Re: [newbie-it] mplayer

2002-12-07 Thread guido
salva a tutta la ml  (e scusate OE ma sono al lavoro)

ho istallato mplayer dai sorgenti e non andato a buon fine. Forse ho capito
anche la causa.
Ma ora come si disistalla; non sembra tanto facile come con i pacchetti.

Si può istallare sopra ?

grazie guido

- Original Message -
From: gianni piazza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 7:54 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] mplayer

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Che caldo!!

2002-12-07 Thread Germano
Il 19:08, venerdì 06 dicembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata hai scritto:
 Alle 15:37, giovedì 5 dicembre 2002, Germano ha scritto:

 Ti rispondo pubblicamente, ma stiamo creando un grande OT che non so quanto
 sia gradito, possiamo poi parlarne in privato se ti va...

   credo che linux e gnu siano - l'unica - dico l'unica -  forma di
   scienza/conoscenza esistente totalmente diversa dalle altre per il modo
  Mi dispiace ma non penso sia così, anche se ciò che dici è in parte vero.
  Innanzitutto non è una scienza perchè fare scienza vuol dire tutt'altro:
  cercare di risolvere un problema posto dalla realtà circostante ( e non
  da una persona o, in questo caso, da chi ha scritto un programma) e dare
  una soluzione dimostrabile; infatti non tutte le cose che si studiano
  all'università sono Scienze ma hanno altri nomi, che sono altrettanto
  onorevoli ma tendo a distinguere le cose tra di loro (che poi ci siano
  cose che vengano chiamate scienze e non lo sono è un altro discorso).

 Permettimi di dissentire dalla tua definizione di scienza: la matematica è
 una scienza dura, e gli studiosi di matematica, in sede teorica, non
 hanno come fine quello di risolvere alcun problema posto dalla realtà
 circostante, i loro problemi sono interni allo sviluppo della matematica
 stessa, la realtà circostante spesso se la dimenticano o quanto meno è un
 accessorio secondario, tutto quì. Io intendo per scienze semplicemente
 quelle discipline che  - sono considerate dalla società - scienze, in
 questo senso ritengo che informatica sia considerata una scienza. Anche
 se fosse considerata una scienza molle, come le scienze umanistiche, o
 una pseudoscienza, ciò importerebbe poco perché è pur sempre una forma si
 conoscenza che si trasmette...

Spero con questa di chiudere questo OT o tutt'al + di continuarlo 

La matemetica non è una scienza!
E' la base di tutte le scienze ma quando si pone di risolvereproblemi 
applicativi si chiama Fisica-Matematica.
Il fatto che la Matematica non sia una Scienza  ( ma penso anche che sia la 
più bella delle cose che si possano studiare ) fra le altre cose, secondo me, 
lo dimostra il teorema di Godel ma non c'è di bisogno di scomodare uno dei 
più grossi genii che la matematica dell'ultimo secolo annoveri.
La matematica è il linguaggio della scienza e molte volte crea parole prima 
che servano, altre volte le deve creare per esprimere ciò la natura mette di 
Non per faziosità ma Matematica e Fisica sono la colonna portante di tutte le 
Scienze (però la fisica è una scienza ma  non sarebbe compiuta senza la 
matematica) e sono un binomio inscindibile (almeno dal punto di vista dei 
L'informatica non è una Scienza!

  Per quanto riguarda la conoscenza, il fatto che noi ci possiamo scambiare
  delle idee con una certa proficuità dipende da Internet, perchè potrei
  iscrivermi ad una mailng-list di cucina (anzi prima o poi lo farò ;-) ) e

 Non dipende solo da internet, ma dallo spirito con il quale lo usi...  la
 collaborazione e la libera diffusione è alla base di Linux e GNU,
 altrimenti Torwald non avrebbe messo in rete il sistema operativo che aveva
 creato, poteva tenerselo per sé, un bel copyright e via a Bill Gates 2.

Bravo, però lo ha messo in rete. Pensi che GNU/Linux sia l'UNICA cosa buona 
messa in rete, sei un pò pessimista.

  Vai alla Mandrake e chiedigli di essere assunto perchè sei uno smanettone
  di Linux o di partecipare alle loro riunioni riguardo alla sviluppo,
  dubito che ti assumeranno e/o ammetteranno.

 sul sito della Mandrake c'è un link che riguarda gli sviluppatori di
 DiskDrake, se hai delle buone idee su questo software puoi contattarli...

Certo che puoi contattarli, non ho mica detto che siano dei massoni.

 lo stesso vale per qualsiasi altra comunità che produce sapere?

Se sono intelligenti e fanno dei Forum sicuramente sì.

 Ti ricordo pure che c'è la possibilità di fare a meno delle distribuzioni
 commerciali, tu, io (no io no :-)) e chiunque veramente voglia, con linux
 from scratch si puà costruire il suo linux, a sua immagine e somiglianza...
 E come costruirsi da sé una disciplina che viene riconosciuta comunque
 valida, ho un amico che ha costruito una disciplina, che molti ritengono
 valida, ma finché non sarà un accademico, se mai lo sarà, quello che ha
 scritto sarà nulla, non valido...

Non so che disciplina si sia costruito il tuo amico ma le idee valide 
arrivano sempre (soprattutto quando hanno un ritorno economico), Boltzmann si 
è suicidato tra le risate delle comunità scientifica che lo riteneva un 
cogl... ma la Meccanica Statistica sta sui libri di tutto il mondo ( e poi 
quelli erano altri tempi e gli scienziati erano contemporanamente gli 
La validità delle cose non la danno le riviste la danno i fatti; se una cosa 
funziona, funziona e basta non ha bisogno di un premio per andare meglio.

  La bontà dell' Open Source ed affini risiede altrove:
  Libertà di sapere che fa un 

[newbie-it] -unknown

2002-12-07 Thread rino favretto
  Alcuni giorni fa ho esposto alla lista  un mio
  problema su mdk 9.0 . Non volevo avere la soluzione,
  ma un consiglio, un prova così,smanetta.!
  quello che poi dovrebbe essere lo spirito di linux. 
  Ritorno a debian e saluti a  tutti: 

Re: [newbie-it] linux su cellulare

2002-12-07 Thread Roberto C . 2
Non saprei, però tutto può essere, ho letto un articolo che parlava di come
alcuni personeggi hanno crashato la XBox di Microsoft montando LINUX e
facendola diventare un mini PC 

- Original Message -
To: ml newbie-it [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 1:01 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] linux su cellulare

Il ven, 2002-12-06 alle 19:48, Fabio Cinti ha scritto:
 scusate la domanda folle, ma...
 qualcuno di voi ha mai provato a far girare linux sul cellulare?

Sarebbe folle volerlo far girare sul tostapane :)
Ehm... intendo dire che Linux equipaggia già alcuni cellulari; ma se
intendevi prendere un cellulare Pinco Pallino e metterci il Pinco
Pinguino al posto del software originale (sensazione di dèja-vu...) la
cosa interesserebbe pure me!

Però forse si potrebbe lavorarci, sull'idea del tostapane, in fondo...
Già fanno comunicare il forno e la lavatrice con internet.

OK, scusate, mi ritiro. Due mesi lontano dal pc mi inducono a scrivere
troppo :-D


Re: [newbie-it] mplayer

2002-12-07 Thread freefred
On Saturday 07 December 2002 9:02 am, guido wrote about Re:  [newbie-it] 
 salva a tutta la ml  (e scusate OE ma sono al lavoro)
 ho istallato mplayer dai sorgenti e non andato a buon fine. Forse ho
 anche la causa.
 Ma ora come si disistalla; non sembra tanto facile come con i pacchetti.

cioe' hai dato un make install?

 Si può istallare sopra ?

si' ogni volta che dai il make install si installa sopra al vecchio.

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ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] -unknown

2002-12-07 Thread francesco.melo
rino favretto wrote:

 Alcuni giorni fa ho esposto alla lista  un mio
 problema su mdk 9.0 . Non volevo avere la soluzione,
 ma un consiglio, un prova così,smanetta.!
 quello che poi dovrebbe essere lo spirito di linux. 
 Ritorno a debian e saluti a  tutti: 


domandare e' lecito rispondere e' cortesia...
nessuno lavora o guadagna dalle risposte che da' 

buon ritorno

[newbie-it] Applicare la patch

2002-12-07 Thread stormymonday
Ciao a tutti

Vorrei applicare la patch 2.4.20 al kernel ma nella directory /usr/src non ho nessun 
link al kernel
come si fa a crearlo?
e quali sono i comando per apllicare la patch?
ho una mdk9 con kernel 2.4.19 
grazie per eventuali aiuti

[newbie-it] LAN - DHCP - DNS

2002-12-07 Thread Pollo
Potreste spiegarmi quali sono i passi da compiere per configurare una
rete LAN. Mi sono arenato all'installazione del server dhcp.

Ho installato il server dhcp e sembra funzionare...
Non so però come risolvere i nomi dei pc della rete locale, visto che
ora il loro IP è dinamico... Prima avevo editato il file /etc/hosts, ora
come devo fare? Serve forse un server dns?

Grazie, Pollo.

[newbie-it] Bug in KDevelop

2002-12-07 Thread Santarella Benedetto
  ho scritto un piccolo programma, che usa l'istruzione fork,
quando lo eseguo competamente, non ho problemi, ma quando eseguo il Debug,
per quello che ho capito, crea un processo figlio, ma vuoto!
Sbaglio io o c'e' un bug in KDevelop??

La mia versione di KDevelop e' 2.1beta su KDE 2.2.2

la struttura del programma e' questa

if ((PID = fork()) == 0)
 { ...


Se e' un bug, dove posso trovare una versione 
non bacata Sulla cd della MDK 9.0 sapete se c'e' 
l'rpm di KDevelop + recente???

  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
 Home Page ==
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] -unknown

2002-12-07 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 10:27, sabato 7 dicembre 2002, rino favretto ha scritto:
   Alcuni giorni fa ho esposto alla lista  un mio
   problema su mdk 9.0 . Non volevo avere la soluzione,
   ma un consiglio, un prova così,smanetta.!
   quello che poi dovrebbe essere lo spirito di linux.
   Ritorno a debian e saluti a  tutti:

ti ricordo che la ML è gratuita e volontaria e nessuno è in 
dovere verso nessun'altro,
non è detto che qualcuno conoscesse la soluzione al tuo 
problama, oppure lo stesso era passato in lista e quindi era in 
archivio, rileggi il regolamento della ML (che hai letto al 
momento dell'iscrizione in lista, spero)




- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Applicare la patch

2002-12-07 Thread LukenShiro
Alle 17:02, sabato 7 dicembre 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Vorrei applicare la patch 2.4.20 al kernel ma nella directory /usr/src
 non ho nessun link al kernel come si fa a crearlo?

Se non hai i sorgenti del kernel in /usr/src vanno messi: o scompatti un 
file che trovi su (con un nome del tipo 
linux-2.4.xx.tar.bz2), oppure installi il pacchetto kernel-source-2.4.xx 
(e verifichi che sia installato kernel-headers-2.4.xx, che e' 
interdipendente rispetto al primo), che dovresti trovare nei CD.

La differenza e' che il primo e' un kernel liscio (senza patch/modifiche 
personalizzate/assestamenti da parte degli sviluppatori MDK), il secondo 
e' un kernel non liscio che ha, appunto, quelle personalizzazioni.

 e quali sono i comando per apllicare la patch?

