Re: Cyrus support for multiple client access?

2003-07-10 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Ken Murchison wrote:

To be more specific, this means we have a mailbox where our customer 
sends mail to and about 9 people should be able to be connected to 
this mailbox seeing the incoming messages and those, that have been 
answererd or seen). Of course, they should be able to answer, delete 
or move mails.
Well, seen state is per user, so you won't know if someone else read 
the message.  If you allow all of these users to store message flags 
('w' right), then you will know when someone else replied via the 
\Answered flag.  Similarly, allowing the 'd' right will allow the 
messages to be marked as \Deleted.
You could have a convention of using user-defined labels for messages to 
indicate that someone is taking care of it (which is what I am assuming 
you are interested in for the Seen flags).  If this is for something 
like help desk support, you can make it work (I did at a previous job), 
but setting up a real ticket system isn't that hard and is a lot easier 
to use.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: APPEND vs RFC2822 vs STD0011

2003-07-09 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Edward Reid wrote:

What RFC3501 says is

 The APPEND command appends the literal argument as a new message
 to the end of the specified destination mailbox.  This argument
 SHOULD be in the format of an [RFC-2822] message.
Since it's the client that constructs the literal, it appears to me
that the RFC is giving the client the choice. The language appears to
specify only the client/server combination. Obviously it would be
better if the language were clearer, but it's not. In other places, the
RFC explicitly refers to the server, for example, the lines immediately
after the above:

My interpretation is still that it is describing the protocol and that 
SHOULD in this case allows (but certainly does not require) the client 
or server to relax this restriction where they see fit.  If the server 
is allowed to not relax this restriction, then clearly the client has to 
be prepared to deal with a response from a server that doesn't.  I agree 
there should be clarification there, but as written I don't see how it 
can be interpreted as the client MAY choose not to send an RFC2822 
message and the server MUST be prepared to accept a message that is not 
in RFC2822 format.  Surely if such a strong requirement of the server 
was intended it would have been said, rather than SHOULD which is 
intended to give the implementation room to relax requirements if necessary.

 characters are permitted in the message.  A server implementation
 that is unable to preserve 8-bit data properly MUST be able to
 reversibly convert 8-bit APPEND data to 7-bit using a [MIME-IMB]
 content transfer encoding.
  Note: There MAY be exceptions, e.g., draft messages, in
  which required [RFC-2822] header lines are omitted in
  the message literal argument to APPEND.  The full
  implications of doing so MUST be understood and
  carefully weighed.
I had not previously noted the implications of that last paragraph. It
implies that even the headers are not necessarily required to be
RFC2822 compliant. But it's even less clear about whether the client or
the server makes the choice. But again, I'm not personally concerned
about headers.
The formal syntax is no help in this case, because it includes no
restriction beyond literal.
The addition of this example seems to me to strengthen the SHOULD be an 
RFC2822 message statement, since it clearly suggests that even a 
reasonable exception (involving only missing header lines but 
maintaining the basic format) requires careful consideration of the 

Regarding bare newlines, RFC3501 2.2 states:

  All interactions transmitted by client and server are in the form
  lines, that is, strings that end with a CRLF.  The protocol
  of an IMAP4rev1 client or server is either reading a line, or is
  reading a sequence of octets with a known count followed by a line.

This clearly does not mean that a literal cannot contain CR or LF -- in
fact, in general the APPEND literal will always contain CRLFs which do
not end the literal. The literal is prefix-coded with the octet count,
and so the rule about lines ending in CRLF does not apply until the
octet count is exhausted. The part of 2.2 that applies to this
situation is the last line, reading a sequence of octets with a known

Yes, sorry -- from RFC2822, 2.1:

  Messages are divided into lines of characters.  A line is a series of
  characters that is delimited with the two characters carriage-return
  and line-feed; that is, the carriage return (CR) character (ASCII
  value 13) followed immediately by the line feed (LF) character (ASCII
  value 10).  (The carriage-return/line-feed pair is usually written in
  this document as CRLF.)
I guess there is still the debate of whether a client should expect the 
server to store something that isn't an RFC2822 message, and on that I 
guess we will have to disagree until the next IMAP RFC is written and 
clarifies it.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: APPEND vs RFC2822 vs STD0011

2003-07-07 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Edward Reid wrote:

The mail provider (MX) for my domain,, runs cyrus. I use
Eudora (for Mac, v5.2), mostly in POP mode, but I use some IMAP
features too. In particular, some of my filters copy incoming (POP)
messages to an IMAP mailbox at That's where the problems
Some of these incoming messages contain NULs or bare CR or LF. Yes, the
sender is broken as far as RFC2822 is concerned, but the messages get
through anyway. And the messages are valid RFC822/STD0011 format.
When Eudora tries to copy these (APPEND them) to the IMAP mailbox,
cyrus (at returns an error. I could live with an
occasional copy failure, but the worst part is that when Eudora gets
the server error, it thinks it's a terrible problem and throws up a
dialog box and ceases all processing. Since I (like many people) depend
on Eudora cleaning up my mailbox and doing other things with incoming
mail automatically when I'm not at my desk, this gets to be a serious

That's what sieve is for -- do it in the server and you won't have to 
rely on a particular client doing it for you.

So I started reading RFC3501 to find the reason. I assumed that I'd
find a good reason that I could quote to Eudora support, telling them
why Eudora has to clean up the message before storing it in an IMAP
mailbox. But I didn't find that. What I found -- under the APPEND
command (section 6.3.11) -- is
: The APPEND command appends the literal argument as a new message
: to the end of the specified destination mailbox. This argument SHOULD
: be in the format of an [RFC-2822] message.
Note well: that's SHOULD, not MUST. This is important. RFC2119
gives the meaning of SHOULD:
: This word [...] mean[s] that there may exist valid reasons in
: particular circumstances to ignore a particular item [...]
So based on my reading of the RFC, it's the client's choice: it should
normally append RFC2822 messages, but if it has a valid reason, it's
allowed to append something that's not RFC2822. Now, IMAP mailboxes are
intended for email -- Internet message format or Internet text
messages in the RFC language -- and so it would be hard to make a case
for storing anything that's not such a message. But RFC822 messages are
still rampant on the Internet. In fact, as I understand it, although
RFC2822 has obsoleted RFC822, STD0011 (which is identical to RFC822) is
still a standard and has not yet been superseded.
And it certainly seems to me that making a copy of an existing message
is a valid reason for copying it intact, without the modifications
needed to force it to conform to the stricter format of RFC2822. Since
RFC3501 leaves this decision up to the client, it follows that cyrus is
broken when it refuses the message.  If RFC3501 said MUST, then I'd
say it's Eudora's responsibility to fix the message before attempting
an APPEND. But the RFC says SHOULD.
Is there any good argument for cyrus' action? If there is, I'd be happy
to take it to Eudora and push them to fix Eudora. Eudora's not exactly
known for its stellar IMAP support, and I'd like them to improve this.
I've shoved the RFCs in their face plenty of times in the past. But in
this case, my reading of the RFCs is that Eudora's APPEND action is
defensible and cyrus' action is incorrect.

I disagree - it sounds like it would be defensible if Cyrus supported 
storing such messages even though it is clearly recommended against by 
the standard.  If Eudora insists on storing such messages, it should be 
prepared to deal with a server that is unwilling to do so.

If you allow the IMAP server to store arbitrary data, it makes the other 
functions much more difficult -- if it can't assume there is a 
message-id that is globally unique, it has to create its own unique key 
for a message.  Searching based on header fields is more problematic 
since you can't assume there is even a header or that if there is one 
that it's value corresponds to anything you might expect (ie, character 
set, line length, and other issues).

Allowing null characters in particular is problematic for any code that 
uses null-terminated strings for messages or parts of messages, and 
would require changing the code everywhere to use and pass the length of 
all the strings instead.  I don't know if there is a technical reason 
behind not supporting bare newlines or not.

As far as STD0011 not being obsoleted, there are plenty of RFCs etc. 
that are not obsoleted by something but are still not best current 
practice.  Clearly if the RFC it has been based on has been obsoleted, 
the STD should be updated as well.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: quota warning problem - Is it a bug of cyrus imap?

2003-07-07 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Joe Rhett wrote:

On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 12:29:41PM -0500, Paul M Fleming wrote:

Rounding error would present a problem for us and our users. My 2 cents
.. quotas  4GB are fairly rare. I know with a large student user base
with 50-75Mb quotas rounding to the nearest K wouldn't be desirable.

Okay, color me confused.  Say your mailbox quota is 50mb.  Isn't that
exactly 51200k?
Or do you really need to give some users 5,121,133 byte quotas?  Do you 
really manage your quotas down to less than 1 kilobyte, when you are giving
the users 50 megabyte boundaries on the low side?

Or am I missing your point entirely?

The problem is if you keep only the count of kBytes in a mailbox, what 
do you do when you receive a message of 512 bytes?  Do you not count it 
at all, or do you count it as 1kB?  If you keep actual bytes, you still 
have the problem of it fitting in a 32-bit number, and if you round it 
either way the quota will eventually be so wrong it is useless.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: 4.3.0 lmtpd: Virtual memory exhausted - problem :(

2003-07-01 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Pascal Gienger wrote:

I am using Cyrus IMAP 2.1.12 (Suse Linux package, no source install 
allowed here), and we see some errors from lmtpd saying Virtual 
memory exhausted.

ulimits are unlimited for every resource (no limit), and there are 4 
Gigabytes of swap used by 5% and 2 Gigabytes of RAM.
System is GNU/Linux 2.4.20-64GB.

