OT: Invitation to help improve Israeli internet [mybroadband]

2012-02-25 Thread Gadi Cohen
Hi Linux-il Friends

One of the things that I've always felt missing since moving to Israel
has been the lack of a place to discuss Israeli internet.  Depending on
the problem, I usually either use Google and land up on any number of
local websites (usually only vaguely related to the topic at hand), or
in my case and for the same reasons, I usually post an OT post here on
this list, since the people here are the exactly the informed and
experienced people I want to hear back from.

I will explain the rationale further below, but to jump straight to the
point, I am (rather ambitiously) starting a bunch of forums on my
MyBroadband.co.il site, here


and would love you to be a part of it.  So:

1) Please let me know if something like this already exists and I am
wasting my time :)

2) Please feel free to add even just links to relevant existing material
on other websites.

3) Please feel free to get involved and add your own material -- go wild.

4) Please feel free to invite anyone else who you feel could contribute,
but at this point, no regular users (the idea is that if there is
interest, we will first build up a collection of good material before
inviting regular users -- if relevant)

More info:

As mentioned before, my main problem is that this kind of info is
dispersed all over the Israeli internet, hard to find and usually on
irrelevant websites.  I've never been able to find a single site that
brings all these kind of discussions together, although I admit my
limited Hebrew may have stopped me.

The idea is based on a website of the same name and same idea in South
Africa, where it has been hugely successful.  Even to the extent of the
ISPs offering special packages to MyBroadband users there, or responding
personally on the forum to accusations, etc.  This is way more power
than the Israeli consumer currently has, where they are basically all
tricked into paying the highest possible amount for their internet
package, and generally accept many false promises and poor service from
their ISP.

Beyond that, I'd also love to create an environment where Israeli
internet users can help each other, share experiences, etc, etc.  I
realize this is also very ambitious, especially since I am not a native
language Hebrew speaker, but this is something I felt has been lacking
for 10 years and no one else has come to address it (that I'm aware of -
again, corrent me if I'm wrong).

Obviously the key element is community, and hence my invitation for you
to get involved.  I'm been a member of this mailing list for about 12
years now I think, and many of you have helped me over the years... in
case there is some interest in this project, of course members of this
list are eligible to be moderators / admins with suitable investment of
time and effort.

I'd love to hear your thoughts... if possible on the forum itself, since
this is OT, although I do think that a bunch of Linux enthusiasts
spearheading this kind of project, would be a very good thing for the
Israeli Linux community too :)


P.S.  There's a lot of old material on the Wiki part of the site (mostly
from 2007) which you can ignore.  You might remember the Bank W3C
compliance page from back then (I guess I should add a Chrome icon to
the list... :)).


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5


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Bank Hapoalim *Business* website in Linux (or alternatives)

2011-08-19 Thread Gadi Cohen

I'm about to open a corporate bank account with Poalim, but from
  looking at their website, https://www.bankhapoalim.biz/,
  it looks like the online banking requires the use of their "Mini
  Key", a proprietary USB device which I guess contains an
  identification key, only lists various Windows versions as
  supported systems, and I could also guess requires Internet
I've sent their support address my thoughts on the matter, but
  since this mailing list usually has better info than support
  teams, I'd like to know if anyone knows a way around this, or has
  any recommendations for banks who don't tell companies what
  software to run if they want access to their own financial
For the record, my personal account is at Poalim, and that
  website works great in both Firefox and Chrome.  It's just their
  business website which seems problematic.l

  Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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Re: Accelerating a server / webapp

2011-07-12 Thread Gadi Cohen
Hi, I'm joining this part a bit late but I'll make some comments above
and beyond what Nadav mentioned; I'll deal specifically with web
application performance.  Also besides iostat, you can install a package
called iotop, which is like top but instead of io.  (But you only really
need to do this if you identify a high iowait using regular top...)

So assuming the server is all good, here are some things that can speed
up web apps (specificaly PHP)...

1) Install an opcode cache!  This makes a BIG difference, it means
instead of interpretting every PHP file (including every include) on
every access, it can compile a single file for each webpage and run that
directly.  APC is excellent and free, integrates into PHP, and will be
effective on applications without any additional work.

2) Using a cache between the PHP app and the database can also speed
things up, especially if your site has high load.  This requires support
in the app itself.  APC has such a cache built in.  Memcache is another
popoular option, and required for a shared cache between multiple
servers (it's slower than APC though...)

3) Google Chrome has some amazing speed analysis tools built in.  Press
ctrl-alt-j and look at for example the 'network tab'.  This shows you a
graph of where all the page loading is going.  It's great to identify
bottlenecks and offers advice on how to address the most common ones
(e.g. certain pages being forced to load before others can be requested,
cache use, etc.)

4) On that last note, client side cache is a big deal.  Some default
settings might require certain files (images, css, javascript) to be
unnecessarily loaded on every page.  Intelligent caching makes websites
significantly faster and more responsive.

Hope this helps!


On 28/06/2011 18:16, Steve G. wrote:

 I have a server that is sometimes sluggish. While I suspect the main
 problem is DNS and routing issues with my provider's infrastructure,
 in particular responding to DNS requests and routing, I am not sure.
 So here are some questions to the server experts on the team:

 1. How do I identify the bottleneck in server performance? Is the
 problem with my networking card, CPU, memory, HD I/O, or the
 networking infrastructure outside the home.

 2. Is there a tool for monitoring or testing load and performance
 without disabling or slowing down the server for long periods of time?
 I use Linux/Apache/PHP (no MySQL at this time, since I disabled
 WordPress due to all the fracking comment spam I was having to
 manually delete), but I am also interested in tools to do the same in

 3. If I had to do one thing to improve my hardware, which should it
 be? RAID? SD drive? Faster CPU? 32 to 64 bus? More/Faster memory?
 Obviously cost is a consideration.

 4. Is there any general advice on improving performance by removing
 background programs, etc.?



 Check out my web site - www.words2u.net http://www.words2u.net

 Linux-il mailing list


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Flashing Galaxy S devices under Linux (Was: Upgrading Android Under Linux)

2011-06-16 Thread Gadi Cohen
On 16/06/2011 10:15, Amos Shapira wrote:

 Once you go through it with Heimdall the anxiety level drops...:)

Haha I can relate to this!

Don't have any solution for the keyboard, unfortunately.  (As I
mentioned, I'm using SlideIT and it works great).

Glad Heimdall is getting a good response from Israel... donated to that
too.  Was such a pleasure not to have to load up W7 in VirtualBox, it's
the only thing I've needed Windows for in a very, very long time.

 It looks like the Gingerbread ROM with the newer root'ed kernel and
 some tweaks turned via an application could sustain for about ~35
 hours on one charge. Still not ideal but far better than what I had
 I'm still looking for ways to squeeze more from it, though.
Dude, 35 hrs is like... ridiculously good!  I hope you're not looking
for 3 days like we used to get with Nokia's from a smart phone.  Great
battery life for me is finishing the day with above 50%.  It was a
massive improvement over original Galaxy S use (with stock ROM) where
the battery would be dead in the middle of the day, and would have to
charge at work, etc.

Yeah I guess I have something similar called Juice Plotter.  I judge
battery life now based on how long it takes to discharge 10%.  Good = 4
hrs.  Bad = 1 hr.  That good was on my Galaxy S II though, but
sometimes it still gets bad, still working things out here.


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Flashing Galaxy S devices under Linux (Was: Upgrading Android Under Linux)

2011-06-14 Thread Gadi Cohen
On 13/06/2011 10:49, Amos Shapira wrote:

 1. I lost root after the flash. All links point to GingerBreak but
 multiple attempts didn't work. I now read that someone noticed it's
 done after leaving it for 2.5 hours so I'll try it again - I stopped
 it after letting it run for an hour. If you know of anything better
 then I'd love to hear.
Yeah, you'll always lose rose if you flash back to a stock image.
Did GingerBreak help you?
Otherwise just flash any rooted / insecure kernel.
(And then download su.apk etc...)

Alternatively flash a custom ROM, which will have this all done for you.
 2. Hebrew keyboard - in Froyo I used Keyboard from Gingerbread with
 a Hebrew language pack, both from the market. But the Hebrew language
 pack says it doesn't suite a real gingerbread environment.
Well, I'm currently using the SlideIT keyboard (like Swype but it's
Israeli, had Hebrew support long before, and I found it has better
'error correction').

The popular hebrew keyboard has always been the AnySoftKeyboard, haven't
used it in ages though.
 3. Battery life - what else can I do to extend it as this was my main
 problem with Froyo and I'm not sure how well GB does so far (but only
 one day of experience).

Often ROMs have various tweaks to help with this.

On my S1, I was using PilotX ROM and had great battery life; that was
still Froyo though, but maybe there's an update by now.

Don't forget, you may need to recallibrate the battery (more on this
elsewhere... it involves wiping the battery stats from recovery and
doing a few full full-empty-full cycles (i think from the lower level
charger when you don't turn on the phone).

If you use something like OSMonitor and find that kswapd is always using
lots of CPU, you can change some of the vm settings with sysctl... I
don't recall off hand but I can check for you if you can't find it...
vm_dirty or something, and I think one other one.

Good luck!


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Flashing Galaxy S devices under Linux (Was: Upgrading Android Under Linux)

2011-06-07 Thread Gadi Cohen
On 11/05/2011 15:48, Amos Shapira wrote:

 I'm following the forums around it but from what I heard CM7 doesn't
 fully support the SGS yet though this might change soon since Samsung
 released the kernel sources a few weeks ago.

First piece of news is this:
Samsung Delivers Galaxy S II to CyanogenMod Dev, Says Get to Work

 If someone can point me to *detailed* instructions how to achieve that
 without Odin then I'd love to hear - I don't have time to mess with a
 dead phone if I screw things up or to sit through tons of text which
 assumes you already know tons of jargon TLA's etc. I tried following
 instructions but they all either start by assuming you know the
 acronyms and the basic stuff or I end up chasing explanations of the
 terms used in the instructions.

Right, I finally overcame my fears and successfully flashed my SGS II
I9100 in Linux yesterday.

I'll be as detailed as I can, but ultimately exact instructions would
depend on which ROM you want to flash.


1) Download and install Heimdall from here:
There are debian packages (.deb) which can be installed in Ubuntu/Debian
or converted to RPM.

2) Download whatever ROM you want.  Unzip/unrar/etc to get the .tar.md5
This is just a regular tar file.  Odin can read it all in one go.
For Heimdall you need to untar it, and specify each file separately.

3) Get the phone into download mode.
From a powered off phone, hold down vol-down, home, and power.

4) There's a Heimdall GUI which I didn't use (since it's not updated for
the latest version).
But the command line is very easy.  Run heimdall with no arguments for a
list of options.
Then it's a matter of specifying what each file is.

The (possibly) less obvious ones are
* zImage is the kernel
* Sbl.bin is the Secondary Boot Loader

Then it's just (as an example):

heimdall flash --factoryfs factoryfs.bin --kernel zImage

Yeah, it's that simple.  For a full (stock) ROM it would probably be:

heimdall flash --primary-boot boot.bin --cache cache.img --factoryfs
factoryfs.img --hidden hidden.img --modem modem.bin --param param.lfs
--secondary-boot Sbl.bin --kernel zImage

Some ROMs require you to repartition how the memory is divided, in which
case you'll also need, for example, --repartition --pit 512.pit.

5) When Heimdall finishes, the phone reboots automatically with the new ROM.

Note, that's the flashing part, which is easy, but ROMs in general
might be a bit more complicated.  e.g. especially for the Galaxy S II
which is new, you might need to e.g. wipe the phone before flashing. 
You should definitely wipe the cache if you don't flash a new one.  You
can do these actions from recovery mode (power on with vol-up, home,
power).  Note, the SGS I is sometimes hard to get into recovery, see my
previous note in a previous email about that.

The point is, even if you flash successfully, other things could still
go wrong.  But then it's not a problem to just reflash the device.  Just
make sure you don't unplug or power off during the middle of a flash! 
Generally speaking, if you aren't trying to keep your user data between
flashes, more than likely if you flash a base ROM, and then a custom ROM
known to work on top of that base rom, your chances of success are very

Let me know if anything wasn't clear, and good luck :)



Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5


Linux-il mailing list

Re: translate a pdf file from german to english

2011-05-21 Thread Gadi Cohen
You can actually do this directly from Google Translate!