La patch che hai sara' quasi sicuramente compressa (es. patch-2.4.20.bz2). 
Se e' cosi' bisogna scompattarla con bunzip2; poi:
* leggi le primissime righe del file e verifica l'esistenza della 
directory a cui si riferisce e crea come simbolico il nome della 
directory che serve [altrimenti non avra' effetto, non trovando l'oggetto 
a cui si deve applicare]: es. se serve la directory 'linux.vanilla', 
bisognera' crearla come link simbolico a 'linux' o 'linux-2.4.19';
* vai nella directory immediatamente superiore a quella a cui andra' 
applicata la patch e dai patch -p0  _nome-della-patch_ ;

 ho una mdk9 con kernel 2.4.19

Attenzione, perche' se utilizzi i sorgenti del kernel personalizzati, e' 
molto probabile che la patch che vuoi applicare _non_ funzioni o 
addirittura _non_ possa essere applicata.

P.S. Senza volermi fare gli affari tuoi, hai ragioni particolari per voler 
installare la patch di passaggio dal 2.4.19 al 2.4.20?
P.S.bis. Per la cronaca ricordo che il 2.4.20 ha un piccolo bug che, in 
determinate situazioni (improbabili e remote, ma astrattamente 
verificabili: il montaggio con una determinata opzione), puo' corrompere 
un filesystem ext3.

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 ** k 2.4.20-acpi+preempt+arrrgghh
LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583

Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9 e non ha pi X!!!!!

2002-12-07 Thread Stefano Sebastiani

 Hai scaricato dei file che NON vanno bene per la tua distribuzione!!!

Ero convinto che fossero per MDK 9.0 come detto ina email trovata con 

 * devi eliminare la roba che hai installato
 * devi scaricare i due sorgenti _.tar.gz_ (i sorgenti sono gli _unici_ a
 poter essere utilizzati in qualsiasi ambiente senza doversi preoccupare
 di dipendenze e bizzarrie del pacchettizzatore .rpm di turno e degli
 sviluppatori del kernel -mdk)
 * e li devi scaricare dal sito _ufficiale_ (da siti di incerta provenienza
 in linea di massima e' meglio diffidare a meno di non avere la matematica
 certezza che siano attendibili, affidabili e sicuri e che mettano a
 disposizione quello che serve)
 * devi compilarli e farli installare secondo le istruzioni (che ti
 sintetizzo: make install, e gli script richiamati dal comando faranno
 tutto il necessario).

Dopo essermi cosparso il capo di cenere ho downloadaTO I TAR scompattati, 
maketizati e installati e vuoilà ho il logo NVidia sul mio Toshiba Satellite 
6100 Professional

Devo ancora trovare il modo di centrare lo schermo (è disassato sulla 
destrta), e modificare al volo le definizioni (senza passare da XFdrake).


[newbie-it] DVD

2002-12-07 Thread Nicola
Buon giorno a tutta la Ml, vorrei porre una domanda, che mi pare non sia mai 
Se sbaglio spero di non venir punito troppo duramente.
Se ho un filmato digitale (ad esempio un film catturato dalla tele) esiste 
sotto linux la possibilità di fare l'encoding in divx?
Questa possibilità esiste anche per i film in dvd?
Ascoltando i discorsi in università tutti usano win2000/xp, ma con linux si 
deve solo guardare? 
Tra parentesi io non ho neppure il dvd, quindi non mi interessa ancora, ma un 
pò di campalinismo
Mi piacerebbe proprio trovare dei divx creati con linux con caratteristiche 
audio/video migliori di quelli creati con win.

Ciao Nicola
Quando si puo' scommettere, si puo' anche barare.

Re: [newbie-it] OT: mi sono laureato

2002-12-07 Thread Chiara Bianchi
Ciao Germano!

On Thu, 5 Dec 2002 11:44:19 +0100
Germano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ma LaTex funziona su tutte le piattaforme.

Io ancora non lo conoscevo che vergogna! Comunque perchè usarlo sotto windows?
Io ho fatto la mia scelta... 

Il windowsiano di solito non si fida [] o dice di non aver tempo di imparare 
-diciamo la verità: non so fare molto col LaTeX, ma con un bel manuale si impara 
subito-: il traduttore che non sapeva come comportarsi col .tex (o addirittura aveva 
il .dvi, non mi ricordo) non ha voluto saperne di usarlo neanche sotto windows. Non lo 
voleva usare e basta. Il che è male, perchè per chi traduce libri di matematica o cose 
così -notate la proprietà di linguaggio- dovrebbe essere abituato a ricevere file del 
genere... Boh?

Ci si vede a Roma!


Non so dei vostri buoni propositi perchè non mi riguardano.
Esiste una sconfitta
pari al venire corroso
che non ho scelto io
ma è dell'epoca in cui vivo.
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Re: [newbie-it] Applicare la patch

2002-12-07 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 17:02, sabato 7 dicembre 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha 
 Ciao a tutti

 Vorrei applicare la patch 2.4.20 al kernel ma nella directory
 /usr/src non ho nessun link al kernel come si fa a crearlo?

in /usr/src devi avere un linux-2.4.19
crea il link con ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.4.19 /usr/src/linux

(ma non hai mai ricompilato? quel link è necessario)

la pezza la applichi con patch -p0 patch-2.4.20...
(pezza già decompressa)

 e quali sono i comando per apllicare la patch?
 ho una mdk9 con kernel 2.4.19

okkio, il 2.4.19 di mandrake non può essere patchato con le 
serie linus, ha già subito le pezze mandrakiane!!
puoi pezzare solo il 2.4.19 liscio!!

 grazie per eventuali aiuti




- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] LAN - DHCP - DNS

2002-12-07 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 17:25, sabato 7 dicembre 2002, Pollo ha scritto:
 Potreste spiegarmi quali sono i passi da compiere per
 configurare una rete LAN. Mi sono arenato all'installazione
 del server dhcp.

 Ho installato il server dhcp e sembra funzionare...
 Non so però come risolvere i nomi dei pc della rete locale,
 visto che ora il loro IP è dinamico...

per quale motivo dovresti risolvere il nome dei client?
il server deve essere risolto dai client, non il contrario, loro 
non offrono servizi.

 Grazie, Pollo.



- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] AlcatelSpeedTouchUSB + MDK9 teoria semplice!

2002-12-07 Thread Roberto C . 2°
Ciao a tutti, le ho provate tutte, sia con il tutorial
SpeedtouchItalianHOWTO (eterno!) che con il semplice supporto
Mandrake+mgmt.o, nulla!!! problema rimane, durante il boot la
connesione fallisce dopo 2 min. dando un errore di comando della riga 150
del file /usr/share/speedtouch/  (mi pare .sh).

Ho iserito i moduli del kernel e del supporto adsl e pppoe ma nulla!*checkout*/speedtouch/speedto

Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9 e non ha pi X!!!!!

2002-12-07 Thread LukenShiro
Alle 21:45, sabato 7 dicembre 2002, Stefano Sebastiani ha scritto:
 Devo ancora trovare il modo di centrare lo schermo (è disassato sulla
 destrta), e modificare al volo le definizioni (senza passare da
N.B. estrema attenzione perche' (se usato in modo improprio) xvidtune e' 
un comando potenzialmente distruttivo (del monitor in particolare).
Puo' darsi cmq che sia un problema vero e proprio di frequenza, in tal 
caso prova a cercare in rete se ci sono le specifiche del display del tuo 

Per il secondo problema, fai in modo di fare il login testuale (al posto 
di quello grafico), modifichi a manina XF86Config-4, e avvii con startx 
[sempre che anche in MDK sia cosi', mi spiace ma su questo punto non 
ricordo granche' della medesima]
Se invece intendi le risoluzioni di schermo ci sono [ALT][CTRL][+] e 

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 ** k 2.4.20-acpi+preempt+arrrgghh
LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583

Re:[newbie-it]masterizzare audio

2002-12-07 Thread gianni piazza
Ciao a tutta la ml!
Innanzi tutto volevo ringraziare tutti quelli che mi hanno risposto sui miei 
problemi con xine e mplayer(a proposito.grazie ai vostri consigli 
funziona tutto a meraviglia!!) e poi tanto per cambiare vi sottopongo una 
nuova problematica:
è possibile masterizzare di cd audio che si sentano anche sui normali lettori 
di cd?I cd che ho cercato di masterizzare con x cdroast purtroppo sono 
leggibili solo con il cdrom del computer.Volevo anche sapere se c'è un modo o 
un programma per convertire gli mp3 in wav.
Vi ringrazio in anticipo!Ciao Gianni

Re: [newbie] stopping X?

2002-12-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 15:28, Jerry wrote:

 OK, I did that and yes, it did what you said it would do.  It changed my login from 
graphical to console which is fine.  Now, please bear with me.  I'm used to all the 
graphical interfaces though i still do a LOT in console.  However I'm still a 
beginner, especially with startind Xwindows from a console login.  Here's what I 
 logged in as a normal user (jerry)
 ran startx
 Xwindows started with a blank desktop (which i suppose is exactly what it's supposed 
to do) but did not start gnome so I...
 hit ctrl-alt-backspace which stopped Xwindows 
 I thought Cool!  that's what I've been looking for!
 then I did su to root
 ran gdm to start gnome
 xwindows started and the gnome login came up. 
 logged in.
 gnome started.
 tested out to see if ctrl-alt-backspace would stop xwindows like it did the first 
 instead of stopping xwindows totally, it restarted gdm and I'm stuck back at the 
same place I was before.  I know there's got to be a way to do this.  I don't have a 
problem writing a shell script with the commands to do it the way i want, but i don't 
know which commands to use.  I imagine it has to do with starting Gnome withOUT 
starting gdm, am I right?  Thanks so much for your help on this :)  You're very kind.

You don't need to run GDM, XDM or KDM at all - not from a console. If
you want to easily switch between desktops, you can install the rpm for
Xtart (on the third CD) or download SelectWM (which is nice,
too)Xtart will allow you to run whichever WM/Desktop you wish...FROM
the console...instead of doing all the GDM crap. Now, you can do a:

ps -Ae | grep gdm

then note the number on the far left - then run 

kill X (the number you noted on the left)...Exit Gnome
NORMALLY...and you should be back to a prompt...

...but overall, install the Xtart - it will make you happier...