Our postfix mailer tries to deliver a message to a local lmtpd (Cyrus 
system) and here is the result:

Jun 30 07:38:43 rauch postfix/lmtp[3129]: EC7FD4400088: 
relay=/mail/cyrus/socket/lmtp[/mail/cyrus/socket/lmtp], delay=142730, 
status=deferred (host /mail/cyrus/socket/lmtp[/mail/cyrus/socket/lmtp] 
said: 421 4.3.0 lmtpd: Virtual memory exhausted (in reply to end of 
DATA command))

Has anybody seen this already? Which memory lmtpd claims to be exhausted?
With no process limits at all?
What version of DB are you running?  Does this happen immediately or 
only after it has been running a while?  On Solaris 9 with DB 4.1.24-25, 
we had a problem where DB functions would eventually return ENOSPC, 
which might be interpreted as Virtual memory exhausted.  There has 
been a patch posted to Cyrus to fix this problem, but if you can't use a 
source package you might have to downgrade to DB 4.0.14 if this is your 

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: cyradm erros when reconstructing a mailbox

2003-07-01 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Ezsra McDonald wrote:

Let me go to another account with the same problem.

All af the folders exist. Some are empty and
reconstruct reports an IOERROR when it can't find
cyrus.* in the folders. He has several folders whose
names are made up of multiple words like for example
one is named 'user.randy.Child Development'. It is
also an empty folder. Permisions on all files and
folders are setup for cyrus:mail. 

If the folders are empty (no cyrus.* files) but still in the mailbox 
list, it sounds like your copy did not move everything over properly or 
else the mailbox db doesn't correspond to the spool files (empty 
directories can be left around when deleting a folder if the folder is 
selected when it is deleted).  Aside from these particular accounts, I 
would be concerned that other things were not copied correctly.

I am spending too much time on this.
What I would like to do is just remove all references
to both users from the imap databases. Is there a way
to do this. Then I can recreate a clean account and
have the users move their mail over manually.

With cyrus shut down, do ctl_mboxlist -d file, edit the file, the 
ctl_mboxlist -u file.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Sieve failure on deliverdb corruption...

2003-06-19 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Rob Siemborski wrote:

But its not even an issue since duplicate_init is called in service_init.
(Before the lmtpd is handling a connection).

So the MTA will just see connection reset by peer and defer it, 
right?  If so, that behavior seems fine.

I didn't have any problem noticing it before when I was having the 
problem with db 4.1.25, since all my mail that was getting sorted into 
folders started getting dumped in my inbox.  Enough lists like this one, 
and the mean time to detection is vanishingly small :).

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Cyrus on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

2003-06-17 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Craig Ringer wrote:

[OT: Yes, I'm aware that there other other Linuces beyond RH, but we're
committed to HP hardware which is only certified for RH and SuSE (one of
my colleagues has been told by an HP engineer that they support 
Debian but
I've yet to see anything official). We have zero SuSE experience 
so RH kind of have us by the danglies...]
That sounds depressingly like you're talking about MS or some custom 
software vendor, not Red Hat. The price of successful business, I guess.
He is referring to HP certifying the software, which I am sure has more 
to do with demand than anything devious.  HP isn't going to go to the 
trouble to support some version that not many of their customers are 
using.  I am not sure why you would fault RedHat for HP not certifying 
other distributions besides RedHat and SuSE.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Can't delete old folders from before ALTNAMESPACE

2003-06-16 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Lee wrote:

You should be able to delete these from within cyradm as an admin, 
somebody deleted stuff by hand from the filesystem.
I think that might be the problem.

When i try to SAM the folders pre-deletion in cyradm, i get a:

setaclmailbox: admin: lcp: System I/O error

Is there a way to force remove cyrus' internal list of those folders?
If you deleted them without Cyrus knowing about it, your best bet is to 
take Cyrus down, dump the mboxlist (ctl_mboxlist -d file.txt), edit the 
text version of the file to remove things that are no longer there, and 
then undump the mboxlist (ctl_mboxlist -u -f file.txt), and then bring 
everything up.  You really should not be deleting things under Cyrus's 
control except through Cyrus.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Can't delete old folders from before ALTNAMESPACE

2003-06-16 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Lee wrote:

Will this cause any problems with seen / unseen flags (or anything for 
that matter)?
Seen flags are kept in a different database, under 
/var/imap/user/X/user.seen.  I presume Cyrus gracefully deals with 
nonexistent folders in the seen/sub files, but I haven't looked at that 
part of the code so conceivably that might be a problem.

If you want to be sure, restore the missing directories from backup and 
delete them the proper way though Cyrus.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: migrating from sendmail/shadow to sasl on new box

2003-06-13 Thread John Alton Tamplin
blast wrote:

As far as I've been able to find, the only way to migrate use info 
from an old box running sendmail authenticating against shadow to a 
new system running postfix authenticating against sasldb2 is to use 
the auto_transition feature.  Is this true, or is there perhaps a 
manual_transition feature that I might employ?
If you have their clear-text password, or are willing to reset the 
passwords, it would be trivial to write a script to do it.  Otherwise, 
you do not have sufficient information (shadow only stores a one-way 
hash of the password, using crypt or md5 depending on your OS and 
configuration) to regenerate the clear-text password that is required.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Cyrus Backup Strategy

2003-06-13 Thread John Alton Tamplin
pnelson wrote:

My last thing to do prior to converting to production is a backup
strategy.  I have been doing this with tar something like:
tar -C /var/lib-czf lib-date.tar.gzimap
tar -C /var/spool  -czf spool-date.tar.gz  imap
tar -cf cyrus-date.tar
This is producing a pretty big file(s):

lib-date.tar.gz-   2.2M
spool-date.tar.gz  -  11.0M
and ultimately

cyrus-date.tar -  13.5M 

and I was thinking maybe there is a better way that someone else has
come up with.  Anyone doing backups a different way?
Are you then dumping these files to tape?  Otherwise, just having 
another copy on disk doesn't protect against many potential causes of 
data loss.

We just backup the mail files normally with Veritas Netbackup (be sure 
to disable true image restore with the millions of files), with the only 
custom bit being to dump a copy of the mailbox list to a text file 
before the backups run (this is a precaution since we are backing up 
structured database files without synchronization with the program 
writing them, so there is no guarantee the resulting backup is useful).  
Our full backup for all Cyrus files is 98G and 4.2M files, taking 5-8 
hours depending on other data hitting the tape drives.  Daily 
incremental backups average 1-3G and 10-30k files.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Compiling Cyrus IMAPD on AMD Opteron

2003-06-12 Thread John Alton Tamplin

make[2]: Entering directory `/root/src/cyrus-imapd-2.1.13/perl/imap'
rm -f blib/arch/auto/Cyrus/IMAP/
LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/lib64 cc  -shared -L/usr/local/lib64 IMAP.o  -o
blib/arch/auto/Cyrus/IMAP/ ../../lib/libcyrus.a  -lssl -lcrypto
../../lib/libcyrus.a(imclient.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 can not be used
when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
../../lib/libcyrus.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [blib/arch/auto/Cyrus/IMAP/] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/src/cyrus-imapd-2.1.13/perl/imap'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/src/cyrus-imapd-2.1.13/perl'
make: *** [all] Error 1
Can anyone help me with it?  I wanted to get it working to test out the
performance of the system.

What you need to look at is where imclient.c was compiled.  Either it 
wasn't compiled with -shared, or the gcc port is not properly choosing 
the right flags for -shared.  Run the cc command yourself in that 
directory, adding the -v flag and see if -fPIC gets passed to cc1.  If 
not, you can fix the problem just by adding -fPIC yourself in the 
compile commands.  If it is getting passed, then it looks like the 
machine definition is improperly choosing a particular addressing mode 
when generating PIC code and that will need to get fixed by whoever 
maintains the x86_64 machine description for gcc.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: special imap server

2003-06-11 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Brasseur Valéry wrote:

did someone know if there exist a IMAp server who would be able to use a
POP3 server for the INBOX folder and his normal folders for all others !
note : i need something like this for a migration purpose !

The basic problem is that you cannot implement the IMAP protocol using 
the functionality provided by a POP server.  Conceivably, you could have 
a proxy that did what you wanted and provided a very restricted subset 
of IMAP commands, but you would likely find clients would not work with it.

You should just bite the bullet and convert them at once, offline.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Weird pop3d hang problem (fd blocked?!)

2003-06-10 Thread John Alton Tamplin
foobar wrote:

See word *theoretically* , didn't urandom gather some data from
network-interfaces too so it may be affected. Nobody knows when it takes
data from device nr X.

My point was simply before you decide to link random to urandom for the 
sake of Cyrus, you should consider the impact that will have on other 
applications that need random numbers.  If others have access to your 
machine and you are generating private keys, they could exhaust all the 
entropy from /dev/random, read enough of /dev/urandom to determine the 
position in the sequence, and then know what random numbers your key 
generation code used.  Granted, it is far-fetched and a lot of work, but 
when you are building a key that will be used for years and could 
compromise other keys if revealed, it pays to be safe.

