Re: New Perl-Installation on new OS X

2011-06-10 Thread Doug McNutt
At 10:38 -0400 6/10/11, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 10:34 AM, John Delacour wrote:
 What would be the effect of setting a value (or no value) for PERL5LIB in

That plist is for setting up environment variables for GUI apps. It
has no effect on shell sessions.

That's not the case for 10.3.9. Has it changed?

I have been defining $PERL5LIB and some other stuff  in environment.plist for 
years mostly because of AppleScripts I like to use. Most of the scripts are 
executed with osascript from a shell and they work fine with no additional 
redefinition in .tcshrc.

They also work OK when I log in to 10.3.9  from a Linux box or use bbedit 

I always thought environment.plist was just a way to be sure things were set 
immediately after the sort of login that is used to start up the machine rather 
than waiting for a shell style login.

-- A fair tax is one that you pay but I don't --

Re: clipboard and macos

2010-05-10 Thread Doug McNutt
Top posted :

Try using the pbcopy and pbpaste UNIX tools provided with Mac OS neXt or 
perhaps Open BSD,

You can shell out using a line like this

$theclipboard = `pbpaste`;

man pbcopy or man pbpaste in for more.

At 21:54 -0700 5/9/10, Spencer Chase wrote:
sorry for posting to a bunch of lists, some of which i may not be
subscribed to. please write to me directly since i forget which lists
i am receiving.

i have spent the entire day trying to figure out how to copy to the
system clipboard on the Mac OSX (darwin) non of the CPAN modules seems
to work for darwin. i have tried clipboard which is supposed to work
with most OSs but i get all sorts of errors that i have not been able
to resolve in hours and hours of attempts. i am just trying to use the
example code in the clipboard module which works fine for win32 but
nothing i can modify in the module gets it to work on Mac OSX.

i have also tried mac pasteboard but there is not PPM for it and i
could not get it installed myself.

anything else that might work? i am using TKx and need to copy from an
entry widget to other applications. no problems copying and pasting
with the app, it is the system clipboard that i need to copy to.

-- Best regards, Spencer Chase
67550-Bell Springs Rd.
Garberville, CA 95542 Postal service only.
Laytonville, CA 95454 UPS only.
(707) 984-8356 
(707) 972-3149


-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: Help setting Perl path

2009-09-21 Thread Doug McNutt
I'm adding some comments between yours. To me the state of affairs reminds me 
of the terrible problems I got into when first moving from MacPerl on OS 9 to 
real perl on OS 10. With Fink, DarwinPorts, and CPAN I got really lost. 
Darwin is now MacPorts and CPAN has been improved but I'm stuck on OS 10.3.9 
because I insist on using my SE/30 file server from long ago.  Ubuntu is fun.

What I have been personally doing is just not using stuff directly from any of 
those we'll do it for you schemes that seem always to have an entirely 
different idea about how I want to organize my life with my computer. I use 
those sites as sources of code but I pretty much always recompile the stuff 
here or, in the case of perl modules that don't use any included C code, it's 
just a copy  of the source. I put things in my home directory under $HOME/perl/ 
and point to that with $PERL5LIB. It's often a pain because of dependencies 
that you don't discover right away but I prefer that to not having the foggiest 
idea where things were put.

You are less familiar with command line UNIX than I am and I am still having 
problems because of my prior experience on a 64 kiloword UNIX box in the late 
1970's gets in the way of more modern tools. I'm also a csh user who has never 
figured out sh and bash.

Others on this list are more knowledgeable than I. I hope some of them will 
have suggestions based on comments here and below.

At 22:23 +0100 9/17/09, Mine wrote:
You are right the first line of get_iplayer is #!/usr/bin/perl

That's pretty much standard these days. It's there so the UNIX kernel knows 
what software - perl - to use when executing a file by typing its name at the 
start of a command line.

Up to line 25 appear like comments about the program.
Line 26 is:  package main;
Line 50:  use Env q...@path];

Normally the environment variable PATH would be accessed by $p = $ENV{'PATH'}; 
followed by a split command to change the string to a list of individual 
directories. This author uses the Env module probably because perl works in 
non-UNIX environments and the module makes the code portable.

Line 51 down to 69 is the Perl modules to use
use Env q...@path];
use Fcntl;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use File::stat;
use Getopt::Long;
use HTML::Entities;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use HTTP::Headers;
use IO::Seekable;
use IO::Socket;
use LWP::ConnCache;
#use LWP::Debug qw(+);
use LWP::UserAgent;
use POSIX qw(mkfifo);
use strict;
#use warnings;
use Time::Local;
use URI;
use POSIX qw(:termios_h);

Those seem reasonable. Note that the # lines are commented out. They were 
likely used during debugging by the author.

When I use either of the following:
 /usr/local/bin/perl   -w   get_iplayer
 /usr/local/bin/perl5.10.1   -w   get_iplayer

With all of the copies of perl you seem to have the execute line with the 
complete path to perl5.10.1 is probably what you  should be sticking with.. 
With it you will be ignoring the #! line in the code for  get_iplayer. You 
might also want to prepare a complete path for get_iplayer and put it into the 
command. Your shell will allow you to make an alias of the line so it's easy to 

I get this in the Terminal:
Can't locate loadable object for module HTML::Parser in @INC
   (@INC  contains:
   /usr/local/lib/ perl5/5.10.1
   /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1 .)
at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/ HTML/ line 145

Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/HTML/ 
line 145.
Compilation failed in require at get_iplayer line 56.
I assumed that some of the modules are missing so when I used  to try  and 
install then I get the following:
cpan install HTML::Entities
HTML::Entities is up to date.

What's happening is that HTML::Entities contains a use HTML::Parser probably 
at line 145. I would look up the code for HTML::Entities and have a look. With 
luck the module will be pure perl with no C-language parts. In any case what 
you would need to install is HTML::Parser - and anything it uses.  The problem 
is recursive dependencies which CPAN, and the other port services are supposed 
to be taking care of. My experience with that is terrible and, by the way, it's 
not so good in many UNIX distributions other than OS neXt either.

CPAN seems to think all the modules are up to date.

 Do a Finder get info on /usr/bin/perl and post what it says.

No sure what you need me to post. Kind: Unix Executable File, Size:  20 KB, 
Where: /usr/bin, Open with: not applicable.
Yeah. Finder doesn't speak perl or UNIX very well.

 ls -lF /usr/bin/perl*

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  19280 Jan 30  2006 /usr/bin/perl*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  19280 Jan 30  2006 /usr/bin/perl5.8.6*

That pair is interesting. It would be common to have /usr/bin/perl be a hard 
link (man ln for more about that) to the version of perl that a user wants to 
use. It might be created this way

Re: Help setting Perl path

2009-09-16 Thread Doug McNutt
At 22:10 +0100 9/16/09, Mine wrote:
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;


I have Perl 5.8.8 installed by MacPorts and a CPAN install of 5.10.1.
Is there a simple way switch between them hopefully from the Terminal,
so I can use 5.10.1 when using get_iplayer and 5.8.8 for other programs.

You must have links and aliases to perl that are making life difficult.

Copy the first 5 lines of the get_iplayer script and post them. I'm 
particularly interested in a line, probably the first, that is something like:


Copy and paste some of the Terminal lines you have used with the error messages 
included and post them too. Is it just


Or have you tried things like:
/usr/local/bin/perl   -w   get_iplayer
/usr/local/bin/perl5.10.1   -w   get_iplayer

Do a Finder get info on /usr/bin/perl and post what it says.

In terminal, do these:

ls -lF /usr/bin/perl*
  and post the answer.

file /usr/bin/perl
  and post the answer.

and . . .
seems to have acquired a space. in the middle of the line. That has to be an 
e-mail problem.  Sigh.

You can make a Finder alias or a UNIX link to the full path to the perl you 
want to use. Call it myperl and make it executable.  man ln in Terminal for 
more on that.

myperl get_iplayer

-- In Christianity, man can have only one wife. This is known as monotony. --

Re: Perl install problems OSX 10.4.11

2009-09-15 Thread Doug McNutt
At 13:04 +0100 9/15/09, Mine wrote:
Hi Doug,

Just before I create the file I would like to check a few points.

 but you should edit that so that the first directory, before the  first 
 separating colon, is the one that perl 5.10 is in

I am not quite sure which is the main Perl folder.  /usr/local/bin  contains 
two Unix executable Perl files - Perl and
Perl 5.10.1. I assume that this should be the first directory.

Ouch.  There really ought NOT to be two perl executables. And they would have 
to have different names to be allowed in the file system. Is there a Macintosh 
alias or a UNIX link called perl which points to one of them?  You might even 
find a link/alias in /usr/bin or /bin that some helpful porter put there.  The 
UNIX tool:

which perl

can be helpful. You can also, in Terminal, do something like

cd /usr/ local/lib/perl5/5.10.1
./perl -v

to see just what you have. The ./ tells the kernel to forget about $PATH and 
look in the current directory only. In real UNIX file systems perl and Perl 
would be different. Apple's HFS file system treats them the same (well you can 
change that) but the likes of CPAN and perl itself might not.

Which files is PERL5LIB. All the installed modules are stored in /usr/ 
local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/. Is this the location of
the PERL5LIB. If so, do I need the full path /usr/local/lib/ perl5/5.10.1/ or 
can I use /usr/local/lib/.

