Re: [newbie-it] mi e' morto Linux

2002-03-18 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Sun, 17 Mar 2002, Arwan wrote:

 Stavo smanettando e facendo esperimanti... e ho grippato tutto. Per
 vedere se riuscivo a ridimensionare un gruppo di jpg con un'unica
 operazione, ho lanciato il comando per aprirle (con Gimp). Ovviamente, non ho
 fatto la prova con due-tre file (mannaggia!) ma con un centinaio... il
 disco fisso si e' riempito, ho ricevuto una serie di messaggi di
 errore, ho fatto il loguot e, nel rientrare, mi ha seganlato che lo
 spazio e' insufficiente. Dopo il reboot, invece, nessun segno di vita.
 E ora? (Mike non ridere) Reinstallo???

Direi di no.
Entra in rescue mode e dai un occiata in giro.
L'ultima operazione che hai fatto deve avere riempito una qualche 
directory del disco e cosi' adesso non puoi fare nessuna operazione 
perche' i vari processi non possono scrivere i files temporanei che gli 
Presumibilmente e' una directori in /var/spool/
oppure la directory in cui doveva venire fuori l'output.
Una volta pulito un pochino entri e poi pulisci cio' che c'e' da pulire.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: R: [newbie-it] I: VIRUS ALERT - W32/Fbound.c@MM

2002-03-18 Thread Andrea Celli

Di Fresco Marco wrote:
  OK, per questa volta ti perdoniamo.
  La prossima volta, disinstallazione di Linux sulla pubblica
  piazza e condanna
  a due mesi di uso esclusivo di Windows 95! ;)
 Ehi, piano! Questo va contro i diritti civili di base di ogni essere umano!

Per il momento ti condanniamo a patchare il tuo GuardaFuoriEspresso
italianizzato che ha la pessima abitudine di tradurre Re: in R: :-(

Questo comporta che chiunque abbia un mailer standard (compreso
l'Outlook originale o in altre lingue) si ritrovi tutti i thread
e subject del tipo Re: R: Re: R: ... :-(

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] fuso...orario

2002-03-18 Thread tom

Da quando ho installato la MDK ho un curioso inconveniente
ho orari differernti nei due OS (winz9x e MDK8.1) installati nel 
pc...corregendone uno al reboot con l'altro mi si sballa l'altrola 
differenza tra i due è di un ora esatta.
Ho provato a modificare l'orario anche dal bios,ma non ha avuto efetto.

Avete qualche idea su come risolvere la cosa?

grazie gia' da ora

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] permessi di r/w

2002-03-18 Thread Andrea Celli

SkyHeart wrote:
 Ciao a tutti,
 vorrei permettere ad un utente pippo di leggere e scrivere sulle partizioni 
occupate da windows (mentre ora solo root legge e scrive ed agli altri utenti è 
permesso solo leggere). Immagino di dover agire su /etc/fstab ma non saprei come.

in /etc/fstab c'e` una riga dedicata alla partizione win.
Tra le opzioni (auto,defualts,...) aggiungi umask=000
(senza virgolette).
Ogni cifra corrisponde ai permessi che _togli_ rispettivamente
al proprietario(root che lo monta al boot), al gruppo e agli altri.
I valori base sono: read(4), write (2), execute (1)
Un 7(4+2+1) corrisponde a toglierli tutti, un 3(2+1) toglie
scrittura ed esecuzione,, uno 0 lascia tutti i permessi.

Per maggiori dettagli vedi man umask e man chmod, stando
attento che funzionano in modo opposto: uno toglie i
permessi, l'altro li concede. 
umask=000 equivale grosso modo a chmod 777 ;)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake in crisi!?

2002-03-18 Thread paolo brusasco

Ho scritto giorni fa alla Mand e dicono no, per ora non sono 
attrezzati per altre forme di pagamento.
p.s. Io avevo trovato il powerpack 8.1 alla vobis. Non so se tutti i 
negozi della catena lo vendano.

Asgro][ wrote:

Io sono pienamente convinto di voler acquistare il power pack della
mandrake(aspetto la 8.2 xò) ma non saprei come fare...xkè dal sito della
mandrake è possibile acquistare di tutto(che carine le tazzine!!! :)  ma
solo con carta di credito...è possibile fare pagamenti con conto corrente
postale??? Se si come.

Sosteniamo tutti insieme questa società che merita di proseguire il suo
lavoro, e noi meritiamo di usufruire di un così eccezionale prodotto!!

Re: [newbie-it] cd audio su mandrake 8.1

2002-03-18 Thread paolo brusasco

Ho avuto lo stesso problema.
La prima cosa che dovresti verificare è se hai il cavetto analogioco 
audio che collega il lettore alla scheda audio o alla mother se hai 
audio built-in. Linux normalmente non legge i cd audio tramite 
l'interfaccia digitale.
Oppure, sulla distribuzione 8.1 c'è xmms col suo plugin xmms-cdread 
che legge i cd audio attraverso il cavo digitale. Il mio sistema aveva 
installato automaticamente xmms ma ho dovuto richiedere in un secondo 
tempo l'istallazione di xmms-cdread. Spero che sia utile.Paolo Brusasco.

SkyHeart wrote:

 Ciao a tutti,
 sulla mia mandrake 8.1 non riesco ad ascoltare i cd ausio mentre i cd 
 rom vengono montati e letti senza problemi.
 Premetto che non ho tentato di montare i cd audio ma li ho 
 semplicemente inseriti e ho tentato di leggerli con il cd player di 
 gnome o con il programma play da console. Mi viene restituito un 
 messaggio d'errore che dice che il device non e esiste o che nn riesce 
 a trovarlo o che non ho i permessi necessari. Per quanto riguarda i 
 permessi non penso sia quello il problema poichè ho provato a farlo da 
 root ed il risultato è lo stesso.
 Ciao a tutti e grazie.


[newbie-it] konqueror-netscape-mozilla-galeon

2002-03-18 Thread tom

Scusate se posto su un argomento gia trattatoma nelle precedenti mail non 
avevo capito granche.
In tutti i browsers elencati mancano i plugin per java e flash , giusto?
a me interessa averne uno che funzioni pienamente , in modo da poter 
abbandonare definitivamente Winzow.

Quale browser mi consigliate di ottimizare? o tutti i brows.. si rifanno a 

poco fa cercavo di scaricare un plugin per java , ma avendo un modem da 33,6 
funzionante sotto linux la cosa mi è risultatat un po' lunga (difatti dopo 45 
minuti di dowload mi è caduta la inea e ho salutato il plugin)

qualcuno mi sa indicare un link per java e/o flash dalle dimensioni umane?

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] cd audio su mandrake 8.1

2002-03-18 Thread Marco Forti

Ti manca un link simbolico al device corrispondente al lettore cdrom 
in /dev.
Controlla in /etc/fstab a quale device punta la directory /mnt/cdrom
Ammettendo che sia hdc (caso + comune) spostati in /dev e crea il link 
cd /dev
ln -s hdc cdrom

e sei a posto



Re: [newbie-it] konqueror-netscape-mozilla-galeon

2002-03-18 Thread paolo brusasco

Non so se può esserti utile, ma io mi sono regolato così e vado 
mooolto bene:
1) ho abbandonato konqueror come navigatore web perche'non riuscivo a 
configurare i plugin (non ditelo agli amici del kde)
2) ho scaricato netscape 6.2 versione piena con tutti i plugin java 
compreso. impieghi una vita (2,anche 3 ore) ma una volta per tutte.
3) quando hai netscape 6.2 il mozilla (open source!) sulla distribuzione 
mandrake  condivide (forse) i plugin di netscape; condivide anche la 
posta che puoi vedere indifferentemente da mozilla e da netscape.
p.s. se vuoi utilizzare netscape 6 non devi ancora avere installato il 
netscape dei dischetti o ti conviene disinstallarlo dal control center.
Quindi hai due browser etici, di cui uno anche open, funzionanti.
se disgraziatamente mozilla non trova i plugin di netscape devi solo 
copiarli da net a moz ci sono i tip negli archivi della mailing list in 
Inoltre ci sono downloader per linux che permettono di scaricare con la 
funzione di resume, come i tipici download accelerators di win. Se hai 
un modem lento o una linea fallace sono indispensabili. Prova nt 
downloader, c'è sui dischetti del powerpack (cerca con control cneter, 
con nome nt) o sulla rete come rpm.

Scusate se posto su un argomento gia trattatoma nelle precedenti mail non 
avevo capito granche.
In tutti i browsers elencati mancano i plugin per java e flash , giusto?
a me interessa averne uno che funzioni pienamente , in modo da poter 
abbandonare definitivamente Winzow.

Quale browser mi consigliate di ottimizare? o tutti i brows.. si rifanno a 

poco fa cercavo di scaricare un plugin per java , ma avendo un modem da 33,6 
funzionante sotto linux la cosa mi è risultatat un po' lunga (difatti dopo 45 
minuti di dowload mi è caduta la inea e ho salutato il plugin)

qualcuno mi sa indicare un link per java e/o flash dalle dimensioni umane?

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] konqueror-netscape-mozilla-galeon

2002-03-18 Thread Sandro

Alle 13:21, lunedì 18 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Scusate se posto su un argomento gia trattatoma nelle precedenti mail
 non avevo capito granche.
 In tutti i browsers elencati mancano i plugin per java e flash , giusto?
 a me interessa averne uno che funzioni pienamente , in modo da poter
 abbandonare definitivamente Winzow.

Un'altra soluzione (per konqueror), che cito per dovere di cronaca e che ho 
utilizzato io:
se hai la versione beta di StarOffice 6, questo installa la sua java.
Dentro konqueror - sezione navigatore Konqueror c'è, in basso a destra, lo 
spazio per inserire il Percorso dell'eseguibile java.
Ho immesso il percorso java di StarOffice:
Ora la mia installazione di StarOffice è da singolo utente e non 
l'installazione di rete. Se si è fatta un'installazione di rete si deve 
prendere in considerazione il percorso reale sulla propria macchina.
Comunque java funziona benissimo e, al momento, non ho nessun problema con 
applet ed altro.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] cd audio su mandrake 8.1

2002-03-18 Thread SkyHeart

Il giornol Sun, 17 Mar 2002 18:32:45 +0100
Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

 Ciao, il tuo problema dovrebbe dipendere da DEVFS.
 Devi disattivarlo (cerca nell'archivio della lista come fare) e creare il 
 corretto collegamento simbolico al device CDROM (anche questo lo trovi 
 nell'archivio della ML).

 Avevo già spulciato l'archivio ma nn sapevo bene cosa cercare,... ora tutto è a posto 
mi mancava di creare il corretto link simbolico al cdrom.

-another happy Linux user-
user #205247

Re: [newbie-it] fuso...orario

2002-03-18 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 11:19, domenica 17 marzo 2002 hai scritto:
 Da quando ho installato la MDK ho un curioso inconveniente
 ho orari differernti nei due OS (winz9x e MDK8.1) installati nel
 pc...corregendone uno al reboot con l'altro mi si sballa l'altrola
 differenza tra i due è di un ora esatta.
 Ho provato a modificare l'orario anche dal bios,ma non ha avuto efetto.

 Avete qualche idea su come risolvere la cosa?

 grazie gia' da ora

 Ciao , Tom

verifica il fuso orario. Probabilmente uno dei due è errato. Per Linux, 
clicca col destro sull'orologio in KDE, inserisci la password di root e fai 
le verifiche/modifiche opportune. Per Windows dovrebbe essere più o meno lo 
stesso procedimento.


[newbie-it] scheda video savage ed X

2002-03-18 Thread paolo brusasco

Ciao. Sto tentando di installare 8.1 su un pc con scheda video 
savage e monitor lcd (quelli delle offerte nataslizie della vobis) ed ho 
problemi con X.
Dalla mailing list inglese ho appreso che non c'e' il supporto per 
le schede savage nell'X 4.. di mandrake.
peraltro anche scegliendo X3.. non ho successo.
ho provato ad installare in expert mode richiedendo X3... e poi 
scaricare un XFree86 che dovrebbe supportare la scheda da con nessun successo.
qualcuno ha istallato su uno di questi computers e può darmi 
consigli (penso ne abbiano venduta una marea) grazie.
Paolo Brusasco.

Re: [newbie] MP3 to WAV

2002-03-18 Thread Guilherme Cirne

On Monday 18 March 2002 4:28 am, you wrote:
 Guilherme Cirne wrote:
  Does anyone know an easy way to do a batch conversion of mp3 files to wav
  files. For example, I want to easily convert all the mp3 files in one
  directory to wav files, keeping the same filename (only changing the
  extension from .mp3 to .wav). Using mpg123 -w ~/tmp/*.wav ~/tmp/*.mp3
  doesn't work, since it reads all the mp3 files and outputs just one big
  wav file with the name *.wav.
  Any help is welcome.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

 Use XMMS.  Change the output plugin to Diskwriter.

Thanks, that did the trick!

Guilherme Cirne

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] tinyfirewall

2002-03-18 Thread civileme

Colin Jenkins wrote:

Hello civileme,

Monday, March 18, 2002, 5:20:01 PM, you wrote:

c /etc/Bastille/bastille-firewall.cfg

c And look at bastille-firewall.cfg.orig to see why it is next to useless 
c unless hand-configured.
c Cannot print remotely using CUPS unless the cups server is on the uplink 
c side, and of course no NIS/NFS.

c Civileme

ummm, I must be confused (nothing unusual about that)
I was running Bastille, but had some problems with disconnection, so
when I reinstalled, I just ran internet connection sharing and the
basic firewall setup in Mandrake control center (which I thought was
I only have bastille-firewall.cfg.orig in   /etc/Bastille/
and when I test it at, all ports are closed but not stealth.
I wasnt going to worry about setting up Bastille again till 8.2 comes

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tiny firewall is a very limited and restrictive bastille setup, but with 
a nice GUI tool.  It is useful for stand-alones and not much else.  On 
connection sharing it protects you from an iptables rules flush at boot 
but you can also configure that by hand (ref


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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake - real world style

2002-03-18 Thread Robin Turner

For the time being at least, free  speech has to be pretty much the 
same as free beer.   If the code is free, then anyone who wants can 
make free binaries, including cloning your entire distribution 
(remember Mandrake itself was for many years thought of as a Red Hat 
clone).  If the code isn't free, you lose your developers.  That is 
the real world - you can't have half-free software.


On Monday 18 March 2002 07:46, john rigby wrote:
 Hi Todd  folks,
 Explaining value:
 How much money do you think charities would receive if the big
 numbers weren't tax deductible?

