Re: [newbie-it] Attivazione scheda audio

2002-04-03 Thread Andrea Celli

Luca wrote:

  In genere e` meglio mettere prima sistemi che NON supportano pnp
  tra le opzioni del BIOS o nobiospnp tra le opzioni/append del loader
  di Linux (lilo o grub).
  ciao, Andrea
 Ciao Andrea,
 scusami ancora l'ignoranza, ma qiali sono le opzioni/append di linux, cioè,
 in quale file devo metterci nobiospnp?

dipende, /etc/lilo.conf o /boot/grub/menu/lst a seconda se usi lilo o
o lavorando da drakxtool.
L'ho appena spiegato ad un altro sulla lista.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Attivazione scheda audio

2002-04-03 Thread Luigi De Pascale

 Ho installato sndconfig, ma mi dice che la mia scheda audio (ESS Tecnilogy
 Solo1) nn è ancora supportata!!! Possibile???
Sei sicuro che non ci sia un 1969 in giro?
La solo 1 e' un altra cosa ed e' supportata.
Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi _Gravi_ with -- MDK 8.2

2002-04-03 Thread Andrea Celli

 Ho scaricato Mandrake 8.2, ma le mie ISO sembrano avere problemi.
 Non appena lancio l'aggiornamento dei pacchetti o cerco di installare
 la nuova distro dopo la videata del partizionamento mi appare un errore
 sul mount del cdrom.
 Cosa fare ?

potrebbe essere un errore nel riconoscere il device cdrom.
A me gia` con la 8.1 dava problemi (montava il cd 1 volta su 4)
finche' non lo ho messo in emulazione scsi per farlo leggere
dal programma di masterizzazione.
Provate a avviare il CD d'installazione, dare subito F1 e poi
al promnpt di lilo, avviare con linux  hdX=ide-scsi
(con X corrispondente al vostro cdrom).
Non l'ho provata, ma potrebbe funzionare.

Oppure, lanciate l'installazione dal secondo CD e scegliete come
kernel d'installazione un 2.2.x

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] visualizzare partizione ntfs, floppy e cdrom

2002-04-03 Thread tom

Alle 18:39, martedì 2 aprile 2002, Alesk ha scritto:
 Ciao ragazzi!
 in una precedente  email avente come oggetto: Mandrake e winxp ho parlato 
 della impossibilità di visualizzare le partizioni in oggetto!
 Fabio, gentilmente mi ha detto di dare dei comandi:mount /mnt/windows
 e di verificare il mio /etc/fstab
 Ho notato che queste directory mancano del tutto...

Dubito che /etc/fastab ti manchi del tutto(se è questo che intendevi)
/windows è logico che ti manchivisto che non riesci a montarlo.
Vai in mandrake control center=hrdware=mout points
gurda un po dovresti trovare il mdo per farti montare la partizione
(è tutto con interfaccia grafica)

 Poi mi sono accorto che non legge nemmeno i cdrom (pero al momento 
 dell'avvio sono riconosciuti) ed il floppy!!

Qui bisogna sapere che cosa stai usandose lilo o grub
io uso grub.Se anke tu usi grub ti dovrebbe bastare l'aggiunta di nobiospnp 
dopo il nome del kernel in /boot/grub/
Se invece usi lilo chiedi a qualcuno ke sappia dove mettere le mani

 possibile che non posso essere pinguino???
no :)

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] visualizzare partizione ntfs, floppy e cdrom

2002-04-03 Thread tom

Alle 09:51, mercoledì 3 aprile 2002, Andrea Celli ha scritto:

 Per usare correttamente il masterizzatore, dovrai avere nelle
 stesse righe la scritta hdX=ide-scsi (con X opportuno)
 sia per il masterizzatore che per il cdrom.
 Poi vai in /etc, cancella /etc/cdrom e sostituiscilo con
 ln -s /dev/scdY /dev/cdrom
 dove Y sara` 0 o 1 a seconda se il cdrom viene prima o dopo 
 del masterizzatore
 ciao, Andrea

Scusa non mi ero accorto che ti avessero gia risposto
in maniera molto piu dettagliata di quanto non avessi fatto io.

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] Avvio Grafico mdk 8.2 che brutto!!!

2002-04-03 Thread legion

a parte le opinioni personali...qualcuno ha capito come si toglie
l'avvio grafico di mdk 8.2??
non è + aurora...è il framebuffer??

Re: [newbie-it] File Midi

2002-04-03 Thread nicola

Da un attento esame ciò che mi impedisce di togliere i pacchetti e una sola 
libreria, come si fa in questi casi?

[root@zero 2.4.8-26mdk]# rpm -e alsa-lib
error: removing these packages would break dependencies:   is needed by tuxracer-0.61-4mdk   is needed by Maelstrom-3.0.1-10mdk   is needed by nil-000516-9mdk   is needed by libarts2-2.2.1-5mdk   is needed by pingus-0.4.0-14mdk   is needed by glaxium-0.3d-1mdk   is needed by xmms-more-vis-plugins-1.4.0-3mdk   is needed by kdelibs-sound-2.2.1-5mdk   is needed by libsmpeg0.4-0.4.4-3mdk   is needed by libSDL_mixer1.2-1.2.0-3mdk   is needed by lbreakout-010315-4mdk   is needed by armagetron-   is needed by kdelibs-2.2.1-5mdk   is needed by libao2-0.8.0-3mdk   is needed by kdegames-2.2.1-1mdk   is needed by csmash-0.6.2-1mdk   is needed by libSDL_net1.2-1.2.2-1mdk   is needed by chromium-0.9.12-3mdk   is needed by nethack_falconseye-3.3.1_jtp_1.9-3mdk   is needed by arts-2.2.1-5mdk   is needed by glame-0.5.2-1mdk   is needed by kdemultimedia-2.2.1-2mdk   is needed by rocksndiamonds-2.0.0-4mdk   is needed by gltron-0.59-10mdk   is needed by xmmp-   is needed by libSDL1.2-1.2.2-1mdk   is needed by mures-0.4-2mdk   is needed by ltris-010310-3mdk   is needed by libSDL_image1.2-1.2.0-2mdk   is needed by xmms-smpeg-0.3.4-4mdk   is needed by kdebase-2.2.1-7mdk   is needed by freecraft-1.17-2mdk   is needed by freeamp-2.1.0-2mdk   is needed by prboom-2.2.1-1mdk   is needed by icebreaker-1.2.1-2mdk   is needed by gemdropx-0.7-7mdk   is needed by heroes-0.12-2mdk   is needed by bobobot-0-8mdk.preview3   is needed by circuslinux-1.0.1-6mdk   is needed by defendguin-0.0.6-7mdk   is needed by prboom-gl-2.2.1-1mdk   is needed by AlephOne-0.12.0-0.1mdk   is needed by abuse_sdl-0.4.8-3mdk   is needed by bumprace-1.42-3mdk

Grazie Nicola

Re: [newbie-it] File Midi

2002-04-03 Thread nicola

Alle 17:26, lunedì 1 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 On Fri, 29 Mar 2002 21:32:02 +0100

 nicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Scusa, ma ho cercato di raggiungere gli archivi della lista ma senza
  successo, capito sempre in quelli in lingua inglese, eppure una volta
  ci sono riuscito, non capisco cosa sbaglio, qualche suggerimento?

 Cerchero' di riassumere i passi da fare, sperando di non tralasciare
 qualcosa.. Prima di tutto lascia perdere i driver che installa mdk
 che sono della serie 0.5.x (stable) e procurati dal sito di alsa i
 0.9.0beta10 (NON prendere i beta12 che sono per il kernel 2.5, segui il
 link Download e trova i beta10). Devi scaricare i driver, le libs e le
 utils e compilarli in questo stesso ordine, dopo aver scompattato i
 sorgenti con tar xvfy(j). Nella dir dei driver dai questi comandi:
 ./configure --with-cards=emu10k1
 make install

 in quella delle libs e utils solo:
 make install

 Dopodiche' copia/incolla questa pappardella nel tuo /etc/modules.conf
 # ALSA portion
 alias char-major-116 snd
 options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1
 alias snd-card-0 snd-card-emu10k1
 options snd-card-emu10k1 snd_index=0 snd_id=SBlive
 post-install snd-card-emu10k1 alsactl restore
 #alias midi snd-synth-emu10k1
 #below snd-seq-oss snd-synth-emu10k1
 #post-install snd-synth-emu10k1 /usr/bin/sfxload
 /usr/share/sfbank/8mbgmsfx.sf2; alsactl restore #pre-remove
 snd-synth-emu10k1 alsactl store

 # OSS/Free portion
 alias char-major-14 soundcore
 alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
 alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
 alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
 alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
 alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
 alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

 IMPORTANTE! commenta il riferimento al driver oss che probabilmente stai
 usando, una riga del tipo alias sound emu10k1 o simile.
 IMPORTANTE2! nel kernel deve essere incluso solamente il supporto generico
 per il suono (soundcore) e nessun altro driver (ovviamente che NON sia
 modulo); se non l' hai ricompilato ed usi quello della distro dovrebbe
 andare bene. A questo punto riavvia il pc, poi apri un terminale e dai il
 comando alsamixer, regola tutti i livelli (che saranno a zero) ed esci.
 Poi da root dai il comando alsactl store per creare il file delle
 impostazioni del mixer, /etc/asound.state. Ora puoi provare se funziona con
 qualche mp3 o cd audio, controlla con lsmod che i moduli vengano caricati,
 se no prova con modprobe snd-emu10k1. Se arrivi fin qui sei gia' a buon
 punto, poi per i midi ne riparliamo (sono quelle 4 righe commentate nella
 #Alsa portion).
 Buon lavoro!

