mod_perl.c version for httpd 2.0.47

2003-08-14 Thread Robert E. Shelton

am installing Apache httpd 2.0.47 on my RH9 Intel
Linux box. I get the following error when I start httpd:

init.d]# /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start

module mod_perl.c is not compatible with
this version of Apache (found 20020628, need 20020903). Please contact the
vendor for the correct version. [EMAIL PROTECTED] init.d]#

have been apache 2.0.45 successfully on this box since installing the OS and
apache a couple of months ago. No other updates have been made to the apache

did make the instructed LoadModule perl_module modules/
to the httpd.conf file within ~/apache2. To create
that file, as I was already running .45, I saved the new httpd.conf to another name, copied my working file from
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to the appropriate
directory in /usr/local/apache2, and made that change therein.

not sure why my .45 install is splattered around the machine. When I installed
it, I took the defaults; but had never seen an install like that (i.e. files in
/etc, binaries in the systems binaries directories

I would have expected all of the apache stuff in /usr/local/apache,
but it all worked nonetheless. (This background provided in the likely event
that I'm causing my own problems, and I'm not
experienced enough to see it!!!)

the mod_perl.c version problem, I downloaded
mod_perl-1.99.08 from the Apache site. I am not clear how the versions that apachectl asks for (above) correlate to the source on the
site. The 2002... version references seem old and out of sync. Can
anyone clarify?

I do the make  make test part of the mod_perl
installation, I get the following error:

/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -d /root/mod_perl-1.99_08/t
-f /root/mod_perl-1.99_08/t/conf/httpd.conf -DAPACHE2 -DPERL_USEITHREADS using
Apache/2.0.47 (prefork MPM)

for server to start: .Syntax error on line 11 of


module access_module is built-in and can't be loaded


has died with status 255 (t/logs/error_log wasn't
created, start the server in the debug mode)

*** [run_tests] Error 143


anyone point me in the right direction? I don't believe that I'm solving the
correct problem here - or at least, obviously, I'm not solving this problem

you for any guidance,


Re: Advice sought for learning mod_perl (2 or 1)

2003-07-25 Thread Robert Lee
Ged Haywood wrote:

 Q1: Is there a similar module to Apache::Request?

Depends what you want to do, but not really.  Care to try porting it?
No no. Apache::Request 2 port is in works and it'll be available RSN thanks 
to Joe Schaefer and Randy Kobes who do an extraordinary job. Though it'll 
be released sooner if more people help with testing and polishing it. For 
more information see:
Thanks for the responses; they were very helpful.

BTW: No, there are no commercial pressures involved in this project, but 
just doing a possible/likely career transition from the embedded-telecom 
implosion to something more of the future. However, time (as always) is 
always of the essence, and I'll need to balance my choices available.

It's funny. I thought that Java would be a predominant player in the web 
world, but it looks like perl et al are the predominant players. That's ok 
as I'm was never a huge fan of Java anyhow ;p.

Enough of my rant. Thanks again.

Stas, if you have the email of Joe and Randy, please email me; I'll see if I 
am of any use to them.


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Advice sought for learning mod_perl (2 or 1)

2003-07-24 Thread Robert Lee
Hi everyone,

 I am new to Apache/mod_perl and everything else. I bought a fairly good 
book on Apache/mysql/mod_perl. Unfortunately, it is based on the Apache 1 
server and mod_perl1. In doing so, it is using the Apache::Request module 
which has not been ported to mod_perl2 yet.

 Several questions come to mind:

 Q1: Is there a similar module to Apache::Request? Similar to syntax that 

 Q2: Any real benefits to working on the latest and greatest? Or should I 
go to the older versions?

Yes, I realize that for Q2, I may want to simply go with the more stable 
versions of the Apache server and mod_perl as I am just learning, but I 
would like to hear some opinions. Thanks.


FYI: OS - RH v8.0
 Apache - v2.45
 mod_perl - 1.99.09
 perl - v5.8
MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: stopping concurrent logins

2003-04-04 Thread Robert Landrum
On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 03:34:25PM +0200, Frank Maas wrote:
 You can set a session (see Apache::Session and related modules) that
 can use the uri as session-container as well (eg The session
 part (9o79876a98d7fa98d7) can be stored in a database.

Technically, that doesn't solve the problem either.  Since the session 
information is in the URL, there is nothing to stop the user from IM that URL
to their friend, who then has total access, without a cookie, just by using
the current users session.

I must not fully understand the taboo against using cookies.  It's rare that
an online application, e-commerce related or otherwise, works without cookies.
If you're doing anything more than browsing static data, you'll quickly become
fustrated at the lack of support for non-cookie-enabled browers.

Anytime web based authentication is used, people are going to need cookies.
Maintaining state and security within a stateless medium is almost impossible
without cookies, in my experience.

I've heard of, but never seen, authentication using java or flash that
maintains a persistent connection in the background using sockets to the
web server.  This basically registers the user's IP address with the
system, and all users with that IP are considered authenticated.  I'm sure more
complicated solutions exist.

Sorry I don't have a solution to your problem.  But perhaps the problem is
the requirement to not use cookies...  :)

Good luck,



Robert Landrum
Systems Programmer

Re: Content-Type not working on MSIE

2003-03-20 Thread Robert Landrum
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 02:04:55PM -0800, Andrew Ho wrote:
 AFAs an aside, if anyone on the list knows of ways to defang this really
 AFannoying IE behavior, I would be most interested in knowing about it
 Two (and probably more) ways to do it. This is probably in a FAQ
 somewhere as it is a common problem.
 (1) Fool IE by snarfing another extension in the URL. For example, instead
 of requesting, tack on a dummy parameter and

I don't think this works with everything.

 (2) Send a Content-Disposition header. This is a MIME header and not in
 the HTTP spec but IE respects it:
 Content-Disposition: inline; filename=foo.txt

I know that this doesn't work for all browsers.  Our solution was to
do a simple path info that was basically irrelevent.

Every browser we tested it on tried to save the file as foobar.pdf.


[OT] Re: Hiding the .pl

2003-03-19 Thread Robert Landrum
You might want to consider downloading the 1.3.23 source for mod_speling and
using diff to see if they changed something.  It might be something simple
that can be changed and patched.  You also might be able to use the mod_speling
from 1.3.23 in 1.3.27 without any problem.

Given the relative simplicity of redirecting, I have to imagine that the
apache API didn't change very much in that regard.


On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 02:04:31PM -0500, KIVES,BRUCE (HP-USA,ex1) wrote:
 I have recently updated from Apache 1.3.23? to 1.3.27. Things are behaving
 differently, and I think the problem lies with mod_speling. Previously, if
 there was only one possible choice for a misspelled URL, it would just
 redirect it without asking. Now it asks every time. 
 I used this feature to hide the fact that I was using a Perl program. For
 example: http://url/calendar/month/042003.htm called with
 PATH_INFO=/042003.htm, but to the browser it looked like there was a
 directory /month with a pile of static pages. I have several
 that are called with file.htm and it worked fine.
 Was there a change in mod_speling, or has something else happened? I don't
 think it is in the configuration. I copied over the old httpd.conf and after
 one or two minor changes, restarted Apache with the same problem. 
 Is there another way of hiding the fact that I'm using a Perl program? If I
 rename the program from to month, it displays the program instead
 of executing it. The permissions are 755. I don't want to copy everything
 into /cgi-bin, because I do have some static .html in the same directory,
 which it then tries to execute.
 Any other ideas on how to hide the .pl ?
 OS revision: 
 HP-UX 11.11
 From the error log: 
 HP Apache-based Web Server/1.3.27 (Unix) ApacheJServ/1.1.1 PHP/4.2.2
 mod_perl/1.27 configured
 -- resuming normal operations
 Thanks in advance,
 Bruce Kives

Robert Landrum
Systems Programmer

problems upgrading mod_perl

2003-02-16 Thread Robert Krueger


I'm currently upgrading an old installation (mod_perl 1.25, perl 5.005, apache 
1.3.12 - mod_perl 1.27, perl 5.8.0, apache 1.3.27) and encounter strange 

when starting apache I get:

Can't locate loadable object for module Apache::Log

Now this usually indicates I forgot to specify the log api to be build during 
the build process. however, I built modperl using: 

perl Makefile.PL EVERYTHING=1;make install

in addition to that tests fail with the following output:

letting apache warm up...\c
Syntax error on line 3 of /usr/local/src/apache/mod_perl-1.27/t/conf/srm.conf:
Invalid command 'PerlTransHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module 
not included in the server configuration

this looks as if mod_perl was not compiled into the apache server (which I had 
mod_perl build for me).

what else can I look for?

thanks in advance for any hints.


Re: problems upgrading mod_perl

2003-02-16 Thread Robert Krueger

you're right. lousy posting of mine ;-). luckily I've managed to solve the 
problem by just trying to to it step by step again with freshly unpacked 
archives to document each step to respond to your posting with a little more 
detailed info. I must have messed it up the first time somehow.

thanks for your quick response and take care,


 I wonder if you have built a DSO Apache but haven't the right
 directives to load the mod_perl module in the configuration.
 Can you give more detail on what and how you built?

 - What OS.

 - Where you put the sources - looks like /usr/local/src/apache/ which
   might not be such a good idea.  Where's the Apache source itself?

 - The current working directory when you issued the commands.

 - What order you did things.

 - What userid(s) you used at each stage.

 - Things they ask for in SUPPORT like `perl -V`.

 If your new Perl installation is OK, if you follow the instructions
 in the Guide then you should be able to start again from scratch with
 Apache and mod_perl and have it running in ten minutes.  I prefer to
 use a makepl_args.mod_perl file in the mod_perl directory for all my
 configuration options, it makes everything so easy.  I also prefer to
 build static whenever possible, leaves out a chunk of complexity that
 I don't need.


AW: [mod_perl-2.0] server doesn't start, unable to Apache2?

2003-01-27 Thread Robert Kehl
Hi all!

Thanks for your thoughts, Randy.

 Are there any helpful messages in the error log
 indicating what's failing?

No, none.

 Perhaps the first thing to check - does

   LoadFile C:/Perl/bin/perl56.dll
   LoadModule perl_module modules/

 alone, without any further mod_perl directives, prevent the
 server from starting?

That works ok, for Perl 5.6.1 and 5.8.0. Surely I can't execute any perl
then. The browser starts to load a page, but does not finish. After several
minutes(!) it says 404.

 If so, then it might be that you're running
 into the fact that mod_perl 2.0 on Win32 has problems with
 perl-5.6.1 (ActivePerl 6xx), and that the solution would be to
 migrate to perl-5.8.0 (ActivePerl 8xx).

As long as I don't have a DBD-Mysql afterwards, that's not possible other
than for testing. But it's the same for 5.8.0 - crashing, too.

 However, if the server starts OK above, but things like
PerlModule Apache2
 cause it to crash, then it might be a misconfiguration,

Ok, but where to configure?

 or faulty installation, or something similar. If this
 is the case, the error log should give a clue about
 what's failing.

Nope, it doesn't, stays absolutely clear. The only thing happens is a small
dialogue box popping up saying The requested operation has failed. Same
happens if I comment PerlModule Apache2 and uncomment PerlRequire, if if
the file to be required consists only of comments!

Thanks again for your help,


[mod_perl-2.0] server doesn't start, unable to Apache2?

2003-01-26 Thread Robert Kehl
Hi all,

if you would be willing to spend a minute on helping me out of this: I'm
trying to get mod_perl-2 running on Win32. Without success, of course. :(

My box is a Win2k SP3 with 1GB RAM, ActivePerl 5.6.1 build 633, mod_perl-2
1.99_09-dev on Apache 2.0.43. Everything is freshly loaded and installed.
Btw, mod_perl 1.27_01-dev is running smoothly on Apache 1.3.27.

This is my, loaded in httpd.conf by an Include directive:

LoadFile D:/Perl/bin/perl56.dll
LoadModule perl_module modules/

IfModule mod_alias.c
Alias /somewhere/ d:/somewhere/bin/cgi-bin/

Location /somewhere

Options ExecCGI
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from

### normal CGI operation if no mod_perl support

SetHandler cgi-script
ScriptInterpreterSource registry

IfModule mod_perl.c

SetHandler  perl-script
#   SetHandler  modperl

PerlOptions +ParseHeaders

PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry
#   PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
#   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
#   PerlResponseHandler Apache::Registry

#   PerlModule Apache2
#   PerlModule Apache::compat

#   PerlRequire



MaxRequestsPerChild 400

You see I commented several lines out. Be sure I tried every combination of
commenting/uncommenting these. The hardest thing is, not even this works ok:

PerlModule Apache2

The server simply doesn't start, so it can't be a fault in,
which indeed is nothing more than a series of commented lines atm. Surely
*no* perl script gets executed using the above configuration. If I do not
load mod_perl, CGI executes fine. But slow ;)

So, IMHO, the problem is, that mod_perl-2 doesn't load PerlModule Apache2.
Doesn't load anything.

