Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Keith Antoine

On Sunday 03 February 2002 04:56 pm, Peter Ruskin warbled:

> I have 8.1 and Cooker, Keith.  Do menudrake -> Action -> Menu style ->
> Standard menu.

Ok managed to do thata, thanks.

> There are loads of mirrors, I use these ( I won't list Cooker because you
> probably won't want that ) :
> I believe that Software Manager will check the net if you're online and
> find sources for you.

I have managed for the first time to update from online, no idea what the 
source was though. However are ther not total new updates like later kernael 
available ??

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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Re: MS product placement

2002-02-04 Thread Mike Andrew

On Sat, 2 Feb 2002 13:47, David A. Bandel wrote:

> > "The stunning success of the U.S. tech-powered boom in the 1990s drew
> > some 500,000 highly skilled H1-B visa holders from around the world and

> Yeah, the H1-B's worked cheap, while the highly skilled, highly paid US
> workers went unemployed.

Not this H1-B, I was highly skilled, and highly paid. America has a habit of 
going to sleep for a decade then waking up to discover the outside world has 
overtaken them (viz the HP / Motorola memory chip wakeup call, viz the 
collapse of Fairchild) America also has the phenonemal ability to re-invent 
itself. You were written off 15 years ago, It took a decade of imports, such 
as myself, to give your industries the breathing space they needed with new 
college Grads. The 'highly paid US workers' retrained during that time to 
get, highly paid. No-one ever said to me, ozzie go home. I would have been 
more than happy to.

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Re: Hidden directory contents in fstab-mounted Windows partition

2002-02-04 Thread Mike Andrew

> Interesting hypothesis but no - there was nothing there.  I've just
> booted into native win98 in DOS mode and removed the system flags from
> Program Files and win, but that hasn't made any difference either.  

here's my ordinary uninteresting fstab

/dev/hda1 /mnt/dos vfat defaults,users,umask=0  0  0

I run my linux os on any given machine each week and 'carry' it as a hard 
drive (hdbX), hence the dos primary disk and partition, because it's no 
interest to me what the machine is normally used for. The above is real 
standard syntax regardless.

if still no go, I need to see some 'pristine' /var/log/messages, you need to 
knock out any automounters, reboot, then mount the dos drive, before you do 
that, look at /etc/mtab to be CERTAIN the dos drive is not mounted.

i need to see tail /var/log/messages, and

immediately after you mount.


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Re: no printing from kmail

2002-02-04 Thread Mike Andrew

> On Tuesday 29 January 2002 09:15 pm, Ted Ozolins warbled:
> > I better hurry up and settle on a distro soon as I have a neet to set up
> > a data base for cross refferencing partnumbers. 

no sarcasm intended. How are you going to do that? What database? I've found 
nothing 'out there' that's useable.


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Re: no printing from kmail

2002-02-04 Thread Ted Ozolins

On Sunday 03 February 2002 11:16 pm, Mike Andrew wrote:
> > On Tuesday 29 January 2002 09:15 pm, Ted Ozolins warbled:
> > > I better hurry up and settle on a distro soon as I have a neet to set
> > > up a data base for cross refferencing partnumbers.
> no sarcasm intended. How are you going to do that? What database? I've
> found nothing 'out there' that's useable.

None taken Mike. You are absolutely right, I have searched every site on this 
planet looking for a package that would allow me to do this. As it turns out, 
I'll have to do this the hard way. Until now I've had no need to play with 
any data base programs of any kind. Aside from tutorials on the web, and help 
from some local programmers, I'll be attempting to set up Mysql for this. 

 I rebuild and calibrate a lot of Tek and Fluke/Phillips equipment. The newer 
models aren't to hard to get parts for, but some of the older (esp Tek) 
models at times impossible.  I have on many occasion gone through spec sheets 
and sub'd parts by comparing hfe and other characteristics of a particular 
transistor to fix various scopes. This can be quite time consuming. So, I've 
started to work on a database (Mysql) that will allow me to query for values 
other than cross ref  replacement tables found at local distributors. This is 
one project that seems almost endless but once completed, will be an 
invaluable tool. 
Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.
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Re: (ot) K-mail test

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Day

working... 4 5 6


On Monday 04 February 2002 00:41, you were heard blurting out:
> testing 123...
> ___
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  Bill Day ( a.k.a. BadMan )188133
  Our crystal tears now fall upon the ashes, but from the dust shall grow a
  spirit, to be in compassion for those who are lost, and one in determination
  to break those who dare test our resolve to be free... 9/11/01
  6:30am  up 186 days, 21:24, 12 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
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Wierd mail problem...

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Day

I am having a wierd problem..  using 1 of 2 accounts with my ISP's mails 
ervice the account I used to use [EMAIL PROTECTED] will no longer complete 
downloads.  Gets approximately 3/4 way through the dl of mail (135 of 195 
messages) and I get disconnected.  This is the wierd part.  first it was in 
KMail, 2.1.1.  So I deleted the accoutn and a set it back up on KMail.  
continued the same behavior.

Second I setup the account on a Windows box with LookOut 5.5(128bit) and the 
problem has continues.  I even tried this in pine on a console as well.

My question, would a malformed mail header cause this? Or has anyone ever 
experienced this?

I was not running an imap setup(haven't had time to set it up).

I am going to contact the ISP today and have them 'reset' the account.  Of 
course it is run through winders, the ISP, so its really got me.I have a 
total of 3, 1 for the wife and 2 for me.  Only one does this.  my other one 
and hers do not do this from any client here.


  Bill Day ( a.k.a. BadMan )188133
  Our crystal tears now fall upon the ashes, but from the dust shall grow a
  spirit, to be in compassion for those who are lost, and one in determination
  to break those who dare test our resolve to be free... 9/11/01
  6:30am  up 186 days, 21:24, 12 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
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Re: MS product placement

2002-02-04 Thread David A. Bandel

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 15:33:31 +1130
begin  Mike Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

> On Sat, 2 Feb 2002 13:47, David A. Bandel wrote:
> > > "The stunning success of the U.S. tech-powered boom in the 1990s
> > > drew some 500,000 highly skilled H1-B visa holders from around the
> > > world and
> > Yeah, the H1-B's worked cheap, while the highly skilled, highly paid
> > US workers went unemployed.
> Not this H1-B, I was highly skilled, and highly paid. America has a
> habit of going to sleep for a decade then waking up to discover the
> outside world has overtaken them (viz the HP / Motorola memory chip
> wakeup call, viz the collapse of Fairchild) America also has the
> phenonemal ability to re-invent itself. You were written off 15 years
> ago, It took a decade of imports, such as myself, to give your
> industries the breathing space they needed with new college Grads. The
> 'highly paid US workers' retrained during that time to get, highly paid.
> No-one ever said to me, ozzie go home. I would have been more than happy
> to.

Yep, Mike, you're exactly the Indian subcontinent H1-B I was talking
about.  Couldn't communicate with them.  They could code in C.  But I
speak English and Spanish, not C or Indian (any dialect).  And the ones I
knew of were not well paid, no where near as well paid as the English
speaking C programmers who were looking for (and not finding) work they
could make a living off.


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
-- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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Re: no printing from kmail

2002-02-04 Thread Mike Andrew

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 23:18, Ted Ozolins wrote:
> Aside from tutorials on the
> web, and help from some local programmers, I'll be attempting to set up
> Mysql for this.

sometimes I practice really really hard to be an idiot. This is one where I 
went the extra mile and outdid myself. I cannot find *anything* out there in 
gui land that even begins to do it. All this talk about mysql etc is find and 
good but what front end are you going to use. I've tried Kylix, hk_classes, 
even kde's not-for-public-consumption Kbase, I cannot find a single front end 
that will let me enter data into a (mysql) dbase or any other 'server'.