Grazie per questa esauriente risposta, ma nonostante tutto incappo in un 
errore nella ricompilazione dei driver alsa:

ALSA modules were successfully compiled.

mkdir -p /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/misc
rm -f /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/misc/snd*.o 
/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/misc/persist.o /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/misc/isapnp.o
cp modules/*.o /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/misc
/sbin/depmod -a
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/misc/snd-pcm-oss.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/misc/snd-pcm.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/misc/snd-rawmidi.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in 
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/misc/snd-seq-oss.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/misc/snd-seq.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/misc/snd.o
make: *** [install-modules] Error 1

Cosa devo fare? 

Ho notato alcuni warning del tipo:

card-pdplus.c:3092:2: warning: #warning This driver need to be ported to new 
card-pdplus.c:3142:2: warning: #warning This driver need to be ported to new 
card-pdplus.c:3167:2: warning: #warning This driver need to be ported to new 
card-pdplus.c:3196:2: warning: #warning The S/PDIF setup code needs to be 
card-pdplus.c:3272:2: warning: #warning This driver need to be ported to new 

e altri più minacciosi:

wavefront.c:353:9: warning: pasting ( and read timeout.\n does not give 
a valid preprocessing token
wavefront.c:367:9: warning: pasting ( and write timeout.\n does not 
give a valid preprocessing token
wavefront.c:398:9: warning: pasting ( and 0x%x [%s] (%d,%d,%d)\n does 
not give a valid preprocessing token
wavefront.c:403:17: warning: pasting ( and cannot request  does not 
give a valid preprocessing token
wavefront.c:410:17: warning: pasting ( and writing %d bytes  does not 
give a valid preprocessing token
wavefront.c:416:33: warning: pasting ( and bad write for byte  does not 
give a valid preprocessing tokenwavefront.c:422:25: warning: pasting ( and 
write[%d] = 0x%x\n does not give a valid preprocessing token 
wavefront.c:428:17: warning: pasting ( and reading %d ints  does not 
give a valid preprocessing token
wavefront.c:435:33: warning: pasting ( and bad read for byte  does not 

Re: [newbie-it] java

2002-04-03 Thread ENx

Nella variabile d'ambiente $PATH c'è il percorso completo dove è 
memorizzato l'eseguibile java?
Ciao ENx

Brunini Alessandro wrote:

Un saluto a tutti.

Mi dite come faccio a far capire a varie applicazioni (XNap o limewire
per esempio) che ho installato java?

Grazie e un saluto.

[newbie-it] MDK 8.2, dove?

2002-04-03 Thread Di Fresco Marco

Ciao a tutti,
leggendo i messaggi degli ultimi 2/3 giorni ho visto che varie persone hanno
provato a installare MDK 8.2? Vorrei sapere dove l'avete trovata: l'avete
comprata, trovavata in qualche cd di qualche rivista o la avete scarivata da


Di Fresco Marco

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Re: [newbie-it] visualizzare partizione ntfs, floppy e cdrom

2002-04-03 Thread Alesk ringrazio per le risposte!
Per la partizione ho provato un metodo, per me, + semplice anche se poco 
in pratica ho convertito una partizione dei dati in fat32 e poi ho 
reinstallato  Mandrake!
Ora, ovviamente, mi vede la partizione fat 32!
  per la visualizzazione del floppy e cdrom, devo ancora mettere in 
pratica  gli utili suggerimenti da voi dati!
Grazie Ancora!!

[newbie-it] speed touch usb manta

2002-04-03 Thread Claudio Duchi

salve ho istallato il modem speed touch usb manta
il modem parte
la connessione c'è
ma è lentissima
che fare ?
kernel 2.4.18

Re: [newbie-it] java

2002-04-03 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Il mer, 2002-04-03 alle 21:25, ENx ha scritto:
 Nella variabile d'ambiente $PATH c'è il percorso completo dove è 
 memorizzato l'eseguibile java?
 Ciao ENx

potresti essere un po' più chiaro... purtroppo questa è una cosa che non
ho mai capito. In pratica che cosa devo fare?

Grazie mille.

Un saluto.

[newbie-it] Problemi con l'audio

2002-04-03 Thread Luca

ho installato Mandrake 8.2 ma nn riesco a sentire l'audio (premetto ke lo
stesso problema lo avevo con la 8.1)
Io ho una Ess Solo1 ke viene vista e installata ma l'audio nn si sente, ho
provato a cambiare scheda ma mi dà errore!
Qualcuno sa come risolvere questo problema?
PS: Montata su un portatile Acer512

[newbie-it] Avvio grafico mdk 8.2

2002-04-03 Thread legion

qualcuno ha capito come #@## togliere quell'orribile avvio grafico?
non è + aurora...non è come prima...dove sta quel coso??
dai è brutto console rulez

si puo togliere del tutto il framebuffer,ma vorrei la console a
800x600... se dal lilo tolgo l'initrd si avvia subito
dice che non puo bootare il kernel..



Re: [newbie-it] Attivazione scheda audio

2002-04-03 Thread Luca

 Be' se e' una ESS Solo1 e' supportata senz'altro ... Puo' darsi che
 pero' il sistema abbia dei problemi a riconoscerla come tale.
 Effettivamente e' strano, ma, se sei sicuro di avere quel chipset,
 nel file /etc/modules.conf inserisci questa riga:
 alias sound-slot-0 esssolo1

 Prova poi a caricare il modulo esssolo1.o (con 'modprobe esssolo1').
 Casomai togli kudzu dai demoni caricati all'avvio [ad es. con

Il problema è ke anche sndconfig mi dice che è una ess solo1 e proprio lui
mi dice che nn è supportata, cmq proverò a mettere in atto quest'altro
consiglio :)
Ti ringrazio Luken, se potrò esserti utile in qualcosa contacci!
Ancora grazie
Ciao Luca

[newbie-it] mp3

2002-04-03 Thread Brunini Alessandro

qualcuno conosce un buon programma (Frontend) per la conversione da mp3
a wav?


Re: [newbie-it] Avvio grafico mdk 8.2

2002-04-03 Thread Renato

Il 20:51, lunedì 1 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 qualcuno ha capito come #@## togliere quell'orribile avvio grafico?
 non è + aurora...non è come prima...dove sta quel coso??
 dai è brutto console rulez

 si puo togliere del tutto il framebuffer,ma vorrei la console a
 800x600... se dal lilo tolgo l'initrd si avvia subito
 dice che non puo bootare il kernel..


se hai accesso al pannello di controllo della mandrake puoi disabilitare l' 
avvio grafico da li, senza mettere le mani su lilo.



Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con l'audio

2002-04-03 Thread Sandro

Alle 22:37, sabato 30 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 ho installato Mandrake 8.2 ma nn riesco a sentire l'audio (premetto ke lo
 stesso problema lo avevo con la 8.1)
 Io ho una Ess Solo1 ke viene vista e installata ma l'audio nn si sente, ho
 provato a cambiare scheda ma mi dà errore!
 Qualcuno sa come risolvere questo problema?
 PS: Montata su un portatile Acer512

Fino a poco tempo fa sul portatile (Acer 513T) avevo installata la rh7.2 e 
non c'era alcun problema, ha riconosciuto tutto (modem compreso - dopo aver 
installato i driver). La scheda audio dovrebbe essere la stessa.
Hai verificato (sembra una considerazione banale ma non si sa mai) che i 
volumi nel mixer non siano a zero?
Esistono dei documenti che fanno riferimento all'installazione su tali tipi 
di portatile, se vuoi te li mando in privato.
Fammi sapere.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] File Midi

2002-04-03 Thread Tommaso Leddi

Il 17:26, lunedì 1 aprile 2002, Sebastiano Cordiano scrisse:
 Cerchero' di riassumere i passi da fare, sperando di non tralasciare
 qualcosa.. Prima di tutto lascia perdere i driver che installa mdk
 che sono della serie 0.5.x (stable) e procurati dal sito di alsa i
 0.9.0beta10 (NON prendere i beta12 che sono per il kernel 2.5, segui il
 link Download e trova i beta10). 

Grazie Sebastiano, anche da parte mia. Finalmente comincio a capirci qualcosa.

 Devi scaricare i driver, le libs e le
 utils e compilarli in questo stesso ordine, dopo aver scompattato i
 sorgenti con tar xvfy(j). Nella dir dei driver dai questi comandi:
 ./configure --with-cards=emu10k1

Arrivato a questo punto, mi viene fuori questo messaggio:

  checking for directory with kernel source... /usr/src/linux
  checking for kernel version... The file
  /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h does not exist.
  Please, install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution
or use --with-kernel=dir option to specify another directory with kernel
sources (default is /usr/src/linux).

Mi sembrava di aver capito che non bisognava ricompilare il kernel, ma forse 
vuole avere lo stesso i sorgenti o almeno la struttura di directory. Ma i 
moduli dove sono? Sono spaesato, devo procurarmi i sorgenti del kernel che 
sto usando?

Ciao, e grazie ancora,

Re: [newbie-it] MDK 8.2, dove?

2002-04-03 Thread Andrea Celli

Di Fresco Marco wrote:
 Ciao a tutti,
 leggendo i messaggi degli ultimi 2/3 giorni ho visto che varie persone hanno
 provato a installare MDK 8.2? Vorrei sapere dove l'avete trovata: l'avete
 comprata, trovavata in qualche cd di qualche rivista o la avete scarivata da

presa da internet.

