Re: bootdisk

2002-02-12 Thread Lee

Joel Hammer wrote:
 I can't tell you how to make a boot disk for Suse. But, you might be
 able to boot from the Suse cdrom. One way that never fails is to have
 a small partition always available to run a second version of linux or
 to install a new version of linux so you can access the old partition.
 Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 04:52:14AM +0530, zohar wrote:
  I am using SUSE 7.1 and I want to make boot disk for linux.
  I have made it before but after it was done in HDDs MBR I was not using
  and today when I again tried to use it, it is not working , may be a
  floppy corruption.
  Please try to reply ASAP as linux partition has some imp data.

You can use the install floppy. After asking a few priliminary questions there's a 
section where you are asked if you want to install or boot an existing system. I 
believe a boot from the cd does the same thing. Once in use Yast System to make 
another boot floppy.

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Re: kernel recommendations

2002-02-12 Thread Joshua Lee

Net Llama wrote:
 --- Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been off the linux lists for a couple of weeks.
 Is 2.4.17 a safe kernel for upgrading?
 Its what i've been using on all of my boxes.  Not a single problem.

I'm running SuSE's version of 2.4.16 here. Is there any features or 
bugfixes I'm missing by not running 2.4.17?
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Re: Linux in German parliament

2002-02-10 Thread Lee

Klaus-Peter Schrage wrote:
 For months, there has been a heated debate going on about introducing Linux
 as the core OS for about 5000 pc's in German parliament (Bundestag). The
 offspring of the debate was a campaign initiated by a group of MP's and IT
 which was heavily attacked by the German branch of Microsoft. Recently a
 study has been published comparing five possible scenarios. It favours a
 mini-Linux solution with WIN 2000 as the basic network system and some Open
 Source software for the workstations:

I guess the Germans would rather spend their EuroDollars on foreign aid to M$ rather 
than support a home grown company like SuSe. It's a good thing for M$ that the 
Japaneese don't have a Linux distro.


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Re: OT Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-06 Thread Joshua Lee

On Sun, Feb 03, 2002 at 12:48:22PM -0500, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
 customized menu rather annoying.  One thing nice I've found about SuSE,
 BTW, is that it includes FreeSWAN VPN solution in the box.  Caldera, RH,
 and I believe Mdk can't say that.  

SuSE Pro seems to have the most packages of any distribution, it's
famous for that. I couldn't find FreeSWAN on my system though, and
I'm running 7.3, the latest. Where does it live at?
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Re: OT Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-06 Thread Joshua Lee

On Sun, Feb 03, 2002 at 04:24:49PM -0500, Stew Benedict wrote:
  customized menu rather annoying.  One thing nice I've found about SuSE,
  BTW, is that it includes FreeSWAN VPN solution in the box.  Caldera, RH,
 Free/SWAN patches are in the Mandrake kernel, as well as the user space

This is a kernel patch? Now I know why I can't find it. ;-) I'm running
the 2.4.16 update kernel, I assume it includes it too? Pardon me if
I seem a little bit dumb at this point, I don't know much about VPN
other than it's a solution for telecommuters?
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Re: OT Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-06 Thread Joshua Lee

On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 12:17:38AM +1130, Mike Andrew wrote:
 then maybe
  there are some users we just don't need to attract. /sunday evening rant
 too bloody right. I've never been attracted to *nix. I use it because Bill 
 Gates and Steve Jobs gave me no choice. Linux has some way to go before I 
 'like' it. A decent gui is one. 

The command line of *nix isn't just any ordinary command line, you can
do a lot of tricks with it that no other OS can. If you use it only
like an ordinary command line, like DOS or CP/M, then you're missing
half it's strength.

 greedily, unnecessarily, expensive. It was the Apple ][ that introduced the 
 bus concept, *the* item from above that made all the difference for the Oem. 

The S-100 bus existed as a standard bus on many CP/M boxes long before
the Apple II, though Apple is to be commended for it's open specs for
all of their hardware with the Apple II. (I recall with fondness reading
the commented 6502 assembler that Apple provided in it's technical
reference manuals.)

 Motorola fuelled to the 68040, a far better cpu in all respects than it's 
 80486 counterpart (not my say so, industry definition), Apple would not 

Intel beat the Motorollas only through brute force, eventually simply
having more megahertz. Motorolla always had less clock cycles per 
instruction and a lot more elegance (Though to be fair the original 
8080 wasn't intended to be a CPU, and we've been stuck with it's 
design flaws ever since.)

 reduce the price sufficiently to get the cpu chip-volume up, Motorola, 
 sensibly, gave the public what it deserved. Intel.

Well, there were other factors, such as IBM choosing the 8088 for it's
PC. ;-) This decision was driven by the fact that the 8080 derived Z-80
at the time had the business market in CP/M boxes. (The 8080 and Z-80 were
horrible, a total lack of useful addressing modes, specialized registers
that made more sense for embedded controller applications than for
a CPU, lots of instruction cycles for many instructions (which Intel didn't
fix until the 80286, making efficient assembly programming a difficult
art) etc. The 6502 of the Apple, a one-accumulator inexpensive cousin
of the Motorolla 6800, was actually a better chip than the 8088 for
everything but certain math intensive operations, or later on memory
intensive applications once they started shipping lots of RAM with
PC clones.)
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Re: OT Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-06 Thread Joshua Lee

I'd like to post this not as a flame, but as a way of adding additional
information and clearing up some misconceptions. Mandrake is a good
distro, it has some strengths such as GUI-driven configuration that
SuSE has not completely caught up with, but I thought I'd correct
some of the information (not misinformation, I assume he simply doesn't
know much about SuSE as he's not running it, or a recent version of it.)
in this post.

On Sun, Feb 03, 2002 at 04:40:41PM -0700, Tyler Regas wrote:
 Ah, but that's where Mandrake has succeeded where others, especially Red 
 Hat have not. Mandrake just inked a deal with HP to provide two versions of 
 8.1 (I think) for the vast majority of *desktop* systems HP sells. Mandrake 

I'm happy about that, since I run an HP, but it's only an option for 
the business models. The home models that are sold in computer stores 
and elsewhere they aren't putting it on. Though at least HP isn't only
putting it on servers like the rest. :-)

 being on the bleeding edge has put them into the position where they could 
 accept this contract. Their system is the most complete, GUI-based Linux 
 distro there is. Literally no feature must be edited from a text editor. No 

SuSE's a little bit bleeding edge, the kernel is 2.4.10, the latest kernel
of any off the shelf distro (updatable at least to 2.4.16, if not more
if you go to mantel's directory on the ftp sites.) but not too bleeding
edge for production work.

 They're all there, its just that Mandrake has practically eliminated the 
 need for the CLI tools. And don't think that this is _not_ what people 

It's not what *I* want, though it'd be nice at times to have them when
knowledge is lacking and it's not in a situation where it would stomp
on an existing custom-configured text file.

 Last, and certainly not least, is Linux. Even Red Hat, the self-appointed 
 champion of the Open Source and Linux movements, has been unable to achieve 
 the ease of use and GUI integration of Mandrake. There are few distros that 

Red Hat is not meant for the desktop, it's CEO and one of it's founders
have both made statements to that effect. Once that's been considered the
lack of GUI-driven tools versus having stable and more conservative
versions of software becomes important; availability of servers, not the 
desktop, is their goal. What should be compared is Mandrake versus SuSE,
as SuSE hasn't abandoned the desktop market completely, though it is
closely involved with a partnership with IBM. (That will hopefully cure
it's occasional financial worries.)

 come close to matching what Mandrake has been able to offer the desktop 
 user. Combine Mandrake's Control Center, Mandrake Update (skip the kernel 
 upgrade unless you've retained the stock kernel in your install, though), 
 and Ximian's Red Carpet and you have a powerful GUI-based technology 
 currency system in place.

This is where Mandrake surely can shine, once they get the bugs out of the
system. SuSE's Yast2 Online Updates system is pretty simple too though.
Actually, the best currancy system would be something similar to Debian
apt-get or BSD's port systems. Connectiva with it's apt for RPM system, and
some non-mainstream Linux distros with a port system, are playing with
this and it bears watching. (Debian would be a killer update system if
the updates were, well, more up to date. ;-) Though as a server OS it's
not a bad configuration, and maybe they're right to avoid the Kernel
of Pain.)

 AFAIK, other than Red Carpet, the Mandrake tools are not present elsewhere.

Similar things exist for updating SuSE, and there are more powerful tools
for updating Debian, Connectiva, FreeBSD, Gentoo and Soceror. For GUI 
*configuration* however, Mandrake is the reigning champion; but a considerable
amount of configuration *can* be done with SuSE's tools.
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Re: OT Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-03 Thread Lee

Tyler Regas wrote:
 Don't you think that's pretty cynical? I happen to think that Mandrake has
 a very strong community connection. Hell, they post their nightly builds on
 Cooker, FCS!
 At 11:44 PM 2/2/2002, you wrote:
 Mostly SUSE and mandrake are going for servers with partners like IBM
 and such big names so they are trying to ignore the normal user and
 marketing of them to big firms is only done with the partner

Believe you have SuSe and Mandrake confused with Caldera. I have sitting on the 
retail bookshelf boxed sets of Mandrake 8.1 and SuSe 7.2 for the desktop computer. 
Suse even included a sheet of stickers to plaster my box with and a pin to jam in my 
ballhat.Mandrake is running a Mandrake Club users list that periodically receives 
info from the company of interest to the common user and tech advice from other users.

 Tyler Regas
 PHM Editor-in-Chief
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Re: OT Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-01-31 Thread Joshua Lee

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, Ted Ozolins wrote:

  I was at LWCE yesterday and found SuSE to be absent from the floor.

 Why am I not surprised. How in hell do you expect to interest people in
 considering linux if all they hear and see is XP?

A correction on the SuSE mailing list: they are on the floor, near the IBM
booth. The situation of people not knowing about Linux is probably going
to change, IBM is airing advertisements now on TV. :-)

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Re: OT Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-01-31 Thread Lee

Ted Ozolins wrote:
 On Thursday 31 January 2002 08:52 am, Tony Alfrey wrote:
  I was at LWCE yesterday and found SuSE to be absent from the floor.
  I came to know later that they cancelled their spot. So with this
  and coupled with the fact that they laid off most of the US staff,
  does it mean that SuSE is no longer interested in US market? Lenz?
  I was also surprised to see Mandrake booth. This year, the floor
  was even smaller and attendence lighter.

I wouldn't be too surprised to see Mandrake. Lately, they have begun to show an 
agressive streak. Imagine that the French advance while the Germans retreat. The next 
thing you know somebody will let the cat out of that bag that Gates runs Linux on his 
home computer.
 Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
 Westbank, B. C.
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Re: Linux Compete for Microsoft partners

2002-01-29 Thread Lee

Rick Sivernell wrote:
 On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 09:02:44 -0500
 Bruce Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tuesday 29 January 2002 7:45 am, Joel Hammer wrote:
   This is really interesting. MS is taking linux seriously. This means that
   we will see increasing incompatibility between MS and linux software,
   like samba. Just minor stuff, but enuf to make using a samba server not
   worth the trouble. And, expect to see more problems in translating MS
   documents into non-MS software, too.
   Why not. There are billions of dollars at stake.

Is it possible it could go the other way. Simply absorb Linux by making
M$ applications easier to run in Linux with just enough M$ Proprietary
script to keep from running afoul of the GNU when you sell it. With
enough resources you could run the small companies specializing in this
type of software out of business and force Linux to become dependent on
M$. Before snorting ridiculous ask yourself what would you or someone
else pay for a Linux compatible version of M$ word or Excel how many
copies of Wine are sold each year? Hell! Gates has enough resources to
even develop a M$ version of Linux based on the Caldera Greed model. As
long as the profits come to M$ it should be a matter of indifference if
a server is running Win, 2K, Xp, Nt or WinLinux. And if the thing has
the usual M$ security caverns it would be Linux who would take the

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2002-01-28 Thread Lee

Recently a friend saw a preview of Linux on the Tech tv channel. He was
particularly impressed with the portion devoted to GIMP and he asked me
to install my version of SuSe 7.2 on his box. He likes Linux, but has a
problem that I am not familiar with as I don't use Gimp much. Once Gimp
has been opened how does he load photo files from the cdrom or windows
side of the dual boot. Using FreeDisk it's possible to open the windows
photo files, but can't find a way to load them in Gimp or save them back
to the windows file after they have been worked on.