Environment variable PERL5LIB adds a directory of your choice to perl's @INC 
list. The way I use it is to place modules, some of my own creation and others 
downloaded from the likes of CPAN, into my own directory in my own space where 
I can control it all. Placing a directory within a perl distribution into 
PERL5LIB probably won't help much but it's conceivable that you could pick up a 
module from one distribution for use in another.  Personally I have had serious 
problems with CPAN which are related to my need to keep modules on a disk that 
is not the startup disk. The procedures may be better now - it has been a few 
years and OS neXt versions since I have tried.

If the above is correct, then the following is what I think I should  write to 
a plist file.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN http://
plist version=1.0

opt/local/bin and /opt/local/sbin is taken from a .profile created by  
MacPorts which
I hope will preserve the links for MacPorts.

I think this would be better.  I have added the directories that have the 
regular UNIX tools in them at the end. Yours will be looked at first.. I have 
also removed a space. Watch out for line ends added by rampant email and mail 
list services there should be no line ends or spaces between string and 
/string and the DOCTYPE line should be all one line.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN;
plist version=1.0


You can also, in Terminal, change the PATH temporarily with the shell path 
(lower case) command or by resetting environment variable PATH which is setenv 
in my favorite shell (tcsh) but is different in bash. Remember that you have to 
log out and back in to persuade OS neXt to read the plist file.

The sbin directories are supposed to be for use by system managers. You might 
not need them but there are those periodic cleanups that run automatically. 


-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: Perl install problems OSX 10.4.11

2009-09-14 Thread Doug McNutt
Is it possible that some perl modules are not installed until Apple's developer 
tools are installed?

-- A fair tax is one that you pay but I don't --

Re: Perl install problems OSX 10.4.11

2009-09-14 Thread Doug McNutt
At 23:26 +0100 9/14/09, Mine wrote:
Is it possible to add the Perl 5.10.1 path to the environment so i  
don't loose the MacPort option.

mkdir $HOME/.MacOSX

and put this, after changing it a bit, in the new folder. This is just a copy 
of mine.

cat  $HOME/.MacOSX/environment.plist
paste the text of the new file here

should handle it without having to use finder which just doesn't like 
directories that start with a dot.

Note that you cannot add things to PATH this way. You have to specify the 
whole thing with full path names. The file is read when you log in to OS neXt 
in the GUI sense. It is not read when you open a Terminal or run a perl script.

[~]% cat ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN;
plist version=1.0
stringDouglas P. McNutt/string



-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: Perl install problems OSX 10.4.11

2009-09-14 Thread Doug McNutt
At 01:10 +0100 9/15/09, Mine wrote:
Hi Doug,

Thanks for the info, but I think this possibly way out side my level  of 
Would what you have suggested allow get_iplayer find the path to Perl  5.10.1
when I try to run get_iplayer from the terminal?

If it does then I don't fully understand your instructions.
I assume mkdir $HOME/.MacOSX creates a directory. I tried it but  could not
find the directory. When I used cat  $HOME/.MacOSX/environment.plist  in the
Terminal, it seemed to hang.

When you say paste the text of the new file here what text do you  mean?

cat, used that way is waiting for you to paste the text onto the Terminal 
screen.  The text will become the contents of the environment.plist file.

The problem is that Apple takes pleasure in making things difficult for users 
who might be able to muck something up. Those leading dots typically identify 
files that are private to the system. You can see dotted files with the unix 
command  ls -a for list all.

cat stands for concatenate which reads standard input, the terminal screen, and 
writes to standard out which the  directs to a file.  You use control-D to 
terminate the input. I also used cat to display my environment.plist file. You 
can see the command that immediately precedes the text.

But remember that you do have to edit the copy of my file to meet your needs. 
It is likely that you need only the PATH part but you should edit that so that 
the first directory, before the first separating colon, is the one that perl 
5.10 is in. You probably don't want my personal bin directory but you might 
want to have a PERL5LIB directory which could also contain modules that would 
be found wherever perl came from. The /bin and /usr/bin items are pretty much 
required. cat, for instance, gets found that way.

The file format is xml. Entries are in pairs of lines key defines the name 
and string declares the corresponding value.

You might well have a text editor, bbedit or text wrangler (its free cousin)  
come to mind, that would have no problems dealing with directories whose names 
start with a dot. That would be fine in place of unix tool cat.

You could also use Apple's plist editor but I suspect it would confuse you more 
than it would help. I dislike it.

-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: Perl install problems OSX 10.4.11

2009-09-12 Thread Doug McNutt
At 23:22 +0100 9/12/09, Mine wrote:

Thanks for your excellent response, makes installing so easy assuming  I did 
it correctly.
I think everything that was required is installed, but I am not sure  
everything was installed
in the right location.

It appears that Perl 5.10.1 was installed and all the modules I  installed are 
associated with
Perl 5.10.1. When I try to run the get_iplayer PVR module I get the  following 
Can't locate loadable object for module HTML::Parser in @INC (@INC  contains: 
(I have abbreviated the error message)

And when I enter perl -v  I get the following:
This is perl, v5.8.8 built for darwin-2level

So the system does not see the Perl 5.10.1 install. Can someone  please tell 
me if there is a
was to install the modules so they relate to perl, v5.8.8, or point  
get_iplayer to use Perl 5.10.1.

I suspect that Apple's perl is 5.8.8 and it is installed in /usr/bin. It needs 
to stay there because Apple's updates may depend on it. Installing 5.10.1 in 
/usr/bin/ replacing 5.8.8 is not recommended.

I also suspect that perl 5.10 is installed in /usr/local/bin but that might be 
different like /opt/bin depending on just how you installed it.. Look around 
for it. /opt/local/lib/ sounds unlikely to me.

You are probably going to make a change to your PATH environment variable to 
make the directory that perl 5,10 resides in appear before /usr/bin.

A shell command like: 
setenv PATH /usr/local/bin:$PATH  # csh

PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH   # something like this in bash
export PATH

You can also specify PATH in a startup file
but you'll have to create that including the .MacOSX directory unless it's 
already there. There are some instructions on Apple's web site. Ask if you'd 
like a sample.

@INC is a perl array that lists directories in which modules can be found. 
There are a bunch of standard locations relative to the directory that perl 
itself lives in but you can add more directories by setting the PERL5LIB 
environment variable to a PATH-like list of other directories. That too can be 
done in environment.plist.

It's a bit hard to understand why iplayer doesn't have an installation script 
or at least some less geeky instructions for users.


-- A fair tax is one that you pay but I don't --

Re: Dumb path question

2009-03-10 Thread Doug McNutt

At 20:25 + 3/10/09, John Delacour wrote:

At 21:10 -0600 9/3/09, Doug McNutt wrote:

At 22:24 -0400 3/9/09, Chris Devers wrote:

How can a Perl script reliably, portably resolve the path inside which
it is running?...

$0  That's a zero.  Has always worked for me to produce a full path 
to a running perl script.

...There is a module cwd...

or rather Cwd.  $0 will give the name but not the full path, so I'd suggest
the following:

use Cwd;
my $currentdir = cwd();
print $currentdir/$0\n;

Interesting.  It turns out that I rarely call a stored perl script 
without specifying a full path in the call. I'm getting a full path 
in $0 when I do that. There may be more to think about.  The stuff I 
just checked calls the script itself which has been made executable 
rather than making a call to perl with the argument being the path to 
the script. I also don't know about a stored script placed in a 
directory that's included in $PATH but is not in $PWD.

portable seems to be the key here.  Modules good for that.

- Stocks are getting pilloreid -

Re: Adding to @INC

2009-01-07 Thread Doug McNutt

Mac OS neXt also provides for a file:

$HOME/.MacOSX/environment.plist.  .If it's not present you can create 
it and its hidden directory.  Contents are environment variables that 
you would like defined even if you haven't opened a 
session. AppleScript's do shell script command, for instance will not 
run your startup scripts for your chosen shell.

In environment.plist you can define

PERL5LIB   as   /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8

without adding whatever else was in $PERL5LIB.  The result is 
independent of your choice of shell.  Apple has published a note on 
it somewhere. Concatenations to existing environment variables will 
not work.

Watch out for some errant scripts in /etc/ that once overwrote $PATH 
when it was redefined in environment.plist.


-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: MacPort: how to port perl?

2008-09-07 Thread Doug McNutt
At 18:23 -0400 9/7/08, Vic Norton wrote:
As far as I can tell Perl on a Mac pays absolutely no attention the  
environmental variable PERL5LIB. I have eliminated all PERL5LIB  specifications 
on my machine.

You WILL have that problem if you try to define PERL5LIB as an environment 
variable in your .profile or one of the *rc scripts.

If you define it in $HOME/.MacOSX/environment.plist it will actually be read at 
log in to aqua time and will be reflected in whatever shell script or bbedit 
worksheet that you open after that.

A login to MacOS neXt bears no resemblance to a login via ssh.

-- If  it's not  on  fire  it's  a  software  problem. --

Re: Can't find Mac::Growl

2008-08-26 Thread Doug McNutt
At 18:17 -0400 8/25/08, David Green wrote:
 Can't locate Mac/Glue/ in @INC

There is an environment variable PERL5LIB that can be set to add directories to 
perl's default include path. It is, for instance, possible to add the library 
from a previous install to @INC.  There is some danger of incompatibility but 
it's easy enough to try.


is a file you would need to modify or create.  In it you can define PERL5LIB as 
you want. The format is available on Apple's site. Ask if you'd like a copy of 
mine. Note the dot in .MacOSX.


