[parablenet] Matthew 12:6

2004-03-31 Thread Sameera George
Lord Jesus, as I travel the desert journey of Lent, give me strength and courage.


Lead me through these days of prayer and penance in such a way that I may worthily 
come to the celebration of your saving death and glorious resurrection.


Stay with me in time of temptation.


Do not allow me to give way to greed but lead me to generous service. Preserve me from 
vanity and self glory, and make me humble of heart. save me from false pride, let me 
be obedient to your will. Amen.


Throughout our Christian lives we must beware that we dont get so caught up in our 
own importance that we forget God. Its so easy to get hung up in our titles, our 
wealth, our status and our knowledge, and then forget about God altogether. 

In our Scripture today were reminded that Christ was more important than the Temple, 
and today He is still more important than the church. The church can not replace 
Christ, but it is there to strengthen and build up the members of the Body of Christ 
so they are more effective.

NIV Matthew 12:6 I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. 

If the Christians of the world make up the Body of Christ in the world today, and if 
all those Christians are so hung up on their own self-righteousness then the world is 
being led astray. 

We need to remember that it doesnt matter how close we get to God, we cannot become 
God, and we dont have the right to judge and condemn others. 

Were supposed to be loving, not judging. 

Were to be loving, not condemning. 

Were to be helpful, not hurtful. 

Were to be Gods people showing the same love and concern for the world that Christ 
did for us. 

Thats why were called Christians.

We are to be honest, truthful, caring and praying as we carry the salvation message to 
the world around us. This means praying for friends, families, relationships and 
enemies as we honestly share God's message with the world around us.

Heres a neat message that was sent to us by Kurt Kolstad.

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. -I Corinthians 3:6

A Sunday school teacher pointed to a large plant in the room and asked her young 
pupils, Who made those beautiful flowers grow? A boy quickly answered, God did! 
The teacher was pleased by the response, but before she had a chance to comment, 
another boy shouted, But fertilizer sure helps!

That youngster touched on a profound reality-the mingling of the human with the divine 
in God's plan for growth. For example, even though the Lord created this world with 
its growing things, He put man in the garden to tend and cultivate it.

We find a parallel to this truth in the spiritual realm. The apostle Paul said, I 
planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase .His main intent in writing these 
words was to emphasize that God was the one responsible for the increase.  Even so, 
the Lord had worked through the faithful endeavors of men. Notice what the record 
states: Paul planted,  and Apollos watered. 

We recognize that God alone is the one who makes things grow-both in nature and in the 
church. But we also know that He chooses to work through people, and what we do sure 
helps! God is faithful in doing His part. Are we faithful in doing ours?

The Lord gives each of us a task

He wants us to fulfill;

To love and serve Him faithfully

Accomplishes His will

Pray for a good harvest, but keep on hoeing.

The smallest things become great when God requires them of us; they are small only in 
themselves; they are always great when they are done for God, and when they serve to 
unite us with Him eternally Francois Fenelon

Gene Gordon


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[parablenet] Proverbs 11:25, NIV

2004-03-27 Thread Sameera George
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed 
(Proverbs 11:25, NIV).

The hardest thing for most of us to give up is our money. It represents our time, our 
energy, our talents, and our total personality converted into
currency. We usually hold on to it tenaciously. Yet it is uncertain in value, and we 
cannot take it into the next world. The Scripture teaches that we are stewards for a 
little while of all we earn. If we misuse it, as did the man who buried his master's 
talent, it brings upon us the severest judgment of God. The tithe is the Lord's. If 
you use it for yourself, you are robbing God. We are to take the tithe as a standard, 
but to go beyond the tithe is an indication of our gratefulness for God's gifts to us. 
In the midst of sorrow and trouble, this life has many blessings and enjoyments, which 
have come from the hand of God.
Even our capacity for love is a gift from God. We show our gratitude by giving back to 
Him a part of that which He has given to us.

Biblical Principles for Using Material Possessions
1. The way that we use our material possessions is an important part of living in the 
will of God (Acts 2-6).

2. We need to set aside a percentage of our income on just as regular a basis  as we 
are paid in order to be able to give systematically to God's work (1Corinthians 16:2).

3. God wants us to give material possessions out of hearts of love that reflect 
sincere appreciation for His gift of salvation (2 Corinthians 8:8-9).

4. We need to organize and plan our giving in a systematic way so that we can give 
generously and not grudgingly (2 Corinthians 9:5).

5. We need to focus on godliness and contentment rather than on riches that may result 
in discontentment (1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19).

6. We need to be especially careful, living in an affluent society, to be on
guard against self-deception and rationalization (Revelation 3:17-18) (Gene Getz).

Lord, thank You for the resources that You have given us. We want to joyfully give 
back to You. Help us to be generous and willing to share whatever we have where there 
is need. Remind us that we are only caregivers -- all that we have belongs to you. In 
Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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[JOYnet] ltr from Mathachan

2003-04-04 Thread mathachan George
 Dear friends,
greetings from Oxford. .
We are praying   working forGRACE 2003-JY UK convevtion will be held at Bhirmingham 
on 23 rd May -26 th May.ps pray for  a new anoiting of the spirit.
with lot of love  prayers
mathchan  maria

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[JOYnet] Praeyr Request

2003-03-26 Thread biju paul george
Dear JYs,

 I am requesting your prayers for my cousin 'Roy'.who is seriously 
injured,fracture in scull, clotted blood in brain  unconscious
  Pray for his family too

With love in Christ,

Biju Paul George

Biju Paul George

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[JOYnet] Joined USS TVm..Thanks for your prayers....

2003-03-22 Thread pradeep george
Hi My dear In Jesus,

First of al i would like to tell my sincre thanks to you for your prayers.
Infact it  your prayers that strengthen me...

I joined the US SOFT training  two weeks back.
I am having a very tight schedule there.
I could not check /send ,mails for the last two weeks.
I had sent one mail to JY before starting to tvm.But I am not sure it
whether it reached the net or not.

Pls remember me in your prayers.
I am having a tough time now.

MAy GOD bless you...
regards and prayres
pradeep george

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[JOYnet] Kuwait update

2003-03-21 Thread george kuriakose
Dear Friends,

Our prayers are with you dear friends.I am sure
that our Lord Jesus christ will protect you from
all dangers.I just read this somewhere

Security is not the absence of danger, but the
presence of God, no matter what the danger.

It's So true.

God Bless
George Kuriakose

--- Sebastian Kakkasseri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Last night full of warning sirens. Even now while i
 am typing a new wave of 
 sirens i can here. it is an automated radar
 controlled siren showing a scud 
 moved to Kuwait fm Iraq. Thank God until now no
 casualities as most of them 
 are dropped down by patriatic missiles.
 thanks for your prayers continue to keep us and the
 people of Iraq in your 
 prayers. Watican Ambassodr in Kuwait instructed us
 to reduce public prayer 
 meetings as there could be a threat over Christian
 interests, todays prayer 
 service has been cancelled. only a quick mass
 service will be there in all 
 Kuwait churches and all JYs in Kuwait are requested
 to pass this message to 
 all friends also avoid gatherings especially near
 church premises.
 sebastian kuwait.

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[JOYnet] Thanks - Baby has arrived!

2003-03-16 Thread Thomas George
Dear Joynetters in Christ,


 The Lord has blessed us with a boy baby (2nd
child).  My wife Leena gave birth on 13th March
(Thursday) at 1.00 p.m.  The delivery was normal and
the weight of the baby 2.95 kg.  Both Leena and the
baby are doing fine and in good health. 

 A special thank you to each and every one for
your prayers.  May the Lord bless you abundantly! 

 Reg. Jessy, she was discharged from the hospital
alongwith the baby on 13th March.  Both Jessy and the
baby are keeping fine and in good health.  This is the
first time that the Lord has blessed Jessy to take the
baby home.  Jessy's 1st  2nd babies who lived for 53
days  20 days respectively expired in the hospital
itself.  Surely, this time the Lord worked wonders
mainly because so many people had prayed for Jessy
including from our Joynet group.  Thanks to each one
of you. 

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India

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[JOYnet] Thanks for praying for Jessy

2003-03-10 Thread Thomas George
Dear Joynetters,


 Thanks for praying for Jessy.  The Lord has
blessed Nelson  Jessy with a boy baby. The weight of
the baby - 2.75 kgs. Both Jessy and the baby are doing
fine.  The baby is very active and doing the normal
chores.  For the sake of observation and also to avoid
infection because of visitors, they have kept the baby
in incubator.  Every 2 hours the baby is taken for
feeding.  Actually, for the first-two children, Jessy
could not even feed them.  But this time, the Lord has
heard the prayers of so many people who were praying
for Jessy.   

 Once again thanking all the Joynetters for their
prayers and a special thank you for all those who had
mailed me assuring of their prayers.

 I have one more prayer request.  We are expecting
our 2nd baby within 10 days.  The due date for my wife
Leena is 18th March.  Pray that the Lord may bless
Leena with normal delivery and healthy baby and also
that the Lord prepares our son Jeffrey (4 1/2 years
old) to receive the new person who is coming into this

 In HIS grip and grace,

Bangalore, India 

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[JOYnet] Prayer request - Very urgent

2003-03-07 Thread Thomas George
Dear Joynetters,


 It's quite sometime that I had sent mail to
Joynet.  But now I am mailing for a prayer request
which is very urgent.

 Nelson  Jessy were part of Jesus Youth (Couples
Group), Bangalore.  They got married in the year 1995.
 After that, they lost 3 little ones within a span of
5 years due to various reasons.  The first child lived
for only 53 days; the second child lived for only 20
days (first-two causes: due to blood related problem)
and the third one could not see the light of day as it
died in Jessy's womb (since placenta broke)when she
was in her 7th month of pregnancy.  

 It's really been a struggle for Nelson and Jessy
but the good Lord gave Jessy the strength to bear the
great loss of children.

 Now, again Jessy is pregnant and she is in her
9th month.  Although her due date is for 2nd April,
the Doctors at St.Martha's Hospital, Bangalore have
fixed the Caesarian for tomorrow i.e. 8th March
(Saturday) at 9.00 AM IST since the baby in the womb
has already matured.  Even Nelson is not there this
time around, as he had got a job in Dubai and working
there for the past 4 months.   

 Well, Joynetters please lift Jessy to the Lord in
a very special way especially today and tomorrow so
that the Lord may bless them with a healthy baby
child.  Pray that Jesus may purify the blood of
Nelson, Jessy  the little one in the womb with HIS
precious blood. Also, request the intercession of Mama
Mary alongwith the Rosary.

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India

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[JOYnet] an experience of ur own

2003-02-28 Thread seena George
Dear Friends,

we have discussed in great lengths on the topic of marriage and love
before and after it. I would like to share what I have learnt in life.
God has loved each and every one of us, and He made us unique, and
therefore His plans for us all are different.. it is also unique... we
cannot compare it and judge it.

I had read the story of a man in reader's digest. He was a humble person
and prayed to God to help him find his life partner, that night the man
saw a dream in which he saw a lady dressed in green. In the next week,
his friend introduced him to a lady and she was dressed in green dress,
green cap and green shoes.. and after a week he proposed to her and she
accepted it. now they are happily married with kids.

We all meet our partners in different ways, in different situations,
sometimes we may know and like the person before marraige and sometimes,
it may be after marriage that we may love him/her. But in all conditions
we must be close to God and ask for His direction and the grace for
discerning His will .

God Knows the way we are brought up, He understands our cultures and our
way of thinking, and therefore He brings  each of us a partner in a way
that is known and acceptable to us...but provided we don't stray away
from him.

Jesus Loves You.

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[JOYnet] Ps pray for colin ,Priya Micheal

2003-02-25 Thread mathachan George
 Dear Friends
greetings from Oxford.Some of us know Colin family.
Ps pray for them...

Greetings in the Precious Name of Jesus!

 I am forwarding the mail of Colin from Banglore

It has been one month since our return to Bangalore and we want to thank the Lord for 
our time in Malta and for bringing us back safely. Michael is being treated by a Neuro 
Paediatrician since the 31st of Jan. We have not yet seen any improvement with the 
seizures and the EEG that  we did recently showed that the condition with regard to 
the extra activity in his brain has grown worse. Please do continue to pray for his 
healing in accordance with Gods will.


We are taking him for Physiotherapy 5 days a week which is helping him a lot and he 
seems much stronger on his feet already and we hope he will be up and about soon. Hes 
also going thro sessions of stimulation of his senses to make him  more aware of his 
surroundings. Michael is scheduled for surgery for a hernia at the end of this month 
and we request you to pray specially during this time for him. We are at peace in all 
this for we know the Lord is with us and His Grace is sufficient for us.


