[newbie-it] Fw: DivX News: DivX on a Chip, Farscape Trailer, and DivX for Linux

2002-05-04 Per discussione ku68

Ve la inoltro in quanto potrebbe interessare a qualcuno.
Se poi riuscite a installarla e a dire come avete fatto. :-)
- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 1:21 AM
Subject: DivX News: DivX on a Chip, Farscape Trailer, and DivX for Linux

   DivX 5.0.1 for Linux
   We know it's not always easy being a Linux user in a Windows
   world, so we've finally got a little reward for all the patient
   Linux-loving DivX fans out there. DivX 5.0.1 for Linux was
   released last week, and this version not only features the DivX
   decoder but also includes the DivX 5.x encoder on Linux for the
   first time. You didn't believe us when we promised it was
   coming, did you? Let this be a lesson--here at the DivX News, we
   keep our word. Why? Because we love you. We really, really do.
 * Download DivX 5.0.1 for Linux today:

R: [newbie-it] Continuando con Lime Wire

2002-05-04 Per discussione Andrea - Tamalandia2

GRAZIE! Ora provo e poi ti faccio sapere!

-Messaggio originale-
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] Continuando con Lime Wire

e' un eseguibile, o meglio, in questo caso
uno script di shell, che a sua volta lancia un eseguibile,
che dovrebbe/potrebbe essere kaffe.

ora, guarda in /usr/bin se hai un file che si chiama java,
aprilo con un editor di testo e vedi cosa c'e' scritto.
dovrebbe bastarti cambiare questo file per dire
al sistema che quando lanci il java ti lanci la vm del jre della sun invece
che kaffe.

questo e' il mio:

#! /bin/sh
# Pretend Kaffe is Java
#exec /usr/bin/kaffe ${1+$} - QUESTA ERA LA RIGA ORIGINALE
exec /usr/java/jre1.3.1_02/bin/java ${1+$}

il cancelletto commenta.
ho in pratica sostituito alla riga originale che chiamava kaffe
una riga equivalente in cui chiamo pero' il percorso del java
del jre1.3.1

spero di essere stato chiaro anche se non ne sono certo.


[newbie-it] Continuando (ancora) con Lime Wire

2002-05-04 Per discussione Andrea - Tamalandia

Vuoi sapere la cosa divertente? Non ho nessun file che si 
chiama JAVA nella mia cartella usr/bin... Ne ho uno che al 
massimo si chiama java2html ma non credo che sia quello 
che intendevi tu. E vuoi sapere una cosa ancora più 
divertente? Sono andato a controllare e nella cartella ust/bin 
non ho nessun file di nome kaffe...
MA che sistema ho montato? Rintintinux? Potrebbe essere 
che monto la 8.1 e non la 8.2?
Grazie! ANDREA

-Messaggio originale-
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] Continuando con Lime Wire

e' un eseguibile, o meglio, in questo caso
uno script di shell, che a sua volta lancia un eseguibile,
che dovrebbe/potrebbe essere kaffe.

ora, guarda in /usr/bin se hai un file che si chiama java,
aprilo con un editor di testo e vedi cosa c'e' scritto.
dovrebbe bastarti cambiare questo file per dire
al sistema che quando lanci il java ti lanci la vm del jre 
della sun invece
che kaffe.

[newbie-it] configurazione hardware

2002-05-04 Per discussione x

salve a tutti, sto passando al pinguino (mandrake 8.2), ma ho 6 problemi, 5
di riconoscimento hardware e uno software che vi elenco in ordine di gravità

1) non riesco a far riconoscre al sistema un modem isdn.
su isa plug e pray mi dice stringa (lectron winet express isdn), i chip sono
siemens come quelli del teles 16.3, su winzozz il modem funziona con
entrambi i drivers, ma non so come fare a descriverlo.
credo che il problema sia la stringa plug e pray, ma non so come fare a non
farla leggere a linux

2) scheda audio ectiva ev 1935 machone pci. non so come farla funzionare: la
riconosce come scheda audio, ma resta muta

3) scheda satellitare b2c2 netsystem pci: viene riconosciuta come periferica

4) tastiera multimediale btc 9000 a : come configurare i tasti multimediali,
di navigazione, di standby e di off?

5) non riesco ad avviare il serverx contemporaneamente con 2 schede video
(agp e pci), anche se xf86cfg si avvia con entrambe, le configura, ma quando
parte il serverx mi dà errore, riprova e parte con una sola scheda.

6) per risolvere questi problemi vorrei usare vmware e la condivisione di
winzozz, ma il vmware mi dà problemi di incompatibilità e di mancanze di
files sui sorgenti del kernel

grazie a tutti per le risposte.ciao

Re: [newbie-it] kernel ricompilato e vfat

2002-05-04 Per discussione ENx

Il supporto per il vfat l'hai compilato come modulo o built-in? Se l' 
hai compilato come modulo, forse, il kernel non trova il modulo giusto!
Se non riesci a trovare una soluzione, come ultima spiaggia, prova a 
ricompilare il kernel mettendo vfat built-in se lo avevi compilato come 
modulo e viceversa!
Ciao ENx
Biss wrote:

Ho compilato il 2.4.16 su una mdk 8.1 e ho riscontrato problemi nel montare
le partizioni e floppy di win98. Sia all'avvio che dopo ottengo questa

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,
or too many mounted file systems

Credo sia la compilazione perchè se utilizzo il 2.4.8 che ho mantenuto
vengono montate regolarmente. Aggiungo per scrupolo fstab:

/dev/hda8 / ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda3 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

Preciso che nella compilazione in filesystem ho inserito le voci riguardo
tipo vfat, msdos etc.
Qualcuno sa se occorre inserire altro o disinserire qualcosa nel kernel
perchè il sistema possa montare quelle partizioni?
Grazie per l'aiuto.


Re: [newbie-it] configurazione hardware

2002-05-04 Per discussione tom

Alle 14:31, sabato 4 maggio 2002, x ha scritto:

 1) non riesco a far riconoscre al sistema un modem isdn.
 su isa plug e pray mi dice stringa (lectron winet express isdn), i chip
 sono siemens come quelli del teles 16.3, su winzozz il modem funziona con
 entrambi i drivers, ma non so come fare a descriverlo.
 credo che il problema sia la stringa plug e pray, ma non so come fare a non
 farla leggere a linux

Prova a mettere in LILO/GRUB(dipende da che usi) nobiospnp
io ti posso dare indicazioni solo per grub..
/boot/grub/menu.lst  devi inserire nobiospnp (nelle righe che fanno partire 
linux) dopo vmlinuz..ottenendo piu o meno questo

title linux
kernel (hd1,0)/boot/vmlinuz nobiospnp root=/dev/hdb1.

alle volte questo risolve parekki problemi anke con skede audio.

 2) scheda audio ectiva ev 1935 machone pci. non so come farla funzionare:
 la riconosce come scheda audio, ma resta muta

tuo stesso problema uguale uguale ma skeda diversa 
prova ad eseguire da root 
facendo cosi controlli che moduli ha caricato il kernel...se vedi moduli 
riguardanti la tua skeda qualcuno qui ti potra aiutare a farli funzionare
(disicuro non io:) in caso contrario o qualcuno qui ha la tua stessa skeda
oppure ti aspetta una bella ricerca nel mare degli Howto

non mi pare di averti dato un grande aiuto.ma cmq inboccaalupo

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] usare palm m505 con Linux

2002-05-04 Per discussione Massimo

Ciao a tutti, qualcuno conosce il modo di connettere un palm m505 alla 
mandrake 8.2???
I classici programmi (Kpilot ecc) non lo riconoscono :-(
grazie tante per la risposta

Re: [newbie-it] Continuando (ancora) con Lime Wire

2002-05-04 Per discussione LukenShiro

On Sat, 4 May 2002, Andrea - Tamalandia wrote:
 non ho nessun file di nome kaffe...

da root dai un rpm -qa|grep kaffe, se ti da' qualcosa vuol dire che 
kaffe e' installato, altrimenti no.

 Non ho nessun file che si 
 chiama JAVA nella mia cartella usr/bin...

credo che nelle directory *bin (a parte eventualmente kaffe) non 
troverai niente. Tutto dipende da dove hai installato il .bin della JRE 
[mi spiace mi son perso buona parte delle mail precedenti, e non so/non 
ricordo se lo hai installato da un .bin o altro]; l'eseguibile java si 
trova in una delle sottodirectory.

MDK8.2 elaborata - kernel 2.4.18-6mdk -
Dopo un gran casino con un HD IBM un po' bacato, la Cooker impazzita
e i backup inservibili, preferisco non testare piu' niente :P

Re: [newbie-it] Continuando (ancora) con Lime Wire

2002-05-04 Per discussione LukenShiro

On Sat, 4 May 2002, LukenShiro wrote:

 Tutto dipende da dove hai installato il .bin della JRE 

Ops, adesso vedo che avevi un .rpm. Per vedere i file che compongono il 
pacchetto sempre da root basta dare rpm -ql _nome-pacchetto_.


