Re: [lace] Lace Digest

2023-05-10 Thread Ruth Lyon
I am coming to the IOLI convention in Nevada too.  My daughter is also coming,
and we will be in the same Bucks Point morning class with Jean Leader!  I will
also be in Sylvie Nguyen’s Schneeberger afternoon class.  Sylvie’s class
will be small, no more than 9 people, and she allows children over the age of
8 and novices, from the pre-convention Introduction to Bobbin Lace class, into
the Scheeberger  class.  I didn’t know this when I signed up for the class.
I’ve taken this class with Sylvie before so I’m not newbie.  I’m sure
Sylvie will teach me more, too.  Teaching children bobbin lace is wonderful

I was glad to see that the convention schedule includes an Arachne meeting!
Janice, shall we bring our wrapped gifts for the gift exchange again??
I’’ve already bought mine!

Ruth Lyon

Dubuque, Iowa

> On May 9, 2023, at 3:50 PM, Janice Blair  wrote:
> Thank you to Theresa for including the previous list in her question about
> the list was still working. I get the Digest very infrequently as traffic
> slow. The attachment of the previous digest was enough to kick out the new
> one.
> Thanks also to Brenda for the BBC link for the close up photos of the
> clothes.
> BTW, is anyone going to IOLI convention this year in Sparks, Nevada.  I
> be going and rooming with two of my lace friends. I think this will be my
> time and maybe my last one as hubby was just diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
> we try and get together at lunchtime one day?  I am in Holly's morning
> Honiton class but I will be working on a Thomas Lester piece.
> Janice
> Janice Blair Murrieta, CA,
> -
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Re: [lace] IOLI Convention Get Together

2022-06-27 Thread Ruth Lyon
Thanks, Janice, and also to Jean, for finding a place and time for us to
get together.  I will participate in the free raffle.
I don't have an Arachne pin.  Is there a way to get one?

Ruth Lyon

On Mon, Jun 27, 2022 at 1:54 PM Janice Blair  wrote:

> I have arranged with Jean Doig, local convention organiser, that we can
> have
> our get together on Wednesday meeting directly after the lace talk at 8:00
> pm.
> All those types of events are taking place in the Atrium so we can just
> find a
> corner afterwards where we can meet up. If you want to participate in our
> free
> raffle, please bring a small item with you.Wear your Arachne pin or
> something
> similar if you have it. Looking forward to an in person convention, all be
> it
> with masks. There may be about ten people or more.Janice
> Janice Blair Murrieta, CA,
> -
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Re: [lace] Arachne get together at IOLI Convention

2022-06-24 Thread Ruth Lyon
It would be nice if all of us "Arachnes" would wear a ribbon or sign that
shows that we are also "spiders" during the convention.  We could meet
Arachnes when we are standing in line, sitting in the restaurant, passing
each other in the hall. or sitting in class.

Another idea is  printing  simple brochures about Arachne, and placing them
near registration (f they let us,) and  we can hand them if someone asks
about it.

Is anyone interested in this idea??

Ruth Lyon

On Thu, Jun 23, 2022 at 7:24 PM N.A. Neff  wrote:

> I'm with Karen. Drinks sound much more convivial -- and I'm likely to have
> one even if the meeting is at noon! So save me and my lace and organize
> something for the evening. 🙂
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2022, 18:07 Karen Bovard  wrote:
>> How about 'drinks' instead of lunch?
>> I am one of the people vending thus I might be more up for a quiet
>> opportunity to have a drink later in the afternoon or evening.
>> Karen Bovard-Sayre
>> The ShuttleSmith
>> On Thursday, June 23, 2022, 10:18:23 AM MDT, Janice Blair <
>>> wrote:
>> The schedule was just slow to load. I see the sales room is closed for
>> lunch
>> on Wednesday for an hour from 12:30 so that might be the best day to visit
>> with everyone. Â Maybe Rosemary can find out from the host group if the
>> hotel
>> has a space available where we could gather with our lunches or
>> drinks.Janice
>> Janice Blair Murrieta, CA,
>> On Thursday, June 23, 2022, 09:11:00 AM PDT, Janice Blair
>>  wrote:
>> I think my initial post was back in April. The schedule on the IOLI
>> website
>> is not working yet as far as I can see, so without knowing what is
>> planned for
>> the week, maybe one of you that is not vending can make a decision on
>> when to
>> meet and post it, or put an Arachne notice on the Notice Board at
>> convention
>> with a time and place, bring your own lunch or drink for a get together.
>> Â I
>> know that OIDFA are having a lunch on Thursday with the same deal.
>> Janice Blair Murrieta, CA,
>> On Thursday, June 23, 2022, 08:43:31 AM PDT, N.A. Neff
>>  wrote:
>> I would also like to get together. I do think there's a missing post
>> problem
>> because I never saw an initial post from Janice asking about interest.Â
>> NancyConnecticut, USA
>> -
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Re: [lace] Arachne get together at IOLI Convention

2022-06-23 Thread Ruth Lyon
I would also like to get together with other Arachne friends during the IOLI
convention next month. Having lunch together would be fun if that is possible.
If not, we could find a quiet place where we could sit and chat, and bring our
own drinks.  Could someone in the hostess group help us?

I’ll be taking Elizabeth Peterson’s Bedfordshire‘s lace class AM and PM.
My daughter Chris will be in the AM Beds class with me.  She lives in
California and I live in Iowa, so we don’t see each other often.  I’m
really looking forward to this convention.

Ruth Lyon
Dubuque, Iowa

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 22, 2022, at 4:15 PM, Janice Blair  wrote:
> As I only heard from three other people, I doubt we will have an Arachne
> together lunch, especially as two of us will be vending and in the vending
> room at all free times. Maybe next year when more people are willing to
> in person. By the time I get my next digest of Lace emails it will be time
> pack my bags.
> Looking forward to some lacemaking. I am going to be taking the wire
> with Belinda Belisle in the mornings.
> Janice
> Janice Blair Murrieta, CA,
> -
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Re: [lace] Flickr photos for Arachne

2022-01-16 Thread Ruth Lyon
I am also willing to donate toward the Flickr account.

Ruth Lyon

Dubuque, Iowa

On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 3:41 PM J Reardon  wrote:

> I’m willing to chip once it’s decided and we know how many donors there
> are.
> Jean Reardon, western Pennsylvania
> Jean
> > On Jan 16, 2022, at 12:36 PM, Sue Babbs  wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > One of our members reminded me this weekend, that it is time to consider
> > our Flickr Subscription. In 2020, a group of Arachneans helped pay for a
> > 2 year subscription, which expires mid-April 2022. The two year plan is
> > no longer available. The cost to us in April will be $72 for one year.
> >
> > Arachne barely has any conversations these days, so I am no longer sure
> > whether we still wish to host photos on the internet.
> >
> > I thought I'd raise this topic now so that we have time to discuss
> > keeping our Flickr Pro account.  If we decide not to keep it we will
> > still have enough time for people to download any photos they want
> > mid-April.
> >
> > So over to all of you:
> > firstly do we still want to keep this Flickr Pro account and
> > secondly, if we do, are there 12 people each willing to pay $6 to share
> > the costs of the account?  Or 24 people to pay $3 each?
> >
> > Please do not send me any money until we have corporately decided on
> > whether we want to keep the account
> >
> > Sue
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe send email to containing the line:
> > unsubscribe lace For help, write to
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> >
> -
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[lace] Lace quote

2020-12-17 Thread Earl &amp; Ruth Johnson
*Lace is a work not only beautiful but useful and needful.*

This is reputed to come from Le Pompe which I believe is the first patten
book for bobbin lace, published in 1557 in Venice.  I cannot confirm this
because I do not have a reprint of the book.

Many years ago I cross-stitched this saying on linen and then sewed lengths
of lace below and framed it.

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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Re: [lace] Happy 25th Anniversary

2020-04-12 Thread Ruth Lyon
Hello, lace friends!

I joined Arachne in 2008, which was also the year I attended my first IOLI
convention, and my lace guild, the Doris Southard Lace Guild, became a
chapter of IOLI.

I really enjoy Arachne, and I appreciate those of you have answered my
questions.I follow the conversations on all lace subjects.  Even though we
can't post photos on Arachne, we have advantages that the Facebook groups
don't have.  I don't  contribute  often, but now I'm making more lace
during the Stay Home! period of time we are in. I've been reading a book on
Chrysanthemum lace today, hoping that I will be able to take that class at
this year's IOLI convention in July.  I know that I am in the class, but
we'll have to see what will happen.

Long live Lacemakers!
Ruth Lyon

Dubuque, Iowa  USA

On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 2:13 PM H Mmmm  wrote:

> Oh my goodness! I had no idea the list was that old, but on thinking back
> where I was when I joined and that my young children I had now are parents,
> it makes sense. Happy 25th, Arachneans!
> Heather (who used to live in Sooke, BC and now lives in Abbotsford, BC)
> On Sun, 12 Apr 2020 at 11:17, Angel  wrote:
> > I joined very early the first year! Can’t believe so much time has
> > Will be a good day to work on my bolster.
> >
> > Cearbhael
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > > oesn't time go fast when you're making lace?! Happy Anniversary (from
> > one who's been an Arachne from about 3 months after it started).
> > >
> > > Happy Easter (or whatever else you may be celebrating this weekend) to
> > everyone, too.
> > >
> > > Jane Partridge
> > >
> > >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe send email to containing the line:
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> >
> >
> -
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[lace] Australian fires

2020-01-05 Thread Ruth Budge
I know that some of you are considering monetary contributions to help those 
affected by the fires in Australia. Please be warned that already some 
criminals are already setting up bogus relief funds.

If you wish to donate money, please check that your chosen recipient is a 
registered charity, such as The Salvation Army or the Red Cross.  Or ask one of 
our Australian members what they know about the fund you are considering.

Ruth (Sydney, Australia)

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[lace] Lace lamps

2019-02-08 Thread Earl &amp; Ruth Johnson
Thanks Jeri.  "Light captured in the lace" is in English and Slovenian.  If
anyone is interested in acquiring this book it is noted on page two that
350 copies were printed so it might be wise to act quickly.  I got my copy
in Zaandam at the Idrija Lace School booth.  Tracing paper and LED tea
lights are easy to find.  It is an adventure to find a wine glass that is
the right shape and height.  I made a paper shade and took it to numerous
thrift (charity, resale) shops where I had curious glances as I placed the
shade on glass after glass to find just the right one.  The price was right

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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[lace] Lace lamps

2019-02-08 Thread Earl &amp; Ruth Johnson
Attention Idrija lacemakers.

I made two of the patterns, in white, from the book "Light captured in the
lace".  These lamps were shown at OIDFA Zaandam and won first place
recognition for Slovenia.  For those of you who do not know, these are
patterns for lace that is set on a lamp shade made of tracing paper and then
set on a wine glass.  You put an LED tea light in the glass and the lace is
lighted from the inside of the glass.  The effect is quite charming; white
lace on a white shade.

Has anyone made the lace in colour and what was the effect?  A friend has a
wine glass with black glass on the bottom and clear glass on top and wondered
about making the lace in black.  I would like to try working the pattern in a
pastel shade but am wondering if the colour would create shadows.

Cheers, and thanks,

Ruth Johnson

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[lace] Making Leaves on a bolster pillow

2018-12-31 Thread Earl &amp; Ruth Johnson
It is nice to know the Arachne SOS Help Line is still alive and well.  I
had responses from six individuals and I have corresponded with and thanked
them all.  Our hobby/passion is worldwide and I can see that it would be
useful to have facility in many languages, in this case in German and

If you are already into 2019, I hope you welcomed the new year in good
health and good cheer, and if you are still awaiting midnight that you are
enjoying the time with friends or in quiet anticipation of good things to

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
(where freezing rain in expected tonight)

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[lace] Making leaves on a bolster pillow

2018-12-29 Thread Earl &amp; Ruth Johnson
Do you work on a bolster pillow?  Are you skilled in making leaves?  I
started an Idrija pattern with leaves, and while I understand on paper how
to do it, I cannot find information on the "technique".  I searched online
for YouTube videos with no success.  When I work on a flat pillow I use the
flat surface to help keep the outside threads taut, but I cannot do this on
the round bolster.  Any tips?

