RE: [lace] Arachne 20th Anniversary Commemoratives

2015-03-26 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear Nolene et. al.

I would be interested in a bobbin and a shuttle. I am about to retire and won't 
be at this email address after next Thursday. I am hoping to be able to 
subscribe from the email at home, if anyone can tell me how I would be 
grateful. But I probably wont be in the Arachne loop for a few weeks.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK
Where, after a miserable wet start to the day the sun is shining. 

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Noelene Lafferty
Sent: 24 March 2015 22:46
Subject: [lace] Arachne 20th Anniversary Commemoratives

Just to let Arachne-ites know - we managed to form a small international 
committee, and have approached a couple of suppliers in order to be able to 
have commemorative bobbins (of different sorts) and tatting shuttles.
This process is now underway, and we will let you know when a decision is
made, and how to order.   The plan is that everyone will order direct from
the supplier, and pay them direct.

To get an approximate idea of numbers required, would anyone who thinks they 
might like a bobbin or more, and/or a shuttle, please email me direct at and advise how many they think they might like.
This will definitely NOT be committing to an order, we just want an idea of 
numbers involved.  Please do not send your email to the list, send it to us 
direct c/o me at noelene at lafferty dot  com dot au.  I'm repeating the 
address this way in case the digest deletes the email address, like the Archive 
of messages does.

Noelene, Janet, Antje, Helen and Avital

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RE: [lace] Every week an edging or insertion.

2015-03-11 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear Gon

I have been fascinated by the variety of edgings and insertions you have put on 
your site.  This one looks really interesting and I am wondering how easy it 
would be to make the 2 ribbons different colours.  I think it would look 
stunning if you could.  This might be another must do project for my impending 

In Colchester, Essex, UK where the sun is still shining and I'm counting the 
days to Easter when I retire from paid employment

The insertion of this week 11, is published on my site It is a Dutch lace, designed and made by Lia Baumeister.

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[lace] I'm still here and thanks

2015-02-06 Thread Gray, Alison J

It's more than a year since I sent an email to lace, but I have read all your
posts.  It's been a difficult year trying to work full time and support my mum
who became increasingly frail and eventually died at the end of November.  But
now I'm back in the flow and have a bit more time for making lace again.  So I
want to take this opportunity to thank you all for just being there and
reminding me that there are things beyond the everyday grind.

I particularly want to thank Jean Leader.  Over the last few years I have been
working through Jean's little Lace Guild book on Bucks Point lace and have at
last finished the final piece short of taking the pins out.  I started working
the final pattern, a bookmark, in May last year and managed to get about a
third of the way down by Christmas.  In my notes I announced that on 31
December I had got half way and now it is done.  I have enjoyed nearly every
minute of working all the patterns, except the times when I was going
backwards, rather a lot at the beginning, less when I got nearer the end.
Thank you Jean, so much, I'm looking forward to choosing the next Bucks Point
pattern to tackle.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's sunny but bitterly cold

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RE: [lace] Retirement

2014-11-11 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi Nolene

This has brought me out of lurkdom, it's definitely for me.  I'm hoping to 
retire at Easter next year and over the last few weeks I've started planning in 
my mind all the things I want to do, especially lace, as I'm not getting time 
to do any at the moment due to family circumstances.  But I'm just getting 
hints from my daughter that I shall be expected to do lots of grandson sitting 
when I retire.  Oh well, I suppose I'll just have to dream on...

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's a beautiful, breezy day at the 
moment, but we're promised rain later 


They all promised me
when retirement was due,
I'd be doing so much with my lace.
I'd have oodles of time
To plan and create,
And have projects all over the place.

But then the day came,
And I planned to sit down
With all of that thread that I'd bought.
With pins and my pillows
And bobbins galore
And great piles of books just to sort.

But where does the time go?
I really can't say
The days seem to disappear fast.
As the days now fly by
I seem to do LESS
Just where did I find time in the past!



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RE: [lace] Retirement

2014-11-11 Thread Gray, Alison J
Thank you for those wise words, Corinne, last year I and  my other half went on 
a pre-retirement course where we were told that we needed to make time for 
ourselves.  I thought I had it all sorted out, but life has been turned upside 
down in the last few weeks and putting the theory into practice is going to be 
more difficult than I thought.  Still by the time I retire my grandson will be 
nearly 3 so I might be able to teach him to make lace.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's beginning to get dark and Corinne's 
dampness is heading our way

-Original Message-
From: corinne [] 
Sent: 11 November 2014 14:56
To: Gray, Alison J; 'Noelene Lafferty'
Cc: 'Lace@Arachne.Com'
Subject: RE: [lace] Retirement

Hi Alison,
Do not forget that it is your life too when you retire. It is great to see
and look after your grandson but do make sure you have time for yourself as
I was lucky to have about 3 years of retirement before I started helping
with my granddaughter. I love her very much and enjoy having her but it is
tiring. I always told my daughter I would help but was not always available
to help as I have a life of my own.
So make sure you give yourself time for your crafts as well as having time
for grandson.
Enjoy retirement.

Corinne in Brighton UK. Where it is damp and getting dark.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Gray, Alison J
Sent: 11 November 2014 12:39
To: Noelene Lafferty
Cc: Lace@Arachne.Com
Subject: RE: [lace] Retirement

Hi Nolene

This has brought me out of lurkdom, it's definitely for me.  I'm hoping to
retire at Easter next year and over the last few weeks I've started planning
in my mind all the things I want to do, especially lace, as I'm not getting
time to do any at the moment due to family circumstances.  But I'm just
getting hints from my daughter that I shall be expected to do lots of
grandson sitting when I retire.  Oh well, I suppose I'll just have to dream

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's a beautiful, breezy day at the
moment, but we're promised rain later 

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RE: [lace] Help, Please!

2014-03-26 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi Carol

I don't suppose that this is going to be much help to your friend but I'm sure 
that there is a pattern for a windmill in one of Veronica Sorensen's books.  
Definitely not the Bruges flower lace, but one of the others, I can't remember 
which and am at work at the moment so can't check.  This windmill is 3D so it 
may not be of any help but I think it's based on the smock windmill in 
Upminster in what now passes for Greater London, but when I lived a few hundred 
yards from the mill in the 1960s/70s was part of Essex.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK and, at last, the sun has come out on a grey day

I am hoping that you can help me! A lace-making friend was hit by the North 
Sea Surge in December last, and her house is till full of sand and sea-water, 
as well as other impossible things, but she - and others in the same situation 
- has had a great deal of help from the local publican, whose inn is called 
'The Lighthouse'.   As a small thank-you gesture, she would like to make him a 
small picture of a lighthouse, but so far none of us can find a pricking.    So 
- if anyone can eMail me a pricking, or tell me where to source one, I would be 
cery grateful indeed.   The other possibility is a pricking/pattern for a 
windmill - the sais could be the beams of the lamps, so if anyone has anything 
remotely suuitable, do please let me know.

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[lace] Jo Firth UK

2014-02-20 Thread Gray, Alison J

Does anyone have an email address for Jo Firth [UK supplier]?  I couldn't find
anything on her website.


Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK

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[lace] Just when you thought you'd heard the last word on 'vintage lace'...

2014-02-14 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi All

Just when I thought we'd heard the last about the word 'vintage' applied to
lace I saw the following advert headed 'vintage finds - lace doillies' in our
university small ads emails yesterday afternoon:

Hand crafted Lace doilies  in a dark Linen colour  for craft or display
approx 81 Large, 3 medium and 1 small  £4 the lot

There was a picture, but it was so small that you couldn't see anything
clearly except that they are round and appear to have individual round motifs
as a border.  I thought that they were, perhaps, crochet and I emailed the
seller to ask what technique they were done in. This is the reply that I got:

Not sure really but guess lace making rather than crochet because they are
fine thread rather than crochet cotton/wool, I did email back and point out
that there are a number of different sorts of hand made lace.

