Re: [newbie-it] Mplayer

2003-10-27 Thread Sandro
Alle 17:43, domenica 26 ottobre 2003, NIC ha scritto:

 Scusami ma non li ho trovati anche perchè avevo già privato con rpmfind e
 non mi aveva trovato nulla.Non è che hanno un nome diverso?

(e relativo devel se serve)
Tieni conto che la versione attuale potrebbe essere diversa, questa è quella 
scaricata tempo fa da me.
Particolarmente in:
Oppure in qualsiasi altro sito ftp, dentro la directory contrib devono 
esserci per forza. All'interno di questa derectory cerca anche tutto quello 
che riguarda mplayer (ci sono svariati file).

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.40.21 on Pentium III 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048

Re: [newbie-it] Rete casalinga

2003-10-27 Thread Andrea Celli
Alle 17:04, venerdì 24 ottobre 2003, kudega ha scritto:
 A grandi linee potete dirmi i passi per configurare una rete casalinga?
 Ho un Pc(Windozz) e vorrei collegarlo a questo (Linux RH 9) per
 navigare su internet.
 Ovviamente su Linux ho già configurato il ppp0, ma non la sk ethernet.
 grazie ciao ciao Davide

internet è pieno di mini-manuali tipo

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] non trovo le applicazione, ne installo di nuove ma non ci sono

2003-10-27 Thread Andrea Celli
Alle 20:45, venerdì 24 ottobre 2003, francesco.melo ha scritto:

 p.s le applicazioni non sono molte. sono  dippiù

sulla mia macchina
$ tabtab
Display all 2190 possibilities? (y or n)

tu quante ne hai? :-))

ciao,  Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] help me plaese

2003-10-27 Thread Andrea Celli
Alle 00:16, domenica 26 ottobre 2003, Massimo Mele ha scritto:

 Con la tua configurazione scodarti di KDE o Gnome. E' come voler istallare
 il winzozz XP.

 On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 00:04:21 +0200

 Massimo Mele [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ho un pc pentium 200 mmx scheda madre soyo 64mb ram scheda video matrox

io ho una suse-7.1 con kde su una macchina molto simile (solo un po' più di 
ram)  e gira decorosamente.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Chiedo aiuto...

2003-10-27 Thread Andrea Celli
Alle 13:24, sabato 25 ottobre 2003, Antonello ha scritto:
 Salve amici, vorrei chiedervi come posso montare il mio cdrom e floppy
 Ho provato a dare il comando
 # Chmod 777 /mnt/cdrom

 ... non riesce a farmi leggere, comunque, le due periferiche.

montare dispositivi è un'attività riservata a root.
root può autorizzare gli utenti a farlo mettendo user o users tra le
opzioni relative a quel dispositivo in /etc/fstab

però, gli utenti potranno farlo solo con le opzioni fissate in fstab
senza neanche poter tentare di cambiarle. Ossia possono dare
$ mount /mnt/floppy
ma non 
$ mount -t vfat /mnt/floppy /dev/fd0

ciao, andrea

R: [newbie-it] modem palladio digicom

2003-10-27 Thread Luciano Varotti
snip  all'avvio, in sede di boot, quando parte cardmgr si 
snip sente un beep alto 
snip  (segno che l'hw e' stato riconosciuto) ed uno basso 
snip (segno che non e' 
snip  stato configurato)
snip avvii con la  scheda inserita?


snip prova a avviare poi inseriscila

fatto: il risultato è identico

snip potrebbe capitare che cardmgr riceva per la scheda un irq 
snip col quale 
snip questa non funziona
snip risolvi anche escludendolo da quelli permessi in 
snip /etc/pcmcia/config.opts

puoi spiegarmi meglio ? sono abbastanza novellino

snip in ogni caso, verifica con cardctl ident come la scheda 
snip venga vista e se in option ci sia la chiamata corretta al 
snip necessario modulo, alrimenti generala

output di cardctl ident:

Socket 0:
product info: Digicom, PALLADIO V.92L
manfid: 0x0200, 0x0001
function: 2 (serial)
Socket 1:
no product info available

ho provato anche con lsmod | grep serial_cs
che mi dà:

serial_cs60000  (unused)
ds   84562  [serial_cs]
pcmcia_core 57184  0[serial_cs ds yenta_socket]

Re: [newbie-it] Chiedo aiuto...

2003-10-27 Thread alfredo
loggati come utente semplice e in Centro Di Controllo (in cui entri con 
la pw di root), nella confidìgurazione delle periferiche scegli quella 
che ti interessa, poi opzioni avanzate (o esperto, nn mi ricordo), a 
quel punto scegli supermount, a questo punto riavvia e le icone sono 
sul desktop, se non ci sono clicca il pulsante dx e scegli 
configurazione desktop, c'è un'area dove puoi settare la presenza delle 
icone delle periferiche
Se invece non vuoi usare il supoermount, imposta user, non vedrai le 
icone sul desktop, ma potrai creare ogni volta cliccando col puls dx, 
poi -- Crea Nuovo, un nuovo dispositivo (hd, cdrom, floppy)
kudega wrote:
On 25.10.2003 13:24, Antonello wrote:

Salve amici, vorrei chiedervi come posso montare il mio cdrom e  
floppy all'utente?
Ho provato a dare il comando
# Chmod 777 /mnt/cdrom

... non riesce a farmi leggere, comunque, le due periferiche.
Vi chiedo aiuto.
Antonello Santamaria

Per far montare smontare unità all'utente io li ho aggiunti in
/etc/fstab altrimenti... nada!
Sotto ti posto il mio fstab... spero ti sia d'aiuto!
Ciao ciao Davide
LABEL=// ext3defaults1 1
none   /dev/pts  devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
LABEL=/home/home ext3defaults1 2
none   /proc procdefaults0 0
none   /dev/shm  tmpfs   defaults0 0
/dev/hda10 swap  swapdefaults0 0
/dev/hda2  /mnt/WINXPvfatnoauto,owner,user,rw 0 0
/dev/hda3  /mnt/WINMEvfatnoauto,owner,user,rw 0 0
/dev/hda5  /mnt/WINDATI  vfatnoauto,owner,user,rw 0 0
/dev/hda6  /mnt/WINXP_DATI   vfatnoauto,owner,user,rw 0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/DVD  udf,iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0
/dev/fd0   /mnt/floppy   autonoauto,owner,kudzu 0 0
/dev/sda1  /mnt/USBHDautonoauto,owner,user,rw 0 0
/dev/cdrom1/mnt/CDRW udf,iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,rw 0 0

Re: [newbie-it] help me plaese

2003-10-27 Thread Massimo Mele
grazie, potresti dirmi che scheda madre e video hai e quanta ram ...!
- Original Message - 
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] help me plaese

Alle 00:16, domenica 26 ottobre 2003, Massimo Mele ha scritto:

 Con la tua configurazione scodarti di KDE o Gnome. E' come voler istallare
 il winzozz XP.

 On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 00:04:21 +0200

 Massimo Mele [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ho un pc pentium 200 mmx scheda madre soyo 64mb ram scheda video matrox

io ho una suse-7.1 con kde su una macchina molto simile (solo un po' più di
ram)  e gira decorosamente.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] help me plaese

2003-10-27 Thread Andrea Celli
Alle 15:15, lunedì 27 ottobre 2003, Massimo Mele ha scritto:
 grazie, potresti dirmi che scheda madre e video hai e quanta ram ...!

una mobo QDI titanium e una Matrox Mystique
Come dicevo la differenza sostanziale sono 128 MB di ram.
Poi, per decorosamente intendo che non ci faccio girare cose
pesanti come OOo sotto KDE e sto attento ad eliminare
tutti i servizi inutili ;-)
SE vuoi usarlo un po' di più, è comunque meglio non usare
desktop, tranne Xfce.

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] Mnkd-9.2 e lettori CD/DVD della LG

2003-10-27 Thread Andrea Celli

chi volesse installare la 9.2 faccia molta attenzione al tipo
di unità CD/DVD/masterizzatore che possiede.
Pare, purtroppo che ci sia una grave incompatibilità
con quelli di marca LG :-(

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-27 Thread alfredo
Salve a tutti,

si parlava di trust: volevo una bella flat ADSL, ma TIN, TELECOM,
LIBERO-INFOSTRADA, TSCALI offrono vari e diversificati contratti che, 
stando alle mie esigenze, mi portano a spendere sempre una cifra tra 40 
e 45 euro mensili, visto che sono un utente medio, visto che la spesa è 
sempre la stessa almeno esistesse un metodo per sapere prima se la banda 
che ti promettono e vera oppure ... se non è un trust questo.

Questione contratti, una volta avevo una spazio gratuito con un provider 
inglese, un bel giorno mi trovo un pop up sulla prima pagina, gli scrivo 
per chiederne conto.
Mi rispondono che è la nuova politica aziendale.
Vado a rileggermi il contratto e gli rispondo che non esisteva clausola 
che prevedesse la presenza di pop-up, e che se non avessero provveduto a 
rimuoverlo avrei contattato personalmente un avvocato (io... ma vi 
figurate se mi mettevo a contattare uno studio legale in inghilterra).

Conclusione: e-mail di scuse dalla direzione e e pop up rimosso, GOD 
SAVE THE QUEEN, so' ingles'


[newbie-it] Domanda su swap

2003-10-27 Thread tuxlander
ho un 2000 + con 512 ram e ho notato, che non utilizzo mai la swap, anche se 
ho una marea di programmi aperti.
Questo e' un bene oppure devo approfondire la faccenda?

[newbie-it] Rilasciati nuovi manuali KDE Mozilla

2003-10-27 Thread NIC
Bologna, 27 ottobre 2003

*YACME S.r.l. rilascia i nuovi manuali Open Source:, KDE,

Dal sito dell'azienda bolognese è possibile
scaricare i manuali alle applicazioni desktop Open Source più diffuse:, che costituisce una valida alternativa a MS Office, nei
moduli più utilizzati Writer (elaboratore testi) e Calc (foglio
elettronico); KDE, l'interfaccia utente per il desktop Linux facile da
usare per gli utenti abituati a Windows; Mozilla, il potente browser
erede di Netscape, che fornisce funzioni utilissime come il tabbed
browsing ed il filtro antispamming.

I manuali

-Guida a Writer versione rinnovata
-Guida a Calc versione rinnovata
-Guida a Mozilla
-Guida al Linux Desktop KDE

si possono scaricare dalla pagina Nei primi due giorni dal
rilascio, avvenuto in anteprima venerdì 24 ottobre per gli abbonati alla
newsletter YACME, sono già state scaricate 700 copie dei manuali.

