught with danger. Would you not agree on
> this? I saw the process 
> of evangelisation taking place for myself in Goa in
> Margao Municipal Garden 
> on Easter day in April 2006 and observed what was
> going on for a good half 
> hour. Later, that day, I met the organiser socially
> in Colva where he worked 
> at the Sea Coin in the evenings. Although a most
> pleasant fellow, I was 
> horrified by his insistence and deep belief that
> Christ's teaching should be 
> actively disseminated to those who have not heard
> the word of God.

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Re: [Goanet] 1700 hrs and it's pouring in Goa

2006-06-22 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Cornel,
Al Gore will not run for president. He knows his ship
has sailed. He's also said that he is very comfortable
in fighting for his causes from the outside rather
than battling the beltway boys.

Keeping post short as per rules.


--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I *
> F * I * E * D * S *

> Hi Elizabeth and Fred
> I had previously written off Al Gore as a loser.
> However, he seems to have 
> re-invented himself via the environmental issue. I
> reckon he has surprised 
> himself with recent success and may well think of a
> second go for the 
> Presidency. If this were to happen, would choosing
> Hilary as a running mate 
> help him?
> Cornel

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Re: [Goanet] Further to the Da Vinci Code (Re evangelisation)

2006-06-21 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Cornel,
First of all, let me state that I too am against
evangelisation of any sort by any religion or
religious sect or pseudo-religious sect. I have always
said that if someone wishes to worship a stone and
believe that that stone has the ability to impact his
life, by appropriate propitiation, then so be it.

Having said that, I found MV Kamath's letter strangely
uncomfortable. The words were ill-chosen and
unfortunately incendiary. I googled to see what
exactly the Pope had said which got MV Kamath all
riled up. The Pope is talking about conversions that
take place in India voluntarily. And it is the moral
right of every human being to convert if he so

I don't have any statistics on how many forceful
conversions take place in India. I know that a lot of
Catholic missionaries are doing wonderful work in the
rural areas, and there is a sort of "food for God"
ideology practiced sometimes, but this is such soft
pedaling that it should hardly garner the wrath very
often expressed by, yes, Hindu fundamentalist.

MV Kamath, writes this in his letter:
The Pope owes an apology to Hindus and to India on
bended knees.

Really, did Hindu religious authorities offer
apologies to Christians or the Pope, when they saw fit
to burn Australian missionary Graham Staines and his
two sons. Do they offer apologies when they rape nuns,
attack Catholic schools, hospitals and churches. Even
in Goa, the insidious tumour of hate has taken seed.

Atrocities have been carried out in the name of
religion for centuries now. It's about time we stopped
in the name of God. 


> Goanetters,
> The people of Goa have demonstrated muscle over the
> Da Vinci Code whether we 
> agree with this or not, and the mechanism by which
> this was achieved.  I now 
> sincerely hope that, such muscle will be shown
> against the highly risky and 
> misguided business of the Catholic Church in its
> assertiveness over 
> evangelisation in India.
> I had discussed this issue previously but the
> recently reported concern and 
> anger on this matter, as expressed by MV Kamath, has
> to be taken very 
> seriously. I therefore want to place my extreme
> concern over this issue, for 
> the record on Goanet, even if I am very much in the
> minority. The debate on 
> the temple/church issue (hopefully temporarily
> exhausted), is insignificant 
> compared to the monster being officially unleashed
> by the Church in a highly 
> volatile India over religion.
> Cornel 
> _
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[Goanet] Funnymen Goa Policemen

2006-06-21 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Is it just me or does anyone else think that Goa
police are imbecilic morons? Everytime I read a crime
story in Goa, I somehow picture a Bollywood style
policemen, wearing Hawaldar pants, twirling his
mustache and hoping to come across a villain who
utters the infamous line "Prem hai mera naam, chori
mera kaam".

The only detective tool available to police seems to
be those hapless police dogs which appear on the scene
whether it be a robbery, rape or murder. What are
those dogs supposed to do exactly? Anyone with half a
brain operating, knows that sniffer dogs will sniff a
trail only if they have a scent to pursue. Can we
assume that the robbers or murderers dropped off their
jackets at the police station prior to proceeding on
their way to rob Mr & Mrs Amit Gaunkar?

Come on chaps, get with it. What about sketch artists?
What about fingerprints? What about some forensics,
however basic they maybe. If you can't manage to get a
team trained in forensics, I suggest you rent the
enter season of CSI, available on DVD and make your
short-pant clad Hawaldars watch it.

I once had the pleasure of observing security detail
being put in place for a "tight-security" operation.
There was a chain of police that stretched from the
Zuari bridge all the way upto Vasco city. Ofcourse
there was a one mile distance between each policemen
and none of them had a walk-talkie. In the event some
terrorist was spotted by a cop, I'm assuming there
would be a relay race all the way to the police

The crime rate in Goa is soaring faster that the price
of fish. At least give those dogs a dog biscuit. I'm
sure they take their jobs far more seriously than our


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Re: [Goanet] 1700 hrs and it's pouring in Goa

2006-06-20 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Fred,
If you haven't already watched the Al Gore movie, An
Inconvenient Truth, do watch it. You'll enjoy it and
find it of interest.
> In recent years, amidst talk of climate change (aka
> global warming), we
> are seeing a lot of extremities in weather
> condition. When it rains, it
> really rains heavily. When it doesn't, it's dry for
> days.
> And, has anyone studied the earlier-believed (and
> apparently true)
> corelation between phases of the moon and the
> weather? Farmers and
> agriculturists in Goa generally calculate a good
> planting season by
> looking at the 'omas' and 'punov' (full and new
> moon) on the local
> almanacs. FN

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Re: [Goanet] Goa History: Destruction of Temples/In defense of Marlon

2006-06-20 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Mario,
I don't know how well you know Marlon but I've known
Marlon Menezes for 7 years and counting, and yes he
does support numerous causes, especially in Goa. While
we constantly take liberties at belittling another
people's points of view or arguments, please let us
stop short of belittling other people's character,
reputation and achievements. In all the years that
I've know Marlon, he's never treated me with
disrespect and that is as Christian as one gets.


> >
> The one thing we can be sure about based on
> extensive
> evidence in the archives is that his spin will be
> consistently anti-Christian on the grounds that he
> is
> really doing Christians a favor by "exposing their
> insecurities".  This is accompanied by the sophistry
> that he is really not anti-Christian because he
> supports freedom of religion and that he has
> contributed to Christian causes, which I'm sure he
> has
> the receipts and cancelled checks to prove:-))
> >
> >
> _
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[Goanet] Foeticide in India

2006-06-19 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Mario,
I know you wanted the women on this forum to share
their views on the matter of foeticide in India. Again
apologies for the delay.

Let me preface my post by saying that as the mother of
a daughter I find female foetocide abhorrent to say
the least. There are not enough poems to describe the
loveliness of a daughter.

With respect to the doctors who were hailed off to
jail for aborting the female foetus, I do not find
this an acceptable solution. Our medical professionals
cannot be held accountable for something that is
primarily not illegal in India, which is abortion.

I have to wonder, were the parents also jailed? For
the real culprits are the parents. It is however
impossible to prove motive when trying to punish
parents and the government cannot be society's moral
custodian on this issue. Since I have been bestowed
the credentials of "left-wing intellectual", and in
keeping with them, I am fundamentally not opposed to
abortion. It is the undisputed right of the women or
at the very least the parents.

Which brings us back to the Salwaar Kameez. We have to
ask ourselves, what sort of society are we creating in
India. Are we creating a society that values women,
that treats them with dignity and respect? Or are we
creating a society that perpetuates inequalities and
demeans women at every point, or even more
sadistically caricatures them into either "Madonnas"
or "whores". 

We have to change society at its roots. You'll find
that foeticide is almost nonexistent in Goa. There is
a reason for that. Education and respect for gender
equality (as much as was possible within the social
context of that time) have been an important part of
our culture.

We have to change society at its roots. And when
changes take place in society (such as Salwaar Kammez
as the uniform) it may seem benign to the naked eye,
but we have to ask questions as to what its actual
implications are. Which explains my outrage at the
Salwaar Kameez. Also I've never really looked good in
one :))


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Re: [Goanet] The Dangers of certain topics (relating to Churches)

2006-06-19 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Cornel,
I too agree with your position on evangelisation.
Infact I am against evangelisation by any religion or
sect. Goa, particularly has to be very careful about
being evangelised into the "Believers ideology" but
that is another post and another hobby horse of mine
to ride.


--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> However, my real worry is about the assertive stance
> of the Catholic Church 
> to evangelise in India/Asia etc. I do not want this
> precisely for the 
> reasons you have identified. This generates real
> fear in me because the 
> approach is pretty provocative I think.

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Re: [Goanet] Re: India gobbling the world - Malthus was never wrong!

2006-06-19 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Mario,
Let me first apologise for the delay in responding. I
have been otherwise occupied. Summer in Minnesota is a
wonderful time of year. I hope you visit us sometimes.

Let me preface this post by saying that I have
tremendous respect for Dr Singh. If the Mahatma is the
"Father of the Nation", then certainly Dr Singh
deserves the honour as the "Architect of India's
Modern Economy". I am in no way, begrudging India the
tremendous strides it has made, which seemed almost
impossible given the bleak scenario it was faced with
just a few years back.

Having said that, any serious economist has to be
gravely concerned with India's population. Even the
article link that someone provided on this forum had
this to say:

Last year per capita income in India was $3,300; in
China it was $6,800. Prosperity and progress haven't
touched many of the nearly 650,000 villages where more
than two-thirds of India's population lives. 

Backbreaking, empty-stomach poverty, which China has
been tackling successfully for decades, is still all
too common in India. Education for women -- the key
driver of China's rise to become the workshop of the
world -- lags terribly in India. 

It is true that you are either a Malthusian economist
or you are not. For better or for worse. I am. The
basic premise of Malthus' paper was never really
wrong. That resources are not infinite and that
unchecked populations will be detrimental. In the time
that he made his observations, food was the essential
resource. In our time, poverty is not defined as not
having enough to eat, although for large sections of
the world population it does not even meet this

In the time we live in, we can be abysmally poor,
living in urban ghettos, sharing accommodation with
rodents, drinking water from infested sewers, being
subjected to all the ills that poverty brings with it,
drugs, prostitution, alcoholism, violence. This is the
poverty that grips us.

To keep my post as brief as possible, let me sum up by
saying that the reason I constantly harp on population
in India is because both national parties, The
Congress and the BJP have forsaken any concerted
efforts to curtail population. It is unpopular to do
so and politics in India is all about the vote bank.

India is poised to become the most populous country by
the year 2015. Heaven help us all.


> Mario observes:
> Based on this India and China should have been
> facing
> mass starvation by now.  However, because people
> don't
> sit still in the face of problems but develop
> solutions, both countries are self-sufficient in
> their
> food supplies, and are even exporting food.
> >

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[Goanet] The Dangers of certain topics (relating to Churches)

2006-06-19 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear fellow posters,

I don't mean to be Chicken Little here, but in a
moment I will seem to be. I haven't followed the
discussion about Catholic Churches being built atop
Hindu temples in its entirety, just in bits and
pieces. While I certainly don't want to advise anyone
on what to discuss, I think in the political climate
that we live in today. Christians have to show some
responsibility in the assertions that they make.

Perhaps Hindu temples were destroyed. Perhaps churches
were built atop temples. All of that happened in the
social and political context of that era. We as
Christians today, cannot bear responsibility for it.
Communal tolerance in Goa today is tenuous to say the
least. The air is thick with tension, especially in
certain parts of Goa. Two years back even a benign
feast like the Bonderan feast was politicised and
religious tension stoked.

It didn't take long for the Babri Mosque to fall. It
won't take long before the legitimacy of our churches
is called into question. Yes, it is nice to sit in our
NRI lounge chairs and debate about issues, but in our
zeal to debate our point of view, let us also show
some restraint and responsibility. 


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Re: [Goanet] Re: Dubai & Terrorism/response to Mario

2006-06-18 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Dear Mario,
The reason I often choose not to respond to posts is
because having made my point I do not wish to belabour
it. I know it is customary on this forum to go back
and forth on arguments but I have neither the time nor
the inclination to do so.

The other reasons I did not respond to a post
concerning Dubai is because (a) I understand it would
be considered off topic on this forum (b) I found it
hilarious that you would tell a person who has spent
her entire life in Dubai, that she does not know about
Dubai. I could give you a detailed history of Dubai,
about their politics, their aspirations, their hopes
and dreams for the future but I doubt it would make
any difference to your point of view. Your assertion
that the US is so tolerant of Muslims and doesn't lump
them all together, is made null and void by your very
next assertion that the Dubai Ports Deals was reneged
on, because Dubai has ties with Hamas and Hezbollah.
They are all terrorists, aren't they?

Incidentally, forget about politics, let me give you a
personal example. Ever since 9/11, there hasn't been a
single flight my husband and I have taken at an
American Airport without being subjected to a
secondary full body search, and my husband travels a
lot which rules out the law of probability. So much
for not "lumping all of them together".

> On an intellectual level, though, I am a little
> disappointed that you again resorted to the same
> kind
> of generalities that I am noticing recently from
> people who disagree with me.  In my post I gave a
> detailed and logical explanation about Iraq's
> missing
> WMD's.  You were obviously unable to rebutt a single
> fact or opinion that I mentioned, apparently
> believing
> that ridicule would be an adequate cover-up for a
> lack
> of fact and logic.
> >
> _
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Re: [Goanet] child labour in India

2006-06-15 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Cornel,
Bravo to you! I don't know if you've watched the
documentary Born in a Brothel, I highly recommend it.
It doesn't deal with child labour at all but as the
title states it's about children born to Indian
prostitutes. What struck me is, when these children
were given opportunities two things happened, a) some
parents snatched the opportunity right back from them
b)some showed such phenomenal talent that it broke my
heart; but for an accident of birth their potential
will remain buried.


--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Elizabeth
> Re my brief post on extensive child labour and
> virtual slavery in India for 
> the production of consumer goods in today's
> capitalist India, I forgot to 
> add that I am ashamed to be an Indian on this count
> and am working with 
> people here who are endeavouring to boycott goods
> produced by children as 
> young as five. This could paradoxically hurt those
> very children and their 
> families but ways and means of getting over this new
> hurdle are being 
> explored so that the children can manage to get to
> schools instead of 
> factories.
> Other groups are focussing on similar situations
> elsewhere.
> Cornel 
> _
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Re: [Goanet] Re: Dubai & Terrorism/response to Mario

2006-06-15 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Mario,
Sometimes you make me laugh and laugh and laugh. I
laugh so hard, I just roll off my couch. Believe me
there are more weapons of mass destruction, hidden by
my little daughter, underneath my couch than there are
in Iraq.

Mario wrote:

> You apparently believe the illogic that because the
> WMD's were not found, Iraq had none.
> >
> The more plausible explanation is simply that they
> are
> still hidden either in Iraq or Syria.  Stocks of
> chemical and biological WMD's do not require much
> space.  The logic behind this version is that, had
> Iraq really not had WMD's, Saddam would have been
> able
> to comply with any one of the 17 UN resolutions, the
> last one containing an ultimatum of serious
> consequences by force.  > 
> _
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Fwd: Re: [Goanet] India gobbling the world - Malthus be gone!

