Re: access denied fpr user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

2014-05-29 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 29.05.2014 20:22, schrieb Érico:
 I have ran the following to test a fix for an app issue :
 delete from mysql.user where user='';
 2lines got effected
 after this I can´t connect through command line anymore :
 ./mysqladmin -u root password pwd
 I get access denied for user 'root'@'localhost (using password:'NO')

your command line is plain wrong
as you can see in the response you are *not* using a password

./mysqladmin -u root --password=pwd

*don't do that at all* your password ends in the history
./mysqladmin -u root -p

after that you get a pwd-prompt

 how can I restore the db so I can connect through command line again ?

if you really need to login with a destroyed userdb make sure
that nobody else can access the server and use skip grant

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: access denied fpr user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

2014-05-29 Thread Kishore Vaishnav
Did you tried this..

*-- *Kishore Kumar Vaishnav

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 11:22 AM, Érico wrote:

 I have ran the following to test a fix for an app issue :

 delete from mysql.user where user='';
 2lines got effected

 after this I can´t connect through command line anymore :

 ./mysqladmin -u root password pwd

 I get access denied for user 'root'@'localhost (using password:'NO')

 how can I restore the db so I can connect through command line again ?


Re: access denied fpr user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

2014-05-29 Thread Érico

thanks but it is not working either

I wonder if the 2 rows I removed (with empty users for localhost and my
computer names) were responsilbe for allowing the autentication ?

how this table works ?

what mysql checks on it ? the pwd column ? if it is filled ?

what if I have 2 records for root/localhost ... ?

one with pwd filled
and the second with the pwd empty

how can I insert on this table with the mandatory column ssl_cipher as blob
... ? what value must I provide in a insert like :

insert into mysql.user(host,user,ssl_cipher) values('localhost','root' ,
??? )

thks !!

2014-05-29 15:36 GMT-03:00 Kishore Vaishnav

 Did you tried this..

 *-- *Kishore Kumar Vaishnav

 On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 11:22 AM, Érico wrote:

 I have ran the following to test a fix for an app issue :

 delete from mysql.user where user='';
 2lines got effected

 after this I can´t connect through command line anymore :

 ./mysqladmin -u root password pwd

 I get access denied for user 'root'@'localhost (using password:'NO')

 how can I restore the db so I can connect through command line again ?


Re: access denied fpr user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

2014-05-29 Thread Érico
running this :

./mysqladmin -u root -p

at this momento it thorws me to mysqladmin  man page

2014-05-29 15:35 GMT-03:00 Reindl Harald

 Am 29.05.2014 20:22, schrieb Érico:
  I have ran the following to test a fix for an app issue :
  delete from mysql.user where user='';
  2lines got effected
  after this I can´t connect through command line anymore :
  ./mysqladmin -u root password pwd
  I get access denied for user 'root'@'localhost (using password:'NO')

 your command line is plain wrong
 as you can see in the response you are *not* using a password

 ./mysqladmin -u root --password=pwd

 *don't do that at all* your password ends in the history
 ./mysqladmin -u root -p

 after that you get a pwd-prompt

  how can I restore the db so I can connect through command line again ?

 if you really need to login with a destroyed userdb make sure
 that nobody else can access the server and use skip grant

Re: access denied fpr user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

2014-05-29 Thread Reindl Harald
well, i am mysql administrator over 10 years now
and never needed the mysqladmin command because
the mysql command line client offers anything i
ever needed

mysql -u root -p

[harry@srv-rhsoft:~]$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 16056
Server version: 5.5.37-MariaDB-log thelounge

Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle, Monty Program Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]

Am 29.05.2014 21:19, schrieb Érico:
 running this :
 ./mysqladmin -u root -p
 at this momento it thorws me to mysqladmin  man page
 2014-05-29 15:35 GMT-03:00 Reindl Harald

 Am 29.05.2014 20:22, schrieb Érico:
 I have ran the following to test a fix for an app issue :

 delete from mysql.user where user='';
 2lines got effected

 after this I can´t connect through command line anymore :

 ./mysqladmin -u root password pwd

 I get access denied for user 'root'@'localhost (using password:'NO')

 your command line is plain wrong
 as you can see in the response you are *not* using a password

 ./mysqladmin -u root --password=pwd

 *don't do that at all* your password ends in the history
 ./mysqladmin -u root -p

 after that you get a pwd-prompt

 how can I restore the db so I can connect through command line again ?

 if you really need to login with a destroyed userdb make sure
 that nobody else can access the server and use skip grant

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: access denied fpr user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

2014-05-29 Thread shawn

Hello Érico

On 5/29/2014 2:22 PM, Érico wrote:

I have ran the following to test a fix for an app issue :

delete from mysql.user where user='';
2lines got effected

after this I can´t connect through command line anymore :

./mysqladmin -u root password pwd

I get access denied for user 'root'@'localhost (using password:'NO')

how can I restore the db so I can connect through command line again ?


What that tells me is that you were never actually logging in as root 
but the system was authenticating you as the 'anonymous' user. Quoting 
from the very fine manual:

A user name is either a nonblank value that literally matches the user 
name for incoming connection attempts, or a blank value (empty string) 
that matches any user name. An account with a blank user name is an 
anonymous user. To specify an anonymous user in SQL statements, use a 
quoted empty user name part, such as ''@'localhost'.

Identity checking is performed using the three user table scope columns 
(Host, User, and Password). The server accepts the connection only if 
the Host and User columns in some user table row match the client host 
name and user name and the client supplies the password specified in 
that row.

If the User column value is nonblank, the user name in an incoming 
connection must match exactly. If the User value is blank, it matches 
any user name. If the user table row that matches an incoming connection 
has a blank user name, the user is considered to be an anonymous user 
with no name, not a user with the name that the client actually 
specified. This means that a blank user name is used for all further 
access checking for the duration of the connection (that is, during 
Stage 2).

If you are able to connect to the server, but your privileges are not 
what you expect, you probably are being authenticated as some other 
account. To find out what account the server used to authenticate you, 
use the CURRENT_USER() function.

That same page in the manual (and its siblings) should also answer your 
questions as to how MySQL uses the `user` table, what the empty `user` 
and `password` column mean to login attempts, and how to configure 
SSL-based connections.

If you have forgotten your actual root@localhost password, you can reset 
it following one of the procedures provided here.

Shawn Green
MySQL Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer
Oracle USA, Inc. - Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together.
Office: Blountville, TN

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

Re: access denied fpr user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

2014-05-29 Thread Érico
I am really sorry  about this one ..
the connection is ok ...

I had not checked that I was using mysqladmin instead of mysql

now please how can I check what is wrong with my application ( My SQL Admin

at its login page it asks for user / pwd / server and db

using both localhost and 127.0.01 ... it gets the same error :
access denied for user  'root'@'localhost'  

the app has a php config page where it fills these info

I am able to connect to it manually too using :
./mysql -h localhost -u root -pmy_pwd mysql-admin

but the app keeps geting the access denied error

would it be sometihng related to my /et/hosts ?

its content : localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost mysqld mac
localhost mac

my SO is a mac os 10.6.8

Thks Again !!

2014-05-29 16:26 GMT-03:00 Reindl Harald

 well, i am mysql administrator over 10 years now
 and never needed the mysqladmin command because
 the mysql command line client offers anything i
 ever needed

 mysql -u root -p

 [harry@srv-rhsoft:~]$ mysql -u root -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MariaDB connection id is 16056
 Server version: 5.5.37-MariaDB-log thelounge

 Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle, Monty Program Ab and others.

 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input

 MariaDB [(none)]

 Am 29.05.2014 21:19, schrieb Érico:
  running this :
  ./mysqladmin -u root -p
  at this momento it thorws me to mysqladmin  man page
  2014-05-29 15:35 GMT-03:00 Reindl Harald
  Am 29.05.2014 20:22, schrieb Érico:
  I have ran the following to test a fix for an app issue :
  delete from mysql.user where user='';
  2lines got effected
  after this I can´t connect through command line anymore :
  ./mysqladmin -u root password pwd
  I get access denied for user 'root'@'localhost (using password:'NO')
  your command line is plain wrong
  as you can see in the response you are *not* using a password
  ./mysqladmin -u root --password=pwd
  *don't do that at all* your password ends in the history
  ./mysqladmin -u root -p
  after that you get a pwd-prompt
  how can I restore the db so I can connect through command line again ?
  if you really need to login with a destroyed userdb make sure
  that nobody else can access the server and use skip grant

Re: access denied fpr user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

2014-05-29 Thread shawn

Hello Érico,

On 5/29/2014 3:51 PM, Érico wrote:

I am really sorry  about this one ..
the connection is ok ...

I had not checked that I was using mysqladmin instead of mysql

now please how can I check what is wrong with my application ( My SQL Admin

at its login page it asks for user / pwd / server and db

using both localhost and 127.0.01 ... it gets the same error :
access denied for user  'root'@'localhost'  

the app has a php config page where it fills these info

I am able to connect to it manually too using :
./mysql -h localhost -u root -pmy_pwd mysql-admin

but the app keeps geting the access denied error

would it be sometihng related to my /et/hosts ?

its content : localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost mysqld mac
localhost mac

my SO is a mac os 10.6.8

Thks Again !!
... snip ...

What is the result of this query:

SELECT user, host, length(password) from mysql.user;

What hapens if you change your login to this? (you should not put your 
passwords on your command lines if you can avoid it

./mysql -h 127.0.01 --port=3306 --protocol=TCP -u root -p mysql-admin

See also:

Shawn Green
MySQL Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer
Oracle USA, Inc. - Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together.
Office: Blountville, TN

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-16 Thread Érico

I have tried these :

ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=8049UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST mtu 16384
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
inet netmask 0xff00
gif0: flags=8010POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST mtu 1280
stf0: flags=0 mtu 1280
lladdr 70:cd:60:ff:fe:eb:72:ea
media: autoselect full-duplex
status: inactive
ether e4:ce:8f:04:7c:f8
inet6 fe80::e6ce:8fff:fe04:7cf8%en1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x5
inet netmask 0x broadcast
media: autoselect
status: active
ether c8:2a:14:1a:47:ea
media: autoselect (none)
status: inactive
wc2: flags=822BROADCAST,SMART,SIMPLEX mtu 1500
ether 00:02:55:11:19:76
media: 1000baseT (unknown type)

mac:bin ericomtx$ nslookup localhost
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached


mac:bin ericomtx$ netstat -an | grep 3306
tcp46  0  0  *.3306 *.*LISTEN
tcp4   0  0  *.3306 *.*LISTEN


mac:bin ericomtx$ netstat -ln | grep mysql
ff801403c280 stream  0  00
ff801403b20000 /tmp/mysql.sock
ff801403a9c0 stream  0  0 ff801bbb78b8
000 /tmp/mysql.sock
ff8013fb0bc0 stream  0  0 ff8014aa8078
000 /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock
*** here ... this last one is related to a previous mysql macports version


mac:lib ericomtx$ ps xa | grep mysqld
  231   ??  S  0:00.01 /bin/sh /opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin/mysqld_safe
  295   ??  S  0:00.74 /opt/local/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/opt/local
--datadir=/opt/local/var/db/mysql5 --user=_mysql
 2175 s000  S  0:00.02 /bin/sh
 2273 s000  S  0:00.35


I have uninstalled everything related to mysql ports

these dirs no longer exist :


I don't know from where they are getting called

2014/1/15 Claudio Nanni


   |  | ericomtxmacbookpro.local |
  *E85DC00A0137C6171923BE35EDD809573FB3AB4F |

 mysql DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user='';

 maybe helps?



Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-15 Thread Claudio Nanni

   |  | ericomtxmacbookpro.local |
  *E85DC00A0137C6171923BE35EDD809573FB3AB4F |

mysql DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user='';

maybe helps?



Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-14 Thread Érico
 yes it is ...

  also , the eclipse is also local ...

  in both ... mysql-admin php application , plus inside eclispe plugin ...

  same behavior in both

2014/1/13 Reindl Harald

 i doubt that the webserver is running on the same
 machine as your mysql command shell

 Am 13.01.2014 23:59, schrieb Érico:
  but please check this out :
  mysql Select user, host, password from mysql.user;
  | user | host | password
  | root | localhost|
 *E85DC00A0137C6171923BE35EDD809573FB3AB4F |
  | root | ericomtxmacbookpro.local |
 *E85DC00A0137C6171923BE35EDD809573FB3AB4F |
  | root ||
 *E85DC00A0137C6171923BE35EDD809573FB3AB4F |
  | root | ::1  |
  |  | ericomtxmacbookpro.local |
 *E85DC00A0137C6171923BE35EDD809573FB3AB4F |
  5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  all passwords are filled in the db ...
  also ... I can connect through command line
  what I can't do is :
  1. connect or even ping inside eclipse using jconnector
  2. connect from a php app (mysql adim) with or with out pwd ...
  providing the error
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
  2.1 when I use on mysql admin url ... I get a connection closed
  so ... my point is :
  in both cases  when using or localhost ...
  can the OS be blocking the connection ?
  if so , how could I check this ?
  2014/1/13 Reindl Harald mailto:
  WTF - we are talking about *database connections* and *not*
  the webserver is only the *messenger*
  Am 13.01.2014 18:54, schrieb Érico:
   using both urls I get the same error :
   in after I submit the index.php ... it redirects to
   too ..
   2014/1/13 Reindl Harald mailto:
   Am 13.01.2014 18:28, schrieb Érico:
   ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin
   Enter password:
   Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
   Your MySQL connection id is 31
   Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
   but in the browser I get the error :
   Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
   I can't find any information in error log and access log
   is there any command parameter that I should use when starting
 mysql so
   this doesn't happen?
   are you using localhost or in the web-application
   root@localhost != root@ mailto:root@ =
 different users
   localhost: Unix-Socket TCP


 Reindl Harald
 the lounge interactive design GmbH
 A-1060 Vienna, Hofmühlgasse 17
 CTO / CISO / Software-Development
 m: +43 (676) 40 221 40, p: +43 (1) 595 3999 33
 icq: 154546673,

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 13.01.2014 18:28, schrieb Érico:
 ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 31
 Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

 but in the browser I get the error :
 Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
 I can't find any information in error log and access log
 is there any command parameter that I should use when starting mysql so
 this doesn't happen?

are you using localhost or in the web-application
root@localhost != root@ = different users

localhost: Unix-Socket TCP

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread Erick Ocrospoma
From that error I would suspect you are trying to access to a database
where has not external access. And yeah, try by doing

$ mysql -u root -p database -h localhost -P 3306

change localhost by in order to test if both cases work, and
see which of them (localhost/ is defined in your web app as
you've been told in the mail before.