/dev/urandom appeared in solaris since version8 (patch). random's
device-number is 8 while urandom's is 9. What about if there is
config-option for this device?

When you build SASL, just define -DDEV_RANDOM=/dev/urandom.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Several issues with 2.1.13

2003-06-09 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Wil Cooley wrote:

The upgrade wasn't entirely smooth; I wrote up some notes about what I
did: in case someone
else wanders along this path...  The biggest issue was that ctl_cyrusdb
wasn't able to read my old mailboxes.db file; I reverted to my old
installation and dumped the database to a flat file and it went okay. 
For some reason that I don't understand, I had to remove the
/var/lib/imap/db directory for the rebuilding of the database to work

If the version of db is different, you can't just expect to use the 
binary database files and logs.  Dumping the contents to a text file, 
wiping the transaction logs, and then reloading them is the safest way.

'rehash full' did very strange things; it only created directories of
A-Z, none of a-z and my own mailbox information was under 'I/' in both
the mailbox spool and the '/var/lib/imap/user' directory.  As a result,
I had to disable 'hashimapspool', which Simon's RPMs enabled by default.
You should have had A-W, not Z (23 is a prime to give better 
distribution of the hash values between directories) -- full hashing 
chooses a hash directory based on the complete mailbox name rather than 
just the first character.  Traditional hashing tends to overload some 
directories while leaving others almost empty.

mbpath will give you the path for the mailbox, or just ls -ld 
/cyrus/*/user/wcooley (for example).  If you have less than a thousand 
mailboxes, there is no need to worry about hashing.  Otherwise, you will 
likely get poor performance with long namei lookups.

Finally, I have a customer that's a small ISP that's currently running
2.0.16.  I'm going to upgrade regardless, just so I can bounce messages
delivered through LMTP to boxes that are over-quota.  However, I
recurrent problem we have is with POP3 users (which everyone is) who
lose their connection (usually because of problems with dial-up).  The
pop3d stays running and locks the mailbox for 15 minutes or so, causing
lots of support calls and grumbling.  I'm guessing the connection stays
in TIME_WAIT for this period, but 15 minutes seems like a long time for
it to stay open.  I see the 'poptimeout' setting that might help, but
even 10 minutes might be too long.  (This 15 minutes could be only 10
minutes already; I'm just being told this by the guy who does support.) 
Will anything that's changed between 2.0.16 and 2.1.13 help assuage this

In this day, is there really any good reason to continue using POP?  
There are so many problems with it (including support issues when people 
downloaded their mail to one computer and wonder why they can't access 
it from another) it seems best to retire it.
When the user calls up complaining about this, that gives you a perfect 
opening to convince them to move to IMAP.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Several issues with 2.1.13

2003-06-09 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Wil Cooley wrote:

Yeah, you're probably right; I just saw a directory full of capital
letters and assumed it was all of them.  I do recall prime-based hash
functions being better.  However, after I did the hash, imapd seemed to
still be using the traditional first-letter-hash.  I had this in my logs
and couldn't open my mailboxes:
Jun  8 17:51:46 rheingold imapd[14729]: IOERROR: opening /home/imap/w/user/wcooley/cyrus.header: No such file or directory

Then it sounds like your imapd was not compiled with 
--enable-fulldirhash.  The argument to rehash should match however your 
imapd was compiled (and using someone else's package may make it hard to 

Our customers have a 10MB mail quota which they can fill up pretty
quickly.  We don't want them leaving their stuff on our server, and they
want to be able to have their mail even when they're off-line (I know
there's IMAP sync, but it's questionable how well supported it is, and I
don't really want to try to explain it to customers).

Your call, but even when I worked at an ISP we had far more problems 
with customers who used POP than those that didn't.

Also, reducing the Cyrus timeout isn't going to help clear the 
half-connected sockets in the kernel if the customers just disconnect 
without dropping all their TCP connections first.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Several issues with 2.1.13

2003-06-09 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Wil Cooley wrote:

Got it.   But John's probably right about the kernel keeping the sockets
open.  But we never had this problem with cucipop (that's what I always
have to listen to: We didn't have this problem before blah blah
blah).  Somehow, even though cucipop locked the mailboxes, it was able
to operate concurrently on them (somewhat), without stupidly making a
whole copy, the way UW's pop3d did.

Yikes -- I know nothing about cucipop, but allowing multiple POP clients 
to operate on the same mailbox at the same time is begging for problems, 
since the protocol doesn't have any of the features that would be needed 
to support concurrent access.  Maybe they assumed that when that 
happened that it was because the other connection was dropped and they 
automatically dropped it (releasing any locks held), but that still 
seems very dangerous.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Subject field corruption

2003-06-06 Thread John Alton Tamplin
NOwlar wrote:

I use Postfix 2.0.10 with TLS patch, cyrus-imapd 2.1.13, sasl 2.1.13
The problem is as follow:
When a message with russian charset characters (KOI8-R, WIN1251) in Subject
field arrives or is moved into the Sent Items folders by Outlook Express,
each russian character is replaced by an X (ex: Re:   mazda 626
). I happens only when the Subject field is without charaterset
I dumped mailboxes with cyrdump, the Xes are in.

What can be wrog?

The problem is that 8-bit characters are not allowed in the header of an 
RFC822 message.  There are extensions designed to allow 8-bit 
characters, by encoding the character set and a base64 or 
quoted-printable representation of them.  The problem is that Cyrus 
cannot properly transform these messages to standards compliance since 
it cannot know what character set was used, only that it wasn't 
US-ASCII, so Cyrus chooses to either drop the message or replace all 
8-bit characters with X depending on a configuration setting.  There was 
some discussion of hacking Cyrus to allow an administrator-supplied 
default character set in the case of 8-bit data without a character set, 
but the consensus of the developers seemed to be that was more an MTA 
function than Cyrus, and nobody felt like doing a hack that would not be 
accepted into the official source.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Weird pop3d hang problem (fd blocked?!)

2003-06-06 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Rob Siemborski wrote:

You can symlink /dev/random to point at /dev/urandom, but keep in mind
that will affect all applications, not just cyrus.

And in particular you may not want to do this if you are generating RSA 
private keys or equivalent on a machine that anyone else may have shell 
access to.

I would think that whoever packaged it chose poorly.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Linking imapd with db-4.1.25

2003-06-06 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Lars Peterson wrote:

Snippet from configure's output:
checking for db.h... yes
checking for db_create in -ldb-4.1... no
checking for db_create in -ldb4.1... no
checking for db_create in -ldb41... no
checking for db_create in -ldb-4.0... yes
When I do an ldd on the resultant imapd binary after the build finishes, I see
that it been linked to the bdb libraries that came with the RedHat install
I've played around with LDFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
variables to try and force the directories of my non-standard libraries and
headers to be loaded first, but that didn't change a thing.
I'm reluctant to remove the RedHat db4 installation because I quite certain that
it would break a large amount of dependencies...
Any ideas?

In the directory you passed for bdb-libdir, is there a  
Are permissions on it set properly?

BTW, you may be happier using 4.0.14.  On Solaris anyway, I consistently 
ran into problems after a week or two of uptime with 4.1.25, and that 
all went away after downgrading to 4.0.14.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Linking imapd with db-4.1.25

2003-06-06 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Lars Peterson wrote:

Yes is in the same directory I passed to configure for bdb-libdir.
Permissions are same user I'm building as, and mode is 775.
I was able to link against these libraries successfully for an openldap-2.1.19
Then I suggest looking at the log generated by configure and see why it 
didn't think it passed the test.

I'll take this into consideration. I've had no problems thus far with db-4.1.25
with respect to openldap / slapd...

Right, I haven't had any problems in any other application either.  I 
don't know if that is because they don't get as heavy usage or if the 
usage pattern is different or what.

What kind of problems were you seeing on your Solaris box?

After a week or two of uptime, I would get ENOSPC returns from dbopen, 
and sieve would stop working (since my duplicate delivery database is 
using db3_nosync).  Other people reported similar problems with 
4.1.24-25 in this list without any resolution, until someone suggested 
to me that going back to db 4.0.14 would fix the problem.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Linking imapd with db-4.1.25

2003-06-06 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Igor Brezac wrote:

This problem is fixed in cvs for both 2.1.x and 2.2.

Ok, so it was a problem in Cyrus not db?  Thanks.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Linking imapd with db-4.1.25

2003-06-06 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Lars Peterson wrote:

Here's some output from config.log:

configure:5808: checking for db_create in -ldb-4.1
configure:5839: gcc -o conftest -Wall -g -O2 -I/usr/local/itech/iwaymail/include
-L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib -
L/usr/local/itech/iwaymail/lib conftest.c -ldb-4.1 
-L/usr/local/itech/iwaymail/lib  -lresolv  -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/itech/iw
aymail/lib 5
/usr/local/itech/iwaymail/lib/ undefined reference to
/usr/local/itech/iwaymail/lib/ undefined reference to
/usr/local/itech/iwaymail/lib/ undefined reference to
/usr/local/itech/iwaymail/lib/ undefined reference to
/usr/local/itech/iwaymail/lib/ undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
configure:5842: $? = 1

Any ideas where I might find some support for db-4.1.25? Can't find any mailing
lists or news feeds on sleepycat's site.

