Autorun/icon inconsistency

2003-10-16 Thread Brad Hile
I believe the icon needs to be on the same level as the projector.
This may anecdotal but I have never had a problem with the following
combination in autorun.inf


autorun.inf, projector & icon all reside at the root level of the CD
I create the autorun file in notepad & the icon can of course be named
differently. (actually I just copy the file these days & just change names)
I also make sure I have all the common colour variations in the icon eg.
16,256, true colour & XP just to be sure
Hope this helps

- Original Message -
From: "Mendelsohn, Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE:  Autorun/icon inconsistency
> ===
> Todd had a good suggestion: is it "/" or "\", in other words,
> Icon=media\uth.ico
> Or
> Icon=media/uth.ico

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RE: OT: Adios

2003-08-14 Thread Brad Hile
Ciao Pranav
Thanks for sharing over the last years and good luck in the future.
You wouldn't remember but it was you that helped me understand getNetText,
netDone() etc. when I first started out (4 years back?).
Sadly Flash is truly coming to rule the world (and just when I was starting
to get good at this lingo thing!)
Good luck in the future.

>Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 18:18:36 +0530
>Subject:  OT: Adios
>Hello Listers,
>This week will be my last here at Learnet. And I'll probably be headed out
>of multimedia development too after this. Since this list has helped a lot
>during my tenure here, I figured a quick goodbye would be in order.
>As an aside, I'd like to chip in with a quick comment on what seems to be
>the apparent death of Director development. Two of Learnet's most recent
>projects have been done entirely in Flash. The ones in queue are also being
>planned with Flash as the primary development tool And with managements
>decision to upgrade all F5 licenses to MX, it seems Director is going to be
>relegated to the sidelines after all.
>What really hits as a surprise is that the next developer to fill my seat
>is not expected to know Director much - just a passing knowledge of the
>tool, to handle legacy projects. They're not even scrutinizing Director
>developers from the resume database. I guess it's time to move on - the
>sleek new model has overtaken the lumbering vintage. And time ticks on...
>Thanks to everyone who's chipped in with comments, guidance, appreciation &
>lots of free code. I've had a ball here.

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RE:Mpeg pathing problem

2003-08-14 Thread Brad Hile
John wrote:

Anyway, Director can't find the video in a video folder below its
subdirectory and it can't even find it in the SAME directory that my
projector is in. The ONLY way we've ever gotten this video to be found is a
straight hard-coded path. (ie. D:\Main\video\video.mpg)

I know this is basic but have you tried the searchPaths.
I use advanceXtra and still had to use this on one project as I kept losing
the video.
-- assuming your vids are on the CD with your App
 set videoPath = the moviePath & "video"
  add the searchPaths, videoPath

otherwise could you build the hard coded path by
interating through the drive list using fileXtra and use that in the
searchpaths or directly by appending the video name

--- watch line breaks
on findCD
  fxObj = new(xtra "FileXtra3")
  repeat with i= 1 to DriveList.count
isLocked= fxObj.fx_VolumeIsCDROM(DriveList[i])
if isLocked then
  isRemovable= fxObj.fx_VolumeIsRemovable(DriveList[i])
  if isRemovable then
exit repeat
  end if
end if
  end repeat

  if CD<>"" then
return CD & "Main\video\"
return "CD drive, What CD drive?"
  end if


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RE: draw extra

2003-07-14 Thread Brad Hile
DS wrote :
>im using the draw xtra by tabuleiro. it works fine
>however, i cant seem to get the colors right. is it
>possible using this xtra to do a color picker. using a
>bitmap. if anyone can help me i would appreciated.

I'm not sure about using the draw extra but Luke at mecca medialight has a
photoshop type example using pure lingo that you could modify to your needs.

Great examples by the way if your reading Luke.


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RE: from text member to field... it's possibile?

2003-06-16 Thread Brad Hile
>Francesco Scarfato wrote:
>it possibile to convert textmember with its own text formatting into a
>field cast member with that retain the most of text formatting like bold
>italic and so on? with lingo or with an extra?
>i've a lot of html file and i need to print them but print-o-matic
>doesn't print them as text but a bitmap and the result is very low quality
>output any suggestion to print these html files with print-o-matic

I imagine you could pass the RTF of the member and rebuild the text
formatting based on that, however you would need something like Pregex to
make it quick enough I would guess.
I recently needed to print HTML docs so I know what you mean about the
terrible quality from POM.
I ended up copying the html of member to a new file in a temp folder getting
buddy api to print the doc then destroying the file on successful completion
or endMovie.
This has proven to be a great solution. Though you will need to locate the
temp folder using BAPI or fileXtra to ensure non admin users can print.
This was a Win specific job so I haven't tested on Mac


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RE: Import compressed images.

2003-03-24 Thread Brad Hile
Tom wrote:
> Hi, Does anybody know if it is possible to import a compressed image
> format (like JPG) in director (not transforming to a bitmap, so keeping
> the compression intact)?
> Or does Director always convert to bitmap when importing compressed
> filetypes?

Hi Tom,
AFAIK Director will always convert to it's own bitmap format on import but
you can use shockwave compressed casts to get the image back down to it's
original compression.
There was a short thread on this only a few weeks back. Look in the archives
under "cast size". you will probably pick up a few other gems while your in


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RE: Projector in WinXP

2003-03-20 Thread Brad Hile
Eric wrote:
> Develop platform:Win98SE (CHI) + Director MX(Eng)
> Test Platform
> Win98SE (Chi/Eng) ok
> Win2000 (Chi/Eng) ok
> WinMe (Chi/Eng) ok
> Winxp (Chi/Eng) fail

Just to add to your test data:
I had no trouble opening the dir file nor creating a projecter that worked
 winXP (eng) using DirMX (eng)


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RE: addressing casts of different movies

2003-03-14 Thread Brad Hile
What was I thinking..


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Michael von

> Hi Brad!
> If the script object that contains the "member(...)" reference were called
> from the stage and I specified a castname of the MIAW as you do, Director
> wouldn't find the cast, because at this point it only recognizes the casts
> that are associated with the stage. So I do need the "tell" statement. And
> when I use that, no need to specify the cast name, as long as my member
> names are unique.
> Thanks anyway!
> Michael

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RE: addressing casts of different movies

2003-03-14 Thread Brad Hile
Michael wrote:
> How can I ensure that member(1) is always referring to the cast
> in the MIAW,
> regardless from where the handler in the object is called?

Not sure if this is what you mean but ..

Could you use a prefix on the MIAW casts to ensure you had unique
for instance name all the casts within the MIAW "miaw_graphics", "miaw_text"
then when you call the member you specify the cast as well.
on changeMIAWtext  vMemNum, vCastname, vText
-- do validation of castname & vMemNum as member
member(vMemNum,vCastname).text = vText


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RE: cast size

2003-03-12 Thread Brad Hile
> It's the existing compression IIRC, unless you change the settings.

Excellent, that makes it flexible.

> > I'm also wondering if you had noticed any significant time delay or
> > processor load when decompressing the images on the fly for the 

> In *my* experience there's not a significant delay.
Thanks, for the feedback. 


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RE: cast size

2003-03-12 Thread Brad Hile
This thread got me thinking.
Are the images re-compressed or simply the existing compression used ?
I would have thought recompression in which case it would be better to
import lossless images then apply the compression.
I'm also wondering if you had noticed any significant time delay or
processor load when decompressing the images on the fly for the slideshow
Just thinking out loud.


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RE: icon question

2003-03-09 Thread Brad Hile
Daniel wrote:
> Did you ever succeed in influencing the background color via .ini
> settings?

Not directly but you can set a number of global parameters indirectly in the
lingo.ini and use them to adjust subsequent movies.
This method also works well for version and existence checking on things
like quicktime and acrobat.

-- simple example of changing the stagecolor via lingo.ini
[in the lingo.ini]
global gSettings
-- set stagecolor property to palette reference
gSettings.addProp(#scolor, 1)

[in the stub projector and in subsequent movies]
on startMovie

on hINITsettings
-- set the stage color
if integerP(gSettings.scolor) then
the stageColor = gSettings.scolor
end if


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RE: icon question

2003-03-07 Thread Brad Hile
Michael wrote:
> Now it works, except for one thing: The movie runs in a window, not in
> fullscreen mode. How can I change that? I guess that's just
> another entry in
> the .ini-file. Is it?

Excellent!, glad it was a help.

You can choose the fullscreen setting for the projector when creating the
exe file but I prefer ini entries myself for flexibility.
 (see following ini entry).
I literally have a single exe file that I have used for the last year for
all my projects, I simply change the icon & ini files to suit.
Take a look at the Director.ini file in the Director install folder to see
all possible options available.



