Re: [newbie-it] danni con kmail

2002-11-22 Thread jv
Hash: SHA1

Alle 19:59, giovedì 21 novembre 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] danni con 
kmail, gigi pinna ha scritto:


 premesso che comunque la cartella non ? vuota, ma con un centinaio di
 messaggi all'interno, come diamine faccio a renderla nuovamente visibile
 da kmail in modo da recuperare la mia posta?

premesso che non afferrato appieno che cosa sia successo...


io nella mia home ho una cartella che si chiama Mail all'interno della 
quale ci sono tanti file quante cartelle di suddivisione della posta in 

ho cambiato pc..

ho copiato tutte questi file nella nuova cartella Mail presenta nella mia 
nuova home..

apro Kmail e mi trovo tutti i miei messaggi..

non so se ti sono stato d'aiuto..

fammi sapere..


Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Che caldo!!

2002-11-22 Thread Germano
Il 18:18, domenica 17 novembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata hai scritto:
 Alle 16:02, domenica 17 novembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:
  devi cercare dal pnnello di controllo di kde
  è artsd il responsabile a mio avviso

 ho controllato ed è tutto a posto, tra l'altro avevo pure disabilitato
 artsd nei giorni scorsi...

  altro responsabile potrebbe essere slocate
  cioè l'aggiornamento periodico del db che interroghi per
  ritrovare info sull'ubicazione di librerie, eseguibili ecc..
  ricordo che mandrake era piuttosto intrusivo in questo

 questo non so come controllarlo...


Prova a guardare se in /etc/cron.daily c'è slocate.cron e levalo (oppure gli 
togli semplicemente i permessi di esecuzione), già che ci sei dai un occhiata 
a tante altre cose che sono lì e che di solito non servono (oppure servono se 
hai di averle, come rpm.cron).

Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] java e/o flash

2002-11-22 Thread Germano
Il 15:48, venerdì 15 novembre 2002, francesco.melo hai scritto:
 tom wrote:
 Salve alla lista
 Ieri girando per il web sono incappato nel sito di radio 105 che ha una
  chatt e web camma il mozzillone non riusciva a visualizzare
  nullaanzi per dire la verita il sito rimaneva monco(mancavano
  parecchie parti della pagina).
 Ora che vimdow e chiuso nella sua piccola partizzione (esiste solo ancora
  per la mia ragazza) vorrei poter navigare senza intoppi. mi
  vengono visualizzati 2 avvisi:
 --- This page contains informatio of a type
  (application/x-java-vm) that can only be viewed with the appropriate
 - This page.type
  (application/x-shockwave-flash) that... .. ....  
 -- OK  dove recupero ste application?
 Non vorrei dire una c***a..per java ho visto che nella
  distro (mdk9.0) c'è tra le tante cose anche kaffe! che se non ricordo
  male aveva a che fare con java!mi puo essere utile?
 Grazie gia da ora per gli eventuali aiuti.
 Ciao , Tom

 per la questione libglcore ti chiedo qualche giorno , devo controllare
 per quanto riguarda  i plugins di mozilla io ho fatto cosi'.

 ti scarichi quella sventolona di pacchetto rpm.bin da sito di sun per
 avere java

 e lo installi prima eseguendo da consolle il file dopo averlo reso
 eseguibile, ti leggi tutta e dico tutta la licenza sun , accetti e ti
 scompatta il tuo bel rpm
 che andrai ad installare.
 a questo punto ti ritrovi java installato in

 file:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0_01/jre/plugin/i386/ns610 e ci fai un link alla
 cartella plugin del tuo mozilla ( io preferisco usare le nightily
 version ed installarmelo io , non amo i font  con anti aliasing che
 mandrake utilizza)
 per quanto riguarda kaffe'  il consiglio e' di disinstallarlo
  e  poi fare un

 *cd /usr/bin
 rm java javac jar
 ln -s /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/bin/java java
 ln -s /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/bin/javac javac
 ln -s /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/bin/jar jar*

 questo ti permette di linkare gli eseguibili di java al posto di quelli
 fittizi di kaffe.

 a questo punto hai java installato nella tua linux box ... Ora puoi
 installare anche limewire per esempio

 per quanto riguarda  flash devi scaricare il  tar :


 e poi scompattarlo  per poi copiare sempre nella solita  cartella plugin
 di mozilla.

 et  voilà  anche il flash e' attivo.

 un ultimo consiglio :
 fai provare i giochini  di linux alla tua ragazza , se ne appassionerà
 subito con la mia ha funzionato :

Il consiglio è solo di editare i file in questione e non rimuoverli (non sono 
i programmi veri e propri ma solo degli script che li chiamano) 
%cosiglio datomi a suo tempo da freefred%

Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] Mass storage...

2002-11-22 Thread Franco Negri
- Original Message -
From: CyberPenguin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Franco Negri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Mass storage...

Ma sulla confezione, non c'e' scritto nessun riferimento ad utopici

Sulla confezione io non ho trovato nulla. Il driver mi parla di una certa

Certamente viene percepita come tale :-(
Strano che le Compact Flash non ti vengano viste, problemini
sull'inserimento della scheda nello slot non dovrebbero esistere dal
momento che la periferica e' nuova ...
Ma che schede di memoria usi? Entrambe? Come dovrebbe esser il lettore?

Uso schede che funzionano perfettamente con lo stesso lettore sotto Win
:-( , nella macchina fotografica (SM) e nel mio Psion (CF).

Non disperare ;-)
Problemi di compatibilita' che oggi sembrano insormontabili sotto Linux
magari tra qualche settimana ... ma non e' detto che colui che ha gia'
affrontato la tua problematica sia iscritto alla Mdk ML.
Spero tu riesca a configurarla al meglio.
Sarebbe una bella soddisfazione :-)

Ti ringrazio per la cortesia della tua risposta, devo per confessarti una
cosa: sono un fervente ammiratore di Linux e sa il cielo quante ore ho speso
a comprendere quel poco che so, ma mi sono stancato. Purtroppo con il
computer devo lavorare, e non riesco a fare con Linux le cose che mi
servono, in quanto il programma di collegamento al mio Psion (vitale!) non 
compilato per la Mdk 9.0 e quando ho imparato a compilare i sorgenti ho
trovato lo scoglio delle librerie Qt installate ma non viste, nemmeno
forzando l' ./install (tre giorni persi fra ricerche su Google e tentativi
ari), e adesso questa periferica comperata apposta in quanto quella che ho
ancora qui  assolutamente NON compatibile Linux (ti risparmio il computo
del tempo).
Mi piange il cuore, ma sono tornato a Windows che  quello che sappiamo, ma

Giovanni ;-)

Grazie e scusa lo sfogo

Re: [newbie-it] MPlayer

2002-11-22 Thread asapi
Alle 00:41, venerdì 22 novembre 2002, francesco.melo ha scritto:

  con --disable-fbdev.Cosè che ho sbagliato?Non siate ermetici per favore
  perchè-come avrete capito-sono agli inizi ed è già abbastanza dura!
  Hardware:AthlonXP 1600;256ddr; GeForce 4 MX 400.

 posso farti una semplice domanda?
 ma il tuo accanimento alla compilazione è una scelta masochista o

 io con un urpmi mplaye da console ho risolto tutto
 basta aggiungere il media  di

 fammi sapere

 ciao vete

No non è masochismo,più semplicemente mi sono basato su delle istruzioni che 
ho trovato su internet che consigliavano,appunto,di non usare i binari e di 
Vedere un mondo in un granello di sabbia 
e un cielo in un fiore selvatico. 
Tenere l'infinito sul palmo della mano 
e cogliere l'eternita' in un'ora.
(William Blake)

[newbie-it] mysql non funziona

2002-11-22 Thread tocqueville

Salve a tutti e grazie anticipatamente

ho installato la MdK 9 nessun problema nell'installazione

ora però, a differenza della versione precedente, mi si presenta questo

 quando digito mysql esce quest'errore:

ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

premetto che ho installato  tutti i software 

 come faccio a risolverlo

Re: [newbie-it] danni con kmail

2002-11-22 Thread luigi pinna
miracolo!non so come ma dopo che ho tentato di fare una copia del file dell'inboxper importarlo in mozilla mail, PUF! ? apparsa la cartella con tutto ilsuo contenuto! Mah! Misteri di Kmail!grazie a tutti dell'aiuto offertomi!Quando un uomo ti racconta di essere diventato ricco grazie al duro lavoro, chiedigli: "Di chi?".

> Don Marquis__Ma quante ne sai? Mettiti alla prova con QuizShow!

Re: [newbie-it] LiLo

2002-11-22 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 23:26, giovedì 21 novembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:
 Alle 22:35, giovedì 21 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:

  mandarmi la configuarazione del suo LiLO così

  ricostruisco la sezione mancante?


Grazie! Anche a Fabio.


Re: [newbie-it] MPlayer

2002-11-22 Thread tom
Alle 00:29, venerdì 22 novembre 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti! ho installato e compilato mplayer su Mandrake 9 con i
 comandi: ./configure --enable-gui \
 --enable-fbdev --language=it --enable-streaming.
 Output errori:
 X11 support required for GUI compilation.Ho tentato di trovare quello che
 il programma di installazione mi chiede,tramite il centro di controllo,di
 Mandrake nisba.
[cut] ho installato Mplayer la sett scorsa,come te dai sorgenti!
per quanto riguarda la una delle tre compilazioni mi diceva che 
mancavano delle librerie GTK,questo lo pui riscontrare anche dalla 
documentazioni,in cui avvertiva che sarebbero state necessarie delle 
libgtkpng(se non ricordo male),quindi ho installato librerie gtkdevel un po 
a caso (le trovi nei cd di installazione), a questo punto tutto era ok o 
Ti ricordo che Mplayer non ha interfaccia grafica.quindi devi andare sul 
sito sceglierti uno skin e sconpattarglielo nell apposita dir.

 win dipendente...)quando avvio un filmato con il comando mplayer,sono
 costretto a passare immediatamente con ctrl-alt-Fn ad una console perchè
 sullo schermo compaiono delle fastidiose striscie.Ho capito che funziona in
 framebufferche pensavo di avere disabilitato in fase di compilazione
 con --disable-fbdev.Cosè che ho sbagliato?Non siate ermetici per favore
 perchè-come avrete capito-sono agli inizi ed è già abbastanza dura!

è un errore di battitura all inizio o ho capito bene?
all inizio hai scritto che in /.configure --enable-fbdev!!!
cmq ti consiglio di dare come opzione solo --enable-gui!
fa tutto da solo.
il problema al video era quasi sicuramente imputabile al codec che stavi 
utilizzando!...un dubbio...hai controllato se c'è qualcosa in particolare 
su la tua skeda grafica?

Quando riuscirai a far funzionare Mplayer potrai goderti i divx al massimo 
della risoluzione possibile con una fluidita che xine se la sogna!

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] mysql non funziona

2002-11-22 Thread toto
Alle 17:53, venerdì 22 novembre 2002, tocqueville ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti e grazie anticipatamente

 ho installato la MdK 9 nessun problema nell'installazione

 ora però, a differenza della versione precedente, mi si presenta questo

  quando digito mysql esce quest'errore:

 ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
 '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

 premetto che ho installato  tutti i software

  come faccio a risolverlo
Ma il server è attivo?
Da root digita /etc/init.d/mysql status
Se ti comunica che è fermo digita
/etc/init.d/mysql start
Buon Lavoro

Re: [newbie-it] MPlayer

2002-11-22 Thread asapi ho installato Mplayer la sett scorsa,come te dai sorgenti!
 per quanto riguarda la una delle tre compilazioni mi diceva che
 mancavano delle librerie GTK,questo lo pui riscontrare anche dalla
 documentazioni,in cui avvertiva che sarebbero state necessarie delle
 libgtkpng(se non ricordo male),quindi ho installato librerie gtkdevel un
 po a caso (le trovi nei cd di installazione), a questo punto tutto era ok o
 Ti ricordo che Mplayer non ha interfaccia grafica.quindi devi andare
 sul sito sceglierti uno skin e sconpattarglielo nell apposita dir.


  win dipendente...)quando avvio un filmato con il comando mplayer,sono
  costretto a passare immediatamente con ctrl-alt-Fn ad una console perchè
  sullo schermo compaiono delle fastidiose striscie.Ho capito che funziona
  in framebufferche pensavo di avere disabilitato in fase di
  compilazione con --disable-fbdev.Cosè che ho sbagliato?Non siate ermetici
  per favore perchè-come avrete capito-sono agli inizi ed è già abbastanza

 è un errore di battitura all inizio o ho capito bene?
 all inizio hai scritto che in /.configure --enable-fbdev!!!
 cmq ti consiglio di dare come opzione solo --enable-gui!
 fa tutto da solo.
 il problema al video era quasi sicuramente imputabile al codec che stavi
 utilizzando!...un dubbio...hai controllato se c'è qualcosa in
 particolare su la tua skeda grafica?

