Re: Retiring after 43+ years with IBM

2012-05-25 Thread Tim Hare
Aw darn!  I was hoping you'd be there until I retired next summer!

Congratulations, and enjoy it.

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REPRO MERGECAT performance

2012-05-25 Thread Tim Hare
We've just done a couple of REPRO MERGECATs that were fairly large,  and took 
some time, so I was wondering:

Can MERGECAT performance be improved by altering the buffer space values for 
either the input or output catalog, or both?

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Re: IBM manual formats

2012-01-11 Thread Tim Hare
Well, if IBM still started with markup (DCF / GML etc.) for their documents, 
then they could use a different set of markup handlers and output something 
that would be a good start.  If they're using something else for document 
creation, I think doing a 'save as' to certain document formats would work 
better for what the Kindle publishing tools use. 

Calibre is also supposed to be able to handle different conversions,  but I 
think the input source should be something other than PDF - because as I 
understand PDF,  you would be trying to work backward from pages which are 
more-or-less laid out.

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Re: IBM manual formats

2012-01-10 Thread Tim Hare
Bear in mind that Kindle, and many other ereaders, are designed to 
automatically reflow text to fit user options like text size.  Which works 
great for text, not so well for images like diagrams.   The best think I've 
found for diagrams so far is to put the diagram on a page by itself and make 
sure the Kindle will size it to fit the entire page and even then, the diagram 
has to shrink to fit a 4x6 Kindle instead of an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper.  This 
is definitely an area where the 'human factors' people ought to get involved.  
I think it's worth the time and effort, because many people want their manuals 
in many different (and often mobile) forms.

I also think intra-document linking can help a lot for devices like Kindle;  
page-changing is pretty rapid, but scrolling through more than a few pages 
costs time.

I think the RedBook people ought to do a 'Greybook'  about re-working documents 
for the Kindle ...

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Re: IBM TS7740 Copy/Export process

2012-01-09 Thread Tim Hare
I am reading and posting via the web interface, so I don't always see the 
messages real time.

I am trying to find my way with this Copy/Export business.   

It doesn't seem as though modifying virtual volumes to indicate anything makes 
sense, but I'm reserving judgement on that.  

I can see driving EJC for ejection of the physical volumes which are being 
exported, and possibly also either vaulting or some sort of update of the 
out-of-area status of a physical tape but I'm not as certain about that for 
virtual tapes.

Another question I have is just how important is knowing the 
virtual-to-exported-physical mapping in a TS7740 environment?  It's not like I 
can recover individual virtual volumes (that I know of) - at DR, I have to 
recover the TS7740 from zero, and recover it all, right?

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DFSORT question

2010-05-24 Thread Tim Hare
I would like to assign a sequence number to the input of ICETOOL, with a limit 
on the maximum number - so for example, the number would increment from 1 
to 6, then start at 1 again.  

Can I combine the seqnum and MOD operations to do it in one pass, or do I 
need to add sequence numbers, create a work dataset, then apply the MOD 

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Re: DFSORT question

2010-05-24 Thread Tim Hare
Example input, RECFM=FB,LRECL=14:

DSK001 100
DSK002 3962002
DSK003 0001001
DSK005 200
DSK006 200
DSK008 010
DSK007 0001002
DSK004 0527192

Two fields: VOLSER in 1-6 and SIZE in 8-14.

I want to assign a 'sequence' number to the input from 1 to 4, so that I can 
sort these into 4 groups, and within those groups descending order by size:
So for this group the input would be modified to have the sequence in 16 (for 
example) resulting in a temporary work dataset of LRECL=16:

DSK001 100 1
DSK002 3962002 2
DSK003 0001001 3
DSK005 200 4
DSK006 200 1
DSK008 010 2
DSK007 0001002 3
DSK004 0527192 4 

And the final output would be RECFM=FB,LRECL=14
DSK006 200
DSK001 100
DSK002 3962002
DSK008 010
DSK007 0001002
DSK003 0001001
DSK005 200
DSK004 0527192

The idea is to balance disk backup jobs by spreading the large volumes 
across the (4) jobs evenly.  Doing the sort this way isn't perfect but it's 
to what is needed.

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Re: Question on SMFDUMP on z/OS v1.7

2010-01-14 Thread Tim Hare
SMFDUMP is used on some of the LPARs at the consolidated site where I work. 
The program is run via automated job scheduler; frequency varies by how 
busy that LPAR is.

SMFDUMP  has a problem sometimes where it hangs. I haven't seen an 
enqueue cause.  I haven't taken a  dump of it yet but I suspect that it is 
when the SMF datasets on the sandbox system, rarely dumped, are full, and 
that somehow causes a problem. 

I strongly recommend the use of the IEFU29 exit.  It just needs, at minimum, 
to issue something like 'S SMFDUMP,DS='  and fill in the SMF dataset name 
(which is passed to the exit).

The LPARS which use IEFU29 have an SMF dump proc which creates the 
output as a new entry in a GDG, sized to hold the data from one SMF dataset 
(the largest, if they are not all the same).

At midnight automation issues the SWITCH SMF command (aka 'I SMF') to 
force a switch, which in turn kicks IEFU29.

On a daily basis, the GDG entries are gathered into a daily file and the GDG 
cleared.  That job, SMFDAY, is scheduled via an automatic job scheduler.

Other daily processing of SMF data is done by jobs which are successors to 
the SMFDAY job.

The IEFU29 / proc method has so many advantages that we will be switching 
everyone over to it.

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Re: Replace VTS with a tape less appliance

2010-01-13 Thread Tim Hare
As with all things, YMMV, but I have had success moving from VTS/VSM to 
DASD. It was hard to quantify cost savings, because the vendor didn't 
separate out cost of the virtual box (including its DASD) from the cost of the 
robotic library.

Some important factors, in my opinion:

1.  Do you have DASD you can get for free?  In my case, I had a DS8100 
with excess capacity so I could set up volumes for TMM (Tape Mount 
Management) without purchasing new DASD. It's not really free, of course, 
but acquisition cost for this project was zero.

2. Understanding the tape data and usage:  I used a combination of MXG and 
IBM's Volume Mount Analyzer, and found out that 80% of the tape datasets 
were 40MB or less, making them 'low hanging fruit'.

3. Having a good working relationship with the application/end-user people 
you're going to affect.  In my case, it was very important with one office 
(because of some ancient history between our two organizations) that I agree 
to be on-call to fix problems with their batch workload if TMM caused 
something to blow up.  After about a month, everything was working smoothly 
enough that we were able to change all the rest of their tape over to TMM.

4. System-determined BLKSIZE:  I was surprised at how many tape DD 
statements did NOT use it. We corrected some even before moving the 
dataset to DASD, just for the perforance impact.

5. SMS compression:  while it can cost some CPU, it can minimize the space 
you need to accomplish the move to DASD.  There's possibly a trade-off point 
somewhere - not yet analyzed - in the small dataset range where there's no 
point compressing the dataset because the decompression time might 
outweigh the I/O time.

6. Hierarchical Storage Management: Good understanding of how you will use 
HSM/ABR to migrate the TMM data to ML2. If you don't want to migrate, then 
plan to buy new DASD regularly as you keep accountant-mandated 20 years 
of detailed transactions around on disk.

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Re: Replace VTS with a tape less appliance

2010-01-13 Thread Tim Hare
No, and I didn't mean to imply that it was.  

We use native high-capacity cartridges for ML2.  It has its own management 
challenges of course, but is working well for us right now. 

One question often comes up when discussing using tapeless systems for ML2: 
If I'm going to have it on disk anyway, why did I migrate it?  

The question gets into muddy areas because the DS8xxx series has options for 
adding lower-cost and/or lower-performance drives,  which are primarily aimed 
at the same use cases as tape.  So - do you send ML2 to those types of 

Offsite storage also presents questions:  do you let your 'tapeless' virtual 
system replicate its back-end disk, or do you just replicate your DS8xxx 
system and avoid going to 'tape' at all?

