[newbie-it] Emulatore dos e as400

2002-04-12 Thread mailing - Thecma.net

qualcuno sa dirmi se esistono emulatori per questi due sistemi operativi??

E' solo curiosità...(in futuro la cosa potrebbe interessarmi! :-))

Grazie e buona giornata


R: [newbie-it] Emulatore dos e as400

2002-04-12 Thread luca laghi

Per dos io uso DOSEMU, di facile installazione e con un manuale ben fatto.
Utilizza una cartella a tua scelta come disco C virtuale, perciò se vuoi far
girare un programma in DOS ti basta copiarlo in tale directory.

qualcuno sa dirmi se esistono emulatori per questi due sistemi operativi??

E' solo curiosità...(in futuro la cosa potrebbe interessarmi! :-))

Grazie e buona giornata


Re: [newbie-it] programma??

2002-04-12 Thread Andrea Celli

tom wrote:
 Ciao a tutti
 Prima che incominciassi ad adoperare il pinguino mi era parso di sentire che
 ci fossero dei programmi che permettessero di emulare l'ambiente dos sotto
 unix..avevo sentito bene?
 Vorrei utilizzare un programmino di chatt scritto per winz (che non ha
 corrispondente linux)
 La cosa è fattibile o mi devo dimenticare il programmino di chatt??

Per programmi win prova con wine.
O la versione di www.codeweavers.com che ha un simpatico tool di
o quella ufficiale di www.winehq.org + tkwine per configurarlo.
Per programmi dos c'è dosemu.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con xmms

2002-04-12 Thread tom

Alle 10:07, venerdì 12 aprile 2002, blackice ha scritto:
 Salve a tutta la ML,
 sulla mandrake 8.2 ho installato dai cd, xmms 1.2.7. Il problema è che
 quando apro il file selector per cercare i files mp3, dopo un pò si
 blocca tutto il sistema e sono costretto a resettare direttamente dal
 case. Qualcuno conosce la causa e la eventuale soluzione per evitare ciò?

era capitata una cosa simile anche a me!
ma non avevo trovato soluzzione alla cosa (considera pero' che sono parecchio 
Quindi avevo opptato per disinstall-reinstall.e i problemi erano spariti

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] Problemi con samba

2002-04-12 Thread Luca

Ciao a tutti,
descrivo brevemente il mio problema:
il mio pc linux è un client di una rete locale avente server e altri 2 client 
microsoft, per accedere alle risorse del server ho avviato samba dicendogli 
di creare un punto di mount nella directory /mnt/server che lincasse alla 
cartella server contenuta appunto sul server (Scusatemi il giochetto di 
parole ma chiamare server tutto ciò ke linca o è contenuto nel server l'ho 
fatto per comodità e facilità a :)) ).
Samba ha aggiunto la seguente riga nel mio file /etc/fstab:
//server/SERVER /mnt/server smbfs defaults 0 0
Il problema sorge ogni volta ke avvio il pc, xkè il mdk mi da FALLITO nel 
tentativo di montare samba  e devo rimontare la dir su server rientrando in 
control center - punti di mount - pti di mount smb - monta dispositivo.
Quello ke mi sembra molto strano è ke se monto la dir dopo l'avvio tutto va 
bene e riesco ad accedere ai dati, ma nn ci riesce all'avvio.
Da cosa può dipendere?
Le modifiche nel file fstab le ha fatte in automatico, come mai nn 
Se nn sono stato abbastanza chiaro ad esporre il problema kiedetemi cosa nn 
si capisce.
Grazie a tutti in anticipo

[newbie-it] ntfs e linux

2002-04-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Signori sono disperato.
Ho un athlon 1600 con win 2000 pro su ntfs.
Ho installato linux e lilo
ma quando riavvio mi vede solo linux e non win
oppure se , quando installo linux, gli dico di partire come predefinito da
win vede win e non linux (in questo caso non mi fa vedere proprio il boot
loader, niete boot loader)
Quindi non riesco a fare convivere i due sistemi
Da linux ho provato a montare ntfs da fstb ma nulla
ho provato ad aggiungere su lilo win 2000 ma nulla
Da win non so proprio cosa fare per farvedere linux
Ho 3 partizioni
1 win 2000 pro ntfs
1 linux ext3
1 swap
e 2 gb non partizionati

cosa devo fare?

Aiutatemi per favore

Ciao e grazie


Re: [newbie-it] nome macchina

2002-04-12 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 09:50, giovedì 11 aprile 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] nome macchina, stefano 
bigotta ha scritto:
 On Thu, 11 Apr 2002 01:46:50 +0200

 tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Alle 23:58, mercoledì 10 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
   Come lo cambio il nome della macchina?

 linuxconf ti permette di cambiare il nome della macchina e tutte le
 impostazioni di rete in modo automatico

linuxconf è deprecato dalla stessa RH, a causa di vari problemi,
meglio usare webmin se si cerca un tool visuale,
o 'setup' in console o , meglio,  hostname 



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Re: [newbie-it] ntfs e linux

2002-04-12 Thread Daniele

Per vedere da linux win probbabilmente devi ricompilare il kernel con
abilitata l'opzione di lettura fs ntfs
Sotto winz per vedere ext3 puoi usere una qualche utility, ma non so se

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 2:02 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] ntfs e linux

 Signori sono disperato.
 Ho un athlon 1600 con win 2000 pro su ntfs.
 Ho installato linux e lilo
 ma quando riavvio mi vede solo linux e non win
 oppure se , quando installo linux, gli dico di partire come predefinito da
 win vede win e non linux (in questo caso non mi fa vedere proprio il boot
 loader, niete boot loader)
 Quindi non riesco a fare convivere i due sistemi
 Da linux ho provato a montare ntfs da fstb ma nulla
 ho provato ad aggiungere su lilo win 2000 ma nulla
 Da win non so proprio cosa fare per farvedere linux
 Ho 3 partizioni
 1 win 2000 pro ntfs
 1 linux ext3
 1 swap
 e 2 gb non partizionati

 cosa devo fare?

 Aiutatemi per favore

 Ciao e grazie


[newbie-it] Ancora qualche informazione in più su floppy e cd-rom....

2002-04-12 Thread Emiliano La Licata

At 18.27 11/04/2002 +0200, you wrote:
At 15.09 11/04/2002 +0200, you wrote:
At 23.05 10/04/2002 +0200, you wrote:
Hash: SHA1

è accaduta una cosa assai strana, quando tento di aprire il floppy e il 
cd-rom il sistema mi dice permesso negato...
Cosa può essere accaduto?

ciao a tutti

Lavoro su Mandra 8.1
Dunque ho visualizzato /etc/fstab e dice

/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto user, iocharset=iso8859-15, umask=0, exec, 
codepage=850, ro, noauto, 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto user, iocharset=iso8859-15, umask=0, exec, 
codepage=850, ro, noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto user, iocharset=iso8859-15, umask=0, sync, exec, 
codepage=850, noauto 0 0

forse può essere utile...

Grazie mille

Se apro un terminale e chiedo di montare il floppy da utente il tutto non 
avviene, al contrario ciò avviene da root, infatti riesco a leggere il 
Allora come fare per autorizzare l'utente a montare le periferiche??

Di nuovo grazie

Re: [newbie-it] ntfs e linux

2002-04-12 Thread LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] detto' al suo fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 Da linux ho provato a montare ntfs da fstb ma nulla

Per visualizzare file e directory di partizioni NTFS in linux e' 
necessario, come gia' detto, che nel kernel sia abilitata la voce 
relativa (leggi: ricompilazione dei sorgenti del kernel).

 Da win non so proprio cosa fare per farvedere linux

Non c'e' da stupirsi, grazie all'impostazione io sono io, e voi non 
siete un ca**o [da Il marchese del Grillo] che Microsoft 
tradizionalmente adotta nei confronti di sistemi operativi diversi dai 
suoi, non prendendoli neanche in considerazione (vedi, per fare un 
altro esempio, la sovrascrittura del MBR in sede di installazione di un 
suo s.o.).
Per visualizzare file e directory di partizioni EXT3 in winfindus (dato 
che in buona misura l'unica differenza tra ext2 e ext3 e' la presenza 
in quast'ultimo delle funzionalita' di journaling) puoi utilizzare: 

In entrambi i casi ricordati che e' _altamente sconsigliato_ utilizzare 
in scrittura la partizione con il filesystem alieno (rispetto al 
sistema in uso) ... In breve: se lo fai, preparati a perdere i dati 
della partizione stessa, perche' questo supporto e' tuttora 
sperimentale (NTFS) o permanentemente in beta (explore2fs) ...

