Re: [Re: [newbie] audio in K]

1999-11-23 Thread Michael Scottaline

"coin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 why don't u try "sndconfig" at the shell prompt...
 it's easy to set up and fast.
 Luff (x3)
Whenever I try "sndconfig" (as root, of course)from konsole, I get a
segmentation fault error.  Any ideas as to why?
Mandrake 6.1
kernel 2.2.13
IBM PL 300
PII 330
64 meg RAM
Crystal Audio sound card

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

1999-11-23 Thread Ty C. Mixon

In defense of IT's (I'm not one), it's not their fault - they do what 
the HR or other department tell them to do. And the HR has to do it 
b/c if you piss off someone in IRC while logged in from a work 
computer that person can now sue your company.  (Assuming US of course 
- Home of the Blame, land of the lawsuit.)


 Original Message 

On 11/23/99, 2:10:35 AM, Mike Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding [newbie] Definitely Off Topic:

 I know this is off topic, but I noticed that a lot of you guys are
 Network Admins or similar..

 I was just wondering if the following Saga is common practice by you
 We have just been connected in the past month to the Internet at work
 and the following is the Lowdown of the past 2 days here.
 BTW, my work machine is a Windoze98 one :-(




 Yesterday morning when I started my trusty computer, it ran an
 additional script during logon.
 Well, that's interesting I said to myself...
 Then I looked at a friends email and clicked on a Link to a chat room
 and "Lo and Behold" the following Screen appeared in my browser... "
 Blocked by SurfWatch "

 Well, what do you know, say's I to myself :-(
 Then I looked a little closer at the URL of the Screen.

 Upon looking at the internet settings/lan of Internet Explorer, What
 could this be, I never set it up to use a proxy, so I quiet merrily
 disabled the use proxy option, and what do you know, that annoying
 SurfWatch disappeared :-)
 Well that's That I thought to myself.

 BUT, someone had other ideas it seems!!!

 Turned on trusty computer this morning, and what do you think I 
 Another @#$#@ Script run during Logon...

 Bugger says I..

 Had a wee look at my I/E Internet settings/Lan, and what do you think 
 The options to change lan settings grayed out and set to use 
 proxy :-(((

 Needless to say I was seriously unchuffed!!!

 What can a poor boy do?
 Well couldn't find anything in the Registry to explain this new
 "feature" generously put into my brouser by our ever-loving IT

 So, out comes my trusty backup of Notscape, and Praise the Lord, At
 least that installed OK, and without any kindly supplied "added
 features" from our friendly IT.

 You know, if the stupid bugger would just give me a call and say "We
 don't want you to go to porno sites or chat with your work computer"
 Then he wouldn't need to fartass around wasting both his time and 
 as I DON'T go to Porno Sites, and if it really get's his knickers in a
 knot about chatting, then OK, it is possible to accommodate him...
 But that would be to logical and wouldn't allow him to flex his 
 little Nerd Muscles.

 Anyway, that's about the situation today

 And what will appear on my screen during Logon tomorrow morning?
 Maybe a variant on Deltree C:\progra~1\Netscape or something?

 Jesus if he wasn't acting like an asshole I wouldn't be wasting my 
 trying to foil him..


 As you can see I was somewhat annoyed

 What do you guys out there think?

 Dont Crucify me to harshly



 Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack

RE: [newbie] Built in Soundcard....

1999-11-23 Thread Mike Perry

Well, the advice seems to be that upgradeing to Mandrake6.1 should
enable the sound to work correctly.
Until I get the CD's from Cheapbytes I have disabled the onboard CMI
chip and wacked in a legacy SB16 I found lying around which is probably
a better system anyhow.
When I get the Mandrake6.1 I will letya know how I go.

All the best:


Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack

 -Original Message-
 Sent: ã 24 ðåáîáø 1999 3:09
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] Built in Soundcard
  My motherboard has a built in Soundcard based on a CMI8330 chip.
  In Windoze98 it appears as follows:
  Dos mode mpu401 emmulator i/o 0310-0311
  External midi mpu401 i/o 0300-0301
  Joystick device i/o 0200-0207
  SB16 audio device i/o 0220-022F IRQ5 DMA1 DMA5
  Windows sound system device i/o 0530-0537 i/o 0388-038F IRQ10 DMA3
  All functions work fine in Windoze.
 Dear friend, u are not alone, i got the same problem as u. I only can
 CD, noteven
 wav or midi files. U sure upgrading to the next version helps 

Re: [newbie] Samba

1999-11-23 Thread Gerry Doyon

It is was a friend of mine calls the "cancer pipeline". :-)  It allows
any Windows 9x or Windows NT computer to connect to your Linux PC as if
it actually were a Windows NT server.

Check out

coin wrote:

 wat is exactly samba 

 Luff (x3)

[newbie] Netscape not working

1999-11-23 Thread Darrel Branson

G'day ... a small problem with netscape!
I've checked the mail archives and a few other places but still can't
findout how to get Netscape to work when I log into X as a regular user or
as root (I have a static IP going out through a router on our LAN). I can
ping hosts outside my network through an xterm but can't get an HTML page in
my browser by typing the name or by dotted IP. I presume its a permission
thing? I also have a DNS entry in resolv.conf  any ideas would be a
great help.

[newbie] Re:

1999-11-23 Thread Gerry Doyon

Bad manners is bad manners across the board young man. It doesn't
matter how old you are. Your age does not give you permission to
get away with things like that. You see, since we only have your
words to look at we would never have known how old you were. Corresponding
by e-mail is the great equalizer. Writing flame messages either advertises
you age or immaturity.
By the way, if you don't like the answers that people have been giving
you, or they are not responding at all, don't go out "in a blaze of glory"
by writing an angry message. You may regret it later and want to
join back up.
Good luck with Linux. I hope that you can find your answers.
"Mike J. Kesow" wrote:
At least someone has some common
courtesy(Joseph S. Gardner.) For all of yinz out there, yinz should know
that i'm only 14 years old, so pick on someone your own age.

RE: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

1999-11-23 Thread Mike Perry

Well I am not sure what the law says over here in Sunny Israel, though I
suspect that they haven't even got around to thinking about such things.

(Israel, Home of legalised torture and imprisonment without trial.)
beat that one TY :-(

And to all of you's thinking of flameing me, don't bother, I will go
back on topic once again, I promise :-)

Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack

 -Original Message-
 Sent: â 23 ðåáîáø 1999 12:07
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic
 In defense of IT's (I'm not one), it's not their fault - they do what 
 the HR or other department tell them to do. And the HR has to do it 
 b/c if you piss off someone in IRC while logged in from a work 
 computer that person can now sue your company.  (Assuming US of course
 - Home of the Blame, land of the lawsuit.)

Re: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

1999-11-23 Thread Steve Philp

Mike Perry wrote:
 I know this is off topic, but I noticed that a lot of you guys are
 Network Admins or similar..
 I was just wondering if the following Saga is common practice by you
 We have just been connected in the past month to the Internet at work
 and the following is the Lowdown of the past 2 days here.
 BTW, my work machine is a Windoze98 one :-(

Yes, it's completely common (on both sides of the tale).  Businesses
providing Internet access have a large responsibility to ensure that it
doesn't provide/promote an "uncomfortable workplace" and that the
facilities are not used to harass others.  That goes for inside and
outside the company.
 You know, if the stupid bugger would just give me a call and say "We
 don't want you to go to porno sites or chat with your work computer"
 Then he wouldn't need to fartass around wasting both his time and mine,
 as I DON'T go to Porno Sites, and if it really get's his knickers in a
 knot about chatting, then OK, it is possible to accommodate him...
 But that would be to logical and wouldn't allow him to flex his scrawny
 little Nerd Muscles.

Ever consider that there's 200 of you little buggers running around? 
Heck, he MIGHT have time to actually send an email about the new
situation if he weren't having to create login scripts to counteract all
the changed settings and extra software being placed on the computer.
 And what will appear on my screen during Logon tomorrow morning?
 Maybe a variant on Deltree C:\progra~1\Netscape or something?
 Jesus if he wasn't acting like an asshole I wouldn't be wasting my time
 trying to foil him..