 Quando riuscirai a far funzionare Mplayer potrai goderti i divx al massimo
 della risoluzione possibile con una fluidita che xine se la sogna!

 Ciao , Tom

No,hai visto giusto;con quel comando ho-seguendo l'articolo di cui ho parlato- 
ho attivato il framebuffer giusto?Ricompilerò daccapo seguendo il tuo 

Re: [newbie-it] danni con kmail

2002-11-22 Thread miKe
Alle 00:23, venerdì 22 novembre 2002, luigi pinna ha 
[snippo tutto perchè è html]

sul client in facoltà imposta l'account in modo che non 
rimuova la posta dal server, così leggi ma puoi riscaricare 
da casa.

a casa, rimetti a posto la directory Mail
e copiaci *dentro* la Mail del pc in  uni...
aprendo kmail vedrai la posta dentro una folder chiamata 
'Mail' e sposterai tutto da kmail stesso


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

[newbie-it] estrarre testo da pdf

2002-11-22 Thread pigi
ciao a tutti,
per visualizzare i file pdf uso kghostview o xpdf, ma non ho capito come 
estrarne il testo 8tipo copia e incolla in un'altra applicazione)
come posso fare?

un saluto


[newbie-it] stampante che muore inspiegabilmente

2002-11-22 Thread pigi
ho istallato mdk 9.0 e ho regolarmente configurato le stampanti (una su 
parallela e l'altra su usb) che funzionano abbastanza bene.
A volte pero' la stampante usb non funziona inspiegabilmente: secondo www cups 
è attiva ma non c'e' verso di farla funzionare: finisco con il riavviare il 
sistema ... e prontamente si mette a stampare!
Non ho capito ne' il perche' ne come fare a riattivarla ...
... aiuto!



Re: [newbie-it] MPlayer

2002-11-22 Thread freefred
On Friday 22 November 2002 12:40 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about [newbie-it] 
 Aggiungo i messaggi di mplayer mentre avvio un triler:
 spero che nessuno si scocci per questo ma potrebbe giovare a qualcuno.

 Failed to open /dev/rtc: Permission denied (mplayer should be setuid root
 or /dev/rtc should be readable by the user.)

questo puoi risolverlo dando
chmod +s mplayer

 fbdev: using /dev/fb0

usi il framebuffer in effetti, alla fine del configure dovrebbe dart la lista 
di cosa ha visto e cosa no,
cosa ha abilitato e cosa no.

 VO: Description: Framebuffer Device

vo sta per video output.
puo' darsi anche che tu debba darglielo.
prova a lanciarlo con
mplayer -vo help
vedrai la lista delle possibilita' che hai.
ma forse dovresti doverlo ricompilare.

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RE: [newbie] Console RPM database tool

2002-11-22 Thread Franki
rpm -qa |more


rpm -qa |grep packagename
to see if a package is installed.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anders Lind
Sent: Thursday, 21 November 2002 6:42 PM
Subject: [newbie] Console RPM database tool

Hello friends,

does anybody know if there is a RPM database tool that can be used in
console, I can't find any switch to the rpm-command so I can see what apps
are installed.


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Re: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

2002-11-22 Thread John Richard Smith
Craig Williamson (ENZ) wrote:

Hi All,

I had this trouble with 3D shapes.  If you have OpenGL turned on and 
are using an nVidia card (with latest drivers), this will cause the 
problem you have described.  I found by turning off OpenGL in 
OpenOffice fixed the problem for me.  Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Anne Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 22 November, 2002 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

On Thursday 21 Nov 2002 5:55 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Joe Braddock wrote:
 To insert a picture into an OO document, use the 
  File menu.
 Works like a charm.

 Then I think there must be something wrong with my settings.

 I go insert-graphics-from file  menu - up comes a window, I direct to
 .jpeg file,
 click open and a square with 6 small green markers to the parimiter 
 but no photo. Any thoughts ?

I think this one is a setting, too, John.  There  is one somewhere to 
show or
hide graphics - to speed up handling of large documents.  Check 
through all
the settings you can find.


Ok, yes I too have a Nvidia card , geforce3,

I went to tools-options - view -3dview | unticked | use OpenGL

Closed app. (just in case it needs to reload)

repeat Insert==Graphics==From - File menu. etc

still rectangle with 6 green sqare dots. No picture.

Is this the same setting as you describe or have I chosen wrong ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] KAddressBook

2002-11-22 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 21 Nov 2002 10:27 pm, Serge Hänni wrote:
  I suppose this means that we're stuck with it for now.  I gather KDE3.1
  is nearly ready.  How hard is it to upgrade kde when it does arrive?

 You can just upgrade KAdressBook as well..
 Just download the CVS from the KAdressBook-Site, compile and install it.
 Then it should work.

 You don't have to upgrade the whole KDE, if you only have troubles with
 one program.

Sounds good, but I googled KAddressBook and visited the links listed and could 
not understand how I can get this upgrade.  The page on using cvs is aimed at 
developers, talking about how to upload.  Can you give me a bit more info, 


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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-22 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 22 Nov 2002 12:45 am, FemmeFatale wrote:

 Seriously, ditch the stupid rodent  get a trackball.  G/f  I both had
 probs with soreness  Stuff.  Got 2 trackballs, *Poof* no more problems

I had wondered about trackballs.  Are all the well-known brands supported?


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Re: [newbie] IDE/ATAPI CD-RW

2002-11-22 Thread John Richard Smith
Aaron wrote:

On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 00:34, John Richard Smith wrote:

Aaron wrote:



I think this is a case for one of those modprobe commands that I'm not 
cleaver with, but in a root terminal try modprobe -c   and lsmod
and report back and let us see if other list members can help.

{I did the modprobe -c and redirected it to a file which is attached} 



John Richard Smith



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# Generated by modprobe -c (2.4.19)
# Prune
prune modules.dep
prune modules.description
prune modules.generic_string
prune modules.pcimap
prune modules.isapnpmap
prune modules.usbmap
prune modules.parportmap
prune modules.ieee1394map
prune modules.pnpbiosmap
prune .config
prune build
prune vmlinux
prune vmlinuz
prune bzImage
prune zImage
prune .rhkmvtag
# Above
above hid keybdev mousedev
above usbmouse hid
above wacom evdev
# Below
below ov518_decomp ov511
# Aliases
alias binfmt- off
alias binfmt-204 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-263 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-264 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-267 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-387 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-332 iBCS
alias binfmt--310 binfmt_java
alias block-major-1 rd
alias block-major-2 floppy
alias block-major-3 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-7 loop
alias block-major-8 sd_mod
alias block-major-9 md
alias block-major-11 sr_mod
alias block-major-13 xd
alias block-major-15 cdu31a
alias block-major-16 gscd
alias block-major-17 optcd
alias block-major-18 sjcd
alias block-major-20 mcdx
alias block-major-22 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-23 mcd
alias block-major-24 sonycd535
alias block-major-25 sbpcd
alias block-major-26 sbpcd
alias block-major-27 sbpcd
alias block-major-29 aztcd
alias block-major-32 cm206
alias block-major-33 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-34 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-37 ide-tape
alias block-major-44 ftl
alias block-major-46 pcd
alias block-major-47 pf
alias block-major-56 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-57 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-58 lvm-mod
alias block-major-88 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-89 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-90 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-91 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-93 nftl
alias block-major-97 pg
alias char-major-4 serial
alias char-major-5 serial
alias char-major-6 lp
alias char-major-9 st
alias char-major-10 off
alias char-major-10-0 busmouse
alias char-major-10-1 off
alias char-major-10-2 msbusmouse
alias char-major-10-3 atixlmouse
alias char-major-10-130 wdt
alias char-major-10-131 wdt
alias char-major-10-135 rtc
alias char-major-10-139 openprom
alias char-major-10-144 nvram
alias char-major-10-157 applicom
alias char-major-10-175 agpgart
alias char-major-10-184 microcode
alias char-major-13 input
alias char-major-13-32 mousedev
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias char-major-19 cyclades
alias char-major-20 cyclades
alias char-major-21 sg
alias char-major-22 pcxx
alias char-major-23 pcxx
alias char-major-27 ftape
alias char-major-34 scc
alias char-major-35 tclmidi
alias char-major-36 netlink
alias char-major-37 ide-tape
alias char-major-48 riscom8
alias char-major-49 riscom8
alias char-major-57 esp
alias char-major-58 esp
alias char-major-63 kdebug
alias char-major-90 mtdchar
alias char-major-96 pt
alias char-major-99 ppdev
alias char-major-107 3dfx
alias char-major-108 ppp_generic
alias char-major-109 lvm-mod
alias char-major-161 ircomm-tty
alias char-major-171 raw1394
alias char-major-195 NVdriver
alias char-major-200 vxspec
alias dos msdos
alias dummy0 dummy
alias dummy1 dummy
alias eth0 eepro100
alias iso9660 isofs
alias md-personality-1 linear
alias md-personality-2 raid0
alias md-personality-3 raid1
alias md-personality-4 raid5
alias md-personality-7 multipath
alias net-pf-1 unix
alias net-pf-2 ipv4
alias net-pf-3 off
alias net-pf-4 ipx
alias net-pf-5 appletalk
alias net-pf-6 off
alias net-pf-10 off
alias net-pf-17 af_packet
alias net-pf-19 off
alias netalias-2 ip_alias
alias irlan0 irlan
alias irda-dongle-0 tekram
alias irda-dongle-1 esi
alias irda-dongle-2 actisys
alias irda-dongle-3 actisys
alias irda-dongle-4 girbil
alias irda-dongle-5 litelink
alias irda-dongle-6 airport
alias irda-dongle-7 old_belkin
alias plip0 plip
alias plip1 

Re: [newbie] PPPoE and FAX

2002-11-22 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 22 Nov 2002 3:31 am, Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas wrote:
 Em Qua 20 Nov 2002 12:28, Anne Wilson escreveu:
  On Tuesday 19 Nov 2002 10:40 pm, Robin Turner wrote:

 Hi, there!

 I use adsl thru PPPoE and I was able to set the faxmodem up, but 

 I don't know how to send to fax from Kmail Can you give some

There should be a virtual printer called Print to Fax on your printer list.  
Selecting that and Print brings up a dialogue for inputting fax no. etc.  Be 
warned, though, that it does not like spaces in the number.

If the fax does not go, open up the log (you can open it while it is sending, 
if you like, from an icon on the dialogue page) where you will see what 
happened.  A log file is written to your home directory called Tfaxnumber 
(T123456789 etc).  When using it at first there may be permissions issues to 
sort out.

 I was able to send it thru command line (fax, efax), but not receive!

I haven't tried it recently, but I think it was impossible on the last release 
that I had (Mdk 8.2 bundled).  My isp offeres a fax receive by email service, 
which makes it unnecessary.  I don't want to have to keep the modem active 
all the time for the incoming faxes - about 1 every 2 or 3 months.


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[newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-22 Thread Anne Wilson
As I said recently, when things don't work properly I always wonder if I 
didn't set it up properly - and it often proves to be the case.

Like many people I was having problems with supermount.  Through MCC I checked 
out all the settings, then re-read Mandrake's warnings about supermount and 
user settings.  In essence, supermount can't work properly if 'user' is in 
the fstab line.  I removed it, and (fingers crossed) everything seems to be 
working well now.

I wonder if others have found the same?


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[newbie] More package installation woes

2002-11-22 Thread Keith Powell
I have bought the Power Pack edition of Mandrake9.0.

Installation went very well; then the problem started.

I have been trying to install extra packages from the CDs. I can install from 
the Installation Disks, the International Disk, and the Commercial Disks. But 
not from the Supplementary Disk. The packages are listed, and can be 
selected. But not installed. 

When I try to install from the Supplementary Disk, I get the error message:-

Everything is already installed. (Is this supposed to happen at all?)

Everything is definitely NOT installed.