We are looking for a house close to the community and we hope to find one soon. Colin, 
is actively involved in the community and I am doing as much as I can. He is also 
ministring in prayers groups in Bangalore again.


Michael is such a brave little boy and brings us so much joy and we thank the Father 
for the gift of this precious child. Please pray that we will be able to bring him up 
as the Lord wills.


 God bless YOU all
Priya  Colin

with lot of love  prayers
Oxford UK

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[JOYnet] Apology, Thanks and Again Begging for Your Prayers.

2003-02-24 Thread PRADEEP GEORGE
Hi My Dear in Jesus,

First of all  I would Like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who
prayed for my interview last week.I had sent a mail immedailty after that ,
describing how much helpful  your prayers was for me.I wanted to send personal
mails to all those who offered their prayer support to me.But i could not do
that due to two resaons.Firstly my mail id used in joynet at that time
([EMAIL PROTECTED])  became not accessible for me.Also i left my home to my
workplace at tcr the very nextday morning.So could not use my system there
after..( NOW I have Shitfed to my new id  [EMAIL PROTECTED])

That  interview day was filled with blessings for me.I could really feel the
power of prayers.

I could really feel that there is a big loving family to prayer for me.That
gave me very much confidence.

I could do  my best performace there.I really  felt the blessings of Holy
Spirit and Help of OUr divine mother.I   could recoganize the presence of Most
Holy Trinity and Our Divine MOther with me.ALL of these are due to your

Today I got a call from the company and they informed that i have cleared that
interview..Praise the lord.I have  to attend one more interview (i think
this  will be the final)on This WEdnessday(26 th) 11.45 am. I Once again BEG
your kind prayer help.I am sure that if all you pray for me , i'll get it. If
possible please pray a hail mary for me.

ALso please pray for me after you receive our lords blood and flesh  in holy
mass.I know how much powerfull that prayer is 

Also Please do n't forget to pray Holy Spirit  to give me his kind guidance
thruough the interview day...

Hope that you  would pray to strengthen me.

Thank you very much and wish you all blessings,

regards and prayers
pradeep george

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[JOYnet] Thank you Lord !!

2003-02-19 Thread george joseph
 Dear Brothers and sisters,

Yesterday there was an incident which showed me that how safe I'm under the Lord's 
wings. While driving myself and my friend had a narrow escape from another vehicle. It 
was my mistake of not checking the blindspot while making a turn. But the Good Lord 
was watching over us like a loving father and sent in his army to protect us. 

It was a very good lesson for me as I was getting slightly complacent with my driving. 

Thank you Lord for showing me my shortcomings and holding me back from danger !!

with prayers

pradeep joseph

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[JOYnet] urgent prayer request

2003-02-18 Thread pradeep george
Hi Dear  Bro' and sis' in jesus,

As i wrote in my last mail ,i was waiting for  a call from US Software and i
just got it now.
I am having a group discussion and interview tomm.The reporting time is 11
am tomm.
Please pray for me.Especailly during the Holy Mass tomm.(pls try to remember
me after you recieve jesus in blood and flesh, I know your prayer at that
time will so powerful.)
Please pray specailly to Holy spirit to guide me through out the process.
Please pray to Holy Mother to give me her protection.

regards and prayers
pradeep george

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[JOYnet] Simplicity ..in my view .............

2003-02-18 Thread seena George
I have an opinion about dressing... it is like, If the President of your
country were to visit you at your house, what type of dress would you
wear ? Of course you would be at your best..

And God being the greatest of all, the Lord of lords, is worthy of more
honour, So we must be at our best when we go to our Lord's house..to see

Jesus Loves You.


abbyabraham wrote:Dear Rose,

Sub. : Simpleton's Sunday Dress I remember many times when I wanted to
look simple,feel simple, talk simple and be be a simple Christian . It
has never been easy. I always think about the sophistication in today's
dresses, for example. Every dress from socks, hanky, briefs or trousers
are so advanced in design, craftsmanship and material. I wonder what fuss
people look into when they buy those dresses which are never even seen by
any anybody or are exposed to the general public!! This reflect the mind
of the society that is becoming more and more thrilled at being simply
sophisticated. And we too are neck deep into it. You know the Sunday's
best dress? They aren't simple. We take out the newest and put them on
for making it to the Church. (Even if I want to put on a simple one, my
family would have a say in it !!) The simple dresses are for the other
days of the week, they would say. In the Boarding school too, I was
trained to keep the best for the Sunday Mass. So are many other things in
life. I wish world was really simple and we could be what we want to be.
But then I too have to shed my Lee, Ray-Ban and/or the Corsa? regards

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[JOYnet] prayer to H.spirit my experinces .an urgent prayer request.

2003-02-12 Thread PRADEEP GEORGE
Dear Bro.  sis'.  in jesus,

We all belive Holy spirit is  always with us to strengthen our ways. ...And it
is true in all sense...
Pray to HolySpirit  for all people we meet in our day to day life ..We can
experience the amazing results... Especially when we need a favour from
another person, pray to holyspirit to bless him.Then ask him for the favour or
help.Sure it is granted always..Becasue it is no one but HolySpirit is guiding
him..So how can the decision  be aganist us?

I have experienced the power of prayer to HOLY Spirit, when dealing with some
govt. offices.

I had to approach a few govt officers and offices,  three years back for
clearing some papers.As  we all know getting things done thru proper channel
in time  is not very easy in govt. offices here.Further more some of the
offices I had to approach was notorious for  bribery. What I  did all time
was, just before talking to the officer , I  did pray for him to Holy Spirit.I
begged Holy Spirit to shower his blessings to the concerned person.The Result
was wonderful!!!  I did never experience a problem Every thing was very
smooth before me..

When we are travelling on a vehicle pray for the driver Pray to Holyspirit
to control his thoughts and decisions.When you are driving pray for  other
drivers and all things on the road that you  are going to meet.Our Journey
will be so safe.sure.Because it is no one but Holyspirit is guiding
all of them

Now a prayer request too

I know we have a mailing address dedicated for prayer request.But I think the
reqeusts there are consolidated and given to joynet once in a week or so.I
need your prayer help  very urgently ,that is why i am sending this mail

Now I request your kind prayer support for my interview in one software
company in technopark TVM.
Last saturday we had a test (infact more than fifteen thousand applicants were
there  and they had called nealy  thousand people for the test).Today the
company people called  my home (KTM) and  enquired whether it is possible for
me to attend an interview tomm 11 pm.As I am now at thrissur, my parents told,
it is not be possible for me  to  reach TVM  by that time.So the authorities
told  that they would be calling me another day.

I am very much thankful to  the God Almighty for getting a call from the
company.The crowd was so high for the test and i did  n't  expect that i would
clear the test.SO it is really a blessing..

So now I am waiting for a call from them within  one-two days.Please pray for
me to  get the call again in time  and clear the interview if it is good for
me and the company and if it is there for me in HIS plan.

Please pray for me and all the concerned people in the company .
Please pray to Holy Spirit to bless me and company people to take right

Especailly please pray for the interview board

Infact I am not sure about how to approach  the interview...Some problems are
there before me regarding my qualifications. I have got  two-three reputed
certifications.Some of my friends who  are in the industry told me  that
sometimes these certifications can make me overqualified when trying for
freshers openings..So I am in a confusion that , should I produce these things
during my interview or not...? Please pray for me to take right decisions in
all these matters.
If you have any suggestions, I will be very mcuh happy to hear it from
you...and thanking you in advance for the same.
pls mail me at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  , if possible.

I had very actively took part in the discussions regarding the Jobposting in
Joynet .At last as directed by administrators i did the  thing possible for me
.I have created  a page and a mailing list at  coollist.com for jobpostings
alone . The  details are  given to Mathew Joseph on last SUnday itself and is
under his review now.

regards and prayers

pradeep george

To Soajn Joseph(DUbai): I lost  your id .Infact it is there in my system
at home.Now i am away from home.I could not do anything for you in the
requested matter ,except prayers..sorry...

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[JOYnet] prayer request: for GATE Exam on 9th Feb 2003, Sunday

2003-02-07 Thread george
Loving all,

Kindly pray for my wife Twinkle and for me that we will be made ready to 
surrender completely to the will of  LOrd and receive it with atmost happiness.

I thnak God for giving me brothers and sisters like u around to show Lord's love

Thank u so much

luv n prayers


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Re: [JOYnet] pray for the out reach

2003-02-05 Thread PRADEEP GEORGE
Prayers of all the members of our JYnet family will be with you.

Infact  professional colleges are the places  which needs special attention
from  us thru prayers  and any other possible way.

Wish you all the blessings thru out your work at Adoor Eng.college.
May holy trinity bless you and Holy spirit be with you in all your words and
and work there.

pradeep geroge

- Original Message -
From: jomina john [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 10:28 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] pray for the out reach

 hello bros and sis,

 we at chengannur engineering college are planning for an out reach to
Adoor engineering college and our desire is to help them in forming a prayer
group there.there are a few commited girls who very much long for a group

 so plz do pray that we be guided by holyspirit and do what jesus wants us
to do


 jomina john

 chengannur engg college
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Re: [JOYnet] Joynet monthly prayer day

2003-02-05 Thread PRADEEP GEORGE
Let us Listen to OUR LADY's  asking for prayer for world peace.
As told by Sindhu chechi we all will be in prayer for World peace  at 6.pm
IST 7 th feb.(It is first friday...all  members of our famiy will be in good
spirit.At least some of us will be in fasting  so   our prayer as on
soul  will be so powerfullet us try not to forget ...becasue it is
so important.

pradeep geroge

- Original Message -
From: sindhu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 12:53 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Joynet monthly prayer day

 Hello Family,
 Since  we got only one reply regarding topic for our monthly prayer ,let's
 stick by that.
 Kurien Uncle (again!!) suggested the theme to be World Peace.
 Actually ,i was also thinking the same,ever since i am hearing daily about
 USA's  war plans
 And above all our dear Mother Mary,Lady of Good councel, Seat of Wisdom,is
 also asking us to pray and bear witness to peace.
 Message of January 25, 2003 ,From Our Lady of Medjugorje
 Dear children! With this message I call you anew to pray for peace.
 Particularly now when peace is in crisis, you be those who pray and bear
 witness to peace. Little children, be peace in this peaceless world. Thank
 for having responded to my call.
 Let us respond to Our Mother's call.And pray for World peace on the first
 friday ,february 7th ,at 6.00 pm IST.
 And any volunteers to prepare a prayer as we did before ,when we prayed
for an
 end to Terrorism ?

 Web team can you upload this intention in our web site too?

 Let us pray for this prayer time also daily that all will remember to pray
 ,not only once a month but thru out the month.

 In joyful communion,


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[JOYnet] Fw: [ JOYnet] RE: REJob Vacancy - do not delete --- to help is divine.

2003-02-05 Thread PRADEEP GEORGE
- Original Message -
To: JoYNet
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 9:20 PM
Subject: [ JOYnet] RE: REJob Vacancy - do not delete --- to help is divine.

Hi all dear bro  sis' ,

First I thought I would not take part in this discussion regarding the posting
of job oppertunities in Joynet.Later I realise that if i  did n't say
something  I am doing injustice to those people who had posted some job
oppertunities here.

Ofcourse I agree that Joynet is not intended for posting jobs or finding
friends Sure , there are other places  only for these purposes.

As we  all know  thousands of appllicants are wandering around these days.Most
Companies do not publish their job opennings in the jobsites.Most of the posts
are  filled thru internal employee references now a days.

Job seekers, who are not having   personal contacts with employees in
companies would not even know about the opennings.I would like to invite your
kind attention to two recent postings in the Joynet.
One was by jobi varghese and the other one was from stanly kulangara.Jobi's
posting was about an openning in his company (Oracle) and he did give his
company id.No where else the comapny published the job opening and you can
apply only thru employees.That means if you do n't have a contact in Oracle
you are not eligible for applying.In this cirumstance what he did is a Divine
help,  I have no doubt to  call it as  divine help.I can n't find something
wrong in helping others in any circustnace by any means.Also I think a  good
number of JOYnet members will benifit from such postings.If you do n't need
why can n't you simply delete it upon reading the subject.?
How such mails can fill the Inboxes? When The text mails are normally of size
less than 50 k.

Not all can survive in this world dedicating all  their time for spiritual
works.But for most us spiritual life is a most important PART of our
life.Those who   argued aganist job posting, i think are already enjoying good

I think I did n't hurt any oneMy humble opinion is that  we  should post
important openings (especailly those are not available in any other place) in


regards and prayers

pradeep george

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[JOYnet] He and I

2003-02-05 Thread seena George
Sept 1 1944

Gabrielle Bossis : Lord, after all this war with one another, won't there
be a period of love and goodwill among men?

