Re: Can´t see figures in Lyx

2005-03-07 Thread Rob S
Dr. Antonio Botelho de Sousa wrote:
Hello all
I´m using Lyx last version; it works allright but when i insert a figure 
i can´t see the preview in Lyx. I activate Display figures in Lyx, i 
have Imagemagick installed but nothing.
I'm guessing here that you may be on Windows XP?
If so;
One thing to check is that the folder containing imagemagicks 
Convert.exe is in your environment PATH before any Windows System 
folders. (Windows has its own convert.exe which will more likely convert 
your drives than your images)

I'll also point you towards the wiki page for this setup:
Follow through the steps found here; it may give you further clues.
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Inserting Bibtex in lyx for Windows

2005-03-07 Thread Rob S

windows cannot open this file
Cannot view TeX Information
To get this working so as to be able to use ViewâTex Information you 
need to:

   1. Associate your .sh files with sh.exe (..\lyx\bin) Right click on 
any .sh file, choose PropertiesâOpens with and then browse for sh.exe. 
Possibly not needed but doing so works!
   2. Install GnuWin32 findutils.exe (the package setup) from here

   3. Ensure the GnuWin32\bin directory is in you system PATH ahead of 
any Windows File

Snip taken from the wiki page found at:
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: lyxserver under windows

2005-03-07 Thread Rob S
Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:
Is it possible to use the lyxserver utility on a windows XP platform.  
Not that I know of.
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Require "et al" in italics

2005-03-08 Thread Rob S
Hi List;
Latex help needed.
I'm at the stage of minor corrections in my thesis and I am required to 
change the "et al" in references to italics.

I'm using apalike.bst. Where and how do I ammend the .bst file?
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

figure placement tweak

2005-03-14 Thread Rob S
Hi List.
I'm finding a lot of my figure placements are ahead of the reference to 
them in the text even though in Lyx the floats are placed at points 
after the references.

Q. In the float Settings box which option(s) should I choose to have the 
float placed "Here if possible + Definitely not before here"?

I feel the use of "Here definitely" is really too strong for this.
Regards in advance
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: figure placement tweak

2005-03-14 Thread Rob S

Q. In the float Settings box which option(s) should I choose to have 
the float placed "Here if possible + Definitely not before here"?

maybe others know a lyxish way to do that, but what about using the 
latex package "flafter" (in the preamble)?

I'm not familiar with this package Sven but I'm on the case with reading 
the documentation for it. Watch this space.

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: figure placement tweak

2005-03-14 Thread Rob S
Rob S wrote:

Q. In the float Settings box which option(s) should I choose to have 
the float placed "Here if possible + Definitely not before here"?
maybe others know a lyxish way to do that, but what about using the 
latex package "flafter" (in the preamble)?

I'm not familiar with this package Sven but I'm on the case with reading 
the documentation for it. Watch this space.

It looks to be the answer Sven.
For others reference I found this
" If you are bothered by floats appearing at the top of the page (before 
they are specified in your text), try the flafter  package, which avoids 
this problem by insisting that floats should always appear after their 

snippet from:
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Bibliography

2005-03-15 Thread Rob S
It is meant to use the abbreviated versions of journal titles but lyx 
seems to use the full names.

THe files is apsrev.bst
Any ideas how to force the shortened versions of these things?
You can define your own macro bib file for these. Have a look at the one 
I use attached. The strings items anyway.
You then need to add this to the bibtex generated box BEFORE your other 
.bib files.

Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton
@PREAMBLE{ "\newcommand{\noopsort}[1]{} "
# "\newcommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1} " }

@STRING( jhe = "Journal of Hydraulic Engineering" )
@STRING( jhr = "Journal of Hydraulic Research" )
@STRING( ce = "Coastal Engineering" )
@STRING( asce = "American Society of Civil Engineers" )
@STRING( jsp = "Journal of Sediment Petrology" )
@STRING( mg = "Marine Geology" )
@STRING( jfm = "Journal of Fluid Mechanics" )

Re: how to insert a 'landscape page' inside a document with portrait orientation ?

2005-03-17 Thread Rob S

inside a document with portait orientation as global option, is it possible
to insert a figure (or a table) in the landscape format without rotating it
? So, I would like to have, inside my pdf export, the figure's page with a
landscape orientation, and the other pages with portrait orientation, i.e. I
would like to insert a landscape page in a document with portrait
orientation !
I have tried with rotating and landscape packages but, apparently, these
packages are only designed to rotate landscape figures for display them in a
document with portrait orientation ?
I have stumbled upon this "solution" by pure chance. I'm not sure how or 
why it works but I think it does what you request.

1. Add to preamble (add both since I forget which one is called):
2. Insert the image onto a portrait page with ERT (image needs to be in 
.pdf format):

\caption{Your caption.}
\label{fig:your label for ref}
3. Run view Pdflatex to produce the .pdf file.
4. Open this file with gsview32 rather than acrobat.
5. Use the File>>Convert option in gsview32 to convert all the .pdf into 
another pdf (dont ask - i have no idea!)

6. now open the newly saved version in acrobat and the ERT inserted 
image will be in landscape.

It takes far less time doing than explaining!!
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: how to insert a 'landscape page' inside a document with portrait orientation ?

2005-03-17 Thread Rob S
would like to insert a landscape page in a document with portrait
orientation !

I've just tried it again. See attached before and after pdfs.
Hope that is what you mean.
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: pdf file not found

2005-03-24 Thread Rob S
Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:
After using pdflatex to convert my lyx file Acrobat Reader says cannot 
find file.

You need to ensure Acrobat is closed first prior to using PdfLatex.
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

summation symbol

2005-03-30 Thread Rob S
Hi List;
How do I place limits above and below the summation(\sum) symbol from 
within the math panel??

It's going to be obvious I know!!
Apologies and thanks in advance
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Dutch surnames in Bibtex

2005-03-30 Thread Rob S
christiaan johannes pauw wrote:
I am writing a document with lyx using tkbibtex as bibliography database 
and the apsrmp format.
Two questions:
1. Some Dutch surnames are two or three words long (e.g. van den Berg). 
How do define the all the words as a surname and not as first names or 
initials (which is what happens now)?
Try Natbib/ERT options. First have a look at the Natbib package 
documentation. I think it covers special cases like this.
There is also a dvi of this in the LaTeX distribution folder.
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Bug in spell checker?

2005-04-11 Thread Rob S
Hi List;
Perhaps not a LyX issue this one so bare with me.
Lyx 1.3.3, Ruurds port for Win XP
When using the spell checker I've just found that if only one suggestion 
for a correction appears it cannot be used to replace the offending text.

 For example (using English dict) if in error I type "necessacrilary" I 
have only the one correct spelling option this can be selected but will 
not replace.

Note;  This bug will only appear if this spelling error follows another. 
If this is the FIRST spelling error the spell checker will work ok.

This highlights a point I made some (long) time ago where I noted that 
the top item in the spell check listbox cannot be selected and used to 
replace an error directly. I find you need to first select a word from 
lower in the list and then reselect the top word for this to work.

1. Can this be confirmed?
2. If so where best to report it?
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Bug in spell checker?

2005-04-11 Thread Rob S
Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:
I have tested your problem on 1.3.5-QT for WinXp and whatever the bug it 
seems to have been fixed.  I can select and replace using the first in 
the list, the only in the list etc

This highlights a point I made some (long) time ago where I noted that 
the top item in the spell check listbox cannot be selected and used to 
replace an error directly. I find you need to first select a word from 
lower in the list and then reselect the top word for this to work.

1. Can this be confirmed?
2. If so where best to report it?

Thanks Geoff;
You're right. This does not appear a problem in 1.3.5.
Problem solved.
I'll stick with 1.3.5 from now!
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Bibtex references

2005-04-13 Thread Rob S
Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:
I have a multipart document, at the end of which I want to add a 
bibliography.  How do I make the bibliography 'global' so that its 
contents can be seen from all the parts.
Place a "bibtex generated reference" widget(bgrw) where you want the 
bibliography to appear in you main "master" document.
I really dont want to have a bibliography at the end of each chapter.
Then place a copy of the master bgrw within a comment environment at the 
end of each "include/slave" document.

You can then add citation references to all parts at any time but the 
ref list will only appear once at the location you specified in the 
"master" document.