Tutti prodotti da YACME, i manuali sono stati rilasciati con licenza
Open Source GNU FDL (GNU Free Documentation License): questo significa
che è possibile usarli, copiarli, modificarli, ricavarne delle versioni
commerciali, naturalmente mantenendo la corretta attribuzione del
copyright originario di YACME S.r.l.; inoltre le versioni ridistribuite
vanno rilasciate con la medesima licenza Open Source originaria.

La scelta di utilizzare una licenza copyleft quale la GNU FDL si
traduce quindi in uno scambio di benefici: YACME mette a disposizione
il proprio lavoro alla comunità di utenti, ma in cambio ottiene di poter
a propria volta usufruire dei miglioramenti che questi ultimi apporteranno.

La prima versione dei manuali era già stata utilizzata da
diverse società commerciali per realizzare delle vere e proprie
distribuzioni di queste società avevano stampato i
manuali YACME e realizzato una scatola comprendente anche  un CD col
software Inoltre alcuni membri della comunità Open
Source hanno contribuito a migliorare i manuali, e i loro contributi
sono stati inclusi nelle nuove versioni dei manuali.

C H I   S I A M O

YACME S.r.l., Bologna, è un'impresa attiva fin dal 2000 nel settore dei
servizi IT, la cui missione è essere punto di riferimento per le imprese
private e pubbliche su Linux ed il mondo Open Source attraverso
l'offerta di competenze, servizi e lo sviluppo di soluzioni innovative.
Contatti con la stampa: Ufficio Marketing - Marta Rosso - +39 051 538709


...siate sempre capaci di sentire nel+profondo qualsiasi ingiustizia commessa 
contro chiunque,in qualsiasi parte del mondo.è la qualità+bella di un 
rivoluzionario   che

Re: [newbie-it] help me plaese

2003-10-27 Thread Massimo Mele
oggi sono riuscito a farlo partire sostituendo la matrox con ati 3d race II
tu hai impostato matrox o svga ?
- Original Message - 
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] help me plaese

Alle 15:15, lunedì 27 ottobre 2003, Massimo Mele ha scritto:
 grazie, potresti dirmi che scheda madre e video hai e quanta ram ...!

una mobo QDI titanium e una Matrox Mystique
Come dicevo la differenza sostanziale sono 128 MB di ram.
Poi, per decorosamente intendo che non ci faccio girare cose
pesanti come OOo sotto KDE e sto attento ad eliminare
tutti i servizi inutili ;-)
SE vuoi usarlo un po' di più, è comunque meglio non usare
desktop, tranne Xfce.

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] Mandrake 9.1 e USB... COME?

2003-10-27 Thread [Gnomix]
Salve a tutti,

possiedo una mandrake 9.1 su un athlon xp 1800, 1 hd, 2 skeda di rete di cui
1 integrata, skeda video e sonora integrata...

in fase di installazione non ho avuto nessun problema... tutto mi è stato
riconosciuto correttamente senza grossi probl (tranne la sk di rete
integrata ke viene riconosciuta ma nn va...)

ho quindi installato una logitech quickcam express (una webcam) e mi è stata
riconosciuta subito...

però dopo un bel rebottino strano ma vero la webcam non veniva + vista e
solo a volte con attakka e stakka cavo usb da pc la webcam veniva

cosa può essere? che informazioni mi conviene guardare per capire dove sta
il probl?

premetto ke la webcam sotto un altro pc con sempre mandrake 9.1 non mi ha
MAI dato probl...

questo pc però ha sia usb 1.0 e usb 2.0 e quindi non vorrei ke nascesse
qualche casino..

inoltre provando a installare un pacchetto specifico per tale webcam in fase
di installazione ad un certo punto mi viene stampato a video

 insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including
invalid IO or IRQ parameters.

mentre guardando con dmesg trovo queste stringe anomale

hub.c: USB hub found
hub.c: 6 ports detected
usbdevfs: remount parameter error
EXT3 FS 2.4-0.9.19, 19 August 2002 on ide0(3,1), internal journal
Adding Swap: 305192k swap-space (priority -1)
hub.c: connect-debounce failed, port 2 disabled
hub.c: new USB device 00:10.0-2, assigned address 2
usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
usb.c: USB device not accepting new address=2 (error=-110)
hub.c: new USB device 00:10.0-2, assigned address 3
usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
usb.c: USB device not accepting new address=3 (error=-110)

cosa posso fare?

Grazie a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] Re: 9.2: dove sono i sorgenti?

2003-10-27 Thread Daniele Micci
Il 16:23, martedì 21 ottobre 2003, Antonluigi ha scritto:
 Io non mi inc*** perche' non posso pagare, ma perche'
 voglio software libero.
 Dei giochi sudici ( SE DI QUESTO SI TRATTA) non mi
 interessa. C'e' gia' Microsoft.

 Ciao a tutti e grazie per le vostre opinioni

Premesso che non voglio fare il difensore altrui, non credo che l'esclusione 
dei sorgenti del kernel dalla distribuzione appena rilasciata sia stata una 
mossa volontaria (o, come dici tu, un gioco sudicio). La storia passata e 
recente di MandrakeSoft mi sembra che giochi decisamente a favore della 
società francese che, finora, si è sempre dimostrata molto corretta 
nell'applicazione delle regole derivanti dall'adesione ad un modello di 
sviluppo (economico e del software) fedele ai concetti di open source e di 
free software. Certamente, però, è stata una scelta poco ponderata ed 
infelice, un passo nella direzione sbagliata: va bene cercare di puntare a 
conquistare l'utenza desktop rendendo la distro accessibile ed utilizzabile 
anche da chi, pur stanco dei bug di M$, non abbia tempo, voglia o 
preparazione per configurare a mano ogni singola cosa. Ma escludere i 
sorgenti del kernel è un passo che va troppo nella direzione del temibile 
*utonto* in perfetto stile Windows. Quindi ben venga la protesta, per 
consentire a MandrakeSoft di correggere i propri errori, o quanto meno di non 
ripeterli in futuro. Ma non dimentichiamo che non basta questo a rendere 
improvvisamente un'ottima società del mondo GNU/Linux una sorta di novella 


Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-27 Thread Daniele Micci
Il 17:27, lunedì 20 ottobre 2003, carlo_canepa ha scritto:
 Va bene. Siete contenti e felici, sono tanto contento per voi.Tutti hanno
 lavoro sicuro e non precario, guadagnano bene, sono governati bene, i
 servizi pubblici sono efficienti, i prezzi sono equi, i giovani trovano le
 case a prezzo giusto. Gli studi universitari sboccano in un mercato di
 professionisti aperto e competitivo, le aziende sono tutte ispirate a un
 sano mercato concorrenziale, le televisioni e la stampa sono pluraliste,
 gli italiani sono benevoli verso gli immigrati che lavorano da noi e
 rigorosi ma pieno rispetto diritti umani verso immigrazione clandestina,
 ecc ecc. Io e pochi altri sfigati ci lamentiamo, che vuoi fare, i menagramo
 di turno ci sono sempre che non si accorgono di tutte queste ottime cose
 del nostro bel paese e irrompono ogni tanto nella tua casella di
 posta...pardon, non si disturba più

Non è questo il punto. Non stavo mettendo in discussione lo sfondo concettuale 
serio del tuo post. Metto in discussione il modo ed il luogo. Questa è una ML 
di problemi legati a GNU/Linux. Il thread su Libero era già abbastanza OT di 
per sè. Il tuo post, e soprattutto i suoi toni, costituivano un ulteriore 
straripamento. Se vogliamo discutere di politica, sarò lieto di farlo. Non 
qui, però. :)


Re: [newbie-it] Mnkd-9.2 e lettori CD/DVD della LG

2003-10-27 Thread paolo brusasco
grazie ho proprio un lg. se sapete che escono le iso aggiornate postate! 

Andrea Celli wrote:

Re: [newbie-it] Mnkd-9.2 e lettori CD/DVD della LG

2003-10-27 Thread paolo brusasco
p.s ho seguito gli errata e digitato dmesg|grep hdb ma mi dice
[EMAIL PROTECTED] paolo]# dmesg|grep hdb
ide0: BM-DMA at 0xff00-0xff07, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:DMA
hdb: DMA disabled
hdb: ATAPI 44X DVD-ROM drive, 512kB Cache, UDMA(33)
niente modello o marca. come faccio a sapere il modello (apro il pc, temo)
Andrea Celli wrote:

[newbie-it] help me again

2003-10-27 Thread Massimo Mele

finalmente il pc è partito e va con suse 7.1 ..ho 
la matrox con ati ma alla chiusura ho questo 
master boot resource control: runlevel 0 has 
been reached
cosa vuol dire xchè rimane cosi e non si 

Re: [newbie-it] help me again

2003-10-27 Thread paolo brusasco
runlevel 0 è l'arresto (vedi man init)
se è in runlevel0 dovrebbe aver fermato e smontato tutto quindi puoi 
perchè non si spenga da solo non lo so

Massimo Mele wrote:
finalmente il pc è partito e va con suse 7.1 ..ho sostituito
la matrox con ati ma alla chiusura ho questo messaggio
master boot resource control: runlevel 0 has been   reached
cosa vuol dire xchè rimane cosi e non si spegne

Re: [newbie-it] help me again

2003-10-27 Thread nmasiero at
con che comando provi a spegnere il pc?


dr._nicola masiero
nick._  nux
mail._  nmasiero at
mail._  nux at
linuxuser._ #286966
icq._   #192605334



On Mon, 27 Oct 2003, Massimo Mele wrote:

 finalmente il pc è partito e va con suse 7.1 ..ho sostituito
 la matrox con ati ma alla chiusura ho questo messaggio
 master boot resource control: runlevel 0 has been   reached
 cosa vuol dire xchè rimane cosi e non si spegne

Re: [newbie-it] modem palladio digicom

2003-10-27 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 11:20, lunedì 27 ottobre 2003,   Luciano Varotti  ha scritto a 
 snip risolvi anche escludendolo da quelli permessi in
 snip /etc/pcmcia/config.opts

 puoi spiegarmi meglio ? sono abbastanza novellino

spulcia il file, vedi che riserva alcune risorse,
ma non sembra  quello il problema nel tuo caso, inserendola dopo non 
dovrebbe ricevere le stesse risorse (anche se, per un modem amlet ho 
dovuto per forza decidere io che irq assegnare..)
# less /etc/pcmcia/config.opts

include port 0x100-0x4ff, port 0x800-0x8ff, port 0xc00-0xcff
include memory 0xc-0xf
include memory 0xa000-0xa0ff, memory 0x6000-0x60ff
exclude irq 4
exclude irq 3
exclude irq 7

 output di cardctl ident:

 Socket 0:
   product info: Digicom, PALLADIO V.92L
   manfid: 0x0200, 0x0001
   function: 2 (serial)

la identifica come seriale,
ora, dovresti in qualche modo verificare se anche debian caricava il 
relativo modulo serial_cs..

ho fatto delle ricerche su internet e del modem non si trova nulla (o 
almeno non l'ho trovato io..)

se il modulo è corretto, invece,
dovresti ritrovarti con una seriale in più (emulata) usata dal modem
quindi in syslog/messages o con dmesg dovresti riuscire a vedere la 
nuova porta,
immagino che tu abbia anche il modo di riavviare il servizio, con 
qualcosa di simile a /etc/init.d/serial restart (non ho mandrake..)
in quel caso dovrebbe apparirti un messaggio del genere
(comando a parte)
# /etc/rc.d/rc.serial restart
/dev/ttyS1 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
/dev/ttyS2 at 0x03e8 (irq = 10) is a 16550A
/dev/ttyS3 at 0x02e8 (irq = 10) is a 16550A

nel mio caso uso una scheda seriale con 2 uscite,
viste come ttyS2 e ttyS3

quindi il mio /dev/modem in questo momento punta a ttyS2 (cellulo gprs)

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.22--jl12 @ ASUS S1N 1330c 
R.U.219755 - S.R.U.705 - R.M.110932 - MajaGLUG Member

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie-it] Info Mini Progetto (OT)

2003-10-27 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 02:21, domenica 19 ottobre 2003,   kudega  ha scritto a Lista 
Mandrake  in merito a [newbie-it] Info Mini Progetto (OT) :

 Fondere il Bios con il kernel di Linux per poi riflashare il bios con
 il mix di entrambi!! Risultato???
 La macchina butta in pochi secondi!! Ma davvero pochi!! Si parla di
 un paio...