2006-06-14 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Note: forwarded message attached.

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I am sure as, Dr Khushwant Singh and Chidambaram,
revel in the headway that India is making, their
foremost wish is Malthus be gone. Unfortunately, the
spectre of Maltus will follow both India and China
well into the next century.

One of the economic magazines is carrying a story,
about how China's economic boom is confined to the
neon lights of Shanghai and Beijing. Outer China is
mostly disenfranchised, living in dire poverty, with
disparities at their widest. China is an experiment in
various forms of economic governance. Most of which
have been futile. It remains to be seen where their
latest quasi-embrace of capitalism will lead them.

There is a school of economic thought that believes
large populations are actually a viable asset to an
economy. I've never belonged to that school. Large
populations are nothing more than serfs that provide
cheap labour to the industrialised world in one form
or another. The manufacturing jobs of America, that
sustained a middle-class income in America, once
exported became nothing more than sweatshops in China,
where poor peasants sell their souls to the sweatshop
"massa", and work into the wee hours of morn.

The shiny BPO offices of India today will, once the
demand flattens out and supply increases, become
nothing more than cubicles for clerks who mindlessly
churn out data for businesses fattened with the
profits of cheap labour.

No, no, I am not against liberalisation and
outsourcing. I am against this euphoric proclamation
that the Second Coming of India is at hand. India has
a severe population problem and it has one of the
lowest per capita incomes in the world because of
this. It has to come to terms with this reality. It
has to have a polity that addresses this situation.

It has to beg, borrow or steal technology to reduce
its ever growing dependence on oil. And it has to
invest intensively in R&D. It cannot be a peddler of
second-hand technology, it must be the originator. For
India to overcome the Maltusian conundrum, it has to
have a pronged approach. A proclamation that India has
arrived based solely on advances made in limited
sectors, is premature to say the least.

As an Indian I sincerely hope that India has a linear
growth progression, I really do.

--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mario
> Ah! So there are impediments in India's way to
> imminent super economic 
> status. This is what I kept saying and you were so
> dismissive. Have you 
> woken up?
> Cornel
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
> Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 12:26 AM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] India gobbling the world
> > --- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Gilbert,
> >> As you know, I have felt some scepticism about
> >> India's rapid growth to super economic status in
> >> the imminent future but I dearly hope it is true
> >> and that we will not be disappointed.
> >>
> > Mario observes:
> >>
> > India's rapid economic growth can be plainly seen
> by
> > anyone open to the facts.  What is lagging in
> India
> > march towards super-power status is corresponding
> > growth in the transportation and communications
> > infrastructure, and most sadly in the area of
> civic
> > sense, due to a perplexing lack of civic respect
> for
> > rules and regulations and for others, particularly
> > strangers.
> >>
> >
> > _
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> > Goanet mailing list  (
> > 
> _
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Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa. /response to Mario

2006-06-14 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Dear Mario,
I really do think you are suffering from a rare form
of PDD, known as PDD by Proxy. Not only do you feel
the need to defend your point of view ad infinitum but
you feel the obsessive need to either defend or take
umbrage at someone else's point of view or emotional
state of being, be it shame or disappointment, and
then label it as you would like it to be.

To put hyperbole in context, according to you and
Gilbert, the Association of Goan Atheists and
Agnostics, are frequently seen running the streets
naked, burning kastis and culminating in an orgy to
rival Dionysus. It's another matter that none of us
have ever be fortunate enough to witness such an

In anycase, I shall take your point under advisement
and write to the PTA, to stop robbing our young girls
of their self-worth and reinstate a Britney Spears
version of the good ole school uniform.


 Mario muses:
> >
> Preetam & Elisabeth,
> With all due respect, while I agree that this new
> dress code is silly and intrusive in the increasing
> global social climate, I still don't get this new
> sentiment of being "ashamed" at the drop of a hat -
> of
> something one has nothing to do with.  I think that
> real "shame" is best reserved for personal
> transgressions, and sentiments like regret,
> dejection,
> bemusement, indignation and anger for those of
> others.
> >
> And now, "actually terrified" - why?  Because some
> silly, overbearing bureaucrat is taking himself or
> herself too seriously in suggesting a salwar-khameez
> dress code for school girls?  

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Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa./To Mr Floriano

2006-06-14 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Mr Floriano,

Likewise I am a great admirer of yours, although I do
not warrant your reciprocal admiration. You, Sir are a
doer and are doing much good for Goa. You are the
alternative voice that Goa needs. It is unfortunate
that a grass-roots movement such as yours will take a
long time to grow in Goa but the seed has been
planted. I have been looking for a link, where
contributions to your party are welcomed. I will also
encourage other NRIs to read about your party and
support you as much as possible.

As I side note, I really admired your stance on the Da
Vinci Code.


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Re: [Goanet] Re "True Knowledge"/ To Cornel

2006-06-14 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Thanks Cornel,
Will try to look it up, although the University
library is pretty far from where I live. Isn't the
University lovely?

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Re: [Goanet] India gobbling the world - Malthus be gone!

2006-06-13 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
I am sure as, Dr Khushwant Singh and Chidambaram,
revel in the headway that India is making, their
foremost wish is Malthus be gone. Unfortunately, the
spectre of Maltus will follow both India and China
well into the next century.

One of the economic magazines is carrying a story,
about how China's economic boom is confined to the
neon lights of Shanghai and Beijing. Outer China is
mostly disenfranchised, living in dire poverty, with
disparities at their widest. China is an experiment in
various forms of economic governance. Most of which
have been futile. It remains to be seen where their
latest quasi-embrace of capitalism will lead them.

There is a school of economic thought that believes
large populations are actually a viable asset to an
economy. I've never belonged to that school. Large
populations are nothing more than serfs that provide
cheap labour to the industrialised world in one form
or another. The manufacturing jobs of America, that
sustained a middle-class income in America, once
exported became nothing more than sweatshops in China,
where poor peasants sell their souls to the sweatshop
"massa", and work into the wee hours of morn.

The shiny BPO offices of India today will, once the
demand flattens out and supply increases, become
nothing more than cubicles for clerks who mindlessly
churn out data for businesses fattened with the
profits of cheap labour.

No, no, I am not against liberalisation and
outsourcing. I am against this euphoric proclamation
that the Second Coming of India is at hand. India has
a severe population problem and it has one of the
lowest per capita incomes in the world because of
this. It has to come to terms with this reality. It
has to have a polity that addresses this situation.

It has to beg, borrow or steal technology to reduce
its ever growing dependence on oil. And it has to
invest intensively in R&D. It cannot be a peddler of
second-hand technology, it must be the originator. For
India to overcome the Maltusian conundrum, it has to
have a pronged approach. A proclamation that India has
arrived based solely on advances made in limited
sectors, is premature to say the least.

As an Indian I sincerely hope that India has a linear
growth progression, I really do.

--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mario
> Ah! So there are impediments in India's way to
> imminent super economic 
> status. This is what I kept saying and you were so
> dismissive. Have you 
> woken up?
> Cornel
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
> Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 12:26 AM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] India gobbling the world
> > --- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Gilbert,
> >> As you know, I have felt some scepticism about
> >> India's rapid growth to super economic status in
> >> the imminent future but I dearly hope it is true
> >> and that we will not be disappointed.
> >>
> > Mario observes:
> >>
> > India's rapid economic growth can be plainly seen
> by
> > anyone open to the facts.  What is lagging in
> India
> > march towards super-power status is corresponding
> > growth in the transportation and communications
> > infrastructure, and most sadly in the area of
> civic
> > sense, due to a perplexing lack of civic respect
> for
> > rules and regulations and for others, particularly
> > strangers.
> >>
> >
> > _
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> > Goanet mailing list  (
> > 
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Re: [Goanet] Theist v/s atheist?

2006-06-12 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Dear Mario,

I am assuming that you are using the second example to
prove that the first assumption is incorrect. Hence,
proving once in for all that science is not to be
trusted. This is the same type of rationalisation that
Conservatives use to prove that evolution is a myth.
Monkey's bottom red, man's bottom not red. Hence man
could not have evolved from monkey. The Bible on the
other hand, gives a very accurate account of creation.
Six days and counting.
> Let's see if I can give you an example of true
> knowledge that even you, who is so highly schooled
> that everything is relative, will be able to
> understand.
> >
> How about the true scientific knowledge that a
> properly designed object if moving above a certain
> speed, can be made to rise up off the ground and
> stay
> up as long as it has enough fuel to maintain it's
> speed?
> >
> Or, how about the true scientific knowledge that if
> one jumps off a tall building, one will fall to the
> ground and die?  Those who would "... be pressed
> very
> hard to refer to anything in science as "true
> knowledge." should try it sometime :-))
> >
> _
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Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa.

2006-06-12 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Preetam,
Thank you for posting this article. I too read it and
then lost the link, and tried unsuccessfully to
retrieve it.

I find it totally abhorrent that girls are being made
to wear the Salwar Kameez as a school uniform in Goa.
In the article, it stated that the Salwar Kameez would
be more suitable for sports and other physical

Oh really? Have the education authorities in Goa tried
to do physical exercise dressed in a Salwar Kameez?
Have they tried to run a marathon, jump hurdles, play
football in a Salwar Kammeez? I can well imagine girls
who desperately want to excel in sports now being told
that they will have to fully cover themselves, let
their sweat trap in these garments giving them rash
and other unfathomable diseases. I can imagine these
and all girls of school going age, ever so subtlety
being discouraged and dissuaded from assuming that
they are equal to men.

What is going on in Goa? Are we taking 10 steps
backwards in every direction? I am not only ashamed, I
am actually terrified for Goa.


--- Preetam Raikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Recently, I was astonished to read an article on the
> local Goan english 
> newspaper on the Higher Secondary Schools change of
> uniform to Salwar Kameez.  
> I request the Eduacational authorithies not to
> strictly  impose the dress code 
> to Salwar Kameez.  Its the full right of the
> students to wear dresses, skirts 
> or whatever they like, so long as they don't breach
> the moral standards. The 
> subtle ideas of this Salwar Kameez idealogy is the
> 'outsider' influence that 
> is now threathening the very social fabric of the
> native Goans.  Today no 
> skirts, tommorow no Jeans.
>   Preetam Raikar
> _
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Re: [Goanet] Goa importing poverty

2006-06-09 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Dear Cornel,
With all due respect (of which I have ample for you),
the analogy is a spurious one and undeserving of
Gilbert's post.

The US is grappling with an immigration problem and
there is much debate about this. There are an
estimated 20 million illegal immigrants from Latin
America currently in the US. This is almost the
population of an European country. I am not liberal
enough to believe that such illegality should be
pardoned by way of amnesty, nor am I Republican enough
to believe that they provide much needed labour in
America, to "do the jobs Americans won't do".
Unmitigated mass migration of people impacts the
socioeconomics of the society they infringe upon, be
it in Goa or be in America. While I am all for
regulated immigration, having been a second-generation
beneficiary of it, I am not at all for illegal

And fellow posters, please don't write to me about how
migration into Goa is not illegal. That is another
post altogether.


--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Gilbert
> Just one small point re your "Why are the world
> economists (who were in 
> favour of WTO and NAFTA) not stepping forward to
> come up with innovative 
> plans to create jobs in Mexico to keep the
> indigenous workforce in their 
> native land?"
> Could the same have been said about Indian doctors
> who rushed to migrate to 
> the USA? Just asking?
> Cornel

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Re: [Goanet] Goan Taliban?/response to Mario

2006-06-09 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Mario,
I am glad to hear that you have never felt ashamed. I
on the other hand frequently feel ashamed about many
things in life. For instance I am ashamed I inherited
my father's mustache and have to spend a lot of money
on tending to it every month. 

Thank God, there were many people in S.Africa that
felt ashamed of apartheid. Thank God there were many
people in America who in the 1960s felt ashamed that
civil rights were being denied to blacks.  Being
ashamed, on balance is a good thing because it forces
you to take action. 


> Mario replies:
> >
> Elisabeth,
> It was not your "demise" I was referring to but your
> welcome return to the Goan fold, which I was
> concerned
> you had left due to all that accumulated shame you
> were expressing that seemed to have finally boiled
> over due to Goa giving in to the extreme local ire
> against The DaVinci Code :-))
> >
> BTW, when it comes to my very ethnicity as an Indian
> and a Goan, I choose never to be "ashamed".  Often
> exasperated, irritated, confounded, upset, PO'd,
> disappointed, but, on balance, never ashamed.
> >
> Actually, on balance, pretty proud.
> >
> _
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Re: [Goanet] Goa importing poverty

2006-06-09 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Gilbert,
This is a good post but response to it maybe limited.
I don't know how many Goans are based in the US on
this forum and of those how many are closely following
the immigration debate.

I disagree with you about the Dubai Ports deal. It was
not economics or security that kept that deal from
taking place. It was good old fashioned prejudice and
anti-Arab racism. Having grown up in Dubai, I know
exactly how Dubai Arabs think. They detest
fundamentalist groups and will have nothing to do with
them. Unfortunately, today all Arabs and infact
Muslims are lumped together in the US. There is no
room or tolerance for nuance.


--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The "Goa importing poverty" thread evolved in a very
> enlightening and civil manner into market economies.
>  I thank both Elizabeth and Mario for keeping it
> intellectual.  Yet both (and the rest of us) would
> agree that anything good (policies, regulations,
> laws) left to itself and taken to its extreme by
> vested interest is bad.  The issue is how does
> society prevent the abuse of a "good thing"?  And
> how do we (society or govt.) address important
> issues rather that create short-term and
> short-sighted solutions to more fundamental
> problems.
> Here are some thoughts: 
> 1. Should "Social Security" for Seniors relieve the
> children from being primarily responsible for the
> well-being of their parents? It should not. But yet
> is does all too often. This includes the Senior
> Citizens not wanting to be dependent on their
> children.
> 2. The issue of Dubai Ports Deal was a security
> issue. Yet security is the responsibility of the
> Govt. / Coast Guard and not of a private company -
> American or foreign.  The intellectual issue here
> is: Why are there no American companies competing
> for the tender to manage and operate the ports?
> 3. The illegal immigration discussion is also
> miss-directed. Why are the world economists (who
> were in favor of  WTO and NAFTA) not stepping
> forward to come up with innovative plans to create
> jobs in Mexico to keep the indigenous workforce in
> their native land?  It is my understanding that the
> major cause for sharply rising unemployment in
> Mexico is the undermining of their agriculture with
> import of cheap corn and other agricultural
> products. It is like the USA on manufactured
> products! Its good if it is cheap, but bad if it
> creates unemployment.  Unfortunately neither the
> academics nor the major and multi-national
> corporations have stepped to the plate to develop
> innovative solutions to these worldwide problems.
> 4. In economic terms, is not human labor and talent
> (including brain power) to some extent a resource -
> and thus an exportable / renewable commodity?  So in
> a "free trade system", why / how would one restrict
> human movement across boundaries be it in Goa or
> USA, EU, Canada or Australia?  Population migration
> is a NATURAL PHENOMENON and has occurred since the
> time Man first migrated out of Africa 100,000 years
> ago.
> Kind Regards, GL
> _
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Re: [Goanet] Goan Taliban?/to Helga

2006-06-08 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
I am becoming a great fan of yours. You tell it like
it is. We need more women on this forum. Hurrah for


> Why? I am ashamed too. This is not a 'I Look at Goa
> through UV glasses'
> forum. Here is a list du jour of  I Am Ashamed Items
> and I am Proud Items.
> I am Ashamed of:
> 1) The mindless sheep who flocked to the Inox
> theater not to view a mere
> Hollywood movie and then critique it but to stop it
> from being screened.
> Maybe that way no one can ask them for their opinion
> and thus expose their
> ignorance to the Bible, Christianity and Tom Hanks'
> hair.
> 2) The people who did nothing about protecting the
> safety of children of the
> Nerul School so a boulder nearly crushed them.
> 3) The carnage on the streets - 3 bikes accidents
> today
> I am proud of:
> 1) The stellar performance of Ralph Silva at the IIT
> entrance examinations
> 2) The young man who bagged the Bill and Melinda
> Gates Foundation
> scholarship to study the environment.
> 3) The efforts of the people of the city of Vasco to
> Go Green.
> Helga
>  Elisabeth
>  ---
> Dear Lisa,
> If you truly ashamed of being a Goan in that case
> please stay out of Goans
> public forum.
> Seja uma senhora boa
> Thanks,
> Francis
> _
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Re: [Goanet] Goan Taliban?/response to Mario

2006-06-08 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Dear Mario,
To slightly misquote Mark Twain, rumours of my demise
have been exaggerated. It was my laptop that had met
with a sorry end; am armed with a new one. Anyway,
good to see you in top form.