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro
La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

Re: [newbie-it] Aiuto.....

2002-04-12 Thread paolo brusasco

Emiliano La Licata wrote:

 At 22.22 09/04/2002 +0200, you wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Il 21:30, martedì 9 aprile 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Aiuto.,
 Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:
  At 19.35 09/04/2002 +0200, you wrote:
  Alle 13:29, martedì 9 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
  Dopo il primo boot e poi lilo su linux appare la schermata colorata con
  la stemma di Mandrake e mentre monta il tutto dice

quando sei in kde:
apri mandrake control center
clicca boot
seleziona l' opzione launch  x system at 
seleziona l'opzione yes, I want autologin with name ...
ed indica il tuo login name e la password.
questo dovrebbe farti partire al boot in ambiente grafico.
quindi se chiudi scegliendo reboot dovrebbe fare il reboot, scegliendo 
halt dovrebbe fare lo shutdown. se chiudi con logout ti rimanda al 
login. (forse)

Re: [newbie-it] Permessi cd cd-R floppy

2002-04-12 Thread paolo brusasco

tom wrote:

  Cosa stranissima...non ho piu il permesso per i dispositivi su detti
  Ho emulato il cd in scsi...e dopo questa operazione non riesco piu ad
  utilizzarli!!neanche se al login mi connetto da root!
  in /mnt tutte e tre le dir sono con il lukettone (anche come root)
  Che mi consigliate di fare???
  Non mi dite di andare a Lourdes xke sotto consiglio di Luigi ho gia 
  il bilgietto.
  Ciao , Tom
forse è una risposta stupida ma nel file /etc/fstab, alle voci /dev/scs0 
eccetera hai le opzioni user ed umask=0 che fanno bene e portano 

Re: [newbie-it] ntfs e linux

2002-04-12 Thread paolo brusasco


  Signori sono disperato. Ho un athlon 1600 con win 2000 pro su ntfs. Ho
   installato linux e lilo ma quando riavvio mi vede solo linux e non
   win oppure se , quando installo linux, gli dico di partire come
  predefinito da win vede win e non linux (in questo caso non mi fa
  vedere proprio il boot loader, niete boot loader) Quindi non riesco
   a fare convivere i due sistemi Da linux ho provato a montare ntfs
  da fstb ma nulla ho provato ad aggiungere su lilo win 2000 ma nulla Da
   win non so proprio cosa fare per farvedere linux Ho 3 partizioni 1
   win 2000 pro ntfs 1 linux ext3 1 swap e 2 gb non partizionati
  cosa devo fare?
  Aiutatemi per favore
  Ciao e grazie
scusa ma non ho capito se non hai il doppio boot a scelta o solo se non 
vedi le partizioni ntfs da linux e extn da win.

se il caso e'il primo non so aiutarti se non dicendoti di reinstallare
il boot loader (io uso grub non grafico, meno rotture..). Non so se ti
conviene avere una sola partizione ext3 l'intallazione minima standard
di solito ha una partizione per root ed una per home.

se invece il problema è solo che non riesci a vedere win da lin puoi:
aggiungere una directory in /mnt/ con nome /mnt/win2000 (o che vuoi, con
pieni permessi)
aggiungere una riga in /etc/fstab tipo:
/dev/hdbn /mnt/win2000 ntfs umask=0 0 0
(dove hdbn è il nome della partizione win ntfs in accordo alla tabella
partizioni che puoi anche vedere in grafica da mandrake control center).
il sistema dovrebbe montare la partizione ntfs al boot in lettura.
per scrivere ( a tuo rischio) devi ricompilare il kernel in MAND8.1 e
sembra anche in MAND8.2.
per vedere ext3 da win ti hanno già risposto. ciao. paolo brusasco.


Re: [newbie-it] Installazione di KDE 3

2002-04-12 Thread paolo brusasco

Marco Forti wrote:

 Alle 17:42, martedì 9 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
Ciao a tutti,
ho letto ke alcuni di voi hanno installato il kde 3, innanzitutto vorrei 
kiedervi come lo trovate sia dal punto di vista grafico ke prestazionale?
Ma vi siete installati ad uno ad uno i pacchetti manualmente?
Io ho provato ad inserire l'indirizzo url nell'aggiornameto del mdk ma mi 
diche ke è impossibile aggiungere la fonte, come posso fare per 

il + possibile l'installazione? 
Aspetto consigli, altrimenti vorrà dire ke fin quando aggiornerò tutti i 
pacchetti singolarmente sara uscita la mdk 9!!!

 se vuoi evitare di pensare alle dipendenze fai così:
 scarica tutti i file in una cartella (ammettiamo per esempio che sia 
 poi riavvia in modalità solo testo (init 3 per intenderci - il server X non 
 deve partire) e, da root digita:
 cd /home/pippo/kde3 (per spostarti nella cartella in cui hai tutti i file RPM 
 di kde3 appena scaricati)
 urpmi *.rpm
 a questo punto ti verrà chiesto se vuoi che urpmi si occupi delle dipendenze 
 (rispondi S) e segui le istruzioni... tutto qui
perdona se mi inserisco in una conversazione ma serve anche a me.

voglio chederti: davvero non posso farlo da una console aperta mentre 
gira x?
se no, cambiando col control center le opzioni di boot posso riavviare 
senza x. ma poi per riavviare x basta fare startx o ci sono le solite 
opzioni iniziatiche? (ho dei problemi etici con unix che qui ti 
risparmio). grazie. paolobrusasco.

[newbie-it] LukenShiro, ancora qualche informazione....

2002-04-12 Thread Emiliano La Licata

At 17.30 12/04/2002 +0200, you wrote:
Un bel di', a molte leghe di
distanza, il nobile Emiliano La Licata 
detto' al suo fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 Lavoro su Mandra 8.1
 Se apro un terminale e chiedo di montare il floppy da utente il
 non avviene, al contrario ciò avviene da root, infatti riesco a

leggere il 
 Allora come fare per autorizzare l'utente a montare le
Uhmmm, non e' che per caso e' ancora il vecchio e famoso problema di

nobiospnp e devfs=nomount (piu' volte affrontato
in lista, da 
novembre a questa parte), da inserire nel menu di configurazione del

bootloader [/etc/lilo.conf per lilo e /boot/grub/menu.lst per grub]
Guarda casomai negli errata della 8.1 
e in archivio lista 
gentile cavaliere di ventura LukenShiro, le rendo omaggio in questo dì, piuttosto sciroccoso e nondimeno gradevole. 
In fase di installazione poiché non trovavo del Bios l'opzione plug and play da settare, ho chiesto a Mandrake expert cosa potessi fare e loro mi hanno risposto di digitare prima dell'installazione questo: linux noauto nobiospnp devfs=nomount. Credo che questo abbia a che fare con i problemi posti.
In seconda battuta, direi che potrebbe essere dovuto ad impostazioni di 
sicurezza restrittive che hanno tolto i permessi necessari a /bin/mount 
e /bin/umount. Prova a ridurre il livello di sicurezza magari con msec 
2 e dai i privilegi esecutivi di root ai due comandi con chmod a+s
Hai per caso usato InteractiveBastille per impostare il firewall 
(trascinando con se' una valanga di modifiche ai permessi)?
Non ho utilizzato Bastille ancora, adesso provo a ridurre il livello di sicurezza...
Tuttavia dal terminale e con root riesco a fare più o meno le operazioni che desidero, quindi sto meditando la possibilità di rinunciare all'interfaccia grafica a tutti i costi per floppy e cdrom. non so se posso reggere a lungo, perché finché si tratta di copiare un file non c'è problema ma per processi più complessi non so che fare.
Le faccio sapere

