Re: [newbie-it] Problemi col Cd: senza allegati :)

2003-01-31 Thread luigi pinna
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 30 January 2003 18:21, you wrote:

 Purtroppo per non so che motivo non riesco apostarvi i due files che
 mi avevate chiesto per vedere che cosa fosse successo nel mio sistema
 (ricordate i miei vecchi post?)
 Ho copiato da consolle i due files, ma non ci sono nel floppy
 Domani spero di postarveli

 Nel frattempo ho invertito master e slave: in questo modo qualcosa è
 migliorato. Ora, infatti, posso fare il bbot con il masterizzatore
 Il Lettore Cd, invece, contnua a non essere visto
 E non ci sono lucchetti sulla sua icona. Non vedo il contenuto (dati)
 né da Kde, né da Gnome, né da MIdnight Commander (tramite consolle)
 Ho provato anche due altre distribuzioni, giusto per fare qualcosa
 dato che ieri ero a casa
 Né ELX né Red Hat 7.3 mi risolvono la cosa
 RH, tramite Hardware Browser, mi dà questa situazione:
 *Lettore Asus CD-S500/A viene visto come /dev/hdc (cdrom come icona
 sul desktop)
 *Masterizzatore Traxdata 2x2x6 viene visto come Ide-Cd Rewritable
 2x2x6 /dev/scd0 (cdrom1 sul desktop)

 Spero per domani di riuscire a postare i due files...

 Come al solito vi ringrazio per l'aiuto

Mi viene un dubbio, sei sicuro che nel retro del 2 cd i jumper siano 
configurato bene? potrebbe essere che son settati entrambi come master? 
A me era capitata una cosa del genere quando volevo fare il boot dal 
masterizzatore che era slave e dimenticandomi di settare i jumper il 
computer non vedeva piu` i lettori!

- -- 
Le ballerine sono coraggiosissime! Quante donne conoscete in grado di 
gettarsi tra le braccia di un omossessuale sperando che lui le afferri?

Rita Rüdner

chiave pubblica disponibile sul keyserver
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] OT informazioni hardware x Linux

2003-01-31 Thread Andrea Celli
On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 20:22:15 +
tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Altri oggetti possono essere più delicati:
  - modem analogici: prendine uno esterno. I softmodem PCI, bene che ti va,
  fai una faticaccia per un oggetto che vale un terzo di un modem vero. I
  rockwell, puoi solo buttarli. 
 00:0a.0 Communication controller: Conexant HSF 56k HSFi Modem (rev 01)
 Subsystem: Conexant: Unknown device 2004
 Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 9
 Memory at e100 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]
 I/O ports at d000 [size=8]
 Capabilities: [40] Power Management version 2
 il mio conexant_winmodem va che un piacere,con pochissima fatica!
 vi diro di piu,sfrutta molto meglio quel poco di banda sotto linux che non
 con win$ :)

Diciamo che il problema di configurare un soft-modem è una delle domande
più assillanti su ng e Ml di linux. Per configurare un modem
vero, invece, basta pigiare il tasto interroga modem di kppp.
Non dubito che ti funzioni meglio sotto Linux, che sotto windows.
Il problema era un altro: a parità di sistema operativo, funziona
meglio un modem o una scheda audio camuffata da modem che fa fare tutto
il lavoro alla CPU?
Io direi il modem. L'altro oggetto soffrirà di rallentamenti tutte le
volte che la CPU è impegnata a fare altre cose. Questo forse spiega
perché con Linux il tuo funzioni meglio: Linux ha un multitasking
moolto più efficiente di quello dei vari winzoz.

Anche i soft-modem hanno i loro vantaggi:
- costo molto basso
- un oggetto in meno che ti gira sul tavolo !!!
- facilità di aggiornamento
- ingombro ridotto sui portatili (si possono fare schede combo, che
fungono sia da modem che da audio).

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Crashhh Browser

2003-01-31 Thread ghibli
 ebbene, il mozillone presente in mdk9 ha qualche problema, fatto già
 accertato abbondantemente

azz..sembra lunghetto,ma almeno è una soluzione.Io ho bisogno di un browser 
che mi faccia vedere le finestre in java (chat etc ect)quindi pensavo o a 
scaricare il plug anche per Konqueror o a installare Opera.
Qualcuno ha testato?

[newbie-it] Notebook for linux

2003-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ohilà bella gioventù,

 prima che vi tormenti con mail tipo ( modem help, etc.) mi potreste dire se
c'è un portatile su cui posso installare mdk9 senza alcun problema? Voi ne avete
qualcuno? Io vorrei avere qualche vostro consiglio, penso di prendere un'asus
con athlon xp.

Grazie bella gente e

 baciamo le mani a tutti pari! Assabanadica!

Re: [newbie-it] Crashhh Browser

2003-01-31 Thread Andrea Nasato
ebbene, il mozillone presente in mdk9 ha qualche problema, fatto 
accertato abbondantemente

azz..sembra lunghetto,ma almeno è una soluzione.Io ho bisogno di un 
che mi faccia vedere le finestre in java (chat etc ect)quindi pensavo 
o a
scaricare il plug anche per Konqueror o a installare Opera.
Qualcuno ha testato?

	io ho mdk9 e ho installato anche il jdk1.4.1. Facendo alcuni 
link simbolici al jre
( riesco a usare java sia con mozilla che con 
galeon. Sembrano entrambi abbastanza stabili.

	Ho installato Opera, ma lo uso davvero poco...

	Konqueror lo uso solo come file browser quindi non ho testato 
le abilitazioni java.


Re: [newbie-it] Staroffice6 OO

2003-01-31 Thread francesco.melo
Emma e Gigi wrote:

Accade pure a me, però solamente quando apro files creati con Word. con
quelli creati con OpenOffice va tutto bene!! Ergo: non sopporta Bill Gates

- Original Message -
From: CyberPenguin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Staroffice6  OO

Fabio wrote:
 Alle 15:19, giovedì 30 gennaio 2003, toto ha scritto:

Ho un problema grosso con Staroffice e OpenOffice, installati nella
Mandrake 9,
spesso inserendo testo o immaggini e in altre circostanze l'applicazione
scompare e il più delle volte uccide il serveX.

 Vero, posso confermare che utilizzando il pacchetto OpenOffice (accade
sia con
 writer che con calc), alcune volte succede:

Anche a me succede un problema simile con OO 1.0.1 sotto RH :-(
Writer e Calc sembrano funzionare al meglio finche' non uso lo scroll del
mouse che, inevitabilmente, mi fa crashare la gui.
E ritorno in fase di login :-(
Mah ...

Bye ;-)
//\Membro del FoLug -
V_/_Red Hat 8.0 GNU/Linux Powered
There is no system other than GNU. And Linux is one of its kernels.


io ho questo noiosissimo problema con OO installato da rpm mandrake , 
credo sia un problema con i font cmq.

ho risolto scaricandomi ed installando openoffice .
è molto semplice e, quello sì davvero stabile


Re: [newbie-it] Crashhh Browser

2003-01-31 Thread freefred
On Friday 31 January 2003 11:06 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about Re: 
[newbie-it] Crashhh  Browser:
  ebbene, il mozillone presente in mdk9 ha qualche problema, fatto già
  accertato abbondantemente

 azz..sembra lunghetto,ma almeno è una soluzione.Io ho bisogno di un browser
 che mi faccia vedere le finestre in java (chat etc ect)quindi pensavo o a
 scaricare il plug anche per Konqueror o a installare Opera.
 Qualcuno ha testato?

Ho provato Opera, ma il java e' tutt'altro che stabile e efficiente.
Alla fine il meglio resta appunto Mozilla, magari una versione
piu' aggiornata  e un recente jdk.
(ma guardo pochissimo java, lo ammetto)


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ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Notebook for linux

2003-01-31 Thread francesco.melo
carmine de pasquale wrote:

Alle 11:32, venerdì 31 gennaio 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

Ohilà bella gioventù,

prima che vi tormenti con mail tipo ( modem help, etc.) mi potreste
dire se

c'è un portatile su cui posso installare mdk9 senza alcun

problema? Voi ne avete qualcuno? Io vorrei avere qualche vostro consiglio,
penso di prendere un'asus con athlon xp.

Grazie bella gente e

 baciamo le mani a tutti pari! Assabanadica!

prima di comprare un asus, senti le st***te che dice il loro servizio clienti 
su ext3 e hard disk. ti passerà la voglia di dare soldi all'asus
oramai si è toccato il fondo del boicottaggio da parte dei produttori hardware 
al software libero


io ho un asus 8400
mi riconosce tutto tranne il modem interno .per il resto va bene senza 
alcun problema


Re: [newbie-it] Crashhh Browser

2003-01-31 Thread francesco.melo

ebbene, il mozillone presente in mdk9 ha qualche problema, fatto già
accertato abbondantemente

azz..sembra lunghetto,ma almeno è una soluzione.Io ho bisogno di un browser 
che mi faccia vedere le finestre in java (chat etc ect)quindi pensavo o a 
scaricare il plug anche per Konqueror o a installare Opera.
Qualcuno ha testato?


ti conviene scaricarti mozilla dal sito ed installarlo ( come root )
poi ti scarichi da sun  java
poi il plugin flash
ed hai tutto quello che ti serve ...
anzi se usi il tema classic  e geramik  il tema diventa uguale a keramik 
che è il default di kde 3.1


[newbie-it] StarOffice e OO su Mandrake9

2003-01-31 Thread toto
Tornando al Problema(P maiuscola) ho  fatto la disinstallazione sia di 
OOffice che di StarOffice. Reinstallando solo StarOffice Standalone , 
inoltre non  ho configurato dal centro di controllo di Mandrake il 
Refresh delle stampanti (opzione che prima avevo sempre fatto per 
ottenere da Staro/Openffice il riconoscimento automatico delle stampanti 
poi lo installata da /usr/lib/staroffice/setup non dal menù.
Risultato di tutto : per adesso (Dopo delle prove di fuoco) funziona a 
meraviglia, spero continui
così!!! In ogni caso Vi saprò dire.
Inoltre Voglio ringraziare tutti quelli che hanno affrontato il tema o 
anche chi ha solo letto:

Re: [newbie-it] Crashhh Browser

2003-01-31 Thread Marco Balzarini
Il ven, 2003-01-31 alle 13:26, Andrea Nasato ha scritto:

  azz..sembra lunghetto,ma almeno è una soluzione.Io ho bisogno di un 
  che mi faccia vedere le finestre in java (chat etc ect)quindi pensavo 
  o a
  scaricare il plug anche per Konqueror o a installare Opera.
  Qualcuno ha testato?

Testato con Konqueror: funziona benone. Basta abilitare (ovviamente) il
Java e dargli come path (se si è installato la JDK 1.4.1 nelle directory
di default) /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/.

Testato anche con Opera (anche qui è configurabile rapidamente dai menù
di opzioni) e Netscape 7 e Mozilla (qui è più una rottura: trovi le
istruzioni per farlo a questo link:



- Marco Balza Balzarini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Red Hat 8.0 on Desktop:
- Athlon XP 2.0ghz + MSI KT333 + 512 Mb RAM 333mhz
- Point Of View GeForce4 4200 128 Mb + SB Live 5.1 

- Mandrake 9.0 on Notebook:
- Pentium3 700mhz + 192Mb ram + Ati Rage Mobility 8Mb

Re: [newbie-it] Crashhh Browser

2003-01-31 Thread giamgax
Il 31 Jan 2003 16:12:20 +0100
Marco Balzarini [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 Il ven, 2003-01-31 alle 13:26, Andrea Nasato ha scritto:
   azz..sembra lunghetto,ma almeno è una soluzione.Io ho bisogno di un 
   che mi faccia vedere le finestre in java (chat etc ect)quindi pensavo 
   o a
   scaricare il plug anche per Konqueror o a installare Opera.
   Qualcuno ha testato?
 Testato con Konqueror: funziona benone. Basta abilitare (ovviamente) il
 Java e dargli come path (se si è installato la JDK 1.4.1 nelle directory
 di default) /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/.
 Testato anche con Opera (anche qui è configurabile rapidamente dai menù
 di opzioni) e Netscape 7 e Mozilla (qui è più una rottura: trovi le
 istruzioni per farlo a questo link:
Se non ti serve il mailer puoi scaricare molto più velocemente il phoenix 
(praticamente solo il browser Mozilla). Il 0.5 è 'na favola, veloce, stabile e si 
configura come mozzi e... non ha i banner di opera.
Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

[newbie-it] .NET su Linux?