Jesus:  That would be the Kingdom of God. Ask more often that My kingdom
come. The hour of the Father's kingdom can be hastened if His children
only plead with Him more earnestly, just as the birth of Christ was
hastened by the yearning of the Virgin of Nazareth.

Pray, work, do everything to bring about this beautiful kingdom. I put
this request in the 'Our Father' so that it might be answered. Take
courage, since I am helping you, and kindle your desires. Desires are
prayers. They are swift arrows. Take aim and may the mark be struck with

Jesus Loves You.

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[JOYnet] Tithing-whom Should I Give? a few humble words...

2003-01-31 Thread pradeep george

I think it is very difficult to  define to whom  should we  give our 10 % income.But 
one  will mostly be true..We should give it those about  whom  we feel that they  need 
our help.Some times we may feel this about a poor fellow we meet  across  the road 
side,In some  other times it may be  evnageliser who need our money  to carry on his 
In some other cases it may be a priest who want money to help  some other 
persons(Please remember that many of our  parish priests are helping  poor people a 
lot .)

In some othertimes it may be a poor  student who need money to buy a book..

I think if we are ready to give with a  happy mind then it would reach only really 
deserving hands.BECAUSE IT IS GODS MONEY..and he would not let it to go in any other 
way.He will tell us  where to/whom to  give   it.We need  to have only a mind to 
listen to his words.Let pray for Holyspirit to guide us in this matter  too.

pradeep george
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[JOYnet] Tithing--i did n\'t expect a wide discussion when i sent my first mail.

2003-01-31 Thread pradeep george
That was my second mail( with a subject--spend 10 % your income to others --you 
will see miracles)   to JOYNET after i subscribed to this wonderful, more correct to 
say blessed commutnity.
When i saw responses with subject \tithes\ ,first i did n\'t understand that it is 
something connected with the \ 10 % \ .I am so happy  to see a discussion going on 
the group on such an important matter.

pradeep george

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[JOYnet] spend atleast 10 % your income for deserving people-- you will see the miracle

2003-01-28 Thread pradeep george
hi all friends in jesus

If you are an earning person please  try to spend atleast 10 %  your total income for 
the benefit of  the people who need and deserve it.You will get in return 100 times of 
the amount you spent.This is literarily true.. Infact I am having a number of  
examples for the proof, in my own family and among my friends.

Last Sunday during his speech in the middle of  Holy Mass  priest told  about an 
incident to substantiate the  fact.It touched  me very much ,because I too had a very 
similar experience two years back.I would like to share the experience here for all 

Fr. told during his speech, story of a high school teacher in his parish. In that 
parish , they have been  constructing houses for poor people.One House per month or so 
is their target.To collect money they have kept a box in each and every house and each 
 every member of the family are expected to put  his/her own contribution in that box.

During the last X\'mas time  that teacher decided to put 100/- in the box.She had a 
lot expenses during the X\'mas and New year season, still she decided to give that 
contribution on the occasion  of the birth day of infant Jesus.

A few days later ,  her two children received DD s for $100 each from one of their 
relative in US as gift.It was quite unexpected and that was the first time they 
receive  such a gift from their relative.He ( the Fr.)was sure that we all might have  
got  such experiences.The words touched me very much.Because as I said I too had very 
similar experience two years back.
It happened just after a Major surgery  for my father.We had a lot expenses at that 
time.One day our Vicar asked us to spend an amount of around 1000/- for a good 
thing.Even though we were not having plenty of money that time, we decided to spend 
it.Just a few days later  we got a letter from one cousin of my mother ,in US along 
with a DD for $ 200/-.That was unexpected in all manner.We were really wondered to see 
a  draft with their mail.Because even  though   they are my mothers close relatives we 
did n\'t had such a close attachment with them  to send  such an amount...Soon we all 
realized that  it is nothing but GOD \'s hand worked there

So help  the poor  You will get reward in this earth itselfand that too with 
in no time!!!

thank GOD.

with prayers.

pradeep george

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[JOYnet] a new member -requesting your prayers and friendship

2003-01-27 Thread pradeep george
I am pradeep.I  registered in JOYNET a few days back.It is now only I  started reading 
mails that come thru it.Now  realize that some of them are really rare Gems to find.So 
striking and so influencing.So decided to read as much as possible in the coming days. 

Infact I am not active member of JY,but a silent partner.My area of religious  work is 
my parish itself.God by his grace  permited me to serve a Catechism teacher, a small 
service i can offer ..and i have been doing it for the past seven years 

I heared about the site from my friend Navin  Thomas (former Campus 
coordinator).Thanks to him . A few people like  Dr.Sindhu etc.. of JY are familiar to 
me through his words.
Hope all of you would accept me as one among you...

with lots prayers..

pradeep george

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Re: [JOYnet] Language used in mails

2003-01-27 Thread Thomas George

Dear Netizens in Christ,

 I agree with Shaji on the said subject.  Of late,
some mails are with harsh tone.  Since we are a loving
community and being in the Renewal, we should be
careful and eschew 'words' in our mails which may hurt
our brothers and sisters.  

 In HIS grip and grace,

Bangalore, India

 Dear brothers and sisters,
 Lets take care to refine our language when we send
 mails to Joynet or any other Christian mail groups.
 Some of our brothers and sisters may have some
 aversion to certain words we use in the mails.
 So lets take care.
 lovingly in Christ,
 Shaji Jose
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Re: [JOYnet] Is anything impossible for God?

2003-01-15 Thread george kuriakose

  There is one thing that is really impossible for God

God Bless
--- Jennifer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hello Friends,
 Christ is my best friend and I can say this because
 of what He has done in my
 life.  I hurt Him, denied Him but He never left me. 
 I always asked and He
 never stopped giving.  Jesus is that way.for me
 He is the Shepherd who
 with His stick disciplines whenever we go away from
 Him on a wrong path.  And
 Who by His love fondles me and embraces me whenever
 I am hurt and in pain.  He
 is the Shepherd of my soul and my soul thirsts for
 He is perfect but I am not and He knows that and so
 He loves me just the way I
 am and even when I falter I know, I can still go to
 my Lord, Who will cleanse
 me and accept me and take away all my sins.
 I donno why I am sharing this with you all.  But as
 I was reading this story,
 I was deeply touched.  A child who for the first
 time hears the story of
 Christmas gives himself so completely to the Lord. 
 This is the power of the
 Love of Christ which makes everyone His own.  And
 those sinners who receive
 His love are transformed and become His powerful
 instruments in giving His
 love to all.  It's the love of God alone that can
 transform a hardened sinner.
 God's love is unconditional and this is the ultimate
 truth.  And those who
 tastes His love becomes His forever and nothing can
 seperate us then from
 There are so many who have not yet heard about Jesus
 Christ and as Christians
 it is our duty to tell others about Jesus Who loves
 May Christ give us the strenght to be His witnesses.
 Manger Story
 In 1994, two Americans answered an invitation from
 the Russian Department
 of Education to teach morals and ethics based on
 biblical principles) in the
 public schools. They were invited to teach at
 prisons, businesses, the fire
 and police departments and a large orphanage. About
 100 boys and girls who
 had been abandoned, abused, and left in the care of
 a government-run
 program were in the orphanage.
 They relate the following story in their own words:
 It was nearing the holiday season, 1994, time for
 our orphans to hear, for
 the first time, the traditional story of Christmas.
 We told them about Mary and Joseph arriving in
 Bethlehem. Finding no room in
 the inn, the couple
 went to a stable, where the baby Jesus was born and
 placed in a manger.
 Throughout the story, the children and orphanage
 staff sat in amazement as
 they listened. Some sat on the edges of their
 stools, trying to grasp every
 word. Completing the story, we gave the children
 three small pieces of
 cardboard to make a crude manger. Each child was
 given a small paper
 square, cut from yellow napkins I had brought with
 me. No colored paper was
 available in the city. Following instructions, the
 children tore the paper
 and carefully laid strips in the manger for straw.
 Small squares of
 flannel, cut from a worn-out nightgown an American
 lady was throwing away as
 left Russia, were used for the baby's blanket. A
 baby was cut from tan felt we had brought from the
 United States. The
 orphans were busy assembling their manger as I
 walked among them to see if
 they needed any help.
 All went well until I got to one table where little
 Misha sat. He looked to be about 6 years old and had
 finished his project.
 As I looked at the little boy's manger, I was
 startled to see not one, but two
 babies in
 the manger. Quickly, I called for the translator to
 ask the lad why there
 were two babies in the manger. Crossing his arms in
 front of him and
 looking at this completed manger scene, the child
 began to repeat the story
 seriously. For such a young boy, who had only heard
 the Christmas story
 once, he related the happenings accurately-until he
 came to the part where
 Mary put the baby Jesus in the manger. Then Misha
 started to ad-lib. He
 made up his own ending to the story as he said, And
 when Maria laid the baby
 the manger, Jesus looked at me and asked me if I had
 a place to stay.  I
 told him I have no mamma and I have no papa, so I
 don't have any place to
 stay. Then, Jesus told me I could stay with him. But
 I told him I couldn't,
 because I didn't have a gift to give him like
 everybody else did. But I
 wanted to stay with Jesus so much, so I thought
 about what I had that maybe
 I could use for a gift. I thought maybe if I kept
 him warm, that would be a
 good gift. So I asked Jesus, If I keep you warm,
 will that
 be a good enough gift? And Jesus told me, If you
 keep me warm, that will
 be the best gift anybody ever gave me. So I got
 into the manger, and then
 Jesus looked at me and he told me I could stay with
 him---for always. As
 Misha finished his story, his eyes brimmed full of
 tears that splashed 

[JOYnet] prayer request for JY prayer volunteers training prgm in B'lore

2003-01-14 Thread george
Loving all,
Kindly pray for the leadership training programme for prayer volunteers 
organized by Bangalore Jesus Youth at Augustine Nivas Convent, Bangalore from 
18th Jan 2003 - 19th Jan 2003. Pl. pray that Lord's will be done and that we 
work hard for His will.

I thank Lord for joynet and giving brothers/sisters like you to pray for us.
thank you

We will pray for you.

luv n prayers

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[JOYnet] jy @ hyderabad

2003-01-04 Thread prakash george
 I am a new member in Joynet. Happy to be a part of a group sharing God's love.

 I am now at Hyderabad.I am new to the place. I would be glad if any one 
in Hyderabad tell me about time  place of jesus youth gatherings.

Happy New Year to all

 Prakash George Attupurath
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[no subject]

2003-01-03 Thread seena George
Hi all,

This Christmas was a special one for me too. As I was praying, suddenly a
huge realisation came upon me, ans it was at that moment that I saw my
littleness and the Awsome and big presence of our Lord. I felt like a
small insect in the presence of a great power, and yet that very power
was so full of love for me, I felt drenched in that grace. It was  a
beautiful  feeling and a fear and respect of the Lord came into my heart.
It was like I was seeing the reality. I had become used to the loving
Lord and had become casual in my attitude, fear and respect was almost
gone, He was my best friend and the feeling that It is ok to be a little
wayward now, we can be better later had come over me... I was getting
slack and lukewarm in my faith and it was this Christmas that opened
my eyes to what I was , and where I was in my walk with the Lord.

I felt that I should share this.


California, USA

Jesus Loves You.

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Re: [JOYnet] If any of you can help

2002-12-24 Thread seena George
Dear Joynetters,

Why not take this topic for our next intercession as an entire group. Not
only these 3 sisters , but I guess there are many more sisters suffering
under this evil. So let us all, take a day and time and pray for them as
well as for the others.

Nothing is impossible for God , and prayers work wonders when prayed with


Jesus Loves You. Original Message Follows From: Alfred Samji

I found the below mail I received for a prayer fellowship very disturbing
and have put if forward to you all, for all of you to see if any of you
can help these 3 girls in distress. You can correspond with the below
given email address to the sender for more details. God will bless you
all if they can be helped at this Holy season the anniversary of Christ's
coming to save each one of us. Praise the Lord  wish you all a Merry

Samji / Dubai -Original Message- From: Edwin Gomez

Dear Brethren in Christ,

I need a special and very urgent prayer request for three young ladies
who are facing a very different trial in their life. And for safety
reasons I am addressing them as S.S., N.K.  S.M. During their school
days these ladies went to a cool bar to take some deserts and fruit
juices (all of them on different occasions). But some people with the
help of the shop owner mixed some drugs in the drink and took their nude
photos in their unconscious stage. Those people are the members of the
Gang who kidnap and sell ladies for prostitution. Now these people are
trying to black mail these ladies by showing these photographs for
selling these ladies to foreign brothel owners. At this moment we are
trying to get back those photos and negatives but a lot of gangsters are
involved and they had threatened us if we complain this to the police or
some other people in power they will edit this photo to a complete
pornographic photo and will publish it in web site and distribute it
freely to the people around. For the safety reasons I cannot explain more
in this request so in our helpless situation we need a miracle prayer
from you dear brethren, for The Almighty God to interfere and solve this
situation according to his Will. Requesting urgent Prayer Edwin Gomez A.

