Re: SplitLayoutPanel

2010-01-21 Thread
They create their own style :)
But panel is usefull to layout your application (i.e. positionning
your widget like you want) No css is really needed for panel and it's
why they're not css defined in gwt themes. Now, if you want specific
behaviour, do it yourself :)

On Jan 12, 7:15 pm, Stine Søndergaard wrote:
 Hmm... wonder what other developers do they just avoid using the new
 panels from GWT 2.0 maybe? :) Or is there a secret place where some default
 styles can be fetched? ;D

 Know that this post is not really asking anything new... hmm ;)
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Re: Using my own external jars

2010-01-21 Thread Juan M.M.M.
And what about RPC? Is this the solution, right?

On 20 ene, 17:32, Eric wrote:
 On Jan 19, 4:59 pm, jfagh wrote:

  Also, you need to include both .java and .class files in your JAR. And
  the .java files must not reference any unsupported libraries (i.e.
  those that cannot be translated from java to js by GWT)

 He doesn't need to include the source files in the same jar. It is
 valid to build more than one file, presumably through Ant or Maven:


 I would include module.gwt.xml in the source jar.  But if he's trying
 include third-party libraries without source code in his GWT
 he'll have problems.  They should stay on the server.

 Eric Jablow
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Re: Using my own external jars

2010-01-21 Thread Juan M.M.M.
And what about RPC? Is this the solution, right?

On 20 ene, 17:32, Eric wrote:
 On Jan 19, 4:59 pm, jfagh wrote:

  Also, you need to include both .java and .class files in your JAR. And
  the .java files must not reference any unsupported libraries (i.e.
  those that cannot be translated from java to js by GWT)

 He doesn't need to include the source files in the same jar. It is
 valid to build more than one file, presumably through Ant or Maven:


 I would include module.gwt.xml in the source jar.  But if he's trying
 include third-party libraries without source code in his GWT
 he'll have problems.  They should stay on the server.

 Eric Jablow
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Re: about the limitation of MVC

2010-01-21 Thread Alexander
So throw appropriate event to EventBus. All widgets what are interested in
these events must be subscribed before. And here we go - without models our
views could interact with each other.

2010/1/21 yucubby

 I only gives a very simple case. Thinking in a complex situation, if
 there are many buttons or other widgets, and there will change their
 state (become gray or not for example) according to the other widget's
 action or event. Then how do we handle all of this logical in the

 On 1月21日, 上午3时42分, Sky wrote:
  For example, one of
  a simple case is how to implement this functionality of making one
  button becoming grayed if detecting a specific button is clicked by
  That's just logic that belongs in the View. There are numerous ways of
  structuring that logic and it depends on how abstract you want it to
  be. The simplest code that pops into mind immediately is to define
  your own class that extends the Button widget (say its called
  MyButton) and give it a private variable pointing to a Button and
  through a setter method you can set it to the button that is going to
  turn gray. Give a counter variable to your MyButton and add a
  MouseUpHandler that counts how many clicks have occurred. When it has
  clicked twice you set the other Button's background style property as
  you desire.
  I fail to see why this is a limitation of MVC. All of this kind of
  interaction should only occur in the View. The Model doesn't typically
  try to deal with how the GUI reacts to user input... the Model handles
  user data input and gives the View new or modified data to display to
  the user based on the user's input... it is the View's job to decide
  what kind of logic is needed to decided how to display the data it
  gets from the Model.
  At least that's my take on MVC... I'm not exactly an expert on it.
  On Jan 20, 9:26 am, Alexander wrote:
   Had you read about MVP?
Recently I am researching the MVC in GWT and meet a problem.
to my understanding, in essentially, the benefits of MVC are 1)
decouple the viewer and model 2) make the widgets coordinating each
other. And the second point is very important to my application. So
question is how to make several of widgets work well in a panel when
there is no abstracted model under these widgets. For example, one of
a simple case is how to implement this functionality of making one
button becoming grayed if detecting a specific button is clicked by
In fact, it's a typical FSM problem, what we should do is building
FSM rules and executing the FSM to update the view/widgets. so, there
is no MVC model instead it is the viewer and FSM based controller
model. Does any one meet the same problem or have the same solution?
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Re: HandlerManager

2010-01-21 Thread Alexander
Place list and buttons in some container and monitor focus for container but
not only list.

2010/1/20 PaulBee

 I want to implement a ListBox that has associated to it three buttons.
 But I only want the butons to show when the listbox is OnFOcus.
 Whenever the listbox is NOT on focus I want the button not to show on
 the screen.

 Thank you,

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Re: Using my own external jars

2010-01-21 Thread Juan M.M.M.
And what about RPC? Is this the solution, right?

On 20 ene, 17:32, Eric wrote:
 On Jan 19, 4:59 pm, jfagh wrote:

  Also, you need to include both .java and .class files in your JAR. And
  the .java files must not reference any unsupported libraries (i.e.
  those that cannot be translated from java to js by GWT)

 He doesn't need to include the source files in the same jar. It is
 valid to build more than one file, presumably through Ant or Maven:


 I would include module.gwt.xml in the source jar.  But if he's trying
 include third-party libraries without source code in his GWT
 he'll have problems.  They should stay on the server.

 Eric Jablow
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Re: What causes, and how to trace it?

2010-01-21 Thread John V Denley
I have a similar problem with a compiled GWT javascript, but it only
fails in IE.

Im not sure where in eclipse to set style=DETAILED and even if I
did, is there a firebug dev tool for debugging javascript in IE?

I dont mind taking some time to figure out how to set the
style=DETAILED, but only if there is some way to debug the problem
once ive done it!


On Jan 15, 2:39 pm, LEDUQUE Mickaël wrote:
 Y(ou'll probably only have this kind ofexceptioninjavascript
 compiled app, so you won't be able to use hosted/devmode to inspect
 it. I'd probably compile the application with style=DETAILED and use
 tools like firebug (Firefox) or webkit developer tools (chrome/safari)
 Of course, if this really is a big application, it may take some
 resources to trace into DETAILEDjavascript(I know for example
 Firebug has some problems with really big js files).
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GAE: Request was aborted...

2010-01-21 Thread Alex Okunevich

It's possible to catch this problem: Request was aborted after
waiting too long to attempt to service your request. Most likely, this
indicates that you have reached your simultaneous dynamic request
limit. This is almost always due to excessively high latency in your
app. ?
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Eclipse Plugin Wizard for Events

2010-01-21 Thread Eric
I was trying to create an application-level logical event class, and I
realized that the plugin could provide a wizard to create the class
and its associated handler.  Since this task invariably requires the
author to create three related Java files, and since most of the code
is boilerplate, a wizard could do all the mechanical work.  The wizard
would ask for:

1. A package name,
2. An event class name fitting the pattern XyzEvent.

The plugin would also create a handler interface named XyzHandler.  It
would contain a method with signature

public void onXyz(XyzEvent event);

This method would also be invoked in the generated dispatch() method
of the new event class.

Finally, the plugin would create a client interface named
HasXyzHandlers extending HasHandlers.  The plugin would also have the
standard option to add Javadoc comments and header comments.

I could also see a modification to the module plugin; the plugin could
give the author the option to create the module in a new Eclipse
project, which would necessitate changes to the .classpath
and .project files.

Eric Jablow
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On secure logins

2010-01-21 Thread FKereki
Hi! I was just checking the consensus on how to do a secure login and
it seems to be along the lines of:

* set a simple login application to run at
* set the rest of your application to run at
* if the user tries to directly go to,
redirect him to
* on successful login, set a cookie, and redirect to

Is this it? Am I missing something? Any better ways to do it?
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On mixing https: and http:

2010-01-21 Thread FKereki
I was thinking about implementing a cart in GWT, and I am looking at
the problem of mixing http: (for browsing, selecting, etc.) and https:
(for the final part of the sale). I can see a way out by having the
application run at a http:// URL, then redirecting the application to
a https:// URL to do the actual sale, and when this is done,
redirecting the application back to a http:// URL.

Is this the best (only?) way to do it? Am I missing something?
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Re: What causes, and how to trace it?

2010-01-21 Thread Joe Cole
This can happen in devmode. I found one today - it was an exception in
a deferred command while manipulating an xml document.
To debug in devmode is relatively easy - simply debug before it breaks
and step through.

In web mode I have encountered a few of these as well. Here is our

1. Maintain a global action list which tracks most (e.g. Actions.add
2. In your uncaught exception handler, pull in the action list and
send that back to the server which then logs the result and sends
emails etc.
We also send back the entire page dom structure as an attachment to
the email so we can take a look at the data on the page at the time of
the error.

This has enabled us to find out which customer, what they were doing
and the timing of what they did - then we can easily replicate it in

Hope this helps

On Jan 15, 10:45 pm, dduck wrote:
 In a relatively large project I sometimes get this exception:

 (TypeError): Result of expression 'a' [null] is not an object.
 line: 1513
 sourceId: 4996591080
 expressionBeginOffset: 18437
 expressionCaretOffset: 18438
 expressionEndOffset: 18440

 I am unsure as to how I can trace or otherwise diagnose the cause, as
 this seems to be impossible to catch using the usual Java tools (try/

 Any suggestions?

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Re: Seamlessly Integrating GWT and Gears

2010-01-21 Thread Joe Cole
We use this with our air project, which uses gwt-in-the-air. It's a
great project I recommend checking it out.

Basically we have a service manager that you can register online
services and offline services. Both use Async options.
When we are working offline, we just switch which services we return
from the service manager for the service class.


ServiceManager.registerOffline(new OfflineMyService());

IMyServiceAsync sync = ServiceManager.get(IMyService.class);

It's extremely effective in my experience.

On Jan 21, 10:33 am, Greg wrote:
 Hi all,

 Has anyone tried to integrate Gears with a GWT application that uses
 Ajax to access the backend?

 Specifically, I am thinking of having a Gears class that implements
 the DatabaseAsync interface so that my client code can call the same
 methods and I will swap out the Gears class and the regular GWT
 database class depending on whether or not the user is online or

 Has anyone done this? I can't find any code samples online. Does it
 seem feasable? Is there any better way to do it?

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GWT + Eclipse doesn't work. Attempted to beginRule: R/, does not match outer scope rule

2010-01-21 Thread MaEcTPo
I have a trouble with Eclipse and GWT.
My GWT projects don't work. All of them. They compile, but don't run
in hosted mode.
When I start Eclipse I receive popup with error. In eclipse error log
I have this:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attempted to beginRule: R/, does
not match outer scope rule: P/MySmartGWT
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert.isLegal(
And it is for all gwt projects.

When I run project I receive a link, for example
http://localhost:/MySmartGWT2.html?gwt.codesvr=, but
when I open it in FireFox - nothing happens. There are not logs,
errors or something like that.

I use Ubuntu 9.10, Eclipse 3.5, GWT 2.0. In some project I am playing
with SmartGWT. Source control - mercurial.

Best regars,

P.S. I know that my English is not very well, but I am learning it now.
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Re: On secure logins

2010-01-21 Thread ailinykh
By this way you secure the main page only. What is pretty much
All client/server communication is done through AJAX. You can't secure
it by a traditional servlet filter,
because GWT serialization doesn't know anything about redirect. You
will have something like serialization Exception.
Also you have to think about user authorization. Users with different
roles allowed to have access to different resources.

I see the only way to do it- in every RPC call check user identity and
permissions, then  throw application defined exception if something is
On client side you have to catch that exception and redirect to login

Thank you,

On Jan 21, 6:35 am, FKereki wrote:
 Hi! I was just checking the consensus on how to do a secure login and
 it seems to be along the lines of:

 * set a simple login application to run at
 * set the rest of your application to run at
 * if the user tries to directly go to,
 redirect him to
 * on successful login, set a cookie, and redirect 

 Is this it? Am I missing something? Any better ways to do it?
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Re: Problem switching to GWT 2.0 from GWT 1.6 (mysql related I think)

2010-01-21 Thread Shawn Brown
 Hello, Did you find the solution?

There is none.  AppEngine doesn't support using mysql and so it was
throwing an error.   Unless AppEngine adds mysql support I don't see
anything that can be done.  Use the storage api offered by AppEngine.


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Re: What causes, and how to trace it?

2010-01-21 Thread dduck
Well, using Safari I can now spot the place where the exception is
thrown in the generated JavaScript, but I have no way to relate that
to the Java code that I put into the GWT compiler.

Any clues as to how I do that?

