Re: [newbie-it] [OT?] Screen shot

2003-05-27 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 00:09, martedì 27 maggio 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] [OT?] 
Screen shot,  Eraser Head   ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti.
 Ho fatto un programma di grafica utilizzando la libreria OpenGL. Ora
 vorrei sapere se è possibile effettuare uno screen shot
 Che voi sappiate, esiste un modo per fare uno screenshot di
 un'animazione OpenGL?

se l'animazione è in finestra si
con ksnapshot ho appena catturato glxgears in png 

 Grazie mille!


- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] [Lunghetto]Era schermo centrato ora : Perch X non riesce a partire con i settaggi che gli d?

2003-05-27 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 15:49, marted 27 maggio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
  non ci vedo nessun'errore...

 Eppure con 2 pinco.pallo scrivo nel file pinco.pallo i log di

e allora mandaci pinco.pallo 
non XFree86.0.log ;))

 Ecco il file XFconfig-4

 Load glx # 3D layer

*(II) Module glx: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
*compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.4191

 Driver nvidia

*(II) Module nvidia: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
*   compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.4191

questi moduli sono stati compilati per Xfree 4.0.2
quindi con gcc 2.95.3

se usi una distribuzione recente potresti avere un Xfree 4.3 compilato 
magari con 3.2

 difficile , visto che i moduli si caricano,
ma inserire nel server dei moduli vecchi potrebbe provocare 

(non credo sia questa la causa del problema comunque)

 # Sony Vaio C1(X,XS,VE,VN)?
 # 1024x480 @ 85.6 Hz, 48 kHz hsync
 ModeLine 1024x48065.00 1024 1032 1176 1344   480  488  494 
 563 -hsync -vsync

queste modeline sono per il tuo flat panel?
mi sembrano strane.. 1024x480  ??

hai provato commentandole se l'autoprobe riesce a trovare delle 
frequenze utilizzabili?

hai letto quel warning nel  XFree86.0.log?
*(WW) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode 1024x768 (width 1024 is larger than
*(WW) NVIDIA(0):  EDID-specified maximum 969)

l'inghippo lo spiega qui...

a naso hai delle modeline sballate..

*(II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 800 x 600

ecco il risultato

prova col commentarle altrimenti esistono programmini che le calcolano
non ho url sottomano ma con google li trovi sicuramente

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] uno scherzo da mutt

2003-05-27 Thread Arwan
Alle Tuesday 27 May 2003 01:04, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it] uno scherzo da 
mutt (e chissa' a cosa pensava veramente), Giuseppe Ferruzzi ha scritto: 

 Rispondimi però che non mi rispondi mai ;) Vorrei sapere quello che fai.

Davvero? Ho risposto solo a syd? Naaa... cmq anche le tue info sono state 
utilissime, e quel riassuntone che hai fatto per Luigi mi ha schiarito non 
poco le idee.
Qunato all'uso di formail non l'ho installato, e mi chiedevo appunto a cosa 
servisse. Per tutto il resto mi sono incartata: ho fatto un casino boia e 
1 trovare il tempo di rimettere tutto a posto
2 rimettere tutto a posto
3 trovare il tempo di rimettermi a sperimentare
4 rimettermi a sperimentare :-)


[newbie-it] modem lucent

2003-05-27 Thread Ginxi
 non riesco a configurare il modem.
chi mi da una dritta sono un vero  novice
conosco windows c' in linux un sistema simile.??

Re: [newbie-it] modem lucent

2003-05-27 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 23:03, marted 27 maggio 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] modem 
lucent,  Ginxi   ha scritto:
  non riesco a configurare il modem.
 chi mi da una dritta sono un vero  novice
 conosco windows c' in linux un sistema simile.??

vai sul sito ci sono una serie di informazioni utili
per installare modem lucent in genere sono necassarie poche operazioni:

avere un compilatore (gcc)
avere i sorgenti del kernel (pacchetto apposito, per mandrake 
avere i moduli da compilare (presi sul sito del produttore o dopo 
ricerche in rete)

si leggono le istruzioni per la compilazione
si eseguono gli script contenuti nei sorgenti, che in genere creano i 
dispositivi compilano i moduli e li installano automaticamente

in qrchivio trovi post relativi alla configurazione di modem lucent e 

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


R: [newbie-it] Modem USB 56K

2003-05-27 Thread Giaipur

 At 00.10 21/05/2003 +0200, you wrote:
 In fine la ricerca sul sito della casa produttrice dei driver.
 Prima ho scaricato dei pacchetti rpm x mandrake
 Che hanno miseramente fallito
 Potresti darmi l'indirizzo?
 Io credo che il mio modem li mangerebbe... ^_^ ma non li trovo 
 Grazie mille

spero di essere stato utile 

Re: [newbie-it] uno scherzo da mutt

2003-05-27 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* Arwan wrote:
 ho fatto un casino boia e devo:
 trovare il tempo di rimettere tutto a posto
 e rimettermi a sperimentare :-)

Ok ti capisco il tempo è tiranno e poi ogni tanto occorre una pausa per 
riordinare le idee. 
Quando avrai sistemato, se vuoi, facci sapere a che punto sei con mutt. 
Una volta che hai una base funzionante tutto diventa più facile. 
Per me è stato molto importante conoscere la possibilità che all'inizio 
ignorantemente non sospettavo, di filtrare la posta con procmail, non 
necessariamente durante la fase di connessione ma, anche dopo averla chiusa.
Questo ti fa capire che ti basta anche una configurazione minima iniziale 
fetchmail+mutt in prima linea e la inbox di default nella tua home dove 
trasferire la tua posta che ti arriva nello spool utente.
Lo smistamento con regole più o meno complesse lo potrai eseguire quindi 
dopo con procmail a disconnessione avvenuta e tranquillamente.
Io tramite un comando preso dalla configurazione di syd, modificato per lo 
scopo e introdotto in un mini-script ho potuto verificare tutti i filtri in 
.procmailrc per uno smistamento sicuro, senza essere connesso.
La procedura è stata questa, ho preventivamente selezionato e copiato le mail 
sia quelle buone che indesiderate da dentro vecchie inbox di Mozilla mail con 
un editor e ricopiate brutalmente in una inbox, poi riformattata con formail 
per evitare incompatibilità di formato, e che ho nominato `test'. Ho avviato 
quindi il mini-scrip suddetto che ha iniziato a estrarre e a mandare la posta  
a destra e a sinistra, in locale, in diversi recipienti (mailbox) previste 
nelle regole di configurazione e quindi appositamente create. 
Ti dico che mi sono divertito non poco a vedere come la posta andava a finire 
nei recipienti giusti ingrossandoli in uno scorrere sparpagliato ma 
intelligente di byte in tutte le varie direzioni, e come magari invece andava 
a finire nel pozzo nero quella indesiderata. Questa è la sola occasione
tangibile nella quale puoi renderti conto e apprezzare l'operato di procmail.
Questa esperienza mi è servita ad affinare i filtri ed a prendere un po' di 
confidenza con le regole di configurazione di .procmailrc.
Se ti ricordi nei mie precedenti messaggi ho eloggiato syd per questo suo
utilizzo di procmail dopo la connessione.
Spero che questa disquisizione ti sia servita da stimolo per trovare quel 
tempo che dici che ti manca per rimetterti a sperimentare.

Ciao, Giuseppe.

Red Hat Linux 9 (Shrike)
Kernel 2.4.20

Re: [newbie-it] Radeon 7500 + monitor LG 520 Si

2003-05-27 Thread Dan
Partendo dal fatto che non possiedo un monitor LCD, mi viene da pensare che
il programma di configurazione veda solamente l'uscita LCD della mia scheda
e non quella CRT, alla quale è collegto il monitor, oppure faccia confusione
tra le due, a questo punto (credo) a causa di un difetto della mia scheda,
perhcé credo di non essere l'unico che pur avendo una scheda che supporta un
LCD utilizza un CRT; d'altra parte il problema è lo stesso anche collegando
un monitor ufficialmente supportato, e scegliendo il driver che
automaticamente mi viene indicato come consigliato in fase di installazione,
ovvero il RADEON (subito sotto quello chiamato RADEON 8500).
Può essere una spiegazione plausibile?
Ad ogni modo (e scusate l'ignoranza, ma non ho mai usato un sistema
UNIX/Linux) come faccio a far partire X in modalità SVGA con comandi da
console? Grazie x l'aiuto ragazzi!

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Radeon 7500 + monitor LG 520 Si

Hash: SHA1

Alle 18:24, lunedì 26 maggio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Radeon
7500 + monitor LG 520 Si,  Dan   ha scritto:
 e il messagigo di errore
 sia in fase di setup che quando provo a lanciare X è sempre lo stesso
 (EE) RADEON(0): No valid mode for this DFP/LCD
 (EE) Screen(s) Found, but none have a usable configuration
 Fatal server error
 no screen found

puoi usare il modulo svga per essere sicuro che X parta

quell'errore  è dovuto all'impossibilità di trovare modalità
utilizzabili per il tuo Digital Flat Panel,
che modeline / valori gli hai passato?

gli lcd non agganciano le frequenze degli equivalenti crt!

mi spiego,
un crt da 17 ha frequenze che vanno da :
HorizSync30.0 - 85.0
VertRefresh  50.0 - 131.0

l'equivalente lcd invece aggancia i più conservativi
HorizSync28 - 85
VertRefresh  45 - 90

nel log di xfree dovresti vedere quali modalità ha testato il server,

- --



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing / SSH / FTP / Shorewall Probelms.

2003-05-27 Thread insane

Thanks for the help on the previous supject, but my problems are still not
solved :/

I changed to Drake 9.1 because it had a newer Kernal, and I as hoping that
some of the conection sharing glitches where solved, but alas they are not.

Derek, Yr Idea seemed the best, and I am presuming with ACCEPT net fw tcp
ssh that will alllow people to SSH in from other ip addy's.

The problem I am having is localy on my LAN (allthough that may have solved
one future problem as my reason for going to linux is remote configuration
when away from the office)

I tryed adding

ACCEPT loc fw tcp ssh

Presuming that would allow the local ip range to access the SSH server, but
it didnt.

Its locally that i am despearing over at the moment, after the changes to
shorewall and the restart it accepted the changes to /etc/shorewall/rules
but it still wouldnt let me SSH in :(

- Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing / SSH / FTP / Shorewall

 Unfortunately the mandrake firewall GUI s not very smart. Easiest way to
 it out is use the GUI to set up Internet connection sharing, and then do
 touch the GUI any more. Instead use either webmin or edit the config files
 hand to set up shorewall. I prefer hand editing because there is lots of
 explanatory text in the files.

 Edit /etc/shorewall/rules  to add ssh access from outside the firewall add
 ACCEPT net fw tcp ssh

 then restart shorewall with
 shorewall restart



 On Monday 26 May 2003 4:26 pm, |nSaNe wrote:
  I have recently ditched my 2k server and installed Mandrake, this is
  for a learning thing, but if all works wel then it will be my server on
  pern basis.
  Now before installing internet connection sharing I could SSH to the
  system, this is of upmost importance for me as the machine is tucked
  in the corner and it would be a nightmare to have to actually go to it
  every time i needed to make a change.
  however after installing Internet sharing, i cant FTP or SSH to the
  When i went into MCC  security  firewall and enabled all (test wise)
  killed and disabled the internet sharing.
  So i enabled the internet sharing, but it didnt enable.
  the only was i could get it working again, was to re-confgure Internet
  sharing, but then it locked me out of SSH / FTP again :(
  Please help from a very very frustrated Mandrake newbie.


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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing / SSH / FTP / Shorewall Probelms.

2003-05-27 Thread Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 4:48 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the help on the previous supject, but my problems are still not
 solved :/

 I changed to Drake 9.1 because it had a newer Kernal, and I as hoping that
 some of the conection sharing glitches where solved, but alas they are not.

 Derek, Yr Idea seemed the best, and I am presuming with ACCEPT net fw tcp
 ssh that will alllow people to SSH in from other ip addy's.

 The problem I am having is localy on my LAN (allthough that may have solved
 one future problem as my reason for going to linux is remote configuration
 when away from the office)

 I tryed adding

 ACCEPT loc fw tcp ssh

 Presuming that would allow the local ip range to access the SSH server, but
 it didnt.

 Its locally that i am despearing over at the moment, after the changes to
 shorewall and the restart it accepted the changes to /etc/shorewall/rules
 but it still wouldnt let me SSH in :(

The line would be ACCEPT loc fw tcp ssh if your local ethernet zone was 
called 'loc', but the default for shorewall in Mandrake is to call the local 
zone 'masq'.

You can confirm what the zones are called, and which interface belongs to 
which zone by looking at /etc/shorewall/zones and /etc/shorewall/interfaces


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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing / SSH / FTP / Shorewall Probelms.

2003-05-27 Thread insane
Derek you are a absolute lifesaver ;)
- Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing / SSH / FTP / Shorewall

 On Tuesday 27 May 2003 4:48 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks for the help on the previous supject, but my problems are still
  solved :/
  I changed to Drake 9.1 because it had a newer Kernal, and I as hoping
  some of the conection sharing glitches where solved, but alas they are
  Derek, Yr Idea seemed the best, and I am presuming with ACCEPT net fw
  ssh that will alllow people to SSH in from other ip addy's.
  The problem I am having is localy on my LAN (allthough that may have
  one future problem as my reason for going to linux is remote
  when away from the office)
  I tryed adding
  ACCEPT loc fw tcp ssh
  Presuming that would allow the local ip range to access the SSH server,
  it didnt.
  Its locally that i am despearing over at the moment, after the changes
  shorewall and the restart it accepted the changes to
  but it still wouldnt let me SSH in :(

 The line would be ACCEPT loc fw tcp ssh if your local ethernet zone was
 called 'loc', but the default for shorewall in Mandrake is to call the
 zone 'masq'.