Ah, you are running into fun with RH9's NPTL (New Posix Threads 
Library).  If you look at the archives for this list you will find some 
discussion about it.  I believe the quick and dirty solution was to 
compile DB4 with a flag telling it to assume phtreads were not 
available, but Simon also posted a link to a discussion at RedHat about 
more general issues with NPTL.

The particular errors you are getting are because it can't find the 
pthreads library when it does the test.  You can fix that by telling 
configure to use -lpthreads on any compiles, but if I remember correctly 
you will then run into other issues when DB4 tries to do some operations 
on the threads.

I am staying with RH8 for my production machines because of this and a 
few other minor issues.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: cyrus server and backup

2003-04-04 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Phil Chambers wrote:

I have never used the Cyrus IMAP server before and have just intalled it on a test 
system to evaluate it, with a view to moving our service over to it.  We have over 
20,000 users and need to upgrade our current system.

One of our fundamental requirements is to be able to take security backups.  These 
are primarily for recovery in case of hardware failures.  The backups are 
conventional periodic full backups with intermediate incrementals.

I am concerned that because Cyrus is a black box system which keeps track of its 
own internal organisation we may have problems if we restore a disc from our 
backups.  It will take hours to do a backup and the files within the Cyrus structure 
will be changing as we do it.  Are there going to be problems with inconsistencies 
between files?

There is a secondary, but important use of our current backup service, which is to 
dig users out of a hole when they make mistakes:  Occasionally a user will 
accidentally delete a message or even a whole folder and then come and ask if I can 
recover it for them.

With our current backup system it is ussually very easy because I have no problem 
identifying the relevant files to be recovered.  I seems to that it will be 
impossible to recover deleted messages because I will not be able to identify the 
files which I need.  If I can identify the files, presumably there is no way to get 
them back into the Cyrus system?

The only information I have been able to find which says anything about recovery 
is in the Server Overview and Concepts document.  However, this does not go into 
sufficient detail and includes statements like Many objects in the configuration 
directory are discussed in the Database Recover section.  I cannot find any section 
anywhere with a title of Database Recover!

Any advice will be much appreciated.

Search the list archives for detailed discussion of this topic.

What we do is folder-level restores (we haven't had to restore more than 
one at a time yet -- the same approach works but it would be a lot of 
work), and we create a top-level folder that will be the restore target, 
restore the contents of the directory containing the user's folder that 
needs to be restored into the directory containing the restore folder, 
reconstruct that folder, and grant access to the user.  It is up to the 
user to do whatever they want, presumably copying messages that were 
deleted accidentally.  After one week, the restore folder is deleted. 
We decided to use a top-level folder rather than put it under each user 
to avoid quota issues (we could set a quotaroot on the restore subtree, 
but it is easier this way) and to make it easier to clean up expired 
restore folders.

If this were a non-user error (we haven't had one of those), we would 
probably just restore the whole cyrus directory structure (depending on 
the damage) if reconstruct couldn't fix it.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: message in /var/log/messages

2003-04-03 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Nicolas Gauvrit wrote:

i post this message yesterday, but i got no answer...
(is my question to stupid for you ?)
i'd like to know what does mean those message, 
is i do something wrong ?

is my Cyrus Imap will work fine, even if i got thoses
Error messages ?
i was searching several hours, but i do not found
anything yet...
Apr  1 07:04:29 ilemadame master: setrlimit: Unable to
set file descriptors limit to -1: Operation not
Apr  1 07:04:29 ilemadame master: retrying with 1024
(current max)
Apr  1 07:04:40 ilemadame lmtpd[1177]: DBERROR db4: 7
Apr  1 07:04:40 ilemadame pop3d[1176]: DBERROR db4: 8

These are just warnings about lock contention, but you should probably 
switch from Berkeley DB to skiplist for your mailboxdb.  The setrlimit 
failure is just warning you that it was unable to set unlimited file 
descriptors, but unless you have 1000 simultaneous connections you don't 
need to worry about it.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: sieve: Too many levels of symbolic links

2003-04-03 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Ken Murchison wrote:

FYI, Websieve does this automatically when no script is present, unless
the user overrides it.
The administrator can change that configuration in websieve.conf, 
variable $defaultscript.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: interesting limitation

2003-03-31 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Dave O wrote:

2 level hashing would work, but I don't know if Cyrus supports that.  It
would most likely be trivial to implement.
eg spool/s/sm/user/smith

Or in the case of full dir hashing, have a second hash function and hash 
the names that get assigned to one bin into an additional set of bins. 
As was previously mentioned, having multiple partitions also solves 
this problem but since the trend seems to be consolidating storage it 
would be nice to be able to handle the large numbers of users in a 
single partition rather than creating multiple partitions in the same 
filesystem with the associated administrative hassle.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Bare newlines

2003-03-28 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Sebastian Konstanty Zdrojewski wrote:

I was attempting to move an email message from a local account onto an 
IMAP directory located on Cyrus. The client I am using is Netscape 
Mail and usually it gives me no problems. This time, I am not able to 
move the message because the client gives the following error:

Unable to perform operation. Message contains bare newlines.

The message has an attached PDF file (2Mb size) and a signature with 
image integrated. Any idea of what can be my problem?
In IMAP, messages are required to have \r\n as line terminators, not 
just \n.  Many other IMAP servers (or mail clients' local folders) do 
not enforce strict RFC compliance, while Cyrus does -- when we converted 
from UW-IMAP to Cyrus I had to write code to munge messages into the 
proper format (8 bit or null data in headers, and bogus headers are the 
other two issues you will likely run into).

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Problem with cyradm crashing

2003-03-28 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Marco Colombo wrote:

2) the old cyradm binary, from a 2.0.16 installation, never crashes.
(that made me turn to the client side instead of the server side)
The old binaries were compiled vs. SASL v.1.5.26 (shared), which has
been recently upgraded to 1.5.28.

Cyrus 2.x requires SASL 2.x -- if you are running it with SASL 1 perhaps 
that is your problem.  See install-prereq.html in the documentation.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: I tried chinese in cyrus's folder name and chinese IMAP client,but something wrong

2003-03-24 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Temp wrote:

I tried chinese in postfix+cyrus-imap
and in Outlook Express 5, the Inbox is still 
the one in chinese, but the Sent Items and 
Drafts folders which I saw in english IMAP
client become normal folders,
and there are another folder instead of them
in chinese in chinese name.

so, does IMAP server not provide a uniform interface?
or just the problem of IMAP protocol?
or just my fault to set up something wrong??
yes, the Inbox is good at all in chinese.

Inbox is the only special folder in IMAP -- the others are just 
conventions used by the mail clients.  If two different clients 
(OE/English and OE/Chinese) decide to name them differently, there is 
nothing the IMAP server can or should do about it.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Outlook Express and Seen database - And Outlook Express and Cyrusin general

2003-03-12 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Steve Hanson wrote:

There was some discussion on the list in the past about problems with 
Outlook Express not interoperating well with Cyrus due to it 
corrupting the seen database by using multiple concurrent connections, 
confusing the caching model in Cyrus.

Our desktop support people are trying to stump up support for making 
Outlook Express on Windows be the preferred email client - which at 
the moment is more or less Eudora.

Does anyone have opinions about whether Outlook Express 6 still causes 
the seen database corruption with Cyrus 2.1.10 or later?

Also if anyone has any other bad (or good) experiences with Outlook 
Express as a client with Cyrus I'd like to hear about them.
I don't know of any discussion of database corruption, but the problem 
is that Outlook would be confused about the seen flags since it uses two 
different IMAP connections to process them and Cyrus keeps all that in 
memory per-process.  The only corruption issue I have seen is that 
twice we had a user being unable to delete messages from a folder that 
was perfectly fine (and other IMAP clients could delete messages without 
a problem), and after deleting the subscription and resubscribing the 
problem went away.  Research suggested this was a race condition in OE 
that had nothing to do with the IMAP server other than perhaps 
participation in the timing aspects of the race condition.  It was not 
reproducable and has not happened in over 2 months.  (This is with a 
user base of 2300 users, ~250 connected at any one time, and 90G spool 

Most of our users use OE6, and there have been no issues I am aware of 
in the 3.5 months we have been running it since I applied my patch for 
flushing the in-memory seen flags state to disk whenever it changes and 
checking the seen flags on disk for updates before replying to the 
client.  This is with 2.1.11 and 2.1.12, and if you need the patch I 
would be happy to send it to you.  Note that this will increase I/O 
traffic so you may not want to apply the patch if you have little margin 
for I/O bandwidth.  Our server is so lightly loaded (it was sized to 
handle the load when we were running UW-IMAP) we didn't see any 
noticable difference, but I know the traffic will be higher.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: pam_mysql and cyrus_sasl

2003-03-12 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Andreas Meyer wrote:

eta saslauthd[982]: pam_mysql: where clause =
eta saslauthd[982]: SELECT password FROM accountuser WHERE username='karl'
eta saslauthd[982]: pam_mysql: select returned more than one result
eta saslauthd[982]: returning 7 after db_checkpasswd.
eta saslauthd[982]: AUTHFAIL: user=karl service=imap realm= [PAM auth error] 

