[newbie-it] scanner

2002-10-24 Per discussione Luca
ciao ragazzi

ho collegato uno scanner ( mercury ) al pc alla parallela.
come dfaccio per farglielo rivelare , mi occorrono dei driver? dove 
posso trovarli?

by luca.

Re: [newbie-it] Disinstallare un kernel

2002-10-24 Per discussione Ivano
Grazie, effettivamente ho risolto il problema.

Il mer, 2002-10-23 alle 12:12, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
 Alle 09:00, mercoledì 23 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
  Salve ragazzi, ho un problema. Ho installato un'altra versione di
  kernel, mantenendo sempre quella vecchia, infatti quando parte lilo le
  vedo tutte e due. Il problema Ú che adesso ne volglio eliminare una,
  perchÚ non mi serve più. Sapete dirmi come si fa da riga di comando???
  Grazie a tutti.
 Penso che basti rimuovere vmlinuz e System.map (i file, non i link simbolici) 
 del kernel che vuoi eliminare, ed i moduli presenti in /lib/modules relativi 
 alla suddetta configurazione.
 Modifica poi lilo, togliendo i riferimenti al vecchio kernel.
 Attendo smentite...
 -- Fabio Manunza -- 
## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Permettere agli utenti di un sistema di connettersial pc in ssh

2002-10-24 Per discussione Ivano
Devi attivare in servizi di sistema, il demone ssh.
Dopo basta che vai sul cient e digiti: ssh -l root xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
'Le x sono l'IP della macchina dove ti devi collegare.
A questo punto ti chiederà la password di root, gliela inserisci e sei
Comunque se non vuoi farlo entrare con root, basta che crei un utente,
ed il comando è lo stesso.

Il mer, 2002-10-23 alle 13:43, Luca ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti,
 il mio problema è questo: vorrei consentire agli utenti del mio pc di 
 connettersi (digitando regolarmente login e psw) ad esso usando una 
 connessione ssh.
 Qualcuno potrebbe cortesemente spiegrami come si fa?
 Qual'è la porta che va aperta per questo tipo di connessione?
 Grazie in anticipo
 Giannuzzi Luca  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Mandrake 9.0 @ Acer TravelMate
 Kernel 2.4.19 mdk
 R.U. #287353 L.M. #168794
 Modena (IT)
 Mio Yahoo!: personalizza Yahoo! come piace a te 

Re: [newbie-it] compilatori

2002-10-24 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 22:06:25 +0200
Giorgio Griffon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alle 15:22, martedì 22 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
  ho una serie di programmi in turbopascal e in gwbasic di una decina di anni
  fa che funzionano benissimo e che vorrei integrare in linux. dove trovo gli
  strumenti per usarli?


 Ho trovato nei dischi del Mandrake 8.2 il p2c: si tratta di un traduttore
 che dovrebbe convertire i file sorgente da Pascal a C++. Purtroppo finora non
 sono riuscito a tradurre un bel niente dei miei gloriosi programmini in
 turbo pascal: ci sono problemi specialmente quando nel sorgente originale
 vengono richiamate librerie accessorie (tipo la unit crt). Se scopri
 qualcosa, avvisami!

Tutti (o quasi) i compilatori per Linux sono elencati a:


ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] scanner

2002-10-24 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 08:48:42 +0200

 ciao ragazzi
 ho collegato uno scanner ( mercury ) al pc alla parallela.
 come dfaccio per farglielo rivelare , mi occorrono dei driver? dove 
 posso trovarli?

Bisognerebbe sapere se è riconosciuto da SANE (http://www.mostang.com/sane/)

Comunque, visto che Mandrake include una release abbastanza recente di SANE,
lancia mcc, cerca il menu di configurazione dello scanner e vedi se il tuo è
tra quelli elencati e  auguri :-).
Ricordati che gli scanner paralleli supportati sono pochissimi, perché utilizzano
interfacce proprietarie.
Se ti va bene, ricordati che puoi usarlo solo da root, cosa che fa arrabbiare xsane:-)
Quindi usa xscanimage o, meglio, cercati un po' di howto e fai un'installazione
come servizio di rete.