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: lyx on Solaris 9 or cygwin

2005-04-15 Thread Rob S
Alison Kay wrote:
Can anyone give me detailed info on how to install lyx (including
xforms and xpm), either on solaris or cygwin running on a Windows PC.

Can any help?
Have a look here:
There is now no real need to be troubled with the cygwin setup. Far 
better to install LyX 1.3.5 for windows following the guidance on this page.

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Should this behavior be expected?

2005-04-18 Thread Rob S

Paul Smith wrote:
On 4/18/05, Michael Scottaline
PS>When two LyX windows are open (after having run the command lyx
PS>twice), copying from a document in a window to a document in the 
PS>one is not possible. Is this behavior expected as normal? Or is 
this a

Hmm! That does not seem to be the case on my linux lyx 1.3.4 where the 
procedure I follow relatively routinely is as follows:

1. Go to the first text document and highlight the text to be copied by 
highlighting and  ctrl C.
2. Click outside the highlighted text to get rid of the highlight. This 
for some reason is fairly important.
3,.Go to the other lyx document, opened by a separate lyx command.
4. Push the middle mouse button where you  want to place the copied text.

I have just done this again to ensure that it does work.Maybe it does 
not work on all configurations.

I can confirm this method works without a problem on my Windows XP 
ported version of LyX 1.3.5.

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Should this behavior be expected?

2005-04-18 Thread Rob S

Hmm! That does not seem to be the case on my linux lyx 1.3.4 where the 
procedure I follow relatively routinely is as follows:

1. Go to the first text document and highlight the text to be copied 
by highlighting and  ctrl C.
2. Click outside the highlighted text to get rid of the highlight. 
This for some reason is fairly important.
3,.Go to the other lyx document, opened by a separate lyx command.
4. Push the middle mouse button where you  want to place the copied text.

I have just done this again to ensure that it does work.Maybe it does 
not work on all configurations.

I can confirm this method works without a problem on my Windows XP 
ported version of LyX 1.3.5.

Rob S

Win port LyX 1.3.5
Further to my last - Just found this method will also copy text from a 
.doc or a .pdf straight into LyX - now thats saved some hassle.

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Centering a Float in Lyx

2005-04-19 Thread Rob S
My Document settings has \centre in the "float placement" field, and
I've even tried {\begin center} {\end center} around the floats, but no
Any ideas?
Click in the float. Then from menu select 

Hope thats what you mean.
Rob S

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Elsart users

2005-04-19 Thread Rob S
Hi List
I'm just about to draft a paper using the elsart.lyx template.
Is there anyone using this (or has used this) who can offer suggestions 
on how to place multiple authors separated by commas as:

Author 1, Author 2 and Author 3
from within LyX without having to use ERT (I can reproduce all this 
without problems using ERT so I'm not too concerned if is the only option)

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Elsart users

2005-04-19 Thread Rob S
with elsart this will give you authors on separate lines with address for 
each individual, which is senseless if they are from the same institution. 
So yeah, ERT seems to be the only way to get the other output style with 
a shared address. That's at least how I had to do it recently, but maybe 
someone else knows of a better way. 


I'm pretty much there now (99%). A few ert boxes and an extra Style 
added to the elsart layout file to define the \corauth LaTeX commannd 
(same as footnote).

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Elsart Template, authors inline --nearly!

2005-04-19 Thread Rob S
Hi List;
For those interested I've attached a copy of an ammended Elsart template
which will produce(with one further tweak) authors names inline.
Ah, does not appear to be there!
2nd try
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass elsart
\journal{Add Journal name in preamble}
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 1
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

Elsart layout template for authors inline.
\layout Author

\begin_inset OptArg
collapsed true

\layout Standard


First Author name
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Thanks

\begin_inset OptArg
collapsed true

\layout Standard


Footnote for Author 1
\layout Author Email

\layout Author

\begin_inset OptArg
collapsed true

\layout Standard


Second Author name
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Thanks

\begin_inset OptArg
collapsed true

\layout Standard


Footnote for Author 2
\layout Author Email

\layout Author Address

\begin_inset OptArg
collapsed true

\layout Standard


Address for Author 1
\layout Author Address

\begin_inset OptArg
collapsed true

\layout Standard


Address for Author 2
\layout Abstract

The text of the abstract goes here
\layout Keywords

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Keywords

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Section

First section
\layout Standard

Run this through the DVI to generate a .tex file.
 Ammend .tex file by removing spaces between author names.
 Now run Latex again from command line.

Re: How do you make a bibliography?

2005-04-21 Thread Rob S
Hi Steve;

Now I have some questions...
What is a site key, and what should I put in there? A number? A letter? A 
string? I assume it needs to be unique.
 Its a unique code to a specific reference. I tend to use the first 
authors surname followed by a number e.g.

Should the author be Lastname, Firstname MiddleInitial?
In tk bibtex enter the name as it appears e.g.
A.B Clark or as Allen Brian Clark if you have the full name
for two or more authors separate each with:
eg A.B Clark and Derek Edward Fish
Is the year the year copyrighted?
Normally it's the year of publication
Why is there no provision to state a page number or chapter number?
enter the page range as:
1 - 99
in page box - needs to be reference type Article (or similar) which 
provides for page numbers

As for chapter  - you would normally enter this when you place a 
reference into the document.
If it's a website, what reference type do I use. tkbibtex has all sorts of 
reference types, but "Website" isn't one of them?

When referencing a website, do I put its URL in the URL field?
I tend to place these in the note field. Not sure of my logic on this 
one though!
What are CROSSREF, CODE, ANNOTE and ABSTRACT for, and do I need to use those 
just to give credit to the original source of the material?
Crossref is used when an article appears in book or similar and you need 
to reference both sources. I dont bother too much with this.

Dont bother with the others since most will choke up Bibtex - well I 
know the abstract field does anyway.

Sometimes I reference a whole book, and sometimes I reference a tiny piece of 
text out of the book (within the bounds of fair use). How do these differ as 
far as the bibiliaography?
AFAIK they dont. Reference the book and pp range??
I'll probably have more questions -- this is entirely new to me.
In that case I suggest you have a google around for bib, bibtex, etc. 
You may find a lot of the FAQs are already answered elsewhere.

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Newbie: Can't Launch Lyx due to needed layout description

2005-04-25 Thread Rob S
Earl DeShazer wrote:
I am guessing this is a fairly common issue, but I have scoured the
users, developers, gname, etc. mailing lists and have turned up one
reference to a similar problem. However, there were no responses to
the posting.
I am trying to install LyX on a Windows XP machine. I have installed
MiKTex, Ghostscript, ImageMagick and LyX 1.3.5.
From the instructions, I believed that to run LyX initially was as
simple as double-clicking the executable.
Unfortunately, I got this message in the xterm:
 LyXTextClassList::Read: no textclasses found!
And this message in a warning box:
LyX wasn't able to find any layout description!
Check the contents of the file "textclass.lst"
Sorry, has to exit :-(
I have a textclass.lst file in my 
I am not sure what I am looking for in this file.

Did I miss something in my installation or is there some documentation
somewhere to help me fix my problem? Any help would be greatly
Here is my full configuration information:
lyx -version 
LyX 1.3.5 of Wed, Oct 6, 2004
Built on Jan  3 2005, 09:55:08
  Host type:  i686-pc-cygwin
  Special build flags:   
  C   Compiler:   wrapmsvc
  C   Compiler flags: -g
  C++ Compiler:   wrapmsvc 
  C++ Compiler flags: /Zc:forScope /MD /EHsc /O2
  Linker flags:   -L/cygdrive/c/Qt/3.2.1NonCommercial/lib
  Frontend:   qt
Qt version:   3.2.1
  LyX binary dir: /usr/local/bin
  LyX files dir:  /usr/local/share/lyx

It should be noted that I do not have a /usr/local directory at all,
so I am not sure what these last two things are pointing to.
Thanks again,
William DeShazer

Have a look here:
You no longer need cygwin to use lyx on windows
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: \nocite{*} changes bibliography style (when using natbib)

2005-05-12 Thread Rob S

by inserting "\nocite{*}" as ERT in my LyX document. But this changes the look 
of my bibliography from "apalike" - author (year) title - to a numerical 

I am using NatBib with the "autor-year" option.
Style: "apalike".
LyX 1.3.4 on Linux
Hi Janus;
Try adding this to the document preamble - it works using \nocite{*}, 
apalike and Natbib producing the output as you require:

I have no idea what this does however since I snipped it from elsewhere 
but it works for me ;-)

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: List of figures

2005-05-12 Thread Rob S
Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:
I have a list of figures page in my document.  However I have some very 
long captions.  As a reult the LOF looks full and messy.  Is there any 
way to define a caption heading that appears in the LOF such that the 
whole caption doesnt.

eg Figure 1 A nice picture of a cat
but the actual caption says -
A nice picture of a cat that has recently been fed something nice blah blah
From toolbar select insert--short title add this just before the 
original caption.

