[newbie-it] RealPlayer

2000-12-13 Per discussione Giga [TechOperator]

Ciao tutti
vorrei chiedervi un aiuto. Ho Mandrake 7.2 e voglio installare real player, pero' non 
quale scaricare, ho scaricato quello per RedHat 6.2 (rp7_linux_sparc_cs2.bin)
pero' non riesco a lanciarlo. Se potete indicarmi quale fail devo scaricare o forse
qualche metodo speciale per lanciare "script d'installazione"
Vi ringrazio in anticipo.
Best regards,

[newbie-it] RPM 4.0

2000-12-13 Per discussione cosscara

Salve a tutti, ho un piccolo problema con gli rpm.
Molti nuovi rpm non vengono installati nè con kpackage nè da linea di
comando perchè necessitano del rpm 4.0.x.
Su rpm find ho trovato l'aggiornamento mandrake per gli rpm, ma anche
lui vuole l'rpm 4.0
Ho la mandrake 7.1 come posso risolvere il problema?
   Cosma Scaramella

[newbie-it] Aiuto SCHEDA SONORA

2000-12-13 Per discussione Matteo Agosti

Ciao a tutti,

scusate il disturbo... volevo chiedere se qualcuno sa come risolvere un
problemuccio che mi si è verificato non appena ho installato la Mandrake 7.2

ebbene... non riesco a far andare la mia Creative AWE64 Gold! SIGHHH!!
l'HardDrake la riconosce... ma la scheda non funziona... il demone sound
rimane pure attivato! pensavo fossero dei problemi d'inidirizzamento (in
effetti Mandrake gli assegnava degli IRQ e DMA strani) così ho impostato
quelli che in automatico mi metteva la RedHat... ebbene con la RedHat funzia
(ho 2 dischi estraibili) con la Mandrake non c'è verso di farla partire...

aiutatem vi prego ;-p

grazie in anticipo a tutti

CIAOOO e buona giornata

[newbie-it] Tastiera e Gnome

2000-12-13 Per discussione Corrado

A quanto pare, i problemi con i due tasti "g" e "r" evidenziati la notte
scorsa, si verificano solo sotto Gnome e solo come utente, non come
Se qualcuno avesse qualche idea sulle possibili cause...


[newbie-it] kmail

2000-12-13 Per discussione bruno

non riesco a configurare kmail
in particolare cosa debbo digitare nella casella 'host' e nella caella

grazie e un saluto a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] kmail

2000-12-13 Per discussione Keyser Soze

Nella casella mail devi mettere l'indirizzo del pop3 del fornitore
Es.Se usi libero metti "popmail.libero.it"
Nella porta metti 110.

Il mer, 13 dic 2000, hai scritto:
 non riesco a configurare kmail
 in particolare cosa debbo digitare nella casella 'host' e nella caella
 grazie e un saluto a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] kmail

2000-12-13 Per discussione Simone Deponti

Il mer, 13 dic 2000, hai scritto:
 Nella casella mail devi mettere l'indirizzo del pop3 del fornitore
 Es.Se usi libero metti "popmail.libero.it"
 Nella porta metti 110.
per Tiscali:
porta 110
 Il mer, 13 dic 2000, hai scritto:
  non riesco a configurare kmail
  in particolare cosa debbo digitare nella casella 'host' e nella caella
  grazie e un saluto a tutti
Simone Deponti


"Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
  Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
 Nine for mortal men doomed to die.
  One for the Dark Lord on his dark trone
 In the land of Mordor where shadows lie.
  One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
  One Ring to Bring them all and in the darkness bind them
 In the Land of Mordor where shadows lie."

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Re: [newbie-it] Aiuto SCHEDA SONORA

2000-12-13 Per discussione Keyser Soze

controlla che non hai abilitato nel bios "Plug And Play OS".
Deve essere disattivato.
Poi entra come root,fuori da X,scrivi sndconfig.
Te la riconosce automaticamente.E tutto funzionerà.

Il mer, 13 dic 2000, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
   scusate il disturbo... volevo chiedere se qualcuno sa come risolvere un
 problemuccio che mi si è verificato non appena ho installato la Mandrake 7.2
   ebbene... non riesco a far andare la mia Creative AWE64 Gold! SIGHHH!!
 l'HardDrake la riconosce... ma la scheda non funziona... il demone sound
 rimane pure attivato! pensavo fossero dei problemi d'inidirizzamento (in
 effetti Mandrake gli assegnava degli IRQ e DMA strani) così ho impostato
 quelli che in automatico mi metteva la RedHat... ebbene con la RedHat funzia
 (ho 2 dischi estraibili) con la Mandrake non c'è verso di farla partire...
   aiutatem vi prego ;-p
   grazie in anticipo a tutti
   CIAOOO e buona giornata

R: [newbie-it] Tastiera e Gnome

2000-12-13 Per discussione Casa

Il mer, 13 dic 2000, hai scritto:
 A quanto pare, i problemi con i due tasti "g" e "r" evidenziati la notte
 scorsa, si verificano solo sotto Gnome e solo come utente, non come
 Se qualcuno avesse qualche idea sulle possibili cause...

Non so bene che problema hai, e non uso gnome e nemmeno sono pratico di

Pero' fai una cosa: apri un xterm da gnome con l'utente sfi...to e dai il
comando dumpkeys ti apparira la tua confiurazione della tastiera. Io ad esempio
ho il valore 34 per g e 19 per r (vedi se da root hai gli stessi numeri).

Da root puoi anche usare showkey e poi premere un po di tasti (aspetta 10 sec
che esce da solo).

Puoi anche provare a dare tset -q per vedere che tipo di terminale hai (credo
che sia inutile, sicuramente ti dira' xterm)

Infine a titolo informativo esiste il comando infocmp tuoterminale (es.
infocmp xterm) e ti vedrai apparire una "immagine in chiaro" del tuo terminfo
(pero' mi sa che serve solo per i caratteri di escape)

Dico tutta sta' roba sperando che qualcuno leggendo le mie stupidaggini mi
corregga :))

Ciao, Nicola.

Re: [newbie-it] kmail

2000-12-13 Per discussione bruno

Il mer, 13 dic 2000, hai scritto:
 Nella casella mail devi mettere l'indirizzo del pop3 del fornitore
 Es.Se usi libero metti "popmail.libero.it"
 Nella porta metti 110.
 Il mer, 13 dic 2000, hai scritto:
  non riesco a configurare kmail
  in particolare cosa debbo digitare nella casella 'host' e nella caella
  grazie e un saluto a tutti

grazie funziona

Re: [newbie] Problems with windows disk after change of XFree server in 7.2

2000-12-13 Per discussione civileme

On Tuesday 12 December 2000 12:13, you wrote:

 I have a dualboot machine with windows98 installed on my primary
 harddisk (hda) and Linux Mandrake 7.2 on the other one (hdc).

 After installing Mandrake 7.2 with the new Xfree 4.0.1 graphics server,
 X seemed a little unstable (I have an ATI rage card), so I wanted to
 change the Xserver back to 3.3.6. When asked if I wanted to test the
 configuration I answered yes, and my computer froze completely. Only
 solution was to reset it, but when Mandrake booted, it complained that
 it could not mount the windows disk:

 wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,
or too many mounted file systems

 I then tried to boot directly into windows, but I couldn't do that
 either, the computer just froze. I made a windows boot floppy on
 another, similar machine, and succeded in booting into dos, but I cannot
 start windows. It claims that the configuration is not valid...  Is
 there anything I can do about this, except reinstalling?


 Morten Dyndgaard
Boot your windows boot disk into the DOS prompt

Afdisk /mbr

That should fix windows

Now reinstall linux.

There is a great deal of information about the TNT2 Nvidia chipset and how to 
configure it for acceleration on XFree 4.01 -- some pointers to the recent 
successes can be found here.


Unfortunately, we cannot directly support hardware for which the drivers are 
secret binaries, but the sites pointed to by article and replies at that URL 
should help.  

QA/Software testing

Re: [newbie] Uninstall of MDK

2000-12-13 Per discussione civileme

On Tuesday 12 December 2000 14:01, you wrote:
 Hey all,

 I have a question. I need to know how to perform a clean uninstall of
 Linux. Now, before you guys jump all over me, listen to my reason. This is
 not my choice. I have 7.1 installed at work and the Network admin. found
 out and he, being the wonderful person that he is, told me to remove it. He
 gave me till the end of the week. Nice, huh? Anyway, I need your help.

 Thanks in advance,
 Chris Kelly
 Registered Linux user 185775

boot your 7.1

run fdisk from a console as root

delete the linux partitions, leaving the windows partitions alone.



boot into windows

make a windows boot disk

boot into DOS prompt from the windows boot disk

a:\fdisk /mbr

linux is gone and windows is intact.  You may now recoup unused disk space 
with DOS fdisk or PM or whatever.


Re: [newbie] WordPerfect 8 and LM 7.2

2000-12-13 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 18:17, Len Lawrence wrote:
 On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, John Batt wrote:
  When I try to install WP8 I get the following error:
  "Can't Find libm.so.5"  Where can I find this lib?
  John Batt

 I imported libm.so.5 from RH6.1 but it did not help; neither did a
 symbolic link to libm.so.6.It looks like the underlying wine system
 does not sit too happily with XFree 4; just guessing.

Try installing Mandrake's libc (look it up at rpmfind.net). I installed WP8 
in mdk 7.2 with no trouble at all, once I had solved that other problem 
regarding spaces in the path of the installation files.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] IMAP clients?

2000-12-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Well...if you're into terminal stuff Pine is wonderful! You use fetchmail
to get your mail from the server(s), and sendmail/postfix to send with.
Pine handles the reading and composition.

If you're a GUI person, Pronto is a real good app. It uses database
technology to store messages, message information, (headers and such),
address book info... on and on. Pronto reminds me a lot of Novel GroupWise
they way it uses MySQL, (or CVS), to store email data. Very neat and tidy.
Extremely well orginized and well behaved.

Both offer wonderful filtering for your mail. With Pine one uses the power
and flexability of Procmail. For Pronto, the filtering is built in and
extremely easy to use and setup.

So, its pretty much up to you and which way you want to go, but IMHO these
two are the best choices for the Linux platform.

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Sun, 10 Dec 2000 Phil R Lawrence spake passionately saying!

 I'm wondering what other IMAP mail clients there are besides Netscape
 for Mandrake.

 I poked around deja a bit...

 BTW, is there a good way to search all the documentation that camoes
 installed on mandrake?  Like one can search all perldoc for a keyword?

 Phil R Lawrence

[newbie] Changing KDE to Gnome

2000-12-13 Per discussione Alexander Arzberger

Hi everybody!

I am new to Mandrake and this list and I´ve tried to change
Mandranke´s default KDE2 (too slow) to the faster Gnome
Desktop, but there´s no menu item to do this!?

