Re: [newbie-it] Integrazione blocco cdrom e floppy

2001-09-11 Thread Andrea Celli

Marco wrote:
 Ad integrazione del messaggio precedente:
 Il blocco si è verificato da quando ho cercato di avviare rpminst da
 software manager.
 Se provo a digitare mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom ( o equiv. x floppy) la
 periferica da timidi segnali di vita per qualche secondo e poi si
 pianta tutto.
 Ho notato, tra le altre cose, un segnale di CODEC 97 ... credo legato
 alla scheda audio che devo ancora configurare (a proposito qualcuno sa
 dove sta e come si chiama il file di configurazione audio?) ... può
 essere legato al blocco delle due periferiche?

Elimina anche (soprattutto per configurare l'audio) il supporto per 
pnp nel bios. Qualcosa del tipo SO che supportano pnp.

A win non serve a con Linux a volte genera casini.

Eliminandolo io sono riuscito a configurare al volo la scheda audio
(drakxconf) e a risolvere uno strano problema: installavo mndk-8.0
con i CD caserecci o da rivista, ma non con quelli ufficiali :-?

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Integrazione blocco cdrom e floppy

2001-09-11 Thread Marco

Grazie per i consigli, tra l’altro avevo nel frattempo letto quei
messaggi proprio dagli archivi che hai citato … ma non avevano nulla a
che fare col mio problema. Stasera (ora sono al lavoro e non ho linux)
proverò a disabilitare kudzu… anche se non lancio aurora al boot e i
dispositivi cdrom e floppy non sono persi (vengono rilevati al boot) …
semplicemente (pur non essendo un problema di diritti) non riesco ad
accedervi (es. cd /mnt/cdrom mi pianta tutto … se invece digito
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom la luce del cdrom si accende, il cd gira ma
dopo 2 secondi si pianta tutto) . . . spero di risolvere senza dover
reinstallare tutto … :-(



 Marco wrote:
  Ad integrazione del messaggio precedente:
  Il blocco si è verificato da quando ho cercato di avviare rpminst da
  software manager.
  Se provo a digitare mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom ( o equiv. x
floppy) la
  periferica da timidi segnali di vita per qualche secondo e poi si
  pianta tutto.
  Ho notato, tra le altre cose, un segnale di CODEC 97 ... credo
  alla scheda audio che devo ancora configurare (a proposito qualcuno
  dove sta e come si chiama il file di configurazione audio?) ... può
  essere legato al blocco delle due periferiche?

 Elimina anche (soprattutto per configurare l'audio) il supporto per
 pnp nel bios. Qualcosa del tipo SO che supportano pnp.

 A win non serve a con Linux a volte genera casini.

 Eliminandolo io sono riuscito a configurare al volo la scheda audio
 (drakxconf) e a risolvere uno strano problema: installavo mndk-8.0
 con i CD caserecci o da rivista, ma non con quelli ufficiali :-?

 ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Corel draw per Linux

2001-09-11 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Alberto Zanoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
   qualcuno sa di un'applicazione usabile
 per vedere
   /scrivere/modificare file prodotti da Corel Draw
  Teoricamente ci sarebbe CorelDraw per Linux che,
 stranamente, e` in
  vendita solo in Nord America.
  Prova con gimp
  ciao, Andrea
   e grazie per la risposta. Il file ha l'estensione
 .cdr. Con gimp, ahimè, non 
 c'é speranza. Proverò magari a vedere su Internet se
 ci sia qualcosa...
 Se qualcun altro ha qualche idea, sia il benvenuto.

Ho visto che sul sito della Corel c'e' Corel Photo
Paint, che e' liberamente scaricabile. ...Pero' non so
se supporti il tipo di file che serve a te...

Un'altra soluzione (se tu hai comunque una versione
del Corel Drow per Windows), potrebbe essere quella di
eseguirlo sotto Wine... che alla fine corrisponde a
quello che ti offrono loro: il porting del Corel Drow
per Linux in realta' e' in emulazione sotto Wine.

Ciao Steo.

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[newbie-it] Iptables non va......

2001-09-11 Thread max

ho mandrake 8 con iptable 1.2.2-3.1 scaricato dagli aggiornamenti sulla 
Se digito iptable -L dovrei vedere lo stato invece esce questo messaggio di 

iptables v1.2.2: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Module is wrong 
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.

Ho provato a disistallare il pacchetto e relativo aggiornamento e ristallarlo 
di nuovo...niente da fare solito messaggio.

Qualche suggerimento?



Re: [newbie-it] Iptables non va......

2001-09-11 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 18:26:24 -0400
max [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ho mandrake 8 con iptable 1.2.2-3.1 scaricato dagli aggiornamenti
 Se digito iptable -L dovrei vedere lo stato invece esce questo
messaggio di 
 iptables v1.2.2: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Module is
 Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
 Ho provato a disistallare il pacchetto e relativo aggiornamento e
 di nuovo...niente da fare solito messaggio.
 Qualche suggerimento?
Se non sbaglio in mdk 8 c' e' un tool per configurare il firewall: hai
provato con quello?


Sebastiano Cordiano

Re: [newbie-it] Integrazione blocco cdrom e floppy

2001-09-11 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:28:20 +0200
Marco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Grazie per i consigli, tra l’altro avevo nel frattempo letto quei
 messaggi proprio dagli archivi che hai citato … ma non avevano nulla a
 che fare col mio problema. Stasera (ora sono al lavoro e non ho linux)
 proverò a disabilitare kudzu… anche se non lancio aurora al boot e i
 dispositivi cdrom e floppy non sono persi (vengono rilevati al boot) …
 semplicemente (pur non essendo un problema di diritti) non riesco ad
 accedervi (es. cd /mnt/cdrom mi pianta tutto … se invece digito
 mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom la luce del cdrom si accende, il cd gira
 dopo 2 secondi si pianta tutto) . . . spero di risolvere senza dover
 reinstallare tutto … :-(
Non e' che c' e' qualche casino nell' fstab?
Prova a dare i comandi
supermount -i disable
supermount -i enable
sempre che ti riferivi al supermount con quel automount.


Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie-it] CANCELLATEMI

2001-09-11 Thread massimo t


Re: [newbie-it] Integrazione blocco cdrom e floppy

2001-09-11 Thread Marco

Sebastiano Cordano ha scritto
 Non e' che c' e' qualche casino nell' fstab?
 Prova a dare i comandi
 supermount -i disable
 supermount -i enable

No, fstab era a posto ... ho risolto, si trattava di un conflitto con
il daemon sound (o meglio con la scheda audio non ancora settata).

Comunque grazie a tutti



[newbie-it] linux vede linux?

2001-09-11 Thread bosva

ciao a tutta la ML...mi sono accorto (meglio tardi che mai) che
sotto linux vedo la partizione in cui ho non vedo un'altra
partizione in cui ho un'altra distro di linux (suse6.0)mi spiego
disco C:partizione uindos
partizione dati (ci metto tutti le mie questioni uindos)

disco D:partizione mdk 7.2
partizione suse 6.0

da mdk vedo le due partizioni uindos, ma non vedo la partizione in cui
ho installato la che directory dovrei cercarla?
non che la cosa mi mi piacerebbe sapere perchè
grazie in anticipo

Rif: [newbie-it] linux vede linux?

2001-09-11 Thread troglo77

Se chiami i dischi c: e d: già caschiamo male!! ;-)
devi solo montare il disco con la partizione di SUSE (mount /dev/hdX 
/mnt/suse) creado prima la cartella suse!
la X sta per la lettera in minuscolo distintiva della partizione (NON HA A 
Non lo ho mai fatto ma la teoria dovrebbe essere giusta ... attendo dai 
compatrioti della ML affinazioni sulla mia tecnica!
Hola Hola [bd]Mercury

00.03 ZE2 Oggi
Per favore, rispondere a newbie-it

Per:mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oggetto: [newbie-it] linux vede linux?

ciao a tutta la ML...mi sono accorto (meglio tardi che mai) che
sotto linux vedo la partizione in cui ho non vedo un'altra
partizione in cui ho un'altra distro di linux (suse6.0)mi spiego
disco C: partizione uindos
 partizione dati (ci metto tutti le mie 
questioni uindos)

disco D: partizione mdk 7.2
 partizione suse 6.0

da mdk vedo le due partizioni uindos, ma non vedo la partizione in cui
ho installato la che directory dovrei cercarla?
non che la cosa mi mi piacerebbe sapere perchè
grazie in anticipo

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con i font

2001-09-11 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Mon, 10 Sep 2001 11:35:38 +0200
GiulioF [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ciao !!
 ringrazio in anticipo x qchi mi risponderà !
 Allora, uso Mandrake 7.2 e usando DrakeFont (volevo installare i font
 window) il sistema grafico è andato in crash !Al riavvio del computer
 è partito in modalita console e quando ho digitato startx mi ha dato
 errore : il server dei fonts non riesce a trovare i percorsi dei font
 appunto( che a quanto ho capito dovrebbe chiamarsi xfs).Qualcuno sa
 reinserire i fonts correttamente e quali sono i file di configurazione
 di xfs ?? 
 Ciao e grazie

Dovrebbe essere la riga
FontPath   unix/:-1
nella Section Files del file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.
Poi c' e' il file /etc/X11/fs/config che contiene l' elenco completo dei
percorsi, se ti puo' servire nel mio c' e' questo (ho anch 'io mdk 7.2)
a cui ho aggiunto solo QUALCHE font di windows:
catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled,

Controlla da console.

Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie-it] Integrazione blocco cdrom e floppy

2001-09-11 Thread Marco

Ad integrazione del messaggio precedente:
Il blocco si è verificato da quando ho cercato di avviare rpminst da
software manager.
Se provo a digitare mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom ( o equiv. x floppy) la
periferica da timidi segnali di vita per qualche secondo e poi si
pianta tutto.
Ho notato, tra le altre cose, un segnale di CODEC 97 ... credo legato
alla scheda audio che devo ancora configurare (a proposito qualcuno sa
dove sta e come si chiama il file di configurazione audio?) ... può
essere legato al blocco delle due periferiche?



Re: [newbie-it] Corel draw per Linux

2001-09-11 Thread Alberto Zanoni

Il 14:59, lunedì 10 settembre 2001, hai scritto :
 Alberto Zanoni wrote:
  qualcuno sa di un'applicazione usabile per vedere
  /scrivere/modificare file prodotti da Corel Draw ?

 Teoricamente ci sarebbe CorelDraw per Linux che, stranamente, e` in
 vendita solo in Nord America.

 Prova con gimp

 ciao, Andrea

e grazie per la risposta. Il file ha l'estensione .cdr. Con gimp, ahimè, non 
c'é speranza. Proverò magari a vedere su Internet se ci sia qualcosa...

Se qualcun altro ha qualche idea, sia il benvenuto.

RE: [newbie] Let's play a game!

2001-09-11 Thread Michael Spivak

I think you should try to look for something in :

-Original Message-
From: Dr. Evil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 7:45 AM
Subject: [newbie] Let's play a game!

Hi, I'm looking for some games that will run under Mandrake 8.0.  I
have a reasonably fast machine, with some kind of usable graphics card
and a fairly good soundcard.  I'm looking for a 3D first-person
shooter game.  Something like Counterstrike would be absolutely
perfect.  Any sugestions?  I would also take sugestions for Windows
games which are known to work well with wine.  I don't have any access
to a Windows box, so if it can't run on Linux, I don't want it.

