Re: [newbie-it] domandina...

2002-01-07 Per discussione Andrea Celli

bosva wrote:
  All'inizio però le prime partite sono funzionate... bo??
  Gli altri giochi (SimCity ecc.) funzionano alla perfezione.
  Chi sa risolvere il mistero?
 anche a me succede lo stesso. maelstrom funziona sotto enlightenement ma
 non su kde e neanche su tutti gli utenti (alcuni dei quali in origine
 non avevano nessun problema...)
 bhomi unisco alla tua richiesta di aiuto

Provo ad indovinare (non uso questi giochi):
non e` che i giochi in questione sono stati terminati bruscamente
ed hanno lasciato un file lock o un socket aperto che impediscono di

Per esempio, la terminazione brusca di netscape lascia un
e quella di wine un .wine/qualcosa-socket-qualcosa che impediscono il
riavvio degli stessi programmi.

Provate a fare find $HOME -name '*lock*' e find $HOME -name
per vedere se c'e` in giro qualcosa di sospetto.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] bastaaaaaaa

2002-01-07 Per discussione Andrea Celli

 Ale wrote:
 Vorrei sapere molto gentilmente come si ci disiscrive da questa

basta leggere gli header completi di un qualsiasi messaggio 
della lista.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Dove si danno i comandi ?

2002-01-07 Per discussione Sandro

Il 16:23, domenica 6 gennaio 2002, hai scritto:
 Grazie luigi,
 sono riuscito a trovare la shell all'interno della directory da cui
 lanciare i commandi,

Che cosa vuol dire: trovare la shell all'interno della directory?.

 ma scrivo: make (senza virgolette) e non succede

Dove lo scrivi?

Dunque, con calma, non esiste nessuna shell all'interno di una qualsiasi 
Se sei in ambiente grafico devi aprire un terminale o una shell: 
significa che devi fare un clic sull'icona posta sul pannello inferiore dello 
schermo - ad esempio in kde l'icona è rappresentata da un monitor con sopra 
una conchiglia - appunto una shell.
A questo punto devi accedere alla directory in cui sono contenuti i file da 
compilare, con il comando cd, spostandoti dalla posizione corrente - che di 
solito è quella della tua home.
I comandi da dare, genericamente, per conpilare, sono:
make install
(guarda nel file readme o simile che accompagna il programma da compilare),
Genericamente queste operazioni devono essere eseguite come utente Root, in 
alcuni casi possono essere eseguite anche come utente normale, ma il più 
delle volte devi essere root per poter compilare e installare.
I casi sono due:
- o accedi alla sessione di lavoro come root (e fai le operazioni descritte 
- oppure, come utente normale, dopo aver aperto la shell, digiti il comando 
su (senza virgolette e dai Invio - a questo punto ti domanderà la password 
di root e, dopo averla digitata e dato Invio, acquisirai i diritti di Root 
per le operazioni - quindi ti sposti nella directory che contiene i file da 
compilare, ecc, ecc.

 ringrazio Maro Fortini

Spero di aver capito quali sono i tuoi problemi, altrimenti fammi sapere.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.0
Linux Machine: 103048
Linux User: 203143

Re: [newbie-it] domandina...

2002-01-07 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

On Mon, 2002-01-07 at 10:04, Andrea Celli wrote:

 Provo ad indovinare (non uso questi giochi):
 non e` che i giochi in questione sono stati terminati bruscamente
 ed hanno lasciato un file lock o un socket aperto che impediscono di
 Per esempio, la terminazione brusca di netscape lascia un
 e quella di wine un .wine/qualcosa-socket-qualcosa che impediscono il
 riavvio degli stessi programmi.
 Provate a fare find $HOME -name '*lock*' e find $HOME -name
 per vedere se c'e` in giro qualcosa di sospetto.
 ciao, Andrea

Per quanto mi riguarda la risposta è negativa, nonostante Soldiers of
Fortune mi si sia interrotto in maniera poco ortodossa (notare che la
Demo è la versione 0.5x).
E poi rimane il mistero che con IceWM (stesso utente) tutto funzioni
alla perfezione.

Un saluto.

Re: [newbie-it] Dove si danno i comandi ?

2002-01-07 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 22:23, domenica 6 gennaio 2002 hai scritto:
 Grazie luigi,
 sono riuscito a trovare la shell all'interno della directory da cui
 lanciare i commandi, ma scrivo: make (senza virgolette) e non succede
 niente, la risposta è: command not found
 dentro la directory ci sono i files del driver che ho scaricato da rete tra
 cui un file makefile a forma di ingranaggio.
 a questo punto cosa può essere che non gli garba ?
 - forse perchè il file originario del driver tar.gz lo ho dezippato con
 windows anzichè con Linux ?
 - oppure non sono l'utente root ? in definitiva non ho mai dovuto mettere

 Insomma cos'altro bisogna verificare prima di assaporare la soddisfazione
 di eseguire con successo un'altro passo delle laboriose istruzioni di
 installazione di un driver ?

 ringrazio Maro Fortini

make è un comando come gli altri, e dunque un programma. Lo hai installato? 
Se non lo hai, come credo che sia, usa il Software Manager, cerca make ed 
Poi riprova.


Re: [newbie-it] domandina...

2002-01-07 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Brunini Alessandro wrote:
 Per quanto mi riguarda la risposta è negativa, nonostante Soldiers of
 Fortune mi si sia interrotto in maniera poco ortodossa (notare che la
 Demo è la versione 0.5x).
 E poi rimane il mistero che con IceWM (stesso utente) tutto funzioni
 alla perfezione.

altra cosa da controllare:

certi giochini (es. xpenguins, xsnow) hanno la loro uscita direttamente 
sul desktop. C'e` un'apposita opzione in kde-control per permetterne

Se non e` impostata, tu lanci xpenguins e non vedi nulla se non per
un brevissimo istante al momento del logout.
Mi sembra strano che questo valga anche per i tuoi giochi, ma
potrebbe essere una spiegazione del perche' girano con un window-manager
ma non con dei desktop-manager.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] idle per Python

2002-01-07 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Ciao a tutti (..e buon anno!).
Ho deciso di darmi un minimo di decoro e di 
imparare quindi un linguaggio di programmazione, per l'appunto Python. Ho 
riscontrato però un problema; l'idle di Python nel momento in cui clicco su 
"help" - "documentazione Python" mi ritorna un messaggio di errore, non 
visualizzandomi affatto la ricca documentazione a disposizione. In Winz, dove ho 
installato pure Python, non ho questo problema, ed il tutto viene visualizzato 
attraverso IE. Ritengo quindi che in Mandrake dovrebbe essere Konqueror o 
Netscape a svolgere questo compito.
C'è qualcuno che ha riscontrato lo stesso problema 
e magari lo ha risolto?
Ringrazz e rimango in trepida attesa.

Re: [newbie-it] caratteri ascii

2002-01-07 Per discussione Guido Milanese

On Monday 07 January 2002 05:26, you wrote:
 come si fa ad editare un carattere in codice ascii?
 per esempio su win usando jcreator (editor di java) la
 { e` alt +123 mentre } e` alt +125. sulla shell non
 come faccio?
 grazie a chiunque mi venga in aiuto

in modo testo puro funziona come in Dos. In shell sotto X fai 
AltGr + tasto, ad es. AltGr + 7 = {, AltGr + 0 = }, ecc. 
Il tasto compose (spesso il tasto windows di destra) aggiunge 
accenti ecc., come nel caso di compose + ' + o = ó.


E-Mail: Guido Milanese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua, Genova, Italia

Re: [newbie-it] Mouse e logout

2002-01-07 Per discussione Gabriele Gardelli

Alle 12:45, venerdì 4 gennaio 2002, hai scritto:
 Il giorno 06:23, venerdì 4 gennaio 2002 hai scritto:
  Se eseguo il logout da Kde e tento di entrare in Gnome il mio mouse non
  dà più segno di vita e se ne sta morto in mezzo allo schermo.
  Qualcuno sa dirmi dove può essere il problema ?

 Prova a riavviare il server X (alt+I) prima di effettuare il nuovo login.


Ho provato, ma non funziona , altre idee ?


Re: [newbie] Setting up Winmodem/Linmodem under Mandake 8.1

2002-01-07 Per discussione David Cooper

Attached are the config files and results from my attempt to install Linmodem.

Modem model details are as follows:
InModem 56 Model IN5699 (OEM pack), Model IN5692, Lucent 1646T00/1034AH-J (Mars-2) 
chipset, Requires Lucent Linmodem driver
found the reference at the following site: 

Linmodem.config is all the configuration details I could find about the network 
settings for the modem.
scanpci.txt is the results from running the pci scan commands, same for pci_list.txt
group well this is the group permissions and definitions.

modem will not working.  I get the Sorry, the modem doesn't respond.

Any idea's, or should I just give up and configure an external modem.


David Cooper
Senior Computer Systems Officer
Work: 08 9486 3157
Fax   : 08 9486 3162

This correspondence is for the named person's use only.  It may 
contain confidential or legally privileged information or both. 
No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any 
mistransmission.  If you receive this correspondence in error, please
immediately delete it from your system and notify the sender.  You 
must not disclose, copy or rely on any part of this correspondence 
if you are not the intended recipient.

 Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/01/02 10:52:18 
Sorry that the winmodems site didn't work for you. Not sure why. I just went 
there and tried some that are related to Lucent (too lazy to try all of 
them), and they all worked for me.

I'm dubious that this is a permissions problem. The modem busy/unavailable 
messages are what usually happens with unconfigured winmodems.

Another suggestion would be to look at the Table (there's a link on the main 
page) where you can verify that your model number is one of those modems for 
which there is a cure. (Hint: Use your browser's find command to find the 
Lucent entries. Otherwise you'll have to scroll through a very long page.)

Good luck,

PS: We've violated one of the rules of email etiquette by mixing top and 
bottom posting. There are some people who have very strong feelings about 
whether replies should be written above earlier postings or under them. I 
tend to be a bottom-poster, and you appear to be a topper. Either way, it's 
best for all if subsequent posters follow the precedent established by the 
original reply. NBD.
-- cmg

On Thursday 03 January 2002 03:00 am, David Cooper wrote:
 The Web address listed does not contain any valid links.  However I will
 try the suggestions from  But will probably be back tomorrow.

 I am using kppp to establish the dialup connection to iprimus.  When
 attempting the connection I get the message that the modem is busy or
 unavailable.  This might be a permission problem so I will set all tty
 device entries to 777.

 Will let you know the results tomorrow.

  Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/01/02 12:50:26 

 On Wednesday 02 January 2002 10:53 pm, you wrote:
  First time posting to the support list.
  I have installed Mandrake 8.1 successfully, but can not get it to connect
  to the internet.
  My internal modem is a Lucient which has been correctly identified.  I
  have checked this Harddrak.
  The system complains of no configuration for the modem.  I have tried to
  locate a config script or program.
  Any help greatly appreciated.
  David C

 Try You'll find information on
 installing Lucent modems about halfway down the first page. Elsewhere on
 the page, there are links to other useful sites ( is
 excellent), as well as other docs and Howto's that will help you understand
 what you are doing and why you are doing it.

