Re: [newbie-it] Memoria a 128

2000-06-15 Thread Andrea Celli

Marco Gattei wrote:
 Ciao a tutti !
 ho installato Linux-Mandrake 7 sul mio nuovo PIII a 128 mega di RAM, ma al
 boot (e anche in seguito)
 il kernel di linux mi segnala solo 64M :-(((
 anche durante l'installazione ne erano stati individuati solo 64, ma io
 avevo corretto il valore manualmente a 128 

Rifai la correzione a mano:
- leggi man lilo e man lilo.conf e poi editi il file /etc/lilo.conf 
a cui devi aggiungere la riga 
- poi lanci il comando "lilo" per rendere effettiva la modifica

Credo che si possa fare anche con qualche giochetto di drakxconfig
pero` cosi` e` piu` sicuro. :-)

 puo' essere che partizionedi swap non sia sufficientemente grande da gestire
 i 128 mega di RAM ???

In genere e` consigliato avere la swap uguale ad un multiplo intero
RAM, in modo che quando la ram si satura viene riversata pari pari in
Con ram piccole era richiesto che il multiplo fosse almeno 2, con ram
come la tua, se non fai cose pesantissime puoi avere tranquillamente una
swap piu` piccola della Ram.
 ho sbagliato qualcosa nell'installazione ?

Non credo. Succede spesso. Credo che sia un qualche problema minore
a livello di BIOS.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Cercando gli rpm

2000-06-15 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 Ciao A tutti!
 Premetto che sono nuovissimo al mondo linux. Detto questo avrei la necessita
 di reperire i seguenti pacchetti in formato .rpm (non sono ancora in grado
 di buttarmi nelle conpilazione):
 1) isdn4linux utils e base (credo si chiamino isdn4k.rpm e isdn4k-utils.rpm)
 Saro incapace, ma sul sito ho trovato solo i sorgenti
 potete aiutarmi?

Senza andare troppo lontano credo che potresti trovarli sul cd d'installazione
sotto  ./Mandrake/RPMS

Sebastiano Cordiano


[newbie-it] Processi

2000-06-15 Thread ettore

Salve a tutti
una domanda proprio terra terra..

Processore AMDK6 II 400 Mhz su Asus P5A con 128M di ram
Scheda Video Trident 4mega
Lavoro principalmente con interfaccia grafica
Tutto funziona perfettamente,
Mandrake 7.0 configura tutto e non ritengo di avere problemi di incompatibilita'
hardware ( tranne che per uno scanner su parallela e masterizzatore eide
che utilizzo saltuariamente su una partizione minima che ho lasciato a Win)
ma ho il dubbio di avere, all' avvio, molti processi in esecuzione
che mi riducono le prestazioni della macchina.
Utilizzo interfaccia grafica KDE senza sfondi, temi,screensaver e troppe icone
ma la macchina dopo ore di utilizzo mi rallenta drasticamente.
La Ram in utilizzo appena avviata la macchina e' all' 80%, mi sembra esagerato.
Utilizzo il PC con programmi di Navigazione, Posta, Elaborazione Testi
e con connessione ad Internet non permanente, 
utilizzo di base anche Gimp e programmi Audio da poche risorse,
ma per assurdo con Winzozz98 sento la macchina 
molto piu' snella e lubrificata. :-)  per rendere l' idea
In rete poi quando visito pagine con Java
o va in blocco o si auto-killa spesso e volentieri Netscape 4.72  
Tramite Kpm vedo un mucchio di memoria, sprecata immagino,  
su processi che non conosco a sufficienza per intervenire  

Qualcuno mi sa dare una traccia per migliorare le performance di sistema?

Possibile che anche la scheda video, utilizzando una risoluzione 1024x768 32bit
possa contribuire a rallentare il sistema?
Grazie anticipatamente


[newbie-it] Cercando gli rpm

2000-06-15 Thread ettore

Il lun, 12 giu 2000, hai scritto:
 Ciao A tutti!
 Premetto che sono nuovissimo al mondo linux. Detto questo avrei la necessita
 di reperire i seguenti pacchetti in formato .rpm (non sono ancora in grado
 di buttarmi nelle conpilazione):
 1) isdn4linux utils e base (credo si chiamino isdn4k.rpm e isdn4k-utils.rpm)
 Saro incapace, ma sul sito ho trovato solo i sorgenti
 potete aiutarmi?

ti posso consigliare questo sito

qui' trovi tutti gli RPM disponibili

Buon lavoro


Re: [newbie-it] Cercando gli rpm

2000-06-15 Thread freefred

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, a day in the life, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1) isdn4linux utils e base (credo si chiamino isdn4k.rpm e isdn4k-utils.rpm)
 Saro incapace, ma sul sito ho trovato solo i sorgenti

sono pure sul cd della mandrake se ce l'hai.
comunque per tutti gli rpm del mondo:

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 

Re: [newbie-it] Cercando gli rpm

2000-06-15 Thread Andrea Celli

Per cercare file di qualsiasi tipo il posto migliore e`
Ha un'indicizzazione completa e aggiornatissime di tutti
i principali server ftp.

Gli metti "isdn4linux.*.rpm", setti regular expression,
magari gli dici che vuoi solo server italiani e giapponesi,
e che ci sia mandrake nel path, ...

Per pacchetti "mandrake" cerca su
tra i contrib e i devel.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] SoftModem Sidin

2000-06-15 Thread Luca Dentella


 hai provato a forzare l'inserimento del modulo con  insmod -f
 ./ltmodem.o come descritto sulla pagina ?

si', ottengo sempre quello stranissimo messaggio di errore:
/home/luca/modem/ltmodem.o: init_module: Device or resource busy

da cosa potra' essere determinato?

[newbie-it] conferma messaggi?

2000-06-15 Thread freefred

scusate qualcuno sa perche' mi arrivano messaggi come questi quando
scrivo in lista?


In order to broadcast the following message into list newbie-it, please reply to 
confirm 5bc52d1e75b25442808e267206fb395f



Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 

Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

2000-06-15 Thread Mike Tracy Holt

Oh, I know exactly what you mean! ;-)

I dunnoleave it to me to come up with a weird

Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

2000-06-15 Thread Jim

nie tryjust made it worse.had to wait forever for it to tell me it
didn't like that at all...LOL

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

at this point I am willing to try just about anything...LOL  I'll give it a
whirl and see what it does that waythanks


- Original Message -
From: "Bruce Hilliker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

Jim, I've had similar problems with mine.  What I found is that if you use
cd player to eject your music cd, then; the cd works fine or if it doesn't;
keep the cd player on screen and us it to eject the cd's.  I know it's
BUT; it worked for me.
Sorry, can't help you on the remainder.

Hope it helps.
Bruce :-)

Re: [newbie] Doom question...

2000-06-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Fran Parker wrote:
 I looked at the .lxdoom in home/fran directory
 it is an empty file huh?
 Maybe that is the problem, huh?
 What is supposed to be there?

boom.cfg and tranmap.dat

 I don't think it ever got far enough to write anything.
 (also yes, the wad file is in the /usr/share/games/doom
 directory and I did rename it to doom.wad
 I will rename it DOOM.WAD  ... Linux is very case sensitive.

Yep, sure is! Mine is named doom1.wad...

Good luck!

Re: [newbie] Shutdown problem with v7.0...

2000-06-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Dennis Myers wrote:

 Followup to this thread, I figured out how to edit (hooray!!!) and went
 in to the above listed   /etc/ files and deleted the -p and voila!  the
 error message is gone when I "halt" the sys.  I think that I am
 beginning to get the hang of some of this and am falling in love with
 "linux".  You can actually fix things if you want to take the time to

Exactly! It worked for me as well. I think the
biggest thing is:

1) Take your time
2) *really* read the manuals
3) Listen (hard) to advice from "vets"
4) Repeat steps 1 - 3 as necessary!


Re: [newbie] I am still here...I just switched e-mail addresses

2000-06-15 Thread Jim


Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

2000-06-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Jim wrote:
 I still haven't recieved any help with this and since upgrading to 7.1 it
 seems worse
 I installed MD 7.1, I have a creative cdrw 4224 and I can play music on it
 just fine under linux, however when I go to access it for files, the light
 comes on and after a few minutes I get an error message that the contents of
 the directory /mnt/cdrom can not be displayednow the weirdI can't
 eject the cd and the light stays on. If I don't 

Hi Jim. I can't help with your main problem, but
let me tell you what I've had happen a couple of times since its
similiar. Occasionally, I can't get my generic Atapi CD-ROM to eject
either. When this happens, I can click on its icon, go to file, then
click close. After that, it will eject. I also have an AMD CPU and
Gigabyte motherboard.

Might save you from having to reboot... ;-)

Re: [RE: [newbie] worthless software innd]

2000-06-15 Thread Jaguar

type "NNTP" into any search should give you a HUGE list of news
servers.most are pay servers...but there are quite a few that are free

Also why not use your ISP's news server??

 Hmm so basically I am toast, I can't have a news server
 unless I bogart a news feed from somewhere.
 What are the server names of the news feeds,
 maybe I can just bogart a news feed, or like
 you said, make buddies with someone wth
 a news feed
 On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
  In order to set up a news server, you need to obtain a NEWS feed.
  This is far different than setting up a NEWS reader (which I'll bet is
  you probably want.).
  Most news feeds will COST you big $$$ unless you have a friend who works
  a feeder site...
  You can use programs such as SUCK to pull down a group or groups from a
  site however. Think carefully before you do this though.
  You might want to just use PAN to grab all the new messages in a specific
  group. Even then, expect your hard drive to fill after a few days.
  If you -REALLY- want to set up a news server and have obtained a feed,
  given that you've spent this much, you might want to invest in one of the
  O'Reilly books on News and NNTP.
  -Original Message-
  From: Vic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2000 12:55 AM
  Subject: [newbie] worthless software innd
  I wonder why innd does not work,
  I installed it and I can't get one, not even
  ONE group on my news group server,
  totally useless, can't find jack on can't find
  jack ina yany faq anwwyawhere

The Dogma chased the Stigma, and was hit by the Karma.

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] About to give up.

2000-06-15 Thread Alex V Flinsch

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, you wrote:

 I have mine set up as a cron job. Create a .fetchmailrc in your normal user's
 home directory that will fetch mail from all your accounts, then set up a cron
 job to run as that user at a specifed interval. I get lots of mail so my
 interval is 4 minutes. Works great...

I use this script that runs as root, to grab all users mail

*** start ***
# echo Starting mail download for all users
for i in `cat /etc/passwd |
  awk -F : '{ print $1 " " $6}'`; do
if [ $run -eq 0 ]
  if [ -r $home/.fetchmailrc ]
 echo getting mail for $name
 su -l -c "/usr/bin/fetchmail -s -t 500" $name


(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

[newbie] Swapping keys - success!

