Re: [newbie-it] A chi utilizza MDK 8 : chiederei un piccolo piacere

2001-06-29 Thread pacmo

Se si utilizzano prodotti sco e come nel mio caso sviluppo per alcune
aziende software in cobol non ho la compatibilità e quindi non riesco ad
utilizzarli. Con questo modulo che ora è sparito non avevo alcun problema.
Ciao e grazie
Pier Antonio
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] A chi utilizza MDK 8 : chiederei un piccolo piacere

 Questo modulo non esiste nella versione di MDK 8.0, posso sapere a cosa
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 3:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie-it] A chi utilizza MDK 8 : chiederei un piccolo

  Il 11:47, mercoledì 27 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
   Chiederei quindi un piacere a chi utilizza MDK 8 ovvero di controllare
   esiste questo modulo.
   Per farlo non dovreste fare altro che dare il seguente comando :
   insmod iBCS
  [root@kishas marco]# insmod iBCS insmod: iBCS: no module by that name
  [root@kishas marco]#
  Mi dispiace
  Un saluto

[newbie-it] Modem non funzionante

2001-06-29 Thread Davide Giacomazzi

Ciao a tutti e viva linux.

Il mio unico problema, con Mandrake 7.2, è che non riesco a configurare la
connessione Internet con un modem chippato Rockwell installato su COM1.
La configurazione non trova il modem su nessuna porta; devo fare qualcosa di
particolare ?

[newbie-it] Esportare impostazioni

2001-06-29 Thread Corrado

Ciao! Vorrei esportare le impostazioni di Netscape (impostazioni posta,
bookmarks, addresbook) da un utente a un altro; ho incontrarto alcune
difficoltà; cosa dovrei fare, esattamente?


[newbie] Eject Cdrom

2001-06-29 Thread Adams, Jamie


If i put a cdrom in the drive that the computer can read from, ie a
scratched or dirty disk, the computer just keeps trying to read and will
not let me take the cd out of the drive. I cant unmount it or eject it
using the 'eject' command. Any other way to get the bugger out?

Also, why would the computer suddenly stop automounting floppy's and
cdroms? I have the autofs service started on bootup.

Cheers me dears..

-- Jamie

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[newbie] Mozilla spell checker

2001-06-29 Thread Francois Swanepoel


I have just downloaded Mandrake Freq 20010619 and installed mozilla
0.9.1 from these CD's. (Uninstalled 0.8.x first)
Now the spell checker in message composition is missing. 
I messed around with aspell/pspell to try and get spelling to work in
Evolution, so if mozilla uses that the spelling might not work.
If it doesn't use pspell where is the spell checker?


Re: [newbie] Linux Gaming

2001-06-29 Thread n6tadam

Hi Jamie,

No!! We are not fed of you. Afterall, isn't a mailinglist here for you to
ask questions??

To answer your problem, what colour depth are you running Tuxracer from??
Here at school, (I have finished my A-levels and have some spare time :-)) I
am having to run tuxracer in 16bit, because 8bit colour produced the
symptoms you have already described.

Let me know how you get on,

Thomas Adam

- Original Message -
From: Adams, Jamie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 4:06 PM
Subject: [newbie] Linux Gaming


 You guys must be sick of getting mails from me by now :)

 When i attempt to play Tuxracer or GLTron, the display dosnt render on
 my screen properly, the display splits into three/four vertical bars,
 each displaying the same portion of the screen (left hand side i think).

 Could anyone shed any light on this? Im running in a resolution of
 800x600 (i cant go any higher than this on my lappy) on an S3 Virge MX,
 which only has 2 meg of memory on board, but i could play half-life on
 it when i had windows.

 -- Jamie

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Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-29 Thread Tim Holmes

As far as market share goes, I think you'd have to take FreeBSD out of that list.

FreeBSD is the ISP UNIX.  It's a downsized UNIX, but still a step above Linux.  I 
know of anybody personally that's using FreeBSD as a desktop/workstation (Meanwhile I 
have a FreeBSD server at home.) and I've heard of only a few that really do.  I've 
seen a boxed set of FreeBSD in any store, and I don't spend much time at the webpage 
to see
if they even sell the CDs for the OS.  But as a server it's amazing.  Daily security
reports, I love it's use of the /usr/ports making new software installs very nice and 

As it's starting to look more and more, Macs are for the fanatical.  For those that 
always been HUGE Mac fans.  I don't see people who are about to purchase their first
machine looking at Macs.  It's the people who have always had them, and insist on them.
Even with the introduction of the pretty iMac, I still didn't know of people that were
saying, I'll switch to a Mac, or I don't have a computer so I'll buy a Mac.  

But there are those hordes of Mac uses out there that give Apple a chunk of the market

There's BeOS, but it gets no publicity, it's pretty, but most people argue over it's
functionality and/or where to get software for it.  I don't know of any games that can 
installed on it, but the same thing was true before I dove into Linux.  They may have
something like our or they may not.  I've really only seen it 
once, and that was 2 years ago.

Currently Linux appears to be the only other fighter in the OS battle.  And even more 
so as
of late since Micro$HAFT has been giving it all this free publicity for Linux with it's
press conferences about Linux and OpenSource.  But people don't know enough about 
Linux so
they are then curious and check it out.  Thus far I've known/heard of 3 people who 
all the bad media attention M$ is giving Linux, have switched over to Linux.  Two of
which have already gotten rid of Windows all together, the 3rd still has a dual boot

But I honestly think Microsoft will still be split up, or some drastic things will be 
to it once the next trial come to pass.

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

 8:06AM  up 8 days, 21:59, 11 users, load averages: 0.03, 0.02, 0.00

| There seems to be a lot of talk about Windows (even before the
| Appeals Court decision) being a competitor of / annoyance to
| the Linux OS  
| I'm wondering about FreeBSD    or MAC OS X   any
| potential competition there? ... any way to combat the OS
| monopolistic intent of M$?
| __
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Re: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-06-29 Thread Paul

 I am interested to know, how many of you, actually use a non-root account to
 get work done. Since there is so many risks of constantly using a root
 account, how in the world are you supposed to get work done without being
 logged in as root??

I think that this depends a lot on the work that one does on a linux machine.
I program (C), write reports (Abiword), create webpages (Quanta and vi),
work with spreadsheets (Gnumeric), play a bit with graphics (Gimp), etc.
I also write plenty of scripts, but none of them have given me trouble so
Perhaps you could tell us an example that bothers you?

Re: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-06-29 Thread Tim Holmes

I agree with Paul.  It all depends on what you do with your Linux box.

Myself, I'm an admin amongst many other things.  I write scripts, I test
software, as well as fixing other things that don't require root access,
or another kind of access.

Even when I'm doing something that does require root access, I may edit
the file as another user, then as root go in and paste in my edits, or
quickly su to root, do what I have to do and then log off as root.

But I'm the kind of person that does 80% or more of his work via the
console.  I'm just not a GUI kinda man! (lol)  

I use Enlightenment as my windows manager, and I have currently ahve 108
desktops that use.  On of which has about 8 xterms sitting there waiting
for me to log back in as root and do something.  When I'm done I log out
(For security issues) and then go back to what else I was doing.

I do play some basic games like tetris and lbreakout, but other then
that it's  mainly work in xterms all over the place.  But I don't find
it a problem with su'ing to root to then  finish something or do some
work.  Then again I type very fast and it's just another short command
for me to rattle off with no problem, and even less amount of time.

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

 8:31AM  up 8 days, 22:24, 11 users, load averages: 0.04, 0.03, 0.00

|  I am interested to know, how many of you, actually use a non-root account to
|  get work done. Since there is so many risks of constantly using a root
|  account, how in the world are you supposed to get work done without being
|  logged in as root??
| I think that this depends a lot on the work that one does on a linux machine.
| I program (C), write reports (Abiword), create webpages (Quanta and vi),
| work with spreadsheets (Gnumeric), play a bit with graphics (Gimp), etc.
| I also write plenty of scripts, but none of them have given me trouble so
| far.
| Perhaps you could tell us an example that bothers you?
| Paul

Re: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-06-29 Thread Paul

Tim wrote:

 Even when I'm doing something that does require root access, I may edit
 the file as another user, then as root go in and paste in my edits, or
 quickly su to root, do what I have to do and then log off as root.

That latter is how I manage my box also. There's a bunch of xterms open on
each virtual desktop, so I can always quickly su, do the root thing, and
exit out of there.

 But I'm the kind of person that does 80% or more of his work via the
 console.  I'm just not a GUI kinda man! (lol)  

My GUI needs are also very basic. I am lost without a prompt ;)
I even start things like quanta and gimp from xterms... Much faster than all
the mouse action.

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-29 Thread Rita F. Koenigs

At this time I see no objective reason for splitting up
Microsoft ... what purpose will it serve? And why is Bill Gates
so dead-set against it? What's the threat? Is it just a
comfort-level thing? A nuisance change that he's concerned
about? Or is it a huge threat to their monopoly? In fact, the
remedy is seen as tepid by some people who are not M$ fans.
Perhaps the latest suit is not a strong one  are there ones
that are? But litigation is such a slow and contentious process,
I just think M$ is able to play that game better than anyone
else (sounds painfully familiar).

Has anyone really figured out a market that hasn't been tapped
yet, within the industry, that Microsoft hasn't and will not be
able to steal? Maybe better innovation is the answer, not
litigation. Just wondering.