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Re: Beating a dead horse but

2009-12-03 Thread Tim Hare
Thanks to all who replied, and apologies for not tracking this in a timely 
manner (life intervenes, etcetera) to the thread on IEFBR14 DELETEs and HSM 

I had not heard of the enhancement to z/OS 1.11 that should do just what I 
want it to, but I'll check it out.

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Beating a dead horse but

2009-11-20 Thread Tim Hare
In a 2008 thread on people using IEFBR14 to do deletes there as this:

Indeed, how should Allocation know whether the program about to execute
wants to do something with the dataset(s) before deleting it/them?
Perhaps Allocation could be educated to issue HDELETE iff the dataset
is migrated *AND* DISP=(,DELETE) *AND* PGM=IEFBR14.

I have a set of application folks who use this method for tape datasets 
(reusing the dataset names, rather than making them unique for whatever 
reason), and of course no one wants to change the batch application because 
of testing requirements, busy with other things, etc. 

I believe HSM installs a catalog locate exit, as does ABR, to handle 
the 'dynamic recall' .   

Why can't the exit check for this specific set of conditions:

1. jobstep program is IEFBR14
2. At offset 0 of the location of IEFBR14 in storage, we have '1BFF07FE' :  SR 
15,15 followed by BCR 15,14
3. Status is OLD or MOD
4. normal disposition AND conditional disposition are DELETE

If all of the above are met, then do the equivalent of HDELETE for the dataset

Seems to me that verifies in most cases that we're dealing with the real 
IEFBR14 and not a replacement (although I grant it's possible to leave those 
bytes in place by coding an IEFBR14 replacement with a different entry point, 
I believe it in practice to be pretty unlikely), and that the dataset is 
to be deleted no matter what (both dispositions are DELETE).

The workaround for now is to try to make sure the dataset to be deleted is 
either retained until the delete reference (often the next day), OR to do 
HRECALLs ahead of the job.

As I said, this is probably beating a dead horse but I didn't see this specific 
proposal mentioned.

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Concatenating TERSEd data?

2008-10-17 Thread Tim Hare
We need to TERSE a fairly large (for us) amount of data. This data is in 
multiple separate datasets now, but needs to be sent as one large sequential 
dataset.  We can TERSE the concatenated sequential input of course; but out 
of curiosity I'm wondering: can you TERSE the individual components, 
concatenate the results via IEBGENER, and the UNTERSE the resulting file on 
the other end? 

From what I remember about Lempel-Ziv, the dictionary is built as you go 
along but it might mean that the second and subsequent files concatenated 
would be read with incomplete information, resulting in erroneous 
decompression results?

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SMFPRMxx questions

2008-09-26 Thread Tim Hare
Somewhere in our migration to z/OS 1.9 (pretty sure it wasn't this way on 
1.7),  our IEFUJV exit started getting invoked for OMVS address spaces. Since 
this exit tries to enforce TIME= and account numbers on job cards, it fails our 
OMVS address spaces.

We coded, in SMFPRM, SUBSYS(OMVS,NOEXITS)  as a work-around. This 
solved the immediate problem but introduced another.  Now, file predecessors 
in our job scheduling software don't work when the dataset is closed by FTP.

The vendor confirms that they dynamically install IEFU83 for SYS, SYSJES2, 
and SYSTSO to monitor SMF records (14/15) to determine when a dataset has 
closed and mark the file predecessor complete.  

Coding SMFPRM to pick up the IEFU83 exit point for the OMVS:  SUBSYS(OMVS
(IEFU83) doesn't work because it seems to pick up IBM's IEFU83.  We probably 
need to code the vendor's module name on an exit statement for 
SYSOMVS.IEFU83 and we're working on that, but I have had other questions:

1. If we let EXITS default at the SYS level, and we code EXITS at the 
SUBSYS level, SUBSYS seems to inherit the other exits when we do D 
SMF,O; is that correct?

2. If so, does that mean we need to code SYS(NOEXITS) and then SUBSYS
(EXITS(IEFwhatever, IEFwhatever)) for each SUBSYS?

3. Some doc seems to imply that when multiple IEFU83 exit modules are 
defined, they _all_ get invoked. Which one's return code is honored? 

4. Our exits are named IEFx because we've had them for years, from 
before the EXIT statement existed.  Is current best practice to give them 
installation-specific names and add EXIT statements in PROGxx for them?

Our ultimate goal is to make sure our IEFUJV doesn't get invoked for OMVS 
address spaces, but it's sure been confusing trying to figure out the hierarchy 
of the exits.

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2008-06-04 Thread Tim Hare
Really two questions I guess.

1. We have variable length records with the data similar to COBOL 'OCCURS 
DEPENDING ON' clauses - a count of the number of segments to follow, 
followed by those segments.  Is there a way to handle these in 
INREC/OUTREC/OUTFILE ?  I already thought of using IFTHEN  - if the count is 
at least 1, output data from 1st segment, if at least 2, output from first 2 
segments, etc. but I don't see how to do that based on the count that's in 
the record

2.  Is there a way to describe such segments in DFSORT Symbols?

I've been RTFM and PDFs but without enlightenment.  It seems to me that it 
requires being able to specify the position field as a calculation rather than 
constant (i.e. 'p' = base+

This would also be of use for some SMF records I'd imagine.

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2008-06-04 Thread Tim Hare
I know the offset and format of the count, and I certainly can compare it to a 
literal. The problem is not knowing the maximum value the count could have in 
any group of records (and each record can have a different value for the 
count).  I could for example, code the IFTHEN statement to handle 9 
segments, but have a record show up with 10.  I could, I suppose, make one 
pass through the file to determine the maximum number of segments, then 
create control statements to process them.  I guess what I was looking for 
would be more of an iterative loop processing of the record segments.

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Dumb CA-1 question

2007-07-20 Thread Tim Hare
It's Friday and the brain apparently turned off, and RTFM isn't working 

When running with CA-1 active, is it possible to reset the expiration date 
of an existing tape dataset via the EXPDT= parameter in JCL?  Some of us 
thought that at one time it was possible, at least for single-dataset 
volumes... but others don't. The only thing I could think of would be to 
rewrite the dataset with DISP=OLD and a new EXPDT= but I can't see that 
you could do it without recreating the dataset - for example, by reading 
it and coding EXPDT= in the JCL.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Management type Conferences

2007-07-13 Thread Tim Hare
SHARE has management tracks as well.  I know they specifically have a 
Software Assett Management project, I went to a session on the Subcapacity 
Reporting Tool given by the manager who receives the data - she was 
knowledgable, well-spoken, etc.  There is also a Computer Operations 
Management Project (COMP). They are all under the System Management 

Systems Management:
Computer Operations Management Project
Enterprise-Wide Systems Management
Interdisciplinary Technologies
Security and Audit
Software Asset Management
Technical Support Management
Systems Management

Several of those might be of interest to manager types.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

Lizette Koehler [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU
07/13/2007 07:48 AM
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IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU


Management type Conferences

Does anyone have an idea where manager types can go to get information on
their job functions?  We have SHARE, CMG and a few others we can attend.

For areas like Data Center Management or Asset Management topics, are 
any conferences to lean towards those topics more?


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Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives' article

2007-07-13 Thread Tim Hare

referenced article

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Career Advice Sought

2007-07-05 Thread Tim Hare
I have to agree with Ken's post, Eric - remember that in a lot of ways, 
what the server farms are learning to do, you've already done for years; 
the RAS attitude is definitely transferable, especially in the DR / 
Business Continuity  area, also in the area of operational automation: 
with the large number of servers, automating how things go daily is a 
challenge I'm sure... I am, as are many of us, spoiled by the 'set it and 
forget it' way of the mainframe where you can set up a process and it's 
still working 3 decades later (recently had to review one of these!).

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU wrote on 07/03/2007 
03:04:33 PM:

 Don't forget about related areas.

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2007-07-05 Thread Tim Hare
We have a lot of FORTRAN engineering programs; not much new development or 
maintenance,  but when there is it often gets migrate to some variety of 
FORTRAN or C with a GUI on a PC.