On 13 January 2014 12:36, Reindl Harald wrote:

 Am 13.01.2014 18:28, schrieb Érico:
 ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 31
 Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

 but in the browser I get the error :

 Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

 I can't find any information in error log and access log

 is there any command parameter that I should use when starting mysql so
 this doesn't happen?

 are you using localhost or in the web-application
 root@localhost != root@ = different users

 localhost: Unix-Socket TCP


~ Happy install !



Cellphone   :  +51 950307809
IRC :   zerick
About :
Linux User ID :  549567

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread Érico
using both urls I get the same error :


in after I submit the index.php ... it redirects to localhost
too ..

2014/1/13 Reindl Harald

 Am 13.01.2014 18:28, schrieb Érico:
  ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin
  Enter password:
  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
  Your MySQL connection id is 31
  Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
  but in the browser I get the error :
  Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  I can't find any information in error log and access log
  is there any command parameter that I should use when starting mysql so
  this doesn't happen?

 are you using localhost or in the web-application
 root@localhost != root@ = different users

 localhost: Unix-Socket TCP

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread Érico
using localhost the coonection works ...
ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin -h
localhost -P 3306
Enter password:
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 97
Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

but using no :

ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin -h -P 3306
Enter password:
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
password: YES)
ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$

2014/1/13 Erick Ocrospoma

 From that error I would suspect you are trying to access to a database
 where has not external access. And yeah, try by doing

 $ mysql -u root -p database -h localhost -P 3306

 change localhost by in order to test if both cases work, and
 see which of them (localhost/ is defined in your web app as
 you've been told in the mail before.

 On 13 January 2014 12:36, Reindl Harald wrote:
  Am 13.01.2014 18:28, schrieb Érico:
  ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin
  Enter password:
  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
  Your MySQL connection id is 31
  Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
  but in the browser I get the error :
  Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  I can't find any information in error log and access log
  is there any command parameter that I should use when starting mysql so
  this doesn't happen?
  are you using localhost or in the web-application
  root@localhost != root@ = different users
  localhost: Unix-Socket TCP


 ~ Happy install !



 Cellphone   :  +51 950307809
 IRC :   zerick
 About :
 Linux User ID :  549567

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread Erick Ocrospoma
I presume your index.php file uses After login to MySQL try this:

$ grant all privileges to *.* 'root'@'' identified by yourpassword;

Of course this could not be the best solution, it's just to skip it,
you must look at the query/connection on your php file.

On 13 January 2014 12:57, Érico wrote:
 using localhost the coonection works ...
 ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin -h localhost
 -P 3306
 Enter password:
 Reading table information for completion of table and column names
 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 97

 Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)


 but using no :

 ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin -h
 -P 3306
 Enter password:
 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
 password: YES)
 ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$

 2014/1/13 Erick Ocrospoma

 From that error I would suspect you are trying to access to a database
 where has not external access. And yeah, try by doing

 $ mysql -u root -p database -h localhost -P 3306

 change localhost by in order to test if both cases work, and
 see which of them (localhost/ is defined in your web app as
 you've been told in the mail before.

 On 13 January 2014 12:36, Reindl Harald wrote:
  Am 13.01.2014 18:28, schrieb Érico:
  ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin
  Enter password:
  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
  Your MySQL connection id is 31
  Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
  but in the browser I get the error :
  Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  I can't find any information in error log and access log
  is there any command parameter that I should use when starting mysql so
  this doesn't happen?
  are you using localhost or in the web-application
  root@localhost != root@ = different users
  localhost: Unix-Socket TCP


 ~ Happy install !



 Cellphone   :  +51 950307809
 IRC :   zerick
 About :
 Linux User ID :  549567

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:


~ Happy install !



Cellphone   :  +51 950307809
IRC :   zerick
About :
Linux User ID :  549567

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread Erick Ocrospoma
I forgot this. Do it too.

On 13 January 2014 13:01, Erick Ocrospoma wrote:
 I presume your index.php file uses After login to MySQL try this:

 $ grant all privileges to *.* 'root'@'' identified by 
$ flush privileges;

 Of course this could not be the best solution, it's just to skip it,
 you must look at the query/connection on your php file.

 On 13 January 2014 12:57, Érico wrote:
 using localhost the coonection works ...
 ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin -h localhost
 -P 3306
 Enter password:
 Reading table information for completion of table and column names
 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 97

 Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)


 but using no :

 ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin -h
 -P 3306
 Enter password:
 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
 password: YES)
 ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$

 2014/1/13 Erick Ocrospoma

 From that error I would suspect you are trying to access to a database
 where has not external access. And yeah, try by doing

 $ mysql -u root -p database -h localhost -P 3306

 change localhost by in order to test if both cases work, and
 see which of them (localhost/ is defined in your web app as
 you've been told in the mail before.

 On 13 January 2014 12:36, Reindl Harald wrote:
  Am 13.01.2014 18:28, schrieb Érico:
  ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin
  Enter password:
  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
  Your MySQL connection id is 31
  Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
  but in the browser I get the error :
  Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  I can't find any information in error log and access log
  is there any command parameter that I should use when starting mysql so
  this doesn't happen?
  are you using localhost or in the web-application
  root@localhost != root@ = different users
  localhost: Unix-Socket TCP


 ~ Happy install !



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~ Happy install !



Cellphone   :  +51 950307809
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About :
Linux User ID :  549567

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread Érico
the granting is not affecting the tables:

mysql grant all privileges on *.* to root@localhost identified by 'pwd';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


and if I try the granting in :
mysql grant all privileges to *.* 'root'@'' identified by
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'to *.* 'root'@'' identified by kernel26' at line 1


in eclipse using jconnector ... I get the same error :
when pinging :

java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
password: YES)
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(

Could not connect to New MySQL.
Error creating SQL Model Connection connection to New MySQL. (Error: Access
denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES))
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

2014/1/13 Erick Ocrospoma

 I forgot this. Do it too.

 On 13 January 2014 13:01, Erick Ocrospoma wrote:
  I presume your index.php file uses After login to MySQL try
  $ grant all privileges to *.* 'root'@'' identified by
 $ flush privileges;
  Of course this could not be the best solution, it's just to skip it,
  you must look at the query/connection on your php file.
  On 13 January 2014 12:57, Érico wrote:
  using localhost the coonection works ...
  ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin -h
  -P 3306
  Enter password:
  Reading table information for completion of table and column names
  You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
  Your MySQL connection id is 97
  Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
  but using no :
  ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin -h
  -P 3306
  Enter password:
  ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
  password: YES)
  ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$
  2014/1/13 Erick Ocrospoma
  From that error I would suspect you are trying to access to a database
  where has not external access. And yeah, try by doing
  $ mysql -u root -p database -h localhost -P 3306
  change localhost by in order to test if both cases work, and
  see which of them (localhost/ is defined in your web app as
  you've been told in the mail before.
  On 13 January 2014 12:36, Reindl Harald
   Am 13.01.2014 18:28, schrieb Érico:
   ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin
   Enter password:
   Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
   Your MySQL connection id is 31
   Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
   but in the browser I get the error :
   Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
   I can't find any information in error log and access log
   is there any command parameter that I should use when starting
 mysql so
   this doesn't happen?
   are you using localhost or in the web-application
   root@localhost != root@ = different users
   localhost: Unix-Socket TCP
  ~ Happy install !
  Cellphone   :  +51 950307809
  IRC :   zerick
  About :
  Linux User ID :  549567
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives:
  To unsubscribe:
  ~ Happy install !
  Cellphone   :  +51 950307809
  IRC :   zerick
  About :
  Linux User ID :  549567


 ~ Happy install !



 Cellphone   :  +51 950307809
 IRC :   zerick
 About :
 Linux User ID :  549567

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread Erick Ocrospoma
On 13 January 2014 13:25, Érico wrote:
 the granting is not affecting the tables:

 mysql grant all privileges on *.* to root@localhost identified by 'pwd';
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


 and if I try the granting in :
 mysql grant all privileges to *.* 'root'@'' identified by
 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
 that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
 near 'to *.* 'root'@'' identified by kernel26' at line 1
It's my error :)  It should be:

mysql grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'' identified by


 in eclipse using jconnector ... I get the same error :
 when pinging :

 java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
 password: YES)
 at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
 at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
 at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(


 Could not connect to New MySQL.
 Error creating SQL Model Connection connection to New MySQL. (Error: Access
 denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES))
 Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

 2014/1/13 Erick Ocrospoma

 I forgot this. Do it too.

 On 13 January 2014 13:01, Erick Ocrospoma wrote:
  I presume your index.php file uses After login to MySQL try
  $ grant all privileges to *.* 'root'@'' identified by
 $ flush privileges;
  Of course this could not be the best solution, it's just to skip it,
  you must look at the query/connection on your php file.
  On 13 January 2014 12:57, Érico wrote:
  using localhost the coonection works ...
  ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin -h
  -P 3306
  Enter password:
  Reading table information for completion of table and column names
  You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
  Your MySQL connection id is 97
  Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
  but using no :
  ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin -h
  -P 3306
  Enter password:
  ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
  password: YES)
  ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$
  2014/1/13 Erick Ocrospoma
  From that error I would suspect you are trying to access to a database
  where has not external access. And yeah, try by doing
  $ mysql -u root -p database -h localhost -P 3306
  change localhost by in order to test if both cases work, and
  see which of them (localhost/ is defined in your web app as
  you've been told in the mail before.
  On 13 January 2014 12:36, Reindl Harald
   Am 13.01.2014 18:28, schrieb Érico:
   ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin
   Enter password:
   Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
   Your MySQL connection id is 31
   Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
   but in the browser I get the error :
   Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
   I can't find any information in error log and access log
   is there any command parameter that I should use when starting
 mysql so
   this doesn't happen?
   are you using localhost or in the web-application
   root@localhost != root@ = different users
   localhost: Unix-Socket TCP
  ~ Happy install !
  Cellphone   :  +51 950307809
  IRC :   zerick
  About :
  Linux User ID :  549567
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives:
  To unsubscribe:
  ~ Happy install !
  Cellphone   :  +51 950307809
  IRC :   zerick
  About :
  Linux User ID :  549567


 ~ Happy install !



 Cellphone   :  +51 950307809
 IRC :   zerick
 About :
 Linux User ID :  549567


~ Happy install !



Cellphone   :  +51 950307809
IRC :   zerick
About :
Linux User ID :  549567

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread Érico

didn't work

look ... isn't this something related to this :

are you using localhost or in the web-application
root@localhost != root@ = different users

localhost: Unix-Socket TCP


since I am not able to stabilsh a connection even with using eclipse ...

my /etc/hosts file :

##   localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
#fe80::1%lo0localhost   ericomtxmacbookpro.local
#   mysqld

2014/1/13 Erick Ocrospoma

 On 13 January 2014 13:25, Érico wrote:
  the granting is not affecting the tables:
  mysql grant all privileges on *.* to root@localhost identified by
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  and if I try the granting in :
  mysql grant all privileges to *.* 'root'@'' identified by
  ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
  that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
  near 'to *.* 'root'@'' identified by kernel26' at line 1
 It's my error :)  It should be:

 mysql grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'' identified by
  in eclipse using jconnector ... I get the same error :
  when pinging :
  java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
  password: YES)
  at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
  at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
  at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
  Could not connect to New MySQL.
  Error creating SQL Model Connection connection to New MySQL. (Error:
  denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES))
  Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  2014/1/13 Erick Ocrospoma
  I forgot this. Do it too.
  On 13 January 2014 13:01, Erick Ocrospoma wrote:
   I presume your index.php file uses After login to MySQL
   $ grant all privileges to *.* 'root'@'' identified by
  $ flush privileges;
   Of course this could not be the best solution, it's just to skip it,
   you must look at the query/connection on your php file.
   On 13 January 2014 12:57, Érico wrote:
   using localhost the coonection works ...
   ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin -h
   -P 3306
   Enter password:
   Reading table information for completion of table and column names
   You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
   Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
   Your MySQL connection id is 97
   Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
   but using no :
   ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin -h
   -P 3306
   Enter password:
   ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
   password: YES)
   ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$
   2014/1/13 Erick Ocrospoma
   From that error I would suspect you are trying to access to a
   where has not external access. And yeah, try by doing
   $ mysql -u root -p database -h localhost -P 3306
   change localhost by in order to test if both cases work,
   see which of them (localhost/ is defined in your web app
   you've been told in the mail before.
   On 13 January 2014 12:36, Reindl Harald
Am 13.01.2014 18:28, schrieb Érico:
ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 31
Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
but in the browser I get the error :
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
I can't find any information in error log and access log
is there any command parameter that I should use when starting
  mysql so
this doesn't happen?
are you using localhost or in the web-application
root@localhost != root@ = different users
localhost: Unix-Socket TCP
   ~ Happy install !
   Cellphone   :  +51 950307809
   IRC :   zerick
   About :
   Linux User ID :  549567
   MySQL General Mailing List
   For list archives:
   To unsubscribe:
   ~ Happy install !

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread shawn

Hello Érico,

On 1/13/2014 1:49 PM, Érico wrote:


didn't work

look ... isn't this something related to this :

are you using localhost or in the web-application
root@localhost != root@ = different users

localhost: Unix-Socket TCP


since I am not able to stabilsh a connection even with using eclipse ...

my /etc/hosts file :

##   localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
#fe80::1%lo0localhost   ericomtxmacbookpro.local
#   mysqld

The thing to remember is that 'localhost' or '' is where the 
server believes the connection is coming from. The password you must be 
using in your client connection attempt must match the one used on the 
server for the mysql user 'root'@'localhost' or you will not authenticate.

You also need to remember that if your .php page is on a different 
machine, it is not connecting to the same mysqld that you have running 
in your development machine (your personal environment). Your .PHP page 
is trying to connect to the one running on its host machine. That user 
'root' may have an entirely different password.

