Re: [newbie] Problem with 3Com ether 3C905B under 7.1?

2000-10-31 Thread Greg Stewart


I was working with another list member for about a week trying everything
possible, short of reinstallation, and nothing worked...ulimately this
person decided to format the damned hard drive and start over--and, wadda'
know? I worked!

I haven't a clue what the error was on his machine, but for the life of me I
simply couldn't come up with any more tricks. If you don't have anything
more than a little installation time invested in your current setup, you
might want to give that format  reinstall a try.


- Original Message -
From: "Michael J" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have a DSL line at home.  Tried setting up a new machine
 (ASUS P5A w/ onboard audio, AMD K6-2/400, 32MB, 8G disk,
 S3 video, 3Com 3C905B ethernet adapter, Cisco 675 DSL box)
 with the "development" option on Mandrake 7.1 (the main
 "installation" CD only, downloaded from the Old Dominion
 University mirror in Virginia late last week).

 The distribution determined the correct ethernet card type,
 asked for an IP, the gateway IP, primary DNS, and the netmask.
 I gave it correct values (verified by a coworker whose home
 machine setup is similar).

 Nothing happens when I try to get outside the box.  I have
 tried pinging the gateway IP, as well as telnetting out to
 known addresses for my ISP.  The little yellow lights on the
 DSL doohickey don't flash under any circumstance, although
 the green lights all do.

 I have tried swapping the card with one in my Win95 machine,
 and both cards work under Win95, but neither works under 7.1

 Any ideas?  At this point I am assuming it is a driver problem.
 Is the 3C905 driver known to work under 7.1?  I remember that
 Caldera didn't support this card in one of their releases about
 six months ago.



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Re: [newbie] netzero

2000-10-30 Thread Greg Stewart

According to the message board, the process for "dunning" NetZero is as

(Please keep in mind I haven't tried this--I have no need--I'm only
repeating what I've found in the past)

DUNNING NetXero ###

Many inquiries regarding this issue have arisen. I will summarize the prior
threads for those of you who
want a quick, no-BS solution:

1. Create an account at the netzero website ( You do
NOT need to download their

2. Download the MS-DOS program NZPE from here,

You will need nzpe to determine your encrypted password.

3. Let's say my username is jellybeans and my password is openup. The
encrypted username you would
use in DUN (for Windows) or ppp (in Linux) would be like this:


(just add the 3.0.4: before your username, and add the after
your username; the 3.0.4
represents the latest version of the Netzero software - you will have to
update this as the software
versions get updated; just visit their website to determine what the latest
version is)

For the password, openup, run nzpe to determine what the encrypted form will
be. The encrypted form
always begins with a 0 and ends with a 1. So for openup, I start nzpe in
MS-DOS, enter openup as my
password and the encrypted for shows up as this:


Now you have both the encrypted username and the encrypted password. Now you
can connect to
Netzero without their software! Just use the encrypted username and
encrypted password in ppp for
Linux or if you are a Windows user, Dial Up Networking (DUN).

- Original Message -
From: "A V Flinsch" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Sun, 29 Oct 2000, you wrote:
  someone told me they think a friend of thiers was using netzero with
linux is
  this possible and iff so how can i configure it, hopefully it is as easy
  123 with kppp.

 first the bad news -
 netzero requires the netzero application to connect. This app exists only
 windows. The connection is a standard ppp connecion, but they encrypt your
 username  password prior to connecting. If you don't use the encrypted
name /
 passwrod combination, you can't connect.

 now for some good news -
 That being said, there was a windows program floating around on the
 "31eet hax0rz" websites a round a year ago called nzcrook, which would
 you to input your username and password in plain text, and spit out the
 encrypted version.  Using the encrypted info you could easily connect

 and more bad news -
 I don't remember the exact website for nzcrook, and do not have a copy of
 program anymore, you may find a link on some search engine somewhere

 Netzero also periodically upgrades your netzero software. Somewhere along
 line the netzero encryption scheme may have changed, which would make the
 version of nzcrook no longer valid. (IOW, if you do find it on a search
 make sure that you have the newest version of the program).

 Using the nzcrook app would be in violation of your usage agreement with

 (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

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Re: [newbie] Wine and Word 2000

2000-10-30 Thread Greg Stewart

Most, if not all of the Office Suite apps (97  2000) are far too big and
complicated for wine to hanlde.


- Original Message -
From: "Seung-woo Nam" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 According to Wine website ( ), Word 2000 is almost unusable
 under Wine.

 Seung-woo Nam

 Marcia wrote:

  Dear All,  Has anyone been able to actually use Word 2000 using Wine? I
  would like to do this if possible.  Sincerely, Marcia

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Re: [newbie] what [FAILED], What's a *.GZ

2000-10-29 Thread Greg Stewart

OK, usually, .gz files are also what are called "tarballs". If after the
gunzip, you are left with a *.tar file, you need to untar the file package.
Use:   tar -xvf filename

Tar is a utility to package a folder or combination of files into a single
file. It does this withouth compression. gzip does the compression. You can
read about tar by typing:  man tar  (use  ':q' to exit)

the tar utility will extract the files to a directory, usually called
something almost exactly like the name of the file. Whe you type  ls  it
should appear in blue, as a directory (white is a standard/non-executable
file, red is an rpm package, green is an executable file, light blue is a
link, etc...)

cd to the new directory and there should be one or both of README and
INSTALL.  Use whichever text editor you like to view these (vi is always
present in an installation, although some don't like it--it's the only one
*I* use). Type:  vi README,  or vi INSTALL.  use the arrow keys to navigate,
and the same  colon-q (:q) to quit.

Follow the directions in the two files.

For the ppp problem, you may have configured the ISP information
incorrectly. In terminal, su to root (type  su   and enter root's
passwrod--of course I'm assuming you do the right thing and avoid logging in
as root all the time)

Type   linuxconf   and under networking|basic host information|ppp/slip/plip
enter all your information: phone # username, password (secret) DNS IP
addresses, etc. click quit|quit|activate changes, and you should be done.

Let me know what you had done previously to configure your ISP info, and
I'll be better prepared to tell you what is lacking or incorrect.



- Original Message -
From: "Ralph Avery" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm a complete newbie to Linux, so this may seem a little lame to most of
  you.  I've been following these messages for some time looking for
  information on how to configure, install, and use my sound card and

  I have a VIA sound card that has a (Red Hat) Linux driver on the CD.
  *.gz file.  I tried to use gunzip to unzip it, but then I don't know what
  do with it after that.

  I noticed recently during the boot up process that I see a RED [Failed]
  by.  Most of what I see says [Passed].  I believe it has something to do
  with a sound card device failing, but it goes by too fast.  (Is there any
  way to slow this down, or view a text file that shows the order in which
  things are executed, mounted, whatever, during the boot up process)

  I recently found out that my modem is obviously already configured for
  Linux. I configured a PPP connection that causes it to dial.  I hear it
  dialing, I hear it connecting, but I have no way to check anything else.
  will keep dialing and connecting about every 10 minutes, but  I have no
  how to use that connection.  Netscape doesn't show any way in it's GUI to
  configure it to use a specific PPP connection, and I can't get Netscape
  navigate even when I'm connected.

  Any help with any of these would be greately appreciated.  If anyone has
  useful information from when they were learning Linux, I'm all ears.

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Re: [newbie] Password

2000-10-29 Thread Greg Stewart

 start linux in single user mode, i think failsafe may do it, if not edit
 grub or lilo comands so it says linux -s
 when it loads you should still be on the command prompt, type linuxconf,
 whaen this program loads you will be able to change root password, should
 one of the first buttons, then save and exit linuxconf, reboot your
 you should be able to use the new password as root,

Um... if he/she can't log in, I'm not sure this will fly... :-)

At theboot:   prompt (if you have used lilo as the boot loader)  try the
linux single   prompt.
You may also type:linux 1

If this logs you into a command line prompt, try typing:passwd root
if it asks you for  the old password, you will need to re-install linux, and
make sure to remember your root password this time. If it simply asks for a
new password (which I don't expect it will) then just type the new password
and confirm it.

Linux is a secure OS, unlike windows (including NT) you MUST have 'root'
(administrator) account and a valid password for it. You should also create
user accounts as you should never log in as root unless you are making
system changes.


- Original Message -
 In a message dated 29-Oct-00 09:41:21 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I just installed Mandrake 7.1 and the install went just fine but I seem
  to have messed up on the password part. I tried not using a password
  it wouldn't let me get around it during installation and I typed part
  a password and I can't remember exactly what I typed. So X starts up
  just fine but I can't get pass the login. Can someone please tell me
  to change or get rid of my password. This is my first experience with
  Linux and I know little of nothing about it so if there's a way to fix
  this I'll need some detailed instructions. Someone told me to "reboot
  and at the linux prompt type: linux single" but I don't know how to get
  to a "linux prompt". When I start my computer my options are: Linux,
  Failsafe, Windows, Floppy.
  I would really like to not use a password at all.
  Your help is appreciated

 start linux in single user mode, i think failsafe may do it, if not edit
 grub or lilo comands so it says linux -s
 when it loads you should still be on the command prompt, type linuxconf,
 whaen this program loads you will be able to change root password, should
 one of the first buttons, then save and exit linuxconf, reboot your
 you should be able to use the new password as root,

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Re: [newbie] easy question.

2000-10-29 Thread Greg Stewart

In linuxconf, under networking|basic host infomration|PPP/SLIP/PLIP change
the device # from /dev/ttyS0 to /dev/ttyS1. Make sure this does not conflict
with your mouse, if the mouse is serial.


- Original Message -
From: "Goldenpi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have just installed my new serial port. I just want to know where I can
 change the modem comfiguration. It was on com1 and is now on com2.

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Re: [newbie] Can't Connect To Internet

2000-10-29 Thread Greg Stewart

Here's something I ranted about approximately a year ago...

Try the following link--it is a BBS/Message board that deals with free ISPs.
Sift through the mesages, and visit the providers' web pages to find a
couple that are in your area. When you find some you like, you can apply for

Set up your Linux dial-up (and, actually your Windows dial-up) for one or
more of these accounts, according to the information from the message board.
Dial in using each of the ones you've chosen to make sure you've set things
up correctly.

When you're comfortable that you have a dial-up connection that is fairly
reliable (and you may need to check occasionally for other free ISPs), then
you can call AOL and have them reduce your monthly charge from what, $23?,
to $9.95. In windows, you would dial up using the free ISP account(s), and
then start AOL, enter the Setup windows, and change the connection type to
TCP/IP. You won't use AOL to dial the internet anymore, but you will have
full access to their services and avoid paying their redicoulously
over-priced monthly fees. (I pay only $5-$7 more per month for a +/- 1Mbps
cable connection--so paying to dial into AOL at 56Kbps or less just seems
absurd to me).


- Original Message -
 I am a struggling newbie trying to teach myself Mandrake 7.1. I am unable
 get connected to the internet. I am probably still in Windows mode. I've
 using AOL as my ISP. Now that I've installed Mandrake, configured my modem
 etc., can I still use AOL? I'm assuming not because I keep getting an
 telling me there is no file to open the AOL program. So do what app do I
 to get back online? Do I need to change service providers?

 Please forgive how stupid I must sound. Greatly appreciate any help from
 "teachers" out there as I am serious about learning.

 Thank you!

 Debby Martin

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Re: [newbie] Can't Connect To Internet

2000-10-29 Thread Greg Stewart

Depends on your local provider...Optonline charges me $29/month.


- Original Message -

 In a message dated 29-Oct-00 14:08:04 Central Standard Time,

  (I pay only $5-$7 more per month for a +/- 1Mbps
  cable connection--so paying to dial into AOL at 56Kbps or less just
  absurd to me).

 how much is a cable connection now a days? i obviously cant use one here
 base but back home i would like to set one up

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Re: [newbie] Password

2000-10-29 Thread Greg Stewart

 then explain to me why when i lost my password and couldnt get in i
 to log in under failsafe and used linuxconf to change my password!
 if i never knew it and still got into single user obviously someone has to
 mistaken or there are a crap load of bugs in mandrake7.1!

I wasn't actually going to bother responding to this, but on a whim, I did
try to accomplish what you say is possibleand failed.

even when I installed MDK7.1 with the "Open To Crackers" security level, and
after having set the root password ('cause MDK just didn't ask me for
it--darn stupid at any security level, if you want my opinion) even in
FailSafe, I cannot get the default linuxconf to reconfigure anything, nor
can I log into the system unless I enter root's password.

Sorry, but there must have been something entirely screwed up with your


- Original Message -

 In a message dated 29-Oct-00 13:15:15 Central Standard Time,

  The thing is, to get logged into single user mode you have to provide
  root password.  So you're right, if you're there, you can change
  passwords.  But Greg's also correct that you still need to know the
  password.  What he's suggesting is that it's possible that the install
  set up root without a password.  Not a good idea in any case but, as he
  suggests, it's the only possiblility given the way the install was done.

 then explain to me why when i lost my password and couldnt get in i
 to log in under failsafe and used linuxconf to change my password!
 if i never knew it and still got into single user obviously someone has to
 mistaken or there are a crap load of bugs in mandrake7.1!

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Re: [newbie] Can't Connect To Internet

2000-10-29 Thread Greg Stewart

 helps if you actually include the link, LOL

GOOD POINT Well, I really do feel t\like the absent minded idiot I am!

Here it is!

And another I recently found hunting for free ISPs for a friend:

- Original Message -

 In a message dated 29-Oct-00 14:08:04 Central Standard Time,

  Try the following link--it is a BBS/Message board that deals with free
  Sift through the mesages, and visit the providers' web pages to find a
  couple that are in your area. When you find some you like, you can apply

 helps if you actually include the link, LOL

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Re: [newbie] Password

2000-10-29 Thread Greg Stewart

Before changing lilo to reflect any memory config, in a terminal window,
type:   cat /proc/meminfo
If the mem total indicates less RAM than you have installed, than you need
to edit lilo. If the mem total reflects the correct amount of memory, don't
touch anything.

If you do need to edit lilo, use your choice terminal editor, vi work fine.
The file is:  /etc/lilo.conf

insert, at the very beginning, the following line, including the quotation


Save the file, exit, and typr   /sbin/lilo
You should see at least one line, possibly more:

Added linux*
Added failsafe

The asterisk indicates the default boot option.

Also, which programs are you referring to? Did you configure a swap
partition? How much video ram is there? What services are running (in
terminal type:  top  to view the system resource usage--it will tell you at
the top of the list which services are hogging memory and cpu time--there
are also GUI apps, but I use gnome, not KDE and don't what the heck it's
called for KDE).


- Original Message -

 In a message dated 29-Oct-00 21:26:02 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  But why do all the programs load and run like I have 16 megs of ram on a
  486 computer? I'm running an Athlon 750 with 128 megs of ram. I
  partitioned my Linux drive for 3.5 gigs. I also tried my internet
  connection and it said my modem was busy, but it wasn't. Any Ideas?

 a little bug in lillo and grub you have to add the line in lillo mem:
 i think thats how it goes im sure someone will correct me, for some reason
 lillo and grub will not detect over 64mb so this line was added to help
 correct the reporting feature to the linux kernel on bootup, when i get my
 new laptop i will also have to implement this because of the added ram.
 once you implement this into your config things should run alot smoother

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Re: [newbie] Starting Linux for the first time

2000-10-28 Thread Greg Stewart

This seems to be a common dilemma these days, and the reality is:  you've
already opened linux.

To enter the GUI environment you need to type the command:   startx


- Original Message -
From: "Paul Fiske" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear Mandrake Support,
 I have just installed Linux for Windows 6.5 for the first time.
 After I have typed the username and password, I get the following line;
 [Paul@localhost Paul]$_ (the last symbol being the blinking cursor).
 What on earth do I do next to open Linux?
 If I type "root", I get:
 [root@localhost /root]#_
 Can you advise?
 The installation seemed to go OK and I have registered the product online
 and asked for assistance.
 Best wishes
 Paul Fiske

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Re: [newbie] grub loader

2000-10-27 Thread Greg Stewart

Yes, the new version of Lilo can handle placing the system files beyond the
1024 cylinder mark...but...

If you partition your linux installation to include 16MB or so /boot
partition below the 1024 cylinder mark, you do not have to worry about this
at all.

If all you are installing on this HD is linux, then make the following
partitions, in the following order, and stop worrying:

/swapTwice the size of your physical RAM
/1GB or more
(and, if / doesn't take up the rest of the drive...)
/usrat least 1GB
/homeat least 1GB

The last two partitions are not necessary, but are nice to have if plan to
re-install the OS and don't want to have to lose all your personal
applications and configuration files.


- Original Message -
From: "Doug McGarrett" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 At 12:27 PM 10/27/2000 -0700, domeone wrote:
 Hi all,
 Had a question about the grub bootloader, does it really work like they
 say it does ?
 I have a 20 gig drive and the linux site says that with grub your linux
 can exist anywhere on the drive and grub will load it. So who has 7.1 and
 another os and grub and does it really work ? Would like to know.
 Thank you, Chronos.
 Supposedly the "latest" LILO can also do that.  So my question:
 does SuSE 7.0 contain that "latest" LILO that can load anywhere?
 I want to put it on my new machine with the 33 GB drive.

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Re: [newbie] Unable to get Cable Modem Working

2000-10-22 Thread Greg Stewart

Alright, I just re-installed my MDK7.1 partition, so I can look at what
you're talking about.

I'll be using your information to compare against what I have, and what has
worked for me:

  under Host name tab input the DNS Name provided to me by @Home

Null this out, and enter only the machine host name (no dot-domain-dot-com).

  Under Adaptor 1 tab
  Primary Name + Domain: my user name + subdomain address as provided by

Same as previous.

  I/O port 0 x 1000
  IRQ = 9

Null both of these, leave blank.