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Elisabeth,
> Welcome back :-))  I guess you can take the Goan out
> of Goa, but you cannot take Goa out of the Goan :-))
> >
> Now about that white picket fence...hurts me to even
> think about it :-))
> >
> Mario

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RE: [Goanet] Goan Taliban?

2006-06-07 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Actually Kevin, it's fair play. Afterall, that's what
a democracy is. That's the reason, so many stalwart
Goans risked their life and limb, so we can could be
freed from the shackles of colonialism and become a
democratic state.

Felly/Francis/Frankie?Hankie/Pankie, is free to say
what he wants. I hope he would also allow the
Elisabeths and Dan Browns of this world to say what
they want. Being ashamed to be Goan in this instance
does not make me any less Goan. I know many Germans
who were thoroughly ashamed of Hitler. That didn't
make them any less German. 

Democracy usually bestows rights, privileges and
powers, it does not take them away.



> Dear Felly/Frankie,
> This admonition is totally uncalled for on a public
> Goan forum.  Elisabeth
> eloquently states what many of us only have the
> courage to think (ie. those
> of us who do THINK).
> I have publicly renounced the trappings of faith in
> a supernatural being
> and have attracted my fair share of fundamentalist
> cursing.  I hope I will
> not be the next target of your 'moderation' of this
> "Goan" forum.
> Kevin Saldanha,
> Mississauga, ON.
> --
> Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 13:03:06 +0800
> From: "Felicio Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dear Lisa,
> If you truly ashamed of being a Goan in that case
> please stay out of Goans
> public forum.
> Seja uma senhora boa
> Thanks,
> Francis

> mail2web - Check your email from the web at
> .
> _
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Re: [Goanet] Goan Taliban?

2006-06-07 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Francis,
Thank you for the advice. I maybe ashamed to be Goan
on account of the Da Vinci Code debacle but I am still
a Goan and there are still Goans in Goa and in
diaspora, that make me proud to call myself a Goan. No
doubt, the Da Vinci episode will soon be forgotten but
something very precious will have been lost. Our
reputation as being progressive, tolerant and


--- Felicio Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Today, I hang my head in shame as we have proved to
>  the rest of India that we are as intolerant as the
> and that we are as capable of stoking religious
>  sentiment for political gain as the BJP. I am truly
>  ashamed of being a Goan. I am ashamed of belonging
> to
>  that last bastion of the Congress stronghold known
> as
>  Salcette, Goa and most of all I am ashamed of being
>  known as a Catholic.
>  Elisabeth
>  ---
> Dear Lisa,
> If you truly ashamed of being a Goan in that case
> please stay out of Goans public forum.
> Seja uma senhora boa
> Thanks,
> Francis
> -- 
> free e-mail - 
> Check out our value-added Premium features, such as
> an extra 20MB for mail storage, POP3, e-mail
> forwarding, and ads-free mailboxes!
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Re: [Goanet] Goan Taliban?

2006-06-06 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Well said Helga!


> Good job Cecil.Yes we now have the dubious honor of
> being one of the few
> regions in the world to ban the Da Vinci Code. I say
> few because I have
> excluded the Taliban, the Wahabi mullahs from Saudi
> Arabia but maybe I
> shouldn’t? What a fine moment for Churchill Alemao
> and his supporters! As
> Maria Aurora Couto pointed out we have arrived -
> straight into the Dark
> Ages and the rollicking times of the Inquisition. In
> the meantime Joel's
> Clippings report that a boulder came rolling into
> the Nerul School and this
> year English medium schools are to open without
> government grants. While
> the rest of the world lauds Indians for their
> emphasis on education which
> has been a huge factor in our economic growth, some
> of our Goan Catholic
> leaders have chosen zealotry as a means to get us on
> the map! So why did
> the print version of Da Vinci code not create the
> same furor that the movie
> has? Maybe because our leaders can't or won't read
> and neither will their
> 'disciples'?

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Re: [Goanet] Theist v/s atheist?

2006-06-06 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Mario,
Morality does not need the compass of religion to
guide it. It is inherent. Frazer in the Golden Bough,
wonderfully details how societies living in isolation
of each other invariably reach the same conclusion.
Pyramids for example are to be found from Central
America (Aztec and Mayan) to the Middle East (Egypt),
without there being any trade link between these

Whether this inherent morality is to be defined as
"God's invisible hand guiding us" or whether it is
just the evolutionary progression of man's
intelligence is a matter of debate.

But certainly whether one is a theist or an atheist,
we have long past the point where we need a codified
book to provide us with "checks and balances". 

> What I have asserted, as an example, is that "my
> imaginary friend" and all his followers with the
> collected wisdom of thousands of years have
> developed
> a rock-solid moral compass - regardless of Santosh's
> baseless assertions to the contrary - and
> collectively
> ensure a certain level of checks and balances on our
> morality.  Membership in such a morally based group,
> which is voluntary, means one has signed on to the
> program, and is willing to abide by the rules, to
> the
> best of one's ability.
> >
> On the other hand the unorganized individual
> atheist,
> with no moral friend real or imaginary, and no
> membership in any morally based group, has only a
> biased, self-serving moral compass, assuming he or
> she
> has a moral compass, and the results are whatever
> they
> say they are, with only civil and criminal law as a
> controlling consequence.
> >
> Where there is overlap, the unorganized individuals
> will be just as good as most members of the morally
> based group.
> >
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Re: [Goanet] Tomorrow is 666

2006-06-06 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
End times Gilbert? We can't even tell the end-times
for most American daytime TV soaps. Some of them have
been going on for an eternity. :)


--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > To those who are superstitious and belive in the
> > End-Times, the number 666 is ominous.
> > Tomorrow is that date on the calendar.
> > Kind Regards, GL
> > 
> Mario responds:
> >
> End-times?  Bite your tongue, Gilbert!  I have plans
> for next weekend :-))
> >
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Re: [Goanet] Goan Taliban?

2006-06-06 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Today, I hang my head in shame as we have proved to
the rest of India that we are as intolerant as the RSS
and that we are as capable of stoking religious
sentiment for political gain as the BJP. I am truly
ashamed of being a Goan. I am ashamed of belonging to
that last bastion of the Congress stronghold known as
Salcette, Goa and most of all I am ashamed of being
known as a Catholic.


--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cecil
> Thank you for a very well written article on the
> ridiculous situation re the 
> banning of the Da Vinci Code film in Goa.

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[Goanet] Theist v/s atheist?

2006-06-06 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
I love reading all the theist v/s atheists posts on
this forum. When Christians, Jews or Muslims extol the
virtues of their respective religions over each
other's, what they are really saying is "my imaginary
friend is better than yours". Now that the theists and
atheists are at it, I presume what the theists are
trying to say is "I'm better than you because I have
an imaginary friend and you don't", and the atheist
are trying to say "please see a doctor about your
imaginary friend" :)

I like sitting on white picket fences.

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Date: Sat, 3 Jun 2006 11:29:34 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > The difference in my opinion is one of checks and
> > balances.  For example, Christians have a
> rock-solid
> > "Golden Rule" 
> >
> --- "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:
> >
> > The Golden Rule or the ethic of reciprocity is
> > found in the scriptures of nearly every religion. 
> > It is often regarded as the most concise and
> general
> > principle of ethics. It is a condensation in one
> > principle of all longer lists of ordinances such
> as 
> > the Decalogue.
> >
> > 

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Re: [Goanet] Goa importing poverty/response to Mario

2006-06-05 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Dear Mervyn,
I do not create disparities, I just report on them. To
liken situations and drawn analogies to Nazi Germany
is simplistic. 

> Elisabeth,
> While you have some great points in the above, I
> find
> it troubling that you feel any immigrant has
> "cultural
> poverty." That sounds positively Hitlerish.  
> > If we don't address these issues now, what we will
> > have is a sort of social apartheid. Two societies
> > living in parallel worlds. And Goa is not immune
> to
> > becoming just another Soweto.
> There will always be parallel societies in any
> community. In Toronto for example where a child has
> to
> attend the school nearest his/her residence, some
> kids
> arrive at school hungry and have nothing to eat the
> entire day. Other kids in the same class are grossly
> obese. 
> Lastly, Soweto did not evolve into a "black
> township."
> It was created just to keep black Africans from
> living/mixing with others.
> Mervyn3.0
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Re: [Goanet] Goa importing poverty/response to Mario

2006-06-04 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Mario,
Your argument that there are economies in this world
that follow the principles of laissez-faire in the
absolute is bordering on the comical. Even the US,
with perhaps the most liberal economy has safe-guards
in place that placate the conscience, social or
otherwise. To mention a few, the minimum wage, tax
relief and subsidies for agriculture (major WTO
issue), tax relief for companies who outsource work
overseas (a major bone of contention in the US), the
recent ruckus over Dubai Ports Authority taking over
the management of a few US Ports.

Come on Mario, everything in life is regulated, if not
by brute force, as in a command economy, than
certainly by sheer dint of political connivance, as in
a "free-market" economy.

Incidentally, there is nothing incompatible about
being a proponent of a "free-market" economy with a
social conscience, just as there is nothing
incongruous about being an atheiest or agnostic with a
moral compass.


Mario writes:
> No need to "argue".  Just look at the record.  The
> facts are there for all to see.  India in economics,
> before liberalization, and after.  China in
> economics,
> likewise.  The old Soviet Union countries, before
> and
> after.  The stagnant major European countries like
> France and Germany with "social consciences". 
> Practically all the African countries, which have
> their own version of a "social conscience", except
> South Africa.
> >

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Re: [Goanet] Goa importing poverty

2006-06-02 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Mario,
I didn't want to embark on a US related topic since I
understand that they are banned on Goanet but I was
curious to know which side of that debate you fall on.

> > 
> Mario observes:
> >
> Elisabeth,
> >
> What you have described above is the "official" or
> legal system in the US.
> >
> However, the US is right now in the middle of a
> furious national debate on what to do about the
> approx. one million illegal immigrants every month
> that risk their very lives to sneak into the country
> to work and fill their empty bellies, leading to
> estimates of between 12 and 15 MILLION illegal
> immigrants that have accumulated in the US over the
> years, many using forged documents.
> >
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Re: [Goanet] Goa importing poverty/response to Mario

2006-06-01 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Mario,
Lest you think I have forgotten about your post. I had
merely put it aside to respond at leisure :))

I too am a free-market proponent and as such believe
that micro-managing economies is an exercise in
futility. However, we've learnt through history
free-markets cannot be allowed to reign without a
social conscience. If this persists, what we get are
neo-feudal societies, where one group grows more
powerful at the expense of another.

We can argue the economics of this at length, and we
won't arrive at any conclusion. I'd like to invite
debate on the social impact of such mass migration. No
doubt, it will change the demographics of Goa. Is such
a change welcome? Is it accepted because "there is
nothing to be done". 

We have to learn lessons from Mumbai and Bangalore,
where Marathas and Kannadigas are now in the minority,
a small voice unheard in their own politics. Mumbai as
we all know is a city drowning in urban poverty
despite being the commercial capital of India. Is this
what we want for Goa? Or is there a way to
systematically go about insisting on certain things;
like proper housing for migrants instead of sprawling
slums on communidade land, insist that they learn
Konkanni as their language, insist that their children
are schooled and not roaming the streets as beggars
and urchins plying services for pedophiles, insist
that the culture poverty that they bring with them is
reconditioned. These are the hard questions for Goans
living in Goa to answer.

If we don't address these issues now, what we will
have is a sort of social apartheid. Two societies
living in parallel worlds. And Goa is not immune to
becoming just another Soweto.


> When politicians and  government bureaucrats make
> micro-economic supply and demand decisions it always
> makes matters worse, if not for the specific sector
> being "helped", then certainly for the rest of the
> population, in terms of price levels and supply
> allocations, which then have a negative ripple
> effect
> on the entire local economy.
> >
> No bureaucrat anywhere has found a way to
> efficiently
> allocate resources of either labor or material. 
> Such
> extreme socialism is disappearing around the world
> after trying for decades, leaving extreme socialism
> only in dictatorships, in countries with God-given
> natural resources currently in demand, or in
> relatively small economies.
> >
> Also, I don't think you can compare Goa, a state,
> with
> entire countries.  Most, if not all, of the empty
> bellies you speak of are coming to Goa from other
> states in India.
> >
> The conclusion has to be that business owners in Goa
> cannot find local Goans to do the same quantity and
> quality of work for the same wages, in spite of a
> natural preference for locals for reasons of
> language
> and communications, the lifeblood of a business.
> >

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Goa importing poverty ?

2006-06-01 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Vivian,
In your haste to argue the point, you've made it
personal. Second of all you've assumed certain things
about me which are not true. I don't understand why
debates of this nature always have to end up by taking
potshots at those holding an opposing view.

Be that as it may, I am glad to hear from a Goan
living in Goa with some experience in this field.
Sharing of these experiences can change our perception
of what is ground reality. 

Thank you,
> We can bemoan the fact that we Goans are becoming a
> minority in our own land, 
> I can do that since I actually live in Goa most of
> the year.  But why are 
> people who have left Goa for good and settled in
> foreign lands bemoaning this 
> fact ? Nature abhors a vacuum, and the vacuum you
> have left behind by your 
> departure is being filled by people from other
>   States and other countries. That is life.  Accept
> it or do something about 
> it. Dont just blow hot air.
> Vivian A. D'Souza
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Re: [Goanet] Goa importing poverty

2006-05-31 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Mervyn3.0,
1. Canada, Australia and New Zealand have a point
system that monitors that just the right calibre of
people get in.

2. The US has a visa system, followed by the green
card waiting period, that ensures that only specific
category of people will enter the US and be allowed to
work. There are other categories of visas that do not
allow people to work because American labour is
plentiful in those fields.

