R: [newbie-it] Modem non funzionante

2001-07-03 Per discussione luca laghi

 Grazie per l'informazione, ma essendo io un newbie di Linux, dove trovo
 e come lo lancio ?

Lo trovi direttamente nel menu di KDE sotto i servizi di rete.
Oppure penso che tu possa lanciarlo da riga di comando dopo aver aperto
Xwindows. Se per caso dopo il lancio avessi delle difficoltà a terminarlo,
puoi idendificarne il PID corrispondente con ps -ax, che ti elenca i
processi attivi, poi dai kill numero-PID.

Re: R: [newbie-it] Modem non funzionante

2001-07-03 Per discussione Andrea Celli

luca laghi wrote:
  Grazie per l'informazione, ma essendo io un newbie di Linux, dove trovo
  e come lo lancio ?
 Lo trovi direttamente nel menu di KDE sotto i servizi di rete.
 Oppure penso che tu possa lanciarlo da riga di comando dopo aver aperto
 Xwindows. Se per caso dopo il lancio avessi delle difficoltà a terminarlo,
 puoi idendificarne il PID corrispondente con ps -ax, che ti elenca i
 processi attivi, poi dai kill numero-PID.

Sei un po' catastrofico. :-)
kppp ha dei bellissimi pulsanti esci per uscirne.

In caso di emergenza, sul desktop c'e` un'icona rossa xkill.
Basta cliccarci sopra, il puntatore del mouse diventa un teschio
e con questo clicchi sulla finestra del programma da uccidere.

Se e` lanciato da linea di comando in un xterm, bastera` un 

Per lanciare kppp basta cliccare sull'icona internet
presente sul desktop. Poi premere configura.

Comunque, kppp e` abbastanza facile da usare. Se premi il tasto
centrale (o destro? non ricordo) del mouse sui vari pulsanti 
interni ti esce una finestrella di help. Sulla pagina del LUG
di Genova (httP;//www.fisica.unige.it/~linuxgrp o simili)
c'e` un manualetto per usare kppp sotto le vecchie RedHat-6.x.
Il da fare su una Mandrake e` un sottoinsieme stretto.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Soundblaster 128 e Epson Stylus Photo 870

2001-07-03 Per discussione freefred

On Monday 02 July 2001 22:36, you wrote:

 ... e per quanto riguarda la velocità?

direi uguale
o quantomeno le differenze non mi sembrano rilevanti
(ma la 440 non e' comunque una scheggia)

Ho forse sbagliato qualche

non ne so molto, la mia e' stata riconosciuta subito,
non ho dovuto fare praticamente nulla.

cosa dicono della tua stampante a www.linuxprinting.org?


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[newbie-it] non riesco a ricevere la posta con Kmail !!

2001-07-03 Per discussione GiulioF

ho installato KMail come programma di posta e l'ho 
configurato ma quando cerco di ricevere mi da questo 
" Could not start process
 Unable to create io-slave :
 Klauncer said Unknow protocol pop3 "

uso wind e come pop3 ho inserito: 
Qualcuno sa dirmi come mai non funziona ??
Ciao e grazie per la risposta 

Re: [newbie-it] Lingua

2001-07-03 Per discussione legion

-Messaggio Originale-
Data invio: martedì 3 luglio 2001 22.39
Oggetto: [newbie-it] Lingua

| Ho resettato le impostazione di Gnome; come effetto secondario, alcuni
| programmi risultano ora avere le opzioni in lingua inglese... non che
| sia un gran fastidio, ma vorrei sapere a cosa potrebbe essere dovuto e
| come reitalianizzare il tutto!

io ho un problema con KDE... a volte si avvia col menu di avvio (bottone in
basso a sinistra) e tutte le voci in inglese
una volta aperte le appz sono sempre in italiano cmq
cosa puo' essere?

[newbie-it] Configurare xterm

2001-07-03 Per discussione GiulioF

Ciao prima di tutto ringrazio chi mi risponderà 
Uso Mandrake 8.0 e vorrei sapere dove sono i file di 
configurazione di xterm (e anche come sia fa a trovarli)

Quello che vorrei fare è inserire i font + grandi (perchè 
se no divento cieco!)
Ciao !

[newbie-it] Bloccare il processo di stampa e altro

2001-07-03 Per discussione CaMiX

Ciao a tutti.

Allora, volevo dirvi che la mia Epson 870 pare funzionare abbastanza bene 
(velocità compresa) usando i driver CUPS. Pensate dovrei usarne altri? Era 
solo la stampa della oagina di test che oltre alla qualità squallida, 
risultava di una lentezza allucinante. Usando invece altri programmi, anche a 
1440x720 non ci sta moltissimo. 
Ma la cosa che invece vi chiedo è: come si blocca il processo di stampa? Ho 
provato a usare il programmino per la gestione della coda ma non mi blocca la 
stampa in corso... Esiste un qualche modo, anche tramite shell per fermare la 
amata-odiata stampante?
Il Gimp l'ho installato usando l'RPM che c'era nella distro (ma così che 
diverimento c'è? :P). Ah, scusate un attimo: sapete mica come debba fare per 
evitare che la finestra di stampa (quella dove c'è la preview) mi esca dallo 
schermo? Al minimo della sua grandezza mi esce... Ho provato a cambiare 
risoluzione del monitor (quella del Gimp), ma niente. Non penso che sia da 
usare solo a 1440x720. Almeno spero. Cmq non riesco a cambiare la 800x600 
perché mi dà un errore (per me indecifrabile, qualcosa che mi dice che il 
chipset (della scheda grafica suppongo...) non supporta quella modalità. Non 
riesco proprio a capire... Boh.
Mentre la stampa è stata ottima.
Altra (ennesima) doamanda: avreste mica un programma da consigliarmi per lo 
sharing (degli mp3 + che altro)?
Ancora mille grazie a tutti

CaMiX (Simone se preferite ;) )

Re: [newbie-it] Bloccare il processo di stampa e altro

2001-07-03 Per discussione bosva

 Ma la cosa che invece vi chiedo è: come si blocca il processo di stampa? Ho
 provato a usare il programmino per la gestione della coda ma non mi blocca la
 stampa in corso... Esiste un qualche modo, anche tramite shell per fermare la
 amata-odiata stampante?

...anche io ho avuto problemi per bloccare lunghe stampe in
corso...all'inizio senza successo, anzi addirittura uscivo da linux,
spegnevo tutto e riaccendevo e la stampa mi ripartiva...
alla fine, semplicemente, da console ho bloccato con kill i processi di
stampa, dopo averne individuato i pid dando il comando top...a volte la
soluzione è così...semplice
ciao, osva

Re: [newbie-it] staroffice

2001-07-03 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 00:33, martedì 03 luglio 2001, scrivesti:
 Il 20:17, lunedì 02 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
  Io ho installato StarOffice 5.2 senza nessun problema...

 Ciao a tutti,
 scusate per l'ingenuità della domanda. Io ho il Power Pack originale
 della Mandrake 7.2, ma ora sto usando la Mandrake 8.0. Posso
 installare sulla 8.0 i pacchetti RPM di StarOffice 5.2 presi dai CD
 della 7.2?
 Grazie in anticipo per la risposta...

Probabilmente funziona, comunque puoi provare tranquillamente, non fai 
nessun danno. Magari prova ad installare gli rpm da linea di comando 
come utente root, così vedi bene eventuali errori. Al massimo non ti si 
installa, ma di danni non se ne fanno.

