[newbie-it] GUI per gestione fax

2001-03-10 Per discussione Alberto Zanoni

scusate, ho gia' scritto per questa questione, ma sono ancora da punto a 
capo. Sto cercando di avere una GUI per inviare / ricevere fax con Linux. Ora 
ho ksendfax, che si presenta abbastanza bene, ma purtroppo non mi funziona. 

In particolare, una volta che ho pronto un fax da spedire, quando faccio 
"Send Fax" mi viene in realta' messo in una coda di spool (il comando e'

faxspool -F 'Alberto Zanoni' '@@Phone' '@@FName'

), e devo poi dare manualmente il comando faxrunq per inviarlo. Questo 
comando pero' non funziona, nel senso che se digito faxrunq ottengo

[alberto@master alberto]$ faxrunq
processing F06/JOB...
/usr/sbin/sendfax -v 0651692844 f1.g3
Trying fax device '/dev/ttyS1'... locked... locked... locked, give up!
/usr/sbin/sendfax: cannot access fax device(s) (locked?)
command exited with status 2

Se invece do il comando come root ho ()

[root@master alberto]# faxrunq
processing F06/JOB...
/usr/sbin/sendfax -v 0651692844 f1.g3
Trying fax device '/dev/ttyS1'... OK.
/usr/sbin/sendfax: not a class 2/2.0 fax modem
command exited with status 3

Si tenga presente che

[alberto@master /dev]$ ll modem
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root5 gen 27 00:29 modem - ttyS1
[alberto@master /dev]$ ll ttyS1
crw---1 root tty4,  65 mar 10 09:37 ttyS1

A questo punto vorrei poter, se possibile,

1) lanciare faxrunq da utente

2) "riparare" l'errore ()

e pensavo di chiedere a chi potesse aiutarmi un consiglio su come fare 
entrambe le cose. In una mail che ho ricevuto mi veniva invece consigliato di 
usare il comando fax, che, a guardare il man, sembra molto pulito. Ksendfax 
e' configurabile; e' possibile mettere il comando per mandare fax, mostrare i 
job in coda o rimuoverli, ed addirittura avere una rubrica di numeri 
telefonici. Qualcuno ha provato a usare Ksendfax col comando fax ? Quali sono 
i comandi da mettere nelle varie caselle, e, soprattutto, quale dev'essere il 
formato del file contenente la rubrica ?

Questa gestione mi pare pero' un po' complicata. Se, magari, qualcuno ha 
un'altro tool grafico da consigliarmi per la gestione dei fax, son qui per 
imparare. Grazie anticipate a chi mi vorra' / potra' aiutare.

Re: [newbie-it] KDE2.1 [LM7.2]

2001-03-10 Per discussione Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

At 03.48 10/03/2001 +, you wrote:
On Thursday 08 March 2001 16:31, Alessandro Amadori wrote:

  e di piu'). Siccome poi vorrei riprovare ad aggiornare la KDE dalla 2.0.1
  alla 2.1, non e' che qualcuno di voi che gia' ci e' riuscite mi potrebbe
  dire come ha fatto? Grazie

Io l'ho fatto stasera, a mano, appunto.
parti dalle librerie (io almeno ho fatto cosi')
e vedi cosa devi disinstallare e cosa forzare.
Io ho installato le qt, le kdelibs, poii direi il kdebase,
ultimo l'artsound che mi ha dato qualche problema.
ora tutto comunque pare funzionare.
Si tratta solo di leggere bene i messaggi che da' la console.
Con un po' di tempo, e' piu' facile a farsi che a dirsi.

Alla fine ce l'ho fatta anche io stanotte (e ho postato un messaggio a 
Tu hai dovuto disinstallare qualcosa?
Io ho installato tutto col --force --nodeps.
Ho fatto male?


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

[newbie-it] Settaggio di WINE

2001-03-10 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

vorrei usare wine per emulare alcuni programmi che 
girano sotto windows . Ho linux su un HD ide primary slave e windows ME su un 
IDE secondary master , un hd IDE secondary slave per archivio dati e 
infine un disco SCSI con win2000.Ho inoltre un masterizzatore e un cdrom 
scsi.Ho letto gli HOWTO su come impostare il file di configurazione 
wine.conf ma non riesco a far partire correttamente wine , forse dovrei 
impostare correttamente le lettere dei drive ... potreste aiutarmi ? Il file di 
configurazione in mio possesso è questo :

E]Path=/tmpType=hdLabel=Tmp DriveFilsystem=win95[Drive 
native, elfdll, so, builtin[DllPairs]krnl386 
= kernel32gdi = 
gdi32user = user32commdlg = comdlg32commctrl = comctl32ver = 
versionshell = shell32lzexpand = lz32mmsystem = winmmmsvideo = 
msvfw32winsock = winsock32[DllOverrides]kernel32, gdi32, user32 
= builtinkrnl386, gdi, user = builtintoolhelp = builtincomdlg32, commdlg = elfdll, builtin, nativeversion, 
ver = elfdll, builtin, nativeshell32, shell = builtin, nativelz32, 
lzexpand = builtin, nativewsock32, winsick = builtinadvapi32, crtdll, 
ntdll = builtin, nativempr, winspool 
= builtin , nativeddraw, dinput, dsound = builtin, nativewinmm, mmsystem 
=builtinmsvideo, msvfw32 = builtin, nativew32skrnl = builtinsystem, 
display,wprocs = builtinwineps = 

Re: [newbie-it] CDROM?

2001-03-10 Per discussione Antonio Bonifati

On Saturday 10 March 2001 10:36, you wrote:
 Salve a tutti
 Ho un computer PIII 533 fsb 133, 128 RAM, con un lettore CDROM ASUS e un
 MAst HP 8100, scanner Mustec 1200CP, Stampante HP, e modem 33.6 sportser
 voice fax, Scheda audio (vecchissima) SB16 (ISA).
 Ho installato la MDK7.2, ha riconosciuto di fatto il solo modem , oltre ai
 necessari monitor etc.
 Riesco a leggere i cdrom dando un comando:
 mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom2
 Ma poi nei programmi di masterizzazione il lettore CD non viene
 considerato. (?)
 Di fatto mi sembra che in generale MDK faccia un po' di fatica con
 l'hardaware ed anche harddrake non mi  di molto aiuto

Per la scheda audio ti posso aiutare, anche io una SB16 ISA vecchissima
che harddrake non mi ha riconosciuto. Ecco come l'ho fatta funzionare:

uso sndconfig, un tool derivato dalla Red Hat.

# rpm -ivh ~/sndconfig-0.55-3mdk.i586.rpm sox-12.16-9mdk.i586.rpm \
awesfx-0.4.3a-11mdk.i586.rpm playmidi-2.4-16mdk.i586.rpm

Col comando precedente ho installato il tool di configurazione sndconfig
(che si trovava sul secondo CD, mentre tutti gli altri nel primo, quindi
l'ho copiato dal secondo CD nella home di root) e alcuni pacchetti

il convertitore di file sonori SoX (Sound eXchange)
l'AWE32 sound driver awesfx
e il player di file MIDI playmidi

Quindi ho lanciato sndconfig:

# sndconfig

la mia scheda non viene rilevata perch non  PnP n PCI,
quindi ho dovuto selezionarla manualmente dalla lista:

Sound Blaster 16

A questo punto mi chiedeva di indicare I/O PORT, IRQ, DMA e MPU I/O cos come
sono impostati sui ponticelli della scheda. Piuttosto che aprire il computer
queste informazioni possono essere ottenute da Windows (Pannello di controllo 
/Sistema). Ma se non avete Windows, mano al giravite, ci vuole un attimo... ;)

Nel mio caso i dati erano:

0x220   5   3   7   0x330

Il file /etc/conf.modules viene copiato in /etc/conf.modules.bak e poi in
/etc/conf.modules vengono aggiunte queste linee:

alias sound-slot-0 sb
options sound dmabuf=1
alias midi opl3
options opl3 io=0x388
options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=3 dma16=7 mpu_io=0x330

Ho poi disinstallato i pacchetti sndconfig e awesfx che a questo punto
non mi servono pi (se dovessi comprare una nuova scheda sonora li
reinstallo ;)

Per la stampante HP, io ho una HP WinPrinter (820CXi) che usa un linguaggio 
proprietario e printerdrake me l'ha riconosciuta e funziona perfettamente. 
Assicurati che sia installato il pacchetto cups-drivers e dipendenti che 
contengono molti driver, tra cui molti per la HP e lancia printerdrake.

Credo che con un po' di pazienza riuscirai a far funzionare tutto,
non ti scoraggiare ;)


You've got the power, make the choice
(Red Hat Linux spot)

R: R: [newbie-it] permessi?

2001-03-10 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Credo che bisogna modificare il file /etc/fstab pero' non te lo garantisco.
L'ultima volta a seguito di un mio errore ho dovuto reinstallare il sistema
e cos faccendo l'ho eliminata durante la fase di installazione,precisamente
dove ti chiede se le RAM che rileva sono la quantit giusta.
In basso c' l'opzione supermount.

Ciao Beppe
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: R: [newbie-it] permessi?

 Io avevo lo stesso problema tuo.

 Lo risolto eliminando da tutti i device l'opzione del
 supermount.Pare che non sia ancora molto stabile.

Ho anch'io lo stesso problema. Scusa l'ignoranza ma dove sei andato per
eliminare l'opzione supermount? Ciao e grazie.

Chieder  lecito, rispondere   cortesia.

[newbie-it] SBlive e midi (LM7.2)

2001-03-10 Per discussione Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

Ho una sblive 1024 player e quando provo ad ascoltare dei midi mi da errore 
(/dev/sequencer non presente o in uso).
Ho controllato l'esistenza del file /dev/sequencer, e c'e'.
Se faccio # cat /dev/sndstat mi da lo stesso errore, mentre nel sound 
howtoo dice che dovrebbe darmi la lista delle schede sonore installate.
Pero' i suoni di sistema funzionano, gli mp3 li ascolto e anche il suono 
dei filmati.
Attualmente l'unico modulo caricato e' l'emu10k1 (come da instalazione del SO).
Devo forse caricare qualche altro modulo?


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

Re: [newbie-it] Script per aggiornate KDE dalla 2.0.1 alla 2.1 (LM7.2)

2001-03-10 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

Il 03:34, sabato 10 marzo 2001, scrivesti:

 Dopo un primo disastroso fallimento, sono riuscito (grazie ad un messaggio
 che ho trovato in giro per la rete) ad installare la KDE 2.1 sopra la KDE
 2.0.1 preinstallata da LM7.2.

Com'è? Hai notato differenze? Problemi in meno?


Re: [newbie-it] Mouse inerte...

2001-03-10 Per discussione Corrado

Ci ho provato, ma proprio il puntatore non ne vuole sapere di muoversi.



 La stessa cosa mi  capitata due o tre settimane fa.
 Io ho risolto cos.
 Sono andato nel tool di configurazione ed ho provato varie configurazioni di
 mouse (nel mio caso PS/2 non in porta seriale). Alla fine si  messo a
 funzionare perfettamente configurandolo come Logitech .
 Ti faccio notare che il mio nuovo mouse non  assolutamente Logitech  un
 mouse da poche lire con due tasti e la rotellina.
 Pier Antonio

[newbie-it] Principiante passi avanti. CDROM? INSTALLAZIONI?

2001-03-10 Per discussione Matteo Libero

Sono riuscito ad installare la sk audio!!! Eureka.
E riesco anche a leggere i CD sia sul CDROM che sul Masterizzatore, e
probabilmente devo ancroa verificarlo il masterizzatore masterizza, ma
Non riesco a far suonare cd audio perch come tutte le altre applicazioni il
Cd palyer non vede il lettroe cd, e non credo serva montare i cd audio.
In pi ho installato Staroffice come root, credo si faccia cos, e ho anche
settato l'utente matteo nel gruppo urpmi, ma Staroffice resta a disposizione
soltanto della root e l'utente non pu assolutamente usarlo, perch? ho
provato anche a lanciarlo dalla consolle ma nulla.
Ciao MAtteo

Re: [newbie-it] Mouse inerte...

2001-03-10 Per discussione Corrado

Uhm... a pc acceso su una porta seriale? Urgh!!!



 Ti sembrer un consiglio assurdo, ma tentar non nuoce.
 Prova mentre sei attivo in Linux a staccare il mouse e poi riattaccalo e
 vedi un po' quello che succede.
 Pier Antonio

Re: [newbie-it] Script per aggiornate KDE dalla 2.0.1 alla 2.1 (LM7.2)

2001-03-10 Per discussione Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

At 11.18 10/03/2001 +0100, you wrote:
Il 03:34, sabato 10 marzo 2001, scrivesti:

  Dopo un primo disastroso fallimento, sono riuscito (grazie ad un messaggio
  che ho trovato in giro per la rete) ad installare la KDE 2.1 sopra la KDE
  2.0.1 preinstallata da LM7.2.

Com'? Hai notato differenze? Problemi in meno?

Purtroppo non ho potuto guardarlo per bene perche' ho dovuto reinstallare 
tutto per altri motivi (sono ancora in fase di sperimentazione e ho 
sbagliato le dimensioni della partizione di swap).
Le uniche cose che ho fatto in tempo a notare e' che ci metteva molto di 
piu' a partire e che le icone nella parte sinistra della toolbar hanno 
un'animazione che quando ci vai sopra col mouse si ingrandiscono.


