Re: [newbie-it] Installazione nuovo utente

2002-03-09 Per discussione syd

Nicola e Sandro wrote:

  Buona sera a tutta la Ml, vorrei chiedere se qualcuno è riuscito a
  terminare il setup iniziale proposto da Mandrake (8.1), io non
  riesco ad andare oltre la configurazione della posta e di internet,
  in quanto una volta configurato internet mi rispedisce nella
  schermata della posta, che a sua volta quando premo next mi
  spedisce nella configurazione internet. Dove stà l'inghippo? A cosa
  serve quel setup? E' possibile rilanciarlo a mano?

 Adesso non ricordo esattamente (è passato un po' di tempo da quando
 l'ho installata) però mi sembra che ci sia un pulsante annulla o
 una cosa del genere. Se lo premi il processo prosegue senza problemi.
 Poi puoi configurare gli account di posta più tardi.

Il drakfirsttime della mandrake fa acqua da tutte le parti. Appena ti 
si apre la finestra ti conviene mandarlo a quel paese premendo 
cancel; potrai configurare il tuo ambiente di lavoro con calma e 
anche con più cognizione di causa procedendo man mano che utilizzi il 
Se farai in futuro un'altra installazione io al tuo posto lo 
deselezionerei dalla lista delle singole voci installabili.
Puoi comunque disinstallarlo anche ora usando il software manager 
cercando tra gli installati first.


[newbie-it] Kernel e boot

2002-03-09 Per discussione Pollo

Ho appena compilato il kernel 2.5.2 (quello generico, non della mdk), e
sono riuscito ad ottimizzarlo per il mio sistema.
L'unico inconveniente è che quando viene caricato il SO mi segnala molti
messaggi con la scritta FALLITO in rosso. Domanda: come si possono
eliminare? Come faccio a dire al SO cosa caricarmi e cosa trascurare?

Spero di essermi spiegato. Ciao, Pollo.

[newbie-it] Configurazione di Apache

2002-03-09 Per discussione fabrizio

Ciao a tutta la ML,

Vi chiedo scusa se vi disturbo con una richiesta che a qualcuno potrà 
suonare come invadente, ma volevo sapere se vi è mai capitato di 
configurare apache su un pc.
Mi spiego meglio: Vorrei mettere sul mio pc un sito che attualmente è 
ospitato da Tiscali.
Naturalmente ho richiesto una linea ADSL per lasciare il mio buon pc 
con linux sempre connesso.
Premesso che uso Mandrake 8.1 e che ho già riscontrato tramite il 
comando http:\\localhost una pronta risposta, vi chiedo cosa devo fare ?
Come devo impostare il mitico file httpd.conf ???
Ho notato che esiste nella directory var una subdirectory apache-mm...
Attendo vs notizie e grazie ancora !!!
Fabrizio Torrisi
Linux Mandrake User

[newbie-it] Gnome Toaster

2002-03-09 Per discussione tom

salve a tutti
Ho provato a fare una semplicissima masterizazione con Gnome Toaster
e non ho avuto nessun risultato,riportandomi come errore quanto segue:

Child exited unexpectedly. 
CD recording process finished. 
Recording 39412464 bytes to CD 
couldn't run client: Permission denied

Tenete presente che il masterizatore è gia visto come scd0.
Che c'è che non funge?

grazie per le eventuali risposte.

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-03-09 Per discussione tom

Salve a tutti
ho intenzione di masterizzare il primo cd con linux...e leggendo alcuni HOWTO 
per configuare il sistema alla masterizazione ho visto che devo cambiare 
alcune non essendo ancora molto pratico chiedo cosiglio a voi.

Tanto per iniziare ho notato che il masterizatore(Yamaha CRW2100E)è gia 
impostato come scd0 (penso sia stato fatto in automatico,io non ho messo mano)

Ora per far emulare pure il lettore  hdc  che devo fare?

Come prima cosa dovrei modificae la stringa in grub in una cosa del genere?

title linux
kernel (hd1,0)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb1 nobiospnp hdd=ide-scsi
 [hdc=ide-scsi] devfs=mount

logicamente senza [ ]
Vi chiedo questo xche in tutti gli HOWTO si fanno esempi per lilo e per 
kernel 2-0/2-

Fatto questo dovrebbe essere tutto fatto?(sempre che sia giusto) e poter fare 
la prima copia al volo?

grazie per le eventuali risposte

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-03-09 Per discussione Giovanni Mazzamati

Alle 18:02, sabato 9 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti
 ...impostato come scd0 (penso sia stato fatto in automatico,io non ho messo

 Ora per far emulare pure il lettore  hdc  che devo fare?
Ti invio la risposta che ho mandato mercoledì scorso.

Allora, per fare ciò devi prima creare un link simbolico (per farlo devi 
avere i privilegi di root). Premetto che io ho installati entrambe i CD sul 
secondo canale IDE ed il mio CDR è settato come slave, quindi corrisponde a

/dev/hdd link (DevFS) a /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/cd

Ma come device SCSI è posto come

/dev/scd0 link a /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/cd

perchè primo dispositivo SCSI.
Quindi ho creato il link simbolico per il secondo dispositivo SCSI con

ln -s /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/cd /dev/scd1

Al riavvio mi sono accorto che il CDR non era più visto come /dev/scd0 ma 
come /dev/scd1 (infatti è configurato come slave) e quindi il CDROM era 
diventato /dev/scd1.
Allora nel mio /etc/fstab ho modificato così le righe che definiscono i CD

/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

e poi ho inserito l'pzione

hdc=ide-scsi (hdd=ide-scsi era già presente)

nel boot-loader.

Infine ti dico che per raggiungere tale risultato non ho fatto altro che 
leggere un articolo apparso su Dev n° 88 e poi ho effettuato alcune prove per 
capire come muovermi (con Linux basta un pochino di pazienza e alla fine si 
risolve quasi tutto). ;-P
Fammi sapere.
Giovanni Mazzamati

Linux Mandrake 8.1
KDE 2.2 user
Registred User #183142

Un giorno le macchine riusciranno a risolvere tutti i problemi,
ma mai nessuna di esse potrà porne uno.

Albert Einstein

Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-03-09 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 18:02, sabato 9 marzo 2002, hai scritto:

 Tanto per iniziare ho notato che il masterizatore(Yamaha CRW2100E)è gia
 impostato come scd0 (penso sia stato fatto in automatico,io non ho messo

 Ora per far emulare pure il lettore  hdc  che devo fare?

 Come prima cosa dovrei modificae la stringa in grub in una cosa del genere?

 title linux
 kernel (hd1,0)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb1 nobiospnp hdd=ide-scsi
  [hdc=ide-scsi] devfs=mount

 logicamente senza [ ]

Sebbene abbia lilo, ritengo che il passaggio in Grub possa essere esatto.
Una volta fatto ciò, e riavviato grub, andrei a controllare se l'emulazione è 
attivata con il comando
# cdrecord -scanbus
che dovrebbe tornarti l'esatto rilevamento delle due periferiche emulate in 
scsi; a questo punto attenzione, perchè il lettore potrebbe aver preso 
possesso di scd0 (presumo una questione di precedenze hdc-hdd - nel mio caso, 
almeno - ma aspetto motivazioni più fondate); controlla, quindi vai in 
/etc/fstab e verifica come sono riconosciute le periferiche (sul mio sono 
cdrom e cdrom2). A questo punto crea il link (o i links, nel caso siano da 
rifare tutti e due) in /dev con il comando
#ln -s /dev/scdx /dev/cdromx
con gli x da sostituire con gli identificativi da te rilevati.
..Dovrebbe essere tutto a posto, ora..

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] respawning

2002-03-09 Per discussione vaiconlinux

salve a tutti, ogni tanto c'è qualche sorpresa senza aver fatto niente
per ottenerla. L'ultima è questa (mandrake 8.1):
- il pc si avvia col login grafico con la scelta dell'utente. Andava
tutto bene. Ora succede che non prende più la modalità grafica e compare
la scritta:
INIT:Id x respawning too fast: distabled for 5 minutes.
Premo ctrl-c, compare il login, entro e batto startx e riprende tutto
ok. Però c'è questo inconveniente. Qualcuno sa di che si tratta ? Grazie
e ciao, Fer

[newbie-it] Xscreensaver GL

2002-03-09 Per discussione nicola

Salve a tutta la ML, a quanto pare non riesco a stare un giorno senza trovare 
un piccolo problema da proporvi. Oggi ho voluto provare alcuni salvaschermi GL
di xscreensaver, e con mia sorpresa non vanno. Premetto che ho una geforce2, 
e che sotto RH7.1 questo problema non si verifica, e che inoltre usando le 
librerie MESA i suddetti screensaver funzionano. Vorrei chiedervi se qualcuno 
si è già imbattuto in questo problema. Vi allego i messaggi che ottengo dal 
demone xscreensaver. Se devo postare altro, tipo il log di XFREE o il file di 
configurazione, fatemelo sapere.
Messaggi al lancio del Demone

xscreensaver: xscreensaver-gl-helper says the GL visual is 0x21 (the default).
xscreensaver: initialization of Kerberos passwords failed.
xscreensaver: running on display :0.0
xscreensaver: vendor is Mandrake Linux (XFree86 4.1.0, patch level 17mdk), 
xscreensaver: useful extensions:
xscreensaver:  MIT Screen-Saver
xscreensaver:  Shared Memory
xscreensaver:  Double-Buffering
xscreensaver:  Power Management
xscreensaver:  GLX
xscreensaver:  XF86 Video-Mode
xscreensaver: screen 0 non-mapped depths: 16
xscreensaver: not using server's lame MIT-SCREEN-SAVER extension.
xscreensaver: consulting /proc/interrupts for keyboard activity.
xscreensaver: using default visual 0x21 (TrueColor,   depth: 16, cmap: 
xscreensaver: saver window is 0x1e1.
xscreensaver: selecting events on extant windows... done.