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[JOYnet] Re: Merry X'mas

2002-12-23 Thread Thomas George

Dear JOYFULnetters,


 In HIS grip and grace,

   (Thomas, Leena  Jeffrey) 
Bangalore, India 
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[JOYnet] Greetings

2002-12-20 Thread Thomas George

Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html

Dear Friends,
 Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
 May God help us sort out our problems and prosper in HIS LOVE.

Thomas George

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[joynet] Test email

2002-12-16 Thread Giju George
Hi Friends
Please ingore this mail
List admin.

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[JOYnet] List updated

2002-12-16 Thread Giju George
Today we have moved the JOYnet mailing list to our webserver.
Till today it was supported on a different list server.
We hope it will work well on our server without much problems.
In case you find any problem with the list kindly report the same

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[JOYnet] FW: PLS PRAY......

2002-12-16 Thread Giju George
-Original Message-
From: jenice george [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 6:17 PM
Subject: PLS PRAY..

dear brothers and sisters in christ..
my friends brother met with an accident today early morning near
bangalore...his friend died on the spot...ashok[my friends brother] is now
admitted to manipal hospiatl in nbangakllore.he has got little ear
injury...so pls  keep him in ur prayers...may ber he  will want surgery...
and also pls pray for his friends soul...
with prayers,,

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[JOYnet] Fwd: [ejesus] Subscribed to ejesus

2002-12-10 Thread george
Loving all,
Some time back I had written abt one e-jesus rpogramme run by Fr. Trevor, a
friar (a catholic preist from B'lore St. Antony's friary). This has two services:
1)Sunday reading..if u subsribe to this, u will get each friday the reading of
the following sunday with explanations. Some joynetters asked me to post this
mail-id once again. So here it is, with a mail from Fr.Trevor:

luv n rpayers

Praise God!

We have moved to a fully automated email management system. And we hope that
you will continue to relish the readings we send...

- Fr. Trevor 

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Re: [JOYnet] JOYnet gatherings...

2002-12-04 Thread Tomy George Muricka
Dear Mathew Joseph ;
   thanks  for the idea  0f  joynet gathering .we 
will also  plan  for ajoynetters  gathering   with  our Manoj 
Chettan  during  his visit  to kuwait. WE are planning and praying 
for  a  j.y gathering  with  Manoj chettan in the  church . we 
have not yet get   the  permission  for that  and we hope that  we 
will get it . kindly pray  for this  and also  for  Manoj Chettan   
meeting with the  kwt.BISHOP. All the kwt. j.ys are anxiosly  
looking  and praying  for   the  best  result of  this  meeting 
.Hope we will get an  opening  in  kuwait.Please pray.
  with prayers;
   tomy murickan  j.y.

On Wed, 04 Dec 2002 Mathew Joseph wrote :
Hello Friends,

Nice to hear that the UAE JOYnet gathering is happening
on 06-Dec.  Wishing you all a JOYful time!

I think this is a very good initiative which others also can
follow.  If we can have similar gatherings in other places 
then it will be great...
We had a couple of JOYnet gatherings here in Bangalore.
We had lot of fun and suspense in meeting the JOYnet
friends for the first time.  We knew them for so long..
But meeting the first time and guessing the face was
real fun   We had people like our Colombo suresh and
Giju and Joby from Chennai with us..

hey, when are we going to hear about JOYnet gatherings in USA,
UK, Singapore, Delhi, Gujarat, Bombay, Chennai, Cochin etc.. 

It is high time we start reaching out from the virtual world... 
The first step towards global evangelisation which is the JOYnet 

what do you all say

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

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[JOYnet] Useful

2002-12-03 Thread George Joseph Fernandes
John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come
that they may have life, and have it to the full.


The Maker of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured,
regardless of make or year, due to the serious defect in the primary and
central component of the heart. This is due to a malfunction in the original
prototype units, code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of
the same defect in all subsequent units. This defect has been technically
termed,  Sub-sequential Internal Non-Morality, or more commonly known as 
S-I-N . It is primarily symptomized by loss of moral judgment. Some other
(a) Loss of direction 
(b) Foul vocal emissions 
(c) Amnesia of origin 
(d) Lack of peace and joy 
(e) Selfish, or violent, behavior 
(f) Depression or confusion in the mental component. 

The manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is
providing factory authorized repair and service, free of charge to correct
this SIN defect. The number to call for the recall station in your area is:
P-R-A-Y-E-R Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN by pressing 
 R-E-P-E-N-T-A-N-C-E.  Next, download J-E-S-U-S into the heart. No matter
how big or small the SIN defect is, the JESUS repair will replace it with: 
(a) Love 
(b) Joy 
(c) Peace 
(d) Longsuffering 
(e) Gentleness 
(f) Goodness 
(g) Faith 
(h) Meekness 
(i) Temperance 
Please see operating manual,  HOLY BIBLE  for further details on the use
of these fixes. WARNING: Continuing to operate the human unit without
correction, voids the manufacturer's warranty, exposing owner to dangers and
problems too numerous to list and will result in the human unit being
permanently impounded. For free emergency service, call: J-E-S-U-S 
DANGER: The human units not receiving this recall action will have to be
scrapped in the furnace.

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[JOYnet] With a Kiss!

2002-12-02 Thread George Joseph Fernandes
With a Kiss!

   While Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve apostles, came
up. With him were many people carrying swords and clubs who had been sent
from the leading priests and the older Jewish leaders of the people. Judas
had planned to give them a signal, saying, The man I kiss is Jesus. Arrest
him. At once Judas went to Jesus and said, Greetings, Teacher! and kissed
him. Jesus answered, Friend, do what you came to do.
-- Matthew 26:47-50 (NCV)

Betrayed in the garden of prayer.
Betrayed by a kiss.
Betrayed by a friend.

Unfortunately, betrayal in God's family did not end with Judas. Betrayal by
a Christian friend and confidant didn't stop when the moisture from Judas'
kiss on Jesus' cheek dried. Unfortunately, betrayal in what is supposed to
be a place of safety and spiritual nurture didn't end when Judas hung
himself. Have you been betrayed by a friend in Christ? Have you been
undercut that is suppose to be a loyal confidant? Have you been wounded in
what is supposed to be a place of spiritual safety? If you have, you
know the wounds a friend can leave when they no longer are a friend! You
know the pain of Gethsemane. 

But if this is your story, remember it was also Jesus' story. For you, for
us, the story of Matthew's Gospel finishes with a powerful two point
message. Watch Jesus as he is betrayed, denied, and forsaken by his most
beloved friends. He is a pioneer for us on how to handle the agony of
betrayal and abandonment. Second, speak honestly to Jesus about your wounds
and hurts. He not only knows and understands because he is Divine, but also
because he has been there and longs to comfort and help you in your time of

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[JOYnet] He and I

2002-11-26 Thread seena George
Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis on Nov 28- Notre-Dame, After communion

He:  Today you will pay attention to everything you say. You remember:
'He who does not sin in words is a perfect man.' Seek this perfection
lovingly with the thought of pleasing Me. How happy I should be to see My
little girl perfect Around noon, see how you get along

 You remember when you were little and slept with your mother, I said to
you,'Every evening you will tell me about your day', and you chased away
the thought, believing that you were imagining it.

I : Lord, how much closer I should be to You now if I had approached You
everyday of my life.

He : We will make up for the lost time.

Jesus Loves You.

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[JOYnet] The Company of Friends

2002-11-21 Thread George Joseph Fernandes
 The Company of Friends
Then Jesus went with his followers to a place called Gethsemane. He
 said to them, Sit here while I go over there and pray. He took Peter and
 the two sons of Zebedee with him, and he began to be very sad and
 troubled. He said to them, My heart is full of sorrow, to the point of
 death. Stay here and watch with me.  -- Matthew 26:36-38 (NCV)
It's hard to imagine Jesus needing anything if we divorce his divine
 nature from his his human nature. But God never allowed that divorce.
 Jesus faced the same struggles and needs we do as mortals. He knows what
 lies ahead for him. He knows he will be abandoned by all those he has
 invested himself in. But before that that horrible journey begins, he
 wants the companionship of those closest to him. And he wants this
 companionship while he prays!
Father, I confess that sometimes I am caught up in my own
 self-sufficiency and thoughts of independence when I know, deep down, that
 I need the strength and support of other believers. Forgive me when I
 think too much of my own strength and when I am to proud to ask for the
 help of fellow Christians. Humble me gently so I that I will open my heart
 to the help and companionship of Christian friends. In Jesus' name I pray.

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[JOYnet] Re: Miracle Chapathi on BBC News

2002-11-20 Thread Thomas George
Dear Joynetters,

 You can also see the ' Miracle Chapathi '
alongwih details on the following link in BBC News :


 In HIS grip and grace,

  Bangalaore, India
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[JOYnet] sehion meet changanacherry, 2002 Dec 26-30

2002-11-20 Thread siby george
Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com

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[demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type application/msword which had a name of 
sehion meet.doc]

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[JOYnet] Re: Picture of Jesus even Mother Mary on chapathi - Bangalore

2002-11-19 Thread Thomas George
Dear Joynetters,

 This is in continuation to Suma's mail.

 The picture of Jesus  Mother Mary on chappathi
has appeared in today's edition of Deccan Herald,

 Please visit the following link to see the
picture alongwith details.


 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India

--- Suma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A report from Hindusthan times . Many would have
 heard about it . Its on display at Renewal center
 Bangalore .  God is dead, or so said Nietzsche, the
 famous German philosopher. He probably didn't visit
 India before saying so Nietzsche's theory was proved
 incorrect when thousands of devotees thronged a
 small suburb in Bangalore to catch the glimpse of
 their venerable deity, Jesus Christ, on - believe it
 or not - a chapati Strange, but true. A hazy image
 of Jesus appeared on a chapati that was partly
 burnt, a demonstration that faith is rewarded by
 miracles Sheela Anthony, a staunch Christian, came
 home after offering prayers at a church and prepared
 chapatis for her kids. The children refused to eat
 one of them as it was burnt. After looking at it
 carefully, she found an emblem of Jesus on the burnt
 part Overflowing with spiritual emotions at
 Bangalore's Renewal Retreat Centre, a place of
 prayer for Christians, she said, For a moment the
 burnt part of the chapati looked li!
 ke Christ. I couldn't believe my eyes and kept
 looking at it. With a lot of hesitation, I showed it
 to my daughters and neighbours, who also said that
 it was Jesus. Thereafter Sheela Authony took it to
 Father George Jacob of Renewal Retreat Center, who
 confirmed that the image was indeed that of Jesus.
 He firmly believes that it is a miracle Being a
 staunch devotee of Jesus, it was Sheela's great gift
 to the other followers. From morning till late in
 the evening, around 20,000 people come in to catch
 the glimpse of Lord Jesus on the chapati, said
 Father Jacob The holy chapati has been placed at
 the central shrine for public viewing. Followers who
 came from distant places to witness it felt that it
 was a huge miracle.
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[JOYnet] Re: Vastu shastra

2002-11-13 Thread george kuriakose
Dear Friends in Christ,
 Please find a short write up on Vastu Shastra 
 picked up from the internet before furthur

 According to Shastras,if we worship,revere and
respect the lords of these eight directions,they will
shower on us their blessings and benefits.

Vastu in Sanskrit means nature , a surrounding or
environment.The word Vaasthu came from Vasthu ,
denoting anything existing such as house,
shelter,building etc.Shastra in sanskrit means
systems.Vastu shastra is an ancient art and
science,containing principles and practises of
constructing buildings which ensures a harmonious
balance between man and nature and thereby bring all
round happiness,health,wealth and prosperity.

Ancient sages of India laid down several principles
for constructing buildings taking advantage of the
nature,the Pancha Bhootas namely Earth,Space,Air,Fire
and water,gravitational and magnetic effects and
rotational influences of Sun,Moon,Earth and other
planets on the life in Earth with a view to bring
balance and harmony between man, nature and his
buildings and thereby ensuring peace,prosperity,and
happiness.These principles,calledVastu Shastra,were
evolved over thousands of years out of experience and
foresight of ancient Sages of India and are very
valuable for the well being of man-kind. According to
Shastras,if we worship,revere and respect the lords of
these eight directions,they will shower on us their
blessings and benefits.