Sat Dec  7 19:40:01 EST 2002
  7:40pm  up  6:56,  5 users,  load average: 0.24, 0.27, 0.23
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

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Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

This door is baroquen, please wiggle Handel.
(If I wiggle Handel, will it wiggle Bach?)
-- Found on a door in the MSU music building

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Re: [newbie] Can't compile - Mesa/GLUT problem

2002-12-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 19:14, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 A friend of ours at our LUG wanted to play this chess program called 
 Knightcap but he had troubles with it, so Carl L. and I offered to try it out.
 He's using Libranet and I'm running v8.2 and 9.0 of Mandrake. Both of use 
 could do a straight/default compile with no X graphics. Whenever I try to 
 compile for graphics I get errors about it not being able to find Mesa and 
 GLUT. I installed everything I could find Mesa/GLUT wise from my 8.2 and 9.0 
 CD's and still it won't compile.
 Here is the section from the Makefile:
 # comment out the following 7 lines if you don't want the rendered 
 # display (or you don't have OpenGL and Glut libraries)
 # If you do have these libs then make sure the first three
 # lines point at the right places
 MESA = /usr/local/Mesa-2.1
 GLUT = /usr/local/Mesa-2.1/glut-3.2
 X11 = /usr/X11R6
 GLUT_LIBS = -L$(GLUT)/lib/glut -lglut
 MESA_LIBS = -L$(MESA)/lib -lMesaGLU -lMesaGL -lm
 XLIBS = -L$(X11)/lib -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lXi
 Okay, when I try to compile I get this:
 gcc  -o KnightCap knightcap.o trackball.o move.o util.o generate.o eval.o 
 movement.o ordering.o hash.o board.o log.o prog.o timer.o ics.o display.o 
 testsuite.o brain.o td.o tactics.o  -L/usr/local/Mesa-2.1/glut-3.2/lib/glut 
 -lglut -L/usr/local/Mesa-2.1/lib -lMesaGLU -lMesaGL -lm -L/usr/X11R6/lib 
 -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lXi 
 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lMesaGLU
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make: *** [KnightCap] Error 1
 Obviously, it can't find the files its looking for. The question is, is it 
 just because I've not been able to set the Makefile to point to the right 
 place OR do I not even have the necessary files installed at all.
 I did whereis and locate for every variation of Mesa, GLUT, libmesa, 
 libglut, etc, etc, that I could think of. It looks like Mandrake sticks this 
 stuff in /usr/X11R6/lib. I tried pointing the Makefile there but got the same 
 Anyone have any experience with this and/or suggestions?
 Thanks in advance! :-)
Here goes again!
Dig this - edit your /etc/ and add the following:

/usr/local/lib the file, then run:


...reboot, then try to recompile WITH FRESH SOURCE code - just delete
the  directory you unpacked the source into and recreate it - saves
heaps of bullshit...

Now, if that doesn't work right off the bat, try adding the absolute
path to the /etc/ file and rerun ldconfig again...

Let's see how that goes...

Sat Dec  7 19:45:00 EST 2002
  7:45pm  up  7:01,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.11, 0.16
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

It's a god-eat-god world.
(Small Gods)

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Re: [newbie] Linux meetups anyone?

2002-12-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 19:15, Lanman wrote:
 Talk about being a mushroom Stephen! No wonder I've seen so many posts
 to the list by you! You must have one massive callouse on your typing
 finger by now! This Meetup thing might be a good opportunity for you to
 get some vitamin D (a.k.a. sunshine), maybe work on a tan, check out the
 beach, and/or get a life. It would be nice to see one of us get one!
 As for me, I'll just stay here by the keyboard. You never know what I
 might miss. It's satisfaction enough knowing that one of us still has a
 Seriously though, I have gone to several of these things. You meet up in
 coffee shops or pubs or whatever, and get to talk to other Linux geeks.
 The wierd thing is that none of you have a keyboard in front of you.
 Once you get past that, it's a piece of cake, and usually a lot of fun.
 Personally, I go just to prove I'm not afraid of being outside. Honest!
 No, Really,.

Back in the mid-to-late-80's and all through the early 90's, we used to
have BBS parties - basically the same they've evolved
(somewhat) - but they're all basically the same. Same people, same type
of people - and yes, it is actually fun - and I do actually get out
SOMETIMES...c'mon...I moved to Australia to get sunshine (and
married) 5 minutes from the beach, 2 minutes from the lake, and
15 minutes from the mountains. Before moving to Oz, though, I never went
out - NEVER - not unless I absolutely had to (or had to get away from
wife-#1). I think that since 1982, I've done about 18 years solid behind
this damn keyboard...

Besides, I'm going to a lan party on the 21st...nyah!

Sat Dec  7 19:45:00 EST 2002
  7:45pm  up  7:01,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.11, 0.16
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

It's a god-eat-god world.
(Small Gods)

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Re: [newbie] stopping X?

2002-12-07 Thread Jerry
 You don't need to run GDM, XDM or KDM at all - not from a console. If
 you want to easily switch between desktops, you can install the rpm for
 Xtart (on the third CD) or download SelectWM (which is nice,
 too)Xtart will allow you to run whichever WM/Desktop you wish...FROM
 the console...instead of doing all the GDM crap. Now, you can do a:
 ps -Ae | grep gdm
 then note the number on the far left - then run 
 kill X (the number you noted on the left)...Exit Gnome
 NORMALLY...and you should be back to a prompt...
 ...but overall, install the Xtart - it will make you happier...
 Sat Dec  7 19:40:01 EST 2002
   7:40pm  up  6:56,  5 users,  load average: 0.24, 0.27, 0.23
.o0 linux user:267497 0o.
 |____  | kühn media australia
 |   /  \ /| |'-.   |
 |  .\__/ || |   |  | 
 |   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
 |  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
 |  ;/ / | | |
 |  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
 |  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU
 Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn
 This door is baroquen, please wiggle Handel.
 (If I wiggle Handel, will it wiggle Bach?)
   -- Found on a door in the MSU music building

OK I installed Xtart... DUH! i should have known that - I've used it before! LOL. It's 
all working just perfectly now.  Might check out SelectWM too, though Xtart is simple 
enough.  Thanks for your time.


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Re: [newbie] Remote DVD over ethernet

2002-12-07 Thread magnet
On Friday 06 Dec 2002 6:23 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 02:09, magnet wrote:
  Hi all,
  Can you view on a linux box a commercial DVD playing on a DVD player
  built into a windows laptop across 100Mbit ethernet?
  I have ogle and libs needed already installed, and have used the MCC to
  mount the drive to this system. I read somewhere that there might need to
  be an entry in /dev/ pointing to this device for ogle to be able to
  access the dvd. Can anyone elaborate more on this or just confirm it is
  possible. Failing that, I spos I'll have to resort to either converting
  the CD into a file (illegal and tbh a bit of a pain) or just foot the
  bill and buy an hardware DVD player which I'd rather avoid for a number
  of reasons, expense and space to mount it in this stack.

 Why not just use VNC to view the desktop on that system? (WinVNC works
 like a charm with VNC on linux)

Oh no, the dreaded VNC issue again...! :)) VNC has never worked on these 
machines. As you'll remember Stephen, these machines' have a mind of their 
own most days.
VNC generates X server problems all the time here. I would LOVE to be able to 
open an X VNC window from the main box to any other box on the lan but so far 
haven't had any luck.


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Re: [newbie] Remote DVD over ethernet

2002-12-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 20:43, magnet wrote:
 Oh no, the dreaded VNC issue again...! :)) VNC has never worked on these 
 machines. As you'll remember Stephen, these machines' have a mind of their 
 own most days.
 VNC generates X server problems all the time here. I would LOVE to be able to 
 open an X VNC window from the main box to any other box on the lan but so far 
 haven't had any luck.

Ah yeah - now I remember...yeah... can you just map a drive with Sambamambajamba and tease ogle or
xine or mplay into reading it?

** after you map/mount a drive, you can cheat by doing like:


...ya reckon?

...just gotta make sure it's a perm mount/map...ya?

Sat Dec  7 22:10:00 EST 2002
 10:10pm  up 8 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.86, 0.65, 0.32

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

I used to be a rebel in my youth.

This cause... that cause... (chuckle) I backed 'em ALL!  But I learned.
Rebellion is simply a device used by the immature to hide from his own
problems.  So I lost interest in politics.  Now when I feel aroused by
a civil rights case or a passport hearing... I realize it's just a device.
I go to my analyst and we work it out.  You have no idea how much better
I feel these days.
-- J. Feiffer

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SV: [newbie] imac install

2002-12-07 Thread Farid Ghussein
Hi Mark,
I found out what the problem was. I made a reinstall of Mandrake (I've made
about 5 reinstalls by now) and I chose the older video driver (not the
3D-accellerated one that was offered). Now the system works almost fine. The
only thing that doesn't work is Nautilus. I can't seem to uninstall it from
gnome so I'm trying to do it the hard way from my terminal. For me that's
really a challenge, since I'm usually a mac user. My intention is to
uninstall Nautilus and reinstall it. Any suggestions on how to do that are
really welcome. As I said, I'm really a newbie. Just finding the correct
linux commands to use the terminal, is a big challenge for me

Best regards


-Ursprungligt meddelande-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]For Mark Weaver
Skickat: den 7 december 2002 06:19
Amne: Re: [newbie] imac install

Farid Ghussein wrote:
 I'm a real newbie trying to install Mandrake on my iMac 500 DV SE. I've
 had alot of problems during installation but I'm getting close now.
 First the installation program couldn't partition the swap section and
 after trying to reinstall and format a couple of times i did succeed.
 Now everything seems ok and starting up the system works fine until the
 GUI is loaded, when everything turns black. I don't know what to do.
 I've tried to run the installation program but it won't let me make any
 fine tuning. I'm forced to reformat and reinstall everytime I run the
 installation program. Any ideas, anyone?

 Best regards



Your problem sounds vaguely familiar as being something peculiar to the
MACs. Its a video problem and as I recall there isn't much that can be
done about it. You may want to check the archives on this one. However,
I have a feeling that your best bet is going to be to go with OS X for
you Imac. That will have the video drivers that your machine will need
to operate correctly.


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[newbie] Auto login

2002-12-07 Thread Sasongko Pribadi Djoko
Dear Friends,

My Linux run KDE 3.0 automatically when I turn my PC on.
What I have to do to make it start with the login screen ?


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[newbie] Kmail help needed

2002-12-07 Thread Anne Wilson
Can anyone tell me how I can edit the collected addresses in KMail?  They 
don't appear in the KAddressBook, which is what opens if you click the icon.  
Inevitably I have collected a couple of incorrect entries, which need to be 


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[newbie] Gimp

2002-12-07 Thread John Richard Smith
Can someone point me how to correct red-eye from my pics in gimp.



John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Auto login

2002-12-07 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 07 Dec 2002 11:49 am, Sasongko Pribadi Djoko wrote:
 Dear Friends,

 My Linux run KDE 3.0 automatically when I turn my PC on.
 What I have to do to make it start with the login screen ?


Mandrake Control Centre  Boot  Boot Configuration

Click on No, I don't want autologin


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Re: [newbie] Auto login

2002-12-07 Thread Frank Mertens
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 12:49, Sasongko Pribadi Djoko wrote:
 Dear Friends,
 My Linux run KDE 3.0 automatically when I turn my PC on.
 What I have to do to make it start with the login screen ?
 Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

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Mandrake Control Center (drakconf) - boot - boot-config

MfG Frank

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Re: [newbie] Auto login

2002-12-07 Thread Anthony Abby
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 06:49, Sasongko Pribadi Djoko wrote:
 Dear Friends,
 My Linux run KDE 3.0 automatically when I turn my PC on.
 What I have to do to make it start with the login screen ?

Open MCC  Boot  Boot Config  click No, I don't want autologin.
You could also just run drakboot and click No, I don't want autologin.


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2002-12-07 Thread Paul
Hi everyone,

I upgraded Spamassassin to 2.43 this morning. It complained about not having
a file I found that at and installed it, but it is
complaining still:

Failed to run DIFFERENT_REPLY_TO SpamAssassin test, skipping:
(Can't locate object method check_for_spam_reply_to via package
:SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus (perhaps you forgot to load
rMsgStatus?) at
m line 1822.

And more of that.

Now I found that the file contains stuff that I don't think
should in there, for example:

=head1 NAME

Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus - per-message status (spam or not-spam)


  my $spamtest = new Mail::SpamAssassin ({
'rules_filename'  = '/etc/spamassassin.rules',
'userprefs_filename'  = $ENV{HOME}.'/'
  my $mail = Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit-new();

  my $status = $spamtest-check ($mail);
  if ($status-is_spam()) {
$status-rewrite_mail ();


The Mail::SpamAssassin Ccheck() method returns an object of this
class.  This object encapsulates all the per-message state.