Your programs are connecting fine. If they didn't you would get a 
different message. They are failing to authenticate which means that the 
mysqld they are connecting to does not recognize the password you are 
using for the account you are trying to authenticate as.

Shawn Green
MySQL Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer
Oracle USA, Inc. - Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together.
Office: Blountville, TN

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread Érico

no connections outside command line are being accepted . I have connected
through command line , but not using eclipse for example ... it gets the
same error from the web app

my apache and pages are in the same computer that mysql

I am not getting password issues.. otherwise I would not connect through
command line


2014/1/13 shawn

 Hello Érico,

 On 1/13/2014 1:49 PM, Érico wrote:


 didn't work

 look ... isn't this something related to this :

 are you using localhost or in the web-application
 root@localhost != root@ = different users

 localhost: Unix-Socket TCP


 since I am not able to stabilsh a connection even with using eclipse ...

 my /etc/hosts file :

 ##   localhost broadcasthost
 ::1 localhost
 #fe80::1%lo0localhost   ericomtxmacbookpro.local
 #   mysqld

 The thing to remember is that 'localhost' or '' is where the
 server believes the connection is coming from. The password you must be
 using in your client connection attempt must match the one used on the
 server for the mysql user 'root'@'localhost' or you will not authenticate.

 You also need to remember that if your .php page is on a different
 machine, it is not connecting to the same mysqld that you have running in
 your development machine (your personal environment). Your .PHP page is
 trying to connect to the one running on its host machine. That user 'root'
 may have an entirely different password.

 Your programs are connecting fine. If they didn't you would get a
 different message. They are failing to authenticate which means that the
 mysqld they are connecting to does not recognize the password you are using
 for the account you are trying to authenticate as.

 Shawn Green
 MySQL Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer
 Oracle USA, Inc. - Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together.
 Office: Blountville, TN

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread Reindl Harald
WTF - we are talking about *database connections* and *not* http-URL's
the webserver is only the *messenger*

Am 13.01.2014 18:54, schrieb Érico:
 using both urls I get the same error :
 in after I submit the index.php ... it redirects to localhost
 too ..
 2014/1/13 Reindl Harald

 Am 13.01.2014 18:28, schrieb Érico:
 ericomtxmacbookpro:bin ericomtx$ ./mysql -u root -p mysql-admin
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 31
 Server version: 5.6.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

 but in the browser I get the error :

 Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

 I can't find any information in error log and access log

 is there any command parameter that I should use when starting mysql so
 this doesn't happen?

 are you using localhost or in the web-application
 root@localhost != root@ = different users

 localhost: Unix-Socket TCP

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread Reindl Harald
*your application* is connecting to mysql
*your application* is using a hostname
*your application* *may* use
*your application* should use localhost to *connect to the databse*
*your application* can only use TCP *if there is* a *mysql user* with *that 

Am 13.01.2014 20:38, schrieb Érico:
 no connections outside command line are being accepted . I have connected
 through command line , but not using eclipse for example ... it gets the
 same error from the web app
 my apache and pages are in the same computer that mysql
 I am not getting password issues.. otherwise I would not connect through
 command line
 2014/1/13 shawn
 On 1/13/2014 1:49 PM, Érico wrote:


 didn't work

 look ... isn't this something related to this :

 are you using localhost or in the web-application
 root@localhost != root@ = different users

 localhost: Unix-Socket TCP


 since I am not able to stabilsh a connection even with using eclipse ...

 my /etc/hosts file :

 ##   localhost broadcasthost
 ::1 localhost
 #fe80::1%lo0localhost   ericomtxmacbookpro.local
 #   mysqld

 The thing to remember is that 'localhost' or '' is where the
 server believes the connection is coming from. The password you must be
 using in your client connection attempt must match the one used on the
 server for the mysql user 'root'@'localhost' or you will not authenticate.

 You also need to remember that if your .php page is on a different
 machine, it is not connecting to the same mysqld that you have running in
 your development machine (your personal environment). Your .PHP page is
 trying to connect to the one running on its host machine. That user 'root'
 may have an entirely different password.

 Your programs are connecting fine. If they didn't you would get a
 different message. They are failing to authenticate which means that the
 mysqld they are connecting to does not recognize the password you are using
 for the account you are trying to authenticate as.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread shawn

Hello Reindl,

On 1/13/2014 3:01 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

*your application* is connecting to mysql
*your application* is using a hostname
*your application* *may* use
*your application* should use localhost to *connect to the databse*
*your application* can only use TCP *if there is* a *mysql user* with *that 

... snip ...

The problem is, his other clients (his php page,his eclipse environment) 
is where he has problems making the connection from. His direct 
connection (using the mysql command line client) is having no problems.

So, the issues are:
* Why is a client connection, from the same host as the mysqld server, 
initiated from his PHP code failing to connect?

* Why is a client connection, from the same host machine as his mysqld 
server, initiated from his Eclipse programming tool failing to connect?

We are not saying he is using HTTP commands to log into his database.
We have clarified that both his client and his server are on the same host.

My last advice is that the password he is providing through his other 
clients must be incorrect. I even suggested that he may be validating 
his account on one instance but his tools are attempting to connect to a 
different instance.

And whether I say
   mysql -u root -h localhost  (via Unix socket)

or I say
   mysql -u root -h  (via TCP socket)

they may /both/ be reported as 'localhost' in the error message because 
of how the reverse DNS lookup happens during the user authentication 
process and the contents of his local /etc/hosts file.

Does that give you a better image of the current problem?
Shawn Green
MySQL Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer
Oracle USA, Inc. - Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together.
Office: Blountville, TN

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

RE: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password:

2014-01-13 Thread Vikas Shukla
 YES) on mysql admin
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Please provide the output of the below query.

Select user, host, password from mysql.user;


Vikas Shukla
Mail Sent from my Windows Phone From: Reindl Harald
Sent: =E2=80=8E14-=E2=80=8E01-=E2=80=8E2014 01:38
Subject: Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password:
YES) on mysql admin
*your application* is connecting to mysql
*your application* is using a hostname
*your application* *may* use
*your application* should use localhost to *connect to the databse*
*your application* can only use TCP *if there is* a *mysql user* with *that=

Am 13.01.2014 20:38, schrieb =C3=89rico:
 no connections outside command line are being accepted . I have connected
 through command line , but not using eclipse for example ... it gets the
 same error from the web app
 my apache and pages are in the same computer that mysql
 I am not getting password issues.. otherwise I would not connect through
 command line
 2014/1/13 shawn
 On 1/13/2014 1:49 PM, =C3=89rico wrote:


 didn't work

 look ... isn't this something related to this :

 are you using localhost or in the web-application
 root@localhost !=3D root@ =3D different users

 localhost: Unix-Socket TCP


 since I am not able to stabilsh a connection even with using eclipse ..=

 my /etc/hosts file :

 ##   localhost broadcasthost
 ::1 localhost
 #fe80::1%lo0localhost   ericomtxmacbookpro.local
 #   mysqld

 The thing to remember is that 'localhost' or '' is where the
 server believes the connection is coming from. The password you must be
 using in your client connection attempt must match the one used on the
 server for the mysql user 'root'@'localhost' or you will not authenticat=

 You also need to remember that if your .php page is on a different
 machine, it is not connecting to the same mysqld that you have running i=
 your development machine (your personal environment). Your .PHP page is
 trying to connect to the one running on its host machine. That user 'roo=
 may have an entirely different password.

 Your programs are connecting fine. If they didn't you would get a
 different message. They are failing to authenticate which means that the
 mysqld they are connecting to does not recognize the password you are us=
 for the account you are trying to authenticate as.


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

Re: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on mysql admin

2014-01-13 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 13.01.2014 21:47, schrieb shawn
 Hello Reindl,
 We are not saying he is using HTTP commands to log into his database

we excludes obviously the OP or his overall understanding :-)

Am 13.01.2014 18:54, schrieb Érico:
 using both urls I get the same error :


 in after I submit the index.php ... it redirects to localhost
 too ..

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: access denied to non-root@localhost null-string user in USER_PRIVILEGES

2012-12-26 Thread Igor Shevtsov

You mysql.user table might be corrupted.
If you have access to it as a root user, try check table mysql.user, and 
repair table mysql.user if table corruption was detected.
Alternatively, shut down mysql server, cd /var/lib/mysql/mysql (to your 
$datadir/mysql directory) and run

mysqlcheck -r mysql user

On 26/12/12 18:00, Round Square wrote:

Hi all:
Suddenly, after a long, functioning run of the mysql server, all the non-root accounts went bad, with:

Access denied for user 'non_root_user'@'localhost' (using password: 

Authenticating with non_root_u...@server.ip.address still works ( the 
bind-address in my.cnf is mapped to server.ip.address )

Poking around in puzzlement and comparing the current, broken state with the 
functioning state (from backup) I discovered that in the broken version there 
is this extra line in the information_schema.USER_PRIVILEGES table:

   | ''@'localhost' | NULL  | USAGE 
  | NO   |

(Note the null-string user prepended to @localhost)

Again: the functional, non-broken state does NOT have this entry.  Thus, my 
current theory is that this line is the culprit.  Prior to the failure I had a 
surge of experimental installations, installing third-party software that 
created mysql tables, and can't clearly retrace everything I did, at this 
point, to pinpoint the installation that may have caused it.

Be that as it may...

(1) Is my theory correct?
(2) If that line should not be there...
(a) How do I remove it, properly? I don't have debian-sys-maint 
privileges to delete the line. (Or do I?)
(b) Are there other tables, besides USER_PRIVILEGES, that would need to 
be updated/purged

My version:
mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.41, for debian-linux-gnu (i486) using readline 6.1

Re: Access denied with mysqladmin

2010-09-25 Thread Ma Xiaoming


Nice to meet you. But I think that this newsgroup is for the people who come 
from all of the world. So post topics in English is better for anyone who is 
also interested about this topic, right?


I like this sentence. Õæ¸ßÐËÄÜÔÚÕâÀï¼ûµ½×Ô¼ºÈË¡£Ï£ÍûÒÔºóÄܶà¶àÖ¸½Ì£¬Ð»Ð»¡£


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Re: Access denied with mysqladmin

2010-09-24 Thread Sharl.Jimh.Tsin

On 2010年09月24日 16:11, Ma Xiaoming wrote:

Dear all,

I have installed the MySQL version 5.1.50 with complete installation. After
the installation process is finished and the configuration is done, when I
run 'mysqladmin' with option 'version' in prompt, I got the following error


C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\binmysqladmin version

mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'


Why do I get this result? Thanks.

Best Regards



As the console print,do you enter the password for user ODBC correctly?


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Access denied with mysqladmin

2010-09-24 Thread Ma Xiaoming

 As the console print,do you enter the password for user ODBC correctly?

How to correctly use this console application, that is how to pass password 
when calling this console application?  Thanks.



Best Regards.


MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Access denied with mysqladmin

2010-09-24 Thread Shawn Green (MySQL)

On 9/24/2010 4:11 AM, Ma Xiaoming wrote:

Dear all,

I have installed the MySQL version 5.1.50 with complete installation. After
the installation process is finished and the configuration is done, when I
run 'mysqladmin' with option 'version' in prompt, I got the following error


C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\binmysqladmin version

mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'


Why do I get this result? Thanks.

Best Regards


You forgot to use -- before the option version. Try this instead

mysqladmin --version

Let us know your results.
Shawn Green
MySQL Principal Technical Support Engineer
Oracle USA, Inc.
Office: Blountville, TN

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Re: Access denied with mysqladmin

2010-09-24 Thread Ma Xiaoming
Hi Shawn,

 You forgot to use -- before the option version. Try this instead

 mysqladmin --version

 Let us know your results.

Oh yes, it works. When I typed the right command:  mysqladmin --version

I got the following result: mysqladmin Ver 8.42 Distrib 5.1.50, for Win32 on 

Many thanks for your help.

Best Regards



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Re: Access denied with mysqladmin

2010-09-24 Thread Neo


On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Ma Xiaoming maxiaoming10...@hotmail.comwrote:

 Hi Shawn,

  You forgot to use -- before the option version. Try this instead
  mysqladmin --version
  Let us know your results.

 Oh yes, it works. When I typed the right command:  mysqladmin --version

 I got the following result: mysqladmin Ver 8.42 Distrib 5.1.50, for Win32

 Many thanks for your help.

 Best Regards


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Re: Access denied with mysqladmin

2010-09-24 Thread 易超

2010/9/25 Neo



 On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Ma Xiaoming

  Hi Shawn,
   You forgot to use -- before the option version. Try this instead
   mysqladmin --version
   Let us know your results.
  Oh yes, it works. When I typed the right command:  mysqladmin --version
  I got the following result: mysqladmin Ver 8.42 Distrib 5.1.50, for Win32
  Many thanks for your help.
  Best Regards
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Re: Access denied; you need the RELOAD privilege for this operation

2009-09-20 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Sep 20), Pete Wilson said:
 I'm pretty new to MySql, but not many years ago I was an ISAM guy so I
 understand the issues with indexes and on-the-fly inserts.
 I've seen many questions around this error message, Access denied; you
 need the RELOAD privilege for this operation. But I'm not grokking the
 Is it true that I cannot get all the privs I need on a database that I
 have created?
 If so, then what's a reasonable way for MySql users to get around this
 In my particular case, cPanel tells me MySQL version 5.0.81-community. I
 have a table usrs in my ISAM DB into which I want to insert a row.  I
 execute this C-connector code before the insert:
   err = mysql_query( pmysql, lock table usrs write; );
   err = mysql_query( pmysql, flush table usrs; );
 The error return from flush table is Access denied; you need the RELOAD
 privilege for this operation
 After the insert (which completes without error) I execute the flush
 table call again prior to issuing unlock tables; The error return to
 the second flush table is likewise Access denied.

The only time a table flush is needed is when you are looking at the raw
mysql data files and want to make sure there are no dirty blocks that
haven't been written to disk yet (for hot backup purposes, for example), or
if you are debugging a performance problem and want to make sure all caches
are emptied.  If you're just inserting rows, there's no need to flush

Also, there probably isn't a reason to explicitly lock the entire table,
either.  If you were previously using that to emulate atomic transactions on
myisam tables, you can replace your lock/unlock table operations with a
START TRANSACTION/COMMIT pair, because innodb supports transactions (myisam
doesn't).  That will let other users access the usrs table at the same
time you're doing your insert.  If you're just inserting a single row, you
can even drop the transaction calls.  A single insert is always atomic, no
matter what table type you are using.