Any ideas despite reinstalling everything? ;)

Thank you for your attention and for your help,

Robert Kehl
Nürnberg, Germany

Re: [OT] MLDBM Size Limit??

2003-01-21 Thread Robert Landrum
On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 02:37:02PM +, Ged Haywood wrote:
 Hi there,
 On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Jim Morrison [Mailinglists] wrote:
  Sorry this is a little off topic...  Is there a size limit on DBM's? (Or
  Linux files for that matter.. )
  Thing is I'm getting a write error and it seems to always happen when
  the DBM gets to 2.0Gb .. 
   Linux hope 2.4.7-10 #1 Thu Sep 6 16:46:36 EDT 2001 i686 unknown

Actually, I finally had to upgrade to 2.4.17 (or .19) and custom compile the
kernel to get this to work.  I had a similar problem with mysql files
being 12GB.

I forget exactly the steps, but if you hunt around in the kernel configurator
I'm sure it'll show up...  :)


Re: OSCON ideas - missing proceedings

2003-01-09 Thread Robert Landrum
One of the other things I disliked about the last OSCON was the missing
Perl Conference Proceedings.  I still have very fond memories of reading about
Damians very sick, very twisted, in the 1999 Perl Conference Proceedings.

Did anyone else notice that they weren't made available at the last OSCON?

Any chance we could convince O'Reilly to bring that back?


Re: OSCON ideas

2003-01-08 Thread Robert Landrum
On Wed, Jan 08, 2003 at 04:14:47PM -0500, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 What do you guys think?

As an OSCON attendee for the past few years, I've found only a few talks that
really were helpful.

One thing that I would love to see are practical implementations of perl

For example, we use Mason coupled to a back end API that connects
directly to postgres.  The API/Mason stuff works like a MVC.  It's all pretty
standard, and works very well.

I'm sure other people have much more interesting examples.  

This kind of talk would be directed at people who really grasp all the 
concepts of perl already, and are looking for something to spark their
intrest again.  Almost like the perl lightning talks, but more focused on
application models.

Just some thoughts...


Re: Fw: OT - Santa uses PERL

2002-12-20 Thread Robert Landrum
On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 10:35:18AM -0800, Bill Moseley wrote:
 That sounds a lot like Perrin's story.  Didn't he save Christmas one 

Indeed he did... and at etoys, no less... 

Perhaps Perrin is an elf. :)


Re: RFC: Template::YetAnother

2002-11-19 Thread Robert Landrum

I've said it before...  :)


On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 10:33:44PM +0100, Thomas Klausner wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 03:31:39PM -0500, Perrin Harkins wrote:
  I also posted this on perlmonks:
  Ovid on Perlmonks already said some of the things I would have said 
  about needing a presentation language.  For a templating system to be 
  useful, it has to be able to deal with loops and conditionals.  Your 
  system pushes those into the Perl code, splitting the presentation 
  control into multiple places.  This fails one of my major goals: the 
  template coders should be able to change the presentation without help 
  from a Perl coder.  What if they decide they don't want to loop through 
  the links, but rather just print a message saying there are some?  What 
  if they only want to show the first two?  What if they want to display a 
  list with commas between the elements where they didn't use a separator 
  before?  A mature templating system can handle all of these issues 
  without changing the main Perl module code.
 That's a very good point I didn't really think about. I was thinking
 of templates as DUMB frontends that should just display
 data. Period. 
 Thinking of them as tools that handle presentation logic (as Ovid
 pointed out) seems to make more sense. 
 It does pay of to write RFCs before starting to code...
  Because IMO, the main reason for using templates is to seperate code
  from markup.
  It sounds to me like you want one of the HTML attribute ones, like Petal 
  or HTML::Seamstress.  What was wrong with those?
 One problem I see with HTML::Seamstress is that it uses the HTML
 attributes 'class' and 'id' for templating info. But those attributes
 are used by CSS and JavaScript and might conflict somehow. I do not
 know if you can change the behaviour of HTML::Seamstress to use other
 attributes, though. But this stopped my from looking further.
 And I didn't look at Petal. For now.
  There is one module, CGI::FastTemplate, that does seperate code from
  markup completly. But the way different templates are strung together
  seems rather comlicated to me.
  It's not complicated, but it is somewhat confusing the first time you 
  look at it.  I don't find your approach much easier though.
 Well, I found mine easier :-)
 (But I guess this is the reason for the Template Flood on CPAN -
 everbody finds his own solution easier...)
  Isn't your fill method just doing a sort of multi-level join here?  All 
  of the data is passed in already, so there is no reason to delay 
  evaluation of the templates.
 The main reason for doing this was to simplify testing. I planned to
 just test the plain data structures, that should be free of HTML at
 this time (before the fill). This (testing) was in fact the reason I
 started thinking about this proposal in the first place.
  More importantly, your use of AUTOLOAD to treat method calls as file 
  names looks neat, but is not a good approach.  It's limiting (all 
  templates in one directory!) and has potential security issues with 
  namespace clashes.  These are all just the same method call with a 
  single argument changed, so why not write them that way?
 I planned to handle those namespace and filename issues.
  force you to use them.  They are flexible modules.  I think you should 
  look at them more closely before you go off on your own.
 That's what I'll do. Thanks for the excellent feedback.

mp2.0 w/Apache 2.0, DBI setup??

2002-11-18 Thread Robert Kohler
I am having difficulty getting Apache 2.0.43, perl 5.6.1, and mod_perl 
to work together.

Trying to authenticate users based on a MySQL table.

All compiles and installs.

I installed Apache-DBI-0.89 perl module.

In configuring, I keep getting Seg faults.  Can someone let me know if 
I am even setting up the config file correctly for Apache.  Seems I have 
searched all the archives, and keep getting conflicting information...

In httpd.conf
LoadModule perl_module modules/

PerlRequire /home/apps/httpd-2.0.43/perl/

#PerlModule Apache2
PerlModule Apache::DBI
#PerlModule Apache::AuthDBI

My files looks like:

use Apache2 ();

use lib qw(/home/apps/httpd-2.0.43/perl);

# enable if the mod_perl 1.0 compatibility is needed
use Apache::compat ();

use ModPerl::Util (); #for CORE::GLOBAL::exit

use Apache::RequestRec ();
use Apache::RequestIO ();
use Apache::RequestUtil ();

use Apache::Server ();
use Apache::ServerUtil ();
use Apache::Connection ();
use Apache::Log ();

use APR::Table ();

use ModPerl::Registry ();

use Apache::Const -compile = ':common';
use APR::Const -compile = ':common';


Did I miss something obvious?  When I start apache, it seg faults.
Commenting out all the PerlModule defs in httpd.conf allows the server
to start?
How can you get the compat mode working with the DBI modules, or do we 
even need
the compat mod_perl modules?

If All seems correct, then I will recompile everything with debugging!!


Re: mp2.0 w/Apache 2.0, DBI setup??

2002-11-18 Thread Robert Kohler
Randy Kobes wrote:

On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Robert Kohler wrote:


I am having difficulty getting Apache 2.0.43, perl 5.6.1, and mod_perl 
to work together.

Trying to authenticate users based on a MySQL table.

All compiles and installs.

I installed Apache-DBI-0.89 perl module.

In configuring, I keep getting Seg faults.  Can someone let me know if 
I am even setting up the config file correctly for Apache.  Seems I have 
searched all the archives, and keep getting conflicting information...

Are you using the latest versions of DBI and DBD::mysql? If
not, does this still happen with the latest versions?


DBI 1.21
DBD::mysql 2.0.11

Note the most current, but I can't modify this as it is in production 
currently.  I can try testing
on a completely different system if need be.

Re: how to detect a broken connection using mod_proxy

2002-11-11 Thread Robert Landrum
On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 11:51:12PM +0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
  heavy sql stm's. after each one of them i would like to check if the
  client is still there so that i will proceed to the next one or just
  return OK and forget about the request).
 As far as I know you can't do that, since mod_proxy doesn't cooperate 
 with the backend.
 Anybody knows of similar to mod_proxy modules that do play nicely with 
 the backend regarding aborted connections?

I've never used it, but wasn't mod_backhand supposed to do this?


Robert Landrum
Systems Programmer

Re: Novice - How would I add a hidden form field to a LWP::UserAgent call?

2002-10-31 Thread Robert Landrum
On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 10:28:32AM -0500, Chris Pizzo wrote:
 I'm trying to post data to a server that requires a hidden form field.
 This is what I'm doing:
 my $content = info=somedata;
 my $rec_len = length($content);
 my $send_url = new URI::URL($url);
 my $hdrsend = new HTTP::Headers('Content-length' = $rec_len);
 $hdrsend-header('Content-type' = 'text/html');
 my $reqest = new HTTP::Request('POST', $send_url, $hdrs, $content);
 my $uasend = new LWP::UserAgent;
 my $resp = $uasend- request($reqest);

I always just did

$req = new HTTP::Request('POST',;);

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$res = $ua-request($req);

print $res-as_string;

Good luck,


 The response I get back is:
 h3Exception encountered./h3preForm post has no value for key info.
 Form values are: {}
 If I create an HTML doc with a form it finds the data.  Is there something
 special I need to do to get a hidden form field?

Robert Landrum
Systems Programmer

Making a module-It can't be this hard.

2002-10-25 Thread Robert Covell
I simply want to make a module so I can reuse a common header instead of
manually changing each page.  Under mod-perl how do you simply create a
module that I can use/require/include that I can call a subroutine/function
to generate some html based on the page you are on.

It works 5 out of 10 times.  When it fails I get:

[Fri Oct 25 14:24:05 2002] [error] Undefined subroutine
called at /mnt/data1/www/htdocsM/mailcenter/ line 410.

or when I try to make a class it says that new was not defined.

I have tried so many different things I am not sure what code to even send
as an example.

Any help would be great.


RE: Making a module-It can't be this hard.

2002-10-25 Thread Robert Covell
I have read that link you provided, thanks.

The modules I have declared do contain a package name.

Is it not possible or easy to just use/require/include a pl or pm file that
contains a set of function for me to reuse.

Is this a valid pm and pl file?

package Test;

sub DisplaySection {
print $_[0];


and in my pl file(without the other stuff to make it run):

use Test;

-Original Message-
From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:perrin;]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: Making a module-It can't be this hard.

Robert Covell wrote:
 I simply want to make a module so I can reuse a common header instead of
 manually changing each page.  Under mod-perl how do you simply create a
 module that I can use/require/include that I can call a
 to generate some html based on the page you are on.

 It works 5 out of 10 times.  When it fails I get:

 [Fri Oct 25 14:24:05 2002] [error] Undefined subroutine
 called at /mnt/data1/www/htdocsM/mailcenter/ line 410.

It sounds like you are using perl4-style libs that don't declare a
package name.  You can find a description of the problem and some
solutions here:

The basic fix is to give your modules unique package names.  See the
perlmod man page for more on package names.

- Perrin

Apache::AuthDBI problem

2002-10-03 Thread Robert Boone

I'm having trouble with the AuthDBI module. If works fine if use require
valid-user or require user. But when I try to require group I get this
error: couldn't check access.  No groups file?: /test/

What am I doing wrong? This is my .htaccess file.

AuthName DBI
AuthType Basic

PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthDBI::authen
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthDBI::authz

PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_encrypted off
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_data_source   dbi:mysql:database=auth;host=localhost
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_username username
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_password password

PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_table passwd
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_uid_field username
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_field password

PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_grp_table   passwd
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_grp_field grp

require group test1

Any help would be great.


Re: [OT] - Mailing List Servers/mods .. etc

2002-09-26 Thread Robert Landrum

I did just this.  Unfortunatly, sendmail proved to be too slow, both in 
command line piping (i.e. open(PROG,| sendmail );), and via
socket connection to port 25 to be a viable solution for the volume of mail we

Last I checked, the code I wrote interfaced with Lyris, which was performing
ok.  When I left the project, they were looking into alternative approaches to
sending email.  Note that this was all legitimate (double opt-in) bulk email.

I have some code which is public.  Go grab SMTP-* from  These are a little better than the currently
existing Net:: modules.  I do a bit more logging and error checking.

At some point, those should be on CPAN if I can get the namespace approved.