3. The Gulf and SE Asian countries all operate "guest
worker" programmes manipulating quotas and visas
depending on their requirements. They also have very
active programmes in place that ensure indigenous
population will be given preference over others in

> Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In countries such as Canada, the Gulf, Singapore,
> > influx is carefully controlled both in terms of
> the
> > quantity and quality that is taken in and steps
> are
> > put in place not to disadvantage the indigenous
> > population. 
> Elisabeth,
> This one is truly strange. 
> I have lived in Canada for a dozen years and have
> not
> heard of any rule that allows one set of people an
> advantage/disadvantage over another.
> Perhaps you could elaborate on what you are
> referring
> too?
> Mervyn3.0
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Re: [Goanet] Goa importing poverty

2006-05-31 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Mario,
You've raised exactly the points that need to be
discussed in context with this issue.

There are many countries that encourage immigration.
Canada, the Gulf countries, the EU (in part) and even
the US and Australia in the 70s and 80s. This is
because they need the actual numbers to make up the

Is there any evidence that there is a workforce
shortage in Goa? If we are to assume that there is,
than unemployment must be pegged at zero or near zero
level. We know this is not the case. Migrant labour
enters not just the unskilled labour category
(although largely) but also the semi-skilled category
such as electrical works, masonry, and in smaller but
substantial numbers in the skilled category such as
accounting and administration.

In countries such as Canada, the Gulf, Singapore,
influx is carefully controlled both in terms of the
quantity and quality that is taken in and steps are
put in place not to disadvantage the indigenous
population. Such a privilege is not afforded to Goa.
People will flow in because supply is plentiful. I
don't have to go in depth and elaborate the economic
consequences of a labour glut.

Be that as it may, what worries me more is the social
impact. Are immigrants/migrants just a benign
influence on mainstream society without any tangible
impact? The recent riots in France have taught us
otherwise. The case for concern is more severe where
the cultural gap is so wide that assimilation is a


> Mario observes:
> >
> Elizabeth,
> Good points.  It's time.  What exactly do we do
> next? 
> Unfortunately, I have no answers, only questions.
> >
> What exactly do we want the politicians to do?  I'm
> sure we can demand they address the atrocities of
> prostitution, gambling, crime, violence and disease.
> I
> think that's the least a decent local government can
> do.  Let's not forget road accidents.  But I
> digress. 
> Back to the economic issues.
> >
> Are you suggesting a reverse-liberalization process?
> Do you know anyone willing to start a construction
> company in Goa or build a hotel that pays more than
> the prevailing wage rates?  Isn't one person's view
> of
> poverty another person's survival, i.e. the busloads
> of empty non-Goan bellies?  Are these lesser persons
> unworthy of our concern?  What are all the Kunbi's
> and
> Gaudi's doing these days to fill their bellies?  Can
> we prevent the free flow of labor between the rest
> of
> India and Goa while simultaneously encouraging the
> free flow of tourists and investors?  Who decides
> what
> to build and where?
> >
> Where is that bottle of Aspirin?
> >
> _
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[Goanet] Goa importing poverty

2006-05-30 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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The Pied Piper of the Goan Construction industry is
doing a good job of luring India's empty bellied to
Goa in busloads. At some point Goa has to accept that
it is importing poverty and unfortunately poverty has
a culture all of its own.

The culture of poverty is homogeneous all over the
world. Poverty is the not the benign wart made
graceful by Bollywood movies. Poverty is ugly mired in
prostitution, gambling, crime, violence and disease.
And the unchecked flow of migrants into Goa brings
with it a tidal wave of this culture.

Why decry pedophiles from Western Europe? This game
requires both demand and supply. If the supply is
plentiful then the dregs of humanity will bid a path
to our door. Most of these children are victims of
their own parents compliance in this heinous act.
Goans may lull themselves to sleep thinking that their
own children are safe but the sad truth is once the
willing are done with, the unwilling will become candy
that must be had for the pedophiles.

Goans may tell themselves that this workforce is
needed to build much required infrastructure. The sad
truth is, this workforce has displaced the traditional
Kunbi and Gaudi by making the daily wage rate so
negligible that it no longer feeds their belly.

Goans may turn a blind eye when slums sprawl in their
backyards, when rivers pollute with effluents, when
hills collapse because trees have been felled without
restraint, when pavements become the domain of
hawkers, when prostitution dens become part of the
neighbourhood, when crime becomes the norm rather than
the exception?

Isn't it time we had an honest discussion about the
unchecked import of poverty into Goa? Isn't it time we
held our politicians accountable? Isn't it time we
found workable solutions that will not extinguish our
way of life but rather strengthen it?


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Re: [Goanet] Woman priest says Mass (2)

2006-05-30 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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This is precisely the reason people have been
embracing Dan Brown and fleeing from the Catholic
Church, because it resists evolution. It is one thing
to honour tradition, it is another to claim it as The
Truth and The Way.

Is there any virtue in barring women from attaining
priesthood? Is there any virtue in enforcing celibacy
on priests? Is there any justice in constantly
referring to homosexuality as a perversion? Is there
any virtue in condemning birth control,
invitro-fertilisation, stem cell research and any
other advancement that is deemed "not natural" by the

Our spirituality must go hand in hand with changes
that are taking place in the world. It cannot exist in
a vacuum detached from reality. 


> > 
> > Defiant female priest says Mass
> > By Kim Vo
> > Mercury News
> > The fledgling congregation gathered in a circle at
> > Sunday Mass at Spartan Memorial Chapel to
> > introduce themselves. A woman in a long, white
> robe
> > spoke first.
> > 
> > ``My name is Victoria Rue,'' she said. ``And I am
> a
> > Roman Catholic woman priest.''
> > 
> Mario observes:
> >
> I have no problem with these people doing whatever
> they please.  However, it is delusional and a patent
> falsehood for Victoria Rue to describe herself as a
> "Roman Catholic woman priest" because this is simply
> factually incorrect.
> >
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Re: [Goanet] It's election time on GoaNet

2006-05-29 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Cecil Pinto,
Please keep your day job. Puns and Politics do not
mix. In politics one has the shake hands in public and
kiss b*tt in private. You strike me as being incapable
of doing so, at least not without occasionally want to
bite it. :))

Cecil wrote:

> - People wanting to flirt with Elisabeth Carvalho
> - People who suspect Elisabeth Carvalho is actually
> Cecil Pinto

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Re: [Goanet] Just curious

2006-05-29 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Just Curious,
We were all wishing Cecil, a happy anniversary in
public because in today's world celebrating your 10th
wedding anniversary is a rare occasions. Furthermore,
in private some of us have put together a fund and
mailed Beatrice a medal of honour:)

--- Anthony M Barreto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I must thank the gentleman who brought the 10th
> wedding anniversary of Cecil and Beatrice to our
> attention on goanet. 
> Cecil has two well known e-mail IDs and yet the
> subsequent wishing on goanet that followed escapes
> my
> simple mind. 
> I am aware that curiosity killed a cat. But it is
> also
> true that curiosity is what gave us some incredible
> modern inventions. Just for curiosity's sake, could
> anyone of those who wished Mr and Mrs Pinto on
> goanet
> tell me why they preferred to make their personal
> greetings on a public domain despite having his
> personal mail?
> Please, it's nothing beyond plain curiosity.
> Tony Martin
> Anthony M Barreto aka Tony Martin 
> Freelance Writer and Author 
> Primrose 
> Galgibaga, Canacona, Goa -- 403728
> M: 9422390701 
> R: 91-0832-2632012
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Re: [Goanet] Congrats to Beatrice and Cecil Pinto

2006-05-26 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
many more years of marital bliss!

--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Congratulations to Beatrice and Cecil Pinto who
> celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary today.
> Cecil  has entertained us with his humourous posts
> over the years.  
> Please join me in wishing them many more years of
> marital bliss.
> Regards,
> George
> _
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Re: [Goanet] I'm back!!!

2006-05-24 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Gilbert,
My daughter knocked my laptop off the table and I am
now given restricted access to my husband's computer.
As such my responses are going to be very brief out of
compulsions beyond my control :)

I honestly don't have the answers to your several
questions but far from "giving advice to God", being
an agnostic, I think my stance is one of humility.
Being agnostic simply means absence of knowledge.

The problem I have with organised religion and latter
day theists is the unwillingness to move from one
position. Their stance is always that they are in
possession of total knowledge and anything new is not
to be entertained or tolerated.

Religion like all organisms needs to be in a constant
state of evolution. It always has been, perhaps at
times so glacial that it misses the human eye. But we
cannot stop evolving.

Why do we now embrace this idea that all that there is
know has been made known to us? My stance is simply "I
know nothing" and if I discover something from this
position than that will be something I truly believe
in. Not something that has been handed down to me and
forced upon me.

As for me cracking codes or deciphering cryptic
paintings, well I have no credentials to do either. I
am a femme de menage of the "I once won a letter to
the editor contest" variety and I have no pretensions
beyond that.

What I do have are theories. Lots of them. One of them
being PDD. :)


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Re: [Goanet] I'm back !!!

2006-05-24 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Mario,
I think it's futile at this point to debate the whole
Monica Lewinsky affair but this much is for sure;
Clinton was probably one of the greatest Presidents,
America ever had. His understanding of geopolitical
issues alone puts him in a league of his own. His
legacy will be a man of sheer brilliance and charisma,
despite Republican efforts to constantly tar his
reputation. So like I said, at this point debate is
redundant, he's already earned his place in history.
The same cannot be said of Bush whose second term
approval rating is lower than the temperature in my


--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Elisabeth Carvalho wrote:
> > 
> > To me, the personal life of Jesus is as divorced
> > from his message as Clinton's should have been
> from 
> > his politics. 
> >
> Mario wonders:
> >
> In my never humble opinion, if someone's personal
> life
> is deliberately "divorced" from their public life
> interested observers would lose a major predictor of
> the person's veracity and credibility.
> >
> Was it appropriate to "divorce" the "private" lives
> of
> the pedophiles from their "public" lives as priests,
> enabling them to offend over and over again in new
> locations with fresh prey?
> >
> Everything that Bill Clinton did in his public life
> had been predicted by people who knew his previous
> personal life, including bringing his "private" life
> into his "public" life by conducting "private
> business" in the workplace, during working hours
> with
> a junior employee, and then denying it all under
> oath.
>  On the other hand, there are still people who
> believe
> everything he continues to say, in the absence of
> any
> correlation between what he has said and what he has
> done in the past.
> >
> _
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Re: [Goanet] Re: War and women

2006-05-24 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
It's true that women can fight as dirty as men but I
think the motivations are different. Men are
ferociously competitive. As Genghis Khan said, "It is
not sufficient that I succeed. Everyone else must
fail". Women on the other hand stop at "I must
succeed". Perhaps I'm looking at it with rose-tinted
glasses and a slighly biased point of view.


--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> George
> Further to posts on Goanet, and just by way of a
> small aside, Margaret 
> Thatcher was deemed, by some in the UK, to be the
> only man in her cabinet at 
> the time of the Falklands war.
> Another point made by some bloke said that, "women's
> continuing wars are in 
> the home i.e the expression and manifestation  of
> aggression inwards onto 
> the man of the house. Men's are channelled
> externally for the above reason! 
> Regret I can't vouch for the authenticity of the
> second saying.
> Cornel
> - Original Message - 
> From: "George Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
> Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:01 PM
> Subject: [Goanet] Re: War and women
> > --- Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >> Which is why we'd have fewer wars if more women
> were incharge.
> >
> >
> > Golda Mier, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher all
> took their nations to 
> > war. As a proportional
> > percentage of women leaders, their war instincts
> were no better than men. 
> > Sadly.
> >
> > Regards,
> > George
> >
> > _
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> > 
> _
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Re: [Goanet] PDD

2006-05-23 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Hi Vivian,
PDD cannot be contracted by women even with frequent
contact. Thank goodness :)) Which is why we'd have
fewer wars if more women were incharge. Afterall,
we're not obsessed with proving that we've got the
bigger heat-seeking missile :)


--- Vivian D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks Elisabeth, now I finally know what ails me.
>   Vivian (full blooded "P" equipped male with an
> acute case of PDD)
> _
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[Goanet] I have a theory about men!

2006-05-22 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

No this is not the controversial topic I promised but
in the interests of science and philosophy, this is
far more important. As a disclaimer, I admit that this
theory isn't based on a large population survey, nor
is it validated by any other specific statistical
tool. It is just based on empirical evidence as
observed by me.

Men suffer from PDD an acronym for Penile Deficit
Disorder. Because they suffer from this ailment (and
because those few men not suffering from it can no
longer dress like Renaissance Man) they are forever
trying to compensate for it by using various means of

For instance there is the PDD man who constantly
cheats on his wife or significant other to prove to
himself "what a man he is". There are others who owing
to lack of such inclination or perhaps opportunity
usually settle for buying the bigger car, the bigger
house, the bigger plasma TV or the bigger tool box.
There are still others, who not having such means,
motive and opportunity have settled for engaging in
long and futile discussions on the internet with other
like-minded men also suffering from PDD. 

These battles bent on proving very minor points such
as the correct source of links, the right comma in the
second paragraph (which really no one but extreme PDD
man reads), the offending word (which offends no one
but terminal PDD man), etc, etc, ad infinitum.

I'd like to say that I know of a cure for PDD but I
don't. I understand extensive research has been
carried out and a possible vaccine may become
available circa the arrival of the next Haley's comet,
which is also incidentally expected to hit the earth
and end civilisation as we know it. Doubtless, PDD man
will still be found on some other colonised planet
talking to cacti and discussing the finer points of
tequila distilling. 


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Re: [Goanet] I'm back !!!

2006-05-22 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Hi Gilbert,
How are you? How is the grandchild?

Much has been said and written about Dan Brown and far
more eloquently than I ever could. The only thing I
would like to add is that Dan Brown is neither a
historian nor a theologian. He's a novelist. Far more
damning books have been written about Christ by the
likes of Freke or Gandy. The reason the Church
routinely dismisses them without so much as a second
thought is because they never make it to the
mainstream. They are the companions of lonely
agnostics such as myself on a journey of

To me, the personal life of Jesus is as divorced from
his message as Clinton's should have been from his
politics. If the historical Jesus was crucified, in
all likelihood given the severity of Roman
crucifixions, he died. 

If he died, his Resurrection is irrelevant. Being God,
he wouldn't need to make petty points to human beings
by chauvinistically resurrecting himself in any form.
It is only the human mind unable to come to terms with
its own mortality that yearns for postmortem

If he lived, married and had children. That too is
irrelevant but perhaps more beneficial to mankind.
Only a man (or God) who has experienced the nagging of
a good wife can truly understand the concept of hell!

--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Elisabeth,
> I am glad you found your thinking cap among all your
> Khatli Potlis.:=))
> OK guys, now straighten up! Ms. Hutton is back.:=))

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2006-05-20 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Churchill has not read the book simply because
Churchill DOES NOT know how to read. Forget banning
the Da Vinci Code, Goans should be banning people like
Churchill entering politics. 


> - Original Message - 
> From: Pamela D'Mello
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 8:39 AM
> Panaji, May 19: Despite the clearance for the Da
> Vinci Code's screening in 
> India, the controversy over its showing in Goa still
> continues. South Goa MP 
> Churchill Alemao in a veiled threat on Friday said
> "theatres and video 
> parlours showing and selling the movie would be
> taking a big risk".
> "The people will not accept this film in Goa, and I
> am a man of the people", 
> he told this newspaper, saying though that he had
> neither read the book nor 
> watched the movie [NOR USED HIS LIMITED BRAINS]. 
> _
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[Goanet] I'm back !!