  Next went to Routing and gateways, clicked on Set and entered my Gateway

Return this to the Defaults

I have found when I "over-configure" the out-bound NIC, things don't work
properly. This could be the case with your's worth a


- Original Message -
From: "Anthony F. Littrel Sr." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 William Presho wrote:

  The steps I took to configure the card are as follows:
  Started DrakConf
  Clicked on Network Configuration
  Under Client Tasks tab, clicked on Basic host information
  under Host name tab input the DNS Name provided to me by @Home
  Under Adaptor 1 tab I set it up as follows
  Config mode: Manual
  Primary Name + Domain: my user name + subdomain address as provided by
  No Aliases
  Next input the IP address
  Put IN Netmast, net device eht0
  Kernel Module rtl8139
  I/O port 0 x 1000
  IRQ = 9
  Next put in IP of Name Server (DNS) 1 and 2
  Next went to Routing and gateways, clicked on Set and entered my Gateway
  Then Quit Quit and Activate Changes
  As I stated before this setup will let me connect to the cable modem and
  the internet. But if I shut the computer down and then restart it I get
  Delay eth0 initialization   Failed
  Starting httpd: httpd:cannot determine local host name
  Use the ServerNameDirective to set it manually  Failed
  I hope this will help you to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it.
  Thanks Bill

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Re: [newbie] Unable to get Cable Modem Working

2000-10-22 Thread Greg Stewart


Are you *really* supposed to be using a static IP address?


- Original Message -
From: "William Presho" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Greg
 Well I set up like you said but still no luck.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Greg Stewart
 Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 3:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Unable to get Cable Modem Working

 Alright, I just re-installed my MDK7.1 partition, so I can look at what
 you're talking about.

 I'll be using your information to compare against what I have, and what
 worked for me:

   under Host name tab input the DNS Name provided to me by @Home

 Null this out, and enter only the machine host name (no

   Under Adaptor 1 tab
   Primary Name + Domain: my user name + subdomain address as provided by

 Same as previous.

   I/O port 0 x 1000
   IRQ = 9

 Null both of these, leave blank.

   Next went to Routing and gateways, clicked on Set and entered my

 Return this to the Defaults

 I have found when I "over-configure" the out-bound NIC, things don't work
 properly. This could be the case with your's worth a


 - Original Message -
 From: "Anthony F. Littrel Sr." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  William Presho wrote:
   The steps I took to configure the card are as follows:
   Started DrakConf
   Clicked on Network Configuration
   Under Client Tasks tab, clicked on Basic host information
   under Host name tab input the DNS Name provided to me by @Home
   Under Adaptor 1 tab I set it up as follows
   Config mode: Manual
   Primary Name + Domain: my user name + subdomain address as provided by
   No Aliases
   Next input the IP address
   Put IN Netmast, net device eht0
   Kernel Module rtl8139
   I/O port 0 x 1000
   IRQ = 9
   Next put in IP of Name Server (DNS) 1 and 2
   Next went to Routing and gateways, clicked on Set and entered my
   Then Quit Quit and Activate Changes
   As I stated before this setup will let me connect to the cable modem
   the internet. But if I shut the computer down and then restart it I
   Delay eth0 initialization   Failed
   Starting httpd: httpd:cannot determine local host name
   Use the ServerNameDirective to set it manually  Failed
   I hope this will help you to figure out what is wrong and how to fix
   Thanks Bill

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Re: [newbie] 2 serious mandrake problems.

2000-10-22 Thread Greg Stewart

I honestly don't know what to tell you about the sound problem. But, for the
memory issue:

If you are using Lilo to boot, edit the /etc/lilo.conf file and insert as
the very first line the following:


if you are using Grub, Caroll wrote:

"If you're using grub, become the superuser, call up an editor, and load
/boot/grub/menu.lst. Just under the line
title linux
there is a line:
kernel (hd1, 0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb5  (or something similar)
change it to read:
kernel (hd1, 0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb5 mem=128M
Reboot and put that new chip to work. (Something I learned 2 weeks ago
-- carroll"


- Original Message -
From: "tweeter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I have mandrake 7.1, I am running a Abit BP-6 mobo with dual celeron 550s
 an SB live card. and I cannot play any sound, because when I play an Mp3
 through any program, the computer locks up. and I have no choice but to
 restart. I had no problem with this issue in 7.0 What do I need to do to
 correct this.

 My second problem is on the same machine, I have 128mb ram, and windows
 it, bios sees it, but mandrake tells me I only have 64 mb. How can I fix
 Thanks in advance.\


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Re: [newbie] TAR Issue

2000-10-22 Thread Greg Stewart

Ooops... I started deleting a crap-load of mail from my archives and then
just simply forgot about this one!!

I hope you  haven't been cursing me, waiting for a reply. :-)

Try the following:

tar -cMv --exclude /proc/* -f /dev/tape /


- Original Message -

 Thanks for the info, but now the question is what tar command do I use to
 exclude this directory?
 tar cMvf /dev/tape / seems to work so that it will use multiple tapes,
 swtch is to exclude ?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/19/2000 07:31:56 PM

 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 cc:(bcc: Lad Gaal/MarconiMedical)

 Subject:  Re: [newbie] TAR Issue

 Nothing in /proc is "really" a file. These are generated by the kernel
 you cat the file for information. They appear as files... but only
 something when reqeusted.

 You should leave this directory out of your backup as it will be
 should you need to restore.


 - Original Message -

  Well everything was working fine. I was on my third tape when it reached
  ./proc/kcore and it just sat there! I tried the whole routine again, and
  again it died in the same place with different tapes. What is
  Anybody know how I can get around this situation? I want a total back up
 of my
  system before I install Mandrake 7.1! BTW- Can I upgrade form 6.0 to 7.1
  minimal impact on PHP PostgreSQL etc?
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/19/2000 02:20:43 PM
  Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  cc:(bcc: Lad Gaal/MarconiMedical)
  Subject:  Re: [newbie] TAR Issue
  "Lad. Gaal" wrote:
   I want to back up the hard drives on my unit to a SCSI 8mm tape
   (exabyte 8205) drive. For the life of me I can't figure out how to get
   the tar command to go more than one tape.
   I've tried
   tar -cvf /dev/tape /.  but when the tape fills it dies, so I tried
   tar -cvLf /dev/tape /. I just get a bunch of ASII across the monitor.
  Try this one :
  tar cMvf /dev/tape /
  This will create a multi-volume archive. But maybe if you compressed it
  (with the 'z' flag), it would take only one tape.
There's no place like ~! 

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Re: [newbie] Security Problem - Correction

2000-10-21 Thread Greg Stewart

use the form netstat -ln  and resend those first two lines (it they
still list)

"hackermagnet" is connected to port 1031 (a BBN port),
but port 1026 doesn't seem registered:  could be a server
at yahoo, but I don't know what it would be doing

without the IP affresses, I don't know anything to do to track these hosts

the command above will tell netstat not to resolve names, and give their IP
addresses instead.


- Original Message -

 I have a question...i have included an attachment of the log i get when i
 "netstat" the thing that bothers me is the first forgein address... well
 the second one too..could someone please help me to interpret
 logs?...and if the machine is comprimised?


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Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake Corporate Server 1.0 , Kernel panic: free list empty

2000-10-21 Thread Greg Stewart

In my experience, when linux sends a "siglnal 11" it'scomplaining about a
hardware failure. Are you sure you didn't forget to connect something? Or,
ist it possible something was fried with an ESD?  Is it old or new


- Original Message -
From: "Carl Brown" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A newbie to linux, used to pier to pier windows networking, I just assembled
a duel Pentium tower with a G586vpm motherboard. I'm trying to install the
corporate server version so I don't have to edit the kernel to split work
between the processors, I know all my hardware is compatible. Installing it
from the cd, while Loading the Second Stage ramdisk, it comes up with an
error "kernel Panic: free list empty  then code runs through the page, in
red, ending in install exited abnormally -- received signal 11. Help?

The Hatter Gone Mad, At Tea

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Re: [newbie] Two Ethernet Card Problem!

2000-10-21 Thread Greg Stewart

1. What make and model are the cards?
2. You'll probably not need to worry about setting the IRQ yourself--just
plug 'em in and use linuxconf to configure them.

I've never had to set IRQ values for NICs


- Original Message -
From: "Saugata Das Purkayastha mt cse" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi all,
I want to install two ethernet card, in my linux machine. The two
 cards, I have are of same vendor, and don't have the facility of jumper
 setting for irq. How will I set their irq??


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Re: [newbie] Unable to get Cable Modem Working

2000-10-21 Thread Greg Stewart

Um... "shutting down and rebooting" just ain't enough information for me
figure out what's gone wrong.

Please list the steps you took to configure the card, whether you happened
to use a static IP, or have cofigured pump or dhcpcd. Whether you are
activating your NIC at boot, etc.


- Original Message -
From: "William Presho" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello All
 I know this has probably been discussed here before, but I can't find
 anything that helps me.

 I have @home with an SMC1211TX Ethernet Card. I have used the help files
 set it up accordingly, using drake config. It tells me that everything is
 okay but will not connect. Also I have an extra drive so I clean installed
 Mandrake 7.1 on it and everything worked perfectly until I shut the
 off and then tried to bring it back up, it would not connect. I wiped the
 drive and clean installed again and it worked, but when I shut down same
 problem won't connect.

 Any help will be greatly appreciated.

 Bill Presho

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Re: [newbie] Unable to get Cable Modem Working

2000-10-21 Thread Greg Stewart

 Delay eth0 initialization Failed
 Starting httpd: httpd:cannot determine local host name
 Use the ServerNameDirective to set it manually Failed

The first error here usually indicates that a DHCP client failed to obtain a
lease on an IP address. Are you supposed to be configured for DHCP with
@home? Or, is your IP supposed to be static...If @home gave you a static IP,
but (for some unknown reason) either pump or dchpcd are attemtping to get a
lease from your ISP, that could be your conflict... check either top or
ps-aux for one of those DHCP clients.

You'll need to stop the DHCP client if your IP is static. Or, if your IP is
dynamic, and pump or dhcpcd are not running, you'll need to run one (and
only one) of them.

The second two lines are simply the result of not having your host name
listed on the appropriate DNS server, and/or not included in the /etc/hosts
file along with your IP address--they really have nothing to do with
accessing the internet...but they will prevent Apache from serving a web
site on your machine. If you don't run a web server on your PC, you can stop
the httpd service at boot and you won't get these second two lines. Or,
simply add a line to /etc/hosts similar to the following, but use your
"real" IP address:   localhost.localdomain


- Original Message -
From: "William Presho" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2000 12:55 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Unable to get Cable Modem Working

 The steps I took to configure the card are as follows:
 Started DrakConf
 Clicked on Network Configuration
 Under Client Tasks tab, clicked on Basic host information
 under Host name tab input the DNS Name provided to me by @Home
 Under Adaptor 1 tab I set it up as follows
 Config mode: Manual
 Primary Name + Domain: my user name + subdomain address as provided by
 No Aliases
 Next input the IP address
 Put IN Netmast, net device eht0
 Kernel Module rtl8139
 I/O port 0 x 1000
 IRQ = 9
 Next put in IP of Name Server (DNS) 1 and 2
 Next went to Routing and gateways, clicked on Set and entered my Gateway
 Then Quit Quit and Activate Changes

 As I stated before this setup will let me connect to the cable modem and
 the internet. But if I shut the computer down and then restart it I get
 Delay eth0 initialization Failed
 Starting httpd: httpd:cannot determine local host name
 Use the ServerNameDirective to set it manually Failed

 I hope this will help you to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it.
 Thanks Bill

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Greg Stewart
 Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2000 10:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Unable to get Cable Modem Working

 Um... "shutting down and rebooting" just ain't enough information for me
 figure out what's gone wrong.

 Please list the steps you took to configure the card, whether you happened
 to use a static IP, or have cofigured pump or dhcpcd. Whether you are
 activating your NIC at boot, etc.


 - Original Message -
 From: "William Presho" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hello All
  I know this has probably been discussed here before, but I can't find
  anything that helps me.
  I have @home with an SMC1211TX Ethernet Card. I have used the help files
  set it up accordingly, using drake config. It tells me that everything
  okay but will not connect. Also I have an extra drive so I clean
  Mandrake 7.1 on it and everything worked perfectly until I shut the
  off and then tried to bring it back up, it would not connect. I wiped
  drive and clean installed again and it worked, but when I shut down same
  problem won't connect.
  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  Bill Presho

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Re: [newbie] ipchains support!

2000-10-21 Thread Greg Stewart

Umm... sorry to break the news to you Mark, but I think you're gonna need to
recompile again! Kernel 2.4 uses something called iptables, not ipchains.
It's a new version of the rules which enables true routing capabilities.

The 2.4 kernel DOES, however, support ipchains...but this needs to be
selected at compile time. The ipchains support does limit the iptables
capabilities, though--the full routing ability is not available.



- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED] I was a little rambunxious. The kernel IS running and I can
 connect to the net through ppp, however for some odd reason I'm unable to
 configure anything for ipchains. The kernel is 2.4-test9. Anyone have any
 ideas as to how this can be enabled in the configuration?


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Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake Corporate Server 1.0 , Kernel panic: free list empty

2000-10-21 Thread Greg Stewart

Um..yup, I believe that cache card might be necessary. :-)

On-board IDE controller? If so, try disabling the primary IDE in the BIOS
(if possible--some BIOSes don'r allow this) and connect the (a) hard drive 
the CD-ROM to the secondary IDE controller.

This very thing actually happened to my home firewall PC--the IDE controller
took ill, and I wound up changing the motherboard.

If you've got a pile of old, spare parts, they might be spare for a reason.
How did you come by these?


- Original Message -
From: "Carl Brown" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I played around with the hardware, because all but the hard drives are
 old/used but working. The only thing I found that changed the error was
 removing a secondary 256k cache card, then the error changes to Aiee,
 interupt handler, kernal panic: attempted to kill the idle task! In
 interrupt handler - not sycing. Help?


 - Original Message -
 From: "Greg Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2000 9:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake Corporate Server 1.0 , Kernel panic:
 free list empty

  In my experience, when linux sends a "siglnal 11" it'scomplaining about
  hardware failure. Are you sure you didn't forget to connect something?
  ist it possible something was fried with an ESD?  Is it old or new
  - Original Message -
  From: "Carl Brown" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  A newbie to linux, used to pier to pier windows networking, I just
  a duel Pentium tower with a G586vpm motherboard. I'm trying to install
  corporate server version so I don't have to edit the kernel to split
  between the processors, I know all my hardware is compatible. Installing
  from the cd, while Loading the Second Stage ramdisk, it comes up with an
  error "kernel Panic: free list empty  then code runs through the page,
  red, ending in install exited abnormally -- received signal 11. Help?
  The Hatter Gone Mad, At Tea

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Re: [newbie] Netscape

2000-10-20 Thread Greg Stewart

Are you able to browse *any* web pages? Does this only happen on"big" ones?
Or, does it start after one or two linnks?

I've seen Netscape stall like this if DNS information isn't set wuite
right...but I'm not quite sure what you're describing. Are you on a dial-up?
Does this happen to you in windows as well? Does this happen in any other
browser under Linux?


- Original Message -
From: "Marco Kwan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi, I'm having problems with netscape. It always seems to stall when I'm
 download a large page and it stalls, it says and I can't seem to do
 about it. Thanks in advance for you help

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Re: [newbie] floppy

2000-10-20 Thread Greg Stewart

Are you using the icon on the desktop? Maybe the auto-mount ain't workin'
quite right.

In terminal, su to root, and type:

mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

then cd to /mnt/floppy and ls.

If it stalls in terminal there's something else wrong. But if it works, then
your auto-mount is broken.


- Original Message -
From: "Marco Kwan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 hi I'm also having problems with the floppy drive. Whenever I try to use
 and access it through the desktop, it stalls too... The window just says
 it's working and stays like that for a long time, with no end in sight.
 anyone help me with this? Thanks

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Re: [newbie] floppy

2000-10-20 Thread Greg Stewart

In terminal, try unmounting the device... it may not have been unmounted for
some reason.

umount /dev/fd0

then try the mount command again, and see what happens.


- Original Message -
From: "Marco Kwan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 the following is what it says. hope its of help

 mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /mnt/floppy busy
 mount: according to mtab, /mnt/floppy is already mounted on /mnt/floppy
 [root@localhost ketchup]#

 On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, you wrote:
  Are you using the icon on the desktop? Maybe the auto-mount ain't
  quite right.
  In terminal, su to root, and type:
  mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
  then cd to /mnt/floppy and ls.
  If it stalls in terminal there's something else wrong. But if it works,
  your auto-mount is broken.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Marco Kwan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   hi I'm also having problems with the floppy drive. Whenever I try to
   and access it through the desktop, it stalls too... The window just
   it's working and stays like that for a long time, with no end in
   anyone help me with this? Thanks

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Re: [newbie] frirewall question

2000-10-20 Thread Greg Stewart

Do you have a firewall script on your machine? this would be using ipchains.

The only problem here is if you wanted to block certain workgroups and not
other, you can't do that through firewalling unless you have an ip network
set up and you have divided the workgroups into IP subnets. Then you would
allow/disallow according to subnet.

The way to allow individual workgroups access o a linux server through SMB
protocol is to set the linux box up as a Samab server. Then you would set
Samba to restrict logins.


- Original Message -
From: "stephen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

under mandrake linux is there a way to block workgroups
in the firewall especially in the netbios sharing area
on ports 137-139 tcp and udp

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Re: [newbie] MOBO Change Question

2000-10-19 Thread Greg Stewart

I've this just this succesfully a couple of times... the only thing I had to
worry about was the PnP settings in the BIOS, which altered the order in
which the NICs were found and set up, and some other BIOS settings which
were drastically different from the previous board/CPU.