Se non hai un buon collegamento e hai fretta di averla, puoi cercare tra
vecchi messaggi di it.comp.os.linux.annunci. C'e` parecchia gente che 
spedisce a casa, per un prezzo ragionevole, i cd scaricati delle varie
distro. Se ne trovi uno della tua citta`, risparmi anche sulle spese
che, in percentuale, incidono parecchio. Senti anche il LUG piu` vicino
a te.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie] Greek Localization and True Type Fonts Problem!

2002-04-03 Thread Thanasis Koutras


I just installed Mandrake 8.2 on my PC with Greek locale from the scratch.
All went fine and I can see KDE 2.2.2 with Greek menus and fonts on the
XWindows. However, as the used fonts (misc-fixed I think) are not the best
thing you can have, I thought to import some really nice TTF from my Windows
partition using the Mandrake utility and all went well! The strange thing is
that even though the imported TTFs support Greek language (ISO8859-7 like
Tahoma or Verdana), when the Anti-Aliased check box is selected, the
imported Windows fonts do not appear anywhere in the combo boxes of the
Select Font tag in the KDE Control Center! On the contrary when the check
box is unselected, the fonts appear, but when I select Verdana or any other
TTF, I can't see Greek anymore but instead I see boxes!
Can anyone help me on this?


Thanasis Koutras

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[newbie] Problems with modem

2002-04-03 Thread christos Kouriniadis

To whom it may concern

My name is Christos and few days ago, I installed Mandrake 8.1. Although 
there was no problem with my modem (Conexant) every time I am trying to 
connect with internet, a message appears saying that the connection was 
failed because modem is busy.
I would be grateful if you could give me a hint of what is wrong.

Thank you,


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Re: [newbie] filesharing?

2002-04-03 Thread Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 6:41 am, - vom adi - wrote:
 hi everyone .

 there's one thing i miss , good filesharing tools . yes i know there is
 audiogalaxy and edonkey
 but couldn't get those to work . and like windows has
 kaaza/morpheus/grokster [my favs] linux hast
 giFT wich connectets to the same network , but can't get that one to
 work either !!!

 any suggestions

 compilled and installed the giFT deamon properly , and when i run it in
 the console there come hundreds of lines
 with nodes and files , to fast to read . but i think it works

 but now , how can i search for files . or : why don't those GUIs not
 i tried kift and giFTcurse both tell me they couldn't connect to the

  - keep the X in your system -

Well when you downloaded giFT  if you had read the homepage you would see 
that giFT is broken at the moment because kazaa who operate the FastTrack 
network used by Morpheus and grokster have deliberately locked them out. They 
are now busy creating a completely new filesharing network.

If you have been following developments at Morpheus recently, you will have 
heard that Morpheus and kazaa have had a disagreement, and now Morpheus are 
locked out of FastTrack too!

Morpheus have now adopted gnutella as their file sharing protocol, and 
gnutella is probably the best way for you to share files also.  There are 
several Linux gnutella clients. The best known is Limewire.  It is a java 
application, so you will need a working java environment.

good luck


(BTW: You will find on starting Limewire it does not find many files you 
search for at first. The searches get better and better the longer the client 
is running)

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[newbie] quickcam?

2002-04-03 Thread Anthony V Guillen

I have a web camera attached in my PC, I use this when I'm using windows, but I can't 
use this under Linux, is there any software available so that I can use my web camera 
in Linux.

Brand: Logitech QuickCam Express


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[newbie] Open Source Code

2002-04-03 Thread Anthony V Guillen

I'm a newbie in Linux, before anything else, I am not a programmer, or anything, I'm 
just curious in Linux.

I just wanted to know why is it called as an open source code OS? If it so, what 
programming language is use to compile the source code use in Linux? and another 
thing, where can I find the source code use in Linux?



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[newbie] FIDO - The grandaddy of the Movement.......

2002-04-03 Thread john rigby

Hi folks,
A number of people expressed interest in the early days of Pre-net when
FIDO happened. A wonderful example of what people can do together.  Here is
a good point to start if you are interested.
Of course, FIDO is rather horse-n-buggy today, but it was and is a miracle
for the poor.
It generated a camaraderie like that of the old Ham Radio Network and in
fact attracted many people from it.
It is a great story.



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Re: [newbie] Problem with ISP DNS address lookup

2002-04-03 Thread scout

Hi Gerald,

But if you run the KPPP setup
 there is a dialog  under the IP tab it has two selections
 Dynamic IP Address and static IP Address
 select Dynamic IP Address
 Then under the Gateway tab
 select Default Gateway
 and Assign the Default Route to this Gateway

 that should make it work automagically

It is already set this way, I guess somehow it is not working.
At least I have got this far, this email is from KMail rather than Outlook 
Express under Windows !

I'm open for suggestions or what anyone may have found to work here !

All the best.


On Wednesday 03 April 2002 12:23 pm, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 03 April 2002 04:16 pm, Robert Milne wrote:
  One question though (if you know !), whilst it works OK, why do I have to
  keep manually adding the route everytime I connect ppp ?  How can this be
  automated in kppp ?  Am I missing some basic setup information anywhere
  in KDE ?  Obviously as the DHCP allocated address changes everytime I
  can't put a permanent route in, but there must be someway to detect the
  local client address and create the route each time, maybe a script ? 
  After all I guess this is all windows does, and they worked it out !

 On a full-time Internet connection (static IP) /etc/sysconfig/network holds
 the gateway information.

 I haven't used ppp in a long time. But if you run the KPPP setup
 there is a dialog  under the IP tab it has two selections
 Dynamic IP Address and static IP Address
 select Dynamic IP Address
 Then under the Gateway tab
 select Default Gateway
 and Assign the Default Route to this Gateway

 that should make it work automagically

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Re: [newbie] Open Source Code

2002-04-03 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wed, 03 Apr 2002, Anthony V Guillen wrote:
 %_I'm a newbie in Linux, before anything else, I am not a programmer, or anything, 
I'm just curious in Linux.
 I just wanted to know why is it called as an open source code OS? If it so, what 
programming language is use to compile the source code use in Linux? and another 
thing, where can I find the source code use in Linux?
Most of the kernel is written in 'C'

Gerald Waugh
Front Street Networks LLC - 203-785-0699
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven CT, 06513-3203

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Re: [newbie] FTP site for RPMs

2002-04-03 Thread David Pfeffer

Thank you all for the FTP sites.  I will plug them into the software manager 
and get things up to date!  


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Re: [newbie] filesharing?

2002-04-03 Thread David Pfeffer

Another client to try is Lopster.  I am not sure if it works for Linux.  The 
URL is  It worked well when I was using 

You might also try TekNap,  The chat feature works 
really well and it is very handy for server administration.  I never really 
used it to share files, but I know that you can do so.

I hope this helps you out.


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Re: [newbie] Questions about some BIOS settings....

2002-04-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Femme wrote:

 AFAIK they should be OFF.  Apparently they are holdovers from DOS days when 
 it was necessary to cache some parts of memory b/c DOS couldn't do it 
 efficiently enough.
 For now, I believe all windows versions don't use or reference the bios at 
 I presume linux is the same.  However I know that those settings will slow 
 your computer in windows a lot if they are on.

Thanks Femme! I'm going to change those back and see what diff I get. I'm 
almost certain now that its what caused my recent Nvidia driver problems.



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Re: [newbie] Questions about some BIOS settings....

2002-04-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Tom Brinkman wrote:

  Google 'bios settings', you'll get plenty of links with 
 explainations.  For more concise/appropriate explaination, go to your 
 motherboard's web page, your bios' web page, or screen by screen 
 descriptions are probly also in your mobo's manual.
  Normally you shouldn't need or want to cache video or bios. 
 Before you make bios changes you should understand what they do and 
 why you would want to change from default.  It's also a very good 
 idea to know where the 'clear cosmos' (cmos) jumper is on your 
 motherboard and how to use it. Some don't have one, you'll need to 
 pull the battery for a few minutes. Some bios' can be cleared by 
 holding down a key during the boot proccess (eg, Insert). Clearing 
 the cosmos (bios) will revert to all defaults in case you happen to 
 make the system unbootable.

Hey Tom! Well, its not unbootable, I'm currently using it smile. I was just

wondering if that could be the culprit behind my recent Nvidia problems. On
reflection, it was the only change I made before reinstalling everything on
to my new 60 gig HD... Methinks I'll change it back.

Thanks for your input, and I'll look Google refs over, just to further me
poor education... ;-)



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Re: [newbie] Is it possible?

2002-04-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 Ron, how much trouble did you have with Diablo 2?  Cause I'm getting
 ready to load it plus TOB and the patches.  Just curious to know if you
 had any hiccups..

Not much problems at all. I had to change the config file in .transgaming 
though. It had some odd (to me) entry for the CD-ROM here. So I changed it to 
reflect my actual setup. With supermount not working here (I'm still with 8.1 
until I get my Mandrake 8.2 pre-order in), I did have to do some manual 
mount/umount stuff during CD swapping. No big deal though. I even ran the 
v1.09d upgrade patch and it worked fine. Note that now I'm fully and completely 
Microsoft free. I'm running all these games from Linux native partitions. I had 
one networking session with D2 lock up on me. I'm not sure why. Its only did it 
the one time.