=head1 METHODS

I am not at all proficient in Perl, so is there someone here that can tell
me if this code is correct? I don't like all these plain english comments...
(All occurences of the file I could find have the same stuff in it)


A room without books is like a body without a soul.
-Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C) Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.8.6
Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

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[newbie] rpms descriptions

2002-12-07 Thread Pilagá

In MCC, Software manager, I have added this source:

but all rpms are listed without description. So, is there any way to fix this?


GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
10:31am up 1:58, 4 users, load average: 0.02, 0.05, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] Gimp

2002-12-07 Thread Jan Wilson
* John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [021207 06:12]:
 Can someone point me how to correct red-eye from my pics in gimp.

LOTS of good stuff on!

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, PHP, Perl, HTML

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[newbie] OT? LBA and CHS

2002-12-07 Thread Anne Wilson
Although lilo can cope with the 8.2, 9.0 and win4lin stanzas, it can no longer 
operate the windows stanza.  In an effort to find out whether windows is 
banjoed or the mbr, I used a Partition Magic rescue disk to boot from.  This 
is the message I got:

Partition Magic has detected an error 116 on the partition starting at sector 
25912845 on disk 2.
The starting LBA value is 25912845 and the CHS value is 16450559.
The LBA and CHS values must be equal
Partition Magic has verified that the LBA value is correct and can fix the CHS 
Would you like Partition Magic to fix this error?

Although I know what LBA is, I don't know what CHS is.  My hard drives are 
labelled by linux hde, hdf and hdg.  Dolphin is on hdf, which I take to be 
disk 2.  Should I allow PM to do this, or is it being confused by the ext3 

I would feel a whole lot safer if I could get my windows installation going 
again.  It is increasingly rare for me to need it, but it covers emergency 


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[newbie] Anyone writing DVDs with Mandrake?

2002-12-07 Thread Jim Snyder

I am considering purchasing the new Sony DRU 500 DVD writer and was wondering 
if anyone has had experience using the drive in Mandrake 9.0? I would like to 
create DVDs from home videos taken with a Sony digital video camera.

Many thanks in advance!!

Jim Snyder

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Re: [newbie] KAddressBook

2002-12-07 Thread Guilherme Cirne
On Friday 06 December 2002 19:59, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 06 Dec 2002 5:18 pm, Guilherme Cirne wrote:
  Does anybody know in what file are the e-mail addresses for
  KAddressBook stored?


 Don't forget you will need to 'show hidden files'


That is not it, at least not for me. That directory 
(/home/gui/.kde/share/apps/kab) is completely empty here even though I have 
lots of entries under KAddressBook. Does anybody know where else the 
entries could be stored?

Guilherme Cirne

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[newbie] Fresh Install / Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-07 Thread Dennis Sue
Hello Folks, I thought I'd give you an update on my final decision, How it 
worked out, and my opinions.
Having purchased a new harddrive yesterday, I partitioned it and loaded 
Win2000 for any unsupported devices ( such as the HP 315 camera ), And also 
so that I could download Mandrake 9.0, ( Having decided to give it a try, If 
it didn't work out I could always reload 8.2 ).
Having burned the 3 discs last night I proceeded to load Mandrake this A.M.
Here are 2 words to describe my experiences thus far :
 OH YEAHH. This is slick, cool , groovy, fantastic, awesome... 
uhhh, ok more than 2 words, Anyway All went well.
There is one problem though, My sound card doesn't work, and I can't configure 
it. But Windows won't either so I think it might be crapola.

Here is my general opinion:.

It isn't that Linux isn't ready for PrimeTime, It's that PrimeTime isn't ready 
for Linux.

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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install / Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-07 Thread Frans Ketelaars
On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 09:02:05 -0500
Dennis  Sue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello Folks, I thought I'd give you an update on my final decision, How it 
 worked out, and my opinions.
 Having purchased a new harddrive yesterday, I partitioned it and loaded 
 Win2000 for any unsupported devices ( such as the HP 315 camera ), And also 
 so that I could download Mandrake 9.0, ( Having decided to give it a try, If 
 it didn't work out I could always reload 8.2 ).
 Having burned the 3 discs last night I proceeded to load Mandrake this A.M.
 Here are 2 words to describe my experiences thus far :
  OH YEAHH. This is slick, cool , groovy, fantastic, awesome... 
 uhhh, ok more than 2 words, Anyway All went well.
 There is one problem though, My sound card doesn't work, and I can't configure 
 it. But Windows won't either so I think it might be crapola.

LM9.0 doesn't configure ISA soundcards, you have to run sndconfig as root.
 Here is my general opinion:.
 It isn't that Linux isn't ready for PrimeTime, It's that PrimeTime isn't ready 
 for Linux.



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Re: [newbie] KAddressBook

2002-12-07 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 07 Dec 2002 1:53 pm, Guilherme Cirne wrote:
 On Friday 06 December 2002 19:59, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Friday 06 Dec 2002 5:18 pm, Guilherme Cirne wrote:
   Does anybody know in what file are the e-mail addresses for
   KAddressBook stored?
  Don't forget you will need to 'show hidden files'

 That is not it, at least not for me. That directory
 (/home/gui/.kde/share/apps/kab) is completely empty here even though I have
 lots of entries under KAddressBook. Does anybody know where else the
 entries could be stored?

I think we may be talking at cross-purposes.  The path I gave you holds the 
addressbook that you get if you do K  Office  Addressbooks.  This is also 
what you see if you click on the addressbook icon - at least it is on mine - 
but I think there's another somewhere with collected addresses in it.  The 
reason I think this, is that I have a couple of mis-typed addresses that are 
always offered to me when composing a new email, and they do not seem to be 
in the addressbook that is offered me.

I'm sorry I can't help further - I hope you solve it.  And I'll benefit, too 


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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install / Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-07 Thread Dennis Sue
On Saturday 07 December 2002 09:38 am, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
 On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 09:02:05 -0500

  There is one problem though, My sound card doesn't work, and I can't
  configure it. But Windows won't either so I think it might be crapola.

 LM9.0 doesn't configure ISA soundcards, you have to run sndconfig as root.


Yeah, I tried that, To no avail.

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Re: [newbie] KAddressBook

2002-12-07 Thread Poogle
On Saturday 07 Dec 2002 H:53 pm, Guilherme Cirne wrote:
 On Friday 06 December 2002 19:59, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Friday 06 Dec 2002 5:18 pm, Guilherme Cirne wrote:
   Does anybody know in what file are the e-mail addresses for
   KAddressBook stored?
  Don't forget you will need to 'show hidden files'

 That is not it, at least not for me. That directory
 (/home/gui/.kde/share/apps/kab) is completely empty here even though I have
 lots of entries under KAddressBook. Does anybody know where else the
 entries could be stored?
Have a look in /home/put yourname in here /.kde/share/apps/kabc note the c on 
the end if they are there they will show as std.vcf, you can open it with 
kaddressbook but if it's anything like mine it will have a load of blank 
lines before the first entry

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Re: [newbie] Linux meetups anyone?

2002-12-07 Thread ET
On Saturday 07 December 2002 03:15 am, Lanman wrote:
 Talk about being a mushroom Stephen! No wonder I've seen so many posts
 to the list by you! You must have one massive callouse on your typing
 finger by now! This Meetup thing might be a good opportunity for you to
 get some vitamin D (a.k.a. sunshine), maybe work on a tan, check out the
 beach, and/or get a life. It would be nice to see one of us get one!
I heard a rumour that Ron Hall had a life... might have been his BS tho

 As for me, I'll just stay here by the keyboard. You never know what I
 might miss. It's satisfaction enough knowing that one of us still has a

 Seriously though, I have gone to several of these things. You meet up in
 coffee shops or pubs or whatever, and get to talk to other Linux geeks.
 The wierd thing is that none of you have a keyboard in front of you.
 Once you get past that, it's a piece of cake, and usually a lot of fun.
 Personally, I go just to prove I'm not afraid of being outside. Honest!

 No, Really,.


 On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 01:23, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 16:56, Lanman wrote:
   Just a quick note for your attention folks, but have any of you
   attended a Linux Meetup yet? Meetups are social gatherings of people in
   your community who have something in common, in this case Linux.
  LINUX + GETTING SOCIAL --- H...strange it light outside?
  I can't go out in the light...
   If you're curious, check out for details.
   There is no fee or obligation, and they can be a lot of fun.Very easy
   to establish your own circle of Linux Guru's as we call them here in
   Montreal, and a very good way to start a LUG (Linux Users Group).
   Just thought I'd toss that into the mix.
  (Joking - kinda)

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Re: [newbie] KAddressBook

2002-12-07 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 07 Dec 2002 3:38 pm, Poogle wrote:
 On Saturday 07 Dec 2002 H:53 pm, Guilherme Cirne wrote:
  On Friday 06 December 2002 19:59, Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Friday 06 Dec 2002 5:18 pm, Guilherme Cirne wrote:
Does anybody know in what file are the e-mail addresses for
KAddressBook stored?
   Don't forget you will need to 'show hidden files'
  That is not it, at least not for me. That directory
  (/home/gui/.kde/share/apps/kab) is completely empty here even though I
  have lots of entries under KAddressBook. Does anybody know where else the
  entries could be stored?

 Have a look in /home/put yourname in here /.kde/share/apps/kabc note the c
 on the end if they are there they will show as std.vcf, you can open it
 with kaddressbook but if it's anything like mine it will have a load of
 blank lines before the first entry

I've found this one since I last posted.  It contains the same set of entries 
as I found in the other one, but in .vcf format.  The interesting thing is 
that it can be opened with GnomeCard, to give a good, easily written display, 
and unlike the version in 8.2 GnomeCard manages to save modifications without 
damaging the file.

Unfortunately, it still does not have those faulty addresses that I need to 
trace.  There has to be another one somewhere for those collected addresses.


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Re: [newbie] KAddressBook

2002-12-07 Thread Spencer
On December 7, 2002 07:04 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 07 Dec 2002 1:53 pm, Guilherme Cirne wrote:
  On Friday 06 December 2002 19:59, Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Friday 06 Dec 2002 5:18 pm, Guilherme Cirne wrote:
Does anybody know in what file are the e-mail addresses for
KAddressBook stored?
   Don't forget you will need to 'show hidden files'
  That is not it, at least not for me. That directory
  (/home/gui/.kde/share/apps/kab) is completely empty here even though I
  have lots of entries under KAddressBook. Does anybody know where else the
  entries could be stored?

 I think we may be talking at cross-purposes.  The path I gave you holds the
 addressbook that you get if you do K  Office  Addressbooks.  This is also
 what you see if you click on the addressbook icon - at least it is on mine
 - but I think there's another somewhere with collected addresses in it. 
 The reason I think this, is that I have a couple of mis-typed addresses
 that are always offered to me when composing a new email, and they do not
 seem to be in the addressbook that is offered me.

 I'm sorry I can't help further - I hope you solve it.  And I'll benefit,
 too ;-)

Have a look under /home/user/.kde/share/apps/kabc. There should be a file 
called _std.vcf_, This is where my addresses live.


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Re: [newbie] rpms descriptions

2002-12-07 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday December 7 2002 07:37 am, Pilagá wrote:

   In MCC, Software manager, I have added this source:
S ./

 but all rpms are listed without description. So, is there any way to
 fix this?