 You can confirm what the zones are called, and which interface belongs to
 which zone by looking at /etc/shorewall/zones and


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[newbie] How2 use enhanced CDs?

2003-05-27 Thread Ronald J. Hall
Thats the subject alrightI've got a CD from tATu (All The Things She 
Said) thats supposed to have the music video, format unknown, on track 12 of 
the CD. I can use Konq to see that track 12 is there, but you can't drag it 
like a WAV. I also tried to play it straight from the CD using MPlayer but 
that doesn't work either.

Anyone know how to copy this off the CD or at least see/play it?


  Dark Lord 

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Re: [newbie] Re: Pekwm (Wohoo!)

2003-05-27 Thread eric huff
 Grabbed the CVS and had it compiled and up in like 2 minutes, LOL, this
 is sharp coding if you ask me...

Yeah. I'll second that!

 Got any keychains set up yet?

I did just a little.  There is an error in the send to desktop #'s that
i fixxed (they were all set to F1 instead of F1, F2, F3, etc)  I guess i
should email them about that.

When i do, i'll keep posting of them on twiki.  I might as well also use
yours as a starting point (if they fit my fingers) to try to keep some
consistency.  I mean, what if i am ever at your house and want to log in?

 I'm maybe gonna go outside (yes, outside!) for awhile and I'll be back
 in a bit.

Hah! It's a nice place to go every so often. :)
Actually, i do quite a bit out there. Yesterday my gf and i moved about 1
metric ton (just a guess) of broken concrete to make a (totally recycled)
path around our native (low water usage) garden in the back yard.
Hmmm... I use too many parens (don't ya think?).


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[newbie] [OT sorta] Does this explain the SCO/MS stress levels?

2003-05-27 Thread Charlie
Just curious. Does anyone think the fact that IBM has done more than one 
billion (1,000,000,000,) dollars in sales in the past year have anything 
to do with the SCO lawsuit; and Microsoft's apparent backing of it?

Just thought it an article of possible interest.


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[newbie] gFTP

2003-05-27 Thread RichardA
On Tue, 27 May 2003 15:26:18 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 g I meant  I haven't tried uploading to that site.  I use gFtp 
 myself, and it's easy.  Let us know how you go on.

Anne, quick gFTP question: I put my user name and password in the fields
at the top, pressed the connect button on the left, but it still tried
logging in to the site as anonymous according to the log window below.
Where do you put your details?

Registered Linux user 246658 at

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Re: [newbie] Booting mdk/w98/dos

2003-05-27 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 10:25:51AM +0100, John Richard Smith wrote:
 ajx wrote:
 Graham Banks wrote:

 Anybody got a boot setup allowing different combinations of
 disks/partitions to be accessible in windows  linux?  I've
 got two hard disks, the second of which is online only for
 occasional backups.  The first has 5 partitions:   a
 windows one, a dos one and 3 linux ones (in that order).
 At present I use a boot manager for Windows, called xosl,
 which manages the dos/windows side of this perfectly.
 I currently have 1 of my computers running win98SE,
 win2000 (for program compatibility) and MDK9.1
 I use XOSL as a boot manager on this machine as I can
 setup passwords for the different oses and make booting
 the winblows partitions a little more secure.
 All I did was to install lilo on the MDK partition that
 contains the /boot. I then pointed XOSL to this partition,
 labelled it Mandrake (as the default os of course). I set
 the bios to boot only fron hard drive and viola! - works
 flawlessly (did so with MDK8.2 and MDK9.0 as well) I set
 lilo to boot after 2 seconds and removed the options for the
 windows boot options.

 But all you have done really is replace the windblows bootloader with 
 this XOSL loader,and I'm guessing, in the MBR of whichever first 
 partition is Windblows , and then installed lilo as a linux loader in 
 chain loader fashion. Now, perhaps this XOSL loader is more secure than 
 windblows own, but if so I doubt by much, since password configuration 
 to both windblows has been a feature of W98 and W2K from the start.You 
 only have to choose to set it. So why bother with all this XOSL stuff, 
 just let lilo be installed in the MBR of which ever windblows OS is 
 first and chain load as before.

I think he wants different combinations of FAT partitions to be visible
in DOS and Windows.  lilo will let the Microsoft systems, when booting,
make their own decisions as to what is visible, which is precisely what
he does not want.  Now there is a utility called letterassign that runs
in Windows, (and probably in Dos too, but I'm not sure) that allows you
to tell a Windows system what partitions it is to see, and which partitions
are to correspond to which so-called drive letters. I've used it with
Windows 98SE, and it seems to work.

-- hendrik

 John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] cd-burning on 9.1

2003-05-27 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday May 27 2003 06:45 am, Technoslick wrote:
 Just my experience, but the normalize app I cited won't
  change quality in any way except for the better... and to
  equalize volume levels. The more the merrier. I often run
  'normlize -m *' on a hundred or so wavs at a time. Then divy
  'em up, 80 minutes to a dir, then burn those dirs (on 80 min
  CDr's ;)

 This is good stuff, Tom. Have you ever posted your own HOW-TO
 on mixing, normalizing and burning anywhere that I can get my
 hands on it? If not, what do we have to do to get you to make one
 up and make it assessable? THIS is definitely a topic of interest
 to many, AND it is related to the purpose of this list in that it
 will help and educate fellow Mandrakes on how to do this within
 this O/S.

Actually I've posted much the same info about CL burning of CD's 
over the past year or so. A search on the archive for biso, bdcd 
and bacd will probly turn'em up. Most of my stuff is just my 
preferences (opinions ;) based on the CD-Writing HOWTO and 'man 
cdrecord, mkisofs, cdparanoia, normalize, mp3_check' with others 
suggestions and ideas added in.

   To tell the truth, I've gotten the impression most people still 
prefer to cling to usin a GUI frontend to do all this stuff for 
them. It's just my view that many don't understand (or care to) the 
ramifications and pitfalls of lettin GUI make choices for them. 
Specially when it comes to 'on the fly' burning processes and 
speeds, any OS. I use to be one'a 'em.

 Their preferences and choice are surely their right, but I 
still think they'd be better off exploring the docs and becomin 
familiar with cdrecord, mkisofs, cdparanoia and such. If nothin 
else it would make some of the options in GUI's better understood. 
Probly many less coasters too ;) 

Anyhow, the HOWTO already exists on your system under 
Documentation | Howto's and 'man ...' If everybody just adopted 
my preferences, and didn't develop and post their own, I'd (we'd) 
miss out on maybe findin even better ways to do stuff. That's 
certainly a good, if not the best, part of how I learn to do stuff.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: Re: [newbie] OT, Is Windows a Virus?

2003-05-27 Thread Jim Dawson
Well, The Fizzer virus consists of over 200K of convoluted speghetti code and had a 
built-in web server embedded into it.

This my not help with the 'Is Windows a virus' discussion, but the viruses apparently 
are beginning to appear more like Windows ;-)

-Original Message-
From: Ian Trickett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 09:31:08 -0400
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT, Is Windows a Virus?

- Original Message -
From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 2:53 AM
Subject: [newbie] OT, Is Windows a Virus?

 Sorry this had to be posted to THIS list not the OT one... yes i'll burn
 hell for it but oh well..

 Is Windows a Virus?

 No, Windows is not a virus. Here's what viruses do:

 * They replicate quickly - okay, Windows does that.

 * Viruses use up valuable system resources, slowing down the system as
 do so - okay, Windows does that.

 * Viruses will, from time to time, trash your hard disk - okay, Windows
 does that too.

 * Viruses are usually carried, unknown to the user, along with valuable
 programs and systems. Sigh... Windows does that, too.

 * Viruses will occasionally make the user suspect their system is too slow
 (see 2) and the user will buy new hardware. Yup, that's with Windows, too.

 Until now it seems Windows is a virus but there are fundamental
 differences:Viruses are well supported by their authors, are running on
 most systems, their program code is fast, compact and efficient and they
 tend to become more sophisticated as they mature.

 So Windows is not a virus.

 It's a bug.


 Good Decisions You boss Made:
 We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
 character from Peanuts.

 - Source: Dilbert

What a gem.

P.S.  Burn in hell?  We'll probably all see you there!


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Re: [newbie] cd-burning on 9.1

2003-05-27 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday May 27 2003 06:45 am, Technoslick wrote:
 We'd probly havt'a meet at a race track. Due to health
  that's gettin harder'n harder for me to do over the years. BUT,
  I swear I'll be at Talladega, Alabama again in Oct for the 500.
  Earnhardt fan I am an all. We go thru beer by the 30-packs.
   #3, greatest stock car driver ever, #8 is steppin up (not all
  that well yesterday at Charlotte tho :(

 Oh-HO! A Roundie-Rounder! :-P  I've never been to a live
 stock car race, before. I think it would be a great experience
 for me. I was at Watkins Glen a couple of times many, many years
 ago. I like course over oval, but being around fast cars overides
 my preferences, anytime. You realize it will be hard to talk
 about 'puters and Linux over the din? ;-)

 Not after the race, back at the travel trailer parked just 
outside the track :) 'Course we'd havt'a wait till after we 
actually watched the race. We usually record the broadcast so when 
we get back from the track we can figure it out better ;)  Nothin 
like bein by the fence tho, with 30,000 horsepower blowin by at 200 
mph, door handle to door handle, nose to toes ;  Been doin it 
for many years ;)

Unlike some stock car fans, I like the road courses. If nothin 
else it adds variety to the sport. I like short tracks the best 
tho, Bristol TN, Richmond VA. WoO on dirt is another favorite. 
Battleground Speedway, Houston, or TMS, Fort Worth.

 I won't comment on your favorites other than to admit that these
 drivers are truly top notch racers. Was that safely said, or

Yeah, it was ;) Drivers can be a touchy subject. 'Course my 
other favorites are the Corpus Christi boys, Texas' team, Terry and 
Bobby Labonte.

 As for the volumes of alcoholic consumables that you so commonly
 imbibing on the premises...I am afraid you would drink me under
 the table very quickly. I am just a little guy. :-)

Twice a year, the campground at Talladega becomes Alabama's 
second largest city. 500 acres of jammed in RV's, and Mardi Gras 
every night ;)  I've had tickets for both races (April-Oct) for 
some ten years now ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] gFTP

2003-05-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 6:32 pm, RichardA wrote:
 On Tue, 27 May 2003 15:26:18 +0100

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  g I meant  I haven't tried uploading to that site.  I use gFtp
  myself, and it's easy.  Let us know how you go on.

 Anne, quick gFTP question: I put my user name and password in the
 fields at the top, pressed the connect button on the left, but it
 still tried logging in to the site as anonymous according to the
 log window below. Where do you put your details?

Hi, Richard.  Disclaimer - I'm no expert :-)

I would guess that it was doing the right thing, though I'm not 
certain of this.  The username and password are the ones that you 
need to access that particular site.  Vincent had said that his site 
needed no signing in, so I would guess that for that site and others 
like it, it is not asking for a password, and so you are signed in as 

If you make a connection to a site and are likely to want to go there 
again, make a bookmark.  It will remember the settings you used for 
that site.

It sounds to me as though you nearly had it right - just put anonymous 
for the username and leave password empty if the site doesn't require 



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Re: [newbie] Mozilla Mail

2003-05-27 Thread g
Anne Wilson wrote:

 Thanks for the offer, g.

no problem.

after sending last post to this thread, i check my thinking of what is
needed to manually import win ns 7 files into mozilla 1.1, and it worked.
took about 20 minutes to set up. if you have need, let me know and i will
pass along instructions.

a possible reason that you are having trouble when you try to 'import'
win ns 7, could be that data files may be named diff in linux. which
would/could possible prevent 'import' from a win install.

peace out.


think green...
  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
  send email:  text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments.
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] How2 use enhanced CDs?

2003-05-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Ronald J. Hall wrote:

Thats the subject alrightI've got a CD from tATu (All The Things She 
Said) thats supposed to have the music video, format unknown, on track 12 of 
the CD. I can use Konq to see that track 12 is there, but you can't drag it 
like a WAV. I also tried to play it straight from the CD using MPlayer but 
that doesn't work either.

Anyone know how to copy this off the CD or at least see/play it?



My children play them in their computer in windows. Not sure if Linux 
does or does not play them.

As far as copying , I don't think any linux programme will copy the 
video file, which is usually the last one on the disc, but I have 
successfull copied the .wav file in the normal way, you just need to be 
able to select the individual audio files(as against the programmes that 
automatically select the lot)and rip them.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Booting mdk/w98/dos

2003-05-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Hendrik Boom wrote:

On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 10:25:51AM +0100, John Richard Smith wrote:

ajx wrote:


Graham Banks wrote:




Anybody got a boot setup allowing different combinations of
disks/partitions to be accessible in windows  linux?  I've
got two hard disks, the second of which is online only for
occasional backups.  The first has 5 partitions:   a
windows one, a dos one and 3 linux ones (in that order).
At present I use a boot manager for Windows, called xosl,
which manages the dos/windows side of this perfectly.



I currently have 1 of my computers running win98SE,
win2000 (for program compatibility) and MDK9.1
I use XOSL as a boot manager on this machine as I can
setup passwords for the different oses and make booting
the winblows partitions a little more secure.
All I did was to install lilo on the MDK partition that
contains the /boot. I then pointed XOSL to this partition,
labelled it Mandrake (as the default os of course). I set
the bios to boot only fron hard drive and viola! - works
flawlessly (did so with MDK8.2 and MDK9.0 as well) I set
lilo to boot after 2 seconds and removed the options for the
windows boot options.