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Re: another xfree 4.2.0 gotcha

2002-01-26 Thread Joshua Lee

On Friday 25 January 2002 12:09 am, Myles Green wrote:
 Must be a problem with GDM (you did say that was what you were using,
 correct?) because I use KDM when using RL5 and haven't had any problems.
 Is there a quick and dirty way for me to change to using GDM so I can

What distro are you using? In SuSE you can change one line in /etc/rc.config 
(DISPLAYMANAGER=kdm) to gdm.
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Re: Linux Mag OT

2002-01-22 Thread Lee

Just tried it. It works o.k.. I'm using Mandrake 8.0 with Netscape 4.77.


Bruce Marshall wrote:
 On Tuesday 22 January 2002 3:13 am, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
  On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 12:38:34 -0500
  Bruce Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The error I got from some of the failures was invalid byte code.
  | Hmmm  I sez to myself.  Could MS be planting a bogus bit of code in their
  | java created by Front Page to 'kill' all other browsers?  Naw, they
  | wouldn't do that, would they??
  | Has anyone else seen a problem  like this?
  Wouldn't suprise me. Still, a library IS publically funded. Any local Linux
  user groups should protest. Claim that the library is prejudiced against
  a minority and as a result making it difficult for their children to obtain
  acces to publically funded services. You know the rant.
  In fact, they probably never even considered non-Explorer in their system
  BTW, did the Windows Netscape work?
 I couldn't find *any* browser other than Internet Exploder that would work.
 And I did complain to the library and got a nice reply that they were in the
 midst of changing their method of generating web pages blah blah blah...  but
 after 3 months, nothing has changed.
 If anyone wants to try it, the url and sequence is:
 2)  select  'online catalog'
 3) select  Java WEBpac
 The error I now get on mozilla after loading the java applet is:  applet not
 initialized.   (it bombed)
 + Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI 01/22/02 08:58  +
 He that would govern others, first should be the master of himself.
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Re: Linux Mag OT

2002-01-22 Thread Lee

Bruce Marshall wrote:
 On Tuesday 22 January 2002 9:54 am, Lee wrote:
  Just tried it. It works o.k.. I'm using Mandrake 8.0 with Netscape 4.77.
 Sure you got the Java version?   (there's also a non-Java version of the

Yeah. JavaWeb. Had to enable Java Script on my browser, normally run
with it shutdown.
 + Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI 01/22/02 10:12  +
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Re: New Address, Job OT

2002-01-22 Thread Lee

On Tuesday 22 January 2002 11:19, you wrote:
 --- Tony Alfrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tuesday 22 January 2002 06:07 am,Kurt Wall wrote:
   Hi, list,
   As hinted in other threads, I'm no longer a Hoosier. I accepted a
   position with a Linux startup based in Pittsburgh, PA, TimeSys
  Wow, it sounds like Pittsburg has come a long way from steel mills.

 No, not really.  Keep in mind, Pittsburgh is where i lived before moving
 out to California last April.  Pittsburgh is still a rather dreary,
 dirty,  boring town (IMO).  I don't even consider it a real city, just
 a sprawling urban area.

Ah, but don't forget the corruption. Where else would the city commission 
drive the city deeply into debt to build three new stadiums (one for the 
baseball team, one for the football team, and one for the hockey team) when 
the tri-rivers stadium, which is still pretty much state of the art, is even 
paid for. This inspite of the fact that the voters voted down this form of 
blackmail by the team owners. And, the taxes are neat to. State income tax, 
state sales tax, city wage tax, county and city property tax and even a 
separate tax levied by the school board.


 Lonni J. Friedman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: an interesting experience

2002-01-21 Thread Lee

Michael Hipp wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Net Llama [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Windoze will let you completely fubar the video settings to something
  above what the monitor will handle.  Good luck getting that fixed
  without reinstalling the OS, when you have no video, no telnet, no ssh.
 All you gotta do is sit on your hands for 10 seconds and it will revert
 automatically to the previous (working) setting. That or use safe mode as
 someone pointed out.
 Never tried a dual-head setup. It's supposed to work on W2k.

If the setting doesn't revert just power down.and reboot. During reboot  depending 
on the motherboard hit F8 (some boxes F6) after the Bio boot presentation and before 
the Win system can start to boot. Or wait until you get the colored M$ logo when it 
starts to reboot and kill the power. Then reboot. This should take you into the dos 
menu. Select safe mode and let Win boot up. It will bootup in the VGA mode. Once in 
the Win safe window. Select the control paneldisplaysettings and change the 
settings back to their original settings. 
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Re: Red Hat and ISDN

2002-01-21 Thread Lee

Graeme Jensen wrote:
 I've been trying for the past few months to get an ISDN internet connection
 up and running but to no avail.  KDE finds my terminal adapter / modem OK
 and the provider settings are correct (Primary and Secondary DNS addresses,
 Passwords etc.)  For some reason the process stalls with the message
 Setting Modem Volume.  Changing CRTSCTS to off and other combinations
 produces the same response.  I have a un connected corega FEther PCI-TXS
 Ethernet card.  When the linux boots I get the message bringing up interface
 eth0  failed.  Does this have some connection to the problem?  The redhat
 sites have offered no solutions, I can't find the answer in the Red Hat
 Bible and other books.

If you're running kppp, hit settings under the modem tab set volumn for
zero. Under device set speed one above the modem speed, ex: 56k set for
115k. I've had the same problem before and for some reason this seems to
solve the problem.
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Re: Linux Mag OT

2002-01-20 Thread Lee

dep wrote:
 On Sunday 20 January 2002 19:24, Rick Sivernell wrote:
 | I was at the book store this afternoon, minding my own
 | bussiness. I picked up a Linux Mag, right in the middle of the mag
 | was a M$ web host ad. free XP and free that for isp's. That really
 | does take go nads.
 great! if microsoft is willing to spend money so that publications
 and sites that advocate linux can stay in business, that's just
 dandy. of course, microsoft ads would be more effective for microsoft
 in just about any other publication, including ms. and the dairy goat
 journal. but that's microsoft's concern, not ours.

I believe that M$ is more concerned than just a little. After years of just ignoring 
Linux M$ has had a few nasty turn of events lately. XP is in the process of bombing 
and software writers are starting to advise businesses to look at Linux as an 
alternative to M$. Then Big Blue dumps $10 million worth of Linux software on the net 
so show their commitment to Linux. That drove the price of Red Hat from $4 a share to 
$8 on the market and Caldera's stock went from $.22/share to $1.89 (now back to 
$.95). Then their hot Linux memo gets leaked to the press and to add to their misery, 
Mandrake starts shopping around for businesses to highlight in their ads who have 
switched from M$ to Linux to counter M$'s ads. And, you know those IBM ads featuring 
the stolen servers being replaced by IBM's running Linux must be driving up sales of 
Rolaids in Redmond. Finally, AOL annpunces that it is in talks to buy Red Hat. Which 
would leave AOL to go after a piece M$'s desktop market while IBM!
 keeps thumping away at M$'s server market. Gates might start feeling like a 
wagonmaster under indian attack who is one wagon short of circling the wagons. 

 There is sobbing of the strong,
 And a pall upon the land;
 But the People in their weeping
 Bare the iron hand;
 Beware the
 People weeping
 When they bare the iron hand.
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[Fwd: Screem]

2002-01-18 Thread Lee

 Original Message 
Subject: Screem
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 17:11:12 -0500

Installed Mandrake 8.0 a while back and still investigating all the
goodies that install with it in full install. One of these is a beastie,
under internet on the menu, called Screem. Accessed to see what it did.
I got some type of bootup screen featuring a woman in black and white in
the act of screaming along with a bootup log that didn't boot. Lacking
any type of tool bar the thing couldn't be shut down. Was forced to shut
shutdown and reboot three times before it finally went away, but then a
strange thing. The X server now takes a long time to come up and there
is a long between logging in at the kde or gnome log in and the
presentation of the kde/gnome window. After the desktop window finally
comes up everything behaves normally. The questions are What the heck is
Screem and what does it  do? How does it boot? Once accessed how do you
shut it down? And finally, what does it have to do with the X server?

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Re: [Fwd: Screem]

2002-01-18 Thread Lee

Much thanks. Didn't know that, but iy sure will come in handy. 

Bruce Marshall wrote:
 On Friday 18 January 2002 17:13 pm, Lee wrote:
   Original Message 
  Subject: Screem
  Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 17:11:12 -0500
  Installed Mandrake 8.0 a while back and still investigating all the
  goodies that install with it in full install. One of these is a beastie,
  under internet on the menu, called Screem. Accessed to see what it did.
  I got some type of bootup screen featuring a woman in black and white in
  the act of screaming along with a bootup log that didn't boot. Lacking
  any type of tool bar the thing couldn't be shut down. Was forced to shut
  shutdown and reboot three times before it finally went away, but then a
  strange thing. The X server now takes a long time to come up and there
  is a long between logging in at the kde or gnome log in and the
  presentation of the kde/gnome window. After the desktop window finally
  comes up everything behaves normally. The questions are What the heck is
  Screem and what does it  do? How does it boot? Once accessed how do you
  shut it down? And finally, what does it have to do with the X server?
 Not related to your main questions, but you are aware that a  Ctl-Alt-ESC  in
 X will give you a skull-and-crossbones for a cursor?  After getting that,
 just click in any window and that window will be killed.
 + Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI 01/18/02 17:18  +
 An expert is someone from out of town.
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Re: Weird Shutdown/halt in SuSE 7.3

2002-01-16 Thread Lee

What it means in SuSe 7.2 and Mandrake is that the box was shut down
before the program had finished shutting down. It may be that 7.3 has a
bug in it that stops program shut down before it has finished and the
first thing it does at reboot is to check the file sysytem to insure
that none of the files have been damaged. The same thing happens
sometimes on my Mandrake/SuSe dual boot. The only way I have of
preventing it is when the program shuts down is to tell it to reboot and
power down duing the bio bootup. 


Ian Marchak wrote:
 Susan Macchia wrote:
  Hi all,
  I recently switched from RH 7.0 to SuSE 7.3.  While happy overall, I have
  noticed some wierdness when shutting down or halting SuSE (either thru the kdm
  GUI or using /sbin/shutdown -h).
  And when I boot up or (reboot), my disk(s) always get fscked (/dev/hda2 has the
  SuSE distro root) - message below:
  /dev/hda2 not cleanly unmounted, check forced
  /dev/hdb7 has my home partition and sometimes this has the same message/check.
  Has anyone experienced this?  Should I be worried? I don't have APM that I know
  of as my dell was bought in 1998 with Win98FE.  I went to the knowledge base at
  SuSE and there wasn't really much help; all the info was on early SuSE
  Any help would be appreciated here; I am concerned that this may cause problems
  with my disks in the future.
 I too have experienced this...still am, but the machine is rarely
 rebooted so I forgot about it.
 I suspected and investigated the SuSE shutdown scripts were missing
 doing scripting skills failed to see a problem though.
 I can at least confirm you aren't the only one.
 I too am curious what's up.
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Re: Microsoft Support OT

2002-01-16 Thread Lee

Hermann-Josef Beckers wrote:
 Am Mittwoch 16 Januar 2002 05:25 schrieben Sie:
  On January 15, 2002 08:54 am, Kurt Wall wrote:
I have told them that MCSE stands for Must Consult with Someone Else,
  Mouse Certified System Engineer
 Mandrake Consultant  Suse Expert

To show how good Microscruff support is here in Franklin Florida there
is only one certified Win 2000 tech and he refuses to install or
troubleshoot Win 2000 and wouldn't stock XP in his shop. That leaves
those misguided individuals who use these crash and burn systems to call
their local friendly uncertified Linux tech for help. Of course it gives
me a chance to point out that such a thing could not happen if they used
a real OS. One of them, a day trader, after the third time he had to
call for help cleaning all the nasty viri on his machine that he keeps
picking up on the net wants me to build him a Win 2000 Linux dual boot. 
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Re: help-configmg