After eventually finding a manual for my dishwasher in German, I used
Google Translate to do this and finally figured out what all the beeping
meant :)


On 16/05/2011 14:11, sara fink wrote:


 I have a pdf file in german (can't find in english) and I would like
 to translate it in english. Is there a way to do that? Any input will
 be appreciated

 Linux-il mailing list


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux-il mailing list

Re: translate a pdf file from german to english

2011-05-21 Thread Gadi Cohen
On 21/05/2011 16:20, Dotan Cohen wrote:

 In Google Translate, below the main form, is this link:
 Type text or a website address or translate a document.

 Thanks, Gadi, I did not know about that until you mentioned it!
Yeah, it was a big and helpful surprise for me too... thought I'd share
the love ;)
 After eventually finding a manual for my dishwasher in German, I used Google
 Translate to do this and finally figured out what all the beeping meant :)
 I'm still in suspense. What was all the beeping?

Uhh... it needed more salt.  I didn't know dishwashers used salt.  My bad.

For those who saw Google I/O, I'm waiting for the day when my dishwasher
will have Android @ Home support and can tell me wirelessly (and in
English!) what it needs :)

[For those that didn't, Google are launching a project where home
devices can communicate wirelessly, either via wifi or if not via
Google's own wireless protocol, with a central hub running Android.  As
I understood it, everything will be open sourced and no licenses
required to develop the hardware... which sounds fantastic to me. 
Although obviously the primary development platform will be at a higher
level in Java (or via Dalvik VM, at least).  The technology is tiny, so
can, as they demonstrated, be built into an actual light bulb, as
opposed to replacing your actual switches.]


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Upgrading Android Under Linux

2011-05-06 Thread Gadi Cohen
I must admit, I just used Odin under VirtualBox with a Windows 7
guest... it worked great.

But yeah it looks like you're going in the right direction.

Stock Android does RTL, but it has a bug where numbers are reversed in
RTL, which is a bit unbearable (think phone numbers, dates, bank
balances, etc).  As mentioned CyanogenMod has great RTL support (thanks
to Omri Baumer), but the experimental versions for the Galaxy S are not
usable for daily use.

For full Hebrew support (fixes for specific apps, etc) you'll need a
locally built rom.  I'm using the PilotX ROM, which I'm very happy
with... I have the v3, but I see v4 is out too.  It's still based on
2.2.1 though (Froyo, not Gingerbread), so you might have to decide
what's more important for you.  http://sgsil.mobi/showthread.php?t=46 
(see also www.iandroid.co.il forums)

There are full instructions on the site for how to install; as was
pointed out, you only need Odin to replace the bootloader, and from
there it's just a matter of putting all the files you need on the
internal memory and flashing them.  Obviously you could use Heimdall
instead of Odin for that step.

A lot of ROMs are expecting to be flashed over a certain version of the
flash rom; I think because the partitioning is done differently.  Also
***very NB*** is to make sure that you can get to download mode (vol-up
home and power-on at same time) before you start flashing things; if you
have an older Galaxy S you have to get this working first.  To leave
recovery mode if you don't flash anything (and only then), you have to
remove and replace the battery.

To get to recovery mode with vol-down,home,power can be sketchy
sometimes, but it's possible with some effort (usually by plugging the
phone in to power with the phone off, holding that key combo in for 3
reboots (without letting go, it restarts on it's own) and then it goes
in to recovery fine.  The other solution was - believe it or not -
heating the device up with a hairdryer, which also seemed to work
according to a lot of forum reports.  If you have adb working, you can
also just adb reboot recovery.

I realize your main question was probably about Heimdall and
Gingerbread, but I hope some of the other info here will help you.


On 04/05/2011 17:38, Amichai Rotman wrote:

 Hi all,

 I recently switched from Nokia N97 to Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000. It
 came with Orange's ROM (Based on Android 2.2). 

 It is lightning fast compared to my old N97, but still - it hangs
 and has a bunch of Apps I do not need or like...

 I'd like to upgrade it to version 2.3.3 (Gingerbread). Can any of you
 tell me how to do it under Linux? I am running Ubuntu 10.04.

 I found out that Heimdall is the equivalent to Odin, but I get a
 dependency error on the C Libraries when I try to install it.



 Linux-il mailing list


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Upgrading Android Under Linux

2011-05-06 Thread Gadi Cohen
On 06/05/2011 15:30, Dotan Cohen wrote:

 2011/5/6 Gadi Cohen dra...@wastelands.net:
 I must admit, I just used Odin under VirtualBox with a Windows 7 guest... it
 worked great.
 I thought that the VM could not poll the USB fast enough for this. Did
 you have to mod anything?

Not that I recall, at least not with regard to what you're saying.  I
have a vague memory of not seeing the device appear in the device list
straight away, but I think that might have been before I installed USB
support :)
 What is NB?
Important  :)


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Amazon EC2 hosting, was: Dedicated hosting in the US

2010-08-12 Thread Gadi Cohen
On 12/08/2010 00:00, Maxim Veksler wrote:
 Are you familiar with EC2  cc1.4xlarge instance type ?


Not really... I did have a look around there a while back, but it just
seemed overly complicated.  I like paying a flat rate and knowing
exactly what I get, especially since it's more than enough power for me
for the next little while.  Also with 16 cores can I quite easily divide
my work into nice little VMs (xen-based), which I believe (but am not
sure) that I could migrate to the cloud at a later stage.

It says bandwidth is free until November... then what?

Or more importantly... assuming you are in fact a proud owner of an
xlarge instance, please share your use case and experiences with us :)



Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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Dedicated hosting in the US (and maybe CA/UK)

2010-08-11 Thread Gadi Cohen

My hosting provider currently has an amazing deal which I thought I'd
pass on to those interested.  I don't work for them and I don't get any
commission, I promise -- but this topic has come up a few times before,
so I thought some people might find the info useful.

The deal is 50% off quad core servers.  The have a regular quad core
for $99/mo, but what really interested me is the Dual Xeon setup (16
cores!) for $199/mo, including 6GB RAM, 2.5 TB/mo bandwidth and 100mbit
port speed.  For me this was a super deal that I couldn't resist and am
busy migrating my old server across.  The specs inspired me to finally
get into xen, and hope my next migration will be a live one :)


They also have datacentres in Canada and the UK, the offer might be
valid for there too.  Again, I have no hidden connection to ServerBeach,
but I've had so much grief with hosting providers over the past decade
that when I'm finally happy, I want to share the love.  As a reminder,
these are the guys who hosted Youtube before Google bought it.  Their
slogan is by geeks for geeks, never met with the incompetence I've
experienced from other companies, and the response time on tickets is
great (from my personal experience, at least).  Also the bandwidth to
Israel is great... off peak I max out my 8mbps line (at about
730K/sec).  On peak NetVision do some ugly filtering, but I have a VPN
for that.  From my tiny VPS in Israel, I get a consistent 2MB/s to their

Anyway, hope this helps someone.



Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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Re: hosting in USA

2010-05-09 Thread Gadi Cohen

 Linux-il mailing list


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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Re: Nexus One vs Samsung Galaxy S

2010-04-17 Thread Gadi Cohen
On 17/04/2010 08:53, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
  These have UI improvements from the manufacturers with great
 I have only looked at the Galaxy when it first came out. At that time,
 I did not spot ANY differences between it and the vanilla Android.
 What improvements does it contain?

Ok, my bad... I was writing from memory and didn't realize there were
two different similar sounding phones:

Old phone:   Samsung i7500 Galaxy aka Samsung Galaxy 
New phone:  Samsung i9000 Galaxy S aka Samsung Galaxy S

I was actually talking about the latter.  Which will only be released in
the summer, I think.

For that reason I haven't seen it myself of course, but in terms of UI
you can see e.g. a much nicer main menu :) in the 2nd video on this

(I should note that the HTC Evo 4G includes HTC's Sense UI, which looks
fantastic, plenty videos of this around. You can find it ported to the
Nexus One but then of course you're limited to updates to that ROM... 
some Nexus One features might not work).

As for hardware, the highlights here (also from the link above):

1) Super AMOLED screen.  Looks amazing, brighter, better contrast, uses
less power.  See video.
2) Possibly the fastest processor on the market, but it's debatable. 
It's also 1Gz like the N1 but can draw triangles 3 times a fast. 
3) 8 or 16GB internal RAM.



Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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Re: Nexus One vs Galaxy S vs Evo 4G

2010-04-17 Thread Gadi Cohen
On 17/04/2010 09:37, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 I must admit that I found Sense to be underwhelming. Sense will
 probably be great for people who use facebook and twitter a lot, as it
 has very tight integration with these services.
 HTC's decision to make Sense plugins distinct from Android Launcher
 plugins is, in my view, a lame attempt to prevent people from taking
 the Sense plugins, and holds no technological merit.
 Inside Android, at least, it feels like a shallow casing around the
 core system, and I prefer the uniformity of having a standard
 interface throughout the system.
No real argument from me, all valid points. But again, this seems to
agree with what I said before... Stock Android (or CyanogenMod, etc) is
the way to go for technical users, but more vanilla users may well
prefer the eye candy of Sense (and it's social integration, although we
have some of that in Android 2.1 now) without caring too much about the
open source implications.
 1) Super AMOLED screen. Looks amazing, brighter, better contrast,
 uses less power. See video.
 Is it reflective? Usually, the brighter colors are due to a reflective
 surface, which makes it more difficult to work with.
From Wikipedia[1] (looks like the info came straight from Samsung):

The main advantages of Samsung’s new Super AMOLED vs the first
generation AMOLED:
* 20% brighter screen.
* 80% less sunlight reflection.
* 20% more battery life.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_AMOLED

Somewhere (I guess youtube) you can see the difference between the
iphone and the galaxy S in direct sunlight... I remember being very
 2) Possibly the fastest processor on the market, but it's debatable.
 It's also 1Gz like the N1 but can draw triangles 3 times a fast.
 So I have to ask about battery time and weight.
No idea about battery time...
Weight (from Google): 118g, sounds good. Looks nice and slim in the
video I posted before too.

Oh, and I forgot to mention two of the impressive hardware specs of the
Evo 4G (besides wimax):
* 8 megapixel back facing and 1.3 megapixel front facing camera
* hdmi out



Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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Re: Nexus One vs Galaxy S

2010-04-17 Thread Gadi Cohen
On 17/04/2010 14:49, Amos Shapira wrote:

 Is this about the Galaxy Icon?
 Because its specs page (as far as I followed) specifies it doesn't
 even have WiFi, which I think is a major bummer.
Nope, we're discussing the soon to be released Samsung i9000 Galaxy S.

Here's a link I hadn't pasted yet:
5 reasons to wait for the Samsung Galaxy S

Shachar, the page also claims improved battery life, citing beyond the
super amoled display, the 45nm die size (whereas according to the
article most other Android phones are still on 65nm).

Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Nexus One

2010-04-16 Thread Gadi Cohen
On 12/04/2010 13:39, Constantine Shulyupin wrote:
 How may list list subscribers use Nexus One?
I do :)
 What are your impressions?
I absolutely love it.  I had a G1 before, and am a big fan of Android. 
That in itself was a great upgrade, finally having the processor power
and RAM to do what I really wanted.
 Does it worth to purchase?
IMHO, definitely.  It's a no brainer if you're a techie.  It was amazing
feeling my first time to get a terminal on the phone and move around
just like regular linux, write shell scripts, etc.  But even if you
aren't, it's a great phone.  I have a friend who doesn't know computers
at all, and he got it and loves it (although I had to set up the Hebrew,
custom ROM, etc for him).  There are only three really annoying bugs
that I can think of, but they really do happen infrequently and new
firmwares (community developed) come out frequently.

The Nexus One is arguable the ideal phone for developers and technically
orientated people.  This is the phone to get if you want to install a
regularly developed custom firmware, have the latest Android updates
(before they make it to a proper release, which can take a very long
time as was the case with e.g. the Motorola Droid), and otherwise screw
around with your phone.

