Re: [newbie-it] avvio automatico kde

2003-11-03 Thread nmasiero at

 ok quindi
 se da utente avvii in runlevel 3
 lanciando startx dovrebbe partire kde...
 in runlevel  5 usi gdm/kdm quindi cambia tutto

da runlevel 3 usando startx parte tutto perfettamente...

in /etc/rc5.d/ c'e' S30dm quindi penso di usare 'sta roba per far
partire kde in runlevel 5, va bene?
(penso che gdm stia per gnome dm e kdm stia per kde dm..)


R: [newbie-it] Window managers and display

2003-11-03 Thread Salvatore Califano
Devi dare
startx nomewindowmanager

startx wmaker (x windowmaker)
startx gnome-session
startx icewm

e vedi un po' se funge!

Ciao, Rinox

- Original Message -
From: Luigi De Pascale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 11:21 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] Window managers and display

 Salve a tutti, ho il seguente problema:

 Al comando


 ottengo risposta
 /usr/X11RS/bin/xsetroot: unable to open display ''
 /usr/X11RS/bin/wmaker fatal error: could not open display 

 Al comando


 ottengo risposta

 (Gnome-session:1935): Gtk-WARNING **:cannot open display:

 al comando



 IceWM: can't open display:none. X must be running and $DISPLAY set.

 KDE invece parte ma purtroppo il contrasto sulle finestre mi impedisce di
 leggere qualsiasi cosa o di scrivere.
 Quindi sostanzialmente posso lavorare solo senza X.

 Mi sembra di capire in tutti e tre i casi che il windows manager non
 sappia chi e' il display (Questo e' esplicito per Icewm, gnome finisce con
 : e wm ha le wirgolette a vuoto.

 Qualcuno sa cosa posso fare?


Re: [newbie-it] Sanner LG Studioworks 600U

2003-11-03 Thread Santarella Benedetto
Alle 03:32, sabato 1 novembre 2003, Corrado ha scritto:
 Hai provato a lanciare scanimage o xscanimage, magari da console?

xscaneimage usa la webcam come scanner, come xsane,
mentre non riesco a far partire scaimage

Se le bombe che lanciano gli americani sono 
tanto intelligenti però colpiscono i mercati... 
vuoi vedere che sono cretini quelli che le lanciano! 
  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella

 Home Page ==
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

[newbie-it] Kmail Vs Mozilla

2003-11-03 Thread Santarella Benedetto
salve a tutti,

solitamente per navigare uso (come molti) Mozilla,
pero' mi piacerebbe che quando clicco su un indirizzo e-mail,
mi partisse Kmail per scrivere l'email e non mozilla Messenger

E' possibile fare questo???

Se le bombe che lanciano gli americani sono 
tanto intelligenti però colpiscono i mercati... 
vuoi vedere che sono cretini quelli che le lanciano! 
  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella

 Home Page ==
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

[newbie-it] Creare un server

2003-11-03 Thread Santarella Benedetto
Salve a tutti,

vorrei creare un mio server web, dove far girare il mio sito aziendale,
premesso che so' installare e far funzionare Apache localmente, il mio 
problea e' come collegare il mio server web ad internet. Vorrei infatti
che un ustraliano digiti e gli compaia la mia pagina,
dato che sono nel buio totale, ditemi da dove devo iniziare a documentarmi!
E' sufficente una normale connessione a internet (magari ADSL) o bisogna 
fare dei particolari contratti con il fornitore della connessione

Grazie a tutti :-)
Se le bombe che lanciano gli americani sono 
tanto intelligenti però colpiscono i mercati... 
vuoi vedere che sono cretini quelli che le lanciano! 
  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella

 Home Page ==
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] WM, lo facciamo un piccolo corso?

2003-11-03 Thread Eraser Head
On Sunday 02 November 2003 19:14, Arwan wrote:
 /home/arwan/GNUstep/Defaults, tra cui ce n'era uno con i settaggi per
 bordi delle finestre, ridimensionamento etc etc. Perche' li ha
 ficcati li'? Dove WM si va a leggere i percorsi dei file di

WM mette tutti i file di configurazione proprio dentro GNUstep. E' li' che 
bisogna mettere anche gli eventuali temi, gli sfondi, le icone
Al momento non ho sotto mano una macchina con WM, quindi piu' di cosi' non ti 
posso dire...
Comunque, per configurare un bel po' di cose c'e' l'apposito tool... Se non 
sbaglio, la prima volta che avvii WM dovrebbe visualizzarti 3 dock: la 
graffetta per i desktop, una dock inutile e una dock per la configurazione di 
windowmaker... Se non c'e' dimmelo, che a casa guardo qual e' l'eseguibile 
che viene lanciato...

 Terzo: file manager. A parte l'utilizzo della bash, a volte
 comodissimo, a volte un po' macchinoso, finora sotto WM sfoglio le
 cartelle con mozilla. Ma, al contrario di konqueror (e come e' logico
 supporre) il moz non mi permette ne' di elimare file ne' di
 rinominare file e directory. Cosa posso usare al posto di konqueor
 per non caricarmi le librerie di KDE e gnome?

Il mitico Midnight Commander.
All'inizio e' un pochino ostico, ma quando impari ad usarlo non puoi piu' 
farne a meno... =P


Darei la vita per essere morto...

(Della Morte Dell'Amore)

Re: [newbie-it] WM, un'altra puttanata

2003-11-03 Thread Eraser Head
On Sunday 02 November 2003 07:40, Arwan wrote:
 La puttanata e' mia, ovvio. Ho fatto partire xclock come
 consigliatomi, ma siccome mi rompeva le scatole la barra del titolo
 su _quella_ finestrella, ho impostato le proprieta' su senza titolo,
 senza x per chidere, senza pulsante di ridimensionamento, senza
 contorno finestra etc etc. Solo che WM ha preso per valide queste
 impostazioni per _tutte_ le finestre... e non riesco a tornare

Il modo piu' veloce per rimettere le cose a posto e' uscire da X, cancellare o 
rinominare GNUstep e rilanciare WM... Questo pero' significa che perdi anche 
tutte le altre impostazioni e i temi. Quindi forse e' bene tenersi sempre uno 
zip con i file di configurazione di default, cosi' in caso di problemi basta 
rimettere quelli...