 Many years ago a friend of mine who thought he knew marketing ( was
 a famous expert) went into professional fund-raising. Lasted 3
 months. Yet, it is the little people that DO make real charities
 work. They just don't have the money...
 BUT if you give them an option to buy something that is actually
 useful as well, they do, they do.
 Some genius in Oz many years ago came up with the idea of  the
 Lion's Club Xmas Cake. Even I used to buy a couple ..

 I don't even believe in Free Trials. I believe in guarantees.
 Moneyback ones. Who could run a business today without them? In
 most civilised countries they are mandatory.
 If *anyone* could download a *demo* of  Mandrake, that too is
 different. THAT would be very smart.  AND small.  It would have to
 demo a full replacement for THAT other one's suite - that's all.
 That's all means just that.
 Not one in a million - literally- of the potential users out there
 would even ever know what a Server was. Would ever use the utils.

 For true Geeks, the legion of Masochists who like
 developing\getting broken by these things, by all means they should
 be able to play with kernels etc. to their hearts content. They are
 vital - but they have little to do with successful, competent
 *marketing* strategy.
 At most in the whole world we are talking about 10,000 people. All
 could be absorbed into a Friends Of Mandrake Developer's Club (free
 - entry requirement being a proved fully working install) and given
 lots of help via the millions coming in from a sensible consumer

 But, what on earth *IS* someone who can't afford a lousy $100 doing
 playing with Server Systems and expecting support??? ( Pardon my
 ignorance, but what type of person are we talking about here,
 REAL Server Systems DO cost thousands - I know I've bought and paid
 for them over the years. I STILL don't ever expect them to be
 free! What I hope for is just the dream of freedom of choice.

 To finalise my point:
 The 18 richest people in the history of this planet - 6 of whom
 each have more financial power than existed in the entire world a
 century ago, run businesses based on maximising of market
 opportunity - which translated means: charging what the market is
 prepared to pay. Not even what will make a simple profit - but
 maximising what the market will pay.

 None of them and no successful person in the history of the world
 ever made any money by giving their product or service away! 
 Samples, yes, Demos, yes, the whole cake?

 I repeat, can someobody show me what the sales pitch is here? 
 There is a market like me who will pay for experimental products in
 the hope of getting an edge, or even holding on (to his sanity)
 but, we are miniscule. How many total paid-for retail packs has
 Mandrake sold?
 Not even enough to run a single, tiny Corporate Jet.
 But, 20 million at just $10 each = $200 million - with no
 distribution costs.
 It's a start.
 Especially as almost nobody came to the pay-for Club Party. Who
 would?  Most of the people out there won't even pay for a disc pak
 that you can buy for a few bucks. They are already conditioned to
 free.  They will build a machine at home to save $20-50 assembly
 fee. Get no guarantee. Some do it because they like the pain.

 They are not the market.

 They are not the market

 They are not the market

 The market is the 90 million annoyed, frustrated Windows Users who
 will soon be told to join a subscriber thing or else.

 The market even bigger and better is the 300 million people out
 there who would buy a computer if it wasn't all so confusing and
 threatening and full of 20 y.o. kids showing off in electronic
 stores using all the latest splat words.
 Instead of a nice older person who smiles and arranges their home
 installation for them and a training session on the Net to hook
 them into a User Support Group

 Mandrake could own it.

 Cheap low-level hardware.
 Cheap Operating System
 Cheap Software
 Built-in giant underground support network.
 Jobs as installers for hundreds of junior geeks
 Jobs as tutors for hundreds of older Users.

 It would all be so easy.


 Him Again

 - Original Message -
 From: Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 1:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] How to best 

Re: [newbie] Connection sharing reconfiguration.

2002-03-18 Thread Brian Parish


The easiest way to fix this is to install a proper firewall setup, which
is a good move anyway.  I found that this went away after I installed
Interactive Bastille.  Somewhere in the default network setup on LM, IP
forwarding gets turned off, probably by the default firewall.  If you
set up a firewall intentionally, and specify that IP forwarding is to be
allowed, this problem is bypassed.

There are many firewalls to choose from, but if you just want to share
your internet connection and keep the black hats out, Interactive
Bastille is easy and teaches you some stuff along the way.  (It's on
your distro CDs).

gShield has also been mentioned as an exceptionally easy one to set up,
but I haven't tried that personally.


On Sat, 2002-03-16 at 01:50, Wei Wang wrote:
 One Mandrake box and a windows box sharing one IP address. IP masquarading was 
 set up via Mandrake control center Connection Sharing. Everything works fine 
 except that everytime after Mandrake reboot, the configuration of Conneciton 
 sharing has to be done again. Is there any way I could keep the configuration?
 Many thanks,

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Which firewall?

2002-03-18 Thread Brian Parish

On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 19:04, civileme wrote:
 Aryan Ameri wrote:
  Hi there:
  Well thanks all of you guys for your answers about the WINE thing. I 
  really didn't expect to learn about WINE so much in just one day. I 
  went to the codeweavers website and downloaded the Demo version. It 
  really works nice and it met my expectations. If I'm am going to learn 
  Linux with this pace, I will definitely delete my windows partition soon.
  I have another question. When I used to use Windows, I used a Firewall 
  called Zone Alarm. It really was a fine product. It was freeware and 
  it gave me the security that I needed. Now I want to use a firewall in 
  Linux and I don't know what to use and how to use it. The best part 
  about Zone Alarm was that it was very easy to setup and use. I have a 
  dial up connection so I don't have a static IP address and zone alarm 
  did provide the security that I needed ( It passed Steve Gibson's test 
  at and that is all I need) I know 
  that there are plenty of firewalls out there but they seem to be for 
  experts. is there any easy to use firewall for Linux? if so where can 
  I get it? again maybe a URL will help.
  Linux registered user # 266090
 Well, for standalones, there is smoothwall and also Mandrake SNF (single 
 network firewall), but they are standalones, designed for a machine by 
 themselves, one between your network and the internet.
 For a small firewall that will work directly on your machine, load 
 Bastille (four modules) from the CD and run it, either 
 Bastille-Interactive or the Tk version--the Tk is a GUI.
 If you are using multiple machines and can put one on your internet 
 connection, SNF is hard to beat.  You install it on one machine and 
 configure it using a web browser from another machine.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to
Just to clarify - if you install the GUI version of Bastille, the
command to run it is: InteractiveBastille (without the quotes).  When
you install, make sure you select both Bastille and Bastille-tk-module.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re[2]: [newbie] tinyfirewall

2002-03-18 Thread Colin Jenkins

Hello civileme,

Monday, March 18, 2002, 7:32:52 PM, you wrote:
ot much else.  On
c connection sharing it protects you from an iptables rules flush at boot 
c but you can also configure that by hand (ref 

c Civileme

404 Not Found !

Best regards,
 Colinmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-18 Thread Roger Sherman

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Roger Sherman wrote:

 Sorry to address this to the list, but I'm at my wits end, and it's either 
 this, or find a service center or something to fix this problem for me, 
 and after building this PC, I really don't have the money. 
 I built a PC about two 1/2 months ago (my first attempt at building a PC), 
 and I'm having a booting problem, and a problem with it freezing up, and 
 I'm hoping someone could help point me in the right direction, 
 troubleshooting wise.
 First of all, the system configuration:
 Abit KG-7 motherboard
 AMD 1800XP
 512 Meg DDR RAM
 ATI Radeon All-In-Wonder 32mg vid card
 SoundBlaster Live! 5.1 Platinum w/Live Drive
 60 gig Maxtor HD
 generic DVD/CDROM from my old PC, a Compaq presario (which is happily 
 gurgling along as a dedicated FTP server now)
 Now, it's got a boot problem that is baffling to me - to turn this PC on, 
 I have to press the start button, at which point it sounds like it's 
 starting up, the HD and all the fans start spinning, but I don't get the 
 beep that I get with a successful boot, and there's no video output. So, I 
 then have to turn the PC off, unplug it, and plug it back in - at which 
 point it will usually start up again.
 Now, I do mean it will start up again just from plugging it in - I don't 
 have to press the start button. But, sometimes I'll plug it in, and it 
 wont start, at which point I'll have to unplug it, then press start, and 
 it seems to discharge a little power. Then I plug it in again, and it will 
 start. Then I get the beep that it's booting correctly, and I get video 
 output and away we go.
 Now, I'd live with this problem, if it weren't for the system freezes. The 
 first time I turn the PC on each day, there is always a complete freeze of 
 the system - and I totally can't get it unfrozen, either by 
 Control-Alt-Backspace, or Alt-SysRq-r. My only recourse is to press and 
 hold the start button til it shuts down (with this box, you have to hold 
 the start button in for 5 seconds to shut it down, for some reason). Using 
 the reset button doesn't seem to work. 
 This system freeze can happen anywhere, too. Sometimes it'll happen when 
 Mandrake is actually starting up, once it even happened at a command line 
 login (it's set up to start at runlevel 3), but usually it happens about 2 
 - 3 minutes after the system is up and running...usually after I've 
 started X, and am checking my email.
 And I can't let it run all day - the PC actually works great once it gets 
 past the booting and system freeze problems (usually the system freeze 
 problem happens one or two times, and then the PC will run properly), but 
 if I get up and walk away for several hours, then come back, of course the 
 monitor will have gone into power save mode, and I jiggle the mouse to 
 wake it up, but at that point for some reason the PC will have stopped 
 giving video output, and I have to start the whole process over again.
 My ideal situation would be to just leave this PC running 24/7, but that 
 makes it impossible, obviously.
 Now, I've tried several things to fix the problem - a friend told me the 
 symptoms are indicative of a hardware incompatability, so I changed the 
 HD, the CD-ROM (which is why I have the DVD player in there - I originally 
 had a Plextor CD-RW), the power supply, and I took out the SoundBlaster 
 and nic card (a linksys nic), although I put those two back in, since it 
 didn't seem to make a difference. I also tried disconnecting the floppy 
 Before I replaced the HD and CD-RW, they effectively stopped working with 
 this PC, and I'm worried what's currently in there will stop working as 
 well, as every time I make a change, things seem to get a little better, 
 but never really work right, and then things degenerate. I don't have 
 anything else I can swap into this box, so if it continues to degenerate 
 with the current config, I'll have to stop using it until I can afford to 
 take it to a PC doctor.
 Again, sorry for the OT post, but any help anyone can offer would be 
 hugely appreciated.

Ack...forgot to mention - I read somewhere that the KG-7 occasionally 
suffers from wierd voltage spikes caused by the CPU and case fan 
monitoring, so I tried hooking them up to fan connections that didn't use 
the monitoring, which made absolutely no difference.




registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake - real world style

2002-03-18 Thread Karine ZUERCHER


Thanks a lot Sridhar

On Monday 18 March 2002 10:19, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 You seem to be applying closed-source pricing policies to something that is
 free (as in speech). Why would one pay $100 for a Mandrake server when the
 source is free? Someone can compile this source code and bingo: free (as in
 speech and in beer) Mandrake, which can be legally distributed to millions
 of people. Otherwise, they could just download Debian or Red Hat. Sure,
 Mandrake could make proprietary aplications like Suse does (and note that
 Suse is in financial difficulty while Red Hat isn't), but that would
 destroy Mandrakesoft's reputation in the GNU/Linux community. Mandrakesoft
 is a free software company through to the core. In this way it is almost
 like Debian, and it is the principal reason why myself and many others like
 the company. Estranging the developer community would just create a
 slow-developing and unpopular distro like Caldera OpenLinux (which used to
 be amongst the most popular).

 I like Mandrake. I respect Mandrakesoft. But if they move to a restrictive
 pricing policy like that of Suse or Caldera, I will switch to a free (as in
 speech) distro like Debian or Gentoo.



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Re: [newbie] Master slave drives

2002-03-18 Thread John Richard Smith

I have W2K NTFS and numerous Ext2 Linux OS's on the same
hard drive(s) and have no trouble sharing data so why the VFAT
partition ?


John Richard Smith

On Sunday 17 March 2002 12:30 am, you wrote:

 this is a no problem scenario.  Just go ahead and install 8.1 on the
 slave and let lilo install as it wants during the 8.1 install and it
 will work.  I have XP and 8.1 dual booting and there was nothing special
 required during the install.  Just worked.

 Make sure you allocate a VFAT partition somewhere along the line though,
 so you can use it to share data bn XP and LM. That is assuming XP is on
 NTFS.  You can mount the NTFS for reading from LM, but writing is maybe
 a little on the high risk side.


 On Sun, 2002-03-17 at 05:13, Joe Barron wrote:
  Thank,s .Shane you understand what I,m wanting to do it,s me that is
  scared of this thing .I built a AMD 1900 for a friend the other day he
  had acouple of drives neither very big so I used one for the master and
  put XP on it (what he wanted not my ideal) the slave has something on it
  98 I think but this weekend I wanted to wipe it out (it,s only 2.5 gig)
  and put 8.1 on it .But I,ve only setup lilo on 98 and on one hardrive
  never set-up were when I boot I want to pick another drive.
  - Original Message -
  From: shane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 11:30 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Master  slave drives
   maybe i don't understand, but, i just installed 8.2 release canidate 1
   slave drive with win2000 on the master and i use lilo to boot.  IIRC
   only part of lilo goes onto the MBR of the first disk, the rest is in
   your boot folder in linux (is that right guys?) and lilo handles
   booting for both systems.  as i said though, i have not done XP.
   you could install lilo to the second drive i guess, but it wouldn't do
   anything.  you could also not istall lilo and simply use a boot disk. 
   i would certainly be sure to have a working boot disk for XP before i
   also, once installed, if you wish to remove lilo you can boot to linux
   and as root run lilo -u which if i recall is for -uninstall.  :-)
   On Saturday 16 March 2002 08:30, Joe Barron opened a hailing frequency
Sorry ! Shane you told me what I wanted to know ,except were well
lilo install master harddrive are slave .The system is for someone
else but what he would like to do is have XP on the master and 8.1 on
the 2nd H/D which I have slaved and he would like to have the 8.1 on
that drive.Well this work trouble free? anything I need to watch
loadind MD on the 2nd drive? - Original Message -
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Fwd: [newbie] Re: ARTS / Audio Codec97 / and VT8233 Audio Chip configuration

2002-03-18 Thread John Richard Smith

Monday ,18.03.2003,1300GMT

Well, despite best efforts my sound system is less that stable.
Provided that I shut down completely and reboot ,CD Player OK.
Sometimes X-CD-Roast sound player OK, most of the time not.
If I automatically reboot ,without pause,  NOTHING.