2002-05-04 Per discussione Antonio Magurano

come fare comunicare il PALM M505 USB con linux (mdk8.2)?

Antonio Magurano

Re: [newbie-it] sane

2002-05-04 Per discussione LukenShiro

On Fri, 3 May 2002, Augusto wrote:

 Sto tentando di installare la 1.0.7 di sane ,ma quando passo al frontends 
 dopo che ho lanciato configure ottengo un errore che sembra riferito al 
 percorso delle librerie.Ho provato a seguire quanto detto nelle note di 
 installazione dove si fa anche riferimento a un ldconfig che non so come 
 lanciare.Qualcuno mi può aiutare?

ldconfig fa riferimento al file /etc/ld.so.conf, che contiene (si 
suppone che contenga) le directory in cui sono presenti librerie 
AFAIK controlla che in quel file sia presente la directory delle 
librerie di sane, dai un semplice ldconfig

MDK8.2 elaborata - kernel 2.4.18-6mdk
Dopo un gran casino con un HD IBM un po' bacato, la Cooker impazzita
e i backup inservibili, preferisco non testare piu' niente :P

[newbie-it] Palm M505 USB

2002-05-04 Per discussione Antonio Magurano

come fare comunicare il PALM M505 USB con linux (mdk8.2)?

Antonio Magurano

Re: [newbie-it] Compilazione

2002-05-04 Per discussione LukenShiro

On Fri, 3 May 2002, nicola wrote:
 (Nvidia, Modem,...) ma ogni volta ottengo dei warning nella fase del make a 
 proposito della libreria (?) malloc.h (il sistema mi dice che il suo uso è 

Il messaggio di warning e' niente piu' di un avvertimento che non 
pregiudica _mai_ il buon fine della compilazione. Non ti devi 
preoccupare minimamente; credo che sia dovuto perlopiu' ad una non 
stretta conformita' a determinati stardard C da parte del 
programma(tore): in questo caso un file header utilizzato e' considerato 
deprecato/obsoleto/sconsigliato e consiglia di utilizzarne un'altro (ma 
sta a chi ha fatto il modulo conformarsi, non a te ;)) 

 i moduli vengono copiati nelle cartelle giuste, ma subito dopo il 
 sistema su quegli stessi files trova degli unresolved simbol. L'errore 
 ovviamente si ripresenta ogli volta che il computer esegue un depmod.

AFAIK i simboli irrisolti sono dovuti ad impostazioni pregiudiziali necessarie
e non attivate; in pratica da qualche parte (nel kernel direi) dovevano essere
definite determinate variabili e non e' stato fatto. Dovresti provare a postare
le righe precise degli errori di depmod, magari si capisce qualcosa.

MDK8.2 elaborata - kernel 2.4.18-6mdk
Dopo un gran casino con un HD IBM un po' bacato, la Cooker impazzita
e i backup inservibili, preferisco non testare piu' niente :P

[newbie-it] Fw: Results of your commands

2002-05-04 Per discussione Laura ^.*

ciao quando mando la richiesta per togliere l'iscrizione, mi manda, si, la
conferma da sympa ma poi ritorna con questo messaggio

No command found in message

non socosa devo fare??

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 10:16 PM
Subject: Results of your commands

 No command found in message

Re: [newbie-it] domandina...

2002-05-04 Per discussione LukenShiro

On Thu, 2 May 2002, Brunini Alessandro wrote:
 Dispongo di un DVD IDE ATAPI e di un masterizzatore IDE.
 Io aggiungo la linea per il DVD (hda=ide-scsi) e i programmi mi vedono il DVD 
 come unità di lettura.
 Il problema è che non vedo più i DVD.   :((

Uhmm, mantieni l'emulazione scsi per entrambi e prova a a creare (se 
non esistenti) questi dispositivi con 
ln /dev/scd0 /dev/sr0
ln /dev/scd1 /dev/sr1
(senza l'opzione '-s', perche' dev'essere un link hard, _non_ 

In /etc/fstab in corrispondenza delle voci relative al montaggio di dvd 
e masterizzatore metti questi due (/dev/scd? o /dev/sr?), al posto di 

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata - krnl 2.4.18-6mdk
Dopo un gran casino con un HD IBM un po' bacato, la Cooker impazzita
e i backup inservibili, preferisco non testare piu' niente :P

Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-04 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Derek Byram wrote:

 a 147 break in snooker always starts with a pot on a single red ;-)
 derek the lurker - essex england - linux user 264346

very true for a 149 break. An extremely rare event I've heard. :)

now keep on posting Lurker-wannabe!

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-04 Per discussione Henry B. Wangle Jr.

On Friday 03 May 2002 23:53, you wrote:
Normally I lurk but this time I have to Say a  Well Said  along with a 
Amen to that .

 I Bend but I do not break to eventually spring back with much force  
Unidentified French Underground Fighter.
 There is a war going on to deemphasize the individualism and the
 heroism that characterized times in our recent past.  Some years ago,
 for instance, a man (bystander) saw a young woman being victimized by a
 bunch of gang members; probably on her way to being raped, injured, and
 worse.  He single handedly took on the scumballs, and IF memory serves I
 believe he rescued the lady and ended up running the gang off, probably
 saving her life.  I can't remember if he actually killed any of those
 criminals or not, but the gist of it was that the state ended up taking
 the good samaritan to court because they stated that it was the job of
 the police to protect the citizens and not he.

 Further.the crime rate of any country has been shown to
 statistically increase when the law abiding populace is disarmed, yet
 still the liberals continue to slide laws in that push defensive weapons
 out of the hands of the law abiding public. There's only one purpose
 that this could serve, and a reasonable person must assume that the
 instigators are aware of that purpose.

 See the book: More Guns, Less Crime : Understanding Crime and
 Gun-Control Laws (Studies in Law and Economics (Chicago, Ill.).) by
 John R., Jr. Lott

 In California, registration leads to confiscation.  Even worse, in
 Massachusets for example, if you are attacked in your own home by an
 intruder, by law you cannot defend yourself; you are *required* to run
 away.  By state law.  If you do defend yourself and injure the intruder
 you risk ending up in jail yourself.  My question is, how in the hell
 did those laws get passed in front of the public eye?

 Fortunately in the state of North Carolina we are still allowed to kill
 home intruders if we can convince a jury that we were in fear of our
 lives (or those of our loved ones) at the time that the home intrusion
 took place.  Most everyone I know is armed for home defense and has
 adequate defense measures in place accordingly.  Other states have
 better gun laws than this state (read: less restrictive on law abiding
 tax paying citizens), such as Texas, Tennessee, and a few others I can't

 I sound like I'm ranting here, but as I intimated before, the tapestry
 of this situation is quite large; and it all ties in together.  I just
 focus here on some of the more vital and important problems; such as
 your recourse if a terrorist/criminal breaks into your family home and
 puts your wife/kids in mortal danger.  For those peeps in the US, if you
 haven't already, I suggest that you take a careful look at your
 local/state laws.

 The bottom line is that all this stuff ties in together at some
 juncture.  The liberal NEA, the teacher's union, the liberal gun control
 laws, the liberal media that supports Palestine instead of the Israeli
 democracy (CNN, the commie news network), the DMCA, the choke hold on
 our information sources, the practice of being taught what to think
 instead of how to think in our public schools, the erosion of public
 ethical standards, and finally the lack of personal individual rights
 that we are beginning to suffer at the hands of the RIAA, MicroShaft,
 Senator Hollings of South Carolina, Hollywood and others.  Our
 individual rights and identities are being legistlated out of existence
 via financial might and it happens to be a liberal movement.  Bush has
 nominated over 100 justices to the Supreme Court bench and the Democrats
 have only let 50 or so of them through.  This is kind of like me
 pretending to hide while I slap your face, then I laugh about it in
 front of you because I don't think you're smart enough to know I slapped
 you.  If that makes any sense.

 I will say this, though.  From what I've been hearing lately, the Jewish
 people that *were* democrats in the US have of late publicly revolted;
 therefore they indeed have seen the light.  This is a big deal for the
 democrats, because of course the Jewish folk are by and large quite
 affluent; that of course means a big dent in that financial might that
 I spoke of earlier.  Funny.right after that word went up, either
 today or yesterday the Dems stated openly their support of Israel
 (wether by law or by speech I am not sure, i was out of town today),
 thus at long suffering last giving the Israelis what is rightly theirs,
 NAMELY a carte blanc to handle terrorists in their region AS THEY SEE

 How does this apply to our computer rights?  Well, for one thing it
 shows that the voter power in our nation IS STILL INTACT.  That means
 that if we wanted toI mean IF WE REALLY WANTED TO, we could easily
 back the Electronic Frontier Foundation to the point that the DMCA and
 the Consumer Broadband and Digital Television act would be nothing 

Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-04 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 16:13, ed Tharp wrote:
 what ever happened to the concept of average and reasonable as in; if the 
 average and reasonable person believes they have purchased a CD when they pay 
 their money and leave the store, and does not find out until after having 
 broke the shrinkwrap that the did NOT purchase a CD but instead bought an 
 electronic license device, did they buy a CD as they thought as they paid 
 their money? when is it a sale? and when is it a lease? does not the 
 perception of the average and reasonable consumer determine the fair business 
 practice in common commercial and retail law? does the averge joe typing a 
 letter on his 2gigHz pentium have a clue about the EULA? 