I don't believe you should need to re-install unless you've tried changing
the BIOS settings to the point of insanity, and still haven't gottten

As long as there is no real major hardware/driver conflict I would think all
should go well.

Mine, also, could be a uniquely easy case. I don't know.


- Original Message -
From: "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I just did the CPU and MB. Linux wouldn't load for me because (i think)
 I/O ports changed. That is why I am having the (re)install problems...

 -Original Message-
 From: John Rye [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 1:48 PM
 Subject: [newbie] MOBO Change Question

 I'm about to change my mobo amd cpu.

 Can (may) I do just that and expect everything to carry on
 as it does at present except somewhat quicker?

 I'm moving from Pentium 120 to AMD K6 on an Epox MVP3E Atx
 motherboard and expect to just powerdown swap cards and drives
 and re-power.

 Do I expect to much here?


 ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [newbie] new problem with memory

2000-10-19 Thread Greg Stewart

If you are using lilo to boot, add (as the very first line) the following:


re-run lilo, re-boot, and you should be fine.

If you are running Grub... can't help ya there--never seen it, never used
it, never tried to look for it. Sorry.


- Original Message -
From: "Emerhawk" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I installed another 64 megs of memory on my machine.
 Total of 128 megs. Linux is only recoginizing 64 megs. Does anyone Know
 how to get Linux to locate the extra memory.



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Re: [newbie] TAR Issue

2000-10-19 Thread Greg Stewart

Nothing in /proc is "really" a file. These are generated by the kernel when
you cat the file for information. They appear as files... but only "somtain"
something when reqeusted.

You should leave this directory out of your backup as it will be re-created
should you need to restore.


- Original Message -

 Well everything was working fine. I was on my third tape when it reached
 ./proc/kcore and it just sat there! I tried the whole routine again, and
 again it died in the same place with different tapes. What is
 Anybody know how I can get around this situation? I want a total back up
of my
 system before I install Mandrake 7.1! BTW- Can I upgrade form 6.0 to 7.1
 minimal impact on PHP PostgreSQL etc?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/19/2000 02:20:43 PM

 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 cc:(bcc: Lad Gaal/MarconiMedical)

 Subject:  Re: [newbie] TAR Issue

 "Lad. Gaal" wrote:
  I want to back up the hard drives on my unit to a SCSI 8mm tape
  (exabyte 8205) drive. For the life of me I can't figure out how to get
  the tar command to go more than one tape.
  I've tried
  tar -cvf /dev/tape /.  but when the tape fills it dies, so I tried
  tar -cvLf /dev/tape /. I just get a bunch of ASII across the monitor.

 Try this one :

 tar cMvf /dev/tape /

 This will create a multi-volume archive. But maybe if you compressed it
 (with the 'z' flag), it would take only one tape.

   There's no place like ~! 

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Re: [newbie] Php4 rpm

2000-10-18 Thread Greg Stewart



- Original Message -
From: "Jan-Børge Landro" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 5:55 AM
Subject: [newbie] Php4 rpm

Do any of you know where to find rpm's for php4 - the latest version?


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Re: [newbie] Thanks ----MBR Problem Solved

2000-10-18 Thread Greg Stewart

Yes, well, the MS virus will attempt to attack anything it can get it's
claws into... beyond taking over a hard drive, and installing itself,
though, the rest is pure luck!

And again...

Greg Stewart, MCP :-)

(Why, oh why, did I get this certification? Just to rip on MS? Oh, wait,
no...the money was supposed get better! What happened there?)

- Original Message -


 I had 3 hard disks with MBR problem before. It has been a year I hadn't
 them... thought of making 'em as paperweights...

 Heck, I had nothing to lose so last week I tried again to install Linux or
 DOS or Win98 on it but failed... then I tried NT4. Using the installation
 disk, I don't know how and why, it worked!!! All the three hard disks were
 able to accept NT4.

 Well, again, I had nothing to lose so I tried to install Red Hat Linux 6.0
 (which previously failed to install onto the harddisk)... much to my
 suprised, I was able to clear the NT partition and repartitioned it for
 RHL... Now I have 1 hard disk with RHL6.0, 1 with FreeBSD 2.2 and 1 with
 plus my other hard disks with win95, win98, win2000AS and my personal
 favorite, Linux-Mandrake 7.0 :)

 really hate to admit it, but sometimes MS helps...

 best regards

   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of James Murray
   Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 1:04 AM
   Subject: [newbie] Thanks MBR Problem Solved

   MBR Problem Solved

   Thanks to all who helped me with the mbr problem.
   I replaced the HD with a larger one.

   Be very, very careful with partitions when using dual boot.


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Re: [newbie] Security Question

2000-10-18 Thread Greg Stewart

OK, I've got to do this:  OK, what's with the "ok"s, OK?   :-)

Anyway, you're right, but portsentry will only trap the one offending host
address at the time of detection.

If you want to place a rule in your ipchains to cover the entire network on
which the host is located, you can add a similar line with the
network/netmask combination. As an example, to block all of ATT CERFnet in
Redwood California, you would add the following to the firewall.rc script,
or pmfirewall.rules.local, or what ever script starts your firewalling... or
you can add the line temporarily at the command line:

Use whois to get the information about the network IP range.

/sbin/ipchains -I input -s -j DENY -l


- Original Message -
From: "stephen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 that command is blocking the one ip address ok greg stewart
 if you need to block the complete 128.143 there is a different way ok
 - Original Message -
 From: "Greg Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 9:49 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Security Question

  Replace the portsentry.conf KILL_ROUTE command line with the following
  restart portsentry:
  KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/ipchains -I input -s -j DENY -l"
  This will insert the offending host at the top of your ipchains rules
  you won't have to worry about receiving another entry from them again
  you reboot, or flush ipchains).
  Is your Win98 box behind the linux machine on the internet? Or does it
  a direct connect through a non-firewalling router?
  - Original Message -
  From: "Daniel J. Ferris" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Portsentry reported this:
   Active System Attack Alerts
   Oct 17 20:36:51 hornet portsentry[642]: attackalert: UDP scan
   host: to UDP
   Oct 17 20:36:51 hornet portsentry[642]: attackalert: Host has been blocked via wrappers with string: "ALL:"
   Oct 17 20:36:51 hornet portsentry[642]: attackalert: Host has been blocked via dropped route using command:
   "/sbin/route add -host reject"
   Zone alarm also reported this person did a syn scan on my win 98
   box.  Is there anything else that I should check?
   I have some ipchains rules set up, that will deny most anything
   incoming.  But I want to be on the safe side. :-)

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Re: [newbie] SB Question, here we go again!

2000-10-18 Thread Greg Stewart

Have you enabled sound at startup in the control centre, and restarted x?
(I'm thinking gnome 'cause that's what I use).


- Original Message -

This is a question I am sure was hashed over a million times.  I just bought
SB Live 16 PCI card, installed it, and my box recognizes it as a generic SB
card, but no sound comes from it.  Are there any suggestions to make this

"May the sound of happy music, And the lilt of Irish laughter, fill your
heart with gladness, that stays forever after."
"May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend."

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Re: [newbie] network setup

2000-10-18 Thread Greg Stewart

 You did not note what you are using for an FTP server on the 98 box.
 98/NT does not come with a standard FTP server so you have to buy one if
 want that type of capability.  Windows comes with an FTP client which you
 to connect the Linux boxes but no standard FTP server.

I'm only able to (almost) figure this out after reading Mike's response...

Do you mean by 'reverse the arrangement and try to use "linux" as my
workstation' that you are running windows on the "compaq", and linux on the
"linux" machines? And, then getting a timeout error when trying to connect
to the Windows 98 "compaq" via ftp *from* the "linux" machine?

Whoa! Head rush.

Yes, Mike is rght, if what I just hashed is correct. You need to run IIS of
some version in order to have ftp server capability on the Windows machine.
I think Personal Wed Server will give you this option, but I'm not sure.
And, yes, you have to pay for it (well, unless...I won't get into that).

However, if you mean that you are trying to connect from "linux" running
linux, to "compaq" running linux, and getting the timeout using ftp, then
there's a configuration problem on the, well, let's see...[great big pause]
"compaq" running linux machine.

But, if the dishwasher, running windows 98, cannot connect to, let me see,
Afghanistan with linux... Oh hell. I can't think anymore!  :-)

Could you make a step-by-step list of what you wanted?


- Original Message -
From: "D.M. Mattix (Mike)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] network setup

 On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Alan Dunford wrote:
  In an attempt to learn more about Local Area Networks, I have set up a
  simple three machine net but am experiencing some difficulty and I
  wonder if a more experienced person could please help.
  The configuration is:-
  Machine 1
  Pentium 3 running Windows 98 as IP (alias windows)
  Network card SMC EtherEZ 8416
  Machine 2
  Pentium 2 running Mandrake Linux 7.1 as IP (alias linux)
  Network card Genius GF100TXRII
  Machine 3
  Pentium 1 running Mandrake Linux 7.1 and Windows 98 as IP
  (alias compaq)
  Network card Realtek RTL8029
  This machine also has an internal 56 k non-Win modem and a connection to
  the Internet.
  The machines are connected to each other via a base10 hub with short
  twisted pair cables.
  The physical installation seems ok as I can ping any machine from any
  other and get fast return times.  The problem I have, though, concerns
  machines 2 and 3 whose configuration was intended to be identical.
  Using common log-on user names and passwords and with the Compaq machine
  as my workstation, I can log on to "linux" and ftp files to and from
  that machine.  Further, I can download files from the Internet and then
  pass them to "linux".
  So far so good.
  If, however, I reverse the arrangement and try to use "linux" as my
  workstation, I can connect briefly to the Compaq machine but the
  connection times out in two or three seconds and if I use ftp at the
  command line, I get an error message "421 Service not available remote
  server has closed connection".  gFTP reports that I am already logged on
  and then waits for 30 seconds before trying (unsuccessfully) again, even
  if "compaq" is waiting for a log on of some kind..
  The /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files are blank on both
  machines apart from their comments and there are no entries in
  /usr/sbin/tcpd file either.
  Before I tear out what remains of my hair, I wonder if someone could
  please point me in the right direction.
  Thanks for any help offered.
  PS apologies for crashing into another thread on this newsgroup
  Alan Dunford
  Public PGP keys at and others


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Re: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!

2000-10-17 Thread Greg Stewart

You know... I actually went looking for the original "Hampster Dance" site
today and I couldn't find it for BEANS!!!

Finally, though, tonite I stumbled on the second incarnation of the site at:

It's got a revamped techno-pop theme song, but the same cute "hampsters"
(minus one).

The original is on the following page at the same address:

And, please don't yell at me fer stickin' a 'p' in where it don't
belong...t'weren't my idea!


- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's interesting...I've never seen a hamster dance before.


/* I never worry about the to-jams.
 * Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 * it's already too late...just make sure
 * you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
  Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000 8:18pm ,Greg Stewart spake passionately in a message:

 That might have been the plug in it wanted (I was using Netscape 6pre3-and
 it complained).

 No big deal--I couldn't even hear the music 'cause I don't have a sound
 in my linux box., but it won't kill me.

 I did save some of the dancing penguin gifs, I think they'll make good
 for the dancing hamsters on a personal webpage. :-)


 - Original Message -
 From: "Goldenpi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  What plugin? I took those sites apart once and found they just use
  gifs. Some of them wand a windows media player pluging or javascript for
  sound, but thats about it. That was a while ago, it might have changed
  ----- Original Message -
  From: "Greg Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 9:07 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!
   It's HampsterDance with Penguins!Of course, when I tried it with
   windows machine, the damned thing went blue screen...rather
   that supposed to happen with the "plug in" required?
   - Original Message -
   From: "Mike  Tracy Holt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anybody have a co-worker that loves windows?  Take 'em to this site:

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Re: [newbie] Portsentry traps

2000-10-17 Thread Greg Stewart

 My wife would tell you that when I'm sitting in front of this
 monitor I can't hear with my ears either!  :)

Hell, I'm so blind (and probably deaf, too) my co-workers think the only way
I can see what's on a computer screen is by smelling the damned thing!


- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Definately! I'm all ears...rather I'm all eyes since I can't see with my
 ears. My wife would tell you that when I'm sitting in front of this
 monitor I can't hear with my ears either!  :)


 /* I never worry about the to-jams.
  * Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
  * it's already too late...just make sure
  * you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
   Registered Linux user #182496
  *   Pine 4.21   *

 On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 7:00am ,John Rye spake passionately in a message:

  Greg Stewart wrote:
   Portsentry usually adds the offending host IP to the route tables, but
   isn't always the best option anymore. you can change the KILL_ROUTE
   in /usr/local/psionic/portsentry/portsentry.conf to the following and
   will add the host IP to your ipchains rules (if you're using
   ipchains--which, really, you should be):
   KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/ipchains -I input -s $TARGET$ -j DENY"
   If you still want these probes logged, add "-l" (lower-case "L") to
the line
   before the last quotation mark.With this rule added to your ipchains,
   hits from that host will be dropped regardless of type.
   Hopefully portsentry is not the only protection you have against
   It's a great utility, but not complete enough on it's own to rely on.
  I'm well protected.. using ipchains, I already have your suggestion
  It was more a question of whether one should attempt to 'deal to' the
  I used to be continually probed when I used ICQ and Jammer on that
  other opsys, and had some good results by attacking the source-site
  owner, but those were not of this type.
  ?? What/why would a socks proxy port port be probed ??
  Suggestions and further discussion might be useful to other list

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Re: [newbie] I cannot see my network card! new informatio!!

2000-10-17 Thread Greg Stewart

I know this message is about "I cannot see my network card!", but I must not
be wearing my contacts 'cause I can't see the last reponse posted to the end
(except for that "Get you free e-mail" thing!). Did someone type something
in invisible ink? Or do I *really* need that eye transplant?

Anyway, information such as the type of network card you are trying to
install: make  model. Internal LAN connection, or internet connection. DHCP
or static IP?

Also what have you tried so far? What application have you used to attempt

These kinds of things, preferrably in a form [ I ] can actually see, and if
you think about it a pretty picture would nice.  :-)


- Original Message -
From: "David Dieguez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: Re: [newbie] I cannot see my network card!

  David Dieguez wrote:
   I just install the mandrake, but I cannot see
   the network card. How can I configurate my
   card. I know the card have irq # but I doesn't
   how to configure!
   Get your free email from
   Powered by Outblaze
  You gotta give us more information than that.
  Waht kind of information is gonna help ??
 Get your free email from

 Powered by Outblaze

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Re: [newbie] Configuring an Ehternet Adapter

2000-10-16 Thread Greg Stewart

Check, in linuxconf, to see whether device eth0 is set as "enable at boot".


- Original Message -


 I am a brand new Mandrake user and appreciate very much the initiative of
 list supporting dummies like me!
 I have a Network card (PCI) provided by Road Runner, an american cable
 services provider. They do not support Linux users.
 I feel like I am close to the goal of making this card work, but it still

 OK, I stop chatting, here are the details:

 *My card has been detected at boot time. It said it was a "Davicom
 100/10 Mbit DM9102". I used the configure option. It added -as one could
 expect- the line "alias eth0 dmfe" in conf.modules. I know it is the right
 driver as it was the one which was provided with the card.
 *There is no IRQ conflict.
 *The card is detected by the BIOS at boot time, before loading Linux. It
 gives the right device ID and IRQ.
 *In the KDE Control Center, section PCI, I can also read the card
 specifications with the right device ID, IRQ and io address.

 LOADED. Hence I cannot read any "eht0..." line when I use "dmesg". I
 receive no error message or "FAILED".

 *If I do "lsmod", my module (dmfe) does not appear.
 *In the IO section of KDE Control Center, "eth0" does not appear.
 *Then if I do "insmod dmfe" or "modprobe dmfe", things are better as I can
 see "dmfe (unused)" in "lsmod" and "eth0" in the IO section. But "eth0"
 does not appear in the IRQ section of te KDE Control Center.

 I guess I gave all the details I could.I've read about a 100 times the
 Ethernet Howto. I learned a lot and went further thanks to it but it is
 able to help me any more. I've spent almost two weeks on that problem and
 still don't want to give up! But it is hard as without the Internet, I
 cannot reach the computer autarky!!! Still have to use the University
 computers, running Windows 95...

 I thank very very much the Linux guru who will help me!

 See you!


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Re: [newbie] Linux/Networking/Firewall

2000-10-16 Thread Greg Stewart

You need to alias the external interface to act as all 5 external "real" IP
addresses a,d use ipmasqadm to port forward the incoming requests to the
appropriate masqeud internal IP address.

The format for setting IP aliasing is (where the ""s
correspond to the IP addresses and subnet info from your ISP):

/sbin/ifconfig eth0:0 netmask broadcast

repeat for each aliased eth0 IP (eth0:1, eth0:2, eth0:3, etc.), and then
create ipchains rules for firewalling each aliased IP.

In the firewall script, make sure the gaming port is open for all aliased

Install ipmasqadm and set port forwarding rules for each aliased IP to each
corresponding masqued internal IP. I believe the syntax is as follows, but
you should read the ipmasqadm HOW-TOs to be sure.:
(Assuming your internal network is on192.168.x.x, and the Gaming Port is

/sbin/ipmasqadm -a -P tcp -L  -R 

Let me know if this helps, or if I've screwed something up in the
translation.  :-)


- Original Message -
From: "Wignall, Mark T" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hoping for some help here:

 I previously had the following setup within my network at my residence.  1
 Linux box w/ 2 NIC cards.  1 connected to the DSL modem, and 1 to a HUB
 where other computers throughout the house are connected.  I configured
 1 for the IP address given to me by my DSL provider, and configured the
 other NIC for the private network IP range 196.168.x.x.  Next I configured
 IP Forwarding and Masquerading, and alas had everything set up and working

 Some online games won't allow duplicate IP addresses to be seen on the
 server, and as all computers within my private net were sharing the 1 IP
 address provided by the DSL provider, only one computer at a time to could
 be gaming.  I've recently acquired a different DSL package, which gives me
 static IP address, so I should be able to configure my network as I hoped.