Taskbar ControlCenter -Sound reports:-
ALSA v0.5.11 emulation code (my sound driver )
Card Config VIA8233 at 0xec00,irq10
Audio device  0:VIA8233(Duplex)
Synth dev. : Not enabled in Config
Midi Dev.   : Not enabled in Config
Times: 7:sytem timer
Mixers:0:Advance logic ALC200/200p

lsmod reports:-
[root@localhost root]# lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
ppp_generic19616   0  (autoclean)
slhc5136   0  (autoclean) [ppp_generic]
snd-seq-oss28944   0  (unused)
snd-seq-midi-event  3216   0  [snd-seq-oss]
snd-seq41856   0  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event]
snd-seq-device  3984   0  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq]
snd-pcm-oss18624   0  (unused)
snd-pcm-plugin 15792   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
snd-mixer-oss   4800   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
snd-card-via82335952   0
snd-pcm31616   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin snd-card-via8233]
snd-timer   8528   0  [snd-seq snd-pcm]
snd-ac97-codec 25056   0  [snd-card-via8233]
snd-mixer  24544   0  [snd-mixer-oss snd-ac97-codec]
snd35248   1  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event snd-seq 
snd-seq-device snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin snd-mixer-oss snd-card-via8233 snd-pcm 
snd-timer snd-ac97-codec snd-mixer]
soundcore   4208   4  [snd]
usb-uhci   21232   0  (unused)
printer 5920   0
usb-ohci   18880   0  (unused)
usbcore50624   1  [usb-uhci printer usb-ohci]
nls_iso8859-1   2880   4  (autoclean)
ntfs   50320   4  (autoclean)
sg 28624   0  (autoclean) (unused)
sr_mod 14944   0  (autoclean) (unused)
parport_pc 20240   1  (autoclean)
lp  5808   1  (autoclean)
parport24768   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
sd_mod 12320   0  (unused)

My /etc/modules.conf:-
alias net-pf-4 ipx
pre-install pcmcia_core CARDMGR_OPTS=-f /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
alias usb-interface usb-ohci
alias scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
above snd-card-via8233 snd-pcm-oss
#alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-via8233
alias usb-interface1 usb-uhci
alias usb-interface2 usb-uhci
alias usb-interface3 usb-uhci
#alias /dev/sound sound-slot-0
#alias /dev/audio /dev/sound
#alias /dev/mixer /dev/sound
#alias /devdsp/dev/sound
#alias /dev/dspW  /dev/sound
#alias /dev/midi  /dev/sound

# ALSA native device support
#alias char-major-116 snd
#option snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-via8233
#next line might need to have snd_id,if so...
#option snd-card-interwave snd_index=0
#see below

#OSS/Free setup
#alias char-major-14 soundcore
#alias sound-siot-0 snd-card-0
#alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
#alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
#alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
#alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
#alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss
As you can see I have been messing about experimenting with
different options, each of which I lifted verbatum from various 
odd websites.

Nothing I do gives me a stable intergrated sound system.I feel
sure there is nothing wrong with the ALSA sound driver, no,
it's a configuration problem. It's a matter of getting all the
various components to communicate properly with one another.
ARTS is disabled.
I think I have reached an impasse , I don't feel I understand
all these various commands and what they are supposed to do eg.
urpmi slocate
slocate -u -c
slocate update
modprobe-card-via 8233
I need a bit more imput , to sort out my uderstanding , to progress
in a more logical way. I'm just fumbling around hoping to come
across the answer, when an application of logic and understanding
is required.



--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: [newbie] Re: ARTS / Audio Codec97 / and VT8233 Audio Chipconfiguration
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 16:00:59 +
From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PS. Friday , 15.03.2002, GMT ,
upon first bootup to dektop,
to my suprise I find that the CD player is now working,
and not only that but putting up other programmes like
sound mixer does not hault it either as it used to when
ARTS was running things. Why this should be so today,
but not last night , I haven't a clue. Perhaps someone
can suggest a reason.

Anyway thats the good news, the bad news is that
I cannot play cashed(to hard drive) audio files in
X-CD-Roast, that is in the Roast's own audio player
A configuration problem ?
Any suggestions would be welcome.
I cann't live without my Audio CD Writer in full working
order. Please help


On Thursday 14 March 2002 10:27 pm, you wrote:

RE: [newbie] What is ICE and DCOP?

2002-03-18 Thread Burrows, Scott

Graham, I only use KDE as my window environment/manager.

Thanks LX for the DCOP info.  That cleared the fog.


-Original Message-
From: Lyvim Xaphir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 11:38 PM
To: NewbieMandrake-List
Subject: Re: [newbie] What is ICE and DCOP?

On Fri, 2002-03-15 at 11:21, Burrows, Scott wrote:
 Hey all,
 Newbie question here.  I have a MD8.1 system.
 What are the following files in my home folder for?  If they are corrupted
 or deleted what happens to
 the system?
 1) ICEauthority
 2) DCOPserver_localhost.localdomain_0:
 Scott Burrows

Truthfully, I'm not sure about ICE.  But DCOP is a process that allows
desktop application interoperability under KDE.  I run Enlightenment
with the KDE compatibility mode enabled and DCOP runs a symlink in my
home dir as well.  It allows cutting and pasting between apps, among
other things.



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RE: [newbie] Higher priority for XMMS

2002-03-18 Thread FLYNN, Steve

I don't think so - any user can nice their own running tasks so nicer
nice values (i.e. any user can say, this program I am running, it's low
priority so don't spend too much effort on running it for me) but only root
has the power to do the opposite (i.e. lower the nice value to make the
scheduler spend more time on this piece of code).

 -Original Message-
 From: Nelson Bartley [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 5:58 PM
 To:   LM Newbie Mailing List
 Subject:  RE: [newbie] Higher priority for XMMS
 so there is no way to give a higher priority to the program from
 within a non-root account?
 On Sun, 2002-03-17 at 10:36, FLYNN, Steve wrote:
  You can 'nice' the task, to a lower value to give it more cpu cycles.
  However, to do so, you will have to be root anyway. It's easy enough to
  with the sudo command though...
  -Original Message-
  From:   Nelson Bartley [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Sunday, March 17, 2002 3:29 PM
  To: LM Newbie Mailing List
  Subject:[newbie] Higher priority for XMMS
  I've got a question..
  I've been finding that XMMS is skipping a lot on my system. Not
  my system isn't fast, but rather because I've got ALOT of things
  on on it. (folding, evolution, gaim, gkrellm, mozilla, kdevelop,
  gnomeicu, etc...) I was wondering if it were posible to give XMMS a
  higher priority (like say realtime)?
  (and yes I realize I can log in as root and run the app, but that is
  very annoying)
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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-18 Thread shane

On Monday 18 March 2002 04:36, Sridhar Dhanapalan opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:

 One thing I don't understand is how people have interpreted
 Mandrakesoft's request for people to join the Mandrake Club as a plea for
 charity to keep an ailing company afloat. It is no such thing. The

i think you have the right of it.  as i keep explain to all my mandrake 
using friends, money now sees to that they keep the type of people that are 
paid by mandrake to work for projects like KDE or Gnome.  mandrake is in ok 
condition, but mandrakes contribution to free software may take a small 
hit.  since i can't code, i pay so others can.

on the other hand, if you like and use the distro, and can afford to, 
shouldn't you support it?  even if they aren't begging for cash to stay 
afloat, surely paying for software you use is a good thing© if you can do 

by no means is that a guilt trip.  i used 7.0 briefly, 7.1 and 7.2 all 
without giving a penny.  i didn't have pennies.  starving student and all 
that.  nw, while not wealthy by any stretch, i can afford to live (student 
can't do that) so i make donations and buy boxes and join clubs.  behold 
the magic linux, ;-) i wasn't a thief for using it before, and now i am a 
proud contributor.

Microsoft: Having a false sense of security was never so expensive.

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[newbie] How to Install Alternative Kernel

2002-03-18 Thread John Richard Smith

I recently downloaded an updated kernel version 2.4.8-26mdk.rpm
which is said to be  suited to LM8.1 .

How can I install this without overwriting my existing kernel
version k2.4.8-19mdk in /boot partition.

When I went to install it using RPM package manager I am sure
it was going to overwrite so I chose to leave it.

I want to install kv2.4.8-16mdk in the same /boot partition as
old kernel version and work out a Lilo boot script to boot it.So
I bet it isn't that simple ?  
Can I do this ?

John Richard Smith

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RE: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-18 Thread Roger Sherman

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Bill Spatz wrote:

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
 Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 6:28 AM
 Subject: [newbie] OT - PC building help
 Sorry to address this to the list, but I'm at my wits end, and it's either
 this, or find a service center or something to fix this problem for me,
 and after building this PC, I really don't have the money.
 I built a PC about two 1/2 months ago (my first attempt at building a PC),
 and I'm having a booting problem, and a problem with it freezing up, and
 I'm hoping someone could help point me in the right direction,
 troubleshooting wise.
 I had a similar problem with my laptop after upgrading the RAM. Be sure that
 your RAM is fully and securely seated in their slots.

Thanks Bill...I actually had to take a great deal of care with the 
RAM...this board seems to be incredibly sensitive to how the RAM is 
seated. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the problem.

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registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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[newbie] 8.2 Blackbox logout problem

2002-03-18 Thread Roger Sherman

I don't know if I should submit this as a bug report or not, but has 
anyone else noticed that on the menu on blackbox (where you right click to 
get a floating menu), it no longer has the Exit (logout) option at the 
bottom? Now to get out of it, I have to Cntl-Alt-Backspace. Is there a 
better way of doing this?




registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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Re: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-18 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 18 March 2002 07:28 am, Roger Sherman wrote:
 Sorry to address this to the list, but I'm at my wits end, and it's
 either this, or find a service center or something to fix this
 problem for me, and after building this PC, I really don't have the

 First try re-seating everything, ram, cable connections, 
peripheal cards, etc, even the cpu. Clean the connectors on ram and 
other cards with a clean pencil eraser. If you have more'n one stick 
of ram, try reversing the order they're installed.  Make sure your 
harddrive cables aren't wadded up, don't have any kinks in 'em.  Make 
sure that Compaq CD drive is properly set to either master or slave, 
and not CS (cable select).

Abit's are fussy about what card is in what slot.  Look for a 
KG-7 FAQ, there's often recommends for which card to put where, eg, 
SB Live! in slot 3. There are many reports of Abit/SB Live! problems, 
sometimes solved by moving them to suggested slots. I believe you'll 
have the best chance of getting further help from an AMD newsgroup.

As always make sure you're grounded to the case to avoid static 
elec shocks to the electronics.  Working barefoot on a tile floor is 
a good idea. Give the PS a few minutes to loose any residual charge 
after unplugging before working on the system.

I'm no big fan of Abit's period. Might as well admit that up 
front. Many users experience just the symptoms you describe, but with 
any board they're indicative of motherboard and/or power supply 
problems. You need at least a 300w PS and it should be one one AMD's 
recommended list.  Go by model numbers, many PS's are sold under 
different brand names.  BUT with Abit's it's more often the 
motherboard.  I believe that's why AMD does not recommend them.  (look for AMD Athlon Configuration Info)

It could also be many other varied things (eg, drive cables, bad 
ram, etc) causing your problems, but you'll have to eliminate the 
mobo/PS first. They're the most important part of any system.  The 
very foundation.
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

 I built a PC about two 1/2 months ago (my first attempt at building
 a PC), and I'm having a booting problem, and a problem with it
 freezing up, and I'm hoping someone could help point me in the
 right direction, troubleshooting wise.

 First of all, the system configuration:

 Abit KG-7 motherboard
 AMD 1800XP
 512 Meg DDR RAM
 ATI Radeon All-In-Wonder 32mg vid card
 SoundBlaster Live! 5.1 Platinum w/Live Drive
 60 gig Maxtor HD
 generic DVD/CDROM from my old PC, a Compaq presario (which is
 happily gurgling along as a dedicated FTP server now)

 Now, it's got a boot problem that is baffling to me - to turn this
 PC on, I have to press the start button, at which point it sounds
 like it's starting up, the HD and all the fans start spinning, but
 I don't get the beep that I get with a successful boot, and there's
 no video output. So, I then have to turn the PC off, unplug it, and
 plug it back in - at which point it will usually start up again.

 Now, I do mean it will start up again just from plugging it in - I
 don't have to press the start button. But, sometimes I'll plug it
 in, and it wont start, at which point I'll have to unplug it, then
 press start, and it seems to discharge a little power. Then I plug
 it in again, and it will start. Then I get the beep that it's
 booting correctly, and I get video output and away we go.

 Now, I'd live with this problem, if it weren't for the system
 freezes. The first time I turn the PC on each day, there is always
 a complete freeze of the system - and I totally can't get it
 unfrozen, either by Control-Alt-Backspace, or Alt-SysRq-r. My only
 recourse is to press and hold the start button til it shuts down
 (with this box, you have to hold the start button in for 5 seconds
 to shut it down, for some reason). Using the reset button doesn't
 seem to work.

 This system freeze can happen anywhere, too. Sometimes it'll happen
 when Mandrake is actually starting up, once it even happened at a
 command line login (it's set up to start at runlevel 3), but
 usually it happens about 2 - 3 minutes after the system is up and
 running...usually after I've started X, and am checking my email.

 And I can't let it run all day - the PC actually works great once
 it gets past the booting and system freeze problems (usually the
 system freeze problem happens one or two times, and then the PC
 will run properly), but if I get up and walk away for several
 hours, then come back, of course the monitor will have gone into
 power save mode, and I jiggle the mouse to wake it up, but at that
 point for some reason the PC will have stopped giving video output,
 and I have to start the whole process over again.

 My ideal situation would be to just leave this PC running 24/7, but
 that makes it impossible, obviously.

 Now, I've tried several things to fix the problem - a friend told
 me the 

Re: [newbie] How to Install Alternative Kernel

2002-03-18 Thread shane

On Sunday 17 March 2002 13:04, John Richard Smith opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:

 I recently downloaded an updated kernel version 2.4.8-26mdk.rpm
 which is said to be  suited to LM8.1 .

 How can I install this without overwriting my existing kernel
 version k2.4.8-19mdk in /boot partition.

... the only people I fear, are those who never have doubts -Billy Joel

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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RE: [newbie] best news reader and ftp client

2002-03-18 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Rather than using Pan for binary newsgroups, try bnr (Binary News Reaper).
There is a Win version and a Linux version available. It;s really is very
very good for binary newsgroups. (I think!)

-Original Message-
From:   Tom Brinkman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, March 17, 2002 10:05 PM
Subject:Re: [newbie] best news reader and ftp client

On Sunday 17 March 2002 02:44 pm, Jose Mirles wrote:
 For a newsreader, most have recommended PAN or KNODE. I still use
 Forte Agent in a Win4Lin session.