But all you have done really is replace the windblows bootloader with 
this XOSL loader,and I'm guessing, in the MBR of whichever first 
partition is Windblows , and then installed lilo as a linux loader in 
chain loader fashion. Now, perhaps this XOSL loader is more secure than 
windblows own, but if so I doubt by much, since password configuration 
to both windblows has been a feature of W98 and W2K from the start.You 
only have to choose to set it. So why bother with all this XOSL stuff, 
just let lilo be installed in the MBR of which ever windblows OS is 
first and chain load as before.

I think he wants different combinations of FAT partitions to be visible
in DOS and Windows.  lilo will let the Microsoft systems, when booting,
make their own decisions as to what is visible, which is precisely what
he does not want.  Now there is a utility called letterassign that runs
in Windows, (and probably in Dos too, but I'm not sure) that allows you
to tell a Windows system what partitions it is to see, and which partitions
are to correspond to which so-called drive letters. I've used it with
Windows 98SE, and it seems to work.
-- hendrik


OK, but I have never had any problem with getting any windblows OS to 
recognise any number of FAT 32 partition, whether before or after  linux 
partitions. So it must be in DOS itself, but does anyone actually use 
DOS anymore ?, and in anycase your sayng DOS cannot recognise FAT32 
partitions ?, really ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla Mail

2003-05-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 5:30 am, g wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  Thanks for the offer, g.

 no problem.

 after sending last post to this thread, i check my thinking of what
 is needed to manually import win ns 7 files into mozilla 1.1, and
 it worked. took about 20 minutes to set up. if you have need, let
 me know and i will pass along instructions.

 a possible reason that you are having trouble when you try to
 'import' win ns 7, could be that data files may be named diff in
 linux. which would/could possible prevent 'import' from a win

You could be right, there.  Thinking about it, I've mainly been 
importing Netscape mail into different Netscape versions, and to some 
extent Mozilla mail into  new Mozilla installs.  Netscape did 
seamlessly take up my Mozilla mail setup when it trashed the Mozilla 
one - but perhaps that is to be expected, too, as a commercial 
proposition.  Perhaps not.

They certainly look the same, but of course it is possible that they 
carry some sort of identifier that sets them apart and makes them 

It was netscape 7 in linux that I was trying to import to moz in 
linux.  I'm very puzzled by it all.  I seem to have trashed the files 
now, and it wasn't all that important.  I can easily set up new mail 
boxes, and I didn't have much in them (I'm sure I did a backup just 
before migrating to 9.1, but it hardly seems worth the bother of 
finding the files).  

What is more interesting, not to say frustrating, is that there seems 
to be no way you can set up for moz to collect mail from a account.  A pity, as I wanted to use that as a 
replacement for my old junk-mail file - I like to have one address 
that I can give when at an exhibition and someone gets too pushy g  
Ah, well, there are always others.


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Re: [newbie] [OT sorta] Does this explain the SCO/MS stress levels?

2003-05-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Charlie wrote:

Just curious. Does anyone think the fact that IBM has done more than 
one billion (1,000,000,000,) dollars in sales in the past year have 
anything to do with the SCO lawsuit; and Microsoft's apparent backing 
of it?

Just thought it an article of possible interest.


I'm sure your correct charlie. It's about sales , in hard times, when IT 
expenditure is becoming cost conscious and corporations are looking at 
cheaper and better alternatives, that so happen, not be MS products, 
that's worying them.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] gFTP

2003-05-27 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 08:09 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 May 2003 6:32 pm, RichardA wrote:
  On Tue, 27 May 2003 15:26:18 +0100
  Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   g I meant  I haven't tried uploading to that site.  I
   use gFtp myself, and it's easy.  Let us know how you go
  Anne, quick gFTP question: I put my user name and password
  in the fields at the top, pressed the connect button on
  the left, but it still tried logging in to the site as
  anonymous according to the log window below. Where do you
  put your details?

 Hi, Richard.  Disclaimer - I'm no expert :-)

 I would guess that it was doing the right thing, though I'm
 not certain of this.  The username and password are the ones
 that you need to access that particular site.  Vincent had
 said that his site needed no signing in, so I would guess
 that for that site and others like it, it is not asking for
 a password, and so you are signed in as anonymous.

 If you make a connection to a site and are likely to want to
 go there again, make a bookmark.  It will remember the
 settings you used for that site.

 It sounds to me as though you nearly had it right - just put
 anonymous for the username and leave password empty if the
 site doesn't require one.



Hmm In the good, old days it was considered good 
*netiquette* - when on anonymous FTP - to supply ones 
e-mail-address in the *password* field.

Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux  -  Mandrake 9.1 -   kernel 2.4.21
Brought to you from my 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

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Re: [newbie] Re: Sylpheed-0.9.0claws.tar.gz - anybody having anyluck?

2003-05-27 Thread Kristjan
 It may be that the cooker rpms for 0.9.0claws will perform and cause no
 problems when used on 9.1, but no guarantee.

I have the Cooker version installed and have not found any problems so far.

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Re: [newbie] gFTP

2003-05-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 8:05 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 May 2003 08:09 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Tuesday 27 May 2003 6:32 pm, RichardA wrote:
   On Tue, 27 May 2003 15:26:18 +0100
   Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
g I meant  I haven't tried uploading to that site.  I
use gFtp myself, and it's easy.  Let us know how you go
   Anne, quick gFTP question: I put my user name and password
   in the fields at the top, pressed the connect button on
   the left, but it still tried logging in to the site as
   anonymous according to the log window below. Where do you
   put your details?
  Hi, Richard.  Disclaimer - I'm no expert :-)
  I would guess that it was doing the right thing, though I'm
  not certain of this.  The username and password are the ones
  that you need to access that particular site.  Vincent had
  said that his site needed no signing in, so I would guess
  that for that site and others like it, it is not asking for
  a password, and so you are signed in as anonymous.
  If you make a connection to a site and are likely to want to
  go there again, make a bookmark.  It will remember the
  settings you used for that site.
  It sounds to me as though you nearly had it right - just put
  anonymous for the username and leave password empty if the
  site doesn't require one.

 Hmm In the good, old days it was considered good
 *netiquette* - when on anonymous FTP - to supply ones
 e-mail-address in the *password* field.

Sounds reasonable - I think I've heard that before, too.  Do you know 
how the info is used, though, Kaj, on a site with anonymous login?  I 
mean their logs will show the ip of visitors, but would that email 
address be collectable by them?

Just wondering.  I like to be mannerly, if I can.


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Re: [newbie] Booting mdk/w98/dos

2003-05-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 7:38 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Hendrik Boom wrote:
 On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 10:25:51AM +0100, John Richard Smith wrote:
 ajx wrote:
 Graham Banks wrote:
 Anybody got a boot setup allowing different combinations of
 disks/partitions to be accessible in windows  linux?  I've
 got two hard disks, the second of which is online only for
 occasional backups.  The first has 5 partitions:   a
 windows one, a dos one and 3 linux ones (in that order).
 At present I use a boot manager for Windows, called xosl,
 which manages the dos/windows side of this perfectly.
 I currently have 1 of my computers running win98SE,
 win2000 (for program compatibility) and MDK9.1
 I use XOSL as a boot manager on this machine as I can
 setup passwords for the different oses and make booting
 the winblows partitions a little more secure.
 All I did was to install lilo on the MDK partition that
 contains the /boot. I then pointed XOSL to this partition,
 labelled it Mandrake (as the default os of course). I set
 the bios to boot only fron hard drive and viola! - works
 flawlessly (did so with MDK8.2 and MDK9.0 as well) I set
 lilo to boot after 2 seconds and removed the options for the
 windows boot options.
 But all you have done really is replace the windblows bootloader
  with this XOSL loader,and I'm guessing, in the MBR of whichever
  first partition is Windblows , and then installed lilo as a
  linux loader in chain loader fashion. Now, perhaps this XOSL
  loader is more secure than windblows own, but if so I doubt by
  much, since password configuration to both windblows has been a
  feature of W98 and W2K from the start.You only have to choose to
  set it. So why bother with all this XOSL stuff, just let lilo be
  installed in the MBR of which ever windblows OS is first and
  chain load as before.
 I think he wants different combinations of FAT partitions to be
  visible in DOS and Windows.  lilo will let the Microsoft systems,
  when booting, make their own decisions as to what is visible,
  which is precisely what he does not want.  Now there is a utility
  called letterassign that runs in Windows, (and probably in Dos
  too, but I'm not sure) that allows you to tell a Windows system
  what partitions it is to see, and which partitions are to
  correspond to which so-called drive letters. I've used it with
  Windows 98SE, and it seems to work.
 -- hendrik

 OK, but I have never had any problem with getting any windblows OS
 to recognise any number of FAT 32 partition, whether before or
 after  linux partitions. So it must be in DOS itself, but does
 anyone actually use DOS anymore ?, and in anycase your sayng DOS
 cannot recognise FAT32 partitions ?, really ?

Really.  In fact, I don't think win95 can, either.  Fat32 wasn't 
'invented' then.


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Re: [newbie] Booting mdk/w98/dos

2003-05-27 Thread Frank Bax
At 03:13 PM 5/27/03, Anne Wilson wrote:

On Tuesday 27 May 2003 7:38 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Hendrik Boom wrote:
 On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 10:25:51AM +0100, John Richard Smith wrote:
 ajx wrote:
 Graham Banks wrote:
 Anybody got a boot setup allowing different combinations of
 disks/partitions to be accessible in windows  linux?  I've
 got two hard disks, the second of which is online only for
 occasional backups.  The first has 5 partitions:   a
 windows one, a dos one and 3 linux ones (in that order).
 At present I use a boot manager for Windows, called xosl,
 which manages the dos/windows side of this perfectly.
 I currently have 1 of my computers running win98SE,
 win2000 (for program compatibility) and MDK9.1
 I use XOSL as a boot manager on this machine as I can
 setup passwords for the different oses and make booting
 the winblows partitions a little more secure.
 All I did was to install lilo on the MDK partition that
 contains the /boot. I then pointed XOSL to this partition,
 labelled it Mandrake (as the default os of course). I set
 the bios to boot only fron hard drive and viola! - works
 flawlessly (did so with MDK8.2 and MDK9.0 as well) I set
 lilo to boot after 2 seconds and removed the options for the
 windows boot options.
 But all you have done really is replace the windblows bootloader
  with this XOSL loader,and I'm guessing, in the MBR of whichever
  first partition is Windblows , and then installed lilo as a
  linux loader in chain loader fashion. Now, perhaps this XOSL
  loader is more secure than windblows own, but if so I doubt by
  much, since password configuration to both windblows has been a
  feature of W98 and W2K from the start.You only have to choose to
  set it. So why bother with all this XOSL stuff, just let lilo be
  installed in the MBR of which ever windblows OS is first and
  chain load as before.
 I think he wants different combinations of FAT partitions to be
  visible in DOS and Windows.  lilo will let the Microsoft systems,
  when booting, make their own decisions as to what is visible,
  which is precisely what he does not want.  Now there is a utility
  called letterassign that runs in Windows, (and probably in Dos
  too, but I'm not sure) that allows you to tell a Windows system
  what partitions it is to see, and which partitions are to
  correspond to which so-called drive letters. I've used it with
  Windows 98SE, and it seems to work.
 -- hendrik

 OK, but I have never had any problem with getting any windblows OS
 to recognise any number of FAT 32 partition, whether before or
 after  linux partitions. So it must be in DOS itself, but does
 anyone actually use DOS anymore ?, and in anycase your sayng DOS
 cannot recognise FAT32 partitions ?, really ?
Really.  In fact, I don't think win95 can, either.  Fat32 wasn't
'invented' then.

FAT32 Introduced in Win95 OSR actually.

And yes people still use DOS.  I have a couple of DOS systems being used as 
dialup routers - more secure for this purpose than any of the network 
enabled OS's.


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Re: [newbie] cd-burning on 9.1

2003-05-27 Thread Guy Rouillier
Tom Brinkman wrote:
   Short answer, hardware limitations. Long answer, no matter
how you have drives arranged on the ide (or scsi) ports they
all go thru the one and only 33mhz PCI bus. 
Which reinforces that there is more to a well-performing system than CPU 
 MHz.  If you do this regularly, you should open up the IO with 64-bit 
66 MHz PCI.

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Re: [newbie] gFTP

2003-05-27 Thread RichardA
On Tue, 27 May 2003 19:09:52 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, Richard.  Disclaimer - I'm no expert :-)
 I would guess that it was doing the right thing, though I'm not 
 certain of this.  The username and password are the ones that you 
 need to access that particular site.  Vincent had said that his site 
 needed no signing in, so I would guess that for that site and others 
 like it, it is not asking for a password, and so you are signed in as 
 If you make a connection to a site and are likely to want to go there 
 again, make a bookmark.  It will remember the settings you used for 
 that site.
 It sounds to me as though you nearly had it right - just put anonymous
 for the username and leave password empty if the site doesn't require 

Anne, I was hijacking the thread for an unrelated question. My problem
was when trying to connect to another site which _does_ need a
username and password ( I typed them into the fields
in the gFTP interface, but the log showed it was trying to connect as
anonymous. I used ncftp to do what I needed, but when you mentioned
that you use gFTP I thought you might have met my problem before.
Sorry I wasn't clearer.