Fabio Coatti   http://www.ferrara.linux.it/members/cova 
Ferrara Linux Users Group   http://ferrara.linux.it
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Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] mdk8.0 su suse

2001-07-03 Per discussione bosva

salve a tutti...domandina da vero neofita...
oltre a uindos sul mio vecchio hd, ho installato mdk7.2 e suse7.0 su due
diverse partizioni di un nuovo hd.
tutto alla perfezione, ora però volevo sbarazzarmi di suse (preferendo
mdk) e provare a vedere come gira mdk8.0
la mia domanda è questa...potrò installare mdk8.0 sopra suse senza
perdere i dati che ho nella directory home? evitando cioè di cancellare
i dati?
...non so se mi sono spiegato bene...ma vi ringrazio comunque per
ciao, osva

Re: [newbie] rpmdrake problem

2001-07-03 Per discussione n6tadam


I am aware that urpmi, is a dependency for Rpmdrake, and that urpmi does
hold a dependency list for known rpms, but I don't think cilvileme is quite
correct :-))

I have installed rpmdrake, without urpmi, and it has worked fine for me.
Rpmdrake, I think, uses python as its front-end (gtk-python). Perhaps one of
these scripts is in error???

I suggest removing rpmdrake, and then re-installing it. Ignore Urpmi.


Thomas Adam

- Original Message -
From: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jeffery Chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] rpmdrake problem

 On Monday 02 July 2001 15:21, Jeffery Chapman wrote:
  I was trying to set up rpmdrake to pull the rpms from another
  directory. I followed the instructions in the manual but  there
  seemed to be a problem since it was taking so long. Apparently I
  just didn't wait long enough.
  I killed the process and now rpmdrake doesn't work at all. As soon
  as I start the app it dies and  I get a message on the console
  saying: Error: can't build the groups list. I saw in the archive
  that someone had a similar problem earlier but the final solution
  was never posted. I've reinstalled rpmdrake but the problem
  persists. Any ideas?
  Jeff Chapman
  Software Engineer
  Registered Linux User #218160

 Well you have a corrupted urpmi database.  Try reinstalling urpmi


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Re: [newbie] swat: connection to host locahost broken

2001-07-03 Per discussione n6tadam


You certainly have a strange problem :-)). My first inclination, is to check
your /etc/hosts file, to make sure that the correct entries are listed

I would also make sure that, if not already, there is an entry for

Have you tried pinging another machine (except localhost), to see if you get
any replies???


Thomas Adam

- Original Message -
From: Alfonso Alba Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 9:31 AM
Subject: [newbie] swat: connection to host locahost broken

 Hi all,

 I using Mandrake 8.0. I have just updated from samba 2.0.9 to samba
 2.0.10 using MandrakeUpdate. After updating, I could no longer use swat.
 I get the following error messages

 Konqueror: connection to host localhost broken
 Netscape: document contain no data
 lynx: Alert! unexpected network read error; connection aborted 

 I have checked the file /etc/xinet.d/swat and everything looks right:
 service swat
 disable = no
 port= 901
 socket_type = stream
 wait= no
 only_from = localhost
 user= root
 server  = /usr/sbin/swat
 log_on_failure  += USERID

 I have checked as well that swat is up by chkconfig --list. I got swat:
 on. Any idea of what is going on? Before the update, everything was
 working properly.

 Thanks in advance.

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the message and return it to the original sender.

If you have any complaints about this message please reply to:

The Purbeck School E-Mail server running:

Re: [newbie] swat: connection to host locahost broken

2001-07-03 Per discussione Alfonso Alba Garcia


My hosts file looks OK. It looks like this localhost.localdomain localhost
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX blablablablablabla

so I have 2 entries: the normal and my IP. I can ping without
any problem to other machines. I think I will re-install the packages by
hand (using the rpm) and see what happens...


n6tadam wrote:
 You certainly have a strange problem :-)). My first inclination, is to check
 your /etc/hosts file, to make sure that the correct entries are listed
 I would also make sure that, if not already, there is an entry for
 Have you tried pinging another machine (except localhost), to see if you get
 any replies???
 Thomas Adam
 - Original Message -
 From: Alfonso Alba Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 9:31 AM
 Subject: [newbie] swat: connection to host locahost broken
  Hi all,
  I using Mandrake 8.0. I have just updated from samba 2.0.9 to samba
  2.0.10 using MandrakeUpdate. After updating, I could no longer use swat.
  I get the following error messages
  Konqueror: connection to host localhost broken
  Netscape: document contain no data
  lynx: Alert! unexpected network read error; connection aborted 
  I have checked the file /etc/xinet.d/swat and everything looks right:
  service swat
  disable = no
  port= 901
  socket_type = stream
  wait= no
  only_from = localhost
  user= root
  server  = /usr/sbin/swat
  log_on_failure  += USERID
  I have checked as well that swat is up by chkconfig --list. I got swat:
  on. Any idea of what is going on? Before the update, everything was
  working properly.
  Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] swat: connection to host locahost broken

2001-07-03 Per discussione Alfonso Alba Garcia

I have reinstalled samba version 2.0.7 (the one comming with the CD) and
I get the same  error messages...There must be something wrong

I can access my computer normally via httpd, and in the logs of the
httpd (/var/log/httpd/*.log) I could not find any clue.

Any ideas or other places (newsgroups or mailing lists) where I can find
information to solve this problem?

Thanks again.

Alfonso Alba Garcia wrote:
 My hosts file looks OK. It looks like this localhost.localdomain localhost
 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX blablablablablabla
 so I have 2 entries: the normal and my IP. I can ping without
 any problem to other machines. I think I will re-install the packages by
 hand (using the rpm) and see what happens...
 n6tadam wrote:
  You certainly have a strange problem :-)). My first inclination, is to check
  your /etc/hosts file, to make sure that the correct entries are listed
  I would also make sure that, if not already, there is an entry for
  Have you tried pinging another machine (except localhost), to see if you get
  any replies???
  Thomas Adam
  - Original Message -
  From: Alfonso Alba Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 9:31 AM
  Subject: [newbie] swat: connection to host locahost broken
   Hi all,
   I using Mandrake 8.0. I have just updated from samba 2.0.9 to samba
   2.0.10 using MandrakeUpdate. After updating, I could no longer use swat.
   I get the following error messages
   Konqueror: connection to host localhost broken
   Netscape: document contain no data
   lynx: Alert! unexpected network read error; connection aborted 
   I have checked the file /etc/xinet.d/swat and everything looks right:
   service swat
   disable = no
   port= 901
   socket_type = stream
   wait= no
   only_from = localhost
   user= root
   server  = /usr/sbin/swat
   log_on_failure  += USERID
   I have checked as well that swat is up by chkconfig --list. I got swat:
   on. Any idea of what is going on? Before the update, everything was
   working properly.
   Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] No sound for NeoMagic 256AV

2001-07-03 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

Adams, Jamie wrote:
 Also If anyone has any experiance setting up a Yamaha OPL3-SA2 id be
 very much grateful for some advice.

Hi, you can run sndconfig as root to set up your card.


Re: [newbie] No sound for NeoMagic 256AV

2001-07-03 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

Adams, Jamie wrote:
 I dont seem to have the sndconfig program installed, does that not only
 come with Redhat systems?

No, I have the sndconfig package installed from the 2 CD Mandrake 8.0
download distro.


Re: [newbie] USB CD-writer

2001-07-03 Per discussione etharp

have you tried Gcombust? my hp 8210e usb CDrw was completel set up for me by 
the 8.0 install so that all i had to do was start Gcombust, and set where the 
cd I wanted to copy was and hit combust and away it went. I still have not 
been able to set it up so I can see it from the desktop witha better name 
than /dev/scd0. but that will happen soon as ai havre a free weekend when the 
kids go to the beech or out of town with their Mother and leave me ALONE!

