Re: [newbie-it] modem e masterizzatore

2001-09-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ciao io non riesco ad installare il modem e il masterizzatore sotto
 8, il modem è un v.90 56 kb della motorola SM56

 masterizzatore invece è un plexter cd w
 qualcuno di voi ha queste marche
 mi potete aiutare?
 se vi serve altri dati più specifici ve li darò.

 Per il masterizzatore non posso proprio aiutarti. se vuoi informazioni
sul modem, vai a questo indirizzo, mi e' stato detto che
alcune volte i modem interni hanno bisogno di particolari driver per
funzionare sotto linux (anche se a me sembra strano comunque...) che ti
devo sacricare ed usare nella configurazione.
c'e' una lista dei modem non supportati e di eventuali driver (ho
visto che c'e' anche il forum
  per scaricarti i driver:
Leggiti la documentazione!

spero di esserti stato utile,

ciao Alessandro

[newbie-it] su raggiunta la dimesione massima del file !?!

2001-09-18 Thread max

stamattina se provo a dare il comando su in un terminale la shell 
visualizza il messaggio  raggiunta la dimensione massima del file  e per 
avere i privilegi di root devo uscire da kde e loggarmi come root.
Con -man su- non sono riuscito a trovare la soluzione..qualcuno può darmi 
una mano?



Re: [newbie-it] modem e masterizzatore

2001-09-18 Thread Laura

ok grazie! proverò :-)))

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] modem e masterizzatore

 Ciao io non riesco ad installare il modem e il masterizzatore sotto
 8, il modem è un v.90 56 kb della motorola SM56

 masterizzatore invece è un plexter cd w
 qualcuno di voi ha queste marche
 mi potete aiutare?
 se vi serve altri dati più specifici ve li darò.

 Per il masterizzatore non posso proprio aiutarti. se vuoi informazioni
sul modem, vai a questo indirizzo, mi e' stato detto che
alcune volte i modem interni hanno bisogno di particolari driver per
funzionare sotto linux (anche se a me sembra strano comunque...) che ti
devo sacricare ed usare nella configurazione.
c'e' una lista dei modem non supportati e di eventuali driver (ho
visto che c'e' anche il forum
  per scaricarti i driver:
Leggiti la documentazione!

spero di esserti stato utile,

ciao Alessandro

[newbie-it] Scheda di rete PCMCIA

2001-09-18 Thread Marco

Potreste consigliarmi una scheda di rete PCMCIA perfettamente
funzionante con Linux (uso Mandrake 8.0) ... vorrei mettere in rete il
mio nuovo portatile col mio desktop PC.




[newbie-it] INFORMAZIONI

2001-09-18 Thread max

Chiedo gentilmente se qualcusa sa dirmi se mandrake 
8 beta2 si può installare su un toshiba cdt 300
grazie anticipatamente

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8 e ATI Rage 128

2001-09-18 Thread Ciro

Se mi dai pure qualche indicazione di come fare... te ne sare grato.

grazie per la pazienza



At 12.14 18/09/2001 +0200, you wrote:

ehi posso darti un consiglio, prova  a mettere la modalità agp a 2x 
invece che  a 4x

Re: [newbie-it] INFORMAZIONI

2001-09-18 Thread Marco

 Chiedo gentilmente se qualcusa sa dirmi se mandrake 8 beta2 si può
installare su un toshiba cdt 300
Direi di sì, guarda su e
seleziona OS Machine Compatibility ...
Grazie alle info trovate su quel sito ho appena installato con successo
(a parte il modem ma sapevo che non era compatibile) Mandrake 8.0 su un
Toshiba 1800-100 CDT.



Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8 e ATI Rage 128

2001-09-18 Thread user

ehi posso darti un consiglio, prova  a mettere la modalità agp a 2x 
invece che  a 4x

Re: [newbie-it] su raggiunta la dimesione massima del file !?! RISOLTO!

2001-09-18 Thread max

Il 11:04, martedì 18 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
 stamattina se provo a dare il comando su in un terminale la shell
 visualizza il messaggio  raggiunta la dimensione massima del file  e per
 avere i privilegi di root devo uscire da kde e loggarmi come root.
 Con -man su- non sono riuscito a trovare la soluzione..qualcuno può
 darmi una mano?



Trovata la soluzione !!!
Nella dir:  /home/max/.xauth/refcount ci sono tante cartelle quanti sono gli 
utenti del sistema.
Il problema era dovuto alla presenza di grossi files (c.a. 97 M) dal nome 
unix:0_max ecc (uno per ogni utente)  in queste cartelle, eliminati i file è 
tornato tutto a posto.Ho provato ad aprire i files con kedit e konqueror ma 
sono andati in crash.

Sarebbe bello capire che cosa è successo..



[newbie-it] Schedaaudio ES1969

2001-09-18 Thread Luigi De Pascale

Salve a tutti:
Ho un problemino con la scheda audio:
Sono costretto a tenere il volume del microfono a 0 perche' altrimenti il
computer comincia a fischiare in modo orribile. (non parliamo del mancato
funzionamento del winmodem che ne consegue).

I dati sono i seguenti.
Ho una:
 Mandrake 8
il computer e' un
Acer Travelmate 730
e la scheda audio e' una
ecco cosa dice il sistema

Fornitore: ESS Technology

Modello: ES1969 Solo-1 Audiodrive

Kernel Module: snd-card-es1938

Tipo di Bus:: PCI

Eccovi la parte del module.conf che la riguarda
Non son io l'autore. Qualcuno dalla mailing list e' stato cosi' gentile da
mandarmi questo pezzo gia' sistemato.

___Estratto del modules.conf--
# ALSA portion
alias char-major-116 snd
options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-es1938

# OSS/Free portion
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

post-install snd-card-es1938 modprobe snd-pcm-oss

Ovviamente evitate di darmi la risposta banale di sostituire
snd-card-es1938 con snd-card-es1969

se ci fosse lo avrei fatto da tempo.
Viceversa se sapete dove trovare il modulo corrispondente mandatemi

Ciao a tutti

[newbie] what is wrong with dependencies

2001-09-18 Thread Andrei Raevsky

Frankly - I am rather frustrated with the issues of dependencies.

Almost each time I try to install an rpm file, or compile a tar.gz, I get a 
failed/missing dependencies error.  I was told that this is just as in 
Windows in which programs need dlls.  This is simply not true.  When a 
Win32 developer prepares a package for publication he includes ALL the dlls 
needed (at least in 99% of the cases) and the install wizard then checks to 
see if there is a need to add them to the system or if something more recent 
is already installed.

Now WHY don't rpms come with ALL the dependencies they need?  Is it to 
reduce the size of the packages?  But then, would it not be better to define 
a list of main dependencies which ALL distributions would install on each 
machine (even if the installation type is not development)?

Also - sometimes, a dependency needs another dependency.  What for?  If the 
two dependencies are developed by the same people, why don't they 
immediately package them together.

Finally, can I get any missing dependency from sites such as  
Are all dependencies rpm-packaged.

I am sorry if these questions sound silly to those of you who are advanced 
newbies (-: I'm the real newbie-newbie :-) but take it from a 100% 
committed linux-lover as I have become: this is a problem which does NOT 
exist in this form in the much-hated Windows world.

Any explanations would be welcome, cheers!

Linux user 226850

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[newbie] Accessing my files at home ??

2001-09-18 Thread Adam Cripps

I'm at work today, and realised that I needed a file
which is on my machine at home -doh! Today it's ok
because I've asked my wife to email me the file. But
she's always reluctant to do this, as she's got her
hands full with our twin boys. :-)

How easy would it be to turn on my home computer, log
on to the net (with a modem) and access it from work? 

At work, I can use ftp etc-with windows. The file I'm
after is Staroffice5.2, which shouldn't cause any

Would it be a case of ftping to the IP number that was
assigned at home when home computer logged on the net?

Or is it much more complicated than sending an email? 

Any advice is gratefully received. 



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[newbie] java and mozilla

2001-09-18 Thread Paul Rodríguez

I know this has been covered before, but I still can't get it to work.
Java does not work out of the box for me in L-M 8.0 f2.  Every time I go
to a site with java I get a java applet error.  What do I need to do to
get mozilla (or any other browser) to load java enabled pages?

-Paul Rodríguez

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Re: [newbie] Text only, UGH!

2001-09-18 Thread etharp

as far as the localhost comment, DO NOT change it. that is for the loopback 
or lo interface, and the computer needs it to talk to itself. copy the format 
on the next line, but change the local.localdomain to 
whateveris.yourdomain or what ever you call the computer and domain, 
orlocalhost works good too, but you will want to change the IP number from a 
127.x.x.x number to a 192.186.0.x number (these are reserved for small 
networks with the submask, and will not go out into the 
Internet) when eth0 (the first ethernet connection) is delayed, it maens you 
ain't got the card setup right. do you have Plug and Pray aware OS set to off 
in the computer bios? have you tried linuxconf to setup the network?