 Obviously, I could have just put all computers, and the DSL modem on my
 and life would be good from a gaming perspective, however, I would very
 like to have a firewall installed that helps protect against intruders.
 Under this scenario, I'd have to install a firewall on each PC to gain
 protection...what a hassle.

 What I'd like to do is configure my Linux box like I had before, but
 the Private network with additional IP's that I gained.  I tried setting
 this up, but fell short after realizing that Linux acting as a router
 route unless there are two different networks (IP sets) to route between.
 Since all my machines IP's belong to the same network (IP set), I can't
 "route" per se.

 What I came across were some HOWTO's on bridging+firewall.  Essentially
 bridge creates a virtual NIC that binds the two together, and I place the
 firewall (IPchains) on this virtual NIC.  I configured it, set it up, and
 appear to be accomplishing my goal.  The firewall stuff is working on
 machine, and of course gaming is now a reality.

 In summary, my question is this.  Is this the best/only approach I can
 in setting up my environment?  Is there a way to accomplish this by
 up my own route tables?  The reason I ask is because when everything is
 "idle" on my network, I see blips on the DSL modem about every 3 seconds
 so.  I've narrowed it down to the bridge stuff, as I can bring the bridge
 down, and the blipping stops.  I don't know what is happening, and I don't
 believe that the bridge is impacting performance much, still I don't know,
 so I thought I'd pose the question to the experts out there.

 Thanks in advance,
 Mark Wignall

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Re: [newbie] large hard disk

2000-10-16 Thread Greg Stewart

DOS will not see anything past the 1028 cylinder limit--approximately 7.8GB
(sually rounded by DOS to 8GB). You do not need the "EZ-BIOS" app. to run

If you are only installing linux, then scrap the DOS utilities, and only use
the installer (I'm assuming Mandrake). Use "expert mode" and when it gets to
the partitioning sections, make the following partitions:

/boot16MB to 50MB depending on how many versions of Linux or kernels
you plan to run.
swap (twice your RAM)
/1GB or 2GB or more
(/usr   1GB or 2GB if you want to--not necessary.)
/homeThe rest or sized as you wish.

When the BIOS boots, it will see only the /boot partition and be happy. The
linux kernel will load and see everything.

If you want to dual boot, stick windows in first--it doesn't like living
with another OS, unless the install thinks it's going to be the only one
there. If you want to partition 20GB for windows, and 20GB for linux, use
the MaxBlast diskette, but only install on one partition.. you can delete
and re-allocate the second 20GB of space during the "expert" install of MDK.


- Original Message -
From: "Joseph Bourque" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A few months ago I bought a Maxtor Diamondmax 40 gig hard drive.  I
installed it with Windows 98 using the included Maxblast Plus software
floppy.  The software included a BIOS overlay called EZ BIOS.  Everything
installed correctly and gave me two 20 gig partitions labeled D: and E:
Whenever I booted up I saw the words EZ BIOS on the screen after the Compaq
startup logo disappeared. (I have a Compaq Presario 4834 about 2 years old).

When I set up a dual boot with Linux, I put Linux on the Maxtor 40 gig
drive.  I never did check to see how many gigs I was actually getting but
the install seemed to indicate I had 40 gigs available.  Since then I've had
to remove Linux temporarily.  I repartitioned and reformatted the drive
using DOD fdisk, but fdisk tells me I only have 8 gigs available on that
drive.  I no longer see the EZ BIOS at boot.  When I try to reformat with
the Maxblast floppy it seems to partition the drive into two 20 gig non-dos
partitions.  Fdisk shows those two non-dos partitions but still says I have
only 8 gigs available. If I try to reformat the two partitions into DOS
partitions, it will only let me have the 8 gigs.

Any ideas?

Thank you to the experts out there.


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Re: [newbie] transfering dirs/files

2000-10-16 Thread Greg Stewart

What was you tar syntax? Did you tar a directory from just above it? If not,
try the following:

tar -cvpf filename.tar directoryname

-c = create
-v = verbose
-p = preserve (permissions)
-f = filename (the filename must come immediately after the 'f' or the next
argument becomes the filename)

Does this help? Or was this what you had done?


- Original Message -
From: "KompuKit" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I want to save and/or transfer my whole public_html
 to another drive on my computer...(have two)
 However, my public_html dir is very large, and I definitly
 want to save/transfer this whole dir...and at the same time,
 keep all case in tact...(upper/lower case) of

 The last time I did this (using KFM) (thought it would be
 all the cases were changed somehowand I don't want this
 happen this I do thisand save the
 case of all filenames/dirs ???

 [note] tried to do it with tar but it wouldn't...
  Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designer
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Re: [newbie] Portsentry traps

2000-10-15 Thread Greg Stewart

Portsentry usually adds the offending host IP to the route tables, but this
isn't always the best option anymore. you can change the KILL_ROUTE command
in /usr/local/psionic/portsentry/portsentry.conf to the following and it
will add the host IP to your ipchains rules (if you're using
ipchains--which, really, you should be):

KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/ipchains -I input -s $TARGET$ -j DENY"

If you still want these probes logged, add "-l" (lower-case "L") to the line
before the last quotation mark.With this rule added to your ipchains, all
hits from that host will be dropped regardless of type.

Hopefully portsentry is not the only protection you have against intruders.
It's a great utility, but not complete enough on it's own to rely on.


- Original Message -
From: "John Rye" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 During the past five days Portsentry has reported several probes
 on port 1080 along with some DNS information.

 I understand this is the Socks Proxy port.

 Without disclosing (at this time) the origin of these probes,
 could someone advise me on how (or if) I should deal with/to

 Also, out of this, does anyone remember the 'Flint' movies
 from the 60's - I'm interested in getting hold of the alarm
 sound which was used. I think it may have been used in other
 spy spoofs but can't remember which. I'd like to use that
 as my Portsentry alarm signal.

 ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
 (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

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Re: [newbie] boot stops at syslog

2000-10-15 Thread Greg Stewart

This has happened to me a few times on a couple o machines, I fixed it by
reinstalling sysklogd. Unfortunately, I haven't found the service which is
causing the conflict.

Re-boot the machine, and enter interactive mode during service start-up
(press "I")

Select "NO" for syslog this time.

Login as root.

Check you sysklogd version (rpm -q sysklogd) and make sure it's the latest
version: sysklogd-1.3.31-17

If you don't have the latest verion, log out, log in as user, get on the web
and download it. Then log back in as root

remove the old sysklogd:   rpm -e sysklogd
and install the new one:  rpm -ivh sysklogd-1.3.31-17mdk.rpm  (or
watever the rpm is called)
Reboot at this point as see if the problem is fixed.

Note:  This was happening to me every time i used syslog in debug mode. I
think MDK installs with syslog in debug mode by default, but I don't have an
MDK machine in front of me at the moment to check. You may want to stop
debugging if it's on.


- Original Message -
From: "John Hendrickx" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I had trouble booting into Linux today. The boot just stopped at the
 point when the "system logger" was being loaded. This has happened
 once before but it went away after I rebooted with "Linux" rather
 than "Linux-up" in LILO. I don't think the other boot option made a
 difference in that case, they both use the same kernel but Linux-up
 has an extra option.

 Today though, the system would just stop booting at the "system
 logger" point. I tried an interactive boot, disabled system logging,
 but X-windows wouldn't start. I hit the reset button, Linux did a
 check of root and home, found some errors, and everything proceeded
 properly from there on in. But I'd like to know what was going on and
 how to fix it if it ever happens again. Can I force a disk check
 during boot? Well, with the reset button I could, but that may not be
 the best way. I also booted into Windows, but found that internet
 wasn't responding properly (couldn't load web pages, but telnet and
 mail worked fine). Was Linux perhaps just encountering network
 problems at boot time, and should I have just waited?

 Thanks for any information,
 John Hendrickx

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Re: [newbie] Vacation - offtime

2000-10-15 Thread Greg Stewart

Why come here? Aren't there better places to visit?  :-)


- Original Message - 

 Hi everyone,
 Just a quick goodbye for a while.
 Monday I am leaving for a 3 week vacation to the US of A, so I will go
 nomail for that period.
 Have fun with the penguin!!
 (Patti, I'll give you a ring when I am in Ca!)
 Fast French food. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

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Re: [newbie] 2 network cards

2000-10-15 Thread Greg Stewart

It sounds like only the one network card is configured. I'm to assume you
want to access the internet with your linux box, and have the linux box
share the internet connection with your windows box?

The cable modem should be connected to the interface that is designated
eth0--this is probably the interface that is currently working.

You need to enter linuxconf (su to root, type   linuxconf   in terminal),
enter Networking, client tasks, Basic Host Configuration and select the
interface eth1. You want to putt your interface information here.

Use a dummy IP address (192.168.x.x, or 10.x.x.x), make the gateway the same
IP address.and the subnet mask Select the appropriate driver
for your network card., click activate at boot. click accept, quit, and
activate changes.

in the terminal type/sbin/ifup eth1 and let me know what happens.

Also, please give a little information about your setup--and maybe try to
squeeze a period or a comma in your paragraphs :-).


- Original Message -
From: "Michael Dolan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 hi im currently using linux-mandrake 6.1 i installed it no worries what so
 ever i set it up to be a network net connection well it found one of the
 network cards as a nec2000 thats ok i continue to install linux

 i restart go back into linux fire up netscape nothing! but when i swap the
 cable modem on to the other network card it works so i was wondering is
 there a way to set it up so i don't have to swap over between windows and
 linux? the two cards are smc EZ card 10/100 and the other a d-link 528

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Re: [newbie] help with booting

2000-10-15 Thread Greg Stewart

I thiink you've managed to confuse your partition scheme. Typically, the
best way to prepare a linux drive, especially for the distros you mention,
is to have the following partitions:

/boot   16MB+
swap(twice your RAM size)
/   500MB+
/home   500MB+

The / and /home directories need to be adjusted depending on what it is you
are installing. The OS and all necessary apps go into / and anything you
install afterward should be installed to ~/home (your user directory). The
/boot partition can be a little larger depending on how many different
kernels you wih to store there, but I would not exceed 100MB--there's just
no reason to.

You may have confused lilo/grub during one of your installs, and
accidentally removed it from the MBR, placing onto the / partition. In this
case, it may not know where to look for itself, or your BIOS doesn't see a
boot utility.

If you don't have much invested in these installs, you may wish to consider
formatting the drive, and starting over with a careful plan. otherwise, you
may want to try doing an upgrade of one of the distros, and selecting to put
lilo or grub in the MBR during the upgrade. Afterward you can fuss with tell
the boot utility where the other distro(s) exists.


- Original Message -


 I have had a lot of trouble installing linux and booting it. I tried red
 hat 6.2 and mandrake 7.0 to nbo avail. Mandrake 7.1 works though - maybe
 something to do with grub? I have two linux partitions on my hd (both
 logical not primary) the first is mounted as / and is under the 1024
 cylinder limit the other is /usr and is past the 1024th cylinder. After
 installing a new dvd drive (samsung 608) and soundcard (live 1024) Linux
 refused to boot. Now when I select linux from grub I get a couple of
 lines of text and nothing happens. I made a few changes to the bios
 settings at the same time - could these have any affect? Or are my
 partitions wrong because at the same time I created another linux
 partion (the second one) and tried to mount it.

 I have reinstalled mandrake 7.1 about 10 times now but always the same
 problems. Any suggestions would be really useful.


 Alex Hopson

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Re: [newbie] Modem connection question

2000-10-15 Thread Greg Stewart

Before running out and buying a non-winmodem, you might try extending the
timeout in kppp:

In Kppp setup and under PPP, set the pppd timeout to 120 or more seconds.

See if this helps. if not, consider a better modem.


- Original Message -
From: "Kirby J. Davis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have been able to get Linux to recognize my LT Winmodem and dial my ISP.
However, as soon as the connection is made it is immediately disconnected
with the daemon dying unexpectedly. KPPP then locks up Linux and I have to

Any ideas?


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Re: [newbie] help with booting

2000-10-15 Thread Greg Stewart

 as for the /home stuff as I am the sole user of this system what do I
 stand to gain from installing stuff to /home rather than /usr?

For personal configuration files, and depending on the application, if you
have a separate /home partition, you can remove a linux / partition,
reinstall another version, sometimes another distro, and retain the previous
installations. It also instills a bit more organisation to your
installation--remember: in Windows, not everything pertaining to an
application is in C:\Program Files...much of it is scattered amongst two or
three other directories.

Of course, if you're the only user, you can certainly get away with creating
only the /boot and / partitions in addition to your swap.


- Original Message -

 Thx, I'll try reinstalling using the suggested partitions. I have been
 using diskdrake - as supplied withmandrake 7.1 most of the time,
 although I have tried partition magic (windows) a couple of times.

 as for the /home stuff as I am the sole user of this system what do I
 stand to gain from installing stuff to /home rather than /usr?


  OK, I'm not familiar with grub--I'm a lilo devotee... but it sounds to
  like grub needs to be told where to look for each of the linux kernels,
  kernel module info files, and system maps. These are usually stored in
  linux /boot or / partitions.
  Older versions of lilo, I cannot attest to grub, could not deal with
  files when located beyond the 1028 cylinder mark. This is usually
  approximately 7.9GB into the hard drive. That's why it is a good
practice to
  create that /boot partition as close to the beginning of the drive as
  possible. Lilo would simply need to look into that 16MB or so space to
  everything, and the problem is taken care ofIt's also just a good
  to protect the kernel files in a small space that's easily backed up,
  wuickly replaced it needed.
  The /home partition, or directory, is where all user files go. It
  your users' "home" directories where downloaded files, personal desktop
  config files, browser/mail databases, and other user-installed programs
  located. This can become quite large if users download/install a lot of
  programs  files. the /usr directory can also grow if the admin of the
  machine has the tendency to install everything to /usr/bin, /usr/lib or
  /usr/sbin--sometimes unavoidable or necessary, but not always good
  I don't have any documentation on Grub, so I haven't the ability to
  you on its configuration files, or repair. but, again, if you haven't
  anything important and irreplaceable onyour linux partitions, you may
  wish to start them over.
  What partitioning tool are you using? This might be a key in getting a
  reinstall going smoothly.
  - Original Message -
   I'm afraid I'm new to the whole thing and don't understand the use of
   the /home partition. I'm not using any networked stuff, I just want to
   allow myself to run linux there will only be 1/2 users at most. So
   should I store in /home rather than /?
   I'm afraid I wasn't to clear about grub. Grub runs ok, if I select
   windows it boots windows fine but selecting linux or failsafe just
   up a couple of lines of text.
I thiink you've managed to confuse your partition scheme. Typically,
best way to prepare a linux drive, especially for the distros you
is to have the following partitions:
/boot   16MB+
swap(twice your RAM size)
/   500MB+
/home   500MB+
The / and /home directories need to be adjusted depending on what it
are installing. The OS and all necessary apps go into / and anything
install afterward should be installed to ~/home (your user
/boot partition can be a little larger depending on how many
kernels you wih to store there, but I would not exceed
no reason to.
You may have confused lilo/grub during one of your installs, and
accidentally removed it from the MBR, placing onto the / partition.
case, it may not know where to look for itself, or your BIOS doesn't
boot utility.
If you don't have much invested in these installs, you may wish to
formatting the drive, and starting over with a careful plan.
may want to try doing an upgrade of one of the distros, and
selecting to
lilo or grub in the MBR during the upgrade. Afterward you can fuss
the boot utility where the other distro(s) exists.
- Original Message -

 I have had a lot of trouble installing linux and booting it. I

Re: [newbie] Portsentry traps

2000-10-15 Thread Greg Stewart

 ?? What/why would a socks proxy port port be probed ??

Socks is a network proxy protocol used to provide NAT access for one section
of a network to another. It is possible that the machine from which the
packets came is hitting you or everyone (I haven't seen your packet log
entry, so I can't decipher it) in an attempt to detect its proxy.

This probably indicates a mis-configured machine on your segment of your
ISP's network, or that is less than a certain number of hops distance from
your machine so that the packets do not time out before getting to you.

Socks and DNS, even DHCP hits on your machine usually don't pose a threat at
all. It's just that someone seems not to know what they're doing--most often
on Windows machines. Check to see (or include the packet log entry) that the
destination is, or "broadcast". If this is so, then it's
definitely not an attack. If otherwise, I would guess it's a


- Original Message -
From: "John Rye" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm well protected.. using ipchains, I already have your suggestion

 It was more a question of whether one should attempt to 'deal to' the

 I used to be continually probed when I used ICQ and Jammer on that
 other opsys, and had some good results by attacking the source-site
 owner, but those were not of this type.

 ?? What/why would a socks proxy port port be probed ??

 Suggestions and further discussion might be useful to other list



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Re: [newbie] Portsentry traps

2000-10-15 Thread Greg Stewart

If you do a whois on the network IP's and can actually resolve some owner of
the network to which these IP's belong, you might drop them a note about
their clients' broadcasting...if they belong to your ISP's subscribers,
contact your technical support.

You won't necessarily get anything done, but at least they will be aware of
the issue.


- Original Message -
From: "John Rye" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thanks Greg.

 Yes it does seem to be mis-config. There is no consistancy in the source
 IPs and the entry does show up as 'broadcast' as well.

 My curiousity was in that all the other probes have been pretty
 obvious as to what they were - these just seemed a bit different.