PS Maybe the upcoming Winex 2.0 release will fix/cure some of the current
issues. Looks like they are adding lots... ;-)


No problem! ;-)



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[newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-03 Thread Blood Slap

I've been using Mandrake 8.1 for a while now, and 
just upgraded to 8.2. The installation went fine, but the first few times 
I tried logging on to KDE or Gnome, they would either freeze (forcing me to 
Crtl+Alt+Backspace), stop loading at the blue desktop, or freeze my entire 
machine forcing me to reset. I've tried booting to "Old Linux" in Lilo, 
but I have the same problems. Also, I have'nt had any major display 
problems with X before, but now whenever I play any 3D games (Tux Racer, 
GLTron), they are extremely choppy and unplayable. In the installation it 
detected my video card (ATI Rage 128) just like before, and I chose the newest 
version of X with 3D acceleration, which I think is the same I have been 

Re: [newbie] next one : divx

2002-04-03 Thread s

On Tuesday 02 April 2002 11:45 pm, you wrote:
 anyone got DivX properly to work ?

 i installed divx5 from the site . no problem
 but xmms doesn't automatically find the codec

 and i can't install xmps properly from rpm [1.3.1] , also i can't get
 the sourcecode [0.2]

 opendivx didn't work either

  - keep the X in your system -

I use mplayer too for everything included encrypted dvds and divx5.  This 
latest install was the easiest too.  Got it working the first time!  :)

here's the list of files I used: 
default.tar.bz2   - mplayer skin
divx4linux-20020304.tgz mplayer font
libdvdcss-0.0.3.ogle3-1.i686.rpm ditto

these can be found at the mplayer and the ogle site. and I used :
./configure --disable-gcc-checking --enable-gui --enable-sdl
to configure mplayer.


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AW: [newbie] next one : divx

2002-04-03 Thread - addy däudsch -

what's with mplayerxp ? better cpu performance as it says .. ?

 - keep the X in your system -

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von s
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. April 2002 16:26
Betreff: Re: [newbie] next one : divx

On Tuesday 02 April 2002 11:45 pm, you wrote:
 anyone got DivX properly to work ?

 i installed divx5 from the site . no problem
 but xmms doesn't automatically find the codec

 and i can't install xmps properly from rpm [1.3.1] , also i can't get 
 the sourcecode [0.2]

 opendivx didn't work either

  - keep the X in your system -

I use mplayer too for everything included encrypted dvds and divx5.
latest install was the easiest too.  Got it working the first time!  :)

here's the list of files I used: 
default.tar.bz2   - mplayer skin
divx4linux-20020304.tgz mplayer font
libdvdcss-0.0.3.ogle3-1.i686.rpm ditto

these can be found at the mplayer and the ogle site. and I used :
./configure --disable-gcc-checking --enable-gui --enable-sdl --enable-gl
to configure mplayer.


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AW: [newbie] next one : divx

2002-04-03 Thread - addy däudsch -

btw : why disable gcc-checking ?

it checked my gcc and said i should down/upgrade my version ... 

i compiled mplayerxp with that failure and at the end it didn't work ...

 - keep the X in your system -

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von s
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. April 2002 16:26
Betreff: Re: [newbie] next one : divx

On Tuesday 02 April 2002 11:45 pm, you wrote:
 anyone got DivX properly to work ?

 i installed divx5 from the site . no problem
 but xmms doesn't automatically find the codec

 and i can't install xmps properly from rpm [1.3.1] , also i can't get 
 the sourcecode [0.2]

 opendivx didn't work either

  - keep the X in your system -

I use mplayer too for everything included encrypted dvds and divx5.
latest install was the easiest too.  Got it working the first time!  :)

here's the list of files I used: 
default.tar.bz2   - mplayer skin
divx4linux-20020304.tgz mplayer font
libdvdcss-0.0.3.ogle3-1.i686.rpm ditto

these can be found at the mplayer and the ogle site. and I used :
./configure --disable-gcc-checking --enable-gui --enable-sdl --enable-gl
to configure mplayer.


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Re: [newbie] Removal from Mandrake Mail List

2002-04-03 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Tue, 02 Apr 2002, Skhumbuzo Mhlongo wrote:
 %_Hi All
 I need to be deleted from mandrake list please HELP

Gerald Waugh
Front Street Networks LLC - 203-785-0699
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven CT, 06513-3203

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[newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-03 Thread Blood Slap

I'd also like to add that KDE takes much longer to 
start up than it used to, and whenever I lock the screen in KDE, I can never get 
back with my password, when I know it's right and have tried it over and 
over. Also, the lock screen button in the Gnome toolbar does 

Re: [newbie] quickcam?

2002-04-03 Thread s

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 09:07 pm, you wrote:
 I have a web camera attached in my PC, I use this when I'm using windows,
 but I can't use this under Linux, is there any software available so that I
 can use my web camera in Linux.

 Brand: Logitech QuickCam Express

well, if it's an older one, there are modules included with mdk.  Here's a 
quick reference:

the only diff for 8.2 is you might want to put module needed in /etc/modules.

But if it's a newer one, you'll have to get the newest quickcam drivers off 
their cvs site.   Mine works with them, but I only get what is reported as 1 
frame per second under cqcam.  Gnomemeeting looks like it's doing a little 
better.  Good luck and keep us posted.  My drivers are a couple of weeks old, 
if your does better than 1 fps, let me know.


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Re: AW: [newbie] next one : divx

2002-04-03 Thread s

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 08:38 am, you wrote:
 btw : why disable gcc-checking ?

 it checked my gcc and said i should down/upgrade my version ...

 i compiled mplayerxp with that failure and at the end it didn't work ...

  - keep the X in your system -

Well, I haven't used the xp version.  I had just gotten the main branch 
working when they did this forking thing.  So...  I have to disable gcc check 
because it didn't want to compile with version that's default on mandrake.  
The authors think it's goofed up, so they stick in that failure and don't 
support mplayer if you disable gcc checking.  

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Re: [newbie] quickcam?

2002-04-03 Thread s

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 08:48 am, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 03 April 2002 09:07 pm, you wrote:
  I have a web camera attached in my PC, I use this when I'm using windows,

  Brand: Logitech QuickCam Express

 But if it's a newer one, you'll have to get the newest quickcam drivers off
 their cvs site.   

oh, here's that quickcam site:


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Re: [newbie] Problems with modem

2002-04-03 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 11:32, you wrote:
 To whom it may concern

 My name is Christos and few days ago, I installed Mandrake 8.1. Although
 there was no problem with my modem (Conexant) every time I am trying to
 connect with internet, a message appears saying that the connection was
 failed because modem is busy.
 I would be grateful if you could give me a hint of what is wrong.

 Thank you,


Probably an IRQ - conflict.

Kaj Haulrich

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[newbie] XMMS Bookmarks (Favorites)???

2002-04-03 Thread Al Foders

I am familiar with Winamp for Windows' Bookmarks
feature.  Is there a similar way to store and retrieve
bookmarks (favorites) in XMMS?

Thank you very much.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

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Re: [newbie] Problems with modem

2002-04-03 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 09:43 am, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Wednesday 03 April 2002 11:32, you wrote:
  My name is Christos and few days ago, I installed Mandrake 8.1.
  Although there was no problem with my modem (Conexant) every time
  I am trying to connect with internet, a message appears saying
  that the connection was failed because modem is busy.
  I would be grateful if you could give me a hint of what is wrong.

 Probably an IRQ - conflict.

   Most likely a fake modem (ie, aka winmodem).  To make sure, visit
   and view the entire table (database) at

   Since it appears there's no 'linmodem' drivers for most all 
Conexant junk, Christos will probly need to get a real modem.  Probly 
the better idea since winmodems suck even with Winblows, even worse 
with lin-drivers.
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Problems with modem

2002-04-03 Thread Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 4:43 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Wednesday 03 April 2002 11:32, you wrote:
  To whom it may concern
  My name is Christos and few days ago, I installed Mandrake 8.1. Although
  there was no problem with my modem (Conexant) every time I am trying to
  connect with internet, a message appears saying that the connection was
  failed because modem is busy.
  I would be grateful if you could give me a hint of what is wrong.
  Thank you,

 Probably an IRQ - conflict.

 Kaj Haulrich

If it is Conexant, then it is almost certainly a winmodem, and as such not 
supported by Mandrake.  You can get some winmodems working by checking out

A winmodem uses the computer processor to do all the difficult 'stuff' and so 
will consume a considerable proportion of your processing power under both 
Linux and Windows.  If you upgrade to a 'real' modem, performance will be 
better in windows and a lot less complicated to install in Linux.

You can confirm it is a winmodem by opening your system control panel in 
Windows. If there is a device listed as 'HCF' or 'HSP' (not sure since its a 
while since I ran Windows), then it is a winmodem.



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[newbie] Connection stats

2002-04-03 Thread Jesper Nyholm Jensen

What's a good textual network(modem) connection stat program?
Jesper Nyholm Jensen

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[newbie] Aliases

2002-04-03 Thread Jesper Nyholm Jensen

How do I create aliases in the bash shell?
Jesper Nyholm Jensen

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[newbie] moving netscape from win to linux

2002-04-03 Thread Stojs

I´m running netscape 4.7 for windows. Is it possible to move my entire
profile including recieved and sent mails and bookmarks to netscape in

I´m trying to move all my internet action to linux.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake8.2/X-CD-Roast Configuration Problem

2002-04-03 Thread RichardA

I didn't realise you were just going to type it in!
If you do 'cdparanoia --help', one of the things it says is:

-d --force-cdrom-device   dev : use specified device; disallow autosense

So (and I'm not quite sure of the syntax) you might neeed something like:

#cdparanoia -vB -d /dev/cdrom2 1- /root/tmp/name

I've probably got that a bit wrong, but try variations on it.

They said there's life up there in the galaxy
The world in collision, there's people with an allergy

[root@localhost root]# cdparanoia -d -vB 1- /root/tmp/name

It would seem that the -d option has no effect.
but please do check my command line.

So far the only option that seems to work at all
is with the Audio CD in the DVD/ROM and:

cdparanoia -vB 1- /root/tmp/name

which caches the wave files in that directory.