Can somebody help?

So I found out that Mandrake loads the very fast IceWm
if I start the X writing  startx (any letter).


[newbie] Making a new SWAP partition.

2000-12-13 Per discussione bags_maillist

Hi Guys and Gals,

I was wondering how to mount a new Swap partion.

When I originally did my install of Mandrake I made the swap 128meg, and it 
should be at least double that (my physical memory is 128meg). What I want to 
do is create a new 256 meg partition, format it as a Swap and then mount it 
on my machine. 

What do I do? Also doest it matter where the swap partition physically 
resides on the drive? I was told it should be one of the first partitions. I 
do have Windows 2000 partition and a spare FAT32 partition which are created 
on a logical drive.

This is my drive

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1 1 8 16096+  83  Linux
/dev/hda2 9  3056   61447685  Extended
/dev/hda3   *  3057  4000   1903104e  Win95 FAT16 (LBA)
/dev/hda4  4001  4961   1937376c  Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/hda5 9  1720   3451360+  83  Linux
/dev/hda6  1721  2736   2048224+  83  Linux
/dev/hda7  2737  2990512032+  83  Linux
/dev/hda8  2991  3056133024+  82  Linux swap 

Any help much aprecitated. I love linux!


Re: [newbie] KDE Menus

2000-12-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver


Find out where the config file is kept and chmod that to your needs. Might
be /etc/some-directory. What it might be is a file where the default menu
values are written to as well as the ones that root places on the menu.

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Sun, 10 Dec 2000 Paul R spake passionately saying!

 Speaking of menu editing, anybody know how to change permissions so that
 all users (or one) can edit the menus?  I'm talking about Gnome here,
 but interested in KDE too.

 _paul r

 Jose M. Sanchez wrote:

  update-menus -v
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Hildmann
  Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 9:16 AM
  Subject: [newbie] KDE Menus
  Hello All,
  When I upgraded some programs their links went away in the menus.  The last
  one was Pan.  I can add the programs again thru the menu editor but I was
  wondering if there was an easier way...
  I'm using Mandrake 7.2 with KDE 2.0
  Linux User #191842 http://counter.li.org

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

RE: [newbie] Uninstall of MDK

2000-12-13 Per discussione L. H. LOO

At 12-12-2000 -0500, you wrote:
What is Fips?
  O'Reilly Running Linux, Page 53,  "... several programs that resize 
partitions nondestructively.  One of these is known as FIPS and can be 
found on many Linux FTP sites."

Re: [newbie] Perl error message on locale

2000-12-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver


Try re-installing the gedit rpm again. it appears as though when the
program installed the setup process did not complete properly. That or you
could hunt down the config file that this program is reading from and
manualy reset the value that is causing this error.

And...we who don't use M$ or the apps thereof don't fear the image
attachment that you sent. However, in the future if you want to copy and
paste something from a terminal to an email message use the "middle" mouse
button to paste the copied text into your composition window.

When copying from the terminal window all one has to do is highlight the
text. Linux automatically appends the highlighted text to the system
clipboard. Then to paste the copied text into your document, or mail
message simply place your cursor where you want to paste the text, press
the middle mouse button, and viola!

hope this helps...

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Sun, 10 Dec 2000 Dennis Myers spake passionately saying!

 I apologize to the list, this sort of attachment is used all the time where I
 work, but then that's on a LAN and outsider  e-mail attachments we scan first and
 then read, so I didn't think hard enough about it .  That said I am still looking
 for an answer to why  the perl error message telling me to check and see if
 "locale" settings are supported. I have checked all the places I can think of that
 have a choice of en, $, etc. type stuff and it appears to be incorporated
 correctly. Maybe it's one of those messages I can keep ignoring? It's just a loose
 end, and I don't like loose ends, someone always wants to pull on them. Thanks for
 the comeback on the .png  file, as you could tell I was suspicious that I was
 breaking the law.

 Doug McGarrett wrote:

  At 12:05 12/10/2000 -0600, Dennis  wrote:

  Whenever I use an editor like gedit i get the error message seen in the
 attached screen shot.  Hope it's ok to send something like this, it's the
 first time i've tried and I don't know how resource intensive it might be


  others to recieve.

Re: [newbie] Unauthorized Portmap Connection

2000-12-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver


It means that you better add this chain to your IPchains rules.local file.

$IPCHAINS -A input -s -d $OUTERNET 29706 -j DENY -l

This line will deny access to anyone from this IP address. Don't wait
cause it sounds like someone has cracked your system and is getting ready
to setup shop on your box.

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 SoloCDM spake passionately saying!

 1) What does the following entry into /var/log/messages mean?  2)
 How can I stop future connections?

 portmap[29706]: connect from to dump(): request from
 unauthorized host

 Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
   list and my email address.


Re: [newbie] How to configure pop3 under LM7.2, using xinetd?

2000-12-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

I'm sorry to have to say this, but do you know the difference between
"server" and "workstation"?

SERVER is the one that pop3 installs on and WORKSTATION is the one that
accesses the pop3 _server_ to get the mail. you're going to have to
reinstall and this time do the server install.

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 Damon Lynch spake passionately saying!


 I installed LM7.2 using the normal workstation (i.e not server) method,
 and it seems to not have enabled pop3 by default.  At least, when users
 go to check their email from another machine on the network, they are
 getting the message "server unexpectedly terminated the connection".  I
 cannot find any warnings or errors under the log files in the mail

 How is pop3 configured?


[newbie] Upgraded

2000-12-13 Per discussione Michael (Nozy) Falzon

If i have 6.1 and like to goto 7.2 with our reinstall the lot how easy is it

Michael Falzon
Mozy's Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBs
+61 3 93314369  BBs and Fax
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+61409967695Help Desk 24/7


FidoNet Number  3:634/384
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Gremlin Consltancy P/L
Phone : (+61 03) 9315 3855
Fax   : (+61 03) 9302 

RE: [newbie] Uninstall of MDK

2000-12-13 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

Now that's an answer I like. He's a real... I'll restrain myself due to the
fact that there are ladies on this list.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Uninstall of MDK

Maybe he oughta just bonk the butt-head with a ball-bat and ship him to
Redmond, Washington for some mental readjustment.


On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 13:58:52 -0700, Adrian Smith said:

 maybe you just need a new job?
  i had an friend who was in IT with the same problem.  he spent all night
setting up a linux box at work.  his supervisor came in the next day and
said (and i quote) "nice linux machine.  get rid of it."
  i assume you have to go back to windows?  why not just boot with the win
CD and do an fdisk  start over?
  or do you have a duel boot?  i would think you could use a linux boot
disk  linux fdisk to simply change all the ext2 partitions to fat32, then
format them.  would that work?  then of course a win/dos boot disk to run
fdisk /mbr
  Adrian Smith
  'de telepone dude
  Telecom Dept.
  x 7042
   "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6:01:35 AM 12/12/00 
  Hey all,
  I have a question. I need to know how to perform a clean uninstall of
  Now, before you guys jump all over me, listen to my reason. This is not
  choice. I have 7.1 installed at work and the Network admin. found out and
  he, being the wonderful person that he is, told me to remove it. He gave
  till the end of the week. Nice, huh? Anyway, I need your help.
  Thanks in advance,
  Chris Kelly
  Registered Linux user 185775

Re: [newbie] Spaces in names

2000-12-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Well...when I attempt to navigate to a dir in a terminal window that has
spaces in the name I'm told that "no such file or directory" exists and
if I try to do a chmod, or chown or any type of attribute change on a file
or dir with a space in the name, then this too fails. I don't think spaces
"are" legal forms of naming. Otherwise wouldn't the OS allow this?

I've never known any type *nix to allow this before.

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 Sridhar Dhanapalan spake passionately saying!

 Spaces are not illegal at all - you can use them as you wish. I personally
 like to use spaces in file and directory names in order to keep my stuff
 organised. Most programmes support this, but there are a few that I've
 encountered that don't. I don't think it's a good idea to use spaces outside
 your home directories, unless you're sure this won't create any problems.

 On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 12:08, Mark's mail wrote:
  Wait...I thought spaces "were/are" illegal in *nix?
  On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 20:25:28 +0100 (CET), Paul said:
   On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, John Rye wrote:
I would have thought that a space was an undesirable if not illegal
character in a filename let alone a directory name.

Is this not the case?
If it were illegal, I think that someone would have made a program
alteration that would prevent you from putting a space in a directory
name. I agree though, that it is undesirable.
To do is to be  -  Sartre
To be is to do  -  Spinoza
Do be do be do  -  Sinatra
http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] printing in StarOffice (again)

2000-12-13 Per discussione Till Kamppeter

What printer do you have? When you print to a file by choosing "File"
and then "Print" and marking the "Print to file" check box in the
printing dialog of Star Office, can you display this file with "gv"? Can
you print the file with "xpp"?


Terry C wrote:
 I followed the instructions on mandrakeuser.org and
 ended up with the following problem:
 From a terminal I ran spadmin and changed the default
 print queue to qtcups from lpr in the generic printer
 driver. I then printed a test page. A page printed
 correctly, then it continued to print and printed
 mulit-colored random characters. It continued to do
 this until I turned the printer off. After turning the
 printer back on I tried to print again and nothing
 would print. I tried xpp in addition to qtcups.
 Nothing. A printer window will come up and it looks
 like it should print, but nothing comes out of the
 printer. I tried to go back to lpr, still nothing
 I finally convinced my wife to work with StarOffice
 instead of Microsoft Office, and now this happens. :(
 Lets just say that she's not very happy with me right
 Thanks for any help you can provide.

Re: [newbie] VI

2000-12-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver


Have you tried reinstalling VI from the RPM? If that doesn't fix it, then
I would install the VI/VIM RPM from the 7.1 CD.

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 Victor M. Moreno spake passionately saying!

 In others distro of linux I was able to use the arrow keys when editing a
 file with vi.
 Now I have installed Mandrake 7.2, but when editing a file with vi I am not
 able to
 use the arrow keys because control character appears.

 Does anyone knows how to resolve this problem?
 Do I need the lasted improved vi?



 Victor M. Moreno

[newbie] just upgraded to Linux 7.2 and probs with KDE2

2000-12-13 Per discussione blinddog

I have just upgraded to Mandrake 7.2 from 7.0 and now operate KDE2. But my 
monitor is having probs. The screen(a third on the left side) seems to repeat 
itself. How do I stop this?

Andrew D

Re: [newbie] Changing KDE to Gnome

2000-12-13 Per discussione don

Alexander Arzberger wrote:
 Hi everybody!
 I am new to Mandrake and this list and I´ve tried to change
 Mandranke´s default KDE2 (too slow) to the faster Gnome
 Desktop, but there´s no menu item to do this!?
 Can somebody help?
 So I found out that Mandrake loads the very fast IceWm
 if I start the X writing  startx (any letter).