But you can't get rid of it:  many of the engineers that developed the 
code have calculated their last structural element tensor, pocketed their 
slide rule, and moved on to wherever engineers go (there are definite 
theological debates over the fates of engineers vs. non-engineers ;-) )... 
but the new guys with the fresh engineering degrees are not always ready 
to do away with something that seems to do the calculations correctly.
Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: HSM tapes

2007-07-05 Thread Tim Hare
OK, I've just got to ask: if you're going to migrate to disk, why not just 
leave the data where it was? If HSM or something does compression before 
creating the migrated copy, use DFSMS compression for the original data, 

I don't see the advantage in migrating data from disk to disk, in other 
words. If I'm overlooking something, please enlighten me.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: ICC question

2007-07-02 Thread Tim Hare
The ICC is just like a TN3270E server - your PC's emulator program 
specified the LU name, which is matched to an LU name in the ICC to select 
that particular device.  You have to match a device in order to become a 
console,  since consoles are assigned by device number. You can use any IP 
address in the ICC's address range to connect and match up; but as far as 
I know you can't do it from any IP address you want.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU
07/02/2007 09:52 PM
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IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU


ICC question

Is anyone out there using an ICC for IPL'ing their systems? We started to 
play around with the ICC in our z9 box. We want to use it to eliminate our 

old 3174's locally we did some preliminary testing with a PC at my desk 
with a static IP address. We were able to successfully IPL the LPARS on 
the box with out any problem. Now we want to expand the use of the ICC's 
we have at our remote DR site (we own the site) and IPL the z9 remotely 
from our location but we don't want to use a static address.

I've looked through the redbook on the ICC and don't see how we might be 
able to 'pool' the console so we could IPL from anywhere within our 
network e.g. behind our firewalls etc. Could anyone who is using an ICC 
card to IPL their system tell me how they were able to 'pool' the 
addresses so multiple PC's could IPL and not be static or direct me in the 

right direction (maybe I didn't read something correctly). If you want to 
write me off-line that is fine. 

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Re: S0C4 in IEBCOPY on z/OS 1.8

2007-06-29 Thread Tim Hare
Do you have PDSFAST, FDRREORG, or  other product which replaces IEBCOPY ? 
You may need to re-install, or at least look into,  the usermod or other 
hook that does provides the IEBCOPY entry point.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU wrote on 06/29/2007 
09:47:20 AM:

 Wonder if anyone else has experienced this.   We just rolled out z/OS
 1.8 to our 1st two Test/Dev LPARs and we have encountered a problem.
 Our DB2 folks were copying a PDSE loadlib and got an IGW message in the
 IEBCOPY followed by recursive S0C4 and S0C1 abends.  Essentially, until
 this is resolved, we are stopped dead in our tracks from rolling out
 z/OS 1.8 any further.
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Re: File to PDF Product

2007-06-29 Thread Tim Hare
I evaluated a copy of JES2FTP / JES2MAIL a couple of years ago; it has a 
lot of capability above and beyond the PDF creation: it has a scripting 
language you can use, for example, to split a large report into smaller 
PDFs based on page fields; create HTML pages, etc.  It was a good product, 
and  I'm sure it's improved since then.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Products to send alerts from the mainframe to mobile devices

2007-06-28 Thread Tim Hare
We currently use AF/Remote, in conjunction with AF/Operator, to send 
alerts to certain pagers; we're also trying to use it to copy some action 
messages to pagers. 

What other products do people use for this purpose? Are there products 
which can route mainframe alerts to cell phones (SMS or EMS preferably)?

Please note:  we'd prefer products that do not rely on our server-based 
e-mail infrastructure, because we don't have any control over its uptime. 
If it uses SMTP or sendmail on the mainframe, it's possible we could do 
that although currently we are directed to use IPMAILERNAME to route 
through an MTA in that infrastructure it's possible I could get an 
exception granted.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: OPERLOG stops after IPL

2007-06-28 Thread Tim Hare
And, Carmen, even if you _are_ perturbed because we didn't solve your 
problem for you, there are more polite ways to express it. 

Most of us have our own fires to fight, for employers who put money in the 
bank, so forgive us if our volunteer work comes second.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread Tim Hare
Question: how do we know that your organization  is not just asking us to 
provide a way to disrupt mainframe systems? No offense intended, at all; 
it's just a basic security question.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Storage Group for non-SMS volumes?

2007-06-21 Thread Tim Hare
This is one of those things that _ought_ to exist, but I can't find it 
documented anywhere so far.

Is there, anywhere a 'reserved name' storage group which contains all of 
the non-SMS volumes?

If it doesn't exist, has it been suggested through the requirements 
process that anyone knows of?

If I were implementing it, it would contain all volumes which are online 
to the current system I'm using it on, and which are not part of a storage 

The advantage to having this would be to allow me to use utilities / 
commands that have storagegroup operands for selecting groups of volumes 
(for example, ABR's MOUNT STORGRP=). 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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[no subject]

2007-06-21 Thread Tim Hare
 I have a couple of thoughts.  First I am on z/OS V1.7.  Not sure of 
 your release.
 Are you trying to list this through ISMF or some other fashion?
 If ISMF, then you can use Option 2 to list all volumes.  Then sort 
 on column 22 to see the ones marked NONSMS for nonsms.
 If you have Quickref you can use the SPACE command and look under 
 the STG Grp column and see it is 

I've used both of those techniques, but they don't address what my issue 
is: I'd like to be able to treat those volumes as a group (mainly in batch 
utilities) rather than having to name them individually, or as an inverted 
selection (i.e. EXCLUDE STORGRP= naming all of my valid storage groups). 

Personally, I would just make all of the volumes SMS managed, but the z/OS 
installer and I disagree on that, so at a minimum all of the volumes for 
target libraries for z/OS and products packed with z/OS are at the moment 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Why do we need BPXBATCH, JZOS et. al.?

2007-06-20 Thread Tim Hare
That's like asking why we need IKJEFT01 to run TSO commands in batch.  The 
commands need an environment which supplies the services needed to 
execute.   BPXBATCH et al provide that environment for Unix commands.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: how to list LE options

2007-06-20 Thread Tim Hare
I never understood the auditor/sysprog paranoia about letting normal 
users have access to the operator Display commands

I don't know about your shop, but at ours it gets to be a pain when users 
call to complain because:

my job is 20th on the queue
it looks like there are an awful lot of abends today , what are you guys 
doing about it?
why is job such-and-such allowed to generate 20 million lines?

We also had similar problems with programmers and RMFMON before we 
protected it. It's not that I don't want them to see the information, it's 
that they don't understand the information they see, and then they 
complain to me about it.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: CMS/DOD idle connection requirements

2007-06-19 Thread Tim Hare
Don't know about DOD but our security folks were satisfied that the 
multi-session product (Supersession in our case) timed out and locked its 
session with the physical terminal while allowing the virtual terminal 
sessions to remain live. This allows a timed out user to resume where 
they left off, preventing the productivity loss.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Idenitfy ibm-main posts on Lotus Notes

2007-06-19 Thread Tim Hare
I have a rule for when Sender, To, or CC contain IBM-MAIN, which moves 
mail to a different Notes folder.  since the folder is highlighted when it 
contains unread mail, this sort of provides color coding.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-11 Thread Tim Hare
what does IBM really have to lose?

I agree that licenses of some sort need to be accessible to the small 
developers; however if a hobbyist license is granted, how do they keep 
it from being abused by unscrupulous companies who then run their business 
on the hobbyist machine rather than the commercial mainframe license 
(that they dropped once they found they could get away from it)?

Perhaps IBM needs to be allowed to do something the other vendors are 
doing - bundling all sorts of software in as part of their OS.  For 
example - Microsoft Paint, Notepad, and Wordpad are all demonstrably 
applications; their drag to the CD to burn it software is demonstrably a 
backup utility. IBM unbundles all of these things now - I think because of 
the consent decree way back when, correct me if I'm wrong. 