I have never really played computer games before, but I want to give
it a try now.


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Re: [newbie] new linux drivers for nvidia cards Version: 1.0-1512

2001-09-11 Thread Robert MacLean

Matrox has some 3d capibilites (lack the advanced instructions the
others have), and there GPU is relatively good.
There biggest problem is there Duel Head System (this is also a
problem with the Geforce 2 MX cards, but can be switched off on them)
runs all the time and everything has to be sent to both outputs
(pointless if you have 1 monitor). This uses extra RAM,and GPUU
especially if the screen is stretched across the 2 monitors. This
causes the card to suffer a bit.
It performs about the same as a low end Geforce 1 in the end. The
Geforce 2 MX is better choice if you have to have deul head output.

Robert MacLean
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 6:08 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] new linux drivers for nvidia cards Version:

 What about Matrox cards, or do they not perform near as well in 3D
as the 3
 listed below?  I see Matrox has a new one out the G550:

 Steve M.

 On Monday 10 September 2001 01:20 am, you wrote:
  IMHO you have 3 choices of graphic cards
  3dfx - bad idea as they no longer exist (so no more drivers)
  ATI - don't support Linux :(
  nVidia - provide closed drivers for Linux.
  and personally closed drivers are better than no drivers.
  Robert MacLean
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2001 11:40 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] new linux drivers for nvidia cards Version:
   On Friday 07 September 2001 05:09 pm,  Tom Brinkman wrote:
  I've got one word for nVidia's Linux support, and like most
wintel-gang, it's    DISINGENUOUS. They're just stringin
with poor, partially capable, closed source secret drivers.
fear of losing M$ cooperation.   YMMV  I'm sort's pi$$'d at
buyin nVidia crap, even tho I knew all the above beforehand.
excuse is it's gettin harder and harder... not to.  Billy's
  winning ;(
   That's just it.  What is our alternative?  Voodoo support is not
  what it was.
I had three machines (just sold one) with the voodoo3 in them,
  they have
   not had decent acceleration since 7.2.  I tried all the the
  tips and
   tricks other say got theirs to work ok, but nope... games suck
   machines.  ATI?  I read post after post of horror story with
   What could we get, even if money was no object (within the home

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Re: [newbie] Let's play a game!

2001-09-11 Thread Robert MacLean

I have quake 3 and unreal tournament on my machine and both run like a
dream. has a section on getting half-life to work which
should mean that counter strike would work as well.
If you need help getting Q3 or UT to run feel free to ask. HTH

Robert MacLean
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 7:44 AM
Subject: [newbie] Let's play a game!

 Hi, I'm looking for some games that will run under Mandrake 8.0.  I
 have a reasonably fast machine, with some kind of usable graphics
 and a fairly good soundcard.  I'm looking for a 3D first-person
 shooter game.  Something like Counterstrike would be absolutely
 perfect.  Any sugestions?  I would also take sugestions for Windows
 games which are known to work well with wine.  I don't have any
 to a Windows box, so if it can't run on Linux, I don't want it.

 I have never really played computer games before, but I want to give
 it a try now.



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RE: [newbie] Let's play a game!

2001-09-11 Thread Michael Spivak

Can you please give us some documentation source about
how to install the Quake/Unreal ?

Ihave the original disks, and thougt it can run only with Windohs 

Thanks in advance

Michael Spivak

-Original Message-
From: Robert MacLean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Let's play a game!

I have quake 3 and unreal tournament on my machine and both run like a
dream. has a section on getting half-life to work which
should mean that counter strike would work as well.
If you need help getting Q3 or UT to run feel free to ask. HTH

Robert MacLean
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 7:44 AM
Subject: [newbie] Let's play a game!

 Hi, I'm looking for some games that will run under Mandrake 8.0.  I
 have a reasonably fast machine, with some kind of usable graphics
 and a fairly good soundcard.  I'm looking for a 3D first-person
 shooter game.  Something like Counterstrike would be absolutely
 perfect.  Any sugestions?  I would also take sugestions for Windows
 games which are known to work well with wine.  I don't have any
 to a Windows box, so if it can't run on Linux, I don't want it.

 I have never really played computer games before, but I want to give
 it a try now.



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[newbie] LM8.1 B3

2001-09-11 Thread Mohammed Arafa

1. sound: cs423x doesnt work from harddrake nor from sndconfig (linus' voice
only no midi .. was working in lm8.0 from sndconfig)
2. task bar: i dont like the new way of putting all your running programs
(for all 4 desktops)on the task bar in front of u.
2a. konqueror: only one konqueror button, with a pop up menu for the other
instances of konqueror .. not nice
3. cli: no more shutting down the xserver to the cli, supposedly ok but what
if u need to run a program that could mess up ur x configuration? (as i
understand it .sndconfig is/was such a one
4. screensaver: i want my blue screen of death screensaver; i loved it,
everybody at work went OoooH!
5. 8.1: noticed a lot of reference to 8.0 every where; set up, tutorials,
6. logo: is this gonna be the new one?

a short personal review of 8.1b3 its only been running 12 hours or so and
havent had a chance to play with it


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Re: [newbie] Let's play a game!

2001-09-11 Thread Robert MacLean

To get UT to work you need the windows version of the game.
Then go to and download the
Linux installer.
Follow the instructions for the installer and voila.
I found that for some reason the game didn't run if I installed it off
the CD, or if I copied the files on to the hard drive under Linux.
What I ended up doing is copying the files under windows and then
installing off a fat 32 partition which worked fine. Other people I
know have been able to install straight off of CD. go figure :)

To Q3A to run you also need the windows version.
Then go to and download the latest Linux
point release.
Install the point release (this had me confused for a while, the logic
of installing the update first then the game is weird), next go to the
q3a cd and find the pak0 file (if I remember right, it's the very big
pak file on the cd) and copy that into the base3q directory. and
voila, it's frag fest time ;)
This will works exactly the same for team arena, only difference is
that you need to copy the pak0 file off the team arena disk ;)

Personally I haven't found too much speed increase between windows and
Linux on my machine. Lower end machines Linux is faster, especially
with quake. I haven't had a chance to try it networked yet either,
will do that this weekend.


Robert MacLean
IDWS Technical Services
Tel: (011) 955-5613 ext 14
Fax: (011) 955-5611

NOTE: Please include this message in your reply.

- Original Message -
From: Michael Spivak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 9:44 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Let's play a game!

 Can you please give us some documentation source about
 how to install the Quake/Unreal ?

 Ihave the original disks, and thougt it can run only with Windohs

 Thanks in advance

 Michael Spivak

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert MacLean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Let's play a game!

 I have quake 3 and unreal tournament on my machine and both run like
 dream. has a section on getting half-life to work which
 should mean that counter strike would work as well.
 If you need help getting Q3 or UT to run feel free to ask. HTH
 Robert MacLean
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 7:44 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Let's play a game!

  Hi, I'm looking for some games that will run under Mandrake 8.0.
  have a reasonably fast machine, with some kind of usable graphics
  and a fairly good soundcard.  I'm looking for a 3D first-person
  shooter game.  Something like Counterstrike would be absolutely
  perfect.  Any sugestions?  I would also take sugestions for
  games which are known to work well with wine.  I don't have any
  to a Windows box, so if it can't run on Linux, I don't want it.
  I have never really played computer games before, but I want to
  it a try now.


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  Go to


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Re: [newbie] Let's play a game!

2001-09-11 Thread Nathan Oliva

hey, try Unreal tournament, i just switched to linux, am running a linux
unreal tournament server...  buy the game for windows retail about $20,
download linux binaries at lokigames... it rocked in windows, my server runs
unbelievably well under linux well enough that many of the game server
admins i know are jealous and finally considering at least dual booting to

have fun,


Hi, I'm looking for some games that will run under Mandrake 8.0.  I
have a reasonably fast machine, with some kind of usable graphics card
and a fairly good soundcard.  I'm looking for a 3D first-person
shooter game.  Something like Counterstrike would be absolutely
perfect.  Any sugestions?  I would also take sugestions for Windows
games which are known to work well with wine.  I don't have any access
to a Windows box, so if it can't run on Linux, I don't want it.

I have never really played computer games before, but I want to give
it a try now.


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Re: [newbie] Let's play a game!

2001-09-11 Thread Robert MacLean

You need UT on CD.
The installer for the Linux version is free.
Basically the Linux installer is just a replacement for the installer
on the CD which is a windows one.
It also includes a few additional files in it.

The whole process is mount UT cd.
Run installer as root.
Play UT :)

There is the GOTY edition of UT which has the Linux installer on it,
but unfortunately we do not get that version in South Africa ;(


Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
To: Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Let's play a game!

  To get UT to work you need the windows version of the game.
  Then go to and download the
  Linux installer.
  Follow the instructions for the installer and voila.
  I found that for some reason the game didn't run if I installed it
  the CD, or if I copied the files on to the hard drive under Linux.
  What I ended up doing is copying the files under windows and then
  installing off a fat 32 partition which worked fine. Other people
  know have been able to install straight off of CD. go figure :)

 It sounds like I should buy UT.  The instructions are not completely
 clear (they assume that I am a Windows user or a former Windows user
 or something).  Let me get this straight:

 1. I go to my friendly software store and buy the latest release ot
Unreal Tournament for Windows.

 2. I then go to and buy a patch.

 3. Somehow this patch will let me run this Windows game under Linux?

 If that's how I do it, I'll go out and get it tomorrow.


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[newbie] System crashing need advice to find the problem

2001-09-11 Thread Jamie Kerwick

Up until thursday night my linux box had been working perfectly now it keeps 
freezing up when i leave it on overnight. Now initially i thought it my be a 
cron job that was crashing it as it seemed to happen at similar times. From 
the cron logs the last entry was 3am everynight. So i tried manually running 
each of the daily cron jobs seperately and they all seemed to work fine 
(this was yesterday) now when i came to my desk this morning the box had 
frozen at 5.09 pm (the clock was visible). Basically what i would like to 
know is how to go about finding out what the problem is, ie what logs should 
i be looking at etc. (its a long shot but if anyone has any ideas please 
share, i don't expect any to though from such a vague, general description)



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Re: [newbie] Need some some file/directory system structure.

2001-09-11 Thread Frans Ketelaars

Peter Rymshaw wrote:
 Followed your instructions. Checking found some
 things missing and stopped. Returned this:
 checking for working autoconf--- missing
 checking for working autoheader--- missing
 checking for gcc--- no
 checking for cc--- no
 configure: error: no acceptable cc found in #PATH
 Now what?

Hi, install the following packages:


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[newbie] networking with linux

2001-09-11 Thread Lee Melville


I want to network my linux box with my two other machines (win2k and win98),
I want the linux box to act as a server on the network as it will eventually
be connected to the internet and the other two shall access the net through
it (hopefully).  I have not configured the linux box at all as i am unsure
about networking with linux.

Where is the best place to start, anyone got any decent sites that cover
this for the newbie?  I am just unsure where to start with all this.

thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] networking with linux

2001-09-11 Thread Lanman

Try , and look at the NHF (Newbie Help Files) for 


On Tuesday 11 September 2001 04:54 am, you wrote:

 I want to network my linux box with my two other machines (win2k and
 win98), I want the linux box to act as a server on the network as it will
 eventually be connected to the internet and the other two shall access the
 net through it (hopefully).  I have not configured the linux box at all as
 i am unsure about networking with linux.

