Re: [newbie-it] grip

2002-11-14 Thread Andrea Celli
On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 18:55:29 +0100
masco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 come posso riaprire un programma che è stato configurato male,nel caso 
 specifico è stato selezionato un cdrom insistente cdrom3 adesso il programma 
 non si apre più è possibile rimettere tutto a posto

Non ho mi usato il programma in questione.
Però, in generale, le tue configurazioni sono in un file o directory

Prova a vedere se hai un .grip, aprilo con un editor qualunque e rimuovi
il 3.
Nel caso improbabile che fosse un file binario, cancellalo.
Ripartirai come se non avessi mai usato il programma.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] copie raw

2002-11-14 Thread giamgax
Il Wed, 13 Nov 2002 19:33:20 +0100
francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 sapevo che qualcun altro ci sarebbe riuscito 
 per poter masterizzare DAO il masterizzatore deve essere supportato da 
 cdrdao oppure da cdrecord.
 gnome toaster di default utilizza il cdrecord per cambiare innanzitutto 
 deve avere il cdrdao installato  ( che trovi in rpm al solito modo) e 
 poi selezionare  la spunta su : preferenze/ recorder/ use alternative 
 se il tuo masterizzaotre e' supportato avrai una bella copia dao anche 
 raw  ... era questo che volevi sapere?
Intanto grazie per l'interesse, ma
come faccio a sapere se il mio plextor 1610 è supportato?

La prima domanda era relativa ad un accenno a una scelta da fare nelle preferenze di 
gnometoaster per utilizzare lusa (vado a memoria) al posto di cdrdao. 

Per te Blu American Express è gratis!

[newbie-it] e questa l'avete letta?

2002-11-14 Thread giamgax
da Kataweb:
Open Source, segnali contrastanti dalla PA

Roma, 13:22

Mentre Microsoft corre ai ripari contro l’Open Source e Linux è sempre più presente 
nei desktop di tutto il mondo una recente circolare del Ministero dell’Interno prevede 
esplicitamente il solo utilizzo di piattaforme proprietarie.

Si legge infatti nel documento:
(...)a garanzia della sicurezza interna del comune, deve prevedere le seguenti 
risorse: un PC con un sistema operativo Microsoft Windows 2000 professional o Windows 
XP professional, processore Pentium 3 e 256 MB di Ram; un accesso ad Internet ed un 
browser che supporti Java script. (...)

In questo modo sembra esclusa qualsiasi apertura, almeno per il momento, a sistemi 
operativi Open Source e proprio nei giorni in cui è stata istituita la Commissione che 
dovrebbe valutare l'utilizzo del 'codice aperto' nella Pubblica Amministrazione. Non è 
pensabile comunque che Microsoft abbia imposto il suo dazio alla nostra 
Amministrazione Pubblica. Molto probabilmente il supporto offerto da una grossa 
corporation è ancora un valore aggiunto indispensabile.

no comment.
Scarica il nuovo Yahoo! Messenger: con webcam, nuove faccine e tante altre novità.

Re: [newbie-it] Menù ( cartella home)

2002-11-14 Thread Germano
Scusate non ho seguito il thread dall'inizio, comunque se cercate un buon 
programma per configurare il menù, oltre all'ipotesi di di farselo da soli a 
manina che è utile solo se si ha una buona conoscenza o se si vogliono fare 
rifiniture, esiste kmenuedit che è molto buono.
Piccolo consiglio: se l'icona da mettere già la conoscete non sceglietela in 
kmenuedit, altrimenti prima di darvi la possibililtà di scegliere vi ha 
rovistato le 14 milioni di icone esistenti, ma editate il file in 
.kde/share/applnk/etc.etc. e dopo Icon ci scrivete il percorso completo.

Ciao, Germano

Il 20:46, mercoledì 13 novembre 2002, francesco.melo hai scritto:
  Original Message 
 Subject: Menù ( cartella home)
 Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 19:41:08 +0100
 From: francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 il tool menudrake e' secondo me il peggiore di tutta la distribuzione
 insieme a quell'incasinato che dovrebbe settarti un firewall ed invece
 mi accende il forno , apre le finestre del salone e purtroppo tenta di
 chiudere tutte le porte ... cmq  io non sono quasi mai riuscito ad usare
  menudrake con soddisfazione. o spariscono  icone e me ne ritrovo altre
 che non voglio e che non ci sono etc etc...

 cmq  nella tua home hai una cartella nascosta  che inizia come tante con
 un punto .kde
 al suo interno trovi altre cartelle ed anche i menù delle varie
 aplicazioni io spesso ho risolto cancellando da li
 altre volte aggiungendo a mano o spostando le applicazioni dove volevo
 io ...
 non vorrei dire una fesseria ma dovrebbe esistere anche un menu
 update-menus  a volte funziona  a volte no :)
  ah ...dienticavo  i menù  quelli che iniziano con mdk  non quelli
 applink  semplici ...trovi anche dove mettere le icone  


[newbie-it] firewall

2002-11-14 Thread Daniele Micci
Ciao a tutti,
sto cercando di configurare al meglio le opzioni di sicurezza offerte da Linux 
(e mi scontro con la mia poca esperienza), per tentare di ottenere un sistema 
quanto più sicuro possibile... mi servirebbe, però, poter verificare il 
funzionamento delle impostazioni che sto dando: esistono siti che consentano 
di mettere alla prova il PC, o programmi in grado di verificare se qualcosa 
sia rimasto aperto e vulnerabile? Come sempre, grazie!!


Re: [newbie-it] e questa l'avete letta?

2002-11-14 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 12:18, giovedì 14 novembre 2002, giamgax ha scritto:

Non mi stupisce tutto questo, siamo in Italia, non in Germania, Francia, 
Svezia ecc. ecc. dove la civiltà non è un optional

 da Kataweb:

 Open Source, segnali contrastanti dalla PA

 Roma, 13:22

 Mentre Microsoft corre ai ripari contro l’Open Source e Linux è sempre più
 presente nei desktop di tutto il mondo una recente circolare del Ministero
 dell’Interno prevede esplicitamente il solo utilizzo di piattaforme

 Si legge infatti nel documento:
 (...)a garanzia della sicurezza interna del comune, deve prevedere le
 seguenti risorse: un PC con un sistema operativo Microsoft Windows 2000
 professional o Windows XP professional, processore Pentium 3 e 256 MB di
 Ram; un accesso ad Internet ed un browser che supporti Java script. (...)

 In questo modo sembra esclusa qualsiasi apertura, almeno per il momento, a
 sistemi operativi Open Source e proprio nei giorni in cui è stata istituita
 la Commissione che dovrebbe valutare l'utilizzo del 'codice aperto' nella
 Pubblica Amministrazione. Non è pensabile comunque che Microsoft abbia
 imposto il suo dazio alla nostra Amministrazione Pubblica. Molto
 probabilmente il supporto offerto da una grossa corporation è ancora un
 valore aggiunto indispensabile.

 no comment.
 Scarica il nuovo Yahoo! Messenger: con webcam, nuove faccine e tante altre

[newbie-it] Che caldo!!

2002-11-14 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Cari ragazzi,

Nel portatile che uso, 128M Ram, 18G Hard disk, partizione abbastanza canonica 
9G win hda1,  mdk 9.0 5G hda5 /, swap, 4G hda7 /home,  quando sono sotto 
linux dopo pochi minuti il pc si surriscalda e comincia il lungo ed 
estenuante lavora della ventola.
Cosa posso fare per evitare che il pc fonda del tutto!! Penso a Luglio/Agosto!

Sono aperto a tutte le soluzioni, se serve pure formattare tutto da capo 
eliminando win!!


Re: [newbie-it] sendmail

2002-11-14 Thread Ivano
Dunque, cominciamo dall'inizio. Sendmail non si può gestire tramite web.
O meglio, via web esistono tool del calibro di webmin, che servono
all'amministratore del server di posta, ma non certo ad un utente.
Per quanto riguarda la programmazione di sendmail per spedirti la posta,
devi compilare il file indicandolgi che, il tuo server, deve
fare il remailer.
Il mer, 2002-11-13 alle 15:55, gigi pinna ha scritto:Ciao a tutta la
lista! ho visto che in questi giorni si sta parlando parecchio di
autenticazione by smtp. Vorrei sapere come sarebbe meglio configurare
sendmail per spedirmi lui la mia posta e senza dover impazzire tutte le
volte se decido di connettermi tramite un altro provider di continuo
(causa minor costo...). In più volevo sapere che cosa dovrebbe cambiare
se lo installo e lo uso in una lan con un firewall che non fa passare i
pacchetti udp e penso anche tcp (non vorrei dire una vaccata ma in
pratica posso usare solo web, ssh) Grazie!

Ma quante ne sai? Mettiti alla prova con QuizShow!

Re: [newbie-it] rpmbin

2002-11-14 Thread Ivano
Devi prima eseguirlo con ./rpm.bin
Aspetta e ... stai a guardare.
Il mer, 2002-11-13 alle 16:38, masco ha scritto:
 ciao a tutti,vorrei sapere come installare un pacchetto rpm.bin e 
 precisamente il plugin java per mozilla potete aiutarmi

Re: [newbie-it] Slack

2002-11-14 Thread miKe
Alle 08:10, mercoledì 13 novembre 2002, Beppe ha scritto:
 scusate ma posso fare una domanda da profano? cos'ha di
 interessante la slack? mi sembra che venga considerata un
 punto di arrivo da molti ma a quanto ne so è la distro in
 cui ci sono meno tools grafici. 

fino ad un paio di anni fa ti avrei dato ragione, slack 
aveva lo stesso kernel di mandrake o RH, la stessa bash, le 
stesse librerie,
le altre avevano in più linuxconf, qualche tool,
Oggi la situazione è diversa, mi riferirò solo a mandrake, 
ma per RH o Suse non è diverso,
lentamente si è creata una situazione di inspiegabile 
differenziazione tra le varie distribuzioni, con la 
conseguenza che un rpm di RH non funziona su mdk,
(che fino alla 7.0 *assicurava* la compatibilità al 99%)
lo stesso programma ha file di configurazione differenti, 
in posizioni differenti, con funzioni differenti!
ma, cosa inaccettabile, le pezze applicate ai vari kernel, 
CONDIZIONANO, il funzionamento di una serie infinita di 
programmi, con la conseguenza che se vuoi un kernel liscio, 
devi ricompilare mezza distribuzione...
Se aggiorni xfree, che qualcuno ha visto bene di integrare 
con i desktop environment , devi ritoccare kde..

Capisco bene che le varie distribuzioni tentino di 
fidelizzare gli utenti, e che modificando i binari, nei 
propri rpm, cerchino di aggiungere funzionalità che 
semplifichino la vita,
ma questo oltre a creare confusione, *complica* i sistemi, 
gli aggiornamenti, la manutenzione, e la comprensione da 
parte dell'utente.

La creazione, poi, del LSB non credo porterà a sostanziali 
semplificazioni, anzi...
una base comune, fino alla RH 6.2-mdk 7.0-suse 6.0-slack 7.0
c'era, più o meno
i criteri di gestione erano comunque simili e, nell'ordine, 
 linuxconf, drakxconf  e yast (e vi...;)
non facevano altro che puntare (in definitiva) in modo 
diverso agli *stessi file*...

oggi mi trovo francamente spaesato di fronte al pannello di 
controllo della RH,
che non rilancia le configurazioni, che non mi modifica a 
caldo la rete, o che mi costringe a riconfigurare il modem 
ad ogni avvio,
o davanti a un firewall, così automatico e così intuitivo, 
da installarsi anche se non voglio e da non farsi 
configurare a meno di flushare a mano le chains!!

non è semplificazione!

moolto meglio allora sapere di dover fare a mano alcune 
cose, ma una volta sola, e per sempre!

ma ti vedi un server di rete che al riavvio (raro, ma può 
capitare) ti perde qualche configurazione?