2003-01-31 Thread Enrico Teotti
qualcuno sa qualcosa di preciso riguardo al progetto di portare .NET opersource su 
ciao ciao,

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

Re: [newbie-it] Crashhh Browser

2003-01-31 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 10:06, venerdì 31 gennaio 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
  ebbene, il mozillone presente in mdk9 ha qualche problema, fatto già
  accertato abbondantemente

 azz..sembra lunghetto,ma almeno è una soluzione.Io ho bisogno di un browser
 che mi faccia vedere le finestre in java (chat etc ect)quindi pensavo o a
 scaricare il plug anche per Konqueror o a installare Opera.
 Qualcuno ha testato?
Java viene supportato piuttosto bene dall'ultimo konqueror.
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re:[newbie-it] .NET su Linux?

2003-01-31 Thread randall.flagg

qualcuno sa qualcosa di preciso riguardo al progetto di portare .NET opersource su 

ciao ciao,


Ciao, allora il progetto si chiama MONO, è della Ximian, ma rilasciato con licenza 
GPL, se non ricordo 

Inoltre La Ximian ha recentemente annunciato il rilascio di un nuovo aggiornamento di 
Mono (23 gennaio 

Si tratta di un progetto nato con l?obiettivo di rilasciare una versione open source 
del framework .NET 
targato Microsoft. Ha già buone funzionalità, nonostante sia la versione 0.19.

Il sito ufficiale del prodotto è

Sperando di esserti stato d'aiuto ti saluto!


Silvio Colloca

Webmaster ed unico colpevole di

Two significant products trace their orgins to Berkley,

Unix and LSD. We do not believe this to be a coincidence.



Silvio Colloca

Webmaster ed unico colpevole 


Two significant products trace 

their orgins to Berkley,

Unix and LSD. We do not 

believe this to be a 



Re: [newbie-it] Notebook for linux

2003-01-31 Thread carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
From: francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Notebook for linux

 carmine de pasquale wrote:

 Alle 11:32, venerdì 31 gennaio 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Ohilà bella gioventù,
  prima che vi tormenti con mail tipo ( modem help, etc.) mi
 dire se
  c'è un portatile su cui posso installare mdk9 senza alcun
 problema? Voi ne avete qualcuno? Io vorrei avere qualche vostro
 penso di prendere un'asus con athlon xp.
 Grazie bella gente e
  baciamo le mani a tutti pari! Assabanadica!
 prima di comprare un asus, senti le st***te che dice il loro servizio
 su ext3 e hard disk. ti passerà la voglia di dare soldi all'asus
 oramai si è toccato il fondo del boicottaggio da parte dei produttori
 al software libero
 io ho un asus 8400
 mi riconosce tutto tranne il modem interno .per il resto va bene senza
 alcun problema


questo lo so, ma leggi l'articolo e ti morirai dalle risate.
ci manca solo che non riconoscano la garanzia se non usi windogs

Re: [newbie-it] shorewall?

2003-01-31 Thread Giorgio Griffon
Alle 22:28, mercoledì 29 gennaio 2003, miKe ha scritto:
 Alle 05:58, mercoledì 29 gennaio 2003, Arwan ha scritto:
   identificarti presso il server, se quindi torni su un sito
   già visto, accetti di nuovo il biscottino, che poi
   resti comunque non tracciato, quindi anonimo)
  Quello dei biscotti e' un problema che lasciavo per la merenda
  (ed in fatto di linux io sono ancora alla colazione!), pero'
  mi interessa non poco. Vorrei capire un po' di piu' come
  funzia 'sta storia dei riconoscimenti per far luce sul
  problema, e se magari tu avessi pronto lo scriptino di cui
  dici, mi farebbe piacere darci una sbirciata.

 Administrator@mdk:~$ less rimuovi_cookie

Scusate (dal basso della mia ignoranza), non è lo stesso usare l'impostazione 
di Mozilla limit maximum lifetime of cookies to current section? 
Naturalmente a patto di usare Mozilla.

Re: [newbie-it] magico fstab

2003-01-31 Thread Giorgio Griffon
Alle 23:26, martedì 28 gennaio 2003, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
 Vedi che ne pensa mcc (mandrake control center); magari è possibile che non
 abbia registrato le modifiche che hai fatto a mano...
Adesso sono registrate; non è detto che lo fossero prima.

Alle 23:56, martedì 28 gennaio 2003, miKe ha scritto:
 è strano, ma in lista è passato da poco un post su una macchina
 inusabile a causa di un fstab che non rispecchiava la tabella
 delle partizioni

 inizia a diventare piuttosto strano

 hai la data di modifica ?

 se dovesse essere un servizio (mah) di mandrake a fare questo,
 puoi vedere se ha lasciato traccia in qualche log (basandoti
 sulla data, per no deover leggere tutto)
Purtroppo ho rimesso a posto fstab a mano senza pensare di guardare la data; 
non ho trovato un log con informazioni su questo. Se dovesse capitare 
un'altra volta farò attenzione e segnalerò la cosa in lista.

Grazie, ciao

Re: [newbie-it] scheda video ATI Rage 128 Pro

2003-01-31 Thread Giorgio Griffon
Alle 00:36, mercoledì 29 gennaio 2003, miKe ha scritto:
 ma  /var/log/XFree86.0.log ti dice se viene fatta una scansione
 delle possibili profondità colore ?

 (usi xfree 4 o 3?, non è che modifichi il file sbagliato?)

Uso il 4, anche perché con il 3 non riuscivo a far andare la scheda; credo 
(credo solo, eh?) che il driver r128 non ci sia nel 3. D'altra parte, sempre 
attraverso il control center, le altre impostazioni che ho dato a mano in 
XF86Config-4 le vedo giuste, quindi il file è quello.
Ho guardato XFree86.0.log ed ho trovato le seguenti righe riferentisi al 
numero di colori:

(**) R128(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32
(II) R128(0): Pixel depth = 24 bits stored in 4 bytes (32 bpp pixmaps)

(--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp

Ciao e grazie

Re: [newbie-it] Crashhh Browser

2003-01-31 Thread ghibli


 ti conviene scaricarti mozilla dal sito ed installarlo ( come root )
  poi ti scarichi da sun  java
 poi il plugin flash
 ed hai tutto quello che ti serve ...

è esattamente quello che ho installato...plug scaricati da sun e caricati
come root..idem plug flash
per funzionare funzionano,ma ogni tanto si inchioda


Re: [newbie-it] Crashhh Browser

2003-01-31 Thread ghibli


 ti conviene scaricarti mozilla dal sito ed installarlo ( come root )
  poi ti scarichi da sun  java
 poi il plugin flash
 ed hai tutto quello che ti serve ...

è quello che ho fatto...per funzionare funza,ma ogni tanto si inchioda :-(


Re: [newbie-it] shorewall?

2003-01-31 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 20:50, venerdì 31 gennaio 2003, Giorgio Griffon ha scritto:

 Scusate (dal basso della mia ignoranza), non è lo stesso usare
 l'impostazione di Mozilla limit maximum lifetime of cookies to current
 section? Naturalmente a patto di usare Mozilla.

In realtà volevo fare una domanda simile, e cioè a disconnessione potrei in 
linea teorica da Mozilla rimuovere i cookies e avrei fatto la stessa cosa che 
lanciare lo script che rimuove cookies.txt e poi lo ricrea??
Secondo me intuitivamente ed irrazionalmente credo non sia la stessa cosa, ma 
non riesco a trovare il perché di questa sensazione... cioè non credo che 
lanciare lo script sia una versione linuxiana elegante della rimozione 
formato x-window dei cookies sotto Mozilla... ma non so perché, ci deve 
essere sotto dell'altro... Forse però mi sbaglio!


Re: [newbie-it] Crashhh Browser

2003-01-31 Thread francesco.melo


ti conviene scaricarti mozilla dal sito ed installarlo ( come root )
poi ti scarichi da sun  java
poi il plugin flash
ed hai tutto quello che ti serve ...

è esattamente quello che ho installato...plug scaricati da sun e caricati
come root..idem plug flash
per funzionare funzionano,ma ogni tanto si inchioda



io , siccome mi aggiorno con le night version mozilla
mi sono messo i link ed i plugind nella dir ~/.mozilla/plugins/
così quando mi aggiorno il mozilla , ogni due o tre giorni
i plugin rimangono funzionanti ...

francesco ..  ah ..mai un crash per fortuna

Re: [newbie-it] saned, parzialmente risolto

2003-01-31 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 23:17, giovedì 30 gennaio 2003, carmine de pasquale ha 

 2) (si ripresenta ad ogni riavvio del server) i permessi del
 /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target2/lun0/generic vengono resettati ad
 ogni avvio come lettura e scrittura per utente e gruppo e non
 per gli altri, appena dò i permessi agli altri, lo scanner
 viene condiviso. 

è il fido devfs !!

 non funziona nemmeno se uso lo stesso nome
 utente e gruppo sul client. come posso impostare questa
 procedura (cambio dei permessi su questo file) in automatico
 all'avvio, subito dopo il riconoscimento dello scanner?

o crei l'utente che usa lo scanner come appartenente al gruppo 
che può usarlo
oppure in rc.local metti un 
chmod 666  /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target2/lun0/generic



- -- 

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Problemi di boot

2003-01-31 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 23:25, giovedì 30 gennaio 2003, carmine de pasquale ha 
 molto simile al mio problema.
 ho risolto col cd mdk, avviando una istallazione esperto,
 dando alle partizioni il loro punto di mount, NON FORMATTANDO,
 istallando un sol pacchetto a caso (se non istalli pacchetti
 non funziona), dando annulla a tutte le opzioni (mouse,
 tastiera, connessione, server X), tranne che a lilo, nel quale
 ho aliminato le vecchie voci.
 non so se esistono procedure più semplici. la mia è durata 20

con quella procedura riscrivi fstab e reinstalli lilo
lo stesso puoi farlo con la iso che ti ho indicato, 
montando la / della mandrake
facendo chroot e editando a mano fstab  (in base all'output di 
fdisk -l)  e lilo.conf (quindi reinstallandolo)

30 secondi per il boot
10 per  fdisk -l
10 per il mount -t reiserfs-ext2/3 /dev/hdxn /mnt/hd
2 per il   cd /mnt/hd   chroot .
20 per vi /etc/fstab 
20 per  vi /etc/lilo.conf 
1 per lilo -v




- -- 

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie] Microsoft User Group

2003-01-31 Thread robin
Kesav Tadimeti wrote:

Hi all,
It makes sense to use some sensible linux distro instead of using pirated MS
Consider - Windows OS ($8/-) + MS Office ($8/-) + MSVC ($8/-) + SqlServer
($8/-) + Adobe suite (acrobat, photoshop...$8/-) + ... = $40 atleast
Boxed Mandrake Linux (standard) was $50/- (7.2)
Or if you try Debian, FreeBSD = $10-15/-
With linux/BSD you get a whole lot of software as well. 
Those were prices in Singapore. In India, it is 100/- for a CD (USD2/-). So
a Linux CD set would cost upwards of Rs300/- when you could get it for half
the price from the Linux users group. 
Like Indonesia, most people
here buy Windows and Windows programs on the street for about $3.

Now I know why the EU is reluctant to admit Turkey. g

LOL.  I think software piracy is a minor issue compared to the fact that 
we have a populous country with a lousy economy (I suspect concerns 
about human rights, the role of the military etc. are a convenient way 
to avoid talking about this issue openly).