Does all this suggest cdrecord is the problem ?
I don't know.


John Richard Smith

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Re: AW: [newbie] next one : divx

2002-04-03 Thread Damian

El mié, 03-04-2002 a las 03:09, - vom adi - escribió:
 where to get ? sourceforge ? official site
 gimmegimmegimme ;) !!

sorry for taking too long to answer. i went to sleep ;o)


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Re: [newbie] Problems with modem

2002-04-03 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 10:15:29 -0600
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wednesday 03 April 2002 09:43 am, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  On Wednesday 03 April 2002 11:32, you wrote:
   My name is Christos and few days ago, I installed Mandrake 8.1.
   Although there was no problem with my modem (Conexant) every time
   I am trying to connect with internet, a message appears saying
   that the connection was failed because modem is busy.
   I would be grateful if you could give me a hint of what is wrong.
  Probably an IRQ - conflict.
Most likely a fake modem (ie, aka winmodem).  To make sure, visit
and view the entire table (database) at
Since it appears there's no 'linmodem' drivers for most all 
 Conexant junk, Christos will probly need to get a real modem. 

On that note, if he is in the market I have an Actiontec Call Waiting external modem 
that I no longer use or need that I will sell cheap,will include manual and driver cd.

If you are interested Christo contact me direct.
DO NOT use your hotmail account, or it will be sent to the get void along with yahoo.


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Re: AW: [newbie] next one : divx

2002-04-03 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 16:37:14 +0200, - addy däudsch - [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what's with mplayerxp ? better cpu performance as it says .. ?

Here's the basic plot that I picked up from the MPlayer mailing list:

Nick Kurshev developed a patch to make MPlayer multithreaded. He claimed that it
could increase MPlayer performance by up to 300% by making use of idle CPU
cycles (by being multithreaded). Arpi, the MPlayer maintainer, refused to accept
the patch. His reasoning was that multithreadedness was unnecessary for a movie
player, and only added extra overhead. Here is what Arpi had to say about
MPlayerXP on the mplayer web site (

He forked because we didn't accept his patch: it brings unneeded threads into
MPlayer - threadlessness is the main feature of MPlayer, compared to other Linux
players like Xine and avifile. Nick writes his method gains 300% speed.. This is
not true. His method gains not speed but smoothness - if you have a movie that
runs slow with MPlayer, MPlayerXP will not help you. It helps only in some rare
files on about ~400Mhz Intel speed category systems, but it won't be faster
decode (total decoding time will be the same).

But you are free to try it! If you (don't) find that new core better than the
normal one, mail Nick a full report. We don't support MPlayerXP.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I was never a big thinker. One of my philosophies in Linux has always been to
not worry about the future too much, but make sure that we make the best of what
we have now - together with keeping our options open for the future and not
digging us into a hole. -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Aliases

2002-04-03 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 10:26 am, Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
 How do I create aliases in the bash shell?

  First type 'alias' in a terminal to see what you've already got.
Then, I make the aliases I want to add in /etc/bashrc to make them 
global to all users (me ;)  As root just use a text editor to add 'em 
to the end of bashrc   For example, putting in this line  
   alias loci=locate -i 
will enable 'loci' to do a case insensitive search for whatever you 
type after 'loci', eg 'loci mandrake' will find all instances of 
either Mandrake or mandrake.

With all aliases, they won't take effect till you start a new 
terminal.  With my example, you're slocate DB will need to be 
current. To update it, type 'updatedb'. I use this alias to do a 
bunch of updating all at once  
   alias updall='rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  ldconfig -v'

   There's other ways to add aliases, but I find making them global 
in bashrc is easiest, since I only need to save  /etc/bashrc   to 
instantly make them available to a fresh install by just coping in my 
bakup bashrc to /etc.   Basically, anything you can do on the command 
line, can be shortened to a few characters, by just adding 
  alias some charaters=the command you want  to etc/bashrc  to 
save typing, and you only have to get it right once ;)  Just remember 
to surround the the command you want with either double () or 
single (') quote marks when you add it to bashrc.
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Lilo, but why only graphical

2002-04-03 Thread Paul

Hi all,

I am happy with 8.2
Of course there is always something to be desired.

As root I run mcc. I change the boot option from lilo with graphical menu to
lilo with text menu. Call me old fashioned but I want to see what is
happening, and the odometer on the graphical boot tells me nothing. I update
lilo.conf from mcc. I check. And the selection is lilo with graphical menu.

Output from mcc while updating things (run from prompt):

XID : 44040908
CCPID :  3528
Added old_linux
Added linux2.2.19
Added floppy
Added linux *
Added linux-nonfb
Added linux-2.4.3-20m
Added linux-2.2.20-9m
Added failsafe
Added dos

What do I do wrong?

I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want.
If  that makes me a bitch, okay.
-Madonna - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.2 - Sylpheed 0.7.4

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Re: [newbie] Open Source Code

2002-04-03 Thread Robin Turner

On Thursday 04 April 2002 06:14, Anthony V Guillen wrote:
 I'm a newbie in Linux, before anything else, I am not a programmer, or
 anything, I'm just curious in Linux.

 I just wanted to know why is it called as an open source code OS? 

It's called open source because it's distributed under the GNU Public License 
(there is a distinction between Open Source and Free Software, but it's ont 
terribly importanyt in this particular context).

For a general view of Open Source, check out Eric Raymond's wirtings
For information on GNU see
If it so,
 what programming language is use to compile the source code use in Linux?
 and another thing, where can I find the source code use in Linux?

AFAIK it's written in C, compiled with GCC (Gnu C Compiler)
The source code is available from any Linux distro site.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] moving netscape from win to linux

2002-04-03 Thread Robin Turner

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 19:54, Stojs wrote:
 I´m running netscape 4.7 for windows. Is it possible to move my entire
 profile including recieved and sent mails and bookmarks to netscape in

Should be possible to just copy them into the appropriate places.  Bookmarks 
go in .netscape , mail folders go in nsmail

Sir Robin

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[newbie] Evolution contacts...

2002-04-03 Thread Vincent A. Primavera

Does anyone know of an effective way to export/import contacts from
Evolution's contact editor?

Thank you,

Vincent A. Primavera

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Re: [newbie] Go back to 8.1???

2002-04-03 Thread civileme

Tim Cruikshank wrote:

On Tuesday 02 April 2002 23:17, you wrote:

Hi all,
  I recently installed MD 8.2 on my computer.  Many things went well, but I
cannot run PrinterDrake or any followon installation from the CD's.  Locks
up everytime.  I checked the installation logs and had a LOT of errors
during installation.  I'm surprised the computer runs as well as it does.

  Anyway, I'd like to go back to MD 8.1 (which worked well on my computer).
My only hesitation is in some of the packages that come with 8.2.  GnuCash
worked out of the box in 8.2.  It took me *days* to satisfy all the
dependencies for GnuCash in 8.1 via many downloads.  Is there a way to use
MD 8.1 and the rpms from 8.2 discs?  or save the installed packages when
I go back?  Thanks



Rather than going through a complete reinstall , why don't you post the error 
messsages here, and I'm sure someone should be able to help you sraighten 
things out.

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 From what you described it appears your burn does not read on the CD 
drive that well.  I would suggest trying different media or a different 
CD drive before retreating.

I had a similar problem here with a DVD reader on one machine.  Turned 
out that CDs I burned at 1x, 2x, 8x and 12x would all fail, but if I 
burned at 4x they would read.  The DVD rreader, brand new, had its own 
problems--like refusing to recognize CD2 and CD3 during install though 
it did so post-install.

Sorry the hardware story on CDs is so crappy, but then they are 
seriously driven too fast in rate of spin for no valid engineering 
reason.  At least we don't have 70X CD readers out there any longer and 
the worst of the manufacturers seem to have died off.


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Re: [newbie] Lilo, but why only graphical

2002-04-03 Thread Bill Davidson

Are you running lilo. If you are you change that in /etc/lilo.conf. I 
don't have this line on 8.1. But back when I was using Caldera2.4, there 
was a line that said something like 'vga=244' or some number. Check for 
that and make it read 'vga=normal'. Post your /etc/lilo.conf if you're 


On Wednesday 03 April 2002 12:44 pm, Paul wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am happy with 8.2
 Of course there is always something to be desired.

 As root I run mcc. I change the boot option from lilo with graphical
 menu to lilo with text menu. Call me old fashioned but I want to see
 what is happening, and the odometer on the graphical boot tells me
 nothing. I update lilo.conf from mcc. I check. And the selection is lilo
 with graphical menu.

 Output from mcc while updating things (run from prompt):

 XID : 44040908
 CCPID :  3528
 Added old_linux
 Added linux2.2.19
 Added floppy
 Added linux *
 Added linux-nonfb
 Added linux-2.4.3-20m
 Added linux-2.2.20-9m
 Added failsafe
 Added dos

 What do I do wrong?

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Re: [newbie] Lilo, but why only graphical

2002-04-03 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 14:47:10 -0500
Bill Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you running lilo. If you are you change that in /etc/lilo.conf. I 
 don't have this line on 8.1. But back when I was using Caldera2.4, there 
 was a line that said something like 'vga=244' or some number. Check for 
 that and make it read 'vga=normal'. Post your /etc/lilo.conf if you're 
 On Wednesday 03 April 2002 12:44 pm, Paul wrote:
  Hi all,
  I am happy with 8.2
  Of course there is always something to be desired.
  As root I run mcc. I change the boot option from lilo with graphical
  menu to lilo with text menu. Call me old fashioned but I want to see
  what is happening, and the odometer on the graphical boot tells me
  nothing. I update lilo.conf from mcc. I check. And the selection is lilo
  with graphical menu.