Take a hint.  The filter is there for a reason.  If you've got a
complaint about it, take it up with HR.  IS doesn't make the rules, it
follows them.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

1999-11-23 Thread Michael R. Batchelor

Take a hint.  The filter is there for a reason.  If you've got a
complaint about it, take it up with HR.  IS doesn't make the rules, it
follows them.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Confirmation from a third party that
the poor IS guy in the trenches is the decision maker. It amazes me how
many people are willing to shoot the messenger. I'm not going to say
that there aren't some first class butt heads who work in IS, but I know
some of those out on the plant floor and in the warehouse and in the


Re: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

1999-11-23 Thread David P. Greenberg

It probably wasn't his fault. Management most likeley made him do it in
keeping with that general "cop/disiplinarian" mindset so prevelent in the
work-place. I've often thought to myself, just as you say, "Why don't they
just call and ask me not to do whatever, rather than create some kind of
overkill security system."
David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**Rock on with glowing glass**
-Original Message-
From: Mike Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 4:54 AM
Subject: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

I know this is off topic, but I noticed that a lot of you guys are
Network Admins or similar..

I was just wondering if the following Saga is common practice by you
We have just been connected in the past month to the Internet at work
and the following is the Lowdown of the past 2 days here.
BTW, my work machine is a Windoze98 one :-(


Yesterday morning when I started my trusty computer, it ran an
additional script during logon.
Well, that's interesting I said to myself...
Then I looked at a friends email and clicked on a Link to a chat room
and "Lo and Behold" the following Screen appeared in my browser... "
Blocked by SurfWatch "

Well, what do you know, say's I to myself :-(
Then I looked a little closer at the URL of the Screen.

Upon looking at the internet settings/lan of Internet Explorer, What
could this be, I never set it up to use a proxy, so I quiet merrily
disabled the use proxy option, and what do you know, that annoying
SurfWatch disappeared :-)
Well that's That I thought to myself.

BUT, someone had other ideas it seems!!!

Turned on trusty computer this morning, and what do you think I saw?
Another @#$#@ Script run during Logon...

Bugger says I..

Had a wee look at my I/E Internet settings/Lan, and what do you think I
The options to change lan settings grayed out and set to use unfriendly
proxy :-(((

Needless to say I was seriously unchuffed!!!

What can a poor boy do?
Well couldn't find anything in the Registry to explain this new
"feature" generously put into my brouser by our ever-loving IT

So, out comes my trusty backup of Notscape, and Praise the Lord, At
least that installed OK, and without any kindly supplied "added
features" from our friendly IT.

You know, if the stupid bugger would just give me a call and say "We
don't want you to go to porno sites or chat with your work computer"
Then he wouldn't need to fartass around wasting both his time and mine,
as I DON'T go to Porno Sites, and if it really get's his knickers in a
knot about chatting, then OK, it is possible to accommodate him...
But that would be to logical and wouldn't allow him to flex his scrawny
little Nerd Muscles.

Anyway, that's about the situation today

And what will appear on my screen during Logon tomorrow morning?
Maybe a variant on Deltree C:\progra~1\Netscape or something?

Jesus if he wasn't acting like an asshole I wouldn't be wasting my time
trying to foil him..

As you can see I was somewhat annoyed

What do you guys out there think?

Dont Crucify me to harshly



Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack

Re: [newbie] /home partition -- how?

1999-11-23 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Benjamin wrote:

 If I could separate my /home/sher from my regular Linux installation,
 would that allow me in the future to install, upgrade or reinstall
 Mandrake and keep my /home/sher directory separate and intact? If so,
 could someone suggest specifically how to go about doing it. I am sure
 it's simple, but I want to make sure I am doing the right thing. Should
 I have not two (hda1 and swap file) but three partitions on hda (hda1,
 /home and swap)? If so, how do I do the math here. Just what do I need
 to do?

Yep, you answered your own question... make a home partition in Disk
Druid, same way you make root except give a mount point of "/home" instead
of "/".  (Without quotes of course.)  And make it whatever size you expect
to need for your home directory. :)


Re: [newbie] /home partition -- how?

1999-11-23 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Benjamin wrote:

 Dear Ken:
 Thanks so much for your explanation.
 Question: if I assign 3 gig to / , how much PRECISELY do I assign to
 /home (being the only user on a single machine), that is, do I assign
 the full 1.3 gig that is left over from my 4.3 gig HD or do I need to
 leave 128 meg for the swap file or should I assign 1 gig to /home, 128
 meg to the swap file and leave the rest unused? Do you have to leave
 some meg unused for Linux to use as it sees fit? Does it need some extra
 space beyond the 128 meg swap file? 

I would usually figure out how much space I'll want for /home, subtract
that and 128MB from my total HD space, and put the result into root, then
make the 128MB swap, then make the /home partition with the rest of the
space (which will of course be around what I intended to set aside for
it).  In your case, just make a 3 gig root, then a 128MB swap, then put
the rest in /home.  Linux doesn't need any unpartitioned space to be


Re: [newbie] /home partition -- how?

1999-11-23 Thread yacketta

From: Ronald A. Yacketta

Depends on how much Mem you currently have and what you will be doing with
the box.

I myself am an OLD school SA/SE and still live by the old proverb of swap
should be 2 times  greater than you memory
so I have 128mb of ram right now and my swap space is freaking huge! (256mb

It will not hurt to set swap to 128 and then /home to like 1gb


Benjamin [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/23/99 02:23:27 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Ronald A. Yacketta/958157/EKC)
Subject:  Re: [newbie] /home partition -- how?

Dear Ken:

Thanks so much for your explanation.

Question: if I assign 3 gig to / , how much PRECISELY do I assign to
/home (being the only user on a single machine), that is, do I assign
the full 1.3 gig that is left over from my 4.3 gig HD or do I need to
leave 128 meg for the swap file or should I assign 1 gig to /home, 128
meg to the swap file and leave the rest unused? Do you have to leave
some meg unused for Linux to use as it sees fit? Does it need some extra
space beyond the 128 meg swap file?

Thanks so very much.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Re:

1999-11-23 Thread PadLocke

I agree 
not that I think my opinion really matters much just throwing in 2cents:)

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  "Mike J. Kesow" wrote:
  Steve, Steve, Steve,
  Why don't you keep yourself out of other peoples business? This has
  nothing to do with you.  I never wanted part of this anyway!
 Take it to private mail.  This is NOT appropriate for the mailing list.
 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation
PadLocke the Ogre
There are three types of people in this world...
those who can count, and those who can't!

RE: [newbie] Apache/public_html

1999-11-23 Thread Pete Clapham

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:53:17 -0800, Ken Wilson wrote:

Are the permissions for the directories you want people to be able to
access world readable?  This is necessary otherwise only the owner of
the parent directory will be able to see anything in it.

Ken Wilson
First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
(Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

Hi --

This is what I thought was the problem.  However, I can't find any place in either 
LinuxConf or the httpd.conf file where one sets 
the permissions or where one can change those permissions.  Can you point me in that 


Pete Clapham
Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio, 44115

Phone: [216] 697-4820
Fax: [216] 523-7175

RE: [newbie] Apache/public_html

1999-11-23 Thread yacketta

From: Ronald A. Yacketta

man chmod
man chown

"Pete Clapham" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/23/99 08:55:50 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Ronald A. Yacketta/958157/EKC)
Subject:  RE: [newbie] Apache/public_html

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:53:17 -0800, Ken Wilson wrote:

Are the permissions for the directories you want people to be able to
access world readable?  This is necessary otherwise only the owner of
the parent directory will be able to see anything in it.

Ken Wilson
First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
(Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

Hi --

This is what I thought was the problem.  However, I can't find any place in
either LinuxConf or the httpd.conf file where one sets
the permissions or where one can change those permissions.  Can you point
me in that direction?


Pete Clapham
Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio, 44115

Phone: [216] 697-4820
Fax: [216] 523-7175

Re: [newbie] /home partition -- how?

1999-11-23 Thread Benjamin

Dear friends:

My thanks to everyone who wrote in with suggestions on how to create a
/home partition. I think I am now ready to do it, as soon as I get my
PowerPack tomorrow.