And it's this that gets me really really confuzed because, if there's a 
server such as mysql, where the hell is the front end for it? What obvious 
bit have I missed?


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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Mike Andrew

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 15:41, Burns MacDonald wrote:

> frontal lobotomy can produce a Windows OS clone.

You're opinion is always worth respecting Burns but that's a cheap throway 
shot at explaining away the need to make an OS user friendly. A killer line 
to knock out opposition. (anyway, it takes a real idiot to create 10million 
lines of code and call it Windows, a lobotomy would have reduced the line 
count) The arcane blitheringly stupid cli syntax of Linux can get consigned 
to the dustbin where it deserved to be 20 years ago. The cli is an 
embarassment to those who use it. I no longer need to grep an awk before I 
bash it. It hasn't put one more hair on my chest. While I've learned a few 
more verbs since 1972  *nix hasn't kept up beyond the monosylable. We're 
stuck in a time warp with ls, tre, man, and a host of other inscrutable geek. 
The only reason people defend tar: a tape archiver for god's sake, is 
because it brings back fond memories of Bob Dylan, Coffee Shops and Duffel 
coats. (Ask them to be rational and the expression mists over)

I'd call this geekspeak a high entry barrier when what I want to do is design 
T shirts and run accounts. If that were my profession, i'd like to love 
Linux, not wrestle it to the mat. CP/M did better. Bash syntax and the engine 
that runs it is more profuse with bloat than any complaint about kde. (read 
the maintainers' comments on same subject)

Gui's and point n click assist in a need, and it doesn't equate to being a 
Windows clone. X is a good idea(tm).  If there are similarities, then it's 
because Bill was savvy enough to use the original Xerox reccomendations, and 
the laid-in-concrete specifications for the 'special' keys of the keyboard, 
Not many people realise that the feel in windows look 'n feel is an IBM 
dictation(SAA something)  for System 36/8 in existence prior to the PC, 
adopted by DEC, and passed on (partly) via the x-motif widget set.

I would certainly back you in an argument where some distro was stupid enough 
to chase the Windoze market by emulating Windoze, but being a self-confessed 
gui-adorer doesn't make me a me-too Windoze luser. 

>then maybe
> there are some users we just don't need to attract. 

too bloody right. I've never been attracted to *nix. I use it because Bill 
Gates and Steve Jobs gave me no choice. Linux has some way to go before I 
'like' it. A decent gui is one. 

> The MAC suffered because they insisted on a completely proprietary model in
> an increasingly generic market model. They were clobbered by the dominance
> of the PC clone model and all the explosive cross-development that brought
> with it.

I would argue with you here, not on the clearness of above, but Steve's 
greed. The cause of all of the above ills were and are that Macs are crazily, 
greedily, unnecessarily, expensive. It was the Apple ][ that introduced the 
bus concept, *the* item from above that made all the difference for the Oem. 
Motorola fuelled to the 68040, a far better cpu in all respects than it's 
80486 counterpart (not my say so, industry definition), Apple would not 
reduce the price sufficiently to get the cpu chip-volume up, Motorola, 
sensibly, gave the public what it deserved. Intel.


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Re: Wierd mail problem...

2002-02-04 Thread Mike Andrew

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 00:06, Bill Day wrote:

> downloads.  Gets approximately 3/4 way through the dl of mail (135 of 195

absolutely unqualified here, but this is typical of an isp who has set the 
keep-alive wrong. I'ts not retriggering on icmp requests to port 110, just 
ignoring them.

try activating a program like licq. If the line disconnects after (say) 10 
mins of just licq. it's an isp issue. If not, keep licq running and read your 
mail, if it doesn't drop out, it's *definitely* an isp issue.


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Re: MS product placement

2002-02-04 Thread Ian

"David A. Bandel" wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 15:33:31 +1130
> begin  Mike Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:
> > On Sat, 2 Feb 2002 13:47, David A. Bandel wrote:
> >
> > > > "The stunning success of the U.S. tech-powered boom in the 1990s
> > > > drew some 500,000 highly skilled H1-B visa holders from around the
> > > > world and
> >
> > > Yeah, the H1-B's worked cheap, while the highly skilled, highly paid
> > > US workers went unemployed.
> >
> > Not this H1-B, I was highly skilled, and highly paid. America has a
> > habit of going to sleep for a decade then waking up to discover the
> > outside world has overtaken them (viz the HP / Motorola memory chip
> > wakeup call, viz the collapse of Fairchild) America also has the
> > phenonemal ability to re-invent itself. You were written off 15 years
> > ago, It took a decade of imports, such as myself, to give your
> > industries the breathing space they needed with new college Grads. The
> > 'highly paid US workers' retrained during that time to get, highly paid.
> > No-one ever said to me, ozzie go home. I would have been more than happy
> > to.
> Yep, Mike, you're exactly the Indian subcontinent H1-B I was talking
> about.  Couldn't communicate with them.  They could code in C.  But I

I worked with an Australian contractor a few months back...he might have
as well have been speaking a foreign tongue!  I could only pick out
every 3rd word...I think he filled his mouth with marbles in the morning
before he came to work.
Linux SxS []
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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Matthew Carpenter

On Sun, 3 Feb 2002 23:23:38 -0500
"dep" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> has a caldera-like desire to achieve and maintain stability. mandrake 
> is in many ways little more than a broken red hat.

Ouch!  I thought RedHat was broken enough!

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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Matthew Carpenter

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 00:34:59 -0500
"burns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I understand that SuSE is common in Europe and 7.2 and
> 7.3 Pro are getting rave reviews as a server load, but for all intents
> and purposes, SuSE just doesn't exist in the North American corporate
> market. 

Maybe it's whiplash from their 6.x days when dieser dokumentation wast
very Duetsche!  Their broken english scared me off.  They were the first
distro I ever installed.  Now I remember why Caldera is my first love. 
They were the second install (COL2.2) and the difference was night and
day. (To say nothing of the fact that SuSE didn't get X working and COL
was GUI from bootup/install.

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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Matthew Carpenter

While I agree with some of what you said, Mike, I must add that as of
February 4th, 2002, GUI apps for remote administration are still infants. 
They are relatively insecure and bloated in their use of bandwidth when
compared with the their slick cousin, SSH.  Yes, you can get lost in
bash/etc... but that is because it is so powerful, as is the CLI.  GUI's
are great and I love to see more added to Linux all the time.  I fight for
Linux on the desktop and GUI-everything is what it is going to take.  But
when I administer remote clients (especially the poor souls locked into a
5 year contract with their 56k ISDN connection) SSH and the command line
is what I want.  Dated and trapped in a time-warp?  Perhaps.  Pragmatic? 
You betcha.