You can still use the graphical menu, bootspash, and all the other goodies and still 
get the old fashion progress reports.

In /etc/lilo.config remove 'quiet' from the append line. 


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Re: [newbie] Lilo, but why only graphical

2002-04-03 Thread Paul

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 14:47:34 -0500 Charles wrote:

You can still use the graphical menu, bootspash, and all the other goodies
and still get the old fashion progress reports.

In /etc/lilo.config remove 'quiet' from the append line. 

Problem solved! Much obliged!  :)
Thank you,


I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want.
If  that makes me a bitch, okay.
-Madonna - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.2 - Sylpheed 0.7.4

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[newbie] Spring is here

2002-04-03 Thread Robin Turner

... and the clocks on both my Mandrake boxes (8.0 and 8.1) have obligingly 
put themselves forward. Unfortunately they did this by two hours, not one, so 
I nearly had a heart attack this week, thinking I was about to turn up to my 
lessons an hour late.  Or is this a special Mandrake Summer Time?

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Aliases

2002-04-03 Thread Jesper Nyholm Jensen

I would like to add my aliases to my local profile only(~/bashrc). The one
I want is  l='ls -l', but it seems this one has already been defined and I
can't overload it. Unalias has no permanent effect, I find. What to do?
Jesper Nyholm Jensen

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Tom Brinkman wrote:
On Wednesday 03 April 2002 10:26 am, Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
 How do I create aliases in the bash shell?

  First type 'alias' in a terminal to see what you've already got.
Then, I make the aliases I want to add in /etc/bashrc to make them
global to all users (me ;)  As root just use a text editor to add 'em
to the end of bashrc   For example, putting in this line
   alias loci=locate -i
will enable 'loci' to do a case insensitive search for whatever you
type after 'loci', eg 'loci mandrake' will find all instances of
either Mandrake or mandrake.

With all aliases, they won't take effect till you start a new
terminal.  With my example, you're slocate DB will need to be
current. To update it, type 'updatedb'. I use this alias to do a
bunch of updating all at once
   alias updall='rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  ldconfig -v'

   There's other ways to add aliases, but I find making them global
in bashrc is easiest, since I only need to save  /etc/bashrc   to
instantly make them available to a fresh install by just coping in my
bakup bashrc to /etc.   Basically, anything you can do on the command
line, can be shortened to a few characters, by just adding
  alias some charaters=the command you want  to etc/bashrc  to
save typing, and you only have to get it right once ;)  Just remember
to surround the the command you want with either double () or
single (') quote marks when you add it to bashrc.
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Open Source Code

2002-04-03 Thread civileme

Anthony V Guillen wrote:

I'm a newbie in Linux, before anything else, I am not a programmer, or anything, I'm 
just curious in Linux.

I just wanted to know why is it called as an open source code OS? If it so, what 
programming language is use to compile the source code use in Linux? and another 
thing, where can I find the source code use in Linux?



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Well, open source means you can see the source code and modify it for 
your own use.  There are some hair splitting differences between open 
source and free software.  Free software requires that you can

1. Use the software
2. Modify it for your own use
3. Make and distribute copies
4. Distribute modified copies.

With some restrictions:  Namely, that you pass these rights on with the 
distribution you make.

The requirements for free software imply the source is available.

An example of open source that is not free software is downloader for X, 
which requires any modifications be submitted to the original author for 
consideration.  An example of unprotected software is BSD which can be 
wholly incorporated into a proprietary package with only an integrated, 
reproduced copyright notice.

There are linux distributions that are not free software (most) and 
there are distributions that are not completely open-source as well. 
 Some have a per-seat license requirement, and others keep their own 
additions secret, though the rest is of course freely available.

 MandrakeLinux boxed sets add software that is not free.MandrakeLinux 
Download is free software beginning with 8.2.  Previous versions 
included software with licensing restrictions (notably netscape and 
downloader for X).  All Mandrake tools you will discover are available 
in source and are licensed under the GNU General Public License.  See for more information on the GPL and its derivatives.

The GPL does NOT prohibit use of the software to write programs that 
will be licensed in other ways by their author.  For example, Xbasic, a 
Visual Basic like compiler that predates VB and runs on X for linux and 
Windows, is licensed under the GPL and its libraries (which would have 
to be shipped with an application to make it able to run) are licensed 
under the Lesser GPL or LGPL.  This makes creation of turnkey programs 
for commercial distribution in Xbasic very easy.  So much for the FUD 
that says Free Software is communisitc...  As Richard Stallman points 
out, free software advocates are more like environmentalists, seeking to 
remove the poisons from the way business is conducted and to promote 
healthy business growth.

And where does closed source lead?  Take a gander at some existing 
software patents:

1. Do you use a desktop theme?  Then you may owe a royalty to Apple 
2. Do you insert text between other text in a word processor?  Kindly 
render tribute to Smith-Corona.
3. Do you ever surf the web or send hyperlinks to friends?  Perhaps you 
should talk to British Telecommunications about a license so you can do 
that without infringing.
4. Did you ever post a picture to a web site in .gif format?  Perhaps 
you used an unlicensed program for the LZW compression to create that 
.gif, but don't worry.  Chances are your web host bought a license for a 
fee of $5000 to $7500 to insure against litigation in the event that one 
of the sites he hosts carries unlicensed .gifs.  Unisys Corporation was 
very thoughtful in making such a protection program available.

You can make your own decision about whether software patents and 
Intellectual Property Laws and armies of lawyers threatening to ruin 
your life are an enhancement to incentives for huge investment in 
software (as in pharmaceuticals) or a definite stumbling block to 
innovation and the public good (as in the electronics industry where 
cross-licensing is a matter of course and innovation does not in any way 
appear to relate to the protection of intellecual property).  I know 
that, as a programmer, I have to be very careful about coding anything 
in the United States.  In France, I was more able to program, because I 
did not have to worry about some inadvertant patent infringement going 
off under my feet like a land mine.  Insofar as I can tell, the 
Intellectual Property concepts appear more than anything else to make 
employment for a surplus of attorneys.  

It also appears that if any small operator makes a big innovation, it 
will be stolen and the thief will get off with a court settlement and a 
gag rule (to cover his theft) some distant future time, _if_ the owner 
can support the suit against the thief.   (If you want more information, 
look up court records about DRDOS.)  

So, I for one, and many others besides, have chosen to put our work 
where everyone can 

Re: [newbie] Configuring Video Adapter and Monitor

2002-04-03 Thread Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 10:03 pm, John P. Chambers wrote:
 The machine I am running is a Pent II 350MHz Intel with an ABIT BH6
 Motherboard. Linux 8.2.
 My Video adapter is a Hercules Prophet MX II. It is running in Linux, but I
 don't think it has the proper device drivers. I also have an NEC Multisysnc
 LCD Monitor 1700 M+. I can't find it in Linux either. Doesn't anyone know
 anything about these. I do get one listed as GEForce and it does work, but
 the monitor has to be adjusted and isn't real stable.


That card uses an Nvidia Geforce II chip set.  If Mandrake says it is a 
Geforce, then it is no big deal since all the Nvidia based cards use the same 
You might find selecting a different monitor will have an effect since 
different scan rates can make a significant difference to the appearence.
(Selecting different monitors basically just sets up the scan rates)

You do not say in what way the image is 'unstable'  It may be for example 
that you need to enable anti aliased fonts in order to make them 'smoother', 
or if you are dual booting with Windows you could import your Windows fonts 
which are sometimes better quality.

To select a different Monitor, Mandrake Control CentreHardwareVideo
To enable anti aliasing KDE Control CentreLookNFellFonts
To import Windows Fonts Mandrake Control CentreSystemFonts

If you want to run 3D applications on that card, then you will need to change 
the driver from the Open Source default driver to the proprietary Nvidia 
driver. It will not help your 2D performance however so do not try it until 
you are fairly comfortable with your system.
Instructions on installing the proprietary driver are here:-



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Re: [newbie] Evolution contacts...

2002-04-03 Thread Nelson Bartley

Sync to your palm pilot and then sync into whatever other application
you want them in ...

other then that, I haven't the foggiest.


On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 08:49, Vincent A. Primavera wrote:
   Does anyone know of an effective way to export/import contacts from
 Evolution's contact editor?
   Thank you,
   Vincent A. Primavera

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Re: [newbie] Spring is here

2002-04-03 Thread Robin Turner

On Thursday 04 April 2002 00:00, Kaj Haulrich wrote:

 Now, last weekend Mandrake changed to summertime, because that's the
 astronomically correct time to do it (if one can call this idiocy correct).
 The next week windows changed it once more, because the bureaucrats want it
 that way (substantially adding to the idiocy).

 In both instances, the hardware-clock advanced one hour.

Hah, might have known it would be something like that! One more thing I can 
blame Windows for.

I agree, Summer Time is a great jazz song, but a stupid idea.

Sir Robin

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[newbie] NetBEUI on Linux?

2002-04-03 Thread Wally

Is there a way to get my Mandrake 8.1 laptop to see my Windows desktop using
NetBEUI? Can't use TCP/IP at the moment because the desktop's ip is assigned
via the cable modem.

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Re: [newbie] NetBEUI on Linux?

2002-04-03 Thread Bill Davidson

I seriously doubt it. NetBEUI is an old protocol that Microsoft hardly 
supports anymore. If at all.


On Wednesday 03 April 2002 05:53 pm, Wally wrote:
 Is there a way to get my Mandrake 8.1 laptop to see my Windows desktop
 using NetBEUI? Can't use TCP/IP at the moment because the desktop's ip
 is assigned via the cable modem.