Now I'm really curious as to what she's selling, she obviously knows nothing
about lace.  She's not at work until Monday, and I hope she'll let me have a
look at them then.  I shall keep you posted.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's raining (nothing new there then)
but we aren't as badly hit as other parts of the UK

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RE: FW: [lace] What is the biggest and the hardest piece of lace you have eve...

2014-01-15 Thread Gray, Alison J
That's a really sweet thought, Jeri, trouble is her birthday is on February
13!  I was thinking that if I do retire before my colleague I will make
something for my other 3 co-workers.  They won't know how much work goes into
each piece.


Dear Allison,  I was admiring your lace bunnies two days ago!  If you retire
before your colleague, how about giving her a completely unexpected (between
two friends) Valentine's Day gift?   Regards, Jeri

For me it would be the Bucks Point bunnies that I made from a pattern by
Bridget Cook, there is a picture of it as it came off the pillow on Flickr.  I
made it with minimum experience in Bucks Point for a colleague at work who was
due to retire last year. It took me about 15 months, doing two versions, the
first one on a larger scale.  My colleague keeps changing her mind about
retiring and at the rate she keeps changing her mind I might be retiring
before her!

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FW: [lace] What is the biggest and the hardest piece of lace you have ever done?

2014-01-13 Thread Gray, Alison J
I am curious as to what people have made out there in Lacingland that you
would call the ultimate piece of lace you have ever made or felt good about
when finished. 

For me it would be the Bucks Point bunnies that I made from a pattern by 
Bridget Cook, there is a picture of it as it came off the pillow on Flickr.  I 
made it with minimum experience in Bucks Point for a colleague at work who was 
due to retire last year. It took me about 15 months, doing two versions, the 
first one on a larger scale.  My colleague keeps changing her mind about 
retiring and at the rate she keeps changing her mind I might be retiring before 

I keep looking at the piece and seeing the mistakes and wondering whether I 
ought to do it again.  She bought me the book with the pattern as a birthday 
present nearly four years ago when my son was very seriously ill [fortunately 
he pulled through] but her gesture made me want to give her something special.

Doing that piece has given me a passion for Bucks Point and I have done very 
little else for the last year or so.  Actually, I'm learning tatting and having 
a go at Irish crochet as well as knitting for my grandson.  So it's not 
exclusively Bucks Point, but I have a Beds edging that I haven't touched in 
months and a Bruges pattern that keeps nudging me and saying 'make me, make 
me'.  So I guess that I shall be very busy  during 2014. 

Alison in chilly [but not as chilly as some parts of the world fortunately] and 
still sunny Colchester, Essex, UK

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RE: [lace] Gawthorpe Hall

2013-10-18 Thread Gray, Alison J
I visited Gawthorpe Hall when I was on holiday in Yorkshire in July this year. 
It is a awe inspiring place with so much lace and I was very impressed by the 
display of modern pieces of lace.  It is definitely a must see place if you're 
in the area.  Thank you for jogging my memory, Dianne, I just wish I could 
remember all the things I saw and loved.

Alison in murky, but mild Colchester, Essex, UK


I am pleased to hear you enjoyed the pictures from Kate Davis.  Quite a number 
of designers (knitting and crochet) came to study items from the collection.  
They are going to submit designs which will be sold to raise money towards the 
collection.  Its only source of income is from what it can earn and grants it 
receives.  You would love looking at the boxes but you would need weeks, months 
or even years in my case to study it all.  It was set up by Rachel Kay 
Shuttleworth as a working collection for people to study.  She collected items 
which she thought were of interest - some of it is poor.  She wanted to educate 
people about lace and embroidery in particular. She was very brutal with some 
of her comments.  The piece of lace on a small roller pillow in one of the 
pictures was made by me.  The idea was to make it look as though Rachel had 
just walked out of the room for a second, so there are bits (replicas of her 
labels, threads, her old
 typewriter, some of her articles written in Embroidery etc) on her desk and 
the lace pillow on a table in the bay window.  All the display rooms were 
altered last winter.  One display room shows a range of pieces from the 
collection to show the variety it contains.  The next room shows Rachel as a 
teacher and practitioner.  The following room has treasures from the collection 
and all the staff and volunteers chose their favourite item.  That was very 
difficult because there are so many items I love.  I chose a
Chantilly fan that once belonged to Lady Baden Powell (a friend of Rachel),  We 
were running
out of time and it was easy to display.  In the final room there are items from 
local degree students who have been inspired by the collection.    It is good 
to see that Miss Rachel's vision is alive.  In the public gallery this year is 
an exhibition Inspired by Lace.  Local colleges, universities, lace groups 
and Embroiderers Guilds were invited to study about 20 selected items of lace.  
The pieces are on display until the end of the season (beginning of November).  
The items had to be no bigger than 10 inches square because of space.

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[lace] Tatting update

2013-09-17 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi Daphne and everyone

I thought you might like to know how I got on at the tatting workshop I went
to on Saturday.  I enjoyed it very much and seem to have got on quite well,
better than the people sitting around me.  I got on to doing a proper simple
pattern, just a bookmark with rings and chains (and different from the one in
Janette Baker's book which I did a week or so ago).  Some ladies didn't even
achieve that, the poor lady sitting next to me was left handed and didn't get
beyond doing a chain, but she definitely wants to keep going.

I brought my bookmark with me to work today to have a go, but it's too cold
for my fingers.

Alison, in Colchester Essex, UK

 Thanks to you all for your advice about tatting books etc. I'm
 going to a tatting workshop on Saturday and I'm looking forward to that.

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[lace] Happily tatting

2013-09-12 Thread Gray, Alison J

Thanks to you all for your advice about tatting books etc.  I am now the proud
owner of a book and dvd by Janette Baker and I think I'm getting on OK.  I'm
going to a tatting workshop on Saturday and I'm looking forward to that.  I'm
finding tatting much easier than I thought I would, although I'm still at the
beginner stage and I know that there's much more to learn.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where we have mostly grey skies and it's about
half as warn as it was last Thursday

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[lace] Tatting help needed again - thanks

2013-08-16 Thread Gray, Alison J

Thanks for all your suggestions about tatting books and threads, and Jane
Partridge's suggestion that I looked at the Arachne archive for replies from
last time I asked this question.  Interestingly three different people
suggested the same book, so I think I shall try and get that one.  And Brenda
Paternoster supplied the answer to the question I had about thread.  So thank
you all again. I'm hoping to go on a workshop to learn tatting next month, so
I might learn how to spend more time tatting than undoing and how to get
picots the same size!

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where's its dull and warm at the moment but
it's supposed to brighten up later

Some weeks ago I asked for some advice about tatting books, as I wanted to try
tatting again.  I had some really helpful answers, I wrote them on a piece of
paper intending to order my chosen book when I came back from holiday.  Big
mistake, I find I've deleted the emails and can't find the piece of paper!  So
I'm afraid I have to ask you all again about suggestions for good tatting
books for a beginner.  I've found some good websites (Ring of Tatters, Jane
Eborall and Tatman) but would like a good 'how to do it' book.  And also
suggestions for good tatting thread.  Our local needlecraft shop doesn't seem
to stock the Coats cottons I was using before.

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[lace] Tatting help needed again

2013-08-14 Thread Gray, Alison J

Some weeks ago I asked for some advice about tatting books, as I wanted to try
tatting again.  I had some really helpful answers, I wrote them on a piece of
paper intending to order my chosen book when I came back from holiday.  Big
mistake, I find I've deleted the emails and can't find the piece of paper!  So
I'm afraid I have to ask you all again about suggestions for good tatting
books for a beginner.  I've found some good websites (Ring of Tatters, Jane
Eborall and Tatman) but would like a good 'how to do it' book.  And also
suggestions for good tatting thread.  Our local needlecraft shop doesn't seem
to stock the Coats cottons I was using before.


Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's a beautiful day, blue sky all

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[lace] Tatting - thanks

2013-06-10 Thread Gray, Alison J

Thank you all so much for your suggestions about tatting books and patterns,
too many to reply individually.  I didn't know that there were so many tatters
in Arachne World, or so many books on tatting.

I will take my time and have a good look at all your suggestions before I rush
into buying anything.  Particular thanks to the person who pointed me to the
Ring of Tatters, I found some nice beginner patterns on their web site (much
nicer than the ones in my book) which I have printed off and will try out.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's cold and dull and even inside it
feels cold

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[lace] Tatting

2013-06-07 Thread Gray, Alison J

Having found my old tatting shuttle when looking for something else I thought
I might give it another go.  Now having got the hang of the basics (have also
got the hang of undoing knots!) I was thinking of treating myself to another
shuttle and maybe buying a proper book.  The instructions I have are in a
compendium of lots of crafts and the patterns are a bit limited.

Can anyone recommend a good tatting book available in the UK, I'm thinking
more of doing motifs rather than edgings.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it is a gorgeous day and I'm stuck
inside working, shame!

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FW: [lace] Lace Guild Magazine

2013-05-03 Thread Gray, Alison J
Mine hasn't arrived yet either, here's hoping it arrives today.  It's so 
frustrating that the UK post now arrives late morning rather than before I go 
to work like it used to.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where the sun is shining and we're set for a 
lovely bank holiday weekend

Hi Arachnids,

I am still waiting for mine

Joepie, East Sussex, UK, where the sun is shining at present. That makes 
everyone happier.

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[lace] Doing my bit to promote lace

2013-04-18 Thread Gray, Alison J
Have just come back from our 'knit  natter' group which meets weekly at
lunchtime where I work.  I took some of my lace in to show them all.  We have
a lapsed lacemaker, at any rate someone who has all the equipment and went to
classes some years ago, but hasn't done any since. She says she is now
going to dig out the books she has to have a look, so here's hoping...  mind
you she's knitting a scarf at the moment that she started 5 years ago.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where the sun is shining but I just wish the
wind would calm down (I wrote this a while ago and then got interrupted, since
then we've had a hail storm with added thunder and now it's sunny again you've
just got to love the British weather)

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[lace] Tatting question

2013-03-28 Thread Gray, Alison J

I've been interested in reading about what laces you all do and what projects
you have ongoing.  A bit like Clay I have nearly nothing on my pillows, just a
Torchon square finished, but needing the pins taken out, and the bobbins wound
for a piece of Bucks Point which I can't start until after our Easter visitors
have gone home.

But having read what other people are doing I have been wondering if someone
can tell me what the difference is between needle tatting and shuttle tatting.
I bought myself a tatting shuttle years ago and had a go.  I didn't get on
with it, but that might be because the only instructions I could find were
some sketchy ones in a book about many crafts.  It's something I would like to
try again as it's so much easier to cart around than a pillow etc.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where the sun is shining, but it's still very,
very cold for the end of March

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[lace] Lurking posting

2013-03-20 Thread Gray, Alison J
I can't believe the volume of lace emails I have received over the last few
days.  I came into work on Monday morning to find 157 emails in my inbox, most
of them lace ones and I have only just finished reading them, sadly I also had
to do some work too.

I am more of a lurker than a poster.  I feel that although I've been lace
making for nearly 28 years I can't confidently answer any questions as I am
totally self taught.  But I do read and enjoy all the postings, it reminds me
that there is a world outside of work.

I've asked a number of questions over the time I have been on the list and
have been helped every time and I would never have embarked on Bucks Point
without your advice and encouragement.

Long may Arachne last.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's dull and drizzly

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RE: [lace-chat] Richard III remains

2013-02-07 Thread Gray, Alison J

The person quoted in the piece about the announcement of Richard III's remains 
on the BBC website is Dr John Ashdown-Hill, I'm not sure if he was the person 
at the press conference.  But he did his PhD at Essex University and I met him 
when he was there.  I didn't warm to him personally, but he certainly is a 
serious historian.  And I don't believe there's any reason to doubt the DNA 
results.  I think it's very exciting and it doesn't matter where he's buried.  
I seem to remember that there's a small, but excellent, museum about him 
somewhere in the York city walls.

Alison in Essex UK

Just been listening to my local radio station. Professor Martin Biddle, 
Professor of Medieval Archaeology at Oxford University, is involved in 
producing a map of Winchester in 1800 is doubting that the bones were those of 
Richard III. He claims that the excavation wasn't done properly - in fact 
nothing was done properly - and that the DNA results presented were not 
convincing, although he admits he isn't a geneticist. 

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[lace] Whats currently on my pillow and picture of my bunnies

2012-11-29 Thread Gray, Alison J

It's been lovely to hear what everyone else is working on, what a lot of
different things we're all doing!  At the moment the pricking for a Bucks
Point motif is on my pillow and the bobbins are all wound, but I have a
feeling that I'm not going to get much further before Christmas.  A large
amount of flat packed furniture for son's room arrived today, so that's the
weekend taken up...  Then there's Christmas cake and puddings to make,
presents to buy and wrap and deliver, cards to write.  Enough to keep me
occupied for a good while.  Still I can plan what else I want to do, I have
another 6 empty pillows waiting for inspiration!

In the mean time Sue Babbs has kindly put a picture of my Bucks Point bunnies
on Flickr, (thanks, Sue!) finished, but not mounted.  It is mounted now and I
will try and take another photo and let you see the final result.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's dark and cold, but dry

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[lace] Bucks Point project finished

2012-11-12 Thread Gray, Alison J
Thank you all for the kind things you have said, I certainly feel rather proud
of myself, although there were times when I it seemed I was going backwards
more than I was going forwards.

Various people have asked questions and made comments so I thought I would put
my response in one email rather than sending individual ones.  I would have
replied earlier but I was laid low by a bug of some kind over the weekend, but
I'm much better now.

For Lynn who asked where I got the pattern it was in 'Special occasions in
lace' edited by Bridget Cook.

For Lyn B, I do have Alex Stillwell's 'Geometric Point Lace', I made sure I
got DH to give it to me for Christmas, although I had to order it myself and
have it delivered to me at work.  I was very good, I didn't look beyond the
first couple of pages until I unwrapped it on Christmas Day!

I also have Jean Leader's little Bucks Point book from the Lace Guild and am
working the patterns in that at the moment.

For Vicki, thanks for reminding me about Downton lace.  I was given a copy of
a book of Downton patterns years and years ago and have forgotten about it.  I
shall have to dig that out and have a look.

And for those who would like to see a picture of my bunnies, I did take lots
of photos as I went along.  So if anyone could let me know what I should do to
make a picture available to you I will give it a go.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's getting dark and has started

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[lace] Bucks Point project finished

2012-11-08 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear Arachneans

I've been lurking too long and its getting on for 2 years since I asked you
all for advice about how much Bucks Point knowledge I needed in order to
complete a picture of 2 bunnies .  I'm pleased to say that I have now
completed the project.  It's taken a long, long time as I have never attempted
Bucks before and I had to do 5 different samples of Bucks and the real pattern
a  larger size before I felt confident enough to start the real thing.

It's not perfect, but I'm really pleased with it, and as the friend I made it
for is not a lacemaker I don't think that anyone apart from me will notice the
imperfections.  Apart from not being familiar with Bucks I had never worked
with so many bobbins or such fine thread before.

I'm pretty pleased with myself and just want to thank you all for your advice
and encouragement.  It does mean that I've fallen in love with Bucks Point and
am continuing to try and learn the techniques and sadly I have abandoned Beds
lace for the time being.

So much lace, so little time!