 (The good news is that at least you have an alternative way of getting
 access to the web.)


pci bus 0x0 cardnum 0x00 function 0x: vendor 0x8086 device 0x7190
 Intel 82443BX Host

pci bus 0x0 cardnum 0x01 function 0x: vendor 0x8086 device 0x7191
 Intel 82443BX AGP

pci bus 0x0 cardnum 0x07 function 0x: vendor 0x8086 device 0x7110
 Intel 82371AB PIIX4 ISA

pci bus 0x0 cardnum 0x07 function 0x0001: vendor 0x8086 device 0x7111
 Intel 82371AB PIIX4 IDE

pci bus 0x0 cardnum 0x07 function 0x0002: vendor 0x8086 device 0x7112
 Intel 82371AB PIIX4 USB

pci bus 0x0 cardnum 0x07 function 0x0003: vendor 0x8086 device 0x7113
 Intel 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI

pci bus 0x0 cardnum 0x09 function 0x: vendor 0x1274 device 0x1371
 Ensoniq es1371

pci bus 0x0 cardnum 0x0b function 0x: vendor 0x11c1 device 0x0440
 Device unknown

pci bus 0x1 cardnum 0x00 function 0x: vendor 0x121a device 0x0005
 3dfx Interactive Voodoo3

Computer Hardware:
Celeron 450 processor
196 Mb Ram
40Gb Disk
Modem in Comm port 3

Device settings:
modem - ttyS0 lr-xr-xr-x
ttyS0 - tts/0 lr-xr-xr-x
ttuS1 - tts/1 lr-xr-xr-x
ttyS2 crw-rw
ttyS3 crw-rw
tts/0 resolves to 0 crw-rw
tts/1 resolves to 1 crw-rw

no device 

Re: [newbie] HELP! WinXP

2002-01-07 Per discussione _nasturtium

 Well you are not the only XP user to show here.  We had one whose
 Microsoft keyboard and mouse disappeared after an upgrade.. and also
 after a fresh install of XP.
 This disappearance suggests a likely hardware problem.  If you can give
 us the make and model of computer, we may be able to get the right
 contact point for you if it is hardware.  Generally any computer
 manufacturer has a vested interest in solving your problem the first
 time you call, because three calls kill all the profit in selling you
 the system.
 It is not possible to make a dual-boot linux with windows XP running
 ntfs and having the whole disk to start with.  If you want to try linux
 you will either have to reinstall XP with FAT32 or install it on a
 partition less than the whole disk leaving a space unpartitioned or use
 partition magic or a similar tool to work with the partitions.  One of
 the disadvantages of using free software is that it deals mostly with
 formats that are not secret or priprietary or for which one must sign a
 Non-Disclosure Agreement to obtain information.
 With all of that said, yes we are willing to help anyone with any system
 here, but some systems we know more about than others.  The more we know
 about your hardware setup and system, the better positined we will be to
 help you.
  In case you missed it, I posted how the keyboard and mouse disappearing
  problem only seems to happen with PS/2 keyboards and mouses.

 In the case I speak of they were either-or and were tried bioth USB and
 PS/2 in all four possible combinations.  Moreover they were Microsoft
 brand peripherals--the natural Keyboard and the optical mouse.  A
 different PS/2 Mouse actually worked, so I believe this may also be
 dependent on the system (Dell Dimension in this case),

  I must certainly agree with the profit motive. You should join the
  reiserFS list (highly recommended!) where you will find a tech support
  fee of $25 requested by none other by Hans Reiser himself (although he
  will answer some free on list).
  It is not possible to create a real boot disk for XP; the sys command
  of Win95/98 is not available because 2000 and XP don't fit on a disk
  (setup takes 4 high density floppies). However, you CAN create an
  Emergency Boot Disk with Microsoft Backup and that MIGHT help. Otherwise,
  the Recovery Console might be of value.
  Why isn't it possible to dual boot linux with win XP running NTFS? NTFS
  wouldn't have changed much if at all from Win2000, and I run Linux (yes,
  Mandrake 8.0), dual boot Windows 2000 on NTFS with LILO.

 It _is_ possible, but you cannot use the diskdrake tool to install linux
 on the disk if all of it is partitioned NTFS because we cannot shrink
 it.  I said you have to use some altternative strategies, not that you
 cannot do it.

 But FYI the XP NTFS is different from the NTFS5 W2k NTFS which is
 different from previous NTFS setups.  We can read and experimentally
 write NTFS for winNT4, but not NTFS5 for Win2k nor the WinXP version of
 NTFS.  Microsoft has made the format a trade secret.



NTFS5 for win2k is actually an inaccurate description of the type used in the 
samba client help pages. The NTFS5 for win2k is acutally available in NT4, 
service pack 6. Not that anyone would install all those service packs, but it 
sets the record straight...
The only major difference in XP NTFS is another implementation of dynamic 
volumes, equivalent to md in linux, but W2k had it already. W2k can be 
installed on an NT4 partition, and will actually have a smaller cluster size 
than is possible in W2k setup.
The reiserFS list at was discussing NTFS, reiser and other 
filesystems. It's an excellent mailing list that i would recommend to anyone. 
My knowledge went from zilch to close to nothing ;-) Also, you tend to get 
responses VERY quickly (try the When will reiser be ready thread, started 
by yada stuf)



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Re: [newbie] missing PostScript fonts

2002-01-07 Per discussione Len Lawrence

On Sat, 8 Dec 2001, Derek Jennings wrote:

 Len.  Search the list archives. This one came up a month or so back. I think
 it was Cilvileme who have a URL for some  neat fonts, and also where to
 find Microsoft fonts on their web site.



 On Saturday 08 December 2001 06:50, you wrote:
  Dear fellow explorers
  Under Mandrake 7.2 I had access to certain fonts which seemed to have
  disappeared from my 8.1 system.  These were Hershey, Antiqua and
  English Gothic.  No idea where they came from but suspect they might
  be available on Windows systems.  I don't have Windows installed so
  cannot check this.  Can these fonts be downloaded from somewhere?
Thanks Derek for the suggestions.  They started me off on a long quest
which has only been partially successful.  In short, no problem with
importing a hundred or so free TrueType fonts and converting them to
Type1.  X can display them fine.  StarOffice imports them and also
prints them, but PostScript still cannot find them.  I have at least
one homegrown application which needs to print from a PostScript file.
This is an address label database written in Tcl/Tk and C which uses a
canvas to display a preview of the printed page - on screen the
typefaces show up fine.  The postscript option is then used to capture
the canvas and place it in a file.  In the file the font is correctly
identified: e.g.

%%IncludeResource: font Antsypants

/Antsypants findfont .

What comes out of the printer using lpr (CUPS) is some default
typeface, probably Courier, indicating that PostScript has failed to
find the resource.  Earlier I had used x2gs to process the .pfa and
.afm files generated from the TrueType font files.  This set up
symbolic links in the /usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript directory
back to the source directory for the .pfa, .afm files.  It was also
supposed to place entries in the Fontmap file for all the new fonts
but in fact only wrote a couple of comments, so I added the entries by
hand following the format of the standard entries.  That made no
difference.  Further to this, I also noticed that the missing fonts
which originally prompted this post are in fact defined as entries in
Fontmap, and the files these reference do indeed exist, in the same
directory, but, unlike in Mandrake 7.2, they are no longer accessible
to PostScript.  Why?  Am I wrong in assuming that PostScript looks to
the Ghostscript directories for its resources?  There is no
documentation for Ghostscript on my system, and none of the
information on the net has helped me understand how PostScript locates
its resources.

By the way, I would not expect you to answer these questions.  Just
hoping there might be one or two experts reading this list.

Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

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Re: [newbie] Re: Linux distro

2002-01-07 Per discussione Keith Powell

Hello Randy.

In the past when I have sent things like that abroad, I have added to the 
contents description:

Of no commercial value

This, I think, helps to make things as clear as possible to customs. I have 
never had any problems.

Hope that helps.


On Sunday 06 January 2002 8:11, you wrote:
 Tom wrote:
   I recently sent 8.1 CD's to New Zealand. You'll need to fill out a
  little green US Customs form, and it was about $2 postage. The only
  info the form asks for is sender, receiver, and a contents declaration.
  Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas, USA


 Thanks very much!  Some followups -- what value did you declare, how did
 you describe the contents, and, to your knowledge, did your declarations
 and descriptions cause any problems for the addressee?

 Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Suggested /home size?

2002-01-07 Per discussione Ashley Reynolds

Hi Wes,
Having a /home partition seperate to your / (root) partition is a good
idea it will save you great headaches if ever you decide to re-install

The size of the partition depends on how many users you will have on
your system.  If you are going to be the only user with an account on the
system, then 250Mb should suffice, perhaps a little more.

It doesn't matter what filesystem you use for the /home partition, nope.

It's all a matter of preference. ;)

Linux, unlike Windows does not care whether the partition is primary or
extended, so you can safely not select anything.

I hope this helps.

Kindest Regards,
 Ashley (aka ze0).

| Ashley Reynolds (aka ze0)[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|   Ph: +61 404 140 163 |
|  |
|  Registered Linux User: #254073  |

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, Wes Gregg wrote:


   I was installing linux to an approximately 8 gig partition (reiserfs)
 and that seemed to give some stability in the case of my numerous
 stabs at the reset switch.  But now I have a somewhat stable system
 but have to reinstall linux due to video driver issues.

   It has been suggested that I shrink this partition down a little bit
 in order to create a separate smaller partition for my /home
 directories.  This in case I ever have to reinstall (after this next time) I
 won't lose all of our email/personal files/configuration  settings.

   What is a good size for the /home directory?  I know I don't need
 the whole 8 gigs for my main linux partition - I think when I installed
 Mandrake it only took up about 3.5 gigs, maybe even a little bit less.

   Does it matter what file system I use for the separate partition?
 Should I just make it reiserfs also?

   And while I'm wondering about partitions, somewhere I had the
 option to tell it whether a partition shouold be primary, extended, or
 not pick anything.  Not knowing what I should pick, I didn't pick any
 option.  Does it matter in linux if I choose an option or not?

   Wes G.
   (Temporarily) from Windows

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Re: [newbie] certs, semi -OT

2002-01-07 Per discussione Ashley Reynolds


There sure is! Red Hat offers a certification, appropriately titled: RHCE
(Red Hat Certified Engingeer).  As I understand it, you can pay for the
course or do self-study.  The exam, however, is rather costly in
comparison to the MCSE exam.

You should check out this link if you are interested:

I wish MandrakeSoft would implement a certification like this. :)

I hope this helps.

Kindest Regards,
 Ashley (aka ze0).

| Ashley Reynolds (aka ze0)[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|   Ph: +61 404 140 163 |
|  |
|  Registered Linux User: #254073  |

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, Anuerin G. Diaz wrote:

 i heard there is a red hat equivalent of the MSCE.  sure sounds fun. ;-)


 shane wrote:

  well this isn't really on topic, but close.  ;)
  i used to be a network admin for a school system before becoming a stay at
  home dad for a few years.  anyway, i am hoping to keep up on some of my
  computer knowledge in the between jobs years by doing some studies in my
  huge amounts of free time.  (other parents heard the sarcasm in my voice)  i
  have (sadly) been reading through the MS certs.  but they are pretty simple,
  and empty of useful learning, so i am wondering about certifications for
  linux being decentralized as it is, i am more worried about learning than
  actually get a paper that says i can pass a test.  so anyone out there have
  some experience in the area?  who teaches a linux course worth taking?
  online/home/do it yourself type learning only, i can't take the 2 kids with
  me to classes.
  thanks all.
  Windows: Where do you want to go today? MacOS: Where do you want to be
  tomorrow? Linux: Are you coming or what?


 Programming, an artform that fights back.