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Re: On secure logins

2010-01-21 Thread Alexander

I do always authorise user action at services. I cant find out any other

2010/1/21 ailinykh

 By this way you secure the main page only. What is pretty much
 All client/server communication is done through AJAX. You can't secure
 it by a traditional servlet filter,
 because GWT serialization doesn't know anything about redirect. You
 will have something like serialization Exception.
 Also you have to think about user authorization. Users with different
 roles allowed to have access to different resources.

 I see the only way to do it- in every RPC call check user identity and
 permissions, then  throw application defined exception if something is
 On client side you have to catch that exception and redirect to login

 Thank you,

 On Jan 21, 6:35 am, FKereki wrote:
  Hi! I was just checking the consensus on how to do a secure login and
  it seems to be along the lines of:
  * set a simple login application to run athttps://
  * set the rest of your application to run athttp://
  * if the user tries to directly go to,
  redirect him to
  * on successful login, set a cookie, and redirect tohttp://
  Is this it? Am I missing something? Any better ways to do it?

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Re: gwt-servlet.jar being deleted at each Eclipse startup after upgrading to gwt 2.0

2010-01-21 Thread Supercobra Thatbytes
I have the same problem. This triggers a CVS / SVN check-in / update
process that is unnecessary (and long).

On Jan 20, 11:05 am, Erik Uzureau wrote:
 Yes, this does seem to be a good workaround.

 I can't, however, convince anyone on my team to use it, because:

 1) Not all members of my team are experiencing this issue. (At a
 larger level, I think the general lack of interest by the community in
 this thread means it's not happening to everyone out there either)

 2) Although it doesn't specifically say you need to have gwt-
 servlet.jar checked in to source control, the explanation 
 does leads one to believe so.

 3) To my knowledge, there has been no official acknowledgement by gwt
 team either that this is a recognized problem or that the workaround
 proposed is a valid solution. (apologies in advance if someone on
 this thread *is* on the gwt team...I didn't know)

 To me, the strongest argument here is #1 -- if not everyone is
 experiencing this issue then it must be something related to the
 configuration/setup of those of us that are affected. So maybe the
 workaround would fix the problem for us but break it for others.


 On Jan 20, 4:02 am, aliman wrote: We have this 
 problem. Our workaround has been to delete gwt-
  servlet.jar from the svn repository, then add it to svn:ignore on the
  WEB-INF/lib folder. Eclipse then re-adds the jar when it launches, but
  that's ok because it's ignored w.r.t. svn.

  We have a separate production build system using maven, which pulls
  the gwt-servlet.jar out of the appropriate maven repository at build



  On Jan 19, 10:43 am, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

   As you discovered... as soon as you think you've solved the problem,
   it happens again :-(

   I also experience this problem with some of the GAE jars.  It's
   really, really annoying but I don't have time to rebuild my eclipse
   install from scratch...


   On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Erik Uzureau wrote:
A colleague of mine seems to have found a solution to this:

On Jan 18, 5:54 pm, Erik Uzureau wrote:
The real question here is what do we all (on this thread) have in
common that the rest of the world doesn't.

Surely we are more than 6 people in the world using GWT 2.0 are we
the only people withgwt-servlet.jar
in /WEB-INF/lib in our SVN repositories or is it something else?

Also, if it is patently wrong to have thegwt-servlet.jarfile in the /
WEB-INF/lib file... then why are we clearly
told to put it there here:



On Jan 9, 5:01 am, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

 Ignore this solution.  The problem is simply intermittent and didn't
 happen a few times.  It nevertheless persists.


 On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Jeff Schnitzer 
  Amazingly, you're right.  The solution is to ignore the message,
  *don't* revert your files back, and restart Eclipse again.  The 
  deletes the files the first time, then recreates them the second...
  and since the new files are identical to the old, svn is happy.


  On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 12:18 AM, John OConner wrote:
  I found the culprit. The eclipse plugin preferences file explicity
  namesgwt-servlet.jaras a file that it must copy to the web-inf/lib
  directory. So I assume that SVN (and for me it is Perforce) see 
  action as an attempted delete as well. I resolved this myself by
  removing that file from web-inf/lib and just letting the plugin 
  its way. I tried deleting the offending line from the preferences
  file, but the plugin insisted on replacing that line on startup. 
  if an application *insists* on a very specific setting regardless 
  user intentions or my own preferences, why put the setting in an
  external preferences file to begin with?

  John O'Conner

  On Dec 31 2009, 7:05 pm, Jeff Schnitzer 
  I have this exact same problem... it's quite annoying.

  It also sometimes happens with GAE jars.  Every time I restart 
  I have to go through my projects and revert any deleted jars.


  On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 5:53 PM, itwip.81 
   Dear Sir/Madam,

   I have encountered a problem after upgrading from GWT 1.7 to 
   2.0. I
   did uninstall all of the previous GWT SDKs, AppEngine and 
   before I install the new 2.0 

Dynamic List box problem

2010-01-21 Thread a_martinez
I managed to fill a ListBox onClick with entries. Unfortunately the
ListBox expands before onClick is catched (before data is reloaded).
Therefore the user has to click a scond time after the entries are

Is there a way to force a ListBox to NOT expand when clicking on it?
And is there also a way to force a ListBox to expand by code?

A native call of
does not work.

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Re: Eclipse Plugin Wizard for Events

2010-01-21 Thread Isaac Truett

You might like to star issue #3914.

- Isaac

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 7:13 AM, Eric wrote:
 I was trying to create an application-level logical event class, and I
 realized that the plugin could provide a wizard to create the class
 and its associated handler.  Since this task invariably requires the
 author to create three related Java files, and since most of the code
 is boilerplate, a wizard could do all the mechanical work.  The wizard
 would ask for:

 1. A package name,
 2. An event class name fitting the pattern XyzEvent.

 The plugin would also create a handler interface named XyzHandler.  It
 would contain a method with signature

 public void onXyz(XyzEvent event);

 This method would also be invoked in the generated dispatch() method
 of the new event class.

 Finally, the plugin would create a client interface named
 HasXyzHandlers extending HasHandlers.  The plugin would also have the
 standard option to add Javadoc comments and header comments.

 I could also see a modification to the module plugin; the plugin could
 give the author the option to create the module in a new Eclipse
 project, which would necessitate changes to the .classpath
 and .project files.

 Eric Jablow

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Re: DockLayoutPanel layout problem with south and UiBinder

2010-01-21 Thread Richard Berger
I am using a DockLayoutPanel with UiBinder and it seems to work fine.
However, I can't see any real difference between your code and mine.
My ordering is different - I have north, center, west, then south.
Also, my center panel has a size.  Sorry to not have anything more
useful for you.

On Jan 19, 12:38 am, Marcel Wagner wrote:
 I have tried to use the DockLayoutPanel and the UiBinder with the
 following layout:

         g:DockLayoutPanel unit='EM'
                 g:north size='5'
                         lp:HeaderArea ui:field='headerArea' /
                 g:west size='12'
                         lp:VerticalBar ui:field='verticalBar' /
                 g:south size='2'
                         lp:StatusArea ui:field='statusArea' /

                         lp:ContentArea ui:field='contentArea' /

 This should generate a four area layout. All is fine beside of the
 layout the south panel. It not starts at the left window border, it
 starts at the same border as the center panel and the west panel is
 layouted completely to the bottom of the window.
 Is this a bug, or do I somthing wrong?

 Thanks, Marcel
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Re: What causes, and how to trace it?

2010-01-21 Thread John V Denley
I finally bit the bullet, and started commenting out huge chunks of my
code, and running the application to see if that got rid of the

After a few hours of this, I finally narrowed it down to the following
(and similar) line of code:

daygrid.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(col, 0px);

As soon as I set this to 1px rather than 0px the javascript error
went away.

for you dduck, the way forward would be to do as leduque suggests
above and set the compile time flag for style to detailed and that
should give you a much better idea where the error is, you might find
the following link useful:

Id still like to know how to set this setting via eclipse, which im
sure is very simple for someone who knows!


On Jan 21, 2:14 pm, dduck wrote:
 Well, using Safari I can now spot the place where the exception is
 thrown in the generated JavaScript, but I have no way to relate that
 to the Java code that I put into the GWT compiler.

 Any clues as to how I do that?

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Re: javascript error (invalid Argument)

2010-01-21 Thread John V Denley
I finally bit the bullet, and started commenting out huge chunks of my
code, and running the application to see if that got rid of the

After a few hours of this, I finally narrowed it down to the following
(and similar) line of code:

daygrid.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(col, 0px);

where daygrid was defined as follows:

private Grid daygrid = new Grid(daygridrows, daygridcols);

As soon as I set this to 1px rather than 0px the javascript error
went away.

Others might find the following link useful:
Id still like to know how to set this setting via eclipse, which im
sure is very simple for someone who knows!


On Jan 20, 10:25 pm, John V Denley wrote:
 Ive just tried to step through my code painfully one line at a time in
 the eclipse debugger everything seemed to work OK up to the point when
 it was about to start waiting for user interraction (or feasibly when
 it starts trying to draw to the screen), then I got the following

 Exception processing async thread queue
   Exception processing async thread queue
   org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIClassType cannot be
 cast to org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaValue

 Not at all helpful whats my next steps guys, anyone able to help

 On Jan 18, 12:08 am, John wrote:

  Does anyone have any ideas how to debug this javascript problem with
  IE? or even where to start debugging it?


  On Jan 10, 5:25 pm, John wrote:

   Im not doing any direct DOM assignments, its all pure GWT and CSS (Im
   also using GAE) but its all native, im also not using any third party
   toolsets/jars etc

   How did you manage to narrow it down Joe? how did you go about
   figuring it out? I have thousands of lines of code, I dont even know
   where to begin looking for this error, the only thing I can be sure of
   is that I didnt have this problem on the my 1st Dec version, which was
   the last version I released for external  testing and that since then
   I have upgraded to V2.0

   Any help would be greatly appreciated..

   On Jan 8, 1:39 am, Joe Cole wrote:

I feel your pain. I narrowed this down in our case to an incorrect
style assignment. From memory I was setting:

DOM.setStyleAttribute(overflowX, none);

Instead of:

DOM.setStyleAttribute(overflowX, hidden);

Only in IE was it throwing this exception. I would suggest checking
your style assignments, it could be the same problem.


On Jan 8, 11:29 am, John wrote:

 I have just come across the following error when testing my
 application in IE7, It seems to work fine in Chrome 4.0  and FF 3.5.7

 I have seen several other people having the same problem on this
 forum, but I cant work out from any of them how I can work out whats
 wrong with MY application!

 Can anyone give me any clues as to how and where to look to find out
 where to fix this problem?


 22:04:09.376 [ERROR] [idebanet] Uncaught exception escaped (Error): Invalid
  number: -2147024809
  description: Invalid argument.
     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source)
     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
     at Source)
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problem in web mode for deploying.zipped file to db.

2010-01-21 Thread saurav
hi All,

i am facing a serious problem. i am able to deploy .zipped file in gwt
in hosted mode to my database successfully. but when i try to do that
in web mode i am unable to do it.
kindly help.
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MVP and tabs :)

2010-01-21 Thread Stine
Hello :)

I am still struggling with learning best practice in creating my GWT
application ;) At the moment I am trying to apply the MVP design
pattern described in

I imagine that my UI will be a tab panel where each tab links to a
certain area of the application... I have an idea that each of these
tabs should have a viewer and a presenter... and then maybe a viewer
creating the overall tab panel... hmmm... but I do not seem to be able
to put this hierarchic separation together in my code...

Does anyone out there has some code examples on how you apply MVP to a
tabbed application? :)

Sorry if this a stupid post!! :/

Thanks a lot,
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Re: Urgent help in GWT-Visualization

2010-01-21 Thread Brij Mohan
try out the faq

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Ramya Devi Dharmarajan wrote:


  I have a problem in my below code.Please share your thoughts.This is

 Code :


 TimeLine timeLine =
 *new* TimeLine();

 VisualizationUtils.*loadVisualizationApi*(timeLine, AnnotatedTimeLine.

 widget = timeLine.getAnnotatedChart();


 * Widget getAnnotatedChart(){

 widget = *new* AnnotatedTimeLine(getData(), getOption(), 700px, 240px);

 *return* widget;


 *private* AnnotatedTimeLine.Options getOption()


 AnnotatedTimeLine.Options options = AnnotatedTimeLine.Options.*create*();


 *return* options;


 *private* AbstractDataTable getData()


 DataTable data = DataTable.*create*();

 *DATE*, Date);

 *NUMBER*, First Label);

 return data;


 But i got the below exception.