Comunque, tornando al discorso di xclock, ti assicuro che c'e' di meglio! =)
xclock e' un orlogio di nessun window manager, tanto meno di WM. Quindi ti 
apre una finestra nuova, che devi cercare di mettere da qualche parte in modo 
che non ti dia fastidio.
Se vuoi un bell'orologio, con tanto di data, ti consiglio wmCalClock:
Il vantaggio e' che e' scritto apposta per WM: quando lo lanci ti si aprira' 
in basso a sinistra; tu col mouse lo prendi e lo trascini attaccandolo ad 
un'altra dock che hai sullo schermo, cosi' ti si mette insieme alle altre 
dock senza darti alcun fastidio e senza che tu abbia bisogno di 
Altri orologi li trovi sempre sul sito di Ben Sinclair, quello che ti avevo 
consigliato qualche tempo fa.

Ciao ciao,


Darei la vita per essere morto...

(Della Morte Dell'Amore)

Re: [newbie-it] Creare un server

2003-11-03 Thread EFFE.ELLE
E' sufficente una normale connessione a internet (magari
 ADSL) o bisogna  fare dei particolari contratti con il fornitore della
 Grazie a tutti :-)

ADSL ti basta se hai pochi accessi...troppi utenti colegati ti manderebbero 
in crisi.A quel punto meglio una dedicata,ma bisogna vedere che costi devi 
sostenere.L'alternativa è un buon servizio di hosting.


Re: [newbie-it] Quanta: era Problemi con dcgui

2003-11-03 Thread Nevermind
Alle 17:24, domenica 2 novembre 2003, Corrado ha scritto:

 Puoi dare un'occhiata anche a Screem o al sottovalutato composer di

Ho dato un'occhiata, e sono tutti più o meno validi, ma capirete che chi viene 
come me dalla programmazione sotto dreamwaver, che è senza dubbio il top in 
fatto di professionalità di software, è difficile che trovi qualcosa che lo 
  ( o o )

Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

Re: [newbie-it] Script

2003-11-03 Thread Luigi Beltramini
 La tua domanda dovrebbe tramutarsi in qualcosa del tipo:
 - qual'è la sintassi per inserire dei calcoli negli script bash?
 Risposta (man bash)

ho visto ma non ho capito molto

 A parte gli scherzi, fai domande più specifiche, anche se credo tu

allora, scusate se sono stato un po' vago

quello che mi serve e' una semplice moltiplicazione all'interno di uno
script di shell

in pratica, utilizzando cdrecord vorrei ottenere lo spazio disponibile su
cdr direttamente in megabyte e non in settori

[newbie-it] nmap (BO????)

2003-11-03 Thread Santarella Benedetto
Salve a tutti,

ho eseguito sul mio computer (non connesso a nessuna rete Lan e non coonesso 
ad internet) il comando 


ovvero o eseguito nmap su un indirizzo IP inesistente (o almeno credo)
e questo mi restituisce

Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( )
Interesting ports on  (
(The 1593 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port   State   Service
21/tcp openftp
80/tcp openhttp
3306/tcp   openmysql
6000/tcp   openX11
1/tcp  opensnet-sensor-mgmt

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 11 seconds

ho ripetuto la stessa operazione con alti indirizzi IP fittizi e il risultato 
e' stato lo stesso ! BUG o qualcosa mi sfugge

Se le bombe che lanciano gli americani sono 
tanto intelligenti però colpiscono i mercati... 
vuoi vedere che sono cretini quelli che le lanciano! 
  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella

 Home Page ==
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

[newbie-it] crontab

2003-11-03 Thread Luckylu
Salve a tutti lo so che vi ho già stressato la vita ma eccomi ancora qui.

Qualcuno sa dirmi se il crontab su Mandrake .91 funziona?

Mi sono letto la tre cani fatto anche gli esempi che ho trovato nei libri
di Linux quelli di esempio ma ancora niente.
Ho fatto una ricerca su questa faq che sono iscritto da circa un paio di 
anni 18000 messaggi
che tengo con cura e ho trovato una faq che diveva che aveva anche lui un 
problema con la Mnadrake 9.1

Se c'è qualcuno gentilmente mi peuò dare una mano.

Devo solamente tirare giu  e su la eth0 a determinate ore.

tipo ifup eth0 ore 0730 ifdown eth0 12:35 ifup eth0 ore 13:40 ifdown eth0 
ore 19:30


Re: [newbie-it] WM, lo facciamo un piccolo corso?

2003-11-03 Thread Ikki The Porcupine
 Secondo punto: impostazioni. Non ho la cartella
 /home/arwan/.icewm/preferences, ma ho trovato una serie di file in
 /home/arwan/GNUstep/Defaults, tra cui ce n'era uno con i settaggi per
 bordi delle finestre, ridimensionamento etc etc. Perche' li ha
 ficcati li'? Dove WM si va a leggere i percorsi dei file di
 configurazione? Nel file di Carmine, poi, ho visto che si parla della
 tool bar, dell'orologio sempre visibile, del passaggio con alt+tab
 tra un menu' e l'altro... come faccio ad avere anch'io tutte queste
 belle cose? ;-)

prova cerca un eseguibile tipo wmakerconf o simile



Re: [newbie-it] WM, lo facciamo un piccolo corso?

2003-11-03 Thread carmine de pasquale
prenditi le tue responsabilità, Ikki The Porcupine, non puoi negarlo,
 tu alle 19:36, lunedì 3 novembre 2003, 
 hai digitato sulla tastiera del tuo computer 
 credendo che forse non me ne sarei accorto:

  Secondo punto: impostazioni. Non ho la cartella
  /home/arwan/.icewm/preferences, ma ho trovato una serie di file in
  /home/arwan/GNUstep/Defaults, tra cui ce n'era uno con i settaggi
  per bordi delle finestre, ridimensionamento etc etc. Perche' li ha
  ficcati li'? Dove WM si va a leggere i percorsi dei file di
  configurazione? Nel file di Carmine, poi, ho visto che si parla
  della tool bar, dell'orologio sempre visibile, del passaggio con
  alt+tab tra un menu' e l'altro... come faccio ad avere anch'io
  tutte queste belle cose? ;-)

 prova cerca un eseguibile tipo wmakerconf o simile



c'è wmsetup, ma anche

ciao dal majaglug

l'ammaestratore consiglia:
83/123: Se fossi nato in uno zoo... avresti avuto una gabbia tutta tua!

Re: [newbie-it] nmap (BO????)