Poi, veniamo all'uso di tutti i giorni,
slack è notevolmente più veloce di RH o mandrake,
1. non installa nulla di default, quindi non hai servizi 
2. non ha nessuna interfaccia strana  o demone che ti gira 
in background,  
3. spesso ti costringe a ricompilare, quindi hai software 
snello e ottimizzato per la tua macchina
4. ha un kernel assolutamente liscio, quindi aggiornabile 
in 3 minuti
5. compila *tutto* non avendo necessità dei pacchetti 
'devel' che creano tanti problemi a chi usa rpm
6. non ha nessun controllo sulle dipendenze, quindi se un 
pacchetto compila, hai la sicurezza che funzionerà bene,
altrimenti *devi* leggerti il README e cercare le (in 
genere pochissime) librerie mancanti

ora, gli stessi pregi, visti da un'altra ottica, possono 
essere considerati difetti?
1. devi sapere cosa installare per avere i servizi che 
cerchi, poi devi leggere per vedere come attivarli
2. non ti aiuta nelle configurazioni, o meglio, non in modo 
grafico, visto che i pochi file di configurazione necessari 
a far partire i servizi, sono molto ben commentati ed 
esattamente dove dovrebbero essere,
3. sei costretto a ricompilare, anche se qualche 
precompilato (non ottimizzato, si intende) lo trovi comunque
4. non hai moduli per dispositivi non  supportati dal 
kernel, quindi devi compilarli a parte
5. non vedo difetti
6. per aggiornamenti corposi, tipo kde, gnome o Xfree, 
avere un urpmi o meglio, un apt-get potrebbe far comodo.

 Intendo, se invece di
 usare un tool grafico apro il terminale e lavoro da lì
 non è come usare slack? 

assolutamente si,
solo che non hai una distribuzione pernsata per questo tipo 
di amministrazione, dunque incontri più problemi, file meno 
commentati, un numero minore di esempi, una serie di link 
che spiazzano, 
oltre a troppi programmi in beta, o ancora un pelino 
instabili, e troppi automatismi che al riavvio ti rasano le 
tue modifiche...

 Il succo della mia domanda è (per
 dirla con parole pompose): c'è un momento della vita in
 cui si cambia filosofia e si decide che i tools grafici
 non li si vuole più perchè è tempo di sentire la macchina
 completamente in proprio potere, o ci sono vantaggi
 oggettivi nell'usare la slack rispetto ad altre distro?

hai una  diversa velocità
ed una  assoluta stabilità
hai gli stessi file di configurazione
puoi installare ovunque, anche su macchine obsolete.

comunque, nessuno vieta, anzi,
di installare mandrake in modo testo,
senza mettere devfs, senza kudzu e servizi
per poi aggiungere quello che 

Re: [newbie-it] sendmail

2002-11-14 Thread miKe
Alle 15:55, mercoledì 13 novembre 2002, gigi pinna ha 
 Vorrei sapere come sarebbe
 meglio configurare sendmail per spedirmi lui la mia posta
 e senza dover impazzire tutte le volte se decido di
 connettermi tramite un altro provider di continuo 

per usare sendmail come standalone devi solo aggiungere il 
tuo dominio locale nel campo Cw di /etc/mail/

[e riavviare il servizio]

 In più volevo sapere che cosa dovrebbe
 cambiare se lo installo e lo uso in una lan con un
 firewall che non fa passare i pacchetti udp e penso anche
 tcp (non vorrei dire una vaccata ma in pratica posso
 usare solo web, ssh)

attualmente, per spedire, dalla lan, cosa usi?
se hai un server già configurato, sicuramente la porta 25 
del FW  sarà aperta *per* l'host che svolge il servizio smtp

se configuri un server per una lan :
-hai bisogno di un dns;
-devi creare gli utenti locali che potranno spedire ;
-devi quindi mettere su anche un servizio pop3, altrimenti 
 non ricevi;
-devi autorizzare gli utenti al relay anche su domini 
esterni a quello locale;
-sul server devi mettere un antivirus che controlli il 
corpo delle mail (se in html) e gli allegati;

per quanto riguarda il FW dubito che droppi alcuni  
pacchetti indistintamente,  piuttosto filtrerà su alcune 
combinazioni host-porta-pacchetto,
altrimenti non usciresti sulla 80 (http)
[nota, per uscire via web potresti anche avere un servizio 
proxy trasparente, che intercetta le chiamate alla 80 tcp e 
le reindirizza alla 8080 o alla 3128, sulli quali ascoltano 
apache o squid, in questo caso non esci  realmente in 
internet con il client  ma è il proxy a scaricare le pagine 
per te, rendendole disponibili in cache, nella quale tu 
effettivamente navighi]

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] firewall

2002-11-14 Thread Ivano
Vai su, e testa il tuo firewall come ti pare.

Il gio, 2002-11-14 alle 15:47, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 sto cercando di configurare al meglio le opzioni di sicurezza offerte da Linux 
 (e mi scontro con la mia poca esperienza), per tentare di ottenere un sistema 
 quanto più sicuro possibile... mi servirebbe, però, poter verificare il 
 funzionamento delle impostazioni che sto dando: esistono siti che consentano 
 di mettere alla prova il PC, o programmi in grado di verificare se qualcosa 
 sia rimasto aperto e vulnerabile? Come sempre, grazie!!

[newbie-it] ancora ISDN

2002-11-14 Thread Daniele Micci
Ciao di nuovo,
sempre alla ricerca del modem mancante... nei negozi in cui l'ho cercato, 
l'ASUS ISDN interno non c'era. Ho trovato un Hamlet, sempre interno. Qualcuno 
sa dirmi se utilizza con Mandrake un Hamlet interno, se funziona bene, e 
darmi gli estremi del modello (così sono sicuro che sia proprio lui)? 


Re: [newbie-it] sendmail

2002-11-14 Thread gigi pinna
>per usare sendmail come standalone devi solo aggiungere il 
>tuo dominio locale nel campo Cw di /etc/mail/
>[e riavviare il servizio]

>attualmente, per spedire, dalla lan, cosa usi?
>se hai un server già configurato, sicuramente la porta 25 
>del FW  sarà aperta *per* l'host che svolge il servizio smtp

attualmente dalla lan non uso niente, ma la lan ha il suo gestore smtp; io voglio
semplicemente sostituirmi a lui per spedire la mia posta in modo che la stessa
configurazione la posso usare sui computer sparsi geograficamente in posti molto diversi.

>per quanto riguarda il FW dubito che droppi alcuni  
>pacchetti indistintamente,  piuttosto filtrerà su alcune 
>combinazioni host-porta-pacchetto,
>altrimenti non usciresti sulla 80 (http)
>[nota, per uscire via web potresti anche avere un servizio 
>proxy trasparente, che intercetta le chiamate alla 80 tcp e 
>le reindirizza alla 8080 o alla 3128, sulli quali ascoltano 
>apache o squid, in questo caso non esci  realmente in 
>internet con il client  ma è il proxy a scaricare le pagine 
>per te, rendendole disponibili in cache, nella quale tu 
>effettivamente navighi]
il firewall è configurato sulla porta 80 e fa uscire solo i pacchetti sulla porta 80
(web) e 23(ssh); per l'smtp non ho controllato dato che  è dotato di un suo interno
penso non lo abbiano blindato (anche se potrebbe accettare solo quel server smtp).
Dopo provo a vedere se questa configurazione funziona.
Altra domanda: se la rete è sotto netmask che indirizzo metto? ip? nome interno alla
intanto grazie mille__Ma quante ne sai? Mettiti alla prova con QuizShow!

[newbie-it] piccolo problema di un inesperto

2002-11-14 Thread caspar
Salve e' la prima volta che vi scrivo,purtroppo ancore da win,

ho installato mandrake9 tutto ok, solo che ho modificato la risoluzione del
vidio ed ora se parto con linux il vidio va in stenbay
come fare per ripristinare la risoluzione corretta?
diciamo  partire in modalita provvisoria?

non riesco ad arrivare proprio alla login.
ho messo la stessa risoluzione che uso in win ma non la supporta come mai la
scheda video l' ha riconosciuta correttamente  durante l'installazione.

in oltre la partenza con linux e' molto lenta e dopo la login (quando
partiva) ci mette molto per partire il descktop.


Re: [newbie-it] piccolo problema di un inesperto

2002-11-14 Thread Mario Lodi Rizzini
-- Initial Header ---
Cc  : 
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 17:06:51 +0100
Subject : [newbie-it] piccolo problema di un inesperto

 Salve e' la prima volta che vi scrivo,purtroppo ancore da win,
 ho installato mandrake9 tutto ok, solo che ho modificato la risoluzione del
 vidio ed ora se parto con linux il vidio va in stenbay
 come fare per ripristinare la risoluzione corretta?
 diciamo  partire in modalita provvisoria?
 non riesco ad arrivare proprio alla login.
 ho messo la stessa risoluzione che uso in win ma non la supporta come mai la
 scheda video l' ha riconosciuta correttamente  durante l'installazione.
 in oltre la partenza con linux e' molto lenta e dopo la login (quando
 partiva) ci mette molto per partire il descktop.

Provo a risponderti, anche se non sono molto esperto; il tuo problema mi
si è presentato anche a me.
1) Vai in una sessione NON grafica con CTRL+ALT+F1 ed a questo punto
dovrebbe comparirti la console con la richiesta del login.
2) Entra come root
3) Esegui il comando xf86config
4) Una volta completata la configurazione, fai ripartire X andando nella
sessione grafica (CTRL+ALT+F7 o ALT+F7) e premi CTRL+ALT+BackSpace


Mario Lodi Rizzini

(o_  Membro del FoLUG
//\  Forlì Linux Users Group 

Linux Mandrake 8.2 su Celeron 733

Re: [newbie-it] kmail

2002-11-14 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 00:29, giovedì 14 novembre 2002, gigi pinna ha scritto:
 volevo trasferire la mia rubrica di kmail su  un altro computer.
 Il problema è che questa operazione la devo fare via ssh con un 56 k.
 siccome non posso fare il backup di tutta la cartella home dato che tra
 file nascosti e normali è troppo grande da spostare, volrvo spostare solo i
 file relativi all'address book ma non li ho trovati (più semplicemente
 erano quelli sbagliati!)
 Qualcuno mi sa indicare più semplicemente quali sono i file incrimati?
 uso la mdk 8.2 con il kde 2.2.2
 grazie a chiunque mi possa
_BRa href=;Ma quante ne sai? Mettiti alla prova
 con QuizShow!/a

Te la puoi sgavignare esportando la lista dall'agenda.
Aprila File -- Esporta.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] kmail

2002-11-14 Thread Benedetto Santarella
Alle 00:29, giovedì 14 novembre 2002, hai scritto:
Clicca sul libricino che trovi sotto la barra dei menu',
poi fai file|esporta lista e salvi il file con tutti gli indirizzi dove 
Lo spegisci e poi fail la stessa cosa sull'altro computer, solo che questa
volta fai importa lista!!!

Dovrebbe bastare

 volevo trasferire la mia rubrica di kmail su  un altro computer.
 Il problema è che questa operazione la devo fare via ssh con un 56 k.
 siccome non posso fare il backup di tutta la cartella home dato che tra
 file nascosti e normali è troppo grande da spostare, volrvo spostare solo i
 file relativi all'address book ma non li ho trovati (più semplicemente
 erano quelli sbagliati!)
 Qualcuno mi sa indicare più semplicemente quali sono i file incrimati?
 uso la mdk 8.2 con il kde 2.2.2
 grazie a chiunque mi possa
_BRa href=;Ma quante ne sai? Mettiti alla prova
 con QuizShow!/a

  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
 Home Page == 
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] Informazione tecnica

2002-11-14 Thread Benedetto Santarella
Alle 22:19, domenica 10 novembre 2002, hai scritto:
Forse mi sono espresso male, 
mi serve sapere il numero massimo che puo' assumere il valore di PID,
non so' ... 10.000? 100.000? 100.000.000? 
 Alle 03:16, domenica 10 novembre 2002, Benedetto Santarella

 ha scritto:
  Qualcuno sa' dirmi se c'e un limite al valore del PID???
  Ovvero il PID e' un numero progressivo, che aumenta
  ad ogni processo creato, ma ad un certo punto dovra' pur
  reiniziare da 1, altrimenti se per assurdo ho infiniti
  processi, avrei un PID infinito.

 non puoi avere processi infiniti

  Grazie a tutti!!!


 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
 Home Page == 
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] Il server x e' morto

2002-11-14 Thread Benedetto Santarella

 è un errore di X
 diceh che la tua scheda 0 (la Rage)
 non trova un digital flat panel...

cos'e' un Digital flat panel, e come posso risolvere questo 

 ma non credo possa bloccarti...

 il resto dei log cosa dice?

in questo momento o reinstallato la Mdk 8.2 che funziona abbastanza bene,
(anche se mi da il sopra citato errore di x)
tra qulache giorno, reinsatallo la 9.0 e magari posto il log
  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
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 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] piccolo problema di un inesperto

2002-11-14 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 17:06, giovedì 14 novembre 2002, caspar ha scritto:
 Salve e' la prima volta che vi scrivo,purtroppo ancore da win,

 ho installato mandrake9 tutto ok, solo che ho modificato la risoluzione del
 vidio ed ora se parto con linux il vidio va in stenbay
 come fare per ripristinare la risoluzione corretta?
 diciamo  partire in modalita provvisoria?