Registered Linux user 246658 at

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Re: [newbie] Booting mdk/w98/dos

2003-05-27 Thread bascule
actually lilo allows you to hide/unhide partitions as part of its config, you 
add a stanza to lilo.conf to change the partition type id to the 
hidden/unhidden version of whatever it is, as an example take an old 
lilo.conf of mine:

i can't remember my particular need for this as i don't have it in my current 
config but 'man lilo.conf' will give an explanation of what you need


On Tuesday 27 May 2003 4:14 pm, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 I think he wants different combinations of FAT partitions to be visible
 in DOS and Windows.  lilo will let the Microsoft systems, when booting,
 make their own decisions as to what is visible, which is precisely what
 he does not want.  Now there is a utility called letterassign that runs
 in Windows, (and probably in Dos too, but I'm not sure) that allows you
 to tell a Windows system what partitions it is to see, and which partitions
 are to correspond to which so-called drive letters. I've used it with
 Windows 98SE, and it seems to work.

Yes, it's the right planet, all right,  he said again. 
Right planet, wrong universe. 

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Re: [newbie] gFTP

2003-05-27 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 09:11 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 May 2003 8:05 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  On Tuesday 27 May 2003 08:09 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Tuesday 27 May 2003 6:32 pm, RichardA wrote:
On Tue, 27 May 2003 15:26:18 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 g I meant  I haven't tried uploading to that site.
  I use gFtp myself, and it's easy.  Let us know how
 you go on.

Anne, quick gFTP question: I put my user name and
password in the fields at the top, pressed the connect
button on the left, but it still tried logging in to
the site as anonymous according to the log window
below. Where do you put your details?
   Hi, Richard.  Disclaimer - I'm no expert :-)
   I would guess that it was doing the right thing, though
   I'm not certain of this.  The username and password are
   the ones that you need to access that particular site. 
   Vincent had said that his site needed no signing in, so
   I would guess that for that site and others like it, it
   is not asking for a password, and so you are signed in
   as anonymous.
   If you make a connection to a site and are likely to
   want to go there again, make a bookmark.  It will
   remember the settings you used for that site.
   It sounds to me as though you nearly had it right - just
   put anonymous for the username and leave password empty
   if the site doesn't require one.
  Hmm In the good, old days it was considered good
  *netiquette* - when on anonymous FTP - to supply ones
  e-mail-address in the *password* field.

 Sounds reasonable - I think I've heard that before, too.  Do
 you know how the info is used, though, Kaj, on a site with
 anonymous login?  I mean their logs will show the ip of
 visitors, but would that email address be collectable by

 Just wondering.  I like to be mannerly, if I can.


To be honest, Anne : No, I haven't the faintest idea what the 
information is good for, if any. But a little courtesy won't 
harm, will it ? - I mean, when calling someone, even a public 
service by phone I usually present myself. Getting old, I 

Kaj Haulrich. 
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux  -  Mandrake 9.1 -   kernel 2.4.21
Brought to you from my 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

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[newbie] What did I do wrong with StarOffice 6

2003-05-27 Thread Olli Mäntyranta

I have a Mdk9.0 installed, and while installing the system I also installed 
the StarOffice6 .
When I try to launch, let's say 'swriter' in /usr/lib/staroffice/programs , 
otherwise than root, it just doesn't start. If I write the command in shell, 
I am told about asegmentation fault.

What should I do to make all users being able to use StarOffice?

Thanks in advance,

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[newbie] Kernel-headers 2.4.19-16mdk

2003-05-27 Thread Carlos
Hi to all,
I'm at a loss as to where to find the matching kernel-headers 2.4.19-16mdk.
I am running 9.0 power pack and in all the CD's that came with it, I still
can't seem to find it. Can anyone help. Needless to say I'm very new linux
and therefor not sure if this file can be downloaded from any other
distribution or what.
Thank you,

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Re: [newbie] What did I do wrong with StarOffice 6 - solved

2003-05-27 Thread Olli Mäntyranta
Found the trick!

I saw DrewMartin's got a similiar problem with oo.
I added line unset SESSION_MANAGER in swriter-script, and voilá: it wuks 
Life is wunderbar!
(pity I didn't read it in the first place...)



 I have a Mdk9.0 installed, and while installing the system I also installed
 the StarOffice6 .
 When I try to launch, let's say 'swriter' in /usr/lib/staroffice/programs ,
 otherwise than root, it just doesn't start. If I write the command in
 shell, I am told about asegmentation fault.

 What should I do to make all users being able to use StarOffice?

 Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] What did I do wrong with StarOffice 6 - solved

2003-05-27 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 10:27 pm, Olli Mäntyranta wrote:
 Found the trick!

 I saw DrewMartin's got a similiar problem with oo.
 I added line unset SESSION_MANAGER in swriter-script, and
 voilá: it wuks grate!
 Life is wunderbar!
 (pity I didn't read it in the first place...)


Congratulations Ollimax - I did'nt know that ! 
As you have just demonstrated, all roads leads to Rome, and in 
Linux there are roads all over the place.

Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux  -  Mandrake 9.1 -   kernel 2.4.21
Brought to you from my 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

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Re: [newbie] What did I do wrong with StarOffice 6

2003-05-27 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 10:02 pm, Olli Mäntyranta wrote:

 I have a Mdk9.0 installed, and while installing the system I
 also installed the StarOffice6 .
 When I try to launch, let's say 'swriter' in
 /usr/lib/staroffice/programs , otherwise than root, it just
 doesn't start. If I write the command in shell, I am told
 about asegmentation fault.

 What should I do to make all users being able to use

 Thanks in advance,

When installing SO you have to enable it's networking 
capability to allow all users acces. To do so, become root, go 
to the directory where you have all the binaries ( its located 
a few directories below the main one), find the file named 
*setup*. - And - at this point, I would open a console, su 
into root, verify once again that the *setup* file is there ( 
easy : type ls setup) and then issue the command :
setup -net  (earlier on, in my OS/2-days it was setup /net, so 
if one doesn't work, try the other).

This should open the installation process, enjoy.

Then - if everything goes OK, back out of root (close all 
windows) and as a normal user, go back to the very same 
directory once again. Now, issue the command : setup. That way 
you'll only install about 1.5 MB in every users /home/user 
directory. Very cool.


Kaj Haulrich.

Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux  -  Mandrake 9.1 -   kernel 2.4.21
Brought to you from my 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] What did I do wrong with StarOffice 6

2003-05-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 9:37 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 May 2003 10:02 pm, Olli Mäntyranta wrote:
  I have a Mdk9.0 installed, and while installing the system I
  also installed the StarOffice6 .
  When I try to launch, let's say 'swriter' in
  /usr/lib/staroffice/programs , otherwise than root, it just
  doesn't start. If I write the command in shell, I am told
  about asegmentation fault.
  What should I do to make all users being able to use
  Thanks in advance,

 When installing SO you have to enable it's networking
 capability to allow all users acces. To do so, become root, go
 to the directory where you have all the binaries ( its located
 a few directories below the main one), find the file named
 *setup*. - And - at this point, I would open a console, su
 into root, verify once again that the *setup* file is there (
 easy : type ls setup) and then issue the command :
 setup -net  (earlier on, in my OS/2-days it was setup /net, so
 if one doesn't work, try the other).

 This should open the installation process, enjoy.

 Then - if everything goes OK, back out of root (close all
 windows) and as a normal user, go back to the very same
 directory once again. Now, issue the command : setup. That way
 you'll only install about 1.5 MB in every users /home/user
 directory. Very cool.


 Kaj Haulrich.

Is it worth making this into a HOW-TO for the twiki?


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Re: [newbie] Booting mdk/w98/dos

2003-05-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 8:17 pm, Frank Bax wrote:
 At 03:13 PM 5/27/03, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 May 2003 7:38 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
   Hendrik Boom wrote:
   On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 10:25:51AM +0100, John Richard Smith 
   ajx wrote:
   Graham Banks wrote:
   Anybody got a boot setup allowing different combinations
of disks/partitions to be accessible in windows  linux? 
I've got two hard disks, the second of which is online
only for occasional backups.  The first has 5 partitions:
  a windows one, a dos one and 3 linux ones (in that
   At present I use a boot manager for Windows, called xosl,
   which manages the dos/windows side of this perfectly.
   I currently have 1 of my computers running win98SE,
   win2000 (for program compatibility) and MDK9.1
   I use XOSL as a boot manager on this machine as I can
   setup passwords for the different oses and make booting
   the winblows partitions a little more secure.
   All I did was to install lilo on the MDK partition that
   contains the /boot. I then pointed XOSL to this partition,
   labelled it Mandrake (as the default os of course). I set
   the bios to boot only fron hard drive and viola! - works
   flawlessly (did so with MDK8.2 and MDK9.0 as well) I set
   lilo to boot after 2 seconds and removed the options for
the windows boot options.
   But all you have done really is replace the windblows
bootloader with this XOSL loader,and I'm guessing, in the
MBR of whichever first partition is Windblows , and then
installed lilo as a linux loader in chain loader fashion.
Now, perhaps this XOSL loader is more secure than windblows
own, but if so I doubt by much, since password configuration
to both windblows has been a feature of W98 and W2K from the
start.You only have to choose to set it. So why bother with
all this XOSL stuff, just let lilo be installed in the MBR
of which ever windblows OS is first and chain load as
   I think he wants different combinations of FAT partitions to
be visible in DOS and Windows.  lilo will let the Microsoft
systems, when booting, make their own decisions as to what is
visible, which is precisely what he does not want.  Now there
is a utility called letterassign that runs in Windows, (and
probably in Dos too, but I'm not sure) that allows you to
tell a Windows system what partitions it is to see, and which
partitions are to correspond to which so-called drive
letters. I've used it with Windows 98SE, and it seems to
   -- hendrik
   OK, but I have never had any problem with getting any windblows
   OS to recognise any number of FAT 32 partition, whether before
   or after  linux partitions. So it must be in DOS itself, but
   does anyone actually use DOS anymore ?, and in anycase your
   sayng DOS cannot recognise FAT32 partitions ?, really ?
 Really.  In fact, I don't think win95 can, either.  Fat32 wasn't
 'invented' then.

 FAT32 Introduced in Win95 OSR actually.

 And yes people still use DOS.  I have a couple of DOS systems being
 used as dialup routers - more secure for this purpose than any of
 the network enabled OS's.


My mistake, then.  I thought win95 was fat16.


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Re: [newbie] gFTP

2003-05-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 8:40 pm, RichardA wrote:
 On Tue, 27 May 2003 19:09:52 +0100

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi, Richard.  Disclaimer - I'm no expert :-)
  I would guess that it was doing the right thing, though I'm not
  certain of this.  The username and password are the ones that you
  need to access that particular site.  Vincent had said that his
  site needed no signing in, so I would guess that for that site
  and others like it, it is not asking for a password, and so you
  are signed in as anonymous.
  If you make a connection to a site and are likely to want to go
  there again, make a bookmark.  It will remember the settings you
  used for that site.
  It sounds to me as though you nearly had it right - just put
  anonymous for the username and leave password empty if the site
  doesn't require one.

 Anne, I was hijacking the thread for an unrelated question. My
 problem was when trying to connect to another site which _does_
 need a username and password ( I typed them into
 the fields in the gFTP interface, but the log showed it was trying
 to connect as anonymous. I used ncftp to do what I needed, but when
 you mentioned that you use gFTP I thought you might have met my
 problem before. Sorry I wasn't clearer.


Sorry, Richard, I misunderstood you.

I really don't have much to offer you.  I don't use it much, but when 
I want to upload to my website I just put in address, username and 
password on the top line.  It immediately starts the connection - I 
don't need to tell it to.

I can't think what may be going wrong for you, sorry.


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Re: [newbie] Booting mdk/w98/dos

2003-05-27 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday May 27 2003 02:17 pm, Frank Bax wrote:
 FAT32 Introduced in Win95 OSR actually.

 And yes people still use DOS.  I have a couple of DOS systems
 being used as dialup routers - more secure for this purpose than
 any of the network enabled OS's.


Fat32 was an option to be tested, starting with early W95 beta 
builds, circa late 1994.  I used it. IIRC, it was build 490 or so 
when it was introduced along with a utility to convert. I never had 
any problems with it, many didn't. So it became the newer standard 
M$ crud for a while while Billy was tryin to merge Winsux with NT. 
'Course this was about the time I found a better real OS and file 
system. Linux. 'Course now'adays even ext2 or 3 sux  ... I prefer 

Still I havt'a admit my first taste of linux was a 'linux on 
DOS' distro. zipSlack IIRC. Many are still available includin one 
that's Mandrake based. Run well, but slower on Billy's stolen file 
system, M$DOS.  MOF, phatlinux (on DOS) was my first look at 
Mandrake 6.0 and KDE, while I had a RH 5 install goin on a 2nd 
drive. Never looked back ;) Wiped RH and got Mandrake.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] gFTP

2003-05-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 9:00 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 May 2003 09:11 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Tuesday 27 May 2003 8:05 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
   On Tuesday 27 May 2003 08:09 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 6:32 pm, RichardA wrote:
 On Tue, 27 May 2003 15:26:18 +0100

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  g I meant  I haven't tried uploading to that site.
   I use gFtp myself, and it's easy.  Let us know how
  you go on.

 Anne, quick gFTP question: I put my user name and
 password in the fields at the top, pressed the connect
 button on the left, but it still tried logging in to
 the site as anonymous according to the log window
 below. Where do you put your details?
Hi, Richard.  Disclaimer - I'm no expert :-)
I would guess that it was doing the right thing, though
I'm not certain of this.  The username and password are
the ones that you need to access that particular site.
Vincent had said that his site needed no signing in, so
I would guess that for that site and others like it, it
is not asking for a password, and so you are signed in
as anonymous.
If you make a connection to a site and are likely to
want to go there again, make a bookmark.  It will
remember the settings you used for that site.
It sounds to me as though you nearly had it right - just
put anonymous for the username and leave password empty
if the site doesn't require one.
   Hmm In the good, old days it was considered good
   *netiquette* - when on anonymous FTP - to supply ones
   e-mail-address in the *password* field.
  Sounds reasonable - I think I've heard that before, too.  Do
  you know how the info is used, though, Kaj, on a site with
  anonymous login?  I mean their logs will show the ip of
  visitors, but would that email address be collectable by
  Just wondering.  I like to be mannerly, if I can.