If you are using Mandrake 7.2 you can bring up Gnome easily by using the
drop down list in the log in box.  Just log in, then select Gnome and
press enter.  I presume you are not running Linux for Windows.  If you
are, every thing runs slow.  DCH.

[newbie] subscribe newbie

2000-12-13 Per discussione Paulo Igor

[newbie] Name of the Command? httpd.conf

2000-12-13 Per discussione Beckycould

what commands can I use to change all my IP 
addresses which are going to be on a new IP ALL AT ONCE without 
having to modify each joesch.com.hosts folder?

Also to modify ALL the IP addresses in httpd.conf 
all at once from 123.456.789.321 to 

What is the command called?

Thank You Very Much

[newbie] New, new install, dual-boot, ne2k

2000-12-13 Per discussione Meph Istopheles


  As a belated intro (as I'd responded to some one earlier), I'm
Meph.  I'd been using RH 6.0 for round a year  a half on this 
my girl friend's pc's  had used RH 5.0 on a couple of other
boxes for short periods before that.  I've not yet installed mdk
7.2 on this box because when I'd started the dual-boot install
Sunday, W2k did some wacko things -- so I'll be installing mdk
7.2 ~this~ weekend.

  But I'm not posting about my box today.  Last night, my girl
friend's box had problems with the RH install, so I went ahead 
installed mdk 7.2 on hers first.  She'd been dual-booting RH 6.0
 W2k,  I was sure to only format the RH partitions last night,
but ran into problems during the config portion of the install.

  First, the install found the W2k partion without any
difficulty.  Then the ne2k nic wasn't found (the driver couldn't
install), so I'd opted to configure it after booting up.  Well,
from what I can tell during Aurora boot (it's rather faster than
RH's boot), neither the network nor mount of file systems is a

  Anyway, I'd first tried in drakconf to get the network going.
The ne2k module has no trouble probing, finding  (supposedly)
installing, but, after much fooling with various things 
installing various tools, I'd tried running ifup eth0 (as I'd
configured everything for the network in linuxconf for eth0) 
get the error that eth0 is delayed.  I'd seen this in RH but
don't remember what I'd done to fix it.

  Later, when trying to figure out what was up with the Windows
mount, I'd set up /etc/fstab to mount "/dev/hda1 /win (had tried
dos here) ntfs defaults (also had set auto here) 0 1" but when
attempting to mount /dev/hda1 always get mount: /win  does not

  I was thining that I could at least run...uh, I forget the name
of the app now, but it's that other emulator which I'd installed
last night like Wine so my girl friend might (if the ne2k driver
in W2k loads when running that OS) get on-line this morening.  No
such luck since I can't mount the Win partition.

  Any help?


Re: [newbie] Uninstall of MDK

2000-12-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

it just doesn't seem fair, does it?

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 Paul spake passionately saying!

 On 12 Dec 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:

 Maybe he oughta just bonk the butt-head with a ball-bat and ship him to
 Redmond, Washington for some mental readjustment.
  i had an friend who was in IT with the same problem.  he spent all
 night setting up a linux box at work.  his supervisor came in the next
 day and said (and i quote) "nice linux machine.  get rid of it."

 Don't forget there's something like company policy. That keeps me from
 removing windows and putting Linux on the pc too...


[newbie] Problems with Creative SB Vibra16!

2000-12-13 Per discussione Pablo Vasquez

I'm having problems setting up my sound card Creative SB Vibra 16. It worked
great under 7.0 and 7.1 but now it keeps setting up on IRQ 7.  I don't know
where to manually changed this. I edited the moudels.conf file and specified
the normal settings under which this sound card has worked before: sb
io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330 and opl3=0x388. But it doesn't
recognize it and it keeps setting itself on irq=7.  And as a result I have
no sound. Any suggestions?
Any Suggestions?

[newbie] ADSL in the UK

2000-12-13 Per discussione Jamie Kerwick

Has anyone had any luck setting up a UK ADSL connection in Linux using the 
USB boxes (ie the domestic services not the business one which use ethernet 
If so what provider were you using?
I'm looking at getting ADSL in the new year, I'm not overly bothered about 
using it in linux, because i triple boot with win98  2000 so i'll be able 
to use them, it would just be nice.

Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] Spaces in names

2000-12-13 Per discussione Meph Istopheles

  Hey Mark ( John, I guess),

  I won't claim to know as much about Linux as Civileme, but I've
picked up some things in the past year  a half on RH 6.0.  To
open a file like:  This File in, say pico, do this:

$ pico "This File"

  You just need to add the quotes to any file or directory with
spaces.  Dunno about opening with Wine, as I'd had no luck
getting it to run in RH.

  Good luck,

 Ok...since you've said I will believe it. But then how does one
 to these dir's that have spaced names, or how would one open
such a file
 from a command line? Every time I've ever tried this, with the
 of doing it with Wine (and even then most times it fails), I
get a message
 telling that there isn't any such file or directory.

 And by the way...how long will it take for someone to know as
much about
 Linux as you apparently know?  :)

 On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 civileme spake passionately saying!

  On Wednesday 13 December 2000 02:08, you wrote:
   Wait...I thought spaces "were/are" illegal in *nix?


  Apparently Corel shares your thought.  It is the same for the
*.wpd files--no
  spaces allowad.  But I DO have directories and filenames with
spaces, and
  they work OK.  It is easy to create or handle them from the
GUI, but from a
  command line

  touch mark\ a\ blank #will make a file with blanks in the
  rm mark\ a\ blank will remove it


Re: [newbie] KDE Menus

2000-12-13 Per discussione BobC


find / -name *.kdelnk  

Sorry if thats rediculously slow, but I can't find another way that
works for sure.  You can try:

locate kdelnk

At one point the locate didn't work at all on mine.  It does now, and
I've no clue why.  ls -R *.kdelnk still doesn't work. Maybe it will on

I'm just clueless "clubbing fodder" with linux, I'm afraid.

BTW, have a look in /usr/share/applnk 

The .kdelnk files comprise the menus, it seems...

Copy, paste and tweak or just edit with a text editor is what I've


 Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE Menus
 Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 06:53:20 -0500 (EST)
 From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Find out where the config file is kept and chmod that to your needs. Might
 be /etc/some-directory. What it might be is a file where the default menu
 values are written to as well as the ones that root places on the menu.
 ## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
 ## Registered Linux User # 182496
 ##  !-- Pine 4.31 --
 On Sun, 10 Dec 2000 Paul R spake passionately saying!
  Speaking of menu editing, anybody know how to change permissions so that
  all users (or one) can edit the menus?  I'm talking about Gnome here,
  but interested in KDE too.
  _paul r
  Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
   update-menus -v
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Hildmann
   Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 9:16 AM
   Subject: [newbie] KDE Menus
   Hello All,
   When I upgraded some programs their links went away in the menus.  The last
   one was Pan.  I can add the programs again thru the menu editor but I was
   wondering if there was an easier way...
   I'm using Mandrake 7.2 with KDE 2.0
   Linux User #191842 http://counter.li.org

Re: [newbie] Spaces in names

2000-12-13 Per discussione John Rye

Mark Weaver wrote:
 Ok...since you've said I will believe it. But then how does one navigate
 to these dir's that have spaced names, or how would one open such a file
 from a command line? Every time I've ever tried this, with the exception
 of doing it with Wine (and even then most times it fails), I get a message
 telling that there isn't any such file or directory.
 On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 civileme spake passionately saying!
  On Wednesday 13 December 2000 02:08, you wrote:
   Wait...I thought spaces "were/are" illegal in *nix?
  Apparently Corel shares your thought.  It is the same for the *.wpd files--no
  spaces allowad.  But I DO have directories and filenames with spaces, and
  they work OK.  It is easy to create or handle them from the GUI, but from a
  command line
  touch mark\ a\ blank #will make a file with blanks in the filename
  rm mark\ a\ blank will remove it

I've been around opsys's/opsyses (oh Hell what is the plural??) of
various flavours for nigh on 30 years - I've just spent an hour 
going through a bunch of manuals looking for filename definitions
- in every case the rules have been "Alphanumeric only" and defines
those characters as:

A-Z, a-z, 0-9,
and certain "punctuation characters" (tilde, underscore and period)

In 6 cases there is an explicit admonition _NOT_ to use the SPACE

On going back to "The Unix Programming Environment", I find only two
rules: (I can't find my copy of "The UNIX Programmers Manual")

1   A filename may consist of a maximum of 14 printable characters
2   A filename may consist of almost any character - common sense
says you should only use those which are printable.

None of my *nix documentation actually tells which characters are
explicitly illegal but does say that 'certain' characters must be
'handled' by means of 'escaping' but again I cannot find a definition
of those characters which require 'special handling'.

An interesting subject this, particularly on a newbie list !! I know
that during these past 30-odd years, any tutoring/training etc in
which I have taken part (both provider or student) that the space
character should not be used in a filename.

One manual suggests that a test for legality is whether the output
of program1 may be used as the input to program2 _WITHOUT_ the need
for special handling of the input to program2.

Question arises out of all this as well, Does the UNIX limitation of
14 character filenames apply to linux? I'm sure I've seen some which
'appear' to have rather more...

ICQ#: 89345394  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

RE: [newbie] Uninstall of MDK

2000-12-13 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

besides, what am I really hurting by have Linux on my machine??? He is just
a Microsoft freak. Doesn't think that any other product can measure up! HA!

Chris Kelly
"One World, One Web, One Program." - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler

-Original Message-
From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Uninstall of MDK

it just doesn't seem fair, does it?

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 Paul spake passionately saying!

 On 12 Dec 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:

 Maybe he oughta just bonk the butt-head with a ball-bat and ship him to
 Redmond, Washington for some mental readjustment.
  i had an friend who was in IT with the same problem.  he spent all
 night setting up a linux box at work.  his supervisor came in the next
 day and said (and i quote) "nice linux machine.  get rid of it."

 Don't forget there's something like company policy. That keeps me from
 removing windows and putting Linux on the pc too...


Re: [newbie] Spaces in names

2000-12-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Ok...since you've said I will believe it. But then how does one navigate
to these dir's that have spaced names, or how would one open such a file
from a command line? Every time I've ever tried this, with the exception
of doing it with Wine (and even then most times it fails), I get a message
telling that there isn't any such file or directory.

And by the way...how long will it take for someone to know as much about
Linux as you apparently know?  :)

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 civileme spake passionately saying!