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.22--jl12 @ ASUS S1N 1330c 
R.U.219755 - S.R.U.705 - R.M.110932 - MajaGLUG Member

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie-it] avvio automatico kde

2003-10-27 Thread nmasiero at
avvia in runlevel 3 e lancia startx

..scusa l'ignoranza... ma come devo fare per avviare in runlevel3?
da grub?

cosa parte?
verifica .xinitrc

more /home/mia/.xinitrc :


trovato xinitrc-kde lo copi nella tua home come .xinitrc)

trovo solo:


dr._nicola masiero
nick._  nux
mail._  nmasiero at
mail._  nux at
linuxuser._ #286966
icq._   #192605334



Re: [newbie-it] help me again

2003-10-27 Thread Massimo Mele
arresta pc o qualcosa del genere da ambiente grafico non da linea di comando
appena dopo aver disconnesso utenete da kde

- Original Message - 
From: nmasiero at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 12:07 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] help me again

con che comando provi a spegnere il pc?


dr._nicola masiero
nick._  nux
mail._  nmasiero at
mail._  nux at
linuxuser._ #286966
icq._   #192605334



On Mon, 27 Oct 2003, Massimo Mele wrote:

 finalmente il pc è partito e va con suse 7.1 ..ho sostituito
 la matrox con ati ma alla chiusura ho questo messaggio
 master boot resource control: runlevel 0 has been   reached
 cosa vuol dire xchè rimane cosi e non si spegne

Re: [newbie-it] help me again

2003-10-27 Thread Massimo Mele
ma è normale che rimanga con questo msg
master boot resource control: runlevel 0 has been   reached

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] help me again

On Monday 27 October 2003 22:22, paolo brusasco wrote:
 perchè non si spenga da solo non lo so

magari non è attivo apm
prova dare un #modprobe apm
e poi unu shutdown -h now
se si spegne,cerca in rc.d (rc.modules ?) dove deccommentare l'apposito


 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ .
 / v \
   /  /  \  \
 /  (  )  \
^^   ^^
4 orizzontale: Se dice  entrando... maniinalto
Slack 9.1 ~ KDE
Linux user Tattari_manna aka Plugs
MajaGLUG member

Re: [newbie-it] Mnkd-9.2 e lettori CD/DVD della LG

2003-10-27 Thread tom
On Monday 27 October 2003 21:49, paolo brusasco wrote:
 niente modello o marca. come faccio a sapere il modello (apro il pc, temo)

il primo comando che mi viene in menteti da marca e modello,ma solo
se è emulato scsi,con #cdrecord -scanbus


 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Il mondo e' fatto a scale... ma che bello quando si trova lo scivolo.
Slack 9.1 ~ KDE
Linux user Tattari_manna aka Plugs
MajaGLUG member

Re: [newbie-it] Mnkd-9.2 e lettori CD/DVD della LG

2003-10-27 Thread Corrado
Il lun, 2003-10-27 alle 21:41, paolo brusasco ha scritto:
 grazie ho proprio un lg. se sapete che escono le iso aggiornate postate! 

Meraviglioso... pensa che io ho LG sia per il masterizzatore che per il
Dovrò rispolverare il vecchio lettore cd-rom... ops! E' un LG!
Mi resta il vecchio masterizzatore Philips.
Sperando non siano sorte incompatibilità anche coi *monitor* LG...

[newbie-it] aggiornamento kernel

2003-10-27 Thread mauro
Scusate, mi chiedo se è possibile usare l'rpm del kernel della mdk 9.2 (a 
memoria la versione 22... ) per usarlo nella versione 9.1.
E possibile? Oppure devo usare il metodo di compilazione?

Re: [newbie] CDROM fails on detection

2003-10-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 26 Oct 2003 10:35 pm, Damian Gatabria wrote:

 On cooker list, every single release cycle
 since i'm lurking on it, i see a thread starting
 about a month before scheduled release
 date. In this thread someone pleads for more
 testing/time and to kick the release date
 a little further into the future. The answer
 to those posters is always the same:
 Bah, that was said also in the last cycle,
 and it went OK, so we don't need another
 beta. We don't need more time

Damian, I'm not expressing an opinion, just exploring.  It seems to me 
that the big question is 'why did this problem only surface so late 
in the pre-release cycle?'.  There must be some connection with the 
kind of people (their available equipment) who do the earlier stage 
testing.  The next question has to be 'how can a more representative 
sample of hardware be found during the testing phase?'.  Longer time 
isn't enough, I think, unless we can answer those questions.

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] vmware

2003-10-27 Thread antonovich

I get this stupid message when I try and execute the

What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your
kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] /usr/src/linux-2.4.22/include

The path "/usr/src/linux-2.4.22/include" is an existing directory, but
it does
not contain at least one of these directories "linux", "asm", "net" as

it has both linux and net directories...
any ideas?

antonovich wrote:

more precisely, which of the two is it refering to - 
kernel-source-2.4.22-10mdk.i586.rpm or
or will either do?
ps I did find them!
antonovich wrote:

Great. You couldn't be a little more specific could you? I just can't
find the damn things...

Paul Kaplan wrote:

  Worked fine for me with both and kernels.  I had to 
grab the kernel-source rpm from one of the ftp sites (see the mdk download 
page) since it isn't included on the download ISOs.  Once installed then the 
default selection used by script to find the sources works 
On Sunday 26 October 2003 07:40 pm, antonovich wrote:
has anyone had any luck installing vmware 4.0.* on 9.2? I get a message
when running about vmmon not having anything compatible
to run with. I can't find any source code for the kernel either - I have
the default installed ( and wanted to see whether I could
get vmware running by giving it the sources...


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Re: [newbie] grub lilo

2003-10-27 Thread Heather/Femme
On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 23:26:42 +
James Conner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've used both.  There are pros and cons on both.
 I'm sure that there are more, but that's all I can think of off the
 top of my head.  I usually setup new users with lilo, it's easier to
 understand and modify if necessary.

Thx Jim thats what I wanted to know!


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Re: [newbie] ICS, Shorewall stops rest of network

2003-10-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Derek,

Your wrote:
Shorewall is a very effective firewall, but there are a couple of 
things you
should know.
Many thanks for that - it is the clearest explanation I have yet read
about this issue. Great!
More importantly, following your steps  suggestions EVERYTHING is 
working as I want.

Mate, the next shout's on me, as we say down here!

Final Filer Software
Worrigee, NSW, Australia  2540
Life's like a roll of toilet paper-
The closer it gets to the end,
the faster it goes.

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Re: [newbie] grub lilo

2003-10-27 Thread Raffaele Belardi
For the differences:

Lilo uses the BIOS to access the partition where the image is residing. 
It is file-system independent. This is accomplished at boot sector 
installation time, by translating the location of the kernel image into 
a list of disk sectors, which then LILO loads using the BIOS. As a 
consequence, when you change anything about the kernel (location, 
configuration...) you need to re-run lilo so that it can update the map.

Grub incorporates a reduced version of a file system, so it uses the 
file system meta-information to access the kernel image at boot time. 
That's why you don't need to re-run grub after modifying the kernel: it 
gets the information it needs directly from the FS.

Check Almesberger's paper Booting linux: the history and the future 
for a very good overview, for example at:


I've heard grub is experimental .. but RH uses it almost exclusively
and alot of ppl say its better than LILO.  True? False?
I'd search google for a site detailing the differences  Pros/cons of
each but I don't kow where to start... I know I know, I'm usually good
at research but I'm stumped on this.
Can somoene gimme a pointer pls?  even a google URL?



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Re: [newbie] grub lilo

2003-10-27 Thread Raffaele Belardi
Sorry, I should have written

Grub incorporates a reduced version of a file system _driver_


For the differences:

Lilo uses the BIOS to access the partition where the image is residing. 
It is file-system independent. This is accomplished at boot sector 
installation time, by translating the location of the kernel image into 
a list of disk sectors, which then LILO loads using the BIOS. As a 
consequence, when you change anything about the kernel (location, 
configuration...) you need to re-run lilo so that it can update the map.

Grub incorporates a reduced version of a file system, so it uses the 
file system meta-information to access the kernel image at boot time. 
That's why you don't need to re-run grub after modifying the kernel: it 
gets the information it needs directly from the FS.

Check Almesberger's paper Booting linux: the history and the future 
for a very good overview, for example at:



I've heard grub is experimental .. but RH uses it almost exclusively
and alot of ppl say its better than LILO.  True? False?
I'd search google for a site detailing the differences  Pros/cons of
each but I don't kow where to start... I know I know, I'm usually good
at research but I'm stumped on this.
Can somoene gimme a pointer pls?  even a google URL?