I have tried every combination of disk selection in Package Manager. I have 
tried updating.

Using  urpmi package  (as root) gives an error message that the package 
cannot be found.

I suppose that I could install single packages by clicking on them and using 
GURPMI, but that would be just a work round. It would not fix the problem I 
am having with the Package Manager.

The source is given as:-


The other Supplementary source is 8 instead of 7. These sources compare with 
the other sources, so do not appear to be incorrect.

I have looked in the archives, and can find thisproblem mentioned with respect 
to a DVD, but not CDs.

Please can someone shed some light on the problem and tell me how to install 
packages from the Supplementary Disk?

Many thanks.


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Re: [newbie] KAddressBook

2002-11-22 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 21 Nov 2002 10:27 pm, Serge Hänni wrote:
  I suppose this means that we're stuck with it for now.  I gather KDE3.1
  is nearly ready.  How hard is it to upgrade kde when it does arrive?

 You can just upgrade KAdressBook as well..
 Just download the CVS from the KAdressBook-Site, compile and install it.
 Then it should work.

 You don't have to upgrade the whole KDE, if you only have troubles with
 one program.

I asked about this on the KAddressBook mailing list.  The reply may be of 
interest to others, so I'll quote it here:

version of Qt, so I guess you'll need at least qt-copy, kdelibs, kdepim and
maybe kdebase.

 How do I get it?  Anything else I need to know?
You can get the current sources from

Download the qt-x11-free, arts, kdelibs, (kdebase) and kdepim packages from
there and install them concerning the INSTALL file inside.

Maybe it's better to wait for the official release of KDE3.1
(should be on Monday) and get the binary packages from your ditributor.

Thanks for your help


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[newbie] Mandrake Warnings (was First suspect - me)

2002-11-22 Thread Keith Powell
On Friday 22 Nov 2002 9:50 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

(Small quote)

 then re-read Mandrake's warnings about supermount and user settings.

Anne, do I take it that somewhere on the Mandrake site are Warnings and Work 
arounds regarding problems with 9.0? 

I can't find this, but there are so many links on their site that I may have  
missed it. I am a very recent convert to Mandrake and am still finding my way 
round the distro (and the site).

Please could you tell me where these warnings are? There may be others which 
would be of use to me.

Very many thanks


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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-22 Thread Poogle
 About 2 weeks ago my employer moved from a package which was about 90%
 keyboard based to a new package which requires almost complete mouse
  useage. As I am now pointing  clicking  for 8 hours a day my mouse side
  shoulder is getting quite sore.
 Now to the question, I have seen thigh mounted mouse pads advertised and
 wondered if any of you have any experience of them, if so do they help
  ease the problems caused by repetitive mouse useage ?
 Another possibility is alternating between right/left hand useage, again
  do any of you do this or does the action which is alien to the wrong
  hand create the same problem on that side?
Thanks to all who replied, you've given me some ideas to put to the 
management. At the moment I am stuck with the basic setup that I am given as 
I work in a 24/7 control room and never sit at the same workstation for 2 
days running, this means that I can't customise my position other than 
correctly position myself and my equipment (not easy to arrange 
monitor,kb,mouse,radio,mini-switchboard,notepad and of course coffee coaster) 
because when I leave at the end of the shift someone else takes my place. 
This means that anything requiring driver installation or reconfiguration of 
the mouse, no matter how simple, is out of the question  (I am in a user 
rather than a tech environment and some people find such things as swapping a 
broken keyboard frightening)
I like the cordless option but I need to convince the management that everyone 
needs it.
Temporary term solution - I'm taking in a mouse that fits my hand and is 
ambidextrous so that I can swap hands (right handed ms mouse supplied as 
standard - how short sighted can you get ?) .

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Re: [newbie] More package installation woes

2002-11-22 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 22 Nov 2002 10:25 am, Keith Powell wrote:
 I have bought the Power Pack edition of Mandrake9.0.

 Installation went very well; then the problem started.

 I have been trying to install extra packages from the CDs. I can install
 from the Installation Disks, the International Disk, and the Commercial
 Disks. But not from the Supplementary Disk. The packages are listed, and
 can be selected. But not installed.

 When I try to install from the Supplementary Disk, I get the error

 Everything is already installed. (Is this supposed to happen at all?)

 Everything is definitely NOT installed.

 I have tried every combination of disk selection in Package Manager. I have
 tried updating.

 Using  urpmi package  (as root) gives an error message that the package
 cannot be found.

 I suppose that I could install single packages by clicking on them and
 using GURPMI, but that would be just a work round. It would not fix the
 problem I am having with the Package Manager.

 The source is given as:-


 The other Supplementary source is 8 instead of 7. These sources compare
 with the other sources, so do not appear to be incorrect.

 I have looked in the archives, and can find thisproblem mentioned with
 respect to a DVD, but not CDs.

 Please can someone shed some light on the problem and tell me how to
 install packages from the Supplementary Disk?

 Many thanks.


Is this a fresh install of the Powerpack or are you laying it over your 
original download installation?  If the latter, then you need to delete the 
download CD source and add the powerpack CD source.  There is a special 
command to use when adding an entire CD set as a source which is :-

Insert CD1 and then in a root terminal

urpmi.addmedia --distrib cdrom removable:///mnt/cdrom

It will read the source lists for all the other CDs from CD1

If it is a new install, then I would check that /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS7 is 
indeed the path to the RPMs folder, and that the folder above is called 
'base' and contains a file called


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Re: [newbie] More package installation woes

2002-11-22 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy
On Friday 22 November 2002 5:25 am, Keith Powell wrote:
 I have bought the Power Pack edition of Mandrake9.0.

 Installation went very well; then the problem started.

 I have been trying to install extra packages from the CDs. I can install
 from the Installation Disks, the International Disk, and the Commercial
 Disks. But not from the Supplementary Disk. The packages are listed, and
 can be selected. But not installed.

 When I try to install from the Supplementary Disk, I get the error

 Everything is already installed. (Is this supposed to happen at all?)

 Everything is definitely NOT installed.

 I have tried every combination of disk selection in Package Manager. I have
 tried updating.

 Using  urpmi package  (as root) gives an error message that the package
 cannot be found.

 I suppose that I could install single packages by clicking on them and
 using GURPMI, but that would be just a work round. It would not fix the
 problem I am having with the Package Manager.

 The source is given as:-


 The other Supplementary source is 8 instead of 7. These sources compare
 with the other sources, so do not appear to be incorrect.

 I have looked in the archives, and can find thisproblem mentioned with
 respect to a DVD, but not CDs.

 Please can someone shed some light on the problem and tell me how to
 install packages from the Supplementary Disk?

 Many thanks.


Keith, have you checked to see how much disk space you have left? 

Good luck,
Jonathan Dlouhy
Friday, November 22, 2002

Registered Linux user #264482  Powered by Mandrake Linux 9  

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Warnings (was First suspect - me)

2002-11-22 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 22 Nov 2002 10:57 am, Keith Powell wrote:
 On Friday 22 Nov 2002 9:50 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

 (Small quote)

  then re-read Mandrake's warnings about supermount and user settings.

 Anne, do I take it that somewhere on the Mandrake site are Warnings and
 Work arounds regarding problems with 9.0?

No - I mean there may be, but that isn't where I found it.  In the MCC, select 
Mount Points, then one of your removeable media devices, options, and there 
you will see the option to set or unset 'user' with the warning that I 
mentioned.  I guess users who dislike graphical tools may never know this 
exists.  I had set 'user' because I had used that in the past.


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Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-22 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

As I said recently, when things don't work properly I always wonder if I 
didn't set it up properly - and it often proves to be the case.

Like many people I was having problems with supermount.  Through MCC I checked 
out all the settings, then re-read Mandrake's warnings about supermount and 
user settings.  In essence, supermount can't work properly if 'user' is in 
the fstab line.  I removed it, and (fingers crossed) everything seems to be 
working well now.

I wonder if others have found the same?




Out of interest does your altered supermount work in all respects
with scsi-emulated devices ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] More package installation woes

2002-11-22 Thread Peter Watson
On Friday 22 Nov 2002 10:25, Keith Powell wrote:
 I have bought the Power Pack edition of Mandrake9.0.

 Installation went very well; then the problem started.

 I have been trying to install extra packages from the CDs. I can install
 from the Installation Disks, the International Disk, and the Commercial
 Disks. But not from the Supplementary Disk. The packages are listed, and
 can be selected. But not installed.

 When I try to install from the Supplementary Disk, I get the error

 Everything is already installed. (Is this supposed to happen at all?)

 Everything is definitely NOT installed.

 I have tried every combination of disk selection in Package Manager. I
 have tried updating.

 Using  urpmi package  (as root) gives an error message that the
 package cannot be found.

 I suppose that I could install single packages by clicking on them and
 using GURPMI, but that would be just a work round. It would not fix
 the problem I am having with the Package Manager.

 The source is given as:-


 The other Supplementary source is 8 instead of 7. These sources compare
 with the other sources, so do not appear to be incorrect.

 I have looked in the archives, and can find thisproblem mentioned with
 respect to a DVD, but not CDs.

 Please can someone shed some light on the problem and tell me how to
 install packages from the Supplementary Disk?

 Many thanks.


Not sure if I can help, but I have previously had the Everything is 
already installed (is this supposed to happeh at all ) error when I was 
using the wrong path to the hdlist, maybe you could check that out.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Warnings (was First suspect - me)

2002-11-22 Thread Keith Powell
Thanks, Anne. 

I like graphical tools. I can never remember all those commands!!


On Friday 22 Nov 2002 11:50 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 22 Nov 2002 10:57 am, Keith Powell wrote:
  On Friday 22 Nov 2002 9:50 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  (Small quote)
   then re-read Mandrake's warnings about supermount and user settings.
  Anne, do I take it that somewhere on the Mandrake site are Warnings and
  Work arounds regarding problems with 9.0?

 No - I mean there may be, but that isn't where I found it.  In the MCC,
 select Mount Points, then one of your removeable media devices, options,
 and there you will see the option to set or unset 'user' with the warning
 that I mentioned.  I guess users who dislike graphical tools may never know
 this exists.  I had set 'user' because I had used that in the past.


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Re: [newbie] Another OT...Sort Of

2002-11-22 Thread Technoslick
I have never compiled anything in Linux beyond that of the kernel, and that
was many years ago. Yes, I would like to try that. However, I am at a loss
as to what actually has to be done. I am also not sure that just changing
the X-server is going to be enough in RH, because of the way the distro has
made all WMs follow their prescribed look. I might have to install a generic
version of KDE or Gnome, too. I have read where some RH users have not
accepted the new look and had to do this. It seems daunting to a newbie, and
the amount of time that I have to 'play' in my learning has to be weighed
against the fact that I am not making any money in my business when I do. It
really sucks to have to work for a living! :-)

If you have done something like this before, and can briefly outline the
steps, I would appreciate it. I have been to the XFree86 site, but not spent
a lot of time there, as yet. Any other references on-line? BTW, I did post
this concern on RH's 'install' listserv. There wasn't any usefull help. I
posted it OT here because the solution leads me to being able to handle
Mandrake related issues as well. Learning Linux is still learning Mandrake,

I would appreciate your thoughts on this. Is it worth my time as a newbie,
or should be left for a future project when I am a little more experienced
and capable?


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 2:28 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Another OT...Sort Of

why don't you compile xfree 3.3.6 yourself and see if that gets you what you

just cos redhat don't offer that choise doesn't mean you can't use it...
(maybe you could even rebuild the mdk src rpm on redhat??)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Technoslick
Sent: Thursday, 21 November 2002 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Another OT...Sort Of

I didn't transfer from the CD over to a local folder. I had thought about
that when I first started the project, but then in the end, just went from
the CD. The whole process kept choking on libc differences, so I forced then
anyway. heh-heh I can be very persuasive when I have had enough and the
consequences don't matter anymore.

Xconfigurator did work, mostly. The screen was really funky looking,
probably from the mixed libraries and dependency issues. It didn't matter in
the long run. I had placed some hope that this configuration tool would get
me in where xf86config couldn't. The issue is still the X-server. It won't
run a lot of these older cards that are listed as supported. I tried some
really high-freq monitors, too. It's the X-server, nothing more. I will wipe
it out and start over, once I get a new video card; the forced RPM installs
most likely caused some issues for the future.