Messaggi di errore al lancio di salvaschermi GL
xscreensaver: DEMO 121 ClientMessage received.
xscreensaver: demoing 121 at Sat Mar  9 20:26:45 2002.
xscreensaver: grabbing keyboard on 0x53... GrabSuccess.
xscreensaver: grabbing mouse on 0x53... GrabSuccess.
xscreensaver: limited pid 3454 address space to 50M.
xscreensaver: spawning gears -root in pid 3454.
gears: couldn't create GL context for visual 0x21.
xscreensaver: child pid 3454 (gears) exited abnormally (code 1).
xscreensaver: unblanking screen at Sat Mar  9 20:26:48 2002.
xscreensaver: ungrabbing mouse (was 0x53).
xscreensaver: ungrabbing keyboard (was 0x53).
xscreensaver: awaiting idleness.

Grazie a tutti!

[newbie] where are lisarc and rlisarc?

2002-03-09 Per discussione Heather Reed

OK - I give up! According to the docsI have 
read, these may be hidden files (thanks to Femme for that :-)) and should be in 
home/.kde/share/config but I'm blowed ifI can find them. Does this mean 
that I can therefore simply create my own, or are they likely to be lurking 
somewhere else?

Re: [newbie] OK New install, probs with virtual Terms

2002-03-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale

MM Yummy, more info to digest.  *watches the IV line drip in the
new data to my veins*

Thx. ;p

As for the ctrl-f12 I haven't looked yet, but I shall when I boot back
to it  I will let you know.

 Applications  Monitoring  Process Management
 2. From command line use ps to find the ap and killall or kill -s x proc
 to kill it. Where x=the signal number and proc= the process number that was in
 ps is  Being a real operating system Linux will ensure that all space that any
 locked program was taking is freed up when you kill it. Read the manual on these
 for your options i.e. man ps
 3. They talk about top as a command line version of kpm. blush Don't know as
 i haven't used it yet - hey we can't learn all the tools simultaneously
 /blush. Try man top and see if that is what you want.
 4. Like the Xkill icon, as i found out from a recent thread, Ctrl Alt and
 Esc turns on an Xkill mode with a nice mouse pointer. Manouver with the
 keyboard arrows if the mouse is frozen. Try it, the same key combination toggles
 it back off again.

 Are you happy with all the info on the F12 display? Was yours running ok when
 you checked it out? The reason i am asking is it is good to hear back when and
 how a problem was solved. Especially for someone searching the archives in the
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Re: [newbie] installing rpms

2002-03-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Ya ya, so I'm not out of newbie land yet.  Sue me. :)


Michael wrote:
 FemmeFatale wrote:
  Gaim  Licq I believe are both hidden directories.
  So, do thusly:
  Open Terminal window
  make sure you're in ~/home/yourdirectory
  then issue a ls -a command *no quotes ofc*
  Then you'll see hidden directories.  They start with a period.  Like so:
 Like so:

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Re: [newbie] OT, I know this is a LM List, but...

2002-03-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Well I don't have much experience with RH or LM but have managed to get
a dual boot going with Bootmagic.  It works and i'm stupid/adventurous
enough to try most or all of what you've written.

 Yes, well my knowledge of Bootmagic could fill a thimble and leave room
 for your thumb, so I suggest making sure you do not install the RH
 bootlloader and adapt bootmagic to doing it however.  It has been years
 since I used non-free software.
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Re: [newbie] gaim - I did it - here's how :-))

2002-03-09 Per discussione Heather Reed

- Original Message - 
From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 2:57 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] gaim - I did it - here's how :-))

 If what you said or do say, wasn't useful, I'm sure many of us wouldn't
 post in reply to you.
 Besides, useless ppl don't use linux do they?
 Just a small bit of humour to tide you over till the next hurdle
LOL - better get the next jest ready :-))) Thanks for the encouragement!

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Re: [newbie] Running Open Office more directly

2002-03-09 Per discussione Charles Muller

On Sat, 2002-03-09 at 16:20, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:

 Or you can define an alias in your shell rc file. This way you can start 
 openoffice from the command line.
 For csh the line would go in the .cshrc file in your home directory and it 
 will be:
 alias soffice /OpenOffice.org641/soffice
 This way whever you type soffice  in a terminal window, Open Office gets 

I tried this, using the .bashrc file in my home directory as follows: 

# User specific aliases and functions

alias soffice ./OpenOffice.org641/soffice

But when I try it, I get an error message:

bash: soffice: command not found

I must be missing something.



 On Friday 08 March 2002 09:56 pm, Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas wrote:
  On 9 Mar 2002, Charles Muller wrote:
  Using KDE I just made a 'icon' to it.
  Right click I select something like make new application link and fill in
  the blanks!
  Sorry, I don't have the 'correct' steps 'cause I'm not using mdk8.1 in
  Ricardo Castanho
  I installed OpenOffice 6.41 using the tarball, and it works fine.
  However, it is slightly inconvenient to use, since each time I have to
  open the console, change directories to /OpenOffice.org641 and then type
  ./soffice. Is there a way of simplifying this process?

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Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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Re: [newbie] installing rpms

2002-03-09 Per discussione Heather Reed

- Original Message -
From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 2:47 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] installing rpms

 Gaim  Licq I believe are both hidden directories.

 So, do thusly:

 Open Terminal window
 make sure you're in ~/home/yourdirectory
 then issue a ls -a command *no quotes ofc*

AHA - thanks F :-)) I think you may have answered my next question too - I
am trying to find the directory home/.kde2 to hunt for LISa - maybe thats
why I can't find it!

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[newbie] PATH Statement

2002-03-09 Per discussione Charles Muller

This may have something to do with my inabilities to run Open Office
easily: All the Linux books I have read seem to indicate that the PATH
statement should be in my .bashrc file. But none of the .bashrc files on
my system have a PATH statement in them. Should I add one?




Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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[newbie] test

2002-03-09 Per discussione Dan LaBine


Re: [newbie] PATH Statement

2002-03-09 Per discussione Paul

On 09 Mar 2002 19:17:30 +0900 Charles wrote:

This may have something to do with my inabilities to run Open Office
easily: All the Linux books I have read seem to indicate that the PATH
statement should be in my .bashrc file. But none of the .bashrc files on
my system have a PATH statement in them. Should I add one?

That would not help much in this case.

Only fools and dead men don't change their minds.
Fools won't and dead men can't.
-John H. Patterson - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.7.3

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[newbie] Installing sane plustek scanner driver

2002-03-09 Per discussione Graham Watkins

Hi Y'all

Still trying to get my scanner to work using Mandrake 7.2 and Sane 1.03.

Trying to make install the plustek driver, I got the following:

[root@graham plustek_driver]# make install
mkdir -p /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc
install -c -m 644 pt_drv.o /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc
/sbin/depmod -a
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/pt_drv.o

It means nothing to me. Advice from anyone who has been down this road 
would be appreciated.

Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up 
next to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254

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Re: [newbie] Running Open Office more directly

2002-03-09 Per discussione Paul

On 09 Mar 2002 19:03:08 +0900 Charles wrote:

 alias soffice /OpenOffice.org641/soffice
 This way whever you type soffice  in a terminal window, Open Office
 gets started. 

I tried this, using the .bashrc file in my home directory as follows: 

# User specific aliases and functions

alias soffice ./OpenOffice.org641/soffice

Note the . in front of your command. This means it will look in the subdir
OpenOffice.org641 in your _current_directory_. Change that and you should be

B,t,w, Is there a big difference between 641 and 638? Is it worth the


Only fools and dead men don't change their minds.
Fools won't and dead men can't.
-John H. Patterson - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.7.3

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Re: [newbie] Kmail question

2002-03-09 Per discussione s

On Wednesday 06 March 2002 09:35 pm, you wrote:
 Is there any way of making Kmail check for mail automatically upon
 starting the program? I don't see a setting anywhere. Is there a
 setting I missed, or is there maybe some other way of making it do that?


put -check in the command to start it (either in your menu or link).

kmail -check -caption %c %i %m

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Re: [newbie] rpms and OpenOffice.

2002-03-09 Per discussione Ralph Slooten

Ok, I found it and tried it but it does not work here i has 
been made woth a cooker version of Mandrake, and it's libs and stuff are 
all advanced. If all goes well, you can probably use the RPM with 
Mandrake 8.2 ... But I won't promise that :-) I suggest to download the 
latest binary from, and manually install that. It works 
at least :-) Do an ./install /net if you want to use it for several 
users and don't want to install a separate version in each users $HONE.

The results below is exactly what I got too, except for the 
libstdc++3.0. Yeah, it sucks... just keep the rpm and who knows :-)


Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 I used the site to search for openoffice. The site kept 
 timing out today.  I do not have the URL unfortunately. There was only one 
 site with the i586 rpm out of a total of 4 sites. I do not know what kind of 
 directroy the rpm came from (contrib or not). I just clicked on the file name 
 not knowing where it resided.  
 I followed your advice today and told the KDE Software Manager to search the 
 LM 8.1 CD ISO files too. I got the following error messages this time:
 rpm -U --replacepkgs  /home/rpmdir/openoffice-6.0.41-5mdk.i586.rpm;echo 
 error: failed dependencies:
 lpddaemon is needed by openoffice-6.0.41-5mdk
 libstdc++3.0 = 3.0.4-1mdk is needed by openoffice-6.0.41-5mdk   is needed by openoffice-6.0.41-5mdk
 Will the rpm package manager be able to keep track of Open Office the way it 
 is able to keep track of rpm packages if I use this tarball thing you have 
 I think Open Office needs Java for the help menus. Do you have help menus?
 On Friday 08 March 2002 01:01 pm, Ralph Slooten wrote:
Umm, where did you download the rpm's from? I have looked before, but
didn't have much luck...