2003-11-03 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 11:18, lunedì 3 novembre 2003,   Santarella Benedetto  ha scritto a 
newbie-it  in merito a [newbie-it] nmap (BO) :
 Salve a tutti,

 ho eseguito sul mio computer (non connesso a nessuna rete Lan e non
 coonesso ad internet) il comando


 ovvero o eseguito nmap su un indirizzo IP inesistente (o almeno
 credo) e questo mi restituisce

il loopback...


- -- 



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--, the professional e-mail, gratis per te:

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Re: [newbie-it] Creare un server

2003-11-03 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 11:00, lunedì 3 novembre 2003,   Santarella Benedetto  ha scritto a 
newbie-it  in merito a [newbie-it] Creare un server :
 Salve a tutti,

 vorrei creare un mio server web, dove far girare il mio sito
 aziendale, premesso che so' installare e far funzionare Apache
 localmente, il mio problea e' come collegare il mio server web ad
 internet. Vorrei infatti che un ustraliano digiti e
 gli compaia la mia pagina, dato che sono nel buio totale

ti servono un dominio registrato (quindi un dns che risolva il tuo nome) 
e  una macchina sulla quale far girare apache , una macchina non dico 
blindata ma quantomeno configurata in modo decente per resistere ai 
probabili problemi che si possono trovare su internet;
infine una _bella_ linea, 

direi un bell'hosting e risolvi..

 Grazie a tutti :-)

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.22--jl12 @ ASUS S1N 1330c 
R.U.219755 - S.R.U.705 - R.M.110932 - MajaGLUG Member

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


--, the professional e-mail, gratis per te:

Sorridi! Da oggi con [EMAIL PROTECTED] avere il mutuo che cercavi è semplicissimo, 
clicca e scopri i vantaggi
Clicca qui:

[newbie-it] open office (Calc)

2003-11-03 Thread kudega
Sto utilizzando OpenOffice 1.1 per gestire una tabella.
Volevo sapere se c'è un modo per unire le celle come su excel...
Cioè la cella A1 e B1 devono unirsi e formarne una sola mentre le altre  
devono rimanere separate, es A2 B2, A3 B3 e così via..
Grazie ciao ciao Davide

by Dave,Adde,Kudega,Kua,Zarax,Pichan...
  Se esiste un problema esiste anche la sua soluzione, se invece
  la soluzione non c'è... allora nemmeno il problema sussiste!!!

Re: [newbie-it] open office (Calc)

2003-11-03 Thread mailing - effem
Il Mon, 3 Nov 2003 23:50:42 +0100, kudega [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

 Sto utilizzando OpenOffice 1.1 per gestire una tabella.
 Volevo sapere se c'è un modo per unire le celle come su excel...
 Cioè la cella A1 e B1 devono unirsi e formarne una sola mentre le altre  
 devono rimanere separate, es A2 B2, A3 B3 e così via..
 Grazie ciao ciao Davide

uhm...non hai un: formato, unisci celle...definisci?


Re: [newbie-it] open office (Calc)

2003-11-03 Thread carmine de pasquale
prenditi le tue responsabilità, kudega, non puoi negarlo,
 tu alle 23:50, lunedì 3 novembre 2003, 
 hai digitato sulla tastiera del tuo computer 
 credendo che forse non me ne sarei accorto:

 Sto utilizzando OpenOffice 1.1 per gestire una tabella.
 Volevo sapere se c'è un modo per unire le celle come su excel...
 Cioè la cella A1 e B1 devono unirsi e formarne una sola mentre le
 altre devono rimanere separate, es A2 B2, A3 B3 e così via..
 Grazie ciao ciao Davide

seleziona il rettangolo di celle da unire, poi 
formatounisci celledefinisci
ciao dal majaglug

l'ammaestratore consiglia:
40/123: Ho scoperto che i miei dubbi ed i quesiti seguono una funzione 
con andamento 

Re: [newbie-it] Sanner LG Studioworks 600U

2003-11-03 Thread Corrado
Il sab, 2003-11-01 alle 19:53, Santarella Benedetto ha scritto:

 xscaneimage usa la webcam come scanner, come xsane,
 mentre non riesco a far partire scaimage

Prova con il comando 

Comunque, hai fatto tutto come utente o come root?
Nel mio caso, per quanto Xsane sconsilgi di agire come rrot, è l'unico
modo per far fuznionare il mio scanner (peraltro uso xscanimage perchè
nel mio caso Xsane è instabile)

Re: [newbie-it] Kmail Vs Mozilla

2003-11-03 Thread Corrado
Il dom, 2003-11-02 alle 01:14, Santarella Benedetto ha scritto:

 solitamente per navigare uso (come molti) Mozilla,
 pero' mi piacerebbe che quando clicco su un indirizzo e-mail,
 mi partisse Kmail per scrivere l'email e non mozilla Messenger
 E' possibile fare questo???

Dovresti impostare le applicazioni predefinite nelle opzioni generali
del Desktop Environment che usi.

Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread Aronsmith
On Sun, 2003-11-02 at 21:52, John Wilson wrote:
 On November 2, 2003 08:00 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
  On Sunday 02 November 2003 10:52 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
   I don't see where folks are getting the idea that it is the 9.2 release
   that Gael is talking about. I still expect to see the iso on the mirrors
   and think he has something else in mind. 
  I definitely agree with this.  I think he is either referring to a Mandrake
  laptop or a small form factor machine that is portable.  I think Shuttle
  has one that has a handle on the top.
 I t appears you're right given the discussion on Texstar.
 Now this I can look forward to :)
 If that's it I don't care if the 9.2 ISOs don't show till Christmas :)
The Neramaih M-1000 mini ITX form factor MBO is a lot of shuttles and it
_is _linux_compatable so thats not a biggie but, with a linux BIOS Ho-Doggie
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to
When you're being mugged..a handgun is more comfort than an ACLU lawyer

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Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 03 Nov 2003 12:28 am, Greg Meyer wrote:

 I just don't get why people feel such a need to bash MandrakeSoft.
 Sometimes it just seems that nothing they do is right.

Well said

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 03 Nov 2003 1:29 am, John Wilson wrote:

 If I have to wait till year's end for either the download or the
 CDs to come out, about half way through the release cycle, I'll
 have to, with incredible regret, reconsider my devotion to
 Mandrake.  Such things are unacceptable.

What's so bad about what you already have, that waiting another few 
weeks for 9.2 would make life unbearable?