2006-05-20 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Hi all,
I'm back and missed you'll. I had over 300 mails in
the inbox and looks like I missed some robust
discussions. Dan Brown has been done to death, I see,
so we shall have to start on something new and
utterly, butterly controversial. 

I'm putting my thinking cap on!! :))


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[Goanet] Excuse my absence

2006-05-16 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Hi all,
Have been shifting these past few days. Am waiting to
respond to all the diatribes ahem mail that awaits me


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[Goanet] Re: John Mill a Conservative?

2006-05-12 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
How long did you stay up last night to type all this
up? :) If I was your wife, I'd kick you in your
conservative pants :))

--- Mario Goveia  wrote:

> >
> This is a "well known fact" only among modern
> political liberals, who continue to promote the
> siren
> song of failed socialist policies and cast
> aspersions
> on conservatives to hide their failures.

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[Goanet] John Mill a Conservative?

2006-05-10 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Mario,
It's a well-known fact that US Conservatives try to
claim as their own, heros that most certainly don't
belong to them. They do this by adding words like
compassionate and modern in front of the word
Conservative. But to claim John Mill as one of their
own is stretching the truth a bit too far.

I don't claim to know John Mill's writing in any
measure of depth. Infact, I just knew that one quote
from him. Much like you, I googled him and read about
him. John Mill was an acclaimed liberal thinker of him
time. He hated conservatives and any form of

As per your reference to his economic philosophy,
since when was being "laissez-faire", a conservative
monopoly? Infact, the word liberal in its earlier
connotations referred to "liberal" economists, who
advocated minimal government interference in
capitalist ventures.

Again it is only in the US, where liberals are
associated with the Democratic party; that one
associates liberals with trade unions and other forms
of government contrivance. In India for instance both
the Congress and the BJP are for the "liberalisation"
of the economy. You certainly wouldn't call the BJP or
the Congress liberals in other spheres of their
politics. Infact some of India's liberal thinkers come
from the Communist party.

Definitions are often skewed but this much I know that
John Mill would have his stomach churned if he were in
anyway associated with the US connotation of the word.
The Conservative Republican in the US, in my opinion,
singlehandedly will set American back a few decades in
terms of its thinking, ideology and not to mention its
geopolitics. And John Mill would have had nothing to
do with them.


--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have no idea if John Mill really said what
> Elisabeth
> says he said, but on the off chance that readers may
> mistake John Mill for a modern political liberal,
> the
> following are some encyclopedic excerpts to show
> that
> John Mill was in every sense a modern political
> conservative-libertarian in the mold of Ronald
> Reagan:
> >
> 1. In the following year he was introduced to
> political economy and studied Adam Smith and David
> Ricardo with his father--ultimately completing their
> classical economic view of factors of production.
> >
> 2. One foundational book on the concept of liberty
> was
> "On Liberty", about the nature and limits of the
> power
> which can be legitimately exercised by society over
> the individual.
> >
> 3. Mill's main economic philosophy was one of
> laissez
> faire.
> >
> 4. Many cadets at the U.S Air Force Academy best
> remember him for the following quotation, which is
> required memorization for all fourthclassmen. "War
> is
> an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The
> decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic
> feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is
> much
> worse. The person who has nothing for which he is
> willing to fight, nothing which is more important
> than
> his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and
> has no chance of being free unless made and kept so
> by
> the exertions of better men than himself."
> >
> Mario.
> >

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[Goanet] Galileo, Dan Brown and The Church

2006-05-10 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

In 1633, the Pope imprisoned an innocent man and asked
him to recant a certain hypothesis. The man spent the
rest of his life under house-arrest. His name was
Galileo and his assertion was simple. That the earth
revolved round the sun. The Church at the time
believed that the earth was the central planet and
everything else revolved around it.

I can well imagine living in 1633. The hullabaloo,
Galileo must have created. How the elite, the
intelligentsia, the theologians, the scribes, the
bards, the scientists of the day, must have huddled
over unleavened bread and bitter coffee, discussing
and debating Galileo. Some talking about rallies and
other ways to censure Galileo. Others afraid to
contemplate what might be plausible. Afraid because
the spectre of the Church by way of the Inquisition
was everywhere. And one wrong word could mean years of
prison and torture.

We live in a different world today. We live in the
world of Dan Brown and Timothy Freke. And because men
like Galileo, came before us; men who preferred to
live their days under house arrest rather than bow in
submission, we live in a world where the Church cannot
imprison us for deeds or thoughts of so-called heresy.

I don't want to take away from the Church, the
enormous contribution it has made to society's
cultural, spiritual and philosophical evolution. But
we cannot live under the yoke of "blind faith". Every
hypothesis, however unpalatable it is to the Church
has to be examined. No hypothesis is to be construed
as a strike against the Church. 

There is a goal, above all else for mankind and that
is the relentless pursuit of the truth. Every new
grain of knowledge that comes our way must be examined
and if it stands the test of truth in the cold light
of day, it must become part of our consciousness.
Because the only heresy is to live in denial of the


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2006-05-09 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
This reminds me of the time, the Catholic Church
decided to ban/boycott Carnivale in Goa. In addition
to circulating various untruths, this bald-faced lie
was part of the propaganda machine. That there was a
substantial increase in abortions following Carnivale.
For this to transpire, the following would have to

a) all the unwed girls in Goa would miraculously
synchronise their ovulation with Carnival.
b) all the young men would forget that such a thing as
a condom exists.
c) all courting couples who have otherwise shown
restraint will throw caution to the winds and have
unprotected sex only because it is carnivale.

And lastly for this claim to be substantiated in the
first place, someone would have to go around all the
abortion clinics and make a survey, demanding to know
whether they had sex at the Panjim Club Nationale
Dance or the Margao Black and Red Dance.

So much for wanting to ban fiction!


--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Lavy
> I regret I have to disagree strongly with your
> position on banning films 
> like the Da Vinci Code. In a democracy, people
> should be free to make up 
> their own minds about any films without outrageous
> moves to censorship as 
> proposed by a minority.
> Cornel
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Edward Verdes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Goanet" 
> Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 3:15 PM
> Subject: [Goanet] BAN FILMS - PROTEST RALLY
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 12:27 AM
> Dear Friends,
> Thank you for your immense support. We now move on
> to the next stage of our
> campaign that requires your participation.
>  A Protest Rally on WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 2006 AT 6.00
> MAHIM (W), MUMBAI 400 016.
> It is your presence and that of your friends that
> will send a message
> across to the Government and Political Parties of
> all hues that Christians
> cannot be taken for granted.
> If we are present in large numbers at the Rally, we
> will be able to impress
> on the Govt. and its machinery to ban 'Tickle My
> Funny Bone' and 'The Da
> Vinci Code'.

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Re: [Goanet] The next Gandhi: I'll make India better off than Britain

2006-05-09 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Santosh,
Although I agree with you in the main, I think the
distinction between the "viewpoint" and the "person"
who holds that viewpoint is a blurred and tenuous one.
If one holds a certain belief, I think we extrapolate
that the person acts in a certain manner consistent
with the view he/she holds. As John Mill said
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid but most
stupid people are conservative". :))

PS: No offence meant to conservatives, just using the
quote to make my point.
--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Elisabeth,
> > 
> Nonetheless, as you might have realized my question
> was directed at the reflexive display of gratuitous
> contempt for the person holding an opposing
> viewpoint
> > 
> Cheers,
> Santosh
> _
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[Goanet] RE: Enlightened Christian

2006-05-08 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Nasci,
Were you under the influence of the Holy Spirit when
you wrote this or was some other spirit guiding you?


--- Nasci Caldeira  wrote:

> Nasci adds:
> Besides the enlightenment in religious orientation
> and wisdom as a Goan 
> (Indian) Christian, I am enlightened in 'Cultural
> ways' too. I/we are truly 
> modern and multicultural.

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2006-05-08 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

> Dear Edward,
> Remember what happened in the garden of Eden? Eve
> was
> "banned" from eating the "fruit of knowledge". That
> didn't stop her and I suspect rallies are not going
> to
> stop anyone who wants to, from watching the Da Vinci
> code.
> A minority holding rallies will not affect the
> profit-making machine that is Hollywood. Instead I
> have another idea. If you disagree with the contents
> of the film, don't buy a ticket, don't see the
> movie,
> don't read the book, don't purchase the DVD. There's
> another expression for all this. It's called
> "Freedom
> of choice". Something else the Catholic Church may
> not
> be well acquainted with.
> And incase anyone thinks, I have something against
> religion(s), I really don't. I just don't like them
> being organised, institutionalised, monopolised and
> politicised.
> Elisabeth
> ---
> --- Edward Verdes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > - Original Message -
> > From: LAVY D'COSTA
> > Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 12:27 AM
> > 
> > Dear Friends,
> > 
> > Thank you for your immense support. We now move on
> > to the next stage of our
> > campaign that requires your participation.
> > 
> >  A Protest Rally on WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 2006 AT
> 6.00
> > MAHIM (W), MUMBAI 400 016.
> > 

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Re: [Goanet] The next Gandhi: I'll make India better off than Britain

2006-05-07 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
I've often wondered whether I should dedicatedly
further my own point of view in a debate because I
feel it is the right view or whether I should be
capable of holding two opposing points of view in my
mind and appreciating both of them.

I don't know the answer to that quandary. When I get
the answer maybe I will be "enlightened" like Nasci.
Then again, according to Nasci I am already
"enlightened" because I can eat dukra mass and a
masala dosa with equal ease, notwithstanding my
occasional "outbursts", which can be controlled when
need be by invoking the Holy Spirit. 


--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A question that arises quite frequently in internet
> discussions nowadays is: Can one engage in a
> rational
> discourse without expressing varying degrees of
> contempt for those who hold opposing points of view?
> Cheers,
> Santosh

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Re: [Goanet] Why do we nod?

2006-05-06 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Jerry, 

Have you ever heard the following jokes?

Why do Jews breath?
Why do African-Americans have chickens in their yard?

I won't tell you the punchlines. Do you know why?
Because they are racial slurs. In the same vein, this
so-called "nodding" of the head is a racial slur
propagated by Arabs and Brits alike in the Gulf
region, to demean Indians and make them feel as if
they are stupid.

No doubt Indians, especially from the South use this
particular head gesture but so do a lot of ethnic
groups use gestures particular to their culture.

Next time an Arab or any one makes references it,
please don't be party to this insult. If you don't
stand up for yourself as an Indian, no one else will.



--- Jerry Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all
> Just a curious question. Would appreciate if someone
> can give an answer.
> Why do we people of sub continent especially India,
> whenever we say YES or
> NO, we shake our heads or Nod our heads?
> It came to my notice only when some Arab friends I
> work with used to tease
> me when I used to do that and say Why you Indians
> shake your head so much?
> Is it because our country is famous for barath
> Natyam dancing and somehow
> unconsciously this action has become part of us?
> Pls someone can shed some answer to this query?
> Cheers
> Jerry Fernandes
> _
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RE: [Goanet] Re: Cardinal Dias/Nasci

2006-05-05 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Nasci,
I guess I can forget about that Burgundy down the
Yarra then? :)) I'll just have to depend on that Dukra
Mass, Mario is going to be buying me. One more
"outburst" and Mario may make that aad mass. :))


--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Elisabeth,
> My my, you have surely shown that you need to be
> blessed by the Holy Spirit! 
> To recieve His Blessing or more likely, 'to recieve
> the Holy Spirit' all you 
> have to do is to surrender your 'evil' thoughts and
> outbursts; and seek 
> forgiveness and His abundant Blessings will heal
> you, and He shall come unto 
> you, and you will have been saved! If I was anywhere
> near you, I surely 
> would try and heal you myself? You do need 'Healing'
> very badly. Go for it; 
> do not feel shy.

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Cardinal Dias Deplores Anti-Christian Films

2006-05-05 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Dear Gabe,
In life, one is bound to inadvertently insult someone
or the other with their thoughts, views or writings.
It's important to be loyal to your own values,
principles and agendas and then, let the chips fall
where they may.

Unless you particularly dislike a poster, you are
bound to find some commonality despite divergence of
views. You may not agree with their politics but agree
with their economics. You may not agree with their
religious views but like their general life

Relationships are always dichotomous in nature. If
they were not, they would be boring. I've been
welcomed by both sides of the aisles and I hope the
warmth lingers like a long summer day for some time to


> RESPONSE: Madam, I am taken aback by your post but
> more importantly by
> the lack of response by the defender of
> faith...perhaps he has
> succumbed to your charms, or is seriously courting
> you, for  future
> moral support reasons. Perhaps it is the writers he
> has problems with
> and not the content. He takes issue with certain
> posters: George,
> Santosh, Mervyn, Jose and Gabe. It seems that
> content does not matter,
> if presnted by the so called gentler sex!

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[Goanet] Re: goanet progesses as new voices are heard

2006-05-04 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Hi Eugene,
Do jump in where angels fear to tread :) Your imput
will be greatly appreciated. 


--- Eugene Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's nice to hear new voices on goanet. Maybe a year
> or more I lamented the absence of female voices
> which
> were once loud and clear. Oldtimers will remember
> them, so I need not name them.
> Elizabeth is a good replacement to those who have
> now
> become inactive. She gives back as much as she
> takes.

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Re: [Goanet] Re: The debate on non-reservations

2006-05-04 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
I think you are confusing affirmative action with
"jobs being reserved". Affirmative action requires a
conscientious effort by the employer to diversify its
work-group. To this end, the employer may have a plan
drawn out as to how it will achieve this goal.
Generally the "4/5 rule" applies to ensure that
discrimination of minorities has not taken place and
that each minority has been represented in the final
selection, given the total applicant pool.

> Nice try, Mario.
> Now try and explain to us why some jobs in the US
> are
> reserved, by law, for only a section of the
> popluation.
> Mervyn3.0
> __
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Re: [Goanet] Crocodile burgurs, Vinicola wine & the Indian economy

2006-05-04 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Cornel,
Seems like you enjoyed your trip. I think the wine is
bottled in plastic rather than glass probably because
plastic is cheaper.

You should have tried the croc. I've never had but
have had alligator here in the US. It's sort of like
chicken and with a little tartar sauce can be  quite

I also agree with you that the prospect of India
joining superpower status within the next few decades
is a myth. Even with foreign investment and the
multiplier effect in full force, it cannot generate
enough ripples to bring 60% of the population out of
poverty within a short span of time. Simultaneously
unlike China, no concerted efforts are being made to
curb population by either party. 

Even Goldman Sachs in their follow up to BRICs, make
note of the fact that despite huge strides being made
in the aggregate economy, personal incomes will be
only a fraction of those enjoyed in the west.
Increases in GDP of countries with such large
population means little to the PCI. 

Also, the CPI in India, continuously puts a wrench in
the corporate wheels of India by objecting to
dismantling of PSUs, increases in foreign investment
in vital sectors and its general dislike of anything
be it investment or ideas imported from the West. We
have to overhaul the political system itself by
reducing the impact of regional politics if we want to
cohesively impact national economics.