Thanks again.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Apache/public_html

1999-11-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Ben wrote:

 check your .conf file for apache. in /httpd  ( i think?).  there should be a
 line in the file the specifies what the public directory is named.  Although
 I think public_html is the default.  Also check your folder permissions.
  I suspect that there is some configuration step that needs to be done in
 order to tell the browser that the "public_html"
  directory is, in fact, public.  Can anybody advise me what it is?
the users homedir needs chmod +x, and the ~/public_html needs +rx 


RE: [newbie] Monitor resolution settings

1999-11-23 Thread Thomas Cox

Run XF86config. Lets you set the resolution with several options.  For
example, selecting 543 should have it try to run at 1024 X 768 first and go
down in resolution if necessary.  You can also st it so it won't make the
screen so large you have to scroll off the edges.  You should know your
monitor verticle and horizontal refresh rates and the capabilities of your
video card if it isn't listed on the list before running the program.

From: "Gilles Lahaie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] Monitor resolution settings
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 18:11:55 -0500


I want to set the screen resolution of my Q-71 monitor to 1024x768.
Problem is that installation of Mandrake Linux 6.1 set default resolution
to something around 1280x1024.
When using xConfigurator, the default resolution is about 640x480 with the
screen moved to the right... and screen is larger than the monitor.
What should I do???

Here is a useful link for info on editing the XF86Config file:

I had the same problem with too high a resolution and the icons being too
small to read. Using Mandrake 6.1, the system would not recognize my Matrox
G400 video card, so, I DL'd the XFree update (3.3.5) extracted and attempted
to install it. Could not get it to work, so bought the Mandrake 6.5 (with
3.3.5 included). The install went fine except for my mistake of telling it
to configure resolution at the highest thinking I could Cntrl-Alt-KP+/- to
change it.

That didn't work. Editing the XF86Config file is the best way to configure
it (IMHO). The file defaults to the first resolution listed in the Display
area for your server, and it will start up in that resolution. I edited
every listing in the "Display" area (cause I wasn't sure at that point which
'server' was being used) to only list the resolutions I might possibly want,
from highest to lowest, excluding the lowest of 640x480, as you found out it
is too large to fit on a screen.

That file is usually in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11.
You can use the command: vi XF86Config to edit it from a terminal.

A final note: During the editing you can change the Virtual setting to 0,
not using that feature, especially since it uses more memory.
A final useful link:

Re: [newbie] need help

1999-11-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, hugahog wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Monday, November 22, 1999 4:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] need help
 On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  To append the directly above:
  I copied the bootup screen messages and the relative part
  is as follows.
  Checking filesystems
  fsck.ext2: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/hdb1
  The super block could not be read or does not descirbe a correct ext2
  file system ( and not swap or something else), then the superblock
  is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate
  e2fsck -b 8193 device
 Try booting with a "rescue" disk and then "chroot
 /dev/hdxx" (drive  partition where / is located.)
 Then, mkswap /dev/hdb1. It *should* re-format the swap
 space, I think. Before you do this, though, you should wait
 awhile to see if someone (Axalon???) can provide a better
 suggestion. It *sounds* as if your swap space is FUBARED!
 Yeah but fubared on the hdb drive which is booting ok, why
 does the hdc drive care? Apparently according to the bootup
 messages when booting hdc from floppy or lilo all partitions
 check clean including hdc3 which is / but still it fails right after
 that. But still I agree it seemed to get hung up on the hdb1
 swap partition. SoI did this
 booted from hdc boot disk
 ran mkswap on hdb1
 ran mkswap on hdc2
 no change in boot problems
 In partition magic moved hdb1 swap to end of drive
 no change in boot problems
 moved hdb1 swap back to front of drive but left as free space
 booted with hdc floppy and ran fdisk /dev/hdb
 created and formated the freespace as swap just in case it
 wasn't done correctly before.
 No change in boot problems, completely back to square one :-(
 Here is my lilo.conf
 I'm wondering if there might not be a corrupt file somewhere on hdc
 that is affecting the way it initializes?
 Everything else 'seems' OK  :-)
Use the "partition info" tool of partition magic, and see if it's
overlaped any partitions (it does this way more offten than it should for


Re: [newbie] Soundblaster Awe32

1999-11-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Will Downs wrote:

 I just finished installing Mandrake 6.1, I'm having difficutly getting my sound
 card to work.
 I have a Soundblaster Awe 32 (IRQ 5, IO 220, DMA 1 and 5, MPU 330 under DOS)
 My PC is a P266, 96mb of RAM.
 Kernel 2.2.13-7mdk
 When I run the Sound Configuration Utility 0.34, I get the following error.
 The utility does recongnized my sound card as Creative SB32 PNP,

Thats because it's numbers don't match anything
They need submited to Redhat for inclusion in sndconfig.

Send the /etc/isapnp.conf, and i will add it for lothar
 The following error occurred running the isapnp program:
 Don't know what to do with CONFIGURE CTL0044/269315976
 (LD 2 on or around line 352
 /etc/isapnp.conf:352 -- Fatal - Error occurred parsing config file --- no
 action taken.

Whats line 353 say? This will tell you what specific portion isn't
initilizing (funcion 2 here is wavetable, i'd just comment it out
personaly i only need basic audio)

 I'm then forced to config the sound driver manually, I select Sound Blaster
 AWE32/64. Then  enter the windows setting for the sound card. 
 I then get the following error...
 The following error occurred running the isapnp program:
 Don't know what to do with CONFIGURE CTL0044/269315976
 (LD 2 on or around line 752
 /etc/isapnp.conf:752 -- Fatal - Error occurred parsing config file --- no
 action taken.

Um, at this point i would delete isapnp.conf and start fresh as its just
appended the new onto the old(which seems fixed at this point) or edit the
new stuff out.

grep pnpdump.c /etc/isapnp.conf |wc -l
if this says two or more it really has appended 

 When the system boots I get the following error...
 Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (c) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
 sb: dsp reset failed
 YM3812 and OPL-3 driver Copyright (c) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
 OPL3 not detected off.

get the .conf fixed and then we can worry wether you need init it from dos

 Does anybody have an Idea what the problem could be, I have read the
 sound-HOWTO and re-compiled the kernel with sound support.

Just a lil note, if you've customized your kernel your not running
"2.2.13-7mdk" your running a derivative ;)



Re: [RE: [newbie] eth0]

1999-11-23 Thread Jaguar

Contrary to what you may think...not all Cable modems are Dynamic, mine is
STATIC, and along with just about all I personally know with cable modems,
they are ALSO static.

John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  Its plugged in from my 'puter to a 4-port hub
 *shrug* I think the answer given yesterday was to turn OFF DHCP. I
 never have any problems 'cause I *always* use a static IP for my
 system 'course I'm using an ISDN router and not a cable modem or
 ADSL which requires a dynamic IP. :-)

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [Re: [newbie] Built in Soundcard....]

1999-11-23 Thread Jaguar

ummm this leads me to ask ONE questionWhy not disable the on-board crappy
CMI8330, and put in a cheap but usable Yamaha sound card for about $10.00 at
your local retailer???

"coin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My motherboard has a built in Soundcard based on a CMI8330 chip.
  In Windoze98 it appears as follows:
  Dos mode mpu401 emmulator i/o 0310-0311
  External midi mpu401 i/o 0300-0301
  Joystick device i/o 0200-0207
  SB16 audio device i/o 0220-022F IRQ5 DMA1 DMA5
  Windows sound system device i/o 0530-0537 i/o 0388-038F IRQ10 DMA3
  All functions work fine in Windoze.
 Dear friend, u are not alone, i got the same problem as u. I only can play
 CD, noteven
 wav or midi files. U sure upgrading to the next version helps 

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Soundblaster Awe32

1999-11-23 Thread M Thompson

I'm a newbie, but it sounds to me like your isapnp.conf file is messed up.  
I suggest backing up your isapnp.conf file and then deleting it from the 
hard drive.  I think the sndconfig program will recreate this file for you.  
If this doesn't work, you can put the backup isapnp.conf file back onto the 
hard drive.