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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RE: [lace] Design program

2018-09-19 Thread Ruth Budge
I beg to differ, Alex.If you click on "File" then "Print", followed by
"Change", you will get the option to choose the print size.Click on
"Choose by Grid" and OK.On the following screen, click on "user defined"
and choose the metric option.   The pre-programmed settings can be adjusted
by clicking on up and down arrows, and the pre-set one below the shown 1mm
is 0.50mm.   However, that can be changed to 0.80mm by highlighting the
number already in the box and typing in "0.8".   

Ruth Budge

Alex said:
"...I would like for very fine prickings such as 0.8mm grid:"

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Re: [lace] IOLI Convention

2018-07-11 Thread Ruth Lyon
I  am also gathering bobbins. threads, etc. and preparing prickings classes
at the IOLI convention. I've cleared  a pillow to take with me.  The more
pillows I buy, the more unfinished projects I have!

My classes are Flanders morning and afternoon with Kathy Kauffman, and
Buttons and Braids with Gil Dye on Weds. I was so glad to get my first
choice classes!

I'm looking for a good lamp to use in class.  The base can't be large but
it should be stable.  A clip-on lamp would work on my lace table.  Any

I really hope that we will have an Arachne lunch or other gathering during
the convention.  Last year's lunch was so nice--thanks, Arlene!  i hope to
bring raffle gifts, too.

Finally, I think I will opt for the printed IOLI magazine rather than the
online version.  I would probably want to print much of it and put it in
binders, so paying a little more for the printed mag. makes sense to me.

in warm, sunny Iowa

On Sun, Jul 8, 2018 at 7:46 PM, Janice Blair  wrote:

> Well, it is almost here. I spent the afternoon gathering my bobbins and
> threads from my stash for my classes at the IOLI convention in San Antonio,
> Texas. Taking Hinajosa, Amelia Ars and the Idjria jewelry class on
> Wednesday.  What are you taking?
> Unfortunately I have not heard back from the local co-hosts regarding a
> space for our Arachne get together, unlike last year when it was all
> arranged for us (thank you).  The hotel has a lunch buffet arranged, but I
> don't know if we might be able to sit together.  If anyone arrives before
> Saturday and has time to look around, maybe they can spot a place for us to
> gather.  If not lunch, maybe we can hang around after the dinner on Monday
> as we will have had time to hit the sales rooms earlier.  It could be
> announced at the opening reception or the Monday dinner. I'm bringing some
> items for our free raffle just in case we do meet.
> I will be bringing a couple of items for the display room but will not be
> entering the competition this year. I am sure there will be lots of entries
> though.  I already have made 3 fans and don't need any more.
> I had the whole month of May showing my lace pieces in the lobby of the
> clubhouse of our subdivision, changing the display once during in the
> month. It was well received and I got many compliments from people who have
> never seen hand made lace before.  On International Lacemaking day I sat in
> the atrium during the afternoon and had lots of interest.
> Janice
> Janice Blair Murrieta, CA, where we have been having a heat wave, many
> days over 100F and even as high as 114F but the clubhouse pool is nice and
> cooling.
> -
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Re: [lace] Introducing myself

2018-05-15 Thread Ruth Lyon
I see one sentence ending with ab
I'm on gmail.

In beautiful eastern Iowa

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 15, 2018, at 9:17 AM, David C Collyer <> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> Generally with laces, as with other fragile items, you donb
> Here's another one with similar problems to those which Devon had. I'm
> hoping you're seeing what I'm seeing - just the one sentence ending with a
> "b"
> David Downunder in Ballarat, AUS
> -
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[lace] Winding Idrija Bobbins

2017-12-13 Thread Earl &amp; Ruth Johnson
Subject: [lace] Winding Idrija bobbins

A lace friend makes lots of Idrija lace on a bolster.  She said that when
winds the bobbins clockwise, they won't stay in their hitch.  They loosen
fall to the floor.  When the threads are wound counter-clockwise, they stay
in place -- providing there's lots of thread on the bobbin to provide
traction.  She always works with full bobbins, even for a small project.
Put the new shorter thread on top of what's on the bobbin for a small
One note -- she does use Idrija thread on her projects, so the twist
of the thread probably affects the needed winding direction on the bobbins.
There's more thread stress on bolster-used bobbins as they hang down than on
ones used on a flat pillow.
Alice in Oregon

Thanks Alice and I concur with everything your friend says.  I was finally
able to use my winder to wind anti-clockwise and with help from Jean
Leader's website and one of the books published by the Idrija Lace School I
now have the hitch correct.  I am a happy lacemaker!  I like the Idrija
thread and it comes in a great range of saturated colours.  I am told the
folks in Idrija won't say who manufactures it.

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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[lace] Winding Idrija bobbins for use "plams up" on a bolster

2017-12-10 Thread Earl &amp; Ruth Johnson
Subject: Fwd: [lace] Spulfix bobbin winder for counter-clockwise winding

If you don’t mind my asking, why is it important to wind the bobbins in a
particular direction for Idrija? (I know I probably spelled that wrong.)

Jean Reardon, Western Pennsylvania where we just had our first dusting of

Jean, I think if you are using a flat pillow (cookie or block) to do Idrija
lace you can wind the bobbins clockwise.  I believe the Idrija bobbins,
which are long, thick and heavy, are wound counter-clockwise for "palms up"
working on a bolster.  Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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[lace] Spulfix bobbin winder for counter-clockwise winding

2017-12-10 Thread Earl &amp; Ruth Johnson
Thank you, thank you, thank you to Joseph for your quick response and
help.  My in-residence electronic repairman had a look and while there is
no switch to reverse the turning, he was able to reverse the turning by
reversing the batteries.  This did the job but there does not seem to be as
much power as there was when it was turning in the direction you need when
winding continentals.  I do not think that you can wind spangled bobbins on
this winder because the spangles would flop around and stop the turning.

If you are interested, here is the website:  As
you will see it is in the German language only.

Jane, thank you for your written description of how to make the hitch.
With that information, and information from one of the books published by
the Idrija Lace School, I think I have got it.  I also referred to Jean
Leader's website for a good diagram describing the winding differences
between clockwise and anti-clockwise.

Once again, Arachne friends to the rescue.  Much appreciated.

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
(where it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas with a minor snowfall
last night and more on the way)

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[lace] Spulfix bobbin winder for counter-clockwise winding

2017-12-09 Thread Earl &amp; Ruth Johnson
Do you have experience using the battery-powered Spulfix bobbin winder from
Germany?  I want to wind Idrija bobbins for Idrija lace to be worked a
bolster pillow and the bobbins need to be wound *counter-clockwise,* i.e.
with the thread coming from *behind* and *underneath* the bobbin.  Is this
possible with the Spulfix winder?

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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[lace] E reader version of "Practical Skills... by B. Cook

2017-10-17 Thread Earl &amp; Ruth Johnson
Did you know there is a Kindle (Amazon's ereader) version of "Practical
Skills in Bobbin Lace" by Bridget M. Cook?  The cost on is $14.34
Canadian dollars.  This is approximately $11.14 U.S. dollars or 9.44 Euros.

Since you are not copying a pattern for use on the pillow, it is likely
just fine when displayed on your laptop or tablet near your pillow.  If you
have used it, what did you think?

Alternatively, you could opt to pay $165.45 Canadian dollars for a printed
and likely used copy.

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
(where the leaves are starting to fall)

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Re: [lace] Reposting Jeri's email on Levey

2017-09-07 Thread Ruth Lyon
I agree with Bev.  I don't get the messages from AOL and Yahoo, but as far
as I know, everyone can get gmail messages. It's easy to sign up with gmail
and it's free.  If you have been storing Arachne messages in a mailbox at
another email address, on AOL for example, you can always forward messages
from gmail to your other email address.  I do that frequently.

My gmail address came with my first cell phone, and I mainly use it for
Arachne.  My husband is happy that all the Arachne messages no longer come
to our regular email.

Just a friendly suggestion.

Ruth Lyon
in cool, sunny Iowa where the leaves are already starting to change

On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 10:57 AM, Bev Walker <> wrote:

> Yes, and that's why the advice about the gmail addy.
> (just sayin' as the expression goes)
> On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 8:52 AM, Sue Babbs <> wrote:
> > Yes they do appear in the archive, but if I don't receive the original
> > message from Jeri I don't know one has been sent, so I don't know to go
> to
> > the archive to look for it!  When  someone replies to Jeri online, then I
> > know to go to the archives.  A frustrating necessity!
> >
> >
> --
> Bev in Shirley BC, near Sooke on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of
> Canada
> -
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Re: [lace] Black Chantilly lace tie

2017-07-05 Thread Ruth Lyon
I certainly hope that the black lace tie crosses the ocean once more so we can 
see it "in person"!

Ruth Lyon

In Iowa and preparing for the IOLI convention 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 5, 2017, at 5:29 PM, Jean Leader <> wrote:
> Hello Spiders,
> I have added a new page to my website about a black Chantilly lace tie which 
> you may have seen elsewhere until earlier this year. You can see it at
> I bought it in Maine so it’s done a fair bit of traveling across the Atlantic 
> in it’s time, and now I’m wondering whether it should travel some more so I 
> can bring it to to the Arachne lunch at the IOLI Convention - if you’re going 
> to be there you’ll have to wait and see!
> Jean
> ---
> Jean Leader
> -
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[lace] bookmarks

2017-07-02 Thread Ruth Kurz
My daughter brought my mail up from my home in the valley and I was
surprised to find two bookmarks.  One lovely pink and lavender bookmark from
Mary Carey the other one is a very cute cat bookmark from Jolie in Canada in
a clever "bookstore" card.  Thank you both and thanks to our organizers.

Happy Lacemaking

Ruth in Az.

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[lace] Christmas card exchange

2016-12-10 Thread Ruth Kurz
Today I received a beautiful angel Christmas card from Jopie Hammett in
England.  She is exquisite.  A real treasure.  Thank you Jopie.

  Happy lacemaking to all,

  Ruth In.Az.

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[lace] Carrier for bolster pillow and stand

2016-10-17 Thread Earl &amp; Ruth Johnson
I was a brief visitor at Ithaca Lace Days last weekend and gave in to the
temptation to buy a bolster pillow and the wooden cradle to hold
it.  Saturday I attended a local fabric flea market to see what I could
find to make a carrier for it.  I bought an upholstery fabric with a floral
design which looks like it would have been the height of fashion for 1970s
couches and chairs.  I have a four metre length and a one metre length,
both the same, so I do not have to economize.

I have been brainstorming how to make the case and here are some thoughts
in scattered order:

   - two handles made of the same upholstery fabric or the
   extra-extra-thick ribbon that is like seat belt material;
   - handles to begin underneath the cradle;
   - a long zipper that goes up and across and down;
   - or possibly two zippers that both come up from the bottom, zip across,
   and meet in the top middle;
   - Velcro could be a disaster for the lace being made
   - lining (broadcloth in a coordinating colour) will be necessary to
   prevent excessive fraying of the cut ends
   - should it be made a bit large (to accommodate pins, divider pins and
   bobbins) or snug fitting?

Has anyone designed and made such a carrier?  I would be happy to learn
from your experiences.  Pictures would be great.