What if they were allowed to sell us a single OS license that included 
everything we needed to run our apps, including CICS, WebSphere, and DB2, 
and they priced it for what z/OS goes for now? Would our bean counters be 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Virtual tape cost question

2007-06-08 Thread Tim Hare
I don't know if the rules of this list allow cost discussion - but I'm not 
asking for specific numbers, and I'm trying to avoid being specific about 
the vendor, so maybe it will slide?

We're trying to evaluate switching to Tape Mount Management versus virtual 
tape.  This post is not about the pros or cons of doing it; rather we're 
trying to analyze what some of the costs are. We already have a virtual 
tape system, leased, so as part of our analysis we asked the vendor to 
tell us cost figures for the virtual tape box.  What we got back was about 
20% of the total lease cost. 

This doesn't make sense to me - I figured the virtual tape components, 
being basically a multi-processor computer and  a disk array, would cost 
more than the robotic tape components. Am I wrong in this?

If anyone has actual cost figures for their virtual tape box separately, 
could you give me a ballpark of what the ratio of the cost of the virtual 
compontents to the tape components should be so I can do a sanity check on 
what I'm hearing? 

Basically, I'm trying to determine whether the vendor is lowballing the 
cost figure to influence whether or not we include a virtual tape box on 
our next lease...


Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Virtual tape cost question

2007-06-08 Thread Tim Hare
I started this analysis thinking a robotic tape library was the way to  
go, but I've changed my mind. I can't see how anyone can justify 
 physical tape anymore.

Most virtual tape systems eventually write to physical tape as they 
internally perform hierarchical storage management.  There's an OS that 
does HSM functions on a bunch of disk, and when the disk space gets full, 
the datasets representing virtual tape volumes are written off to 
physical tape. 

The robotic tape library I looked at is also virtual, but is 
backed by physical tape. 
The costs to purchase a robotic tape library with about 250 cart capacity 
is just over $400K. The cost to purchase 15TB of DASD or a
 virtual tape solution backed by DASD is around $200K.

That is the cost of a robotic tape library _plus_ the virtual tape storage 
box with it, if I am reading you right.  What we're looking at is the cost 
of _just_ the robotic tape library in conjunction with DASD we already 
own, versus the robotic tape + virtual tape solution.  Since we have the 
capacity on our DASD to provide a disk buffer for the sequential 
datasets we currently create on tape it's hard to see the benefit of going 
to a virtual tape rather than just a sequential dataset on disk.

The backups and migrated copies of these datasets will go to physical, not 
virtual tape. Physical tape transported offsite via vehicle we believe to 
be cheaper than PPRC or offsite tape devices connected via channel 
extenders (and of course high-speed networks). 

But that's not part of my original question either,  I'm just trying to 
find out whether the virtual tape component being 20% of the total cost is 
legit or not.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Questions to the list

2007-06-01 Thread Tim Hare
Tom Schmidt: Now we are seeing evidence of new people (if not new 
workload) ... and we COMPLAIN about helping them?!? 

Just to set the record straight, I thought I tried pretty hard to avoid 
complaining; except for the little bit about reading the manual first.

Bob Shannon: they are taught to take problems as far as they can 
before asking for help. That is part of the learning/teaching 

I agree, and it also strengthens their skills for the long term.  Knowing 
how to use the reference materials is one reason I survived here so long, 
when (way back) the really experienced guys left for IBM and elsewhere.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Help settle a job title/role debate

2007-05-10 Thread Tim Hare
Wayne Driscoll wrote: Makes me wish there was a certification test 
required to run for public office!

Why? We all know that those guys are certifiable!

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Help with IKT011I Message RC=100

2007-05-01 Thread Tim Hare
Make changes to the current member of VTAMLST, issue V 
NET,ACT,ID=,UPDATE=ALL  and it should implement your changes on the 

VTAM has quite a bit of update-while-running functionality, rarely 
mentioned, but it is documented.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Ulterior Motive for IBM's Lawsuits

2007-04-30 Thread Tim Hare
I don't think IBM is trying to turn the zSeries into a gaming system; 
rather they are trying to take advantage of the Cell processor that they 
spent quite a bit of money developing.   In the long term we may see them 
provide a _lot_ of Cell processors in one zSeries box, with the Cell being 
microcoded to emulate zSeries instruction set, perhaps with some 
parallel-processing instructions and/or networking added.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: RES: Counting occurrences of a string in loadlib

2007-04-27 Thread Tim Hare
Why not do this in Assembler?  There are interfaces for reading the 
directory of the PDS; then do a LOAD, [insert your scan of the loaded load 
module here], DELETE for each load module? LOAD will return the address 
and length of the entire module loaded, if I am not mistaken, which is 
easier than assembling the module in Rexx, I think.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: z/OS 1.8 reliability question

2007-04-25 Thread Tim Hare
One of the good intangibles about z/OS (and, MVS/ESA, and MVS/XA, and.. ) 
reliability is that when you call support with a problem, they usually 
work on the problem. With those other guys and even with some vendors on 
z/OS who code on other platforms and then port to z/oS,  you often spend 
the first day or two convincing them that there *is* a problem and that 
the problem *is* in their code.IBM's mainframe support, on the other 
hand, usually assumes that you are *not* a clueless person and that when 
you call, a problem *does* exist.While it's hard to measure, I do 
believe that this contributes to a faster problem resolution cycle and 
therefore improved reliability.

Thanks, IBM support crew - wherever you are now.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Many or few instructions?

2007-04-25 Thread Tim Hare
You need only one instruction: DOIT
The rest is just operands and microding
g,d,  r

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: The Death of the Mainframe (?)

2007-04-23 Thread Tim Hare
Well, there go my aspirations for attending NIU after I retire.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Fw: IS IBM COBOL dead or just not being upgraded for z9? Re: z9 Hardware update

2007-04-18 Thread Tim Hare
Perhaps the COBOL compiler builders feel that the code generated is 
optimal without using relative branch or the other new instructions.  Most 
application programmers don't see the instruction-level code, nor do they 
really need to.   Most systems people would only worry about it if they 
were aware of a real CPU hog that could benefit;  if response time is 
within the SLAs, and all work is getting done, then no one much bothers 
with further code optimization.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: z9 Hardware update

2007-04-18 Thread Tim Hare
That's a shame. I would love to propose we start using XML to store all
 our data. If it offloaded to the special CPU's we can really save $$$.

Consider:  you're going to create it once, but parse it many times 
thereafter.  The more you read the data, the better the economics will be.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Flex, Hercules, mainframe future and IBM annual meeting

2007-04-17 Thread Tim Hare
In the protest/Abby Hoffman spirit we could write a green card titled 
Steal This Green Card and run a turkey for president.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: DB2 for z/OS version 7 - accessing an Oracle database from CICS and batch

2007-04-16 Thread Tim Hare
Oracle has an Oracle for DRDA adapter which runs on an Oracle box and 
plays with DB2's DDF; they also have an Oracle DB2 gateway which runs as 
two started tasks on the mainframe: network and gateway, and makes DB2 
appear to an Oracle network as another Oracle instance. I've installed the 
latter, it works pretty well. Requires a small DB2 database which contains 
some mapping info (I think it's one row).  There's an Oracle subsystem 
(usually named ORAC); you use ORAC commands to start and stop gateway 
pieces which let us fit it into our AF/Operator automation.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: DB2 for z/OS version 7 - accessing an Oracle database from CICS and batch

2007-04-16 Thread Tim Hare
In my previous post I mentioned the DB2 gateway - I'm not sure it works 
bi-directionally; Oracle's DRDA gateway is probably what you want.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Effects of Linux on z...ISV support and z/OS (Was: IBM to the PCM market)

2007-04-09 Thread Tim Hare
Let's be fair - Windows security may or may not be bad. 

What we usually see are examples of poor application programming security. 
At least from my viewpoint,  Internet Explorer, Word, Firefox, et al  are 
applications, they're not part of the core OS.