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RE: icon question

2003-03-07 Thread Brad Hile
Michael wrote:
> The only difference I see in what you did is that you seem to have changed
> the icon of a .dxr-file, whereas my file is an .exe.

No I changed the exe file.
The file that I link to (the .dxr) is the one listed in the ini so perhaps
this is where the confusion lies.

To explain and sorry if this sounds patronising :

My fast start projectors have always contained no xtras and generally no
Just a frame script that says

global gFilename
on exitFrame
go to frame 1 of movie gFilename

gFilename is set in the lingo.ini so I can reuse the stub for all my
eg. from a working lingo.ini example
global gFilename
on prepareMovie me

my corresponding entry in the projector .ini file is

I'm not sure if you link to another movie or just create the fast start on a
movie with content in it but give this method a try.
My projector was only about 80k in final size if this is any indication.



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RE: zip and upload files from projector/shockwayve

2003-03-06 Thread Brad Hile
SLava wrote:
> 1) Is there an Xtra to zip the files and then upload them using the FTP
> protocol or something similar? I want to do this transparently for the
> user--not by starting an external application to do the zipping and
> uploading. I know ShockFiler will upload, but it won't zip first.

I have used the Budzip xtra successfully in a recent project though I thinks
it's windows only
 I created a zip file in a temp directory attach to an email and send
automagically using directEmail however I think directFTP could do what your
after and it's shockwave safe.


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RE: icon question

2003-03-06 Thread Brad Hile
Michael wrote:
> Hi Brad and everybody!
> I just tried Resource Hacker, the tool you recommended. I created a fast
> starting stub projector on the PC as described in Macromedia's technote

Hi Michael,

I'm feeling a bit sheepish here as I must admit up till now I have never
built a shockwave fast start proj. just standard.
Though in playing with it the file size is just sooo much smaller. I assume
you need shockwave installed in order for it to work correctly? Anyway now
that my shame has been revealed.

I tested a freebie called InnoSetup Icon Replacement Utility from and found that the icon was changed fine but I
still needed the ini file reference (not really an issue I don't think) so
thins may be another option for you.

I also tested resourceHacker and just needed to make the same ini entry ( I
altered icon and information sections)
so it may be that your file was corrupted perhaps or that it simply needed
the ini reference.

I'm on Win XPpro DMX


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RE: can't open dir

2003-03-03 Thread Brad Hile
> You sure there's not something strange with the images or other
> imported/ linked media? I have a feeling I've been through similar
> difficulties with Dir 7 and images I got from a photographer. I

 I've had similiar problems with images supplied by a photographer coming in
black or not at all, the culprit was CMYK jpegs.
They open fine in almost everything but Director which can be deceiving.


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RE: icon question

2003-02-27 Thread Brad Hile
grimmwerk wrote:
> What's the best way of changing icons for a pc projector? I've used 
> microangelo in the past, but it seems to kill projectors now...

Quick & simple - Add these lines to the ini file
Movie01="the name of your movie"

On PC I can recommend:
Resource Hacker for changing over icons & exe properties etc.
Works brilliantly -  and it's free!


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RE: was: Director TrueType support? nevermind

2003-02-14 Thread Brad Hile
Kerry Thompson wrote:

> More accurate than most, Brad ^_^
> Here goes Kerry, chasing the localization goose again. Please to stifle
> the groans ^_^

I bow down before your vastly superior intelligence. ;)
Damn - You certainly know your fonts and I'm sure nobody was groaning.


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RE: was: Director TrueType support? nevermind

2003-02-13 Thread Brad Hile
2702NET wrote:
> My bad...looks as if they are...generally...still having trouble
> displaying Asian TrueType fonts though.

AFAIK Asian language fonts are double byte which director doesn't support.
There's been a ton of posts on this including a number of workarounds so
take a look in the archives.
Otherwise try the directL archives


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RE: Email within director (using E-mailExec)

2003-01-24 Thread Brad Hile
Just to roundout this post to anyone who's following and because marcus
mailed me off list to get an explanation:

That second script was just a movie handler to illustrate formating of the
html data for the text member.

It could also be a behaviour on your text member that you feed the variable
on formatHtml me, linktext,emailAddress, subject, body
marybob" & linktext
& ""

A simple text member that contains the html that you link to.
ie.  member ("scrolly").html=member("scrollySource").text

or even a linked file I guess.

Alternately if you don't want the subject & body specified just use
on hyperlinkclicked me, link
  if link contains "@" then
EmailExecNewMessage (link,"","")
  end if

and ensure href doesn't contain mailto eg. a href='[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

By the way as mentioned in another post, DirectEmail is a great xtra that
gives far more options & flexibility than E-mailExec (v.1 anyway) but then
again it does cost more..


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RE: Email within director

2003-01-23 Thread Brad Hile
Marcus wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Help!!
> I am trying to launch a default email from within a Director
> projector. The
> actual text is a list of various emails within a scrollable text box.
> Using the hyperlinkClicked behaviour makes the default web browser launch
> first, then the email.
> Using buddy api throws up errors, and EmailExec I can't get to work!
> Can anyone help you please, my deadline is tight!
> Thanks
> Marcus

Hi Marcus,
I wrote a quick handler and have tested it on a scrolling text member with
no problems.
--- attach to scrolling member
-- use the pipe character to seperate data for the email or anything you
want really
on hyperlinkclicked me, link
  oldDelim=the itemdelimiter
  the itemdelimiter="|"
  if link.item[1] contains "@" then
EmailExecNewMessage (link.item[1], link.item[2], link.item[3])
  end if
   the itemdelimiter=oldDelim

You will need to have properly formatted html but with no mailto: in the
This gives you an idea of a quick handler to build the data
on buildText
-- scrolly needs to be a text member
  member ("scrolly").html=myHtmlSource

Hope this helps

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RE: Convertion

2003-01-23 Thread Brad Hile
Uni wrote:
]> lista=list("sat","dua")
> member(1).text = string(lista)
> listb=list(member(1).text)
> but when I tried "put listb" this returns
> -- ["["sat", "dua"]"]
> How do i get rid of the "[" and "]" ? so that I can put it back to a list.

to convert back use


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RE: content of the TextMember3

2003-01-22 Thread Brad Hile
You will need to ensure that your text member is either named "text" or that
you change that part of the code to the name of your text member. The object
it expects is a member called "text" in castLib 4.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of universal2001
> Sent: Thursday, 23 January 2003 9:41 AM
> Subject: Re:  content of the TextMember3
> I got an error message:
> "Script error: Object Expected"
> I put the script
> firstWord = member("text",4).text.word[1]
> on a mouseUp even and I attch it to a text member.
> what should I do now?
> Uni

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RE: content of the TextMember2

2003-01-22 Thread Brad Hile
Just reference the cast
firstWord = member("text",4).text.word[1]
you can also use firstWord = member(1,4).text.word[1] but if you move your
text member it will break
Look up "member" & "chunk" in the help files for more information

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RE: Create text field - I can't find info about it

2003-01-22 Thread Brad Hile
Uni wrote:
> I'm trying to make a list of words with the equal translation
> next to those
> words.
> i.e.
> makan : to eat
> tidur:  to sleep
> duduk : to sit
> etc...
> Because I have about 100 words, I guess it is not very effective if I have
> to type every single words...
> So, I was thinking about putting those words into lingo propertylist and
> then access them using lingo getList or other.
> now, I want every word put into a single text field because I
> want the user
> tobe able to click on the word to hear the pronunciation of the word
> clicked.
> My question is: Is there a way to create a textfield on the fly
> (using lingo
> scripting) so I can create a textfield and then get the word from the
> propertyList and then put the word into the text field?
> Any advise or help is more than welcome...
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Uni

Not quite sure what you need but try this:
You can create a text member on the fly using new(type,castLib)
eg. newText=new(#text,1)"myText"

Text can be drawn from your propertylist using a simple getaprop
masterList=[#makan:"to eat",#tidur:"to sleep"]
Assign to a sprite location via puppetsprite(channel,true/false)
eg.myPuppet=puppetsprite 100, 1
If you have a lot of words that yiou want to put on screen then use a repeat
loop and set the loc of the puppet sprite
You can reuse the same member though by simply referencing the
member("myText").text=some value

I think though you would be better off though with a more expanded
propertyList that you can use like a database
masterList=[#makan:[#translation:"to eat",#audiofile:"makan.wav"]
Then you just need to query the masterlist for everything associated with
each word

Hope this goes someways towards what you need

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RE: QT xtras in Shockwave

2003-01-21 Thread Brad Hile
Alan wrote:
> Can any body tell me what xtra this is referring to. I made sure each
> movie's xtras in Director included QuickTime Agent.x32 and QT3Asset.x32.
> But still got this error message. I then made sure "Download if
> needed" was
> selected for QT3Asste.x32, which seems to have stopped this error message
> appearing, but the QT movies still do not play.
> According to, the
> QT3Asset.x32 xtra -
> "Enables Shockwave Player or projectors to play QuickTime cast
> members and
> provides the "QT3Mix" soundDevice."   -  but this does not happen.
> Please help
> Alan

These worked fine ( apart from needing the animated gif xtra).
I'm on broadband (IE6 current shockwave player) however, so perhaps you
aren't either streaming the quicktime or doing a preloadnetthing and
checking thay are loaded before attempting to play them.
Just a quick  thought.