 Where is the best place to start, anyone got any decent sites that cover
 this for the newbie?  I am just unsure where to start with all this.

 thanks in advance

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RE: [newbie] RAM: How much is enough?

2001-09-11 Thread Adrian Lynch

Speaking of RAM, I hope nobody minds me slating a PC company, but it needs
to be said. I bought a PC from Evesham a while back, it should have come
with 128Mb PC133 SDRAM, just opened it up lastnight, and what do I find? Two
64Mb chips, one PC133 the other PC100.

Not a happy bunny, see  :o(

Whats the point of giving me a mix of the two if the lower one brings the
higher one down?

Adrian Lynch
United Kingdom
Ph: +44 (0) 20 7387 8890
New Zealand
Ph: +64 (0) 9 488 9131

The information in this email and in any attachments is confidential and
intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee(s) . Any
views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not
necessarily represent those of Thoughtbubble. This information may be
subject to legal, professional or other privilege and further distribution
of it is strictly prohibited without our authority. If you are not the
intended recipient, you are not authorised to disclose, copy, distribute, or
retain this message. Please notify us on +44 (0) 20 7387 8890

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Re: [newbie] Let's play a game!

2001-09-11 Thread Derek Jennings

The codeweavers version of Wine is not complied for OpenGL, so any 3D game is 
not going to work. You will have to dowload wine from and complile 
it yourself.

If you check out you will find a detailed HOWTO on 
getting Half Life/Counterstrike working under wine.

Good luck


On Tuesday 11 September 2001 04:10, you wrote:
 THAT version does, u got to get the linux binaries to play it under linux
 as an alternative get codeweavers version of wine .. it supposedly can
 install windows based programs without needing a copy of windows on the
 hard disk
 - Original Message -
 From: Michael Spivak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 9:44 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Let's play a game!

  Can you please give us some documentation source about
  how to install the Quake/Unreal ?
  Ihave the original disks, and thougt it can run only with Windohs 
  Thanks in advance
  Michael Spivak
  -Original Message-
  From: Robert MacLean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:32 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Let's play a game!
  I have quake 3 and unreal tournament on my machine and both run like a
  dream. has a section on getting half-life to work which
  should mean that counter strike would work as well.
  If you need help getting Q3 or UT to run feel free to ask. HTH
  Robert MacLean
  - Original Message -
  From: Dr. Evil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 7:44 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Let's play a game!
   Hi, I'm looking for some games that will run under Mandrake 8.0.  I
   have a reasonably fast machine, with some kind of usable graphics
   and a fairly good soundcard.  I'm looking for a 3D first-person
   shooter game.  Something like Counterstrike would be absolutely
   perfect.  Any sugestions?  I would also take sugestions for Windows
   games which are known to work well with wine.  I don't have any
   to a Windows box, so if it can't run on Linux, I don't want it.
   I have never really played computer games before, but I want to give
   it a try now.
   Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
   Go to


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Re: [newbie] Can't find KDE - sitll nothing

2001-09-11 Thread etharp

have you tried to ping the winders machine ip?
there is a lineighbothood in the KDE menu under networking  other, also 
you might check out komba2. In Linux, it is neccassary to mount drives or 
shares and smbclient nameofwindersboxorIP should get a list of available 
shares on that windows box 

On Monday 10 September 2001 23:19, you had thoughts to the concept of:
 s wrote:
  What you need to do is ifdown eth0 first then dial up.   (and ifup eth0
  to restart it)

 Hey there! I was wondering about that. I've been trying to get my 3
 computer systems setup with 2 windoze boxes and my Mandrake setup. I've
 configured a few things (with mucho help from etharp and others on this
 list). Anyways, I have to do the ifconfig eth0 down thingy to connect to
 my ISP as well. So, this is the normal/accepted way to do it?

 Now the hard question. How do I wind up actually getting to the Windoze
 machines? Its not like I can go into network neighborhood or anything
 like that! grin

 Etharp said to use samba. Have no experience with it. He also mentioned
 webmin, which I found. Very awesome looking setup! (more than I know what
 to do with. ;-)

 I'm posting some stuff here, maybe you and others can see what is (or is
 not) going on... Thanks! ;-)

 [darklord@darkforce darklord]$ su
 [root@darkforce darklord]# ifconfig
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:03:6D:19:C1:B3
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:225 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:21268 (20.7 Kb)
   Interrupt:10 Base address:0xd800

 loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
   RX packets:100 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:100 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:8453 (8.2 Kb)  TX bytes:8453 (8.2 Kb)

 ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
   inet addr:
   P-t-P: Mask:255.255.255.
   RX packets:803 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:852 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
   RX bytes:376171 (367.3 Kb)  TX bytes:48689 (47.5 Kb)

 [root@darkforce darklord]# ping
 PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=103 usec
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=99 usec
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=97 usec
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=99 usec
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=99 usec

 --- ping statistics ---
 5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
 round-trip min/avg/max/mdev = 0.097/0.099/0.103/0.009 ms
 [root@darkforce darklord]#

 [root@darkforce darklord]# ping
 PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=105 usec
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=107 usec
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=104 usec
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=118 usec
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=116 usec
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=92 usec

 --- ping statistics ---
 6 packets transmitted, 6 packets received, 0% packet loss
 round-trip min/avg/max/mdev = 0.092/0.107/0.118/0.008 ms
 [root@darkforce darklord]#

 Any ideas? Thanks! ;-)

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Fwd: Re: [newbie] networking with linux

2001-09-11 Thread Derek Jennings


Start off by teading the HOWTo's on Mandrake User Online

Also check out the archive of this email list

Samba will get your Windows machines networked to the Linux machine. The
Windows machines will be able to browse the Linux files with Network

LISa will give you the ability to browse your windows machines from Konquerer
just like Windows Network Neighbourhood.  (Some old mails tell how about
configuring LISa)

IP Maquerading will allow the Linux box to be a gateway for the Windows

Tip: When configuring Samba to get networking between your Linux box and your
Windows boxes. Don't forget to enable password encrption in Samba. That one
catches everyone out.


On Tuesday 11 September 2001 04:54, you wrote:

 I want to network my linux box with my two other machines (win2k and
 win98), I want the linux box to act as a server on the network as it will
 eventually be connected to the internet and the other two shall access the
 net through it (hopefully).  I have not configured the linux box at all as
 i am unsure about networking with linux.

 Where is the best place to start, anyone got any decent sites that cover
 this for the newbie?  I am just unsure where to start with all this.

 thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] System crashing need advice to find the problem

2001-09-11 Thread Jamie Kerwick

thanks for the tips,
i've checked all of the filesystems but the come up clean, (when i reboot 
after the hang it does give some errors and cleans them ).
would you say it was more than likely a hardware problem though rather than 
software ? (i.e. i want to get my boss to buy me a better PC )



From: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] System crashing need advice to find the problem
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 12:40:41 -0400

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 06:15, Jamie Kerwick wrote:
  how do i go about using fsck. I've tried fsck -A -C and it gave me a
  warning about mounted filesystems. Can i just unmount all of my 
  fsck and then remount , or do i have to do it partition at a time?
partition at a time...  and of course you have to boot the rescue CD to 

  From: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jamie Kerwick 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] System crashing need advice to find the problem
  Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:57:00 -0400
  On Tuesday 11 September 2001 04:28, Jamie Kerwick wrote:
Up until thursday night my linux box had been working perfectly now 
keeps freezing up when i leave it on overnight. Now initially i 
my be a cron job that was crashing it as it seemed to happen at 
times. From the cron logs the last entry was 3am everynight. So i 
manually running each of the daily cron jobs seperately and they all
to work fine (this was yesterday) now when i came to my desk this
the box had frozen at 5.09 pm (the clock was visible). Basically 
what i
would like to know is how to go about finding out what the problem 
what logs should i be looking at etc. (its a long shot but if anyone
has any ideas please share, i don't expect any to though from such a
vague, general description)
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
  updatedb or makewhatis
  My guess would be ide-hdd
  try to use an fsck check for your filesystem(s) and see what happens.
  The other obvious one would be memory, but usually that will show ALL 
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

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Re: [newbie] Let's play a game!

2001-09-11 Thread s

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 12:44 am,  Dr. Evil wrote:
 Hi, I'm looking for some games that will run under Mandrake 8.0.  I
 have a reasonably fast machine, with some kind of usable graphics card
 and a fairly good soundcard.  I'm looking for a 3D first-person
 shooter game.  Something like Counterstrike would be absolutely
 perfect.  Any sugestions?  I would also take sugestions for Windows
 games which are known to work well with wine.  I don't have any access
 to a Windows box, so if it can't run on Linux, I don't want it.

 I have never really played computer games before, but I want to give
 it a try now.


Go to They have a quake3, sof, descent3, Rune (not a 
shooter - more like a slicer), hg2, tribes2 and binaries for ut (this one's 
free).  If you go to, you can find many of these for $10 (USD).  
We have been holding our breath waiting for DeusEx and FAAKK (due out any 
time).  There are several others, Hyperion had put out Sin and Shogo.  Go to and find a few more too (like Hopkins FBI).   If you get ut 
going, there's a mod out there which makes it possible to play UnrealGold 
using it's engine and there are several mods for quake3 out there (like urban 
assault).  Also available are binaries for quake1 and 2, and doom.  

Now, go out there and have some fun!  :-)


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RE: [newbie] RAM: How much is enough?

2001-09-11 Thread Brandon Caudle

If you talking about how much ram is necessary, I feel there is never enough, I have 
768meg of PC133, and Suse Still uses 400meg of swap.  With 200 days+ up time its a 
little excusable, but if your building a server, that has a required uptime, Get the 
max you can afford!

~Brandon Caudle

Adrian Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote ..
 Speaking of RAM, I hope nobody minds me slating a PC company, but it needs
 to be said. I bought a PC from Evesham a while back, it should have come
 with 128Mb PC133 SDRAM, just opened it up lastnight, and what do I find?
 64Mb chips, one PC133 the other PC100.
 Not a happy bunny, see  :o(
 Whats the point of giving me a mix of the two if the lower one brings the
 higher one down?
 Adrian Lynch
 United Kingdom
 Ph: +44 (0) 20 7387 8890
 New Zealand
 Ph: +64 (0) 9 488 9131
 The information in this email and in any attachments is confidential and
 intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee(s) . Any
 views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not
 necessarily represent those of Thoughtbubble. This information may be
 subject to legal, professional or other privilege and further distribution
 of it is strictly prohibited without our authority. If you are not the
 intended recipient, you are not authorised to disclose, copy, distribute,
 retain this message. Please notify us on +44 (0) 20 7387 8890

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Re: [newbie] Open source hits back?

2001-09-11 Thread Jose Mirles

Dude, read the whole article. The last paragraph is used to explain the 


i just read this article and i am incredible disturbed by what i read. Either
this guy (the one who wrote this article) is unbelievable stupid or he's a
paid MS crony. Basically, what he's suggesting is to bark back at the dog that
barks at you. Figure that one out!!

What exactly is what the open source is trying to accomplish? Compete with M$
or be a better, more reliable option for people who use computers? mandrake 8,
gnone, ximian, gnucash, staroffice are excellent examples of the way open
source can outperform microshit products. Adopting, like the author suggests,
microshit strategies will further alianate the few windows users interested in
knowing more about linux.