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK on a dull Thursday afternoon

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RE: [lace] Bucks Point project finished

2012-11-08 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear Diane

I know my friend will appreciate the lace.  There's a bit of a story attached
to it.  In March 2010 my elder son was rushed into hospital for a life-saving
operation.  Fortunately he revovered well.  Just after he came out of hospital
was my birthday and my friend bought me a lace making book she found in a shop
in Canterbury (UK) to cheer me up.  She bought the book without really knowing
if it was the sort of lace I make.  The piece I made for her comes from this
book and as it has rabbits in it and they are her favourite animal I know
she'll love it.

I made it for her retirement which should be early next year but I think she's
going to work an extra year, so I will have to wait to give it to her.


How exciting!  What a sense of accomplishment you must feel.  I love all the
point ground laces, especially Downton.  I hope your friend loves it and
recognizes all the love and skill you've put into it.

Diane Williams

Dear Arachneans

I've been lurking too long and its getting on for 2 years since I asked you
all for advice about how much Bucks Point knowledge I needed in order to
complete a picture of 2 bunnies .  I'm pleased to say that I have now
completed the project.

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[lace] Sad news

2012-04-12 Thread Gray, Alison J
I was so sorry to hear the news about Betty Ann, she'll be a great loss to the
lace community.I feel that although I've never met most of you I know you
all.  My thoughts and prayers are with Clive and all those who loved her.

Alison in Colchester, Essex. UK

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[lace] Seasons greetings

2011-12-23 Thread Gray, Alison J
Before I turn off my computer for the Christmas holiday I just wanted to send
seasons greetings to everyone on Arachne.  And to thank everyone who has
encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone lace wise this year.  And to
thank Brenda and the Lace Guild for their Advent calendars.

Here's hoping that whatever you do over the next couple of weeks it involves

Alison in Colchester, Essex where it's a grey day, but my eldest son's come
home for the holiday

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[lace] UK suppliers

2011-12-08 Thread Gray, Alison J

I have had occasion to use three different UK suppliers over the last couple
of months and I would like to say what great service I've had from each of
them.  All the things I ordered came far sooner than I expected and were just
what I ordered.  So, thank you, in chronological order, Jo Firth, Mainly Lace
and Church Meadow Craft.

No connection, just one (very) satisfied customer.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's too dark to see just how windy it
is, but it was certainly windy earlier

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[lace] Demonstrating at Christmas Tree festival

2011-12-08 Thread Gray, Alison J

It's nearly 2 weeks since I did my demonstration at our church's Christmas
Tree festival and I thought I ought to let you all know how I got on.  It was
an interesting experience.  I was there all day on Saturday, apart from going
home for lunch and  for about 4 hours on Sunday afternoon.

I certainly had a few good conversations, and explained how lace is made to
several people, including a friend's husband, who seemed to understand the
process.  A couple of small boys were fascinated by the spiders I was doing
and made a point of counting the legs on all of them.  And one small girl
wanted to have a go and did several stitches of ground for me.  I doubt very
much whether anyone will want to start making lace as a result of this, but
you never know.

The good thing was that I was making bookmarks to sell for our building
project and I sold the 5 I had already made plus the one I made on Saturday
and the one I started on Sunday.

I was using one of my own designs.  But I was wondering  whether anyone knows
whether it would be violating copyright if I were to use someone else's design
and sell it for charity?

Alison in cold and windy Colchester, Essex, UK

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[lace] RE: Bucks point

2011-10-31 Thread Gray, Alison J
Thanks, Alex, it is a bit of a challenge, there isn't much of the piece that
hasn't been done at least twice, but I'm glad I have had a go.  I couldn't
have done it without the encouragement and advice of people on Arachne.  When
it's finally finished I'm definitely going to go back and start doing basic
Bucks point so I can improve my technique before I tackle floral Bucks again.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK

From: Alex Stillwell []
Sent: 30 October 2011 06:01
To: Gray, Alison J
Cc: Arachne reply
Subject: Bucks point

Hi Alison

Well done, floral Bucks is a big challenge.

Happy lacemaking


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FW: [lace] WIP

2011-10-28 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi All

At the moment I have only one piece of lace on the pillow.  It's my first piece 
of floral Bucks and it's very nearly finished.  I say nearly finished, it's 
actually a trial piece for something I want to make for a friend.  I'm hoping 
to get this part finished perhaps this weekend, or, more likely next weekend.  
And then I can start the real piece of lace which is a third smaller.

I only started learning Bucks Point in January this year and I started this 
piece on 20 May and it has been a real learning curve, I've made lots of notes 
as I went along and hope the real piece will come out better.  I know you can 
never really tell how a piece of lace is going to look like but I'm cautiously 
optimistic that it will look OK even though the thread I used was slightly 
thicker than it needed to be.

It's good to hear what other people are up to.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's a sunny autumn day after a couple of 
damp, dreary ones.

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[lace] A thought about demonstrating etc

2011-10-24 Thread Gray, Alison J

I have been following the discussion about demonstrating with interest and
have had a thought about opportunities for demonstrating.

In the UK in recent years there has been a fashion for holding Christmas tree
festivals in the weeks leading up to Christmas in churches, our church is
holding their first one at the end of November.  If you don't know, the church
approaches church members and local organisations set up a tree in the church.
The church is open to visitors for a weekend or longer.

This could be a good chance to get our lace seen, lace Christmas decorations
are both easy to make and good to look at.  And churches need to be manned, so
an opportunity to demonstrate, in the northern hemisphere light could be a
problem, but this could create a good opportunity to get lace seen and talked

I'm definitely going to see if I can get to mind the church while our festival
is on, and take a lace pillow, even though I've not got enough time to display
a tree.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's a lovely sunny autumn day, although
a bit breezy.

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[lace] Lace yardage

2011-06-21 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi Lyn and everyone

I've done several lots of yardage, the latest was 3 yards + of Torchon to go
complement a large Torchon square I rather liked.  The intention is to put the
square on a cushion with the yardage round the outside, gathering the lace at
the corners.  I've got the fabric, all I need now is the time to put it all

I think that the trick with yardage is to have something more challenging to
do alongside it.  I found that if I only had an hour so so to spare I could do
an inch or so of the edging, when I wouldn't have time to do anything else.  I
certainly can't do lace very quickly even though I've been making lace on and
off since 1985, and I've also wondered whether there was any way to get
quicker.  There were several times that I stopped the edging for a few weeks
when I got bored with it (something the old lacemakers could never have
considered) especially when I got to round about the midpoint.But
surprisingly I got a second wind when I got near the end and the last 2 feet
or so were much easier.  Putting marker pins in where I started and stopped

I suffer problems with my back and I need to get up and have a stretch every
hour or so, I have to prop myself up with cushions to get comfortable.  I used
to be able to make lace with my pillow on my lap, but my back won't let me any
more unless I put my feet up on a coffee table with a cushion on my lap under
the lace pillow and an extra cushion behind my back.

Lyn, I hope you get your yardage done in time.  I'm getting on with my Bucks
Point project, I've got past the undoing everything at least twice stage and
am beginning to think I'm enjoying myself.

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where the weather is dull, but warm and it's
actually warmer outside than indoors.

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[lace] Bucks Point project started

2011-05-24 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear Jacqui and everybody

Those of you who have been interested in my attempts to start to learn Bucks
Point lace in order to make a present for a work colleague will be please to
know that I have actually started the pattern I wanted to do.  I haven't got
very far and have done a lot of staring at my pillow and the pattern.  And all
of the tiny bit I've done so far has been done at least twice.  I even took
last Friday afternoon as holiday from work because I couldn't wait for the
weekend to get started!

As several people suggested I have enlarged the pattern and am doing a trial
piece before I do the real thing.  I'm also thinking I should use a 'ghost
pillow', whoever suggested that, it is a brilliant idea.

Thanks for all your advice and encouragement, I don't think I would ever had
thought of attempting this pattern without you.