Ciao, salto questa domanda... mi pare che ti abbiano già risposto.

 non riesco ad arrivare proprio alla login.
 ho messo la stessa risoluzione che uso in win ma non la supporta come mai
 la scheda video l' ha riconosciuta correttamente  durante l'installazione.

Che scheda video usi? Se si tratta si una scheda NVidia, per averne il pieno 
supporto devi scaricare ed installare i drivers dal sito nvidia...

 in oltre la partenza con linux e' molto lenta e dopo la login (quando
 partiva) ci mette molto per partire il descktop.


Che servizi hai selezionato all'avvio? Io uso Mdk 9.0 e WinME... ed il tempo 
di caricamento è simile.


[newbie-it] Condivisione connessione internet

2002-11-14 Thread Luca
Ciao a tutti,
attualmente ho la mia rete domestica che ha un server win che condivide 
la connessione internet adsl con 4 client win/lnx, vorrei installare 
linux sul server ma praticamente non riesco a trovare un programma di 
condivisione che mi consenta di ripartire (in modo statico o dinamico) 
la connessione, mi spiego meglio, io vorrei fare in modo che ogni client 
 possa usare al max 1/4 della banda adsl oppure che la banda venga 
suddivisa in modo dinamico rispetto agli utenti connessi sulla rete 
interna. Esiste un programma che mi consenta di fare qualcosa di simile?
Ringrazio in anticipo per le risposte
Giannuzzi Luca  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake 9.0 @ Acer TravelMate
Kernel 2.4.19 mdk
R.U. #287353 L.M. #168794
Modena (IT)

Per te Blu American Express è gratis!

R: [newbie-it] kmail smtp

2002-11-14 Thread tom
OK ora provo a postare da winz vediamo se arriva
non capisco cosa stia succedendole mail spedite da kmail 
alla lista non arrivano (a gli altri indirizzi arrivano) ! vedemi se 
da qui arrivano!
nel caso arrivi avede idee sul motivo?

Ciao , Tom


2002-11-14 Thread tom
Salve lista
Sperando che questa mail arrivi..
Ho scaricato kvirc in formato rpm (non capisco xke nella mdk9.0 nn ci sia)
e all' momento dell' installazione mi dice che dipende dalla suddetta lib
ho cercato con ]find /mnt/cdrom libGL* nei tre cd mdk
ma non c'è ombra.
Ho cercato con google ma non sono arrivato a nulla.
Ho cercato con nisba.
L'inglese non mi aiuta,quindi è probabile che l'avessi sotto gli occhi e
non mene sia accorto!
A che serve sta libreria?
Ma sopratutto dove la posso trovare?
Grazie gia da ora.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] piccolo problema di un inesperto

2002-11-14 Thread caspar

 non riesco ad arrivare proprio alla login.
 ho messo la stessa risoluzione che uso in win ma non la supporta come mai
 la scheda video l' ha riconosciuta correttamente  durante l'installazione.

Che scheda video usi? Se si tratta si una scheda NVidia, per averne il pieno
supporto devi scaricare ed installare i drivers dal sito nvidia...

milennium II

 in oltre la partenza con linux e' molto lenta e dopo la login (quando
 partiva) ci mette molto per partire il descktop.

Che servizi hai selezionato all'avvio? Io uso Mdk 9.0 e WinME... ed il tempo
di caricamento è simile.
come faccio a vederli e a sapere quali mi servono e quali no


[newbie-it] prova kmail

2002-11-14 Thread tom
Scusate sto arriva sta mail vuol dire che era il provider 
(vizzavi) che killava le mail verso la lista,ora sto usando tiscali.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] kmail

2002-11-14 Thread freefred
On Thursday 14 November 2002 12:29 am, gigi pinna wrote about [newbie-it] 
 volevo trasferire la mia rubrica di kmail su  un altro computer.

a livello grafico ti hanno gia' risposto,
in caso di morte di X dovrebbe bastare copiare il 

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] firewall

2002-11-14 Thread freefred
On Thursday 14 November 2002 3:47 pm, Daniele Micci wrote about [newbie-it] 
 Ciao a tutti,
 sto cercando di configurare al meglio le opzioni di sicurezza offerte da
 Linux (e mi scontro con la mia poca esperienza), per tentare di ottenere un
 sistema quanto più sicuro possibile... mi servirebbe, però, poter
 verificare il funzionamento delle impostazioni che sto dando: esistono siti
 che consentano di mettere alla prova il PC,

c'e' qualcosa per es. qui

ma in effetti di solito si usano programmi,
magari anche piu' di uno ma ne so abbastanza poco.
Puoi cominciare comunque con l' nmap (portscanner) che potresti avere
gia' installato.
Poi nessus, e altri piu' specifici.

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it]

2002-11-14 Thread francesco.melo
tom wrote:

Salve lista
Sperando che questa mail arrivi..
Ho scaricato kvirc in formato rpm (non capisco xke nella mdk9.0 nn ci sia)
e all' momento dell' installazione mi dice che dipende dalla suddetta lib
ho cercato con ]find /mnt/cdrom libGL* nei tre cd mdk
ma non c'è ombra.
Ho cercato con google ma non sono arrivato a nulla.
Ho cercato con nisba.
L'inglese non mi aiuta,quindi è probabile che l'avessi sotto gli occhi e
non mene sia accorto!
A che serve sta libreria?
Ma sopratutto dove la posso trovare?
Grazie gia da ora.

Ciao , Tom


la libreria gl core la trovi nei driver nvidia e , credo anchein quelli 
Ho quasi finito uno script per kvirc  tutto in italiano  e con i 
comandi dalnet ...
sto cercando beta tester .
cmq il pacchetto per la mdk lo trovi su
occhio ch e devi fare tutto il wizard iniziale altrimenti ti spariscono 
i menù attivati col tasto destro .
il pacchetto è il 3.0.0. beta1.
se riesci puoi compilare anceh il cvs che trovi sul sito, da qualche 
giorno è sufficientemente stabile.
Pragma, lo sviluppatore di kvirc mi ha detto che lo reintrodurranno dopo 
le beta perchè mandrake nella 9 non l'ha voluto.


Re: [newbie-it]

2002-11-14 Thread francesco.melo
tom wrote:

Salve lista
Sperando che questa mail arrivi..
Ho scaricato kvirc in formato rpm (non capisco xke nella mdk9.0 nn ci sia)
e all' momento dell' installazione mi dice che dipende dalla suddetta lib
ho cercato con ]find /mnt/cdrom libGL* nei tre cd mdk
ma non c'è ombra.
Ho cercato con google ma non sono arrivato a nulla.
Ho cercato con nisba.
L'inglese non mi aiuta,quindi è probabile che l'avessi sotto gli occhi e
non mene sia accorto!
A che serve sta libreria?
Ma sopratutto dove la posso trovare?
Grazie gia da ora.

Ciao , Tom


dimenticavo che tempo fa avevo risolto linkando la libreria  mi sembra 
in usr/lib
perche' si trovava ma era nella dir sbagliata...
dovrei ricontrollare.


Re: [newbie-it] Il server x e' morto

2002-11-14 Thread miKe
Alle 00:57, martedì 12 novembre 2002, Benedetto Santarella 
ha scritto:
 Quando lancio startx, mi viene
 dato come errore
 (EE) R128(0): No DFP detected

 Cosa significa???

è un errore di X 
diceh che la tua scheda 0 (la Rage)
non trova un digital flat panel...

ma non credo possa bloccarti...

il resto dei log cosa dice?


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] kmail

2002-11-14 Thread miKe
Alle 00:29, giovedì 14 novembre 2002, gigi pinna ha scritto:
 volevo trasferire la mia rubrica di kmail su  un altro
 computer. Il problema è che questa operazione la devo
 fare via ssh con un 56 k. s



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] Che caldo!!

2002-11-14 Thread miKe
Alle 15:53, giovedì 14 novembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata ha 
 Cari ragazzi,

 Nel portatile che uso, 128M Ram, 18G Hard disk,
 partizione abbastanza canonica 9G win hda1,  mdk 9.0 5G
 hda5 /, swap, 4G hda7 /home,  quando sono sotto linux
 dopo pochi minuti il pc si surriscalda e comincia il
 lungo ed estenuante lavora della ventola.

usato con win$ scalda meno?
è strano in genere succede il contrario,
a me la ventola si avvia solo quando uso xmame ;)
mentre con win$ 2ooo  frulla di continuo



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie] Make command....

2002-11-14 Thread Aaron
A common problem I used to have is not being root when configuring. The
configure script checks your  system etc and if you are not root often
it fails. Also alway read the INSTALL file which will tell you lots of
useful information, what configure does etc. 

On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 01:13, Radosaw Krl wrote:
   Hello everyone , i don't understand where i have made a mistake , i want 
   to use a new program , downloaded from internet , for example : game called
   pacman or something else , it is not an installation version all i have to do  
   is give two simple commands in shell first - ./configure and than make 
   when I give make command my shell respond me that no makefiles was found 
   but it is impossible i saw them they are in the right directory what to do ?
   Could you help me ?
   Ps: I want to thank all the people who had hellped me with  using console

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9 ASUS A7N266-VM Motherboard

2002-11-14 Thread Technoslick

Thanks for that 'interesting' tip on Seagate. Did you read this somewhere,
or were told by 'word-of-mouth' that there was a problem between these
drives and Linux? If the former, can you point to the source? I would like
to learn more about this. Occasionally, I pick up a Seagate drive for use in
one of my systems or that of a client's. With no disrespect intended, I
would never have bought a Quanta Big Foot drive if my life depended on it.
My luck with them has not been very good, and the large form factor is both
passe' and unnecessary impossing in today's boxes. But, if it's working for
you, that's great.

I really would like to know what you have found out. Thanks!

T :-)

- Original Message -
From: Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 1:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9  ASUS A7N266-VM Motherboard

Em Qua 13 Nov 2002 21:21, Stephen Kuhn escreveu:

Wow! this is quite interesting!

MY machine is almost the same as yours, exceptions are 1600XP and 256mb

It was the finest install I have ever made!
Just dropped  in the mdk9 CD into the CD tray and watched the show!
It was a real nice experience since I made the machine myself and I was
of my settings!

The Only big thing I found before buying this mobo was ***several***
recomendations (warnings) about the relation of  seagate HD and Linux!!
So, before install I've changed it to a Quantum 40Gb!!!

Then after, compiling and loading de NVidia 'rpms', the sound is loud and
clear as well the 3D (+acceleration)

If my sources are right Why don't you try another HD? just to eliminate
this possibility!

Really HTH,


 On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 09:07, Mike Norrish wrote:
  Can anyone help with this?
  CPU: AMD Athlon 1800XP
  Motherboard: ASUS A7N266-VM (Socket A).
  Sound: Realtek ALC650 (onboard)
  Video: nVidia GeForce 2 (onboard)
  Ethernet: RealTek 8100
  RAM: 512mb PC2100 DDR
  DD: Seagate Barricuda IV, 40GB
  Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster 753s
  Mouse: Genius Netscroll Optical PS2 Mouse
  Keyboard: Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard 1.0a (PS2)

 Is it safe to assume that BOTH machines have EXACTLY the same BIOS

 I'd re-install - and make it very minimal with the least amount of
 servers, services and the likes. See if you can get anywhere with that.
 Also, choose a generic NVidia driver and do the GeForce drivers AFTER
 you've successfully booted and configured the machines.

 (I had the same problem with a test workstation here - unfortunately, RH
 7.3 installed without a hitch, but Mandrake took three installs)


Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
==  Get Counted!

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RE: [newbie] Freeswan installation with RPM error

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 17:15, Rob wrote:
 The dependencies installed fine.  While installing freeswan.rpm it gave  an
 # rpm -Uvh freeswan-1.98b-1mdk.i586.rpm
1:freeswan   ###
 /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.47980: /usr/share/rpm-helper/add-service: No such file or
 error: execution of %post scriptlet from freeswan-1.98b-1mdk failed, exit
 status 127
 My issue doesnt seem to be the dependencies since it got passed that.
 After rereading the above error what do you suggest to do?
 Robert Wideman

How's about we ask the guy that built the RPM package? His name is
Florin - emailto:florin;

I'm cc'ing  this message to him for further resolution.

I just found that version 1.99 is out - but the available RPM's are only
for RedHat...BUT, the source tarballs are available if you want to try
to download them and do a manual compile in order to get this
application up and running...? Ya reckon?

Mr. Florin - we would appreciate any assistance for the issue that Mr.
Wideman is experiencing with the FREESWAN RPM - and we thank you in
advance. Cheers!

Thu Nov 14 22:20:00 EST 2002

|____  |
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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Even moderation ought not to be practiced to excess.