2000-06-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Okay, per Paul's suggestion, I looked up the
man pages for xmodmap, the keymapping utility
and was successfully able to swap my caps
and control (left) keys. This is the steps
it took:

From a terminal, create the file .xmodmaprc,

touch .xmodmaprc

Then, you can use vi, emacs, or in my case, I
just opened a window on my /home dir and dropped it on kedit. Enter
these lines:

! Swap Caps_Lock and Control_L

remove Lock = Caps_Lock
remove Control = Control_L
keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
add Lock = Caps_Lock
add Control = Control_L

Save it, then add this line to your /home/username/.bash_profile file:

xmodmap .xmodmaprc

Save it, and you're ready to rock! ;-)

The Linux Cool Keyboard that I purchased from already has the caps and 
control (L) keys included with it for swapping

PS Don't forget you have to do this for both
your root and "regular" user account.

[newbie] 7.1 one problem, two questions.

2000-06-15 Thread Oliver Stieber

first here's the problem..

squid keeps saying that 
FATAL: Unknown cache_dir type 'var/spool/squid' 
and then has 
Page faults with physical i/o: 197

i don't even have a clue where to start with this one.

question 1.
where can i find some documentation on hot to mount a windows share
on linux.
do i just put a the correct info in fstab dozy\\share
/mnt/dozyshare smbfs etc.

question 2:
is there a network browser/automounter that works correctly with
samba 2.0.6 and other nfs's???

thanks in advance

Re: [newbie] About to give up.

2000-06-15 Thread ~-=Mark=-~

Thanks Chris. That sounds like a plan.


Never wish for anything bigger than you can carry home in your pocket.
Disappointment is almost always guarrenteed. Especially if your pants 
don't have any pockets in them.

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Necrotica wrote:

 Yes. You can set up fetchmail to run as a cron job, which will fetch your mail
 at a specified interval (which is nice if you telnet into your machine from a
 remote location to check your mail).
 If you just want to check in when you're logged in locally under X there are
 numerous ways to do it. KDE has an applet, but I forget what its called (I use
 Gnome). Gnome has a mail check applet that you can add to your taskbar. You can
 also run gkrellm (a very nice system monitor) to fetch it for you too.
 I have mine set up as a cron job. Create a .fetchmailrc in your normal user's
 home directory that will fetch mail from all your accounts, then set up a cron
 job to run as that user at a specifed interval. I get lots of mail so my
 interval is 4 minutes. Works great...
 On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, you wrote:
  I'm curious about something. Is it possible to get fetchmail to
  automatically check your pop3 server and fetch the mail on the server when
  one boots up and Xwindows starts? I'm finding that programs like Pine and
  fetchmail are so much faster and efficient than the GUI based programs at
  taking care of most e-mail.
  Never wish for anything bigger than you can carry home in your pocket.
  Disappointment is almost always guarrenteed. Especially if your pants 
  don't have any pockets in them.
  On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Everett wrote:
   To those who helped THANKS!
   I found the problem.
   When I installed mandrake 7.0 it did not install procmail.
   I installed procmail and all is fine.
   Click here for Free Video!!
   - Original Message - 
   From: Everette [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 11:40 PM
   Subject: [newbie] About to give up.
Hello again

I'm going to try this one last time before I give up.
A few months back I bought linux-mandrake 6.1 I installed a few progams
one being qpopper mail server, It worked fine.
A few weeks ago I downloaded and installed mandrake 7.0  I did a
complete install doing away with every thing I setup in 6.1 includeing
Well it looked like every thing setup OK so I reinstalled qpopper but it
want work now in fact I tried some other mail server software and can't
get any of thm to work.
When I use telnet it logs onto the mail server fine and tells me I have
0 massages, my mail client software logs in fine but tell's me I have no
new massages this afther I have sent about 20 or 30 test mail to it.

Please if any one has any idea what's going on please let me know I am
about to give up.



RE: [newbie] 7.1 one problem, two questions.

2000-06-15 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

See below...

|-Original Message-
|From: Oliver Stieber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 6:13 AM
|Subject: [newbie] 7.1 one problem, two questions.
|first here's the problem..
|squid keeps saying that
|   FATAL: Unknown cache_dir type 'var/spool/squid'
|and then has
|   Page faults with physical i/o: 197
|i don't even have a clue where to start with this one.

Like with anything else, it really pays to read the docs first.

Squid needs to be initialized before you use it. This sets up it's directory

/usr/sbin/squid -z

will do the trick.
|question 1.
|   where can i find some documentation on hot to mount a windows share
|on linux.
|   do i just put a the correct info in fstab dozy\\share
|/mnt/dozyshare smbfs etc.

Nope you have to set up Samba first. You can do this from within Linuxconf
(start with an empty /etc/smb.conf if you choose to do it this way!) or by
directly editing /etc/smb.conf.

There is quite a lot of documentation available...

|question 2:
|   is there a network browser/automounter that works correctly with
|samba 2.0.6 and other nfs's???

Supermount (part of the distro) will handle this, but you first need to
correctly configure NFS at both ends, and/or Samba itself.


|thanks in advance

Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

2000-06-15 Thread ~-=Mark=-~

Unless I'm missunderstanding you can't display normal CD's with a CDRW
because they won't/can't read regular CD format. I'm still having a bit a
problem telling the difference between a CD writer and a CD RE-Writer.

The reason you can't eject after all this is because as far as the
hardware is concerned it's still busy and isn't going to allow and
ejection when it's still performing a task. You've asked it to access and
read files from a dir ... even though it can't it's trying and therefore
won't process the eject command.

Hope this is some help.


Never wish for anything bigger than you can carry home in your pocket.
Disappointment is almost always guarrenteed. Especially if your pants 
don't have any pockets in them.

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Jim wrote:

 I still haven't recieved any help with this and since upgrading to 7.1 it
 seems worse
 I installed MD 7.1, I have a creative cdrw 4224 and I can play music on it
 just fine under linux, however when I go to access it for files, the light
 comes on and after a few minutes I get an error message that the contents of
 the directory /mnt/cdrom can not be displayednow the weirdI can't
 eject the cd and the light stays on. If I don't completely power down the
 machine the cdrom isn't recognized by the bios on the reboot.  If I
 completely shut down the power for the recomended 15 seconds and turn it
 back on my cdrom is back in the boot list again.
 Can anyone help me with all this weirdness?
 I am running an AMD K6-3 450, 128 mb ram, on a gigabyte MB, with the Ali
 Aladdin V AGPset rev 5.
 I have had problems with the cd-rw in linux from the begining and haven't
 gotten it fixed, but it never removed it from the bios before...what gives

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0 Install problems ThinkPad 760EL

2000-06-15 Thread ~-=Mark=-~


Try this. If you've got a Windows 95 CDROM setup disk lying around copy
the entire contents to the HDD including the hidden system files. It won't
work without them. The CDROM setup floppy has CDROM drivers on it that
will load when the files are accessed and the machine boots. This will
allow your machine to boot. You may have to edit the autoexec.bat file a
bit, but I feel certain you can handle this.

Load your install disk into the CDROM drive and boot your machine. If
you've prepared correctly the machine will boot, load the CDROM drivers,
which it will promprt you for the specific kind you want to load, and
you're on your way.

If you don't have this disk you can e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I
will send you the files you need to make a CDROM setup floppy. There are a
few older laptops we have at work and that's how we have to do them to
reload them on occassion.


Never wish for anything bigger than you can carry home in your pocket.
Disappointment is almost always guarrenteed. Especially if your pants 
don't have any pockets in them.

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, R. D. McCallion wrote:

 Hi all,
 I've been trying to install Linux Mandrake 7.0 on my ThinkPad 760EL. The
 CD and floppy drives are swappable and can not both be installed at the
 same time. As a result I am unable to perform the standard CD install
 using a boot floppy. I have tried several other methods, without any
 1. HDD install
   - After partioning and xcopying all the files to the HDD, the 
 installer gives 'Error reading second stage RAM disk' and hangs.
 2. Running the autoboot.bat from DOS
   - Installer gets to 'Initializing CDROM', then hangs.
 I have tried variations on the above using different disk images for a HDD
 install (pcmcia.img and text_boot.img), in both cases the same Error
 The system is a P133 with 48 megs of RAM, a 2.1 GB IDE HDD, video 
 is a Trident TG9660 with 1 meg of memory.
 I'd sure love to get this OS up and running, any help would be greatly

RE: [newbie] 7.1 one problem, two questions.

2000-06-15 Thread Oliver Stieber

 -Original Message-
 From: Jose M. Sanchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 15 June 2000 11:56
 Subject: RE: [newbie] 7.1 one problem, two questions.
 See below...
 |-Original Message-
 |From: Oliver Stieber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 |Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 6:13 AM
 |Subject: [newbie] 7.1 one problem, two questions.
 |first here's the problem..
 |squid keeps saying that
 | FATAL: Unknown cache_dir type 'var/spool/squid'
 |and then has
 | Page faults with physical i/o: 197
 |i don't even have a clue where to start with this one.
 Like with anything else, it really pays to read the docs first.
 Squid needs to be initialized before you use it. This sets up 
 it's directory
 /usr/sbin/squid -z
 will do the trick.

i think i've done that already, yep it still causes the same problem.

 |question 1.
 | where can i find some documentation on hot to mount a 
 windows share
 |on linux.
 | do i just put a the correct info in fstab dozy\\share
 |/mnt/dozyshare smbfs etc.
 Nope you have to set up Samba first. You can do this from 
 within Linuxconf
 (start with an empty /etc/smb.conf if you choose to do it 
 this way!) or by
 directly editing /etc/smb.conf.
 There is quite a lot of documentation available...

i already have samba configured, and a load of linux shares available to the
rest of the network,
i've gone through most of the documentation ican find on samba,  and havn't
found anything that tells me how to mount windows shares, the man pages
mention this but i cant get teh example or anything like it to do anymore
that cause a shell error.

 |question 2:
 | is there a network browser/automounter that works correctly with
 |samba 2.0.6 and other nfs's???
 Supermount (part of the distro) will handle this, but you 
 first need to
 correctly configure NFS at both ends, and/or Samba itself.
ok it's more of an autobrowser i'm after, so that i don't have to setup all
the mount points i'm interested in. i want to be able to interagate the
network for all available mount points on all machines nad mount them on the

a bit like doing a smbcli -L machiname and then mounting a file from the
list without the extra reading/typing.

 |thanks in advance


Re: [newbie] please help

2000-06-15 Thread Mark Wolf

whine whine whine whine :)
- Original Message -
From: "KompuKit" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] please help

 I changed ISP's a week ago...
 the other ISP...only took about ten minutes to come back to me

 Paul wrote:
  On Mon, 29 May 2000, KompuKit wrote:
  it still doesn't work right...there is still about a 7 hour delay
  attached is an email from my ISP about the problem:
  Only 7 hours? Sometimes with me it happens that it takes more than a day
  before I get something back that I post. And I know it is not a problem
  with my ISP, that is fast enough.
  I would not worry too much
  Friendship: lying awake over someone else's problems
  )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
  Registered Linux User 174403

Registered Linux User:73821
 Kit Goins  ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designer
 (Server Runs between M-F 6pm-12am,S+S 12pm-12am EST)

[newbie] POP3 trouble under linux-mandrake 7.0

2000-06-15 Thread Everett

A few months ago I installed mandrake 6.1 and I've been playing around
with it.
I installed a pop3 server software called qpopper and it worked great.
Well I just installed mandrake 7.0 a compleate install overwrighting
Then I reinstalled qpopper but now it want work.
qpopper seems to be working I can log onto it but it just says no new
messages on server.
So I tryed a few other pop3 server software and get the thing.
Can someone please tell me what to do?