 Let's hope that Gael was talking about something else. :-)

He probably was

Registered Linux User No.293302
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RE: [newbie] 9.2 lilo? problems. (solution)

2003-11-03 Thread Tony S. Sykes
What was needed was acpi=off in lilo config. What confuses me is why it
was fine for at least 12 reboots and then all of a sudden stops? Because
of the 12 reboots it never even crossed my mind about acpi causing the
problem (possibly my lack of knowledge of it as well).

-Original Message-
From: Paul Kaplan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.2  lilo? problems.

You might try going through the installation routine in expert mode (hit
F1 at 
then type expert to start the installation program).  Use existing 
partitions, but don't reformat them.  Select individual package
when given the chance and then go through the list an only install the 
appropriate kernel packages.  This should be similar similar to rpm
which will restore a damaged rpm file.  Then continue the installation 
routine accepting all the default entries (no need to enter new users or
passwords as you haven't changed exisiting settings.
Worth a try.


On Friday 31 October 2003 05:11 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:

 I am having a bit of a problem with 9.2. My system is a Asus a7n8x
 Deluxe 2800+ amd 1gb Corsair ram 2 x 120gb sata hard drives dvd-+rw. I
 had stability problems with 9.1 and could not find the problem (didn't
 try to hard as 9.2 was due) have installed 9.2 several times and
 to have got rid of the stability problem. The new problem I have is
 after using it for a day or 2, I start my PC and lilo loads but when I
 try to start any of the kernels it does nothing. Again last night I
 a reinstall and rebooted several times last night after updating to
 if I could find what caused the problem. The last reboot done last
 I did not update anything. I left it running for 2 hours and then
 shutdown. This morning it will not load any kernel through lilo, it
 does nothing. The strangest thing is that is does boot w2k.
 Any ideas where to start?




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Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 03 Nov 2003 4:00 am, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Sunday 02 November 2003 10:52 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  I don't see where folks are getting the idea that it is the 9.2
  release that Gael is talking about. I still expect to see the iso
  on the mirrors and think he has something else in mind. 

 I definitely agree with this.  I think he is either referring to a
 Mandrake laptop or a small form factor machine that is portable.  I
 think Shuttle has one that has a handle on the top.

wish  A handheld ogg player?

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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RE: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about? Not just Mandrake

2003-11-03 Thread Tony S. Sykes
Even Apple is getting it wrong.

Apple's Mac OS X is experiencing a spate of trials as a potential 
refund, data-loss concerns, and security questions cast a shadow on the 
operating system. A judge gave preliminary support to a settlement that
would allow some owners of the OS to receive a refund, and a problem
with the
new version of the OS can cause the loss of data stored on external hard

-Original Message-
From: John Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 3:00 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

On November 2, 2003 04:18 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Sunday 02 November 2003 07:11 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
  I'm shocked that the public release of the ISO's will be pushed back
  December, tha's fer sher.

 I imagine we will start to see all kinds of criticism about that too.
 it is probably the same people that would have complained if they
 them on time with the LG problem in the kernel.

Oh, Mandrake will, no doubt about it.   Whether it's deserved or not is 
another thing.  Hell of a way to announce it though.

The only thing I can think of is that there is more to this than just a 
patched kernel which has already been released. Gael's post hints as
And that's either a good thing or a bad thing depending on what else is 
holding it up.  My sincerest hope is that the surprise that's hinted at
is a 
good one and will make a nice Christmas or New Years gift.

Sadly, posts like that feed the rumour mill of the ignorant, the author
that article springs to mind, and result in very little but bad
In fact the hold up itself will hence my probable need to migrate a
system or 
two I support from MDK to something else if it gets too bad.  These
are serious, nervous newbies who are betting their small businesses on
in general and MDK in particular.

Personally, I'll stick with it.  Professionally may be something I have
or no control over.

Oh, and I'll bet that competing distros and the Evil Empire will be
making hay 
on this one, too.



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[newbie] Sound modules, kernel source and my head hurts!

2003-11-03 Thread Inhabitant of Zion

I am trying desperatly to get my sound card to work under 9.2.

ALSA seems to load OK and I don't get any error messages. I have set up modules.conf 
as per the details page for CS46XX.

However when I start Kmix I get a blank GUI with no functions and if I go into gnome 
it tells me there is a problem with /dev/sequencer and that I should check that I have 
the right modules configured in the kernel.

I am using the default smp kernel and figure I need to get the kernel sources rpm down 
- but I am unsure what is the right version and also don't understand how I then go 
about tweaking the smp-kernel so the sound modules are all correct.

Anybody care to help me out!

  John Willby
  Registered Linux user number 321644
  ICQ: 92791912
  YIM: vicarofwibley
  Linux is like a wigwam - No Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.
 09:02:44 up 32 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.06, 0.08, 0.14

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[newbie] IP info conflict

2003-11-03 Thread Robert Golovniov
Hello Mandrake group,

  It  seems  my  dialup and LAN parameters keep modifying each other's
  configuration.  For example, whenever I configure the LAN connection
  properly,  I  cannot  use dialup anymore because the Gateway and DNS
  parameters get changed. If I configure dialup with proper values, on
  the other hand, I cannot use the LAN anymore.

  Could  anynone suggest  which files can I modify to permanently save
  the needed values for both connections?

 -=Robert  Beata Golovniov | Lviv, Ukraine=-
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   Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things?
(Isaiah 40:26)

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Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 08:36:45 -0500
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Ha! Its gonna be my excuse to move from a 80 gigger to a shiny new 120
 gig HD!

How could anyone *ever* need more than 80GB...? LOL! Ya, I'm such a
dolt, when I installed 9.1 I split the 60GB evenly between / and /home,
like I need 30GB for the system, what a maroon...

'm also gonna reinstall my server *without* KDE, and make a nice big
/home partition, it'll make a great dedicated P2P, web, and mail server.
All it'll need is Apache, the Gnome libs so's I can at least have a
basic WM over VNC, lean and mean. Run MLDonkey and Ralph Slooten's
Direct Connect stuff, I'll really be stickin' it to the MPAA!

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Even the best of friends cannot attend each other's funeral.
-- Kehlog Albran, The Profit

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Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 03 November 2003 08:38 am, HaywireMac wrote:

 How could anyone *ever* need more than 80GB...? LOL! Ya, I'm such a
 dolt, when I installed 9.1 I split the 60GB evenly between / and /home,
 like I need 30GB for the system, what a maroon...

Well...ya know how space is... :-)

Personally, I always divide mine like this:


Works good for me. :-)

 'm also gonna reinstall my server *without* KDE, and make a nice big
 /home partition, it'll make a great dedicated P2P, web, and mail server.
 All it'll need is Apache, the Gnome libs so's I can at least have a
 basic WM over VNC, lean and mean. Run MLDonkey and Ralph Slooten's
 Direct Connect stuff, I'll really be stickin' it to the MPAA!