The only real desktop option out there is the Mac  thinking
of kids, adults, etc  and it seems that there needs to be
more of an effort by others to become more user-friendly. There
just doesn't seem to be a huge market out there for power
users  or even curious users who are willing to struggle
through what seems like techie,
hard-to-understand-on-a-higher-level-than it says so in the
manual attempts to solve *many wierd techie problems. It's a
shame about the IMAC not cutting it for people beyond the
fanatical ... what are you basing that opinion on, besides what
you see personally?

I would *love to see a product that will give a lot of people a
highly usable alternative to M$, because I dislike their

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Re: [newbie] Install From Hard Disk

2001-06-29 Thread n6tadam


Perhaps I can join in the conversation??

 Before I switched enitrely over to Linux, I installed Linux from my windows
partition, using the dos based program Ranish Partition Manager.

Then I created two partitions, one was the Native Linux format (ext2fs) of
about 6GB, and a 128MB swap file (fs: swap).

Then I saved the information to the MBR, loaded the Mandrake Installer (via
a floppy), and when it came to the Partitioning section, Linux-Mandrake had
already seen my file system, and so all I had to do, was set the mount
point, as / on the native Linux.

Perhaps you should try it that way??

Let me know how you get on,

Thomas Adam

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Install From Hard Disk

 Thanks Jamie.  I found a few web sites explaining how to install from a
 FAT32 partition, but unfortunately the install exited abnormally :-(
 received signal 15 whatever that means.

 I just tried your method of creating a native linux partition which got
 further than before but came up with an error message:

 An error occurred
 missing rate for  !-- Beginning of:
 /www/htdocs/images/HEADER/dirheader.html --

 So I am presently searching the net for an answer to this problem.

 My CD autoboots but I downloaded all the files.  I was going to burn them
 CD but I can't get the RPMS to stay in uppercase when burning to CD, and
 figured that since Linux is case sensitive that it wouldn't work.  Jeez, I
 wish I wasn't so impatient and ordered the CDs instead!  Talk about a
 Nevertheless, I'll give it a go and see if I can't get it installed from
 hard drive.

 Thanks for your help.


 - Original Message -
 From: Adams, Jamie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 10:41 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Install From Hard Disk

  I managed to do my install from harddisk, i created a native linux
  partition and then used the bootdisk, which gave me the option of which
  drive/directory i wanted to install to.
  Does your CD not autoboot?
  -- Jamie
  Reply To: Skinky
  Sent: 03 April 2001 00:33
  Subject: [newbie] Install From Hard Disk
  Hello all,
  Does anyone know of a tutorial on how to install Linux Mandrake 8.0
  disk?  I put all the files in a separate partition and made a boot
  with the hd.img file.  All goes well until it looks for the files to
   It can't find the files.  The partition is Primary DOS FAT32.  Should
  a linux type?
  If anyone knows of a tutorial or help page, I'd be very grateful.
  PS.  This is my first attempt at trying Linux and I'm really looking
  to it  ;-)

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Re: [newbie] Installing nVidia Drivers For TNT2 M64

2001-06-29 Thread s

Under the Section 'Modules', type:   Load   glx
then under the Section 'Device', change nv to nvidia

Then go to and download the file.  Run it in a terminal (by typing:  sh to help 
identify those mesa files you should delete (rm) or rename (mv).

On Thursday 28 June 2001 11:59 pm, you wrote:
 I just installed the kernel and the GLX and this is what happened, I got
 the following message, what I'm wondering is if I should be concerned about
 this, as well, I'm wondering what I should change in my XF86Config-4 file,
 but that I'll paste below, first off this is the message I got when I
 installed ther kernel and GLX, it is as follows:

Re: [newbie] Re: [SLE] Use of Linux

2001-06-29 Thread Paul

 Dear List,
 Thank you all for your replies. I must admit, that I was not very clear with
 my question. I knew all about the command su and groups and all, but I
 just wanted to know, a quick way of getting around the permissions.

I think this would mean either:

everyone is root

Re: [newbie] Opera (was Netscape 6)

2001-06-29 Thread Olaf Marzocchi

At 09.11 29/06/01, you wrote:
  (Of course I must say that for the record, konqueror is still my fav a
  You have got to try Opera.  That is the creme-de-la-crop web browser for

Opera is very good indeed. I use it as my default browser. But I do have
to resort to Netscape for webmail on my ISP's system, Opera makes one mess
of that. I also can do Internet Banking only with Netscape. Have not tried
Galeon or Mozilla for that though.
But it is so, Opera 5.0 is dang good!

Always remember to report bugs: it is the only way to have a better browser 
in future!


[newbie] any burner/DVD RPM?

2001-06-29 Thread Ravi Malghan

I have installed Mandrake 8.0 on a laptop which has a
CD-RW/DVD drive. Does 8.0 have any rpms already in it
or do I have to install them separately? What is the
name of the rpm?


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RE: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-06-29 Thread Mark Johnson

I try really, really hard to do things under my account but inevitably I
have su'd to root within 3 to 5 minutes...  I think it's just a problem with
me not knowing how to setup my access properly.

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 7:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Use of Linux
  I am interested to know, how many of you, actually use a 
 non-root account to
  get work done. Since there is so many risks of constantly 
 using a root
  account, how in the world are you supposed to get work done 
 without being
  logged in as root??
 I think that this depends a lot on the work that one does on 
 a linux machine.
 I program (C), write reports (Abiword), create webpages 
 (Quanta and vi),
 work with spreadsheets (Gnumeric), play a bit with graphics 
 (Gimp), etc.
 I also write plenty of scripts, but none of them have given 
 me trouble so
 Perhaps you could tell us an example that bothers you?

[newbie] Resetting Gnome

2001-06-29 Thread Verysmiley

I'd like to restore Gnome to its original settings after intallation;
haow can I do it?


[newbie] Exporting Netscape settings

2001-06-29 Thread Verysmiley

I tried to export all Netscape settings (mail, bookmarks, address book,
etc.) to another user, consequently changing directories proprietary;
that worked for Licq and X-Chat, but something's gone wrong with
Netscape; any suggestion on how can I do it?


Re: [newbie] Resetting Gnome

2001-06-29 Thread Talonholco
In a message dated 6/29/2001 9:57:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

Start Gnome holding down the Ctrl  Shift keys simultaneously...that's it!


I'd like to restore Gnome to its original settings after intallation;
haow can I do it?


[newbie] How come the mouse wigs out during install

2001-06-29 Thread Mark Johnson

Have y'all ever noticed that when you are setting up the wheel mouse during
the install and disappears off the screen for about 60 seconds, during which
time you have to kind move the mouse around till it shows back up?

RE: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-06-29 Thread Paul

 I try really, really hard to do things under my account but inevitably I
 have su'd to root within 3 to 5 minutes...  I think it's just a problem with
 me not knowing how to setup my access properly.

What are all these pressing things then, that you constantly need root
access for? If I have to run su more than 5 times a day I feel that I have
done something wrong...

Re: [newbie] any burner/DVD RPM?

2001-06-29 Thread Paul

 I have installed Mandrake 8.0 on a laptop which has a
 CD-RW/DVD drive. Does 8.0 have any rpms already in it
 or do I have to install them separately? What is the
 name of the rpm?

Depending on your install, Xcdroast, Gcombust, GToaster or one of these
should already be installed. If you can't find any of them, use
urpmi /pathtocdrom/Mandrake/RPMS/Xcdroast... to install it. urpmi will find
all the necessary extra RPMS for you and install those too.

(do check the proper writing of the Xcdroast rpm!)

RE: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-06-29 Thread Mark Johnson

I'm spending most of my time installing the system, installing RPMs, and
configuring files I can't figure out how to install an RPM as myself, is
that possible?

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 9:08 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Use of Linux
  I try really, really hard to do things under my account but 
 inevitably I
  have su'd to root within 3 to 5 minutes...  I think it's 
 just a problem with
  me not knowing how to setup my access properly.
 What are all these pressing things then, that you constantly need root
 access for? If I have to run su more than 5 times a day I 
 feel that I have
 done something wrong...

Re: [newbie] How come the mouse wigs out during install

2001-06-29 Thread Jeff Reed

On Friday 29 June 2001 10:05, Mark Johnson wrote:
 Have y'all ever noticed that when you are setting up the
 wheel mouse during the install and disappears off the
 screen for about 60 seconds, during which time you have
 to kind move the mouse around till it shows back up?

/me thinks you're configuring a generic PS/2 mouse? it's 
ok. it did that to me too. and now, even after a little 
paranoia myself, my mousie works fine. i had to twitch mine 
during the install too. but everything seems to be 100%.

p.s. if your mouse doesn't scroll with netscape, invoke the 
imwheel daemon. it works pretty good.

good luck!


+ Jeff Reed
+ Linux System Administrator
+ Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+ (508) 792-6070

Check out Linux! It's good for you.

Re: [newbie] How come the mouse wigs out during install

2001-06-29 Thread Paul

It was Fri, 29 Jun 2001 09:05:47 -0500 when Mark Johnson wrote:

Have y'all ever noticed that when you are setting up the wheel mouse during
the install and disappears off the screen for about 60 seconds, during which
time you have to kind move the mouse around till it shows back up?

Yup. As long as it only does so during install, I am content though ;)

It's in process:
So wrapped up in red tape that the situation is almost hopeless. - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-06-29 Thread Paul

It was Fri, 29 Jun 2001 09:38:39 -0500 when Mark Johnson wrote:

I'm spending most of my time installing the system, installing RPMs, and
configuring files I can't figure out how to install an RPM as myself, is
that possible?