However, for someone who isn't interested in all these things, there are
probably better options: The Samsung Galaxy (which has an AMAZING super
amoled screen) and the EVO (which has wimax, but we don't have that here
yet, and I could guess we'll get hsdpa+ instead; correct me if I'm
wrong).  These have UI improvements from the manufacturers with great
features... but will get the latest Android updates slower, have less
active communities around them, and may be harder to root, etc.

But in short, as a technical user, nothing I've ever purchased has ever
made me as happy :)
 Where it worth to purchase?

You can buy in Israel for about NIS 3500.

You can order directly from Google via mustop.co.il, and you'll end up
paying about NIS 2800 I think.

Even better is if you have someone coming back from the US.  Tax on
phones is about 34%, so you could get away with say NIS 2200... big save!

Note if you order from Google you get a custom engraving on the back of
the phone FOR FREE.

I recommend getting the Desktop Dock too.
1) Easy charging (contact points you rest the phone on, no need to
jiggle a micro usb in there)
2) Clock mode comes on with a cute bed-side clock :)
3) It has an aux-out you can connect to your hi-fi, connected to the
phone via bluetooth a2dp.

Ok since no one else has answered yet I'll go all out here.

Other recommended accessories:
1) If you want to mount it in your car, look at the stuff at
www.proclipusa.com (or wait for Google's).
2) You can get higher mAh batteries here
3) Get a screen protector.

For navigation in Israel, check out www.waze.co.il

For firmware, www.cyanogenmod.com (comes with needed fonts for Hebrew).

Hebrew input, search anysoftkeyboard in the market, or slideit hebrew
(quite nice, google it).

There is a Hebrew android forum over at www.iandroid.co.il

Right, now we're on the same page!
Enjoy :)


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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Linux-il mailing list

Re: Browser compatability, was: Bituah Leumi site: call them!

2010-04-16 Thread Gadi Cohen
I think ultimately what Gilboa is suggesting (below) is the way to go
(especially with government agencies and subsidaries); however in the
meantime I'd like to suggest something in the middle.  This is where I
think we've gone wrong until now and how to change it:

1) Problem:  We usually complain to tech support, who are usually
incompetent.  If they forward our complaints on to anyone, it will be to
the site developers, who use and know nothing but IE, and have no
motivation to do otherwise.

Solution:  We must target the company directors, with strong arguments
(below) that will convince them to take action, and ORDER the developers
to get their act together (pay them, make them uphold their contract, or
change companies).

2) Problem: Sometime we try get support for Linux, which is harder.
Solution: All we need is support for W3C, or at least non-IE specific code.

3) Problem: We accept the perception that we are a minority.
Solution: We're not!  As of March 2010, IE has only a 52% market
share!!  [1]

And here lies our compelling arguments:

a) If they're targeting people outside of Israel (including investors!),
they're excluding 900 million people :)  [2]
b) They're missing out on mobile phones, netbooks, tablets, tvs, etc
which are all emerging markets.
c) If they're only targetting Israel (where IE has higher use) they are
still falling behind their competitors.
d) Basically, the whole world (even Israel) is moving forwards, and
they're stuck in the past, losing current customers and not in a
position to attract new ones.

Analogies are great too.  Here's one I just thought of now.

It's like telling your customers they can only do business with you if
they call you from a Nokia cell phone

That's something anyone can understand.  Nokia was dominant.  They're
not anymore.  Everyone knows of the Iphone, Blackberry, etc and you can
remind them that none of these devices can access his/her website.

So, do they really not care that their entire business image (and
business potential) is affected simply because they have chosen to
overpay incompetent site developers?

etc, etc.

Comments welcome :)

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_web_browsers
[2] http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm


On 16/04/2010 14:06, Gilboa Davara wrote:
 We're long past the talking stage.
 IMHO, we (as in non-Window-using-community) need the following:
 - Someone with (a lot? of) free time to galvanize the efforts.
 - A hub. (Site, facebook, linked-in, etc)
 - Money. (I'm willing to pledge 1K nis for the effort)
 - A good attorney that handles supreme court cases.

 In theory, (and sadly enough, without the man power to push it forward,
 it'll remain a theory) the following steps should be taken:

 - Setup a site that will be used as a hub to collect funds and
 - Locate a good attorney.
 - Select several high profile targets (gov.il comes to mind) and sue
 them for say, price of Windows * 5% of all computers in IL. This should
 get their attention.
 - Speaking of attention, make a lot of noise about it in the press. News
 papers usually dig under-dog-vs-government type of wars.

 I'd do it myself, but I'm over-worked as it is :(

 - Gilboa

 Linux-il mailing list



Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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Re: Hebrew search in PDFs is backwards?

2010-01-19 Thread Gadi Cohen
Diego, thanks for taking the time to check this out.  Appreciate it.

I will play around and see what I can do, but I'll only have a chance
after exams.

I'll also take a look at the Evince/GNOME/Pango situation as well.

Dotan - it's not strictly a bug.  Diego has pointed out that qt (the
underlying library used by KDE and hence Okular) has exactly the
function we need - one that can convert logical Hebrew to visual
Hebrew.  The bug is that this is probably a private function
(accessible only from within qt, and not from within applications that
are based on qt) - although there's a chance we can still use it.  If
not we can file a bug report and try get the function made public in the
next big qt update.

In short - I will play around after exams, and file the relevant bug
report when I know what's going on.

Thanks guys... this has been quite productive, it will be really nice if
we can have open source Hebrew searching in PDFs :))


Dotan Cohen wrote:

 2010/1/19 Diego Iastrubni elc...@kde.org:
 This is really, really bad from qt/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp, inside
 void QPainter::drawText(const QPointF p, const QString str, int tf, int

 I see this code:
QStackTextEngine engine(str, d-state-font);
QScriptLine line;
line.length = str.length();
int nItems = engine.layoutData-items.size();
QVarLengthArrayint visualOrder(nItems);
QVarLengthArrayuchar levels(nItems);
for (int i = 0; i  nItems; ++i)
levels[i] = engine.layoutData-items[i].analysis.bidiLevel;
QTextEngine::bidiReorder(nItems, levels.data(), visualOrder.data());

 Now... it seems like QTextEngine::bidiReorder()  does exactly what you want
 logical-visual. However... this class is defined inside qtextengine_p.h...
 which means this is not official API.

 But, IMHO, even if it's not marked, you can open a bug report on this at
 Nokia's bug tracker, and they will handle it for Qt 4.8, maybe 4.7. 
 if the header is installed - abuse it. If it's not included - hack it inside
 your application

 (*) I know that this will not be accepted at KDE's svn ...


 Could you file that bug, Diego? It is far above my understanding or
 level. Thanks!

 Here is the Qt bug tracker:


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Hebrew search in PDFs is backwards?

2010-01-18 Thread Gadi Cohen
Matitiahu Allouche wrote:

 PDF's objective is to reflect the exact appearance of text.  For
 Hebrew, it means that the text is stored in visual order.  If your PDF
 viewer accepts user input in logical order (which is the case in
 Windows and Linux), it should transform search arguments (captured
 from a user dialog) from logical to visual order before performing the
Thanks, that was very helpful!

I'm now trying to implement this in Okular (instead of studying for my
exam, bad!).  I've set up a KDE4 development environment, but have no
prior experience with KDE or Qt at all.

I've searched the 'net for anything relevant, and I see in older
versions of Qt there were functions like QString::visual() and
QHebrewCodec, but nothing like that exists in the latest version (4.6). 
Do you (or does anyone) know how to convert a string from visual to
logical in qt4?

Or for reference purposes, do you or does anyone know offhand how one
would do this with GNOME / Pango?  (Evince is next, although with any
luck I won't look at any of this again until after exams).



P.S. Anyone else wondering if all this hail will crack their windows? :)

Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Hebrew search in PDFs is backwards?

2010-01-18 Thread Gadi Cohen
I'm a big fan of Fribidi... I wish it had been around when I added
Hebrew support to something years ago, and I've made extensive use of
the PHP wrapper for it.

It crossed my mind, but by relying on just the native qt4 and pango
stuff I was hoping to avoid extra dependencies and have a short and
sweet patch that would be easily accepted and used by default.

I'm scared that if I go the fribidi route, it will remain a compile time
option disabled by default -- whereas I'd prefer to have something that
is available out the box in any modern distro.  If someone can fault my
reasoning or suggest an alternative, please do!  I'd love to use fribidi
if it's feasible.



Dov Grobgeld wrote:

 You can easily do it with fribidi through the fribidi_log2vis()
 function. fribidi is wrapped by pango, but it does not export its API.
 It does export pango_log2vis_get_embedding_levels() but you'll have to
 work a bit more to use this function.


 On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 16:28, Gadi Cohen dra...@wastelands.net
 mailto:dra...@wastelands.net wrote:

 Matitiahu Allouche wrote:

  PDF's objective is to reflect the exact appearance of text.  For
  Hebrew, it means that the text is stored in visual order.  If
 your PDF
  viewer accepts user input in logical order (which is the case in
  Windows and Linux), it should transform search arguments (captured
  from a user dialog) from logical to visual order before
 performing the
 Thanks, that was very helpful!

 I'm now trying to implement this in Okular (instead of studying for my
 exam, bad!).  I've set up a KDE4 development environment, but have no
 prior experience with KDE or Qt at all.

 I've searched the 'net for anything relevant, and I see in older
 versions of Qt there were functions like QString::visual() and
 QHebrewCodec, but nothing like that exists in the latest version
 Do you (or does anyone) know how to convert a string from visual to
 logical in qt4?

 Or for reference purposes, do you or does anyone know offhand how one
 would do this with GNOME / Pango?  (Evince is next, although with any
 luck I won't look at any of this again until after exams).



 P.S. Anyone else wondering if all this hail will crack their
 windows? :)

 Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net
 mailto:dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
 Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
 KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

 Linux-il mailing list
 Linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il mailto:Linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il

Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux-il mailing list

Hebrew search in PDFs is backwards?

2010-01-17 Thread Gadi Cohen

I've exported a PDF from OpenOffice 3.1 (with tags).
I can search for Hebrew text in Evince or Okular, but it searches backwards.
E.g.  If I have the words SHIR and RISHON, if I start typing RI it
will match the end of SHIR.

I have no idea if this is a problem with OpenOffice, Evince/Okular or
just the PDF standard.
Any pointers?


P.S.  Maybe someone can save me some more headache.
I see that (finally!) a PDF export won't randomly insert Hindi
characters in ooMath objects.
This was committed to CWS ooo32gsl09 and is targetted for 3.2.

I also see that 3.2rc2 is based on OOO320_m9.

Can I hope that since they both start with ooo32 and end with 9 it
will have the fix? :)

I find the versioning scheme quite complicated.

More on the Hindi bug here:


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux-il mailing list

Re: ext2 partition on G1 Android

2009-08-28 Thread Gadi Cohen
Some things that come to mind:

1) Is your ext2 partition your 2nd partition?  When loading, Android
relies on the order of the partition not their type.

2) Is the partition formatted?  The boot might fail if it can't mount
the partition.

If you have adb installed, an 'adb logcat' will probably show you what's
going on even if the phone doesn't complete the boot.


eliyahu cohen wrote:

 I'm trying to setup apps2sd on a G1. I can resize the fat32 partition without 
 a problem, but whenever I add an ext2 partition to the SD card, the phone 
 wont come up after a reboot. I've tried partitioning with fdisk, gparted, and 
 sdsplit (as per 
 http://code.google.com/p/android-roms/wiki/Fat_Ext2_Partition). Any ideas 
 what could be wrong?
Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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2009-06-12 Thread Gadi Cohen
Ok, so this last came up in March 2008.  My media PC, an old system from 
2001, finally bit the dust, and I've decided to take the plunge into a 
proper home automation and media server, ala LinuxMCE.  My custom-built 
HTPC will arrive next week sometime, and I'm going to try give the 
LinuxMCE 810 alpha a shot (because I'll need support for the newer 
hardware).  I've also ordered (from abroad) one of the last few LinuxMCE 
remotes and a USB-UIRT device.

I'm curious to know:

1) Who else is running LinuxMCE and what your experiences have been like?

2) What resources are available online in terms of HTPC in Israel... Yes 
programme guides, etc.

If this is really catching on, I'm more than happy to set up a Wiki to 
consolidate resources.