On Tuesday 18 September 2001 00:00, you wrote:
   Hi all,

   I am three weeks into using Linux after using only Macintosh
 for the past 10 years. I had a computer store install Redhat 7.1.
 This 150 Pentium w/40m Ram 20gb hd should make a good first file
 server. I don't want to buy a color Video card or color monitor. I
 have a old monochrome monitor
   When starting, it informs me eth0 initalization is delayed.
 everthing else is listed as OK.
   I tried /ect/hostname in Pico and found the text:
   saying Do not erase the lines below.
   It read host_name. Local domain
   Should I coment this out (#). Or replace it, with my IP and
 host name ect.?
   I am concerned about erasing it.
   *Is this likely to be the reason for delay eth0 initalization
   I put my info directly under the 127... line and it does not
 show up anywhere.

   It is a isa card, I read where autoprobe may malfunction.
 *Exactly* how does one go about disabiling auto probe for the
 ethernet card


   Have an extra nice Day!,

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Re: [newbie] Accessing my files at home ??

2001-09-18 Thread Paul

 I'm at work today, and realised that I needed a file
 which is on my machine at home -doh! Today it's ok
 because I've asked my wife to email me the file. But
 she's always reluctant to do this, as she's got her
 hands full with our twin boys. :-)
 How easy would it be to turn on my home computer, log
 on to the net (with a modem) and access it from work? 

Considering... You need something that triggers power-up of your computer, boot linux,
automatically log in and dial out when that's done.
I am not sure if that is something you would want your computer to do in the first 
but that's something else.
During boot you could load an FTP server.
After that you could ftp to your home machine (IP address indeed) and pull the files 

 Would it be a case of ftping to the IP number that was
 assigned at home when home computer logged on the net?
How would you determine which IP number your machine has after logging on?
You could let the machine first send an e-mail to your work with the assigned
IP number so you know where to FTP to.
 Or is it much more complicated than sending an email? 

Sounds interesting to try and set up. GOod luck

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Re: [newbie] Accessing my files at home ??

2001-09-18 Thread etharp

my advice is to run appache on the home computer, set any folders you want to 
be allowed to get into in the config, and run a connection thru a Dynamic DNS 
server, so you could log into (or whom ever you sign 
up for the service with, you can search google for dynamic dns servers and 
find a few). that way, you dial in, connect to the dynamic dns server to set 
the name to yor current dns, and you can go from there and look like you were 
savy enough to have created AOL if you had the time a few years ago. it 
really is easy (about one saterday day to learn how, since if you have 
installed all the toys with Mandrake 8.0 powerpack it will already be 
installed and waititng for you to setup the configuration. you can then set 
up a cron job to check the dialin connectiopn and connect to the Dynamic dns 
server and make sure it is correctly updated. you can also set your PPP 
conncetion to redial if the signal is dropped, and the cron job will 
reconncet to the DNS and update automagiclly. I personally think that you 
might then want to check out PHP-Nuke after you get the server setup and your 
folders accessable. 

On Tuesday 18 September 2001 06:40, you wrote:
 I'm at work today, and realised that I needed a file
 which is on my machine at home -doh! Today it's ok
 because I've asked my wife to email me the file. But
 she's always reluctant to do this, as she's got her
 hands full with our twin boys. :-)

 How easy would it be to turn on my home computer, log
 on to the net (with a modem) and access it from work?

 At work, I can use ftp etc-with windows. The file I'm
 after is Staroffice5.2, which shouldn't cause any

 Would it be a case of ftping to the IP number that was
 assigned at home when home computer logged on the net?

 Or is it much more complicated than sending an email?

 Any advice is gratefully received.



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RE: [newbie] Accessing my files at home ??

2001-09-18 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

You could register your machine at any of the dynamic DNS systems
available on the internet. Some are even free!

If you install the client software and add the startup line into your
diald or if-up scripts, the IP you are given is sent to the dyndns
server every time a connection is started.

Then you would be able to access your home machine with something

ftp where MYNAME is the machine name you
registered with the DYNDNS service.

Diald may then bring up the link whenever you access the internet
locally, or via a cron job that brings it up while you are at the


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Adam Cripps
|Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 6:40 AM
|Subject: [newbie] Accessing my files at home ??
|I'm at work today, and realised that I needed a file
|which is on my machine at home -doh! Today it's ok
|because I've asked my wife to email me the file. But
|she's always reluctant to do this, as she's got her
|hands full with our twin boys. :-)
|How easy would it be to turn on my home computer, log
|on to the net (with a modem) and access it from work? 
|At work, I can use ftp etc-with windows. The file I'm
|after is Staroffice5.2, which shouldn't cause any
|Would it be a case of ftping to the IP number that was
|assigned at home when home computer logged on the net?
|Or is it much more complicated than sending an email? 
|Any advice is gratefully received. 
|Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?
|Donate cash, emergency relief information 

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Re:[newbie] Video cards

2001-09-18 Thread Adrian Lynch

I was looking at the new KyroII cards but I haven't seen much info with
regards to compatability, anyone know any different?

So, with all the discussion about nVidia cards, what is a good card to 
run? I am going to upgrade cause my little 4mb ATI Rage doesn't even get 
tux down the hill.  I want a midrange card in the $60 to $100 range. Is 
there any hope? TIA for any suggestions. 

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Re: [newbie] Accessing my files at home ??

2001-09-18 Thread Adam Cripps


I didn't make it clear that my wife could just log on
the net - give me the IP and I'm away - so, in fact, I
wouldn't want those things to be automatic.

--- etharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 my advice is to run appache on the home computer,
 set any folders you want to 
 be allowed to get into in the config, and run a
 connection thru a Dynamic DNS 
 server, so you could log into (or whom ever you sign 
 up for the service with, you can search google for
 dynamic dns servers and 
 find a few). that way, you dial in, connect to the
 dynamic dns server to set 
 the name to yor current dns, and you can go from
 there and look like you were 
 savy enough to have created AOL if you had the time
 a few years ago. it 
 really is easy (about one saterday day to learn how,
 since if you have 
 installed all the toys with Mandrake 8.0 powerpack
 it will already be 
 installed and waititng for you to setup the
 configuration. you can then set 
 up a cron job to check the dialin connectiopn and
 connect to the Dynamic dns 
 server and make sure it is correctly updated. you
 can also set your PPP 
 conncetion to redial if the signal is dropped, and
 the cron job will 
 reconncet to the DNS and update automagiclly. I
 personally think that you 
 might then want to check out PHP-Nuke after you get
 the server setup and your 
 folders accessable. 
 On Tuesday 18 September 2001 06:40, you wrote:
  I'm at work today, and realised that I needed a
  which is on my machine at home -doh! Today it's ok
  because I've asked my wife to email me the file.
  she's always reluctant to do this, as she's got
  hands full with our twin boys. :-)
  How easy would it be to turn on my home computer,
  on to the net (with a modem) and access it from
  At work, I can use ftp etc-with windows. The file
  after is Staroffice5.2, which shouldn't cause any
  Would it be a case of ftping to the IP number that
  assigned at home when home computer logged on the
  Or is it much more complicated than sending an
  Any advice is gratefully received.
  Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?
  Donate cash, emergency relief information
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RE: [newbie] java and mozilla

2001-09-18 Thread Mitchell, Edmund

Hello Paul

Isaac was very helpful to me in getting that problem solved, and this is
what he said (distilled):
the command you're looking for is ln.  It works as follows: (the #'s are
just to signify the root command prompt)

 # ln [options] sourcename(s) [destination directory]

 where sourcename(s) is the name of the file(s) you want to create
 links to (in your case and destination directory is
the directory you want the links to appear in (in my case it was
/usr/local/mozilla0.9.3/mozilla/plugins, yours will be pretty similar - just
make sure it ends up in /plugins)

 The option you'll be using will be -s (for symbolic).  So, assuming your
 mozilla directory were located like mine is, the command would be:
[ed. note - Both the file to be linked and the folder need to have fully
qualified path names, as here shown:]

 # ln -s /usr/jre1.3.1/plugins/i386/ns600/

 Your command would only differ depending on where your mozilla folder
 Anyway, after you install it you should use the simple command ls -l
 [destionation directory] to see that your symbolic link arrived
  The line for the java plugin should start with the letter l to show
 it is a link.  If all seems fine and dandy then try going to someplace that
uses java
 and see if you get the error message.  If you do, try logging out and
 logging back in. 

He also showed me a shortcut that works if you're using KDE, but this method
works regardless, so that's the one I'll pass along.