-- A fair tax is one that you pay but I don't --

Re: MacPerl Script on OS X

2008-08-23 Thread Doug McNutt
At 08:43 +0100 8/23/08, Eberhard Lisse wrote:
  7 open (trans, g5hd:newScansImages:trans) or die Error, can't open;

open (TRANS, /Volumes/g5hd/newScansImages/trans)
 or die Error can't open $!\n;

Be really careful about that /Volumes/ directory.  Apple uses it as a mount 
point for external and secondary disks and not for the root disk which can't 
have a name other than / in the world of UNIX.

g5hd sounds a lot like a user inserted name for a main disk.  The proper form 
in the UNIX - perl5 world would be more like


where the leading solidus is the root directory for the operating system.

A sure way to get the right string is to open and use Finder to 
drag a file icon into the window. will display the POSIX path 
relative to the current working directory which you might want to set to / with 
a  cd / command.


-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: How to run Perl script at Mac OS (Darwin) Release?

2008-03-09 Thread Doug McNutt
Hashing of tools by shells has not been mentioned. It may not be part of the 
problem but on invocation many, if not all, shells examine the $PATH variable 
and make a table of executables that it finds. The table is then converted to a 
hashed lookup array in order to improve speed of response. (That probably makes 
little sense today but it was started during the days of mag tape.)

So if you create a perl script, place it somewhere in $PATH, and set its 
execute permission a running shell will not find it. A full path, perhaps 
starting with the current directory  .  always works.

In tcsh the command to rework the hash of tools is rehash. Restarting the 
shell with a new window will do pretty much the same thing.


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, though not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: MacPerl Script on OS X

2008-02-28 Thread Doug McNutt
At 16:52 -0500 2/28/08, Jay Savage wrote:
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 4:03 PM, Ben Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Perl 4.X script that runs using MacPerl in Classic on my G5
  Mac but I can't get it to run using Perl in 10.4.11.

  What do I need to do to make it run?

  Thanks for any suggestions.

Upgrade it work with Perl 5.x ;)

Seriously, though: what errors are you seeing? Does it rely on any
modules? Perhaps mober that the permissions scheme is different on X, and if 
it was
set to run under MacPerl on Classic, it won't be executable by

Unfortunately, a *lot* has changed in the last 15 years (the last
perl4 release was in 1993), so I don't think anyone is going to be
able to give you a list of all the things that could be going wrong
off the tops of their heads.

Post the errors, though, and if possible the problematic code, and we can help.

One very simple possibility is that the line ends in the code itself may need 
to be converted from Mac Classic 0D's to UNIX 0A's.  52 kB is one 

Remember that in MacPerl the designator \n generates 0D and \r generates 0A. 
That's reversed from UNIX conventions which are used in OS neXt.


-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: Proposed Mac::Pasteboard

2008-01-25 Thread Doug McNutt
At 03:15 + 1/21/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there a module that will let one manipulate a Mac OS X pasteboard? There  
does not seem to be anything on CPAN that strikes me as being for that purpose.

Have a look at the tools pbcopy and pbpaste that are delivered with OS neXt.

There is a subtle difference between pasteboard and clipboard. NeXt has a 
pasteboard which sometimes refers to the current selection and not just to 
something that has been copied. That allows services to do things like 
execute selected text as a terminal command.


-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: CamelBones...

2008-01-10 Thread Doug McNutt
At 09:31 -0500 1/10/08, Dan Neville wrote:
I am writing an application in Perl and compiling it in CamelBones. I want to 
make it a DragDrop.  I can't get the pasteboard to pass the file or folder 
information to the script.  Does anyone have an example I could use as a 

If all of Sherm's X-code stuff confuses your brain there is an AppleScript 
solution that doesn't make you learn the details of AppleScript. There is an 
example, with source, in:

It's actually some C drivel that changes line ends in text files but it could 
just as well have been a perl executable with a #! line at the top. It might 
now work properly for an application that is running when the drag occurs.


-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: Mac OS alias from Perl

2007-12-09 Thread Doug McNutt
At 20:11 +0900 12/9/07, Peter N Lewis wrote:
At 19:01 -0500 8/12/07, Dan Neville wrote:
Does anyone know how to make a Mac OS alias in Perl?  So, I wish to have Perl 
create aliases in multiple directories rather than copy the original file.

There actually is no API call to create an alias file.

You can do it in Perl as described at

Alternatively, you can make a new alias via AppleScripting the Finder as:

set thaAlias to Harddisk:Users:peter:thefile.cpp as alias

tell application Finder
   set f to make new alias file at desktop to thaAlias
end tell

If you're not into the O-O stuff involved with the AppleScript modules, and 
you're not in a hurry, it's possible to invoke the osascript tool from within 
perl using backticks. You can create a string of AppleScript commands to pass 
to it with simple perl concatenations like .= or you can use a  here 
document with perl's here or with shell's here depending on how you set the 

Test your AppleScript code with Script Editor first.

Using Finder is pretty much required because Finder owns the specification 
for an alias file. I have never seen a formal description of that or, for that 
matter, an alias resource. They are based on the file-id number which never 
repeats as files are created on a partition but there is more to it because 
that doesn't always work. Aliases do survive a file name change by the user and 
they use volume names so that Finder can request a floppy by name if an old 
alias pops up. What can cause an alias to fail is an editor that always writes 
the changed file to a newly created copy and then changes the names around so 
the original becomes the backup. The alias will point to the original while a 
symbolic link will point to the new.


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, though not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: interaction between tr and s (was Re: tr question -- probably wrong list to ask, but ...)

2007-12-01 Thread Doug McNutt
At 17:03 +0900 12/1/07, Joel Rees wrote:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

At 11:43 +0900 12/1/07, Joel Rees wrote:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP; delsp=yes; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I had some intermittent problems reading your postings using Eudora-5 on this 
Mac 8500 running OS9.1 which I prefer for email.

The $line =~ tr/+/ /; showed up as $line =? tr/+/ /;  and I got a couple of yen 
marks.  I blamed it on lack of unicode support. Looking back I see a couple of 
Content headers in your email that bother me They both say simple 7 bit ASCII 
but then they also have divers encodings stated which really are about how to 
use the eighth bit.

There is also the big-endian / little-endian consideration which has reared its 
ugly head with the introduction of Intel machines running Mac OS.

Is it possible that some of the failure to decode %xx encoded stuff is 
associated with development on one machine followed by execution on another? Is 
UTF-8 input coming from the likes of Apache a possible source of failure? Pack 
may need to allow for endian-ness of a specific machine.


-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: tr question (probably wrong list to ask, but ...)

2007-11-30 Thread Doug McNutt
At 21:29 -0500 11/30/07, Chas. Owens wrote:
The tr/// operator does not take a regex, it takes two strings.

Yep. Damn. What I meant to type is
 $line =~ s/\+/ /g;

But that does explain why there was no error message.

Looking at Joel's code the substitute might still be the way to go.


-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: tr question (probably wrong list to ask, but ...)

2007-11-30 Thread Doug McNutt
At 01:56 + 12/1/07, Andy Holyer wrote:
On 1 Dec 2007, at 00:33, Joel Rees wrote:

This is probably the wrong list for this question, but is anyone  willing to 
give me a clue why

$line =~ tr/+/ /;

would clip out the lead bytes of a shift-JIS string in a cgi script?

what was just expressed, but you haven't expressed anything so far,  so god 
knows what it will match.

I think you meant to say .+, but that will just delete the whole  string in 
this context. What did you want to do?

+ is a special representation of a space in URL encoding but it's the 
one-or-more collective char in perl.  My guess is that the intent is to replace 
plus's with spaces which requires escaping the +, How about

$line =~ tr/\+/ /g;

where I have added the g to get them all.

But what the devil is the thingy (missing char) repeated at least once? Should 
it not have produced a compile error or a least a warning?  Was the -w switch 

-- On the eighth day, about 6 kiloyears ago, the Lord realized that free will 
would make man ask what existed before the Creation. So He installed a few 
gigayears of history complete with a big bang and a fossilized record of 
evolution. --

Re: Is there a True Boolean type in Perl?

2007-10-15 Thread Doug McNutt
At 18:20 -0700 10/15/07, Michael Barto wrote:
I think in the more newer languages, they have implemented true booleans. Perl 
is kind of old school.

use constant TRUE = 1;
use constant FALSE = 0;

Is a complete solution in perl 5.  There was once a reason back in the time of 
grandfathered languages for booleans which actually used only one bit of a 
precious word of memory. That would be a true boolean. I'll bet those new 
school languages use a native word, 16 , 32, or perhaps 64 bits while arguing 
that it's faster and better that way.

--  Halloween  == Oct 31 == Dec 25 == Christmas  --

globbing with Apple's HFS+

2007-05-21 Thread Doug McNutt
The Camel book is a bit scary describing performance of filename globbing with 
the *.pl or the glob(*.pl) syntax with or without use Cwd in the 
preamble. Portability is declared questionable.

I find that the only thing that works is * within a loop where each file is 
tested by hand.

Consider this bit of doggerel.  I'm looking for special cases of a *.pl file 
that appears where * means the short name of the enclosing directory. Note 
especially the last command in the second while loop. It works not!  What 
happens is that the second pass through the while() loop begins in the previous 
directory at the point where it was cut short after finding the file I want. If 
I comment out the last statement, so that all of the files in the directory are 
processed, everything works.

my ($trial, $ddd, $lookfor, $error, $nextdir);
@thefolders = ();
@directories = ();
while ($trial = *)
if (-d $trial)
push @thefolders, $trial;
#  print REPORT $trial\n;
for $ddd (@thefolders)
$lookfor = $;
$nextdir = $mybase/$ddd;  # $mybase, global, is full path to initial 
$error = chdir $nextdir;
while (*)
if ($_ eq $lookfor)
push @directories, $ddd;
#  print REPORT Added directory $ddd,  $lookfor in $ddd\n;
#  last;  # Fails.  while() continues where it left off in the previous 

If I try finding *.pl, $lookfor, or glob($lookfor) I get a real mess with 
hits from directories that bear no resemblance to the most recent chdir which 
returned without error.