Next time I come to Ithaca I hope to stay longer and take a class.  We left
Ottawa Friday morning and it is about a 4-1/2 to 5 hour drive.  In the
afternoon we had a nice time walking the Commons and then dining at the
Moosewood Restaurant.  We headed back Saturday afternoon after the lecture
about OIDFA 2016; thanks Allie, very well done.

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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Re: [lace] IOLI Convention Arachne Get Together

2016-05-21 Thread Ruth Lyon
Thanks for your suggestions for an Arachne get-together at the IOLI convention. 
 I think that having lunch together in the food court would work better.  

Ruth Lyon
In Iowa

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 21, 2016, at 8:11 PM, Janice Blair <> wrote:
> Found out that we might have two options for our get together this year as the
> hotel has a small restaurant and not much room in the lobby, and would charge
> us if we wanted to use a room.  As I understand it, the shopping mall is
> attached to the hotel with an overpass bridge and they have a food court.  We
> could possibly meet at the food court and push some tables together, that way
> people can buy their preferred food items, or even take their own unless there
> is some rule about not doing that.  I have taken food to my local food court
> in the past and no-one has said anything. Monday or Tuesday might be good days
> for that.
> The other possibility is that we try to get seated with each other at the
> Tuesday dinner.  I am hoping to find out if they are having sign up sheets
> for meals like we have had the past few years.  That way we can have some
> Arachne tables and remain for a short time after the meal and before we go to
> the Tat Off.  I will get back to you when I hear further.
> Let me have your feedback on those ideas.
> Janice Janice Blair Murrieta, CA, 
> -
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Re: [lace] Arachne gathering during IOLI Convention

2016-05-07 Thread Ruth Lyon
Like Janice and Sylvie, I also would like to attend an Arachne gathering at the 
IOLI convention.  If we could meet during  a reasonably-priced lunch in the 
convention hotel, it would be great, but maybe another time and place would 
also work.  Can the Indiana local co-host committee help us out?

Ruth Lyon
In Dubuque, Iowa on a gorgeous spring day

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 7, 2016, at 6:07 AM, sylvie nguyen <> wrote:
> Janice,
> Thank you for bringing up the subject of an Arachne Gathering.  While I
> have missed the gathering the past few years, I would like to meet with
> Arachne members.
> Sylvie

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[lace] Lazy Loops

2016-04-13 Thread Earl &amp; Ruth Johnson
I believe the term "lazy loops" originated with Martina Wolter-Kampmann of
Germany.  She is the author of "Invisible Starts and Finishes in Bobbin
Lace".  Lazy loops are put onto the bobbin very near the end, not at the
beginning.  Magic threads are placed at the beginning of the work and are
never on the bobbin.

Please correct me if I am wrong; it has happened before  :)

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
(where the maple syrup making season is coming to an end for this year)

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Re: [lace] email problems/Celtic demo

2016-03-15 Thread Ruth Lyon
Devon, it's great to receive your email for the first time in ages!  Your 
messages have been going to my Junk mailbox due to the email wars, and I miss 
reading some of them, as well as Jeri's.  My gmail account is my secondary 
email account, and checking both accounts is no problem,  I find.  

I suggest that some of our aol and yahoo members consider getting  a free gmail 
account for Arachne messages and perhaps other mail lists.

Ruth Lyon
>From Iowa on a rainy pre-spring day

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 15, 2016, at 8:58 AM, Devon Thein <> wrote:
> I have bitten the bullet and started a gmail account. I was hoping not to
> complicate my life with more email accounts, but instead it seems that I
> have complicated other people's lives, so that isn't really fair.
> Brenda writes<< Irish crochet only developed in the mid nineteenth century
> - to loosely
> imitate other laces and to provide a small income to those who had not
> starved
> to death or emigrated because of the potato famine.  It�s a fairly recent
> tradition in just one area of the �Celtic� region, though it may, or may
> not,
> have been introduced to Ireland bu nuns from Spain.>>
> I would suggest that many or most of the folkloric activities at US ethnic
> festivals have their origins in the 19th century. For instance, Irish step
> dancing which is present in abundance in US Celtic festivals is thus
> described in Wikepedia.
> < points out that the earliest *feis* or stepdancing competition dates no
> earlier than 1897, and states: "Although the *feis* rhetoric suggests that
> the rules [for international stepdancing competitions] derive from an
> ancient past, set dances are a product of modern times".[2]
> <> There are many
> styles of stepdancing in Ireland (such as the Connemara style stepdancing),
> but the style most familiar is the Munster, or southern, form, which has
> been formalised by An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha (English: The Gaelic
> Dancing Commission), which first met in 1930. The Commission (abbreviated
> as CLRG), was formed from a directorate of the Gaelic League
> <> that was formed during the
> Gaelic
> Revival <> and codified the
> modern rules.>>
> Also, although Sally specifically asked about non-Irish Celtic laces (so my
> suggestion of Irish crochet it off point)  there is not a large immigrant
> population of Spanish Celts or Celts from Brittany in the US turning out at
> heritage festivals. Said Irish potato famine, and the disappointing
> profitability of Irish crochet as a livelihood resulted in a huge number of
> Irish immigrants in the US and their numerous descendants are about to dye
> their beer green and take to the streets in celebration of St. Patrick's
> Day. (My husband's grandmother was almost a third Irish.) Interestingly,
> people from Ireland travel to New York to attend the St. Patrick's Day
> parade because, as I am told, it is a more festive parade than those held
> in Ireland.
> Maire Treanor makes frequent sweeps through the US visiting Crochet groups
> and Irish heritage groups in equal number to teach Irish crochet and my
> understanding is that she is well-received as a transmitter of an important
> cultural heritage. So, I think a demo of Irish crochet would probably be
> well aligned with the spirit of a US Celtic festival. But, again,
> authenticity is not the only criteria for outdoors lace demonstration.
> My suspicion is that Sally was asking about bobbin lace in other Celtic
> regions because she specifically does not want to be crocheting a shamrock
> in the hot sun. It is nice to work with bobbins in field conditions because
> the hand sweating problem which can discolor the lace is not an issue.
> Whatever she decides to do, I hope Sally will send me a picture of her
> demonstration for the IOLI facebook page!
> Devon
> -
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Re: [lace] Lace8

2015-11-20 Thread Ruth Budge
Hi Nancy,
I heard from the programmer this evening - he told me that he'd found your
emails to him.they had ended up in his spam box!!!

However, as you've found the trick of selecting lines and I hope my
explanations about editing smooth curves have helped, I don't think we need
bother him any more.   Do you agree?


> On 20 Nov 2015, at 2:44 AM, Nancy Neff <> wrote:
> Ruth et al.,
> The CD that they shipped to me was version  I couldn't edit
> curves or gimps in that version (I've tried on two PCs so I don't think the
> problem is with my setup).  So when the program said that was
> available, and I saw your earlier note, I immediately upgraded..

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[lace] Lace 8 updates

2015-11-19 Thread Ruth Budge
It is 6 a.m. in Sydney where there is a heatwave.   The temperature is
already 24 and we're expecting it to go over 40 later in the day!I've
just had a cold shower to try and wake myself up after a bad night - trying
to sleep in these conditions tends to make me feel as if I've got a


So now I'd like to try and explain the whole saga to you.


The upgrading problems started when I was teaching a Lace8 workshop in
another State in August - the programmer made me a teaching version of the
programme so that people without Lace8 could save their drawing exercises
and learn how to use the Motif Library, but it did have the upgrade facility
disabled, otherwise it would've been possible for someone to upgrade, thus
gaining access to the full programme without paying for it.   The day after
the end of the workshop, all the functions of the teaching version stop


When Ian made the next two upgrades, he forgot to fully restore the upgrade
facility. So your ability to upgrade will depend on how far through the
various versions you've actually got.


Versions up to should upgrade to Version 52 with no problems at


Version 48 was not available to anyone - it was the training version made
for my class.


Versions 49 and 50 have incomplete upgrading function.   Frankly, the
easiest way to get around this (provided you don't have a disc which
installs Version 51) is to uninstall the programme, reinstall your original
disc and then upgrade.   It is a much easier way of upgrading than the
programmer's fix, which involved downloading something from the internet,
unzipping, Running as Administrator and then upgrading - the whole
explanation made my head spin!  


Version 51 should upgrade to 52 (I did it myself yesterday as a trial before
I let you all know it was OK to upgrade).   However, there are a couple of
people, such as Nancy and Sue who obtained copies of Version 51 direct from
Ian and who are having problems upgrading from Version 51.I am waiting
for Ian to come home from work to talk to him again (it'll be another
delayed dinner for him again tonight) to find out what is in those copies of
the programme which is stopping them from upgrading.


I will be in touch with those ladies direct once we have some ideas of how
to solve their problems.


If you are still using an earlier version, it is working OK and doing
everything you want it to do, and you never owned Lace RXP,  then my advice
is not to even bother upgrading.  Version 51 solved a problem which occurred
when trying to open some Lace RXP files with Lace8 - so if you don't have
Lace RXP files, you don't gain anything by upgrading anyway.


The number of the version installed on your computer appears on what is
known as the Splash Screen (the display which appears in the middle of the
screen when you open the programme) - if you've turned off the Splash
Screen, you can double-check which version you have by clicking on Help,
then About Lace8.


Please - I don't think it is fair to clog up the list by sending individual
messages about whether you have or have not been able to update to Arachne.
Please write to me personally rather than putting a flood of unnecessary
emails into everyone's inbox and I will ensure that I answer and help you to
get going again.


I'm sorry for the problems this has caused you all.  I realise reinstalling
is a pest, but it is the easiest way of fixing the problem for most people.
Once you get past these difficulties, it should all work OK.


Ruth Budge

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Re: [lace] Lace8

2015-11-19 Thread Ruth Budge
I will get onto it straight away Nancy. Although I was able to upgrade from
version 51 to 52 there are a couple of people having problems. So it sounds as
if there might be something in some systems preventing the upgrade.


> On 20 Nov 2015, at 2:44 AM, Nancy Neff <> wrote:
> Ruth et al.,
> The CD that they shipped to me was version  I couldn't edit
> curves or gimps in that version (I've tried on two PCs so I don't think the
> problem is with my setup).  So when the program said that was
> available, and I saw your earlier note, I immediately upgraded.  Now I
> even select the individual curves much less edit them.  I've had a support
> request in to them for several days (since the weekend) and haven't even an
> acknowledgment of my request for help.
> Can you help at all?  The program is unuseable for what I want to do if I
> can't edit smooth curves and gimps. Does anybody know of a solution to my
> problems with this program?
> Thanks,Nancy
>From: Ruth Budge <>
> To: "'Lace@Arachne.Com'" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 4:46 PM
> Subject: RE: [lace] Lace8
> OK - I managed to contact the programmer and caused him to delay his
> dinnerbut the problem is fixed.It is now safe to upgrade to Version
> and that should fix all problems associated with the last two
> upgrades.  You'll note, when you upgrade, that he has added a "Sorry" to
> ...
> -
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[lace] Lace8

2015-11-18 Thread Ruth Budge
This is a warning to all owners of Lace8.   Please do NOT install the
upgrade to Version   There is a major glitch in that version which
means that you would be unable to edit most of your files.   


Most of you would not need to use the function which that version contained
anyway, so you're safer to stay on a previous version for the time being.


I'm trying to contact the programmer to sort out the problem and I'll let
you know when it is safe for you to upgrade.


Ruth Budge

(Sydney, Australia)

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RE: [lace] Lace8

2015-11-18 Thread Ruth Budge
OK - I managed to contact the programmer and caused him to delay his
dinnerbut the problem is fixed.It is now safe to upgrade to Version and that should fix all problems associated with the last two
upgrades.   You'll note, when you upgrade, that he has added a "Sorry" to
the explanation of what this upgrade doesand he has promised to me that
he will not issue upgrades in future until he has the approval of "The

Now I can get on with what I was supposed to be doing today!

