Fwd:RE: [newbie-it] help: invio email....

2003-03-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Prova a immettere l'indirizzo SMTP di Virgilio negli altri account,
 dovrebbe funzionare.
 E' una tattica comune nella gestione di piu' indirizzi, in quanto molto
 spesso i provider (specialmente quelli gratuiti) lasciano il permesso
 di accedere ai server POP3 (che sono quelli appositi per ricever la
 posta) dei provider concorrenti, ma vietano l'accesso ai server SMTP
 (che sono quelli appositi per gestire l'invio delle e-mail) per (almeno
 dicono) questioni di sicurezza e anti spam.

si ti confermo che io ho fatto lo stesso.fai attenzione che alcuni 
richiedono per smtp l'autenticazione del server..ma non sembra sia tra 
quelli da te elencati

 Quindi per risolvere il problema, quando si configurano piu' indirizzi,
 si tengono validi i server POP3 di ogni provider, ma si usa sempre lo
 stesso server SMTP che e' quello del provider con cui ci si connette ad

esatto...ricordatelo quando scegli la connessione da lanciare :-)



Re: Fwd:RE: [newbie-it] help: invio email....

2003-03-18 Thread beo
Il Tue, 18 Mar 2003 09:49:22 +0100
Io ho risolto utilizzando un SMTP fornito da un non provider
così ricevo dove voglio e trasmetto sempre indifferentemente da chi garantisce la 
Adesso sono connesso tramite ADSL aziendale, ricevo su inwind e trasmetto da yahoo :-)

Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

Re: [newbie-it] serverx. non vuole pi partire

2003-03-18 Thread beo
Il Sat, 15 Mar 2003 00:05:01 +0100
miKe [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 Hash: SHA1
 Alle 21:41, giovedì 13 marzo 2003, giamgax ha scritto:
  Could not init found path element unix/:-1, removing from list
  Fatal server error:
  could not open default font 'fixed'
Alla fine della fiera non erano i font il problema, non avevo più spazio nella /. Ho 
eliminato i file temporanei ed è ripartito.

Grazie a tutti
Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

Re: Re: [newbie-it] kernle panic

2003-03-18 Thread kua79

francesco.melo wrote:
  kua79 wrote:
  L'errore completo è
  RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
  invalid compressed format (err=1)6Freeing initrd memory: 2728k
  kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 01:03
   Non è che abbia già scritto qualcosa sul mbr?
  Avevo pensato la stessa cosa, dato che parla del blocco 0, allora ho
  provato a cancellare l'mbr con fdisk/mbr, cancellare tutte le
  partizioni presenti, rimettere la partizione originale (fat32)
  riformattarla e riprovare l'installazione da zero ma... nada!
  Porca putt...
  mi da sempre kernel panic.. etc..etc..
  se può servire io ho avuto un problema del genere per un overclock una
  volta e per una ram settata come fast  la seconda volta
  rimettendo tutto in ordine  ha ripreso a funzionare ...
  se servisse
Anche se il Pc è overcloccato non penso che sia quella la causa perchè
la prima volta stava andando tutto liscio...
Nessun problema se non quel Cd Rom di m***a che ha bloccato
Grazie cmq Francesco!

[newbie-it] Linux così pesante?

2003-03-18 Thread Gaetano
Salve a tutta la ml,

ho appena installato Linux RedHat 8.0 sul computer
di casa, perchè ho deciso di passare completamente
a Linux, prima lo tenevo installato solo sul portatile ed
in modalità testo giusto per programmare in c, e sono
ancora molto inesperto del mondo del pinguino.
Passiamo  al problema: appena dopo l'installazione
ho avviato il monitor di sistema, e mi sono accorto che
la mia memoria Ram (256) era praticamente esaurita;
memoria usata (245) e senza lanciare alcun programma.
I processi in esecuzione che occupavano memoria erano:

processo MB

bonobo-actvation-server  2,2
esd  1,6
fam  2,3
gconfd-2  5,0
gnome-session  8,2
gnome-system-monitor 9,0
gnome-setting-daemon 7,1
magicdev 5,8
metacity   6,7
nautilus-throbber  7,5
python 14,8
tot memoria usatacirca 120MB

E' possibile eliminare qualche processo di questi per liberare memoria?
Questo Nautilus che occupa solo lui quasi 30MB è così importante?
Considerate che ho selezionato una istallazione per utente desktop,
installando i pacchetti che lui mi consigliava per poi personalizzarla
quando ci capirò di più..

Non ditemi che Linux e così tanto più pesante di Windows!!!???!!!

Ringrazio tutti e soprattutto chi avrà la pazienza
di rispondermi.



[newbie-it] Mysql è a terra, perchè?

2003-03-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aiuto, aiuto,
non mi parte più il sever mysql, sul server con mandrake,
nel centro di controllo dice sempre Stopped, non-ostante io abbia impostato lo start 
al boot, ed ho tutti i privilegi possibili.

penso che sia nato tutto quando ho cercato di installare una nuova relase di Mysql, ma 
non mi ha (e non ho idea del perchè) permesso di farlo.

come si fa a disinstallarlo e reinstallarlo?

PS: abbiata pazienza sono un NEWNEWBIE

[newbie-it] Valore LBA diverso da CHS

2003-03-18 Thread Gaetano
Ciao a tutti,

dopo aver installato Linux, ho lanciato Partition Magic
ovviamente da windows98 e mi dice:

The starting LBA value is 158529420 and  the CHS
value is 16450559.
The LBA and CHS values must be equal.

Visto che il valore di LBA è corretto secondo il programma,
mi chiede se voglio far correggere il valore di CHS;
considerando che non so proprio cosa sono questi parametri,
cosa mi consigliate di fare?

Dimenticavo, Windows98 è sul primo harddisk e linux sul secondo.

Ciao a tutti e grazie.

Re: [newbie-it] Linux così pesante?