 To be honest, Anne : No, I haven't the faintest idea what the
 information is good for, if any. But a little courtesy won't
 harm, will it ? - I mean, when calling someone, even a public
 service by phone I usually present myself. Getting old, I

 Kaj Haulrich.

Fair enough, Kaj.  I'll try to remember next time it's appropriate


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Re: [newbie] Kernel-headers 2.4.19-16mdk

2003-05-27 Thread Greg Meyer
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 04:22 pm, Carlos wrote:
 Hi to all,
 I'm at a loss as to where to find the matching kernel-headers 2.4.19-16mdk.
 I am running 9.0 power pack and in all the CD's that came with it, I still
 can't seem to find it. Can anyone help. Needless to say I'm very new linux
 and therefor not sure if this file can be downloaded from any other
 distribution or what.

The kernel-headers package in 9.0 has a different version number than the 
kernel because the kernel-headers package is created by the compilation of 
gcc and that was the cversion of the kernel running when gcc was compiled.  
These are not the kernel-headers yuou want anyway.  The kernel headers you 
want are in the kernel-source package.  Note the kernel-headers package is no 
longer created seperately in 9.1 and later because it just creates confusion.

BTW, you should update your kernel to the kernel-2.4.19-24mdk version first, 
then install the kernel-source-2.4.19-24mdk.  Both of these packages should 
be available in the updates directory of any Mandrake mirror.

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Re: [newbie] cd-burning on 9.1

2003-05-27 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday May 27 2003 02:25 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
 Short answer, hardware limitations. Long answer, no matter
 how you have drives arranged on the ide (or scsi) ports they
 all go thru the one and only 33mhz PCI bus.

 Which reinforces that there is more to a well-performing system
 than CPU MHz.  If you do this regularly, you should open up the
 IO with 64-bit 66 MHz PCI.  

Good point Guy, when the desktop hardware matures for it, I 
probly will go 64 bit cpu/cache/ram. In the meantime, marketing 
gimicks of 66mhz (AGP) 2x, 4x and now 8x... and the real jokes, 66, 
100, and 133, and serial ATA across the old 32 bit 33mhz PCI bus 
are frauds. Still people like to believe 'em. It sells anyhow...
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Open Office

2003-05-27 Thread DrewMartin
Hi all,
   Would it be possible for some to tell me how to do this step by
step?I'm a complete newbie,and did not expect to be using consoles and
command lines quite yet.
Thank you all for your time and patience,with some one who one brain
cell is still recovering from the chaos that was the 80's/early90's
rock/metal movement,and who is now killing it with Single Malt
- Original Message - 
From: Warren Post [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Newbie list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Open Office

El lun, 26-05-2003 a las 10:41, DrewMartin escribió:
 When try to use Open Office the splash screen comes up,then nothing

If you're using Gnome, perhaps the session manager is timing out before
OO can open. Here's what I posted to the list last year on the subject:


Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A: Newbie list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Asunto: Re: [newbie] OpenOffice dies upon opening - SOLVED
Fecha: 04 Dec 2002 13:20:57 -0600

El dom, 01-12-2002 a las 21:21, Warren Post escribió: 1.0 worked fine on my Mandrake 8.1 installation. But
 that I have moved to 8.2 (clean install), OO usually dies while
 OO is open for perhaps a second and shuts itself down..

Thanks to everyone who offered ideas. The solution is to edit the OOo
startup script (/opt/OpenOffice.org1.0/program/soffice) and add this


That fixes it. Gory details at:
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] What did I do wrong with StarOffice 6

2003-05-27 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 10:55 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 May 2003 9:37 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:

  When installing SO you have to enable it's networking
  capability to allow all users acces. To do so, become
  root, go to the directory where you have all the binaries
  ( its located a few directories below the main one), find
  the file named *setup*. - And - at this point, I would
  open a console, su into root, verify once again that the
  *setup* file is there ( easy : type ls setup) and then
  issue the command : setup -net  (earlier on, in my
  OS/2-days it was setup /net, so if one doesn't work, try
  the other).
  This should open the installation process, enjoy.
  Then - if everything goes OK, back out of root (close all
  windows) and as a normal user, go back to the very same
  directory once again. Now, issue the command : setup. That
  way you'll only install about 1.5 MB in every users
  /home/user directory. Very cool.
  Kaj Haulrich.

 Is it worth making this into a HOW-TO for the twiki?


You decide, Anne. But on the other hand there is extensive info 
in the readme file of SO. Couldn't harm, though.

Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux  -  Mandrake 9.1 -   kernel 2.4.21
Brought to you from my 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Booting mdk/w98/dos

2003-05-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 05:33, ajx wrote:

 Yes, all I did was choose partition, not disk, boot record.  (Like
 Graham's setup, if I've understood right).  And the acid test is that it
 works, at least for booting once.  Why, after booting, it leaves its own
 partition inactive is a mystery.  

That is fairly weird. You can boot into it once, then not again.
Something's definitely fishy there mate.

 I'm wondering whether this is possibly connected to your advocating
 installing Windows on its partition 1st then moving it to the 'back' of
 the drive - before installing linux at the front?  Or is that just a
 legacy of the 1023 cylinder limit? 
 Thanks for the reply. 

Generally, it would be to maintain the 1023 legacy but I have run into
issues with modern kernels and distros, and have found that by putting
the linux partitions before the 1023 mark (at least the /boot and
whatever other partition you have on your primary hard drive) eliminate
problems with changing other partitions that live on the primary drive -
EXCEPTING Windows - which constantly claims the #1 spot in the partition
table (thanks Microsoft). 
Wed May 28 07:25:00 EST 2003
 07:25:00 up  9:58,  3 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.15, 0.16
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Before Xerox, five carbons were the maximum extension of anybody's ego.

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Re: [newbie] Re: Pekwm (Gkrellm is cool)

2003-05-27 Thread Joe Hill
On Tue, 27 May 2003 10:43:39 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I like this!  Why not try uploading to ?  
 Vincent said that no login is necessary, so if you have ftp set up it 
 should be straightforward (haven't tried it)

It *is* very straightforward, you just browse to it on your local
machine, it even autogenerates a thumbnail and a smaller version, so 3
different views from thumb to full size! Cool!

I'll hafta try and hold back, I'm kinda screenshot addicted.


+ Joe Hill  (
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ See where I sit all day:
+The Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways;
+   the point, however is to change it --Chuck Marx

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] cd-burning on 9.1

2003-05-27 Thread Joe Hill
On Tue, 27 May 2003 16:06:47 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Good point Guy, when the desktop hardware matures for it, I 
 probly will go 64 bit cpu/cache/ram. In the meantime, marketing 
 gimicks of 66mhz (AGP) 2x, 4x and now 8x... and the real jokes, 66, 
 100, and 133, and serial ATA across the old 32 bit 33mhz PCI bus 
 are frauds. Still people like to believe 'em. It sells anyhow...

what about DDR? or did I miss that post already?

is that legit?

+ Joe Hill  (
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ See where I sit all day:
+The Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways;
+   the point, however is to change it --Chuck Marx

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Re: [newbie] Open Office

2003-05-27 Thread Marc Oestreicher
  I have never used Open Office but here are some basics that it 
sounds like you need  

   First I am going to assume that you are using KDE due to the fact 
that it is very newbie friendly.
   On the bottom of the screen near the left corner you should see a 
icon that looks like a monitor with a thing in front of it that 
looks kind of like a sea shell, click on it . you should now have a 
black screen covering about 2/3 of the desktop, you are now in a 
console. anything that you type on the keyboard will  appear in the 
console. the text that appears there is the command line. 
   Not to bad so far?
  Sooner or latter , probably sooner you will find that you will 
need to su to root, thats about the most common thing that needs to 
be done in a console this is how you su to root.
  After opening the console just type su root  and press enter you 
will be asked for a password, type in your root password. 
CONGRATULATIONS you have just became a super user IE a regular user 
with root privileges. You will have root privileges until you close 
the console. when you close the console you will no longer have 
those root privileges until the next time you su to root.
   OK those were the quick console and command line basics.
I hope that kind of pointed you in the correct direction for console 
and command line stuff. The rest otta kind of fall into place as 
you go but it's a good Idea to keep a reference with basic commands 
laying around near the computer not that you will need it all that 
often if you prefer to do most things with a GUI but sooner or 
latter you will need it.

On Tuesday 27 May 2003 05:14 pm, DrewMartin wrote:
 Hi all,
Would it be possible for some to tell me how to do this
 step by step?I'm a complete newbie,and did not expect to be using
 consoles and command lines quite yet.
 Thank you all for your time and patience,with some one
 who one brain cell is still recovering from the chaos that was
 the 80's/early90's rock/metal movement,and who is now killing it
 with Single Malt Scotch
   Drew - Original Message -
 From: Warren Post [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Newbie list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 3:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Open Office

 El lun, 26-05-2003 a las 10:41, DrewMartin escribió:
  When try to use Open Office the splash screen comes up,then
  nothing happens

 If you're using Gnome, perhaps the session manager is timing out
 before OO can open. Here's what I posted to the list last year on
 the subject:


 De: Warren Post [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 A: Newbie list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Asunto: Re: [newbie] OpenOffice dies upon opening - SOLVED
 Fecha: 04 Dec 2002 13:20:57 -0600

 El dom, 01-12-2002 a las 21:21, Warren Post escribió: 1.0 worked fine on my Mandrake 8.1 installation.
  But now
  that I have moved to 8.2 (clean install), OO usually dies while
  OO is open for perhaps a second and shuts itself down..

 Thanks to everyone who offered ideas. The solution is to edit the
 OOo startup script (/opt/OpenOffice.org1.0/program/soffice) and
 add this line:


 That fixes it. Gory details at:

Composed on a 100% Microsoft and
 Windows free computer with
Mandrake Linux 9.1

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Re: [newbie] Booting mdk/w98/dos

2003-05-27 Thread Frank Bax
At 04:51 PM 5/27/03, Anne Wilson wrote:

On Tuesday 27 May 2003 8:17 pm, Frank Bax wrote:
 At 03:13 PM 5/27/03, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 May 2003 7:38 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
   Hendrik Boom wrote:
   On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 10:25:51AM +0100, John Richard Smith
   ajx wrote:
   Graham Banks wrote:
   Anybody got a boot setup allowing different combinations
of disks/partitions to be accessible in windows  linux?
I've got two hard disks, the second of which is online
only for occasional backups.  The first has 5 partitions:
  a windows one, a dos one and 3 linux ones (in that
   At present I use a boot manager for Windows, called xosl,
   which manages the dos/windows side of this perfectly.
   I currently have 1 of my computers running win98SE,
   win2000 (for program compatibility) and MDK9.1
   I use XOSL as a boot manager on this machine as I can
   setup passwords for the different oses and make booting
   the winblows partitions a little more secure.
   All I did was to install lilo on the MDK partition that
   contains the /boot. I then pointed XOSL to this partition,
   labelled it Mandrake (as the default os of course). I set
   the bios to boot only fron hard drive and viola! - works
   flawlessly (did so with MDK8.2 and MDK9.0 as well) I set
   lilo to boot after 2 seconds and removed the options for
the windows boot options.
   But all you have done really is replace the windblows
bootloader with this XOSL loader,and I'm guessing, in the
MBR of whichever first partition is Windblows , and then
installed lilo as a linux loader in chain loader fashion.
Now, perhaps this XOSL loader is more secure than windblows
own, but if so I doubt by much, since password configuration
to both windblows has been a feature of W98 and W2K from the
start.You only have to choose to set it. So why bother with
all this XOSL stuff, just let lilo be installed in the MBR
of which ever windblows OS is first and chain load as
   I think he wants different combinations of FAT partitions to
be visible in DOS and Windows.  lilo will let the Microsoft
systems, when booting, make their own decisions as to what is
visible, which is precisely what he does not want.  Now there
is a utility called letterassign that runs in Windows, (and
probably in Dos too, but I'm not sure) that allows you to
tell a Windows system what partitions it is to see, and which
partitions are to correspond to which so-called drive
letters. I've used it with Windows 98SE, and it seems to
   -- hendrik
   OK, but I have never had any problem with getting any windblows
   OS to recognise any number of FAT 32 partition, whether before
   or after  linux partitions. So it must be in DOS itself, but
   does anyone actually use DOS anymore ?, and in anycase your
   sayng DOS cannot recognise FAT32 partitions ?, really ?
 Really.  In fact, I don't think win95 can, either.  Fat32 wasn't
 'invented' then.

 FAT32 Introduced in Win95 OSR actually.

 And yes people still use DOS.  I have a couple of DOS systems being
 used as dialup routers - more secure for this purpose than any of
 the network enabled OS's.

My mistake, then.  I thought win95 was fat16.


The original Win95 was indeed fat16 only - and therefore 2G limit.  I made 
a typo - Win95 OSR2 introduced fat32.  There were four versions of Win95, 
three of which support fat32. 