RH has made some rather starting changes in this newest release. They have
decided in version 8 to really push the GUI as the place to be for
maintaining the system as well as being productive. I certainly want to see
a more 'friendly' and graphical work environment, but not at the expense of
time-tested tools. I think it is rather bass-ackward that they should leave
you with your best config tool in X-windows for when X-windows doesn't work
right. Have I missed something here? ;-)


- Original Message -
From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Another OT...Sort Of

On Wednesday 20 November 2002 08:31 am, Technoslick wrote:
 You people are just so-o-o-o-o smart, I can't help but ask:

 If I want to install Xconfigurator on an RH 8.0 system, and I have all the
 RPMs I need on a CD, could I install them all like this:

 rpm -ivh --force --nodeps /mnt/cdrom/*.rpm

 Or am I going to have to install each RPM individually; maybe libraries
 first, and maybe with the --nodeps switch to keep them from complaining
 about dependencies?
 Xconfigurator was dropped in version 8 (%#%%$^!!) and it's my last hope of
 trying to get a supported card to actually work in XFree86 4.2.0. I know
 that I could make my own package from source, but I really don't have the
 time and inclination right now.

 Thanks for putting up with the OT question!

It should work, I have done it several times using a folder with the .rpm
packages I want to install. To bad RH doesn't have urpmi command.  What I
would do though is transfer the CD  packages to a single folder on your HD
and then cd to that folder and install with rpm -ivh --force --nodeps *.rpm
less chance of errors that way. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

2002-11-22 Thread John Richard Smith
Craig Williamson (ENZ) wrote:

Hi All,

I had this trouble with 3D shapes.  If you have OpenGL turned on and 
are using an nVidia card (with latest drivers), this will cause the 
problem you have described.  I found by turning off OpenGL in 
OpenOffice fixed the problem for me.  Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Anne Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 22 November, 2002 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

On Thursday 21 Nov 2002 5:55 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Joe Braddock wrote:
 To insert a picture into an OO document, use the 
  File menu.
 Works like a charm.

 Then I think there must be something wrong with my settings.

 I go insert-graphics-from file  menu - up comes a window, I direct to
 .jpeg file,
 click open and a square with 6 small green markers to the parimiter 
 but no photo. Any thoughts ?

I think this one is a setting, too, John.  There  is one somewhere to 
show or
hide graphics - to speed up handling of large documents.  Check 
through all
the settings you can find.


I found the problem,

It's toots - options - view - display  | tick | graphics + Objects

Now pictures display, cannot think why that is not the default.

So as far as I can tell to date, remember I've only  been around
OOword a few days, the only function it does not seem to have
is the chapter,paragraph, sub paragraph etc numbering feature that
kword has.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-22 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 22 Nov 2002 11:57 am, you wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 As I said recently, when things don't work properly I always wonder if I
 didn't set it up properly - and it often proves to be the case.
 Like many people I was having problems with supermount.  Through MCC I
  checked out all the settings, then re-read Mandrake's warnings about
  supermount and user settings.  In essence, supermount can't work properly
  if 'user' is in the fstab line.  I removed it, and (fingers crossed)
  everything seems to be working well now.
 I wonder if others have found the same?

 Out of interest does your altered supermount work in all respects
 with scsi-emulated devices ?


John, I only found it a couple of days ago.  So far, my observations are:

It is best to use the desktop icon labelled Removable Media to mount the 
drives.  Closing the window allows the eject to work.  It is not impossible 
to upset it, but the couple of times I managed it I know it was my mistake 
that caused it.  On those occasions the eject button on the drive didn't 
work, so I re-opened the window and used the drive eject option.  You have to 
be smart, though, as it opens the drawer and shuts it very quickly!  A quick 
snatch of the disk closed it empty, and all functioned normally after.

It's too early to say there are no problems, but everything seems OK.


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Re: [newbie] IDE/ATAPI CD-RW

2002-11-22 Thread John Richard Smith
Aaron wrote:

It works find in windoze.
But I think that the setup from before I removed it is still in place
but when I reinstalled it something changed. harddrake doesn't find it
at all. Which may mean that it has a different name and that liloconf
points to the wrong device. Or that I need to do something to install




maybe running kudzu might help, I cannot find any man kudzu, doesn't seem
to be one. so again it might not help, but kudzu is supposed to be a 
hardware detection
and installation programme, if you know how to get it to work.

Otherwise I think I would try MCC - hardware - hardware list  and check 
if the scsi device is
showing up, then  MCC - hardware - mount points to check if it is 
mounted, then
MCC - system  - sevices to see if there is anything in there that might 
need to be
activated/deactivated to assist with scsi detection and configuration, then
kde CC - info - SCSI , check whether all your scsi and scsi-emulated 
devices show up
in there properly,

At the end of the day most of these gui's are only front ends to programmes
like modprobe, lsmod, kudzu, sensors, etc, and it's a case of getting 
your system
to recognise the changed config of your scsi writer device since you removed
and replaced it. There has to be some way to kick it into life.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-22 Thread Technoslick

In trying to show my wife how to use my MDK 9.0 to do her homework for
school, last night, I realized how beneficial supermount can be for someone
who has no interest in the workings, just wants to get work done. ;-) It
worked fine for her, as long as she followed its 'rules of engagement'.

I found that as long as I removed the focus on the CD-ROM drive, I could
remove the CD...most of the time. However, I now try to eject it first,
whenever the program focusing on it will give me that option (like
Konqueror, for instance.) Whichever way I pick, it usually works. It isn't
perfect, but as long as I work within its limitations, I really have very
little problems with it. Using 'Refresh' in whatever program am in always
makes sure that a switched media is properly read. Overall, I still would
prefer to work with it enabled then to have to deal with thinking about
mounting and unmounting. Floppy, Zip or CDs, I still find it works fine for
me as long as I either eject from the program or close the program or its
focus on the drive. Heck, M$ Windows isn't that much better, especially in
Win 98. ;-)

From what I can see in all that has been said here, this is an option that
pleases everyone in that you can either use it, or disable itand you are
right whatever choice you make! Mandrake may perfect this someday. For now,
it works OK for me.


- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

On Friday 22 Nov 2002 11:57 am, you wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 As I said recently, when things don't work properly I always wonder if I
 didn't set it up properly - and it often proves to be the case.
 Like many people I was having problems with supermount.  Through MCC I
  checked out all the settings, then re-read Mandrake's warnings about
  supermount and user settings.  In essence, supermount can't work
  if 'user' is in the fstab line.  I removed it, and (fingers crossed)
  everything seems to be working well now.
 I wonder if others have found the same?

 Out of interest does your altered supermount work in all respects
 with scsi-emulated devices ?


John, I only found it a couple of days ago.  So far, my observations are:

It is best to use the desktop icon labelled Removable Media to mount the
drives.  Closing the window allows the eject to work.  It is not impossible
to upset it, but the couple of times I managed it I know it was my mistake
that caused it.  On those occasions the eject button on the drive didn't
work, so I re-opened the window and used the drive eject option.  You have
be smart, though, as it opens the drawer and shuts it very quickly!  A quick
snatch of the disk closed it empty, and all functioned normally after.

It's too early to say there are no problems, but everything seems OK.


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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-22 Thread Charlie
On November 22, 2002 04:14 am, Poogle wrote:
  About 2 weeks ago my employer moved from a package which was about 90%
  keyboard based to a new package which requires almost complete mouse
   useage. As I am now pointing  clicking  for 8 hours a day my mouse
   side shoulder is getting quite sore.
  Now to the question, I have seen thigh mounted mouse pads advertised and
  wondered if any of you have any experience of them, if so do they help
   ease the problems caused by repetitive mouse useage ?
  Another possibility is alternating between right/left hand useage, again
   do any of you do this or does the action which is alien to the wrong
   hand create the same problem on that side?

I started using a Logitech Marble Mouse about 4 years ago for similar reasons. 
The repetitive strain concern is gone; and being a marble mouse helps since 
the marble is centered instead of off to the side as with the track-balls. 
Picture a mouse flipped over with the roller on top. With proper positioning 
of the desk-pad (and you) the only thing moving usually is your fingers.

I've always had a hard time with track-balls because most are built in a right 
handed orientation. Left hand models used to be available as special order 
items; read expensive. The only shortcoming of the marble mouse is a lack of 
a third button/scroll wheel but I can live with that. I use the keyboard more 
than the mouse anyway. It's also considerably less expensive than a 

 Thanks to all who replied, you've given me some ideas to put to the
 management. At the moment I am stuck with the basic setup that I am given
 as I work in a 24/7 control room and never sit at the same workstation for
 2 days running, this means that I can't customise my position other than
 correctly position myself and my equipment (not easy to arrange
 monitor,kb,mouse,radio,mini-switchboard,notepad and of course coffee
 coaster) because when I leave at the end of the shift someone else takes my
 place. This means that anything requiring driver installation or
 reconfiguration of the mouse, no matter how simple, is out of the question 
 (I am in a user rather than a tech environment and some people find such
 things as swapping a broken keyboard frightening)
 I like the cordless option but I need to convince the management that
 everyone needs it.
 Temporary term solution - I'm taking in a mouse that fits my hand and is
 ambidextrous so that I can swap hands (right handed ms mouse supplied as
 standard - how short sighted can you get ?) .

Very shortsighted, but maybe not in this case. The majority of the populace is 
other than dexter. Employers (and manufacturers) play the percentages. 

I'm ambidextrous, but still find it easier to use my left hand for anything 
that requires fine movements or control. The Logitech (and probably the MS 
version as well) marble uses 'generic' mouse drivers so there's no driver 
issues in Mandrake. More options under Winders with the available drivers,  
but nothing that's really necessary.

Registered user 244963 at
Oh, no, no...  I'm not beautiful.  Just very, very pretty.

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[newbie] Program removal

2002-11-22 Thread Carter Harris
Title: Message

If you use the 
Mandrake program management software to remove a program does it delete all 
files and directories also?

Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-22 Thread Miark

I use Supermount and have two scsi-emulated drives. Never had
a single problem, and I don't baby it in any way, shape, or


On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 11:57:35 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Out of interest does your altered supermount work in all respects
 with scsi-emulated devices ?

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[newbie] Problems with GeForce2 MX400 - Mandrake 9.0

2002-11-22 Thread Francisco Dalla Rosa Soares
Hello everyone,

I'm having some problems with my video board, a GeForce2 MX400 and
Mandrake 9.0 I used Mandrake 8.2 and everything was OK but now it
doesn't recognize my video I can work greatly in the console mode but
I can't go to the graphic mode at all. I've alredy tried to find
drivers on the net but it didn't work at all either...
Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance,

Francisco Dalla Rosa

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[newbie] Mouse versus Trackballs

2002-11-22 Thread Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas
Em Sex 22 Nov 2002 07:35, Anne Wilson escreveu:

Trackball are just perfect!!

I have two A4tech (ps2, but they also work on com ports)!
They are much cheaper than other brand$.
A4tech has two models (to my knowledge) the best is a 'weird' looking one with 
'ears' on both side!

Just rest your hand over the trackball and you will understand! 
They fit perfectly! There is no need for 'extra' moves!

I will never come back to 'plain vanilla' mouses!

TouchPad also works but I much prefer a trackball!


As far as you know there is no way for your computer to tell the difference!


 On Friday 22 Nov 2002 12:45 am, FemmeFatale wrote:
  Seriously, ditch the stupid rodent  get a trackball.  G/f  I both had
  probs with soreness  Stuff.  Got 2 trackballs, *Poof* no more problems

 I had wondered about trackballs.  Are all the well-known brands supported?


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Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
==  Get Counted!

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Re: [newbie] Console RPM database tool

2002-11-22 Thread Miark
Even better:

  rpm -qa | grep -i packagename

because many packages use capital letters. There 
are about 113 of them on my system.


On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 15:41:13 +0800
Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 rpm -qa |more
 rpm -qa |grep packagename
 to see if a package is installed.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anders Lind
 Sent: Thursday, 21 November 2002 6:42 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Console RPM database tool
 Hello friends,
 does anybody know if there is a RPM database tool that can be used in
 console, I can't find any switch to the rpm-command so I can see what apps
 are installed.