[newbie] news server

2000-06-15 Thread Morpheus233

my default i guess the news server is active, is there any way to shut it off
because i keep getting errors that it can't be access or something, i dont'
really care i just don't need it and want to disable the news server

Juvenal (Morpheus233)

[newbie] [Fwd: Extra Cds for 7.1]

2000-06-15 Thread Eunice Thompson


Does anyone have any idea what and/or where the CD's labeled 3 and 4
During the installation of 7.1 they are listed, and also using Kpackage
or RPMdrake to add additional packages they ask for one or the other CD.


Re: [newbie] Mouse Not Detected

2000-06-15 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Leobardoassuming you are logged in as a user, open
Konsole, type su -, type the root password, type mouseconfig. 
The rest is self-prompting.


"Leobardo López" wrote:
 I Need Help.
 Mandrake is Not Detecting My Mouse, What Can I Do to Configure It By Myself.
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

[newbie] Vanishing Video Memory

2000-06-15 Thread A Waters

I have just finished installing LM 7.1 on my Dell Dimension with Intel i810 
video chip.  Installation went smoothly (thank God!) but I still have a 
"minor problem".  Even though my video card has 4M of memory on it, LM 7.1 
is reporting and using just 1M.  Consequently I cannot use 1024x768 with 
anything higher than 256 colors.  How can I reclaim my memory any force LM 
7.1 to use all 4M instead of 1M?  Thanks in advance.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] happens and now it happened to me:)

2000-06-15 Thread Jeff

When you say that Xconfigure dumped you out and shut down linux did
 occur when it was probing your vid card or when setting your screen res.


It did the same thing to me.  It occured when I was setting the Resolution.
So I just shutdown and rebooted using my boot disk that I made then typed
startx.  Then I ran Drakconf and went to change the Resolution and it
started trying to hit my cdrom.  I was enstranged at first but figured I'd
pop in the mandrake inst cd and see what happened.  Well it was cool cause
it restarted the configure x where it was left off and let me finish without
crashing.  Just to let you know my card is an ATI Rage Pro Turbo (I use the
ATI Mach 64 CT"something"  AKA 3d Rage) driver for it and it works well.  I
also have a 15'' CTX generic kinda monitor that I run at 800 x 600.

[newbie] Install did not load Linuxconf (desktop icon)

2000-06-15 Thread root

Greetings, group...I have a question about the recent install that I
My PC is a TP600, 300MHz, 96MB, 6.4GB, xircom cardbus (tulip_cb)
100+56k, and Linux Mandrake 7.02.  Running pretty well, except the icon
for the Linuxconf on the desktop is dead...Can't excecute it, nor does
it show a process running when I attempt to run it (by clicking on it or
executing it by command).  I looked in the RPM list and it is loaded.  I
unloaded it and reloaded it with the CDROM, no change.  I even tried
upgrading (and restarting) from the web.

I have access to the text version, and I am pretty comfortable with it,
but I really like the graphical one.

If anyone has a suggestion (other than be happy that it works!! ;) ),
please let me know.

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration,

Steve Weltman

Re: [newbie] Madrake 7.0 configuration help

2000-06-15 Thread David Talbot

At the command line try typing:

If kudzu fails to autodetect your voodoo3 here are your relevant resources:

I too run a voodoo3, 7.0 autodetected it beautifully, 7.1 crapped all over
it. This bug was reported to cooker during beta 2, but never fixed.

-David Talbot

At 08:30 PM 6/14/00 -0600, you wrote:

Hilos. I am a newbie to Mandrake- indeed, linux as a whole. 

I need to get my second monitor working. I am running a celeron 500 with
128 mb
ram, a voodoo3 card as my main video card, and a matrox as my secondary. 

what I need is to basically be told where to find the settings and /or be told
how to set it up- I can learn from there. :) 


Re: [newbie] About to give up.

2000-06-15 Thread Michael H. Collins

My fetchmail does not need a cron job, one can set the interval for
checking in fetchmail itself.

Necrotica wrote:
 Yes. You can set up fetchmail to run as a cron job, which will fetch your mail
 at a specified interval (which is nice if you telnet into your machine from a
 remote location to check your mail).
 If you just want to check in when you're logged in locally under X there are
 numerous ways to do it. KDE has an applet, but I forget what its called (I use
 Gnome). Gnome has a mail check applet that you can add to your taskbar. You can
 also run gkrellm (a very nice system monitor) to fetch it for you too.
 I have mine set up as a cron job. Create a .fetchmailrc in your normal user's
 home directory that will fetch mail from all your accounts, then set up a cron
 job to run as that user at a specifed interval. I get lots of mail so my
 interval is 4 minutes. Works great...
 On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, you wrote:
  I'm curious about something. Is it possible to get fetchmail to
  automatically check your pop3 server and fetch the mail on the server when
  one boots up and Xwindows starts? I'm finding that programs like Pine and
  fetchmail are so much faster and efficient than the GUI based programs at
  taking care of most e-mail.
  Never wish for anything bigger than you can carry home in your pocket.
  Disappointment is almost always guarrenteed. Especially if your pants
  don't have any pockets in them.
  On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Everett wrote:
   To those who helped THANKS!
   I found the problem.
   When I installed mandrake 7.0 it did not install procmail.
   I installed procmail and all is fine.
   Click here for Free Video!!
   - Original Message -
   From: Everette [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 11:40 PM
   Subject: [newbie] About to give up.
Hello again
I'm going to try this one last time before I give up.
A few months back I bought linux-mandrake 6.1 I installed a few progams
one being qpopper mail server, It worked fine.
A few weeks ago I downloaded and installed mandrake 7.0  I did a
complete install doing away with every thing I setup in 6.1 includeing
Well it looked like every thing setup OK so I reinstalled qpopper but it
want work now in fact I tried some other mail server software and can't
get any of thm to work.
When I use telnet it logs onto the mail server fine and tells me I have
0 massages, my mail client software logs in fine but tell's me I have no
new massages this afther I have sent about 20 or 30 test mail to it.
Please if any one has any idea what's going on please let me know I am
about to give up.

Michael H. Collins
Admiral of OpenSourcery Penguinista Navy
All Things French.. Mandrake and XFCE
Fun with the Austin Linux group
Need a Real Texas Radio Fix?

Re: [newbie] Qt2 - 2.1.1 rpm

2000-06-15 Thread Fran Parker

Hi Ot,

I got mine from here...built for Mandrake.

Used the netscrappy browser.

(be sure to go down the page below the links...that's were the
files are)

Have fun, lots there,


Ot Ratsaphong wrote:

 Can anyone tell me where I can get a copy of the qt2 V2.1.1 library in rpm

 I remember seeing some discussion on this a few days ago.

 Ot  8^)

Re: [newbie] how do i install mandrake over itself?

2000-06-15 Thread Michael H. Collins

I wish I had reinstalled from scratch.  I set my box up yesterday at
5:00pm to upgrade from 7.0 to 7.1.  It is 9:00am and it is still at it. 
It is text based, and it shows 50%now.  Next time I wipe and go from
scratch.  hehe

TRBishop wrote:

Registered Linux User #79449
Michael H. Collins
Admiral of OpenSourcery Penguinista Navy
All Things French.. Mandrake and XFCE
Fun with the Austin Linux group
Need a Real Texas Radio Fix?

Re: [newbie] About to give up.

2000-06-15 Thread Necrotica

...if you run it as a daemon. I, however, don't want the overhead of YADR
(yet another daemon running).


On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Michael H. Collins wrote:

   My fetchmail does not need a cron job, one can set the interval for
 checking in fetchmail itself.
 Necrotica wrote:
  Yes. You can set up fetchmail to run as a cron job, which will fetch your mail
  at a specified interval (which is nice if you telnet into your machine from a
  remote location to check your mail).
  If you just want to check in when you're logged in locally under X there are
  numerous ways to do it. KDE has an applet, but I forget what its called (I use
  Gnome). Gnome has a mail check applet that you can add to your taskbar. You can
  also run gkrellm (a very nice system monitor) to fetch it for you too.
  I have mine set up as a cron job. Create a .fetchmailrc in your normal user's
  home directory that will fetch mail from all your accounts, then set up a cron
  job to run as that user at a specifed interval. I get lots of mail so my
  interval is 4 minutes. Works great...
  On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, you wrote:
   I'm curious about something. Is it possible to get fetchmail to
   automatically check your pop3 server and fetch the mail on the server when
   one boots up and Xwindows starts? I'm finding that programs like Pine and
   fetchmail are so much faster and efficient than the GUI based programs at
   taking care of most e-mail.
   Never wish for anything bigger than you can carry home in your pocket.
   Disappointment is almost always guarrenteed. Especially if your pants
   don't have any pockets in them.
   On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Everett wrote:
To those who helped THANKS!
I found the problem.
When I installed mandrake 7.0 it did not install procmail.
I installed procmail and all is fine.
Click here for Free Video!!
- Original Message -
From: Everette [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 11:40 PM
Subject: [newbie] About to give up.
 Hello again

 I'm going to try this one last time before I give up.
 A few months back I bought linux-mandrake 6.1 I installed a few progams
 one being qpopper mail server, It worked fine.
 A few weeks ago I downloaded and installed mandrake 7.0  I did a
 complete install doing away with every thing I setup in 6.1 includeing
 Well it looked like every thing setup OK so I reinstalled qpopper but it
 want work now in fact I tried some other mail server software and can't
 get any of thm to work.
 When I use telnet it logs onto the mail server fine and tells me I have
 0 massages, my mail client software logs in fine but tell's me I have no
 new massages this afther I have sent about 20 or 30 test mail to it.