My own intentions involve a step-by-step approach.  I'll first use the 
system just as a basic media server, then gradually get something going 
with Yes, VOIP, etc.  If the 810 alpha is too unstable, I'll just run 
Ubuntu 9 on the system until this changes.  Ultimately though, I'd love 
for us to crack the Yes CAM issue and do (legal) decoding on the HTPC :)


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer dra...@wastelands.net www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux-il mailing list

[OT] Vacation apology

2008-11-03 Thread Gadi Cohen

Hi All

My deepest and sincere apologies to anyone who posted to the list in the 
last two weeks and got my vacation message; being adventurous I decided 
to set this up using Plesk, assuming it would have the necessary rules 
to ensure only relevant people got the message... besides annoying list 
messages, I probably replied to some 10,000 spam messages too, and for 
this I humbly apologize (well, to the list, not to the spammers).  In 
future I'll stick to trusted procmail recipes.



P.S. To those that sent me personal messages, thanks for letting me know 
about the problem.. forgive the lack of personal replies, I'm simply a 
good few hundred emails behind still.

Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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Re: OT: How about running Linux in your web browser?

2008-07-09 Thread Gadi Cohen
I don't use it, but are you aware of http://g.ho.st/ ?

It's a full WebOS - your own virtual desktop accessible from any web

IIRC it's a joint Israeli-Palestinian project.


Maxim Veksler wrote:

 Hello list,

 This is surly interesting news, It seems that the folks at Mozilla are
 working on writing a C/C++ to Tamarin compiler (ActionScript VM
 running inside Adobe's Flash).
 This means implementing the full POSIX calls, including emulation of
 direct memory access...

 Now I ask you, is it not getting us just 1 steps closer into
 the concept of network OS?  Just think about it, you could
 theoretically boot MacOSX, open your browser, browser to
 http://hamakor.org.il/start (which would redirect you to
 http://os.google.com) and bam!! You see Linux happily booting in your
 FireFox :)

 Read more about it here :

 Maxim Veksler

 Free as in Freedom - Do u GNU ? 

Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: SIP gateway providers in Israel?

2008-06-26 Thread Gadi Cohen
Arik, thank you for your email.  You finally inspired me to join the
VOIP revolution :)

Arik Baratz wrote:

 I've been using www.didww.com successfully for a few years now as a
 DID in Israel. Friends and family call my Israeli number and the call
 gets routed to my Asterisk box in the US. The cost is very reasonable
 (an 077 number is $3/month) and it's a flat rate for up to two
 simultaneous calls.
Have you ever had any problems with them?  I'm only been using them now
for a few days :), but yesterday all of my DIDs were unavailable at
random intervals.  From a tcpdump and the call log, it looks like they
only tried to connect the call some 20 minutes after it was made. 
Anyways, today is everything is working.
 My termination service for the box is voipjet.com which has a very
 reasonable rate for Israel (2c/min LL, 10c/min cell). They say that
 they don't want end users to use their services, only carriers; they
 didn't kick me out though so I guess that as long as everything is
 okay they won't care.
And your experiences with them?  I signed up a week ago (and paid!) and
my account still hasn't been activated yet... they keep posting a
message on their website saying new accounts might only be activated on
approximately XX and keep moving the date forward.  No response from
their fastsupport email, and from reports on the Internet it doesn't
look like they've ever answered that email for the past few years.

I must also point out that they are in violation of PayPal's terms of
use (they charge a surcharge for payments) and their own TOS is
incredibly dodgy.  You're actually already in violation for disclosing
to other people that you use their service.  You also agreed never to
sue them, and of course that, the customer acknowledges that the
service may not be working for some, most or all of the time..

The potentially good news though is that after A LOT of searching
(indeed, good rates to Israel aren't easy to come by), I did find the
services of grnvoip.com.  Here's a comparison of prices to Israel (in USD):

 Land Line  Cell
VoipJert.Com   0.01980.0949
GrnVoip Standard   0.0138   0.0792
GrnVoip Premium0.0166 0.0951

The premium service is meant to have better voice quality... although
I've found the quality of the standard calls to be just fine on their
own.  I already had a technical issue which they sorted out quite
quickly.  I thought you and other members of the list might benefit from
all the searching and this experience with them.  Of course, bear in
mind I've only been using their services for a few days, and I guess you
need termination to the US anyways.

 My setup allows the following:
Did you configure everything by hand?  Or did you use a web manager?
 Downside: I get calls in the middle of the night from MILUIM... don't ask.
Mmm... you could always block calls from unlisted numbers... at the very
least after hours.  Or you could direct unlisted numbers to some silence
and they'll need to know in advance they'll have 5 seconds to press 1
after the phone stops ringing...  there are a lot of creative solutions
here :)

Again, thanks for the inspiration.


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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Re: Mandriva 2007.0 mirror

2007-09-22 Thread Gadi Cohen
Shlomo Solomon wrote:
 I can't offer you names of other 2007.0 users, but I'm sure they're out there 
 and hope some of them will add requests.
Yeah actually I'm in that category... would be great to download rpms
locally again :)


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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the word unsubscribe in the message body, e.g., run the command
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Providing precompleted PDF forms in Linux

2007-09-18 Thread Gadi Cohen
Hi Guys

IN SHORT: I need to take an existing PDF file, mark it as a form (never
done this before but assuming it won't be hard to do this using Adobe
Acrobat; this step can be done in Windows), and ultimately have the form
completed in Linux/PHP so that the end user can downloaded a
precompleted form which they can simply print and sign.

FULL EXPLANATION: One of the websites I develop is for a large youth
movement hosting regular events for both existing and new members.  At
present for any event, both such groups complete a printed form which is
then submitted and hand processed by the movement offices (through a
intuitive web interface, of course, but it is still time consuming).

The goal is that existing users will not only NOT need to re-enter their
information on the form, but also preprocess the form into our database
(without movement staff needing to do it by hand) and of course having a
hard copy of the form and signatures for legal reasons.  The goal is
minimal impact on the movement and its members, such that we would like
to use the existing PDF files available for download (looks the same to
chaverim and staff).

Doing this via COM calls to a Windows server is not an option.  I want
the form completion to be done exclusively in Linux unless this is
absolutely impossible.

Any help appreciated :)



Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: Providing precompleted PDF forms in Linux

2007-09-18 Thread Gadi Cohen
Shachar Shemesh wrote:

 I have to admit that I have never came across the term PDF form, and
 so I have little idea what that entails.
It's kind of like a regular HTML form in PDF format...  it's a PDF
document with text input fields, select boxes, etc, that can either be
printed or submitted online.  Don't feel bad, I also only came across
one for the first time a few months ago.
 How about storing the plain file as an open document text template with
 fields, and then using OpenOffice in automation mode to fill out the
 fields and generate the resulting PDF?
Thought about that, but there is alot of formatting in the documents,
designed usually in MS Word or CorelDraw... when they're opened in OO
they split over multiple pages and generally look bad...  took me long
enough to convince the movement to move to PDF :)

Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

 You might want to look at the U.S. State Department's page for the
 form to renew a passort by mail. They have you fill out an online 
 form, and them when you ok it, a PDF file is created fully filled in
 complete with a barcode containing everything in the form in a way that
 the computer can read it.

 It may be too sophisticated for your needs/budget, but the concepts
 will still apply.
Yes actually that's exactly what I'm trying to do :)  thanks for finding
me an example online...

Meir Kriheli wrote:

 PDF has the notion of forms, FDF[1].

 Linux.com published few months ago an article about pdftk[2]. In that
 article, under Filling out forms, pdftk is used to fill the form fields.

 [1] http://www.planetpdf.com/developer/article.asp?ContentID=6623
 [2] http://www.linux.com/articles/53701
Amazing... that's exactly the info I was looking for... thanks for
saving me alot of unecessary searching.


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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Re: State of the Israeli banks websites

2007-08-21 Thread Gadi Cohen
This is another issue that seems to repeat on the list every few
months.  I took the courtesy to summarize the findings of this thread
here: http://www.mybroadband.co.il/wiki/Banks.  Hopefully we and other
communities can keep the list up to date (feel free to publish the link
wherever relevant).


Omer Zak wrote:

 I mean - Firefox on Linux.  Could be understood from context - my Linux
 distribution is Debian Etch, where Firefox is known (and identifies
 itself) as Iceweasel, due to trademark issues in Debian.

 The Web site works for me (under Linux, after I changed the useragent
 string by which the browser identifies itself) in those use cases in
 which I am interested (checking status of my investments).  I did not
 check further, and I am rather un-surprised that some other use cases
 fail to work.

--- Omer

 On Thu, 2007-08-16 at 16:00 +0300, Dan Bar Dov wrote:
 Oh, and when you say Discount works with firefox you mean firefox on
 With firefox on Linux it doesn't work shit. [excuse my language]


 On 8/16/07, Dan Bar Dov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's not true. Discount mostly works with firefox, but it
 has some [important] features 
 that fail to work. For example, if you have more than one
 account, the switch-account
 drop-down box does not open, so you can't even look at your
 other account. 
 On 8/16/07, Alon Altman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Discount's web site works well with Firefox, however
 your browser must
 identify itself as Firefox and not Gecko or
 Iceweasel. In case
 you use a different browser, you get a message saying
 the site 
 supports IE only, which is not true.
 On 8/16/07, Omer Zak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I do not have experience with other banks, but Bank
 Discount's Web site 
  blocks you unless you have Internet Explorer,
 version 5.5 or later.
  The people responsible for this state of affairs do
 not have a clue
  about the importance of supporting W3C standards -
 if to judge from
  their response to the complaint which I made about
 this, few weeks ago. 
   --- Omer
  On Thu, 2007-08-16 at 10:58 +0300, Kfir Lavi wrote:
   I'm looking to open bank account for investing.
   I currently using Bank Hapoalim website and it
 works fine, but I don't 
   have experience investing with this bank.
   From your experience, which bank will have the
 best Linux support in
   investment of stocks and mutual funds.


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: [OT] Online privacy, police to have free access to IP addresses

2007-08-20 Thread Gadi Cohen
Nadav Har'El wrote:

 It doesn't make us a totalitarian state, unless the police actually (ab)uses 
 this power, and so
 far, I don't think that it actually does.
Exactly, but that's just the point... in any sane democracy there are
structures in place to prevent such abuses taking place.  Like before I
gave my example of police needing to obtain a search warrant before they
can break into someone's house, they need to prove that such action is
necessary to someone other than themselves, and be able to back up their
claim.  If that wasn't the case, do you not think the ability to search
people's houses would be abused?  Such power needs to be monitored; its
a matter of protecting our society from human nature.

So, with the new law, I don't think suddenly all our rights are going to
be abused...  but I can see the police using this new system more and
more often, each time with less and less hard reason... until such use
is common place and unmonitored (unmonitored within the police, that
is... seeing as they are already right now getting rid of any higher
power to check up on them).  And I think that process, no matter how
many years it will take, will lead to a totalitarian system, and that's
why I think no other democracy in the entire world is allowing such a thing.

Moshe Leibovitch wrote:

 I'm wonder if the Israeli law allows you to
 encrypt your communications over public channels.
 I wouldn't shock me to find out the even this discussion is illegal :) 
Yes, discussing such policies could indeed be dangerous, especially
since there is enough information in a typical email message received
from this list to - with the new system in place - get your full name,
address and every other detail about you.  Actually by subscribing to
this list and writing a simple script and letting it run for a month or
so, you could have everyone's full details ready and waiting to arrest
this cell which could threaten the police's reputation (and could be
arrested for an illegal discussion).  Yes, an extreme and hypothetical
example, and I think very unlikely, but still *possible* - and that
should worry you :)


 In addition, stop using your ISP's email, use either GMAIL or HOTMAIL or 
 whatever you like. As YBA suggested, encrypt email. Use steganography. Use 
Any webmail = good.  Whatever you like = bad.  Don't forget on usual
SMTP communications, the mail server will record the sender IP address
and time the email was received from it.  That's enough info with the
new law to get your full name, address, etc.  With webmail, the
webserver connects to the mail server and so the recorded address is
'localhost'... I wouldn't use webmail in Israel though :)

Don't forget you'll need to use a proxy server outside of Israel for any
website in Israel which records your IP address, and any website in the
world which could display your IP address (e.g. a wiki if aren't
registered, or forget to log in.. big mistake :)).