It looks like you have multiple rows in your accountuser table that have 
username='karl' (you should probably have a unique index on it anyway), 
or else accountuser is a view that is matching more than one row.  The 
error message is telling you exactly what the problem is -- when it 
looks up the username in your mysql table, it is getting more than one 
row so it doesn't know what to use to validate the login.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: libcyrus and the imap proto

2003-02-27 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Patrick Welche wrote:

Overall I see that you send commands to the imap server using imclient_send,
the last argument of which is essentially the text of the imap command.
You register callbacks based on keyword, so that when the server sends you
a reply, the function registered gets called. I suspect I am getting confused
between tagged and untagged. The following is fine, and I think that
. capability   - sent with imclient_send
* CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 ...   - untagged? capability response
 picked up by callback based on
. OK Completed - tagged? ok response picked up by
 imclient_send's finishproc
but now for the problem

. examine inbox- sent with imclient_send
* FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged ...- untaged flags response, callback_flags
* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS ()]   - untagged ok response, callback_ok
* 13 EXISTS * What about these two?
* 1 RECENT  * untagged responses with no keyword?
* OK [UNSEEN 13]   - untagged ok response, callback_ok
* OK [UIDVALIDITY 1043953684]  - untagged ok response, callback_ok
* OK [UIDNEXT 15]  - untagged ok response, callback_ok
. OK [READ-ONLY] Completed - tagged? ok response picked up by
 imclient_send's finishproc
same for eg
. fetch 1 (internaldate)
* 1 FETCH (INTERNALDATE 30-Jan-2003 19:23:41 +)
. OK Completed
How can I see the result of fetch?

I have not used the C library, but the perl interface is similar so I 
suspect this approach will work for you.  What I did was add a callback 
with an empty string for a trigger.  The callback gets called on every 
line, and you can parse it as you please.

   $imap-addcallback({-trigger='',-callback=sub {
   if($a{-text}=~ /RFC822\.SIZE\s+(\d+)/i) {
   if($110) {
   $largest=$1 if($1$largest);
   ($rc,$text)=$imap-send('','','FETCH 1:* RFC822.SIZE',$mbx);
John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: seen flag for multiple users // cyrus and procmail

2003-02-25 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Kristian Rink wrote:

(a) in this network, IMAP is used because the vast majority of 
mail traffic needs to be seen not only by a single user but by a
group of persons. For what I have experienced and also read in
the archive of this list, it is not possible in cyrus (in IMAP?) to have
a general seen flag for mails or mailboxes so this way it is 
impossible for any user who is able to read mail in the shared 
mailboxes to find out whether or not anyone else already has read
and possibly answered new mail. Is there a way to work around 
this condition? Reading the cyrus man pages I hoped that the s 
ACL setting would be doing right what I need here but obviously
it didn't work.

IMAP seen states are kept per-user, but the other flags are persistent 
and visible across any users viewing the mailbox.  So, you should 
definitely see that a given message has been answered, and by convention 
you can use a different flag for meaning seen by the group.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Vacation for non-existant users?

2003-02-13 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Tarjei Huse wrote:

I got a few users whom I've removed, and now I'd like to set a
auto-responder for the addresses.

I'd like to do this so people emailing them get their new address.

Any suggestions on how to set this using sieve?

If they don't have an inbox, I don't believe you can use sieve.  Why not 
just use the standard vacation program, with a separate aliases file for 
old accounts?

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Backup of Cryus IMAP

2003-02-12 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Michael Frank wrote:

	I have heard that if I backup the database and/or user files as they are being accessed I might corrupt the files. Is this true? If so how can I implement an automated backup without taking the service down? I need to have the service up 24/7 and am unable to take it down at any point. Can anyone point me in the correct direction?

Simply backing up the files as they are actively being used will not 
corrupt them.  However, it is possible that the file you backup is not 
usable since there is no synchronization between the updates to the 
database and the backup program.  The best practice discussed here for 
restoring inidividual folders is to create an empty folder, restore the 
message files themselves, and then reconstruct that folder, so there is 
no problem there.  For a full restore, to guard against corrupting 
important database files I do ctl_mboxlist -d to a text file just before 
the backup, and then backup that file.  If a full restore is required, 
the database can be rebuilt from the text file if necessary.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Backup of Cryus IMAP (restore?)

2003-02-12 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Thomas Hannan wrote:

So to backup Cyrus, I should do the following?:
ctl_mboxlist -d /var/backup/mydbbackupfile
cp -dPr /var/imap /var/backup/imap
cp -dPr /var/spool/imap /var/backup/spool/imap

Would it be better to tar them first, or just copy and then tar later?
And to do a full restore? How would I do so? (I assume I'd have to stop the
service to restore)...

I have a cron job that does ctl_mboxlist -d /var/imap/mailboxes.txt and 
then I just let our normal backup software (Veritas Netbackup 
DataCenter) backup that file as it would any other.  That way I have if 
the recovered mailboxes.db file was corrupt.

If you have the disk space to do your backup on disk, you are probably 
better doing snapshots (mirror the volume, then break the mirror) than cp.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: informing users about quotas

2003-02-10 Thread John Alton Tamplin

What is your custom delivery program?
I'm interested in that kind of solution but i didn't found yet a deliver 
program for postfix that use lmtp and can add the ignorequota option.

It is a small perl program that uses Net::LMTP (hacked to support 
authentication and the ignorequota option), which also does things like 
strip nulls and reformat envelope from addresses that contain quotes. 
I'll be happy to send it and the patches to Net::LMTP if you are 
interested.  Beware since it uses a TCP socket rather than a Unix socket 
authentication is required and performance is slightly impacted.  It 
also has code to proxy the LMTP connection to multiple destination mail 
servers, which we used along with perdition to transition accounts one 
at a time.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Move Emails From a unix format to cyrus

2003-02-07 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Brandon High wrote:

On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 18:11, test s wrote:

Does anyone know how to Move Emails From a unix format which is on server A 
to cyrus which is on server B

We migrated from WU-imapd to Cyrus last year...

The easiest way is to pipe the mail into deliver. It takes a little
custom shell/perl scripting, but nothing too tricky.

With that approach, you lose all flags and seen state.  The mbxcvt 
program from UW imap-utils worked fine for us (with a perl wrapper to 
handle the fact that we were doing the transition one user at a time via 
a proxy rather than all at once and shutting down as well as going 
through all the folders automatically), with some minor hacking to 
handle the passwords.  I have been told that it now supports SASL so you 
can use auth plain and proxy as the administrator account rather than 
logging in as each user.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: saslauthd getpwent

2003-02-06 Thread John Alton Tamplin
RJ45 wrote:

hello I noticed that getpwent method of saslauthd fails on solaris, it
works with pam or shadow but not with getpwent. IS it normal for Solaris 9
? or is there some trick to make it work?

During the transition here, I was running saslauthd -a getpwent because 
it was easier to hack the backdoor password into the getpwent method 
rather than pam, and it worked just fine feeding from NIS+ on Solaris 9. 
Is you name service switch setup properly?  Are you running NIS, or are 
you using local shadow files?

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-06 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Phil Howard wrote:

That would result in doubling the bandwidth on the inside server connection
since it would be dealing with the mail first coming in to the MX, then
being replicated back out to the other server.  By delivering outside mail
to the outside server first, the only bandwidth usage is replicating to
the inside server (reverse the scenario for mail originating inside).

Is the cost of bandwidth to your inside server really so expensive as to 
justify the expense of complicated development, hosting an offsite 
server with that much bandwidth, and maintaining a remote system?  It 
really sounds like you are overengineering the problem.

If there was a way to track when the flags got changed.  I feel it's OK
to trust the clocks on the servers, and simply decide which flag state
prevails based on which has the later timestamp.  But I bet that metadata
isn't in the current mailstore design.

No, the time a flag was changed isn't kept.  In fact for seen flags 
which are cached in memory while a mailbox is open, only a single bit is 

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: mailinglists

2003-02-06 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Peter Burggraef wrote:

I want cyrus to delete mails, older then sometime.

How can I do this?

man ipurge

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-05 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Patrick Welche wrote:

All this sounds remarkably similar to the postgres-r database replication
problem cf nice paper by Bettina Kemme

Here it would be client connects to imap server A and says APPEND. Server A
then sends APPEND to server A and server B using a group communciation
protocol (cf spread) which guarantees the ordering of the commands. Server A
and server B then receive the APPEND and do it. If server B received an APPEND
at nearly the same time, that APPEND would still appear in the same place in
the input queue of both servers = the UID would come out the same. You still
have the hard problem of conflict resolution after network partitioning :(

The issue is not when the two servers can talk -- that is easily solved 
with techniques such as two phase commit.  The problem is when server A 
and B are not able to communicate and you want both of them to be able 
to continue taking updates yet build a consistent view of the database 
once they can communicate.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: creating user-mailboxes without cyradm

2003-02-05 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Hans Wilmer wrote:

Sure, read RFC 2060.  You'd do tag CREATE user/username

How is this dealt with in respect to security and reliability?

Just write a script that logs in and automatically creates mailboxes
from randomly generated (user-) names until the storage is
full. That's sort of making DOS attacks utterly easy.