   Gracias is without descriptions is with descriptions

   The hdlist will be a very large file compared to the synthesis 
version. You might decide to do without descriptions ;)  It's academic 
anyhow, at that ftp site there is no hdlist, only synthesis.

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] stopping X?

2002-12-07 Thread Barry Michels
On Thursday 05 December 2002 11:28 pm, Jerry wrote:
 tested out to see if ctrl-alt-backspace would stop xwindows like it did the
 first time. instead of stopping xwindows totally, it restarted gdm and I'm
 stuck back at the same place I was before.  I know there's got to be a way
 to do this.  I don't have a problem writing a shell script with the
 commands to do it the way i want, but i don't know which commands to use. 
 I imagine it has to do with starting Gnome withOUT starting gdm, am I
 right?  Thanks so much for your help on this :)  You're very kind.


I'm a newbie too.  Here's how I found to stop xdm/kdm/gdm:
ps -A
kill -9 {whatever the process number is for gdm}

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Re: [newbie] Red Hat rescues me

2002-12-07 Thread Mark Weaver
Lanman wrote:

I Gotta agree with Mark on this one! It's AMD or nothing. Every single
sytem I have and every system I've sold has been armed with AMD, and
I've had absolutely no disappointments. Period. As a matter of actual
fact, my dual Athlon MP based servers have consistently out-performed
IBM X-Series servers! Don't take it from me. Take it from the chief
Kernel Guru at MandrakeSoft. He personally tested mine against an
Intel-based IBM X-Server. The 32 hour test was run at maximum kernel
load, and the IBM server crashed 6 - count'em, 6 times during the test,
while mine came back for more. It exceeded max load by 4 percent for 3
hours before coughing up a hairball,(Kinda proud of that one!), and that
was AFTER the test was complete.

Nya Nya Na Na Na ! Intel Pooh! Yuck! Ptewey!

Intel, you got there first, but AMD had a chance to learn from your

Flamers can now start screamin' all you want, but this isn't opinion,
this is fact.

Mark? You Da Man!


Question; How many Microsoft Engineers does it take to set up a stable
print server?

Answer: None! They don't know Linux!


Have you ever experienced the joys of a Novell print server? and I'm not 
being facecious here either. Mind you now, I'm taking into consideration 
the fact that user setup has a lot to do with the stability or lack 
there of for the Linux printserver, but the native support when 
comparing the Linux server to the Novell server, at least for the 
present is astonishingly different.

That being said, all things being equal, if I had to bet my paycheck on 
the print server I'd have to use the Novell server. Two reasons:
  1. I personally don't yet feel I have enough experience with serving
 printers on a Linux platform. I have/am working with both
  2. I've experienced day-to-day dependability of the Novell print
 server in it's native environment.

This does make me curious though. Do you know if there is a way to 
server printers from a Linux machine apart from doing it with Samba?


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Re: [newbie] Red Hat rescues me

2002-12-07 Thread RichardA
On Saturday 07 December 2002 16:09, Mark Weaver wrote:
 Have you ever experienced the joys of a Novell print server? and I'm not 
 being facecious here either. Mind you now, I'm taking into consideration 
 the fact that user setup has a lot to do with the stability or lack 
 there of for the Linux printserver, but the native support when 
 comparing the Linux server to the Novell server, at least for the 
 present is astonishingly different.

I work at a Novell shop - it is very reliable, a good product in many ways, 
even if it is closed. Two Novell facts:
1. There's a story about a lost Netware 2 or 3 server - they could see it on 
the lan, but didn't know where it was. They eventually discovered it bricked 
up in an old cupboard, still running...
2. There is a Novell engineer whose actual real name is Randy Bender.


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Re: [newbie] OT? LBA and CHS

2002-12-07 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

Although lilo can cope with the 8.2, 9.0 and win4lin stanzas, it can no longer 
operate the windows stanza.  In an effort to find out whether windows is 
banjoed or the mbr, I used a Partition Magic rescue disk to boot from.  This 
is the message I got:

Partition Magic has detected an error 116 on the partition starting at sector 
25912845 on disk 2.

Look in the help file of PM , top righthand corner of main window, in there
somewhere at the end as I recall is a error log message file section, where
you can look up the definition of this error log 116.

The starting LBA value is 25912845 and the CHS value is 16450559.
The LBA and CHS values must be equal
Partition Magic has verified that the LBA value is correct and can fix the CHS 
Would you like Partition Magic to fix this error?

In my experience this arrises out of using more than one partition tool, 
and is
mainly caused by the industry not having uniform standards.It's rather like
sending two sets of surveyors to measure the areas of a football pitch
one armed with a meter rule the other with a yard stick, they both will
be correct but they will not have the same numbers. On the whole you
can safely ignore this error message it will always go on saying it because
it doesn't like the way the other partition tool has done it's 
OS's will baulk at formatting these various scrambled up partition tables,
and that is why I do all my partitioning on any harddrive with just
one partition tool. It doesn't matter which formatting tool you use,
but partition Magic has a very good check for bad areas and will mark 
them for
you so that data is not loaded over any  bad areas.

Although I know what LBA is, I don't know what CHS is.  My hard drives are 
labelled by linux hde, hdf and hdg.  Dolphin is on hdf, which I take to be 
disk 2.  Should I allow PM to do this, or is it being confused by the ext3 

I would feel a whole lot safer if I could get my windows installation going 
again.  It is increasingly rare for me to need it, but it covers emergency 



Just to prove me wrong I guess you will now tell me you didn't use more
than one partition tool.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install / Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-07 Thread John Richard Smith
Dennis  Sue wrote:

On Saturday 07 December 2002 09:38 am, Frans Ketelaars wrote:

On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 09:02:05 -0500


There is one problem though, My sound card doesn't work, and I can't
configure it. But Windows won't either so I think it might be crapola.

LM9.0 doesn't configure ISA soundcards, you have to run sndconfig as root.



Yeah, I tried that, To no avail.


Well, Dennis  Sue,
Nice to see you got there,
but it would help in your excitement at knowing something about your
sound card / chip, and mobo setup.

By the way if you don't want your old hard drive.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install / Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-07 Thread Frans Ketelaars
On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 10:34:47 -0500
Dennis  Sue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 07 December 2002 09:38 am, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
  On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 09:02:05 -0500
   There is one problem though, My sound card doesn't work, and I can't
   configure it. But Windows won't either so I think it might be crapola.
  LM9.0 doesn't configure ISA soundcards, you have to run sndconfig as root.
 Yeah, I tried that, To no avail.

Well, I guess you can always buy a supported soundcard, but to get your
current sound hardware working I think you should supply a few more 
details like what card do you have, what happened when you tried to
configure the card from Mandrake Control Centre and with sndconfig :)



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Re: [newbie] OT? LBA and CHS

2002-12-07 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 07 Dec 2002 4:36 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 Although lilo can cope with the 8.2, 9.0 and win4lin stanzas, it can no
  longer operate the windows stanza.  In an effort to find out whether
  windows is banjoed or the mbr, I used a Partition Magic rescue disk to
  boot from.  This is the message I got:
 Partition Magic has detected an error 116 on the partition starting at
  sector 25912845 on disk 2.

 Look in the help file of PM , top righthand corner of main window, in there
 somewhere at the end as I recall is a error log message file section, where
 you can look up the definition of this error log 116.

I'll do that - but probably not until I get back next weekend.

 The starting LBA value is 25912845 and the CHS value is 16450559.
 The LBA and CHS values must be equal
 Partition Magic has verified that the LBA value is correct and can fix the
  CHS value
 Would you like Partition Magic to fix this error?

 In my experience this arrises out of using more than one partition tool,
 and is
 mainly caused by the industry not having uniform standards.It's rather like
 sending two sets of surveyors to measure the areas of a football pitch
 one armed with a meter rule the other with a yard stick, they both will
 be correct but they will not have the same numbers. On the whole you
 can safely ignore this error message it will always go on saying it because
 it doesn't like the way the other partition tool has done it's
 OS's will baulk at formatting these various scrambled up partition tables,
 and that is why I do all my partitioning on any harddrive with just
 one partition tool. It doesn't matter which formatting tool you use,
 but partition Magic has a very good check for bad areas and will mark
 them for
 you so that data is not loaded over any  bad areas.

Problem is I now appear to have a partition table that can't be read properly 
either by Windows, PM, or Linux

 Although I know what LBA is, I don't know what CHS is.  My hard drives are
 labelled by linux hde, hdf and hdg.  Dolphin is on hdf, which I take to be
 disk 2.  Should I allow PM to do this, or is it being confused by the ext3
 I would feel a whole lot safer if I could get my windows installation
  going again.  It is increasingly rare for me to need it, but it covers
  emergency use.

 Just to prove me wrong I guess you will now tell me you didn't use more
 than one partition tool.

Originally the drive was partitioned by PM, but of course Mandrake then 
reformatted some of the partitions.  So far as I'm aware no moving or 
re-sizing was done.

I'm getting a sinking feeling about all of this.  If I let PM do its work it 
may recover windows, but I'm afraid of it banjoing my linux installations.


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Re: [newbie] Red Hat rescues me

2002-12-07 Thread Mark Weaver
Franki wrote:

Normally I'd agree with that, I wouldn't buy a P4 CPU unless hell froze over
sometime soon...

However, my boss is about to supply me with a Dell Inspiron 8200 fully
kitted for me at no cost to myself..

Its got a 2 or 2.2gig CPU in it. (dunno which yet) and its a P4 :-( but I'll
love it anyway...

If AMD made comparable laptop CPU's... (the tests I have seen thus far on
AMD mobile CPU's have not been inspiring to say the least..)

but even if a 2.2 P4 CPU is only as fast as my AMD 1800XP.. then I will be
happy because I am currently writing this email on a Overclocked Celeron
300A (464mhz totally stable, uptime 3 weeks.) but not overly inspiring on
speed either. :-)

As long as Mandrake runs on it, I will be happy.




The thing is: Does one really notice a real difference above say 1.5Ghz 
if the machine is endowed with the proper amount of RAM for the OS and 
apps being run on the machine? ( proper amount of RAM = 256 minimum ). I 
know I haven't. Most of what I do on my machines and those at work are 
coding. I can imagine it would be a different story all together if one 
were doing a lot of heavy graphics work. Then I believe one would notice 
the difference.


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Re: [newbie] Kmail help needed

2002-12-07 Thread RichardA
On Saturday 07 December 2002 11:50, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Can anyone tell me how I can edit the collected addresses in KMail?  They 
 don't appear in the KAddressBook, which is what opens if you click the icon.  
 Inevitably I have collected a couple of incorrect entries, which need to be 

I was wondering too. Recent KMail email addresses must be in a text file 
somewhere in ~ so I tried this:
$ cat `ls -R` | grep searchterm
It didn't work :-(


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Re: [newbie] OT? LBA and CHS

2002-12-07 Thread David Robertson
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 16:50, Anne Wilson wrote:

  Partition Magic has detected an error 116 on the partition starting at
   sector 25912845 on disk 2.

  The starting LBA value is 25912845 and the CHS value is 16450559.
  The LBA and CHS values must be equal
  Partition Magic has verified that the LBA value is correct and can fix the
   CHS value
  Would you like Partition Magic to fix this error?