Network security is nothing new for me, I can't imagine too many major
changes to my regular routine... it will just be a shit feeling thinking
that the people I'm now protecting myself against are the people who are
meant to be protecting me!


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

To unsubscribe, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
the word unsubscribe in the message body, e.g., run the command
echo unsubscribe | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[OT] Online privacy, police to have free access to IP addresses

2007-08-19 Thread Gadi Cohen

In short: There is a law presently being passed that will give the
police free access to all phone numbers, IP addresses, etc, creating the
largest such database for police use in the entire Western World (i.e.
Israel will set a new precedent for what is allowable in a democracy,
using totalitarian policies as inspiration).

This really worries me.  Not that I am a terrorist or criminal warlord
who is worried in a disruption of my activities, but in that I consider
it a major invasion of my privacy and a very bad direction for Israel to
go in.  I am therefore writing for two reasons:

1) To make you know about this proposed law.

2) To find out what we do to prevent it (assuming others are as troubled
as I am).

In my mind, there are very good reasons why in democracies, the police
need to obtain a warrant or court order for sensitive information. 
Privacy is a basic liberty which needs to be protected.  Not only that,
such a system is bound to be abused, at first a little until such abuse
is common place.  All in all, a very downward spiral for the State.

Other thoughts are of course welcome.


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: Webmail like Gmail + encryption

2007-08-16 Thread Gadi Cohen

Not that I've ever tried it, but I just stumbled across this:


It adds GPG support to gmail via firefox... including inserting extra 
buttons into the gmail interface.


Kfir Lavi wrote:

I would like to keep company emails secure and encrypted.
I'm looking for a webmail program that is similar to Gmail. It don't 
have to own all the stuff, just to be productive.
I would also want encryption. I want all the emails be encrypted 
What is the procedure for a user? should he take with him a usb 
private key?

I'm looking for your comments on the idea.


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: Shorewall/forwarding with eth0:0

2007-08-12 Thread Gadi Cohen
Ira Abramov wrote:

 you know how HARD I had to press them to get MPLS?! they hate giving
 that away! it's WAY more stable and WAY more convenient, and you have
 lower latency as a bonus. pptp/pppoe and even L2TP are not my cup of
I take it MPLS is without a dialer ?  I can't believe it's such a big
deal here to change :)  I must admit a week went by with nothing
happening, I phoned them again and they said they'd sort it out, another
week with nothing, so I decided to just stick with no dialer.. you're
right, it does seem somewhat more convenient... but to be honest I never
had any problems with pppoe or l2tp.
 you want a firewall anyway, might as well make it a masquarading one,
 whether it connects the world with MPLS or pppoe.
well, since both my physical PCs are running Linux it's actually quite
nice to not have my laptop dependent on my other PC anymore for routing,
and have it's own IP.  My laptop is now doing masquerading for my
windows virtual pc in vmware, but I'm quite happy for both the physical
linux boxes to have their own connection and handle their own firewall
with masquerading.
 well, I think it's worth getting another 80-100 NIS card for that on the
 one hand, but on the other hand, it's very much doable with plain
 IPTABLES. I have not used shorewall yet.
well, yes, that would easily solve my problems, but it's a bit annoying
on principle... because aside from the firewall I already have the whole
idea working great by just putting my one card on two different
subnets.  But I seem to recall that shorewall's lack of support is based
on iptables limitations -- on dealing with aliases interfaces.
 how did you solve this in the end?
I didn't... as I said after 3 weeks of not being moved back to with a
dialer, I decided maybe it's not such a bad thing.


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: rtorrent choking my internet connection

2007-08-10 Thread Gadi Cohen
Shlomo Solomon wrote:

 As I already wrote, the upload speed is under 10 Kb. So that doesn't seem to 
 be the problem.
Did you cap the upload speed at under 10 Kb?  Or are you saying that you
haven't defined a limit but you've noticed that it never exceeds 10 Kb
on it's own?  The latter is what I was talking about... it's trying to
send out more data than your connection can handle, choking the
connection... tcp requires two-way communications for data transfer to
be effective... try cap your global upload speed at 10 Kb and you might
find that it stays there consistently and that your download speed is
suddenly alot faster.  Don't forget, its reporting the ACTUAL data
transfer... even if it's just trying to send out 16K/sec, the RESULT
of this is the slow upload speed of 16K/sec.  If your settings are
correct and you're connecting to popular torrents, you will ALWAYS reach
your maximum upload speed.  If you're not it probably means you have
problematic settings.
 Again, I'm not complaining about slow downloads - I can live with that
But it's unnecessary... you could be downloading alot faster.  And of
course, not just your downloads are being affected... any activity on
the 'net will be affected also, even something which only needs 1K/sec.
 Actually, I DO have an external router. It's a Siemens SL2-141 that I bought 
 from Bezeq about a month ago. Since getting the router, I no longer use 
 iptables or routing on my Linux box. But, I find it hard to believe that with 
 4 open torrents, I would be choking the router. How do I check that?
Don't forget that the reason why torrents are so effective is because
the files are divided into tiny pieces and exchanged with LOTS of other
hosts.  With 4 big and popular torrents, and depending on your settings,
you could for example have 400 connections open all transfering data...
and even tho each connection may only be transferring a tiny bit of
data, all together its too much work for the router which is used to
lots of data on just one connection (that it needs to keep track of,
rewrite headers for NAT, etc...)

As for checking, I just noticed when downloading torrents with my old
router than even pinging the router become abnormally slow, sometimes I
couldn't log in via HTTP anymore...  but I guess every router will
behave differently.  Try ping's and traceroute's to external hosts
too... as long as your upload cap settings are ok in your torrent
client, you shouldn't notice a drop in speed even when you're downloading.
 Thanks for the recommendation, but at least for the moment, I don't plan to 
 make any changes. I was actually quite happy with ktorrent, but my kids were 
 complaining that sometimes the Internet was very slow and that seemed to 
 coincide with my use of ktorrent. Someone on the list (sorry, I don't 
 remmember who) suggested rtorrent as being less resource intensive.
Did they notice that the Internet was slow or that the computer was
slow?  The former would be a result of overloading your connection, the
latter the result of your client being resource intensive.  One nice
feature of Azureus which I admit I've never used, it has 'auto tuning',
where it can automatically configure your upload and download caps and
adjust them automatically when necessary.


P.S.  With popular torrents on a 1.5mbps connection, you should be able
to get up to about 160K/sec or so...

Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: rtorrent choking my internet connection

2007-08-10 Thread Gadi Cohen
As long as you're not using the standard ports, you shouldn't have
problems with your ISP.  Probably your problem is that you're reaching
your maximum upload speed and therefore choking your connection.  Check
the upstream bandwidth of your package (iirc with 1.5mbps it's only
128kbps), divide by 8 to get 16Kbps.. and lower a bit for tcp headers,
etc... means you need to configure your client to cap your global upload
speed at say 13Kbps... try that and see how you go...

Obviously with torrents, the faster you upload the faster you
download... so on an ADSL connection (by nature of it being Asynchronous
DSL, i.e. different upload and download bandwidth) you'll never get your
full donwload speed.  But the bigger your package, the faster you'll
download, because bigger ADSL packages have greater upstream bandwidth. 
So you always want to be uploading as fast as you can, but below the
point where you choke your connection.

Of course, if you have an external router, that could also be your
problem...although I don't think that's what you described here.  But
alot of routers can't handle the sheer mass of connections used by
torrent networks and slow down to a total crawl.  That's why I started
using my Linux box to do all my routing for my home network.

Last thing, I really recommend the Azureus client... it's really really
good.  http://azureus.sf.net/


Shlomo Solomon wrote:

 I decided to try rtorrent (rTorrent 0.6.4 - libTorrent 0.10.1), instead of 
 ktorrent whch seemed to be strangling my internet connection. So long as I 
 was dealing with only 1 or 2 torrents, everything seemed OK. I should say 
 that I didn't change anything in my firewall (i.e open any ports for 
 rtorrent), so I'm not surprised that the downloads are very slow, but I can 
 live with that.

 I tried adding 2 more torrents and started to have serious problems. With 4 
 torrents active, the total download and upload speeds are only about 10 Kb in 
 each direction. I have a 1.5 ADSL connection, so rtorrent seems to be using 
 a very insignificant part of my bandwith. But, even so, it completely locks 
 up my internet connection. While 4 torrents are active, I can't even ping 
 outside the LAN. Sometimes ping responds that the network is unreachable and 
 sometimes unknown host. Stopping the torrents solves the problem immediately.

 I've played with various settings, mainly throttling, but with no success and 
 I have no idea what's happening. The ony thing I could think of is that maybe 
 my ISP (Smile - 015) does some sort of traffic shaping, but I have no idea if 
 that's true or how to check. IF that's the case, I've read that encrypting 
 the torrent traffic can help, but I haven't tried that yet, since as I said, 
 I don't even know if that's the problem.

 Any ideas. 


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: Webmail like Gmail + encryption

2007-08-09 Thread Gadi Cohen
Never used it but there's www.hushmail.com.

Kfir Lavi wrote:

 I would like to keep company emails secure and encrypted.
 I'm looking for a webmail program that is similar to Gmail. It don't
 have to own all the stuff, just to be productive.
 I would also want encryption. I want all the emails be encrypted
 What is the procedure for a user? should he take with him a usb
 private key?
 I'm looking for your comments on the idea.


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5


2007-08-08 Thread Gadi Cohen
Hi All

There have been alot of e-mails on the list this year (from myself
aswell) relating to the Internet in Israel.  Every ISP promises that
they are the fastest, have the best support, when often nothing can be
further from the truth.  An ISP / infrastructure provider will be having
technical problems that affect all users, but to cover their ass they'll
waste your time trying to find a non existant problem on your PC.  In
most other countries, you have independant sites which keep such
companies in line, and I'd like your help in setting one up for Israel.

I foresee a number of parts of such a site:

1) A WIKI which will include

1a) General information on each ISP, including hopefully maps showing
their connections and bandwidth both locally and abroad (is this info
available anywhere??)

1b) Debugging information for ADSL modems, cable, etc, to help people
help themselves, and help users/us perform our own diagnostics before
having to waste time on the phone with support.

1c) Of course, plenty of Linux information... both rating ISPs according
to their linux support, and of course offering scripts and other info. 
There's already a page on using openl2tpd to connect via HOT -- this
seems to the best and most actively maintained l2tp package, and the
info is all from 2007 and not 2001 like other guides.

2) RATINGS OF THE ISPS and infrastructure providers

2a) Subjective ratings: users will be able to rate from 1-10 on issues
such as speed, support, stability, etc.

2b) Objecting ratings: linux scripts that will run daily or even hourly
performing latency, bandwidth and maybe even traceroute tests to various
selected sites in Israel and abroad, and automatically submit this data
to a script on the site which will show ISP aggregates, graphs, etc...

2c) In  both cases, we'll a) see the real numbers and not the ISPs
opinion of how good they are, and secondly we'll be able to tell
objectively if an ISP is experiencing a problem instead of relying on
their word.

3) Finally, I guess a forum for discussion of Israeli internet.

Obviously this is quite a big endeavor and nothing I can do on my own,
but I think it's something that would be really worthwhile for the
community here and benefit everyone (i.e. once the ISPs have real
competition to deliver on their promises).

The wiki is set up, although as you can see there's not much there now
(www.mybroadband.co.il).  Feel free to add, edit, change, re-order, etc,
anything on the site, without asking me.  It's a community site, I just
want to get things started.  My forte is PHP, so I can handle all the
rating scripts, etc... as for (2c) I can handle the server side, but it
would be great if someone else could write a shell script to perform the
actual tests, and I'll handle processing and maybe laying out of the
submitted data.

Anyway, for those who want to be more involved than just editing stuff
on the wiki, you're invited to send an email with the word 'subscribe'
in the subject or body of the message
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  List information and future
archives will go here:
http://lists.mybroadband.co.il/mailman/listinfo/devel.  Feel free to
post something, again, this is a project for all of those motivated to
do it, nothing depends on me.