Good luck,

On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 02:44:12PM +0100, Jim Morrison [Mailinglists] wrote:
 This is completely off topic.. but I have a question you guys might help
 me with..
 I'm writing then next part of a big modperl project I'm doing.. This bit
 could be loosely called a mailing-list-server..
 The listserver is going to handle out-going (only'ish) opt-in mailing
 lists.  The opting-in bit is all bound into the rest of the project, as
 is the construction of the outgoing email, and the list management...
 I'm wondering if there is any point in looking for a piece of third
 party software/module etc, that will handle the sending of the mail or
 should I work directly with sendmail? (Is sendmail the best mailserver
 for this kind of thing?)
 I'd be happy to write something along the line of on my own,
 so I kinda know what I'm doing, but I'm gonna have to take things like
 Return to sender errors and such into account..
 My question I guess is:
  - Is it ok to send 100's or 1000's of mails to sendmail in one go, or
 is there a better way of doing bulk mail?
  - Are there any mods to help with dealing with returned mail etc..?
  - Is there a good list of people doing this sort of thing? (Or do you
 mind the thread being a little off-topic!)
 I don't think I'm trying to reinvent the wheel.. Just that I think there
 is so much of my own coding involved, I'm not sure if I'm going to be
 able to get away with anything less than writing it from scratch..
 Would be greatful for any advice,
 Jim Morrison
 Technology  Development Partner
 Isotope LLP
 9, 2 Laura Place
 Bath, BA2 4BH
 +44  (0) 1225  446170
 +44  (0) 7940 937822

Re: help with a simple redirect

2002-09-18 Thread Robert Landrum

On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 07:43:43PM +0530, Sylbert L wrote:
 Hi ..
 I'm trying to do a simple redirect using mod_perl 2.0, Apache 2.0.40  ..
 just doesn't seem to work.
 This is my code, in a file called
 package Apache::MySocket;
 use strict;
 use Apache::RequestRec ();
 use Apache::compat();
 use Apache::Const -compile = qw(OK REDIRECT);
 sub handler {
 my $r = shift;

I think you want 

$r-header_out(Location =;);

 return Apache::REDIRECT;
 This is what i added to httpd.conf :
 Location /ok/ok
 SetHandler modperl
 PerlResponseHandler Apache::MySocket
 When I do this : http://localhost/ok/ok i want the web server to redirect
 to: http://localhost/test.html
 Where am i going wrong ? I'm not getting any errors .. even 'error_log ' is
 blank. Any clues ?

Robert Landrum
Systems Programmer

make tests fail

2002-09-04 Thread Robert D. Napiza


I already had an Apache 1.3.29 installed, and am trying to install 
modperl_1.27.  Running make goes fine but when I run make test I get the 
following messages in the logs:

Prototype mismatch: sub Socket::INADDR_ANY vs () at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux/ line 328.
Prototype mismatch: sub Socket::INADDR_BROADCAST vs () at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux/ line 329.
Prototype mismatch: sub Socket::INADDR_LOOPBACK vs () at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux/ line 330.
Prototype mismatch: sub Socket::INADDR_LOOPBACK vs () at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux/ line 331.

Can anyone shed some light on this for me?


Re: [Newbie Q] Running into strange 420-character POST limit.

2002-08-01 Thread Robert Landrum

On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 03:51:09AM -0400, sully wrote:
 You tell me! :) A problem with Apache? A problem with mod_perl? A problem with 
IE/Mozilla? Do I need to be posting large forms such as this using 
multipart/form-data with mod_perl? Please. Help.

Have you tried just regular get?  It might give you some clue as to
what's happening to the data.  I've never had to provide a content type
when submitting form, except on those forms where I upload files.

Also, check that you're not reading the post content more than once.  Sometimes
on small requests you can read the post content twice, but on larger requests,
it'll fail.  I remember having this problem 5 years ago, under IIS, so it may
not apply.

You can also try running tcpdump or other packet sniffing software to see
what's really being transmitted between client and server.

Good luck,


Re: [Newbie Q] Cleanest way to implement one logon per user?

2002-08-01 Thread Robert Landrum

On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 03:08:40PM -0400, Baljit Sethi wrote:
 I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.  
 What I want to do is limit client logons to one logon per username ie while
 a client has a session open, he/she cannot logon to the website from another

The problem isn't determining when they've logged in, but determining when 
they've logged out.

While it may be possible to write a record to the db that contains username,
password, and IP address, it does not gaurentee that the user's ip address 
will not change mid session. (cable modem disconnect and reconnects with new ip,
transparent to the user.)

The short answer is, you can't.  The long answer is that you can, but it takes
way more work than it's worth.

The only way I've seen is to set a cookie (encrypted) on the client's machine
and flag the user as logged in.  If the user tries to log in again (from 
anywhere), it rejects it.  Only if the original client connects and clicks
logout (and the cookie still exists) does it actually remove the flag (and
the cookie).

The drawback here is that if any user ever deletes their cookies before
logging out, they're screwed, and will call asking you to fix it.

Good luck,


Re: PerlAccessHandler

2002-07-29 Thread Robert Landrum

On Fri, Jul 26, 2002 at 04:11:29PM -0700, Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
 My PerlAccessHandler is being executed twice per each request. Is this a
 normal behavior for an access handler? 
 Here is my .conf entry
 Location /myHandler
 SetHandler   perl-script
   # run is a wrapper for my handler
   # all common methods which many of my handlers
   # use are stored in the super class of myHandler
   # in which run is a part of.
   # Also wraps myHandler in a try {} catch { ...
   # block.
 PerlHandler  myHandler-run
 PerlAccessHandler myAccess

Hmm...  Is the PerlAccessHandler directive defined anywhere else?  Perhaps in
a .htaccess file in the doc root?

 The access handler's job is to check for cookies and last login time.
 There are no fancy codes there... However, on every request, the handler
 is invoked twice. Can someone make a suggestion as to why this is

Maybe you're trying to pull some sort of image from a local path?  Something
like img src=image.gif has bitten me before.  Javascript is another
one that bites me often.  Mouse over code can be bad too...  They are often
coded as relative paths.

Good luck,


Re: Optional HTTP Authentication ?

2002-07-01 Thread Robert Landrum

On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 10:30:36AM +0100, Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
   browser sent the credentials, or leave $ENV{REMOTE_USER} undef
   otherwise, without sending a 401 back.
  I didn't think a browser would send authentication unless the server
  requested it for an authentication domain.  How are you going to 
  get some people to send the credentials and some not unless you
  use different URLs so the server knows when to request them?
 The idea is that on a location which requires authentication I'll
 redirect the user to a /login.html, or maybe a /?login=1 which will do
 the following:

Umm... Perhaps I don't understand the significance of the login.html.  Under
HTTP auth, if a page is protected via .htaccess then auth is immediatly 
requested, and no redirect is possible.

More important is the fact that if a page does not require authentication,
the users login and password will not be sent.  So a page like index.html that
is not normally authenticated will not receive the username, and no
a href=/adminAdmin this page/a will be possible.

I'm not 100% sure this is possible without the use of cookies.  I'm pretty sure
you could write some custom handler to handle the auth, but without a cookie
to note which users have authenticated, you might be out of luck.

Good luck,


Re: Preserving POST data on external redirect?

2002-06-24 Thread Robert Landrum

A few things to note here...

You cannot post to a remote server in this fashion.  You can take a POST
request to your server and convert it to a GET request to another server, 
which may not be what you want.

To take POST content and POST it to another server you must proxy the request.
By proxy, I mean using LWP to make the request to the remote server via POST,
and delivering that returned content back to the user.  

That's the easy part.  Now you'll have to fix all the relative URLs within that
document so that they point to the remote server rather than to your server, 
which is further complicated by things like CSS and Javascript.

Look into libwww-perl (LWP) and HTML::TreeBuilder (for fixing the links).  I'm
sure that there is stuff in this lists' archives which go into more detail on
both of those...

Hope that helps,


On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 12:03:50PM -0400, Ken Y. Clark wrote:
 On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, Kirk Bowe wrote:
  Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 16:22:42 +0100 (BST)
  From: Kirk Bowe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Preserving POST data on external redirect?
  Hi all, my content handler does some work with POSTed data, and at the
  wants to redirect to a totally unrelated server, preserving the POST data
  that the client originally sent, so that the unrelated server can do its
  own further processing with its own mod_perl, cgi, or whatever.
  I can't get it to work, as I think I'm getting confused by some
  pre-Apache::Request hints that I've seen for this. This is the mess I've
  got so far (condensed):
  sub handler
  my $r = Apache::Request-new(shift);
  ... some calls to other subs here to do work ...
  $r-header_out('Location' =;);
  return REDIRECT;
  It redirects, but doesn't pass the POST data. I thought it may have been
  due to the original post data being deleted because I use it, so I tried
  using Request-instance instead of Request-new, but that made no
  difference either. Is it actually possible to do it if I'm using the
  Request object?
 I think this is what you want:;query=GET%20POST;match=and;where=all;stem=no

Re: RewriteRule and AccelPass conflict

2002-06-24 Thread Robert Landrum

On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 05:37:51PM -0400, Philip Mak wrote:
 I'm trying to add a RewriteRule, but it's not working:
 RewriteEngine on
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$
 RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [L,R]
 I want to make it so that if someone accesses that website via any
 hostname other than or, then it
 will redirect them to I copied those
 rules exactly from another httpd.conf where it works.
 However, the directives were being ignored. I realized the problem is
 probably because of this line:
 AccelPass /

I would think that you would need something like the following. 

Location /
SetHandler rewrite accel
# rewrite rules and accel rules

Or something like that...  Your goal is to stack these handlers, so that
rewrite happens first and accel second.

I've never tried this, but it might work

Robert Landrum
Systems Programmer

Re: Setting the Content-Type for displaying a gif

2002-06-05 Thread Robert Landrum

On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 04:38:26PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a problem with setting the correct content-type under mod_perl
 with mason. I use mason with the mod_perl args_method.
 I want to get a .gif out of a database and print it
 in a window, but all i get is binary junk. I tried to set the correct
 content-type but when i look at the page source i can't see it. 
 Here the relevant extract from my source: 
 my $sth = $db-prepare(select attachment from table);
 # following three lines should set content-type
 #$r-header_out('Content-Type' = 'image/gif');
 #$r-headers_out-add('Content-Type' = 'image/gif');
 my ($att) = $sth-fetchrow_array();

You're real close here


 What am i doing wrong? 

You actually need to bypass mason for this.  It's unfortunate that mason 
doesn't have some better image content type recoginition and do the right
thing (hint, hint :).


Re: Apache::File correction

2002-04-10 Thread Robert Landrum

At 1:44 PM -0700 4/10/02, Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
The Apache::File man pages indicate that

($name,$fh) = Apache::File-tmpfile;

returns a fh ready to write to. So far so good.

In case of wanting to read from it, here is what I do:

# Is this necessary?
$fh-close() or die Could not close $name: $!\n;

local $/= undef;
$output = $fh;
warn $output\n;
$fh-close() or die Could not close $name: $!\n;

To me it appears that you have not written anything to your tmp 
file... Which would explain the empty $output.

Usually temp file creators open in read/write mode.

So if you say something like

($name,$fh) = Apache::File-tmpfile;

print $fh Hello World;


my $line = $fh;

print $line;

It should print Hello World;


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

[JOB] mod_perl/DBI programmer in Fairfax, VA

2002-04-08 Thread Robert Landrum

Capitol Advantage
Fairfax, VA, USA


Online Congressional Directory publisher is looking for a lead 
programmer (or programmers) to maintain our existing codebase 
(written in mod_perl) and develop new additional components for the 

Skills Required:

Perl, mod_perl, Apache, Linux, DBI.

Additional Desired Skills:

Oracle, Solaris, Mysql, SMTP protocol familiarity, socket 
programming, process management (fork), juggling.

If interested, please contact:

Bob Hansan
2731-A Prosperity Ave
Fairfax VA 22031
P: 703-289-4670
F: 703-289-4678

Re: PDF generation

2002-04-03 Thread Robert Landrum

At 3:43 PM -0500 4/3/02, Bill McCabe wrote:
Hi All

I have a large number of mod_perl modules that connect to various 
databases and
generate workflow performance reports for my organization. I give the users 3
output options: HTML, Excel (Spreadsheet::WriteExcel), and PDF. For PDF output
I've been using PDF::Create, which has been at version .01 since 1999. It has
worked flawlessly for my purposes for a couple of years, but is very 
limited. In
fine form-follows-function fashion, the end users would now like the 
PDF output
gussied up with graphics, etc. Does anyone have any strong (positive or
negative) recommendations for which module(s) I should migrate to?

Actually, I used PDF::API2.   I've used it for graphics and others 
and have contributed patches to the source (which may or may not have 
been included, but which aren't critical for general use).

The only downside is that it is poorly documented (in my opinion), 
but determination overruled and  I've used it quite for all types of 
applications (including dynamic fill-out-and-download applications).

The speed isn't great, but if it's a low traffic application, it 
shouldn't be a problem.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Be carefull with apache 1.3.24

2002-03-25 Thread Robert Landrum

At 11:14 AM -0500 3/25/02, John Siracusa wrote:
Does anyone know how I can put my ProxyIOBufferSize config line in a
conditional that'll keep it from blowing up if I'm using a version of apache
earlier than 1.3.24?


In /path/to/apache1.3.24/bin/apachectl add a -DAPACHE_1_3_24 to the 
httpd command.

In your httpd.conf add

IfDefined APACHE_1_3_24
ProxyIOBufferSize 10

I think that should work


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Permission conflict between mod_cgi and mod_perl

2002-03-25 Thread Robert Landrum

At 3:17 PM -0600 3/25/02, James G Smith wrote:

And the sky isn't blue, but the results are the same.

mod_perl can't run scripts.

Scripts can be run from mod_perl.