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[newbie] Supermount and scsi-emulated devices

2002-11-22 Thread John Richard Smith

I use Supermount and have two scsi-emulated drives. Never had
a single problem, and I don't baby it in any way, shape, or



Could you let me have your fstab entry for the cdrom devices,


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Program removal

2002-11-22 Thread Robin Turner
Carter Harris wrote:

If you use the Mandrake program management software to remove a program 
does it delete all files and directories also?
Yes, unless they were created later.  For example, if you installed some 
LaTeX style files and then deleted LaTeX, I'm pretty sure your new 
styles would survive.  that's only pretty sure, though ;-)

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Program removal

2002-11-22 Thread Milos Prudek

Carter Harris wrote:

If you use the Mandrake program management software to remove a program 
does it delete all files and directories also?

Yes it does.

Except for user files which were created for each user by the program 

Example: When each user of your system runs xmms for the first time, a 
.xmms hidden folder is created in a user's home. These folders will 
not be removed when you use the Mandrake program management software to 
remove xmms.

Milos Prudek

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Re: [newbie] Problems with GeForce2 MX400 - Mandrake 9.0

2002-11-22 Thread Petr Hnizdil
I'm using nvidia 1.0.-3123 and all is OK.
Check last version on
Install and make ldconfig.


Francisco Dalla Rosa Soares wrote:

	Hello everyone,

	I'm having some problems with my video board, a GeForce2 MX400 and
Mandrake 9.0 I used Mandrake 8.2 and everything was OK but now it
doesn't recognize my video I can work greatly in the console mode but
I can't go to the graphic mode at all. I've alredy tried to find
drivers on the net but it didn't work at all either...
Can anyone help?

		 	Thanks in advance,

	Francisco Dalla Rosa


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RE: [newbie] Program removal

2002-11-22 Thread Carter Harris
Thanks to Robin and Milos for the reply.

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Re: [newbie] More package installation woes

2002-11-22 Thread Ralph De Witt
On Friday 22 November 2002 03:59 am, Peter Watson wrote:
 On Friday 22 Nov 2002 10:25, Keith Powell wrote:
  I have bought the Power Pack edition of Mandrake9.0.
  Installation went very well; then the problem started.
  I have been trying to install extra packages from the CDs. I can install
  from the Installation Disks, the International Disk, and the Commercial
  Disks. But not from the Supplementary Disk. The packages are listed, and
  can be selected. But not installed.
  When I try to install from the Supplementary Disk, I get the error
  Everything is already installed. (Is this supposed to happen at all?)
  Everything is definitely NOT installed.
  I have tried every combination of disk selection in Package Manager. I
  have tried updating.
  Using  urpmi package  (as root) gives an error message that the
  package cannot be found.
  I suppose that I could install single packages by clicking on them and
  using GURPMI, but that would be just a work round. It would not fix
  the problem I am having with the Package Manager.
  The source is given as:-
  The other Supplementary source is 8 instead of 7. These sources compare
  with the other sources, so do not appear to be incorrect.
  I have looked in the archives, and can find thisproblem mentioned with
  respect to a DVD, but not CDs.
  Please can someone shed some light on the problem and tell me how to
  install packages from the Supplementary Disk?
  Many thanks.

 Not sure if I can help, but I have previously had the Everything is
 already installed (is this supposed to happeh at all ) error when I was
 using the wrong path to the hdlist, maybe you could check that out.

 Ardnamurchan  Scotland
I have done a fresh install from the Mandrake DVD for version 9.0 and I am 
seeing simular problems. I am thinking this is a supermount problem, as I 
have noticed that data cd's that are mounted seem to loose files when 
transfering them to HD. I have plenty of disk space. If I unmount the disk 
and remount it then transfer the files it works. This seems to work for 
installs also.
It said Use Windows XP or better, so I installed SuSE-Linux 8.1 
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Current Linux uptime: 3 days 5 hours 51 minutes.

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Re: [newbie] Printer Problems M9.0 and Lexmark Z53

2002-11-22 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 22 Nov 2002 5:47 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 I don't know if anyone else has had problems with their printer
 in M9.0 as me  but mine is totally stuffed on the colour side and
 nothing I do to
 correct the appauling colour balance , hue , saturation and brightness
 makes any difference .

 Since M8.0 my Z52 's and Z53 all ran on a choice of 2 ghostscript and one
 generic driver all of which worked right up to M8.2. The generic drive
 was hard to set up,and I gave up on it but the two ghostscript
 drivers worked , one was better at low resolution dpi setting
 and the other was better with higher resolution, dpi 600 and

 Now nothing works in colour. I've spent hours trying to correct the
 situation , wasted an entire cartridge , enless paper, but I cannot
 correct it. I think the problem is not in the driver as such, and
 in any case the pictures display well enough on screen so
 the files are not currepted. It seems to be in the spooling
 something overrides and currupts any corrections to
 colour ba;lance, hue, saturation and brightness, the result
 is awful and quite useless.

 I don't think there is anything I can do to fix it.Whatever
 is wrong is in the software and uncorrectable.

 I just wondered whether anyone else has had the same problem.


John - have you tried setting up a new printer from MCC, forcing MCC to 
identify the printer?  It seems to do a much better job at find the right 
driver than you can do by hand.

I have one printer set up on four different configurations or different jobs - 
and all of them work fine.


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RE: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-22 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] First suspect - me

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anne Wilson
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

On Saturday 23 Nov 2002 6:18 pm, mike wrote:
 Franki wrote:
  as a result of this, I think mdk7.2 is still their best ever release..
  anyone else agree with me??

 I agree wholeheartedly ! I have stuck with 8.0 only for the newer kde,
 however I really liked 7.2 as well.
 8.2 was ok, but I can't get a number of things working in 9.0 to save my
 life. and the supermount issue is a big one for me, though I have used
 linux ever since RH 5.2. I only use Mandrake now and will stick with it,
 but I'd also like to see
 many of the features of older versions remain, instead of being forced
 to upgrade hardware, etc.

 just my 2 cents

It's funny, after all the problems I had read I expected huge problems with my 
9.0 installation, particularly with supermount and USB printer, scanner, 
LS120 drive. I have had none of those problems. I went to a good deal of 
trouble to ensure that I could have 8.2 working in case 9.0 was no good for 
me. Now I think I wasted my time.

In fact I can't believe how many things gave me grief in 8.2 that are just 
fine in 9.0 - except that AisleRiot frequently bombs out on me at lunchtime, 
and KAddressBook is knackered, which you can't blame Mandrake for.

Ah well - nothing's perfect. But this one nearly is.


I agree with Anne, I tweak and prod and fiddle with things and the 9.0 just keeps chuggin. I used to break 8.2 on a monthly basis with all my fooling around. I have no problems with supermount and have been able to use my flash card reader as a hardtype drive. Now I am looking at changing the webserver over to 9.0 also. And so the YMMV seems to be a truism in all areas of computing. Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-22 Thread Milos Prudek

Its wrong for mandrake to expect poeple to just wait for the next version to
fix such a huge bug..

particularly when supermount was one of the touted benefits of mandrake
over tbe others..

I agree 100%

I'm using autofs because supermount does not work reliably.

I'm a former RedHat user. I used RedHat 5.2, 6.2 and 7.1 as desktop 
systems. This is my first Mandrake. Mandrake is good, but supermount 
needs fixing ASAP.

Milos Prudek

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Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-22 Thread Technoslick

Thanks for bringing this up. I have been wanting to ask someone about the
differences between autofs and supermount, whether they rely on each other
or compete. I am sure that I have loaded both at the same time in the past,
and maybe have gotten quirky result because of this. Can you explain to me
the true differences in the way they operate, if any, and if the end result
looks any different between them? (when supermount is working, of course)



- Original Message -
From: Milos Prudek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

 Its wrong for mandrake to expect poeple to just wait for the next version
 fix such a huge bug..

 particularly when supermount was one of the touted benefits of mandrake
 over tbe others..

I agree 100%

I'm using autofs because supermount does not work reliably.

I'm a former RedHat user. I used RedHat 5.2, 6.2 and 7.1 as desktop
systems. This is my first Mandrake. Mandrake is good, but supermount
needs fixing ASAP.

Milos Prudek

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Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-22 Thread Technoslick
Hold it! Rephrase in order!

What I meant is compare autofs to supermount, without the obvious fact that
supermount doesn't always work out of the picture.

Phew! Thank goodness I am not an ambassador for the middle east. Ouch!


- Original Message -
From: Milos Prudek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

 Its wrong for mandrake to expect poeple to just wait for the next version
 fix such a huge bug..

 particularly when supermount was one of the touted benefits of mandrake
 over tbe others..

I agree 100%

I'm using autofs because supermount does not work reliably.

I'm a former RedHat user. I used RedHat 5.2, 6.2 and 7.1 as desktop
systems. This is my first Mandrake. Mandrake is good, but supermount
needs fixing ASAP.

Milos Prudek

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Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-22 Thread Milos Prudek

Technoslick wrote:

Hold it! Rephrase in order!

What I meant is compare autofs to supermount, without the obvious fact that
supermount doesn't always work out of the picture.

autofs is somewhat more diffcult to set up. You create a directory other 
than /mnt, for instance I use /media. You leave it empty. Then you enter 
floppy and burner and cdrom lines in your autofs config files.

Then you start the autofs daemon.

When you try to access the actually nonexistent /media/cdrom, autofs 
creates the /media/cdrom folder for you, and mounts the cdrom drive there.

When you back out of the /media/cdrom and certain timeout expires, 
autofs unmounts cdrom, and /media/cdrom directory disappears.

More details can be found in autofs man pages.

Milos Prudek

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Re: [newbie] Supermount and scsi-emulated devices

2002-11-22 Thread Miark
On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 16:22:35 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Could you let me have your fstab entry for the cdrom devices,


none /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/scd1,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0


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RE: [newbie] OpenOffice Spell Checker.

2002-11-22 Thread Malcolm Candlish

Thank you for your mail  interest.

I think we have cracked it! On the Mandrake 9.0 installation disk are
some 'myspell' files which when installed enable the Spell Checker.

1.Go to Mandrake Control Centre and click on Add Software.
2.Click Workstation and then openoffice. You will see myspell for
different languages, I chose myspell-en_GB.
3.Click install Software and close Mandrake Control Centre.
4.Open openoffice writer. Click Tools options Language Setting
Writing Aids Select Language Edit tick myspell spelling, then ok.

This works well for me. 
Best wishes,
Malcolm Candlish. 

On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 21:47, Craig Williamson (ENZ) wrote:
 Hi There,
   I can't be 100% certain about this.
   I know that the mandrake guys are really clued up about what they
 do, maybe they did disable the spell checker on purpose, maybe it was a
 genuine mistake.  If they did it on purpose, they would most likely try and
 push the fix to the solution as StarOffice (hence the powerpack statement)
 or possibly even the Mandrake Club.  If true, it smells of a Microsoft
 tactic.  Disable an important feature in a cheaper program, and push the
 solution as the more expensive option.
   It could also be a mistake, no bodies perfect.  In my experiences
 with Mandrake9.0, there are a lot of bugs that keep me from completely
 dropping windows.  This problem is pretty big for a lot of people, and I am
 sure that if Mandrake didn't ship StarOffice as well, OpenOffice would have
 been working correctly.
   Any comments?
 -Original Message-
 From: Miark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, 20 November, 2002 10:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] OpenOffice Spell Checker.
 Craig, you can't be serious.
  Mandrake's repair tool does not fix the problem.  Just off
  topic, the Mandrake guys may have done this on purpose (as a ploy) to put
  you onto StarOffice (i.e. buy the PowerPack).

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice Spell Checker.

2002-11-22 Thread Malcolm Candlish
Hello Spence,

I found the 'myspell' rpm in the Mandrake Control Centre Add Software
section. After adding, it works well, but did not install originally as
you seem to have found.

Thank you for your kind interest.

Malcolm Candlish.