Add the short title version in this box - job done!
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Wiki: Separate group for windows-related pages?

2005-05-19 Thread Rob S

This makes sense to me. A lot of the traffic on this list is caused by
Windows-specific bugs and work arounds. Making the Windows pages more
visible and easier to extract the desired information from would be a good
thing IMO.
Of course, adding an automatic redirect to the new pages would be a cool
thing to do too :)
I have no problem with a separate wiki but:
If space is an issue then.
A lot of the main page info still refers to both the 1.3.3 and 1.3.5 
setups. I see no reason, now that version 1.3.5 appears to be stable on 
Win (with a few tweaks), why the page needs refer to 1.3.3 any longer - 
unless that is I'm told different.  This would thin out a fair bit from 
the page.

Also losing the win98 setup page would not hurt since neither myself or 
the other regular win wiki page editors have kept this up to date (at 
least not in line with the XP 2000 page)

The graphics page also could head for the bin for much the same reason - 
 it was a page I started with all good intentions of completing but.

Other than that I (and no doubt others) are trimming the main setup page 
down as and when possible.

I guess with arrival of the awaited LyX 1.3.6 there will be no need for 
a win wiki anyway ;-)

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: strange behaviour in lyx-1.3.5

2005-05-23 Thread Rob S

Fernando Gisbert Cervera wrote:

Paul Smith wrote:

On 5/23/05, Fernando Gisbert Cervera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have noticed a strange behaviour when lyx has multiple documents
opened in the same lyx window. When I switch from one document to
another, the spellchecker starts spellchecking the document from the
cursor position on. Has anyone noticed that? I'm using lyx-1.3.5 with
SuSe 9.1.

I've seen this also on the win ported 1.3.5.

If one spellchecks any of the open .lyx files for some reason the 
spellchecker does not get unloaded at the end of the document (thinking 
about it this may only happen if there are no spelling errors found). If 
you then change document from the file menu the spellchecker then races 
its way through this document also - annoyingly opening up all floats in 
the process.

I've learn't from this that its better to spellcheck documents one by one.

Rob S

PS I'm sure this has been mentioned in the past on the list but possibly 
disguised as a Windows port problem rather than a generic problem.


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Making beautiful LyX icons...

2005-05-24 Thread Rob S

Gunnar wrote:

Here is an svg icon that is part of (I think) the etiquette icon theme.

Can someone help me convert this nice picture to  bmp or psd  format?
In such a way that it is working in ms-windows environment.
I've tried that, but the t-shirt company (the "print with your own logo" kind 
of company) is telling me that they only see a large black image I can't 
understand why. I've done my best with inkscape and convert, but no success.


See Lyx3.ico attached for us windows users

Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton


Re: Making beautiful LyX icons...

2005-05-24 Thread Rob S


See Lyx3.ico attached for us windows users

oops, my mail scanner didn't like an .ico file being rec'd so here it is 
again (he hopes!) with the extension changed to .txt (rename to .ico on 

Image may need some further image tweaking to loose the background on a 
win box.

Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

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LyXWin Wiki Pages

2005-05-28 Thread Rob S

Hi list - well LyXWin users at least

I have a bit (an hour or two)of spare time at the moment so I'll make a 
start on moving things over to the new Windows group pages on the Wiki.

I'll keep the pagelist upto date as I go and also leave the old pages 
where they are for the time being - redirecting the links when appropriate.

Please don't expect this to happen overnight though!

If or when I get bored doing all this I'll get back to the list and let 
someone else have a go. In the mean time please can all editing of 
windows related info be made only to the OLD pages - I'll keep an eye 
open for any changes which I can then reflect over on the newer group pages.

Hope that all makes sense ;-)


Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: thesis initial pages numbering and title page

2005-06-14 Thread Rob S

a)  Does anyone have a template for the title page of a thesis.

See attached - amend as reqd

I've based this around the report class - it served my needs well.

You will need to have the included files and bib file(s) in the same dir 
as the master file for this to work.
Also should you need a glossary(notation) of terms see my notes for 
creating this here:

> b) It is required that arabic numbering starts only from the chapters
> and pages before that are numbered in the roman numerals . How can that
> be done. I am using the article class for my thesis.

As above - example of this on the thesismaster file attached

> c) How does one force something to start from a fresh page.

Try adding the following to a TEX box


Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass report





\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{A}}{\item[\textbf{Roman Symbols}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{B}}{\item[\textbf{Greek Symbols}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{C}}{\item[\textbf{Dimensional Analyses Symbols}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Z}}{\item[\textbf{Mathematical Symbols}]}{}}



\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme palatino
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing other 1.30 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 1
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 42mm
\topmargin 25mm
\rightmargin 25mm
\bottommargin 25mm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 1
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{titlepage.lyx}
preview false


\layout Comment

\begin_inset Include \include{Abstract.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset FloatList figure


\layout Standard

\begin_inset FloatList table


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{Acknowledge.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{glossary.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{ch1.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{ch2.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{ch3.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{ch4.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{ch5.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset LatexCommand \BibTeX[bibtotoc,apalike]{your_bib_file}


#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass report
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 4.2cm
\topmargin 2.5cm
\rightmargin 2.5cm
\bottommargin 2.5cm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 1
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Open

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\series bold 
\noun on 
University of 
\series defau

Re: Tables too wide

2005-06-15 Thread Rob S

I imported a table from Excel (with help of a macro which exports TEX
code) as ERT. Now the table is to wide to fit in th columns of the
document, which looks ugly.

You can set column widths within Lyx.

Is there a way to prevent this, e.g. making fonts a little smaller for
the table to fit on the page?

I'm not sure if this is the best solution but I have used:

This is all in a table float;

Table title

\scriptsize (in a TEX box)

Table here

\normalsize (in a TEX box)

Rob S

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: LyXWin not working on XP

2005-06-16 Thread Rob S

Quick Windows tip: rather than mapping a local network drive, try subst, 
which is faster (operates directly at the filesystem level - no SMB 
generation and parsing, no transfers through the loopback interface), 
cleaner, and safer (no unnecessarily-shared directory).  You can make 
the subst command an autorun entry in the Registry so it takes effect 
every time you reboot.

More info please! subst??

Can provide a more detailed step by step method for this - it may help 
others, like myself, who are not that "computer jargon" literate.


Rob S

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Overview of the NatBib styles - which is the right one for me?

2005-06-21 Thread Rob S

But as far as I understand the apalike.bst was not written with NatBiB in 
mind, and using it with NatBib could cause problems. This is why I started 
looking into abbrvnat.bst, plainnat.bst and unsrtnat.bst. But maybe I am 
wrong here.

I've just written my entire thesis using apalike + natbib without a problem

As I mentioned some time back though I have had to add:


 to the preamble but thats all.

Rob S

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Problems with BibTex and LyX - Danish chracters

2005-06-22 Thread Rob S

Ekkehart Schlicht wrote:
When trying to compile the Lyx-doc (show as PDF); I get an error 
message if the title or author fields contain Danish characters such 
as æ, ø and å. How can I work around this issue?

With Windows, you may use Bibedit. That has an option (Edit -> Option)
"Translate extended ASCII" that does the necessary conversions 


Not sure if this will work for all but:

I added a touch of LaTeX code directly into the .bib file entry.

i.e. Freds{\o}e in the bib file entry will produce Fredsøe in the output.

Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Lyx has helped to convert another M to a D!!

2005-07-05 Thread Rob S

Dear Lyxers;

Many thanks to all who have developed LyX and have provided me with help 
over the past 3-4 yrs.
My PhD thesis started life using 1.2.? on a very unstable (it seemed to 
me anyway ) cygwin environment and rolled off the printer for the final 
time yesterday after a flawless compile on the Win Ported LyX 1.3.5.