2003-03-18 Thread Andrea Celli
On Tue, 18 Mar 2003 16:40:48 +0100
Gaetano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Salve a tutta la ml,
 ho appena installato Linux RedHat 8.0 sul computer
 di casa, perchè ho deciso di passare completamente
 a Linux, prima lo tenevo installato solo sul portatile ed
 in modalità testo giusto per programmare in c, e sono
 ancora molto inesperto del mondo del pinguino.
 Passiamo  al problema: appena dopo l'installazione
 ho avviato il monitor di sistema, e mi sono accorto che
 la mia memoria Ram (256) era praticamente esaurita;
 memoria usata (245) e senza lanciare alcun programma.
 I processi in esecuzione che occupavano memoria erano:

non significa nulla :-)
Linux usa la RAM inutilizzata come se fosse una cache.
Quindi top, free o altri programmi ti daranno sempre una RAM piena
quasi al 100%.

 E' possibile eliminare qualche processo di questi per liberare memoria?
 Questo Nautilus che occupa solo lui quasi 30MB è così importante?
 Considerate che ho selezionato una istallazione per utente desktop,
 installando i pacchetti che lui mi consigliava per poi personalizzarla
 quando ci capirò di più..

Gnome e Kde sono oggettivamente dei desktop piuttosto pesanti.
I pareri in proposito sono raramente oggettivi perché ci sono state
diatribe abbastanza pesanti tra le due comunità di sviluppo.

A mio (personalissimo) parere, kde-3.1 è il migliore come rapporto tra
peso e funzionalità.

Comunque, se vuoi alleggerire il tutto, ti conviene abbandonare tutti e due 
ed usare un semplice WindowsManager come WindowMaker o IceWM.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Mysql è a terra, perchè?

2003-03-18 Thread sandro
Hash: SHA1

Alle 16:49, martedì 18 marzo 2003, hai scritto:
 Aiuto, aiuto,
 non mi parte più il sever mysql, sul server con mandrake,
 nel centro di controllo dice sempre Stopped, non-ostante io abbia
 impostato lo start al boot, ed ho tutti i privilegi possibili. 
 penso che sia nato tutto quando ho cercato di installare una nuova relase
 di Mysql, ma non mi ha (e non ho idea del perchè) permesso di farlo. 
 come si fa a disinstallarlo e reinstallarlo?
 PS: abbiata pazienza sono un NEWNEWBIE

Se è il MySql standard (intendo quello originale della distribuzione) 
utilizzi semplicemente il programma di installazione/disinstallazione dei 
pacchetti a cui puoi accedere tramite il Centro di Controllo di Mandrake ed 
una volta caricato scegli l'opzione: Gestione software  e da li l'opzione 
Rimuovi software.
Cerchi nell'elenco Mysql e lo disinstalli.
Puoi procedi alla nuova installazione.

- -- 
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n° 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.2 on PIII 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Valore LBA diverso da CHS

2003-03-18 Thread Paolo T.
 dopo aver installato Linux, ho lanciato Partition Magic
 ovviamente da windows98 e mi dice:

 The starting LBA value is 158529420 and  the CHS
 value is 16450559.
 The LBA and CHS values must be equal.

Credo che dipenda dalla versione di Partition Magic che stai utilizzando
che, molto probabilmente, non supporta le partizioni Linux ext3.
E successo anche a me una volta installata la RH8.0... ho aggiornato
Partition Magic alla 8.0 e adesso tutto funziona.

 Visto che il valore di LBA è corretto secondo il programma,
 mi chiede se voglio far correggere il valore di CHS;
 considerando che non so proprio cosa sono questi parametri,
 cosa mi consigliate di fare?

Non so... Quando utilizzavo Partition Magic 7.0 ho provato a fargli
correggere l'errore ma il risultato è stato un completo disastro con
allegata una bella riformattazione globale (God bless Ghost) :-)

NB E' il mio primo messaggio nella lista e ne approfitto per salutare tutti


Re: [newbie-it] Mysql è a terra, perchè?

2003-03-18 Thread Giovanni Mazzamati
Alle 17:58, martedì 18 marzo 2003, sandro ha scritto:
 Alle 16:49, martedì 18 marzo 2003, hai scritto:
  Aiuto, aiuto,

  PS: abbiata pazienza sono un NEWNEWBIE

 Se è il MySql standard (intendo quello originale della distribuzione)
 utilizzi semplicemente il programma di installazione/disinstallazione dei
 Puoi procedi alla nuova installazione.
Se ho ben capito il tuo problema è lo stesso che ho trovato io appena installa 
ta la mdk 9.0.
Sembra che non venga nominato correttamente il link ad /etc/init.d/mysql
Che dovresti avere, per sempio, nella dir 
/etc/rc5.d/S90mysql - ../init.d/mysql
Nota la S esse maiuscola che sta ad indicare che il demone deve essere 
attivato, invece sembra che avvenga questo
/etc/rc5.d/K90mysql - ../init.d/mysql
K kappa maiuscola che sta ad indicare che il demone deve essere disattivato.
Vien da se... cambia le cose a manina e tutto andrà.

Giovanni Mazzamati
|Linux Mandrake 9.0 - KDE 3.0.3 user  |
|Registred User #183142   |
| La conoscenza è nulla senza condivisione. |
| Paolo Caldana aka verbal  |

[newbie-it] Visualizzare KDE su TV!!

2003-03-18 Thread Santarella Benedetto
Salve a tutti,
Ho una scheda video ATI Rage 128 pro, dotata di
uscita per la TV e un monitor Studiowork 775n della LG.
Collegando la TV e riavviando, 
vengono visualizzate le informazioni sia sulla TV che
sul monitor, con la differenza che sul monitro, le videate sono 
spostate rispetto alle normali impostazioni, ed il refresh e' nettamente
+ basso (penso che questo sia dovuto al fatto che le impostazioni
usate sono quelle del video meno performante, in questo caso la TV).
Il vero problema e' quando faccio partire startx, la TV mi mostra una
schermata blu fissa, mentre il monitor va' fuori frequenza
Ecco il msg di errore dato dal monitor;

FO 23,9 kz
FV 24,0 hz

Impostazioni supportate

30 - 70 Hz
50 -160 Hz

Sapete darmi qualche consiglio su come risolvere questo problema???
Grazie a tutti 
  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
 Home Page == http://utenti.lycos.it/santarellawebmaster/index.html
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

[newbie-it] postgres

2003-03-18 Thread Santarella Benedetto
Salve a tutti,
ho installato postgres che trovo sulla ditro 9.0 della MDK,
ma proprio non  riesco a capire come connettermi al server DB,
ho provato a creare un database di prova con

createdb miodatabase

questa e' la risposta che ottengo:

psql: FATAL 1:  user root does not exist
createdb: database creation failed

Se non posso creare un DB da root, allora chi ha 
tutti i diritti sul serverù

Spero di essere stato chiaro!