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RE: [newbie] Lets help get some linux drivers.

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 17:37, Franki wrote:
 strange, most of the umax scanners work fine with linux.. what was your

Mate, it's long long gone - got an Acer now - which still doesn't work
under linux - but doesn't matter - going to get a better one after Xmas
is over and done with and all the computer junk heads my way for
resale...(grin) That's the time I tend to upgrade my home network/home

I'm shooting for an HP scanner next time around...USB, of course...

Thu Nov 14 22:35:00 EST 2002

|____  |
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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness.
-- Beckett

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RE: [newbie] Freeswan installation with RPM error

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 17:48, Rob wrote:
 ]# rpm -ivh --allfiles --replacefiles --force
1:freeswan   ###
 /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.3498: /usr/share/rpm-helper/add-service: No such file or
 error: execution of %post scriptlet from freeswan-1.98b-1mdk failed, exit
 status 127
 Does this help at all?
 Robert Wideman

Well, being that we have just sent the information to Mr. Florin, I
think it's moot until we receive an answer. On the other hand, isn't the
exit status 127 Texas specific?

Thu Nov 14 22:40:01 EST 2002

|____  |
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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Mail server hit by UniSpammer.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9 ASUS A7N266-VM Motherboard

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 22:33, Technoslick wrote:
 Thanks for that 'interesting' tip on Seagate. Did you read this somewhere,
 or were told by 'word-of-mouth' that there was a problem between these
 drives and Linux? If the former, can you point to the source? I would like
 to learn more about this. Occasionally, I pick up a Seagate drive for use in
 one of my systems or that of a client's. With no disrespect intended, I
 would never have bought a Quanta Big Foot drive if my life depended on it.
 My luck with them has not been very good, and the large form factor is both
 passe' and unnecessary impossing in today's boxes. But, if it's working for
 you, that's great.
 I really would like to know what you have found out. Thanks!
 T :-)

Do you really reckon it's something to do with the drive, or the hdparms
settings for that particular drive?

(I force mine with hdparm -X68 -d1 -b /dev/hda - or similar - and get
better sound results by tweaking them manually - then setting up a
script or editing the /etc/rc.d/rc.local fileor the
/etc/sysconfig/haddisks file - same diff...)

Thu Nov 14 22:45:00 EST 2002

|____  |
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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

I am approached with the most opposite opinions and advice, and by men
are equally certain that they represent the divine will.  I am sure that
either the one or the other is mistaken in the belief, and perhaps in
respects, both.

I hope it will not be irreverent of me to say that if it is probable
God would reveal his will to others on a point so connected with my
it might be supposed he would reveal it directly to me.
- Abraham Lincoln

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Re: [newbie] Make command....

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 23:28, Aaron wrote:
 A common problem I used to have is not being root when configuring. The
 configure script checks your  system etc and if you are not root often
 it fails. Also alway read the INSTALL file which will tell you lots of
 useful information, what configure does etc. 

Good points to make - but sometimes, the programmer is lazy and they
use the generic GNU's README, INSTALL, AUTHORS, NEWS and other text
files without bothering to edit them for any specific or extra
information that the end-user might need for their specific
system...which is a problem, but overall, it's a matter of reading
everything and anything...

Thu Nov 14 22:50:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

e-credibility: the non-guaranteeable likelihood that the electronic data
you're seeing is genuine rather than somebody's made-up crap.
- Karl Lehenbauer

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[newbie] Modem Ethernet

2002-11-14 Thread Matthew Harrison
Hi all,
   I was just wondering if it is possible to use both my modem and my
ethernet for internet connectivity.  I have a Toshiba Laptop (Satellite
1800-S204) and at work I use the built in ethernet card to get on the
internet via windows, but I want to start using linux.  At home I have
dial-up and I have a modem card installed and it is detected and will
connect, but I cannot do anything on the net.  I guess the question is can
linux be set up to know to use either/or for the net?  Thanks.


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Re: [newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

2002-11-14 Thread Technoslick

While there may be some hack or loophole that could make this happen for
you, I think you just have to accept the fact that the movies you are trying
to download were specifically set up for on-line streaming. As Todd has
pointed out, the site does not want to allow the downloading of the movies
locally. This ability to let you see it, but not take it home, is one of the
most attractive control mechanisms of audio and visual streaming.

The only way for you to be sure that a link brings you to a dowloadable file
is to try to save its target locally. If is works, you have what you want.
If it gives you a placeholder, as in this case, that's what the provider
intended and the only way you are going to get past this it to hack the site
or see if you can get permission to acquire the file.

I hate bumping into this, too, but...


- Original Message -
From: Jordan Elver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

Yep, I can find the file it downloads, but like Todd said, it only downloads
place holder image while the actual movie does not.

I'll try and find a fix,

On Wednesday 13 Nov 2002 8:15 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 04:32, Jordan Elver wrote:
  This is a bit of a stupid question, can I download quicktime
  movs from or wherever without a plugin. All I want
  the actual file, I don't want to stream it or anything.
  I tried looking at the HTML source, getting the src path and pasting
  wget. It goes to download, says it has finished and nothing is saved?
  Am I being stupid or what?
  Thanks for any help, Cheers,
  Jordan Elver
  Save it for my unauthorized autobiography. --- Larry Wall

 Tis rather strange - and you've done a find or a locate on the
 filename and that returned nothing as well?

Jordan Elver
640K ought to be enough for anybody - Bill Gates, 1981

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[newbie] Checkinstall

2002-11-14 Thread Peter Watson

With some valuable assistance from this list I succeeded in compiling my 
first package from a tarball. Feeling smug I decided to try another using 
I get to the stage where checkinstall says The package will be built 
according to these values and lists 10 values, I press enter to accept 
them and then receive the following message NOT-FOUND has no SOURCES 
directory, Please write the path to the RPM source directory tree I have 
tried entering every path I can think of but I always get a repititioon of 
the above message but with NOT-FOUND replaced by the path I have just 
I end up having to Ctrl-C to get out of the loop.
Obviously I am too dim to understand what is meant by the SOURCE directory, 
can anyone help me please?

TIA Pete

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Re: [newbie] Now VERY OT - Mandrake 9 ASUS A7N266-VM Motherboard

2002-11-14 Thread Technoslick
I am not sold on any one particular drive being a problem for Linux, which
is why I was interested in hearing from Ricardo, however...

The one drive manufacturer I use to have the most trouble with, in any O/S,
was Conner. The way they set them up was to provide the O/S with set of
parameters that were a translation from the actual paramters of the drive.
In the 'stupid' days of opeating systems, this was fine and actually needed
to help them get over the 1024 cylinders hump. Once the O/S became
inquisitive and smarter, I found that the Conner drives caused confusion in
the O/S and some utilities that were able to dig that deep.

A number of years ago, Seagate swallowed up the failing Conner company, and
unfortunately, decided to continue production of Conner technology under the
Seagate name. If you look at the specs on some of the drive since the buy
out, you will see the Conner technology has encroached in the specs of many
of their drives since.

Since this time, I have felt that Seagate doesn't give me the warm fuzzies
anymore. I would prefer to go after a WD drive, even though I know that
every drive manufacturer has had its share of 'problems' with production, QC
and drive designs, and WD has had its share. Drives are more reliable now
than ever, but are still prone to failure. Even on a new drive in Linux, I
always take extra time to check for bad blocks when time permits.

As for Quantum Big FootsI am not interested in 'going there', here. ;-)

Anyway, that was my interest in this. In retrospect, I should have put 'OT'
on my reply to Ricardo. :-)

As for the hdparms setting you suggested, I am not ashamed to admit that
without checking the man pages, I haven't a clue as to what they mean or why
you have imposed them over the deafult settings. I am still very new to the
very hands-on control of Linux with hardware, not having had to do this
since the days of MS/PC-DOS. It's really exciting to have so much control,
but also aggrevating to someone use to getting what he needs done
immediately because of time and experience with an O/S. I don't have that in
Linux as yet. That's why I love being here. :-)

Would you mind telling my why you feel it beneficial to over-ride the


T :-)

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 6:52 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9  ASUS A7N266-VM Motherboard

On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 22:33, Technoslick wrote:

 Thanks for that 'interesting' tip on Seagate. Did you read this somewhere,
 or were told by 'word-of-mouth' that there was a problem between these
 drives and Linux? If the former, can you point to the source? I would like
 to learn more about this. Occasionally, I pick up a Seagate drive for use
 one of my systems or that of a client's. With no disrespect intended, I
 would never have bought a Quanta Big Foot drive if my life depended on it.
 My luck with them has not been very good, and the large form factor is
 passe' and unnecessary impossing in today's boxes. But, if it's working
 you, that's great.

 I really would like to know what you have found out. Thanks!

 T :-)

Do you really reckon it's something to do with the drive, or the hdparms
settings for that particular drive?

(I force mine with hdparm -X68 -d1 -b /dev/hda - or similar - and get
better sound results by tweaking them manually - then setting up a
script or editing the /etc/rc.d/rc.local fileor the
/etc/sysconfig/haddisks file - same diff...)

Thu Nov 14 22:45:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

I am approached with the most opposite opinions and advice, and by men
are equally certain that they represent the divine will.  I am sure that
either the one or the other is mistaken in the belief, and perhaps in
respects, both.

I hope it will not be irreverent of me to say that if it is probable
God would reveal his will to others on a point so connected with my
it might be supposed he would reveal it directly to me.
- Abraham Lincoln

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Re: [newbie] Modem Ethernet

2002-11-14 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 4:22 am, Matthew Harrison wrote:
 Hi all,
I was just wondering if it is possible to use both my modem and my
 ethernet for internet connectivity.  I have a Toshiba Laptop (Satellite
 1800-S204) and at work I use the built in ethernet card to get on the
 internet via windows, but I want to start using linux.  At home I have
 dial-up and I have a modem card installed and it is detected and will
 connect, but I cannot do anything on the net.  I guess the question is can
 linux be set up to know to use either/or for the net?  Thanks.


Yes you can.
Open Mandrake Control CentreNetworkConnection

Near the top of the GUI you see a box marked profile which contains the entry 
'default'   - This defines your default internet access, and is most likely 
currently set for 'lan' and in the box underneath you probably see

Internet Access
Type :  lan

Now create a new profile - call it dialup or something , select the new 
profile in the drop down list, and then go through the Wizard. In the wizard 
unselect lan, and select modem, give the dial up parameters for your ISP. 
Exit with 'OK'

Now when you click on the 'Internet' icon on your desktop you can select 
dialup from the Profile selection, and the button underneath will switch to 

Thats it. Just switch between the two profiles any time you want to change 
your connect method.


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[newbie] Re-install woes - 8.2

2002-11-14 Thread Anne Wilson
Well, I'm back.  Mozilla is fine and KMail are working.  I've copied back 
from my old /home directory and re-set the permissions (which had gone to 
root, because of the mountpoint settings of the source).  My current problem 
is that my desktop fires up fine, but clicking on a link, say, works once, 
then from that moment the desktop is frozen - doesn't answer the keyboard at 
all.  Panel links still work, and if I open, say, KMail, then all the icons 
on the desktop disappear.

What on earth have I done?  It was fine until I started the copying back.


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Re: [newbie] Lets help get some linux drivers.

2002-11-14 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 13 Nov 2002 12:10 pm, you wrote:
 my first response from a hardware manufacturer... This is a australian
 company with overseas offices...
 They go promptly into the Shame file.



I can understand their reluctance to say that it will definitely work with 
linux, but there's no excuse for saying that they will answer no technical 

I'm with you, btw, just been away re-installing.


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Re: [newbie] Lets help get some linux drivers.

2002-11-14 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 7:02 am, you wrote:
   14  2002 06:58, / Franki :


 Please add DXR3 DVD-Decoder Card of  Creative too.

And the breakout box that comes with SoundBlaster Live! Platinum and SB 
Audigy Platinum.  (The two cards use the same driver, but I don't know if 
that would be true for the breakout boxes, so perhaps we need enquiries for 
both separately)


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Re: [newbie] Lets help get some linux drivers.

2002-11-14 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 11:40 am, you wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 17:37, Franki wrote:
  strange, most of the umax scanners work fine with linux.. what was your

 Mate, it's long long gone - got an Acer now - which still doesn't work
 under linux - but doesn't matter - going to get a better one after Xmas
 is over and done with and all the computer junk heads my way for
 resale...(grin) That's the time I tend to upgrade my home network/home

 I'm shooting for an HP scanner next time around...USB, of course...

Don't forget the Epson Perfection range - several of them work, I believe.  
Mine is a 1650, which is not as cheap as some, but it works a dream.