 Anuerin G. Diaz
 Design Engineer
 Millennium Software, Incorporated
 2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
 Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

 Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
 Fax# 638-3079

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[newbie] Configuration of SNF and ADSL

2002-01-07 Per discussione Jan-Erik Persson (ESE)

Hi !
 I'm trying to get my new ADSL connection and SNF 7.2 working together. I have no 
problems getting the eth0 (for the internal network..) up and running, but it's 
impossible to get the connection to my ISP to work. Does anyone have any experience 
from the config of eth1 (ext network) and an Alcatel Speed Touch  ADSL modem? My ISP 
is Telia in Sweden. Should I use the ADSL-config or the Cable/LAN-config  (some 
other similar S/W's like Smoothwall  use LAN as I/F for this ADSL-modem connected to 
my second NIC eth1..)?

Any comments much appreciated !!

Thanks !


Jan-Erik Persson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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[newbie] nVidia nForce 420D chipset

2002-01-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Has anyone tried the nVidia nForce 420D chipset with GNU/Linux, and with
Mandrake in particular? I am thinking of purchasing a new computer [before RAM
prices rise too high :-) ], and the integrated solution offered by the nForce is
tempting. Nvidia have GNU/Linux drivers on their web site, but it seems like
these are only for the integrated graphics, despite their claims of having
Complete Linux Drivers. Are the built-in ethernet, Dolby Digital audio and
HomePNA usable in Mandrake? The ethernet is based on a Realtek RTL 8139 chip,
which is well supported in Linux (I have such a card now).

I'm not a fan of closed source drivers, but this chipset looks too good to pass
up :-)

Sridhar Dhanapalan

... the main beneficiaries of mergers in the computer industry have been
competitors -- Ben Rosen, Chairman of Compaq Computer Corp., 1991.

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Re: [newbie] Re: Linux distro

2002-01-07 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Keith Powell wrote:
 In the past when I have sent things like that abroad, I have added to the
 contents description:
 Of no commercial value


Thanks, I'll probably try that!

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] The last three posts are not on the list?

2002-01-07 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Mick wrote:
 It's me again. The guy who keeps sending tests to the list that work, but
 then a post with a question or comment disappears!
 They just won't show up on the list!!
 What gives?


Ok, why don't you send a post to the list with a question and a cc to me
-- let's see what happens.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] HELP! WinXP

2002-01-07 Per discussione Mike Leone

 NTFS5 for win2k is actually an inaccurate description of the type used in
 samba client help pages. The NTFS5 for win2k is acutally available in
 service pack 6. Not that anyone would install all those service packs, but
 sets the record straight...

EVERYONE should install all those service packs on NT; it's practically the
first thing you should do.
Somewhat OT.

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Re: [newbie] Shoutcast

2002-01-07 Per discussione chris swain

On Monday 07 January 2002 03:26, you wrote:

On Sat, 05 Jan 2002 08:27:17 +0100

 Stojs [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
 That is exactly what I mean. Just like I can with streamripper in

 well, then if you can find a stream ripper that runs in Linux, yes. If
 you can't then no, you can't. I've never heard of ripping the stream, so
 I'll have to take your word for it that it can be done.

Ive heard it can be done also and would like to be able to do it on linux.
If you find a prog for it stojs pass me a link to it :)  thanks

Chris Swain
Registered linux user 226399

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Re: [newbie] nVidia nForce 420D chipset

2002-01-07 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 I'm not a fan of closed source drivers, but this chipset looks too good to pass
 up :-)


I just saw something today about NVidia seizing computer equipment from
some hackers who used some amount of deception to collect information
presumably in order to write drivers for Linux.

Just saw a headline or snippet and haven't read it thoroughly,
presumably I'll find it again as I go through mail / daily news
updates.  Don't know if involves any arrests or anything more than
seizing equipment.

But, I for one don't plan to reward NVidia by buying anything from them.

I'll post again when I find a link to the story.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Shell Script

2002-01-07 Per discussione Mitch . Wilson

This brings up a question about permissions ...

So a script (or any executable, such as a perl script written for cgi)
cannot be run by anyone other than root, if it was created by root? I mean,
root can't give permission for a root-owned script to be world executable,
even if the administrator wanted to? While I can see how doing that would
be a very bad idea, in terms of security, I'm just asking in order to learn
more about linux file permissions.

I had written a perl cgi script, and it wouldn't run from the web page, as
it turns out because I had created it as root.


hi rich,

  the script is an _executable_. just create an icon in your desktop and
point it to the script of your choice. make sure that you have the proper
permissions though as some scripts are for administration (root and its
equivalent) use only.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] what to use for hostname

2002-01-07 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geez ... my mistake ... i should have more coffe before i try to make an ass
of myself

obviously, i went to, not ... my apologies to the list

- Original Message -
From: kenn@yahoo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] what to use for hostname

 well, i guess i was too late ... i just went to and
 discovered that they no longer offer free accounts ... $50 a year is not
 outrageous amount, but i'd still prefer a free service ...

 does anyone have any other recommendations on where to find a free dns
 service ?



 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 11:00 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] what to use for hostname

  yup, that rocks,
  mine is
  and I got it from dyndns.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
  Sent: Friday, 4 January 2002 6:39 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] what to use for hostname
  Dave Sherman wrote:
   This is partially true. To receive mail, you need to have a domain to
   which people can send. And to send or relay mail, many servers are set
   to refuse mail from another server (like yours) to which they can't do
   dns lookup and verify your server's fully qualified domain name
   One workaround for this is to register with or another free
   dns service, in which you will be given a host name like (that's mine). Then, if you set up your mail server
   to use this valid fqdn, you are good to go. I use postfix, and it was
   quite simple to get going.
  Randy Kramer


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RE: [newbie] Shell Script

2002-01-07 Per discussione Scott Thurmond

You (root) can give permission to any file you want.  Lets, for example, say
root wants to give the ID brian ownership of the file /tmp/tempfile.txt.

chown id:group /file

chown brian:brian /tmp/tempfile.txt

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Shell Script

This brings up a question about permissions ...

So a script (or any executable, such as a perl script written for cgi)
cannot be run by anyone other than root, if it was created by root? I mean,
root can't give permission for a root-owned script to be world executable,
even if the administrator wanted to? While I can see how doing that would
be a very bad idea, in terms of security, I'm just asking in order to learn
more about linux file permissions.

I had written a perl cgi script, and it wouldn't run from the web page, as
it turns out because I had created it as root.


hi rich,

  the script is an _executable_. just create an icon in your desktop and
point it to the script of your choice. make sure that you have the proper
permissions though as some scripts are for administration (root and its
equivalent) use only.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] what to use for hostname

2002-01-07 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

well, i guess i was too late ... i just went to and
discovered that they no longer offer free accounts ... $50 a year is not an
outrageous amount, but i'd still prefer a free service ...

does anyone have any other recommendations on where to find a free dns
service ?



- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 11:00 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] what to use for hostname

 yup, that rocks,

 mine is
 and I got it from dyndns.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
 Sent: Friday, 4 January 2002 6:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] what to use for hostname

 Dave Sherman wrote:
  This is partially true. To receive mail, you need to have a domain to
  which people can send. And to send or relay mail, many servers are set
  to refuse mail from another server (like yours) to which they can't do a
  dns lookup and verify your server's fully qualified domain name (fqdn).
  One workaround for this is to register with or another free
  dns service, in which you will be given a host name like (that's mine). Then, if you set up your mail server
  to use this valid fqdn, you are good to go. I use postfix, and it was
  quite simple to get going.



 Randy Kramer

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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[newbie] OT: reading the future

2002-01-07 Per discussione Mohammed Arafa 2 Mailing Lists

weird but i think i can see posts from the future ..they are all coming to
me with the date as 01/01/2003 and thats from 4 or 5 different guys
any one else notice this?

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Re: [newbie] what to use for hostname

2002-01-07 Per discussione Dave Sherman

On Mon, 2002-01-07 at 08:36, kenn@yahoo wrote:
 well, i guess i was too late ... i just went to and
 discovered that they no longer offer free accounts ... $50 a year is not an
 outrageous amount, but i'd still prefer a free service ...
 does anyone have any other recommendations on where to find a free dns
 service ?

Do a google search on free dns and you will get a bunch of hits.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and good
with ketchup.

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Re: [newbie] Is CGI set up ... FIXED

2002-01-07 Per discussione Mitch . Wilson

But that's what is weird -- the permissions were set to 755.

I just did a test. I ran the script, and it worked. Then I changed
ownership to root, and it didn't work. I changed it back to mitch, and it

Before, when I had changed the ownership of the file with chown, I didn't
stop to then modify the permissions. I just went to my windows machine,
loaded the html page in the browser, and clicked on the link to the cgi
file. And it worked. The only change I had made was ownership from root to
the user account mitch.

The file, btw, is in the home directory of mitch. So maybe a file in a
user's home directory *must* have permissions to run from the owner of that
directory. In other words, root can't give permission to run an executable
from a user's home directory?





Sent by: cc:   

newbie-owner@linux-maSubject: Re: [newbie] Is CGI set 
up ... FIXED 



01/04/02 06:29 PM  

Please respond to  




It's typical of the Linux filesystem, regardless
of what the file is, or who it belongs to.

It's not a problem that a script is owned by root,
but in order for others to run it, the permission
for others must be open. That is, a script
owned by root can't be run by others if it's
700, but it can if it's 755.

Let me know if that doesn't make sense.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Is CGI set up ... FIXED

 So is this a security measure or just a normal part of
 linux file permissions? Is it that no cgi script, anywhere,
 will run if it has root permissions or is it that it just
 wouldn't run because it was in a user's home directory?

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RE: [newbie] Shell Script

2002-01-07 Per discussione Mitch . Wilson

But can I, as root, give permission to run a file as world executable in a
user's home directory? The reason I ask is I tried that and it -- the cgi
file -- wouldn't work, until I changed the owner to the user of the home
directory ... oh wait. I had changed the group, not the user. I see now.
You have to change both. If the file is the group root, but the owner is
the user mitch, it won't run because mitch isn't in the root group. So if
the file is in the group root, then the user would also have to be the root
group for the file to be executable? That makes sense. Duh! Is that right?



Scott Thurmond   

scott.thurmond@pfsfhTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   cc:   

Sent by: Subject: RE: [newbie] Shell 



01/07/02 08:54 AM  

Please respond to  




You (root) can give permission to any file you want.  Lets, for example,
root wants to give the ID brian ownership of the file /tmp/tempfile.txt.

chown id:group /file

chown brian:brian /tmp/tempfile.txt

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Shell Script

This brings up a question about permissions ...

So a script (or any executable, such as a perl script written for cgi)
cannot be run by anyone other than root, if it was created by root? I mean,
root can't give permission for a root-owned script to be world executable,
even if the administrator wanted to? While I can see how doing that would
be a very bad idea, in terms of security, I'm just asking in order to learn
more about linux file permissions.

I had written a perl cgi script, and it wouldn't run from the web page, as
it turns out because I had created it as root.


hi rich,

  the script is an _executable_. just create an icon in your desktop and
point it to the script of your choice. make sure that you have the proper
permissions though as some scripts are for administration (root and its
equivalent) use only.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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RE: [newbie] Shell Script

2002-01-07 Per discussione Scott Thurmond

For security reasons I wouldn't recommend adding any user to the root group.
Rather, change all the cgi scripts to be owned by user nobody.

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 10:40 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Shell Script

But can I, as root, give permission to run a file as world executable in a
user's home directory? The reason I ask is I tried that and it -- the cgi
file -- wouldn't work, until I changed the owner to the user of the home
directory ... oh wait. I had changed the group, not the user. I see now.
You have to change both. If the file is the group root, but the owner is
the user mitch, it won't run because mitch isn't in the root group. So if
the file is in the group root, then the user would also have to be the root
group for the file to be executable? That makes sense. Duh! Is that right?