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RE: Email/Mailto from Scrollable text.

2003-01-21 Thread Brad Hile
Marcus wrote:
> When I create a projector it works fine, but on the hyperlinks it
> opens an
> unfound html page, before going to the default email program. Any
> ideas what
> I'm doing wrong?? Do I need an extra, or can this be done from within
> Director?
> I'm working on D8, PC Windows 98.
> Please help
> Thanks Marcus

Using XP pro & IE6 I still experienced the same problem you describe even
when using baOpenUrl.
I use an excellent xtra E-mailExec by ingeniak that fixes this problem now
and allows for easy inserion of subject & body if needed.
Version 2 is a paid xtra (and well worth the money) but v1 didn't need a
licence if you can find it.
I have the pc version if you contact me offlist (BTW If this is a big no-no,
someone let me know but their site doesn't say anything)


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RE: bringing a window to the front

2003-01-21 Thread Brad Hile
Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:
> I'm using Buddy API to make sure a window stays on top of other
> windows, and
> have tried this code, without success:
> gBUDAPI=xtra("BudAPI").new()
> lwinHandle=baWinHandle()
> baWindowToFront(lwinHandle)

I had a similiar issue and had to use baWindowToFront(baStageHandle()) in an
exit frame script rather than a startMovie.
Not sure if this is applies to you.
or baSetWindowDepth( baWinHandle(), 1 ) may be another option


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RE: (no subject)

2003-01-20 Thread Brad Hile
Have you tried calling the status(fileIObj) or error(status(fileIObj)) of
the fileio object this may give you some useful information
prefpath also seems to be undeclared as global or property.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of jmk
> Sent: Tuesday, 21 January 2003 1:06 PM
> Subject:  (no subject)
> hi, i have a script which should test if ther is an .ini file called
> "appxyqt6.ini"
> but i allways get error messages when creating a CLASSIC Projector
> with Director MX.
> on a PC it works fine (director 7.02)
> it seames that the mistake is in the "checkinstalled" handler...
> thanks
> jmk
> global preffile, filler, QTinstallPath
> on startmovie -- QTinstallPath muss angepasst werden
>add (the searchpaths, the moviePath & "director")
>if the platform contains "win" then
>  QTinstallPath = "Install_Quicktime_6_win\"&"QuickTimeInstaller.exe"
>  QTinstallPath = "install_Quicktime_6_mac:"&"QuickTimeInstaller"
>end if
>preffile = "appxyqt6.ini"
>If (checkinstalled(preffile)=true) then
>  playMovie
>  go to "installer_screen"
>end if
> end
> on checkinstalled thePrefFile
>set prefpath = getOSdirectory()&thePrefFile
>-- Überprüfung Prefs
>myFileObj = new(xtra "fileIO")
>openFile(myFileObj, prefpath, 0)
>createFile(myFileObj, prefpath, 0)
>if readFile (myFileObj) <> VOID then
>  -- ini Datei existiert
>  set temp=true
>  set temp = false
>end if
>myFileObj = 0
>-- Ereignis zurückmelden
>return temp
> end
> --
> -
> jmk-media-solutions
> Spitzäckerstr. 5
> 76359 Marxzell
> Germany
> tel. +49-(0)7248-1363
> fax. +49-(0)7248-4417
> -
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode,
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> with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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RE: buddy api lingo help

2003-01-16 Thread Brad Hile
Mark A. Boyd wrote:
> OK = baOpenFile(the pathName &"test.txt", "maximized")
> 3. Even though the Buddy API help file still use it, the pathName is
> obsolete. Substitute it with the moviePath.
> OK = baOpenFile(the moviePath &"test.txt", "maximized")

Actually you'll need "Maximised" (note the s instead of z) unless there's a
US version of the xtra for download.
BuddyAPI is from an Australian developer and we speak funny sometimes ;)

Also I noticed you used a .txt file as the test file.  Neither word or excel
will open with this file only notepad in general. (you probably knew that
but was worth mentioning)
You will need to look for the application's location using baFindApp(
"doc" ) baFindApp( "xls" ), doc may return the wordpad location however so I
tend to use baFindApp( "dot" ) then use the lingo "open file with" command
or baShell for more control.



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark A. Boyd
> Sent: Wednesday, 15 January 2003 12:30 PM
> Subject: Re:  buddy api lingo help
> At 17:00 2003-01-14, marcus brooke wrote:
> >set OK = baOpenFile(thepathName & "test.txt", "maximsied"
> You don't say, but I imagine the error dialog gave more hints as to what
> went wrong - at least in authoring.
> 1. You didn't close your parentheses.
> 2. thepathName should be two separate words or you'll get "Script error:
> Variable used before assigned a value." with a question mark immediately
> following thepathName.
> OK = baOpenFile(the pathName &"test.txt", "maximized")
> 3. Even though the Buddy API help file still use it, the pathName is
> obsolete. Substitute it with the moviePath.
> OK = baOpenFile(the moviePath &"test.txt", "maximized")
> --
> Mark A. Boyd
> Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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> the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email
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> with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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RE: Percentage calculations

2003-01-11 Thread Brad Hile
Carl West wrote:
> To avoid getting an integer result you need to introduce a non-integer. 
> You could use:
> eq=PercentAddition/100.0
> eq=PercentAddition/float(100)
> eq=float(PercentAddition)/100
> But this won't work because the result is already an integer 
> before you take the 'float' of it:
> eq=float(PercentAddition/100)
Thanks Carl.
I tried the last option and gave up without thinking about it clearly. :(


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Percentage calculations

2003-01-11 Thread Brad Hile
Just wondering if anyone has a better way to work out percentage values.
Currently I'm having to append text to the number then  use value
it works but seems kinda kludgy.
something like this:
 if value(PercentAddition)<100 then eq=value("0."& PercentAddition)
 if value(PercentAddition)<10 then eq=value("0.0"& PercentAddition)
 percentValue=totalcost * eq

I've tried 
set the floatprecision=2

but it always returns 0.00 

Any thoughts ?


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RE: The long date

2003-01-09 Thread Brad Hile
Michael wote:
> Thanks for responding.
> As half of what I'm doing is going to be distributed to Europe, and they
> format the date differently from the US (my system), will temporarily
> changing the itemDelimiter do anything to screw up
> either-side-of-the-Atlantic systems regarding date?

Hi Michael and your welcome, nice to be the one offering advice for a change
Couldn't say about Euro time formats ( I'm in Oz which follows the
US/English )
Looping through the date for a 4 char item should work as the short date is
always formatted the same way AFAIK - could be wrong though.
An alternative may be to use the date object or buddyapi baSystemTime(%Y)
will always give you what you need but I don't know if it's cross platform
or not.

Hope some of this helps


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RE: Digital Video Question

2003-01-09 Thread Brad Hile
Paul Steven wrote:
> Simply question hopefully! I want to include a video intro in a director
> projector I am creating. The playback spec is PC only however must include
> win 98 as a minimum. What is the best format to create or convert the
> digital video to in order that the user does not need any
> additional plugins
> such as Quicktime. Would an AVI work fine or does it require Video For
> Windows still as it used to do years ago when I last used an AVI in a
> project. If AVI is the way to go, should I be aware of any codec issues?
> The other alternative I thought of was to create separate bitmaps for each
> frame however there are 250 frames and they are all 800 by 400 pixels in
> size. As the projector will be running from a CD-ROM I would imagine it
> would not run fast enough without stuttering.