More than that, set-uid scripts can be run from mod_perl and offer
one of the better ways of doing things that require root privileges.

Oh how I hate to interrupt a good flame war, especially one that 
Randal is involved in, but wouldn't it be possible to run apache 
(with mod perl) as set-uid but listening only on  They 
just establish a proxy connection to the backend setuid apache?


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Can't open perl script -spi.bak

2002-03-22 Thread Robert Landrum

At 3:00 AM +0800 3/23/02, Stas Bekman wrote:
On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Pete Kelly wrote:

 I am attempting to build mod_perl on NT.  I
 successfully built Apache.  I have ActiveState 5.6
 (Perl v5.6.1) installed.  I also have MS Visual Studio
 6.0 installed.

 I downloaded mod_perl-1.26.tar.gz from

 After unzipping the files I get the get the following

 C:\mod_perl-1.26perl Makefile.PL
 Can't open perl script  -spi.bak : No such file or
 C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe  -spi.bak   -e  s/sub
 mod_perl::hooks.*/sub mod_perl::hook
 s { qw() }/ lib/ failed

 Any suggestions?

That's is very weird, because this code doesn't seem to work:

perl -e 'system(perl,  -e1) == 0 or die oops'

Actually, that's not all that weird.  Most shells take care of 
stripping out garbage before setting the argument list.  Since 
system(LIST) doesn't use the shell, it's passing perl the literal  
-e1 which perl won't recognize as a command line option (and 
correctly so in my opinion).


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Off topic question a little worried

2002-03-21 Thread Robert Landrum

At 4:58 PM -0500 3/21/02, darren chamberlain wrote:
Another alternative is to replace it with something that appears
to do the same thing, but actually logs a ton of stuff from the

Unless the entire site has already been backdoored.  If that is the 
case, then this would serve no purpose, as the intruder could just 
come in via the backdoor.

Any time a security breach takes place, the first action should 
always be to take the box offline and access the extent of the breach 
(multiple machines may be effected), backup the disk(s), and 
reformat.  Finally, restore only the trusted files (and only after 
reviewing them for backdoors).

It's the only way to be sure that you've eliminated the problem.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Permission conflict between mod_cgi and mod_perl

2002-03-18 Thread Robert Landrum

At 3:42 PM -0500 3/18/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 18-Mar-02 7:36:55 PM GMT Standard Time, 

You may want to look into useradd and /etc/skel on a Linux system.  It
   has everything you are trying to accomplish handled automatically
   by using the standard Linux user creation techniques. No need to
   re-implement the wheel. :)

That's just it ... we didn't want to have to create whole new user 
accounts for everybody. Just a small directory of files for a demo 
of our web-app.

I'd be happy if all the apps weren't apache:apache ... but I was 
thinking there had to be a better solution than `chown nobody:nobody 
$directory -R` (just an example !!)

To change default file permissions of newly created files
perldoc -f umask

To change ownership of a file without a fork*
perldoc -f chown

To change permissions of a file without a fork*
perldoc -f chmod

To create directories without a fork*
perldoc -f mkdir

* on most *nix based systems


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: File upload example

2002-03-12 Thread Robert Landrum

At 9:01 AM -0800 3/12/02, David Wheeler wrote:
On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 03:57, Rich Bowen wrote:

 my $form = Your::Class::form(); # Wherever you put this function
 if (my $file = $form-{UPLOAD}) {
 my $filename = $file-filename; # If you need the name

Actually, if you want the name, it's a really good idea to just get the
basename, since some browsers on some platforms (e.g., IE/Mac) send the
complete path name to the file on the browser's local file system (e.g.,
':Mac:Foo:Bar:image.jpg'). This is trickier than it sounds, because you
have to tell basename() what platform to assume the file is from. Here's
how I suggest doing it.

Since when?  I just wrote something that did just this (in CGI), but 
it only uploaded the basename.  I'm using Mac OS 9, IE 5.0.  That 
sounds a lot like IE 3.0.

The other way to go is

$filename = $1 if($filename =~ /[\:\/\\]([^\:\/\\]+)$/);

How many people use / : or \ in their paths?  Can we shoot those 
people?  I especially don't want people who use those characters 
uploading files that might be downloaded by someone on another 
platform.  Just think what would happen if I downloaded Foo:Bar.txt, 
as uploaded by my windows friends.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Can anyone recommend a good flavour of Cookie?

2002-03-07 Thread Robert Landrum

At 9:28 AM + 3/7/02, Jeff wrote:
Please forgive a mod_perl wannabie [aka woza.PHP4.user]

I have googled two differing flavoured cookies in the
mod_perl recipe library:

and of course, there is the 'Why not hack the HTTP_COOKIE
env all by your lonesome?' peppermint flavour too!

So which is it folks? Please vote for your favourite
flavour of cookie for poor woza.PHP4.user

Actually, I always roll my own...  I can't stand those Apache::Cookie 
and CGI::Cookie modules... they never seem to work the way I expect 
them to.

Plus, decoding cookies is easy.

my %cookies = map {
s/\%([A-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;  split(/=/,$_,2);
} (split(/\/,$ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'}));


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Document Caching

2002-03-06 Thread Robert Landrum

At 12:28 PM -0800 3/6/02, Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
Hello People,
Need your advise on how to cache a template under mod_perl... Any ideas?
Thanks in advance

$MY::TEMPLATE .= while(FILE);

Provided that you never change $MY::TEMPLATE, this should work fine.

When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Breaks in mod_perl, works in Perl

2002-03-05 Thread Robert Landrum

At 1:14 PM -0700 3/5/02, Mark Hazen wrote:
I am hoping there is a someone brilliant on this list that can help me  A
little while ago, I posted to clpperl asking how I can capture the trace
output from DBI into a variable  Since DBI is an external process, I
couldn't do it just by piping STDERR  Benjamin Goldberg came up with a
module called IO::Capture (see below)  It works amazingly well in standard
Perl  Here is a sample script:

Maybe I'm just crazy but wouldn't this be simpler?

use DBI;
$dbh = DBI-connect (DBI:mysql:test:localhost, username, password, {
RaiseError = 0, PrintError = 0 });

$filename = /tmp/dbi_$$time()rand(1)trace;

DBI-trace( 1, $filename );

$sth = $dbh-prepare (qq{
$sth-execute ();
$sth-finish ();

$dbh-disconnect ();

print qq{
Output is:

print while(FILE);

The problem with the module listed is that it does some filehandle 
munging on what is already a munged filehandler  Meaning, it looks 
like a filehandle, but it's really just a hook into something apache 
is going to use to output stuff to the error log

Hope that helps


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI  

RE: Breaks in mod_perl, works in Perl

2002-03-05 Thread Robert Landrum

At 1:32 PM -0700 3/5/02, Mark Hazen wrote:
I'm sorry I didn't explain an important component  Since I am dealing with
a few hundred requests per minute (this was got me onto mod_perl to begin
with), then using DBI's ability to write to a file would vastly overwhelm my

I don't get it You don't mind trying to create tables a few 
hundred times per minute, but creating a file is too much overhead?

And writing to memory is going to really bog the system

Maybe you shouldn't be asking why doesn't my capture work, but how 
can I debug some production code I have

Just a thought,


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI  

[OT] Apache Config Problem

2002-02-19 Thread Robert Landrum

I'm trying to do something really simple and trying to avoid writing 
an Modperl handler to do it.

We have a website behind a bigip running on port 8080.  When someone 
requests a URL that doesn't end with a slash, it's redirected to 
http://host:8080/path/ .  I tried turning off UseCononicalName, but 
it didn't have any effect.

Any suggestions?



When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: [OT] Apache Config Problem

2002-02-19 Thread Robert Landrum

At 2:22 PM -0500 2/19/02, Stephen Reppucci wrote:
So, if you virtual host was something like:

  Port 80

Then (assuming your bigip sends requests for to generated urls will be to
'' (I think the ':80' is dropped as the
default port...)

A very important addition to this is to make sure UseCononicalName is
turned on. ;-)

30 minutes of reading about mod_rewrite, 4 minutes to recompile 
apache, 2 minutes of coding it, 20 minutes of testing, and a 10 
second fix was all it took.  Doh!

Thanks everyone,


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Frontier::Responder question

2002-02-18 Thread Robert Landrum

I recently picked up Programming web services with XML-RPC.  It 
mentions a module that I have yet to track down.  I am unable to find 
Frontier::Responder.  O'Reilly's site mentions that Joe Johnston 
wrote.  Joe makes it pretty clear that he want's you to use it in 
place of Frontier::Daemon when writing mod_perl handlers, but never 
gives an address of where to find it, or how to contact him for it.

The Frontier modules seem to be a little old.  Are there any other 
newer versions that I should be using instead.  The Frontier::RPC 
package was last modified in 1999.



When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: [OT] Moving WYPUG

2002-02-15 Thread Robert Landrum

At 7:44 AM -0500 2/15/02, fliptop wrote:

the version of you find may not work with rpm version 4.0 
or higher, this will fix that:

   } elsif ($rpm_version =~ /rpm\s+version\s+3\.+/i) {
} elsif ($rpm_version =~ /rpm\s+version\s+3|4\.+/i) {

Actually I don't think that really fixes it...

That's going to search for




You want

} elsif ($rpm_version =~ /rpm\s+version\s+(?:3|4)\.+/i) {


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: [BUG] Memory Courruption (was: RE: [Q] SIGSEGV After fork())

2002-02-15 Thread Robert Landrum

At 11:44 AM -0600 2/15/02, Fister, Mark wrote:
  Dear mod_perl experts:

 Collectively, we've been at this for more than two weeks and have searched
 various mod_perl archives, all to no avail.

 SIGSEGV after fork().  Very reproducible.  Memory corruption gets moved
 around if the codebase changes.

[ SNIP ]

The above is the key: moved around.  Therefore, I need Purify or similar
tool.  I'm going to have to go this route, since nobody has any ideas.
Go go gadget purchasing! :(

Are you running any XS stuff created with SWIG?  I had a very similar 
problem some time ago (RH 5.1, I think) with SWIG creating strange XS 
files that corrupted memory when used under mod_perl... There was no 
corruption when running as a perl script or cgi.

I eventually scrapped SWIG (a little too complicated for what I was 
doing) in favor of h2xs.  Just for fun, I tried using it with 
mod_perl and it worked perfectly.

After reviewing it with my father (who's a die hard C guy), he found 
a potential problem with

$var = undef;

Which might hose undef.

He suggested instead


Which I never actually tried.

Since I'm not a C guy, I don't really run into too many segfaults. 
Unfortunatly I no longer have the code I was testing this with or I'd 
give it another shot...

Hope that helps some...


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: DBI handle cleared whilst still active

2002-02-08 Thread Robert Landrum

At 4:09 PM +0100 2/8/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,
i have just installed DBI-1.20, ApacheDBI-0.88 and DBD-Oracle-1.12 on a
tru64 Unix 5.1a. Also installed is Oracle 8.1.7 with Oracle supplied Apache
1.3.12 and Oracle supplied perl 5.005_03.
After some problems i got it work together with DBD::Oracle. The problem now
is as follows:
I run the following script (just select the dbname and hostname from a
function, commented out host user and password)

# Perl script start ##
use DBI;
print Content-type: text/plain\n\n;

Try the following instead...

eval {
 $dbh = DBI-connect(DSN,USERNAME,PASSWORD) || die $DBI::errstr;

if($@) {
 print DB Connect error: $@;

eval {
 $sth = $dbh-prepare(select fc_get_dbname from dual);
 ($dbname) = $sth-fetchrow_array;

if($@) {
  print DB Select failure: $@);
  $dbh-disconnect if(defined $dbh);

print $dbname.\n;

$dbh-disconnect if(defined $dbh);


$dbh = DBI-connect(dbi:Oracle:host=host;SID=sid, usr, pwd) || die
$stmt = $dbh-prepare(select fc_get_dbname from dual)|| die $DBI::errstr;
$rc = $stmt-execute() || die $DBI::errstr;
while (($dbname) = $stmt-fetchrow()) { print $dbname\n; }
warn $DBI::errstr if $DBI::err;
die fetch error:  . $DBI::errstr if $DBI::err;
$stmt-finish() || die can't close cursor;
$dbh-disconnect() || die cant't log off Oracle;
# Perl script End ##

which puts the following message:

abba02.orgdv perl
Content-type: text/plain

DB: ENTWICKL auf Maschine: abbaentwickel.orgdv
DBI handle cleared whilst still active during global destruction.
DBI Handle has 1 uncleared child handles during global destruction.
dbih_clearcom (h 0x14012c8f0, com 0x140043880):
   FLAGS 0x211: COMSET Warn AutoCommit
   TYPE 1
   PARENT undef
   KIDS 1 (0 active)
   IMP_DATA undef in 'DBD::Oracle::dr'
   thread cond var 0x140130f30, tid 65535

if i run an application in Apache and call a cgi script it puts the same
message in the error_log from apache.
did i forget something or is it a bug which should be posted as described in
the manuals?