I highly suggest waiting to see other opinions before trying mine.  I'm 
sometimes known to try extremes.


From: Will Downs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] Soundblaster Awe32
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 20:20:55 -0700

I just finished installing Mandrake 6.1, I'm having difficutly getting my 
card to work.

I have a Soundblaster Awe 32 (IRQ 5, IO 220, DMA 1 and 5, MPU 330 under 
My PC is a P266, 96mb of RAM.
Kernel 2.2.13-7mdk

When I run the Sound Configuration Utility 0.34, I get the following error.

The utility does recongnized my sound card as Creative SB32 PNP,


The following error occurred running the isapnp program:

Don't know what to do with CONFIGURE CTL0044/269315976
(LD 2 on or around line 352
/etc/isapnp.conf:352 -- Fatal - Error occurred parsing config file --- no
action taken.


I'm then forced to config the sound driver manually, I select Sound Blaster
AWE32/64. Then  enter the windows setting for the sound card.
I then get the following error...

The following error occurred running the isapnp program:

Don't know what to do with CONFIGURE CTL0044/269315976
(LD 2 on or around line 752
/etc/isapnp.conf:752 -- Fatal - Error occurred parsing config file --- no
action taken.


When the system boots I get the following error...

Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (c) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
sb: dsp reset failed
YM3812 and OPL-3 driver Copyright (c) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
OPL3 not detected off.

Does anybody have an Idea what the problem could be, I have read the
sound-HOWTO and re-compiled the kernel with sound support.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

[newbie] Mail

1999-11-23 Thread jeff

O.K. now the next step in the process. As most of you know, I have been
setting up a network here at work using linux as my server. Samba to let
the window box's talk to the server. No I would like to add internal




[newbie] Books..

1999-11-23 Thread jeff

I would like to thank all of you for your input on the books to buy. I
received the two books yesterday afternoon. Well I was up late reading.

From all the input I chose Running Linux 3rd Edition. Matt Walsh
and Linux in a Nutshell. 2nd Edition. Ellen Siever.

I really link the Nutshell book, I still need to read Running Linux,
which I will over the holidays.

Again thanks so much for the input.


[newbie] Drive Space?

1999-11-23 Thread jeff

Being from the old school in dos and now learning the ins and outs of

With dos it's better to divid up a drive into smaller drives. "CDEFG"
This will let things run faster and give you a tad more drive space.
Does Linux work in a similar fashion? or is this a mute point in linux ?

Re: [newbie] Here's the latest info on Opera for Linux...

1999-11-23 Thread Gregg Carrier

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote:

I simply CANNOT believe when reading stuff like this that Opera has become the
darling browser and hope of the future among so many Linux users. Everything
Steve comments on is true. There is NOTHING about Opera that contributes to the
strengths of Linux. Help out at if you ever want a browser that
even sort of jives with Linux and the OS community. Otherwise, buy Opera, which
from the sounds of their development techniques (firing teams of folks,
rehiring more a week later and claiming they can release this browser within 2
months...please!) it's gonna be as buggy as any Micro$soft app and probably
more so. Why not just get VMWare, run IE and join the dark side without waiting
for Opera's sluggish development cycle to finish? 

 M Thompson wrote:  This
story was copied from:  
  DS I'm thinking before Christmas because I get a bonus! The test group is
  quite pleased with what we've sent out and I've gotten a lot of positive
 Great, we get fed crap because the guy gets a bonus for shipping before
 Xmas...  I thought Linux was supposed to free us from the "rush it out
 the door" syndrome.  That's the joy of open source boys and girls, it
 ain't done til it's done...
  Are you adding anyone to the test group? Can I e-mail somewhere to get on
  the list?
  DS No, I'm afraid not as the test group has already been settled.
 The bigger the pool of eyes, the shallower the pool of bugs.
  How will the Linux version compare to the Windows version when it comes to
  DS We don't have mail and news but we should have everything else. In a lot
  of cases we will have more features to make Linux users happy.
 2 years and no mail or news?  Double-bah.
  Which GUI toolkit will Opera for Linux be based on?
  DS It's based on QT right now and the window manager that we use will work
  under Gnome and KDE which is my first priority. We'll add support for other
  window managers in version 4.1. It should run under all the window managers
  but will lack integration.
 Someone mind explaining to me why a BROWSER requires it's own window
 manager?  It's a fscking application for pete's sake!  Create the
 top-level window and forget it.  Sheesh... this thing's gonna be a pile
 of crap.
  What kind of dependency problems, if any, might a user run into installing
  DS Right now it's running on a computer with nothing but a kernel, the
  standard C++ libraries and X Windows. There are no other requirements as we
  include the libraries.
 What about the concept of shared libraries.  Thanks, but I've already
 GOT Qt installed on this machine.  Use it.  This "ship the system
 libraries with the applications" is Windowsish to the core.
  Will Opera for Linux offer an automated install script for generic Linux or
  come packaged for the different flavors (rpm, deb etc...), or both?
  DS There will be a lot of different installation options including simple
  tar files for advanced users as well as advanced shell scripts for end
 How about creating a tarball, a .deb and an .rpm package and calling it
 a day.  What system did I miss?
  Will Opera for Linux offer browsing from the console?
  DS The QT edition does not, however another version we are currently working
  on will be console, right now we have two different versions: console and
 Unless that's an FBDev graphical browser for the console, thanks but no
 thanks.  Lynx and (umm, what's the name of the other one?) work just
  Which flavors of Linux will be supported initially?
  DS Linux in general - anything with a 2.x kernal and X free 86 version or better on an intel platform. Within a week after the first
  release we expect a public beta on Linux for Sparc.
  Will Opera for Linux support integration into different desktop
  environments, for instance "NeXTish docking", Gnome Panel integration and
  DS To a certain degree yes, however, the first version will be focused on
  browsing. This is something we'll be implementing, but in later versions;
  perhaps after 4.1 or 4.2.
  Well thank you, Darren, for taking some time out of your busy schedule to
  chat with us today.
  DS It's no problem, I don't mind at all.
 I think what the interviewer forgot to mention was that we might have
 had a browser over a year ago if these putzes weren't out trying to
 reinvent the wheel.
 We've got a variety of window managers and people are highly tied to
 their personal choice of manager.  Forcing them to move to another one
 for a browser will seal the browser's fate.
 Step back and think hard about forking your money over to a company that
 clearly does not get the Linux platform.
 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] audio in K

1999-11-23 Thread Gregg Carrier

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 have you run sndconfig?

Ran it, found my soundcard chipset. Guessed at the settings and tried every
possible combination I think. The problem is, I don't know those settings.
Plus, in the same way that Xconfigurator (is that it?) failed to get video
working without further manual tweaking, I kind of don't expect sndconfig to
solve the issue. Any help on where I can find the answers to those setting
questions in sndconfig? From somewhere in Windoze? I have dual boot, so I can
get into Win and find out what it is, but have not been able to find anything
   On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote:   HI,   Can anyone point
me to a help file on setting up sound for XWindows. I'm   basically just
taking a stab in the dark at those settings it asks for, but to   no avail.
Thanks!  Gregg  --
 PadLocke the Ogre
 There are three types of people in this world...
 those who can count, and those who can't!

[newbie] Correct color depth

1999-11-23 Thread Default User

Quick question:
I'm running KDE at 1024x768x16 by starting it manually.  When I change
to init level 5, it defaults to 1024x768x8 (I think).  What do I have
to edit to have init level 5 running at the correct depth.


 -- Ronald Yeo

Re: [newbie] Soundblaster Awe32

1999-11-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
 Send the /etc/isapnp.conf, and i will add it for lothar

Correction, i need the clean pnpdump

[newbie] MSIE when?

1999-11-23 Thread Donny

Hay, wasnt MSIE supossed to be out in november for linux?

Thats wat i heard.

Re: [RE: [newbie] eth0]

1999-11-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On 23 Nov 1999, Jaguar wrote:

 Contrary to what you may think...not all Cable modems are Dynamic, mine is
 STATIC, and along with just about all I personally know with cable modems,
 they are ALSO static.