 Uncaught exception escaped : -

 [ERROR] Uncaught exception escaped (TypeError):
 '$' is null or not an object
  number: -2146823281
  description: '$' is null or not an
  at$.create(Native Method)
  at org.soh.doh.ui.client.util.TimeLine.getData(
  at org.soh.doh.ui.client.util.TimeLine.getAnnotatedChart(
  at org.soh.doh.ui.client.mvc.CenterView.handleEvent(
  at com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.mvc.Dispatcher.dispatch(
  at com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.mvc.Dispatcher.dispatch(
  at com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.mvc.Dispatcher.dispatch(
  at com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.mvc.Dispatcher.forwardEvent(
  at org.soh.doh.ui.client.mvc.WestView$4.handleEvent(
  at org.soh.doh.ui.client.mvc.WestView$4.handleEvent(
  at com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Component.fireEvent(

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Building a Calendar Widget like Google Calendar with GWT advisable?

2010-01-21 Thread
Hi All,

I am quite new to GWT and currently evaluating this technology. For a
project I need to build an application containing a calendar such as
Google Calendar where the user can create and move events around. The
SmartGWT lib contains a Calendar Widget but I want to build my own due
to several reasons. However, when using the SmartGwt Calendar widget,
it seems very slow. Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that
building such kind of widgets with GWT will be slow. However, the
alternative to using GWT would be implenenting it in pure JavaScript
and using some of the libs such as Prototype, Dojo, etc. I am pretty
familiar with.

Has anyone build a Calendar in GWT or something similar and is willing
to share some experience?

Thanks very much!

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Re: Problem with deploy gadget on iGoogle

2010-01-21 Thread KeremTiryaki
I think you should check this article
Your problem may be about ajax request security (it is defined here )

On Jan 20, 10:58 pm, Vitaly Parfonov
 Any idea, please?

 2010/1/19 vetal

  Hi all!

  I develop gadget on GWT and try deploy it on iGoogle.
  My gadget call some REST service and during this calling i get Access
  to restricted URI denied can some body help me to solve this problem.


 Best regards,
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Link External (xerces jars ) to GWT application in Eclipse

2010-01-21 Thread nikki
I am new to GWT and am building an application using some external
jars such as xerces ,inspite of adding the jar files in the lib folder
I get the error

the import org.3wc cannot be resolved

can someone please tell me if there is another way to include the jar
files in a GWT application

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how to set pagination or add scroll bar to the TabBar of an TabPanel

2010-01-21 Thread blopes

I would like to add some kind of slide items to the  TabPanel TabBar .

I am adding dynamically labels to the tab and when the length of all
added labels is greater than the tab width
the symbol less() and greater() should appear in each side to be
able to scroll left and right. Or instead of that an scroll bar. I
would prefer the  and .

Do you have any idea how to do it ?

Thank you,

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GWT development process

2010-01-21 Thread Artem
I'm rather new in GWT and maybe I'm asking something really easy and
well-known, but I'm not able to find solution myself, so I really hope
you can help me...

I really like GWT but can't find a way to integrate in to our
development process.
We tried to do it as usual - we created cool HTML and CSS pages as a
markup and started to move all of that to GWT... And this became a
disaster for us ((
Almost everywhere we face different style problems... For examle, in
our CSS we have

input .test {}
input class='test' type='checkbox'...

In GWT we tried
CheckBox c = new CheckBox();

but of course that was converted to

div class='test'
   input type='checkbox'...

which mean CSS do not work any more.

This is just an example - we face different problems everywhere and
trying to create same page in GWT took us a lot of time. (If you add
to this that GWT could in next build change HTML presentation of
cotrol - it's even adds problems)

Of course in each case we could create a workaround... But it doen't
look like good way to use GWT in app. So it's probably some other nice
way to do this...

What we are doing wrong? What rules should we follow when creating
HTML/CSS? Or development process should be different and we shouldn't
create HTML first? Maybe somebody has a link to nice article which
could answer all this quesions?
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Compiling error with grails gwt

2010-01-21 Thread ricardo
Requisites instaled:

  - GWT 2.0
  - Grails 1.1.1
  - grails-gwt-plugin 0.4.1
  - java 1.6.07


  - Create grails project. Ok
  - Install gwt plugin. Ok
  - Generate Gwt clas. Ok
  - Asign the class to a gsp. Ok
  - Compile gwt modules or run-app. Error:

I try to compile my grails project with the gwt plugin intaled and I
get this response:

rgar...@dev04:~/projects/external/grails/gwt-sample$ grails
Welcome to Grails 1.1.1 -
Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
Grails home is set to: /home/rgarcia/software/grails/grails-1.1.1

Base Directory: /home/rgarcia/projects/external/grails/gwt-sample
Running script /home/rgarcia/.grails/1.1.1/projects/gwt-sample/
Environment set to development
Error executing script CompileGwtModules: No such property:
compile for class: _GwtInternal_groovy
gant.TargetMissingPropertyException: No such property: compile for
class: _GwtInternal_groovy
at gant.Gant$_dispatch_closure4.doCall(Gant.groovy:329)
at gant.Gant$_dispatch_closure6.doCall(Gant.groovy:334)
at gant.Gant$_dispatch_closure6.doCall(Gant.groovy)
at gant.Gant.withBuildListeners(Gant.groovy:344)
at gant.Gant.this$2$withBuildListeners(Gant.groovy)
at gant.Gant$this$2$withBuildListeners.callCurrent(Unknown
at gant.Gant.dispatch(Gant.groovy:334)
at gant.Gant.this$2$dispatch(Gant.groovy)
at gant.Gant.invokeMethod(Gant.groovy)
at gant.Gant.processTargets(Gant.groovy:495)
at gant.Gant.processTargets(Gant.groovy:480)
Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property:
compile for class: _GwtInternal_groovy
at _GwtInternal_groovy$_run_closure2.doCall(_GwtInternal_groovy:
at CompileGwtModules$_run_closure1.doCall(CompileGwtModules:14)
at gant.Gant$_dispatch_closure4.doCall(Gant.groovy:324)
... 10 more
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Re: Maven users survey

2010-01-21 Thread Eelco Hillenius

 6. In eclipse we just start Debug as Web application. (with all
 libraries manually copied into war/WEB-INF/lib)

This is our main problem, and I don't think it is related to only
maven builds. Instead of using the project's class path including
references to other projects and external jars like any other Eclipse
runner would do, Google's plugin decides to skip all of this and
insists on using the jars in WEB-INF/lib. Quite against what I
expected tbh, and the run configurations don't hint that either.

What would really help us is for the plugin to use the class path as
it is defined for the project, and not use the jars in WEB-INF/libs at
all. This way, you can break your project up in modules which
themselves are eclipse projects, so that you don't have to do a
complete jar build and copy the results to the WEB-INF/lib dir of the
GWT project, but instead can just keep working. This would help us
develop more efficiently, and it would also be more 'correct' in the
sense that there is no difference between what the project uses to
compile and run.
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Client did not send n bytes as expected

2010-01-21 Thread Vishal
We get this error:

WebModule[]Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call
javax.servlet.ServletException: Client did not send 142 bytes as
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

very rarely and it is not reproducible. I have seen posts earlier but
none of them justify the reason for it.

Appreciate if I can get some information:

1. Is it with the this version of GWT or related software, will
upgrading help?
2. How often you get this error?
3. Any more workaround?

Client: ie 6
Server: GlassFish 2, GWT 1.5.3. Java 5
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2010-01-21 Thread Florentine3D
I realized GWT-RPC. Everything works. When I click on the button I get
a message from the server and print on the web browser.
Question: How do I send mail using JavaMail with that simple button? I
do not know how to write code.

On the Internet I found only bits of how to do it and do not
understand. Tell me, please.
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Internet Explorer 8 and ActiveX object

2010-01-21 Thread CB

I have a problem with Internet Explorer 8 (both on Vista and Windows
7) and an AcitveX object.

Running the following plain javascript displays a test alert message
in the browser when loaded in Internet Explorer 8:

script type=text/javascript

var myActiveXObject = new ActiveXObject(MyBHO.MyActiveX);


But if I generate the exact same javascript via a GWT web
application as follows, nothing happens in Internet Explore 8:

private native void testMyActiveX () /*-{
var myActiveXObject = new ActiveXObject(MyBHO.MyActiveX);

However, running the GWT snippet above in Internet Explorer 7 works
perfectly fine.

Has anyone ran into a similar problems or has an idea about what goes
wrong here, when testing in Internet Explorer 8?

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Building GWT based application in a comfortable way with buildr (instead of Ant or Maven)

2010-01-21 Thread Sebastian

I am using buildr for compiling, building and packaging. I would like
to share the build script, I am using for my GWT project.

The build script is somewhat lengthy as compared to normal buildr
scripts as I haven't defined a buildr extension for the gwt compiling.
It is of course way shorter then a ant script or a maven script.

I can use it with 'buildr deploy' to upload the application to my
server or 'buildr install' to install it into my maven repository.
Best Regards
Sebastian Hennebrueder

require 'buildr'
# use my repository instead of the standard maven
repositories.remote  http://myrepositoryserver/artifactory/repo;

# define dependencies
TEST = [junit:junit:jar:4.5]
# guice
# bean lib


# define custom tasks
Project.local_task :deploy
Project.local_task :gwtc

define 'bundapfel' do
  project.version = '1.1'

  compile.with COMPILE

  task :gwtc do
puts GWT Compile
classpath = COMPILE+GWTBUILD + [src/main/resources, src/main/
[-war, target/gwt,
{:classpath = classpath, :java_args = [-

  # execute GWT compile before build
  task :build = :gwtc

  package(:war).include(target/gwt, :as = .)

  task :deploy = :package do
puts Deploying to server
%x{ scp #{warFile} myserver:#{id} }

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Re: On secure logins

2010-01-21 Thread olivier nouguier
Hi all,
 I've implemented some integration of Spring Security and GWT.
 It is exactly the process described by  Andrey:
* is using pattern (URL
* is using MVP pattern with
secured at method level.

The later project, is not very well documented, but if your are fluent with
GWT Spring and Maven it shouldn't be an issue.


PS: Currently, my current jobs is not GWT based :(, it's on my free time.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Alexander wrote:


 I do always authorise user action at services. I cant find out any other

 2010/1/21 ailinykh

 By this way you secure the main page only. What is pretty much
 All client/server communication is done through AJAX. You can't secure
 it by a traditional servlet filter,
 because GWT serialization doesn't know anything about redirect. You
 will have something like serialization Exception.
 Also you have to think about user authorization. Users with different
 roles allowed to have access to different resources.

 I see the only way to do it- in every RPC call check user identity and
 permissions, then  throw application defined exception if something is
 On client side you have to catch that exception and redirect to login

 Thank you,

 On Jan 21, 6:35 am, FKereki wrote:
  Hi! I was just checking the consensus on how to do a secure login and
  it seems to be along the lines of:
  * set a simple login application to run athttps://
  * set the rest of your application to run athttp://
  * if the user tries to directly go to,
  redirect him to
  * on successful login, set a cookie, and redirect tohttp://
  Is this it? Am I missing something? Any better ways to do it?

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A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the
Mohandas Gandhi

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Re: Code coverage for GWT

2010-01-21 Thread Arthur Kalmenson
AFAIK only Emma currently covers GWTTestCases. We use it with Sonar and it
works well.

All the best,
Arthur Kalmenson

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 12:38 AM, Feldman, Nir wrote:

  Do both fully support GWT (including coverage for GWTTestCase)?

 *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Davis
 *Sent:* Monday, November 23, 2009 8:27 PM
 *Subject:* Re: Code coverage for GWT

 I like maven-emma-plugin or maven-cobertura-plugin

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Nir Feldman wrote:

 I want to have a code coverage for a GWT client built using maven.
 what plugin is the most recommended?



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 Zeno Consulting, Inc.
 p: 248.894.4922
 f: 313.884.2977


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Re: What causes, and how to trace it?

2010-01-21 Thread g p
When you press the compile button in Eclipse, there is a drop down menu
called: Output Style. One of the options there is the detailed. I suppose
that would do the trick ...

2010/1/21 John V Denley

 Id still like to know how to set this setting via eclipse, which im
 sure is very simple for someone who knows!