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Re: [newbie] twiki, etc, was LG CDRoms

2003-10-27 Thread Sharrea Day
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 19:33, Eric Huff wrote:

 Cooker is great for people that want to cook, but it sure isn't for

I'll second that one!  Just tried following the instructions on how to 
slipstream updated packages into the Mandrake CDs at  Couldn't 
make head nor tail of it I'm afraid.  I'll sleep on it tonight and see what 
happens... won't hold my breath tho, never was a good cook...  ;)

Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today

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Re: [newbie] vmware

2003-10-27 Thread Paul Kaplan
You should install kernel-source-w.4.22.10mdk.i586.rpm.  (or the equivalent 
file if you have upgraded to  This file contains the source files 
for the kernel.  (The src rpm contains files that, among other things, would 
allow you to compile all the other rpms,)
On Monday 27 October 2003 12:06 am, antonovich wrote:
 more precisely, which of the two is it refering to -
 kernel-source-2.4.22-10mdk.i586.rpm or
 or will either do?
 ps I did find them!

 antonovich wrote:
  Great. You couldn't be a little more specific could you? I just can't
  find the damn things...
  Paul Kaplan wrote:
 Worked fine for me with both and kernels.  I
  had to grab the kernel-source rpm from one of the ftp sites (see the mdk
  download page) since it isn't included on the download ISOs.  Once
  installed then the default selection used by script to
  find the sources works fine.
 On Sunday 26 October 2003 07:40 pm, antonovich wrote:
 has anyone had any luck installing vmware 4.0.* on 9.2? I get a message
 when running about vmmon not having anything compatible
 to run with. I can't find any source code for the kernel either - I have
 the default installed ( and wanted to see whether I could
 get vmware running by giving it the sources...
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Re: [newbie] vmware

2003-10-27 Thread Paul Kaplan
Once you get the *source*i586.rpm installed, the source files vmware needs 
will be in /usr/src/linux/include
On Monday 27 October 2003 03:03 am, antonovich wrote:
 I get this stupid message when I try and execute the

 What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your
 kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] /usr/src/linux-2.4.22/include

 The path /usr/src/linux-2.4.22/include is an existing directory, but
 it does
 not contain at least one of these directories linux, asm, net as

 it has both linux and net directories...
 any ideas?

 antonovich wrote:
  more precisely, which of the two is it refering to -
  kernel-source-2.4.22-10mdk.i586.rpm or
  or will either do?
  ps I did find them!
  antonovich wrote:
  Great. You couldn't be a little more specific could you? I just can't
  find the damn things...
  Paul Kaplan wrote:
 Worked fine for me with both and kernels.  I
  had to grab the kernel-source rpm from one of the ftp sites (see the
  mdk download page) since it isn't included on the download ISOs.  Once
  installed then the default selection used by script to
  find the sources works fine.
 On Sunday 26 October 2003 07:40 pm, antonovich wrote:
 has anyone had any luck installing vmware 4.0.* on 9.2? I get a message
 when running about vmmon not having anything
  compatible to run with. I can't find any source code for the kernel
  either - I have the default installed ( and wanted to see
  whether I could get vmware running by giving it the sources...
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Re: [newbie] MDK 9,2 some problems after update

2003-10-27 Thread Lucio_Costa
Hi Johan,

I'm experimenting the same problam, after install my
box and update it all my  shotcuts an K bar was like
folders and my icons disapear.

Can anyone have some information about this?

Thanks in Advance.

--- Johan [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:  Hi,
 After updating with urpmi some of the icons was not
 responding when
 clicked - kppp was missing.
 To make a long story short - I sort of upgraded the
 system with the
 install cd - the icons was back to normal but kppp
 was stil missing -had
 to reinstall kppp.
 Did some of list-members have same problem?
 Ok I am sure there must be a better way to handle
 May this be a good day for learning
 Registered Linux User #330034
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Lucio Costa

Linux user #204519
Mandrake Club Member.

We do what we can, we give what we have
   Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task
 The rest is the madness of art.

Yahoo! Mail - o melhor webmail do Brasil

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Re: [newbie] Gramofile

2003-10-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Rob Blomquist wrote:

On Sunday 26 October 2003 12:46, John Richard Smith wrote:



Anyone some thoughts and ideas ?

First off, I find KMix to be too confusing. I use Aumix. 

Indeed so it turns out to be , my verion seems to work on one of the 
aumix lines,
I have all kmix set 100%, and now I'm getting somewhere.

In aumix, set your Vol to 100, and you Line to something like 50-60, push the 
button on Line, and it should turn red and be depressed. If it is already 
that way, great.


This is my first attempt,
ls -l
total 462832
-rw-r--r--1 root root 41287724 Oct 27 09:38 Dont-leave-home.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root 42598444 Oct 27 09:57 
-rw-r--r--1 root root 39256108 Oct 27 09:23 Life-for-rent.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root 38666284 Oct 27 09:27 Marys-in-India.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root  9699372 Oct 27 09:53 Sand-in-my-shoes.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root 54329388 Oct 27 10:07 See-the-sun.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root 54460460 Oct 27 09:33 
-rw-r--r--1 root root 62849068 Oct 27 09:18 Stoned.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root 40763436 Oct 27 10:02 
-rw-r--r--1 root root 42729516 Oct 27 09:12 White-Flag.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root 46727212 Oct 27 09:47 

OK , so that looks good. I gave the  files  song names to see if it  
would give me the same songs titiles in a CD player, it doesn't,  so 
that will not work, next time I'll stick to track1 etc.
Obviously I really need to build a CDDB file , can gramofile do this for 
me ?

I must of recorded it all much too loud because I have considerable 
audio distortion but that can easily corrected.I've set aumix line to 
50%, and I think I will trim the CD/tapedeck player audio output levels 
by 10/15% as well. I notice now that the green slider bars display 
window were in fact sometimes hitting orange tops.

On further question.
I'm having to swap the computer CD audio line and this CD/tapedeck audio 
line over with one another on the mobo socket. I don't like doing this 
all the time, not leat it is going to end up damaging the 4 prongs of 
the sprocket gived time, can  I splice the two cables together provided 
I keet to the wire colour coding. Is it OK from the computers point of 
view, can it destinguish between the differenc sound sources, even 
though they arrive via the same socket , or is it something I'm going to 
have to live with ?
If the later then I need to create an alternative socket with a short 
wire to the mobo socket, so that the changeover is achieved via the 
second socket , not the mobo socket.If you see what I mean.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Gramofile

2003-10-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Rob Blomquist wrote:

On Sunday 26 October 2003 12:46, John Richard Smith wrote:



Anyone some thoughts and ideas ?

First off, I find KMix to be too confusing. I use Aumix. 

Indeed so it turns out to be , my verion seems to work on one of the 
aumix lines,
I have all kmix set 100%, and now I'm getting somewhere.

In aumix, set your Vol to 100, and you Line to something like 50-60, push the 
button on Line, and it should turn red and be depressed. If it is already 
that way, great.


This is my first attempt,
ls -l
total 462832
-rw-r--r--1 root root 41287724 Oct 27 09:38 Dont-leave-home.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root 42598444 Oct 27 09:57 
-rw-r--r--1 root root 39256108 Oct 27 09:23 Life-for-rent.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root 38666284 Oct 27 09:27 Marys-in-India.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root  9699372 Oct 27 09:53 Sand-in-my-shoes.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root 54329388 Oct 27 10:07 See-the-sun.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root 54460460 Oct 27 09:33 
-rw-r--r--1 root root 62849068 Oct 27 09:18 Stoned.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root 40763436 Oct 27 10:02 
-rw-r--r--1 root root 42729516 Oct 27 09:12 White-Flag.wav
-rw-r--r--1 root root 46727212 Oct 27 09:47 

OK , so that looks good. I gave the  files  song names to see if it  
would give me the same songs titiles in a CD player, it doesn't,  so 
that will not work, next time I'll stick to track1 etc.
Obviously I really need to build a CDDB file , can gramofile do this for 
me ?

I must of recorded it all much too loud because I have considerable 
audio distortion but that can easily corrected.I've set aumix line to 
50%, and I think I will trim the CD/tapedeck player audio output levels 
by 10/15% as well. I notice now that the green slider bars display 
window were in fact sometimes hitting orange tops.

On further question.
I'm having to swap the computer CD audio line and this CD/tapedeck audio 
line over with one another on the mobo socket. I don't like doing this 
all the time, not leat it is going to end up damaging the 4 prongs of 
the sprocket gived time, can  I splice the two cables together provided 
I keet to the wire colour coding. Is it OK from the computers point of 
view, can it destinguish between the differenc sound sources, even 
though they arrive via the same socket , or is it something I'm going to 
have to live with ?
If the later then I need to create an alternative socket with a short 
wire to the mobo socket, so that the changeover is achieved via the 
second socket , not the mobo socket.If you see what I mean.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Gcombust Question

2003-10-27 Thread Lee Wiggers
I tried to burn a few .mp3's this morning with Gcombust and got the

/usr//bin/cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open
'/dev/sg*'. Cannot open SCSI driver.
/usr//bin/cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'.
Make sure you are root.
/usr//bin/cdrecord: For possible transport specifiers try 'cdrecord

After cdrecord -scanbus (which located my scsi emulation) I tried
again and got a burn, but unreadable.  Drive just churns on it.

Can anyone help me sort this out before I fill the world with


User #223705 Linux Counter,

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice upgrade

2003-10-27 Thread Dan Gordon
On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 22:01:16 -0800
 Should I replace my existing installation or install it in another 
 directory (which is what I think it is trying to do)?
 Where is the existing directory?
 If I install it into another directory, should I then uninstall the 
 older version?
 Is 1.1 even stable (should have been my first question ah :-))

The recomended way is to first uninstall the version you have and then
install the new version from the tarball, this is what I did on 9.1 and
it works fine. Seems stable enough here.

Dan Gordon

Mon Oct 27 06:35:05 EST 2003
 06:35:05 up 16:51,  2 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.08, 0.06
Acceptance testing:
An unsuccessful attempt to find bugs.

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Re: [newbie] k3b error

2003-10-27 Thread Kristjan
On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 21:43:40 +
Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 25 October 2003 03:54 pm, Kristjan wrote:
  Only thing I did before it stopped working was that I changed
  the partition table of my spare drive. but that can not have
  anything to do with that k3b crashes. it is not logical.
 Without diving too deeply into this :
 What spare drive ? - If it's the CD-Writer, it certainly matters.
 if you post your /etc/fstab file here, I'm sure we can help.
 (I don't use k3b myself, because it defaults to changing the 
 fstab if you are not very cautious. As Tom said once : anyone 
 writing an application that changes important system files 
 should be taken out and shot - and I agree : I'll pull the 
 trigger myself.)
 To me it seems very plausible that your k3b somehow has 
 difficulties in accessing your CD-Writer.
 Kaj Haulrich.
 *This mail was sent from a 100 % Microsoft free computer* 

Hi again
Just to let you know I solved my case
I had probably some conflicting settings in KDE
Too bad I did not find out what. I finally got it work again when I
removed the .kde/ directory and did let it build fine new set of plain


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[newbie] Serial port problem

2003-10-27 Thread Max . Benitz
I'm having a problem with my serial ports.  Mandrake 9.1, Fujitsu L-470 PII
w/192M.  This has a built-in modem, infrared port, and a serial port.