 On Wednesday 13 December 2000 02:08, you wrote:
  Wait...I thought spaces "were/are" illegal in *nix?
 Apparently Corel shares your thought.  It is the same for the *.wpd files--no
 spaces allowad.  But I DO have directories and filenames with spaces, and
 they work OK.  It is easy to create or handle them from the GUI, but from a
 command line

 touch mark\ a\ blank #will make a file with blanks in the filename
 rm mark\ a\ blank will remove it


  On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 20:25:28 +0100 (CET), Paul said:
   On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, John Rye wrote:
I would have thought that a space was an undesirable if not illegal
character in a filename let alone a directory name.

Is this not the case?
If it were illegal, I think that someone would have made a program
alteration that would prevent you from putting a space in a directory
name. I agree though, that it is undesirable.
To do is to be  -  Sartre
To be is to do  -  Spinoza
Do be do be do  -  Sinatra
http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] Upgraded

2000-12-13 Per discussione civileme

On Wednesday 13 December 2000 13:26, you wrote:
 If i have 6.1 and like to goto 7.2 with our reinstall the lot how easy is
 it ?

 Michael Falzon
 Mozy's Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBs
 +61 3 93314369  BBs and Fax
 +61 3 93314368  BBs
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 FidoNet Number  3:634/384
 BloodNet Number 53:100/101
 GameLink Number 50:100/103
 Xpresit Number 782:101/102

 Gremlin Consltancy P/L
 Phone : (+61 03) 9315 3855
 Fax   : (+61 03) 9302 
It is much much more trouble to do the upgrade.  Directories have moved.  You 
can probably upgrade as far as 7.1 without very many hiccups, but 7.2 is a 
quantum leap.  



Re: [newbie] cdrom deletion error

2000-12-13 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I deleted the wrong cdrom when trying to setup gnome
 toaster. I issued the command cd /dev  rm cdrom  In
 -s scd0 cdrom. How do I add my cdrom back in ? I get the
 error message no such file or directory. Also it says to
 be sure I have access etc. What command do I type to
 reset it back ?
Thank you, Chronos.

 the serpent and the egg

I did the same thing and ended up reinstalling, though I was kind of
looking for an excuse anyways...

Good luck with whatever route you take...




Registered Linux user #190719

Re: [newbie] Bell Atlantic Infospeed DSL

2000-12-13 Per discussione scarimonger


Don't mean to barge in on this thread, but  I'm stuck..  I have info speed
up and running in W'95 but I can't get rp-pppoe setup script to work. it
crashes when it attempts to run sed within the scrip. The message is as

sed: -e expression #2, char 17: unknown option to 's'
** Error modifying /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf
** Quitting

And I am returned to the user prompt.
I am running Mandrake kernel 2.2.16-9 and pppd 2.3.11.  I have an external
BA westall modem using a netgear ethernet card.  Can anybody help?



Terry Golightly

Re: [newbie] Spaces in names

2000-12-13 Per discussione Holly Henry-Pilkington

Alternatively, assuming you have a directory called "mydir for myprogram"
you could do things like "cd mydir*myprogram" and "chown myname:mygroup

The only time I run into this is with guys at work who use Windows
programs to create mp3s and don't choose the option in the program
(assuming the Windows program has one) to convert spaces in the song
titles to underscores.


Mark Weaver wrote:
 Well...when I attempt to navigate to a dir in a terminal window that has
 spaces in the name I'm told that "no such file or directory" exists and
 if I try to do a chmod, or chown or any type of attribute change on a file
 or dir with a space in the name, then this too fails. I don't think spaces
 "are" legal forms of naming. Otherwise wouldn't the OS allow this?
 I've never known any type *nix to allow this before.
 ## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
 ## Registered Linux User # 182496
 ##  !-- Pine 4.31 --
 On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 Sridhar Dhanapalan spake passionately saying!
  Spaces are not illegal at all - you can use them as you wish. I personally
  like to use spaces in file and directory names in order to keep my stuff
  organised. Most programmes support this, but there are a few that I've
  encountered that don't. I don't think it's a good idea to use spaces outside
  your home directories, unless you're sure this won't create any problems.
  On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 12:08, Mark's mail wrote:
   Wait...I thought spaces "were/are" illegal in *nix?
   On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 20:25:28 +0100 (CET), Paul said:
On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, John Rye wrote:
 I would have thought that a space was an undesirable if not illegal
 character in a filename let alone a directory name.
 Is this not the case?
 If it were illegal, I think that someone would have made a program
 alteration that would prevent you from putting a space in a directory
 name. I agree though, that it is undesirable.
 To do is to be  -  Sartre
 To be is to do  -  Spinoza
 Do be do be do  -  Sinatra
 http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

[newbie] Linux-Keys

2000-12-13 Per discussione Jose Ricardo Sabino

It's usuallly found in default installation of Linux( I think so), the 
memory for recently typed commands. After entering the Konsole window, as you 
type the Up-Arrow an earlier typed command are presented in the konsole 
prompt and so on, in the same way, hitting the Down-Arrow you navigate to 
later typed commands than shown in the Konsole prompt. 
So, how do I set ON this utility? I say, my system doesn't have this utiilty 
for different login time, as I logout the system, all the commands in the 
memory are lost!

Re: [newbie] cdrom deletion error

2000-12-13 Per discussione Sven Heinicke

the MAKEDEV command might get it back too.  If it's not IDE type:


and start reading.

Paul writes:
  On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I assume you had an IDE cdrom. Was it on /dev/hdb? hdc? hdd?
  Make a new link
  cd /dev
  rm cdrom
  ln -s /dev/hd... cdrom
  and that should do it.
  I deleted the wrong cdrom when trying to setup gnome
  toaster. I issued the command cd /dev  rm cdrom  In
  -s scd0 cdrom. How do I add my cdrom back in ? I get the
  error message no such file or directory. Also it says to
  be sure I have access etc. What command do I type to
  reset it back ?
 Thank you, Chronos.
  the serpent and the egg
  Cowboy Coffee:
  A brew strong enough to float a horseshoe in.
  http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] Registered users ID#

2000-12-13 Per discussione Dennis Myers

s wrote:

 Hi all,
 I've been seeing these register user #s in some peoples signatures and I was 
 wondering how they/you figured your number.  I registered, but my ID# looks 
 nothing like the examples I've seen here.  Mine consists of letters, dashes, 
 and numbers.  Could someone explain how this works?
Go to the Linux Counter, a spot to click on is located on the Linux Mandrake homepage 
  the right hand column. It's for the fun of it and to stand up and be 
counted, letting the world know the penguin
is growing large.
Dennis Myers Registered Linux user #180843

Re: [newbie] cdrom deletion error

2000-12-13 Per discussione Dave DeGear


 How do you tell if its on hdb hdc or hdd I dont know
 where to look. Also after typing in cd dev/ rm cdrom ln

  I think that you should be able to tell by checking out your dmesg file.  
Try "dmesg |more" and see if you can find your cdrom being identified.


[newbie] Registered users ID#

2000-12-13 Per discussione s

Hi all,
I've been seeing these register user #s in some peoples signatures and I was 
wondering how they/you figured your number.  I registered, but my ID# looks 
nothing like the examples I've seen here.  Mine consists of letters, dashes, 
and numbers.  Could someone explain how this works?

Re: [newbie] problem updating glibc

2000-12-13 Per discussione Thomas Matelich

Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Tuesday 12 December 2000 12:55 pm, Thomas Matelich wrote:
  I've been having problems with MandrakeUpdate, so I went to get the
  cooker version,

Do Not use cooker rpms, for anything.

Party pooper.  Ok, I can deal with that.  My problem with
MandrakeUpdate, like the other poster today, is that it downloads the
rpms and says it installed, but they are actually not installed.  I
decided to go install them by hand.

Yesterday I tried bash1_blah_blah with a rpm -Uvh and everything
appeared to work normally.  Except it didn't return after all the hashes
had been printed.  My hard drive started crunching and I couldn't do
anything with the system.  It still sort of responds, but so slowly that
you can't really tell.  The mouse moves a couple of pixels every
second.  I ended up hitting the reset button after about a half hour.

Today I tried to update cups and cups-devel in the same command, cups
appears to have finished fine, but then it went into that almost locked
up state.  It has been like this for about a half hour again.  Its kind
of like when locate is updating it's database.  Maybe its rebuilding the
rpm database?  I have no idea.  Anyway, I'm going to give it another 45
minutes just for fun, then I'll try it from console mode.  After that,
I'm not sure what I'll try.  Any suggestions?

Thomas O Matelich
Senior Software Designer
Zetec, Inc.

Re: [newbie] Making a new SWAP partition.

2000-12-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 13 December 2000 05:56 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Guys and Gals,

 I was wondering how to mount a new Swap partion.

 When I originally did my install of Mandrake I made the swap 128meg,
 and it should be at least double that (my physical memory is 128meg).

.   I suspect you've bought into the mistaken and _very outdated_ 
notion that swap should be 2 times ram.  128mb /swap should be more 
than enough with 128mb of ram.

   If you install another 128mb of ram, you prob'ly wouldn't even need 
a /swap.  Ram is a far far better solution than swap, particularly with 
Linux. So if you have some uniquely high memory requirements, I'd 
strongly suggest you add more ram than try to add or enlarge your /swap.
   'Specially at today's prices ;)
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Linux-Keys

2000-12-13 Per discussione Joseph Red

Isn't this a function of the shell?  I always use bash  it works, but I
seem to remember it not working under csh.  If I'm wrong someone correct me,

Joseph Red

- Original Message -
From: "Jose Ricardo Sabino" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 7:52 AM
Subject: [newbie] Linux-Keys

It's usuallly found in default installation of Linux( I think so), the
memory for recently typed commands. After entering the Konsole window, as
type the Up-Arrow an earlier typed command are presented in the konsole
prompt and so on, in the same way, hitting the Down-Arrow you navigate to
later typed commands than shown in the Konsole prompt.
So, how do I set ON this utility? I say, my system doesn't have this utiilty
for different login time, as I logout the system, all the commands in the
memory are lost!

RE: [newbie] Spaces in names

2000-12-13 Per discussione Mike Bowley

The trouble with having spaces in directory or file names is that the shell
interprets each bit of the name as a separate command line parameter and
thinks "hang on , cd (or whatever) can only have one parameter. I'd better
report an error" The answer is to type cd "my dir name thats got spaces in"
The quotes cause the shell not to try and interpret the parameters but to
pass them straight through to the command (ie cd) as a single string.
This is a general technique for whenever you don't want the shell
interpreting your parameters.

Hope this helps


-Original Message-
From: Holly Henry-Pilkington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 13 December 2000 16:18
Subject: Re: [newbie] Spaces in names

Alternatively, assuming you have a directory called "mydir for myprogram"
you could do things like "cd mydir*myprogram" and "chown myname:mygroup

The only time I run into this is with guys at work who use Windows
programs to create mp3s and don't choose the option in the program
(assuming the Windows program has one) to convert spaces in the song
titles to underscores.