Scott Thurmond
Sent by: Subject: RE: [newbie]
Shell Script

01/07/02 08:54 AM
Please respond to

You (root) can give permission to any file you want.  Lets, for example,
root wants to give the ID brian ownership of the file /tmp/tempfile.txt.

chown id:group /file

chown brian:brian /tmp/tempfile.txt

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Shell Script

This brings up a question about permissions ...

So a script (or any executable, such as a perl script written for cgi)
cannot be run by anyone other than root, if it was created by root? I mean,
root can't give permission for a root-owned script to be world executable,
even if the administrator wanted to? While I can see how doing that would
be a very bad idea, in terms of security, I'm just asking in order to learn
more about linux file permissions.

I had written a perl cgi script, and it wouldn't run from the web page, as
it turns out because I had created it as root.


hi rich,

  the script is an _executable_. just create an icon in your desktop and
point it to the script of your choice. make sure that you have the proper
permissions though as some scripts are for administration (root and its
equivalent) use only.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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[newbie] KMail Email Backup

2002-01-07 Per discussione Wes Gregg


I would like to make a backup of my email so that when I reinstall 
Linux I can restore it.  I am using KMail.  Does anyone know which 
files ( directory) have my email  mail folders in them?  Can I just 
use one of the archive tools in KDE's desktop menu to archive them? 
I assume I can copy the archive file to my windows partition where it 
will be (reasonably) safe while I reinstall Mandrake 8.1 and then just 
copy it back and unarchive it back where it came from?

Thanks much,
Wes Gregg
In Windows (help me!)

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RE: [newbie] what to use for hostname

2002-01-07 Per discussione Eric Budinger

Ok. Im using a router here Can I have a hostname or do I have to use
the localhost.localhost one?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of kenn@yahoo
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] what to use for hostname

geez ... my mistake ... i should have more coffe before i try to make an
of myself

obviously, i went to, not ... my apologies to the

- Original Message -
From: kenn@yahoo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] what to use for hostname

 well, i guess i was too late ... i just went to and
 discovered that they no longer offer free accounts ... $50 a year is
 outrageous amount, but i'd still prefer a free service ...

 does anyone have any other recommendations on where to find a free dns
 service ?



 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 11:00 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] what to use for hostname

  yup, that rocks,
  mine is
  and I got it from dyndns.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
  Sent: Friday, 4 January 2002 6:39 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] what to use for hostname
  Dave Sherman wrote:
   This is partially true. To receive mail, you need to have a domain
   which people can send. And to send or relay mail, many servers are
   to refuse mail from another server (like yours) to which they
can't do
   dns lookup and verify your server's fully qualified domain name
   One workaround for this is to register with or another
   dns service, in which you will be given a host name like (that's mine). Then, if you set up your mail
   to use this valid fqdn, you are good to go. I use postfix, and it
   quite simple to get going.
  Randy Kramer


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Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie] KMail Email Backup

2002-01-07 Per discussione shane

home/(your user name)/Mail  last place anyone would ever look where it 
belongs.  ;-)

the address book is in file:/home/shane/.kde/share/apps/kmail

On Monday 07 January 2002 07:56, you spoke unto me thusly:


   I would like to make a backup of my email so that when I reinstall
 Linux I can restore it.  I am using KMail.  Does anyone know which
 files ( directory) have my email  mail folders in them?  Can I just
 use one of the archive tools in KDE's desktop menu to archive them?
 I assume I can copy the archive file to my windows partition where it
 will be (reasonably) safe while I reinstall Mandrake 8.1 and then just
 copy it back and unarchive it back where it came from?

   Thanks much,
   Wes Gregg
   In Windows (help me!)

Linux, cause i reboot less often than windows users reinstall.

registered linux user #101606 @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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Re: [newbie] HELP! WinXP

2002-01-07 Per discussione shane

while true, do you really think any but the most dedicated can install dozens 
of packs (some _very_ large) on any number of machines and even pretend to 
get any other work done?

...been there, done that.

On Monday 07 January 2002 06:25, you spoke unto me thusly:

 EVERYONE should install all those service packs on NT; it's practically the
 first thing you should do.
 Somewhat OT.

If they give you ruled paper, write the other way. -Juan Jimenez

registered linux user #101606 @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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Re: [newbie] KMail Email Backup

2002-01-07 Per discussione Bill Spatz

On Monday 07 January 2002 08:56, you wrote:

   I would like to make a backup of my email so that when I reinstall
 Linux I can restore it.  I am using KMail.  Does anyone know which
 files ( directory) have my email  mail folders in them?  Can I just
 use one of the archive tools in KDE's desktop menu to archive them?
 I assume I can copy the archive file to my windows partition where it
 will be (reasonably) safe while I reinstall Mandrake 8.1 and then just
 copy it back and unarchive it back where it came from?


What I did was copy my Mail folder to my windows partition (as an 
assumption), it copied all my mail folders, with contents. What I did have to 
do though, was setup my email accounts again. I did a complete reinstall from 
8.0 to 8.1.


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Re: [newbie] KMail Email Backup

2002-01-07 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 07 January 2002 09:56 am, Wes Gregg wrote:

   I would like to make a backup of my email so that when I reinstall
 Linux I can restore it.  I am using KMail.  Does anyone know which
 files ( directory) have my email  mail folders in them?  Can I just
 use one of the archive tools in KDE's desktop menu to archive them?
 I assume I can copy the archive file to my windows partition where it
 will be (reasonably) safe while I reinstall Mandrake 8.1 and then
 just copy it back and unarchive it back where it came from?

Save your entire  /home/user/Mail/ folder, and 
/home/user/.kde/share/config/kmailrc.  I don't bother with savin my 
address book, I re-create it from my sent mail, reply, and another 
Kmail folder I made, stor,  folders. Good opportunity to clean it out, 
only takes a minute ;)  
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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Re: [newbie] HELP! WinXP

2002-01-07 Per discussione Mike Leone

 while true, do you really think any but the most dedicated can install
 of packs (some _very_ large) on any number of machines and even pretend to
 get any other work done?

Yep. Me. :-) Altho I only have a couple servers; not dozens or hundreds.

 ...been there, done that.


 On Monday 07 January 2002 06:25, you spoke unto me thusly:

  EVERYONE should install all those service packs on NT; it's practically
  first thing you should do.
  Somewhat OT.

 If they give you ruled paper, write the other way. -Juan Jimenez

 registered linux user #101606 @
 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
 Link different.
 Profile at:

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] KMail Email Backup

2002-01-07 Per discussione Wes Gregg

On 7 Jan 2002, at 8:19, shane wrote:

 home/(your user name)/Mail  last place anyone would ever look where it 
 belongs.  ;-)

Err, that makes sense.
 the address book is in file:/home/shane/.kde/share/apps/kmail

Forgot to even ask about that one.

Thanks Shane  everyone else who's been so helpful.

Wes G.

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Re: [newbie] Shoutcast

2002-01-07 Per discussione Stojs

Stream ripper is a plugin for winamp. Can you run winamp in a windows emulator?
Then maybe the ripper as well...

Thanks in advance,

daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 well, then if you can find a stream ripper that runs in Linux, yes. If you
 can't then no, you can't. I've never heard of ripping the stream, so I'll
 have to take your word for it that it can be done.

 If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
 the first time!

 Registered Linux User 182496
 Mandrake 8.1
  10:05pm  up 12:37,  1 user,  load average: 1.47, 0.94, 0.86

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Re: [newbie] Shell Script

2002-01-07 Per discussione Randy Kramer

 This brings up a question about permissions ...
 So a script (or any executable, such as a perl script written for cgi)
 cannot be run by anyone other than root, if it was created by root? I mean,
 root can't give permission for a root-owned script to be world executable,
 even if the administrator wanted to? While I can see how doing that would
 be a very bad idea, in terms of security, I'm just asking in order to learn
 more about linux file permissions.
 I had written a perl cgi script, and it wouldn't run from the web page, as
 it turns out because I had created it as root.

In general, root can give permission to other to execute (or read, or
write) a file.  You should read more on this somewhere, but generally,
every file has a set of permission bits, sometimes displayed like 700,
755, or 777 (and sometimes with another leading digit).  Of these three
digits, the first represents permissions for the owner of the file
(which could be root or anybody else), the second gives permissions for
a group which owns the file, and the third gives permissions for the
world (everybody, or anybody who can log in to the system holding the

The three digits are octal, and it is helpful to interpret them as the
bits representing that octal number.  (Like 7=111, 6=110, ... 0=000
(don't know why I did that backwards, it's more natural to start at 0.
;-)  In the group of three bits, the first bit represents read
permission, the second represents write permission, and the third
represents execute permission.

So, as an example, if you set the permissions on a file to 751, the
owner of the file would have read, write, and execute permission, and
the group that owns the file would have read and execute permissions,
and the whole world would have read permissions.

Read up on chmod and chown.

Randy Kramer

PS: When you get into CGI, especially on a TWiki, things can get a
little more confusing.  TWiki stores all revisions in RCS, and as
presently set up, the RCS files are locked (separate from the chown /
chmod business) so only the Apache user (usually nobody) can modify
them.  Finally, there is also chattr command which has some similarities
to the typical dos / windows way of controlling files (hidden,
read-only, etc.).  Finally (really!), some of the things you can do with
file permissions depend on which filesystem you are using.  For example,
it is not easy to change the owner or permissions for a file stored on a
FAT or FAT32 filesystem.

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Re: [newbie] KMail Email Backup

2002-01-07 Per discussione shane

On Monday 07 January 2002 08:48, you spoke unto me thusly:

  home/(your user name)/Mail  last place anyone would ever look where
  it belongs.  ;-)

   Err, that makes sense.

tell me about it.  spent over an hour first time i installed linux looking 
for the mail folder in hidden sub directories.  there it is in home, big as 
life.  :-)  i felt soo smart.

The only people who like Microsoft are those who don't understand.  When 
people understand what Microsoft is up to, they're outraged. -- Tim O'Reilly

registered linux user #101606 @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
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[newbie] Copied file is lost?!?

2002-01-07 Per discussione David Bovill

Using Gnome/Midnight Commander I copied a file to a Floppy to work on
another computer. The file was corrupted so I went back to the original to
find it gone!

Did I move it (I think I may have dragged it)? Is there any way to get it
back - it's over a days work

Please help!

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RE: [newbie] what to use for hostname

2002-01-07 Per discussione Dave Sherman

On Mon, 2002-01-07 at 10:09, Eric Budinger wrote:
 Ok. Im using a router here Can I have a hostname or do I have to use
 the localhost.localhost one?

*Everyone* is using a router somewhere ;-) You still want a hostname.
Are you behind a DSL router or cable modem/router that does NAT? If so,
then you will need to use the IP address of the router, and you will
also need to configure your router to forward packets through to your

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and good
with ketchup.

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[newbie] install KDE

2002-01-07 Per discussione Francois

I have the REdHat7.2 CD's and i want to install KDE 
(i dont to it when i install my linux) 
where i can find one howto from the 
i found only from binary on the web...



Re: [newbie] what to use for hostname

2002-01-07 Per discussione Julian Opificius

Do you actually want dynamic DNS, or do you have a static IP?
If you want static, I just signed up with granite canyon 
( . It was easy to do, fast, and free (as in no dollars).
If you need a domain name, I just registered mine with Go Daddy 
( You can't beat $8.95 a year.