 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Rodríguez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 6:41 AM
 To: newbie
 Subject: [newbie] java and mozilla
 I know this has been covered before, but I still can't get it to work.
 Java does not work out of the box for me in L-M 8.0 f2.  
 Every time I go
 to a site with java I get a java applet error.  What do I 
 need to do to
 get mozilla (or any other browser) to load java enabled pages?
 -Paul Rodríguez
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Re: [newbie] Accessing my files at home ??

2001-09-18 Thread Steve Borrett


I didn't make it clear that my wife could just log on
the net - give me the IP and I'm away - so, in fact, I
wouldn't want those things to be automatic.

I think the problem comes in more from the fact that once your
home machine is up and on the net ANYONE can ftp into your
This obviously reliese on someone having the IP address and
being able to sniff out login details, but my point is that it is not
overly secure.
My suggestion would be to have an ssh server on your home
machine and ssh into it from work. You can then use sftp to
grab the files while maintaining the security you get with an
ssh tunnel.
Basically this would allow you to block just about anything
incoming through your firewall (You DO have a firewall, don't you!)
and therefore not open yourself up to all those wonderful skiddies
out there.

I realise this is possibly a little more initial setup, but it makes life
a site more secure!!!



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Re: [newbie] kernel panics

2001-09-18 Thread Randy Donohoe

There was a thread going just last night about the Geforce and what
kernels it works with. If it wasn't on this one it was on the expert
Randy Donohoe
- Original Message -
From: Marcin Jendrzejewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 9:25 AM
Subject: [newbie] kernel panics

Hey folks,
Lately I've been fiddling a lot with compiling the linux kernel 2.4.3
(both the vanilla one from and the mandrake-customized
version) and with both I seem to be getting lots of kernel panics and
oops messages (actually none of the kernels get much past the INIT
Loading message).  While I don't expect anyone to give me the solution,
I'm wondering what sort of factors would go into producing these sorts
of errors.  The vanilla kernel for 2.4.9 works fine, it's just that it
seems that NVIDIA drivers for my geforce2 mx/200 card don't seem to work
with 2.4.9 and I want to get it working.  So yeah, if anyone could
explain to me some possible reasons why I can produce a faulty kernel.

Marcin Jendrzejewski

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[newbie] alternatives to windows programs

2001-09-18 Thread Terry

Hello all,

We use a bunch of windows programs that I was curious as to whether there are 
any alternatives to these in the Linux community.  The programs I was mostly 
interested in alternatives are:

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Pagemaker
Macromedia Dreamweaver

Any help would be appreciated.

Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Asst. Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User # 218330

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Re: [newbie] alternatives to windows programs

2001-09-18 Thread Matt Greer

on 9/18/01 9:04 AM, Terry at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all,
 We use a bunch of windows programs that I was curious as to whether there are
 any alternatives to these in the Linux community.  The programs I was mostly
 interested in alternatives are:
 Adobe Photoshop

The gimp, which is exceptionally good when you consider it's free. But price
aside, it's not as good as photoshop.

 Adobe Pagemaker

None that I know of. Why are you still using pagemaker anyway? :)

 Macromedia Dreamweaver

bluefish isn't too bad. It lacks the macromanagement that dreamweaver has,
but for html (and even php/javascript) coding, it's pretty good. I'm
starting to like it.

Both gimp and bluefish are included with mandrake 8.0, so you may already
have them installed or they're easily installed (assuming you have m8.0 of

For design oriented programs, I use vmware. Which allows you to run a
windows session from linux. It's almost as fast as running windows natively.
So I do all my illustrator/quark/etc stuff in there.

I'm still crossing my fingers that the advent of Mac OSX will cause
Adobe/Quark to keep going and bring their apps over to linux as well.


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[newbie] Bastille firewall

2001-09-18 Thread Vinh N. Pham

How can I know whether my Bastille filewall is working at all.  I can't 
find any process when I do a ps aux that name bastille.

Seem to me (through what I see in the interactive setup) that Bastille 
only block certain service  Is there anything similar to ZoneLabs in 
Window where I can approve or not base on certain application?


Vinh N. Pham

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Re: [newbie] Bastille firewall

2001-09-18 Thread Paul

In reply to Vinh's words, written Tue, 18 Sep 2001 11:35:39 -0400

Bastille is a frontend to configure iptables.
If things are working you can tell by going su and running iptables -L
(capital l!)


How can I know whether my Bastille filewall is working at all.  I can't 
find any process when I do a ps aux that name bastille.

Seem to me (through what I see in the interactive setup) that Bastille 
only block certain service  Is there anything similar to ZoneLabs in 
Window where I can approve or not base on certain application?


Vinh N. Pham

Avoid cliches like the plague - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.2

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Re: [newbie] SNF7.2 and RealPlayer ICQ

2001-09-18 Thread Arthur H. Johnson II

I don't know much about SNF, but I do know that in the IP Chains Howto it
tells you how to get it working.  Check

On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, Anders Thoresson wrote:


  Having problems using RealPlayer and ICQ (using the built-in client in
 browser Opera 5.12) I need help configure Single Network Firewall. The
 question is, simply: How should I set things up in SNF to let RealPlayer-
 and ICQ-traffic through? I want to have the number of ports open for
 connections from inside my lan set to an absolute minimum.

  Another question: Do I have to restart SNF before changes made in the
 web-interface take place?



Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box

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Re: [newbie] Video cards

2001-09-18 Thread Paul Rodríguez

The concern being that unix systems are dynamic, it is what gives them
their strength, what makes them powerful and secure.  The availability
of code allows for the most powerful systems to integrate togther.
Providing static binaries make either the system or the driver unusable
in a dynamic environment (something all operating systems are moving

Providing source code availabillity of nVidia drivers can only open and
expand the use of nVidia drivers and hardware, increasing exponentially
the ammount of developmental work produced with and for this hardware,
which in turn popularizes its use.

-Paul Rodríguez

On 18 Sep 2001 10:12:06 -0500, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Monday 17 September 2001 07:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I don't know what I am doing different, but I have an nVidia GeForce
  II on an card made by Asus (I think it is the V7700), and I have
  ABSOLUTELY no problems with it; 
  Anyways, I was just posting this to let people who are on the market
  know that the GeForce II DOES work with LM8 (beautifully in fact),
The latest nVidia drivers for LM 8.0 were compiled against kernel 
 2.4.3-20mdk and Xfree86 4.0.2.  If you don't change anything they 
 probly will work. They did for me even with XF-4.1.x.  Then as I 
 upgraded to newer kernels, XF versions, and objectprelink'd KDE2.2.1, 
 and other upgrades (basically to LM 8.1) they became completely broken.
This is one problem with closed source drivers. You never know when 
 even a minor security or bugfix update will break them, much less other 
 upgrades.  There is no way for Mandrake to support them because nVidia 
 refuses to share the source with Linux developers. OTOH, they do submit 
 their driver source to M$.
 Other problems with closed source drivers are security related, and 
 the added dependence on nVidia to provide future updates.  If you want 
 to upgrade to 8.1 when it comes out (it's RC1 right now), you'll most 
 likely break the current nVidia drivers. There's also no guarantee, 
 that future nVidia drivers will work with 8.1. They weren't smart 
 enough to use the current LM 8.0 kernel and XF version.
   Tom Brinkman Galveston Bay, USA
 Admiral Yamamoto:  I fear that all we have done is to awaken a
  sleeping giant,  and filled him with a terrible resolve.
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[newbie] different user permissions for 'guest account' query

2001-09-18 Thread bascule

i want to create a 'guest' account on my second box so that friends who visit 
can log on and benefit from my cable connection, because i am behind a 
firewall -snf7.2- i installed both my workstations as -security = low- i 
don't know how wise that was, therefore i suspect that the permissions on a 
user account created using 'adduser' will probably be the same as my user 
permissions and not what i should have in a 'guest' account, not that i 
distrust my friends, the opposite in fact, my friends would understand 
perfectly the need to have good security despite the persons involved.

my question is (finally you cry!), what permissions should i pay attention 
to? there are a lot of users and groups on a typical machine, most of which 
aren't 'people' and the interelationship between then is confusing to me, i 
want to enable web access, im chat and downloading files so that my friends 
can put stuff they want onto a cd,

am i worrying about nothing, is the fact that someone a 'user' and not root 
automatically protection enough?


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[newbie] SQL database for patient information

2001-09-18 Thread Paul Rodríguez

I'd like to create a simple SQL database and frontend for doctors to
store patient information and automate callbacks, backups, and label

Of course I would like this to be an open source project.  (GPL'd too,
as much as possible).  Having had no experience with SQL, I'd like to
know the groups opinions/experiences to help choose between the
different SQL possibilities.  (i.e. mySQL, PostgreSQL)

But most importantly, I'd like to learn how not to recreate the wheel.
You see, I'm sure at least most of the backend work (while maybe not
specifically written to store patient information) may already be
written for some other purpose.  In the end, it's just a simple database
like any other, a few simple fields such as name, address, contact and
insurance info, and a few user customizable fields (mostly for history).