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

Re: [newbie-it] Mouse inerte...

2001-03-10 Per discussione Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

At 18.10 10/03/2001 +0100, you wrote:
Uhm... a pc acceso su una porta seriale? Urgh!!!

In dos e windows l'ho sempre fatto e non e' mai successo niente di male.


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

Re: [newbie-it] Mouse inerte...

2001-03-10 Per discussione Corrado

Alessandro \"Sgama\" Amadori wrote:

 At 18.10 10/03/2001 +0100, you wrote:
 Uhm... a pc acceso su una porta seriale? Urgh!!!

 In dos e windows l'ho sempre fatto e non e' mai successo niente di male.


Alessandro Amadori
Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor

E' comunque un rischio... cosa che mi sono sentito ripetere fin dai tempi
del VIC 20.


RE: [newbie] Linux PDA: would you use one?

2001-03-10 Per discussione Daryl Johnson

The answer to this one, for me, is that I couldn't give a crap what os my
pda uses (it's a Palm BTW)

The point about my PDA, and I would cry for days if anything happened to it
;o)  is that it does three or four essential tasks extremely well.  It
maintains my calndar/schedule brilliantly, and does a great job with my
address list.  Even more important, for now, is that it interfaces well with
Outlook so I can keep it synchronised with my laptop. Oh and it has a great
game of Hearts on it.

If I wanted to tinker, or do other things then I would use a device more
suited to the purpose, like a laptop or desktop machine.  I acknowledge that
those folding keyboards are great for making a pda more useable but frankly
I see the use of a PDA for anything more than basic tasks as akin to using a
hammer to drive a screw, possible but not the best tool for the job.

The only area where I have been tempted by another device is the
Handspring - which uses Palm os.  It 'writes' better and more effectively
and it takes useful clip-ons like sat-nav or digital cameras.  The
underlying point being that these too are very dedicated apps.


Daryl Johnson
Proplan Associates

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
 Sent: 07 March 2001 15:04
 To: LinuxNewbie (E-mail)
 Subject: [newbie] Linux PDA: would you use one?

 Just curious, if it was affordable would y'all go for a linux PDA over a
 palm or ce PDA?  I wonder if running linux on PDA would make it a lot more
 customizable and more extensible than the other PDA OSs on the market?

 I've been looking for a PDA that was more than just a glorified organizer.
 I don't care about storing 5 years worth of appointments or 100,000 email
 addresses.  I want a PDA to be general purpose computing device.
 I want my
 PDA to be a thin client to my linux server so I can turn the
 coffee maker on
 and pull up my MP3 playlist from my couch.


RE: [newbie] Partition information?

2001-03-10 Per discussione Daryl Johnson

Yet your problem, as stated, just asked for a way of listing the partitions
because you had lost your aide memoire.  df appears to do exactly what you
asked - and you are clearly aware of /swap without being reminded  :o)

Oh and BTW like another poster I too was unaware of kdf, what a cool little

Is there a larger problem here that you haven't defined yet Sridhar?

Daryl Johnson
Proplan Associates

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sridhar Dhanapalan
 Sent: 10 March 2001 02:15
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Partition information?

 The problem with df is that it only lists mounted partitions and it
 omits swap partitions. I believe there is a programme called gpart
 that can identify partitons, even damaged ones.

 On Sat, 10 Mar 2001 06:03, Michael O'Henly wrote:
  Oh, boy. I don't know if Linux is up for that!  :-)
  Try "df" at the command prompt.
  On Thursday 08 March 2001 16:09, you wrote:
I have gone and lost the paper on which I had written down
   what partitions on the hard disk contain which Linux partitions.
   Is there some way to get informaion about this in Linux -- some
   kind of command I can give, or some kind of application I can run?
The best thing would be if I could get that information in a
   form that I can understand, preferably something like this:
/dev/hda5 /  1.2 GB
/dev/hda6 /usr   1.2 GB
/dev/hda7 /home  650 MB
/dev/hda8 /swap  500 MB
I understand that this is probably asking way too much
   though, so I'll settle for information about how big the
   partitions are, and what they are called (/dev/hda?).  I can
   probably figure out what they contain just by getting information
   on how big they are.

 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
   "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
   LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
   -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Where are the KDE Header files? PLEAZZZE..

2001-03-10 Per discussione - Ron -

On March  9, 2001 01:44 am, you wrote:
 Hi all..

 When trying to compile knapster (among others) I often get the message
 below. I have check my CD distro (7.2) and the KDE 2.0 upgrade cd to no

 I seem to have all the other development stuff okay and can usually compile
 and install without problems. What RPM do I need??  I checked the Mandrake
 page for requirements but no joy.


 checking for KDE... libraries /usr/lib, headers /usr/include
 checking for extra includes... no
 checking for extra libs... no
 checking for kde headers installed... configure: error: your system is not
 able to compile a small KDE application!
 Check, if you installed the KDE header files correctly.



[newbie] Say NO to upgrading to KDE 2.1 -- correction

2001-03-10 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear Bill:

Oh, how I wish I knew this before reinstalling Linux 7.2 two days ago!

Thanks so much for reassuring me about this. Will upgrade to KDE 2.1

My apology to the list for "panicking," as you say. And I agree. It's
much better to open another window than another instance of Netscape to
save memory.

Thanks again.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] Problem with RealPlayer 8

2001-03-10 Per discussione Piero

I uninstalled RP 7 and installed RP 8 (rpm-s). When I call
/usr/bin/X11/realplay, or when I call it through Netscape (4.75), I just get a
black xterm whith "realplay" written on top, which stys on my desktop for a few
seconds, then desappears, as a std-error message appears saiyng : "segmentation

Any idea?


[newbie] MicroSHAFT humor

2001-03-10 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Having thought myself, "What's the point of an earthquake in the Seattle
area, if it's not going to take out MicroSHAFT," I'm glad to see that
somebody else shared my sentiment!



T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

Re: [newbie] adsl and connection loss

2001-03-10 Per discussione Quaylar

At 17:51 08.03.2001 -0600, you wrote:
On Thursday 08 March 2001 10:15 am, Quaylar wrote:

  i know for sure that its not the isp, because they say they dont have an
  idle timeout..

and you've never caught 'em in one of their lies ? yet ;)

hehe.no..they dont lie..i believe them.*g*.they are cool 
guys since they dont have a download limit on their adsl account and they 
allow server operation (i got a static ip adress too)


Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever,
  he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
   Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Mandrake needs a readme file fro KDE2.1 Final Release RPMS install instructions needed

2001-03-10 Per discussione Romanator

Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Friday 09 March 2001 20:17, you wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  Do to the lack of a readme file, I ran an rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force
  *.rpm, as I was getting all sorts of dependency errors while upgrading
  from KDE2.1 beta 2 to KDE2.1 Final Release. Bad idea. I had to reinstall
  I'm back to square one KDE2. Which rpms are need to upgrade to the final
  release and in which order?
  Any help would be appreciated.
  Registered Linux User #179293
 Roman this is exactly the way I did it and I had no problem except with
 printing, I broke cups somehow. So, the thing is did you  really have the
 install from KDE2.1beta2 or a lower release? My install of 2.1 final was on
 top of the beta 2 and I had to add two other packages I can't remeber and add
  "apdm" package. Wait I'll look and see what they were, (into konsole looking
 at kpackage)  ok, I think it was libg++  and a glibc package. Then I went to
 console mode completely out of KDE and used the rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force
 *.rpm and then did the rpm --rebuilddb and then   upgrade-menus -v  and
 then rebooted and here I am back with KDE2.1   If this is the same way that
 you did it I do not understand the problem except.. Civileme
 indicated that you should be sure and do the hdparm -d1 /dev/hd?   with the
 question mark being your harddrive letter.  That optimisation may be the
 difference?  I have just reached the end of my knowledge base, hope something
 in all that mess helps you.
 Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

I installed from KDE2.1 beta 2. However, I was missing ppp and apmd. I
have no idea what Libkdefakes.so.0 is used for? Should I upgrade from
KDE2 to KDE2.1 beta 2 and then take it from there?


Re: [newbie] automatic login?

2001-03-10 Per discussione Quaylar

At 00:06 10.03.2001 +, you wrote:
On Friday 09 March 2001  8:51 pm, you wrote:
  Sure, it's an option right in the install of Mandrake 7.2
  When it asks if you want to automatically start X answer yes.
  Then when it asks you if you want it to automatically log in a user say yes
  and enter the user and password.

Or, if you have aready installed, you can set a user to autologin in
userdrake, or if you have upgraded to kde  2.1b2 then it is built into kde
as an option (in kcontrol i think)

and what do i do in LM 7.1 ?.i chose server installation and i dont 
have "userdrake", is there a config file to edit to set a user
to autologin ?.


Microsoft is not the answer, its the question.
And the answer is no.   www.badran.co.uk

Re: [newbie] Mandrake needs a readme file fro KDE2.1 Final Release RPMS install instructions needed

2001-03-10 Per discussione Romanator

I realize the dependencies are there for a reason. I'm reporting what
happened to me. I'm trying to find a solution.

Gerry wrote:
 You know, the dependencies are there for a reason.. Only override if you have
 the stuff needed but it's not recognized by rpm.
 And now, a little clip from Discworld! :)
 Dead man: "Am i going to hell ?"
 Death: "If that's what you want.."
 (find the hidden meaning and shut up, 8beta-threaders)
  Hi everybody,
  Do to the lack of a readme file, I ran an rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force
  *.rpm, as I was getting all sorts of dependency errors while upgrading
  from KDE2.1 beta 2 to KDE2.1 Final Release. Bad idea. I had to reinstall
  I'm back to square one KDE2. Which rpms are need to upgrade to the final
  release and in which order?
  Any help would be appreciated.
  Registered Linux User #179293

[newbie] KDE 2.1 Java: JESSE -- What's that, pleas

2001-03-10 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

The IBM Java Virtual Machine is working flawlessly, so far, in KDE 2.1's
Konqueror. As good and as fast as in Netscape 4.76.

I have one question, for which I believe there is an answer. But, being
a newbie, I think I bet let an expert comment on this and on whether any
of us users really need it.

With the Virtual console on, I get the following message when I launch a
Java applet:

Java VM version: 1.3.0
Java VM vendor:  IBM Corporation
Unable to load JSSE SSL stream handler, https support not available

Now I know that Sun has a free JSSE SSL file that is very easy to

Question 1: Can one install Sun's Java2 JSSE SSL into IBM's Java 2?

question 2: What in the world is JSSE SSL. Do us ordinary users that do
not use servers need it?

Question 3: If JSSE SSL is worth getting, is there an IBM version of
this (probably under a different name). I would obviously prefer
installing the IBM version of JSSE since I am using IBM Java.

I've looked at the IBM site at:


Unfortunately, I need a little (lots!) of help figuring this out.
Hopefully, this will also be use of to other members of the list who are
using IBM's Java.

Thanks so very much.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] Mandrake needs a readme file fro KDE2.1 Final Release RPMS install instructions needed

2001-03-10 Per discussione Michael O'Henly

On Saturday 10 March 2001 04:49, Romanator wrote:
 Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Friday 09 March 2001 20:17, you wrote:
   Hi everybody,
   Do to the lack of a readme file, I ran an rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force
   *.rpm, as I was getting all sorts of dependency errors while upgrading
   from KDE2.1 beta 2 to KDE2.1 Final Release. Bad idea. I had to
   reinstall MDK7.2.
   I'm back to square one KDE2. Which rpms are need to upgrade to the
   final release and in which order?
   Any help would be appreciated.
   Registered Linux User #179293
  Roman this is exactly the way I did it and I had no problem except with
  printing, I broke cups somehow. So, the thing is did you  really have the
  install from KDE2.1beta2 or a lower release? My install of 2.1 final was
  on top of the beta 2 and I had to add two other packages I can't remeber
  and add "apdm" package. Wait I'll look and see what they were, (into
  konsole looking at kpackage)  ok, I think it was libg++  and a glibc
  package. Then I went to console mode completely out of KDE and used the
  rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force *.rpm and then did the rpm --rebuilddb and
  then   upgrade-menus -v  and then rebooted and here I am back with KDE2.1
If this is the same way that you did it I do not understand the problem
  except.. Civileme indicated that you should be sure and do the
  hdparm -d1 /dev/hd?   with the question mark being your harddrive letter.
   That optimisation may be the difference?  I have just reached the end of
  my knowledge base, hope something in all that mess helps you.
  Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

 I installed from KDE2.1 beta 2. However, I was missing ppp and apmd. I
 have no idea what Libkdefakes.so.0 is used for? Should I upgrade from
 KDE2 to KDE2.1 beta 2 and then take it from there?

Libkdefakes is a "fake" library. I don't know exactly what that means or why 
it's called in the install, but the Mandrake testers were told they could 
safely ignore this dependency. If it's the only thing that's preventing the 
install, then use "--nodeps".

Apmd is on the 7.2 install CD. According to the description it's for laptop 
installs, but the Mandrake testers were told it also has a function in the 
KDE bug-reporting system and 2.1 needs it for this. Use the Package Manager
with the 7.2 CD mounted and search for "apmd", then install this package. I 
think it's probably preferable to do this before installing 2.1 but I suppose 
you could again use "--nodeps" and do it after.



Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

Re: [newbie] adsl and connection loss

2001-03-10 Per discussione Ed Tharp

so... Qua why don't you tell us a name
- Original Message -
From: "Quaylar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] adsl and connection loss

 At 17:51 08.03.2001 -0600, you wrote:
 On Thursday 08 March 2001 10:15 am, Quaylar wrote:
   i know for sure that its not the isp, because they say they dont have
   idle timeout..
 and you've never caught 'em in one of their lies ? yet ;)

 hehe.no..they dont lie..i believe them.*g*.they are cool
 guys since they dont have a download limit on their adsl account and they
 allow server operation (i got a static ip adress too)


 Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever,
   he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

[newbie] Java in KDE 2.1 -- SOLVED!

2001-03-10 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Well, the Java madness in Konqueror is finally over!

I never could get KDE 2.0.1 to work with any of the Java Virtual
Machines that I installed. This doesn't mean that it won't on other
people's systems. It's just that they failed on mine. So...

I upgraded to KDE 2.1 and tried out all four Java Virtual Machines on my
system: Sun's 1.3.0, Blackdown's 1.3.0, IBM's 1.3.0 and Sun's JDK 1.2.2.

And the winner is...

IBM 1.3.-6

The exact file is:


The IBM rpm installs into /opt... as follows:

You can get it from http://www.ibm.com/developer/java

[sher@mindspring bin]$ pwd
[sher@mindspring bin]$ ls
JavaPluginControlPanel*  libJdbcOdbc.so* libjava.so* 
awt_robot*   libagent.so*libjavaplugin12.so* 
classic/ libawt.so*  libjdwp.so* 
exe/ libcmm.so*  libjitc.so* 
java*libdcpr.so* libjpeg.so*  rmid*
javaplugin.so*   libdt_socket.so*libjsound.so*   
javaw*   libfontmanager.so*  libnet.so*  
jvmtcf*  libhpi.so*  liborb.so*
keytool* libhprof.so*libxhpi.so*
[sher@mindspring bin]$

In Konqueror, Settings, Konqueror Browser, Java, type in the following


I have not tested it everywhere, but I have a strong feeling that IBM's
1.3.6 Java might just be the right Java, in spite of KDE's preference
for Blackdown. Obviously, each of these JVM will work for some, but not
for others.

I wish to thank Zeljko Vukman, whose message I read on one of the
archives who specifically suggested IBM's Java. He said that he had
tried Sun's 1.3.0 Java and that it failed (as also confirmed by KDE) and
that he then downloaded IBM's Java and that it worked perfectly every
time. Without that hint to go on, I would probably have gone bananas by

My thanks to the KDE team for producing such a wonderful Konqueror
browser (and, of course, file manager). I was so pleased with it that I
wanted the Java to work, too. I hope my confirmation that it works with
the IBM Java will help others who are as bewildered by the Java
situation as I was.

By the way, KDE's discussion of Java can be found at:


To test your Konqueror Java, may I suggest a fabulous site that features
a java applet that unfolds (literally) ten images per applet. There are
five such applets on this site. The site is called: Russian Painting.
The URL is:


Try any of the five java applets in the left frame: Icons, 18th century,

And, last but not least, my deep thanks to everyone who went out of
their way to respond to my requests for help with KDE's Java. I am very
grateful, indeed.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] KDE 2.1 Java: JSSE -- critical footnote

2001-03-10 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

The JSSE message that comes up in the Virtual console in NO way retards
or obstructs or affects in any way the performance of the java applet.
Thank God! If you UNCHECK the box for "Virtual console" under Settings,
Konqueror, Browser, Java, you will be blissfully unaware of this issue.
I just tested it. Works flawlessly.

I do hope, though, that one of our experts explains to us newbies and
ordinary users just what JSSE is about and who needs it and who doesn't.

Thanks so much.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] Upgrading to KDE 2.1 -- Full Installation Instructions

2001-03-10 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear Oder:

The instructions for upgrading from KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.1 in Lm7.2 are as
simple as can be because Mandrake went out of their way to make it so:

1) Go to any Mandrake ftp site using your ftp application (gftp, Igloo
or whatever) and type in the exact name of the ftp host site, e.g.
ftp.wtfo.com or rpmfind.net (exactly as it appears on Mandrake's
downloads list. Look on Mandrake's home page (http://www.mandrake.com)
under "Downloads". There you will find URL mirrors in your area and
country. Select the one in North America if you live in the USA and
Canada. Don't select metalab.unc.edu. They only carry the latest version
of LM72 without all the bells and whistles. 

2) Navigate till you get to Mandrake's "mandrake-devel" directory. Then,
go to the "unsupported" directory. Then i586. At the very top, you will
find a directory called KDE 2.1. Open it and you'll find EVERY file you
will need to install KDE 2.1 EXCEPT for "apmd." You can get that file
from Mandrake 7.2. It's part of the regular Mandrake 7.2 distro. 

Now create a KDE 2.1 directory in your home directory /home/user/KDE
2-1/ make sure to open the directory and now, using your broadband,
download every file from the remote KDE 2.1 directory into your home KDE
2.1 directory. Warning: most of us don't need all those language files
that follow "arts... (the very first file in the KDE 2.1 directory --
you do need this file). So, the best way to handle this is to select ALL
files, then quickly unselect the language files from "Brazil" to
"Ukrainian". Otherwise, every file should be highlighted. Now download
them all at once, if your ftp client allows for it. If not, download
them individually into your /home/user/KDE 2.1 directory.

When you have completed your downloading, close your ftp client.

Now, before you install anything, be sure to first install the apmd rpm.
You will need it to install everything else. When that's done, go to
/home/user/KDE2-1 and type:

#rpm -Uvh --replacefiles *.*

The "replacefiles" argument is needed to allow the new KDE files to
replace certain files that conflict with the old rpms. Your installation
should not go smoothly but have patience. The only apparent problem (a
non-problem) has to do with the doc files. You will so a host of
messages about them. Just ignore them. The installation will continue
all the way to the last file: "qt-static-libraries 2.2.4-3." And, by the
way, it's a good idea to check the files in the remote directory against
the files in your home directory before proceeding, including the file

Your new KDE 2.1 should now be ready. Just for the fun of it, reboot
your system. You will now log into the new KDE 2.1. First thing you
should do is to take care of the rpm data base and your menus:


1) #rpm --rebuilddb

(i.e. rebuild your rpm data base (db). Have patience. This takes about 5

2) Now, for the menus:

#update-menus -v

This command adjusts the menus for all your desktops and window
managers. One little bug: When it ends with fvm, it doesn't return you
to a regular prompt. Just wait a minute or two and when you are SURE
that the process has ended, just type Cnt +C and you'll be back at your
regular prompt.

Now reboot one last time for the menu and rpm changes to take effect and
your new KDE 2.1 is at your service.

Notice especially the improvements in Konqueror and Kmail.

One caveat: There is a little annoying but insignificant bug in Netscape
in KDE 2.1 that I raised a hue and cry about because I thought it was a
KDE bug that needed urgent attention: You can only launch one instance
of Netscape (or Mozilla) at a time, that is, by clicking on the Netscape
icon. As one kind member of the list explained to me, you can easily
launch as many windows as you wish from Netscape's menu (File, New,
Navigator window). This, I was told, is also much preferable because you
save an enormous amount of wasted memory every time you launch the
entire Netscape application by clicking on it. So, the bug is really a
feature, after all.

To make Java work, see my long message with a solution to the Java
problem in KDE 2.1 (essentially using the IBM Java 1.3 JRE instead of
the Sun version. At least it worked in my case. For full details, see my
earlier message or check the Mandrake archives (see Mandrake's home
page, mailing lists for details).



P. S. I am sending this message to both the Newbie list, that could
definitely use it and the Expert list, that might find it superfluous. I
hope, though, that the completeness of the instructions (along with my
Java solution for KDE 2.1) might be of use to experts who are bombarded
by requests from newbies. Just save these two messages and forward it to

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] Java in KDE 2.1 -- SOLVED!

2001-03-10 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Saturday 10 March 2001 08:41, you wrote:
 Dear friends:

 Well, the Java madness in Konqueror is finally over!

 I never could get KDE 2.0.1 to work with any of the Java Virtual
 Machines that I installed. This doesn't mean that it won't on other
 people's systems. It's just that they failed on mine. So...

 I upgraded to KDE 2.1 and tried out all four Java Virtual Machines on my
 system: Sun's 1.3.0, Blackdown's 1.3.0, IBM's 1.3.0 and Sun's JDK 1.2.2.

 And the winner is...

 IBM 1.3.-6

 The exact file is:


Benjamin, where or how exactly did you find the IBM Java, I went to the URL 
you posted and searched all over for the jre-1.3 download and found nothing. 
What am I missing here.  TIA for the info,
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Partition information?

2001-03-10 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Well the problem is not mine, I was merely responding to a question by 
someone else. df is a good tool, but for cases where not all 
partitions have been mounted and to find the locations of swap 
partitions (some people use several), gpart would be a better tool. I 
haven't tried this myself, it is only what I have read at the gpart 
website. A major feature of gpart is its ability to be able to 
identify partitions that have damaged identifier blocks, rendering 
them unmountable.

On Sat, 10 Mar 2001 20:43, Daryl Johnson wrote:
 Yet your problem, as stated, just asked for a way of listing the
 partitions because you had lost your aide memoire.  df appears to do
 exactly what you asked - and you are clearly aware of /swap without
 being reminded  :o)

 Oh and BTW like another poster I too was unaware of kdf, what a cool
 little gizmo.

 Is there a larger problem here that you haven't defined yet Sridhar?

 Daryl Johnson
 Proplan Associates

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sridhar
  Dhanapalan Sent: 10 March 2001 02:15
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Partition information?
  The problem with df is that it only lists mounted partitions and
  it omits swap partitions. I believe there is a programme called
  gpart that can identify partitons, even damaged ones.
  On Sat, 10 Mar 2001 06:03, Michael O'Henly wrote:
   Oh, boy. I don't know if Linux is up for that!  :-)
   Try "df" at the command prompt.
   On Thursday 08 March 2001 16:09, you wrote:
 I have gone and lost the paper on which I had written
down what partitions on the hard disk contain which Linux
partitions. Is there some way to get informaion about this in
Linux -- some kind of command I can give, or some kind of
application I can run?
 The best thing would be if I could get that information
in a form that I can understand, preferably something like
 /dev/hda5 /  1.2 GB
 /dev/hda6 /usr   1.2 GB
 /dev/hda7 /home  650 MB
 /dev/hda8 /swap  500 MB
 I understand that this is probably asking way too much
though, so I'll settle for information about how big the
partitions are, and what they are called (/dev/hda?).  I can
probably figure out what they contain just by getting
information on how big they are.
  Sridhar Dhanapalan.
  "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
  LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
  -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] What's up with the list?

2001-03-10 Per discussione Adrian Smith

it happens.  sometimes i post  it shows up 3 days later.
sometimes i also get as many as 40 copys of the same message.
who knows
it's one of those mysteries of the world.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Chantha [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10:15:37 AM 3/8/01 
Why does it take so long for our emails to go through?

Chantha K.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

[newbie] Where to find IB 's Java -- Instructions

2001-03-10 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I had forgotten how difficult it was for me to find the IBM JRE. I knew
it existed because KDE lists it on their www.konqueror.org page (even
though they claim it doesn't work) and because of the note by Zeljko
Vukman, who said that he had replaced Sun's Java with IBM's and that
IBM's JVM worked perfectly in KDE 2.0 (or was it 2.1?).

OK, here is the full info. I will post it to the list.

1) General page for IBM porting of its JDK to various platforms,
including Linux:


2) IBM Developer Kit for Linux:



The file you download is an RPM file but with your registration user
name attached to it. Simply change the name to drop off the last part:

For example, my file arrived in the following form, more or less:


I then renamed it as follows:

mv IBMJava2-JRE-1.3-6.0.i386.rpmSher07 IBMJava2-JRE-1.3-6.0.i386.rpm

And then I just installed it:

rpm -Uvh IBMJava2-JRE-1.3-6.0.i386.rpm

It installs into /opt/IBM1.3-6

All that remains is to configure Konqueror, the Browser, in KDE 2.1
(Settings, Browser, Java, Path: /opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/bin/java

[sher@mindspring sher]$ cd /opt
[sher@mindspring /opt]$ ls
[sher@mindspring /opt]$ cd IBMJava2-13/
[sher@mindspring IBMJava2-13]$ ls
docs/  jre/
[sher@mindspring IBMJava2-13]$ cd jre
[sher@mindspring jre]$ ls
bin/  lib/
[sher@mindspring jre]$ cd bin
[sher@mindspring bin]$ ls
JavaPluginControlPanel*  libJdbcOdbc.so* libjava.so* 
awt_robot*   libagent.so*libjavaplugin12.so* 
classic/ libawt.so*  libjdwp.so* 
exe/ libcmm.so*  libjitc.so* 
java*libdcpr.so* libjpeg.so*  rmid*
javaplugin.so*   libdt_socket.so*libjsound.so*   
javaw*   libfontmanager.so*  libnet.so*  
jvmtcf*  libhpi.so*  liborb.so*
keytool* libhprof.so*libxhpi.so*
[sher@mindspring bin]$

4) Please try your IBM Java on your favorite sites and let us know if it
works for you.



Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] adsl and connection loss

2001-03-10 Per discussione Quaylar

At 09:24 10.03.2001 -0500, you wrote:

so... Qua why don't you tell us a name

which name ?

RE: [[newbie] Linux PDA: would you use one?] Not based on . . .

2001-03-10 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

I would definately buy a Linux PDA over any other for the sheer
customizability and fun factor.  While there may be some drawbacks (if you
had to make it a Linux PDA yourself, for example, that would be tough), the
potential is there for extremely superior options.  That's at least how I
would look at it.  The Linux PDA's I've seen (mostly the iPaq running Pocket
Linux I think) seem to work rather well, with more or less the same
functionaility as their closed-source counterparts, just a lot prettier.
But What I would love to see, and use if it was available, would be the
abillity to connect my PDA to my home network, not just hotsync it to one
computer.  I guess it all depends on how much development is going on in
this area.  No use having the potential if it's a stale project.  Luckily,
though, It seems that a lot of people are working on Linux PDA's in general.
And I'm very excited to see where that will go.  Actually, I would love to
buy one soon if I found a somewhat affordable one.

-Paul R


Just curious, if it was affordable would y'all go for a linux PDA over a
palm or ce PDA?  I wonder if running linux on PDA would make it a lot more
customizable and more extensible than the other PDA OSs on the market?

I've been looking for a PDA that was more than just a glorified organizer.
I don't care about storing 5 years worth of appointments or 100,000 email
addresses.  I want a PDA to be general purpose computing device.  I want my
PDA to be a thin client to my linux server so I can turn the coffee maker on
and pull up my MP3 playlist from my couch.


Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.


Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

[newbie] KPPP problems

2001-03-10 Per discussione James Mellema

I am running Mandrake 7.2 with the latest updates of kppp, netscape and
Konqueror. I have an external modem on tty0 which connects using kppp
without difficulty. I have just lost my slow/unreliable DSL connection,
and replaced it with a 56k dial-up. 

For some reason, which escapes me at present, I am unable to get
netscape (or the rest of the system for that matter) to recognize the
change. The modem dials and connects without difficulty but the I cannot
resolve addresses in Netscape or Konqueror. I have changed
etc/resolve.conf to reflect the change in DNS servers. It appears the
requests are not being transmitted to the modem, as the lights do not
flash and no packets are noted in the log screen. I think the system is
still trying to resolve addresses through the ethernet connection to the
router. Is there something in networking I need to change to get the
system to recognize the dialup connection?

James Mellema
Linux User #71650

RE: [newbie] installation problems with L.M. 7.0

2001-03-10 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

DO you plan to dual boot this machine or use just for Linux?  If you plan to
just run linux (which sounds best on this machine), you could try fdisk
first, try reformatting the drive.  Also, make sure that your system is not
using EZ-BIOS to access the hard drive, I've heard Linux does not like this.
If you resolve this, please let me know.  I vaguely remember having this
problem on an old computer I was playing arround with once.  I never
resolved the problem, though.  I got busy with something else.  I'll give it
a ty again and see if I can figure it out.  Good luckl.

-Paul R

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dan A.
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 3:42 PM
Subject: [newbie] installation problems with L.M. 7.0

I am trying to install L.M 7.0 on a
Pent. 75/16mb ram 1.2GB hd - the cd
auto starts, asks lang.,KB, type of
install, but stops with an error;
"no partitions available" the
drive is currently formated fat32,
1 partition. DRAX does not start, and
there does not seem to be a way of
getting past the error. I have tried
creating a boot disk with the cd boot
.img, but when using the boot disk, the
computer does not see the CD-Rom

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] Why is 7.2 so much slower than 7.1?

2001-03-10 Per discussione Paul Kaplan

  I just installed 7.2 on a 300PII with 64M Ram and a 256M Swap
  Partition.  KDE is running extremely slow, many times slower than 7.1.
  It's almost to the point I'm considering re-installing 7.1.  Does anyone
  know why this is?  Did I do something wrong on the install?

I noticed the same thing with a PII 266  96Mb.  After some half hearted 
investigating I noted that there seemed to be a lot of services turned on by 
default in 7.2.  If you surf around on Mandrake User (www.mandrakeuser.org) 
you will find a description of all the daemons and can choose those you don't 
need.  Instructions for temporarily or permanently turning of specific 
daemons are provided.  I found that turning of httpd made a huge difference.  
(I don't use this machine as a web server.)

Good luck.


Re: [newbie] KPPP problems

2001-03-10 Per discussione Peter Martin

I just (re) installed 7.2 and all I have is a dialup. On installation, I
did not enter the domain nor ips to search. That didn't work. I then
used Linxconf and set the ppp options there. I also set the options via
the kppp dialog. I used 'manual' for the dns nameserver info. I use
earthlink BTW.

In the linuxconf setup, 
select the ppp0 Hopefully you have it)
Under hardware:
enable "allow any user to (de)activate..."
basically, the switches are on-off-on-on
select line speed
select modem port
PPP options are blank for me
phone number to your isp
I unchecked Debug connection and left rest as default
off-on-on-on the rest default
PAP:If you're using it

And hopefully you're up and running!


Re: [newbie] Hi everybody, need you people to say something.

2001-03-10 Per discussione Jeremy Hughes

how do i get off of the mailing list?

- Original Message -
From: Ritesh Ahya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 11:24 AM
Subject: [newbie] Hi everybody, need you people to say something.

 Hi everybody, newbies as well experts.
 I am getting everybody about 100 messages, i dont' mind with it. i love to
 read all of them, try to understand the problems that our linux-brothers
 facing, like to ask sometimes, like to reply sometimes.
 but it's a good feeling. All i have to say it, can not we make a Uniform
 format for writing and replying mails to each other. Like when you reply,
 the person's whom you are replying, mail sometimes is at top or sometimes
 bottom. sometimes three or four people's are replying.so can not
 quickly who has asked and who has replied ? can not everybody decides to
 answer and ask quetions in some defined uniform formats, so everybody can
 communicate with each other easier and quicker ?
 Thanks everybody, if you like suggestions, please come forward and let's
 Thanks all of  you everybody in advance.
 I dont' mind if you people don't like the suggestions too.
 Ritesh Ahya.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 8:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Java in KDE 2.1 -- SOLVED!

  On Saturday 10 March 2001 08:41, you wrote:
   Dear friends:
   Well, the Java madness in Konqueror is finally over!
   I never could get KDE 2.0.1 to work with any of the Java Virtual
   Machines that I installed. This doesn't mean that it won't on other
   people's systems. It's just that they failed on mine. So...
   I upgraded to KDE 2.1 and tried out all four Java Virtual Machines on
   system: Sun's 1.3.0, Blackdown's 1.3.0, IBM's 1.3.0 and Sun's JDK
   And the winner is...
   IBM 1.3.-6
   The exact file is:
  Benjamin, where or how exactly did you find the IBM Java, I went to the
  you posted and searched all over for the jre-1.3 download and found
  What am I missing here.  TIA for the info,
  Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Hi everybody, need you people to say something.

2001-03-10 Per discussione Jeremy Hughes

how do i get off of this mailing list?
- Original Message -
From: Ritesh Ahya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 11:24 AM
Subject: [newbie] Hi everybody, need you people to say something.

 Hi everybody, newbies as well experts.
 I am getting everybody about 100 messages, i dont' mind with it. i love to
 read all of them, try to understand the problems that our linux-brothers
 facing, like to ask sometimes, like to reply sometimes.
 but it's a good feeling. All i have to say it, can not we make a Uniform
 format for writing and replying mails to each other. Like when you reply,
 the person's whom you are replying, mail sometimes is at top or sometimes
 bottom. sometimes three or four people's are replying.so can not
 quickly who has asked and who has replied ? can not everybody decides to
 answer and ask quetions in some defined uniform formats, so everybody can
 communicate with each other easier and quicker ?
 Thanks everybody, if you like suggestions, please come forward and let's
 Thanks all of  you everybody in advance.
 I dont' mind if you people don't like the suggestions too.
 Ritesh Ahya.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 8:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Java in KDE 2.1 -- SOLVED!

  On Saturday 10 March 2001 08:41, you wrote:
   Dear friends:
   Well, the Java madness in Konqueror is finally over!
   I never could get KDE 2.0.1 to work with any of the Java Virtual
   Machines that I installed. This doesn't mean that it won't on other
   people's systems. It's just that they failed on mine. So...
   I upgraded to KDE 2.1 and tried out all four Java Virtual Machines on
   system: Sun's 1.3.0, Blackdown's 1.3.0, IBM's 1.3.0 and Sun's JDK
   And the winner is...
   IBM 1.3.-6
   The exact file is:
  Benjamin, where or how exactly did you find the IBM Java, I went to the
  you posted and searched all over for the jre-1.3 download and found
  What am I missing here.  TIA for the info,
  Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Upgrading to KDE 2.1 -- Full Installation Instructions

2001-03-10 Per discussione Oder Santos

Thank you very much indeed for your help. I'm a newbie to Linux and I will
try your instructions.
Thanks again, Oder.

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Sher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 11:23 AM
Subject: [newbie] Upgrading to KDE 2.1 -- Full Installation Instructions

 Dear Oder:

 The instructions for upgrading from KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.1 in Lm7.2 are as
 simple as can be because Mandrake went out of their way to make it so:

 1) Go to any Mandrake ftp site using your ftp application (gftp, Igloo
 or whatever) and type in the exact name of the ftp host site, e.g.
 ftp.wtfo.com or rpmfind.net (exactly as it appears on Mandrake's
 downloads list. Look on Mandrake's home page (http://www.mandrake.com)
 under "Downloads". There you will find URL mirrors in your area and
 country. Select the one in North America if you live in the USA and
 Canada. Don't select metalab.unc.edu. They only carry the latest version
 of LM72 without all the bells and whistles.

 2) Navigate till you get to Mandrake's "mandrake-devel" directory. Then,
 go to the "unsupported" directory. Then i586. At the very top, you will
 find a directory called KDE 2.1. Open it and you'll find EVERY file you
 will need to install KDE 2.1 EXCEPT for "apmd." You can get that file
 from Mandrake 7.2. It's part of the regular Mandrake 7.2 distro.

 Now create a KDE 2.1 directory in your home directory /home/user/KDE
 2-1/ make sure to open the directory and now, using your broadband,
 download every file from the remote KDE 2.1 directory into your home KDE
 2.1 directory. Warning: most of us don't need all those language files
 that follow "arts... (the very first file in the KDE 2.1 directory --
 you do need this file). So, the best way to handle this is to select ALL
 files, then quickly unselect the language files from "Brazil" to
 "Ukrainian". Otherwise, every file should be highlighted. Now download
 them all at once, if your ftp client allows for it. If not, download
 them individually into your /home/user/KDE 2.1 directory.

 When you have completed your downloading, close your ftp client.

 Now, before you install anything, be sure to first install the apmd rpm.
 You will need it to install everything else. When that's done, go to
 /home/user/KDE2-1 and type:

 #rpm -Uvh --replacefiles *.*

 The "replacefiles" argument is needed to allow the new KDE files to
 replace certain files that conflict with the old rpms. Your installation
 should not go smoothly but have patience. The only apparent problem (a
 non-problem) has to do with the doc files. You will so a host of
 messages about them. Just ignore them. The installation will continue
 all the way to the last file: "qt-static-libraries 2.2.4-3." And, by the
 way, it's a good idea to check the files in the remote directory against
 the files in your home directory before proceeding, including the file

 Your new KDE 2.1 should now be ready. Just for the fun of it, reboot
 your system. You will now log into the new KDE 2.1. First thing you
 should do is to take care of the rpm data base and your menus:


 1) #rpm --rebuilddb

 (i.e. rebuild your rpm data base (db). Have patience. This takes about 5

 2) Now, for the menus:

 #update-menus -v

 This command adjusts the menus for all your desktops and window
 managers. One little bug: When it ends with fvm, it doesn't return you
 to a regular prompt. Just wait a minute or two and when you are SURE
 that the process has ended, just type Cnt +C and you'll be back at your
 regular prompt.

 Now reboot one last time for the menu and rpm changes to take effect and
 your new KDE 2.1 is at your service.

 Notice especially the improvements in Konqueror and Kmail.

 One caveat: There is a little annoying but insignificant bug in Netscape
 in KDE 2.1 that I raised a hue and cry about because I thought it was a
 KDE bug that needed urgent attention: You can only launch one instance
 of Netscape (or Mozilla) at a time, that is, by clicking on the Netscape
 icon. As one kind member of the list explained to me, you can easily
 launch as many windows as you wish from Netscape's menu (File, New,
 Navigator window). This, I was told, is also much preferable because you
 save an enormous amount of wasted memory every time you launch the
 entire Netscape application by clicking on it. So, the bug is really a
 feature, after all.

 To make Java work, see my long message with a solution to the Java
 problem in KDE 2.1 (essentially using the IBM Java 1.3 JRE instead of
 the Sun version. At least it worked in my case. For full details, see my
 earlier message or check the Mandrake archives (see Mandrake's home
 page, mailing lists for details).



 P. S. I am sending this message to both the Newbie list, that could
 definitely use it and the Expert list, that might find it superfluous. I
 hope, though, that the completeness of the instructions 

[newbie] MODEM Com port?