Esshan ie Ishwar(North-east) - He grants us
wisdom,knowledge and serve all comforts and relieves
us from sufferings. 
Indra(East) - He is the king of angels. He gives
wealth and all pleasures of life. 
Agni/Fire(South-east) - He gives us beautiful
personality and all the best of life. 
Yamaa or Yamaha(South) - He is god of death.He is
embodiment of dharma.He eradicates evils and grants
all good things. 
Nissan or Niruti (South-west) - He vanishes fear about
our enemies. 
Varun(West) - He is god of rain. He showers his
blessings through rain and brings prosperity and
pleasure in life all round. 
Vayu/Wind(North-west) - He bestows on us long
life,health and strength.He is the basic of all life. 
Kuber(North) - He is god of wealth.He grants us wealth
and all comforts of life. 
Who does not want all these things in life??? These
gods belong to all religions,races and castes and
creeds. Now-a-days,when people want to construct a
house or other building, they devote more time for
minute details of foundation,superstructure,
comforts,look,appearance etc.without going into
detailed examination as to whether such a house or
building will bring them prosperity,
health,wealth,wisdom and happiness in the life paving
the way for progress and peaceful living or not.

Vaastu is such a vast field which really needs
specialisation if someone want to study it .There are
some basic favourable and unfavourable directions
which we use in our daily life. 
Shape of plot - Favourites are regular shaped square
or rectangular plota AND irregular shaped plots are
normally avoided. 
Water-bodies - Water bodies in north or east are
considered good. 
Obstruction - Obstruction like big trees,open
well,pillars and posts before a arrow like roads are
to be avoided. building 
Ideal site - In a square plot the house should be
constructed in the for house centre and in rectangular
plot it should be nearer to construction south,south
west and west sides preferably leaving more in a plot
open space on north and east. 
L or Considered not suitable for house as corners
will be U shaped missing and occupants will be
missing oppurtunities. plots 


God Bless

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Re: [JOYnet] Vastu Shastra

2002-11-12 Thread seena George
Dear friend in Christ,

Vastu shastra is nothing but the science of things, where things are
given priority... here man's ideas are given lesser importance than the
way in which things are supposed to be arranged...

I as a civil engineer,I personally feel that it is inhibiting the human
freedom of mind and the free will to place things as we want, they have
rules about where to put the bed and in which direction and where the
kitchen etc should come i feel it has a bondage.

more over , i have come across many people and friends who have said
that, when they had built a house without this science, they had many
monetary losses, and personal tragedies and when they consulted a pudit
or a pujari or a vastu engineer, and rebuilt the kitchen and the garage
etc, their monetary problems and health complaints vanished... they aslo
mentioned that after rebuilting the place, they generally do a puja to
dispell the evil that was there before... and according to them the
directions of the amenities like kitech prevent evil ...

it is all satanic and full of bondage. it vastu shastra is a hindu way
of life, and not christian... God never said that we should not sleep
facing south etc.. did He ? no he gave us the free will to remain free ..
free in our minds and lives.

Jesus Loves You.

Original Message Follows From: Jennifer To: Joynet Subject:
[JOYnet] Vastu Shastra Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:58:53 +0530 Hi
Joynetters, A very Good Morning to all. There was this one question in
mind which I would like to share with you all. I am sure that many among
you may have answer to this. It's about Vastu Shastra, the new thing that
is become so popular among the Contractors and builders and also among
many Christians. I somehow get a feeling that it is not good, that it is
against our Christian faith. But then then it's just a feeling and there
are no facts. How do I convince myself of this so that I can convince my
fellow brothers about it's ill effects. There are Christians who place
their altars in the position the Vastu Shastra suggests. Awaiting your
replies. Love  Prayers Jennifer
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help message on the list services send a mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] In case of any issue related to the mailing
list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [JOYnet] God in my journey home and back

2002-11-06 Thread Giju George

God indeed is a lovely one.
In fact I was just wondering how did it happen.
On last Sunday, 3rd Nov, I was completing one year after my engagement.
Myself and Rose had wished to go for the morning mass itself.
We always feel that the day will be rich if we can make
it for the holy mass in the early morning on a Sunday.
But by the time we got up on last Sunday it was too late for an early
morning mass !!
After paying a visit to some of our relatives, we headed to St. Tresa's
for the evening mass.
To our surprise the mass was said by the same priest who had said mass
and blessed us on our engagement exactly an year back.
The mass and the sermon was really nice and touching.
It was like a banquet prepared by our Lord for us to celebrate on our
engagement day.
Now looking forward to see what is up for our wedding anniversary !!!


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-joynet;jesusyouth.org]On
Behalf Of Sanju Joseph
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:15 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] God in my journey home and back

I had gone home(Trivandrum) for my Diwali holidays.. I was travelling by bus
both sides. On my journey home, there was a catholic nun in the bus.. I love

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[JOYnet] He and I

2002-11-06 Thread seena George
Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis on june 5 ,1941

He: Plunge into the infinte ocean of peace, calm as a beautiful sunrise.
You remember the tints in the sky at Naples just before the sun rose,
when the whole firmament and the whole ocean were bathed in multi-colored
serenity. Think what the infinte perfections of My heart must be like.
Can you realise all their varied beauty ? Adore without seeing it. And
beacuse you have adored in blind faith, you will be rewarded.

Put your forehead against My forehead. Enter into My thoughts.

Jesus Loves You.


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2002-11-05 Thread Thomas George

Two travelling angels stopped to spend the night in
the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and
refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's
guestroom. Instead the angels were given a small space
in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the
hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and
repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the
older angel replied, Things aren't always what they

The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a
very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife.
After sharing what little food they had the couple let
the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a
good night's rest. When the sun came up the next
morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in
tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole
income, lay dead in the field. The younger angel was
infuriated and asked the older angel how could you
have let this happen? The first man had everything,
yet you helped him, she accused. The second family had
little but was willing to share everything, and you
let the cow die. 

Things aren't always what they seem, the older angel
replied. When we stayed in the basement of the
mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole
in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with
greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I
sealed the wall so he wouldn’t find it. 

Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the
angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow
instead. Things aren't always what they seem. 

Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things
don't turn out the way they should. If you have faith,
you just need to trust that every outcome is always to
your advantage. You might not know it until some time

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[JOYnet] He and I

2002-11-04 Thread seena George
1942,aug 27 Jesus to Gabrielle Bossiss

On the island of Melet, I offered Him a flower for His robe.

He: Yes, adore Me. Think of Me everywhere, for I am in evey place and
your thought is sweet to Me. Aren't you always before My face ? You could
never take Me by surprise, for I am there, waiting for you. What a happy

Jesus Loves You.

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[JOYnet] He and I

2002-10-30 Thread seena George
Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis on june22,1944

He : If you knew what the love of God is, it would be impossible for you
not to abandon everything to Him and let yourself be lost in Him. You
would not dream of not counting on Him in life and death. Even on earth
you prefer to love a superior person, don't you ? Aren't you attracted by
intelligence ? warmth ? kindness? Multiply by infinity all the gifts that
you look for in those you love; God is more. For there are depths of
tenderness in Me that you have never known. And this very God wants to
possess you ... ! You, little nothing, loved by the All !

Don't let your thoughts wander from Him. You are enfolded in His
presence. Breath in Him, move in Him. Above all, don't be afraid, for
this would sadden Him. Your trust and joy honour Him. Expect everything
from Him and everything will come to you.

Jesus Loves You.

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Re: [JOYnet] Query : God or Parents ??

2002-10-29 Thread seena George
The answer is Obeying our parents. Many times in the scripture and in the
lives of saints and in reported and accepted apparitions, we see heaven
rejoicing when we obey our superiors and elders. Because that is what
Christ taught us. But if our superiors ask us to do evil, then we should
not obey them, but pray for them.

Jesus Loves You.

Original Message Follows From: Jason :) To: Subject: [JOYnet]
Query : God or Parents ??

I have a very intereting Query which was asked to me recently.

If Following God's Will meant disobeying our Parents which should we
choose. Obeying his will and disobeying our Parents. Or Ignoring his will
and obeying our Parents. urs in faith Jason Mumbai

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[JOYnet] He and I

2002-10-24 Thread seena George
He: I want to keep you hidden beneath My arm, upon My heart,

I: I should like to be the wretched little donkey that carried You on
its back.

He: Keep in mind that it was in God's own image that you were created.

Quicken you love of God and your neighbour. Cultivate it. Use all your
wit to make it grow. This is My children's life-work.

I am building a house in you, - a temple for My glory. Dont expect
anthing of yourself. Look to Me for everything.

Jesus Loves You.

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[JOYnet] He and I

2002-10-23 Thread seena George
He: Lend Me your hand to write. Lend Me your voice to teach the little
ones the living truth. Lend Me your gestures to love them. And to cheer
your pastor in his duties, lend Me your kindness. In this way, through
you, I shall be among them, among yours. Your influence will be increased
and you will think less of yourself. 'This is not the fruit of my
effort,'you will say. 'Jesus was there with me.' Say it to yourself over
and over again; it will keep you humble. And humility is truth.

Lend Me your body too, when you travel, when you toil, when you eat and
when you sleep. I did all these things when I lived among men. Make Me
live again among them; and they must be aware of Me.

The grace of God - this beautiful, this wonderous grace - is never
withheld from those who, through the instrumentality of someone (it could
be you if you wish), leave behind their usual indifference and begin to
aspire greater intimacy with their Saviour.

As for you, don't bargain with Me, but go joyously to your post when I
call you. Say to yourself, 'He wants me there.' And with that, you will
remain courageous and at peace. You remember what courage it took me to
fulfill My mission to the very end ?

Imitate Me. Am I not the elder Brother, who sets and example because the
Father has confided His secrets to Him? Confide in Me, My child. Tell Me
about yourself quite simply. I understand  everything so well. You know
that, don't you? And yet, I love to have you explain all your emotions
and fears and desires. Would you love Me as much if I were more distant ?

I am your centre and your end. I am your circumference. Wherever your
eyes may turn, they will see Me. In you, all around you. Everywhere.

Jesus Loves You.

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RE: [JOYnet] MP3 Hymns from Internet

2002-10-22 Thread Giju George
To site a few urls for Christian music



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-joynet;jesusyouth.org]On
Behalf Of Mariza Vaz
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] MP3 Hymns from Internet

Hi Friends,

I am too looking out for a hymn, maybe just the lyrics, am not sure what is
the name of the hymn but I know a few sentences which are as follow.This
is a song which my cousin sang for her husband on the wedding day

I asked the lord for someone
He'll be someone like you
all my life, all my dreams
were suddenly fulfilled
when God gave me you

For only God could love you more
For He gave me this love, I have for you
What a blessing to know, He's your Lord
For only God could love you more. than I do.

Mariza Vaz

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 1:23 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] MP3 Hymns from Internet


 Can someone suggest a few sites from where Hymns can be downloaded free
 of cost from the net. Tried a few, but wasn't successful in downloading.
 Say, hymns like, I am the God that Healeth thee... Shine Jesus Shine'

 Thanks and regards,

 Shaji Chacko, Dubai

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[JOYnet] Corpus Christi: A US film

2002-10-18 Thread george
Loving all,
Pl. read the mail below..Does anybody know abt. this? Anyway, let's pray and ask
for Lord's blessing on those who try to do this.

luv n prayers

 Hello ALL,

   A disgusting film set to appear in America later this year depicts Jesus
 and  his disciples as homosexuals! As a play, this has already been in
theatres for  a while. It's called Corpus Christi which means The Christ
Body. It's a  revolting mockery of our Lord. But we can make a difference.
That's why I am  sending this e-mail to you. Will you please add your name to
the bottom of the  list at the end of this e-mail? If you do,  then together we
may be able to  prevent this film from showing in America.