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App Runs in IE - Nothing Happens in Firefox (Link Included)

2010-01-21 Thread Russ
Here is a link to my App:

It runs just fine in IE, but I get nothing in Firefox. The console
error I get in Firebug says: 'a' is null. Since I can't make heads or
tails of the obfuscated javascript, I don't know what 'a' is null

Can anyone offer suggestions?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Maven users survey

2010-01-21 Thread olivier nouguier
As a complement I like to say that when using noserver mode

   - using a classic WTP deployment approach for server side component
   - GEP in this case manage only the GWT (client) code

In this case, it works perfectly as you expected.
It is just the embedded jetty server classpath that doesn't fit.

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 6:04 PM, Eelco Hillenius

  6. In eclipse we just start Debug as Web application. (with all
  libraries manually copied into war/WEB-INF/lib)

 This is our main problem, and I don't think it is related to only
 maven builds. Instead of using the project's class path including
 references to other projects and external jars like any other Eclipse
 runner would do, Google's plugin decides to skip all of this and
 insists on using the jars in WEB-INF/lib. Quite against what I
 expected tbh, and the run configurations don't hint that either.

 What would really help us is for the plugin to use the class path as
 it is defined for the project, and not use the jars in WEB-INF/libs at
 all. This way, you can break your project up in modules which
 themselves are eclipse projects, so that you don't have to do a
 complete jar build and copy the results to the WEB-INF/lib dir of the
 GWT project, but instead can just keep working. This would help us
 develop more efficiently, and it would also be more 'correct' in the
 sense that there is no difference between what the project uses to
 compile and run.

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A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the
Mohandas Gandhi

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Re: App Runs in IE - Nothing Happens in Firefox (Link Included)

2010-01-21 Thread olivier nouguier
compile and deploy with pretty instead of OBS :)

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Russ wrote:

 Here is a link to my App:

 It runs just fine in IE, but I get nothing in Firefox. The console
 error I get in Firebug says: 'a' is null. Since I can't make heads or
 tails of the obfuscated javascript, I don't know what 'a' is null

 Can anyone offer suggestions?

 Thanks in advance,

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A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the
Mohandas Gandhi

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Re: What causes, and how to trace it?

2010-01-21 Thread John Denley
I dont get that option, where is this compile button you refer to? I
always use the run as, there is a Compile GWT project under that, but it
doesnt give me any options, it just starts compiling!

Incidentally, I have now deployed this fixed for IE version, and online,
it doesnt work, even though locally it works fine! sigh.

2010/1/21 g p

 When you press the compile button in Eclipse, there is a drop down menu
 called: Output Style. One of the options there is the detailed. I suppose
 that would do the trick ...

 2010/1/21 John V Denley

 Id still like to know how to set this setting via eclipse, which im
 sure is very simple for someone who knows!


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Re: Can I add a UIObject to a Panel?

2010-01-21 Thread Niclas Hedhman
You don't need to add the bound class to the Panel. Create a ui:field
for the entire form/panel in the XML file.


On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Lyn Headley wrote:

 I am using the UIBinder to build a div, by binding an xml file to a
 java class which extends UIObject.  However, I cannot add an instance
 of this class to a panel using the Panel's add method, because add
 takes an object of type Widget, and I don't have one of those; I have
 a UIObject.

 Is there a way to add a UIObject to a panel, or else to construct a
 suitable Widget from a UIObject?



 Lyn Headley
 UCSD Communication and Science Studies

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Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer - New Energy for Java

I  live here;
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Re: App Runs in IE - Nothing Happens in Firefox (Link Included)

2010-01-21 Thread Russ
Okay, I depolyed with pretty. Now the Firebug error is: this$static is
What does this mean? How come the app works in IE but not Firefox?

Here's a link to the app again:
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Re: Maven users survey

2010-01-21 Thread Miguel Méndez
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Eelco Hillenius

  6. In eclipse we just start Debug as Web application. (with all
  libraries manually copied into war/WEB-INF/lib)

 This is our main problem, and I don't think it is related to only
 maven builds. Instead of using the project's class path including
 references to other projects and external jars like any other Eclipse
 runner would do, Google's plugin decides to skip all of this and
 insists on using the jars in WEB-INF/lib. Quite against what I
 expected tbh, and the run configurations don't hint that either.

 What would really help us is for the plugin to use the class path as
 it is defined for the project, and not use the jars in WEB-INF/libs at
 all. This way, you can break your project up in modules which
 themselves are eclipse projects, so that you don't have to do a
 complete jar build and copy the results to the WEB-INF/lib dir of the
 GWT project, but instead can just keep working. This would help us
 develop more efficiently, and it would also be more 'correct' in the
 sense that there is no difference between what the project uses to
 compile and run.

From a user perspective, you want dependent projects to be accounted for
when using a Web App launch configuration.  That is perfectly reasonable.

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Re: Prevent class conversion when compiling modules

2010-01-21 Thread getaceres
I have something similar. I have this:

class A {}

class B implements Serializable {
  some serializable fields
  private transient A field;

  private A getA() {
return field;

  private void setA(A val) {
this.field = val;

Both classes are JPA classes and it's only that B class has a
relationship with a non serializable A class, which the GWT client
doesn't have to know about. The rest of it, is serializable.
In this case, class A and B are in the same jar and the jar has the
sources included, but only B is in the GWT module (the client folder).
When I try to include this jar in my GWT project, I get an exception:

No source code is available for type; did you
forget to inherit a required module?

I tried putting the GwtTransient annotation to field A but the result
is the same. I think that GWT should completely ignore the classes
that are transient and its getters and setters and don't try to even
compile them.
It's a shame that, almost for every hibernate class that I have, I
have to create another class which has exactly the same fields, except
for one or two of them, and that I have to be putting all the data
from one bean to another all the time. It would be so much simple to
mark in my beans just the parts that the compiler shouldn't care

On 14 ene, 14:55, Chris Lercher wrote:
 Well, it works for me. I didn't try it with TopLink - I used POJOs
 instead - but when I declare the fieldtransient, it works (according
 to the SOYC Compile Report).


 public class WantThat implements Serializable {
         privatetransientDontWantThat dontWantThat;

         public DontWantThat getDontWantThat() {
                 return dontWantThat;


 public class DontWantThat implements Serializable {


 public interface SomeService extends RemoteService {
   WantThat getWantThat();}


 DontWantThat is not in my Compile Report. If I remove thetransient
 keyword, it is.

 Maybe there's something different with your case. Maybe something is
 accessing your getDontWantThat()? Circular references at least?
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2010-01-21 Thread Hasan Turksoy

you can use this[1] code... server side mail service from one of my



On Jan 20, 9:38 pm, Florentine3D wrote:
 I realized GWT-RPC. Everything works. When I click on the button I get
 a message from the server and print on the web browser.
 Question: How do I send mail using JavaMail with that simple button? I
 do not know how to write code.

 On the Internet I found only bits of how to do it and do not
 understand. Tell me, please.
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Re: Building a Calendar Widget like Google Calendar with GWT advisable?

2010-01-21 Thread Hasan Turksoy

i don't know much about it but there is a component library including
calendar here:

you can see the demo from here:

hope it helps,


On Jan 21, 2:24 pm,
 Hi All,

 I am quite new to GWT and currently evaluating this technology. For a
 project I need to build an application containing a calendar such as
 Google Calendar where the user can create and move events around. The
 SmartGWT lib contains a Calendar Widget but I want to build my own due
 to several reasons. However, when using the SmartGwt Calendar widget,
 it seems very slow. Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that
 building such kind of widgets with GWT will be slow. However, the
 alternative to using GWT would be implenenting it in pure JavaScript
 and using some of the libs such as Prototype, Dojo, etc. I am pretty
 familiar with.

 Has anyone build a Calendar in GWT or something similar and is willing
 to share some experience?

 Thanks very much!

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Re: LGPL and other restrictive licenses

2010-01-21 Thread Open eSignForms
See other postings about this, related to SmartGWT LGPL for example.  Nobody
here is a lawyer, so you can only take our info for what little it's worth.
Note that SmartGWT and some others have extra clauses added to the LGPL
that will allow you to do so because they allow the fact that with GWT, the
LGPL code is actually merged into your code base so it cannot be
replaced/installed independently of your compiled code.  In effect, they are
acknowledging the reality that your code is only using the library's API
(presuming you are not changing the API code, which would still require you
release that code) and so falls under that interpretation.  But without the
added clause, it could be tricky as your code does get mixed in and the user
can't just patch the GWT library code without having your source to
recompile/bind/link it together.

Server-side LGPL code generally doesn't have this issue.

And no open source license protects you should it be found that the library
itself is not fully owned by the project owners -- that is, they may violate
patents or have stolen code from elsewhere without your knowledge.  Some of
this can be ameliorated by using well established projects where the code is
more likely to have been vetted, or even those from companies that also
offer commercial licenses for the same software if those licenses provide
such protections because companies are less likely to offer such terms for
money when it's not true -- but in the end, it's always buyer beware,
whether open or closed.

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HTML5 DND and File Upload...

2010-01-21 Thread DaveC

I've have a working implementation in IE, FF and Chrome (using Gears
where necessary - GWT 2.0) that allows me to capture when a file is
dragged from the desktop and dropped into the browser window.

The next part of the puzzle is to grab the file data/content and
upload it... grabbing the data is trivial when using the Gears
implementation (as Gears creates a Blob as a property of the File -
I've implemented my own GWT Gears API as the one on Google Code wasn't
compatible with GWT 2).

I've created a GWT implementation of the HTML5 File spec (FileList,
FileError, File... etc) and have a FileReader that does the reading of
the file in browsers that currently support the spec (Firefox 3.6)

I've created a bunch of Handlers and Events for the FileReader
(loadstart, loadend, progress etc) and I've added a HandlerManager to
my FileReader class... and this is where things go wrong...

The events come out of the Native (javascript) FileReader which calls
(for instance) which gets all the way to the
HandlerManager in the FileReader class and then a low level (JS) error
is thrown... something like cannot find static it also appears
to be not detectecting that (for instance) the event passed in is a
LoadStartEvent - it just thinks it's a generic GwtEvent...

My question is should I be using HandlerManager? Or is this only
supposed to be for Widgets... I cannot believe that something like
this is so hard/complicated to do in GWT/Java... when I have a fully
working JS version (in a about 20 lines of code) - I'm trying to port
to GWT for use inside an Enterprise B2B app...

Please, are there any GWT engineers/experts listening that can (at
least) point me in the right direction - I realise that there are
probably NDAs relating to how to do this in GWT (because of the WAVE
Client App) - but just a nod in the right direction would help...

My intention is to open source all this once I've got something that

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Re: HandlerManager

2010-01-21 Thread PaulBee
I think that would be a good solution but neither FlexTable nor Panel
(be it Horizontal or Vertical) have OnFocus and Blur handlers...

Do you have any container to suggest?

Thank you,
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2010-01-21 Thread Artem Borodin
Thank you. I try this is code

2010/1/21 Hasan Turksoy

 you can use this[1] code... server side mail service from one of my



 On Jan 20, 9:38 pm, Florentine3D wrote:
  I realized GWT-RPC. Everything works. When I click on the button I get
  a message from the server and print on the web browser.
  Question: How do I send mail using JavaMail with that simple button? I
  do not know how to write code.
  On the Internet I found only bits of how to do it and do not
  understand. Tell me, please.

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2010-01-21 Thread isolanet
we are implementing several application in GWT adopting the MVP
pattern. All our requirements are expressed in User Stories and we
would like to provide the possibility to define test via keywords
starting from the Presenter. We are evaluating Robot Framework (http:// but we have a problem: how it is
possible to call the Presenter? Like GWTTest?
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Re: MVP and tabs :)

2010-01-21 Thread Stine Søndergaard
Hmm... let's say I have a MainPanelView.ui.xml containing...

ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''
  g:TabLayoutPanel barUnit='PX' barHeight='30'
  g:headerTab A/g:header
  g:DecoratorPanel ui:field=tab_a/g:DecoratorPanel
  g:headerTab B/g:header
  g:DecoratorPanel ui:field=tab_b/g:DecoratorPanel

... and a TabAView.ui.xml containing...

ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''
g:LabelClick if you like tab A:/g:Label
g:Button text=Click me, click me! :P ui:field=button_a/

... and a TabBView.ui.xml containing...

ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''
g:LabelClick if you like tab B:/g:Label
g:Button text=Click me, click me! :P ui:field=button_b/

... and then I define a view and a presenter class for each of these
templates... hmm... and then I am kind of stuck!! D I can make my
AppController call the go method of a MainPanelPresenter object containing
an instance of the MainPanelView object... but don't see where the TabA and
TabB classes get into play... argh!