 Please if any one has any idea what's going on please let me know I am
 about to give up.



[newbie] SAMBA

2000-06-15 Thread Pete Clapham

Hi, all --

I have, for some time, been trying to figure out how to use my Linux box to access files and printers on my NT and Warp Server 
networks.  The obvious answer is SAMBA.  As one who does not like to bother my colleagues on this list, I wanted to go to first to see how to configure SAMBA, but navigating the site is next to impossible.


1.I assume that the SAMBA Server goes on the Linux box that is trying to access NETBIOS resources.  Is this correct?
2.How do I configure the SAMBA Server so that it can access the NETBIOS resources?  I've tried various combinations of 
TCP/IP and NETBIOS names and numbers, but none seem to work.  Has anybody actually done this, so that you can either 
tell me how to do it or where to go to find out?




[newbie] Fortran Compiler

2000-06-15 Thread Pete Clapham

Hi, all --

Do any of you know where I can get a Fortran compiler for Linux?  (Yes, I know C is 
more flexible -- and Mandrake already 
includes gcc, but I need to compile some fortran programs that some others created).


Pete Clapham
Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio, 44115
Voice: [216] 687-4820
Fax: [216] 523-7200

Re: [newbie] Qt2 - 2.1.1 rpm

2000-06-15 Thread Ot Ratsaphong


Thanks for the GREAT work you are doing with the rpms. I'd like to one
contribute rpms of my own once I become familiar with the rpm documentation.

I got the Qt2 2.1.1 rpms thanks. BTW what's a good development IDE for Qt.
I'm thinking of exploring QtArchitect. any thoughts?

Ot  8^)

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Molnar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, 15 June 2000 3:27
Subject: Re: [newbie] Qt2 - 2.1.1 rpm

You can find it on any of the cooker mirrors. I updated it just after
it was released.

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, David Talbot wrote:


 At 01:30 AM 6/15/00 +1000, you wrote:
 Can anyone tell me where I can get a copy of the qt2 V2.1.1 library in
 I remember seeing some discussion on this a few days ago.
 Ot  8^)

[newbie] Lost partition/DOS formatting

2000-06-15 Thread Tom Wang

When installing LM7.1 I had it format several FAT32 partitions at the 
sametime. But one of the partitions can't be found under DOS, even though LM 
indentifies it as a DOS partition (is shown on desktop) Also, how can 
Mandrake format a partition in the DOS filesystem? Is it non-MS, even though 
it's FAT32? And will Windows98 install in a Mandrake formatted FAT32 
partition? Thanks.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

[newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ISO IMAGE

2000-06-15 Thread Chuck Zenkus I downloaded it. Everything installs correctlytill I try to open 
the drive and insert the "EXT" disc.
A No go!
Drive door will not release the disc. I an force to cancel what the "EXT" disc 
has to offer.
Any ideas?

ALSO! - Anyone know how to get a TOUCH SCREEN from "Microtouch" to work like a 
I have a PS/2 interface for the touchscreen.
Working with Windows95 and DOS.just not any form of LINUX.


[newbie] LM can't read Ext2 floppies -

2000-06-15 Thread Tom Wang

Why is it I can easily mount a FAT12 floppy no problem, but an Ext2 can't be 
read by LM 7.1? What's point of being able to format one if you can't access 
it? Except for LM bootdisks, there doesn't seem much point in formatting 
Ext2 floppies anyway, since LM reads FAT12 floppies just fine. But I'd like 
to know why.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

[newbie] ReiserFS? how?

2000-06-15 Thread Tom Wang

Anyone know how to setup the Reiser Filesystem in 7.1? The LM website says 
to use Diskdrake, but how do I start it? And do you recommed it? someone 
said it's not stable enough yet. Yet I would think it would be safer than 
Ext2 which is more susceptable to FS corruption. Thanks. 19!

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

[newbie] Automatic Email?

2000-06-15 Thread Tom Wang

Is there an email client for LM that will automatically dial out to pickup 
email at set intervals, then logoff? I have same question about FTP program 
- one like GoZilla or Filedog (Windows applications). Thanks.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] SAMBA

2000-06-15 Thread Michael R. Batchelor

Check out the man pages for smbmount and smbmnt. This pair should do
what you want.

I have, for some time, been trying to figure out how to use my Linux
box to access files and printers on my NT and Warp Server
networks.  The obvious answer is SAMBA.

RE: [newbie] SAMBA

2000-06-15 Thread Oliver Stieber

excurse the poor gwammer co

sits on a linux box (or other any othe os it has been ported to) it can access 
netbios resources on other machines and also provide resources to other 
machines. (2.0.6 dosn't seem to work with windows 2000 though, i'm just getting 
2.0.7 down to see if that fixes things).

basic configuration is fairly simple.
after installing samba
go-into drakconf.
then network config.
servertasks then samba.

help on this tool is quite good,
heres my configuration if its any help

acc mang. ACCT  passwords
Sync Linux from smb passwords checked.
serverdiscription oliverthered 
work group =brimpton (our NT workgroup)
netbios name and aliases are the same as the server 

well worth reading the help to sort this section out. 
using a pdc for nt passwords so i have server checked and a password server of 
my pdc

the access section.
i have my local subnet in allow hosts

dont want to scare nt too much so)
os level = 67
and remote anounce to the pdc.
i have 
also put in the ip for the wins server. (even though it's 

howto's describe setting up of shares quite well as does under 

can use nmblookup to serach the network and
smbclient to browse.

havn't yet worked out howto get a windows share on my linux box, (i'm wating for 
an answer to 1proble, two questions).

-Original Message-From: Pete Clapham 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 15 June 2000 
15:11To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 
SAMBAHi, all --I have, for some time, been 
trying to figure out how to use my Linux box to access files and printers on 
my NT and Warp Server networks. The obvious answer is SAMBA. As one who 
does not like to bother my colleagues on this list, I wanted to go to first to see how to configure SAMBA, but navigating the site is 
next to impossible.Questions:1. I assume that the SAMBA 
Server goes on the Linux box that is trying to access NETBIOS resources. Is 
this correct?2. How do I configure the SAMBA Server so that it can 
access the NETBIOS resources? I've tried various combinations of TCP/IP 
and NETBIOS names and numbers, but none seem to work. Has anybody actually 
done this, so that you can either tell me how to do it or where to go to 
find out?Thanks.petePete 
ClaphamDepartment of Biological, Geological, and Environmental 
SciencesCleveland State UniversityCleveland, Ohio, 44115Voice: 
687-4820Fax:[216]523-7200[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: [newbie] Install did not load Linuxconf (desktop icon)

2000-06-15 Thread Anthony Huereca

You could just type "linuxconf" in a terminal and let it pop-up for you. You
also might want to check the icon's properties (right click on it and select
properties or something like that) and make sure it's executing Linuxconf. Also
you might want to try running as root when you click on it. 

 Greetings, group...I have a question about the recent install that I
 My PC is a TP600, 300MHz, 96MB, 6.4GB, xircom cardbus (tulip_cb)
 100+56k, and Linux Mandrake 7.02.  Running pretty well, except the icon
 for the Linuxconf on the desktop is dead...Can't excecute it, nor does
 it show a process running when I attempt to run it (by clicking on it or
 executing it by command).  I looked in the RPM list and it is loaded.  I
 unloaded it and reloaded it with the CDROM, no change.  I even tried
 upgrading (and restarting) from the web.
 I have access to the text version, and I am pretty comfortable with it,
 but I really like the graphical one.
 If anyone has a suggestion (other than be happy that it works!! ;) ),
 please let me know.
 Thanks in advance for your time and consideration,
 Steve Weltman
Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Re: [newbie] Lost partition/DOS formatting

2000-06-15 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 When installing LM7.1 I had it format several FAT32 partitions at the 
 sametime. But one of the partitions can't be found under DOS, even though LM 
 indentifies it as a DOS partition (is shown on desktop) Also, how can 
 Mandrake format a partition in the DOS filesystem? Is it non-MS, even though 
 it's FAT32? And will Windows98 install in a Mandrake formatted FAT32 
 partition? Thanks.

  I've found that it's best to use the utility that goes with
the OS. IOW's, use dos fdisk for fat16/32, and linux fdisk for ext2.
I believe if you boot windoze, but stop a dos prompt (not DosMode)
and use dos' fdisk to re-do that partition, then winblows will see
~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Fortran Compiler

2000-06-15 Thread Denis HAVLIK

:~Hi, all --
:~Do any of you know where I can get a Fortran compiler for Linux?  (Yes, I know C is 
:more flexible -- and Mandrake already 
:~includes gcc, but I need to compile some fortran programs that some others created).

included with the distro (g77). If you need later version of fortran than 
fortran77, you will have to buy it, I am afraid :-(  

Dr. Denis Havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
visit our new discusion forum: 

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ISO IMAGE

2000-06-15 Thread Art Rowe

I had the same problem while trying three different times to install disk 1
and 2 of Mandrake 7.1.  I couldn't open the cd drive door and it didn't have
a hole to open in manually. The third time, I used another cd driveand
manually opned the drawer. However, all three times the installation hung up
at that point.
I managed to get a complete install by using the "text"  upgrade auto
install. I don't remember it asking for the second disk, so sometime, I'll
explore how to get some of those packages off the extension disk.


- Original Message -
From: "Chuck Zenkus" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 7:33 AM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ISO IMAGE I downloaded it. Everything installs correctlytill I try to
open the drive and insert the "EXT" disc.
 A No go!
 Drive door will not release the disc. I an force to cancel what the "EXT"
disc has to offer.
 Any ideas?

 ALSO! - Anyone know how to get a TOUCH SCREEN from "Microtouch" to work
like a mouse?
 I have a PS/2 interface for the touchscreen.
 Working with Windows95 and DOS.just not any form of LINUX.


Re: [newbie] About to give up.

2000-06-15 Thread Mark Weaver

"Michael H. Collins" wrote:
 My fetchmail does not need a cron job, one can set the interval for
 checking in fetchmail itself.

How does one accomplish this?

I love my Linux box...
 My Linux Box ROCKS!

Re: [newbie] GL Heretic...

2000-06-15 Thread lilbambi

Hi Ronald ...

did you do a find on your computer for these
files...maybe it just isn't finding them
because it doesn't know where they are.


- Original Message -
From: "Ronald J. Hall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Mandrake/Linux Newbie Mailing List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 12:13 PM
Subject: [newbie] GL Heretic...

 I'm also trying to get GL Heretic running on my
 setup (Voodoo 3 3000).