Which is, of course, not to say that Windows OS security is as good as 
z/OS Security Server, but I think we just want to compare apples to 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: dynamic zAAP

2007-04-06 Thread Tim Hare
You would possibly want to shut the use of zAAP off for development 
environments, to prevent alpha-level code loops from using resources 
better spent on production (I'd say money-making work but as you can see 
I work for a government, people believe we don't make it we just spend it) 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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z9BC HMC - Remote access?

2007-04-04 Thread Tim Hare
On our boxes, the HMC has been on a private network, it's not exposed to 
our LAN - which means I have to go into the data center to do HMC 
functions of course.   I was always wary of having my HMC on a network 
visible to others - but it seems many are doing it. 

What makes it secure enough for you?   Is it vulnerable to a 
denial-of-service attack if someone keeps hammering at it?  And for those 
of you using AF/Remote or a similar product with an HMC interface - do you 
allow people to dial into that product from outside your LAN to do HMC 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: RACF and Member Level Protection

2007-04-04 Thread Tim Hare
RACF does not protect individual members - and I don't see how Top Secret 
does either.   SAF is called from OPEN, which is a dataset-level, not 
member-level function.  Top Secret could of course intercept BLDL and STOW 
to provide some sort of member security - but I think those intercepts 
would have a performance penalty given all of the PDS searches in an MVS 
shop, and of course there are always programs which don't bother with BLDL 
to worry about.

I am not a RACF expert (I'll leave that to Walt and Russ and others) but 
reasoning tells me member protection can't be 100% - too many ways around 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: How to transfer PDSE libraries?

2007-04-03 Thread Tim Hare
Bob Shannon wrote:

 XMIT the PDSE to a flat file. FTP (binary) the Xmitted file.
 RECEIVE the file on the target system.

If  JES subsystems on the two systems are connected via NJE, then just 
XMIT the PDS-E to a user on the other system, and RECEIVE it there; no 
need to go through the flat file and FTP in that case. If the two share 
spool, you don't even need an NJE connection.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: VSM(VT), Disaster Recovery, No Tapes

2007-04-02 Thread Tim Hare
You could FTP those files to a PC running an FTP server / services, then 
copy them to a USB key to take them to the DR site, I suppose. 

I think you're going to have a problem determining the number of T1 
cartridges you need. If you mix retention on the cartridge, then as you 
say you have to keep it offsite until the dataset with the longest 
retention period expires.  The number of cartridges you need is equal to 
(number of such cartridges produced daily)*(longest retention period on 
the cartridge) - i.e. if you produce 1 tape per day on which the longest 
retention is 365 days, you're going to need 365 cartridges.  It can 
quickly become expensive if it's done wrong! 

We faced this even when we moved to 9840s..   for some of our longer 
retention migrations, we've reduced the frequency of the runs to reduce 
the number of tapes needed. 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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SMS Management Class usage

2007-03-28 Thread Tim Hare
Will DCOLLECT gather data on all management classes in use from the 
catalog (i.e. including migrated datasets)? I suspect I have several 
management classes which aren't in use, inherited from someone's previous 
work, and I'm looking for a good safe way to clean up.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: ISPF SRCHFOR and member lists

2007-03-26 Thread Tim Hare
You can (and I just learned this the other week, having never thought to 
try it before), issue SRCHFOR string on the command line of a member 
listing in edit or view, and it will search each member for the string, 
and show you (via *Found in the Prompt column) each member where it was 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Accessing CLIST variables in a batch job

2007-03-09 Thread Tim Hare
 I have a bit of a weird situation in which I'm running a clist in a step 

 of a batch job.  In this clist I'm reading an input file containing 
 variables that I would like to use in the following steps of the same 
 For example as datasetnames, PARM options etc. I hope I'm making sense. 
 Is this possible?  I'm open to any alternative options.  Thanks for your 


I second Steve Comstock's suggestion to use ISPF Skeletons to submit the 
job, but if that is not possible, my next suggestion is to execute one 
Rexx exec which invokes all of the former steps of the job using LINKMVS. 
You will have to add all of the condition code checking, etc. in the Rexx 
exec to replace whatever the JCL is doing.

The other option is to investigate your job scheduling package: they also 
can usually do job customization before submission - but typically once 
per day.

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GDG question

2007-02-01 Thread Tim Hare
I'm pretty sure I can do this, but I'm looking for a second opinion (and 
you're ugly, too as my coworker said doesn't count grin).

I have the assistance of a job scheduler which can substitute variables in 
JCL to help with this idea, so bear that in mind.

I want to create twelve GDGs,   prefix.whatever.JAN, prefix.whatever.FEB 
and so forth.

Then, instead of creating prefix.whatever.JAN(+1) I want to create 
prefix.whatever.JAN.G(day-of-month-with-leading-zeroes)V00 with 

In essence one generation per day of month, with missing generations if we 
don't run that day (state holiday or whatever). 

Then I want to be able to read  prefix.whatever.JAN as the complete set, 
as you can do with GDGs. 

Are there any holes in this theory that I'm overlooking? 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: TRSMAIN question

2007-01-31 Thread Tim Hare
 I believe TRSMAIN uses an LZ (Lempel-Ziv?) or LZW (add Welch) algorithm 
of sorts, but of course the algorithm matters less than the archive format 
in your case.

IBM's Unix Tools  Toys page (I believe) has GZIP ported for Unix Systems 
Services.  I got this to work for me:

 cat //'dataset_name' | gzip -c  archive_name.gz

Yes that is double quotes around the double slash entity, and single 
quotes around the fully-qualified dataset name, I am sure there may be 
better syntax(?) but it worked.

So, if your tape data is cataloged, and you have mount authority you might 
be able to issue a command like that for your tapes, sit back, and wait.

Once you're in gzip you can decompress it on a PC I'm sure.

Oh - you might have to pipe it through iconv to get it into ASCII / 
Unicode before zipping it.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: HTTP server and JAVA Serverpac question

2007-01-26 Thread Tim Hare
1.Change SETUP.SH back to read JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME:-JAVA_HOME}
2. In OMVS, type ECHO $JAVA_HOME to see if it is set; if it is then run 
3. If not set, use the command EXPORT JAVA_HOME = '
/usr/lpp/java/IBI/J5.0/bin' (or one of the other suggestions depending 
upon what Java you actually have), then run SETUP.SH

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: A Sort/ICETOOL Challenge

2007-01-18 Thread Tim Hare
I could get past whatever it is that makes it so hard for me to
understand the syntax of these newer features.

There's an interesting project for someone:  a lanuage preprocessor for 
SORT which accepts a different syntax, and produces SORT control 
statements; or a wrapper which does the same thing. Maybe a sort 
wizard also, to help someone build the sort they need? 

I don't personally have a problem with the syntax, but I know a lot of 
people seem to. I think, also, that we're seeing more zNextGen types who 
don't usually code control statements for a sort, they (I guess) set up a 
sort via drop-down menus and the like - which makes the learning curve of 
sort syntax (any mainframe sort tool, not just IBM's)  a pretty big hurdle 
to jump.

Unfortunately I don't think non-functional improvement to mainframe sorts 
(i.e. allowing a different syntax without adding new capabilities) is 
going to get a lot of new customers, so I don't know if an economic case 
can be made for building a new language for it.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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CA-1 reblocking gotchas?

2007-01-18 Thread Tim Hare
I am thinking about finally blocking my CA-1 TMC. We're not a huge shop, 
tape-wise, compared to many and so the block size of our TMC isn't really 
killing us but it would be nicer if certain queries or reports ran faster.

I'm thinking that someone on IBM-MAIN must have done this already - 
anything major to look out for? Our CA-1 is at R11.5 .

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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2007-01-09 Thread Tim Hare
I would look into FILE-STATUS-CODE in FILE-CONTROL; I believe LE sets a 
value for this case (but don't have my COBOL manuals with me so I can't 
check it out).