Obviously you have to be authenticated as a user with privileges to 
create the folders.  This is no different than saying you should connect 
to an IMAP server and append millions of messages -- the answer is still 
proper authentication and access controls.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-04 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

On Tue, 04 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:

I wonder how well that method of replication works when both nodes
cannot reach each other, and both are doing updates.  And I wonder

They don't.  If they cannot reach each other, at most one of them must allow

Which, as far as I know, is how all commercial databases also do 
replication.  Only those servers involved in a quorum (even if it is 
because the primary is treated as having more weight) can accept updates 
-- the other replicas can only be read-only.  Trying to allow arbitrary 
updates during disconnected operation and then merge the results into a 
consistent and deterministic state is not just hard, but impossible. 
For example, if you allow flags to be set differently on the same 
message on each node, there is no way to resolve the two updates without 
discarding at least some of the work of one of the sessions. If you 
carefully constrain the updates that can be performed during 
disconnected operation (and for consistency that means even not in 
disconnected operation), then you can transform the problem from 
impossible to merely extremely difficult.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-01-31 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Earl R Shannon wrote:

But that does now beg the question. There must be some form of
coordination between the various processes as they access the
mail store. Can this not be abstracted out and put in an API to
make it easier for people to write their own applications?  I would
venture a guess to say that the API already exists in some form,
it just needs to be formalized and published.

The point is if you expose the internal API for accessing the mailstore 
you are stuck with it and can't make changes.  I can't imagine there is 
a big need for this or other people wanting to write code to implement 
that API, so if you really want to do this it is probably better as Rob 
suggested to just link to the Cyrus code that manipulates it (and watch 
for version skew between programs accessing the mail store).

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

deliver db problem

2003-01-30 Thread John Alton Tamplin
I am running Cyrus 2.1.11 (Solaris 9, mboxlist/seen=skiplist, sub=flat, 
duplicate/tls=db3_nosync), and periodically sieve stops working after 
the server has been up a couple of weeks.  Upon further investigation, I 
find it is some problem with the deliver.db file, as running ctl_deliver 
-d results in ctl_deliver: unable to init duplicate delivery database. 
Stopping and restarting master fixes the problem (perhaps because it 
runs ctl_cyrusdb -r?), and ctl_deliver -d dumps the database properly 
after this.  No error messages appear in the logs (even logging at debug 
level) during normal operation, but trying to run ctl_deliver -d logs 
DBERROR: opening /var/imap/deliver.db: Not enough space.  There is 39G 
free swap space (out of 40G), and the machine has 8G RAM.

Has anyone else seen this problem?  What can I do to get more 
information about what is causing it?

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Conversion/Migration

2003-01-28 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Peter Lawler wrote:

OK, thanks to those who replied. I've gone this far:

It's a pretty neato script, although I haven't tested the version 
released yesterday. It converts just as we want.

Now, the trick after the conversion that the new files are in, say 
~/Maildir/new/, so that they need to get moved into the cyrus store 
for the user. That's no problem. However

I've got stuck at the next bit. OK, I can work out that the messages 
in the INBOX are individually numbered (eg, 52., 53., 54.). So, the 
converted mail files need to be renamed, one would guess. Can someone 
suggest the best method for renaming these files? Is the order of 
numbering of the files important (eg, datestamping), or is it irrelevant.

Next thing is that only occasionally have I been able to rebuild the 
cyrus DB to have these converted messages appear in the INBOX. It was 
late last night, so I can't recall ALL the details. However, I do 
suspect that it *MAY* have something to do with the naming of the 
files mentioned above. Additionally, it *COULD* have something to do 
with the cyrus commands I'm issuing to try and rebuild the cyrus DB.

Thirdly, when (on only two occasions, mind you) the converted messages 
did pop up, they are being displayed as 'read'. How can I set their 
status to 'unread'. I did suspect that *MAYBE* the fullstop (period) 
at the end of the filename might be the clue, but since I didn't 
manage to get the messages appearing again, I could work it out.

Any comments, suggestions, flames, greatly appreciated.

I think you would be much better off going through IMAP rather than 
trying to put the files in there correctly and then reconstructing it. 
You won't be able to maintain seen state (or any other flags for that 
matter) unless you build all the cyrus files correctly during the 
conversion.  If you use mbxcvt from UW imap-utils, it will preserve the 
flags as part of the transfer.  The only catch is you will have to be 
able to authenticate as the user when you convert.  What I did was a 
temporary hack to saslauthd which allowed a backdoor password to work 
for all accounts and hacked mbxcvt to accept the password on the command 
line (no user accounts on this machine to watch ps).  A wrapper script 
went through all the accounts to transfer (one by one) and updated the 
database used by perdition (imap/pop proxy) to show the account was 
being used and killed all active sessions.  It then converted each 
mailbox using the hacked mbxcvt, connected as the admin account to set 
the quota, and connected as the user to set the subscription list.  When 
the account was moved, update the perdition database so new connections 
go to the new server (and LMTP deliveries via proxy) and go to the next 
one.  If you don't need to do the transfer while everything is up, 
obviously you don't have to fool with the database for the proxies.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Working Vacation?? [solved?]

2003-01-23 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Mikael Brandström wrote:

It should be possible to rewrite rulset Parse0 (and maybe Parse1) to make
them leave the local adress qualified while delivering locally. There
might even be something among the files in cf/cf which kan fix it, I have
a vague memory of something such.  Just my 2c.

I made changes locally that amounted to always setting $@ whenever 
$#local was selected as a mailer (for mailers that don't use $h, it 
shouldn't matter at all).  If you redefine the local mailer to be 
cyrusv2, then look for $#cyrusv2.  The places that have to be changed are:

Ruleset 0, change:

R@$#local $: @  special case error msgs


R@$#local $@ $M $: @special case error msgs

(if you aren't masquerading use $j instead of $M -- it could be cleaned 
up so it would work for more general configs but I was in a hurry to get 
something working for our setup).  In Ruleset Parse1, change:

R  $+ + $*  $+  $#local $: $1 + $2  plussed name?


R  $+ + $*  @ $+$#local $@ $3 $: $1 + $2plussed name?

and then the last two rules in Parse1 change from:

R$=L$#local $: @ $1  special local names
R$+ $#local $: $1regular local names


R$=L$#local $@ $M $: @ $1special local names
R$+ $#local $@ $M $: $1  regular local names

Remember that tabs separate the columns, not spaces.

Then in the mailer definition, you can pass $u@$h rather than just $u. 
I am currently using my own deliver program which then connects to LMTP 
-- this should work for the stock deliver program as well, but for 
direct LMTP delivery from sendmail you will have to get more creative. 
I haven't tried it, but it should be possible to copy ruleset 
EnvFromSMTP to something else and modify it to add @$h to the end of the 
address if $h is defined, and then change the cyrusv2 mailer to use that 
for the envelope sender rewrite ruleset.

If anyone wants patches to the stock sendmail 8.12.7 proto.m4 file, I 
will be happy to send them with the usual disclaimers (I have not made 
any effort to make the changes more general, just working for our 
particular configuration -- YMMV).

I also have changes (including 3 lines of source changes) to allow the w 
flag to be used with a local mailer yet pass through any users that 
aren't listed in getpwent (ie, I wanted to have user .forward files yet 
still allow delivery to shared mailboxes).  This hack is even more 
likely to be a problem in the future, as they are likely to eventually 
use the flag letter 'y' for something else, but if you want them just ask.

One day when I get time I will clean these up and try and submit them to 
see if they will get included.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Problem with cyrus and deleting a message with a virus.

2003-01-22 Thread John Alton Tamplin

Irrelevant question. The fact that it could happen is enough. I can't stop
my users going to someone's computer (which has no virus protection) and
connecting to my IMAP server. I have students who will no doubt use the
IMAP server as a filestore when they run out of quota on the fileserver.

The same arguments apply if you were talking about an Oracle database -- 
users could store viruses into the database and someone else could 
extract it from that database and execute it.  However, you wouldn't run 
a virus scanner on Oracle databases that just deleted files if it didn't 
like them -- the Cyrus mailstore is no different, even if some of the 
parts are stored in a familiar format.

The clean way would be to add a filtering layer wherever messages could 
be stored into Cyrus.  It is easy enough to add a front-end to the 
delivery side using the various MTAs, but it would be more work to 
filter messages stored via IMAP.  Until then, the correct way to do it 
would be to use IMAP to muck with the message store (even if you found 
which files you had a problem with by running directly on the 
filesystem, but of course there is no guarantee you are seeing a 
consistent state).  If you insist on deleting the files out from under 
Cyrus, then be content with private hacks to work around the problem, 
reconstruct the mailboxes you tamper with, or just live with a partially 
broken mailstore.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Vacation problem

2003-01-22 Thread John Alton Tamplin

I'm wondering why cyrus setting sender to , not to [EMAIL PROTECTED], or 
even postmaster as I made configuration in my imapd.conf?
May be I missed something?

You don't want an auto-generated message generating a bounce message, 
since that could lead to an infinite loop.  Thus, just like 
mailer-daemon messages in the MTA, a vacation message should have the 
envelope from set to .

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Vacation problem

2003-01-22 Thread John Alton Tamplin

So what is you suggestion? How do I fix this problem? Why the mail server 
doesn't accept the message if the envelope from set right?