Making the second while loop operate within the while looking for directories 
is even worse.

I'll probably get around to looking more deeply but there's little point if 
someone here knows that it's all a known problem on MacOS neXt.  (10.3.9 here 
because I need to talk to my SE/30 file server.) Oh It's perl 5.8.1-RC3.


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, though not thoroughly, thought through.

globbing with Apple's HFS+

2007-05-19 Thread Doug McNutt
The Camel book is a bit scary describing performance of filename globbing with 
the *.pl or the glob(*.pl) syntax with or without use Cwd in the 
preamble. Portability is declared questionable.

I find that the only thing that works is * within a loop where each file is 
tested by hand.

Consider this bit of doggerel.  I'm looking for special cases of a *.pl file 
that appears where * means the short name of the enclosing directory. Note 
especially the last command in the second while loop. It works not!  What 
happens is that the second pass through the while() loop begins in the previous 
directory at the point where it was cut short after finding the file I want. If 
I comment out the last statement, so that all of the files in the directory are 
processed, everything works.

my ($trial, $ddd, $lookfor, $error, $nextdir);
@thefolders = ();
@directories = ();
while ($trial = *)
if (-d $trial)
push @thefolders, $trial;
#  print REPORT $trial\n;
for $ddd (@thefolders)
$lookfor = $;
$nextdir = $mybase/$ddd;  # $mybase, global, is full path to initial 
$error = chdir $nextdir;
while (*)
if ($_ eq $lookfor)
push @directories, $ddd;
#  print REPORT Added directory $ddd,  $lookfor in $ddd\n;
#  last;  # Fails.  while() continues where it left off in the previous 

If I try finding *.pl, $lookfor, or glob($lookfor) I get a real mess with 
hits from directories that bear no resemblance to the most recent chdir which 
returned without error.

Making the second while loop operate within the while looking for directories 
is even worse.

I'll probably get around to looking more deeply but there's little point if 
someone here knows that it's all a known problem on MacOS neXt.  (10.3.9 here 
because I need to talk to my SE/30 file server.) Oh It's perl 5.8.1-RC3.


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, though not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: @INC problem

2007-02-22 Thread Doug McNutt
At 18:21 -0500 2/22/07, Vic Norton wrote:
So this is my question. How do I add /Library/Perl/5.8.6 to @INC, without 
having to add
   use lib /Library/Perl/5.8.6;
to every script ?

It's likely that there is abetter way, but. . .

If you define the environment variable PERL5LIB in your 
$HOME/.MacOSX/environment.plist file you can add directories to @INC which will 
be present no matter what shell or scripting language you are using. There is 
an Apple-provided app note about environment.plist.

What I worry about is the older functions in 5.8.6 may not work.

-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: Strange problem with @INC

2007-01-10 Thread Doug McNutt
At 08:53 -0500 1/10/07, Jay Savage wrote:
As I said before, you have two options here. Since reinstalling all
your Finked software manually probably isn't appealing, what you need
to do is use your .xinitrc file to setup the fink environment in X.
Either setup your PATH and PERL5LIB manually in .xinitrc (it works
just like any other rc file) or source /sw/bin/

Another option on a Mac is to define $PERL5LIB at the time of login to the OS 

That is done with an XML file $HOME/.MacOSX/environment.plist where you can set 
environment variables that are set up for all applications you activate. Apple 
has a note on it that CAN be found on apple,com.

A well behaved rc file will NOT remove things previously defined but 
/etc/cshrc, the global startup file, can and will overwrite any $PATH you set 
in environment.plist.

--  The greenhouse effect due to water vapor has never been fully modeled and 
weather forecasting remains irreducibly complex. It is clear that global 
warming is the act of an Intelligent Designer. --

Perl Module Installation in $HOME

2006-08-24 Thread Doug McNutt
At 17:03 +0100 8/24/06, David Cantrell wrote:
Run the CPAN shell as root as all will be well.


Although I have root privileges on all machines around here there are still two 
of use who install things and I much prefer NOT to step on the War Department's 
toes. She's the one who keeps my Linux OS's up to date and I rarely know 
whether it's Fedora or Ubuntu because I log in from OS neXt..

My solution is to use the --prefix option in ./configure to point to

--prefix $HOME/local

In $HOME/local/ there are the usual directories one of which is 
$HOME/local/bin/ or in some cases $HOME/perl/.  I see to it that the PERL5LIB 
environment variable gets set to one or the other of those. My $PATH is set to 
look at the $HOME/local/bin/ directory first.

The result is that I can compile and install without being root. My stuff does 
not get any chance to screw up something like a system update from Apple or 
some Linux distribution. I happily accept the responsibility for fixing things 
up if such an update requires changes to my stuff. My own perl modules end up 
in $HOME/local so there can be no accidental naming confusion.

The problem is - - - How do I tell cpan to do things that way? - especially 
when there is a batch of dependencies to worry about.

-- The message came to Abraham that he would beget a son. Sarah, who was 
behind the door, laughed. --

Re: Perl Module Installation in $HOME

2006-08-24 Thread Doug McNutt
At 19:39 +0100 8/24/06, John Delacour wrote:
All tests successful, 1 subtest skipped.
Files=18, Tests=503,  3 wallclock secs ( 1.75 cusr +  0.50 csys =  2.25 CPU)
  /usr/bin/make test -- OK
Running make install
Installing /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/
Installing /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/CGI/
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man3/CGI.3
... etc.

I guess I wasn't clear. I want the modules installed in my $HOME directory so 
that they won't

1) Get lost when a newer OS gets installed - especially with Linux.

2) Get in the way of someone else's, the main geek - my wife's, idea of what 
should be there.

Installation in /usr/local gets me into trouble. $HOME/local/bin and the like 
is what I want cpan to use for me. Just downloading source and doing any 
required makes myself seems to work OK except that dependencies get to be a 
PITA. When the module is all perl code there is really nothing to make anyway 
and I can just reload my $HOME directory from a backup.

-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: Math::GMP and Net::SSH::Perl

2006-08-05 Thread Doug McNutt
At 18:29 -0700 8/5/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoted:
On Aug 5, 2006, at 3:43 PM, Michael Barto wrote:
The issue is that the Math/ is located in my development  directory :


setenv PERL5LIB /Users/Mbarto/Development/Perl

export PERL5LIB

Either way perl will add the directory to @inc before it starts compiling.

-- In Christianity, man can have only one wife. This is known as monotony. --

Re: How a file gets copied remotely

2006-08-03 Thread Doug McNutt
Perhaps I'm ranting but this IS an Apple based list.

In MacOS classic from M1, I can mount a folder that exists on M2 and another 
folder that exists on M3.

Dragging a file, as an icon on a CRT connected to M1, from M2 to M3 goes 
directly with no problem. I think it's because high level AppleEvents are set 
up to handle copies and moves like that. The 128 kb/sec LocalTalk network it 
was designed for may have had an effect.

But I can't do that if  M1 is running Tiger. Apple deliberately turned it off 
for my OS 7 machines..


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, though not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: Mac / Perl / 3D

2006-07-25 Thread Doug McNutt
At 09:59 +0800 7/26/06, Peter N Lewis wrote:
I'm interested in producing some drawings/diagrams/pictures based on 3D 
data/objects generated from Perl.  Something that would allow me to write code 
that generates boxes, cylinders, spheres, etc with various colours and 
material styles and generate an image (or potentially an animation).

I have used perl on a Mac, starting with MacPerl, to generate Autodesk DXF 
formatted stuff. Not much in 3D but a couple of specialized projects that 2D 
folks were happy with.

If you start with an exported DXF file from the version of AutoCAD that's being 
used you can copy the boilerplate from front and back. I usually use 
Vectorworks to view my own work and it doesn't care much about the boilerplate. 
There is other software that reads and displays the format. The current 
specification for DXF is freely available at the AutoCAD web site in html 

Ask if you'd like some samples.

-- Life begins at ovulation. Ladies should endeavor to get every young life 
fertilized. --

Re: Regex and Mac vs UNIX line endings

2006-07-19 Thread Doug McNutt
If you want to adjust the line ends in the files have a look at:  52 kB  4 kB

Yeah. It's pretty easy in perl too.

I have on occasion, read the first few hundred characters of a file and then 
searched for \n and \r and \r\n. From that I make a guess and reopen the file 
for line by line reading after setting $/ to what I found.

If you slurp in the whole string you can play with

$option1 = split /\n/, $thedata;
$option2 = split /\r/, $thedata;

Which option has the most elements?

split /(\r|\n)/, $thedata; # is an idea I just had. I wonder? 

-- Science is the business of discovering and codifying the rules and methods 
employed by the Intelligent Designer. Religions provide myths to mollify the 
anxiety experienced by those who choose not to participate. --

Re: hex editor

2006-05-20 Thread Doug McNutt
At 12:37 -0500 5/20/06, Joseph Alotta wrote:
I have this text file I want to read that has ^M as the record  separator (in 
emacs).  Is there a utility on the Mac that i can use  to view this file in 
hex.   I thought i remember something like hex  filename, but it is not 

hexedit is a GUI tool for Macintosh that has been around for a long time.