2001-03-10 Per discussione Charley Peggy Robinson

  I'm using a 3-Com (USR)  MD-U56P2977 PCI hardware (they told me)
MODEM.  The BIOS in the 'pooter assigned it to Com 5, according to win
dev mgr.  Trouble is,  X or Gnome deal only with Coms 1 - 4, so I can't
reconfigure the SW in a GUI.  Sadly, I don't know enuff yet to do it in
console mode.  I've been searching MUO, MNO, etc, but haven't found any
specific info yet.  

  Can anyone tell me where the info is stored and how to access/change
the com port?



Re: [newbie] KPPP problems

2001-03-10 Per discussione mazdaracer

OK, my turn (again!!) I had a problem with my main box and I
re-installed 7.2 just as I had done on my laptop. I'm coming to you via
my laptop now. The main box seemed to load up ok. Then I try ti connect
to the net and I get the same problem that the original poster has with
his connection when he lost his hi-speed line.

I hear the modem dial ok and seems to connect, but netscape doesn't want
to. I did the same setup that I used for the laptop. Do I have some
strange hardware problem? Everything seems to run alright otherwise.

I only setup both boxes via linuxconf and the kppp setup dialogs. I'm
really confused!

Re: [newbie] Hi everybody, need you people to say something.

2001-03-10 Per discussione Romanator

Can't we just get along. Huh?

philomena wrote:
 Oh boy, here we go - this could re-open a hornets nest that shows up
 every now and then - everyone has their own preferences and habits, and
 those are near impossible to alter. Also, the different software that
 people use to read/write their email are set up with different defaults.
 I doubt the idea of a message standard is going to go far, except to
 unleash another barrage of non-linux, non-mandrake related emails, of
 which I am guilty of contributing to now. So, my 2 cents is, trying to
 suggest a standard is not going to be successful, and forget trying to
 get all to adhere to it.
 Ritesh Ahya wrote:
  Hi everybody, newbies as well experts.
  I am getting everybody about 100 messages, i dont' mind with it. i love to
  read all of them, try to understand the problems that our linux-brothers are
  facing, like to ask sometimes, like to reply sometimes.
  but it's a good feeling. All i have to say it, can not we make a Uniform
  format for writing and replying mails to each other. Like when you reply,
  the person's whom you are replying, mail sometimes is at top or sometimes at
  bottom. sometimes three or four people's are replying.so can not understand
  quickly who has asked and who has replied ? can not everybody decides to
  answer and ask quetions in some defined uniform formats, so everybody can
  communicate with each other easier and quicker ?
  Thanks everybody, if you like suggestions, please come forward and let's
  Thanks all of  you everybody in advance.
  I dont' mind if you people don't like the suggestions too.
  Ritesh Ahya.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 8:55 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Java in KDE 2.1 -- SOLVED!
   On Saturday 10 March 2001 08:41, you wrote:
Dear friends:
Well, the Java madness in Konqueror is finally over!
I never could get KDE 2.0.1 to work with any of the Java Virtual
Machines that I installed. This doesn't mean that it won't on other
people's systems. It's just that they failed on mine. So...
I upgraded to KDE 2.1 and tried out all four Java Virtual Machines on my
system: Sun's 1.3.0, Blackdown's 1.3.0, IBM's 1.3.0 and Sun's JDK 1.2.2.
And the winner is...
IBM 1.3.-6
The exact file is:
   Benjamin, where or how exactly did you find the IBM Java, I went to the
   you posted and searched all over for the jre-1.3 download and found
   What am I missing here.  TIA for the info,
   Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Hi everybody, need you people to say something.

2001-03-10 Per discussione Romanator

The same way you got on. http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/flists.php3

Jeremy Hughes wrote:
 how do i get off of this mailing list?
 - Original Message -
 From: Ritesh Ahya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 11:24 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Hi everybody, need you people to say something.
  Hi everybody, newbies as well experts.
  I am getting everybody about 100 messages, i dont' mind with it. i love to
  read all of them, try to understand the problems that our linux-brothers
  facing, like to ask sometimes, like to reply sometimes.
  but it's a good feeling. All i have to say it, can not we make a Uniform
  format for writing and replying mails to each other. Like when you reply,
  the person's whom you are replying, mail sometimes is at top or sometimes
  bottom. sometimes three or four people's are replying.so can not
  quickly who has asked and who has replied ? can not everybody decides to
  answer and ask quetions in some defined uniform formats, so everybody can
  communicate with each other easier and quicker ?
  Thanks everybody, if you like suggestions, please come forward and let's
  Thanks all of  you everybody in advance.
  I dont' mind if you people don't like the suggestions too.
  Ritesh Ahya.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 8:55 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Java in KDE 2.1 -- SOLVED!
   On Saturday 10 March 2001 08:41, you wrote:
Dear friends:
Well, the Java madness in Konqueror is finally over!
I never could get KDE 2.0.1 to work with any of the Java Virtual
Machines that I installed. This doesn't mean that it won't on other
people's systems. It's just that they failed on mine. So...
I upgraded to KDE 2.1 and tried out all four Java Virtual Machines on
system: Sun's 1.3.0, Blackdown's 1.3.0, IBM's 1.3.0 and Sun's JDK
And the winner is...
IBM 1.3.-6
The exact file is:
   Benjamin, where or how exactly did you find the IBM Java, I went to the
   you posted and searched all over for the jre-1.3 download and found
   What am I missing here.  TIA for the info,
   Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

[newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

2001-03-10 Per discussione KompuKit

GO BACK to where you joined this list...
THERE, you'll also find (if you'll ONLY read)
a way to get off the list.

OF COURSE,  " IF " you can READ
Registered Linux User: 167369
= http://www.kompukit.com =
Personal WebServer:   http://kompukit.dyndns.org
WebDesigner:  http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

Re: [newbie] LM 7.2 in Toronto, Ont. Canada.

2001-03-10 Per discussione Romanator

Pavel Zubkov wrote:
 Hi to everybody.  Stupid question:  does anyone from Toronto knows where to buy
 LM 7.2?  I searched for  a while but couldn't found the place that sells it.
 If anyone knows of a store in Toronto that sells LM 7.2 could you let me know,
 Thanx in advance,


Are you looking for the complete boxed set from Mandrake or would like
the CDS only? The CD only order are much cheaper. Check out
http://www.softcopy.on.ca/  or especially  http://www.chguy.net/

TheComputerHelperGuy lives outside Toronto but he provides good CDs for
the cheapest price.


[newbie] canon bjc 4100

2001-03-10 Per discussione Oliver L Plaine Jr

Sat Mar 10 15:29:51 2001

I hooked up the old canon to the ATX machine , MDK 7.2 was hungry for 
drivers,   and asked for installation disc one...

Unfortunately I have mailed that disc to Australia...(A self solving 
problem with the release of MDK 8.0)

so I put up a message in Kmail, selected "print".and it 
printedwhy? with no drivers?

Unfortunately, with every print job comes a page and a half "prolog" by 
trolltech.How can I shut this prolog off?

since this printer never exhibited this behavior in MDK 6.1 ...I will 
assume that the drivers there squelched the prolog?

I wonder if I could take the drivers from the 6.1 disc and use them in 
Olly P
*mailed from Linux Via Kmail*

[newbie] Hi everybody, need you people to say something.

2001-03-10 Per discussione Ritesh Ahya

Hi everybody, newbies as well experts.
I am getting everybody about 100 messages, i dont' mind with it. i love to
read all of them, try to understand the problems that our linux-brothers are
facing, like to ask sometimes, like to reply sometimes.
but it's a good feeling. All i have to say it, can not we make a Uniform
format for writing and replying mails to each other. Like when you reply,
the person's whom you are replying, mail sometimes is at top or sometimes at
bottom. sometimes three or four people's are replying.so can not understand
quickly who has asked and who has replied ? can not everybody decides to
answer and ask quetions in some defined uniform formats, so everybody can
communicate with each other easier and quicker ?
Thanks everybody, if you like suggestions, please come forward and let's
Thanks all of  you everybody in advance.
I dont' mind if you people don't like the suggestions too.
Ritesh Ahya.
- Original Message -
From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Java in KDE 2.1 -- SOLVED!

 On Saturday 10 March 2001 08:41, you wrote:
  Dear friends:
  Well, the Java madness in Konqueror is finally over!
  I never could get KDE 2.0.1 to work with any of the Java Virtual
  Machines that I installed. This doesn't mean that it won't on other
  people's systems. It's just that they failed on mine. So...
  I upgraded to KDE 2.1 and tried out all four Java Virtual Machines on my
  system: Sun's 1.3.0, Blackdown's 1.3.0, IBM's 1.3.0 and Sun's JDK 1.2.2.
  And the winner is...
  IBM 1.3.-6
  The exact file is:

 Benjamin, where or how exactly did you find the IBM Java, I went to the
 you posted and searched all over for the jre-1.3 download and found
 What am I missing here.  TIA for the info,
 Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] LM 7.2 in Toronto, Ont. Canada.

2001-03-10 Per discussione Romanator

s wrote:
 Well, if you're spending and losing lots of time searching locally, you could
 possibly order if from somewhere off the web and get it delivered in
 comparable time.  There are too many to begin listing, but start and LM own
 site, they have links to ordering and there's cheapbytes.
 Are there WalMarts in Canada?
 On Saturday 10 March 2001 07:43 am, you wrote:
  Hi to everybody.  Stupid question:  does anyone from Toronto knows where to
  buy LM 7.2?  I searched for  a while but couldn't found the place that
  sells it. If anyone knows of a store in Toronto that sells LM 7.2 could you
  let me know, please.
  Thanx in advance,


I am very surprised by the lack of distributors in Toronto. We have a
large abundance of computer stores but you can't even count on 'one
hand' the amount of distributors. It's damn embarrassing.

Please check out Chapters.ca, Walmart, Softcopy and
TheComputerHelperGuy. TheComputerHelperGuy can provide a very reasonable
price including postage. I'm not sure about the manuals.

Check out the following link:


Prices are in Canadian dollars for total including shipping and handling
if shipped in Canada.
Orders are taken via e-mail. Shipping is via Canada Post. Express Post
is up to you. 

I hope this helps as I am in the same dilemma. I ordered my boxed copy
from Montreal.


Re: [newbie] Upgrading to KDE 2.1 -- Full Installation Instructions

2001-03-10 Per discussione Romanator

Just remember that koffice will not be available. 

Oder Santos wrote:
 Thank you very much indeed for your help. I'm a newbie to Linux and I will
 try your instructions.
 Thanks again, Oder.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Benjamin Sher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 11:23 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Upgrading to KDE 2.1 -- Full Installation Instructions
  Dear Oder:
  The instructions for upgrading from KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.1 in Lm7.2 are as
  simple as can be because Mandrake went out of their way to make it so:
  1) Go to any Mandrake ftp site using your ftp application (gftp, Igloo
  or whatever) and type in the exact name of the ftp host site, e.g.
  ftp.wtfo.com or rpmfind.net (exactly as it appears on Mandrake's
  downloads list. Look on Mandrake's home page (http://www.mandrake.com)
  under "Downloads". There you will find URL mirrors in your area and
  country. Select the one in North America if you live in the USA and
  Canada. Don't select metalab.unc.edu. They only carry the latest version
  of LM72 without all the bells and whistles.
  2) Navigate till you get to Mandrake's "mandrake-devel" directory. Then,
  go to the "unsupported" directory. Then i586. At the very top, you will
  find a directory called KDE 2.1. Open it and you'll find EVERY file you
  will need to install KDE 2.1 EXCEPT for "apmd." You can get that file
  from Mandrake 7.2. It's part of the regular Mandrake 7.2 distro.
  Now create a KDE 2.1 directory in your home directory /home/user/KDE
  2-1/ make sure to open the directory and now, using your broadband,
  download every file from the remote KDE 2.1 directory into your home KDE
  2.1 directory. Warning: most of us don't need all those language files
  that follow "arts... (the very first file in the KDE 2.1 directory --
  you do need this file). So, the best way to handle this is to select ALL
  files, then quickly unselect the language files from "Brazil" to
  "Ukrainian". Otherwise, every file should be highlighted. Now download
  them all at once, if your ftp client allows for it. If not, download
  them individually into your /home/user/KDE 2.1 directory.
  When you have completed your downloading, close your ftp client.
  Now, before you install anything, be sure to first install the apmd rpm.
  You will need it to install everything else. When that's done, go to
  /home/user/KDE2-1 and type:
  #rpm -Uvh --replacefiles *.*
  The "replacefiles" argument is needed to allow the new KDE files to
  replace certain files that conflict with the old rpms. Your installation
  should not go smoothly but have patience. The only apparent problem (a
  non-problem) has to do with the doc files. You will so a host of
  messages about them. Just ignore them. The installation will continue
  all the way to the last file: "qt-static-libraries 2.2.4-3." And, by the
  way, it's a good idea to check the files in the remote directory against
  the files in your home directory before proceeding, including the file
  Your new KDE 2.1 should now be ready. Just for the fun of it, reboot
  your system. You will now log into the new KDE 2.1. First thing you
  should do is to take care of the rpm data base and your menus:
  1) #rpm --rebuilddb
  (i.e. rebuild your rpm data base (db). Have patience. This takes about 5
  2) Now, for the menus:
  #update-menus -v
  This command adjusts the menus for all your desktops and window
  managers. One little bug: When it ends with fvm, it doesn't return you
  to a regular prompt. Just wait a minute or two and when you are SURE
  that the process has ended, just type Cnt +C and you'll be back at your
  regular prompt.
  Now reboot one last time for the menu and rpm changes to take effect and
  your new KDE 2.1 is at your service.
  Notice especially the improvements in Konqueror and Kmail.
  One caveat: There is a little annoying but insignificant bug in Netscape
  in KDE 2.1 that I raised a hue and cry about because I thought it was a
  KDE bug that needed urgent attention: You can only launch one instance
  of Netscape (or Mozilla) at a time, that is, by clicking on the Netscape
  icon. As one kind member of the list explained to me, you can easily
  launch as many windows as you wish from Netscape's menu (File, New,
  Navigator window). This, I was told, is also much preferable because you
  save an enormous amount of wasted memory every time you launch the
  entire Netscape application by clicking on it. So, the bug is really a
  feature, after all.
  To make Java work, see my long message with a solution to the Java
  problem in KDE 2.1 (essentially using the IBM Java 1.3 JRE instead of
  the Sun version. At least it worked in my case. For full details, see my
  earlier message or check the Mandrake archives (see Mandrake's home
  page, mailing lists for details).
  P. S. I am sending 

Re: [newbie] Unable to upgrade Mandrake rpms for KDE2.1 Final Release

2001-03-10 Per discussione Paul Kaplan

If you've downloaded all the rpms for kde 2.1 to a single directory, try rpm 
-Uvh *.rpm --force.  This will update existing rpms and install any new ones. 
 You may want to install the qt rpms first.