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Re: Prevent class conversion when compiling modules

2010-01-21 Thread Chris Lercher
I believe that what you expect from the GWT compiler is probably a lot
harder to achieve than just pruning unused methods (which is already
a great feature IMO).

gwtc compiles Java source - Javascript. I assume that it can't read
Java bytecode at all (?) So just providing a jar file which contains
class A as bytecode won't work.

In theory, gwtc might be able to completely ignore A, but that's
generally not so easy. (It's something that javac can't do either: It
needs a .java file or a .class file for every type you reference.)

Therefore, I wouldn't say that it's a shame, or that it's
disappointing at all. It would be a quite ambitious feature for a
compiler of a strongly typed language.

On Jan 21, 5:12 pm, getaceres wrote:
 I have something similar. I have this:

 class A {}

 class B implements Serializable {
   some serializable fields
   private transient A field;

   private A getA() {
     return field;

   private void setA(A val) {
     this.field = val;


 Both classes are JPA classes and it's only that B class has a
 relationship with a non serializable A class, which the GWT client
 doesn't have to know about. The rest of it, is serializable.
 In this case, class A and B are in the same jar and the jar has the
 sources included, but only B is in the GWT module (the client folder).
 When I try to include this jar in my GWT project, I get an exception:

 No source code is available for type; did you
 forget to inherit a required module?

 I tried putting the GwtTransient annotation to field A but the result
 is the same. I think that GWT should completely ignore the classes
 that are transient and its getters and setters and don't try to even
 compile them.
 It's a shame that, almost for every hibernate class that I have, I
 have to create another class which has exactly the same fields, except
 for one or two of them, and that I have to be putting all the data
 from one bean to another all the time. It would be so much simple to
 mark in my beans just the parts that the compiler shouldn't care

 On 14 ene, 14:55, Chris Lercher wrote:

  Well, it works for me. I didn't try it with TopLink - I used POJOs
  instead - but when I declare the fieldtransient, it works (according
  to the SOYC Compile Report).


  public class WantThat implements Serializable {
          privatetransientDontWantThat dontWantThat;

          public DontWantThat getDontWantThat() {
                  return dontWantThat;


  public class DontWantThat implements Serializable {


  public interface SomeService extends RemoteService {
    WantThat getWantThat();}


  DontWantThat is not in my Compile Report. If I remove thetransient
  keyword, it is.

  Maybe there's something different with your case. Maybe something is
  accessing your getDontWantThat()? Circular references at least?
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Re: Maven users survey

2010-01-21 Thread Flemming Boller

We, at my work, use a different approach, than others I see mentioned here.

We are developers using eclipse and Intellij. Important for us is IDE
indenpendent usage, so I have created a file
which actually starts with appropriate arguments. That way
the setup in eclipse and Intellij is the same, as developing e.g a swing

Build process.
For the build process it self we use maven2, but do NOT use any gwt plugins.
Our build consists of many jar files and war files.
Everythings gets build by maven2 except for the UserInterface modules. Here
we use the maven-antrun-plugin to wrap the build.xml, and still get the
benefit of maven2 dependencies management.

Actually it is working quite great for us. Our appliction sofar has lived
for 1.5 years, and I expect the lifetime to be bigger than 7-10 years. (our
previously strus app, sofar has been used for almost 10 years).

comments are welcome!


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Keith Platfoot kplatf...@google.comwrote:

 Hi folks,

 For the next release of the Google Plugin for Eclipse, we're planning on
 making a few tweaks to make life easier for Maven users. That's right: we've
 seen the stars on the issue tracker, and have decided it's time to act. I
 would say, we feel your pain, but the problem is, we don't. Which is to
 say, nobody on the plugin team actually uses Maven (everybody around here
 uses Ant). However, I've been researching Maven to determine exactly what
 changes we should make to allow it to work more seamlessly with the Google
 Eclipse Plugin. I've read the relevant issues and groups postings, so I
 think I have a rough idea of what needs to happen. However, before we go and
 make any changes, I wanted to ask for the community's advice.  So, here are
 some questions for you.

 What is the typical workflow of a GWT developer using Maven?

 I've installed Maven and the gwt-maven-plugin 1.2-SNAPSHOT and managed to
 create a GWT 2.0 app with the provided archetype. After some tweaking, I'm
 able to GWT compile, debug with Eclipse (though not via our Web App launch
 configuration), create a WAR, etc. However, I'm more interested in how
 you all are doing things. For example:

 How do you...

- Create a new project?
- Perform GWT compiles?
- Debug with Eclipse?
- Run your tests?
- Create a WAR for deployment?

 What specific pain points do Maven users run into when using the Google

 I know one major obstacle is that our plugin currently treats the war
 directory as both an input (e.g. static resources, WEB-INF/lib,
 WEB-INF/web.xml) and output (WEB-INF/classes, GWT artifacts like nocache.js
 and hosted.html) . Maven convention, however, says that /src/main/webapp
 should be input only, which means that hosted mode (or development mode, in
 GWT 2.0) needs to run from a staging directory (e.g. gwt:run creates a /war
 folder on demand). This mismatch results in the plugin creating spurious
 validation errors and breaks our Web App launch configuration.

 Another incompatibility is that Maven projects depend on the GWT Jars in
 the Maven repo, whereas our plugin expects to always find a GWT SDK library
 on the classpath.

 Are my descriptions of these pain points accurate?  If so, one possible
 solution would be for the plugin to allow the definition of an input war
 directory (e.g. src/main/webapp) separate from a launch-time staging
 directory, and for us to relax the requirement that all GWT projects must
 have a GWT SDK library.  So tell me: would these changes adequately reduce
 the friction between Maven and the Google plugin?

 Also, are there other problems Maven users are running into when using the

 Thanks in advance for all feedback,

 Keith, on behalf of the Google Plugin for Eclipse team

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Re: HandlerManager

2010-01-21 Thread DaveC
Something like...

ListBox box = new ListBox();

final PushButton button = new PushButton(Hidden);

FocusPanel p = new FocusPanel();
p.addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() {

public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) {

p.addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler() {

public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) {

FlowPanel f = new FlowPanel();




On Jan 21, 4:54 pm, PaulBee wrote:
 I think that would be a good solution but neither FlexTable nor Panel
 (be it Horizontal or Vertical) have OnFocus and Blur handlers...

 Do you have any container to suggest?

 Thank you,
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Re: Prevent class conversion when compiling modules

2010-01-21 Thread Warpitaly
I would agree with you, if not for the small fact that GWT does not
recognize some elementary J2SE features (clone, sublist, etc).
I understand the reasons behind that, and accept them.


I there-say that ignoring fields marked as @transient should be quite
easy to implement...

On Jan 21, 6:24 pm, Chris Lercher wrote:

 In theory, gwtc might be able to completely ignore A, but that's
 generally not so easy. (It's something that javac can't do either: It
 needs a .java file or a .class file for every type you reference.)

 Therefore, I wouldn't say that it's a shame, or that it's
 disappointing at all. It would be a quite ambitious feature for a
 compiler of a strongly typed language.

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Re: Prevent class conversion when compiling modules

2010-01-21 Thread Chris Lercher
On Jan 21, 6:32 pm, Warpitaly wrote:
 I there-say that ignoring fields marked as @transient should be quite
 easy to implement...

If none of the gwt compiled code will access the field, it's certainly
easy. But that's unlikely (you have getters and setters, right?).

If some of your client code does access the field - and this can
happen indirectly - the class signature will be required. But how do
you know that at compile time, if you can't compile the methods that
access the fields (because they would need the class signature,
too)... Chicken and egg problem. Probably it can be solved, but 'easy
to implement' might be an understatement.
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Re: Building a Calendar Widget like Google Calendar with GWT advisable?

2010-01-21 Thread Paul Robinson

Paul wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am quite new to GWT and currently evaluating this technology. For a
 project I need to build an application containing a calendar such as
 Google Calendar where the user can create and move events around. The
 SmartGWT lib contains a Calendar Widget but I want to build my own due
 to several reasons. However, when using the SmartGwt Calendar widget,
 it seems very slow. Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that
 building such kind of widgets with GWT will be slow. However, the
 alternative to using GWT would be implenenting it in pure JavaScript
 and using some of the libs such as Prototype, Dojo, etc. I am pretty
 familiar with.

 Has anyone build a Calendar in GWT or something similar and is willing
 to share some experience?

 Thanks very much!

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Set caption on FlexTable

2010-01-21 Thread Pion
I am looking at the following:

o FlexTable example on

o Table caption example on

How do I set caption on FlexTable() on GWT 2.0?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Re: Set caption on FlexTable

2010-01-21 Thread Pion
The following works:
FlexTable flexTable = new FlexTable();
Element caption = DOM.createCaption();
DOM.setInnerText(caption, CAPTION);

DOM.appendChild(flexTable.getElement(), caption);

On Jan 21, 10:02 am, Pion wrote:
 I am looking at the following:

 o FlexTable example 

 o Table caption example 

 How do I set caption on FlexTable() on GWT 2.0?

 Thanks in advance for your help.
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remote testing using manual mode

2010-01-21 Thread aliman
Hi all, has anyone had any problems doing remote testing in manual

I figured out how to get my eclipse-generated test run configuration
to run in manual mode by putting...

-Dgwt.args=-runStyle Manual:1

...into the VM args box of the run configuration, and when I try to
run the tests from a browser on the localhost, I have no problem, but
when I try to run the test from a remote host, I get the following in
my console...

[WARN] StandardContext[]Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call
java.lang.SecurityException: Blocked hosted mode request
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardValveContext.invokeNext
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invokeInternal
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardValveContext.invokeNext
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardValveContext.invokeNext
at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardValveContext.invokeNext
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardValveContext.invokeNext
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteAdapter.service(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$

I actually get the same problem if I run the tests from a browser on
the local machine but use the machines actual address instead of

When I looked at [1] I found...

if (!allowHostedModeConnections()) {
  throw new SecurityException(Blocked hosted mode request);

... and a bit further down ...

   * Indicates whether or not an RPC request from a hosted mode client
should be
   * serviced. Requests from hosted mode clients will expose
   * identifiers in the payload. It is intended that developers
override this
   * method to restrict access based on installation-specific logic
(such as a
   * range of IP addresses, checking for certain cookies, etc.)
   * p
   * The default implementation allows hosted-mode connections from
the local
   * host, loopback addresses (127.*), site local (RFC 1918), link
   * (169.254/16) addresses, and their IPv6 equivalents.
   * @return codetrue/code if a hosted mode connection should be
   * @see #getThreadLocalRequest()
   * @see InetAddress
  protected boolean allowHostedModeConnections() {
return isRequestFromLocalAddress();

... which suggests that you cannot run the tests from a remote client.

However, the docs [2,3] say you *can* use manual mode for remote

Am I missing something?

Any help greatly appreciated,



Re: HandlerManager

2010-01-21 Thread PaulBee
Thank you DaveC,

But the BlurHandler doesn't seem to work on the FocusPanel.
I've tryed every way of taking the focus away from the panel, and it
is just not calling the BLurHandler...

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FireFox 3.6 Can't Debug Anymore :(

2010-01-21 Thread
I just upgraded my firefox and now I cant debug anymore.

Only firefox seem to handle the slow ajax rpc speed in converting all
the data i get from the server.

chrome and ie seems to not work well. I tried to override the
compatibility of the extension and it didnt seem to work.

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GWT Compiler Missed an Error

2010-01-21 Thread Russ
Im my HTML file I have:
td id=PanelSlot/td

In my project .java file I have:

(Note the difference: The 'P' in PanelSlot is upper-cae in the HTML
file, and lower-case in the .java file)

GWT 1.7.1 comiled this with no errors, and the deployment worked in
IE, but not in Firefox. Firebug complained that it didn't know what
lower-case panelSlot was (so it resolved to null). Therefore,
Firefox would not run the app (although IE would).

Shouldn't the compiler have caught this?

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Anchor: Link vs Visited color

2010-01-21 Thread Pion
I have the following code snippet on GWT 2.0:

Anchor anchor = new Anchor(Foo,;);

Also, I have the following CSS snippet

/* test 1 */
.anchor {

The current behavior:

o The color is red  before clicking Foo. It works as expected.
o The color is blue afterclicking Foo. I was expecting it to be
still red.

I tried

/* test 2 */
.anchor a {


/* test 3 */
.anchor a:link a:visited {

Test 1, 2 and 3 change the color after the user click Foo..