2002-01-14 Thread Lee

Even though this a Linux list, we Linux users are always concerned for
our brethren who are in error (Windows Users). The most obvious
solution  would be to switch to a Linux OS. SuSe is German made and is
user friendly. But, your problem may not be with your Win system ( such
as I hate to say it) it may be hardware connected. If your hard drive is
going bad it might be in the sectors reserved for bootup of the
operating system. That would explain why when you first load Windows it
works for awhile the goes bad. If this the case you might try to run
scandisk surface check and have your computer block off bad sectors. It
does this automatically. This would be just be a temporary fix as once a
hard drive starts to go it keeps getting worse. Another test would be to
load a Linux system (Caldera, Mandrake, SuSe, Red Hat, ect) and use for
awhile. If boot problemscomes back with Linux  replace your hard drive.


sencer vardarman wrote:
 hallo, Guy Van Sanden
 I?m a K7S5A+?XP1800+?+ASUS Gf2 user from Berlin. Since
 my first start I alwais receive
 ?While Initializing device CONFIGMG: Windows
 Protection Error. You need to restart your computer.?
 with every cold start.
 And the computer is very unstabil. It doesn?t make fun
 when it crashes by saving, wich happens often.
 The one who built and sold it says it is not his
 I installed Windows again. Nothing changes.
 I tested the memory with memetest86. No mistakes.
 I check what Windows offers on ist web pages. Nothing
 Can you help me to solve this problem.
 If I can be sure, that it is his mistake, I can make
 some more preasure on that guy who sold it to me.
 But if I bring the computer to some Profies to be
 tested, it will cost me some hundred  ?s (no more DMs
 #61514;  )
 I can not pay it.
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Re: Test of Peanut Linux

2002-01-12 Thread Lee

Rick Sivernell wrote:
 On Fri, 11 Jan 2002 17:55:02 + (utc)
  --Test of V-mail on Peanut Linux
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 I see you got peanut to install and run. that is more than
 it did for me.
 Rick Sivernell
 Dallas, Texas  75287
 972 306-2296
 Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1
 Registered Linux User
   / v \
  /( _ )\
^ ^
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I bought a BEOS cd with Peanut Linux on it as a bonus from Cheapbytes
for $5. I installed Peanut Linux through the Win98 side of my Penta boot
machine. The first time I got the dark screen of death after install
bootup. Went back and reinstalled. This time I configured the X-server
up with minimum values (250 colors). After installation the thing booted
up and I reconfigured the video card.

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Re: Copying Boot disk.

2002-01-11 Thread Lee

Previously, you (Bruce Marshall) wrote:
 On Friday 11 January 2002 16:42 pm, Lee wrote:
  Thanks for the help. Used Yast2 as Glenn suggested, but that makes an
  install disk. To boot into the installed system from it you have to boot
  into install at lightoff. Leave the cd out of the tray answer the
  install questions until you get to the install menu. Select install.
  That takes you to a new menu that has boot installed system as an
  option. Select that. Then answer the question that wants to know what
  partition to boot. Then just sit back, put your hands in your pockets
  and watch the bootup scroll until it reaches the kde login screen. It's
  slow and cumbersome, but as it's only for a backup to the normal disk it
  ain't bad. Although it would be nice to just copy the boot disk from
  floppy disk to floppy disk. Thanks again guys. Now I don't have to worry
  about the dog eating the boot disk.
 Did you try the method I suggested for copying your original boot floppy?
 using 'dd' ??

Yeah, only it didn't work. Kept getting either no such device or no such file (even in 
root). I think it may have something to do with SuSe 7.2 keeping floppy in a file 
called /media. Tried substituting /media/floppy and /media/fd0 for /device/floppy and 
fd0 but it didn't work. But then, we're dealing withthe folks who invented the 
panzerwagon beetle.


P.S. Please disregard any mispellings. I'm using peanut Linux now  for a hoot and the 
V-mail doesn't have a spell corrector. So, I've got to wing it for spelling and typos.
 + Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI 01/11/02 16:48  +
 All that trembles doesn't fall. -- Russian proverb
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Copying Boot disk.

2002-01-10 Thread Lee

Recently built a quad boot (Win98/Mandrake 8.0/W3.1b/SuSe 7.2) box. To
keep down traffic congestion in the mbr I boot into the SuSe using a
floppy boot disk. For safety's sake I want to make a few duplicate boot
disks. No matter how I try to go about it I get an error message that
says the floppy drive can't recognize the file system on the floppy boot
disk, except in Win where the error messages claims that the floppy boot
disk isn't formatted. How do you make a copy of a linux boot floppy in
general and SuSe in particular.

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Re: Windows (OT)

2002-01-10 Thread Lee

Douglas J Hunley wrote:
 Lee babbled on about:
  No need to get touchy. An occasional Microgreed question isn't going to
  destroy the list. And, there is an awful lot talent available here. As
  for the original question I would advise getting a copy of Partition and
  Bootmagic 5 or above. Set up two NT partitions and load the Microscruff
  OSs in them and use bootmagic to select which one will boot. It also
  comes in handy if  you want to install a legitimate OS (Linux) on the
  same box with Gates' crash cookies.
 I wasn't getting touchy. I was simply informing the original post that there
 is a seperate list for non-linux questions. We've lost members in the past
 because the brief amount of time they were on the list their was more
 non-linux talk than there was linux talk.
 i enjoy (and even start) the occasional OT thread. I was just illustrating
 to the poster and other new members that we *do* have a forum where this
 thread is on-topic and not off-topic.
 Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
 Admin: Linux StepByStep -
 2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/kernel/smp.c

I stand corrected. 

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Re: [SLE] Linux Tutorials On-line or downloadable

2002-01-09 Thread Joshua Lee

On Monday 07 January 2002 06:02 am, Shane Broomhall wrote:
 I am planning on moving from Windows 2000 to linux with in the next month.
 I have basic linux skills, but I am by no means a competent user.  I am
 hoping that people on this list will be able to point me towards on-line or
 downloadable tutorials or books that will help me increase my knowledge.  I

If you don't mind me mentioning a book, the book Unix Power Tools from 
O'Reilly is very useful. The title's a bit misleading as the main focus is 
not the free power-tool software on the CD but rather it is a bunch of many 
very interesting tips and tricks culled from O'Reilly experts and online 
Usenet newsgroups. (Back when Usenet was a great place to find information.) 
These tips and tricks apply to Linux since Linux is a Unix clone, and it 
mentions Linux equivalents every now and then when needed. Also this book is 
unique in that it has constant cross references to related information, a bit 
like a print version of a web-page. Another thing you'll want to know more 
about in Linux is Perl; O'Reilly's books are the best on that subject too.
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Re: internal modem

2002-01-06 Thread Lee

zohar wrote:
 one of my friend says the internal modem is an internal modem while other
 says it is a Winmodem. I think it is Winmodem as it has no processor like
 thing of itself. I want to connect Linux to internet as I want it to be able
 to download it linux material in Linux partition. So I think I have to
 brought a external modem . In all this I am confused.
 Do any one have encountered this or have some idea about this ?

As a general rule, PCI modems won't run in Linux. There are some
exceptions for example US Robotics makes a 56k fax PCI modem that sets
up on Linux OSs using kernel 2.4 or higher. On ISA type modems the usual
way to tell a Win  modem from a Linux adaptable modem is the presence of
jumpers (plugs) that allow you to hand set the comm port and irq the
modem will use. If you got them not win modem if your modem lacks them
it's probably Win. ISA is getting a little rare these days but SmartLink
(Archtek) still makes a 56k BTS model that works ok and doesn't cost a
bundle. The cheapest place to get these is on the Ebay auction.

For real trouble free modems go external. With them it's simply a matter
of plugging the thing into your computer and identifying ttyS0 (comm
port 1) as the comm port to use. The best ones are US Robotics 56k, but
they usually have the highest prices. Myself, I run a Smartlink external
that I bought for $10 on the ebay auction on the one triple boot system
I run. Peanut Linux uses the external on ttyS0 and Mandrake and SuSe use
the Smartlink on ttyS2 without conflict.

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SuSe 7.2 Realplayer

2002-01-05 Thread Lee

Set up SuSe 7.2 on two different boxes. On one it loaded during install
and needed no other effort to use than selecting it from the multimedia
menu list. On the other box, however, it didn't load during
installation. No problem, just popped the cd in the cd-rom and clicked
on the realplayer rpm. Error message that it could only be loaded by
root. Logged out and back in as root. Popped in the cd again clicked on
the Realplayer rpm and it loaded and worked. logged back in as user.
Realplayer was listed as a menu item under multimedia. clicked on
realplayer. The thing half loaded then stopped and locked up. No matter
how many times I tried got same results: Realplayer operates normally in
root, but locks up during load in user mode. Any idea what I either
forgot to do or did wrong when I installed realplayer from the SuSe cd
as root?

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Re: IT jobs Florida

2002-01-04 Thread Lee

Randy wrote:
 On Thursday 03 January 2002 10:21 am, you wrote:
  Randy wrote:
   Any Floridians on the list? What does the IT sector look like down
   there? This is my last northern winter.
   Randy Donohoe
  Every kid out of high school bills him/herself as a computer whiz
   kid and the state's college's and universities turn out system
   science types by the dump truck full. Although,there is a defense
   industry settled in around Orlando As for weather, in my part of
   the state (Panhandle) the only way you can tell summer from winter
   is the rain is cold in the winter and warm in the summer.
 Is Florida still in a drought?
 Randy Donohoe

No. It's pretty much over, at least for this part of the year. We just
missed some snow up here in the panhandle a few days ago. Now that would
have been some cold rain. Temps right now are running in the mid fifties
in the day to the low 40s to high 30s in the evening.

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Re: Will they recommend LINUX????

2002-01-03 Thread Lee

Not likely. It's not just the politicians but the so-called system
science bureaucrats. Example: Florida just finished shaving half a
billion dollars from the budget. I suggested to the governor's office,
his budget office, state purchasing office that they forgo Win XP and
the upgrade of many of the state's computers that XP would require and
identify where Linux would be better suited as a way to save money.
Additionally, many state agencies pay outside contractors to develop
speciality software which they then lease back to the state even though
Florida paid to have it developed. Linux would save the state a bundle.
Unfortunately, it would mean that the state's system science people
would have to learn something new and might even be required to write
some of those special programs. Then there is the cost of lost revenue
to outside contractors that a loss of lease payments would bring. The
result: Windows stays firmly entrenched and the taxpayers get to support
MS's lawyers and political campaign contributions.

R. Quenett wrote:
Perhaps they'll urge Americans to switch to a safer OS  ;-)
   Not likely during the curreuired to nt administration.
  Or any other.
 Government doesn't _do_ 'open'.  It's poisonous to the culture.
 Ps..  a healthy and prosperous new year to all, and congrats and thanks
 to all involved in producing the sXs and its content.. impressive and
 useful r
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Re: IT jobs Florida

2002-01-03 Thread Lee

Randy wrote:
 Any Floridians on the list? What does the IT sector look like down
 there? This is my last northern winter.
 Randy Donohoe

Every kid out of high school bills him/herself as a computer whiz kid and the state's 
college's and universities turn out system science types by the dump truck full. 
Although,there is a defense industry settled in around Orlando As for weather, in my 
part of the state (Panhandle) the only way you can tell summer from winter is the 
rain is cold in the winter and warm in the summer.

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Re: otchristmas and its HOT!

2002-01-01 Thread Lee

Burns MacDonald wrote:
 David spake:
  That would be fine if you stuck to inches all the time but:
  12 inches = 1 foot
  3 feet = 1 yard
   yards = 1 mile
 From my Navy years:
 1760 yards to a nautical mile. A nautical mile is 1 minute of latitude at
 the equator.
 a 'cable' is 200 yards
 a shackle is about 90 feet
 a fathom is 6 feet
 For more measuring trivia, see
 It is truly mind-boggling and aptly demonstrates the need for a simple,
 global 10-based suystem.

Why base 10? Because we have 10 fingers, or toes? What about octal and
base 16? After all as we evolve to Homo computerus our bellies will
probably swell until we can't count our toes and our fingers will evolve
into two elongated digits, to push keyboard keys, and an opposable thumb
as an aid to load paper in our printers. Thus, base 10 will become
obsolete. So let's switch to base 16 and start computerizing the world.