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 00:17:38 +1130
"Mike Andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 15:41, Burns MacDonald wrote:
> > frontal lobotomy can produce a Windows OS clone.
> You're opinion is always worth respecting Burns but that's a cheap
> throway shot at explaining away the need to make an OS user friendly. A
> killer line to knock out opposition. (anyway, it takes a real idiot to
> create 10million lines of code and call it Windows, a lobotomy would
> have reduced the line count) The arcane blitheringly stupid cli syntax
> of Linux can get consigned to the dustbin where it deserved to be 20
> years ago. The cli is an embarassment to those who use it. I no longer
> need to grep an awk before I bash it. It hasn't put one more hair on my
> chest. While I've learned a few more verbs since 1972  *nix hasn't kept
> up beyond the monosylable. We're stuck in a time warp with ls, tre, man,
> and a host of other inscrutable geek. The only reason people defend tar:
> a tape archiver for god's sake, is because it brings back fond memories
> of Bob Dylan, Coffee Shops and Duffel coats. (Ask them to be rational
> and the expression mists over)
> I'd call this geekspeak a high entry barrier when what I want to do is
> design T shirts and run accounts. If that were my profession, i'd like
> to love Linux, not wrestle it to the mat. CP/M did better. Bash syntax
> and the engine that runs it is more profuse with bloat than any
> complaint about kde. (read the maintainers' comments on same subject)
> Gui's and point n click assist in a need, and it doesn't equate to being
> a Windows clone. X is a good idea(tm).  If there are similarities, then
> it's because Bill was savvy enough to use the original Xerox
> reccomendations, and the laid-in-concrete specifications for the
> 'special' keys of the keyboard, Not many people realise that the feel in
> windows look 'n feel is an IBM dictation(SAA something)  for System 36/8
> in existence prior to the PC, adopted by DEC, and passed on (partly) via
> the x-motif widget set.
> I would certainly back you in an argument where some distro was stupid
> enough to chase the Windoze market by emulating Windoze, but being a
> self-confessed gui-adorer doesn't make me a me-too Windoze luser. 
> >then maybe
> > there are some users we just don't need to attract.  > rant>
> too bloody right. I've never been attracted to *nix. I use it because
> Bill Gates and Steve Jobs gave me no choice. Linux has some way to go
> before I 'like' it. A decent gui is one. 
> > The MAC suffered because they insisted on a completely proprietary
> > model in an increasingly generic market model. They were clobbered by
> > the dominance of the PC clone model and all the explosive
> > cross-development that brought with it.
> I would argue with you here, not on the clearness of above, but Steve's 
> greed. The cause of all of the above ills were and are that Macs are
> crazily, greedily, unnecessarily, expensive. It was the Apple ][ that
> introduced the bus concept, *the* item from above that made all the
> difference for the Oem. Motorola fuelled to the 68040, a far better cpu
> in all respects than it's 80486 counterpart (not my say so, industry
> definition), Apple would not reduce the price sufficiently to get the
> cpu chip-volume up, Motorola, sensibly, gave the public what it
> deserved. Intel.
> -- 
> _
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get your free address at
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list -
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the
> above URL.

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2002-02-04 Thread Ted Ozolins

On Monday 04 February 2002 05:08 am, Mike Andrew wrote:

> And it's this that gets me really really confuzed because, if there's a
> server such as mysql, where the hell is the front end for it? What obvious
> bit have I missed?

I am using knoda to set up the database. It allows you to add/delete/edit 
database/tables/fields/index. knoda has a forms design tool as well as a 
querry tool. This has taken me some time to get this far as I know zip about 
database implementation but am learning. Initially I set up the database and 
its table and fields using Webmin. I then found knoda and compiled it. I 
haven't figured out how to set up the forms and querries yet but I'm getting 
there. After a whole lot of RTFM I do know how to setup querry criteria to 
acquire info from a database (command line) what I have to do now is to 
implement them within knoda. 

A local programmer has offered to come up with a program/script that will 
import data from various sources (ie: ecg cross ref data, motorola data etc) 
which will save a lot of input time. 

Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.
Linux-users mailing list -
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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Michael Hipp

You make good points, Matthew. But seems to me that something Webmin-ish 
should be able to run over most any link. Webmin, imho, is the best 
candidate for a be-all administrator's gui tool. (Its many current 
shortcomings notwithstanding).

But on the desktop I wish the likes of Mandrake, et al would stop mucking 
with their very functional but utterly oddball things like HardDrak and 
such. If we could put all their efforts into Kde Control Center the issue 
could shortly be put into the "solved problem" file.


On Monday 04 February 2002 09:40 am, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> While I agree with some of what you said, Mike, I must add that as of
> February 4th, 2002, GUI apps for remote administration are still infants.
> They are relatively insecure and bloated in their use of bandwidth when
> compared with the their slick cousin, SSH.  Yes, you can get lost in
> bash/etc... but that is because it is so powerful, as is the CLI.  GUI's
> are great and I love to see more added to Linux all the time.  I fight
> for Linux on the desktop and GUI-everything is what it is going to take. 
> But when I administer remote clients (especially the poor souls locked
> into a 5 year contract with their 56k ISDN connection) SSH and the
> command line is what I want.  Dated and trapped in a time-warp?  Perhaps.
>  Pragmatic? You betcha.

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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Michael Hipp

On Monday 04 February 2002 06:47 am, Mike Andrew wrote:
> [snip] The arcane blitheringly stupid cli syntax of
> Linux can get consigned to the dustbin where it deserved to be 20 years
> ago. The cli is an embarassment to those who use it. I no longer need to
> grep an awk before I bash it. It hasn't put one more hair on my chest.
> While I've learned a few more verbs since 1972  *nix hasn't kept up
> beyond the monosylable. We're stuck in a time warp with ls, tre, man, and
> a host of other inscrutable geek. The only reason people defend tar: a
> tape archiver for god's sake, is because it brings back fond memories of
> Bob Dylan, Coffee Shops and Duffel coats. (Ask them to be rational and
> the expression mists over)
> I'd call this geekspeak a high entry barrier when what I want to do is
> design T shirts and run accounts. If that were my profession, i'd like to
> love Linux, not wrestle it to the mat.  [snip]
> Gui's and point n click assist in a need, and it doesn't equate to being
> a Windows clone. X is a good idea(tm).[snip]

Bravo! Wish I'd said all that.

> I would certainly back you in an argument where some distro was stupid
> enough to chase the Windoze market by emulating Windoze, but being a
> self-confessed gui-adorer doesn't make me a me-too Windoze luser.

Agreed. But I believe the likes of Lycoris and Elx are contributing 
something real to Linux with "innovation" like simplified menu structure, 
simple network browser, preconfiguration targeted to end users, etc.

It don't see any of the below as a foregone conclusion:
1) That an OS must be difficult to use in order to be powerful and stable.
2) That an OS cannot satisfy both users and gurus alike.
3) That emulating those things that Windows does well (*not* a null list) 
will somehow turn Linux into a proprietary, unsecure, unstable, expensive, 
resource hogging, reboot-and-reload clone of Windows.

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Re: Wierd mail problem...

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Day

Already thought about that, and gave it a go again.  same problem no matter 
whats running.

I feel it is some rogue piece of mail of some sorts, but cant figure out how 
it could cause my linux box to do something such as disconnect.

Im haveing the isp check it and delete approximate messages. around the 135 
mark of dls..

On Monday 04 February 2002 08:18, you were heard blurting out:
> On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 00:06, Bill Day wrote:
> > downloads.  Gets approximately 3/4 way through the dl of mail (135 of 195
> [snip]
> absolutely unqualified here, but this is typical of an isp who has set the
> keep-alive wrong. I'ts not retriggering on icmp requests to port 110, just
> ignoring them.
> try activating a program like licq. If the line disconnects after (say) 10
> mins of just licq. it's an isp issue. If not, keep licq running and read
> your mail, if it doesn't drop out, it's *definitely* an isp issue.

  Bill Day ( a.k.a. BadMan )188133
  Our crystal tears now fall upon the ashes, but from the dust shall grow a
  spirit, to be in compassion for those who are lost, and one in determination
  to break those who dare test our resolve to be free... 9/11/01
 11:30am  up 187 days,  2:24, 12 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
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Re: Wierd mail problem... [Solved]

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Day

Well, it seems to be taken care of now.  Some rogue message from 
(spam) that everytime I tried to get, no matter what client I used, it would 
cause my connection to drop.  had isp remove all messages in it and all seems 
good now.


On Monday 04 February 2002 11:44, you were heard blurting out:
> Already thought about that, and gave it a go again.  same problem no matter
> whats running.
> I feel it is some rogue piece of mail of some sorts, but cant figure out
> how it could cause my linux box to do something such as disconnect.
> Im haveing the isp check it and delete approximate messages. around the 135
> mark of dls..
> On Monday 04 February 2002 08:18, you were heard blurting out:
> > On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 00:06, Bill Day wrote:
> > > downloads.  Gets approximately 3/4 way through the dl of mail (135 of
> > > 195
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > absolutely unqualified here, but this is typical of an isp who has set
> > the keep-alive wrong. I'ts not retriggering on icmp requests to port 110,
> > just ignoring them.
> >
> > try activating a program like licq. If the line disconnects after (say)
> > 10 mins of just licq. it's an isp issue. If not, keep licq running and
> > read your mail, if it doesn't drop out, it's *definitely* an isp issue.