Ruth Budge
(Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Ruth Budge
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 7:29 AM
To: Lace@Arachne.Com
Subject: [lace] Lace8

This is a warning to all owners of Lace8

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[lace] Lost object in Iowa

2015-08-06 Thread Ruth Lyon
Thanks to everyone who attended the IOLI convention in Coralville, Iowa
last week!  We hope you had a wonderful time. We did.

Someone left a divider pin in Sylvie Nguyen's classroom.  If it belongs to
you, please contact me privately and I will let Sylvie know.

Thanks, also, to all the groups and individuals who furnished all the
wonderful goodies for the convention.  We were so excited to receive them
and we enjoyed giving them to the convention attendees.

Ruth Lyon
Doris Southard Lace Guild

on a pleasant sunny day in Iowa

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Re: [lace] printing out patterns

2015-07-07 Thread Ruth Budge
Even the page orientation settings can affect the size of the printout!
Organising workshops a few years ago, I was sent a file to print for students.
The tutor's printer was set to use landscape paper.  She assumed that was
normal for everyone. However my settings use portrait by default.   Printing
the file out using the portrait sitting substantially reduced the size of the
printout and we only discovered it when a student who had taken part in the
previous workshop alerted us.


 On 8 Jul 2015, at 12:07 am, AGlez wrote:

 Sometimes you have to enter your printers settings to see what the default
values are.

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[lace] IOLI convention

2015-07-02 Thread Ruth Lyon
The I.O.L.I. convention will soon be here.  It is not too late to sign up!
The convention dates are July 27-August 2, and it will be in Coralville,
Iowa, at exit 242 off Interstate 80.

There are still openings in some of the classes.  Check the website for all
the convention information:

Be sure to make your hotel reservation at the Marriott Coralville Hotel and
Conference Center by July 6 in order to get the I.O.L.I. Lace Convention
room rate.  The phone number is 1-319-688-4000.

The Arachne Lunch will be on Tuesday, July 28th from 11:30-1:00 in the
ballroom.  You can buy your lunch from the food concession and bring it to
the tables, if you wish.  We will have our usual Arachne raffle, and
donated prizes will be appreciated.  This is a great chance to meet and
greet our friends from Arachne.

Iowa is beautiful now.  Many preparations are being made for the
convention, and we hope that you will come!

Ruth Lyon

Dubuque, Iowa where it is sunny and a pleasant 73 degrees Fahrenheit

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RE: [lace] booking teachers

2015-07-01 Thread Ruth Budge
Why not write a polite note to the organisers of IOLI,  explain the problem
and ask if they can tell you what their plans are.   At least that'd give
you time to review your own arrangements.Having organised conferences in
Australia, I suspect the problem might be the availability of venues
suitable for their purposes.   And I'm certain that IOLI isn't just changing
their dates to annoy you.  

Ruth Budge
(Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, 2 July 2015 12:11 PM
To: lace
Subject: [lace] booking teachers

We have Lace days in Utah in July the second week (Monday through Wednesday)
and we meet in Fairview and we have never had a problem with getting
teachers and vendors but all of a sudden IOLI is moving their days for the
convention up each year and now they are infringing on our lace days. 

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Re: [lace] IOLI Convention Arachne lunch

2015-05-27 Thread Ruth Lyon
Thanks, Janice, for telling us about the Arachne lunch at the 2015 IOLI 
convention.  Yes, It will be on Tuesday, July 28th.  By separately purchasing 
our food at the hotel concession, we can enjoy a meal together at the 
convention hotel at a lower cost than having a formal luncheon.  

Please bring items for the free raffle if you wish.  The more prizes we have, 
the more winners there will be!

I am happy to be taking Louise Colgan's Milanese Lace class morning and 

As a member of the Doris Southard Lace Guild, the local co-host group, I look 
forward to welcoming fellow Arachnes to Coralville, Iowa!

Ruth Lyon
In Dubuque, Iowa where it's sunny and beautiful

Sent from my iPhone

 On May 27, 2015, at 3:08 PM, Janice Blair wrote:
 By now, most students will have received their class information.  I got the
 classes I wanted. Binche with Kumiko Nakazaki and Intro to Blonde with Ulrike
 on Thursday.
 As I understand it, there will be a concession stand where you can buy lunches
 and Arachne members will be allowed to eat in part of the ballroom
 together, bringing in your own food and beverage.  The tentative time is
 Tuesday between 11:30 and 1:00.  We could do our usual free raffle drawing if
 you want to bring an item to share.
 Janice Janice Blair
 Murrieta, CA, 60 miles north of San Diego
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Re: [lace] Picot problems

2015-05-25 Thread Ruth Budge
Susan, when making a picot, leave the first thread around the pin a little 
loose and then wrap the second thread around the pin.   Tighten both threads 
against the pin at the same time.  This ensures that the picots don't split.
Tightening the first thread before the second thread is in position is what 
causes the two separate loops (known as split picots).

Ruth Budge (Sydney Australia)

 On 26 May 2015, at 4:58 am, Susan wrote:

 Picots  I have a rocky relationship  yesterday was more of the same.  What 
 could be causing my failure to launch??  Armed with Practical Skills, I 
 used five twists to make a right handed twisted picot.  Several repeats 
 later, out come the pins  voila, two loops at each picot!  Somehow they are 
 not locking themselves together as shown in the diagrams.  Before I aggravate 
 myself with another strip, could someone lend a hand with advice?  

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Re: [lace] Exeter Museum

2015-04-08 Thread Ruth Budge
I visited the Exeter Museum last year and was a bit disappointed.   I was told 
that the lace display had been reorganised in the previous 12 months and 
reduced in size.

I found a small display of work in a room featuring fashion on the ground 
floor.  That display included a video of someone working Honiton so quickly 
that even I, an experienced lacemaker, couldn't see what she was doingto 
me, it looked like showing off rather than educating people how lace is made, 
but that is my personal opinion.

Upstairs, on  wall in a dark corner of the room, I found some framed samples.  
And that was all.   I did ask the staff, so I did see all they had on display 
at the time.

The museums in Honiton and Salisbury had much more lace on display.

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

 On 8 Apr 2015, at 10:28 pm, wrote:
 I am very interested in visiting the Exeter Museum. 

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[lace] How to wind the new bobbins

2015-03-06 Thread Earl Ruth Johnson

Here is a link to a video that shows how to prepare the bobbins made in
France by M. Roux.  If the link is too long and you cannot open you can
access it from (his home
acceuil page) and click on Voir le replissage des fuseaux Gevaudent
ici  near the top right of your screen.

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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RE: [lace] Newly invented bobbin?

2015-03-02 Thread Ruth Budge
Yes, Noelene, that's all I received of Ruth's message too

These bobbins aren't a new invention.   They are illustrated in many of my
history books, usually from European bobbin makers.   The cover over the
thread is designed to keep the thread clean.

Ruth Budge
(Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Noelene Lafferty
Sent: Tuesday, 3 March 2015 8:56 AM
To: 'Earl  Ruth Johnson'; 'Lace Lace'
Subject: RE: [lace] Newly invented bobbin?

There is still something in our mailing system truncating some messages
coming to me via  

All I received of Ruth's message just sent was a b in the body of the
message, so I looked it up in the archives, and as the subject is so
interesting, thought I would pass it on here in plain text so others that
this happens to might read it.I've never seen bobbins like this before,
Ruth, and they are very interesting.  It would be good to hear from anyone
who has used them.

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[lace] Newly invented bobbin?

2015-03-02 Thread Earl Ruth Johnson
​I am shamelessly copying this link from a Facebook site of which I am a
Have a look at the unusual bobbins in the first and especially the third

Here is the link to the maker's website  The first two photos on
the left are of similar bobbins.  The top photo on the right (of the two
rows of photos of his work) is a short video showing how to shorten the

I am intrigued!  Has anyone used this type of bobbin?  I am wondering if
this could be the biggest development in bobbin design since... well, since

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
(where we have just survived the coldest month since records were started
in the 1880s)

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Re: [lace] Traders in Australia

2015-01-30 Thread Ruth Budge
Hi Brenda, 
When I got out of bed this morning I checked my last couple of copies of the 
Australian Lace magazineMaureen is no longer advertising in that, so I 
assume she has either sold the business or closed it down.


 On 30 Jan 2015, at 10:52 pm, Brenda Paternoster 
 I’ll leave Gaye’s details as they are, and unless I hear otherwise it sounds 
 as though I should delete Lace Inspirations from the list.

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Re: [lace] Traders in Australia

2015-01-30 Thread Ruth Budge
Brenda, Gaye Beswick is still trading, but doesn't have a website...her contact 
details are unchanged.

When I was Vice President of the Australian Guild about 18 months ago, Maureen 
was selling the businessso she may not still be trading.   

Ruth Budge

 On 30 Jan 2015, at 8:50 pm, Brenda Paternoster 
 A question for those of you down-under;
 I am proof reading Ed6 and checking the list of traders at the end, to ensure 
 that it is as up to date as it can be.

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[lace] Fwd: Arachne

2015-01-15 Thread Ruth Lyon
Good morning, Arachnids.

I hope that many of you plan to attend the IOLI convention next summer in
Coralville, IA  USA.  The dates are July 27-August 2nd.

There has been some concern about the availability of queen bed hotel rooms
expressed on Facebook.  The problem seems to be with the hotel website
which can be somewhat confusing.  I think the following information will be

Information about the 2015 Convention is available on the I.O.L.I.
website.  This is the same information that you will receive in the Winter
issue of the Bulletin plus additional details which were not printed
because of space limitations.  For example, the hotel reservation website
is quirky.  So if you choose to make your reservation online instead of
using the telephone, you need to know:Online Reservations:Reservations for
our room block at the Coralville Marriott may be made online via this link  .  You will need to expand “Room  Accessibility
Preferences” to select your room type.  The rate is the same for either 2
queen beds or 1 king bed.  If you select the queen beds and hit Select, the
next page “Review Reservation Details” will show “2. Your Requests”
as“Request(s) Unavailable”.  You can ignore this.  If our block is sold
you will instead get a red banner and will be unable to complete your
reservation.  Try contacting the hotel directly at 1-319-688-4000.  Also
note, the parking rate on their website reflects the general parking rate,
not our negotiated rate of $5.00 per day.

Ruth Lyon in sunny Dubuque, Iowa

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Re: [lace] The Royal Lacemaker

2014-12-28 Thread Ruth Lyon
I found it on Amazon for a reasonable price for a paperback.  It's not great 
literature but I did enjoy the story and the description of life then.  The 
author knows how to make bobbin lace and the description of making lace seemed 
right to me though I would have liked to read more about it.  A fun read.

Ruth Lyon
In sunny Dubuque, Iowa. USA

Sent from my iPhone

 On Dec 28, 2014, at 11:22 AM, Agnes Boddington 
 I read it, then gave it away. Too much Mills  Boon for me.
 Agnes Boddington - Elloughton UK
 I managed to get a copy of The Royal Lacemaker from my local library. 
 At first I found it a bit tedious with all the evil squire has his wicked
 way bits but I persevered and once our heroine had developed a bit of
 backbone I enjoyed the book. 
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Re: [lace] Card exchange

2014-12-11 Thread Ruth Lyon
I have received a lovely Christmas card from Janet Theaker!  The lace
ornament is white with gold edging, and a sweet gold charm in the center--I
love it!  I'm still trying decide whether to hang the ornament on the tree
or keep it on the card. It will be beautiful either way.  Many thanks to

I also thank Janet and Sallie for organizing our exchange and to Jenny for
posting all the photos afterwards.