I've had no problem with mpg format using the DirectMediaXtra
( in a similiar scenario to the one you describe.
Bloody nice xtra too that I have used time and again.
Ensure your using an older windows codec
Keep the data rate down (if their running 98 they may be using older
machines/cd drives, but you know your target better than me)
Don't go with bitmaps ..
Encode your video at a smaller size and stretch the video sprite to the
desired size
Don't use the DirectMediaXtra fullscreen option unless you want to lock out
user interaction

That's about it really

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RE: The long date

2003-01-09 Thread Brad Hile
Mike wrote:
> Hi list...
> I know I may be opening a can of worms here, but why is it that the long
> date in the following code works in authoring mode but not in projector
> mode?
> on beginSprite(me)
>   pSp = sprite(me.spriteNum)
>   r = (the long date).item[3]
>   rr = "(c)" & r && "Factory Mutual Insurance Company.  All rights
> reserved."
>   pSp.member.text = rr
> end
> In #author, it's 2003.
> In #projector, it's nothing.
> Any thoughts are appreciated.
> Regards,
> Michael M.

Hmm doesn't work in mine!
I suspect you may have picked up SPACE as the itemdelimter somewhere but
even then it's item[4]

But this will do what you need:
OLDitemdelimiter=the itemdelimiter
the itemdelimiter="/"
put (the short date).item[3]
the itemdelimiter=OLDitemdelimiter


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2003-01-07 Thread Brad Hile
Does anyone know if the problem encountered with the recent security update
to shockwave affects standalone projectors?

I recently migrated a project from 8 to 8.5 and have had reports back from
the client on the updated version that the error "Ordinal 1333 could not be
located in IML32.dll" comes up under win2000 on startup though the projector
still runs with some of the functionaility not working.They seem to be
describing errors after eventual startup consistent with the MUI xtra
failing but where the link could be eludes me totally.

I only found a mention of this error under the shockwave technote and in the
archives in reference to shockwave.

Unfortunately the client is on the other side of the country and I can't
replicate the error here which isn't the best scenario.

Thanks in advance

WIN XP pro, D8.5

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RE: setting a list to "nothing"

2003-01-03 Thread Brad Hile

>a = []
> add a, the text of member("blablabla").line[?].item[?]
> Now if I "put a" I get "". Is there a way to get "nothing"?

-- if you want to use a handler to check the existance/value of a and return
a result then
if a.count<1 then
return "nothing"
else return a

-- if you just want the list value set to "nothing" if the list is empty
if a.count<1 then

> Also, what is the precedence of a<>0 vs a=0?
> For example, if there were several if statements referencing variable "a"
> if blabla then a = 0
> else if blablabla then
> a <>0

I don't think precendence would come into play with sort of statement.
A simple nested if else group starting with the most likely option would
only give one answer depending on the structure of the statement.
if bla then
else if blabla then
a= 0
else if blablabla then
 a= 1
end if


if bla then a=0
if blabla then a= 0
if blablabla then a=1

If you can give more of a real example it would make it easier to recommend
something here as there may be better ways to go about what your doing.


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RE: Icons and auto starts,

2003-01-03 Thread Brad Hile
Robin wrote:
>  Hi all im just about to purchase some extras and wondered if anyone could
> give me some
> hints as to reliability, value for money, ease of useetc
> I want to use my own icons for projectors and to place them on the desk
> top.(shortcuts)
> Also to be able to autoStart for cd on any pc /mac? with minimal fuss.
> cheers in advance

On PC I can recommend:
Resource Hacker for changing over icons & exe properties etc.
Resource Hacker is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add,
delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files
(*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script compiler and decompiler
and works on Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP operating
I have just recently starting using this gem and have not had a single
problem so far.
I have found though that when you start editing the projector icon on a fast
start projector you need to ensure the ini file has the line:
Movie01="the name of your movie"

For shortcuts try Buddy API which has 2 free functions. If
you use the command baMakeShortcut( FileName , Path , Title ) you still have
1 spare.
I must admit I find many uses for BAPI and with the exchange rate between UK
& Aus. is probably one of the cheaper value for money options too.


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RE: A new Mothership?

2002-12-23 Thread Brad Hile
Phil Gross wrote:
> is a button look like not a button? They took it away for D8.5,
> but now it's back in DMX. Anyway, to make a short story long,
> they never took out the code for the different button styles. You
> can switch back and forth
> between the buttons and the Windows (Bill's) flat style. Try
> these commands in the Message Window:

Hey thats cool!
(Actually I think I like em better that way - must be the windows user in
Any other Easter eggs in there? or perhaps they should be called Christmas
presents at this time of year


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RE: Changing the focus in editable sprites ...

2002-12-15 Thread Brad Hile
John Lodge wrote:
> I want my user to input information into several editable sprites
> consecutively. After entering data into the first sprite I want them to be
> able to press "ENTER" and then for the focus to shift to the next sprite.
> How might I tackle this? i.e.
> 1. Display several editable sprites
> 2. User enters information into first sprite
> 3. User presses Enter key
> 5. Focus switches to second editable sprite.
> 6. Process continues as above ...

you need to look at the keyboardFocusSprite
and use something along the lines of:

-- ensure the handler includes me eg. on checkReturn me or this will not
-- check if the return key has been pressed
if the key = RETURN then
-- check if the next sprite is editable
   if sprite(me.spriteNum +1).editable = true then
-- if it is then set the keyboard input to that sprite
the keyboardFocusSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum +1)
--if it's not editable then do nothing or
-- the keyboardFocusSprite = sprite(the first editable sprite)
-- to cause it to loop back around
end if
end if


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RE: Printing flash movieclip frame in director.

2002-12-11 Thread Brad Hile
Peter Witham wrote:
>I'm starting to think people don't want to answer any of my questions
> :P I can't believe I'm doing stuff so unique that no one else has ever
> tried or come across it before lol. Guess I'll have to try and figure it
> out myself. Could ya grant my Xmas wish and even tell me if it's
> possible?

Unfortunately I don't have an answer for you but take heart, depending on
your timezone the list can be very quiet- as it is right now.
I have only seen one other post since your original and no replies as yet.
Give em a break, these guys have gotta do some work sometimes to you know..
You could always be like me and wait till about 2 am local time if you want
a quick response. ;)

(Western Australia)

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RE: Hyperlinks in text members BUG?

2002-12-09 Thread Brad Hile
Jeremy wrote:
> Bahaviors attached to the sprites.

Perhaps if the sprite thats populated dynamically is in a higher sprite
channel and expands over the other sprite its trapping the mouseup?

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RE: Hyperlinks in text members BUG?

2002-12-08 Thread Brad Hile
Jeremy wrote:
> I've found the issue I was having. Suppose you have 2 separate text
> members out on the stage in the same spot, the difference is that you
> use lingo to turn on/off visibility when needed. Well, if both have
> hyperlinks one of them will interfere with the other, in my case the one
> on the lower # sprite channel would register hyperlink clicks after the
> first click(since clicking on the hyperlink populated the 2nd member
> with text & hyperlinks, AND even though the first was had visibility
> off. I got around it by moving the invisible sprite offstage. There also
> seems to be an bug with scroll bars sticking around if you have code
> turning visibility on/off of text members. The sprite channel will
> clearly be off but the scroll bar remains, even though you cant click on
> it.

Hi Jeremy,
Scrollbars are always Direct To Stage so they don't blend to 0 , you will
need to use a custom scroller (one in the library I think or plenty of
examples on DOUG or Mediamacros) or simply put the sprite offstage as your
doing now.
Sounds like your hyperlinkclicked code is in a framescript.
I tend to put it in a behaviour so that the call is at a spritelevel.
ie. on hyperlinkclicked me, linktext
case linktext of
blah: do something
blahblah: do something else
end case


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RE: Flash Sprite + puppeting

2002-12-05 Thread Brad Hile
Robert Tweed wrote:
> A go to frame loop counts as playhead movement. The playhead leaves the
> frame, then jumps back to it again. The same updates occur as if the
> playhead jumped to the next, or any other frame.

aaah! of course - I wasn't thinking
BTW I found I needed the updatestage call as well to "set" the member to the
sprite before I could make the changes which also corresponds with what your
Oh well there goes that theory but it was fun testing it..


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RE: Flash Sprite + puppeting

2002-12-05 Thread Brad Hile
Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:
> Why do you have the Flash sprite puppeted?  I thought that since automatic
> puppeting came about, manual puppeting was no longer necessary.
I think your right but it's just habit I guess,
It just wouldn't feel right not to explicitly puppet the sprite on & off.
Like not creating a new instance of a parent script before referencing it.
Actually how do you destroy the puppet without manually doing it, or is it
limited to creation only?


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RE: Flash Sprite + puppeting

2002-12-05 Thread Brad Hile
Robert Tweed wrote:
> I don't get the basic principle of what you are suggesting. Could you
> explain a bit more please? The problem with the score is that there is no
> way (in code) to *tell* the score what member type is has in a particular
> sprite channel.