I've already looked at the open source medical software options and
didn't find anything that really suited my needs.  

Where can I find the information I need to make my efforts as efficient
as possible?  

Thanks everybody!

-Paul Rodríguez

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[newbie] Nimda virus

2001-09-18 Thread Miark

I caught the tail end of an FBI warning on NPR today that said the Nimda virus affects
all Internet computers. That rubs me the wrong way because, as I read later at CNet, 
doesn't affect our penguins (as usual). I think the popular media needs to be more 
the way they report these things.


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[newbie] PS, HMTL and Web page design

2001-09-18 Thread Andre Dubuc

I have produced five booklets of 56 to 100 Postscript pages that I would 
like to place on a website, with the intent that persons could download them, 
or view them. The pages are heavily formatted (I used Ventura 4.11 in my 
Windoze days). I'm a total newbie in Web page design. 

Prior to embarking on another steep learning curve, I wonder if someone might 
offer some suggestions as to pitfalls I'm certainly going to encounter.

I have a few questions that will expose my woeful ignorance:

1. Is there a program that could convert the PS files to HMTL? (Is this a 
real newbie question, or what!) All my original document files are in .doc 
Word for Windows 2.0c and StarOffice doesn't recognize this file format. I've 
since converted everything to sdw files, except of course, the PS files.

2. I've discovered Screem but have yet to use it. Is this a good program to 
use in creating web-pages? Does it accept PS files? Could you recommend 
anything better?

3. I would like to give people the option to d/l each booklet in either PS 
(preferrred) or HMTL format. Each booklet runs anywhere from 1.6MB to 2.2MB.
Which (or both) would you suggest?

4. Could you suggest some links that would ease me into this project 

Thanks for any help,

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Re: [newbie] MODEM

2001-09-18 Thread ddcharles


sounds to me like there is probably an auction at eBay selling an ISA USR
V.Everything, being sold by a guy named Dean (wink) :P

Seriously though, with Win98, pretty much ANY modem will do, and if you
want to use the same modem when dual booting with LM8, you definitely do
NOT need to spend anywhere NEAR USD$170 - USD$250.  Just find ANY decent
(i.e. NOT winmodem) well-known (i.e. 3com/USR/etc.) PCI modem (easier
time with PCI than with ISA/EISA), many of which you can get for WELL
UNDER USD$100 (and if you are looking for used items on eBay, then you can
probably find a beaut for approx usd$25).

Thats just MY USD$0.02...

 David Charles

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Dean Morrell wrote:

 If you have an available ISA slot, check out USRobotics V.Everything at ebay.  These 
are business class modems that sell for US $170 for internal and US $250
 for external.  They are great modems.

 At 12:10 9/17/2001 +1200, you wrote:

 I would appreciate any suggestions as to a suitable modem for a dual boot
 setup. Using Windows 98 and Mandrake 8.
 Thank you
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 When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property.
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Re: [newbie] SQL database for patient information

2001-09-18 Thread Richie de Almeida

On Tuesday 18 September 2001 16:21, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 I'd like to create a simple SQL database and frontend for doctors to
 store patient information and automate callbacks, backups, and label

I haven't tried any of the open source SQL databases but since you have no 
experience with SQL, go get a nice book on basic Data Modelling.  Regardless 
of which SQL server you use, this is something you must know if you actually 
want to make a project that's worth a damn.  

Learn now before you go and invent your own bad habits like I did!

 Where can I find the information I need to make my efforts as efficient
 as possible?

Good data modelling always leads to less coding and shorter 
developement/debugging time-- ALWAYS!

Just about any introductory book on MySQL or what have you should include at 
least a chapter on 'Data Modelling' and 'Normailization' rules.  If the book 
your considering doesn't have at least that, it doesn't deserve your money.

Good Luck!


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[newbie] KOffice

2001-09-18 Thread Dave Sherman

Hello everyone,

Just wondering if anyone here is using KOffice 1.1 in a business
environment. Specifically, how well does it get along with MS Word and
Excel? I would *really* like to migrate away from StarOffice 5.2, and it
looks to me like KOffice is more mature than OpenOffice at this time.

Any thoughts or opinions will be valued.


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RE: [newbie] kernel panics

2001-09-18 Thread FLYNN, Steve

What's the error message when the Kernel Oops's?

Cut and Paste from your /var/log/messages will be good, and you might want
to ask on the Expert list too!

Steve Flynn
NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
* 01603 687386

-Original Message-
From:   Marcin Jendrzejewski [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, September 18, 2001 1:26 PM
Subject:[newbie] kernel panics

Hey folks,
Lately I've been fiddling a lot with compiling the linux kernel
2.4.3 (both the vanilla one from and the mandrake-customized
version) and with both I seem to be getting lots of kernel panics and oops
messages (actually none of the kernels get much past the INIT Loading
message).  While I don't expect anyone to give me the solution, I'm
wondering what sort of factors would go into producing these sorts of
errors.  The vanilla kernel for 2.4.9 works fine, it's just that it seems
that NVIDIA drivers for my geforce2 mx/200 card don't seem to work with
2.4.9 and I want to get it working.  So yeah, if anyone could explain to me
some possible reasons why I can produce a faulty kernel.
Marcin Jendrzejewski

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Re: [newbie] alternatives to windows programs

2001-09-18 Thread Randy Donohoe

Check out Yellow Dog linux.
Randy Donohoe
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 7:01 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] alternatives to windows programs

 Hi folks

 Some newbie questions.

 a) Is there Linux software to encode video as good as or better than
 WindowsMedia for on-demand true streaming?

 b) Is there Linux software like MediaCleaner Pro to encode video?

 c) I have a Mac G3 266. Is there a Linux Mandrake version that runs on
 If so - is there a windows emulator that will run on top of
Linux(Mac) - so
 that I could use the WindowsMedia Encoder?

 - Harry

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Re: [newbie] samba functionality query

2001-09-18 Thread bascule

nice one jose,

this is exactly what i wanted to hear:-)
new question, can a old pentium function as a samba server, and is it okay to 
make it a firewall as well? i have an old p100 running at home with snf7.2, i 
could practice with samba on that before going down to the commuity centre 
and letting loose on our network,


 The short answer is YES.

 Samba supports BOTH user Policies and Roving Profiles.

 Roving profiles basically stores the users desktop and menus on the
 Samba server itself.

 Since the winblows client gets it's info/menu  desktop from the Samba
 server this will do what you want.

 Policies enable you to restrict changes or even access to the
 limitations you have imposed including;

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RE: [newbie] what is wrong with dependencies

2001-09-18 Thread Dave Sherman

On Tue, 2001-09-18 at 04:16, Franki wrote:
 I think two other things would help,. a gui and console tool that does smart
 tarball installs and updates the rpm database for that app, and one that can
 get dependencies for you,, (goes to a mandrake update site list...etc etc.
 or asks for the CD, or both) preferably the same app.

Debian has apt-get, which does exactly this. Rpm still doesn't do it,
although rpmdrake (front-end to grpmi, which actually does the work)
does a decent job of it. But for packages which Mandrake does not
create, rpmdrake will do you no good :-(

 and a self extracting tarball, (sort of like winzips self extracting file,,
 a new tarball format that can have a shell or perl script wrapper around the
 actual tarfile that untars and starts the install for you.. (then updates
 the RPM databse...downloads dependencies etc etc) even if it was 10%
 bigger then a standard tarball, people would go for it because of the ease
 of install and removal and smart installing features, [snip]

As a matter of fact, I have seen such a beast. Nessus (
comes in a self-installing shell script. Just download and run
(or whatever it was called), and the script will run, which actually
unzips and untars the file, then checks dependencies, configures,
compiles, and installs. At the beginning, it asks for the root password,
so it can complete the install later on. It is very slick.


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Re: [newbie] Will Ximian install fix Gnome?

2001-09-18 Thread Peter Rymshaw

The serious problems with gnome seemed to be fixed (I
did find still another gnome RPM. Maybe that did it I
still can't understand why it was necessary to do it
manually, though. 