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Re: questions

2001-12-28 Thread Lee

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Most of the list isn't offended by
mention of that other OS. Matter-of-fact, a lot of us run dual boot
with it and have asked more than a few questions regarding how to get
Gates' wingreed to run smoothly with our Linux systems not to mention
Wine questions. I believe Wine is used to run Wingreed applications in
Linux. Caldera? A lot of us on this list are closet Caldera users and
certainly the marriage of Linux with Unix is of interest.


zohar wrote:
 Respected Sir,
 My first question was about caldera. I am not using caldera and this is not
 a question regarding caldera only. I am using SUSE 7.1 pro. I saw this
 advertise yesterday on TV so I asked it on this group because I think active
 users on this groups are more knowledgeable regarding systems than any
 Window user who are using the thing but does not know what it is doing and
 how? So was for Norton, Firewall, mail and UPX file compressor.
 I am not concerned about particular vendor's product but want to know how
 technology works.
 Then also if you do not want to answer please please mail me(even offlist
 will do) so from further I will only put here linux specific questions.
 - Original Message -
 From: Net Llama [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 11:22 PM
 Subject: Re: questions
  I think you may have wandered onto the wrong mailing list.  This list is
  for Linux, and only Linux.  Not UNIX, and certainly not anything from
  Your Caldera question might be better addressed on a Caldera specific
  mailing list.
  A packet, is a packet, is a packet, regardless of which OS produces it.
  A firewall analyzes packets, and blocks specific packets based on the
  criteria that you specify when configuring the firewall.
  Visual Basic questions are M$ specific, and have no place on this list.
  --- zohar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   CALDERA says that it providing a solution of UNIX and LINUX
   integrating it.
   What other than networking is the same between this two OS.
   I have heard many times in last few days that normal firewall can only
   blocks the packets that come from Windows while they are not effective
   the packets that come from other OS. Can you give me some more
   related to it. Which Firewall can handle this kind of situation.
   On one site it was mentioned that an e-mail can be multiparty other
   pure HTML or text and this are more likely to contain ActiveX and
   like more powerful programs which are made able to run some malicious
   Please say something more about this and which mail application can
   handle this.
   What is UPX file compressor of Visual Basic.
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Re: otchristmas and its HOT!

2001-12-22 Thread Lee

Keith Antoine wrote:

  Here I am sitting with towel round waist at 6.20pm after coming out of
 shower for the 4th time today, also having had the machine shut down 4 times

 It got to 37C about 1.30 and is still 30C at the moment. Fans do little to
 cool one down and I had 3 travel jobs to do today. That meant driving with
 aircon struggling, so much so that I burnt my hand getting back in after an
 hr and 30 on the steering wheel, also the safety belt buckle was just to hard
 to fasten. There is no sign of a good storm to cool things down.

37C? What does that come to in real temperature (F)?

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Re: Windows98: Command prompt?

2001-12-22 Thread Lee

You shouldn't have to  go into MSDOS to load XP. The thing should load directly from 
Unless the thing is being idoitic and refuses to load because the hd already has an OS 
(if you
can call it that) on it that can't be upgraded by the new OS. If so use the Win 
install disk
to format the hd, or hit F6 or F8 (varies for different boxes) when the bios have 
booting but before Windoze boots. That should take you into a menu that will let you 
order up
C prompt. Type in C: format c: and at the prompt type  y for you don't mind that the 
wiped away. Then the thing should load. Or you can use MSDOS by accessing the start 
menu and
under programs MSDOS should be there it's  not an option. If not, and Windoze XP 
needs to
load through MSDOS you can do what I had to do with a Win 2000 that wouldn't load 
through MSDOS, reload the WIN 98 without worrying  about  pnp or drivers for the 
After install access MSDOS through the start - program menu.

Joel Hammer wrote:

 A bit OT but:
 Does anyone know how to get a MSDOS prompt on a window98 computer which
 doesn't list that option anywhere?
 My son needs to backup everything from his new laptop which has windows98.
 It would be easiest just to run ftp from the command line but we can't find a way to 
get an
 MSDOS prompt on his fancy HP powerful laptop computer.  The fancy windows
 GUI ftp client doesn't have a way to select all files at the same time.
 I know, I know, dump windows, but he has to use windows at school.
 Everytime I work with windows I am astounded by what an awful operating
 system it is but its what we have to work with.
 He is tired of windows98 crashing several times per day.
 So, he is going to install XP professional ($20 [no upgrade] from his school
 bookstore.) I may be tempted at that price.

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Re: otchristmas and its HOT!

2001-12-22 Thread Lee

David Aikema wrote:

 On December 22, 2001 06:51 pm, Lee wrote:
  Keith Antoine wrote:
Here I am sitting with towel round waist at 6.20pm after coming out of
   shower for the 4th time today, also having had the machine shut down 4
   times also.
   It got to 37C about 1.30 and is still 30C at the moment. Fans do little
   to cool one down and I had 3 travel jobs to do today. That meant driving
   with aircon struggling, so much so that I burnt my hand getting back in
   after an hr and 30 on the steering wheel, also the safety belt buckle was
   just to hard to fasten. There is no sign of a good storm to cool things
  37C? What does that come to in real temperature (F)?

 C = 5/9(F-32) so... which works out to roughly 100F

 David Aikema

That's one thing about us rude colonials we still use the mother country's
measuring system so we don't have to remember all those complicated  math


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Re: otchristmas and its HOT!

2001-12-22 Thread Lee

Jay Nugent wrote:


 On Sat, 22 Dec 2001, Lee wrote:

  David Aikema wrote:
   On December 22, 2001 06:51 pm, Lee wrote:
 It got to 37C about 1.30 and is still 30C at the moment. Fans do little
 to cool one down and I had 3 travel jobs to do today. That meant driving
 with aircon struggling, so much so that I burnt my hand getting back in
 after an hr and 30 on the steering wheel, also the safety belt buckle was
 just to hard to fasten. There is no sign of a good storm to cool things
37C? What does that come to in real temperature (F)?
   C = 5/9(F-32) so... which works out to roughly 100F
   David Aikema
  That's one thing about us rude colonials we still use the mother country's
  measuring system so we don't have to remember all those complicated  math

Too bad we blew it back in the late 70's, early 80's when we were
 *supposed* to move over to the metric system.  Base-10 is FAR better a
 measurement scale than Base-the-kings-feet and other arbitrary scales.

Metric is just as arbitrary as a king's foot being 12 inches long rather than 10 and
36 inches from tip of his nose to finger tips. In the universe there's nothing more
arbitrary than the circumference of the Earth or boiling and freezing point of  pure
water at one standard Earth atmosphere.

  0c = pure water freezes   32f
100c = pure water boils (at sea level) 212f

  1g = 1cc pure water (in liquid state)

  1calorie = raise 1cc pure water 1c in 1minute

Dang!  Nice how dimensional measurements and mass and temperature all
 relate to one another like

 Those that sacrifice essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
  deserve neither liberty nor safety.  -- Ben Franklin (1759)
 | Jay Nugent   [EMAIL PROTECTED](734)971-1076(734)971-4529/Fax|
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Re: otchristmas and its HOT!

2001-12-22 Thread Lee

David Aikema wrote:

 On December 22, 2001 07:54 pm, Lee wrote:

  Too bad we blew it back in the late 70's, early 80's when we were
   *supposed* to move over to the metric system.  Base-10 is FAR better a
   measurement scale than Base-the-kings-feet and other arbitrary scales.
  Metric is just as arbitrary as a king's foot being 12 inches long rather
  than 10 and 36 inches from tip of his nose to finger tips. In the universe
  there's nothing more arbitrary than the circumference of the Earth or
  boiling and freezing point of  pure water at one standard Earth atmosphere.

 That would be fine if you stuck to inches all the time but:
 12 inches = 1 foot
 3 feet = 1 yard
  yards = 1 mile

 then for volumes
 teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, pints, quarts, gallons, etc.

 In metric:
 its all in the prefixes
 ... you don't need to memorize whole new things all the time
 each prefix is related to the others by multiples of 10

 David Aikema

That's why we're so much better at Base eight and hexadecimal than the French.


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Re: otchristmas and its HOT!

2001-12-22 Thread Lee

Jay Nugent wrote:


 On Sat, 22 Dec 2001, Lee wrote:

  Jay Nugent wrote:

  Too bad we blew it back in the late 70's, early 80's when we were
   *supposed* to move over to the metric system.  Base-10 is FAR better a
   measurement scale than Base-the-kings-feet and other arbitrary scales.
  Metric is just as arbitrary as a king's foot being 12 inches long rather than 10 
  36 inches from tip of his nose to finger tips. In the universe there's nothing more
  arbitrary than the circumference of the Earth or boiling and freezing point of  
  water at one standard Earth atmosphere.

Yeah, but how do you start from scratch unless you happen to have the
 king's body laying around somewhere.  At least with a *water* standard,
 your referance is available in abundance on the vast majority of the
 planet.  There was only ONE king and he's pretty rotted away by now so we
 can't really be sure that our measurement system is even in calibration
 anymore... ;-)   We can recalibrate against a water standard at anytime.

   --- Jay

Actual we don't need to. The US bureau of Standards maintains a metal standard for the
inch,  foot, yard in a temperature controled environment along with metric and atomic
standards for wave length standards. As far as pure water there is no such thing in the
universe.  Any planet that has sufficient atmosphere pressure and te mperature to
maintain water in the liquid state also has gasepus impurities that end up in the water
effecting it's boilling and freezing points.

 Those that sacrifice essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
  deserve neither liberty nor safety.  -- Ben Franklin (1759)
 | Jay Nugent   [EMAIL PROTECTED](734)971-1076(734)971-4529/Fax|
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 | Web-Pegasus[] Web Hosting/DNS Hosting/Shell Accts|
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Re: Fwd: Which One?

2001-12-20 Thread Lee

Collins Richey wrote:

 [ snips ]

 On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 22:06:27 -0500
 Douglas J. Hunley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Forwarded from a newsgroup, but I'd like to know what you all
  think.. I've copied the author. Please continue to copy on
  ,--- Forwarded message (begin)
   Subject: Which One?
   From: Kurtis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 23:44:35 -0500
   I am a SysAdmin, but mainly management, and in an NT/Exchange
   environment. I will never get good at Linux as a result of hands
   on, day to day work.  I have experience only with RedHat but have
   not used the GUI except for when I have to, as I want to learn the
   I sense that to learn what it is all about, I need to practice a
   lot, compiling and recompiling kernels (I don't know anything about
   programming beyond the Hello World stuff; basic shell scripts) and
   figuring out how to download/install different applications.  I'd
   like to learn VI, Emacs etc., as well.  In order to be innovative
   and try to introduce some features that Linux offers in my work
   environment, I'd like to be able to use the NSA secure kernel.
   RH basically sets itself up, which is good.  But having described
   what I want to do I'd like to solicit feedback on which variety of
   Linux I should try, and maybe specific projects that I could work
   on to get a good, well-rounded view of Linux.  I could use either
   an old laptop, or P-133 in the corner from work.  Thanks in advance
   for any ideas.

 Just a few ideas Kurtis:

 * I'm sure Doug has already let the cat out of the bag:  Join our user
 group (goto and make use of the Step by Step site.

 * A P-133 or an old laptop is going to be S-L-O-W going.  I've gotten
 a lot of mileage out of my K6/II300 (originally 64Meg, now 196Meg),
 but that's as slow as I'd care to go.