Please also feel free to forward this message to other relevant lists
you're subscribed to, especially if they're in Hebrew (which isn't my
forte... although I hope most parts of the site will finally be
available in atleast English and Hebrew, and maybe more).  Feel free to
translate this message.

Kol tov


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: [OT/2] Making IE display PNG (or GIF?) with transparency

2007-08-05 Thread Gadi Cohen
Ariel Bar-David wrote:

 From my experience with those CSS stuff, it can cause a situation in
 which the text on the transparent image cannot be selected, and links
 on the transparent image don't work. To solve that problem, if you're
 making a transparent background that contains only one color, and that
 repeats itself, you must make the background tile height not more than
 1 pixel.
oh actually, I think that might have been the problem that the second
bit of code I provided fixed.  I remember having this problem and I
remember getting the buttons working without needing to resize the pic. 
you can see the site which used all this stuff at
http://www.habonimcampsite.co.za/ - all buttons work great :)  took me a
while though, was a very frustrating experience.
 I also think that this CSS code won't apply to FF (as
 far as I recall), and so you'll might have to check which browser is
 used by the client, and if it's FF, you'll only need to load the image
 (without any extra code).
That's exactly it, only IE will use stuff marked like _this in the CSS
code... so you don't have to have to do any checks for which browser is
being used.

 Ori. (^-^)

 - Original Message 
 From: Amos Shapira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il
 Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2007 3:10:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [OT/2] Making IE display PNG (or GIF?) with transparency

 On 04/08/07, Gadi Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I also spent alot of
 time on this issue... there are alot of solutions, but I think I
 finally found the best one.  Make a CSS class like this for your object:

 div.transback {

 url('opac/black3.png'); /* and now for IE only stuff */

 _background-image: none;



 Thanks. At last it works!
 I added the lines above to the style for the main paragraph, like this:
 #main {
 margin: 0 auto;
 padding: 20px 40px 20px 40px;

 border:solid 1px #555;
 background: url('75p_white.png'); /* and now for IE only stuff */
 _background-image: none;


 And now I get the transparent background through IE 6. Unfortunately it 
 doesn't seem to work for IE under Linux (using Ies4Linux) so I'm stuck with 
 testing IE 6 on my wife's Windows XP.

 of course, you'll need
 to specify the png files here too... i guess instead of div
 class=transback you could do div style=background: ...;
 _background-image: ... etc instead.  Most browsers will use the
 'background' atttribute and of course can render PNG files directory. 
 Explorer reads _attributes (attribute names with a _ before them), in
 reality I think it's probably meant to ignore it like most other
 browsers, but it's a good way to put stuff for explorer only in CSS.

 there are alot of other
 broken things in explorer which need work arounds... can't remember
 what this was for but maybe you'll need it too:

 body {

 overflow: hidden;
 /* fix/hack for position:fixed in IE */


 i think it was
 related... vaguely recall something about scrolling properly with
 transparent backgrounds, but can't remember exactly.

 Thanks. At least currently with IE6, shrinking the window and scrolling the 
 page seems to work perfectly. I'll keep that in mind.



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Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: [OT/2] Making IE display PNG (or GIF?) with transparency

2007-08-04 Thread Gadi Cohen
I also spent alot of time on this issue... there are alot of solutions,
but I think I finally found the best one.  Make a CSS class like this
for your object:

div.transback {

  background: url('opac/black3.png'); /* and now for IE only
stuff */

_background-image: none;

of course, you'll need to specify the png files here too... i guess
instead of div class=transback you could do div style=background:
..; _background-image: ... etc instead.  Most browsers will use the
'background' atttribute and of course can render PNG files directory. 
Explorer reads _attributes (attribute names with a _ before them), in
reality I think it's probably meant to ignore it like most other
browsers, but it's a good way to put stuff for explorer only in CSS.

there are alot of other broken things in explorer which need work
arounds... can't remember what this was for but maybe you'll need it too:

body {

overflow: hidden; /* fix/hack for position:fixed in IE */


i think it was related... vaguely recall something about scrolling
properly with transparent backgrounds, but can't remember exactly.

just wait till you have to debug javascript in IE, that's the real fun
part... something that works fine on every other browser fails
wordlessly in IE... and if you install their debugger, it gives you a
column and line number which has nothing to do with anything :)


P.S. IE should displays GIF with transparency no problem.  I'm assuming
you meant PNG's with opacity settings, there are other ways to make
entire opaque images transparent all at once, but I've never used it.

Amos Shapira wrote:


 I'm looking for a way to make IE 5.0/5.5/6 display a transparent
 background on a web page.

 Sample that works on Firefox: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2chzba

 I tried all sorts of fixes I found on the net but none of them works
 with IE.

 Does anyone here have experience with solving this problem?

 I know IE sucks but it's a business web site that needs to reach the
 widest audience possible.



Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Shorewall/forwarding with eth0:0

2007-07-24 Thread Gadi Cohen
Ok, so my new ISP set me up without a dialer without asking me, and
although I've asked them to change it back, the request takes around 3
business days and in the meantime I'm going crazy not being able to use
my other PCs at home.

Shorewall works great when my internet connection is on ppp0, but I'm
really struggling to get my routing working when the internet is on eth0
and local network on eth0:0.  I'm guessing the reason is because right
now eth0 and eth0:0 are in the same zone, and you can't use ethx:x style
aliases in the /etc/shorewall/interfaces file.

My current non working setup looks like this:

In /etc/shorewall/masq:


In /etc/shorewall/interfaces:

net ppp+detect
loc ppp0detect
loc eth0detect

But I can't reach the 'net from other systems:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] gadi]# traceroute www.google.com
traceroute: Warning: www.google.com has multiple addresses; using
traceroute to www.l.google.com (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
 1  zion (  7.584 ms  9.141 ms  6.562 ms
 2  zion (  7.955 ms  8.005 ms  1.155 ms

[EMAIL PROTECTED] www]$ ping www.google.com
PING www.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From zion ( icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable

With zion of course being the Linux system connected to the Internet. 
It's running Mandriva 2006 (a red-hat derivative).  For the record, the
internet *has* to be on eth0 because dhclient can't handle eth0:0 type
addresses (or atleast not when called from ifcfg- scripts).  And yes,
I've read all the relevant shorewall FAQs and documentation, nothing
describes my case exactly, and the I haven't been able to apply anything
I read there successfully.

$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Also once I'm back to using a
dialer, I started writing a guide to using openl2tpd to connect via
cable here... unlike the other year old guides I found describing
antiquated software that is no longer maintained, open2ltpd is updated
regularly, uses the kernel for its datapath making it much faster (but I
guess for small networks you won't notice the difference) and the kernel
module will be included in future kernel releases.

Thanks guys


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: Fwd: ADSL connection problem

2007-07-05 Thread Gadi Cohen
Ok I think Geoffrey answered most of your questions... so just a few
comments from my experience:

1) Bezeq saying everything is ok doesn't mean everything is ok.  It
means the very obvious things are ok.  Also in my experience (as someone
who is experienced and knows how to configure and diagnose via a linux
box) EVERY time there's been a problem, and they've said it was on my
side, in the end it would be an issue on their side.  Just so you know :)

2) For this and other reasons (which could be ISP issues, but there's
only one way to find out) I have HOT doing an installation here on
Monday.  Another big advantage of course is that with Bezeq in my area,
I can only go up to 2.5mbps/250kbps... with HOT I just ordered
6mbps/600kbps :).  I'll be happy to let you know how it goes it you want
some feedback before making your own decision.  Of course, a true
opinion requires long testing... I used to be very happy with Bezeq

3) PPPoe on Linux is super easy.. with pptp (yes yes, I had an Alcatel
too, those were the days :)) I remember having to patch the source for
Bezeq, etc... PPPoe works out the box.  As was suggested download all
the packages while you still have internet (I don't recall off hand what
you'll need but I'm sure there are some good HOW-TO's online - for
starters download any packages matching *pppoe* and their dependencies).

4) Yeah, a router handles everything for you, essentially taking the
role of your PC doing the routing for your network now... it has a
firewall, everything.  This might get you some slack from support, but
amazingly they still asked me to do stuff through Windows on one of my
calls.  From my experience with the routers I've used until now, none of
them handled high load so well (high load being bittorrent, so probably
loads of connections) so I still do my routing through Linux, but you
can try find reviews on the net, I'm sure newer routers are better
equipped for modern day reality... actually I think my newish ADSL
router/modem is running Linux, but I never took the time to test it's


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: Fwd: ADSL connection problem

2007-07-03 Thread Gadi Cohen
 the same as on my regular partition.

 I should mention that I don't have Windows, so I can't say if this
 problem is Linux only.

 As I mentioned before, please CC to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: OT: Hosting

2007-06-10 Thread Gadi Cohen
Rami Addady wrote:

 Shouldn't VPS give you isolated environment with grantee resources?
 There are a lot of VPS solotion: Virtuozzo, Xen , openvz etc.  None
 off them give you performance isolation?
 I have good experience (or luck?) using Virtuozzo or some US hosting
I've been mostly happy with unixshell.com which uses free, open-source
Xen, but there have been problems and the performance isolation is
definitely not perfect.  The staff recommend that those of us running
production servers migrate to their sister company tektonic.net, which
uses the commercial Virtuozzo, and I believe people there are pretty happy.

My plan was to migrate my VPS there quite soon, but this thread really
inspired me; I didn't realize server rental prices had dropped so much. 
After much searching I opened an account today with server4you.com; my
considerations were hardware, (burstable) bandwidth and network, and
price.  I'm pretty happy with what I found and I'm busy setting it up
now, which is quite exciting seeing as I've never used Fedora Core
before, nor Plex.  There are some other options too but that's what I chose.

Anyway I'll be able to give an update in a few months if people are
interested and remind me.  In short: if you pay annually, the package I
chose gives you for $99/mo: Intel P4 3.4 Ghz, 1024MB RAM, 160GB HDD,
1500GB bandwidth and includes Plesk (100 domains) for free.  It's on a
Tier-1 network, speeds so far are great - X seen with VNC over an ssh
tunnel is pretty responsive (of course I'm using a limited colour
palette, compression, etc..).


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: OT: Hosting

2007-06-10 Thread Gadi Cohen
Gadi Cohen wrote:

 After much searching I opened an account today with server4you.com; my
 considerations were hardware, (burstable) bandwidth and network, and
Oh I forgot to mention, the other deciding factor was their recovery
system... it sounds like if your box dies they can do a network boot for
you on your system with their recovery installation... so you'll get to
do repartitioning, repair broken file systems, install other linux
distributions, etc.  I thought that was pretty neat seeing as I don't
intend to ever fly to the US if things break down.


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: PHP, MySQL, Hebrew question

2007-05-10 Thread Gadi Cohen
Your input and stored data need to agree in character set.  Make sure
either that you are displaying the page to the user in a hebrew
character set (so that input will be sent back in same charset) or as
was already suggested, switch everything over to utf8.

You can do this either by using

*header*('Content-Type: text/html; *charset*=utf-8');  [or iso8859-8
or iso8859-9-i]

(anywhere in your script before output starts)

or by likewise including the following in your page head section

*meta http*-equiv=Content-Type
content=text/html;*charset*=utf-8 /   [or iso8859-8 or iso8859-9-i]

You can also try something like: (look these up in the manual for more

SET CHARACTER SET hebrew (or utf8)

SET NAMES hebrew (or utf8)

as you log in to the database, or use the CONVERT function in your
individual statements.


David Suna wrote:

 While this is not directly linux related it is FOSS related.

 I have a MySQL 5 database that has fields with Hebrew values.  The
 fields are defined as varchar with a hebrew_general_ci collation.  I
 have a PHP page that takes values specified in a form field and runs a
 query against the table.  For example, it takes the values specified
 by the user for first name and last name and queries the table for
 rows that match the first_name and last_name columns.  When I run the
 query on the PHP page the result is that no rows are found.  When I
 print out the SQL that was run and copy and paste it into a query on
 phpMyAdmin against the same database it does return rows in the result

 Does someone know the magic necessary to make the query work when it
 is run via PHP?  Alternatively, how can I debug this problem where the
 printed SQL works when run through phpMyAdmin but not when run directly?


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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Re: VMWare and native Windows XP

2007-04-07 Thread Gadi Cohen

Have fun :)

Valery Reznic wrote:

 Good day.