Your ISAM experience might actually be a drawback here, if it's more at the
operational level of old Berkely DB 1.x-style databases (where one has to
manually maintain the index, there are no transactions, etc).  SQL-based
databases sit on top of the lower-level table engines and handle all that
work for you.

Dan Nelson

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Re: access denied error

2008-10-10 Thread Jesse
Sorry to have bothered you.  I believe I found the problem.  I had a 1 (One) 
in the password instead of a l (L).  it was working from the command prompt, 
because I was typing it in the same way, but from the application, it was 
stored. So, basically, I had the password wrong.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Lyons 
  To: Jesse 
  Cc: MySQL List 
  Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 8:28 AM
  Subject: Re: access denied error

  What is the PHP connect string?  Are you connecting to the database you have 
access to? are you connecting as the same user (myuser)?  Do other php 
applications work, so you know it's not a php-mysql issue?

  On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 6:59 AM, Jesse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a PHP application that I inherited.  I have it running on a Ubuntu 
8.04 virtual machine.  I have set up a user to access the MySQL database, and 
from the command prompt, I can access it just fine.  For instance, from the 
Ubuntu prompt, if I type MySQL -umyuser -p, it asks me for the password and 
after typing it in, I'm in.  I can also see the only database I've given that 
user access to, and I tried a simple SELECT and it worked fine. However, when I 
access the database through the PHP application, I get the error, Access 
denied for user 'trucksma_db'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Can anyone tell me what the issue could be here?  Why would I have access 
denied through the PHP application, but not through the MySQL client?


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  Jim Lyons
  Web developer / Database administrator

Re: access denied error

2008-10-10 Thread Jim Lyons
What is the PHP connect string?  Are you connecting to the database you have
access to? are you connecting as the same user (myuser)?  Do other php
applications work, so you know it's not a php-mysql issue?

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 6:59 AM, Jesse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a PHP application that I inherited.  I have it running on a Ubuntu
 8.04 virtual machine.  I have set up a user to access the MySQL database,
 and from the command prompt, I can access it just fine.  For instance, from
 the Ubuntu prompt, if I type MySQL -umyuser -p, it asks me for the password
 and after typing it in, I'm in.  I can also see the only database I've given
 that user access to, and I tried a simple SELECT and it worked fine.
 However, when I access the database through the PHP application, I get the
 error, Access denied for user 'trucksma_db'@'localhost' (using password:

 Can anyone tell me what the issue could be here?  Why would I have access
 denied through the PHP application, but not through the MySQL client?


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Jim Lyons
Web developer / Database administrator

Re: Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost'

2008-07-22 Thread Ian Simpson
Hi Jesse,

If you're specifying the password in plain text, you shouldn't put the
PASSWORD directive in there; you only use PASSWORD if you're using the
hashed password that MySQL will actually store.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED

Also, you will need to execute FLUSH PRIVILEGES once you're done, since
MySQL normally only checks the privilege tables on start-up.

On Mon, 2008-07-21 at 20:35 -0400, Jesse wrote:
 OK. This is driving me Nutz 8-p
 Any time I try to restart mysql, I get the error, Access denied for user 
 My understanding is that the password for the debian-sys-maint user is found 
 in /etc/mysql/debian.cnf  So, I edit that, and note the password.
 I then execute the following in MySQL (with the correct password, of 
 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 
 To test it out, I try a mysql -u debian-sys-maint -p, type in the password 
 and get the Access denied error again.  What's going on? Why can't I get 
 this to work?
Ian Simpson
System Administrator

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Re: Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost'

2008-07-22 Thread Jesse
That was it.  Once I removed PASSWORD, it went through, and I'm able to restart 
MySQL now.

Thanks for your help.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ian Simpson 
  To: Jesse 
  Cc: MySQL List 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 4:48 AM
  Subject: Re: Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost'

  Hi Jesse,

  If you're specifying the password in plain text, you shouldn't put the
  PASSWORD directive in there; you only use PASSWORD if you're using the
  hashed password that MySQL will actually store.

Re: Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost'

2008-07-21 Thread chaim . rieger
Do you login via sock or network ?
Didja change the passwd for localhost and % ?

--Original Message--
From: Jesse
To: MySQL List
Sent: Jul 21, 2008 17:35
Subject: Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost'

OK. This is driving me Nutz 8-p

Any time I try to restart mysql, I get the error, Access denied for user 

My understanding is that the password for the debian-sys-maint user is found 
in /etc/mysql/debian.cnf  So, I edit that, and note the password.

I then execute the following in MySQL (with the correct password, of 
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 

To test it out, I try a mysql -u debian-sys-maint -p, type in the password 
and get the Access denied error again.  What's going on? Why can't I get 
this to work?


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Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Re: Access denied for GRANT using root yet manual user insertion is fine

2007-09-01 Thread Ed Cradock
With assistance from a friend this issue has been rectified.

The current GRANT was not sufficient. After executing the new GRANT
with 'ALL PRIVILEGES' (using the --init-file switch) the root user can
now issue GRANTS.

Additionally I apologise for duplicate posts, It was not intentional.

On 9/2/07, Ed Cradock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The grant flag is enabled on the root account:

 mysql SELECT Grant_priv FROM user WHERE User='root' AND Host='localhost';

 | Grant_priv |
 | Y  |
 1 row in set (0.01 sec)

 mysql SHOW GRANTS FOR 'root'@'localhost';


 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 When I execute the GRANT on _ANY_ database, I receive the following error:

 mysql  GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `foo`.* TO 'root'@'localhost'
 ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 

 I have tried revoking the grant (with --init-file), then reissuing it.
 This has not remedied it.

 It was recently upgraded from MySQL 4, it is currently running on
 mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.27.

 I have ran 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables'. I have also updated the
 password to use the updated PASSWORD() hash in the mysql.user table,
 but the issue persists.

 The root user is fully operational, users can be inserted via the
 mysql.user table, This works without a problem!

 Contents of the my.cnf:

 # cat /etc/my.cnf
 set-variable = max_connections=500

 The server runs on CentOS release 4.5 (Final).

 Any assistance to rectifying this will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Access denied for user on Windows Server

2007-08-22 Thread Alex Kloss
Car Toper wrote:
 More info...

 I am able to login with the account via phpMyAdmin on the server.
 Also, I am trying to use phpMyAdmin to change the permissions, but I
 cannot figure out the syntax:



 On 8/21/07, Car Toper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a MySql server running on a Windows box that I cannot connect
 to from another machine.  I first checked to make sure the user has
 the correct permissions, which the user does, it has the %.  I did
 read something that gave me the impression the user needs to have a
 tranditional windows account on the machine, so I created one.  Still
 nothing.  Is there anything special I need to do to allow access to
 MySql when the database is running on a different machine?


If you're trying to create a superuser on the server, you would use


Although I wouldn't recommend this for security purposes; it's a much
more secure idea to selectively grant the
privileges as necessary to the user and assign a password, such as

IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

And so forth.

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Re: Access denied for user on Windows Server

2007-08-21 Thread Car Toper
More info...

I am able to login with the account via phpMyAdmin on the server.
Also, I am trying to use phpMyAdmin to change the permissions, but I
cannot figure out the syntax:



On 8/21/07, Car Toper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a MySql server running on a Windows box that I cannot connect
 to from another machine.  I first checked to make sure the user has
 the correct permissions, which the user does, it has the %.  I did
 read something that gave me the impression the user needs to have a
 tranditional windows account on the machine, so I created one.  Still
 nothing.  Is there anything special I need to do to allow access to
 MySql when the database is running on a different machine?

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Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-11 Thread Ananda Kumar

Is this a user untz going to do even the create procedure, if yes then
you need to grant super previliege to this user.

grant super on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';


On 6/11/07, untz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Baron  Prathima,

Thank for the information!

What happened is that I hadn't used MySQL for a long time and looked
up on the Internet on how to change my root and individual users'

The last command the URL had me type was flush privileges; and once
I did that, I think it created a problem for everything else.

Here's what I got when I ran SHOW GRANTS:

mysql show GRANTS;
| Grants for
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

What am I supposed to do? I can not run queries or even create tables...

I also tried using a MySQL client (CocoaMySQL) and it displayed the
same error as in the previous e-mail (see below).

Am really stuck on this so any help, suggestions, etc. would be
greatly appreciated!

Sincerely yours,


On Jun 10, 2007, at 5:44 AM, Baron Schwartz wrote:

 Hi untz,

 untz wrote:
 Hello there,
 I am using MySQL 5 on OS X Tiger...
 After starting the server, I tried to create a sample database and
 this is what what happened:
 $ mysql -u untz -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 5.0.16-standard
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
 mysql create database people_development;
 ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'untz'@'localhost' to
 database 'people_development'

 Try running SHOW GRANTS while logged in, and see what privileges
 you have.  You probably need to grant your user some additional


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Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-11 Thread Baron Schwartz


I think you need to log in as root and grant yourself some privileges then.  If you 
have lost the root password or root doesn't have privileges anymore either, there is a 
chapter in the manual on how to do this:


untz wrote:

Baron  Prathima,

Thank for the information!

What happened is that I hadn't used MySQL for a long time and looked up 
on the Internet on how to change my root and individual users' passwords.

The last command the URL had me type was flush privileges; and once I 
did that, I think it created a problem for everything else.

Here's what I got when I ran SHOW GRANTS:

mysql show GRANTS;

| Grants for 


| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'

7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

What am I supposed to do? I can not run queries or even create tables...

I also tried using a MySQL client (CocoaMySQL) and it displayed the same 
error as in the previous e-mail (see below).

Am really stuck on this so any help, suggestions, etc. would be greatly 

Sincerely yours,


On Jun 10, 2007, at 5:44 AM, Baron Schwartz wrote:

Hi untz,

untz wrote:

Hello there,
I am using MySQL 5 on OS X Tiger...
After starting the server, I tried to create a sample database and 
this is what what happened:

$ mysql -u untz -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 5.0.16-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql create database people_development;
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'untz'@'localhost' to 
database 'people_development'


Try running SHOW GRANTS while logged in, and see what privileges you 
have.  You probably need to grant your user some additional privileges.


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Baron Schwartz

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Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-11 Thread untz


Thank you for responding!

I just tried this and got the following:

mysql grant super *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the  
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right  
syntax to use near '*.* to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by password' at  
line 1

Can anyone please help me?

I am not a DBA

Kindest regards,


On Jun 11, 2007, at 4:36 AM, Ananda Kumar wrote:

Is this a user untz going to do even the create procedure, if  
yes then

you need to grant super previliege to this user.

grant super on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';


On 6/11/07, untz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Baron  Prathima,

Thank for the information!

What happened is that I hadn't used MySQL for a long time and looked
up on the Internet on how to change my root and individual users'

The last command the URL had me type was flush privileges; and once
I did that, I think it created a problem for everything else.

Here's what I got when I ran SHOW GRANTS:

mysql show GRANTS;

| Grants for

| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'

7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

What am I supposed to do? I can not run queries or even create  

I also tried using a MySQL client (CocoaMySQL) and it displayed the
same error as in the previous e-mail (see below).

Am really stuck on this so any help, suggestions, etc. would be
greatly appreciated!

Sincerely yours,


On Jun 10, 2007, at 5:44 AM, Baron Schwartz wrote:

 Hi untz,

 untz wrote:
 Hello there,
 I am using MySQL 5 on OS X Tiger...
 After starting the server, I tried to create a sample database and
 this is what what happened:
 $ mysql -u untz -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 5.0.16-standard
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
 mysql create database people_development;
 ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'untz'@'localhost' to
 database 'people_development'

 Try running SHOW GRANTS while logged in, and see what privileges
 you have.  You probably need to grant your user some additional


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Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-11 Thread Gerald L. Clark

untz wrote:


Thank you for responding!

I just tried this and got the following:

mysql grant super *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the  
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right  
syntax to use near '*.* to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by password' at  
line 1

Can anyone please help me?

I am not a DBA

Kindest regards,


On Jun 11, 2007, at 4:36 AM, Ananda Kumar wrote:

Is this a user untz going to do even the create procedure, if  yes 

you need to grant super previliege to this user.

grant super on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';


On 6/11/07, untz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Baron  Prathima,

Thank for the information!

What happened is that I hadn't used MySQL for a long time and looked
up on the Internet on how to change my root and individual users'

The last command the URL had me type was flush privileges; and once
I did that, I think it created a problem for everything else.

Here's what I got when I ran SHOW GRANTS:

mysql show GRANTS;

| Grants for

| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'

7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

What am I supposed to do? I can not run queries or even create  

I also tried using a MySQL client (CocoaMySQL) and it displayed the
same error as in the previous e-mail (see below).

Am really stuck on this so any help, suggestions, etc. would be
greatly appreciated!

Sincerely yours,


On Jun 10, 2007, at 5:44 AM, Baron Schwartz wrote:

 Hi untz,

 untz wrote:
 Hello there,
 I am using MySQL 5 on OS X Tiger...
 After starting the server, I tried to create a sample database and
 this is what what happened:
 $ mysql -u untz -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 5.0.16-standard
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
 mysql create database people_development;
 ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'untz'@'localhost' to
 database 'people_development'

 Try running SHOW GRANTS while logged in, and see what privileges
 you have.  You probably need to grant your user some additional


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The show grants you ran shows you the proper syntax.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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RE: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-11 Thread Mikhail Berman
Looks like words  privileges on are missing from GRANT statement you

Should be grant super privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost'
identified by 'password';
Not grant super *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';


Mikhail Berman

-Original Message-
From: untz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 4:02 PM
To: Ananda Kumar
Subject: Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database


Thank you for responding!

I just tried this and got the following:

mysql grant super *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the  
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right  
syntax to use near '*.* to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by password' at  
line 1

Can anyone please help me?

I am not a DBA

Kindest regards,


On Jun 11, 2007, at 4:36 AM, Ananda Kumar wrote:

 Is this a user untz going to do even the create procedure, if  
 yes then
 you need to grant super previliege to this user.

 grant super on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';


 On 6/11/07, untz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Baron  Prathima,

 Thank for the information!