This is also security related. Root is the only one on a system allowed to
write to the RPM database etc. But take heart, as soon as most of the system
is set up and running, you should not be needing that anymore. Unless you like
playing around with things...


It's in process:
So wrapped up in red tape that the situation is almost hopeless. - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
** - when you care **

[newbie] Re: CDRW won't burn- FIXED

2001-06-29 Thread Geof Steichen

Must be a bug in the cdrecord version on the Mandrake 8.0 cds.  I went to and downloaded the latest version of cdrecord  (1.10-1), 
uninstalled the original version and installed the new version.  

Now my cdburner works fine!

On Thursday 28 June 2001 05:04 pm, you wrote:
 I have tried all the steps in the CD-Writing HOWTO to get my cdrom burner
 to burn but no luck.  I have created the image using mkisofs; I have tested
 the CD-image by mounting it using the loop0 device and inspected the data;
 I have issued the cdrecord -scanbus and gotten:cdrecord -scanbus
 Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg
 Schilling Linux sg driver version: 3.1.17
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
 0,0,0 0) 'ATAPI   ' 'CD-R/RW 8X4X32  ' '5.DZ' Removable CD-ROM
 0,1,0 1) *
 0,2,0 2) *
 0,3,0 3) *
 0,4,0 4) *
 0,5,0 5) *
 0,6,0 6) *
 0,7,0 7) *
 [geoffs@lancelot geoffs]$

 I have run cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 -data  /tmp/cd_image
 where /tmp/cd_image is the file created by mkisofs.

 All messages from the cdrecord run look perfect (no errors at all) and the
 red write light  on the cdrw blinked on/off many times and the command
 completed without any errors.  Nothing seems to be written on the cdrom!

 I also have used gcombust and gtoaster and get the same results...seems to
 burn but nothing gets written on the cdrom.

 I know the cdrw works because I can burn cdroms using the M$ dual boot side
 of the machine.

 Any ideas on why it seems to work but does not burn anything?

Re: [newbie] Installing nVidia Drivers For TNT2 M64

2001-06-29 Thread John

On Thursday 28 June 2001 11:59 pm, you wrote:
 I just installed the kernel and the GLX and this is what happened, I got
 the following message, what I'm wondering is if I should be concerned about
 this, as well, I'm wondering what I should change in my XF86Config-4 file,
 but that I'll paste below, first off this is the message I got when I
 installed ther kernel and GLX, it is as follows:

 [root@localhost Downloads]# rpm -ivh NVIDIA_GLX*.rpm
 var/tmp/rpm-tmp.43995: cd: /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions: No such file
 or directory
   --- WARNING!!
 --- Above file(s) possibly belong to a conflicting MESA rpm.
 --- They have been renamed to xxx.originalFile.RPMSAVE to
 --- avoid conflicting with the files contained within this
 --- package.
 --- Please check
 ---   for details, under section 5.2
 [root@localhost Downloads]#

 Now here is the XF86Config-4 file:

 # **
 # Graphics device section
 # **

 Section Device
 Identifier Generic VGA
 Driver vga

 Section Device
 Identifier  RIVA TNT2
 VendorName  Unknown
 BoardName   Unknown
 Driver  nv-Here, change to nvidia
 # Clock lines

 # Uncomment following option if you see a big white block
 # instead of the cursor!
 #Option  sw_cursor

 Option  DPMS

 Now if someone could tell me what I should change/edit to my file so that I
 can get the drivers working, I'd appreciate it.


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[newbie] Couldn't log on tty1-6/ kdm crashes/ gdm crashes/ X crashes

2001-06-29 Thread H.Narfi Stefansson

Hi, and sorry for the long email.
Let me  start with a summary:

1) I've had the computer reboot into console without any error
messages and then I couldn't log on!!!  
I tried as root and as a user on tty1, tty2, tty4, tty6 and then I
gave up, resorted to the sysrq sequence and I had no problems on the
next reboot. 

2) I've had the computer boot into X directly and the login manager
fails (kdm/gdm) and the computer goes down into runlevel 3, or the
login manager doesn't fail, but is extremely slow, KDE takes 15
min. to start. In the second case, I also couldn't login on tty1-6 to
kill X. 

3) I've had the computer boot into X directly and have been able to
log on and work without any problems and then suddenly X dies on me
and I get the login manager again.  

I have no idea whether this is one or many problems with hardware or
software. I'm up to date on security patches up to and including
kdelibs from June 27.  These are fairly serious problems which make an 
otherwise wonderful version of Mandrake difficult for me to use.

If you have any suggestions, please let me know. 



ps. I've been using Mandrake for 4 weeks now and I love it! Too bad it keeps 
crashing on me without telling me why.



Celeron 466 MHz, Intel QS440BX, Award BIOS 2.09,
Primary Master: IBM drive, boot drive, Windoze only + lilo
Primary Slave: IOMEGA ZIP 100 ATAPI
Secondary Master: TOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-M1212
Secondary Slave: Hewlett-Packard CD-Writer Plus 9100
Controller card: SIIG Ultra ATA 66
 On that card is: WD 400BB, set to DMA 33 both on the card and on the drive.
  This drive is linux only.
Graphics card: ATI Xpert 2000.
Network card: Linksys LNE 100TX
Sound: Yamaha YMF-724 Addonics SV550
TV card: Win-TV GO.
Monitor: Viewsonic E771
Printer: HP Deskjet 832C connected through USB.
and a PS-2 scroll mouse and a 102-keyboard

When I emailed the list about problem 3) I got the suggestion to make
sure the graphics card had its own interrupt so I moved the network
card to avoid having the two cards share an irq. The problems still


The 2 GPL Mandrake 8.0 CDs. The MD5 sum was ok, the install was
without problems. I use KDE, and I've tried both kdm and gdm as the
login managers, but I've experienced the X crash with both of them. 
I have jserver/wnn, the tiny firewall, postfix + the standard services
such as usb, xfs etc. 

Logs say:

Nothing that I can see to be relevant. I'll break this down by the
1) Then I can't log in to tty1-6, i.e. I type in my or root's user name
and password and the only thing that happens is that after approx. 1
min. the login prompt reappears. 
None of the following contain any record of an attempted login:
/var/logs/messages, /var/logs/auth.log, /var/logs/login
2) Then kdm or gdm don't start properly on boot.
I couldn't find anything in the logs, that may or may not be due to my
record keeping.
3) If X crashes, /var/log/messages contains lines such as:
Jun 25 23:46:02 nic-41-c68-180 kdm[1388]: Server for display :0 terminated 
unexpectedly: 1
Jun 25 23:46:03 nic-41-c68-180 kde(pam_unix)[3263]: session closed for user 
Jun 28 01:43:59 nic-41-c68-180 gdm(pam_unix)[1394]: session closed for user 
Jun 29 10:10:09 localhost gdm(pam_unix)[3019]: session closed for user narfi

Finally, dmesg after a successful reboot:

Linux version 2.4.3-20mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 
egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs
-1.1.2 release / Linux-Mandrake 8.0)) #1 Sun Apr 15 23:03:10 CEST 2001
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
 BIOS-e820:  - 0009fc00 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 0009fc00 - 000a (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 000f - 0010 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 0010 - 17ff (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 17ff - 17ff3000 (ACPI NVS)
 BIOS-e820: 17ff3000 - 1800 (ACPI data)
 BIOS-e820:  - 0001 (reserved)
On node 0 totalpages: 98288
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 94192 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
hm, page 0100 reserved twice.
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=linux ro root=2101 hdd=ide-scsi 
hdb=ide-floppy quiet
ide_setup: hdd=ide-scsi
ide_setup: hdb=ide-floppy
Initializing CPU#0
Detected 467.735 MHz processor.
Console: colour dummy device 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 933.88 BogoMIPS
Memory: 383872k/393152k available (976k kernel code, 8892k reserved, 287k 
data, 696k init, 0k highme
Dentry-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
Buffer-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Page-cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_6.5.0 initialized
CPU: Before vendor init, caps: 0183f9ff  , vendor = 0
CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K
CPU: L2 cache: 128K
Intel machine check architecture supported.
Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.

[newbie] VMWare configuration

2001-06-29 Thread plsusa

I have my machine set up to dual boot NT and Linux Mandrake 8.0 (2 
seperate hard drives).
While trying to configure my eval version of VMWare, I saw you could access
your NT drive (hda) for the guest OS.

What configuration choices do I want to use?  My choices listed are below,
with the option of setting each to No Access, Read Only, and Read/Write.

Which should I use for each?  (With all of them selected as read only, VMware
starts to boot, and gives me a single line that says LILO 21.7).

(The following is the NT drive)
hda0  (mbr)
hda1   (Win95 Extended)
hda2   (Dos 16 bit=32M)
hda5   (Dos 16 bit=32M)

NOTE:  The NT drive is 20 gig, with drive C: using FAT, and Drive D: using

(The following is the Linux drive)

hdb0  (mbr)
hdb1   (Linux native)
hdb2   (Linux extended)
hdb5   (Linux swap)
hdb6   (Linux native)

NOTE:  The Linux drive is 40 gig)

Anyone able to assist?

Harry G.

Talk mailing list

[newbie] eth0 insists on being default route, disabling PPP connection

2001-06-29 Thread David Nelson


I connect to the internet using a modem, and I also connect to our local network via 
ethernet. When I was installing LM-8 I did not want to set up the modem at the time, 
so I let the installer set up my ethernet card as internet connection. Later after the 
install was compleat, and I got around to setting up my modem I was able to dial-up my 
ISP and ping the host at the other end of the PPP link, but I could not reach any 
other sites on the net. When I checked the routing table I discovered that eth0 was 
set as the default route instead of ppp0. I assume this happened because I foolishly 
told the installer that I connect to the internet via eth0. 