 For FTP, I love gftp. I think it beats anything in the windows


   News:   Knode for discussion groups (also way ahead of whatever 
was in second place in a recent Web survey).
   Pan for unattended auto d/l'g from binary groups with
when needed even if you should happen to shutdown your system and 
re-boot. IOW's, pick a bunch of stuff and go to bed ;)

   FTP:   by far, nt (Webdownloader for X) is the very best, also 
supports resume/retry when needed even if you shutdown your system 
and re-boot, and/or switch mirrors. Very quick and simple to use. 
Also displays connection rate, both graphically and numerically. 
Probly the only d/l butler on the planet that can successfully get  
Mandrake ISO's over a = 56k connection ;)

   all the above are on your Cd's if not already installed
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas
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This email and any files sent with it are intended only for the named 
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A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
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For further Enquires 01603 622200 

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RE: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-18 Thread Damian

El lun, 18-03-2002 a las 10:58, Roger Sherman escribió:
 On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Bill Spatz wrote:
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
  Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 6:28 AM
  Subject: [newbie] OT - PC building help
  Sorry to address this to the list, but I'm at my wits end, and it's either
  this, or find a service center or something to fix this problem for me,
  and after building this PC, I really don't have the money.
  I built a PC about two 1/2 months ago (my first attempt at building a PC),
  and I'm having a booting problem, and a problem with it freezing up, and
  I'm hoping someone could help point me in the right direction,
  troubleshooting wise.
  I had a similar problem with my laptop after upgrading the RAM. Be sure that
  your RAM is fully and securely seated in their slots.
 Thanks Bill...I actually had to take a great deal of care with the 
 RAM...this board seems to be incredibly sensitive to how the RAM is 
 seated. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the problem.

i had similar problems ( not booting, freezing ) with my sister's 
computer a while ago. i had to borrow her a stick of RAM to replace
hers, and that did the trick.

is there any  way you can test your RAM? on other machine, a friend's
 or something?



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Re: [newbie] How to Install Alternative Kernel

2002-03-18 Thread Derek Jennings

On Sunday 17 March 2002 21:04, John Richard Smith wrote:
 I recently downloaded an updated kernel version 2.4.8-26mdk.rpm
 which is said to be  suited to LM8.1 .

Well don't use that kernel... It is the one that shipped with 8.1 and was 
replaced due to a security vulnerability. The current 'official' kernel for 
8.1 is 2.4.8-34mdk You can get it from

LM8.2 will be released this week, and that will have a much newer kernel.

 How can I install this without overwriting my existing kernel
 version k2.4.8-19mdk in /boot partition.

 When I went to install it using RPM package manager I am sure
 it was going to overwrite so I chose to leave it.

Good move... so many people have had problems by overwriting kernels...

You should install the kernel alongside the old one with
rpm -Ivh kernel blah blah

 I want to install kv2.4.8-16mdk in the same /boot partition as
 old kernel version and work out a Lilo boot script to boot it.So
 I bet it isn't that simple ?

Yes it is. All you need is a new stanza in your /etc/lilo.conf file.
 For a complete procedure on kernel updating refer to



 Can I do this ?


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[newbie] cdrecord in DAO

2002-03-18 Thread Guilherme Cirne


Is there a way to define the amount of silence between audio tracks when 
using cdrecord in DAO mode?


Guilherme Cirne

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[newbie] Dvorak on Linux

2002-03-18 Thread Charles Muller

John Dvorak has an interesting piece entitled Is Linux Your Next OS?

As usual, there are some things in there that border on the outrageous,
but I thought that some might find it interesting.




Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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Re: [newbie] How to Install Alternative Kernel

2002-03-18 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Sun, 17 Mar 2002 21:04:32 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I recently downloaded an updated kernel version 2.4.8-26mdk.rpm
 which is said to be  suited to LM8.1 .
 How can I install this without overwriting my existing kernel
 version k2.4.8-19mdk in /boot partition.
 When I went to install it using RPM package manager I am sure
 it was going to overwrite so I chose to leave it.
 I want to install kv2.4.8-16mdk in the same /boot partition as
 old kernel version and work out a Lilo boot script to boot it.So
 I bet it isn't that simple ?  
 Can I do this ?

cd to the directory to which you downloaded the kernel.
Su to root and do:
rpm -ivh kernel-2.4.8-16mdk.rpm

Using any editor open /etc/lilo.conf
Verify that the new kernel image listing was created that the initrd= is correct and 
that the append options are also correct.
If you wish for the new kernel to be the default edit the 4th line of lilo.conf to 
read default= 248-16
Save the change and exit the editor.

From the terminal, still as root, enter: lilo
This writes your new lilo and on your next boot you will have the option to boot to 
either of your installed kernels with the -18 being the default.

Just so that you can see one that has been altered several time I have attached a copy 
of mine.


Description: Binary data

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[newbie] Network Monitor Program Web Gui

2002-03-18 Thread Ira M. Bargon III

Do any of you know of a program that will display 
statistics on my home network that I could access via the web. Statistics such 
as most visited web sites and bytes transferred, network usage by the hour or by 
the day, some type of information in that nature.


Re: [newbie] how to create a logout message?

2002-03-18 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

Hi Todd,

 Todd Slater wrote:
 I have edited the file /etc/profile so that users get a message when
 logging in. What file would I edit so that all users receive a bye-bye
 message when they log out? I can do it per individual user, but is there a
 universal file like /etc/profile?

I would also be interested if someone gave you a solution or you managed
to find out howto.

Hylton Conacher on KDE 2.1.1 on kernel 2.4.3-20mdk#1
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an i686 (AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows user

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[newbie] Ping

2002-03-18 Thread Marcia

Dear All,

I cannot ping my vmware Windows95 guest from my LM8.1. I can ping my Linux 
from the Windows95, but I cannot reach the machine from Linux. Even so, the 
networking in Win95 is working well. I can see my machine and do anything 
with all of my Linux files within the vmware Windows. However I have not been 
able to get the samba networking going in Linux so that I can see my 
Windows95 machine and files. I have read and tried so many things in Samba, 
go rid of Bastille, worked with the /etc/hosts.allow and deny files and more. 
I do not know why I cannot reach the machine yet. Any ideas or suggestions 
will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.



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[newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-18 Thread Mandrake Newbie

Hello Linux gurus,

Is it okay to put up a firewall, router and proxy servers/packages, all in one 
computer?  Can you give me your recommended packages and what's their individual use, 
for this kind of setup?  Also, can you give your how-to's in setting up this kind of 

Thank you in advance.

God bless you all...

Just a newbie...


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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-18 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 11:08, sda wrote:

  Note that Mandrakesoft does have a donations page, which can be reached at They have _not_ publicised this site in
  their press release (in fact, it's been almost a year since they last mentioned
  it), so it is not a plea for charity.
 Donations is not charity?! Ok whatever you say. In closing all I'm going
 to say is that public for profit companies have no business asking for
 donations. Charge for the product, if it's good and people really are
 sincere about how much they like Mandrake, they'll pay for it. Otherwise
 they're just fairweather friends.
   -^-   -^-
   ?   ?Steve

  '   `
Here's another troll tactic.  Sridhar just very plainly stated above
that Mandrake has a separate donations page.  In this he is stating, in
a very simple and understandable way, that MandrakeSoft has clearly
delineated the lines between their subscription model of business and
donations (or charity).  Nowhere above can it be interpreted that
Sridhar is saying that Donations are not charity.

Youre not out to be reasonable, you're just trolling.

And what's with the stupid looking sig, anyway?

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[newbie] Apache + PostgreSQL + qmail + djbdns + LDAP + CUPS

2002-03-18 Thread Mandrake Newbie

Hello Linux gurus,

Is it okay to install Apache + PostgreSQL + qmail + djbdns + LDAP + CUPS in to one 
computer and this computer is connected through a dial-up connection?  This is for my 
home network setup with a limited number of computers.

Thank you very much in advance for giving your time to read this very newbie question. 
 Any suggestions and/or recommendations is highly appreciated.

God bless you all...



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[newbie] Kernel upgrade problem

2002-03-18 Thread Mandrake Newbie

Hello Linux gurus,

I've been trying to upgrade my default kernel-2.4.8 of my Mandrake 8.1 to a newer 
version but with no luck.  I don't know what's the matter that everytime I installed a 
newer kernel version, I can't boot from it.  I am using XFS for my /usr, /home, /tmp, 
/opt, etc. and ext2 for my /boot and / partitions.

Anybody knows how to upgrade a newer kernel version using XFS and ext2 filesystems and 
give me their how-to's?

Thank you in advance.

Just a newbie...


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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake - real world style

2002-03-18 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 10:56, sda wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 08:19:15PM +1100, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  You seem to be applying closed-source pricing policies to something that is free
  (as in speech). Why would one pay $100 for a Mandrake server when the source is
  free? Someone can compile this source code and bingo: free (as in speech and in
  beer) Mandrake, which can be legally distributed to millions of people.
  Otherwise, they could just download Debian or Red Hat. Sure, Mandrake could make
  proprietary aplications like Suse does (and note that Suse is in financial
  difficulty while Red Hat isn't), but that would destroy Mandrakesoft's
  reputation in the GNU/Linux community. Mandrakesoft is a free software company
  through to the core. In this way it is almost like Debian, and it is the
  principal reason why myself and many others like the company. Estranging the
  developer community would just create a slow-developing and unpopular distro
  like Caldera OpenLinux (which used to be amongst the most popular).
 Caldera is unpopular by whom? Maybe people like you, but the business
 community that *pays* for software and support seem, to like it very
 much. At least Caldera has a viable business model while Mandrake - well
 let's just say Mandrake is struggling.

I find it extemely interesting that you home in on one particular part
of Sridhar's statement above, (Caldera's popularity) but fail to address
the rest of what he's said, which is totally valid.  For that matter,
you've skipped alot; which to me smacks of troll.

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Re: [newbie] Audio CD in TAO mode

2002-03-18 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy

On Monday 18 March 2002 04:21 am, you wrote:

 When I try to burn an audio CD in TAO I get an error (in DAO it works
 fine). The output of cdrecord is as follows:

 Calling: /usr/lib/xcdroast-0.98/bin/xcdrwrap CDRECORD dev= 0,0,0
 fs=4096k driveropts=burnproof -v -useinfo speed=2 -dummy -eject -pad
 -audio /home/gui/tmp/Backbeat - Please Mr Postman.wav ...

 scsidev: '0,0,0'
 scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0
 Linux sg driver version: 3.1.20
 pregap1: -1
 Cdrecord 1.10 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Jörg
 Schilling TOC Type: 0 = CD-DA
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.5'
 Driveropts: 'burnproof'
 atapi: 1
 Device type: Removable CD-ROM
 Version: 0
 Response Format: 2
 Capabilities   :
 Vendor_info: 'HL-DT-ST'
 Identifikation : 'CD-RW GCE-8240B '
 Revision   : '1.06'
 Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
 Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
 Driver flags   : SWABAUDIO
 Drive buf size : 2029726720 = 1982155 KB
 FIFO size  : 4194304 = 4096 KB
 Track 01: audio  23 MB (02:17.92) no preemp pad
 Track 02: audio  45 MB (04:28.90) no preemp pad
 Total size:  68 MB (06:48.84) = 30663 sectors
 Lout start:  69 MB (06:50/63) = 30663 sectors
 Current Secsize: 2048
 ATIP info from disk:
 Indicated writing power: 6
 Is not unrestricted
 Is not erasable
 Disk sub type: Medium Type A, high Beta category (A+) (3)
 ATIP start of lead in:  -11625 (97:27/00)
 ATIP start of lead out: 359849 (79:59/74)
 Disk type:unknown
 Manuf. index: 81
 Manufacturer: ILLEGAL OLD CODE: Old Ritek Co.???
 Blocks total: 359849 Blocks current: 359849 Blocks remaining: 329186
 Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 16 in dummy mode for single
 session. 0 seconds. Operation starts.
 cdrecord: Turning BURN-Proof on
 Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ...
 input buffer ready.
 cdrecord: Input/output error. write_g1: scsi sendcmd: no error
 Starting new track at sector: 0
 CDB:  2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1B 00
 status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
 Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 64 00 00 00
 Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
 Sense Code: 0x64 Qual 0x00 (illegal mode for this track) Fru 0x0
 Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
 cmd finished after 0.002s timeout 40s

 Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 write track data: error after 0 bytes
 Writing  time:5.033s
 WARNING: Some drives don't like fixation in dummy mode.
 Fixating time:0.003s

 Does anyone know what could be wrong?


Try disabling the dummy mode.

Jonathan Dlouhy
Monday, March 18, 2002

HEADLINE!  Man Struck by Lightning Faces Battery Charge

Registered Linux user #264482  Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.1  

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Re: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-18 Thread civileme

Roger Sherman wrote:

Sorry to address this to the list, but I'm at my wits end, and it's either 
this, or find a service center or something to fix this problem for me, 
and after building this PC, I really don't have the money. 

I built a PC about two 1/2 months ago (my first attempt at building a PC), 
and I'm having a booting problem, and a problem with it freezing up, and 
I'm hoping someone could help point me in the right direction, 
troubleshooting wise.

First of all, the system configuration:

Abit KG-7 motherboard
AMD 1800XP
512 Meg DDR RAM
ATI Radeon All-In-Wonder 32mg vid card
SoundBlaster Live! 5.1 Platinum w/Live Drive
60 gig Maxtor HD
generic DVD/CDROM from my old PC, a Compaq presario (which is happily 
gurgling along as a dedicated FTP server now)

Now, it's got a boot problem that is baffling to me - to turn this PC on, 
I have to press the start button, at which point it sounds like it's 
starting up, the HD and all the fans start spinning, but I don't get the 
beep that I get with a successful boot, and there's no video output. So, I 
then have to turn the PC off, unplug it, and plug it back in - at which 
point it will usually start up again.

Now, I do mean it will start up again just from plugging it in - I don't 
have to press the start button. But, sometimes I'll plug it in, and it 
wont start, at which point I'll have to unplug it, then press start, and 
it seems to discharge a little power. Then I plug it in again, and it will 
start. Then I get the beep that it's booting correctly, and I get video 
output and away we go.

Now, I'd live with this problem, if it weren't for the system freezes. The 
first time I turn the PC on each day, there is always a complete freeze of 
the system - and I totally can't get it unfrozen, either by 
Control-Alt-Backspace, or Alt-SysRq-r. My only recourse is to press and 
hold the start button til it shuts down (with this box, you have to hold 
the start button in for 5 seconds to shut it down, for some reason). Using 
the reset button doesn't seem to work. 

This system freeze can happen anywhere, too. Sometimes it'll happen when 
Mandrake is actually starting up, once it even happened at a command line 
login (it's set up to start at runlevel 3), but usually it happens about 2 
- 3 minutes after the system is up and running...usually after I've 
started X, and am checking my email.