Se il tuo scanner non è elencato tra quelli riconosciuti da Mandrake,
cercane notizie sul sito SANE e su groups.google.com.
Magari basta scaricare un aggiornamento di sane o configurarlo con un altro nome.
Spesso ditte anche importanti vendono con proprio marchio apparecchiature
fatte da altri.

ciao, Andrea


2002-10-24 Per discussione Simone_Colombo

ciao a tutti , ho un SM56 Conexant modem , sotto la 
mndrake 9.0 . ho scaricato l'rpm per installare il modem , tutto ok. solo che 
quando lancio hsconfig al termine della procedura mi dice che il modem è 
accessibile tramite /dev/ttyHSF0 ... ma purtroppo questa "directory" non esiste 
.. esistono solo le tradizionali /dev/tty , /dev/ccua etc .. cosa posso 


2002-10-24 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 10:24, giovedì 24 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 ciao a tutti , ho un SM56 Conexant modem , sotto la mndrake 9.0 . ho
 scaricato l'rpm per installare il modem , tutto ok. solo che quando lancio
 hsconfig al termine della procedura mi dice che il modem è accessibile
 tramite /dev/ttyHSF0 ... ma purtroppo questa directory non esiste ..
 esistono solo le tradizionali /dev/tty , /dev/ccua etc .. cosa posso fare?

Non è una directory, è un dispositivo a caratteri.
Per tutto ok, cosa intendi? Il modem funziona?
Prova a vedere a cosa punta /dev/modem; se effettivamente questo è un link 
simbolico al dispositivo suddetto, non c'è alcun problema.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Permettere agli utenti di un sistema di connettersi al pc in ssh

2002-10-24 Per discussione Germano
Il programma si chiama Exceed ed è a pagamento ma devo dire che è anche molto 
bello, un ciccinino pesante ma molto bello. (Alla fine non solo ho fatto 
pubblicità ma lo ho anche schifosamente lecchinato).

Ciao, Germano

Alle 23:56, mercoledì 23 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:

  Sul come si fà è semplice:
  il tuo potenziale utente digita sulla sua macchina
  ssh -l login-name  nome-macchina-server
  Se a questo tuo utente dovesse servire anche il display grafico fornito
  dalla tua macchina (e spero per lui che abbia un sistema Unix-like perchè
  se ha winzozz si deve installare un programmino a pagamento [ma non farò

 Purtroppo il problema è proprio questo, il sistema del mio amico monta
 proprio Win$ Il programma che uso (ttssh) per farlo connettere a me
 non gli fa andare tutti i programmi che richiedono interfaccia grafica
 kde incluso!!!
 Dovresti farmi il favore di dirmi qual'è questo programma a pagamento,
 se ti scoccia dirlo alla ML fallo inviandomi una mail privata, è l'unica
 soluzione ai miei problemi!!!

  Scusa se sono stato logorroico.
  Ciao, Germano

 Niente, mi sei stato di grandissimo aiuto


Re: [newbie-it] PDF

2002-10-24 Per discussione LukenShiro
Alle 21:46, giovedì 24 ottobre 2002, Giorgio Griffon ha scritto:
 Ho provato infatti a trasformare in pdf dei file scritti con openoffice
 usando l'opzione stampa su file: ne sono risultati dei pdf che si

 Risolto l'arcano, se provi a stampare lo stesso testo una volta come .ps 
e una volta come PDF, vedrai che i file sono esattamente uguali 
(entrambi postscript); probabilmente e' un baco di OO o una funzionalita' 
non ancora implementata (per la cronaca uso la versione 1.0.1)
 E' meglio quindi che stampi come file in formato .ps e poi lo converti a 

 possono leggere solamente con il visualizzatore PS/PDF KGhostView, ma
 non con Xpdf, né tantomeno con Acrobat Reader sotto windows.

Be', effettivamente questi ultimi due non sono lettori di file .ps

 Poi ho letto le pagine di manuale relative a ps2pdf e ps2pdfwr, ma mi
 sono servite a confondere le idee

il formato del primo comando e' generalmente abbastanza intuitivo
ps2pdf  nomefile.ps  nomefile_nuovo.pdf
Una volta trasformato dovresti essere in grado di visualizzarlo bene.

 Qualcuno sa se e come si possono ottenere da openoffice dei pdf
 compatibili con Acrobat?

Vedi sopra.