Ruth Lyon
in Dubuque, Iowa USA

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 8:05 AM, celia mulhearn wrote:

 I have just got back from a couple of days away to find a lovely lace
 bauble and card from Sandra Ward. Really pretty and will hang along
 side some other lace decorations on my new 'white tree' that I have
 recently bought in hobbycraft.
 Thank you Sandra x
 Celia, in a blustery and damp Somerset UK

 Sent from my iPad

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Re: [lace] RE: What Christmas lace are you making?

2014-12-06 Thread Ruth Lyon
Hi, Robin.
I'd love to see photos of your snowflakes and the TARDIS and the weeping
Christmas angel.  I don't even know what a TARDIS is!  Maybe you could post
them on Flickr.

Ruth Lyon
in sunny Dubuque, Iowa   USA

On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Robin D wrote:

 I'm trying to tat or crochet a snowflake everyday. I've also made 2 geek
 Christmas gift items: A tatted TARDIS  a weeping Christmas angel. (From
 Dr. Who)

 Merry Christmas!

 Never, ever, let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. Prove the
 cynics wrong. Pity them for they have no imagination.
 The sky's the limit. *Your* sky. *Your *limit.   Now, let's dance.  *~Tom

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Re: [lace] Heather Billington - Point Ground Lace book

2014-12-05 Thread Ruth Budge
You'd have to contact Heather direct, Sue.   I'll ring her tomorrow (she won't
appreciate my phoning now - it's 4.30 am!) and double check, but last time we
were talking, she handled the sales herself.

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

 On 6 Dec 2014, at 1:14 am, Sue Babbs wrote:

 I was reading the article in the latest OIDFA magazine on the point ground
 class at the Australia conference.  The flower design shown is beautiful.
 Does anyone know where I can buy a copy of her book, which the article says
 she produced?  I had hoped to find it on the OIDFA site, but don’t see it

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Re: [lace] Heather Billington - Point Ground Lace book

2014-12-05 Thread Ruth Budge
All of Heather's pattern collections are relatively new productions, which she 
started compiling when I asked her to teach at a couple of Australian Guild 
conferences when the State of New South Wales was running the Guild.   She 
offered the patterns to her students at those classes to give them follow up 
patterns after the classes.Heather prints and compiles them herself at 
home.   They're not big books, nor commercially produced and printed like some 

She had no expectations of selling them beyond the local market and Heather 
doesn't have a website or other commercial outlet.

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

 On 6 Dec 2014, at 2:00 am, wrote:
 For our non-OIDFA members:
 This appears to be a book titled Floral Emblems of Australia in  Point
 Ground Lace, by Heather Billington, though neither full title  or author are
 mentioned in the inquiry to Arachne.
 In the OIDFA article, a book is mentioned, but not the title!   How is a
 lace author to sell her books without this critical information?

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Re: [lace] Heather Billington - Point Ground Lace book

2014-12-05 Thread Ruth Budge
I'm talking on the phone to Heather Billington as I type this, so the details 
I'm giving here are straight from Heather's mouth to anyone who may be 

Floral Emblems from Australia in Point Ground Lace - 65 pages, 9 designs.   
cost $35 Australian plus postage.

Heather has produced 10 other books, all her own designs in Bedfordshire, 
Torchon and Bucks and is happy to send the list and full details to anyone 

All books contain pricking of each design and coloured working diagrams and 
instructions.   All are soft cover and spiral bound.

Heather does have a Paypal account and will quote on the postage costs if you 
ask her.

Heather's email address is: 

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

 On 6 Dec 2014, at 1:14 am, Sue Babbs wrote:
 The flower design shown is beautiful.
 Does anyone know where I can buy a copy of her book, which the article says
 she produced?  

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Re: [lace] Kazaman Spam?

2014-11-08 Thread Ruth Budge
Changing the password will only help if the actual email address has been 
hacked into and the account is being used to send out spam.   This happened to 
me once and I received thousands of messages back telling me that my emails 
(which of course, I hadn't sent!) to various addresses couldn't be delivered.   
 I did change my password but it still took weeks for the flow of undeliverable 
emails to stop

However, if the person is unaware that spam is being sent under their name and 
address, its more likely that their list of contacts and own address has been 
captured by malware downloaded onto the computer without them being aware.   
This is a common way of making it looks as if the message comes from Kazaman, 
when in effect, it isn't - the spammers aren't even using her address, just 
trying to make it look as of they are.Changing the password doesn't help i. 
This situation.its similar to my writing someone else's return address on 
the back of a snail-mail envelope rather than my real address.

I'm not aware of anything which can be done in this situation - the recipients 
need to be vigilent and just delete the messages.   The spammers will move onto 
using someone else's identity - could even be mine!

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

 On 9 Nov 2014, at 4:22 am, wrote:
 Maybe you should try changing your password to see if that has  any impact.

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RE: [lace] survived the 1 day workshop

2014-10-22 Thread Ruth Budge
Lorelei, I think we all feel like dills at times when we're doing things in
public.   I altered a pattern once in order to make it easier for the
students to establish the basics of the piece before they tackled a more
complicated technique.   However, I didn't revise the starting instructions
- and discovered in the class that, because the start was so different, I
should've added two rows of pinholes at the top instead of one.

And I was in New Zealand teaching the not-quite-released Lace8 programme
when I discovered that some people, using older laptops with smaller screen
resolutions, couldn't access all the buttons on the toolbars.   The
programmer had assumed that anyone with a smaller screen resolution would be
able to access the buttons a different way - but I didn't know that way at
the time, so I hadn't tested it, and found out that it didn't work!I
felt so terrible about it all, and couldn't get onto the programmer either
because he was away on a cruise somewhere!

Hopefully our students accept us as human beings and don't hold a grudge!

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

But I can honestly also recall a major gaffe of my own. I was supposed to
give a lace identification lecture using my own projector. When I got there
I found out the bulb had burned out. A local woman came to the rescue and
went out and found a replacement. I think, in the end, they enjoyed the
lecture. But I sure was an idiot that day.


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RE: [lace] Help from Australian Spiders, Please!

2014-10-21 Thread Ruth Budge
Carol, I've just spoken on the telephone to the staff at Cairns Airport.
The left-luggage is run by the Secure Parking firm at the airport and they
have two options.   One is stand alone lockers - however, they are basically
only for luggage being left for 24 hours.   The lovely man, Darren, told me
that a far better option would be for the cases to be left in their Secure
Storage room at the airport, which is literally just a few steps away from
the luggage carousel.  The cost depends on what is being left - A$10 per day
for a bag the size of a carryon bag and A$15 per day for a suitcase.   It
doesn't make any difference what weight the bag's more the size.
For a three week storage, there would be a discount of 10% on the total

As I've indicated to you privately, I thought that a 10 kg luggage limit
within Australia sounds extremely low, and Darren agreed.   He'd be
surprised if it wasn't more, in fact he thought it was around 20 kgs, so let
me know the airline and I'll double-check with them direct.

There's no need to book the storage at Cairns - just rock on up.   Darren
also wondered if they'd prefer to cram everything into a bigger case to take
on their travels with them so that only a smaller bag would be storedhis
exact expression was they might prefer to leave the lace! He was
quite intrigued when I explained the path which led to my query!

And Maureen, Corinne and Alex - yes, I've been chatting up a man again!
(Word of explanation to the rest of you - these three were teasing me on my
recent trip home to England that I found a different man to talk to every
day of my travels.)

Ruth Budge
Sydney, Australia.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 22 October 2014 1:54 AM
To: Lace@Arachne.Com
Subject: [lace] Help from Australian Spiders, Please!

Hi Aussie Arachnids All,

I am hoping you can give me some advice.   My son-in-law, grandson and
grandson's friend are travelling by Malaysia Airlines to Cairns next week
(29th Oct, I believe) and the baggage allowance is 25kg on the international
flight.   However, they will be travelling around, and it would appear that
the baggage allowance on internal flights is 10kg.   Could anyone tell me if
there are luggage lockers in Cairns airport, where they could leave stuff,
until they return to collect it - possibly up to three weeks later.

I am very envious - especially as they are going to visit the Wave Rock!  
 (The next bit could be the lace related bit!)   I have told them all to
look out for any lace-related anything, and have told them about Torchon
House, and am hoping that they will be able to find it!    Not only that,
but that they have enough spare cash to donate to this worthy cause here in
the UK.   I have one of their delightful tiny bobbin winders which has
proved invaluable on courses and in class.

Thanks anyway for any help you can give - I will forward any messages on to

Yours with best wishes, and may your pins never bend.

Carol - in North Norfolk UK

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RE: [lace] Tern

2014-02-12 Thread Ruth Budge
The link is still active and the photo is still there - but it is necessary to 
copy and paste the entire link into your browser. 
Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of Diana 
Sent: Thursday, 13 February 2014 4:28 AM
To: Arachne
Subject: [lace] Tern

That must be an old link, the auction finished in November presumably last 

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Re: [lace] Lace8 bummer

2014-01-04 Thread Ruth Budge
I've had others look at the programme with a view to using it for tatting, but 
they've quickly decided not!   

The programmer feels that the small potential market doesn't make it worthwhile 
for him to offer two versions and in other countries, Windows based computers 
are still more usual.   Sorry.

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

On 05/01/2014, at 3:18 AM, Robin D wrote:

 Well I was kind of excited to check out the Lace8 program.  I don't design
 bobbin lace, but I was sure I could use it for Tatting...

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RE: [lace] Miss Channer's mat

2014-01-03 Thread Ruth Budge
Crowood are the people who bought the Ruth Bean company.   I couldn't think
of the name before, but recognised it as soon as I saw the link.

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Noelene Lafferty
Sent: Friday, 3 January 2014 8:27 PM
To: 'Lace'
Subject: RE: [lace] Miss Channer's mat

Some Ruth Bean books are available from The Crowood Press:

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RE: [lace] The beautiful Miss Channer's mat

2014-01-03 Thread Ruth Budge
Sherry, we started the conversation because someone asked where they could
get the pricking!   The mere mention of Miss Channer's mat on this list
always sparks a long conversation involving publishers rights to decide what
they'll sink their money into, the availability of patterns and books,
copyright etc., etc., etc.  (VBG)

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Celtic Dream Weaver
Sent: Saturday, 4 January 2014 9:03 AM
To: arachne lacing
Subject: [lace] The beautiful Miss Channer's mat

   Lastly...why did we start a convo on Miss Channer's  Mat.
Something must have stated it.

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RE: [lace] Lace8 Demo

2014-01-03 Thread Ruth Budge
I can't check the demo version without uninstalling and removing all traces
of the full version from my computer, so I couldn't check what Ian had done
about the help filesso last night, I pounced on him and asked him to
double-check.   He did sound very doubtful...I *thought* I'd put them
in..but.. and all the time I was thinking Men!  Why can't they
follow through to the end of a job??I left him to check and let me know
what he found and went to bed.   Still haven't heard anything from him, so I
was delighted to hear from Cearbhael that she'd found them!!

And I'll have to take back all the nasty things I thought about him too

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Angel Skubic
Sent: Saturday, 4 January 2014 3:52 PM
To: Lace Arachne
Subject: [lace] Lace8 Demo

Just so everyone knows, I found the help DOES work with the Lace8 Demo.

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RE: [lace] Miss Channer's mat

2014-01-02 Thread Ruth Budge
Marianne, Miss Channer's mat has been out of print for some years.The
publisher (Ruth Bean) who commissioned the last version of the pattern died
and her husband has sold the business.   

Whether or not another publisher will go through all the legal business of
obtaining the necessary permission to commission another version of the
pattern in order to publish it is something we'll just have to wait and see.