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Re: [newbie] DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modem Setup

2000-10-14 Thread Greg Stewart

Depending on your particular service, this can either be extremely simple,
or a little tricky. Give us a bit more infomration if you have the equipment
and account, or tell us which service you plan to use, or how you plan to
set things up.


- Original Message -
From: "Romanator" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi everybody,

 Has any one had success setting a single Linux box using DHCP, pump and
 setting up
 your cable modem? If you have, I am very interested on how you got your
 Internet setup

 Registered Linux User #179293

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Re: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!

2000-10-14 Thread Greg Stewart

It's HampsterDance with Penguins!Of course, when I tried it with my
windows machine, the damned thing went blue screen...rather typical...was
that supposed to happen with the "plug in" required?


- Original Message -
From: "Mike  Tracy Holt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Anybody have a co-worker that loves windows?  Take 'em to this site:


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Re: [newbie] hola

2000-10-14 Thread Greg Stewart

Se puede leer el documento aca:

Lo que sigue es un resumido de lo que exista en el web antes:

Cuando aprende la computadora, contesta al lilo asi:

boot: linux mem=96M

entonces, al logon, entre como root, y maneja:

# cat /proc/meminfo

y busca la linea que dice algo similar de:

MemTotal: 95572 kB

Si esta linea dice la correcta cantidad de memoria que se tiene, bueno, y se
puede poner la linea que sigue en el archivo /etc/lilo.conf:


por ejemplo:


duespues de cambiar el archivo /etc/lilo.conf, usa /sbin/lilo para acceptar
la correcion.

Si se tiene preguntas, escriba otra vez.

Buena suerte!


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Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd

2000-10-14 Thread Greg Stewart

This is starting to sound like my experience with my MDK server attempt.

What security level did you install... you may wish to explore the msec
scripts to see if there's something in there that's blocking the login. I
spent days ripping the crap out of those scripts and still couldn't figure
it out, but I got too frustrated and installed my server with another

It's just a suggestion, hope you find what's going on--if you do, let me
know, maybe I can fix the install I had (I saved the hard drive wondering
whether I would one day figure out what was causing my frustration).


- Original Message -
From: "Tyler Longren" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Well, my ListenAddress was at, and it didn't work, so I changed
 it to  I suppose I'll change it back to  Also, I
 already have re-installed openssh.  I installed it once, had these
 problems, so I decided to re-install, and I still have the same
 problems.  :)

 sorry for all the trouble...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Veatch
 Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 4:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd

 Tyler Longren wrote:

  I tried connecting to,, and VectraXW

 Ah, I should have looked at my sshd.config. Change your listen address
 to See what that does for you.

 Below is my sshd.config. I noticed also you do not have a random seed
 You may want to try regenerating your keys and if that does not work, I
 suggest reinstalling ssh.

 # This is ssh server systemwide configuration file.

 Port 22
 HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
 RandomSeed /etc/ssh/ssh_random_seed
 ServerKeyBits 768
 LoginGraceTime 600
 KeyRegenerationInterval 3600
 PermitRootLogin yes
 IgnoreRhosts no
 StrictModes yes
 QuietMode no
 X11Forwarding yes
 X11DisplayOffset 10
 FascistLogging no
 PrintMotd yes
 KeepAlive yes
 SyslogFacility DAEMON
 RhostsAuthentication no
 RhostsRSAAuthentication yes
 RSAAuthentication yes
 PasswordAuthentication yes
 PermitEmptyPasswords no
 UseLogin no
 # CheckMail no
 # PidFile /u/zappa/.ssh/pid
 # DenyHosts *
 # Umask 022
 # SilentDeny yes

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Re: [newbie] Uninstalling Linux

2000-10-14 Thread Greg Stewart

Sorry to hear that you are not happy with Linux. hopefully you will return
one day.

Most often, all you need to do is delete the linux ext2 and swap partitions
and you're home free. You may need to boot with a DOS boot diskette and use
fdisk to flash the master boot record, you would do this if you installed
lilo in the MBR.

Boot with the DOS boot diskette, and type:

fdisk /mbr

This should get you going.


- Original Message -
From: James

I am sorry to say that I dont want Linux on my machine any longer now that I
have learned to program in Windows and I need to uninstall that operating
system. Thankyou for your help.

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Re: [newbie] Ebrarassed to ask this question

2000-10-13 Thread Greg Stewart

Make a temporary "mount point" in the directory /mnt:

mkdir /mnt/temp5
mkdir /mnt/temp6  (you don't have to call them 'tempX', but bear with me
:-) )

As long as you are not trying to mount a swap partition, you can use the
following for the linux partitions:

mount -t ext2 /dev/hda5 /mnt/temp5
mount -t ext2 /dev/hda6 /mnt/temp6

If the windows partition is fat16:

mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/temp5
(I'm re-using the temp5 directory, assuming it's not already mounted when
you try this)

I'll guess your "linux extended partition" is your swap, and leave it alone.

to "unmount" the partition:

umount /dev/hdaX (where 'X' is the partition #)

For a fat floppy:

mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
umount /dev/fd0

the '-t' denotes the file system, for a cdrom it would most likely be '-t
iso9660'. The man page has a list of the different file systems your
distro's kernel supports. But for many of them, you may have to re-compile
the kernel toget functionality. An important hint: DO NOT COMPILE READ-WRITE
FOR NTFS IN YOUR KERNEL... sorry for "yelling" but this can royally fuck
things up. And, um, sorry about the language, but urgency can often be well
demonstrated by profane emphatic expression. It's colourful, as well, and
sometimes gets a rise out of co-workers in a stuffy office environment--you
may shout it loudy over the cubical walls in a disguised voice and watch the
surprised, somewhat perturbed faces on the prairie dogs as they begin
popping up around you.

I'm getting off topic?

Anywaythe above is the typical usage for 'mount' MDK may, depending on
the security level at which you installed, prevent you from mounting if
you're not root. Y should be able to change this in linuxconf, by making the
devices (/dev/...) user-mountable.

If you have any questions... well... you've been here before.


- Original Message -
From: "ai4a" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have created a standalone boot linux using 'tomsrtbt'. This is a
 standalone bootable linux. It boots fine. But how do I access the files
 on my HD. MY partitions are:
 hda1 linux boot
 hda2 windows
 hda3 linux extended partition
 hda5 linux
 hda6 linux

 How do I mount the hda3(hda5,hda6) partitions?
 I am using Mandrake 7.0.
 Please show several mount commands so I can try and understand the mount
 command. I have read the 'man mount' pages and several books. I think
 they all presume I have a better background than I have. I am a newbie
 (so new I shine).
 The fstab in /etc/fstab (floppy) show only fd0.

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Re: [newbie] OOPS: Help a dumbie please

2000-10-12 Thread Greg Stewart

As root, you can view the /var/log/messages file in a text editor (vi, or
your favourite),  or cat the file piping it through more:

cat /varlog/messages |more

Do you have a list of the daemons you "deleted", and a description of the
fashion in which you achieved this? Actually removing things is not always a
good idea...whoever you got the instructions from might need a spanking.

Renaming is the better way to stop services, or linuxconf and setup would do
a fine job of the same. But, since you don't seem to have linuxconf (have
you tried typing the word "linuxconf" at a command prompt? Of course,
without the quotes!) we might need to get this back.

From the command line once logged in init3 you can try the command:   startx
to attempt returning to XWindows.

Let me know where you went to get this info, and I'll check it out to see
where we can go from here.


- Original Message -
From: "ai4a" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 My system:
 AMD K6-2 500MHZ
 64Mb ram
 10 Gb drive
 Mandrake 7.0
 using KDE
 netscape  a modem

 What I did (what a dumb thing to do):
 I got some info from the internet about stopping all unused daemons with
 a recommend list of daemons to remove. I deleted the ones they
 recommended (using DrakConf). Then I restarted my system.

 The problem:
 The system boots up to the penguin logon prompt  the tries to got to
 the Xwindows ? logon screen. the monitor makes a click, goes blank, 
 returns to the Penguin logon screen for a half second. Then loops in
 this click, goes blank,  return to the penguin.

 What I have tried!
 I have the same Mandrake installed on my old machine. Cyrix 133 Mhz, 48
 Mb, 2Gb drive, no modem. I looked on this machine at /etc/rc.d/rc5.d
 (run level 5 I hope).
 I was able to logon the new (failing) machine as linux level: 3 as root.
 Went to /etc/rc.d/rc5.d and checked the files between the two machines.
 The following files were missing on the failing machine:

 I tried using linuxconf (on both machines), but I could not get it to
 work (sorry I am a newbie). I noticed that all the files were symbolic
 links so I did .. ln -s ../init.d/inet
 for all the missing files (changing the /inet as needed). I can see some
 of the daemons start during boot (maybe all of them, I do not know), How
 can I look at the boot messages. I looked at dmesg but that does not
 have all the messages.

 I can boot to level 3 so I can logon as root and do things, but I have
 no idea what to do. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] Ultimate Formatting

2000-10-11 Thread Greg Stewart

OK, the best, most reliable way to low-level format your hard drive is to go
to the manufacturer's website, follow the support links or download links to
their utilities pages, and download the utility they make especially for the
drive you have.

It will probably be a windows installation routine, which should create a
bootable DOS diskette. Have the offending hard drive as the master on IDE0
and just run the tests to their fullest capacity. It may take HOURS to get
the damned thing wiped, but in the end you'll feel comfy knowing there ain't
no way any information from the previous install can be retrieved or cause a
problem. If you're still a bit confused, send me all the info about your
hard drive and I'll take a peek for the utility (sometimes it can be a pain
trying to find them).

If the HD still doesn't feel happy, you may need another one.


- Original Message -
From: "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 How would I do that?

 -Original Message-
 From: Goldenpi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 1:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Ultimate Formatting

 The second most through format I know. The most through is the low-level
 bios format, but only old bios will do that.

 - Original Message -
 From: "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 3:35 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Ultimate Formatting

  That would be great, John.
  -Original Message-
  From: John Rye [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 9:38 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Ultimate Formatting
  Rod Baxter wrote:
   Boot from a dos boot disk and use dos fdisk. Delete all partitions and
   reboot from the floppy. Then type fdisk  /mbr which will rewrite a
   master boot record.
   But, (as allways!!) if you cannot delete an extended partition because
   says 'cannot delete while logical drives exist' and when you go and
   there are no logical drives you need to cheat a bit.
   Go into the bios and change the disk drive settings. If its running
   change it to normal. Reboot and you will find the logical drives will
   dissapeared. Delete everything, then reboot and put it back to LBA
   Then go through the loop again, and finish with the fdisk /mbr
   If its a small disk and you are not running LBA, then just change the
   type to something else.
   - Original Message -
   From: "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: "'Newbie'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 9:23 PM
   Subject: [newbie] Ultimate Formatting
Anybody know how to completely wipe a HD clean?? I am having major
and need to start over. I need to blow away partitions and all. Make
   just like new.
  There is a rather smart wee utility called ZeroDisk out there somewhere
  which rewrites every sector. I have used that to do Security Wipes.
  I may have a copy here somewhere - whant to check thru the floppy box?
  ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  "The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
  (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

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Re: [newbie] computer internal fans -was HP Jetdirect printing

2000-10-11 Thread Greg Stewart


The fan isn't actually squeeking, it's more like vibrating--not quite so
much as those quarter-fed beds in an hourly motel, more like a sex toy, if
you know what I mean (Ooops, this might get too suggestive!)

I do have a backup power supply if I need to change it, but that one makes
almost as much noise. I'll probably clean both out, and try the 'drop-o-oil'
on them to see how it goes.

Didn't know anything about checking fan motors and bearings before...thanks
for the info! But, I kinda' figured a power supply without a fan would feel
a bit unhappy--which is why I didn't just cut the wires to the fan (which
has crossed my mind on occasion!).  :-)


- Original Message -

 Mark's advice is good.  And do it now while the fan is still
 This won't work once the fan seizes, which is coming soon.  When seized
 will probably want to replace it.  [*speaking of computer chassis from
 down*]  It: it's normally easier and better to replace the entire power
 supply rather than the fan inside.  Once the fan has quit there are lots
 reliability questions that have to be considered.
 And anytime you have the case open and the machine off, check the CPU
 fan.  Do not remove the CPU fan and heatsink unit unless you are replacing
 or are prepared to redo dried heat-sink compound you might find beneith it
 GOOD idea).  It should turn so freely that when spun it locates to the
 magnetic poles of the motor [also a good test of a new CPU fan to find
 ball-bearing type fans].  If it doesn't locate try one carefully placed
 of 3in1 oil to free it (after cleaning, of course).  Note that a
 sleeve-bearing motor won't "notch" with this test.  If it won't, then
 it (ball-bearing motors are much more reliable).  And, of course, blow out
 the CPU heat sink, if not replaced, with canned air as part of the
 clean up.  -Gary-

 In a message dated 10/11/2000 7:42:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time,


  Take some canned air and blow the crap out-a the fan. Then put a few
  of 3-in-1 oil on the fan shaft and no more noise. I've had to do this for
  a few of the older PC's in our building and the users think I'm
  some kind of magic! works great.


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Re: [newbie] Lilo configuration

2000-10-10 Thread Greg Stewart

Does LILO recognise your Windows 98 installation at all? If so, you can edit
the following file:  /etc/lilo.conf

It may look something similar to:




You can change the "dos" label to anything you'd like *without spaces*. For


Then you need to change the




If your /etc/lilo.conf file does not have the "ohter" section, try adding

When you are done editing the file, save it. At the command line, type:
/sbin/lilo [enter]

you should see something like.

added linux
added Win98*

The asterisk (*) means it's the deafult OS.


- Original Message -
From: "Francisco Javier Rivas Martin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, there!
 I´d like to know how to change the conf. of Lilo. I mean how I
could do to set Windows 98 as the preferable O.S. if it could be
 Now, I can´t use Linux because it doesn´t seem to like my modem
I can´t surf internet, I have a 3com U.S. Robotics 56k Faxmodem,
maybe is set as a winmodem, I don´t have any idea, it looks just
if it didn´t exist.
 thank you

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Re: [newbie] HP Jetdirect printing

2000-10-10 Thread Greg Stewart


In his diagram, Dennis indicates that the two workstations are DHCP clients.
Since he is on a private network, behind a firewall, and does not include a
separate server for the DHCP provider service, the firewall itself could
very well be the DHCP server--although he may have another server on his
network doing the job.

A firewall, can be simply that, a firewall, and nothing else. Or, it can be
several things at the same time... in this case, possibly a DHCP server. It
can also be a router...but not necessarily so.

As a firewall that "masquerades" an internal, private network, it is doing
some routing tasks, but not all. So, it is "sort of" a router, but not
really. A true router will separate segments of a network by the subnet
mask, and isolate network traffic that does not belong on the other
segments, keeping the different segments nice and "quiet".

A router can also act as a DHCP server if it is set up to do so. And, to
complicate things even further, a router can also be a firewall. And, in
fact, a router can be a DHCP serving, firewalling, packet-forwarding, DNS
serer if you really, really, r-e-a-l-l-y, wanted it to be. But that's giving
the poor machine a bit of work to do all at the same time, and if you're on
a large internal network, it's not considered "good practice".

Does that clear things up a bit? Or, have I successfully confused the issue
beyond repair?  :-)


- Original Message -
From: "bascule" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 could i jump in and ask a couple of questions that might help me
 understand your diagram? i can't help you i'm afraid but i think i might
 learn something from any future answers to your query, does dhcp mean
 that the box is being given it's ip address by a dhcp server? (or is
 being a server - only one needed though right?) in which case which is
 the dhcp server, the firewall? (is this what is called a  router?), is
 your network printer configured via the network or by physical switches
 etc.(i.e. how do you assign it an ip?)
 i hope you don't mind my butting in but i am interested in networking


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Re: [newbie] HP Jetdirect printing

2000-10-10 Thread Greg Stewart

 Besides the ipchains, there is a dnscache, dhcp, ssh, dhclient and
portsentry (for

Aw, c'mon... you can fit an Apache Web Server, MySQL Database, and a hefty
load of php scripts in there too!!!  :-)

 I opted for the easy way out and used the Linux Router Project, notably
Charles Steinkulers

Actually, a friend of mine at work has just re-done his firewall, and built
a disk-less linux router to handle firewalling and port-forwarding. He's
booting from floppy on a modified kernel. I'm thinking of trying the same
thing...the noise from the power supply fan on my P166 firewall/ftp server
is just pissing me off.  :-)


- Original Message -
From: "Dennis Veatch" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I should have read your reply before sending mine off to Bascule. That was
 better than my point-point reply.

 The firewall as I have it set up does most all you mentioned. I opted for
 easy way out and used the Linux Router Project, notably Charles

 As for the bad form of running most all those things on one box. I agree,
 however, as you saw its just a couple of workstations and a printer.
 ipchains, there is a dnscache, dhcp, ssh, dhclient and portsentry (for

 - Original Message -
 From: "Greg Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 7:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] HP Jetdirect printing

  In his diagram, Dennis indicates that the two workstations are DHCP
  Since he is on a private network, behind a firewall, and does not
  separate server for the DHCP provider service, the firewall itself could
  very well be the DHCP server--although he may have another server on his
  network doing the job.
  A firewall, can be simply that, a firewall, and nothing else. Or, it can
  several things at the same time... in this case, possibly a DHCP server.
  can also be a router...but not necessarily so.
  As a firewall that "masquerades" an internal, private network, it is
  some routing tasks, but not all. So, it is "sort of" a router, but not
  really. A true router will separate segments of a network by the subnet
  mask, and isolate network traffic that does not belong on the other
  segments, keeping the different segments nice and "quiet".
  A router can also act as a DHCP server if it is set up to do so. And, to
  complicate things even further, a router can also be a firewall. And, in
  fact, a router can be a DHCP serving, firewalling, packet-forwarding,
  serer if you really, really, r-e-a-l-l-y, wanted it to be. But that's
  the poor machine a bit of work to do all at the same time, and if you're
  a large internal network, it's not considered "good practice".
  Does that clear things up a bit? Or, have I successfully confused the
  beyond repair?  :-)
  - Original Message -
  From: "bascule" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   could i jump in and ask a couple of questions that might help me
   understand your diagram? i can't help you i'm afraid but i think i
   learn something from any future answers to your query, does dhcp mean
   that the box is being given it's ip address by a dhcp server? (or is
   being a server - only one needed though right?) in which case which is
   the dhcp server, the firewall? (is this what is called a  router?), is
   your network printer configured via the network or by physical
   etc.(i.e. how do you assign it an ip?)
   i hope you don't mind my butting in but i am interested in networking

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Re: [newbie] Two systems....