 I tried to install the RPM but get an error about needing 2 files. I
 went to RPMnet, freshmeat, and a couple of other places but could not
 find them.

 Anyone have any ideas where to get:


Re: [newbie] SAMBA

2000-06-15 Thread Michael H. Collins

It should be running on all linux/unix boxes.

Is your basic network working?  Mandrake should have set it up, all you
needed to do was put the ip numbers in.

Michael H. Collins
Admiral of OpenSourcery Penguinista Navy
All Things French.. Mandrake and XFCE
Fun with the Austin Linux group
Need a Real Texas Radio Fix?

Re: [newbie] Automatic Email?

2000-06-15 Thread laurent . duperval

On 15 Jun, Tom Wang wrote:
 Is there an email client for LM that will automatically dial out to pickup 
 email at set intervals, then logoff? I have same question about FTP program 
 - one like GoZilla or Filedog (Windows applications). Thanks.
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

fetchmail does that. Although I don't think it does the dialout part. A
little script will help.


Laurent Duperval   "Montreal winters are an intelligence test,
U|Force - Java Center and we who are here have failed it."
Phone: (514) 282-8484 ext. 228   -Doug Camilli
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Penguin Power!

[newbie] SANE

2000-06-15 Thread mc

I want to test my SCSI scanner with linux mandrake 7.1 but I'm in doubt
on what to do.
I see sane is installed via the rpm included into the iso image I used,
when reading the manual it talks about "saned" but no saned is into the
rpm package nor in the filesystem. Must I compile the SANE pachage after
installing it via rpm ?
Also the "saned" call is needed, as I understand, to be added to
inetd.conf file but, indeed, I have no saned at all.
I apologize for my misunderstanding about the question.
P.S. the scanner itself is an Acer prisa 620st which, I see, must work
whith the sanpscan backend.

   Massimo Corinaldesi

Re: [newbie] About to give up.

2000-06-15 Thread laurent . duperval

On 15 Jun, Mark Weaver wrote:
 "Michael H. Collins" wrote:
 My fetchmail does not need a cron job, one can set the interval for
 checking in fetchmail itself.
 How does one accomplish this?

fetchmail -d

fetchmail -help is also useful.


Laurent Duperval   "Montreal winters are an intelligence test,
U|Force - Java Center and we who are here have failed it."
Phone: (514) 282-8484 ext. 228   -Doug Camilli
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Penguin Power!

Re: [newbie] Mandrake v7.1 with a Voodoo 3 3000?

2000-06-15 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, you wrote:

 I've read a couple of different places so far that say v7.1 does NOT
 find Voodoo video cards correctly...
 So...being a Linux newbie, should I go ahead with the install (because
 otherwise, I've seen nothing but good reviews!), or wait for a version
 that does correctly find my video card? 
 Or is there something I can to to setup correctly even though it does
 not find my card?
 Thanks in advance! ;-)

I've been using every version of Mdk since 6.0 with a pci
Voodoo3-2000. In 7.0, and with 7.1, I tried XFree86-4 with some
problems, so I'm stick'n with the tried and true 3.3.x

   7.1 finds your V3 jus' fine.  As a matter of fact it's prob'ly
the best all-a-round card to have with Mandrake 7.x.  Go for it.

~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] About to give up.

2000-06-15 Thread Michael H. Collins

From "man fetchmail":

   The  --daemon or -d option runs fetchmail in daemon mode.  You
must specify a
   numeric argument which is a polling interval in seconds.

   In daemon mode, fetchmail puts itself in background and runs
forever,  query­
   ing each specified host and then sleeping for the given polling

   Simply invoking

  fetchmail -d 900

   will,  therefore,  poll  all  the hosts described in your
~/.fetchmailrc file
   (except those explicitly excluded with the `skip' verb)  once 
every  fifteen

   It  is possible to set a polling interval in your ~/.fetchmailrc
file by say­
   ing `set daemon interval', where interval is an integer 
number  of  sec­
   onds.   If you do this, fetchmail will always start in daemon
mode unless you
   override it with the command-line option --daemon 0 or -d0.

Mark Weaver wrote:
 "Michael H. Collins" wrote:
  My fetchmail does not need a cron job, one can set the interval for
  checking in fetchmail itself.
 How does one accomplish this?
 I love my Linux box...
  My Linux Box ROCKS!

Michael H. Collins
Admiral of OpenSourcery Penguinista Navy
All Things French.. Mandrake and XFCE
Fun with the Austin Linux group
Need a Real Texas Radio Fix?

Re: [newbie] GL Heretic...

2000-06-15 Thread flupke

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, lilbambi wrote:

  I'm also trying to get GL Heretic running on my
  setup (Voodoo 3 3000).
  I tried to install the RPM but get an error about needing 2 files. I
  went to RPMnet, freshmeat, and a couple of other places but could not
  find them.
  Anyone have any ideas where to get:
libasound is provided by alsa-lib-0.5.7
libSDL comes from SDL

both packages are on the mandrake CD.


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

2000-06-15 Thread Jim

Well Mark you are close therebut the drive performs perfectly in the
OTHER OS...reads, writesjust like it was designed to dobut the only
function it has in Linux is music...plays fine...the problem is when I put
in any of the data cd's I got when I purchased the MD 7.0 package


- Original Message -
From: "~-=Mark=-~" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

Unless I'm missunderstanding you can't display normal CD's with a CDRW
because they won't/can't read regular CD format. I'm still having a bit a
problem telling the difference between a CD writer and a CD RE-Writer.

The reason you can't eject after all this is because as far as the
hardware is concerned it's still busy and isn't going to allow and
ejection when it's still performing a task. You've asked it to access and
read files from a dir ... even though it can't it's trying and therefore
won't process the eject command.

Hope this is some help.


Never wish for anything bigger than you can carry home in your pocket.
Disappointment is almost always guarrenteed. Especially if your pants
don't have any pockets in them.

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Jim wrote:

 I still haven't recieved any help with this and since upgrading to 7.1 it
 seems worse

 I installed MD 7.1, I have a creative cdrw 4224 and I can play music on it
 just fine under linux, however when I go to access it for files, the light
 comes on and after a few minutes I get an error message that the contents
 the directory /mnt/cdrom can not be displayednow the weirdI can't
 eject the cd and the light stays on. If I don't completely power down the
 machine the cdrom isn't recognized by the bios on the reboot.  If I
 completely shut down the power for the recomended 15 seconds and turn it
 back on my cdrom is back in the boot list again.

 Can anyone help me with all this weirdness?

 I am running an AMD K6-3 450, 128 mb ram, on a gigabyte MB, with the Ali
 Aladdin V AGPset rev 5.

 I have had problems with the cd-rw in linux from the begining and haven't
 gotten it fixed, but it never removed it from the bios before...what gives


Re: [newbie] SANE

2000-06-15 Thread Michael H. Collins

Type in xscanimage and hit enter.  

Should work.

mc wrote:
 I want to test my SCSI scanner with linux mandrake 7.1 but I'm in doubt
 on what to do.
 I see sane is installed via the rpm included into the iso image I used,
 when reading the manual it talks about "saned" but no saned is into the
 rpm package nor in the filesystem. Must I compile the SANE pachage after
 installing it via rpm ?
 Also the "saned" call is needed, as I understand, to be added to
 inetd.conf file but, indeed, I have no saned at all.
 I apologize for my misunderstanding about the question.
 P.S. the scanner itself is an Acer prisa 620st which, I see, must work
 whith the sanpscan backend.
Massimo Corinaldesi

Michael H. Collins
Admiral of OpenSourcery Penguinista Navy
All Things French.. Mandrake and XFCE
Fun with the Austin Linux group
Need a Real Texas Radio Fix?

Re: [newbie] Automatic Email?

2000-06-15 Thread Michael H. Collins

Fetchmail with diald would work.  I think there is another kind of
demand dialing too.

 On 15 Jun, Tom Wang wrote:
  Is there an email client for LM that will automatically dial out to pickup
  email at set intervals, then logoff? I have same question about FTP program
  - one like GoZilla or Filedog (Windows applications). Thanks.
  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
 fetchmail does that. Although I don't think it does the dialout part. A
 little script will help.
 Laurent Duperval   "Montreal winters are an intelligence test,
 U|Force - Java Center and we who are here have failed it."
 Phone: (514) 282-8484 ext. 228   -Doug Camilli
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Penguin Power!

Michael H. Collins
Admiral of OpenSourcery Penguinista Navy
All Things French.. Mandrake and XFCE
Fun with the Austin Linux group
Need a Real Texas Radio Fix?

Re: [newbie] sendmail

2000-06-15 Thread Glyn Millington

Luc, how are you trying to collect the mail from your ISP?
Do you get any messages when you try to poll the ISP?
Are you, as your subject line suggests, using sendmail?
A little more information might be useful in tracking the

Glyn M.

On Thu, Jun 15, 2000 at 09:25:43AM -0700, thus spake Luc Marts:
 I have installed madrake a while ago everything works
 i create a account for email then i go on another pc
 and set that account up i use that account to send
 email to say a hotmail account well on the hotmail
 account i receive the email then i reply to it then i
 go back to the created account but i never receive the
 email back
 i am currently using my IP as the address
 thanks for the help everyone
 (using mandrake 7.0 full install)
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

   * "The soul is greater than the hum of its parts. "  *
   * Douglas Hoftstatder*

[newbie] automatic start of process

2000-06-15 Thread Craig Fels

Does anyone know how I can have my Mandrake 7.0 box start a process

I'm running Squid and would like squid to start when the machine boots.


Re: [newbie] ReiserFS? how?

2000-06-15 Thread Anthony Huereca

 One drawback to it is that there aren't any tools for Windows to access
 it. I used to use Ghost 6.0 to backup my Linux partitions and
 unfortunately it doesn't see the reiserFS. Explore-ext2 doesn't work
 either, obviously.

You mean you can view ext2 partitions from Windows using those programs? I had
always head it was impossible. Where can I download them at?

Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Re: [newbie] Tar and .Gz

2000-06-15 Thread spooky

 hi all:
 well I tried installing a software that has been proven by many scientists
 to work w/ a PC windows, Linux and Unix systems.  I finished unzipping them
 and untarring them and gave the command './configure and so forth' and guess
 what message i got
 my gcc and C compiler is not working (?). any suggestions would be helpful,
 I have LM 7.0 version.

I had this same problem and it took me FOREVER to find out how to fix

What I did was make sure that all the development libraries and kernel
headres were installed. They should all be on your Mandrake CD.

If you don't know what to look for, have no fear; the RPM's on the CD
have VERY descriptive names. The ones with devel- in them should be
development tools/libraries and the kernel headers should have the words
'Kernel-header' or something to this effect in their filenames.