It is now safe with the binders leaving me to graduate this summer one 
day after my wife (doh) who also expresses similar thanks to the LyX 
team - (she changed over from using Word to using Lyx 1.3.3 in a week 
and never looked back).

Once again team,

Many Many thanks

Dr. Rob S

For the record

I used:
Report class out of the box
Natbib from the options found within preferences
Used Apalike style (tweaked to italicise et. al.) but with no other hassle
Pdflatex to export/build
Image formats .pdf, .png, .bmp and .jpg (I never really understood 
graphics formats)

Lyx 1.2.? to 1.3.5 supported by
and the rest of the bits noted on the wiki page


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Palatino font

2005-08-11 Thread Rob S

Hi Geoff;

I have not had such problems with Palatino when using at size 12

Try adding these to the preamble


I'm not sure which you need But I think one will solve your problem so 
add both to start with.

Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

win32 QT version "latex configuration"

2003-08-07 Thread Rob S
Dear list:
OS Win XP pro
Lyx Qt 1.3.2
Edit --> Reconfigure produces an empty LaTeXConfig.lyx file in
Thus Help --> LaTex Configuration gives a msgbox "Not a Lyx file!"
Configure script is:
echo "creating doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx"
echo "s/@chk_linuxdoc@/$chk_linuxdoc/g" >> chkconfig.sed
echo "s/@chk_docbook@/$chk_docbook/g" >> chkconfig.sed
sed -f chkconfig.sed ${srcdir}/doc/
After running configure from a Cmd window text for this is:
Creating doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx
Sed: file chkconfig.sed line 1: unknown option to 's'
Can anyone enlighten me on this please?
Robin D. Saunders
Hydraulics Research Group
Dept. Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton


RE: win32 QT version "latex configuration"

2003-08-14 Thread Rob S

> >
> > OS Win XP pro
> > Lyx Qt 1.3.2
> >
> > Problem:
> > Edit --> Reconfigure produces an empty LaTeXConfig.lyx file in
> > share\lyx\doc\
> >
> > Thus Help --> LaTex Configuration gives a msgbox "Not a Lyx file!"
> >
> > Configure script is:
> > echo "creating doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx"
> > echo "s/@chk_linuxdoc@/$chk_linuxdoc/g" >> chkconfig.sed
> > echo "s/@chk_docbook@/$chk_docbook/g" >> chkconfig.sed
> > sed -f chkconfig.sed ${srcdir}/doc/
> >>doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx
> >
> > After running configure from a Cmd window text for this is:
> >
> > Creating doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx
> > Sed: file chkconfig.sed line 1: unknown option to 's'
> >
> Can you run the reconfiguration manually please as
> share\lyx\configure --keep-temps
> and then have a look at the generated chkconfig.sed file.


After running configure --keep-temps I'm unable to locate chkconfig.sed
anywhere on my system!

> Here, the first line of the file is:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@!August 7, 2003!g
> Perhaps your version of sed is choking on the '!' delimiters? Change
> line to:
> s/@chk_date@/August 7, 2003/g
> and see if you get to line 2.
> --
> Angus

RE: Bibliographic Database for Lyx-Qt for Windows?, was: Re: Papyrus and Lyx?

2003-08-30 Thread Rob S
> But I know, that a bibliographic database may offer more. Is there any
> which will work together with Lyx-Qt for Windows? Pybliographer seems
> available for Linux.

I use TKBibtex, it is very easy, reliable and works well when using win
Xp and Qt lyx with bibtex.

Rob S

RE: image conversion tools

2003-09-10 Thread Rob S

You're not alone - I suffer the same problem and have done since
changing from the cygwin version. 
However, one thing that others have found successful is ensuring that
imagemagick convert.exe is in your path BEFORE any windows directories.
This is because of the system32 similarly named convert.exe being found
first and trying to convert the image into a FAT32 or NFTS file system!!

Even this though has not resolved the problem for me.  Now I just use
.eps images throughout and put up with not viewing them in the lyx gui
but rely on viewing them in the DVI preview instead.

Rob S

> -Original Message-
> From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jorgen johansson
> Sent: 10 September 2003 19:37
> Subject: Re: image conversion tools
> Hello,
> I wonder if imagemagick has to be installed as a part of cygwin or can
> use the native windows imagemagick when I want use the native qt lyx
> 1.3.2 on windows XP?
> I tried installing a couple of months ago and couldn't get it to work
> (the image conversion) I debugged and was also in contact with Ruurd
> Reitsma directly. No solution back then.
> I tried tonight again and same error.
> Was the problem that I need the cygwin version of imagemagick?.
> For my lyx 1.3.1 under cygwin I am using the native windows version of
> imagemagick. One would think it would work with the native qt version
>   Lyx as well then.
> /jorgen
> Kayvan A. Sylvan wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 02:17:34PM +, Angus Leeming wrote:
> >
> >>What does the debug output tell you? (lyx -dbg graphics)
> >>
> >>What happens if you define a converter explicitly. Eg
> >>
> >>\converter "eps" "png" "my_ps2png $$i $$o" ""
> >>\converter "eps" "ppm" "my_ps2ppm $$i $$o" ""
> >>\converter "png" "eps" "convert PNG:$$i EPS:$$o" ""
> >>
> >
> >
> > Sorry. I'm an idiot. "convert.exe" on my machine is the Windows
> executable
> > that turns a DOS filesystem into an NTFS filesystem.
> >
> > Turns out that I had not compiled and installed ImageMagick on that
> > laptop.
> >
> > I compiled and installed the latest ImageMagick under Cygwin and now
> > it works.
> >
> > ---Kayvan

Lyx Win32 setup notes

2004-03-15 Thread Rob S
Dear List

I have been seeing a lot of questions of late relating to the setup of
Lyx on a Windows platform.

Some of these I have answered personally (I have only been getting the
digest list).  Most come down to the updating of Sed and also problems
with image magick (eps- error converting to loadable format)

With the help in the past from Angus, Paul R and others I now have a
fully functioning lyx 1.3.3 running under Windows XP – Many thanks to
all :-)

In order to perhaps help others “en bloc” I have just uploaded a
document giving a step by step guide to the initial setup procedure for
Lyx on an English version of Windows XP. Find it here:

If these steps prove to be of use perhaps someone can make a link to
this page from somewhere which can be found more readily. I will
endeavour to keep abreast of ongoing problems on the Win Lyx setup front
and update the page accordingly.

Comments welcome

Rob S
Robin D. Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Civil Engineering Dept
University of Southampton

RE: Lyx Win32 setup notes - some anotations

2004-03-17 Thread Rob S
Hi Paul, List;

> >> >4. Install Acrobat Reader on root path (may have to ignore install
> >> >warnings if you already have it installed in program files â leave
> >> >that copy there though!) Change folder path to remove any spaces.
> >> >(My second copy is installed as C:\Adobe\Reader)

Since I originated this thread I must admit I started this practice of
"install all on root" and "all exe's in path" when I was using the
Cygwin version and have not changed my ways since then.  From what I've
read in general over the past view days this is now an unnecessary step,
and I must admit I have to agree at least as far as AcroRd32 is
concerned. I've since amended my (own) notes to reflect these opinions.
However, as yet the only way I have managed to get newer Sed working is
to follow this procedure but hey that’s another matter

What you follow with is I'm sure pretty much the case now.

> I think the concern about spaces in the path is misplaced in this
> I have the Win32 port running on three different versions of Windoze
> ME, XP), with Acrobat Reader installed under C:\Program Files\... in
> cases, and no problems using it.  In no case is its directory on the
> system path, either.  Just putting 'acrord32' as the viewer in the LyX
> preferences dialog works.  (I'm not sure exactly how LyX locates it.
> Invoking acrord32.exe from a command prompt fails.  Perhaps LyX looks
> the registry?)
> In general, you can specify a path containing spaces for a viewer by
> entering the full path in the preferences dialog and (b) escaping
> You may need to enclose the path in quotes (can't recall).  This won't
> work with documents, since some latex programs apparently can't handle
> escaped spaces in the paths to their targets, but it seems to work ok
> accessing programs.
> -- Paul

Rob S

RE: Re-import from endnote via JabRef and vim

2004-03-18 Thread Rob S
> No need for putting a "-" in between. Sorry. I got all those
> math-related Lyx-errors about "{" and so on because, I think, I
> attempted to load different databases by 'add' and 'delete' using the
> same dialog-box linked to the "Insert>Lists TOC> Bibtex Reference"
> 'button' originally inserted. This seems to generate the problem as it
> appears to work when I remove the 'Bibtex Reference' button (and all
> related citations) first, then insert a 'fresh' one through which I
> load the next database.