2000-10-09 Thread Greg Stewart

Your description is a bit vague, please diagram your setup... are all your
machines DHCP within a LAN? Or, is this an attempt to establish DHCP
assignmet through a DSL/Cable ISP? Is your router the only server doing DHCP

What steps did you take to set up the NICs? Did you do this manually, in
DrakConf, LinuxConf? What networks cards are you using? Does you router have
enough IPs in the block to satisfy all the clients? Are these IPs "real" or
masqued/internal-block IPs?

--Greg S.

- Original Message -
From: "gcobb" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I have a Mandrake system and two Windows systems on a network.  I want to
 add a second Mandrake system but I'm not able to get DCHP on the Linux
 system that comes up last.  If I turn one system off I can get an IP, but
 not on both at the same time.  They don't have the same system name, FQDN
 NETBIOS name but are on the same domain.

 Is there a simple step I missed somewhere along the way that should allow
 to use both at the same time.  I am also behind a router that uses
 DHCP addressing.


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Re: [newbie] 3c905c

2000-10-09 Thread Greg Stewart

I think he means "driver" -- in linux conf, select the device driver for the
3c509 card... it works fine for the two 3c905c's that I have, and detects
the full duplex capability with no problem.

--Greg S.

- Original Message -

 Is "de module" a command at the root prompt?

 --- Softec - Javier Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I got the same network card 3c905c, and I have configured with de
  and it works great.Try this.
  Someone on the list tall me that.
  -Mensaje original-
  De: gcobb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Enviado el: lunes 9 de octubre de 2000 13:39
  Asunto: RE: [newbie] 3c905c
  On boot are you getting errors saying your card didn't initialize?
  If you
  didn't, can you ping the card?  If you have more than one system on a
  can you ping another system?
  Go into your Basic network settings for the adapter and make sure you
  have a
  card type selected for the kernel towards the bottom.  If you can
  ping as
  needed, put your machine name and DNS entries in as well.  If your
  card is
  working that should help.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of M.
   Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 12:45 AM
   Subject: [newbie] 3c905c
   Can someone tell me how to setup Mandrake 7.1/3Com 3c905c for the
   internet.  I get LAN, LANTx AND LANRx lit when I activate "connect"
   when I try to browse I get "unable to locate www.".  I've used
   text editor to add "alias eth0 3c90x" to /ect/conf.modules but I
   think that helped.  I have no idea what I'm doing.
   Do You Yahoo!?
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 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!

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Re: [newbie] Two systems....

2000-10-09 Thread Greg Stewart

Shah, Steve. Linux Administration, A Beginner's Guide: Osbourne/McGraw Hill.
Berkley, Calif. 2000.

By no means "A Beginner's Guide", but well written, easy to understand, and
very comprehensive. The networking section is at the end of the book, but
everything in the text is useful.

If you have any questions, just ask.


- Original Message -
From: "Larry Marshall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Greg, can you recommend a good book on doing small networks at home?  I've
 got 3 machines here that I'd like to link but I don't know much at all
 about DHCP and even less about the hardware beyond basics of how
 ethernet works.

 Cheers --- Larry

  Your description is a bit vague, please diagram your setup... are all
  machines DHCP within a LAN? Or, is this an attempt to establish DHCP
  assignmet through a DSL/Cable ISP? Is your router the only server doing

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Re: [newbie] Two systems....

2000-10-09 Thread Greg Stewart

OK, I'm going to assume you set both linux boxes up the same way, probably
using the default services. You might want to check to see that pump is
running (in terminal, type:  top   "pump" should be listed, or dhcpcd if you
chose to install that instead).

In the configuration, have you given the workstation a name with a
convention different from the one that does lease an IP from the router?

If you take the 1st linux box off the LAN, and try to put the "4th" one in
it's place (the one that can't get an IP)... does this machine get the
lease? Or is it still dead?

Have you tried using linuxconf to configure the NIC on the "4th" linux box?
If not, try going to Basic Host Configuration, and selecting eth0 on that
machine... leave everything blank--even the host name--and just select
activate at boot, and DHCP.

If all else seems fine, here's an embarrassing move that must get me at
least once a month--check the cable to see that you haven't put one in with
a short or a break in it. I really can't count how many times I've installed
a workstation and fuss around for an hour or so thinking I've made a
configuration error, and it's the damned cable.

Let me know what happens...

--Greg  (I don't need my last initial here, do I? You know you're not me!)

- Original Message -
From: "gcobb" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Greg Stewart
  Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 6:52 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Two systems

  Your description is a bit vague, please diagram your setup... are all
  machines DHCP within a LAN? Or, is this an attempt to establish DHCP
  assignmet through a DSL/Cable ISP? Is your router the only server
  doing DHCP assignment?

 I have a cable modem with a Linksys router behind it feeding 3 systems.
 4th was going to be another Linux box.  The router does DHCP with internal

  What steps did you take to set up the NICs? Did you do this manually, in
  DrakConf, LinuxConf? What networks cards are you using? Does you
  router have  enough IPs in the block to satisfy all the clients? Are
 these IPs
  "real" or  masqued/internal-block IPs?

 Upon install the 3C509 cards were installed.  I just had to select 3C509
 the Kernel mode field.  I got an address subsequent to that point, so the
 system was in working order.  I have more than enough addresses to hand

 I couldn't get the second system to get an address while the first one was
 The card wouldn't initialize on boot because it couldn't get an address.

 If I put another Windows system in its place I can get a 4th IP.


  --Greg S.
  - Original Message -
  From: "gcobb" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I have a Mandrake system and two Windows systems on a network.
  I want to
   add a second Mandrake system but I'm not able to get DCHP on the Linux
   system that comes up last.  If I turn one system off I can get
  an IP, but
   not on both at the same time.  They don't have the same system
  name, FQDN
   NETBIOS name but are on the same domain.
   Is there a simple step I missed somewhere along the way that
  should allow
   to use both at the same time.  I am also behind a router that uses
   DHCP addressing.
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Re: [newbie] Can't browsing to internet

2000-09-17 Thread Greg Stewart

In Kppp, you shoul *only* need to specify "Dynamic IP Address".
remove everything else.

 Tab Gateway :

This is *only* for your internal network (your ethernet cards that connect
linux and windows) *not* for an external interface. The gateway address will
be assigned by the DHCP server at your ISP when you get an IP address (This
is why you specify "dynamic"). So, make sure you don't use this in Kppp.

If Kppp pseters you for a DNS address, give it It may be
changed when you dial up, but that's OK.

So, in all, the only information you should have to give Kppp is your
username, password, phone number to dial, select "Dynamic IP", and
*possibly* that DNS IP above.  Leave everything else blank.

Try that and let me know what happens.


(Oh, by the way, I've returned from my trip--that was quick!"  :-)  )

- Original Message -
From: "Pungki" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I can dial from console. It works. Then I tried to use kppp. And here's
 result :
 Setting on kppp :
 Tab IP Address : - Dynamic IP Address : enable
 Tab DNS : - Domain Name :, DNS Address List :
 Tab Gateway :

 Then, if Gateway contains my IP Address,,
 ping : Network unreachable..
 ping :  unknown host

 If I change Gateway to, then
 ping : OK
 ping : Network unreachable..

 I set gateway on linuxconf to my IP Address (
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  You may then bring doen the interface by typing:
  /sbin/ifdown ppp0
  And then try using Kppp. When I first started using Linux, I had a few
  problems with Kppp, and stopped using it due to the reliability of the
  command line activation. If you still have problems with Kppp, you can
  either try erasing all the data from it's configuration and start Kppp
  from its beginning, or try wvdial.
  Let me know what happens.

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Re: [newbie] RV: Screen Problem, please help!!!

2000-09-16 Thread Greg Stewart

 How do you get into single user mode???

At lilo prompt type:  linux single

Almost too easy?


- Original Message -
From: "carol" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Greg and Mwinold (I dont know your name, sorry),
 Thank you for your help, I'll try all what you've said and I'll let you
 if it works.
 I hope I can do all that, the typing is really difficult, I have to type
 letter by letter taking care of when I have to type it or if not it
 work, the hardest part is to type the password.
 Just one more question:
 How do you get into single user mode???


 -Mensaje original-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]En nombre de Greg Stewart
 Enviado el: sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2000 3:22
 Asunto: Re: [newbie] RV: Screen Problem, please help!!!

 Strange... The S3's are fairly well supported cards... maybe you had
 misconfigured your monitor and X went screwey from this?

 I'll assume you are(were) running XFree86 3.3.x.

 You'll want to edit the   /etc/X11/XF86Config  file and look for the lines
 that say "HorizSyncxx-xxx"  and "VertRefreshxx-xxx". You'll want
 change the values you see in x's. these are the ranges of Horisontal and
 Vertical sync rates.

 I would try to find the correct ranges on the internet, or maybe they are
 written on the back (of course, if you still have the manual, that would
 the first place to look). I looked on the internet, but the only pages I
 find with anything resembling specs for Olivetti monitors are in German,
 I cannot understand German.

 Anyway, if you can find the correct values, enter them in the XF86Config
 file, and try to restart x. The monitors that i could find that had specs
 following the names mentioned 64Khz... so I'd start with ranges that don't
 go too far above that. At thr first sign of trouble, hit
 and try something else.

 That's about as much as I can offer in this arena.


 - Original Message -

  In a message dated 15-Sep-00 16:09:37 Central Daylight Time,
   Hi everybody,
   I had my Linux working fine, only that I wanted to change the screen
   resolution to 800 x 600 (it was setup to 640 x 480 and some windows are
   big and I can't see the OK, CANCEL, HELP, CONNECT, etc... buttons and
   change the size of some of those windows). So from DrakeConf I tried to
   change it to 800 x 600, and something terrible happened:
   the screen keeps blinking all the time and it won't start XWindows, it
   in the login screen (text mode)and it's almost impossible to type
   unless I do it very, very slowly and making sure I type each letter
   the exact moment that it blinks, which is every 2 seconds approx.
   I've tried a new install of LM 7.0 (Air), but it hangs after it gets to
   second stage install.
   Is there a command or a way that I can get back into de screen
   again and change it back to where it was?(although its gonna be very
   difficult to type, but I don't mind trying)
   Is it better to download (with W98) LM 7.1 and install it over the old
   I've also tried to boot with the boot disk but no way, it doesn't work,
   guess I didn't make it correctly.
   If someone could help me it would be really great.
   My pc is:
   Pentium 133mhz
   2 hard drives (one with W98 and the other LM 7.0 (Air)-kernel
   24M of RAM
   CD-ROM OTI-Hermes 10x
   Monitor: Olivetti DSM 28-142 PS / LOW EMISSION
   Graphic Card (or whatever it's called): S3 Trio64V+ PCI(765)
   In Linux Mandrake list of Monitors the olivetti doen's show, so it was
   as Generic SuperVga something (I don't remember the rest)
   Another thing: I tried with another old Compaq Monitor I have lying
   unused, but exactly the same problem.
   P.S.: I was so happy with my Linux working, included the internet
   connection. I don't why I had to fiddle with the screen resolution, it
   wasn't so terrible. Now I don't know what to do!!!

  well you did what i did once for some reason the refresh rate is not
  configured properly the only way to fix it is to use the "xf86config"
  i dont know why they named it the same as the file it creates but
  other way you might be able to do it is load linux in single user mode i
  believe you could also use failsafe in the grub menu it should work, at
  command prompt log in as root, type "login" just in case you havent
  like this my comp loads x at start up here you will have something like
  [$root@ /root] something like that i dont remember basically it says
  loged as root and your current location, type "xf86config" and you will
  to select mouse keyboard, monitor and graphics card MAKE SURE you use

Re: [newbie] dual booting with win2k and linux

2000-09-15 Thread Greg Stewart

 Can linux see an NTFS filesystem and the for NT of Linux?

If your kernel is compiled with NTFS read support, then 'yes'. If you go to
recommpile your kernel you will see read and write options for NTFS. Slect
the 'Read' option, but DO NOT (sorry for yelling) select the 'Write' option.

NTFS write capability is still experimental under linux, and I believe even
under NT. :-)
It is best to leave your NTFS partition in tact, and only read from it.

As for the other way 'round...well, no. It's Microsoft aafter all, and they
haven't even bothered to add a Service Pack update that allows FS Read from
Fat32 for NT. Don't expect that they'll allow users to see a competitor's
file system without a network share. W2K will not even see non-MS file
systems.And royally screws up MS FSes in the background.

Why did MS certify me?


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Re: [newbie] User can't login

2000-09-15 Thread Greg Stewart

Try logging in as root, and at a command prompt, type the following:

msec 3 [enter]

let the script to it's job, and this will reset your "paranoid" security
configuration to approximately "medium"

I found that using the DrakConf security settings was of no use. I actually
had to use "msec 0" to change my MDK install into a semi-usable system from
a "high" security install. Ultimately, I wound up reformatting and
installing a RH beta. There was quie a lot I liked about MDK7.1, but I was
just having to much difficulty configuring the machine in the way I'm


 Original Message -
From: Fred Schroeder

I hope that this isn't a FAQ, but I have looked and have not found anything
yet.  My problem is that I installed Mandrake 7.1 with the security on
paranoid, and now when I try to login as a user, it just comes back up to
the login again.  The only way that I can login is as root.  Can anyone tell
me how to fix this?

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Re: [newbie] Menu Editor (Where?)

2000-09-15 Thread Greg Stewart

What about the problems that MDK Auto-Menu was causing resetting the menu
configurations? Has/will this be fixed? I was personally upset to see that I
couldn't have my deafult Gnome menu, as I couldn't find anything. Could the
Auto-Menu be an option, rather than installed by default?


- Original Message -

 Menu Editor (Where?)

 Steven Adcock writes "Hey, I don't know about the rest of you, but where
is that fabulous menu editor, which should appear when you click on the "K"
menus properties.  I have the two install CD's and have installed their
entire contents but I cannot get the menu editor.  Does anyone else get that
less fabulous "OOPS The Menu Editor Is Not Installed."
 If not does anyone know how to get it???

 Drop us an email [EMAIL PROTECTED] "

 COMMENT: Depends...

 On first beta, I am not even sure if the menu editor was working
 On second beta (current), maybe it did not get installed due to some
dependencies problems. Run "urpmi menudrake" to get it installed, and don't
worry - this problem has been solved in the meantime, so I beleive that 3-rd
beta (in a week or so) will install menu editor withouth problems.

 As for dropping e-mails... I don't do that. Subscribe to "forum" mailing
list, and you will be informed of all the new stories here.

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Re: [newbie] pppd Server? + other questions.

2000-09-15 Thread Greg Stewart

Exacltly what are you trying to do? Create an FTP Server? an HTTP Server? A

There are innumerable configurations possible for this, and yes, depending
on how you configure your machine you can serve a VPN connection with
SLL.There are many packages available for SSL services.

The GUI application that I use most often is linuxconf, which can be used
through DrakConf, or by su-ing to root in terminal and simply typing
linuxconf. I am not sure if MDK has the command line "gui' called setup--it
may have been left out in recent MDK distros (it's a RedHat thing).

If you have questions on configuring Firewall, Masquerading, LAN, etc,
please let me know.


- Original Message -
From: George Brooks

Where can I find information on how to allow incoming connections to my
Mandrake 7.1 box?  I downloaded the software from the net so I do not have
the documentation.  If I can get this service to work, I will buy the
software when version 7.2 is released.  Is there any online documentation?

Also, can Mandrake be used as a VPN server?

And finally, what is the name of the GUI program used to configure the
system?  It took me at least 10 installations with four different brands of
Ethernet adapters to allow me connect the server to a network.  One of the
installations had a desktop program to allow me to run a program similar to
linuxconf(sp?) in a graphical mode.  Now I can only seem to run it in a very
annoying text mode.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] ippp0 error when restarting

2000-09-15 Thread Greg Stewart

I thought you said the errors went away after you recompiled your kernel for
ISDN module support?

If not, you must have accidentally configured an ISDN modem somewhere in
your system and need to remove that device configuration... The system is
trying to find the ISDN modem it thinks you told it was there. (Does that
sentence make sense?)

I don't believe it's going to hurt you to leave it there, but I will
probably slow down boot-time.

Let me know if you find the ISDN configuration --probably in linuxconf,
PPP,PLIP,SLIP... I don't have the option in mine, again, because I don't
have the hardware installed.