How can I keep the color red before and after clicking Foo?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Re: Upgrading from 1.4 to 2.0

2010-01-21 Thread Freller

I turned on -compileReport and found that the Compiler was compiling
both locale=pt and locale=default
so I change my locale to extend-property name=locale
values=default/ and now it
creates only one permutation!


On Jan 21, 6:36 pm, I wrote:
 Question. Even specifying one locale and one user.agent the gwt Compiler
 compiles 2 permutation. Is this the minimum number of permutations
 produced by the compiler? What else can be done to accelerate compiler
 time during development?
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Re: Where can I find older Versions of the Eclipse Plugin?

2010-01-21 Thread Sandra Lo
Hi Keith,

Can you also provide the same for 3.4 version of eclipse, or are they
not supported anymore?


On Dec 10 2009, 9:28 am, Keith Platfoot wrote:
 Hi Chris,

 You're correct; the update site always points to only the latest version of
 the plugin.  However, we do have zip distributions of some older versions
 available as well, although I don't believe this is documented anywhere.
  Here are the URL's for plugin versions back to 1.1.0:


 Note that these URL's are active right now, but we can't guarantee they
 won't disappear at some point in the future.  Also, zip distributions come
 with a few caveats, which you can learn about from this page in our help

 Finally, I want to point out that the latest version of the plugin (1.2.0)
 should be backwards compatible with older versions of the GWT SDK, at least
 back to 1.6.  Is there a particular reason you're looking for older versions
 of the plugin itself?


 On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Chris Moog 
  Does anybody know where to download older Versions of the Eclipse
  Plugin? points to the current
  version. Is there an archive where I can find earlier versions?




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Re: GWT Compiler Missed an Error

2010-01-21 Thread


1. It isn't until (the javascript) run-time that id=panelSlot is

2. The compiler may not necessarily not know which html page is
calling this js code, or if its needs to be a static html page that
will call this js code.

3. In my opinion, the error is in the html page, not the js code...

On Jan 22, 4:21 am, Russ wrote:
 Im my HTML file I have:
 td id=PanelSlot/td

 In my project .java file I have:

 (Note the difference: The 'P' in PanelSlot is upper-cae in the HTML
 file, and lower-case in the .java file)

 GWT 1.7.1 comiled this with no errors, and the deployment worked in
 IE, but not in Firefox. Firebug complained that it didn't know what
 lower-case panelSlot was (so it resolved to null). Therefore,
 Firefox would not run the app (although IE would).

 Shouldn't the compiler have caught this?


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Re: Anchor: Link vs Visited color

2010-01-21 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 21 jan, 22:23, Pion wrote:
 I have the following code snippet on GWT 2.0:

             Anchor anchor = new Anchor(Foo,;);

 Also, I have the following CSS snippet

 /* test 1 */
 .anchor {


 The current behavior:

 o The color is red  before clicking Foo. It works as expected.
 o The color is blue after    clicking Foo. I was expecting it to be
 still red.

 I tried

 /* test 2 */
 .anchor a {



 /* test 3 */
 .anchor a:link a:visited {


 Test 1, 2 and 3 change the color after the user click Foo..

 How can I keep the color red before and after clicking Foo?

 Thanks in advance for your help.

.anchor *is* the a, so you'd have to write either of:

   .anchor:visited {...}
   a.anchor:visited {...}

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Re: I18NSync and plural forms

2010-01-21 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 20 jan, 21:23, thm wrote:
 Hey gurus,
 using GWT 2.0 I fiddled around with i18n and plural forms.  From the
 examples I thought I could write

 addressBookTab_removeAddressConfirmationDialogTitle=Remove {0,number}

 in my properties file and then run the I18NSync tool and have my java
 interface generated.  However, what I get is:

    * Translated Remove {0,number,integer} Addresses?.
    * @return translated Remove {0,number,integer} Addresses?
   @DefaultMessage(Remove {0,number,integer} Addresses?)
   String addressBookTab_removeAddressConfirmationDialogTitle(String

    * Translated Remove Address?.
    * @return translated Remove Address?
   @DefaultMessage(Remove Address?)
   String addressBookTab_removeAddressConfirmationDialogTitle_one_();

 Even worse, when I manually write a method like

 @DefaultMessage(Remove {0,number} Addresses?)
 @PluralText({one, Remove Address?})
 String addressBookTab_removeAddressConfirmationDialogTitle
 (@PluralCount int addressCount);

 everything works as expected.  But when I run I18NSync again, it
 _overwrites_ the method with the two methods shown above.  That's not
 exactly sync, it's more like fuck it up, rather.

 What am I doing wrong?

I believe I18NSync is going to become deprecated.

Why don't you write your interface first with the appropriate
@Generate annotation and then grab the generated *.properties file (in
the -extra dir) to help you translate your app?
When you need a new label in your app, just create a new method in
your Messages interface, with the appropriate @DefaultValue
annotation; if you need help in updating your translated *.properties
file, then compile your app with the -extra somefolder argument and
grab the generated properties file to see what you should add to your
other files.

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Re: FireFox 3.6 Can't Debug Anymore :(

2010-01-21 Thread Jim Douglas
When you clicked Get the New Version, it should have taken you to a
dialogue that says Incompatible Add-ons Found.  I'm seeing a
dialogue that says:

Some of your add-ons won't work with Firefox 3.6, and will be
disabled.  As soon as they are made compatible, Firefox will update
and re-enable these add-ons:

Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin for Firefox 1.0.7263

You should be able to uninstall Firefox 3.6 and revert to Firefox

On Jan 21, 11:56 am,
 I just upgraded my firefox and now I cant debug anymore.

 Only firefox seem to handle the slow ajax rpc speed in converting all
 the data i get from the server.

 chrome and ie seems to not work well. I tried to override the
 compatibility of the extension and it didnt seem to work.

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Re: Anchor: Link vs Visited color

2010-01-21 Thread Pion
Thanks for your help. I followed your advice. It works!

Specifically, I did the following:

.anchor:link {

.anchor:visited {

On Jan 21, 2:18 pm, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On 21 jan, 22:23, Pion wrote:

  I have the following code snippet on GWT 2.0:

              Anchor anchor = new Anchor(Foo,;);

  Also, I have the following CSS snippet

  /* test 1 */
  .anchor {


  The current behavior:

  o The color is red  before clicking Foo. It works as expected.
  o The color is blue after    clicking Foo. I was expecting it to be
  still red.

  I tried

  /* test 2 */
  .anchor a {



  /* test 3 */
  .anchor a:link a:visited {


  Test 1, 2 and 3 change the color after the user click Foo..

  How can I keep the color red before and after clicking Foo?

  Thanks in advance for your help.

 .anchor *is* the a, so you'd have to write either of:

    .anchor:visited {...}
    a.anchor:visited {...}

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Re: MVP Article... Source Code?

2010-01-21 Thread Ben Harris
I've used the method here (
2009/11/02/async-with-gin.html) to handle services.

It is a mixture of 1 and 2, you inject the services into the presenter
(Is it is Guice best practice to inject what you need instead of
injecting the service registry), but you also have a service registry.
Then when you have another GINjector you can pass the services
registry to that and use the service methods as providers for the

On Jan 20, 4:09 am, Yaakov wrote:
 So, in the case where you might end up needing more than 1 service, it
 seems from what I've read, there are 2 approaches out there:
 1) Pass ALL services (via their interfaces) to the presenter. This can
 also be done by injecting them.
 2) Have a global service registry which initializes all the services
 in the entire app and can be reached throughout the app, i.e.,
 EditContectServiceAsync GWTServiceRegistry.getEditContactService().

 Anyone care to comment which way is better and why? Both approaches
 seem to be valid and have their pros/cons.

 Also, are there any other approaches to this that anyone knows about?


 On Jan 16, 8:43 pm, ojay wrote:


  i agree with Julien  it would be interesting how his case would be
  handled. Does somebody has an idea?

  Hope somebody will response to this topic

  On 10 Jan., 14:30, Juju wrote:


   There is one thing that I don't understand very well. I'm building an
   application with multiple services (imagine something like
   contactService, teamService, etc). Is there multiple AppController? In
   yourexample, the AppController is link with one service (the
   ContactService). It's a little dark for me.



   On 3 jan, 20:48, Flemming Boller wrote:

Hi Chris

Thanks for you input around the dividing of presenters and views in 
apps like Gmail.

Do you have any brief input on how  runAsync andMVPplay together?


On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Chris Ramsdale 

 Having multiple presenters driving a single view would be a bit 
 Typically want to the presenter to define the display interface that 
 view will implement. Having multiple presenters drive a single view 
 that either a) the display interface is defined in some parent 
 class, or b) one of the presenters is responsible for defining the 
 interface. Either way, it decouples the presenter-display 
 relationship that
 is inherent to theMVParchitecture.

 For applications with large UI frontends, you could consider breaking 
 UI up into smaller presenter/view pairs that are managed by some 
 class. Take forexampleGmail; the folder list would be one presenter 
 an associated view, the inbox list another, the Google Talk interface
 another, and so on. All of these would then be managed by some
 MainViewController class.

 Keeping widget-based code out of the presenter for ease of testing is
 golden. Beyond that it's really a question how much code you want to
 maintain within a single presenter and view.

 On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Yaakov Chaikin 

 Chris, or anyone else with experience onMVPin GWT...

 Practically, do you always have 1 view as the user sees it, i.e., the
 whole GUI, or if your GUI has many components (as most GUIs do), do
 you have multiple views, and most importantly, multiple presenters,
 presenting 1 coherent view to the user? In yourexample, this would be
 similar to splitting the GUI into a view that has the buttons and the
 GUI that has the list.

 How would that be handled inMVP?


 On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Chris Ramsdale
  While I see that someone has already found it, I just wanted to let
  know that it's officially there.

  We're looking to put together parts 2 and 3 shortly. So far I have 
  and Code Splitting integration as topics of interest. Let us know 
  would be of help.
  - Chris

  On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 1:00 PM, jpnet 

  I really like this article:

  However, it's almost useless without the entire source package. 
  there any plans to post the source code?




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Re: javascript error (invalid Argument)

2010-01-21 Thread John V Denley
OK I lied, whilst this fix worked on my local system, and I no longer
get a javascript invalid arguement error.

However as soon as I deploy it live (using GAE to host) it doesnt work
anymore and doesnt give any errors or anything, it just seems to

If anyone wants to try to figure out whats wrong with it, feel free,
you can play with it at:, remember the problem
is ONLY in IE, it works fine in all other browsers. Also, there is no
need to login, the problem occurs on that first screen...

On Jan 21, 2:46 pm, John V Denley wrote:
 I finally bit the bullet, and started commenting out huge chunks of my
 code, and running the application to see if that got rid of the

 After a few hours of this, I finally narrowed it down to the following
 (and similar) line of code:

 daygrid.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(col, 0px);

 where daygrid was defined as follows:

 private Grid daygrid = new Grid(daygridrows, daygridcols);

 As soon as I set this to 1px rather than 0px the javascript error
 went away.

 Others might find the following link 
 Id still like to know how to set this setting via eclipse, which im
 sure is very simple for someone who knows!


 On Jan 20, 10:25 pm, John wrote:

  Ive just tried to step through my code painfully one line at a time in
  the eclipse debugger everything seemed to work OK up to the point when
  it was about to start waiting for user interraction (or feasibly when
  it starts trying to draw to the screen), then I got the following

  Exception processing async thread queue
    Exception processing async thread queue
    org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIClassType cannot be
  cast to org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaValue

  Not at all helpful whats my next steps guys, anyone able to help

  On Jan 18, 12:08 am, John wrote:

   Does anyone have any ideas how to debug this javascript problem with
   IE? or even where to start debugging it?


   On Jan 10, 5:25 pm, John wrote:

Im not doing any direct DOM assignments, its all pure GWT and CSS (Im
also using GAE) but its all native, im also not using any third party
toolsets/jars etc

How did you manage to narrow it down Joe? how did you go about
figuring it out? I have thousands of lines of code, I dont even know
where to begin looking for this error, the only thing I can be sure of
is that I didnt have this problem on the my 1st Dec version, which was
the last version I released for external  testing and that since then
I have upgraded to V2.0

Any help would be greatly appreciated..

On Jan 8, 1:39 am, Joe Cole wrote:

 I feel your pain. I narrowed this down in our case to an incorrect
 style assignment. From memory I was setting:

 DOM.setStyleAttribute(overflowX, none);

 Instead of:

 DOM.setStyleAttribute(overflowX, hidden);

 Only in IE was it throwing this exception. I would suggest checking
 your style assignments, it could be the same problem.