It is hard to tell from the logs since you are using 4 different email 
addresses, but it looks like sieve tried to send mail from  (which 
sendmail accepted, but gave an authentication warning since cyrus isn't 
listed as a trusted user in your file) to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  That gets sent, apparently to the same 
MTA, which then has a problem talking to the relay  It then tries to send it to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (presumably an alias from postmaster), and 
again has a problem talking to and panics since 
it has nowhere to send the bounce message.  So, it looks like Cyrus is 
fine but your MTA is misconfigured.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Pb with cyradmin and quotas...

2003-01-21 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Mr Bullier Erick wrote:

I use quotas on mailbox with cyradmin.
I use scripts which check (in the night) if user go out the warning
limit (80%) of is mailbox quota.
Today, i see that a user maibox is 85% full.
So i use cyradm to check it, and cyradm write:
localhost lq user.toto
STORAGE 5996/1 (59%)

I didn't understand and i made a check on the file systeme:
# du -h /var/spool/cyrus/mail/user/toto

What's happend?..
I don't understand.
Do you have an idea?

The cyrus quota doesn't include administrative files, such as 
cyrus.index and cyrus.cache -- the user is only charged for files they 
have control over.  Rather than checking the filesystem directly, use 
/usr/local/cyrus/bin/quota (or wherever you installed it) and process 
that output, or have a script connect to the IMAP server using an 
administrative account and do getquotaroot commands.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Problem with cyrus and deleting a message with a virus.

2003-01-21 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Mark London wrote:

I'm not messing with it, uvscan is doing it.  Is there a better software
alternative that will delete viruses on the server?  Are we the only people
using cyrus that are running virus scanning software on the server?

I think most people scanning their mail do so before it is stored in the 

Btw, I would think cyrus should be able to handle the simple case of a missing
single file.  I should be able to delete a message for which the message file
is already missing.  We're not talking about a complex database file structure
here.  It's a single file with a single message.

How far should the server go assuming it knows the reason why some 
unexpected condition exists?  Should it happily ignore a missing 
/etc/cyrus.conf and assume default settings?  Should it assume /var/imap 
ran out of disk space because there were log files it should silently 
clean up for you?

I imagine it wouldn't be very difficult to hack the source so that 
whenever it tried to open a message file that didn't exist, it could 
create a message that says it was removed by virus scanning and then 
open that file, but that would have to be something you want to run -- I 
wouldn't want that in the version I was running and I doubt such a hack 
would get accepted into the codebase.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Problem with cyrus and deleting a message with a virus.

2003-01-21 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Ted Cabeen wrote:

Right.  Other than losing the flags data, are there any other downsides to 
this solution?  (We were thinking of using this to delete old messages from 
users spam folders)

If your users all have spam folders named the same or similar 
(presumably put there by spam filtering software), wouldn't ipurge do 
what you want already and without screwing with Cyrus's data structures?

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: UW to Cyrus transition

2003-01-16 Thread John Alton Tamplin

In the last week of december, I ported 1 ( c.a. ) users from UW to

As I had a REALLY hard time finding ANY help whatsoever ( scripts etc ), I
wrote some of my own.

I must say, they DO take time. I was running them on a Sun Fire 880 with
4x900MHz CPUs and 8GB RAM, and all files local. It takes around 8-10 hours
per 2500 users with around 20GB of data total.

So for 1 users with around 80GB of data, up to 40 hours of conversion
time is a fairly close estimate.

I am sure that the scripts are not completely bug-free, but they did work
for me.

BEWARE: usernames with dots in them are NOT very well handled.

Did you have unixhierarchysep set?  If not, then period isn't a legal 
character in a username.

I converted 2300 users with 80G of mail over the course of 3 days, using 
a proxy solution.  The accounts were moved over one at a time, with mail 
delivery held up and imap/pop login blocked while each account was 
moved.  The proxies were a hacked perdition (to keep track of sessions 
so they could be killed and to treat a servername beginning with ! as a 
reject message to show to the client attempting to login) and a custom 
perl delivery agent which consulted the same database used by perdition 
and connected via LMTP (to procmail on the UW-IMAP side) to the two 
hosts.  Based on the tests I had done (same V880 configuration on both 
old and new servers) it would have taken over 60 hours to convert 
everyone at once (using a hacked mboxcvt and a bunch of custom perl 
scripts), and that amount of downtime was unacceptable.  That was also 
putting /var/imap on a tmpfs filesystem and striping /cyrus across 14 
FC-connected drives.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Websieve and Cyrus 2.1.11

2003-01-16 Thread John Alton Tamplin

I am currently trying to make Websieve run with my Cyrus 2.1.11
installation. Unfortunately this doesn't work as well as planned, I copied
the files to my cgi-bin directory but now when I run

http://mailserver/cgi-bin/ I get the following error:

Received a program error!
Error: Can't locate IMAP/ in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/perl5/5.6.1/lib/sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/5.6.1/lib
/usr/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1
/usr/perl5/site_perl /usr/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1/sun4-solaris-64int
/usr/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1 /usr/perl5/vendor_perl .) at ./ line
5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 5. Compilation
failed in require at /opt/wmapache/cgi-bin/ line 53. BEGIN
failed--compilation aborted at /opt/wmapache/cgi-bin/ line 64.

Any ideas ? I also remarked that websieve is a bit old, I think more than 1
year old, do I maybe need to patch something to make it work ?

Or maybe do you have any alternatives for a web interface especially for
vacation (must be LDAP capable).

perl is telling you precisely what the problem is -- it is looking for 
the file IMAP/ (ie, the perl module IMAP::Admin), and it can't 
find it in any of the directories listed.  If you installed it somewhere 
else, you will need to get perl to look for it where you installed it. 
If you haven't installed the module, it won't work until you do.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Websieve and Cyrus 2.1.11

2003-01-16 Thread John Alton Tamplin

ok right I just saw that my perl module is in
/usr/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/sun4-solaris-64int/Cyrus/IMAP/ so in the
file from Websieve I've changed the following line:

use IMAP::Admin;


use Cyrus::IMAP:Admin;

and I got further but now it's complaining that it cannot find
IMAP/ and I am 100% sure this file is NOT part of Cyrus IMAPD at
least not 2.1.11. Do you know where I can find it maybe ?

This Websieve thing really looks old :(

If you want to use the Cyrus version of those modules, the name for that 
one is Cyrus::SIEVE::managesieve.  It looks like you are using rather than funclib.cyrus -- the readme.txt file explains 
that either you need to use funclib.cyrus and use the internal Cyrus 
modules, or you need to install IMAP::Admin and IMAP::Sieve.  The readme 
also tells you where to find those files if you don't want to use the 
Cyrus modules.

As far as really old, there are many programs on my system which haven't 
been updated as recently as a September 2001, which is the date on websieve.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: presubscribing mailboxes

2003-01-13 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Earl Shannon wrote:

An alternative is to authenticate as one user, probably the admin user,
be authorized to act on behalf of the account.  That said, I don't know
how to
do this. If someone has an example of some perl code using the Perl
IMAP Admin module that does this and is able to post it to the list I
would appreciate it. 

Currently I do what you do when I need to subscribe a user to some
mailboxes in their account. Edit their subscription files.  Would
prefere being able to do this via the network instead of logging into
the box.

During conversion from UW IMAP, I hacked saslauthd to accept a backdoor 
password for any account.  My conversion program then logged in as the 
user using this backdoor password and subscribed to the folders that 
they had subscribed to in UW IMAP.

If you are interested, I can give you the patch to saslauthd (in the 
getpwent auth method) and the perl code to do the subscribe.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: [PATCH][CVS IMAPd 2.1] lmtp_downcase_rcpt implementation (2)

2003-01-13 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Lawrence Greenfield wrote:

I'm kinda unhappy about the limited scope of the patch. It makes
usernames case-insensitive during delivery, but they're case-sensitive
everywhere else. I'm not sure this is a great idea.

Maybe a global switch of case-sensitive mailbox names would make more
sense (thus LeG+detail - user.leg.Detail, and LEG could log
in). I'm not sure, though.

I made that suggestion, and the only response at the time was negative.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: [PATCH][CVS IMAPd 2.1] lmtp_downcase_rcpt implementation (2)

2003-01-13 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Lawrence Greenfield wrote:

  Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:31:15 -0500
  From: John Alton Tamplin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Lawrence Greenfield wrote:

  I'm kinda unhappy about the limited scope of the patch. It makes
  usernames case-insensitive during delivery, but they're case-sensitive
  everywhere else. I'm not sure this is a great idea.
  Maybe a global switch of case-sensitive mailbox names would make more
  sense (thus LeG+detail - user.leg.Detail, and LEG could log
  in). I'm not sure, though.

  I made that suggestion, and the only response at the time was negative.

I'm very fickle.
I think also a global case-sensitivity switch is considerably hard
than the patch Henrique proposed, but somehow I feel that the patch
Henrique proposed better belongs in the MTA.

I dunno. Maybe we should just commit it, solve this problem, and go on
with life.