--- Peter Rymshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've decided that I like Gnome more than KDE and
 to learn and begin using it. But I'm having problems
 beyond the normal (like getting CD  floppy access
 from the desktop or panel. I won't have to manually
 monunt/unmount will I?)
 That's not the problem. When I try to select many
 the Gnome features, the computer
 I have to turn the power off and on (which I worry
 about each time).
 I've found that some of these problems have gone
 after I've installed more gnome files from the RPMs
 CD-ROM, so that might be the heart of the problem
 also what I would consider a serious bug in the
 program). But I have installed everything that  I
 find named gnome and there are still problems. (And
 shouldn't the initial installation of Gnome from the
 install CD have worked even without what I've done?)
 What I've done now is gone to the Ximian signt and
 downloaded their gnome files (and also gnuCash which
 had tried to install earlier without success). I
 figure I should install -core- first, then perhaps
 -applets-, -libs-, -utils- and the others I found.
 Ximian says that it is based on gnome 1.4, and
 instructions are that it is not necessary to first
 remove regular gnome installation--that it will
 automatically upgrade files. My hopes are that
 whatever files are giving me problems will be
 and most if not all of my problems solved. But I
 seem to remember having read somewhere that
 installation of Ximian must be on a sound gnome
 Do I need to find and fix my gnome problems before
 installing Ximian? That's the key question.
 Sorry to go on so long with this. Anyone know? Just
 occurred to me, I should ask Ximian, even though
 is the free download I'm talking about.
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Re: [newbie] Video cards

2001-09-18 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 17 September 2001 07:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I don't know what I am doing different, but I have an nVidia GeForce
 II on an card made by Asus (I think it is the V7700), and I have
 ABSOLUTELY no problems with it; 

 Anyways, I was just posting this to let people who are on the market
 know that the GeForce II DOES work with LM8 (beautifully in fact),

   The latest nVidia drivers for LM 8.0 were compiled against kernel 
2.4.3-20mdk and Xfree86 4.0.2.  If you don't change anything they 
probly will work. They did for me even with XF-4.1.x.  Then as I 
upgraded to newer kernels, XF versions, and objectprelink'd KDE2.2.1, 
and other upgrades (basically to LM 8.1) they became completely broken.

   This is one problem with closed source drivers. You never know when 
even a minor security or bugfix update will break them, much less other 
upgrades.  There is no way for Mandrake to support them because nVidia 
refuses to share the source with Linux developers. OTOH, they do submit 
their driver source to M$.

Other problems with closed source drivers are security related, and 
the added dependence on nVidia to provide future updates.  If you want 
to upgrade to 8.1 when it comes out (it's RC1 right now), you'll most 
likely break the current nVidia drivers. There's also no guarantee, 
that future nVidia drivers will work with 8.1. They weren't smart 
enough to use the current LM 8.0 kernel and XF version.
Tom Brinkman Galveston Bay, USA
Admiral Yamamoto:  I fear that all we have done is to awaken a
 sleeping giant,  and filled him with a terrible resolve.

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Re: [newbie] Will Ximian install fix Gnome?

2001-09-18 Thread Peter Rymshaw

I retract my recent self-response to this message,
saying all was OK with Gnome.

I tried to shutdown and reboot (before beginning my
Ximian install) and found that Gnome froze immediately
upon loading. I restarted the computer and the same
happened again. But the third time, I started as root
Gnome (fortunately, I had turned autostart off) and
that, as well as KDE, seems to be OK.

So, all of my original message below is more or less
still true.


--- Peter Rymshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've decided that I like Gnome more than KDE and
 to learn and begin using it. But I'm having problems
 beyond the normal (like getting CD  floppy access
 from the desktop or panel. I won't have to manually
 monunt/unmount will I?)
 That's not the problem. When I try to select many
 the Gnome features, the computer
 I have to turn the power off and on (which I worry
 about each time).
 I've found that some of these problems have gone
 after I've installed more gnome files from the RPMs
 CD-ROM, so that might be the heart of the problem
 also what I would consider a serious bug in the
 program). But I have installed everything that  I
 find named gnome and there are still problems. (And
 shouldn't the initial installation of Gnome from the
 install CD have worked even without what I've done?)
 What I've done now is gone to the Ximian signt and
 downloaded their gnome files (and also gnuCash which
 had tried to install earlier without success). I
 figure I should install -core- first, then perhaps
 -applets-, -libs-, -utils- and the others I found.
 Ximian says that it is based on gnome 1.4, and
 instructions are that it is not necessary to first
 remove regular gnome installation--that it will
 automatically upgrade files. My hopes are that
 whatever files are giving me problems will be
 and most if not all of my problems solved. But I
 seem to remember having read somewhere that
 installation of Ximian must be on a sound gnome
 Do I need to find and fix my gnome problems before
 installing Ximian? That's the key question.
 Sorry to go on so long with this. Anyone know? Just
 occurred to me, I should ask Ximian, even though
 is the free download I'm talking about.
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Re: [newbie] freezes rendering 3d with my nVidia drivers

2001-09-18 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Ok, I've installed both the tar balls and later the src rpms of the
latest nVidia drivers. I am running Mandrake 8.0 freq 2.

I still get the same problem. Computer starts successfully (with nVidia
logo). Launching a 3d accelerated program (e.g. gears or tuxracer)
freezes the computer. I cannot even log out the a command line or
restart x.

-Paul Rodríguez

On 16 Sep 2001 11:23:31 -0500, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Sunday 16 September 2001 06:27 am, Paul Rodríguez escribió:
  Did the earlier versions supprt 3d acceleration?
  I'm concerned about using the rpms.  I was told that using them would
  make my problem easier to troubleshoot.  However, if they were
  compiled on a different kernel version than the one I am using
  (almost certyainly since I am using Freq 2), can this cause me any
  probelms?  This won't change my kernel will it?
 Many people have the mistaken belief that tarballs are always 
 source.  The nVidia tarballs are nothin more than archive (.tar), 
 compressed (.gz) wrappers around secret, closed source, nVidia binaries.
 The src.rpm's are the same, but add in the increased ability to easily 
 remove them when/if the nVidia closed binaries break your system. Which 
 they will, sooner or later.
   Tom Brinkman Galveston Bay, USA
 Admiral Yamamoto:  I fear that all we have done is to awaken a
  sleeping giant,  and filled him with a terrible resolve.
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RE: [newbie] Console mode

2001-09-18 Thread The Spider

Steve Flynn wrote:

 You can edit the /etc/issue* files - The one which has all of the
 codes in it, draws the penguin. Takes me back to my BBS days with ANSI
 graphics and whatnot!

 Actually, has anyone ever bothered to come up with a better penguin
or other
 nice little ansi graphic for the console welcome screen? I feel a
 messing about coming over me! :-)

 Steve Flynn
 NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
 * 01603 687386

I've found the ect/issue file but i don't understand  its
symbols meaning and most of all i'm not able to change it ( it seems
that it is newly recreated each time i boot).
Any suggestion?

  Ragno The Spider Stefano.

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Re: [newbie] java and mozilla

2001-09-18 Thread Derek Jennings

Like you I could not get Mozilla to work with Java. It kept insisting Java 
was not enabled. Went through the process of down loading java, and then 
failing again. Nor can I persuade Star Office Java is actually installed.

Netscape 4.77 works with Java, but it sucks.

So now I use Opera 5.05TP which works just great. Opera is the fastest 
browser for rendering pages I have seen. (Much faster than Konquerer)The 
Linux version is not as good as the Windoze one (some neat features have been 
left out), but at least it works with Java. The downside is the free version 
has an advertising banner which annoys some people.

If you want it go to  Make sure you get 5.05TP and not 5.0 
which has no Java support.  There is a page of instructions telling you how 
to set up the Java VM at

Derek :-)

On Tuesday 18 September 2001 06:41, you wrote:
 I know this has been covered before, but I still can't get it to work.
 Java does not work out of the box for me in L-M 8.0 f2.  Every time I go
 to a site with java I get a java applet error.  What do I need to do to
 get mozilla (or any other browser) to load java enabled pages?

 -Paul Rodríguez

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[newbie] Digital Cameras

2001-09-18 Thread Ric Tibbetts

I just thought I'd pass this along.
Over the weekend I picked up the new Olympus S4040 Digital Camera 
(impressive little camera!). If any one is interested in these cameras, 
rest assured, it worked with Linux right out of the box! I just hooked 
it up to the USB, and mounted the device (/dev/sda1 in my case).
It was identified as a SCSI emulated mass storage device. Very very 
simple to hook up  use. So even though it's not on the hardware 
compatability list, it does work.

BTW: I'm running MDK 8.0, on an intel box.

Now I just need to get gphoto to recognize it. Not too much luck there, 
but I really don't care too much, gimp will do.

Anyway, just thought I'd pass that along.

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Re: [newbie] quick help with pine and selecting not working

2001-09-18 Thread etharp

are you sure it is not copied to the clipboard, but whebn you mouse click the 
other window you remove the check mark for the item you wanted to paste? it 
ain't winders, you gots lots more than just the last copy in the klipper 
buffer. once it is copied you can go back to it.
On Tuesday 18 September 2001 10:22, you wrote:
 Greetings all, troubled am I, but that will start later.

 I have a quick question about terminal stuff:

 PINE, when running, somehow disallows select of it's text, which puts a
 big crimp in my use of GClipper, something which I've become pretty
 reliant on.  I'm a copy-paste kinda guy.