I saw another post that explained that this problem could be corrected by opening 
Mandrake Control Center -- Network  Internet then clicking on expert mode and 
removing the the modem and ethernet entries then re-creating the modem entry first 
under Internet Connection and then second add the ethernet card under LAN. This made 
sense, but I can not get it to work. First when I open Mandrake Control Center -- 
Network  Internet the panel does not load, and I get an error message: The panel did 
not load in 15 seconds. Make sure it is installed. I found that the panel will load 
if I go into NetConfig and disable eth0 before I open Mandrake Control. Non the less I 
can not seem to remove the config for eth0, and no matter what I do eth0 always wants 
to be the default route. 

Note: I can get online by using the route command to delete the default route before I 
attempt to open a ppp connection. Also the ethernet card is working fine. I can ping 
addresses on the local network.

Any idea how I can get this machine to forget my past mistakes? At this point I would 
like the computer to forget my ethernet card ever existed so I can just start over 
from scratch.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Have a great day.
David Nelson -- Who's off to hit the trails on his MTB, and forget about eth0 for 

Re: [newbie] Installing nVidia Drivers For TNT2 M64

2001-06-29 Thread Miark


If your computer has one processor, then you want the uni processor RPM.
Only if you have a dual-processor will you want the SMP.


- Original Message -
From: Dan Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Installing nVidia Drivers For TNT2 M64

 Im getting ready to try to install these drivers as well on MDK 8.0 the
 is the Geforce 2  16 meg.  My question is i have seen two sets of drivers
 there website, one is for Mandrake 8.0 one cpu, uni processor kernel and
 other is for Mandrake 8.0 SMP kernel.  I think i want the first one, is

 Thanks in advance.

 On June 29, 2001 02:04 am, you wrote:
  Nope, don't worry about it. Just make the changes to your XF86Config-4
  instructed, and you'll be good to go.

 Dan Gordon
 Powerd by KMail
 Registerd Linux user #217868

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-29 Thread PENA FAMILY

I found your post very interesting. Here is my 2 cents if you don't mind an
outside opinion.

First, I never gave a second look at a Mac. First off at that time APPLE was
on the bottom and looking like it wanted a bullet to put it out of its
misery. My first PC was a HP7170 Pavilion. I was amazed on its features, of
course it had only a 133Mhz Intel, 2GB harddrive but for a first timer I was
impressed. It had Windows95 which I had heard about but never really gave a
look since at that time the PCs were still too expensive. That Pavilion also
ran HP's own interface or Operating System. Needless, to say it was a joke
and I uninstalled it since I didn't see any point in keeping something I
didn't want.

Then came Windows98, 98SE, and currently Millenium Edition. I am not
imressed but I hae enjoyed software so much that I could care less of the
comments MS haters have to say about Windows, and every variation of the

Two years ago I heard about Linux for a consumer easy to use version. I went
and bought the Corel Linux as at that time I heard it was the easiest to
use. I have since then learn that every loyalist of a Linux flavor believes
their favorite is the easiest and best. Needless to say it wasn't easy and I
never could get past the splash window.

Then came Linux Mandrake's Linux for Windows. I have heard the remarks from
many of you about how inferior or a bad choice. Frankly, it is not and gives
a raw newbie and idea of what Linux Mandrake can offer and is all about. I
agree it is not for replacing or migrating away from Windows but it is an
easy taste by comparison of all Linux distros. I went the way of Linux 7.2
full distribution and partition my drive to house both Millenium Edition and
Mandrake. I am happy with both and really wish there was a way to have all
three OS on one machine(Windows, Linux, Macintosh) and switch through with
ease. There are software but far too much complication at this time.

I enjoy Linux and I have spent hours learning and playing with it, but
frankly and with all due respect to others in this forum and lovers of
Linux, you just can't really get any work done with it. I am either having
to install patches or make adjustments every time I need to do something or
want to do something. Thats the real flaw with Linux not support or
application choice but you just don't boot up click click and get something
to work tha easily and quickly. Many of you have provided so much help to us
newbies but your past experience and with some of you with a formal UNIX
education go through command lines as if they were just plain englsih(or
perspective native language). Personally, I don't get excited and find
command lines boring and unnecessary. With a GUI it is point and click and
so on. It is not lazy or an aide to the stupid. Frankly, not everyone who
has a car wants a manual transmission or work on it to make the adjustment
so that car runs the way the owner wants it to.

The future for Linux is in Limbo, personal opinion, and it has nothing to do
with Microsoft or the ignorant comments on Linux and the Open Source. There
is no standard and most hardcore users like that but there is such chaos
over such a system. Sometimes hearing hardcore Linux users is like listening
to the hippies of the Hasbury, if I spelled that correctly, days talk about
the movement of love and peace and taking down the system and powers that
be. Most are probably drivng BMW's and hold stock options with a large
corporation about now. I know for the most part Linux for the the average
consumer is still so so very young. The Open Source community has done
wonders and have worked to bring Linux to the common user who is not
interested in getting under the hood of their OS.

I guess that is the point. Why does Microsoft have the largest share of the
market, aside from the monopoly? The vast majority don't care. They just
want point, click and go. I have read Linux newbies who have given Linux
Mandrake a shot and have decided to go back to Windows and maybe Mac if I
recall correctly. The first comment I hear is let the Windoze baby go back
to their mindless. Its a choice and at least there is a choice now.

I love Linux but I can honestly say as unbias observer Linux is not for the
common person. So far all the usrs I have encountered are techies, wanna be
techies, hackers(as in enjoyers of software and not a cracker) and those
with a formal UNIX education. As Linux moves to become easier I think it is
losing that thing that has given the rise and recognition. Still though
evolution has a funny way of throwing a monkey wrench into the mix now and
then. I am curious to see what the future holds for all OS.

Again just my two cents I invite others opinion but not insults.

Thank you

RE: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-29 Thread Mark Johnson

In short, I agreee.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 1:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] curious 
 I enjoy Linux and I have spent hours learning and playing with it, but
 frankly and with all due respect to others in this forum and lovers of
 Linux, you just can't really get any work done with it. I am 
 either having to install patches or make adjustments every time I need to 
 do something or want to do something. Thats the real flaw with Linux not
support or
 application choice but you just don't boot up click click and 
 get something to work tha easily and quickly. Many of you have provided so

 much help to us newbies but your past experience and with some of you with
 formal UNIX education go through command lines as if they were just plain 
 englsih(or perspective native language). Personally, I don't get excited
and find
 command lines boring and unnecessary. With a GUI it is point 
 and click and so on. It is not lazy or an aide to the stupid. Frankly, not

 everyone who has a car wants a manual transmission or work on it to make 
 the adjustment so that car runs the way the owner wants it to.

Yup, this same car argument has been made again and again, and I agree with
you. As a developer that writes both unix backend systems and window
front-ends, it's far easier to build the command line tool than the GUI.  I
do not believe GUIs are for the lazy or the idiot user.  There is a certain
art in designing a usable GUI and it's quite a challenge. A bad GUI can make
the command line tool a godsend but that is a problem with the specifc GUI
not GUIs in general.  I will always prefer using a good GUI to a command
tool if it's available.  Linux has quite a share of bad GUIs (pet peeve, pop
up windows that place themselves arbitrary around your desktop instead of
being front and center).

But it takes a lot of effort to front end an application.  Most developers
are more interested in writing code than writing human-computer interfaces.

 I love Linux but I can honestly say as unbias observer Linux 
 is not for the common person. So far all the usrs I have encountered are 
 techies, wanna be techies, hackers(as in enjoyers of software and not a 
 cracker) and those with a formal UNIX education. As Linux moves to become
 I think it is losing that thing that has given the rise and recognition. 
 Still though evolution has a funny way of throwing a monkey wrench into 
 the mix now and then. I am curious to see what the future holds for all
 Again just my two cents I invite others opinion but not insults.

The hard part about critizing linux and linux software is that it's all done
by volunteers.  
So how do you critize something that no one is forcing you to use or pay for
to use.  It's a
place to be in.  There is a delicate line that one must tread so that an
issue doesn't sound
like a complaint but instead a suggestion.

There are lot's of people working really really hard to make the linux
experience a nice one. And
there a lot's of other people who don't really care about this aspect of the
linux culture.  Try 
not to get caught up in those arguments.


Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-29 Thread PENA FAMILY

I agree comletely, Linux is still very young and developing. My twist on the
car analogy is like this

Windows is the average car which the vast majority drives and get from point
A to point B. There are lemons depending on everything from quality and
price but they get the larger slice of the consumer pie.

Macintosh is the BMW and Mercedes...etc. You pay for the high quality and
since everything is included your less likely to have problems again barring
any X factors like quality control and bad management.

Linux and other althernative OS, whichever term you want to use, is the
kit car. The old Chevy or Ford you want to tweak to run and look like you
want it to. You can remove the air conditioner to boost engine performance.
Get rid of manufacturer settings again to get that boost you want. Doing
whatever you want to make it run, look, and feel just the way you want and
to reflect your individual personality. The only problem this is a small
market there are problems with making those tweaks. You can problems but the
point is to make the changes you want.

Macintosh and Windows don't and may never do that, personally they won't
since their user base is so much different than Linux.