On Monday 02 July 2001 23:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  does anyone know of a way to get an HP CD-writer plus 8200i USB CD
 writer working without having to recompile the kernel. i have tried
 recompiling and have not been able to boot correctly. i had the CD writer
 working well with redhat 7.1, but i don't like red hat, i was just trying
 it out. so i am now back to mandrake 8.0 and was wondering if anyone else
 knew of a way to get this device to work.

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Re: Fw: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-07-03 Per discussione Randy Kramer


Thanks for the response, and the secret ;-)

I wonder if it (the secret) works with the roles reversed?  (Yeah, I
think it would -- however, there's some of us that don't enjoy doing
what works -- though that's probably true with the roles reversed also

Randy Kramer

jennifer wrote:
 One thing thing thats great about logging in as a regular user and
 SUING when you have to is that you really begin to understand the
 inner-workings of that system. personally, being an all to trusting
 Admin in a NT environment, I feel too comfortable with the rights. You
 don't know exactly what you can do and the user can't, which foroges the
 purpose of security in a network. I certainly wouldn't want to be
 responsible for setting up a critical system share only to give everyone
 and their alter-ego permissions to it. (I hate being called to the
 office...I had enough in high school) smiles  In any event, forgive me
 if this point has already been made, I honestly did not read through the
 entire thread before responding. But if your purpose is for a insecure
 user friendly internet machine, stay with windows...no harm done. But if
 you want to get intmate enough with the system to adminster its every
 move, learn how it works and manipulate it.
 (apologies for the last comment...I think I just gave out one of womens
 biggest secrets on how to control men) smiles

Re: [newbie] Logitech Videocam

2001-07-03 Per discussione Robin Regennitter

On Monday 02 July 2001 07:43 pm, you wrote:

there is a development on the driver in Sourceforge.net.  It is currently in 
alpha stage.   You can do a search on QuickCam Express.

 Dear All, I was just wondering if the Logitech Videocam is supported by LM8
 and  is it easy to setup? Thanks. Marcia

Re: [newbie] ./ .... why?

2001-07-03 Per discussione Sven Heinicke

DStevenson writes:
  On Wednesday 27 June 2001 06:47, Paul wrote:
   It was Tue, 26 Jun 2001 23:49:01 EDT when [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   It took a while to catch onto the ./ thingy..  now that I know it, I still
   don't understand *why* this is necessary.  I know, it's easy enough to add
it to .bash_profile or wherever, but is there a justifiable reason why
Linux makes you specify that the program you want to execute is in the
current directory?
   Linux just does not assume the dir you are in as part of the path.
   Windoze/Dos do that.
   It is a safety catch. Suppose someone hacks your machine and adds an ls
   program to your home dir. And you do an ls. And this new ls only wipes
   out all the data you have access to. Not too nice, eh?
   Linux/Unix is about safety in the same way Windows is not.
   To give of yourself, you must first know yourself.
   http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
   ** http://www.care2.com - when you care **
  If they can hack your system, then they can hack your path!!! Or you can add 
   a . into your path environment variable. Put the . at the end of the 
  path entries and that way linux will search the other paths first but will 
  always look in the current working directory last of all.

Putting . on the end of your path is safer then putting it on front
but more confusing.  I have had many users who put . on the end of a
path only to get confused because there script called test doesn't
work, if found /usr/bin/test earler on the path.  I still vote for
keeping it off.

[newbie] PPPOE/Roaring Penguin/Network card

2001-07-03 Per discussione rife

Hey everyone,

I'm having problems getting my PPPOE connection going in Linux (MDK 8.0).

Running ifconfig eth0, it would appear as though my network card is
detected and functioning properly.

Installed RP 3.0, and ran ./go (./go-gui wouldn't work for me for some
reason, gave me problem when trying to open gui).  

./go worked fine, but when i try to run adsl-start, it just ...'s until
it times out.  My modem lights don't even flash at this point, so it's
gotta be in the configuration.

In the control panel (can't remember what that thing is called right now,
away from my computer presently), i've checked my network card, and i've
tried giving it an ip of, or (or other non-routable
varients).  Tried setting it to DHCP and to static.  Removed the Load on
boot or whatever it's called as the readme suggests.  PNP OS was already
set to no in my BIOS.

The only thing that bugs me is that under Other Devices in the
device-manager equivilant of kde, i have several things listed there all
very non-descriptive (via somethingoranother).

Any ideas as to how to get my PPPOE connection going?  Thanks


[newbie] Nvidia which drivers

2001-07-03 Per discussione The Conways

My computer has a bx mobo and a geforce 2 mx 32 meg of ram graphic card.
Which are the best drivers?  I understand there are some problems with the
new nvidia drivers.


[newbie] Fw:Sigma Designs Corporation Realmagic 64/GX (SD 6425) graphic card

2001-07-03 Per discussione jose romera higuera

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Hi all,

I have a problem when installing the video 

I have a PC with Pentium 166 processor, 
and in the DOS boot process the video card 
is detected as a S3 trio 64 V+ card.

At Mandrake 8.0 installation process, I 
choosed the video card controler for this 
model but when the system test it, things go 

Linux detects a diferent chip than what they 
sold me at the PC´s shop. 
A Sigma Designs Corporation Realmagic 
64/GX (SD 6425) chip is detected for my card.

And the problem: I cannot find any suitable 
controller for this chip at mandrake 
installation. I have tried some of them which 
seem to have similar names but none of 
them works properly (actually, they do not 
work at all).

Have you ever had a similar problem?
Can you help me?

Thank you all,


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Re: [newbie] Display in LM8

2001-07-03 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear Don  All, Yes, my settings are at 600x400 and I cannot find a way to 
change them. There was no other choice offered in Mandrake Control Center.I 
did it in 7.2 but cannot find out how to do it on this distribution. How may 
I do that? Also, is XF86Setup on this distro? I cannot get it from the 
terminal. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

On Monday 02 July 2001 20:45, D. Hoyem wrote:
   Have you looked at the Configuration -- Other --
 Mandrake Control Panel and in there you can look at
 what the settinfgs are for the display.. From what you
 have said it appears that you display is set to
 600x400 and that display is hard to see like you say.
 Try 800x600 and see if that works better.

 --- Marcia Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear All, Since I have had LM8 I cannot get my
  display to the correct config.
  Alot of my programs are cut off at the bottom so
  that I cannot see the OK ,
  Apply, or Cancel buttons. I have a generic S3Virge
  which worked perfectly in
  7 and 7.2. How may I remedy this problem? I already
  did a new config file
  with xf86config. That did not seem to change
  anything. Any help will be
  greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Marcia
  Marcia Waller

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Marcia Waller

[newbie] Unix multi-user capabilities: how to use them

2001-07-03 Per discussione Olaf Marzocchi

I'd like to connect via Ethernet two PCs (let' say 486 and Cel333) and I'd 
like to run from the 486 Xwindow programs in the cel.
How to make the 486 to use the power of the other?



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[newbie] mingetty and kdeinit

2001-07-03 Per discussione Dan Gordon

Is it normal for more than one instance of mingetty and kdeinit to be running 
when i look in gps or top ?
Dan Gordon
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Registered Linux user #217868

Re: [newbie] Nvidia which drivers

2001-07-03 Per discussione Terry C

There is a discussion concerning the nVidia drivers on
Mandrakeuser.org. After reading the threads I decided
to use the older drivers myself.


--- The Conways [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My computer has a bx mobo and a geforce 2 mx 32 meg
 of ram graphic card.
 Which are the best drivers?  I understand there are
 some problems with the
 new nvidia drivers.

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[newbie] Free Shell Account

2001-07-03 Per discussione Andrew

Hey guys and girls,

I am opening up my little server for some free shell accounts so I can
gain more admin knowledge.