And that's my morning dose of pontificating!
--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nasci
> Wouldn't a crocodile steak be better on the banks of
> the Yarra? I only 
> discovered the availability of crocodile when asked
> if I wanted it in my 
> burger in Cairns. I was as surprised as when offered
> horse in Belgium once. 
> I did eat the horse but not the croc!
> Cornel
> PS The plastic bottles for wine in Goa took my edge
> off Vinicola recently. 
> Why plastic?
> - Original Message - 

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[Goanet] Re: Cardinal Dias Deplores Anti-Christian Films

2006-05-03 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.
I really love it when the Catholic Church talks about
distortion of facts by "evil" people and how we should
all pray for them.

What about 2000 years of distortion by the Church.
Let's talk about an "evil" Pope who made Mary
Magdalene to be a prostitute when we now know that if
the ministry of Jesus existed, she probably was a rich
patron who played a dominant role.

What about Gospels that existed alongside the four
that we know off, like the Gospel of Thomas and the
Gospel of Judas which never saw the light of day
because they didn't fit in with their theology.

What about scrolls found at Nag Hamadi written by
Gnostics, a sect of Christianity probably persecuted
and driven to extinction by mainstream Christians of
the time.

What about centuries of manipulation of theology by
Popes and Bishops and Cardinals that conveniently
created Virgin births and Holy Spirits to explain away
loopholes in the gospels.

And when all else fails let's not forget "blind faith"
for none shall be so bold as to put their doubting
fingers into the palms of Christ and question the
Catholic Church on issues, on theology or on history.

Ofcourse, as Cardinal Dias states, "more things are
wrought by prayer than the world can dream off", like
tsunamis and earthquakes and genocides and famines.
Let's not forget that "God has a plan for every
natural disaster victim" because ofcourse there was
something wrong with the original plan of him spending
the rest of his life with his loved ones.

The Catholic Church can easily put Mafia Dons to shame
when it comes to spiritual extortion and Stalin had
nothing on totalitarian regimes and towing the party
line when compared to the Catholic Church.

Enough! At least Dan Brown's novel is labeled fiction.
What has the Church been pedaling all these years?


--- Frederick Noronha wrote:

> Cardinal Dias Deplores Anti-Christian Films,
> Launches Prayer Crusade

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Re: [Goanet] Re: The debate on non-reservations - gone awry?

2006-05-03 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

First of all, Mario citing a flaming liberal like
Friedrick von Hayek is like the devil quoting the
scripture:) and then both Fred and Mario kick Ayn Rand
in the stomach. That's too much for a girl like me to
take in one morning :)) 

Can you guys please wear your labels neat and nice, so
I know what I'm dealing with :))

> Fred writes:
> >
> > Of course if you're in the camp of Ann Rynd and
> The
> > Virtues of Selfishness, then there's nothing here 
> > for you! 
> >
> Mario observes:
> >
> It's not what there is for "me" that counts, but for
> most of the people most of the time.  Besides, I
> favor
> philosophers like Adam Smith, Friedrich Von Hayek,
> Joseph Schumpeter and Milton Friedman, rather than a
> hedonist libertine like Ayn Rand, who might evn fit
> your characterisation of selfishness.
> >
> What you see as "selfishness", and its corollary
> "greed", which are negative traits, leads you to
> suggest that "selfless" and well-intentioned elites
> know what's best for everyone else.  That is the
> essence of what the proponents you seem to favor
> believe, and it is the fundamental flaw in their
> belief and in the failure of their attempts to
> "help"
> those "less intelligent" than them.
> >

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RE: [Goanet] The debate on non-reservations

2006-05-03 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.
Is that Burgundy Australian? Make it a fine
Californian Chardonnay and you have a date. Better
still make it Vinicola Port Wine No. 5, served out of
a plastic bottle :))

> Now in a lighter vein; Elisabeth! I have become a
> bit envious of your date 
> with Mario! In contrast I am offering you a
> 'Chateaubriand Steak' (for two) 
> prepared personally 'medium rare' , with a bottle of
> the finest 'Sparkling 
> Red Burgandy' on ice, to go with it! Life is GOOD on
> the banks of the river 
> Yarra! And all I want is: Hah, Hah! Hummm Hummm!
> jolly good company! Will 
> you?
> See Ya!
> Nasci Caldeira
> Melbourne
> Down Under.

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RE: [Goanet] The debate on non-reservations

2006-05-03 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.
Dear Nasci,
While I understand your revulsion at practices, such
as sati and the caste system, that are totally
unacceptable in our modern context, I'm afraid the
statements you make below, make your views a little
bigoted and uninformed.

You have used the terms culture and religion
interchangeably. And I grant you that because
ultimately religion becomes nothing more than a
cultural badge.

However, Indian culture/religion is not at all about
worshiping animal deities. This is just a superficial
understanding of the religion. Vedic scripture which
dates back at least 5000 years talks about existential
concepts which western philosophers would not ponder
upon until much later. Sumerian or Canaanite mythology
of the time, which became the basis of our
Judaic-Christian religion, references nature and the
many temperaments of nature. It rarely references or
deals in details with the "soul". 

I wish for everyone to take an interest in other
religions. Not as a spiritual journey but more as a
journey into other people's cultural roots. 

I do agree with you Nasci that most religions, whether
Muslim, Christian or Hindu have stopped evolving over
time and the repercussions of this lack of evolution
has become the niche-market of every fundamentalist.
Our most profound thoughts seem to be behind us. Our
philosophers and saints all dead or crucified. What we
are left with today is loud rhetoric which is echoed
in the name of God and self-righteousness.


Nasci wrote:
this dirty 
> Indian Culture which belongs to ancient times and
> has yet to evolve modern, 
> and in practice is "EVIL"; this which degrades some
> HUMAN BEINGS and at the 
> same time 'worships' animals and other weird
> deities. The URL should be: 
> Worst Wicked Weird.Indianculture.

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[Goanet] Re: ‘DEAR AUNTY’ No. 2: WEEKLY HUMOR :-))

2006-05-01 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Aunty

You velly funny. I have problem. Don't know if
suffering from mad cow disease or foot in mouth
disease. How to find out?


--- Francis Rodrigues wrote:

> ‘DEAR AUNTY’ No. 2: WEEKLY TOP 12 :-))
> __
> I’m Gulf air-hostess. All loves me. I have handbags
> in Ye-man, Musket & Abu
> Dubai. Everytime more romancing me. Too many
> handbags, what to do ? Flossy.

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Voting rights for NRIs (one more time)

2006-04-30 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Dear Bosco,
Living in the USA, sometimes one tends to miss out on
actual news happening in India. Hence, I have been
only partially informed about NRI voting rights. I
inadvertently assumed the government was revisiting
the old idea of giving PIOs (generically refered to as
NRIs) voting rights. Upon further research I have
discovered this:

Nasci was right when he stated that the primary
beneficiary of NRI voting rights was to be the Gulf

To me talking about NRI voting rights was a bit
confusing. My parents having been NRIs for 30 odd
years fully exercise their right to vote now that they
have returned to India. Their right to vote was never
relinquished it had just relapsed.

So, what we are talking about is keeping the NRI
active on the electoral roles even though he is not in
India and hence outside his constituency.

I am still in the dark as to whether the said NRI will
have to return to India to vote or whether polling
booths will be set up in his country of residence.
Knowing the Gulf states as well as I do, I know any
elections of any sort, even if unrelated to their own
politics, will not be welcome. 

Now, the question is entirely a different one. Should
the Gulf NRI be more actively involved in the politics
of his country?

Well, why not. First of all he faithfully remits money
back home. Secondly most of them will return home
after they retire. And thirdly due to geographical
proximity, he is well informed of the politics back
home. The logistics of the whole affair will be
burdensome but no doubt political parties see NRIs as
votebanks to be wooed and any burden is worth it, if
it means a vote at the ballot box.

Thank you everyone for clarifying the subject matter,
with much patience and perseverance :))


--- Bosco D'Mello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat Apr 29 21:27:24 PDT 2006, Elisabeth Carvalho
> wrote:
> > Secondly I don't know if anyone read my original
> post
> > but I stated very clearly that the term NRIs has
> lost
> > its original and true meaning and has been loosely
> > interpreted to mean every Indian or Person of
> Indian 
> > Origin, who now resides outside of India.
> RESPONSE: Elisabeth, we did read your original post
> of April 26/06. And what I 
> believe some of us are trying to convey is that the
> term NRI is not and should 
> not be a loosely interpreted term for the purpose of
> elections. An NRI is an 
> Indian citizen! 
> You probably missed what the Goanet News Bytes of
> April 25/06 clearly stated - 
> what the government is proposing to achieve by
> tabling the The Representation 
> of the People (Amendment) Bill 2006.
> > The purpose of me initiating this debate was not
> to discuss the 
> > current state of who is or is not eligible to
> vote, but may be 
> > eligible to vote in the future.
> RESPONSE: It's quite likely you had the answers you
> seeked in your first post 
> when you stated "NRIs, PIOs, expats are an apathetic
> lot". The same applies to 
> NRI Goans. The apathy will carryover into the voting
> patterns - They will not 
> vote!! Just like Goans/Indians back home who don't
> exactly embrace the ballot 
> box come election time. And if they do vote, its for
> the same people. I hope 
> people like Floriano and Goa Suraj meet better
> success at the next hustings.
> Best - Bosco
> _
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RE: [Goanet] Voting rights for NRI Goans

2006-04-30 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

There seems to be confusion not just on this forum but
in general in India as well, as to what NRI voting
rights entails. The following link may shed some light
on the matter.

One of the extracts from this article is as follows:

The government cannot ‘grant’ dual citizenship to
NRIs. These people are Indian nationals and full
citizens of India. They, therefore, do not need
reassertion of their rights as nationals of India. In
case any one of them ceases to be Indian
national/citizen, he or she becomes a foreign national
and, therefore is no longer an NRI( the Indian Income
tax Department’s description of Indians who are not
taxable in India as they are liable to paying tax in
another country).

Hope this article sheds some light on the matter. This
closes the topic for me.


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RE: [Goanet] Voting rights for NRI Goans

2006-04-29 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Paulo,
I am sorry to blow a hole in your theory but I have
infact always been and still am an NRI in the truest
sense of the word. I may reside in the USA but I am an
Indian citizen who pays my taxes every year and will
return to India in the near future. There has never
been any question about my voting rights. I have them,
I have always had them and in all probability will
enjoy them well into my dotage.

Secondly I don't know if anyone read my original post
but I stated very clearly that the term NRIs has lost
its original and true meaning and has been loosely
interpreted to mean every Indian or Person of Indian
Origin, who now resides outside of India.

The purpose of me initiating this debate was not to
discuss the current state of who is or is not eligible
to vote, but may be eligible to vote in the future.
Unfortunately,instead of discussing the case, much
like the bureaucrats in India we are still deciding on
where to file the case typed in duplicate on carbon


--- Paulo Colaco Dias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mario might want to check again with the Indian
> authorities.
> He and Elizabeth might think they are NRIs but in
> reality they are not.
> Those who are not Indian Citizens cannot be NRIs. At
> the most they are PIOs.
> Nasci Caldeira already posted an excellent
> contribution that explains this
> in detail so I do not have anything else to add.
> Well done Nasci. 
> Best regards
> Paulo

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Review of the Review by the Reviewer (to Mario)

2006-04-29 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Mario done!
I'll buy you a glass of feni at Georgie's bar if you
promise to buy me a kilo of dukra mass at the tinto.

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > 
> > Edna wrote a book, which Pratap reviewed. Pratap
> has
> > every right to do that, just as we have every
> right
> > to question the legitimacy of his review. And the 
> > fact that instead of doing this, we Goans are 
> > fighting amongst ourselves about airline 
> > stewardesses  and matters of trivia is indicative 
> > of our politics and our polity.
> > 
> Mario adds:
> >
> I agree with your conclusions, and I did not
> specifically have you in mind when I wrote "others".
> Let's all quit bickering, Goan-style, and just buy
> the
> book and review it for ourselves.  We'll ask Edna to
> donate a portion of her windfall revenues to the
> home
> for retired airline stewardesses, and make it a
> win-win situation for all:-))
> >
> _
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RE: [Goanet] Voting rights for NRI Goans

2006-04-29 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Nasci,
I think you are mixing the issue of absentee voting
ballots and that of NRI voting rights. Or perhaps I am
getting it wrong? Maybe someone in India/Goa can
illuminate us.

>From what I understand of the situation, what the
government wants to do is to bring into the electoral
fold, all those Indian expats who are currently the
citizens of countries such as USA, Canada, UK. Perhaps
first becoming a dual citizen will be the mandatory
requirement for voting. I don't know the criteria that
will be set up to facilitate the voting process.

The reason the Indian government, after turning a
blind eye to the NRI (and I use the term in its looser
meaning) population for years, suddenly discovered its
love for them is upon learning that they can indeed
make huge investments in India. Ofcourse quite a few
of these capitalists wanting to make investments then
made demands for more political power within the
country. That is how this debate of NRI voting righs
came into being.

Which is why I wanted to discuss whether the interests
of a few venture capitalists should warrant voting
rights for an entire NRI population, most of whom in
my opinion are quite apathetic to India and its polity
- the hydra-headed monster.


--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mario, (Elisabeth and all others),
> I do know, what is right here! An NRI is an Indian
> who is residing abroad 
> and stiil holds on to his/her Indian Passport and
> Indian Citizenship, and 
> not interested in changing their Staus Quo, and may
> or may not be liable for 
> taxation in India. (this taxation is dependent on
> other factors)
> With reference to Elisabeth's last post on this, an
> NON RESIDENT' as per 'The Income Tax Act' of India,
> is one who manages to 
> reside less than 180 days in India in any one
> fianancial year; and for that 
> year only, such an NRI is not liable for I Tax; but
> should the person exceed 
> the 180 days stay in India, then that person is
> liable for tax on all of 
> his/her income for the financial year, irrespective
> of where the income may 
> have been earned. Such a person does not also
> forfeit his/her right of vote, 
> as and when they are present at the time of
> elections, whether tax paying or 
> not.
> However, the Govt of India is trying to make sure
> that such NRIs are 
> gauranteed this 'right of vote', and not be subject
> to manipulation by the 
> Election Commisiion, thru adverse interference by
> people like the communal 
> BJP wallahs and other manipulative people.
> This happened in Goa when the BJP and supporters
> were ruling in Goa; A lot 
> of Goan voters who were not present at home at the
> time of electoral lists 
> review, were struck off the rolls. This included
> many a Goan working on 
> Ships and in Gulf Countries. The BJP wallahs
> deliberately did this shameful 
> act, since they know that most people who are
> working on ships and in Gulf 
> are not Hindu and hindutva inclined! This I feel is
> the reason behind the 
> 'move' to give 'legal and proper' NRIs the vote,
> unconditionally.
> A PIO is considered to be a person of Indian origin
> who has taken/ acquired 
> citizenship of another country. Such persons are by
> law not entitled to vote 
> in India, among other things. Only PIOs with
> citizenship of other countries 
> are elligible for Dual Citizenship with India. That
> is why the 'Dual 
> Citizenship' concept has been introduced, so as to
> make PIOs feel at home 
> and invest/ spend in India and not have to apply and
> pay for visas every 
> time, etc, at the same time swelling the coffers of
> the Govt. of India 
> indirectly. Such PIOs with this type of Dual
> Citizenship are however not 
> allowed to vote in India, or hold any Public Post or
> acquire Agricultural 
> property, and this is rightly so.
> In respect of voting rights for NRIs as descrbed
> earlier; I think the Govt. 
> should go one step further, and allow them 'POSTAL
> VOTING' facility at the 
> time of elections in India, from their country of
> temporary residence. This 
> is allowed and facilitated for Australian citizens
> anywhere outside the 
> country. So also was the case recently with Iraqi
> Citizens residing in 
> Australia on bridging visas, when they were allowed
> to vote from Australia 
> in their Elections back in Iraq!
> With regards!
> Nasci Caldeira
> Melbourne.