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Remote Tape drives

2006-12-29 Thread Tim Hare
There are 3490-compatible drives that attach to PCs (one example: .  Get one, use it to read 
the tape file at the PC end, then FTP the resulting file to your 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU
12/29/2006 01:27 PM
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IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU


Re: Remote Tape drives

Cheers John,
I thought channel extenders had a finite distance , like about 250k. I 
we are looking for something which would be IP based

Crispin Hugo
Systems Programmer, Macro 4

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Re: Remote Tape drives

2006-12-29 Thread Tim Hare
You'll need people at both ends for a tape drive, too - tape drives end up 
with all sorts of issues requiring operator intervention.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

 That would work but does require that we have people at both end 
 There may be a need to use this system over greater distances which 
 cause problems with time differences

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Re: ICC for StorageTek 9740

2006-12-26 Thread Tim Hare
I don't think the connection is LU 6.2, I believe is is STK's own command 
protocol done through I/O to a 327x device (I could be wrong). As far as I 
know there is no way to replace it with an ICC (and boy would I be glad if 
there were!).  ICC is basically 327x I/O-to-TN3270(E) protocol; you'd have 
to engineer the opposite on the silo end.

Why we could get an IP connection on a Wolf Creek (9360) but not on a 9740 
escapes me.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU
12/26/2006 12:16 PM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU


ICC for StorageTek 9740

We're finally getting around to ICC and it works rather painlessly 

(or ignorance is bliss). A sticking point may be the STC silo LU62 coax 
connection? I'm still trying to get the STC doc'm and registering with 
SUN/STC/STK.. to look at the doc'm online but I'm not  sure how long 
this will take. I didn't see anything in the archives but I've certainly 
missed things before.
So with the preamble out of the way, has anyone used the ICC to 
replace the STK silo coax connection? If not, is there a mechanism to 
bypass the connection and then use the ICC?

Jack Kelly
LA Systems @ US Courts
x 202-502-2390

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Re: SHARE in Tampa Florida, February 11-16, 2007

2006-12-18 Thread Tim Hare
Also worthy of note (at least to me):

The Personal Itinerary scheduling tool know contains the appropriate HTML 
and links to back-end iCalendar files which allows you to click on an icon 
and add a session to your Outlook, Apple iCal, or Notes calendar (some 
versions of Notes do better at this than others) - it should work with 
whatever calendaring app you use as long as that app supports the '.ics' 
file format  (RFC 2445).

From there, it's easy (usually) to sync it to your PDA or phone's 

Many thanks to the SHARE HQ folks who have worked hard to implement this 
and iron out bugs over the past couple of SHAREs.  It's definitely a great 
improvement over the download the entire agenda to my PDA days.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Don Marquardt

2006-12-14 Thread Tim Hare
Since Don was always badge #1 I've written to Smith-Bucklin / SHARE HQ 
to propose that hs number be retired. In these days of electronic 
registration probably nothing more than symbolic, but Don was one reason I 
stayed with SHARE in the early days; he made it great for a newcomer, and 
he was just an all around good guy as near as I could tell.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Tape mount / CA-1 / STK question

2006-12-13 Thread Tim Hare
Before I try writing up the enhancement requests to three vendors, I 
thought I'd ask on the list to see if there's already a solution that I'm 

Here's the problem:  I created a new backup job which would use real 
9840s, and modified my HSC (StorageTek) TAPEREQ statements to reflect 
that, but I forgot to modify CA-1's TMONSMxx statement so that the job 
used tapes from that scratch pool. CA-1 therefore rejected every scratch 
9840 tape mounted because the tape was from a specific scratch pool and 
the request was not for that pool  - IECTMS3 not scratch message with 
reason code 84.  Every time one of these IECTMS3 messages happened,  the 
tape was marked scratch in the STK CDS.  This, naturally, depleted by 
scratch pool causing failures in other jobs as well. 

Yes, I have now fixed the error, but I think somewhere along the line the 
various pieces of software involved should be modified so that scratch 
pool rejections like that do not cause the tape to be marked as 
non-scratch in the CDS. 

It's not a simple case however:  CA-1 rejects the tape and drives another 
mount. HSC sees each mount as an individual thing. Therefore, if the tape 
is still scratch, it might get mounted again immediately, causing the job 
to loop forever mounting the same tape or set of tapes (depending upon 
how HSC picks what the next scratch tape to mount is).

Because ot that kind of issue, I'm thinking this is a three-vendor 

A.  The original mount (IBM message)  needs some sort of identifier to 
identify a unique mount sequence.
B. CA-1 needs to use that identifier in all subsequent mounts used to 
satisfy the original request.
C. HSC needs to avoid marking the tapes as non-scratch in this situation, 
but it also needs to keep track of the tapes it has already mounted for 
the uniquely-identified request so that it can bypass tapes it has already 

Has anyone developed or seen a solution for this, or even things which 
would help?  Obviously, paying enough attention to what I'm doing to avoid 
making these mistakes is the first thing, but I'm afraid there's not a 
debugging tool for the software running on the old grey matter box, so 
I'm looking for solutions that run on z/OS .

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Tape mount / CA-1 / STK question

2006-12-13 Thread Tim Hare
 Obviously you meant to write marked *not* scratch above.

Yes I did, thanks for the correction

 Write procedures so you don't forget.  Put a note in the TAPEREQ member 
to remind you to check TMONSMxx when you make changes. 

Good suggestions

 I've never run into this but I haven't worked at a shop that used
 TMONSMxx in a long time.   I just let TAPEREQ control what type
 of media (virtual, physical 3490, physical 9840 etc.).

So, you don't define any scratch pools in CA-1, or you just don't assign 
them in CA-1? 


Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: record reformatting ... flowing records into each other

2006-12-13 Thread Tim Hare
Ancient method -  may or may not be suitable for what  you're doing:

Step 1:  IEBGENER the 80 character records into a dataset with attributes 
of LRECL=80 BLKSIZE=(8240 or  16480 or 24720)

Step 2: IEBGENER using the same file as input, coding LRECL=103 and the 
same BLKSIZE you used.  IEBGENER will copy the LRECL from input, or you 
can code it if you want.

This  works because 8240, 16480, or 24720 are all multiples of 80 * 103.

You may need to add some records to the end of the original dataset to 
make the last block come out even - I can't remember if I needed to do 
that or not. 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Tape mount / CA-1 / STK question

2006-12-13 Thread Tim Hare
HSC/SMC get involved at allocation so they are out of the picture at
that point. All HSC knows is a tape was mounted so it marks it
non-scratch in the CDS to preserve integrity.  HSC would probably need 
to add hooks into the system like other tape management software does 
to do more. 

I know SMC influences allocation, however HSC is involved at other points. 
When installing you're told to make sure that the HSC subsystem follows 
TMS in the IEFSSNxx definitions - that's so that HSC sees messages _after_ 
CA-1 has dealt with them.  I believe this is HSC's hook into what's 
happening with the tapes. 

Two people have mentioned that they think a tape is marked non scratch 
at the time it is mounted - is there anyone from StorageTek on this list 
that can verify that the tape is marked not scratch at mount time, as 
opposed to OPEN, CLOSE, EOV or the IECTMS3 occurrence?  To me it would 
make sense to do the not scratch change at OPEN time if the DCB is 
opened for any kind of output function- however as Mr. Zelden says, that 
would involve hooks in the same place as tape management software like 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Bisync

2006-12-08 Thread Tim Hare
I don't know who or what the other end is, but it would probably change if 
 your organization offered  to fund their migration from BSC to something 
else, than it would be to buy new boxes to support it.  Many times an 
offer like that will cause change in a hurry.  It would be cheaper in the 
long run for your organization than it would be to leave the status quo 
(consider the cost of changing their connection versus the cost of 
maintaining your 3745s).

For one thing, who do you have that understands the protocol if there are 
problems?  I used to have to support BSC connection to a modified RJE 
workstation program (IBM and our group modified the RJE package that came 
with JES so it had tape device support,  long story I'll tell if you buy 
me a beer at SCIDS)  and it's not pretty when it's not working!   You may 
have someone now who understands the protocol - but he's probably close to 
retiring, and when he leaves then it will cost more money to get help when 
you need it.