Hi Robert,
The setting of the type was totally incorrect so scrap that bit but maybe
I'm missing something here as I'm only working with textfield variable
names, but setVariable definately works fine in these examples:
(The flash sprite is puppeted and the frame is sitting on a go the frame
loop with no playhead movement.)

Pardon the rough lingo programming I have stripped this down and also wrote
it very quickly

 simple cast member script--
on mouseUp
-- copytest is the name of the dynamic text field in a flash member
  puppetsprite psNum, true
 setVariable(sprite psNum, "copytest", "Some text goes in here")

--- as a behaviour--

  on mouseUp
-- copytest is the name of the dynamic text field in a flash member
  puppetsprite psNum, true
   x = script("attach").new()
  sendsprite(psNum, #hupdate, psNum,puppetMember)


 script "attach" is:
property pSprite, pMem

on hupdate me, ps, pm
-- not really necessary but handy

on setVars me, message
setVariable(sprite pSprite, "copytest", message)

--- as a parent script 
on new me, chan
  return me

on mMakesprite me, chan
  puppetsprite ps, true

on mUpMemText me,chan, message
  setVariable(sprite chan, "copytest", message)

-- to activate:
fObj=new (script"flasher",1)
fObj.mUpMemText (1,"hey Babe !")


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RE: Flash Sprite + puppeting

2002-12-04 Thread Brad Hile
Robert Tweed wrote:
> The trouble with dynamic puppets (and the big reason they are still
> undocumented) is that Director sets different sprite properties
> depending on
> the type of the member. With dynamic puppets, it does not know
> what type the
> member is, so type specific properties tend not to work.

I may be completely off track here but could you use an initialising script
on the flash sprite to force the update or in fact to control the sprites
member - something like:

WARNING: off the top of my head email lingo

 puppetsprite i, true
  x = script("Flashcontroller").new()  --- create a new script instance
and attach to the puppetsprite
  -- send the puppet it's spriteNum & membername as a false beginsprite
  sendsprite(i, #hBeginPuppetSprite, i,puppetMember)
-- (hBeginPuppetSprite would need to set the sprites properties)

--You could then set your Flash specific stuff
 -- hard coded way  -> setVariable(i, "variableName", newValue)
or put this in the "Flashcontroller" script and call the behavour like
sendsprite(i,#SetVars,  "variableName", newValue)
Another option could be a controller parent with similiar code to the
behaviour then just do a new instance of the parent for each sprite

Hope this helps more than it confuses - I got a little carried away :0)

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RE: fileIO brain teaser

2002-12-02 Thread Brad Hile
Colin Kettenacker wrote:
> I could be wrong about this (it's been a while since I've used
> fileIO) but I
> thought fileIO only had a problem with long file paths in the openFile()
> function. With the createFile() function you should be able to
> use a normal file path without having to resort to the baShortfilename()

Colin you're brilliant! (fading memory or not)
You can create a file with over 126 chars in the path (tested at 248) so I
can then use baShortFilename..simple as that.
As to why I would possibly want a path over 126 chars? It's just a case of
better sure than sorry as the app I'm building will allow users to choose a
destination for their files to be saved. (it's a catalogue with current cart
able to be stored for later resume)
The problem with the suggested approach of trimming the file name to 8:3 or
using dummy files is of course the user getting to choose the file location
and also issues like the winXP "My Documents" folder path taking up a third
of the chars without even adding subfolders/files.
Thanks for all the alternatives though Jakob,Daniel, Tab & even Icetroll ;)
. I would be still working through them if not for Colin's suggestion.


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fileIO brain teaser

2002-11-30 Thread Brad Hile
Just wondering if someone can add a new perspective to a problem.
I am developing for a win system and using fileio.
Currently fileIO has a problem with paths over 126 chars so I use BuddyAPI's
baShortfilename to truncate the path.
All good so far, but now the problem arises.
The baShortFileName only returns a truncated name from a file that already
exists and I'm currently using the create method of the xtra.
Therefore I can't create the file because I can't trucate the path and I
can't truncate the path because I can't create the file! (oooh my head
Any other (inbuilt/free) Xtras  that create files or truncate filenames
Any way of truncating the filename using lingo so that Windows can read it?

Thanks to all

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pdf creation xtra

2002-11-22 Thread Brad Hile
Just wondering if anyone's come across an xtra that allows the creation of
simple external pdf files .
>From the archives/ mediamacros/ mile high table etc. it doesn't seem
possible but to my client this seems like basic functionality as it is
integrated into so many applications now.
Any help appreciated as always.


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RE: opening pdf's from director

2002-11-22 Thread Brad Hile
Mamao  wrote:
> Nono, i want to open the PDF OUTSIDE director, but in a determined page
> that I choose FROM director
> 8)

one option is to use gotonetpage and something like the following code
 : this does work in a browser envionment
There is also a command line argument that does the same, but I can't
remember it at this point ( sorry, try searching the adobe site)


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RE: advice on parent script location

2002-11-19 Thread Brad Hile
Kerry Thompson wrote:
> Your script was returning "the result" regardless of what happened. The
> return goes to the calling routine, wherever it is located. You
> don't need to place it inside the tell.
> Your script will also crash if you run it from the stage without a MIAW
> open, because the windowList will be empty--i.e., [ ], so the
> windowList[1]
> doesn't exist.
> Maybe the root of your question is the sharing of a script cast. Even if
> you have the same scripts cast linked to the stage and MIAW, the
> particular
> instance of the script belongs to wherever it was called, the MIAW or the
> stage. Directing the return isn't an issue.

Your last paragraph is everything in a nutshell.
The script I put in the email was a hastily written snippet to illustrate
what I meant BUT I hadn't thought about the call to a nonexistent MIAW so I
would have been caught out in the long run in think... I should use that
squishy stuff between my ears more often.
I had located my script in the stage internal cast and directed the response
based on which window was active, but after yours & Robert's response they
all live quite nicely in their own little external cast and the response
goes back to the calling routine without all the activewindow checking.
Life is good..

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RE: advice on parent script location

2002-11-18 Thread Brad Hile
Kerry Thompson wrote:
> I use linked script casts in MIAWs, and have had no particular problem,
> even if the stage is linked to the same script cast.
> You could shorten your script a bit, also:
> if the activeWindow=the windowList[1] then
>tell windowList[1]
>end tell
> end if
> return the result

Thanks for sharing your experience.
I'm little confused about the revised script you posted though. I was
thinking that if I linked the script it would remove the need to check the
active window (apart from any specific stage or MIAW directed returns).
Also I can see where "else" was redundant in my code but I would have
thought I needed to place a return call before the end tell to direct the
result to the MIAW or does the tell command give focus to the MIAW?
Thanks for the advice,

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RE: advice on parent script location

2002-11-17 Thread Brad Hile
Robert Tweed wrote:
> > Is it better practice to locate parent scripts in linked casts
> In short, yes. There is no major drawback to this method as far as I am
> aware.
Excellent, that was the answer I was hoping to get!
thanks Robert.

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advice on parent script location

2002-11-17 Thread Brad Hile
Just a bit of advice required here from my esteemed peers.
I am currently using a number of parent scripts in my project as well as
Both the stage and the MIAW need to access the parent scripts, currently I
perform checking on the active window to format the return
ie. if the activewindow=the windowlist[1] then
 tell windowlist[1]
return the result
end tell
 return the result
end if

Is it better practice to locate parent scripts in linked casts as this seems
to be a bit longwinded?
Are any potential problems lurking with either method?

Thanks in advance


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RE: Printing HTML with POM Lite

2002-11-15 Thread Brad Hile
> What I don't get is why she USED to have a mustache, and now she doesn't.
> Seems like some sort of gender confusion issues for toddlers. But
> at least
> I don't find them too annoying. I have to say they've saved my sanity.  I
> had to take my daughter - at a year and a half - on a 2 hour
> airplane ride
> to see her grandparents.  With my powerbook, dvd drive, and a
> wiggles dvd,
> it was a VERY quiet flight.

Haven't you heard of Electrolysis ? (for all those unsightly facial hairs!)
I agree the best use for a laptop is as a portable DVD player for kids
(don't forget the headphones) - total sanity saver..