I do a lot of home video editing. Windows sucks for this even with
Windows2000. Apple is excellent for this but has a history and the
experience that has given it this result, but the price is ridiculous and
just out of my means. Personally, most of the Apple designed machines I find
ugly especially the Flower Power iMac which I would find humilating to be

Linux has stability and is pretty much a clean slate for developing.

I do not hold any OS as my religion. I just can't see it as such but I like
the open source and I like Linux. Heck, I crash Linux 3 times more than I do
with Windows since I am constantly looking through and fiddling with.

I don't trust Linux, Windows, or Mac but I do have hope for Linux compared
to the other two. I wonder do those who prefer command line will ever move
to a GUI or do they just stay in a command line enviroment within a UNIX
platform since thats all they want?

[Fwd: Re: [newbie] CDRW through USB]

2001-06-29 Thread Frans Ketelaars

Travel GZ wrote:
 Now that I see it is possible to burn CDs using
 Mandrake, is it possible with version 8 to burn using
 a USB burner?


check out this site:


Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-29 Thread Paul

It was Fri, 29 Jun 2001 12:58:00 -0700 when PENA FAMILY wrote:

I wonder do those who prefer command line will ever move
to a GUI or do they just stay in a command line enviroment within a UNIX
platform since thats all they want?

Oh, I run a GUI. It's called XFCE. But when you're used to, for example,
moving files around from a prompt (mv -f a b) then it is usually much
faster than going through the motions with a mouse, dragging, dropping,
confirming that you want this'n'that indeed to happen etc.

Or in editting a file, having to rely on mouse movements each time you want
something done, instead of the fast things you can do in vi.
I often operate unix machines in a production environment. And for me, the
prompt is the fastest tool. Why? Because I learnt to use computers when they
were still dinosaurs, with punched tape, 11 pinfeed paper and keyboards,
without display screens. Before the existance of IBM compatible PC's.
Once I helped someone get his winders up again, and I had to edit an INI file
(yes, Winders 3.11). So I opened a This guy got a shock:
The command line got me out of trouble just as often as the GUI got me into
them. That's why the command line is important to me.


It's in process:
So wrapped up in red tape that the situation is almost hopeless. - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-29 Thread mooseman

X-RebelTech Is Here:
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

i _am_ jealous of your new machine 1.4gig. i can hear more than one Tim 
Taylor grunt right now!
sounds sweet!

On Saturday 30 June 2001 03:48, you wrote:
  I would *love to see a product that will give a lot of people a
  highly usable alternative to M$, because I dislike their

     I rebuilt my system this morning. It was a Pentium III-450 oc'd to
  600. Now with a different motherboard, cpu and sound chip, it's an AMD
  Athlon 1.4gig.  I booted it for the first time into Mandrake 8.0
  (+cooker), overclocked to 1470, on the drive that was runnin Mandrake
  in the old system.  Not even a burp.  Only thing I had to do was run
  harddrake to config the new integrated sound chip. Found that I could
  reliably run 'mprime's torture test at 1.55 gig without raisin the
  default voltages and stay below 50C under heavy load with the cpu.

    WinSUX, OTOH, wouldn't boot into anything but failsafe (even at the
  default 1.4g). It kept search'n for new hardware, install it, ask to be
  rebooted,  over an over  well this went on for more than a dozen
  times till it finally got it halfway right enough to boot to a normal
  desktop.  I was on the fence of even putting winBLOWS on this new
  system, now I'm sorry I did. I'm gonna miss Flight Sim 2000, but I'm
  fixin to just delete Windoze off that drive altogether and make some
  more room for the Penguin. BTW, still no sound in WinSUX, and there's
  still much to reconfigure  If I bother.

    Who cares if Billy gets split?  People who're savvy enough to
  realize Windoze SUX?   or the vast masses that'll support Winblows
  jus 'cause they don't know any thing better?  Whether Billy had won or
  lost yesterday wouldn'a made any diference with his flock. I believe
  they get what they deserve.  Everyday, many people get the kind'a
  winblows experience I gave above.  Most don't know or care that
  Winblows is the culprit, they'll use it anyhow.

Re: [newbie] Advice

2001-06-29 Thread Michael D. Viron


There are quite a few reasons to choose some type of *nix box over windows

#1.  Less of a cost involved for software, including the operating system.

#2.  The ability to not have to buy per-user licensing to cover database
connections (since mysql / postgresql are both essentially free).

#3.  Hardware is less of a concern -- depending on what you plan to do with
the web server, you can run it on a P133.

#4.  *nix is typically much more stable -- I don't think I've ever seen a
windows 2000 server up for longer than a few months, if that.

#5.  Unix+Apache+PHP+MySQL / Postgresql is probably one of the most solid
server combinations I have ever seen.

As kind of a followup to #3, I founded a group called Web Spinners at the
University of West Florida -- the very first server we had was a P75, 32 MB
RAM, 3.2 GB hard drive running Slackware 2.x (which we later upgraded to
Slackware 3.0)
The next server was a P133 w/ 128 MB ram, and 3.6 GB total hard drive space
running Redhat 5.1 (later 5.2).  After the P133 was taken back by the
generous member that had loaned it to us, the server was on a 486/100, 96
MB RAM, 3.6 GB total drive space, which stayed as our main server for
several years going from RH 5.2, then to 6.0, and finally 6.1.  Of course,
you can't run a win NT / 2000 server off of a 486/100.

The latest server, which was put together from parts, has cost us a grand
total of $850 (including upgrades) and of course, has not cost a single
cent on the software side.  It is a Celeron 400, 128 MB RAM, with 14.4 GB
of drive space spread over 3 hard drives (1 6.4 GB drive, and 2 4 GB drives
which are mirrors of each other (replacements for the 2 20 GB drives we
had in there)).  On our heaviest traffic day (which was about 200,000 hits
per hour for 4 straight hours), our server never went below 70% CPU idle.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:27 PM 06/13/2001 -0400, daho Med wrote:
I'm planning to set up a new web server, 
and I'm still finding out which platform better for me to choose
(win2000 or Unix)
so any one can advice me,

Thank you

[newbie] Konqueror in mdk 8

2001-06-29 Thread Mandrake

I really love Konqueror, stable, fast enough,
but how do I get the java to work?

I can't seem to figure out where to tell it to find java,
although I have /usr/bin/java on my system, it does
not seem to want to load and run any java apps.

Should I install another kind of Java somewhere on here?

Linux is cool

[newbie] Logitech Mouse

2001-06-29 Thread William Hughes

I currently am running LM8 with a PS2 mouse. Everything works fine this way. 
I have a Logitech optical wheel mouse I use when I'm in my Other OS. Has 
anyone had any luck with getting this logitech to work. Thanks


[newbie] missing rate... dirheader.html Error Message

2001-06-29 Thread Skinky

Hello again everyone

I amSTILL trying to install from hard 
drive. After creating a native linux partition and booting with a boot 
disk (hd.img), I selected install to own partition (linux native 
partition). All goes well for a while and then an error message comes 

An error occurredmissing rate for 
"!-- Beginning of:/www/htdocs/images/HEADER/dirheader.html 
--"Can anyone 
tell me what this means? I went back into Windows and searched thru the 
entire "Linux" directory of files that I downloaded for a file named htdocs or 
dirheader.html but found nothing. I'm kind of at a loss as to what to 
do. I've search thru the net for clues but again found 

Any help would be very much 


Re: [newbie] Logitech Mouse

2001-06-29 Thread Christopher W. Aiken

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, William Hughes wrote:

:)I currently am running LM8 with a PS2 mouse. Everything works fine this way.
:)I have a Logitech optical wheel mouse I use when I'm in my Other OS. Has
:)anyone had any luck with getting this logitech to work. Thanks

I just installed MDK 8.0 a couple of days ago.  When I setup X
I chose mouse option 1 ( Logiteck/Wheelmouse, I don't remember exactly)
and it works perfectly.  I have the Logitech cordless optical mouse
on my PS/2 port.

Mandrake 8.0

Re: [newbie] Konqueror in mdk 8

2001-06-29 Thread Dennis M.

On Friday 29 June 2001 20:57, you wrote:
 I really love Konqueror, stable, fast enough,
 but how do I get the java to work?

 I can't seem to figure out where to tell it to find java,
 although I have /usr/bin/java on my system, it does
 not seem to want to load and run any java apps.

 Should I install another kind of Java somewhere on here?
I downloaded the IBM jre java but I think that that was not needed. Locate 
java in the settingsconfigure konquerorjavabrowse and then go to 
/usr/bin/java/java . set that in the box for java location and see if your 
java does not start working. If not  and down load the 
linux java runtime environment to your /home/username directory and it will 
always be there if you do a new install but don't format /home. Once it is in 
that directory and you untar it you can then point konqueror to that file in 
/home/username  (whatever username is yours) and it should then run like a 
champ. Let me know if you have any problems understanding my lousy writing, 
and if any of the above works for you.
Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842

Re: [newbie] /mnt/windows problem

2001-06-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 27 Jun 2001 01:57, tazmun wrote:
  Hi Romanator,
  I did download the new version of drakfont,however,i could not install
  any windows fonts (i have win2k on NTFS).How can i mount an NTFS partion

  Yes how do we mount an NTFS partition since I had the same problem.  I
 tried to mount it on install but it kept saying there was some sort of
 error and the only solution it provided was to erase the entire drive! 
 Needless to say, I was not amused.