Re: [newbie-it] Ricevere e inviare mail con SO sotto linux

2002-04-12 Thread LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile ku68 detto' al suo 
fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 Ho installato staroffice sotto linux e vorrei impostare un account
 per ricevere/inviare la posta. L'ho creato ma quando
 ci clicco sopra per far partire la connessione viene fuori un msg di 
 errore nel collegamento al server.
   Mi servirebbe perché ho notato che SO da linux vede SO che è sotto
 win quindi impostando adeguatamente  le regole dei msg dovrei essere
 - in teoria - in grado di scaricare tutta la posta in SO sotto  linux
 e deviare buona parte della stessa in SO sotto win.
 Però sono già  fermo alla connessione. :-(

Mumble mumble, non e' che brilli per chiarezza, sinceramente ... 
qualche dato in piu' e meno ermetismo sarebbero meglio per capire 
qualcosa ...
Precisando che non uso staroffice come mail reader:
- che errori _precisi_ appaiono?
- la connessione internet com'e' strutturata?
- il server di posta a cui fai riferimento e' quello del provider 
(quello presso cui hai un account di posta ovviamente) o e' 
- non e' che potrebbe trattarsi solo delle bizze del provider (quello 
della connessione o quello della posta)? hai provato a sostituire 
l'account di posta con quello di un altro ISP a disposizione?
- gli staroffice stanno tutt'e due sullo stesso computer (a partizioni 
differenti) o tout court su computer differenti? E quindi il si 
vedono implica che nella funzione di importazione/esportazione puoi 
recuperare file di posta dell' altro staroffice, o che altro? 
- i parametri di connessione sono stati digitati correttamente negli 
appositi spazi? p.es. l'smtp e' giusto? l'identificativo utente e la pw 
Per la serie: cerca di essere un po' piu' prolisso ;-)
L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro
La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

Re: [newbie-it] LukenShiro, ancora qualche informazione....

2002-04-12 Thread LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile Emiliano La Licata 
detto' al suo fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 In fase di installazione poiché non trovavo del Bios l'opzione plug 
and play da settare, ho chiesto a Mandrake expert cosa potessi 
farenbsp; e loro mi hanno rispostonbsp; di digitare prima 
dell'installazione questo:nbsp;nbsp; quot;font face=Comic Sans 
MSlinux noauto nobiospnp devfs=nomountquot;. 

Tieni presente che, affinche' queste due impostazioni siano permanenti, 
e' necessario inserirle in uno dei due file di configurazione citati 
prima (quello del bootloader che utilizzi). Quello che hai fatto e' 
corretto, ma riguarda _solo_ quella singola volta in cui hai avviato il 
sistema e non le volte successive.

 Tuttavia dal terminale e con root riesco a fare più o meno le 
operazioni che desidero, quindi sto meditando la possibilità di 
rinunciare all'interfaccia grafica a tutti i costi per floppy e cdrom. 
non so se posso reggere a lungo, perché finché si tratta di copiare un 
file non c'è problema ma per processi più complessi non so che 

Utilizzando la riga di comando puoi cmq contare su una funzione molto 
comoda come il completamento automatico dei nomi di file e di 
directory, inserendo la parte iniziale del nome stesso e digitando il 
tasto [TAB]. Direi che e' un aiuto non indifferente :) 

E per finire un cazziatone: modifica il tuo client email affinche' 
_non_ spedisca _mai_ mail in formato HTML, perche' questo riduce la 
leggibilita' e usufruibilita' dello scritto ed e' di per se' altamente 

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro
La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione di KDE 3

2002-04-12 Thread Marco Forti

Alle 19:30, venerdì 12 aprile 2002, paolo brusasco ha scritto:

 perdona se mi inserisco in una conversazione ma serve anche a me.
 voglio chederti: davvero non posso farlo da una console aperta mentre 
 gira x?

Non ne ho la certezza ma direi di no

 se no, cambiando col control center le opzioni di boot posso riavviare 
 senza x. 


 ma poi per riavviare x basta fare startx o ci sono le solite 
 opzioni iniziatiche? (ho dei problemi etici con unix che qui ti 

sì, basta startx, poi da control center rimetti l'opzione di boot con x e sei 
a posto



la mente è una cosa meravigliosa
tutti dovrebbero averne una !!!

KMail powered by Linux Mandrake 8.2

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione di KDE 3

2002-04-12 Thread paolo brusasco

Marco Forti wrote:

 Alle 19:30, venerdì 12 aprile 2002, paolo brusasco ha scritto:
grazie tante.

appena sarò riuscito a scaricare tutto con linea standard provo.

[newbie-it] domanda...

2002-04-12 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Salve alla lista.

Vi pongo un nuovo quesito.

Ho installato, grazie al Mandrake Control Center, i font True Type.

Vorrei sapere come fare per dire al sistema di usarli anche nelle barre
dei titoli, nei menù, ecc...

Il problema è che con applicazioni tipo StarOffice, AbiWord (che non
riesce ad usarli neanche nei documenti nuovi,in quellisalvati sì),
OpenOffice (il 641D è meraviglioso), i caratteri usati per disegnare la
loro interfaccia sono penosi: piccoli, scalettati, brutti. :((

Non so spiegarmi meglio.

Se vi può essere di aiuto vi posso mandare un piccolo screenshot, solo
di una parte di una finestra.

Con le barre Gnome e KDE non ci sono problemi.
Il peggiore è OpenOffice.

Un saluto.

Re: [newbie-it] domanda...

2002-04-12 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Il sab, 2002-04-13 alle 01:53, Brunini Alessandro ha scritto:
 Salve alla lista.
 Vi pongo un nuovo quesito.
 Ho installato, grazie al Mandrake Control Center, i font True Type.
 Vorrei sapere come fare per dire al sistema di usarli anche nelle barre
 dei titoli, nei menù, ecc...
 Il problema è che con applicazioni tipo StarOffice, AbiWord (che non
 riesce ad usarli neanche nei documenti nuovi,in quellisalvati sì),
 OpenOffice (il 641D è meraviglioso), i caratteri usati per disegnare la
 loro interfaccia sono penosi: piccoli, scalettati, brutti. :((
 Non so spiegarmi meglio.
 Se vi può essere di aiuto vi posso mandare un piccolo screenshot, solo
 di una parte di una finestra.
 Con le barre Gnome e KDE non ci sono problemi.
 Il peggiore è OpenOffice.
 Un saluto.

Vi prego non ridete...
ho risolto...

sarà l'ora tarda e la stanchezza che si accumula in fondo alla settimana

Buon Week end a tutti.

Re: [newbie] non PnP ISA modem

2002-04-12 Thread C.J.Kent

Thanks to everyone who replied. The problem was that I didn't have 
setserial installed and didn't have a clue where to find it. But now 
that's fixed and everything is working perfectly. So thanks again to 
everyone who replied.


C.J.Kent wrote:

 I have an internal non-PnP ISA modem that is working fine under 
 windows and was working fine under Red Hat 6.1. I've replaced Red Hat 
 with Mandrake 8.2 and cannot get the modem to work. The system is 
 unable to detect the modem and when I tell it that it's /dev/ttyS2 it 
 can't find anything. I suspect the problem is an incorrect IRQ. I've 
 looked at /proc/can't remember/serial and it looks like ttyS2 is set 
 to IRQ4 when the modem is on IRQ5. Everything I've found on the web 
 says to use setserial to set the correct parameters for the serial 
 ports. But setserial isn't there on my system. Any suggestions?


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Moving the home directory.

2002-04-12 Thread Seedkum Aladeem


For some reason (most likely my self), the home directory ended up in a 
partition where I do not want it to be. Can I move the home directory to the 
partition where I want it to be?

Can I log in as root and move the home directory? the home directory for the 
root user is on the partition called / and I would not be moving it in this 

Currently I have:
/home in the /dev/hde2 partition and I want it to go on /dev/hde3 partition 
The /dev/hde3 partition is currently mounted on a directory /mnt/hd. Also 
/mnt/hd holds some files that I want to continue to use.