Mark Weaver wrote:
 Well...when I attempt to navigate to a dir in a terminal window that has
 spaces in the name I'm told that "no such file or directory" exists and
 if I try to do a chmod, or chown or any type of attribute change on a file
 or dir with a space in the name, then this too fails. I don't think spaces
 "are" legal forms of naming. Otherwise wouldn't the OS allow this?
 I've never known any type *nix to allow this before.
 ## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
 ## Registered Linux User # 182496
 ##  !-- Pine 4.31 --
 On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 Sridhar Dhanapalan spake passionately saying!
  Spaces are not illegal at all - you can use them as you wish. I
  like to use spaces in file and directory names in order to keep my stuff
  organised. Most programmes support this, but there are a few that I've
  encountered that don't. I don't think it's a good idea to use spaces
  your home directories, unless you're sure this won't create any
  On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 12:08, Mark's mail wrote:
   Wait...I thought spaces "were/are" illegal in *nix?
   On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 20:25:28 +0100 (CET), Paul said:
On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, John Rye wrote:
 I would have thought that a space was an undesirable if not
 character in a filename let alone a directory name.
 Is this not the case?
 If it were illegal, I think that someone would have made a program
 alteration that would prevent you from putting a space in a
 name. I agree though, that it is undesirable.
 To do is to be  -  Sartre
 To be is to do  -  Spinoza
 Do be do be do  -  Sinatra
 http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

[newbie] cdrom deletion error continuing

2000-12-13 Per discussione chronos

I typed cd /dev rm cdrom it confirmed deletion then
typed ln -s /dev/hdc cdrom  then it said ln: cdrom: file
exists so I typed ln -s /dev/scd0 cdrom no complaints
now when I put in a cd for music the cd player says
ejected. when using a data cd it say cannot read cd. now
what ?

the serpent and the egg

Re: [newbie] cdrom deletion error

2000-12-13 Per discussione chronos

How do you tell if its on hdb hdc or hdd I dont know
where to look. Also after typing in cd dev/ rm cdrom ln
-s /dev/hd cdrom it says - cdrom read or access error
make sure you have permissions etc. also said ln:cdrom
file exits. Now what ?

 On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I assume you had an IDE cdrom. Was it on
 /dev/hdb? hdc? hdd?
 Make a new link
 cd /dev
 rm cdrom
 ln -s /dev/hd... cdrom
 and that should do it.
 I deleted the wrong cdrom when trying to setup
 toaster. I issued the command cd /dev  rm
 cdrom  In
 -s scd0 cdrom. How do I add my cdrom back in ?
 I get the
 error message no such file or directory. Also
 it says to
 be sure I have access etc. What command do I
 type to
 reset it back ?
Thank you, Chronos.
 the serpent and the egg
 Cowboy Coffee:
 A brew strong enough to float a horseshoe in.
 http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered
 Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

the serpent and the egg

[newbie] Securely wiping the swat partition?

2000-12-13 Per discussione Jon Doe

I always seem to just break into the swap partition when I decide I want to 
encrypt something with GNUPG and it screems that I am using unsafe memory.
So my question is, how can I, a newbie, wipe the swap partition without 
screwing everything up.

"Never let the bastards wear you down!"
Registered Linux User 181996
ICQ 27396393

[newbie] cdrom deletion part 3

2000-12-13 Per discussione chronos

Okay so I ran dmesg | more and it does "see" everything
on my system. Running man MAKEDEV what am I looking for
? It shows several options. Now I get cdrom not ready
make sure disc is in drive. What else ? There has to be
a way to fix this.
 Thank You, Chronos.

the serpent and the egg

Re: [newbie] cdrom deletion part 3

2000-12-13 Per discussione Dave DeGear

  Sorry, I thought that your problem was that you didn't know which /dev/hd? 
your cdrom was attached to.  The dmesg should show you this information.



 Okay so I ran dmesg | more and it does "see" everything
 on my system. Running man MAKEDEV what am I looking for

Re: [newbie] Word Perfect 8

2000-12-13 Per discussione Adrian Smith

hey Len --
i noticed you mentioning Applix below.
i installed Applix Office 5 on my 7.1  7.2 boxes with no problems
and no seg faults when it runs.
and the printing under 7.2/CUPS is great.
i just thought i'd mention that to you -- so you know it "should" work.   =)
i'm no linux/applix guru, but if i can assist you anyhowz in getting it to work
let me know.
i haven't installed StarOffice under my 7.2 box yet,
so i don't know nothing 'bout that.
also don't know nothing 'bout history.
don't know much about biology.
don't know much about a science book.
don't know much about the french i took.
but i do know that linux rocks
no blue screen of death, no untimely locks.
what a wonderful world, my pinguin

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Len Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12:11:37 AM 12/13/00 
On Mon, 11 Dec 2000, John Batt wrote:

 Is there anyone else out there having trouble getting WordPerfect 8 to 
 install in LM 7.2.  I had it working great in 7.0 but after installing 7.2 it 
 won't install.
Yes, neither the graphical install or text based install will work.  It
worked fine in RedHat 6.1.  I also had trouble with Applix.  That installs
but seg faults when it is run.  ???

StarOffice looks good but it is impossible to get it to print using the
CUPS, via xpp or whatever.  I have to reboot RH6.1 to do any word
processing.  Damned annoying.

23 West Court   www.tarazed.demon.co.uk 
The Thistle Foundation
Edinburgh EH16 4EB  0131-661 3648

Re: [newbie] Making a new SWAP partition.

2000-12-13 Per discussione Adrian Smith

this will shock everyone, but Tom seems to be right   =)
*amazed silence*
actually, Tom is about 99% right but
when i installed linux first i had 60M ram and made a swap of 500M
(i have disk space to burn)
the swap was used somewhat
i recently added 128M ram, and linux hasn't touched my swap space since then.
i have not seen my swap used, at all, ever  since adding the 128M

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8:29:46 AM 12/13/00 
On Wednesday 13 December 2000 05:56 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Guys and Gals,

 I was wondering how to mount a new Swap partion.

 When I originally did my install of Mandrake I made the swap 128meg,
 and it should be at least double that (my physical memory is 128meg).

.   I suspect you've bought into the mistaken and _very outdated_ 
notion that swap should be 2 times ram.  128mb /swap should be more 
than enough with 128mb of ram.

   If you install another 128mb of ram, you prob'ly wouldn't even need 
a /swap.  Ram is a far far better solution than swap, particularly with 
Linux. So if you have some uniquely high memory requirements, I'd 
strongly suggest you add more ram than try to add or enlarge your /swap.
   'Specially at today's prices ;)
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Spaces in names

2000-12-13 Per discussione Adrian Smith

hey Mark, someone will probably get to this reply before me,
but i think it's as simple as

command "file or directory with spaces"

and i believe this works with many / most of the linux commands.
i have had some problems with gui programs and spaces in file names
and i am gradually converting my directorys over to single words,
simply to make naviagating at the command line easier
but i have loads of files with spaces  no major issues yet.
*cross fingers*

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5:51:19 AM 12/13/00 
Ok...since you've said I will believe it. But then how does one navigate
to these dir's that have spaced names, or how would one open such a file
from a command line? Every time I've ever tried this, with the exception
of doing it with Wine (and even then most times it fails), I get a message
telling that there isn't any such file or directory.

And by the way...how long will it take for someone to know as much about
Linux as you apparently know?  :)

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 civileme spake passionately saying!

 On Wednesday 13 December 2000 02:08, you wrote:
  Wait...I thought spaces "were/are" illegal in *nix?
 Apparently Corel shares your thought.  It is the same for the *.wpd files--no
 spaces allowad.  But I DO have directories and filenames with spaces, and
 they work OK.  It is easy to create or handle them from the GUI, but from a
 command line

 touch mark\ a\ blank #will make a file with blanks in the filename
 rm mark\ a\ blank will remove it


  On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 20:25:28 +0100 (CET), Paul said:
   On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, John Rye wrote:
I would have thought that a space was an undesirable if not illegal
character in a filename let alone a directory name.

Is this not the case?
If it were illegal, I think that someone would have made a program
alteration that would prevent you from putting a space in a directory
name. I agree though, that it is undesirable.
To do is to be  -  Sartre
To be is to do  -  Spinoza
Do be do be do  -  Sinatra
http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] SB AWE32

2000-12-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 13 December 2000 03:35 am, Jim Kempton wrote:

 Thanks for the responses so far.

 Right, I can't find sndconfig.  It's not in usr/sbin

/usr/sbin/sndconfig   /usr/share/man/man8/sndconfig.8.bz2 
/usr/share/sndconfig   /usr/share/sndconfig/sample.au 

 and I did a
 search with Konquerer and it's on the system at all. 

   su to root in a terminal and run 'locate -u'  which will update your 
slocate database if you don't leave your system on and cron doesn't get 
to update your system (takes a minute or two) , then run 
  'locate sndconfig'

 I have the
 single CD version of 7.2 from a magazine cover.

  Also 'rpm -qa | grep sndconfig'   should return somethin like
'sndconfig-0.55-3mdk'   if it doesn't you need to install it.

 Therefore where can I download sndconfig from?

any mandrake 7.2 ftp mirror   listed at:

Make sure you run 'sndconfig' as root _without_ X
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] securing Mandrake

2000-12-13 Per discussione Roger Sherman

Are you running IPChains, or another firewall?

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Chris wrote:


I'm not sure if this is the correct place to be asking this, as I'm
 having no hardware config or install problems, but I need a bit of
 advice on making Mandrake more secure.

I have already gone through and commented out various stuff in
 /etc/services, but there has to be more to be done than that... right?
 What I'd ideally like to do is IP-restrict all the standard services
 (ssh, ftp, postfix, mysql, among others), but I can't seem to find the
 right conf files necessary to do such a thing.

I thought I'd ask because I've started seeing suspicious IPs in
 /var/log/auth.log and /var/log/secure and wanted to lock all possible
 doors before whoever decides to walk through them.


 Chris Anderson

 .x%$ . http://obsessed.org/
 .x%$ . ...and some junk.




Registered Linux user #190719

[newbie] The text only version: Internet access through MS proxy server

2000-12-13 Per discussione Jeremy Sudderth


Sorry about the html email, I forgot the Outlook defaulted to html based

So here is the question again.


Here is a situation that I think you will all love.  My company is sick and
tired of Windows.  They just hired me and after hearing that I said we
should go to Linux ( Yippee ).  The problem is that they are not totally
sure of me yet, which I can understand, so they want a couple of test
machines to try it out on.  I have them all setup with samba working.  The
problem is the Microsoft Proxy server 2.0 will not let them access the
internet.  Any idea why.  They can ping the proxy server and even transfer
files to it, but the socks service won't let them connect.