I've read the EULA; I can say what it says and implies.  But for most of
the rest of your questions above, I think we could get a much better
idea of what's going on if a lawyer on the list here would contribute
his 2c worth.

I can give you a best guess to your last question, tho..Nope.


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

2002-05-04 Per discussione FemmeFatale

daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Sat, 4 May 2002, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  Makes me sad, Lyvim. What happened to the land of the free ?
  We europeans (well, most of us) have great admiration for the United States
  of America. Mostly because you kicked the oppressors out, wrote a brand new
  Constitution - and took it seriously !
  What you describe here makes me doubt : is USA becoming  Europized ? -
  Reverting to feudalism, pseudo-democracy, corruption, fraud and mob-rule ?

Well frankly I prefer the euro system but thats me.  And I won't debate
further on this list the merits of both/either, thusly inciting a need
for asbestos clothing. :)

  Otherwise I don't care at all : Next month I'll have to buy a brand new PC
  for my daughter. I Denmark it's impossible to get one without  Windows
  preinstalled. First thing to do : format the whole kadoodle, use the M$-CD as
  a shining target for her rifle-practice and install Linux. She's really fond
  of Linux already, what with her boy-friends flocking around a she-guru.

hm... ya men seem to enjoy girls who have brains. Surprised? :) 

  If Microsjuft then wants to claim her beauty-box, let 'em try !
  Kaj Haulrich

 Hoo-ya! you can say that again.

Can I hear an Amen brother!? :)
Sorry had to say it.
 Registered Linux User 182496


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] The Register, Microsoft EULA's and all that jazz

2002-05-04 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Sat, 2002-05-04 at 00:42, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 The Register published an update to their earlier article. Read it at:
 MS has backed down somewhat from their earlier position that the software and 
 the hardware are absolutely inseparable. Now it's not a legal requirement, 
 just beneficial.
 Included in the article is a link to:
 Read it, too -- it presents some very powerful arguments as to why the MS 
 stance is both irrational and unreasonable.
 My 2 cents on this whole deal: Just because it says something in the EULA 
 doesn't mean it's legal. The problem is that MS has a lot of highly paid 
 lawyers who get their marching orders from Uncle Bill. His agenda for 
 domination is a matter of public record, and he has the resources to do 
 whatever he thinks that it takes to achieve that end.
 On a lighter note: In case you aren't familiar with The Register, this is a 
 site that you should check out frequently. Be sure to look for the latest 
 BOFH episode. (There's a new one every two weeks.) They're some of the 
 funniest damn stuff anywhere on the web, but they do require some 
 understanding of contemporary British English.
 -- cmg

An excerpt from the URL you contributed:


Microsoft in general may not believe it's a legal requirement, but its
US Education Solutions Group quite clearly set out to convince US
schools that it is, and there's a reasonable amount of evidence that
they have been successful. CompuMentor tells us both that it's working
with Microsoft Corporation to help both consumers and nonprofits deal
with old computer equipment in the most beneficial way for both society
and the environment and that it is actually required by law to leave
the operating system and current license loaded on a donated computer.
Laramie County School District houses a PDF of a donate flyer which
seems to have been produced by Microsoft for schools to give out to
donors, and which uses the same wording as the web site. It may actually
predate the web site, given that the URLs it includes seem largely out
of date, but if one school district has misleading leaflets, we'd guess
that many school districts have them. 

As you can see, the legality of this has nothing to do with the results
(or money) they are able to scam out of the educational institutions. 
Just by intimation that this is a rule, the schools could fall into line
without resistance.

In addition to this problem, the legality of the EULA is determined
primarily by the willingness of the user to submit to the license
agreement.  It is not the job of the government to mandate protection 
for people against their own ignorance of the law.  Ignorance of the
law is no excuse.

It is the job of the people to protect themselves against their own
ignorance, not the government.  It is the responsibility of the people
to be knowledgable about the laws under which they are administrated;
not only does that include state, local, and federal, but most certainly
the legal agreements that they themselves agree to!  I'm not saying that
MicroShaft would not lose in court to you if they decided to prosecute
you, for alleged violation of the terms of the EULA.  Or that the SPA as
an administrative arm of M$ would not lose in court to your case
either.  On the other hand, M$ has gotten thru existing antitrust law
without significant cost to their infrastructure, continuing their
illegal operations, therefore I percieve that either you or I would
present less than a tangible obstruction.  But nevertheless, the point
I've been driving at in this thread was, why open the doors to such a
costly attack in the first place?


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] [OT] newbie

2002-05-04 Per discussione _nasturtium

I thought you went off newbie to tackle the
Mandrake expert list

(That's not to say the help isn't appreciated - How to
cope with the volume of mail was very useful).


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] [OT] newbie

2002-05-04 Per discussione _nasturtium

sorry, please disregard

wrong wording, maybe i'll send it back
later :-/

On Sat, 4 May 2002 17:50, _nasturtium wrote:
   I thought you went off newbie to tackle the
 Mandrake expert list

 (That's not to say the help isn't appreciated - How to
 cope with the volume of mail was very useful).


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Config for new CDRW install (8.1) ?

2002-05-04 Per discussione db

I installed my new sony cdrw.  When I do cdrecord -scanbus I get returned:

0,0,0 0) Sony   CD_RW   CRX175E1,0j Removable CD_ROM

In my lilo.conf one of the lines under the menu scheme says beneath
image=/boot/vmlinuz:  append= hdc=ide-scsi devfs=mount

Prior to installing the drive, people have suggested it would/should say:
devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi or devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi quiet

Does the nomount, the reversed order or the quiet matter in some way?
Should I change mine?

In my /etc/fstab, it now says for my CDRW (Installed on secondary controller
as master):
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto user,
iocharset=iso885p-1,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

and similarily for my cd-rom  (installed on secondary slave):
/dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom2 auto user,
iocharset=iso885p-1,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

Do these lines seem right?

I was also told to do an urpmi on xcdroast,  and some other packages but it
returned no package named xcdroast  so I assume I need to get the
software.  How/where do I do that?

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[newbie] OT: Mandrake Store.............WTF?

2002-05-04 Per discussione David

I just finished browsing the t-shirts and similar items available from the Mandrake 
Store.  There is only one item (1 t-shirt) out of a total of 5 (3 different t-shirts, 
1 cap, and 1 CD case) currently available in the U.S.  What's up with that?  Do we not 
rate the privilege to order the same items as the rest of the world?  What is the 
deal?  Here I am trying to support MandrakeSoft and grab me some cool gear while I'm 
at it.  But I can't, because I live in America.  

David L. Steiner   Registered Linux User   #262493
Mandrake  8.2  Enlightenment  0.16.5   Sylpheed  0.7.4claws
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Homepage: www.davidlsteiner.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Finding out keycodes

2002-05-04 Per discussione Alastair Scott

I have a Logitech keyboard with three keys which don't do anything in 
Linux ('WWW', 'Mail' and 'Search'). To enable them takes three steps, 
it would seem:

1. Find out what keycodes each returns;

2. Tell X that the keycodes exist (man xmodmap got me started);

3. Restart X, restart KDE 3, then use the KDE Control Centre to map the 
keycodes to functions.

I'm stuck with the first step; does anyone know of an application which 
does this?

Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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[newbie] VCD/SVCD

2002-05-04 Per discussione Jesper Nyholm Jensen

I have a VCD and I can play it in my dvdplayer and with mplayer, but I
can't copy the mpg-file to my hd, I get an io-error. The strange thing
is that I can copy everuthing else on the vcd.
  How do I copy the mpg-fil as well?
Jesper Nyholm Jensen

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Re: [newbie] Finding out keycodes

2002-05-04 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


Try xev. It's a program that prints info about X events to the terminal,
including key codes when you press a key.


* Alastair Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020504 13:04]:
 I have a Logitech keyboard with three keys which don't do anything in 
 Linux ('WWW', 'Mail' and 'Search'). To enable them takes three steps, 
 it would seem:
 1. Find out what keycodes each returns;
 2. Tell X that the keycodes exist (man xmodmap got me started);
 3. Restart X, restart KDE 3, then use the KDE Control Centre to map the 
 keycodes to functions.
 I'm stuck with the first step; does anyone know of an application which 
 does this?
 Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-04 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Sat, 2002-05-04 at 03:52, Henry B. Wangle Jr. wrote:
 On Friday 03 May 2002 23:53, you wrote:
 Normally I lurk but this time I have to Say a  Well Said  along with a 
 Amen to that .
  I Bend but I do not break to eventually spring back with much force  
 Unidentified French Underground Fighter.