I want /hde3 mounted on /home.. ok I think I got it. This is what I will 
do once I recieve some blessings from this list:

I move the directories currently under /home to /mnt/hd, then I change one 
line in /etc/fstab to make /dev/hde3 mount on /home instead of /mnt/hd. I 
think this will preserve the contents of the user home directories and also 
those files that are now in the /mnt/hd directory.

Any feedback will be appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] New hard-drives, now what? :)

2002-04-12 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 00:09:51 -0600, Charlie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sridhar Dhanapalan's message on April 11, 2002 10:17 pm, stated:
 13GB is probably a bit over the top for 'system' (non-user data) purposes.
  If you like, you can probably make another 'data' partition on the 13GB
  drive, taking some space from the other partitions. 500MB is way too big for
  /boot; 50MB is probably more than you'll ever need. I would probably give
  1GB to /var, 5GB to /usr, 1GB to /tmp, 1GB to / (unless you plan on
  installing many things to /opt, in which case you should allocate more), and
  the rest to 'data'. Of course, it all depends on how you use your system.
  You may also want to look into LVM. LVM can treat both drives as one unit,
  and it allows you to change partition sizes non-destructively. Diskdrake can
  handle LVM creation.
 LVM? Is that a virtual machine? Sort of software RAID without fake RAID on 
 hardware like the cards that are too  expensive? grin

Linux already has an excellent software RAID implementation. LVM is both a
competing and complimentary technology to software RAID, depending on how you
use it. You can, I hear, configure an LVM on top of a RAID setup.

  I'll go Google-ing and read what I can find about that. 

I'll save you some trouble. Try http://linux.org.mt/article/lvm and

 So for the two 60 GB hard drives (the one already in the box and the one that 
 I'm picking up today) I only really need about 8 GB?

Actually, you probably won't even need 8GB. But it's always better to have too
much than too little, especially when you're dealing with as much as 120GB.

 Fine; but what the _h_e_ double hockey sticks do I do with the other 112 GB? 

You can never have enough disc space :)

 Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be doing a lot of reading before I 
 re-install the system I do believe.

No problem.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Because I'm a bastard, and proud of it! -- Linus Torvalds

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[newbie] compiling 'fly'

2002-04-12 Thread Colin Jenkins

Hi all,

I am having problems trying to instal PWEBSTATS (perl util.)
I installed 'GD' but the found I needed to install 'fly', that is
where the problems began.
when I typed 'make', I got a number of errors relating to other files
required, which I installed from rpm's.
Now the error is..

gcc -O -pedantic -Wall -Igd-1.8.4 -I/usr/local/web/include -Lgd-1.8.4 
-L/usr/local/web/lib -o fly fly.o -lgd -lm -lz -lttf -lpng -ljpeg
fly.o: In function `main':
fly.o(.text+0x2489): undefined reference to `gdImageGif'
fly.o: In function `copy_to_img':
fly.o(.text+0x3052): undefined reference to `gdImageCreateFromGif'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [fly] Error 1

I'm totally confused now (this is my first attempt at compiling)
any thoughts would be much appriciated...



6:20pm up 8 days, 2:13, 2 users, load average: 3.84, 3.73, 3.78
If at first you don't succeed you're running about average.
 ..registered linux user #223862 ..

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[newbie] documentation of CDROM libraries

2002-04-12 Thread Ellen Slater

Is this a written list of all the 
libraries, programs, etc. provided on the CDROMs (v8.1)?
(besides the documentations in the /usr/share/docs) I am 
still getting acclimatedwith all the docs 

Re: [newbie] Moving the home directory.

2002-04-12 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 00:40:46 -0700, Seedkum Aladeem [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote: Hi,
 For some reason (most likely my self), the home directory ended up in a 
 partition where I do not want it to be. Can I move the home directory to the 
 partition where I want it to be?
 Can I log in as root and move the home directory? the home directory for the 
 root user is on the partition called / and I would not be moving it in this 
 Currently I have:
 /home in the /dev/hde2 partition and I want it to go on /dev/hde3 partition 
 The /dev/hde3 partition is currently mounted on a directory /mnt/hd. Also 
 /mnt/hd holds some files that I want to continue to use.
 I want /hde3 mounted on /home.. ok I think I got it. This is what I will 
 do once I recieve some blessings from this list:
 I move the directories currently under /home to /mnt/hd, then I change one 
 line in /etc/fstab to make /dev/hde3 mount on /home instead of /mnt/hd. I 
 think this will preserve the contents of the user home directories and also 
 those files that are now in the /mnt/hd directory.


That should work fine.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Also note how I said that it is the BSD people I  despise. Not the HP-UX
implementation. The HP-UX one is not pretty, but it works. But I hold open
source people to higher standards. They are supposed to be the people who do
programming because it's an art-form, not because it's their job.  -- 

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Re: [newbie] documentation of CDROM libraries

2002-04-12 Thread Ellen Slater

Let me try again: 

Does there exist a written list of 
all the libraries, programs, etc. provided on the CDROMs (v8.1)?
(besides the documentations in the 
/usr/share/docs) I am still getting acclimatedwith 
all the docs provided.

  - Original Message - 
  Ellen Slater 
  Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 4:02 
  Subject: [newbie] documentation of CDROM 
  Is this a written list of all the 
  libraries, programs, etc. provided on the CDROMs (v8.1)?
  (besides the documentations in the /usr/share/docs) I am 
  still getting acclimatedwith all the docs 

Re: [newbie] Kernel upgrade

2002-04-12 Thread Danny Luker

Thanks Charles ... I'll give this a spin and see what happens!  I hope this 
is all that is missing.  ;)  And that I have not already broken something 

Much thanks

On Thursday 11 April 2002 10:06 pm, you wrote:
 Hi Danny Luker,
 Ref:My Last post about mrproper or distclean

 Either of these commands will delete your .config file in usr/src/linux
 directory. No big deal, you can copy it from /boot. If you have not
 deleted the file yet, cp .config .Config (note the cap 'C'). Now the
 .Config file will not be deleted and you can cp .Config .config after
 the mrproper or distclean command.

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Re: [newbie] transparent users

2002-04-12 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 Is there a way to see what commands a remote user is running on my

Hylton Conacher on KDE 2.1.1 on kernel 2.4.3-20mdk#1

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Re: [newbie] documentation of CDROM libraries

2002-04-12 Thread Charlie

Ellen Slater's message on April 12, 2002 03:36 am, stated:
 Let me try again:
 Does there exist a written list of all the libraries, programs, etc.
 provided on the CDROMs (v8.1)? (besides the documentations in the
 /usr/share/docs) I am still getting acclimated with all the docs provided.
I'm not certain where a list of every item on the disks could be obtained but 
you could see what's there by looking at the RPM directories on one of the 
mirror sites. Or if you have 8.1 installed just open the software manager and 
look at the installed and installable lists. I'd suggest the flat list view 
and something (lot's of something) to drink since the list is a bit long.

I've never tried to grok the entire list. I usually get to about the G in 
alphabetical order and my brain vapour locks. 
Charlie in Edmonton, AB., Canada
Mandrake 8.2
registered user 244963
4:00am up 6:04, 2 users, load average: 0.49, 0.13, 0.04

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Re: [newbie] New hard-drives, now what? :)

2002-04-12 Thread Charlie

Sridhar Dhanapalan's message on April 12, 2002 01:17 am, stated:

  LVM? Is that a virtual machine? Sort of software RAID without fake RAID
  on hardware like the cards that are too  expensive? grin

 Linux already has an excellent software RAID implementation. LVM is both a
 competing and complimentary technology to software RAID, depending on how
 you use it. You can, I hear, configure an LVM on top of a RAID setup.

   I'll go Google-ing and read what I can find about that.

 I'll save you some trouble. Try http://linux.org.mt/article/lvm and

  So for the two 60 GB hard drives (the one already in the box and the one
  that I'm picking up today) I only really need about 8 GB?

 Actually, you probably won't even need 8GB. But it's always better to have
 too much than too little, especially when you're dealing with as much as

  Fine; but what the _h_e_ double hockey sticks do I do with the other 112
  GB? ;-)

 You can never have enough disc space :)

  Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be doing a lot of reading before I
  re-install the system I do believe.