On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 22:14, Spencer wrote:
 On November 19, 2002 01:47 pm, Craig Williamson (ENZ) wrote
 Before anyone makes wild assumptions about what Mandrake did or did not do, 
 please ensure that you have the appropriate OO help rpm installed, such as;
 All spellchecking is enabled with installation of this rpm. Please ensure that 
 myspell is also installed. For some reason, these are not installed 
 automatically when OO is originally installed. I included this rpm when I did 
 the first install and spellchecking has worked properly since.
  Hi There,
  I can't be 100% certain about this.
  I know that the mandrake guys are really clued up about what they
  do, maybe they did disable the spell checker on purpose, maybe it was a
  genuine mistake.  If they did it on purpose, they would most likely try and
  push the fix to the solution as StarOffice (hence the powerpack statement)
  or possibly even the Mandrake Club.  If true, it smells of a Microsoft
  tactic.  Disable an important feature in a cheaper program, and push the
  solution as the more expensive option.
  It could also be a mistake, no bodies perfect.  In my experiences
  with Mandrake9.0, there are a lot of bugs that keep me from completely
  dropping windows.  This problem is pretty big for a lot of people, and I am
  sure that if Mandrake didn't ship StarOffice as well, OpenOffice would have
  been working correctly.
  Any comments?
  -Original Message-
  From: Miark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, 20 November, 2002 10:28 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] OpenOffice Spell Checker.
  Craig, you can't be serious.
   Mandrake's repair tool does not fix the problem.  Just off
   topic, the Mandrake guys may have done this on purpose (as a ploy) to put
   you onto StarOffice (i.e. buy the PowerPack).

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice Spell Checker.

2002-11-22 Thread Malcolm Candlish
Hello Paul,

Yes thank you, the myspell was in the installation set and having
installed it separately, it now works well.

Best wishes,
Malcolm Candlish.

On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 16:54, Paul Rodriguez wrote:
 I had a similar problem getting extra language dictionaries.  The folks
 in at were very helpful.  
 In Mandrake, we just need the appropriate myspell packages to be
 installed, so make sure that the corresponding myspell package for the
 language you are looking for (presumably English) is installed.  For
 example:  myspell-en_US-1.0.1-0.20020626.4mdk.noarch.rpm
 I find that if I have a program the should be working but isn't,
 sometimes a forced upgrade of that programs helps if the program was
 improperly installed without my knowledge.  Running rpm -Uvh --force
 myspell-en_US-1.0.1-0.20020626.4mdk.noarch.rpm  from a console as root
 (assuming that file is in my local directory) has resolved problems like
 this for me.  
 I hope this helps.  Also, make sure that you have the proper dictionary
 chosen in Tools-Options-Language Settings-Languages
 Hope this helps.
 - Paul
 On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 14:55, Malcolm Candlish wrote:
  Can any one suggest a method of getting OO Spell Checker in Mandrake 9.0
  I have looked around without finding information, except at from whence I downloaded
  'OOodi-static-0.55-0.i386.rpm'. However I simply cannot get it to run!
  I expect this has come up some where before, if so please let me know.
  With thanks in advance of your kind reading.
  Malcolm Candlish.
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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice Spell Checker.

2002-11-22 Thread Malcolm Candlish
Hello Joseph,

I did as you suggested and it now works well. However, why does the
myspell file not load with openoffice as a dependency? Does seem
strange, but apart from that I must say I am very pleased with OO.

Best wishes,
Malcolm Candlish.

On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 02:37, Joseph Braddock wrote:
 You need to go back and install myspell and the appropriate dictionary
 for you language.
 On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 13:55, Malcolm Candlish wrote:
  Can any one suggest a method of getting OO Spell Checker in Mandrake 9.0
  I have looked around without finding information, except at from whence I downloaded
  'OOodi-static-0.55-0.i386.rpm'. However I simply cannot get it to run!
  I expect this has come up some where before, if so please let me know.
  With thanks in advance of your kind reading.
  Malcolm Candlish.
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 Joseph Braddock [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] MySQL

2002-11-22 Thread Jordan Elver
Can anyone tell me how to remove the MySQL rpms without KDE disapearing with 
it? When trying to remove, it also wants to remove the various KDE rpms?

Jordan Elver
Press any key to continue or any other key to quit...

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Warnings (was First suspect - me)

2002-11-22 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 22 Nov 2002 10:57 am, Keith Powell wrote:
 On Friday 22 Nov 2002 9:50 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

 (Small quote)

  then re-read Mandrake's warnings about supermount and user settings.

 Anne, do I take it that somewhere on the Mandrake site are Warnings and
 Work arounds regarding problems with 9.0?

 I can't find this, but there are so many links on their site that I may
 have missed it. I am a very recent convert to Mandrake and am still finding
 my way round the distro (and the site).

 Please could you tell me where these warnings are? There may be others
 which would be of use to me.

 Very many thanks


Errata page

Security Warnings

Useful Forums/tips/tricks  (might as well slip my own in)


Mandrake RPMS

and plenty more :)


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Re: [newbie] ATI support

2002-11-22 Thread Anthony Abby
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 23:06, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Has anyone had a chance to test the new ATI drivers shown on the following 
 I am looking for a new vid card and am hesitant to go ATI.  Let me know what 
 luck yall have had. Thanks,

I was actually excited about this article, until I read that it doesn't
pertain to any of the ati mobility chipsets!  I'm running Mandrake 9 on
a Compaq Presario 2710US (ati Rage Mobility LY).  I have to use the
generic VESA drivers for x.  Sucks!


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Re: [newbie] Printer Problems M9.0 and Lexmark Z53

2002-11-22 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Friday 22 Nov 2002 5:47 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

I don't know if anyone else has had problems with their printer
in M9.0 as me  but mine is totally stuffed on the colour side and
nothing I do to
correct the appauling colour balance , hue , saturation and brightness
makes any difference .

Since M8.0 my Z52 's and Z53 all ran on a choice of 2 ghostscript and one
generic driver all of which worked right up to M8.2. The generic drive
was hard to set up,and I gave up on it but the two ghostscript
drivers worked , one was better at low resolution dpi setting
and the other was better with higher resolution, dpi 600 and

Now nothing works in colour. I've spent hours trying to correct the
situation , wasted an entire cartridge , enless paper, but I cannot
correct it. I think the problem is not in the driver as such, and
in any case the pictures display well enough on screen so
the files are not currepted. It seems to be in the spooling
something overrides and currupts any corrections to
colour ba;lance, hue, saturation and brightness, the result
is awful and quite useless.

I don't think there is anything I can do to fix it.Whatever
is wrong is in the software and uncorrectable.

I just wondered whether anyone else has had the same problem.


John - have you tried setting up a new printer from MCC, forcing MCC to 
identify the printer?  It seems to do a much better job at find the right 
driver than you can do by hand.

I have one printer set up on four different configurations or different jobs - 
and all of them work fine.




I think the problem is more complicated than just mere tinkering with 
the choice
of driver. As a matter of fact the test pages are quite good though a little
pale in colour. No, the problem is with whatever really controls the
spooling. I've been to kde -system -print manager to  tweek the controlls,
ever so many times. I've used MCC hardware - printer to remove , add and 
tried every available driver many times , I've wasted days on this now.
As far as adjusting colour is concerned it's not difficult to see, that 
of the
3 primary colours, it's red that is missing, so you go to adjust the magenta
levels , but doubling and trebling the level makes marginal difference. I
don't think whatever is really controlling the colour balance has
been set right. Maybe a complete new install is called for. John

Anyway just in case you think it's the cartridge let me assure you reverting
back to M8.2( one of the advantages of dual booting) and putting
the same files though a print cycle produces perfect output. Seems
to suggest someone has changed something and now it don't work right.
No problems with black and white though.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Printer Problems M9.0 and Lexmark Z53

2002-11-22 Thread John Richard Smith
Joe Braddock wrote:

---Original Message---
From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11/22/02 11:47 AM
Subject: [newbie] Printer Problems M9.0 and Lexmark Z53


I don't know if anyone else has had problems with their printer 

in M9.0 as me  but mine is totally stuffed on the colour side and 
nothing I do to
correct the appauling colour balance , hue , saturation and brightness
makes any difference .

Since M8.0 my Z52 's and Z53 all ran on a choice of 2 ghostscript and one
generic driver all of which worked right up to M8.2. The generic drive
was hard to set up,and I gave up on it but the two ghostscript
drivers worked , one was better at low resolution dpi setting
and the other was better with higher resolution, dpi 600 and

Now nothing works in colour. I've spent hours trying to correct the
situation , wasted an entire cartridge , enless paper, but I cannot
correct it. I think the problem is not in the driver as such, and
in any case the pictures display well enough on screen so
the files are not currepted. It seems to be in the spooling
something overrides and currupts any corrections to
colour ba;lance, hue, saturation and brightness, the result
is awful and quite useless.

I don't think there is anything I can do to fix it.Whatever
is wrong is in the software and uncorrectable.

I just wondered whether anyone else has had the same problem.



I'm not going to be much help, but I'm using a Z53 with Mandrake Linux 
9.0 and don't have any of problems you mention. Have you installed or 
updated anything that might affect CUPS or GIMP or the Z53 drivers? Joeb

Well that is encouraging , seems like there is hope then.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] kppp help required - SOLVED

2002-11-22 Thread Michael Adams
On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 20:24, John McQuillen wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 17:50, Michael Adams wrote:
  First off GATEWAYDEV=xxx did not exist. So i removed the line stating, this made it worse. kppp on-screen log showed as
  an ATZ once the dialup had completed on the same line as the
  ATDTO. then it cycled and redialed. So i added GATEWAYDEV=ppp0
  and this took me back to the original problem.
  Most recent /var/log/syslog entries after above changes are as follows.
  Nov 21 07:48:42 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of
  the University of California
  Nov 21 07:48:42 localhost kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
  Nov 21 07:48:42 localhost pppd[7776]: pppd 2.4.1 started by gaeil, uid
  1001 Nov 21 07:48:42 localhost pppd[7776]: Using interface ppp0
  Nov 21 07:48:42 localhost pppd[7776]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ham
  Nov 21 07:48:43 localhost /etc/hotplug/net.agent: assuming ppp0 is
  already up Nov 21 07:48:46 localhost kernel: PPP BSD Compression module
  registered Nov 21 07:48:46 localhost kernel: PPP Deflate Compression
  module registered Nov 21 07:48:46 localhost pppd[7776]: not replacing
  existing default route to eth0 []

 You still have a default route set via eth0, hence the above message.
 /etc/ppp/options has an option 'defaultroute', you appear to have this
 option set, as pppd is attempting to add a default route via ppp0.

 So, try this:

 remove the GATEWAYDEV line altogether from /etc/sysconfig/network

 make sure you don't have a file /etc/default-route (you probably don't)

 as root do 'service network restart'

 also as root 'route -n' will show you a routing table which should not
 include a line beginning with '' (default route).

 Now when you connect to the Internet, pppd should give you a default
 route via ppp0.

 btw, I have GATEWAYDEV=ppp0 in my /etc/sysconfig/network, and it works
 OK. Perhaps you didn't restart the network?

 Hope this works for you.



I hadn't restarted the network. Egg on face.

When i got the computer back with the floppy replaced it worked fine as the 
network was restarted by the fresh boot. Thanks for your help John.

To recap for those following this thread...
The computer on 56k MoDem connected ok to the net but web pages were not 
fetching. I guess this was because the IP request was not sending the correct 
IP address for my computer but was sending a default address ( 
(Correct me if this is wrong John).

Konq hummed for a minute then reported unknown host 
(irrespective of which site i was attemping to fetch from).
The error in /var/log/syslog read
Nov 21 07:48:46 localhost pppd[7776]: not replacing existing default
route to eth0 []

The fix was to add the line 
remove the line
both in /etc/sysconfig/network.
Then to do a service network restart as root.


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[newbie] Quick chmod question

2002-11-22 Thread AndrewD
I need to chmod a whole bunch of files (under a directory), rather than
go thru them all one by one is there a quicker way to chmod them all


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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-22 Thread FemmeFatale
At 09:35 AM 11/22/2002 +, you wrote:

On Friday 22 Nov 2002 12:45 am, FemmeFatale wrote:

 Seriously, ditch the stupid rodent  get a trackball.  G/f  I both had
 probs with soreness  Stuff.  Got 2 trackballs, *Poof* no more problems

I had wondered about trackballs.  Are all the well-known brands supported?


well i use a M$ one (I know I know, flog me later) with a M$ Keyboard too.

Logitech has good ones, this one well... I had to send back my g/f's after 
a year cause the steel wheels inside it wore down *flat!*  I was 
appalled.  Anyway I think the next one I'll get will be from 
Kensington.  They have one with a blue ball in it, its huge! like 6 or 7 
buttons but not optical I don't think... :)

I want it ;p

Very good for carpal tunnel so i hear.  And my lovers tendonitis isn't so 
bad now either :)

Up to you I suppose but they are worth trying for a week I think.  If you 
hate them return it  get a mouse.  Mandrake supports them well enough I found.