 On Jan 8, 11:29 am, John wrote:

  I have just come across the following error when testing my
  application in IE7, It seems to work fine in Chrome 4.0  and FF 

  I have seen several other people having the same problem on this
  forum, but I cant work out from any of them how I can work out whats
  wrong with MY application!

  Can anyone give me any clues as to how and where to look to find out
  where to fix this problem?


  22:04:09.376 [ERROR] [idebanet] Uncaught exception escaped (Error): Invalid
   number: -2147024809
   description: Invalid argument.
      at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source)
      at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown 
      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)

incubator ScrollTable

2010-01-21 Thread Alexei Telles
Hi, I'm just starting using the gwt-incubator.
I need to make a table, so I am using a FixedWidthFlexTable to the
header and a FixedWidthGrid to the dataTable (content of the table).

I have a procedure that mounts the dataTable

The problem that I am having is:
when my dataTable have more than one column, the dataTable is ok

I am setting the width to 100%, so my table fits my div at all.

But when my table have only one column, I don't know why the column
width stays to short
Of course, if I use the method setColumnWidth of the FixedWidthGrid
works fine, but I use the same procedure to generate all tables of my
application, so I can't do that!!!

I don't know if I gave a good explanation about my problem.

I am trying to use the Firebug to discover what i am doing wrong, but
the HTML code generated is a little confused.

Is ther anything in the FixedWidthGrid about the first column of the
table, or is there a way to I set all widths of my table like

I appreciate any help


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Re: GWT 2.0 - SOP and Development Mode

2010-01-21 Thread preacher860
Ok, nevermind.  I took the brute force approach and recompiled firefox
with the SOP feature disabled.

In case anyone needs to do that:  I just made a change in the
SecurityCompareURIs() function so that it would always return

Ajax works again in the debugger, ahhh!

On Jan 19, 9:37 pm, preacher860 wrote:
 Hi there,

 As many people, I'm experiencing troubles while trying to debug an
 application in Development Mode when it tries to retrieve some JSON
 data from a remote server.  It's obviously a Same Origin Policy
 problem but I can't find a satisfying solution to this issue.  The
 setup is quite simple:

 - GWT application running in Firefox for Linux with Developer Plugin
 - Embedded target with webserver providing some JSON data through
 RequestBuilder POST statements.

 This works fine when the embedded board is also the server for the
 application pages (No SOP issues) and also used to work fine in GWT
 1.7 with SOP checks disabled in the embedded browser.

 Now, the Firefox plugin seems to provide some way of allowing security
 exceptions, but no matter how I try to use this, I still get an SOP
 violation message from the browser.  Is there any special syntax to
 use for the exceptions?  Full URL or only server name?  Or IP?
 Documentation is not very clear on that...

 Did anyone actually made the exceptions work in the FF plugin under


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uibinder specs?

2010-01-21 Thread
I'm really excited about this new feature in GWT (uibinding).  I've
already put together a small app that makes use of it and really see
its advantages.

So far, except for the tutorial listed here:

I've had to dig for examples in posts and such to learn my way
around.  For example, I had something like this:

g:HTMLPanel styleName='{style.panel}'
div class={style.hitDiv}
Your refined query will return span ui:field='numHits'
class='{style.largefont}' / hit(s)
g:Button ui:field='apply'Apply Refinement/g:Button
g:Button ui:field='cancel'Cancel/g:Button

And found out that I can't do something like this in my code... (makes
perfect sense why...)
void handleClick(ClickEvent e) {
Window.alert(Clicked Apply);

void handleClick(ClickEvent e) {
Window.alert(Clicked Cancel);

I ended up finding an example elsewhere showing it had to be done like

void onApplyHandleClick(ClickEvent e) {
Window.alert(Clicked Apply);

void onCancelHandleClick(ClickEvent e) {
Window.alert(Clicked Cancel);

Where is this documented? :)  If someone has some useful links to this
stuff, I'd really appreciate it.


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Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin on Firefox 3.6

2010-01-21 Thread Pion
I was going to upgrade Firefox 3.6. But it says that the Google Web
Toolkit Developer Plugin for Firefox 1.0.7263 is not compatible.

When is the plugin going to support Firefox 3.6?

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getting data from server in GWT

2010-01-21 Thread manish
i am a new user of GWT. Can anyone give me a simple example of how can
i send back the response data back to the client from the server side
and how client will receive this data

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using suggestion box in gwt

2010-01-21 Thread manish
how can i implement  a simple live suggestion box in gwt.give a simple

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More than one constructor annotated with @UiConstructor

2010-01-21 Thread nina
Hi all

I have my own convenient composite which is a HorizontalPanel with a
Label and TextBoxBase, called FormEntry. I have 4 different
constructors for this composite, where some take just a label text
string and others also take a default value and a boolean determining
if the TextboxBase should be PasswordTextBox or a TextBox.

Now, I am trying to convert my project to use the new UiBinder
feature. I figured based on
that I could annotate all my constructors with @UiConstructor and then
in the ui.xml use the name/or number of constructor arguments to match
it to the right constructor.

So for example in the ui.xml I have

my:FormEntry ui:field=username labelText=Username
defaultValue=nina /
my:FormEntry ui:field=password labelText=Password
defaultValue=pass123 password=true/

and in the I have

public FormEntry(String labelText, String defaultValue){
this(labelText, defaultValue, false);

public FormEntry(String labelText, String defaultValue, boolean
// code...

The error message I get is FormEntry has more than one constructor
annotated with @UiConstructor.

I've looked for more info on how this @UiConstructor works but haven't
found anything. So the question are:
- do I have the right approach here?
- why can't I have more than one constructor marked with
- does the binding happen with the help of the constructor arg names
or numbers or types or what?

Many thanks for any tips!

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Re: getting data from server in GWT

2010-01-21 Thread

On Jan 22, 11:53 am, manish wrote:
 i am a new user of GWT. Can anyone give me a simple example of how can
 i send back the response data back to the client from the server side
 and how client will receive this data

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Re: Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin on Firefox 3.6

2010-01-21 Thread Jim Douglas
I'm sure it's a high priority.  You can click on the little star on
this page to register your interest and get added to the email
notification list when it's resolved:

On Jan 21, 7:21 pm, Pion wrote:
 I was going to upgrade Firefox 3.6. But it says that the Google Web
 Toolkit Developer Plugin for Firefox 1.0.7263 is not compatible.

 When is the plugin going to support Firefox 3.6?

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port, eclipse, ff

2010-01-21 Thread Ewald Pankratz
I work with eclipse 3.5, ubuntu 9.10 64 bit, firefox 3.57. I use the
lastest release of GWT and GA and had a strange experience with the
result of my GWT program.
When I run the program with the default address http://localhost:/
DragDropDemo.html?gwt.codesvr= I always got a screen
which has nothing to do with the program work. Many time I checked the
configuration an tried it again. I always got the same strange result,
which looked like the result of another program. I even checked with
find and grep after the string whichs appeared on the screen. There
were no such strings in this project. I also restarted my computer
again.  Finally I changed the port to 8887 because the response of the
browser was far too fast. And then I got the right screen. When I
changed back to port , I again got somehing else. There were no
other GWT programs runnung.

Any idea? A bug? Something to issue?

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Re: App Runs in IE - Nothing Happens in Firefox (Link Included)

2010-01-21 Thread ashwin acharya
Its working in my firefox - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1;
en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 9:31 PM, Russ wrote:
 Okay, I depolyed with pretty. Now the Firebug error is: this$static is
 What does this mean? How come the app works in IE but not Firefox?

 Here's a link to the app again:

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Re: Client did not send n bytes as expected

2010-01-21 Thread Joe Cole
Take a look at this and the comment thread:

There are some unresolved issues with gwt and glassfish/apache, which
I think is what the cause of this error is. (We see it rarely, but
sometimes see errors with error code 0 or 19020/19021 on the client

We fixed it by patching the ProxyCreator class and making it
automatically retry requests with a strange error code, the other
approach is detailed in the link above.

On Jan 21, 10:03 am, Vishal wrote:
 We get this error:

 WebModule[]Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call
 javax.servlet.ServletException: Client did not send 142 bytes as
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

 very rarely and it is not reproducible. I have seen posts earlier but
 none of them justify the reason for it.

 Appreciate if I can get some information:

 1. Is it with the this version of GWT or related software, will
 upgrading help?
 2. How often you get this error?
 3. Any more workaround?

 Client: ie 6
 Server: GlassFish 2, GWT 1.5.3. Java 5

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Re: Cannot debug GWT 2.0 app embedded within external iframe

2010-01-21 Thread Stevko
I had thought so too but it worked after I cleared my browser's cache
and made sure the edited file was getting to my browser. Also FYI,
recompiling the project replaces the file and reverses any edits.

On Jan 20, 12:50 am, Itzik Yatom wrote:
 I have the same issue, I've tried to change the hosted.html file but
 there is no change.


 On Jan 9, 6:04 pm, wrote:

  I've managed to get my application to work in an external iframe by
  editing the hosted.html file and changing line 226
  var topWin =;

  var topWin = window.self;

  This is the context...
  gwtOnLoad = function(errFn, modName, modBase){
    $moduleName = modName;
    $moduleBase = modBase;

    // Note that the order is important
    var pluginFinders = [
    var topWin = window;
    var url = topWin.location.href;
    if (!topWin.__gwt_SessionID) {

  On Jan 8, 10:25 pm, wrote:

   Has anyone had any success with using the GWT 2.0 browser plugins when
   the app is hosted within a facebook iframe canvas? The application
   works well without the plugins loaded.

   I believe the issue is related to the XSS / same domain policy that is
   missing in the old 1.7 hosted IE browser.

   Using the Web App Starter Project, the execution stops after painting
   Please enter your name:

   Chrome just alerts Plugin failed to connect to hosted mode server at and dies with this message in the javascript
   Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with 
   Domains, protocols and ports must match.
   Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'createElement' of undefined

   Firebug flags a javascript error at

   Permission denied for to get property
   Location.href from
   anonymous(Object name=errFn, newproject,
   8080/newproject/)hosted.h...ewproject (line 227)
   z()newproje...ocache.js (line 2)
   anonymous()newproje...ocache.js (line 8)
   [Break on this error] var url = topWin.location.href;\n

   Has anyone figured out a way to get this to work?
   --Andy- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

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Re: port, eclipse, ff

2010-01-21 Thread Ewald Pankratz
With something else I mean the wrong page I had before.

On Jan 22, 6:30 am, Ewald Pankratz wrote:
 I work with eclipse 3.5, ubuntu 9.10 64 bit, firefox 3.57. I use the
 lastest release of GWT and GA and had a strange experience with the
 result of my GWT program.
 When I run the program with the default address http://localhost:/
 DragDropDemo.html?gwt.codesvr= I always got a screen
 which has nothing to do with the program work. Many time I checked the
 configuration an tried it again. I always got the same strange result,
 which looked like the result of another program. I even checked with
 find and grep after the string whichs appeared on the screen. There
 were no such strings in this project. I also restarted my computer
 again.  Finally I changed the port to 8887 because the response of the
 browser was far too fast. And then I got the right screen. When I
 changed back to port , I again got somehing else. There were no
 other GWT programs runnung.

 Any idea? A bug? Something to issue?

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Re: Prevent class conversion when compiling modules

2010-01-21 Thread getaceres
The problem is that the source code of both classes is in the jar.

My jar has something like this:
 |- Module.gwt.xml
 |- pack
 |- A.class
 |- client
 |- B.class

So both source files are available but only B file is part of the
module, since it's the only class that's in the client package.

On 21 ene, 18:24, Chris Lercher wrote:
 I believe that what you expect from the GWT compiler is probably a lot
 harder to achieve than just pruning unused methods (which is already
 a great feature IMO).

 gwtc compiles Java source - Javascript. I assume that it can't read
 Java bytecode at all (?) So just providing a jar file which contains
 class A as bytecode won't work.

 In theory, gwtc might be able to completely ignore A, but that's
 generally not so easy. (It's something that javac can't do either: It
 needs a .java file or a .class file for every type you reference.)

 Therefore, I wouldn't say that it's a shame, or that it's
 disappointing at all. It would be a quite ambitious feature for a
 compiler of a strongly typed language.