Alison in sunny Colchester, Essex, UK where we could use some of the rain that
other people seem to be getting

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[lace] First pillow

2011-04-18 Thread Gray, Alison J

It's been fascinating to read about people's first pillows, what an
enterprising lot we are.  My first pillow was just an ordinary polystyrene
cookie pillow, but the cover was something else.  My instructions said that I
needed a piece of cotton material, dark blue or green which I didn't have.  So
desperate was I to start and (with 2 small children and another one on the
way) hard up I raided up the kid's dressing up box and acquired a pink linen
skirt that my mum had thrown out.

The skirt dated back to the late 1950s (I started lace in 1985) and had a bit
of a story attached to it.  Those were the days when my parents didn't have a
car and going on holiday meant going on the train.  Two adults and 2 children
couldn't carry enough stuff for all 4 of us, bearing in mind that in the flat
we were renting we needed to take bed sheets and well as our clothes.  So on
the Thursday before we went on holiday we packed a big suitcase with as much
of our luggage as we could and took it to the railway station to be at our
destination when we arrived on the Saturday.

You've probably guessed that when we arrived on Saturday our suitcase hadn't
arrived, and inevitably the suitcase included all mum's clothes.  When the
suitcase still hadn't arrived on Monday, mum was desperate for a change of
clothes and so we found a fabric shop and mum bought this remnant of pink
linen and that evening made herself a skirt.  When we got home she remodelled
it and wore it quite a lot.  In the end it got thrown out which is why it
found it's last resting place on my first lace pillow.

Many years and much more lace equipment later (I spent a lot of last weekend
tidying it away as my lace room is about to become a spare bedroom as my
eldest son is coming home for Easter) I still remember my first lace pillow
and mum's old skirt!.

Alison in Colchester Essex UK where it's a beautiful spring day

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RE: [lace] What do you have attached to your working pillow?

2011-04-07 Thread Gray, Alison J
what do you have attached to your
working pillow?

I've got a little turned wooden pot about two and a half inches deep and an 
inch across which has a spike on the bottom to stick into the pillow.  It's 
very useful for holding a pin pusher, or a crochet hook when I need to do lots 
of sewings.My daughter bought it for me from a craft fair which didn't have 
anything else for sale to do with lace making.  I have been wondering about 
what it might really have been made for apart from on a lace pillow?  Any ideas?

Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's a beautiful spring day, warm and 
sunny and I'm stuck in an office!  Anyway the forecast is for a good weekend, 
so I'm looking forward to that. 

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[lace] Coggeshall lace

2011-03-17 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear Aachneans

Thank you for all your replies, Janet, my colleague, now understands much
better what it involves.  We looked at the Coggeshall museum web site and
although there is some good information on there, the pictures are rather

By the way, what sparked our conversation is that there is a demonstration of
Coggeshall lace at Paycocke's, a National Trust property in Coggeshall, on
Sunday 27 March, details on the National Trust web site, no connection, usual
disclaimers etc.

Alison in Colchester, Essex. UK where the fog has lifted and it's just misty

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[lace] Coggeshall lace

2011-03-16 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear Arachneans

I've just been having a conversation with one of my work colleagues about
Coggeshall lace and she wants to know how it is done.  I don't know enough
about it to explain, even though I live very near to Coggeshall!  Can anyone
give me an simple explanation that a non-lacemaker could understand, please?


Alison in Colchester, Essex, UK where it's quite foggy

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[lace] Bucks Point advice wanted, please

2011-01-12 Thread Gray, Alison J
Good afternoon (or whatever it is where you are)

For my birthday last year, one of my work colleagues (knowing I make lace)
bought me a copy of 'Special Occasions in Lace' edited by Bridget Cook.  It
was a wonderful surprise, especially as she bought it not knowing whether or
not it was the right sort of lace book.

She retires in 2 years time and I would love to make one of the patterns in it
as a leaving gift.  As she loves rabbits I want to make the 'love bunny duo'
on page 18 which is by Bridget Cook.  The pattern is Bucks Point and has no
instructions.  I an a complete novice as far as Bucks Point is concerned ( I
have 25 years of making other sorts of lace) and am wondering just how
difficult this pattern is and how much I have to learn in order to make a good
job of it, and whether I have enough time to learn.

I have 2 books with Bucks Point instructions; these are 'Technique of Bobbin
Lace' by Pamela Nottingham and 'The Technique of Bucks Point Lace' also by
Pamela Nottingham.  What are the things in these books that I should tackle
and are there any other books that I ought to get in order to learn?

I am sure that your advice will, as always, be exactly what I need.

Thank you so much.

Alison in Essex UK where it's dull and damp

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[lace] Christmas greetings

2010-12-23 Thread Gray, Alison J
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for a good year on Arachne.  I've
learned lots of things I didn't know and you've kept me entertained through a
year that has seen some difficult times for my family.  But most importantly
of all your posts have encouraged me to keep on with my lace even when I've
been so tired and I've had so little time for myself.

And thanks to Brenda and the Lace Guild for the Advent calendars and to
everyone who contributed to the card exchange.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and New Year and lots of lacemaking

Alison in cold, miserable Essex UK

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FW: [lace] It's arrived!

2010-11-09 Thread Gray, Alison J
Thank you all for letting me know about the arrival - or not of your Lace

My son has just emailed me (I'm at work at the moment) to tell me that mine has 
arrived too, I can't wait to get home, just a pity I have to go out this 

Alison in soggy Essex UK

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[lace] UK Lace 140

2010-11-05 Thread Gray, Alison J
I haven't had my copy of Lace either.  I even looked back at my cheque book
last night to make sure I paid my subscription!  It's a bit frustrating to
read others comments about it when I can't see it.  But it'll be a treat when
it comes, I always look forward to it coming and always enjoy reading it.

Alison in Essex UK where it's dull and heavy rain is predicted

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RE: [lace-chat] Buffalo wings and spicy foods

2010-11-04 Thread Gray, Alison J

I couldn't agree more, both DD and I are allergic to all forms of dairy food, 
and certainly in the UK when eating out desserts are all but impossible.  In 
restaurants they very rarely understand what is actually in the food they are 
serving up.   

In the supermarket I have to read the small print on everything, it's very 

Alison in Essex UK where it's sunny but windy and all the beautiful autumn 
leaves from the trees are blowing about all over the place

-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Elizabeth Ligeti
Sent: 04 November 2010 03:10
Subject: [lace-chat] Buffalo wings and spicy foods

I am allergic to cheese, and find it hard to eat out, as everything seems to
be smothered in it these days.


I can eat butter, and cream, but yoghurt - the fruit variety in small does
is OK, but the Greek style is far too close to cheese for me to eat.


They even have cheese over roast dinners, - well the potato and vegies, so I
wind up, - if I am lucky_ with chips  - fries in USA, I think!  And
sometimes they seem to think I am kidding. Well, - the results of me eating
cheese is - to be polite, - like severe travel or sea sickness, and I am
sure they would not like That everywhere!!! :-)


Why do they have to muck about with food like that?!!!   A nice gravy would
be much better than cheese sauce over it all!!! :-)


Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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[lace] Yoga in thread / why I make lace

2010-08-12 Thread Gray, Alison J
This thread (!) has brightened up a couple of dull days at work.  My reason
for doing lace (and knitting and crochet  for that matter) is the fascination
and power that comes from taking a ball of thread and making something
beautiful or useful (or both) with it.

I taught my daughter bobbin lace when she was young, my sons weren't
interested, and although she doesn't do much nowadays she does cross stitch
and is learning to crochet.  I'm sure that if and when her job isn't so
pressured she will come back to it.  I'm afraid that our young people lead
such busy lives that their leisure hours are few and far between and they
don't have time for time consuming hobbies.

Rant over and I love Mark's design.  For me lace making is like meditation,
and whoever said it helps all your worries go away while you're working was
bang on.

Alison in Essex UK where it looks like rain, just in time for me to get wet
going home!