 I have dual-boot computer with Linux on one partition
 (sda1) and WinXP on the other (sda2).

 Linux has VMware installed.

 Now, I want boot into Linux, and from VMware run
 windows, installed in the sda2.
 VMware-server allows specify whole disk or partition
 to be disk for virtual machine.
 I specify it. And try to but VM. To my surprise I got
 grub boot loader, select windows, and windows began to
 boot and the fail.
 Windows was installed on (native) SATA drive, and
 VMware make Windows think drive is LSI, which was not
 installed in the first place.
 In linux adding modules
 to the initrd can solve the problem.

 Is it a way to achive same on Windows, i.e boot
 windows, which was installed native under VMWare ?



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Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

[OT] List/forum for discussing internet in Israel

2007-02-15 Thread Gadi Cohen
Where's the right place to do this?

* Where can I find updates on which ISPS have how much bandwidth to where?

* Where can I ask if anyone else is having speed problems
internationally lately?

* Where can I find comparitive bandwidth/latency tests from different
ISPS at different times?

etc, etc.



Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: D-Link DWL-G650 PCMCIA under linux.

2006-08-13 Thread Gadi Cohen

I must admit, both in
Linux and out, I've had nothing but bad experiences with D-link

I'm have the DWL-G520+
PCI running with Ndiswrapper (obviously acx and madwifi are native and
so less likely to cause problems).. it constantly disconnects, the only
way to fix is to unload and reload the driver.  I have a script
checking the connection every minute and doing this as required, hardly

I also have the DI-624
router.  it constantly disconnects, even worse is that under high load
it slows down to a crawl... and remains so even after the load is
lifted.  you have to reset it to get back to normal speeds.

Of course, there are
plenty of people who've had good experience with particular d-link
models, but, you asked.. :)


Michael Ben-Nes wrote:

helped me
good luck :)
Shlomi Shalem wrote:
  Hey all,

I am about to purchase a new wireless adapter
(http://www.dlink.com/products/?pid=11), and I would like to know
whether any of you guys have any good/bad experience with it.

According to http://madwifi.org this card suppose to work fine under


Thank you all, have a nice day.

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Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: slightly OT: MySQL importing UTF-8 inconsistantly

2006-06-13 Thread Gadi Cohen

I can't remember
exactly which versions but there was definitely a problem with
PhpMyAdmin's dump of UTF-8 text.  Hebrew for example came out IIRC as
s.  If you have command line access, the fix is easy.  Use
mysqldump and the unicode text is exported correctly, and imports
perfectly from the command line.


Ira Abramov wrote:

  is there a DBA in the house?

I got a dump out of a working site via phpMyAdmin, it's a MySQL 4.1
server, the text fields with Hebrew strings are all marked "collate
utf8_unicode_ci" in the schema, and indeed when browsing the tables via
phpmyadmin with UTF-8 as the page encoding I read the Hebrew perfectly.

The developer imported that dump to a mysql 4.1 he has running on a
windows machine and it worked great for him.

However, when I import it to a MySQL 5.0 server, the text is read in as
though it was ASCII. when I browse a table in phphMyAdmin I do get the
page marked UTF-8, but the text is broken down to double-bytes as if I
was watching it as a simple 8859-1 (i.e. if I switch FF to real 8859-1
some of the characters get broken down to even more characters)

I tried iconv tricks on the dump, running the daemon and CLI under
different LANG settings, no change.

Is this an bug in MySQL 5 or is it something else I missed during the
import? Is the dump coming out of phpMyAdmin somehow incompatible with
my attempts to import it on the commandline?

Helllp :-(


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelandsnet
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Linux/firefox friendly credit card acceptance

2006-05-28 Thread Gadi Cohen

Ok so this came up a
while ago except then it was for credit card holders.  Now on the
flip-side I'm looking for info on how to accept credit card payments on
an Israeli website.  I'm familiar with alot of services internationally
for this, but obviously they don't accept local isracard payments.  So
the requirements are:

* Accept local isracard
payments + international cards
* If they offer a front
end, it should work flawlessly with firefox
* If they offer an API,
it should run on Linux.  PHP is preferable.

Any help?


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: wireless card 2200GB doesn't start.

2006-05-27 Thread Gadi Cohen

There are two things
you can try:

1) echo 100 
to increase the default
timeout value.

2) try removing the
packages installing the driver/firmware from sourceforge

Take a look at
It mentions the timeout
problem just under the file list.

Good luck.


David Harel wrote:

I did as in:
and when I do:
modprobe ipw2200
I get the following message in dmesg:
ipw2200: ipw2200-bss.fw request_firmware failed: Reason -2
ipw2200: Unable to load firmware: -2
ipw2200: failed to register network device
ACPI: PCI interrupt for device :06:05.0 disabled
ipw2200: probe of :06:05.0 failed with error -5
Any idea?

Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

bezeqint weirdness with international speeds

2006-04-25 Thread Gadi Cohen

This has happened to me
a few times.

- I notice that I'm
getting shocking international speeds, about 40k/sec.
- Check on
speedtest.fresh.co.il and I'm rated at 200k/sec (I have a 2.5mbps

- I disconnect from
bezeqint and reconnect
- International speeds
are back to normal.

Does this make sense to


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: Looking for another ISP (a bit off topic)

2006-04-20 Thread Gadi Cohen

Nadav Har'El wrote:

  what's really wrong
with that? How is that any different than what happens in any other utility
like phone, cellphone, electricity, water, and so on?

I think the great thing about the internet is specifically that we're
*not* billed for volume. That's separates the internet from everything
else on this planet. I'm fine with different packages for different
users, but I always want a decently priced 'unlimited' option.
Consider these uses:

1) smallest scale: skype works because its free and you don't pay per
2) medium scale: i can't leave my internet radio playing anymore?
2) large scale: i pay a content provider for online movies... now i
have to pay my ISP aswell??

The thing that sets the internet apart is that you're paying a
flat-rate fee for a connection to the network. From there it's up to
you if you pay separate content providers for their services.

In South Africa (where I'm from), users are capped after 3GB. In this
case capped means they are put in a pool with every other user in the
country who has exceeded the cap, and get unusable below modem-speeds.
The only way around it is to buy another account with another 3GB cap.
It's enforced by our monopolistic telephone company. The result? No
better speeds, our IT industry is cripped, all that's happening is they
are getting more money instead of investing in more bandwidth.

Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: Portable MP3 player?

2006-03-26 Thread Gadi Cohen

Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

  The only problem I see with those numbersis that AFIK, the only "cheap"
MP3 player that plays AAC files is the Apple iPOD shuffle which is
ridiculously priced. In the U.S. a 512meg one sells for a competitive
$69, here it is about twice that, yet they are only taxed VAT.

I don't know if any of the following players answer your original
specs, but Rockbox (www.rockbox.org) has AAC support on the iriver
iHP1x0, H1x0, H3x0 series, and on the iPod 4G, Color/Photo, Nano and

I've only used rockbox on Archos hardware but it is great, open-source
and feature filled jukebox software and is fully Hebrew-enabled.

Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: Linux Debian sarge VPS Hosting

2006-03-14 Thread Gadi Cohen

I didn't realize there
was Linux VPS hosting in Israel.. is there?

I have an account at
www.unixshell.com.  I'm running Mandriva but they have a number of
Debian images available.  For the most part I have had pretty good
experience with them, and the packages are pricing and great.  Also
they are running Xen which is must faster than user-mode Linux and
scores very close to native Linux on most benchmarks.

This is the most
similar to what you were looking for:  "The 64", free setup, 64MB ram,
128MB swap, 64 units CPU, 3GB disk space, 64GB traffic, 1 IP address. 
USD $7.99/month.

It's important to note
that they offer no support for anything "inside" your VPS.  You can
email them for network problems, etc, but the service is intended for
advanced users and thats why are the prices are so low.  Some security
knowledge is essential, it looks like their entire IP range is a
regular target for all sorts of scans - but this really is no big deal
if you know what you're doing.

In terms of
connectivity to/from Israel... I have a 2mbps ADSL package and when
downloading from my server I get around 240 K/sec (i.e. pretty close to
the maximum theoretical speed).  Latency is about 190ms.  When
accessing a vnc X display over ssh, things are are definitely "usable"
but hardly ideal.

Good luck.


P.S. If you're only
looking at web hosting, there are probably much better options
available in terms of price and especially not having to worry about
security.  I have a friend who has an account with www.ixwebhosting.com
and he seems pretty happy, the prices are decent and they have
mysql/php and alot of the other usual things.

ik wrote:


I'm looking for hosting company for VPS that gives you the ability to use 
Debian Sarge, without all of the web manager and other tools (only ssh 

I do not need more then 20G (including the OS), a 512 mega of RAM, and if I 
have more then 5 people connected at the same time, I do not want to hear 
that someone makes DoS on the router (don't ask).

Can you recommend me any good company (preferred in Israel) that gives such 
services ?



Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: Skype or MSN massenger and webcam under VMware?

2006-03-07 Thread Gadi Cohen


There's only an
unstable alpha driver for my webcam in Linux, which is mostly
unusable. Since VMware version 5, there is support for isochronous USB
devices, and since then, my webcam works flawlessly on Messenger under
Windows XP. I'm running Mandriva Linux but I can't see you having any
problems at all on Debian. And yes that was with NAT (and possible

Good luck.


Amos Shapira wrote:


Does anyone here had positive experience running Windows version
of Skype or MSN massenger under Windows-XP/VMware/Linux(debian)?

Skype is the only VoIP for Linux I managed to use throught my ADSL
router NAT and MSN Massenger on Win98 is the only application I managed
to use for webcam conversation.

I'm aware that the latest version of Kopete supports MSN video conf but I
haven't managed to make it connect through my NAT, not even with
port forwarding.



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Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

Re: OT: electronics in Israel / brainwave entrainment

2006-03-06 Thread Gadi Cohen

Hi All

Ok so this is from a
while ago and it's still OT, but I do think its info that could benefit
people on this list.  I got a few replies privately and I'm going to
summarize all that info.  Incidentally I didn't mention where I lived
because I was looking for a chain... but I got back all the info I
needed anyway.  So no, there's nothing like Radio Shack in Israel :)


The consensus here is
the central bus station area.
A dozen or so shops in
Har-Tzion, Wolfson and Matalon streets:

- Siman Tov Electronics
- Avi Even Electronics,
22 Hartzion St, http://www.even-elect.co.il/HTMLs/Home.aspx (IE site)
- A shop inside the old
bus station.

and in Ramat Gan /
- "Shamsi Electronics",
153 Katzanelson St


- "Kashayof"


- Leon electronics
(לאון אלקטרוניקה)

- There's a shop on or
near Gedera street.

Thanks to Leonid
Podolny, Jason Friedman, Arik Baratz, Shahar Dag, Ilya Konstantinov and
Aaron Aamehl for contributing.


P.S.  A friend of mine
from South Africa with a degree in electrical engineering has offered
to build me the EEG unit, so maybe I'll have something interesting to
post in a few months.

Gadi Cohen wrote:

  Sorry for two OT posts in one day, but I'm an oleh chadash with no
friends so go easy on me :)  Actually this post has a loose connection
to Linux (see below).

Where can I buy electronic parts in Israel?  Like an equivalent of Radio

Amongst other things I'm interested in building the home-made EEG (the
device used to measure brainwave activity) found at
http://openeeg.sf.net/ - and most the analyzation software is built in

For those of you interested in brainwave entrainment, there are some
great linux utilities for binaural beats here:
http://sbagen.sourceforge.net/  (Say you put 100 Hz in your left ear,
and 108 Hz in your right ear, the difference, the frequency of 8 Hz
forms inside your brain, and your dominant brainwave frequency tends
towards it (FFR) - in this case 8 Hz is in the alpha range, so after
hearing this for a few minutes you start feeling alot more relaxed).  By
progressively lowering the binaural beat frequency you can entrain to
the same states achieved by experienced meditators, as measured by EEG

I'll make this even more interesting to make up for the double OT post.

Craniel Electro Stimulation (CES) involves attaching ear clips to both
your ear lobes and sending a low current straight through your brain. 
There is a device called the Voodoo Magick Box which does this at a
frequency of 0.5 Hz and while it's on you feel like you're high :)  More
info at http://ces.wastelands.net/  One of the reasons I'd like to build
an EEG is I'm working on a project to use your PC's own soundcard to
generate the current and want to test its effectiveness.