  Bill Day ( a.k.a. BadMan )188133
  Our crystal tears now fall upon the ashes, but from the dust shall grow a
  spirit, to be in compassion for those who are lost, and one in determination
  to break those who dare test our resolve to be free... 9/11/01
 11:30am  up 187 days,  2:24, 12 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
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Re: Linux Cartoon

2002-02-04 Thread Kurt Wall

Scribbling feverishly on February 04, burns managed to emit:
> This is a classic:

Classic indeed!

You love your home and want it to be beautiful.
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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Campbell

On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 12:17:38AM +1130, Mike Andrew wrote:
>On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 15:41, Burns MacDonald wrote:
>> frontal lobotomy can produce a Windows OS clone.
>You're opinion is always worth respecting Burns but that's a cheap throway 
>shot at explaining away the need to make an OS user friendly. A killer line 
>to knock out opposition. (anyway, it takes a real idiot to create 10million 
>lines of code and call it Windows, a lobotomy would have reduced the line 
>count) The arcane blitheringly stupid cli syntax of Linux can get consigned 
>to the dustbin where it deserved to be 20 years ago. The cli is an 
>embarassment to those who use it...

Bovine defacation!  Doug Gwyn put it best when he said ``GUIs make simple
things simple, and complex things impossible''.

I'm not saying that GUIs aren't useful for many things, and I certainly
would find life a lot harder without them.  On the other hand, there are
many things I can do much more easily and quickly from the command line
than I can poking through endless menus and screens to accomplish the same
thing.  It's a lot easier to copy all the text files in a directory to a
floppy by typing ``cp *.txt /auto/floppy'' than it is to select them with a
GUI, right-click copy, go find the floppy in another file manager, then
right-click paste.  How many times have you been selecting files from a
dialog box with ctrl-leftclick, only to let up on the ctrl key, and loose
all the ones you had selected?

Some applications are by nature GUI.  GUIs make the infrequently performed
system administration jobs more convenient.  GUIs make it extremely
difficult if not impossible to automate jobs.

The best GUI administration tools are basically front ends for command line
programs, and either display or log the commands they execute so that jobs
that are done frequently can be repeated very quickly by putting those
commands in a script.

As an example of this, I frequently have to burn CDs containing all the
vendor updates for a system along with all of the software we've written
for installations, and the directory this is in has gotten too large to fit
on a single CDrom so I have to exclude some files and directories.  I did
this with xcdroast, tweaking patterns until I got it right, then put the
commands it used to make the ISO file system, burn, and verify the CD into
a short script that I can now execute from the command line in less time
than it takes to get xcdroast past the initial greeting screen (less people
time, not the time to actually do the processing).

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

A fake fortuneteller can be tolerated.  But an authentic soothsayer should
be shot on sight.  Cassandra did not get half the kicking around she deserved.
-- R.A. Heinlein
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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Tyler Regas

At 09:11 PM 2/3/2002, you wrote:
>Tyler wrote:
> > They're all there, its just that Mandrake has practically eliminated the
> > need for the CLI tools.
>Oh swell... like filling your car floor to ceiling with cotton candy, then
>trying to drive down the street.

To clarify; the GUI tools are eliminating the need for CLI tools, not 
removing them from the distros. As Linux is all about choice (whereas M$ is 
about using M$ and nothing else) the simple fact that most GUIs are 
front-ends to CLI tools means you can use what you like.

> > The Mac was there, but it succumbed to poor management, a 'hippy'
> > mentality, and an accomplice factor that causes them to lump in with MS
> > instead of compete.
>The MAC suffered because they insisted on a completely proprietary model in
>an increasingly generic market model. They were clobbered by the dominance
>of the PC clone model and all the explosive cross-development that brought
>with it.

If Apple suffers from proprietary hardware then there would be decline and 
not growth. The popularity of the iMac, ridiculous as it may be, is clear 
indication that people want something simple and easy to use. And, lest we 
forget, the dominance of the PC platform was defined by the oft illegal 
marketing and contract policies of Microsoft. If market were based entirely 
on quality and ease of use then Amiga and Apple would own the market.

> > Next comes Psion/Symbian. I know, this doesn't make much sense, but its a
> > reality. EPOC32 and the Symbian OS (which are really quite similar) is
> > compatible with Windows and MS file formats, is extremely scalable (from
> > phone to desktop), and handles Java and TCP/IP with native aplomb. Psion's
> > inability to properly market handheld devices to the consumer and keep a
> > steady flow of new, evolutionary devices coming did, however, clearly
> > indicate that it will take longer to get to the desktop.
>Psion did a pretty good business in Europe, especially with their handhelds
>devices... they were years ahead of the current PDA market. However, they
>became stagnant and are starting to lose share in a market they should have
>dominated. They easily could have been Palm, but for "old boy" parochialism
>and an inability to think globally and reach beyond regional markets. You're
>a PDA guy - you should know that.

Begging your pardon, Burns, but I that's what I said. Psion's withdrawal 
from the consumer market was created by their inability to properly market 
the devices to consumers and their lack of new products that met the 
demands of the user. That they bowed to the parochial is moot as made clear 
by the ludicrous introduction of the SonicBlue/Diamond Mako as an entry 
into the US market. Too little, too late.


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Re: Wierd mail problem... [Solved]

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Campbell

On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 12:05:15PM -0500, Bill Day wrote:
>Well, it seems to be taken care of now.  Some rogue message from 
>(spam) that everytime I tried to get, no matter what client I used, it would 
>cause my connection to drop.  had isp remove all messages in it and all seems 
>good now.

This may be a case where using IMAP would have solved the problem since it
doesn't move messages to the client until you specifically open the message
to view it.  IMAP just gets the basic header information from each document
so your mail client can display the messages available.

When one of ISP customers gets a problem like this, I usually have them
open the customer's mailbox with mutt so they can see and delete the
offending messages.  This can cause problems though because one of our
ISP's customers asked one of their support people to fix his mailbox.  The
support person told him that she would have to look at his mail messages to
fix it.  She found a bunch of kiddie porn in the mail, and now the
customer's a guest of the state.

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has
never been a really good one, and even those that are most tolerable
are arbitrary, cruel, grasping and unintelligent.
-- H. L. Mencken
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Re: Konqueror problem in kde 2.2.2 (hopefully solved)

2002-02-04 Thread Klaus-Peter Schrage

On Wednesday 30 January 2002 21:36, I wrote:

> now konqueror seemed to stall for 5-6 seconds before any directory opened,
> and it did so with any subdirectory, which is rather annoying and makes you
> appreciate command line again ...

I browsed the kde mailing lists and found that the delay in opening a folder 
in konqueror might be due to a bug in qt-2.3.2. So I downgraded to qt-2.3.1 
and experienced no problems with kde up to now, although the kde 2.2.2 rpms 
on RH 7.2 seem to be compiled against qt-2.3.2 (I had to use rpm -Uvh 
--nodeps --force qt ... to downgrade).
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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Tyler Regas

At 10:04 AM 2/4/2002, you wrote:
>Bovine defacation!  Doug Gwyn put it best when he said ``GUIs make simple
>things simple, and complex things impossible''.

Doug Gwyn was incorrect. Good GUI design makes everything simple. Bad GUI 
design makes doing anything unbearable.