Volker Winter
plan business AG
NDR Projekt ABBA

When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

[OT] Opera Cookies

2002-02-08 Thread Robert Landrum

I've recently come across some interesting behavior with Opera on linux.

When I set a cookie using CGI::Cookie and Set-Cookie: headers, and 
then perform a JavaScript redirect to another page, the cookie IS NOT 
SET.  That doesn't mean that the Cookie: header wasn't returned from 
the browser, I mean the cookie doesn't even seem to be present. 
Opera even says that it's going to set it (after turning on ask 
about cookies pref).

Taking away the JavaScript redirect fixed the missing cookie problem, 
but still doesn't tell me why anything JavaScript related would have 
an effect on an HTTP header.

The javascript looks like

scriptdocument.location = '$url';/script

Has anyone had any troubles with Opera/Cookies/mod_perl?  Every other 
browser seems to work just fine (Konqueror, Netscape, IE, Galleon).


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Indentifying dir_config's

2002-02-01 Thread Robert Landrum

At 1:39 PM -0800 2/1/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm wondering if there is a way that I can mark or remeber that
I've seen a particular dir_config during a previous request. The
motivation is performance related - so that I can set up for
particular set of PerlSetVar values only the once. Then
subseqeuent requests to that child will use a previously
determined value (instanciated object).

IE: in my httpd.conf I have -

PerlSetVar myvalue 100

Location /test
   PerlSetVar myvalue 200

Location /different
   PerlSetVar myvalue 300

So - request 1 - GET /test
   I check dir_config(myvalue) and setup.
   Can I mark that I was here; sorta like the equivalent of
   Location /test
   PerlSetVar myvalue   200
   PerlSetVar signature myvalue_200

I'm not sure if I understand...

I've done something in one of my modues in the past...

package MyHandler;

our $INITED = 0;

our %CONFIG = ();

sub handler {
 unless($INITED) {
 %CONFIG = $self-get_config($r);
 $INITED = 1;

That way I only have to get_config once per forked process...  This 
is very useful for static (or near static) data.  In this example 
get_config was pulling configuration directives from an Oracle 



When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: New mod_perl Logo

2002-01-30 Thread Robert Landrum

At 4:54 PM -0500 1/30/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 30-Jan-02 6:08:29 AM GMT Standard Time, 

All these American-style names are verging on the racist.

This is world-wide code, not f---ing American-wide code.

Don't let the crappy AOL account fool you. Nessie is about 3 hours 
from here. The Yetti I believe is indiginous to Asia isn't it?

And as for australian beasties ... I just couldn't think of any off 
the top of my head ... .

Uhh... Taz?  Or Tazmanian Devil.

Roos?  KangarooSphere v5.6.0...

How about we just call it AmericanHatingAussie... ;-)



When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: is there something wrong with my http header?

2002-01-28 Thread Robert Landrum

I'm trying to print a gif image to the browser, but it's appearing as
text.  Here's what the output looks like (used lynx --mime_header):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 21:58:05 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26
Set-Cookie: FOO=bar;; path=/
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-control: no-cache
Connection: close
Content-Type: image/gif
Expires: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 21:58:05 GMT

...(more data)...

Uhh... That's not gif data.  gif data should start

GIF89a...(more data)...


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: slow regex [BENCHMARK]

2002-01-23 Thread Robert Landrum

At 4:01 PM -0800 1/23/02, Paul Mineiro wrote:
Paul Mineiro wrote:

i've cleaned up the example to tighten the case:

the mod perl code  snippet is:


 my @cg;
 open DIL, '', /tmp/seqdata;
 print DIL $seq;
 close DIL;
 warn length seq = @{[length ($seq)]};
 my $t = timeit (1, sub {
   while ($seq =~ /CG/g)
   push @cg, pos ($seq);
 print STDERR timestr ($t), \n;

I just ran this on my system here... It's completely unloaded (load 
average: 0.11, 0.08, 0.02)


0 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.06 CPU) @ 16.67/s (n=1)

I ran it on a file that I created with

perl -e print 'ABCGEFSK' x 25000  /tmp/seqdata

Which created 25000 entires into @cg.

Your system has to be swapping horribly.  I bet that the ulimit for 
whoever apache is running as has the memory segment set super low.

Double check everything and if that doesn't work, recompile.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Thumbnail generator

2002-01-21 Thread Robert Landrum

At 4:13 PM +0100 1/21/02, Gerald Richter wrote:
  I recently decided that Apache::Gallery is really nice if you want to
 sit down and start fiddling with templates, but that I needed to make a
 quick-easy version for myself.  The design is to be extremely simple,
 and is divided into two seperate modules.  The first is an on-the-fly
 thumbnail  generator (currently supports only jpeg), which is just a
 spiced up implementation of Image::GD::Thumbnail.

You may want to take a look at Apache::ImageMagick (if you not already
have). It's let's you create thumbnails very easy (just two parameters and ImageMagick supports over 80 different
formats. It also handles conversion from 4 color pictures to RGB for your
thumbnails and many other things, if you need them.

ImageMagick is way too slow for use in a production system. 
Especially if your resizing large images into thumbnails.  I suggest 
sacrificing space for speed and pre-generating all your thumbnails.

Most of the time libjpeg will do everything you need, including 
scaling.  I suggestion GD with Jpeg support or 
for real time conversion of jpegs.

There are probably other faster libs out there, and I'm just citing 
the ones I've heard about or used in the past.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: [OT] Cgi permission Questions

2002-01-21 Thread Robert Landrum

At 12:26 PM -0700 1/21/02, Joe Bifano wrote:
Hi all,

My first time on the list.  I have been looking at the archives but am not
able to find anything on this.

I have 3 web servers, 1 development/nfs server and 2 database mysql servers
in a cluster server farm.  All sites are owned by our company so nobody will
be on the system except for me.  It is behind a firewall and a load-balancer
so it is pretty secure.

I have several domains set up on the site called,, and is only on
the 3 web servers and all the rest is on the development server.

I have 2 employees that will be setting up a couple of things using a cgi
script called on  When this script is run it has
to create new test companies or demo companies.

Here is the problem: is owned by test and group test and has file
permissions 755.  When the script is run it becomes owner apache
and group apache and has to create new files and directories on the machine.
All of the new files and directories  then become owner apache and group
apace.  I need them to stay as owner test and group test.

This is a little bit offtopic, since it about permissions and not 
really about mod_perl, but here goes:

You want to use the build-in perl function chown.


You should not have to suexec if the files you're attempting to chown 
are owned by apache/apache.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: mod_perl installation

2002-01-21 Thread Robert Landrum

At 11:35 AM -0800 1/21/02, Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
I get this message when running

Your Perl is configured to link against libgdbm,
  but was not found.
  You might need to install Perl from source

I have checked the /usr/lib directory for and it is not
Here is the result of perl -V | grep libs:
 libs=-lgdbm -lm -lc

I use SGI IRIX 6.5

I ran into this problem too... If I remember correctly, I just 
removed DB_File module directory from the source tree and recompiled.

Of course this means that you can't use DB_File, but if you don't 
need it, then this should work for you.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: mod_perl installation

2002-01-21 Thread Robert Landrum

At 11:35 AM -0800 1/21/02, Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
I get this message when running

Your Perl is configured to link against libgdbm,
  but was not found.
  You might need to install Perl from source

Actually, I just checked... I removed perl-5.6.x/ext/*_File


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: [OT] Trouble with dprofpp and Devel::DProf

2002-01-18 Thread Robert Landrum

At 12:46 AM + 1/18/02, Ged Haywood wrote:
Hi all,

Anyone using 5.7.0 had any trouble with dprofpp?

Devel::DProf writes tmon.out OK but dprofpp doesn't understand it.
The whole kit came with 5.7.0 in one source tarball.

I searched p5p with the Google and the engine and came up
with nothing.

Double check that the dprofpp is the same one distributed with 5.7.0 
and not 5.6.1 or earlier perl's...

When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Single login/sign-on for different web apps?

2002-01-17 Thread Robert Landrum

At 9:06 PM + 1/16/02, Mark Maunder wrote:
That's cool, but any ideas on how to do this with different domain names i.e.,, and You can't create cookies for the .com
domain, so there's no way to hand out auth cookies from (when the user
logs into and have the browser send them to too. Also
can't hand out cookies for, so you can't implement a single sign on
using cookies for multiple domain names from the same host.

The only way I could come up with, was to have the browser redirected to every
domain name with an encrypted uri variable to prove it is signed on 
which causes
each host included in the single sign on to assign an auth cookie to the

So the browser is logged into, and by logging
into which assigns a cookie and  redirects to which assigns a
cookie and redirects it to which assigns a cookie and redirects it to which assigns a cookie and redirects it back to It has now
collected all cookies required for signon to all domain names and is 
logged into
all of them.

That's not terribly efficient for the user.  If I were to do this, 
I'd probably put some You are now logged in page that loads images 
from,,, and (transparent single pixel 
gifs would work).

Now the user is logged in to all those servers (provided that the 
gifs returned were returned with Set-Cookie headers).

The same thing can be done with authentication.  Most browsers allow 
you to write urls as
http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/images/spacer.gif

It's not pretty, and not super secure, but it does work.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: weird problem. Lost of the POST data

2002-01-16 Thread Robert Landrum

At 3:11 PM +0100 1/16/02, Oscar Serrano wrote:
Here I put the beggining of the file:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI;
use strict;
use varcomunes; #library of my own
use lib $LIBRERIAS_AT;
use EnlacesAT; #library of my own
use Idioma; #library of my own
use DBI;
use OrdenesComunes; #library of my own
use Template; #template toolkit 2.03
my ($rentafijapup, $rentafijapumm, $accionesp, $accionesmm);
#many other my (whatever) definitions...

print Content-type: text/html\nPragma: no-cache\n\n;

$query=new CGI;

Check to make sure that you do not have some strange version of CGI 
in $LIBRERIAS_AT.  I've been bitten by this in the past when a 
developer pointed some code to his home directory and had bad/debug 
copied of modules in there.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Form Reading

2002-01-08 Thread Robert Landrum


This is off topic, thanks for a direct hint to a module or an
appropriate mailing list.

I want to read an HTML form into an hash. But I don't want to use
HTML::Tree or similar DOM Object trees. I need simply all form relevant
information as an hash which is human readable. Example:

Write your own like me ;-)


use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my $htmlsource = '';
while(STDIN) {
$htmlsource .= $_;
my $formfields = {};
my @tags = split(/[\\]/,$htmlsource);
my $i = 0;
for ($i = 0;$i  @tags; $i++) {
my $tag = $tags[$i];
if($tag =~ /^(input|select|option|textarea)\b/i) {
my $type = lc($1);

if($type eq input) {
my $attr = parse($tag);
push(@{$formfields-{'printorder'}},($attr-{'name'} || ''));
$formfields-{$attr-{'name'}} = {
'tag' = $type,
'attr' = $attr,
'orig' = $tag
} elsif($type eq select) {
my $attr = parse($tag);
push(@{$formfields-{'printorder'}},($attr-{'name'} || ''));
my $rec = {
'tag' = $type,
'attr' = $attr,
'orig' = $tag,
'options' = [],

while($tags[$i] !~ /^\/select/i) {
my $opt = $tags[$i];
if($opt =~ /^option/i) {
my $tmp = parse($opt);
$tmp-{'label'} = $tags[$i+1];

$formfields-{$attr-{'name'}} = $rec;
} elsif($type eq textarea) {
my $attr = parse($tag);
push(@{$formfields-{'printorder'}},($attr-{'name'} || ''));
my $rec = {
'tag' = $type,
'attr' = $attr,
'orig' = $tag,
'options' = [],
my $val = '';
while($tags[$i] !~ /^\/textarea/i) {
$val .= $tags[$i];
$rec-{'value'} = $val;
$formfields-{$attr-{'name'}} = $rec;

print Dumper($formfields);

sub parse {
my $tag = shift;
$tag =~ s/^\w+//;
$tag =~ s/^\s+//;
return {} unless $tag;
my $attr = {};
my $inquote = 0;
my $pair = '';
for my $char (split(//,$tag)) {
if($char eq '') {
$inquote = $inquote ? 0 : 1;
if($char =~ /\s/  !$inquote) {
if($pair) {
my ($k,$v) = split(/\=/,$pair);
$v ||= 1 if($k =~ /selected|checked/i);
$attr-{lc($k)} = $v;
$pair = '';
$pair .= $char;
if($pair) {
my ($k,$v) = split(/\=/,$pair);
$v ||= 1 if($k =~ /selected|checked/i);
$attr-{$k} = $v;
return $attr;

Call it

$ perl  html_page_to_parse.html

Note that it doesn't differentiate between multiple forms on a single 
page.  I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader.



p.s.  This hasn't been fully tested.

When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Beginner's FixupHandler question

2002-01-08 Thread Robert Landrum

At 2:40 PM +0100 1/8/02, Zsolt Czinkos wrote:

Here's my simple script:

package SetMyCookies;

use Apache;
use Apache::Constants;
use Apache::Cookie();

Very important to use strict when writing anything in mod_perl.

sub handler {

my $r = shift;

 $c = $r-header_in(Cookie);

$c is going to persist across multiple connections without my().

local(@rawCookies) = split (/; /,$c);

Use my()... my() is more appropriate in this case.