I've noticed same, above, behaviour in the Win32 Lyx; 

But overall I have found Endnote export files to be most unusable
without careful filtering prior to export, it is possible though.  Most
trouble appears to come from when the Abstract is exported.

To produce a key before you export I believe it is the Endnote "label"
field which needs content since this is the field converted as the Key
on export.  

Once imported I then run the file through TKbibtex to auto-(re-)format
it in a manner which Lyx then handles without error.

Rob S

RE: problems with layout files and converters - lyx for windows

2004-03-25 Thread Rob S

> is this a good port to be using?

AFAIK - Sure is!  Use Lyx 1.3.3 though.

> the first problem i've had with this port is that i can't create pdfs
> using pdflatex. i get "bad command or file name" even though  the tex
> bin/ folder is in the path. other converters like the  dvi one work
> example.

Try using dvipdfm  for creating your Pdf files

For a few hints and tips have a look at my page: The notes are for Win
XP set up but may be of use for win98 - if so let me know ;-)

It might be that you can solve all your problems by installing a newer
version of Sed as per the notes on this page.

>when i try edit->reconfigure from lyx, nothing seems  to happen. 

Installing new sed.exe or the edit to the configure.bat (under "Other
minor fixes") might sort this.

If not try running configure from a command window i.e.
Cd to where configure.bat resides and see if it runs ok from there.

Rob S

Edit Table form and the Math Panel - always on top?

2004-03-30 Thread Rob S
Dear List;

System details: Lyx 1.3.3 Win XP Qt port

I’m currently using tables and equations a lot at the moment. My
questions are these: 

Is there any method by which I can keep the Edit Table form (panel?)
"always on top" so that it can lose focus yet remain in view?

Similarly, is it possible to do this with the Math panel i.e. keep it
"always on top"?

Kind Regards
Rob S
Robin D. Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
University of Southampton

RE: Edit Table form and the Math Panel - always on top?

2004-03-30 Thread Rob S
Paul you're a star!!

Just the Job

I'll add this to my Lyx on Windows page under other "bits and bobs".

Rob S

> -Original Message-
> From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul A. Rubin
> Sent: 30 March 2004 15:45
> Subject: Re: Edit Table form and the Math Panel - always on top?
> Rob S wrote:
> > Dear List;
> >
> > System details: Lyx 1.3.3 Win XP Qt port
> >
> > I'm currently using tables and equations a lot at the moment. My
> > questions are these:
> >
> > Is there any method by which I can keep the Edit Table form (panel?)
> > "always on top" so that it can lose focus yet remain in view?
> >
> > Similarly, is it possible to do this with the Math panel i.e. keep
> > "always on top"?
> >
> You can use Always On Top Maker
> (
> -- Paul

RE: cite a bitex file in a float

2004-03-31 Thread Rob S
> Is it possible to cite in floats?

I use ERT for this.  Assuming you use natbib then for example in ERT:


This works for me

> thx
> derNette

Rob S

inline word equation with annotation

2004-04-21 Thread Rob S
Dear List;

Is there a way to create something like:

   Model number C of G location
¦   ¦   
¦   ¦
 OrientationRun number

I can create it as an .eps and insert it as a graphic and that works
fine but wondered if it can be achieved in Lyx (or with ERT)

Rob S 

RE: LyX and Graphics in Windows XP

2004-04-23 Thread Rob S

> > Optionally, for graphics conversion you'll need:
> > ImageMagick. The convert executable needs to be in your path.
> I cannot guess what means "The convert executable needs to be in your
> path". Meanwhile, people at my department are still linked to WYSIWYG
> crap and feel increasingly disappointed

To find and Edit the Path in windows Xp: (Note : WITH CAUTION!!!)

Right Click "My Computer" icon
Click on "Properties"
Open "Advanced" tab
Click on "Environment Variables"

Bottom window should now show path

It can be Edited from here but ONLY WITH EXTREME CARE!! 

If you have installed image magick correctly then your path should
automatically begin something like this:

c:\im\imagemagick-5.5.7-q16; etc etc blah blah blah

Have a look at my Lyx on Win XP setup notes here for further tips:

Rob S

open - close all floats

2004-05-14 Thread Rob S
Hi List; 

Just a follow up this one to a previous thread. 

Did anyone file a “Wish” for an open all – close all floats feature?

After a spell check I’ve just found out how useful it would be!! Blimey
- never realised I had so many of them to close.

I’m wishing very hard ;-)

Rob S
Robin D. Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

RE: ImageMagick 6.0.0 & Lyx1.3.3 QTWin32

2004-04-27 Thread Rob S

Brian, Lyx on Win XP users:

> The latest release (6.0.0) of ImageMagick makes changes to calling
> Images loading into Lyx 1.3.3 QT Win32 (Ruurd) successfully using
> "convert" from  previous ImageMagick release (5.5.6) now give fatal
> errors with latest (6.0.0)release.

I think I have also seen this in ImageMagick  5.5.7 which I finally
managed to download from an ftp site (bug in IE6 does not allow this)
with Mozzila Firefox. Since I only have one install using ImageMagick
5.5.7 I cannot compare notes however:- 
All my ImageMagick 5.5.6 installs are error free so I can only agree
with you - I'll note this on my Lyx/Win setup page as I'm sure others
will also find this.

> Reinstall of 5.5.6 restores sanity. Developers may need to
> --
> Brian Linfoot

Rob S

Lyx on Windows - Setup Notes moved to Wiki

2004-04-30 Thread Rob S
Lyx on Windows users, contributors;

Last evening I finally managed to transfer the best part of my "Lyx on
Windows" Setup notes over to the Wiki page (ex Sandbox). Over the next
couple of days I'll complete the task and "de-personalize" them.

I will keep my own site
( as up to date as
possible for XP issues but from now on the best site for US ALL to keep
up to date, and refer people to, is the Windows page on the Wiki site.

Try to keep it all tight and concise though!

Kind Regards to thanks to all who have assisted
Rob S
Hydraulic Research Group
Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

enumerate - prefixed with text

2004-05-04 Thread Rob S
Dear list

I would like to use a numbered list (enumerate environment); but with
each number prefixed by text. i.e.

Case 1.  blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Case 2. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Case 3. etc……

I'm no LaTeX expert :-(

I just cannot get the ERT/preamble correct enough to do this.

Any pointers appreciated

Regards in advance
Rob S

Latex help in rotating captions

2004-05-17 Thread Rob S
Hi list;

I want to present a graphic in Lanscape with a rotated caption.

So far I have added

\usepackage{rotating} to preamble

then I have tried:

\begin{sidewaysfigure} ERT

then a standard figure float here(where I have placed figure and

\end{sidewaysfigure} ERT

this is throwing one error;

Latex error: Not in outer par mode
you’ve lost some text

Lost me more like!!

Any pointers welcome

Rob S

Robin D. Saunders
9 Bencraft Court
Bassett Green Road
SO16 3QB

RE: insert figures doesn't work properly

2004-05-17 Thread Rob S
> There's a web page somewhere with hints and tips for Win32 users. Go
> search for it and then go read it.

As Angus says try here first- it's Win 2000 and XP biased but it'll give
you a few general pointers to start with.

> Angus
> kk

Rob S

Nomenclature with page number

2004-05-26 Thread Rob S
Hi List;

I’m getting to the end of my thesis, :-) which requires a notation page
for the many terms I use.

I've produced one manually which is Ok 'ish

Q. Can this be done in Lyx at all?  (I've had a bit of a go - see

What would be nice would be something on the lines of:


A: Area..2
B: Breadth..10
E: Etc

So far - I've had a look at HV's page under Glossary which mention the
package "nomencl" 

Now I've got as far as creating a .glo file with a \makeglossary in
preamble and

ERT\nomenclature{A}{Area} in the text with ERT\printglossary at the end.