>I'm not saying that GUIs aren't useful for many things, and I certainly
>would find life a lot harder without them.  On the other hand, there are
>many things I can do much more easily and quickly from the command line
>than I can poking through endless menus and screens to accomplish the same
>thing.  It's a lot easier to copy all the text files in a directory to a
>floppy by typing ``cp *.txt /auto/floppy'' than it is to select them with a
>GUI, right-click copy, go find the floppy in another file manager, then
>right-click paste.  How many times have you been selecting files from a
>dialog box with ctrl-leftclick, only to let up on the ctrl key, and loose
>all the ones you had selected?

While I've never had to use two file managers to copy files to a floppy I 
can certainly understand why you selected this task as one complicated by a 
GUI. Of course, I'm talking about GUI design and not existing GUI 
technology. One should be able to select a number of files and then "send" 
them to floppy with a one click affair. A five file transfer should take no 
more than six clicks, seven tops. I also commiserate with you on the 
multiple select problem, but consider how much time it would take to copy 
several files of varying extension types from different directories to a 

>Some applications are by nature GUI.  GUIs make the infrequently performed
>system administration jobs more convenient.  GUIs make it extremely
>difficult if not impossible to automate jobs.

I think you have this backwards. A CLI tool is fine for infrequent 
management tasks. You can call it easily from a console. You can add it to 
a script or automate it with cron or what have you. You can concatenate it 
with other tools. OTOH, a GUI is well suited to frequent tasks for 
reporting and administration. Being able to glance at an activity monitor 
or click once to add a user is a time saver.

>The best GUI administration tools are basically front ends for command line
>programs, and either display or log the commands they execute so that jobs
>that are done frequently can be repeated very quickly by putting those
>commands in a script.

Here, I emphatically agree with you. And its really this that offers the 
best tool for what the user prefers. Prefer the CLI, use it. Want a GUI, 
here it is. Same tool, different interface. Then again, there are some 
tools that are, as you've stated before, decidedly GUI oriented. A paint or 
illustration tool ala GIMP is a good example.

Tyler Regas
PHM Editor-in-Chief

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RE: MS product placement

2002-02-04 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> Yep, Mike, you're exactly the Indian subcontinent H1-B I was talking
> about.  Couldn't communicate with them.  They could code in C.  But I
> speak English and Spanish, not C or Indian (any dialect).  
> And the ones I
> knew of were not well paid, no where near as well paid as the English
> speaking C programmers who were looking for (and not finding) 
> work they
> could make a living off.

In the late 80's/early 90's I headed a software team made up almost
exclusively of people for whom English was a second language.  Some were
pretty sharp, some were dull as marbles.  Some were fractious, some were
total team players.  The only Indian of the bunch, however, was a *very*
dedicated worker.  She called me at 8:30 one morning to ask if it was all
right if she didn't come to work that day.  Her son had been born at 5:30 (a
week premature) and her maternity leave wasn't scheduled to start until the
next Monday.  She did quality work -- not brilliant, but thorough.  It was a
pleasure to work with people that dedicated.  I have no idea what their pay
scale was.  I do know, however, that management gave the big raise to the
only one I'd have fired.  They didn't bother to ask the lead for inputs,
though.  That company is now about 10% of the size it was.

Oh, and we completed a project in 15 months that sales had promised in 9, so
we were considered a failure.  The fact that the Systems Engineer told them
it was an 18 month project, and that none of the three other companies
trying to deliver in the same time frame finished in two years wasn't even
considered.  This was accomplished despite the language problems in a mix
2 Chinese from Hong Kong
2 Chinese from Taiwan
1 Indian
3 Syrians (*don't* call them Arabs)
1 Canadian
3 US citizens

We in the US have a distorted view of a "living" wage.  Most of the world
would be glad to have what we refer to as poverty.  The difference being
that they would make much better use of that money.  They haven't bought
into the "gadgets" mentality that the US has.  I know a poor person who
always is broke, but always has that latest CD that he wants.  You can also
tell when the bean counters have taken over the Engineering department.
Don't blame the people who are improving their lives, blame the bean

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass Singer  Registered Linux User #154358|

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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Peter Ruskin

On Monday 04 Feb 2002 23:30, Keith Antoine wrote:
> On Sunday 03 February 2002 04:56 pm, Peter Ruskin warbled:
> > I have 8.1 and Cooker, Keith.  Do menudrake -> Action -> Menu style
> > -> Standard menu.
> Ok managed to do thata, thanks.
> > There are loads of mirrors, I use these ( I won't list Cooker because
> > you probably won't want that ) :
> >
> >
> >
> > I believe that Software Manager will check the net if you're online
> > and find sources for you.
> I have managed for the first time to update from online, no idea what


> the source was though. However are ther not total new updates like
> later kernael available ??

There are currently 105 RPMs in Mandrake/updates/8.1/, including kernel 

Mandrake-devel/unsupported/8.1/ has 66 RPMs plus 4 sub-directories.

Peter Ruskin, Wrexham, Wales.  AMD Athlon XP 1600+, 512MB RAM.
Registered Linux User 219434.  Mandrake Linux release 8.1 (Vitamin) 
Kernel 2.4.8-34.1mdk-win4lin,  XFree86 4.1.0, patch level 21mdk.
KDE: 2.2.2.  Qt: 2.3.2.  Up 1 hour 39 minutes.
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fstab problems

2002-02-04 Thread Robert L. Hemus

Ladies & Gentlemen,
I'm back at the trough.  Appreciate any and all help.

I was monkeying around with the /etc/fstab on hdb1 and buggered it up
and need help.  Following The Llama's advice I had purchased Running
Linux 3rd Ed. and am able to get at the file, but can't seem to get it
right.  Here is a copy of the file I have on hdb3;
devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
/proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 ro,user,noauto,exec 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto defaults,user,noauto 0 0
/dev/hdb2 swap swap defaults 0 0
*/dev/hdb3 / ext2 defaults 1 3
/dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 vfat ro 0 0
*/dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1 ext2 defaults 1 0
Would exchanging the *'d lines make it work?  I thought I'd done that,
but it didn't seem to work.  I saved it in emacs with C-x C-s.  The
reason I think it is the fstab file is on bootup the  Fail's and when it gets to  it freezes.  By the
way I have to start the hdb3 with a rescue floppy.  So/Or could the
 be the buggered one? 
Thanks, again.
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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread David A. Bandel

On Sun, 3 Feb 2002 23:23:38 -0500
begin  dep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

> mandrake isn't doing all that well in europe, either -- suse is doing 
> much better there, because despite its many obvious shortcomings, it 
> has a caldera-like desire to achieve and maintain stability. mandrake 
> is in many ways little more than a broken red hat.

And my experience lately has been:
SuSE == RH (European style) == totally borken.
Mandrake on the other hand (8.1) has been nearly flawless.  The 8.2 Beta
is even better.

BTW, ELX does nothing but segfault on first bootup after install for me.
(Perhaps it's my Athlons and Durons?)


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
-- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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MySQL front ends, was: Re: no printing from kmail

2002-02-04 Thread David A. Bandel

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 00:38:23 +1130
begin  Mike Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

> On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 23:18, Ted Ozolins wrote:
> > Aside from tutorials on the
> > web, and help from some local programmers, I'll be attempting to set
> > up Mysql for this.
> sometimes I practice really really hard to be an idiot. This is one
> where I went the extra mile and outdid myself. I cannot find *anything*
> out there in gui land that even begins to do it. All this talk about
> mysql etc is find and good but what front end are you going to use. I've
> tried Kylix, hk_classes, even kde's not-for-public-consumption Kbase, I
> cannot find a single front end that will let me enter data into a
> (mysql) dbase or any other 'server'.
> And it's this that gets me really really confuzed because, if there's a 
> server such as mysql, where the hell is the front end for it? What
> obvious bit have I missed?

xmysql, webmin mysql module, phpmysqladmin, and there are others (tk
module, ...)


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
-- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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Re: Wierd mail problem...