 No problem.

Thanks for the links. More good material for me to attempt to absorb.

Disk space? If more is good then too much must be _just right_! :)
Charlie in Edmonton, AB., Canada
Mandrake 8.2
registered user 244963
4:08am up 6:12, 2 users, load average: 0.09, 0.46, 0.29

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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA RPMs

2002-04-12 Thread Greg Smitih

Thanks everybody for your help.  I've got it working.  It turns out that I 
had done way too much messing around.  I re-installed the OS and ran the 
NVidia upgrade instead of the full install.  The next time I started the 
machine I saw the nvidia splash screen and Tuxracer works perfectly.  Now the 
kids are happy again.

Thanks again to all of you who put in your two cents worth.


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Re: [newbie] Good News and BAD News - '/home' less

2002-04-12 Thread Michael

Reply in text below

Terry Smith wrote:
 Short ver.: Any way to recover a deleted directory on a ext3 partition?
 Details: Although I've remained subscribed to this list, over the last 6
 weeks I've been running a RH 7.2 distro off of my hdb drive. BOO!
 Last night, after downloading the new Mandrake 8.2 and burning 3 cds I
 installed 8.2 on my hda (sharing with windows). As customary I did a
 'clean install' but didn't reformat my /home directory (on hda).
 Installation went perfect, everything's configured, the new CUPS not
 only recognized my printer (HP Officejet) but recognized and installed
 software for the built-in scanner. YAY!
 But all my personal files, emails, downloads, tarballs, rpms and other
 goodies I've picked up over the last month are over on the hdb /home
 I had backed up the /etc directory on hda (the old drive with Mandrake
 8.1) but didn't backup /home on hdb as I didn't have any intention of
 overwriting it, moving it, etc. BAD!
 So now happily playing with my new 8.2 I figure I better access all my
 /home files on hdb. I modify /etc/fstab to pick up the hdb2 partition
 but name it 'rh_one'. I mkdir 'rh_one', do the mount and everything's
 there. YAY!
 Now things go downhill. I decide I want to rename the dir 'rh_one' to
 'rh_home' so I use the mv command. It apparently copies everything from
 rh_one to rh_home. I check 'rh_home'. Everything looks OK. I do a 'rmdir
 rh_one'. BOO! All the files that were on hdb /home are gone!
 I guess if someone could tell me where I went wrong I'd appreciate it.

if you went:
# cd /rh_one
# cp -r rh_one rh_home
then you may have created a directory inside 'rh_one' called 'rh_home', id est
/rh_one/rh_home. So if you deleted all in /rh_one then /rh_home is ker-phut as

Sorry i can't help with the recovery. 

 But the real question is Can I recover the directory? I was using the
 ext3 journaling filesystem so I would think that there is some
 possibility, but frankly don't have a clue on how to proceed.
 I've got a backup that's a couple of weeks old and there's nothing
 hugely important but it would sure be nice to have those files back.
 Can it be done?
 '/home' less in Cape Cod USA

Hlade's Law:
If you have a difficult task, give it to a lazy person --
they will find an easier way to do it.

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Re: [newbie] documentation of CDROM libraries

2002-04-12 Thread Michael

Use RPMDrake or kpackage and go through slowly. If you highlight a package it
will tell you the files it installs and a brief description of what the package
is for.

I hope this is what you were looking for.

Charlie wrote:
 Ellen Slater's message on April 12, 2002 03:36 am, stated:
  Let me try again:
  Does there exist a written list of all the libraries, programs, etc.
  provided on the CDROMs (v8.1)? (besides the documentations in the
  /usr/share/docs) I am still getting acclimated with all the docs provided.
 I'm not certain where a list of every item on the disks could be obtained but
 you could see what's there by looking at the RPM directories on one of the
 mirror sites. Or if you have 8.1 installed just open the software manager and
 look at the installed and installable lists. I'd suggest the flat list view
 and something (lot's of something) to drink since the list is a bit long.
 I've never tried to grok the entire list. I usually get to about the G in
 alphabetical order and my brain vapour locks.
 Charlie in Edmonton, AB., Canada
 Mandrake 8.2
 registered user 244963
 4:00am up 6:04, 2 users, load average: 0.49, 0.13, 0.04
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

We may not be able to persuade Hindus that Jesus and not Vishnu should
govern their spiritual horizon, nor Moslems that Lord Buddha is at the
center of their spiritual universe, nor Hebrews that Mohammed is a major
prophet, nor Christians that Shinto best expresses their spiritual 
concerns, to say nothing of the fact that we may not be able to get
Christians to agree among themselves about their relationship to God.
But all will agree on a proposition that they possess profound spiritual
resources.  If, in addition, we can get them to accept the further
proposition that whatever form the Deity may have in their own theology,
the Deity is not only external, but internal and acts through them, and
they themselves give proof or disproof of the Deity in what they do and
think; if this further proposition can be accepted, then we come that
much closer to a truly religious situation on earth.
- Norman Cousins, from his book Human Options

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Re: [newbie] Reiser Question

2002-04-12 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 03:34:42 +0300
Jussi Aalto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK guys, this is not funny, where the heck do you find these last 
 resorts?? This has obviously something to do with secret handshakes 
 etc. Which man pages do I have to memorize and cat-when-asked to get 

 But seriously, IIRC the SysRq works only if it's compiled into kernel. 
 Is it compiled on install-and-enjoy kernels?

[frans@amd frans]$ less /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-6mdk/.config | grep MAGIC_SYSRQ
[frans@amd frans]$
 and Cheers,
 If you stick a stock of liquor in your locker,
 It is slick to stick a lock upon your stock. 
   Or some joker who is slicker,
   Will trick you of your liquor,
 If you fail to lock your liquor with a lock.
 On Thursday 11 April 2002 22:33, shane wrote:
  did you try the last resort
  Alt + SysRq + r
  Alt + SysRq + s
  Alt + SysRq + e
  Alt + SysRq + i
  Alt + SysRq + u
  Alt + SysRq + b

From the documentation mentioned above:

Mnemonic phrase: Raising Skinny Elephants Is Utterly Boring


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[newbie] IDE for C/C++

2002-04-12 Thread rsch77

Hello all, I need an advice.
Does anybody know a good IDE for C/C++, and where I find it ?
Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] IDE for C/C++

2002-04-12 Thread Rich

On Fri, 2002-04-12 at 08:06, rsch77 wrote:
 Hello all, I need an advice.
 Does anybody know a good IDE for C/C++, and where I find it ?
 Thanks in advance,
I like Anjuta, which can be foune on Sourceforge...


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Re: [newbie] Good News and BAD News - '/home' less

2002-04-12 Thread Frans Ketelaars


It's about ext2, but since ext3 is build upon ext2 IIUC _maybe_ it's of 
some use. Good luck!

On 11 Apr 2002 21:11:54 -0400
Terry Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Short ver.: Any way to recover a deleted directory on a ext3 partition?
 Details: Although I've remained subscribed to this list, over the last 6
 weeks I've been running a RH 7.2 distro off of my hdb drive. BOO!
 Last night, after downloading the new Mandrake 8.2 and burning 3 cds I
 installed 8.2 on my hda (sharing with windows). As customary I did a
 'clean install' but didn't reformat my /home directory (on hda).
 Installation went perfect, everything's configured, the new CUPS not
 only recognized my printer (HP Officejet) but recognized and installed
 software for the built-in scanner. YAY!
 But all my personal files, emails, downloads, tarballs, rpms and other
 goodies I've picked up over the last month are over on the hdb /home
 I had backed up the /etc directory on hda (the old drive with Mandrake
 8.1) but didn't backup /home on hdb as I didn't have any intention of
 overwriting it, moving it, etc. BAD!
 So now happily playing with my new 8.2 I figure I better access all my
 /home files on hdb. I modify /etc/fstab to pick up the hdb2 partition
 but name it 'rh_one'. I mkdir 'rh_one', do the mount and everything's
 there. YAY!
 Now things go downhill. I decide I want to rename the dir 'rh_one' to
 'rh_home' so I use the mv command. It apparently copies everything from
 rh_one to rh_home. I check 'rh_home'. Everything looks OK. I do a 'rmdir
 rh_one'. BOO! All the files that were on hdb /home are gone!
 I guess if someone could tell me where I went wrong I'd appreciate it.
 But the real question is Can I recover the directory? I was using the
 ext3 journaling filesystem so I would think that there is some
 possibility, but frankly don't have a clue on how to proceed.
 I've got a backup that's a couple of weeks old and there's nothing
 hugely important but it would sure be nice to have those files back.
 Can it be done?
 '/home' less in Cape Cod USA



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[newbie] Installation Problems

2002-04-12 Thread Michael . Hughes


I just installed ver 8.1 on my system.