I've both, one static and two dynamic
 John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote:
   Its plugged in from my 'puter to a 4-port hub
  *shrug* I think the answer given yesterday was to turn OFF DHCP. I
  never have any problems 'cause I *always* use a static IP for my
  system 'course I'm using an ISDN router and not a cable modem or
  ADSL which requires a dynamic IP. :-)
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at


Re: [newbie] Mail

1999-11-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, jeff wrote:

 O.K. now the next step in the process. As most of you know, I have been
 setting up a network here at work using linux as my server. Samba to let
 the window box's talk to the server. No I would like to add internal

If your useing sendmail, linuxconf has facilities to create pop3 accounts. 


Re: [newbie] Correct color depth

1999-11-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Default User wrote:

 Quick question:
 I'm running KDE at 1024x768x16 by starting it manually.  When I change
 to init level 5, it defaults to 1024x768x8 (I think).  What do I have
 to edit to have init level 5 running at the correct depth.
  -- Ronald Yeo

Depth   16

in the "screen" portion of /etc/X11/XF86Config, is the most painless
way(make a backup)


Re: [Re: [newbie] audio in K]

1999-11-23 Thread Jaguar

Most default settings on out of box sound cards are 
I/O: 220
IRQ: 5
Joystick: 330 (could be wrong on this one)

Gregg Carrier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  have you run sndconfig?
 Ran it, found my soundcard chipset. Guessed at the settings and tried every
 possible combination I think. The problem is, I don't know those settings.
 Plus, in the same way that Xconfigurator (is that it?) failed to get video
 working without further manual tweaking, I kind of don't expect sndconfig
 solve the issue. Any help on where I can find the answers to those setting
 questions in sndconfig? From somewhere in Windoze? I have dual boot, so I
 get into Win and find out what it is, but have not been able to find
On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote:   HI,   Can anyone point
 me to a help file on setting up sound for XWindows. I'm   basically just
 taking a stab in the dark at those settings it asks for, but to   no
 Thanks!  Gregg  --
  PadLocke the Ogre
  There are three types of people in this world...
  those who can count, and those who can't!

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [expert] Re: [newbie] need help

1999-11-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 Thanks to all for your help so far, I'm still working on it.  BUT, I haven't
 found the rescue image on the cd , just the readme about it and the
 boot disk info and I already have a boot disk.

Ok.well, I can't seem to find one on the 'net either!
You may have to use a RedHat rescue should be
enough to load Linux so you can e2fsck your other
partitions and/or re-run mkswap on your swap partition.

RE: [newbie] eth0

1999-11-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote:

 I have ADSL and it doesn't require a dynamic IP, my isp gave me a static IP for
 my nic and a seperate one for my virtual web hosting account.
 Just FYI.  :-)
Around these parts, they don't give out static IPs for
ADSL. :-) At least not according to my friends who have
ADSL. :-)

Re: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

1999-11-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 I know this is off topic, but I noticed that a lot of you guys are
 Network Admins or similar..
 I was just wondering if the following Saga is common practice by you
 We have just been connected in the past month to the Internet at work
 and the following is the Lowdown of the past 2 days here.
 BTW, my work machine is a Windoze98 one :-(
Install Mandrake on your work machine and tell him to stuff
it! :-) He can't block you THEN! :-) (course he COULD just
format and reinstall Windoze after you leave... G)

Re: [newbie] Netscape not working

1999-11-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 G'day ... a small problem with netscape!
 I've checked the mail archives and a few other places but still can't
 findout how to get Netscape to work when I log into X as a regular user or
 as root (I have a static IP going out through a router on our LAN). I can
 ping hosts outside my network through an xterm but can't get an HTML page in
 my browser by typing the name or by dotted IP. I presume its a permission
 thing? I also have a DNS entry in resolv.conf  any ideas would be a
 great help.

Do you perhaps need to tell Netscape you have a proxy
server? Sounds like that MAY be the problem.

Re: [newbie] /home partition -- how?

1999-11-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 I would usually figure out how much space I'll want for /home, subtract
 that and 128MB from my total HD space, and put the result into root, then
 make the 128MB swap, then make the /home partition with the rest of the
 space (which will of course be around what I intended to set aside for
 it).  In your case, just make a 3 gig root, then a 128MB swap, then put
 the rest in /home.  Linux doesn't need any unpartitioned space to be
I recently got "bitten" by not having enough space for
/home. I had an old 850 meg IDE lying around so I made that
/boot and /. Included in / is /home. I ran out of space
after downloading too many News binaries! ;-)

Re: [RE: [newbie] eth0]

1999-11-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 Contrary to what you may think...not all Cable modems are Dynamic, mine is
 STATIC, and along with just about all I personally know with cable modems,
 they are ALSO static.
*shrug* I'm just going by what I've heard from others. :-)
I work for my ISP and I use ISDN with a dynamically
assigned IP address. :-)

Re: [newbie] MSIE when?

1999-11-23 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Donny wrote:
 Hay, wasnt MSIE supossed to be out in november for linux?
 Thats wat i heard.
Thanxs for the laugh...
I doubt M$ will ever port anything they have to Linux.

Re: [newbie] Modem settings.

1999-11-23 Thread Douglas John Verduin

I had that and it turned out to be a win modem
I had to take it out and look at it
I do not know if yours is or not

coin wrote:

 I try using kppp to dial my modem, and it's not able to dial at all.

 Error msg :  Modem too busy
 port : ttys0
 Modem :   External prolink 56k V90bis

 wat could be the possible problem 


Re: [newbie] Drive Space?

1999-11-23 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

jeff wrote:
 Being from the old school in dos and now learning the ins and outs of
 With dos it's better to divid up a drive into smaller drives. "CDEFG"
 This will let things run faster and give you a tad more drive space.
 Does Linux work in a similar fashion? or is this a mute point in linux ?
being from the old school as well
I tend to divide up my linux as follows
/   /dev/hd??
/home   /dev/dh??
/root   /dev/hd??

each of the above mount points (including swap) has its own slice of the
I even have been known to take /home and /root on its own disk
currently my fstab looks like this:/dev/hda7  
/   ext2defaults1 1 /dev/hdb5  
/ftpext2defaults1 2
/dev/hda5   /home1   ext2defaults   
1 2 /dev/sdb1   /home  ext2   
defaults1 2 /dev/hda8   /received  
ext2defaults1 2 /dev/hda6  
/root   ext2defaults1 2
/dev/sda5   /usrext2defaults   
1 2 /dev/sda1   /varext2   
defaults1 2 /dev/hda9   swap   
swapdefaults0 0

Re: [newbie] MSIE when?

1999-11-23 Thread David van Balen

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Donny wrote:

 Hay, wasnt MSIE supossed to be out in november for linux?
 Thats wat i heard.

Probably won't be out until MainSoft's MainWin IDE for Linux is released,
if ever. Last I heard, MainWin was scheduled for next year. Pesonally, I'm
hoping for Mozilla or Konqueror to beat 'em to it.


[newbie] /home partition -- revisited

1999-11-23 Thread Benjamin

Dear friends:

I am still unclear about certain things having to do with creating a
/home partition.

1) I will create a / directory of 3 gig, a swap file of 128 meg and a
/home directory with the rest (I have a 4.3 gig drive) using DiskDruid.

I will call / hda1, but what do I call my /home directory? That is, what
is the basis for naming it hda4 or hda5, etc.? That is, what does the
number 4 in hda4 stand for? A sector? If so, how do I decide what to
name it?

2) If I create a /home directory with the remaining disk space, won't
root, that is, / create a /home directory automatically WITHIN its 3 gig

3) Is there a way to indicate a relative value for /home? That is, after
creating hda1 (3 gig) and a 128 meg swap file, is there a way for me to
indicate that I want the remaining space allocated to /home, that is
without indicating a SPECIFIC value, just to say: /home (hda4 or hda5)
will have the REMAINING space on hard drive hda, just as you do when
select 1 and grow and then your entire HD is automatically assigned to
your basic /  directory?

Appreciate your help and look forward to your answers.