MPW and BBEdit have a dumpfile option that displays in hex but will not allow 

sedit was around for Classic OS which allowed editing and access to SCSI 
features. That probably is dead for ATA drives.

pack and print with perl??

-- From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. --

Re: When does a hash of lists get defined?

2006-04-05 Thread Doug McNutt
At 08:41 -0700 4/5/06, Stewart Leicester wrote:

'defined' will autovivify, 'exists' will not. I'll leave it up to Doug to 
decide if knowing that helps.

The Camel book, page 710 in the third edition is very clear that exists goes 
the same way as defined. But perl has gone through a couple of new versions 
since it was written.

Thanks to Stewart who did get me on the right track by mentioning exists. 
That's where I found autovivification mentioned in the Bible.

It also says there:

This behavior is likely to be fixed in a future release.

In 5.8.1-RC3 it hasn't changed.
I wonder if the comment refers to perl6 ?  Do those fellows know about it?

The solution for my problem was to test just the hash element without looking 
at the underlying list item. Exists and defined both work that way without 
behaving like the Creator. Checking for the list item =  also works if the 
vivifivation has occurred.

I appreciate the help from the list

-- Science is the business of discovering and codifying the rules and methods 
employed by the Intelligent Designer. Religions provide myths to mollify the 
anxiety experienced by those who choose not to participate. --

When does a hash of lists get defined?

2006-04-04 Thread Doug McNutt
While messing with CGI POSTed data I got trapped by this one.

Version 5.8.1-RC3 for Mac OS 10.3.9

It appears that the hash element D gets defined in the process of testing to 
see if an element in the associated string is defined. The last if below takes 
the else route.

Is that normal? Does it somehow make sense?

%phash = ();
foreach $jill (A, B, C)
for ($lynn = 0; $lynn3; $lynn++)
$phash{$jill}[$lynn] = $jill$lynn;
print \$phash{$jill}[$lynn] = $phash{$jill}[$lynn]\n;
if (! defined $phash{D})
print \$phash{D} is undefined, We expected that.\n;
if (! defined $phash{D}[3])
print \$phash{D}[3] is undefined. We expected that too.\n;
if (! defined $phash{D})
print \$phash{D} is undefined\n;
print \$phash{D} got defined - why?\n;


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, but not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: Faxing

2006-01-18 Thread Doug McNutt
At 13:29 -0600 1/17/06, Bill Stephenson wrote:
I want to write a script that faxes selected members of congress my humble 
opinions ;)

You can send e-mail from perl and that leads to two options:

1) Send the email to efax (sp) where it can be converted to FAX and sent  for a 

2) Don't vote for representatives who steadfastly refuse to publish an e-mail 
address. I know, they will need a clerk to read it but that's true for the FAX 
too. Joel Hefley; are you listening?

-- Love your country. But don't trust its government. --

Re: @INC

2006-01-05 Thread Doug McNutt
At 12:15 -0600 1/5/06, The Ghost wrote:
How can I permanently add to @INC?  I have 2 versions of perl  installed and 
only use one of them.  The reason for 2 versions is a  port system that 
refuses to rely on the already installed perl.

Try setting the PERL5LIB environment variable. It's formatted like a $PATH for 
perl. I set it in $HOME/.MacOSX/environment.plist so that it works when 
initiated from a Cocoa or Carbon application.

You may have a problem with incompatibility of stuff in an @INC area that 
demands another version of perl. That's why the ports don't attempt to mix 
things up.


-- Science is the business of discovering and codifying the rules and methods 
employed by the Intelligent Designer. Religions provide myths to mollify the 
anxiety experienced by those who choose not to participate. --

Re: CPAN modules ...

2005-12-30 Thread Doug McNutt
At 17:15 -0500 12/30/05, Vic Norton wrote:
A second question. When I run
   for (sort keys %ENV) {
  printf %25s = %s\n, $_, $ENV{$_};
from BBEdit, I see a small subset of the %ENV that comes from running
the script in Terminal. How can I make BBEdit's %ENV more like the
system %ENV?

I'm not so sure there IS a system environment. Login to Aqua and login to BSD 
are entirely different thingies.

The likes of /etc/profile or /etc/cshlogin and similar things which I have 
probably spelled wrong seem to override whatever the system sets up in the 
first place. They can be removed or edited.

You can set up an environment, that pretty much sticks, by creating a file and 


where you can set the environment so that it is the same whether you enter via 
some Cocoa app - BBEdit - or through  Apple has some info on that 
and a search in the developer area for environment.plist should show it up. 
Ask off line if you'd like a copy of mine.

But even if you set it there those damnable /etc/*  startup files can screw it 
all up.

And. . . You are running that script from a BBEdit worksheet are you not? If 
you're running it as a filter from the #! menu all bets are off. You are 
basically starting a brand new non-daughter shell and it probably doesn't get 
any variables you have changed in BBEdit.

-- Science is the business of discovering and codifying the rules and methods 
employed by the Intelligent Designer. Religions provide myths to mollify the 
anxiety experienced by those who choose not to participate. --

Re: Detecting file's line endings

2005-12-22 Thread Doug McNutt

At 15:15 + 12/22/05, James Harvard wrote:
I'm trying to detect a file's line endings (\r\n for DOS, \r for Mac 
and \n for Unix as I'm sure y'all know).  52 kB  4 kB

I have trouble with files that contain multiple types of line ends. 
The result was these drag and drop AppleScripts that might help. They 
do look at the whole file but the underlying code (included) is in C 
and pretty fast and not memory intensive. You can change or just test 
for line endings but they don't (yet) handle the two newer 16 bit 
unicode line ends.


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, but not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: The shell and my scripts

2005-07-29 Thread Doug McNutt
At 08:08 -0400 7/29/05, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Jul 28, 2005, at 11:10 PM, John Horner wrote:
What about a script run from BBEdit?

BBEdit is a GUI app, and GUI apps don't use your login shell. To  define 
environment variables to be used by GUI apps, have a look at  this QA from 

BBEdit also allows BBEdit worksheets which are a bit like Apple's MPW using 
ENTER to execute selected text as shell commands. If you are using one of those 
an instance of your selected shell, tcsh, is associated with each open 
worksheet. On opening a worksheet your ~/.tcshrc is sourced and you can set 
environment variables there. Your tcsh login script is NOT run.

It's probably better to create a $HOME/.MacOSX/environment.plist file but watch 
out for the public tcsh startup files in /etc/. As delivered they can overwrite 
your selections in the plist especially for $PATH. The plist is read only at 
login-to-Aqua time. If you change it you must logout and login again to see the 

Things are better now that it's UNIX underneath. Just ask Steve.

--  Halloween  == Oct 31 == Dec 25 == Christmas  --

Re: Different results using the substr command

2005-01-05 Thread Doug McNutt
At 22:23 + 1/5/05, John Delacour wrote:
If not then you need to consider your line endings.

And remember that MacPerl subscribes to the MPW convention that reverses the 
meanings of \n and \r for the Mac. (52 kB)  (4 kB)

might be useful.

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who 
don't --

Re: Reading in a File

2004-12-26 Thread Doug McNutt
At 22:44 -0500 12/25/04, Lola Lee wrote:
Nothing happens.  This lesson that I'm working on is working from the premise 
that people are using a Windows Perl installation.

Watch out for line ends in the source file that is being counted. Perl probably 
doesn't care because the return-linefeed pair from Windoze still contains the 
single linefeed that UNIX expects. But I have been fooled, especially with 
Unicode's two new code points representing line ends.


--  Halloween  == Oct 31 == Dec 25 == Christmas  --

Re: [OT] Text Editor for OSX

2004-10-03 Thread Doug McNutt
At 07:46 -0700 10/3/04, wren argetlahm wrote:
all correspondence should be directed to

I'm not so sure about the OT designation.

Apple's Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (MPW) is the best programming environment I 
have ever used. BBEdit worksheets are a start but are not nearly as flexible. emacs is 
another option but it still doesn't approach MPW with its window = file metaphor. MPW 
allows one to execute a shell command by selecting it and using the ENTER key. Output 
from the command, which can be a named file or an open window, can be redirected to 
any other open window or to a file.

A start for an editor is Apple's TextEdit  for which Cocoa source is available.

There is still an active MPW group and there is regular talk about getting MPW 
carbonized for OS neXt. Apple is not responding and makes it clear that it doesn't 
want to and won't release the source. It is likely that you could find support for 
your effort on the MPW mailing list 
especially if you are interested in making the editor a real shell while you're at it. 
Note that the source for tcsh is available from Debian with public license provisions.

--  The best programming tool is a soldering iron --

Re: BBEdit 8.0

2004-09-09 Thread Doug McNutt
At 19:41 -0500 9/9/04, Ian Ragsdale wrote:
Shell worksheets (allows easy editing  running of shell commands)

And there is by far the most important item. When the MacPerl port ran as an MPW tool 
it looked a whole lot like UNIX perl and you could run it from a command line, with 
arguments, and redirect output to another open window or to a file. Any open window, 
if it contained shell commands, could be invoked as a tool by simply naming it.

I am told, by my son, that the best replacement for MPW in OS neXt is really emacs but 
it requires that I learn smalltalk or something similar and, though I have read the 
book, I just ain't there. X11 isn't that easy to use either with my four monitors.