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Re: [newbie] Supermount and scsi-emulated devices

2002-11-22 Thread John Richard Smith
Miark wrote:

On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 16:22:35 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Could you let me have your fstab entry for the cdrom devices,



none /mnt/cdrom supermount dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount dev=/dev/scd1,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0



I see, that is what my M9.0 installer created for me.However
it does not work well for me with my scsi-emulated drivers.
Perhaps that suggests it's hardware related.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-22 Thread Todd Franklin

I have only one thing to say about trackballs: CARPEL-TUNNEL SYNDROME

FemmeFatale wrote:
At 09:35
AM 11/22/2002 +, you wrote: 
  On Friday 22 Nov 2002 12:45 am, FemmeFatale wrote: 

 Seriously, ditch the stupid rodent  get a trackball. G/f 
I both had 
 probs with soreness  Stuff. Got 2 trackballs, *Poof* no more problems 

I had wondered about trackballs. Are all the well-known brands supported? 

well i use a M$ one (I know I know, flog me later) with a M$ Keyboard too. 
Logitech has good ones, this one well... I had to send back my g/f's after
 a year cause the steel wheels inside it wore down *flat!* I was  appalled.
Anyway I think the next one I'll get will be from  Kensington. They have
one with a blue ball in it, its huge! like 6 or 7  buttons but not optical
I don't think... :) 
I want it ;p 
Very good for carpal tunnel so i hear. And my lovers tendonitis isn't so
 bad now either :) 
Up to you I suppose but they are worth trying for a week I think. If you
 hate them return it  get a mouse. Mandrake supports them well enough
I found. 

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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-22 Thread FemmeFatale
At 07:45 AM 11/22/2002 -0700, you wrote:

On November 22, 2002 04:14 am, Poogle wrote:
  About 2 weeks ago my employer moved from a package which was about 90%
  keyboard based to a new package which requires almost complete mouse
   useage. As I am now pointing  clicking  for 8 hours a day my mouse
   side shoulder is getting quite sore.
  Now to the question, I have seen thigh mounted mouse pads advertised and
  wondered if any of you have any experience of them, if so do they help
   ease the problems caused by repetitive mouse useage ?
  Another possibility is alternating between right/left hand useage, again
   do any of you do this or does the action which is alien to the wrong
   hand create the same problem on that side?

I started using a Logitech Marble Mouse about 4 years ago for similar 
The repetitive strain concern is gone; and being a marble mouse helps since
the marble is centered instead of off to the side as with the track-balls.

Try that site for ambidextrous trackballs :)

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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-22 Thread Anne Wilson
My grandson has a M$ one that I bought some years back.  At that time the 
design was what has been described in this thread as a marble mouse - in 
other words with a large ball on top, and two buttons by the thumb.  The 
whole thing is considerably bigger than a conventional mouse, and the hand 
seems to fit over it much better, better supported.  With the conventional 
mouse I find that I swivel on the heel of my hand to move the mouse.  I would 
say that the risk was greater there, not to mention the fact that I have a 
very sore place there on my right hand now.


On Friday 22 Nov 2002 9:37 pm, Todd Franklin wrote:
 I have only one thing to say about trackballs:  CARPEL-TUNNEL SYNDROME

 FemmeFatale wrote:
  At 09:35 AM 11/22/2002 +, you wrote:
  On Friday 22 Nov 2002 12:45 am, FemmeFatale wrote:
   Seriously, ditch the stupid rodent  get a trackball.  G/f  I both
   probs with soreness  Stuff.  Got 2 trackballs, *Poof* no more
  I had wondered about trackballs.  Are all the well-known brands
  well i use a M$ one (I know I know, flog me later) with a M$ Keyboard
  Logitech has good ones, this one well... I had to send back my g/f's
  after a year cause the steel wheels inside it wore down *flat!*  I was
  appalled.  Anyway I think the next one I'll get will be from
  Kensington.  They have one with a blue ball in it, its huge! like 6 or
  7 buttons but not optical I don't think... :)
  I want it ;p
  Very good for carpal tunnel so i hear.  And my lovers tendonitis isn't
  so bad now either :)
  Up to you I suppose but they are worth trying for a week I think.  If
  you hate them return it  get a mouse.  Mandrake supports them well
  enough I found.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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[newbie] urpmi Mandrake Club

2002-11-22 Thread Miark
I'm having trouble adding Mandrake Club as a urpmi source to
one of my machines. I get the following message:

 Connecting to[]:80... connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
 16:32:41 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
 ...retrieving failed: wget failed: exited with 1 or signal 0

But I've double-checked the name and password and they're both 
correct. Anybody else having this trouble? I'm using

urpmi.addmedia club http://blah:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/downloads2/comm/9.0/i586 
with ./

but with the proper user and pass, of course.


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Re: [newbie] Printer Problems M9.0 and Lexmark Z53

2002-11-22 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 22 Nov 2002 9:04 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

 Anyway just in case you think it's the cartridge let me assure you
 reverting back to M8.2( one of the advantages of dual booting) and putting
 the same files though a print cycle produces perfect output. Seems
 to suggest someone has changed something and now it don't work right.
 No problems with black and white though.

I suppose it's difficult to be certain that every printer is properly 
supported.  No-one here has admitted to having the same model, so there's not 
much progress, I'm afraid.


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Re: [newbie] Quick chmod question

2002-11-22 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 00:30, AndrewD wrote:
 I need to chmod a whole bunch of files (under a directory), rather than
 go thru them all one by one is there a quicker way to chmod them all

chmod 700 * (or similar)

Sat Nov 23 09:05:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Telecommunications is downshifting.

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Re: [newbie] Quick chmod question

2002-11-22 Thread Miark
chmod 644 *

or whatever premissions you want. The point is, cd into the directory
and us an asterisk instead of a filename.


On 23 Nov 2002 08:30:50 -0500
AndrewD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to chmod a whole bunch of files (under a directory), rather than
 go thru them all one by one is there a quicker way to chmod them all

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Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-22 Thread erylon hines
On Saturday 23 November 2002 10:18 am, you wrote:
 Franki wrote:
  as a result of this, I think mdk7.2 is still their best ever release..
  anyone else agree with me??

7.2 was good--but I like 8.0 and 8.2 also.  More than 7.2, I guess, because I 
still run both but retired 7.2.   I never got 8.1 working right on my 
developmental box, so I never really used it, but my experience was that 
supermount was broken and not worth messing with.  I'm not moving to 9.0 
because, at this time, everything I have works, and I don't have any need to 
do so, and I really do like the convenience of supermount (without it, I 
doubt that my wife would have ditched Windows so easily).  I have installed 
8.0 and 8.2 systems on friends computers and now they only use Windows for 
games--both distros must be pretty good because they've worked on every 
machine I've ever loaded them onto with a minimum of config file editing.  
And, 8.0 and 8.2 have plenty of eye candy, too.  Of the two, although hard to 
quantify, I think I give a slight edge to 8.2 for device support (8.2 has 
installed faster and has been better at identifying hardware than W2K on 
several machines where I've done dual-boot configurations).  I've done maybe 
30 systems with 8.0 and 8.2, so I feel I'm entitled to an opinion on this.

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[newbie] streaming on Mozilla

2002-11-22 Thread villoing
Does anyone know where to find and how to install a soft which would 
allow me to see wideo streaming on Mozilla.
When I tried to watch something on, I get this message:
		this page contains information type 		(application/x-mplayer2)...

thanks ...

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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-22 Thread Charlie
On November 22, 2002 02:45 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:

 Try that site for ambidextrous trackballs :)

Thanks neighbor! :-)

I'll have to see what's available at the local stores Monday as well. My son 
is building himself a new toy a piece (pay check) at a time, and that's when 
he's  picking up the next parts.

Somehow I'm starting to feel that I need a new toy! feeling as well. 

My poor wallet. ;-)

Registered user 244963 at
My sister opened a computer store in Hawaii.  She sells C shells down 
by the seashore.

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Re: [newbie] Quick chmod question

2002-11-22 Thread villoing
chmod your_mod -R your_directory

AndrewD wrote:

I need to chmod a whole bunch of files (under a directory), rather than
go thru them all one by one is there a quicker way to chmod them all


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Re: [newbie] streaming on Mozilla

2002-11-22 Thread Robin Turner
villoing wrote:

Does anyone know where to find and how to install a soft which would 
allow me to see wideo streaming on Mozilla.
When I tried to watch something on, I get this message:
this page contains information type 

Looks like you just answered your own question: mplayer.  There are 
Mandrake RPMs available.

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] localhost?

2002-11-22 Thread Carl J. Bauman
I know I should know this, but, what do I need to do if localhost isn't 
being resolved correctly by my web browser?  I'm running LM 9.0.  I 
can't seem to use any of the browser based admin tools because Netscape 
7.0 can't resolve localhost and dumps me into which 
is of little use to me.

Thanks for any help you can give me,

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Re: [newbie] Quick chmod question

2002-11-22 Thread Carl J. Bauman
That will chmod any sub-directories as well -- not just the files within 
those directories -- which may not be what you want.  You might want to 
use the find command to be a little more selective:

find your_directory -type f -exec chmod your_mod {} \;

villoing wrote:

chmod your_mod -R your_directory

AndrewD wrote:

I need to chmod a whole bunch of files (under a directory), rather than
go thru them all one by one is there a quicker way to chmod them all


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Re: [newbie] streaming on Mozilla

2002-11-22 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 22 Nov 2002 10:38 pm, villoing wrote:
 Does anyone know where to find and how to install a soft which would
 allow me to see wideo streaming on Mozilla.
 When I tried to watch something on, I get this message:
   this page contains information type

 thanks ...

That is Windows Media Player format. The only app I know which will play it 
streaming is Windows Media Player.  But do not despair. go to and you can download Crossover plugin which allows you to 
run Windows media player 6.5

The bad news is that the demo version is free, but the full version is not.
The alternative is try to set up Wine to run WMP, which is possible, but not 

For other streaming media sources there is RealPlayer8 for Linux, buried very 
deep on the site.
 Apple Quicktime also works under Codeweavers plugin.


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Re: [newbie] streaming on Mozilla

2002-11-22 Thread villoing
I download the cross over plugin and when I lounch

I get
: command not line 12:
: command not line 14:
: command not line 15: } line 65: syntax error near 
unexpected to'en `do
' line 65: `  for a in 
in my xterm

could sombody help to install this plugin ?

Derek Jennings wrote:
On Friday 22 Nov 2002 10:38 pm, villoing wrote:

Does anyone know where to find and how to install a soft which would
allow me to see wideo streaming on Mozilla.
When I tried to watch something on, I get this message:
		this page contains information type 		(application/x-mplayer2)...

thanks ...

That is Windows Media Player format. The only app I know which will play it 
streaming is Windows Media Player.  But do not despair. go to and you can download Crossover plugin which allows you to 
run Windows media player 6.5

The bad news is that the demo version is free, but the full version is not.
The alternative is try to set up Wine to run WMP, which is possible, but not 

For other streaming media sources there is RealPlayer8 for Linux, buried very 
deep on the site.
 Apple Quicktime also works under Codeweavers plugin.


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[newbie] gtelnet help

2002-11-22 Thread Muad^Dib
since there is no ktelnet for mandrake 9.0 i am forced to use gtelnet instead,
however unlike ktelnet that has always worked straight out the box as it 
were gtelnet just fails to connect no matter what permitation i set in the 
prefs for ssh.everything seems ok untill the passy has been entered then it 
just stops.. ???
does anyone know what it is i am missing with gtelnet 


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Re: [newbie] kppp help required - SOLVED

2002-11-22 Thread John McQuillen
On Sat, 2002-11-23 at 08:20, Michael Adams wrote:

 The computer on 56k MoDem connected ok to the net but web pages were not 
 fetching. I guess this was because the IP request was not sending the correct 
 IP address for my computer but was sending a default address ( 
 (Correct me if this is wrong John).
Not quite. It wasn't that you were sending a default address. The
routing table is specific to your computer and network.

Without getting too technical, it works something like this:

If you wished to send a message to another computer on your network, say
from to, your computer begins reading the
routing table from top to bottom and stops once it sees that the network is on interface eth0. After a further process of finding
the specific machine to send to (which I won't go into here), it sends
the message through eth0 to the destination.

But what happens when you want to communicate with someone outside your

In the case of the Internet, you can't have listings in your routing
table for all the networks out there, so you have a default gateway
defined in your routing table, which says, 'if you don't know where this
network is, send it here'. The route to the default gateway is the
default route, and the default route is notated as It is always
the last route in your routing table.