 How does PINE do this, and how can enable the ability to SELECT in pine?

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Re: [newbie] kernel panics

2001-09-18 Thread etharp

when you compile do you use make mrproper?On Tuesday 18 September 2001 09:25, 
you wrote:
 Hey folks,
 Lately I've been fiddling a lot with compiling the linux kernel 2.4.3 (both
 the vanilla one from and the mandrake-customized version) and
 with both I seem to be getting lots of kernel panics and oops messages
 (actually none of the kernels get much past the INIT Loading message). 
 While I don't expect anyone to give me the solution, I'm wondering what
 sort of factors would go into producing these sorts of errors.  The vanilla
 kernel for 2.4.9 works fine, it's just that it seems that NVIDIA drivers
 for my geforce2 mx/200 card don't seem to work with 2.4.9 and I want to get
 it working.  So yeah, if anyone could explain to me some possible reasons
 why I can produce a faulty kernel.

 Marcin Jendrzejewski

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Re: [newbie] freezes rendering 3d with my nVidia drivers

2001-09-18 Thread John W

  I hate to say it but I had the same problem and with the exception of 
Chromium have never been able to play an GL based games or run any of the 
mesa demos without a total lock-up.
I even corresponded directly with Nvidia for about two weeks trying 
everything to get them to work and it was all for nothing.
My card is PCI perhaps that has something to do with it. Nvidia never said 
yes, no or possibly with regards to the fact of the card being PCI.

  Good luck,


At 03:42 PM 9/18/01 -0400, you wrote:
Ok, I've installed both the tar balls and later the src rpms of the
latest nVidia drivers. I am running Mandrake 8.0 freq 2.

I still get the same problem. Computer starts successfully (with nVidia
logo). Launching a 3d accelerated program (e.g. gears or tuxracer)
freezes the computer. I cannot even log out the a command line or
restart x.

-Paul Rodríguez

On 16 Sep 2001 11:23:31 -0500, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Sunday 16 September 2001 06:27 am, Paul Rodríguez escribió:
   Did the earlier versions supprt 3d acceleration?
   I'm concerned about using the rpms.  I was told that using them would
   make my problem easier to troubleshoot.  However, if they were
   compiled on a different kernel version than the one I am using
   (almost certyainly since I am using Freq 2), can this cause me any
   probelms?  This won't change my kernel will it?
  Many people have the mistaken belief that tarballs are always
  source.  The nVidia tarballs are nothin more than archive (.tar),
  compressed (.gz) wrappers around secret, closed source, nVidia binaries.
  The src.rpm's are the same, but add in the increased ability to easily
  remove them when/if the nVidia closed binaries break your system. Which
  they will, sooner or later.
Tom Brinkman Galveston Bay, USA
  Admiral Yamamoto:  I fear that all we have done is to awaken a
   sleeping giant,  and filled him with a terrible resolve.
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Re: [newbie] alternatives to windows programs

2001-09-18 Thread ddcharles


I quite often work with Photoshop (have been for years), and can tell you
that a LOT of graphics/printing/publishing professionals use Photoshop.
As for Cyan Magenta Yello blacK (CMYK) it is 4 colour seperation process
used for making films that are used when printing (not bubble jet/laser
jet printing, but printing press printing) high quality images/colour
layouts for magazines, colour papers, lithographic reproductions of art,
etc.  NO professional in ANY publishing/graphics field would EVER use RGB
when making films for pre-press/production.  RGB (Red Green Black) has
major limits pertaining to decent reproduction of the colour

Anyways, this is just to let you know, that CMYK is NOT just something
that never is needed;  like I said before, it is the ONLY way to go when
producing any works (that are to be taken seriously by professionals).

David Charles

On 18 Sep 2001, Paul [ISO-8859-1] Rodríguez wrote:

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Re: [newbie] alternatives to windows programs

2001-09-18 Thread Matt Greer

On Tuesday 18 September 2001 23:15, you wrote:

 NO professional in ANY publishing/graphics field would EVER use RGB
 when making films for pre-press/production.  RGB (Red Green Black) has
 major limits pertaining to decent reproduction of the colour

rgb is red green blue. It has a larger color spectrum than cmyk actually. rgb 
is used right up to the point the file is needed for press, then is 
convereted to cmyk typically.

The thing is it's an additive color system (add red+green+blue and get 
white). Where as cmy(k) is a subtractive color system (add 
cyan+magenta+yellow to get black. Or conversly, start with black and remove 
cyan, magenta and yellow and you end up with white). Inks are always 
subtractive, which is why the cmyk system is used.

 Anyways, this is just to let you know, that CMYK is NOT just something
 that never is needed;  like I said before, it is the ONLY way to go when
 producing any works (that are to be taken seriously by professionals).

I use cmyk every day. Basically everything that's printed (from gorgeous art 
books to the weekend coupon flyer in your newspaper) relies on cmyk and/or 
other ink systems. rgb is reserved for things that will never leave a digital 
medium, and some specialty photographic processes.

The gimp lacks support for anything subtractive as far as I can tell, which 
is more than just cmyk. So until/if that happens, it can't compete with the 
majority of the stranglehold that photoshop has. Adobe is the microsoft of 
the design world, afterall :)

But don't get me wrong, I think the gimp is a great program.


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Re: [newbie] what is wrong with dependencies

2001-09-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 17:16:09 +0800, Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I understand this issue and I comiserate
 Think about this though, KDE would have been much harder to write (and one
 hell of alot bigger most likely),, had it not used the QT libs, they
 conntain all the code for the GUI generating and numerous other things..
 The benefits of using libs are at least two fold, if you have many apps
 using the same libs, they need only be loaded into memory once for all of
 them, which speeds things up greatly. They also provide for a more unified
 look between apps, (like KDE apps for example)
 Ditto with Gnome and its libs and nearly every other package..
 If all packages had all the libs they required in them, then Mandrake would
 probably come on 8 CD's for just the basics and one distro would have
 hundreds of copies of the same libs in different RPM's...
 I personally think that they should offer full dependencies versions of
 RPM's for the newbies for download on the web...
 but it wouldn't be productive on the CD's to do it..

I believe you are referring to statically-linked RPMs. The problem with these is
that, as the name suggests, they are static. For example, the statically-linked
version of Opera will not benefit from upgrading QT, whilst dynamically-linked
apps will. Open-source development is far more dependency-based, and so
upgrading a lib like QT or GTK can benefit all apps that rely on them.
 I think two other things would help,. a gui and console tool that does smart
 tarball installs and updates the rpm database for that app, and one that can
 get dependencies for you,, (goes to a mandrake update site list...etc etc.
 or asks for the CD, or both) preferably the same app.

Checkinstall is a console tool that does smart tarball installs and updates the
rpm database for that app. Apt is an app that can get dependencies for you,,
(goes to a mandrake update site list...etc etc. or asks for the CD, or both).
Urpmi is a similar app, designed specifically for Mandrake. It has a GUI
frontend: Software Manager (AKA RPMdrake).
 and a self extracting tarball, (sort of like winzips self extracting file,,
 a new tarball format that can have a shell or perl script wrapper around the
 actual tarfile that untars and starts the install for you.. (then updates
 the RPM databse...downloads dependencies etc etc) even if it was 10%
 bigger then a standard tarball, people would go for it because of the ease
 of install and removal and smart installing features, you could even make
 an app that keeps a updatable database of files that have a certain
 extension, like .exec and it runs suid or something and makes the file
 executable and runs the app if its clicked, (so that newbies don't have to
 learn chmod straight away) it would be potentially a security risk, but if
 the program is smart enough, it could be capable of foreseeing possible
 problems and risks, and then avoiding them...and it could prompt and warn
 for packages not listed in its database.
 its no more dangerous then downloading windows setup apps.. (although thats
 not saying much really is it?? )

No, it isn't. And this is why it isn't done. Newbies generally know nothing
about security, so it is best to give them as little opportunity as possible to
compromise their system's security.
 They would make a difference me thinks... and the latter one would bring us
 closer to the day where we are more powerful (compiling as opposed to
 installing binaries) and yet as easy to install...  I think that would go
 along way to helping the newies issues.. (and sometimes the rest of us too.)
 Also, Mandrake should consider a Prefab lib section, (if selected during
 install, default would be on unless there are space issues) of as many of
 the common libs as possible,,, that way, even if they didn't get used, most
 people would be willing to put up with an extra 50 or 100MB of libs on their
 hard drive if it meant that 98% of lib dependencies never happend again..
 This is already done to some degree, but not enough I think..
 anyone with a 4 gig or above hard disk could put up with that,, (and like I
 said, make it install option.)