  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
 Home Page == http://utenti.lycos.it/santarellawebmaster/index.html
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] Pan e librerie

2003-03-18 Thread freefred
Hash: SHA1

On Monday 17 March 2003 6:47 pm, Luigi Beltramini wrote about Re: [newbie-it] 
Pan e librerie:

   libpspell.so.15   is needed by libgtkspell0-2.0.3-3mdk
   sapete dove posso trovarle?
  Hai provato ad usare rpmdrake? Magari le trovi nei Cd; oppure tramite

 non riesco a trovarle ne' con rpmdrake che sul sito su indicato

A volte capita che non si trovi l'rpm di una certa cosa specifico per la 
Spesso non si trova prorio un .rpm.
Bisogna allora provare ad installare i sorgenti, e vedere come va.
Ci sono anche .rpm (quelli del penguin liberation front, PLF, per es.)
che di solito funzionano piuttosto bene.
La cosa mi incuriosisce in fondo, perche' temerariamente uso
una Mdk 9.1. RC 2, che ha proprio Pan 0.13.4.


- -- 
Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - http://www.marcob.org/go.asp?~freefred/
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Mysql è a terra, perchè?

2003-03-18 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 15:49, martedì 18 marzo 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Aiuto, aiuto,
 non mi parte più il sever mysql, sul server con mandrake,
 nel centro di controllo dice sempre Stopped, non-ostante io abbia
 impostato lo start al boot, ed ho tutti i privilegi possibili. 
 penso che sia nato tutto quando ho cercato di installare una nuova relase
 di Mysql, ma non mi ha (e non ho idea del perchè) permesso di farlo. 
 come si fa a disinstallarlo e reinstallarlo?
 PS: abbiata pazienza sono un NEWNEWBIE
Prova, da console, a dare /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
e vedi che ti dice.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair

Re: [newbie] RE: Difference between 'ISO images' and ' Linux 9.0 for i586'

2003-03-18 Thread m
Thx Jose, you've answered my question :). The only problem I have faced was my laptop T20 didn't want to boot from CD no matter what I did - playing with bios or updating it so I've fired installation via network booting from floppy network image.
I've used Nero to burn the CD using 'Burn Image' option and didn't have to set anything for foreign file - hope this was not a reason my laptop didn't boot up from it.
m wrote: I'm about to install Mandrake Linux on my laptop and like to know the  difference between those two. I guess I need to download ISO images 3  CDs where first one is bootable but what is the 'Mandrake Linux 9.0 for  i586 and higher' download for. Do I need anything from there? Rather than having to download hundreds of files to get a working copy of Mandrake, they wisely chose to group tye numerous files into three large ISO files.WIth your CD burning software, you would tell it to burn from an image or an iso file. It will then do the convert the ISO file into appx. 650mb of individual programs.So you see, an ISO file is simply a bunch of individual files grouped together for easy management.The i586 files are those individual files within the ISO file. They are there in case you need some individual files or for folks that just perfer to use wget to get their files.Download the ISO files, burn each to a cd and load Mandrake from the CD. For Windows CD burning software, I am pretty sure they call an ISO file an image. You would use that option.You may want to try the local Linux Users Group (LUG) and just get a copy from them. They are usually more than willing to help anyone with Linux installs. Laptop installs are sometimes a bit tricky.-- Jose[EMAIL PROTECTED]Registered Mandrake, Redhat and SuSE userDon't make me come down there -GodWant to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.comDo you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop!

Re: [newbie] can't eject cd after burning

2003-03-18 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Tuesday 18 March 2003 04:14, Todd Slater wrote:
 Using cdrdao, with the --eject flag, sometimes after burning the
 green light on the cd burner flashes, but I am unable to eject it. But
 sometimes it does eject. This is annoying because right now the only
 way I know to get the CD out is to reboot :(.

 The burner is an HP CD-Writer Plus.


Had something similar a while back. Turned out the writer never stopped 
writing/working because the CD-rw disc itself was bad.
It happens a lot with too cheap discs.

Good luck,

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Gnome PPP doesn't work

2003-03-18 Thread Tsur, Oren
I have the same problem. Mind you I have some weird experiences with  my

Some things are visible on my desktop only in Gnome and not in KDE and visa

It took me a whole evening to try and give myself permissions to MY DESKTOP
and nothing worked! The next day I logged in and PRESTO I could do
everything?? I must say I am enjoying learning my new OS but HELL, am I

Oren Tsur

-Original Message-
From: Douglas B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 March 2003 19:23
To: Beginners' Mailing List
Subject: [newbie] Gnome PPP doesn't work

Hi all,

Can you help?

Gnome PPP establishes a PPP connection with the ISP but then fails to
log me in and dies with ppd daemon died unexpectedly.

KPPP on the other hand works fine,so where is the problem likely to be?
Maybe I'm making the wrong settings - it's not clear to me how account
options in KPPP translate to Gnome PPP ones. Is there anything else that
might be at fault?

[Sony laptop; dual boot XP/MD9.0; Winmodem works fine,thanks to 
invaluable advice and tips on the mailing list!]