I've not seen all of this thread but, having used Partition Magic a lot
in the past, I've come across this error message several times:
basically it seems that PM doesn't like the partition table written by
some linux installers. The only one I've come across that doesn't lead
to this message is SuSE.I've always just allowed PM to go ahead and
fix the errors and have not suffered any dire consequences to my
linux installation.Conversely, not fixing the errors doesn't seem to
upset Windows. I get the impression that fdisk (linux version as well as
dos version) and parted don't like each other.

As a matter of interest, I've now given up on PM and use Paragon's Hard
Disk Manager: it doesn't seem to give rise to these errors and also has
the ability to read ext2 and 3 filesystems from within Windows, so you
can still access/read files from both systems. Its cheaper too!

Mind you, if the rest of my family would convert to Linux, I wouldn't
need to worry about this and could stop dual-booting!


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Re: [newbie] Kmail help needed

2002-12-07 Thread Sascha Noyes
Hash: SHA1

Have a look in:


search for the line:

'Recent Addresses='

I am however using cooker (kde 3.1 rc3), so your mileage may vary

P.S. Richard, don't set 'reply-to' in your email client, it messes up the 
mailing list threading.

Good luck,
Sascha Noyes

On Saturday 07 December 2002 05:20 pm, RichardA wrote:
 On Saturday 07 December 2002 11:50, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Can anyone tell me how I can edit the collected addresses in KMail?  They
  don't appear in the KAddressBook, which is what opens if you click the
  icon. Inevitably I have collected a couple of incorrect entries, which
  need to be removed.

 I was wondering too. Recent KMail email addresses must be in a text file
 somewhere in ~ so I tried this:
 $ cat `ls -R` | grep searchterm
 It didn't work :-(


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Re: [newbie] OT? LBA and CHS

2002-12-07 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Saturday 07 Dec 2002 4:36 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

Although lilo can cope with the 8.2, 9.0 and win4lin stanzas, it can no
longer operate the windows stanza.  In an effort to find out whether
windows is banjoed or the mbr, I used a Partition Magic rescue disk to
boot from.  This is the message I got:

Partition Magic has detected an error 116 on the partition starting at
sector 25912845 on disk 2.

Look in the help file of PM , top righthand corner of main window, in there
somewhere at the end as I recall is a error log message file section, where
you can look up the definition of this error log 116.

I'll do that - but probably not until I get back next weekend.


The starting LBA value is 25912845 and the CHS value is 16450559.
The LBA and CHS values must be equal
Partition Magic has verified that the LBA value is correct and can fix the
CHS value
Would you like Partition Magic to fix this error?

In my experience this arrises out of using more than one partition tool,
and is
mainly caused by the industry not having uniform standards.It's rather like
sending two sets of surveyors to measure the areas of a football pitch
one armed with a meter rule the other with a yard stick, they both will
be correct but they will not have the same numbers. On the whole you
can safely ignore this error message it will always go on saying it because
it doesn't like the way the other partition tool has done it's
OS's will baulk at formatting these various scrambled up partition tables,
and that is why I do all my partitioning on any harddrive with just
one partition tool. It doesn't matter which formatting tool you use,
but partition Magic has a very good check for bad areas and will mark
them for
you so that data is not loaded over any  bad areas.

Problem is I now appear to have a partition table that can't be read properly 
either by Windows, PM, or Linux

Although I know what LBA is, I don't know what CHS is.  My hard drives are
labelled by linux hde, hdf and hdg.  Dolphin is on hdf, which I take to be
disk 2.  Should I allow PM to do this, or is it being confused by the ext3

I would feel a whole lot safer if I could get my windows installation
going again.  It is increasingly rare for me to need it, but it covers
emergency use.


Just to prove me wrong I guess you will now tell me you didn't use more
than one partition tool.

Originally the drive was partitioned by PM, but of course Mandrake then 
reformatted some of the partitions.  So far as I'm aware no moving or 
re-sizing was done.

Then I don't think the partition table is effected, merely formatting 
doesn't hurt.

I'm getting a sinking feeling about all of this.  If I let PM do its work it 
may recover windows, but I'm afraid of it banjoing my linux installations.




So on the whole , I would leave it, and just tell PM each time it asks 
not to do anything.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Red Hat rescues me

2002-12-07 Thread Mark Weaver
Lanman wrote:

Can't argue with you Franki, if you intend to make sense! There goes a
whole string of smartass remarks I had for Flamers! Took the fun out of
my whole day.

I guess I'll just grin and bear it! LOL !


not to worry Lanman...I'm sure an opportunity will present itself here 
directly. Lord knows there's enough good bait lying around here. ;)


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[newbie] Thank you Anne, Anthony Frank (Auto login disabled)

2002-12-07 Thread Sasongko Pribadi Djoko
Dear Friends,

Finally I can set my Mandrake Linux to start with login screen whenever I 
turn on my PC.

Strange thing is I don't have MCC  boot in my system. I did change the boot 
setting by running drakboot directly.


The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

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Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-07 Thread David Robertson
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 05:00, Mark Weaver wrote:
 David Robertson wrote:
  On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 11:41, Mark Weaver wrote:

 How is it that you're configuring your network and dialup settings? I've 
 got two Mandrake 8.2 servers running. Setup network once and haven't had 
 to touch it since. One Mandrake 9.0 server running - same thing there. 
 My workstation at home is Mandrake 9.0 on my home LAN and again, set the 
   Network settings when I installed the system and haven't had to 
 reconfigure once. I dare say there's got to be something drastically 
 different in the you and I are doing it and not something wrong with the 

I have LM9.0 installed on an Asus laptop which I use between home and
the office so, to be honest, it's not completely straightforward.

Home connection is simple as I have ADSL through a small LAN protected
by a router, so no problem there. I have that set up as my default
profile in the control center. I set up a work profile with a fixed IP
to my office LAN and internet connection by dial-up through a pcmcia
modem.This profile just gets forgotten each time I start up and when
I'm at work I have to reconfigure all the settings each time. Even after
that, on trying to dial out, a connection seems to be made and then the
ppp daemon dies. This happens trying control centre, kppp or gnome-ppp
to connect. I have always had that particular problem with LM, even
going back to 7.something when I first tried it. So I now just use
wvdial and it works.

I'm quite sure it is me and not the software. I just find that network
settings are more difficult to configure and maintain in LM than in
other distros. I also would like to be able to dial out as user and not
as root each time.I have added myself to pppusers.


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Re: [newbie] Kmail help needed

2002-12-07 Thread RichardA
On Sunday 08 December 2002 12:50, Sascha Noyes wrote:
 Have a look in:
 search for the line:
 'Recent Addresses='


 P.S. Richard, don't set 'reply-to' in your email client, it messes up the 
 mailing list threading.



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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 shut down

2002-12-07 Thread Gary Montalbine
Shutdown ends up in the same place using KDE or terminal shutdown. The 
system will reboot. In fact I reboot into Windows and then shutdown from 

It was suggested in one reply that it might be my MB is not supported. 
In the shutdown the script reaches Power down. general protection 
fault: f000, cpu: 0, EIP: then a bunch of what appears to be memory 
addresses finally ending with Code: Bad EIP value, /etc/rc0.d/s01halt: 
line 1 2829 segmentation fault halt -i -d -p.

The last part of the /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt file is:
HALTARGS=-i -d -p
if [ -f /halt ]; then
eval $Command $HALTARGS

I have tried various combinations in the HALTARGS segment with no success.

Suggestions please.


Stephen Kuhn wrote:
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 14:08, Gary Montalbine wrote:

I was thinking RAM. However I ran a memtest on it twice with no errors 
and I reseated the RAM. CPU temperature appeared normal but may need to 
check it under a load.

I am dual booting with WIN 98. Netscape 7 has not been stable in 
Windows. May be a common problem.


Ray Henry wrote:

On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 19:53, Gary Montalbine wrote:

When shutting down M8.2 I get the following error msg: 
/etc/rc0.d/s01halt: Line 1: 9361 segmentation fault halt -i -d -p

How can I correct it?

I've seen similar errors twice (can't recall exactly), once was bad RAM,
the other was poor CPU cooling. Might want to start with those.

Have you tried doing a halt from the console instead of the GUI?
You might be able to figure out a bit more quickly if you change the
runlevel to 3 instead of 5 (graphical) - then ya should be able to view
exactly everything that's happening while the halt is happening...BTW,
have you seen similar while doing a restart, or is this just when you're
doing a halt ?

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Re: [newbie] Squirrelmail

2002-12-07 Thread Mark Weaver
Anders Lind wrote:

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 13:25:07 +
Mark Annandale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can use http or https to acces my apache server - I should have been more 
specific. I do not get anything when trying http://localhost/squirrelmail (or 
https://blah blah). All that is displayed is 404 error - Not Found - the 
reqiested URL/squirrelmail was not found on this server.


Try move squirrelmail to /var/www/html that should do the trick


actually, if you installed from an RPM or tarball the directory holding 
the files is already where it oughta be. to get to your SM installation 
from a browser you call it this-a way:

If you look inside /var/www/html you'll notice this item  @webmail. It's 
a symlink to the actual files for the app.


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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install / Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 02:34, Dennis  Sue wrote:
 On Saturday 07 December 2002 09:38 am, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
  On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 09:02:05 -0500
   There is one problem though, My sound card doesn't work, and I can't
   configure it. But Windows won't either so I think it might be crapola.
  LM9.0 doesn't configure ISA soundcards, you have to run sndconfig as root.
 Yeah, I tried that, To no avail.

What about removing the card, doing a shutdown then a reboot, then
re-installing the card?

Sun Dec  8 06:20:01 EST 2002
  6:20am  up  8:18,  3 users,  load average: 0.98, 0.43, 0.41

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

On the fifth day the Governor of the town called all the tribal chieftains
to an audience in the market square, to hear their grievances. He didn't
always do anything about them, but at least they got *heard*, and he nodded
a lot, and everyone felt better about it at least until they got home. This
is politics.
-- Carpet politics are very similar to Discworld politics
   (Terry Pratchett, The Carpet People)

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 shut down

2002-12-07 Thread Dennis Myers
On Saturday 07 December 2002 12:19 pm, Gary Montalbine wrote:
 Shutdown ends up in the same place using KDE or terminal shutdown. The
 system will reboot. In fact I reboot into Windows and then shutdown from

 It was suggested in one reply that it might be my MB is not supported.
 In the shutdown the script reaches Power down. general protection
 fault: f000, cpu: 0, EIP: then a bunch of what appears to be memory
 addresses finally ending with Code: Bad EIP value, /etc/rc0.d/s01halt:
 line 1 2829 segmentation fault halt -i -d -p.

 The last part of the /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt file is:
 HALTARGS=-i -d -p

In the above delete the space after -d and delete -p and save. This stops the 
script but you still have to manually shut down the computer. This is the 
best solution found that I know of over the last 2 years. HTH

 if [ -f /halt ]; then
 eval $Command $HALTARGS

 I have tried various combinations in the HALTARGS segment with no success.

 Suggestions please.


Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie]

2002-12-07 Thread Paul
In reply to Franki's mail, d.d. Sun, 8 Dec 2002 02:42:07 +0800:

All properly written perl modules contain their own documentation.. its
called pod and the perl inturpreter ignores it when its called.. so don't
worry about it..

Okay, thanks for the reassurance.

are you sure its the right version of the module?

It is the latest and greatest that I can find, directly from CPAN in the
section for Spamassassin 2.43...
Very interesting...  *grin*   I'm going to look further a bit, or downgrade
to the previous version. Thanks!!