Let me tell you about something scary that just happened to my younger 
brother. We are with, broadband, and he uses Windows XP. He d/l's 
lots of newer movies and he got a letter from them this week, naming a 
specific movie he had downloaded (TombRaider 2), and essentially telling him 
to cease and desist or face the loss of his account and possibly further 
legal action. He uses BitTorrent for p2p.

So how did they catch him? Packet sniffing the stream or what?

This is from the same company that is willing to spend millions to fight the 
RIAA, to keep from turning over their user lists because they believe its 

Perhaps this is part of their planned defense in court: look your honor, here 
are examples of how we are policing ourselves - no need for outside 
interference. Possibility?

What do you guys think?


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RE: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread Tony S. Sykes
Where did he get the torrent from? If from a web page they would be able
to get the info from their logs.

-Original Message-
From: Ronald J. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

On Monday 03 November 2003 08:38 am, HaywireMac wrote:

 How could anyone *ever* need more than 80GB...? LOL! Ya, I'm such a
 dolt, when I installed 9.1 I split the 60GB evenly between / and
 like I need 30GB for the system, what a maroon...

Well...ya know how space is... :-)

Personally, I always divide mine like this:


Works good for me. :-)

 'm also gonna reinstall my server *without* KDE, and make a nice big
 /home partition, it'll make a great dedicated P2P, web, and mail
 All it'll need is Apache, the Gnome libs so's I can at least have a
 basic WM over VNC, lean and mean. Run MLDonkey and Ralph Slooten's
 Direct Connect stuff, I'll really be stickin' it to the MPAA!

Let me tell you about something scary that just happened to my younger 
brother. We are with, broadband, and he uses Windows XP. He
lots of newer movies and he got a letter from them this week, naming a 
specific movie he had downloaded (TombRaider 2), and essentially telling
to cease and desist or face the loss of his account and possibly
legal action. He uses BitTorrent for p2p.

So how did they catch him? Packet sniffing the stream or what?

This is from the same company that is willing to spend millions to fight
RIAA, to keep from turning over their user lists because they believe

Perhaps this is part of their planned defense in court: look your
honor, here 
are examples of how we are policing ourselves - no need for outside 
interference. Possibility?

What do you guys think?


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This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
received it in error, please delete it from your system, do not use or
disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S. Sykes
or the postmaster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  immediately.

The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects Ltd., unless
specifically stated.  

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their
attachments are virus free, it is the responsibility of the recipient(s)
to verify the integrity of such emails.

Business Computer Projects Ltd
BCP House
151 Charles Street
Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
Fax: +44 (0)161 355-3001

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Re: [newbie] IP info conflict

2003-11-03 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 03 Nov 2003 1:39 pm, Robert Golovniov wrote:
 Hello Mandrake group,

   It  seems  my  dialup and LAN parameters keep modifying each other's
   configuration.  For example, whenever I configure the LAN connection
   properly,  I  cannot  use dialup anymore because the Gateway and DNS
   parameters get changed. If I configure dialup with proper values, on
   the other hand, I cannot use the LAN anymore.

   Could  anynone suggest  which files can I modify to permanently save
   the needed values for both connections?

Look here



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Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 09:02:48 -0500
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Let me tell you about something scary that just happened to my younger
 brother. We are with, broadband, and he uses Windows XP.
 He d/l's lots of newer movies and he got a letter from them this week,
 naming a specific movie he had downloaded (TombRaider 2), and
 essentially telling him to cease and desist or face the loss of his
 account and possibly further legal action. He uses BitTorrent for p2p.

Ah, whatever, I'd be more than happy to have my day in court, I'd be a
celebrity here in Toronto, LOL! Get the EFF and a friend of mine on the
CCLU in on it, it'd be a gas.

The MPAA and RIAA had their chance, when Napster and Scour proposed a
licensing deal where people could download movies and music at a
reasonably cost. Unfortunately, that cuts out the middlemen in the
Marketing and Distribution side 'o things, so they're intent on
preserving a model that is no longer feasible or relevant. To hell with
'em all, it's fair game now.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember, it didn't help
the rabbit.
-- R.E. Shay

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Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about? Not just Mandrake

2003-11-03 Thread John Wilson
On November 3, 2003 12:51 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
 Even Apple is getting it wrong.


 Apple's Mac OS X is experiencing a spate of trials as a potential
 refund, data-loss concerns, and security questions cast a shadow on the
 operating system. A judge gave preliminary support to a settlement that
 would allow some owners of the OS to receive a refund, and a problem
 with the
 new version of the OS can cause the loss of data stored on external hard

snipidy do da!

Nice to see someone else got troubles too :-)



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Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread Aronsmith
On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 00:50, Anne Wilson wrote:

 wish  A handheld ogg player?
Yeh pant pant 
(you do know how to turn me on ;-)
When you're being mugged..a handgun is more comfort than an ACLU lawyer

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Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread Greg Meyer
On Monday 03 November 2003 03:50 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 wish  A handheld ogg player?

iRiver has one already.  it is the iHP-120.  The other models will support it 
soon with a firmware upgrade.

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 03 Nov 2003 4:21 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:

Hmm - $400 + shipping + customs duties - a bit steep for me.  I'll 
just have to wait until prices drop a bit :-(

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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[newbie] Can't start X, No Devices

2003-11-03 Thread Max . Benitz
Fellow Linux users,

I'm trying to sell a Compaq Deskpro 2000 (Pentium 200MMX w/96M RAM, 1M
Video), and I have a buyer if I can get Linux on it.  The thing works fine
under Win 98, Win ME, Win Pro.  Under Linux my first hurdle was the sudden
appearance of a bad track, resolved by installing the HD on another machine
(no bad track there), installing MDK9.1 and transferring the drive back.

Everything seemed fine, I was using WindowMaker and IceWM, and it was
groovy.  But something happened along the way and now it doesn't
auto-login, and once logged in, it won't run X (or any other GUI I've
tried).  The display information is correct.  The init level is 5.

When I try to run X, there are several lines dealing with authority stuffs,
and then there is the error message No Devices Found.  I thought Linux's
strength was that it could run on almost anything from watches to
supercomputers, so the limitation here must be my ability to modify Linux
for this machine.