How do I perform the MakeIndex (Bearing in mind I'm on a Windows XP

Rob S

RE: Nomenclature with page number

2004-05-27 Thread Rob S
Thanks Uwe, all

I've tried that on a small file (attached) but I cannot get it to work.

I guess from the logfile below that a file or two is getting lost on

Any suggestions?


LaTeX log File:

This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.1 (MiKTeX 2.4) (preloaded format=latex
2004.3.23)  27 MAY 2004 10:07

entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>

Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, french, german,
ngerman, du

mylang, nohyphenation, loaded.

Document Class: article 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
File: size10.clo 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX file (size option)
) (C:\Miktex\texmf\tex\latex\base\fontenc.sty
Package: fontenc 2004/02/22 v1.99f Standard LaTeX package
File: t1enc.def 2004/02/22 v1.99f Standard LaTeX file
LaTeX Font Info:Redeclaring font encoding T1 on input line 43.
)) (C:\Miktex\texmf\tex\latex\base\inputenc.sty
Package: inputenc 2004/02/05 v1.0d Input encoding file
File: latin1.def 2004/02/05 v1.0d Input encoding file
)) (C:\Miktex\texmf\tex\latex\base\makeidx.sty
Package: makeidx 2000/03/29 v1.0m Standard LaTeX package
Writing index file nomenclature.idx
Package: nomencl 2000/12/03 v3.1a Nomenclature package (BS)
Writing glossary file nomenclature.glo
Package: babel 2004/02/19 v3.8a The Babel package
Language: english 2004/02/19 v3.3m English support from the babel system
File: babel.def 2004/02/19 v3.8a Babel common definitions
No file nomenclature.aux.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 18.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 18.
No file nomenclature.gls.
No file nomenclature.ind.

] (nomenclature.aux) ) 
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 865 strings out of 95897
 8388 string characters out of 1195030
 56223 words of memory out of 106
 3895 multiletter control sequences out of 35000
 4403 words of font info for 15 fonts, out of 50 for 1000
 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 607
 25i,4n,19p,173b,113s stack positions out of

Output written on nomenclature.dvi (1 page, 324 bytes).

Description: Binary data

Instant preview Win 32- Stunning!

2004-06-02 Thread Rob S
Angus; Lyx users

Win32 XP QT Lyx

Just a note for info only - no reply needed:

I got the instant preview up and running as mainly per the wiki page:

However I had to follow the steps Timm Danker posted[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg69661.html

with regards to the placement of scripts and adjusting the wrapper
script to suit.


Rob S

RE: Instant preview Win 32- Stunning!

2004-06-02 Thread Rob S
> the person to really thank is David
> Kastrup who wrote preview.sty.

Here here!

> Please feel free to add to the wiki page. You're the users, it's
> you're wiki and I have no knowledge of Windows ;-)

I'll have a look at it later, if not done so already.

In Addition - Having the instant preview means the lack of math
symbols/fonts in the Win32 QT 2.3 package is now no longer a problem.

:-)'s all round!

> --
> Angus

Rob S

RE: Instant preview Win 32- Stunning!

2004-06-02 Thread Rob S
> Rob> In Addition - Having the instant preview means the lack of math
> Rob> symbols/fonts in the Win32 QT 2.3 package is now no longer a
> Rob> problem.
> Except when you edit the formulas, maybe?

Agreed, but only a minor annoyance only now. 

All symbols/fonts show without problem in the Math panel so it's all
straight fwd when building a formula.

Clicking out of the formula to review, clicking in to amend as required.

BTW does anyone know if the "available with book only" version of QT 3.3
is up to date with these fonts - Since I have a copy on order and intend
to (try and) build lyx on this.

Rob S

RE: Instant preview Win 32- Stunning!

2004-06-03 Thread Rob S

> Rob S wrote:
> > In Addition - Having the instant preview means the lack of math
> > symbols/fonts in the Win32 QT 2.3 package is now no longer a

My error, I had not installed the fonts correctly! Doh!

Thanks Paul R. for the info. I'll add notes to the windows setup wiki to
reflect this - and remind me in thefuture!

Rob S

RE: LyX Win32 installation problem

2004-06-09 Thread Rob S


In the first instance have a look here:

Rob S

> Hi.. I was trying to help a friend install Ruurd's win32 version on
> windows. Everything seemed to have gone fine but the configure
> script doesn't seem to be able to find the converters for latex to
> dvi, latex to pdf, ps to pdf etc. We installed MikTeX just before
> installing LyX and I verified that these converters were present. So
> right now the View menu is empty, and so is the export menu in LyX.
> Any ideas on what might be wrong and what I need to do? I don't have
> much experience w/ LyX on Windows so would appreciate any help...
> incidentally, I installed this version on my Windows machine a few
> weeks back and everything went fine. I followed the exact same
> procedure this time too.. only difference I can think of is that
> this friend's machine had some previous version of MikTeX installed,
> which we deleted before installing the latest version...
> Thanks,
> nirmal

RE: problem with oe french ligature

2004-06-09 Thread Rob S

Try adding a space after the ERT box, this worked for me

mise en [\oe] uvre

Rob S

> -Original Message-
> From: Harold Mouras [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 09 June 2004 15:35
> To: Lyx-Users
> Subject: problem with oe french ligature
> Hello,
> I tried to use the command\oe for french ligature in the attached LyX
> but it is not compiled.
> Anybody could say what is wrong in this simple file?
> THanks a lot for your help and also for the great mailing list so
> Harold
> -
> Harold Mouras
> Doctorant/ATER Université Paris 5
> Inserm U483
> Boite 23
> 9, quai Saint Bernard
> 75005 Paris
> Téléphone : +33 1 44 27 26 24
> Télécopie : +33 1 44 27 34 38
> --
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.701 / Virus Database: 458 - Release Date: 07/06/2004

RE: LyX Win32 installation problem

2004-06-09 Thread Rob S
> 4: Someone reported on the list that Edit->Reconfigure fails if LyX
> the user's home directory are on different drives.

If this is the problem try this version of configure.bat

to replace the one found in \lyx\share\lyx

(It is there now - I've just put it back - sorry. I'll upload it to the
wikki asap)

Rob S

> -- Paul

wiki site looks as if is just been hacked!

2004-06-16 Thread Rob S
Hi List;


Wiki site has taken a hit from a hacker, how can one restore a page?




Rob S



RE: unnumbered chapter in toc using book document class

2004-06-18 Thread Rob S
Try here:

It may help you.

Rob S

> -Original Message-
> From: Harold Mouras [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 18 June 2004 14:50
> To: Lyx-Users
> Subject: unnumbered chapter in toc using book document class
> Dear Lyx Users,
> I'd like to figure in toc chapter that are not numbered. I saw the
> to
> use th e koma script model, but can I do that in simple class
> Thanks in advance, Harold
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.708 / Virus Database: 464 - Release Date: 18/06/2004

Bibtex author/date order

2004-06-28 Thread Rob S
Hi List;

I have a situation where I have:

Ward et al. (1999a) referring to earlier work, Ward et al. (1999b)

It looks as if the bibliography is alphabetically ordered based on the
2nd, 3rd and 4th authors. In the case above, because the 3rd and 4th
authors are different this then places these two papers in reversed
chronological order.

Is there a method or "trick" that can be used to swap things in the
bibliography so that:

Ward et al. (1999b) can indeed refer to their earlier work, Ward et al.

Kind Regards
Rob S

RE: Bibtex author/date order

2004-06-28 Thread Rob S
> Am Montag, 28. Juni 2004 11:36 schrieb Rob S:
> > Is there a method or "trick" that can be used to swap things in the
> > bibliography so that:
> >
> > Ward et al. (1999b) can indeed refer to their earlier work, Ward et
> > (1999a)
> You can try the \noopsort trick which is described in the BibTeX
> documentation, p. 4 (section 2.1, item 6)

Using the above "trick" sorted it. :-)

As a note though: I use the Apalike bib style and the above method does
not work directly on this although it works fine for Plain style.

I needed to add the non printing {\noopsort{a}} to the Author field just
before the surname of the 3rd Author so that the alphabetical sort was
tricked at this stage rather than later at the date stage.

Hope that makes sense!!


Rob S

> HTH,
> Jürgen.