Thank you.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Mail

1999-11-23 Thread Michael R. Batchelor

O.K. now the next step in the process. As most of you know, I have been
setting up a network here at work using linux as my server. Samba to
the window box's talk to the server. No I would like to add internal

When you go about setting things up you need to decide if you want
*ONLY* internal mail, or if you'd like to allow users to send mail in
and out also.


Re: [newbie] Samba

1999-11-23 Thread Michael D. Kirkpatrick

Samba is a file sharing server.  It allows you to share directories on
your Linux server to a network of Windows PCs.  Works something like

coin wrote:

 wat is exactly samba 

 Luff (x3)

Re: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

1999-11-23 Thread Michael R. Batchelor

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Confirmation from a third party that
the poor IS guy in the trenches is the decision maker. It amazes me how

insert  ^^NOT^^
many people are willing to shoot the messenger. I'm not going to say
that there aren't some first class butt heads who work in IS, but I
some of those out on the plant floor and in the warehouse and in the


[newbie] How do i get off this list??

1999-11-23 Thread Jonathan Heizer

How do i get off this list??
How do i get off this list??

Re: [newbie] MSIE when?

1999-11-23 Thread Chip Wiegand

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 Hay, wasnt MSIE supossed to be out in november for linux?
 Thats wat i heard.

I don't know about ya'll, but my reason for moving to Linux was to get away
from micro$oft, not use that stuff in Linux. Isn't that defeating the purpose
of using an alternative OS?

Chip Wiegand

 Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly 
Robert F. Kennedy

Re: [newbie] /home partition -- revisited

1999-11-23 Thread Xian Zombie

hda of course represents your Primary HD...1,2,3,etc. is its partion #.  
hda1 is your primary (or boot partion).  when u specify (ie.  hda_2 as 
having mount point /home) then your /home directory is specifically isolated 
to that portion of your HD.  i reccomend allocating your / and swap partions 
first, then adding say /home and perhaps another mount point (ie. /data) 
last.  (this however is merely my own personal preference and has no real 
grounds other than that).  This however allows your /data a place for misc. 
files, such as homemade graphics or Mp3's.  Stuff that anyone can access.

Essentialy HDA_1 is /   (i'm using a lil over 3 gig)
HDA2 is swap  128 meg. (or 256 in my case)
HDA3 /home(another 2.5gig or so)
HDA4 /Data (mine is roughly 5 gig a former windows partion w/
   misc. files on it)

This should all be adjusted of course coresponding to your total HD space 
and what all u plan on using.


From: Benjamin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] /home partition -- revisited
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 15:54:28 -0600
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Dear friends:

I am still unclear about certain things having to do with creating a
/home partition.

1) I will create a / directory of 3 gig, a swap file of 128 meg and a
/home directory with the rest (I have a 4.3 gig drive) using DiskDruid.

I will call / hda1, but what do I call my /home directory? That is, what
is the basis for naming it hda4 or hda5, etc.? That is, what does the
number 4 in hda4 stand for? A sector? If so, how do I decide what to
name it?

2) If I create a /home directory with the remaining disk space, won't
root, that is, / create a /home directory automatically WITHIN its 3 gig

3) Is there a way to indicate a relative value for /home? That is, after
creating hda1 (3 gig) and a 128 meg swap file, is there a way for me to
indicate that I want the remaining space allocated to /home, that is
without indicating a SPECIFIC value, just to say: /home (hda4 or hda5)
will have the REMAINING space on hard drive hda, just as you do when
select 1 and grow and then your entire HD is automatically assigned to
your basic /  directory?

Appreciate your help and look forward to your answers.

Thank you.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] /home partition -- how?

1999-11-23 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

 I recently got "bitten" by not having enough space for
 /home. I had an old 850 meg IDE lying around so I made that
 /boot and /. Included in / is /home. I ran out of space
 after downloading too many News binaries! ;-)

Heheh, me too--I downloaded too many realvideo South Park episodes and
had to move them over to my larger root partition.G


Re: [newbie] Netscape not working

1999-11-23 Thread Darrel Branson

  On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 G'day ... a small problem with netscape!
 I've checked the mail archives and a few other places but still can't
 findout how to get Netscape to work when I log into X as a regular user or
 as root (I have a static IP going out through a router on our LAN). I can
 ping hosts outside my network through an xterm but can't get an HTML page in
 my browser by typing the name or by dotted IP. I presume its a permission
 thing? I also have a DNS entry in resolv.conf  any ideas would be a
 great help.
 Do you perhaps need to tell Netscape you have a proxy
 server? Sounds like that MAY be the problem.

But I tried the proxy at the ISP but it didn't help. We don't have a proxy
on our LAN. Should try a reinstall from the RPM?

Re: [newbie] /home partition -- revisited

1999-11-23 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Benjamin wrote:

 Dear friends:
 I am still unclear about certain things having to do with creating a
 /home partition.
 1) I will create a / directory of 3 gig, a swap file of 128 meg and a
 /home directory with the rest (I have a 4.3 gig drive) using DiskDruid.
 I will call / hda1, but what do I call my /home directory? That is, what
 is the basis for naming it hda4 or hda5, etc.? That is, what does the
 number 4 in hda4 stand for? A sector? If so, how do I decide what to
 name it?

Unless I'm remembering incorrectly, Disk Druid assigns the numbers
automatically for you when you create the partition so you shouldn't have
to worry about it.

As for what the numbers mean... they're simply the number of the partition
on that drive.  hda1 is the first partition on hda, hda2 is the second,
and so on.
 2) If I create a /home directory with the remaining disk space, won't
 root, that is, / create a /home directory automatically WITHIN its 3 gig

Well, look at it this way... after you install you have a /mnt/floppy
directory with nothing in it, right?  If you were to copy a file to that
directory, then it would be on your root partition.  However, if you were
to put a floppy disk in your drive, and mount that disk under /mnt/floppy,
then when you copy something to to /mnt/floppy it goes onto the disk
instead of the root partition.

Hard drive partitions work the same way.  Hypothetically, let's say you
create a partition called /home and Disk Druid assigns it the number hda4.
What you are doing is creating partition hda4, and telling Disk Druid to
put a line in your fstab (take a look at /etc/fstab to see what I mean) to
automatically mount hda4 under the /home directory.

So, either way scripts will automatically create a /home directory and
create user directories inside that.  If there is nothing mounted under
/home, then anything created in there is on the root partition, just like
if you copied something to /mnt/floppy with no disk mounted; if there IS a
partition mounted there (hda4 for this example) then anything created in
/home will be on that hda4 partition instead of root.

 3) Is there a way to indicate a relative value for /home? That is, after
 creating hda1 (3 gig) and a 128 meg swap file, is there a way for me to
 indicate that I want the remaining space allocated to /home, that is
 without indicating a SPECIFIC value, just to say: /home (hda4 or hda5)
 will have the REMAINING space on hard drive hda, just as you do when
 select 1 and grow and then your entire HD is automatically assigned to
 your basic /  directory?

Unless I'm not remembering right, yes, you can check that 'grow to fill
disk' (or whatever it's called) box for your /home partition, or any
partition.  So just make root, swap, and then use that option when you
create /home.


Re: [newbie] Soundblaster Awe32

1999-11-23 Thread WH Bouterse

Sorry for the misprint ; should have read:


Helps quite a bit. Once I quit trying to run 'sndconfig' 
(it seems to never let well enough alone and always changes things, at
least for me)

William Bouterse

[newbie] I need to download Blue Screen of Death graphic image!

1999-11-23 Thread M Thompson

Hi all,

I'm doing a marketing presentation on Linux and I want to start out with an 
image of the infamous "Blue Screen of Death" from Windows.

Please give me a URL where I can find such an image.  Any image format will 

Thanks everyone for all your help,

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] kmail won't load, tool bars mangled

1999-11-23 Thread Keith Robinson

thanks, Ernie.
and thanks John, for following this cross-list.

 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 From:   "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:Re: [newbie] kmail won't load, tool bars mangled
 Date sent:  Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:27:24 -0500
 Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Kieth,

 This is a known problem with L-M 6.1 - I bet you have the kcmclock package
 installed. If you do, remove it with kpackage or rpm. Then re-install the
 kdelibs package. This fixed up my system so all works well. I think there is a
 conflict between something in the kcmclock package and the kdelibs one. I have
 not missed the kcmclock package's functionality here, so maybe you will not



 The measure of a man is in his honor ...