   Hey, it's worth a shot! Apparently, some regions in Europe have already
 banned the film. All we need is a lot of signatures! Remember, Jesus said
 Deny  me on earth and I'll deny you before of my Father. Please copy this
message  Ctrl C (ie. Please don't just forward it!!!) Paste the text in a new
e-mail Ctrl V, then add your name to the list and send it to all your

   When the list you sign reaches 500 names, please send it to:


   1. Kipi Kaakimaka
   2. Noa Kaakimaka
   3. Louise M. Bush
   4. Darnell Kookie Pa
   5. Raymond Rivera
   6. Ever A. Cruz
   7. Barbara Nahinu
   8. Sonia Keliikipi
   9. Barbara T. UIagalelei
   10. Zilpher L.(Selepa) Tenari
   11. Malie Letuli
   12. Lili lam
   13. Ashley Lam
   14. Anna T.Palepoi T.
   15. L'Ariel Lesina II J. Palepoi
   16. Lanuimoana III P.M. Palepoi
   17. M. Lockington
   18. K. Leauanae
   19. Samantha Marfleet
   20. Ena Galuega
   21. gina tuala
   22. linda vaafusuaga
   23. arama muavae
   24. matele misa
   25.jeff matai
   26.janina momoisea
   27.ali lauiti'iti
   28.mose timoteo
   29.daryl afeaki
   30.henri maea
   40.Elaine Tagaloa,Avondale,Auckland,NZ
   41. Faiva Ai'i
   42. Roslyn Maposua
   43. Cleland Ai'i
   44. Al! ofa Ai'i
   45. Abigail George
   46. Pat Filies
   47. Pae Seuala
   48. Joyce Fuimaono
   49. Manino Seiuli
   50. Tofu Paito nee Naito
   51. Fiona Wilson
   52. Troy Wilson
   53. Livingston po Ching
   54. Fusipala Po Ching
   55. Mark Bryant
   56. Jennifer Bryant
   57. peter Wilson
   58. leah Wilson
   59. Debbie Murree
   60. AmyTruscott
   61. Peter Friend
   62. Josh Fuller
   63. John Hourigan
   64. Rachel Nash
   65. John Hobbs
   66. Marion Cargill
   67. Alyson McCulloch
   68. Lias Hagan
   69. Angela Pratt, Brisbane QLD
   70. Kylie Batterham
   71. Jo Bickerton
   72. Andy Bickerton
   73. Beth Carter
   74. Kevin Shellard
   75. Christine Brett
   76. Cameron Brett
   77. Louise Walker
   78. Bruce Walker
   79. Timothy Moye
   80. Donna Moye
   81. Tracie Simmonds
   82. Paul Cullen
   83. Ian (Bill) Malcolm
   84. Sandro  Susan Schietroma
   85. mason and Sandy Taylor.
   86. David Bremner
   87. Courtney Hill.
   88. Jordan Hill
   89. Sarah Klemke
   90. Nicole Lieschke
   91. Sarah Friedrich
   92. Victoria Friedrich
   93. Carl Thiele
   94. Richie M
   95. Chanel L, Rowan L
   96. Anette LeLievre
   97. Roseanna Winkler
   98. Sarah Wi nkler
   99. Sarah Miller
   100. David Miller
   101. Bekkie Clark
   102. Renee Casey
   103. Rebekah Williams
   104. Elizabeth Williams
   105. Jo Williams
   106. Nathan Williams
   107. W Driessen
   108. H driessen
   109. Lachlan Grierson
   110. James Burrell
   111. Sam Hays
   112. Jackie Hays
   113. Pat Sheehan
   114. Prue Sheehan
   115. Kara Sheehan
   116. Joel Sheehan
   117. Barry E. Kelly
   118. Margaret Kelly.
   119. James Davis
   120. Jane Davis.
   121. Daniel Kelly
   122. Leanne Dunning.
   123. Darren Kelly.
   124. Michelle Kelly
   125. Edward j. Kelly.
   126. Bob Rogers, Brisbane, Australia
   127. Leanne Rogers, Brisbane, Australia
   128. Ron Ross, Noosa, Queensland
   129. Paul Burchill, Noosa, Queensland
   130. Jenny Bergkvist, Sydney, Australia
   131. Linda Bergkvist, Stockholm, Sweden
   132. Sigrid Persdotter, J?! nk?ping, Sweden
   133. Vershinina Irina, Russia, Tatarstan
   134. Pe der Sj?berg, ?vik, Sweden
   135. Eva Ulander, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
   136. Emanuel Bj?rnler ?vik, Sweden
   137. Maria Bj?rnler ?vik, Sweden
   138. Fr edrik Carlsson, G?teborg, Sweden
   139. Birsen Carlsson, G?teborg, Sweden
   140. B-O Svensson, Gnosj?, Sweden
   141. Akram Shakar ,Abbottabad, Pakistan.
   142. Mark Sherratt, Milton Keynes, England
   143. Laura Conway,Milton keynes,England
   144.Ruth Snodgrass
   145.Cherith maxwell
   146.Caroline Davidson, N.Ireland
   147.judith harkness, N. Ireland
   148. ruth allen, northern ireland!
   149. Nikita Strange, Northern Ireland
   150. Helen Ford ballymenaish (NI)
   151. Lynsey Duncan N.Ireland

[JOYnet] New Member from Bhopal

2002-10-16 Thread george kuriakose

Dear Admin,

Could you add a new member SIJU M JOHN
from Bhopal to the JOYnet E-mail list


God Bless 
George NJ

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[no subject]

2002-10-16 Thread Josepheena George

Dear Joynetters,
I am reading all the mails comming in joynet. But I am not able to sent mails
to this group it getting bounced.

The letters comming in joynet is so inspiring for me. I get some consoling
mails or apt word of God when I am down through this group.
In prayers,

Josepheena George,
E No 15654, CAPS,
Infosys Tecnologies Ltd,
Electronicscity, Banglore-561229
Ph No: 080 8520261 Extn-8120

[demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of Ivy.gif]

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[JOYnet] The Scriptural Basis of the Eucharist

2002-10-13 Thread george kuriakose

The Scriptural Basis of the Eucharist

The Catholic Church traces the origins of the
Eucharist to the very actions and words of Jesus
Christ Himself as recorded in the three synoptic
Gospels, the gospel of Saint John and as described by
Saint Paul in the New Testament. The use of bread and
wine as an offering begins under the Old Covenant as
described in the Book of Genesis:

And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and
wine; he was priest of God Most High.

Genesis 14:18
As they began their exodus from Egypt, the Jews ate
unleavened bread (Exodus 12:15), made necessary
because of their haste to flee, and they continue to
this day to honor this occasion with unleavened bread
when they celebrate Passover; the last cup of
blessing at the end of the Passover meal was a cup of
wine used to celebrate the fact that God had blessed
His chosen people and would bless them again someday
in Jerusalem. They ate manna - bread sent from Heaven
- as they wandered the desert in search of the
Promised Land, finally settling there as God had
promised them. After they lost their land because of
their continued failure to keep the Commandments of
God, they were sent prophets who predicted that a
Messiah would be sent by God, a saviour who would
bring them back to their original place of honor
before God. He arrived about 2,000 years ago.

Jesus' life began in Beth-Lechem...the House of Bread
(Matthew 2:1). His first public miracle was at a
wedding party in Cana (John 2:2-5), where He turned
water into wine in response to a request by His
mother. With the miracle of the multiplication of the
loaves (Matthew 14:14-20), as Jesus blessed the loaves
of bread and distributed them, He prefigured the
superabundance of the unique bread that was to be His
Eucharist. After teaching and healing the sick and
working other wonders in the hills of the Galilee,
Jesus had developed a wide following with many
disciples. It was at the synagogue of Capernaum, at
the time of the feast of Passover, that Jesus began to
unfold the nature of His Eucharist to those who were
following Him:
Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the
food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of
man will give to you; for on Him has God the Father
set His seal.

John 6:27

When His followers asked about the nature of this
eternal food, Jesus replied:

I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not
hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst.

John 6:35

When they heard this remark, some of His followers
began to murmur among themselves since they knew He
was just a carpenter, the son of Joseph. How could
this man be the bread of life? Yet Jesus persisted as
He explained Himself to them:

I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if
any one eats of this bread, he will live forever; and
the bread which I shall give for the life of the world
is my flesh. 

John 6:51

This comment brought outright consternation to a
number of those who had followed Him. He was actually
telling them that they had to eat His flesh, an
unthinkable act. If His words were confusing or
misleading them in any way, then He would have
corrected their misunderstanding...but He didn't.
Instead, He emphasized yet again His meaning when He
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh
of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no
life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last
day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is
drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
abides in me, and I in him.

John 6:53-56

Many of those who heard Jesus say this couldn't accept
it despite the fact that He explained and further
clarified His statements three times in attempting to
address their lack of understanding and their
unwillingness to accept His words. He tried again a
fourth time to help them comprehend what He was
It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no
avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit
and life.
John 6:63

After saying this, many of those who had been
following Him chose to stay away. He tried four times
to teach them and in the end only a few accepted His
teachings. Why didn't they comprehend Jesus, as many
still don't comprehend Him after 2,000 years? Probably
because they didn't understand that Jesus was the
completion of the Passover begun in Egypt over a
thousand years earlier. He was 

[JOYnet] The Scriptural Basis of the Eucharist

2002-10-12 Thread george kuriakose

The Scriptural Basis of the Eucharist

The Catholic Church traces the origins of the
Eucharist to the very actions and words of Jesus
Christ Himself as recorded in the three synoptic
Gospels, the gospel of Saint John and as described by
Saint Paul in the New Testament. The use of bread and
wine as an offering begins under the Old Covenant as
described in the Book of Genesis:

And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and
wine; he was priest of God Most High.

Genesis 14:18
As they began their exodus from Egypt, the Jews ate
unleavened bread (Exodus 12:15), made necessary
because of their haste to flee, and they continue to
this day to honor this occasion with unleavened bread
when they celebrate Passover; the last cup of
blessing at the end of the Passover meal was a cup of
wine used to celebrate the fact that God had blessed
His chosen people and would bless them again someday
in Jerusalem. They ate manna - bread sent from Heaven
- as they wandered the desert in search of the
Promised Land, finally settling there as God had
promised them. After they lost their land because of
their continued failure to keep the Commandments of
God, they were sent prophets who predicted that a
Messiah would be sent by God, a saviour who would
bring them back to their original place of honor
before God. He arrived about 2,000 years ago.

Jesus' life began in Beth-Lechem...the House of Bread
(Matthew 2:1). His first public miracle was at a
wedding party in Cana (John 2:2-5), where He turned
water into wine in response to a request by His
mother. With the miracle of the multiplication of the
loaves (Matthew 14:14-20), as Jesus blessed the loaves
of bread and distributed them, He prefigured the
superabundance of the unique bread that was to be His
Eucharist. After teaching and healing the sick and
working other wonders in the hills of the Galilee,
Jesus had developed a wide following with many
disciples. It was at the synagogue of Capernaum, at
the time of the feast of Passover, that Jesus began to
unfold the nature of His Eucharist to those who were
following Him:
Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the
food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of
man will give to you; for on Him has God the Father
set His seal.

John 6:27

When His followers asked about the nature of this
eternal food, Jesus replied:

I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not
hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst.

John 6:35

When they heard this remark, some of His followers
began to murmur among themselves since they knew He
was just a carpenter, the son of Joseph. How could
this man be the bread of life? Yet Jesus persisted as
He explained Himself to them:

I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if
any one eats of this bread, he will live forever; and
the bread which I shall give for the life of the world
is my flesh. 

John 6:51

This comment brought outright consternation to a
number of those who had followed Him. He was actually
telling them that they had to eat His flesh, an
unthinkable act. If His words were confusing or
misleading them in any way, then He would have
corrected their misunderstanding...but He didn't.
Instead, He emphasized yet again His meaning when He
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh
of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no
life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last
day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is
drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
abides in me, and I in him.

John 6:53-56

Many of those who heard Jesus say this couldn't accept
it despite the fact that He explained and further
clarified His statements three times in attempting to
address their lack of understanding and their
unwillingness to accept His words. He tried again a
fourth time to help them comprehend what He was
It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no
avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit
and life.
John 6:63

After saying this, many of those who had been
following Him chose to stay away. He tried four times
to teach them and in the end only a few accepted His
teachings. Why didn't they comprehend Jesus, as many
still don't comprehend Him after 2,000 years? Probably
because they didn't understand that Jesus was the
completion of the Passover begun in Egypt over a
thousand years earlier. He was 

[JOYnet] Ltr from Mathachan

2002-10-08 Thread mathachan George

Dear Friends,
Greetings from Germany. 
I am not able to  read all the   mails ( there is 1 copmpuer for lot of people )
If any personal mail . Ps sent  to   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Let,s join in prayer
In Jesus  Mary

Watch a championship game with Elway or McGwire.
Enter Now at http://champions.lycos.com 

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[no subject]

2002-10-08 Thread george

Loving all,
a forwarded mail:


Does Prayer Change Things ?
  by: Teressa Vowell, Source Unknown 

They say that prayer changes things, but does it REALLY change anything?
Oh yes! It really does! 

Does prayer change your present situation or sudden circumstances?
No, not always, but it does change the way you look at those events. 

Does prayer change your financial future?
No, not always, but it does change who you look to for meeting your daily needs. 

Does prayer change shattered hearts or broken bodies?
No, not always, but it will change your source of strength and comfort. 

Does prayer change your wants and desires?
No, not always, but it will change your wants into what God desires! 

Does prayer change how you view the world?
No, not always, but it will change whose eyes you see the world through. 

Does prayer change your regrets from the past?
No, not always, but it will change your hopes for the future! 

Does prayer change the people around you?
No, not always, but it will change you~ the problem isn't always in others. 