Still, software piracy is massive here - often even the copy of Windows 
you get with a new PC is pirated. Software sells on the street for about 
$3 per CD, so you're talking around $15 for a pirated MS software suite 
- cheaper than a Mandrake boxed set, but more expensive than buying 
Linux on the street.  Computer magazines often provide Linux distros (I 
got 7.2 and 9.0 like that, the latter being a stripped-down one-CD 

BTW, $3 is not a negligible amount of money here - you can get a pretty 
decent meal for that.

Sir Robin

A Perl script is correct if it gets the job done before your boss fires you.
- Larry Wall

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Microsoft User Group

2003-01-31 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 19:48, robin wrote:

 LOL.  I think software piracy is a minor issue compared to the fact that 
 we have a populous country with a lousy economy (I suspect concerns 
 about human rights, the role of the military etc. are a convenient way 
 to avoid talking about this issue openly).
 Still, software piracy is massive here - often even the copy of Windows 
 you get with a new PC is pirated. Software sells on the street for about 
 $3 per CD, so you're talking around $15 for a pirated MS software suite 
 - cheaper than a Mandrake boxed set, but more expensive than buying 
 Linux on the street.  Computer magazines often provide Linux distros (I 
 got 7.2 and 9.0 like that, the latter being a stripped-down one-CD 
 BTW, $3 is not a negligible amount of money here - you can get a pretty 
 decent meal for that.
 Sir Robin

Mmmmaybe I should enroll in one of your classes, Sir Robin - and
motivate my physical self there...I've always wanted to do some digging
around Turkey...(barring nuclear strikes by US Armed Forces)

Fri, 31 Jan 2003 20:00:00 +1100
  8:00pm  up 22:57,  4 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.25, 0.29
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Timewarp allowed: 3 hours.  Do not scrawl situationalist graffiti in the
margins or stub your rollups in the inkwells.  Orange may be worn.  Credit
will be given to candidates who self-actualise.

(1) Compare and contrast Pink Floyd with Black Sabbath and say why
neither has street credibility.
(2) Even Buddha would have been hard pushed to reach Nirvana squatting
on a juggernaut route.  Consider the dialectic of inner truth
and inner city.
(3) Discuss degree of hassle involved in paranoia about being sucked
into a black hole.
(4) The Egomaniac's Liberation Front were a bunch of revisionist
ripoff merchants.  Comment on this insult.
(5) Account for the lack of references to brown rice in Dylan's lyrics.
(6) Castenada was a bit of a bozo.  How far is this a fair summing
up of western dualism?
(7) Hermann Hesse was a Pisces.  Discuss.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

[newbie] Fax to email box.

2003-01-31 Thread Malcolm Candlish
Has anyone any ideas on fax to email in the UK. I currently use
'Trinite' to receive faxes via a separate fax number to my email box.

Unfortunately I usually receive only the first page and I am told by
Trinite that I need to use 'Windows Imaging'  or 'Irfan View'. 

Are there any Linux fax to email box services?
Malcolm Candlish [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 2:05 am, Larry Williams wrote:
 On Thursday 30 January 2003 14:24, Anne Wilson wrote:
  As root edit /etc/sysconfig/network and manually remove the GATEWAY
  entry. Reboot the machine and the DNS resolution should start working ok.

 Actually, as I'm quickly learning, there shouldn't be a need to reboot. 
 You will have to restart your network service, whcih can be done as root by
 typing service network restart

In general I would agree - reboots are usually not needed, but in my 
experience if you have had problems (as distinct from just adjusting or 
adding something) it may be necessary, to clean out the junk, I suppose.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] Evolution mail?

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
If I need to email from the Galeon browser the default email prog is 
Evolution.  I set it up with the minimum info necessary to send email, 
preferring to continue to use KMail for everything else.  However, since such 
a message is not going to be in my sent mail box on KMail, I have used bcc to 
myself on a different account.  These copies are not being received.  Any 
ideas, anyone?

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Evolution mail?

2003-01-31 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 21:06, Anne Wilson wrote:
 If I need to email from the Galeon browser the default email prog is 
 Evolution.  I set it up with the minimum info necessary to send email, 
 preferring to continue to use KMail for everything else.  However, since such 
 a message is not going to be in my sent mail box on KMail, I have used bcc to 
 myself on a different account.  These copies are not being received.  Any 
 ideas, anyone?

If you go into the prefs for Galeon you can change the default mail
proggie under URL handling...

Fri, 31 Jan 2003 21:10:01 +1100
  9:10pm  up 1 day, 7 min,  5 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.31, 0.29
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Up against the net, redneck mother,
Mother who has raised your son so well;
He's seventeen and hackin' on a Macintosh,
Flaming spelling errors and raisin' hell...

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Re: [newbie] Anyone using a Soltek mobo?

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 1:50 am, John Rye wrote:

 I'm running Mandrake 9.0 on a Soltek SL-KT400-A4/7 Socket A board, Via
 KT133 series, running an Athlon-XP 1800 with no problems.

Thanks for that.

 For your interest a good test of a mother board is to locate,
 aquire,steal, borrow or of coarse d/l Knoppix.

Now that's an interesting thought.  No good in this situation, because I'll 
have to buy it before I can test it, but a good idea for checking out 
existing older computers.  Thanks.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Microsoft Intellimouse disfunctional wheel

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 7:47 am, robin wrote:

 You don't need imwheel (see responses to my posts on an optical mouse).
  I have a Microsoft Intellimouse on one box and it works OK.  My
 /etc/sysconfig/mouse file reads as follows:

 FULLNAME=PS/2|Microsoft Explorer

 You could compare this with what you have.
 FULLNAME=PS/2|Microsoft Explorer

 You could compare this with what you have. The XEMU3 and, of course,
 WHEEL lines are important.

Perhaps these intellimice are not all the same?  Mine is an elderly one.  
Bootup always record problems saying that it will be treated as a generic 
one, but the scroll and the middle-button behaviour work, so I'm tempted to 
leave it alone.  FYI my /etc/sysconfig/mouse says

FULLNAME=PS/2|Generic PS2 Wheel Mouse

Registered Linux User No.293302

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RE: [newbie] Fax to email box.

2003-01-31 Thread Tony S. Sykes

It might be a bit big for your needs, but Hylafax does just that, as
long as it is coming in on your box.


-Original Message-
From: Malcolm Candlish [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 9:41 AM
To: Mandrake List
Subject: [newbie] Fax to email box.

Has anyone any ideas on fax to email in the UK. I currently use
'Trinite' to receive faxes via a separate fax number to my email box.

Unfortunately I usually receive only the first page and I am told by
Trinite that I need to use 'Windows Imaging'  or 'Irfan View'. 

Are there any Linux fax to email box services?
Malcolm Candlish [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Business Computer Projects - Disclaimer -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
received it in error, please delete it from your system, do not use or
disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S. Sykes
or the postmaster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  immediately.

The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects Ltd., unless
specifically stated.  

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their
attachments are virus free, it is the responsibility of the recipient(s)
to verify the integrity of such emails.

Business Computer Projects Ltd
BCP House
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Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
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Re: [newbie] Fax to email box.

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 9:41 am, Malcolm Candlish wrote:
 Has anyone any ideas on fax to email in the UK. I currently use
 'Trinite' to receive faxes via a separate fax number to my email box.

 Unfortunately I usually receive only the first page and I am told by
 Trinite that I need to use 'Windows Imaging'  or 'Irfan View'.

 Are there any Linux fax to email box services?

From that reply I guess you are looking at multi-page tif files received as 
faxes?  FWIW I use the service provided by Tiscali, which simply sends faxes 
as email attachments.  Much simpler.  Does your provider offer that as an 

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

2003-01-31 Thread Margot

- Original Message -
From: Chuck Burns [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

 On Wed, January 29 2003 5:19 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
  Hi Margot!  I haven't followed this whole thread but if I may say, your
  Is full of shit.  ZA has nothing to do with them.  It just shields your
  comp from outside of the LAN computers.  IE, Net comps on the other end.

 Actually, that's not QUITE true, perhaps her ISP uses some transparent
 proxying that ZA blocks.  I have seen cases where firewalls DO cause
 with certain ISPs.  Although, that is not her problem, that is the ISP's.
 Or, perhaps they have a very non-standard way of giving her internet
 perhaps using some sort of virtual networking, automatically set up at
 end.  If this is the case, then 9 times out of 10, any firewall would
 it.  I could get quite technical, in the ways it could happen.. But there
 no time, nor is this the proper place.

 However, to help you with your problem, I would suggest that you, at the
 (EEK!!) command line, su to root, type ipchains -F, then ipchains -L and
 what the default policies are.. INPUT and OUTPUT should be allowed.. If
 are, then we have another problem, but it's a start.

 Chuck Burns, Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Chuck

Logged in as user, su to root, went to (EEK!!) command line, tried both
ipchains -F and ipchains -L, got the same error message for both: Could not
run the specified command.

In case there was a permission problem, tried logging in as root and using
root console for both commands, and got command not found.

Is there somewhere else to look for these default policies?


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[newbie] Cheap, Sensible UK ISP?

2003-01-31 Thread Margot
Hi All

If you have followed my other thread (Internet Connection Problem) you will
see that in spite of lots of help from various people I still can't connect
to the internet from my new linux machine using my current ISP Eurobell.

I'm beginning to think that what I really need is a different ISP, because
Eurobell's technical support people don't seem to understand their own
system setup, let alone mine!

I have a 56k dial-up modem and a standard BT phone line which I will have to
continue to use as there is no cable where I live, and I can't afford
anything else.

Eurobell charges a penny a minute any time of day/night, which is useful
because I have ME so my sleeping/waking hours are somewhat erratic. I spend
about fifteen pounds a month, and can't afford more because my budget is
limited (Incapacity Benefit doesn't stretch very far, and I need to eat

Can anyone recommend a suitable UK ISP that is both cheap and

I'd also like to hear about any that you would NOT recommend - feel free to
mail me off-list if you prefer not to criticise your current ISP in public!


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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

2003-01-31 Thread Margot

- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

snipped all

I used the wizard in MCC to set up the connection again, then used the
Mozilla wizard to set up my account, but still no luck.

As eurobell failed to give a sensible answer to my question about
authentication protocol, I tried all the options! This is what I got...

Failed to connect to server

Failed to connect to server

As Terminal-based:
Gave me a terminal screen where I put in my username, then I got
The pppd daemon died unexpectedly
Exit status:16

As Script-based:
The pppd daemon died unexpectedly
Exit status:16

Consulted man pppd - found that Exit status 16 = The link was terminated by
the modem hanging up.

Originally I thought the problem might be failure of the hardware module
located between chair and keyboard - I have ME, and sometimes my brain gets
a bit foggy! Now I think it is more likely that eurobell has some weird
setup that they can't understand themselves, let alone explain to other

So perhaps the answer is just that I need to use a different ISP? I've
started a new thread asking for recommendations...

Meanwhile, I don't feel inclined to waste any more of my time or yours on
this problem - I'm sure we've all got better things to do - but big thanks
to Anne and all others for help so far.


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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 11:27 am, Margot wrote:
 So perhaps the answer is just that I need to use a different ISP? I've
 started a new thread asking for recommendations...

The messages, to me, indicate that either 
 a) you are timing out - but IIRC you have already set that as high as it will 
b)  you are failing authentication.  I think this is the real problem.  Yes, 
if Eurobel are the real problem, you may have to look elsewhere.  FWIW I use 
Mailbox for my adsl isp.  You may wish to check out there website.  I found 
them through the adslguide site, that looks at service and customer 
satisfaction, and have been delighted with them.  What's  more they don't eek 
when you say linux.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Cheap, Sensible UK ISP?

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 10:39 am, Margot wrote:
 I have a 56k dial-up modem and a standard BT phone line which I will have
 to continue to use as there is no cable where I live, and I can't afford
 anything else.