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Gnome PPP doesn't work

2003-03-18 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 19:44, Tsur, Oren wrote:
 I have the same problem. Mind you I have some weird experiences with  my
 Some things are visible on my desktop only in Gnome and not in KDE and visa
 It took me a whole evening to try and give myself permissions to MY DESKTOP
 and nothing worked! The next day I logged in and PRESTO I could do
 everything?? I must say I am enjoying learning my new OS but HELL, am I
 Oren Tsur
Learning linux (and loving it) is rather like marriage; some days she
lays rules on you - the next they change to a completely different set
of rules that all apply to the same basic things. One day, things work
like a charm, the next, nothing works at all. Some days everything's
just smooth as silk, then WHAM - everythings like crawling on yer hands
and knees through five miles of broken glass. You're never absolutely
right, because there are so many other solutions and resolutions that
you're only half right, half of the time. When you REALLY want to do
something, it don't work, and you beg beg beg for it to work - and
finally, you get five minutes of it working, then WHAM, back to the
beginning again.
Tue Mar 18 20:50:01 EST 2003
 20:50:01 up 1 day,  2:04,  3 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.16, 0.10
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

enhance, v.:
To tamper with an image, usually to its detriment.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] RE: Difference between 'ISO images' and ' Linux 9.0for i586'

2003-03-18 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 19:21, m wrote:
 Thx Jose, you've answered my question :). The only problem I have
 faced was my laptop T20 didn't want to boot from CD no matter what I
 did - playing with bios or updating it so I've fired installation via
 network booting from floppy network image. 
 I've used Nero to burn the CD using 'Burn Image'  option and didn't
 have to set anything for foreign file - hope this was not a reason my
 laptop didn't boot up from it. 

If you can boot to ANOTHER CD other than the MDK CD, then the burn
didn't place the booting image on the disk - which Nero sometimes does;
for whatever reason - even though it's SUPPOSED to be able to write boot
images to the CD for El Torito and Joliet...ah well...

Tue Mar 18 20:50:01 EST 2003
 20:50:01 up 1 day,  2:04,  3 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.16, 0.10
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

enhance, v.:
To tamper with an image, usually to its detriment.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] ARTICLE: (Funny) US Military website hacked (they run MS? - THAT'Sfunny!)

2003-03-18 Thread Stephen Kuhn
Had to, HAD to pass this on - you'd reckon that the US government
agencies would have THOUGHT enough after the Slapper hit the SQL
servers world-wide...and since most agencies are migrating their
webservers to either unix or linux...gads - how dumb...


Tue Mar 18 20:55:00 EST 2003
 20:55:00 up 1 day,  2:09,  3 users,  load average: 0.20, 0.14, 0.10
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward
-- William E. Davidsen

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] can't eject cd after burning

2003-03-18 Thread Leendert
On some sites you can see quality tests of different CD-Rs.
I found that TDK reflex, Sony or Verbatin CD-Rs are good. Also note that
CD-Rewritables can only safely burnt at 4x speed, even if noticed otherwise
(The Verbatin CDRWs say 24x, but my system always said 4x was the max when
inserting such a disk, same with the Sony CDRWs but those also said max 4x
on the cover :).

If you get such a problem again you can also turn the recorder off and then
on again to eject the CD by button. I doubt if the system recognises the
drive again without reboot after doing that. You can at least try to start
cdrdao after doing that.

On 3/18/03 9:38 AM, H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday 18 March 2003 04:14, Todd Slater wrote:
 Using cdrdao, with the --eject flag, sometimes after burning the
 green light on the cd burner flashes, but I am unable to eject it. But
 sometimes it does eject. This is annoying because right now the only
 way I know to get the CD out is to reboot :(.
 The burner is an HP CD-Writer Plus.
 Had something similar a while back. Turned out the writer never stopped
 writing/working because the CD-rw disc itself was bad.
 It happens a lot with too cheap discs.
 Good luck,
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] thought this might interest some folks Fwd: Linux

2003-03-18 Thread et
I know it ain't about Mandrake, but it is about linux

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Linux
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 22:48:38 -0500
From: george e featherstone [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IBM Linux Infrastructure to Provide America's Three Million Truckers
Nationwide Truck Stop Wireless Internet Access
17 Mar 2003, 3:53pm ET
 E-mail or  Print this story
- - - - -
1,000 Truck Stops to Be Transformed to Offer Transportation Industry
e-Business on Demand

IBM and Rocksteady Networks today announced that the companies will
provide the infrastructure for Columbia Advanced Wireless (CAW) to offer
high speed wireless Internet access at more than 1,000 truck stops
throughout the country. The new solution will enable trucking enterprises
to gain access to critical information by extending an e-business through
this new wireless e- solution.
Rocksteady software loaded on IBM's Intel-based servers running Linux
will enable the nation's truckers to connect to the Internet through
802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN'S) deployed by Columbia
Advanced Wireless. The new solution follows IBM's recent announcement
that the company joined Intel and ATT to form a new company called
Cometa Networks to roll out a ubiquitous nationwide network of public
wireless LANs.
According to studies by CAW, more than 25 percent of the three million
truck drivers in the U.S. carry laptops. [1] The benefits of Internet
access to truck drivers are numerous including the ability for drivers to
quickly locate and negotiate loads, to transact banking, to maintain
contact with their business partners and employers, and to track weather
and road conditions.
CAW will deploy 802.11b or Wi-Fi hotspots at selected truck stops and
offer prepaid access cards that act like prepaid calling cards. When
accessing the Wireless Local Area Networks at the truck stop drivers can
access the Internet using wirelessly enabled laptop computers and are
prompted to enter an account number from the prepaid access cards. This
new service is designed to increase the driver's success in a highly
competitive industry.
For security and optimum performance CAW will deploy the Rocksteady NSA
Network Sharing Application and IBM eServer xSeries systems running Linux
as the platform for the new Internet access points. Rocksteady NSA
selectively determines whether the truck driver can enter the network and
dynamically manages their Internet session based on their credentials.
Additional capabilities, such as dynamic bandwidth shaping and metering,
help provide a high level of network performance by allocating and
prioritizing bandwidth usage in real time on a user-by-user basis.
Trucking enterprises can help maximize the return on their IT investment
by utilizing an on demand operating environment through this secure,
reliable and scalable end-to-end mobility solution, said Rich Michos, VP
Linux Servers, IBM. Accessing backend applications and data running
Rocksteady Network software on Linux and IBM Intel-based servers, the new
solution will help streamline the efficiency of the trucking industry's
business processes enabling truckers to do more business from the road.
We wanted truck drivers to be able to enter a truck stop, and purchase a
prepaid card to gain access to the network, much like a pre-paid phone
card, said William Read, CEO, Columbia Advanced Wireless. We require
virtually 100% uptime, and since we don't maintain an IT staff at the
locations, we need a highly reliable solution. We tried other solutions
that simply were not up to the task of performing reliably in a hostile
environment. Fortunately, we have found the integration of the IBM
xSeries systems and Rocksteady's Network Sharing Application meets our
reliability requirements and provides us the ability to rapidly deploy
and easily manage our platforms.
With our expanding relationship with IBM, we can provide cost-effective
solutions that will span 1,000 truck stops within four time zones, said
Kerry Grimes, president and CEO, Rocksteady Networks. CAW wanted a
product that was easy to install and maintain but powerful enough to
handle high-volume Internet access with maximum quality of service. With
IBM's hardware and our software, we were able to provide those services
without requiring IT managers to be onsite, which has the ability to save
CAW thousands of dollars in costs each month.
About CAW, Inc.
Columbia Advanced Wireless, Inc. (CAW) is in the business of marketing
and deploying 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN's) to the truck
stop industry. The applied technology allows end users to access the
Internet remotely within a controlled area. The benefits of CAW's service
allows end users to connect to the Internet anywhere at a truck stop
without the limitations of wired telephone ports or other wired business
solutions typically provided by truck stops. Wired service providers are
limited in the number of ports available to the end user and typically