Always reset %cookies = ();  # just in case

($key, $val) = split (/=/,$_);
$cookies{$key} = $val;

be sure to my() $key and $val

foreach $name (keys %cookies) {
print STDERR $name = $cookies{$name}\n;

My() $name.

my $cookie = Apache::Cookie-new($r,
-name   = 'lofos',
-value  = 'lofos13',
-expires= '+24M',
-path = '/'


return OK;

And here's the error_log on one request:

More importantly, check your access log.  Something like a nimda in 
association with the above code might produce multiple lines in your 
error log like this.

kakukk = kukka234534
kakukk = kukka234534
kakukk = kukka234534
kakukk = kukka234534

Good luck,


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: transient object data

2001-12-24 Thread Robert Landrum

At 11:51 AM + 12/23/01, Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
Maybe the way to do it would be to have a Serializable class that could have
the following methods:

freeze($self) : SCALAR
thaw ($class) : OBJECT
clone($self) : OBJECT;
_freeze($self): SCALAR

Hmmm... Maybe instead of Subclassing directly, we should implement 
some sort of wrapper which would flag transient data internally.

my $serobj = Transient::Serobj-new(
'Serializer' = 'Storable'

my $str = $serobj-freeze;

my $deserobj = Transient::Serobj-thaw($str,{
'Serializer' = 'Storable',
'Callbacks' = {


When the thaw method is called, it reads the stored object data 
($str) and where the transient data is normally stored, the callback 
(if specified) would be called.  Otherwise the transient data 
wouldn't be defined.

For instance, If I only wanted to store the two letter US State 
abbreviation, but wanted to automatically have access to the state 
name, you could implement it something like

my $session = Transient::Serobj-thaw($str,{
'Serializer' = 'Storable',
'Callbacks' = {
sub {

print I live in ,$session-FETCH('STATENAME'),\n;

It's seems a bit longwinded here, but once it was subclassed (along 
with a few modified constants or variables), it would probably be 
much cleaner...


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: mod_perl book status

2001-12-18 Thread Robert Landrum

At 9:58 AM + 12/18/01, Ged Haywood wrote:
Hi all,

On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Stas Bekman wrote (privately, discussing a book review:):

 Ged wrote:
   If you want to use CApache::DBI but you have both situations on
   one machine, at the time of writing the only solution is to run two
   mod_perl enabled servers, one which uses CApache::DBI and one
   which does not.
 [META: Stas: Could one not simply patch Apache::DBI to
 permit disconnects from one of the databases? -- Ged.]

 That's probably a good idea. Go ahead and suggest it to the author/list?

Author/List:  Is this a Good Idea?

I've not tested or tried this, but wouldn't this patch work?

--- ApacheDBI-0.88/   Fri Jan 12 13:59:00 2001
+++ Tue Dec 18 11:53:00 2001
@@ -177,6 +177,10 @@
use strict;
sub disconnect {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ if($dbh-{'DBIDisconnect'}) {
+   $dbh-DBI::db::disconnect();
+ }
my $prefix = $$ Apache::DBI;
print STDERR $prefix disconnect (overloaded) \n if $Apache::DBI::DEBUG
Thus setting the DBIDisconnect flag would cause the dbh to be disconnected.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: mod_perl site challenge: proposal to use ASF site design

2001-12-17 Thread Robert Landrum

At 4:17 PM -0500 12/17/01, David Harris wrote:
The purpose of this e-mail is as follows:

(a) See if others also think that the three alternatives for a mod_perl site
are not very desirable. If you agree, please speak up and say that you

I agree.

(b) See if others also think that using the ASF generic site design (even
though it's not cool and distinctive) would be a good idea. If you agree,
please speak up and say that you agree.

I agree.

(c) Perhaps elicit a volunteer to design an example site that includes Stas'
content and the ASF generic design. If enough people agree with the first
two points, someone may be willing to volunteer to do this.. perhaps even
one of the existing contributors who have already figured out DocSet.
Perhaps even Stas!

Not me, sorry.  A little too busy right now.

Lets try to keep this constructive, focused, and concrete. :-)

Concrete isn't used when building websites.

Also, lets keep in mind something that Stas pointed out to me: most anything
is a step up from our existing site design. So, if we go with one of the
three existing options it's still a step up.

So long as most anything doesn't include designs that are broken.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-14 Thread Robert Landrum

At 6:04 PM -0500 12/14/01, Perrin Harkins wrote:
That's actually a bit different.  That would fail to notice updates between
processes until the in-memory cache was cleared.  Still very useful for
read-only data or data that can be out of sync for some period though.

The primary problem with everything mentioned thus far is that they 
are almost entirely based around the concept of a single server. 
Caching schemes that are both fast and work across multiple servers 
and process instances are very hard to find.  After reading the eToys 
article, I decided that BerkeleyDB was worth a look.  We discovered 
that it was very fast and would make a great cache for some of our 
commonly used database queries.  The problem was that we are running 
on 5 different servers, load balanced by Big/IP.  Again, taking my 
que from the eToys article, I began working on a data exchange system 
(using perl instead of C) which multicasts data packets to the 
listening servers.  So far, our only problems have been with the 
deadlocking (solved with db_deadlock), and a few corrupt records.

I'm considering uploading to CPAN the stuff I've written for the 
caching, but haven't had the time to make it generic enough.  I also 
haven't performed any benchmarks other than the Wow, that's a lot 
faster benchmark.  One limitation to the stuff I've written is that 
the daemons (listeners) are non threaded, non forking.  That and it's 
all based on UDP.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Apache::Scoreboard question

2001-12-13 Thread Robert

Anand R wrote:
 # ScoreBoardFile: File used to store internal server process information.
 # Not all architectures require this.  But if yours does (you'll know
 # this file will be  created when you run Apache) then you *must* ensure
 # no two invocations of Apache share the same scoreboard file.
 ScoreBoardFile logs/apache_runtime_status
 This should help you,

Thanks for your answer, but I'm not sure how this should help me. Can I
(and how) use Apache::Scoreboard to access full child's request record
incl. virtual host name?

- Robert

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 11:38 AM
 Subject: Apache::Scoreboard question
can Apache::Scoreboard be extended that with last request per child it
  would also return the corresponding virtual host name? I would be
  usefull for Apache::VMonitor. Thanks.

Apache::Scoreboard question

2001-12-12 Thread Robert


  can Apache::Scoreboard be extended that with last request per child it
would also return the corresponding virtual host name? I would be
usefull for Apache::VMonitor. Thanks.

- Robert

Re: a new modperl book: mod_perl Developer's Cookbook

2001-12-06 Thread Robert Landrum

At 10:56 AM -0500 12/6/01, Geoffrey Young wrote:
Stas Bekman wrote:

 SAMS will publish the new mod_perl Developer's Cookbook by Geoffrey
 Young, Paul Lindner and Randy Kobes in January, 2002. You can find more
 info at

 Great work guys!

thanks for the mention Stas - a bit ahead of schedule but appreciated
nonetheless :)

we plan on making an official announcement when the book is released.
in the meanwhile, we're working on turning some of the more practical
book examples into official releases for CPAN.  expect some RFCs

Advance ordered via!  Actually I did it awhile ago when I 
first found out that there was a new mod_perl.


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Strange Can't locate errors

2001-12-05 Thread Robert Landrum

Can't locate CapWiz/Home/ in @INC (@INC contains: /data/ap/perl-
5.6.1/lib/5.6.1/sun4-solaris /data/ap/perl-5.6.1/lib/5.6.1 
/data/ap/perl-5.6.1/lib/site_perl/5.6.1 /data/ap
/perl-5.6.1/lib/site_perl . /data/ap/capwiz-apache/ 
erl) at (eval 12) line 3.

Normally this error wouldn't be a problem for me...  Except..

[rlandrum@par-s01 Home]$ pwd
[rlandrum@par-s01 Home]$ ls -l
total 56
-r--r--r--   1 rlandrum content27927 Nov 30 15:27

The file exists!

So it's there, and so are all it used modules.  Infact, I had this 
working just a few hours ago with user rlandrum (on port 8083), but 
once it fired up under root (on port 80), I started getting these 

And I am definitly using the same httpd binary.

This is a:

SunOS 5.7 Generic_111437-01 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-4
perl v5.6.1 built for sun4-solaris
Apache/1.3.22 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26

Any thoughts?


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: Apache::Session and frames

2001-12-05 Thread Robert Landrum

At 3:06 PM -0800 12/5/01, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
I have been beating my head against this problem for days, to no 
avail. I have tried google searches, etc., still no dice.  So, I 
apologize for the noise people.

I'm using Apache::Session and cookies to perform session management. 
In watching the debug messages in my error_log, I can see that the 
cookie is created, the session is created, and all subsequent calls 
correctly loads the session.  However, part of the design for my web 
application requires the use of frames, with several frames 
containing mod_perl generated data.  Each one of those frames relies 
on using the session. I wouldn't think this would be a problem, 
except that some of the frames cannot tie to the datastore, and as a 
result create new sessions.

I would think the default behavior would block until the session is 
unlocked, but this doesn't seem to be the case.  I was first using 
Apache::Session::Flex (For easier configuration), but have also 
tried Apache::Session::MySQL, ::DB_File and ::File, all exhibit the 
same problem.

This site is developed using AxKit and AxKit::XSP::Session, but the 
sessions are created before AxKit is even invoked so that isn't the 

Any suggestions?  I'd like to resolve this without loosing my hair. :)

Cookies set in a parent frame are not immediatly accessable to a 
child frames.  It's a fun little bug that requires a full frame 
reload to be detected.  Another thing to watch out for are the cookie 
paths.  I've never used Apache::Session, so I don't know what path is 
set for the cookies, but if the pages loading in the child frames 
have non matching urls, then the session cookies aren't going to come 

Good Luck,


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: Strange Can't locate errors

2001-12-05 Thread Robert Landrum

At 4:41 PM -0700 12/5/01, Tim Tompkins wrote:
I've seen this happen on some NFS volumes on Solaris.  In this case the
problem was supported by 'ls' reporting different contents on the same
directory between two different shells.  Unfortunately, I'm not an NFS wiz
and I don't recall what the resolution was (yeah, I know... really helpful

Not NFS'd anyway.  Someone suggested that I might have a permissions 
problem, since the webserver ran as user/group nobody.  I checked and 
found that the lib with the perl-5.6.1 directory was read only for 
world.  I'm trying to fix it now...


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: Hi

2001-12-04 Thread Robert Landrum

If this guy is going to be sending us shit all night, I suggest we 
deactivate his account.


At 5:27 PM -0500 12/4/01, Christopher Rivera wrote:
How are you ?
When I saw this screen saver, I immediately thought about you
I am in a harry, I promise you will love it!
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Disposition: attachment;

Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:gone.scr (/) (0003DC5E)

Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: delayed file uploads...

2001-12-03 Thread Robert Landrum

At 3:29 PM -0800 12/3/01, El Capitan wrote:
i have a simple question.  im not sure if there is a mod_perl directive or
module for this but id like to perform this simple task:

two web pages run in sequence. the first page, id like a user to select
several files from his/her machine for uploading to the server using the
input type file tag.  when the user requests the next page, i DO NOT want
the files to immediately transfer (many reasons for this, just a hard
requirement).  rather, id like to store the names of the files into a cookie
or save it on the server with apache::session.  this part I already have
working, and am storing the file names into a tied hash using
apache::session module.

then the user moves onto the second web page and populates more form fields
with additional information.  upon submitting this second form, the files
from the previous web page (names stored in the hash %session from
apache::session) are then sent to the server.

im not sure whether or not this can be done, anyone have any clues?

Sorry... Not possible.  Once you've got the file fields, you can't 
force the browser to upload the file on a different page.  That would 
be a huge security hole.  Just image a

input type=hidden_file name=filetoupload value=/etc/passwd

One suggestion would be to popup a window with the file fields.  Then 
let the user select the files, click submit on the parent window, 
then on the subsequent page, have the parent window issue a 
child.form.submit or something similar with javascript...


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein


2001-11-27 Thread Robert Landrum

Does anyone know why is always the s-l-o-w-e-s-t site 
on the internet?  I can't believe it always busy.  I've had trouble 
hitting it at 3 AM.

Maybe it's just me...


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

[OT] Re:

2001-11-27 Thread Robert Landrum

Sure... When doing searches. But it takes me about 20 seconds just to 
hit any page... not just the search pages.

And don't misunderstand, I think is awesome.  I just 
wondered if anyone knew why it was slow all the time.


At 12:55 PM -0800 11/27/01, Nick Tonkin wrote:
Because it does a full text search of all the contents of the DB.

Nick Tonkin

On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, Robert Landrum wrote:

 Does anyone know why is always the s-l-o-w-e-s-t site
 on the internet?  I can't believe it always busy.  I've had trouble
 hitting it at 3 AM.