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Re: [newbie] cd-burning on 9.1

2003-05-27 Thread kjc

So. Do I undertstand you to say that. Even 400MHZ FSB MB's only go up to
I'm curious. Can you elaborate on this.
Joe Hill wrote:

  On Tue, 27 May 2003 16:06:47 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Good point Guy, when the desktop hardware matures for it, I 
probly will go 64 bit cpu/cache/ram. In the meantime, marketing 
gimicks of 66mhz (AGP) 2x, 4x and now 8x... and the real jokes, 66, 
100, and 133, and serial ATA across the old 32 bit 33mhz PCI bus 
are frauds. Still people like to believe 'em. It sells anyhow...

what about DDR? or did I miss that post already?

is that legit?


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Kevin J Citron
Sr. Object Imagineer
Optimized Objects, Inc.
EL Paso, Texas 79930
(915) 565-5777/566-2403

Re: [newbie] cd-burning on 9.1

2003-05-27 Thread Guy Rouillier
Joe Hill wrote:
On Tue, 27 May 2003 16:06:47 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Good point Guy, when the desktop hardware matures for it, I 
probly will go 64 bit cpu/cache/ram. In the meantime, marketing 
gimicks of 66mhz (AGP) 2x, 4x and now 8x... and the real jokes, 66, 
100, and 133, and serial ATA across the old 32 bit 33mhz PCI bus 
are frauds. Still people like to believe 'em. It sells anyhow...

what about DDR? or did I miss that post already?

is that legit?

Memory speed is a legitimate factor in optimizing performance for a 
particular, but is not the issue Tom raised.  He was addressing 
throughput limitations due to the 33 MHz PCI bus, which is independent 
of memory configuration.

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Re: [newbie] Kernel-headers 2.4.19-16mdk

2003-05-27 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Tue, 27 May 2003 16:48:43 -0400
Greg Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Note the kernel-headers package is no 
 longer created seperately in 9.1 and later because it just creates

Pretty much correct except it is/was glibc a not gcc from which the
kernel-headers rpm was derived and the versioning was dependent
upon the running kernel on the build machine.


Turnaucka's Law:
The attention span of a computer is only as long as its
electrical cord.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] cd-burning on 9.1

2003-05-27 Thread Joe Hill
On Tue, 27 May 2003 18:08:39 -0400
Guy Rouillier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 He was addressing 
 throughput limitations due to the 33 MHz PCI bus, which is independent
 of memory configuration.

gotcha! thanks!

That's what I thought, but I got scared there for a minute, I am s
looking forward to getting a 333 Mobo :D

+ Joe Hill  (
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ See where I sit all day:
+The Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways;
+   the point, however is to change it --Chuck Marx

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[newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-27 Thread rikona

In Win I use a search tool (dtSearch) to find info in a very large
number of files (50,000+). This program indexes the files, and can
find all results in a second or two with about 4-6Gb of files. It can
also do quite complex boolean searches, including word proximity. It
can display all the results, ranked as desired, and can directly
display HTML, text, spreadsheets, Acrobat, and other formats. I've
become quite attached to this and can't live without it. :-)

Is there a comparable tool for Mandrake?

 rikona  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] cd-burning on 9.1 this one DEFINITELY OT

2003-05-27 Thread Technoslick
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 02:03 pm, Tom Brinkman graced me with:
  On Tuesday May 27 2003 06:45 am, Technoslick wrote:
  You realize it will be hard to talk
  about 'puters and Linux over the din? ;-)

  Not after the race, back at the travel trailer parked just
 outside the track :) 'Course we'd havt'a wait till after we
 actually watched the race. 

Hmmm...sounds like another most excellent OT

 We usually record the broadcast so when
 we get back from the track we can figure it out better ;) 

Because we start the drinking before or after the race?

 like bein by the fence tho, with 30,000 horsepower blowin by at 200
 mph, door handle to door handle, nose to toes ;  Been doin it
 for many years ;)

There's a rush to watching a live race that you can't get on TV. You 
also can't appreciate how fast they are until you see one go right by 

  Unlike some stock car fans, I like the road courses. If nothin
 else it adds variety to the sport. I like short tracks the best
 tho, Bristol TN, Richmond VA. WoO on dirt is another favorite.
 Battleground Speedway, Houston, or TMS, Fort Worth.

Yep. Variety makes what you like all the better and still expands your 
tastes. Once in a great while, I'll see some World of Outlaws on TV. 
I like sprints cars. We have dirt and asphalt short-track here in the 
Northeast, too, but not like the south has.

 Yeah, it was ;) Drivers can be a touchy subject. 

Mama didn't raise no fool. ;-)

 'Course my
 other favorites are the Corpus Christi boys, Texas' team, Terry and
 Bobby Labonte.

The names are very much familiar. Truthfully, I don't even get to 
watch what I really like, either: Formula and Can Am, or any other 
road course stuff. No time and never know when it is on.

Besides, I have hungry Linux mouths to feed. No time for such 
nonesense. ;-)

 Twice a year, the campground at Talladega becomes Alabama's
 second largest city. 500 acres of jammed in RV's, and Mardi Gras
 every night ;)  I've had tickets for both races (April-Oct) for
 some ten years now ;)

Maybe you should speak to Mandrake about having a Linux convention 
there at about that time...(I am trying to keep this thread on 
topic!) :-D

T sneaking away before he gets hit

P.S. Seriously, thanks for the enlightenment. Someday, I hope to get 
back to following the racing I love. 

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Re: [newbie] cd-burning on 9.1

2003-05-27 Thread Technoslick
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 01:29 pm, Tom Brinkman graced me with:
 On Tuesday May 27 2003 06:45 am, Technoslick wrote:
  This is good stuff, Tom. Have you ever posted your own HOW-TO
  on mixing, normalizing and burning anywhere that I can get my
  hands on it?
 Actually I've posted much the same info about CL burning of
 CD's over the past year or so. A search on the archive for biso,
 bdcd and bacd will probly turn'em up. Most of my stuff is just my
 preferences (opinions ;) based on the CD-Writing HOWTO and 'man
 cdrecord, mkisofs, cdparanoia, normalize, mp3_check' with others
 suggestions and ideas added in.

I know you have, but it's not the same as seeing it all nicely gift 
wrapped as an article from A- Z. A lot of newbies are still finding 
out about Google, best ways to search the lists and where else to 
find answers. The HOW-TO's that come with a distro are anywhere from 
fair to excellent, from easy to understand to far in outer techno 
space. It's nice to see a local-yocal authoring who has already 
earned some respect for soild and useful experience. 

To tell the truth, I've gotten the impression most people still
 prefer to cling to usin a GUI frontend to do all this stuff for
 them. It's just my view that many don't understand (or care to) the
 ramifications and pitfalls of lettin GUI make choices for them.
 Specially when it comes to 'on the fly' burning processes and
 speeds, any OS. I use to be one'a 'em.

Your helping me here, Tom. You gotta stop talkin' or you are going to 
fall into my trap.  :-) You just said it. You don't know why more 
people don't use the CL. Soeducate them! Give the people a HOW-TO 
on gettting the most out the CL, as you explain to them how to burn 
music and audio CD's. See? You are slowly falling into my power of 
persuation. :-D

  Their preferences and choice are surely their right, but I
 still think they'd be better off exploring the docs and becomin
 familiar with cdrecord, mkisofs, cdparanoia and such. If nothin
 else it would make some of the options in GUI's better understood.
 Probly many less coasters too ;)

I have to accept that as an axiom. One must explore the starting 
points. All you would do is put your own twist, to the point, 
step-by-step, as you see it, into the article.

 Anyhow, the HOWTO already exists on your system under
 Documentation | Howto's and 'man ...' If everybody just adopted
 my preferences, and didn't develop and post their own, I'd (we'd)
 miss out on maybe findin even better ways to do stuff. That's
 certainly a good, if not the best, part of how I learn to do stuff.

What's wrong with your preferences as a starting point? Newbies don't 
have a lot of preferences. That's why they come here. For answers and 
to get some! :-)

I'm not pushing you or anything. nudge Nope. nudge I wouldn't do 
that to you. more nudging But, nudge, nudge I would be remiss in 
not nudge making my point. You should write some stuff up. nudge, 
nudge I won't bring it up anymore. big push OK?

slipping away quickly before he gets whacked...

P.S. Be happy to carry on the OT on racing, off-listanytime. I 
mean it!

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Re: [newbie] Kernel-headers 2.4.19-16mdk

2003-05-27 Thread Greg Meyer
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 06:34 pm, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Tue, 27 May 2003 16:48:43 -0400

 Greg Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Note the kernel-headers package is no
  longer created seperately in 9.1 and later because it just creates

 Pretty much correct except it is/was glibc a not gcc from which the
 kernel-headers rpm was derived and the versioning was dependent
 upon the running kernel on the build machine.


oops, sorry, I mispoke.  Thanks for correcting.

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Re: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-27 Thread Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 11:45 pm, rikona wrote:

 In Win I use a search tool (dtSearch) to find info in a very large
 number of files (50,000+). This program indexes the files, and can
 find all results in a second or two with about 4-6Gb of files. It can
 also do quite complex boolean searches, including word proximity. It
 can display all the results, ranked as desired, and can directly
 display HTML, text, spreadsheets, Acrobat, and other formats. I've
 become quite attached to this and can't live without it. :-)

 Is there a comparable tool for Mandrake?

Of course

Install the slocate package and then in a root terminal type
It will index every file on your computer and you can perform a quick search 
with the command 'slocate string'

The database will update itself weekly, but first you must install the 
'anacron' package.
By default your Mandrake system will perform ots daily system maintenance at 4 
a.m each morning. But of your computer is switched off at the time the daily 
maintenamce will not run. Anacron will ensure the daily jobs get run 15 mins 
after you switch on your computer.
(FYI: The daily jobs include emptying 'tmp' folders, compressing log files, 
updating slocate databeses etc)

There two tips in one mail!

Have fun 


(recently returned from the pub ;-)


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[newbie] Can't get a GUI boot

2003-05-27 Thread Gareth Qually
This sounds really silly, but when I start Linux, it boots to a text login
not the Gnome environment I origionally had. How do i get it to boot to
Gnome environment again? I am using Mandrake 9.1 on a i86 machine.



Gareth Qually

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Re: [newbie] Creating archive

2003-05-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 17:57, Marco Verheul wrote:
 Hi all,
 I want to create a tarball from my home directory, but I'm confused about
 one thing. When I do:
 # tar -zcvf homearchive.tar /home/marco
 # tar -zcvf homearchive.tar.gz /home/marco
 seems to have the same result. Both are compressed archives with the same
 size. It appears to me that the only difference is the file extension. Is
 that true?

You know, you can just open a Konqueror window, right-click on the
directory you want to archive and choose tar from it - it will
tar/gzip it for you...just FYI.

Wed May 28 09:20:00 EST 2003
 09:20:00 up 11:53,  2 users,  load average: 0.24, 0.12, 0.09
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

It used to be the fun was in
The capture and kill.
In another place and time
I did it all for thrills.
-- Lust to Love

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Re: [newbie] OT, Is Windows a Virus?

2003-05-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 22:08, Kaj Haulrich wrote:

 Well, I figure Stephen got inspired and is writing an 
 Aussie-Linux-GUI as we speak, 'cause we haven't  got anything 
 from him the last few hours ...  ;-)
 Kaj Haulrich.

Nah - just doing a few PC builds and installations...gotta make money.

Wed May 28 09:25:00 EST 2003
 09:25:00 up 11:58,  2 users,  load average: 0.46, 0.30, 0.16
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

If puns were deli meat, this would be the wurst.

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Re[2]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-27 Thread rikona
Hello Derek,

Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 4:14:52 PM, you wrote:

 Is there a comparable tool for Mandrake?

DJ Install the slocate package and then in a root terminal type
DJ 'updatedb' It will index every file on your computer and you can
DJ perform a quick search  with the command 'slocate string'

I just tried this - works OK, and is fast, but gives me too much. Is
there a way to use more complex search expressions (or regex?) to nail
down exactly what I'm after? In my indices, there are sometimes more
than 100,000 references to a single word(and, yes, I do exclude
commonly used words). I need to combine, say, three words (each with
perhaps 50,000 occurrences) to get just the 4-5 files in which they
occur as specified. Is there a way to do that, perhaps by combining
tools? Would it be a mess to think of manipulating the dbase to do
this if no tool is available?

When the final list of files is found, is there a way to easily and
quickly see them without necessarily opening them, again perhaps with
another tool.?

I'm REALLY addicted to this kind of tool. :-)

DJ The database will update itself weekly, but first you must install the 
DJ 'anacron' package.

Nice! I like this. I'm always amazed what is in Linux.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-27 Thread bascule
#slocate --help shows that '-r regexp' is probably what you want


On Wednesday 28 May 2003 12:49 am, rikona wrote:

 I just tried this - works OK, and is fast, but gives me too much. Is
 there a way to use more complex search expressions (or regex?) to nail
 down exactly what I'm after? In my indices, there are sometimes more
 than 100,000 references to a single word(and, yes, I do exclude
 commonly used words). I need to combine, say, three words (each with
 perhaps 50,000 occurrences) to get just the 4-5 files in which they
 occur as specified. Is there a way to do that, perhaps by combining
 tools? Would it be a mess to think of manipulating the dbase to do
 this if no tool is available?

 When the final list of files is found, is there a way to easily and
 quickly see them without necessarily opening them, again perhaps with
 another tool.?

 I'm REALLY addicted to this kind of tool. :-)

'What shall we do?' said Twoflower.
'Panic?' said Rincewind hopefully.
(The Light Fantastic)

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-27 Thread Derek Jennings

Yes you can use regular expressions

As for advanced searches I am sure you could combine slocate ,awk and grep 
together to do advanced stuff, but you would have to spend ages composing the 
command. (well I would)

I am surprised no one seems have to made use of slocate in a GUI based file 
search tool, but AFAIK there is not one. (Please correct me if I am wrong)


On Wednesday 28 May 2003 12:49 am, rikona wrote:
 Hello Derek,

 Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 4:14:52 PM, you wrote:
  Is there a comparable tool for Mandrake?