BTW, the bad track is apparently back because fsck finds a bunch of bad
blocks in a row.  It finds the same one each time run, and I've tried
employing the -l/-L switches, but must be doing something wrong there too.
It must be a BIOS issue, and on these Compaqs there's no convenient access
to the BIOS. BTW, I spent 11 hours on this and look at recieving $60 for
the system grin.  Also, the bad track thing had me throw away a harddrive
a few weeks ago, same tracks reading as bad on this drive, so that drive
was probably ok too.  sigh

Is the answer: Nope, MDK9.1 won't run on that piece of junk, install Win
and sell it for less?  Or is it: Sure, just adjust the Kaiser Module and
MDK9.1 will be fine on there?


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[newbie] Soundcard at ASUS P4S533-X

2003-11-03 Thread Anisio Rodrigues Neto

i´m new at the list and inlinux as well...
i installed the mandrake 9.1 on my pc, the motherboard is an ASUS P4S533-X,
the mandrake recognize my sound card but it doensn´t work at all.
i tried other alsa drivers but i don´t know how to use them.

Does anyboy had the same problem and can help me?
i´m not a linux user but i´m trying to be, i tried already the red hat 9 and
connectiva 9 (a brazilian distribuition), and the mandrake was the only one
that recongnized my soundcard... i tried the volume as well... the´re up,
but no sound at all...

thanks folks.


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Re: [newbie] Soundcard at ASUS P4S533-X

2003-11-03 Thread Aronsmith
On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 10:33, Anisio Rodrigues Neto wrote:
 i´m new at the list and inlinux as well...
 i installed the mandrake 9.1 on my pc, the motherboard is an ASUS P4S533-X,
 the mandrake recognize my sound card but it doensn´t work at all.
 i tried other alsa drivers but i don´t know how to use them.
 Does anyboy had the same problem and can help me?
 i´m not a linux user but i´m trying to be, i tried already the red hat 9 and
 connectiva 9 (a brazilian distribuition), and the mandrake was the only one
 that recongnized my soundcard... i tried the volume as well... the´re up,
 but no sound at all...
 thanks folks.
Did you set the volume control in aumix? 
'cause the default is zero
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Re: [newbie] Can't start X, No Devices

2003-11-03 Thread Aronsmith
On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 09:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fellow Linux users,
 I'm trying to sell a Compaq Deskpro 2000 (Pentium 200MMX w/96M RAM, 1M
 Video), and I have a buyer if I can get Linux on it.  The thing works fine
 under Win 98, Win ME, Win Pro.  Under Linux my first hurdle was the sudden
 appearance of a bad track, resolved by installing the HD on another machine
 (no bad track there), installing MDK9.1 and transferring the drive back.
 Everything seemed fine, I was using WindowMaker and IceWM, and it was
 groovy.  But something happened along the way and now it doesn't
 auto-login, and once logged in, it won't run X (or any other GUI I've
 tried).  The display information is correct.  The init level is 5.
 When I try to run X, there are several lines dealing with authority stuffs,
 and then there is the error message No Devices Found.  I thought Linux's
 strength was that it could run on almost anything from watches to
 supercomputers, so the limitation here must be my ability to modify Linux
 for this machine.
 BTW, the bad track is apparently back because fsck finds a bunch of bad
 blocks in a row.  It finds the same one each time run, and I've tried
 employing the -l/-L switches, but must be doing something wrong there too.
 It must be a BIOS issue, and on these Compaqs there's no convenient access
 to the BIOS. BTW, I spent 11 hours on this and look at recieving $60 for
 the system grin.  Also, the bad track thing had me throw away a harddrive
 a few weeks ago, same tracks reading as bad on this drive, so that drive
 was probably ok too.  sigh
 Is the answer: Nope, MDK9.1 won't run on that piece of junk, install Win
 and sell it for less?  Or is it: Sure, just adjust the Kaiser Module and
 MDK9.1 will be fine on there?
Did you try F-10 on boot , that will access the bios on most Compaq's
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When you're being mugged..a handgun is more comfort than an ACLU lawyer

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Re[2]: [newbie] IP info conflict

2003-11-03 Thread Robert Golovniov
On Monday, November 3, 2003, 4:10:05 PM, Derek Jennings wrote:

DJ Look here

Thank  you  very  much!  That  did  it.

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Re: [newbie] Soundcard at ASUS P4S533-X

2003-11-03 Thread Anisio Rodrigues Neto
yes i did and it is sitll not working

i open the mp3 file with the player. it seems to be playing but no sound at

thanks dude,


- Original Message - 
From: Aronsmith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Soundcard at ASUS P4S533-X

 On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 10:33, Anisio Rodrigues Neto wrote:
  i´m new at the list and inlinux as well...
  i installed the mandrake 9.1 on my pc, the motherboard is an ASUS
  the mandrake recognize my sound card but it doensn´t work at all.
  i tried other alsa drivers but i don´t know how to use them.
  Does anyboy had the same problem and can help me?
  i´m not a linux user but i´m trying to be, i tried already the red hat 9
  connectiva 9 (a brazilian distribuition), and the mandrake was the only
  that recongnized my soundcard... i tried the volume as well... the´re
  but no sound at all...
  thanks folks.
 Did you set the volume control in aumix?
 'cause the default is zero
 Welcome to the list
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 When you're being mugged..a handgun is more comfort than an ACLU lawyer

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[newbie] 9.1 PPC install video issue

2003-11-03 Thread Mark Lawson
I have an old world PowerMac 9600/200 MP running OS8.6 that I'd like to load 
9.1 on.
I can get through BootX, get it to see the CDROM and get it to load the 
installer, but the video is scrambled as soon as the installer starts.   
I've used the force-fbdev and every permuation of force video and no video 
options using vmlinuz and all.gz in bootX.  All the same result.
The monitor is an apple multiscan 15AV and  I have tried a Sony multiscan 
200 as well.
I opened the box to see what's inside.  Ive got an add on PCI video card 
that came with the machine instead of an integrated video like that on the 
8600s.  It is labeled Twin Turbo 128+ on the chip, Twin Turbo 128MA v3.7 on 
the video BIOS, and has an IBM Palette DAC.  Also I've got 8 RAMs welded on, 
so I'm guessing it's a 4MB memory.   Is there a video setting I can specify 
in the options that will work with this card so I can see straight?
Thanks for any help


Surf and talk on the phone at the same time with broadband Internet access. 
Get high-speed for as low as $29.95/month (depending on the local service 
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Re: [newbie] MDK9.1 - Konqueror select boxes

2003-11-03 Thread Frank Bax
At 01:07 PM 10/30/03, Frank Bax wrote:
I'd also like to hear from anyone using 9.2 to see if same problem 
presents itself.