If you would like more information on the machine itself or a free account
then let me know.


Beware of geeks bearing graft.

[newbie] Cyrillic in Kword -- How, please?

2001-07-03 Per discussione Sven Heinicke

I don't know about Kword and Russian, but xemacs-mule works for
entering Chinese characters, and has support for Russian characters

Benjamin Sher writes:
  Dear friends:
  I added Russian to my list of Keyboards in KDE 2.1.1. Works great. I can go 
  to a Russian site and type in search keywords, etc in Russian.
  Now, if I can do this, how do I write in Russian in Kword or any other KDE 
  Kword does not include any Cyrillic fonts in its list of fonts. How do I make 
  this blessed event happen, please?
  Would really appreciate your help.
  Thank you so much.
  Sher's Russian Web
  Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] Scanner Epson Perfection 1240U

2001-07-03 Per discussione s

Well, let me give you some info that was given me.  It was given for a 610u 
and I have the 1200u, so I only had to change the product number.  You can 
maybe find yours at the sane site.  Mine for the 1200u is 0x0104.

Have you already done the following?
1) mknod /dev/subscanner0 c 180 48
chmod 666 /dev/usbscanner0
2) Install sane  xsane
3) Edit /etc/sane.d/epson.conf to match your configuration (the only
uncommented line has to be usb /dev/usbscanner0 without quotes)
4) You have to have usb working
insmod usbcore
insmod usb-uhci
5) insmod scanner vendor=0x04b8 product= 0x0103  # Note: 0x0103 is Perfection
610 (mine)  ;)

Hope that helps.

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain


On Tuesday 03 July 2001 04:26 am, you wrote:
 My scanner Epson Perfection 1240U (USB) does not work on my Mandrake 8.0
 despite  it is in the list of supported hardware of SANE.
 Can you help me?


RE: [newbie] Unix multi-user capabilities: how to use them

2001-07-03 Per discussione Mark Johnson

I think on the 333 you can type:
xhost +

... then on your 486 you can telnet into the 333 and run Xwindow apps via

 -Original Message-
 From: Olaf Marzocchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 4:35 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Unix multi-user capabilities: how to use them
 I'd like to connect via Ethernet two PCs (let' say 486 and 
 Cel333) and I'd 
 like to run from the 486 Xwindow programs in the cel.
 How to make the 486 to use the power of the other?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] use ONLY this for normal messages except
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] for attachements and in case of problems with 
 the first.

[newbie] Detect Libraries in Mandrake 8.0

2001-07-03 Per discussione Sven Heinicke

Mandrake 7.2 configured my sound card correctly, though 8.0 didn't.
But it was easy enough to go into HardDrake, select my sound card,
select your sound card and click on Run Configuration tool and
select the correct one.

Hopefully Mandrake will fix this in the future.

Adams, Jamie writes:
  I have posted this once before, but after much searching on the net for
  a solution, and much fiddling with my config im still having no luck.
  My sound card, a Yamaha OPL3-SA2 inside a Toshiba Sattellite 2520CDT.
  The soundcard was previously detected under Mandrake 7.1, but not with
  I understand that Harddrake relies on the Detect Libraries, i have
  considered replacing these with the earlier libraries from 7.1 but i
  have been told that this is not recommended.
  With the failure of Harddrake i inserted the correct module into the
  kernel, but when i pass on the Control IO of my soundcard to the module
  (0x370H) it complains that this IO is busy. Even so it gives me sound
  through the CD player in KDE, but does not play wav, mp3 or anything
  else really, including the event sounds for KDE.
  I checked my IO configuration and it says that my card is on 371H, not
  Could someone pleease help me here?? i feel i have pretty much done
  all i can do to get this card working short of going back to 7.1, which
  seems completly pointless.
  Anything you can suggest would be much appreciated.
  Mnay thanks for listning.
  Yours in hope.
  -- Jamie
  This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
  delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
  information visit http://www.star.net.uk/stats.asp or alternatively call
  Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

[newbie] sshd caused SLOW internet...?

2001-07-03 Per discussione Mark Johnson

I just did a fresh expert install and noticed that when doing FTP to either
a machine on my LAN or on the internet doing an ls or a get would just hang
for what seemed like forever before returning a response.  I aslo noticed
that connecting to Samba shares took forever too. And doing a ping to and
internet site would timeout.

I did a ps and killed and disabled 'firewall', since my linux machine is
already behind a firewall, this didn't change the network slowness.  I then
killed and disabled 'sshd', again nothing changed.  But when I rebooted FTP,
Samba, and ping all worked great.

I'm not sure what sshd is (besides being the 'secure shell daemon'), but
would that have been effecting my FTP and Samba stuff?  or was it the
firewall daemon?

[newbie] nVidia 2D

2001-07-03 Per discussione Joan Tur


I've got a TNT2 16Mb running first with the drivers provided by
Mandrake, and now with nVidia's... but when using gqview to see photos
they appear exactly as slow now as they did with the original drivers.
I've tryed with 16b and 32b under 1280x1024 desktop.

When i use my laptop, running 1024x768x32b laptop they appear
immediately -no delay at all-...  8-?


Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  www.ClubIbosim.org
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

[newbie] can anyone tell me how to setup my ethernet card exactly?

2001-07-03 Per discussione YouLikeMyGame
Cause i bought a brand new card that linux supposedly reconizes and i dont 
know ow to do it

[newbie] Using tn5250 to connect to the AS400

2001-07-03 Per discussione DAVEinDSM

Don't know if anyone here has used tn5250 to connect to an Ibm AS400.but 
was wanting some information.

I am using a Toshiba 1605CDS laptop running Mandrake 7.2  trying to 
connect to our AS400 at work...  I have a pcmcia card (IBM 5250 
Express--worked with a windows system).. and have tn5250 rpm 

Any ideas ?  I don't really find much searching the internet.  Any 
suggestions are appreciated..

PS:Thanks to those who helped me with the Zip drive..!!

Registered Linux User#204085
Linux Mandrake 7.2 on a M$ Free computer!
M$ is not the answer. M$ is the question. The answer is no.

[newbie] Installing DOG/bad sym link?

2001-07-03 Per discussione Bob Paddock

I'm running Mandrake 8.0 on a i586, I'm trying to install the book mark 
editor DOG:


DOG (Data Organizer) is a personal knowledge manager based on topic maps. 
Currently it is spezialized in managing bookmarks. It imports and exports 
Netscape, Mozilla and KDE2 (XBEL) bookmark files and imports KDE1 kfm 
bookmarks and Windows IE Favorites. 

When I try to install the Mandrake RPM package I get this error:

Found 0 source and 1 binary packages
Dependency Problem:
 libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3 is needed by dog-0.4.1-1mdk

I've tried doing this, while in /usr/lib as root:
ln -s libstdc++-3-libc6.2-2-2.10.0.a libstdc++-libc6.1-2.a.3
ln -s libstdc++-3-libc6.2-2-2.10.0.so libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3

I've also tried doing this
cp libstdc++-3-libc6.2-2-2.10.0.so libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3

Still get the same Dependency Problem Error.

I'm I doing some thing wrong, or can this simply not be done?

[newbie] Installing cdrecord

2001-07-03 Per discussione Scott Newlon

I am trying to follow the install instructions for cdrecord at 

The instructions tell me to add an append=hdb=ide-scsi line to the 
lilo.conf file.  I do this and when I run lilo I get an error about duplicate 
append lines.  So I edit out the append=quiet line.  After following the 
other directions and rebooting, I find that CDRom2 is locked.  How do I get 
around that?