  Like it says on the EFF's Alert page:  Democracy is not a spectator
  sport. Freedom requires eternal vigilance and action.
   Question : What do you call 50 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean ?
   Answer :  A brilliant start
 Water Pollution (I say this in Jest and with LOL)


Thanks.  :)


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mozilla default

2002-05-04 Per discussione shane

On Saturday 04 May 2002 05:33, Lee opened a general hailing frequency and 
transmitted to all open stations:

 I am rtfm'ed out.  I know it's a simple problem and can't spot the

 How do I make mozilla my default browser?

what are you running?

i will make the ass-suption you are in KDE, since so many are, plus i know 
how in KDE  :)

go into the configuration in file associations (slightly different place 
depending on your KDE version, look around in control center a bit) and 
select text, in that select html.  it should show you all your browsers.  
now move mozilla up to the top of the list.  that should do it.

warning: this sig file has been found to be un-PC by the list nazis.  it 
may contain ideas that are hazardous to your preconcieved notions.  this 
sig file is intended for use under adult supervision.  do not read while 
operating Windows.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Install CDRW on M 8.1 ? Still nothing...

2002-05-04 Per discussione Jesper Nyholm Jensen

Still nothing seems to work ok. Here's 'cdrecord -scanbus':
0,0,0 0) 'COMPAQ  ' 'DVD-ROM SD-612B ' 'BL16' Removable CD-ROM
0,1,0 1) *
0,2,0 2) *
0,3,0 3) *
0,4,0 4) *
0,5,0 5) *
0,6,0 6) *
0,7,0 7) *

and lilo.conf:
  append=devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi quiet
  append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi
  append=devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi failsafe

and, lastly, fstab:
  /dev/hda5 / ext3 noatime 1 1
  none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
  none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
  /dev/hdb /mnt/iBM vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,unmask=0,codepage=850 0 0
  /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount
  dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
  /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount
  dev=/dev/hdc,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
  /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
  dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
  /dev/hda7 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
  /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
  none /proc proc defaults 0 0
  /dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

What's wrong, what to do, and what-not...
Jesper Nyholm Jensen

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Michael wrote:
Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
 I have a similar problem. I added an extra hd on my machine and therefore
 changede the primary/secondary, master/slave settings for my dvd/cdrom
 and cdrw. Now, when I  run 'cdrecord -scanbus' it finds my dvd/cdrom and
 no cdrw?!?
   The line 'devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi quiet' is already in my lilo.conf.
 Jesper Nyholm Jensen



Inside the box are at least two ATA (once called IDE) data cables. A
combination of the master-slave or single relationship, and the cable used
determines the drive letter following hd. The table Charles gave, i expand
on here.

| Single/Master/Slave |  Cable  | hdX |
| Single  | Primary | hda |
| Master  | Primary | hda |
| Slave   | Primary | hdb |
| Single  |Secondary| hdc |
| Master  |Secondary| hdc |
| Slave   |Secondary| hdd |

Therefore in Linux the designating letter is set by the hardware location.

So if, when you installed your second drive you changed your CD-RW to a
slave you will have to change the appropriate reference letter for it. As
advised by others, you do this both in lilo.conf and /etc/fstab files.

Hope that helps.

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Re: [newbie] Re: WineX was: OT over reacting

2002-05-04 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 14:27, Femme wrote:
 On Fri, 3 May 2002 08:38:38 -0700
 shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Friday 03 May 2002 08:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] opened a 
  general hailing frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
   I play these games regularly
   Diablo2/Lord of Destruction
   Jedi Knight 2
   Medal of Honor: Allied Assualt
   Quake III
   Unreal Tournement
  if you have winex installed correctly you should be able to simply
  insert the cd for one of those games and (in console) type winex 
  /mnt/cdrom/install.exe or perhaps setup.exe to install the game. 
  try it out, report back.
  Vini, vidi, Linux.  I came, I saw, I got a real OS.
 If any QuakeIII players/SC players or Old diablo/Vanilla D2 want to play
 sometime, email me.  I am looking for friends to play with.
 And I'm looking for ppl to meet every once in  a while on irc with to
 setup games. :)  Just for fun I don't compete well * I lose lots*
 *this thread hijacked by your friendly *well maybe* neighbourhood linux

I've got D2, but I upgraded to the LoD expansion pack.  Email me pv on
that.  Ronald might be a susceptible candidate for team games also.

In the meantime, what is the gaming IRC channel you've set up?  Server,

L8r!  LX

Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mozilla default

2002-05-04 Per discussione Lee

Thanks Shane

Worked fine.  Interesting place for it, BTW.  Guess I'll always be a newbie.

I have been watching the sig war with much laughter.  This list is as 
entertaining as it is informative.



On Saturday 04 May 2002 09:45 am, shane wrote:
 On Saturday 04 May 2002 05:33, Lee opened a general hailing frequency and

 transmitted to all open stations:
  I am rtfm'ed out.  I know it's a simple problem and can't spot the
  How do I make mozilla my default browser?

 what are you running?

 i will make the ass-suption you are in KDE, since so many are, plus i know
 how in KDE  :)

 go into the configuration in file associations (slightly different place
 depending on your KDE version, look around in control center a bit) and
 select text, in that select html.  it should show you all your browsers.
 now move mozilla up to the top of the list.  that should do it.

Registered Linux abuser #223705

The best indication that there is intelligent life elsewhere is that they 
haven't contacted us.

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[newbie] 8.2 - worth upgrading?

2002-05-04 Per discussione Heather Reed

Hi all
And a big Hi to Femme :-)) I have been offline for 
ages thanks to a surprise change in protocols by my ISP :-(( Back now though 
:-)) I got 2 of the 3 CDs for mandrake 8.2 on a linux mag this month - is it 
worth upgrading (from 8.1)? And am i right in assuming that its back to square 1 
if I do upgrade, with a complete ditch of all the hard work I put in on 
installing the bits and pieces for 8.1? There are one or two things that aren't 
playing ball, so just wondering if 8.2 will be better - mainly I'm having 
trouble with cups and printing. This has probably been done to death already, so 
sorry if I am late off the mark and have missed lots. Also, I don't have the 3rd 
CD - how much do I need it?

Re: [newbie] Mozilla default

2002-05-04 Per discussione shane

On Saturday 04 May 2002 07:59, Lee opened a general hailing frequency and 
transmitted to all open stations:

 Worked fine.  Interesting place for it, BTW.  Guess I'll always be a

welcome to the club, i will teach you the eternal newbie secret handshake 

 I have been watching the sig war with much laughter.  This list is as
 entertaining as it is informative.

ya know i hope i am not raining on anyone parade, but i have been laughing 
non-stop since the first post in that subject.  must be the silly taoist 
in me.

and hey, it gave me some great ideas. ;)

I struggle to be breif but manage to be obscure.- Horace

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-04 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Sat, 4 May 2002 03:46:15 +0200
Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Friday 03 May 2002 08:17 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  Since they now control the Department of Justice via bribe money,
  payoffs, and soft money (legal bribe money) I would assume then that
  they have already merged.  Both them and susceptible members of
  congress.  MSUSA is already a reality;  the only thing left to do is
  to congratulate you on coming up with the new name for the old United
  States.  Good work.
  Now we need to put it into use.
  Keep up the good work,
  (writing from inside the M$USA)
 Makes me sad, Lyvim. What happened to the land of the free ? 
 We europeans (well, most of us) have great admiration for the United
 States of America. Mostly because you kicked the oppressors out, wrote a
 brand new Constitution - and took it seriously !
 What you describe here makes me doubt : is USA becoming  Europized ? -
 Reverting to feudalism, pseudo-democracy, corruption, fraud and mob-rule

The US has always been Europized. The writers of the constitution are
known to have commented on how very much they had created a system like
England's--a transferral of the monarchy across the Atlantic. The only
difference, of course, that there was a new, different ruling elite.

One of the founders' greatest fears was that the common man would actually
have political power. They feared that if the common man could vote and
have political power, that he would institute laws that would redistribute
wealth, taking it from the hardworking, noble wealthy and giving it to the
shiftless, lazy commoners. The protection of private property from the
hungry, greedy masses is the cornerstone of our capitalist system.

We talk about how great our system of checks and balances is, in which
neither the legislative, judicial, nor executive branch can have too much
power. In fact, this serves to perpetuate the status quo--any
anti-capitalist, anti-big business legislation, any true reform can never
happen because it has to fight all three battles. Sure, you can point to
some changes, like the civil rights movement of the 60s, or some labor
movements. Those were wars. People were killed. The system did not welcome
those changes.

The same can be said of our electoral college. We don't directly elect the
president, but vote for electors. Why? Should the lazy, shiftless masses
ever vote for somebody like Nader in an overwhelming majority, the college
would be right there to be sure that a Republicrat were elected instead.
(The members of the college theoretically vote for the winner of the
popular vote for their constituency, but there is no law stating that they
have to. It is just one more protection for private property.)