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Re: [newbie] Modem Ethernet

2002-11-14 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 12:34 pm, you wrote:
 On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 4:22 am, Matthew Harrison wrote:
  Hi all,
 I was just wondering if it is possible to use both my modem and my
  ethernet for internet connectivity.  I have a Toshiba Laptop (Satellite
  1800-S204) and at work I use the built in ethernet card to get on the
  internet via windows, but I want to start using linux.  At home I have
  dial-up and I have a modem card installed and it is detected and will
  connect, but I cannot do anything on the net.  I guess the question is
  can linux be set up to know to use either/or for the net?  Thanks.

 Yes you can.
 Open Mandrake Control CentreNetworkConnection

 Near the top of the GUI you see a box marked profile which contains the
 entry 'default'   - This defines your default internet access, and is most
 likely currently set for 'lan' and in the box underneath you probably see

 Internet Access
 Type :  lan

 Now create a new profile - call it dialup or something , select the new
 profile in the drop down list, and then go through the Wizard. In the
 wizard unselect lan, and select modem, give the dial up parameters for your
 ISP. Exit with 'OK'

 Now when you click on the 'Internet' icon on your desktop you can select
 dialup from the Profile selection, and the button underneath will switch to

 Thats it. Just switch between the two profiles any time you want to change
 your connect method.

On a related note -

I have an ethernet always-on connection, but would like to use a  modem 
occasionally to send faxes.  Would the profile trick work for that?


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[newbie] Post re-installation - browsers

2002-11-14 Thread Anne Wilson
I uninstalled Mozilla immediately after re-installation of 8.2, so that I 
could install Mozilla 1, but that removed Galeon.  If I reinstall galeon from 
the Mandrake 8.2 disks am I likely to cause any conflicts?


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Re: [newbie] Modem Ethernet

2002-11-14 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 12:34 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 4:22 am, Matthew Harrison wrote:
  Hi all,
 I was just wondering if it is possible to use both my modem and my
  ethernet for internet connectivity.  I have a Toshiba Laptop (Satellite
  1800-S204) and at work I use the built in ethernet card to get on the
  internet via windows, but I want to start using linux.  At home I have
  dial-up and I have a modem card installed and it is detected and will
  connect, but I cannot do anything on the net.  I guess the question is
  can linux be set up to know to use either/or for the net?  Thanks.

 Yes you can.
 Open Mandrake Control CentreNetworkConnection

 Near the top of the GUI you see a box marked profile which contains the
 entry 'default'   - This defines your default internet access, and is most
 likely currently set for 'lan' and in the box underneath you probably see

 Internet Access
 Type :  lan

 Now create a new profile - call it dialup or something , select the new
 profile in the drop down list, and then go through the Wizard. In the
 wizard unselect lan, and select modem, give the dial up parameters for your
 ISP. Exit with 'OK'

 Now when you click on the 'Internet' icon on your desktop you can select
 dialup from the Profile selection, and the button underneath will switch to

 Thats it. Just switch between the two profiles any time you want to change
 your connect method.


While I was looking up the info to reply to this mail. It occurred to me that 
the big problem with the 'Internet' icon on the Mandrake desktop is that it 
has to be run as root, wheras the KDE dialler kppp can run as a user. So I 
took a look at it and found a way to run the Internet icon as a user.

The Internet icon ultimately calls a process called /usr/sbin/net_monitor  
which has its security managed by PAM (I mentioned that a few days ago)
By default the security is set up to only allow root to access net_monitor.
To fix it for all users edit the file
/etc/pam.d/net_monitor to look like this:-

auth   sufficient   /lib/security/
#auth   required /lib/security/ service=system-auth
accountrequired /lib/security/
sessionoptional /lib/security/
#added dj to allow any user to dial out
authrequired /lib/security/

Thats it!



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Re: [newbie] Modem Ethernet

2002-11-14 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 1:12 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 12:34 pm, you wrote:
  On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 4:22 am, Matthew Harrison wrote:
   Hi all,
  I was just wondering if it is possible to use both my modem and my
   ethernet for internet connectivity.  I have a Toshiba Laptop (Satellite
   1800-S204) and at work I use the built in ethernet card to get on the
   internet via windows, but I want to start using linux.  At home I have
   dial-up and I have a modem card installed and it is detected and will
   connect, but I cannot do anything on the net.  I guess the question is
   can linux be set up to know to use either/or for the net?  Thanks.
  Yes you can.
  Open Mandrake Control CentreNetworkConnection
  Near the top of the GUI you see a box marked profile which contains the
  entry 'default'   - This defines your default internet access, and is
  most likely currently set for 'lan' and in the box underneath you
  probably see
  Internet Access
  Type :  lan
  Now create a new profile - call it dialup or something , select the new
  profile in the drop down list, and then go through the Wizard. In the
  wizard unselect lan, and select modem, give the dial up parameters for
  your ISP. Exit with 'OK'
  Now when you click on the 'Internet' icon on your desktop you can select
  dialup from the Profile selection, and the button underneath will switch
  to 'Connect:modem'
  Thats it. Just switch between the two profiles any time you want to
  change your connect method.

 On a related note -

 I have an ethernet always-on connection, but would like to use a  modem
 occasionally to send faxes.  Would the profile trick work for that?


No need.   The profile is purely for 'Internet' access.  You do not need to 
switch profiles simply to use the modem for faxes etc.  If you are still on 
Mdk 8.2  you just have to make a small edit in /etc/fax.config in order to 
fix a small bug in efax.  Just find the line beginning LOCK and edit it to
LOCK='-x /tmp/LCK..$DEV'

Now the KDE fax dialler should work 'out of the box'  (so long as you have the 
efax RPM installed)

With 9.0 this is not necessary since the bug was fixed.


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Re: [newbie] Post re-installation - browsers

2002-11-14 Thread Todd Slater
On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 01:16:15PM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
 I uninstalled Mozilla immediately after re-installation of 8.2, so that I 
 could install Mozilla 1, but that removed Galeon.  If I reinstall galeon from 
 the Mandrake 8.2 disks am I likely to cause any conflicts?

Anne, I got around that by compiling Mozilla myself. If you get the
tarball and build it, it defaults to /usr/local instead of /usr/bin. So,
I have two versions of Mozilla. I just point my shortcuts to
/usr/local/mozilla/mozilla and I'm happy.


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Re: [newbie] Post re-installation - browsers

2002-11-14 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 13:16:15 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I uninstalled Mozilla immediately after re-installation of 8.2, so
 that I could install Mozilla 1, but that removed Galeon.  If I
 reinstall galeon from the Mandrake 8.2 disks am I likely to cause any

Galeon from 8.2 will not run with Mozilla 1

Mozilla can run on its own but galeon uses mozilla libs and is therefore
linked and requires the Mozilla version/release with which it was built.

If you are a member of the MandrakeClub, check the user contributed
rpms, you might be able to find 8.2 rpms for each there.


Bride, n.:
A woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her.
-- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
Charles A Edwards

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Re: [newbie] Post re-installation - browsers

2002-11-14 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 1:16 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 I uninstalled Mozilla immediately after re-installation of 8.2, so that I
 could install Mozilla 1, but that removed Galeon.  If I reinstall galeon
 from the Mandrake 8.2 disks am I likely to cause any conflicts?


Galeon's releases are very closely tied to Mozillas
Your best course of action is to install both Mozilla and Galeon from the 
8.2/unsupported folder on a Mandrake mirror

For example


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Re: [newbie] Modem Ethernet

2002-11-14 Thread JM5379
what i'd like is to be able to have both active simultaneously
and determine as necessary which one to use for  agiven
function/connection.  is that possible?

--- Original Message ---
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem  Ethernet

On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 12:34 pm, you wrote:
 On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 4:22 am, Matthew Harrison wrote:
  Hi all,
 I was just wondering if it is possible to use both my
modem and my
  ethernet for internet connectivity.  I have a Toshiba Laptop
  1800-S204) and at work I use the built in ethernet card to
get on the
  internet via windows, but I want to start using linux.  At
home I have
  dial-up and I have a modem card installed and it is detected
and will
  connect, but I cannot do anything on the net.  I guess the
question is
  can linux be set up to know to use either/or for the net? 

 Yes you can.
 Open Mandrake Control CentreNetworkConnection

 Near the top of the GUI you see a box marked profile which
contains the
 entry 'default'   - This defines your default internet access,
and is most
 likely currently set for 'lan' and in the box underneath you
probably see

 Internet Access
 Type :  lan

 Now create a new profile - call it dialup or something ,
select the new
 profile in the drop down list, and then go through the Wizard.
In the
 wizard unselect lan, and select modem, give the dial up
parameters for your
 ISP. Exit with 'OK'

 Now when you click on the 'Internet' icon on your desktop you
can select
 dialup from the Profile selection, and the button underneath
will switch to

 Thats it. Just switch between the two profiles any time you
want to change
 your connect method.

On a related note -

I have an ethernet always-on connection, but would like to use a
occasionally to send faxes.  Would the profile trick work for that?


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Re: [newbie] Modem Ethernet

2002-11-14 Thread Derek Jennings
Yes. (In linux the answer is always 'yes' )
  You have to learn the intricacies of the 'route' command. See 'man route'

If you also learn the more arcane features of ppp (see 'man pppd') it is also 
possible to do things like
auto dial on demand,
load balancing,
 and even funky stuff like link aggregation with multilink ppp

(There is a tutorial on setting dial on demand in the documents section of


On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 1:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what i'd like is to be able to have both active simultaneously
 and determine as necessary which one to use for  agiven
 function/connection.  is that possible?

 --- Original Message ---
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem  Ethernet

 On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 12:34 pm, you wrote:
  On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 4:22 am, Matthew Harrison wrote:
   Hi all,
  I was just wondering if it is possible to use both my

 modem and my

   ethernet for internet connectivity.  I have a Toshiba Laptop


   1800-S204) and at work I use the built in ethernet card to

 get on the

   internet via windows, but I want to start using linux.  At

 home I have

   dial-up and I have a modem card installed and it is detected

 and will

   connect, but I cannot do anything on the net.  I guess the

 question is

   can linux be set up to know to use either/or for the net?


  Yes you can.
  Open Mandrake Control CentreNetworkConnection
  Near the top of the GUI you see a box marked profile which

 contains the

  entry 'default'   - This defines your default internet access,

 and is most

  likely currently set for 'lan' and in the box underneath you

 probably see

  Internet Access
  Type :  lan
  Now create a new profile - call it dialup or something ,

 select the new

  profile in the drop down list, and then go through the Wizard.

 In the

  wizard unselect lan, and select modem, give the dial up

 parameters for your

  ISP. Exit with 'OK'
  Now when you click on the 'Internet' icon on your desktop you

 can select

  dialup from the Profile selection, and the button underneath

 will switch to

  Thats it. Just switch between the two profiles any time you

 want to change

  your connect method.
 On a related note -
 I have an ethernet always-on connection, but would like to use a


 occasionally to send faxes.  Would the profile trick work for that?

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[newbie] Opera 7 beta email client ... very interesting!

2002-11-14 Thread Alastair Scott
Apropos a previous discussion, this is only on Windows for the moment, but 
they've done the near-impossible and produced an email client with new and 
very powerful handling.

The concept is that you receive your email as usual but have both 
predefined and user-defined views. The email is visible within each view 
for which the email matches the view criteria, and deleting one instance of 
the email deletes all instances.

So, if you received a signed email from this mailing list from Fred Bloggs, 
you could see it in folders:

Mailing lists: (automatically derived)
Attachments: Signatures (automatically derived)
Received: From Fred (user-defined)

and any other folders whose view criteria it matched.

This, in effect storing each email as a record in a database with the 
folders as query-views on that database, is a very powerful technique once 
you get used to it (it is hard to get to grips with at first because the 
model is so different from the usual filter-the-email-into-one-folder) and 
I have a funny feeling it will catch on and be widely stolen :)


This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs SkyScan
service. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working
around the clock, around the globe, visit

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Re: [newbie] Modem Ethernet

2002-11-14 Thread JM5379
thanks, derek.  something i've often wondered about as a nice
addition, but obviously never explored.

--- Original Message ---
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem  Ethernet

Yes. (In linux the answer is always 'yes' )
  You have to learn the intricacies of the 'route' command. See
'man route'

If you also learn the more arcane features of ppp (see 'man
pppd') it is also 
possible to do things like
auto dial on demand,
load balancing,
 and even funky stuff like link aggregation with multilink ppp

(There is a tutorial on setting dial on demand in the documents
section of


On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 1:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what i'd like is to be able to have both active simultaneously
 and determine as necessary which one to use for  agiven
 function/connection.  is that possible?