Back on topic:
Thanks Andrew for the suggestion, I'll give it a try.
I have had some success with using fileio to write a temporary html file
then open it with buddy api (with child windows turned off) and sending
Ctrl-P  key strokes. ( a bit long winded and the key strokes don't always
seem to be picked up)
I'm exploring an html xtra at the moment to avoid even writing the file (
RADHTML, webXtra  if anyone has experience)


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RE: attn: grimmwerks- html printing with POMlite

2002-11-12 Thread Brad Hile

> G'day? Ah australian I now see
Thought that would get your attention Mate ;)

>- well my daughter is now a big fan of the
> Wiggles, so all I've been learning of Au lately has been through either
> them or episodes of Farscape (r.i.p)
My condolences...That Cptn Feather sword is real worry

> It's been so long ago, I'm not sure what I ended up doing; however I
> _think_ member.html for the most part is a rendered text object - ie a
> bitmap -- so whenever I printed out bitmap text (like if there
> was text on
> the stage and I printed the stage) the text would always look bad as it
> would cease to be postscript/font descriptions and become just a 72dpi
> bitmap. Unfortunately the only thing I way that text can be printed
> properly is by creating the text boxes in Printomatic's memory and
> populating them with text - which is both a hassle and not sure
> if you can
> do html formatting anyway.

Sadly that pretty much confirms what I've found.
My last effort is to try and extract the alpha and apply it an image of the
member to create the anti-aliasing, then it's back to mono spaced fonts to
get them all to line up.
(I'm really only using the html to create a tabled order form)
Thanks for the reply

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attn: grimmwerks- html printing with POMlite

2002-11-12 Thread Brad Hile
gday Grimmwerks,
I came across a post in the archive from 2001 where you had jaggy lo res
printing of html members using POM lite.
Just wondering if you found a fix for that as I have the same problem &
tried everything I can think of at the moment with no luck.
thanks in advance

re: your pTimer error, is it possible you have a bitmap cast member with the
same name ( totally guessing here)

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printing HTML with POMLite

2002-11-10 Thread Brad Hile
I did post this before but not sure if it made it.
 I'll send it again while things are quiet, thanks for any help you can

I'm using html tables to format data in a program I'm working on so that I
can take advantage of both the layout and table border.
On screen it looks great but when I print it looks like something out of my
old epson dot matrix printer. Actually it looks like it's creating a 2bit
image of the text.
I have tried:
altering anti-aliasing but no luck.
using the image of the member-> no difference
creating new 16,8,4,& 2 bit images and copypixelling the image of the member
into it -> slight improvement but still poor quality
I have considered writing out a file and using buddyapi to print it but I
think users will be very confused if they suddenly get browser windows
opening on them.

I came across the exact same problem posted by Grimmwerks in 2001 with some
suggestions but no final answer.
So Grimm if your around could you share your final fix with me/us?

One thing I did notice is that when I create a 32 bit image version there
appears to be no alpha information .
This may correlate with the jaggy edges I'm seeing (it only in occurs in
print though)
Grimmwerks?, Anybody?... help

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RE: test

2002-11-10 Thread Brad Hile
I've got your post but haven't seen any for days.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:lingo-l-admin@;]On Behalf Of Buzz Kettles
> Sent: Monday, 11 November 2002 1:51 PM
> Subject:  test
> is this list still operational?

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RE: Start the PC-machine when dead.. Lost gone mci-commands

2002-11-06 Thread Brad Hile
2702NET wrote
> ...or generated using a Markov Chain perhaps?

Now your making me feel stoopid ;)
But at least I can add a new title to my name "Markov sequence interpreter"
[EMAIL PROTECTED] if your out their nows your chance to defend your humanity!

chuckling quietly

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RE: Start the PC-machine when dead.. Lost gone mci-commands

2002-11-06 Thread Brad Hile
> Does anybody have any idea what he's asking? My Martian is a bit rusty.
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson

Looks like a bad case of " freeonlinetranslationitis"

I think he's looking for Media Terminal or something similiar to restart a
PC when it locks up.(for a kiosk maybe)
Seems like Media Terminal enabled autostartup of shockwave in a scheduled
manner (set start/stop or randomly).
>But as some op's can be started be keyboard or remoted...could it be made
>some way beside dozing and snoring ?
Can it be made to respond to keyboard or remote calls rather than just
running in the background (makes sense if the machine is locked up)
>Or do I have to set some gadget in some port hole or power contact to get
it into reactions...? A Fronkenstein-problem.
Does he have to piece togethor a solution using some kind of physical power
switching device to make a restart happen

Hoping this is kinda correct

ps. I don't speak martian or swedish and If I'm even remotely right on this
I think I'll buy myself a beer!
Any swedes on the list that care to translate directly?

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RE: jaguar and director

2002-11-06 Thread Brad Hile
> Chris Aernoudt wrote:
> Is all I have to add to this.

LOL That's great work, and Ellen Feiss, well a picture says a 1000 words...
I'll be forwarding that URL to many a developer I know..

Good to see the Beige Panthers (Windows users) striking back.

BTW I don't take sides here, I just sit on the fence at laugh at both
I do harbour a secret desire to own a new i-mac though, a reading lamp that
can play cd's - thats so cool.


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RE: jaugar and director

2002-11-05 Thread Brad Hile
Uh Oh it's a holy Platform War!!
Ron, Didn't you know MAC stands for Member of the Apple Church...
Your in for it now ;)

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:lingo-l-admin@;]On Behalf Of Ron Woodland
> Sent: Wednesday, 6 November 2002 9:54 AM
> Subject: Re:  jaugar and director
> For Mac users, it's always Microsoft's fault. ;)
> Jeremy wrote:
> > Can someone explain how its microsofts fault if the mac version of
> > software, in this case director, doesn't work properly under osX ? Just
> > wanting to understand this.

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RE: printing HTML with POMlite

2002-11-05 Thread Brad Hile
Well I'm back and just tried:
using the image of the member-> no difference
creating a new 16,8,4,& 2 bit image and copypixeling the image of the member
into it -> slight improvement but still poor quality
One thing I did notice is that when I create a 32 bit version there appears
to be no alpha information . This would correlate with the jaggy edges I'm
seeing (but it only in  occurs in print though)
Grimmwerks?, Anybody?... help


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:lingo-l-admin@;]On Behalf Of Brad Hile
> Sent: Tuesday, 5 November 2002 1:49 AM
> Subject:  printing HTML with POMlite
> Just came across a problem and wondered if anyone has a suggestion.
> I'm using html tables to format data in a program I'm working on so that I
> can take advantage of both the layout and table border.
> On screen it looks great but when I print it looks like something
> out of my
> old epson dot matrix printer.
> I have tried altering anti-aliasing but no luck. Actually it
> looks like it's
> creating an 8bit image of the html.
> I came across a mention of the exact same problem posted by Grimmwerks in
> 2001 with some suggestions but no final answer.
> So Grimm if you around could you share your final fix with me/us?
> I have considered writing out a file and using buddyapi to print it but I
> think users will be very confused if they suddenly get browser windows
> opening on them.
> I'm yet to try extracting the image of the text member but it's nearly 2am
> so will leave that to the morning.
> Thanks in advance
> Brad

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printing HTML with POMlite

2002-11-04 Thread Brad Hile
Just came across a problem and wondered if anyone has a suggestion.
I'm using html tables to format data in a program I'm working on so that I
can take advantage of both the layout and table border.
On screen it looks great but when I print it looks like something out of my
old epson dot matrix printer.
I have tried altering anti-aliasing but no luck. Actually it looks like it's
creating an 8bit image of the html.

I came across a mention of the exact same problem posted by Grimmwerks in
2001 with some suggestions but no final answer.
So Grimm if you around could you share your final fix with me/us?

I have considered writing out a file and using buddyapi to print it but I
think users will be very confused if they suddenly get browser windows
opening on them.
I'm yet to try extracting the image of the text member but it's nearly 2am
so will leave that to the morning.
Thanks in advance

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RE: Quicktime Thumbnails

2002-10-29 Thread Brad Hile
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:lingo-l-admin@;]On Behalf Of Fraser Campbell
> Sent: Tuesday, 29 October 2002 9:03 PM
> Subject:  Quicktime Thumbnails
> Any ideas as to how to grab the first frame of a quicktime movie in a
> projector. Basically I want to create quicktime thumbnail images
> on the fly

Have you tried putting the quicktime into a miaw (same size as quicktime and
set to be miles off stage) then grab the image of the miaw stage?
Not sure if this will have implications on performance though as I think you
will need the quicktime set to be not DTS.
My other thought is, if you know in advance what video's there are to choose
from, then simply grab images from them in authoring, store them and call as
Hope this helps


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RE: List archives?

2002-10-25 Thread Brad Hile
> Is there a searchable archive of this list available somewhere? I need to
> find a special mail which got lost in my own archive.

the headers say:
I also have this bookmarked:;


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RE: image of a text member

2002-10-17 Thread Brad Hile

Something like this will work Fabrice.
If you change the text color and copypixels ink value you can also get
interesting effects.
Hope this helps

 watch for word wrapping---

--set a default text member to the text you want to grab the image
-- you may need to play with the .fontsize,leftIndent , and font
properties to get your desired effect

member("source text").text="SALUT!!"