Re: [newbie] can't eject cd after burning

2003-03-18 Thread et
On Monday 17 March 2003 10:14 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 Using cdrdao, with the --eject flag, sometimes after burning the
 green light on the cd burner flashes, but I am unable to eject it. But
 sometimes it does eject. This is annoying because right now the only
 way I know to get the CD out is to reboot :(.

 The burner is an HP CD-Writer Plus.

have you tried eject /mnt/cdrom or whereever the cdrom is mounted, and at 
the time, do you have any file manager windows open?

Linux counter number 167806

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Re: [newbie] can't eject cd after burning

2003-03-18 Thread Anthony Abby
 How about if you type the following at the command line?

 eject /mnt/cdrom

 or if that doesn't work how about

 umount /mnt/cdrom
 eject /mnt/cdrom

 I tried that and still no go. After burning it seems it's not mounted. I
 tried mounting it and couldn't--unknown filesystem and none specified.
 It's known as cdrom2.


Can you take a look at the processes running while your're burning and
afterward?  Does some process still have control of the device?

Anthony Abby
http://www.comicsnsuch   | Comic Community News
http://www.aplusdata.com | System Consultation
   Web Development

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: (Funny) US Military website hacked (they run MS? - THAT'S funny!)

2003-03-18 Thread Anthony Abby
Stephen Kuhn said:
 Had to, HAD to pass this on - you'd reckon that the US government
 agencies would have THOUGHT enough after the Slapper hit the SQL
 servers world-wide...and since most agencies are migrating their
 webservers to either unix or linux...gads - how dumb...


Personall I didn't think this was very funny at all.  And on the
contrary most federal agencies are not migrating to Linux or Unix.
While some agencies have received waivers to migrate from Windows to
Linux or Unix in specific situations, the vast majority of governmental
systems continue and will remain on Windows.  But then those agencies
with waivers are still running Windows on the desktop, the waivers are
for things like web and mail servers.  The US Navy is in the midst of
spending $6 billion dollars on migrating the entire shore-based
enterprise to Windows 2000 for instance (I'm involved in that process

But I agree that MS security really sucks.  While I have to use Windows
here at work (Military), I don't use it at home.  I'm all Linux
(Mandrake as a matter of fact) and my four servers run Mandrake linux as
well.  Part of the problem is that security of the enterprises (each
branch has there own) is handled in a hap hazard approach because they
were designed piece-meal.  The military, and the rest of the federal
government, as a whole is working toward correcting that problem but
it's certainly not going to happen over night.

But this type of hacking is not funny, particularly now when our forces
are getting ready to head into harms way.  The server(s) that were
hacked have not been identified as far as I've been able to tell, but one
can only hope it or they, weren't any really important system.

Anthony Abby
http://www.comicsnsuch   | Comic Community News
http://www.aplusdata.com | System Consultation
   Web Development

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] can't eject cd after burning

2003-03-18 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Monday March 17 2003 11:31 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
  or if that doesn't work how about
  umount /mnt/cdrom
  eject /mnt/cdrom

 I tried that and still no go. After burning it seems it's not
 mounted. I tried mounting it and couldn't--unknown filesystem and
 none specified. It's known as cdrom2.


   CDr's aren't mounted for burning, so umount isn't the problem. 
Maybe cdrdao is.  Dunno, I always use cdrecord.  Every once in a 
while my Plextor doesn't wanna give up a CD.  Try,

  eject /dev/scd0That always worksforme ;)

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] can't eject cd after burning

2003-03-18 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday March 18 2003 05:00 am, Leendert wrote:
 On some sites you can see quality tests of different CD-Rs.
 I found that TDK reflex, Sony or Verbatin CD-Rs are good.

   The problem with this advice is that CDr's are rarely manufactured 
by the 'brand' name they're sold under.  I had one 50 spindle of 
TDK's that were about 1/2 Ritek's, the other 1/2 made by CMC 
Magnetics. Every spindle of Verbatim's I've had were CMC Magnetics.
Ritek and CMC are OK, but Taiyo Yuden's are better.  Fuji Film CDr's 
are made by Taiyo Yuden. 

   Office Max near me sells their own brand which are actually CMC's, 
the same CDR's as the Verbatim's they sell, but at almost half the 
price. The problem with them is the coated side (label side) isn't as 
durable as the name brand CDr's.  It's the coated side that is 
actually the side where recording is done.