At 08:50 AM 1/7/02 -0600, you wrote:
geez ... my mistake ... i should have more coffe before i try to make an ass
of myself

obviously, i went to, not ... my apologies to the list

- Original Message -
From: kenn@yahoo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] what to use for hostname

  well, i guess i was too late ... i just went to and
  discovered that they no longer offer free accounts ... $50 a year is not
  outrageous amount, but i'd still prefer a free service ...
  does anyone have any other recommendations on where to find a free dns
  service ?
  - Original Message -
  From: Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 11:00 PM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] what to use for hostname
   yup, that rocks,
   mine is
   and I got it from dyndns.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
   Sent: Friday, 4 January 2002 6:39 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] what to use for hostname
   Dave Sherman wrote:
This is partially true. To receive mail, you need to have a domain to
which people can send. And to send or relay mail, many servers are set
to refuse mail from another server (like yours) to which they can't do
dns lookup and verify your server's fully qualified domain name
One workaround for this is to register with or another free
dns service, in which you will be given a host name like (that's mine). Then, if you set up your mail server
to use this valid fqdn, you are good to go. I use postfix, and it was
quite simple to get going.
   Randy Kramer
   Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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  Get your free address at

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Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after me ...

Julian Opificius. ICQ 3268206.

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[newbie] any digest ?

2002-01-07 Per discussione [ © ª N ª ® i º JØË ]¹


Is there any digest alternative for this group ?
If there isnt any, could you, please, implement one ?

I  for  one would be more than happy to receive all daily traffic
in one message.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   [Ø©Eªnº - þªT®iª - NØsT®ª]

Monday, January 07, 2002, 18:55:13 [Islas Canarias, GMT].

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Re: [newbie] Can I connect to netzero from my linux box???

2002-01-07 Per discussione Jon Doe

On 06 Jan 2002 23:45:18 -0500
Noah Swint [EMAIL PROTECTED] grumbled this:

 You can dialin and view only netzero pages but they have configured the
 dns servers to only work with their software to prevent users from
 getting around it.  and they use an encrypted password too.
 On Sun, 2002-01-06 at 22:39, Roberto Armenteros wrote:
  During my winter breaks I am away from my school
  network and my only internet access is through
  netzero. Is there a way to connect my linux box
  through netzero? Can I share my netzero internet
  connection from my Windos XP box with my linux box?
  This may be nonsense, but you never know ;) Please if
  anyone gives me a hand on this I would really
  appreciate it.

If your run the linux box through the widnows box and use ICS(internet connection 
sharing) on the window box, Netzero won't know the difference.


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Re: [newbie] 8.1 Kernel Panic on Boot - new Dell C400 laptop

2002-01-07 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 20:50:19 -0600
John O'Shaughnessy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In the past, I've successfully installed Mandrake Linux 7.2, 8.0, and 8.1 on
 a different PC.
 I recently purchased a new Dell C400 laptop
 The installation process went smoothly.  After I restarted the machine, LILO
 starts up, and I selected the Linux installation.
 I saw one text line with Loading Linux
 Followed by the following:
 0 Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init! e2 03 23 04 95 c0 f6 26 ] [
 c0105000 ]
 The machine needs to be powered off to get beyond that point.
 The Dell C400 has an 866 MHz PIII-M 512 Mb RAM.  It also has Intel 830M
 Integrated UMA Graphics (shared with system memory).
 Any suggestions?  Any other information that I can provide?
 John M. O'Shaughnessy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Maybe the 'shared with system memory' graphics is the problem? My suggestion:
when booting, when the splash screen comes up, press ESC and at the prompt
type 'linux mem=xyzM', without quotes of course,  where xyz is the amount of
RAM minus video memory. HTH,


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[newbie] fdisk, installation assistance

2002-01-07 Per discussione Derek Kitzelman

Does Mandrake 8.1 have a partition manager utility
similar to fdisk or disk druid?

I am attempting to load Mandrake 8.1 on a PC that I
previously loaded RedHat 7.0, which didn't like my
video card.  So, before loading Mandrake 8.1, I went
in with the fdisk utility from RedHat and deleted the
LINUX partition I had created.

when trying to install 8.1 I get the following kernel

RAMDISK: compressed image found at block 0 
Uncompressing.3crc errordone. 
Freeing initrd memory:507k freed 
VFS:Cannot open root device ram3 or 01:03 
Please append a correct root= boot option 
Kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on 01:03 

Has anyone seen this before?  


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Re: [newbie] Shell Script

2002-01-07 Per discussione Mitch . Wilson

Right. I got all that. But the question is this: whatever the permissions
might be, can root give permission -- and it work -- for a file to be world
executable from within the public_html directory within a user's home

It seems like, sure, of course ... But it didn't work for me. I had a Perl
file, with a cgi extension, in the cgi-bin of a user's home directory. And
it would not run from a web browser. It just wouldn't. The permissions were
755. I checked them a million times. I set them with root. I set them with
the user account (I am root and the user). Nothing would get the file to
execute as long as it was in the root group.

Chmod did nothing. Chown, however, fixed it by switching the file to the
group of the user. (Yes, I had made a group just for the user.)

It wasn't a matter of me not understanding chmod. I wish :). It was weird,
which is why I'm trying to find out what was going on. Everyone seems to be
saying, As long as it has 755 permssions, it WILL run.

But, no, it wouldn't. So there's something else going on, which has to do
with which *group* the file belonged to. Because as soon as I changed the
group from root to mitch the file would run from a web browser.

Anyone have an explanation? If not, I'm just glad the file runs, finally,
and sometime later maybe I'll understand why it wouldn't run before -- even
when I, as root, gave 755 permissions.



Randy Kramer   


Sent by: cc:   

newbie-owner@linux-maSubject: Re: [newbie] Shell 



01/07/02 11:09 AM  

Please respond to  




 This brings up a question about permissions ...

 So a script (or any executable, such as a perl script written for cgi)
 cannot be run by anyone other than root, if it was created by root? I
 root can't give permission for a root-owned script to be world
 even if the administrator wanted to? While I can see how doing that would
 be a very bad idea, in terms of security, I'm just asking in order to
 more about linux file permissions.

 I had written a perl cgi script, and it wouldn't run from the web page,
 it turns out because I had created it as root.

In general, root can give permission to other to execute (or read, or
write) a file.  You should read more on this somewhere, but generally,
every file has a set of permission bits, sometimes displayed like 700,
755, or 777 (and sometimes with another leading digit).  Of these three
digits, the first represents permissions for the owner of the file
(which could be root or anybody else), the second gives permissions for
a group which owns the file, and the third gives permissions for the
world (everybody, or anybody who can log in to the system holding the

The three digits are octal, and it is helpful to interpret them as the
bits representing that octal number.  (Like 7=111, 6=110, ... 0=000
(don't know why I did that backwards, it's more natural to start at 0.
;-)  In the group of three bits, the first bit represents read
permission, the second represents write permission, and the third
represents execute permission.

So, as an example, if you set the permissions on a file to 751, the
owner of the file would have read, write, and execute permission, and
the group that owns the file would have read and execute permissions,
and the whole world would have read permissions.

Read up on chmod and chown.

Randy Kramer

PS: When you get into CGI, especially on a TWiki, things can get a
little more confusing.  TWiki stores all revisions in RCS, and as
presently set up, the RCS 

Re: [newbie] deleted partition HELP!

2002-01-07 Per discussione Ric Parsons

Ok, I read the faqs but I did not detect
anywhere about recovering partitions,
I even tested the little prog out,
but I did not know what to type,
or what button to press.

Please help more.

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Re: [newbie] certs, semi -OT

2002-01-07 Per discussione Randy Kramer


You (and others) might want to check this out.  

Basic Linux Training course, at

I signed up for it, and it just started today.  He only accepts new
students at the start of the course, which is just starting -- if you're
interested write to him, you  might still be able to get in.  It is free
and on-line, but it might be more basic than you're looking for.

Randy Kramer

shane wrote:
 well this isn't really on topic, but close.  ;)
 i used to be a network admin for a school system before becoming a stay at
 home dad for a few years.  anyway, i am hoping to keep up on some of my
 computer knowledge in the between jobs years by doing some studies in my
 huge amounts of free time.  (other parents heard the sarcasm in my voice)  i
 have (sadly) been reading through the MS certs.  but they are pretty simple,
 and empty of useful learning, so i am wondering about certifications for
 linux being decentralized as it is, i am more worried about learning than
 actually get a paper that says i can pass a test.  so anyone out there have
 some experience in the area?  who teaches a linux course worth taking?
 online/home/do it yourself type learning only, i can't take the 2 kids with
 me to classes.

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[newbie] Tried findpart.exe, can't figure out text output to restore partition.

2002-01-07 Per discussione Ric Parsons

Here is what a dos app spit out, I know
the /home partition is in there somewhere
but I can't figure it out.

The partitions were as follows,
but I don't know their sizes.


I only need what was in the /home
one, none others.

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[newbie] sorry forgot to include output file for deleted partition

2002-01-07 Per discussione Ric Parsons

I hope this thing does not phunk up
the file so it can be read.

Otherwise will have to include it
as an attachment.

Findpart, version 4.15.
Copyright Svend Olaf Mikkelsen, 2001.

Searches for partitions type 01, 04, 06, 07, 0B, 0C,
0E, 82, 83,
plus Fdisk F6 and Lilo sectors. Information based on
is marked B. If the disk is larger than supported by
BIOS, the
supported part of the disk is examined. Disks are
numbered from 1.

OS:  DOS 6.22 All

Disk: 1   Cylinders: 2501   Heads: 255   Sectors: 63  
MB: 19618

-PCyl N ID -Rel -Num ---MB -Start CHS- --End
0+1 83   6396264470   2  15
254 63 OK   OK
0+2 0596327  2040255   9966   0  1  132
254 63 ---  OK
6 1 83   63  2040192   9966   1  1  132
254 63 OK   OK
6 2 05  2136582 18426555  8997  133   0  1
1279*254 63 ---  OK
  133 1 83   63 18426492  8997  133   1  1
1279*254 63 OK   OK
  133 2 05 30635955  9156987  4471 1023   1  1
1592*254 63 -627 NB
0 - 83 20563200 10072755  4918 1280   0  1 1906
254 63 B0   OK
 1907+1 83   63  9301509  4541 1907*  2  1
2485*254 63 OK   OK
 1907+2 05 39937590   240912   117 1023   1  1
1037*254 63 +2486NB
0 - 83 30636081  9301509  4541 1907   2  1 2485
254 63 B0   OK
 2485 1 82   63   256977   125 2485#  1  1
2500*254 63  OK
There were sectors, which could not be read.

No FATs found.

Partitions according to partition tables on first

-PCyl N ID -Rel -Num ---MB -Start CHS- --End
0 1 83 20563200 10072755  4918 1280*  0  1
1906*254 63 OK   OK

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Re: [newbie] fdisk, installation assistance

2002-01-07 Per discussione Ashley Reynolds

The Mandrake installer uses a graphical program called DiskDrake, you can
scrap all of the partitions there, and try re-installing it. It sounds
like it could be a swap partition related problem?

I hope this helps.

Kindest Regards,
 Ashley (aka ze0).

| Ashley Reynolds (aka ze0)[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|   Ph: +61 404 140 163 |
|  |
|  Registered Linux User: #254073  |

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, Derek Kitzelman wrote:

 Does Mandrake 8.1 have a partition manager utility
 similar to fdisk or disk druid?

 I am attempting to load Mandrake 8.1 on a PC that I
 previously loaded RedHat 7.0, which didn't like my
 video card.  So, before loading Mandrake 8.1, I went
 in with the fdisk utility from RedHat and deleted the
 LINUX partition I had created.

 when trying to install 8.1 I get the following kernel

 RAMDISK: compressed image found at block 0
 Uncompressing.3crc errordone.
 Freeing initrd memory:507k freed
 VFS:Cannot open root device ram3 or 01:03
 Please append a correct root= boot option
 Kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on 01:03

 Has anyone seen this before?