When I set the serial ports to AUTO in BIOS then I'm unable to synch my
Palm device using either ttyS0 or ttyS1 (Kpilot).

When I disable the IR serial in BIOS, no change.

When I manually define IRQ4 and 3f8 in the BIOS for the non-IR port, then
DMESG lists it as ttyS0 with that information.  That all seems good, but
then I'm able to synch with either ttyS0 or ttyS1!  Both ports seem to have
the same information, somehow the port is split.  I'm concerned when two
software ports point to the same hardware because it may indicate that I've
munged something, and it may reduce the efficiency.

Thanks for your help,

P.S.  I have another problem which I believe is unrelated.  In keeping with
the FAQ I'll put it in another message.

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[newbie] Display Manager FAILs to close

2003-10-27 Thread Max . Benitz
Two issues here, but I think they're linked.

When I shutdown the process is described on the shutdown screen and
everything says Success, iirc.  There is one step in the process however
which fails: Closing  Display Manager.  This bothers my sense of order, and
may be a symptom of other problems.

Probably related is that when I log off, instead of going to a
login/reboot/shutdown screen, I'm returned right back into KDE.  The second
time I log off, it works properly.  This double logoff pattern holds over
and over.

I could turn off automatically log this user on in MCC:Boot:Bootdrake,
but then I'd need to logon everytime.  I'd rather not logon every time, and
I'd rather not have to logoff twice.

Any ideas?

Mandrake 9.1
KDE 3.1
Fujitsu L-470 PII w/192 RAM

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Re: [newbie] Hi, I cant boot up my mandrake 91

2003-10-27 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 14:01:16 -0300
Alberto Borges de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Hi, I can't boot up my mandrake 91.
 i start to boot Mandrake 91 them apear the screen of instal, i press
 enter and FREEZE. I tryed to press f1 and type all kind of
 initializing comands, and all fail. i have alredy set no for plug and
 play bios

M best guess is a bad install CD. Try burning a fresh ISO of the install
CD and see if that doesn't help.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Great acts are made up of small deeds.
-- Lao Tsu

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[newbie] My posts don't show up in my mail

2003-10-27 Thread Maurice O'Connor
When I post a new message or answer a message they don't show up in my
mailbox. I receive other messages from the list but not my own.  I tried
to thank Tom Brink and Haywiremac for their help and I have no way of
knowing whether or not they received the messages.  What am I doing
Bill O'Connor

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Re: [newbie] Display Manager FAILs to close

2003-10-27 Thread Greg Meyer
On Monday 27 October 2003 01:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Two issues here, but I think they're linked.

 When I shutdown the process is described on the shutdown screen and
 everything says Success, iirc.  There is one step in the process however
 which fails: Closing  Display Manager.  This bothers my sense of order, and
 may be a symptom of other problems.

 Probably related is that when I log off, instead of going to a
 login/reboot/shutdown screen, I'm returned right back into KDE.  The second
 time I log off, it works properly.  This double logoff pattern holds over
 and over.

 I could turn off automatically log this user on in MCC:Boot:Bootdrake,
 but then I'd need to logon everytime.  I'd rather not logon every time, and
 I'd rather not have to logoff twice.

 Any ideas?

Yes, you are using autologin.  When you use autologin, the dm is never started 
because autologin is handled elsewhere.  You probably have autologin set in 
your dm too, which is why when you logout out and the dm starts, it logs you 
back in right away.  Subsequent logouts present you with a login dialogue 
because the dm autologin only happens when the dm is first started.  Does 
this sound right?

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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[newbie] Mandrake Package Mngmnt 2nd only to Debian!

2003-10-27 Thread HaywireMac

We all knew it anyway, but just to confirm:

Credit for the link goes to Tom Karmo from my local LUG.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Faith is under the left nipple.
-- Martin Luther

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Re: [newbie] Hi, I cant boot up my mandrake 91

2003-10-27 Thread Aronsmith
On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 09:01, Alberto Borges de Almeida wrote:
 Hi, I can't boot up my mandrake 91.
 i start to boot Mandrake 91 them apear the screen of instal, i press
 enter and FREEZE.
 I tryed to press f1 and type all kind of initializing comands, and all
 i have alredy set no for plug and play bios
 a computer that i'm trying to instal is:
 AMD duron 1200
 MB k7vmm
 128MB RAM
 40GB HD
 Sory my bad english.
 Alberto Almeida
This could be your cdrom or your memory (RAM)
128Mb is kinda on the light side especially if you have a bad Ram chip.
Don't worry about the bad English  most of this group can't read anyway.

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Re: [newbie] My posts don't show up in my mail

2003-10-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Maurice O'Connor wrote:

When I post a new message or answer a message they don't show up in my
mailbox. I receive other messages from the list but not my own.  I tried
to thank Tom Brink and Haywiremac for their help and I have no way of
knowing whether or not they received the messages.  What am I doing

You need to provide more information.
What emailer and version are you using ?
When you give the send command does it give you a progress slider bar  ?

Then someone may be able to help you.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Hi, I cant boot up my mandrake 91

2003-10-27 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 10:53:25 -0800
Aronsmith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 most of this group can't read anyway.

speak fer yerself, hayseed!

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
In order to live free and happily, you must sacrifice boredom.
It is not always an easy sacrifice.

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Re: [newbie] CDROM fails on detection

2003-10-27 Thread Richard Urwin
On Monday 27 Oct 2003 7:58 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 26 Oct 2003 10:35 pm, Damian Gatabria wrote:
  On cooker list, every single release cycle
  since i'm lurking on it, i see a thread starting
  about a month before scheduled release
  date. In this thread someone pleads for more
  testing/time and to kick the release date
  a little further into the future. The answer
  to those posters is always the same:
  Bah, that was said also in the last cycle,
  and it went OK, so we don't need another
  beta. We don't need more time

 Damian, I'm not expressing an opinion, just exploring.  It seems to me
 that the big question is 'why did this problem only surface so late
 in the pre-release cycle?'.  There must be some connection with the
 kind of people (their available equipment) who do the earlier stage
 testing.  The next question has to be 'how can a more representative
 sample of hardware be found during the testing phase?'.  Longer time
 isn't enough, I think, unless we can answer those questions.


If the club had been given downloads _before_ the CDs went to the pressing 
plant Mandrake would have a lot less bother on their hands. (Wouldn't get me 
anything - bittorrent crashes my LAN hub in about 30 mins.)-:

There are never enough testers to test everything, and they *tend* to have top 
quality hardware. - or in this case maybe just certified Linux compatible 
CDROM drives because they've been around since it was manditory.

Maybe the club should be considered a gamma test? As in This is the final 
release, unless you folks can shake out a show-stopper in the next two 
weeks. Of course, human nature being what it is, that might turn into just 
the final RC. Maybe they could offer a prize for the first person to find a 
bug that actually stops the presses. (How much money/goodwill are they losing 
over this one?)

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] My posts don't show up in my mail

2003-10-27 Thread HaywireMac
On 27 Oct 2003 13:35:29 -0500
Maurice O'Connor [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 When I post a new message or answer a message they don't show up in my
 mailbox. I receive other messages from the list but not my own.  I
 tried to thank Tom Brink and Haywiremac for their help and I have no
 way of knowing whether or not they received the messages.  What am I
 doing wrong.

When you hit reply, look for what it says in the To: field. Some
mailers may not automatically reply to the list. What was the original

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Nonsense and beauty have close connections.
-- E.M. Forster

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Re: [newbie] CDROM fails on detection

2003-10-27 Thread Dennis Myers
On Monday 27 October 2003 01:58 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 26 Oct 2003 10:35 pm, Damian Gatabria wrote:
  On cooker list, every single release cycle
  since i'm lurking on it, i see a thread starting
  about a month before scheduled release
  date. In this thread someone pleads for more
  testing/time and to kick the release date
  a little further into the future. The answer
  to those posters is always the same:
  Bah, that was said also in the last cycle,
  and it went OK, so we don't need another
  beta. We don't need more time

 Damian, I'm not expressing an opinion, just exploring.  It seems to me
 that the big question is 'why did this problem only surface so late
 in the pre-release cycle?'.  There must be some connection with the
 kind of people (their available equipment) who do the earlier stage
 testing.  The next question has to be 'how can a more representative
 sample of hardware be found during the testing phase?'.  Longer time
 isn't enough, I think, unless we can answer those questions.

This may have been caught earlier if someone like me had been more experienced 
and associated the death of the drives with the OS. I reasoned that since 
they were OEM drives that the dealer had just recieved a  bad batch. Ones 
with faulty capacitors or something. I did not get truly suspicious until the 
dealers repair dept. rep indicated that I seemed to be the only one with the 
problem.  That is when I came to the list and asked the question.  So, what I 
am saying is unless someone at Mandrake had tested with a OEM LG CDROM of 
recent vintage, they would have no way of knowing there was a problem. 
All All other Brands  and CDRWs seem to be ok.
Now I know that a OS can fry electronic equipment, before I never would have 
believed it was possible. 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] doing some bash commands and then send the results by email

2003-10-27 Thread Richard Urwin
On Monday 27 Oct 2003 1:41 am, Fajar Priyanto wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Dear All,
 I want to do some bash commands and then send the results by email from
 CLI, can I do that?

 I tried this but didn't work:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Documents]# df  /home/fajar/Documents/df | mail -I -s df
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~r /home/fajar/Documents/df
 Null message body; hope that's ok

 Seems that ~r option only works in the body of the message.

It looks like you're being too complex:

 df | mail -s test richard

sent me:
Subject: test
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Urwin)

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1  20G  132M   20G   1% /
/dev/hda6 3.9G  2.5M  3.7G   1% /boot
/dev/hdb1 8.6G  6.0G  2.6G  70% /home
/dev/hda8  16G   33M   16G   1% /testroot
/dev/hda7  98G  2.0G   96G   3% /usr
/dev/hda9  13G  134M   12G   2% /var

and then:

  echo hello world  test
  mail -s another richard  test

sent me:
Subject: another
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Urwin)

hello world

And then:

  df | mail -s `echo \`hostname\` disk space report` richard

sent me
Subject: disk space report
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Urwin)

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1  20G  132M   20G   1% /
/dev/hda6 3.9G  2.5M  3.7G   1% /boot
/dev/hdb1 8.6G  6.0G  2.6G  70% /home
/dev/hda8  16G   33M   16G   1% /testroot
/dev/hda7  98G  2.0G   96G   3% /usr
/dev/hda9  13G  135M   12G   2% /var

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] k3b error

2003-10-27 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Monday 27 October 2003 05:30 pm, Kristjan wrote:

 Hi again
 Just to let you know I solved my case
 I had probably some conflicting settings in KDE
 Too bad I did not find out what. I finally got it work again
 when I removed the .kde/ directory and did let it build fine
 new set of plain settings.