Many newbies just do a full install. With today's huge hard drives, a 2GB
installation is not much at all. If the entire first CD is installed, most
dependencies should be taken care of. If a newbie uses a tool like Software
Manager to install apps, they will not have to bother with dependencies at all.

 just some thoughts..
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrei Raevsky
 Sent: Tuesday, 18 September 2001 3:24 PM
 Subject: [newbie] what is wrong with dependencies
 Frankly - I am rather frustrated with the issues of dependencies.
 Almost each time I try to install an rpm file, or compile a tar.gz, I get a
 failed/missing dependencies error.  I was told that this is just as in

Re: [newbie] alternatives to windows programs

2001-09-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 10:04:06 -0400, Terry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,
 We use a bunch of windows programs that I was curious as to whether there are 
 any alternatives to these in the Linux community.  The programs I was mostly 
 interested in alternatives are:
 Adobe Photoshop

That's easy: The GIMP. It is very much the equal of Adobe Photoshop, and in some
ways (like scripting) it surpasses it. It's only real draback is that it doesn't
have a CYMK palette (for legal reasons).

 Adobe Pagemaker

This is more difficult. You can try an advanced word processor, like StarOffice
(StarOffice 6.0 is set to hit beta next month). Kword, a simple word processor,
shares much in common with DTP apps.

 Macromedia Dreamweaver

A real blind spot for GNU/Linux. Good HTML editors abound (like SCREEM, Bluefish
and Quanta+), but there are few WYSIWYG editors. The best at present are
Netscape/Mozilla Composer, Amaya ( and IBM Homepage
Builder (
Of these, IBM Homepage Builder has by far the most features, but it costs money
and it is a port from Windows (using Winelib). A 60-day trial version is
available for download.

Once again, StarOffice can also be used as an HTML editor. From my experience,
it has better HTML support than MS Word.
 Any help would be appreciated.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] Accessing my files at home ??

2001-09-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

If you know the IP address, you should be able to SSH into the machine. Of
course, you need an SSH daemon running.

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 04:38:47 -0700 (PDT), Adam Cripps [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I didn't make it clear that my wife could just log on
 the net - give me the IP and I'm away - so, in fact, I
 wouldn't want those things to be automatic.
 --- etharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  my advice is to run appache on the home computer,
  set any folders you want to 
  be allowed to get into in the config, and run a
  connection thru a Dynamic DNS 
  server, so you could log into (or whom ever you sign 
  up for the service with, you can search google for
  dynamic dns servers and 
  find a few). that way, you dial in, connect to the
  dynamic dns server to set 
  the name to yor current dns, and you can go from
  there and look like you were 
  savy enough to have created AOL if you had the time
  a few years ago. it 
  really is easy (about one saterday day to learn how,
  since if you have 
  installed all the toys with Mandrake 8.0 powerpack
  it will already be 
  installed and waititng for you to setup the
  configuration. you can then set 
  up a cron job to check the dialin connectiopn and
  connect to the Dynamic dns 
  server and make sure it is correctly updated. you
  can also set your PPP 
  conncetion to redial if the signal is dropped, and
  the cron job will 
  reconncet to the DNS and update automagiclly. I
  personally think that you 
  might then want to check out PHP-Nuke after you get
  the server setup and your 
  folders accessable. 
  On Tuesday 18 September 2001 06:40, you wrote:
   I'm at work today, and realised that I needed a
   which is on my machine at home -doh! Today it's ok
   because I've asked my wife to email me the file.
   she's always reluctant to do this, as she's got
   hands full with our twin boys. :-)
   How easy would it be to turn on my home computer,
   on to the net (with a modem) and access it from
   At work, I can use ftp etc-with windows. The file
   after is Staroffice5.2, which shouldn't cause any
   Would it be a case of ftping to the IP number that
   assigned at home when home computer logged on the
   Or is it much more complicated than sending an
   Any advice is gratefully received.
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Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] update time over internet

2001-09-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

The system time is set to the hardware clock on bootup. Over time, the system
and hardware clock fall out of sync, and neither of them are very accurate as
is. This is why you should use both the rdate and hwclock commands relatively
often (maybe about once a day) to keep them _both_ in sync with a NTP server.

On 17 Sep 2001 10:48:51 -0400, Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems as though the hardware clock is set correctly (doesn't lose its
 time).  The system clock stays off even after reboot, though.  Is there
 a command to set the system time to the hardware clock?
 -Paul Rodríguez
 On 18 Sep 2001 00:03:06 +1000, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  You have two clocks. The first is your hardware clock, which is run from a
  battery on your motherboard (and hence runs even when your machine is off).
  second is the system clock, which is set from the hardware clock at bootup.
  the command rdate -s synchronises the system clock to
  clock on the server. Since this is only a runtime clock
  so is lost at shutdown), you need to set the hardware clock as well. This is
  what hwclock --systohc does. The  allows you to run two commands on
  same line, but only runs the second command if the first has completed
  On 17 Sep 2001 09:16:24 -0400, Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What does  hwclock --systohc do?
   -Paul Rodríguez
   On 17 Sep 2001 01:49:44 -0500, Bill R wrote:
This is what I use. Im in the central standard time.

rdate -s  hwclock --systohc

On Sunday 16 September 2001 07:34 pm, you wrote:
 Hi, I read somewhare about setting up a recurring program to update my
 system time by checking the time on internet time servers.  My system
 clock goes out of sync with the world's clocks after it wakes up from
 suspend (laptop), I need a program to reset the time after wake up.

 I seem to recall something about a program (i believe it was called)
 rdate.  Anybody know how to do this?

 -Paul Rodríguez
  Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson
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Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] suid icon on desktop

2001-09-18 Thread Paul Rodríguez

That's the way it is set up now.  I wanted an icon to reset the network
status in case the connection fails (allways a possibillity) without
having to restart the computer.

-Paul Rodríguez

On 18 Sep 2001 01:24:03 +1000, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 Have you considered having the system automatically connect to the ADSL network
 at startup? This can be done by adding the relevant lines to your
 /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.
 On 17 Sep 2001 10:57:35 -0400, Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I understand the security risk, that's why I would like to find a way to
  give root functionality for just one program.  I am particularly
  interested in this for my grandmother's machine.  I want it operable
  with as little computer knowledge as necessary.  I just want one icon
  that resets the DSL connection.  For example, a little shell script that
  wait 2 secs
  retry if fails.
  Right now I have her DSL connection to go up on startup.  And I don't
  want to worry her with passwords or logins.
  -Paul Rodríguez
  On 18 Sep 2001 00:03:13 +1000, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
   On 17 Sep 2001 09:28:57 -0400, Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there a way I can set certain icons on a user's desktop that can can
run a program as root?  For example, for a system I am building for my
mom, and icon that sets system time, or resets the dsl connection?

-Paul Rodríguez
   Giving a user direct access to root functionality is a major security risk,
   is not recommended. You can, however, have an icon query the user for a root
   password when it is activated. In the link properties, place kdesu -c 
   the command you wish to run as root.
 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
   There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
   LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
   -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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[newbie] , !

2001-09-18 Thread


Re: [newbie] PS, HMTL and Web page design

2001-09-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 16:49:34 -0400, Andre Dubuc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have produced five booklets of 56 to 100 Postscript pages that I would 
 like to place on a website, with the intent that persons could download them, 
 or view them. The pages are heavily formatted (I used Ventura 4.11 in my 
 Windoze days). I'm a total newbie in Web page design. 
 Prior to embarking on another steep learning curve, I wonder if someone might 
 offer some suggestions as to pitfalls I'm certainly going to encounter.
 I have a few questions that will expose my woeful ignorance:
 1. Is there a program that could convert the PS files to HMTL? (Is this a 
 real newbie question, or what!) All my original document files are in .doc 
 Word for Windows 2.0c and StarOffice doesn't recognize this file format. I've 
 since converted everything to sdw files, except of course, the PS files.

At a terminal, type man xxx, where xxx is one of:

ps2ascii  ps2frag   ps2pdfps2pdf13  ps2pk
ps2epsi   ps2lwxl   ps2pdf12  ps2pdfwr  ps2ps

Most notably, you can convert PS to ASCII (plain text) and PS to PDF (thanks to
Free Software, you don't have to pay Adobe $$$ to make PDF files!). Converting
PS to ASCII will allow you to import the output into a word processor or HTML
editor for editing and embellishment.
 2. I've discovered Screem but have yet to use it. Is this a good program to 
 use in creating web-pages? Does it accept PS files? Could you recommend 
 anything better?

Screem is good, but it doesn't accept PS files (neither do other editors). You
should also try Bluefish and Quanta+. Also, take a look at Amaya
 3. I would like to give people the option to d/l each booklet in either PS 
 (preferrred) or HMTL format. Each booklet runs anywhere from 1.6MB to 2.2MB.
 Which (or both) would you suggest?