If you put a blank CDr in your burner, and type 

tom$ cdrecord -atip dev=0,0,0

Cdrecord 2.0 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg 
scsidev: '0,0,0'
scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 0
Response Format: 1
Vendor_info: 'PLEXTOR '
Identifikation : 'CD-R   PX-W8432T'
Revision   : '1.09'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
Driver flags   : MMC SWABAUDIO
Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96P 
ATIP info from disk:
  Indicated writing power: 4
  Is not unrestricted
  Is not erasable
  Disk sub type: Medium Type A, low Beta category (A-) (2)
  ATIP start of lead in:  -12508 (97:15/17)
  ATIP start of lead out: 359845 (79:59/70)
Disk type:Short strategy type (Phthalocyanine or similar)
Manuf. index: 22
Manufacturer: Ritek Co.

   That was from a Maxell brand 700 mb CDr. Just about all the CDr's 
sold are made by Ritek, CMC, or Ty-U. IME, Ritek = good, CMC = better
Taiyo Yuden = best.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Install on SCSI

2003-03-18 Thread Leonardo Diciolla
Hi everybody,
It's the first time I try to install RH 8.0 on my
machine that has the following HW:
M/B: Soyo SY RX400 Ultra Platinum Edtion w/embedded
HPT372 Ide Raid and a 80 gb hd on it
SCSI Card: Tekram DC390 U2W with the following drives:
(LUN 0) IBM 9.1 gb
(LUN 2) Toshiba CD-ROM XM-640
(LUN 3) CD Burner Yamaha CRW4416S
While detecting devices it happens that after correct
detection of HPT372 starts looping forever on
the SCSI Controller with a message that roughly says:
Sym53c8xx: The SCSI bus has been reset.
Looked on the NET but the only thing I could find is
that the SCSI table maight be worn out. That's not
my case 'cause it works correclty under Win2K/XP, in
addition it also correclty detected by KNOPPIX live
cdrom linux (it loads NCR53C8XX instead of SYM53C8XX.
So I tryed installing from floppy using the cdrom.img
that I found on the errata section of MDK site (wich
loads floppy.o) and tryed loading the ncr53c8xx that I
compiled before as a module. I didn't give any
parameter to the module and had the message that
Insmod failed.

What else am I supposed to do?

Thanks in advance.
Leonardo Diciolla

Attachments: Desg.txt (dmesg output from KNOPPIX Linux
Pci.txt (Copy of /proc/pci from KNOPPIX
linux box) 

Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino
http://it.yahoo.com/mail_it/foot/?http://it.mobile.yahoo.com/index2002.htmlPCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
Host bridge: PCI device 1106:3168 (VIA Technologies, Inc.) (rev 3).
  Master Capable.  Latency=8.  
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe000 [0xe3ff].
  Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
PCI bridge: PCI device 1106:b168 (VIA Technologies, Inc.) (rev 0).
  Master Capable.  No bursts.  Min Gnt=12.
  Bus  0, device   8, function  0:
SCSI storage controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic (formerly NCR) 53c895 (rev 1).
  IRQ 11.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=30.Max Lat=64.
  I/O at 0xb000 [0xb0ff].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe812 [0xe81200ff].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe8123000 [0xe8123fff].
  Bus  0, device  10, function  0:
Communication controller: Lucent Microelectronics Venus Modem (V90, 56KFlex) (rev 
  IRQ 5.
  Master Capable.  No bursts.  Min Gnt=252.Max Lat=14.
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe8121000 [0xe81210ff].
  I/O at 0xb400 [0xb4ff].
  I/O at 0xb800 [0xb8ff].
  I/O at 0xbc00 [0xbc07].
  Bus  0, device  13, function  0:
Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C (rev 16).
  IRQ 5.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=32.Max Lat=64.
  I/O at 0xc000 [0xc0ff].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe8122000 [0xe81220ff].
  Bus  0, device  14, function  0:
Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 16).
  IRQ 11.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=2.Max Lat=24.
  I/O at 0xc400 [0xc4ff].
  Bus  0, device  15, function  0:
RAID bus controller: Triones Technologies, Inc. HPT366 / HPT370 (rev 5).
  IRQ 10.
  Master Capable.  Latency=120.  Min Gnt=8.Max Lat=8.
  I/O at 0xc800 [0xc807].
  I/O at 0xcc00 [0xcc03].
  I/O at 0xd000 [0xd007].
  I/O at 0xd400 [0xd403].
  I/O at 0xd800 [0xd8ff].
  Bus  0, device  16, function  0:
USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB (rev 128).
  IRQ 11.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0xdc00 [0xdc1f].
  Bus  0, device  16, function  1:
USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB (#2) (rev 128).
  IRQ 10.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0xe000 [0xe01f].
  Bus  0, device  16, function  2:
USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB (#3) (rev 128).
  IRQ 5.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0xe400 [0xe41f].
  Bus  0, device  16, function  3:
USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 130).
  IRQ 11.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe8124000 [0xe81240ff].
  Bus  0, device  17, function  0:
ISA bridge: PCI device 1106:3177 (VIA Technologies, Inc.) (rev 0).
  Bus  0, device  17, function  1:
IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 6).
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0xe800 [0xe80f].
  Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 PF/PRO AGP 4x TMDS (rev 
  IRQ 11.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=8.
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe400 [0xe7ff].
  I/O at 0xa000 [0xa0ff].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe802 [0xe8023fff].
Linux version 2.4.19-xfs ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian 
prerelease)) #1 SMP Son Okt 6 20:14:17 CEST 2002
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Install on SCSI