What I did was just to download and install the tarball (binary file)
from works fine here, although I think it's built for
an i386 and I run an i686 .. so I guess an i586 build probablty would
speed up things.

What version of Mandrake are you running? If 8.1, gcc3 and others are on
the install cd's.
~ What I think you did was to download a file from a contrib ftp
directory or not? Well, please give me the URL you used, and I will try
it here... and let you know

About the j2re and kafee... well, I can't help... I don't like java, and
it does not like me. Never got it working here with
either :-) Does not matter, it works without.

Neither do I know the answer to the unicode Q... sorry about that :-)

For what it's worth.. I hope this helps


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake memory capacity

2002-03-09 Per discussione ed tharp

still will need to recompile w/Capts. Kirk'  Pickard's Kernel (the 
Enterprise kernel)

On Friday 08 March 2002 22:05, you wrote:
 Try passing an argument on boot through LILO with something like:

 vmlinuz=mem 2gb ?


  Does anyone know what the limit is for Mandrake's memory capacity. I
  installed Mandrake 8.1 with 2GB of RAM, were doing a lot of compiling
  here and it will only recognize 1GB!   I was just curious on whether or
  not it would utilize that other 1GB of RAM.
  Bryce Johnson
  (RC)2 Technologies Group
  Exploration Services Division, Veritas DGC Inc.
  9177 E. Mineral Circle Suite 100, Englewood CO, 80112
  303-749-7920 (
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Re: [newbie] cable connection glitch

2002-03-09 Per discussione Fred Fraley

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 11:56 pm, you wrote:
 I am using Mandrake 8.0. I just got hooked up to cable.  I got an SMC
 1211TX ethernet card  and an RCA DCM245R modem.  I was able to get the
 status: not connected
 Any help appreciated.

I had a problem with connecting with 8.0, just got a cable connection 2 
weeks ago.
In my case it was because I was configured to get my IP address by DHCP and 
had not installed a DHCP client.  I DL'd  one from Tucows 
(dhcpcd-1.3.21-pl2.tar), but I suspect there was one on the CDs.


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Re: [newbie] Running Open Office more directly

2002-03-09 Per discussione Charles Muller

On Sat, 2002-03-09 at 19:58, Paul wrote:

 B,t,w, Is there a big difference between 641 and 638? Is it worth the

641 is my first try with OpenOffice, so I can't give you a



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Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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Re: [newbie] Running Open Office more directly

2002-03-09 Per discussione Charles Muller

On Sat, 2002-03-09 at 19:58, Paul wrote:

 Note the . in front of your command. This means it will look in the subdir
 OpenOffice.org641 in your _current_directory_. Change that and you should be

Hmmm. Still doesn't work. I think that I need to do this in
.bash_profile instead of .bashrc.



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Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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Re: [newbie] Running Open Office more directly

2002-03-09 Per discussione Charles Muller

I am still not able to make OO641 run from my own directory. My
.bash_profile file in my own directory looks like this. Any further

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs

alias soffice /home/chuck/OpenOffice.org641/soffice


export PATH

Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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Re: [newbie] Remove

2002-03-09 Per discussione Hari Yellina

Thanks for getting u r mail into my junk mail list. Why do u ask so many 
times to remove. I didnt add u , you did it. Please remove u r self. or else 
live with it. 

On Sat, 9 Mar 2002 08:32, you wrote:
 I don't even have mandrake anymore I switched to redhat
 please remove me the commands to [EMAIL PROTECTED] do not
 Please remove me

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[newbie] Hardware 3D (Voodoo5) ?

2002-03-09 Per discussione Rick [Kitty5]


Anyone managed to get hardware 3d out of a voodoo 5500?

I have all the required libs etc installed, my X config looks right.
(has required modules listed etc)

According to the DRI manual i need to get bus mastering enabled, yet the
supplied shell script does not work. The dev variables are set

Folows : the shell script i am trying to enable AGP with, lspci readout,
glxinfo readout. please dont quote the whole email in your reply :)

dev=01:00.0   # change as appropriate
echo Enabling bus mastering on device $dev
setpci -s $dev 4.w=$(printf %x $((0x$(setpci -s $dev 4.w)|4)))
echo Enabling bus mastering on host bridge $dev
setpci -s $dev 4.w=$(printf %x $((0x$(setpci -s $dev 4.w)|4)))

# lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge (rev 03
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX AGP bridge (rev 03)
00:07.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ISA (rev 02)
00:07.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)
00:07.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 USB (rev 01)
00:07.3 Bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 02)
00:09.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT86C100A [Rhine 10/100] (re
v 06)
00:0c.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU1 (rev 06)
00:0c.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! (rev 06)
00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage Pro 215GP (rev 5
00:0e.0 Unknown mass storage controller: Promise Technology, Inc. 20262 (rev 01)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.: Unknown device 0009 (
rev 01)

# glxinfo
name of display: :0.0
Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: No
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.2
server glx extensions:
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context
client glx vendor string: SGI
client glx version string: 1.2
client glx extensions:
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context
GLX extensions:
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context
OpenGL vendor string: VA Linux Systems, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
OpenGL version string: 1.2 Mesa 3.4.2
OpenGL extensions:
GL_ARB_multitexture, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_EXT_blend_color, 
GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_EXT_blend_subtract
glu version: 1.1 Mesa 3.4.2
glu extensions:

   visual  x  bf lv rg d st colorbuffer ax dp st accumbuffer  ms  cav
 id dep cl sp sz l  ci b ro  r  g  b  a bf th cl  r  g  b  a ns b eat
0x23 16 tc  0 16  0 r  y  .  5  6  5  0  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x24 16 tc  0 16  0 r  y  .  5  6  5  0  0 16  8 16 16 16  0  0 0 None
0x25 16 dc  0 16  0 r  y  .  5  6  5  0  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x26 16 dc  0 16  0 r  y  .  5  6  5  0  0 16  8 16 16 16  0  0 0 None

# xdpyinfo
name of display::0.0
version number:11.0
vendor string:Mandrake Linux (XFree86 4.1.0, patch level 17mdk)
vendor release number:4010
XFree86 version: 4.1.0
maximum request size:  4194300 bytes
motion buffer size:  256
bitmap unit, bit order, padding:32, LSBFirst, 32
image byte order:LSBFirst
number of supported pixmap formats:7
supported pixmap formats:
depth 1, bits_per_pixel 1, scanline_pad 32
depth 4, bits_per_pixel 8, scanline_pad 32
depth 8, bits_per_pixel 8, scanline_pad 32
depth 15, bits_per_pixel 16, scanline_pad 32
depth 16, bits_per_pixel 16, scanline_pad 32
depth 24, bits_per_pixel 32, scanline_pad 32
depth 32, bits_per_pixel 32, scanline_pad 32
keycode range:minimum 8, maximum 255
focus:  window 0x160001f, revert to Parent
number of extensions:27
default screen number:0
number of screens:1

screen #0:
  dimensions:2304x864 pixels (780x293 millimeters)
  resolution:75x75 dots per inch
  depths (1):16
  root window id:0x3f
  depth of root window:16 planes
  number of colormaps:minimum 1, maximum 1
  default colormap:0x20
  default number of colormap cells:64
  preallocated pixels:black 0, white 65535
  options:backing-store NO, save-unders NO
  largest cursor:64x64
  current input event mask:0x5a20bd
KeyPressMask ButtonPressMask 
EnterWindowMask  LeaveWindowMask 
ButtonMotionMask StructureNotifyMask 

Re: [newbie] where are lisarc and rlisarc?

2002-03-09 Per discussione Jussi Aalto

On Saturday 09 March 2002 11:31, you wrote:
 OK - I give up! According to the docs I have read, these may be hidden
 files (thanks to Femme for that :-)) and should be in
 home/.kde/share/config but I'm blowed if I can find them. Does this
 mean that I can therefore simply create my own, or are they likely to
 be lurking somewhere else? Heather

There's no default config file for lisa for obvious reasons..
There's somthing to start with in /usr/share/apps/lisa/README.

Have fun!


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Re: [newbie] OK New install, probs with virtual Terms

2002-03-09 Per discussione Jussi Aalto

Headbanging works for me too, occasionally =)
Sometimes I have caught myself RTFM'ing!


On Saturday 09 March 2002 06:37, you wrote:
 On Friday 08 March 2002 18:32, FemmeFatale opened a hailing frequency

  *laffs* ya that's me, I can't program but I've managed to fook up
  every install.  *shrugs*
  I don't mind, cept I don't have enough expertise yet to fix my
  crashes. So I take the 30 min to reinstall.

 well i don't know enough either, but i keep banging my head on the wall
 till it works,  :-)

 right now i am messing with fstab and adding network drives to it. 
 why?  i have no idea, i was using komba2 and it worked great to browse
 shares, but hey when everything is working, you find something to break
 while trying to make it run better

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Re: [newbie] Lexmark Printer

2002-03-09 Per discussione Jussi Aalto


Check if haven't already done that.


On Saturday 09 March 2002 02:40, you wrote:
 Hello everyone,
  I'm having a problem getting the rpm that I downloaded from
 Lexmark's site to install. I have the Z32 color printer and downloaded
 the correct rpm. But when trying to install it, there is a stream of
 errors reported. I'm using Mandrake 8.0. I just thought I'd see if
 anyone else had that problem, and if they found a solution. Thanks.