 Maybe it's just me...


 Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. 
And I'm not
 sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: Seeking Legal help

2001-11-21 Thread Robert Landrum

At 3:21 PM -0800 11/21/01, Medi Montaseri wrote:
HiI know this is not the lawyers hang-out, but it is seasoned
contractor's hangout and as such I need some legal advice...May I?

I did some work (about $25000 worth) for a customer and I'm having
problem collecting.

One big problem is that I don't have a formal signed hardcopy contract
binding my customer to the work and cost. I however do have verbal,
email communications, FTP logs, Web Access logs, hardcopy business
projections, Witnesses and such showing that I'm not making this up.

After months of promissing sweet equity, partnership, this and that,
finally customer has asked me to invoice them and charge interest for the
unpaid balance. At the same time customer is using the application
I wrote for them. I however have a feeling that they are simply buying
time and differing the problem. And they might even file chapter 11 as
their marketing projection was not so correct. But I did my part.

What can I do?

Contact a lawyer.  Then tell the client that you have contacted a 
lawyer.  Put this in writing and sign it.  Be specific and let them 
know what it is exactly that you want, and that if they do not 
comply, you'll be forced to enlist the service of a lawyer and file 

Most of the time, this will be enough to get them to pay...  Nobody 
want's a legal battle, least of all a small business.

If they fail to pay, you have two options.  Bite the bullet and move 
on or sue them.

I am not a lawyer, but this is the process that my friend went 
through when he did about $20,000 worth of work for a client that was 
more than 180 days delinquent.  After court costs and lawyer fees, 
etc., he walked away with

Not great, but better than nothing.


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: Seeking Legal help

2001-11-21 Thread Robert Koberg

Invoice immediatley. When you send it, tell the client you are sending it,
and that you could really use the money since this is how you pay the bills.
Call the client back in a few days to see if they got it.  If they haven't
then offer to fax it to him.  If  they have it ask them how long it will
take, because you really need the money. Offer to contact the accounting
department so the client does not need to be bothered.

If this does not work then get a lawyer. But when you do this be prepared to
wait a much longer time.


- Original Message -
From: Robert Landrum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: Seeking Legal help

 At 3:21 PM -0800 11/21/01, Medi Montaseri wrote:
 HiI know this is not the lawyers hang-out, but it is seasoned
 contractor's hangout and as such I need some legal advice...May I?
 I did some work (about $25000 worth) for a customer and I'm having
 problem collecting.
 One big problem is that I don't have a formal signed hardcopy contract
 binding my customer to the work and cost. I however do have verbal,
 email communications, FTP logs, Web Access logs, hardcopy business
 projections, Witnesses and such showing that I'm not making this up.
 After months of promissing sweet equity, partnership, this and that,
 finally customer has asked me to invoice them and charge interest for the
 unpaid balance. At the same time customer is using the application
 I wrote for them. I however have a feeling that they are simply buying
 time and differing the problem. And they might even file chapter 11 as
 their marketing projection was not so correct. But I did my part.
 What can I do?

 Contact a lawyer.  Then tell the client that you have contacted a
 lawyer.  Put this in writing and sign it.  Be specific and let them
 know what it is exactly that you want, and that if they do not
 comply, you'll be forced to enlist the service of a lawyer and file

 Most of the time, this will be enough to get them to pay...  Nobody
 want's a legal battle, least of all a small business.

 If they fail to pay, you have two options.  Bite the bullet and move
 on or sue them.

 I am not a lawyer, but this is the process that my friend went
 through when he did about $20,000 worth of work for a client that was
 more than 180 days delinquent.  After court costs and lawyer fees,
 etc., he walked away with

 Not great, but better than nothing.


 Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm
 sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: PerlModule not updating %INC

2001-11-20 Thread Robert Landrum

At 2:31 PM -0800 11/20/01, David Pisoni wrote:
 We have been doing development using mod_perl, but finding that 
Apache::StatINC was not working as expected (i.e., we needed to 
restart the web server in order to see our module changes in 
effect.)  Our apache config files preload all necessary modules at 
start time using the 'PerlModule' directive.  When I started peeking 
through Apache::Status I found that although all of our loaded 
modules appear in the Inheritance Tree and the ISA Tree, most of 
them did not appear in the Loaded Modules section.  (I also did a 
test handler with a dump of the contents of %INC, and said modules 
were missing.)  The only modules of ours which DID appear were those 
which were ALSO called for with 'use' calls by other modules.

I just reread your original post... I think I may know what the 
problem is (maybe).  Are you using Location handlers?

Location /whatever
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlModule My::Special::Module
PerlHandler My::Special::Module

If that is the case, My::Special::Module won't be loaded and compiled 
until the very first time that someone hits /whatever.

This explains the missing modules in %INC (I think), but it does not 
explain the problem with Apache::StatINC.

 Out of curiosity, I took our configuration file and changed all 
the 'PerlModule' directives to 'use' calls (inside a Perl block), 
and lo and behold, they all appeared in %INC.

And did this fix your problem with Apache::StatINC too?


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: PerlModule not updating %INC

2001-11-20 Thread Robert Landrum

 If that is the case, My::Special::Module won't be loaded and 
compiled until the very first time that someone hits /whatever.

Just about EVERY module we use has a 'PerlModule' call to it, 
outside any enclosing blocks.  Although I do have 'PerlHandler' 
directives in Location and Files blocks, the modules they use 
are preloaded prior to the enclosing block.  We're hip to shared 
memory :-)

It just hit me That is why Apache::StatINC isn't working.

We use Apache::StatINC on our development server, but we never 
preload any modules...  We just use

Location /whatever
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlHandler My::Special::Module

and Apache::StatINC works.

If you preload, It's not going to put the module into %INC. 
Otherwise Apache::StatINC would intentionally overwrite that shared 
memory and destroy the purpose for using PerlModule in the first 

I could be wrong...  but I think that the answer is that It's not a 
bug, it's a feature, and that the behavior is actually correct.


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

RE: [DIGEST] mod_perl digest 2001/09/22

2001-11-16 Thread Robert Landrum

At 12:38 PM -0800 11/16/01, Geoffrey Young wrote:
I took a brief haitus.  as you may or may not know, I
was working on a mod_perl book, and the time required
for that was taking away from _everything_ else in my
life.  as somebody put it recently 'looks like you
fell off the internet.'  yup, and that was the least
of it - no family time either, which gets you into
deep trouble.

What book?  Or is it top secret? :)


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: [challenge] new mod_perl site

2001-11-14 Thread Robert Landrum

At 10:44 AM -0800 11/14/01, Nick Tonkin wrote:
No one doubts your commitment to mod_perl, or your hard -- and unpaid
-- work on the guide and many other things. But if you want to be a leader
who inspires people to collaborate and work as a team under your
direction, you'd do well to work on bringing your people skills up to par
with your technical skills, IMHO.

Ouch!  I think you misunderstood.  Stas laid out very clearly what it 
was he wanted and how to deliver it.  I could only hope for so much 
from the people I work with.

Stas is a popular guy, and I'm sure the only reason he asked for 
specific subject lines is to make submissions easier to find in the 
mass of email garbage I'm sure he receives.

Paid or Unpaid, Stas' contributions to the mod_perl world are nothing 
short of remarkable.  And with this challenge, he's giving other 
people the opportunity to prove that he isn't the only remarkable 
contributor to mod_perl.


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: inconsistency between and Apache::Request

2001-10-31 Thread Robert Landrum

There is some inconsistency between and Apache::Request's
param() method, especially in handling of multivalued parameter.

  $q = CGI-new;
  $q-param(foo = qw(a b c));
  @foo = $q-param('foo'); # ('a', 'b', 'c')
  $q-param(bar = [ qw(a b c) ]);
  @bar = $q-param('bar'); # (['a', 'b', 'c'])

  $r = Apache::Request-new(Apache-request);
  $r-param(foo = qw(a b c)); # die with an error
  $r-param(bar = [ qw(a b c) ]);
  @bar = $r-param('bar'); # ('a', 'b', 'c')

Doesn't this have something to do with the way your shorthanding 

$r-param('foo',qw(a b c));

It might work... I remember running into this several years ago, and 
never mentioned it.

Am I the only one who wants consistency between the two?

No.  It's my opinion that is wrong.  Never would an input 
value come out as an arrayref.  And never would you want to store an 
arrayref in something that might be used to generate hidden inputs.

Lincoln can argue with me.


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: [OT] P2EE Redux was: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-23 Thread Robert Landrum

At 3:38 PM -0400 10/23/01, Stephen Adkins wrote:

Several of you have made the same good point.
And now the naming flame war has already begun... ;-)

This is a discussion.  Something has been proposed and it needs a 
name.  I'd hardly call this a flame war.  A name is pretty important 
and if it's acronym isn't easily recognized, it isn't going to gain 
the support of developers.  J2EE is catchy, so we need something 
catchy.  PEF isn't nearly as catchy as P2EE or P5EE or PEA (Perl 
Enterprise API), but maybe I'm just crazy.


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

RE: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-22 Thread Robert Koberg

 For comparions, a nice aspect of j2ee applications IMHO is the
 application server tends to be more general. ie. the application
 server is not just the web server (as it is with mod_perl). I've found
 j2ee features such as message beans, queues and such especially useful
 for back-end work. For these reasons, I personally don't buy the
 argument that mod_perl makes an effective application server for a good
 sized task (your mileage will vary no doubt ;).  

What is stopping you from using both, if you want?

Re: Help with converting from plain CGI to mod_perl

2001-10-17 Thread Robert Landrum

At 1:49 PM -0700 10/17/01, Walt Knowles wrote:

Converting all the globals to Module variables has been a piece of cake, but
I've run into one big issue. Depending on how you log into the system, the
user will connect to different databases. When they do this, I store the
Database Handle from DBI/DBD as $main::dbh.

Hmm... If you use $main::dbh everywhere (instead of $dbh = 
DBI-conn...), it should work, but this is considered bad form. 
Since $main:: is local to the Apache process, it's technically 
global, and that's bad.  I'd suggest changing your code (as we did 
for our site) to pass $dbh around to each method and object.

Good luck,


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: Programmer Wanted

2001-10-12 Thread Robert Landrum

At 10:43 AM -0700 10/12/01, wrote:

My name is James Ventrillo, the webmaster of and I am looking for a programmer to be part of my
company. We have a staff of 8 and we desperately need an additional
programmer. Over the next few weeks, we need extensive programming
performed on our websites. We will pay an hourly rate, dependent on
your experience.

Is it just me, or do all these multi-level-marketers sound the same? 
Whether they're writing spam or job postings, it still comes out 
sounding cheezy...


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: Off-topic - Apache Config - Load crises

2001-10-11 Thread Robert Landrum

I know this is a bit off topic, but I could use some immediate advise on
server config?

Got a server which is getting hit really bad.
Have to keep it up.  I've got:

P Timeout 300

# Keepalive, better on this server...
KeepAlive   On

Hmm... I usually drop keep alive all together and move the images to 
another server... like  Keep Alive should be set 
high enough to avoid closing a connection before a machine has time 
to make the next request.  5 seconds is a pretty short interval.  And 
with your 1 second ping times, your looking at a 2 second round trip 
on packets...  So there'll be 2 or more seconds of delay between the 
time that the first request sends it's last packet and when the next 
request sends it's first packet.

I'd suggest upping the keep alive timeout to 10 or 15 (isn't 15 the default?).

Another possible solution (if you have a lot of memory and a lot of 
dynamic content) is to throw a squid cache on the web server.  I had 
good luck with squid during the last election...

Good luck,


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: [OT] Overridding a module's use of a function

2001-10-11 Thread Robert Landrum

At 5:15 PM -0500 10/11/01, George Sanderson wrote:
I discovered that File::NCopy uses the function glob to expand file
names.  My problem is that I need to pass file names that have spaces in
them and glob does not process them.  So I did the following override (I
do not need to expand the file names):

package Apache::AAM;
. . .
package File::NCopy;
use subs qw(glob);
sub glob {@_};
package Apache::AAM;
. . .

*File::NCopy::glob = sub {@_};  # should do the same thing

I think _Advanced Perl Programming_ covered overriding subs with subrefs...


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: [patch] overriding per directory PerlSetEnv

2001-10-04 Thread Robert Landrum

Couldn't you do the same thing by reversing the ordering of your 
Directory entries...

  Directory /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/subdir
PerlSetEnv VAR /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/subdir

  Directory /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
PerlSetEnv VAR /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin


At 1:08 AM +0900 10/5/01, YAMAMOTO Kengo wrote:

I rescently started to use mod_perl. It works fine, but a
strange behavior have found. I have written a patch that collect
the behavior. Please comment this.

I think that per directory PerlSetEnv variable should be
overridden by the value that in the most specific(longest)
Directory section.

http://localhost/cgi-bin/subdir/printenv with following config
will generate VAR=/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/subdir, but
generated result is VAR=/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin.