 Eurobell charges a penny a minute any time of day/night, which is useful
 because I have ME so my sleeping/waking hours are somewhat erratic. I spend
 about fifteen pounds a month, and can't afford more because my budget is
 limited (Incapacity Benefit doesn't stretch very far, and I need to eat

For £15 a month you can get an Anytime connection.  Tiscali is the one I use 
for dial-up connection.  They aren't particularly linux oriented, but they 
give clear set up info that can be used with any os.  I set them up on 
Mandrake 8.1, when I was the rawest newbie you could imagine, and it worked 
first time.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] against the war!

2003-01-31 Thread Frank Mertens
The United States are about to start a war without of consideration
for international law. If you want to speak against it, the UN are
collecting signatures to work against this tragically event. Please
do copy this e-mail to a new mail, sign it at the end of the
attached list and send it to all the people you know. If you've received a
list with more than 500 signatures, please send another copy to the United
Nations mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Even if you decide not to sign, please forward this petition! 

Die Vereinigten Staaten sind gerade dabei einen Krieg zu diktieren.
Wir befinden uns heutzutage in einem weltweiten Ungleichgewicht, was
zu einem Dritten Weltkrieg fuehren kann. Wenn Du Dich ebenfalls dagegen
aussprichst, die UNO ist gerade dabei Unterschriften zu sammeln, um diesem
tragischen Geschehen entgegenzuwirken.
Bitte kopiere diese e-mail in eine neue mail, unterzeichne sie am
Ende der Liste, die unten angehaengt ist und schicke sie an alle Personen,
die Du kennst. Wenn Du die Liste mit mehr als 500 Namen erhaeltst, dann
schicke bitte eine Kopie davon an:
United Nation mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Auch wenn Du Dich entschliessen solltest nicht zu unterzeichnen,
dann schicke die Petition bitte trotzdem weiter.

Estados Unidos está a punto de dictar la guerra. Hoy nos encontramos
en un punto en desequilibrio mundial por lo que puede dar inicio a un a
Tercera Guerra Mundial. Si tu estas en contra, la ONU se encuentra
recopilando firmas para evitar este tragico acontecimiento mundial.
Por favor copia este e-mail en un mensaje nuevo, firma al final de
la lista que verasa continuacion, y envialo a todas las personas que
conozcas. Si recibes esta lista con mas de 500 nombres en ella, por favor
envia una copia del mensaje a:
United Nations mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Incluso si decides no firmar, por favor se considerado y no elimines la

1) Suzanne Dathe, Grenoble, France
2) Laurence COMPARAT, Grenoble,France
3) Philippe MOTTE, Grenoble, France
4) Jok FERRAND, Mont St Martin, France
5) Emmanuelle PIGNOL, St Martin d'Heres,FRANCE
6) Marie GAUTHIER, Grenoble, FRANCE
7) Laurent VESCALO, Grenoble, FRANCE
8) Mathieu MOY, St Egreve, FRANCE
9) Bernard BLANCHET, Mont St Martin,FRANCE
10) Tassadite FAVRIE, Grenoble, FRANCE
11) Loic GODARD, St Ismier, FRANCE
12) Benedicte PASCAL, Grenoble, FRANCE
13) Khedaidja BENATIA, Grenoble, FRANCE
14) Marie-Therese LLORET, Grenoble,FRANCE
15) Benoit THEAU, Poitiers, FRANCE
16) Bruno CONSTANTIN, Poitiers, FRANCE
17) Christian COGNARD, Poitiers, FRANCE
18) Robert GARDETTE, Paris, FRANCE
19) Claude CHEVILLARD, Montpellier,FRANCE
20) Gilles FREISS, Montpellier, FRANCE
21) Patrick AUGEREAU, Montpellier,FRANCE
22) Jean IMBERT, Marseille, FRANCE
23) Jean-Claude MURAT, Toulouse, France
24) Anna BASSOLS, Barcelona, Catalonia
25) Mireia DUNACH, Barcelona, Catalonia
26) Michel VILLAZ, Grenoble, France
27) Pages Frederique, Dijon, France
28) Rodolphe FISCHMEISTER, Chatenay-Malabry,France
29) Francois BOUTEAU, Paris, France
30) Patrick PETER, Paris, France
31) Lorenza RADICI, Paris, France
32) Monika Siegenthaler, Bern,Switzerland
33) Mark Philp, Glasgow, Scotland
34) Tomas Andersson, Stockholm, Sweden
35) Jonas Eriksson, Stockholm, Sweden
36) Karin Eriksson, Stockholm, Sweden
37) Ake Ljung, Stockholm, Sweden
38) Carina Sedlmayer, Stockholm, Sweden
39) Rebecca Uddman, Stockholm, Sweden
40) Lena Skog, Stockholm, Sweden
41) Micael Folke, Stockholm, Sweden
42) Britt-Marie Folke, Stockholm, Sweden
43) Birgitta Schuberth, Stockholm, Sweden
44) Lena Dahl, Stockholm, Sweden
45) Ebba Karlsson, Stockholm, Sweden
46) Jessica Carlsson, Vaxjo, Sweden
47) Sara Blomquist, Vaxjo, Sweden
48) Magdalena Fosseus, Vaxjo, Sweden
49) Charlotta Langner, Goteborg, Sweden
50) Andrea Egedal, Goteborg, Sweden
51) Lena Persson, Stockholm, Sweden
52) Magnus Linder, Umea ,Sweden
53) Petra Olofsson, Umea, Sweden
54) Caroline Evenbom, Vaxjo, Sweden
55) Asa Pettersson, Grimsas, Sweden
56) Jessica Bjork, Grimsas, Sweden
57) Linda Ahlbom Goteborg, Sweden
58) Jenny Forsman, Boras, Sweden
59) Nina Gunnarson, Kinna, Sweden
60) Andrew Harrison, New Zealand
61) Bryre Murphy, New Zealand
62) Claire Lugton, New Zealand
63) Sarah Thornton, New Zealand
64) Rachel Eade, New Zealand
65) Magnus Hjert, London, UK
67) Madeleine Stamvik, Hurley, UK
68) Susanne Nowlan, Vermont, USA
69) Lotta Svenby, Malmoe, Sweden
70) Adina Giselsson, Malmoe, Sweden
71) Anders Kullman, Stockholm, Sweden
72) Rebecka Swane, Stockholm, Sweden
73) Jens Venge, Stockholm, Sweden
74) Catharina Ekdahl, Stockholm, Sweden
75) Nina Fylkegard, Stockholm, Sweden
76) Therese Stedman, Malmoe, Sweden
77) Jannica Lund, Stockholm, Sweden
78) Douglas Bratt
79) Mats Lofstrom, Stockholm, Sweden
80) Li Lindstrom, Sweden
81) Ursula Mueller, Sweden
82) Marianne Komstadius, Stockholm,Sweden
83) Peter Thyselius, Stockholm, Sweden
84) Gonzalo Oviedo, Quito, Ecuador
85) Amalia Romeo, Gland, 

Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

2003-01-31 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 22:36, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 31 Jan 2003 11:27 am, Margot wrote:
  So perhaps the answer is just that I need to use a different ISP? I've
  started a new thread asking for recommendations...
 The messages, to me, indicate that either 
  a) you are timing out - but IIRC you have already set that as high as it will 
 b)  you are failing authentication.  I think this is the real problem.  Yes, 
 if Eurobel are the real problem, you may have to look elsewhere.  FWIW I use 
 Mailbox for my adsl isp.  You may wish to check out there website.  I found 
 them through the adslguide site, that looks at service and customer 
 satisfaction, and have been delighted with them.  What's  more they don't eek 
 when you say linux.

Due to the problems with timeouts with KPPP, I'd suggest giving wvdial a
go since it sometimes bypasses the idiosyncrasies of KPPP and initiates
a connection.

The wvdial package is on the CD set...can't recall where, though...

Fri, 31 Jan 2003 22:45:00 +1100
 10:45pm  up 1 day,  1:42,  5 users,  load average: 0.51, 0.40, 0.18
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

birth, n:
The first and direst of all disasters.
-- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

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Re: [newbie] Cheap, Sensible UK ISP?

2003-01-31 Thread Benjamin Jeeves
I have freeserve and have not had any problems

On Friday 31 Jan 2003 10:39 am, Margot wrote:
 Hi All

 If you have followed my other thread (Internet Connection Problem) you will
 see that in spite of lots of help from various people I still can't connect
 to the internet from my new linux machine using my current ISP Eurobell.

 I'm beginning to think that what I really need is a different ISP, because
 Eurobell's technical support people don't seem to understand their own
 system setup, let alone mine!

 I have a 56k dial-up modem and a standard BT phone line which I will have
 to continue to use as there is no cable where I live, and I can't afford
 anything else.

 Eurobell charges a penny a minute any time of day/night, which is useful
 because I have ME so my sleeping/waking hours are somewhat erratic. I spend
 about fifteen pounds a month, and can't afford more because my budget is
 limited (Incapacity Benefit doesn't stretch very far, and I need to eat

 Can anyone recommend a suitable UK ISP that is both cheap and

 I'd also like to hear about any that you would NOT recommend - feel free to
 mail me off-list if you prefer not to criticise your current ISP in public!


Thank You

Benjamin Jeeves

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Re: [newbie] Installation fault

2003-01-31 Thread David Robertson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 12:09 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Thursday 30 Jan 2003 11:55 pm, Sharrea wrote:
  On Tue, 28 Jan 2003 02:19, Keith Powell wrote:
   On Monday 27 January 2003 10:16 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
Just for future reference if you download from the command line with
urpmi --noclean blah blah
then it will not erase  /var/cache/urpmi/rpms and if the same rpms
are called again it will find them in the cache
   Thanks for the information, Derek.
   It's very useful to know about --noclean. Pity that the MCC install
   software facility doesn't give the choice of keeping the downloaded
   packages on the hard drive. Perhaps a future version will.
  This does not work for me in mdk9.0.  It deletes the file in
  It worked in 8.1.  Does anyone else have this problem?

 Hmm You are right.

 That will teach me to believe 'man' pages


That's funny, because it works OK for me in 9.0 and in 9.1 (beta 2). I haven't 
tweaked any settings.


Registered Linux User #207521

The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar 
territory. (Paul Fix)

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

2003-01-31 Thread et
or maybe because it restarts a bunch of servicces that have been reconfigured 
but not restarted.

On Friday 31 January 2003 05:02 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 31 Jan 2003 2:05 am, Larry Williams wrote:
  On Thursday 30 January 2003 14:24, Anne Wilson wrote:
   As root edit /etc/sysconfig/network and manually remove the GATEWAY
   entry. Reboot the machine and the DNS resolution should start working
  Actually, as I'm quickly learning, there shouldn't be a need to reboot.
  You will have to restart your network service, whcih can be done as root
  by typing service network restart

 In general I would agree - reboots are usually not needed, but in my
 experience if you have had problems (as distinct from just adjusting or
 adding something) it may be necessary, to clean out the junk, I suppose.


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Re: [newbie] Cheap, Sensible UK ISP?

2003-01-31 Thread David Robertson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 10:39 am, Margot wrote:
 Hi All

 If you have followed my other thread (Internet Connection Problem) you will
 see that in spite of lots of help from various people I still can't connect
 to the internet from my new linux machine using my current ISP Eurobell.

 I'm beginning to think that what I really need is a different ISP, because
 Eurobell's technical support people don't seem to understand their own
 system setup, let alone mine!

 I have a 56k dial-up modem and a standard BT phone line which I will have
 to continue to use as there is no cable where I live, and I can't afford
 anything else.

 Eurobell charges a penny a minute any time of day/night, which is useful
 because I have ME so my sleeping/waking hours are somewhat erratic. I spend
 about fifteen pounds a month, and can't afford more because my budget is
 limited (Incapacity Benefit doesn't stretch very far, and I need to eat

 Can anyone recommend a suitable UK ISP that is both cheap and

 I'd also like to hear about any that you would NOT recommend - feel free to
 mail me off-list if you prefer not to criticise your current ISP in public!