And I can't let it run all day - the PC actually works great once it gets 
past the booting and system freeze problems (usually the system freeze 
problem happens one or two times, and then the PC will run properly), but 
if I get up and walk away for several hours, then come back, of course the 
monitor will have gone into power save mode, and I jiggle the mouse to 
wake it up, but at that point for some reason the PC will have stopped 
giving video output, and I have to start the whole process over again.

My ideal situation would be to just leave this PC running 24/7, but that 
makes it impossible, obviously.

Now, I've tried several things to fix the problem - a friend told me the 
symptoms are indicative of a hardware incompatability, so I changed the 
HD, the CD-ROM (which is why I have the DVD player in there - I originally 
had a Plextor CD-RW), the power supply, and I took out the SoundBlaster 
and nic card (a linksys nic), although I put those two back in, since it 
didn't seem to make a difference. I also tried disconnecting the floppy 

Before I replaced the HD and CD-RW, they effectively stopped working with 
this PC, and I'm worried what's currently in there will stop working as 
well, as every time I make a change, things seem to get a little better, 
but never really work right, and then things degenerate. I don't have 
anything else I can swap into this box, so if it continues to degenerate 
with the current config, I'll have to stop using it until I can afford to 
take it to a PC doctor.

Again, sorry for the OT post, but any help anyone can offer would be 
hugely appreciated.

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OK well finding this line in your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file

  OptionDPMS  on

and changing it to

 Option  DPMS  off

will stop the powersaver (then just lock the screen when you leave for a 

I would be very concerned about a number of things:

1.  The front panel connections to the header need to be 
double-checked...  It is almost like the power switch is conected to the 
Green header pins.

2.  The motherboard may have an intermittent short. Sspray instant frost 
in a few spots to see what happens.  If you can reproduce the symptoms 
that way, time for a warranty return.

3.  The motherboard may be like my experience with Abit, just plain 
poorly manufactured, and ready to eat other components.  Abit did some 
really weird things with dodging around the PCI 

[newbie] IDE CD Burner installation/use?

2002-03-18 Thread Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)

I've got a LiteOn LTR-12101B IDE CD BURNER installed, but I cannot burn to
the CD... There was a CD reader installed before (and it worked fine). I
want to use the excellent MONDO/MINDI ( as
a system backup tool from the command line. I'd also like the burner to work
from within X, but my main concern is that it burns from the command line,
since the machine is primarily a server.

HardDrake 0.9.3 reports the burner under CD-ROMS as Unknown LITE-ON
LTR-12101B (the Unknown is for the Vendor), Device /dev/hdc, with a Bus
Type of ATAPI/IDE.

My /etc/fstab entry for the CD is:
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto
iocharset=iso8859-1,ro,nosuid,noauto,user,exec,codepage=850,nodev 0 0
...but I don't know for sure if that's right for the burner. It was what was
in there when the previous CD reader was installed.

So, what I've been trying to do is to use Mondo/Mindi to create a test CD
image (saved as an iso file), which I would then like to burn to the CD
burner using CDRECORD (the tool specified by Mondo/Mindi). I don't know what
command line parameters to pass to CDRECORD...

Can someone help by telling me if my /etc/fstab entry is correct, and the
command line parameters to use to make the CD burner operate from the
command line?

Thanks in advance... This has been a frustrating problem!


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Re: [newbie] Dvorak on Linux

2002-03-18 Thread Pena Family

I agree with most of Dvorak's comments. I am concerned that if Linux were to
follow such a direction it would lose that personality that attracts me to
using and playing with it. I use XP too, but it is like picking up a shovel,
driving the car to the store for milk. and similar. I don't get a thrill in
doing these things I just do them and get them done.

Would love a standard, but you can only have so much when people feel
threaten with changes in the things they prefer or enjoy.

People can be difficult and difficult people are troublesome.

- Original Message -
From: Charles Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 8:02 AM
Subject: [newbie] Dvorak on Linux

 John Dvorak has an interesting piece entitled Is Linux Your Next OS?

 As usual, there are some things in there that border on the outrageous,
 but I thought that some might find it interesting.




 Charles Muller
 Toyo Gakuen University

 Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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Re: [newbie] Audio CD in TAO mode

2002-03-18 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 08:04, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 The only GUI frontend to cdrecord I've found that's reliable is 
 Gcombust.  On the Mandrake news group most seem to favor Eroaster, 
 but I tried burning a 700mb CD from files that I had just made a CD 
 with Gcombust, and Eroaster failed.  So...
 oTry with gcombust (it's probly already installed)
 oTry without BURN-Proof
 ocdrecord doesn't seem to like your media either. The right code 
 for Ritek cdr's is 22, not 81 as reported. Try using a different 
 media than the one you're using.
 o If you're usin older versions of cdrecord and mkisofs, try 
 updating.  I've had no problems with.. 
 Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas


Just recently have I started experimenting with CDRW frontends.  I just
tried gcombust per your advice, and it blows xcdroast away.  Thanks!

Best Regards,


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RE: [newbie] IDE CD Burner installation/use?

2002-03-18 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] IDE CD Burner installation/use?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vogel, Andrew
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 12:51 PM
Subject: [newbie] IDE CD Burner installation/use?

I've got a LiteOn LTR-12101B IDE CD BURNER installed, but I cannot burn to
the CD... There was a CD reader installed before (and it worked fine). I
want to use the excellent MONDO/MINDI ( as
a system backup tool from the command line. I'd also like the burner to work
from within X, but my main concern is that it burns from the command line,
since the machine is primarily a server.

HardDrake 0.9.3 reports the burner under CD-ROMS as Unknown LITE-ON
LTR-12101B (the Unknown is for the Vendor), Device /dev/hdc, with a Bus
Type of ATAPI/IDE.

My /etc/fstab entry for the CD is:
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto
iocharset=iso8859-1,ro,nosuid,noauto,user,exec,codepage=850,nodev 0 0
...but I don't know for sure if that's right for the burner. It was what was
in there when the previous CD reader was installed.

So, what I've been trying to do is to use Mondo/Mindi to create a test CD
image (saved as an iso file), which I would then like to burn to the CD
burner using CDRECORD (the tool specified by Mondo/Mindi). I don't know what
command line parameters to pass to CDRECORD...

Can someone help by telling me if my /etc/fstab entry is correct, and the
command line parameters to use to make the CD burner operate from the
command line?

Thanks in advance... This has been a frustrating problem!

Drew, the fstab entry is showing ro for read only, and should be rw IIRC. Also go to your lilo config and add at append line hdc=ide-scsi That should link the cdrw to the scsi emulation. Run /sbin/lilo from command line and then I think you have to reboot. That should then allow you to burn.

Re: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-18 Thread mooseman

just thought i would add my two cents...

i run an abit bp6 dual machine.
it is very stable now that i removed my piece of #$$% HP cd burner.
but, while i was fighting with it, i had some similar weird symptoms you 
mention, like if i edited the bios settings, generally the machine would hang 
after save and exit. needing a power reset.
every once in awhile, if i have had it turned off (doesn't happen often), 
when i start it up by power on, it won't boot until i give it a reset then 
away it goes.

i think this is specific to this mb, but something related to the video card 
not initialising correctly.

things for you to check: are you running the most current revision of the 
bios? your power supply is stable and delivering the correct voltages? what 
size of supply are you running? i too have heard of the AMD chips being 
somewhat hungry and sensitive to dirty power.

i know i haven't helped much other than i feel for you brother! been there, 
done that. made me crazy for awhile too.

good luck! :-)


On March 18, 2002 10:48 am, you wrote:

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Re: [newbie] Kernel upgrade problem

2002-03-18 Thread civileme

Mandrake Newbie wrote:

Hello Linux gurus,

I've been trying to upgrade my default kernel-2.4.8 of my Mandrake 8.1 to a newer 
version but with no luck.  I don't know what's the matter that everytime I installed 
a newer kernel version, I can't boot from it.  I am using XFS for my /usr, /home, 
/tmp, /opt, etc. and ext2 for my /boot and / partitions.

Anybody knows how to upgrade a newer kernel version using XFS and ext2 filesystems 
and give me their how-to's?

Thank you in advance.

Just a newbie...


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Well you don't update newer kernels, you _install_ them.  Download and

rpm -ivh kernelname

The name is different so it will install alongside the older kernel and 
be bootable.  Updating usually leaves you with a new kernel and modules 
compiled for an older one, which is a sad situation.


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Re: [newbie] best news reader and ftp client

2002-03-18 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 18 March 2002 07:42 am, FLYNN, Steve wrote:
 Rather than using Pan for binary newsgroups, try bnr (Binary News
 Reaper). There is a Win version and a Linux version available. It;s
 really is very very good for binary newsgroups. (I think!) better ;)  THANKS, I 
always appreciate links, I googled 'Binary News Reaper') to new 
software options, specially those that run on Windoze and Linux. I 
believe cross platform development is a good thing for Linux, for 

   I've got some questions tho.  I visited the site and looked for 
info that's important to me.  BNR is free beer, but is it free 
speech?, ie, is the source included, or is it binaries in a .gz 
wrapper?  I d/l'd the BRN2.gz file but it won't open (I'll try again 
some other time, it was just released today). If it's closed source 
binary only, I don't want the headaches, nor wish 'em on anybody else.
GPL ? or is it free (beer) till it's finished, then commercial?

   I looked at the features link and it supports many of the same 
features as Pan, but I didn't see retry/resume/don't give up til ya 
get 'em all even thru reboots or broken connections.   ?
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

   -Original Message-
   From:   Tom Brinkman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:   Sunday, March 17, 2002 10:05 PM
   Subject:Re: [newbie] best news reader and ftp client

   On Sunday 17 March 2002 02:44 pm, Jose Mirles wrote:
For a newsreader, most have recommended PAN or KNODE. I still
use Forte Agent in a Win4Lin session.
For FTP, I love gftp. I think it beats anything in the windows


  News:   Knode for discussion groups (also way ahead of whatever
   was in second place in a recent Web survey).
  Pan for unattended auto d/l'g from binary groups with
   when needed even if you should happen to shutdown your system and
   re-boot. IOW's, pick a bunch of stuff and go to bed ;)

  FTP:   by far, nt (Webdownloader for X) is the very best, also
   supports resume/retry when needed even if you shutdown your system
   and re-boot, and/or switch mirrors. Very quick and simple to use.
   Also displays connection rate, both graphically and numerically.
   Probly the only d/l butler on the planet that can successfully get
   Mandrake ISO's over a = 56k connection ;)

  all the above are on your Cd's if not already installed
   Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-18 Thread civileme

Mandrake Newbie wrote:

Hello Linux gurus,

Is it okay to put up a firewall, router and proxy servers/packages, all in one 
computer?  Can you give me your recommended packages and what's their individual use, 
for this kind of setup?  Also, can you give your how-to's in setting up this kind 
of setup?

Thank you in advance.

God bless you all...

Just a newbie...


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Yes, it is OK.  Put the actual servers behind that one.  There is a 
package called Mandrake SNF (Single Net Firewall) which has all those 
components and is configurable from the local network side by a web 
browser--quite a neat package.


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[newbie] stopped jobs

2002-03-18 Thread David


When I attempt to run a kill %PID on a stopped job, nothing happens.  I
get no error, but a ps x |more shows the job still there.  What can I do
about this?  

How can I restart the job again?  

Mandrake Linux  8.1 Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk
KDE  2.2.1  Sylpheed  0.7.2

David L. Steiner   
Registered Linux User   #262493 

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Re: [newbie] How to Install Alternative Kernel

2002-03-18 Thread Brian Parish

On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 03:00, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Sun, 17 Mar 2002 21:04:32 +
 John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I recently downloaded an updated kernel version 2.4.8-26mdk.rpm
  which is said to be  suited to LM8.1 .
  How can I install this without overwriting my existing kernel
  version k2.4.8-19mdk in /boot partition.
  When I went to install it using RPM package manager I am sure
  it was going to overwrite so I chose to leave it.
  I want to install kv2.4.8-16mdk in the same /boot partition as
  old kernel version and work out a Lilo boot script to boot it.So
  I bet it isn't that simple ?  
  Can I do this ?
 cd to the directory to which you downloaded the kernel.
 Su to root and do:
 rpm -ivh kernel-2.4.8-16mdk.rpm
 Using any editor open /etc/lilo.conf
 Verify that the new kernel image listing was created that the initrd= is correct and 
that the append options are also correct.
 If you wish for the new kernel to be the default edit the 4th line of lilo.conf to 
read default= 248-16
 Save the change and exit the editor.
 From the terminal, still as root, enter: lilo
 This writes your new lilo and on your next boot you will have the option to boot to 
either of your installed kernels with the -18 being the default.
 Just so that you can see one that has been altered several time I have attached a 
copy of mine.

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It's also a good idea at the time you check the LILO settings, to do a
ls -l /boot and look at what is linked to what.  Pay particular
attention to any flashing filenames as that indicates a broken link.  I
have found that sometimes, installing a new kernel has resulted in both
a new entry in lilo.conf and changes in links which together effectively
mean that I lost the ability to boot the old kernel.  i.e. One lilo
setting was pointing directly at the new kernel and the other was
pointing at the old link, but the link had been updated to point at the
new kernel.  Clear?  Maybe not.  Here's an example:



These two extracts from lilo.conf clearly provide the option to boot two
different kernels, but if the first one were to read:


as it did from my original install, the kernel booted depends on where
vmlinuz and initrd.img are linked.  In my case, installing 2.4.8-34
resulted in the creation of the 248-341 label and relinking of vmlinuz
and initrd.img to point at the 2.4.8-34 kernel.  In effect, both lilo
entries were pointing at the same kernel.  That's OK if it works.  It
didn't and I had to boot in rescue mode to recover.

OK, so I'm confused - if you are too, reply to this and I'll try to do a
better explanation.


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Re: [newbie] And their OFF!!!!! 8.2 is now out!!

2002-03-18 Thread Damian

El lun, 18-03-2002 a las 18:53, David .. escribió:
 Go and get them
 Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

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whoa!! should have the mail checker open always... looks
like they are too busy and timing out.. :o(

well anyway this can't be bad, i mean lots of ppl want it. ;o)

i hope it's three times the people that used 8.1. they deserve it.


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Re: [newbie] IDE CD Burner installation/use?

2002-03-18 Thread Kaj Haulrich

Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP) wrote:
 I've got a LiteOn LTR-12101B IDE CD BURNER installed, but I cannot burn 

 Can someone help by telling me if my /etc/fstab entry is correct, and the
 command line parameters to use to make the CD burner operate from the
 command line?
 Thanks in advance... This has been a frustrating problem!