This is a dual boot and during install it asked me to install LILO which I
did. then it said to remove media and it rebooted the pc.

Goes through POST, then starts to load everything.  Gets to the point where
it tries to boot from the CD ROM, then tries to boot from the Floppy Drive.
At this point the screen has

01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 in a continuous
loop going across the screen

The light for the floppy drive is on constantly. it is not blinking.
Normally this is due to cable being installed wrong, but the cable is right
cause if I boot to windows it is fine.  

I can boot to windows if I use my windows boot disk.

I can boot to Linux if I use the Linux boot did it asked me to create.

but it will not boot up normally to LILO and give me the boot options that
it should.

Windows is installed on hda 40GB
Linux is installed on hdb 40GB

Computer config is Dual P3 1GHZ, 768 MB RAM, CDR, Floppy, 2 hard drives, and
zip drive, GeForce2 video card.

The install went smoothly as far as I can tell I didn't get any errors
during install and everything seemed to be recognized properly.  There is no
SCSI equipment in the machine.

Has anyone seen this before.  I cannot get it to stop unless I turn the pc

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[newbie] Apache server not in browse list

2002-04-12 Thread John Bodden

I have installed and configured my Apache server. I am not able to see
the server in the Net Neighborhood on my Win machines. If I do a search
for the IP or hostname (using WINS)  the Win machine will find the
Apache machine and I can access the shares. This is a Mandrake 8.2 box,
configured to use Domain auth.



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Re: [newbie] officially ms free

2002-04-12 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Paul R wrote:
 I'm looking forward to my copy of Return to Castle Wolfenstein I ordered
 from http://www.TuxGames.com  You can buy the Windows version, and
 download the Linux installer from IdSoftware.  So it really is a Linux
 game, it just uses the game files from the cd.  TuxGames sells it with
 the files necessary so you don't have to do the extraction from the cd
 from a windows partition or through wine (like idsoftware says).
 Awesome gameplay on that!
 - Paul

You know, just to mention it, when you do the installation, it *still* tells
you that you will have to get those files. I checked in main after the
install though, and they were there. Great game, BTW! ;-)


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Re: [newbie] officially ms free

2002-04-12 Thread Ronald J. Hall

James Thomas wrote:
   Alas, I can't do this as I need Windows to:
   1. Play Games
   2. Use my Scanner - it's not yet supported under Linux that I can find
   scannerdrake doesn't recognize it.
 Hi James. If I might ask, what games? I was hanging on to a Windog
 installation just because a few of my fav games wouldn't work correctly
 Linux, but after using Transgamings' Winex, I'm a believer. (and I no
 dual boot - Windoze is dead, buried, and burning in Hades!)
 Well, I just got Dungeon Siege, a great game and even though it's
 DISTRIBUTED by MS, wasn't made by them (phew! :P). I also play D2 (which
 you've said works, so cool) but TransGaming tends not to work well with
 brand new games.

Watch for Winex v2.0 - it should rock. Directx 8.x support is supposedly
included, as well as a lot of Battlenet fixes. ;-)


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Re: [newbie] bastille logs

2002-04-12 Thread shane

On Friday 12 April 2002 12:35, Jay opened a general hailing frequency and 
transmitted to all open stations:

lemme rephrase, i know what services it is blocking, i want to see what 
attempts it is loggiong as blocking.  anyone know a good log monitoring 
tool?  picking through all those log files sucks.

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[newbie] Networking inquiry

2002-04-12 Thread Belgarius

(Actually, that subject line should be *utter* newbie)

   I've taken the plunge here, and installed ML 8.2 on another machine, one
that I hope to eventually use to replace my present Windoze server system,
but have already hit a stumbling block head on.

   My present server system runs under 98SE, and contains those servers and
user files for my domain and the subdomains I host.  It also contains the
3COM NIC that hooks to my DSL modem, along with a secondary NIC for the LAN.
The new Linux system was previously a 98SE client system, and things worked
about as well as they ever do under the Win32 platform.

   My intention is to use the Linux system as my primary server, and move
the user files and so forth to it, as well as make use of it's FTP, mail,
and http servers to host my domain and clients.  This is where I am running
into problems.  I need to be able to network the new box into the existing
setup, so that I can test things before making these changes, and to be able
to transfer the existing user files over to their new home, but... I am
unable to make the Linux system connect to the winbox.  I'm using the same
IP address and subnet mask that I used with the system when it had Windoze
installed on it, but it refuses to connect now, and I am not nearly
experienced enough with Linux to know where to start looking for clues as to
the how's and why's of this procedure.  No doubt, I've not installed
something needed, or have otherwise overlooked the obvious, and was hoping
that some kind soul here could give me a boot in the right direction as to
what I need to set up to at least get the two systems to talk to each other,
perhaps a tutorial somewhere that could lead me in the right direction.

   Many thanks in advance, and apologies for my blatant ignorance on the
topic.  ;c)

Belgarius Mourngrym

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
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Re: [newbie] Networking inquiry

2002-04-12 Thread shane

On Friday 12 April 2002 14:03, Belgarius opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

My intention is to use the Linux system as my primary server, and move
 the user files and so forth to it, as well as make use of it's FTP, mail,
 and http servers to host my domain and clients.  This is where I am
 running into problems.  I need to be able to network the new box into the
 existing setup, so that I can test things before making these changes,
 and to be able to transfer the existing user files over to their new
 home, but... I am unable to make the Linux system connect to the winbox. 
 I'm using the same IP address and subnet mask that I used with the system
 when it had Windoze installed on it, but it refuses to connect now, and I
 am not nearly experienced enough with Linux to know where to start

starting very basic, http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/connect/cmlan.html

however, what do you by it refuses to connect?  can you ping the box?  can 
you see files either direction?  what are you using to attempt to see 

more info!  mandrake mailing list users want to know!  :-)

if you can ping both ways, let me suggest komba2 for your filesharing needs.  
it is on the cds i believe.  samba is also your friend.  if you can't ping,  
try, in a shell window, becoming root first with the su command then 
ifconfig and tell us what you get.

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Re: [newbie] KDE 3 Menu

2002-04-12 Thread Tagbo Ekwueme-Okoli

Try deleting/renaming your .kde directory, logging out and logging back
in again, that worked for me.

On Wed, 2002-04-10 at 13:32, shane wrote:
 On Tuesday 09 April 2002 05:50, Brian York opened a general hailing 
 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  I changed something but don't remember where i did it at. I have the KDE
  menu for my K button instead of the Mandrake menu which has a lot more
  programs. I tried deleting and adding the K button again but that didn't
  help does anyone know what i did.
 i can't help much, but in the menudrake, there is an option somewhere for 
 modify menu style and it has system, all, kde, and other choices.  look 
 there i think.
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Re: [newbie] bastille logs

2002-04-12 Thread Derek Jennings

On Friday 12 April 2002 9:39 pm, shane wrote:
 On Friday 12 April 2002 12:35, Jay opened a general hailing frequency and
 transmitted to all open stations:

 lemme rephrase, i know what services it is blocking, i want to see what
 attempts it is loggiong as blocking.  anyone know a good log monitoring
 tool?  picking through all those log files sucks.

LogcheckIt will go though all your logs and e-mail you with any 
suspicious activity


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Re: [newbie] KDE 3 Menu

2002-04-12 Thread cc tsim

Open a konsole and type the following
update-menus -v

From: Tagbo Ekwueme-Okoli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE 3 Menu
Date: 12 Apr 2002 18:02:50 -0400

Try deleting/renaming your .kde directory, logging out and logging back
in again, that worked for me.