Include - Appendix

2004-07-09 Thread Rob S
Dear Users;

I have four appendices which I have created on individual .lyx files.
All commence with the "start appendix here" command.

My thesis is built around a master document in which I use the Include
function for each separate file. 

If I "include" the appendix files the TOC shows them all as Appendix A;
I would like them labelled AD of course - Can this be achieved?

I would prefer to keep the bibliography at the end of the document.

My Master file structure is:
(all using Include apart from Bibliography)

Chapter 1
Chapter n
Appendix A
Appendix D


Rob S

RE: Include - Appendix

2004-07-09 Thread Rob S

>   What if just the first start with "start appendix here"?

Yes, that sorted it - cheers

>   This should fix it.
> > Rob S
> --
> José Abílio

Rob S

Tables - general question

2004-07-20 Thread Rob S
Dear List;

My wife is using Lyx for her thesis and is finding producing neat,
regular sized tables difficult.
Text alignment within the table causes her the most problems (differing
amounts of cell padding).
Also, is it possible to use bullet lists inside a table cell?

Can anyone recommend an alternative (to Lyx default) table formatting

Kind Regards
Rob S

RE: Tables - general question

2004-07-21 Thread Rob S
> > Text alignment within the table causes her the most problems
> > amounts of cell padding).
> This is the standard TeX way, adapt the column width to the content.
> Using the right-click table context menu, you can give the columns a
> fixed width (Where fixed can also mean a certain procentage of text or
> page width). This also allows line-breaking within a table cell.
> Once a satisfying table is set up, it can be saved as a template (in a
> simple LyX file to be used via Insert>File>LyX).

Ok, I'll have a look at that option - setting columns as percentage of
page width may be what we are looking for.

> > Also, is it possible to use bullet lists inside a table cell?
> I do not know. Possibly you can use a minipage for that.

Again, I'll have a look at this method as well.

> Günter


Rob S

RE: Tables - general question

2004-07-21 Thread Rob S

> It works, see attached example.
> You need to set the column width if you want the minipage width be
> a % of the column, and to get a proper LyX layout: compare col 1 and

I think that is exactly what we need! Thanks for your time :-)

> --
> Jean-Pierre

Rob S

RE: Tables - general question

2004-07-21 Thread Rob S

> When you fix the column width, each cell is set as a \parbox, so there
> no
> need to use minipage. (see attachment) However, the resulting .ps is
> slightly
> different (extra vspace at the end of the second cell)...

Onto aesthetics now!

In the example, row 1 height is determined by the contents of R1 C2.

In the viewers/printed page R1C1 "looks" far nicer, better use of cell
I can get the same using effect using [\vspace{0.3cm}] in R1C2 as per

Is this the only way? 

Rob S

Description: Binary data

RE: Tables - general question

2004-07-21 Thread Rob S
> Onto aesthetics now!

I've just delved into Herbert V's tips n tricks page on tables:

Two examples here show the itemize environment in a table.

Q. How can I change from Lyx creating \begin{itemize} to

The later it seems, from Herbet's page anyway, produces a "tighter"
output -  

(Please forgive my zero LaTeX knowledge!!)

Rob S

RE: Tables - general question

2004-07-21 Thread Rob S
> >>
> >>
> >> Onto aesthetics now!
> Try adding an "Itemize*" environment to layouts/ Eg
> (untested):
> # Itemize style definition
> Style Itemize*
>   MarginStatic
>   LatexType Item_Environment
>   LatexName itemize*
>   NextNoIndent  1
>   LeftMarginMMN
>   LabelSep  xx
>   ItemSep   0.2
>   TopSep0.7
>   BottomSep 0.7
>   ParSep0.3
>   Align Block
>   AlignPossible Block, Left
>   LabelType Static
>   LabelString   *
> End

This works fine! 

Just needs:


added to my preamble

Thanks Angus

Rob S

Table building Wish List

2004-07-23 Thread Rob S
Hi List;

Following a lengthy table building exercise between myself, my wife and
many of the user list regular contributors I decided to place a table
building "wish" on to the Wiki. 

It has been suggested I post it here for all:

{\snip from Wiki}

Not a complaint this really, just that I can't find a suggestion/request

Creating tables is mostly straight out of the box. However, the finer
tweaking of tables is a bit of a trial at the moment. It’s just taken
two of us(wife and I) plus the mailing list regulars (thanks to all) the
best part of four hours to figure out how to place nice bullet lists
(using \itemize*) within a minipage, within a table cell, within a
table, with some text centered, top aligned and with nice equal looking
cell padding. The finished product is “almost” as my wife wants it!!! 
So my request/wish would be for a better table handling gizmo-thingy and
how about an instant preview of tables as per the Math instant preview.
If I can help/test - I’m willing.

{\end snip}

I've already been in contact with Angus wrt the table instant preview
but since I cannot currently compile the source it seems that I may be
limited to testing only.

Rob S

RE: DVI is not working

2004-07-29 Thread Rob S
For general Windoze XP info I've also sent Hadi a link to the Wiki page.

> After a good effort, I managed to have LyX installed on my Machine. It
> running XP.

Rob S

RE: A newbie approaches LyX

2004-07-30 Thread Rob S
Hi Colin;

You may want to have a look here for starters:

> Following the advice on the LyX web page, I've downloaded and
> LyX, ImageMagick and MikText.  It's not yet clear how all of this fits
> together or how the directories are best configured.  I have:
>Program Files
>  Lyx
>Docs   various downloaded docs
>  bin
>  lib
>  man
>  share
>  tmp
>  Files   newfileX.lyx, working files etc.

One thing I would recommend is re-installing all directly onto C:\

My structure on XP is


For the three you have already installed
Miktex will place itself in the $Path$ on installation but you will need
to add the image magick Bin directory manually. Lyx does not need a Path
entry (someone will correct me if I'm wrong on that!)

> I've made a start with the Tutorial, where the author wishes to
> us that LaTEX is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  There is
> mention of yellow stickers, which is a bit misleading as, in the
> tutorial, the stickers are not yellow.
> Ah success!  I've printed my first page.
> I attempted to view the Tutorial, with view > PDF (dvipdfm).  There

You will need a couple of downloads from there which will improve the
search for windoze .exes like AcroRd32.exe which at the moment will not
be found.

> Currency.lyx discusses the elegance of various Euro symbols and
> some sources, but doesn't give the full URL or tell us where to store
> the downloaded file.
> Next, I took a look at the Customization Help document.  It mentions
> LyXDir, which I have, and Tools > Preferences.  I don't have Tools on
> menu, but I do have Edit > Preferences,  Is this the same thing?
> Of the directories listed, I have all that are listed, although I have
> no UserDir.  Perhaps this comes into play with the -userdir command
> switch.
> Attempting to read the examples "chess" and "Foils", I get "unknown
> textclass", but the examples seem to load OK.
> I have a LyX text under way, but have not yet found how to use the
> checker (preferable en-GB).

Download the spelling files from the site and ensure you retain
the file structure which the files are packed in.

> I would welcome any suggestions or pointers as to how I can sort out
> these things.

Most of the other issues are addressed on the above link.

Get back to me off list for some of the finer points if you wish.

Rob S

Graphics Info Requied from Win Lyx users

2004-07-31 Thread Rob S
Hi all Win LyX users

I have just place a new page on the Wiki:

The intention of this page is to detail the best practice for producing
high quality graphics outputs from a variety of Windows based programs.
Best image quality, via LyX, into a PDF is the aim.

I've made a start..feel free to add/amend.

BTW Someone can perhaps think of a better page title!

Rob S

Re: Math symbols

2004-08-11 Thread Rob S

> example.
> I presume that my XP version of LyX is not properly configured.
> Could someone advise please?

You need to download and install(not just copy to font folder!) some extra fonts
All the info can be found here:

Step 5 of essential bits on this page.

Rob S

overpic package and pdflatex problem

2004-08-20 Thread Rob S
Hi List

Apologies for straying slightly with this one.

I'm trying to use the overpic package from within Lyx to add text to a
few graphics. I would prefer to finally compile using PdfLatex.

Now I can get the package working fine with .ps images and compile with
DVI - fine.

Problem comes with Pdflatex not recognising the .ps file type.

I've used image magick to convert to image.pdf and get an
output of sorts in .pdf format
But the image size is not as expected or hoped for. 