We've had the discussion on Arachne in previous years about the legality of
copying the current pattern - and, in spite of the fact that the publisher
has died, copying the pattern is illegal and could lead to prosecution.
Nigel Bean still has his ear to the ground as far as publishing is concerned
and I know has recently taken legal action against someone who illegally
published one of their books.

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Marianne Gallant
Sent: Friday, 3 January 2014 4:42 PM
To: 'Lace'
Subject: [lace] Miss Channer's mat



I really enjoy doing Buckspoint lace, and my goal for this year is to learn
a lot more about it. I used to do a fair amount back in the 80's and early
90's, but was sort of out of lace making for more than 10 years while I
owned and ran a yarnshop. Used to do Honiton and Duchesse as well, but I
don't know if I can still see to do that, sewing with fine threads takes
good eye sight, and it is starting to go downhill.

However, I can still do Bucks, and my goal is to eventually tackle Miss
Channer's mat. However, I can't seem to find a source for the pattern. Can
anyone tell me where I could obtain it?

It will take me a while to collect the bobbins for it, I have lots of
Continental types that I inherited from my mother, and also collected early
in my lacemaking days, but I have found that I don't like them for Bucks,
the tendency for them to roll has given me fits with threads untwisting and
breaking, in one piece so badly I finally cut it off. I have started
collecting Midlands bobbins and spangling them, and am having much better
success with the piece I am doing at the moment. I only have about 100 pairs
right now, so it will take me a while to collect the rest. But in the
meantime I'd like to get the pattern, to spur me on in learning more, and
getting the bobbins.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Marianne Gallant

Vernon, BC

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RE: [lace] Lace8 (2)

2014-01-01 Thread Ruth Budge
Yes, Jean, that's right - demo version doesn't print or save.

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Jean Nathan
Sent: Wednesday, 1 January 2014 7:51 PM
To: Lace
Subject: [lace] Lace8 (2)

I'd add to Ruth's recommendation - go to the Ilsoft website and download the
demo version of Lace8 - I'm sure it's complete except for printing and
saving, but Ruth can confirm this - and try before you buy.

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Re: [lace] Lace8

2014-01-01 Thread Ruth Budge
Dear Sue,
that was a nice compliment to wake up to this morning!I do enjoy the 
challenge involved in solving the computer problems, and, as my mother would've 
said it keeps me off the streets!Very big grin!!



On 02/01/2014, at 1:46 AM, Sue Babbs wrote:

 Thank you so much for your generosity in helping us all with these Il-Soft 
 programs when we need it.  The time and effort you put into it is much 
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RE: [lace] Lace8

2013-12-31 Thread Ruth Budge
I never advise people to change to Lace8 unless they have thoroughly
explored the demonstration version and have some understanding of the
differences between the two programmes.   To me, there's no sense in
changing just for the sake of change or for having the most up to date
programme - and I apply that criteria to any computer programme I use.   So,
Jacquie, if you're happy with RXP, stick with it.

Having said that, there is a long list of Lace8 features on the ILSoft
website - put there so that people can easily see the main changes.  

The emphasis when Lace8 was being written, was on making the programme much
easier to use than previous versions - and I find that, once I've set up the
basics for my design (such as grid angle, Snap to Grid, Show/Hide Grid
etc.,) I can draw a complete design without going anywhere near any of the
Tabs across the top.   This is made possible because all the editing
functions are carried out on the screen near the design by use of the
right-click, whereas in RXP, the editing options are on the toolbar.

That has meant that it was necessary to sacrifice the right-click to delete
a dot function which you might be used to in Lace RXP, but compromise is
always necessary in life.  

I was so vehement about the need for a Redo button that he didn't dare
leave it out of Lace8 - but it still took me several days of arguing the
case for the change to the Undo button (so that it looks at each dot and
line of a Trail as separate items, rather than a Trail as a whole) before
Ian realised that men and women see things differently, and the Undo button
will now undo a trail one little step at a time!   This dot, then this
line, etc., whereas Ian thinks of a trail as an entirety and assumed we
either wanted the trail there or not - he had no concept of drawing it from
scratch and going one or two steps too far.   Thank goodness for programmes
like Team Viewer where I could invite him to come and visit the other side
of the world to see how a trail was constructed in steps.

There are great improvements to the way a background picture can be sized,
moved and placed in position, and much more freedom to put multiple pictures
and diagrams on the Lace8 page.   As for exporting designs into other
documents - that is now a breeze!   One lady I know insisted on sticking to
RXP in order to produce several booklets of her patterns and teaching notes
- and all the time I was urging her to do it in Lace8.   After she'd
finished, she bought Lace8 and almost immediately said Oh, I wish I'd
changed before I did that big job - it's so much easier to export patterns
at the correct sizethose of you who know me well will be surprised
to hear that I just buttoned my mouth shut!!

Most of the feedback has been very positive and most people find this
version easier to use.   One lady has complained that there aren't as many
motifs and they're not as accurately drawn - but, in fact, they are exactly
the same motifs, with more added, and they are already included in the motif
library, with the ability to add more if you wish.

I won't clog up the list with any more information, but I'm always available
to help if needed.

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 1 January 2014 7:16 AM
To: lace
Subject: [lace] Lace8

While Lace 8 is being talked about, can I just say that one of my students
bought it during the summer and asked me to show her a few tricks. B Being
now quite au fait with RXP I thought I can cope with that. B 

Can any of you who have tried both tell me why I should be using the newer
version, please. B I think I might be missing something important but can't
see what. B 

Jacquie in Lincolnshire

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RE: [lace] Freehand Lace with 6 pairs or less

2013-12-04 Thread Ruth Budge
I do agree with you, Robin.I've spent a day demonstrating with someone 
working a piece of tape, with half a dozen pairs of bobbins - it was so fiddly 
that the visitors just couldn't see what on earth the lacemaker was doing.

On the other hand, I happened to have a piece of Bucks on the pillow - with 
long rows of ground.a perfect opportunity for showing the pattern 
underneath the bobbins, demonstrating a stitch, pin, drop one pair, pick up 
another in the row - and work down the entire row in a similar way.   My 
pattern also fitted what most visitors thought of as real lace. I'm 
always very selective about which part of a pattern I use for demonstration 
purposes - as I mentioned, in the Bucks piece, all I did all day was work long 
rows of ground - I wasn't fiddling with the flowers on the headsideI kept 
the demo simple.

Ruth (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, 5 December 2013 5:43 PM
To: Arachne
Subject: Re: [lace] Freehand Lace with 6 pairs or less

This is not necessarily so.  I've started using a wider torchon pattern (50+ 
pairs) for demonstration and I've had great reactions..

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[lace] Cymbal bags for carrying lace pillows

2013-12-03 Thread Earl Ruth Johnson
Are you wondering what to ask Santa to bring you?  A few months ago I
accompanied a friend to a Scrabble club and most players carried their game
boards in cymbal bags.  That got me thinking that these zippered, padded,
round nylon cases could possibly be used for transporting lace, especially on
rainy days or in nearly-clean car trunks (car boots).

I did an online search and there were many to choose from, starting at 9.95
U.S. dollars.  Some have shoulder straps and pockets, or can be carried on the
back – perfect for hiking with your lace!   Here is one possible source in
the U.S.:
m-hardware-bag  If the URL is too long, Google “, then go
to Accessories/Bags, Cases and Covers/Cymbal Bags.   I corresponded with
someone at this company and he said the cases are divided on the inside to
accommodate two cymbals; after all, one cymbal is not of much use, is it?  He
did not think it would be easy to remove the divider, but if the case was deep
enough than might not be necessary and possibly useful for carrying tools,
thread, extra bobbins, etc.  Obviously, such cases would be for round (cookie)
pillows, not block or roller pillows.

Regarding the link to the music supply company above, I assure you I know
nothing about the company; it was amongst the top of the Google search so I
went to it first.  I suggest that if anyone wants to look into this further
that they pay a visit to a local music supply store.  If ordering online, get
very precise measurements of the bag and be assured the bag would be
returnable if not suitable.

Hoping this may help someone,

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
(Where my Yaspé silk scarf is now about 50 inches (124 cms) long.  I’ve
been side-tracked into making owls using the pattern shown in the latest OIDFA

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[lace] Cymbal bags for carrying lace pillows - second email

2013-12-03 Thread Earl Ruth Johnson
Further to my earlier email, the text below is copied from my last
correspondence with the music supplier and I thought it would be worthwhile to
forward it too:

QUOTE  Just as I suspectedyou should look at a Frame Drum Bag they look
a lot like cymbal bags but are sized to fit the depth of the drum's shallow
shell. Meinl offer a four different sizes and we do show them on our site with
a part # like MEI-MFDB22 which strangely enough is a 22 bag, the 20 looks
like MFDB20 etc.

Check those out to see if they might work better at keeping your thread work
from getting tangled.  END QUOTE

So, a frame drum bag might be a consideration as well.  Good luck, and sorry
if I am off-topic a bit here.

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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Re: [lace] Cymbal bags for carrying lace pillows

2013-12-03 Thread Earl Ruth Johnson
I have a collapsible and folding music stand (from my husband’s high school
band days) and I sometimes use it set the technical drawing of a pattern on.
I place the stand near the front of my pillow and It is closer than it would
be on a table beside my pillow.  I usually remove it after I have learned the

We lacemakers are a resourceful bunch of self-starters, aren’t we!

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 10:07 PM
To: Earl  Ruth Johnson ;
Subject: Re: [lace] Cymbal bags for carrying lace pillows

Years ago some people investigated cymbal bags.  They found out that many of
them are thinner than the space pillows need.  I suggest checking out music
stores in person to actually look at the bags that are available.  You might
find one that works but not all of them will.

Another suggestion one time was a bag used to carry cowboy lassos. An
interesting idea but not readily available.  If there's a horse supply store
in your area, you might check it out.

Don't overlook the option to make your own bag to fit.  Make it of raincoat
material and it will be rainproof.

Years ago I bought a bag in England that was square with zippers on the two
sides.  The open top was gathered to handles.  The neat thing was the layer of
plastic put between the outside and the lining.  My pillow never could get

PS-- while in that music store, check out the folding music racks.  Before the
multitude of folding stands now available, I used a music stand as a portable
compact stand with my travel or small pillows.  Being metal, it had some
weight but didn't take much room for transport.  It had three arms that could
be adjusted to support the pillow.

Happy lacing,
Alice in Oregon --- where its very, very cold and even we might have snow by
the end of the week.

From: Earl  Ruth Johnson
Are you wondering what to ask Santa to bring you?  A few months ago I
accompanied a friend to a Scrabble club and most players carried their game
boards in cymbal bags.  That got me thinking that these zippered, padded,
round nylon cases could possibly be used for transporting lace, especially on
rainy days or in nearly-clean car trunks (car boots).

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Re: [lace] The Lace Place

2013-11-24 Thread Ruth Budge
The Lace Place is located in the Tourist Centre at Wave Rock, Hyden.  Hyden is 
approx. 400 kms from Perth.The original collection belonged to one of the 
leading ladies in Perth many years ago and I believe the lace was taken to 
Hyden by a relative after her death.

A couple of months ago, we (the now-retired National Administrative Committee 
of the Australian Guild) were pleased to award life membership of the Guild to 
Olwyn Scott, who is the curator of the collection.   Olwyn has added to the 
collection over the years, driving the long distance between her home in Perth 
and Hyden to undertake the continuing work there.

Olwyn doesn't own a computer, so I doubt that she'd think of a website!   

I've just received a long letter from Olwyn, so am about to phone her to 
reply.I'll read your email to her and see what other information I can find 
out for you.

Last time I was in Western Australia, I had my ailing husband with me and the 
journey was just too far under the circumstances, so I haven't visited yet.