Then when I install cdrecord, I follow all the instructions down to where it 
says ln -s /opt/schily/bin/* /usr/local/, at which I get the error 
/usr/local//bin: cannot overwrite directory.  When I try to cdrecord 
-scanbus I get a message that cdrecord command not found.  What should I be 
doing here.

Go easy on me, I am trying to learn this stuff


Re: [newbie] printer problem

2001-07-03 Per discussione civileme

On Tuesday 03 July 2001 20:31, baza486 wrote:

 can anyone help me get my HP Deskjet 500C printer working? I have
 Mandrake 7.2 running on a 64meg PC (Packard Bell). According to
 linuxPrinters.org it should work fine, but hardrake or config
 printer can't get it working. If I run config printer I get a
 message saying CUPS is loading, then after a minute or two it just
 drops back to KDE.

 What am I doing wrong?


try this from a terminal

rpm -qa| grep printpr

If you get some responses to that, you have both cups and printpro 
loaded, which will keep them from working.


Re: [newbie] Using tn5250 to connect to the AS400

2001-07-03 Per discussione DAVEinDSM

On Tuesday 03 July 2001 12:35 pm, you wrote:
 Don't know if anyone here has used tn5250 to connect to an Ibm
 AS400.but was wanting some information.

 I am using a Toshiba 1605CDS laptop running Mandrake 7.2  trying to
 connect to our AS400 at work...  I have a pcmcia card (IBM 5250
 Express--worked with a windows system).. and have tn5250 rpm

 Any ideas ?  I don't really find much searching the internet.  Any
 suggestions are appreciated..

 PS:Thanks to those who helped me with the Zip drive..!!

Thanks for the quick reply. OkayI hate to sound stupid..but I don't 
know alot about Linux yetso I may be in over my head already!!  
Anyway, I use twinax behlan connections on a star box to connect all the 
other pc's/terminals to the as400 .. connecting my laptop..(what 
type of connection should I use with Linux?---i have the ibm5250express 
pcmcia card--just don't know if it will work.)  connection desktop units 
running Linux(what type of connections do I need?)With the windows systems i 
am using BosaNova Twinax cards for the desktops now.

Note: I do not have an ethernet card in the as400..(I am also not a 
networking guru.as if you couldn't tell!  :)
Do I have to have an ethernet card in the AS400? - 
Thanks again.

Registered Linux User#204085
Linux Mandrake 7.2 on a M$ Free computer!
M$ is not the answer. M$ is the question. The answer is no.

Re: [newbie] organizing all sorts of data

2001-07-03 Per discussione Randy Kramer

askSam -- one of my all time favorite programs.  (For those who don't
know, it's a free format database, with excellent search capabilities.)

There are possibilities, but nothing that I've found that is exactly
like it.

I found wikis, and TWiki in particular.

They have the advantages over askSam of being networked and allowing
collaborative editing by default.

They have the disadvantages of being more difficult to set up and the
search facilities not being as good.

They also have a quirky way of creating links (and naming pages), but
TWiki provides some alternates at the cost of more effort and less

You can try a twiki by going to:

http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/TWiki/TWikiTutorial -- a tutorial to help
you get started

http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Test/TestTopic21 -- a twiki page where you
can play 

http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiEngineReview -- a page on the original
wiki where I started a review of various wiki engines (programs) before
choosing TWiki

A wiki runs on a web server (like Apache) -- any pc with a browser and a
network connection to that web server (Internet, intranet, LAN) can view
and edit the contents of the wiki.  Many wikis keep a revision history
of all changes to a page.  TWiki supports attachments by default, and
has plugins to support things like drawing pictures.  

It's not quite askSam, but in some respects it's better than askSam.  I
plan to start a wikiforum on SourceForge, and, when I learn how (or get
a volunteer) I will implement a local search engine (like htdig, Alta
Vista, Google, to provide improved search facilities.  (The wikiforum
will be called WikiLearn and it will be devoted to learning and using
free and open source software like Linux, C++, Perl, ...)

Let me know if you find anything better.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Kevin Fonner wrote:
 Is there a database program for Linux that is made to organize tons of
 different types of information.  Web pages, emails, notes, documents,
 ect??  Something like asksam only for Linux

[newbie] attached log

2001-07-03 Per discussione bc

error log attached, i could not get up into KDE?  any ideas?


Re: [newbie] attached log

2001-07-03 Per discussione Christopher W. Aiken

On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, bc wrote:

:)error log attached, i could not get up into KDE?  any ideas?

(**) Option ZAxisMapping 4 5
(**) Mouse1: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5
(II) Keyboard Keyboard1 handled by legacy driver
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device Mouse1 (type: MOUSE)
Could not init font path element unix/:-1, removing from list!

Fatal server error:
could not open default font 'fixed'

It looks like you are trying to use a font server ( maybe xfs )
and the font server is not running.  As root, issue a
/etc/init.d/xfs stop then /etc/init.d/xfs start to re-start
the server.  If no errors are reported, try running X.

BTW... The unix/:-1 in the above piece of your log refers to the font server.
Linux-Mandrake 8.0


Re: [newbie] Star office problem

2001-07-03 Per discussione Romanator

Hi Ivan,

To the best of my knowledge, you cannot copy Windows fonts from Windows
to Linux. This is most likely why you got the error.
When selecting Windows fonts by using Drakfont, click on the Windows
fonts button and select the Force option. You want to uninstall the
present fonts and reinstall the Windows font via Drakfont. You have to
remember that these Windows fonts in Drakfont were hacked. This is due
to the fact that Microsoft owns the fonts. Since they have spent
millions of dollars to get them just right, they will NOT share them or
offer them to Linux. 
As far as mounting the NTFS partition, this is still under development (
as fas I am aware ). However, there are plans to add this to a later

I think further investigation is needed.


ivan miranda wrote:
 Hi Romanator,
 I did download the new version of drakfont,however,i could not install
 any windows fonts (i have win2k on NTFS).How can i mount an NTFS partion
 ?.However i copied some fonts from widows m/c, all are *.ttf font,but
 while i was trying to install those fonts, drakfont gives error message
 like this for all fonts:
  font /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/drakfont/78640___.ttf: unknown
 usWeightClass 5
 How can i proceed now ?
 Thanks in advance
  ivan miranda wrote:
   Hi all,
   I have installed a power pack  version of LM8.Staroffice works
   fine,java okay,but the fonts...awafullhow can i correct
   this.Earlier,i have corrected the fonts problem in LM8 and the
   browsers,by removing the existing abisuite and installing a newer
   version.The second problem is that i have an HP5000 series laser printer
   on the network.The staroffice printer menu does not include this how can
   use this printer?The same printer was configured in cups is working
   fine(samba printer).Thanks in advace for the help
  Select the Software manager and download the drafont 0.5-13mdk update
  TrueType Fonts manager. Install the Windows fonts.
  Navigate to Control Center-Look'N'Feel-Fonts. For fixed width I'm
  using lucidatypewriter. I also use a combination of Helvetica and
  Verdana 10 and 11 pts.
  Registered Linux User #179293
  Email Powered By Tux Email Utility
 Ivan Miranda
 General Instrument Engineer/IT support
 Po Box 8746,Doha,Qatar

Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

Re: [newbie] Newbie Archives

2001-07-03 Per discussione Romanator

Click on the following link:


Scroll down about halfway and click on the mail archives. You can also
run a word search.

Good Luck!

Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

OOzy Pal wrote:
 Hello Guys
 how can I look up old archive of the mailing list.
 What is the URL?
 What is the purpose of life?
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

Re: [newbie] fonts in StarOffice

2001-07-03 Per discussione Romanator

kp _ wrote:
 I have Mandrake 8.0 on a PII 350Mhz
 Everything was fine during install,
 my big problem is that fonts are UGLY
 in Star Office I've tried things I
 found on mandrake forum( :unscaled in a 'config' file,
 uninstall AbiWord...) but this is still ugly...
 So what is the solution to have nice letters ?
 Boîte aux lettres - Caramail - http://www.caramail.com

We are expecting a Sun employee to respond to this. Stay tuned to the
newbie post. As soon as I receive an answer from him, I will post it

Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

Re: [newbie] attached log

2001-07-03 Per discussione bc

darn, after i typed in those to commands, the xfs 
stop, then the xfs start, it replyed with no errors that i saw, just some typing 
commands or such? anyway, i "startx" after that and it could not get in, i 
attached the error log again for you to see if you could? thanks a 
ton... :)bcRE: error log attached, i 
could not get up into KDE? any ideas?

 It looks like you are trying to use a 
"font server" ( maybe xfs ) and the font server is not running. As 
root, issue a "/etc/init.d/xfs stop" then /etc/init.d/xfs start" to 
re-start the server. If no errors are reported, try running 
X.  BTW... The "unix/:-1" in the above piece of your log refers 
to the font server. --  -=[cwa]=- Linux-Mandrake 

 On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, bc wrote: 
 :)error log attached, i could not get up into KDE? any 
ideas? :)  (**) Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" (**) 
Mouse1: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5 (II) Keyboard "Keyboard1" handled 
by legacy driver (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Mouse1" 
(type: MOUSE) Could not init font path element unix/:-1, removing from 
list!  Fatal server error: could not open default font 
'fixed'   It looks like you are trying to use a "font 
server" ( maybe xfs ) and the font server is not running. As root, 
issue a "/etc/init.d/xfs stop" then /etc/init.d/xfs start" to 
re-start the server. If no errors are reported, try running 
X.  BTW... The "unix/:-1" in the above piece of your log refers 
to the font server. --  -=[cwa]=- Linux-Mandrake 

Re: [newbie] Whois looking for lost email address

2001-07-03 Per discussione Romanator

jennifer wrote:
 Romanator wrote:
  Hi all,
  Is there such a thing is looking up an email address? I have an address
  but the whois feature cannot find the web page.
  You can respond to be directly.
  Registered Linux User #179293
  Email Powered By Tux Email Utility
 I'm not sure I understand. Do you want to verify that the email exists
 without notifing the user? Or do you want to verify what domain (smtp
 server) it is being sent through?

Well, what happened is that I signed up for an free email address.
However, for some reason I can't find the web page that it's linked to. 

Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

[newbie]Odd KMail Problem

2001-07-03 Per discussione marcia

Dear All, I had some display problems and with your help I was able to
fix them however a new problem developed immediately afterwards. I went
to KMail to compose an email and discovered that my letter o key
actually prints out a c in KMail now. All of the o's in the addresses
are now c's and the KMail shows all of the o's as c's in the email
addresses so that now I cannot receive or send mail at all through
KMail. KMail was working fine until I changed my display through
Xconfigurator today. I did not do anything except change my monitor
which did give me the resolution I needed. I am typing this out from
Netscape Messenger now since I no longer can use KMail. Does anyone know
how I can fix this quickly? Thanks very much for your help.
Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie]Odd KMail Problem

2001-07-03 Per discussione s

That is weird.  That's the third problem with kmail I read about today 
(actually two and one of my own that started last night).  But yours is the 
weirdess, and the most cripling.  One guys folders/old messages became 
corrupt, and then with mine now the search messages option will cause kmail 
to crash.  Can't really uninstall and reinstall, huh?  Maybe we should 
upgrade to the new beta (or is it still alpha)?

On Tuesday 03 July 2001 07:32 pm, you wrote:
 Dear All, I had some display problems and with your help I was able to
 fix them however a new problem developed immediately afterwards. I went
 to KMail to compose an email and discovered that my letter o key
 actually prints out a c in KMail now. 
 Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] fonts in StarOffice

2001-07-03 Per discussione s

Do your show up in SO?  None of the windows fonts show up here?  Is there 
some surgery necessary?

On Tuesday 03 July 2001 08:39 pm, you wrote:
 have you tried importing all the fonts from windows if you've got a dual
 boot system?

[newbie] sound recording

2001-07-03 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

I am using mdk 8.0. I am having tv tuner card. When some song comes in
TV, I want to record that song using software.
In windows music jukebox can take input from mic, line in or mixer and
record the song. Is there any software, preferably GUI, based in linux.
When I used grecord, it needs source only from line in. Even when line
input is there, it couldn't record as device was being used by playing
program in this case Tv tuner card. Where as in windows using Jukebox, i
could record sound. with cat /dev/audio and sox, I could get sound
recorded, but it was only noise may be stopping was done using ctrl+c.
This didn't create proper EOF for wav file. Any solution will be

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

[newbie] Internet Security

2001-07-03 Per discussione Judith Miner

First of all, thanks to everyone who shared their opinions on working as
root. I've printed out a bunch of messages and will be digesting them as
time allows. For those who wondered why I need to be root so often, it's
because I'm still very much involved in getting the system set up,
installing programs, etc., and it seems I have to be root in order to do
a lot of what needs to be done. Once the system is complete and has a
chance to settle, I can handle working as user. But for now, it is very

My priorities now are first, to firm up my Internet security; second, to
get my Type 1 fonts working and available to applications; third, to
figure out what's going on with the printers.

Today I worked on Internet security. I tried some of the things
suggested and frankly, I don't have a clue. I don't understand the
directions, I can't find some of the things suggested, I can't deal with
scripts, I don't have six months to take a course.g I read the How
To's on network security and firewalls and they descended into geekspeak
much too fast and far too deeply and I was lost.

Remember, I'm your test case--the Windows user who wants to say good-bye
to Microsoft but does not want to and will not become a command
line/console sort of gal. Mandrake 8 claims to have me in mind.g

Since I was stumped by the console approach, here's what I did in
desperation to get my ports closed on the Internet. I ran draksec as
root from a command line and when it came up, I set my security to
Medium. I also ran BastilleChooser and picked the Medium level, no
server option. Then I went on the Web and back to grc.com and
sdesign.com to test my ports. At grc.com all my ports were closed, which
was an improvement from when I tested before and my SMTP port was
reported open. I turned off some startup process or whatever it's called
that had something to do with mail transport. So okay, some progress. At
sdesign.com I had fewer ports open than I did before, but I'm still
seeing open ports at 631 (tcp) and 6000 (tcp X11).

I got the same results whether I went online as root or as user.

How can I get those ports closed? Clear directions much appreciated! If
you tell me exactly where to look and what to edit, I can do it, but I
can't figure it out on my own.

I tried to run the interactive Bastille but I didn't understand the
options and the explanations were much too sketchy. I don't like to make
decisions like that when I don't understand what I'm doing. So I ran
BastilleChooser instead and figure it's better than nothing. Why isn't
Bastille on medium security closing all my ports?

Thanks very much for any help you can give.
 --Judy Miner

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-03 Per discussione Judith Miner

Sridhar wrote:
 I noticed that you said in an earlier post that you had trouble
importing your fonts. Have you tried using DrakFont (part of the
Mandrake Control Centre)? 

Of course. It's a very limited tool, but it did make some TrueType fonts
available to the system and some of the programs are using them for
display. They do look better than the dreadful defaults used otherwise.

But it's not enough for printing or serious work. You don't get an
acceptable character set, only ISO 8859 that does not include true
typographic apostrophes, quotation marks, and other important
typographic characters. KFontInst should do what I need to do with both
Type 1 and TrueType fonts and I'll be able to select a proper character
set, but I'm still puzzling out how to do the preliminaries as described
in the KFontInst manual.