2002-02-04 Thread David A. Bandel

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 07:36:13 -0500
begin  Bill Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

> I am having a wierd problem..  using 1 of 2 accounts with my ISP's mails
> ervice the account I used to use [EMAIL PROTECTED] will no longer
> complete downloads.  Gets approximately 3/4 way through the dl of mail
> (135 of 195 messages) and I get disconnected.  This is the wierd part. 
> first it was in KMail, 2.1.1.  So I deleted the accoutn and a set it
> back up on KMail.  continued the same behavior.
> Second I setup the account on a Windows box with LookOut 5.5(128bit) and
> the problem has continues.  I even tried this in pine on a console as
> well.
> My question, would a malformed mail header cause this? Or has anyone
> ever experienced this?
> I was not running an imap setup(haven't had time to set it up).
> I am going to contact the ISP today and have them 'reset' the account. 
> Of course it is run through winders, the ISP, so its really got me.I
> have a total of 3, 1 for the wife and 2 for me.  Only one does this.  my
> other one and hers do not do this from any client here.

There are one or two pop3 servers (cucipop comes to mind) that will
exhibit this behavior when an e-mail is larger than 2Mb.  But if that's
the case, you have idiots working in the ISP who should limit incoming
mail (sendmail will do this) to under 2Mb in size but haven't.


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
-- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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Re: fstab problems

2002-02-04 Thread Net Llama

--- "Robert L. Hemus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was monkeying around with the /etc/fstab on hdb1 and buggered it up
> and need help.  Following The Llama's advice I had purchased Running
> Linux 3rd Ed. and am able to get at the file, but can't seem to get it
> right.  Here is a copy of the file I have on hdb3;
>   devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
>   /proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
>   /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 ro,user,noauto,exec 0 0
>   /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto defaults,user,noauto 0 0
>   /dev/hdb2 swap swap defaults 0 0
>   */dev/hdb3 / ext2 defaults 1 3
>   /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 vfat ro 0 0
>   */dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1 ext2 defaults 1 0
> Would exchanging the *'d lines make it work?  I thought I'd done that,
> but it didn't seem to work.  I saved it in emacs with C-x C-s.  The
> reason I think it is the fstab file is on bootup the  systems> Fail's and when it gets to  it freezes.  By
> the
> way I have to start the hdb3 with a rescue floppy.  So/Or could the
>  be the buggered one? 

Your problem is a bad fsck, not anything related to /etc/fstab or GRUB.
If checking the filesystem fails, then you need to run a manual fsck
against each unmounted or read-only ext2 partition.

I have no clue what /mnt/hdb1 is supposed to be, but its certainly not a
standard mountpoint.  What did fstab look like before you started
touching it?


Lonni J. Friedman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Wierd mail problem...

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Campbell

On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 04:11:22PM -0500, David A. Bandel wrote:
>There are one or two pop3 servers (cucipop comes to mind) that will
>exhibit this behavior when an e-mail is larger than 2Mb.  But if that's
>the case, you have idiots working in the ISP who should limit incoming
>mail (sendmail will do this) to under 2Mb in size but haven't.

While I agree with the sentiment, it doesn't work in the Real World(tm)
where customers insist on using e-mail to do file transfers instead of ftp.
They bitch like crazy with 2MB limits, and many ISPs kick this up to 8MB or
so.  I don't know how many times I've gotten calls where some idiot's
mailed the family photo album as a Word document full of BMP attachments.
Then they wondered why they could never retrieve their mail from the server
-- even it it's on the same LAN!  The last time I had to fix one of these,
the user's mailbox was well over 100MB, and contained three copies of the
same 33MB message.

I always point them to my on-line help page on this, but it never seems to
go any good.  As they say, ``you can always tell a Harvard Man, but not

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

``The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be
properly armed.''
-- Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers at 184-188
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Re: fstab problems

2002-02-04 Thread David A. Bandel

On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 12:42:35 -0800
begin  "Robert L. Hemus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

> Ladies & Gentlemen,
> I'm back at the trough.  Appreciate any and all help.
> I was monkeying around with the /etc/fstab on hdb1 and buggered it up
> and need help.  Following The Llama's advice I had purchased Running
> Linux 3rd Ed. and am able to get at the file, but can't seem to get it
> right.  Here is a copy of the file I have on hdb3;
>   devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
>   /proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
>   /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 ro,user,noauto,exec 0 0
>   /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto defaults,user,noauto 0 0
>   /dev/hdb2 swap swap defaults 0 0
>   */dev/hdb3 / ext2 defaults 1 3
>   /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 vfat ro 0 0
>   */dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1 ext2 defaults 1 0
> Would exchanging the *'d lines make it work?  I thought I'd done that,
> but it didn't seem to work.  I saved it in emacs with C-x C-s.  The
> reason I think it is the fstab file is on bootup the  systems> Fail's and when it gets to  it freezes.  By the
> way I have to start the hdb3 with a rescue floppy.  So/Or could the
>  be the buggered one? 

If "Checking Filesystems" fails, then the filesystems won't mount. 
Naturally, if the filesystems aren't mounted read-write (which they aren't
if the filesystem check failed), then syslog can't create its named pipe
or attach to the log files (because they aren't writable).

Once you've booted with the rescue disk, run fsck on the various file
systems (/dev/hdb1 and /dev/hdb3).  Then reboot.

Note: the filesystems should not be mounted (or if the root filesystem, it
should be mounted read-only -- yes, that's correct, read-only).


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
-- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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Re: Wierd mail problem...

2002-02-04 Thread David A. Bandel

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 13:40:59 -0800
begin  Bill Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

> On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 04:11:22PM -0500, David A. Bandel wrote:
> ...
> >There are one or two pop3 servers (cucipop comes to mind) that will
> >exhibit this behavior when an e-mail is larger than 2Mb.  But if that's
> >the case, you have idiots working in the ISP who should limit incoming
> >mail (sendmail will do this) to under 2Mb in size but haven't.
> While I agree with the sentiment, it doesn't work in the Real World(tm)
> where customers insist on using e-mail to do file transfers instead of
> ftp. They bitch like crazy with 2MB limits, and many ISPs kick this up
> to 8MB or so.  I don't know how many times I've gotten calls where some
> idiot's mailed the family photo album as a Word document full of BMP
> attachments. Then they wondered why they could never retrieve their mail
> from the server-- even it it's on the same LAN!  The last time I had to
> fix one of these, the user's mailbox was well over 100MB, and contained
> three copies of the same 33MB message.

Been there. Done that.  Got the t-shirt.  Not all pop3 servers exhibit
this behavior, so a better pop3 server is needed.  Guys that work at ISPs
really should have a clue, but ... I've been working with one here whose
network guy doesn't understand the importance of the proper netmask on a
router.  Go figure.

I have a very large client that sends equally large (mostly autocad files)
attachments.  And when the network goes down from here to Sweden (their
headquarters), and folks are sending each other 9Mb mp3's as well as all
the large autocad files, the predictable always happens.  I've rescued
them twice, and both times expanded their /var filesystem.  But it will
happen again next time the transatlantic line goes down in the middle of
the morning.  I bet even the 20Gb /var they now have will fill (largest
disk drive I could get on short notice).  That's up from the 9Gb one I put
on the first time (their original install was done by their first
administrator who only put a 300Mb /var filesystem in on a dedicated
e-mail server with 100+ engineers using it).  Fortunately, they don't have
one of those silly limited pop3 servers or they'd have had two nightmares.


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
-- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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Poor Man's Remote Admin

2002-02-04 Thread Michael Hipp

I'm setting up a simple lan server for a client. It's behind a NAT router 
so I can't actually do any remote admin. But I can at least keep track of 
"how goes it" on the server with a simple script file that runs 1-2 times 
per day and emails me the output of, say:

  ps -aux
  tail --lines=50 /var/log/messages

Anything else that would be useful?