Thanks in advance,

The IT man

[newbie] Problems With The Audio Mixer (/dev/mixer)

2000-12-13 Per discussione bobby dowling

I am using 7.2 beta 2, b/c I had to give up my cable modem until I move and 
I am too po to buy the release until I start work (graduating from Texas 
AM, btw).

I try to use different mixer apps like 'gmix', but I get "No mixers found" 
and that I should make sure that I have sound support compiled into the 
kernel.  BTW, all sound works fine (mp3, wav, cd's, etc ...).

I tried to chmod /dev/mixer just for kicks, but no good.
Any ideas or do I just have to wait until I start work? : )

Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] printing in StarOffice (again)

2000-12-13 Per discussione Terry C

I have an Epson 740. Some things have changed since I
posted this message. I did an upgrade to the latest
version of CUPS and I can now print. But all is still
not well. When I print a StarOffice document the lpr
print window comes up, I click on OK, and then the
qtcups window comes up. I again click on OK and the
document will print. The problem here is that after
the document prints another page prints with error
messages and then stops without feeding the page
completely through the printer. I am at work now so I
can't show what is printing out after the print job.
It also only prints in the color setting. I have tried
to have it print in greyscale, but it prints in color
This only happens when printing in Star Office. I can
print from any other application and printing works

--- Till Kamppeter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 What printer do you have? When you print to a file
 by choosing "File"
 and then "Print" and marking the "Print to file"
 check box in the
 printing dialog of Star Office, can you display this
 file with "gv"? Can
 you print the file with "xpp"?
 Terry C wrote:
  I followed the instructions on mandrakeuser.org
  ended up with the following problem:
  From a terminal I ran spadmin and changed the
  print queue to qtcups from lpr in the generic
  driver. I then printed a test page. A page printed
  correctly, then it continued to print and printed
  mulit-colored random characters. It continued to
  this until I turned the printer off. After turning
  printer back on I tried to print again and nothing
  would print. I tried xpp in addition to qtcups.
  Nothing. A printer window will come up and it
  like it should print, but nothing comes out of the
  printer. I tried to go back to lpr, still nothing
  I finally convinced my wife to work with
  instead of Microsoft Office, and now this happens.
  Lets just say that she's not very happy with me
  Thanks for any help you can provide.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: [newbie] Enabling Telnet FTP

2000-12-13 Per discussione -michael-

On Monday 11 December 2000 05:01, regarding Re: [newbie] Enabling Telnet  
FTP, you said:
  I also had this problem with my initial install of Mandrake 7.2.   Make
  sure that you have the telnet server installed.   Type "rpm -qa |grep
  telnet" and see if you have both the telnet and telnet server rpms
[root@gauss /root]# rpm -qa | grep telnet
[root@gauss /root]#
   now what? I'm leaving and want to be able to get into my boxen 
while away

Re: [newbie] Making a new SWAP partition.

2000-12-13 Per discussione Adrian Smith

hey Chris -- i didn't do anything.  just added the memory.  i don't have a clue how to 
(if you even can) tell linux to use or not use the swap.  i monitor my swap and ram 
use, and i have not seen any swap used since i went to 188M ram.

a 2G swap that is 100% used  wow, that sounds really strange to me.  somehow that 
just don't sound right at all.

and i should mention i use GIMP to manipulate images and such, which is memory intense 
as you probably know.  even with that, i use no swap.  i just trust that linux knows 
how to use the ram  swap i have provided, so i don't know a thing about tweaking the 

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12:43:13 PM 12/13/00 
Adrian Smith wrote:

 i recently added 128M ram, and linux hasn't touched my swap space since then.
 i have not seen my swap used, at all, ever  since adding the 128M

   How'd you get it to not use the swap?... I have 128MB of RAM also, 
and a 2GB (yes, 2 gig) swap partition that is always 100% used. Even 
with the 128MB, I never have more than 6 or 7MB of memory free.

- chris

[newbie] 2.2.18 Kernel for Mandrake

2000-12-13 Per discussione Kevin Tambascio

I would like to upgrade to the 2.2.18 kernel to try and get my USB scanner
working under Linux.  I looked in the Mandrake 7.2 updates folder, as well
as the Cooker FTP site (it seems like they only have 2.4.x kernels), but I
couldn't find the source.  Should I download the kernel from www.kernel.org,
or do I have to use a Mandrake version of the kernel?  Does anyone know
where I can download the Mandrake version of 2.2.18, if it exists?


RE: [newbie] Internet access through MS proxy server

2000-12-13 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

haven't quite explained the setup...

you trying to use MS Proxy from Linux clients?

If so 
you have to remember that MS-PROXY uses NT authentication before enabling 
Windows machines. I.E. the Windows machines have to login to the NT 
domain/server before they have access to services.

may be the problem.


-Original Message-From: 
Behalf Of Jeremy SudderthSent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 4:37 
PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] Internet 
access through MS proxy server
Hello Everyone,

Here is a situation that I think you will all 
love. My company is sick and tired of Windows. They just hired me 
and after hearing that I said we should go to Linux ( Yipee ). The 
problem is that they are not totally sure of me yet, which I can understand, so 
they want a couple of test machines to try it out on. I have them all 
setup with samba working. The problem is the Microsoft Proxy server 2.0 
will not let them access the internet. Any idea why. They can ping 
the proxy server and even transfer files to it, but the socks service won't let 
them connect.

Thanks in advance,

The IT man

[newbie] Internet access through MS proxy server

2000-12-13 Per discussione Jeremy Sudderth

Are you trying to use MS Proxy from Linux clients?

Yes, The Linux boxes must go through the MS Proxy to gain access to the
outside world.

If so you have to remember that MS-PROXY uses NT authentication before
enabling Windows machines. I.E. the Windows machines have to login to the
NT domain/server before they have access to services.

Sounds like that could be the problem, now any idea on how to make NT let
the Linux boxes login.
I Know NT is afraid of Linux, If I were NT I would be afraid to.


The IT man

Re: [newbie] Making a new SWAP partition.

2000-12-13 Per discussione Adrian Smith

hey Chris --
i had an idea (which don't happen often)
you could tell linux not to use the swap by eliminating the swap partition.
tho i don't know if linux *has* to have a swap.
one of the gurus might be able to answer that for us.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 "Joseph Red" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4:00:44 PM 12/13/00 
How in the world are you using all 2g swap???  As for physical RAM.  When I
had 128m, I usually had ~10m free, and used no swap (according to top).  Now
I have 256m  I would have to try hard to get it to use the swap.

Joseph Red

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Making a new SWAP partition.

 Adrian Smith wrote:

  i recently added 128M ram, and linux hasn't touched my swap space since
  i have not seen my swap used, at all, ever  since adding the 128M

How'd you get it to not use the swap?... I have 128MB of RAM also,
 and a 2GB (yes, 2 gig) swap partition that is always 100% used. Even
 with the 128MB, I never have more than 6 or 7MB of memory free.

 - chris

[newbie] X config file -- anything look wrong here??

2000-12-13 Per discussione Adrian Smith

hi, i'm still working on this problem where i have this narrow strip on the left-most 
edge of my monitor which shows what is actually about 4 inches from the left side of 
the display.  i wanted to run my XF86Config-4 file past you folks.  it looks ok to me, 
but what do i know.  does anyone see anything here that is evidently wrong??

the hardware stuff seems ok
i do have an SiS 620
i also have 4M video ram, tho i don't see that specified.
do i need to add a line for that?

thank you much for you input

# File generated by XFdrake.

# **
# Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about the format of
# this file.
# **

Section "Files"

RgbPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)
# By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of
# the X server to render fonts.

FontPath   "unix/:-1"


# **
# Server flags section.
# **

Section "ServerFlags"

# Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a signal is
# received.  This may leave the console in an unusable state, but may
# provide a better stack trace in the core dump to aid in debugging

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltBS server abort sequence
# This allows clients to receive this key event.

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltKP_+/KP_- mode switching
# sequences.  This allows clients to receive these key events.

# This  allows  the  server  to start up even if the
# mouse device can't be opened/initialised.


# **
# Input devices
# **

# **
# Keyboard section
# **

Section "InputDevice"

Identifier "Keyboard1"
Driver  "Keyboard"
Option "AutoRepeat"  "250 30"

Option "XkbRules" "xfree86"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"


# **
# Pointer section
# **

Section "InputDevice"

Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver  "mouse"
Option "Protocol""PS/2"
Option "Device"  "/dev/psaux"
Option "Emulate3Buttons"
Option "Emulate3Timeout""50"

# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice

#Option "ChordMiddle"


Section "Module"

# This loads the DBE extension module.


# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.

SubSection  "extmod"
#Option "omit xfree86-dga"

# This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules


# **
# Monitor section
# **

# Any number of monitor sections may be present

Section "Monitor"
Identifier ""
VendorName ""
ModelName  ""

# HorizSync is in kHz unless units are specified.
# HorizSync may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
# comma separated list of ranges of values.
HorizSync  30-72

# VertRefresh is in Hz unless units are specified.
# VertRefresh may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
# comma separated list of ranges of values.
VertRefresh 50-120


# **
# Graphics device section
# **

Section "Device"
Identifier "Generic VGA"
Driver "vga"

Section "Device"
Identifier  "SiS 620"
VendorName  "Unknown"
BoardName   "Unknown"
Driver  "sis"
# Clock lines

# Uncomment following option if you see a big white block
# instead of the cursor!  
#Option  "sw_cursor"

Option  "DPMS"

# **
# Screen sections

Re: [newbie] Will RedHat RPM's work with Mandrake?

2000-12-13 Per discussione Michael

Apparently, they are not installed because I did waht you suggested and
it just kept returning to the prompt.  I did a file find for postgre*
and php* and nothing came up as well.  Anyway, I went to the Postgres
and PHP websites and downloaded a Mandrake i586.rpm for postgres and a
tar.gz for PHP.  That should get me going.  Thanks for the information.


civileme wrote:

 Til recently, the answer would have been "sure", but we need to know which
 versions they were made under right now.  rpm version 4 takes things to a new
 Anyway, the postgres and PHP3 packages are all on your Mandrake distro disk,
 and very likely are already installed;  do
 rpm -q packagename or
 rpm -qa |grep part_of_packagename
 to discover if you ALREADY have the software installed.

Michael Lewis   
Exasource Inc.
Phone:  970-206-4556

Re: [newbie] Enabling Telnet FTP

2000-12-13 Per discussione Dave DeGear

Quoting -michael- [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 [root@gauss /root]# rpm -qa | grep telnet
 [root@gauss /root]#
now what? I'm leaving and want to be able to get into my
 boxen while away

  You don't have telnet-server installed.  I'm not sure of the exact name but 
you should find it in the RPM directory of your Mandrake CD.  After installing 
the server you need to be sure that inetd is running.  Go into DrakConfig and 
make sure that inetd is checked and then reboot.