 On Jan 21, 5:12 pm, getaceres wrote:

  I have something similar. I have this:

  class A {}

  class B implements Serializable {
    some serializable fields
    private transient A field;

    private A getA() {
      return field;

    private void setA(A val) {
      this.field = val;


  Both classes are JPA classes and it's only that B class has a
  relationship with a non serializable A class, which the GWT client
  doesn't have to know about. The rest of it, is serializable.
  In this case, class A and B are in the same jar and the jar has the
  sources included, but only B is in the GWT module (the client folder).
  When I try to include this jar in my GWT project, I get an exception:

  No source code is available for type; did you
  forget to inherit a required module?

  I tried putting the GwtTransient annotation to field A but the result
  is the same. I think that GWT should completely ignore the classes
  that are transient and its getters and setters and don't try to even
  compile them.
  It's a shame that, almost for every hibernate class that I have, I
  have to create another class which has exactly the same fields, except
  for one or two of them, and that I have to be putting all the data
  from one bean to another all the time. It would be so much simple to
  mark in my beans just the parts that the compiler shouldn't care

  On 14 ene, 14:55, Chris Lercher wrote:

   Well, it works for me. I didn't try it with TopLink - I used POJOs
   instead - but when I declare the fieldtransient, it works (according
   to the SOYC Compile Report).


   public class WantThat implements Serializable {
           privatetransientDontWantThat dontWantThat;

           public DontWantThat getDontWantThat() {
                   return dontWantThat;


   public class DontWantThat implements Serializable {


   public interface SomeService extends RemoteService {
     WantThat getWantThat();}


   DontWantThat is not in my Compile Report. If I remove thetransient
   keyword, it is.

   Maybe there's something different with your case. Maybe something is
   accessing your getDontWantThat()? Circular references at least?

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Re: Prevent class conversion when compiling modules

2010-01-21 Thread getaceres
In my case, getter and setters will only be used in the server. Not
even in the RPC server implementation, but in a called EJB so, as long
as you don't use the getter or setter in the code, they can be
ignored. If you use them, failing the compilation would be enough.

Let's say that you have Class A with a transient method A.field marked
as transient in java or with the GwtTransient annotation:

- Mark field A.field and every method in A that uses field as
- If you find in the client code a class that uses A.field or any of
the methods of A marked as unavailable, fail the compilation and
inform the user about Line X,Y: Use of transient method A.method.
- Now the user either, removes the calling method from its code or
removes the transient keyword from the field.

In my case, that wold be enough since I will not ever call any of this
getter or setters in the GWT code.

On 21 ene, 18:54, Chris Lercher wrote:
 On Jan 21, 6:32 pm, Warpitaly wrote:

  I there-say that ignoring fields marked as @transient should be quite
  easy to implement...

 If none of the gwt compiled code will access the field, it's certainly
 easy. But that's unlikely (you have getters and setters, right?).

 If some of your client code does access the field - and this can
 happen indirectly - the class signature will be required. But how do
 you know that at compile time, if you can't compile the methods that
 access the fields (because they would need the class signature,
 too)... Chicken and egg problem. Probably it can be solved, but 'easy
 to implement' might be an understatement.

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Re: [gwt-contrib] Re: GWT Incubator Status Update and Schedule

2010-01-21 Thread David

It would be nice that the GWT team would release some development
builds once in a while. That would be very usefull at the point where
new things are added to the trunk. This way you can get a lot more
input from the community, since it makes it much easier to use a more
experimental version of GWT. Compiling from the sources means that we
need direct access to the internet, but not all companies allow that.

As long as we have some indication of what is mostly stable and what
not, we can choose at what point we whish to start using a development


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 6:19 PM, monkeyboy wrote:
 Thank you John for your explanation. Now I understand the reason why
 you are shutting down the incubator. What I am suggesting is that
 developers should have a place where they can see what new features
 (libraries,...) are being developed and not to stumble upon this new
 features by chance (like I stumbled upon the doc for
 DataBackedWidgetsDesign for example). You mentioned that you send
 emails when you start a new project. What do I need to do to receive
 such an email?
 I think you guys at Google develop great libraries that are perhaps
 underused because they are hard to find. Let's take Gin for example
 ( I think that more people would
 use it if you had a link to Gin from the GWT Tools and Libraries page.


 On Jan 20, 5:29 pm, John LaBanca wrote:
 Libraries and widgets that we want to incubate will be moved into separate
 projects.  Instead of downloading one incubator jar, you'll be able to (have
 to) download each project individually.  Like Ray said, we're going to
 commit most new features directly to trunk, but we may still want to
 incubate some features if they are highly experimental.  We often setup a
 design doc and send out an email when we start a new project, such as the
 data backed widgets, so the community can be involved.  I'm sure we'll keep
 doing that.

 The advantage of separate projects is that each project can move along at
 its own pace.  The incubator currently has some very stable features, some
 highly experimental ones, and some deprecated code, and it isn't obvious
 which is which (well, except the deprecated stuff).  With individual
 projects, it should be more obvious what the state of the project is.

 John LaBanca

 On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 10:57 AM, monkeyboy dilbert.elbo...@gmail.comwrote:

  Then, how about a list of new features in the trunk since the last
  release. That way developers would know if they should become involved
  in the nontrivial (but not too hard) task of compiling GWT from
  source. I take the last comment back if such a list exists. I could
  not find it.


  On Jan 20, 4:26 pm, Ray Ryan wrote:
   On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 6:52 AM, monkeyboy

Hello John.

I'm glad to see that PagingScrollTable will make it to the GWT trunk.
Even now it is a useful widget but I can't wait to see the final
version. I would like to ask a few questions. I am sorry to hear that
the incubator will be shut down. I was wandering what (if anything)
will replace it. With the incubator I as a developer had access to
some tools and widgets that had a great chance to end up in the GWT
trunk so I knew that they had a bigger chance to be supported and I
dared to include them in my projects (eg. PagingScrollTable). I was
burnt a few times with third party gwt libraries found on Google code
for which the developer lost interest after a few months and I was
left with a buggy library without support.

If the incubator is shut down how will we developers be able to find
the new widgets and tools that are being incubated by Google
developers? It is a bit hard to find them browsing trough Google code.
I suggest that You put a couple of links in the Tools and Libraries
section of gwt ( It
would be very helpful.

   Our intention is to be less bashful about developing things right in the






[gwt-contrib] Re: now.. afetr GWT 2.0?

2010-01-21 Thread Lypheus
+1 JavaFX/Code GUI Streamlining instead of UIBinder

Some mechanism to allow for publishing client/js friendly variants
of server side objects to clean up need for DTO's.

[gwt-contrib] Re: Custom element parsers for UiBinder

2010-01-21 Thread Daniel Dietrich
Hi George,

in your solution parsing of an annotated widget will not be custom
if the widget is not injected into a field, right?

Here's a different idea:

Perhaps it is useful for you...

Kind regards


On 8 Jan., 17:30, ggeorg wrote:
 Hi Ray,

 Please have a look at:

 the attached patch is the simplest patch I could make. It adds support
 for adding custom ElementParser(s) to UiBinder by tagging each widgets
 that is using a custom parser with the @ElementParserToUse annotation,
 e.g.: for GWT Mosaic's LayoutPanel the code is:

 @ElementParserToUse(className =
 public class LayoutPanel extends AbsolutePanel implements
     HasAnimation {



 After applying the patch, the UiBinderWriter.registerParsers() looks
 like this:

   private void registerParsers() {
     // TODO(rjrjr): Allow third-party parsers to register themselves
     // automagically


     // Register widget parsers.

     // Register custom widget parsers... (almost automagically)

     CollectionOwnerField uiFields = ownerClass.getUiFields();

     if (uiFields == null) {

     for (OwnerField uiField : uiFields) {
       JClassType fieldType = uiField.getType().getRawType().isClass();
       String uiClassName = fieldType.getQualifiedSourceName();

       if (elementParsers.containsKey(uiClassName)) {

       if (fieldType != null
         String parserClassName = fieldType.getAnnotation
         if (parserClassName != null  parserClassName.length()  0) {
           addElementParser(uiClassName, parserClassName);

 Kind Regards,

 On Jan 7, 12:04 am, Ray Ryan wrote:

  How could I stop you? :-)

  Would you making an issue tracker entry about this and putting the patch

[gwt-contrib] Modifying js code in CompilationResult artifacts

2010-01-21 Thread Brendan Kenny
I'm posting to contributors because I think I'm much more likely to
get an answer on compilation details here; I hope that's appropriate.

If a pre-linker were to remove all CompilationResults from the
artifact set, modify the contents of string literals within their js
code (with valid results), create new StandardCompilationResults with
the modified code and new strongNames (but the same
serializedSymbolMaps, statementRanges, and permutationIds), and then
add them to the outgoing artifact set, would there be any side
effects? Would the rest of the build system (including soyc) be
disturbed at all?

More specifically, I'm generating a Java class with a placeholder
string in it, then replacing that string in compilation results via a
(pre) Linker. The replacement string isn't known until link time, and
it's important that the resulting artifact have a strong name based in
part upon the replacement.

The promise of Linkers seems to imply this is fine, but I can't find
any examples of a linker modifying CompilationResults and emitting
them as new CompilationResults. Obviously this process would not work
with or would miss CompilationResults which aren't
StandardCompilationResults, but that's fine for now. Are there other
assumptions/guarantees made when creating CompilationResults that
wouldn't be replicated?


Re: [gwt-contrib] Re: GWT Incubator Status Update and Schedule

2010-01-21 Thread Arthur Kalmenson
Hmm, a nightly build sounds like a cool idea, I wouldn't mind seeing that as

Arthur Kalmenson

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 3:28 AM, David wrote:


 It would be nice that the GWT team would release some development
 builds once in a while. That would be very usefull at the point where
 new things are added to the trunk. This way you can get a lot more
 input from the community, since it makes it much easier to use a more
 experimental version of GWT. Compiling from the sources means that we
 need direct access to the internet, but not all companies allow that.

 As long as we have some indication of what is mostly stable and what
 not, we can choose at what point we whish to start using a development


 On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 6:19 PM, monkeyboy
  Thank you John for your explanation. Now I understand the reason why
  you are shutting down the incubator. What I am suggesting is that
  developers should have a place where they can see what new features
  (libraries,...) are being developed and not to stumble upon this new
  features by chance (like I stumbled upon the doc for
  DataBackedWidgetsDesign for example). You mentioned that you send
  emails when you start a new project. What do I need to do to receive
  such an email?
  I think you guys at Google develop great libraries that are perhaps
  underused because they are hard to find. Let's take Gin for example
  ( I think that more people would
  use it if you had a link to Gin from the GWT Tools and Libraries page.
  On Jan 20, 5:29 pm, John LaBanca wrote:
  Libraries and widgets that we want to incubate will be moved into
  projects.  Instead of downloading one incubator jar, you'll be able to
  to) download each project individually.  Like Ray said, we're going to
  commit most new features directly to trunk, but we may still want to
  incubate some features if they are highly experimental.  We often setup
  design doc and send out an email when we start a new project, such as
  data backed widgets, so the community can be involved.  I'm sure we'll
  doing that.
  The advantage of separate projects is that each project can move along
  its own pace.  The incubator currently has some very stable features,
  highly experimental ones, and some deprecated code, and it isn't obvious
  which is which (well, except the deprecated stuff).  With individual
  projects, it should be more obvious what the state of the project is.
  John LaBanca
  On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 10:57 AM, monkeyboy
   Then, how about a list of new features in the trunk since the last
   release. That way developers would know if they should become involved
   in the nontrivial (but not too hard) task of compiling GWT from
   source. I take the last comment back if such a list exists. I could
   not find it.
   On Jan 20, 4:26 pm, Ray Ryan wrote:
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 6:52 AM, monkeyboy
 Hello John.
 I'm glad to see that PagingScrollTable will make it to the GWT
 Even now it is a useful widget but I can't wait to see the final
 version. I would like to ask a few questions. I am sorry to hear
 the incubator will be shut down. I was wandering what (if
 will replace it. With the incubator I as a developer had access to
 some tools and widgets that had a great chance to end up in the
 trunk so I knew that they had a bigger chance to be supported and
 dared to include them in my projects (eg. PagingScrollTable). I
 burnt a few times with third party gwt libraries found on Google
 for which the developer lost interest after a few months and I was
 left with a buggy library without support.
 If the incubator is shut down how will we developers be able to
 the new widgets and tools that are being incubated by Google
 developers? It is a bit hard to find them browsing trough Google
 I suggest that You put a couple of links in the Tools and
 section of gwt ( It
 would be very helpful.
Our intention is to be less bashful about developing things right in



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