Do you know how to get rid of all those ugly fonts that are listed in
DrakFont? I tried highlighting them and telling DrakFont to remove them,
but it wouldn't. Didn't tell me why, either. I would keep a Helvetica, a
Times, and a Courier from the screen fonts listed and would like to dump
the rest. I have added several TrueTypes for screen display.
 --Judy Miner

Re: [newbie] attached log

2001-07-03 Per discussione Christopher W. Aiken

On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, bc wrote:

:)darn, after i typed in those to commands, the xfs stop, then the xfs start, it 
:replyed with no errors that i saw, just some typing commands or such?  anyway, i 
:startx after that and it could not get in, i attached the error log again for you 
:to see if you could?  thanks a ton...  :)

Your log file shows that you still are NOT picking up fonts.

You might try these:

1) Issue a pstree command.  See if xfs is running. It
should be listed near the bottom of pstree listing. If
pstree doesn't list xfs then the fontserver is NOT
running for some reason.

2) Look at the /etc/X11/fs/config file.  You should have
a section that looks similar to this:
catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled,

These are the paths to your installed fonts.  If these paths
are NOT there then you don't have all of the XFree86 packages

3) Issue a fslsfonts -server unix/:-1
This should list all of the fonts in the above catalog paths.

4) Try a xset fp+ unix/:-1
This should inform your system of the running font server and
all the fonts listed above in #3..

5) Make sure you have all the XFree86 packages installed by
running: rpm -qa | grep -i xfree The fonts are in the
75dpi  100dpi packages.

I have these packages installed:

6) Now try starting X

If all of this doesn't work you might try changing the file /etc/X11/XF86Config
(I've never done this for XFree86 4.0, but it should work)

a) comment out the line: FontPath   unix/:-1 by placing a # in front
of the line.

b) Add the lines from the catalog line (above in #2) so that they look like:
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/mdk:unscaled
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/ttf/decoratives
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/ttf/western

Now restart X.

If it still fails, I'm at a loss.

Linux-Mandrake 8.0

[newbie] HSP56 micromodem

2001-07-03 Per discussione pepe torrres

had anyone installed a hsp56 micromodem on 
pls help!

Re: [newbie] Computer is too slow

2001-07-03 Per discussione Brandon Caudle

I say build a kernel around your specific processor, use a light wm, and
make sure your not booting any startup items you don't need (bind, dhcpd,
smbd, atalk, etc) and upgrading your memory

Brandon Caudle
- Original Message -
From: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Boliver Allmon [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Computer is too slow

 On Tuesday 03 July 2001 17:03, Boliver Allmon wrote:
  Last night I installed 8.0 on a Pentium 133 with 32 meg of ram.
  I realize that I am at the low end of computers that should work,
  but based on last night I would call Linux Linuxdose and windows
  I know that I need to upgrade the ram to at least 64 meg.  Changing
  the CPU is doubtful at this time.  Is there something I missed?  I
  used the basic or standard (such as it is) install.  When trying to
  run programs, the hard drive is constantly reading (according to
  the HD idiot light).
  I want and need a computer that is stable enough to use as dial-up
  depository.  That is why I picked Linux.  Please do not tell me to
  go back to
  MS.  Bill is rich enough off of me.
  Boliver Allmon

 Use kernel 2.2.19  Likely you have a VIA chipset and we crippled its
 function in the 2.4 kernel to avoid a nasty corruption bug confirmed
 by VIA just days before release.

 Kernel 2.2.19 is not a system subject to the bug.

 To get it during install you have to select expert mode, go to
 individual package selection and click the icon at the bottom of that
 individual panel for Flat List  then scroll down to the ks and pick

 When you get to the bootloader, pick add and make a separate
 linux-0 boot for vmlinuz-2.2.19-10mdk (image in the drop down list).

 Then boot there, you should be pleasantly surprised.

 Also, your desktop has little to do with the performance as a server.
  And KDE and GNOME are definitely heavy desktops.  There are another
 7 provided which are much fleeter of foot.


  *Phone: 281-424-0409
  K  Fax: 281-424-6982
  *Location: 58-F36
  *e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Internet Security

2001-07-03 Per discussione Miark

 Remember, I'm your test case--the Windows user who wants to say good-bye
 to Microsoft but does not want to and will not become a command
 line/console sort of gal. Mandrake 8 claims to have me in mind.g

While it's true that Mandrake may require less command line usage than other Linux 
distributions, I find it hard to imagine that MDK
or anybody else would claim that you can avoid the command line altogether. And quite 
frankly, I don't know why you'd want to go
without it.

Linux is based on the command line. Its power and speed comes from the command line. 
Desktop interfaces are great, but you can't go
without some understanding of Linux' blood and guts. Honestly, if you want to ditch M$ 
but aren't willing to become familiar with
the command line, I think you should be looking at Macs rather than Linux.

Don't get me wrong-I'm not trying to drive you away from Linux; I just think you 
seriously need to re-evaluate your attitude towards
the command line. It can be demanding, but its really necessary, and well worth the 

So do the desktop thing, but don't cut yourself off from the command line.


Re: [newbie] POP3/SMTP Client Programs for both Linux and Window?

2001-07-03 Per discussione Miark

I do something similar: I use Outlook Express in both Linux (via Win4Lin) and Windows. 
In both OSes Outlook is set to use the same
message store, namely D:\Outlook Express and /mnt/win_d/Outlook\ Express. Works 
great for me.


- Original Message -
From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] POP3/SMTP Client Programs for both Linux and Window?

 On the surface this sounds like a neat idea, but I have a feeling that you
 will run into problems because the windows file system will not allow
 Linux to set file permissions when Messenger in Linux attempts to write to
 the disk. Although I am curious enough to try this.


 On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, Dave Sherman wrote:

  -pgpenvelope processed message
  Here's an idea that should work.
  Use Netscape on both Windows and Linux for your email. In Linux, take your
  /home/$USER/nsmail folder and rename it, then create a symlink of the same
  name and point it at your Netscape Mail folder on the Windows partition.
  Obviously, you will need full permissions to your Windows partition to be
  able to do this.
  Now, when you use Netscape for Linux to get your mail, it will be written
  to the proper files on the Windows partition, and when you use Netscape
  for Windows, you will already see the mail sitting there!
  I did this with my Netscape bookmarks, and it worked perfectly. I haven't
  tried it with mail, since I use Eudora for Windows and kmail on Linux, but
  it should work.
  On Saturday 30 June 2001 08:22, thus spake Jeremy NG:
   Hi Everybody,
   I always download all my messages from the mail server to
   my machine.
   Currently, I am using M$ Outlook to connect to my POP3 and
   SMTP servers.  However, I am beginning to hate this setup
   as Outlook stores my messages in a proprietary format.  This
   is definitely a real pain.
   Whenever I boot my machine to Linux, I cannot download my
   messages from the mail server as I do not know of any program
   in Linux that is able to insert the newly downloaded messages
   into the archive file of Outlook.
   Is there a mail client program that stores the messages in a
   platform-neutral format?  It doesn't matter if I have to use
   different mail client programs on different OSes.  I just want
   to be able to retrieve my mails to a common repository on my
   machine regardless of which OS I am running.
   Would appreciate any suggestions and how to convert my
   existing mails in the Outlook archive to the new format.
   (: J :)
   I have not failed.
   I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
  Thomas Alva Edison
  Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No
  fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
  - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
  -pgpenvelope information
  Hash: SHA1
  Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
  Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
  gpg: Warning: using insecure memory!
  gpg: Signature made Sat Jun 30 09:38:13 2001 EDT using DSA key ID 368B7F73
  gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found
  pgpenvelope_decrypt: message processed at Sat Jun 30 13:17:46 2001
  -end pgpenvelope information

[newbie] Dial in?