GNU/Linux *** Slackware 8.1 + un po' di 9.0beta1
L.R.U. #210970 L.R.M. #98222 S.R.U. #12583

Re: [newbie-it] (O.T.)Problemi Anti-Virus

2002-10-24 Per discussione freefred
On Wednesday 23 October 2002 9:39 pm, Giorgio Griffon wrote about S%:

 io mi connetto in genere per pochi minuti al giorno, e che se avessi
 qualche visitatore inopportuno sarebbe del tutto occasionale (non credo
 che il mio computer sia un obiettivo importante!)

questa e' la parte piu' importante infatti

 prima di collegarmi
 smonto dal file-system tutte le partizioni del disco fisso dove risiedono i
 miei documenti.

be' sinceramente non serve a molto, finche'  lasci un sistema operativo.
basterebbe riuscire ad installare una volta un rootkit, qualcosa
cioe' che modifica gli eseguibili piu' noti, e ogni volta che sei
collegato l'attaccante monta smonta e fa tutto quello che vuole.
Ma l'ip dinamico tiene in effetti lontano la maggior parte degli hacker.
E parlo per sola  conoscenza teorica.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - http://web.genie.it/utenti/f/freefred/
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] NON MI SEMBRA VERO!

2002-10-24 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 03:57, mercoledì 23 ottobre 2002, carmine de pasquale 
ha scritto:
.. e trovare un modo per far funzionare xinerama
 con 2 schede s3, ma questo è un problema marginale 

che problemi hai?


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org



2002-10-24 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 14:44, giovedì 24 ottobre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha 
... solo che quando lancio hsconfig al
  termine della procedura mi dice che il modem è
  accessibile tramite /dev/ttyHSF0 ... ma purtroppo
  questa directory non esiste .. esistono solo le
  tradizionali /dev/tty , /dev/ccua etc .. cosa posso

 Non è una directory, è un dispositivo a caratteri.

giusto, dai una letta ai README, vedrai anche altri dati 
relativi al dispositivo,
poi devi solo controllare che il programma di connessione, 
(esempio kppp) possa raggiungere il modem
quindi se puoi impostaci a manina dev/ttyHSF0 , 
altrimenti crea un link /dev/modem che lo punti, e imposti 
questo in kppp


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] (O.T.)Problemi Anti-Virus

2002-10-24 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 17:18, giovedì 24 ottobre 2002, freefred ha scritto:
 On Wednesday 23 October 2002 9:39 pm, Giorgio Griffon

 wrote about S%:

forse intendevi %S...;)

  io mi connetto in genere per pochi minuti al giorno, e
  che se avessi qualche visitatore inopportuno sarebbe
  del tutto occasionale (non credo che il mio computer
  sia un obiettivo importante!)

 questa e' la parte piu' importante infatti

sei comunque a rischio  worm o di diventare un trampolino 
consiglio : servizi server (e ralative porte) chiusi
tcp wrappers, firewall (semplicissimo, chiudere tutte le 
connessioni, tracciando lo stato di quelle richieste 
dall'interno, consentendo solo a quste di accedere alle 
porte, comunque non privilegiate, del PC)

  prima di collegarmi
  smonto dal file-system tutte le partizioni del disco
  fisso dove risiedono i miei documenti.

 be' sinceramente non serve a molto, finche'  lasci un
 sistema operativo. basterebbe riuscire ad installare una
 volta un rootkit, qualcosa cioe' che modifica gli
 eseguibili piu' noti, e ogni volta che sei collegato
 l'attaccante monta smonta e fa tutto quello che vuole. 

al consiglio aggiungiamo quindi un ids,
e  libsafe (sei avvisato se qualcuno prova a connettersi o 
se il contenuto dei binari è variato, contro script kiddies 
è ben più che sufficiente)

 l'ip dinamico tiene in effetti lontano la maggior parte
 degli hacker. 

gli hacker sicuro!!
i cracker forse, non sei remunerativo, 
i lameroni che si divertono solo a fare portscanner su 
porsioni di rete, per poi applicare pezzi di codice rubati 
in internet, no

rischi che un baco noto venga usato contro di te senza che 
nemmeno chi ti lancia l'attacco sappia cosa faccia lo 
script che ha lanciato,
purtroppo è così..
(n questi giorni ad esempio si parla molto di slapper,
 che usa per propagarsi dei problemi (fixati) in mod_ssl e 
in apache

oppure di xinetd (appena fixato anche questo) che aveva una 
vulnerabilità ai DoS

o (poi smetto, ma vi consiglio l'upgrade) delle kdelibs, a 
rischio cross-site scripting attack



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] (O.T.)Problemi Anti-Virus

2002-10-24 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 23:41, giovedì 24 ottobre 2002, miKe ha scritto:

 (n questi giorni ad esempio si parla molto di slapper,
  che usa per propagarsi dei problemi (fixati) in mod_ssl
 e in apache

..ho fatto appena in tempo a dirlo...