 DJ Install the slocate package and then in a root terminal type
 DJ 'updatedb' It will index every file on your computer and you can
 DJ perform a quick search  with the command 'slocate string'

 I just tried this - works OK, and is fast, but gives me too much. Is
 there a way to use more complex search expressions (or regex?) to nail
 down exactly what I'm after? In my indices, there are sometimes more
 than 100,000 references to a single word(and, yes, I do exclude
 commonly used words). I need to combine, say, three words (each with
 perhaps 50,000 occurrences) to get just the 4-5 files in which they
 occur as specified. Is there a way to do that, perhaps by combining
 tools? Would it be a mess to think of manipulating the dbase to do
 this if no tool is available?

 When the final list of files is found, is there a way to easily and
 quickly see them without necessarily opening them, again perhaps with
 another tool.?

 I'm REALLY addicted to this kind of tool. :-)

 DJ The database will update itself weekly, but first you must install the
 DJ 'anacron' package.

 Nice! I like this. I'm always amazed what is in Linux.


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Re: [newbie] Can't get a GUI boot

2003-05-27 Thread Dennis Myers
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 06:22 pm, Gareth Qually wrote:
 This sounds really silly, but when I start Linux, it boots to a text login
 not the Gnome environment I origionally had. How do i get it to boot to
 Gnome environment again? I am using Mandrake 9.1 on a i86 machine.



 Gareth Qually
Gareth, from the text login type startx and that should take you into your 
default environment. Then go to the MCC and select boot then drakboot and 
mark the box for launch the graphical environment You should get your Gnome 
back then. Be sure to select Gnome at the first login screen. It may say 
default so tick Gnome just to be sure. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] Support questions

2003-05-27 Thread rikona

I just signed up for support for the 9.0 Powerpack I bought. I thought
I might be able to access another set of info about setting up
Mandrake, but that does not seem to be the case. It seems to be asking
me to open an 'incident'. Is this 'support' really effective? Can one
see all the questions and answers that have been discussed, as is the
case on this list?

You folks here have been VERY helpful[thank you, again]. Does the
above 'support' really add something that this list does not provide?

For example, I have been looking for packages to install (Octave, for
example). When I search, the primary source seems to be the Mandrake
Club. I thought this was part of the above 'support', but that does
not seem to be the case. It seems as though I would still have to pay
to use the Club. Is that true?

In the Octave example, I found a Mandrake rpm, but it needs quite a
few libs. The Club seems to have all of them, otherwise, they seem to
be spread around all over, with different versions and types (non-rpm,
for example). For a newbie, it is a bit confusing to make sure I am
getting all the proper pieces to make it work OK.

In the sources listed for urpmi, the Mandrake Club is listed, but that
seems to be from an ftp I added at the suggestion of someone here. I
assume that this is NOT the real Mandrake Club (that seems to be
complete) because urpmi *can't* find all the missing parts.

What's the best way for newbies to get complete packages and/or
support? Perhaps someone could enlighten me as to how these pieces go

 rikona  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Can't get a GUI boot

2003-05-27 Thread John Drouhard
At the login screen, login in to a user, then su to root. After that, go
to /etc and edit the file inittab. Change the default runlevel to 5 instead of 3 like 

# Default runlevel. The runlevels used by Mandrake Linux are:
#   0 - halt (Do NOT set initdefault to this)
#   1 - Single user mode
#   2 - Multiuser, without NFS (The same as 3, if you do not have networking)
#   3 - Full multiuser mode
#   4 - unused
#   5 - X11
#   6 - reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this)

Once again, this is the file /etc/inittab

Hope this helps!

-John Drouhard

On Wed, 28 May 2003 00:22:24 +0100
Gareth Qually [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This sounds really silly, but when I start Linux, it boots to a text login
 not the Gnome environment I origionally had. How do i get it to boot to
 Gnome environment again? I am using Mandrake 9.1 on a i86 machine.
 Gareth Qually

Tue May 27 19:17:39 UTC 2003
 19:17:39 up  9:22,  1 user,  load average: 0.07, 0.04, 0.00
They told me to install Windows 98 or better, so I installed Linux.
Registered Linux User # 315649
Registered Machine # 201001

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Re: [newbie] Support questions

2003-05-27 Thread Greg Meyer
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 08:16 pm, rikona wrote:

 What's the best way for newbies to get complete packages and/or
 support? Perhaps someone could enlighten me as to how these pieces go

As I understand it, there are many ways to get *support* for Mandrake Linux

Mailing Lists hosted by MandrakeSoft that are strictly user-to-user.  Some 
MandrakeSoft employees monitor the lists and contribute, but there is no 
guarantee and it is not in an official capacity.

MandrakeExpert is a site where one can get paid for support, where a 
MandrakeSoft employee or support representative is assigned to your incident 
and hopefully provides a solution.  I do not believe that closed support 
incidents are available for browsing through, although I think they used to 
be.  You buy your incident and then open it at MandrakeExpert.

MandrakeClub forums are user to user help forums in a web interface as opposed 
to an e-mail interface.  Same type of support as Mailing Lists.

Alt.os.linux.mandrake usenet newsgroup is not monitored by anyone from 
MandrakeSoft and is strictly user-to-user, or sometimes troll-to-troll.

Various other support communities like and 
are around the internet and provide unendorsed free user-to-user support.

As for RPMS, the ones built for MandrakeClub end up on the Mandrake-Devel 
mirrors after they are released from testing, so they are available to 
non-Club members.  The point of this part of the Club was for members to 
request RPMS and for volunteers to package them if enough people ask for 
them.  It is supposed to be a value added service that you will be willing to 
pay for.

I personally join the Club and skip the boxed sets because I have broadband 
and I don't need the manuals.  All commercial RPMS are available on Club 
Downloads, and Contrib and SRPMS are available on all the mirrors.

Other people in the community build updated RPMS.  Ranger updates Samba, 
Texstar updates KDE and the eye-candy as well as some multi-media stuff, 
Mandrake updates some stuff for unsupported release, and then there are the 
official updates.

Any which way you support Mandrake, by buying a box, joining the Club, 
purchasing incidents or making a donation, it all goes to support an 
excellent software product and helps to keep development going.

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[newbie] Perl Script in Background

2003-05-27 Thread Cody Harris

How do i tell a script (perl script) to start in the background and stay

-Cody Harris
| Linux Rox My Sox! |
| Check out HCHS! |
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server. |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598 |

| Registered Linux Computer #200951 |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

Re: Re[2]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-27 Thread Todd Slater
On Wed, 28 May 2003 01:09:26 +0100
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes you can use regular expressions
 As for advanced searches I am sure you could combine slocate ,awk and
 grep together to do advanced stuff, but you would have to spend ages
 composing the command. (well I would)
 I am surprised no one seems have to made use of slocate in a GUI based
 file search tool, but AFAIK there is not one. (Please correct me if I
 am wrong)

Many file managers offer somewhat hidden find features. ROX-filer does,
as does the new xffm for xfce4. See, for example and for screenshots.


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Re[4]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-27 Thread rikona
Hello Derek,

Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 5:09:26 PM, you wrote:

DJ Yes you can use regular expressions

Thanks to you and to bascule for pointing this out. I guess I need to
think in the 'linux' way about these things, and try --help first. :-)

DJ I am surprised no one seems have to made use of slocate in a GUI
DJ based file search tool, but AFAIK there is not one.

Curses! I cannot tell you how nice such a tool would be!! I'm not
ready to give up yet. How big a job is it to make such a thing?

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] Surprized At Updates

2003-05-27 Thread Cody Harris

I think mandrake need a script will it will automatically update the
whole system, top to bottom automatically. It would make download
dependences easier and software installs would work better. It would also
improve security by downloading and installing the newest version of
software like samba and other apps. I don't know how many people wish
this existed, but i sure do.

-Cody Harris
| Linux Rox My Sox! |
| Check out HCHS! |
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server. |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598 |

| Registered Linux Computer #200951 |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

Re: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-27 Thread Technoslick
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 07:14 pm, Derek Jennings graced me with:
 Install the slocate package and then in a root terminal type
 It will index every file on your computer and you can perform a
 quick search with the command 'slocate string'

 The database will update itself weekly, but first you must install
 the 'anacron' package.


I've been using 'slocate', but have been manually invoking 'updatedb'. 
I have 'cron' already loading on boot-up as a service. Will it matter 
if I also have 'anacron' running as well as 'cron'? What's the 
difference between 'cron' and 'anacron' in the sense of why I have 
one over the other, or why I would run both?

Thanks in advance for clearing this up for me.


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Re: [newbie] Surprized At Updates

2003-05-27 Thread Greg Meyer
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 08:44 pm, Cody Harris wrote:
 I think mandrake need a script will it will automatically update the whole
 system, top to bottom automatically. It would make download dependences
 easier and software installs would work better. It would also improve
 security by downloading and installing the newest version of software like
 samba and other apps. I don't know how many people wish this existed, but i
 sure do.

Didn't you ever hear of URPMI?


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[newbie] tip: random background on log in

2003-05-27 Thread Todd Slater
My wife's been on me to set up a random background picture for her
fluxbox setup like I did our daughters ROX-Session setup with
the Wallpaper app. I finally took the time to peruse `man chbg` and came
up with this solution. This might be of use to those of you who don't
use KDE or Gnome.

Since I choose to let .xsession do all the work, I added this line to

chbg -once -mode maximize -randomize -R ~/backgrounds

which will recurse the directory ~/backgrounds and pick a random file
and maximize it (stretch to full screen) each time she logs in and
starts X.


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Re: [newbie] cd-burning on 9.1

2003-05-27 Thread Pilagá
El Lun 26 May 2003 09:32, Anne Wilson escribió:
 I refused to let k3b alter my fstab - I did the same under 9.0 and all
 was fine - but it doesn't work at all well for me (9.1). I've given
 up on it and gone back to XCDRoast, which has always served me well.
 Now it can see my cd-dvd (no scsi-em) I'm very happy with it. I still
 struggle, though, to find the way to burn an iso under XCDRoast.


Anne, try this steps:

If you downloaded an ISO-image (e.g. a linux distribution) you have to
copy that big file (extension should be .iso) first to an
image-directory of X-CD-Roast. You specify these directories in Setup at
the HD Settings tab. These are the places where X-CD-Roast will look
for audio (.wav) or data tracks.
Now you enter the Create CD menu and you will see your image-file
displayed nicely in the Image-Information window. Go to Write Tracks
- click on Layout tracks tab, add your image-file, click on Accept
track layout and finally a click at Write tracks will write that
image perfectly to your CD-R/RW.

GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.1
Núcleo multimedia 2.4.21-0.16
21:05:30 up 26 min, 2 users, load average: 0.02, 0.05, 0.06

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Re: [newbie] Can't get a GUI boot

2003-05-27 Thread Dennis Myers
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 02:19 pm, John Drouhard wrote:
 At the login screen, login in to a user, then su to root. After that, go
 to /etc and edit the file inittab. Change the default runlevel to 5 instead
 of 3 like this:

 # Default runlevel. The runlevels used by Mandrake Linux are:
 #   0 - halt (Do NOT set initdefault to this)
 #   1 - Single user mode
 #   2 - Multiuser, without NFS (The same as 3, if you do not have
 networking) #   3 - Full multiuser mode
 #   4 - unused
 #   5 - X11
 #   6 - reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this)

 Once again, this is the file /etc/inittab

 Hope this helps!

 -John Drouhard

Ya know, when it gets right down to it, a lot of actions are actually faster 
if you do them on cli and not on a gui. Course you have to know the commands 
and what files to edit. but even so it looks faster than opening up MCC etc.

 On Wed, 28 May 2003 00:22:24 +0100

 Gareth Qually [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This sounds really silly, but when I start Linux, it boots to a text
  login not the Gnome environment I origionally had. How do i get it to
  boot to Gnome environment again? I am using Mandrake 9.1 on a i86
  Gareth Qually

Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Perl Script in Background

2003-05-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 10:40, Cody Harris wrote:
 How do i tell a script (perl script) to start in the background and
 stay running?
 -Cody Harris

For instance:

perl /usr/local/bin/ 

Wed May 28 11:20:01 EST 2003
 11:20:01 up 13:53,  3 users,  load average: 0.32, 0.29, 0.29
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Prof:So the American government went to IBM to come up with a data
 encryption standard and they came up with ...
Student: EBCDIC!

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[newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-05-27 Thread rikona

As I was reading email on another comp, Mandrake 'went to sleep' as it
does after a short time. It has been doing this quite often, without
incident. When I just moved the mouse to 'awaken' MD, all the many
things I had open are gone, including the 'process' bar (or whatever
it's called) at the bottom of the screen. In a root shell, ps lists
essentially nothing.

What happened? It also occured to me that I don't know how to exit
from this safely, either. :-( What shell command  is used to shut down
MD safely after an 'incident'?

Thanks for your help in this time of need :-),
 rikona  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-05-27 Thread Dennis Myers
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 08:30 pm, rikona wrote:

 As I was reading email on another comp, Mandrake 'went to sleep' as it
 does after a short time. It has been doing this quite often, without
 incident. When I just moved the mouse to 'awaken' MD, all the many
 things I had open are gone, including the 'process' bar (or whatever
 it's called) at the bottom of the screen. In a root shell, ps lists
 essentially nothing.