2001-07-03 Per discussione Boliver Allmon

Can anyone set me on the track of information on 
setting up my linux (MD 8.0) as a
dial in server? I want to be able to dial in 
from home to work on software at the office.

[newbie] Open Websites With Mozilla Run Command???

2001-07-03 Per discussione Curtis Matthiesen

When I type a URL in the Run Command box, I've got it setup that Mozilla 
opens by using it as default program to open HTML files by changing the File 
Associations, however when Mozilla loads it doesn't open the site, it just 
opens up the default start page.

So if someone could tell me how I'd go about getting Mozilla to open up the 
URL I type in the Run Command, I'd appreciate it greatly.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

[newbie] Mandrake and ADSL support

2001-07-03 Per discussione amadeus


I will be installing an ADSL modem from Verizon. My question has 2

1-is ADSL supported, and
2-Where can I find a howto/info etc.

Target platform: This will run on a PIII-450, 256mb ram, ata100 WD hard
Asus P2-99 mobo with a portable rack to switch Mandrake/MS-Windows etc
(superb concept! ;-) Your help would be highly appreciated.

Mandrake rules!

The philosophically fashionable
Often goes out with the trash
The moment one is face to face
With the harsh truth of chaos
And catastrophe.

Re: [newbie] Dial in?

2001-07-03 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Your email is confusing.  You say you want to set Mandrake up to be a
DialUp server, and then you say you want to dial from home to work and
access software.  Which exactly is it you'd like to do.

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

12:35AM  up 1 day,  3:56, 2 users, load averages: 0.02, 0.03, 0.00
| Can anyone set me on the track of information on setting up my linux (MD 8.0) as a
| dial in server?  I want to be able to dial in from home to work on software at the 

Re: [newbie] Internet Security

2001-07-03 Per discussione Steve

On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Miark wrote:

  Remember, I'm your test case--the Windows user who wants to say good-bye
  to Microsoft but does not want to and will not become a command
  line/console sort of gal. Mandrake 8 claims to have me in mind.g

 While it's true that Mandrake may require less command line usage than other Linux 
distributions, I find it hard to imagine that MDK
 or anybody else would claim that you can avoid the command line altogether. And 
quite frankly, I don't know why you'd want to go
 without it.

 Linux is based on the command line. Its power and speed comes from the command line. 
Desktop interfaces are great, but you can't go
 without some understanding of Linux' blood and guts. Honestly, if you want to ditch 
M$ but aren't willing to become familiar with
 the command line, I think you should be looking at Macs rather than Linux.

 Don't get me wrong-I'm not trying to drive you away from Linux; I just think you 
seriously need to re-evaluate your attitude towards
 the command line. It can be demanding, but its really necessary, and well worth the 

 So do the desktop thing, but don't cut yourself off from the command line.


I concur with Mark's assessment, Macs probably will be more one's cup of
tea if one doesn't wish to use the command line. Almost necessary to at
some point.

Steve - ICQ 35454764

Re: [newbie] Dial in?

2001-07-03 Per discussione Mafiajoe3
i think he means he wants to set the server up at home so he can dial in from


Re: [newbie] Dial in?

2001-07-03 Per discussione Boliver Allmon

I am sorry for the confusion.  My office machine is the Linux machine.  My
home machine is currently a Windows Me machine.  As soon as I can make the
office machine do as I need, I will make the OS change at home as well.

On the office machine, there are files and programs that I do not and or
cannot have at home.  I need to be able to access and use them from time to
time at home.  Some of my co-workers will ultimately need to do the same for
productivity reasons.

I hope this clears up some of the confusion.


- Original Message -
From: Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Boliver Allmon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Dial in?

 Your email is confusing.  You say you want to set Mandrake up to be a
 DialUp server, and then you say you want to dial from home to work and
 access software.  Which exactly is it you'd like to do.

 T. Holmes
 Real Men Us Vi!

 12:35AM  up 1 day,  3:56, 2 users, load averages: 0.02, 0.03, 0.00

 | Can anyone set me on the track of information on setting up my linux (MD
8.0) as a
 | dial in server?  I want to be able to dial in from home to work on
software at the office.

Re: [newbie] mini linux distro recommendations

2001-07-03 Per discussione Brandon Caudle



Brandon Caudle
- Original Message -
From: Fireman71 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Newbie Mailing List Mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 12:19 AM
Subject: [newbie] mini linux distro recommendations

 Not really related to Mandrake but

 I am looking for a mini linux distro (under 20 meg and preferably one just
 one floppy) that i can load onto an old 386 computer and configure to act
 an internet masquerading / firewall machine.

 Anyone have any ideas?


[newbie] Acrobat

2001-07-03 Per discussione Kevin Fonner

Has anybody had any luck installing adobe acrobat reader on Mandrake 
yet?  They don't have a lot of support on their site and when I try to 
run the install script in says it can't find a configuration file.


Re: [newbie] No sound for NeoMagic 256AV

2001-07-03 Per discussione Willy Sutrisno

 Hash: SHA1


 Are you sure the Neomagic 256AV is a *sound* card? The same card in my
 ThinkPad is for *video*, and my sound card is an ESS Solo


I owned a acer laptop. it has a neomagic video card, and ess sound card.
the mandrake can detect the sound card, but no sound coming out from the
speaker. the msg says that there is no sound card to be found, strange!
anyone ever encounter this. im using mandrake 8, before this i used
mandrake 7.2 and my sound card work well. but since i upgraded my comp to
mandrake 8.0, my comp in mute mode now. :(

ok thanks.

[newbie] Scanner Epson Perfection 1240U

2001-07-03 Per discussione Renato Tognaccini

My scanner Epson Perfection 1240U (USB) does not work on my Mandrake
8.0 despite
it is in the list of supported hardware of SANE.
At boot i have the following messages:
usb.c: registered new driver usbdevfs
usb.c: registered new driver hub
usb-uhci.c: $Revision: 1.251 $ time 23:13:16 Apr 15 2001
usb-uhci.c: High bandwidth mode enabled
PCI: Found IRQ 9 for device 00:04.2
PCI: The same IRQ used for device 00:04.3
usb-uhci.c: USB UHCI at I/O 0xd400, IRQ 9
usb-uhci.c: Detected 2 ports
usb.c: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
hub.c: USB hub found
hub.c: 2 ports detected
PCI: Found IRQ 9 for device 00:04.3
PCI: The same IRQ used for device 00:04.2
usb-uhci.c: USB UHCI at I/O 0xd000, IRQ 9
usb-uhci.c: Detected 2 ports
hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/2, assigned device number 2
usb.c: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
hub.c: USB hub found
hub.c: 2 ports detected
usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0x4b8/0x10b) is not claimed by any active
usb.c: registered new driver usbscanner
scanner.c: USB Scanner support registered.
Winbond Super-IO detection, now testing ports 3F0,370,250,4E,2E ...
SMSC Super-IO detection, now testing Ports 2F0, 370 ...
0x378: FIFO is 16 bytes
0x378: writeIntrThreshold is 8
0x378: readIntrThreshold is 8
0x378: PWord is 8 bits
0x378: Interrupts are ISA-Pulses
0x378: ECP port cfgA=0x10 cfgB=0x00
0x378: ECP settings irq=none or set by other means> dma=none
or set by other means>

and it seems OK to me.
But the answer at the command "scanimage --list-devices" is that no
scanner is found.
Can you help me?
Renato Tognaccini,
Dipartimento di Progettazione Aeronautica,
Universita` di Napoli Federico II,
Piazzale V. Tecchio 80,
80125 Napoli, ITALIA.

tel.: +39-0817682179
fax: +39-0817682187