So democracy was never really an issue. Here we are raised to believe the
myth that we live in a democracy, when the truly defining institution that
enslaves us is capitalism. In the US, you get about as much democracy,
freedom, and justice as you can pay for. This is why I will be fined $500
for dumping trash along the side of the road, but a giant corporation that
poisons our drinking water and air does not pay a penalty, but gets
rewarded with huge tax breaks. Justice, huh? Oh, I forgot, those
multi-billion dollar transnational corporations need that money to create
more jobs and fight the war on terrorism. Thank God, what with the Cold
War being over, we might actually have considered spending money in all
the wrong places.

The sons of the poor will continue to die fighting for the rights of the
sons of the rich to continue to exploit them, all the time believing they
are fighting for democracy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for private property, democracy, and free
speech; I enjoy possessing stuff and ranting. But like Bush says, there
ought to be limits to freedom. There ought to be limits on the extent to
which corporations can exploit their workers and the environment. There
ought to be limits to how much our politicians can bend over and take it
from their corporate sponsors.

Not that I'm jaded or anything ;-)


Todd Slater
10:47am up 9 days, 58 min, 2 users, load average: 0.15, 0.11, 0.14
We are students of words; we are shut up in schools, and colleges, and
recitation rooms, for ten or fifteen years, and come out at last with a
bag of wind, a memory of words, and do not know a thing. (Ralph Waldo

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[newbie] Hardware query

2002-05-04 Per discussione Belgarius

Having long been fed up with Macroshaft's software, at least with regards to
server needs, I've opted to instead, use a Linux based server.  While not
fond of M$ by any means, I still have to use it for my daily tasks, and so,
will by necessity, need to keep my primary workstation under that platform.

I have been building a Linux box for some time, and have hit yet another
obstacle.  What I need is a simple server/gateway box, one that will run the
servers, and provide Internet access for the remaining workstations.  I
would greatly appreciate any advice, or pointers in directions where I might
obtain information about setting up a box without using keyboard, monitor,
or input devices.  I've scoured what resources I have been able to find on
the topic, and have yet to hit one that details the hardware aspects of this

With much appreciation,

I think, therefore, I am...  I think...
Registered Linux User #271587  http://counter.li.org

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.351 / Virus Database: 197 - Release Date: 4/19/02

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Re: [newbie] The Register, Microsoft EULA's and all that jazz

2002-05-04 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Saturday 04 May 2002 09:31 am, you wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-05-04 at 00:42, Carroll Grigsby wrote:


 Check out the following URL, if the excerpt is interesting to you --


 Excerpt from that article --

 MS Insurance - or Else

 by Paul Tatham

 Thu May 2 21:01:03 2002

 I suppose by now that a great many people have read Steve Duin's article
 about the MS audit that is being thrown at the northwestern schools. And
 if you haven't read it please do so. It's a good example of how the J.P.
 Morgans, John D. Rockefellers and the William H. Gateses III of the
 world operate.

 The threat of an audit is a powerful weapon, and one which MS and the
 Business Software Alliance wield with some skill (in Canada it's called
 the Canadian Alliance Against Software Theft, or CAAST). What is even
 more remarkable is that the full weight of the law is behind it.



Excellent article, and well worth a read. In particular, the comparison made 
between the BSA's software audits and the mob's insurance policies is right 
on the money. It's pure extortion any way that you look at it. What makes it 
especially reprehensible is when it is used against schools and similar 
organizations to beat them into being 100 per cent Microsoft.

One of the leading companies behind the BSA is Autodesk (of AutoCad fame). 
For those of you who haven't dealt with that bunch of arrogant bastards, they 
actually make MS seem like nice guys. Unstable (their motto: We WILL crash 
your system), expensive (about $3600 for bare bones AutoCad; version upgrades 
in the $600 range), very poor support (and it usually costs extra). One of 
the great joys of retirement is not having to deal with that mess.

-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] OT over reacting

2002-05-04 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall


I have installed Winex, but I just can't figure out how to get it to work,
I am fairly new to Linux and still learning.  I installed it when I
installed the Linux OS on the machine.

Normally, you just:

mount /mnt/cdrom (or whatever yours is)
cd /mnt/cdrom
winex name of install program

and it will do the rest... After installation you would just type in:

winex executable filename

I read the man page for wine and it didn't make much sense to me.  I have
also tried to read docs on the winehq.com website.

Can you please send me some tips on how to get it working properly.

I play these games regularly


Starcraft works great, even the update patches!

Diablo2/Lord of Destruction

Ditto here...

Jedi Knight 2

Ditto again...

Medal of Honor: Allied Assualt

No idea about this game - I don't have it. Sorry.

Quake III
Unreal Tournement

These last 2 games are available native to Linux (ported). I'd recommend 
getting these versions. Its what I did, and they work great! ;-)

Hope this helps somewhat!

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 - worth upgrading?

2002-05-04 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Saturday 04 May 2002 3:43 pm, Heather Reed wrote:

 And a big Hi to Femme :-)) I have been offline for ages thanks to a
 surprise change in protocols by my ISP :-(( Back now though :-)) I
 got 2 of the 3 CDs for mandrake 8.2 on a linux mag this month - is it
 worth upgrading (from 8.1)? And am i right in assuming that its back
 to square 1 if I do upgrade, with a complete ditch of all the hard
 work I put in on installing the bits and pieces for 8.1? There are
 one or two things that aren't playing ball, so just wondering if 8.2
 will be better - mainly I'm having trouble with cups and printing.
 This has probably been done to death already, so sorry if I am late
 off the mark and have missed lots. Also, I don't have the 3rd CD -
 how much do I need it? Heather

You can do an 'upgrade packages' on booting from the first 8.2 CD which, 
presumably, will detect and keep all relevant 8.1 settings. (I didn't 
do it myself so can't comment on how well it does - I went from XP to 
8.2 :)

Having the third CD depends on what you install; I did a fairly 
minimalistic install (only KDE and Gnome in the right-hand column of 
the package list, which you'll see on installing) and reading from it 
took up only about 20 or 30 seconds of the 12 minutes the install took. 
It would probably be worth getting it as, a long time ago, I did a 
Mandrake install with one of the CDs missing and it never worked 
properly thereafter ...

It may well fix CUPS etcetera; this is the first time I've ever 
experienced a Linux setup with a _desktop_ printer that works :)

Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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Re: [newbie] Help I Can't log in!!!

2002-05-04 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Sat, 4 May 2002, Mark Lucas wrote:

 Thanks for the help.

 First, I don't use a firewall, I don't think I need it. I *can* login to
 Webmin etc quite happily remotely. The problem is that I can't log in
 locally or via SSH. SSH seems to validate OK but then fails to set up a
 consol session and SSH reports connection closed.

 Second, I didn't install using RPM (don't really like rpm much), I
 downloaded and compiled the source.

 I've recompiled and re-installed SSH with no joy. The problem seems to be in
 the main authentication protocol in setting up a console session either
 remotely or locally.



What you'll likely have to do is uninstall the binary that you compiled.
Check the src_dir of the tarball that you downloaded for an uninstall
script. If one doesn't exist then find the binary itself and delete it.

The next thing you're going to have to do is install the original PAM
packages that came on your install disks. you should be able to do all
this remotely through Webmin as long as you can get the CD in the drive on
that machine that has the packages you need. That should set things up
the way they were before you started.

In the future when you are doing something of this import for the first
time I would strongly suggest first backing up all the associated config
and password files, and making any upgrades via rpm so that in such an
event you're able to uninstall via rpm as opposed to having to
trial-and-error your way through the process hunting everything down.
There's a reason rpms are the way they are and this is one of them. it
knows where all the associated files are kept and doesn't have any trouble
locating them for an uninstall.

I'm curious though...what was wrong with your default install of PAM on
your system that you compiled and installed a newer version?

Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] VNC on MDK 8.2 - keyboard problem

2002-05-04 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 02 May 2002 10:28, RichardA opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 Is anyone else using the VNC which came with MDK 8.2? I can start the
 server, start the viewer on my laptop and everything looks great, except
 that key presses don't get through to the remote desktop. They seem to go
 to the shell I launched the viewer from. The mouse works fine.

just curious, have you tried RFBDrake?  samme thing i assume?

Nimda virus affects Linux! My linux boxes have had their bandwidth chewed up 
by four thousand Nimda servers infected with IIS.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

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[newbie] Lexmark X73 Multi Function Printer

2002-05-04 Per discussione Mark Annandale

Hi Guys

Has anyone had the pleasure of being able to use one of these printers
under Linux. I have it connected to a 'doze box and can see the printer
under LinNeighborhood, as well as see the Linux shares under XP.

What would be the easiest way to be able to use this printer ?

Kind regards

Mark Annandale

Mark Annandale
Mandrake 8.2
Evolution 1.0.2

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Re: [newbie] Help I Can't log in!!!

2002-05-04 Per discussione Mark Lucas

Thanks for the help, I'll give this a try.

I don't think the problem is actually to do with authentication. The system
logs suggest that the authentication is OK. The problem is in trying to set
up a console session over SSH or locally. SSH says it connects OK but the
server closes the session immediately. I can find no log information on the
closure which is a pain in the butt!