Well -drew, here's my personal how-to :

Most - if not all - CD-burners are ATAPI-devices and use the IDE-bus. To make them 
work under linux,
you must fake that they are SCSI-devices. Now, assuming you have connected your 
correctly, let's take a look at my setup as an example :

My CD-Rom (reader/player) is connected as the master on the second IDE-bus (hdc).
My CD-WRITER (burner) is connected as the slave on the second IDE-bus (hdd).
Accordingly, I had to edit my file : /etc/lilo.conf to make everything work.
Here's how it can be done :

1. open a terminal and become root (type su and, when prompted, type your 
2. open a text-editor of your choice (I prefer Midnight Commander - type : mc)
3. go to /etc/lilo.conf and hit F4 to edit that file.
4. here you must make an append-statement (a boot-parameter to linux), like this :
append= hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi devfs=nomount 
   # (where hdc is my CD-reader and hdd is my CD-burner (eventually, put in your 
5. hit F2 to save this file.
6. hit F10 to exit Midnight Commander
7. still in your terminal-window as root, type : /sbin/lilo (and watch the output).
8. type exit twice.
9. reboot, and you are done ! - (Eventually, you can now check the file /etc/fstab)

Enjoy !

A very easy-readable guide on CD-burning :

References :

CD Writing Howto:
Linux MP3 CD Burning mini-HOWTO: (How to make normal audio CDs 
from mp3 files )
USB CD howto:

Kaj Haulrich

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[newbie] File size limit exceeded

2002-03-18 Thread Dr Joe Brand


I mucked something up when trying to setup Bastille firewall.  I used 
InteractiveBastille, there were a lot of questions.  I answered all the 
best I could.

Here's whats happening:  Now when I try to su - and enter the passwd, I 
get the File size limit exceeded.  How can I fix this?


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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake - real world style

2002-03-18 Thread FemmeFatale

I have ADD, please keep your posts to 2 paragraphs or less.  Sheesh.

Anyway, just being a dork.  Thought I'd say I can't be bothered to read
all that.  And I'm sure there are others here who agree.


john rigby wrote:
 Hi Todd  folks,
 Explaining value:
 How much money do you think charities would receive if the big numbers
 weren't tax deductible?
 Many years ago a friend of mine who thought he knew marketing ( was a famous
 expert) went into professional fund-raising. Lasted 3 months.
 Yet, it is the little people that DO make real charities work. They just
 don't have the money...
 BUT if you give them an option to buy something that is actually useful as
 well, they do, they do.
 Some genius in Oz many years ago came up with the idea of  the Lion's Club
 Xmas Cake. Even I used to buy a couple ..

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Re: [newbie] Which firewall?, small OT

2002-03-18 Thread FemmeFatale

As an aside, I know the site says SNF will NOT run on a 486.  However
its an 486sx * i think * compaq.  Now I have 78mb of ram in it, might be
able to put 128 in ... not sure.

Will the ram help or am I still fubared ? :)

Just thought I'd ask.


civileme wrote:

 Well, for standalones, there is smoothwall and also Mandrake SNF (single
 network firewall), but they are standalones, designed for a machine by
 themselves, one between your network and the internet.
 For a small firewall that will work directly on your machine, load
 Bastille (four modules) from the CD and run it, either
 Bastille-Interactive or the Tk version--the Tk is a GUI.
 If you are using multiple machines and can put one on your internet
 connection, SNF is hard to beat.  You install it on one machine and
 configure it using a web browser from another machine.
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Re: [newbie] 8.2 Blackbox logout problem

2002-03-18 Thread Miark

Session  WindowManagers  Exit


On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 09:01:32 -0500 (EST), Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke 

 I don't know if I should submit this as a bug report or not, but has 
 anyone else noticed that on the menu on blackbox (where you right click to 
 get a floating menu), it no longer has the Exit (logout) option at the 
 bottom? Now to get out of it, I have to Cntl-Alt-Backspace. Is there a 
 better way of doing this?
 registered linux user #190719
 ICQ #56469198

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Re: [newbie] Connection sharing reconfiguration.

2002-03-18 Thread FemmeFatale

OK I have bastille installed... now how to I use this interactive setup

Haven't looked for it, not knowing where to just point  i'll


Brian Parish wrote:
 The easiest way to fix this is to install a proper firewall setup, which
 is a good move anyway.  I found that this went away after I installed
 Interactive Bastille.  Somewhere in the default network setup on LM, IP
 forwarding gets turned off, probably by the default firewall.  If you
 set up a firewall intentionally, and specify that IP forwarding is to be
 allowed, this problem is bypassed.
 There are many firewalls to choose from, but if you just want to share
 your internet connection and keep the black hats out, Interactive
 Bastille is easy and teaches you some stuff along the way.  (It's on
 your distro CDs).
 gShield has also been mentioned as an exceptionally easy one to set up,
 but I haven't tried that personally.

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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-18 Thread Jose Mirles

On Monday 18 March 2002 07:36, you wrote:
 One thing I don't understand is how people have interpreted
 Mandrakesoft's request for people to join the Mandrake Club as a plea for
 charity to keep an ailing company afloat. It is no such thing. The
 Mandrakesoft web page clearly shows Mandrake's financial details (as a
 public company, this is mandatory). They expect a profit by the end of
 the year, but at their current cash burn rate (which isn't extravagant,
 BTW) they can't do so without making some redundancies. This is how I
 interpreted the press release:

 While we are on track to post a profit by year-end, this cannot
 currently be done without losing some valuable employees. These members
 have made a substantial contribution towards the development of free
 software both within and outside of Mandrakesoft, and we would like to
 continue sponsoring them so that they can continue this fine work. To
 achieve this, we kindly request that Mandrake users join the Mandrake
 Club ( A standard Mandrake Club membership
 only costs $US5 a month and offers supurb value for money
 ( In addition to these benefits, you
 will be helping to support the continued development of the best
 GNU/Linux distribution around.

I like the way you phrased it better. It makes a lot of sense.

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Re: [newbie] File size limit exceeded

2002-03-18 Thread civileme

Dr Joe Brand wrote:


 I mucked something up when trying to setup Bastille firewall.  I used 
 InteractiveBastille, there were a lot of questions.  I answered all 
 the best I could.

 Here's whats happening:  Now when I try to su - and enter the passwd, 
 I get the File size limit exceeded.  How can I fix this?


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Boot and escape the regular LILO/GRUB menu and

linux single

That will get you up without the firewall and logged in as root in a 

Now go to /etv/security/limits.conf and see the file size limit line and 
change it to 400 or something even more obscene.  There is a 
spurious /tmp file geerated in going to root via su in the earlier 
kernels which is very large but does not actually exist.  Anyway, the 
file size limit catches it and gigs you.

Oh yes, you will need to use a text-based editor, emacs or vi, or jed, 
joe, pico or nano if you have them installed.


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Re: [newbie] Postfix error message

2002-03-18 Thread Daniel Chen

Thank you for your help. I did check the diskspace and it has plenty of
space available. However, I figured out the problem and I would like to
share with everybody here.

Two days ago I install a guestbook cgi in my Apache web server. One
thing I did not know is that every time when someone signed the
guestbook, it will sent a notice email to the web master I set up in the
Apache setting. The way it send the email is put a message in
/var/spool/postfix/maildrop Unfortunately, this folder is not own by
Apache and it did not allow world to write in the directory. So, how do
I solve the problem? I change the permission to world writable. I know
it probably is not a good idea for security reason, so I am looking if
any of you expert can give me some advice.


 Daniel Chen wrote:
  These messages repeated almost 1000 times in my syslog. It made paranoid.
  Can anybody tell me what may go wrong with my Postfix? Thank you!
 Well, I guess almost anything can go wrong with Postfix ;-).  However,
 with no real knowledge of Postfix, the first thing I'd do is check your
 diskspace -- have any partitions filled up recently, especially in /var?
 Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Willing to run Dragon Plus MB

2002-03-18 Thread FemmeFatale

Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas wrote:

 FWIW === This I don't know yet! What does it mean?

For What Its Worth.  Sort of like saying, In my opinion  it may not be
worth much...

 My concern on cooling is not only on the cpu itself but, as we've just got
 thru a compulsory energy saving period (in Brazil we had a quota of
 Kwats/month plus fine and 48 hours without power at all on the second
 notice!!!), so air conditioning... just for keeping the dust ;-(.
 It happened once... so it can happen again!
 So the cooling should be to provide ventilation enough to keep things
 under control

Get a server case  add Internal fans *a couple of good ones that
provide airflow will do, 80 mm is fine.*

If you need a decent airflow design ideas/examples I can post some links
if you like.



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Re: [newbie] Postfix error message

2002-03-18 Thread Miark

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 19:59:48 -0500, Daniel Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 Two days ago I install a guestbook cgi in my Apache web server. One
 thing I did not know is that every time when someone signed the
 guestbook, it will sent a notice email to the web master I set up in the
 Apache setting. The way it send the email is put a message in
 /var/spool/postfix/maildrop Unfortunately, this folder is not own by
 Apache and it did not allow world to write in the directory. 

How, more specifically, is Apache trying to put messages in there?


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Re: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-18 Thread FemmeFatale

Roger Sherman wrote:
well IMO  I've built several PC's you have a definite problem.

If I may ask, is that the old case  Powersupply that came with it?

I know you said you swapped PW's, big is that PW?  250 watts
won't cut it.  Get the biggest you can afford  this is one area in PC's
where more $ usually means better hardware.  Powersupplies that are
crappy also weigh less.  If you can, take 2 that are the same output 
stuff.  Put one in one hand, the other in the other hand.  Weigh them. 
The heavier one is the better one.  Why? Because they don't use cheap
electronics, more fans  more circuit board stuff.

I would recommend a 350 watt PS minimum.  Preferably one that will clean
the input electricity too.  It helps a helluva lot.

Other than that, I take it cooling isn't an issue?  Do you have 2 case
fans at least in there ?  One on the Hard drives  one at the back
letting air out help.  *Not expensive, maybe $10 tops for 2 or 3 of


 Now, I've tried several things to fix the problem - a friend told me the
 symptoms are indicative of a hardware incompatability, so I changed the
 HD, the CD-ROM (which is why I have the DVD player in there - I originally
 had a Plextor CD-RW), the power supply, and I took out the SoundBlaster
 and nic card (a linksys nic), although I put those two back in, since it
 didn't seem to make a difference. I also tried disconnecting the floppy
 Before I replaced the HD and CD-RW, they effectively stopped working with
 this PC, and I'm worried what's currently in there will stop working as
 well, as every time I make a change, things seem to get a little better,
 but never really work right, and then things degenerate. I don't have
 anything else I can swap into this box, so if it continues to degenerate
 with the current config, I'll have to stop using it until I can afford to
 take it to a PC doctor.
 Again, sorry for the OT post, but any help anyone can offer would be
 hugely appreciated.
 registered linux user #190719
 ICQ #56469198
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Re: [newbie] In a world of geeks......... :-)

2002-03-18 Thread Olly P

On Sunday 17 March 2002 22:00, John R typed:

 The cute thing is enormous! Looks great! Needs an already installed
 WORKING Linux to even read the Manual !!!
 Ha Ha Ha Ha..sigh-
Monday 18 March 2002 -- 18:15hrs cst

Look around some more John...there is a copy of rute for download in 
PDF form that you can read in MS windows with the adobe reader...I have 
a copy someplace in one of my defunct ms systems...but I remember 
reading it in ms..


Olly P. Biloxi Mississippi  Linux MDK 8.0 and
2.4.3-20 mdk Kmail 2.1.1
ATX Plll 600mhz Asus CUBX ...384m PC133ram

Mon Mar 18 18:19:55 EST 2002

  6:19pm  up 8 days, 15:21,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.01

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[newbie] SCSI dialog box problem Linux-Mandrake 7.2

2002-03-18 Thread Joel G. Viney

Hi There,
I'm installing Linux Mandrake 7.2 from CD.  I get to the Setup Filesystems 
section.  A dialog box pops up asking Do you have any SCSI Interface?  I 
do not so I click No.  The dialog box keeps popping up and I can't get 
past it.

I'm installing it on a P-II 233mhz machine w/ 295MB of RAM.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

-   Qualcomm, Eudora Mail Pro 5.1   -
ICQ: 5512737   AIM: LdEaldred
Federal Way, WA
Hans   1957 VW Karmann Ghia
Wolfgang 1971 VW Westfalia Camper  Der Krieglastwagen
Goro1995 Nissan Pickup
The voice of God, if you really want to know, is Aretha Franklin.
Marianne Faithful
Want cheap long distance calling?
Try 10 - 10 - Pi
The more digits you dial, the greater the savings!!

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Re: [newbie] stopped jobs

2002-03-18 Thread Damian

El lun, 18-03-2002 a las 18:27, David escribió:
 When I attempt to run a kill %PID on a stopped job, nothing happens.  I
 get no error, but a ps x |more shows the job still there.  What can I do
 about this?  
 How can I restart the job again?  

usually this means that you have no permissions to kill/restart that
 process. su to root and try again.



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Re: [newbie] Which firewall?, small OT

2002-03-18 Thread civileme

FemmeFatale wrote:

As an aside, I know the site says SNF will NOT run on a 486.  However
its an 486sx * i think * compaq.  Now I have 78mb of ram in it, might be
able to put 128 in ... not sure.

Will the ram help or am I still fubared ? :)

Just thought I'd ask.


civileme wrote:

Well, for standalones, there is smoothwall and also Mandrake SNF (single
network firewall), but they are standalones, designed for a machine by
themselves, one between your network and the internet.

For a small firewall that will work directly on your machine, load
Bastille (four modules) from the CD and run it, either
Bastille-Interactive or the Tk version--the Tk is a GUI.

If you are using multiple machines and can put one on your internet
connection, SNF is hard to beat.  You install it on one machine and
configure it using a web browser from another machine.


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Ummm, well SNF is available as source as well--easy to compile for 486 
if you like.  


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Re: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish

2002-03-18 Thread Damian

El dom, 17-03-2002 a las 13:45, jquandt3 escribió:
 Well, I have the same problem on occasion.  I cannot say if it is related to
 being online since I have a cable connection, but RAM is not my problem.  I
 have 512 MB DDR and my system never touches the swap file.  I intentionally
 tried to make it hit the swap file and had a hard time getting it below 150
 Similar symptoms to the previous message.  Everything slows down to a crawl
 until reboot.  it takes 2 mins for the clock icon to leave a program opening
 in KDE and then it may not actually pop up for another 30 sec to 1 min.
 Even if I just want to open a terminal.
 It does not seem to be related to length of logon time, as it has occurred
 soon after a reboot and after several hours.
 - Original Message -
 From: Gerald Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 2:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish
  On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, cervix couch wrote:
   I've been having a problem in Linux and I have no idea where to look for
 the culprit.
   My problem is that, periodically, while I'm online (and only when I'm
 online), the system will get extremely sluggish to the point where I usually
 have to power down and reboot.
   When this happens, there are sounds like there's a lot of hard disk
 activity going on and it never stops.
   I've tried unplugging the modem, but it doesn't do any good.
   Does anyone know why this happens?
  You need more RAM
  Linux is trying to run swapping everything back and forth to the hard
  Gerald Waugh

i may have a penny to add to this thread. but before i start babbling, i
a question for everyone getting a sluggish system after a while.

are you all running KDE?

see ya.