Try UKLinux -

There's a free option and various paid ones: no adsl at present but as you're 
on dial-up, I would recommend them. Linux orientated so tech support is good, 
albeit a little slow sometimes.

Registered Linux User #207521

The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar 
territory. (Paul Fix)

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Re: [newbie] HD

2003-01-31 Thread Gil Katz
On Thursday 30 January 2003 10:45, Gil Katz wrote:
 I bought a new WD 80GB disk and mount it with HardDrake and made one
 partition but when i look in KDiskFree i see that i got only 25 GB.
 What is wrong?

I'll refine the problem
DiskDrake see the disk as is (74 GB)
but KDiskFree see only 2.5 HD

Fair well and thanks for all the fish

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Re: [newbie] Microsoft Intellimouse disfunctional wheel

2003-01-31 Thread et
On Thursday 30 January 2003 09:30 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Having been to the archives and checking my /etc files for the proper
 configuration on the mouse, I am still unable to use the wheel as a wheel
 or third button. Has anyone an idea of what makes the little bugger work?
 TIA for any suggestions.
if you cann't trade it in on a logitech, try to set it up as logitech 
intellimouse and test it and see if that works... works for me...

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Re: [newbie] against the war!

2003-01-31 Thread Lanman
Mark; Could you take a moment to define your use of the word Balls?
I'm hoping that your intended use of the word was in reference to the
fact that this list is not a political group, and therefore is probably
unable to effect a change in the foreign policies of the United States
where war is the outcome, rather than implying that this group or
members thereof have no will or courage of their own?

A clarification would probably go a long way to minimizing the list of
replies that your post would otherwise generate!


On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 07:14, Mark Weaver wrote:
 Frank Mertens wrote:
  The United States are about to start a war without of consideration
  for international law. If you want to speak against it, the UN are
  collecting signatures to work against this tragically event. Please
  do copy this e-mail to a new mail, sign it at the end of the
  attached list and send it to all the people you know. If you've received a
  list with more than 500 signatures, please send another copy to the United
  Nations mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Even if you decide not to sign, please forward this petition! 
 In all seriousness your time and energy would be far better spent 
 sending these sigs to the US congress and senate and communicating your 
 feelings to them rather then sending them to a body that has no balls.
 Let Washington know and hear how you feel. you've a much better chance 
 at least getting heard.
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 Go to

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Re: [newbie] against the war!

2003-01-31 Thread JM5379

I interpreted his disparagement to apply to the UN rather than to
us.  Still, clarity is a good thing when insulting randomly and
in a public forum (or amy discourse in any forum, for that matter).

--- Original Message ---
Subject: Re: [newbie] against the war!

Mark; Could you take a moment to define your use of the word
I'm hoping that your intended use of the word was in reference
to the
fact that this list is not a political group, and therefore is
unable to effect a change in the foreign policies of the United
where war is the outcome, rather than implying that this group or
members thereof have no will or courage of their own?

A clarification would probably go a long way to minimizing the
list of
replies that your post would otherwise generate!


On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 07:14, Mark Weaver wrote:
 Frank Mertens wrote:
  The United States are about to start a war without of
  for international law. If you want to speak against it, the
UN are
  collecting signatures to work against this tragically event.
  do copy this e-mail to a new mail, sign it at the end of the
  attached list and send it to all the people you know. If
you've received a
  list with more than 500 signatures, please send another copy
to the United
  Nations mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Even if you decide not to sign, please forward this petition! 
 In all seriousness your time and energy would be far better spent 
 sending these sigs to the US congress and senate and
communicating your 
 feelings to them rather then sending them to a body that has
no balls.
 Let Washington know and hear how you feel. you've a much
better chance 
 at least getting heard.

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Re: [newbie] against the war!

2003-01-31 Thread Benjamin Jeeves

Maybe you should have not posted it to this group as you say it not a 
political group.

On Friday 31 Jan 2003 1:07 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I interpreted his disparagement to apply to the UN rather than to
 us.  Still, clarity is a good thing when insulting randomly and
 in a public forum (or amy discourse in any forum, for that matter).

 --- Original Message ---
 Subject: Re: [newbie] against the war!

 Mark; Could you take a moment to define your use of the word


 I'm hoping that your intended use of the word was in reference

 to the

 fact that this list is not a political group, and therefore is


 unable to effect a change in the foreign policies of the United


 where war is the outcome, rather than implying that this group or
 members thereof have no will or courage of their own?
 A clarification would probably go a long way to minimizing the

 list of

 replies that your post would otherwise generate!
 On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 07:14, Mark Weaver wrote:
  Frank Mertens wrote:
   The United States are about to start a war without of


   for international law. If you want to speak against it, the

 UN are

   collecting signatures to work against this tragically event.


   do copy this e-mail to a new mail, sign it at the end of the
   attached list and send it to all the people you know. If

 you've received a

   list with more than 500 signatures, please send another copy

 to the United

   Nations mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Even if you decide not to sign, please forward this petition!
  In all seriousness your time and energy would be far better spent
  sending these sigs to the US congress and senate and

 communicating your

  feelings to them rather then sending them to a body that has

 no balls.

  Let Washington know and hear how you feel. you've a much

 better chance

  at least getting heard.


  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

Thank You

Benjamin Jeeves

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[newbie] support for gnome-python2 and pygtk2

2003-01-31 Thread Trevor Rhodes
Would anyone happen to know if there will be support for gnome-python2 and 
pygtk2 in Mandrake 9.1?

Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 290542 at
Registered Machine #'s 186951, 
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

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Re: [newbie] against the war!

2003-01-31 Thread Todd Slater
 On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 07:14, Mark Weaver wrote:
  In all seriousness your time and energy would be far better spent 
  sending these sigs to the US congress and senate and communicating your 
  feelings to them rather then sending them to a body that has no balls.
  Let Washington know and hear how you feel. you've a much better chance 
  at least getting heard.

You think the US legislative branch has balls? Maybe one or two members.
Most are corporate whores.


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Re: [newbie] Email Sig Fortune question

2003-01-31 Thread Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: heather [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I see lots of ppl have the Fortune program make them a sig for email. 
 Usually random.  How do I do this or where can I go for information on
 how to do this neat trick? :)
Hi Heather! Nice to see you back on the list. Hope you're doing well.

Using Kmail all you have to do is the following: KMail  Settings  Identity  
Signature  Obtain signature from: Output of command  Specify command: fortune

Works for me. If you aren't using KMail, I can't help, sorry. ;-)
Best regards. Take good care.


I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to 
make it up.--Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

Now with OperaMail Premium for only US$29.99/yr

Powered by Outblaze

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Re: [newbie] against the war!

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 3:16 pm, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
 I agree, no more posts on the subject please. Lets make this the last.

In any case, do the math.  Your name, if you sign, after only a couple more 
iterations appears on more than 1700 different 'petitions'.  Do you seriously 
expect anyone to take notice of that?  It's nothing more than an old-fashined 
chain mail.  A great way of clogging up the internet.  Bin it.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Microsoft Intellimouse disfunctional wheel

2003-01-31 Thread Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Friday 31 Jan 2003 2:34 pm, Angus Auld wrote:
  - Original Message -
  From: robin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Dennis Myers wrote:
   On Thursday 30 January 2003 08:44 pm, Jason Greenwood wrote:
   AFAIK, install a program called imwheel and run it via the cli
(imwheel) to start the program. That should start the wheel working.
   Dennis Myers wrote:
   Having been to the archives and checking my /etc files for the proper
   configuration on the mouse, I am still unable to use the wheel as a
wheel or third button. Has anyone an idea of what makes the little
bugger work? TIA for any suggestions.
   Nope, still nothing, guess Charlies' suggestion will have to be
considered. I don't even have the third button function with the wheel
let alone scrolling. Bummer! Thanks for the suggestions any others?
   You don't need imwheel (see responses to my posts on an optical mouse).
I have a Microsoft Intellimouse on one box and it works OK.  My
   /etc/sysconfig/mouse file reads as follows:
   FULLNAME=PS/2|Microsoft Explorer
   You could compare this with what you have. The XEMU3 and, of course,
   WHEEL lines are important.
   Sir Robin
  I'm using the MS Intellimouse also, and mine is ID'd as a PS/2|Generic PS2
  Wheelmouse in /etc/sysconfig as follows: MOUSETYPE=imps2
  FULLNAME=PS/2|Generic PS2 Wheel Mouse
  Works OK. (No imwheel needed)
 Identical settings to mine.  Do you get error messages during bootup?  I do, 
 but everything works fine.  I wonder if mine is trying to ID it as something 
 else, but settles for this as best bet.
 Registered Linux User No.293302
Anne, yes, I do get error messages, if I move the mouse, either on bootup or shutdown. 
That was pointed out to me as a possible cause of the messages by some other wise soul 
on this list. (can't remember who though)

If I refrain from moving the mouse on boot or shutdown, I don't get error messages. 

Are you moving you're mouse when you shouldn't Anne???  ;-) LOL

HTH. All the best.


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

Now with OperaMail Premium for only US$29.99/yr

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Re: [newbie] Correction to More on Alas and Alack'

2003-01-31 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 06:35:00PM -0900, civileme wrote:
 On Thursday 30 January 2003 03:52 pm, Richard Babcock wrote:
  Of course I have to jump on this!
  I would rather have my warts for free than pay slick Willie for them!

I know of an alleged witchcraft wart cure: the witch buys warts from you!

-- hendrik

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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 07:51:49 -0800
Myers, Dennis R NWO [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now I know that GLXGears is not the best thing in the world to use for
 a comparison, but the results surprised me:
 2600fps   2200fps

Dennis, unless you have exactly the same processes running on both
systems you can not really do a true comparison.

Also did you set the memory and mode for AGP in your BIOS for each card?


Kramer's Law:
You can never tell which way the train went by looking at the tracks.
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.21pre4-1mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] HD

2003-01-31 Thread Brad Grissom
Once it is mounted, do a df -h on the command line and see what it says.


On Friday 31 January 2003 04:47 am, you wrote:
 On Thursday 30 January 2003 10:45, Gil Katz wrote:
  I bought a new WD 80GB disk and mount it with HardDrake and made one
  partition but when i look in KDiskFree i see that i got only 25 GB.
  What is wrong?

 I'll refine the problem
 DiskDrake see the disk as is (74 GB)
 but KDiskFree see only 2.5 HD

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Re: [newbie] Xincludes

2003-01-31 Thread Brad Grissom
Sounds like it needs some x11 library headers to me.  

Perhaps it needs the header files: /usr/X11R6/include/X11/

Maybe give more details.  The exact output from when you are trying to 


On Friday 31 January 2003 08:13 am, you wrote:
 I'm certain this will have been asked before, but I can't find it in the

 I'm installing a .tar.gz program and it says it needs Xincludes. I can't
 find this anywhere. I've looked at rmpfind, google and sourceforge, but
 nothing turns up. I have also looked on the disks.

 It's probably part of another package which is called something altogether

 Where is it, please?

 Many thanks


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Re: [newbie] YP Server

2003-01-31 Thread Brad Grissom
Origionally stood for Yellow Pages.  Its a network information system, that 
allows information to be hosted on a server and accessed from the clients on 
the network.  An example is a lab in a school where you log onto any machine 
and still have all your preferences.

Try searching google for some documentation.


On Friday 31 January 2003 08:45 am, you wrote:
 Can anyone tell me what a YP server is and what it does, and is there
 any documentation I can look up.


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Re: [newbie] graphic login screen

2003-01-31 Thread Brad Grissom
You need to be running KDM or GDM or XDM.  They stand for KDE Display 
Manager, Gnome Display Manager, and X Display Manager.

Should be an rpm or something to install them.


On Thursday 30 January 2003 05:22 pm, you wrote:
 I am running ML 8.2 on my generic desktop box. I didn't install X to begin
 with but 'added' it later. My login screen is a plain white dialog box with
 two input fields, one for userid, one for password. I have to type in both
 my userid and password and there is no drop down box for selecting a
 desktop. How can I get the nifty login screen with the little people icons
 in it so I can just click on my 'user' and then type in my password and
 select a different desktop?
 Richard L. Babcock, Owner
 Tower Training
 At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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[newbie] Logitech Wingman/USB joystick question.