  Directory /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
PerlSetEnv VAR /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin

  Directory /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/subdir
PerlSetEnv VAR /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/subdir

Following patch corrects this behavior by modify overriding
logic. It seems work well.

--- mod_perl-1.26/src/modules/perl/perl_config.c.orig  Thu Oct  4 
09:31:00 2001
+++ mod_perl-1.26/src/modules/perl/perl_config.c   Thu Oct  4 
09:32:04 2001
@@ -183,7 +183,8 @@
   table_entry *elts = (table_entry *)arr-elts;

   int i;
-  for (i = 0; i  arr-nelts; ++i) {
+  /* iterate in reverse order to override duplicate key properly */
+  for (i = arr-nelts - 1; 0 = i; --i) {
   MP_TRACE_d(fprintf(stderr, mod_perl_dir_env: %s=`%s',
elts[i].key, elts[i].val));
   mp_setenv(elts[i].key, elts[i].val);

I'm not familar with mod_perl internals and community. Please
tell me relative topics, more appropriate place to send patch,

# Make my English writing correct is also welcome :-)


Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: Segmentation Fault

2001-09-20 Thread Robert Landrum

At 10:33 AM +0400 9/20/01, Andrei A. Voropaev wrote:
The funny part is that in our case we also get Segmentation fault from time to
time but there's no coredump file. I even tried to attach gdb to apache child
and wait for Segfault. I got it but I'm not sure I could understand it. Please
see below for examples.

The only thing I can say here that after we drastically reduced usage of
module the Segmentation faults almost disappeared. (I mean it. Before
the change we had Segfaults 5-6 times every minute. Now we have it once in
20-30 minutes). Please note that Carp::croak was used by Mason object in
method 'abort' so we had to stop using it.

I had this very same problem on a system I setup last november for 
the 2000 elections.  We had three servers, all running linux, apache, 
and mod_perl (probably all different versions), and this was the only 
box that core dumped.

I later discovered that there was a bug in Carp under perl 5.6.0 and 
that upgrading would have fixed my problem...

At 10:32 AM -0800 1/31/01, Doug MacEachern wrote:
On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Robert Landrum wrote:

 Has anyone else had problems with the Carp module and mod_perl?

there were bugs related to Carp in 5.6.0, fixed in 5.6.1-trial1,2

You can continue to use Mason by putting a line in

*Carp::croak = sub { die };
*Carp::carp = sub { warn };



Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x406041ec in Perl_sv_setsv () from /etc/httpd/modules/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x406041ec in Perl_sv_setsv () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#1  0x405fa329 in Perl_pp_sassign () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#2  0x405f9f0a in Perl_runops_standard () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#3  0x405ba456 in S_call_body () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#4  0x405ba028 in perl_call_sv () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#5  0x405ef71f in Perl_vdie () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#6  0x405ef859 in Perl_die () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#7  0x406231f6 in Perl_pp_die () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#8  0x405f9f0a in Perl_runops_standard () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#9  0x405ba456 in S_call_body () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#10 0x405ba231 in perl_call_sv () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#11 0x4059c225 in perl_call_handler () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#12 0x4059ba6b in perl_run_stacked_handlers () from
#13 0x4059a1c8 in perl_handler () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#14 0x08054ead in ap_invoke_handler () at eval.c:41
#15 0x0806704c in ap_some_auth_required () at eval.c:41
#16 0x080670c3 in ap_process_request () at eval.c:41
#17 0x0805f6d7 in ap_child_terminate () at eval.c:41
#18 0x0805f919 in ap_child_terminate () at eval.c:41
#19 0x0805fc6b in ap_child_terminate () at eval.c:41
#20 0x080601ac in ap_child_terminate () at eval.c:41
#21 0x080608a3 in main () at eval.c:41
#22 0x40141177 in __libc_start_main (main=0x8060420 main, argc=3,
init=0x804fa50 _init, fini=0x808a570 _fini, rtld_fini=0x4000e184
stack_end=0xbb2c) at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:129

(gdb) info frame
 Stack level 0, frame at 0xb418:
 eip = 0x406041ec in Perl_sv_setsv; saved eip 0x405fa329
 called by frame at 0xb448
 Arglist at 0xb418, args:
 Locals at 0xb418, Previous frame's sp is 0x0
 Saved registers:
   ebx at 0xb40c, ebp at 0xb418, esi at 0xb410, edi at 0xb414,
   eip at 0xb41c

(gdb) bt
#0  0x406059be in Perl_sv_clear () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#1  0x40605d6f in Perl_sv_free () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#2  0x405f8afd in Perl_av_clear () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#3  0x40618ea9 in Perl_leave_scope () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#4  0x4061758c in Perl_pop_scope () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#5  0x4061c535 in Perl_die_where () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#6  0x405efb5a in Perl_vcroak () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#7  0x405efbf9 in Perl_croak () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#8  0x406039a5 in Perl_sv_setsv () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#9  0x405fbd47 in Perl_pp_aassign () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#10 0x405f9f0a in Perl_runops_standard () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#11 0x405ba456 in S_call_body () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#12 0x405ba028 in perl_call_sv () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#13 0x405ef71f in Perl_vdie () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#14 0x405ef859 in Perl_die () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#15 0x406231f6 in Perl_pp_die () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#16 0x405f9f0a in Perl_runops_standard () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#17 0x405ba456 in S_call_body () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#18 0x405ba231 in perl_call_sv () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#19 0x4059c225

Re: I must be doing something dumb

2001-09-19 Thread Robert Landrum


PerlFixupHandler not PerlFixUpHandler

# ./httpd -L | grep Fix
PerlFixupHandler (mod_perl.c)
 the Perl Fixup handler routine name


At 2:28 AM +0800 9/20/01, Stas Bekman wrote:
[Michael, please always keep the threads on the list, unless you've 
been asked to take it off the list.]

Michael wrote:

Michael wrote:

apache 1.3.6, modp 1.19

When I include
location blah
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlFixUpHandler Apache::MyModule

I get the error message

Invalid command 'PerlFixUpHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by
a module not included in the server configuration
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

This has got to be some kind of cockpit trouble, but it is not 
comming to me. Regular PerlHandler statements work just fine.


You didn't enable this hook. See

hmm it appears to me that it is enabled by EVERYTHING=1

  $$_ = 1;

Am I missing something??

Mine is build static, I can test with:

% strings /home/httpd/httpd_perl/bin/httpd_perl | grep -i PerlFixUpHandler


Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide

Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former. --Albert Einstein

Re: $r-args()

2001-08-29 Thread Robert Landrum

At 9:36 AM -0700 8/29/01, Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
I already have asked this question and got an answer for it, so please
accept my forwarded apologies. However, I was trying something else and
got stuck. I know in order to pass around query string, or form data,
pnotes may be used. However, I am trying something else and it does not
seem to work!

   $r = Apache::Request-new($r);
   # check for some condition
   if ($condition)
   my $previous_uri= $r-param('previous_uri');

my $content = $r-param();





So your goal is to turn a post request into a get request using an 
internal redirect.

However, in my called handler, no Post data can be read. Can any one
tell me why is that?
Any comments welcomed...

param does not work like args, and $content in this example will 
return the number of param keys (IIRC).

I think you want

my $content = join('',map{$_.=.$r-param($_)}($r-param));

Which should solve your problems (I think).


A good magician never reveals his secret; the unbelievable trick
becomes simple and obvious once it is explained. So too with UNIX. 

Re: $r-args()

2001-08-29 Thread Robert Landrum

  Which should solve your problems (I think).

I am affraid it did not work. I have no problem reading the data in the
current handler, but right after redirect, which is also required to
read the data, I loose all the POSTED data.

Performing a redirect causes posted data to be discarded.  Your goal 
should be to convert all of your posted data so that it can be passed 
via GET.


A good magician never reveals his secret; the unbelievable trick
becomes simple and obvious once it is explained. So too with UNIX. 

Re: $r-args()

2001-08-29 Thread Robert Landrum

At 11:19 AM -0700 8/29/01, Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
Robert Landrum wrote:

   Which should solve your problems (I think).
 I am affraid it did not work. I have no problem reading the data in the
 current handler, but right after redirect, which is also required to
 read the data, I loose all the POSTED data.

 Performing a redirect causes posted data to be discarded.

Did not find that in docs! maybe should pay more attention :(

I'm sure it's in the docs somewhere, but personal experience and 
previous posts to this list have addressed this issue.

  Your goal should be to convert

?? You lost me there... convert? convert to what?

Convert as in from POST request to GET request.

sub escaped {
my $val = shift;
$val =~ s/(\W)/sprintf(%%%.2X,ord($1))/g;
return $val;

my $content = join('',map{$_.=.escaped($r-param($_))}($r-param));

my $internal_url = /some/path/to/handler?$content;

all of your posted data so that it can be passed via GET.

Would it make any diference if the method, and method_number remained
POST? Does this situation occure as a result of method conversion? (I
will try that)...



PS: Something wrong with the mail server?

Uhh... Why?


A good magician never reveals his secret; the unbelievable trick
becomes simple and obvious once it is explained. So too with UNIX. 

Re: Installation problem...urgent

2001-08-21 Thread Robert Landrum

At 6:30 PM -0400 8/21/01, Alvaro Toro Santivanez wrote:
Thanks for your help,  sorry i type bad in my e-mail  i  only put
--activate and try the ./configure but continue marking the ERROR
The version of apache is 1.3.20  and my mod_perl is 1.26

 From the SUPPORT file included with the mod_perl distribution:

 Always include this information:

 Output of Cperl -V

We'll need this...

 Version of mod_perl


 Version of apache


 Options given to mod_perl's Makefile.PL

Need this too

 Server configuration details

Probably not relevent yet, but could you include all the options you 
passed to ./configure?

 Relevant sections of your ErrorLog (make test's is: t/logs/error_log)

Not Applicable yet.
 If 'make test' fails, the output of 'make test TEST_VERBOSE=1'
Again, Not Applicable.

Robert Landrum

Thanks for your help

On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Robert Landrum wrote:

 At 6:02 PM -0400 8/21/01, Alvaro Toro Santivanez wrote:
 Hello i have one problem when i install in the part:
 Build the Apache Package
 Finally it's time to build the Apache package and thus also the
 Apache-side of mod_perl and any other third-party modules you've
  $ cd apache_x.x.x
   $ ./configure \
   --prefix=/path/to/install/of/apache \
   --activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \
   $ make
   $ make install
 My apache configuration can`t take the option

 Assuming that the extra '-' at the beginning of activate-module is
 not a typo, that would be your problem.  Otherwise, I think we'll
 need some more information.

 Remember: when posting to the list, be sure to include everything
 that's requested in the SUPPORT file included with you mod_perl

 Robert Landrum

 A good magician never reveals his secret; the unbelievable trick
 becomes simple and obvious once it is explained. So too with UNIX.

A good magician never reveals his secret; the unbelievable trick
becomes simple and obvious once it is explained. So too with UNIX. 

Re: Installation problem...urgent

2001-08-21 Thread Robert

   $ make
   $ make install
 My apache configuration can`t take the option

This is because Alvaro hasn't yet installed mod_perl.

configure apache (only)
configure and make/install mod_perl
make/install apache


 At 6:30 PM -0400 8/21/01, Alvaro Toro Santivanez wrote:
 Thanks for your help,  sorry i type bad in my e-mail  i  only put
 --activate and try the ./configure but continue marking the ERROR
 The version of apache is 1.3.20  and my mod_perl is 1.26
  From the SUPPORT file included with the mod_perl distribution:
  Always include this information:
  Output of Cperl -V
 We'll need this...
  Version of mod_perl
  Version of apache
  Options given to mod_perl's Makefile.PL
 Need this too
  Server configuration details
 Probably not relevent yet, but could you include all the options you 
 passed to ./configure?
  Relevant sections of your ErrorLog (make test's is: t/logs/error_log)
 Not Applicable yet.
  If 'make test' fails, the output of 'make test TEST_VERBOSE=1'
 Again, Not Applicable.
 Robert Landrum
 Thanks for your help
 On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Robert Landrum wrote:
  At 6:02 PM -0400 8/21/01, Alvaro Toro Santivanez wrote:
  Hello i have one problem when i install in the part:
  Build the Apache Package
  Finally it's time to build the Apache package and thus also the
  Apache-side of mod_perl and any other third-party modules you've
   $ cd apache_x.x.x
$ ./configure \
--prefix=/path/to/install/of/apache \
--activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \
$ make
$ make install
  My apache configuration can`t take the option
  Assuming that the extra '-' at the beginning of activate-module is
  not a typo, that would be your problem.  Otherwise, I think we'll
  need some more information.
  Remember: when posting to the list, be sure to include everything
  that's requested in the SUPPORT file included with you mod_perl
  Robert Landrum
  A good magician never reveals his secret; the unbelievable trick
  becomes simple and obvious once it is explained. So too with UNIX.
 A good magician never reveals his secret; the unbelievable trick
 becomes simple and obvious once it is explained. So too with UNIX. 

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