Re: [newbie] SB AWE32

2000-12-13 Per discussione Bob Schmidt

Hi again,

already done that, I've enabled the sound server, and set up specific sounds 
per event and still nothing.


On Wednesday 13 December 2000 05:52, you wrote:

 You have to go into the control center, locate the sound section and
 enable the system sounds. You may also have to set up the specific sounds
 per event.


[newbie] Epson 777 Printer

2000-12-13 Per discussione Paul Hildmann

Hello All,
I'm looking to add a low priced printer to this computer.  I'm thinking of 
the Epson 777.  Has anyone had any luck with this one?  Could someone suggest 
a low priced model that does work well?  It seems easier to match the 
hardware first than jump thru hoops later :)

Linux User #191842 http://counter.li.org

[newbie] Mandrake Update

2000-12-13 Per discussione Adam Willcox

I don't appear to have drakconf in my installation of mandrake 7.1.  I
couldn't find anything to download off of mandrake's site.  I found an older
version of drakconf floating around on the internet.  From what I can gather
DrakConf is the mandrake update program.  Can anyone point me to the
directory or link on my desktop where DrakConf would be?  Otherwise can
someone point me to a site where I can get the latest version?

Thanx in advance.

Re: [newbie] MD7.2 Stability

2000-12-13 Per discussione Hektor Meyer

Hi. I installed MD7.2 with KDE 2.0 final on my HP Pavilion. Since then I 
observed some interesting problems: 

KDE is difficult to shutdown. Sometimes it will take several clicks to the 
"logout" to close it.

KPPP docks into the panel and then suddenly disappears but, stays connected.

Complete freez-up. No mouse pointer movement, unable to change to another 
consol, unable to kill the xserver with CTRL ALT BACKSAPCE, enormous HD 

...but I still have fun!

Any tips? Thanks.

P.S. I am using the ReiserFS.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2000-12-13 Per discussione Chris

Adam Willcox wrote:

 I don't appear to have drakconf in my installation of mandrake 7.1.  I
 couldn't find anything to download off of mandrake's site.  I found an older
 version of drakconf floating around on the internet.  From what I can gather
 DrakConf is the mandrake update program.  Can anyone point me to the
 directory or link on my desktop where DrakConf would be?  Otherwise can
 someone point me to a site where I can get the latest version?
 Thanx in advance.

I can't speak for KDE, but in Gnome, drakconf is in Start- Programs- 
Configuration - Other. Alternately, you could use /usr/sbin/drakxconf ...

- chris

Re: [newbie] GIMP

2000-12-13 Per discussione Adrian Smith

that is odd...  i use GIMP darn near daily, and it certainly will save files.  both 
save  save as are on my menu.
if you right click on an image, then go to the file section, you should see save  
save as.
if you don't.
hmmm.  could you have a "bad" or "corrupt" install?

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Mickey Soltys [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2:44:22 PM 12/13/00 
I have been messing around with the version of GIMP which came with 
Mandrake-Linux7.2 . It appears as if there is no way to save files.
When you select FILE from the menu, there is no save or save as option.
Has anyone else noticed this?

Thanks and apologies if this is a common question,

Mickey Soltys

Re: [newbie] Making a new SWAP partition THANKS!!.

2000-12-13 Per discussione bags_maillist

On Thursday 14 December 2000 h:09, you wrote:
 this will shock everyone, but Tom seems to be right   =)
 *amazed silence*
 actually, Tom is about 99% right but
 when i installed linux first i had 60M ram and made a swap of 500M
 (i have disk space to burn)
 the swap was used somewhat
 i recently added 128M ram, and linux hasn't touched my swap space since
 then. i have not seen my swap used, at all, ever  since adding the 128M

 Adrian Smith
 'de telepone dude
 Telecom Dept.
 x 7042

  Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8:29:46 AM 12/13/00 

 On Wednesday 13 December 2000 05:56 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Guys and Gals,
  I was wondering how to mount a new Swap partion.
  When I originally did my install of Mandrake I made the swap 128meg,
  and it should be at least double that (my physical memory is 128meg).

 ..   I suspect you've bought into the mistaken and _very outdated_
 notion that swap should be 2 times ram.  128mb /swap should be more
 than enough with 128mb of ram.

If you install another 128mb of ram, you prob'ly wouldn't even need
 a /swap.  Ram is a far far better solution than swap, particularly with
 Linux. So if you have some uniquely high memory requirements, I'd
 strongly suggest you add more ram than try to add or enlarge your /swap.
'Specially at today's prices ;)

Adrian and Tom,

Thanks Heaps guys.. this list is the best! Your advice is muchly appreciated. 
I didn't know that the old "make swap double your physical memory" rule is 
outdated... guess it used to matter a few years ago.

I wont even bother with doing it then... this is my work box so I am going to 
hassle my boss for more meg.

Again, mucho kudos to you,


Re: [newbie] Making a new SWAP partition.

2000-12-13 Per discussione chronos

I think that if you have 128 ram or more its almost 
unnecessary. I have 256 and it never uses the swap.
Quoting Adrian Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 hey Chris --
 i had an idea (which don't happen often)
 you could tell linux not to use the swap by
 eliminating the swap partition.
 tho i don't know if linux *has* to have a swap.
 one of the gurus might be able to answer that
 for us.
 Adrian Smith
 'de telepone dude
 Telecom Dept.
 x 7042
  "Joseph Red" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4:00:44 PM
 How in the world are you using all 2g swap??? 
 As for physical RAM.  When I
 had 128m, I usually had ~10m free, and used no
 swap (according to top).  Now
 I have 256m  I would have to try hard to get it
 to use the swap.
 Joseph Red
 - Original Message -
 From: "Chris" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 11:43 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Making a new SWAP
  Adrian Smith wrote:
   i recently added 128M ram, and linux hasn't
 touched my swap space since
   i have not seen my swap used, at all,
 ever  since adding the 128M
 How'd you get it to not use the swap?... I
 have 128MB of RAM also,
  and a 2GB (yes, 2 gig) swap partition that is
 always 100% used. Even
  with the 128MB, I never have more than 6 or
 7MB of memory free.
  - chris

the serpent and the egg

Re: [newbie] GIMP

2000-12-13 Per discussione Anthony

Hit the right mouse button when you are over an image. You'll see a huge list 
come up, which includes your save commands. 

 I have been messing around with the version of GIMP which came with
 Mandrake-Linux7.2 . It appears as if there is no way to save files.
 When you select FILE from the menu, there is no save or save as option.
 Has anyone else noticed this?

 Thanks and apologies if this is a common question,

 Mickey Soltys

Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

Re: Re:[newbie] Changing KDE to Gnome

2000-12-13 Per discussione Renaud OLGIATI

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Alexander Arzberger wrote:

 I am new to Mandrake and this list and I´ve tried to change
 Mandranke´s default KDE2 (too slow) to the faster Gnome
 Desktop, but there´s no menu item to do this!?

Is Gnome really faster ?
(as I have an antique and slow machine, I'd be interested to switch to the
fastest DE) 


Ron the Frog, on the sunny banks of the Paraguay River.
   Good judgment comes from experience,
  experience comes from bad judgment.
  ---  http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati  ---

Re: [newbie] Spaces in names

2000-12-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver


So what you're saying is to enclose the file or dir name in double quotes?

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 Adrian Smith spake passionately saying!

 hey Mark, someone will probably get to this reply before me,
 but i think it's as simple as

 command "file or directory with spaces"

 and i believe this works with many / most of the linux commands.
 i have had some problems with gui programs and spaces in file names
 and i am gradually converting my directorys over to single words,
 simply to make naviagating at the command line easier
 but i have loads of files with spaces  no major issues yet.
 *cross fingers*

 Adrian Smith
 'de telepone dude
 Telecom Dept.
 x 7042

  Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5:51:19 AM 12/13/00 
 Ok...since you've said I will believe it. But then how does one navigate
 to these dir's that have spaced names, or how would one open such a file
 from a command line? Every time I've ever tried this, with the exception
 of doing it with Wine (and even then most times it fails), I get a message
 telling that there isn't any such file or directory.

 And by the way...how long will it take for someone to know as much about
 Linux as you apparently know?  :)

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2000-12-13 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Adam Willcox wrote:
 I don't appear to have drakconf in my installation of
 mandrake 7.1.  I couldn't find anything to download off of
 mandrake's site.  I found an older version of drakconf
 floating around on the internet.  From what I can gather
 DrakConf is the mandrake update program.  Can anyone point
 me to the directory or link on my desktop where DrakConf
 would be?  Otherwise can someone point me to a site where I
 can get the latest version?

 Thanx in advance.

Adamyou should have an icon on your desktop pointing at 
the executable below:


Are you sure you're paying attention to the two uppercase 
letters in the name DrakConf?  They're significant when you 
type the command.  If it really isn't installed it's on your 
installation CD as shown below:


[newbie] connecting Mandrake 7.2 to Homechoice

2000-12-13 Per discussione Brian Brathwaite

Homechoice is video on demand service which offers internet access as part
of the service. This is achieve by shearing the bandwidth of the VOD ADSL
link, which gives you a greatly reduced ADSL internet link via your serial
port. Has anybody experience making this connection to Mandrake.



PS. remember I am a NEWBIE
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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.215 / Virus Database: 101 - Release Date: 16/11/2000

Re: [newbie] Spaces in names

2000-12-13 Per discussione bascule



 I've been around opsys's/opsyses (oh Hell what is the plural??) of

[newbie] DSL

2000-12-13 Per discussione Glenn Johnson

Joe Lore, just wondering how you've made out with your DSL connection.
Glenn Johnson
Registered Linux user #175132
Powered by Linux-Mandrake 7.1

Re: [newbie] Spaces in names

2000-12-13 Per discussione Adrian Smith

exactly.  this is what i have read.
i have only used it a few times myself, such as
cd "all of my writing"
to change to my directory called 'all of my writing'
as i mentioned, i'm renaming my directories so it's easier to navagate,
but as to file names...  not really.  to many of those.
so i believe that something such as
gimp "picture of cute girl.jpg" 
would also work  can't say i have actually tried this however.
but it seems that i read someplace that this works with most command line funtions in 

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5:48:14 PM 12/13/00 

So what you're saying is to enclose the file or dir name in double quotes?

## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 Adrian Smith spake passionately saying!

 hey Mark, someone will probably get to this reply before me,
 but i think it's as simple as

 command "file or directory with spaces"

 and i believe this works with many / most of the linux commands.
 i have had some problems with gui programs and spaces in file names
 and i am gradually converting my directorys over to single words,
 simply to make naviagating at the command line easier
 but i have loads of files with spaces  no major issues yet.
 *cross fingers*

 Adrian Smith
 'de telepone dude
 Telecom Dept.
 x 7042

  Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5:51:19 AM 12/13/00 
 Ok...since you've said I will believe it. But then how does one navigate
 to these dir's that have spaced names, or how would one open such a file
 from a command line? Every time I've ever tried this, with the exception
 of doing it with Wine (and even then most times it fails), I get a message
 telling that there isn't any such file or directory.

 And by the way...how long will it take for someone to know as much about
 Linux as you apparently know?  :)

Re: [newbie] Spaces in names

2000-12-13 Per discussione Meph Istopheles


  Whoa!  Talk about obsessive;-).

  But dude, isn't life just a little dull explicitly playing by
the rules?  I honestly don't know how many, but I've had (in RH
6.0  likely ~will~ have in mdk 7.2 after installing this
weekend) numerous files with spaces, exceeding 14 characters, 
even some illegal characters.  I think the deal is to go with
what works.  There's always time to fix stuff when things go bad.
How else do we learn?


 I've been around opsys's/opsyses (oh Hell what is the plural??)
 various flavours for nigh on 30 years - I've just spent an hour
 going through a bunch of manuals looking for filename
 - in every case the rules have been "Alphanumeric only" and
 those characters as:

 A-Z, a-z, 0-9,
 and certain "punctuation characters" (tilde, underscore and

 In 6 cases there is an explicit admonition _NOT_ to use the

 On going back to "The Unix Programming Environment", I find
only two
 rules: (I can't find my copy of "The UNIX Programmers Manual")

 1 A filename may consist of a maximum of 14 printable
 2 A filename may consist of almost any character - common sense
 says you should only use those which are printable.

 None of my *nix documentation actually tells which characters
 explicitly illegal but does say that 'certain' characters must
 'handled' by means of 'escaping' but again I cannot find a
 of those characters which require 'special handling'.

 An interesting subject this, particularly on a newbie list !! I
 that during these past 30-odd years, any tutoring/training etc
 which I have taken part (both provider or student) that the
 character should not be used in a filename.

 One manual suggests that a test for legality is whether the
 of program1 may be used as the input to program2 _WITHOUT_ the
 for special handling of the input to program2.

 Question arises out of all this as well, Does the UNIX
limitation of
 14 character filenames apply to linux? I'm sure I've seen some
 'appear' to have rather more...


[newbie] NEC Silentwriter SuperScript 660 in Mandrake

2000-12-13 Per discussione Johnny Kwan

Does anyone know how to get this printer to work in Mandrake 7.2?
I have tried other models by NEC which are supported by Mandrake but noth of
them work.  Thanks.

ICQ# 1678616
Office # 972-506-3411
eFax   # 419-818-7262
Homepage: johnnykwan.web-page.net

Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

RE: [newbie] DSL

2000-12-13 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

I have to DCHP to a 
windows box to use mine, other thanthat it is active and 


Forever never goes beyond tomorrow. 

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Glenn 
  JohnsonSent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 9:22 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 
  DSLJoe Lore, just wondering how you've made out with your 
  DSL connection. 
  Glenn... Glenn Johnson
Registered Linux user #175132
Powered by Linux-Mandrake 7.1 

Re: [newbie] cdrom deletion error 5

2000-12-13 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 13 December 2000 03:46 pm, you wrote:
 If I issue the command mount /mnt/cdrom to read a disc
 that should work correct ? Then to unmount /mnt/cdrom
 to unmount. What about music cd`s ? Just use same
 command and start kscd like usual ?

 the serpent and the egg
I believe the unmount command is actually  umount /dev/cdrom ,  somebody 
correct me if I'm wrong..  luck
Dennis Myers registered Linux User #180842

Re: Re:[newbie] Changing KDE to Gnome

2000-12-13 Per discussione John W

 I have used both KDE and Gnome and have recently downloaded the Helix-Gnome
and it is considerably faster than KDE. Although I will say I have always
kind of preferred the look of KDE. I apologize for sending with outlook but
I have some ipchains issues and can't seem to send/rcv. email on the Linux
box. :(
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: Re:[newbie] Changing KDE to Gnome

 On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Alexander Arzberger wrote:

  I am new to Mandrake and this list and I´ve tried to change
  Mandranke´s default KDE2 (too slow) to the faster Gnome
  Desktop, but there´s no menu item to do this!?

 Is Gnome really faster ?
 (as I have an antique and slow machine, I'd be interested to switch to the
 fastest DE)


 Ron the Frog, on the sunny banks of the Paraguay River.
Good judgment comes from experience,
   experience comes from bad judgment.

   ---  http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati  ---

Re: [newbie] Making a new SWAP partition.

2000-12-13 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Same here. I have 256MB and I only need to use my 100MB swap when I run 
VMware (I give Win2K 128MB of RAM), and even then the maximum swap I've used 
is 50MB. That's with heaps of hungry programmes running in both Linux 
(Konqueror, Netscape, Opera beta 3, Mozilla, etc.) and WinDOS (Opera 5, MSIE 
5, Powerdesk PRO 4, Windows Media Player, etc.) all at once. If I'm using 
more than that, then something's definitely wrong. Usually it's a misbehaving 
programme, and I can easily get all my RAM back by killing it.

Also, it's important to remember that Linux, unlike WinDOS, actually *uses* 
unutilised RAM (why pay for RAM if you're not going to use it?) for hard 
drive caching. So if you look at free RAM in an app like top it will often 
show it as almost full. Open a few more apps and you will still be using 
about the same amount of RAM. This is because the HDD cache is shrinking to 
accommodate your programmes. You will only use your swap when this cache 
drops to zero.

To get an accurate reading of how much RAM you really have, run "free" (or 
"free -m" to convert bytes to MB) from a command line. The first line, "Mem", 
 shows the same data as top would. The second, "-/+ buffers/cache", is what 
you should be looking at. This shows your true used and free RAM, minus the 
HDD cache. The last line shows swap usage.

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 12:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think that if you have 128 ram or more its almost
 unnecessary. I have 256 and it never uses the swap.

 Quoting Adrian Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  hey Chris --
  i had an idea (which don't happen often)
  you could tell linux not to use the swap by
  eliminating the swap partition.
  tho i don't know if linux *has* to have a swap.
  one of the gurus might be able to answer that
  for us.
  Adrian Smith
  'de telepone dude
  Telecom Dept.
  x 7042
   "Joseph Red" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4:00:44 PM
  How in the world are you using all 2g swap???
  As for physical RAM.  When I
  had 128m, I usually had ~10m free, and used no
  swap (according to top).  Now
  I have 256m  I would have to try hard to get it
  to use the swap.
  Joseph Red
  - Original Message -
  From: "Chris" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 11:43 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Making a new SWAP
   Adrian Smith wrote:
i recently added 128M ram, and linux hasn't
  touched my swap space since
i have not seen my swap used, at all,
  ever  since adding the 128M
  How'd you get it to not use the swap?... I
  have 128MB of RAM also,
   and a 2GB (yes, 2 gig) swap partition that is
  always 100% used. Even
   with the 128MB, I never have more than 6 or
  7MB of memory free.
   - chris

 the serpent and the egg

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] Making a new SWAP partition.

2000-12-13 Per discussione Roger Sherman

How much of a difference did you notice? I have 64 meg RAM, and am
strongly considering adding 128 more...will it be worth the time and

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Adrian Smith wrote:

 this will shock everyone, but Tom seems to be right   =)
 *amazed silence*
 actually, Tom is about 99% right but
 when i installed linux first i had 60M ram and made a swap of 500M
 (i have disk space to burn)
 the swap was used somewhat
 i recently added 128M ram, and linux hasn't touched my swap space since then.
 i have not seen my swap used, at all, ever  since adding the 128M
 Adrian Smith
 'de telepone dude
 Telecom Dept.
 x 7042
  Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8:29:46 AM 12/13/00 
 On Wednesday 13 December 2000 05:56 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Guys and Gals,
  I was wondering how to mount a new Swap partion.
  When I originally did my install of Mandrake I made the swap 128meg,
  and it should be at least double that (my physical memory is 128meg).
 .   I suspect you've bought into the mistaken and _very outdated_ 
 notion that swap should be 2 times ram.  128mb /swap should be more 
 than enough with 128mb of ram.
If you install another 128mb of ram, you prob'ly wouldn't even need 
 a /swap.  Ram is a far far better solution than swap, particularly with 
 Linux. So if you have some uniquely high memory requirements, I'd 
 strongly suggest you add more ram than try to add or enlarge your /swap.
'Specially at today's prices ;)




Registered Linux user #190719

Re: [newbie] GIMP

2000-12-13 Per discussione Roger Sherman

Right click on the file you want to save...the option is on the menu that
will pop up when you do so.

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Mickey Soltys wrote:

 I have been messing around with the version of GIMP which came with 
 Mandrake-Linux7.2 . It appears as if there is no way to save files.
 When you select FILE from the menu, there is no save or save as option.
 Has anyone else noticed this?
 Thanks and apologies if this is a common question,
 Mickey Soltys




Registered Linux user #190719

[newbie] CD-RW permissions

2000-12-13 Per discussione Dennis Myers

I have the cdwriter set up on the desktop and it lists ok as  linked to the 
scd0 but if I click on the desktop icon the Konqueror box comes up and a 
message that says I don't have permission to access that device. If I do " ls 
-l  /dev/cdrom1"  I get the following:
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root   4Dec  13 20:26  
/dev/cdrom1 - scd0

does the 1 rootroot  indicate why as user I can't access the writer even 
tho the rwx s show everyone has permission and if so how do I change it to 
give myself user permission?  The properties box  shows me as user and group 
with permission, but it's lying.  Help!   TIA 

Dennis Myers registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] Perl error message on locale

2000-12-13 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 13 December 2000 06:03 am, you wrote:

 And...we who don't use M$ or the apps thereof don't fear the image
 attachment that you sent. However, in the future if you want to copy and
 paste something from a terminal to an email message use the "middle" mouse
 button to paste the copied text into your composition window.

 When copying from the terminal window all one has to do is highlight the
 text. Linux automatically appends the highlighted text to the system
 clipboard. Then to paste the copied text into your document, or mail
 message simply place your cursor where you want to paste the text, press
 the middle mouse button, and viola!

 hope this helps...

[root@localhost /dev]# ls -l /dev/cdrom1
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root4 Dec 13 20:26 /dev/cdrom1 - scd0
[root@localhost /dev]# xpp
[root@localhost /dev]# cd
[root@localhost /root]# dmesg | more
Hey it works with left and right buttons at the same time, great, once again 
someone on the list has taught me a new bit of info, and I love to learn, 
thanks a bunch.
Dennis Myers registered Linux User #180842

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