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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake - real world style

2002-03-18 Thread john rigby

Hi Sridhar and folks again,

You are actually selling my case, again, my friend.
Everybody and his dog have already tried to make this unworkable thing go
and there has been a 100% failure. Look around.

Now look at Microsoft.
A company flogging a set of products that even the front-end user has become
enraged with and they are about to REALLY sock it to us.. ME and
my millions of non-geek compatriots.
What are our real world choices?
1. Stay and be . you-know-what-ed

2. Go to the Fruit? ... An absurd but very successful Religion built
on the most atrocious lies. BUT great Advertising/PR.  ( Great margins for
the resellers, too who sorta illegally, in my opinion for most countries,
agree not show them against anything else!) Amazing over-pricing. They could
if they wanted, quadruple their marketshare, but who wants to?? It would
mean cutting margins - poo to that!

3. The *X world. Now, the big corporate users are well catered for - even
Bill's Billions haven't help him make a dent there. He just hasn't got the
product and knows it, but he knows that the IT world is dumbing down,

So that leaves the small business person and the domestic user.
There is not a single, sensible product out there oriented toward the needs
of the 90 million and the 300 million in the wings.
I know because I and many, many people I know are still there, still trying.
AND that is not even the highly experienced group I'm talking about - people
like me who can not even understand the Manual. (Even though it has little
to do with the actual product or components of the moment)

Until somebody who understands PL Statements and can write them a Business
Plan does so, the future of Mandrake is decidedly grim. I will take bets on
it -sadly.

I want it to work, but 30 years of international business experience- many
as a last chance consultant - tells me that this future is clear. Simple

Folks, skip the rhetoric, the Religious fervour,  give me some hope based on
some sensible numbers. What we need are some Cost Accountants here...


Him Again
Still with time on his hands - the last attempt at installing M8.0 fell over
yesterday on my techo friends machine, too.

- Original Message -
From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake - real world style

 You seem to be applying closed-source pricing policies to something that
is free
 (as in speech). Why would one pay $100 for a Mandrake server when the
source is
 free? Someone can compile this source code and bingo: free (as in speech
and in
 beer) Mandrake, which can be legally distributed to millions of people.
 Otherwise, they could just download Debian or Red Hat. Sure, Mandrake
could make
 proprietary aplications like Suse does (and note that Suse is in financial
 difficulty while Red Hat isn't), but that would destroy Mandrakesoft's
 reputation in the GNU/Linux community. Mandrakesoft is a free software
 through to the core. In this way it is almost like Debian, and it is the
 principal reason why myself and many others like the company. Estranging
 developer community would just create a slow-developing and unpopular
 like Caldera OpenLinux (which used to be amongst the most popular).

 I like Mandrake. I respect Mandrakesoft. But if they move to a restrictive
 pricing policy like that of Suse or Caldera, I will switch to a free (as
 speech) distro like Debian or Gentoo.

 On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 15:46:14 +1000, john rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Todd  folks,
  Explaining value:
  How much money do you think charities would receive if the big numbers
  weren't tax deductible?
  Many years ago a friend of mine who thought he knew marketing ( was a
  expert) went into professional fund-raising. Lasted 3 months.
  Yet, it is the little people that DO make real charities work. They just
  don't have the money...
  BUT if you give them an option to buy something that is actually useful
  well, they do, they do.
  Some genius in Oz many years ago came up with the idea of  the Lion's
  Xmas Cake. Even I used to buy a couple ..
  I don't even believe in Free Trials. I believe in guarantees. Moneyback
  ones. Who could run a business today without them? In most civilised
  countries they are mandatory.
  If *anyone* could download a *demo* of  Mandrake, that too is different.
  THAT would be very smart.  AND small.  It would have to demo a full
  replacement for THAT other one's suite - that's all.
  That's all means just that.
  Not one in a million - literally- of the potential users out there would
  even ever know what a Server was. Would ever use the utils.
  For true Geeks, the legion of Masochists who like developing\getting
  by these things, by all means they should be able to play with kernels

Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-18 Thread civileme

john rigby wrote:

Hi Sridhar  folks,
Unfortunately this whole thing is enough for me to almost rest my case!
Mandrake seems to be composed of nice people - Geeks one and all.
There are certainly no people from the hard world there.

This Company doesn't even have the excuse that its owners shot through
with the money and bought a few corporate jets!
It has actually being trying to make a good product!  Like a good
mouse-trap. It won't happen. It can't win.
Otherwise it would be at least making a decent wage for its seemingly
fanatical employees!

All the corporation needs to do is get some marketing nouse in to the
My friend who sells those monstrocities called Apple told me the other day
he cannot believe it. He is making money hand over fist from them - and they
are like Lemmings. They actually *bring* their mothers and sisters and
Ministers into his shop.
He has a Network system hidden out the back - because it is running on 25%
of the cost PC's and Linux -one expensive(!) Apple terminalout front to
show the big world of the Internet.

Works for some. this idea of making money as well.



OK enough pontification.

The fact is that your solution is untenable.  The only assets a software 
companyy has are its people.  The people at Mandrake make the company, 
and the fact that they are part of alinux community seems to have 
escaped you.

Do you really expect to pull an apple off a grape vine?  Mandrakesoft 
would have to be changed down to the roots to make what you suggest 
happen, and then without the authors of the tools, they would have to 
pick up and go on.

So start your own company and see if you can find engineers who will 
take the -free- Mandrakesoft product and make it closed source.  And 
best of luck to you.  I won't help, and I doubt if you will find a 
handful of people associated with the Mandrakesoft effort who will.


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Re: [newbie] Higher priority for XMMS

2002-03-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

The nice scale consists of all the integers running between -20 and 20,
inclusive. Lower numbers have a higher priority in the system scheduler. By
default, all applications run with a nice value of 0. An ordinary user is able
to 'nice' to any value = 0. Anything below zero is only accessible by a root
user. This means that an ordinary user who wants to allocate more CPU time to a
process must reduce the priority of their other running processes. This system
is in place to prevent a user from monopolising system resources.

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 13:22:53 -, FLYNN, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I don't think so - any user can nice their own running tasks so nicer
 nice values (i.e. any user can say, this program I am running, it's low
 priority so don't spend too much effort on running it for me) but only root
 has the power to do the opposite (i.e. lower the nice value to make the
 scheduler spend more time on this piece of code).
  -Original Message-
  From:   Nelson Bartley [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Sunday, March 17, 2002 5:58 PM
  To: LM Newbie Mailing List
  Subject:RE: [newbie] Higher priority for XMMS
  so there is no way to give a higher priority to the program from
  within a non-root account?
  On Sun, 2002-03-17 at 10:36, FLYNN, Steve wrote:
   You can 'nice' the task, to a lower value to give it more cpu cycles.
   However, to do so, you will have to be root anyway. It's easy enough to
   with the sudo command though...
 -Original Message-
 From:   Nelson Bartley [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent:   Sunday, March 17, 2002 3:29 PM
 To: LM Newbie Mailing List
 Subject:[newbie] Higher priority for XMMS
 I've got a question..
 I've been finding that XMMS is skipping a lot on my system. Not
 my system isn't fast, but rather because I've got ALOT of things
 on on it. (folding, evolution, gaim, gkrellm, mozilla, kdevelop,
 gnomeicu, etc...) I was wondering if it were posible to give XMMS a
 higher priority (like say realtime)?
 (and yes I realize I can log in as root and run the app, but that is
 very annoying)
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 Member of the Association of British Insurers.
 For further Enquires 01603 622200 

Sridhar Dhanapalan

It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our
air and water that are doing it. -- Governor George W. Bush, Jr.

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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake - real world style

2002-03-18 Thread Todd Slater

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 17:41:03 -0700
FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have ADD, please keep your posts to 2 paragraphs or less.  Sheesh.
 Anyway, just being a dork.  Thought I'd say I can't be bothered to read
 all that.  And I'm sure there are others here who agree.

I agree! I'm thinking we need a mandrake-business-strategies or
mandrake-business-plan discussion list, which I would be the first not to
join ;-)

Todd Slater
Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers. My
opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them. There's many a
bestseller that could have been prevented by a good teacher. (Flannery

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Re: [newbie] how to create a logout message?

2002-03-18 Thread Todd Slater

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 12:17:01 +0200
Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Todd,
  Todd Slater wrote:
  I have edited the file /etc/profile so that users get a message when
  logging in. What file would I edit so that all users receive a bye-bye
  message when they log out? I can do it per individual user, but is
  there a universal file like /etc/profile?
 I would also be interested if someone gave you a solution or you managed
 to find out howto.

I have not found out how to do this on a system-wide basis yet. I searched
for a little bit, then got tired and forgot about it. Perhaps I'll
investigate more later on.


Todd Slater
If the Aborigine drafted an I.Q. test, all of Western civilization would
presumably flunk it. (Stanley Garn)

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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-18 Thread civileme

Mandrake Newbie wrote:

Hello Linux gurus,

Is it okay to put up a firewall, router and proxy servers/packages, all in one 
computer?  Can you give me your recommended packages and what's their individual use, 
for this kind of setup?  Also, can you give your how-to's in setting up this kind 
of setup?

Thank you in advance.

God bless you all...

Just a newbie...


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I have another suggestion Fix your system time.  I am getting 
letters before you mail them. (and after dealing with 37 inches of snow 
in 24 hours, I am likely to be mildly amused by that)


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[newbie] XSANE UMAX Astra 2000p

2002-03-18 Thread Carlos Arigós

I need some help here. After upgrading the kernel to 2.4.18-5mdk, my UMAX
Astra 2000p don't work at all. I only get the following message:

[root@localhost root]# scanimage --list -devices
[umax_pp_low] Found 0x18 expected 0x00  (umax_pp_low.c:4374)
[umax_pp_low] Unexpected value for for register 0x0D, expected 0x00 or 0x40,
got 0x18 ! (umax_pp_low.c:4445)
[umax_pp_low] EPPRegisterRead, found 0xFF expected 0x00
(umax_pp_low.c:4536)[umax_pp_low] *** It appears that EPP data transfer
doesn't work***
[umax_pp_low] *** Please read SETTING EPP section in sane-umax_pp.5 ***
Violación de segmento (Segmentation fault)

The BIOS config is set as sane-umax_pp.5 document recommend:
 EPP/1.7/378/IRQ7 Changing this to: EPP/1.9 or to ECP, or to NORMAL, or to
 ECP/EPP 1.7 ot to 1.9, give me the same error.

Any idea?


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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-18 Thread Dennis Myers

On Monday 18 March 2002 20:54, you wrote:
 john rigby wrote:
 Hi Sridhar  folks,
 Unfortunately this whole thing is enough for me to almost rest my case!
 Mandrake seems to be composed of nice people - Geeks one and all.
 There are certainly no people from the hard world there.
 This Company doesn't even have the excuse that its owners shot through
 with the money and bought a few corporate jets!
 It has actually being trying to make a good product!  Like a good
 mouse-trap. It won't happen. It can't win.
 Otherwise it would be at least making a decent wage for its seemingly
 fanatical employees!
 All the corporation needs to do is get some marketing nouse in to the
 My friend who sells those monstrocities called Apple told me the other day
 he cannot believe it. He is making money hand over fist from them - and
  they are like Lemmings. They actually *bring* their mothers and sisters
  and Ministers into his shop.
 He has a Network system hidden out the back - because it is running on 25%
 of the cost PC's and Linux -one expensive(!) Apple terminalout front to
 show the big world of the Internet.
 Works for some. this idea of making money as well.

 OK enough pontification.

 The fact is that your solution is untenable.  The only assets a software
 companyy has are its people.  The people at Mandrake make the company,
 and the fact that they are part of alinux community seems to have
 escaped you.

 Do you really expect to pull an apple off a grape vine?  Mandrakesoft
 would have to be changed down to the roots to make what you suggest
 happen, and then without the authors of the tools, they would have to
 pick up and go on.

 So start your own company and see if you can find engineers who will
 take the -free- Mandrakesoft product and make it closed source.  And
 best of luck to you.  I won't help, and I doubt if you will find a
 handful of people associated with the Mandrakesoft effort who will.

Never mind about the pontification Civileme. Mr. Rigby appears to be in 
marketing.  That says it all.  His mind set is for the masses and that is the 
same Mindset as M$.   Feed them BS and as long as it has a pretty bow on it 
and has been spayed with Deoderant it will sell  like hot cakes.  Sorry but I 
am up past my bed time, hard day at work and tired of hearing Sunday 
quarterbacks say it can't be done.  Needs must tell that to companies like 
Trane and Carrier who have taken the public domain mathematical formulas of 
thermodynamics and physics and massaged them, turned them into a very 
servicable product and made  a good living for a lot of people that way.  
Anyone can access the formulas and chemistry, physics etc of the product, 
making the product is the trick.  And IMHO Mandrakesoft is doing a damned 
fine job of making a product.  The competitors had a head start but 
Mandrakesoft is closing fast.  I have watched it mature since 6.0 and wow is 
it closing fast.  Hang tough MandrakeSoft team. 
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-18 Thread shane

On Monday 18 March 2002 19:50, Dennis Myers opened a hailing frequency and 

  john rigby wrote: way too much

 Never mind about the pontification Civileme. Mr. Rigby appears to be in
 marketing.  That says it all.  

lets just face that fact he 1) has no questions about mandrake or its 
workings that we can answer and 2) has no answers we want and simply not 
feed the troll.

If you can't make it good, at least make it look good. -Bill Gates, 1994

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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-18 Thread Pascal

john rigby wrote:



That must depend on what browser you use. Everything works fine here (with
on Mandrak 8.1 and on MacOS 9  X).