 Keith Lynn
 Systems Administrator
 School of Computer and Information Sciences
 University of South Alabama
 Mobile, AL 36608
 Phone: (251) 460-6390
 Fax: (251) 460-7274
 Alternate E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] Is it Reiser or is it something else ?

2002-03-09 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

Hi All,

I Spent last night in an infinit loop of reinstalling LM 8.1 on a new 
machine, till I dropped asleep!!!
here is the full story...

Got a new P4 desktop machine with, 256 RAM and a 40G HD drive and had the 
following intention: make it a dual boot machine ( as simple as that used to 
be )
I did the following:

- The machine originally came with Win98SE on it.
- installed Partition Magic 4 (yeah I know they'v reached Ver 7 now ).
- partitioned the 40G disk into the following:
* shrinked the WIN 98 partition to 3G Fat32 called WIN_C
* created a 250 Linus Swap
* created a 13G Linux native
* some free space
* the last 10G of the drive made it a Fat32 WIN_D ( to be used for windows 
data )

- done with the partitioning, I installed W2K
- done with the W2K installation, started installing LM 8.1
- chose expert install, but now i got the idea of using the Reiser file 
system, and have the /home directory on a sperate patition (for future easy 

So, I deleted the 13G ext2 partition ( that I created in Partition Magic) and 
created 2 new partitions with the Reiser file sys: first one is: 3G with / 
mount point, second one is 8G with /home as mount point. , and went on with

Installation went fine till the last CD ( 3rd) was done, after the window that 
says: finished copying files, an error message appered saying:  
-qpm Mandrake/RPMS... bla bla

I was confused what could have gone wrong ?! SO

I started the instllation again and changed the / partition to ext2 same 
thing happend
I started it again changing both partitions to ext2...same thing
started again and chose not to install 3rd CD guess what ? same error msg 

I know the CD Drive is working fine, and the CD is fine too I used it to 
install LM on another 3 machines before...

CAN anybody tell me what can I do ? I ran out of ideas for the next install 

I know that was long  sorry but my night last night was long too :-)
started it again

Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] SB Audigy question

2002-03-09 Per discussione Jeff

On Friday 08 March 2002 09:48 pm, you wrote:
 FWIW Jeff,
 I have an SBLive! and it worked fine on LM8.1.  On LM8.0, it works

 Btw, IEEE1394 is Firewire.  Its for hooking into something that needs a
 ton of bandwidth, like video cameras.


 Jeff wrote:
  Anyone got it, Gamer, MP3, or Plat versions?  How does it work in Linux? 
  LM 8.1 specifically.  I mean both hardware and software.  Do the fancy
  extras packed in really work?  ( the Mp3 players, etc)  How about the
  connector box? How about the SB 1394?  (I believe that's the part that
  does the 24bit encoding and other extra features of the audigy)
  Please let me know, as I am going to ditch my acoustic edge and I want to
  make sure my preffered upgrade will work.
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Well, I checked creative labs web site and they do not have drivers for 
Audigy yet.  I wondered if maybe anyone ran the Live driver with Audigy and 
how it would work.

Yes, I didn't think of Firewire when it said SB 1394.  Kinda through my 


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Re: [newbie] Running Open Office more directly

2002-03-09 Per discussione Jan Wilson

* Charles Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020308 23:53]:
 I installed OpenOffice 6.41 using the tarball, and it works fine.
 However, it is slightly inconvenient to use, since each time I have to
 open the console, change directories to /OpenOffice.org641 and then type
 ./soffice. Is there a way of simplifying this process?

You can put a link in any directory in your path (this could be in
addition to placing an icon on your desktop or whatever).  Open a
terminal and type:

echo $PATH

This will show you which directories are searched when you type a
command, and in which order.  The colons are separators.

Change to one of those directories ... and if you don't have write
privileges, su to root:


And give the root password.

Then make the link:

ln -s /OpenOffice.org641/program/soffice ooffice

You can name it something different if you like.

Then from an command line you should be able to type:


Or whatever you called it, and it should load up.

We use 641C in our junior college lab with Mandrake
8.1, and LTSP 3.0 with very good results.  OOo 1.0 will be out in
maybe a month, and we're looking forward to that.

BTW, OOo 642 is available now, but it is a development build, and NOT the
release candidate for OOo 1.0.

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, SQL, Perl, HTML

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Re: [newbie] SB Audigy question

2002-03-09 Per discussione Nelson Bartley

Ok... I thought someone was gonna set the record straight long before

The SB Audigy does not have built in support in 8.1. 
There are drivers available for it from the emu10k1 sourceforge webpage,
which are experimental at best. They provide basic audio out, but I'm
not sure how much more then that they offer. 
You can install these drivers in 8.1 if you want, however as far as I
understand, the audigy driver has been incorporated into the lastest
kernels, and should be in the 8.2 distribution.

As for the firewire support, SB1394, it will work fine as it is an
independant part of board. (IE: not incoporated into the audio

If you need more information feel free to ask.

(General Lurker)

On Sat, 2002-03-09 at 10:31, Jeff wrote:
 On Friday 08 March 2002 09:48 pm, you wrote:
  FWIW Jeff,
  I have an SBLive! and it worked fine on LM8.1.  On LM8.0, it works
  Btw, IEEE1394 is Firewire.  Its for hooking into something that needs a
  ton of bandwidth, like video cameras.
  Jeff wrote:
   Anyone got it, Gamer, MP3, or Plat versions?  How does it work in Linux? 
   LM 8.1 specifically.  I mean both hardware and software.  Do the fancy
   extras packed in really work?  ( the Mp3 players, etc)  How about the
   connector box? How about the SB 1394?  (I believe that's the part that
   does the 24bit encoding and other extra features of the audigy)
   Please let me know, as I am going to ditch my acoustic edge and I want to
   make sure my preffered upgrade will work.

   Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
   Go to
 Well, I checked creative labs web site and they do not have drivers for 
 Audigy yet.  I wondered if maybe anyone ran the Live driver with Audigy and 
 how it would work.
 Yes, I didn't think of Firewire when it said SB 1394.  Kinda through my 

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[newbie] Kivio Stencils?

2002-03-09 Per discussione Nelson Bartley


I'm wondering where I can get ahold of FREE stencil sets for kivio. The
one set that it comes with is rather... weak. I'm trying to complete a
school project and I don't want to spend any money to get the stencil
sets from the kompany.

If anyone knows where I can download free kivio stencils it would be
greatly appreciated.


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[newbie] not found in ICQ Java installation.

2002-03-09 Per discussione Wei Wang

I am trying to install an ICQ Java version on my Mandrake 8.1. 

in ICQJava/install:


And ./install prompts Invalid JAVA_CLASSES: file not found
I don't have a in my j2re1.4.0/lib directory. What should I do?


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Re: [newbie] Running Open Office more directly

2002-03-09 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Saturday 09 March 2002 09:01 am, you wrote:
 I am still not able to make OO641 run from my own directory. My
 .bash_profile file in my own directory looks like this. Any further

 # .bash_profile

 # Get the aliases and functions
 if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
   . ~/.bashrc

 # User specific environment and startup programs

 alias soffice /home/chuck/OpenOffice.org641/soffice


 export PATH

run  source ~/.bash_profile

to update your profile, else logout login

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] Is it Reiser or is it something else ?

2002-03-09 Per discussione shane

can't help much, but i can say i have seen that error on 3 different linux 
installs, 2 of them the first cd was bad and i had to download it again, 
the last, one of the RAM chips was bad.  windows didn't notice untill it 
had run several hours and then it crashed hard, linux noticed early in the 

there is a memory check you can run, but i do not recall the command.  you 
can also try installing with various RAM removed and see if it helps.  
sorry that isn't much help.

On Saturday 09 March 2002 07:41, Hanan Shargi opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

 Installation went fine till the last CD ( 3rd) was done, after the window
 that says: finished copying files, an error message appered saying:
 rpm -qpm Mandrake/RPMS... bla bla

If someone tells you they know the truth, listen carefully.  If they tell 
you they know the only truth, run for your life.

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Profile at:

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Re:[newbie] Is it Reiser or is it somthing else

2002-03-09 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

Thank you shane,,

this memory check is it on windows ? I suppose it must be on windows ? since 
linux is not installed yet

if you can give me a hint where is this utility I can go and look for it ( 
BIOS , DOS ?? )

Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] Athalon 1700+ running on Dragon Plus MB

2002-03-09 Per discussione Lee

On Friday 08 March 2002 09:02 pm, you wrote:
 Thanks to all who replied,
 I have decided that since the system is runing so good.
 and I have much more on my todo list than I will ever get done in one
 lifetime, I am going to leave it alone.
 Again, thanks to all


Fired up my Dragon Plus w/1900  60G eide drive with 8.2 Beta 4 yesterday.

I did almost nothing but watch while Mandrake did it all.

Set up my internet connection thru my router, picked monitor, and basically 
left me with nothing to break.  Ho Hum

Haven't tried the network with the other three boxes yet though..Maybe 
still a small chance for the usual frustration.

Last year I couldn't pronounce Linux.  Now the system is so automated, I 
don't have to if I don't want to.


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Re: [newbie] Athalon 1700+ running on Dragon Plus MB

2002-03-09 Per discussione jquandt3

From: Gerald Waugh

 This MB has no jumpers, everything is setup in the setup screens.
 Well the MB has a 266 Mhz FSB, but I guess that when the bus speed is set
 133 the DDR RAM bus is running at 266???
 the overcloking feature only affects the FSB (Front Side Bus) it goes up
in 1
 mhz increments, but the max is 233.