Speed is a relative term (or is that velocity according to Einstein). I
ran a COL 2.2 for 2.5 years on a 200mmx with 32 Meg and was perfectly
happy with it. Only moved up after my hd peeled. For experimentation I
would second the idea of a dual boot. That way if you blow something up
you're still on the line. If you're already familiar with Red Hat you
might try one of the Mandrake distros as Mandrake likes to brag that
they're 100% Red Hat compatible. On the box you described I'd recommend
Mandrake 7.0 for starters. It's based on the older 2.15 kernel and is
stable. Also it's a very easy to install system, relatively fast, and it
even picks up and installs things like zip drives that happen to be
connected to your computer during install. It is a bit hoggy with hd
space though. For fun try Mandrake 8.0. It has a larger driver base for
things like printers and three different web browsers that you can use
(Netscape, Konquer, and Opera).  It's built on the 2.4 kernel and things
like usr 56k internal pci modems will run on it

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Re: Fwd: Newbies Prayers Answered!!!! (LONG)

2001-12-18 Thread Lee

Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
 ,--- Forwarded message (begin)
  Subject: Newbies Prayers Answered (LONG)
  From: mike [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 05:50:09 -0500
  I have been following the development of Redmond Linux for a while
  never actually using it.  I decided to change around my LAN, and figured
  now was as good a time as any to give it a try.   All I can say is wow.
  Flawless install in under 20 minutes on a duron600@1050 abit kt7 256megs,
  generic nic, SBPC 128, tnt2 m64.  If you're frustrated by linux, or are
  thinking about trying it out read on.  This is simply the best option for
  those looking for a windows alternative, or a linux playground/schoolyard.
  Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
 Admin:  Admin:
 A day without sunshine is like... night.
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I tried the beta version about a year ago without the same results.
While the thing installed easily I couldn't get it to run. Whenever I
opened the menu the thing would lockup solid. Was running on a 586
200mmx with 64 meg  of memory. The desktop background was  neat thoufgh.
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Mandrake e-mail

2001-12-17 Thread Lee

Have a little problem with e-mail on Mandrake 8.0. Using the installed
version of Neyscape 4.77 for e-mail. Whenever I send e-mail it sends the
copy to the addressee, but also sends a copy of the post back to me from
my ISP. Have checked the setup and everything appears to be normal.

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Hd question.

2001-12-17 Thread Lee

After running a Win95/col2.2 dual boot for 2.5 years  the col2 suddenly
shutdown down one night in the middle of an internet session. I mean the
screen just went dark. The bootup was .located in the hda mbr. On
reboot, boot magic failed with the error message that the linux
partition couldn't be found. Took the opportunity  to upgrade to e2.4.
After two weeks it failed to bootup. Error message said something was
cycling too fast and it would have to  shut down for five minutes.
Never  booted up. Upgraded to w3.1. Lasted about three days  before did
the same thing. Boot and rescue disks failed to boot system. Shifted to
Mandrake 7.0. After a month failed to boot. Error message said reading 1
bit in swap sync. Moved to Mandrake 8.0, 8.1 same results. The system is
a Mainboard running a 200mmx Pentium with 64Meg memory and a Quantum 4
gig big foot hd. Only thing I can think of for this is that the hd may
be going bad and files are getting corrupted in bad sectors. Any


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Re: Hd question.

2001-12-17 Thread Lee

Net Llama wrote:
 Well, there's not much to go on here, but its fairly certain that its
 hardware failure somewhere.  If the disk is still under warranty (and i
 believe that Quantum gave 3 yrs) then you can get it replaced at no
 charge.  That may be the easiest route in the shortterm, unless you have
 a bit more info to go on.
 --- Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It's an old hd 4gig have been running it for 2.5 yrs and bought it used.
So ready to replace it anyway. The thging that galls me though is that
the WIN 95 side of the dual boot has been running without problems.

 Lonni J. Friedman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Is this a Caldera list?

2001-12-17 Thread Lee

Anita Lewis wrote:
 Sorry.  Possibly a dumb question, but I saw a lot of Caldera stuff here and
 just wondered if this list is distro specific.
 Thanks.  Anita

No. but it was orginally formed from a core group who left the Caldera
users site after some dissatisfactions with Caldera's management,Most of
us were running Caldera along with other Linux systems. So, while the
list isn't OS specific many of it's members run Caldera. Myself, I run
Caldera, Mandrake, and even a fling with peanut Linux
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Re: new install init

2001-11-28 Thread Lee

Keith Antoine wrote:

 I have just installed Mandrake 8.1 on a server for someone, but for the first
 time I have had init problems on a clean install. It will not boot to kde and
 in a console it stops with a flashing console login screen, the its stosp and
 init id x respawning too fast, disable for 5 min

 That seems to be a video card problem but the /etc/X11/XF86Config looks ok to

 What am I missing or what do i look for otherwise its a re-install with no
 guarantees it will work.

 card is linux compatible Nvidia gforce with video out, M200 I think from
 Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
 18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
 Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

Believe it's pretty much a Mandrake bug. 8.1. Like Richard III 8.1 was born into
the world undone, as was its predecessor 8.0. I've installed 7.1, 8.0 and 8.1 on
various boxes.  Both 8.0 and 8.1 sent the same error message at bootup, but only
after they had been operational for over a week. The video cards I was using was
your general purpose S3 Trio or Virge with 4 MB. The only solution I was able to
implement was go back to using 7.1. I think Mandrake, like Caldera and Red Hat
have adopted the M$ new distro development model. After releasing a really good
distro (Win 95, COL 2.2, Mandrake 7.1) follow it with one not quite so good and
degrade the overall quality with each new release toward the ultimate crapzoid
of XP.


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Re: OT Re: new install init

2001-11-28 Thread Lee

Tim Wunder wrote:

 Lee wrote:

  implement was go back to using 7.1. I think Mandrake, like Caldera and Red Hat
  have adopted the M$ new distro development model. After releasing a really good
  distro (Win 95, COL 2.2, Mandrake 7.1) follow it with one not quite so good and
  degrade the overall quality with each new release toward the ultimate crapzoid
  of XP.

 Huh!? Are you REALLY saying that Win95 was better than Win98SE? Are you
 REALLY saying that COL 2.2 was better than 2.4?
 Speaking as someone who's used all of the above, I would have to say
 that my experience sharply contrasts yours. Win98SE was definately a
 better product than the original Win95, which in light of the hype
 surrounding it is a much better candidate for ultimate crapzoid than
 XP is.

Yes, that's what I'm saying. I use my computer for desktop work nothing exotic like
calculation the value of pie to the last decimal place, just gp stuff. Also I run a
small computer business on the side. Most of my work has been installing OSs on
client's boxes in their own home. In four years I've had two Win95s come back. One
was blasted when a squirrel shorted out the electric transformer on the pole and the
system was on line. The other when an idiot decided to make space on his hd by
removing unused files.

98 (either FE or Se) usually runs for about a year to a year and a half before I see
it again. Too many bells and whistles and not enough OS engine. It's easy enough to
understand why. When 95 was being developed Gates and crapany still had competition
for the desktop market. OS/2 was still around and Win had to prove that was better.
When 98 came out it was either Win or a blank screen. So M$ could taylor it to the
same market that demands new chrome strips on this year's model car. But, as I said
98 was slightly worse than 95. Many of the 95 bugs were fixed, but 98 compensated by
adding in its own.

 And it was the quality of eDesktop 2.4 that finally pushed me over the
 edge to using linux full time at home. Further, once you get past some
 of the installation issues with COL 3.1, it's a fine product in itself.
 I'm very pleased with both of my 3.1 installs at home. Neither of the
 Mandrake releases I've installed (7.1, 8.0) are as good, in my experience.

 I came to Linux from  COL1.3 bought at flea market to COL 2.2 to 2.4 to 3.1.
Mandrake wise from 6.2 to 7.1 to 8.0 and 8.1. The COL 2.2 that I installed on my
dual boot (Win95/COL 2.2) ran for almost 3 years with little trouble. I should note
that I am not of those who continually recompile their OSs for the latest updated
thing-a-ma-giggy. Not critizing, Linux is different things for different folks. 2.2
did everything I needed, I was satisfied. Then one day in the middle of a net surf
my monitor screen went black (not lost power just shut down) On reboot there was
nothing there. Neither Boot Magic nor the Linux boot disk could find Linux on the
hd. So, I upgraded to 2.4. Was ok. Netscape color was better, but it took longer to
load. It did have one bad habit however. Sometimes, when I accessed the Get
Message function on Netscape Communicator the Netscape window would shutdown when I
entered my password. Two months after install, I got an error message telling me
that one of the components was recycling too fast and boot would be shut down for
five minutes. It never came back and wouldn't reboot even with a boot disk. Sooo. I
installed 3.1. Pure turkey. The icons for floppy and cdrom or even terminal wouldn't
access. Got message that the file /dev/floppy /dev/fd0/ /mnt/floppy/ /auto /floppy
(take your pick) couldn't be found. That was strange in that the properties listing
of the floppy icon listed the iso95660 driver as being loaded . Cdrom the same. Gave
up in disgust and installed Mandrake 7.1. What an OS! On install it found and
installed my cdrom, cd burner, zip drive and floppy. The system was fast and easy to
use. Problems? Only two. The Scripting on Netscape could be better and the printer
base is rather limited.  But, like one of the chrome strip crowd I installed
Mandrake 8.0 over it and later 8.1. Two turkeys. Same problem with the floppy and
cdrom as 3.1 only not instead of can't find file it was you don't have permission to
access the device, even as root. Also 8.0 and 8.1 have a nasty tendency of switching
Xservers after install. Finally let common sense prevail and reinstalled Mandrake
7.1. Much happy again.

 I've also been using Win2K SP1 at work since March with very few
 problems. It is, by far, a better product than any of the Win9x
 releases. If not for my philosophical difference with how MS goes about
 doing business, I wouldn't mind using Win2K at home. And I really must
 question your opinion of XP being an ultimate crapzoid. Although I
 have no experience with using XP, I've read that the primay issues with
 the O/S are over licensing, not quality.

Most of my work lately has been installing Junk 2000 on computers, because the only
licensed 2000

Re: internal modem

2001-11-27 Thread Lee

zohar wrote:

 I have SUSE 7.1 professional installed on my system and have normal internal
 Winmodem through which I want to surf but computer engineer told that
 drivers for internal modem is not available. This was told about 4 months
 Is it now available and where.

 My modem is shown as
 HCF 56K PCI Modem which is installed on Com3

 Winsock information is
 Description : WinSock 2.0
 Status:  Running
 Enabled:   Yes

 I have no network connection but my ISP is putting me on local intranet
 rather than internet so I am able to surf internet via his server.

 Please oblige me and write for any more information needed.

If it's a Win Modem there is a high probability that it wouldn't work on Linux.
Win modems usually lack onboard controllers and rely on Windows OS programs and
your motherboard cpu. As M$ is reluctant to turn loose of its source code the
few Win Modems (that rumor has it) that work on Linux are usually reverse
engineered by some free lance genius. Intel does have one that is supposed to
work on Linux and they even have a Linux driver for it driver for it on their
net site listed as experimental.

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Re: Printer Recommendations

2001-11-27 Thread Lee

Richard R. Sivernell wrote:

 On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 19:21:53 -0700
 Collins Richey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 20:29:41 -0500 Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Anyone care to recommend their favorite Linux-compatible color
inkjet printer?  I'm in the market for a new one. I don't *have*
to own a color printer, but it would be nice. If a good yet
inexpensive laser printer can be had for under $300, that would
be nice, too.
   Have had good luck with Canon S400 Bubble Jet. Good printer and
  I don't know about the newer Canon BJs, but the older ones took
  forever to power on and off - requiring massive cleaning each way.  I
  have a Lexmark Z53 on my Winders PC now, at it's great.  I'm using a
  Laserjet 100 on Linux, since I don't really care about color.

For black and white stuff I use a HP 500, cheap, almost universal, and reliable.
For color the Canon S400. It sells for around $80 and uses four cartridges. One
for black, three for the standard colors. Makes it kind of nice if one color
runs out you don't have pitch out all the cartridges, just replace the one that
run out of ink. Cheaper that way (some ink cartridges cost almost as much as my
HP500. Also, Canon wisely concluded that the average uses more BW than color and
made the black ink cartridge three times larger than the color carts.

  Collins Richey
  Denver Area
  gentoo_rc6 k2.4.15-pre5+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
  Linux-users mailing list
  Archives, Digests, etc at


 using a HP2000Cxi and Cups to a windows machine for printing, does that help.

 Rick Sivernell
 Dallas, Texas  75287
 972 306-2296
 Caldera e-Server 3.1
 Registered Linux User #193859

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[Fwd: Mandrake Linux Community Newsletter - Issue #20]

2001-11-27 Thread Lee

Please excuse forwarding this to the list, but I think you might find
the first item interesting. It's about time some Linux distro kicks M$
in the knee caps, even if they are French.