So my question is one of three:

How can I define the .pdf image size within the [TEX] command so as to
trim it back to size?

Can I specify image size during conversion stage?

Does anyone know a better method to add text to an .eps/.ps image from
within Lyx and still use Pdflatex to compile?

Rob S

RE: Accented Characters in bibtex file

2004-08-21 Thread Rob S

Rob S

>   Can I use LaTeX symbol encoding, specifically \'{o} within a field
of a
> bibtex file and have the accented o properly typeset in the text?

Sure can

>   Perhaps I should ask how to enter it. The field in question is:
> author = {Solnes, J.},
> and I want the o to be accented.

I use this one without problems

B.M. Sumer and J. Freds{\o}e

Rob S

RE: Finding Labels in Text

2004-08-24 Thread Rob S
See I'm too late!

Rob S

> -Original Message-
> From: Rich Shepard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 August 2004 02:08
> Subject: Re: Finding Labels in Text
> On Mon, 23 Aug 2004, Rich Shepard wrote:
> >   I've somehow managed to enter a label twice. While I suppose it
> doesn't
> > matter technically, it is not elegant and I'd like to clean it up.
To do
> so,
> > I need to find all references to that label and make sure that each
> > points to only one instance of it.
>   While waiting for this message to post I figured out what I did and
> fixed
> things up. I have the same chapter title in two different parts of my
> I need to distinguish the labels so each points to the proper place.
>   Got it done.
> Rich
> --
> Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
> Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
> <>

RE: natbib, pubmed and changing the initials and Lastname

2004-08-25 Thread Rob S

> "J. P. Aggleton" to "Aggleton, J. P."

I use Apalike style and it produces this format by default. 

I guess there are many other bib styles that do the same though.

> in the literature list?
> -j

Rob S

Re: Problems with Lyx, Aspell, and Windows 98

2004-09-01 Thread Rob S
Andrew McFarland wrote:
I'm using Lyx 1.3.3-Win32 and aspell 0.50.3 on Windows 98.

Have a look here:
there are somme files you will need to download, once downloaded unpack 
following the same file structure in which they are packed.

Rob S
A spell works fine on the command line,
   c:> aspell -c test.txt
   c:> aspell --lang=en_GB -c test.txt
both correctly check the file.
However, when I hit F7 in LyX, I get a popup with the following message:
   The spell-checker has failed
   No word lists can be found for the language "en_GB"
Can anyone suggest what might be wrong, and how I might fix it?

Spell check bug? causing Lyx to crash

2004-09-02 Thread Rob S
Hi List;
Win XP Qt version of Lyx.
Can someone confirm this possible bug in the spellcheck function?
Open two documents, both with spelling errors and place the cursor at 
start of each.

Spellcheck document 1.
Then switch documents from the toolbar "document" button.
At this stage the spellchecker finds the next wrongly spelt word but any 
attempt to correct (F7) causes Lyx to die!

Rob S

Re: Spell check bug? causing Lyx to crash

2004-09-02 Thread Rob S

Yes, I get the same thing (on Win XP).  I'm not positive, but I may 
have also had LyX crash when spell-checking a second document even if 
the first was error free.

At any rate, I've learned to close all but one document when running 

-- Paul
Thanks Paul for confirming that. Uwe is not seeing it under win 2000 so 
may be it is a Win XP related problem.

I'll wait and see if anyone else confirms it on other platforms before i 
file a bug report.

Rob S

Quotation mark issue

2004-09-04 Thread Rob S
Hi List
My wife has just about finished her thesis on Lyx only to find that she 
has wrongly used ``double'' quotation marks instead of `single' 
throughout all eight chapters.

Has anyone got a snipet of preamle code that will ammend this user error 
throughout the entire thesis? (Thesis compiled as a master document 
containing included sections)

The, layout --> language settings options have been tried but this only 
changes the quotation style locally.

Rob S

Re: Quotation mark issue

2004-09-04 Thread Rob S
Colin J. Williams wrote:
This sounds like a Find and Replace job ( ^F).

Just tried that but cannot get it to do the job.
Find " (or two single quotes) and replace with '
It's best to backup your file in case " (or two single quotes) is used 

The find and replace gizzmo will not recognise the `` string

Re: Quotation mark issue

2004-09-04 Thread Rob S
Rich Shepard wrote:
On Sat, 4 Sep 2004, Rob S wrote:

The find and replace gizzmo will not recognise the `` string

 In the copy of LyX on this machine (-1.3.3Qt, linux) the `` is generated
by the " key, not two back tics. So, did you use two back tics or the
double-quote key (shift-right-little-finger)?

I've tried each and every combination; shift 2 (") places two closer 
spaced '' into the search text box.

this is on win xp

Re: Quotation mark issue

2004-09-05 Thread Rob S
Thanks to all for suggestions;
We got it sorted!
We opened each .lyx file in wordpad and conducted a find and replace 
from within this.

After experimentation we found that Lyx marks up quotation marks as one 
of the following dependent on type:

Quote eld
Quote erd
Quote els
Quote ers
Quote sld
Quote srd
Quote sls
Quote srs
And these strings are what you need to search for using the text editor.
Rob S

Re: Quotation mark issue

2004-09-06 Thread Rob S

or similar. Somebody will have a look than and give you a suitable sed
or perl command to fix your files.

Cheers Andre...
Its Sorted!
Angus L. has since given me a handy piece of annotated SED script that 
has helped do the job.

Rob S

Re: lyxpipe and BibTeX in Windows XP

2004-09-09 Thread Rob S
Jonathan Fram wrote:
I am having trouble creating a lyx pipe in Windows XP.  My goal is to use

I'm not aware that this is possible in Windows - I watch with interest.
A related problem occurs when I insert a BiBTeX Reference (Insert->Lists &
TOC->BiBTeX Reference).  I get a message box saying 'Windows cannot open
this file: ... What do you want to do? () Use the Web service to
find the appropriate program () Select the program from a list'. I can't
find an appropriate program for  After the message box I get a
BibTeX-Qt dialog which allows me to add the *.bib file I created in JabRef
and to select a bibliography style.  

This appears quite normally in XP but does not mess things in any way - 
just cancel it. (In ME it cancels instantly if my memory holds)

After that I can add references
(Insert->Citation Reference), so in a sense I don't need the lyx to JabRef

Correct, I find it very easy once the dialog box is filled in with the 
database name and the bib style

but I should be able to get the pipe working and I should be able to
use the BibTex Generated Reference without getting a strange error message.

Once you have specified the bib file and style file once and then saved 
the document you will not be bothered by this again.

Thanks in advance for your help,
recent convert from MS Word

Rob S

Re: \cite (multiple sources, each with separate pages)

2004-09-10 Thread Rob S
As near as I can tell, it is not possible to do something like the
following, at lest with packages I have examined (harvard, mcite,
authordate): text text text  my absurd claim (sourceA, location1;  
sourceB, location2; sourceC, location 3; etc, etc)

I find no help Lamport or Goossens et al.
If on Lyx 1.3.4 then Layout>>Document>>Bibliography check use Natbib
When you now insert a citation you have multiple chioces as to how it is 

If version less than 1.3.x then add to preamble
and find the documentation for the package here:
Rob S

Re: lyxpipe and BibTeX in Windows XP

2004-09-11 Thread Rob S

 Use the Web service to
find the appropriate program () Select the program from a list'. I can't
find an appropriate program for  After the message box I 
get a
Ok, this will hide it.
When the prompt appears to "open with"
Browse to /lyx/bin and select sh.exe
check the "always use.." box
I hope that won't upset other .sh files!
Can someone correct this if need be. This method associates .sh files 
with sh.exe.

BTW This does not solve the error, just hides it!
Also, if someone can explain what is intended to do since on 
windows XP it fails at line 1. (Herbert or Jean-Marc perhaps). I note no 
trouble without it though.

Rob S

Re: lyxpipe and BibTeX in Windows XP

2004-09-11 Thread Rob S


Also, if someone can explain what is intended to do since 
on windows XP it fails at line 1. (Herbert or Jean-Marc perhaps). I 
note no trouble without it though.
By adding the path to lyx/bin manually at line 1 thus:
the now script works! It tells me:
Indexing files of type cls
Indexing files of type sty
Indexing files of type bst
I guess that must mean something in the scheme of things.
Rob S

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