 What happened? It also occured to me that I don't know how to exit
 from this safely, either. :-( What shell command  is used to shut down
 MD safely after an 'incident'?
I'm not sure what happened but you can try hittine ctl-alt-F6 and that should 
take you to a console screen where you can type reboot. There is probably a 
more elegant way to recover, so anyone who knows jump right in here. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] unknown bridge resource?

2003-05-27 Thread Thomas Williams
I'm running 8.1 and I updated the kernel. Before I updated it I was getting one error 
message every time I boot up:
Unknown bridge resource 2: assuming transparent.

After updating I'm still gettting that plus a bunch of other messages.

Here's the error log file in its entirety:
May 25 00:36:53 localhost kernel: Unknown bridge resource 2: assuming transparent
May 25 19:53:38 localhost kernel: Unknown bridge resource 2: assuming transparent
May 26 00:37:38 localhost kernel: Unknown bridge resource 2: assuming transparent
May 26 16:13:21 localhost kernel: Unknown bridge resource 2: assuming transparent
May 26 23:31:57 localhost kernel: Unknown bridge resource 2: assuming transparent
May 26 23:31:58 localhost kernel: devfs_mk_dir(scsi): using old entry in dir: c12765c0 

May 26 23:31:58 localhost kernel: devfs_mk_dir(host0/bus0/target0/lun0): using old 
entry in dir: c13f5a60 target0
May 26 23:31:58 localhost kernel: devfs_register(cd): could not append to parent, err: 
May 26 23:32:04 localhost kernel: devfs_mk_dir(printers): using old entry in dir: 
May 26 23:32:04 localhost kernel: devfs_register(0): could not append to parent, err: 
May 26 23:32:07 localhost kernel: devfs_mk_dir(sound): using old entry in dir: 
May 26 23:36:24 localhost kernel: Unknown bridge resource 2: assuming transparent
May 26 23:36:24 localhost kernel: devfs_mk_dir(scsi): using old entry in dir: c12765c0 

May 26 23:36:24 localhost kernel: devfs_mk_dir(host0/bus0/target0/lun0): using old 
entry in dir: c13f59e0 target0
May 26 23:36:31 localhost kernel: devfs_mk_dir(printers): using old entry in dir: 
May 26 23:36:31 localhost kernel: devfs_register(0): could not append to parent, err: 
May 26 23:36:34 localhost kernel: devfs_mk_dir(sound): using old entry in dir: 
May 27 16:44:07 localhost kernel: Unknown bridge resource 2: assuming transparent
May 27 16:44:07 localhost kernel: devfs_mk_dir(scsi): using old entry in dir: c12765c0 

May 27 16:44:07 localhost kernel: devfs_mk_dir(host0/bus0/target0/lun0): using old 
entry in dir: c13f59e0 target0
May 27 16:44:14 localhost kernel: devfs_mk_dir(printers): using old entry in dir: 
May 27 16:44:14 localhost kernel: devfs_register(0): could not append to parent, err: 
May 27 16:44:17 localhost kernel: devfs_mk_dir(sound): using old entry in dir: 

So like what's going on here? What is a Unknown bridge resource and how do I fix it? 
And what's all the other stuff its complaining about?


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Re: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-27 Thread stormjumper
cron and anacron are similar in that they run scheduled tasks in the
background, but different in that cron runs them at their scheduled time(s)
while anacron checks for missed jobs (at boot time), and run them after a
specified delay.
- Original Message - 
From: Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 08:47
Subject: Re: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

 On Tuesday 27 May 2003 07:14 pm, Derek Jennings graced me with:
  Install the slocate package and then in a root terminal type
  It will index every file on your computer and you can perform a
  quick search with the command 'slocate string'
  The database will update itself weekly, but first you must install
  the 'anacron' package.


 I've been using 'slocate', but have been manually invoking 'updatedb'.
 I have 'cron' already loading on boot-up as a service. Will it matter
 if I also have 'anacron' running as well as 'cron'? What's the
 difference between 'cron' and 'anacron' in the sense of why I have
 one over the other, or why I would run both?

 Thanks in advance for clearing this up for me.


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Re: [newbie] Perl Script in Background

2003-05-27 Thread Jan Wilson
* Cody Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030527 19:15]:
How  do  i  tell a script (perl script) to start in the background and
stay running?

If you are running it from the command line, put a space and an
ampersand after the name of the Perl script, like:


Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, PHP, Perl, HTML

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Re: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-05-27 Thread Joeb
On Tue, 27 May 2003 20:36:31 -0500
Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday 27 May 2003 08:30 pm, rikona wrote:
  As I was reading email on another comp, Mandrake 'went to sleep' as it
  does after a short time. It has been doing this quite often, without
  incident. When I just moved the mouse to 'awaken' MD, all the many
  things I had open are gone, including the 'process' bar (or whatever
  it's called) at the bottom of the screen. In a root shell, ps lists
  essentially nothing.
  What happened? It also occured to me that I don't know how to exit
  from this safely, either. :-( What shell command  is used to shut down
  MD safely after an 'incident'?
 I'm not sure what happened but you can try hittine ctl-alt-F6 and that should 
 take you to a console screen where you can type reboot. There is probably a 
 more elegant way to recover, so anyone who knows jump right in here. HTH
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

ctl-alt-backspace will restart the window manager.  That might be all that is needed 
instead of a complete reboot.


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Re: [newbie] Surprized At Updates

2003-05-27 Thread stormjumper
if you have urpmi properly set up and working,
setting a cron job to run, say, every morning at 3am

urpmi.update -a  urpmi --update --auto-select --auto
should keep your system properly updated with security updates

- Original Message - 
From: Cody Harris
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 08:44
Subject: [newbie] Surprized At Updates

I think mandrake need a script will it will automatically update the whole
system, top to bottom automatically. It would make download dependences
easier and software installs would work better. It would also improve
security by downloading and installing the newest version of software like
samba and other apps. I don't know how many people wish this existed, but i
sure do.

-Cody Harris

| Linux Rox My Sox!  |
| Check out HCHS!|
| |
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server.  |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598  |
| Registered Linux Computer #200951  |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

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Re: [newbie] Can't get a GUI boot

2003-05-27 Thread John Drouhard
On Tue, 27 May 2003 20:20:52 -0500
Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ya know, when it gets right down to it, a lot of actions are actually faster 
 if you do them on cli and not on a gui. Course you have to know the commands 
 and what files to edit. but even so it looks faster than opening up MCC etc.

Ya, I used to use GUI's for almost everything, but I got sick of
rummaging around the menus, clicking on the different buttons, etc. I
then began learning what the GUI's actually did, and began to learn how
to do everything by hand. Everything seems to go faster now. And I am
all for ease of use.

 -John Drouhard

Tue May 27 20:28:27 UTC 2003
 20:28:27 up 10:33,  1 user,  load average: 0.05, 0.01, 0.00
They told me to install Windows 98 or better, so I installed Linux.
Registered Linux User # 315649
Registered Machine # 201001

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Re[2]: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-05-27 Thread rikona
Hello Dennis,

Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 6:36:31 PM, you wrote:

DM I'm not sure what happened but you can try hittine ctl-alt-F6 and
DM that should take you to a console screen where you can type
DM reboot. There is probably a  more elegant way to recover, so
DM anyone who knows jump right in here. HTH

Thank you [recovering from typical newbie panic] :-))

Elegant or not, it worked OK. It rebooted to the previous state, not
where I was at the 'oops'. Lost some work, I guess, but no disaster.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-05-27 Thread rikona
Hello Joeb,

Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 6:58:13 PM, you wrote:

J ctl-alt-backspace will restart the window manager.  That might be
J all that is needed instead of a complete reboot.

Thanks very much for the tip. Maybe should have waited, but already

Both replies used key strokes. Is there a 'master list' of MD
keystrokes I could get (not from the MD box, for times like this)?

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla Mail

2003-05-27 Thread g

Anne Wilson wrote:

You could be right, there.  Thinking about it, I've mainly been 
importing Netscape mail into different Netscape versions, and to some 
extent Mozilla mail into  new Mozilla installs.  Netscape did 
seamlessly take up my Mozilla mail setup when it trashed the Mozilla 
one - but perhaps that is to be expected, too, as a commercial 
proposition.  Perhaps not.

They certainly look the same, but of course it is possible that they 
carry some sort of identifier that sets them apart and makes them 
data files, '*.msf' may be diff between moz and ns.

in moz, each email file has a 'fn.msf' file. each directory is a 'dir.sbd',
along with 2 files. a '0' size file and an msf file.
It was netscape 7 in linux that I was trying to import to moz in 
linux.  I'm very puzzled by it all.  I seem to have trashed the files 
now, and it wasn't all that important.
you forgot 3 magic words, 'backup, backup, backup'.

_never_ use 'active files' for test purpose.
_always_ use copied paths for test.
_no_ exceptions to this rule.

What is more interesting, not to say frustrating, is that there seems 
to be no way you can set up for moz to collect mail from a account.
have you verified this with netscape?

peace out.


think green...
  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
  send email:  text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments.
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] WM's in general

2003-05-27 Thread MG
Not sure if this is what you are talking about but, I boot to run level3 and 
use this little session selector. I like it better than kdm or gdm.
Its on the MDK8.2 cd's not sure about later versions.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mike]$ Xtart

  WELCOME to Sessions Selector

2 gnome
3 WindowMaker
4 Enlightenment
5 blackbox
6 XFce
7 IceWM
8 Sawfish

Which do you choose? (number)


On Tuesday 27 May 2003 02:51 am, you wrote:
 When drak first time comes up it gives you the option (in KDE anyway) to
 choose which WM to run on top of KDE itself.  Like Enlightenment.  NOw I
 chose that option once, couldn't figure out how to undo it.  Silly me.

 Now someone posted about doing this in Gnome.  Isn't there an easier
 way?  How about KDE?  Or doing this on E itself?


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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-05-27 Thread Dennis Myers
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 09:05 pm, rikona wrote:
 Hello Joeb,

 Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 6:58:13 PM, you wrote:

 J ctl-alt-backspace will restart the window manager.  That might be
 J all that is needed instead of a complete reboot.

 Thanks very much for the tip. Maybe should have waited, but already

 Both replies used key strokes. Is there a 'master list' of MD
 keystrokes I could get (not from the MD box, for times like this)?
I'm not sure where to look, I tried a couple of man pages and no luck.  The 
keyboard shortcuts and keystrokes are listed in Linux in a Nutshell by 
O'Reilly  Publishing. This is an excellent book with a ton of info on all 
aspect of linux that are applicable to all of the OSes using linux. Many 
command line  commands etc. Try a google search on linux keyboard shortcuts 
or variations thereof. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] WM's in general

2003-05-27 Thread Technoslick
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 10:34 pm, MG graced me with:
 Not sure if this is what you are talking about but, I boot to run
 level3 and use this little session selector. I like it better than
 kdm or gdm. Its on the MDK8.2 cd's not sure about later versions.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mike]$ Xtart

   WELCOME to Sessions Selector

 1 KDE
 2 gnome
 3 WindowMaker
 4 Enlightenment
 5 blackbox
 6 XFce
 7 IceWM
 8 Sawfish

 Which do you choose? (number)


I used Civileme's 'Xtart', too...for a while. Whether it's a matter of 
environment deficiencies or what...under different managers some 
programs won't run or come up properly. If I remember correctly, 
Blackbox won't allow me to exit, so I end up crashing it with 
CTR-ALT-BackSpace. Is there suppose to be some limitations 
within each of these due to environment differences from switching 
from one to the other? I love little applet, but the results have 
been frustrating at times. 


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Re: [newbie] Re: Pekwm (Wohoo!)

2003-05-27 Thread eric huff
 actually, in ROX, go to options -- compatibility, and IIRC you can pass
 mouse actions to the root instead of the pinboard. There's a whole
 thread on that on the ROX lists.

Yeah, i set that. I get the menu properly, but no scroll wheel. Maybe rox 
isn't programmed to pass mouse buttons 4 and 5?  In the end, i tend to run 
windows maximized, so i really use the alt-arrow most of the time 

For the moment, i'm just going thru the doc step by step to make sure i 
know all the bits and bobs of this thing.  I guess i get that from my dad: 
he reads the instruction for everything!


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Re: [newbie] Re: Pekwm (Gkrellm is cool)

2003-05-27 Thread Brian Parish
On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 04:08, Joe Hill wrote:
 On Mon, 26 May 2003 22:12:20 +
 John Drouhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have been googling around for the transparent skin, but cannot seem
  to find it. Could you point me in the right direction? Thanks!

I dl'ed the tarball from there, but none of the skins in there are
transparent.  What's the name of the skin in question?


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Re[4]: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-05-27 Thread rikona
Hello Dennis,

Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 7:36:50 PM, you wrote:

DM I'm not sure where to look, I tried a couple of man pages and no
DM luck.  Try a google search on linux keyboard shortcuts  or
DM variations thereof.

I rummaged around a bit, but couldn't find a very complete list. On
one page there was a reference to 'many more' shortcuts but no pointer
to where. :-)

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Re: Pekwm (Gkrellm is cool)

2003-05-27 Thread mycal62
here is a transparent gkrellm skin : ( see attached )

Brian Parish wrote:

On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 04:08, Joe Hill wrote:

On Mon, 26 May 2003 22:12:20 +
John Drouhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have been googling around for the transparent skin, but cannot seem
to find it. Could you point me in the right direction? Thanks!

I dl'ed the tarball from there, but none of the skins in there are
transparent.  What's the name of the skin in question?

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Mike McNeese Springdale, Arkansas USA

Dual booting 98lite;MDK 9.1 stock kernel Kde 3.1 
Registered Linux User #248955 liquid/acqua  Theme

If obstacles are what you see in your path...
   Then you have lost sight of your goal!  

Description: application/gzip
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