A room without books is like a body without a soul.
-Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C) - Linux Mandrake 8.2 - Sylpheed 0.8.6

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Re: [newbie] Red Hat rescues me

2002-12-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 03:09, Mark Weaver wrote:

 Have you ever experienced the joys of a Novell print server? and I'm not 
 being facecious here either. Mind you now, I'm taking into consideration 
 the fact that user setup has a lot to do with the stability or lack 
 there of for the Linux printserver, but the native support when 
 comparing the Linux server to the Novell server, at least for the 
 present is astonishingly different.
 That being said, all things being equal, if I had to bet my paycheck on 
 the print server I'd have to use the Novell server. Two reasons:
1. I personally don't yet feel I have enough experience with serving
   printers on a Linux platform. I have/am working with both
2. I've experienced day-to-day dependability of the Novell print
   server in it's native environment.
 This does make me curious though. Do you know if there is a way to 
 server printers from a Linux machine apart from doing it with Samba?

As IP based printers. Just like on any other UNIX/*NIX. UNIX shares it's
printers with anyone on the network as default. Just a matter of setting
them up properly in the first place.

Sun Dec  8 06:25:00 EST 2002
  6:25am  up  8:23,  3 users,  load average: 0.41, 0.24, 0.31

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

An air of FRENCH FRIES permeates my nostrils!!

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Re: [newbie] Red Hat rescues me

2002-12-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 03:13, Mark Weaver wrote:

 The thing is: Does one really notice a real difference above say 1.5Ghz 
 if the machine is endowed with the proper amount of RAM for the OS and 
 apps being run on the machine? ( proper amount of RAM = 256 minimum ). I 
 know I haven't. Most of what I do on my machines and those at work are 
 coding. I can imagine it would be a different story all together if one 
 were doing a lot of heavy graphics work. Then I believe one would notice 
 the difference.

Or porn...

Sun Dec  8 06:25:00 EST 2002
  6:25am  up  8:23,  3 users,  load average: 0.41, 0.24, 0.31

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

An air of FRENCH FRIES permeates my nostrils!!

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RE: [newbie] Red Hat rescues me

2002-12-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 05:49, Franki wrote:
 I imagine compiling big apps, like a linux kernel would be alot faster on a
 3 gig then a 1.5...
 the question is, is the difference worth the extra bucks?
 I wouldn't mind getting my hands on an XP2800, but I can't see any reason to
 upgrade my XP1800 yet...
 but I can't wait for my inspiron... i've wanted to upgade my piece of crap
 compaq m700 for ages..
 (I am gonna try and turn the m700 into an in-car MP3/DVD player... should be
 pretty cool if it works..
 taking the screen off and mounting it so it folds down above the rear vision
 have to work something out for keyboard/mouse control...
 its an interesting project anyway.. :-)

Y'all oughta check out the article on Overclockers Australia - there's a
bloke there that's slowly building a car-pc...

...and fast is as fast does...I'm hoping to score on a multi-cpu AMD
based board shortly (PRAYING) - so I can slap two AMD's in it, 1gb of
RAM, strip all the stuff outta my current modified box...the reason?
Cuz I want to be able to play Blackgammon at light speed...(nah, not
really...more for going to lan parties and also serving up here at
home...and actually, I'd love to see Quake running on it...unless I can
finally figure out how to get HL to run under WHINE (not a
misspelling)...(also to serve remote Xwindows to the wife...but she
doesn't know that yet)

Sun Dec  8 06:50:01 EST 2002
  6:50am  up  8:48,  3 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.33, 0.32

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Gomme's Laws:
(1) A backscratcher will always find new itches.
(2) Time accelerates.
(3) The weather at home improves as soon as you go away.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 shut down

2002-12-07 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Saturday 07 December 2002 08:27 am, you wrote:

 In the above delete the space after -d and delete -p and save. This stops
 the script but you still have to manually shut down the computer. This is
 the best solution found that I know of over the last 2 years. HTH

I have to add my recent experience with 9.0 here. My 9 year olds computer 
uses a Gigabyte motherboard, about 2-3 years old that has never shutdown 
correctly with Mandrake from v7.0 up. I just installed v9.0 and had the same 
problem as usual - so I edited /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt and dropped the -p in 
the line near the end of the file. Here, this makes no difference whatsoever, 
I get the same error.

In the past this always resulted in a clean halt, with the message System 
halted, even though it did not power down.

Anyone have any other ideas? Thanks!

 Dark  Lord

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 shut down

2002-12-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 06:58, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Saturday 07 December 2002 08:27 am, you wrote:
  In the above delete the space after -d and delete -p and save. This stops
  the script but you still have to manually shut down the computer. This is
  the best solution found that I know of over the last 2 years. HTH
 I have to add my recent experience with 9.0 here. My 9 year olds computer 
 uses a Gigabyte motherboard, about 2-3 years old that has never shutdown 
 correctly with Mandrake from v7.0 up. I just installed v9.0 and had the same 
 problem as usual - so I edited /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt and dropped the -p in 
 the line near the end of the file. Here, this makes no difference whatsoever, 
 I get the same error.
 In the past this always resulted in a clean halt, with the message System 
 halted, even though it did not power down.
 Anyone have any other ideas? Thanks!
  Dark  Lord

Here's a great resolution to the issue: (mind you, it's Sunday morning
and I'm full of piss and vinegar)

1.) When the computer user wants to completely shut down the
worksation, server, it is advisable that the computer user protect
themselves from further carpal tunnel damage by merely removing the
black power cable from the back of the computer.
2.) Somewhat easier is for the computer user to physically kick the
plug-strip away from the wall - which greatly reduces the risk of
electric shock.
3.) Remove the fuse in the fuse box for that particular power point.
Kill switches are also good, but require at least some electronic
4.) Not paying your electric utilities bill will result in a clean
shutdown of you computer - as well as any other electronic devices
within you home or abode.

Sun Dec  8 07:10:01 EST 2002
  7:10am  up  9:08,  3 users,  load average: 0.35, 0.38, 0.36

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Mulder: If my Miss Manners served me right, that protrusion
from his left cornea is a salad fork.

The X-Files: Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose

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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install / Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-07 Thread Dennis Sue
On Saturday 07 December 2002 11:47 am, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
 On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 10:34:47 -0500

 Well, I guess you can always buy a supported soundcard, but to get your
 current sound hardware working I think you should supply a few more
 details like what card do you have, what happened when you tried to
 configure the card from Mandrake Control Centre and with sndconfig :)


 Well, In Root, It tried to configure it, But would not allow me to modify the 
value to accomodate the card. In user as superuser, It wouldn't even find it.

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[newbie] solution to that pesky NS/moz/phoenix profile

2002-12-07 Thread Todd Slater
If netscape/mozilla/phoenix is already running, clicking a link in my mail
client wanted to start a new instance of ns/moz/phoenix. If I told it to
open a url in a new tab, it would, but only if ns/moz/phoenix was running.
I guess you get the idea.

This little script will just test to see if the browser is running, and if
it isn't it starts it and loads the url; if the browser is already
running, it opens the url in a new tab.

In the mail client I just specify what to do with urls:
/path/to/script '%s'

The example here is just for phoenix, because that's what I use now.
Change it to reflect the path to your mozilla or netscape.




/home/todd/phoenix/phoenix -remote ping()

if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
/home/todd/phoenix/phoenix -remote openURL($url,new-tab)
/home/todd/phoenix/phoenix $url

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Re: [newbie] rpms descriptions

2002-12-07 Thread Pilagá
El Sáb 07 Dic 2002 13:04, Tom Brinkman escribió:
 On Saturday December 7 2002 07:37 am, Pilagá wrote:
  In MCC, Software manager, I have added this source:
 S ./
  but all rpms are listed without description. So, is there any way to
  fix this?
  Gracias is without descriptions is with descriptions

The hdlist will be a very large file compared to the synthesis
 version. You might decide to do without descriptions ;)  It's academic
 anyhow, at that ftp site there is no hdlist, only synthesis.

Muchas gracias, Tom.

GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
6:31pm up 15 min, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.04

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Re: [newbie] Gimp

2002-12-07 Thread John Richard Smith
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 22:59, John Richard Smith wrote:

Can someone point me how to correct red-eye from my pics in gimp.



John Richard Smith


Have you tried to isolate the color and then select color range and
then replace color ?



Well I don't know if it's the correct way but I did it like this,

Put up gimp main window,
put up Brush selections

Put up picture to be worked upon,
Zoom in until the eyesight area is large and easy to work upon

Double click forground colour selection from main window

choose a colour

click on Paint fuzzy brush strokes from main window

click on dot size from brush stroke selection window

proceed to click on area around eye , taking care to grade
colour selection and then add pupil to eye colour,when
finished , save and exit.

definately an improvement when finished.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] laptop hardware question (sorry)

2002-12-07 Thread Andrei Raevsky

This is somewhat an illegitimate question, as it deals with hardware and not 
with linux per se.  However, since there are quite a few helpful folks 
around here, and since my laptop runs Mandrake 9, I dare this breach of 

I was given an old Quantex N30W-15 (on which Mandrake 9 runs without any 
problems, by the way - except for the Winmodem which one can easily fix with 
the RPMs available on the site).  It runs on a BAT30WL Lithium 
Ion Battery (rated 11.1V-4800mAh).

I used my laptop at home 99% of the time so I do not need to run it on 

How should I best use this battery?  Should I keep it plugged in and 
constanting charging, should I always use it on battery and thereby empty 
the battery daily, or is there anything else I should do to maximize my 
battery's life?

Thanks in advance for your advice and sorry for the off-topic question,


The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

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Re: [newbie] laptop hardware question (sorry)

2002-12-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 11:02, Andrei Raevsky wrote:
 This is somewhat an illegitimate question, as it deals with hardware and not 
 with linux per se.  However, since there are quite a few helpful folks 
 around here, and since my laptop runs Mandrake 9, I dare this breach of 
 I was given an old Quantex N30W-15 (on which Mandrake 9 runs without any 
 problems, by the way - except for the Winmodem which one can easily fix with 
 the RPMs available on the site).  It runs on a BAT30WL Lithium 
 Ion Battery (rated 11.1V-4800mAh).
 I used my laptop at home 99% of the time so I do not need to run it on 
 How should I best use this battery?  Should I keep it plugged in and 
 constanting charging, should I always use it on battery and thereby empty 
 the battery daily, or is there anything else I should do to maximize my 
 battery's life?
 Thanks in advance for your advice and sorry for the off-topic question,

Just about once a month, discharge the batter completely and let it
recharge - that should keep it alive for longer...(at least that's what
we used to do at MCI)

Sun Dec  8 11:10:00 EST 2002
 11:10am  up 13:08,  4 users,  load average: 1.04, 0.82, 0.74

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Remind me not to fix mtrr.c after half a litre of wine in future.

- Alan Cox

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing - SUPER EASY

2002-12-07 Thread _nasturtium
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 08:47 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Though in principle it is not as unlikely as all that.  Our family lan (3
 generations) entails 5 macines, accessing through a router/adsl.  The
 router has its own firewall, and we made a choice to stick with static IP
 addresses. I would not want that changing without a very good reason, nor
 do I see why I would want a firewall on my personal machine.  I think there
 should be an information screen that says something like 'If you have any
 of the following situations... then you should say 'yes' to installing the

I've missed most of this thread so excuse me if I repeat anything etc.
I have 2 computers at home, and I use GuardDog as a firewall for when I go 
olnine. To share the internet, I do a X -query tux350 (name of comp) to 
connect to the internet-comp's X server. That way, not only do I share the 
internet hassle-free, but I can use the same KMail settings, Konqueror 
favorites/bookmarks and settings et al.
It's easy to set up, and I've found my PII/350 can support 2 KDE seesions 
quite well (just hold the loopback filesystems though).