 What happened is that I hadn't used MySQL for a long time and looked
 up on the Internet on how to change my root and individual users'

 The last command the URL had me type was flush privileges; and once
 I did that, I think it created a problem for everything else.

 Here's what I got when I ran SHOW GRANTS:

 mysql show GRANTS;

 | Grants for

 | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
 | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
 | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
 | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
 | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
 | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'

 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 What am I supposed to do? I can not run queries or even create  

 I also tried using a MySQL client (CocoaMySQL) and it displayed the
 same error as in the previous e-mail (see below).

 Am really stuck on this so any help, suggestions, etc. would be
 greatly appreciated!

 Sincerely yours,


 On Jun 10, 2007, at 5:44 AM, Baron Schwartz wrote:

  Hi untz,
  untz wrote:
  Hello there,
  I am using MySQL 5 on OS X Tiger...
  After starting the server, I tried to create a sample database and
  this is what what happened:
  $ mysql -u untz -p
  Enter password:
  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
  Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 5.0.16-standard
  Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
  mysql create database people_development;
  ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'untz'@'localhost' to
  database 'people_development'
  Try running SHOW GRANTS while logged in, and see what privileges
  you have.  You probably need to grant your user some additional
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Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-11 Thread untz


I tried this and still got an error!

mysql grant all privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified  
by 'maddog';
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'untz'@'localhost' (using  
password: YES)


Can anyone please help me?  I am unable to use MySQL at all, at this  


On Jun 11, 2007, at 1:06 PM, Gerald L. Clark wrote:

untz wrote:

Thank you for responding!
I just tried this and got the following:
mysql grant super *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by  
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check  
the  manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the  
right  syntax to use near '*.* to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by  
password' at  line 1

Can anyone please help me?
I am not a DBA
Kindest regards,
On Jun 11, 2007, at 4:36 AM, Ananda Kumar wrote:
Is this a user untz going to do even the create procedure,  
if  yes then

you need to grant super previliege to this user.

grant super on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';


On 6/11/07, untz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Baron  Prathima,

Thank for the information!

What happened is that I hadn't used MySQL for a long time and  

up on the Internet on how to change my root and individual users'

The last command the URL had me type was flush privileges; and  

I did that, I think it created a problem for everything else.

Here's what I got when I ran SHOW GRANTS:

mysql show GRANTS;
-- ---

| Grants for
-- ---

| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_development`.* TO  

| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_production`.* TO  
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_development`.* TO  

| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_production`.* TO  
-- ---

7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

What am I supposed to do? I can not run queries or even create   

I also tried using a MySQL client (CocoaMySQL) and it displayed the
same error as in the previous e-mail (see below).

Am really stuck on this so any help, suggestions, etc. would be
greatly appreciated!

Sincerely yours,


On Jun 10, 2007, at 5:44 AM, Baron Schwartz wrote:

 Hi untz,

 untz wrote:
 Hello there,
 I am using MySQL 5 on OS X Tiger...
 After starting the server, I tried to create a sample  
database and

 this is what what happened:
 $ mysql -u untz -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 5.0.16-standard
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
 mysql create database people_development;
 ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'untz'@'localhost' to
 database 'people_development'

 Try running SHOW GRANTS while logged in, and see what privileges
 you have.  You probably need to grant your user some additional


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The show grants you ran shows you the proper syntax.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-11 Thread untz


I just tried what you suggested and got this:

mysql grant super privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified  
by 'maddog';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the  
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right  
syntax to use near 'privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost'  
identified by 'maddog'' at line 1

Many, many thanks,


On Jun 11, 2007, at 1:21 PM, Mikhail Berman wrote:

Looks like words  privileges on are missing from GRANT statement you

Should be grant super privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost'
identified by 'password';
Not grant super *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';


Mikhail Berman

-Original Message-
From: untz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 4:02 PM
To: Ananda Kumar
Subject: Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database


Thank you for responding!

I just tried this and got the following:

mysql grant super *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near '*.* to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by password' at
line 1

Can anyone please help me?

I am not a DBA

Kindest regards,


On Jun 11, 2007, at 4:36 AM, Ananda Kumar wrote:

Is this a user untz going to do even the create procedure, if
yes then
you need to grant super previliege to this user.

grant super on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';


On 6/11/07, untz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Baron  Prathima,

Thank for the information!

What happened is that I hadn't used MySQL for a long time and looked
up on the Internet on how to change my root and individual users'

The last command the URL had me type was flush privileges; and  

I did that, I think it created a problem for everything else.

Here's what I got when I ran SHOW GRANTS:

mysql show GRANTS;

| Grants for

| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_development`.* TO  

| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_development`.* TO  

| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'

7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

What am I supposed to do? I can not run queries or even create

I also tried using a MySQL client (CocoaMySQL) and it displayed the
same error as in the previous e-mail (see below).

Am really stuck on this so any help, suggestions, etc. would be
greatly appreciated!

Sincerely yours,


On Jun 10, 2007, at 5:44 AM, Baron Schwartz wrote:

Hi untz,

untz wrote:

Hello there,
I am using MySQL 5 on OS X Tiger...
After starting the server, I tried to create a sample database and
this is what what happened:
$ mysql -u untz -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 5.0.16-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql create database people_development;
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'untz'@'localhost' to
database 'people_development'

Try running SHOW GRANTS while logged in, and see what privileges
you have.  You probably need to grant your user some additional


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Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-11 Thread Gerald L. Clark

untz wrote:


I tried this and still got an error!

mysql grant all privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified  by 
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'untz'@'localhost' (using  
password: YES)


Can anyone please help me?  I am unable to use MySQL at all, at this  


You have to be logged-in to mysql as a privileged user to grant 
permissions to others.

Logout, and login as root.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-11 Thread untz


I tried this and it still didn't work!

Raven:~ untz$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 223 to server version: 5.0.16-standard

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql grant super privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified  
by 'maddog';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the  
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right  
syntax to use near 'privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost'  
identified by 'maddog'' at line 1



Kindest regards,


On Jun 11, 2007, at 1:28 PM, Gerald L. Clark wrote:

untz wrote:

I tried this and still got an error!
mysql grant all privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost'  
identified  by 'maddog';
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user  
'untz'@'localhost' (using  password: YES)

Can anyone please help me?  I am unable to use MySQL at all, at  
this  point...

You have to be logged-in to mysql as a privileged user to grant  
permissions to others.

Logout, and login as root.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-11 Thread Rolando Edwards
Don't you mean this ?

grant all privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'maddog';

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 4:36:33 PM (GMT-0500) America/New_York
Subject: Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database


I tried this and it still didn't work!

Raven:~ untz$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 223 to server version: 5.0.16-standard

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql grant super privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified  
by 'maddog';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the  
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right  
syntax to use near 'privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost'  
identified by 'maddog'' at line 1


Kindest regards,


On Jun 11, 2007, at 1:28 PM, Gerald L. Clark wrote:

 untz wrote:
 I tried this and still got an error!
 mysql grant all privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost'  
 identified  by 'maddog';
 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user  
 'untz'@'localhost' (using  password: YES)
 Can anyone please help me?  I am unable to use MySQL at all, at  
 this  point...
 You have to be logged-in to mysql as a privileged user to grant  
 permissions to others.
 Logout, and login as root.

 Gerald L. Clark
 Supplier Systems Corporation

 MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-11 Thread untz


Yes, that worked! I did have to log into mysql as root, however...

BTW, for some odd reason someone's symantec virus checker is sending  
me denied e-mail responses from Italy, whenever I try to post to the  
MySQL mailing list.

Many, many thanks,


On Jun 11, 2007, at 1:41 PM, Rolando Edwards wrote:

Don't you mean this ?

grant all privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by  

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 4:36:33 PM (GMT-0500) America/New_York
Subject: Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database


I tried this and it still didn't work!

Raven:~ untz$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 223 to server version: 5.0.16-standard

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql grant super privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified
by 'maddog';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near 'privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost'
identified by 'maddog'' at line 1


Kindest regards,


On Jun 11, 2007, at 1:28 PM, Gerald L. Clark wrote:

untz wrote:

I tried this and still got an error!
mysql grant all privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost'
identified  by 'maddog';
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user
'untz'@'localhost' (using  password: YES)
Can anyone please help me?  I am unable to use MySQL at all, at
this  point...

You have to be logged-in to mysql as a privileged user to grant
permissions to others.
Logout, and login as root.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-10 Thread Baron Schwartz

Hi untz,

untz wrote:

Hello there,

I am using MySQL 5 on OS X Tiger...

After starting the server, I tried to create a sample database and this 
is what what happened:

$ mysql -u untz -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 5.0.16-standard

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql create database people_development;
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'untz'@'localhost' to 
database 'people_development'


Try running SHOW GRANTS while logged in, and see what privileges you have.  You 
probably need to grant your user some additional privileges.


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Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-10 Thread untz

Baron  Prathima,

Thank for the information!

What happened is that I hadn't used MySQL for a long time and looked  
up on the Internet on how to change my root and individual users'  

The last command the URL had me type was flush privileges; and once  
I did that, I think it created a problem for everything else.

Here's what I got when I ran SHOW GRANTS:

mysql show GRANTS;
| Grants for  

| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'

7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

What am I supposed to do? I can not run queries or even create tables...

I also tried using a MySQL client (CocoaMySQL) and it displayed the  
same error as in the previous e-mail (see below).

Am really stuck on this so any help, suggestions, etc. would be  
greatly appreciated!

Sincerely yours,


On Jun 10, 2007, at 5:44 AM, Baron Schwartz wrote:

Hi untz,

untz wrote:

Hello there,
I am using MySQL 5 on OS X Tiger...
After starting the server, I tried to create a sample database and  
this is what what happened:

$ mysql -u untz -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 5.0.16-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql create database people_development;
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'untz'@'localhost' to  
database 'people_development'


Try running SHOW GRANTS while logged in, and see what privileges  
you have.  You probably need to grant your user some additional  


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Re: Access denied

2006-06-09 Thread Dilipkumar


Please check the data directory where u have started your mysql has
permission ( mysql:mysql )
U would have started your ur mysql ar root user and when u create a 
database which has

no permission as (mysql) in data directory.

This might help you out.

Kaushal Shriyan wrote:


I am faced with a issue of creating database , The issue is I am able
to enter to the MySQL Server with the password, but when i try to
create database I get Access Denied

Below are the details

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 17 to server version: 3.23.54

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql exit
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysqladmin -u root -p create kaushal
Enter password:
mysqladmin: CREATE DATABASE failed; error: 'Access denied for user:
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to database 'kaushal''

Any Clue will be really appreciated



Thanks  Regards,
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Information contained and transmitted by this E-MAIL is proprietary to 
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Re: Access denied

2006-06-09 Thread Kaushal Shriyan

On 6/9/06, Dilipkumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Please check the data directory where u have started your mysql has
permission ( mysql:mysql )
U would have started your ur mysql ar root user and when u create a
database which has
no permission as (mysql) in data directory.

This might help you out.

Kaushal Shriyan wrote:


 I am faced with a issue of creating database , The issue is I am able
 to enter to the MySQL Server with the password, but when i try to
 create database I get Access Denied

 Below are the details

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysql -u root -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 17 to server version: 3.23.54

 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

 mysql exit
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysqladmin -u root -p create kaushal
 Enter password:
 mysqladmin: CREATE DATABASE failed; error: 'Access denied for user:
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to database 'kaushal''

 Any Clue will be really appreciated



Thanks  Regards,
DBA Support

Information contained and transmitted by this E-MAIL is proprietary to
Sify Limited and is intended for use only by the individual or entity to
which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged,
confidential or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If this is a
forwarded message, the content of this E-MAIL may not have been sent with
the authority of the Company. If you are not the intended recipient, an
agent of the intended recipient or a  person responsible for delivering the
information to the named recipient,  you are notified that any use,
distribution, transmission, printing, copying or dissemination of this
information in any way or in any manner is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this communication in error, please delete this mail  notify us
immediately at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Hi Dilip

Below are the permissions

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# pwd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# ll
total 16
drwx--2 mysqlmysql8192 Jun  8 21:29 drupal
drwx--2 mysqlmysql4096 Jun  7 19:51 mysql
srwxrwxrwx1 mysqlmysql   0 Jun  9 12:49 mysql.sock
drwx--2 mysqlmysql4096 Jun  7 19:51 test

I have the same set up in other linux box its working there perfectly

Any Clues


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Re: Access denied

2006-06-09 Thread Barry

Kaushal Shriyan schrieb:


I am faced with a issue of creating database , The issue is I am able
to enter to the MySQL Server with the password, but when i try to
create database I get Access Denied

Below are the details

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 17 to server version: 3.23.54

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql exit
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysqladmin -u root -p create kaushal
Enter password:
mysqladmin: CREATE DATABASE failed; error: 'Access denied for user:
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to database 'kaushal''

Any Clue will be really appreciated



does the user root has create privileges?

Is mysql installed as an other user than mysql?

is the folder mysql also with mysql:mysql privileges?
Smileys rule (cX.x)C --o(^_^o)
Dance for me! ^(^_^)o (o^_^)o o(^_^)^ o(^_^o)

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Re: Access denied after upgrade to 5.0

2006-01-28 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Are you able to connect to MySQL Server if you blank the root password?
Use mysql command line client from 5.0 distribution. Have you run
mysql_fix_privilege_tables script? Please, provide the CREATE statement
for mysql.user table.See:

M wrote:
 I upgraded MySQL from 4.1 to 5.0 on my machine (MDK 2006). Since I can't
 connect, I always get:
 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
 password: NO)
 (or using password:YES)
 I followed the reset password procedure. If the server is started with
 --skip-grant-tables, I can see correct entries for user root:
 mysql select  Host,  User from user where User = 'root';
 | Host | User |
 | localhost| root |
 | localhost.localdomain| root |
 encoded passwords are there too.
 Is there anything else I could miss. What should I check, where to look?
 Thank you

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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: Access denied/password change

2005-06-06 Thread Seena Blace
Is there any way I can change passwd of database without knowing the 
administrator .
I'm unable to get into the mysql prompt due to access denied message.I want to 
change passwd.How to do this? After change passwd do you think we need to grant 
some priviledges?