Re: [newbie] MSIE when?

1999-11-23 Thread Keith Robinson

Chip Wiegand wrote:

 On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  Hay, wasnt MSIE supossed to be out in november for linux?
  Thats wat i heard.

 I don't know about ya'll, but my reason for moving to Linux was to get away
 from micro$oft, not use that stuff in Linux. Isn't that defeating the purpose
 of using an alternative OS?

 Chip Wiegand

  Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly 
 Robert F. Kennedy

not necessarily. another reason to use Linux is cause it is perceived as
superior -- not just cause it isn't MS. And as much as I dislike MS business
practices and their products generally,  IMHO IE is superior to the


RE: [newbie] MSIE when?

1999-11-23 Thread Ken Wilson

There will never be an MS IE for Linux.  Find out what whoever is
telling you that is smoking.  I want some.

Ken Wilson
First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
(Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Donny
Sent: November 23, 1999 11:26 AM
Subject: [newbie] MSIE when?

Hay, wasnt MSIE supossed to be out in november for linux?

Thats wat i heard.

Re: [newbie] need help

1999-11-23 Thread hugahog

-Original Message-
From: Axalon Bloodstone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] need help

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, hugahog wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Monday, November 22, 1999 4:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] need help

 On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  To append the directly above:
  I copied the bootup screen messages and the relative part
  is as follows.
  Checking filesystems
  fsck.ext2: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open
  The super block could not be read or does not descirbe a correct ext2
  file system ( and not swap or something else), then the superblock
  is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate
  e2fsck -b 8193 device
 Try booting with a "rescue" disk and then "chroot
 /dev/hdxx" (drive  partition where / is located.)
 Then, mkswap /dev/hdb1. It *should* re-format the swap
 space, I think. Before you do this, though, you should wait
 awhile to see if someone (Axalon???) can provide a better
 suggestion. It *sounds* as if your swap space is FUBARED!
 Yeah but fubared on the hdb drive which is booting ok, why
 does the hdc drive care? Apparently according to the bootup
 messages when booting hdc from floppy or lilo all partitions
 check clean including hdc3 which is / but still it fails right after
 that. But still I agree it seemed to get hung up on the hdb1
 swap partition. SoI did this

 booted from hdc boot disk
 ran mkswap on hdb1
 ran mkswap on hdc2
 no change in boot problems
 In partition magic moved hdb1 swap to end of drive
 no change in boot problems
 moved hdb1 swap back to front of drive but left as free space
 booted with hdc floppy and ran fdisk /dev/hdb
 created and formated the freespace as swap just in case it
 wasn't done correctly before.
 No change in boot problems, completely back to square one :-(

 Here is my lilo.conf





 I'm wondering if there might not be a corrupt file somewhere on hdc
 that is affecting the way it initializes?
 Everything else 'seems' OK  :-)


Use the "partition info" tool of partition magic, and see if it's
overlaped any partitions (it does this way more offten than it should for


I did that after your message but all was OK.

I ended up wipeing hdb clean and reinstalling
LM 6.1 and now both drives boot just fine. Don't
know what the problems was except hdc (boot
problem drive) didn't like the swap drive on
hdb.  I fdisked  the swap partitions on both
drives and that did no good either.

In a case like this shouldn't linux know to keep
it's attention on the drive it is booting rather than
worrying about what is on another drive.

Thanks for your help.

RE: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

1999-11-23 Thread Ken Wilson

I'm afraid I have to side with the IT guys/company owners.  You're there
to work, not chat.  It's my machinery so to speak, if you want to chat
go to a cybercafe for lunch.  Too many issues about proper use of
company time and equipment let alone the number of denizens looking for
somebody to dns and then try to hack the system later, not to mention
potential DOS attacks.

Want to take those risks, my reply would be do it with your own system,
not mine.

Ken Wilson
First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
(Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steve Philp
Sent: November 23, 1999 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

John Aldrich wrote:

 On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  I know this is off topic, but I noticed that a lot of you guys are
  Network Admins or similar..
  I was just wondering if the following Saga is common practice by you
  We have just been connected in the past month to the Internet at
  and the following is the Lowdown of the past 2 days here.
  BTW, my work machine is a Windoze98 one :-(
 Install Mandrake on your work machine and tell him to stuff
 it! :-) He can't block you THEN! :-) (course he COULD just
 format and reinstall Windoze after you leave... G)

For our company, that would be considered destruction of company
property and would be a terminable offense.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] need help

1999-11-23 Thread hugahog

-Original Message-
From: Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, November 22, 1999 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] need help

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999,hugahog wrote:
  | -Original Message-
  | From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | Date: Monday, November 22, 1999 10:00 AM
  | Subject: Re: [newbie] need help
  | On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  |  Hi Gurus,
  |  I have been running LM 6.1 on my ide drive c (hdc) and have it
  |  somewhat configured enought to get online, print, etc.
  |  Today I installed another copy on a clean drive which is hdb. It
  |  boots OK but I don't have it configured as yet.
  |  My problem is now my original (hdc) won't boot, drops me to a
  |  shell for maintenance  :-(
  | So, what happens when you fsck the drive/partitions? Does
  | that fix it or does it continue to drop you to a shell for
  | maintenance?
  |  John
  | John,
  | When I fsck the partitions they all check clean except if I
  | fsck  /swap or /  . When I check /  a warning note comes
  | up saying If I fsck a mounted file system serious damage
  | could occur so I backed out.
  | Thanks
  | Larry

When you are dropped to the shell, do

 fsck -t ext2 hdc# (where # = the partition number you want to check).

This way you are telling fsck which partition to check. If you use / or
you may be trying to check a partition on the hdb drive which may be
mounted in
read - write mode. For better information you can do man fsck while in the
maintenance  shell. Don't know if this will help, but it looks right to me.


The measure of a man is in his honor ...

Thanks for that info. I ended up fdisking and recreating the swap
files on both hard drives but that did no good.  As you may recall
when booting hdc it stalled because it didn't like the swap partition
on hdb (which was booting fine).  So I ended up wiping hdb clean
and reinstalling, since it was just installed there was no loss.

This solved the problem, whatever the problem really was :-)

Both drives are booting fine.

Re: [newbie] Books..

1999-11-23 Thread Seth Gibson

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 I really link the Nutshell book, I still need to read Running Linux,
 which I will over the holidays.
Dunno if yer interested in technical theory of linux, but if so, check out The
Linux Kernel Book as well as The Design of the UNIX Operating System.

If yer into programming, check out Linux Programming UNleashed. . .its a bit
vague on somethings (Qt, OpenGL), but its pretty neat overall. . .


Seth Gibson (Under Construction)
OpenGL: Better Living Through Fast 3D Graphics

Re: [newbie] I need to download Blue Screen of Death graphic image!

1999-11-23 Thread Steve Philp

M Thompson wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm doing a marketing presentation on Linux and I want to start out with an
 image of the infamous "Blue Screen of Death" from Windows.
 Please give me a URL where I can find such an image.  Any image format will

There's probably something usable in the xscreensaver source package. 
The BSOD screensaver has a Blue Screen for a screensaver (along with
some other OS "utoh" screens).

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] need help

1999-11-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, hugahog wrote:
 Use the "partition info" tool of partition magic, and see if it's
 overlaped any partitions (it does this way more offten than it should for
 I did that after your message but all was OK.
 I ended up wipeing hdb clean and reinstalling
 LM 6.1 and now both drives boot just fine. Don't
 know what the problems was except hdc (boot
 problem drive) didn't like the swap drive on
 hdb.  I fdisked  the swap partitions on both
 drives and that did no good either.
 In a case like this shouldn't linux know to keep
 it's attention on the drive it is booting rather than
 worrying about what is on another drive.

it does what you tell it, it was in fstab as swap so it tryed to activate
 Thanks for your help.