All the computers on your network that are not connected to the Internet
require a default route that points to the computer that is connected to
the Internet. On the computer that is connected to the Internet, you
require a default route that points to the Interface that is connected
directly to the Internet.

In your case, you had a default route and gateway defined in
/etc/sysconfig/network pointing to eth0 and kppp was refusing to replace
it with a default route pointing to the Internet when it came up. By
getting rid of the previous default route, kppp was able to give you a
default route ( to the Internet on interface ppp0.

I hope that helps,

Kind regards,


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Re: [newbie] urpmi Mandrake Club

2002-11-22 Thread Erik Farnsworth
Just guessing...but  ../ instead of ./  ??

On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 15:53, Miark wrote:
 I'm having trouble adding Mandrake Club as a urpmi source to
 one of my machines. I get the following message:
  Connecting to[]:80... connected.
  HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
  16:32:41 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
  ...retrieving failed: wget failed: exited with 1 or signal 0
 But I've double-checked the name and password and they're both 
 correct. Anybody else having this trouble? I'm using
 urpmi.addmedia club http://blah:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/downloads2/comm/9.0/i586 
with ./
 but with the proper user and pass, of course.

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Linux User 288105

Bill who? Micro what?

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Re: [newbie] streaming on Mozilla

2002-11-22 Thread Derek Jennings
You might find something in Codeweavers support system


On Saturday 23 Nov 2002 12:06 am, villoing wrote:
 I download the cross over plugin and when I lounch

 I get

 : command not line 12:
 : command not line 14:
 : command not line 15: } line 65: syntax error near
 unexpected to'en `do
 ' line 65: `  for a in
 in my xterm

 could sombody help to install this plugin ?

 Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Friday 22 Nov 2002 10:38 pm, villoing wrote:
 Does anyone know where to find and how to install a soft which would
 allow me to see wideo streaming on Mozilla.
 When I tried to watch something on, I get this
  message: this page contains information type
 thanks ...
  That is Windows Media Player format. The only app I know which will play
  it streaming is Windows Media Player.  But do not despair. go to and you can download Crossover plugin which allows
  you to run Windows media player 6.5
  The bad news is that the demo version is free, but the full version is
  not. The alternative is try to set up Wine to run WMP, which is possible,
  but not easy.
  For other streaming media sources there is RealPlayer8 for Linux, buried
  very deep on the site.
   Apple Quicktime also works under Codeweavers plugin.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

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Re: [newbie] Problems with GeForce2 MX400 - Mandrake 9.0

2002-11-22 Thread Dennis Myers
On Friday 22 November 2002 10:10 am, Francisco Dalla Rosa Soares wrote:
   Hello everyone,

   I'm having some problems with my video board, a GeForce2 MX400 and
 Mandrake 9.0 I used Mandrake 8.2 and everything was OK but now it
 doesn't recognize my video I can work greatly in the console mode but
 I can't go to the graphic mode at all. I've alredy tried to find
 drivers on the net but it didn't work at all either...
 Can anyone help?

   Thanks in advance,

   Francisco Dalla Rosa
Francisco, if you are using the 9.0 download of 3 disks then I would get the 
NVidia source files for the GLX and kernel and install from source, this 
worked well for me with the same card. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] Mandrake PowerPack 9.0 at BestBuy

2002-11-22 Thread James Conner
I was in Best Buy here in Indiana and saw Mandrake PowerPack 9.0(3 copies) on 
the shelf for sale.  It put a smile on my face and made my day.  I just 
thought I'd let people here know that it is beginning to proliferate 
throughout the US.  They also have RH 8.0 and SuSE 8.1 as well as StarOffice 

  7:01pm  up 1 day, 32 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.11, 0.04

Running Mandrake 9.0 - Linux - because life is too short for reboots...

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Re: [newbie] Problem installing a program

2002-11-22 Thread Erik Farnsworth
On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 17:57, Chris wrote:
 On Friday 22 November 2002 12:25 am, you said, and I quote:
  I believe this should fix your problem.  (If anyone out there spots an
  error, please correct as soon as possible for Chris!)
  In /etc/profile, add:
 Erik, I guess I'm just not smart :( attached is my /etc/profile file.  I 
 added what you suggested as you can see, however, now when I reboot I'm 
 getting some postgresyl error, it goes by fast and I have no idea how to 
 pause the boot, another newbie problem.  Anyway, could you please be so kind 
 as to point me in the right direction.  I really appreciate it.
   Registered Linux user #283774 @
   5:54pm  up 8 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.12, 0.29, 0.18

 # /etc/profile -*- Mode: shell-script -*- 
 # (c) MandrakeSoft, Chmouel Boudjnah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 # Since we're invocated as a login shell set loginsh
 # so that we can avoid sourcing some files twice.
 # Users generally won't see annoyng core files
 [ $UID = 0 ]  ulimit -S -c 100  /dev/null 21
 if ! echo ${PATH} |grep -q /usr/X11R6/bin ; then
 if [ $UID -ge 500 ]  ! echo ${PATH} |grep -q /usr/games ; then
 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games
 umask 022
 USER=`id -un`
 if [ -z $INPUTRC -a ! -f $HOME/.inputrc ]; then
 # some old programs still use it (eg: man), and it is also
 # required for level1 compliance for LI18NUX2000
 for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
   if [ -x $i ]; then
   . $i
 unset i

Linux User 288105

Bill who? Micro what?

# /etc/profile -*- Mode: shell-script -*- 
# (c) MandrakeSoft, Chmouel Boudjnah [EMAIL PROTECTED]

# Since we're invocated as a login shell set loginsh
# so that we can avoid sourcing some files twice.

# Users generally won't see annoyng core files
[ $UID = 0 ]  ulimit -S -c 100  /dev/null 21

if ! echo ${PATH} |grep -q /usr/X11R6/bin ; then

if [ $UID -ge 500 ]  ! echo ${PATH} |grep -q /usr/games ; then
    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games

umask 022

USER=`id -un`

if [ -z $INPUTRC -a ! -f $HOME/.inputrc ]; then

# some old programs still use it (eg: man), and it is also
# required for level1 compliance for LI18NUX2000



for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
if [ -x $i ]; then
. $i

unset i

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Re: [newbie] streaming on Mozilla

2002-11-22 Thread Robin Turner
Derek Jennings wrote:

On Friday 22 Nov 2002 10:38 pm, villoing wrote:

Does anyone know where to find and how to install a soft which would
allow me to see wideo streaming on Mozilla.
When I tried to watch something on, I get this message:
		this page contains information type 		(application/x-mplayer2)...

thanks ...

That is Windows Media Player format. The only app I know which will play it 
streaming is Windows Media Player.  But do not despair. go to and you can download Crossover plugin which allows you to 
run Windows media player 6.5

Alternatively, mail the site and give them hell.  With other perfectly 
good formats around, any site that only offers media player format is 
simply being perverse.  There are also security issues involved (though 
not, I hear, with version 6.5 - it's 7.0 that has all the evil stuff).

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake PowerPack 9.0 at BestBuy

2002-11-22 Thread Robin Turner
James Conner wrote:

I was in Best Buy here in Indiana and saw Mandrake PowerPack 9.0(3 copies) on 
the shelf for sale.  It put a smile on my face and made my day.  I just 
thought I'd let people here know that it is beginning to proliferate 
throughout the US.  They also have RH 8.0 and SuSE 8.1 as well as StarOffice 

Cool.  Here in Turkey  I've only seen it sold by street vendors amongst 
the pirated Windows software and VCDs. I felt like going up and saying 
Do you realise you're actually selling something legal here?

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Problem installing a program

2002-11-22 Thread Erik Farnsworth
To the group:

I may get the hang of this com-poo-ter yet :(  

I managed to send the appropriate 'mea culpa' to Chris, but not to the
group.  Now I have egg on my face--twice.[you can find me on the
breakfast menu:  two eggs on ham  bg]  Here is the missing beginning
of the above reply:


Mybad!  You get the props for all the effort...I get all the
ghost-cheers for failing to give you sufficient information!

Additional information that I needed to supply was that the new entries
to your /etc/profile file needed to be made 'inside' the file (before
the 'unset i' ... and inside the same 'if-fi' set as the other PATH

To make sure that I have not mucked up this explanation, I've attached a
corrected file.  I've used your file and have done two cut-n-paste

Try this again, with the new file (if you actually use my file version,
don't forget to rename it 'profile'--without the quotes).  In addition,
as pointed out by Stormjumper, you apparently don't need to reboot--just
log out of your user account and log back in. (Maybe I spent too many
years adminning an RH Linux ISP Internet server system from a Winblows

As always, if I've made a goof, I'm sure one of our listmates will
kindly supply a correction.


complete snip


Linux User 288105

Bill who? Micro what?

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Re: [newbie] Problem installing a program

2002-11-22 Thread Chris
On Friday 22 November 2002 06:49 pm, you said, and I quote:
 On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 17:57, Chris wrote:
  On Friday 22 November 2002 12:25 am, you said, and I quote:
   I believe this should fix your problem.  (If anyone out there spots an
   error, please correct as soon as possible for Chris!)
   In /etc/profile, add:

I'm getting a little peeved here.  I typed it in exactly as you have it on 
the file you sent.  Rebooted, and still get some kind of postgrysql error at 
the end of the boot.  I looked through all the files in /var/log to see if I 
could find it to no avail.  Needless to say, it still gives me the QT 
libraries not found error when I try to compile.  If I type echo $QTDIR on 
the command line as root, I get nothing, shouldn't this show me where libqt2 
is installed?  The error at the end of boot is a bash error something about 
bad path or file name not found.  Like I was saying, if I could find it in a 
.log file somewhere I'd know for sure what it says.  Thanks again for 
offering your help, I'm sure its something I'm doing or not doing here.

  Registered Linux user #283774 @
  7:47pm  up 11 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.44, 0.18, 0.10

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake PowerPack 9.0 at BestBuy

2002-11-22 Thread Carl J. Bauman
Actually, Best Buy in Texas has been carrying various RedHat, Mandrake, 
and SuSE versions for at least 3 or 4 years.  I've been here for a 
little over 5 years and it wasn't too long after I moved down here that 
I noticed they were actually carrying Linux!  Most people would think 
Texas is pretty backward compared to Indiana.  ;-)


James Conner wrote:

I was in Best Buy here in Indiana and saw Mandrake PowerPack 9.0(3 copies) on 
the shelf for sale.  It put a smile on my face and made my day.  I just 
thought I'd let people here know that it is beginning to proliferate 
throughout the US.  They also have RH 8.0 and SuSE 8.1 as well as StarOffice 


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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-22 Thread FemmeFatale
At 03:40 PM 11/22/2002 -0700, you wrote:

On November 22, 2002 02:45 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:

 Try that site for ambidextrous trackballs :)

Thanks neighbor! :-)

I'll have to see what's available at the local stores Monday as well. My son
is building himself a new toy a piece (pay check) at a time, and that's when
he's  picking up the next parts.

Somehow I'm starting to feel that I need a new toy! feeling as well.

My poor wallet. ;-)


NP.  I found bigger trackballs seem to eliminate CTS Much better than the 
small, thumb ball ones you can get.  So buyer beware.  Just MHO Though as 
some ppl still get CTS with em.  Might I suggest a jack in the back of the 
head for those ppl?  Eliminates all problems :P

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake PowerPack 9.0 at BestBuy

2002-11-22 Thread mike
I am from Texas and actually it is a pretty progressive place in many 
ways.The only Linux you can buy in stores where I live is Red Hat.

I ordered my Mandrake Cds from an online discounter.

On Friday 22 November 2002 09:10 pm, you wrote:
 Actually, Best Buy in Texas has been carrying various RedHat, Mandrake,
 and SuSE versions for at least 3 or 4 years.  I've been here for a
 little over 5 years and it wasn't too long after I moved down here that
 I noticed they were actually carrying Linux!  Most people would think
 Texas is pretty backward compared to Indiana.  ;-)


 James Conner wrote:
 I was in Best Buy here in Indiana and saw Mandrake PowerPack 9.0(3 copies)
  on the shelf for sale.  It put a smile on my face and made my day.  I
  just thought I'd let people here know that it is beginning to proliferate
  throughout the US.  They also have RH 8.0 and SuSE 8.1 as well as
  StarOffice 6.0.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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