BBEdit worksheets are still fairly new and I really hope they will migrate more and 
more closely to either MPW or emacs.  As of now even emacs is not a real shell having 
to pass commands to the user's chosen shell. That makes handling the environment a 
pain just as it is in BBEdit. Each open document has its own associated shell process 
which doesn't talk to the others. MPW was a shell, of sorts, but the underlying 
operating system didn't have shells so the point is moot.

As of version 8 you cannot save a working BBEdit worksheet as an executable perl 
script. You must first convert to a normal BBEdit document and save that while adding 
the appropriate shebang line and executable permission bits. (Yes. you can muck with 
OS 9 file type and creator codes but it's not approved.)

It is so much easier to select a few lines of text and execute them than it is to play 
keyboard games with history arrays. . .  I wax happy about the concept but I miss OS 9 
and MPW.

BBEdit is the best choice right now. Every once in a while there is a burst of 
activity requesting a Carbon version of MPW. Should Apple decide to release the source 
code and provide some kernel hooks for intercepting read and write requests from 
compiled code it could become a real open-source competitor but BBEdit could easily 
beat it out by incorporating selected content from tcsh, or bash, so that BBEdit 
itself becomes a real boy -- er, a shell -- rather than a wooden one with a long nose..


--  Halloween  == Oct 31 == Dec 25 == Christmas  --

Re: Incorrect Path or format?

2004-07-27 Thread Doug McNutt
At 09:16 -0400 7/27/04, Nick Pappas wrote:
When I type: perl /Documents/simple_print, I get the diagnostic
Can't open perl script /Documents/simple_print: No such file or directory

Your documents folder is probably in your home directory rather than on the root.

perl $HOME/Documents/simple_print


cd $HOME/Documents
perl simple_print

The OS neXt GUI confuses the concept when it offers the option of saving to 


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, but not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: Perl droplet how?

2004-06-06 Thread Doug McNutt
At 15:06 -0400 6/6/04, Ingo Weiss wrote:
how can i make a Perl droplet (A Perl script that processes files or
folders dropped onto it) fast and easily?

One way is to write a three line AppleScript. An advantage - or disadvantage - is that 
aliases and symbolic links will be resolved before you get the file to process. 
AppleScript has a do shell script command that doesn't care if the script is really 

Sample code - for something else - is at:

You can also make a script into a package but getting a dropped file will require more:

Is a tcsh script I wrote which will make a double-clickable Finder-recognized app from 
a script. It does not pick up dropped items.


-- Life begins at ovulation. Ladies should endeavor to get every young life 
fertilized. --

Re: Basic question

2004-05-22 Thread Doug McNutt
At 10:10 -0500 5/22/04, Timothy Bailey wrote:
Oddly enough, shell scripts (which I am less familiar with) don't seem to pay 
attention to the shebang line either.  I am guessing that the problems are related.

You do have the execute bit set don't you?

chmod 755 yourScript

In any case it's not perl that isn't recognizing the shebang line, it's your working 
shell. Learn about tool hashing and the rehash command if it's tcsh.

If your script is in the current working directory try ./yourscript.  That's 
dot-slash. It will avoid the hashing.

Think about creating a $HOME/bin/ directory and adding it to your path in 

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: Web servers with cable DSL

2004-03-16 Thread Doug McNutt
At 20:23 -0700 3/16/04, Joel Rees wrote:
I guess that 'll make it a sort of world of geocities minus the ads, lusers, l33tz, 
and exploits. And google will run the yellow pages.

We, in the USA, once had the best in the whole world.

-- The corporate income tax is a sales tax collected, on behalf of the government, 
through price increases. It is paid in the end by consumers of the products. --

Re: Soliciting opinions from Applescript refugees

2004-02-28 Thread Doug McNutt
At 01:08 -0600 2/28/04, Chap Harrison wrote:
I am about to switch away from Applescript -- either that, or go mad.

Welcome to perl. You will be pleased.

It involves loading a Filemaker database.

I'm sorry for you. When Filemaker allows me to prepare a macro - er script - with a 
text editor I might try it again. The idea that one is required to mouse around to 
make things work is a disaster. You can't even copy and re-use something you did 
previously in another database.

My major use for AppleScript has been to make drag and drop applets which are usually 
one liners that simply pass a file to perl or perhaps an ANSI-C coded UNIX executable. 
There is a way to put a perl script in a *.app package which can be run from Finder 
but I haven't yet figured out how to pass arguments.

A problem with scripting applications with other than AppleScript is obtaining the 
information you need about the structure of the target application. The dictionaries 
are bad enough in the script editor and you may find it even harder in perl. Just 
finding the codes that are the meat of AppleEvents can be impossible. perl will 
not fix problems with Filemaker or its documentation.

Become aware of BBEdit worksheets. They work well with perl. It's almost like MacPerl 
under MPW. You can store command lines that you use regularly in a worksheet. Then 
just select and execute with the enter key or - in my case - the right mouse button.

And by the way. . . perl can evaluate  $y = -$x^2 and get the right answer.


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, but not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: *nix Perl newbie Question

2004-02-15 Thread Doug McNutt
I worry that the ~/ convention for the home directory is a shell convention. In the 
first case it is expanded by the shell while in the other cases it's expanded by perl. 
Does perl honor the option? When you say @INC is properly modified is the expansion 
done in the list as displayed?

In either case I'd try a full pathname because it's an easy thing to do.

At 14:33 -0800 2/15/04, wren argetlahm wrote:
% perl -I ~/lib
use module;

(or moral equivalent) works fine but:

% ./
#!perl -I ~/lib
use module;


% ./
use lib '~/lib';
use module;

both return the error that they can't find the
module, even though @INC is modified as it should be.

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: small consulting job

2004-02-03 Thread Doug McNutt
At 10:55 -0600 2/3/04, Joseph Alotta wrote:
I am looking for someone to write a subroutine for me
involving graphics and pdf files.

Please reply to me offline with an email address that works.

Re: Perl/MacPerl on MacOS X

2004-01-23 Thread Doug McNutt
At 16:59 -0500 1/23/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  do shell script perl /tmp/
 -- = Hello

I'm afraid I don't have a handle on the Mac OS Extended file system. When you
make the do shell call in Script Editor, as you demonstrated, where is the
origin of the filepath? I'm not successful with SE locating my perl file,
which located on my Macintosh HD. Will that be the same filepath if called from

Will be helpful. HFS+ starts with a disk name and uses colons for file separators. 
There is no root except perhaps for the name of the startup disk.

Also AppleScript will not honor your .login or .profile definition of $PATH and it 
defaults to the bash shell regardless of your choice as a user. One pretty much needs 
full paths for everything but POSIX path of HFS+ file path helps a lot. See also 
quoted form of to get the escapes escaped.

If you really get involved learn about $HOME/.MacOSX/environment.plist where you can 
set up a default $PATH.

Forget about using MacPerl with AppleScript on OS neXt.

I find it easier to prepare perl scripts in an editor, make them executable with a #! 
line and an x permission bit. Use AppleScript only to create a Finder-executable 
application with a do shell script that just points to your executable.

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: How to get started

2004-01-21 Thread Doug McNutt
At 17:53 +0100 1/21/04, manu chao wrote:
Hi, I just wanted to get started by following the tutorial at
but I get the following error:
'Exec format error. Binary file not executable.'

The web page seems to show a space between the exclamation point and the /.. I have 
never put one there and I'm not sure it's an error to do so.

Try, from Terminal

perl  -w  ../

The shell will ignore the shebang (#!) line and go directly to perl. The -w flag turns 
on perl's extra warnings.

Also do a ls -l after you do the chmod to be sure the permissions got changed.

It also wouldn't hurt to do cat just to be sure what you expect is 
there. If it has improper line ends or is in RTF format you'll see it.

echo $PATH

to be sure /usr/bin/ is in your search path

which perl

to be sure perl is actually installed.

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Perl calling AppleScript

2004-01-15 Thread Doug McNutt
I just saw this on the AppleScript mailing list.
John is probably not a member of this list but I'll bet someone here can help off list.

Isn't there a module available?

From: John DeYoung [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Begin copy 

Apologies for being a little off-topic...

I've inherited a Perl script with a few routines invoking AS commands which, being 
written a couple of years ago, expects to make the calls through MacPerl.  Needless to 
say, it breaks under OS X, but the client still wants to use it.

As you'll soon figure out, my Perl is pretty much limited to spelling its name 
correctly, so I may be up against something trivial, but does anyone know how I can 
rewrite the MacPerl calls to run straight through the included Perl under OS X?  The 
operative sections all look like this:



tell application $myApp
end tell


Thanks in advance,
-John DeYoung
 End copy 

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: perl in /usr/bin

2004-01-15 Thread Doug McNutt
At 12:57 +0100 1/15/04, Stephan Hochhaus wrote:
ps: How can I find out if a file is just a link from this:
-rwxr-xr-x  2 root   wheel 19944 24 Sep 09:00 perl

cd /usr/bin
file perl


man file

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: confusing bullets

2004-01-11 Thread Doug McNutt
At 13:52 -0500 1/11/04, Vic Norton wrote:
Now I seem to have resolved the problem--sort of. I believe it's a bug in BBEdit.

I suspect BareBones will call it a feature.

The unwillingness of BBEdit to work on a file without doing things like changing all 
of the line ends has been a pain. It is impossible to edit and save a file that has 
mixed line ends. When looking at a file, even with show invisibles enabled, it's 
impossible to see what kind of line end is present. It's also possible that BBEdit is 
preprocessing the UTF* stuff before you get to see it. I usually run to MPW on my 8500 
to handle such things.