 Now in the BIOS Setup it has CPU Ratio Setup with options of
 6.0X, 6.5X, 7.0X, 8.0X, 9.0X, 9.5X, 10.0X, 10.5X, 11.0X, 11.5X, 12.0X,
 14.0X, and AUTO
 Mine is currently set on AUTO
 But it may be beneficial to set it to 10.5 ???
 maybe auto is 10.5 but I don't know

While the MoBo has settings to allow overclocking, your proc is Multiplier
Locked, meaning you cannot change the multiplier without physical changes
to the proc.  All Athlon class, Pentium III, IV's are this way standard.
Celerons and Durons may be able to have the multiplier changed, although I
am not sure if they still can.

The FSB at 266 is a dual pumped 133, so 233( not that you could run that
high without radical cooling on everything, not just the proc) would be 466
dual pumped.



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Re:[newbie] Is it Reiser or is it somthing else

2002-03-09 Per discussione shane

no i believe there is actually a memory check command you can use from the 
initial boot cd if simply change to text and know the command.  i only 
recall it in assing but it may have been on this list, so a look in the 
archives may may find it.

On Saturday 09 March 2002 08:58, Hanan Shargi opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

 Thank you shane,,

 this memory check is it on windows ? I suppose it must be on windows ?
 since linux is not installed yet

 if you can give me a hint where is this utility I can go and look for it
 ( BIOS , DOS ?? )

 Hanan AL-Shargi

Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue...

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Profile at:

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[newbie] cdrom install

2002-03-09 Per discussione DM4NoVa

Hi guys,

I got Mandrake 8.1 installed, (and what a fun chore that was). It recognizes 
my CDROMs (1 regular, 1 CDRW) and floppy drive, but when I try to use them to 
install new packages it just keeps opening the disk tray and asking for the 
CD. (Yes, I put the CD it asked for in the tray. hahahaha) 

Any ideas? Please keep in mind I am working in Linux under the K. I. S. S.  
principle, and that is being kind. If it matters they are supermounted. 


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Re: [newbie] where are lisarc and rlisarc?

2002-03-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Since Lisa has to be configured in kde control Centre as root, then you 
should be looking in /root/.kde/share/config/lisarc for the file it generates.


On Saturday 09 March 2002 14:15, Jussi Aalto wrote:
 On Saturday 09 March 2002 11:31, you wrote:
  OK - I give up! According to the docs I have read, these may be hidden
  files (thanks to Femme for that :-)) and should be in
  home/.kde/share/config but I'm blowed if I can find them. Does this
  mean that I can therefore simply create my own, or are they likely to
  be lurking somewhere else? Heather

 There's no default config file for lisa for obvious reasons..
 There's somthing to start with in /usr/share/apps/lisa/README.

 Have fun!


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Re:[newbie] Is it Reiser or is it somthing else

2002-03-09 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Saturday 09 March 2002 11:15, you wrote:
 no i believe there is actually a memory check command you can use from the
 initial boot cd if simply change to text and know the command.  i only
 recall it in assing but it may have been on this list, so a look in the
 archives may may find it.

 On Saturday 09 March 2002 08:58, Hanan Shargi opened a hailing frequency

 and transmitted:
  Thank you shane,,
  this memory check is it on windows ? I suppose it must be on windows ?
  since linux is not installed yet
  if you can give me a hint where is this utility I can go and look for it
  ( BIOS , DOS ?? )
  Hanan AL-Shargi
Look for memtest86 or memtester on the CDs the Second one IIRC. It is a DOS 
program I think and runs from a floppy at boot up if you want it to. Or if 
need be do a search on google and there is a free download out there.  HTH
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] cdrom install

2002-03-09 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Saturday 09 March 2002 11:21, you wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I got Mandrake 8.1 installed, (and what a fun chore that was). It
 recognizes my CDROMs (1 regular, 1 CDRW) and floppy drive, but when I try
 to use them to install new packages it just keeps opening the disk tray and
 asking for the CD. (Yes, I put the CD it asked for in the tray. hahahaha)

 Any ideas? Please keep in mind I am working in Linux under the K. I. S. S.
 principle, and that is being kind. If it matters they are supermounted.

Supermount does not work well in 8.1 so try right clicking on the icon and 
choose mount or if it says unmount click that and then go back and click on 
mount and see if the cd doesn't open.  If not put the pointer on an empty 
place on the desktop and right click.  From the box choose create newcdrom 
device and then in the box that opens there click on the device tap and then 
click on the down arrow and choose your cdrom device listed there then click 
on OK.  A new icon will be created, you can make another for your cdrw and 
then delete the old icon.  Hope I was reasonably lucid in these directions. 
Come back to the list if I wasn't and we will try to do better. :  ) HTH
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Is it Reisre or is it something else ?

2002-03-09 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

I found the msg you reffered to in the archives and said something about this 
memtest86 rpm on the second CD, yet I couldnt figure out how to make this rpm 
run from a floppy ():-) ?!?

shall I copy it to a floppy and use this floppy to boot up the machine ? or 
what :)

many thanks.

Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] Running Open Office more directly

2002-03-09 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem

It will not work the way you have it. You need an absolute path like my 
example, not a relative path. Also, my example was for .cshrc. I am not sure 
about the .bashrc equivalent.

You could also append the absolute path to your PATH environment variable 
instead of using an alias.

On Saturday 09 March 2002 02:03 am, Charles Muller wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-03-09 at 16:20, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
  Or you can define an alias in your shell rc file. This way you can start
  openoffice from the command line.
  For csh the line would go in the .cshrc file in your home directory and
  it will be:
  alias soffice /OpenOffice.org641/soffice
  This way whever you type soffice  in a terminal window, Open Office
  gets started.

 I tried this, using the .bashrc file in my home directory as follows:

 # User specific aliases and functions

 alias soffice ./OpenOffice.org641/soffice

 But when I try it, I get an error message:

 bash: soffice: command not found

 I must be missing something.



  On Friday 08 March 2002 09:56 pm, Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas wrote:
   On 9 Mar 2002, Charles Muller wrote:
   Using KDE I just made a 'icon' to it.
   Right click I select something like make new application link and fill
   in the blanks!
   Sorry, I don't have the 'correct' steps 'cause I'm not using mdk8.1 in
   Ricardo Castanho
   I installed OpenOffice 6.41 using the tarball, and it works fine.
   However, it is slightly inconvenient to use, since each time I have to
   open the console, change directories to /OpenOffice.org641 and then
type ./soffice. Is there a way of simplifying this process?
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] Is it Reisre or is it something else ?

2002-03-09 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Saturday 09 March 2002 11:58, you wrote:
 I found the msg you reffered to in the archives and said something about
 this memtest86 rpm on the second CD, yet I couldnt figure out how to make
 this rpm run from a floppy ():-) ?!?

 shall I copy it to a floppy and use this floppy to boot up the machine ? or
 what :)

 many thanks.

 Hanan AL-Shargi
Are you in windows or linux ?  Is it dual boot? If so you can install the 
memtest prog in linux and run it from a console without a window manager 
running (single user mode I think it's called) Or what I meant was to copy 
the program to a floppy and then boot the machine with the bios set to boot 
floppy drive first. It has been a long time since I used it so you may have 
to experiment to find the right way to do it. Unless someone on the list who 
knows better can jump in here.  The readme is on my system here:  
/usr/share/doc/memtest86-2.7/READMECheck on yours or the cds and see what 
you can find out...HTH
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] how to create a logout message?

2002-03-09 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Sat, 9 Mar 2002 22:29:33 +0100

 On Sat, 9 Mar 2002 16:14:26 -0500 Todd wrote:
 I have edited the file /etc/profile so that users get a message when
 logging in. What file would I edit so that all users receive a bye-bye
 message when they log out? I can do it per individual user, but is
 there a universal file like /etc/profile?
 Try ~/.bash_logout

That only does it for root, not other users.


Todd Slater
I suppose it is because nearly all children go to school nowadays, and
have things arranged for them, that they seem so forlornly unable to
produce their own ideas. (Agatha Christie)

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Re: [newbie] PATH Statement

2002-03-09 Per discussione Michael

dfox wrote:
  This is a multi-part message in MIME format...
  Content-Type: text/plain
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
  This may have something to do with my inabilities to run Open Office
  easily: All the Linux books I have read seem to indicate that the PATH
 Open Ofice is usually installed outside PATH, typically in /opt, but
 yes, it may not be in your PATH. There should be a private Open Office
 directory in yyuor home directory, and you can make a private 'bin'
 directory and add that to your PATH. It may already be set up to add
 /home/yourusername/bin as default anyway.
 Usually, the default PATH is set as part of the startup routine, but
 you should have a PATH in your .bashrc if you want to add or remove
 directories to search.
 By the way, each user (or process, actually) has their own copy of
 PATH, and can differ. It's not like Windows or DOS where it's

Charles, in my setup the last bits of the default PATH are added towards the
bottom of /etc/profile during the startup. To read the default PATH comment out
any additions to it in your .bashrc. Start a new bash shell or type source
.bashrc then type echo $PATH. 

I have to convince you, or at least snow you ...
-- Prof. Romas Aleliunas, CS 435

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2002-03-09 Per discussione

Hello, my name is Ilya. Can
you tell me where to find AVI-player and RAR-archiver
for Linux? Why does my computer hangs-up while I am using Universe
and Cannonsmash (AMD-400, Ati Rage-128 Fury
Pro Xpert (32MB), 64RAM, Mandrake 8.0). Why I cant
install Linux parallel with WinNT (XP) it displays error due to kernel (...kill
kernel...). How can I execute programs made for Windows?

ššš Thank you

ššš Ily@

Re: [newbie] rpms and OpenOffice.