Hope This helped!!

adam eubank

[newbie] Fvwm2 dependencies

2000-06-15 Thread Glyn Millington


I'm trying to install the latest version of fvwm2 on my system
which runs Mandrake 7.0.  One of the unsatisfied dependencies
which prevents me installing is the need for a file


I can't track this down!  Can anyone tell me which rpm I'm
looking for?


Glyn M.

   * "The soul is greater than the hum of its parts. "  *
   * Douglas Hoftstatder*

Re: [newbie] Automatic Email?

2000-06-15 Thread Monte Milanuk

You can set fetchmail up as previously noted, and then
either run it in daemon mode, where it automatically polls
your ISP every so many seconds i.e. 'fetchmail -d 300'
tells it to check every 300 seconds, or 5 minutes. 
Alternately, you can set it up to run from a cron script, I
think the advantage of this is if you want to get fancy,
you could make one script to just go ahead and poll the
ISP, and thus bring up the ISP, say maybe 2 times a day. 
Another script, could check the status of your dial-out
interface every 5 minutes, and if it is 'up', go ahead and
poll for email.  Both Netscape Messenger and kmail will do
interval mail checking.  If you have them configured to
directly check your pop account, I'm not sure if they would
bring up your dial-up link.

As far as the cron scripts, I've seen them around, and
might be able to find them again, but I haven't done them
myself yet.  I am getting to that point, though.

As far as the other diad-on-demand option, the recent
versions of pppd have a 'demand' feature that works pretty
well.  The real advantage of diald is that you can set up
filters to control how long the link stays up, what time of
day it can come up at all, what types of traffic it wil
come up for, and if using an internal network, which hosts
traffic will cause it to come up, if you want.  The
tradeoff?  It can be a PITA  to set up.

--- "Michael H. Collins" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Fetchmail with diald would work.  I think there is
 another kind of
 demand dialing too.
  On 15 Jun, Tom Wang wrote:
   Is there an email client for LM that will
 automatically dial out to pickup
   email at set intervals, then logoff? I have same
 question about FTP program
   - one like GoZilla or Filedog (Windows applications).

   Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
  fetchmail does that. Although I don't think it does the
 dialout part. A
  little script will help.
  Laurent Duperval   "Montreal winters
 are an intelligence test,
  U|Force - Java Center and we who
 are here have failed it."
  Phone: (514) 282-8484 ext. 228 
  -Doug Camilli
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Penguin Power!
 Michael H. Collins
 Admiral of OpenSourcery   Penguinista Navy
 All Things French.. Mandrake and XFCE
 Fun with the Austin Linux group
 Need a Real Texas Radio Fix?


"Here, catch!  Don't worry, it won't bite...BBPPP!!!...much snicker"

What an unsuspecting mechanic hears as he learns to never, ever, play 'Catch' with a 
bored electrician  ;)

Monte Milanuk

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

2000-06-15 Thread Mark Weaver

Jim wrote:
 Well Mark you are close therebut the drive performs perfectly in the
 OTHER OS...reads, writesjust like it was designed to dobut the only
 function it has in Linux is music...plays fine...the problem is when I put
 in any of the data cd's I got when I purchased the MD 7.0 package
 - Original Message -
 From: "~-=Mark=-~" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 6:54 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner
 Unless I'm missunderstanding you can't display normal CD's with a CDRW
 because they won't/can't read regular CD format. I'm still having a bit a
 problem telling the difference between a CD writer and a CD RE-Writer.
 The reason you can't eject after all this is because as far as the
 hardware is concerned it's still busy and isn't going to allow and
 ejection when it's still performing a task. You've asked it to access and
 read files from a dir ... even though it can't it's trying and therefore
 won't process the eject command.
 Hope this is some help.
 Never wish for anything bigger than you can carry home in your pocket.
 Disappointment is almost always guarrenteed. Especially if your pants
 don't have any pockets in them.
 On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Jim wrote:
  I still haven't recieved any help with this and since upgrading to 7.1 it
  seems worse
  I installed MD 7.1, I have a creative cdrw 4224 and I can play music on it
  just fine under linux, however when I go to access it for files, the light
  comes on and after a few minutes I get an error message that the contents
  the directory /mnt/cdrom can not be displayednow the weirdI can't
  eject the cd and the light stays on. If I don't completely power down the
  machine the cdrom isn't recognized by the bios on the reboot.  If I
  completely shut down the power for the recomended 15 seconds and turn it
  back on my cdrom is back in the boot list again.
  Can anyone help me with all this weirdness?
  I am running an AMD K6-3 450, 128 mb ram, on a gigabyte MB, with the Ali
  Aladdin V AGPset rev 5.
  I have had problems with the cd-rw in linux from the begining and haven't
  gotten it fixed, but it never removed it from the bios before...what gives

If it's a RE-writable CDROM then you won't be able to read normal data
CD's in it. That's my understanding. Only CD's that have been written
using that peice of hardware can be read in it. 

regular data CD's format = ISO9660


I love my Linux box...
 My Linux Box ROCKS!

Re: [newbie] ReiserFS? how?

2000-06-15 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, you wrote:
  One drawback to it is that there aren't any tools for Windows to access
  it. I used to use Ghost 6.0 to backup my Linux partitions and
  unfortunately it doesn't see the reiserFS. Explore-ext2 doesn't work
  either, obviously.
 You mean you can view ext2 partitions from Windows using those programs? I had
 always head it was impossible. Where can I download them at?
~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] automatic start of process

2000-06-15 Thread flupke

You can add your commands in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.
This script i executed at the end of the boot process.

Or you can see if it is the services proposed by the "setup" program.

You could also see if there is a way to include its starting/stopping in
the runlevels with tksysv.


On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Craig Fels wrote:

 Does anyone know how I can have my Mandrake 7.0 box start a process
 I'm running Squid and would like squid to start when the machine boots.

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Fvwm2 dependencies

2000-06-15 Thread flupke

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Glyn Millington wrote:

 I'm trying to install the latest version of fvwm2 on my system
 which runs Mandrake 7.0.  One of the unsatisfied dependencies
 which prevents me installing is the need for a file
 I can't track this down!  Can anyone tell me which rpm I'm
 looking for?
You can find this by yourself. Mount your mandrake cdrom and type :
   for i in /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS/*.rpm ; do
   rpm -qpl $i |grep -q '/usr/sbin/install-menu'  echo $i

and it should tell you which package you have to install.

For more info , man bash and man rpm

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] GL Heretic...

2000-06-15 Thread David Talbot

SDL 1.0.something comes on 7.0, to play GL Heretic it want's you to have 1.1.*.

I can't remember what version of alsa it wants, but you can play it without

-david talbot

At 08:40 PM 6/15/00 +0200, you wrote:
On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, lilbambi wrote:

  I'm also trying to get GL Heretic running on my
  setup (Voodoo 3 3000).
  I tried to install the RPM but get an error about needing 2 files. I
  went to RPMnet, freshmeat, and a couple of other places but could not
  find them.
  Anyone have any ideas where to get:
libasound is provided by alsa-lib-0.5.7
libSDL comes from SDL

both packages are on the mandrake CD.


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Tar and .Gz

2000-06-15 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, spooky wrote:
  hi all:
  well I tried installing a software that has been proven by many scientists
  to work w/ a PC windows, Linux and Unix systems.  I finished unzipping them
  and untarring them and gave the command './configure and so forth' and guess
  what message i got
  my gcc and C compiler is not working (?). any suggestions would be helpful,
  I have LM 7.0 version.
 I had this same problem and it took me FOREVER to find out how to fix
 What I did was make sure that all the development libraries and kernel
 headres were installed. They should all be on your Mandrake CD.
 If you don't know what to look for, have no fear; the RPM's on the CD
 have VERY descriptive names.

 RPMS dir on the CD 'rpm -qpil *.rpm  'whater dir you want
  the txt file in /RPMS.txt

example:'cd' to the /RPMS dir on the CD  then (I) type
  'rpm -qpil *.rpm  /home/tom/RPMS.txt '

  *caution*  this will create a 5 to 7 mb .txt file (takes a minute
or 2), but it will include all the info and more that you see in
Kpackage for every rpm on the CD.   and you can use a txt
editor to search ;)   It will tho, show every one of 'em uninstalled
... 'cause they're RO on the CD ;)

 The ones with devel- in them should be
 development tools/libraries and the kernel headers should have the words
 'Kernel-header' or something to this effect in their filenames.
at MOU,

  " Here comes a list of developement libraries which are most
often used and should be installed on every workstation: " 

  gives a list of all the packages you'll ever need to compile
   99.9% of everything including kernels   These packages are
 included in every Mdk version's CD's, ie, they _are_ on your CD

  I depend on always choosing the 'development' option during
  install. you'll get all the above and more  ;-)

~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

2000-06-15 Thread Jim

it reads everything fine in windoze.  I am not attempting to read cdrw disks
in Linux I am attempting to read professionally produced cdroms produced by
ManDrake Linux that were provided by them in my 7.0 release...the Creative
cdrw 4224 is a machine that is supposed to (and does in windoze) act as a
normal cdrom as well as a cd isn't the is the OS
and the way it is attempting to address the hardware.

it has improved in release 7.1 , in 7.0 it wouldn't even attempt to look at at least it accesses it but doesn't read and in fact locks up the now when I am working in linux I put in another drive so I can
access those disks, I re-install (physically) the burner when I need to burn
cd's in windozenow since the cdrom/cdburner works perfectly in windoze I
am assuming there isn't a problem with the hardware.


If it's a RE-writable CDROM then you won't be able to read normal data
CD's in it. That's my understanding. Only CD's that have been written
using that peice of hardware can be read in it.

regular data CD's format = ISO9660


I love my Linux box...
 My Linux Box ROCKS!

Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

2000-06-15 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, you wrote:

...the Creative
 cdrw 4224 is a machine that is supposed to (and does in windoze) act as a
 normal cdrom as well as a cd isn't the is the OS
 and the way it is attempting to address the hardware.

   you might be better served if you also wondered:

 ' it isn't the is the equipment
  and the way it is attempting to address the OS. '

   ??  (I suspect bios/motherboard/etc is in this mix too)

   BTW,  how good is Creative at providing Linux developers with 
spec's for all the hardware they re-badge ??   or encouraging the
manufacturer that really made that CD-RW to do the same  ?
~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] sendmail

2000-06-15 Thread Luc Marts

I aint retreiving from my isp at all i am trying to
use my own server 
here goes again
i set up server (i will call it myserver) and i have
one windows workstation
well i set up myserver with madrake 7 i created a
account called viperws then i went onto the
workstation and using netscape i set up the account
user name viperws pop3 server incomming i used
myserver's ip addy for outgoing server i used
myserver's ip addy so my email was
[EMAIL PROTECTED] well i sent a email to my yahoo
email addy then i went on my yahoo email adn checked
and i received the email so i replied to it then i
went back on my workstation and checked my server's
account no emails i checked for several days amd never
reveived it so my outgoing server works but incomming
does not.