On 25/11/2013, at 1:32 AM, Sue Harvey wrote:

 He brought me back a leaflet describing the shop and museum but unfortunately 
 although I emailed them to see if they had a website my email was returned as 
 undeliverable.  Have any of you visited? 

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RE: [lace] Re: glazed cardboard

2013-11-20 Thread Ruth Budge
Glazed pricking card is available in Australia from Joscolace - and,
contrary to the rumours which have been flying around all year, Joanne is
not closing her business!!

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Bev Walker
Sent: Thursday, 21 November 2013 6:55 AM
To: Barbara H Stokes
Cc: Arachne arachne
Subject: Re: [lace] Re: glazed cardboard

Hello Barbara and everyone

You might have another name for it in Australia, where the card is made very
smooth by a coating in the milling/finishing process.

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[lace] Orange + Blue = Buff

2013-08-01 Thread Earl Ruth Johnson
Orange is a lovely colour to work on and not at all tiring to the eyes. It and
red are commonly used as the pricking colour in Spain, which is where I first
tried it, and I brought orange film back to the UK. Everyone of my students
who has tried it prefers it to blue or even the traditional brown card colour.
White/cream/ecru shows much better against it than against pale blue, as do
many colours. Not orange of course!

It is now available in the UK from one of the general suppliers.

Look at the Lace Guild Facebook page to see Mary making ((and finishing) the
super quick scarf, the pattern for which was in her goody bag at convention
this year. She has orange film over yellow card with lavender blue wool.


Jacquie, I didn’t know that orange film even existed!  I am guessing you
start with white (or yellow?) paper and add the orange-coloured film on top.
I thought the pattern was sold on orange paper to discourage photocopying.  I
bought a pattern book in Japan and the patterns, which were an insert to the
book, were printed on purple paper.  Not wanting to work on the original, I
tried to photocopy it but colour photocopies are shiny.  In the end I used the
original and put film on the back to give it some strength.  I understand that
designers want to discourage photocopying but printing on coloured paper makes
it difficult to enlarge or reduce.  I guess that is the price we pay because
of a few dishonest people who do not obey copyright rules.

So, for my next project, I will try an orange background.  Don’t expect my
opinion about orange for a while though; my silk scarf is only about half

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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[lace] Music to Make Lace By

2013-07-31 Thread Earl Ruth Johnson
I was listening to a new CD the other day and thinking that I liked it but
could not make lace while listening to it.  This got me wondering.  I
don’t remember the list ever discussing music to make lace by.  Do you
listen to music while lacemaking?

When I am starting a new pattern and concentrating on learning it, music can
sometimes be distracting or even annoying, however, once I am confident in
what I am doing, a little background music is wonderful.

Television – well that is another topic altogether!

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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[lace] Orange + Blue = Buff

2013-07-31 Thread Earl Ruth Johnson
Tip of the Day:

I once bought a single pattern printed on orange paper.  How ridiculous I
thought.  Bright orange will be very hard on the eyes.  I decided to
experiment on a corner and to my great delight, when I added the usual blue
peel-and-stick film, the two colours combined made a buff/light brown/dark
beige antique-ish colour.  This colour is very restful to look at and works
well behind white threads and most colours.  I now photocopy my patterns onto
orange paper, if possible.  I feel as if I am working on antique vellum

Ruth Johnson
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
(Where I am painting my kitchen and imagining new curtains with lace trim or

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RE: [lace] Pattern drawing software

2013-06-15 Thread Ruth Budge
Jo, I'll check it out after my meeting today is over

But I do know that Colin informed everyone that he was giving up on Easy
Lace - even if the web page is still there.If you know the name to
Google, my Father's business page is still on the internet, 10 years after
he died!!


-Original Message-
From: jo [] 
Sent: Saturday, 15 June 2013 4:51 PM
To: 'Ruth Budge';
Subject: RE: [lace] Pattern drawing software

Hello Ruth

The website of Easy-lace seems still alive.

I made some adjustments to but I might not
have all the details right from the description page, could you fill me in
on the question marks and other details I missed. For example is it only
available in English?


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RE: [lace] Pattern drawing software

2013-06-14 Thread Ruth Budge
You can find several overviews in the software section of .

The information is just a little bit out of date, I'm afraid.Lace RXP
was replaced by Lace8 a year ago and Easy Lace went out of business about
three years ago.

Knipling is good for the more technically-minded, but a lot of folk seem to
have trouble with it.   If the user doesn't understand the mathematical
approach to sizing patterns it can be difficult.   Some of the drawing
functions need an understanding of maths as well.

As I've said to someone, Lace8 is the nearest thing to drawing patterns by
handinstead of  graph paper, pencil and eraser, substitute computer
screen, mouse and delete button!But of course, with all the computer
extras such as copy and paste etc.

I don't want to be seen as advertising which is why I've stayed quiet on
this discussion - and I should point out that I cannot supply anyone out of
Australia or New Zealand with copies of the programme anyway, due to
licencing restrictions.   If you decide Lace8 is for you, I don't benefit in
any way!

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

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RE: [lace] Ruins of Lace, kindle edition

2013-05-17 Thread Ruth Budge
Still showing $1.99 on my screen - a saving of $13.   And I refreshed the
screen just to make sure.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sue Duckles
Sent: Friday, 17 May 2013 7:38 PM
To: Lyn Bailey
Subject: Re: [lace] Ruins of Lace, kindle edition

The price has shot up now!!  13 dollars!!!

Sue in East Yorkshire, UK
On 17 May 2013, at 02:39, Lyn Bailey wrote:

 My DH sent this to me.  Ruins of Lace, by Iris Anthony, because of the 
 title and the blurb.  I know nothing else about it, except what the 
 website says:
 The reason I mention it is that the Kindle edition is on sale for $1.99,
which is a good price.  Whether this is a sale that really ends is unknown,
but I thought some would be interested for those times when we actually
can't make lace.

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Re: [lace] Ruins of Lace, kindle edition

2013-05-17 Thread Ruth Budge
Yes, I've never understood the different pricing structure!


On 17/05/2013, at 10:00 PM, Sue Duckles wrote:

 Hello Ruth
 Strange isn't it??  It says that it costs 13 dollars on mine, over £8 uk.  
 Shame that they charge different countries different prices for what is, 
 after all, an electronic book delivered over the air/down the phone line and 
 no extra costs involved!!!

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RE: [lace] Graph Paper

2013-04-19 Thread Ruth Budge
Those who own Lace RXP or Lace8 can also use the Straight Gimp button with
Snap to Grid on and draw your own - useful if you only want a smallish area
of it.Change the gimp drawing colour to something lightand of
course, with Lace8, you can specify how many divisions you'd like - 10 to an
inch, 12 to an inchand so on.

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Clay Blackwell
Sent: Saturday, 20 April 2013 8:46 AM
To: John Mead
Cc: lace
Subject: Re: [lace] Graph Paper

Thanks, John!

That is such valuable information!  Our members have had questions about
graph programs for a lot of years, and each time this comes up, newer and
better programs are identified!  

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Re: [lace] Lace Magazine

2013-02-02 Thread Ruth Budge
The first time in America, ClayThere have been many courses in 
Australia and in the UK ranging from 2 days to a week.


On 03/02/2013, at 12:07 PM, Clay Blackwell wrote:
..(This is in Virginia, USA.). This is the first full-week course 
offered for the Lace designer programs, .

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RE: [lace] Two views of lives of lacemakers

2012-08-13 Thread Ruth Budge
My own view coincides with that of Jane and Lorelei ..parents even
opposed the introduction of the Education Act in England because it required
children to go to school and stopped them being productive to contribute to
the family income.

There has been research done on the subject.two books by the late Alan
Brown were published some years ago, Yallop wrote a book about the Honiton
lace industry, there are snippets of information in a variety of books about
the history of bobbins, I also have a couple of books written by present-day
lacemakers about the history of their family, a book about Isaac Newton and
William Cowper's time in Olney talks about them writing hymns as a form of
lace tell in order to teach the Bible to illiterate lacemakers in the
village - I think the evidence is there, but  I'd have to dig through the
bookshelves to find the exact titles.

Ruth(Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, 14 August 2012 3:27 AM
Subject: [lace] Two views of lives of lacemakers

This is very interesting, two different views of the same  thing, and
something that I have often wondered about myself. 
Does anyone know of research that has been done on this  subject?

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RE: [lace] condition of lacemakers

2012-08-13 Thread Ruth Budge
Allan Brown's two books are based on reports of an inquiry into the
conditions of the lace industry conducted by Alan Cole.

Ruth (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Lorelei Halley
Sent: Tuesday, 14 August 2012 6:42 AM
Subject: [lace] condition of lacemakers

Alan Cole, who was writing around 1900, wrote some books about lace, but
also wrote reports to the government about the economic condition of
lacemakers.  I think he was curator of the V  A for a while.

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RE: [lace] Lace Magazine

2012-07-12 Thread Ruth Budge
The problem may not necessarily have been the mailing house at all - but
some sort of delay/oversight of one of the postal services involved along
the route.I received my April issue of Lace here in Australia quite

However, only about a month ago, I also received a letter sent before
Christmas from a friend in England .. it had inadvertently been sent to
Thailand before being redirected onto Australia.We're well used to mail
for Australia being sent to Austria, but Thailand is a first!

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Jane Partridge
Sent: Friday, 13 July 2012 9:27 AM
To: Sue Fink
Subject: [lace] Lace Magazine


Please accept the Guild's apologies for the long delay, and thank you for
your patience. We suspect that the overseas magazines were sent out surface
mail by the mailing house (which should not have happened), and they may not
have been processed as quickly as we would have liked before posting -

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Re: [lace] Lace8

2012-07-01 Thread Ruth Budge
Yes, Jacquie.just for you!   And Undo no longer takes out the whole trail.


On 02/07/2012, at 12:11 AM, wrote:

 Has the re-do button been re-instated?  I understand this was in the first 
 version but is missing from R-XP.  

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RE: [lace] Lace8

2012-07-01 Thread Ruth Budge
Jean, as you might imagine, that was one of the first things I tested.
And I've just opened a couple of RXP files to try again, both of which work
OK for me.  I use the Item Select button all the time and don't have any
trouble with selecting a particular dot with the Item Select button. I'm
wondering if you'd email me (privately, of course) a file which is causing
you this problem so that I can have a look at it and see if I can work out
why you're having difficulties.

Yes, I miss the right-click to delete a dot.   However, the right-click is
now taken up with editing functions to save playing hunt the button on
toolbars all around the screen.   It wasn't possible to do both, although
you can select a dot (or a line or whatever) and then right-click on the
screen, then left-click on Delete.   

Someone mentioned the missing File Preview - the old system was only
possible because of the way RXP saved all files inside the RXP folder -
which is not a particularly popular place to save files with lots of people.
The new programme has a different filing system, and all patterns are now
saved in a special folder created on installation within the My Documents
folder.   We haven't had much success yet at making a file preview system
compatible with the new filing system. Windows 7 offers the preview, but
only for programmes the Windows programmers know about - and Lace8 is not on
their list.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Jean Nathan
Sent: Monday, 2 July 2012 5:36 AM
To: Lace
Subject: [lace] Lace8

One thing I've had a problem with is selecting items in designs which were
done in R-XP. If I want to delete a dot, I can't do it by right clicking and
I can't mark it with select item. I have to use Group select and then it
will mark it. Same thing happens with other items from a Lace R-XP designs.

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RE: [lace] New upgrade from Lace R-XP

2012-06-16 Thread Ruth Budge
Another very important thing with Lace8 is that you must be able to set your
screen display to a minimum resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels.   Otherwise you
won't be able to get the buttons on the Drawing Tools Tab.   This problem
surfaced when I taught Lace8 in New Zealand in April.