Anoop kumar V [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The reason i sthat you have not provided authorisation privileges to the 
database or to the tables within the database for that user...

Very often we think granting all to the database is enough to make our app work 
with a particular user - this may be true for some databases  - but in mysql 
you must do a grant all on your_database.* for that user - you must explicitly 
authorise the user for each table (using * or each table name) within the 

Hope that helps,

On 6/4/05, Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hello.


Seena Blace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [-- text/plain, encoding 8bit, charset: iso-8859-1, 17 lines --] 


 I have been noticing following error when trying to connect mysql.

 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)


 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

 What could be reason?

 Is there any way I can connect to database without changing passwd? 



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For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
/ /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Thanks and best regards,

Discover Yahoo!
 Get on-the-go sports scores, stock quotes, news  more. Check it out!

Re: Access denied/password change

2005-06-06 Thread mfatene
hi ,
see -skip-grant-tables in


Selon Seena Blace [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Is there any way I can change passwd of database without knowing the
 administrator .
 I'm unable to get into the mysql prompt due to access denied message.I want
 to change passwd.How to do this? After change passwd do you think we need to
 grant some priviledges?

 Anoop kumar V [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The reason i sthat you have not provided authorisation privileges to the
 database or to the tables within the database for that user...

 Very often we think granting all to the database is enough to make our app
 work with a particular user - this may be true for some databases  - but in
 mysql you must do a grant all on your_database.* for that user - you must
 explicitly authorise the user for each table (using * or each table name)
 within the database.

 Hope that helps,

 On 6/4/05, Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hello.


 Seena Blace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  [-- text/plain, encoding 8bit, charset: iso-8859-1, 17 lines --]




  I have been noticing following error when trying to connect mysql.


  ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)


  ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: 


  What could be reason?


  Is there any way I can connect to database without changing passwd?





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Re: Access denied

2005-06-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko


Seena Blace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [-- text/plain, encoding 8bit, charset: iso-8859-1, 17 lines --]




 I have been noticing following error when trying to connect mysql.


 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)


 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)


 What could be reason?


 Is there any way I can connect to database without changing passwd?




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Re: Access denied

2005-06-05 Thread Anoop kumar V
The reason i sthat you have not provided authorisation privileges to the 
database or to the tables within the database for that user...

Very often we think granting all to the database is enough to make our app 
work with a particular user - this may be true for some databases - but in 
mysql you must do a grant all on your_database.* for that user - you must 
explicitly authorise the user for each table (using * or each table name) 
within the database.

Hope that helps,

On 6/4/05, Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Seena Blace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [-- text/plain, encoding 8bit, charset: iso-8859-1, 17 lines --]
  I have been noticing following error when trying to connect mysql.
  ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: 
  ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: 
  What could be reason?
  Is there any way I can connect to database without changing passwd?
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Thanks and best regards,

Re: Access denied for user: 'apache@localhost' (Using password: NO)

2005-04-19 Thread Jorge Cambra Aused
 I haven't tried it yet, but I'll try it next time it happens, to see if 
the problema disappears.

 We actually have some connection problems that can be relevant to my 

Warning: Lost connection to MySQL server during query in 
/home/httpd/...some.php on line 9

 We solved them by the PHP code: Now we reconnecto to mysql if the 
mysql_connect() command fails. If the connect command fails, then we try 10 
more times.

 Could be that the connect command fails, then I start trying and trying, 
and then the server blocks because it receives too many connections? Then 
the error message would be the one that I'm getting?

 Thanx in advance,

From: Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: 
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 18:38:54 +0300

It is strange that refusing message says you're not using passwords.
Does the problem disappear after the FLUSH HOSTS statement, instead of
restarting MySQL server?

Jorge Cambra Aused [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a web application running with Apache with PHP 4.1.2 (revision
 7.2.6) and MySQL 3.23.58.

  The access from the PHP code to the MySQL server using the IP of the
 machine with MySQL, an username and a password, and it works fine.

  But sometimes we get the MySQL error:

 Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)

  All the connections to the database fails for this reason, and we are 
 that we are passing correctly the username, password and IP address. If 
 restart MySQL, then the problems disappears, and it works fine, but we 
 know why it happens.

  The username that we are using to access MySQL is not 'apache', apache, 
 you can guess, is the name of the user that is running Apache.

  Thanx in advance,
  Jorge Cambra

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Re: Access denied for user: 'apache@localhost' (Using password: NO)

2005-04-19 Thread Gleb Paharenko

  Could be that the connect command fails, then I start trying and trying, 

 and then the server blocks because it receives too many connections? Then 

 the error message would be the one that I'm getting?

I also thought about this and therefore I gave you that advice. What

is in MySQL error log?

Jorge Cambra Aused [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I haven't tried it yet, but I'll try it next time it happens, to see if 

 the problema disappears.


  We actually have some connection problems that can be relevant to my 



 Warning: Lost connection to MySQL server during query in 

 /home/httpd/...some.php on line 9


  We solved them by the PHP code: Now we reconnecto to mysql if the 

 mysql_connect() command fails. If the connect command fails, then we try 10 

 more times.


  Could be that the connect command fails, then I start trying and trying, 

 and then the server blocks because it receives too many connections? Then 

 the error message would be the one that I'm getting?


  Thanx in advance,




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Re: Access denied for user: 'apache@localhost' (Using password: NO)

2005-04-18 Thread Gleb Paharenko

It is strange that refusing message says you're not using passwords.

Does the problem disappear after the FLUSH HOSTS statement, instead of

restarting MySQL server?

Jorge Cambra Aused [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I have a web application running with Apache with PHP 4.1.2 (revision 

 7.2.6) and MySQL 3.23.58.


  The access from the PHP code to the MySQL server using the IP of the 

 machine with MySQL, an username and a password, and it works fine.


  But sometimes we get the MySQL error:


 Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)


  All the connections to the database fails for this reason, and we are sure 

 that we are passing correctly the username, password and IP address. If we 

 restart MySQL, then the problems disappears, and it works fine, but we don't 

 know why it happens.


  The username that we are using to access MySQL is not 'apache', apache, as 

 you can guess, is the name of the user that is running Apache.


  Thanx in advance,

  Jorge Cambra



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Re: Access Denied

2005-03-15 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Using the general-log you could find if something

changes the grant tables. See:

Also I strongly recommend you to upgrade to the latest

release, if you don't use it already.

so whats the final solution to my problem ?  :(  

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Re: Access Denied

2005-03-10 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Right. No need to FLUSH PRIVILEGES after GRANT. 

My fault, sorry. 

Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Gleb Paharenko wrote:



 Execute FLUSH PRIVILEGES after granting.



 Yes, please read this one.  FLUSH PRIVILEGES is NOT needed after GRANT, 

 REVOKE, or SET PASSWORD.  You only need to FLUSH if you directly edit the 

 grant tables (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).  Since he/she is using GRANT, FLUSH 

 PRIVILEGES is unlikely to be relevant.


 Connect to the server using mysql command line client using specified in 
 GRANT statement

 username and password to check that the problem not in MySQL server. What 
 output does the 

 following statement produce:


   SHOW GRANTS FOR 'metal-host'@'localhost';


 Run this when it works, and then again when it doesn't.  If the result is 

 different, then something is changing the privileges assigned to 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED], so the solution will involve finding what is doing 

 that.  If the privs are the same, then we need to look elsewhere.  From the 

 (not entirely clear) description, I expect the first case.


 What exact version of MySQL server do you use?




 Hello Gleb, no i m not doing flush..i dont even know what flush is.

 do u have anything in mind ?








 Metal Host Contact wrote:


  I have installed in a single user called metal-host more than 10

  databases all with different names and in different php scripts (phpbb

  phpnuke mambo etc).

  the problem is that they only work as I install them,after some hour later

  all the scripts show me that error : Access denied for user:

  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES) 

  then im trying to do : GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON somethign.* TO

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] IDENTIFIED BY password; and then each database that

  i re-give  the GRANT all command works perfectly..but for 1 minute

  only,then it gives me the same : Access denied for user:

  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)  So is there any

  limitation for the number of DBases that each user should

  run ?



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Re: Access Denied

2005-03-09 Thread Michael Stassen
Gleb Paharenko wrote:
Execute FLUSH PRIVILEGES after granting.
Yes, please read this one.  FLUSH PRIVILEGES is NOT needed after GRANT, 
REVOKE, or SET PASSWORD.  You only need to FLUSH if you directly edit the 
grant tables (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).  Since he/she is using GRANT, FLUSH 
PRIVILEGES is unlikely to be relevant.
Connect to the server using mysql command line client using specified in GRANT statement
username and password to check that the problem not in MySQL server. What output does the 
following statement produce:

  SHOW GRANTS FOR 'metal-host'@'localhost';
Run this when it works, and then again when it doesn't.  If the result is 
different, then something is changing the privileges assigned to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], so the solution will involve finding what is doing 
that.  If the privs are the same, then we need to look elsewhere.  From the 
(not entirely clear) description, I expect the first case.

What exact version of MySQL server do you use?
Hello Gleb, no i m not doing flush..i dont even know what flush is.
do u have anything in mind ?
Metal Host Contact wrote:
 I have installed in a single user called metal-host more than 10
 databases all with different names and in different php scripts (phpbb
 phpnuke mambo etc).
 the problem is that they only work as I install them,after some hour later
 all the scripts show me that error : Access denied for user:
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES) 
 then im trying to do : GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON somethign.* TO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] IDENTIFIED BY password; and then each database that
 i re-give  the GRANT all command works perfectly..but for 1 minute
 only,then it gives me the same : Access denied for user:
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)  So is there any
 limitation for the number of DBases that each user should
 run ?

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Re: Access Denied

2005-03-08 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Execute FLUSH PRIVILEGES after granting.


Connect to the server using mysql command line client using specified in GRANT 

username and password to check that the problem not in MySQL server. What 
output does the 

following statement produce:

  SHOW GRANTS FOR 'metal-host'@'localhost';

What exact version of MySQL server do you use?


Hello Gleb, no i m not doing flush..i dont even know what flush is.

do u have anything in mind ?


Metal Host Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Re: Access Denied

2005-03-07 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Are you doing FLUSH PRIVILEGES after granting?

Metal Host Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have installed in a single user called metal-host 

 more than 10 databases all with different names 

 and in different php scripts (phpbb phpnuke mambo etc).

 the problem is that they only work as I install them,after some hour later

 all the scripts show me that error : Access denied for user:

 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES) 

 then im trying to do : GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON somethign.* TO

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] IDENTIFIED BY password; and then each database that

 i re-give  the GRANT all command works perfectly..but for 1 minute

 only,then it gives me the same : Access denied for user:

 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)  

 So is there any limitation for the number of DBases that each user should

 run ?


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Re: Access Denied For User

2005-02-28 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I successufully connected to MySQL server using your parameters

in odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files from php. 

 [unixODBC][MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Access denied for user:

 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)

You have specified the user and the password in the ODBC configuration

files, but your scripts don't use them. I think the problem is in your

connection string which you are specifying in the odbc_connect().

Dan Wareham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I have a Linux server running Apache, MySQL, unixODBC, MyODBC


 In my odbcinst.ini file I have the following:



 Description= ODBC for MySQL

 Driver = /usr/local/lib/

 FileUsage  = 1


 I have setup the following system DSN in the odbc.ini file:



 Description = System DSN

 Driver = /usr/local/lib/

 Host = localhost

 Server = localhost

 User = username

 Password = password

 Port = 3306

 Database = Database01

 Option = 3


 However, when I use the System DSN name in my scripts I get the following 




 Native SQL Error Code

 [unixODBC][MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Access denied for user: 

 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)


 The user apacheusr is the username that the Apache webserver is running 

 under. I've tried adding this user to the MySQL user table but the error 

 still shows.


 However, if I add the Username and Password along with the DSN name to my 

 scripts within my HTML pages then the connection is made and records from 

 the database returned.


 Any ideas why this might be happening?? Is it a permissions issue with MySQL 

 or with unixODBC or Apache??


 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Thanks in advance







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RE: Access denied for user - I cant work this out

2005-01-26 Thread Peter Lovatt

you are not passing a password to mysql - check your code to see if this is


 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Biggins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 26 January 2005 12:27
 Subject: Access denied for user - I cant work this out

 Hi All,

 I am consistently getting;

 Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)

 I am connecting through php with the same script I use all the
 time, I have
 checked it and dbl checked it for problems.

 I can connect to mysql in a prompt and I have added new users with all
 priv's and connected with them - obviously its more a server issue than
 mysql (I think)...

 MySQL version is 4.0.21
 PHP Version 4.3.8
 On a Win2k server using apache 2 (just a local testing server).

 Any info would be muchly appreciated.


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RE: Access denied for user - I cant work this out

2005-01-26 Thread Christian Biggins
Hi Peter,

There is a password being suppled - see code (btw, its local testing only,
hence the root user)

   //Database Settings
 $db_host = 'localhost'; //database hostname
 $db_name = 'powerpla_powerplay'; //database name
 $db_user = 'root'; //database USER name
 $db_pass = 'rootpass'; // database password
 function db_connect()
if ($dbc = @mysql_connect($db_host,
$db_user, $db_pass)) {
(!mysql_select_db($db_name)) {

die('pCould not connect to the database because: b' . mysql_error() .
} else {

die('pCould not connect to the database because: b' . mysql_error() .


-Original Message-
From: Peter Lovatt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 27 January 2005 12:27 AM
To: Christian Biggins;
Subject: RE: Access denied for user - I cant work this out


you are not passing a password to mysql - check your code to see if this is


 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Biggins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 26 January 2005 12:27
 Subject: Access denied for user - I cant work this out

 Hi All,

 I am consistently getting;

 Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)

 I am connecting through php with the same script I use all the time, I 
 have checked it and dbl checked it for problems.

 I can connect to mysql in a prompt and I have added new users with all 
 priv's and connected with them - obviously its more a server issue 
 than mysql (I think)...

 MySQL version is 4.0.21
 PHP Version 4.3.8
 On a Win2k server using apache 2 (just a local testing server).

 Any info would be muchly appreciated.