Does prayer change your life in ways you can't explain?
Oh, yes, always! And it will change you from the inside out! 
So does prayer REALLY change ANYTHING?
Yes! It REALLY does change EVERYTHING! 

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[JOYnet] Anvica

2002-10-03 Thread Giju George

Hi Friends

I would like to introduce this website to you all.
It's a rich source of parables, stories, quotes for 
daily spiritual reflection.
It's created and maintained by Jose(aka JPM), a Joynetter


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[JOYnet] Earnest Prayer Request

2002-10-03 Thread siby george

Friends In Jesus,
   Myself is a teacher hailing from  Changanacherry.It is high time for me to take a 
decision in connection with my marriage.A dilemma revolves round me.Two proposals,both 
looking favourable,from all angles ,are in frontof me. I have to make a selection soon.
I feel it is necessary to have a heavenly interference in this decision making.I 
am sure Our Lord will direct me through the right path. ( because the scripture says 
He is the Way). Your valuable prayers are solicited. 
 Love from Jesus,
Siby George Alencherry.

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Re: [JOYnet] Shyna - Last Update....

2002-10-03 Thread Silvy George

Dear People of God,

It was with a deep sadness that I took the news of Shyna.  Although I too 
did not know her, I felt as if she was my own daughter.  But our all-knowing 
God has greater plans for her, plans that we do not understand.  And as many 
of us said already, the Lord has given Shyna a place with the angels where 
she will be interceding for all of us, I am sure.  Let us continue to pray 
for her family, that they may find peace, comfort, and strength in our Lord.

Love and prayers,

Philadelphia, PA, USA

From: Mariza Vaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [JOYnet] Shyna - Last Update
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 12:49:25 +0530

- Original Message -
From: Areis Fernandes
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 11:14 AM
Subject: {SPAM?} Shyna - Last Update

Joynetters  all you wonderfull people of God who have been praying for 
I thank you all sincerelyOur God who is a mighty God knew whats better 
Shynahere is the final update given to us by Carol...

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[JOYnet] Prayers answered

2002-10-03 Thread Silvy George

Dear All,

I have a wonderful miracle to share with you.  Back in February I had sent a 
prayer request for a family friend who had breast cancer, underwent surgery, 
but then found out that the cancer had spread extensively.  The doctors had 
given her less than 2-3 months to live.  But let me tell you that she has 
lived well and beyond that time, even till today, almost 8 months since 
then.  I am not sure whether the disease is retreating, but whatever the 
case, the Lord and His plans are great!  Praise God!

Because of all the prayers, she and her family are very much at peace now, 
having accepted God's will for them.  In fact, they have a weekly prayer 
meeting that is conducted at their house without fail.  And even more 
important is that the entire family has grown closer to the Lord.  They even 
go around sharing, giving witness and evangelizing in many places.  Praise 
the Lord.  When speaking with this friend recently, she told me that the 
peace and joy they feel is beyond anything they have ever known and that the 
Lord has been so merciful to them.  She faithfully attends daily Mass every 
morning.  Seeing her at Mass this morning compelled me to write to you all 
and thank you for all your prayers.  Please do continue to keep this family 
in your prayers,that they may continue their desire to serve the Lord 
without fail, no matter what may happen.

Psalm 23:1-4  The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need.  He lets 
me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water. 
  He gives me new strength.  He guides me in the right paths, as He has 
promised.  Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid, 
Lord, for You are with me.  Your shepherd's rod and staff protect me.

Love and prayers,

Philadelphia, PA, USA

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[JOYnet] Emergency call numbers

2002-09-26 Thread George Joseph Fernandes

 When in sorrow, .call John 14.
 When men fail you, call Psalm 27.
 If you want to be fruitful, ..call John 15.
 When you have sinned, call Psalm 51.  
 When you worry, ..call Matthew 6:19-34.
 When you are in danger, . call Psalm 91.
 When God seems far away, ..call Psalm 139.
 When your faith needs stirring, ...call Hebrews 11.
 When you are lonely and fearful, call Psalm 23. 
 When you grow bitter and critical, . call I Corinthians 13.
 For Paul's secret to happiness.call Colossians
 For understanding of Christianity,..call II Corinthians
 When you feel down and out, call Romans 8:31.
 When you want peace and rest, call Matthew 11:25-30.
 When the world seems bigger than God,..call Psalm 90. 
 When you want Christian assurance, call Romans 8:1-30.
 When you leave home for labor or travel, call Psalm 121.
 When your prayers grow narrow or selfish,...call Psalm 67.
 For a great invention/opportunity, ...call Isaiah 55.
 When you want courage for a task, ...call Joshua 1.
 For how to get along with fellow men, ...call Romans 12.
 When you think of investments and returns,...call Mark 10.
 If you are depressed, .call Psalm 27.
 If your pocketbook is empty, .call Psalm 37.
 If you are losing confidence in people, ..call I Corinthians 13.
 If people seem unkind, ...call John 15.
 If discouraged about your work, ..call Psalm 126.
 If you find the world growing small and yourself great,..call Psalm 19.
 Alternate numbers:
 For dealing with fear, .call Psalm 34:7.
 For security, call Psalm 121:3.
 For assurance, call Mark 8:35.
 For reassurance, ...call Psalm 145:18.
 Emergency numbers may be dialed direct. No operator assistance is
 All lines to Heaven are open 24 hours a day!
 The more you call, the more blessed you will be. KEEP PRAYING.

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[JOYnet] Worth reading

2002-09-24 Thread Thomas George

Dear Joynetters,

 Received this mail which was forwarded to me. 
Kindly read on   if it's useful, try to
implement it.

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India


Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some
five balls in the air. You name them - work,family,
health, friends and spirit and you're keeping all of
these in the air. You will soon understand that work
is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.
But the other four balls *family, health, friends and
spirit* are made of glass. If you drop one of these,
they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked,
nicked,damaged or even shattered. They will never be
the same.

You must understand that and strive for balance in
your life.

* Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself
with others.
  It is because we are different that each of us is

* Don't set your goals by what other people deem
important.Only you know what is best for you.

* Don't take for granted the things closest to your
heart. Cling to them as they would your life, for
without them, life is meaningless.

* Don't let your life slip through your fingers by
living in the past or for the future. By living your
life one day at a time, you live all days of your

* Don't give up when you still have something to give.
Nothing is really over until the moment you stop

* Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than
perfect.It is this fragile thread that binds us

* Don't be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking
chances that we learn how to be brave.

* Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's
impossible to find time. The quickest way to receive
love is to give; the fastest way to lose love is to
hold it too tightly and the best way to keep love
is to give it wings.

* Don't run through life so fast that you forget not
only where you've been, but also where you are going.

* Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is
to feel appreciated.

* Don't be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a
treasure you can always carry easily.

* Don't use time or words carelessly. Neither can be
Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each
step of the way.

 Stay Strong, Today's Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow
of its troubles,  it empties today of its  strength.

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[JOYnet] prayer request

2002-09-22 Thread Hanzan George

My Dear Friends in Christ,

I have 2 prayer requests ...
Please pray for my friends sister sheela .. she is now a
lung cancer patient.. please pray for her and her family..
they are in great need of prayer and support..

Please pray for my cousin sister ..she in look out for a job in
graphics/designing/animation etc.. she has to attend an interview soon..
please do keep her in your prayers..

love in christ

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[JOYnet] FW: Peace

2002-09-22 Thread George Joseph Fernandes

Written by Mario Bermejo:
Peace seems to be a scant commodity in the world today. I said seems
because real peace may be present even in the midst of chaos as the
following anecdote vividly portrays.
The theme chosen for an on-the-spot painting competition was PEACE. At
stake was honor, fame and cash. Contestants were asked to depict on canvas
as best they could the subject of peace. The artists had the whole day to
work on their pieces - in the evening was the awarding ceremony. The
completed works of art were displayed before the judges, some of whom were
well-known artists themselves. One painting was a country scene in the night
with the moon and stars lighting the cloudless sky. Another painting showed
an old farmhouse with little children gleefully playing around. Another
depicts the tranquillity of a lake reflecting majestic mountains in the
background. Still another portrayed a modern city asleep peacefully in the
midst of a light-gilded landscape. The rest of the paintings were typical of
what people may consider scenes of serenity, quietude and tranquillity.
However, one painting stood out from among the others in that it portrayed a
raging storm in its fury - with a little bird that appeared to be singing as
it found refuge under a huge and mighty rock. The judges were unanimous this
was the best portrayal of what peace really is.
This reminds me of Jesus when He was peacefully asleep while His disciples
were in a state of panic because the boat they were on board was being
buffeted by a storm in the middle of the sea. In fear they woke up their
Master and complained that they were about to sink into the depths of the
sea. Jesus rebuked them and calmed the storm by saying, Peace, be still.
How could you panic, Oh, ye of little faith, when the Prince of Peace was
in your midst? 

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[JOYnet] Fwd:Garden

2002-09-12 Thread george

 T H E   G A R D E N
 Come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on
 the roses

 1. Peace of mind
 2. Peace of heart
 3. Peace of soul

 1. Squash gossip
 2. Squash indifference
 3. Squash grumbling
 4. Squash selfishness

 1. Lettuce be faithful
 2. Lettuce be kind
 3. Lettuce be patient
 4. Lettuce really love one another

 1. Turnip for meetings
 2. Turnip for service
 3. Turnip to help one another

 1. Thyme for each other
 2. Thyme for family
 3. Thyme for friends
 My instructions were to send this to people
that I wanted God to bless and I picked you. Please
pass this to people you want to be blessed. 

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[JOYnet] Testing the new mail settings

2002-09-11 Thread Giju George


I am testing some new email settings as there
was is some problem with the mail filters.

When you send mails to JOYnet as CC or BCC
it does not reach the list.
I have changed the settings.
Kindly bear with me.

List Admin

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Re: [JOYnet] Testing the new mail settings

2002-09-11 Thread Giju George


Guess it works now (provided this mail reaches you!!).
I am CC-ing this mail to joynet.

List Admin.

On Wed, 11 Sep 2002, Giju George wrote:


 I am testing some new email settings as there
 was/is some problem with the mail filters.

 When you send mails to JOYnet as CC or BCC
 it does not reach the list.
 I have changed the settings.
 Kindly bear with me.

 List Admin

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[JOYnet] Fw: Virus Alert

2002-09-06 Thread Thomas George

Dear friends in Christ,

 I received the below-mentioned mail from a
friend.  Kindly go through the same and take necessary

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India


Dear All,

Pls be informed.



It is a virus  that  will erase your whole C drive.
It will come to you in the form of  an E-mail from a
familiar person. I repeat a friend sent it to me, but
called and warned me before I opened it.
   He was not so lucky and now he can't even start his
   Forward this to everyone in your address book. I
would rather receive  this 25 times than not at all.
If you receive an E-mail called WTC Survivor do not
open it.
DELETE IT RIGHT AWAY. This virus removes all dynamic
link libraries  (.dll files) from your computer.

Systems/Network Administrator
Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes

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[JOYnet] Urgent Prayer request.

2002-09-05 Thread george

Loving all,
am forwarding an urgent prayer request to u. Kindly keep praying for this couple.

luv n prayers

 Please add my sister and her husband to your prayer
 list.  They have four
 children and are talking about getting a divorce. 
 They have a good marriage
 but it are under attack right now and everyone is
 suffering (especially the
 children).  The husband is moving out next week but
 I would like to request
 prayer for divine intervention that would convict
 him to stay in spite of
 the situation at hand.  They both love the Lord..
 however he is a more
 devout Christian than she is.  Their names are Kevin
 and Denna Davis.
 Please pray with me on this matter!  Thank you and
 God bless you richly for
 your prayers.
 Alees Edwards

Scientist/Engineer,Structures Group
ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore 560 017.India

Ph: office: 00 91 80 508 3616
Home :  00 91 80 535 4876
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- End forwarded message -

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[JOYnet] Hair cut

2002-09-04 Thread George Joseph Fernandes

A young boy had just gotten his driving permit.  He asked his father,
(who was a minister) if they could discuss his use of the car.

His father said to him, I'll make a deal with you.  You bring your
grades up, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut, then we
will talk about it.

A month later the boy came back and again asked his father if they could
discuss his use of the car.

His father said, Son, I'm real proud of you.  You have brought your
grades up, you've studied your Bible diligently, but you didn't get hair

The young man waited a moment and replied, You know dad, I've been
thinking about that.  You know Samson had long hair, Moses had long
hair, Noah had long hair, and even Jesus had long hair.

His father replied, Yes son, and they walked everywhere they went!

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[JOYnet] On Pranic Healing

2002-09-04 Thread Giju George
 that they conduct every kind of
esoteric and mysterious rituals.