On Friday 09 March 2001 19:09, you wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I just downloaded all of the Mandrake rpms. However, I cannot get the
 upgrade to work from KDE2.1 beta 2 to KDE2.1 Final Release. I copied all
 of the rpms to the same folder, and typed in: rpm -Uvh *.rpm

 The following is breakdown of the error messages:

 error: kdebase-2.1-2mdk.i586 rpm cannot be installed
 error: kdegame-2.1-2mdk.i586 rpm cannot be installed

 error:failed dependencies
   kdebase= 2.1-2mdk is need by kdebase-devel-2.1-2mdk
   kdebase= 2.1-2mdk is need by kdebase-nsplugins-2.1-2mdk
   kdegames=2.1-2mdk is need by kdegame-devel-2.1-2mdk

   PPP is needed by kdenetwork-2.1-2mdk
   apmd is need by kdeutils-2.1-1mdk
   libkdefakes.so.0 is need by kdebase-2.1-0.20010122.5mdk
   libkdefakes.so.0 is need by kdeaddutils-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk
   libkdefakes.so.0 is need by kdegames-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk
   libkdefakes.so.0 is need by koffice-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk
   libkdefakes.so.0 is need by quanta-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk

 What did I do wrong? I must be missing some extra files, and is there a
 particular order to download the files? Your help would be very much

Re: [newbie] Hi everybody, need you people to say something.

2001-03-10 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

jeremy @funknpunk.com wrote:

 how do i get off of this mailing list?

This IS growing tiresome.  Try checking the site where you subscribed
for directions
"Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there."
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

Re: [newbie] Unable to upgrade Mandrake rpms for KDE2.1 Final Release

2001-03-10 Per discussione Romanator


The kdebase-2.1-2mdk.i586 rpm and kdegame-2.1-2mdk.i586 rpm files would
not get installed. I have moved on to KDE2.1 beta 2 as it supports
koffice. The 'Final Release' doesn't provide it. I will wait until
Version 8 is officially out. The KDE2.1 Final Release installation
should be quite transparent. I'm spending way too much time in front of
my computer for what should be an easy upgrade. Mandrake did a very poor
job in NOT providing any release notes for this final upgrade on their
already late rpms. I'm quite disappointed.


Paul Kaplan wrote:
 If you've downloaded all the rpms for kde 2.1 to a single directory, try rpm
 -Uvh *.rpm --force.  This will update existing rpms and install any new ones.
  You may want to install the qt rpms first.
 On Friday 09 March 2001 19:09, you wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  I just downloaded all of the Mandrake rpms. However, I cannot get the
  upgrade to work from KDE2.1 beta 2 to KDE2.1 Final Release. I copied all
  of the rpms to the same folder, and typed in: rpm -Uvh *.rpm
  The following is breakdown of the error messages:
  error: kdebase-2.1-2mdk.i586 rpm cannot be installed
  error: kdegame-2.1-2mdk.i586 rpm cannot be installed
  error:failed dependencies
kdebase= 2.1-2mdk is need by kdebase-devel-2.1-2mdk
kdebase= 2.1-2mdk is need by kdebase-nsplugins-2.1-2mdk
kdegames=2.1-2mdk is need by kdegame-devel-2.1-2mdk
PPP is needed by kdenetwork-2.1-2mdk
apmd is need by kdeutils-2.1-1mdk
libkdefakes.so.0 is need by kdebase-2.1-0.20010122.5mdk
libkdefakes.so.0 is need by kdeaddutils-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk
libkdefakes.so.0 is need by kdegames-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk
libkdefakes.so.0 is need by koffice-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk
libkdefakes.so.0 is need by quanta-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk
  What did I do wrong? I must be missing some extra files, and is there a
  particular order to download the files? Your help would be very much

Re: [newbie] security related question: how to scan myself + more

2001-03-10 Per discussione Andrew Iovannisci

On Saturday 10 March 2001 14:30, you wrote:
 What's the best way to test my security?  I'd like to port scan myself  from
 a remote machine.  

Here are two scanning sites that I frequently use to test my cable set-up:



I've been having trouble using www.sdesign.com , I have
 a cable modem, and it keeps reading my ip as a proxy cluster, even though I
 have no proxy settings enabled in my browser or anywhere else.

Is it posible that you r ISP has set up your connection to go through their 
proxy server?

Hope that helps,
Registered Linux User # 202836

[newbie] sound help

2001-03-10 Per discussione KompuKit

Below, is a partial listing within webmin...of my /var/log/messages
for todays boot.
Sound works ok, IF I click on a wav, or mp3 etc...to hear it.
but, as for system sounds inside control center...I can't hear them 
either on startup...or shutdown...or if just testing them, with its test

How do I fix this...anyone know?

Mar 10 14:35:03 kompukit modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Mar 10 14:35:03 kompukit modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Mar 10 14:35:25 kompukit modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Mar 10 14:35:26 kompukit modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Mar 10 14:35:26 kompukit modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Mar 10 14:35:26 kompukit modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Mar 10 14:35:41 kompukit modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Mar 10 14:35:41 kompukit modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Mar 10 14:35:41 kompukit modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Mar 10 14:35:41 kompukit modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Mar 10 14:36:31 kompukit modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Registered Linux User: 167369
= http://www.kompukit.com =
Personal WebServer:   http://kompukit.dyndns.org
WebDesigner:  http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

Re: [newbie] Upgrading to KDE 2.1 -- Full Installation Instructions

2001-03-10 Per discussione Dennis Myers

I beg to differ with you, My koffice is just a click away on the K panel. It 
is not lost.  Works just fine.  

On Saturday 10 March 2001 10:28, you wrote:
 Just remember that koffice will not be available.

 Oder Santos wrote:
  Thank you very much indeed for your help. I'm a newbie to Linux and I
  will try your instructions.
  Thanks again, Oder.

   One caveat: There is a little annoying but insignificant bug in
   Netscape in KDE 2.1 that I raised a hue and cry about because I thought
   it was a KDE bug that needed urgent attention: You can only launch one
   instance of Netscape (or Mozilla) at a time, that is, by clicking on
   the Netscape icon. As one kind member of the list explained to me, you
   can easily launch as many windows as you wish from Netscape's menu
   (File, New, Navigator window). This, I was told, is also much
   preferable because you save an enormous amount of wasted memory every
   time you launch the entire Netscape application by clicking on it. So,
   the bug is really a feature, after all.
   To make Java work, see my long message with a solution to the Java
   problem in KDE 2.1 (essentially using the IBM Java 1.3 JRE instead of
   the Sun version. At least it worked in my case. For full details, see
   my earlier message or check the Mandrake archives (see Mandrake's home
   page, mailing lists for details).
   P. S. I am sending this message to both the Newbie list, that could
   definitely use it and the Expert list, that might find it superfluous.
   I hope, though, that the completeness of the instructions (along with
   my Java solution for KDE 2.1) might be of use to experts who are
   bombarded by requests from newbies. Just save these two messages and
   forward it to them.
   Sher's Russian Web
   Benjamin and Anna Sher

Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] LM 7.2 in Toronto, Ont. Canada.

2001-03-10 Per discussione Dan LaBine

Have you tried Future Shop, Chapters (Yes the book store!), Camelot, or 

s wrote:

 Well, if you're spending and losing lots of time searching locally, you could 
 possibly order if from somewhere off the web and get it delivered in 
 comparable time.  There are too many to begin listing, but start and LM own 
 site, they have links to ordering and there's cheapbytes.  
 Are there WalMarts in Canada?
 On Saturday 10 March 2001 07:43 am, you wrote:
 Hi to everybody.  Stupid question:  does anyone from Toronto knows where to
 buy LM 7.2?  I searched for  a while but couldn't found the place that
 sells it. If anyone knows of a store in Toronto that sells LM 7.2 could you
 let me know, please.
 Thanx in advance,

Dan LaBine
Maximum L.A.N.'s Ltd
Registered Linux User #190712

Re: [newbie] MODEM Com port?

2001-03-10 Per discussione angry

 I'm thinking you can just sym link it to /dev/modem to get dialers to work
with it.  but I'm no genius

Charley  Peggy Robinson wrote:

   I'm using a 3-Com (USR)  MD-U56P2977 PCI hardware (they told me)
 MODEM.  The BIOS in the 'pooter assigned it to Com 5, according to win
 dev mgr.  Trouble is,  X or Gnome deal only with Coms 1 - 4, so I can't
 reconfigure the SW in a GUI.  Sadly, I don't know enuff yet to do it in
 console mode.  I've been searching MUO, MNO, etc, but haven't found any
 specific info yet.

   Can anyone tell me where the info is stored and how to access/change
 the com port?




"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck,
is probably the day Microsoft starts making vacuum cleaners."
- Ernst Jan Plugge

Re: [newbie] adsl and connection loss

2001-03-10 Per discussione Ed Tharp

your dsl provider... I missed it if you said it earlier..
- Original Message - 
From: "Quaylar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] adsl and connection loss

 At 09:24 10.03.2001 -0500, you wrote:
 so... Qua why don't you tell us a name
 which name ?

Re: [newbie] LM 7.2 in Toronto, Ont. Canada.

2001-03-10 Per discussione Romanator

Romanator wrote:
 s wrote:
  Well, if you're spending and losing lots of time searching locally, you could
  possibly order if from somewhere off the web and get it delivered in
  comparable time.  There are too many to begin listing, but start and LM own
  site, they have links to ordering and there's cheapbytes.
  Are there WalMarts in Canada?
  On Saturday 10 March 2001 07:43 am, you wrote:
   Hi to everybody.  Stupid question:  does anyone from Toronto knows where to
   buy LM 7.2?  I searched for  a while but couldn't found the place that
   sells it. If anyone knows of a store in Toronto that sells LM 7.2 could you
   let me know, please.
   Thanx in advance,
 I am very surprised by the lack of distributors in Toronto. We have a
 large abundance of computer stores but you can't even count on 'one
 hand' the amount of distributors. It's damn embarrassing.
 Please check out Chapters.ca, Walmart, Softcopy and
 TheComputerHelperGuy. TheComputerHelperGuy can provide a very reasonable
 price including postage. I'm not sure about the manuals.
 Check out the following link:
 Prices are in Canadian dollars for total including shipping and handling
 if shipped in Canada.
 Orders are taken via e-mail. Shipping is via Canada Post. Express Post
 is up to you.
 I hope this helps as I am in the same dilemma. I ordered my boxed copy
 from Montreal.

Ofcourse, this was when I was looking for mdk7.0.


Re: [newbie] Hi everybody, need you people to say something.

2001-03-10 Per discussione philomena

sigh... here's my last reply (hurrah!) to a non-linux question - all I
was trying to do is point out that the message formatting has been
mentioned in the past, and that people get all bent out of shape about
it, to the point of yelling and stuff. Unless the Mandrake
rulers-of-the-mailing-list imposed a message format, and outlined it
when people sign up, I just don't believe that the attempt at
standardizing, although I think its a good idea, will work. 

'nuff said
cya - I'm outta here

Romanator wrote:
 Can't we just get along. Huh?
 philomena wrote:
  Oh boy, here we go - this could re-open a hornets nest that shows up
  every now and then - everyone has their own preferences and habits, and
  those are near impossible to alter. Also, the different software that
  people use to read/write their email are set up with different defaults.
  I doubt the idea of a message standard is going to go far, except to
  unleash another barrage of non-linux, non-mandrake related emails, of
  which I am guilty of contributing to now. So, my 2 cents is, trying to
  suggest a standard is not going to be successful, and forget trying to
  get all to adhere to it.
  Ritesh Ahya wrote:
   Hi everybody, newbies as well experts.
   I am getting everybody about 100 messages, i dont' mind with it. i love to
   read all of them, try to understand the problems that our linux-brothers are
   facing, like to ask sometimes, like to reply sometimes.
   but it's a good feeling. All i have to say it, can not we make a Uniform
   format for writing and replying mails to each other. Like when you reply,
   the person's whom you are replying, mail sometimes is at top or sometimes at
   bottom. sometimes three or four people's are replying.so can not understand
   quickly who has asked and who has replied ? can not everybody decides to
   answer and ask quetions in some defined uniform formats, so everybody can
   communicate with each other easier and quicker ?
   Thanks everybody, if you like suggestions, please come forward and let's
   Thanks all of  you everybody in advance.
   I dont' mind if you people don't like the suggestions too.
   Ritesh Ahya.
   - Original Message -
   From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 8:55 PM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Java in KDE 2.1 -- SOLVED!
On Saturday 10 March 2001 08:41, you wrote:
 Dear friends:

 Well, the Java madness in Konqueror is finally over!