 --- Original Message ---
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem  Ethernet

 On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 12:34 pm, you wrote:
  On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 4:22 am, Matthew Harrison wrote:
   Hi all,
  I was just wondering if it is possible to use both my

 modem and my

   ethernet for internet connectivity.  I have a Toshiba Laptop


   1800-S204) and at work I use the built in ethernet card to

 get on the

   internet via windows, but I want to start using linux.  At

 home I have

   dial-up and I have a modem card installed and it is detected

 and will

   connect, but I cannot do anything on the net.  I guess the

 question is

   can linux be set up to know to use either/or for the net?


  Yes you can.
  Open Mandrake Control CentreNetworkConnection
  Near the top of the GUI you see a box marked profile which

 contains the

  entry 'default'   - This defines your default internet access,

 and is most

  likely currently set for 'lan' and in the box underneath you

 probably see

  Internet Access
  Type :  lan
  Now create a new profile - call it dialup or something ,

 select the new

  profile in the drop down list, and then go through the Wizard.

 In the

  wizard unselect lan, and select modem, give the dial up

 parameters for your

  ISP. Exit with 'OK'
  Now when you click on the 'Internet' icon on your desktop you

 can select

  dialup from the Profile selection, and the button underneath

 will switch to

  Thats it. Just switch between the two profiles any time you

 want to change

  your connect method.
 On a related note -
 I have an ethernet always-on connection, but would like to use a


 occasionally to send faxes.  Would the profile trick work for

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2002-11-14 Thread John Richard Smith
I use kspread on a daily basis.

I have often felt  the length of time it takes to load
Kspread files and display the data,as
compared with other spread sheet programmes it takes 10 times as 
long.One kspread file of just 105kb takes 20 seconds on my most
powerful computer.

Hithertoo I had always assumed kspread had a terrific memory usage as 
compared to other spread sheet programmes.

After installing gkrellm and lm_sensors I am not so sure.

Is it possible that kspread might be
denighed memory/cpu  usage to accomplish the task.

Gkrellm , the graphical display programme seems to show  little
demand upon memory/cpu by kspread as compared to other tasks such
as transfering very large files(650mb) from one partition to
another where both cpu and memory usage rockets.

Could low levels of  memory/cpu usage be an explanation for length
of time kspread requires to load and display files ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Post re-installation - browsers

2002-11-14 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 1:28 pm, you wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 01:16:15PM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
  I uninstalled Mozilla immediately after re-installation of 8.2, so that I
  could install Mozilla 1, but that removed Galeon.  If I reinstall galeon
  from the Mandrake 8.2 disks am I likely to cause any conflicts?

 Anne, I got around that by compiling Mozilla myself. If you get the
 tarball and build it, it defaults to /usr/local instead of /usr/bin. So,
 I have two versions of Mozilla. I just point my shortcuts to
 /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla and I'm happy.


I did that on my last install, but there were some problems - can't remember 
the details, but things like file associations didn't work properly etc..  I 
note also that say that there will be problems with two versions, 
and that you must uninstall the old version first.  So that's what I did.

Still, if it works for you


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Re: [newbie] Post re-installation - browsers

2002-11-14 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 1:31 pm, you wrote:
 On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 1:16 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  I uninstalled Mozilla immediately after re-installation of 8.2, so that I
  could install Mozilla 1, but that removed Galeon.  If I reinstall galeon
  from the Mandrake 8.2 disks am I likely to cause any conflicts?

 Galeon's releases are very closely tied to Mozillas
 Your best course of action is to install both Mozilla and Galeon from the
 8.2/unsupported folder on a Mandrake mirror

 For example


Thanks - I'll do that as soon as I get the more urgent things sorted out - 
like this darned desktop problem for instance


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[newbie] Getting started with Mandrake

2002-11-14 Thread James B. Lawton
So I've downloaded the contents of the CD from .  Problem is, the
Mandrake Directory alone is 3.8 GB and won't fit on a CD.  What am I
missing?  I haven't been able to find documentation on this process.
Any pointers would be appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] lm_sensors GUI

2002-11-14 Thread L.V.Gandhi
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 9:07 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Monday 11 November 2002 09:02 pm, Gary Montalbine wrote:
  Installed lm_sensors1. It appears to be working. Installed gkrellm. It
  is not picking up the lm sensors. There is a proc/sys/dev/sensors
  directory. Any suggestions?

 Once lm_sensors is installed, this is one of the few progs that I have run
 accross where the only way I can get it to pick up the sensors in gkrellm
 is to reboot. However try just logging in again, i.e. just do a login as
 new user. and restart KDE or Gnome.  If that doesn't get it then reboot. Do
 the F1 thing and u should see sensors on the list of things to check. HTH
I have installed lm_sensors and didlm_sensors_detect and copy corresponding 
lines to filse and mentioned and asked to ceate a config file. Still I get 
error as
Nov 13 11:05:33 localhost sensord: Error -4 loading sensors configuration 
file: /etc/sensors.conf
Nov 13 11:05:33 localhost sensors: sensord startup failed
I saw file  /etc/sensors.conf exists and uncommented lines are there.
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Re: [newbie] Re-install woes - 8.2

2002-11-14 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 12:36 pm, you wrote:
 Well, I'm back.  Mozilla is fine and KMail are working.  I've copied back
 from my old /home directory and re-set the permissions (which had gone to
 root, because of the mountpoint settings of the source).  My current
 problem is that my desktop fires up fine, but clicking on a link, say,
 works once, then from that moment the desktop is frozen - doesn't answer
 the keyboard at all.  Panel links still work, and if I open, say, KMail,
 then all the icons on the desktop disappear.

 What on earth have I done?  It was fine until I started the copying back.


Amendment - it did work on one click earlier, but now doesn't do anything at 
all.  And the disappearing icons happen after they have been hidden by any 
other program - so if I open something minimised only some of the icons 

It's as though the icons are being drawn on the desktop but not connected to 
anything (I'll check permissions once again, but I think they're OK), and not 
re-drawn when apps close.


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Re: [newbie] List

2002-11-14 Thread meteor
On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 17:38, Mike M wrote:
 How do I remove myself from the list? I can't handle
 200 emails an hour anymore. =/
  --From the messy desk of me.
  --CEO Exolision Software
  (Soon to come.)
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 Yahoo! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your site

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Oh, if it's just the amount of mail I would suggest to use a
mail client that supports filters. E.g. evolution does and it
also supports a thread view, which makes live much easier.


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Re: [newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

2002-11-14 Thread Jordan Elver
Agreed, but if I am downloading movie trailers, you'd think it would be 
allowed! Nevermind, thanks for everyones's help.


On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 11:58 am, Technoslick wrote:

 While there may be some hack or loophole that could make this happen for
 you, I think you just have to accept the fact that the movies you are
 trying to download were specifically set up for on-line streaming. As Todd
 has pointed out, the site does not want to allow the downloading of the
 movies locally. This ability to let you see it, but not take it home, is
 one of the most attractive control mechanisms of audio and visual

 The only way for you to be sure that a link brings you to a dowloadable
 file is to try to save its target locally. If is works, you have what you
 want. If it gives you a placeholder, as in this case, that's what the
 provider intended and the only way you are going to get past this it to
 hack the site or see if you can get permission to acquire the file.

 I hate bumping into this, too, but...


 - Original Message -
 From: Jordan Elver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 6:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

 Yep, I can find the file it downloads, but like Todd said, it only
 downloads a
 place holder image while the actual movie does not.

 I'll try and find a fix,

 On Wednesday 13 Nov 2002 8:15 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 04:32, Jordan Elver wrote:
   This is a bit of a stupid question, can I download quicktime
   movs from or wherever without a plugin. All I want


   the actual file, I don't want to stream it or anything.
   I tried looking at the HTML source, getting the src path and pasting


   wget. It goes to download, says it has finished and nothing is saved?
   Am I being stupid or what?
   Thanks for any help, Cheers,
   Jordan Elver
   Save it for my unauthorized autobiography. --- Larry Wall
  Tis rather strange - and you've done a find or a locate on the
  filename and that returned nothing as well?

Jordan Elver
Well, let's just say, 'if your VCR is still blinking 12:00, you don't want 
Linux'. --- Bruce Perens, Debian's Fearless Leader

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Re: [newbie] lm_sensors GUI

2002-11-14 Thread John Richard Smith
L.V.Gandhi wrote:

On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 9:07 am, Dennis Myers wrote:

On Monday 11 November 2002 09:02 pm, Gary Montalbine wrote:

Installed lm_sensors1. It appears to be working. Installed gkrellm. It
is not picking up the lm sensors. There is a proc/sys/dev/sensors
directory. Any suggestions?


Once lm_sensors is installed, this is one of the few progs that I have run
accross where the only way I can get it to pick up the sensors in gkrellm
is to reboot. However try just logging in again, i.e. just do a login as
new user. and restart KDE or Gnome.  If that doesn't get it then reboot. Do
the F1 thing and u should see sensors on the list of things to check. HTH

I have installed lm_sensors and didlm_sensors_detect and copy corresponding 
lines to filse and mentioned and asked to ceate a config file. Still I get 
error as
Nov 13 11:05:33 localhost sensord: Error -4 loading sensors configuration 
file: /etc/sensors.conf
Nov 13 11:05:33 localhost sensors: sensord startup failed
I saw file  /etc/sensors.conf exists and uncommented lines are there.


I'm not sure , but there's a couple of commands to run first before sensors,

modprobe i2c-proc

maybe these make a difference

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Finding Dependencies

2002-11-14 Thread Jordan Elver
Hi All,
When trying to install something I am asked for a particular file or shared 
object. How can I find out which package contains that file? I know of 
rpmfind and I use urpmi.

Jordan Elver
Well, let's just say, 'if your VCR is still blinking 12:00, you don't want 
Linux'. --- Bruce Perens, Debian's Fearless Leader

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Re: [newbie] Finding Dependencies

2002-11-14 Thread Anthony Abby
Hi All,
When trying to install something I am asked for a particular file or shared 
object. How can I find out which package contains that file? I know of 
rpmfind and I use urpmi.

man rpm to double check me, but I think it's 'rpm -f file_name' Sorry I don't have 
my Linux laptop to look it up right now... 


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[newbie] Help!! my HP LaserJet 5L won't stop printing the same document

2002-11-14 Thread Ongkie Singgih
Dear Friends,

My a.m. printer won't stop printing although I have checked there is no job 
left in Control Center/System/PrinterManager.


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Re: [newbie] List

2002-11-14 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 14 November 2002 11:38 am, you wrote:
 How do I remove myself from the list? I can't handle
 200 emails an hour anymore. =/

Wow! I only get around 200 per *day* :-)

  Dark Lord

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[newbie] Printer problem solved!! I feel sorry.

2002-11-14 Thread Ongkie Singgih
Dear Friends,

It is because of the printer buffer, although I did turn it off and on many 
times and I haven't find any job outstanding mentioned below.


From: Ongkie Singgih [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] Help!! my HP LaserJet 5L won't stop printing the same 
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 17:59:42 +

Dear Friends,

My a.m. printer won't stop printing although I have checked there is no job 
left in Control Center/System/PrinterManager.


MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

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MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

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Re: [newbie] Checkinstall

2002-11-14 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 12:05:49 +
Peter Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Obviously I am too dim to understand what is meant by the SOURCE
 directory, can anyone help me please?

I turn on some lights then, (-:

The directory it is looking for is /usr/src/RPM

You need to install the rpm-build-x.x.x-xmdk.
The version you need will depend on which version of Mandrake you are
If you are running 9.0 then it is rpm-build-4.0.4-19mdk


Anyone can do any amount of work provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing
-- Murphy's Laws on Work n°15
Charles A Edwards

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Re: [newbie] Netscape 7 for linux

2002-11-14 Thread Todd Slater
On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 04:38:00PM +1100, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 11:53, Todd Slater wrote:
  Just curious, what is it you don't like about Mozilla? After all, NS is
  Moz in different clothes.
  These work in Mozilla, too.
 No, they don't all work under Moz.

I didn't have any problem with Flash or QuickTime (when I had them) in

 Mozilla is slow to respond,
 inherently mucks up the fonts that I prefer, and doesn't ever quite
 handle j-script and java pages the way I prefer. 

Can't comment on the slowness and fonts, and wasn't aware that I even
had a choice about handling javascript and java. How do you set that up?

 Neither did the older
 versions of Nutscrape, but this new version seems to deal with what I
 put it through without issue. So there! Nyah!

To put your browser through so much, you must look at a lot of porn! ;)


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Re: [newbie] List

2002-11-14 Thread Todd Franklin


Mike M wrote:

  How do I remove myself from the list? I can't handle
200 emails an hour anymore. =/


 --From the messy desk of me.
 --CEO Exolision Software
 (Soon to come.)