Those who pursue the Arhatic Yoga, advised for
Pranic healers, will have spirit guides to help
them in their profession. Healings and miracles
are possible through these spirit guides.
Another danger with Pranic healing is that we are
making ourselves slave to another person's
power. As we stay in the energy center of another
person for a very long time through the many
sessions without any protection, evil powers also
can enter us like the good powers. If the
Pranic healer is not a good person the impurity or
magical influences in that person may enter
us too. The massaging that the Pranic healer does
may bring us to the influence of hypnotism.
Therefore Pranic healing cannot be acknowledged as
a scientific treatment method. All occult
treatment methods have a bit of science along with
exaggerated and subdued explanations
based on that. But the real danger is that these
treatment methods are channels to lead
ordinary people to the dangerous world of occult
knowledge and a good example for this being
Pranic healing.

It was in the process of propagating the books on
Pranic healing that the books of the largest
occult organization in the world, The Theosophical
Society, spread widely in Christian circles.
When the books of a banned occult organization's
books are bought and sold and full-page
advertisements are given in their publications in
the name of a catholic hospital's association,
what consideration are they giving to the
teachings of the Church? This is because of loving this
world's knowledge than the Word of God. If proper
control were not brought upon the fantasy on
Eastern mysticism and occult treatment methods, it
would be dangerous for the Church in the

Benny Punnathara.

Giju George
HCL Technologies Ltd - Networking Products Division
49-50 Nelson Manickam Road, Chennai-29, India
Tel +91-44-3741939 x 2357

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[JOYnet] prayer request for freind's marriage

2002-09-04 Thread george

Loving all,
one of my closest friends Joshy P Thomas, who is a joynetter, i sgetting married
today. kindly pray for the couple.

God bless us

love n prayers


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[JOYnet] Philippians 2:9

2002-09-02 Thread George Joseph Fernandes

   Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the
name that is above every name...
-- Philippians 2:9

   For Jesus, Graciousness + Guts + Giving + Grit = Glory.   Just
one of those equations in salvation math that doesn't make much
human sense, but from the perspective of faith, it is powerful
wisdom.  Jesus came to our world because of the graciousness of
God.  Jesus had the guts to leave behind heaven and face the
hardships of humanity, and give of himself to serve others.  Jesus
had the grit to endure the horrors and humiliation of the cross. 
So God has shared with Jesus his glory and placed him above all
others.  The apostle Paul wants to remind us that God doesn't
forget our sacrifices, our obedience, and our hardships.  He does
honor them with his pleasure and his glory because Jesus' sacrifice
has made us holy!

   Holy Father and Lord God, I believe that Jesus Christ is your
Son and my Savior and Lord.  I surrender my heart to have no rival
interest to the lordship of your Son.  Thank you for your wonderful
gift of love in him.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[JOYnet] Days to remember

2002-09-01 Thread George Joseph Fernandes

 Important Days:
 January 1  :New Year's Day.
 January 12:National Youth Day.
 January 15:Army Day.
 January 26:Republic Day (Anniversary of the adoption of the Indian
 in 1950). And International Customs day.
 January 30:Martyrs' Day - Mahatma Gandhi's Death Anniversary.
 (Gandhi was 
  shot dead on January 30 1948).
 February 14   :Valentine's Day.
 February 24   :Central Excise Day.
 February 28   :National Science Day.
 March 8:International Women's Day.
 March 15  :World Disabled Day.
 March 21  :World Forestry Day  International Day for the
 Elimination of Racial

 March 23  :Bhagat Singh's Death Anniversary.  (Shaheed-e-Azam)
 Bhagat was hanged by the British in 1931 along with Rajguru  Sukhdev. He
 was 24.
 April 1 :April Fool's Day.
 April 5 :National Maritime Day.
 April 7 :World Health Day.
 April 18   :World Heritage Day.
 April 22   :Earth Day.
 May 1  :May Day /  Workers Day / Maharashtra Day
 May 3  :Press Freedom Day.
 2nd Sunday of May  :Mother's Day.
 May 8  :World Red Cross Day.
 May 11:National Technology Day.
 May 15:International Day of the Family.
 May 17:World Telecommunication Day.
 May 21:Rajiv Gandhi's Death anniversary - 1991.
 May 24:Commonwealth Day.
 May 27:Nehru's Death Anniversary - 1964
 May 31:Anti-Tobacco Day.
 June 5  :World Environment Day.
 2nd Sunday of June  :Fathers Day.
 June 26:International day against Drug abuse 
 Illicit Trafficking.
 June 27:World Diabetes Day.
 July 11 :World Population Day.
 August 3  :International Friendship Day.
 August 6  :Hiroshima Day.
 August 8  :My Birthday
 August 9  :Quit India Day and Nagasaki Day.
 August 15 :Independence Day (Anniversary of India's
 Independence in 1947). 
 August 29:National Sports Day.
September  3:Qatar Independence day 
 September 5  :Teachers' Day.
 September 8  :World Literacy Day.
 September 26:Day of the Deaf.
 September 27:World Tourism Day.
 October 1   :International day of the Elderly.
 October 2   :Gandhi Jayanthi (Mahatma Gandhi's Birth
 Anniversary - 1869)
 October 3   :World Habitat Day.
 October 4   :World Animal Welfare Day.
 October 8   :Indian Air Force Day.
 October 9   :World Post Office day.
 October 10 :National Post Day.
 October 15 :World White Cane Day (guiding the Blind).
 October 16 :World Food Day.
 October 31 :Indira Gandhi's Death Anniversary- 1984.
 November 14 :Children's Day (Nehru's Birth Anniversary - Born
 in 1889)
 December 1   :World Aids Day.
 December 4   :Navy Day.
 December 7   :Armed Forces Flag Day.
 December 10 :Human Right Day.
 December 23 :Kisan Divas - Farmer's Day.
 December 25 :Christmas.
 December 31 :New Year's Eve.

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[JOYnet] A Prayer Request

2002-08-31 Thread Hanzan George

My Dear Joynet Friends,

Please pray for my friend Josephs sister Sheela ..
She is now hospitalized and diagnosis shows that there is a possibility of 
lung cancer..
Please do pray ..

with love in christ..

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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.115 '

2002-08-26 Thread Thomas George

26-8-2002 (Monday)

Dear friends in Christ, 


  Salvation is to be found through Him alone, for
there is no other name under heaven given among men by
which we must be saved.   -  Acts 4/12

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India
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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.112 '

2002-08-19 Thread Thomas George

19-8-2002 (Monday)

Dear friends in Christ, 


   Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,
self-control.-   Gal. 5/22-23

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India
HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs

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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.109 '

2002-08-12 Thread Thomas George

12-8-2002 (Monday)

Dear friends in Christ, 


Do not be afraid, for she was destined for
you from eternity.  You will save her and she will go
with you.   -  Tobit 6/17

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India
HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs

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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.108 '

2002-08-09 Thread Thomas George

9-8-2002 (Friday)

Dear friends in Christ, 


Little children, you are of God, and have
overcome them; for he who is in you is greater than he
who is in the world.   -  1 Jn. 4/4

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India
 (Camp: Vailakanni, Tamilnadu)
HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs

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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.105 '

2002-08-02 Thread Thomas George

2-8-2002 (Friday)

Dear friends in Christ, 


 By his wounds you have been healed. - 
1 Pet. 2/24

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.104 '

2002-07-31 Thread Thomas George

31-7-2002 (Wednesday)

Dear friends in Christ, 


   Do you believe that there is only one God? 
Good!  The demons also believe - and tremble with
fear.   -  James 2/19

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

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RE: [JOYnet] Re: [JYA] New York is Alive! Praise the Lord!

2002-07-31 Thread Giju George

Dear Kurian Uncle et al !!

That's awesome !!!
Nice to see the good results. It reminds me of your
prayer request from you for the Rex band programmes in the US 
Yes, when we all call upon the Lord in one voice He will shower His
blessings !!

I still find it hard to belive the way the Rex Band guys got their US Visa.

It is the rarest thing to happen in the US consulate for a group of 19
to get their US visa stamped immediately after the interview that too
with the passports given then and there itself.

Again a week later
Imagine a team of 6 (that includes a little child) coming all the way from
UAE to India after finishing their programme in the night, to reach Chennai
in the morning;
to go to the US consulatee for the visa interview;
to get the visa stamped and get the passports in the late evening of the
same day.
And finally to fly to Chicago on the next day.
The officer in the consulate remarked after stamping the passports
we don't want to disappoint the 2 million audience

There was a series of miracles, to put in a few words.
It was indeed an eye-opener for me too.

Love 'n Prayers
-Giju /Chennai,India

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Kurian Nellikunnel
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 6:57 PM
To: Jesus Net
Subject: [JOYnet] Re: [JYA] New York is Alive! Praise the Lord!

Hi All,
Thank you all for your prayers for the Rexband. See the good results as
shown in the following E-mail.
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

 Hello Jesus Youth of America,

 Yes, it is true..New York is finally Alive!  Thanks be
 to God!


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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.103 '

2002-07-29 Thread Thomas George

29-7-2002 (Monday)

Dear friends in Christ, 


No one has ever seen God; the only Son, who is in
the bosom of the Father, he has made him known.   - 
Jn. 1/18

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

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[JOYnet] prayer request

2002-07-29 Thread george

Loving all,
One of my friends has a deep feeling that his closest friend cheated
hi..and sbsequently he feels like losing trust in every one around
him..more that all these he is losing interest in prayers also..so kindly
pray for him.

Thank u

God bless all of us

luv n prayers


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RE: [JOYnet] yes we should do something for www.jesus.com

2002-07-29 Thread Giju George


The best we can do about such sites 

1. Pray for the persons who maintain such sites.

2. Please DO NOT VISIT those sites out of any curiosity.

In this case it so much is talked about and so it is tempting to visit that
But if we visit that site, we are indirectly helping the evil out
by incrementing the sitation count (number of hits), which is
a direct measure of the popularity of the site.
The more popular we make the site, the more encouraged he will be
in maintaining that site.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of calvinjohnson
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 3:12 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] yes we should do something for www.jesus.com

Dear friends,

We have to do something for this site. Letz begin with prayers.


Calvin Johnson

Rosemary Thomas wrote:

Hi everybody,

I dont know how many of you have tried out the site www.jesus.com I just
tried it out and I wasnt too pleased. This is a site of some person who
calls himself Jesus. It says Jesus seeks loving woman. I didnt go into
details becos I didnt like it at all. One of the headings says Bathe with
Jesus I dont know what it is about. I dont think this is right at all. Can
we as joynet or as jesusyouth do something about this? I dont know if we can
but I think we should. Senior ppl in Joynet, pls advice isnt this
something we should be worrying about? Or not? What do all of you think?
Reply back.
God bless.

Love, Rosemary (Goa)
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

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[JOYnet] from george mathew kandathil

2002-07-29 Thread george

Loving all,
Is there anybody from South Africa? I am in urgent need. Kindly respond.

God bless us all.

Thank u


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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.101 '

2002-07-24 Thread Thomas George

24-7-2002 (Wednesday)

Dear friends in Christ, 


   You cannot serve God and mammon.  - Mt. 6/24

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

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[JOYnet] Request for a help to get job

2002-07-24 Thread george

Dear brothers  sisters,
Is there any opening for an electronics engineer with 3 months experience
in telecome industry? Kindly let me know


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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.100 '

2002-07-22 Thread Thomas George

22-7-2002 (Monday)

Dear friends in Christ, 


   Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you
will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  For
everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds,
and to him who knocks it will be opened.  - Mt. 7/7-8

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.98 '

2002-07-17 Thread Thomas George

17-7-2002 (Wednesday)

Dear friends in Christ, 


   He took our infirmities and bore our diseases.
  - Mt. 8/17

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India
Yahoo! Autos - Get free new car price quotes

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[JOYnet] Thank Lord for all ur prayers

2002-07-16 Thread george

Praise the Lord!! 

Thank u so much..i will also keep u in my prayers...

i came back after the conference.  The effect of all ur prayers was so 
high that a miraculous impossible thing happened..the association 
conferred its permanent membership on me, which is very prestigious..and 
i was the only person selected for that..and am the youngest (out of 8 
members in the world) member..all happened purely because of prayers of 
number of people like you..with my background it's impossible to get 
that membership..our Lord just made me His instrument to perform this.

thank u so much..

luv n prayers



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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.96 '

2002-07-12 Thread Thomas George

12-7-2002 (Friday)

Dear friends in Christ, 


   Faith by itself, if it has no works is dead.   - 
James 2/17

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India

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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.95 '

2002-07-10 Thread Thomas George

10-7-2002 (Wednesday)

Dear friends in Christ, 


  It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is
of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are
spirit and life.   -  Jn. 6/63

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India

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