Glad to hear you got it fixed, Kristjan. The procedure of 
removing the .kde directory is some kind of last resort, because 
- as you point out - it doesn't reveal the error. Kind'a buying 
a new car because the old one's ashtray is full. On the other 
hand, my suspicion of the fstab seems to be wrong, luckily.

Kaj Haulrich.
*This mail was sent from a 100 % Microsoft free computer* 

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Re: [newbie] Hi, I cant boot up my mandrake 91

2003-10-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 27 Oct 2003 5:01 pm, Alberto Borges de Almeida wrote:
 Hi, I can't boot up my mandrake 91.
 i start to boot Mandrake 91 them apear the screen of instal, i
 press enter and FREEZE. I tryed to press f1 and type all kind of
 initializing comands, and all fail. i have alredy set no for plug
 and play bios

 a computer that i'm trying to instal is:

 AMD duron 1200
 MB k7vmm
 128MB RAM
 40GB HD

 Sory my bad english.

 Alberto Almeida

Alberto - what kind of cd or dvd are you installing from?  A bought 
one, or a downloaded one that you burned to disk?

If it's a downloaded one - did you check the md5sums?  This would tell 
you whether it was a good burn.

It may help if you tell us about your graphics card, monitor, and 
anything else that you can think of.

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] k3b error

2003-10-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 27 Oct 2003 5:30 pm, Kristjan wrote:
 On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 21:43:40 +

 Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Saturday 25 October 2003 03:54 pm, Kristjan wrote:
   Only thing I did before it stopped working was that I changed
   the partition table of my spare drive. but that can not have
   anything to do with that k3b crashes. it is not logical.
  Without diving too deeply into this :
  What spare drive ? - If it's the CD-Writer, it certainly matters.
  if you post your /etc/fstab file here, I'm sure we can help.
  (I don't use k3b myself, because it defaults to changing the
  fstab if you are not very cautious. As Tom said once : anyone
  writing an application that changes important system files
  should be taken out and shot - and I agree : I'll pull the
  trigger myself.)
  To me it seems very plausible that your k3b somehow has
  difficulties in accessing your CD-Writer.
  Kaj Haulrich.
  *This mail was sent from a 100 % Microsoft free computer*

 Hi again
 Just to let you know I solved my case
 I had probably some conflicting settings in KDE
 Too bad I did not find out what. I finally got it work again when I
 removed the .kde/ directory and did let it build fine new set of
 plain settings.


It's not a regular event, but sometimes that is the best way to get 
out of kde problems.  Glad you are sorted

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] twiki, etc, was LG CDRoms

2003-10-27 Thread Eric Huff
 On Monday 27 October 2003 01:33 am, Eric Huff wrote:

 Mandrake Club is not available to newbies looking into Mandrake.

 Not so. While some parts of the Club site are only accessible to
 members, many  portions -- including some of the forums -- are open to
 the public. -- cmg

Ok, i'll have to go look around more.  The couple links i tried just sent
me to the signup screen where you can become a member.


Yeah, there are forums open, as you said.  BUt it's a lot to plug thru.

For example, let's say i wanted to know more about urpmi.  I don't see
that sort of info on the club.   There are many posts about it, but it
would require way more digging than a concise article on it.

This is just one example, though, so feel free to tell me i am missing


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Re: [newbie] Gramofile

2003-10-27 Thread Dennis Myers
On Monday 27 October 2003 05:22 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Rob Blomquist wrote:
 On Sunday 26 October 2003 12:46, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Anyone some thoughts and ideas ?
 First off, I find KMix to be too confusing. I use Aumix.

 Indeed so it turns out to be , my verion seems to work on one of the
 aumix lines,
 I have all kmix set 100%, and now I'm getting somewhere.

 In aumix, set your Vol to 100, and you Line to something like 50-60, push
  the button on Line, and it should turn red and be depressed. If it is
  already that way, great.

 This is my first attempt,
  ls -l
 total 462832
 -rw-r--r--1 root root 41287724 Oct 27 09:38 Dont-leave-home.wav
 -rw-r--r--1 root root 42598444 Oct 27 09:57
 -rw-r--r--1 root root 39256108 Oct 27 09:23 Life-for-rent.wav
 -rw-r--r--1 root root 38666284 Oct 27 09:27 Marys-in-India.wav
 -rw-r--r--1 root root  9699372 Oct 27 09:53
 Sand-in-my-shoes.wav -rw-r--r--1 root root 54329388 Oct 27
 10:07 See-the-sun.wav -rw-r--r--1 root root 54460460 Oct 27
 -rw-r--r--1 root root 62849068 Oct 27 09:18 Stoned.wav
 -rw-r--r--1 root root 40763436 Oct 27 10:02
 -rw-r--r--1 root root 42729516 Oct 27 09:12 White-Flag.wav
 -rw-r--r--1 root root 46727212 Oct 27 09:47

 OK , so that looks good. I gave the  files  song names to see if it
 would give me the same songs titiles in a CD player, it doesn't,  so
 that will not work, next time I'll stick to track1 etc.
 Obviously I really need to build a CDDB file , can gramofile do this for
 me ?

 I must of recorded it all much too loud because I have considerable
 audio distortion but that can easily corrected.I've set aumix line to
 50%, and I think I will trim the CD/tapedeck player audio output levels
 by 10/15% as well. I notice now that the green slider bars display
 window were in fact sometimes hitting orange tops.

 On further question.
 I'm having to swap the computer CD audio line and this CD/tapedeck audio
 line over with one another on the mobo socket. I don't like doing this
 all the time, not leat it is going to end up damaging the 4 prongs of
 the sprocket gived time, can  I splice the two cables together provided
 I keet to the wire colour coding. Is it OK from the computers point of
 view, can it destinguish between the differenc sound sources, even
 though they arrive via the same socket , or is it something I'm going to
 have to live with ?
 If the later then I need to create an alternative socket with a short
 wire to the mobo socket, so that the changeover is achieved via the
 second socket , not the mobo socket.If you see what I mean.

John, I know this is late in the game but I think there is another called 
audacity that is much more configurable. You might d/l it and fiddle with 
it once you have gramofile working like you want.  Just a thought. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Serial port problem

2003-10-27 Thread Dennis Myers
On Monday 27 October 2003 12:02 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having a problem with my serial ports.  Mandrake 9.1, Fujitsu L-470 PII
 w/192M.  This has a built-in modem, infrared port, and a serial port.

 When I set the serial ports to AUTO in BIOS then I'm unable to synch my
 Palm device using either ttyS0 or ttyS1 (Kpilot).

 When I disable the IR serial in BIOS, no change.

 When I manually define IRQ4 and 3f8 in the BIOS for the non-IR port, then
 DMESG lists it as ttyS0 with that information.  That all seems good, but
 then I'm able to synch with either ttyS0 or ttyS1!  Both ports seem to have
 the same information, somehow the port is split.  I'm concerned when two
 software ports point to the same hardware because it may indicate that I've
 munged something, and it may reduce the efficiency.

 Thanks for your help,

 P.S.  I have another problem which I believe is unrelated.  In keeping with
 the FAQ I'll put it in another message.
Just to be repetitive on the list, have you set the PNP OS  to no in bios? 
This lets Mandrake sort the IRQs for you.  Or so I have read. : )
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] My posts don't show up in my mail

2003-10-27 Thread Maurice O'Connor
On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 14:15, HaywireMac wrote:
 On 27 Oct 2003 13:35:29 -0500
 Maurice O'Connor [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  When I post a new message or answer a message they don't show up in my
  mailbox. I receive other messages from the list but not my own.  I
  tried to thank Tom Brink and Haywiremac for their help and I have no
  way of knowing whether or not they received the messages.  What am I
  doing wrong.
 When you hit reply, look for what it says in the To: field. Some
 mailers may not automatically reply to the list. What was the original
The original was addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Just as this
one is.
Bill O'Connor

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Re: [newbie] grub lilo

2003-10-27 Thread Heather/Femme
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 10:21:22 +0100
Raffaele Belardi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For the differences:
 Lilo uses the BIOS to access the partition where the image is
 residing. It is file-system independent. This is accomplished at boot
 sector installation time, by translating the location of the kernel
 image into a list of disk sectors, which then LILO loads using the
 BIOS. As a consequence, when you change anything about the kernel
 (location, configuration...) you need to re-run lilo so that it can
 update the map.
 Grub incorporates a reduced version of a file system, so it uses the 
 file system meta-information to access the kernel image at boot time. 
 That's why you don't need to re-run grub after modifying the kernel:
 it gets the information it needs directly from the FS.
 Check Almesberger's paper Booting linux: the history and the future 
 for a very good overview, for example at:

thx your explanation was sufficient for me :)

Concise enough I understood perfectly.


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Re: [newbie] My posts don't show up in my mail

2003-10-27 Thread HaywireMac
On 27 Oct 2003 15:32:14 -0500
Maurice O'Connor [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 The original was addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Just as this
 one is.

Sorry, no, I mean what was the subject?

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it's hard to get it back in.
-- H.R. Haldeman

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Re: [newbie] LG CDRoms

2003-10-27 Thread Anarky
Anne Wilson wrote:

Jim Connor has documented this problem on the TWiki page

If anyone can add the model number, please make adding this a 


   I'm wondering .. does only mandrake have this problem ?? or do other 
distros to? any signs of another version of mandrake without the problem?

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Re: [newbie] Re: [CLUG-tech] Using urpmi updating rpms

2003-10-27 Thread Johan
Hi Buchan,
Thanks for tip - was unknown to me.
I tried genhdlist - fine.
On Sun, 2003-10-26 at 18:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Using urpmi with the --noclean option some rpms are saved in
  I take it they may be written to cd and used to update a 2nd version of
  mdk92 or after system crash/reinstall?
  What actions need be taken to get all info on disc like hdlist etc.
 Nothing really.
 You can take the hdlists from /var/lib/urpmi, but you could just as well
 generate your own hdlist with 'genhdlist directory', or add the
 directory (ie CD-ROM) as a virtual source.
 You may want to just read the man pages for urpmi, urpmi.addmedia, and
 just experiment.
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May this be a good day for learning
Registered Linux User #330034

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[newbie] Screensavers mdk 9.2

2003-10-27 Thread Johan
After clean install mdk 9.2 screensavers missing in selection list
After update from update mirror the list have a lot listed - selected
random - but still blank screen when saver should kick in.
Any ideas please.

May this be a good day for learning
Registered Linux User #330034

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[newbie] bad signature

2003-10-27 Thread Johan
Some rpms on disc (downloaded ver) and from update mirror have bad
signatures - choice install or cancell...
Should install or cancell - what will happen if install?
Kindly some pointers here please

May this be a good day for learning
Registered Linux User #330034

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Re: [newbie] Logitech Wingman Digital Extreme Joystick

2003-10-27 Thread Scott Naylor
 Make sure the kernel-doc package is installed and take a look here:

 This will give you the modules you need to install.  For instance, I have a
 SBLive! X-Gamer and a MS sidewinder(gameport edition).