2002-03-09 Per discussione Ralph Slooten

Hash: SHA1

Well, no, but you can always just delete the folder where it is
installed :-) In my case /usr/share/openoffice ... the shortcuts where
it is installed will be added to your local install directory (for each
user about 3 MB's in their $HOME somewhere...). There are no other
shortcuts or files installed anywhere else.

Hope this helps,


Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
| Does it also come with an uninstall utility?
| Thanks,
| Seedkum

- --

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[newbie] seeing windows chapter 2 :-)) (bit for Costin)

2002-03-09 Per discussione Heather Reed

Hi all (and hope Costin gets this too 
I am half way there, with only one hurdle to go! I 
have just looged in as root, found the lisa and reslisa config files and 
configured them correctly, thanks to 
the sample configs there. However, I have one final problem. I can log in and 
see all my windows shares as root, but its a different story when logged in as 
username. Clicking on network in the home dir tells me to configure LAN 
browsing using control center. Going to control center tells me that to 
configure lisa I must be root! ButI have already configured it as root and 
it is working!!! Why am I stuck in this loop? 
I have tried copying and pasting both config files 
into the appropriate place in my username home directory, but that 
doesn't work.
Please could someone help me finish the 
Costin - I had the same error message as you, but 
used the simplest of the config files on the web site above and it solved the 
problem (as root anyway). Hope this helps.

Re: [newbie] Is it Reiser or is it somthing else

2002-03-09 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 09 March 2002 01:48 pm, dfox wrote:

 The utility is calleed memtest86, so google for it. I think there is
 a disk image on the Mandrake CD but I'm not sure.

   If y'all have ML 8.x to 8.2, a memtest86-??mdk..rpm is on your Cd's. 
If you install this rpm, it'll add memtest86 as a boot option. I've had 
problems usin it this way tho. It's also much better to test hardware 
without loading your OS/file systems. Specially Linux/ext2, and any M$ 
Windoze product.  File system corruption and/or Winblows registry 
corruption can occur.

   So, however you get memtest86, I'd advise copying it to a floppy and 
booting that, rather than booting to it on your harddrive from lilo. 
The tar.gz version has an 'installer' to do this for you, just read the 
doc.  Mandrake's rpm  will put a memtest...bin file in /boot, edit 
and run lilo to add it as a boot option. You can copy that or any other 
memtest.bin to a floppy by doin this in a term
   dd if=memtest-2.8.bin of=/dev/fd0 (this assumes you're in the 
dir where you have memtest.bin, and that your floppy is fd0 )

   OTOH, 'mprime -m, 17' (Prime95's torture test) is a much better 
cpu/cache/ram tester, but it still won't prove your hardware as well 
as Cpuburn will

   Any software test of ram/memory is not entirely feasible. Only very 
expensive hardware test beds, that're specific to the ram being tested 
are accurate viable tests.  Cpuburn will, like most other software 
testers, stress check the cpu/cache/ram all at once. Faulty systems can 
get by memtest86 fairly easily, even the Prime95/mprime torture test 
won't find all difficiencies ... but if Cpuburn doesn't find 'em, 
they're probly aren't any, ie 'bulletproof'. 

That's why I advise testing cpu/cache/ram from a memtest86 floppy 
first, keeping your OS/filesystem offline. If all's well, then try 
mprime's torture test. If you pass that, go for Cpuburn.  Until a 
system passes Cpuburn, any problems, present or future, could be more 
likely be hardware than software, or at least you'll never really know 
or is it somthing else ;
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] rpms and OpenOffice.

2002-03-09 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem


You mentioned:

Do an ./install /net if you want to use it for several users and don't 
want to install a separate version in each users $HONE.

I looked at the install man pages and there was no mention of the /net 
switch. The man page said it was a file copy utility, all be it a more 
sophisticated one. The one I have is version 4.1.  What is this install 
program you have in mind?

I did the down load, the unzip, the untar and I am ready for the next step.



On Saturday 09 March 2002 03:51 pm, Ralph Slooten wrote:
 Well, no, but you can always just delete the folder where it is
 installed :-) In my case /usr/share/openoffice ... the shortcuts where
 it is installed will be added to your local install directory (for each
 user about 3 MB's in their $HOME somewhere...). There are no other
 shortcuts or files installed anywhere else.

 Hope this helps,


 Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 | Does it also come with an uninstall utility?
 | Thanks,
 | Seedkum

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Re: [newbie] Is it Reiser or is it something else ?

2002-03-09 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

Hey Tom,

That sure was a heavy weight reply ... I'm glad some of you experts do look at 
our newbie list from time to time ;)

But that warning on http://users.ev1/ sure is scary,,, I dont think i wanna go 
ahead and stress my new system's cpu :)

and by the way while I was waiting for replies about my problem I tried 
installing LM 7.2 and it worked just fine,,, it didn't complain about anything 
so I guess its not a memory problem after all ?? or could it be that 7.2 was 
fooled as well ??!!

but I'm glad I ( and some folks here ) got to know about some really 
interesting SW out there and we got some very informative replies from some 
gurus :)

Thanks FOLKS :-)

Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] Key correspondent to degree celsius characters ]}º

2002-03-09 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Please let us know if you find out!  I've been using the us-intl
keyboard for about a year (for ácçêñts), and I never knew about right
alt+shift.  Thanks!  I'm so psyched!  ¡Now I have the exclamation point
I've always wanted!  Do you know how to get an upside down question

- Paul Rodríguez

On Sat, 2002-03-09 at 11:12, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
 I am using a us-intl keyboard, i would like to be surprized and find out
 how to put the Celsius circle in my emails. 
 I would assume right alt + shift + ?? = degrees celsius sign.
 Is there perhaps an internet page that lists all these keyboard
 shortcuts given your make of keyboard?

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Re: [newbie]

2002-03-09 Per discussione civileme

îÅ×ÉÎÎÙÊ ÷ÁÎÑ wrote:

 Hello, my name is Ilya. Can you tell me where to find AVI-player and 
 RAR- archiver for Linux? Why does my computer hangs-up while I am 
 using Universe and Cannonsmash (AMD-400, Ati Rage-128 Fury Pro 
 Xpert (32MB), 64RAM, Mandrake 8.0). Why I can't install Linux parallel 
 with WinNT (XP) it displays error due to kernel (...kill kernel...). 
 How can I execute programs made for Windows?

 Thank you


AVI-player is unavailable but several others will play avi files.

RAR for linux is available from

Known bugs for the ATI Video card driver. Unfortunately whoever is 
maintaining them hasn't had time to fix. The latest drivers should be 
available at when a fix is available.

You can install dual-boot with windows, but you have to set up your disk 
to make room for linux to install. Microsoft has kept the NTFS very 
secret and has no less than three mutually incompatiuble versions of it 
(NT4, Win2K, and XP). We can read all 3 and experimentally write only 
the NT4. If you want linux to make room for itself, use the FAT32 
filesystem on your windows.

If you use the FAT32 filesystem then wine, codeweavers wine, and 
transgaming winex will run most but not all windows programs. They run 
them by simulating the windows APIs (application programming interfaces) 
and the Microsoft software uses special, secret APIs that Microsoft has 
never released for such programs as Office, Publisher, MSIE and so on.


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Re: [newbie] rpms and OpenOffice.

2002-03-09 Per discussione Ralph Slooten

Hash: SHA1

OK, You downloaded and unpacked the tar.gz file... there should be
several files in the unzipped folder, or not? Well, there is a setup
file... sorry, not install... my appologies.

Try a ./setup /net and the rest should be pretty straight forward. I
canot remember if the /net funtion is well documented, but it exists
from StarOffice, and it still used in the You will have
to install this as root.

One thing I must add... I had a big problem in the beginning where I
could not read the install screen. I found out that this had to do with
Abiword (some arial font that was contained in it), and uninstalling it
first fixed everything :-)

Ok, once installed, let's say in /usr/share/openoffice.org641 (I have no
idea what 4.1 version you are referring to?), as a normal user type
/usr/share/openoffice.org641/setup and it should install several files
into your home directory. There are needed for your personal settings.
In the folder created there are shortcuts to openoffice and so on. I
think the rest is pretty straight forward.

The version I use is :

but others should work too.


Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
| Ralph,
| You mentioned:
| Do an ./install /net if you want to use it for several users and don't
| want to install a separate version in each users $HONE.
| I looked at the install man pages and there was no mention of the
| switch. The man page said it was a file copy utility, all be it a more
| sophisticated one. The one I have is version 4.1.  What is this install
| program you have in mind?
| I did the down load, the unzip, the untar and I am ready for the next
| Thanx,
| Seedkum
| On Saturday 09 March 2002 03:51 pm, Ralph Slooten wrote:
|Well, no, but you can always just delete the folder where it is
|installed :-) In my case /usr/share/openoffice ... the shortcuts where
|it is installed will be added to your local install directory (for each
|user about 3 MB's in their $HOME somewhere...). There are no other
|shortcuts or files installed anywhere else.
|Hope this helps,
|Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
|| Does it also come with an uninstall utility?
|| Thanks,
|| Seedkum
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Re: [newbie] Running Open Office more directly

2002-03-09 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Charles Muller wrote:
 I installed OpenOffice 6.41 using the tarball, and it works fine.
 However, it is slightly inconvenient to use, since each time I have to
 open the console, change directories to /OpenOffice.org641 and then type
 ./soffice. Is there a way of simplifying this process?