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Re: [newbie] fdisk, installation assistance

2002-01-07 Per discussione Derek Kitzelman


Is there a way to access DiskDrake without launching
the install?  Is there away to initiate DiskDrake from
the gui?

Your help is definitely appreciated!


--- Ashley Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The Mandrake installer uses a graphical program
 called DiskDrake, you can
 scrap all of the partitions there, and try
 re-installing it. It sounds
 like it could be a swap partition related problem?
 I hope this helps.
 Kindest Regards,
  Ashley (aka ze0).

 | Ashley Reynolds (aka ze0)   
 |   Ph: +61 404
 140 163 |
 |  Registered Linux User: #254073   

 On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, Derek Kitzelman wrote:
  Does Mandrake 8.1 have a partition manager utility
  similar to fdisk or disk druid?
  I am attempting to load Mandrake 8.1 on a PC that
  previously loaded RedHat 7.0, which didn't like my
  video card.  So, before loading Mandrake 8.1, I
  in with the fdisk utility from RedHat and deleted
  LINUX partition I had created.
  when trying to install 8.1 I get the following
  RAMDISK: compressed image found at block 0
  Uncompressing.3crc errordone.
  Freeing initrd memory:507k freed
  VFS:Cannot open root device ram3 or 01:03
  Please append a correct root= boot option
  Kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on 01:03
  Has anyone seen this before?
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Re: [newbie] Shell Script

2002-01-07 Per discussione Randy Kramer

 Right. I got all that. But the question is this: whatever the permissions
 might be, can root give permission -- and it work -- for a file to be world
 executable from within the public_html directory within a user's home


I can't help you -- I don't know any more at this point in time.  I do
not understand what goes on with a web server -- there seem to be more
gotchas involved.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] fdisk, installation assistance

2002-01-07 Per discussione Ashley Reynolds


There most certainly is.  Simply run, as root:


I haven't used it from an existing installation before, but I'm sure it is
no different than it is in the installer. ;)

Have fun!

Kindest Regards,
 Ashley (aka ze0).

| Ashley Reynolds (aka ze0)[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|   Ph: +61 404 140 163 |
|  |
|  Registered Linux User: #254073  |

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, Derek Kitzelman wrote:


 Is there a way to access DiskDrake without launching
 the install?  Is there away to initiate DiskDrake from
 the gui?

 Your help is definitely appreciated!


 --- Ashley Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The Mandrake installer uses a graphical program
  called DiskDrake, you can
  scrap all of the partitions there, and try
  re-installing it. It sounds
  like it could be a swap partition related problem?
  I hope this helps.
  Kindest Regards,
   Ashley (aka ze0).
  | Ashley Reynolds (aka ze0)
  |   Ph: +61 404
  140 163 |
  |  Registered Linux User: #254073
  On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, Derek Kitzelman wrote:
   Does Mandrake 8.1 have a partition manager utility
   similar to fdisk or disk druid?
   I am attempting to load Mandrake 8.1 on a PC that
   previously loaded RedHat 7.0, which didn't like my
   video card.  So, before loading Mandrake 8.1, I
   in with the fdisk utility from RedHat and deleted
   LINUX partition I had created.
   when trying to install 8.1 I get the following
   RAMDISK: compressed image found at block 0
   Uncompressing.3crc errordone.
   Freeing initrd memory:507k freed
   VFS:Cannot open root device ram3 or 01:03
   Please append a correct root= boot option
   Kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on 01:03
   Has anyone seen this before?
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!
   Want to buy your Pack or Services from
  Go to

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 Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!

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Re: [newbie] certs, semi -OT

2002-01-07 Per discussione Grant Fraser

I've just started the basic linux course too!
This site has lots of good links.
As for certification I think that there are only two that I would consider 
worthwhile. Explore the sites. I haven't made up my mind yet.
SAIR Linux which is distro independant
LPI which looks like it has heavyweight backers.
Also consider
and for inspiration try:


On Monday 07 January 2002 13:04, you wrote:

 You (and others) might want to check this out.

 Basic Linux Training course, at

 I signed up for it, and it just started today.  He only accepts new
 students at the start of the course, which is just starting -- if you're
 interested write to him, you  might still be able to get in.  It is free
 and on-line, but it might be more basic than you're looking for.

 Randy Kramer

 shane wrote:
  well this isn't really on topic, but close.  ;)
  i used to be a network admin for a school system before becoming a stay
  at home dad for a few years.  anyway, i am hoping to keep up on some of
  my computer knowledge in the between jobs years by doing some studies
  in my huge amounts of free time.  (other parents heard the sarcasm in my
  voice)  i have (sadly) been reading through the MS certs.  but they are
  pretty simple, and empty of useful learning, so i am wondering about
  certifications for linux.
  linux being decentralized as it is, i am more worried about learning than
  actually get a paper that says i can pass a test.  so anyone out there
  have some experience in the area?  who teaches a linux course worth
  taking? online/home/do it yourself type learning only, i can't take the 2
  kids with me to classes.

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[newbie] Can't read CD for hdlists

2002-01-07 Per discussione Andy Davidson

I am trying to install 8.1 on a PC (AMD AthlonXP 1700, one IDE drive, one
DVD drive, one CD-RW drive) and I get to the point where it wants to
display the packages to install.  At that point, I get the series of cdrom
errors shown in the included dmesg.  Sometimes it stops after a few tries
and displays the message An error occurred. No hdlists found Other times,
it just cycles forever as in the attached dmesg.

I have previously installed this version of Mandrake on this machine from
these CDs, though with a different monitor. Best guess: do I have a bad CD
or a bad CD drive?  And what can I do about either?

Many thanks,

] kernel/system logger ok
4Linux version 2.4.8-24mdkBOOT ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.96 
2731 (Mandrake Linux 8.1 2.96-0.62mdk)) #1 Wed Sep 19 16:47:35 CEST 2001
6BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
4 BIOS-e820:  - 0009fc00 (usable)
4 BIOS-e820: 0009fc00 - 000a (reserved)
4 BIOS-e820: 000f - 0010 (reserved)
4 BIOS-e820: 0010 - 1fff (usable)
4 BIOS-e820: 1fff - 1fff8000 (ACPI data)
4 BIOS-e820: 1fff8000 - 2000 (ACPI NVS)
4 BIOS-e820: fff8 - 0001 (reserved)
4On node 0 totalpages: 131056
4zone(0): 4096 pages.
4zone(1): 126960 pages.
4zone(2): 0 pages.
4Kernel command line: ramdisk_size=32000 initrd=cdrom.rdz automatic=method:cdrom 
root=/dev/ram3 vga=788 BOOT_IMAGE=vmlinuz auto
6Initializing CPU#0
4Detected 1466.460 MHz processor.
4Console: colour dummy device 80x25
4Calibrating delay loop... 2922.90 BogoMIPS
4Memory: 513296k/524224k available (759k kernel code, 10540k reserved, 201k data, 
92k init, 0k highmem)
4Dentry-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
4Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
4Mount-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
4Buffer-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
4Page-cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
7CPU: Before vendor init, caps: 0383f9ff c1cbf9ff , vendor = 2
6Intel machine check architecture supported.
6Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
6CPU: L1 I Cache: 64K (64 bytes/line), D cache 64K (64 bytes/line)
6CPU: L2 Cache: 256K (64 bytes/line)
7CPU: After vendor init, caps: 0383f9ff c1cbf9ff  
7CPU: After generic, caps: 0383f9ff c1cbf9ff  
7CPU: Common caps: 0383f9ff c1cbf9ff  
4CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1700+ stepping 02
6Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
6Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done.
6Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
6Checking for popad bug... OK.
4POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
4PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfdb51, last bus=1
4PCI: Using configuration type 1
4PCI: Probing PCI hardware
6PCI: Using IRQ router default [1106/3074] at 00:11.0
6Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
6Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
4Starting kswapd v1.8
6vesafb: framebuffer at 0xd000, mapped to 0xe080, size 65536k
6vesafb: mode is 800x600x16, linelength=1600, pages=3
6vesafb: protected mode interface info at c000:c2c0
6vesafb: scrolling: redraw
6vesafb: directcolor: size=0:5:6:5, shift=0:11:5:0
4Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 100x37
6fb0: VESA VGA frame buffer device
4block: queued sectors max/low 341050kB/209978kB, 1024 slots per queue
4RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 32000K size 1024 blocksize
6Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 6.31
4ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
4VP_IDE: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 89
4VP_IDE: chipset revision 6
4VP_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
4ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
6VP_IDE: VIA vt8233 (rev 00) IDE UDMA100 controller on pci00:11.1
4ide0: BM-DMA at 0xff00-0xff07, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
4ide1: BM-DMA at 0xff08-0xff0f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:DMA
4hda: WDC WD600AB-00BVA0, ATA DISK drive
4hdd: LITE-ON LTR-16102B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
4ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
4ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
6hda: 117231408 sectors (60022 MB) w/2048KiB Cache, CHS=7297/255/63, UDMA(100)
6Partition check:
6 hda: hda1 hda2 hda3  hda5 hda6 hda7 
6Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
6FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
6NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
6IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP
4IP: routing cache hash table of 4096 buckets, 32Kbytes
4TCP: Hash tables configured (established 32768 bind 32768)
6NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
5RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
4Freeing initrd memory: 507k freed
4VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
4hdc: ATAPI 48X DVD-ROM drive, 512kB Cache, UDMA(33)
6Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.12
4hdd: ATAPI 40X CD-ROM 

[newbie] [OT] For Anuerin G Diaz

2002-01-07 Per discussione Allen Zero Hernandez

Pare I found PLUG!

In case you haven't yet, send a subscription to 

Sorry, I lost your address when I uninstalled Edsamail and that other OS.


Holy smokes Batman, Robin exclaimed, the Penguin's taken over Gotham!


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Re: [newbie] nVidia nForce 420D chipset

2002-01-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 07 Jan 2002 09:26:17 -0500, Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  I'm not a fan of closed source drivers, but this chipset looks too good to
  pass up :-)
 I just saw something today about NVidia seizing computer equipment from
 some hackers who used some amount of deception to collect information
 presumably in order to write drivers for Linux.
 Just saw a headline or snippet and haven't read it thoroughly,
 presumably I'll find it again as I go through mail / daily news
 updates.  Don't know if involves any arrests or anything more than
 seizing equipment.
 But, I for one don't plan to reward NVidia by buying anything from them.
 I'll post again when I find a link to the story.
 Randy Kramer

If you mean, then I don't see
any problem with it. The crackers were obviously doing something illegal, by
posing as employees and Nvidia partners to breach Nvidia's firewall.

Nvidia themselves have no right to seize computer equipment, but they would have
sought some sort of court order to allow the police to do so. This is a
perfectly normal procedure for trials to do with computer cracking.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

But hey, thats just my 31,000 Turkish Lira.

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[newbie] finding a linux-compatible scanner

2002-01-07 Per discussione Scott

I have been trying to find a new scanner to use with M8.0.
The problem I'm having is that I can't locate any of the models that are 
listed at as linux-compatible.  They seem to be older models 
and no longer in the stores or listed on manufacturer's web sites.  ( I 
should say that I haven't paid much attention to anything over $150.) 
Can anyone point me in the right direction?  I would prefer an Epson.
By the way, someone on this list told me that a friend used an Epson 1250u 
with linux, but on, the 1250 is singled out as not working 
with sane.  Anyone know the deal with that?

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Re: [newbie] Shell Script

2002-01-07 Per discussione Pascal Goguey

On 2002.01.07, at 23:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This brings up a question about permissions ...