 I have to load the following modules to get it to work:

 You can put the list in /etc/modules for your setup.  If your joystick is
 USB, your list will be different.


I don't have the kernel-doc package installed and I don't know where to get it 
from. Do I only have to probe the modules to get them working? Or do I have 
to install some things? How can I get this working?

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Re: [newbie] bad signature

2003-10-27 Thread Greg Meyer
On Monday 27 October 2003 04:19 pm, Johan wrote:
 Some rpms on disc (downloaded ver) and from update mirror have bad
 signatures - choice install or cancell...
 Should install or cancell - what will happen if install?
 Kindly some pointers here please

If you did an upgrade install, you may not have your gpg keys properly 
imported into rpm and urpmi.cfg  I am at work so I cannot look it up right 
now, but I may have given you enough to google on it yourself.

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] bad signature

2003-10-27 Thread Scott Naylor
On Monday 27 October 2003 04:19 pm, Johan wrote:
 Some rpms on disc (downloaded ver) and from update mirror have bad
 signatures - choice install or cancell...
 Should install or cancell - what will happen if install?
 Kindly some pointers here please

Usually you would just click Install. I think the signature means the 
distribution of Linux, it's with. In this case I tend to use either MDK or 
RedHat RPM's on my system and they're working just fine.

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[newbie] downloadable 9.2 LG cdroms

2003-10-27 Thread Anarky
   any idea if the downloadable cd isos have the new non-destructive 
kernel? I'd like ot get them asap .. but at the same time I know i'll be 
spreading the stuff out to friends ... and I don't want to give linux a 
bad name. Sugestions?

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Re: [newbie] Logitech Wingman Digital Extreme Joystick

2003-10-27 Thread Scott Naylor
One more thing. When I try modprobe emu10k1-gp I get this error...

init_module: No such device
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
invalid IO or IRQ parameters.
  You may find more information in syslog or the output from dmesg
modprobe: insmod 
modprobe: insmod emu10k1-gp failed

What happened?

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Re: [newbie] LG CDRoms

2003-10-27 Thread Schwartz Avi
What I heard was that Mandrake used some new untested kernel code in 
their kernel for the 9.2 release.  If this is the case then only 
Mandrake 9.2 should be affected since most (if not all) other 
distributions would have stayed away from this code.


On Oct 27, 2003, at 15:17, Anarky wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

Jim Connor has documented this problem on the TWiki page

If anyone can add the model number, please make adding this a 

   I'm wondering .. does only mandrake have this problem ?? or do 
other distros to? any signs of another version of mandrake without the 

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Re: [newbie] downloadable 9.2 LG cdroms

2003-10-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 27 Oct 2003 9:24 pm, Anarky wrote:
 any idea if the downloadable cd isos have the new
 non-destructive kernel? I'd like ot get them asap .. but at the
 same time I know i'll be spreading the stuff out to friends ... and
 I don't want to give linux a bad name. Sugestions?

I strongly suggest that you wait a few more days.  People are working 
on it, so it shouldn't be long before we know what the situation is.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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Re: [newbie] Gramofile

2003-10-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Dennis Myers wrote:

John, I know this is late in the game but I think there is another called 
audacity that is much more configurable. You might d/l it and fiddle with 
it once you have gramofile working like you want.  Just a thought. HTH

I've got gramofile working quite well. Completed one 500MB CD .

I've audacity01.2.0-0.pre2.1mdk.i586.rpm  and a src version downloading now,
I'll give it a whirl, nothing to loose.
I still need to know whether it is possible to splice my normal dvd 
audio cable together
with this new external CD/tapedeck player audio cable and connect both 
to the mobo.
Will this blow things up, or is it OK to have two seperate devices on 
the same socket?

Anyone got any experience with this problem ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Gramofile

2003-10-27 Thread Richard Urwin
On Monday 27 Oct 2003 10:37 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 I still need to know whether it is possible to splice my normal dvd
 audio cable together
 with this new external CD/tapedeck player audio cable and connect both
 to the mobo.
 Will this blow things up, or is it OK to have two seperate devices on
 the same socket?

 Anyone got any experience with this problem ?

Two talkers or two listeners?
Two talkers is not going to work.
Two listeners might, but it would be risky. Might burn out something.
Use a switch, or buy a box to do it.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] LG CDRoms

2003-10-27 Thread Richard Urwin
On Monday 27 Oct 2003 9:55 pm, Schwartz Avi wrote:
 What I heard was that Mandrake used some new untested kernel code in
 their kernel for the 9.2 release. 

I think they would prefer the adjective remarkably cutting-edge.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] My posts don't show up in my mail

2003-10-27 Thread Maurice O'Connor
On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 15:37, HaywireMac wrote:
 On 27 Oct 2003 15:32:14 -0500
 Maurice O'Connor [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  The original was addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Just as this
  one is.
 Sorry, no, I mean what was the subject?
Lost parts of MCC
Bill O'Connor

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Re: [newbie] downloadable 9.2 LG cdroms

2003-10-27 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 22:32:47 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I strongly suggest that you wait a few more days.  People are working 
 on it, so it shouldn't be long before we know what the situation is.

the publicly avail ISO's aren't on the mirrors for another few days
anyway, no?

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
He knows not how to know who knows not also how to unknow.
-- Sir Richard Burton

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Re: [newbie] My posts don't show up in my mail

2003-10-27 Thread HaywireMac
On 27 Oct 2003 17:51:06 -0500
Maurice O'Connor [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Lost parts of MCC

Well, your posts are coming through fine now. The list goes through some
fits sometimes, everybody experiences it. Nothing to worry too much
about, as long as you got your problem sorted that's all that matters

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
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You can't take it with you -- especially when crossing a state line.

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Re: [newbie] Logitech Wingman Digital Extreme Joystick

2003-10-27 Thread s
On Sunday 26 October 2003 06:26 pm, Scott Naylor wrote:
 How exactly would I go about installing a Logitech Wingman Digital
 Extreme Joystick. It would be really helpful if I had step to step
 instructions if you can please.

I have the same stick.  All I do is add the following to /etc/modules:



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Re: [newbie] Logitech Wingman Digital Extreme Joystick

2003-10-27 Thread s
On Monday 27 October 2003 04:26 pm, Scott Naylor wrote:
 One more thing. When I try modprobe emu10k1-gp I get this error...

 modprobe: insmod emu10k1-gp failed

 What happened?

what is your soundcard/gameport?

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Re: [newbie] My posts don't show up in my mail

2003-10-27 Thread Maurice O'Connor
On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 18:00, HaywireMac wrote:
 On 27 Oct 2003 17:51:06 -0500
 Maurice O'Connor [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Lost parts of MCC
 Well, your posts are coming through fine now. The list goes through some
 fits sometimes, everybody experiences it. Nothing to worry too much
 about, as long as you got your problem sorted that's all that matters

The last message sent to the list showed up in my mailbox, --hooray.
Thanks Mac.

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Re: [newbie] downloadable 9.2 LG cdroms

2003-10-27 Thread Anarky
HaywireMac wrote:

On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 22:32:47 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

I strongly suggest that you wait a few more days.  People are working 
on it, so it shouldn't be long before we know what the situation is.

the publicly avail ISO's aren't on the mirrors for another few days
anyway, no?

yeah, I couldn't find them .. but I assumed they were tehre .. my mistake :)

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Re: [newbie] downloadable 9.2 LG cdroms

2003-10-27 Thread Anarky
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Monday 27 Oct 2003 9:24 pm, Anarky wrote:

   any idea if the downloadable cd isos have the new
non-destructive kernel? I'd like ot get them asap .. but at the
same time I know i'll be spreading the stuff out to friends ... and
I don't want to give linux a bad name. Sugestions?

I strongly suggest that you wait a few more days.  People are working 
on it, so it shouldn't be long before we know what the situation is.


kool. Can't wait for a non-bashable Mandrake again :) I was afraid that 
since it was a final release they wouldn't put the changes in the isos 
until a next release, or only as a patch. Hopefully they fix it without 
stickign to version numbering/freezing stuff ... but really ... is this 
problem Mandrake only? Any idea how come? Aren't all the linxes pretty 
much using the same kernels?

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[newbie] Fatal server

2003-10-27 Thread Dick Gevers
Hi all,

I managed to royally mess up my MD 9.1 just before finishing my 
BitTorrent download and while waiting for my PowerPack to be
shipped :-((

Somewhere I found an advice that all font names should have small 
letters in their names. As not all my fonts were working, I launched 
Krename and changed the caps to small letters, while waiting for BT, 
this was probably the stupidest I could have done!

I noticed my fonts changing, but not improving. Today I had to go to 
Windows to do my bank payments. Afterwards I couldn't start X any 

I found an X error reading i.a.:
Using vt 7. Could not init font path element unix/:-1, removing from 
Fatal server error: could not open default font 'fixed'.

Restoring all fonts from tarballs I had put on cdrw before upgrading 
to 9.2 didn't help anything.

I googled for the problem and found several answers, such as: 
*directory / is full: not in my case ( 3 Gb spare);
*restart xfs server; I already tried that in runlevels 3 and 5.
* reinstall XF86 packages: did that; didn't help.
* I restored /etc/XF86Config from tarball on cd: didn't help
* another answer said to delete reference to default font in 
XF86Config, but there wasn't any, except for an other Mandrake font 

In each case I restarted the xfs server and tried to start X, but it 
failed. In the last case I waited 10 to 15 minutes and saw an 
occasional attempt by X to start up (a few coloured lines showing or 
very fast falshing by of my last terminal screen), but nothing 

I should very much appreciate it if somebody can advise me how to get 
back in my Mandrake with X.

Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
=Dick Gevers=

Registered Linux user # 309037
(forced to use Windows)

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Re: [newbie] Gramofile

2003-10-27 Thread The Other


To echo Paul's comments,

Red means danger.  On a recording device it means you're about to
destroy whatever is on the tape by recording over it.  By using
the color red for an armed track, you can immediately tell which
tracks in a multi-track recording setup are going to be
overwritten with the new material, and which tracks are locked
green and will not be overwritten.

Advances in computer recording software have made possible a
Virtual Recording Mode.  Now you can edit and add effects without
destroying the original audio material.

Samplitude Studio from SEK'D (I have a Windows Version) makes a
fundamental difference between a VIP (Virtual Image Project) and a
HD (Hard Disk) project file and RAP (RAM Project) file.  HD and
RAP projects contain the physical audio material (such as the WAV
file.)  VIP files use pointers into the physical audio files
(WAV).  So when working with VIP files, the editing can be
non-linear and non-destructive.  You're only working with pointers
and not the actual physical audio file.