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Re: [newbie] Sort of on-topic

2002-11-14 Thread Technoslick
I have purchased (and sometimes used! :-P ) Serif's products  ever since
they made a free version that installed from one floppy disk. It seems that
whenever I get a call from one of their telemarketers, they are amazed at
how long I have been a customer and begin to treat me like I am part of
their family. Of course, if I was 'really' a partof their family, they would
give the software to me for free! Ahem! Anyway...I have always enjoyed their
calls, and end up having long conversations with whomever calls me. And, no
matter whether I need it or not, I always seem to break down and buy the
latest and the greatest they have to offer. I declined on this lastest
updated version of PagePlus 8 + PDF since I have both PagePlus 8 and Adobe
Acrobat 5.0.5. The software is good, and is well worth the little that they
charge for it. The kind of money they are asking for their software is what
all companies should be selling at. But, their software has had its failings
and idiosyncrasies,too. I think what has been most difficult for anyone in
the U.S. is in learning something that is layed out differently, isn't
exactly 'the norm'. Of course, we all know what 'the norm' is, especially
here in the States (pissst! M$!!)

I confess that after all that I have of their stuff, I never get much use
out of it. It's not their fault that I have too many irons in my fire and
just don't have the time to learn something new. But, Anne, this is a
company that I would like to see do well. I like their attitude, their
drive, and their dedication and willingness to listen to their users. I am
sure that there is a very large entry in their system with all the 'ear
bending' I have done with thier people over the last 8 or so years. ;-) If
you are interested in graphical design for Desktop publishing and Web work,
and don't need to give the output to a print beaureau (at least in the
States), I think you will like their stuff. If they would let me transfer my
licenses to you, I would send you the previous versions I have, just to get
rid of them! :-)


- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 1:41 PM
Subject: [newbie] Sort of on-topic

Yesterday I had a long conversation with Ron Cox at Serif Software.  If you
are UK you will probably know of them, but for those who don't, they product
inexpensive (by windows standards) software that does most of what the
market-leading expensive software does.  Their flagship is PagePlus 8 + PDF,
a desktop-processing program that has excellent booklet printing (A4 folded
to  make A5 booklet, with pages printed in appropriate pairs), and can
convert the whole to PDF.

I took the opportunity to tell him that there is a need for software like
theirs for Linux.  This led him on to tell me that the company has now been
bought back by the original programmer team, and are now free to make their
own decisions about the future.

They are fully aware of the greed and bad practices of M$, and of the
awareness in the marketplace.  He talked also of the increasing awareness of
security issues.  They are, however, still small, and the market constrains
them to write for the maximum market.  He said that they simply could not
afford the development costs to write for Linux, much as they would like to,
so they had made a conscious decision that they would write to the highest
degree of standards compliance they could manage.  They believe that this
will ensure that their products work with any of the windows emulators.

It's not the ideal answer, but I did like the degree of awareness I heard,
and I think they have made the best decision they can at this stage.
Meanwhile, before Christmas I intend to get Win4Lin and try it.


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Re: [newbie] Sort of on-topic

2002-11-14 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 7:33 pm, you wrote:
  If they would let me transfer
 my licenses to you, I would send you the previous versions I have, just to
 get rid of them! :-)

No chance of that - once they've got you, your're hooked, hehe.  I do have 
PP8 and this is one of the few programs that I boot to windows for, as I use 
it for a Church magazine for my daughter's parish.  It does require some 
learning time, but the tutorial is detailed and well illustrated - a 
practical lesson - so it was easy to refer back to if I had forgotten 

It would be nice to see them do well - they listen so much better than most, 
and are so eager to please.


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Re: [newbie] desktops changing :-/

2002-11-14 Thread Sharrea
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 8:45 am, Angus Auld wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi everyone, I am using Mdk 9.0  and KDE.  A curious thing just started
  happening, I used to be able to open a Konsole session on the same
  desktop as Konqueror, but now, when I try to do that I get switched to
  a new desktop when Konsole opens. This is really weird.I just tried
  desktops one through four, and it does the switch on #'s 1, 2, 
  4.not 3 :-/
  I tried the other terminals that I have installed (Eterm, RXvt, XTerm,
  GNOME Terminal), and they all seem to be happy to open on the same
  desktop that I am working in, just like Konsole used to. Konsole is my
  default terminal, and I would like to know how to correct this
  behaviour. I haven't altered any settings in Konsole.
 Just to clarify a bit...all Konsole sessions that I open, from
 any desktop, are being switched to desktop 3. Desktop 3 is the only one
 that Konsole will open in.

Sometimes if you open an app in desktop 1 then move it to another desktop 
and it gets closed on that other desktop, then it will keep opening in the 
other desktop until you move it back to desktop 1.

Hope you can make sense of that.

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Re: [newbie] List

2002-11-14 Thread James R. McKenzie
That 65th cup of double latte kickin' it in huh Todd?   8-{
- Original Message -
From: Todd Franklin
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] List


Mike M wrote:

How do I remove myself from the list? I can't handle
200 emails an hour anymore. =/


 --From the messy desk of me.
 --CEO Exolision Software
 (Soon to come.)

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Re: [newbie] OT: StarCalc 6 vs. MS Excel 2000

2002-11-14 Thread Alastair Scott
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 14 November 2002 4:20 pm, Technoslick wrote:

 I'm 'really' trying to wean myself off of M$ crap, butit isn't
 easy when the change is fighting you...


Post it or put it somewhere (with any sensitive text replaced with 
gibberish) so that everyone can attack it :)

I have to say, having wrestled with this sort of thing myself, that Open 
Source is not above criticism. StarOffice or are no 
panacea when you're trying to do difficult things; they're a long way 
from perfect, translations are 90% rather than 100% there in general 
and, for good measure, they're terribly slow.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] iMac and 8.2 PPC

2002-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just tried installing the PPC version of ML 8.2 on my early iMac. Aside
from the video driver problem which I think can be fixed after install I am
getting a partitioning error. The dialog box complains that 1 meg is not
available for a boot partition (or something like that) and says
installation will continue. I am then returned to the partitioning dialog
box and the cycle begins again.
I have formatted the drive as MacOS 8.0 and booted to the ML 8.2 install cd.
Any help is appreciated.
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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Re: [newbie] Sort of on-topic

2002-11-14 Thread Miark
Ditto here. I've bought their stuff in the past, and when they called me at
home, I had a very enjoyable conversation with them about software--just as
if they were family.

Ultimately, I don't use they software because I've been using Adobe stuff 
for years and years and I wasn't into learning something new. But this is 
one company that puts out a great product at a great price, and genuinely
seem like good people. I'd like to see these guys do well. (And see more
companies like them!)


On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 14:33:16 -0500
Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have purchased (and sometimes used! :-P ) Serif's products  ever since
 they made a free version that installed from one floppy disk. It seems that
 whenever I get a call from one of their telemarketers, they are amazed at
 how long I have been a customer and begin to treat me like I am part of
 their family. Of course, if I was 'really' a partof their family, they would
 give the software to me for free! Ahem! Anyway...I have always enjoyed their
 calls, and end up having long conversations with whomever calls me. And, no
 matter whether I need it or not, I always seem to break down and buy the
 latest and the greatest they have to offer. I declined on this lastest
 updated version of PagePlus 8 + PDF since I have both PagePlus 8 and Adobe
 Acrobat 5.0.5. The software is good, and is well worth the little that they
 charge for it. The kind of money they are asking for their software is what
 all companies should be selling at. But, their software has had its failings
 and idiosyncrasies,too. I think what has been most difficult for anyone in
 the U.S. is in learning something that is layed out differently, isn't
 exactly 'the norm'. Of course, we all know what 'the norm' is, especially
 here in the States (pissst! M$!!)
 I confess that after all that I have of their stuff, I never get much use
 out of it. It's not their fault that I have too many irons in my fire and
 just don't have the time to learn something new. But, Anne, this is a
 company that I would like to see do well. I like their attitude, their
 drive, and their dedication and willingness to listen to their users. I am
 sure that there is a very large entry in their system with all the 'ear
 bending' I have done with thier people over the last 8 or so years. ;-) If
 you are interested in graphical design for Desktop publishing and Web work,
 and don't need to give the output to a print beaureau (at least in the
 States), I think you will like their stuff. If they would let me transfer my
 licenses to you, I would send you the previous versions I have, just to get
 rid of them! :-)
 - Original Message -
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 1:41 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Sort of on-topic
 Yesterday I had a long conversation with Ron Cox at Serif Software.  If you
 are UK you will probably know of them, but for those who don't, they product
 inexpensive (by windows standards) software that does most of what the
 market-leading expensive software does.  Their flagship is PagePlus 8 + PDF,
 a desktop-processing program that has excellent booklet printing (A4 folded
 to  make A5 booklet, with pages printed in appropriate pairs), and can
 convert the whole to PDF.
 I took the opportunity to tell him that there is a need for software like
 theirs for Linux.  This led him on to tell me that the company has now been
 bought back by the original programmer team, and are now free to make their
 own decisions about the future.
 They are fully aware of the greed and bad practices of M$, and of the
 awareness in the marketplace.  He talked also of the increasing awareness of
 security issues.  They are, however, still small, and the market constrains
 them to write for the maximum market.  He said that they simply could not
 afford the development costs to write for Linux, much as they would like to,
 so they had made a conscious decision that they would write to the highest
 degree of standards compliance they could manage.  They believe that this
 will ensure that their products work with any of the windows emulators.
 It's not the ideal answer, but I did like the degree of awareness I heard,
 and I think they have made the best decision they can at this stage.
 Meanwhile, before Christmas I intend to get Win4Lin and try it.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] Checkinstall

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 23:05, Peter Watson wrote:
 With some valuable assistance from this list I succeeded in compiling my 
 first package from a tarball. Feeling smug I decided to try another using 
 I get to the stage where checkinstall says The package will be built 
 according to these values and lists 10 values, I press enter to accept 
 them and then receive the following message NOT-FOUND has no SOURCES 
 directory, Please write the path to the RPM source directory tree I have 
 tried entering every path I can think of but I always get a repititioon of 
 the above message but with NOT-FOUND replaced by the path I have just 
 I end up having to Ctrl-C to get out of the loop.
 Obviously I am too dim to understand what is meant by the SOURCE directory, 
 can anyone help me please?
 TIA   Pete
 Ardnamurchan  Scotland

So then I gather that you're intent on making RPM's - here's a quick
link for you to check out - it's for RPM Wizard - and there's a download
for Mandrake v9

Overall, I don't like to build RPM's - I prefer doing a TAR, then
GZIP'ing the TARball, then using BZIP2 on that - makes for smaller
archives and easier transport for those of us living on 56k...(grin)

But, in the meantime, SOURCES would refer to the initial files that
you're wanting to package up into an RPM - without the SOURCES, you're
going to get an empty RPM, hence the error.

Fri Nov 15 08:10:01 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the word you first
thought of.
-- Burt Bacharach

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Re: [newbie] Finding Dependencies

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 04:45, Jordan Elver wrote:
 Hi All,
 When trying to install something I am asked for a particular file or shared 
 object. How can I find out which package contains that file? I know of 
 rpmfind and I use urpmi.
 Jordan Elver

What was it asking for? Libraries? Binaries?

Fri Nov 15 08:15:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Please stand for the National Anthem:

God save our Gracious Queen!
Long live our Noble Queen!
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign o'er us!
God save the Queen!

Thank you.  You may resume your seat.

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Re: [newbie] Getting started with Mandrake

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 01:49, James B. Lawton wrote:
 So I've downloaded the contents of the CD from .  Problem is, the
 Mandrake Directory alone is 3.8 GB and won't fit on a CD.  What am I
 missing?  I haven't been able to find documentation on this process.
 Any pointers would be appreciated.
There are three directories under Mandrake-

...those are what comprises the CD' you have to segregate each
folder to an individual CD. Best bet is to make CD2 and CD3 first, then
assemble the CD1 stuff, along with the DOSUTILS and whatnot - double
check it, then burn that to CD1. Create a bootdisk for the installation,
and voila! - you're done!

Hope that helps!

Fri Nov 15 08:20:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Atilla the Hub

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Re: [newbie] Getting started with Mandrake

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 03:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You hit the wrong directory.  You have to download ISO files and burn the 3 CDs.  Go 
to  The ISO files are there.  
Download all three, and the MD5 sums file.  Make sure to check all 3 sums against 
this file or you may get corrupted CDs when you burn them.  Then open your CD burner 
software and pick the 'create CD from image file' option.
 Have fun!
 Scott B

I stand corrupted.