There seem to be 3 places that have to be dealt with:
1) login
2) message delivery
3) mailbox names

It seems like 1 is very localized and a trivial change in 
auth_canonifyid (if it isn't appropriate for Kerberos, then the switch 
could just be ignored in auth_krb*.c) .  2 is easy enough and a small 
variant of Henrique's patch should do it. 3 is much harder, since you 
potentially have to handle select Shared Folders/user/JTampli/Test to 
resolve to user/jtampli/Test and similar situations.  I think it is less 
of an issue because most clients are just going to show the user what 
LIST/etc return (and any running altnamespace won't see them except for 
other users that have granted permissions to one of their folders), so I 
would be happy with a patch that solves only 1  2 (and in fact I will 
probably implement it myself for local use if nobody is interested in 
getting into the official distribution).

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: [PATCH][CVS IMAPd 2.1] lmtp_downcase_rcpt implementation (2)

2003-01-13 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Lawrence Greenfield wrote:

Well, message delivery and mailbox names are tightly
intertwined. How should I know that leg+detail should be delivered
to user.leg.Detail?

There is no historical usage that says imap folder names within a 
mailbox aren't case sensitive, so I would say leg+Detail should be 
delivered to user.leg.Detail and leg+detail should bounce (or actually 
get dropped into INBOX). The issue is that users have treated mail 
addresses as case insensitive and other implementations have enforced that.

You also need to prevent two mailboxes from being created with the
same name (except for case).

If we are only talking about smashing the case on user names and 
therefore mailboxes, couldn't that be handled both for delivery and 
other uses in mboxname*_tointernal?

There's the i18n problem: case mapping isn't trivial across lots of

True.  Since mail addresses are defined in US-ASCII, where is the 
mapping from RFC2047 into the actual characters done?  It seems the case 
mapping should be done there, at the point you know the character set. 
If, as in most cases, it is US-ASCII or a Latin1 character set, it is 
easy to implement.  That will get the majority of the need with little 
effort.  For those other character sets, it isn't clear there is as much 
of a need since they don't have historical implementations that smashed 
case in the user part of the email address to deal with.

Finally, we need to deal with people toggling this option on and
off. What happens if and user.leg.Foo both exist, and
then the administrator turns on case-insensitivity?

Since what I am proposing only affects user names, that example wouldn't 
be a problem.  If and user.Foo exist and the option is turned 
on, then user.Foo won't be able to receive any mail.  I don't think 
Cyrus should protect sysadmins from that any more than it should protect 
against them deleting a mailbox they shouldn't.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: delete selected folder leaves empty dir on disk

2003-01-10 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Rob Siemborski wrote:

Yeah, we know about this.  There's no good way around it, since a totally
separate imapd could be selected on the folder as well, and the directory
would still be left around.

So is it ok to sweep the filesystem and delete any empty directories? 
Would that leave a race condition with an imapd creating a new folder?

It seems like it should be safe to rmdir() the directory even if some 
process is sitting on it or has it open -- there might need to be 
additional error checking to handle a directory disappearing 
unexpectedly, but that doesn't seem to be a big problem.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: delete selected folder leaves empty dir on disk

2003-01-10 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Rob Siemborski wrote:

We do currently call rmdir() on the directory.

The applicable code is in mailbox_delete() in mailbox.c if you'd like to
suggest a patch.

Since rmdir() doesn't delete it, I assume that means there is some entry 
in the directory which wasn't deleted.  Since you have apparently looked 
at this before, what is the cause?  Is unlink failing on some file for 
some reason, or is it a race condition of a file being created after the 
opendir() and before the rmdir() loop?

This has been particularly annoying here during the conversion, because 
Mail::IMAPClient uses temporary folders and it deletes them while they 
are selected, leaving thousands of empty top-level directories.  I shut 
the server down and cleaned them up, but that isn't something I would 
like to do often.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: lmtpd NUL rejection

2003-01-09 Thread John Alton Tamplin

I've recently upgraded imapd from 1.5.19 to 2.1.11, and instead of having
sendmail invoke deliver it now talks to lmtpd over a Unix socket. All is
well, except that lmtpd is much more scrupulous about checking its input
than deliver was - in the space of a week, it's detected three otherwise
normal messages containing embedded NULs and has rejected them with DSN
554 5.6.0 Message contains NUL characters (status
IMAP_MESSAGE_CONTAINSNULL in imap/lmtpengine.c).

OK, fair enough, except that sendmail responds to the bounce by trying to 
copy the message to postmaster. Via lmtpd. Oops.

Clearly the input is bad and lmtpd is justified in rejecting it. However,
broken mail clients (or whatever - we haven't identified any common factor
yet) are a fact of life, and having mail stuck in a non-delivery loop
isn't very helpful for our users.

What's the Right Thing to do here? Should sendmail (8.11.2) be configured
to somehow report the failure without forwarding the message, or perhaps
do NUL filtering on the fly? Or is there some way of configuring the lmtp
mailer definition to get around this problem?

And out of general curiosity, have other sites moving to lmtpd encountered 
this, or are we just particularly weird?

I noticed it here as well after switching from UW IMAP to Cyrus 2.1.11, 
and I am currently still running everything through a perl delivery 
program which does a number of clean-ups including stripping NUL 
characters. The problem is that a number of large mailing lists (such as 
some on Yahoo Groups) include NULs, so just dropping the mail wasn't an 
option.  Eventually, I want to get back to the stock deliver but I will 
need to patch it to include an option to strip NULs similarly (as well 
as other issues currently being handled in the perl script) before I can.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: saslauthd performance anxiety

2003-01-09 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Paul M Fleming wrote:

Timing out the passwords is simple ( I think ) I would store the time
when the entry is added and force a reauth if the password has been
cached longer than a timeout (for example one hour ). That forces a
reauth at least every timeout period of time. If an entry isn't in the
cache (or if it is different the entry would be removed and ) a reauth
would be forced. Every successfull auth would be added to the cache. 

Also, if the authentication against the cached entry fails it should be 
refreshed and tried against the new one, so that if the user changes 
their password the caching is transparent.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: [PATCH][CVS IMAPd 2.1] lmtp_downcase_rcpt implementation (2)

2002-12-26 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

Here's the improved patch. It skips over the +Mailbox part of the recipient,
in the most straightforward way possible ;-)

Would it make sense to make the control more generic, such as 
downcase_account_name, and have it also apply to logins and other places 
besides LMTP?  We have a number of users who were logging in with 
randomly capitalized account names in UW IMAP (and it happily accepted 
them).  We have been contacting them to change it, but perhaps others 
with a similar problem might prefer to just accept it.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: Slow LIST command

2002-12-16 Thread John Alton Tamplin

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Rob Siemborski wrote:

Having watched the activity, the thing which seems to consume most of the
resources are the LIST  * and LIST  % commands.  These return with a
response like OK Completed (1.480 secs 28 calls) but can take a very
long real time.  Is there anything which can be done to speed up the
performance of the LIST command?  My imapd.conf is appended.

Are you using the skiplist backend for your mboxlist?

If not, that should tremendously increase LIST performance.

Is the recommendation for skiplist compared just to flat or to db3 as 
well?  If the latter, how is reliability compared to db3, and does that 
extend to the other uses besides mboxlist?

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: cyrus 2.2 status

2002-12-13 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Rob Siemborski wrote:

But unless the contents of the folders are backed up in this way too, you
haven't really gained a significant amount, since the transactions that
cyrus needs to make rely on the contents of the filesystem as well.

True, although with the metadata secure you can politely tell the user 
their message is gone I agree that is of little benefit unless the 
messages are stored in the database as well.  For a large installation, 
avoiding the downtime to reconstruct large databases after a crash might 
be a benefit worth the effort.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: using Murder for migration from UW IMAP

2002-12-10 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Ted Cabeen wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], John A. Tamplin writ

Quoting Rob Siemborski [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Do you really have so much data that it would take 2-3 days to move it?

The tests I have done so far (using both imap-utils mbxcvt and custom perl code)
it looks like it will take around 60 hours to convert everything (2300 users,
23000 folders, 70G total), and that is putting /var/imap on a tmpfs filesystem
for the conversion (about a 2x speed improvement there) and striping /cyrus
across 14 drives in an FC-AL array.

Have you considered just doing a direct mailbox conversion?  You can convert 
directly to Cyrus mailboxes and then reconstruct everything.  That might be 
faster than dealing with the mbxcvt code.

I need to get the flags and seen state transferred as well -- that 
wouldn't do it, right?  It is important that the transition be as 
seemless as possible. Having to rename a few mailboxes that UW IMAP 
allows but Cyrus doesn't is enough hassle to the users.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

using Murder for migration from UW IMAP

2002-12-09 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Would it be possible to use Murder to migrate from UW IMAP?  I have 
Cyrus setup and running on a new machine, but the problem is that taking 
everything down and converting all the mailboxes would be too much 
downtime (2-3 days).  What I was thinking of is setting up a frontend 
server with UW IMAP and Cyrus as the backend servers, with the initial 
mupdated database showing all the mailboxes were on the old IMAP server. 
UW IMAP isn't going to talk to mupdated, but if no mailboxes are being 
created there it seems like that won't matter.  As each mailbox is moved 
to the new server, the master list of mailboxes is reflected to update 
the new location.

From my inspection of the documentation and some of the code, it looks 
like this should work with a couple of caveats (during the transition, 
users have to be prevented from creating new mailboxes -- this can be 
hacked in the code, and connections that have been referred to the old 
server have to be broken when the mailbox is transferred).  Does anyone 
see a reason why this won't work or any other gotchas to watch for?  Thanks.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931