On web pages with (pulldown) select boxes, what happens when you use the 
keyboard is difficult to describe in abstract terms, so I'll use an 
example.  If you visit any webpage that uses a select box to choose 
country, then hitting the letter C will cause cursor to be positioned to 
first country starting with a C.  If you press C again, the next 
country is selected.  If you keep tapping the C key, you effectively 
scroll through all the countries starting with C, restarting at the 
first one when you reach the end.  Konqueror appears to have a feature 
whereby if you tap the C key twice rather quickly (like a double-click, 
but on the keyboard), you are taken back to the first country starting 
with C.  This might appear to be a nice feature to go back to the 
beginning, but I'd like to turn it off.  We have developed forms for data 
entry and some of our staff enter data rather quickly - they would like to 
get to the second or third value rather quickly, but if they type too 
fast, the cursor does not leave the first choice.  Telling staff to work 
slower is not an attractive option.

Is it possible to disable this double-keytap feature?

Apparently there is no setting to control this behaviour.  There are two 
other browsers on the MDK9.1 cdrom's.  Both of them (Mozilla  Galeon) 
behave even more badly than Konqueror on this problem.

I've not heard from anyone with 9.2 yet...


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Re: [newbie] Can't start X, No Devices

2003-11-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 03 Nov 2003 10:51:01 -0800
Aronsmith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Did you try F-10 on boot , that will access the bios on most Compaq's

I had the same machine, there ain't no way in hell you are going to
access the BIOS without the proper util from the Compaq site. They have
floppy images which will give you access to the BIOS  to turn off
features such as anti-virus, PNP, or whatever.

The BIOS has probably overwritten some part of the boot or other sector
of the drive, and this may be what is causing the prob.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Superstition, idolatry, and hypocrisy have ample wages, but truth goes
-- Martin Luther

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[newbie] Download Managers

2003-11-03 Thread Johan
I would like thanks all those that responded
I will try them out


May this be a good day for learning
Registered Linux user # 330034 - still learning

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Re: [newbie] kernel SMP

2003-11-03 Thread Johan
Thanks for reply

- Original Message - 
From: Richard Urwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] kernel SMP

 On Sunday 02 Nov 2003 7:34 pm, Johan wrote:
  Kindly what does SMP stands for.

 Symetrical Multi-Processing
 For motherboards with more than one processor.
 Richard Urwin

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[newbie] Linux to MS VPN

2003-11-03 Thread Guy Rouillier
At work, we are considering replacing CheckPoint SecureRemote VPN with 
Microsoft VPN that's built in to Windows 2K server versions.  To hook up 
with MS VPN from a Win2K remote system requires no add-on software; 
everything needed is built into Win2K.  Does anyone have any experience 
with setting up Linux to connect to a MS VPN?  From what I gather from 
the people here at work, MS VPN is a much more straightforward IPSEC VPN 
implementation than is CheckPoint, but I don't really know much about 
it.  Thanks for any pointers.
Guy Rouillier

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Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 03 November 2003 09:01 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
 Where did he get the torrent from? If from a web page they would be able
 to get the info from their logs.

Not sure, but I'll ask him pronto...


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Re: [newbie] Can't start X, No Devices

2003-11-03 Thread Max . Benitz

HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/03/2003
11:26:48 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Subject:Re: [newbie] Can't start X, No Devices

On Mon, 03 Nov 2003 10:51:01 -0800
Aronsmith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Did you try F-10 on boot , that will access the bios on most Compaq's

I had the same machine, there ain't no way in hell you are going to
access the BIOS without the proper util from the Compaq site. They have
floppy images which will give you access to the BIOS  to turn off
features such as anti-virus, PNP, or whatever.

The BIOS has probably overwritten some part of the boot or other sector
of the drive, and this may be what is causing the prob.


It is correct that the BIOS utility is normally written to a partition on
the harddrive on this model of Compaq, F10 accesses that partition at
boot-up.  The partition was overwritten during one of my many attempts to
install MDK91.  It wasn't much good anyway -- there's no real BIOS control
in there, just a description of the various hardwares and some minor
testing software.  There's no access to the important BIOS features found
on modern computers (ie, no PNP, no Energy Savings, no timings, etc.).

What does it mean when X claims No devices found?  Does that mean it
can't find the videocard or that it can't find a window manager?

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Re: [newbie] Can't start X, No Devices

2003-11-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 13:55:45 -0800

 What does it mean when X claims No devices found?  Does that mean it
 can't find the videocard or that it can't find a window manager?

It can't find a server to connect to, ie. no X server. Normally it would
default to device :0, but it's not finding anything there. It could be a
hardware prob, but it's more likely software.

Post your XF86Config-4 and /var/log/XFree86.0.log, there might be
something in there that will point to why it's not connecting.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Wisdom is knowing what to do with what you know.
-- J. Winter Smith

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[newbie] squidGuard blacklists

2003-11-03 Thread Fajar Priyanto
Hash: SHA1

Dear All,
I wonder why my squidGuard blacklists don't seem to be working at all. I've 
downloaded a script,  adjusted according to my box and run it to 
automatically update the lists. It run successfully by the reports it 

Then I checked sG using webmin, and it said that the blacklists were disabled. 
So, I enabled it. There was a lot of disk activities when I clicked on the 
save button to enable it. I didn't know what webmin did. Then I also enabled 
the blacklists in the ACL.

However, when I tested it, the blacklists didn't work. There was this 
domain that was blacklisted, but yet I still could open it.

Also, in /etc/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf, there was nothing changed at all. 
So, I'm lost here. Seemed that webmin did something, but I don't know what it 
is and the blacklist aren't working.

Any clue?

- -- 
Linux mdk91.sistek.kom 2.4.21-0.13mdk GNU/Linux
08:18:55 up 36 min, 10 users, load average: 1.82, 1.18, 0.69
Quote of the day:
Win98 is called Win98 because 98% of the code is untested
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Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread robin
John Wilson wrote:
On November 2, 2003 04:11 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
I'm shocked that the public release of the ISO's will be pushed back to
December, tha's fer sher.

I suspect there will be more than shock if that's the case.  What the article 
said might happen, people abandoning MDK, could very well occur.

As I refuse to download by bittorrent, having heard the wonderful time people 
had with it, I was sorta hoping that the ftp mirrors would be up and running 
a whole lot earlier than the end of the year.