What is the easiest way to send a simple text email from the command line?

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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Mike Andrew

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 03:10, Matthew Carpenter wrote:

> They are relatively insecure and bloated in their use of bandwidth when
> compared with the their slick cousin, SSH.  



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Suggested module for PCI LAN Card..?

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Day

I am about to blow my uptime to throw another NIC into my box,  8^(, but the 
only ones I havve currently are Linksys EtherPCI LAN Card II's.  I have th 
available PCI slots but I can't seem to find anything on the Caldera Hardware 
Compatibility about them..

Anyone currently using the mentioned card and if so what module are you using 
with it.

I have a stock eDesktop 2.4 kernel installed and currently an NetGear FA310TX 
in the box running on a tulip.o module.


  Bill Day 
  Our crystal tears now fall upon the ashes, but from the dust shall grow a
  spirit, to be in compassion for those who are lost, and one in determination
  to break those who dare test our resolve to be free... 9/11/01
  6:30pm  up 187 days,  9:24, 12 users,  load average: 2.39, 2.28, 1.80
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Re: Suggested module for PCI LAN Card..?

2002-02-04 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 19:09:54 -0500
Bill Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled in frustration:

>I am about to blow my uptime to throw another NIC into my box,  8^(

>  6:30pm  up 187 days,  9:24, 12 users,  load average: 2.39, 2.28, 1.80
Hey Bill,
Why not wait just two weeks and put yourself over the 200 day mark?  ;o)

"Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring,
fighting, killing, and dreadful idolatry took place there."
Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, mid 16th Century
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Re: Suggested module for PCI LAN Card..?

2002-02-04 Thread Michael Hipp

According to LinkSys support page they work fine with the ne2000 driver. 


On Monday 04 February 2002 06:09 pm, Bill Day wrote:
> I am about to blow my uptime to throw another NIC into my box,  8^(, but
> the only ones I havve currently are Linksys EtherPCI LAN Card II's.  I
> have th available PCI slots but I can't seem to find anything on the
> Caldera Hardware Compatibility about them..
> Anyone currently using the mentioned card and if so what module are you
> using with it.
> I have a stock eDesktop 2.4 kernel installed and currently an NetGear
> FA310TX in the box running on a tulip.o module.
> TIA,
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Re: Suggested module for PCI LAN Card..?

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Day

By the time that they have the stuff running it will likely be about 2 more 
weeks before I actually get on the service. but I want to get a car in and 
working so I can get away fromt he dialup crapola as soon as possible  8^)

SO I just wanna see what someone else with a Linksys EtherPCI LAN Card II is 
using for a module.. ne2000, tulip.. etc.

On Monday 04 February 2002 19:13, you were heard blurting out:
> On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 19:09:54 -0500
> Bill Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled in frustration:
> >I am about to blow my uptime to throw another NIC into my box,  8^(
> >  6:30pm  up 187 days,  9:24, 12 users,  load average: 2.39, 2.28, 1.80
> >___
> Hey Bill,
>   Why not wait just two weeks and put yourself over the 200 day mark?  ;o)
> Mike

  Bill Day 
  Our crystal tears now fall upon the ashes, but from the dust shall grow a
  spirit, to be in compassion for those who are lost, and one in determination
  to break those who dare test our resolve to be free... 9/11/01
  6:30pm  up 187 days,  9:24, 12 users,  load average: 2.39, 2.28, 1.80
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Re: Suggested module for PCI LAN Card..?

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Day

Why thank you Mr. Hipp  I truly despise Linksys site.. way to many graphics 
crap on it   8^) but im reading the link now

On Monday 04 February 2002 19:16, you were heard blurting out:
> According to LinkSys support page they work fine with the ne2000 driver.
> Link:
> Michael
> On Monday 04 February 2002 06:09 pm, Bill Day wrote:
> > I am about to blow my uptime to throw another NIC into my box,  8^(, but
> > the only ones I havve currently are Linksys EtherPCI LAN Card II's.  I
> > have th available PCI slots but I can't seem to find anything on the
> > Caldera Hardware Compatibility about them..
> >
> > Anyone currently using the mentioned card and if so what module are you
> > using with it.
> >
> > I have a stock eDesktop 2.4 kernel installed and currently an NetGear
> > FA310TX in the box running on a tulip.o module.
> >
> > TIA,
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list -
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above
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  Bill Day 
  Our crystal tears now fall upon the ashes, but from the dust shall grow a
  spirit, to be in compassion for those who are lost, and one in determination
  to break those who dare test our resolve to be free... 9/11/01
  6:30pm  up 187 days,  9:24, 12 users,  load average: 2.39, 2.28, 1.80
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Re: Poor Man's Remote Admin

2002-02-04 Thread David A. Bandel

On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 17:51:45 -0600
begin  Michael Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

> I'm setting up a simple lan server for a client. It's behind a NAT
> router so I can't actually do any remote admin. But I can at least keep
> track of "how goes it" on the server with a simple script file that runs
> 1-2 times per day and emails me the output of, say:
>   df
>   ps -aux
>   free
>   tail --lines=50 /var/log/messages
>   dmesg
> Anything else that would be useful?
> What is the easiest way to send a simple text email from the command
> line?

Look around for something called "dailyscript".  I still have it (and have
customized it heavily, so it probably won't work for you).  I just mash it
around a bit for each distro/release.  Wouldn't be without it.


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
-- Nemesis Racing Team motto
Internet (H323) phone:
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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Mike Andrew

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 04:34, Bill Campbell wrote:
> It's a lot easier to copy all the text files in a directory to a
> floppy by typing ``cp *.txt /auto/floppy'' than it is to select them with a
> GUI, right-click copy, go find the floppy in another file manager, then

It's a lot easier to make a typo, too.

> The best GUI administration tools are basically front ends for command line

No contest. A good gui is a visual front end to a script. It might contain 
additional checks, some automation etc, but that's the bottom line.

There's no fite about the goodness(tm) of a cli. It's evolvement under *nix 
has a lot to answer for. It doesn't need to be that tuff.


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Re: Poor Man's Remote Admin

2002-02-04 Thread Joel Hammer

I use mutt for email attachments. I haven't found the option to attach
things with "mail."

echo This is your message in the letter body sent `date` | mutt -s Update -a 
FileToAttach YourAddress

> What is the easiest way to send a simple text email from the command line?
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Re: MySQL front ends, was: Re: no printing from kmail

2002-02-04 Thread Peter Ruskin

On Monday 04 Feb 2002 21:08, David A. Bandel wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 00:38:23 +1130
> begin  Mike Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:
> > On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 23:18, Ted Ozolins wrote:
> > > Aside from tutorials on the
> > > web, and help from some local programmers, I'll be attempting to
> > > set up Mysql for this.
> >
> > sometimes I practice really really hard to be an idiot. This is one
> > where I went the extra mile and outdid myself. I cannot find
> > *anything* out there in gui land that even begins to do it. All this
> > talk about mysql etc is find and good but what front end are you
> > going to use. I've tried Kylix, hk_classes, even kde's
> > not-for-public-consumption Kbase, I cannot find a single front end
> > that will let me enter data into a (mysql) dbase or any other
> > 'server'.
> >
> > And it's this that gets me really really confuzed because, if there's
> > a server such as mysql, where the hell is the front end for it? What
> > obvious bit have I missed?
> xmysql, webmin mysql module, phpmysqladmin, and there are others (tk
> module, ...)
> Ciao,
> David A. Bandel

... and from KDE there are Rekall and knoda
Peter Ruskin, Wrexham, Wales.  AMD Athlon XP 1600+, 512MB RAM.
Registered Linux User 219434.  Mandrake Linux release 8.1 (Vitamin) 
Kernel 2.4.8-34.1mdk-win4lin,  XFree86 4.1.0, patch level 21mdk.
KDE: 2.2.2.  Qt: 2.3.2.  Up 6 hours 36 minutes.
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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Campbell

On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 11:44:48AM +1130, Mike Andrew wrote:
>On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 04:34, Bill Campbell wrote:
>> It's a lot easier to copy all the text files in a directory to a
>> floppy by typing ``cp *.txt /auto/floppy'' than it is to select them with a
>> GUI, right-click copy, go find the floppy in another file manager, then
>It's a lot easier to make a typo, too.