At best this is a bad idea with good intentions, and at worst, an attempted of
ms cronies to divide the open source community

skinky wrote:

Got this link on another mailing list - thought someone might find it
interesting.  Not such a bad idea.


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Re: [newbie] MDK 8.x /PPoE

2001-09-11 Thread s

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 06:57 am,  Marius Schrecker wrote:

 Have followed Mandrake's rapid progress since 7.0 and now use 8.0
 (waiting for 8.1) It's a real joy trying to keep up.

 A friend was also in on the 7.x series, but went back to the 'Evil Empire'
 after failing to get his PPoE/ ADSL internet connection configured.

 Kernel 2.4.x now has PPoE support, so a connection wizard like the
 excellent one for modem/ISDN/LAN connections doesn't seem so unlikely.

 If I could convince my friend of easy PPoE setup we'd have him back in no
 time  (he's just tried XP and doesn't like it).


Well, there is a command line wizard (of sorts).  Just type as root:  
adsl-setup   and input your info, then:
adsl-startto connect.

Also there is a setup during install and in the mandrake control center.


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Re: [newbie] RAM: How much is enough?

2001-09-11 Thread s

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 04:47 am,  Adrian Lynch wrote:
 Speaking of RAM, I hope nobody minds me slating a PC company, but it needs
 to be said. I bought a PC from Evesham a while back, it should have come
 with 128Mb PC133 SDRAM, just opened it up lastnight, and what do I find?
 Two 64Mb chips, one PC133 the other PC100.

 Not a happy bunny, see  :o(

 Whats the point of giving me a mix of the two if the lower one brings the
 higher one down?

 Adrian Lynch

To save money or they used what was on hand.  I'd be pissed.  I'd also be 
writing a letter to them demanding retribution.   Even in this electronic 
communication age (or because of it) a single physical snail-mail letter gets 
more results than any number of phone calls or emails.

Next time roll your own.  :-)


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RE: [newbie] route?

2001-09-11 Thread Hilary J. Gillen

The IP is a host address and the mask you are using specifies
a class C network.  If you want to establish a dedicated route to a specific
host specify the gateway such as route add gw or
route add eth0 without a netmask, it will default to

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of nathan wainwright
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 11:14 PM
Subject: [newbie] route?

okay now im trying to use route to config a way to the nfs...

route add -net netmask eth0

it spits back, route: netmask doesnt't match route address...

what does that mean?

prev route addy

-- nathan

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading XFree

2001-09-11 Thread Rick [Kitty5]

 Can someone explain me how i can upgrade my XFree from 4.0.3 (came with
 PowerBox MDK 8.0)

I have managed to knacker my mdk 8.0 inst several times trying to install
XFree 4.1.0 - have given up and am just going to wait till 8.1 is out of

(voodoo 5 here)


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Re: [newbie] 486/66ST Vectra

2001-09-11 Thread ¦w±e¥¿


Not sure if this will work for your box but worth a try. When booting
hold down any key. This should cause a keyboard error, as your BIOS
assumes there is a key stuck, etc. Usually the BIOS will then print
instructions to the screen on how to enter setup ('press 'F1' to enter
setup' or similar message). Good luck!


Adrian Lynch wrote:
 I'm hoping to get this machine working, it's a HP Vectra 486/66ST, just
 bought some RAM for it, Two 16Mb SIMMs. It has a floppy(thank the lord), a
 scsi HD(not sure how big, 500mb I think), scsi card, and the other
 trimmings. Although not technically a Linux question, it willl lead to many
 more, I want to put a lightweight Linux on this
 (is lightweight the wrong term?) machine. I can't seem to get beyond the
 start up menu, it runs through a check of the components, floppy, keyboard
 ect. I get an error for System Configuration, I have tried booting from the
 floppy, with various disks. Also the CD, I'm not even sure I can get into
 the BIOS to have a tinker. What it all boils down to is, it asks for a
 Diskette named Vectra #1, I thought I had downloaded the right thing from
 a site, but all I get is the same message, insert diskette Vectra #1 into
 drive any key to continue
 The error message prior to this says,
 The record of your configuration that is saved in your CMOS memory does not
 match the components that are installed on your computer
 Can anyone tell me,
 a) can I get into the BIOS
 b) where can I get the disk Vectra #1 from (tried HP site but very little
 info on what I have)
 c) a place or person that can help me.
 PS, I checked the floppy was working in another machine, so it shouldn't be
 Adrian Lynch
 The information in this email and in any attachments is confidential and
 intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee(s) . Any
 views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not
 necessarily represent those of Thoughtbubble. This information may be
 subject to legal, professional or other privilege and further distribution
 of it is strictly prohibited without our authority. If you are not the
 intended recipient, you are not authorised to disclose, copy, distribute, or
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Re: [newbie] Trying to automate aumix

2001-09-11 Thread Robt. Miller

 That works when anybody logs in but is there a way to have it set before anybody logs 
in?  The problem is that if 
I'm not here and the power goes and the system reboots it's hissing loudly until I log 

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 06:54:17 -0400, Paul wrote:

In reply to Robt.'s words, written Mon, 10 Sep 2001 17:13:10 -0400 (EDT)

 I'm trying to automatically set my volume where I want it in KDE when the
system comes up with the command..
aumix -L
..which works from a command line but it doesn't do anything in the rc.local
file. Is there some special syntax that 
differs from the command line or am I putting it in the wrong place?

Best that you put it in your ~/.bashrc
Those commands are run when _you_ log in. Otherwise volume is set for Root.

You don't need eyes to see, you need vision. - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.1

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Re: [newbie] RAM: How much is enough?

2001-09-11 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 04:47 am, Adrian Lynch escribió:
 Speaking of RAM, I hope nobody minds me slating a PC company, but it
 needs to be said. I bought a PC from Evesham a while back, it should
 have come with 128Mb PC133 SDRAM, just opened it up lastnight, and
 what do I find? Two 64Mb chips, one PC133 the other PC100.

 Whats the point of giving me a mix of the two if the lower one brings
 the higher one down?

   It doesn't bring[s] the higher one down.  pc66, pc100, and pc133 
are mostly nothin more than marketing labels. What is important is the 
nano second rating (ns) and the cas latency rating (CL), and of course 
the quality and design of the PCB the ram chips are on. The pcxxx label 
is practically meaningless.

   A rough gauge is that the ram should be 1000/133.3 = 7.5ns to run at 
133.3mhz.  Better 133mhz ram will also be non-ECC, and CL2. BUT most 
ram sold under the pc133 marketing label is 8ns (really 125mhz), CL3, 
on less than the best quality/design PCB. 

   Bottom line is ram is what'll do, according to what you set it to 
with bios settings. I've had ancient 66mhz ram, before the pcwhatever 
labels were invented, that would run reliably at 112mhz, CL3.  I've 
been using an old 128mb stick of 8ns CL2 ram (pc100) flawlessly for 
years at 135mhz CL2. It's in my system right now mixed with 2 other 
sticks of pc133, all running together at 135mhz CL2 with -0- errors.
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

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Re: [newbie] MDK 8.x /PPoE

2001-09-11 Thread Marius Schrecker

Thanks! Just what I wanted to hear.
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] MDK 8.x /PPoE

 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 06:57 am,  Marius Schrecker wrote:
  Have followed Mandrake's rapid progress since 7.0 and now use 8.0
  (waiting for 8.1) It's a real joy trying to keep up.
  A friend was also in on the 7.x series, but went back to the 'Evil
  after failing to get his PPoE/ ADSL internet connection configured.
  Kernel 2.4.x now has PPoE support, so a connection wizard like the
  excellent one for modem/ISDN/LAN connections doesn't seem so unlikely.
  If I could convince my friend of easy PPoE setup we'd have him back in
  time  (he's just tried XP and doesn't like it).

 Well, there is a command line wizard (of sorts).  Just type as root:
 adsl-setup   and input your info, then:
 adsl-startto connect.

 Also there is a setup during install and in the mandrake control center.


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RE: [newbie] RAM: How much is enough?

2001-09-11 Thread Adrian Lynch

So it's just a case of me changing the BIOS from auto to 133?
Does it really not matter what I get, surely there is some difference?
I would still like one 128MB stick instead of two 64's!

-Original Message-
From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 September 2001 14:24
Subject: Re: [newbie] RAM: How much is enough?

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 04:47 am, Adrian Lynch escribió:
 Speaking of RAM, I hope nobody minds me slating a PC company, but it
 needs to be said. I bought a PC from Evesham a while back, it should
 have come with 128Mb PC133 SDRAM, just opened it up lastnight, and
 what do I find? Two 64Mb chips, one PC133 the other PC100.

 Whats the point of giving me a mix of the two if the lower one brings
 the higher one down?

   It doesn't bring[s] the higher one down.  pc66, pc100, and pc133 
are mostly nothin more than marketing labels. What is important is the 
nano second rating (ns) and the cas latency rating (CL), and of course 
the quality and design of the PCB the ram chips are on. The pcxxx label 
is practically meaningless.

   A rough gauge is that the ram should be 1000/133.3 = 7.5ns to run at 
133.3mhz.  Better 133mhz ram will also be non-ECC, and CL2. BUT most 
ram sold under the pc133 marketing label is 8ns (really 125mhz), CL3, 
on less than the best quality/design PCB. 

   Bottom line is ram is what'll do, according to what you set it to 
with bios settings. I've had ancient 66mhz ram, before the pcwhatever 
labels were invented, that would run reliably at 112mhz, CL3.  I've 
been using an old 128mb stick of 8ns CL2 ram (pc100) flawlessly for 
years at 135mhz CL2. It's in my system right now mixed with 2 other 
sticks of pc133, all running together at 135mhz CL2 with -0- errors.
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

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Re: [newbie] Trying to automate aumix

2001-09-11 Thread Paul

  That works when anybody logs in but is there a way to have it set before anybody 
 The problem is that if 
 I'm not here and the power goes and the system reboots it's hissing loudly until I 

Very weird. /etc/rc.local should be the place for that then. But you should
then also have a place where the proper aumixrc file can be found. Perhaps
there's a parameter you can pass aumix -L to find it.


 On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 06:54:17 -0400, Paul wrote:
 In reply to Robt.'s words, written Mon, 10 Sep 2001 17:13:10 -0400 (EDT)
  I'm trying to automatically set my volume where I want it in KDE when the
 system comes up with the command..
 aumix -L
 ..which works from a command line but it doesn't do anything in the rc.local
 file. Is there some special syntax that 
 differs from the command line or am I putting it in the wrong place?
 Best that you put it in your ~/.bashrc
 Those commands are run when _you_ log in. Otherwise volume is set for Root.
 You don't need eyes to see, you need vision. - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.1

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Re: [newbie] Trying to automate aumix

2001-09-11 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 10 Sep 2001 17:13:10 -0400 (EDT), Robt. Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I'm trying to automatically set my volume where I want it in KDE when the
system comes up with the command..
 aumix -L
 ..which works from a command line but it doesn't do anything in the rc.local
file. Is there some special syntax that 
 differs from the command line or am I putting it in the wrong place?

Load aumix as root and set your sound levels. Save your settings and reboot.
Your mixer levels should be implemented right after the sound module is loaded
into the kernel.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] Let's play a game!