Messaggio firmato da Mandrake Linux Security Team 

Mandrake Linux Security Update Advisory

Package name:   mod_ssl
Advisory ID:MDKSA-2002:072
Date:   October 24th, 2002
Affected versions:  7.2, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 9.0,
Single Network Firewall 7.2

Problem Description:

 A cross-site scripting vulnerability was discovered in 
mod_ssl by Joe  Orton.  This only affects servers using a 
combination of wildcard DNS  and UseCanonicalName off 
(which is not the default in Mandrake  Linux).  With this 
setting turned off, Apache will attempt to use the  
hostname:port that the client supplies, which is where the 
problem  comes into play.  With this setting turned on (the 
default), Apache  constructs a self-referencing URL and 
will use ServerName and Port to  form the canonical name.

 It is recommended that all users upgrade, regardless of 
the setting of  the UseCanonicalName configuration option.



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] NON MI SEMBRA VERO!

2002-10-24 Per discussione carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] NON MI SEMBRA VERO!

 Hash: SHA1

 Alle 03:57, mercoledì 23 ottobre 2002, carmine de pasquale
 ha scritto:
 .. e trovare un modo per far funzionare xinerama
  con 2 schede s3, ma questo è un problema marginale

 che problemi hai?

semplicemente che non appare l'opzione xinerama in fase di
configurazione, ho provato con circa 500 versioni diverse dei files di
configurazione del serverx, ma l'unica volta in cui si accendono
entrambi gli schermi è quando lancio xf86cfg .

sull'altro pc invece, con una sys agp e una s3 pci lo xinerama funziona
alla perfezione, tranne per il fatto che l'uscita videocomposite (TV)
della scheda non funziona.

le due schede s3 pci dei 2 pc sono uguali (virge dx gx), per cui ho
copiato i files da un pc all'altro, cambiando solo la parte riguardante
la scheda agp (copincollata dal file che mi fa funzionare la scheda agp
s3 da sola; anche i monitors sono uguali), ma non funziona, anzi mi dà
errore e non parte il modalità grafica

è possibile invece (e mi sarebbe molto più utile dello xinerama) avere
su un monitor il server x e sull'altro una consolle testuale, o meglio i
logs di quello che accade sul server x?


 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Crash!

2002-10-24 Per discussione Arwan
Alle 09:00, giovedì 17 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] Crash!, miKe hai scritto: 

 Alle 22:45, martedì 15 ottobre 2002, Arwan ha scritto:
  Buonanotte... nel vero senso della parola!

 ..sento puzza di guai..

Annusi bene, ma col bruciato che c'e' in giro non ci vuole molto...

 non è che per caso hai aggiunto della ram?
 mi puzza di moduli dimm difettosi...

L'ho aggiunta, ma quando mi ha mostrato la sua ostilita' la ram era sulla 
scrivania... praticamente innocua...

  Al prossimo crash che devo fare???

 ci credo bene..

Ho riesinstallato. La cosa, per una volta, e' stata utile, visto che sono 
riuscita a far partire KDE dalla Slack... ;-)))


[newbie-it] Samsung ML 1210

2002-10-24 Per discussione Arwan
Dopo il crash, ho cambiato l'alimentatore... e pare che tutto funzioni, ora. 
Speriamo bene.
Ordunque, il motivo della mia mail e' questo: ho acquistato una stampante 
laser, la Samsung ML 1210, con driver per Linux compresi. Nelle note di 
installazione c'e' scritto di aggiornare il ghostscript con quello fornito, 
ma la mia versione (la 6 e rotti) e' gia' piu' nuova di quella che mi hanno 
dato con la stampante. Non ho toccato nulla.
Poi dicono di copiare in una cartella un file .ppd. Fatto.
Il sistema non aveva ancora stampanti, per cui ho lanciato aggiungi 
stampante etc etc; MDK ha riconosciuto in automatico la samsung. Solo che, 
quando lancio delle stampe, escono righe e fasce grigie o nere. Ora vorrei 
- come dire a MDK che deve andarsi a prendere il ppd che ho messo io;
- se devo installare il gs piu' vecchio, ma fornito dalla Samsung
- dove trovo la pagina per la configurazione della stampante, dove dirgli la 
qualita' di stampa, regolare l'uso dell'inchiostro, impostare in modo 
predefinito la stampa in multipagina e tutte queste cosine qui.