-- get an image of your graphic you want to lay the text over
temp.image=member("button base").image.duplicate()
myrect=member("button base").rect
-- you can name it anything you want but this will give the text with an
extension of button
myname=member("source text").text&& "button"
member(myname).image.copyPixels(member("source text").image,myrect,
myrect,[#ink: 3])

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Fabrice Closier
Sent: Thursday, 17 October 2002 3:05 PM
Subject: Re:  image of a text member

In same line,
how do you manage to mixe 2 different casts together?

i mean a #bitmap member and a text member.
to obtain a new#bitmap cast member with text burned into it?


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RE: FTP via Director

2002-10-16 Thread Brad Hile

Hi Mike,
One I know of is DirectFTP
I haven't used it so can't vouch for it though.

Just a thought, as it's only text could you use postNetText in conjunction
with a php/cgi script to do what you need?

Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone knew of an Xtra that would aid in the FTPing of a
file.  Basically, the app I'm working on will save out a ".txt" file that
will have to be FTP'd to a specified server.  I'd love to simplify the
process by not only saving out the .txt file, but having it immediately FTP
to the server using Director (assuming a connection to the net is available

Any leads would be appreciated.  I tried searching the acrhives, but to no
avail ;(

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RE: auto-resizing miaw

2002-10-10 Thread Brad Hile

That occurred to me this afternoon but I still get vertical stretching.
I have replaced the last line with
I needed to make allowance for the spacing I put in around the image but
this obviously doesn't work either.

Is there a set way to use drawrect to ensure sprites aren't stretched or is
it just what happens?

thanks anyway.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Buzz Kettles
Sent: Thursday, 10 October 2002 11:43 PM
Subject: Re:  auto-resizing miaw

your new drawRect probably needs to be zero based

(window"popup").drawRect  = rect (0,0, newRect.width, newRect.height)



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RE: auto-resizing miaw

2002-10-10 Thread Brad Hile
Hmm very interesting, This might be a better option for what I'm working on.
Thanks Pranav,

>Sorry Brad, I haven't got a solution to your problem, but if you're
>interested in using sprites as windows, you could try Jim Andrew's Windows
>for Shockwave. Try the site

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auto-resizing miaw

2002-10-09 Thread Brad Hile
I've been trying to get this to work for hours with no success. Can someone
be so kind as to point out the stupid thing I'm doing wrong here.
I can get the window to resize correctly but when I test the drawrect it
returns the original window value or when I reset it to match the new
dimensions I get stretching.
I've never used drawrect and am thinking this might be where my problems
anyway here's my current code within a parent script in the MIAW

on resizeStage me
  -- center to the montor
  Scrn = the deskTopRectList[1]
  Scrn_w = Scrn.width
  Scrn_h = Scrn.height


>  (window"popup").drawRect=newRect

Just a thought: Has anyone ever simply created a faux MIAW image (border &
background) and  composited the bits they need onto it like image and text,
then used puppet sprite? Was it quick/robust etc.?

Thanks in advance

" Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time...
... I think I've forgotten this before. "

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RE: Smooth scrolling of text

2002-10-08 Thread Brad Hile

Converting to image is one way.
Take a look at
or search for "scroll" "text" at for lots of different

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Shailendra
Sent: Wednesday, 9 October 2002 2:11 PM
Subject:  Smooth scrolling of text

Hi all,

Thanx to list members who respond so quickly to lingo user's
problems. Currently i'm experimenting with text scrolling. I'm
using scrollbyline and other properties, but they all scroll very
fastly, i want text should scroll smoothly as we do in flash using

Is there anyway to scroll text smoothly?

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OT pregex mailing list

2002-10-03 Thread Brad Hile

Just thought I would send a copy of this for anyone interested in the pregex

Dear subscribers to the PRegEx mailing list  --

First, thanks for using PRegEx.
I promised that this list would be low-traffic and it has been -- There
haven't been any postings because the list has been broken!
Anyway, today Brad Hile sent a request for archives, and so I thought I'd
fix the list and answer everyone -- there have been no messages yet.  This
is the first.
PRegEx News update:

1) A few bugs have come in during the year since PRegEx was released.
These are detailed, along with workarounds and/or proposed fixes, at:
2) Ravi, one of the co-authors, reports that he is working on making PregEx
shockwave-safe.  If anyone needs this sooner rather than later, I'm sure
he'd welcome contributions, especially financial ones.  :-)
3) Another planned piece of work is to port to the later PRegEx library.
4) Probably we'll do a OS X update when Director 9 comes out.
All of these planned changes are somewhat far off -- probably in the next
year, but no guarantees.
Finally, I would encourage any of you who are using PRegEx actively and have
any ideas or success stories, to post them to the list; and any of you with
questions to post those, too.

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RE: Re: How can I install a minimum QT Player without going through registration and download?

2002-10-03 Thread Brad Hile

HI Al,
FWIW, I think from memory your required to distribute the most current Qt
version available so your install wouldn't be so complicated but basically
it's a "live with it" scenario. Just remembered the person installing may
need to download the Qt activeX replacement thingy as well since
Microsopphht doesn't support it anymore.
 I would use Mpeg1 myself if it's a major client issue and let Qt handle it
natively on the Mac side and use DirectMedia on the Win side... no mess, no
fuss, no downloads. The DirectMedia Xtra does cost a bit, but supports cue
points, scaling etc. and is self contained.
For further info on mpeg see
If I'm not mistaken mpeg is the encoding structure as the resulting file can
have a .mpg, .avi or .mpeg extension on a win machine and still work fine.
Even mp3 is just a variation for encoding audio.
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong on this point

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Allen Stare-IMM
Sent: Thursday, 3 October 2002 11:18 PM
Subject:  Re: How can I install a minimum QT Player without
going through registration and download?


Here's the deal: client wants a cross-platformed CD-ROM. We used Quicktime
for the video and some animation in the production. We check for QT presence
at start-up on the PC side. If it's not there, we go to the QT5 Installer
that we placed on the CD-ROM. The installer asks for registration
information and wants to go to the web to look for newer installers. There
is a newer installer right now, so it downloads the newer installer, closes
down the old installer, restarts the new installer and then downloads the
new player. That's a huge commitment from the user to getting Quicktime to

Problem: The Client wants minimal interference from the installer. No
registration, no checking for new versions, etc. He barely wants to install
Quicktime but we've explained that we need a player to show the videos.

My Question: How can I minimize this? I'm just playing back flat videos. No
VR or extensions or any other QT specialty stuff. Is there a QT Movie Player
contained somewhere in Windows Media Player? Is there a basic installer for
the Movie Player only that I can get ahold of? It needs to display on
Win95/98/NT/2000 and it definitely can't try to do a download.

And, perhaps the bigger question, what are my other options for
cross-platformed videos? I don't know much about MPEG. Would it work on both
platforms without external installations? What about common codecs? We're
using Cinepak for the QT because it's on both OS's.

Thanks in advance for your help. All of the information I get from the list
is always very valuable.



Allen Stare

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RE: editable textfield sprite stopping mouseEvents

2002-10-01 Thread Brad Hile

Don't worry everyone- thanks to those already thinking about this.
It's working as expected now
Amazing what a good system restart will do.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Brad Hile
Sent: Wednesday, 2 October 2002 11:38 AM
Subject:  editable textfield sprite stopping mouseEvents

Hi All,
Has anyone experienced an editable Text or Field (tested both) sprite
stopping an image sprite from receiving mouse events?
The editable text is not DTS and I added dummy mouseEvents to it

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editable textfield sprite stopping mouseEvents

2002-10-01 Thread Brad Hile

Hi All,
Has anyone experienced an editable Text or Field (tested both) sprite
stopping an image sprite from receiving mouse events?
The editable text is not DTS and I added dummy mouseEvents to it
eg. on mouseUp
end mouseUp

There are 2 director buttons on stage that are able to receive events but I
suspect this is due to them being DTS
and I had no problem till I added the text sprite.
Not sure if it makes a difference but the image is created/manipulated via
imaging lingo (it's a group of radio buttons)
Am I missing something here? - Any help would be great.
a very puzzled and confused Brad

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re: Print-o-Matic problems was " using Buddy API or Direct OS"

2002-05-17 Thread Brad Hile

> I wish to print out jpegs (photos) from my movie. I thought that
> Print-o-Matic was the way to go but I am unable to print anything. Only
> blank pages appear. My printer is working properly, by the way.