2001-09-11 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On 11 Sep 2001 05:44:39 -, Dr. Evil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I'm looking for some games that will run under Mandrake 8.0.  I
 have a reasonably fast machine, with some kind of usable graphics card
 and a fairly good soundcard.  I'm looking for a 3D first-person
 shooter game.  Something like Counterstrike would be absolutely
 perfect.  Any sugestions?  I would also take sugestions for Windows
 games which are known to work well with wine.  I don't have any access
 to a Windows box, so if it can't run on Linux, I don't want it.
 I have never really played computer games before, but I want to give
 it a try now.

You can get native GNU/Linux versions of Doom, Quake, Quake II, Quake III and
Marathon (a great FPS from the Mac). Of these, Doom, Quake and Marathon are now
GPLed, and are still under active open-source development. You can get all kinds
of interesting modifications that were never possible when they were
closed-source. Quake II and III are still closed-source, but they can be bought
very cheaply at GNU/Linux stores.

Loki ( have a bunch of good games for GNU/Linux.

If you intend to use WINE, it is a good idea to have a Windos installation so
that WINE can use the Windos drivers.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] silly question (OT)

2001-09-11 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 00:00:36 +0100, Rick [Kitty5] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 whats with the 'message.footer' file attachment?
 (Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to )
 or is it just an OE thing

The list server seems to be adding the footer advert to every message. There's
nothing to be concerned about.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

2001-09-11 Thread Matt Greer

on 9/11/01 8:23 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey folks,
 Eric S. Raymond, the writer of The Cathedral and the Bazaar and co-founder
 the Open Source Initiative, has written a little article explaining how to ask
 questions over Internet fora like mailing lists, newsgroups and IRC:

I've actually found the more you follow these guidelines the less likely you
are to get an answer. The most open ended, incomplete questions tend to get
the most attention on all forums I frequent. I'm not really sure why.


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Re: [newbie] How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

2001-09-11 Thread Mohammed Arafa

coz everybody assumes if u can get that far u already know enough to answer
ur own q
- Original Message -
From: Matt Greer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

 on 9/11/01 8:23 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey folks,
  Eric S. Raymond, the writer of The Cathedral and the Bazaar and
  the Open Source Initiative, has written a little article explaining how
to ask
  questions over Internet fora like mailing lists, newsgroups and IRC:

 I've actually found the more you follow these guidelines the less likely
 are to get an answer. The most open ended, incomplete questions tend to
 the most attention on all forums I frequent. I'm not really sure why.


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[newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

2001-09-11 Thread Dave Sherman

Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center, twin towers, in
Manhattan, New York. Another airplane has apparently crashed into the

These have been attributed to terrorist attacks.

 PGP signature

Re: [newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

2001-09-11 Thread s

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 09:14 am,  Dave Sherman wrote:
 Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center, twin towers, in
 Manhattan, New York. Another airplane has apparently crashed into the

 These have been attributed to terrorist attacks.

Yeah, been watching on the ole tv tuner.  This could start a big ass 
debate/thread that will undoubted get ugly, so I'll keep my opinions to my 
self.  As this is list has respected members from all over the world,  let's 
try not to vent our frustrations and anger here.  There are specific forums 
for that.


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Re: [newbie] RAM: How much is enough?

2001-09-11 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 08:30 am, Adrian Lynch escribió:
 So it's just a case of me changing the BIOS from auto to 133?

 Yes. You should post what the system is (cpu/mobo) and what bios 
it uses. Unless there's a facility on the ram PCB to signal the bios 
what speed to run the ram at, 'auto' doesn't have any effect.  It's 
usually better to manually set the ram timings anyhow.  Also, the 
quality and stabiity of the motherboard is, IMO, more important to ram 
performance, than what the ram is labeled.

 Does it really not matter what I get, surely there is some
 difference? I would still like one 128MB stick instead of two 64's!

 You probly have some gripe with the vendor. BUT I'll tell you 
right now that ALL ready made vendors, even the most popular ones like 
Dell, Gatway, Compaq, etc., routinely substitute lower spec parts into 
their systems.  As I said below, most ram sold as pc133  really 
isn't 7.5ns ram. It's just capable of running at 133.3mhz, CL3.  I 
suspect you've got 2 sticks of 8ns CL3 ram. Both of which will do 
133mhz, regardless of the label on them.

 What you've run across is actually the best reason to learn about 
hardware, and build your own system.
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay 

 -Original Message-
 From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 11 September 2001 14:24
 Subject: Re: [newbie] RAM: How much is enough?

 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 04:47 am, Adrian Lynch escribió:
  Speaking of RAM, I hope nobody minds me slating a PC company, but
  it needs to be said. I bought a PC from Evesham a while back, it
  should have come with 128Mb PC133 SDRAM, just opened it up
  lastnight, and what do I find? Two 64Mb chips, one PC133 the other
  Whats the point of giving me a mix of the two if the lower one
  brings the higher one down?

It doesn't bring[s] the higher one down.  pc66, pc100, and pc133
 are mostly nothin more than marketing labels. What is important is
 the nano second rating (ns) and the cas latency rating (CL), and of
 course the quality and design of the PCB the ram chips are on. The
 pcxxx label is practically meaningless.

A rough gauge is that the ram should be 1000/133.3 = 7.5ns to run
 at 133.3mhz.  Better 133mhz ram will also be non-ECC, and CL2. BUT
 most ram sold under the pc133 marketing label is 8ns (really 125mhz),
 CL3, on less than the best quality/design PCB.

Bottom line is ram is what'll do, according to what you set it to
 with bios settings. I've had ancient 66mhz ram, before the
 pcwhatever labels were invented, that would run reliably at 112mhz,
 CL3.  I've been using an old 128mb stick of 8ns CL2 ram (pc100)
 flawlessly for years at 135mhz CL2. It's in my system right now mixed
 with 2 other sticks of pc133, all running together at 135mhz CL2 with
 -0- errors.

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Re: [newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

2001-09-11 Thread hellmut

i just came home from work... i can't believe what i'm just seeing on cnn.
whoever did this has caused a war i think. i'm shocked!


   (o o)
 |  H E L L M U T |
 | _ | _ |
  | | | |
  | | | |
  ooO Ooo

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RE: [newbie] RAM: How much is enough?

2001-09-11 Thread Adrian Lynch

Cheers Tom, it's just I get conflicting information. I'll get them to sort
the Ram out, set the BIOS to 133, cross my fingers, pray to God Almighty and
read read read. I think it's well out of order for companies to do this, you
expect to get what you paid for, but you are right, I'll be building my next
one, so I know exactly what's in it.

Thanks for the answer's, I know it wasn't exactly Linux related, but cheers

-Original Message-
From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 September 2001 15:35
Subject: Re: [newbie] RAM: How much is enough?

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 08:30 am, Adrian Lynch escribió:
 So it's just a case of me changing the BIOS from auto to 133?

 Yes. You should post what the system is (cpu/mobo) and what bios 
it uses. Unless there's a facility on the ram PCB to signal the bios 
what speed to run the ram at, 'auto' doesn't have any effect.  It's 
usually better to manually set the ram timings anyhow.  Also, the 
quality and stabiity of the motherboard is, IMO, more important to ram 
performance, than what the ram is labeled.

 Does it really not matter what I get, surely there is some
 difference? I would still like one 128MB stick instead of two 64's!

 You probly have some gripe with the vendor. BUT I'll tell you 
right now that ALL ready made vendors, even the most popular ones like 
Dell, Gatway, Compaq, etc., routinely substitute lower spec parts into 
their systems.  As I said below, most ram sold as pc133  really 
isn't 7.5ns ram. It's just capable of running at 133.3mhz, CL3.  I 
suspect you've got 2 sticks of 8ns CL3 ram. Both of which will do 
133mhz, regardless of the label on them.

 What you've run across is actually the best reason to learn about 
hardware, and build your own system.
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay 

 -Original Message-
 From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 11 September 2001 14:24
 Subject: Re: [newbie] RAM: How much is enough?

 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 04:47 am, Adrian Lynch escribió:
  Speaking of RAM, I hope nobody minds me slating a PC company, but
  it needs to be said. I bought a PC from Evesham a while back, it
  should have come with 128Mb PC133 SDRAM, just opened it up
  lastnight, and what do I find? Two 64Mb chips, one PC133 the other
  Whats the point of giving me a mix of the two if the lower one
  brings the higher one down?

It doesn't bring[s] the higher one down.  pc66, pc100, and pc133
 are mostly nothin more than marketing labels. What is important is
 the nano second rating (ns) and the cas latency rating (CL), and of
 course the quality and design of the PCB the ram chips are on. The
 pcxxx label is practically meaningless.

A rough gauge is that the ram should be 1000/133.3 = 7.5ns to run
 at 133.3mhz.  Better 133mhz ram will also be non-ECC, and CL2. BUT
 most ram sold under the pc133 marketing label is 8ns (really 125mhz),
 CL3, on less than the best quality/design PCB.

Bottom line is ram is what'll do, according to what you set it to
 with bios settings. I've had ancient 66mhz ram, before the
 pcwhatever labels were invented, that would run reliably at 112mhz,
 CL3.  I've been using an old 128mb stick of 8ns CL2 ram (pc100)
 flawlessly for years at 135mhz CL2. It's in my system right now mixed
 with 2 other sticks of pc133, all running together at 135mhz CL2 with
 -0- errors.

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Re: [newbie] Let's play a game!

2001-09-11 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Dr. Evil wrote:
 Hi, I'm looking for some games that will run under Mandrake 8.0.  I
 have a reasonably fast machine, with some kind of usable graphics card
 and a fairly good soundcard.  I'm looking for a 3D first-person
 shooter game.  Something like Counterstrike would be absolutely
 perfect.  Any sugestions?  I would also take sugestions for Windows
 games which are known to work well with wine.  I don't have any access
 to a Windows box, so if it can't run on Linux, I don't want it.
 I have never really played computer games before, but I want to give
 it a try now.

For a great military-like 1st person shooter, try Soldier of Fortune.

Rune is a great 1st person shooter as well...if you are into Vikings!

Descent3 has a wonderful sci-fi kinda feeling.

Quake3 is great for some quick blow'em away action.

Under Wine, Starcraft works well for me. Others have gotten more Windoze games
to work...

Try for lots more...and happy 'Nix gaming! ;-)


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Re: [newbie] How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

2001-09-11 Thread Matt Greer

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 10:11, you wrote:

 coz everybody assumes if u can get that far u already know enough to answer
 ur own q

But if you can get that far you're also smart enough to realize you need 
help. If someone follows those guidelines then that shows they're asking 
their question as a last resort.

It reminds me of the old usenet saying. If you need information from usenet, 
don't post a question. Post inaccurate information.


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[newbie] Mixing 168 and 72 pin RAM

2001-09-11 Thread Randy Kramer

My motherboard is currently holding the maximum amount of SDRAM (the 168
pin stuff, in case I've got the wrong acronym) that it can (128 MB in
two sockets, each of which can only handle 64 MB).  There are sockets on
board such that I could add some of the older (72 pin?) RAM, maybe as
much as another 64 MB.

I've assumed that doing so will make all the RAM as slow as the old 72
pin stuff, and thus is probably not worth trying (although I do have
some 16 MB strips around).  Anybody know for sure what would happen?