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[lace-chat] Stain removal

2010-08-12 Thread Gray, Alison J
Thank you for all your suggestions. I have put the correction fluid on several
pieces of cloth, thanks for that suggestion.  I am assuming that it wasn't the
water based stuff as I had a terrible job getting it off my hands.  Now I need
to see if I can find some tippex thinner.  The nail varnish remover I thought
of first definitely didn't work!

Thanks again

Alison in Essex UK

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[lace-chat] Stain removal

2010-08-11 Thread Gray, Alison J

I managed to get some Tipp-ex (correction fluid) on my trousers yesterday and
am wondering whether it is possible to get it off without ruining my (almost
new) trousers.  I don't know what the correction fluid is made of, but
wondered if nail varnish remover might help?  Has anybody had this problem and
solved it?  Hopefully one you might have some ideas.

Alison in Essex UK where it's a beautiful sunny summer day

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RE: [lace] Another thread question (or two)

2010-06-18 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi Brenda

Thank you for that comprehensive answer it makes sense when I look at the 
different reels Sylko I've bought over the years for sewing.  I think that the 
stuff I've been using for lace is almost certainly the size 40.  It all has the 
three shells logo.  

I think I've now got to go and get some different sorts of cotton and do some 
experimenting which is really exciting, all I need is some more time...!

Alison in Essex UK where it's a very dull afternoon and not very warm

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Brenda Paternoster
Sent: 14 June 2010 18:24
To: Gray, Alison J
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: [lace] Another thread question (or two)

HI Alison

Coats/Sylko has long been problematic to sort out just what is what!

For a long time the regular cotton thread sold for machine sewing was Sylko 50, 
mercerised cotton made by J. Dewhurst  Sons / Dewhurst's, part of English 
Sewing Ltd.  These reels had the three shells logo on the reels and was made in 
Great Britain. 28 w/cm.

Then (I think!) they were taken over by Coats who made Tootal Sylko 50 
mercerised cotton, again with the three shells logo and made in Great Britain.  
Size 50 - 34 w/cm and Size 40 - 28 w/cm.  I also have some Tootle Sylko 
mercerised cotton, made in Great Britain but with no size stated. This measures 
31 w/cm (so perhaps size 45).

Then came Sylko mercerised cotton thread with no size stated although the three 
shells logo was still used and the thread was made in the EU (European Union).  
34 w/cm colours, 35 w/cm white (it's not unusual for white to be very slightly 
finer colours in the same thread).   This was probably size 50.  I *think* that 
Coats were at this time part of the Amann group.

The sewing machine cotton currently advertised on the Coats website as Coats 
Cotton Thread
comes in four sizes; 30, 40, 50 and 80.   The three shells logo doesn't appear 
to be on these new reels.  (I haven't done much machine sewing lately and 
haven't bought any new cotton sewing thread, but I should make the effort to 
find all four sizes for Addendum 5).

The answer to your question as to how similar Coats Cotton is to Sylko depends 
on which size of Coats Cotton you are referring to and what size the Sylko was! 
 They are all three ply threads; those that I've seen are Z twisted and because 
the new stuff is made for lock stitch machine sewing machines they too will 
almost certainly be Z twisted - unless they are the same as the new lace 
threads (AKA Cometa) made by Coats to supposedly replace Filato.  These are not 
mentioned on the Coats website but you can read all about them on my website:

Sorry it's a long winded reply, but that's the way it is!

On 14 Jun 2010, at 12:46, Gray, Alison J wrote:

 I went to my local needlecraft store on Saturday to buy some Sylko sewing
 cotton, the sort you use for dressmaking.  I've been buying it in 1,000 m
 reels and using it for lace.  To my surprise they didn't have any, according
 to the ladies in the shop it was withdrawn and replaced by Coats Cotton some
 years ago.  (Shows how quickly I make lace!)
 I have 2 questions, first how similar to Sylko is the Coats Cotton?  Does
 anyone know whether it would work up similarly to Sylko?  And second, the
 ladies in the shop told me that the company took all their supplies of Sylko
 away and they understand that it was to be sent abroad.  Does anyone know
 whether this is true and if so where did it go and why?

Brenda in Allhallows

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[lace] Another thread question (or two)

2010-06-14 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear Arachneans

I went to my local needlecraft store on Saturday to buy some Sylko sewing
cotton, the sort you use for dressmaking.  I've been buying it in 1,000 m
reels and using it for lace.  To my surprise they didn't have any, according
to the ladies in the shop it was withdrawn and replaced by Coats Cotton some
years ago.  (Shows how quickly I make lace!)

I have 2 questions, first how similar to Sylko is the Coats Cotton?  Does
anyone know whether it would work up similarly to Sylko?  And second, the
ladies in the shop told me that the company took all their supplies of Sylko
away and they understand that it was to be sent abroad.  Does anyone know
whether this is true and if so where did it go and why?

Alison in Essex UK, where its not as sunny as it was earlier in the day, and
not as warm as I would like.

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[lace] Query about putting beads on lace

2010-01-27 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi everyone

I've been playing about over the last few weeks with different shaped motifs
in bobbin lace.  Having found one that I liked I decided to make it again and
add some beads.  I put these on using a crochet hook and drawing one thread of
a pair through the bead and threading the other bobbin through the loop as in
a sewing.  Of course, when I took the lace off the pillow the beads were now
on the 'wrong' side of the lace.  I have been wondering, is there a way to put
beads on a piece of lace so that they end up on the 'right' side of the lace
without sewing them on afterwards?

Alison in cold, dull Essex UK (although the sun did shine earlier on making us
feel so much better)

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[lace] FW: Query about putting beads on lace

2010-01-27 Thread Gray, Alison J
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions, I can't wait to get home and 
try out Gil Dye's suggestion.  Having never had a lace teacher I sometimes get 
stuck but I always find I get an answer from someone on Arachne. 


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of Gray, 
Alison J
Sent: 27 January 2010 12:35
To: ''
Subject: [lace] Query about putting beads on lace

Hi everyone

I've been playing about over the last few weeks with different shaped motifs
in bobbin lace.  Having found one that I liked I decided to make it again and
add some beads.  I put these on using a crochet hook and drawing one thread of
a pair through the bead and threading the other bobbin through the loop as in
a sewing.  Of course, when I took the lace off the pillow the beads were now
on the 'wrong' side of the lace.  I have been wondering, is there a way to put
beads on a piece of lace so that they end up on the 'right' side of the lace
without sewing them on afterwards?

Alison in cold, dull Essex UK (although the sun did shine earlier on making us
feel so much better)

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[lace] CRB checks in the UK

2009-12-03 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi All

I'm automatically CRB checked because of my church duties, but our church
council has also been made aware that there may also be similar checks on
people working with 'vulnerable adults' as well.  How you define vulnerable I
don't know, but this may impact people teaching lace to older people.

I have to say that I don't think that this is necessarily a bad thing, UK
lacemakers will recall the arrest of a nursery nurse for abusing children

On the plus side I believe that some time in the future people will only need
one check to work with any organisation, and end the headache for people like
my DD who runs a children's nursery and who has to wait for new members of
staff to have a check done before allowing them to work alone with the
children in her care.

Alison in dark and damp Essex

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[lace-chat] Love and marriage

2009-10-30 Thread Gray, Alison J
What a great question!

He proposed to me in his car outside my house, so far so ordinary.  But the
car was a Sunbeam Talbot 2 litre drophead coupe, one of only 40 something ever
made.  By the time they got back to production after World War II automotive
design had moved on and so they remained a bit of a dinosaur.  It was
beautiful, with running boards, and huge headlights.  We used it for our
wedding car, but eventually he had to choose between rebuilding it and
bringing up 3 children and the children won!

We've been married 34 years.  We had some fun in that car, I remember when the
brakes failed one day, we were heading towards a row of stationary traffic and
luckily there was a turning on our left and we headed for that and managed to
stop.  And then there was the time the electrics failed at dusk and we had to
go the long way back to his house to avoid going past the police station.
Happy days, but then I also remember falling over the battery in the bathroom
and other bits of car all over the house.