Yabbut with command history, it's easy to fix it and rerun the command.

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

``Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the
exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and
these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or
both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom
they oppress.'' -- Frederick Douglass.
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Sylpheed vs courier-imap and shared mailboxes

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Campbell

Is anybody here using sylpheed with courier-imap, managing folders on the
IMAP server?  In particular, I'm interested in using shared folders, but
don't see them at all using sylpheed-0.7.0.  The sylpheed-0.7.0claw release
appears to handle shared folders, but I haven't built it yet to try it on
the servers.

My goal is to encourage business users to keep their folders on the IMAP
server where they may be accessible from their normal desktops, and via a
webmail or IMAP interface when away from the office as well (and I can
still use mutt on my mailboxes since I'll run it on the server :-).

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

``Independent self-reliant people would be a counterproductive anachronism
in the collective society of the future where people will be defined by
their associations.''  1896 John Dewey, educational philosopher, proponent
of modern public schools.
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Re: MS product placement

2002-02-04 Thread Joel Hammer

Here is another obvious MS planted story. But, it is worth the read. My
sides still hurt from laughing.


On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 08:43:58PM -0500, Joel Hammer wrote:
> Just to give you some idea of the power of MS to "get its story out" and
> the attitude of businessmen towards us little people. The Wall Street
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Re: Wierd mail problem...

2002-02-04 Thread Andrew Mathews

"David A. Bandel" wrote:

> I bet even the 20Gb /var they now have will fill (largest
> disk drive I could get on short notice).  That's up from the 9Gb one I put
> on the first time (their original install was done by their first
> administrator who only put a 300Mb /var filesystem in on a dedicated
> e-mail server with 100+ engineers using it).
> Ciao,
> David A. Bandel

Sounds similar to what I inherited at my current job. 1300+ users on a
2.1G drive running Post.Office on AIX. First thing I did was 
cd /var/spool/mailbox (Post.Office's default directory)
find . -mtime +30 | xargs rm -f
Regained almost a gig of space. If people hadn't pulled mail for a
month, it wasn't *that* important. 
I've just finished another machine to replace it with an 18G drive just
for /var/spool/mailbox, mirroring both rootvg and mailvg volume groups.
This will hopefully last until this summer when it will be replaced with
a linux/sendmail machine.
Andrew Mathews

  7:40pm  up 14 days, 10:17,  7 users,  load average: 1.04, 1.05, 1.01

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Re: Poor Man's Remote Admin

2002-02-04 Thread Myles Green

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 19:25:07 -0500
"David A. Bandel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Look around for something called "dailyscript".  I still have it (and
> have customized it heavily, so it probably won't work for you).  I
> just mash it around a bit for each distro/release.  Wouldn't be
> without it.

found it here...

Myles Green Calgary AB Canada
Alberta Linux Step by Step Mirror:
PROGRAM - n. A magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn 
one's input into error messages.  v. tr.- To engage in a 
pastime similar to banging one's head against a wall, but 
with fewer opportunities for reward.
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ssh X11 forwarding weirdness

2002-02-04 Thread Net Llama

I've got 2 boxes networked together with a patch cable.  I can SSH back
& forth between them without a single problem.
However, if i try to run an X app while SSH'ed into either, the
resulting behavior is very very weird:
1) Some applications refuse to run altogether with the error "Error:
Can't open display:".  Netscape is one of them.  Others do run, however,
this leads to the 2nd bit of weirdness
2) They appear on the monitor of the box where they are running (the box
I'm SSH'd into) rather than the box where the ssh client is running.  

I've never seen such strange behavior before, and i've worked with
similar setups.  Anyone have any ideas?


Lonni J. Friedman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Poor Man's Remote Admin

2002-02-04 Thread Zoran

On Feb 4 David A. Bandel was heard saying:

->On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 17:51:45 -0600
->begin  Michael Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

->> What is the easiest way to send a simple text email from the command
->> line?

*** Is this related to geting information from your server that's behind
NAT? In that case make a script which will write the output of what you
want to see in a a text file and mail it with:

echo "=> df output <=" > /tmp/output.txt
df >> /tmp/output.txt
echo "=> ps output <=" >> /tmp/output.txt  (=> etc...)
ps -aux >> /tmp/output.txt
free >> /tmp/output.txt
tail --lines=50 /var/log/messages >> /tmp/output.txt
dmesg >> /tmp/output.txt
mail -s "Info my clients server" [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /tmp/output.txt

This is just to get you going, I spent 0 sec. testing it... ;-)

If you find me, please return me to my $HOME: my address is 'cd'.

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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Zoran

Today Mike Andrew was heard saying:

->On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 15:41, Burns MacDonald wrote:
->> frontal lobotomy can produce a Windows OS clone.

->count) The arcane blitheringly stupid cli syntax of Linux can get consigned
->to the dustbin where it deserved to be 20 years ago. The cli is an

*** But before that "somebody" will have to come with a valid alternative.
At this point I don't see any so I don't think you should send something
to a dustbin without having something new and better to replace it. The
"arcane blitheringly stupid cli syntax" is the building stone of a lot of
things, scripts for one, which would end up in the dustbin too. Don't you
think you're a bit short sighted?

->embarassment to those who use it. I no longer need to grep an awk before I

*** No not at all. Why an "embarrassment"? I'm very much OK the way it is.

->bash it. It hasn't put one more hair on my chest. While I've learned a few
->more verbs since 1972  *nix hasn't kept up beyond the monosylable. We're
->stuck in a time warp with ls, tre, man, and a host of other inscrutable geek.
->The only reason people defend tar: a tape archiver for god's sake, is
->because it brings back fond memories of Bob Dylan, Coffee Shops and Duffel
->coats. (Ask them to be rational and the expression mists over)

*** Simplicity (tar cvf [output.file] [input file] is all it
takes), compatibility, the fact it exists and nobody came up with
something else. Furthermore, advance or "something better" does not
necessarily mean something else. "If it works don't brake it". It works,
why changing?

->I'd call this geekspeak a high entry barrier when what I want to do is design
->T shirts and run accounts. If that were my profession, i'd like to love
->Linux, not wrestle it to the mat. CP/M did better. Bash syntax and the engine
->that runs it is more profuse with bloat than any complaint about kde. (read
->the maintainers' comments on same subject)

*** You switched on your rant mode!? Your views used to be more balanced.

->but being a self-confessed gui-adorer doesn't make me a me-too Windoze

*** Is this what p* you off. OK, I can understand that.

->>then maybe > there are some users we just don't need to attract.
->too bloody right. I've never been attracted to *nix. I use it because
->Bill Gates and Steve Jobs gave me no choice. Linux has some way to go
->before I 'like' it. A decent gui is one.

*** You do not use it because you believe it can solve your "problem" but
because you do not have a choice. I think that is your problem.

If you find me, please return me to my $HOME: my address is 'cd'.

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Re: Poor Man's Remote Admin

2002-02-04 Thread Michael Hipp

On Monday 04 February 2002 06:25 pm, David A. Bandel wrote:
> Look around for something called "dailyscript".  I still have it (and
> have customized it heavily, so it probably won't work for you).  I just
> mash it around a bit for each distro/release.  Wouldn't be without it.

Thanks. I'll check out DailyScript.

In looking for DS, I came across LogWatch that the author claims is 
better'n DS. Might be worth a look:

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