If this is in fact an RJE connection, I would suggest you look into Barr 
Systems (we use them, I can recommend them) or one of the other PC-based 
RJE packages.  If it's something else, I'm sure that there must be a way 
to communicate whatever is coming over that link in another manner.

If you absolutely can't get it changed, at least look at removing features 
and scanners from the 3745s that you don't need so you can drop 
maintenance costs and lower your licensing costs to a lower tier.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

 I still have some 3745's and the maintenance contract is horrendous. I
 have no control over the far end, only my end. 

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Re: Master Start Pendings

2006-12-08 Thread Tim Hare
If you are using any sort of storage array where the disk volumes are 
virtualized (such as a Shark), define some 3390-3 volumes with just 
enough storage to hold your STK CDS - one little volume for each CDS. This 
will ensure that any reserve only affects your STK work and nothing else.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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StorageTek libraries with IP interface for z/OS?

2006-12-07 Thread Tim Hare
We once had a StorageTek 9360, on which you could get a feature to have 
robotics control commands sent over IP instead of 3270 coax (we didn't buy 
it, but the feature was available).  Then our lease was up, and we ended 
up with 9740 LMUs which only use 3270 connections. Now that we would like 
to get rid of our 3x74s (we use ICCs for consoles), these LMUs are a 
sticking point. 

As far as I know, the new SL8500 has an IP interface (having quite a few 
9840 cartridges, it will be easier to stick with STK I think) - however on 
the Sun site it doesn't even say that box is compatible with z/OS or z/VM 
(probably an error?).

Anyone know of other ways around this on current hardware? Maybe some sort 
of ICC interface which routes out a coax instead of TN3270E (remember, 
once upon a time 9370 CPUs had an inegrated 3x74 controller so this is not 
too far-fetched)? Barring that, can anyone verify they are running SL8500s 
with z/OS?


Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Dynamic IPL

2006-12-05 Thread Tim Hare
It's been a while since my primary responsibility was z/OS (actually it 
was last that during MVS/ESA days?) but I am a backup to the guy that does 
it. It has occurred to me that with all of the new changes to make things 
like linklist dynamically changeable, it might be a good idea to IPL the 
minimum and then have commands issued to make the system environment 
what you want.  So, what's the mimimum going to involve?

1. Besides the basic OS, and master scheduler, what subsystems need to be 
initialized from the very beginning? I believe I'd start SMS so I could 
use SMS parameters in linklist and APF list members of PARMLIB... then 
JES2 of course. Anything else? 

2. I know subsystem initialization routines need to be in the linklist 
before the subsystems start, but do they have to be there from the 
beginning or only when the SETSSI ADD command is invoked?

3. Assuming we've got all that right, we'd then use SET PROG= to set up 
linklist and APF after SMS is started, and SETSSI for things like DB2 or 
other things.

My feeling is that, similar to the way ISPF logon procs can be cleaned up, 
this will result in a reliable IPL, even on our sandbox where people make 
changes, while giving us some more flexibility. Anyone done this? What 
were your pros and cons?

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Internal Reader Resources

2006-11-29 Thread Tim Hare
This answer is based on the last time I looked (it may be different for 
current versions of JES2 that I don't have)

The number of internal readers is set in JES2 by the RDINUM parameter on 
the INTRDR statement. That's the limit.  I don't see documentation 
allowing RDINUM to be set by the $SET INTRDR command.As with any other 
SYSOUT file, the resources are in use from ALLOCATE until FREE, although I 
think you can use FREE=CLOSE to make sure it's freed when closed.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

 I remember seeing cautions on this list that SYSOUT=(,INTRDR)
 be used with restraint because of resource constraints.  So:
 o What resource(s)?
 o How many INTRDRs can (typically) be active concurrently?
 o Can an installation modify the limit?  What are the costs
   of doing so?
 o Are the resource(s) occupied from ALLOCATE until FREE, or
   merely from OPEN until CLOSE?

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Re: MB to Cyl Conversion

2006-11-29 Thread Tim Hare
You can allocate space on z/OS  in MB if you want:


for example, allocates enough space in millions of records (AVGREC=M). 
Those records (for allocation purposes, this is not the LRECL) are 1 byte 
long.  Here our primary is 1000M  or approximately 1GB.

I use this technique successfully, for example, when allocating an HFS for 
a product ported to USS where the vendor says you need xMB to install.

If you like, you can do an allocation like this and use some other tool to 
determine the tracks or cylinders that it occupies.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: News : IBM and outsourcing in Texas

2006-11-29 Thread Tim Hare
I did a report from MXG data one time which  cast much of the mainframe 
work in (Windows) server terms (i.e. batch jobs were background tasks, , 
started tasks were Services etc.  A little different from the server 
farm concept (which I also like),  but still useful.

It does help some PHB-types to draw comparisons.  It also helps to point 
out to such bean-counters that often you are serving the _same_ number of 
customers with _one_ piece of hardware.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: IEBPTPCH oddity

2006-11-28 Thread Tim Hare
If they're like our users, they no longer use the report but just don't 
bother to tell us. Someone dutifully files it on a shelf, because they 
don't know what that report is for, but the IT guys send it every week 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

 I have no idea how long this has been wrong. 

I have no idea why users never let us know the report was like that.

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Re: COBOL Question

2006-11-28 Thread Tim Hare
Take the easy (?) way: modularize the program so that the business logic 
is in one module, invoked by dynamic CALL from either a batch wrapper or a 
CICS wrapper. This means the business logic doesn't need to worry about 
the environment, and also makes the business logic more portable: for 
example if you want to later invoke it from a CICS HTTP application, or 
from a calling program invoked in a servlet or something.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: support elements failure

2006-11-28 Thread Tim Hare
For educational purposes, would you please tell us what piece of hardware 
failed that took out  both SEs? 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU wrote on 11/28/2006 
02:17:07 PM:

 Due to a hardware failure we lost the communication with both SEs 

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Re: RACF and product tape data set names

2006-11-27 Thread Tim Hare
We're a CA-1 and RACF shop. You can, in CA-1, specify the FORNDSN option 

FORNDSN NONE  Foreign DSN check

Which prevents CA-1 from calling RACF for datasets specified as foreign 
(ACCODE=XCANORES is how we do it, some use EXPDT=98000).

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

 1. Management, and even auditors, might buy off on an exit 
 which bypasses the security checks on *foreign* tapes.  Or, 
 perhaps, an exit which does that only when the job is run 
 by someone in the sysprog group.

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Friday question: in search of Rexx elegance?

2006-11-17 Thread Tim Hare
I'm trying to construct some modify commands in AF/Operator, unfortunately 
the product for which the commands are being issued requires single quotes 
around some operands... Here's what I did:


Note the preponderance of double and single quotes (it may help to pull 
the text into ISPF to look at it).

The OPER command as I understand it, takes its operand within single 
apostrophes  (for a simple example - OPER 'D T' )
I need to issue the command F $SCHED,VAR(name, 'value') with the value in 
single apostrophes.
The above Rexx does it by using  quotes around literal strings, and double 
apostrophes when we want to end up with a single one in the final command.
The variables within the STRIP function are created in other parts of the 
Rexx code.

Is there an easier- to-maintain, more elegant way to do this?   The 
above code works, but I don't think it's easy to understand or maintain.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: strange request: EBNF desc of JCL?

2006-11-17 Thread Tim Hare
1. Do you mean ABNF?

2.  How about an XSLT to take JCL and transform it into XML; you can then 
go from XML to just about anything else.

3.  Maye there should be an XML schema / DTD for JCL which _also_ includes 
scheduling information; I for one would love to see scheduler info in a 
standard data format, so I could export from one scheduler and import into 
another if management decides that some other scheduler is superior 
(read: the salesman offered us a cheaper price or showed us a pretty GUI)

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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2006-11-15 Thread Tim Hare
I thought the FAQ for us old mainframers was called RTFM?