Mind you, I wouldn't change him for the world and now we have a much more
reliable car.

Alison in autumnal Essex UK

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RE: [lace] Are you new to lace or was it passed on?

2009-05-26 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear Jane

I am curious about what you see as the problems with the Dryad
lacemaking kit, assuming it's the same one as I got in 1985.  

[In 1994 I started teaching because the owner of
our small craft shop, who understood the problems of the Dryad kit,
would only sell them to people she thought would cope but would I help
people get off the ground? ]

The kit was definitely my saviour as I'd spent the previous four and a
half years trying to figure out how I could make bobbin lace without any
equipment or instructions [or any money].  The frustrations of the time
taken spangling the bobbins and finding something to cover the
polystyrene pillow [an old skirt of my mothers] were nothing compared
with the sense of achievement when I finished that first strip of cloth
stitch etc.  I was hooked on lacemaking long, long before I actually had
a chance to have a go.  And that first strip of lace that I made was the
first piece I ever saw in real life.

There are no lacemakers in my family that I know of.  My Mum was into
knitting, dressmaking and tapestry, but I don't believe either of my
grandmothers were.  But my maternal grandad's hobby was carpentry, he
was very good, I still have two pieces that he made at home.  I taught
myself to crochet.  My daughter makes lace, but with a demanding job and
a lot of illness recently she hasn't had much time.

Alison in Essex UK where this morning's rain has turned to sunshine

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[lace] E45 cream

2009-05-15 Thread Gray, Alison J

I too am allergic to lanolin.  But I have some E45 cream at home (not
sure which sort) which doesn't have lanolin in.  It pays to read the

Alison in Essex UK

where the rain clouds have turned into blue skies for a change

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[lace] Energy saving equivalent to daylight bulbs?

2009-04-07 Thread Gray, Alison J

I was lucky enough to have been bought an angle poise lamp on a stand by
my DH for my birthday.  I have another lamp fitted with a daylight bulb
which is now about to give up the ghost which I've been using for lace
making.  I have been wondering, especially with UK legislation due to
outlaw 'ordinary bulbs' shortly, whether there is some kind of energy
saving equivalent to the daylight bulb, or should I stock up?

Alison in Essex UK where the sun is beginning to come out

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RE: [lace-chat] Easter!!!!!!

2009-01-05 Thread Gray, Alison J
We saw Easter eggs out on display in our local Tescos last Thursday
morning (1 January)!  Never seen them this early.

Alison in very chilly Essex UK

From my ISP's new pages

Shoppers at a supermarket were stunned to see Easter eggs on sale -
days after Christmas.

The Sun reports customers burst out laughing as staff put out Easter 
Treats displays of daffodils and chocolates on Monday.
Stephen Roland, 31, said: I couldn't believe it. Selling Easter eggs
or four days after Christmas is ludicrous - particularly when Easter is
April next year.

Cadbury's Creme Eggs, Easter Chicks and chocolate bunnies were on sale
away from cut-price Christmas crackers and wrapping paper at the Tesco
in Ilkeston, Derbyshire.

A Tesco spokesman said that their stores all over Britain will soon be 
putting up their Easter displays.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK 

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[lace] Seasonal greetings

2008-12-23 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi everyone

I just want to wish you all the appropriate greetings of the season and
thank you for a great year of interesting discussions and helpful advice
on arachne.  And also to Brenda and Jean for the Advent calendars which
have brightened up December.

I'm really looking forward to Christmas, the religious aspect is really
important for me, and the rest of my family.  But also my elder son is
coming home tomorrow and I haven't seen him since Easter.  I haven't got
to go back to work until 5th January, so I'm hoping to fit in some lace
making as well.

I hope you all have a chance to make some lace over the holidays too.

With love from Alison in Essex, UK where it's very mild and as it's
nearly 4 pm it's now getting dark.

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[lace] Lace in 'Le Monastier'?

2008-11-03 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi everyone

The other day a book came across my desk at work (I work in a library so
I get to see a lot of books).  It was called 'Travels with a donkey in
the Cevennes' by Robert Louis Stevenson, originally published in 1879.
I glanced at the first page and there I found a reference to 'Le
Monastier, in a pleasant highland valley fifteen miles from Le Puy (and)
notable for the making of lace...'

Where is Monastier (I assume it's in France) and what sort of lace did
they make there?  Can anyone enlighten me, it's got me curious!

Alison in Essex UK where it's a miserable November afternoon

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RE: [lace-chat] Wedding anniversaries

2008-09-29 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi Patricia

If no one else has replied, the 30th anniversary, as far as I'm aware,
is the pearl anniversary.  Mine was 31/2 years ago.

Alison in Essex, UK where the sun is shining although it's chilly out
-Original Message-
Sent: 28 September 2008 23:24
Subject: [lace-chat] Wedding anniversaries

I'm sure someone out there knows the answer to this question.  What is
symbol of a thirtieth wedding anniversary?  I know the 25th is silver
and the 
40th is ruby but the 30th escapes me.
Patricia in Wales

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[lace] Favourite stitches new web site

2008-08-29 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear All

Having given it a bit of thought I've decided that my favourite stitch
is probably spiders, because you can usually see if you've gone wrong
straight away.  And I find there's a lot of satisfaction in doing

I definitely won't be joining those who love half stitch; I've got to
undo a large area of half stitch because it doesn't look right and I
just can't see where it's gone wrong!

And well done to Alex and Jean for their web site, it was easy to
navigate.  And also well done for not trying to put too much on a page
which people are sometimes tempted to do and which makes it look
cluttered.  I look forward to seeing it develop in the future.

Alison in Essex, UK where the sun is supposed to be coming out, but
hasn't yet

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[lace] Unexpected lace sighting

2008-06-30 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear All

I had a bit of a lace related surprise on Saturday evening.  We went to
see an open air play in the garden of an old house in the town where I
grew up (Hornchurch in the London borough of Havering).  When I was a
child this house was used as the local library.  It's now used for
evening classes and such like.  During the interval refreshments were
served in the house itself and as I hadn't been in this building since I
was about 14 I was looking round at the rooms to see what I could
remember about it.  And then I saw in a corner a framed picture of the
house.  I could see that it looked like a collage and that there was a
border round it that looked remarkably like Torchon.

On closer inspection I discovered that it was indeed all lace and a
label beside it explained that it was made by a group of lace makers
based in the building who were called the Fairkites Lace Makers.  It
included not only a picture of the building in lace, but also
representations of classes that were going on in it at the time and some
things about the history of the building.  On the other side was a
certificate stating that it had been highly commended in the 1998 Lace
Guild Reflections competition.

It was really interesting to look at all the different pieces of lace
and a really lovely surprise.  I don't know whether this group of lace
makers is still in existence.

Alison in Essex UK where it's a beautiful afternoon

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[lace] I finally started my Beds project! and lace days

2008-06-26 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear All

I can't believe it's nearly 5 weeks since I asked for your advice
regarding threads for my Beds project.  I've been wanting to thank you
all for your advice which was very helpful.  I got the thread I needed
very quickly by ordering on line (thank you Roseground).  Then I started
winding bobbins, and then I turned the blocks in my block pillow.  And
last Sunday I actually started making lace!  I've done about 1 sq
centimetre and it's already looking better than when I was using too
thick a thread. This week every evening has been busy and the weekend is
looking busy too, but I might be able to snatch an hour or too one

As regards falling numbers at lace days, I think that much of it is to
do with people working longer hours.  I find that now I work full time I
really have to organise myself beforehand if I'm to go to one because
there's always so much to do at home at weekends and quite often it's
impossible for me to go.  When I was on the committee of Essex
Lacemakers we were asked whether we would arrange a lace day for a
Sunday rather than a Saturday and we decided not to.  I don't know what
other lace groups do, would a Sunday be a viable proposition in the UK?
What about in other parts of the world?