- Original Message -
From: "Pungki" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Now I can connect to internet. I've tried using KMail, and browsing with
 Mozilla and everything is OK. But when I restart (or halt) my linux box, I
 see a message like this :
 'Shutting down interface /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/K90network line 4 2680 Initlog
 $Initlog_ARGS -0 $ *4[FAILED]'

 Then I open /var/log/message, and it says :
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven network: Shutting down interface eth0 succeeded
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven ifdown: Shutting down ifconfig for ippp0
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module ippp0
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven ifdown: .
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven ifdown: Removing device
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven ifdown: ippp0: unknown interface: No such device
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven ifdown: /dev/isdninfo: No such file or directory
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven ifdown: Stopping ipppd
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven network: Shutting down interface ippp0 failed
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven ifdown: Shutting down ISDN device isdn0 ...
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module isdn0
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven ifdown:
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven ifdown: Removing device isdn0 ...ISDN  down!
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven ifdown: isdn0: unknown interface: No such device
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven ifdown: /dev/isdninfo: No such file or directory
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven network: Shutting down interface isdn0 succeeded
 Sep 15 20:48:18 Craven network: Shutting down interface ppp0 succeeded

 Any suggestion about how yo this fix this ? Any help would be greatly
 appreciated. Thank's.


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Re: [newbie] pppd Server? + other questions.

2000-09-15 Thread Greg Stewart

OK, allow me to build some clarifying maps for myself:

Your linux box (at home?) needs internet access through a dial-up ISP, your
personal ISP I assume?

Interenet  == LinuxBox

But, you want to be able to access a work LAN's windows boxes?

  Windows - = Company LAN ==   Interenet  == LinuxBox

Or, You want to be able to use your Windows Boxes connected to the (home?)
LinuxBox LAN to browse the internet?
  /   Windows
Interenet  == LinuxBox =HUB=  -   Windows
  \   Windows

Accessing your Linux box through the internet with a secure connection is
easy, and you do not have to set up full VPN software to do it, unless you
wish to have PPTP connections for HTTP services. For this, I would SSH2, or
OpenSSH (in development).

To set up NAT (Masquerading/Proxy) is easy through ipchains, and we can set
the firewall up at the same time. Actually, a handy script called pmfirewall
can do the job quite nicely, and we can customise it if we need to.

Does the Linux Box have internet access at all right now? or is it in limbo
waiting for the modem and dial-up acount to be configured?


- Original Message -
From: "George Brooks" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I am trying to do two things.  First and most importantly, I want to be
 to dial into my server using a phone line.  When I dial in, I want to be
 able to access the server and the windows machines on the network.  If
 possible, I would like to access the Internet using NAT so that I can
 my ISP's resources.

 The second thing that I would like to do is to access my server from the
 Internet using preferably PPTP so that I can access the machines on my
 network through the server and still use NAT to access my ISP's resources.

 My IP allows my to access certain resources, such as NNTP, by IP address.

 Once I get all of this running, I will worry about setting up a firewall.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Greg Stewart
 Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 6:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] pppd Server? + other questions.

 Exacltly what are you trying to do? Create an FTP Server? an HTTP Server?

 There are innumerable configurations possible for this, and yes, depending
 on how you configure your machine you can serve a VPN connection with
 SLL.There are many packages available for SSL services.

 The GUI application that I use most often is linuxconf, which can be used
 through DrakConf, or by su-ing to root in terminal and simply typing
 linuxconf. I am not sure if MDK has the command line "gui' called
 may have been left out in recent MDK distros (it's a RedHat thing).

 If you have questions on configuring Firewall, Masquerading, LAN, etc,
 please let me know.


 - Original Message -
 From: George Brooks

 Where can I find information on how to allow incoming connections to my
 Mandrake 7.1 box?  I downloaded the software from the net so I do not have
 the documentation.  If I can get this service to work, I will buy the
 software when version 7.2 is released.  Is there any online documentation?

 Also, can Mandrake be used as a VPN server?

 And finally, what is the name of the GUI program used to configure the
 system?  It took me at least 10 installations with four different brands
 Ethernet adapters to allow me connect the server to a network.  One of the
 installations had a desktop program to allow me to run a program similar
 linuxconf(sp?) in a graphical mode.  Now I can only seem to run it in a
 annoying text mode.

 Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] RV: Screen Problem, please help!!!

2000-09-15 Thread Greg Stewart

Strange... The S3's are fairly well supported cards... maybe you had
misconfigured your monitor and X went screwey from this?

I'll assume you are(were) running XFree86 3.3.x.

You'll want to edit the   /etc/X11/XF86Config  file and look for the lines
that say "HorizSyncxx-xxx"  and "VertRefreshxx-xxx". You'll want to
change the values you see in x's. these are the ranges of Horisontal and
Vertical sync rates.

I would try to find the correct ranges on the internet, or maybe they are
written on the back (of course, if you still have the manual, that would be
the first place to look). I looked on the internet, but the only pages I can
find with anything resembling specs for Olivetti monitors are in German, and
I cannot understand German.

Anyway, if you can find the correct values, enter them in the XF86Config
file, and try to restart x. The monitors that i could find that had specs
following the names mentioned 64Khz... so I'd start with ranges that don't
go too far above that. At thr first sign of trouble, hit CTRL-ALT-Backspace,
and try something else.

That's about as much as I can offer in this arena.


- Original Message -

 In a message dated 15-Sep-00 16:09:37 Central Daylight Time,

  Hi everybody,
  I had my Linux working fine, only that I wanted to change the screen
  resolution to 800 x 600 (it was setup to 640 x 480 and some windows are
  big and I can't see the OK, CANCEL, HELP, CONNECT, etc... buttons and
  change the size of some of those windows). So from DrakeConf I tried to
  change it to 800 x 600, and something terrible happened:
  the screen keeps blinking all the time and it won't start XWindows, it
  in the login screen (text mode)and it's almost impossible to type
  unless I do it very, very slowly and making sure I type each letter just
  the exact moment that it blinks, which is every 2 seconds approx.
  I've tried a new install of LM 7.0 (Air), but it hangs after it gets to
  second stage install.

  Is there a command or a way that I can get back into de screen
  again and change it back to where it was?(although its gonna be very
  difficult to type, but I don't mind trying)
  Is it better to download (with W98) LM 7.1 and install it over the old

  I've also tried to boot with the boot disk but no way, it doesn't work, I
  guess I didn't make it correctly.

  If someone could help me it would be really great.

  My pc is:
  Pentium 133mhz
  2 hard drives (one with W98 and the other LM 7.0 (Air)-kernel 2.2.14-15)
  24M of RAM
  CD-ROM OTI-Hermes 10x
  Monitor: Olivetti DSM 28-142 PS / LOW EMISSION
  Graphic Card (or whatever it's called): S3 Trio64V+ PCI(765)

  In Linux Mandrake list of Monitors the olivetti doen's show, so it was
  as Generic SuperVga something (I don't remember the rest)

  Another thing: I tried with another old Compaq Monitor I have lying
  unused, but exactly the same problem.


  P.S.: I was so happy with my Linux working, included the internet
  connection. I don't why I had to fiddle with the screen resolution, it
  wasn't so terrible. Now I don't know what to do!!!

 well you did what i did once for some reason the refresh rate is not
 configured properly the only way to fix it is to use the "xf86config"
 i dont know why they named it the same as the file it creates but ohwell,
 other way you might be able to do it is load linux in single user mode i
 believe you could also use failsafe in the grub menu it should work, at
 command prompt log in as root, type "login" just in case you havent loged
 like this my comp loads x at start up here you will have something like
 [$root@ /root] something like that i dont remember basically it says your
 loged as root and your current location, type "xf86config" and you will
 to select mouse keyboard, monitor and graphics card MAKE SURE you use the
 factory defaults in your selections anotherwords match the specs of your
 monitor and graphics card!

 OPTION #2 same as before but you are going to do some browsing instead of
 using xf86config, your going to type cd /etc/x11/
 you may have to do some "ls" what your looking for is something like
 your x11 folder may have more to the name like x11f86, unfortunately you
 use console which color codes your text so you can be sure your opening a
 folder some things are just named wierd, you could try a text editor to
 you such as vim or emac

 have fun!

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Re: [newbie] Napster Server IP Address Wanted

2000-09-15 Thread Greg Stewart

 Oh...I don't the CD at the music store?
 Sorry, but I just couldn't resist. I am 100% against this whole Napster
 thing. I think the whole mess is a HUGE copyright infringment.

Uh oh.  :-)


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Re: [newbie] Desktop Clock

2000-09-15 Thread Greg Stewart

I don't think you installed using your local time zone...I can't remember
what the darned thing is called (other than GMT) but I think you may have
accidentally clicked this during install--or it's a bug in the install that
just didn't take the local time.

Unfortunately the only suggestion I have is 'timetool'... but I don't know
if that'll really do the trick.

Anyone else?


- Original Message -
From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I just noticed that my postings were showing 5 hours ahead of my real
 time. So I went into drakconf and reset the clock. My Bios clock is
 correct, but if I shut down the computer it resets the OS clock to 5
 hours ahead. I thought I saw a posting on this a while back but can't
 find an answer. Anyone know how to set the OS clock permanently. Thanks
 in advance, Dennis
 Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

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Re: [newbie] Xconfig help

2000-09-14 Thread Greg Stewart

 is there anyway to access my Windows 95 or the
 files that are hiding on my D drive that I cannot access right now?

mount -t vfat /dev/hdaX /mnt/mountpoint

where X is the partition # on the first drive (/dev/hdb for second drive,
/dev/hdc, etc...) and /mnt/mountpoint is the mount point where you'd like to
stick it. Kinda' like mapping a drive in windows and selecting which letter
to call it.

if the filetype (-t ) "vfat" doesn't do the trick, try " msdos",
"umsdos", and possibly "autofs".

umount /dev/hdaXwill unmount the partition.


- Original Message -

 Dear all, Thank you for your help. I went back into xconfigurator and
 the monitor and resolution. I also changed the mouse. It ended up working.
 was shocked. The graphics and fonts are slightly larger than normal but
 is the way I like it. My mouse works, too!  My next job is to get the
 internet going that I was set up with in Windows 95. After that I plan to
 up the internal Atapi zip drive. The Cd rom works fine and I believe the
 floppy does, too. I did not do sound yet but finally got that to work when
 first installed Linux, so I am sure I will get it going again.

 Not that I care that much, but is there anyway to access my Windows 95 or
 files that are hiding on my D drive that I cannot access right now? When
 computer crashed I lost access to it on both C and D drive. I tried
 reinstalling Windows 95 before I tried reinstalling LINUX but it just
 not happen. I ended up reinstalling Linux on my C drive and I believe that
 D drive has the Windows 95 but I can't get there yet. Any help will be
 appreciated. Thank you very much for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

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Re: [newbie] Network Card Address

2000-09-14 Thread Greg Stewart



- Original Message -
From: "Larry Marshall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Can anyone tell me a command, or config tool that will enable me to find
  address of my network card? (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX) Thank you.

 I believe you'll find that "cat /proc/pci" will yield up what you

 Cheers --- Larry

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Re: [newbie] Connecting to NT DHCP Server

2000-09-14 Thread Greg Stewart

I have never had the opportunity to set up NT server for DHCP assignment of
non-windows clients. I am not sure whether you will need to install Samba in
order to be a DHCP client under a WinNT DHCP Server.

The reason behind this is that Windows NT Server DHCP uses the NetBIOS name
in the discovery packets in order to respond with a lease offer. If linux
does not automatically send a computer name in the form of a NetBIOS
designation, the NT server may not understand the discovery packet

You (or a NetAdmin) may have to establish a client reservation or exclude an
IP address from one of the NT DHCP Scopes (are there more than one?) on the
DHCP server. If you exclude one IP address in the Windows NT Scope this can
be used for your linux box, and can remain static.

For the linux box, the standard DHCP settings should be sufficient, let me
know what you've attempted, and we might be able to resolve the client

Since you are on a company LAN, you may have to request a static IP from the


- Original Message -
From: "Robert "JTBob" Holland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Can Mandrake Linux connect to a Windows NT DHCP
 server? If so, what settings need to be made?

 I've tried different settings in the "Network" settings under
 DrakConf, but I keep getting an error connecting to a
 DHCP server.

 If not possible and I need to use a static IP, what info
 MUST be put in the Network settings boxes to get the
 PC to talk to the net.

 I took a PC lying around here at work and decided
 to give Mandrake Linux a try and see what the operating
 system had to offer. So far everything works fine except
 for the network part, which severely limits my testing of
 SAMBA and firewall software.


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Re: [newbie] Can't browsing to internet

2000-09-14 Thread Greg Stewart

OK, you need to remove the IP address from your ppp0 gateway.
This is not your gateway. :-)

The address resolves as:
It is your (probably primary) DNS Server. Most name server host names are
called "ns" for obvious reasons. It makes administration a tiny bit easier.

Let's stop using Kppp for a bit, and try to correctly configure ppp0 in
If you can get to DrakConf (and I had the annoying problem of having to
install the bugger despite having an icon sitting on my desktop) you can
find Linuxconf through that application. Otherwise, open a terminal, su to
root, and type, simply, linuxconf [enter].

The following is done by memory as I don't have a modem in my system, and my
version of linuxconf is probably different from yours

Under Client tasks, Click PPP,SLIP,PLIP and you should see a list where you
can add devices. It may be empty as you've been using Kppp until now. Click

You need to give your device a name, use ppp0, then specify your device
(usually  /dev/modem), and the com port it uses--you can actually get this
from Kppp by asking it to query the modem. the com port will look something
like:  /dev/ttySx, where 'x' is a number from 0 through your last port,
probably 3. When I had a modem in my system it was on /dev/ttyS0, but if you
have a serial mouse, it may be taking /dev/ttyS1 or 2.

You will need to set your dialing configuration, which is DHCP, DISabled at
boot, and the telephone number you dial with.

Next you need to configure your PAP/CHAP. Fewer ISPs are using CHAP now, so
let's give PAP a shot. This is your dial-up username ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), and
your password.

If I remember correctly, that should be it...

Click Accept, Click Quit, Click Activate Changes, and linuxconf should go

Back at the command line, type:

/sbin/ifup ppp0

There should be a bit of noise as your computer dials, and when the command
line is returned to you (the cursor drops to the next prompt) you are
connected. If the modem dials more than three time, hit CTRL-C as we may
have done something worng. If that's the case, go back to linuxconf, and let
me know the other options available. I don't have a single linux box with a
modem to check this on, and my boxes without modems do not show me the

cat /etc/resolve.conf

You should see at least two IP addresses there.

Try to ping them. If you get the following, we're on the right track:
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=237
time=918.2 ms

Then try:ping
You should see the same response. If you get a time-out error, or network
un-reachable, let me know.

If you have gotten the response from that last line, try Netscape, and it
should be fine.

You may then bring doen the interface by typing:

/sbin/ifdown ppp0

And then try using Kppp. When I first started using Linux, I had a few
problems with Kppp, and stopped using it due to the reliability of the
command line activation. If you still have problems with Kppp, you can
either try erasing all the data from it's configuration and start Kppp over
from its beginning, or try wvdial.

Let me know what happens.


- Original Message -
From: "Pungki" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Greg,

 I'm very-very appreciate your help. Thanks.
 Here's some new information.

 As your suggestion, I was recompiled my kernel. Then I saw no error when I
 start my linux box. I enable ISDN support as module. And then I change
 gateway on linuxconf to Then I try to connect to internet.
 Still cannot ping my ISP. Then on kppp, I try to set static gateway with
 ISP IP Address ( Configure ppp0 using linuxconf. And then I
 try to connect again. It work !
 I can ping my ISP. The result like this :
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=235 time=178 ms.

 Then I try to browse using Mozilla. I get nothing. Just a blank page. I
 with Netscape. Then I get an error message like this :
 A network error occured :
 Unable to connect to server (TCP error : No route to host).
 The server may be down or unreachable. Try connecting again later.

 After I see that message, I try to ping my ISP (ping It
 failed. Still 100% loss. But I think my ISP server is not down Because, if
 dial from win98, I get no problem. Is there anything else that I missed ?
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


 - Original Message -
 From: Greg Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 8:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't browsing to internet


 I'm sending this direct because I'm at work, and SYMPA will bounce my
 message if it doesn't arrive from my home address.

 You definitely have a gateway IP address problem. At least locally. And,
 nothing else is adding to the problem. On your linux box, eth0, your
 internal network card, should have a gateway the same as it's own IP
 address: 1

Re: [newbie] Spanish co.

2000-09-14 Thread Greg Stewart

 I'm going to post something on-topic again one of these days, I am. :/

Thank you. :-)



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Re: [newbie] dual booting with win2k and linux

2000-09-14 Thread Greg Stewart

 I had a bizarre thought today.  What would happen if Mickeysoft
 decided that a nice feature of their operating system would be to
 rewrite the boot record every time you booted Windows.  This could be
 referred to as part of the "maintenance" cycle.

In a few words:  I thought they already did that!  :-)

I had a windows 98 installation that consistently re-wrote the
disk-signature of my dual boot system's 2nd hard drive, and kept rendering
that damned  drive's partitions hidden... so , I couldn't boot from it until
I went into partition magic, and made than active again!

Need I say that I formatted the win98 partition very soon after that? And, I
haven't touched Win98 since!


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Re: [newbie] Spanish co.

2000-09-14 Thread Greg Stewart

Sorry Kathleen,

That wasn't mean as a dig, only as an acknowledgement of your inference that
you undertsand the whole mess seems to be taking a bit long fizzle. Of
course I could have made it more obvious... "my bad" (I hate that phrase!
But, it applies.) And, I could have made that first senetence a bit better
at that. I honestly wasn't trying to be hostile.

You may kick me now, if you wish.


- Original Message -
From: "Kathleen Dickason" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Greg Stewart wrote:

   I'm going to post something on-topic again one of these days, I am. :/
  Thank you. :-)



 I thought I was joking...making a comment about the number of off-topic
 recently, but apparently I wasn't.

 I've gotten email in the past leading me to think that people found my
 helpful, insightful, and funny, but it looks like it's time for me to

 Thanks for the tip.


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Re: [newbie] dual booting with win2k and linux

2000-09-14 Thread Greg Stewart

Don't know about the Norton thing... I switched from Win 98 to NT4.0, and
haven't had the problem. It seemd as though Win98 wanted complete control
over the entire computer, whereas Windows NT, having been born a bit
earlier, and the product of a slghtly less greed-infested OS, did not quite
understand how to get that accomplished.