 M A N D R A K E   L I N U X

   C O M M U N I T Y  N E W S L E T T E R

 Issue #20Tuesday, 27 November 2001


Welcome to the Mandrake Linux Community Newsletter -- dedicated to 
keeping you up-to-date with the latest Mandrake-related news  info.

You are receiving this newsletter because you have subscribed to one of 
the Mandrake services. To be removed from this mailing list, or to 
request the newsletter in a different language, please see the bottom 
of this page for instructions.


This Week's Summary: Business Survey; Mandrake in the News; What's 
Cooking at MandrakeSoft?; Business Case of the Week; Software Updates; 
This Week's Online Poll; Top Stories from MandrakeForum; What's New at

Top Story

As you may have heard, Microsoft has been conducting a campaign to 
discredit Linux by collecting stories from business people who will 
claim We have switched from Linux to Windows, and we are happy. Not 
wanting to see this evil deed go unpunished ; ) MandrakeSoft is 
promoting our own Business Survey to show the world how Mandrake 
Linux is used in enterprises to deliver powerful and flexible solutions 
at much lower cost than M$ products.

The Business Survey has already gathered some great responses -- a game 
development company uses Mandrake Linux as a programming platform; 
schools/universities using Mandrake Linux to teach courses; an ISP 
basing their main business on it; consultants and service providers who 
setup entire networks for their clients with MandrakeLinux; all the way 
to Mandrake Linux-based systems being used in a mission critical 
situation by a defense contractor.

If you use Mandrake Linux for professional purposes, or if you know of 
a company that uses Mandrake Linux, please let us know the details! 
Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Business Survey: 
COMPANY NAME in the Subject line, then a short description of how 
Mandrake Linux is being used in the body of your message.
For more information please see:

Mandrake in the News

ZDNET: Mandrake 8.1 offers superior server platform.
Here's a wonderful article about some of the high-end capabilities of 
Mandrake Linux that we don't hear enough about:

Mandrake Linux 8.1 is an excellent choice for organizations seeking a 
viable, stable, technologically advanced alternative to Windows-based 
servers. While its utility as an alternative desktop is still dependent 
upon (growing) commercial app support, Mandrake's server environment is 
an excellent--and affordable--option for use as an Internet gateway or 
file and print server for Windows (and Linux) clients. Its included 
applications and utilities are highly useful, and its support offerings 
are more than adequate for corporate server deployments. Also, its 
support for ACLs (with XFS) enhances Mandrake's capabilities as a 
file/print server in NT environments. 
Organizations looking for ways to lower their server costs would be 
well advised to evaluate this latest offering from Mandrake.,14179,2826684,00.html


The Duke of URL -- Mandrake Linux PowerPack 8.1.
Daniel Christle publishes a thorough review of the 8.1 PowerPack with 
descriptions of the Installation, Post-Installation, Security, What's 
New, and Pro's  Con's; his conclusions is:
Without a doubt this is Mandrake's best release ever. If you're 
looking to try Mandrake, there isn't a better time. Mandrake has 
tightly integrated all of their utilities into this release, making it 
one of most streamlined Linux experiences around.

-- -- A first look at Mandrake 8.1.
Joe Barr thought it was time for a change, so he test-drives Mandrake 
8.1 for a few days and writes about his observations. He hit some known 
snags with nVidea drivers and Lexmark printers; read about how he 
resolved these issues:

What's Cooking at MandrakeSoft?

MandrakeSoft PPC developers are updating their packages to keep up with 
the main distro. MandrakeSoft will skip an 8.1 version of Mandrake PPC 
to focus on 8.2 which should be released in the first quarter of 2002.

MandrakeSoft PPC developer Stew Benedict reports:
I've added PCMCIA support in stage1 on my localbuild and performed

Re: Printer Recommendations

2001-11-26 Thread Lee


 Anyone care to recommend their favorite Linux-compatible color
 inkjet printer?  I'm in the market for a new one. I don't *have*
 to own a color printer, but it would be nice. If a good yet
 inexpensive laser printer can be had for under $300, that would
 be nice, too.



Have had good luck with Canon S400 Bubble Jet. Good printer and CHEAP!


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Re: Weird Shutdown/halt in SuSE 7.3

2001-11-22 Thread Lee

Collins Richey wrote:

 On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 11:45:53 -0800 (PST) Susan Macchia

  Hi all,
  I recently switched from RH 7.0 to SuSE 7.3.  While happy overall, I
  noticed some wierdness when shutting down or halting SuSE (either
  thru the kdm
  GUI or using /sbin/shutdown -h).
  It seems to get to the following in the console and then, most of
  the time just
  sits there.

 I can't tell you what's wrong, but I would suggest you make plans to
 get to a journaling filesystem real soon now.  After about the 3rd
 hangup in a row, I lost my ext2 system and had to start over (about 8
 months ago).  I moved everything to reiserfs and have never looked
 back.  Experimenting with ext3 now.

 With reiserfs, you won't loose the farm, but you may loose some in
 flight files.

 My $.02.

 Collins Richey
 Denver Area
 gentoo_rc6 xfce+sylpheed

I've always used shutdown -h now with SuSe 7.0 and haven't had any

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Re: New Kernel, Now No Text Console, SuSE 7.3

2001-11-17 Thread Lee

Jason Joines wrote:

  I compiled a 2.4.10 kernel from source with XFS
 filesystem patches from SGI.  When I boot the machine, I get the
 graphical chooser that allows me pick a kernel to boot.  If I boot the
 2.4.10 SuSE kernel, all works as expected.  If I boot the 2.4.10 XFS
 kernel, output to the monitor disappears just as soon as I select that
 kernel.  Everything is still running as I can SSH into the box, run X
 apps, backup software, mount XFS filesystems, etc.  I can't seem to
 find any errors in the logs.  If I start X, it runs like normal on vt07
 but there is nothing on any of the other vt's.  Any ideas?

 Jason Joines

Yeah. Stick with 2.4.10 if it does the job for you.


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Re: OT Volume Down?

2001-11-16 Thread Lee

I believe that's what happened. When I noticed I wasn't getting any hits
from the list I got no answer. Same for test messages. Assumed the hardware
had failed and waited to be notified when it went back up, although I did
send an occasional test message. I wasn't until last week that I found
out from someone on the Caldera list that the list was back up, but that
I needed to resubscribe.

Burns MacDonald wrote:

it my imagination, or is the volume on this list way down over what it
was just a month or two ago?Did
we lose a bunch or people that never re-subbed during the hardware failure

floppy, cdrom icons

2001-11-16 Thread Lee

Mandrake 8 .1 question. Have installed Mandrake 8.1 on two boxes. Get
the same problem. Neither the floppy nor the cdrom is accessable from
the icon on the kde desktop. Click on the floppy get anerror lpsDir.
The cdrom sends an, already mounted or device busy message. Also once
a cd is in the drawer it won't unmount and it stays there until
shutdown. Wast ist los?


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Loading Linux

2001-11-12 Thread Lee

Building a multiboot machine. 500 Celerion CPU 512 Meg Memory with an
Intel Mother board with an Intel 810 chip set and 2 hds (1.3 gig
secondary 16 gig primary) have wIn  98 loaded on head of Primary hd and
Mandrake 8.0 on the secondary hd. Problem is when I try to load Caldera
based OSs . W3.1 and LTP install to the point where Lizard is supposed
to start. After a long delay a cheery message pops up saying that the OS
can't be installed on this machine. Corel will install, but only in the
monochrome safe mode and Redmond Linux will only install with 250
colors. SuSe 7.0 installs with no problem, except I'm using a USR 56K
PCI modem that will only run on kernel 2.3 and up. Any ideas what it
will take this beast to install Caldera?


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2001-11-09 Thread Lee

Ignore test to see if I'm still on the list.

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Request to resubscribe

2001-11-09 Thread Lee

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2001-10-19 Thread Lee

In my never ending quest for the perfect Linux system I stumbled upon a
thing called Bestlinux, made in Finland. Hey! If it's Linux and comes
from Torvalds' home  town (er.. country) it's got to be good. Right?
Only problem is that my internet provider is too slow to download it
from the BestLinux site.  Checked with cheapbytes and they don't have
it. Anyone know any place else I can get a rapid fire download of
BestLinux from.


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Re: I am afraid...

2001-09-21 Thread Lee

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, you wrote:
 The Framers didn't have to worry about Islamic madmen in jets flying into high
 rise buildings. The Framers didn't anticipate nuclear weapons.

Every time some zealot wishes to protect us from some threat , be it
Nazis,Japanese, communists, KKK  Kluckers crime ect, the first call that goes
iut is to either  give the government more power or to limit the rights of the
people.. The excuse given is always , the framers of the Constitution
couldn't have envisioned such a threat. Bull Pucky! The framers didn't have to
envision all furuer threats to us. They realized that the rights of the people
are timeless and that any threat was transitory. The permanet threat is the
willingness to give up those rights for fear of the threat of the moment. Do
that and the Muslim fanitacs have won. Benjamin franklin put it wishly, Those
who  would give up Liberty for security deserve neither Liberty or security.

The plain truth is that the same government that is so blithly asking us to
hand over  our rights and the airline industry  bear a large measure of
responsibility in the WTC disaster. After it became fashionable to high jack
airliners federal marshals were put on planes and airport security was
increased. After flight 103 airport security was really beefed up. What
happened? Simple the airlines didn't like paying their part  of the cost of
security and government dropped the sky marshal program to save a few bucks. Do
you really think that a bunch of towel heads armed with knives or bomb threats
could have overcome a well armed and trained sky marshal? Airport security
followed the same sad fate as the sky marshal program. Instead of hiring
intelligent movitivate personnel the program became nothing more than a
political correct hiring program to giving well paying jobs to people based on
their inability to get another job. 

Yet, with this sad history of government failure and greed there are those who
in the name of security propose to hand over the rights, that generations of
Americans have shed their blood to protect, to the same government that set us
up for WTC. Personally, I'll throw my lot in with Ben Franklin.

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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-20 Thread Lee

Would vote a conditional yes. Not so much desktop users as server administrators. By 
now they have to be getting pretty fed up with complaints from clients
bothered by Microsoft worm of the week shut/slow downs.

Wil McGilvery wrote:

 I vote no, because they don't believe there is any alternative. A lot of these 
people don't know that much about their computer and Linux/Unix terrifies them.

 -Original Message-
 From: Chang
 Sent: Wed 9/19/2001 9:26 PM
 Subject: Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

 no way.  worms would merely lure more users to pay more to microsoft so
 that she could solve their problems, kind of a negative feedback loop.

 Let's take a vote. Does anyone think that current users of windows products
 (server or browser) will switch because of this latest worm?
 I vote no, because if they didn't switch after the last worm, they don't
 have the brains or time to make a switch.

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Redmond Linux

2001-09-19 Thread Lee

Have installed the beta 3 Redmond Linux on a 233 mmx with 64 meg memory.
Installation went fine  even had a driver for my old S3 928 video chip.
Problem is that any time I open up the menu the thing locks up. That's
before I even select an item from the menu. The program just locks up
with the menu opened on the kde desktop. Strange thing is that I can
alt-f2 get a command line punch in commands such as ksaferppp and dial
out and connect to the ISP and even order up Netscape through the alt-f2
command window. But the menu on the kde desktop stays locked up.even
though the mouse pointer still moves Any suggestions?


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Re: Special Report

2001-09-18 Thread Lee

Ronnie Gauthier wrote:

 These guys can figure a way to smoke him out.

 On Monday 17 September 2001 21:33, dep wrote:
  On Monday 17 September 2001 22:09, Chang wrote:
  | you sure that you got the chance fior that? Ladden may just kill
  | himself to keep his people alive.

Wouldn't help much. He'd just be replaced by another Islamic martyr?  The trick 
would be to
go in, destroy the Taliban military, let their government fall to their own rebels. 
The lesson
learned demonstrated to other nations harboring terrorists is that we can  and will 
topple a
government as far away as Afghanistan and we can do the same to you if you give safe 
haven to
terrorists who attack us. Call it the Kennedy Doctrine where he told the Russians that 
missile attack launched from Cuba by Cubans would be regarded as an attack from Russia 
that  retaliation would fall on their heads.


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Re: I am afraid...