2003-01-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
Is there a good howto on getting this to work? I can plug it in to my USB 
port and it shows up, recognized and everything in USB View. Do I have to 
load some modules 'n stuff? Also, what games support Linux joysticks?

Thanks  much!


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] PPPoE-client for Linux

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 2:58 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Thursday 30 January 2003 10:29 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Thursday 30 Jan 2003 10:17 pm, Anders Lind wrote:
PPPoE is basically already built into the system,
else you can use the PPPoE client from say, Roaring
Penguin (RPM based so no thinking required)  - I
personally would try to stay within the actual
parameters of the operating system - I tend to stick
with what's already built into the networking before
finding an alternative, but everyone likes their tea
a different way!
   I should have a look at it
  I changed from modem to adsl just before I changed to
  9.0.  It was such a no-brainer with standard Mdk tools
  that I can hardly remember doing anything - and I
  certainly couldn't be called experienced.  9.0 detected
  it automatically, so I didn't need to do anything as far
  as I can remember.

 Anders, I suppose you live in Sweden where most things are
 like Denmark (maybe except the booze). In Denmark it's not
 necessary to use PPPoE, we use DHCP instead. I think PPPoE
 is mostly an American thing. All I had to do was to
 connect the *splitter* to the phone outlet, then the
 ADSL-modem to the splitter and, finally, the ethernet card
 to the ADSL modem. Reboot. Voila. No change of settings.

That sounds like the same system we have.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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RE: [newbie] Cheap, Sensible UK ISP?

2003-01-31 Thread Boulytchev, Vasiliy
UK?   H,  Im here in US, working for an isp, we can lease a server VERY CHEAP.  
That way you have no needs for server costs.  Write back if you are interested.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Benjamin Jeeves
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 4:54 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Cheap, Sensible UK ISP?

I have freeserve and have not had any problems

On Friday 31 Jan 2003 10:39 am, Margot wrote:
 Hi All

 If you have followed my other thread (Internet Connection Problem) you will
 see that in spite of lots of help from various people I still can't connect
 to the internet from my new linux machine using my current ISP Eurobell.

 I'm beginning to think that what I really need is a different ISP, because
 Eurobell's technical support people don't seem to understand their own
 system setup, let alone mine!

 I have a 56k dial-up modem and a standard BT phone line which I will have
 to continue to use as there is no cable where I live, and I can't afford
 anything else.

 Eurobell charges a penny a minute any time of day/night, which is useful
 because I have ME so my sleeping/waking hours are somewhat erratic. I spend
 about fifteen pounds a month, and can't afford more because my budget is
 limited (Incapacity Benefit doesn't stretch very far, and I need to eat

 Can anyone recommend a suitable UK ISP that is both cheap and

 I'd also like to hear about any that you would NOT recommend - feel free to
 mail me off-list if you prefer not to criticise your current ISP in public!


Thank You

Benjamin Jeeves

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RE: [newbie] Microsoft Intellimouse disfunctional wheel

2003-01-31 Thread Boulytchev, Vasiliy
h,  i set mine up as generic 3 wheel, and the pos works fine.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of et
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 5:03 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Microsoft Intellimouse disfunctional wheel

On Thursday 30 January 2003 09:30 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Having been to the archives and checking my /etc files for the proper
 configuration on the mouse, I am still unable to use the wheel as a wheel
 or third button. Has anyone an idea of what makes the little bugger work?
 TIA for any suggestions.
if you cann't trade it in on a logitech, try to set it up as logitech 
intellimouse and test it and see if that works... works for me...

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Re: [newbie] against the war!

2003-01-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 31 January 2003 06:54 am, Frank Mertens wrote:
 The United States are about to start a war without of consideration
 for international law. If you want to speak against it, the UN are
 collecting signatures to work against this tragically event. Please
 do copy this e-mail to a new mail, sign it at the end of the
 attached list and send it to all the people you know. If you've received a
 list with more than 500 signatures, please send another copy to the United
 Nations mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Even if you decide not to sign, please forward this petition!

I just forwarded this list of names to the following:

FBI (Federal Bureau Of Investigation)
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
NSA (National Security Agency)
OHS (Office Of Homeland Security)
MADD (mothers against drunk drivers)
DAMM (drunks against mad mothers)

and any other pertinent organisation I can bloody well think of!!!



 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 31 January 2003 10:50 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

 Don't know about that, but a Duron is very throttled back compared with an
 Athlon, so perhaps it's a case of what you gained in one place you lost in


Hi Anne. I knew a Duron is lite beer compared to a regular Athlon but I 
didn't think it would affect video like that. You might be right. Thanks!


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 31 January 2003 11:14 am, Charles A Edwards wrote:

 Dennis, unless you have exactly the same processes running on both
 systems you can not really do a true comparison.

Well, they are both running v9.0 of Mandrake with the same kind of setup. Only 
software diff. that I know of is the Nvidia drivers...

 Also did you set the memory and mode for AGP in your BIOS for each card?


They are both set to aperture size of 128 megs. As far as mode?, I'm not sure 
what you meant.



 Dark Lord

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[newbie] Vaio GRX models

2003-01-31 Thread Scott Parks
I just got my Mandrake Pro Suite in the mail yesterday and want to finally 
rid myself of the last Windows machine, my laptop!  It is a Sony Vaio GRX 
560 and most everything works except:  
The Sony Memory Stick adapter and sound.  I believe this is related to 

Has anyone on the list gotten around these issues or at least have some 
ideas on doc's.  I did find a doc on getting RH 7.3 working with the Vaio, 
but no Mandrake specific docs.



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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 5:04 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Friday 31 January 2003 10:50 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Don't know about that, but a Duron is very throttled back compared with
  an Athlon, so perhaps it's a case of what you gained in one place you
  lost in another.

 Hi Anne. I knew a Duron is lite beer compared to a regular Athlon but I
 didn't think it would affect video like that. You might be right. Thanks!

I could be way off, though.  It just seemed to  me that it might prove a 

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread Charlie
On Friday 31 January 2003 07:59 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Okay, I've got 2 systems here I'm looking at:

 Shuttle MBSoyo MB
 384 megs Ram 384 megs DDR Ram
 900mhz Athlon CPU 1.3 ghz Duron CPU
 SB Live audioOnboard audio
 56x IDE CD   56x IDE CD
 floppy  floppy
 20 Gig Seagate HD   30 Gig Maxtor HD
 Nvidia Geforce 2-32 megs Ram Nvidia Geforce 2-64 megs Ram
 (made by Verto-PNY) (made by MSI)
 4191 drivers  Drivers that come with v9.0

 Now I know that GLXGears is not the best thing in the world to use for a
 comparison, but the results surprised me:

 2600fps   2200fps

 Why would the system in column 1 outperform (video wise) the machine in the
 2nd column? It seems like it would be the other way around? (could the
 drivers make that much of a difference?)

 Thanks! :-)

Other than Anne's suggestion of the Athlon's on chip cache being doubled in 
comparison to the Duron; what is the chipset on the Shuttle? That may make a 

Also the drivers actually *will* make a difference, the Athlon is using the 
NVidia 4191 driver, while the Duron is using the generic/open source good 
enough without tainting the kernel set that shipped with the operating 
system. Reflect on that one Dark Lord; a budget processor running non 
optimized drivers is running a 3d app at nearly 85% of the efficiency of an 
optimized driver running the same operating system. I think both are a good 
indication that greater things are still to come, don't you?

The final point I want to make; have you read any comparisons on hardware 
review sites of the differences between GeForce cards from different 
manufacturers? There are differences and even though the tests for the most 
part are done under Windows the drivers used are always the latest stable 
offerings from NVidia. It may just be that part of the difference is 
something like VRAM speed difference on the two different boards as well.

Lot's of variables, not enough for me to base anything other than these 
SIWAGes on. (semi intelligent wild @$$ guesses) :-)

Registered user 244963
The day you leave work early to make it to class on time, the sensei will be 
-- Murphy's Laws of Martial Arts n°4

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Re: [newbie] Microsoft Intellimouse disfunctional wheel

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 4:03 pm, Angus Auld wrote:

 Anne, yes, I do get error messages, if I move the mouse, either on bootup
 or shutdown. That was pointed out to me as a possible cause of the messages
 by some other wise soul on this list. (can't remember who though)

 If I refrain from moving the mouse on boot or shutdown, I don't get error

 Are you moving you're mouse when you shouldn't Anne???  ;-) LOL

LOL - I get the messages if my hands are behind my back.  It works, though, so 
if it ain't broke

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 31 January 2003 12:20 pm, Charlie wrote:

 Lot's of variables, not enough for me to base anything other than these
 SIWAGes on. (semi intelligent wild @$$ guesses) :-)


Ha - those are the finest kind! grin (and thanks for the reply)


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 12:07:47 -0500
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 They are both set to aperture size of 128 megs. As far as mode?, I'm
 not sure what you meant.

mode=1x, 2x, 3x, 4x and with newest high end cards 8x
Both your cards should be set for 4x

But hell if you have 1 system that is not using the nvidia drivers it
would be tremendously faster With those drivers.


A definition of teaching: casting fake pearls before real swine.
-- Bill Cain, Stand Up Tragedy
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.21pre4-1mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

2003-01-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 30 January 2003 05:24 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:

 As root edit /etc/sysconfig/network and manually remove the GATEWAY entry.
 Reboot the machine and the DNS resolution should start working ok.

 ps there are full details in the archives somewhere (errata)



Anne, I've got this in my /etc/sysconfig/network file:


and it works fine. I had to do this since Mandrake always complains during 
installation that I've configure multiple ways to connect to the Internet. 
(I've got an external modem and LAN card).

Also, you don't have to reboot. You can do (as su) a:

service network restart



 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 5:20 pm, Charlie wrote:
 The final point I want to make; have you read any comparisons on hardware
 review sites of the differences between GeForce cards from different
 manufacturers? There are differences and even though the tests for the most
 part are done under Windows the drivers used are always the latest stable
 offerings from NVidia. It may just be that part of the difference is
 something like VRAM speed difference on the two different boards as well.

 Lot's of variables, not enough for me to base anything other than these
 SIWAGes on. (semi intelligent wild @$$ guesses) :-)

Question for Charlie -

Since graphics cards are amongst the most popular upgrades, would you like to 
put on record the checks you would make if you were choosing a card, and 
where you would look for answers?

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 11:53 am, et wrote:
 or maybe because it restarts a bunch of servicces that have been
 reconfigured but not restarted.

That sounds more than likely g

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 31 January 2003 12:33 pm, Charles A Edwards wrote:

 mode=1x, 2x, 3x, 4x and with newest high end cards 8x
 Both your cards should be set for 4x

grin I thought thats what you meant but didn't want to show my, ah 
ignorance... :-)

Anyways, yes - both are set to 4x mode.

 But hell if you have 1 system that is not using the nvidia drivers it
 would be tremendously faster With those drivers.


They are both using Nvidia drivers - just that the first one is using the 
latest 4191 drivers, and the 2nd one is using the Nvidia drivers that come 
with the v9.0 Powerpack. (not 2D).



 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 5:23 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Thursday 30 January 2003 05:24 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  As root edit /etc/sysconfig/network and manually remove the GATEWAY
  entry. Reboot the machine and the DNS resolution should start working ok.
  ps there are full details in the archives somewhere (errata)

 Anne, I've got this in my /etc/sysconfig/network file:


Can't comment on that.  Mine is adsl over lan with a router, so quite 

 and it works fine. I had to do this since Mandrake always complains during
 installation that I've configure multiple ways to connect to the Internet.
 (I've got an external modem and LAN card).