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Re: [newbie] Aliases

2002-04-03 Thread James Thomas

How do I create aliases in the bash shell?
Jesper Nyholm Jensen

Well, I do it by editing .bashrc in my home directory. If you want to add an 
alias for all users, edit /etc/profile.d/

To make an alias, the syntax is (roughly)

alias alias-name='alias contents'
as in:
alias rashas='rlog -L -R -lrasdan RCS/*'


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Re: [newbie] Switching sound from OSS to Alsa

2002-04-03 Thread Femme

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 12:50 am, you wrote:
 I guess I'll just go back to the oss drivers and get the 4.1 at least.
 There's no use bitching I guess.  I'm really just waiting for good SB
 Audigy support since that's what I was gonna get with these speakers
 until I read that there is still work to be done on the driver.  The
 setup does appear to be some what bastardized especially since the
 C-Media's own driver setup doesn't have my jack configuration even
 listed.  Oh well, it still pisses off my roomates on the floor below
 when i listen to some Foghat. :)


If you're waiting for the Audigy with USB all round, don't.

USB 2.0 even isn't designed for that kind of bandwith hogging.

I read a review on it recently in Maximum PC.



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Re: [newbie] Open Source Code

2002-04-03 Thread James Thomas

AFAIK it's written in C, compiled with GCC (Gnu C Compiler)
The source code is available from any Linux distro site.

I believe that the core part of it is written using assembly, which is why 
special ports need to be done - if it was all written in C, it should 
(theoretically) transfer across all systems without modification (assuming 
it's ANSI-C of course).


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Re: [newbie] Aliases

2002-04-03 Thread James Thomas

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 10:26 am, Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
  How do I create aliases in the bash shell?

 With all aliases, they won't take effect till you start a new

I use . .bashrc to reload my new aliases that I make for myself without 
having to start a new terminal. :)


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Re: [newbie] NetBEUI on Linux?

2002-04-03 Thread Randy Kramer

Bill Davidson wrote:
 I seriously doubt it. NetBEUI is an old protocol that Microsoft hardly
 supports anymore. If at all.
 On Wednesday 03 April 2002 05:53 pm, Wally wrote:
  Is there a way to get my Mandrake 8.1 laptop to see my Windows desktop
  using NetBEUI? Can't use TCP/IP at the moment because the desktop's ip
  is assigned via the cable modem.

Two points:

To Bill: IMHO, the bigger question is whether Linux can support NetBEUI
-- I know NetBEUI works in Win95, and I'm fairly certain it works in
Win98, and is probably still supported in more recent versions.

To Wally: The fact that the desktop's IP is assigned via the cable modem
should not necessarily prevent you from seeing the Windows desktop.  I
think there are ways to assign two IPs to the same network card, and
there was a post about this not too long ago on either the newbie or
expert list.

IIRC, civileme described the setup as the poor man's router (although I
may have that mixed up with another thread).

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] NetBEUI on Linux?

2002-04-03 Thread Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 11:53 pm, Wally wrote:
 Is there a way to get my Mandrake 8.1 laptop to see my Windows desktop
 using NetBEUI? Can't use TCP/IP at the moment because the desktop's ip is
 assigned via the cable modem.

Ermm..  No...  In any case NetBEUI would not help. It still uses the same IP 
address as TCP  You need to look at how you are connected to your cable modem.

If you have a cable modem connected directly to your desktop on a NIC, and 
your laptop is connected to your desktop on a different NIC, then that is two 
different lan segments, and the segment the laptop is on has nothing to do 
with the way your desktop gets its IP address. You could run static 
addressing between your laptop and desktop while still using DHCP to your 
cable modem. (I will ignore for the moment the temptation to say you should 
run the more stable and virus resistant OS on the boundary to the internet-  
Damn I said it!)

If however you have a hub directly connected to your cable modem, with both 
your desktop and laptop directly attached to the hub with your desktop  set 
for dhcp, while your laptop is set for static addressing then that is not a 
good idea since your laptop will not know what IP address the desktop is 
using unless it is also set to use DHCP, and since you are in the UK that 
means you are either an NTL customer (like me), or a Telewest one, and I know 
they do not allow more than one IP address on a cable modem so that is not a 
viable alternative. (Unless you pay the very expensive 'Business tariff')

The third possibility is you have a router or firewall device between the 
cable modem and your local lan segment. In this case you should configure it 
as a DHCP server and let both computers obtain their IP addresses from it. 
(That's what I do)

The cheapest solution is the first one. Put two NIC cards in one of the 
computers and let it work as a gateway. Windows 98SE and upwards is capable 
of this. But of course Linux does it better. (Damn I said it again!)

There is also another issue to address before your laptop can see your 
desktop. That is the fact that Windows networking uses a proprietary SMB 
protocol on top of TCP/IP (or NETBEUI)  OpenSource engineers have reverse 
engineered that protocol, and there is an application called 'Samba' which 
allows a Linux computer to appear to be a Windows NT computer to a Microsoft 
network. To set up Samba check out the docs section at

Strangely enough a Linux computer running samba outperforms a Windows2k 
machine as a Windows file server. (Damn I said it again)



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Re: [newbie] Shutdown does not turn PC off

2002-04-03 Thread Roger

+1 more...
Soyo K7ADA, Duron 1.0

Reboot works, but halt goes to the point where the PC should be powered off 
and then I get an abend displayed on the console.  This appears to repeat 
after about 20 seconds, but goes too fast to read and I haven't been able to 
find any logs -- appears everything has been closed.  Shutdown worked on 8.1.


On Tuesday 02 April 2002 07:11 am, Onur Kucuk wrote:
 RK Hi everyone,
 RK I've seen a user having the same problem as me - when shutting down
 RK the computer, no matter if using shutdown -h now, poweroff or halt -p
 RK (yeah, haven't tried telinit 0 ;-) the computer goes through the usual
 RK shutdown process as in MDK8.1 and then at Power down. it just turns
 RK off the disks and stops. It should turn off the computer but it
 RK doesn't.
 RK I haven't changed a thing since 8.1 and even PnP OS is set to No if
 RK that matters. There doesn't seem to be a visible difference in the
 RK scripts in /etc/rc.d/ which are probably responsible for shutdown (as
 RK far as I figured).
 RK Since another user has already asked the same question, I wonder, has
 RK anyone else come across it meanwhile?

 RK BTW: My computer is an Athlon 750 on an ABIT KA7 mainboard, 128MB

 RK Roman


   Intel i845 board + 512 MB SDRam + Nvidia Geforce2MX

   Exactly the same

  Onur Kucuk

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[newbie] Mandrake 8.2 downloads sites

2002-04-03 Thread Dan Butler

I have a DSL line and download speeds are usually very good, but the
site where I am
downloading disk one for over 24 hours now, is rediculous!  I know it's not
me.  I am doing other downloads while waiting that just speed right along...
Any suggestions?
Dan B

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Re: [newbie] Shutdown does not turn PC off

2002-04-03 Thread Pascal Goguey


I have a similar problem. I use a dual pentium machine, and
I have never been able to shutdown. At the end of the shutdown
process, the terminal-like screen says power off and stays like
that forever, until I press the power button for more than 4

I have alrready posted this question a few times about a year
ago, but never got a reply, so I ended up thinking I was the
only one to experience this problem.

I don't remember the board type, and I have no driver at hand
to open the case, but I have the same problem at home with
an old Abit dual processor board with 2 celerons.


2002 4? 4 ??? 10:10??:
 +1 more...
 Soyo K7ADA, Duron 1.0

 Reboot works, but halt goes to the point where the PC should be powered off
 and then I get an abend displayed on the console.  This appears to repeat
 after about 20 seconds, but goes too fast to read and I haven't been able
 to find any logs -- appears everything has been closed.  Shutdown worked on


 On Tuesday 02 April 2002 07:11 am, Onur Kucuk wrote:
  RK Hi everyone,
  RK I've seen a user having the same problem as me - when shutting down
  RK the computer, no matter if using shutdown -h now, poweroff or halt -p
  RK (yeah, haven't tried telinit 0 ;-) the computer goes through the
  usual RK shutdown process as in MDK8.1 and then at Power down. it just
  turns RK off the disks and stops. It should turn off the computer but it
  RK doesn't.
  RK I haven't changed a thing since 8.1 and even PnP OS is set to No if
  RK that matters. There doesn't seem to be a visible difference in the
  RK scripts in /etc/rc.d/ which are probably responsible for shutdown (as
  RK far as I figured).
  RK Since another user has already asked the same question, I wonder, has
  RK anyone else come across it meanwhile?
  RK BTW: My computer is an Athlon 750 on an ABIT KA7 mainboard, 128MB
  RK Roman
Intel i845 board + 512 MB SDRam + Nvidia Geforce2MX
Exactly the same
   Onur Kucuk
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free address at

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 downloads sites

2002-04-03 Thread Todd Slater

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 20:30:56 -0500
Dan Butler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a DSL line and download speeds are usually very good, but the
 site where I am
 downloading disk one for over 24 hours now, is rediculous!  I know it's
 not me.  I am doing other downloads while waiting that just speed right
 along... Any suggestions?
 Dan B

I had the same problem a couple of weeks ago--every download site was
either full or really slow. I did manage a download today from the mirror
in Illinois ( I got disc 1 in
a little under 2 hours (t1 @ work).