It's along story how I got here:
1. I wanted to install horde/imp to setup a web email system,
2. The needed PHP4 with certain options in Apache,
3. I recompiled apache with DSO enabled,
4. I tried to set up PHP4 in apache, everything compiled OK but the DSO
module wouldn't load, it complained about a PAM library,
5. I found I needed to install PAM-devel tools to make the relevant library
6. I couldn't find pam-devel as a tar ball but thought if I installed the
latest PAM tar I would be able to extract the relevant libraries.

Somewhere along the line it all failed and I got messed up!


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Re: [newbie] Help I Can't log in!!!

2002-05-04 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Sat, 4 May 2002, Mark Lucas wrote:

 Thanks for the help, I'll give this a try.

 I don't think the problem is actually to do with authentication. The system
 logs suggest that the authentication is OK. The problem is in trying to set
 up a console session over SSH or locally. SSH says it connects OK but the
 server closes the session immediately. I can find no log information on the
 closure which is a pain in the butt!

 It's along story how I got here:
 1. I wanted to install horde/imp to setup a web email system,
 2. The needed PHP4 with certain options in Apache,
 3. I recompiled apache with DSO enabled,
 4. I tried to set up PHP4 in apache, everything compiled OK but the DSO
 module wouldn't load, it complained about a PAM library,
 5. I found I needed to install PAM-devel tools to make the relevant library
 6. I couldn't find pam-devel as a tar ball but thought if I installed the
 latest PAM tar I would be able to extract the relevant libraries.

 Somewhere along the line it all failed and I got messed up!


in that case you may want to check to make sure the IP address of the
machine you're trying to connect to this box from isn't being blocked by
port sentry. check the /etc/hosts.deny file for the IP address of that
machine. If it's there you'll want to enter that machine's address into
the hosts.ignore and hosts.allow file so this doens't happen any more.

that happens to me at least once every time I setup a new box.

Registered Linux User 182496

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] VNC on MDC

2002-05-04 Per discussione RichardA

I thought RFBDrake just did windows terminal server emulation, but launching 
it again, I'm not so sure. It seems to be too new to have documentation. All 
I know is that I launch it and nothing happens. No errors, nothing.
The VNC java client works fine in Konq, but not Moz. The trouble with that is 
two sets of scroll bars makes my head hurt. I could run the server at 640x480 
but this is the 21st century for gods sake.
Any troubleshooting advise for the straight VNC client?


shane, Saturday 04 May 2002 19:57:
 On Thursday 02 May 2002 10:28, RichardA opened a general hailing frequency
 and transmitted to all open stations:
  Is anyone else using the VNC which came with MDK 8.2? I can start the
  server, start the viewer on my laptop and everything looks great, except
  that key presses don't get through to the remote desktop. They seem to go
  to the shell I launched the viewer from. The mouse works fine.

 just curious, have you tried RFBDrake?  samme thing i assume?

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

2002-05-04 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Sat, 4 May 2002, RichardA wrote:

 What a load of crap. I don't subscribe to this list to see pro gun zealots
 foaming at the mouth about murdering petty criminals. I dare say some of my
 political views would upset you. You'll notice I don't subject you to them.


foaming at the mouth? OOooo...thats good!

now then...thars anutter cuntry heard from.

Registered Linux User 182496

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[newbie] xsession-errors - can anyone explain ?

2002-05-04 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

After installing 8.2 my KDE seems to load in a very bureacratic pace - to say 
the least. To investigate this I compared two hiden files in my /home/kaj 
directory : the .xsession-errors from 8.1 and 8.2 , respectively.

Under 8.1 this file only mention something about DCOP-server up and running 
(whatever that means) - nothing more.

Under 8.2 this file gets huge. I'll spare your bandwidth and only cite an 
excerpt :

kdeinit: Launched DCOPServer, pid = 1499 result = 0
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1496' - number of clients is now 1
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1496'
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1499' - number of clients is now 1
DCOPServer up and running.
DCOP: register 'ksplash' - number of clients is now 2
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1499'
kdeinit: Launched KLauncher, pid = 1503 result = 0
DCOP: register 'klauncher' - number of clients is now 2
DCOP: unregister 'klauncher'
DCOP: register 'klauncher' - number of clients is now 2
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1503' - number of clients is now 3
DCOP: new daemon klauncher
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-1503'
kdeinit: Launched KDED, pid = 1506 result = 0
DCOP: register 'kded' - number of clients is now 2
DCOP: unregister 'kded'
DCOP: register 'kded' - number of clients is now 2
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1506' - number of clients is now 3
DCOP: register 'anonymous-1507' - number of clients is now 4
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kbuildsycoca' from launcher.
DCOP: register 'kbuildsycoca' - number of clients is now 5 file .

and so it goes on  for about 5 kilobytes !

Needles to say : it's the same box, same X-server etc...

What's going on ?


Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

2002-05-04 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Sat, 4 May 2002, Alastair Scott wrote:

 On Saturday 04 May 2002 11:38 am, RichardA wrote:

  What a load of crap. I don't subscribe to this list to see pro gun
  zealots foaming at the mouth about murdering petty criminals. I dare
  say some of my political views would upset you. You'll notice I don't
  subject you to them.

 Indeed - the attitudes expressed in the original post are
 incomprehensible to me. (Not everyone is American).

 I'm tempted to set up a [mandrake-off-topic] Yahoo! group. Should I?


O! would you please?  :)

Registered Linux User 182496

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RE: [newbie] OT over reacting

2002-05-04 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Fri, 3 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have installed Winex, but I just can't figure out how to get it to work,
 I am fairly new to Linux and still learning.  I installed it when I
 installed the Linux OS on the machine.

 I read the man page for wine and it didn't make much sense to me.  I have
 also tried to read docs on the winehq.com website.

 Can you please send me some tips on how to get it working properly.


I'll share tips with you if you'll tell me where in the sam-hill you found
those nasty buggers. I can't find the packages anywhare. 'course I may not
be looking in the right place either.

Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

2002-05-04 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On 4 May 2002, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 18:46, David wrote:

  Well, this has worked sometimes (for a friend, of course--I would
  never do something like this)...
  When making your copies of some microshit, instead of just copying
  disk-to-disk, copy all files to your HD.  Then find the file named
  EULA.txt and edit away.  Then burn your CDs.

 This is interesting.  I wonder if there are any lawyers on the list here
 who could say wether this is a bona fide loophole or not?


evul grin

as a matter of fact, yes...they're a couple of posts up yonder from this
one. :\

Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] Hardware query

2002-05-04 Per discussione Brian Parish

I have built a number of these.  Always used older H/W as raw CPU speed
is a bit wasted on this application.  At the moment my server is a
Pentium 1 200.  I put a PCI IDE controller and a PCI USB card into it so
it can handle large drives and USB printers.  (The USB support on old
mobos can be suspect and the bios can't see disks bigger than GB).

The only other thing you need is for the machine to have a bios than can
be set to halt on no errors.  i.e. not to complain about missing
keyboard etc.  I had no trouble with the award bios with this - at least
back as far as 1995 revision dates.  A Dell system I set up for a
customer insisted on having a keyboard no matter what, so we just left
one connected out of sight.

Anyway, I guess the main advice is to just check that the bios supports
halt on no errors.  Booting from CD is also handy of course.

You will of course have a keyboard, mouse and monitor connected while
installing, so make sure you do a final boot with just the monitor
attached, so you can see any hardware detection issues.


On Sun, 2002-05-05 at 01:37, Belgarius wrote:
 Having long been fed up with Macroshaft's software, at least with regards to
 server needs, I've opted to instead, use a Linux based server.  While not
 fond of M$ by any means, I still have to use it for my daily tasks, and so,
 will by necessity, need to keep my primary workstation under that platform.
 I have been building a Linux box for some time, and have hit yet another
 obstacle.  What I need is a simple server/gateway box, one that will run the
 servers, and provide Internet access for the remaining workstations.  I
 would greatly appreciate any advice, or pointers in directions where I might
 obtain information about setting up a box without using keyboard, monitor,
 or input devices.  I've scoured what resources I have been able to find on
 the topic, and have yet to hit one that details the hardware aspects of this
 With much appreciation,
 I think, therefore, I am...  I think...
 Registered Linux User #271587  http://counter.li.org
 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
 Version: 6.0.351 / Virus Database: 197 - Release Date: 4/19/02

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Re: [newbie] XMMS - Fast Play - SOS - (funny must read)

2002-05-04 Per discussione Warren Post

Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On Wed, 1 May 2002 23:53:46 -0700 (PDT)
Brian York [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know of a free email that gives free
 pop/smtp? I hate web interfaces, g.

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Re: [newbie] Linux and Windows

2002-05-04 Per discussione Warren Post

Yes. Not only is dual booting (having two operating systems on one computer) possible, 
it's common. It's a great way to see if you like Linux without making a commitment. My 
computers have both Windows and Mandrake 8.1, although I like Mandrake so much more 
that I'll be removing Windows soon.