2003-03-18 Thread Leonardo Diciolla
Sorry, actually It was Mandrake 9.0 instead of RH 8.0
(even though had a similar issue)
 --- Leonardo Diciolla [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
scritto:  Hi everybody,
 It's the first time I try to install RH 8.0 on my
 machine that has the following HW:
 M/B: Soyo SY RX400 Ultra Platinum Edtion w/embedded
 HPT372 Ide Raid and a 80 gb hd on it
 SCSI Card: Tekram DC390 U2W with the following
   (LUN 0) IBM 9.1 gb
   (LUN 2) Toshiba CD-ROM XM-640
   (LUN 3) CD Burner Yamaha CRW4416S
 While detecting devices it happens that after
 detection of HPT372 starts looping forever on
 the SCSI Controller with a message that roughly
 Sym53c8xx: The SCSI bus has been reset.
 Looked on the NET but the only thing I could find is
 that the SCSI table maight be worn out. That's not
 my case 'cause it works correclty under Win2K/XP, in
 addition it also correclty detected by KNOPPIX live
 cdrom linux (it loads NCR53C8XX instead of
 So I tryed installing from floppy using the
 that I found on the errata section of MDK site (wich
 loads floppy.o) and tryed loading the ncr53c8xx that
 compiled before as a module. I didn't give any
 parameter to the module and had the message that
 Insmod failed.
 What else am I supposed to do?
 Thanks in advance.
 Leonardo Diciolla
 Attachments: Desg.txt (dmesg output from KNOPPIX
 Pci.txt (Copy of /proc/pci from KNOPPIX
 linux box) 

 Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message
 per il tuo telefonino

PCI devices found:
   Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
 Host bridge: PCI device 1106:3168 (VIA
 Technologies, Inc.) (rev 3).
   Master Capable.  Latency=8.  
   Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe000
   Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
 PCI bridge: PCI device 1106:b168 (VIA
 Technologies, Inc.) (rev 0).
   Master Capable.  No bursts.  Min Gnt=12.
   Bus  0, device   8, function  0:
 SCSI storage controller: LSI Logic / Symbios
 Logic (formerly NCR) 53c895 (rev 1).
   IRQ 11.
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=30.Max
   I/O at 0xb000 [0xb0ff].
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe812
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe8123000
   Bus  0, device  10, function  0:
 Communication controller: Lucent
 Microelectronics Venus Modem (V90, 56KFlex) (rev 0).
   IRQ 5.
   Master Capable.  No bursts.  Min Gnt=252.Max
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe8121000
   I/O at 0xb400 [0xb4ff].
   I/O at 0xb800 [0xb8ff].
   I/O at 0xbc00 [0xbc07].
   Bus  0, device  13, function  0:
 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co.,
 Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C (rev 16).
   IRQ 5.
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=32.Max
   I/O at 0xc000 [0xc0ff].
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe8122000
   Bus  0, device  14, function  0:
 Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics
 Inc CM8738 (rev 16).
   IRQ 11.
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=2.Max
   I/O at 0xc400 [0xc4ff].
   Bus  0, device  15, function  0:
 RAID bus controller: Triones Technologies, Inc.
 HPT366 / HPT370 (rev 5).
   IRQ 10.
   Master Capable.  Latency=120.  Min Gnt=8.Max
   I/O at 0xc800 [0xc807].
   I/O at 0xcc00 [0xcc03].
   I/O at 0xd000 [0xd007].
   I/O at 0xd400 [0xd403].
   I/O at 0xd800 [0xd8ff].
   Bus  0, device  16, function  0:
 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB
 (rev 128).
   IRQ 11.
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
   I/O at 0xdc00 [0xdc1f].
   Bus  0, device  16, function  1:
 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB
 (#2) (rev 128).
   IRQ 10.
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
   I/O at 0xe000 [0xe01f].
   Bus  0, device  16, function  2:
 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB
 (#3) (rev 128).
   IRQ 5.
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
   I/O at 0xe400 [0xe41f].
   Bus  0, device  16, function  3:
 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0
 (rev 130).
   IRQ 11.
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe8124000
   Bus  0, device  17, function  0:
 ISA bridge: PCI device 1106:3177 (VIA
 Technologies, Inc.) (rev 0).
   Bus  0, device  17, function  1:
 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master
 IDE (rev 6).
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
   I/O at 0xe800 [0xe80f].
   Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc
 Rage 128 PF/PRO AGP 4x TMDS (rev 0).
   IRQ 11.
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=8.
   Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe400

[newbie] Re: Need help: Konqueror is freezing

2003-03-18 Thread m
I had to install Mandrake9.0 via network as my IBM T20
didn't want to boot from CD. I did boot it from floppy
with network image and then finished installation via
Internet. Everything went ok. Now when I replaced
floppy drive with cd-rom and mounted it manually
anytme I touch it with Konqueror it freezes. The same
happens when I touch ntfs partition. It works just
fine via konsole - no problem to read  copy files
from ntfs to Linux partition.

Anybody has gotten idea what should I do to fix it?

Thx, Martin

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[newbie] Taper 6.9b

2003-03-18 Thread ffacciola

Hi All,

I running taper 6.9b on Linux Mandrake 9.0. 
Whenever I try to append to an existingarchive, I get the following error 
when it attempts to advance to volume 2:

Input/output error while writing to tape 

The log file has the following entry:
Tue Mar 18 16:48:46 2003: Reading volume 
infoTue Mar 18 16:48:46 2003: ERROR: Segmentation 
I have a Tanberg SLR100 external SCSI tape 

Any ideas, what is causing this? How it can be 

Frank J. Facciola(212) 431-2387Network 
Services GroupNew York Law School

Re: [newbie] help needed with deleted files on fat32 partition :/

2003-03-18 Thread John Richard Smith
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 06:22, Simon Prosser wrote:

Hash: SHA1

I have accidently deleted about 600 files from an old fat32 partition 
on my
I havent told the missus yet, but it was all digital pictures of our 
kids :(
and no, there was no backup, and yes she'll probably kill me...or 
worse :|

Am i doomed?

You may want to start surfing for an undelete tool you can use from a
Win98 boot floppy mate...

There's a fat32 utility called Nuts and Bolts ,which has an undelete
tool that works very well, I have it somewhere. Haven't used it in years.
But it's installed on a windblows fat32 OS and runs very simply to
an undelete programme that is very quick and simple.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] can't eject cd after burning

2003-03-18 Thread darklord
On Tuesday 18 March 2003 11:06 am, Todd Slater wrote:

 Yeah, I've tried eject. I probably had some ROX-filer windows open but I
 can't say for sure.