 Also, you don't have to reboot. You can do (as su) a:

 service network restart


I guess that's why he said re-boot, but your way would be just as good, but 
perhaps not as 'intuitive' for a newbie?

intuitive - inn-too-it-iv - adj: relative to the windows way of doing thing.  
Origin u.s.a., late 20c.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

2003-01-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 31 January 2003 12:34 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:

 I guess that's why he said re-boot, but your way would be just as good, but
 perhaps not as 'intuitive' for a newbie?

 intuitive - inn-too-it-iv - adj: relative to the windows way of doing
 thing. Origin u.s.a., late 20c.


grin Windows is not inn-too-it-iv, Anne...just look - you have to go to 
the start icon to stop 



 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 12:30:55 -0500
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 They are both using Nvidia drivers - just that the first one is using
 the latest 4191 drivers, and the 2nd one is using the Nvidia drivers
 that come with the v9.0 Powerpack. (not 2D).

Is either system by chance running setiathome?


The hearing ear is always found close to the speaking tongue, a custom
whereof the memory of man runneth not howsomever to the contrary, nohow.
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.21pre4-1mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] slow after 9.0 install

2003-01-31 Thread iggy
On Thursday 30 January 2003 01:59 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 30 Jan 2003 6:30 pm, et wrote:
I would suggest you turn of DNS, caching name server, named, routed
and yp services and other YP services (unless you need them and
understand how to correctly configure them
   seems that named (a DNS) would be the only one i need of the ones you
   mentioned as i am attempting to setup a server/dumb terminal network as
   per and need dns.  the rest were deactivated as per your
   suggestion. Dennis M. had mentioned that on his system leaving the bios
   set to auto detect contributed to a slow and unstable system and
   suggested doing a hd detect in bios.  perhaps with both suggestions i
   can get this thing moving!
   thank you (and Dennis M.) for your time and suggestion.
  DNS, if not configured correctly is one of those things that will sure as
  hell start a system to crawl, as your box might decide it needs to look
  on the Internet for // instead of
  /home/iggy/fileineed.txt, and look to the dns servers upline before
  timing out and looking for the file where it is supposed to be. this
  might only take ten seconds while your network is up, but 10 seconds
  added to the time to open each file can sure make it seem like it is
  crawling. IMHO, better to not try to setup a dns server untill the rest
  of the box is setup correctly.

 When I got dns wrong it affected absolutely everything.  Opening a file
 from the desktop took upwards of a minute.  Sure the startup was very, very
 slow, but so was every other time the system needed it.  Maybe this setup
 has a correct entry coupled with one or more incorrect ones, so that
 eventually gets there, while mine just had to time out.


i stopped the deamon from starting at boot, rebooted and checked to make sure 
that the deamon was stopped.  it was... however, i'm still quite slow.  it 
does not take me 1 minute more like 15 - 20 seconds to open programs.  i do 
remember that the only other time i did a default install (mdk 8.2) i also 
had a slow system.  once i did a custom install (checking only the programs i 
wanted and needed) the system ran fine.  i'll reinstall if i have to :^(  but 
i'm not looking forward to it (reeks of ms crap i went through w/ win98).

anyother ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 31 January 2003 12:51 pm, Charles A Edwards wrote:

 Is either system by chance running setiathome?


Nah, although I do think its a very cool project! :-)


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] slow after 9.0 install

2003-01-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 31 January 2003 12:53 pm, iggy wrote:

 anyother ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Make sure you don't have a hostname conflict somewhere. That wil definitely 
slow your system down.

Also, you can get KDE to bootup faster by editing:


and commenting out the following lines:

# Laurent kde2.2-30mdk scan-nsplugins
#if [ -x /usr/bin/nspluginscan ]; then
#   /usr/bin/nspluginscan

HTH's! :-)


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 5:40 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Friday 31 January 2003 12:34 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  I guess that's why he said re-boot, but your way would be just as good,
  but perhaps not as 'intuitive' for a newbie?
  intuitive - inn-too-it-iv - adj: relative to the windows way of doing
  thing. Origin u.s.a., late 20c.

 grin Windows is not inn-too-it-iv, Anne...just look - you have to go to
 the start icon to stop


I always thought that was a master stroke g

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

2003-01-31 Thread civileme
On Friday 31 January 2003 02:27 am, Margot wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 10:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

 snipped all

 I used the wizard in MCC to set up the connection again, then used the
 Mozilla wizard to set up my account, but still no luck.

 As eurobell failed to give a sensible answer to my question about
 authentication protocol, I tried all the options! This is what I got...

 As PAP:
 Failed to connect to server

 Failed to connect to server

 As Terminal-based:
 Gave me a terminal screen where I put in my username, then I got
 The pppd daemon died unexpectedly
 Exit status:16

 As Script-based:
 The pppd daemon died unexpectedly
 Exit status:16

 Consulted man pppd - found that Exit status 16 = The link was terminated by
 the modem hanging up.

 Originally I thought the problem might be failure of the hardware module
 located between chair and keyboard - I have ME, and sometimes my brain gets
 a bit foggy! Now I think it is more likely that eurobell has some weird
 setup that they can't understand themselves, let alone explain to other

 So perhaps the answer is just that I need to use a different ISP? I've
 started a new thread asking for recommendations...

 Meanwhile, I don't feel inclined to waste any more of my time or yours on
 this problem - I'm sure we've all got better things to do - but big thanks
 to Anne and all others for help so far.


OK I am late in on this thread, but let's see

You have PAP on their end without a doubt.

If you are using 9.0, then you need to erase the entry 
in /etc/sysconfig/network.  Script error causes a big problem with ppp 
connections by demanding a gateway that cannot point to ppp0.

Now on to firewalling.  If you use the command line, likely you will need to 
bring up a terminal window and su first then give the root password

# iptables -L

is the instruction to list all the tables and any rules within

if you have tables and there are policies or rules in effect, you need to

iptables -F OUTPUT
iptables -F INPUT
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

to turn off filtering entirely.

Now if iptables does not work at all, then you do not have it loaded and no 
firewalling can be present, so firewalling would not be your problem

An OLD OLD error was /etc/ppp/options

it should be the following


The usepeerdns can be eliminated if you set up your own dns pointers, but the 
noauth is critically important.  When it is absent, the server is required to 
authenticate itself to your PC and that dialog could produce the hangup 
behavior you speak of.

OTHER problems could be the protocol of your modem vs their protocol.  If both 
are not using V.92, this could be the case.  In that case, change modems or 
change ISPs.


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Re: [newbie] Anyone using a Soltek mobo?

2003-01-31 Thread John Rye
On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 10:19:54 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Friday 31 Jan 2003 1:50 am, John Rye wrote:
  I'm running Mandrake 9.0 on a Soltek SL-KT400-A4/7 Socket A board,
  Via KT133 series, running an Athlon-XP 1800 with no problems.
 Thanks for that.
  For your interest a good test of a mother board is to locate,
  aquire,steal, borrow or of coarse d/l Knoppix.
 Now that's an interesting thought.  No good in this situation, because
 I'll have to buy it before I can test it, but a good idea for checking
 out existing older computers.  Thanks.

I mildly disagree Anne, if the vender needs or wants the sale they will
want to find a way to prove their product does what they advertise.

I guess it is a little more difficult if you purchasing from a remote
source (as I was), but I was able to use a 'return on failure to perform'
promise made by the vendor.

(Do you have any consumer protection legistation you could invoke?)



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Re: [newbie] HD

2003-01-31 Thread civileme
On Friday 31 January 2003 02:47 am, Gil Katz wrote:
 On Thursday 30 January 2003 10:45, Gil Katz wrote:
  I bought a new WD 80GB disk and mount it with HardDrake and made one
  partition but when i look in KDiskFree i see that i got only 25 GB.
  What is wrong?

 I'll refine the problem
 DiskDrake see the disk as is (74 GB)
 but KDiskFree see only 2.5 HD

Well WD is not a brand to buy since trhey OFFICIALLY support only Solaris and 
Windows, and besides they are hardware deficient on what it takes to do udma3 
or higher and dangerous to use for your data at higher rates.  Others can 
supply the info and links, but I will give you one...

Basically WD disks are bad juju for linux.

The real problem here may be one of mathematics, though.  WD has this penchant 
for producing single-platter disks with one rack of heads each side (weigh it 
on a scale against competitive products and you will find the WD disk 

This means that the track number may be overflowing what Kdiskfree has 
available for track numbers with a resulting problem in viewing the disk.  At 
one time the linux kernel would carve up big WD drives differently than the 
BIOS would with results that were just fantastic, but no other drives had ANY 
problems.  This was true in Mandrake 7.1 and 7.2 for certain, but was 
corrected in kernel 2.2.19.

Now, stop trusting kdf and let's see what dmesg says.  Post the results and 
we'll see what the kernel says about free space.  If there is still a 
problem, most likely the kernel's math will have to be adjusted for the most 
recent WD cheapness shortcut and another item will have to be added to the 
kernel's internal blacklist of cantankerous drives requiring special 


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Re: [newbie] Logitech Wingman/USB joystick question.

2003-01-31 Thread s
On Friday 31 January 2003 10:45 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Is there a good howto on getting this to work? I can plug it in
 to my USB port and it shows up, recognized and everything in USB
 View. Do I have to load some modules 'n stuff? Also, what games
 support Linux joysticks?

 Thanks  much!

The only info that's even half way current is the one in 

for usb I needed:  usb-uhci, input, joydev, and adi
for gp I needed:  input, joydev, emu10k1-gp and adi 

adi is the kernel module for that joystick.  emu10k1-gp is for the 
soundblasterlive critters.  Never needed to calibrate or set up 
anything else - just load the modules.  

The game I bought mine for mainly was Descent3 (and Tribes2).  :D


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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread Charlie
On Friday 31 January 2003 10:21 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Friday 31 January 2003 12:20 pm, Charlie wrote:
  Lot's of variables, not enough for me to base anything other than these
  SIWAGes on. (semi intelligent wild @$$ guesses) :-)

 Ha - those are the finest kind! grin (and thanks for the reply)

Hey D-L I do the best I can with my semi intelligence. ;-) 

Wild @$$ guesses have always been a specialty of mine ya know.

With all the help I get around here without even asking I wouldn't reply if I 
had a guess or a clue to offer? 

waaa, you huiwted me feewings! g

You're very welcome.

Registered user 244963
If God had intended Man to Walk, He would have given him Feet.

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Re: [newbie] support for gnome-python2 and pygtk2

2003-01-31 Thread civileme
On Friday 31 January 2003 04:29 am, Trevor Rhodes wrote:
 Would anyone happen to know if there will be support for gnome-python2 and
 pygtk2 in Mandrake 9.1?

Well, before there are a raft of support questions for 9.1 perhaps this link 
should be posted...

Those are the rpms there now.  If you care to build rpms for those, then go to 
the webpage and look under Developers on the left-hand 

xchat-python is there and pygnome 1.4.4 and pygtk-0.6.9 (four packages) and of 
course rpm-python.  Now the versioning may not run the same so go up a level 
or two, grab the source(srpms), make a directory like this in your userspace


and then just

$ rpm -i pygtk-0.6.9-(whatever).src.rpm

and then look in ~/rpm/SPECS with your favorite text editor handy (emacs 
color-codes the spec file nicely) and read the spec file for a description of 
what is actually covered.

If you don't find what you want, you CAN make it happen.  That is the beauty 
of linux.  Go here:

And you can use your own 9.0 system to prepare and submit srpms for your 
favorite software so others (like me) who also love python can share in the 
benefits and your name goes on the changelog.

Submission instructions are here:

I hope that answers your question.  I think you will find that with a few 
examples downloaded and disassembled by rpm installing them to your ~/rpm 
directory, that you can produce an rpm that will install and run nicely.  
Mandrake will rebuild it on their own compilation cluster(s), but it will be 
YOUR development contribution to MandrakeLinux.  Likely the same SRPM will 
work for RH so you may want to post it somewhere as well where others can DL 

I think that is a great project, but I have other projects ahead of it so the 
chances I will do this one are slim and none.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Off Topic list

2003-01-31 Thread Todd Slater
On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 01:27:15PM -0500, Mark Weaver wrote:
 Hi all,
 Given the amount of traffic and passion related over the last few days 
 concerning things totally off topic where Mandrake Linux is concerned 
 has led me to a place where I'm willing to try an experiment of sorts.
 I've created a mailing list for anyone here on the newbie and expert 
 lists where they can freely talk about all the off topic stuff they have 
 a need for. The link to sign up is below.