BBEdit's HEX dump Tool will allow you to look at  the raw file but, in ordinary 
Editing mode, there is no way to see, for instance, the byte order mark. HEX Dump will 
not allow any editing of the file.

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: get contents from clipboard

2003-12-14 Thread Doug McNutt
It used to be, back in the days of Apple Classic, that the clipboard contained several 
copies of the stuff that was placed there.  Each copy was identified by one of those 
four character type codes that are now deprecated in OS neXt.

pbpaste, as a tool, does not allow tor an argument for selecting which information 
type is to be selected.

Does it take the first type encountered?

Does it default to TEXT, meaning the UTF-8 copy will be ignored?

Does it read the UTF-8 version as though it were simple text?

Are the type codes no longer supported in OS neXt?

And, for that matter, what is the difference between the pasteboard and the clipboard 
anyway? Some NeXT documentation refers to the pasteboard as equivalent to the current 
selection, copied or not.

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: Cp and ditto do not always copy files the same size

2003-11-25 Thread Doug McNutt
At 04:32 -0500 11/25/03, Ari Kahn wrote:
I use the cp or ditto commands to accomplish the last part.
`cp $filename $chromat_dir`; #copy encountered file to the chromatograph_dir
`ditto $filename $chromat_dir/$file_prefix$file_suffix`;

I find that sometimes the sizes of the copied files are not the same.
Original size 192 KB
Copied size 4 KB

I don't think that cp is able to copy resource forks though there may be an Apple 
provided option. It sounds as though you are losing them.

My MPW heritage made me put this line in my .tcshrc script.

alias files ls -lF \*/..namedfork/data \*/..namedfork/rsrc

It will show the resource forks in the current working directory

-- On the eighth day, about 6 kiloyears ago, the Lord realized that free will would 
make man ask what existed before the Creation. So He installed a few gigayears of 
history complete with a big bang and a fossilized record of evolution. --

Re: Cp and ditto do not always copy files the same size

2003-11-25 Thread Doug McNutt
At 11:53 -0500 11/25/03, Ari Kahn wrote:
When I do a search for the original file, I find
What is an AppleDouble?

AppleDouble and AppleSingle are file formats which incorporate the resource fork and 
the data fork and the finder information (type/creator and some other things) into a 
structure for storage on a medium that does not support the HFS specialties. They are 
commonly used for transport of Apple files over a network.

At 15:05 + 11/25/03, John Delacour wrote:
   Preserve resource forks and HFS meta-data.  ditto will store this
   data in Carbon-compatible ._ AppleDouble files on filesystems that
   do not natively support resource forks.

I thought that AppleDouble would produce two files and that AppleSingle would produce 
only one but now I am a bit confused.

Are you moving files from an HFS+ volume to a UFS volume?  I doubt that 
../../.AppleDouble/ would ever exist on an HFS+ device unless, perhaps, it got there 
over a modem.


-- In Christianity, man can have only one wife. This is known as monotony. --

Re: head

2003-11-23 Thread Doug McNutt
At 20:20 +0100 11/23/03, Jerry Rocteur wrote:
Why would a Perl Module installation wipe out a standard UNIX program 'head' with a 
head Perl script which is completely unrelated to the real 'head' ??

In the old days there was a problem with head and HEAD. The perl installer was 
accustomed to a case sensitive file system which Apple's HFS+ is not.

I thought is was fixed but . . .

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: File Writing and CGI

2003-11-21 Thread Doug McNutt
The || and or operators differ in the evaluation of their operands. It probably 
doesn't matter in this particular case but don't be fooled into thinking they are the 

|| and  are short circuit operators that may not evaluate all of their operands.

Programming Perl, 3rd edition,, page 102

At 11:42 -0500 11/21/03, Chris Devers wrote:
On Fri, 21 Nov 2003, Jeremy Mates wrote:

 * Chris Devers [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  open(FILE,hello.txt) || die(Cannot Open File: $!);

 I find '||' far less readable than 'or', and far more likely to cause
 precedence problems. Though I do write fairly () free Perl code.

Agreed, but I was trying not to nitpick :)

I was trying to focus on the 'structural' issues, not 'stylistic' ones,
but now that you mention it, the English versions of some of the operators
('or' instead of '||', 'and' instead of '') do seem to make code much
more readable.

open(FILE,hello.txt) or die(Cannot Open File: $!);

-- As a citizen of the USA if you see a federal outlay expressed in $billion then 
multiply it by 4 to get your share in dollars. --

Re: Panther problems

2003-11-16 Thread Doug McNutt
   2. If I must live with the current setup, how do I change my MANPATH
  in bash. In tcsh I would simply put the line
 setenv MANPATH /man:/usr/share/man: ... :${HOME}/man

Personally I would change my default to tcsh in Netinfo

But check out the export command in bash.


-- In Christianity, man can have only one wife. This is known as monotony. --

Re: BBEdit-Perl confusion

2003-10-16 Thread Doug McNutt
At 09:56 -0400 10/16/03, Vic Norton wrote:
I have recently installed Perl 5.8.0 on my iMac via PortsManager from
DarwinPorts Perl 5.8.0
resides in the /opt/local/bin directory, and this directory is at the
beginning of $PATH. Everything works well except that BBEdit seems rather

BBEdit is almost surely executing perl 5.6 and it's probably because of a hard coded 

I had 5.8 running, with some difficulty, over a year ago from the CPAN distribution 
and it is in /opt/. But I had to remove 5.6 from the other directories. It was an 
interesting experience while I learned about gzip and tar to preserve my options.

You'll be OK after that so long as the link in /usr/bin/perl points to the new 
version. Some have complained about Apple's installer requiring the old perl 5.6 but 
it has never bitten me.

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

RE: BBEdit-Perl confusion

2003-10-16 Thread Doug McNutt
At 16:12 -0700 10/16/03, Ingles, Juan W. wrote:
I wonder: Is this because
/opt/local/bin/perl   points to the perl 5.6 binary
5.6 binary path is hard coded in BBEdit

I don't have any /opt/local/bin/. None was created by the CPAN perl 5.8 install in 
July 2002

  which perl
on the terminal will tell you what binary you are launching

It just says /usr/bin/perl and says nothing about what it links to.

When I installed 5.8 I had to recreate the link for /usr/bin/perl manually and that 
fixed up almost everything but BBEdit 6.x was in vogue at the time and worksheets were 
brand new.

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: Cron Progress Bar in OSX

2003-10-14 Thread Doug McNutt
At 00:16 +0100 10/14/03, Alan Fry wrote:
   do shell script /Users/alanfry/Desktop/
results in the error: interpreter:Permission denied

do shell script is misnamed as are a lot of other commands in AppleScript.  What it 
really means is

Tell the OS to execute something that has been flagged as executable by setting the x 
bit in its permissions for the user who is making the request.

It doesn't matter whether the file pointed to is a shell script or not though 
AppleScript does invoke the bash shell to manage the execution and can accept bash 
commands directly. Compiled C code and perl scripts with a #! line are equally 
executable but you must set that x bit. The failure you report is that you didn't have 
execute permission.

Terminal is the easy way. The command is

chmod  777 path_to_file

which actually opens it up completely to anyone. The rightmost bit in each octal digit 
is the x bit for user, group, and world.  man chmod for more.

It would be nice if Finder allowed access to the x bit but it doesn't. It would be 
nice if Finder would execute a double-clicked file with the x bit set but. . . Steve?  
  Is it possible to write an AppleScript to do that?

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: Cron Progress Bar in OSX

2003-10-13 Thread Doug McNutt
At 12:03 +0100 10/13/03, Alan Fry wrote:
What I miss most is the MacPerl droplet, on which you could drop a file, extract the 
path (into ARGV) and do something with the file. For instance I have a droplet to 
decode Base64 -- drop and bingo there is the decoded file.

I do use AppleScript for that kind of thing. I'll try to find some samples for you. In 
the meantime check this out. It is a droplet to replace line ends in dropped files but 
ignore that and have a look at the source.  (52 kB)

It's not perl but it does show a way to make AS droplets pass filenames and arguments 
to executable shell tools. You should also learn about POSIX path of and quoted 
form of commands in AS.

 And similarly with more complicated issues like translating a 'pod' file to 'pdf'.

Wasn't that corncob great? I changed the creator code of all .pm's to match, but all 
that is repaired in OS neXt..

Can anybody cheer me up?


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, but not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: Locale setting errors in Perl

2003-09-28 Thread Doug McNutt
At 01:58 -0700 9/28/03, Chris Cantrall wrote:
If your shell is tcsh, put the following 2 lines in your .tcshrc login/setup file.
setenv LANG en_US
setenv LC_ALL C

Remember though that your .login script will not be executed unless you log in to 
Darwin using Terminal or externally with ssh.

The result will be that execution of perl stuff via AppleScript, BBEdit worksheets, 
Project Builder, the Execute-Text Service, and others will still have problems.

Apple can repair it by making the login which you do with the startup window be a 
true *NIX login. but that seems unlikely.

-- As a citizen of the USA if you see a federal outlay expressed in $billion then 
multiply it by 4 to get your share in dollars. --

Re: [OT] right mailing list for perl lwp/html question

2003-09-26 Thread Doug McNutt
At 21:54 +0200 9/26/03, Marco Baroni wrote:
suppose I had a question about extracting plain text from web pages with perl. Is 
there an appropriate list for this sort of questions?