 MySQL General Mailing List
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 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Access denied for user - I cant work this out

2005-01-26 Thread Tom Crimmins
The problem is with your php. Just as a test, print
$db_host,$db_user,$db_pass in your function before you try the connect. My
guess is that they will be blank. The reason for this is that you assign
them outside of the function. This means you either need to pass them to the
function or explicitly state that they are global. Since these are all
blank, it is using the defaults, which on windows are localhost, ODBC, and
no password.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Christian Biggins
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 7:30 AM
Subject: RE: Access denied for user - I cant work this out

Hi Peter,

There is a password being suppled - see code (btw, its local testing only,
hence the root user)

   //Database Settings
 $db_host = 'localhost'; //database hostname  $db_name =
'powerpla_powerplay'; //database name  $db_user = 'root'; //database USER
name  $db_pass = 'rootpass'; // database password
 function db_connect()
if ($dbc = @mysql_connect($db_host,
$db_user, $db_pass)) {
(!mysql_select_db($db_name)) {

die('pCould not connect to the database because: b' . mysql_error() .
} else {

die('pCould not connect to the database because: b' . mysql_error() .


-Original Message-
From: Peter Lovatt 
Sent: Thursday, 27 January 2005 12:27 AM
To: Christian Biggins;
Subject: RE: Access denied for user - I cant work this out


you are not passing a password to mysql - check your code to see if this is


 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Biggins
 Sent: 26 January 2005 12:27
 Subject: Access denied for user - I cant work this out

 Hi All,

 I am consistently getting;

 Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)

 I am connecting through php with the same script I use all the time, I 
 have checked it and dbl checked it for problems.

 I can connect to mysql in a prompt and I have added new users with all 
 priv's and connected with them - obviously its more a server issue 
 than mysql (I think)...

 MySQL version is 4.0.21
 PHP Version 4.3.8
 On a Win2k server using apache 2 (just a local testing server).

 Any info would be muchly appreciated.


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RE: Access denied for user - I cant work this out

2005-01-26 Thread Peter Lovatt

If this is verbatim code the connection string is inside the function and
the connection parameters are  outside, so they will not be available to the


 function db_connect()
   //Database Settings
 $db_host = 'localhost'; //database hostname
 $db_name = 'powerpla_powerplay'; //database name
 $db_user = 'root'; //database USER name
 $db_pass = 'rootpass'; // database password

if ($dbc = @mysql_connect($db_host,
$db_user, $db_pass)) {
(!mysql_select_db($db_name)) {

die('pCould not connect to the database because: b' . mysql_error() .
} else {

die('pCould not connect to the database because: b' . mysql_error() .


 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Biggins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 26 January 2005 13:30
 To: 'Peter Lovatt';
 Subject: RE: Access denied for user - I cant work this out

 Hi Peter,

 There is a password being suppled - see code (btw, its local testing only,
 hence the root user)

//Database Settings
  $db_host = 'localhost'; //database hostname
  $db_name = 'powerpla_powerplay'; //database name
  $db_user = 'root'; //database USER name
  $db_pass = 'rootpass'; // database password

  function db_connect()
   if ($dbc = @mysql_connect($db_host,
 $db_user, $db_pass)) {
 (!mysql_select_db($db_name)) {

 die('pCould not connect to the database because: b' . mysql_error() .
   } else {

 die('pCould not connect to the database because: b' . mysql_error() .

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Lovatt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 27 January 2005 12:27 AM
 To: Christian Biggins;
 Subject: RE: Access denied for user - I cant work this out


 you are not passing a password to mysql - check your code to see
 if this is


  -Original Message-
  From: Christian Biggins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 26 January 2005 12:27
  Subject: Access denied for user - I cant work this out
  Hi All,
  I am consistently getting;
  Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)
  I am connecting through php with the same script I use all the time, I
  have checked it and dbl checked it for problems.
  I can connect to mysql in a prompt and I have added new users with all
  priv's and connected with them - obviously its more a server issue
  than mysql (I think)...
  MySQL version is 4.0.21
  PHP Version 4.3.8
  On a Win2k server using apache 2 (just a local testing server).
  Any info would be muchly appreciated.
  MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Access denied for root user

2004-08-29 Thread MueR

From: Michael Stassen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subj: Re: Access denied for root user

 MueR wrote:

 I've recently had my HD crash, and have reinstalled everything.
 Everything seems to work fine, apart from one thing. My MySQL server
 has decided to randomly set a root password.

No, it didn't.  I know it seems that way, but I'm sure that's not what

 I have tried logging in with no password, tried it with my old
 password. Tried restarting the server with the --skip-grant-tables
 command, I've tried to update the user table manually.
 Everything seems to work out just fine, until the moment I attempt to
 login using the root account. It will give me the error # 1045
 (access denied for user [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

That's not the full error message, and you've tried a lot of things, so
 it's hard to diagnose the problem.

The full error message also includes the using password...

 Nothing seems to work. Has anyone ever had this problem? Do you know
 a solution to it? I am using MySQL v 3.23.49, on a Debian system.

I'd suggest carefully following the directions in the manual  If
doesn't work, paste what happens into your next post.

After starting the server with --skip-grant-tables:

utserver1:/var/run/mysqld# mysql -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.
mysql UPDATE mysql.user 
- SET Password=PASSWORD('x')
- WHERE User='root';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 3  Changed: 0  Warnings: 0`

Or, the other way..

utserver1:/# mysqladmin -u root flush-privileges password x
utserver1:/# mysql -u root
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
utserver1:/# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:

So none of the two ways described seem to work?

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Re: Access denied for root user

2004-08-29 Thread Michael Stassen
MueR wrote:
From: Michael Stassen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subj: Re: Access denied for root user

MueR wrote:
I've recently had my HD crash, and have reinstalled everything.
Everything seems to work fine, apart from one thing. My MySQL server
has decided to randomly set a root password.
No, it didn't.  I know it seems that way, but I'm sure that's not what
I have tried logging in with no password, tried it with my old
password. Tried restarting the server with the --skip-grant-tables
command, I've tried to update the user table manually.
Everything seems to work out just fine, until the moment I attempt to
login using the root account. It will give me the error # 1045
(access denied for user [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
That's not the full error message, and you've tried a lot of things, so
it's hard to diagnose the problem.
The full error message also includes the using password...
Yes.  It helps to know whether it said YES or NO, and which answer came 
with which attempt.

Nothing seems to work. Has anyone ever had this problem? Do you know
a solution to it? I am using MySQL v 3.23.49, on a Debian system.
I'd suggest carefully following the directions in the manual  If
that doesn't work, paste what happens into your next post.
After starting the server with --skip-grant-tables:

utserver1:/var/run/mysqld# mysql -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.
mysql UPDATE mysql.user 
- SET Password=PASSWORD('x')
- WHERE User='root';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 3  Changed: 0  Warnings: 0`
OK, this worked.  You have 3 (why 3?) root users, based on Rows matched. 
They all have the same password, which didn't change because it is already 
the same as what you tried to set it to here, based on Changed.

You need to FLUSH PRIVILEGES or restart for this to take effect, though. 
Did you do so?  Did you test?

Or, the other way..
utserver1:/# mysqladmin -u root flush-privileges password x
This appears to have worked, as well (for user [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
utserver1:/# mysql -u root
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
Good.  You set a password, so you can't get in without it.
utserver1:/# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
So none of the two ways described seem to work?
Hmmm...  Something is wrong.  The password you entered here doesn't match 
the password in the table.  You last set it with mysqladmin.  Does your 
password contain any special characters which your shell would have done 
something with?  A '$', for example?  If so, you'll have to escape them. 
Better to do it the first way (in the client), I think, so as to avoid this 

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Re: Access denied for root user

2004-08-28 Thread Michael Stassen
MueR wrote:
I've recently had my HD crash, and have reinstalled everything.
Everything seems to work fine, apart from one thing. My MySQL server
has decided to randomly set a root password.
No, it didn't.  I know it seems that way, but I'm sure that's not what happened.
I have tried logging in with no password, tried it with my old
password. Tried restarting the server with the --skip-grant-tables
command, I've tried to update the user table manually.
Everything seems to work out just fine, until the moment I attempt to
login using the root account. It will give me the error # 1045
(access denied for user [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
That's not the full error message, and you've tried a lot of things, so it's 
hard to diagnose the problem.

Nothing seems to work. Has anyone ever had this problem? Do you know
a solution to it? I am using MySQL v 3.23.49, on a Debian system.
I'd suggest carefully following the directions in the manual  If that 
doesn't work, paste what happens into your next post.


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Re: Access Denied

2004-08-10 Thread Egor Egorov

 I didn't get a response to the question below, and my alternative solution  
 produced another error message as follows.  Rather than try to establish a  
 new database, I used the Test database established when I reinstalled  
 mysql.  With a csv file saved under mysql/data/test, I did a load data  
 command exactly as I have done many times before and got
 ERROR 1045 Access denied for user: '@localhost' (Using password: NO)
 I was able to create the table and successfully issue the commands SHOW  
 TABLES and DESCRIBE TABLENAME  As below mysql is installed on a pc running  
 Windows 98.

You are trying to connect as anonymous user and with no password. 

Not a good idea. 

Use login/password to access MySQL database. 

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Re: Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO)

2004-07-01 Thread gerald_clark
Re-installing does not get rid of your old passwords.
You need to use the -p option.
Nguyen, Long P (Mission Systems) wrote:
Hi -
I am new to MySQL - I just recently re-installed MySQL by rpm and when ever I try to issue  
a command from the shell prompt, such as mysqladmin or mysqlshow, I would get the error of 
'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' mailto:'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'  (Using 
password: NO)'.
Could someone please tell me what I need to set or did not set.
Thank you.

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RE: Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO)

2004-07-01 Thread Nguyen, Long P (Mission Systems)
shouldn't I be able to issue commands at the shell it goes and does it thing and give 
back output?  or does this mean I have a passwd already set and it's secured?

-Original Message-
From: gerald_clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 8:57 AM
To: Nguyen, Long P (Mission Systems)
Subject: Re: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:

Re-installing does not get rid of your old passwords.
You need to use the -p option.

Nguyen, Long P (Mission Systems) wrote:

Hi -
I am new to MySQL - I just recently re-installed MySQL by rpm and when ever I try to 
issue  a command from the shell prompt, such as mysqladmin or mysqlshow, I would get 
the error of 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' mailto:'[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]'  (Using password: NO)'.
Could someone please tell me what I need to set or did not set.
Thank you.


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Re: Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO)

2004-07-01 Thread James E Hicks III
On Thursday 01 July 2004 09:08 am, Nguyen, Long P (Mission Systems) wrote:
 shouldn't I be able to issue commands at the shell it goes and does it
 thing and give back output?  or does this mean I have a passwd already set
 and it's secured?

This might help you out.

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Re: Access denied for user: 'root@localhost'

2004-05-05 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Phil Ewington - 43 Plc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have just installed mysql-4.0.18 on my cobalt RaQ4 and for the first time
 seemed to actually got somewhere! however, my existing PHP scripts failed to
 connect to localhost as the password has not been set after the install. I
 ran the following command (obviously seriously misunderstood the docs)
 mysqladmin -u root password new-password
 I thought the above syntax would ask me for the password but it didn't now
 all commands return
 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)'
 How do I actually set a password, and more importantly, how do I reset the
 password for root, and what did I do? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Initially user root doesn't have a password. If you set password you should specify 
password when you connect to the MySQL server with -p option for command-line clients. 
For example:

shell mysql -uroot -proot_password


shell mysql -uroot -p

and then type a password.

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Re: access denied when using load data infile

2004-04-17 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Jan Broermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I've got a little Excel Macro that connects to
 MySQL via ADO below is the code. Funny thing is
 it connects to the database and executes the truncate
 orders without a problem.
 But when I come to Load data in file i receive an
 [MySQl][ODBC 3.5.1 Driver][mysql-4.0.18-nt]Access denied for user
 :'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (using password: No)
 But, access is set to usage and user and password are ok. So what's bugging

User must have FILE privilege to use LOAD DATA INFILE.

 here is the code:
 Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
 With conn
.ConnectionString =
.Open DSN=Sport
.Execute (TRUNCATE TABLE `angebot` )
.Execute (TRUNCATE TABLE `anbieter` )
.Execute (TRUNCATE TABLE `kategorien` )
.Execute (TRUNCATE TABLE `kategorien_sportart_zuordnung` )
.Execute (TRUNCATE TABLE `sportart` )
.Execute (TRUNCATE TABLE `sportstaette` )
.Execute (LOAD Data infile '  ThisWorkbook.Path  \angebot.csv'
 into table angebot)

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Re: Access denied from a single machine...

2004-03-15 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Tim Cutts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Server version: MySQL 4.0.18, running on Red Hat Linux 8.0
 Symptoms:  All our machines except for one can connect to the database. 
  That one machine gets 'access denied'.
 All users are affected, even root.
 SHOW GRANTS for an example user:
 Grants for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'ensadmin'@'%' 
 And yet any attempt to connect to that database from one particular 
 machine results in failure.  For example, here are the logs for two 
 successive connections, one from machine bc-1-1-03 and one from 
 Time Id CommandArgument
 040315 10:44:00   1 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on
   1 Query   select USER()
 040315 10:44:09   1 Quit
 040315 10:44:21   2 Connect Access denied for user: 
 ing password: YES)
 I've tried re-starting the database, to no effect (fortunately this is 
 just a test instance).
 Am I missing something ridiculously simple, or is this a bug?

Probably you specified wrong password in the option file on 'bc-1-1-02' box.
Check the output of mysql --print-defaults.

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Re: Access denied from a single machine...

2004-03-15 Thread Tim Cutts
On 15 Mar 2004, at 15:35, Victoria Reznichenko wrote:
Probably you specified wrong password in the option file on 
'bc-1-1-02' box.
Check the output of mysql --print-defaults.
Nice idea, but no - I typed the password in manually both times, and I 
have repeated the experiment several times (and so has another user).  
The software in use on both client machines is identical, and the user 
accounts are on shared home directories, and so would have been reading 
the same ~/.my.cnf


Dr Tim Cutts
Informatics Systems Group
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK
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Re: Access denied for user: 'ODBC@localhost' (Using password: YES)

2004-02-06 Thread KKoTY
I think MyODBC in this situation is irelevant. ODBC reinterpret the SQL
language (and is good for some universal data components like ADO,DAO,...),
but MySQL C API is native. Also you can't connect by MyODBC using MYSQL C
So you really didn't forget some parameter??, it seems like.
Otherwise try to create user named ODBC, and you will see,
also it writes Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
so you are using some password, and question is from where this goes, and
password you have to give to user ODBC.
I still thing that you must omit some parameter when establishing
(But I never tried to make connection from COBOL, I'm just using MYSQL C API
from C++)

- Original Message -
From: Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 6:21 AM
Subject: Re: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

 I have installed MyODBC 3.51 and created the DSN for my Database.