 So a script (or any executable, such as a perl script written for cgi)
 cannot be run by anyone other than root, if it was created by root? I 
 root can't give permission for a root-owned script to be world 
 even if the administrator wanted to? While I can see how doing that 
 be a very bad idea, in terms of security, I'm just asking in order to 
 more about linux file permissions.

No, you should not confuse permissions and ownership.
Ownership and permissions are independent. When
you run ls -al from the shell, you have the permission string
first and then the owner and the group.

As root, you can allow anybody to run anything. Suppose
your script is called rootownedscript, you can allow anybody to run
it by typing chmod o+x rootownedscript (o means other, x means
execute, therefore chmod o+x = make executable for other).
Well, if you read the manual (type man chmod from a terminal),
you will know everything about chmod.

But as a warning, be careful to what you allow to your users...
I wouldn't recommend to allow diskdrake or other funny tools to
be allowed to all users...

 I had written a perl cgi script, and it wouldn't run from the web page, 
 it turns out because I had created it as root.

Then chmod o+x your_script.


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Re: [newbie] Can't read CD for hdlists

2002-01-07 Per discussione shane

got the same error you describe but reburned the cd and had a nice clean 
install.  you might try cleaning the cd first though.  best of luck.

On Monday 07 January 2002 16:15, you spoke unto me thusly:

 I am trying to install 8.1 on a PC (AMD AthlonXP 1700, one IDE drive, one
 DVD drive, one CD-RW drive) and I get to the point where it wants to
 display the packages to install.  At that point, I get the series of cdrom
 errors shown in the included dmesg.  Sometimes it stops after a few tries
 and displays the message An error occurred. No hdlists found Other times,
 it just cycles forever as in the attached dmesg.

 I have previously installed this version of Mandrake on this machine from
 these CDs, though with a different monitor. Best guess: do I have a bad CD
 or a bad CD drive?  And what can I do about either?

 Many thanks,

Remember, to a tree being useful is a terminal illness.

registered linux user #101606 @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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Re: [newbie] finding a linux-compatible scanner

2002-01-07 Per discussione Smiley

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 09:18:52 -0500
Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have been trying to find a new scanner to use with M8.0.
 The problem I'm having is that I can't locate any of the models that
 are listed at as linux-compatible.  They seem to be
 older models and no longer in the stores or listed on manufacturer's
 web sites.  ( I should say that I haven't paid much attention to
 anything over $150.) Can anyone point me in the right direction? 

 would prefer an Epson. By the way, someone on this list told me that a
 friend used an Epson 1250u with linux, but on, the
 1250 is singled out as not working with sane.  Anyone know the deal
 with that? Thanks,

You can also take a look here:


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[newbie] Konqueror https Jsp

2002-01-07 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

When I try to bring up the following URL in konqueror
I get the following;

People's Online 

 We are sorry our People's Online service is temporarily unavailable. Please 
try again later.

But when i bring this URL up in IE on win98
I get the proper page.

Anyone know why Konqueror is doing this?



P.S. I did set up konqueror to use /usr/local/j2re1.3/bin/java
And I can bring up other https URLs.

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[newbie] Re: Konqueror https Jsp

2002-01-07 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Monday 07 January 2002 10:05 pm, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 When I try to bring up the following URL in konqueror
 I get the following;

 People's Online

  We are sorry our People's Online service is temporarily unavailable.
 Please try again later.

 But when i bring this URL up in IE on win98
 I get the proper page.

 Anyone know why Konqueror is doing this?



 P.S. I did set up konqueror to use /usr/local/j2re1.3/bin/java
 And I can bring up other https URLs.

Just had some site attempt to load macromedia and got this related error
Java VM version: 1.3.0
Java VM vendor:  Blackdown Java-Linux Team
Unable to load JSSE SSL stream handler, https support not available

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Re: [newbie] Konqueror https Jsp

2002-01-07 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Monday 07 January 2002 22:05, you wrote:
 When I try to bring up the following URL in konqueror
 I get the following;

 People's Online

  We are sorry our People's Online service is temporarily unavailable.
 Please try again later.

 But when i bring this URL up in IE on win98
 I get the proper page.

 Anyone know why Konqueror is doing this?



 P.S. I did set up konqueror to use /usr/local/j2re1.3/bin/java
 And I can bring up other https URLs.
If I were to guess, I would say that the web site was set up with frontpage 
2000 or similar and it will not read any browser other than IE Explorer.  
Just a guess.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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[newbie] Remote Login Access ???

2002-01-07 Per discussione SKLIM


I like to configure my Linux Server become a remote 

It means ... that I will use others Linux server to 
dial-in to my office linux server with external 56K modem.

The main purpose is to enable the others office to 
access there email and files tranfer.

I need help .. 
Best Regards,SKLIM+6012 391 

Re: [newbie] Re: Konqueror https Jsp

2002-01-07 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Monday 07 January 2002 22:14, you wrote:
 On Monday 07 January 2002 10:05 pm, Gerald Waugh wrote:
  When I try to bring up the following URL in konqueror
  I get the following;
  People's Online
   We are sorry our People's Online service is temporarily unavailable.
  Please try again later.
  But when i bring this URL up in IE on win98
  I get the proper page.
  Anyone know why Konqueror is doing this?
  P.S. I did set up konqueror to use /usr/local/j2re1.3/bin/java
  And I can bring up other https URLs.

 Just had some site attempt to load macromedia and got this related error
 Java VM version: 1.3.0
 Java VM vendor:  Blackdown Java-Linux Team
 Unable to load JSSE SSL stream handler, https support not available
Oh, also I tried it with Mozilla, Opera , Netscape, none would retrieve the 
web page. It is definitely filtering browser connections. I have java working 
in all of the above.  Other web pages are not a problem.  If you want to see 
if your java is coming up properly try this :
Give it a few seconds to load, it may take up to about 30s.  The space 
station should move every 20s or so and you will see the tracking lines and 
the mercadian globe with night and day shading.  HTH
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Re: Konqueror https Jsp

2002-01-07 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Monday 07 January 2002 22:14, you wrote:
 On Monday 07 January 2002 10:05 pm, Gerald Waugh wrote:
  When I try to bring up the following URL in konqueror
  I get the following;
  People's Online
   We are sorry our People's Online service is temporarily unavailable.
  Please try again later.
  But when i bring this URL up in IE on win98
  I get the proper page.
  Anyone know why Konqueror is doing this?
  P.S. I did set up konqueror to use /usr/local/j2re1.3/bin/java
  And I can bring up other https URLs.

 Just had some site attempt to load macromedia and got this related error
 Java VM version: 1.3.0
 Java VM vendor:  Blackdown Java-Linux Team
 Unable to load JSSE SSL stream handler, https support not available
My other guess would be that you need to change the url to the last word 
being default.jsp  notice the 'l' missing in your first post.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] 8.1 Kernel Panic on Boot - new Dell C400 laptop

2002-01-07 Per discussione John O'Shaughnessy

Good thought -- unfortunately no change in behavior.  According to something
I found at the 830M chipset requires a kernel
change, as well as X changes.

Unless I free up some more hacking time, I guess I'll wait a bit.



On 1/7/02 2:19 PM, Frans Ketelaars [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 20:50:19 -0600
 John O'Shaughnessy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Followed by the following:
 0 Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init! e2 03 23 04 95 c0 f6 26 ] [
 c0105000 ]
 The machine needs to be powered off to get beyond that point.
 The Dell C400 has an 866 MHz PIII-M 512 Mb RAM.  It also has Intel 830M
 Integrated UMA Graphics (shared with system memory).
 Maybe the 'shared with system memory' graphics is the problem? My suggestion:
 when booting, when the splash screen comes up, press ESC and at the prompt
 type 'linux mem=xyzM', without quotes of course,  where xyz is the amount of
 RAM minus video memory. HTH,
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John O'Shaughnessy[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Can I connect to netzero from my linux box???

2002-01-07 Per discussione Roberto Armenteros

I was trying to do that my windows networking
experiences are not that great. By any chance do u
know how to to setup internet sharing from windows,
and then what equipment should I need to connect my
linux box to the windows one. I have a little netgear
switch four ports 
I would really appreciate your help. 
--- Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 06 Jan 2002 23:45:18 -0500
 Noah Swint [EMAIL PROTECTED] grumbled this:
  You can dialin and view only netzero pages but
 they have configured the
  dns servers to only work with their software to
 prevent users from
  getting around it.  and they use an encrypted
 password too.
  On Sun, 2002-01-06 at 22:39, Roberto Armenteros
   During my winter breaks I am away from my school
   network and my only internet access is through
   netzero. Is there a way to connect my linux box
   through netzero? Can I share my netzero internet
   connection from my Windos XP box with my linux
   This may be nonsense, but you never know ;)
 Please if
   anyone gives me a hand on this I would really
   appreciate it.
 If your run the linux box through the widnows box
 and use ICS(internet connection sharing) on the
 window box, Netzero won't know the difference.

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Re: [newbie] Can I connect to netzero from my linux box???

2002-01-07 Per discussione Mark D'voo

windows me, 2k, and xp should have internet sharing built in, if you go to 
network neighborhood, you should be able to go to the create new network 
wizard which should give you the option to share your internet, if you have 
win98 or 95, you'll need a program such as wingate, or the free withgate


On Tuesday 08 January 2002 09:44 am, you wrote:
 I was trying to do that my windows networking
 experiences are not that great. By any chance do u
 know how to to setup internet sharing from windows,
 and then what equipment should I need to connect my
 linux box to the windows one. I have a little netgear
 switch four ports
 I would really appreciate your help.

 --- Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 06 Jan 2002 23:45:18 -0500
  Noah Swint [EMAIL PROTECTED] grumbled this:
   You can dialin and view only netzero pages but
  they have configured the
   dns servers to only work with their software to
  prevent users from
   getting around it.  and they use an encrypted
  password too.
   On Sun, 2002-01-06 at 22:39, Roberto Armenteros
During my winter breaks I am away from my school
network and my only internet access is through
netzero. Is there a way to connect my linux box
through netzero? Can I share my netzero internet
connection from my Windos XP box with my linux
This may be nonsense, but you never know ;)
  Please if
anyone gives me a hand on this I would really
appreciate it.
  If your run the linux box through the widnows box
  and use ICS(internet connection sharing) on the
  window box, Netzero won't know the difference.


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Re: [newbie] deleted partition HELP!

2002-01-07 Per discussione Ric Parsons

YES I DID examine the display, it did not
say which partition was what, all I know
is that it is the third partition, /boot
/ then /home, but it was not displayed that
way because it did not even TRY to read
the drive just the damnb partition table,
I want something that will scan the entire drive,
find the partition barriers, and then re-write
the partition table, for your info, I DID 
study the literature and I DID NOT UNDERSTAND
sorry but I am handicapped
and I need EXTRA Help with some things.

All it did was display a blank drive and
I know that is not what it is, it said
the entire 20Gb thing was blank,
but you can't blank an entire drive
in less than one second, you would have to
have a special utility that would go over the
whole thing and set the data to all zeros,
when a partition is erased, it just erases
the card catalogue that tells where
all the books in the library are.

I'm sorry if you don't know the answer,
its ok to not know something, don't be ashamed
if you don't know everything, no one does,
all you gotta say is I don't know and I will
ask someone who does, no problem.

If anyone else knows, or would like to try,
please I would appreciate some input.

If needed, I will email in again and
try to re-state the problem in a way that
can be understood, I'm sorry I have bad
communication skills, I will take as long
as I need here until I get the information
I need, then I will drop the subject
when my drive can once again be accessed,
and thank all those who helped or at least

Thanks to alex for at least trying.