If you use the GNOME Panel, take a look at the OpenOffice QuickStarter applet at

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Give a man a fire and he'll be warm for the night.
Light a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

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Re: [newbie] gaim - I did it - here's how :-))

2002-03-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale

I'd post linux jokes but I'm sure some would just see it as bandwidth
waste ;p

Hm... new jest?  OK... how bout, I just installed Ximian the other day 
2 hours later was reinstalling for the second time in 3 days?  Now, top
that my dear Linux-impaired sister ;)


Heather Reed wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 2:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] gaim - I did it - here's how :-))
  If what you said or do say, wasn't useful, I'm sure many of us wouldn't
  post in reply to you.
  Besides, useless ppl don't use linux do they?
  Just a small bit of humour to tide you over till the next hurdle
 LOL - better get the next jest ready :-))) Thanks for the encouragement!
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Re: [newbie] where are lisarc and rlisarc?

2002-03-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale

*note to self* Find out what LISA is.  Someone care to save me some
reading? :)


Jussi Aalto wrote:
 On Saturday 09 March 2002 11:31, you wrote:
  OK - I give up! According to the docs I have read, these may be hidden
  files (thanks to Femme for that :-)) and should be in
  home/.kde/share/config but I'm blowed if I can find them. Does this
  mean that I can therefore simply create my own, or are they likely to
  be lurking somewhere else? Heather
 There's no default config file for lisa for obvious reasons..
 There's somthing to start with in /usr/share/apps/lisa/README.
 Have fun!
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Re: [newbie] Is it Reiser or is it somthing else

2002-03-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale

I do not know of Ram checkers for Linux but I do know of one for
windows.  Go to for Doc Memory?.

Its a little confusing and works from a DOS prompt.  But its free I
believe and its Time-crippled.  Try it, it may help.


Hanan Shargi wrote:
 Thank you shane,,
 this memory check is it on windows ? I suppose it must be on windows ? since
 linux is not installed yet
 if you can give me a hint where is this utility I can go and look for it (
 BIOS , DOS ?? )
 Hanan AL-Shargi
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Re: [newbie] cdrom install

2002-03-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale

I believe supermount if borked in 8.1.  Sorry to tell you, and I'm sure
Michael will correct me again (as he did with .licq) :)


 Hi guys,
 I got Mandrake 8.1 installed, (and what a fun chore that was). It recognizes
 my CDROMs (1 regular, 1 CDRW) and floppy drive, but when I try to use them to
 install new packages it just keeps opening the disk tray and asking for the
 CD. (Yes, I put the CD it asked for in the tray. hahahaha)
 Any ideas? Please keep in mind I am working in Linux under the K. I. S. S.
 principle, and that is being kind. If it matters they are supermounted.
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Re: [newbie] Is it Reiser or is it something else ?

2002-03-09 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 09 March 2002 06:42 pm, Hanan Shargi wrote:
 Hey Tom,
 That sure was a heavy weight reply ... 
 But that warning on sure is scary,,, I 
dont think i  wanna go ahead and stress my new system's cpu :)

   It's sort'a jus'a standard lawyer required disclaimer. He's 
(Robert) just another hand like you or me.  My personal opinion is that 
low hurdle tests like memtest86 are only useful for checkin a system 
before _really_ stress testing your hardware.  Cpuburn has been a 
hardware (ie, overclockers) tool for some years now ... highly regarded 
as the last word, the acid test.  So if there's a good time to test 
a system, the best is when its new.  Better sooner than later  ;

 and by the way while I was waiting for replies about my problem I
 tried installing LM 7.2 and it worked just fine,,, it didn't complain
 about anything !!!
 so I guess its not a memory problem after all ?? or could it be that
 7.2 was fooled as well ??!!

   Could be ?? Civileme posted just recently that pushin the hardware 
too far could be a problem for highly optimized, 'hands on hardware' 
Linux (to paraphrase). I haven't experienced it, but I respect his 
opinions. Still, A stock, ready made store bought system, runnin any 
OS, should be able to pass Cpuburn ...  or IMO, the hardware is 

   OTOH, I find the increasing number of posts here and elsewhere that 
ML 7.x runs fine, but 8.x won't install/load/work... to be a little 
troubling.  I really think it has more to do with the decreasing 
quality of current hardware, than the increasing 'tightness' of 
(Mandrake) Linux.  Seems to me M$ has too much influence on 
proliferating marginal hardware, and not browser monopoly's. If Billy 
can encourage junk hardware, he's got a captive audience for Windoze.

   BTW, I've been usin ReiserFS for almost 2 years with -0- problems. 
The only other j-fs I tried was XFS, and 2 days of it last month with 
ML 8.2 convinced me to go back to Reiser, lickety split .. Y'allsMMV ;) 
FWIW, I'm usin Mandrake 8.2 (expect it to go final in a week or so) on 
max overclocked hardware with zip problems for several months  .. 
Well, there are some, but they usually most always boil down to the 
interface between my keyboard, mouse, and chair ;)
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie]

2002-03-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Search the mailing list archives.  There was a thread on this a few
weeks ago.

Hello, my name is Ilya. Can you tell me where to find AVI-player and RAR-archiver for 

As for the other questions I cannot answer them as I'm too green to know

However, FWIW, i have a dual boot with win2k (an NT kernel).  Its not
that tough, and is covered in Mandrakes online Docs. repository.


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[newbie] Cheers Geeks :)

2002-03-09 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

I dont know if this breaks the listiquitte or not, but I want to make a 
statement here :
Dont you just love it  when people get motivated, and you find the same person 
posting replies for more than one post ??
I mean here we are on a Sat night ...staying in...I mean staying infront of 
our PC's reading about linux tips and  fixes :)
It couldnt get geekier I guess ...

Chers Geeks :)

Hanan AL-Shargi

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[newbie] Partition Manager

2002-03-09 Per discussione alex

  I've been using Partition Manager (Ranish) for about two years and 
have found it to be an excellent partitioner. It has saved the
day for me many times. I've used it to create partitions for a variety 
of operating systems, format them for those sysems,
readjust the sizes, just about anything related to partitions.

There seem to be two partitioners with the name Partition Manager, I'm 
referring to the free one by Ranish.

I was wondering how many other people have had any experience with this 
partitioner or are even aware that it exists.
I don't recall Partition Manager ever being mentioned on this list.

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Re: [newbie] Kmail question

2002-03-09 Per discussione Jonathan Dlouhy


Jonathan Dlouhy
Saturday, March 09, 2002 11:04:19 PM
Confucius say: Man who stand on toilet is high on pot.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 6:15 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Kmail question

 On Wednesday 06 March 2002 09:35 pm, you wrote:
  Is there any way of making Kmail check for mail automatically upon
  starting the program? I don't see a setting anywhere. Is there a
  setting I missed, or is there maybe some other way of making it do that?
 put -check in the command to start it (either in your menu or link).
 kmail -check -caption %c %i %m

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Re: [newbie] Running Open Office more directly

2002-03-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale

An alternative to Supermount I found on the Docs section of Mandrakes

Sounds like a useful utility.

I hope someone wishing to automount things might get some use out of the
step-by-step guide.


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Re: [newbie] Cheers Geeks :)

2002-03-09 Per discussione shane

sarcasmnow of what you said can be true, as micro$oft will explain, there 
is no support for linux.  :-)/sarcasm

cheers back at ya..

On Saturday 09 March 2002 19:11, Hanan Shargi opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

 I dont know if this breaks the listiquitte or not, but I want to make a
 statement here :
 Dont you just love it  when people get motivated, and you find the same
 person posting replies for more than one post ??
 I mean here we are on a Sat night ...staying in...I mean staying infront
 of our PC's reading about linux tips and  fixes :)
 It couldnt get geekier I guess ...

 Chers Geeks :)

 Hanan AL-Shargi

Everyone seems so impatient and angry these days. I think it's because so 
many people use Windows at work. Do you think you'd be Mr. Politeness Man 
after working on Windows 8 hrs. or more?

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Profile at:

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[newbie] MySQL book for Linux

2002-03-09 Per discussione Tuan Tran

I'm looking for BASIC MySQL book. Does anyone know which is the easy
one? I want the book have some how show me the add-on (or plug-in)
GUI.. I want to be able to create MySQL database like MA-Access or

I'm new at MySQL so just want buy a very easy book to read. Any help is
a big thanks


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Re: [newbie] where are lisarc and rlisarc?

2002-03-09 Per discussione shane

On Saturday 09 March 2002 18:09, FemmeFatale opened a hailing frequency and 

 *note to self* Find out what LISA is.  Someone care to save me some
 reading? :)

have a look at configuration  kde  network  lanbrowsing.  lisa is good 
for browsing your local network, but it has been flakey for me so i usually 
use komba2 if i wanna tap the local network.

rlisa is the same, but for more restrictive or controlled networks. 

Hiroshima '45, Chernobyl '86, Windows '95, Windows '98, Windows 2000!

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Profile at:

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Re: [newbie] Athalon 1700+ running on Dragon Plus MB

2002-03-09 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Thursday 07 March 2002 10:19 pm, you wrote:

 While the MoBo has settings to allow overclocking, your proc is Multiplier
 Locked, meaning you cannot change the multiplier without physical changes
 to the proc.  All Athlon class, Pentium III, IV's are this way standard.
 Celerons and Durons may be able to have the multiplier changed, although I
 am not sure if they still can.

 The FSB at 266 is a dual pumped 133, so 233( not that you could run that
 high without radical cooling on everything, not just the proc) would be 466
 dual pumped.

Thats what I thought, thanks for the confirmation.

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] Athalon 1700+ running on Dragon Plus MB

2002-03-09 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Saturday 09 March 2002 01:10 am, you wrote:

 Fired up my Dragon Plus w/1900  60G eide drive with 8.2 Beta 4 yesterday.

 I did almost nothing but watch while Mandrake did it all.