Todd Slater
8:28pm up 7 days, 21:55, 2 users, load average: 0.13, 0.12, 0.14
You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within
himself. (Galileo)

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[newbie] Fw: Michael's Minutes: The Desk Theory

2002-04-03 Thread Jesse Angell

Just received this email. It makes the point 
completlety clear.. Its really worth reading.
- Original Message - 
From: Michael 
To: Friends 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 6:55 PM
Subject: Michael's Minutes: The Desk Theory






  Michael’s Minutes: The Desk Theory 
  Remember when every house had just 
  one television? Today, it’s not uncommon for families to have 
  multiple televisions. The personal computer is poised to 
  experience the same phenomenon. The tipping point will be when 
  a personal computer is cheaper than the desk it sits on. Then 
  we’ll see PCs appearing in every room of every house and 
  employees will have more than one computer on their desk. 
  As prices fall, PCs are moving from 
  one per person (or per family) big-ticket items to common 
  appliances. They're becoming commodities that can be dedicated 
  to a task or a location. Tomorrow's teenager will be asking 
  for a "chat computer" to do instant messaging in their 
  bedroom, just as the generation before them pled for a 
  telephone. Every major electronic manufacturer sells a capable 
  $500 computer and there's no indication that the low-end price 
  will stop there. This downward price trend will trigger an 
  explosion of computer ownership and ultimately close the 
  digital divide.
  Artificially high-prices for 
  software is the one obstacle preventing this trend from truly 
  exploding. While Microsoft contends that no consumers (or 
  companies for that matter) have been hurt by their illegal 
  practices over the last decade, that's simply not true. With 
  no competitors keeping Microsoft's prices in check, they have 
  consistently raised prices of their software and instituted 
  onerous licensing terms. Billions of dollars are being 
  transferred from consumer's wallets to Microsoft’s coffers. 
  More importantly, these tactics have prevented computing from 
  reaching the digitally disadvantaged as well as slowed the 
  growth of the multi-computer family and 
  Fortunately, LindowsOS addresses 
  this issue by offering an affordable product, which is 
  well-suited for a cost-conscious business environment or a 
  13-year-old's bedroom. We've spent a considerable amount of 
  time with our upcoming version of LindowsOS making sure that 
  it will handle many of the computing tasks and file types that 
  people have grown accustomed to using. Users of our Sneak 
  Preview 2 (SP2) will be greeted with a pleasing interface 
  which will handle browsing and email. More impressively, it 
  will handle common file formats - even those proprietary to 
  Microsoft. It's now commonplace for Microsoft Word “.doc” 
  files, Microsoft Excel “.xls” and Microsoft PowerPoint “.ppt” 
  files to be sent as attachments or posted on public web sites. 
  LindowsOS users can view and print these files without buying 
  any additional software. On the web, Macromedia Flash ®, 
  Adobe® PDF files, graphics and audio formats, like MP3s, are 
  now common-fare and accordingly, LindowsOS opens or plays them 
  all with a single mouse click. You can test a list of file 
  formats LindowsOS handles by visiting:
  This level of seamless 
  compatibility with common computing formats has never been 
  achieved before with any out-of-the box non-Microsoft 
  installation. We think it's an essential step in the process 
  to bring more people to the possibility of an affordable 
  SP2 will be released next week. 
  With a speedy five-minute installation process either 
  alongside an existing Microsoft Windows 98, or as the only 
  operating system 

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 downloads sites

2002-04-03 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 08:30 pm, Dan Butler wrote:
 I have a DSL line and download speeds are usually very good, but the
 site where I am
 downloading disk one for over 24 hours now, is rediculous!  I know it's not
 me.  I am doing other downloads while waiting that just speed right
 along... Any suggestions?
 Dan B

Try another site.
Sometimes it helps to pick a site in a different time zone,
I live in CT USA, and I have used european sites, where
like it would be like 3:00 AM in London, and got good fast downloads.

Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
Front Street Networks LLC - ph. 203.785.0699
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, United States of America
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[newbie] Mouse freezing

2002-04-03 Thread Greg Lomax

My problem is that when my PC boots and I get the XServer login screen the 
mouse is locked up.  If I switch to another session (ALT-CTL-F1) and back 
again the mouse is OK.  If I login the mouse remains frozen until I switch to 
another session and back again (I don't actually *do* anything in the other 

I found and used mouseconfig and have selected P/S Standard mouse and 
Logitech Wheelmouse (which is what is really is) - both work, but both 
display the same problem.

Has anyone seen this before and have any ideas?

Greg Lomax

AMD Athlon 1.4MHz, 
512MB RAM, 
ASUS V8200 GeForce 3

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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-03 Thread Roland Hughes

I am having similar problems after doing the same from LM8.1.  The video
is very flaky and icons do not show up in apps properly and when I click
the drop down for the different folders evolution just disappears.
On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 09:22, Blood Slap wrote:
 I've been using Mandrake 8.1 for a while now, and just upgraded to 8.2.

  The installation went fine, but the first few times I tried logging on to

 KDE or Gnome, they would either freeze (forcing me to Crtl+Alt+Backspace),

 stop loading at the blue desktop, or freeze my entire machine forcing me to

 reset.  I've tried booting to Old Linux in Lilo, but I have the same problems.

  Also, I have'nt had any major display problems with X before, but now whenever

 I play any 3D games (Tux Racer, GLTron), they are extremely choppy and

 unplayable.  In the installation it detected my video card (ATI Rage 128)

 just like before, and I chose the newest version of X with 3D acceleration,

 which I think is the same I have been using.

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[newbie] how do you...

2002-04-03 Thread Damian

.enlarge blackbox fonts? looks pretty fast, but the menus are so
 small i'm going blind! i can't find the config files/options for



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[newbie] problem w/ d/l java from sun

2002-04-03 Thread - addy däudsch -

i wanted to download the java.bin from sun yesterday [w/ opera 6.0 b1]
everything went fine , but when i wanted to install the .bin file [w/ sh

it says that the download looks like it's corrupted and it wont install

and when i download the file w/ 'wget' it stops after 2086.xx kbytes and
tells me that the file is to big or something like that

 - keep the X in your system -

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Re: [newbie] problem w/ d/l java from sun

2002-04-03 Thread Damian

El jue, 04-04-2002 a las 02:31, - addy däudsch - escribió:
 i wanted to download the java.bin from sun yesterday [w/ opera 6.0 b1]
 everything went fine , but when i wanted to install the .bin file [w/ sh
 it says that the download looks like it's corrupted and it wont install
 and when i download the file w/ 'wget' it stops after 2086.xx kbytes and
 tells me that the file is to big or something like that
  - keep the X in your system -

did you do a df? check if the partition you are downloading to isn't


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AW: [newbie] problem w/ d/l java from sun

2002-04-03 Thread - addy däudsch -

i've got a 40gb maxtor and have lm8.2 full installed that makes about 3
gb then about 100 mo's of downloads yet

i don't think it's full :( 

 - keep the X in your system -

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von Damian
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 4. April 2002 07:54
Betreff: Re: [newbie] problem w/ d/l java from sun

El jue, 04-04-2002 a las 02:31, - addy däudsch - escribió:
 i wanted to download the java.bin from sun yesterday [w/ opera 6.0 
 b1] everything went fine , but when i wanted to install the .bin file 
 [w/ sh java.bin]
 it says that the download looks like it's corrupted and it wont 
 install ...
 and when i download the file w/ 'wget' it stops after 2086.xx kbytes 
 and tells me that the file is to big or something like that
  - keep the X in your system -

did you do a df? check if the partition you are downloading to isn't


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[newbie] Re: Michaels Minutes (WAY OT)

2002-04-03 Thread Michael

Sheesh couldnt you have just posted the bleeding link... what a waste of
bandwidth. Two minutes at the website gave me:

Not all of us are interested in this you know! After all, it is just someone
elses propaganda. You get another life, but try this again and all your emails
get straight in my trash.

Man i have had an a-hole day. And i should really apologise cause you catch the
brunt of it but what a dumb move.

/. /. /. /.


Fly Windows NT:
All the passengers carry their seats out onto the tarmac, placing the chairs
in the outline of a plane. They all sit down, flap their arms and make jet
swooshing sounds as if they are flying.

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[newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

2002-04-03 Thread john rigby

Ha there folks,
Well, a new machine and same result.
I purchased the full bottle M8.0 and need to get SOME value back :-)
Many people complained of it not being very successful and it failed for me
several times on 3 machines.
It would seem to install ok to a degree - but only in text mode, despite my
trying to ensure it would be graphic.

I have now even bought a Jetway moboard as I was told it was lux friendly.
SIS 630T chipset
It has O/b video AGP4x shared mem amount immaterial as I've seen so far.
O/b sound AC'97
P3 667 Chip

No graphics install by M8.0
No sound
BTW: I've never been able to get sound working on any prior system.

Advice requested please:

1. In the manuals I can find no reference to going GUI from dreaded
Terminal mode.  Can one?
I tried F1 and select other options at bootup but it will not accept any
change from L3 to L5

2. As I paid for the presentation of 1000's of programs with the retail
Powerpak, is there a chance that I could use say a 2 disk minimalist set of
8.1 ( or 2) to get a start and then install the programs I want from the 8.0

Note: In Australia north of Brisbane we not only put our clocks back, but
Telecom can't see why I REALLY need to be on the Internet. I average a D/l
speed of  1.8 overall ( I quit when it often gets to 1.0 or less) and lose
about one in two of any large (10Megs+) downloads. I've officially been told
voice capability is good enough and they aren't obliged to demonstrate more
than 9600 Bd capability unless I want to spend a few hundred per
week on ADSL or... so using the disks, not to mention the $140 spent
on them seems a good idea.

3. What is the vote nowadays - my figures show 50/50 for 8.1 and 8.2 re user
install/working satisfaction.

4. If Mandrake can't for some reason detect a graphics card, should it not
say so? Or will it simply default to a Terminal/text install?

Thanks and


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