Anyone know if there are comparable software programs for Linux? 
I haven't had time to check into that yet.

The Other.

 Yea - I've always wondered whose idea it was to make red mean
 go... :-)
 Red is often used on Industrial processes for Dangerous.
 Device turns red when it is moving.
 The same thinking applied to traffic lights means
  Green = safe to enter intersection.
  Red = Dangerous to enter intersection.

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[newbie] trackball and touchpad

2003-10-27 Thread Mike Carter
Anyone tell me how to get them both working together?  Trackball works
fine, touchpad not at all in mandrake, fine in windows xp.  I have
searched the web and changed my xf86config enough to stop x working but
not to start the touchpad with x running.  I am confused and tired.  
All help greatfully appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] Gramofile

2003-10-27 Thread Rob Blomquist
On Monday 27 October 2003 3:22 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

 OK , so that looks good. I gave the  files  song names to see if it
 would give me the same songs titiles in a CD player, it doesn't,  so
 that will not work, next time I'll stick to track1 etc.
 Obviously I really need to build a CDDB file , can gramofile do this for
 me ?
Now exactly why are you not using Grip on a CDROM in your computer? It will 
check out CDDB for you, and seperate the tracks perfectly. both generating 
the wav, and encoding the mp3/ogg.

 I must of recorded it all much too loud because I have considerable
 audio distortion but that can easily corrected.I've set aumix line to
 50%, and I think I will trim the CD/tapedeck player audio output levels
 by 10/15% as well. I notice now that the green slider bars display
 window were in fact sometimes hitting orange tops.
Yes, Its probably best to set your input level low enough so you never top 
out. I usually then end with a 1-5% top out from Gramofile.

 On further question.
 I'm having to swap the computer CD audio line and this CD/tapedeck audio
 line over with one another on the mobo socket. I don't like doing this
 all the time, not leat it is going to end up damaging the 4 prongs of
 the sprocket gived time, can  I splice the two cables together provided
 I keet to the wire colour coding. Is it OK from the computers point of
 view, can it destinguish between the differenc sound sources, even
 though they arrive via the same socket , or is it something I'm going to
 have to live with ?

By splice, I assume that you mean wire the two output sources to the same 
input jack. I don't think it will be a problem at all.

As to the CDDB database, it functions by reading an ID code encoded into the 
CD, or failing that, it checks the tracks and their start and end points and 
trys to match those (the only one that I know that pulls that sort of stunt 
is the MS Media Player current version. I have to use it at work, and it can 
ID my copied CDs, something my computer cannot do.).



Mountlake Terrace, Washington

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Re: [newbie] twiki, etc, was LG CDRoms

2003-10-27 Thread Eric Huff
 My quibble was with not available.

Yeah, i was obviously wrong there.  (well, it wasn't obvious to me
until i tried harder :)

 I strongly agree about the
 difficult to use part -- but then I am not a fan of forums.

Yeah, me either.  I don't really feel the need when i have newbie
and expert...

 Once upon a time, there was a site ( that had
 excellent articles on specific Mandrake topics.

Yeah, it's a great site.  I actually downloaded the entire tar file
to make sure i had it.

There was talk of transferring it to the wiki and cutting out
anything that wasn't still pertinent, but that's an entire project
in itself.


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[newbie] vqadmin error in mdk9.1?

2003-10-27 Thread Fajar Priyanto
Hash: SHA1

Dear all,
I know this is probably not the main list for vqadmin, but, I have asked it in 
the vqadmin's list and seemed no one experienced the kind of problem I have, 
so I might think that it is mdk's related.

I have install vqadmin 2.3.2 and vpopmail 5.2.1. I can add domains using 
vqadmin. But, when I tried to add email account using it, it gave an error: 
500 Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to 
complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and inform them of the 
time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have 
caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.44 (Mandrake Linux/11mdk) mod_perl/1.99_08 
Perl/v5.8.0 mod_ssl/2.0.44 OpenSSL/0.9.7a PHP/4.3.1 Server at 
mdk91.sistek.kom Port 80

And in apache's log, I've got this:
[error] [client] Premature end of script headers: vqadmin.cgi, 

Any ideas?
Thank you very much.
- -- 
Linux mdk91.sistek.kom 2.4.21-0.13mdk GNU/Linux
11:01:30 up 3:16, 10 users, load average: 0.78, 0.39, 0.18
Quote of the day:
It is not too late to turn back from the GATES of hell. Use Linux.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Gramofile

2003-10-27 Thread The Other

Hello John,

You indicate you're concerned about the constantly switching
of cables on the motherboard eventually fatiguing the connectors
on the motherboard.  A very good concern.

But there's an easy solution.

Get a stereo cable extender.  Plug the male end of the stereo
cable extender into the motherboard and leave it plugged in at all
times. Then use the female end to make the switches between the
DVD output and the CD/Tape output.  It will be more convenient to
make the switches and it's a lot cheaper buying another stereo
cable extender as opposed to buying another motherboard.

Or you could do the same thing with a stereo-Y cable if they make
such a beast.  I know they make mono-Y cables, but I'm not
certain about the stereo-Y cable.  You could always make your own
stereo-Y cable, I suppose.

Plug the base of the Y cable into the motherboard.  Plug the DVD
into one arm of the Y cable , and the CD/Tape into the other arm. 
Now you don't have to reconnect anything when you want to record
from the DVD or the CD/Tape.  Using a Y cable you may
experience a little signal loss, but you simply increase the
volume level on that input source.  No big deal and you won't hurt
your motherboard.

And because you're running line-out from the DVD and CD/Tape jacks
into the motherboard's line-in, you won't hurt the motherboard.
 Even if you Y both the DVD and CD/Tape sound sources together
into the motherboard and record both simultaneously, you won't
hurt the motherboard.  Just remember to always test your recording
first at low volume levels until you find exactly where the
highest volume on the sound source occurs.  Keeping playing that
spot on the sound source so you can set your record volume to
its maximum level without getting distortion.  Then record the
song.  This way, the quiet places will be quiet and the loudest
places won't distort during recording.

It sounded like you hadn't been doing this record level test in
a previous post, so I put the advice for you in this post.  Since
you're not recording a live source, there's no excuse for you to
have any distortion in your recording to hard disk.

Not trying to put any pressure on you, really I'm not.   :)

 I still need to know whether it is possible to splice my normal
 dvd audio cable together
 with this new external CD/tapedeck player audio cable and
 connect both to the mobo.
 Will this blow things up, or is it OK to have two seperate
 devices on the same socket?

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[newbie] digest mailings

2003-10-27 Thread Chuck Vose
Is there some way to receive this list as a daily or twice daily list? I 
feel overwhelmed by the amount of mail pouring in.

-Chuck Vose

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Re: [newbie] digest mailings

2003-10-27 Thread Eric Huff
 Is there some way to receive this list as a daily or twice daily
 list? I feel overwhelmed by the amount of mail pouring in.

Yep.  If you look in the headers of the emails we get, there are
instructions to get the help file.

Here is what you get back:

  SYMPA -- Systeme de Multi-Postage Automatique
   (Automatic Mailing System)

User's Guide

SYMPA is an electronic mailing-list manager that automates list
functions such as subscriptions, moderation, and archive management.

All commands must be sent to the electronic address

You can put multiple commands in a message. These commands must
appear in the
message body and each line must contain only one command. The
message body
is ignored if the Content-Type is different from text/plain but even
crasy mailer using multipart and text/html for any message, commands
in the
subject are recognized.

Available commands are:

 HELp* This help file
 INFO* Information about a list
 LISts   * Directory of lists managed on this
 REView list   * Displays the subscribers to list
 WHICH   * Displays which lists you are
subscribed to
 SUBscribe list [GECOS]* To subscribe or to confirm a
subscription to
   list, [GECOS] is an optional
   about subscriber.

 UNSubscribe list [EMAIL]  * To quit list. [EMAIL] is an
   email address, usefull if different
   your From: address.
 UNSubscribe * [EMAIL]   * To quit all lists.

 SET list NOMAIL   * To suspend the message reception for
 SET list DIGEST   * Message reception in compilation mode
 SET list MAIL * list reception in normal mode
 SET list CONCEAL  * To become unlisted (hidden subscriber
 SET list NOCONCEAL* Subscriber address visible via REView

 INDex list* list archive file list
 GET list file   * To get file of list archive
 CONFIRM key   * Confirmation for sending a message
   on the list's configuration)
 QUIT* Indicates the end of the commands (to
ignore a


  SUB sympa-fr Christophe Wolfhugel
  SET * digest
  REV ibmpc-l

Powered by Sympa 2.7.3 :

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Re: [newbie] digest mailings

2003-10-27 Thread Greg Meyer
On Tuesday 28 October 2003 12:08 am, Chuck Vose wrote:
 Is there some way to receive this list as a daily or twice daily list? I
 feel overwhelmed by the amount of mail pouring in.

You might want to consider trying to filter or score some stuff, so you only 
see the stuff you are interested in.  Also, setting your folder view to show 
the threads makes it much easier to follow the conversations and skip by the 
stuff that you don't want to follow..

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] grub lilo

2003-10-27 Thread Frank
I'm starting to learn more about grub. And on a Mandrake system that 
means trouble for someone.

You see, I now have my primary disk exclusively Mandrake and though the 
first partition is /boot I have yet to see Lilo ala GUI perform reliably 
yet. The first screen always comes up OK but when lilo moves on to the 
second screen, well, I get to boot successfully usually after the third 
or fourth try.

I have had this problem since Mandrake9.0 and it gets annoying when my 
system will not boot up first time each day.

I guess that makes this a con for lilo then?


Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213

James Conner wrote:

On Sunday 26 October 2003 08:33 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:

I've heard grub is experimental .. but RH uses it almost exclusively
and alot of ppl say its better than LILO.  True? False?
I'd search google for a site detailing the differences  Pros/cons of
each but I don't kow where to start... I know I know, I'm usually good
at research but I'm stumped on this.
Can somoene gimme a pointer pls?  even a google URL?



I've used both.  There are pros and cons on both.

		- You can edit the config file and not worry about having to write it to the 
mbr like lilo, it'll take effect on the next boot.
		- You can edit stanzas on the fly on the Grub menu on boot.
		- If you mess up the config file, you might end up with a unbootable system.  
This can be a nightmare for people doing remote support.

		After you edit the lilo config file you can do a lilo -v and know if you 
messed anything up or not.  Well, most of the time.
		Syntax is easier to understand and use for newbies.
		Versions older than 2 years will have the dreaded 1024 cylinder barrier for 

I'm sure that there are more, but that's all I can think of off the top of my 
head.  I usually setup new users with lilo, it's easier to understand and 
modify if necessary.


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