Fri Nov 15 08:20:00 EST 2002

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|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Atilla the Hub

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Re: [newbie] Help!! my HP LaserJet 5L won't stop printing the samedocument

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 04:59, Ongkie Singgih wrote:
 Dear Friends,
 My a.m. printer won't stop printing although I have checked there is no job 
 left in Control Center/System/PrinterManager.
You might have garbage in the spool. Check the /var/spool/lpd folder -
where you will find the name of your printer - go into that folder and
you SHOULD see some print jobs in there - turn off your printer, delete
the spool files, and then reboot. After reboot, turn on your printer and
the garbage should be gone now. Sounds like there was a problem getting
the proper driver or manager running for that printer...


Fri Nov 15 08:25:00 EST 2002

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|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to
see it tried on him personally.
-- Abraham Lincoln

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Re: [newbie] IDE/ATAPI CD-RW

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 10:46, Russell W. Behne wrote:
 I've been trying to get my new cd-rw running. After reading 
 file:/usr/share/doc/HOWTO/HTML/en/CD-Writing-HOWTO-2.html I ran this 
   cd /dev  rm cdrom  ln -s scd0 cdrom
 And then I checked the devices like this:
   # ls -l cdrom
   lr-xr-xr-x  1 root root4 Nov 10 18:21 cdrom - scd0
 # ls -l scd0
 ls: scd0: No such file or directory
 Now /dev/cdrom shows as a broken link to a nonextant /dev/scd0! I didn't 
 see anything on how to create this particular device. What should I do 
 Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

What happens when you run the hardware wizard? (Hardwaredrake?) from the
Mandrake control center - is it showing up there? Can you mount it from
in there?

Fri Nov 15 08:25:00 EST 2002

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|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to
see it tried on him personally.
-- Abraham Lincoln

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Re: [newbie] iMac and 8.2 PPC

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 07:49, BCSoft@TowerTraining wrote:
 I just tried installing the PPC version of ML 8.2 on my early iMac. Aside
 from the video driver problem which I think can be fixed after install I am
 getting a partitioning error. The dialog box complains that 1 meg is not
 available for a boot partition (or something like that) and says
 installation will continue. I am then returned to the partitioning dialog
 box and the cycle begins again.
 I have formatted the drive as MacOS 8.0 and booted to the ML 8.2 install cd.
 Any help is appreciated.
 Richard L. Babcock, Owner
 Tower Training
 At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

Are you using the manual partitioning scheme, or letting Mandrake do it
for you? I believe that with Mac, you're supposed to do it manually...
Fri Nov 15 08:30:00 EST 2002

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|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Someone thought The Big Red Button was a light switch.

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Re: [newbie] Help!! my HP LaserJet 5L won't stop printing thesamedocument

2002-11-14 Thread Jordan R. Thompson
- Original Message -
From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Help!! my HP LaserJet 5L won't stop printing the

 On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 04:59, Ongkie Singgih wrote:
  Dear Friends,
  My a.m. printer won't stop printing although I have checked there is no
  left in Control Center/System/PrinterManager.

Another thing to bear in mind is that the printer has a sizeable internal
buffer.  Everything could have spooled to it and be left in memory.  Try
powering off the printer and turning it back on.


 You might have garbage in the spool. Check the /var/spool/lpd folder -
 where you will find the name of your printer - go into that folder and
 you SHOULD see some print jobs in there - turn off your printer, delete
 the spool files, and then reboot. After reboot, turn on your printer and
 the garbage should be gone now. Sounds like there was a problem getting
 the proper driver or manager running for that printer...


 Fri Nov 15 08:25:00 EST 2002

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 |  |/ ._/  || |
 |  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
 |  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
 |  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

 Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to
 see it tried on him personally.
 -- Abraham Lincoln

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] is this list appropriate for setting up a mailserveron9.0?

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 04:21, Jordan R. Thompson wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 12:49 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] is this list appropriate for setting up a mailserveron
 Although I don't remember how it started, fetchmail is running (see  next
 section.)  I checked /etc/rc.d/rc.local and it is not there. What is the
 best way to add it?   I just updated all of my software from Mandrake, so I
 assume it is up to date.
Best way is to edit the /etc/rc.d/rc.local and add
fetchmail -d360
(or whatever the polling interval is you desire)

That forces FETCHMAIL to run as a daemon, polling at 360 seconds as per
the example.

 [jordan@dot jordan]$ ps -ef | grep fetchmail
 root 26259 1  0 06:57 ?00:00:03 fetchmail -d 180 -f
 jordan   28509 28471  0 12:16 pts/700:00:00 grep fetchmail
 [jordan@dot jordan]$
Ok - well, that's showing that fetchmail is running as a daemon, polling
at 180 seconds and FORCING

 I am a little confused on what is doing what even though I have read all of
 the faqs.  As I see it, there are four mail things that need to be run on
 the Mandrake machine, but I don't know what they actually are:
 Mandrake - ISP
 Mandrake - ISP *
 Client (windows) - Mandrake
 Client (windows) - Mandrake *
Being that the outbound mailing is rather simple, it would appear as
though you might have something mucked up in your outbound configs.
Postfix or Sendmail might need to be double checked for configuration.

 Those with an asterix work, the others used to work.  I would love to know
 what the names of each one are.
Let's try this as an example of how I have my fetchmail working (diagram

(For inbound) ISPmailserver - LinuxServer (fetchmail) - mbox
-- fetchmail set to remove all messages from server
(For outbound using SENDMAIL) mbox - via SENDMAIL (or postfix) -

Windows clients use the IP of the LinuxServer as their SMTP server, and,
of course, the IP of the LinuxServer as their POP3 (or IMAP if you have
that running).

 Webmin is something I'd love to be able to use - in the three years I have
 been playing with Mandrake, I have never gotten it to work.  I don't
 remember using fetchmailconf (I think I was following an installation
 procedure on the web and edited the files by hand.)
You can start FETCHMAILCONF from a terminal or from a RUN command in
your WM - it's rather straightforward.

Using WebMin (assuming it's installed on your system) is easy. Just open
up a browser, type in: localhost:1 and hit enter. If you got it
installed, it will pop up a login page. If you don't, well, it won't!

Fri Nov 15 08:30:00 EST 2002

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|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Someone thought The Big Red Button was a light switch.

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Re: [newbie] Packet shaper

2002-11-14 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 8:43 pm, Wilson, Jack wrote:
 My boss denied my request for the funds for a packer shaper. Can
 Mandrake provide some level of packet shaping?

 Thanks Jack

As usual the answer is yes.

Google is your friend.


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2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 01:43, John Richard Smith wrote:
 I use kspread on a daily basis.
 I have often felt  the length of time it takes to load
 Kspread files and display the data,as
 compared with other spread sheet programmes it takes 10 times as 
 long.One kspread file of just 105kb takes 20 seconds on my most
 powerful computer.
 Hithertoo I had always assumed kspread had a terrific memory usage as 
 compared to other spread sheet programmes.
 After installing gkrellm and lm_sensors I am not so sure.
 Is it possible that kspread might be
 denighed memory/cpu  usage to accomplish the task.
 Gkrellm , the graphical display programme seems to show  little
 demand upon memory/cpu by kspread as compared to other tasks such
 as transfering very large files(650mb) from one partition to
 another where both cpu and memory usage rockets.
 Could low levels of  memory/cpu usage be an explanation for length
 of time kspread requires to load and display files ?
 John Richard Smith

I've often found (on both RedHat, Slackware and now Mandrake) that the
KOffice applications tend to take their merry-old-time starting up -
that is, prior to tweaking the entire system overall.

I've had to rebuild the kernel, tweak the HD settings, the video
settings and the likes before applications such as either KOffice and
StarOffice act nicely - keep in mind the amount of resource each of
those applications has to use in order to not just display a nice GUI
to you, but to actually function as a proper program.

After tweaking, it takes mere seconds on my test workstation for an
application like KSpread to open up (it's a 733mhz w/ 256mb RAM and a
build-in TNT2 NVIDIA card with 32mb of RAM set aside in BIOS) - but
performs quite nicely when tuned!)

Fri Nov 15 08:45:00 EST 2002

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|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Sauron is alive in Argentina!

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[newbie] hp 3420 usb printer blues

2002-11-14 Thread Aaron
I have been using MD 9.0 without a printer because I have no idea how to
get mine working. One of the reasons I choose MD 9.0 was because of its
improved usb support.

When I installed the distribution it correctly found my printer and set
it up as a usb device. It did a few steps and then choose a driver.

It unfortunately didn't work.
The problem I am having is how to debug whats wrong.
1. Is it a usb problem?
2. Is it a problem of the printing system cups et al.?
3. Is it a driver problem??

I saw that there were updates for the printing system and drivers I
installed them but I don't see anywhere a driver specific to my printer.


Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] List

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 03:38, Mike M wrote:
 How do I remove myself from the list? I can't handle
 200 emails an hour anymore. =/

You should be able to type REMOVE in the subject line...

Fri Nov 15 08:50:01 EST 2002

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|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

It's a very *__UN*lucky week in which to be took dead.
-- Churchy La Femme

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 / EBDA boot error on extended drive

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 07:20, Michael wrote:
 My wife just installed Mandrake 9.0, dual boot, on her Win 98 box.  After the 
 install, which went fine, everytime she tries to boot from the harddrive she 
 gets an error message saying EBDA too big, and it fails.  When she boots from 
 the floppy, it works fine.  Her system has a 6Gb harddrive with an extended 
 80Gb drive, which is operated through the BIOS and which Mandrake did 
 recognize during the install.  
 Does anyone have any ideas on how to appraoch this?
That's a strange one - but has she tried re-running lilo from a command
line after booting into linux? That would be the first shot to take...

Fri Nov 15 08:50:01 EST 2002

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|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

It's a very *__UN*lucky week in which to be took dead.
-- Churchy La Femme

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Re: [newbie] Modem Ethernet

2002-11-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 15:22, Matthew Harrison wrote:
 Hi all,
I was just wondering if it is possible to use both my modem and my
 ethernet for internet connectivity.  I have a Toshiba Laptop (Satellite
 1800-S204) and at work I use the built in ethernet card to get on the
 internet via windows, but I want to start using linux.  At home I have
 dial-up and I have a modem card installed and it is detected and will
 connect, but I cannot do anything on the net.  I guess the question is can
 linux be set up to know to use either/or for the net?  Thanks.
After setting up a PPP dialer connection, you should be able to surf in
style - is the ethernet setup for DHCP or static IP?

Fri Nov 15 08:55:00 EST 2002

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|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

No, I'm not interested in developing a powerful brain.  All I'm after is
just a mediocre brain, something like the president of American
and Telegraph Company.
-- Alan Turing on the possibilities of a thinking
   machine, 1943.

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Re: [newbie] IDE/ATAPI CD-RW

2002-11-14 Thread John Richard Smith
Russell W. Behne wrote:

I've been trying to get my new cd-rw running. After reading 
file:/usr/share/doc/HOWTO/HTML/en/CD-Writing-HOWTO-2.html I ran this 
	cd /dev  rm cdrom  ln -s scd0 cdrom
And then I checked the devices like this:
	# ls -l cdrom
	lr-xr-xr-x  1 root root4 Nov 10 18:21 cdrom - scd0
   # ls -l scd0
   ls: scd0: No such file or directory
Now /dev/cdrom shows as a broken link to a nonextant /dev/scd0! I didn't 
see anything on how to create this particular device. What should I do 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


Gutten Tag, Russell,

All linux writer programmes require scsi-emulation.
To achieve this first add to /etc/lilo.conf in the append line, something
like hdc=ide-scsi, save and exit.
eg here is mine,
append=devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi 

note, this is for both my dvdrom and cdwriter which I have master and slave
on ide2 line
yours is different so alter accordingly.

then run /sbin/lilo

which will confim it likes your changes
logout and login

then in a terminal type ,

cdrecord -scanbus,

this is mine.

Cdrecord 1.11a19 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg Schilling
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.22
Using libscg version 'schily-0.6'
   0,0,0 0) 'PIONEER ' 'DVD-ROM DVD-116 ' '1.22' Removable CD-ROM
   0,1,0 1) 'MITSUMI ' 'CR-48X9TE   ' '1.0C' Removable CD-ROM
   0,2,0 2) *
   0,3,0 3) *
   0,4,0 4) *
   0,5,0 5) *
   0,6,0 6) *
   0,7,0 7) *

which confirms you now have scsi-emulation for your writer and in my 
case the dvdrom
as well.

If you want an icon on desktop, rightmouse click down to create new 
cdrom device
and in the properties of that icon point the device to the /dev/scd0 (1) ?

I hope this clarifies things a bit,


John Richard Smith

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