 I never could get KDE 2.0.1 to work with any of the Java Virtual
 Machines that I installed. This doesn't mean that it won't on other
 people's systems. It's just that they failed on mine. So...

 I upgraded to KDE 2.1 and tried out all four Java Virtual Machines on my
 system: Sun's 1.3.0, Blackdown's 1.3.0, IBM's 1.3.0 and Sun's JDK 1.2.2.

 And the winner is...

 IBM 1.3.-6

 The exact file is:

Benjamin, where or how exactly did you find the IBM Java, I went to the
you posted and searched all over for the jre-1.3 download and found
What am I missing here.  TIA for the info,
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] MODEM Com port?

2001-03-10 Per discussione Ed Tharp

first charley... can you access the bios (CMOS) setup when the computer
starts, and turn OFF "plug and pray aware OS" (since *nix -like linux- are
not plug and pray aware OS) then run (SU to root in a console window -
without the quotes-) "cat /proc/pci" and read the info printed out...
looking for a communication controller or something... that will tell you
the info to setup a "setserial" command. post the info or e-mail me and I
will try to help. I would bet USR or 3com would have some info on their
website too
- Original Message -
From: "Charley  Peggy Robinson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 5:59 PM
Subject: [newbie] MODEM Com port?

   I'm using a 3-Com (USR)  MD-U56P2977 PCI hardware (they told me)
 MODEM.  The BIOS in the 'pooter assigned it to Com 5, according to win
 dev mgr.  Trouble is,  X or Gnome deal only with Coms 1 - 4, so I can't
 reconfigure the SW in a GUI.  Sadly, I don't know enuff yet to do it in
 console mode.  I've been searching MUO, MNO, etc, but haven't found any
 specific info yet.

   Can anyone tell me where the info is stored and how to access/change
 the com port?



Re: [newbie] What's up with the list?

2001-03-10 Per discussione Ed Tharp

it's not a "mystery" it's a "random enhancement" of the list.G
- Original Message - 
From: "Adrian Smith" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What's up with the list?

it happens.  sometimes i post  it shows up 3 days later.
sometimes i also get as many as 40 copys of the same message.
who knows
it's one of those mysteries of the world.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Chantha [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10:15:37 AM 3/8/01 
Why does it take so long for our emails to go through?

Chantha K.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] Sneaky Bast....

2001-03-10 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 10 March 2001 12:19 pm, Hans N. wrote:
 I saw this about Microsoft and their recent decision to open up their
 source code a smidgen:

234 2%2c00.html

 The gist of it in my opinion..."Take a look at our source code, make your
 programs work better with Windows, don't program for the other guys"

 I didn't bother with that link (to messed up in your post), but I 
believe I'm familiar with the story.  Actually there's many ongoing 
stories.  The one about M$ opening their code needs careful reading. It's 
nothing new, you must be a 1500 license user (eg, a very few big $$ 
corporates), and then you're allowed to see (and _ absolutely nothing_ 
else) some of the code under severely restrictive NDA type agreements.  
There's really nothing new here, it's a typical Uncle Billy PR deal without 
substance.   Billy's been opening his code on a 'need to know' basis to 
bigger 'customers' since day one.  For a fairly concise disscussion of 
this, search recent linux-kernel mailing list archives.  About the only one 
who hasn't bothered to comment is Linus himself.  

   The other story(s) is the many and recents hacks of M$ servers and OS 
users, including the one a little while back about the exposure of their 
development code.  But, the latest of these leaks/hacks is within the last 
few days.http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/17462.html  or the not 
recent at all, but only recently admitted  

   WinXP source on a CD near you ?  Pay for the shipping with your Windoze 
user neighbor's credit card ?   ;  Could it be that Billy wants to leak 
his next OS to the net in the hopes that the 'community' can fix it up as 
they do with Linux, BSD's and such ?  ;  Specially since there's always 
an item in the news about the latest virus, worm, trojan, etc, that only 
affects Winblows users.    OR is Billy letting a few take a peek at the 
code so he can blame his leaks and/or vunerabilities on somebody else ? 

   There's really only one lesson I see in all these Redmond 
embarassments that's of any import to average PC users.  That being, DON'T 
use any M$ product to connect to, surf, or read mail / news on the Net.  If 
you currently are, it might not be to late to STOP.   Yeah, I'm aiming that 
at all those on this list that still choose to use Windoze in any form or 
shape on the Internet.   You've been warned   ;
Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever, 
 he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] GRUB problem.

2001-03-10 Per discussione bascule

i'm only stabbing in the dark, but i'm guessing that you mean that you want 
to boot the win2k bootloader that then offers you win2k or win9x, is win2k 
like other versions of win and picky about being on the 'first' hard drive? 
if so what about getting grub to map the hard drives from first and second to 
second and first respectively?

this may be tosh but then again...


On Thursday 08 March 2001 11:27 pm, mok unexpected wrote:
 Here the story goes,
 Primary harddisk holds only Mandrake 7.2, where GRUB
 is the default loader. Secondary harddisk has Windows
 ME and Windows 200 (dual boot). 
 So at GRUB, to activate the Windows partition
 chainloader, the code is:
 title Windows
 bootnoverify (hd1,0) #second hd
 chainloader +1
 According to the man GRUB, this should be the syntax
 to load another chainloader in different hd (other
 than the first hd). But after the whole night of
 trying, I still can't get it works, anyone has done
 the similar things before? Anyone can help?
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] LM 7.2 in Toronto, Ont. Canada.

2001-03-10 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 10 March 2001 10:25 am, Romanator wrote:
 s wrote:
  Well, if you're spending and losing lots of time searching locally, you
  could possibly order if from somewhere off the web and get it delivered
  in comparable time.  There are too many to begin listing, but start and
  LM own site, they have links to ordering and there's cheapbytes.

  Jeez, if it's that hard to get 7.2 in yankeeland. I'll mail a set of 
7.2 cd's to the first Canuck that send's me a snail mail address ;   You 
just have to promise to share 'em with all the other deprived Maple Leafs ;)

    and then donations to Mandrake would be nice to.  Send a check to:
MandrakeSoft Canada 
360 Place Royale, Bureau 8 
Montreal (Quebec) H2Y 2V1 

Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever, 
 he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

[newbie] Real Player 8.0

2001-03-10 Per discussione Robert Maynord

Mandrake Folks:

Today, I downloaded the Real Player version 8.0 RPM.   When I tried to 
install, I received the "incorrect architecture" message some have referred 
to (I feel confident that I have the correct version). One person on a news 
group suggested that version 7 worked, but I found that it is no longer at 
the Real Audio site.  

I am using Mandrake 7.2 on a P200 with KDE 2.1.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!


Re: [newbie] LM 7.2 in Toronto, Ont. Canada.

2001-03-10 Per discussione Romanator

Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Saturday 10 March 2001 10:25 am, Romanator wrote:
  s wrote:
   Well, if you're spending and losing lots of time searching locally, you
   could possibly order if from somewhere off the web and get it delivered
   in comparable time.  There are too many to begin listing, but start and
   LM own site, they have links to ordering and there's cheapbytes.
   Jeez, if it's that hard to get 7.2 in yankeeland. I'll mail a set of
 7.2 cd's to the first Canuck that send's me a snail mail address ;   You
 just have to promise to share 'em with all the other deprived Maple Leafs ;)
 and then donations to Mandrake would be nice to.  Send a check to:
 MandrakeSoft Canada
 360 Place Royale, Bureau 8
 Montreal (Quebec) H2Y 2V1
 Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever,
  he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
   Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

Albeit, the Maple Leafs haven't won a cup since the late '60s, they sure
make a ton of money.
It's hard to believe that a big mega city such as Toronto has poor
distribution of Linux. I don't see much advertizing on the web. Let's
blame it on the Leafs. Every one else does.

Registered Linux User #179293
Powered By the Tux Email Creator

Re: [newbie] Real Player 8.0

2001-03-10 Per discussione Romanator

Robert Maynord wrote:
 Mandrake Folks:
 Today, I downloaded the Real Player version 8.0 RPM.   When I tried to
 install, I received the "incorrect architecture" message some have referred
 to (I feel confident that I have the correct version). One person on a news
 group suggested that version 7 worked, but I found that it is no longer at
 the Real Audio site.
 I am using Mandrake 7.2 on a P200 with KDE 2.1.
 Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!

Download the ".bin" Unix/Linux version of RealPlayer8. That's what I'm
using with no problems.

Registered Linux User #179293
Powered By the Tux Email Creator

Re: [newbie] Real Player 8.0

2001-03-10 Per discussione Lionel Chan

On Sunday 11 March 2001 04:23, Romanator wrote:
 Robert Maynord wrote:
  Mandrake Folks:
  Today, I downloaded the Real Player version 8.0 RPM.   When I tried to
  install, I received the "incorrect architecture" message some have
  referred to (I feel confident that I have the correct version). One
  person on a news group suggested that version 7 worked, but I found that
  it is no longer at the Real Audio site.
  I am using Mandrake 7.2 on a P200 with KDE 2.1.
  Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!

 Download the ".bin" Unix/Linux version of RealPlayer8. That's what I'm
 using with no problems.

With the .bin version I get a core dump towards the end of installation.  It 
doesn't seem to have any impact on the program itself though.
I also observed that if I were to create a Real Player application icon on 
the kde 2.0 desktop it will not work until I select the "Run in terminal" 
option.  Doesn't seem normal to me.  Any ideas?  Thanks very much.

~Linux Forever~

[newbie] Wacko resolution

2001-03-10 Per discussione Meph Istopheles


  Till this morning, I've been running X at 1280 res with 4
billion colours.  Now, I get an unspecified error when I try to
change the 16-bit colour at 1024 res.

  I'd figured maybe it was time to switch to XFree 4.01.  Can't
find how other than to install it.  Did that, no change.  Even
ran XFree86config to no avail.

  I've a Diamond Viper 770D with 32MB RAM , naturally, using the
Riva TNT2 module which comes with lm7.2.

  Any help would be appreciated.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] stupid useless program talk

2001-03-10 Per discussione David E. Fox

On Monday 05 March 2001 03:57, you wrote:
 I don't see what good 'talk' is.

Apparently other people can't either, which is why we have proprietary ICQ 
protocol clients and servers etc.

ICQ is there to fill a need that shouldn't really need to exist - chatting 
directly with a user over the internet. Unfortunately, not everyone has a 
real direct internet connection, or is running Linux :).


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Re: [newbie] KPPP problems

2001-03-10 Per discussione James Mellema

A quick reply to my own message here. kppp works OK, I can ping the
network I am connecting to, I just can't get netscape to recognize the


James Mellema wrote:
 I am running Mandrake 7.2 with the latest updates of kppp, netscape and
 Konqueror. I have an external modem on tty0 which connects using kppp
 without difficulty. I have just lost my slow/unreliable DSL connection,
 and replaced it with a 56k dial-up.
 For some reason, which escapes me at present, I am unable to get
 netscape (or the rest of the system for that matter) to recognize the
 change. The modem dials and connects without difficulty but the I cannot
 resolve addresses in Netscape or Konqueror. I have changed
 etc/resolve.conf to reflect the change in DNS servers. It appears the
 requests are not being transmitted to the modem, as the lights do not
 flash and no packets are noted in the log screen. I think the system is
 still trying to resolve addresses through the ethernet connection to the
 router. Is there something in networking I need to change to get the
 system to recognize the dialup connection?
 James Mellema
 Linux User #71650

Re: [newbie] LM 7.2 in Toronto, Ont. Canada.

2001-03-10 Per discussione jddickson

Try Business Depot.  They have both the Complete boxed set and the

You can also get the downloadable CDs from Computer Helper Guy (chguy.net).

- Original Message -
From: "Pavel Zubkov" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 8:43 AM
Subject: [newbie] LM 7.2 in Toronto, Ont. Canada.

 Hi to everybody.  Stupid question:  does anyone from Toronto knows where
to buy
 LM 7.2?  I searched for  a while but couldn't found the place that sells
 If anyone knows of a store in Toronto that sells LM 7.2 could you let me
 Thanx in advance,

Re: [newbie] What's up with the list?

2001-03-10 Per discussione s

Hey, what about those that make it to the list and become visible, and then 
several days later a undeliverable message notice with it attached appears?
:)  What's that?

On Saturday 10 March 2001 05:13 pm, you wrote:
 it's not a "mystery" it's a "random enhancement" of the list.G
 - Original Message -
 From: "Adrian Smith" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 2:20 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] What's up with the list?

 it happens.  sometimes i post  it shows up 3 days later.
 sometimes i also get as many as 40 copys of the same message.
 who knows
 it's one of those mysteries of the world.