2001-09-18 Thread Lee

Ronnie Gauthier wrote:


  as i understand it, our arrest of him will be under a provision of
  british military law, rule .303. we had a version of that, rule .308,
  but we wimped out and now are stuck with our own rule .223.

Not so wimpy. The 223 has more knock down than the .303. The bullet moves at 3,300 
ft/sec and
spins at anywhere between 18,000 to 24,000 rpm (depending on rifling twist). When it 
something soft it tends to keyhole (turns end for end) at the same time it is still 
spinning at
24,000 rpm. It's like getting hit with a ball of whirling razor blades.  Its only draw 
back is
that it is a lousy round in brush, that's where the heavier slower .303 has an 
advantage. There
aren't a lot of bushes in Afghanistan.

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2001-09-16 Thread Lee

Auyeung at Technet Systems Consultant Ltd wrote:

sending it to me so I can show to some of my friends in China?Auyeung

- Original
Message -

Bruce Marshall


: 2001?9?15?
AM 02:17

??: WTC
I have received a 40+ picture slide show of many events
during the
attack. Most of the pictures are excellent. If anyone
would like me to
send it to you, or if someone wants to put it on an ftp site, I would
glad to pass it on.
StarOffice will show it just fine. Don't know about other KDE

>Comes in with GIMP just fine.

+ Bruce S. Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bellaire, MI 09/14/01 14:13
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M$ Flight Simulator

2001-09-16 Thread Lee

According to the New York Times M$ has decided to remove depictions of
the World Trade Center for its Flight Simulator Game. Are they being
patriotic or just recognizing the fact that the WTC is no longer there
and that their game could have been used as a training aid?

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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread Lee

 I don't want to get into the argumentative portions of this thread but
 I saw something interesting on the news last night. Germany, I believe,
 is investigating whether bin Laden bought shares of the company
 insuring the WTC, then sold them short or whatever it 's called where
 you profit if the share price goes down.
 Randy Donohoe

The idea is that you sell shares in the market that you don't own at their pre 
disaster high
price. After the disaster the price of shares plummets. Then you buy shares at the new 
price and deliver them to the people or brokerage houses who bought them at the old 
high price.
The difference between what you paid (at depressed prices) and what you sold it short 
at (pre
disaster high) is your profit. To keep alarm bells from going off and being detected 
you would
use dozens of accounts to spread the load around.

To prevent this the market has a rule that the seller of stocks has to deliver them 
within 24
hrs. of sale. This means that the terrorists would have to buy the stocks to cover 
their sale
on almost the same day that the WTC was attacked. Those accounts suddenly buying stock 
losing companies when everybody else was selling would have stuck out like signal 
lights at
night and could have been tracked back to the terrorists. Unfortunately, the market 
preventing that sudden buying surge and the FBI obligingly told the press that they 
knew what
was going on. So there 'wouldn't be a buying surge and the terrorists' accounts will 
go into
default and be closed by the brokerage houses who handle them. Making it impossible to
backtrack previous stock manipulation by the terrorists. To the terrorists this means 
have to establish new accounts. An easy job using the computer and internet.

This may be a new world war but the government should adopt a slogan from the last 
one: Loose
Lips Sink Ships.

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Re: New York WTC

2001-09-14 Thread Lee

Keith Antoine wrote:

 Joel Hammer wrote:

   those who cry out for no restraints on personal freedoms will happily
   point out to you that, as has been the case on the lirr and elsewhere
   in the past, one good man with a gun would have solved the problem
   with considerably less loss of life.
  I agree. Why they don't arm the pilots is beyond me.

 Something was mooted on radio here today:
 Why aren't the bulkheads or doors to the cabin armour plated and locked
 so as noone can enter. ??


After the first few airline highjackings they were and many flights has sky marshals 
aboard. After
the highjackings died down, the marshals were removed on most flights as an economy 
measure, and
the airlines started leaving the cabin doors were left open and unlocked as a 
convenience that the
airlines justified by claiming that it was a safety measure designed to evacuate the 
flight crew
if the airliner went down.


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Re: Fwd: Miami Herald Editorial

2001-09-14 Thread Lee

Bruce Marshall wrote:

 Very well put.   I've always wondered why we didn't give the Japanese the
 'demo' version firstas in:  fire the bomb off about 5 miles offshore
 where it would have done much less damage but yet show its force.


The reason was that they would have to have detonated it close enough to Japan for its 
to be apparent and let the Japanese know it was coming.  That would have meant some 
part of Japan itself. At the time they were not that sure of the technology. They had 
fired one off, the u239 bomb. While they were reasonably sure the u235 bomb would 
work, there
were fears that the thing might not go off and we would be delivering the bomb and its
technology to Japan. So they went for broke. The first one to demonstrate the horror 
of the
bomb and the second to prove we had more than one (we had four).

 + Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI 09/14/01 09:56  +
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Re: New York WTC

2001-09-14 Thread Lee

Bill Campbell wrote:

 On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 11:04:53AM -0500, Stuart Biggerstaff wrote:
 Apparently you never can be too intolerant...

It's amazing! These two Christian bigots have made millions pushing the message of a 
man who
never had a sheckel he didn't give away. Part of his message was that it is easier for 
a camel
to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. Maybe they 
spend a little more of their time spreading their wealth around rather than spreading 

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Re: New York WTC

2001-09-13 Thread Lee

Lo Viksten wrote:

 torsdagen den 13 september 2001 13.09 wrote Joel Hammer:

  If Sweden didn't want to fight the Nazis, why should we?

 Sweden was surounded by the Nazis. Norway, Denmark, Poland, the Baltic states
 and Soviets Baltic coast occupied by them and Finland allied to them. We
 wouldn't had a chance. (BTW I wasn't born) Even so most Swedes were strongly
 opposed to letting the German army use our railways, even if it would have
 meant hostilities from the Nazis.

Funny, Norway. Denmark and Britain didn't seem to care that they were surrounded by 
Nazis. I
don't believe they sold the Nazis iron ore  either.  In Norway they went so far as to 
sink a
barge full of heavy water so keep the Nazis from building the bomb. I believe it was 
the King
of Norway and his family who put on Stars of David when the Nazis ordered the Jews in 
Norway to
wear them. When the fishermen of Norway took their fleet to neutral Sweden the Swedes 
the boats and turned them over to the Germans.

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Re: New York WTC

2001-09-12 Thread Lee

dep wrote:

 | -| Couldn't it be e.g. the extreme right? After having seen a
 | -| documentary on TV I was amazed with the degree of their
 | -| organisation: Underground computer network, military training,

 | Snip

Not likely. Everytime you get three of our right wing bozoos together in a conspiracy 
at least
one of them is an FBI man. The only reason McVey succeded was because there were only 
two of
them in on the bombing.

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Re: interesting future seeing?

2001-09-12 Thread Lee

Douglas J. Hunley wrote:

  In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn
  apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will
  succumb - The third big war will begin when the big city is burning
 - Nostradamus 1654

What would he know he was French.

 Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778
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Re: New York WTC

2001-09-11 Thread Lee

dep wrote:

 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 11:00, Ronnie Gauthier wrote:
 | BS, this calls for an allout war on ALL terrorists. No stopping
 | till there are no more, no matter what it takes or where it takes
 | the US. It is time for the US to rethink it policy of NOT
 | assinating political leaders

 amen. we've dealt with these diaper-headed lice for long enough. time
 now to demonstrate how we can give 'em a first-class airburst ticket
 to see allah. bet they'll be surprised at how warm it is where he
 hangs out.

 It's time to demonstrate to the Islamic fanatics that Christians know how to conduct 
a Jihad.
It's not enough to get the people who did this but the governments who protect them 
and give
them the freedom to act. We have lost enough American lives. For fifty years only two 
have been members of the Ground Zero Club, maybe it's time to add a third.


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Re: New York WTC

2001-09-11 Thread Lee

Kabul is apparently under some kind of attack. CNN reports explosions and 
anti-aircraft fire.
Could be some of their own citizens who object to the Taliban have decide to do a 
terrorist action on their own, or it could just be guilt inspired Taliban trigger 
fingers. They
may burn the whole place down oin their own.

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Re: New York WTC

2001-09-11 Thread Lee

Joel Hammer wrote:

 Before someone becomes an apologist for the Muslims, name me a country where
 Muslims live in appreciable numbers where they do not cause violent



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Re: New York WTC

2001-09-11 Thread Lee

Joel Hammer wrote:

 Turkey's secular state has been around since, I believe, the end of WW I.
 The Turkish military, aside from supressing the Kurds, works vigorously to
 to keep the militant Muslims from establishing a theocratic state.
 The democratic process in Turkey is also I believe manipulated to keep the
 Muslims out of office, much like Algeria.

There's also Kuwait (may not count everybody there is rich and they have nothing to 
gain by
going radical. There's also Saudi Arabia an d Morocco.

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2001-09-11 Thread Lee

Joel Hammer wrote:

  Let me please explain that the word muslims is too broad.
  There are Sunni moslims and there are Shi'ite moslems.
  The Sunnis are as nice of people as you could ever hope to meet,
  The Shi'ites are the one that even the Sunnis dislike.
  Ths Shi'ites are the ones to direct your hostilities to.

 I lived in Iran for about 8 months. I never figured out the difference
 between the two type of Islam


The Shi'ites are the followers after Ali, the grandson of Mohammedan. About 50yrs after
Mohammedan died Ali was killed in battle by his fellow arabic muslims, the Sunnis. 
From that
time onward the Sunni's have ruled the Muslim world. That left the Shi'iets with a 
chip on
their shoulder as they believe that only they are the true muslims because they are 
from the line of the Mohammedan. It galls them that Mecca is in the hands of the 
Sunnis. From the point of view of religious doctrine the Shi'ites and the Sunnis are 
just about
the same thing. Sort of like the difference between Church of God folks and 
Southern Baptists; they are just about the same thing

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Linux Ad

2001-09-08 Thread Lee

Out here in the piney woods of Florida news and tv signals travel
slowly. Saw my first Linux ad on tv last night. It was for IBM Linux
servers. Claimed you could replace a whole warehouse full of servers
running that other system with one IBM server using reliable Linux
technology. Looks like Big Blue is serious about Linux and doesn't fear
the gang from Redmon WA.

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Re: M$ gets a free 'get out of jail card' Re: New SxS ?

2001-09-07 Thread Lee

dep wrote:

 On Thursday 06 September 2001 15:53, Zoki (News) wrote:
 | Today Net Llama was heard saying:
 | snip
 | -Wonderful how my tax dollars were used on a case that just got
 | thrown -away.
 | *** It's ridiculous! Not only are they making a fool of them selves
 | but also of the American public and the rest of the World
 | population. Further more they've given M'$oft an incredible push in
 | the back to go on with what they were doing and certainly even

If you want see a real hosing of the taxpayers wait until the government shifts to XP 
replaces all of its computers that are over two years old to accommodate it. Not to 
mention the
lease payments. Bush with another busted budget to blame on the dumocrats.

 | more.

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Re: German Linux site hacked

2001-09-04 Thread Lee

Ronnie Gauthier wrote:
 looks like it...LOL

 On Tuesday 04 September 2001 00:38, Zoki (News) wrote:
  *** I have the strong impression the German Linux site got hacked by a
  football loving Englishman...

 Is that REAL football, or the kind where they use a round ball and wear knee pants?


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Re: Need windows help

2001-08-25 Thread Lee

Joel Hammer wrote:

 I was trying to load printer drivers from a linux server onto two windows9x
 clients, one 95, one 98, for a lexmark z53 printer, which works just swell
 with linux.
 The drivers downloaded, but rebooting windows in both machines just hangs
 up at the point when it asks for your windows password.
 So, it seems that a file downloaded from the server did something bad to my
 windows boxes. There were some error messages about a file called
 lexcbes.exe or something similar being in use when I tried to download the
 files from the server. On one machine I thoughtfully deleted that file in
 dosmode, but on the other I just rebooted and the download went to
 completion but windows won't restart properly.
 I can only assume that this file is important to running windows other
 than just printing to the z53.
 Maybe the case mangling did something bad. Who knows?
 I need to start windows in dosmode so I can try to reinstall the file I
 think is the culprit. I don't use windows so I don't know how.
 Any insight appreciated.