The perl / curl combination is great for just that. I'd like to talk about it.

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: Locale setting errors in Perl

2003-09-25 Thread Doug McNutt
At 17:19 -0400 9/25/03, Kevin Barry wrote:
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
   LC_ALL = (unset),
   LANG = en_US

environment.plist lives in $HOME/.MacOSX/ (with a leading dot)

It is read only at login time. And that means login to the OS neXt GUI and not login 
via Terminal or ssh. Just creating the .plist won't do anything until you logout and 
login again.

And. . . I do wish Apple would fix that. A login should be a login to Darwin wherever 
it is performed.

Your LC_ALL = (unset) line is suspect:  Here is my file.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN;
plist version=1.0


--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: File write/read problem

2003-09-24 Thread Doug McNutt
At 06:37 -0700 9/24/03, Mark Wheeler wrote:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
print The contents of the file: brbr;
open (DATA, example.txt) || die (Could not open file br $!);
my @text = DATA;
print @text;
close (DATA);

If you're calling the script from Apache or another CGI you will not see the die 
message. Also, from Apache the execute bit will need to be set:

chmod 775

How about?

if (! open (DATA, example.txt)
print P Could not open file, $!\n;

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: File write/read problem

2003-09-24 Thread Doug McNutt
At 07:57 -0700 9/24/03, Mark Wheeler wrote:
Yes, I am running this as a cgi. I called it from a web browser. IE 6 on a
PC. Yes, the script has no Mac line endings. I wrote it on a PC using a text

Peecee's use a CR/LF pair for line ends.

If you uploaded it in ASCII mode with ftp it should get converted to the ends in use 
on the server. But modern ftp clients aren't very good at that.  Extra CR characters 
seen in the lines might cause problems with the OS neXt server which will - I'm 
reasonably sure - want simple LF ends.

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: opening files whose names contain CRs?

2003-09-15 Thread Doug McNutt
At 07:19 -0700 9/15/03, Chris Nandor wrote, and I snipped:
  $ cat  Icon^M
  $ perl -e 'open $fh, Icon\r or die $!; print scalar $fh'
  No such file or directory at -e line 1.
  # add null
  $ perl -e 'open $fh, Icon\r\0 or die $!; print scalar $fh'

The cat operation creates a text file with foo in the data, and only, fork.

Rich's problem is opening Icon\r files which are surely from Classic icon resource 
files zB (using MPW on a 9.1 box):

directory Ganymede:
files -x br 'Icon'n''  ### OPTION-d n is a return character in classic.
NameData Sz   Rsrc Sz
'Icon'n''   0b 1982b

If 'Icon'n'' is opened in perl in OS neXt, will perl read from the resource fork if 
there is no data fork? Or will it fail to open?  What about a write-enabled open? Will 
it write to the end of the resource fork or will it create a data fork?

  $ perl -e 'open $fh, Icon\r\0 or die'


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, but not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: opening files whose names contain CRs?

2003-09-13 Thread Doug McNutt
Icon\r files appear when, in earlier Mac OS's, a folder - directory in UNIX parlance - 
was to be displayed by Finder with a special icon. I'm pretty sure the files are 
resource-only with no data fork.

You might try concatenating /..namedfork/rsrc to the path but if you do open it it 
will be difficult to interpret without the resources of something like ResEdit and I 
don't think that's an aqua APPL yet. . . . .

I am surprised by the 0d0a pair that you see. That doesn't happen in the MPW world of 
classic OS. It's possible that the ls operation adds the 0a prior to the pipe.

At 18:24 -0700 9/13/03, Rich Morin wrote:
While traversing one of Eudora's subdirectories, I encountered a file
whose name appears to be Icon\r, as:

  % pwd
  /Applications/Eudora Pro X/Eudora Spelling Checker
  % ls Ic*
  % ls Ic* | od -cx
  000I   c   o   n  \r  \n

When I try to open this file

  open(TMP, $path) or die can't open '$path';

I get an error.  Help?

-- On the eighth day, about 6 kiloyears ago, the Lord realized that free will would 
make man ask what existed before the Creation. So He installed a few gigayears of 
history complete with a big bang and a fossilized record of evolution. --

Re: Perl 5.8 locale

2003-03-02 Thread Doug McNutt
At 12:50 -0500 3/2/03, Bill Metzinger wrote:
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LC_ALL = (unset),
LANG = en

You need to create a plist file and a directory for it:


and set up LC_ALL and LANG there. Setting them in your .login, .profile, or .***rc 
won't work. The file is read only once at login-to-OSneXt time. It is not read on a 
remote login via ssh.

*** begin copy of mine - watch out for mail forwarders that add returns. ***
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN;
plist version=1.0


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, but not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: unix or mac-style text files?

2002-11-19 Thread Doug McNutt
At 16:30 -0800 11/19/02, Heather Madrone wrote:
I've already encountered a few text file anomalies on OS X. Most GUI applications
seem to default to Mac-style text files (linefeeds only),

I think that's returns only for Mac style. Don't be fooled by MPW's and perhaps 
MacPerl's redefinition of \n and \r in the reverse sense from the rest of the world.

I recommend use of linefeed only - ASCII 10 - for all future work in perl. BBEdit has 
no trouble with that. If you're even a little bit involved with moving perl scripts to 
some UNIX server where your web pages are based you'll find that your scripts move 
effortlessly with any kind of file transfer.

The internet norm is a linefeed-return pair which is really strange because in the 
days of teletype one sent the return first because it took longer than the linefeed 
and one needed a few null characters to be sure the operation completed at 100 baud. 
Of course you had the option of sending the return only and repeating the line to get 
a bold appearance. If you don't believe that look at a UNIX man page with repeated 
characters and backspaces.

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: Darwin darwin or darwin6.0

2002-11-16 Thread Doug McNutt
We are getting somewhere here. I think I have to add code to support MacPerl and perl 
running under Windoze or DOS. Perhaps Parrot/Perl6 will fix it all up.

Using MPW on MacOS 9.1
perl -v
This is perl, version 5.004
perl -e 'print `uname`;'
### ToolServer - Command uname was not found. (Not surprising.)
perl -e 'print $^O;'

Over on the MacPerl list the suggestion is to use Gestalt but I'll bet one can't do 
that until after the OS is determined somehow.

I donno about uname on a M$ box but $^O returns:
MSWin32   or   dos
depending on how the perl script is executed, booting into real DOS or emulated DOS 
under Windoze. Note the non-use of lowercase in both MacPerl and Windoze versions. I'm 
pretty sure it's Active Perl but I really don't know what's in use at the other end.

At 13:45 -0500 11/16/02, William H. Magill wrote:
opsys=`uname -a | cut -d  -f1`
print  opsys = $opsys
case $opsys in
OSF1) ?? DPM  Is that for Open Software Foundation - Linux?
SunOS)   ?? DPM  My ISP returns solaris for $^O in perl 5.00x but 
SunOS using uname.


-- In Christianity, man can have only one wife. This is known as monotony. --

Darwin darwin or darwin6.0

2002-11-15 Thread Doug McNutt
What is the official name of the operating system under MacOS neXt?

Where does perl get it?

I need it so that I can write perl and shell scripts that can be tested on a Mac and 
then run under Solaris. I solicit comments on the most reliable way to keep things 
working at least until next week.

From Terminal or a BBEdit window:
echo $OSTYPE

From within a cron job: 
echo $OSTYPE  $HOME/bin/cronlog
uname  $HOME/bin/cronlog

From perl executed from terminal:
print $^0 -- darwin

From perl executed from cron:
print $^0 -- darwin

From a BBEdit worksheet or from terminal:
perl -e 'print `uname`;'

Using bash:
if [ $(uname) = Darwin ] ; then
works. Note the capital D. It fails with darwin.

Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, but not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: LWP install

2002-10-30 Thread Doug McNutt
I had the same problems. The readme talks about other required modules and then those 
talk about others. It's a recursive exercise apparently done for us in the MacPerl 
world. (Thanks Chris)

After a couple of hours I found my way thru CPAN getting one missing module at a time. 
It appears that the warning messages just point out things you can install afterwards 
though. The URI and HeadParser aka the HTML module are pretty much required. Base64 
and FTP seem not to be used for LWP::simple.

At 10:50 +0100 10/30/02, Tom Holland wrote:
Warning: prerequisite HTML::HeadParser failed to load:.
Warning: prerequisite MIME::Base64 failed to load:3.
Warning: prerequisite Net::FTP failed to load:
Warning: prerequisite URI failed to load:


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, but not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: LWP install

2002-10-30 Thread Doug McNutt
Actually Chuck sent this to me. This is one of those lists that has a hangup about 
changing the reply to: header so that it defaults to the list.

Someday I'll learn about bundles but as of now it's up to someone else to answer.

And - while were at it? Is there a document somewhere that talks about just where 
modules ought to be installed. I can find no evidence of /site-perl/ on my system and 
there are at least three /Library/ folders buried in the perl zoo. The make-install 
procedures seem to have a mind of their own and I have no idea where things are going.

At 16:38 -0500 10/30/02, Chuck Jacobson wrote:

My understanding (possibly wrong) is that if there is a budle available (i.e. 
Bundle::LWP) that will install any needed prereqs too. Is this correct? I just 
installed Bundle::Slash and it seemed to download all the necessary modules.

BTW, if anyone has Slash going on their system please email me. I have it installed 
and would like some advice on how to set it up. Thanks!
Chuck Jacobson, Technical Systems Specialist
North Central Baptist Church, Gainesville, FL

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