Kernel support for NTFS in read/write mode is not yet complete, and is 
considered to be experimental. I would advise against doing that. However, 
mounting an NTFS partition in read-only mode is safe, and can be done with 
the following command:

$ mount -t ntfs -o ro /dev/hda1 /mnt/ntfs

Replace /dev/hda1 with your NTFS partitin location and /mnt/ntfs with 
your chosen mount point. The ro denotes a read-only mount.

You can mount your drive at startup via your /etc/fstab file.

The Mandrake installer (Drakx) only recognises NTFS versions 4 (as used in 
NT4) or below. Versions 5 (as used in Win2K) and up are not supported by 
Drakx, but may be mounted after the installation.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Archiving old mail under Kmail.

2001-06-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001 06:03, Michael D. Viron wrote:
 6) Tar -cvf monthly.backup.tar /home/user/Mail

 Just a thought -- you might want to do tar -czvf monthly.backup.tar.gz, as
 it'll have better compression.

In fact, tar doesn't compress at all -- it merely archives and concatenates. 
That is the reason why it is almost always used in conjunction with gzip or 

bzip2 compresses better than gz, so tar -czvf monthly.backup.tar.bz2 would be 

 Will it work and is there an easier way?

 I don't see any reason why not, but I've never used Kmail, so I'm not sure.

 Michael Viron
 Registered Linux User #81978
 Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
 Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] lost kmail settings

2001-06-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Are there any files in your ~/Mail directory? If so, try deleting all files 
that end in .index and restart Kmail.

On Wed, 27 Jun 2001 22:47, Bill Winegarden wrote:
   Just woke up this morning and went to retrieve the newbie mail, as well as
 my personal and work mail. When I clicked on the 'Check Mail' button it
 that I had to configure some accounts first. All 3 of my accounts'
 information were gone. The only thing I can think of is that I set up KNode
 yesterday for my newsreader.regardless this shouldn't happen.
   BTW, this is in Mandrake 8.

   Anyone have any ideas where my account info has gone? Is this a bug?

 Many thanks,
 Bill W.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Linux Fragmentation -- Is the Unthinkable already here?

2001-06-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001 00:37, Benjamin Sher wrote:
 If Microsoft were to cook up a plan to cause Linux to disappear in a
 virtual Tower of Babel it could scarcely be more effective than that which
 has been adopted by distributions on their own, voluntarily.

This reminds me of the double-page advertisements M$ used to run in German 
magazines about a year ago. It depicted a lineup of penguins, each with a 
different mutated head. M$'s point here is that GNU/Linux is prone to 
mutation, and so people should stick with an 'established standard', i.e. 

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] fonts in StarOffice

2001-06-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 27 Jun 2001 21:45, kp _ wrote:
 I have Mandrake 8.0 on a PII 350Mhz

So do I -- it works brilliantly here!

 Everything was fine during install,
 my big problem is that fonts are UGLY
 in Star Office I've tried things I
 found on mandrake forum( :unscaled in a 'config' file,
 uninstall AbiWord...) but this is still ugly...

 So what is the solution to have nice letters ?

In short... no. Staroffice is a monolithic application that only supports 
certain Postscript fonts. I know there are tools out there that can convert 
TrueType (as used in Windows) to Postscript fonts -- perhaps you should do a 
search for those. Otherwise you should use an alternative, like Abiword, 
Kword or OpenOffice (the successor to StarOffice).

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Make it stay?

2001-06-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

I had the same problem with Konqueror (I'll assume that's what you're talking 
about). The trick is to associate a file type with an entry that is in your 
Mandrake menu. If a menu item does not exist for your programme, use 
menudrake to make one.

On Wed, 27 Jun 2001 16:37, Mandrake wrote:
 I can't get the filetype to stay, like for mp3 files I want xmms
 to play them by default, but my Mandrake 8.0 cannot seem
 to remember this.

 What can I do to make it stay how I put the prefs?

 Thank you

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] mouse in X

2001-06-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Have you tried mousedrake?

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001 11:10, Willy Sutrisno wrote:

 im using mandrake 8.0 and XFCE is my window manager. I'd like to know
 what is the command you put in the kdm, to load XFCE. I have tried xfce,
 but it cant work. oh ya, by the way im using xfce 3.8.3

 because i cant load my xfce from kdm, so im force to load it from the
 command prompt. but there is a problem with mouse, everytime i load xfce
 using the startx command, the mouse will go crazy. i mean, when i move
 the mouse the pointer will not follow my hand movement. what i do is, i
 shut down the x server, and load the xfce again. and the mouse will
 working just fine. this thing only happen once, when i first boot the pc
 and load the x for the first time. anyone can help me?

 thanks in advance,


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Logitech Mouse

2001-06-29 Thread etharp

I use MDK 8.0, the mouse was chosen durring setup and works great. 

On Friday 29 June 2001 21:07, William Hughes wrote:
 I currently am running LM8 with a PS2 mouse. Everything works fine this
 way. I have a Logitech optical wheel mouse I use when I'm in my Other OS.
 Has anyone had any luck with getting this logitech to work. Thanks


RE: [newbie] Which Version Should I use?

2001-06-29 Thread Aaron

Thanks very much for the help. I think I am now going to download the ISO
image and burn some CD's!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sridhar Dhanapalan
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 5:30 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Which Version Should I use?

8.0/i586 most definitely.

8.0/i586 is optimised for i586 (Pentium-class) processors, which you
obviously have (in fact, you have an i686 SMP).

8.0/i486 is optimised for i486 processors.

Corporate Server is designed for corporations to use, and so prizes
above usability. As a result, it is always several steps behind the main
Mandrake distro.

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001 11:49, Aaron wrote:
 I am looking at installing Linux Mandrake and would like to know which if
 the following versions would best suit my needs. I will be using this
 machine as for web development if that makes a difference.

 Corporate Server

 The box this is going on contains:
 Tyan S1832DL Tiger 100 Motherboard
 2x Intel PII 750MHz CPUs
 2 SCSI 9GB Drives and 1 12GB IDE Drive
 384MB Ram
 Matrox Millennium G400 32MB



Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] How come the mouse wigs out during install

2001-06-29 Thread Bryan Tyson

On Friday 29 June 2001 17:35, Mandrake wrote:

 what is the command for the imwheel daemon?
 imwheel and imwheeld just don't do a dangbusted thing,
 no such file or directory

Be sure it's installed. I've had systems before where it simply was not 
installed. Once it's installed, 


will run it in the background. I have found it to be very helpful.

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional
KDE 2.1.2 KMail 1.2

Bryan S. Tyson

Re: [newbie] curious

2001-06-29 Thread Bryan Tyson

On Friday 29 June 2001 17:32, Mandrake wrote:

 But winblows crashes

And don't forget this ridiculous plan they have for Windows XP to lock 
it to one particular computer. This one should have people switching 
to Linux in droves.

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional
KDE 2.1.2 KMail 1.2

Bryan S. Tyson

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-29 Thread Jay DeKing

First, I never gave a second look at a Mac. First off at that time APPLE was

Neither did I. My sum total experience using Macs is about 2 hours, back in 
the 1980's on a microscopic Mac with a black  white screen the size of a 
postcard. That was enough for me. Plus the proprietary, overpriced hardware 
and single-button mouse, and lack of decent CAD software, and the general 
dumbing-down effect of the whole Mac experience.

Many of you have provided so much help to us
newbies but your past experience and with some of you with a formal UNIX
education go through command lines as if they were just plain englsih(or
perspective native language). Personally, I don't get excited and find
command lines boring and unnecessary. With a GUI it is point and click and
so on. It is not lazy or an aide to the stupid. Frankly, not everyone who
has a car wants a manual transmission or work on it to make the adjustment
so that car runs the way the owner wants it to.

My formal computer training consists of one semester of punch-card 
computer math back in the 1970's. I didn't use a computer again, except for 
data entry, until 1989, when I started using DOS (command line) and a 
little bit of Windows 2.0 (utterly useless).  From that point I used every 
version of DOS and Windows up to 98SE. I had never used Unix until about a 
year ago, but I started programming in every computer language I was able 
to find time to teach myself starting in 1990.

I love the command line, but I also love the windowing environment. That is 
one problem I have with Windows - sure, you can open a DOS window, but it's 
clunky. In Linux the terminal windows feel more integrated; I always have 
at least one open. Often it is just more efficient to work from the command 
line than to mouse all over the place - click, hold, drag, drop, oops, 
dropped it in the wrong place, undo, try again ... damn, it copied instead 
of moving (or vice versa) ... but the windowing environment does have great 
advantages as well. It's a matter of finding a balance that works for you., 
and Linux gives me that freedom. I still use Windows, just not very often.

I love Linux but I can honestly say as unbias observer Linux is not for the
common person. So far all the usrs I have encountered are techies, wanna be
techies, hackers(as in enjoyers of software and not a cracker) and those
with a formal UNIX education. As Linux moves to become easier I think it is
losing that thing that has given the rise and recognition. Still though
evolution has a funny way of throwing a monkey wrench into the mix now and
then. I am curious to see what the future holds for all OS.

I have to agree there, as a self-described techie and geek. For many years 
I tried to hide my geekiness; grew my hair, was a stoner, and did the 
blue-collar thing, but I couldn't hide forever. I cut my hair, sobered up, 
and went techie (not in that order) and am now a happy geeky tech-dude. I 
even own golf shirts and khakis now, though a lot of the golf shirts have 
penguins on them rather than alligators ;)

Oh, by the way, I prefer manual shift cars ... but I haven't driven in 
years. I ride a bicycle. It adds to the eccentric aura I like to project. 
And it's more respectable than the bloodshot eyes and ponytail down to my 
a** that I used to wear.

aka The Insane Multitasker

[newbie] TV Card

2001-06-29 Thread Kevin Fonner

Anybody ever get a ATI TV wonder to work on 
Mandrake? I looked at some of the tv programs some people have listed in 
the past and none of them specified the ATI TV Card.