I haven't tried 8.2, but with 8.1 it's easy. Do not format your c drive; that will 
erase your Windows. You just boot your computer from the CD-ROM drive with the 
Mandrake disk 1 in the CD-ROM drive. The installer will give you the option of 
installing Mandrake in the empty space on your hard drive, and take care of all the 
details. It's easy.

All you need to do beforehand is make sure you have enough free space on your hard 
drive. I've installed 8.1 in as little as 1 GB of free space, but I'd recommend 5 GB 
minimum. It will make things easier and give you plenty of room to play and get 
comfortable with Linux. I'd suggest deleting unnecessary files and applications from 
Windows, and running scandisk and disk defragmenter, before installing Linux. 

Welcome to Linux! Once you've tried it, you'll be back here asking how to delete 
Windows and make your computer Linux only.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On Fri, 3 May 2002 12:52:27 +0300 (GMT+03:00)
ivo ailis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have recently downloaded Mandrake 8.2. Before i install i want to know whether is 
it possible to have both windows and Linux on one computer. If so could you give me 
detalized step-by-step instructions...Well i am really a newbie to Linux :)
 Also could you give me some installation suggestions, and what i have to do after 
format c: (creating boot diskete and so on)...

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Re: [newbie] aba_sofiane

2002-05-04 Per discussione Warren Post

I too have an onboard SiS 620 and a monitor that doesn't appear on the list. After 
much trial and error, I have found that the following settings work for me:

* XFree 3.3.6 (4.0.3 doesn't work for me) without 3D acceleration.
* Generic monitor that can do 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz (which is the closest match to the 
specs given in my monitor's documentation). The high frequency choices don't work for 

Try this, and be prepared to do some trial and error work yourself. Given the number 
of queries I've seen about SiS video adaptors generally, and the SiS 6xx specifically, 
I've decided to avoid SiS products on my next computer.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On Fri, 03 May 2002 21:36:45 +
Sofiane Cirat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I bought Linux mandrake 8.1 to give it a try, I have a PowerPC 360 Mhz,
 152 Mb of RAM, a KDS monitor, and a graphic card (that Linux has detected as 
 SiS 620 )built-in the motherboard.  The whole installation went fine but in 
 X configuration a window poped up containind the monitors lists and was set 
 to Generic( My monitor's brand was not in the list)with the high frequency 
 1026*;  I had the prompt to test the display, when I clicked test there was 
 a black screen containg 2 files name in the top-left such:
 file.ini ( no such file )
 file.ini ( no such file )
 then there was the pinguin on the screen for the test screen but all the 
 letters were scrambled like it was a mis-synchronization/
 I changed my monitor to A NEC monitor supposedly in the list,
 I changed the resolution,
 but still the X configuration dont work
 Plese help me out in solving this problem

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Re: [newbie] Linux and Windows

2002-05-04 Per discussione Brian Parish


One more thing - Linux has a nice utility called diskdrake, which makes
it easy to shrink your existing windows partition to make room for
linux.  It runs during the install process.

Assuming that you are using W98, before you try to install, defrag the
disk ensuring that the option to Make programs load faster is
switched OFF.  Having this on makes the defragger store files at the
extreme ends of the partition, making it impossible for diskdrake to
shrink it.

I have never had a problem with shrinking partitions, but of course the
caveat applies - backup all your data first!

Welcome and enjoy!

On Sun, 2002-05-05 at 05:31, Warren Post wrote:
 Yes. Not only is dual booting (having two operating systems on one computer) 
possible, it's common. It's a great way to see if you like Linux without making a 
commitment. My computers have both Windows and Mandrake 8.1, although I like Mandrake 
so much more that I'll be removing Windows soon.
 I haven't tried 8.2, but with 8.1 it's easy. Do not format your c drive; that will 
erase your Windows. You just boot your computer from the CD-ROM drive with the 
Mandrake disk 1 in the CD-ROM drive. The installer will give you the option of 
installing Mandrake in the empty space on your hard drive, and take care of all the 
details. It's easy.
 All you need to do beforehand is make sure you have enough free space on your hard 
drive. I've installed 8.1 in as little as 1 GB of free space, but I'd recommend 5 GB 
minimum. It will make things easier and give you plenty of room to play and get 
comfortable with Linux. I'd suggest deleting unnecessary files and applications from 
Windows, and running scandisk and disk defragmenter, before installing Linux. 
 Welcome to Linux! Once you've tried it, you'll be back here asking how to delete 
Windows and make your computer Linux only.
 Warren Post
 Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras
 On Fri, 3 May 2002 12:52:27 +0300 (GMT+03:00)
 ivo ailis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have recently downloaded Mandrake 8.2. Before i install i want to know whether 
is it possible to have both windows and Linux on one computer. If so could you give 
me detalized step-by-step instructions...Well i am really a newbie to Linux :)
  Also could you give me some installation suggestions, and what i have to do after 
format c: (creating boot diskete and so on)...

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 - worth upgrading?

2002-05-04 Per discussione FemmeFatale

 Heather Reed wrote:
 Hi all
 And a big Hi to Femme :-)) I have been offline for ages thanks to a
 surprise change in protocols by my ISP :-(( Back now though :-)) I got
 2 of the 3 CDs for mandrake 8.2 on a linux mag this month - is it
 worth upgrading (from 8.1)? And am i right in assuming that its back
 to square 1 if I do upgrade, with a complete ditch of all the hard
 work I put in on installing the bits and pieces for 8.1? There are one
 or two things that aren't playing ball, so just wondering if 8.2 will
 be better - mainly I'm having trouble with cups and printing. This has
 probably been done to death already, so sorry if I am late off the
 mark and have missed lots. Also, I don't have the 3rd CD - how much do
 I need it?

*Hugs Heather!*  I upgraded b/c 8.1 sucked big for me.  Very very buggy
 not worth the d/l :(

So I'd say give it a shot  just don't format HOME or, backup everthing
in there.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-04 Per discussione Derek Byram

On Saturday 04 May 2002 07:39, you wrote:
 Derek Byram wrote:
  a 147 break in snooker always starts with a pot on a single red ;-)
  derek the lurker - essex england - linux user 264346

 very true for a 149 break. An extremely rare event I've heard. :)

 now keep on posting Lurker-wannabe!

Better not to for the moment: I've learned I cannot add anything to this list 
with my current level of knowledge - I have learned so much just by reading 
and have been entertained as well as educated, doubel the fun.

Perhaps at some time in the future I may be able to conritbute whorthwhile 
input and will gladly do so.  But thanks for the encouragement anyway:)


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Re: [newbie] Hardware query

2002-05-04 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Belgarius wrote:
 Having long been fed up with Macroshaft's software, at least with regards to
 server needs, I've opted to instead, use a Linux based server.  While not
 fond of M$ by any means, I still have to use it for my daily tasks, and so,
 will by necessity, need to keep my primary workstation under that platform.
 I have been building a Linux box for some time, and have hit yet another
 obstacle.  What I need is a simple server/gateway box, one that will run the
 servers, and provide Internet access for the remaining workstations.  I
 would greatly appreciate any advice, or pointers in directions where I might
 obtain information about setting up a box without using keyboard, monitor,
 or input devices.  I've scoured what resources I have been able to find on
 the topic, and have yet to hit one that details the hardware aspects of this
 With much appreciation,

Well if you wanta  url for what hardware is stress tested with Mandrake
I can post one... Thats not a problem.


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] making a script runnable

2002-05-04 Per discussione Brian Koppe

Hi, I have a .sh script that I ned to run to install a theme, but it 
doesn't run when I type ./ before it  Last time this happened I had to 
type some command to make it so ./ worked.  Any suggestion?


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Re: [newbie] making a script runnable

2002-05-04 Per discussione Brian Parish

chmod +x filename


chmod 777 filename

On Sun, 2002-05-05 at 11:08, Brian Koppe wrote:
 Hi, I have a .sh script that I ned to run to install a theme, but it 
 doesn't run when I type ./ before it  Last time this happened I had to 
 type some command to make it so ./ worked.  Any suggestion?

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Re: [newbie] making a script runnable

2002-05-04 Per discussione Tagbo Ekwueme-Okoli

type at the prompt chmod +x script_name
On Sat, 2002-05-04 at 21:08, Brian Koppe wrote:
 Hi, I have a .sh script that I ned to run to install a theme, but it 
 doesn't run when I type ./ before it  Last time this happened I had to 
 type some command to make it so ./ worked.  Any suggestion?

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Re: [newbie] making a script runnable

2002-05-04 Per discussione Brian Koppe

Thank you.  Now that I've been able to get it to run, I get the error 
kinstalltheme: command not found  I'm running Mandrake 8.2 and KDE 3. 
 Anyone know what to do here?  Sorry for being such a newb :-P


Brian Parish wrote:

chmod +x filename


chmod 777 filename

On Sun, 2002-05-05 at 11:08, Brian Koppe wrote:

Hi, I have a .sh script that I ned to run to install a theme, but it 
doesn't run when I type ./ before it  Last time this happened I had to 
type some command to make it so ./ worked.  Any suggestion?