 Adrian Smith
 'de telepone dude
 Telecom Dept.
 x 7042

  Chantha [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10:15:37 AM 3/8/01 

 Why does it take so long for our emails to go through?

 Chantha K.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

[newbie] Tax software

2001-03-10 Per discussione s

Has anyone found properly functioning tax filing software for linux yet?  I 
have search to no avail.  Those that I found don't really work so well (if at 

Augh man, don't tell me I have to boot into windows for this?  :(


RE: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

2001-03-10 Per discussione Hans N.

Everything you say is so annoying and disrespectful, I'm going to filter you
to my trash. Have a great day.

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 4:38 PM
To: Linux-Mandrake
Subject: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

GO BACK to where you joined this list...
THERE, you'll also find (if you'll ONLY read)
a way to get off the list.

OF COURSE,  " IF " you can READ
Registered Linux User: 167369
= http://www.kompukit.com =
Personal WebServer:   http://kompukit.dyndns.org
WebDesigner:  http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

Re: [newbie] Real Player 8.0

2001-03-10 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear Roman and friends:

Using LM72.

I tried installing the .bin version of RealPlayer 8. Yes, it installed
without a hitch. But, unless I am mistaken, it would not install the
plugins and I could never view or listen to any embedded instances of
RealPlayer on the Web. 

What's your experience? Try http://www.cbsnews.com or http://www.cnn.com
and tell us if you can access them or any embedded Real files, streaming
or archived.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

2001-03-10 Per discussione KompuKit

well, how many times...do we hear this same question from people...
who simply refuse to READ instructions...FIRST before they do

do what you want...that is your perogative...
I know what I'm doing...when I do things...

it is because:  TRUTH HURTS  
people don't like to hear the truth about themselves...
so they get upset, and angry...at those who speak it...

"Hans N." wrote:
 Everything you say is so annoying and disrespectful, I'm going to filter you
 to my trash. Have a great day.
 Sincerely and respectfully,
 Hans N.
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 4:38 PM
 To: Linux-Mandrake
 Subject: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list
 GO BACK to where you joined this list...
 THERE, you'll also find (if you'll ONLY read)
 a way to get off the list.
 OF COURSE,  " IF " you can READ
 Registered Linux User: 167369
 = http://www.kompukit.com =
 Personal WebServer:   http://kompukit.dyndns.org
 WebDesigner:  http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
 (Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)
  (US EST)

Registered Linux User: 167369
= http://www.kompukit.com =
Personal WebServer:   http://kompukit.dyndns.org
WebDesigner:  http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

RE: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

2001-03-10 Per discussione Jeff Norris

There's one in every crowd, they say. What's the bumper sticker say ? "Mean
people suck" ? :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hans N.
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 10:36 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

Everything you say is so annoying and disrespectful, I'm going to filter you
to my trash. Have a great day.

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 4:38 PM
To: Linux-Mandrake
Subject: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

GO BACK to where you joined this list...
THERE, you'll also find (if you'll ONLY read)
a way to get off the list.

OF COURSE,  " IF " you can READ
Registered Linux User: 167369
= http://www.kompukit.com =
Personal WebServer:   http://kompukit.dyndns.org
WebDesigner:  http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

Re: [newbie] KPPP problems

2001-03-10 Per discussione P Martin

And I have the same issue with my internal modem. My Dell Latitude laptop took
everything ok and I can connect, but not my main box. I even set up both
systems (the net connection stuff that is) the same.


James Mellema wrote:

 A quick reply to my own message here. kppp works OK, I can ping the
 network I am connecting to, I just can't get netscape to recognize the


 James Mellema wrote:
  I am running Mandrake 7.2 with the latest updates of kppp, netscape and
  Konqueror. I have an external modem on tty0 which connects using kppp
  without difficulty. I have just lost my slow/unreliable DSL connection,
  and replaced it with a 56k dial-up.
  For some reason, which escapes me at present, I am unable to get
  netscape (or the rest of the system for that matter) to recognize the
  change. The modem dials and connects without difficulty but the I cannot
  resolve addresses in Netscape or Konqueror. I have changed
  etc/resolve.conf to reflect the change in DNS servers. It appears the
  requests are not being transmitted to the modem, as the lights do not
  flash and no packets are noted in the log screen. I think the system is
  still trying to resolve addresses through the ethernet connection to the
  router. Is there something in networking I need to change to get the
  system to recognize the dialup connection?
  James Mellema
  Linux User #71650

[newbie] KDE2 and ~/.xsession-errors bloat

2001-03-10 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Ever since I started using KDE2, my ~/.xsession-errors file size has 
been ballooning out of control. I began with beta versions of KDE 2.0 
and have been constantly upgrading them until now. I currently use 
Mandrake's KDE 2.1 RPM release and I still am having the same problem. 
I don't use KDE as my desktop (I use GNOME), but I use many KDE apps 
like Konqueror, Kmail and Kedit. Today, I checked my 
~/.xsession-errors file after nearly five days of uptime only to find 
that it was 804.5MB! No, that is not a typo, I mean eight hundred and 
four point five megabytes! I usually just delete the file when I find 
that it has grown to a large size. I don't seem to get that many 
errors; only the occasional konqueror crash. Is there any way to halt 
this problem dead in its tracks?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Real Player 8.0

2001-03-10 Per discussione s

On Saturday 10 March 2001 07:47 pm, you wrote:
 On Sunday 11 March 2001 04:23, Romanator wrote:
  Robert Maynord wrote:
   Mandrake Folks:
   Today, I downloaded the Real Player version 8.0 RPM.   When I tried to
   install, I received the "incorrect architecture" message some have
   referred to (I feel confident that I have the correct version). One
   person on a news group suggested that version 7 worked, but I found
   that it is no longer at the Real Audio site.
   I am using Mandrake 7.2 on a P200 with KDE 2.1.
   Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!
  Download the ".bin" Unix/Linux version of RealPlayer8. That's what I'm
  using with no problems.

 With the .bin version I get a core dump towards the end of installation. 
 It doesn't seem to have any impact on the program itself though.
 I also observed that if I were to create a Real Player application icon on
 the kde 2.0 desktop it will not work until I select the "Run in terminal"
 option.  Doesn't seem normal to me.  Any ideas?  Thanks very much.

I was just messing with it on my RH machine and had the same thing occur.  
The only way I could figure how to deal with it was to make a link in a 
ln -s /usr/local/RealPlayer8/realplay /home/user/Desktop

Re: [newbie] cdrecord

2001-03-10 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Could the problem be heat? I have had similar problems after a few 
burns or on hot days due to the drive overheating. Try to get your 
drive as cool as possible and then try burning at single speed. Also, 
try double speed, since many recorders out there don't like burning at 
single speed.

On Sun, 11 Mar 2001 06:34, angry wrote:
 I'm pulling my hair out here, can't get cdrecording to work.  here
 is all the
 info i can think of, hope someone can help

 [m0loch@cartman m0loch]$ uname -r

 [root@cartman /root]# cdrecord -scanbus
 Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jrg
 Linux sg driver version: 3.1.17
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
 0,0,0 0) 'MITSUMI ' 'CR-4802TE   ' '1.9D' Removable
 0,1,0 1) *
 0,2,0 2) *
 0,3,0 3) *
 0,4,0 4) *
 0,5,0 5) *
 0,6,0 6) *
 0,7,0 7) *

 from /var/log/messages
 Mar  9 15:15:35 cartman kernel: SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
 Mar  9 15:15:35 cartman kernel: scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation
 for IDE ATAPI devices
 Mar  9 15:15:35 cartman kernel:   Vendor: MITSUMI   Model:
 CR-4802TE Rev: 1.9D
 Mar  9 15:15:35 cartman kernel:   Type:
 revision: 02

 the process and resulting error
 [root@cartman /root]# cdrecord dev=0,0,0 -dummy blank=fast
 Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jrg
 scsidev: '0,0,0'
 scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0
 Linux sg driver version: 3.1.17
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
 Device type: Removable CD-ROM
 Version: 0
 Response Format: 1
 Vendor_info: 'MITSUMI '
 Identifikation : 'CR-4802TE   '
 Revision   : '1.9D'
 Device seems to be: Philips CDD-522.
 Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
 Driver flags   : SWABAUDIO
 Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 1 in dummy mode for single
 session. Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 1 in dummy mode for
 single session. Last chance to quit, starting dummy write in 1
 cdrecord: Input/output error. prevent/allow medium removal: scsi
 sendcmd: retryable error
 CDB:  1E 00 00 00 00 00
 status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
 Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 2C 00 00 00
 Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
 Sense Code: 0x2C Qual 0x00 (command sequence error) Fru 0x0
 Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
 cmd finished after 0.000s timeout 40s

 the lilo.conf line
 have also used kernel 2.2.17 with same results
 also updated cdrw firmware to 2.1 with same results


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] KPPP problems

2001-03-10 Per discussione James Mellema

James Mellema wrote:
 A quick reply to my own message here. kppp works OK, I can ping the
 network I am connecting to, I just can't get netscape to recognize the

Further information with my connection problem: went to root an dstarted
ppp0 in linuxconf. It dials, connects, and netscape works. Now I need to
get it to work in my user space. I 'su'ed to root and did a 'ifup ppp0'
modem dialed and everything works, but I think there must be a better
way, I'll take any suggestions.


James Mellema, CRNA
Linux User # 71650
ICQ #19685870

Re: [newbie] MODEM Com port?

2001-03-10 Per discussione Ben

Actually, Ed, I had much the same problem. USR's technical support(including web site) 
was about as helpful as sticking my face in a meat grinder. That's a gripe for another 
time, however.

While he could disable PnP in his BIOS it could affect the modem's operation in 
windows. I was directed to the following information by another member of this list, 
as a matter of fact.

You need to tag this onto the end of one of your startup scripts:
exec setserial /dev/ttyS4 irq ? port ? ^fourport ^auto_irq skip_test autoconfig spd_vhi

You will need to replace the first question mark with the IRQ that the device is 
using. You can either do this by looking for the device's information in /proc/pci or, 
if you're not quite on your penguin feet yet, in the windows device manager. The port 
setting(second question mark) I'd suggest you find in the /proc/pci file. (Might try 
"grep -A 5 USR" if you don't feel like digging through the whole file. If your kernel 
doesn't recognize the brand of the modem it may not work, though.)

Once you have that information in the startup script you'll want to(as root) go into 
the /dev/ directory and do the following
rm -f modem
ln -s /dev/ttyS4 /dev/modem

Then you can use the device /dev/modem in any dialer from then on.
  Hope this works for you.

  - Ben

--Original Message--
From: "Ed Tharp" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: March 10, 2001 11:28:45 PM GMT
Subject: Re: [newbie] MODEM Com port?

first charley... can you access the bios (CMOS) setup when the computer
starts, and turn OFF "plug and pray aware OS" (since *nix -like linux- are
not plug and pray aware OS) then run (SU to root in a console window -
without the quotes-) "cat /proc/pci" and read the info printed out...
looking for a communication controller or something... that will tell you
the info to setup a "setserial" command. post the info or e-mail me and I
will try to help. I would bet USR or 3com would have some info on their
website too
- Original Message -
From: "Charley  Peggy Robinson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 5:59 PM
Subject: [newbie] MODEM Com port?

   I'm using a 3-Com (USR)  MD-U56P2977 PCI hardware (they told me)
 MODEM.  The BIOS in the 'pooter assigned it to Com 5, according to win
 dev mgr.  Trouble is,  X or Gnome deal only with Coms 1 - 4, so I can't
 reconfigure the SW in a GUI.  Sadly, I don't know enuff yet to do it in
 console mode.  I've been searching MUO, MNO, etc, but haven't found any
 specific info yet.

   Can anyone tell me where the info is stored and how to access/change
 the com port?



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Re: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

2001-03-10 Per discussione Miark

Hans! That is an excellent idea! I'm gonna do that
immediately, too.

Which brings up a question: is there some way to ban people
from this list?


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 8:35 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

 Everything you say is so annoying and disrespectful, I'm
going to filter you
 to my trash. Have a great day.

 Sincerely and respectfully,
 Hans N.

 -Original Message-
Behalf Of
 Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 4:38 PM
 To: Linux-Mandrake
 Subject: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

 GO BACK to where you joined this list...
 THERE, you'll also find (if you'll ONLY read)
 a way to get off the list.

 OF COURSE,  " IF " you can READ
 Registered Linux User: 167369
 = http://www.kompukit.com =
 Personal WebServer:   http://kompukit.dyndns.org
 WebDesigner:  http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
 (Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)
  (US EST)

Re: [newbie] Real Player 8.0

2001-03-10 Per discussione michael

On Saturday 10 March 2001 19:42, you wrote:
 Dear Roman and friends:

 Using LM72.

 I tried installing the .bin version of RealPlayer 8. Yes, it installed
 without a hitch. But, unless I am mistaken, it would not install the
 plugins and I could never view or listen to any embedded instances of
 RealPlayer on the Web.

 What's your experience? Try http://www.cbsnews.com or http://www.cnn.com
 and tell us if you can access them or any embedded Real files, streaming
 or archived.


I tried the rpm, which has always worked for me, and this time got a kernel 
panic like I have never seen...7.2 with kde 2.1 but otherwise stock. Never 
seen this before, and I have installed it at least 10 times on my old p3.

Is there a problem with linux-mandrake and athlons?? 