Just my two pennies worth.

Alison in Essex UK where the sun is shining

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[lace] Threads query - thanks

2008-05-30 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear All

I can't believe it's a week since I asked you all for suggestions about
what thread I could use for my Beds lace.  Apologies for not having
emailed earlier, I just haven't stopped.  But now I'm here, thank you
all for your replies.  I now know what thread I need to get.

And thank you too, Brenda, for the bookmarks idea.  I shall have loads
of bobbins wound with a lot of thread when I cut off my latest attempt
at Beds, and now I know what I can do with them.  I hate wasting thread!

Alison in Essex UK where it looks as if we might have a dry day at last!

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[lace] Threads query

2008-05-23 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear All

After a couple of false starts (don't ask) I intend to restart my
project of working through Barbara Underwood's Bedfordshire book.
However, I have discovered that the thread she recommends for the
pattern I want to do (Madeira Tanne 50) has been discontinued and the
other threads (DMC Fil a Broder machine 50 or DMC? Retors d'Alsace)
don't appear in the stock lists of the UK suppliers' web sites I've
looked at (Jo Firth, SMP, Biggins).

What else can I use?  I've got a copy of Brenda's book but it's marooned
in my 'lace room' which has now been taken over by our new lodger (and
that's another story!) and I'm getting a bit desperate in case my
enthusiasm for the project wanes again before I can get some thread of
the right size.

Alison in Essex UK where it's a beautiful spring day, but my son tells
me it's going to rain at lunchtime!

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[lace] Before lace

2008-04-21 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear Fellow Spiders

It's been fascinating reading all your messages about what you did Before
Lace.  It looks like many of us have spent years looking for lace and trying
other things before finding it.  My mum taught me to knit when I was little,
then I taught myself crochet in my teens.  But it wasn't until I was in my
late 20s that I discovered a book about bobbin lace and I knew that was what I
was meant to do!

I spent the next 41/2 years trying to work out how I could find the equipment
to start making lace.  I flirted with tatting and macramé, and knitting and
crocheting lace, but they wouldn't do.  Then DH bought me a Dryad lace making
kit for my birthday, he was fed up with me moaning about how much I wanted to
make lace!  And my love affair with lace started in earnest.  23 years and 15
days later I'm still hooked!

It would be good if one or two of our male spiders would chip in on this one,
I'd love to know what they did before lace.

Alison in Essex UK, where it's a nice if windy spring day

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[lace] re Interesting book

2008-02-29 Thread Gray, Alison J
Thank you Clay, you've answered a question that has been going round in
my mind for months.  I've been trying to remember the name and authors
of the book that made me desperate to try bobbin lace.  As soon as I saw
the name 'Kliot' I knew.

I borrowed their 'Bobbin Lace' book from our local mobile library, there
aren't many books you can cram in a van and I'd read everything else
they had in the handicraft line.  That was about September 1980, and I
was hooked, I had to have a go.  Unfortunately I had to wait nearly 4
years before I was able to get the equipment and actually make lace
rather than dreaming about it, which was very frustrating.

The rest, of course, is history.

I borrowed the book from the library again some years later and found it
strangely uninspiring, I guess I must have moved on by then.  But I
still remember the book very fondly.


In rather dull Essex UK

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[lace] Happy Christmas

2007-12-21 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear Arachneans

I shall be too busy over the next few days or so to look at my emails,
so I would like this opportunity to wish all of you a very happy
Christmas and a lace filled New Year.

I hope I can find some time to do some lace over the holiday, and if
you're like me, struggling to find the time to actually do any lace, I
hope you do too.

But whatever you do, have a lovely time.

Alison in chilly and dull Essex UK

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RE: [lace] Breaking threads

2007-11-30 Thread Gray, Alison J
Thank you all for your suggestions.  It seems that the most likely
explanation for my breaking thread is the lack of humidity.  It never
occurred to me that it might be something to do with the heating we need
here at this time of year.  I shall try getting it damp and see what

I don't think it is anything to do with the type of fabric I was working
on as it broke both when I was mending DH's trousers (synthetic) and
mine (cotton).

I've had very few problems with breaking threads over the years I've
been making lace, long may it continue!

Alison in Essex UK

-Original Message-
Of Gray, Alison J
Sent: 29 November 2007 15:51
Subject: [lace] Breaking threads

Dear Arachneans

I was wondering whether anyone has any experience of threads
deteriorating over time.  I was doing some mending last weekend with
some Sylko that I have had for some years.  It must be over 10 years old
because I bought it to make some lace to go round the edge of a scarf.
It was the biggest reel size they do and so I've still got some left,
hence I was using it for mending.

I know that cotton thread is easy to break, but my thread broke 3 times
in a very short time without me pulling it hard (or so I thought).  Is
it me getting more heavy handed, or was it a dodgy piece of thread, or
has it deteriorated over the years?  What do you think?  And does it
suggest that some of the 'heirlooms' we're making now won't stand the
test of time?

Alison in Essex UK

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[lace] Breaking threads

2007-11-29 Thread Gray, Alison J
Dear Arachneans

I was wondering whether anyone has any experience of threads
deteriorating over time.  I was doing some mending last weekend with
some Sylko that I have had for some years.  It must be over 10 years old
because I bought it to make some lace to go round the edge of a scarf.
It was the biggest reel size they do and so I've still got some left,
hence I was using it for mending.

I know that cotton thread is easy to break, but my thread broke 3 times
in a very short time without me pulling it hard (or so I thought).  Is
it me getting more heavy handed, or was it a dodgy piece of thread, or
has it deteriorated over the years?  What do you think?  And does it
suggest that some of the 'heirlooms' we're making now won't stand the
test of time?

Alison in Essex UK

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[lace] Preference of book format

2007-10-25 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi Carole (and everyone)

I can see that there are good points about both.  With the CD there is
the fact that it takes up almost no space (but would I lose it?)  Just
printing off the prickings would be great, no scanning or photocopying.
But even if you could blow up the illustrations you can't use a
magnifying glass on a screen and I like to have a good look.

On the whole I think I prefer the book, there is something to get hold
of and if you need to look at it while you're working it's there right
beside you.  I think that if you need to print off bits so that you can
refer to them, well, you might as well buy a book.

I work in an academic library and you would think that with all the
computer resources, data bases, web sites etc that are now available we
wouldn't be buying as many books, but that isn't the case.  I don't
think that there's anything to beat a book, but I guess I'm biased.

Alison in Essex UK where it's dull and miserable

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[lace] Hitches

2007-09-03 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hi everyone

All the talk about hitches on bobbins reminded me of when I was teaching
my daughter and some of her friends to make lace some years ago.  I
discovered that one of the girls always wound her bobbins in the
opposite way to me and the others (winding towards herself, rather than

She always did this so when I showed her how to do hitches I had to
teach myself how to do them the other way round so that I could teach

I never had a teacher myself and learned with a Dryad lacemaking kit
which showed you how to put hitches on the top of the bobbin rather than
on the thread.  I found that they were always slipping and started to
put them on the thread.  I have found that this usually works unless the
thread is quite thick.

Alison in Essex

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[lace] Lace treasure

2007-08-21 Thread Gray, Alison J
Hello everyone

I'm new here, it's really great to hear people talk about important things
like lace, lace and more lace!

At the moment I'm really pleased with myself as I managed to pick up a copy of
Pamela Nottingham's 'Technique of Bucks Point Lace' in very good condition for
£2.50 in a second hand book shop whilst on holiday in Norfolk.

My only problem now is how am I ever going to find time to try Bucks Point,
when I'm determined to have a go at Beds before I try anything else!  I didn't
mean to buy any more books, but when I saw that, what else could I do?

Alison in Essex

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