If I have to wait till year's end for either the download or the CDs to come 
out, about half way through the release cycle, I'll have to, with incredible 
regret, reconsider my devotion to Mandrake.  Such things are unacceptable.

Hell, if we're talking about Christmas (which I gather we're not - see 
other posts on this thread) you could just compile the whole lot from 
source.  Or order from cheapbytes.

Sir Robin

I declare this sentence a performative!
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] What do you suppose this is about?

2003-11-03 Thread John Wilson
On November 3, 2003 12:45 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Monday 03 Nov 2003 1:29 am, John Wilson wrote:
  If I have to wait till year's end for either the download or the
  CDs to come out, about half way through the release cycle, I'll
  have to, with incredible regret, reconsider my devotion to
  Mandrake.  Such things are unacceptable.

 What's so bad about what you already have, that waiting another few
 weeks for 9.2 would make life unbearable?

  Let's hope that Gael was talking about something else. :-)

 He probably was


For me there's nothing wrong with it.  I also have been with MDK long enough 
to realize that release time is a time for rumours, things which don't work 
quite right yet, a few dozen patches in a very short length of time, and then 
5 months or so of pure OS and distro bliss till we go through it all again 

Please notice that I said incredible regret.  Right now I support two small 
businesses and nervous nellies who are a bit uncomfortable without the big, 
smothering arms of Billy to go running to.  They're still newbies in the 
serious sense.  I get panicy phone calls about things like this.   And no 
matter how many times I ask if they're system has crashed yet (none) or that 
their spanking new Evolution doesn't lose emails the way that Outlook does or 
that they aren't relentlessly spammed or port scanned anymore things like 
this upset them.  So if I do move it won't be because I'm dissatisfied.  It 
will be because I have to support another distro.

Of course if they go back to Windows they're on their own :)



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[newbie] Why do I have to start KDE manually?

2003-11-03 Thread M.A.Bell
I've had this problem for a couple of months and had hoped that 
installing 9.2 would fix it, but it didn't.
After I boot up, I see a terminal window on a blue screen.
When I enter startkde, it does.
How can I get my system to do this automagically?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] Why do I have to start KDE manually?

2003-11-03 Thread mike
M.A.Bell wrote:
I've had this problem for a couple of months and had hoped that 
installing 9.2 would fix it, but it didn't.
After I boot up, I see a terminal window on a blue screen.
When I enter startkde, it does.
How can I get my system to do this automagically?
Start kde then open a terminal window type su then enter 
root password when prompted.Then type drakboot
It will give a menu and just check the box next to
(launch the graphical enviroment when system starts)
then click ok.


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Re: [newbie] Why do I have to start KDE manually?

2003-11-03 Thread M.A.Bell
mike wrote:

M.A.Bell wrote:

I've had this problem for a couple of months and had hoped that 
installing 9.2 would fix it, but it didn't.
After I boot up, I see a terminal window on a blue screen.
When I enter startkde, it does.
How can I get my system to do this automagically?

Start kde then open a terminal window type su then enter root password 
when prompted.Then type drakboot
It will give a menu and just check the box next to
(launch the graphical enviroment when system starts)
then click ok.


I ran drakboot and, as I expected, the launch graphical... box was 
already checked.
So that's not the problem.

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Re: [newbie] LAN problem

2003-11-03 Thread Rob Blomquist
On Monday 03 November 2003 3:50 am, Paul Kaplan wrote:
 I have a home network w/ MDK 9.1 and W2K using Samba.  Periodically, all
 the connections disappear.  (I haven't yet figured out what the trigger
 is.)  In order to get them back I have to re-stop the iptables service even
 though it is defaulted not to start when the host starts up.

Humm. I have a home network using NFS and Samba (whenever I get it running), 
but I never have such problems, at least with the connections disappearing. 
At least for NFS, they are always there.

I am caused to wonder however, about what you are doing with IP-Tables? On a 
home network, I don't see any reason to run it, unless you are fire walling 
the server with it. In that case, I would use another box, maybe a P-90 to be 
your firewall, and let the home side of the network be open to all.



Linux: For the people, by the people.

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Re: [newbie] Why do I have to start KDE manually?

2003-11-03 Thread mike
M.A.Bell wrote:
mike wrote:

M.A.Bell wrote:

I've had this problem for a couple of months and had hoped that 
installing 9.2 would fix it, but it didn't.
After I boot up, I see a terminal window on a blue screen.
When I enter startkde, it does.
How can I get my system to do this automagically?

Start kde then open a terminal window type su then enter root password 
when prompted.Then type drakboot
It will give a menu and just check the box next to
(launch the graphical enviroment when system starts)
then click ok.

I ran drakboot and, as I expected, the launch graphical... box was 
already checked.
So that's not the problem.
In a terminal window type cat /etc/inittab without quotes.
And see what the line below the runlevels says, It will look 
like this below.


mine is set to runlevel 3 which boots to console


this would boot to graphical login

see what yours says and if it says?


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[newbie] 9.2 questions

2003-11-03 Thread Russ
Hi All,

I am looking into getting a new computer and I want to run MD9.2 on it 
but I have a few questions.

I like to have a good printed manual for reference. Is The Definitive 
Guide to Using Mandrake Linux going to be updated for 9.2? Is this guide 
any good?

How about the manuals offered in the boxed sets:

Discovering Mandrake Linux guide (is this any good)
Starter guide (is this one any good)
Reference manual (how about this one)
Is there any way to get the above manuals without getting the boxed 
sets? (are they on the CD's as html or pdf?)

What does it mean CrossOver Office 2.0 'limited'? Does 'limited' mean an 
evaluation copy or is it just a fully operational light version? If so, 
what is missing?

How about VMware workstation? is this a fully operational version of 
vmware? (Win4Lin too)

btw what exactly is this LG cdrom problem?


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[newbie] SUID/SGID permissions

2003-11-03 Thread Robert Golovniov
Hash: SHA1

Hello Mandrake group,

  In  one  of the security guides, the counsel was given to remove the
  SUID  and SGID permissions from different programs on the Linux box.
  Did  anyone  come  across a list where such programs are listed? For
  example,  should  programs  like  pppd,  kppp  traceroute(6),  man,
  cdrecord and alike have that kind of permissions or can it safely be

- -- 
 -=Robert  Beata Golovniov | Lviv, Ukraine=-
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Body=Embedded%20key
   Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things?
(Isaiah 40:26)

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