 I want to clarify that;
 If the User name I have given is could not be resolved by
 then it automatically establish the connection to the server using

 If so, Is there need to have the user named ODBC in mysql database.


 It'll connect automatically using the DSN setting i have specified in

 Becaz I don't have the source to check Is COBOL value passed to C
 as such what I have specified?

 Please clarify my doubts...


  --- KKoTY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  this occures when you ommit the user
name, MYSQL C API uses
 user ODBC as
  default when you ommit or enter empty string as
  user name when calling mysql_real_connect()
  - Original Message -
  From: Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 3:38 PM
  Subject: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)
   Hi all,
   Is any one met with the error while connecting to MySQL Server
   *Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)*
   if so pleass let me know the remedy to resolve this error.
   I don't have the user named ODBC in my mysql Database.
   my configuration is:
 Windows 2000 SP 4.
 MySQL Server 4.0.17-max-debug for windows
   The situation I have met this error is when I try to Connect MySQL
   from COBOL using the C API provided by MySQL. I have properly link
   the *libmysql.lib* file into my COBOL compiler.
   Any suggestion are highly appreciated...

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Re: Access denied for user: 'ODBC@localhost' (Using password: YES)

2004-02-06 Thread Patrick Sherrill

You are back to the same issue. This has nothing to do with MyODBC. The
parameters you are passing are not the correct data types.  If no username
is passed, the user 'ODBC' is supplied. If no host is passed 'localhost' is
supplied. The parameter you are passing for the password is being read (not
necessarily correctly), but some value is being passed as the password.

You need to have someone familiar with your flavor of COBOL show you how to
pass the specific data types that the mysql library requires (based upon the
MySQL C API).  When your are able to pass and confirm the correct data types
to the C functions, the process may work (assuming the callout from COBOL
works as advertised).

Until you can confirm the data types are being correctly interpreted when
passed from COBOL to the function, your only going to experience
serendipitous success.  You need to solve the problem sequentially and the
next step here is confirming the data types and parameters being passed from
your COBOL code.


CocoNet Corporation
SW Florida's First ISP

 - Original Message -
 From: Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 6:21 AM
 Subject: Re: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:

  I have installed MyODBC 3.51 and created the DSN for my Database.
  I want to clarify that;
  If the User name I have given is could not be resolved by
  then it automatically establish the connection to the server using
  If so, Is there need to have the user named ODBC in mysql database.
  It'll connect automatically using the DSN setting i have specified in
  Becaz I don't have the source to check Is COBOL value passed to C
  as such what I have specified?
  Please clarify my doubts...
   --- KKoTY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  this occures when you ommit the
 name, MYSQL C API uses
  user ODBC as
   default when you ommit or enter empty string as
   user name when calling mysql_real_connect()
   - Original Message -
   From: Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 3:38 PM
   Subject: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
Hi all,
Is any one met with the error while connecting to MySQL Server
*Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)*
if so pleass let me know the remedy to resolve this error.
I don't have the user named ODBC in my mysql Database.
my configuration is:
  Windows 2000 SP 4.
  MySQL Server 4.0.17-max-debug for windows
The situation I have met this error is when I try to Connect MySQL
from COBOL using the C API provided by MySQL. I have properly link
the *libmysql.lib* file into my COBOL compiler.
Any suggestion are highly appreciated...
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Re: Access denied for user: 'ODBC@localhost' (Using password: YES)

2004-02-05 Thread vpendleton
You have attempted to login with out supplying a username. Try logging in 
mysql -uusername -ppassword

 Original Message 

On 2/5/04, 8:38:13 AM, Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES):

 Hi all,

 Is any one met with the error while connecting to MySQL Server

 *Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)*

 if so pleass let me know the remedy to resolve this error.

 I don't have the user named ODBC in my mysql Database.

 my configuration is:
   Windows 2000 SP 4.
   MySQL Server 4.0.17-max-debug for windows

 The situation I have met this error is when I try to Connect MySQL
 from COBOL using the C API provided by MySQL. I have properly link
 the *libmysql.lib* file into my COBOL compiler.

 Any suggestion are highly appreciated...



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Re: Access denied for user: 'ODBC@localhost' (Using password: YES)

2004-02-05 Thread Michael Stassen
Arunachalam wrote:

Hi all,

Is any one met with the error while connecting to MySQL Server

*Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)*
OK, you tried to log into mysql as [EMAIL PROTECTED], using a password.

if so pleass let me know the remedy to resolve this error.

I don't have the user named ODBC in my mysql Database.
Well, there's your problem.  You can't log in as [EMAIL PROTECTED] if that 
user doesn't exist.  You need to either create that user in mysql, or 
change your connect to use a user who is already in mysql.

my configuration is:
  Windows 2000 SP 4.
  MySQL Server 4.0.17-max-debug for windows
The situation I have met this error is when I try to Connect MySQL 
from COBOL using the C API provided by MySQL. I have properly link
the *libmysql.lib* file into my COBOL compiler.

Any suggestion are highly appreciated...



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Re: Access denied for user: 'ODBC@localhost' (Using password: YES)

2004-02-05 Thread KKoTY
this occures when you ommit the user name, MYSQL C API uses user ODBC as
default when you ommit or enter empty string as
user name when calling mysql_real_connect()

- Original Message -
From: Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 3:38 PM
Subject: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

 Hi all,

 Is any one met with the error while connecting to MySQL Server

 *Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)*

 if so pleass let me know the remedy to resolve this error.

 I don't have the user named ODBC in my mysql Database.

 my configuration is:
   Windows 2000 SP 4.
   MySQL Server 4.0.17-max-debug for windows

 The situation I have met this error is when I try to Connect MySQL
 from COBOL using the C API provided by MySQL. I have properly link
 the *libmysql.lib* file into my COBOL compiler.

 Any suggestion are highly appreciated...



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Re: Access denied for user: 'ODBC@localhost' (Using password: YES)

2004-02-05 Thread Arunachalam
I have installed MyODBC 3.51 and created the DSN for my Database.

I want to clarify that;
If the User name I have given is could not be resolved by mysal_real_connect,
then it automatically establish the connection to the server using 

If so, Is there need to have the user named ODBC in mysql database.


It'll connect automatically using the DSN setting i have specified in myODBC.

Becaz I don't have the source to check Is COBOL value passed to C 
as such what I have specified?

Please clarify my doubts...


 --- KKoTY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  this occures when you ommit the user name, 
user ODBC as
 default when you ommit or enter empty string as
 user name when calling mysql_real_connect()
 - Original Message -
 From: Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 3:38 PM
 Subject: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)
  Hi all,
  Is any one met with the error while connecting to MySQL Server
  *Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)*
  if so pleass let me know the remedy to resolve this error.
  I don't have the user named ODBC in my mysql Database.
  my configuration is:
Windows 2000 SP 4.
MySQL Server 4.0.17-max-debug for windows
  The situation I have met this error is when I try to Connect MySQL
  from COBOL using the C API provided by MySQL. I have properly link
  the *libmysql.lib* file into my COBOL compiler.
  Any suggestion are highly appreciated...
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RE: Access Denied, How To Fix This

2004-01-13 Thread Ryan Schefke
I get the following access denied error:

Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Access denied for user:
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES) in
C:\Apache\Apache2\html\C2R\catalog\includes\functions\database.php on
line 17
Unable to connect to database server!

Why Is this happening and how can I fix it?

It's been several months since I've done anything with the mysql server,
but I do know that I was able to connect perfectly up until a few weeks
back.  The is the LAN IP address of another computer on my
home network.  My mysql server is called samserver and I believe it used
to log me in as [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm not sure why it started
denying me access.  I've unplugged my cable modem and that's
all...didn't change any settings through phpadmin or mysql.  

Why Is this happening and how can I fix it?

Please help.


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RE: Access denied error

2003-11-17 Thread Victor Pendleton
You need to connect as a privileged user. You should delete the anonymous
account for security reasons.

-Original Message-
From: Shane Korosec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 1:56 AM
Subject: Access denied error

I have recently installed MySQL my mac running OS X 10.3 and can connect to 
MySQL using the command:
However, once connected, I have tried to create a database and  received the

error message:
ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database  'new_database'

I have exited and tried connecting using the command:
sudo /Library/MySQL/bin/mysql
and received the error message:
ERROR 1045 - Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:  NO)

I am a relatively inexperienced MySQL user, so what can I do so I can manage

my database? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Access denied error

2003-11-17 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Shane Korosec [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have recently installed MySQL my mac running OS X 10.3 and can connect to 
 MySQL using the command:
 However, once connected, I have tried to create a database and  received the 
 error message:
 ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database  'new_database'

You connected as anonymous user ('') that doesn't have appropriate privileges.
 I have exited and tried connecting using the command:
 sudo /Library/MySQL/bin/mysql
 and received the error message:
 ERROR 1045 - Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:  NO)

Use -p option of mysql client to specify root password:

 I am a relatively inexperienced MySQL user, so what can I do so I can manage 
 my database? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: access denied .... php my admin .....

2003-10-10 Thread Rory McKinley
Hi Toby

If Apache, PHP and MySQL are all sitting on the same box, try connecting to
the loopback address and see if the problem goes away.

Up until recently, I was running a similar setuo and I always used to
connect to and had no hassles, so I am hoping that this might fix
the problem...

Rory McKinley
Nebula Solutions
082 857 2391
There are 10 kinds of people in this world,
those who understand binary and those who don't (Unknown)
- Original Message - 
From: toby - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 6:24 AM
Subject: Re: access denied  php my admin .

 sorry for this late reply rory

 i just got back to work ..

 i am trying to connect to 192.168.x.y

 but the jerk connects to

 the other ip

 yeha  it connects to an ip . not the loop back adrs

 am i supposed to connect to loop back adrs thinggy ?

 im all screwed with this thing ..


 thnx a bill


 From: Rory McKinley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: access denied  php my admin .
 Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 11:47:25 +0200
 Hi toby
 If I log in to mysql via the command line on the hosting machine it says
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... therefore, stating the obvious :) it doens't think
 connecting from localhost  - this may be because of the two NICs but I
 know enough to be sure .when you connect to the mysql server (when
 apache and mysql are all on the same box) do you connect to 127.0.0.l
 (loopback address) or do you connect to the IP address of one of the two
 NICs (e.g. 192.168.y.z)?
 Rory McKinley
 Nebula Solutions
 +27 82 857 2391
 There are 10 kinds of people in this world,
 those who understand binary and those who don't (Unknown)
 - Original Message -
 From: toby - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 11:18 AM
 Subject: Re: access denied  php my admin .
   thnx rory
   the thing is kwexchange is localhost you know .
   so it should work
   alwayz has before this dammed day .
   anywayz .
   i did install mysql on another machine and installed all the rest ,
   apache, phpmyadmin on another
   when it gave me these access denied errors 
   the very bloody same .
   i thought there was somethin the matter with keepin these things on
   separate machines u know
   but now
   i have got em all on the same thing . but to no use .
   do you  or anyone else on this list think it could be the two
   cards running on the machine that are actually screwin this all up fo
   all though i have tried ma best to some how change this ip thinggy to
   one i want mysql server to user ..
   can anyone tell me where to go and what to do
   as im at ma wits end now ..
   thnx a mill rory ..
   From: Rory McKinley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: access denied  php my admin .
   Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 11:09:06 +0200
   Hi Toby
   I am not an expert on permissions within mysql - boy, do I wish I
was -
   could the problem be that you have only granted permissions to
   Here endeth my knowledge of MySQL permissions
   Rory McKinley
   Nebula Solutions
   +27 82 857 2391
   There are 10 kinds of people in this world,
   those who understand binary and those who don't (Unknown)
   - Original Message -
   From: toby - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 8:57 AM
   Subject: access denied  php my admin .
 hay guyz

 im a bit stuck

 first i couldnt get any user but root to log into mysql
 on command prompt and myadmin

 now i can ,et my user to log in through command prompt but i get
 error for myadmin


 MySQL said:

 Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using

 zaban is my user ofcourse

 kwexchange is the machine i have installed all my php, apache,

 kwdomain is the domain we use here  at ma work place

 another thing :

 winmysqladmin shows the local ip address to be

 where it should only be 192.168.y.z

 there aint anything of the sort in my.ini

 where do i make changes for this 

 o  and another thing

 this machine has two cards 


 are the ips i can not use . i should ot infact .

 and i am running Win 2K Server

Re: access denied .... php my admin .....

2003-10-09 Thread Rory McKinley
Hi Toby

I am not an expert on permissions within mysql - boy, do I wish I was - but
could the problem be that you have only granted permissions to

Here endeth my knowledge of MySQL permissions

Rory McKinley
Nebula Solutions
+27 82 857 2391
There are 10 kinds of people in this world,
those who understand binary and those who don't (Unknown)
- Original Message - 
From: toby - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 8:57 AM
Subject: access denied  php my admin .

 hay guyz

 im a bit stuck

 first i couldnt get any user but root to log into mysql
 on command prompt and myadmin

 now i can ,et my user to log in through command prompt but i get this
 error for myadmin


 MySQL said:

 Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:

 zaban is my user ofcourse

 kwexchange is the machine i have installed all my php, apache, mysql on

 kwdomain is the domain we use here  at ma work place

 another thing :

 winmysqladmin shows the local ip address to be

 where it should only be 192.168.y.z

 there aint anything of the sort in my.ini

 where do i make changes for this 

 o  and another thing

 this machine has two cards 


 are the ips i can not use . i should ot infact .

 and i am running Win 2K Server
 PHP 4.2.2
 apache 1.3.24
 mysql 3.23.58

 i would really appriciat any help with this

 thnx a million


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