On Wed, 2002-04-10 at 13:32, shane wrote:
  On Tuesday 09 April 2002 05:50, Brian York opened a general hailing
  frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
   I changed something but don't remember where i did it at. I have the 
   menu for my K button instead of the Mandrake menu which has a lot more
   programs. I tried deleting and adding the K button again but that 
   help does anyone know what i did.
  i can't help much, but in the menudrake, there is an option somewhere 
  modify menu style and it has system, all, kde, and other choices.  
  there i think.
  Microsoft: Writing viruses has never been easier!
  Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
  Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
  Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
  Registered linux user #101606 @ http://counter.li.org/

  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] Networking inquiry

2002-04-12 Thread Derek Jennings

On Friday 12 April 2002 10:03 pm, Belgarius wrote:
 (Actually, that subject line should be *utter* newbie)

I've taken the plunge here, and installed ML 8.2 on another machine, one
 that I hope to eventually use to replace my present Windoze server system,
 but have already hit a stumbling block head on.

My present server system runs under 98SE, and contains those servers and
 user files for my domain and the subdomains I host.  It also contains the
 3COM NIC that hooks to my DSL modem, along with a secondary NIC for the
 LAN. The new Linux system was previously a 98SE client system, and things
 worked about as well as they ever do under the Win32 platform.

My intention is to use the Linux system as my primary server, and move
 the user files and so forth to it, as well as make use of it's FTP, mail,
 and http servers to host my domain and clients.  This is where I am running
 into problems.  I need to be able to network the new box into the existing
 setup, so that I can test things before making these changes, and to be
 able to transfer the existing user files over to their new home, but... I
 am unable to make the Linux system connect to the winbox.  I'm using the
 same IP address and subnet mask that I used with the system when it had
 Windoze installed on it, but it refuses to connect now, and I am not nearly
 experienced enough with Linux to know where to start looking for clues as
 to the how's and why's of this procedure.  No doubt, I've not installed
 something needed, or have otherwise overlooked the obvious, and was hoping
 that some kind soul here could give me a boot in the right direction as to
 what I need to set up to at least get the two systems to talk to each
 other, perhaps a tutorial somewhere that could lead me in the right

Many thanks in advance, and apologies for my blatant ignorance on the
 topic.  ;c)

Windows machines use a proprietary SMB protocol to talk to each other. So in 
order to use your Linux box as a Windows file server it needs to 'look like' 
a Windows box. That function is performed by a server function called 'Samba'
in 8.2 Samba is quite easy to set up (compared to earlier releases) using a 
tool called 'Webmin' Webmin is worth getting to know because you can set up a 
whole bunch of stuff with it, and can even set up your linux box with a 
remote computer.

First install the rpms  samba,samba-client,samba-common,webmin

The webmin server will automatically start when you install the rpm.
 Next type 
https://localhost:1in the URL line of any browser. This will pull up 
the webmin login. Login as username root.
Ignore the other fun stuff for the moment, To set up Samba select Servers 
Samba Windows FileSharing

It will show a page showing your default shares which are 
homes -This is the home directory of whichever user logs into samba
printers -  This is any linux printer attached to the Computer or networked 
through CUPS

You can try adding new shares later, but start off just trying to share the 
home directories.

Next define the samba user names. These do NOT have to be the same as the 
Linux user names, but it makes life simpler to understand if they are. These 
users must also exist on the Windows computers. Webmin has a nice facility to 
automatically convert linus users to samba users. Select  'Convert Unix users 
to Samba Users'

It will then show the users it has converted. Delete any unwanted ones, and 
make sure thos that remain are defined with 
'normal user'
'password IS required'
and set the password to be the same as the Linux password (for an easy life)

Next Select 'Windows Networking'
Make sure the workgroup name is as for the rest of your network.

Then click on 'Restart Samba Server' and you should be just about there. (So 
long as I have not left out some vital step)

You should then see your Linux computer in Windows 'Network Neighbourhood' 
and you should be able to mount the home directory of whichever user you used 
to log into the windows box.  If it does not accept the password, there is 
something screwy in your username/password config.

To browse the Windows computers from Linux two methods are easy to do.

1/ Install the rpm 'komba2'  Start it from the Kmenu and then you should get 
a 'Network Neighbourhood' browse facility. Clicking on a folder will open it 
(so long as you have given komba the username/password) and it will mount in 
your home directory under the folder 'komba' 

2/ Use Mandrake ControlCentreMountPointsSambaMountPoints
Click on 'Search servers' to find your windows computers.
Click on the server name to find shared folders
Select one and click on mount point to specify the folder on the linux 
machine where you want this share to go.
Click on options-  user allows a user to mount the folder as well as root.
Noauto means the folder will NOT be automatically mounted every tme 
computer boots.

Select on 'Mount' and the folder will be mounted for 

Re: [newbie] NFS unmount hangs system.

2002-04-12 Thread Sevatio

I had the same problem.  You just have to make sure nfs and nfslock 
doesn't run and doesn't startup at boot.  And most importantly, make 
sure autofs doesn't run and startup and boot time.


Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 At boot up, the system has the following fstab and mtab:
 [seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$ cat /etc/fstab
 /dev/hde2 / ext3 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
 dev=/dev/hdb,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/dos_16 vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hde6 /mnt/fat_32 vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
 dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hde3 /mnt/hd ext3 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda5 /mnt/win2000 vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hde1 /usr ext3 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hde5 swap swap defaults 0 0
 [seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$
 [seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$
 [seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$
 [seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$
 [seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$ cat /etc/mtab
 /dev/hde2 / ext3 rw 0 0
 none /proc proc rw 0 0
 none /dev devfs rw 0 0
 none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
 ro,dev=/dev/hdb,fs=iso9660,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/dos_16 vfat rw,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hde6 /mnt/fat_32 vfat rw,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
 rw,sync,dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hde3 /mnt/hd ext3 rw 0 0
 /dev/hda5 /mnt/win2000 vfat rw,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hde1 /usr ext3 rw 0 0
 none /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs rw,devmode=0664,devgid=43 0 0
 grumpy:(pid1223) /net nfs 
 0 0
 automount(pid1319) /misc autofs rw,fd=8,pgrp=1319,minproto=2,maxproto=4 0 0
 automount(pid1341) /net autofs rw,fd=8,pgrp=1341,minproto=2,maxproto=4 0 0
 [seedkum@grumpy seedkum]$
 I did not intend to install NFS. What happens now is that when I want to 
 bring the system down it gives me the message that NFS could not get 
 unmounted (i.e. unmounting of NFS fails) and the system just hangs and at 
 that point I have to turn the power swich off because the system does not 
 respond to anything. Last night I left it at that hang state just to see if 
 it does anythng if it is left on its own for long time. This morning there 
 was nothing on the screen to show me that anything new has happened but it 
 responded to the ALT+CTL+DEL. When I did that I got the message that some 
 process woke up and etc as if shutdown has just started. Then it goes and 
 tells me again that unmounting of NFS has failed and it hangs again at the 
 same place! 
 I have benn booting from floppy and I have been forcing to do a file system 
 check and clean up each time
 I have never installed NFS knowingly and I do not want it now. How do I take 
 NFS off my system? There are things in the fstab and Mmtab that I do not 
 recognize and I do not know what to do with them. Can someone help?
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[newbie] KDE 3 and Font path

2002-04-12 Thread Dr Joe Brand


I installed kde 3 the other day on LM 8.1.  All went pretty well, except 
I have been getting missing font error messages.  Can anyone tell me how 
get the fonts back? And where they are located?  Is there a path 
somewhere that I need to set up?


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Re: [newbie] New hard-drives, now what? :)

2002-04-12 Thread FemmeFatale

 Fine; but what the _h_e_ double hockey sticks do I do with the other 112 GB?
 Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be doing a lot of reading before I
 re-install the system I do believe.
 Charlie in Edmonton, AB., Canada

Give it to me! :)


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] KDE 3 Menu

2002-04-12 Thread FemmeFatale

 On Wed, 2002-04-10 at 13:32, shane wrote:
  On Tuesday 09 April 2002 05:50, Brian York opened a general hailing
  frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
   I changed something but don't remember where i did it at. I have the KDE
   menu for my K button instead of the Mandrake menu which has a lot more
   programs. I tried deleting and adding the K button again but that didn't
   help does anyone know what i did.