Aside: the manual for the motherboard says mixing the two types of RAM
is possible (as long as I don't populate the first slots for both types)
but not recommended.

Randy Kramer

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RE: [newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

2001-09-11 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Whilst this is all very touching (and no, I'm not being cynical), can please
we *not* discuss it on the list.

People agreeing with others that it's a terrible thing and their prayers are
going out to the victims it all well and good, but irrelevant.

Yes, I know it sounds cold, callous, etc. but I'm this will get done all
over Usenet, the news, the papers and so on - the world is depressing enough
without bringing the whole sad, sorry mess into here...

F15's at dawn over Palestine then... :-(

Steve Flynn
NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
* 01603 687386

This email and any files sent with it are intended only for the named 
recipient. If you are not the named recipient please telephone/email  
the sender immediately. You should not disclose the content or
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake SNF 7.2 internet connection trouble

2001-09-11 Thread markie

Lanman wrote:

 Marc; Secure WEBMIN interface would not be port 84433, but  8443. That 
 oughtta get you in.

yes I know, the 84433 was part of me having sticky fingers.
But my problem is not solved yet. I've done all my config using the 
secure webmin interface.
Should I make a new post ?


 On Monday 10 September 2001 03:33 pm, you wrote:

Having done all that, my connection still can't get thru.
While configuring with the secure connection ( a
test with the icon still gets me nowhere - just
keeps waiting. Same thing when I'm not using the secure interface.
I noticed that the certificate was outdated, something like the 18 of
January. Hope this is not the problem.

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Re: [newbie] MDK 8.x /PPoE

2001-09-11 Thread markie

Marius, when configuring the internet connection, you can choose pppoe.
I believe it's somewhere in KDE's control panel where you can configure 
the network related stuff.


Marius Schrecker wrote:

 Thanks! Just what I wanted to hear.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 2:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] MDK 8.x /PPoE
On Tuesday 11 September 2001 06:57 am,  Marius Schrecker wrote:


Have followed Mandrake's rapid progress since 7.0 and now use 8.0
(waiting for 8.1) It's a real joy trying to keep up.

A friend was also in on the 7.x series, but went back to the 'Evil

after failing to get his PPoE/ ADSL internet connection configured.

Kernel 2.4.x now has PPoE support, so a connection wizard like the
excellent one for modem/ISDN/LAN connections doesn't seem so unlikely.

If I could convince my friend of easy PPoE setup we'd have him back in

time  (he's just tried XP and doesn't like it).


Well, there is a command line wizard (of sorts).  Just type as root:
adsl-setup   and input your info, then:
adsl-startto connect.

Also there is a setup during install and in the mandrake control center.


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Re: [newbie] Can't find KDE - sitll nothing

2001-09-11 Thread Richie de Almeida

 Now the hard question. How do I wind up actually getting to the Windoze
 machines? Its not like I can go into network neighborhood or anything
 like that! grin

Go have a look for 'Komba' on or  I'm using 
it at work to do all of my networking as I haven't had much luck configuring 
any other tools (I'm not allowed to install Samba Server at the moment, the 
other tools I've tried may be counting on some tools that come with the Samba 
Server...).  I did have some dependency problems at first, but RPMfind helped 


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Re: [newbie] Mixing 168 and 72 pin RAM

2001-09-11 Thread Randy Kramer

mooseman wrote:
 it would likely vary per the motherboard.
 most motherboards that i have used or seen don't even allow mixing of the two
 they have had a jumper to select one or the other.
 maybe do a search at the motherboard homeworld ( to see if
 anyone can answer it.
 on the other hand, if you have 72 pin ram handy, stuff it in and see for
 yourself... what kind of machine is it? cpu?


Thanks for the response!

Actually I have several very similar motherboards, one manual is for a
i430VX Mainboard (but all the drivers are for SiS), with a Cyrix
6x86MX PR233 cpu.

Yeah, I can try it.  Probably take a few days or a good benchmark to see
whether the machine is actually slowed down or not.  Might do it -- if I
do, I'll post results to the list.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] HP-8200 CD-Writer doesn't work

2001-09-11 Thread The Spider

Also my cd writer was found during th)e installation and all the
cd-writing software detect the device.
I tried all speeds from 1x to 4x and all operations(writing,rewriting
and blanking) with both media(cd-r and cd-rw) and i had thesame result:
after some time (it can be a minute or less),the device st)ops operating
and the system hangs (I can't switch consoles and have to do nothing
but power off the computer).

Given that all works fine under RH71 i think it can be a matter of
the kernel(RH71 has 2.4.2 and LM8 has 2.4.3) or of hard-drake.

  Ragno The Spider Stefano.

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Re: [newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

2001-09-11 Thread Charles A. Punch

Dave Sherman wrote:

On Tue, 2001-09-11 at 10:56, David E. Fox wrote:

US needs to do something about this though - nuke Mecca

Careful, David. We may have peaceful Muslims on this list, who would
deplore today's events as much as anyone else.


Not to mention that negativity breeds negativity. We should be careful 
when fighting monsters, not to become one in the process, Simply nuking 
someone will not solve the entire problem, even if that is a reasonable 
part of the solution. Even then, it should not be taken lightly. There 
is more than one base of evil in the world and some of them are very 
well disquised. I think the people who are offering prayers are in the 
proper attitude to receive the wisdom to deal with this situastion.


Registered Linux user #217118

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Re: FW: [newbie] OT: Win XP hacked alread

2001-09-11 Thread Michael Leone

As far as what the activation process does, I'm just going on the
article I read a few weeks ago... Right or wrong when I read the
articly it was the last straw for me and I'm glad I've taken a step
away from the Microsoft universe.

Yeah, I'm not planning on running it at home, either - and none of my
Windows-only friends are planning on running it, either. :-). I'm a Sys
Admin, tho, and so will have to support it at work.


Michael J. Leone  Registered Linux user #201348 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 50453890 AIM: MikeLeone

PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF
PGP public key:

Taking a mental stroll through the psychic park of pleasure.

 PGP signature

Re: FW: [newbie] OT: Win XP hacked alread

2001-09-11 Thread Richie de Almeida

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 14:21, you wrote:
 As far as what the activation process does, I'm just going on the
 article I read a few weeks ago... Right or wrong when I read the
 articly it was the last straw for me and I'm glad I've taken a step
 away from the Microsoft universe.

 Yeah, I'm not planning on running it at home, either - and none of my
 Windows-only friends are planning on running it, either. :-). I'm a Sys
 Admin, tho, and so will have to support it at work.

...Too true!  I expect the same thing here (we tout ourselves as a 'Microsoft 
shop') although I'm hoping it will be a long time in coming.  


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Re: [newbie] accessing the floppy drive

2001-09-11 Thread skinky

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 09:22, you wrote:
 On Monday 10 September 2001 02:37 pm, you wrote:
  I have recently installed mandrake 8, whenever I try to access the
  floppy drive when it has a disk in (tested on boot disk in case non
  linux file system was the problem) I get the message - Unable to enter
  file:/mnt/floppy. You do not have access rights to this location.
  I have not altered any settings since installing and this error is
  given even when logged in as root.  Can anyone help?
  thanks in advance

 I had this same problem with my floppy drive and my CD-Rom drive. The
 solution that worked for me was to delete the desktop icon that mandrake
 supplied and create a new floppy device, then under the device tab I
 selected my floppy device and it worked fine.

 Hope its that easy for you.

Hi Lee
If the above doesn't work, go into Userdrake and add yourself to the 
'floppy' group.


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RE: [newbie] Radeon AGP64MB

2001-09-11 Thread The Spider

Thanks Charls, i will test my card with the upcoming LM8.1!

  Ragno The Spider Stefano.

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[newbie] Nvidia drivers and 2.2.19-4.1mdksecure on MDK 7.2

2001-09-11 Thread Franki

Hi all,

just wondering if there is anyone out there who has managed to get nvidia
drivers working with with
mandrake 7.2 with the updated 2.2.19-4.1mdksecure kernel...

I would like to try using my TNT2 32mb card with tuxracer (be the first time
I have used linux for games..)

but no point in trying if it can't work due to kernel differences...

just thought I'd ask



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Re: [newbie] A meaningfull Subject-line would help us all

2001-09-11 Thread Charles A. Punch

I do something similar to what you are talking about. I roll my own help 
files, by saving those posts that I think will be of any help in the 
future. In the open source spirit, I read them or at least skim over 
them enough to get an idea of what to title them. I then save them as a 
file (with my new title and the ext _info). What you are suggesting, is 
probably not going to happen and even if it did, I would continue to 
make my own titles, so that they will have *my*  idea of what they 
should be titled, rather than someone elses. After all, *I* will be the 
one that has to find it when I need it.


Registered Linux user #217118

Idea.listBT wrote:

Hi all

As a 'taker' from this group rather than a contributer I suppose I have got
a cheek commenting here. I do so in the hope that one day I might have
learned enough to be able to contribute :-)

I find this list very helpful in my struggle to learn Linux and even though
some of the topics are rather advanced for me at the moment I save them all
for future reference as, I am sure, many others do.

The big problem is that, as a reference-archive, it sometimes stinks - wth
subject headers such as 'Lets go' and 'Nearly got it'

Why not pay this superb list the respect it deserves by supressing the
comedian that lurks inside all of us and *always* use a meaningfull Subject
description. Then, even in years to come, we could fairly easily find some
obscure technical solution or whatever. All elementary really.

If you disagree (perhaps you believe that Linux *should* be as difficult as
possible to learn and that even these helpfull messages should be cryptic)
then fair enough. I'm sorry I mentioned it.
If, on the other hand, you feel that we might all benefit from this
brilliant suggestion then why not give it a try.
Oh yes - and tell a friend :-)

Incidently, it's normal to courteously ask someone not to use HTML so why
not ask them to use a meaningfull header line for future posts.

Anything to make life easier.

Dave S.

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Re: [newbie] A meaningfull Subject-line would help us all

2001-09-11 Thread etharp

so why don't you save Civilme's posts as html files, and post them on a free 
website like geocities?. 

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 14:12, you had thoughts to the concept of:
 I do something similar to what you are talking about. I roll my own help
 files, by saving those posts that I think will be of any help in the
 future. In the open source spirit, I read them or at least skim over
 them enough to get an idea of what to title them. I then save them as a
 file (with my new title and the ext _info). What you are suggesting, is
 probably not going to happen and even if it did, I would continue to
 make my own titles, so that they will have *my*  idea of what they
 should be titled, rather than someone elses. After all, *I* will be the
 one that has to find it when I need it.