The traditional answer is use a windows boot disk, but that only takes you into c 
prompt. Try
lighting off the box. Right after the the bios display data such as type of drive and 
size, but
before you get a going into win message hit F8. That will give you a menu that has a 
dos option
and the safe option which brings up Windows without the drivers. If you use  the safe 
you can delete the print drivers and reboot. Or, if you miss the timing on hitting F8 
windows boot into the win screen with the logo on it. Then shut the box down. This 
generates a
fault that automatically boots into dos safe option the next time you bring the win 
box up.


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Re: {RFC} - new service on in answer to MPSA

2001-08-16 Thread Lee

Sounds good to me.

Douglas J. Hunley wrote:

 What does everyone think of me putting up a page on that anyone can
 come to and have their system scanned for known security exploits? I'm
 thinking the user would surf over to say and the page
 would display a quick little disclaimer stating what it's going to do, that
 you should be the owener of the machine being scanned, and that by clicking
 the 'scan me' button you agree to release us from liability... when they
 click the button, it launches a Nessus scan, puts up a 'please wait while you
 are scanned' page, and then when the nessus scan completes, it pops up a page
 with the results of the scan. of course, it would scan the ip of the machine
 viewing the page so that the user couldn't put in somebody else's ip (I know,
 i know... this wouldn't work for machines behind a proxy)..

 Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778
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 He's so sadistic he put quicksand in the litter box...
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Re: Administrivia - Everyone please read!

2001-08-14 Thread Lee

dep wrote:

 On Tuesday 14 August 2001 03:27 pm, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
 | I wanted to take a moment to let everyone know that we have lost
 | some list members because of the posting of a nude (though tastfull
 | IMHO) picture. A couple of people have also indicated the
 | references to sexual interaction w/ animals to be pushing it.
 | So, let's move the converstaion back to Linux shall we everyone?
 | And no more nudes! I'll have to unsub any future offenders.

 oh no! and now it begins. how long before we have the caldera
 refugees refugees list?g

Darn the bad luck! Just when I was getting ready to post an almost nude picture of B. 
stuffung money in his socks.

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Re: /tmp full

2001-08-08 Thread Lee

Mark Heinrich wrote:

 I am unable to start KDE because my /tmp is full.  I deleted the files that
 I thought I could and there are only two or three left but I am still
 getting an error that my /tmp is full.  How can I see how much space /tmp
 has allocated and how much is free?  How can I increase the amount of space
 /tmp has?  TIA


Being the lazy sort, if I was sure that there was nothing in temp I wanted, I'd just rm
/my/temp. Boot into KDE to see if that was really the problem. If the beastie booted 
into KDE
then just make a new temp file.

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Re: OT Paranoia and Worms

2001-08-06 Thread Lee

Mike Andrew wrote:

 On Monday 06 August 2001 03:47, Lee wrote:

  Does that mean the the French maybe behind the attacks on M$ as a way to
  push Mandrake and as revenge on the prople of America because we speak

 you speak what?

If we didn't most of the rest of the world would be speaking German, nicht var?


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Re: OT Paranoia and Worms

2001-08-05 Thread Lee

dep wrote:

 On Sunday 05 August 2001 09:58 am, Joel Hammer wrote:
 | I haven't bothered to refresh my facts  about what I am going to
 | say here, so, the details should be taken with a large grain of
 | salt, but...: Some years ago, before we learned about penetration
 | of the CIA by the Russians, there was a very paranoid guy in charge
 | of CIA counterintelligence, funny name, like Jesus or Angel.

 james angleton.

 | I notice that the only worms or viruses which we learn about are
 | those which the author of the worm wants us to know about.

 i wrote about this more than a year ago. we've seen what the script
 kiddies and anarchists are able to do. imagine what the *really* good
 people, the ones motivated by money, are up to? do you not suppose
 that the internet has gone unnoticed as a fertile field for a whole
 new kind of organized crime? do you not figure that people, hidden
 safely away from our laws and in places opposed to western ideas and
 therefore tacitly approving, are not already at work seizing just
 about everything we have that is of value? *of course* they are.
 fortunately, microsoft's market share is so vast, and its systems so
 wide open, that the cost/benefit ratio argues for making its systems
 the target. but we're not immune by any means.

Does that mean the the French maybe behind the attacks on M$ as a way to push Mandrake 
and as
revenge on the prople of America because we speak English?

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Re: DELL dropping Linux desktops

2001-08-04 Thread Lee

Mike Andrew wrote:

 On Friday 03 August 2001 21:26, Linuxism Chang wrote:
  Is it much more difficult to write a linux virus?
  whatever is happening to OE could just happen to any
  baby-friendly email reader.

 It's not difficult at all, If I had a mind to, I could, and so could 90% of
 other penguins. All you need is to write bash-script.  Securities and
 permissions don't come into it. A virus of the email kind is not intended to
 hack at root, it is intended to spread itself (the fundamental definition of
 a virus). So hacking at $HOME would suit me just fine thanks. I'm not out to
 kill your system , i'm out to infect it, and any other 'system' i can get at.

 I could attach any binary I chose, you save it to disk and click on it when
 it suits you. In some ways worse that Windows, I don't even have to call it

 The *only* reason why we are not infested with this stuff is because *if* I
 want my name in lights, I'm going to go for the biggest, most poplular OS
 around. I'm not going to spend all my 'creative' talent on a hardly-heard-of

There's  the glory end. Virus M$ and you do it in secret and no one knows what a 
smart fellow
your are, unless the FBI catches you. Apply the same effort toward developing a new 
wrinkle in
Linux or a driver for a previously unusable piece of hardware and everyone will marvel 
at your
genius. Try that with M$, and Billy the Squid's lawyers will be down your throat  with 
restraining order and demanding to know where you got the source code . Or an 
alternate reason
might be that there are a lot of people who don't like M$ or the Squid.

 Moral of the story? Don't be too smug folks. There but by the grace of god


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Re: The Worm: How you doin'?

2001-08-03 Thread Lee

Let's not forget that RedmonLinux is just down the street.

Bruce Marshall wrote:

 On Friday 03 August 2001 13:25, dep wrote:

  as for msft -- the fact that there is a place called redmond,
  washington, instead of a place called smoking crater where redmond,
  washington, used to be, stands as proof that no one serious about
  security is in possession of a nuke.

 My chuckle for the day...  :O) great!

 + Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI 08/03/01 14:02  +
 Basic research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
  -- Wernher von Braun
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Re: The Worm: How you doin'?

2001-08-03 Thread Lee

Joel Hammer wrote:

 How has the worm been affecting you all?
 I have had 68 hits on my port 80 beginning Aug 1 about 9:00am and continuing
 to the present time (8/3/01 12:30 Eastern Standard Time, here in Baltimore
 on the @HOME network.

The worm has just about run its course here in Apalachicola, FL. Last week end I 
about a dozen hits. On each of them I e-mailed the offending party, told them they had 
infected and gave the title of the document that had been sent out. For good measure, 
I told
them that I was running a Linux OS and was relatively immune to M$ viri. Doesn't hurt 
to push
the product.


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Strange file

2001-08-01 Thread Lee

Part of the mystery solved. Brought /home/user/scywebMT.dll' up in Vim.
The thing is a Harris interactive survey concerning net shopping. I had
taken the poll weeks ago answered the questions, exited the site and
deleted the original e-mail. Done it a dozen times before. But, for some
reason, somehow, the thing ended up in my home user directory. It is a
Win file, but I don't have Wine or any of the other Win compatible
packages installed.

Anyhoo, selected edit under vim and then cut. The text disappeared, then
saved and exited, but the file is still there still defying all efforts
to delete it.


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Strange file.

2001-08-01 Thread Lee

Still haven't found a way to remove my delinquent Win file. But, net
lama was right. Something else was devouring my hd space. Got rid of it
with $ cleandir -a +365 /home/user. Now have 45% of my hd available. A
definate improvement over 2%.


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Re: Strange file.

2001-08-01 Thread Lee

Same as always the terminal window locks up. The problem is that scywebMT.dll' is a 
Win file.
Lacking anything Wine the Linux program can't figure out what to do with it. The real 
is how the heck did this Win file slip through Linux and manage to install itself on 
my hd?

Kurt Wall wrote:

 In the last episode, we heard Lee say:
  Still haven't found a way to remove my delinquent Win file. But, net
  lama was right. Something else was devouring my hd space. Got rid of it
  with $ cleandir -a +365 /home/user. Now have 45% of my hd available. A
  definate improvement over 2%.

 What's the output of lsattr on that file? Or have we been here

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 Mighty nice!
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Re: Fwd: REG#0027982: NetWare Client for Lin... [Incident:caldera 010612-0009]

2001-07-31 Thread Lee

Matthew Carpenter wrote:
-- Forwarded Message --
Subject: REG#0027982: NetWare Client for Lin... [Incident:caldera 010612-0009]
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 02:02:34 -0600 (MDT)
We have not heard from you concerning your request for support
in the 4 business days since we sent you a response. Consequently,
we have changed the status of your incident to SOLVED.
If your incident is still UNRESOLVED, please use the
link below to reactivate the incident and update it with additional

There are quite a few bugs in the nwclient that is
shipped with
eDesktop. Unfortunatly development on the client has been stopped so
those bugs have not been fixed, nor are the going to be fixed in the
near future. The problems you are describing are the same as the
problems caused by those bugs.
>Aren't these the same folks who dropped retail sales without warning and
later called their users who download from their site "freeloaders."

With the nkfs module, the reason you are getting those unresolved
symbol errors is because that module was compiled for the original
kernel and the nkfs module was not included with the updated kernel.
To get the nkfs module working again you will have to recompile it
for the new kernel. Here is where you can grab the source to
recompile it:
just untar and uncompress it then read the readme and other
documentation for compiling it.
At 06/13/2001 03:16 PM we wrote -
Is /usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o the place where you copied the newly
compiled module? Make sure you know the full path to the module. You
could even load it from the source directory if you can find there
where it put the nkfs.o file.
Also you could copy the nkfs file to the
/lib/modules/version_name>/fs/ directory then run 'depmod -a'.
After that you could try:
modprobe nkfs
and see if the module will load.
While the module for the kernel is opensourced the nwclient is
The nwclient for Linux is still owned by novell but they have not
said what their plans for it are. You best bet is to contact Novell
and ask them what their plan is, becaues we don't know.
At 06/19/2001 01:21 PM we wrote -
It looks as though it is trying to open a device that the nwamd
needs to run. You can add the this entry to your /dev/ directory:
mknod /dev/nkfsd c 254 0
You have to add this as root. Also Please note that this is beyond
the scope of basic installation support so we can't offer much more
help on this subject. For more information see:
If your issue remains unresolved, please update your incident at
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Re: [OT] List for Apple hardware users?

2001-07-31 Thread Lee

David A. Bandel wrote:

 Jonathan Wilson wrote:
  Hope no one minds me asking this here:
  Does anyone know of a mailing list for users of Apple hardware? I don't mind it 
being mostly Mac-OS oriented, but I'd like to find one that doesn't mid Linux PPC 
questions. I don't really want one that's wholly Linux PPC though.
  Looking for a tech - oriented list, not a jabber list :-)

Most of us on this list perfer a little jabber every now and then; it keeps us from 
taking Bill Gates or Ransom Love seriously.


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Strange file

2001-07-31 Thread Lee

Running COL 2.2. In the last week my hard drive went from 75% used to
99% used. Checked. The only thing I could find out of place is a strange
file in /home/user called scywebMT.dll'. The file is totally
untouchable. Tried to remove it with rm and rm -f terminal window locks
up. Tried to read the file with cat got the same result. Whatis same
result.This file wasn't there before my free space on the hard drive
started to disappear.

Anyone know what scywebMT.dll' is? Is it possible that some creature has
managed to plant a Linux virus?


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CDROM Config

2001-07-27 Thread Lee

Running COL 2.2. Recently had to shift my ide cdrom from primary slave
to secondary slave on my box. Needless to say the auto cdrom icon
doesn't access the cdrom in its new position. The secondary primary is
occupied by an ide cdrw.

I tried to mount the cdrom using# mount -t auto /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom and
got an error message that the device was read only. Next tried id of
/dev/hdd and with same result. Then tried /dev/hdc4 got number too large
or in error message for that and hdd4. Can't get either the cdrom or
cdrw to mount. What now?


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