Hope this helps!


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Re: [newbie] editing .avi files

2002-12-07 Thread _nasturtium
On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 02:29 pm, joe wrote:
 I am looking for something like virtualdub(nandub) that I can use to
 split an avi. Does anyone have a recommendation because my searches have
 been fruitless so far.

Cinelerra (successor to BCast2000) from comes in a 
nice, all features included 10MB package. No installation problems, it might 
just be your (free) cup of tea. I got it on dial-up and it was well worth the 
In my experience, it's not a user-friendly as something like Premiere, and it 
doesn't have many export formats. I found it hard to play MPEG-4 movies using 
anything other than it's own player (windows/mac doesn't like it).
The only problem is if you have dialup, it may be overkill to split a file.
However, it does have a whole dearth of features that you might need later.


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[newbie] Install fails

2002-12-07 Thread Dan Cox

I'm receiving the following error while trying to install Mandrake 9.0.

error in exec of stage2 :-(
trying to execute '/usr/bin/runinstall2' from
the installation volume,
the following fatal error occurred
FATAL ERROR IN STAGE1: Not a directory

I can't recover from this.
You may reboot your system

This happens almost immediately after I hot enter at the Press enter to
install Mandrake screen.I've tried using different disks thinking maybe
the disk was scratched and also tried a text install with the same
results.Any help is appreciated.

Dan Cox

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Re: [newbie] Install fails

2002-12-07 Thread Martin L. Johansen
On Sunday 08 December 2002 01:38, Dan Cox wrote:

 This happens almost immediately after I hot enter at the Press enter
 to install Mandrake screen.I've tried using different disks thinking
 maybe the disk was scratched and also tried a text install with the
 same results.Any help is appreciated.

Have you checked that the checksum match?

Have you tried another drive?

Martin L. Johansen
Carpe Aptenodytes! (Seize the Penguins!)
Spam will be forwared to /dev/null ...

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Re: [newbie] Install fails

2002-12-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 11:38, Dan Cox wrote:
 I'm receiving the following error while trying to install Mandrake 9.0.
 error in exec of stage2 :-(
 trying to execute '/usr/bin/runinstall2' from
 the installation volume,
 the following fatal error occurred
 FATAL ERROR IN STAGE1: Not a directory
 I can't recover from this.
 You may reboot your system
 This happens almost immediately after I hot enter at the Press enter to
 install Mandrake screen.I've tried using different disks thinking maybe
 the disk was scratched and also tried a text install with the same
 results.Any help is appreciated.
 Dan Cox

Dirty CD or dirty CDROM - try cleaning both (clean the CDROM really well
- especially the laser) and then do it all again...

Sun Dec  8 11:40:01 EST 2002
 11:40am  up 13:38,  4 users,  load average: 2.06, 1.29, 0.85

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people
who'd caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year Scully, didn't I?

The X-Files: The List

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Re: [newbie] Install fails

2002-12-07 Thread Dan Cox
I just tried a network install and recieved the same error message.

Dan Cox
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 17:38, Dan Cox wrote:
 I'm receiving the following error while trying to install Mandrake 9.0.
 error in exec of stage2 :-(
 trying to execute '/usr/bin/runinstall2' from
 the installation volume,
 the following fatal error occurred
 FATAL ERROR IN STAGE1: Not a directory
 I can't recover from this.
 You may reboot your system
 This happens almost immediately after I hot enter at the Press enter to
 install Mandrake screen.I've tried using different disks thinking maybe
 the disk was scratched and also tried a text install with the same
 results.Any help is appreciated.
 Dan Cox

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[newbie] adding window manager

2002-12-07 Thread John Michael Drouhard
I use KDM for my window manager login. I have recently installed FVWM and am 
wondering how to add this executable to the list - /usr/bin/fvwm2.

Do I have to edit the Xsession file, and if so, how?

John Drouhard

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[newbie] Getting VNC to use KDE

2002-12-07 Thread magnet
Hi all,

I have installed VNC server on machine #2 and have started it up as root.
On machine #1 I ran 'vncviewer', entered my password set up for 
vnc and it started up into a very boring grey background with a white shell 
opened on it. Now... many times I have read you can have KDE running as WM 
but I cannot work out what needs to be added to where in the 
/root/.vnc/xstart file. I tried commenting out 'twm ' and adding 'startkde 
' but it made no difference.

Does anyone have vnc working that shows and uses a KDE environment and if so, 
can they share the black art of getting mine working?


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Re: [newbie] Install fails

2002-12-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 12:14, Dan Cox wrote:
 I just tried a network install and recieved the same error message.

Ehmmm...have you formatted / partitioned the drive that's your
target? Or is there an existing installation of SOMETHING there?

Sun Dec  8 12:20:01 EST 2002
 12:20pm  up 14:18,  4 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.25, 0.44

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

La technique du geste en mouvement : 
En mouvement, c'est complétement pareil, t'allonges le bras, tu respectes la diagonale.
Et la demarche a suivre est simple: c'est un pied devant l'autre et tu recommences! 
Si tu fais confiance à la gravité ca devrait passer!

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Re: [newbie] Getting VNC to use KDE

2002-12-07 Thread Frank Mertens
On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 02:45, Frank Mertens wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 02:25, magnet wrote:
  Hi all,
  I have installed VNC server on machine #2 and have started it up as root.
  On machine #1 I ran 'vncviewer', entered my password set up for 
  vnc and it started up into a very boring grey background with a white shell 
  opened on it. Now... many times I have read you can have KDE running as WM 
  but I cannot work out what needs to be added to where in the 
  /root/.vnc/xstart file. I tried commenting out 'twm ' and adding 'startkde 
  ' but it made no difference.
  Does anyone have vnc working that shows and uses a KDE environment and if so, 
  can they share the black art of getting mine working?
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 twm replaced by startkde?
 I think twm is a window manager like kdm and startkde the 
 script for starting the desktop environment KDE.
 So on my machine KDE works also via VNC.
 You tried to start KDE via startkde from your white shell?
 MfG Frank

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RE: [newbie] Install fails

2002-12-07 Thread walt
It could be that mandrake 9.0 is not compatible with your machine. I had
to put mandrake 8.2 on my computer, which works beautifully, make a boot
disk using an older kernel image, boot to that disk and then was able to
do an update to 8.2. If I tried a clean install, it wouldn't work.
Everything is working fine right now and I am hoping that when a newer
kernel comes out I will be able to use it and that my computer will work
with it. It is the chipset that is causing problems for me.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dan Cox
Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 7:38 PM
Subject: [newbie] Install fails

I'm receiving the following error while trying to install Mandrake 9.0.

error in exec of stage2 :-(
trying to execute '/usr/bin/runinstall2' from
the installation volume,
the following fatal error occurred
FATAL ERROR IN STAGE1: Not a directory

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[newbie] Internet connection sharing with Windows?

2002-12-07 Thread Ronald J. Hall
Got a 3 comp LAN. My main computer is running Linux - 56k connection and both 
the other comps do sharing under Mandrake v8.2 just fine. Yeah, its slow, but 
I let my sons browse to find school articles sometimes (with me right over 
their shoulders!).

Anyways, my 12 year old picked up this Windows game, Earth  Beyond. Not a 
bad looking game but its Windows only, won't run under WineX and is *online* 
only. So he asked me to set it up so he could play it under Windows on his 
machine - with my main Linux comp as gateway.

So...I normally have static ip addressess assigned to our machines - like 

darkforce (my main comp)
darkforce2 (12 yr olds)
darkforce3 (9 yr olds)

I didn't have to do hardly anything for the Linux side of things to work like 

Windows won't find the 'Net like this though. I finally did the right-click 
Network Neighborhood/properties routine, added my IP address as gateway, and 
I had to pick automatically assign number. This worked. However, when I do 
this, I can't use Samba from my machine to access his anymore (or even ping 
each other). Change his settings back to a static IP - Samba works again, and 
we can ping each other - and he can't accesss the 'Net again.

I can just change this everytime I want to use one or the other, but its a 
bit of a hassle (and besides that - Windows always asks for a freaking reboot 

I'm sure there is a way to share connections with Windows 98SE and still use 
an assigned IP address with Samba?

Does anyone else have a setup like this and can help? 

Thanks much!

 Dark  Lord

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Re: [newbie] Red Hat rescues me [adr]

2002-12-07 Thread A. A.
Toshiba Tecra 9000... have you tried Mandrake 9 on a laptop of that model?

From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Red Hat rescues me [adr]
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2002 00:16:14 -0500

A. A. wrote:

Me too...

Regrettably I could not get Mandrake 9.0 to work successfully on my 
laptop, and the problem is in the IDE detection code. I have already 
posted some information about the symptoms I saw, perhaps they will be 
useful to the folks at Mandrake. It seems that the kernel they built does 
not properly support the ICH3M chipset: I would love to see the exact 
errors the rest of you are getting.

What kind of laptop cause it runs wonderfully on the Toshiba Portege I'm 
using at work. Most painless install I've ever experienced. including a few 
of the many windows installs I've done over the years. Win2K Professional 
being the easiest for that platform.


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Re: [newbie] Internet connection sharing with Windows?

2002-12-07 Thread magnet

Right, just been here with this problem. Set a specific IP addy as you had for 
the PC and use netmask
Disable the WINS Configuration.
Add gateway to point to your linux box.
Here is the part I had to change for some reason. Enable DNS Configuration. My 
linux hostname is For host add the first part of your 
machines hostname [linux1] then add the last part as the domain [].
Add your gateway into the DNS Server Search Order.
Add your last part of your domain [] into the DNS Suffix Search 

This got my winME laptop to connect using the linux gateway and it has no 
effect on samba here, and retains your choice of static IP addresses you use.

Hope this can help you.


On Sunday 08 Dec 2002 5:23 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Got a 3 comp LAN. My main computer is running Linux - 56k connection and
 both the other comps do sharing under Mandrake v8.2 just fine. Yeah, its
 slow, but I let my sons browse to find school articles sometimes (with me
 right over their shoulders!).

 Anyways, my 12 year old picked up this Windows game, Earth  Beyond. Not a
 bad looking game but its Windows only, won't run under WineX and is
 *online* only. So he asked me to set it up so he could play it under
 Windows on his machine - with my main Linux comp as gateway.

 So...I normally have static ip addressess assigned to our machines - like

 darkforce (my main comp)
 darkforce2 (12 yr olds)
 darkforce3 (9 yr olds)

 I didn't have to do hardly anything for the Linux side of things to work
 like this.

 Windows won't find the 'Net like this though. I finally did the right-click
 Network Neighborhood/properties routine, added my IP address as gateway,
 and I had to pick automatically assign number. This worked. However, when I
 do this, I can't use Samba from my machine to access his anymore (or even
 ping each other). Change his settings back to a static IP - Samba works
 again, and we can ping each other - and he can't accesss the 'Net again.

 I can just change this everytime I want to use one or the other, but its a
 bit of a hassle (and besides that - Windows always asks for a freaking
 reboot everytime!)

 I'm sure there is a way to share connections with Windows 98SE and still
 use an assigned IP address with Samba?

 Does anyone else have a setup like this and can help?

 Thanks much!

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