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RE: [Goanet] Voting rights for NRI Goans

2006-04-28 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Nasci,
Thank you for the example of the Italian Govt.
Whenever we come across information like this it
expands the scope of our debate and allows us to take
decisions with wider perception.

However, a minor correction on the term NRI. You are
right, it does mean Non-Resident Indian, in the purest
sense of the term. It was a tax identity set up to
deal with income ensuring from Non-Resident Indians.

These NRIs, when the term first became popular in the
Indian vernacular by the late 70s, comprised mostly of
Gulf NRIs who remitted to their NRI and NRI(E)
accounts. Technically speaking these NRIs never really
lost their right to vote. If they kept their ration
cards and other forms of identity valid, they could
indeed return during elections and vote.

The term now encompasses all Indians residing outside
of India, including Indians who have acquired
citizenship of other countries and second-generation
PIOs. Hence, we are primarily taking about Indians in
the US, Canada, Uk, Australia, and so forth.

Here is a definition from Wikipedia:
"A non-resident Indian (NRI) is an Indian citizen who
has migrated to another country. Other terms with the
same meaning are (somewhat self-deprecating in
context) desis, overseas Indian and expatriate Indian.
For tax and other official purpose the government of
India considers any Indian national away from India
for more than 180 days in a year an NRI. In common
usage, this often includes Indian born individuals who
have taken the citizenship of other countries."

To me democracy is a vehicle of representation. If I
was a Goan residing in Goa, I certainly would not want
some second-generation expat who shows no signs of
interest in the native country, having the right to
vote. Will this right to vote, be pegged to any sort
of commitment? Will it require some amount of
residency or financial investment? If not, the right
to vote will eventually end up being a vote for
outdated loyalties and/or issues viewed through the
prism of an expat's viewpoint, which may not be
relevant to Goa/India's realities.


--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Elisabeth,
> NRI is a Non Resident Indian, that is a person
> holding an Indian Passport 
> and Citizenship, residing outside India. And in case
> of NRIs in gulf and 
> other like countries these NRIs are not even PR that
> is they are not 
> permanent Residents in the countries where they are
> working as expatriates. 
> Hence they are for all purposes Indians working
> abroad and come 'HOME to 
> India. As such they should have the 'Right of Vote'
> in their respective 
> constituencies back home. Not knowing about certain
> things like u say is no 
> criteria for 'No Vote'. It is the persons inherent
> right to vote, 
> irrespective of other perceived qualities.
> This reminds me of what Nehru said in response to a
> query from a Time 
> Correspondent, at the time of Goa's
> Liberation/Invasion/ Annexation! When 
> the said journo said to Nehru: "most Goans he met in
> Bombay were not in 
> favour of Nehru's impending action". To which Nehru
> replied:"Most Goans in 
> Bombay are cooks and butlers". Do these poeple not
> have the right to decide 
> or vote (n this case)
> just because they are cooks and butlers?? I hope U
> see the analogy.
> A PIO on the other hand is a person of Indian
> Origin, full or half; and this 
> person may or may not be an Indian Citizen; the
> person may be a foreign (non 
> Indian) citizen either acquired thru immigration or
> by birth. These persons 
> who are foreign citizens can never be allowed to
> vote etc in India. That is 
> the natural law!
> For all of the above, I feel that all NRI's who are
> not PR of foreign 
> countries shoiuld be allowed to vote, in their
> respective constituencies in 
> India.
> I will bring to notice the news of the Italian Govt.
> from this year allowing 
> Italian NRI's in Australia, not only to vote in
> Italian Elections but also 
> to have their own Reps in both houses of the Italian
> Parliament. These were 
> duly elected here in Australia by these NRI's and
> are now sitting in the 
> Italian Parliament on behalf of the NRI's. I was
> pleasently surprised; but 
> again that is true democracy in action.
> Nasci Caldeira
> Melbourne.

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Review of the Review by the Reviewer

2006-04-28 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Mario,
By "others" I suspect you mean me. It's ok, I'm a big
girl, I can take it. I didn't jump on any bandwagon
nor should the reasons escape you, as I make them
adequately clear in my post.

Gilbert may have been amiss in accusing Avelino of
writing the review, but what followed was also totally
tangential i.e a) a protracted discussion on airline
stewardesses and b)Gilbert's initial error.

What, we as Goans didn't do was analyse the review by
Pratap Mehta and see if it indeed it was a review or
just the reviewer's own personal views projected as
analysis of Edna's work. It does bother me, that a
logical discourse of Pratap Mehta's review did not

Not to belabour this post, since I would rather it die
a natural death seeing that it has veered off course
completely; but just to state one instance, Pratap
Mehta writes this:

"This claim is comforting to both fundamentalists and
liberals: it is a way some fundamentalists can deny
they really are so; and liberals can assert that they
really understand what is going on."

When Pratap makes this assertion, he is referencing an
American definition of the word "liberal", no doubt a
throwback to his Harvard days. This definition of the
word, nor its juxtaposition to "fundamentalist" exists
in the Indian context.

I believe, what Gilbert was trying to say (before the
Avelino "foot in the mouth" incident",) is how
objective is Pratap's review of the work? Has he
reviewed it in the context and climate that it is
written in, has he reviewed the accuracy of her
statements, her documentary? Or is he just imposing
his own perceptions by way of "review".

Edna wrote a book, which Pratap reviewed. Pratap has
every right to do that, just as we have every right to
question the legitimacy of his review. And the fact
that instead of doing this, we Goans are fighting
amongst ourselves about airline stewardesses  and
matters of trivia is indicative of our politics and
our polity.


Mario wrote:
> Then some others who had also not read the book
> jumped
> on the band-wagon, for reasons that escape me.
> >

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Re: [Goanet] Review of the Review by the Reviewer /Melinda Coutinho Powell

2006-04-27 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Hey Melinda,
It's nice to have another woman on the forum. I hope
you stick around. The testosterone here is a bit
overwhelming at times. Fred Noronhna congratulating
you on "weathering storms" has made me think of
investing in a good umbrella.

About the little fishes, you mean to say no matter
what happens they all land up at Cecil Pinto's


--- Melinda Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Elisabeth Carvalho worte"
> I was ofcourse being flippant and resorting to
> stereotype, when adding that one-liner. However
> since
> I was not making a personal dig at any one person, I
> didn't seriously think it would offend anyone.
> Again,
> since it inadvertently did, I apologise.
> Hi Elisabeth,
> hey ,I wasnt really upset,just felt that I had to
> speak up for the cause --I
> still have a few loyalties left though I quit 13
> years ago.
> It is very gracious of you to apologise,now I admire
> you even more.
> I enjoy reading yr inputs,keep it up.
> By the way,the rodents, fish,flora and fauna have
> decided to apply for
> Portuguese passports and migrate to cleaner
> surroundings..If that option
> fails,they are planning to go to Roland Martins
> (GOACAN) Goa civic and
> consumer forum for redressal.If that option also
> fails,they are planning to
> enlist Cecil Pinto's help(he used to run a Computer
> Institute)and learn
> typing and computer skills,so watch out .( A little
> fishie told me so)
> Regards,
> Melinda
> _
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[Goanet] Voting rights for NRI Goans

2006-04-26 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
As a second generation NRI, the concept of NRI voting
rights is of great interest to me. Firstly, the term
NRI has been generally misused. NRI, is not a group of
people. The term was primarily a banking concept,
first introduced to accommodate those intrepid souls
that made their way to the Arabian desert. Their
remittances to India were banked under non-taxable,
Non-Resident Indian or Non-Resident Indian (External)
accounts with a massive 12-15% interest rate, to act
as incentive.

In the course of time and evolution, the term has
almost acquired an ethnicity of its own. It's not
uncommon to come across ads, that want NRI grooms, as
if it was a certain section of society with definable
traits and attributes.

I have no qualms about NRIs being given voting rights
but to what end? NRIs, PIOs, expats are an apathetic
lot. I should know. Most of my family is now in
diaspora and much of it second-generation, whose only
link to Goa, is the occasional trip back home to see
the ancestral house, check out if Auty Teodoline
really does sport a mustache and how Uncle Joe talks
about Lisboa with such reverence. Throw in a cruise
down the Mondovi river, a lunch out at Martin's corner
and a drive through hawker-invested Calangute for
souvenirs and, they are ready for the trip back home
having "discovered their roots".

I think Goans living abroad have very little knowledge
and much less interest in the actual problems facing
the people and the polity. They are immersed in their
own daily battles, as they should be. I don't know if
they can truly represent the hopes and aspirations of
Goans living in Goa. I don't know if we should
translate western sensibilities or solutions to
situations that are indigenously Goan. This is my
concern. That of apathy. That we will be giving power
to an apathetic lot and power vested in such a section
of society can be gravely misused.


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Re: [Goanet] Review of the Review By the Reviewer/ Melinda Coutinho Powell

2006-04-26 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Melinda Powell,
I apologise sincerely for having upset the airline
world. I too spent 6 years of my life in the travel
industry at the tail-end of poor jokes and disrespect.
I know how difficult the entire hospitality industry
is, from hotels to airlines to any ground operations. 

I was ofcourse being flippant and resorting to
stereotype, when adding that one-liner. However since
I was not making a personal dig at any one person, I
didn't seriously think it would offend anyone. Again,
since it inadvertently did, I apologise.

Having said that, in earlier posts I think I have also
made off-hand remarks about mackerels, sardines and
Goan rats. My sincere apologies to all the rodents,
fish, flora and fauna of Goa. You may not be able to
represent yourself on Goannet on account of your poor
typing skills, but I shall bear in mind that you maybe
deeply offended by my post and apologise herewith.

PS: Please note the word apologise has been repeated
15 times in above post.

> Dear Gilbert,
> We may have gone a bit off topic here,but what may
> be a minor comment to you
> is a major one to me.
> I spent fifteen years of my life ,working on
> aeroplanes.If one looks past
> the glamour,it is hard work and ,jet lag.
> I will refrain from commenting abt "Holy Warriors"
> or the reviews,since I
> havent read the book.
> Whether it is a one liner or lengthy discourse,one
> has to be responsible for
> what one posts.
> If the article in question was humourous,one could
> laugh it off.But right in
> the middle of a serious post,if there is a "dig"
> thrown in,there are bound
> to be reactions.
> Melinda Coutinho Powell
> _
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RE: [Goanet] RE: Review of the Review by the Reviewer

2006-04-25 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Avelino,
I've already eaten crow and humble pie and
acknowledged that Pratap Mehta is indeed an author of
note. However, I still see red when someone describes
goans who want to cling onto their identity as
"fundamentalist". This, I cannot stomach. I am one of
those Goans, who is very proud to be a Goan and will
cling onto my identity till evolution batters it out
of me.


--- "D'Souza, Avelino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Excerpt from the above link:
> "Dr. Pratap Bhanu Mehta is President and Chief
> Executive, Centre for
> Policy Research, New Delhi. He was previously
> Professor of Government at
> Harvard University and Associate Professor of
> Government and of Social
> Studies at Harvard. He was also Professor of
> Philosophy and Law and
> Governance, JNU."
> Avelino
> _
> Victor Rangel-Ribeiro wrote:
> Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> I'm not too sure about the discussions that
> preceded,
> but I agree with Gilbert that the review of Holy
> Warriors by Pratap Mehta, is disingenuous to say the
> least. It is no secret that most reviewers earn
> their
> bread and butter, trying to be psuedointellectuals
> pontificating over material they themselves are
> incapable of putting together. Never having
> published
> anything of note, most reviewers spend their time in
> tiny offices (if they are lucky) at major
> publications
> writing out book reviews when they're not doing food
> reviews. As such, they are much like air stewardess'
> who having failed to launch their acting careers
> spend
> their life harassing passengers on discount
> airlines.
> Dear Elisabeth,
>   You have taken Pratap Mehta to task for what you
> consider to be
> specific 
> flaws in his review, and that is your prerogative.
> But I do think you
> are 
> wrong in stating that "most reviewers earn their
> bread trying to be 
> pseudointellectuals... in tiny offices ... at major
> publications."
> Reviews of 
> fiction, at least here in the USA, are written
> largely by freelancers
> who are 
> handpicked by editors for having themselves been
> published; nonfiction
> books 
> in specialised fields such as music are reviewed not
> in the popular
> press but 
> in scholarly publications, by very knowledgeable
> people with excellent 
> credentials. That has been my experience. 
>   I must also add that I have been flying since
> 1953, and have yet to
> meet the 
> kind of air stewardess you describe. You must have
> had a terrible
> experience 
> with one particular person, but in general I have
> found them to be very 
> helpful even in quite stressful conditions.
>   Regards,
>   Victor 
> _
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Re: [Goanet] RE: Review of the Review by the Reviewer

2006-04-25 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Victorio darling, if I don't stretch the truth (much
like Pratap Mehta) every now and then, do you think
anyone would read the drivel I write? :)) Lighten up
and drink that free beer you get onboard. :))

--- Victor Rangel-Ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> I'm not too sure about the discussions that
> preceded,
> but I agree with Gilbert that the review of Holy
> Warriors by Pratap Mehta, is disingenuous to say the
> least. It is no secret that most reviewers earn
> their
> bread and butter, trying to be psuedointellectuals
> pontificating over material they themselves are
> incapable of putting together. Never having
> published
> anything of note, most reviewers spend their time in
> tiny offices (if they are lucky) at major
> publications
> writing out book reviews when they're not doing food
> reviews. As such, they are much like air stewardess'
> who having failed to launch their acting careers
> spend
> their life harassing passengers on discount
> airlines.
> Dear Elisabeth,
>   You have taken Pratap Mehta to task for what you
> consider to be specific 
> flaws in his review, and that is your prerogative.
> But I do think you are 
> wrong in stating that "most reviewers earn their
> bread trying to be 
> pseudointellectuals... in tiny offices ... at major
> publications." Reviews of 
> fiction, at least here in the USA, are written
> largely by freelancers who are 
> handpicked by editors for having themselves been
> published; nonfiction books 
> in specialised fields such as music are reviewed not
> in the popular press but 
> in scholarly publications, by very knowledgeable
> people with excellent 
> credentials. That has been my experience. 
>   I must also add that I have been flying since
> 1953, and have yet to meet the 
> kind of air stewardess you describe. You must have
> had a terrible experience 
> with one particular person, but in general I have
> found them to be very 
> helpful even in quite stressful conditions.
>   Regards,
>   Victor 
>   __
> _
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RE: [Goanet] Review of the Review by the Reviewer

2006-04-24 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Ofcourse if I was anything more than an opinionated
hausfrau, I would have goggled this:

before I railroaded into Pratap Mehta. However, I
still think he is long on rhetoric and short on
review. He rightly deserves a pulpit, about the
Pulitzer, I'm not too sure.


--- Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm not too sure about the discussions that
> preceded,
> but I agree with Gilbert that the review of Holy
> Warriors by Pratap Mehta, is disingenuous to say the
> least. It is no secret that most reviewers earn
> their
> bread and butter, trying to be psuedointellectuals
> pontificating over material they themselves are
> incapable of putting together.  Never having
> published
> anything of note, most reviewers spend their time in
> tiny offices (if they are lucky) at major
> publications
> writing out book reviews when they're not doing food
> reviews. As such, they are much like air stewardess'
> who having failed to launch their acting careers
> spend
> their life harassing passengers on discount
> airlines.
> Pratap Mehta, seems more infatuated with his own
> writing prowess that with objectively reviewing
> anyone
> elses. Although gifted with the pen he wields it
> much
> too forcefully, in the event slaying all the wrong
> dragons. For instance, he writes:
> "Fernandes embarks on her journey into the heart of
> Indian fundamentalism
> with a peculiarly shallow version of liberal
> sympathies"
> What exactly is shallow liberalism? Either one
> embraces the precepts of liberalism or one doesn't
> but
> what in Pratap's dictionary exemplifies shallow
> liberalism, is left to the readers imagination.
> He goes on to write:
> "Show that you
> are even-handed by exposing fundamentalists of all
> religions: assorted
> Muslims ranging from Deobandis to the Imam of Jama
> Masjid; Christians in
> Goa clinging on to a Goan identity, to Baptists in
> Nagaland trying to
> create new ones, assorted survivors amongst Kashmiri
> Pandits and victims
> of anti-Sikh riots."
> This is not review but pure rhetoric on his part. He
> cannot dictate to the author what does or does not
> constitute fundamentalism; that remains the author's
> interpretation. Perhaps to the author, "Christians
> in
> Goa clinging onto a Goan identity" does not
> constitute
> "fundamentalism" but rather people who are in
> genuine
> search of an identity when it is being railroaded en
> masse by another identity with which they have no
> wish
> to identify.
> To me Pratap was long on rhetoric and short on
> review.
> He did manage to convince me that he was brimming
> with
> ideas on India and that he could be eloquent about
> them but that doesn't call for a review, it calls by
> ANOTHER BOOK by Pratap Mehta.
> Elisabeth
> __
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RE: [Goanet] Review of the Review by the Reviewer

2006-04-24 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

I'm not too sure about the discussions that preceded,
but I agree with Gilbert that the review of Holy
Warriors by Pratap Mehta, is disingenuous to say the
least. It is no secret that most reviewers earn their
bread and butter, trying to be psuedointellectuals
pontificating over material they themselves are
incapable of putting together.  Never having published
anything of note, most reviewers spend their time in
tiny offices (if they are lucky) at major publications
writing out book reviews when they're not doing food
reviews. As such, they are much like air stewardess'
who having failed to launch their acting careers spend
their life harassing passengers on discount airlines.

Pratap Mehta, seems more infatuated with his own
writing prowess that with objectively reviewing anyone
elses. Although gifted with the pen he wields it much
too forcefully, in the event slaying all the wrong
dragons. For instance, he writes:

"Fernandes embarks on her journey into the heart of
Indian fundamentalism
with a peculiarly shallow version of liberal

What exactly is shallow liberalism? Either one
embraces the precepts of liberalism or one doesn't but
what in Pratap's dictionary exemplifies shallow
liberalism, is left to the readers imagination.

He goes on to write:
"Show that you
are even-handed by exposing fundamentalists of all
religions: assorted
Muslims ranging from Deobandis to the Imam of Jama
Masjid; Christians in
Goa clinging on to a Goan identity, to Baptists in
Nagaland trying to
create new ones, assorted survivors amongst Kashmiri
Pandits and victims
of anti-Sikh riots."

This is not review but pure rhetoric on his part. He
cannot dictate to the author what does or does not
constitute fundamentalism; that remains the author's
interpretation. Perhaps to the author, "Christians in
Goa clinging onto a Goan identity" does not constitute
"fundamentalism" but rather people who are in genuine
search of an identity when it is being railroaded en
masse by another identity with which they have no wish
to identify.

To me Pratap was long on rhetoric and short on review.
He did manage to convince me that he was brimming with
ideas on India and that he could be eloquent about
them but that doesn't call for a review, it calls by
ANOTHER BOOK by Pratap Mehta.


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[Goanet] Re: Goa's road carnage, some views...

2006-04-23 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Valmiki,

I'm not sure if Goa has this already but maybe a
certain investment should be made in "highway patrol
cops". These are generally cops on power bikes or
cars, who will chase after you on a highway, siren
blasting, until they catch up with you. I've not seen
them in Goa but then again maybe they do exist and
I've just never encountered them.


--- Valmiki Faleiro wrote:

> Goa's road carnage, some views...
> Death and pain on our roads is, slowly but relentlessly, raging into Goa's 
> major tragedy. Official figures for the first quarter of 2006 are out. 

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[Goanet] Re: Reservations rear their ugly head again!

2006-04-23 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Socrates
Rest assured your disciples have read every word with
their morning hemlock ...ahem coffee.

I think the 65 year old woman with enough money should
take "tennis lessons" from our champ everyday in the
afternoon. This will ensure (a) efficient use of all
available resources (b)adequate redistribution of
wealth (c) peace and harmony in the village, atleast
for the afternoon.


--- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Let me try answering George Pinto's hypothetical
> question:

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Warring factions on Goanet

2006-04-22 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Gilbert,
If I am responsible for the de-calcifying of Mario's
heart, I expect my reward to be sent to be via first
class mail, in small $ bills:)) 

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Mario's response (to Elisabeth's philosophie):
> This is too opaque for me.
> GL Comment:
> I never thought I'd read the above statement from
> Mario.
> Is this how they say it in Toledo? :=))
> Rather than, "I need to bring out my cowboy boots"
> .
> Or has all the ossification gotten de-calcified in
> front of the fairer skin?

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Reservations rears its ugly head again!

2006-04-21 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear George,
You have given us an excellent example. I don't know
what the original context of this example in the book
was, but let me hypothesize a context.

Let's suppose there is an inter-village Tennis
tournament. The prize money for the tournament, is to
be divided between the player and the clubhouse
sponsoring the player. The player gets a percentage to
do with it as he wishes. The club house's share is to
be reinvested in another tennis court for the village.

Now, under these circumstances, who should get to use
the tennis court?

a) Everyone in the village for 5 minutes. This would
result in a waste of resources as it would take
practice time away from our champ and reduce his
chances of being competitive inter-village.

b) A poor, underprivileged family. Well, there might
be a champ amongst them, who could possibly win a
tournament but given their background chances are they
can't afford the time and money it takes to commit to
a tournament. They are involved with bread and butter
issues at this point.

c)A rich 65 year old woman. Well, if she makes enough
time for physical training and other investments which
money can buy, there is a chance she can win the
tournament but why waste her resources on a
possibility, when they could be utilised somewhere
else. Perhaps in sponsoring our meritorious champ.

I say, let the champ play all the time. Yes, in the
short run this will seem "unfair" but life is not
always egalitarian in the "purest" sense of the word.
Life, much like Adam Smith stated, is many a times
guided by self-interest which strangely enough has the
effect of making it efficient.

In the long-run, the champ wins the tournament. The
village gets a second tennis court and more people get
to play.

The old concepts of redistribution of wealth are
passe. Today, we have to aim for creation of wealth.
The pie is never big enough, when sliced four-ways. We
have to bake a bigger pie.

Good debate!

--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There is one tennis court in a village (a world of
> limited resources which we live in). Who among
> the following gets to use to the tennis court among
> the villagers?
> A. The village tennis star (merit based).
> B. A rich 65 year old woman who is willing to pay
> anything to play (wealth).
> C. Every villager gets 5 minutes (equality based).
> D. A poor family who has been discriminated against
> and never been allowed to play sport before in
> the village (opportunity based).
> Justice and equality is not "pure", behind every
> claim for what is just and fair (including in the
> reservations debate) is someone's prejudices and
> biases. My answer is D. and C. above get first
> choice.
> What is yours?
> Regards,
> George
> P.S. Reservations does not have an ugly head (as the
> subject line suggests). It has a
> multi-faceted head.   
> _
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Re: [Goanet] Re: The warring factions of Goannet

2006-04-20 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Gilbert, didn't you say you were a grandfather three
times over. I've always found older men fascinating,
provided they were not too calcified :)) I stop short
of rigor mortis. :)

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> When one attracts the attention of the ayatollahs
> from the major centers of the Goan world, it is a
> sure sign that the individual has become a "Hutton".
>  I bet Elisabeth is enjoying every moment of this
> adulation.  

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2006-04-20 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
It won't be long before slums constitute 60% of Goa.

--- airesrod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In Mumbai with  hawkers, shopkeepers and  manholes 
> on
> footpaths,  the pedestrians have to walk on the
> roads
> leaving very little room for vehicles to manoeuvre.
> In
> Shanghai one drives on the right of the road but
> unfortunately in Mumbai one has to be content
> driving
> on whatever is left of the road. So the transition
> of
> Mumbai to Shanghai may be a long way ahead.
> With thousands migrating into Mumbai everyday the
> city
> cannot be allowed to fend for itself. The
> Maharashtra
> Government has reportedly formulated new rules to
> check the migration into Mumbai. Currently slum
> dwellers constitute about 60 per cent of  Mumbai's
> population which is about seven million people.
> We all have to do our little bit in easing the
> pressure on the city's crumbling infrastructure
> which
> will now be over stretched with the bar dance girls
> all set to be back in business. More of us could
> join
> the Lata Mangueskar chorus and move on. I for one
> will
> do my bit and try and spend more time in Goa.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Switch an email account to Yahoo! Mail, you could
> win FIFA World Cup tickets.
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Re: [Goanet] Easter reflections of an agnostic

2006-04-20 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Mario,
At first thought I agreed with you completely but
later contemplating it in depth, I've had a rethink.

Doing "good" is a Pavlovian response, mankind has
developed in order to sustain some amount of order in
this world.

If one matures beyond the equation, "I do good and
will be rewarded by a divine entity", then seeking
answers to one's spirituality is divorced from doing
good. The path to one's spirituality is an intimate
examination of self and its relationship with the
universe. One can do immense good in this world but
may not necessarily be interested in such an intense
examination. On the other hand one can be deeply
spiritual but may remove oneself from the constraints
of society and embrace solitude, such as the early
Gnostics of Christianity.


--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> Whatever one's beliefs are, they are useless in my
> never humble opinion if they have not induced one to
> reach out voluntarily, to help someone less
> fortunate
> help themselves, be they people disadvantaged by the
> diabolical caste system, the poor, the old, the
> hungry, the physically and mentally challenged, and
> those brutally oppressed by sadistic and misogynist
> tyrants.
> >
> _
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[Goanet] Reservations rears its ugly head again!

2006-04-19 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

The injustices endured by one section of society
cannot be perpetrated onto another section of society,
as a form of redressal. There are middle class
students who cannot afford exorbitant capitation fees
or "donations" required by private colleges. They
depend on government-funded institutions and the
privilege of studying in a premier institute such as
IIT is the right of every meritorious student,
regardless of their background.

Secondly, scholastic inequity is not to be addressed
at the tail-end of the spectrum but rather at the
beginning. It is primary education that has to be
strenghtened, access to public libraries, subsidised
private tutoring, introduction of English medium even
in government-funded primary schools. These are the
changes that will add value to our education.

Thirdly, we have to admit that a certain inequity
exists in life. We have to admit that economic
inequity influences all parameters of life. It is true
that someone with wealth will have access to and
better exposure to education, information and
influences that take place outside the classroom.
Unless, we address the vast economic inequities that
exist in India, we cannot solve the problem by simply
diluting the quality of our educational standards.

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Reservation rears its ugly head again!

2006-04-19 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

 A nice perspective Jason. I hadn't even thought about
that angle. 
--- Jason Monserrate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> That was put very nicely, Elisabeth.
> Instead of reservations, why are our politicians not
> concerned about creating a level playing field,
> where
> merit alone rules.
> Now that they have decided to make reservations a
> key
> issue, i have a few suggestions for Arjun Singh and
> company.
> They can start with sports and then graduate to the
> IITs and IIMs. You guys can reserve 5 places out of
> the 11 in the Indian Cricket Team for SC/ST/OBC
> (49.5%). Also, for every Davis Cup tennis tie, in
> the
> doubles, let one player be either SC/ST/OBC. Same
> thing for Badminton and TT and all other team games
> like soccer and all
> And, also 49.5% reservation of seats in Parliament,
> please!!
> Regards,
> Jason.

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Reservation rears its ugly head again!

2006-04-18 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Dear George,
You've raised some valid questions.

The injustices endured by one section of society
cannot be perpetrated onto another section of society,
as a form of redressal. There are middle class
students who cannot afford exorbitant capitation fees
or "donations" required by private colleges. They
depend on government-funded institutions and the
privilege of studying in a premier institute such as
IIT is the right of every meritorious student,
regardless of their background.

Secondly, scholastic inequity is not to be addressed
at the tail-end of the spectrum but rather at the
beginning. It is primary education that has to be
strenghtened, access to public libraries, subsidised
private tutoring, introduction of English medium even
in government-funded primary schools. These are the
changes that will add value to our education.

Thirdly, we have to admit that a certain inequity
exists in life. We have to admit that economic
inequity influences all parameters of life. It is true
that someone with wealth will have access to and
better exposure to education, information and
influences that take place outside the classroom.
Unless, we address the vast economic inequities that
exist in India, we cannot solve the problem by simply
diluting the quality of our educational standards.


--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What should be done for those who have no
> opportunity to lift themselves up from poverty? How
> are
> they supposed to compete "on merit" with those who
> have had the luxury of several generations of
> middle class upbringing and living, access to
> schools, and family wealth to pursue their
> interests?  Specifically, how are the downtrodden
> supposed to gain the benefits of society and not
> suffer all its burdens, given that charity is not a
> long-term solution?
> Regards,
> George

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[Goanet] Reservation rears its ugly head again!

2006-04-18 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

The reservation system in India is like a two headed
snake that spits out venom and hurts the very people
it is supposed to protect. Arjun Singh, HRD minister
of India is set to impose an almost 50% OBC
reservation in government-funded higher institutions
of education.

Reservations in India, far from serving the purpose of
national integration, creates yet another caste in
India. That of the academically disabled. While on the
one hand proposals to increase the pass rate from 35%
and changes to syllabus are strictly opposed by OBC
students,on the other hand reservation quotes are
rammed down the throats of higher institutions of
education , without much debate and in much haste.

Fostering an atmosphere of entitlement rather than
merit does not serve the purpose of a country
competing globally and for whom a vital source of
revenue comes for outsourcing and export of IT

More importantly, it depresses and dampens the spirit
of our youth. Students scoring as high as 90% are
forced to take on streams of education they have no
interest it while someone who scores a mere 50% can
get into a premier institution. Social justice cannot
be perverted and then justified. It makes a mockery
out of the word justice.

Politics is a dirty game and each political party
barters its soul to the devil to gain a few votes.
These policies of appeasement do little to uplift but
doubtless do much for the vote-banks and bank accounts
of our politicians.

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