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: TSO user activity logger

2006-11-14 Thread Tim Hare
Just turn on the AUDIT attribute for those users, I believe RACF will then 
record everything they do (that is  everything which invokes RACF such as 
OPEN, CICS checking for access to transactions, etc.)

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Syncsort / DFSORT LPA

2006-11-09 Thread Tim Hare
I just have to ask: why do would an installation  need both sort products 
unless you're at an ISV where you have to test your product with both? 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: IKJCT43A Return Code 99 - What does this mean.

2006-11-08 Thread Tim Hare
As many will no doubt inform you, you probably want to (in the long run) 
start invoking those ISPF commands with execs that use the TSO  ALTLIB 
and/or   ISPF LIBDEF commands, so that you only have to allocate the 
libraries necessary for the application and not allocate every possible 

Tom Conley (hope I got that right)  has done presentations on this many 
times at SHARE.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Zip problems

2006-11-03 Thread Tim Hare
Why not just install gzip on z/OS? There's a USS version available.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Virtual Tape vs. TMM

2006-11-01 Thread Tim Hare
I agree with many that a duplex VSM/VTS situation solves the DR problem 
but that's capital outlay that probably won't happen.   That leaves us 
with one virtual box, and the DR solutions in that case are more 

I haven't yet compared the DASD cost so I will have toI accept at face 
value that disk in the VSM is cheaper than disk in my ESS 2105, although 
the VSM and the 2105 are very similar in nature and use very similar 
drives, so I think the difference is cost is more due to the software and 
interfaces running on those boxes than due to the actual media.

As for CPU cost,  we're not an HSM shop.  I haven't had any particular CPU 
hawg problems with ABR that I've noticed; the worst problem I have is if 
I have to scan all my disks during prime time I have an initiator tied up.

Regarding ML1 pollution:  for TMM I don't bother with ML1,  if it's 
unreferenced TMM  it gets migrated directly to 9840. Only in a few cases 
would migration go to virtual tape, which we're trying to weed out because 
 you end up doing a VTV recall to mount a tape to do an ABR recall, and 
that just seems a bit counterproductive sometimes. 

Maybe due to a use pattern specific to us (and government accounting), but 
about 90% of user-generated tape gets referenced a lot the first few 
days after creation, up to a month after creation, and then nothing. 
Basically they're rolling daily stuff into weekly or monthly stuff, so the 
daily things don't get referenced after the weekly is built, and so on. 
This means my TMM buffer doesn't have to be all that large. 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: afoper

2006-11-01 Thread Tim Hare
Sounds like they were assembled with a version of JES2 macros prior to 
1.7;  there were changes in this area for 1.7 I'm told (we are doing our 
prep for 1.7 now).   This may be an AF/Operator bug, or it may be a 
problem with assembling a JES2 interface table .

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Virtual Tape vs. TMM

2006-10-31 Thread Tim Hare
The virtual tape mount question in the SMF JWT thread prompted me to post 

We're thinking about moving off virtual tape, to  Tape Mount Management. 
We've been kicking the idea around because:

1.  We think we have the DASD to accomodate an x-day buffer of user tape
2. All of our important backups and migrations (we are FDR/ABR) go 
directly to 9840
3. DR of virtual tapes is kind of a pain
4. Since the advent of PC workstations and servers, users grasp the idea 
of online disk datasets, but don't quite grasp files on tape.  Plus their 
DASD datasets would be available faster (no tape mounts),

TMM and virtual tape are conceptually identical (to us anyway) - both use 
a DASD buffer to eliminate tape mounts and both use system-managed storage 
techniques to manage that DASD buffer. The main difference is that a VTS / 
VSM system uses SMS logic defined by the vendor rather than by us.

We think we would use the savings from dropping the virtual tape hardware 
to purchase more drives and/or another STK LSM if we needed it to 
accomodate increased backup activity (although in our case we might not 
need it). Additional drives would shorten our backup and migration times, 
which is a plus for this scenario.

So - that's _our_ thinking on the topic, but I'd be interested to hear the 
opinions - and we _know_ this list has them - on the topic of migrating 
away from virtual tape...

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Virtual Tape vs. TMM

2006-10-31 Thread Tim Hare
VTS disk may be cheaper than online disk, but the the total cost of the 
VSM box with DASD may not be cheaper than what we need to go to TMM, 
especially since that DASD is free - it's capacity we already own but 
don't use.  I appreciate the point, however, and we'll try to see if we 
can figure out which is cheaper for us.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU wrote on 10/31/2006 
 - Why do you send your migrations to 9804? We run CA-DISK and I don't
 know ABR, but you can:
 1. Migrate to disk. This will roughly decrease the space, since idle
 space is dropped and you can also compress the data if you can spend the
 CPU costs. This delivers fast recall times, so you can possibly migrate
 more aggressively.
 2. Migrate to VTS and set up rules to keep the data in the cache. This
 will also deliver fast recall times and at the same time, much faster
 than from 9840 and you can possibly migrate more aggressively.
 - VTS storage is cheaper than online Dasd, so from the cost point, VTS
 is preferred about TMM.
 - If your recalltimes from VTS, are a problem because they cannot be
 done from the cache, you might spend your money on enlarging the cache
 in stead of the TMM buffer.
 - DR is possible with a peer-to-peer VTS (VSM) configuration if you can
 put them far enough apart from each other and can be handled by the VTS.
 What is your DR procedure now, with the backups and migrations directly
 to 9840?
 - Have a look at the new TS7700 from IBM. This has enhanced the Virtual
 Tape concept considerably, both for normal operation and for DR.
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Re: Java/LE Tuning Advice sought

2006-10-30 Thread Tim Hare
I've been out for a week, and I haven't seen this possibility posted in 
response to your problem, so I'm going to post it.  Feel free to 
cross-post to MVS-OE if you think it's necessary.

Check with the vendor to see what kind of I/O the application does. We 
once had an engineering software vendor come in here with a wonderful 
application that the users really wanted badly. They had seen it run on a 
PC or Unix box, I forget which. On MVS/ESA (at that time) it ran like a 
dead dog. 

The problem? They were doing I/O a byte at a time. On Unix/Windows 
filesystems that didn't matter a lot (I am not a filesystem guru, so I'll 
not try to explain why), but when they got to MVS, of course, it died 
because they were writing one-byte blocks to CKD disk.   I realize that 
HFS will change this  but there's still got to be a lot of of overhead if 
you're doing byte-level work on your files.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU
10/27/2006 02:35 PM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU


Re: Java/LE Tuning Advice sought

Possible progress:  In my open TechQA question with IBM on this topic
I got a new option to specify in the Java options, and I am now
recording verbosegc output in readable form.

The option is


where filename is a file name of one's own choosing.

Maybe this is the something that another poster couldn't remember
having to do?


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Re: Why does MAXPROCUSER not limit the number of FTP sessions?

2006-10-19 Thread Tim Hare
Correct me if I'm wrong, but maybe, since the process is created by the 
FTP server, wouldn't the process in question be created by the user ID of 
the FTP server?   I haven't ready any FTP code, but I'm thinking it 
creates the process, then maybe does something like 'su' to have it run 
under the ID of the person logging in. 

IF (and it's a big if I guess) that is the case, then the maximum that 
applies is the one set to the user ID of the FTP server and you probably 
don't want to limit that one.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: StorageTek 9840 / VTSS question

2006-10-18 Thread Tim Hare
Thanks to all who replied.  I found it in the VTCS Admin Manual as 
suggested; not much there but it does say you need an ESCON director to 
provide connectivity from VSM and z/OS. 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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StorageTek 9840 / VTSS question

2006-10-17 Thread Tim Hare
I can't find this in the manual for some dumb reason (probably I'm the 
dumb reason but we'll let that drop...), I'm pretty sure I saw it in an 
STK manual but I'm not finding it.

Has anyone configured a StorageTek VTSS so that the RTDs (the 9840s 
usually dedicated to the VSM box) are shareable with z/OS?  Does it 
require additional ESCON cables/ channels from z/OS? If not, how is the 
physical connection made? Is it over the same ESCON channels used to the 
VSM box??

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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