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[newbie] back orofice for unix flaw discovered in solaris and mandrake 8.0/8.1

2002-03-18 Thread mike cola

there is apparently a back orifice flaw in the way mandrake deals with remote X 
the report is here
the flaw and its solution are detailed here

apologies if this has already been posted


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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-18 Thread shane

On Monday 18 March 2002 20:15, Pascal opened a hailing frequency and 

 That must depend on what browser you use. Everything works fine here
 (with Netscape
 on Mandrak 8.1 and on MacOS 9  X).

and konq, and opera from kmail.

maybe it is just low quality MS programs that screw it up?  :-D

you can have peace or freedom, but never count on both at once -heinlein

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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-18 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 11:08, sda wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 11:36:50PM +1100, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  One thing I don't understand is how people have interpreted Mandrakesoft's
  request for people to join the Mandrake Club as a plea for charity to keep an
  ailing company afloat. It is no such thing. The Mandrakesoft web page clearly
  shows Mandrake's financial details (as a public company, this is mandatory).
  They expect a profit by the end of the year, but at their current cash burn rate
  (which isn't extravagant, BTW) they can't do so without making some
  redundancies. This is how I interpreted the press release:
 You seem to forget that Mandrake promised a profit the 1st quarter of
 this year. If you believe that `they're on track' you really are self
 delusional. A company that is on track to make a profit, doesn't hold
 out it's hand and plea for money. 

I believe that Sridhar's point was that they are NOT holding out their
hands with a plea, they are moving to a subscription model of
business; seems to me that YOU are the one that's delusional.  You're
just seeing what you want to see, or pushing an agenda that you want to
push.  It's already been stated elsewhere and here the details and
advantages of the business plan they have; you're just not reading.

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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake - real world style

2002-03-18 Thread shane

On Sunday 17 March 2002 19:53, Todd Slater opened a hailing frequency and 

  But, if Mandrake called in PayPals services and said:  $10 for the lot
  by download in bits. NO FREEBIES, it would work.

 I would never have downloaded and tried Mandrake if I had had to pay. I
 was not willing to pay anything to test it out. Now that it is my only OS
 at home,

yea verily sing praises and pass the plate brother!

i like suse almost as much as mandrake, but i loaded it once, and will 
never do so again.  damn difficult ftp installer rather than ISO's!  and it 
is still free, just harder to get to.  that cost them a customer.  i do not 
buy cars without test drives,  do not buy CD's until i have heard at least 
half the songs on them, and will not buy an OS i can't try first.  BUT, i 
happily buy cars i like after i try them, buy all the CD's from artists 
whos MP3's i file swaped and like enough to keep on my drive, and give lots 
of money to my favorite OS.

i think those who can not understand the mentality of the linux community, 
and expect them to pay for nothing, will not last long.  those who do 
understand will get paid if they build a good product.  call me polyanna.

 (I hope the young whipper-snappers out there still listen to Bobby D)

does 30 something make me a whipper snapper or an old goat?  i can never 
recall...  but i listen from time to time.

When you say 'I wrote a program that crashed Windows', people just stare 
at you blankly and say 'Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*'. - 
Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-18 Thread Roger Sherman

Hey Terry...

Yep, just did that. Stripped it down to the bare motherboard, reseated the 
CPU, RAM, vid card...reconnected the power switch, reset switch, etc. Then 
I tried starting it up, with basically nothing but the vid card attatched, 
and it still exhibited the same boot problem, so I guess I'm in the market 
for a new motherboard. I saw a couple Asus boards on the AMD recommended 
list that might do the job.

Anyone want to make some recommendations for boards that worked well for 
them? It needs to be a board recommended for an XP1800, that will accept 
DDR RAM, and no integrated sound or video...

On 18 Mar 2002, Terry Smith wrote:

 Sorry to hear about your troubles. I had some 'shutdown' problems with
 my new box also. Turned out to be a bad mobo (which has been replaced - 
 no problems since).
 One way of debugging these things is to 'simplify'. Disconnect all your
 peripherals - removable drives, keyboard, floppy, mouse, etc. -
 everything except the monitor and the boot drive. Does it boot and run?
 (Obviously you won't be able to do anything). Yes, start adding
 components and rebooting.
 No. Swap drives. Try again.
 No. Swap power supplies. Try again.
 Well I think you get the drift. Try to isolate the component that's
 causing the problem.
 Good luck.
 Terry Smith
 Cape Cod, USA
 On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 08:28, Roger Sherman wrote:
  Sorry to address this to the list, but I'm at my wits end, and it's either 
  this, or find a service center or something to fix this problem for me, 
  and after building this PC, I really don't have the money. 
  I built a PC about two 1/2 months ago (my first attempt at building a PC), 
  and I'm having a booting problem, and a problem with it freezing up, and 
  I'm hoping someone could help point me in the right direction, 
  troubleshooting wise.
  First of all, the system configuration:
  Abit KG-7 motherboard
  AMD 1800XP
  512 Meg DDR RAM
  ATI Radeon All-In-Wonder 32mg vid card
  SoundBlaster Live! 5.1 Platinum w/Live Drive
  60 gig Maxtor HD
  generic DVD/CDROM from my old PC, a Compaq presario (which is happily 
  gurgling along as a dedicated FTP server now)
  Now, it's got a boot problem that is baffling to me - to turn this PC on, 
  I have to press the start button, at which point it sounds like it's 
  starting up, the HD and all the fans start spinning, but I don't get the 
  beep that I get with a successful boot, and there's no video output. So, I 
  then have to turn the PC off, unplug it, and plug it back in - at which 
  point it will usually start up again.
  Now, I do mean it will start up again just from plugging it in - I don't 
  have to press the start button. But, sometimes I'll plug it in, and it 
  wont start, at which point I'll have to unplug it, then press start, and 
  it seems to discharge a little power. Then I plug it in again, and it will 
  start. Then I get the beep that it's booting correctly, and I get video 
  output and away we go.
  Now, I'd live with this problem, if it weren't for the system freezes. The 
  first time I turn the PC on each day, there is always a complete freeze of 
  the system - and I totally can't get it unfrozen, either by 
  Control-Alt-Backspace, or Alt-SysRq-r. My only recourse is to press and 
  hold the start button til it shuts down (with this box, you have to hold 
  the start button in for 5 seconds to shut it down, for some reason). Using 
  the reset button doesn't seem to work. 
  This system freeze can happen anywhere, too. Sometimes it'll happen when 
  Mandrake is actually starting up, once it even happened at a command line 
  login (it's set up to start at runlevel 3), but usually it happens about 2 
  - 3 minutes after the system is up and running...usually after I've 
  started X, and am checking my email.
  And I can't let it run all day - the PC actually works great once it gets 
  past the booting and system freeze problems (usually the system freeze 
  problem happens one or two times, and then the PC will run properly), but 
  if I get up and walk away for several hours, then come back, of course the 
  monitor will have gone into power save mode, and I jiggle the mouse to 
  wake it up, but at that point for some reason the PC will have stopped 
  giving video output, and I have to start the whole process over again.
  My ideal situation would be to just leave this PC running 24/7, but that 
  makes it impossible, obviously.
  Now, I've tried several things to fix the problem - a friend told me the 
  symptoms are indicative of a hardware incompatability, so I changed the 
  HD, the CD-ROM (which is why I have the DVD player in there - I originally 
  had a Plextor CD-RW), the power supply, and I took out the SoundBlaster 
  and nic card (a linksys nic), although I put those two back in, since it 
  didn't seem to make a difference. I also tried disconnecting the floppy 
  Before I replaced the HD and 

Re: [newbie] 8.2 Blackbox logout problem

2002-03-18 Thread Roger Sherman

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Miark wrote:

 Session  WindowManagers  Exit

Aha! Those slippery bastards...;-)

Thanks, Miark.

 On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 09:01:32 -0500 (EST), Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
spoke thusly:
  I don't know if I should submit this as a bug report or not, but has 
  anyone else noticed that on the menu on blackbox (where you right click to 
  get a floating menu), it no longer has the Exit (logout) option at the 
  bottom? Now to get out of it, I have to Cntl-Alt-Backspace. Is there a 
  better way of doing this?
  registered linux user #190719
  ICQ #56469198




registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-18 Thread Pascal

shane wrote:

 On Monday 18 March 2002 20:15, Pascal opened a hailing frequency and

  That must depend on what browser you use. Everything works fine here
  (with Netscape
  on Mandrak 8.1 and on MacOS 9  X).

 and konq, and opera from kmail.

 maybe it is just low quality MS programs that screw it up?  :-D

That's exactly what I meant!


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[newbie] Mandrake Update

2002-03-18 Thread Lee

When I try to add any source from the list of mirrors, I get an error An 
error occured when adding this source.  I have tried each source listed, 
Cooker and Security (anticipating comments) and got the same reply.

Is this an intended feature to keep me from screwing up my box again with 
needless upgrades?  Can I or should I fix it?

8.2Beta4 on AMD 1900
Cable connect is up

Registered Linux user #223705

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[newbie] supporting Mandrake

2002-03-18 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy

I don't understand all the fuss. Either give them a whopping $5 a 
month, or don't. I chose to. I've used Mandrake for a good while and I 
can spare the $5. It's like one less trip to McDonalds each month. I 
think I can handle it.

Jonathan Dlouhy
Tuesday, March 19, 2002

You're talking to someone who really 
 understands rock music  --Tipper Gore

Registered Linux user #264482  Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.1  

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RE: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-18 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 08:58, Roger Sherman wrote:

  I had a similar problem with my laptop after upgrading the RAM. Be sure that
  your RAM is fully and securely seated in their slots.
 Thanks Bill...I actually had to take a great deal of care with the 
 RAM...this board seems to be incredibly sensitive to how the RAM is 
 seated. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the problem.


I think Damian is on the right track with the RAM replacement approach. 
If you could get a known good ram module, you might be able to make
some progress in your diagnosis.

I assume that your bios is at it's defaults and you haven't make any
changes to the processor speeds (overclocking, etc).  ?



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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2002-03-18 Thread civileme

Lee wrote:

When I try to add any source from the list of mirrors, I get an error An 
error occured when adding this source.  I have tried each source listed, 
Cooker and Security (anticipating comments) and got the same reply.

Is this an intended feature to keep me from screwing up my box again with 
needless upgrades?  Can I or should I fix it?

8.2Beta4 on AMD 1900
Cable connect is up


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Nope tis a bug of Beta4 that was recognized as soon as the Beta hit the 
mirrors and updates were offere4d but only by DLing rpms from cooker.


P.S. 8.2 final is out and has no such problem

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RE: [newbie] Which firewall?

2002-03-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In windows you need a firewall software, in Linux you don't. Linux has IPTables which 
is built into the system/kernel if you have it installed. 'rpm -q iptables' will tell 
you if you have it installed. The firewall is different to Windows as much as the 
firewall is defined by a set of rules. You will need to understand a little about what 
services you need, port 110/pop3 etc. But with a basic setup you can 'drop' all 
inbound request unless the inbound traffic was initiated by a request from inside your 

I posted to either the newbie/expert list a couple of months ago a basic rules list 
explaining each section basically.

Other options are scripts which build the rules based on a number of questions you are 
asked. Options include 'Bastille project' but remember that the best firewall is the 
one where you wrote the rules.

Do not be put off by the thought of learning a little scripting, get the HOWTO on 
IPTables, look in the archive for these mailing lists, and put your own together. ;-)=

HTH, Dave

 Orinal Message:
Hi there:
Well thanks all of you guys for your answers about the WINE thing. I really didn't 
expect to learn about WINE so much in just one day. I went to the codeweavers website 
and downloaded the Demo version. It really works nice and it met my expectations. If 
I'm am going to learn Linux with this pace, I will definitely delete my windows 
partition soon.
I have another question. When I used to use Windows, I used a Firewall called Zone 
Alarm. It really was a fine product. It was freeware and it gave me the security that 
I needed. Now I want to use a firewall in Linux and I don't know what to use and how 
to use it. The best part about Zone Alarm was that it was very easy to setup and use. 
I have a dial up connection so I don't have a static IP address and zone alarm did 
provide the security that I needed ( It passed Steve Gibson's test at and 
that is all I need) I know that there are plenty of firewalls out there but they seem 
to be for experts. is there any easy to use firewall for Linux? if so where can I get 
it? again maybe a URL will help.
Linux registered user # 266090

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2002-03-18 Thread Lee

On Tuesday 19 March 2002 01:32 am, you wrote:
 Lee wrote:
 When I try to add any source from the list of mirrors, I get an error An
 error occured when adding this source.  I have tried each source listed,
 Cooker and Security (anticipating comments) and got the same reply.
 Is this an intended feature to keep me from screwing up my box again with
 needless upgrades?  Can I or should I fix it?
 8.2Beta4 on AMD 1900
 Cable connect is up
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 Nope tis a bug of Beta4 that was recognized as soon as the Beta hit the
 mirrors and updates were offere4d but only by DLing rpms from cooker.


 P.S. 8.2 final is out and has no such problem

Thanks Civileme,

8.2 Final, it is.  Hats off to the Mandrake Team.  Ya'll never cease to amaze 
me.  Beta4 installed with ease.  Should be a snap to upgrade from 

Registered Linux user #223705

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Re: [newbie] supporting Mandrake

2002-03-18 Thread Lee

On Tuesday 19 March 2002 01:06 am, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
 I don't understand all the fuss. Either give them a whopping $5 a
 month, or don't. I chose to. I've used Mandrake for a good while and I
 can spare the $5. It's like one less trip to McDonalds each month. I
 think I can handle it.


I'll second that.  Seems like the choice is simple.  Support a dynamic team 
of people dedicated to pushing our artform to science, or send your ransom to 

I don't do McDonalds though.  Guess I'll give up something else.


Registered Linux user #223705

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Re: [newbie] Which File system?

2002-03-18 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 21:12, civileme wrote:

 Ext2 I ran three times under each mode and came up with the same results 
 (nearly).  The one thsat others suggested to me as the fastest turned 
 out to be the slowest.
 Yes, i have run sledgehammer on IDE, on SCSI and on seven different 
 processors, including a PPro dual system running SMP.  The verdict is 
 that ext3 is slow, about 60-70% of ext2, while Reiserfs, XFS and ext2 
 are all comparable, and JFS is out in front except it takes more storage 
 and needs defragmentation as a separate process.

Your results with ext3 as compared against ext2 might explain somewhat
why I haven't noticed alot of difference, although not totally.  For one
thing, I still don't know what ext3 journaling mode you were using for
the tests.

For another thing, I also still don't know what the minimum size for XFS
filesystems are. 20 meg?  30? 40? I've looked, but have not been able to
find that information anywhere.  The reason I'm interested is because
I'm considering using XFS when I migrate my configuration/data to LM82. 
Your tests have me interested.

Concerning XFS minimum partition size...if you don't know, have you got
an idea of where to go to find out?

 Withint two weeks I will have my site back up and the timed version of 
 Filesystem Sledgehammer set up downloadable for everyone to try.  The 
 only caveat is that only Mandrake kernels really run XFS as it should be 
 run, because XFS does require some significant kernel changes.

Sounds like another feather in Mandrake's cap.I look forward to running the
benchmarks on this system. 

 And sorry about the postscript.  I was typing after a very long day.

No problem.  I am just grateful that *someone* is doing public
filesystem tests. So a heartfelt thanks is in order.

Best Regards,


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