Good idea, thanks for offering that. I see you're using Mailman. I have
a script that will generate list statistics on a monthly basis:

Attempted posts, successful posts, Total bytes, Top 10 posters, Top 10 threads.

I also run posts through stripmime, cause HTML really messes up the

If you're into stats, I can send you that script.


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Re: [newbie] Anyone using a Soltek mobo?

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 4:44 pm, John Rye wrote:
 On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 10:19:54 +

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Friday 31 Jan 2003 1:50 am, John Rye wrote:
   I'm running Mandrake 9.0 on a Soltek SL-KT400-A4/7 Socket A board,
   Via KT133 series, running an Athlon-XP 1800 with no problems.
  Thanks for that.
   For your interest a good test of a mother board is to locate,
   aquire,steal, borrow or of coarse d/l Knoppix.
  Now that's an interesting thought.  No good in this situation, because
  I'll have to buy it before I can test it, but a good idea for checking
  out existing older computers.  Thanks.

 I mildly disagree Anne, if the vender needs or wants the sale they will
 want to find a way to prove their product does what they advertise.

 I guess it is a little more difficult if you purchasing from a remote
 source (as I was), but I was able to use a 'return on failure to perform'
 promise made by the vendor.

Good for you.  It seems only fair, though, that you should in return give him 
some publicity.  I won't be shipping from nz, but someone else here might be 
interested in knowing him :)

 (Do you have any consumer protection legistation you could invoke?)

In theory, yes.  In practice, no.  To invoke the 'fit for purpose' you have to 
clearly state at the time of purchase what is was that you wanted it to do.  
Say the dreaded word 'linux' and 99 out of 100 vendors will say, 'Don't know 
- can't say.  We don't support linux'  Under those circumstances they haven't 
told you it would, so you take the whole responsibility.  They won't take it 
back unless you can prove it to be physically faulty in a way that you could 
not have caused.

Our day will come - but not today.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Cheap, Sensible UK ISP?

2003-01-31 Thread Douglas B.

Most of the UK dial-up ISPs can be set up for Linux without too much
difficulty - I would choose the one that offers the best deal, ignoring
the question of Linux. Tiscali is pretty good, with a special internet
deal called SmartSurf; but I have several to use in case one or other is
particularly sluggish or down.
The easiest way to set up for Linux is if you have Winblows - just
install the free ISP CD and then crib the details off My Computer=
Dial-Up Networking= the particular ISP. The only thing usually missing
is the domain name and the authentication - that's usually PAP/CHAP (not
Let me know if you'd like to pursue this - for your info I'm using
MD9.0, and Evolution (updated) for e-mail.


On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 10:39, Margot wrote:
 Hi All
 If you have followed my other thread (Internet Connection Problem) you will
 see that in spite of lots of help from various people I still can't connect
 to the internet from my new linux machine using my current ISP Eurobell.
 I'm beginning to think that what I really need is a different ISP, because
 Eurobell's technical support people don't seem to understand their own
 system setup, let alone mine!
 I have a 56k dial-up modem and a standard BT phone line which I will have to
 continue to use as there is no cable where I live, and I can't afford
 anything else.
 Eurobell charges a penny a minute any time of day/night, which is useful
 because I have ME so my sleeping/waking hours are somewhat erratic. I spend
 about fifteen pounds a month, and can't afford more because my budget is
 limited (Incapacity Benefit doesn't stretch very far, and I need to eat
 Can anyone recommend a suitable UK ISP that is both cheap and
 I'd also like to hear about any that you would NOT recommend - feel free to
 mail me off-list if you prefer not to criticise your current ISP in public!
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Cheap, Sensible UK ISP?

2003-01-31 Thread Douglas B.

Most of the UK dial-up ISPs can be set up for Linux without too much
difficulty - I would choose the one that offers the best deal, ignoring
the question of Linux. Tiscali is pretty good, with a special internet
deal called SmartSurf; but I have several to use in case one or other is
particularly sluggish or down.
The easiest way to set up for Linux is if you have Winblows - just
install the free ISP CD and then crib the details off My Computer=
Dial-Up Networking= the particular ISP. The only thing usually missing
is the domain name and the authentication - that's usually PAP/CHAP (not
Let me know if you'd like to pursue this - for your info I'm using
MD9.0, KPPP and Evolution (updated) for e-mail.


On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 10:39, Margot wrote:
 Hi All
 If you have followed my other thread (Internet Connection Problem) you will
 see that in spite of lots of help from various people I still can't connect
 to the internet from my new linux machine using my current ISP Eurobell.
 I'm beginning to think that what I really need is a different ISP, because
 Eurobell's technical support people don't seem to understand their own
 system setup, let alone mine!
 I have a 56k dial-up modem and a standard BT phone line which I will have to
 continue to use as there is no cable where I live, and I can't afford
 anything else.
 Eurobell charges a penny a minute any time of day/night, which is useful
 because I have ME so my sleeping/waking hours are somewhat erratic. I spend
 about fifteen pounds a month, and can't afford more because my budget is
 limited (Incapacity Benefit doesn't stretch very far, and I need to eat
 Can anyone recommend a suitable UK ISP that is both cheap and
 I'd also like to hear about any that you would NOT recommend - feel free to
 mail me off-list if you prefer not to criticise your current ISP in public!
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread FemmeFatale
On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 07:59, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Okay, I've got 2 systems here I'm looking at:

 Now I know that GLXGears is not the best thing in the world to use for a 
 comparison, but the results surprised me:
 2600fps   2200fps
 Why would the system in column 1 outperform (video wise) the machine in the 
 2nd column? It seems like it would be the other way around? (could the 
 drivers make that much of a difference?)
 Thanks! :-)
  Dark Lord

Drivers  one is a duron.  Effectively a neutered AMD Chipset. Or so
goes my semi-educated guess.


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Re: [newbie] Comparison question

2003-01-31 Thread Charlie
On Friday 31 January 2003 10:26 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 31 Jan 2003 5:20 pm, Charlie wrote:
  The final point I want to make; have you read any comparisons on hardware
  review sites of the differences between GeForce cards from different
  manufacturers? There are differences and even though the tests for the
  most part are done under Windows the drivers used are always the latest
  stable offerings from NVidia. It may just be that part of the difference
  is something like VRAM speed difference on the two different boards as
  Lot's of variables, not enough for me to base anything other than these
  SIWAGes on. (semi intelligent wild @$$ guesses) :-)

 Question for Charlie -

 Since graphics cards are amongst the most popular upgrades, would you like
 to put on record the checks you would make if you were choosing a card, and
 where you would look for answers?


Hi Anne!

What I usually do to start is to consider the projected budget set for the 
purchase. Then read every review I can find on cards at that price since the 
reviewers all have slightly different hardware environments to consider. A 
component match is sometimes as important as any specific component to my 
way of thinking.

You must remember that I haven't bought a new graphics adapter for my own use 
since late 1998, a Creative Graphics Blaster TNT 16 MB. Price as usual was 
the first consideration in the vein of bang for the buck. The only real 
competition NVidia had at the time at the price point under consideration was 
ATI; and while Buy Canadian meant a bit to me, the competition wasn't even 
close. ATI is known throughout the world as a company that seems able to 
design and (in some instances) build the hell out of the hardware, but fall 
on their faces writing drivers that do what the hardware is capable of. I 
would have rather had a VooDoo at the time but availability (extremely 
limited here) and price meant that was out completely. Add to that; I had 
just paid over CDN$400 for an Student discounted copy of Office 2000 
because I was told in no uncertain terms that the Educational Institution I 
was taking courses from required all Papers submitted on disks of that 
format. They excluded compatibility capabilities of Star Office and Word 
Perfect specifically. The twits!

Back to the graphics;

I recently made my 17 year old son build his own box with only minimal hints 
from Dear Olde regarding hardware; on the theory that, He'll learn faster 
from being bitten than any other way, and besides it's his cash he's throwing 
at this thing. 

We'll skip most of the specs other than; Athlon XP1800+ (Thoroughbred core) 
overclocked {now} to 1967 MHz on an MSI KT-3 (or is that KT-4? One or the 
other.) Ultra, SoundBlaster Live! Value Digital, and an ATI 9500 Pro Video 
In/Video Out. I don't remember the manufacturer, it was whichever one of the 
hardware review sites rated top of the class. MSI again I think. He seems to 
have overclocked that beast too somehow and (under Windows XP anyway) 
convinced it that it's a 9700 Pro using some sort of unlocking script. He's 
still having trouble with it under Mandrake 9.0 which is the only reason he 
loaded Windows XP. Gaming ya know.

I still think he made the correct choice. From what I've absorbed by haunting 
the various hardware sites the 9500 Pro kills any available GeForce 4 for 
less money; the drivers (gatos project for GNU/Linux) are better than 
anything ATI has done in; well, forever, and they're improving, and the kid 
needs to learn somehow right?

I guess what I'm saying is to pick as much as you can stuff into your budget 
and find as much as possible from reviews on the 'net. Then toss a coin I 
s'pose; since even the old 'hardcases' will disagree with each other.


Or you could follow one of Josh's (the kid) criteria that he used picking the 
motherboard. I liked the RED!

Makes almost as much sense as anything else don't you think? g

Registered user 244963
You can't run a barn without baling twine
-- Murphy's Horse Laws n°15

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Re: [newbie] Cheap, Sensible UK ISP?

2003-01-31 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 31 Jan 2003 7:02 pm, Douglas B. wrote:

 Most of the UK dial-up ISPs can be set up for Linux without too much
 difficulty - I would choose the one that offers the best deal, ignoring
 the question of Linux. Tiscali is pretty good, with a special internet
 deal called SmartSurf; but I have several to use in case one or other is
 particularly sluggish or down.

In your position I would consider using Tiscali on an Anytime contract, which 
IIRC is £15/month, and then one of the pay as you go isps for a fall-back 
account, just for those very rare occasions when something goes wrong.  
Anytime is just that no other cost for time or phone calls, but they tend to 
cut you off after about 2 hours, so long downloads are very difficult.

As far as setting up goes, you can sign up from any browser you have, on any 
os, just from their website.  When you've signed up and got your account 
initiated they send you a welcome letter and another with all the details you 
need to set up access from any browser.  It is absolutely complete.  HTH

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Logitech Wingman/USB joystick question.

2003-01-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 31 January 2003 01:27 pm, s wrote:

 The only info that's even half way current is the one in

Yes, I read that - after getting many page not found errors when looking for 
info from Google searches... :-(

 for usb I needed:  usb-uhci, input, joydev, and adi
 for gp I needed:  input, joydev, emu10k1-gp and adi

 adi is the kernel module for that joystick.  emu10k1-gp is for the
 soundblasterlive critters.  Never needed to calibrate or set up
 anything else - just load the modules.

 The game I bought mine for mainly was Descent3 (and Tribes2).  :D


Okay, so I just need to do insmod on joydev and adi?

lsmod shows usb-uhci and input already.

Okay, insmod joydev went fine...

Hmm, I just tried insmod adi and got this:

[root@darkforce darklord]# insmod adi
Using /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/char/joystick/adi.o.gz
/lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/char/joystick/adi.o.gz: unresolved 
symbol gameport_open_Ra9b0d2ad
/lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/char/joystick/adi.o.gz: unresolved 
symbol gameport_close_R9d5c376e
/lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/char/joystick/adi.o.gz: unresolved 
symbol gameport_unregister_device_Rf205c758
/lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/char/joystick/adi.o.gz: unresolved 
symbol gameport_register_device_R274f9f7b

I never done anything with the joystick before so I'm lost here. Any ideas?

Thanks much!


 Dark Lord

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