Todd, have you tried lsof /dev/device (or /mnt/device) to see what still has 
a hold of it?

Might help point the way.  :-)

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Re: [newbie] cpuburn and memtest

2003-03-18 Thread darklord
On Monday 17 March 2003 10:30 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:


 Sorry, I just should'a posted that link in my first reply ;)

No problem, I'll save that url and check it out in a bit.

Wanted to tell you what happened yesterday. I installed lm-sensors and gkrellm 
to monitor temperatures and voltages.

Got it setup and running, got alarms right away. The 3.3v is showing 6.4 volts 
all the time. I'm clueless as to why.

As to temperature - I took the case off,  had gkrellm going, showing 114.4 
degrees (F. not Celsius). I opened a shell and ran burnK6, and watched it.

System locked up in less than 2 minutes, final temperature was 118.2 degrees 
at lockup. That should not really be the problem, should it?

Thanks much!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Install on SCSI

2003-03-18 Thread darklord
On Tuesday 18 March 2003 10:50 am, Leonardo Diciolla wrote:
 Sorry, actually It was Mandrake 9.0 instead of RH 8.0
 (even though had a similar issue)
  --- Leonardo Diciolla [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha

Hi Leonardo - I had problems getting an Adaptec SCSI card to work with a 
Shuttle motherboard here, and although I finally gave up and moved the SCSI 
setup to another motherboard, I was told that during installation, you must 
pick expert and try to get the install to pick another SCSI driver. 
Apparently, mine was always picking the wrong one during installation and the 
install would always fail.

Do a search on the mailing list archives for SCSI and you should find the 
threads about it.

Hope this helps. :-)

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[newbie] We interrupt this regularly shceduled process...

2003-03-18 Thread James Henry Maiewski

Can anyone enlighten me on which device (i.e., /dev/?) the Sound card should 
be?  I have the card in PCI2, and 'setserial -g /dev/cua1' give me the 
default values.  However, 'lspci' tells me that the card is IRQ 10.  This is 
inconveniently the same IRQ that it wants to assign to my internal flash card 
reader (plugged into an USB port (what dev is that?).  I figure, perhaps, 
incorrectly, that a strategicly placed 'setserial' command could convince the 
powers that be to give IRQ 3 to the sound card (which that slot is supposed 
to have anyway) and leave IRQ 10 for the reader, which is working like a 

Yes? No? Maybe?

With an advance of thanks,
Jim M.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] New installation

2003-03-18 Thread Albert Charron
I'd like to have your advice on a new installation.  For this installation, I plan to 
use 3 hard disk (IDE).  This machine will be use as a file server for my Windoze 
machines.  Additionnal services will be CVS, HTTP, MySQL

3 HD are:
 - 40Gigs
 - 10Gigs
 - 4Gigs

How should I partition (partition size, location, etc.) these HD?

Distro I plan to use is Mandrake 9.0.  System memory for this machine is 384 Megs.

Albert Charron

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] New installation

2003-03-18 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 03:48, Albert Charron wrote:
 I'd like to have your advice on a new installation.  For this installation, I plan 
 to use 3 hard disk (IDE).  This machine will be use as a file server for my Windoze 
 machines.  Additionnal services will be CVS, HTTP, MySQL
 3 HD are:
  - 40Gigs
  - 10Gigs
  - 4Gigs
 How should I partition (partition size, location, etc.) these HD?
 Distro I plan to use is Mandrake 9.0.  System memory for this machine is 384 Megs.

Windows file server:

40gb drive  * /boot partition - 100mb
   / partition - 10gb
   /var  partition - the rest of the drive
10gb drive  * SWAP  partition - 1gb
   /home partition - the rest of the drive
4gb drive     /tmp  partition - the entire drive

Use the /var partition for your Windows share(s) - create a directory
underneath the /var (like /var/file_share) and use that for your
sharing/network file archive

The /home is large enough to contain all the users email folders/files,
as well as your local home directory for mucking around and the likes.

By balancing out the system as such - keeping the OS on one physical
drive, the SWAP on another physical drive, and the /tmp on another
physical drive, you're load balancing and gaining the most performance

You might want to check into what file system(s) you're going to want to
use - I've found that ReiserFS is rather speedy - especially for my
Windows shares - heaps of small files and large writes/reads...

But that's IMHO - others may beg to differ.


Wed Mar 19 14:25:00 EST 2003
 14:25:00 up 16:10,  3 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.14, 0.10
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Not enough gin.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] We interrupt this regularly shceduled process...

2003-03-18 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 13:09, James Henry Maiewski wrote:
   Can anyone enlighten me on which device (i.e., /dev/?) the Sound card should 
 be?  I have the card in PCI2, and 'setserial -g /dev/cua1' give me the 
 default values.  However, 'lspci' tells me that the card is IRQ 10.  This is 
 inconveniently the same IRQ that it wants to assign to my internal flash card 
 reader (plugged into an USB port (what dev is that?).  I figure, perhaps, 
 incorrectly, that a strategicly placed 'setserial' command could convince the 
 powers that be to give IRQ 3 to the sound card (which that slot is supposed 
 to have anyway) and leave IRQ 10 for the reader, which is working like a 
   Yes? No? Maybe?
 With an advance of thanks,
   Jim M.

Depending on your system, it could be /dev/dsp, or /dev/audio - you
might want to do an lsmod to see what modules are loading and to what
device they apply...

Wed Mar 19 14:30:01 EST 2003
 14:30:01 up 16:15,  3 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.06, 0.07
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Actually, the probability is 100% that the elevator will be going in the
right direction.  Proof by induction:

N=1.Trivially true, since both you and the elevator only have one
floor to go to.

Assume true for N, prove for N+1:
If you are on any of the first N floors, then it is true by the
induction hypothesis.  If you are on the N+1st floor, then both you
and the elevator have only one choice, namely down.  Therefore,
it is true for all N+1 floors.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com