Fw: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-29 Thread tazmun

 As far as market share goes, I think you'd have to take FreeBSD out of
that list.

 FreeBSD is the ISP UNIX.  It's a downsized UNIX, but still a step
above Linux.  I don't
 know of anybody personally that's using FreeBSD as a desktop/workstation
(Meanwhile I do
 have a FreeBSD server at home.) and I've heard of only a few that really
do.  I've never
 seen a boxed set of FreeBSD in any store, and I don't spend much time at
the webpage to see
 if they even sell the CDs for the OS.  But as a server it's amazing.
Daily security
 reports, I love it's use of the /usr/ports making new software installs
very nice and very

Actually a friend of mine deposted a copy of 4.4 FreeBSD Lite on my desk the
other day including the approxiamately 800 page manual.  I've seen boxed
sets for sale at our local Staples office supply store.  I threw the first
cd in let it boot and took a quicky peek and it appeared to be a major pain
for the unaccomplished here.  MD at least from the 7.1 (first version MD I
ever ran) version totally stomps this program on installation at least it
appeared so to me.  So I got scared and ran away and the disks still
sitlonely and


[newbie] loud login routine

2001-06-29 Thread Bill Winegarden

A small annoyance (aside from my inability to fix it) is that when I boot up 
my laptop and log in as a user, the boot 'tune' in KDE is very loud. Is there 
any way I can set the volume so that it will not wake my neighbours when I 
log in?

Bill W.

Re: [newbie] Opera segmentation fault

2001-06-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

What version of QT do you have running? The latest is 2.3.1 -- I suggest you 
get that from a Cooker mirror near you (don't worry, if anything it should be 
even more stable and usable than the one you have now). Also, try the static 
version of Opera.

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 14:05, Siro Belza wrote:

 I have downloaded and installed the package
 opera-dynamic-rh71-5.0-3.i386.rpm from Opera's website. When I try to run
 opera, the program aborts with a segmentation fault error.

 Has someone had the same problem?
 Does someone know what the problem is?


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 20:48, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  I would *love to see a product that will give a lot of people a
  highly usable alternative to M$, because I dislike their

     I rebuilt my system this morning. It was a Pentium III-450 oc'd to
  600. Now with a different motherboard, cpu and sound chip, it's an AMD
  Athlon 1.4gig.  I booted it for the first time into Mandrake 8.0
  (+cooker), overclocked to 1470, on the drive that was runnin Mandrake
  in the old system.  Not even a burp.  Only thing I had to do was run
  harddrake to config the new integrated sound chip. Found that I could
  reliably run 'mprime's torture test at 1.55 gig without raisin the
  default voltages and stay below 50C under heavy load with the cpu.

    WinSUX, OTOH, wouldn't boot into anything but failsafe (even at the
  default 1.4g). It kept search'n for new hardware, install it, ask to be
  rebooted,  over an over  well this went on for more than a dozen
  times till it finally got it halfway right enough to boot to a normal
  desktop.  I was on the fence of even putting winBLOWS on this new
  system, now I'm sorry I did. I'm gonna miss Flight Sim 2000, but I'm
  fixin to just delete Windoze off that drive altogether and make some
  more room for the Penguin. BTW, still no sound in WinSUX, and there's
  still much to reconfigure  If I bother.

    Who cares if Billy gets split?  People who're savvy enough to
  realize Windoze SUX?   or the vast masses that'll support Winblows
  jus 'cause they don't know any thing better?  Whether Billy had won or
  lost yesterday wouldn'a made any diference with his flock. I believe
  they get what they deserve.  Everyday, many people get the kind'a
  winblows experience I gave above.  Most don't know or care that
  Winblows is the culprit, they'll use it anyhow.

Unlike other WinDOS competitors, GNU/Linux will never die. This is thanks to 
its GPL underpinnings. M$ can't use its code (legally), and they sure as hell 
can't buy it out.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
I didn't get rich by writing lots of cheques.
-- Bill Gates, in 'The Simpsons'

Re: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-06-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Mandrake has urpmi and urpme. If you add your user to the urpmi group you 
will be able to (un)install RPMs without logging in as root.

There is also sudo, which can be configures to allow a user to access any 
root task you wish.

I personaly see these as a bit of a security risk, so I just su for a short 
moment to (un)install my RPM.

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 00:38, Mark Johnson wrote:
 I'm spending most of my time installing the system, installing RPMs, and
 configuring files I can't figure out how to install an RPM as myself,
 is that possible?

  -Original Message-
  From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 9:08 AM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] Use of Linux
   I try really, really hard to do things under my account but
  inevitably I
   have su'd to root within 3 to 5 minutes...  I think it's
  just a problem with
   me not knowing how to setup my access properly.
  What are all these pressing things then, that you constantly need root
  access for? If I have to run su more than 5 times a day I
  feel that I have
  done something wrong...

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] VMWare configuration

2001-06-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Assuming you are running NT as a guest OS within a GNU/Linux host, it should 
be safe to access all the Windows partitions in read/write mode. As a 
precaution, I would access the GNU/Linux partitions in read-only 
mode, but it shouldn't be any problem if you use read/write mode for them as 
well (since Windows can't see non-Windows partitions).

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 03:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have my machine set up to dual boot NT and Linux Mandrake 8.0 (2
 seperate hard drives).
 While trying to configure my eval version of VMWare, I saw you could
  access your NT drive (hda) for the guest OS.
 What configuration choices do I want to use?  My choices listed are below,
 with the option of setting each to No Access, Read Only, and Read/Write.
 Which should I use for each?  (With all of them selected as read only,
  VMware starts to boot, and gives me a single line that says LILO 21.7).
 (The following is the NT drive)
 hda0  (mbr)
 hda1   (Win95 Extended)
 hda2   (Dos 16 bit=32M)
 hda5   (Dos 16 bit=32M)
 NOTE:  The NT drive is 20 gig, with drive C: using FAT, and Drive D: using
 (The following is the Linux drive)
 hdb0  (mbr)
 hdb1   (Linux native)
 hdb2   (Linux extended)
 hdb5   (Linux swap)
 hdb6   (Linux native)
 NOTE:  The Linux drive is 40 gig)
 Anyone able to assist?
 Harry G.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] loud login routine

2001-06-29 Thread Miark


Check out the Control Center, Look 'n Feel, System Notifications. Then in the right 
pane, go to KDE System Notifications, KDE is
Starting Up. Uncheck the Play Sound box.


- Original Message -
From: Bill Winegarden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 7:08 PM
Subject: [newbie] loud login routine

 A small annoyance (aside from my inability to fix it) is that when I boot up
 my laptop and log in as a user, the boot 'tune' in KDE is very loud. Is there
 any way I can set the volume so that it will not wake my neighbours when I
 log in?

 Bill W.

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-29 Thread Miark

 Unlike other WinDOS competitors, GNU/Linux will 
 never die... M$ can't use its code (legally), 
 and they sure as hell can't buy it out.

The richest man in the world, representing the 
most powerful software force in the history of 
the planet can't touch Linux. sigh

Brings a tear of joy to these ol' eyes  :-)

 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
 I didn't get rich by writing lots of cheques.
 -- Bill Gates, in 'The Simpsons'

Of course, the real Billy Gates would spell it, checks.


[newbie] How to configure GRUB menu?

2001-06-29 Thread Viboon Chaojirapant

Hi All,

I would like to configure GRUB's bootup menu so
that it will pause more than 3 sec before Linux is

In Mandrake 7.2, I could easily do that by
fiddling with menu.lst file in the /boot/grub

HOWEVER, I am currently running Mandrake 8.0 and
menu.lst is NOT in /boot/grub directory.

Is there an easy way to change the GRUB bootup
menu? Better still, how can I get the menu.lst
file back?

Thank you.


[newbie] problem with /sbin/ifup ppp0, modem dials then hangs up (error 17)

2001-06-29 Thread Fireman71

I rearranged my home office today to please my better half who is always
complaining about it being cluttered and saying things like This room would
look so much better if only..

This reordering involved moving my LM8.0 computer.

I did a shutdown -h now as root from an xterm and everything shutdown fine.

Moved my desk and plugged my computer back in and tried to connect to the
internet with /sbin/ifup ppp0 as root like i have always done and the
modem picked up the phone line and dialed the number then almost before the
first ring it hung up and linux responded with a somewhat cryptic Failed to
connect (error 17).

I cant find anything that describes exactly what error 17 is supposed to
mean but all the settings have stayed exactly the same. I just shutdown the
computer and moved it about 2.5 feet then plugged the power cable back up
and turned the power on.

Then only two cables i had to disconnect were the monitor and the power
cable. Never touched the phone line.

Also i can boot the workstation up into winblows and the modem works just

My hardware:

HP Vectra 5 P120
External USR 56k modem
Mandrkae 8.0
(dont think the rest is really relevant to this problem)

This one has me really puzzled.

Thanks in advance,
Ian K. Harrell

Re: [newbie] Installing nVidia Drivers For TNT2 M64

2001-06-29 Thread Dan Gordon

Im getting ready to try to install these drivers as well on MDK 8.0 the card 
is the Geforce 2  16 meg.  My question is i have seen two sets of drivers on 
there website, one is for Mandrake 8.0 one cpu, uni processor kernel and the 
other is for Mandrake 8.0 SMP kernel.  I think i want the first one, is this 

Thanks in advance.