Hit the K button, goto Configuration Then  Menudrake.  Look there
for the buttons to load your Menu style.

The option is fairly simple to find once in Menudrake.  

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] New hard-drives, now what? :)

2002-04-12 Thread Charlie

FemmeFatale's message on April 12, 2002 05:59 pm, stated:
 Fine; but what the _h_e_ double hockey sticks do I do with the other 112
 GB? ;-)
 Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be doing a lot of reading before I
 re-install the system I do believe.

 Give it to me! :)

I only pretend to be able to do magic Femme! g 

Charlie in Edmonton, AB., Canada
Mandrake 8.2
registered user 244963
7:16pm up 4:49, 2 users, load average: 0.02, 0.04, 0.00

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[newbie] Stopping X

2002-04-12 Thread Brian York

Does anyone know how to shutdown x windows after it is started. I can change 
the login in but 98 percent of the time i want to start x anyway


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Re: [newbie] Stopping X

2002-04-12 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Brian York wrote:
 Does anyone know how to shutdown x windows after it is started. I can change
 the login in but 98 percent of the time i want to start x anyway

Hi Brian. I'm a little confused as to what you want to do here, but if its just
quitting out of your Xserver, back to the command line, then:

control alt backspace

will do it... ;-)


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[newbie] Very Newbie Question

2002-04-12 Thread Barry Premeaux

I have MD 8.1 installed on my first drive and wanted to do a separate install 
for MD8.2.  I put in a second drive and installed MD 8.2 which installed its 
version of LILO in MBR.  After reading the LILO info on MUO, I learned that I 
needed to go back and reinstall the original LILO and then edit lilo.conf to 
add the MD 8.2 boot.

Here is my problem.  I booted up CD1 and ran 'rescue'.  But I can't figure 
out how to get access to /dev/hda5 so I can run /sbin/lilo.  Trying to mount 
the /dev gives me 'Permission Denied' and 'Device already mounted'.One 
time I got a message indicated that mtab shows the device already mounted.  I 
checked mtab, and all the correct partitions were showing up.

If I were in DOS, I would simply type the drive letter (c:) and go for it.  
Can someone clue me in on how to move from /mnt/cdrom to /dev/hda5?  I've 
looked through three of my linux books (have a couple more to go) and there 
is no reference as to how to do it.


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Re: [newbie] Stopping X

2002-04-12 Thread Brian York

control alt backspace force fully logs me out to the X windows login
i want to completely quit X


On Thursday 11 April 2002 22:24, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Brian York wrote:
  Does anyone know how to shutdown x windows after it is started. I can
  change the login in but 98 percent of the time i want to start x anyway

 Hi Brian. I'm a little confused as to what you want to do here, but if its
 just quitting out of your Xserver, back to the command line, then:

 control alt backspace

 will do it... ;-)

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Re: [newbie] Stopping X

2002-04-12 Thread civileme

Brian York wrote:

Does anyone know how to shutdown x windows after it is started. I can change 
the login in but 98 percent of the time i want to start x anyway


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Well go to www.civileme.com

Open the Software folder

Download Xtart  (not the rpms, just the simple file)

Read it over if you like--the file is text.

Save it at /usr/bin/Xtart

Now set your runlevel to 3 using Mandrake Control Center, and reboot.

You will come up in console--just login as your normal user name.

Type Xtart without the quotes.

You will get a menu of all X window managers installed on your system.

If you type in a single 0, X will start WITHOUT a window manager, just a 
single xterm (you can use things that don't start X from there. like 

If you type in any other string of characters, the first match of in the 
left column will be selected

e.g. Type 'En' without quotes and it will match


or use '04' if you prefer.

Now you are running in X--you can stop at any time by ctrl-alt-backspace 
or by logging out in the normal way.

Of course, if you just want a console, you can use ctrl-alt-Fx where x 
is between 2 and 6 (yes the numbered function Key) and you will be in 
console with X running on ctrl-alt-F7  (It launches from the console at 
ctrl-alt-F1, so I don't recommend using that).


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Re: [newbie] Stopping X

2002-04-12 Thread Joseph Braddock

If you are just wanting to get to the console outside of X, you could press control 
alt F1.  That would create a new session in linux (you would have to log in 
again).  When finished doing whatever it was that you were doing, you can press 
control alt F7 to return to your X session.


On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 23:22:13 -0400
Brian York [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 control alt backspace force fully logs me out to the X windows login
 i want to completely quit X
 On Thursday 11 April 2002 22:24, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  Brian York wrote:
   Does anyone know how to shutdown x windows after it is started. I can
   change the login in but 98 percent of the time i want to start x anyway
  Hi Brian. I'm a little confused as to what you want to do here, but if its
  just quitting out of your Xserver, back to the command line, then:
  control alt backspace
  will do it... ;-)
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Re: [newbie] Stopping X

2002-04-12 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 22:09:28 -0400, Brian York [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone know how to shutdown x windows after it is started. I can change 
 the login in but 98 percent of the time i want to start x anyway

Firstly, switch to a virtual console on a different TTY:


At that terminal, login as root and type

  # init 3

To bring X back, type

  # init 5

Sridhar Dhanapalan

  I don't use a marketing eye, I simply don't care.
There are others who do, I'll let them worry about it.
-- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Apache server not in browse list

2002-04-12 Thread Michael Viron

Actually, this would be samba, not apache, since apache is a web server
only, not a file-sharing program like samba.

Most likely, the problem is occuring because your windows machine and your
linux machine are not in the same workgroup or domain.

If they aren't, windows won't see the linux box directly in Network
Neighborhood -- you'd have to either select Entire Network and then
select the other workgroup / domain, or make sure the domains match.


Michael Viron
Core Systems Administration Group
Simple End User Linux

At 10:10 AM 4/12/2002 -0400, you wrote:
I have installed and configured my Apache server. I am not able to see
the server in the Net Neighborhood on my Win machines. If I do a search
for the IP or hostname (using WINS)  the Win machine will find the
Apache machine and I can access the shares. This is a Mandrake 8.2 box,
configured to use Domain auth.



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Re: [newbie] Very Newbie Question

2002-04-12 Thread Damian G

El Vie 12 Abr 2002 20:53, Barry Premeaux escribió:
 I have MD 8.1 installed on my first drive and wanted to do a separate
 install for MD8.2.  I put in a second drive and installed MD 8.2 which
 installed its version of LILO in MBR.  After reading the LILO info on MUO,
 I learned that I needed to go back and reinstall the original LILO and then
 edit lilo.conf to add the MD 8.2 boot.

 Here is my problem.  I booted up CD1 and ran 'rescue'.  But I can't figure
 out how to get access to /dev/hda5 so I can run /sbin/lilo.  Trying to
 mount the /dev gives me 'Permission Denied' and 'Device already mounted'.  
  One time I got a message indicated that mtab shows the device already
 mounted.  I checked mtab, and all the correct partitions were showing up.

 If I were in DOS, I would simply type the drive letter (c:) and go for it.
 Can someone clue me in on how to move from /mnt/cdrom to /dev/hda5?  I've
 looked through three of my linux books (have a couple more to go) and there
 is no reference as to how to do it.


well, you have to know where the disk is mounted.
you see, /dev/hda5 is the name of the device, but 
to list it's contents, you have to mount it on a directory.
i'd look into the /mnt/ directory first. if that doesn't help,
you should remember when you ran the 8.2 installer,
the part when you can manage the partitions, it says
the mount point for each of them. 

anyway, you can run the installer again, and when you get
to the mount points part, write down all the info, quit the
installer and go to the rescue again.


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[newbie] alsa is already running

2002-04-12 Thread F. McKenna

Hi All,

I just replaced my Matrox Mystique video card with a Radeon.

As the subject line says it appears that a cople of instances of ALSA
aappears to try to be running.

Does anyone know the command line to cancel this or which file that I would
have to edit?


Frank McKenna

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