--- Glyn Millington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Luc, how are you trying to collect the mail from
 your ISP?
 Do you get any messages when you try to poll the
 Are you, as your subject line suggests, using
 A little more information might be useful in
 tracking the
 Glyn M.
 On Thu, Jun 15, 2000 at 09:25:43AM -0700, thus spake
 Luc Marts:
  I have installed madrake a while ago everything
  i create a account for email then i go on another
  and set that account up i use that account to send
  email to say a hotmail account well on the hotmail
  account i receive the email then i reply to it
 then i
  go back to the created account but i never receive
  email back
  i am currently using my IP as the address
  thanks for the help everyone
  (using mandrake 7.0 full install)
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

* "The soul is greater than the hum of its
 parts. "  *
* Douglas Hoftstatder


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

[newbie] Screen saver

2000-06-15 Thread Darryl Gibson

Hello list,

How do I permit my users to change their screen saver settings in KDE? I
don't know which file grants these permissions?
Darryl Gibson
Linux Neophyte (tm)

Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

2000-06-15 Thread Jim

Most interesting part of the whole mix...I used the Creative cdrw 4224 to
both burn and install the OS...LOL

as far as the other hardware I am running an AMD K6-3 450 on a Gigabyte
GA-5AX mainboard...Ali Aladdin Bios with the most recent update provided by
Gigabyte with 128 megs of ram...Nvidia TNT2 video card and everything
performs well except the Creative cdrw 4224 zip drive is ok as
well as both hard drivessure would like to get this little problem
worked thruI am getting tired of manually changing cd drives to access a
cdrom in linux

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Brinkman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, you wrote:

...the Creative
 cdrw 4224 is a machine that is supposed to (and does in windoze) act as a
 normal cdrom as well as a cd isn't the is the
 and the way it is attempting to address the hardware.

   you might be better served if you also wondered:

 ' it isn't the is the equipment
  and the way it is attempting to address the OS. '

   ??  (I suspect bios/motherboard/etc is in this mix too)

   BTW,  how good is Creative at providing Linux developers with
spec's for all the hardware they re-badge ??   or encouraging the
manufacturer that really made that CD-RW to do the same  ?
~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

2000-06-15 Thread Charles A Edwards

Is your 4224 shown in the device listings as a CDRW?
I am guessing that , if your Zip is like mine, that you had to set it as
Master and your CDRW is set as slave. Just to humor someone you don't know,
and since you have tried everything else that you can think of, dissconnect
your Zip drive and set the CDRW as Master then boot back into Linux and I
bet the drive will work properly.
I have a Creative 8432CDRW and it works well in Linux but I can set it
is master because the Zip drive on this system is USB.
Between motherboard, BIOS, and OSs you sometimes have to play around
with the settings and hook-ups for the hardware to be seen and used as what
it is.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

 Most interesting part of the whole mix...I used the Creative cdrw 4224 to
 both burn and install the OS...LOL

 as far as the other hardware I am running an AMD K6-3 450 on a Gigabyte
 GA-5AX mainboard...Ali Aladdin Bios with the most recent update provided
 Gigabyte with 128 megs of ram...Nvidia TNT2 video card and everything
 performs well except the Creative cdrw 4224 zip drive is ok as
 well as both hard drivessure would like to get this little problem
 worked thruI am getting tired of manually changing cd drives to access
 cdrom in linux

 - Original Message -
 From: "Tom Brinkman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 5:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

 On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, you wrote:

 ...the Creative
  cdrw 4224 is a machine that is supposed to (and does in windoze) act as
  normal cdrom as well as a cd isn't the is the
  and the way it is attempting to address the hardware.

you might be better served if you also wondered:

  ' it isn't the is the equipment
   and the way it is attempting to address the OS. '

??  (I suspect bios/motherboard/etc is in this mix too)

BTW,  how good is Creative at providing Linux developers with
 spec's for all the hardware they re-badge ??   or encouraging the
 manufacturer that really made that CD-RW to do the same  ?
 ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

2000-06-15 Thread Jim

Hi Charles,

Actually the Creative CDRW is set as master and always has
been.hmmm...wonder if I make it a slave?  might force the system to
re-install and re-evaluate what the heck it's dealing with?

I dunnoI am totally lost on this one...I have sent 3 requests to
Mandrakes support, and asked on the expert list.  Still no feasable repair
for the problemlots of suggestions tho and for those I am
gratefulsomeone just may hit on the magical solution

think I should try swapping it to being a slave and see what it says?


Is your 4224 shown in the device listings as a CDRW?
I am guessing that , if your Zip is like mine, that you had to set it as
Master and your CDRW is set as slave. Just to humor someone you don't know,
and since you have tried everything else that you can think of, dissconnect
your Zip drive and set the CDRW as Master then boot back into Linux and I
bet the drive will work properly.
I have a Creative 8432CDRW and it works well in Linux but I can set it
is master because the Zip drive on this system is USB.
Between motherboard, BIOS, and OSs you sometimes have to play around
with the settings and hook-ups for the hardware to be seen and used as what
it is.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

 Most interesting part of the whole mix...I used the Creative cdrw 4224 to
 both burn and install the OS...LOL

 as far as the other hardware I am running an AMD K6-3 450 on a Gigabyte
 GA-5AX mainboard...Ali Aladdin Bios with the most recent update provided
 Gigabyte with 128 megs of ram...Nvidia TNT2 video card and everything
 performs well except the Creative cdrw 4224 zip drive is ok as
 well as both hard drivessure would like to get this little problem
 worked thruI am getting tired of manually changing cd drives to access
 cdrom in linux

 - Original Message -
 From: "Tom Brinkman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 5:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

 On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, you wrote:

 ...the Creative
  cdrw 4224 is a machine that is supposed to (and does in windoze) act as
  normal cdrom as well as a cd isn't the is the
  and the way it is attempting to address the hardware.

you might be better served if you also wondered:

  ' it isn't the is the equipment
   and the way it is attempting to address the OS. '

??  (I suspect bios/motherboard/etc is in this mix too)

BTW,  how good is Creative at providing Linux developers with
 spec's for all the hardware they re-badge ??   or encouraging the
 manufacturer that really made that CD-RW to do the same  ?
 ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ISO IMAGE

2000-06-15 Thread Eunice Thompson

I had this problem only when installing on my laptop-couldn't get the
darn drive to open!!
When I upgraded to 7.1 final from the beta versions I basically just
walked away after indicating which additional packages i wanted, because
it took so long for the package installatiion to initialize. I was
surprised when I came back to it that it had asked for the 2nd CD and
the drive was already open, just waiting.
Maybe we have to let the 'install' open the drive? No intervention on
our part, just wait and see if the drive pops out. That's what happened
to me.


Re: [newbie] GL Heretic...

2000-06-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall

lilbambi wrote:
 Hi Ronald ...
 did you do a find on your computer for these
 files...maybe it just isn't finding them
 because it doesn't know where they are.

Hi. Just tried that, and it could not find them, so... ;-)

Thanks for the excellant suggestion though! ;-)

Re: [newbie] GL Heretic...

2000-06-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall

flupke wrote:

 libasound is provided by alsa-lib-0.5.7
 libSDL comes from SDL
 both packages are on the mandrake CD.
  There's no place like ~ ! 

Okay, thanks. I'll look for them under those
names (thats what confused me!) ;-)

Re: [newbie] GL Heretic...

2000-06-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall

David Talbot wrote:
 SDL 1.0.something comes on 7.0, to play GL Heretic it want's you to have 1.1.*.
 I can't remember what version of alsa it wants, but you can play it without
 -david talbot

Thanks for the info, I'll go there! ;-)

Re: [newbie] GL Heretic...

2000-06-15 Thread Fran Parker

Thanks Ronald,

I have run into that before where something was there but
not where the program was looking for them.

Sorry it wasn't that simple.


"Ronald J. Hall" wrote:

 lilbambi wrote:
  Hi Ronald ...
  did you do a find on your computer for these
  files...maybe it just isn't finding them
  because it doesn't know where they are.

 Hi. Just tried that, and it could not find them, so... ;-)

 Thanks for the excellant suggestion though! ;-)

[newbie] 7.1 install problem

2000-06-15 Thread richard waters

I have a problem with the install of 7.1

I downloaded and burned the 2 disks.  I created the cdrom.img bootdisk on  a

During boot up if I tried to use my scsi CD-Rom drive with the install CD, the
install failed with a warning that the CD rom could not be initialized.  Also
the scan of the SCSI controllers failed for the parallel port zip drive.

When I rebooted and put the install CD in my IDE CD-RW the install worked fine.
Rather than upgrade from 7.0 I did a full install (including reformatting my

CDrecord (scanbus) shows the two CD drives. XCDRoast finds them (it shows the
IDE drive under the scsi devices and the IDE devices.  I assume this is due to
scsi emulation.)  However when I click on the icons on the KDE desktop for CDrom
or CDrom2, I get KFM errors.

I tried ls and got the following:
ls -l /dev/cdrom2
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root4 Jun 10 17:28 /dev/cdrom2 - scd0
ls -l /dev/cdrom
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root4 Jun 10 17:28 /dev/cdrom - scd0

I think the install got confused by the two drives and did some bad linking.

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.

[newbie] Install problem with Mandrake 7.1

2000-06-15 Thread Tim Schmidt


Just installed 7.1 on dual boot 2 hard drive system.  I am getting the
following message after the reboot: Stage 1 Hard Disk Error.

Any suggestions?


[newbie] NT and Linux

2000-06-15 Thread Fred Hamilton

How can I have Linux and NT 4.0 Server on the same machine and have Linux 
show up on the NT start menu instead of using the Linux boot manager? Can 
it be done? I am getting ready to do a clean install of both operating 


[newbie] Applications Disc 2

2000-06-15 Thread Victor Richardson

I downloaded and burned both 7.1 ISO images, but during the install it
asks for the first applocations disk, then the extensions, and finally a
second applications disk. Unfortunately, there isn't one(I think). When
it asks should I re-insert the first disk?

The install finished without the second applications disk, but now I am
wondering what exactly I am missing as a result.

Any suggestions?