On June 29, 2001 02:04 am, you wrote:

 Nope, don't worry about it. Just make the changes to your XF86Config-4 as
 instructed, and you'll be good to go.

Dan Gordon
Powerd by KMail
Registerd Linux user #217868

Re: [newbie] Logrotation /THomas (was Use of Linux)

2001-06-29 Thread Paul

It was Fri, 29 Jun 2001 15:14:20 +0100 when n6tadam wrote:

The pressing things, are just maintanace scripts that I have written, but
I am having to change the permissions on the logfiles each time.

And before you say it :-), Cron is insufficient to do my logrotation.
Instead, I use a perl script that I wrote.

Hi Thomas,

Could it then be an option to run that perl script in the system cron?
Although I guess you already tinkered with that idea.
Can't you keep a su'd xterm open for this? Minimized/hidden, for your use


It's in process:
So wrapped up in red tape that the situation is almost hopeless. - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
** - when you care **

[newbie] Problem with supermount on MDK8

2001-06-29 Thread Andris Maziks
Title: Message

Some help needed , 
after instalation of latest mdk freq which based on on mdk8 i have th following 
each of my cdrom and 
floppy can be used only once after each rebooting, another time when I try to 
read any media from these devices I receive warning that I doen't have 
permisions to read from these devices or mount points, even if 
logged as root
any help very 

Re: [newbie] Disk Resizers

2001-06-29 Thread Kevin Fonner

Ahh.  I took a look at it ealier and didn't see any resize buttons.  Then I
pressed unmount.


- Original Message -
From: Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Disk Resizers

 Hash: SHA1

 Disk Drake is included with Mandrake (at least 7.2, I would assume 8.0 as

 On Friday 29 June 2001 18:47, thus spake Kevin Fonner:

   Are their any partition resizers that are made to run on Linux?

 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 - --
 Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No
 fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
 - - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie] Couldn't log on tty1-6/ kdm crashes/ gdm crashes/ X crashes

2001-06-29 Thread etharp

I hope I am not beating a dead horse, but do you have plug and pray aware OS 
turned to OFF in bios? and your graphics card really will need to be in 
the pci slot shared with the agp slot. you may also want to run the network 
card setup (it is probly a DOS program on the diskette that came with the 
card) and see if you can set it's interrupt to something else if you have a 
free one?) I would also recommend that when you install the PCI cards you 
might want to read the book from the motherboard to see which slots are bus 
master the Video and controller card will want to be in bus-master slots.
now the disclaimer. I have no right to have a computer, and I have no need to 
have all these computers running here in my house. but i like it that way.

On Friday 29 June 2001 13:20, you wrote:
 Hi, and sorry for the long email.
 Let me  start with a summary:

 1) I've had the computer reboot into console without any error
 messages and then I couldn't log on!!!
 I tried as root and as a user on tty1, tty2, tty4, tty6 and then I
 gave up, resorted to the sysrq sequence and I had no problems on the
 next reboot.

 2) I've had the computer boot into X directly and the login manager
 fails (kdm/gdm) and the computer goes down into runlevel 3, or the
 login manager doesn't fail, but is extremely slow, KDE takes 15
 min. to start. In the second case, I also couldn't login on tty1-6 to
 kill X.

 3) I've had the computer boot into X directly and have been able to
 log on and work without any problems and then suddenly X dies on me
 and I get the login manager again.

 I have no idea whether this is one or many problems with hardware or
 software. I'm up to date on security patches up to and including
 kdelibs from June 27.  These are fairly serious problems which make an
 otherwise wonderful version of Mandrake difficult for me to use.

 If you have any suggestions, please let me know.



 ps. I've been using Mandrake for 4 weeks now and I love it! Too bad it
 keeps crashing on me without telling me why.



 Celeron 466 MHz, Intel QS440BX, Award BIOS 2.09,
 Primary Master: IBM drive, boot drive, Windoze only + lilo
 Primary Slave: IOMEGA ZIP 100 ATAPI
 Secondary Master: TOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-M1212
 Secondary Slave: Hewlett-Packard CD-Writer Plus 9100
 Controller card: SIIG Ultra ATA 66
  On that card is: WD 400BB, set to DMA 33 both on the card and on the
 drive. This drive is linux only.
 Graphics card: ATI Xpert 2000.
 Network card: Linksys LNE 100TX
 Sound: Yamaha YMF-724 Addonics SV550
 TV card: Win-TV GO.
 Monitor: Viewsonic E771
 Printer: HP Deskjet 832C connected through USB.
 and a PS-2 scroll mouse and a 102-keyboard

 When I emailed the list about problem 3) I got the suggestion to make
 sure the graphics card had its own interrupt so I moved the network
 card to avoid having the two cards share an irq. The problems still


 The 2 GPL Mandrake 8.0 CDs. The MD5 sum was ok, the install was
 without problems. I use KDE, and I've tried both kdm and gdm as the
 login managers, but I've experienced the X crash with both of them.
 I have jserver/wnn, the tiny firewall, postfix + the standard services
 such as usb, xfs etc.

 Logs say:

 Nothing that I can see to be relevant. I'll break this down by the
 1) Then I can't log in to tty1-6, i.e. I type in my or root's user name
 and password and the only thing that happens is that after approx. 1
 min. the login prompt reappears.
 None of the following contain any record of an attempted login:
 /var/logs/messages, /var/logs/auth.log, /var/logs/login
 2) Then kdm or gdm don't start properly on boot.
 I couldn't find anything in the logs, that may or may not be due to my
 record keeping.
 3) If X crashes, /var/log/messages contains lines such as:
 Jun 25 23:46:02 nic-41-c68-180 kdm[1388]: Server for display :0 terminated
 unexpectedly: 1
 Jun 25 23:46:03 nic-41-c68-180 kde(pam_unix)[3263]: session closed for user
 Jun 28 01:43:59 nic-41-c68-180 gdm(pam_unix)[1394]: session closed for user
 Jun 29 10:10:09 localhost gdm(pam_unix)[3019]: session closed for user

 Finally, dmesg after a successful reboot:

 Linux version 2.4.3-20mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version
 egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs
 -1.1.2 release / Linux-Mandrake 8.0)) #1 Sun Apr 15 23:03:10 CEST 2001
 BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
  BIOS-e820:  - 0009fc00 (usable)
  BIOS-e820: 0009fc00 - 000a (reserved)
  BIOS-e820: 000f - 0010 (reserved)
  BIOS-e820: 0010 - 17ff (usable)
  BIOS-e820: 17ff - 17ff3000 (ACPI NVS)
  BIOS-e820: 17ff3000 - 1800 (ACPI data)
  BIOS-e820:  - 0001 (reserved)
 On node 0 totalpages: 98288
 zone(0): 4096 pages.
 zone(1): 94192 pages.
 zone(2): 0 pages.
 hm, page 0100 reserved twice.
 Kernel command line: 

Re: [newbie] Disk Resizers

2001-06-29 Thread Kevin Fonner

I can't seem to move or resize my / drive.  Will I have to create some
special boot disk to do this or something or is their a way to do it?


- Original Message -
From: Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Disk Resizers

 Hash: SHA1

 Disk Drake is included with Mandrake (at least 7.2, I would assume 8.0 as

 On Friday 29 June 2001 18:47, thus spake Kevin Fonner:

   Are their any partition resizers that are made to run on Linux?

 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 - --
 Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No
 fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
 - - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie] Re: [SLE] Use of Linux

2001-06-29 Thread Tim Holmes

Either way you do it, getting around those permission is going to be a security risk.

You could provide the passwd in the script but all soembody needs to do is stumble 
teh script and now they have root access.

Or you could change the permissions in the correct places to allow certain writes to be
allowed by a basic user and now somebody doesn't even need root access to your box.

But, if you write your script, as they would need to be done as the root user, then log
into the root and execute the command, you can go on from there.  Or have a scrip that 
prompt you for the root passwd while it's running.  That's what I've done for a few of 
scripts.  It does everything it needs to do, but in the middle of script it asks me 
for the
root passwd.  So that's a suggestion.

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

 9:53AM  up 8 days, 23:46, 9 users, load averages: 0.06, 0.03, 0.00
| Dear List,
| Thank you all for your replies. I must admit, that I was not very clear with
| my question. I knew all about the command su and groups and all, but I
| just wanted to know, a quick way of getting around the permissions.
| Anyhow, thankyou all again.
| Regards,
| Thomas Adam
| Please note that the content of this message is confidential between the original 
|sender and the intended recipient(s) of the message. If you are not an intended 
|recipient and/or have received this message in error, kindly disregard the content of 
|the message and return it to the original sender.
| If you have any complaints about this message please reply to:
| The Purbeck School E-Mail server running:

Re: [newbie] Konqueror in mdk 8

2001-06-29 Thread Mandrake

Thank you thank you thank you thank you

It works nice!

At least on a chat applet I tried.

I'm off to test it on other stuffage.

Thanks again.

On Friday 29 June 2001 07:43 pm, so spoke Dennis M.:  and down load the
 linux java runtime environment to your /home/username directory and it will
 always be there if you do a new install but don't format /home. Once it is
 in that directory and you untar it you can then point konqueror to that
 file in /home/username  (whatever username is yours) and it should then run
 like a champ. Let me know if you have any problems understanding my lousy
 writing, and if any of the above works for you.

Linux is cool