Hi Genevieve,
This worked beautifully with over 700 photographic images, though if you
need security on the images I wouldn't recommend it.
I took the approach to keep the images seperate and swap the filename of a
default member as needed to print.
Admittedly I am displaying a users choice in a popup MIAW and then I print
from there but this may give you some ideas.
I use a 24 bit placeholder image that is swapped by a call from a thumbnail.
Just on a side note, I have to say I'm still amazed that basic functionality
like printing is not native within Director- anyway thats a subject for
another thread.

Just had a thought: if you have simple printing needs,  you could just set a
property in the print behaviour (GPDL) with your image filename and have it
swap the member prior to printing then change it back to default when done..

-- Lingo below watch line breaks
(Used in a movie script to swap the member image)

on hAssemble myimage
-- images are in a folder called "images" (funnily enough)
--gGlobalList.pathdelim is set on startMovie to the last char of the
  ImagePath= "@" & gGlobalList.pathdelim & "images" & gGlobalList.pathdelim
& myimage & pExt
-- you end up with a string like @\images\mypicture.jpg on a windows machine
when pExt=".jpg"
-- member("picture") is the default image member

(Print button behaviour with thanks to Stuart M Acklam)

property pPreOrPri, pTitle, pName
property pRect1, pRect2, pRect3, pRect4 --sets up the borders
property pOriantation  -- sets up Landscape of Portrait
property pMember1,pMember2,pMember3
on mouseUp me

  cursor 4
  set doc = new (xtra "printomatic_lite")

  if not objectp(doc) then exit

  setDocumentName doc, pName
  setMargins doc, rect(pRect1, pRect2, pRect3, pRect4)

  if pOriantation = "Portrait" then
setLandscapeMode doc, FALSE
setLandscapeMode doc, True
  end if

  append doc,  pTitle & RETURN & RETURN

  append doc,  member (pMember1)
  append doc, member (pMember2)
  append doc, member pMember3

  cursor -1

  -- options are "Print", "Preview", "Both"
  if pPreOrPri = "Print" then
if doJobSetup(doc) then
  print doc
end if
  end if

  if pPreOrPri = "Preview" then
if doJobSetup(doc) then
  printPreview doc
end if
  end if

  if pPreOrPri = "both" then
if doJobSetup(doc) then
  printPreview doc
  print doc
end if
  end if

  set doc = 0

on getPropertyDescriptionList

  set p_list =\
[#pName:  [#comment: "Name of Job:", #format: #string, #default: "Catalogue
Image" ], \
#pTitle:[#comment: "Header Text:", #format: #string, #default: "Document
Title" & RETURN & "Second Line" & RETURN & "Third Line" & RETURN & "Fourth
Line" ],\
  #pMember1:[#comment: "Which image Member first:", #format: #member,
#default: "" ],\
  #pMember2:[#comment: "Which Member second:", #format: #member, #default:
"" ],\
  #pMember3:[#comment: "Which Member third:", #format: #member, #default:
"" ],\
  #pPreOrPri: [ #comment:   "Options of print:" ,#format:   #string,
#default:   "Print", #range :["Print", "Preview", "Both"] ],\
 #pOriantation: [ #comment:   "Orientation:" ,#format:   #string, #default:
"Portrait", #range :  ["Portrait", "Landscape"]], \
 #pRect1: [ #comment:   "Border left:" ,#format:   #integer, #default: 32],\
 #pRect2: [ #comment:   "Border top:" ,#format:   #integer, #default: 32], \
  #pRect3: [ #comment:   "Border right:" ,#format:   #integer, #default:
32], ¬
  #pRect4: [ #comment:   "Border bottom:" ,#format:   #integer, #default:
32] ]

  return p_list


on getBehaviorDescription
  return "simple PrintOmaticLite stuff..." &return& "by Stuart M Acklam,
7Feb98 "
end getBehaviorDescription

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Data Cast Members

2002-05-06 Thread Brad Hile

Not a question just a big thanks to Irv Kalb.
Your article on Data Cast Members was excellent.
I've never used parent scripts before but I'm converted, and this method of
data management is great.

Brad Hile

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RE: Using lingo to imitate a QTVR panoramic !

2002-05-03 Thread Brad Hile


Have a look for GlomTime VR by Norm Glomski (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
I think it will be the perfect solution for you, or at least a long way

here's the file's header:
--GlomTime VR was created by Norm Glomski on Oct. 13, 1999.  It was created
--in an effort to eliminate installing QuickTime onto the user's PC.  It
--actually has better picture quality via JPEG compression than the
QuickTime VR
--movies that I was creating using the Cinepak compression codec.

--There are 5 easy steps to mastering GlomTime VR.

--1  Open the VR_Pictures cast.  Delete the camera pictures.  Import your
--   series of Jpeg images.  Using the cast member properties of your first
--   write down the picture's width and height.

--2  Modify Menu - Movie - Properties  and change the width and height of
--   movie to match those of your Jpeg image from step one.

--3  Delete sprite 1 and drag your first Jpeg image into sprite 1.

--4  Attach the VR_Object scr to sprite 1 using the Behavior Inspector

--5  You may set the number of zoom steps by changing gSteps value which is
located in
--   the on prepareMovie handler.  Zooming in is accomplished by pressing
the "i" key
--   and zooming out by pressing the "o" key.

--If you use GlomTime VR please send me an email that notes how you are
using it,
--and any comments and/or suggestions for improvement.
--My email address is:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you can't get hold of Norm then mail me off list I can send the file
(618k .dir) to you if you need it.

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RE: Time Stamping in Code at Publish Time

2002-03-19 Thread Brad Hile

Just a thought,
Could you run a synching exe seperately that checks the time on the dcr and
updates the server accordingly from the R&D server using baFileAge &
baCopyFile or similiar.
Or at the least on startup use baFileAge for instance to compare the two
files and alert the tester to the fact that the file is older than that on
the R&D server.

Brad Hile

From: "Watson, Christopher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Lingo-L'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 10:01:59 -0800
Subject:  Time Stamping in Code at Publish Time

Here's an interesting one.

We've got several development and R&D servers onto which I deploy the DCR I
produce. The manual deployments happen relatively irregularly over the
course of a week or so, and then the DCR is intergrated into a site build
that is installed onto other servers at other times. Depending on the time
of day, one set of servers may have one version of the DCR, and another set

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RE: Incorrect behavior initializer

2002-02-05 Thread Brad Hile

Hi Leah,

Sorry for the late reply but I'm on digest.
I can confirm on WIN D8 I had a similiar problem and found a similiar fix.
PROBLEM: I changed the format of a property in the
getPropertyDescriptionList from #text to #string, recompiled all scripts and
then got the same  "Incorrect behavior initializer. (Periods are not allowed
in symbols) ..." error.
Fortunately I had only just changed this and realised the problem.
FIX:  I had to re-enter the text in the dialogue box (the property inspector
refused the change) and it all worked fine from then.

Hope this helps anyone in the future.

Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 11:29:28 -0500
Subject: Re:  Incorrect behavior initializer
From: Leah Kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to all for your input into this problem.  I received a response on
DIRECT-L that helped point me in the right direction.

I had recently done a little cleaning up of one of my casts -- deleted some
unused members and moved others around a little.

It appears that the getPropertyDescriptionList values of one of my Push
Button behaviors got corrupted in the process.  I had to go through the area
of the score where I thought the problem was occurring, sprite by sprite to
find the afflicted behavior, but sure enough it was there.  I just brought
up the dialog box for the behavior and reselected the parameters and all was

Hopefully this will help others who run into this problem in the future.

I must say, however, that in the other situations that I've seen this, I
don't recall that this was the fix to the problem.  But who knows?
Sometimes I think you end up trying 5 different things to solve a problem
and you can't be sure which one solved it.

on 2/4/02 5:58 PM, Leah Kramer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I forgot to mention that this is D8 on Mac.
> on 2/4/02 5:43 PM, Leah Kramer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm wondering if anyone has conquered this Director quirk before.  We've
>> seen it a few times here and have had to pretty much scrap the movie and
>> start over when it happens.
>> The deal is, that out of the blue, you start getting an error that says:
>> "Incorrect behavior initializer. (Periods are not allowed in symbols)
>> The error message goes on to display a line of code which if you look at
>> script it comes from, has nothing to do with behavior initializers.  And
>> nowhere are we using symbol names with periods.
>> Once, we did have luck taking certain script cast members, copying out
>> code into BBEDIT, removing gremlins and copying it back in but that's not
>> working for me now.
>> Errrgh.
>> There's mention of this error in the 1999 Direct-L digests but not really
>> any resolution to it.
>> Hope someone knows the answer to this!
>> Thanks,
>> Leah
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