Grazie, e alla prossima...


Re: [newbie-it] Nikon 2000

2002-10-24 Per discussione Arwan
Alle 15:53, mercoledì 23 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su [newbie-it] 
Nikon 2000, Mavricijo Babic hai scritto: 

 Salve e una machina foto grafica dela Nikon, pero non ho nesun software
 per scaricare le foto soto Linux.
 Cosa poso fare?

Io ho una Nikon 775, e non e' supportata da Gimp. Se non hai ancora risolto, 
scrivimi in privato che ti mando due allegati ceh ti potrebbero aiutare. 
(Si', sempre i soliti...)



2002-10-24 Per discussione Arwan
Alle 10:24, giovedì 24 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su [newbie-it] 
PROBLEMA CON MODEM HSF, Simone_Colombo hai scritto: 

 ciao a tutti , ho un SM56 Conexant modem , sotto la mndrake 9.0 . ho
 scaricato l'rpm per installare il modem , tutto ok. solo che quando lancio
 hsconfig al termine della procedura mi dice che il modem è accessibile
 tramite /dev/ttyHSF0 ... ma purtroppo questa directory non esiste ..
 esistono solo le tradizionali /dev/tty , /dev/ccua etc .. cosa posso fare?

Dopo aver lanciato l'rpm coi driver vai (da shell) su /dev e:
- cancella il file modem
- lancia ln -s ttySHSF0 modem
da kppp
- nel dispositivo metti /dev/modem
- nella finestra modem deseleziona attenti tono di chiamata

Appunti brutalemente scopiazzati dalle istruzioni di Mike (merito suo se ora 
uso kmail)


Re: [newbie] Primary and secondary IDE

2002-10-24 Per discussione George Baker
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Primary and secondary IDE

 If it were mine I'd put the two CD drives on secondary IDE with CD-RW as
 master, and the hard drives on the primary as master and slave in whatever
 order you like. Depending whether you want to re-install your operating
 system of course. If not the 3.2 will have to stay as master on the
 IDE channel since most versions of Windows won't boot from anywhere else.

I've heard that Laplink will clone your drive. If I understand this
correctly I can clone my 3.2 gig HD to my new 30 gig HD and then make the 30
gig master and it should boot into Windows. Does this also clone Lilo and my
MDK 7.0 partitions? If so it would be great but if it at least clones the
Win partition that would be OK as I don't mind reinstalling MDK as I was
going to upgrade to Ver 8.2 anyway.
Any info would be appreciated.

George Baker

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] X, nVidia drivers ...

2002-10-24 Per discussione Sharrea
On Thursday 24 Oct 2002 4:52 pm, Rainer wrote:
 after using mdk 8.2 for almost 8 months, i still seem to be unable to get
 the x server and my nvidia card to coexist peacefully. it took me a
 couple of months to get it to be relatively stable after the first
 install. i got the glx and kernel rpms at that time and i believe i had
 to reinstall the kernel drivers from tar.gz. my news readers still froze
 after this (pan, mozilla, knode) but the rest seemed alright. recently, i
 had to reinstall mdk 8.2. i got the latest drivers and my x server won't
 start at all. checked all the documentation i could find, nvidia readme,
 mandrake user nvidia section and i'm still at a loss, the config-4 file
 was fine.

 after spending about 10 hours on this the easiest thing to do seems to be
 to reinstall. but i don't want to go through that again unless i have a
 pretty good idea about what the problem is, and a relatively straight
 forward solution (this is a newbie speaking!) does 9.0 deal better with
 the nvidia geforce2 mx/mx 400? i installed red hat 8.0 and the graphics
 are rock solid so far. i would like to continue with mandrake because
 i've spent some time with it and know it better but not at the expense of
 a monitor that freezes regularly. i'd appreciate an honest answer, i know
 how these distribution biases color peoples judgement. thanks

Firstly, I apologise for the long message.

Well... today I have just spent from 7.15am to 6.45pm (minus 1/2 hour lunch 
break) trying to get the nvidia drivers working in 9.0 AND STILL NO GO!
Didn't have a problem in 8.1.  I have been trying to get the drivers 
working on and off for weeks!  I ended up installing RH7.3 (dual boot) just 
so I can play Quake3 and UT2003.