 Elder PCUSA
 Registered Linux user #217118

 Idea.listBT wrote:
 Hi all
 As a 'taker' from this group rather than a contributer I suppose I have
  got a cheek commenting here. I do so in the hope that one day I might
  have learned enough to be able to contribute :-)
 I find this list very helpful in my struggle to learn Linux and even
  though some of the topics are rather advanced for me at the moment I save
  them all for future reference as, I am sure, many others do.
 The big problem is that, as a reference-archive, it sometimes stinks - wth
 subject headers such as 'Lets go' and 'Nearly got it'
 Why not pay this superb list the respect it deserves by supressing the
 comedian that lurks inside all of us and *always* use a meaningfull
  Subject description. Then, even in years to come, we could fairly easily
  find some obscure technical solution or whatever. All elementary really.
 If you disagree (perhaps you believe that Linux *should* be as difficult
  as possible to learn and that even these helpfull messages should be
  cryptic) then fair enough. I'm sorry I mentioned it.
 If, on the other hand, you feel that we might all benefit from this
 brilliant suggestion then why not give it a try.
 Oh yes - and tell a friend :-)
 Incidently, it's normal to courteously ask someone not to use HTML so why
 not ask them to use a meaningfull header line for future posts.
 Anything to make life easier.
 Dave S.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Well, Hell

2001-09-11 Thread etharp

Ahhh,,, come on if you at least give us some clues, we might be able 
to waste your time,,, err,, get you connected to the net, after all some 
of use are connected thru Mandrake to the internet.
 (damn how I wish I had gotten this mail when I had dual booted into winders, 
but ever since i quite being connected to the net in winders I hardly get any 
e-mail when in winders) 

On Friday 24 August 2001 07:15, John Simmons wrote:
 After pounding on LM8 for two weeks trying to get something other than ping
 to work (problems connecting to the internet), I tried reinstalling all
 over again.

 No dice, no workee.

 I guess I'm just not destined to run Linux.

   There are three types of lies...
 lies (You'll never need more than 64K),
 damn lies (Windows is more stable than Linux), and
 press releases (It will be released as scheduled).

   John Simmons (Redneck Techno-Biker)

   John Simmons (Barbarian Diecast Collector)

   DeMONS/2, Nascar 4 Online Race Scheduler

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It's also important to understand that there's no answers available from this 
list, only opinions.
Some of them just happen to be, or are intended to be helpful ;-}
*Tom Brinkman

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Art Rowe

We Canadians have had terrorist attacks  ...FLQ in Quebec province ..Air
India bombing perhaps perpetrated by misguided people from my own city and


 Why is it that terrorists always attack you Americans;
 you do know that Canada has yet to be attacked by

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Re: [newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

2001-09-11 Thread Charles A. Punch

I'm an athiest but this does not change the fact that my heart goes out to 
those who have lost loved ones in this tragic (and cowardly!!!) attack.
My thoughts are with all those involved.  People all over the world are in 
total shock and disbelief.


I'm replying off list, because I think a good thing can turn bad if 
overdone and my intention is not to tick anybody off.I do thank you for 
your concern.It is that same kind of concern that we Christians as well 
as, other religions address in prayer. As human beings we have more in 
common than our differences can overcome.


Registered Linux user #217118

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread David Park

I apolagise for accidentilly posting this to this list, as it doesn't belong 
On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 09:13, you wrote:

  Go and stick your head back up the moose' backside where it obviously came
 from.  The USA is not the only country that suffers from terrorist attacks,
 but they are the most powerful nation in the world and does not stand for
 the schoolyard bullying tactics from these extremist groups. The publicity
 from these attacks is what is sort. Get of your soap box and at least show
 a bit of sympathy for all the innocent victims.  How would you feel if one
 of your family were involved?

 The On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 04:40, you wrote:
  Why is it that terrorists always attack you Americans;
  you do know that Canada has yet to be attacked by
  terrorists...of course we -- Canada -- didn't go and
  bomb Afghanastan -- I know I spelled that wrong -- so


  they have no reason to attack us?!

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Registered Linux User #200514
No electrons were harmed in the production of this e-mail.

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RE: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Maurice Vold

Let me state that as a Canadian I am horrfied by what I see and want to see
these criminals bought to justice.  My prayers and my familoes prayers go
out to the victims.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. - Albert Einstein

Maurice Vold
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
Corporate Information Services
City of Saskatoon
Work Web Page:
Family Web Page:
Work Phone: 306-975-8145

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Park
Sent: September 11, 2001 5:44 PM
Subject: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK

Go and stick your head back up the moose' backside where it obviously came
from.  The USA is not the only country that suffers from terrorist attacks,
but they are the most powerful nation in the world and does not stand for
the schoolyard bullying tactics from these extremist groups. The publicity
from these attacks is what is sort. Get of your soap box and at least show a
bit of sympathy for all the innocent victims.  How would you feel if one of
your family were involved?

The On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 04:40, you wrote:
 Why is it that terrorists always attack you Americans;
 you do know that Canada has yet to be attacked by
 terrorists...of course we -- Canada -- didn't go and
 bomb Afghanastan -- I know I spelled that wrong -- so

 they have no reason to attack us?!

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake over windows selection

2001-09-11 Thread Charles A. Punch

Star Office is a resource hog. I gave up  on running it on my laptop 
which only has 80MB RAM. Why not tell him to ditch SO and try Word 
Perfect for word processing and maybe some GNOME stuff (Gnumeric  etc. ) 
for the other stuff.  That was my solution. The new Abi suite that comes 
with Ximian GNOME i pretty nice too. They have made some improvements in 
the last couple of releases.  Nice and lean too.


Registered Linux user #217118

warren11 wrote:

Someone I am trying to help via email has installed Mandrake, one of the
later versions, over his windoz.
Now he has trouble cause it is evident he installed everything and he does
not have enough memory. I think he mentioned 56meg but not sure.
His big problem is StarOffice and the extreme slow bootup and action

He did manage to send me what his df replied, The main thing I noted he
has a partition for lin4win (sp) and I wonder if that is what happens when
installing over windows option ??

He tried doing a rpm -e staroffice and got an error.

Is there anyway to remove the whole install and start over ??

Any help appreciated as I do not use Mandrake but RedHat.

 * | Warren Hrach, San Diego, CA 92107   | *
 * | [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux  BBBS on an AMD K5 | *
 * |  BBS at (619}224-4878   | *

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 06:56 pm, Art Rowe escribió:
 We Canadians have had terrorist attacks  ...FLQ in Quebec province
 ..Air India bombing perhaps perpetrated by misguided people from my
 own city and community!

  Attacks by misguided cowardly punk assholes affects the whole 
world, specially those that deserve it least.
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

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[newbie] urpmi and rpm sig checking

2001-09-11 Thread bascule

it just occurred to me that using urpmi off the command line i have been 
installing rpms without checking sigs, unlike using rpmdrake, is this right?


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Re: [newbie] The myth that is Mandrake Support.

2001-09-11 Thread Mark Weaver

Steve wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 09:36:02PM -0400, Mark Weaver wrote:
etharp wrote:


just me getting my... yayas out. 
I have had a problem sendin from -kmail for about a week now. and since I 
personally do not like to scan throu the whole e-mail for the latest info, 
I will keep on posting at the top and welcome any one it bothers to either 
hit the delete key, or add me to the filters list, just don't expect to 
learn from that what you can not see.

In my very humble opinion, this e-mail list is one of the best sources of 
support you are likly to find for any OS and if help can be had, you is 
likely to find it here. but first, we need som more info about the problem.
which type of install did you chose? (recomended or expert? server, 
developer or workstation/desktop?  

As far as the support thing goes with this list I whole-heartedly agree. 
THE best support of any OS in the free world. Or unfree world for that 
matter. As for top-posting...i thought that was the norm seeing as how 
most of the time i'm exclusively a Pine user. Only thing that is 
different at the moment is i'm giving Netscape 6.1's Email client a test 
drive and while I can get it to start above the quoted text if i want to 
use a signature i've to  start the reply below to match my reply to the 
sig_file at the end. Unless of course i want to cut/paste my sig 
everytime i send a message. thats a pain...

 Set pine up to insert your signature at the bottom. M/S/Config...

good heavens! why in the world would i want it to do that? I like the 
fact that it not only inserts my reply at the top, but also puts my 
signature there as well.


Beware of little sins. Mosquitoes drink more blood than lions.
 Author unknown

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[newbie] Come on!! don't blind your eyes!

2001-09-11 Thread Nicolás Gómez

Hi ... Come on men Try to think just for a moment in the
bifurcations of what had happened today... sit down and relax, get a beer
from the fridge or any kind of drink and just for a moment... get out our
fucking minds from computers and those kind of things.

Moreover, I will ask to you some questions, not to response to meto only
think them in your minds..

Do you realize thay maybe you or me could not be here tomorrow or maybe the
next week due to the possible fact or a 3rd World War?

In any fucking part of the world where you or me lives exists the danger of
a suddenly dissapear of my country or of yours too.

Come on men, get your mind out from bytes and those things and get into the
possibilitie of the major threat of the millenium.

This is by now what I can bring to you If I survive in the next days i
will post another opinion

God bless you all
God bless America

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[newbie] CDRW compatability

2001-09-11 Thread Skippipix

is anyone out there using either of the following CD RWs with Mandrake 7.2?

Philips PCRW1208
Sony CRX160E

i'm looking at buying one of those.  they are not listed in the compatable 
hardware list at the mandrake site.  both are IDE.


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Re: [newbie] Mixing 168 and 72 pin RAM

2001-09-11 Thread Randy Kramer

Joseph Braddock wrote:
 I have an old pc running Mandrake 8.0 that has both 168 pin (DIMM) and 72 pin
 (SIMM) modules installed.  While I can't answer your question of if the 72pin
 RAM makes the 168 pin run slower, I know the whole system runs faster with
 the additional ram (64MB) in the 72pin slots.


Thanks for the information -- sounds like it's worth a try (since I do
have some 16 MB strips from other machines).

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 07:15 pm, Franki escribió:
 There were alot of IT companies based in those towers, and some
 banks, this could effect the world ecomomy...

 especially if the US goes into a rescesion because of it... they were
 on the brink already...



My Thoughts had nothin to do with money, any denomination. The 
world runs on people and their thoughts, not just their produce 
materially.  So I say again.  Attacks by misguided cowardly punk 
assholes affects the whole world, specially those that deserve it least.

   Even this world's most unfortunate children took a big hit today.
Those in the USA, and specially those suported worldwide by

  I doubt the zealot cowardly asshole mass murders who acted today were 
thinkin about anybody but themselves, and what they want.  They left 
many chilren dead, or without parents ... or support.

   As much as I feel for today's victims, the children of the world are 
in greater need.  Please help if you can   God bless
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 06:56 pm, Art Rowe escribió:
  We Canadians have had terrorist attacks  ...FLQ in Quebec province
  ..Air India bombing perhaps perpetrated by misguided people from my
  own city and community!

   Attacks by misguided cowardly punk assholes affects the whole
 world, specially those that deserve it least.

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Re: [newbie] Come on!! don't blind your eyes!

2001-09-11 Thread jennifer

.and I break my own rule on commenting on off topic posts on this list..

First of right now we have absolutely no FACTS that state that this 
attack was caused by anybody outside the US. This could very well be 
disgruntled americans or canadians for all we know at this time. We have no 
right to assume it was another nation.

And Nicolas, My post is not only directed to you but to the whole of what i 
have read. And I don't think that cuss words are a grammatically correct use 
of adjectives. Nor do they make your point any more emphatic.

Thirdly, Come on men (and women) stop thinking and be with your families. Be 
glad you have them and pray that you will have them along time. Extend your 
sympathies to the all of those affected by this tradegy, no matter how far 
removed from the victims. 

fourthly, forgive me for breaking going back on my word and posting this-but 
if we are going to discuss something like this off topic I would hope that 
everyone could keep their chin and spirits up and not sucomb to doomsaying or 

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 20:46, Nicolás Gómez wrote:
 Hi ... Come on men Try to think just for a moment in the
 bifurcations of what had happened today... sit down and relax, get a beer
 from the fridge or any kind of drink and just for a moment... get out our
 fucking minds from computers and those kind of things.