P.S. If anyone has experience in building in electronic devices and is
interested in assembling some of these things for me in exchange for
payment, please contact me privately.


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

OT: Babylon scare tactics

2006-02-19 Thread Gadi Cohen
Ok, so this has nothing to do with Linux but I figure if anyone can
answer this question about computer software in Israel, its all of you :)

I am a legal user of Babylon Translator.  My license is close to
expiration.  Today I received an e-mail from their sales department
saying that my license is being illegally used on several computers.  If
I renew my license in the next week, they'll forget about it, and if I
don't, they will take the necessary action.

I'm no legal expert, but I'm pretty sure that in the US atleast,
collecting personally identifiable information without express consent
is illegal.  Making legal threats that can't be backed up (i.e. if the
means used to collect the info is illegal), is illegal.  Both of these
are adequate grounds for a class action suit against the company
involved.  In any event, trying to get your users to renew their
licenses by threatening them is dubious at best.

I had a look at the EULA of the version I installed, and at the privacy
statement on their website.  Both have very loosely defined clauses
which could legitimize what they are doing.  I don't think it would hold
up in a US court but I have no idea how Israel works.  I do know that
false threats in Israel are illegal (like when the IBA forced people to
pay their TV licenses by threatening to impound their cars, were sued
and had to return all the money plus damages).

Is my best bet to simply renew my license?  I was going to do this
anyway, but i DO NOT appreciate threatening emails bullying me into
making a purchase.

Or is this worth pursuing?  not that I have spare cash for legal
battles, but... you know.

Thank you!



The e-mail I received: http://wastelands.net/dragon/babylon.html

The EULA I agreed to: http://wastelands.net/dragon/babylon-eula.txt

Babylon privacy statement:

From the above EULA:

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the removal of doubt, Babylon.Com may send to
Licensee’s hard disk, from time to time, instructions, such as pings and
other commands, which allow Babylon.Com to terminate the use or
operation of the Product. In addition, Babylon.Com may use cookies
during the purchase process and the use of the Product by You. 


From the privacy statement:

b. Babylon checks for the following information when using Babylon
software: your operating system, Babylon Software version, browser
version, connectivity, and information regarding your use and the
configuration of the Babylon Software (Parameters) . Parameters are
collected in order to provide you with the Software and Services subject
to the provisions of this privacy policy hereof and of the Babylon's
License Agreement (the License), as well as in order to verify that
the terms and conditions of the License are not being violated;

c. Babylon gathers information related to our users' use of the our
Software (''Usage Patterns'') to better understand how such users, as a
group, use the software and the various features thereof, as well as to
help Babylon tailor offerings to user groups with specific profiles, and
to conduct market research. The Parameters and the Usage Patterns may be
used in the aggregate for commercial purposes, including without
limitation, for marketing, co-registration to other services,
promotional activities or any other activity, including, without
limitation, the protection of Babylon's proprietary and other rights all
subject to the provisions herein.

Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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OT: electronics in Israel / brainwave entrainment

2006-02-19 Thread Gadi Cohen
Sorry for two OT posts in one day, but I'm an oleh chadash with no
friends so go easy on me :)  Actually this post has a loose connection
to Linux (see below).

Where can I buy electronic parts in Israel?  Like an equivalent of Radio

Amongst other things I'm interested in building the home-made EEG (the
device used to measure brainwave activity) found at
http://openeeg.sf.net/ - and most the analyzation software is built in

For those of you interested in brainwave entrainment, there are some
great linux utilities for binaural beats here:
http://sbagen.sourceforge.net/  (Say you put 100 Hz in your left ear,
and 108 Hz in your right ear, the difference, the frequency of 8 Hz
forms inside your brain, and your dominant brainwave frequency tends
towards it (FFR) - in this case 8 Hz is in the alpha range, so after
hearing this for a few minutes you start feeling alot more relaxed).  By
progressively lowering the binaural beat frequency you can entrain to
the same states achieved by experienced meditators, as measured by EEG

I'll make this even more interesting to make up for the double OT post.

Craniel Electro Stimulation (CES) involves attaching ear clips to both
your ear lobes and sending a low current straight through your brain. 
There is a device called the Voodoo Magick Box which does this at a
frequency of 0.5 Hz and while it's on you feel like you're high :)  More
info at http://ces.wastelands.net/  One of the reasons I'd like to build
an EEG is I'm working on a project to use your PC's own soundcard to
generate the current and want to test its effectiveness.


P.S. If anyone has experience in building in electronic devices and is
interested in assembling some of these things for me in exchange for
payment, please contact me privately.

Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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Re: WiFi card for Linux Notebook

2005-03-02 Thread Gadi Cohen
Hi Gabor,

Ok it's been a while since I've researched all this so I'm going to
mention some stuff from memory, I hope it's all accurate :)

Yes, traditionally the Prism chipset enjoyed the best support on Linux
because as far as I recall the manufacturers made critical information
available to the Linux community.  This is the most developed driver out
there and should definiately be a top preference.

Atheros chipsets are also very popular.  IIRC the manufacturers weren't
very co-operative but after alot of progress was made on the open source
driver began to offer some limited assistance.  As far as I know this is
probably the 2nd most developed driver out there...
http://madwifi.sf.net .

I've got an Intel Pro/Wireless 2200 in my Laptop, and there's a driver
for it at http://ipw2200.sf.net/ .  It works great :)

Of course, you you can probably get almost any network or wireless
network card to work with the NDIS Wrapper driver -
http://ndiswrapper.sf.net/ .  MS Windows has a common API for network
drivers (called NDIS), and this wrapper let's you use them on Linux.
Very cool!  HOWEVER -- 1) you'll be supporting manufacturers who refuse
to publish their specs (bad!!!), and 2) you'll lose out on any special
features not supported by the NDIS API, such as signal strength
indicators and turbo mode.  (Double check if it supports CardBus cards
I'm not 100% sure).

There is a driver for Texas Instruments ACX100/ACX111 cards at
http://acx100.sf.net/ .  Make sure to read the comments for your card on
the supported devices list, I didn't heed a warning not to buy my card
and ended up using ndiswrapper.  Once again, you shouldn't (IMHO) buy
cards from manufacturers who refuse to co-operate with the Linux open
source community or refuse to offer their own closed source drivers
(also a contentious issue for some :)).

What chipset was in your Level-One card?  And what Laptop do you have
just for general interest?  (For the unknowing, 'lspci' and 'lsusb' is a
good way to help identify your card (I'm not sure about CardBus) -- you
can also search for the : vendor/product code on google).

Good luck.


On Wed, 2005-03-02 at 09:21 +0200, Gabor Szabo wrote:
 As you might guess from a previous message I sent to the list I am now in the 
 getting 802.11g wireless card into a Linux Notebook business.
 I bought a Level One WPC-0301 card for 205 NIS but it was not
 recognized by Fedora3
 and from the help I got here and from the searches II made it seems it
 will be hard to get a stable driver for it.
 Then I did some research and from the various sites I found I
 understand that basically only cards with Prism54 chip set are well
 supported. (Am I correct here ?)
 See this link
 In this shop there are a few others listed that should work as well:
 Now the supplier offered me a replacement card called
 3CRWE154G72(A 3Com card) for 368 NIS. (one of the cards listed on
 the Prism site).
 I am not sure I want to pay an extra 163 NIS for this card if there is
 a cheaper but working solution.
 So I would like to ask you ppl. do you have experience with any PCMCIA
 WiFi card (11g) that works well under Linux ? Where did you buy it ?
 How much did it cost ?
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intermittent ADSL problems, router or bezeqint?

2005-03-02 Thread Gadi Cohen
Hi all,

I have a problem where sometimes I'll try to open a web page and it just
sticks trying to load the page.  I can wait for ages and nothing will
happen.  But if I re-load the page it might come up instantly (except
for sometimes when I get caught in a 'gap' of not being able to get

I originally thought my problem was my D-Link router, especially because
when using BitTorrent intensively I had to reboot it every day for the
'net to be usable.  Traceroute times were ridiculously slow and fixed
immediately after a reboot, and also I saw alot of bad feedback for my
model (DI-624) on the 'net.

I replaced it with a Level-One router (WBR-3405TX) which was highly
recommended from where I bought it.  BitTorrent doesnt affect
accumulative latency anymore, but I'm still having the same problem.

So could it still be my router?  Or is anyone else having a similar
problem on bezeqint?

FWIW I'm running wirelessly from my laptop, but I have no problem
reaching the router itself.  I'm not 100% but I don't seem to recall the
IP address changing before and after these gaps of connectivity
indicating a disconnect.



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Re: BiDi coming to GtkHTML / Evolution

2004-12-15 Thread Gadi Cohen
Last I heard they're planning on having it in the 2.1 release.  Don't
have the reference, but this was from one of the developers on the
mailing list.

Does the composer use gtkhtml for layout?


On Tue, 2004-12-14 at 23:21 +0200, Ilya Konstantinov wrote:
 Just thought of letting you guys know,
 Don't hold you breath yet, but BiDi support may be coming to Evolution 
 and GtkHTML:
 Obviously, it'll come quicker if anyone of us who trully understands the 
 BiDi issues will step in and help.
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Re: Does https://b2b.btl.gov.il/b2b/pay.asp expected to work with non IE?

2004-12-05 Thread Gadi Cohen
On Wed, 2004-12-01 at 20:32 +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

  IF Len(Trim(document.all(textSisma).value))=5 or 
  Len(Trim(document.all(textSisma).value))=8 THEN
  formLogin.textFormPassword.value = textSisma.value

 Now, if anyone can help me. Are they saying that the password can be  
 5 or 8 characters, but not 6?

My Basic is somewhat rusty, but yeah, it does seem to look like a
password can onlhy be 5 or 8 characters.

However, it's checking the trimmed length (which I'm assuming as in PHP
is with newlines and whitespaces trimmed from either side), and, saving
the untrimmed length.

So even if they had a similar script on the server side, if you sent a
password with let's say, oh, five thousand spaces spaces followed by 5
legit characters, it would be accepted :)  and who knows what kind of
problems that could cause :)

(Of course, there's a good chance of no problems...  any generated
password hash would be an acceptable amount of characters, and something
like MySQL would only save whats in the column definition...  guess
sometimes people are just lucky :)).


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Multiple PPPOE connects to BezeqInt ADSL

2004-11-29 Thread Gadi Cohen

I have a small network running at home (including two virtual windows
machines) and at the moment, this is all being routed through a NAT

I'd like to change this setup, because 1) i'd like each PC (or atleast
the linux ones) to have its own IP and not fixed port ranges for each
protocol on each PC, and 2) my D-Link DI-624 router takes alot of strain
with bittorrent, and slows to a crawl and eventually needs to be
rebooted pretty often.

I have no experience with other ISPs in Israel, but the ISP I used to
use in South Africa would let every PC on the network open up its on
PPPOE connection and get its own IP address.  (Quite surprising actually
considering its other restrictions... like a 3GB cap on international
traffic :)).

So my question is... is there any way I can do this Bezeq-int?  When I
try I can't seem to establish a second connection, it just times out.
Do any other ISPs support this?  Is it worth taking this up with

Thanks alot,

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Multiple PPPOE connects to BezeqInt ADSL

2004-11-29 Thread Gadi Cohen

I have a small network running at home (including two virtual windows
machines) and at the moment, this is all being routed through a NAT

I'd like to change this setup, because 1) i'd like each PC (or atleast
the linux ones) to have its own IP and not fixed port ranges for each
protocol on each PC, and 2) my D-Link DI-624 router takes alot of strain
with bittorrent, and slows to a crawl and eventually needs to be
rebooted pretty often.

I have no experience with other ISPs in Israel, but the ISP I used to
use in South Africa would let every PC on the network open up its on
PPPOE connection and get its own IP address.  (Quite surprising actually
considering its other restrictions... like a 3GB cap on international
traffic :)).

So my question is... is there any way I can do this Bezeq-int?  When I
try I can't seem to establish a second connection, it just times out.
Do any other ISPs support this?  Is it worth taking this up with

Thanks alot,

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