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Jean Nathan
Sent: Saturday, 16 June 2012 5:56 AM
To: Lace
Subject: [lace] New upgrade from Lace R-XP

Just had an email from Ian Lawson-Smith of ILSoft giving details of the
latest upgrade to his lace design software. It's a new stand alone programme
with quite a few new features, and existing registered owners of Lace 2000
or Lace R-XP can get it at a reduced price - I have both.

I emailed Ian because my laptop doesn't meet the specification stated - only
got 500 MB memory and don't have a dual core processor - and he suggested I
download the demo and try it as he was sure it would work OK. The demo is
free to try and has the save, export and print features disabled. I've done
that, played with it for about and hour, and it does work.

If you want to try it, the demo can be downloaded from:

No connection with ILSoft - just a very satisfied customer.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK 

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RE: [lace] New upgrade from Lace R-XP

2012-06-16 Thread Ruth Budge
And please accept my humble apologies for forgetting to trim my last post.
Put it down to my brain being addled with too much testing/writing about

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Ruth Budge
Sent: Saturday, 16 June 2012 5:47 PM
To: 'Lace'
Subject: RE: [lace] New upgrade from Lace R-XP

Another very important thing with Lace8 is that you must be able to set your
screen display to a minimum resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels

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RE: [lace] lace photos

2012-06-02 Thread Ruth Budge
Thank you Joepie, for explaining that so clearly and nicely.

Ruth (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of J
D Hammett
Sent: Saturday, 2 June 2012 6:04 PM
To: Lorelei Halley;
Subject: Re: [lace] lace photos

Hi Arachnids,

To get the WHOLE STRING (3 lines) in easily;  Just mark it by rolling your
mouse over it holding gown the left button.. 

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[lace] A question

2012-01-11 Thread Ruth Budge
I'm wondering if there are any Lace RXP owners out there who actually use
two of the features in it - the Fillings Library and the Auto Grid Match
function?   If you use either of these, could you please send me a personal
email and let me know which one you use please?

Thanks a lot!

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

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RE: [lace] Lace2000 and Lace R-XP files

2011-12-31 Thread Ruth Budge
Or you can buy a disc of the motifs, already drawn up, neatly filed in
folders which automatically installs into your RXP programme.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Jenny Brandis
Sent: Sunday, 1 January 2012 1:01 PM
Subject: [lace] Lace2000 and Lace R-XP files 

I am sure I am not the only person who has either of these programs on their


One of the great things with this software is the ability to design an
element ONCE, save it and have it available to be used in every pattern you
design from then on. Think about that, never have to redraw a specific type
of spider again - a few clicks and it is there, repeatable.


Anyway, seeing as how I have made a stack of these torchon elements based on
the number of pins surrounding them I have them on my website for free
download. YOU WILL NEED the software as these are just the files I have
drawn up but if you already have the software, go ahead and download the
files, they are free and for everyone to use. 


Have  a go at designing your own bookmark, length of lace or be adventurous
and design the shawl you always wanted.


Jenny Brandis

Kununurra, Western Australia

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RE: [lace] Binche

2011-11-02 Thread Ruth Budge
Sue, for some reason, Comcast (Clay's internet provider) seems to refuse
mail from overseas internet providers.   A couple of years ago, I was
successful in getting Optus transferred onto Comcast's acceptable list,
and got a few emails through OK.  But they stopped accepting them again very

To deal with queries about Lace RXP from anyone on Comcast, I get them to
write to my usual email address, then I use gmail or Yahoo to reply to
them.Comcast will accept either of those servers.

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sue Fink
Sent: Thursday, 3 November 2011 7:36 AM
To: lace digest
Subject: [lace] Binche

Hi Clay,


I have tried to send this message directly to Clay, but it has bounced back
twice now!!  Sometimes ISPs just don't want to communicate!!  So apologies
for sending it to Arachne!!


Many thanks for your reply to my post on Arachne.  I too use insect pins and
have started putting in support pins on occasion.  I think your idea of
painting the head of the support pins red is BRILLIANT!!  I will have to get
out the red paint too!!




Sue Fink

Masterton, New Zealand


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RE: [lace] AGM Workshop

2011-11-02 Thread Ruth Budge
Thank you Faye! As organiser of the conference, I will say that all
except one of the written feedback sheets received by the committee were
most complimentary and enthusiastic about the class and the teacher.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Faye Owers
Sent: Thursday, 3 November 2011 7:14 AM
Subject: [lace] AGM Workshop


I was also in the workshop held at the AGM in Sydney and I must disagree, I
had a wonderful learning experience and she answered all my questions (and
there were many).  Alex was so giving in that class especially if you were
prepared to listen.  I am a total beginner at Floral Bucks and was totally
blown away that Alex allow me to do one of her patterns from her yet
unpublished book, it was amazing.  The pattern was one of the first patterns
(only suitable for beginners) in the book so was a very good starting point
for a raw beginner.  I also learnt how to use a mirror to draft a corner,
another new tool.  Class members were asked to bring a pattern or patterns
if they were already proficient in Floral Bucks, which many members of the
class did, Alex provided old Bucks patterns for others that didn't bring
anything, and as they thought they were proficient there were no working
diagrams so that they had to think and maybe learn a technique or two.

I would publicly like to thank Alex for her time and encouragement during
the workshop a wonderful experience and would love to do another workshop to
continue my learning journey of Floral Bucks.

Faye Owers

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RE: [lace] Lace Groups on Ravelry

2011-10-31 Thread Ruth Budge
Devon, it may not be the search engine at faultwhen I started an
Australian discussion list some years ago, I deliberately made it a
private list and chose for it not to be shown in the list of groups
available on the host system - it doesn't show up on an internet search
either.We did this for security reasons, to minimise the problems which
sometimes occur when a list is openly available on line.

Ruth (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, 1 November 2011 6:37 AM
Subject: [lace] Lace Groups on Ravelry

A search of lace for the entire Ravelry site for lace brings  up innumerable
lace knitting and crocheting sites, but probably other lace  modes as well
that have been missed by the search engine. 

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RE: [lace] Posting to lace/lace-digest

2011-06-22 Thread Ruth Budge
Jean, I'll second that - I've just read the same message three times,
because it was addressed to lace, lace-chat and the digest.   

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Jean Nathan
Sent: Thursday, 23 June 2011 3:10 AM
To: Lace
Subject: [lace] Posting to lace/lace-digest

Please don't send a message to both lace and lace-digest. Those of us
subscribed to lace, getting individual emails, will get it twice. If you
just send it to lace, it will automatically appear in lace-digest.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK 

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[lace] Publishing lace books

2011-06-18 Thread Ruth Budge
I may live in Australia, but I am *not* Australian.   And country of origin
doesn't come into it - I reply to any person, regardless of their race, if I
think I can help with their query.




Dear Peg,

The Australians have replied to an American, which was quite a  surprise.  

Many of them are *really isolated*.  We write  about lace book availability
and teachers often on Arachne.  If  you un-subscribed from Arachne, is it
our fault?  

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RE: [lace] Weavers knot

2011-02-21 Thread Ruth Budge
Alexandra Stillwells Illustrated Dictionary of Lacemaking has a good
illustration and description of a weavers' knotit's page 232 of the
latest edition.

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Charlotte Moore
Sent: Sunday, 20 February 2011 5:41 AM
To: 'arachne lacing'
Subject: [lace] Weavers knot

Is there some kind of trick for making a weavers knot work?


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RE: [lace] Lace RXP

2011-02-01 Thread Ruth Budge
It's all right everyone, I'll write to Angela privately, rather than fill
the list up with extra messages.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, 1 February 2011 9:45 PM
To: Arachne
Subject: [lace] Lace RXP

Help - my new computer uses Windows7 as it's operating system, I have
installed Lace RXP but it will not allow updates.  I have tried opening it
up as an administrator and running the troubleshooting tool but to no avail!
I have e-mailed Ilsoft but not received a reply.  So is there anyone out
there that can help as I have some projects I need to get on with while my
hand is in plaster.
Thanks Angela - in nearly sunny Sussex
PS I really like Lace RXP for all types of lace.

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[lace] Lace RXP upgrade

2011-02-01 Thread Ruth Budge
I have received a private email suggesting that I should announce to Arachne
what the problem is with Lace RXP and  Windows 7, and how to fix it.


To all those who have Lace RXP, I should assure you that it works perfectly
on Windows 7.Hundreds of people across the world are using it on Windows
7 and have no difficulties whatsoever.


At least 90% of the problems upgrading are caused by people not
understanding how to upgrade properly on Vista and Windows 7.The
remaining 10% of difficulties are caused by an incompatability between the
particular operating system and the usual upgrade procedure.There is a
fix for the second problem, and I have previously asked on Arachne that
anyone having problems upgrading email me so that I can tell them how to do


I have not attempted to put a general fix announcement on Arachne for a
couple of is that I prefer to ask the person a couple of simple
questions so that I can accurately pinpoint what their problem is and tell
them how to fix it.   The other reason is that when I put a general
announcement about upgrading out, many people, not understanding the
differences, tried to upgrade by using the wrong method for their computer,
in spite of my specifically saying only try this method under these
circumstances, and I still received a number of messages asking for help.


There is one other problem, which is not related to Windows 7 or Lace RXP,
but it is a difficulty which some, I repeat some, 64 bit systems have in
printing from 32 bit programmes (Lace RXP is a 32 bit programme).   That
unfortunately is a system problem and is beyond the control of ILSoft.
There is still a method of printing which works, although it does involve an
extra step.


I believe I have also previously advised on Arachne that unless you have
very specific reasons (such as copying a lot of videos) for buying a 64 bit
computer, as far as a lot of programmes are concerned, including Lace RXP,
you'd be better to stick to a 32 bit computer when upgrading. Both the
issues I've mentioned here are related to 64 bit computers, not 32 bit.
And I will repeat what I've said before - most people have no problems


I will say again - if you're having problems, please email me, describe
*exactly* what you've been doing, and I will do my best to help you.  And
please, when I say describe *exactly* do be specific.   To tell me I
opened it as Administrator isn't enough detail.   I need to know what you
clicked on first, and what you did after that.



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RE: [lace] App for lace designers with Macs

2011-01-30 Thread Ruth Budge
Yes, Brenda, you're right.Lace RXP does work with BootCamp.Not being
a Mac user, I don't know the other programmes mentioned by Janice, but I do
know that, provided you have the right programmes on your Mac operating
system, it is possible to use Lace RXP and indeed, other Windows-based
programmes, on a Mac.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Brenda Paternoster
Sent: Monday, 31 January 2011 5:26 AM
To: Janice Blair
Cc: lace
Subject: Re: [lace] App for lace designers with Macs

I daresay it would work with BootCamp too, but I've gone down the Adobe
Illustrator route now and I'm happy with it.


On 30 Jan 2011, at 17:30, Janice Blair wrote:

 My SonIL spent a day working on my MacBook Pro to make Lace RXP work 
 on it.  He made it work using  X 11 Application and WineHelper.  I am 
 not computer guru and have no idea how it works, but I do know I have 
 to use the fn key with the delete key to get rid of my mistakes.

Brenda in Allhallows

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RE: [lace] Terms

2011-01-12 Thread Ruth Budge
I have a relatively new lace student - and it's taken me weeks to stop her
calling the footside footers!!!She's so used to putting footers on her
computer documents!!

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia) 

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, 13 January 2011 10:14 AM
To: Lace
Subject: Re: [lace] Terms

Hi All,

Thie thread made me grin!   On one of the courses I attended at Belstead 
House in Ipswich (Suffolk, UK!) one of the ladies couldn't remember 'Point
Ground Stitch', and went through the course calling it 'Stone Ground' - like
the flour.

Even now, I smile, and that course must have been at least fifteen years ago

Carol - Suffolk UK

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