 Set up my internet connection thru my router, picked monitor, and basically
 left me with nothing to break.  Ho Hum

 Haven't tried the network with the other three boxes yet though..Maybe
 still a small chance for the usual frustration.

I had a problem with the onboard NIC, I am using a netgear NIC, I had the 
spare NIC laying around and decided not to fool with the onboard NIC.
So I disabled it.

What kind of a video card are you using?

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] For a Disk-on-Key Primer :)

2002-03-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale

From the LM 8 docs section!



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Re: [newbie] seeing windows chapter 2 :-)) (bit for Costin)

2002-03-09 Per discussione shane

maybe not much help, sorry i haven't been following the thread, i myself 
have never been able to get lisa to work 100%, but what exactly are you 
using it for?  have you tryed komba2 or linneighborhood?

i am full of not an answer but an alternative answers lately aren't i?

On Saturday 09 March 2002 16:05, Heather Reed opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

 Hi all (and hope Costin gets this too :-))
 I am half way there, with only one hurdle to go! I have just looged in as
 root, found the lisa and reslisa config files and configured them

The only people who like Microsoft are those who don't understand.  When 
people understand what Microsoft is up to, they're outraged. - Tim O'Reilly

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Re: [newbie] Voodoo5 How-To for RH 7.x

2002-03-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale

I think this might work for Man. 8.x.  Try reading it.  I post this for
the persona asking about voodoo 5 cards.


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Re: [newbie] Voodoo5 How-To for RH 7.x

2002-03-09 Per discussione Tóth András

How can I chancel this message?

- Original Message -
From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 5:38 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Voodoo5 How-To for RH 7.x

 I think this might work for Man. 8.x.  Try reading it.  I post this for
 the persona asking about voodoo 5 cards.


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Re: [newbie] Cheers Geeks :)

2002-03-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale

so true Hanan.  *Sigh*

I admit it, I'm a pathetic geek with nothing better to do (other than
recover from a small operation).

Besides, this is very entertaining  useful :P

I mean I can break a M$ product in oh. 3 days flat... but do I have
to actually DO anything?  no... just watch it happen.

So sitting here  learnning to fix things is more fun. *shows off her
virtual tattoo of a penguin* :P


shane wrote:
 sarcasmnow of what you said can be true, as micro$oft will explain, there
 is no support for linux.  :-)/sarcasm
 cheers back at ya..
 On Saturday 09 March 2002 19:11, Hanan Shargi opened a hailing frequency
 and transmitted:
  I dont know if this breaks the listiquitte or not, but I want to make a
  statement here :
  Dont you just love it  when people get motivated, and you find the same
  person posting replies for more than one post ??
  I mean here we are on a Sat night ...staying in...I mean staying infront
  of our PC's reading about linux tips and  fixes :)
  It couldnt get geekier I guess ...
  Chers Geeks :)
  Hanan AL-Shargi
 Everyone seems so impatient and angry these days. I think it's because so
 many people use Windows at work. Do you think you'd be Mr. Politeness Man
 after working on Windows 8 hrs. or more?
 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
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[newbie] Leaving system running

2002-03-09 Per discussione Greg

 Hi everyone  I was wondering how a system should be left running if it is connected 
to the internet and what is best for the operating system
 I have a home built  box running  8.1 and i leave it at the  log in screen for KDE  
is that a good way to leave the system when not being used   Thanks  Greg
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Re: [newbie] Key correspondent to degree celsius characters ]}º

2002-03-09 Per discussione Michael

Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 Please let us know if you find out!  I've been using the us-intl
 keyboard for about a year (for ácçêñts), and I never knew about right
 alt+shift.  Thanks!  I'm so psyched!  ¡Now I have the exclamation point
 I've always wanted!  Do you know how to get an upside down question
 - Paul Rodríguez
 On Sat, 2002-03-09 at 11:12, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
  I am using a us-intl keyboard, i would like to be surprized and find out
  how to put the Celsius circle in my emails.
  I would assume right alt + shift + ?? = degrees celsius sign.
  Is there perhaps an internet page that lists all these keyboard
  shortcuts given your make of keyboard?

Try 176 for degrees and 191 for inverted question mark. If these work see the
HTML character encoding list here

If not (i can't get any working) try the octal equivalents as these are decimal.


Easiest Color to Solve on a Rubik's Cube:   Black.
Simply remove all the little colored stickers on the cube.  According to the
instructions, this means the puzzle is solved.
-- Steve Rubenstein

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Re: [newbie] Leaving system running

2002-03-09 Per discussione Paul

On Sun, 10 Mar 2002 02:23:14 -0500 Greg wrote:

 Hi everyone  I was wondering how a system should be left running if it is
 connected to the internet and what is best for the operating system I have
 a home built  box running  8.1 and i leave it at the  log in screen for
 KDE  is that a good way to leave the system when not being used   Thanks 

Hi Greg,
I have my machine running all the time, logged into X (XFCE).
No problem here since there is nobody else in this place but me. Depends on
that more than anything else, I think. Do you trust others of they are
around? Otherwise I'd also leave the box logged out. Paul

A day is a span of time no one is wealthy enough to waste. - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.7.4

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Re: [newbie] Leaving system running

2002-03-09 Per discussione mandrake linux

 Hi everyone  I was wondering how a system should be left running if it is
connected to the internet and what is best for the operating system
  I have a home built  box running  8.1 and i leave it at the  log in
screen for KDE  is that a good way to leave the system when not being used
Thanks  Greg
 Linux   The Number one Os

I will let my system runnning,but lock the screen if  in KDE.

ming wu

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Re: [newbie] SB Audigy question

2002-03-09 Per discussione Brendan

FWIW Jeff,
I have an SBLive! and it worked fine on LM8.1.  On LM8.0, it works

Supposedly, the upgrade is worth it...Cleaner signal, and 5.1 digital output.
I have a receiver and this is definitely worth it...
Maybe 8.3 for out of the box functionality?


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Re: [newbie] Key correspondent to degree celsius characters ]}º

2002-03-09 Per discussione Paul

On Sun, 10 Mar 2002 20:44:13 +1300 Michael wrote:

I use the us-int'l keyboard also.
I found out this:

° (should show centigrade sign) Alt-Shift 0 making it alt )
¿ (should show inverted q-mark) Alt-Shift - making it alt _

I used the right-side ALT key for this.

Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 Please let us know if you find out!  I've been using the us-intl
 keyboard for about a year (for ácçêñts), and I never knew about right
 alt+shift.  Thanks!  I'm so psyched!  ¡Now I have the exclamation point
 I've always wanted!  Do you know how to get an upside down question

Try 176 for degrees and 191 for inverted question mark. If these work see
the HTML character encoding list here

A day is a span of time no one is wealthy enough to waste. - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.7.4

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Re: [newbie] Leaving system running

2002-03-09 Per discussione Pena Family

A non software suggestion.

A back up battery for those annoying power outages. Even if you have never
experienced one, can't think of a pc user not having one, your better off.

The differences between Men and Women...are the interesting parts.

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Re: [newbie] Wireless Lan card and installation problems

2002-03-09 Per discussione Seb Kinnaird

Hi Stephen,

One URL to try is as follows:

This contains readme files, release notes, and driver files.


From: Stephen Kitchener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] Wireless Lan card and installation problems
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 19:24:57 +


I have a Dell Inspiron 8100 and a Cisco 350 Aironet Wireless Lan card, and
need to know if anyone has sucessfully installed and used this within
Mandrake 8.1.

If anyone has URL's or How-to's that are relevent please can they let me
know, I would be very greatfull.

Stephen Kitchener

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Re: [newbie] cdrom install

2002-03-09 Per discussione Michael

Nah... you're doin' fine!


FemmeFatale wrote:
 I believe supermount if borked in 8.1.  Sorry to tell you, and I'm sure
 Michael will correct me again (as he did with .licq) :)
  Hi guys,
  I got Mandrake 8.1 installed, (and what a fun chore that was). It recognizes
  my CDROMs (1 regular, 1 CDRW) and floppy drive, but when I try to use them to
  install new packages it just keeps opening the disk tray and asking for the
  CD. (Yes, I put the CD it asked for in the tray. hahahaha)
  Any ideas? Please keep in mind I am working in Linux under the K. I. S. S.
  principle, and that is being kind. If it matters they are supermounted.

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Re: [newbie] Leaving system running

2002-03-09 Per discussione Michael

Greg wrote:
  Hi everyone  I was wondering how a system should be left running if it is connected 
to the internet and what is best for the operating system
  I have a home built  box running  8.1 and i leave it at the  log in screen for KDE  
is that a good way to leave the system when not being used   Thanks  Greg
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Thats perfect greg. All the required programs will still run. You could set up
something to disconnect you from the net if you choose.

To add insult to injury.
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[newbie] cd-rw thoughts?

2002-03-09 Per discussione mooseman

i have decided to upgrade my old and buggy (HP7100i) cd-rw drive.

have looked at the yamaha's, sony's, and the plextor's

anyone have opinions for best results using  LM8.x?

i have a preference for the yamaha. one thing always catches me on the spec 
sheets, it seems that yamaha is almost the only drive out there using 8mb 

my current drive (philips in hp-markings) is well known on the net as being a 
total piece of crap, and i have the coasters to prove it. ;-)
so, i don't want to end up with another piece of crap. all the reviews i 
found, of course, go on about performance in the winblows world. i could care 
less how well devices perform in billys sandbox. or the software they are 
bundled with.

i am thinking no less than a 20x cd-r, not really too fussy since my current 
drive is 2x (yes 2x. i have had it for awhile)

anyways, if anyone had opinions, or experiences they wanted to sway me 
towards or away from a particular type.

many thanks,


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