Here's what I would do:

1. Use ps2ascii to convert each PS booklet to plain text.
2. Use a word processor or HTML editor to turn the ASCII text into a HTML page.
3. Either use ps2pdf to turn the original PS files into PDFs, or 'print' the
HTML pages to PS files (most apps can do this) and then use ps2pdf on those. The
latter should ensure that both the HTML and PDF files look the same.
 4. Could you suggest some links that would ease me into this project 

Everything I mentioned is included in Mandrake (except Amaya). No other links
are necessary :-)
 Thanks for any help,

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] Gnome CD-ROM floppy access

2001-09-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Make sure that you have either Nautilus or GMC configured to manage your

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 21:52:08 -0400, Charles A. Punch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I had to open File Manager in  Super User , then drag  drop onto the 
 desktop. Works fine from the desktop. I would like to get it onto my 
 panel, but every way I try to add it to the panel just gives me a dead 
 Elder PCUSA
 Registered Linux user #217118
 O Lord, grant that we may always be right, for Thou knowest we will 
 never change our minds.
 etharp wrote:
 ehh..just guessing right now but..right click and select new, link, disks. 
 On Tuesday 18 September 2001 19:13, you wrote:
 Bigger problems and qustions aside for the moment,
 I've decided that I prefer Gnome oveer KDE, but am
 unhappy that there are no CD-ROM and floppy icons on
 the desktop (or the panel).
 Gnome help says that I can fix that by right-clicking
 on desktop and then clicking Disks. But the choices
 that my right-click bring up do include any such.
 How do I get quick and easy access to these drives in

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] alternatives to windows programs

2001-09-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 11:01:45 +, hp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi folks
 Some newbie questions.
 a) Is there Linux software to encode video as good as or better than
 WindowsMedia for on-demand true streaming?

Try these:
 b) Is there Linux software like MediaCleaner Pro to encode video?

Sorry, I can't help there (I've never heard of MediaCleaner Pro :-) )
 c) I have a Mac G3 266. Is there a Linux Mandrake version that runs on it?
 If so - is there a windows emulator that will run on top of Linux(Mac) - so
 that I could use the WindowsMedia Encoder?

There is a PPC version of Mandrake. Look for details at I don't think there are any Windows emulators,
 - Harry

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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[newbie] Re: [newbie] , !

2001-09-18 Thread Sergey N Timofeev


ó Õ×. óÅÒÖ.

Re: [newbie] Will Ximian install fix Gnome?

2001-09-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 16:49:59 -0700 (PDT), Peter Rymshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I retract my recent self-response to this message,
 saying all was OK with Gnome.
 I tried to shutdown and reboot (before beginning my
 Ximian install) and found that Gnome froze immediately
 upon loading. I restarted the computer and the same
 happened again. But the third time, I started as root
 Gnome (fortunately, I had turned autostart off) and
 that, as well as KDE, seems to be OK.
 So, all of my original message below is more or less
 still true.
 --- Peter Rymshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've decided that I like Gnome more than KDE and
  to learn and begin using it. But I'm having problems
  beyond the normal (like getting CD  floppy access
  from the desktop or panel. I won't have to manually
  monunt/unmount will I?)

Supermount makes using removable media totally transparent. There is no need to
mount or unmount media. Check your /etc/fstab to see if you have supermount
configured for your removable drives.
  That's not the problem. When I try to select many
  the Gnome features, the computer
  I have to turn the power off and on (which I worry
  about each time).
  I've found that some of these problems have gone
  after I've installed more gnome files from the RPMs
  CD-ROM, so that might be the heart of the problem
  also what I would consider a serious bug in the
  program). But I have installed everything that  I
  find named gnome and there are still problems. (And
  shouldn't the initial installation of Gnome from the
  install CD have worked even without what I've done?)
  What I've done now is gone to the Ximian signt and
  downloaded their gnome files (and also gnuCash which
  had tried to install earlier without success). I
  figure I should install -core- first, then perhaps
  -applets-, -libs-, -utils- and the others I found.
  Ximian says that it is based on gnome 1.4, and
  instructions are that it is not necessary to first
  remove regular gnome installation--that it will
  automatically upgrade files. My hopes are that
  whatever files are giving me problems will be
  and most if not all of my problems solved. But I
  seem to remember having read somewhere that
  installation of Ximian must be on a sound gnome
  Do I need to find and fix my gnome problems before
  installing Ximian? That's the key question.
  Sorry to go on so long with this. Anyone know? Just
  occurred to me, I should ask Ximian, even though
  is the free download I'm talking about.

Firstly, try renaming or moving your ~/.gnome directory. This will force GNOME
to regenerate it the next time it loads.

It wouldn't hurt to try Ximian GNOME. Download the installer and use that to
install the packages (it's easier than installing manually). Also, remember that
Mandrake 8.1 is just around the corner. If you instal Mandrake 8.1, do a fresh
installation, not an upgrade.

If those don't work, you may have a hardware problem.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] Digital Cameras

2001-09-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Upgrade to the latest version of Gphoto. Installing Ximian GNOME is a good way
to do this.

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 22:30:03 -0400, GonzalixLeDruide [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Creative Web-Cam, but I don't know how to use it on Linux. Mine
 is LM 7.2
 Anybody could help me ?
 G le D
 Ric Tibbetts escribió:
  I just thought I'd pass this along.
  Over the weekend I picked up the new Olympus S4040 Digital Camera
  (impressive little camera!). If any one is interested in these cameras,
  rest assured, it worked with Linux right out of the box! I just hooked
  it up to the USB, and mounted the device (/dev/sda1 in my case).
  It was identified as a SCSI emulated mass storage device. Very very
  simple to hook up  use. So even though it's not on the hardware
  compatability list, it does work.
  BTW: I'm running MDK 8.0, on an intel box.
  Now I just need to get gphoto to recognize it. Not too much luck there,
  but I really don't care too much, gimp will do.
  Anyway, just thought I'd pass that along.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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[newbie] Internet connection sharing with Alcatel SpeedTouch USB

2001-09-18 Thread Chris Slater-Walker

Has anyone managed to use an Alcatel SpeedTouch USB ADSL modem as a shared
internet connection for several machines? If so, your ideas would be very

Thanks, Chris SW
Chris Slater-Walker BA(Hons) CCNP CCDA MCSE
Cisco, Windows NT, Linux, Samba, DNS

French  German Spoken

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RE: [newbie] what is wrong with dependencies

2001-09-18 Thread ddcharles


I have a related question;  is there no uninstall (not talking about
rpms)?  A lot of the apps I have installed (./configure;make;make install)
have a make uninstall, but that means that you have to untar/gunzip the
package again if/when you want to uninstall it;  Has there ever been any
thoughts on having some kind of flat file/db that stores all of a
program's associated files (and if one/many of those files was shared/dl,
then kept track of how many apps are associated with them), for the
eventuality that someone decides they want to remove the app, and all

If there is, where/what is it? and if there isn't, is this not something
that would be beneficial for system maintenace? i.e. if you end up
removing an app, that when untarred/gunzipped took up 50MB (for example),
but are only able to find (for sure) 35-40MB of that app's associated
files, and you do this several times (which is typical/reasonable IMO),
then you are wasting a LOT of hd space over time, and quite possible
causing future dependency issues/conflicts.

If there is NOT such an utility, and enough of the distros would be
interested or the group that controls the RPM spec, I would be very
willing/happy to start coding such an app in perl (or C, but for this, I
would think perl is more suited);  (n.b. I have NO idea if it would have
to have anything to do with the distros/RPM group, so if anyone knows
what would be the best way of going about it, please let me know).

David Charles

On 18 Sep 2001, Dave Sherman wrote:

 On Tue, 2001-09-18 at 04:16, Franki wrote:
  I think two other things would help,. a gui and console tool that does smart
  tarball installs and updates the rpm database for that app, and one that can
  get dependencies for you,, (goes to a mandrake update site list...etc etc.
  or asks for the CD, or both) preferably the same app.

 Debian has apt-get, which does exactly this. Rpm still doesn't do it,
 although rpmdrake (front-end to grpmi, which actually does the work)
 does a decent job of it. But for packages which Mandrake does not
 create, rpmdrake will do you no good :-(

  and a self extracting tarball, (sort of like winzips self extracting file,,
  a new tarball format that can have a shell or perl script wrapper around the
  actual tarfile that untars and starts the install for you.. (then updates
  the RPM databse...downloads dependencies etc etc) even if it was 10%
  bigger then a standard tarball, people would go for it because of the ease
  of install and removal and smart installing features, [snip]

 As a matter of fact, I have seen such a beast. Nessus (
 comes in a self-installing shell script. Just download and run
 (or whatever it was called), and the script will run, which actually
 unzips and untars the file, then checks dependencies, configures,
 compiles, and installs. At the beginning, it asks for the root password,
 so it can complete the install later on. It is very slick.


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