Re: [newbie] 7.1, Win2000 and VIA Chip Set

2000-06-15 Thread Charles A Edwards

- Original Message -
From: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 7:59 PM
Subject: [newbie] 7.1, Win2000 and VIA Chip Set

Hi to All
I have been running Mandrake, first 7.0 and now 7.1, quite happily on a
 modified Quantex 450 PII.
Since there have been recent post from users having problems with 7.0
 Win2000, and also post regarding  VIA chip sets I decided to install 7.1
 my second home system which contains both.

I built the system myself and the specs. for it are:
Processor..Althon 650MHz
Motherboard.FIC SD11 / VIA 686A chip
Memory192MB (3 64MB 168pin DIMMs)
VideoCreative Blaster NVIDIA TNT/ 16MB
Sound...Creative SBLive Value
CD-ROM.Creative Blaster 48x
Removable ...NEC 100MB ZIP drive
Hard Drives..2-12.5 IBM Deskstar UDMA66 7200rpm
Monitor19in ADI MicroScan 6P

I had installed on the system Win98 and Win2000, both on the first hd
 I was using the Win2000 bootloader.
To install Mandrake 7.1 I chose the Automated mode. There were several
 reasons for this. It's easy, all my recognised hardware would be auto
 configured / mounted, I wanted Grub to auto install, and if  I used
 mode and had to choose pkgs. I would not know what even half of them were.
I let the installation auto-allocate and use all  the 2nd hd the
 remainder of the installation process was as smooth as silk and took about
 35 min.The process completed and the system was ready to be restarted. One
 moment of truth had arrived. Would Grub and the Win2000 bootloader be able
 to co-exist?
With a click of the OK button Linux shuts down and the system reboots.
 The Welcome to Grub interface appears and I am offered 4 boot options;
 1) linux
 2) safe mode
 3) windows
 4) floppy
 I let linux remain the default OS and it loads cleanly, OKs all down the
 line. The KDE login screen appears and I do so. And again with  Mandrake I
 am tickled pink, everything from the the amount of system RAM to the
 smallest partition on my hd has been configured/mounted and with a click
 the mouse are ready for use.
I logout and choose re-start and watch to see if the VIA 686A chip
 any shutdown problem. Everything unmounts as it should all in their own
 order. Restarting and shuting down several times I experience only clean
 mounts and unmounts.
When the Grub screen next apears I choose to boot windows. The Win2000
 bootloader appears offering me the choice of Win2000 or Win98. I choose
 Win2000 and it to boots as it should.
Two conclusion which before I thought to be true, I now hold to be
 1) Problems with Mandrake/linux and VIA chips do not occur with the 686A
 2) Any problem Mandrake 7.0 and Win2000 have is caused by Lilo. Win2000's
 MBR/bootloader is a different animal than that of Win98 or WinNT and when
 Lilo is installed instead of replacing or overwriting the MBR, Lilo causes
 it to become corrupted and Win2000 to be inaccessable. This problem does
 exist in 7.1 when Grub is used as the bootloader.
 For someone who is not asking a question or giving an answer, I agree
 that this is a long email, but if you will bear with me, I need to stand
 the soap box for just a momment.
I am a [newbie] and I will always be a [newbie]. There will always be
 much more that I do not know or understand about Linux than I will ever
 the time to learn. When I run an installation and it offers choices for
 Custom and Expert with a disclaimer that unless I really know what I am
 doing or really am an expert I should not install in this mode. I believe
 it. If more people would only select the Recomended (in 7.0} or Automated
 {in 7.1} installation method  there would fewer people needing to post
 problems to this list and many more people like me. A very happy Linux
 Mandrake user.
Thanks for letting me take up your time.


  :-):-):-):-):-):-) I'm all smiles

Re: [newbie] Applications Disc 2

2000-06-15 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Victorthere's a place earlier in the installatin where you
were supposed to tell the installation just which CD's you
have and don't have.  Nobody has applications CD's 1 or 2 yet
because thay are part of the boxed set and the boxed sets are
not available yet.


Victor Richardson wrote:
 I downloaded and burned both 7.1 ISO images, but during the install it
 asks for the first applocations disk, then the extensions, and finally a
 second applications disk. Unfortunately, there isn't one(I think). When
 it asks should I re-insert the first disk?
 The install finished without the second applications disk, but now I am
 wondering what exactly I am missing as a result.
 Any suggestions?

[newbie] Trouble booting 7.0 from 2nd drive with System Commander

2000-06-15 Thread Wendell Gragg

Apparently I have done something wrong here.  In used System Commander 2000
to partition my 2nd Hard drive as follows:

1st partition:  /boot100 MB
2nd Partition /10 GB
3rd partion:  swap128 MB

I then installed linux mandrake using Drakx.  When it asked me about Lilo, I
told it to put it in the /boot.  It did not ask me about whether to place it
in the MBR or not.  Everything seemed to go ok, but when I rebooted and
System Commander came up, I interrupted it and added linux, telling it to
boot from the first partition.  When I tried to boot from it, System
Commander told me that the boot record was bad and would not boot it.

Can someone give me an idea as to what I may have done wrong?

Wendell Gragg

[newbie] Sorry!

2000-06-15 Thread Wendell Gragg

Sorry everyone.  The message I just sent about not being able to boot with
System Commander was in HTML format.  I had recently replaced the hard drive
and did a complete reinstall and forgot to change the setting.  It's
corrected now.


Re: [newbie] Applications Disc 2

2000-06-15 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 I downloaded and burned both 7.1 ISO images, but during the install it
 asks for the first applocations disk, then the extensions, and finally a
 second applications disk. Unfortunately, there isn't one(I think). When
 it asks should I re-insert the first disk?
 The install finished without the second applications disk, but now I am
 wondering what exactly I am missing as a result.
 Any suggestions?

This same item has been a constant question on the 'cooker'
mailing list. If you only have one CD, you have all of 7.1, minus
some 'extra' stuff (see rpm list below my sig).  Many report that
install asks for a 3rd CD ??  I've yet to see a definitive answer
on this one, but here's my experience.

I installed 7.1, 2 days ago from (2) CD's ($6.85 +
shipping).  I chose 'expert' (to try XF-4 yet again ;) and
'development' (so everything for compiling would be there).  I
also opted for the 'whole enchilada' (2.6 gigs).

   Install took ~20 mins on the 1st CD, another 15 or so on the 2nd
and then asked me for a 3rd.  I was sort'a ready for this from
lurking on 'cooker', so I just left the 2nd CD in and clicked OK.
Then the install said 'it couldn't find files, did I want to go
online to get them? ' (or somethin like that)  I said OK, and it
asked me to choose a mirror from the list.  I did and install said
it was going to d/l 26 mb.  I only have a 28,8 connection, but I
said what'a heck.. OK. It started to d/l Nutscrape 4.73 128 bit
version... Communicator (yuck !!)  IMNSHO, the only way Nutscrape
has a chance of working worth a damn is to NOT use it for mail/news
(ie, NO communicator, just install navigator  common)

   4.73 'regular' NS is on the CD's and I surely didn't want
Communicator, so I aborted the d/l.  I suspect it was also going
for 'common-128' and some other 'crypto' stuff that isn't legal
to distribute globally.  Install didn't even burp, just went on to

   7.1 works just fine with out the '3rd CD ' stuff, most everybody
won't miss the 2nd CD either.

~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

2nd CD   'ext' iso   

[newbie] upgrading

2000-06-15 Thread KompuKit

Hey, if you have version 7.0 (first version)
and you want to upgrade to version 7.02

what would be the best way...and not lose anything...
   Registered Linux User:73821
Kit Goins  ICQ# 7110071
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Lowell, Mass.
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M-F 6pm-12am,S+S 12pm-12am EST)

[newbie] Simplicity? Interactive example

2000-06-15 Thread michael

Hi all. 
I have read nhf's and downloaded files. both rpms and tarballs.
However, I have reinstalled 7.02 several times, and have lost ssome.
So here's what's up. 

I didn't get a copy of doom or quake on my 3 cd linux complete 7.0 os. I would
like to be able to experience either/both of them with as little pain as

Can someone provide a minimal set of instructions for obtaining, installing and
configuring ither of these on an AMD k62 500 128 mb sb live value diamond
stealth 3 s55o?

I'm not an idiot (though like paul some parts are missing...) but am a definite


Re: [newbie] partition magic

2000-06-15 Thread GAPrichard

Low level formatting is virtually never needed.  A  (Windows) format /u , 
yes.  Why were you advised to low level your HDD?  -Gary-

Re: [newbie] Applications Disc 2

2000-06-15 Thread Charles A Edwards

I think the other CDs that the install ask for are those that will be
included with the 7.1 PowerPack. I installed in automated mode and when disk
2 finished it asked if I had disk 3 and 4.


- Original Message -
From: "Tom Brinkman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Applications Disc 2

 On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, you wrote:
  I downloaded and burned both 7.1 ISO images, but during the install it
  asks for the first applocations disk, then the extensions, and finally a
  second applications disk. Unfortunately, there isn't one(I think). When
  it asks should I re-insert the first disk?
  The install finished without the second applications disk, but now I am
  wondering what exactly I am missing as a result.
  Any suggestions?

 This same item has been a constant question on the 'cooker'
 mailing list. If you only have one CD, you have all of 7.1, minus
 some 'extra' stuff (see rpm list below my sig).  Many report that
 install asks for a 3rd CD ??  I've yet to see a definitive answer
 on this one, but here's my experience.

 I installed 7.1, 2 days ago from (2) CD's ($6.85 +
 shipping).  I chose 'expert' (to try XF-4 yet again ;) and
 'development' (so everything for compiling would be there).  I
 also opted for the 'whole enchilada' (2.6 gigs).

Install took ~20 mins on the 1st CD, another 15 or so on the 2nd
 and then asked me for a 3rd.  I was sort'a ready for this from
 lurking on 'cooker', so I just left the 2nd CD in and clicked OK.
 Then the install said 'it couldn't find files, did I want to go
 online to get them? ' (or somethin like that)  I said OK, and it
 asked me to choose a mirror from the list.  I did and install said
 it was going to d/l 26 mb.  I only have a 28,8 connection, but I
 said what'a heck.. OK. It started to d/l Nutscrape 4.73 128 bit
 version... Communicator (yuck !!)  IMNSHO, the only way Nutscrape
 has a chance of working worth a damn is to NOT use it for mail/news
 (ie, NO communicator, just install navigator  common)

4.73 'regular' NS is on the CD's and I surely didn't want
 Communicator, so I aborted the d/l.  I suspect it was also going
 for 'common-128' and some other 'crypto' stuff that isn't legal
 to distribute globally.  Install didn't even burp, just went on to

7.1 works just fine with out the '3rd CD ' stuff, most everybody
 won't miss the 2nd CD either.

 ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 2nd CD   'ext' iso