In all, I've felt safer with WinNT's lack of adventurist rants and tantrums;
and it's predisposition torward being a bit fussier 'bout the many
un-identified individuals to whom it simply hands my closely guarded
information is a minor plus as well.

Damn it! If only I could get everything at work converted to Linux, I
wouldn't have to worry about these things! :-)


- Original Message -
From: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not to be defending windows but it was most likly the way your
 anti-virus was configured that keep changing your boot record back to its
 orig. state.

Bill just thinks he's all powerful. Norton knows He Is.  (-:


   I had a bizarre thought today.  What would happen if Mickeysoft
   decided that a nice feature of their operating system would be to
   rewrite the boot record every time you booted Windows.  This could be
   referred to as part of the "maintenance" cycle.
  In a few words:  I thought they already did that!  :-)
  I had a windows 98 installation that consistently re-wrote the
  disk-signature of my dual boot system's 2nd hard drive, and kept
  that damned  drive's partitions hidden... so , I couldn't boot from it
  I went into partition magic, and made than active again!
  Need I say that I formatted the win98 partition very soon after that?
  haven't touched Win98 since!

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Re: [newbie] Portsentry

2000-09-13 Thread Greg Stewart

Why, what did you do to the config files that's making portsentry complain?

I've never had a problem editing the config files in portsentry, and it's
never complained about a single thing I've done.

Be more specific about the problem you're experiencing and maybe we can walk
through a correction.


- Original Message -

 I think portsentry should be made so that it actyually works (screw typos)
 and pays attention to its config files, so that when you edit them,
 it makes the changes instead of ignoring them and then lying and
 saying that the configfiles are corrupt

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[newbie] Re: [newbie] Solicitar información

2000-09-13 Thread Greg Stewart

Perdone mi espanol, do puedo escribir perfectemente.

Aparte de la gente quien quieren insultarse, hay gente aca quien pueden
ayudarse. A veces, la gente quien hablan espanol escriben aparte de la lista
despues de recibir una nota, pero yo prefiero molestar la otra genta al
momento quien son estupido. Yo escribi la ulitma semana sobre personas y
como compartieron aca, pero nadie me escuchieron. Que me puedo hacer?

Entonces, (y perdone me otra vez) yo no se mucho sobre la VIPER II Z200 de
diamond, pero se puede visitar la web de SuSE Linux. Usualmente, ellos
tienen muchos drivers para controller cosas que son nuevos o que no son
reconocido de la installacion.

Espero que se puede encontrar lo que se necesita con SuSE, o que una otra
persona se puede responder con mas informacion. Pero, yo no tengo mas. :-(

Buena Suerte,


- Original Message -
From: Fernando Vasconcelos

Grupo newbie: Necesito que me informen, para saber si ustedes me podrían
enviar o informarme en que web puedo bajarme los ''drivers'' para que pueda
iniciar linux mandrake en modo gráfico ya el programa no reconoce mi placa
de color. Esta es la VIPER II Z200 de diamond.
Espero que me puedan ayudar, ya que, si no es posible no podré correr Linux
en mi computadora.
Muchas Gracias. Fernando Vasconcelos.
Mi dirección es [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PD: puedo entender ingles e italiano

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Re: [newbie] network card detected....can't use internet

2000-09-13 Thread Greg Stewart

How did you configure your interface? Linuxconf? DrakConf? Kppp?

Netscape is complaining because you have a DNS resolution problem. This can
either be because you have you DNS configured incorrectly, or your network
is configured incorrectly.

Got to terminal, and type:
ping [enter]

if you get the following, it is only a DNS problem:
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=235 time=85.5 ms

Hit CTRL-C to stop the packet flow.

If you do not get a response, or your get the message "Network is
unreachable" we have some work to do.

Let me know how it goes.


- Original Message -
From: "Craig Zutavern" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have a AMD ethernet card(model 79c970) that has been detected under
 mandrake 7.1   But i still have had no luck getting on the internet at
 I've set up settings copying from windows for dns, host name, ip, subnet
 mask, and gateway.  all with no luck.

 When i try to use netscape, for example, i get two errors.
 1. Netscape is unable to locate the server "."
 2. Perhaps you have a probelem with your name server.  You will
 to set the
 $SOCKS_NS environment variable to point at the appropriate
 name server.

 If any one could help me with this i would be greatly appreciative.
 Craig Zutavern

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Re: [newbie] kudzu - A Clarification

2000-09-12 Thread Greg Stewart

I have swapped motherboards with no problem under linux. You should make an
attempt to turn kudzu back on before you do, or you could run into

Also, if you have PnP disabled in this BIOS, make sure you disable it in the
BIOS of the new MOBO... this can royally screw you by swapping comm ports
and making NICs and things do funny dances. I wound up having my eth0 and
eth1 swapped on me without warning, and I felt like an idot after an hour of
fiddling to find that it was the damnable PnP.


- Original Message -
 On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, John Rye wrote:

 I am running thru my list of startup services disabling
 all those I don't routinely need to load.
 I note that at each reboot (I doing lots at present) kudzu
 runs and does a check for new hardware.
 Do I really need to run this as the hardware doesn't change
 and is not likely to change in the near future?

 Somewhere in Linuxconf (don't recall exactly where in boot options) you
 can switch off the hardware checker.

 And out of that comes another question... If when I finally get
 to replace this aging Pentium 133 mobo with some more recent
 (say 386sx16 or similar) - is is just a matter of swapping
 the existing hardware and rebooting OR???

 As long as you have your /home dir on a separate partition you should be
 fine. It is best to format and reload the root partition, and also the
 /usr partition. At least that is my experience.


 How do crazy people go through the forest?
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Re: [newbie] cna't ping on local network

2000-09-12 Thread Greg Stewart

You obvoiusly have to add each machine's IP address to the other mashine's
/etc/host.allow file. You can either do this by simply typing the IP
address, or as foolws:


where 'x' is the other machines number on the subnet.


- Original Message -

 I'm having a problem connecting two machines:  one
 running Mandrake 7.1 and one running 6.1. The machine
 running  7.1 has Roadrunner on eth0 with the IP
 assigned by DHCP and this works fine.  I put a second
 NIC car in this machine (DFE-530TX+) and it seem to be
 working per IF config info:

 eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr
   inet addr:  Bcast:
   RX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
   TX packets:2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:18 Base address:0xd800

 I gave the card in the machine running 6.1 the address  I set machine as the
 gateway.  The problem is I can't Ping the other
 machine.  I can ping the the machines locally i.e. can be pinged from  When I
 try to Ping from  Nothing
 happens.  When I ctrl C I get a message that all
 packets were lost.  The same thing happens in reverse.
  I did happen to look in /var/log/messgaes  in the
 machine that was pinged and found the following:

 Sep 12 18:37:09 cm-24-161-17-97 kernel: Packet log:
 input DENY eth1 PROTO=1
 L=84 S=0x00 I=34 F=0x T=64 (#30)

 This appears in both machines log files for every
 packet sent.  It appears there is some sort of
 security setting that is dropping the packets?  I just
 can't figure out where.

 Both machines have IP chains and PM firewall installed
 since both at one time or another have had internet
 access.  The one currently with internet access has PM
 firewall running on eth0.   On the other machine I ran
 "PM Firewall stop".

 Any help much appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] pmfirewall

2000-09-12 Thread Greg Stewart

By "logged on the internet" do you mean dial-ed up?  If so, ppp0 should be
your external interface, and any NIC card masquerading an internal network
should be the internal interface.

If you have cable and simply mean that you started using the internet, eth0
should probably be the right choice, and you'll need to provide information
as to how you set up your system so we can better answer the question.

You can very easily re-run the install script to fix this. If you have any
questions... just ask.


- Original Message -

 Hi Everybody,

 I just installed pmfirewall and that other program I forgot what it's
 well  anyway,   After installing it, then I restarted it.  I logged on the
 internet but then  I guess I got carried away when installing pmfirewall
 just block all outgoing and incoming signal.   I realized that I stated
 port as eth0   which port should I stated as?   I had to do a ./pmfirewall
 in order for me to interact with the internet.


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Re: [newbie] I am having problems with my modem

2000-09-12 Thread Greg Stewart

On the WinNT mouse issue... This is a pain-in-the-arse problem very common
to MS, I have had it happend to me a few times in the past (someone's wheel
mouse goes down, and I don't have an exact replacement, have to substitute a
serial mouse for the interim and it f***s things up!).

I had never taken the time to try this, but you might just to see if it
works...Of course, if it doesn't, you'll get used to using the ALT, TAB,
Arrow, Shift and ENTER keys!

Check in Start|Settings|ControlPanel|Devices to see that device "mssermou"
(no that's not a typo--it's the device controller for the serial mouse) is
set to start up with "system".Cloick OK, close, etc.

In regedit, search for "mssermou.sys" it should already be set to
0x0001. Double click the device path, and change the 1
(hex/decimal-doesn't matter it's only a 1 or 2) to a "2" (no quotes).click
OK, close the registry and restart.

If that doesn't work, there is another place to edit the mssermou "Pointer
Port" settings. These are located in:

My settings look like this (but I have a PS/2 mouse!):

(Default)(value not set)
ErrorControl  0x (0)
Group"Pointer Port"
Start 0x0001 (1)
Tag   0x0002 (2)
Type 0x0001 (1)

Don't ask me what exaclty these mean, I haven't played with them
before...but if you can back up your registry, you'll prevent any permanent
damage!  :-)

OR:  if you're willing to wait a day or two, I can give it a try at work
(I'm sure as hell not screwing up my machine at home :-)  !) and get back to
you... I have a couple of macines at work that I can temporarily
destroy--I'll just restore a new image on them if they need to be used.


- Original Message -
From: "Mark Thurston" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Actually, I just tried to change the settings on my modem, it uses
 The problem is, when I changed it to COM2, no matter what I tried, I could
 not get it to work in NT.  I tried everything I could think of and nothing
 worked.  I tried to detect it and NT said that it did not exist, I know
 the jumpers were set correctly, I still have the manual, and it is quite
 specific.  I had to change everything back in order to send this email.
 any rate, NT is just driving me crazy.  Of course I am having trouble with
 Linux too, so I guess that I should be used to this frustration by now.


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Re: [newbie] pmfirewall and portsentry test?

2000-09-12 Thread Greg Stewart

OK, I keep repeating myself, but it doesnt seem to do much good... so one
more time and I'm through: is a decent site, and I'm not trying to knock it, but for linux
it doesn't hold much validity. It is a site for WINDOWS security, and tests
machines as though they are Windows boxes. This means that would-be open
linux hacks will not be tested for.

It is better to set up your firewall and portscan detection, and go to No, I do not get any kick-back...The first scan is
free--it IS a rough scan, however. And... it may work your hard drive for an
hour or two if you have lots of logging turned on. Of course, if you have
portsentry running, you may wish to put their IP address in the
portsentry.ignore file temporarily so that you actually get the scan report
when they're finished. Portsentry will can their IP quite rapidly. gives a false sense of security to linux users as it usually says
"There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that a port (or even any computer) exists
at this IP address!" It can only detect one of my ports open, and I already
know it's open! But what it cannot detect, is that I also have portscan
detection bound and listening to linux's vulnerable ports ready to lock out
anyone who tries to poke around in those areas. These bindings should show
open ports, but doesn't see them, because it doesn't test for them. uses an outside nmap scan, and doesn't have any
prejudices about which OS you're running, it'll hit you for whatever it can
find. Their paid services go even further, but you'll be surprised by the
ports it finds open after you've relied on


- Original Message -
From: "Ronald J. Hall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Got to and they will attempt to probe you (in a
 manner). I mean, you don't have to marry them afterwards... ;-)

 Rob wrote:
  well,  I guess I got it up and running.  but I would like to make sure
that it
  is up and running.   How do test it?   where do I look up the log file
to see
  if pmfirewall is running.OH yeah   got portsentry up and running,
how do
  I test that?




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Re: [newbie] Security for Single Client

2000-09-12 Thread Greg Stewart

Yes, simply say "no" to masquerading.


- Original Message - 
From: "Barry Premeaux" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The majority of the info I have been reading
 on firewalls, and pmfirewall in particular,
 refers to a second machine setting between
 you and the outside world.
 What about the typical dial up client? Does
 pmfirewall work here as well?
 Barry :-)

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Re: [newbie] cna't ping on local network

2000-09-12 Thread Greg Stewart

Um, have you set these ipchains rules yourself? Or, is some script setting
them for you? Did you know that you have ipchains rules set in the first
place? (Stupid question, I know, but it doesn't hurt to ask).

You may want to check to make sure your internal IPs do not exists in

Let me know what secuirty level you installed MDK with.

Check to make sure that your ipchains rules do not DENY the
subnet for the internal network.

For some reason your machine is set to drop packets on port 8, or it may be
set to drop everything from non-routable subnets (, 176,,, on all interfaces--I don't know, and can't tell
from here without more info.

I'll have to think on this one for's late and I have to wake up in
four hours for work...


- Original Message -

 I forgot to include that.  i think I did that already:

 This is for the host.allow file for

 # hosts.allow   This file describes the names of the
 hosts which are
 #   allowed to use the local INET
 services, as decided
 #   by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
 ALL:  127.

 This is the host.allow for

 # hosts.allow   This file describes the names of the
 hosts which are
 #   allowed to use the local INET
 services, as decided
 #   by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
 All: 127

 It still doesn't work.

 --- Greg Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You obvoiusly have to add each machine's IP address
  to the other mashine's
  /etc/host.allow file. You can either do this by
  simply typing the IP
  address, or as foolws:
  where 'x' is the other machines number on the
  - Original Message -
   I'm having a problem connecting two machines:  one
   running Mandrake 7.1 and one running 6.1. The
   running  7.1 has Roadrunner on eth0 with the IP
   assigned by DHCP and this works fine.  I put a
   NIC car in this machine (DFE-530TX+) and it seem
  to be
   working per IF config info:
   eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr
 inet addr:
 RX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0
 TX packets:2 errors:0 dropped:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
 Interrupt:18 Base address:0xd800
   I gave the card in the machine running 6.1 the
  address  I set machine as the
   gateway.  The problem is I can't Ping the other
   machine.  I can ping the the machines locally i.e. can be pinged from  When
   try to Ping from  Nothing
   happens.  When I ctrl C I get a message that all
   packets were lost.  The same thing happens in
I did happen to look in /var/log/messgaes  in the
   machine that was pinged and found the following:
   Sep 12 18:37:09 cm-24-161-17-97 kernel: Packet
   input DENY eth1 PROTO=1
   L=84 S=0x00 I=34 F=0x T=64 (#30)
   This appears in both machines log files for every
   packet sent.  It appears there is some sort of
   security setting that is dropping the packets?  I
   can't figure out where.
   Both machines have IP chains and PM firewall
   since both at one time or another have had
   access.  The one currently with internet access
  has PM
   firewall running on eth0.   On the other machine I
   "PM Firewall stop".
   Any help much appreciated.
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 Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

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Re: [newbie] I can't detect my modem

2000-09-11 Thread Greg Stewart

Is it possible to change the comm port seetings in the BIOS so that you are
using comm1 or 2? Windows will probably complain quite a lot, but it's
something to try.


- Original Message -
From: John

It is on com port 4 in windows which is ttys3 in linux I believe.  When I
query it using KPPP it tells me "Sorry, modem is busy".  Of course it also
says this for just about every other port as well.  I found some
documentation on and it mentions that special instructions
are required for ttys2 and ttys3.  Of course they don't tell you what these
instructions are.  I am unable to change the com port to 2 as it goes to 4
automatically when it installs (in Windows).  I am really stumped here.  Any
words of advice?  Thanks


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Re: [newbie] how do you unsubscribe???

2000-09-11 Thread Greg Stewart

Return to the page from which you signed up, and follow the instructions,
The link is below.


- Original Message -
From: - stickus -

okay due to the HUGE amount of mail that i'm getting, how on earth do you
unsub from this mailing list?
thanks in advance, stickus

Jesus saves
Allah forgives,
Chthulu thinks you'd make a nice sandwich.

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Re: [newbie] Sawmill/Gnome doesn't open initially

2000-09-11 Thread Greg Stewart

This could be a DNS problem, or a config problem...let's try the DNS problem
now as it's easier:

If you have any access to command line, log in, su to root and cd to /etc

edit your /etc/hosts  file and check to see that the loopback address is
there, as well as your local IP address. Pretending your IP address is and your computer's name is "mylinuxbox", it should look
something like this:

If you dial-up with a modem, and do not have an ethernet card in your
computer, or your only communication device is an ethernet card for
cable/dsl/lan/etc., you can try to satisfy the need for an local IP by using
: (note the colon [:]) instead of

Let me know if this works.


- Original Message -
From: "Riley, Patrick (Patrick)** CTR **" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm having a weird problem.  When I boot and then start X, my
 won't open up.  It comes up to a blue screen with the little X in the
 and just sets there forever until I do a ctrl-alt-bkspace and kill it.  I
 can then do a startx and it comes up to the blue screen and then loads
 and sawmill right away.  It never opens up the first time I load it, but
 always the second.  Has anyone ever experienced this?  It's not much
 to shut it down out of X once and start it again, but it would be nice to
 have it fixed.  I've even reloaded once to see if this would fix the issue
 and it didn't, same thing.  Please note that when I say blue screen, I
 the default window manager color and not the M$ thing.  I'm not doing the
 winlinux.  I've switched to KDE and it loads the first time I start X,
 problems with Gnome/Sawmill.  Oh by the way, I've tried it with
 Enlightenment also and it does the same.  Any help would be appreciated.


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