[newbie] /home partition -- I think I got it

1999-11-23 Thread Benjamin

Dear friends:

My thanks to everyone who wrote in for your expert instructions
concerning the /home partition question. 

So, it looks like Linux (i.e. Disk Druid) will assign the proper hda
partition number to /home. That's a relief.

First, I'll set up / , then the swap file, then /home. I will check the
number 1 and "grow" and let Disk Druid not only determine my partition
number for /home but also the size of the partition, namely, what's left
over after partitioning / and the swap file.

Thanks so very much. I hope this sounds right.


P. S. Just a little nervous.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Built in Soundcard....

1999-11-23 Thread coin

Well, the advice seems to be that upgradeing to Mandrake6.1 should
enable the sound to work correctly.
Until I get the CD's from Cheapbytes I have disabled the onboard CMI
chip and wacked in a legacy SB16 I found lying around which is probably
a better system anyhow.
When I get the Mandrake6.1 I will letya know how I go.

wait, dun let me wait for too long. hiak~

take care, pal.

Luff (x3)

Re: [newbie] MSIE when?

1999-11-23 Thread Don

Ken Wilson wrote:

 There will never be an MS IE for Linux.  Find out what whoever is
 telling you that is smoking.  I want some.

 Ken Wilson
 First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
 (Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Donny
 Sent: November 23, 1999 11:26 AM
 Subject: [newbie] MSIE when?

 Hay, wasnt MSIE supossed to be out in november for linux?

 Thats wat i heard.

it was sumone on this list who said that a while back, but i cant
remember who.

In many respects linux is better, but so is windows. for instance games.
but once linux widens out more to consumers rather that the tech elite
(which its now doing) itll give MS a better run for its money.

Re: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

1999-11-23 Thread Chip Wiegand

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 "Michael R. Batchelor" wrote:
  Thank you, thank you, thank you. Confirmation from a third party that
  the poor IS guy in the trenches is the decision maker. It amazes me how
  insert  ^^NOT^^
  many people are willing to shoot the messenger. I'm not going to say
  that there aren't some first class butt heads who work in IS, but I
  some of those out on the plant floor and in the warehouse and in the
 For the most part, I doubt that IS people go out of their way to be
 asses about things.  They do have jobs to do, machines and software to
 maintain, and new projects to finish.  If there are ways for them to
 reduce the amount of software and machine maintenance they have to do,
 they'd be crazy NOT to do them.
 The original poster should be glad he doesn't work on our network.  ALL
 Internet access is restricted by the firewall, outgoing connections must
 pass through a blocking / caching proxy server, email is logged in both
 directions, Windows machines are locked down to allow only certain apps
 to be run, etc.
 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation

That's the direction my company is going. I am now looking at software that
will enable us to lock down the win95 client machines from the server. As for
internet access, ours isn't so strict, but when we discover someone abusing
this privelage, and it is a privilege, then we take action to bring this to a
stop, on an individual basis though.

 -- Chip Wiegand
Computer Services
Simrad, Inc

 Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly 
Robert F. Kennedy

[newbie] KDE Desktop

1999-11-23 Thread Dennis Robertson

Hello List,

Following advice from the list I have reinstalled Kppp twice and
unchecked the script "Autoconfigure hostname from this IP" in the IP tab
of Kppp setup.  Still I find that if I connect using Kppp most other
items on the desktop are unusable ie I cannot connect and then decide to
open, say, Netscape or once I have used Kppp I can no longer use icons
(including Kppp itself) after disconnect.

Has anyone a cure short of full reinstall of M6.1, which I really would
prefer not to do?

Dennis Robertson  2/2 Sylvia Street, NOOSAVILLE, QLD, 4566, AUSTRALIA
Phone: 61 7 54742343  Mobile: 0419 535539  Fax: Phone first.

Re: [newbie] Mail

1999-11-23 Thread jeff

Only looking for internal mail..

Michael R. Batchelor wrote:

 O.K. now the next step in the process. As most of you know, I have been
 setting up a network here at work using linux as my server. Samba to
 the window box's talk to the server. No I would like to add internal

 When you go about setting things up you need to decide if you want
 *ONLY* internal mail, or if you'd like to allow users to send mail in
 and out also.


Re: [newbie] Blackbox

1999-11-23 Thread Dennis Robertson

Sean Armstrong wrote:
 Dennis Robertson wrote:
  Sean Armstrong wrote:
   Hello Blackbox Users,
   I was impressed by the supporting comments for blackbox, so I installed
   it with KDE enabled.
   Here is the dumb question.  I read the install and run notes but nothing
   tells me how to actually start it ie get it on my desktop.  Has the
   install not worked or am I missing something obvious?
   Please be kind.
   Dennis Robertson  2/2 Sylvia Street, NOOSAVILLE, QLD, 4566, AUSTRALIA
   Phone: 61 7 54742343  Mobile: 0419 535539  Fax: Phone first.
   I just changed my Xclients file to read:
   kfm -d 
   Of course you don't have to add the lines kpanel  and kfm -d , I added
   these so that the desktop icon for kde and the kpanel would appear.  These
   are my own tastes.  The blackbox binary was located in my /usr/local/bin
   file.  Make sure that you place the bsetroot bin somewhere where the OS can
   access it ie. /bin .  Then just save this to your Xclients file, remember to
   back up the original Xclients file in case something goes wrong.  Then just
   run startx from the command line prompt and you will be on you way.
   left/right clicking the desktop will pull up the blackbox menu, which
   probably needs to be edited to work properly with your system (..very easy
   to do), or the iconify menu.
   Have fun, and spread the word.  Blackbox is the fastest and easiest to
   modify GUI out there.
  Thanks Sean,
  It works and I am evaluating it.  I appreciate the kpanel and kfm
  additions.  It seems faster, but not markedly so.  I find it cumbersome
  to shut down - is there a way of having it start (run level 5) and
  shutdown by default if I decide to go with it.
  Dennis Robertson  2/2 Sylvia Street, NOOSAVILLE, QLD, 4566, AUSTRALIA
  Phone: 61 7 54742343  Mobile: 0419 535539  Fax: Phone first.
 If you want to shutdown from blackbox, right click the desktop and click on exit
 in the menu.  Don't confuse the blackbox pulldown menu with the kpanel pulldown
 menu.  If you just want to shutdown your computer, you can exit blackbox and then
 shutdown, or wite a little script and give it executable permissions:
 shutdown now
 Or just type in shutdown now from any command line.
 I don't know how fast your computer is, but mine is 133Mhz, so I am able to
 notice how much of a memory hog KDE is compared to Blackbox.  There
 may be no noticable difference on faster computers. But you can use xmemon (..I
 and visually compare the two.  But, again, this may not matter to folks who are
 running 300 + Mhz computers.  I also like the way Blackbox is so small and
 easily configurable.  But thats me. Enjoy.
 When GOD endowed human beings with brains, He did not intend to guaratee them.

Thanks. I'm running an AMD K6 200MMX with 64mb ram. I'll ask our support
group to try Blackbox and report in due
Dennis Robertson  2/2 Sylvia Street, NOOSAVILLE, QLD, 4566, AUSTRALIA
Phone: 61 7 54742343  Mobile: 0419 535539  Fax: Phone first.

[newbie] SIS vid cards

1999-11-23 Thread Jim Kempton


Probably been done but

Have a SIS 6326 on board AGP 8MB vid card.

Installed and used, happily, Mandrake 6.0.

Upgraded to the boxed, shrinkwrpaaed 6.1 Powerpack and X don't like it.

Tried it both ways eg fresh install and upgrade.  The X section of the
installer comes back with the 'there's a problem with your X
configuration' stuff.

Left it there and ran 'Setup' from the shell as root and the same thing

Running out of ideas, short of new vid card.



[newbie] Connection to X server ?

1999-11-23 Thread Joachim Holst

Hi !

Does anybody know why Mandrake 6.1  KDE in user mode has trouble with the
connect to the X server ?? Sometimes KFM disconnects from X with an error
message saying "can not connect to :0 Host not allowed"..


... The free UNIX operating system
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  ::: .::  .:.::.  .:: .::  ::. :'
  :::  ::   ::  ::  ::  ::   :::.
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