 Moreover, I will ask to you some questions, not to response to meto
 only think them in your minds..

 Do you realize thay maybe you or me could not be here tomorrow or maybe the
 next week due to the possible fact or a 3rd World War?

 In any fucking part of the world where you or me lives exists the danger of
 a suddenly dissapear of my country or of yours too.

 Come on men, get your mind out from bytes and those things and get into the
 possibilitie of the major threat of the millenium.

 This is by now what I can bring to you If I survive in the next days i
 will post another opinion

 God bless you all
 God bless America

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Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
#include wisdom.h
void ignorance (it offers no value)

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Re: [newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

2001-09-11 Thread robert macdonald

Nice to see people banding together to help for 1 cause.  My sympathy also 
goes out to those affected by this tragedy.  There is more than enough room 
for THIS exception.

From: Jeremy Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT: breaking news in USA
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 16:52:12 -0500

I don't know if you believe that prayer actually accomplishes anything, but
if you do, would you really want someone who benefitted from these OT
prayers to be deprived of the positive results, just because they were off

I agree with the above response from Charles.  Prayer can be and is very
important.  If you've never seen what it can do, you haven't seen anything
yet (I mean that in a positive way).

As for being off-topic, I know this isn't what this message board is
officially for, but considering the circumstances, perhaps an exception can
be made?


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RE: [newbie] What are we coming to?

2001-09-11 Thread Siavash Sefidvash

I second that.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Art Rowe
Sent: 11 September 2001 23:02
Subject: Re: [newbie] What are we coming to?

Thank God for bridges of reason and mutual help which stretch beyond
national boundaries and communities, such as our Linux friendships and our
Mandrake groups.


- Original Message -

Subject: [newbie] What are we coming to?

 With 4 planes hijacked and crashed...

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Re: [newbie] CDRW compatability

2001-09-11 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 08:00 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 is anyone out there using either of the following CD RWs with
 Mandrake 7.2?

 Philips PCRW1208
 Sony CRX160E

 i'm looking at buying one of those.  they are not listed in the
 compatable hardware list at the mandrake site.  both are IDE.


   IDE is fine, buy a Plextor or Yamaha, don't buy a Sony, Philips 
isn't a good idea either
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

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Re: [newbie] How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

2001-09-11 Thread d

At 08:59 AM 9/11/01, you wrote:
on 9/11/01 8:23 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey folks,

snipity snip snip

I've actually found the more you follow these guidelines the less likely you
are to get an answer. The most open ended, incomplete questions tend to get
the most attention on all forums I frequent. I'm not really sure why.

I have not read this yet, but; I for one need all the HELP I can muster, 
even do not know how to ask most questions I need answers with/for.  I 
rather LURK and let others ask them for me, I get better answers and for 
some reason understand them better as well.


Also one other thingy, I cannot post incomplete questions nor give any 
inaccurate information, I do NOT know any.

San Antonio, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake over windows selection

2001-09-11 Thread d

LURKER again, the first thingy I would tell that other person is DO NOT use 
the LIN4WIN or what ever it is called.  If WinBlows BSD then LINUX is DEAD 
also, at least that has been my experience with that setup.  I tried that 
and went to LILO as fast as I could re load.

My $00.02.3 worth.

At 05:47 PM 9/11/01, you wrote:

Someone I am trying to help via email has installed Mandrake, one of the
later versions, over his windoz.
Now he has trouble cause it is evident he installed everything and he does
not have enough memory. I think he mentioned 56meg but not sure.
His big problem is StarOffice and the extreme slow bootup and action

He did manage to send me what his df replied, The main thing I noted he
has a partition for lin4win (sp) and I wonder if that is what happens when
installing over windows option ??

He tried doing a rpm -e staroffice and got an error.

Is there anyway to remove the whole install and start over ??

Any help appreciated as I do not use Mandrake but RedHat.

  * | Warren Hrach, San Diego, CA 92107   | *
  * | [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux  BBBS on an AMD K5 | *
  * |  BBS at (619}224-4878   | *

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San Antonio, Texas

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Re: [newbie] CDRW compatability

2001-09-11 Thread Skippipix

really?  hmmm.  i'll have to check on those then.  i had a philips but it 
died.  it was an older model and a SCSI, but worked real good, until death 
that is.  and i saw that some other sony model numbers close to the 160 
worked (they are on the mdk list) so i was going from that point.  i will 
check out the plextor and yamaha options.  thanks Tom, and to others who have 
replied to me on this topic.


In a message dated 9/11/01 7:30:14 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

  is anyone out there using either of the following CD RWs with
   Mandrake 7.2?
   Philips PCRW1208
   Sony CRX160E
   i'm looking at buying one of those.  they are not listed in the
   compatable hardware list at the mandrake site.  both are IDE.
 IDE is fine, buy a Plextor or Yamaha, don't buy a Sony, Philips 
  isn't a good idea either
   Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

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[newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

2001-09-11 Thread Jon Doe

Firstly I would just like to say that my prayers go out to all the families 
on this dark day in America.
I don't personally know anyone that was injured today. But to show just how 
much this affects people in many other ways, here is my story.
My brother-in-law was working on a military base in NY today. He was on the 
roof of a building  when it happened. He didn't hear or see it, but was told 
by the military that they had to leave. He couldn't contact us all day today, 
his first message wasn't until 6pm tonight.

My sister was married on Sept. 1st of this year to a Marine. She is 19 and 
they moved to NC. This is her first time away from home. Her husband was 
called to the base tonight and the base was on lockdown, which means he can 
not go home to his wife, my sister. She is sitting at home all alone not 
knowing the future of her husband of 10 days.

Lets not point fingers just yet. Lets first save those who can be saved and 
console those who are scared and have lost loved ones. Lets search and find 
the parties responsable for this terrible days attacks. Then we can punish 
them (the correct people) and anyone who tries to harbor them.


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Re: [newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

2001-09-11 Thread Randy Kramer

Charles A. Punch wrote:
 I'm replying off list, 


Your off list replies seem to be appearing on the list. ;-)

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] CDRW compatability

2001-09-11 Thread Stan Lockaby

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 09:41 pm, you wrote:
 really?  hmmm.  i'll have to check on those then.  i had a philips but it
 died.  it was an older model and a SCSI, but worked real good, until death
 that is.  and i saw that some other sony model numbers close to the 160
 worked (they are on the mdk list) so i was going from that point.  i will
 check out the plextor and yamaha options.  thanks Tom, and to others who
 have replied to me on this topic.


I am set up with a dual boot - Windoze98, and LM8. I just installed a Plextor 
12/10/32 over the weekend. I bought this drive base on input from several 
people knowledgeable in unix, linux, and windoze. I can tell you that it is a 
very good, solid drive. I have it set up under W98, but the drivers are 
established for linux, and I'll tackle the setup in Mandrake in the next few 
days. Being a recovering windowsaholic, this may or may not go well. I still 
know very little about linux, and the learning curve is steep for me, but I'm 
convinced it is a far superior OS, and I will do what it takes to rid myself 
and my family of the dreaded windows virus. Anyway, my point being that if 
the setup of the plextor goes well, I will post results... if not, I will 
post many questions. And not to make light of the current situation here, but 
while we are all praying, thank God for this list.  

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Re: [newbie] CDRW compatability

2001-09-11 Thread Jan Wilson

* Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010911 19:43]:
IDE is fine, buy a Plextor or Yamaha, don't buy a Sony, Philips 
 isn't a good idea either

I agree with Tom about Yamaha ... but I can't recommend Plextor.  I
tried to return a CDRW that crapped a month short of the 1 year
warranty.  Since it was over one year from manufacture date, I had to
fax them my invoice.  They subsequently LOST my fax, and after many
emails back and forth I finally gave up and bought a Yamaha to replace

The Yamaha works fine.

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, SQL, Perl, HTML

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Re: [newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

2001-09-11 Thread Charles A. Punch

My bad! That's weird, I'm using the reply button (rather that reply all) 
in Mozilla. Good thing I have nothing to hide eh? Sorry, I don't mean to 
clog up the list, but it seems that I am not alone in that today anyway. 
I guess I'll have to cut  paste the address to send a new message and 
get it to go off list . If this one goes on list, it's definitely my 
browser. If it don't, I must have hit the wrong button last time.

Registered Linux user #217118

Randy Kramer wrote:

Charles A. Punch wrote:

I'm replying off list, 


Your off list replies seem to be appearing on the list. ;-)

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] ethernet card/modprobe/irq problem

2001-09-11 Thread Ben Bayer

I have a quick question, how do you get a module to work that needs to get a 
correct parameter passed to it, such as irq?  I have this ethernet card which 
I got to work, then I repositioned it in a different slot, getting it its own 
unique IRQ, but now modprobe 8139too returns (this is a realtek 8139 card):

invalid parameter parm_irq

if I set parm_irq correctly, I bet I'll be back in business with the home 
network.  How do I do it?

Thanks in advance,


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[newbie] Need help with Squid

2001-09-11 Thread Robt. Miller

I've been working on this for days, I swear it looks right based on the FAQ and Google 
searches. When I try to 
connect from a workstation I get..
access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time
I'm trying to connect from a workstation with the address and port set to 
3128. Many thanks for any 
help with this!
.. my squid.conf with the rems removed is..

icp_port 3130

acl internal src
http_access allow internal
http_access allow all
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80  # http
acl Safe_ports port 21  # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 563 # https, snews
acl Safe_ports port 70  # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http

http_access allow myclients
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager

httpd_accel_host virtual
httpd_accel_port 80

httpd_accel_with_proxy on

httpd_accel_uses_host_header on

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Re: [newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

2001-09-11 Thread Matt Greer

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 16:33, you wrote:
 My bad! That's weird, I'm using the reply button (rather that reply all)
 in Mozilla. Good thing I have nothing to hide eh? 

The mailing list has set up a reply-to: header so hitting reply will stick 
in the ml's address. If you select to view all headers you can see it stuck 
in there.

The easiest solution, IMO, is to reply all then remove the ML's address for 
private replies.


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Re: [newbie] tcp port blackjack found open?

2001-09-11 Thread Ben Bayer

Blackjack is the yahoo instant messenger then?  What a relief.  It sounded 
sinister.  Thought I might have had a virus or something.  



On Monday 10 September 2001 10:25 pm, you wrote:
 Do you use yahoo instant messanger?

 On Sunday 09 September 2001 10:08, Ben Bayer wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  I found these ports open this morning:
  tcp port 1024, blackjack, 6000, ssh
  udp port router, xdmcp
  What is blackjack?  Should this port be open after setting my machine up
  for high (server-level) security, and setting up tinyfirewall to close
  everything but ssh ports?
  Thanks in advance,

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name=message.footer
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name=message.footer
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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Re: [newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

2001-09-11 Thread Charles A. Punch


Matt Greer wrote:

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 16:33, you wrote:

My bad! That's weird, I'm using the reply button (rather that reply all)
in Mozilla. Good thing I have nothing to hide eh? 

The mailing list has set up a reply-to: header so hitting reply will stick 
in the ml's address. If you select to view all headers you can see it stuck 
in there.

The easiest solution, IMO, is to reply all then remove the ML's address for 
private replies.


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