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Re: [newbie] Can I connect to netzero from my linux box???

2002-01-07 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 19:44:02 -0800 (PST)
Roberto Armenteros [EMAIL PROTECTED] grumbled this:

 I was trying to do that my windows networking
 experiences are not that great. By any chance do u
 know how to to setup internet sharing from windows,
 and then what equipment should I need to connect my
 linux box to the windows one. I have a little netgear
 switch four ports 
 I would really appreciate your help. 

This site has step by step instructions for Win9x, Win2000 and WinXP. I beleive it 
also tells you the hardware you need.

I have never personally setup a winbox to share access, my linux box does the sharing 
for windows, but I am asuming it will work basically the same in reverse. I am pretty 
new to networking myself, so I hope this works for you. Keep us/me informed on your 


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[newbie] file sharing

2002-01-07 Per discussione chuck

Can anyone recommend a good file sharing app?



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2002-01-07 Per discussione Amish


On Monday 07 January 2002 04:13 am, you wrote:
 Sort of a off-list question:
 Did someones send you the disks 'yes' or 'no'.
 If not I'll happily oblige. Over here in Europe (NL) there are no export
 restrictions in the sense of data etc.
 There's 3 of them.


 No, no one has yet sent me disks but it seems that everyone it
 just waiting
to send me the disks. All of you are so helpful. I would like to receive
disks. I just want to confirm the version you are going to send. Since I
require bascially a version which has kernel 2.4. I am just sticking to
point since my modem workd only on it.
 My address is
Amish K. Munshi,
B 306, Rainbow,
Raheja Vihar,
Mumbai 400072.
Tel 91-022-8571731.

 I would be glad to receive any version. I got a mail from
 someone saying
that the 7.2 version does not have a kernel 2.4. So just confirm before



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[newbie] Testing for posting on this mailing list.

2002-01-07 Per discussione Amish K. Munshi

Sorry for the trouble but I wasn't able to post messages so I am testing.

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Re: [newbie] Testing for posting on this mailing list.

2002-01-07 Per discussione Nick

On Tuesday 08 January 2002 4:47, you wrote:
 Sorry for the trouble but I wasn't able to post messages so I am testing.

You have been received, cheers!

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[newbie] Postfix delivers mail for root to nobody, why?

2002-01-07 Per discussione Guy Zelck

Hi all,

I've got a Md8.1 setup with postfix (I used sendmail before) and 
discovered I never had mail as root.
On doing some research I found the file /var/spool/mail/nobody 
containing all my root mail from the beginning (cron job results).
I searched for a .forward file without luck. I moved the file nobody 
elsewhere and re-tested mail to root. The file nobody was re-created.
How can I rectify this situation and make root's mail land in a file 
called root like it ought to?
Strange also that root's mail went to nobody before I even started postfix!
Also, I always read postfix is so easy to configure; is there a gui that 
comes with it?

See ya,


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Re: [newbie] file sharing

2002-01-07 Per discussione Michael Viron

samba, nfs, appletalk, ftp, http, scp, sftp all come immediately to mind --
it all depends on who you want to share it to, between what operating
systems, and what it is that you wish to share.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 08:29 PM 01/07/2002 -0800, you wrote:
Can anyone recommend a good file sharing app?



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Re: [newbie] file sharing

2002-01-07 Per discussione Anuerin G.Diaz

On 07 Jan 2002 20:29:24 -0800
chuck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can anyone recommend a good file sharing app?

depends on your needs. if you need to share in your own network then Samba is the 
preferred choice. if you need to share to users outside your network then consider 
running a ftp server or anything similar. if you are looking for something with 
napster like capabilities then you could try kazaa though it still is in beta and 
lagging from its windows counterpart in terms of usability. 



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] file sharing

2002-01-07 Per discussione tester

chuck wrote:

 Can anyone recommend a good file sharing app?
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

If you are sharing files among linux computers, then nfs is the way to 
go--not really an app, just define the files/directories on each machine 
you want ro share, and the machines to share them to.  Then on each of 
the machines which will access the files, define a nfs mount and a 
directory.  It is then transparent--it is mounted at boot usually and is 
simply like any other mounted partition.

You can use linuxconf to set up both server and client sides of the nfs 
mount, the rest of the capability is built into the kernel, not a 
separate program at all.

The other file sharing system is Samba,  This one shares with windows 
boxes as well as linux boxes but is more of a chore to set up.  Many 
people use webmin to set it up, others try the web browser game to use a 
setup program called SWAT,  and some others say all that is unnecessary, 
put your favorite text editor on /etc/samba/smb.conf, read and configure 
as you choose, and save.

LinNeighborhood, komba and gnomba are popular as clients of Samba to 
allow Linboxes to access either winboxes or other linboxes for shared files.


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[newbie] .Xdefaults problem

2002-01-07 Per discussione Chris Keelan

I'm using Mandrake 8.1 and KDE 2?. Something seems to be overriding my 
.Xdefaults settings for emacs. My Menu bar, status bar and scroll bar are all 
the correct custom colors, but the font background is the default SlateGrey. 
Is there another file I need to edit? It's really annoying.

- Chris

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Re: [newbie] file sharing

2002-01-07 Per discussione chuck

To be more specific, I am looking for a P2P file sharing client.  I have
used gtk gnutella and didn't find it to be particularly compelling,
mainly because I have difficulty connecting.  Are there any other
clients for gnutella or fast track that work well.



On Mon, 2002-01-07 at 21:05, Michael Viron wrote:
 samba, nfs, appletalk, ftp, http, scp, sftp all come immediately to mind --
 it all depends on who you want to share it to, between what operating
 systems, and what it is that you wish to share.
 Michael Viron
 Registered Linux User #81978
 Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
 Web Spinners, University of West Florida
 At 08:29 PM 01/07/2002 -0800, you wrote:
 Can anyone recommend a good file sharing app?
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Can I Use Cups and LPD to print with?

2002-01-07 Per discussione Noah Swint

Can I use both Cups and LPD to print with or will that cause confusion
for my printer?

Registered Linux User Number 254358

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[newbie] DHCP configuration to improve detection on dynamic IP

2002-01-07 Per discussione Stephen Liu

Hi All People,

Kindly advise a simple and straightward method to configure network 
settings in using DHCP to improve the detection on dynamic IP address.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [newbie] file sharing

2002-01-07 Per discussione Anuerin G.Diaz

On 07 Jan 2002 21:16:24 -0800
chuck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To be more specific, I am looking for a P2P file sharing client.  I have
 used gtk gnutella and didn't find it to be particularly compelling,
 mainly because I have difficulty connecting.  Are there any other
 clients for gnutella or fast track that work well.

in that case you might be successful with the kazaa linux client. there was an open 
source project for the P2P networks but something changed and I dont think its very 
active right now. Im still looking for a windows P2P client that I could run with 
wine. still no luck.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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[newbie] Cups Only Printing Out Items That Have Color

2002-01-07 Per discussione Noah Swint

Cups is only printing out object that have color.  Well anything that is
not black.  How can I make it print things that are black and gray.

Registered Linux User Number 254358

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[newbie] GCC, CC Compilers not working

2002-01-07 Per discussione Pauljames Dimitriu

when I try to cuse cc  or gcc from a command line, I
get no such file or directory.  When I go to my
usr/bin directory and do an ls cc, I get the
following:  cc@

I try compiling directly in the /usr/bin directory
(which shouldn't be necessary) and I still get the
same error.

Any ideas?



PS:  g++ works just fine.  I would use it but some
install programs ask for cc.

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Re: [newbie] Gnumeric crash

2002-01-07 Per discussione Paul

 all of a sudden Gnumeric crashes on me.
 I use it regularly, even yesterday. Today I want to load it and it
 crashes. I uninstalled and installed it again: crash. Rebooted the machine
 to make sure that all memory and processes clean: gnumeric crashes.

Hi all,
I got the problem fixed. The nasty one was that I changed
/etc/sysconfig/i18n to reflect information about the Euro currency. After
changing that back to US_EN defaults things are working again.


Silence is one of the hardest things to refute.
-Josh Billings - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.7.0

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Re: [newbie] GCC, CC Compilers not working

2002-01-07 Per discussione Anuerin G.Diaz

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 21:53:09 -0800 (PST)
Pauljames Dimitriu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 when I try to cuse cc  or gcc from a command line, I
 get no such file or directory.  When I go to my
 usr/bin directory and do an ls cc, I get the
 following:  cc@
 I try compiling directly in the /usr/bin directory
 (which shouldn't be necessary) and I still get the
 same error.
 Any ideas?
 PS:  g++ works just fine.  I would use it but some
 install programs ask for cc.

cc is just a link to gcc. im guessing that either something happened with gcc and you 
lost permission to execute it or it was not installed in the first place.

just guessing...


Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] GCC, CC Compilers not working

2002-01-07 Per discussione Paul

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 21:53:09 -0800 (PST)
Pauljames Dimitriu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 when I try to cuse cc  or gcc from a command line, I
 get no such file or directory.  When I go to my
 usr/bin directory and do an ls cc, I get the
 following:  cc@
 PS:  g++ works just fine.  I would use it but some
 install programs ask for cc.


ls -l /usr/bin/cc

Where does that point to?

Silence is one of the hardest things to refute.
-Josh Billings - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.7.0

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[newbie] CDROM access from the icon?

2002-01-07 Per discussione Mick

Hi List (and Randy)

I have edited my lilo.conf and fstab files so as my cd burning software can 
see both cdrom drives and use them as reader and writer.
Now when I try to access the cdrom drive through the icon on the desktop it 
claims two things. First, Unsupported action list dir. Then if you try to 
click on the icon again, now it really gets mad, Could not mount device, the 
reported error was: mount dev/scd0 already mounted or mnt/cdrom busy.
Okay, why is this? 
I was kinda hoping this icon access would be an easy way to see data on my 
disks. Don't say it.I know.nothing is easy!
Any help would be great.

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Re: [newbie] GCC, CC Compilers not working

2002-01-07 Per discussione Pauljames Dimitriu


 Thanks for the prompt reply.

 I did an ls -l gcc and all the permissions are
set correctly:

 -rwxrwxrwx . gcc

 maybe it died.  Where can I get another copy w/o
reinstalling Linux?

--- Anuerin G.Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 21:53:09 -0800 (PST)
 Pauljames Dimitriu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  when I try to cuse cc  or gcc from a command line,
  get no such file or directory.  When I go to my
  usr/bin directory and do an ls cc, I get the
  following:  cc@
  I try compiling directly in the /usr/bin directory
  (which shouldn't be necessary) and I still get the
  same error.
  Any ideas?
  PS:  g++ works just fine.  I would use it but some
  install programs ask for cc.
 cc is just a link to gcc. im guessing that either
 something happened with gcc and you lost permission
 to execute it or it was not installed in the first
 just guessing...
 Programming, an artform that fights back.
 Anuerin G. Diaz
 Design Engineer
 Millennium Software, Incorporated
 2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange
 Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City
 Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
 Fax# 638-3079
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
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Re: [newbie] GCC, CC Compilers not working

2002-01-07 Per discussione Anuerin G.Diaz

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 22:11:11 -0800 (PST)
Pauljames Dimitriu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks for the prompt reply.
  I did an ls -l gcc and all the permissions are
 set correctly:
  -rwxrwxrwx . gcc
  maybe it died.  Where can I get another copy w/o
 reinstalling Linux?

you can try installing it from the CDs but before you do that do you get the correct 
path when you issue 

   which gcc

or do you get an error stating that gcc is not in your path? maybe its just a path 
problem and its worth a try first... ;-)



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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