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[newbie] CDR

2002-05-04 Per discussione Randy Donohoe

Anybody got their IDE CDR to burn in 8.2? If so, how?
Randy Donohoe

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Re: [newbie] Install CDRW on M 8.1 ? Still nothing...

2002-05-04 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Saturday 04 May 2002 09:22 am, you wrote:
 Still nothing seems to work ok. Here's 'cdrecord -scanbus':
 0,0,0 0) 'COMPAQ  ' 'DVD-ROM SD-612B ' 'BL16' Removable CD-ROM
 0,1,0 1) *
 0,2,0 2) *
 0,3,0 3) *
 0,4,0 4) *
 0,5,0 5) *
 0,6,0 6) *
 0,7,0 7) *

 and lilo.conf:
   append=devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi quiet
   append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi
   append=devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi failsafe

 and, lastly, fstab:
   /dev/hda5 / ext3 noatime 1 1
   none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
   none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
   /dev/hdb /mnt/iBM vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,unmask=0,codepage=850 0 0
   /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount
   dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
   /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount
   dev=/dev/hdc,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
   /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
   dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
   /dev/hda7 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
   /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
   none /proc proc defaults 0 0
   /dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

 What's wrong, what to do, and what-not...
Here is a question that may or may not solve the problem. Do you have a CDROM 
and a CDRW or just the CDRW? If it is only a cdrw then the lilo boot is  
looking at hdd or hdc which is it? see harddrake for what your system calls 
it. If it is two devices then the  append line should have both listed as 
append=devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi  hdd=ide-scsi quiet   
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] Re: Crashes - SOLVED

2002-05-04 Per discussione Warren Post

My box no longer crashes, now that I have set the BIOS to use nonagressive
settings. I'm now slowly changing the settings back the way they were one
by one to isolate what it was, but I suspect that it's one of the memory
settings. Many thanks to Derek and Brian for mentioning memory as a
possible culprit.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On Tue, 23 Apr 2002 13:08:27 -0600
Warren Post [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can hardly believe it, but my 8.1 box crashes 4 or 5 times a day. My
 wife, a devoted Windows fan, is laughing her head off. The symptoms
 vary, so for all I know I may have multiple problems. They are:
 1. The X server often crashes. I once had this problem when I ran out of
 room on root, but df tells me I have 1.5G free now. In such cases I hold
 ctrl-alt-del depressed until I can force a reboot. Is there a way to
 restore a crashed X server short of rebooting?
 2. Sometimes I am kicked out of my current session with no warning and
 taken to the user login prompt.
 3. The GUI often becomes unresponsive. The mouse works, but even
 something as simple as a terminal can't open, and already open apps are
 unresponsive. If I switch to tty1 and check top, invariably X is sucking
 up all the CPU's cycles. (Again, all I know how to do in such cases is
 reboot. Is there a more elegant solution?)
 4. An extreme case of no. 3 is that neither the mouse nor the keyboard
 work. I can usually manage to reboot by using advice previously posted
 to this list, which is to depress in order Alt-SysRq-r, Alt-SysRq-t,
 Alt-SysRq-s, Alt-SysRq-b. That is supposed to perform a graceful
 shutdown, but in fact upon reboot the filesystem always has to be
 Those are the symptoms, now here are a few observations and notes:
 A. The system is less stable when I use light applications and windows
 managers vs. heavy ones. For example, I crash more often in IceWM than
 in KDE. I crash more often using Sylpheed than using Evolution.
 B. The system only crashes when I am actively working on it. I've left
 it run XMMS, efax, and such for two days without touching it. No
 problem. But it can't last for even a couple of hours of answering
 email, word processing, and so forth.
 C. Other than A I haven't detected any particular applications that make
 my system more or less stable. I've tried different email clients,
 browsers, word processors, spreadsheets, etc., in search of some
 patterns, and conclude that the crashes don't seem to be related to any
 user application.
 D. My installation is LM 8.1 with the stock kernel, 2.4.8-26mdk, and
 XFree86 3.3.6. My video adaptor is a SiS 620.
 Does anyone have any clues to help me track down the source of my
 crashes? What should I be looking at?

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Re: [newbie] CDR

2002-05-04 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

On Sunday 05 May 2002 02:48 am, Randy Donohoe wrote:
 Anybody got their IDE CDR to burn in 8.2? If so, how?
 Randy Donohoe

Well Randy, of course CD-burning is essential to all of us who regularly 
install new versions of linux. Personally I backup all my important files to 
CD on a weekly basis. To make things easy I keep them in a dedicated 
directory, so backing them up is just a few clicks away.

An exellent source for understanding the fundamentals is the 
CD-burning-HOWTO. You can find it here : http://linuxdoc.org

But my guess is you have it already :  If you have installed documentation, 
go for it !

But for your convenience, here's a short version :

Most - if not all - CD-burners are ATAPI-devices and use the IDE-bus. To make 
them work under linux you must fake that they are SCSI-devices. 
Now,assuming you have connected your hardware correctly, let's take a look at 
my setup as an example :

My CD-Rom (reader/player) is connected as the master on the second 
IDE-bus (hdc). My CD-WRITER (burner) is connected as the slave on the 
second IDE-bus (hdd). Accordingly, I had to edit my file : /etc/lilo.conf 
to make everything work. Here's how it can be done :

1. open a terminal and become root (type su and, when prompted, type your 
2. open a text-editor of your choice (I prefer Midnight Commander - type : 
3. go to /etc/lilo.conf and hit F4 to edit that file.
4. here you must make an append-statement (a boot-parameter to linux), like 
this :
append= hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi devfs=nomount 
# (where hdc is my CD-reader and hdd is my CD-burner (eventually, put in your 
own configuration)).
5. hit F2 to save this file.
6. hit F10 to exit Midnight Commander
7. still in your terminal-window as root, type : /sbin/lilo (and watch the 
8. type exit twice.
9. reboot, and you are done ! - (Eventually, you can now check the file 

Enjoy !

A very easy-readable guide on CD-burning :

References :

CD Writing Howto: http://linuxdoc.org
Linux MP3 CD Burning mini-HOWTO: http://linuxdoc.org (How to make normal 
audio CDs from mp3 files )
USB CD howto: http://mobilix.org/linux_usb_cd.html

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] KDE3 and Konqueror

2002-05-04 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 01 May 2002 10:26 pm, you wrote:
 Hi all, I decided to give KDE3 another try with the latest .mdk build on
 the mirrors.  Now I have lost my ability to call up konqueror from a su
 console. It just sits there and says something about render.  Happens in
 kde and kde3. Anyone seen this problem or a fix. I find nothing on the
 archive and have seen nothing on newbie. I seem to be the only one with a
 disfunctional kde setup.  The install went smoothly with only two packages
 to fulfill dependencies. I also had to fix some permissions when I copied
 .kde to .kde3 but could not find the ~/.kde3/share/config/kpersonalizerrc
 file and could not create it in mc cause there's no create file only mkdir
 command. Any help before I reinstall and forget KDE3 for now.  TIA

OK, reinstall it is. 
The kicker panel doesn't show apps that are currently running and so I can't 
find a way to shut down the modem since kill pid  does not do it .  All 
sorts of ugly things going on with KDE3 installed.  yuk!  Sorry no one could 
help with this, I'll wait for the Mandrake release or  3.1 as someone else 
suggested to another newbie.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] making a script runnable

2002-05-04 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Sat, 04 May 2002 20:27:53 -0500
Brian Koppe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank you.  Now that I've been able to get it to run, I get the error 
 kinstalltheme: command not found  I'm running Mandrake 8.2 and KDE 3. 
  Anyone know what to do here?  Sorry for being such a newb :-P

That is part of kdelibs 3, which I would assume gets installed when you
install KDE. The script may be looking for kinstalltheme in the wrong
place, though. Do a locate kinstalltheme in a terminal, and you'll see
if a) you have it installed and b) where it is. If you don't have it
installed, install it using software manager in the control center. If you
do have it installed, look at the script in a text editor and see where
it's looking for kinstalltheme, and change it to the correct location.


Todd Slater
10:17pm up 9 days, 12:27, 2 users, load average: 0.07, 0.15, 0.07
I suppose it is because nearly all children go to school nowadays, and
have things arranged for them, that they seem so forlornly unable to
produce their own ideas. (Agatha Christie)

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Re: [newbie] Hardware query

2002-05-04 Per discussione Belgarius

 Well if you wanta  url for what hardware is stress tested with Mandrake
 I can post one... Thats not a problem.


   I appreciate the input, but what I was looking for was more a way to get
the system to not whine about not having the hardware present.  Brian Parish
was good enough to enlighten me to the obvious.  One drawback to having
worked with Windows for so long is forgetting that the forest is, in fact,
made up of trees.  ;c)

To the deaf, the dancers seemeth mad...
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