I've tried (and retried each many times), the club rpms, source rpms and the 
tarballs.  I don't know if it has anything to do with it but I'm using the 
enterprise kernel (1024 MB RAM).  I did get the club enterprise rpm with 

After installing the drivers (and editing XF86Config-4) I can start FluxBox, 
BlackBox, Enlightenment, etc but I can't start Gnome or KDE (I use KDE).  
I get the following error when trying to start KDE as root or user:
There was an error setting up inter-process
communications for KDE.  Tthe message returned
by the system was:

Could not read network connection list:

Please check that the dcopserver program is running!

Then the system takes forever to try to recover when I CTRL+ALT+Backspace 
but it usually ends up hanging and I use the ALT+SysRq combinations to end 
process, sync and reboot.

Also the KDE apps like kedit, kmail, etc won't run in the other WMs but I 
can play tuxracer and UT2003.

I checked (many times) that the libglx*, libGL.so* and libGLcore* files are 
installed correctly.  I tried all the different options for NvAGP and 
added all sorts of things to /etc/modules.conf.  One thing I noticed is 
that I only have nvidia0 and nvidiactl in the /dev dir (I don't get 
nvidia1, nvidia2 or nvidia3, etc).  And another thing I noticed is that 
stopping the devfsd service on boot and editing /etc/lilo.conf to 
devfs=nomount (+ running /sbin/lilo afterwards) then rebooting doesn't stop 
devfsd from starting at boot!  I've been searching all over the net for 
answers and trying suggestions given to others with a similar problem but 
like I said, no go.

Anyway I've rebooted and shutdown about 30-40 times today and I've just 
about had enough so I think I'll just give up on the nvidia drivers for 
9.0.  Guess I'll just have to use RH  : (

OK, having said all that, many others have got the nvidia drivers working in 
9.0 without a hitch.  Oh, I'm so envious.

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Re: [newbie] serial console question?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Erik
If you are using LILO, the better way would be to edit /etc/lilo.conf
and remove 'quiet' from the append= line.  save and then type lilo
(with out the quotes) and click enter.  After that, you should see all
startup and shutdown messages.


On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 23:51, Vincent Chen wrote:
 Hi, all
 I added 'console=ttyS0' to lilo.conf and can see what's going on
 during system startup. But I keep getting the following message:
 ioctl VT_GETSTATE: Invalid argument
 How can I get rid of them?

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Bill who? Micro what?

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Re: [newbie] MLdonkey

2002-10-24 Per discussione Derek Jennings
There are RPMs for MLDonkey 2.0 on PLF now.

I tried it out but found the user interface incomprehensible. How do you use 


On Thursday 24 Oct 2002 6:28 am, Miark wrote:
 This is strictly in the context of eDonkey 2000, but

 1) Visit http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/mldonkey/stable/
 2) Download the tarball that applies to you.
 3) Untar it.
 4) cd into the directory, and run ./mldonkey_gui


 BCSoft@TowerTraining [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
  Ok, explain what this is to me. I download a lot of stuff and would love
  the increased speed.

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Re: [newbie] X, nVidia drivers ...

2002-10-24 Per discussione bascule
that error is not an nvidia error,
i could be wrong but open a console and delete the following 
yo should find that kde now starts, at least that what i have done when i had 
that error, i also emptied /tmp but i don't think that is necessary


On Thursday 24 Oct 2002 7:57 am, Sharrea wrote:
 On Thursday 24 Oct 2002 4:52 pm, Rainer wrote:
  after using mdk 8.2 for almost 8 months, i still seem to be unable to get
  the x server and my nvidia card to coexist peacefully. it took me a
  couple of months to get it to be relatively stable after the first
  install. i got the glx and kernel rpms at that time and i believe i had
  to reinstall the kernel drivers from tar.gz. my news readers still froze
  after this (pan, mozilla, knode) but the rest seemed alright. recently, i
  had to reinstall mdk 8.2. i got the latest drivers and my x server won't
  start at all. checked all the documentation i could find, nvidia readme,
  mandrake user nvidia section and i'm still at a loss, the config-4 file
  was fine.
  after spending about 10 hours on this the easiest thing to do seems to be
  to reinstall. but i don't want to go through that again unless i have a
  pretty good idea about what the problem is, and a relatively straight
  forward solution (this is a newbie speaking!) does 9.0 deal better with
  the nvidia geforce2 mx/mx 400? i installed red hat 8.0 and the graphics
  are rock solid so far. i would like to continue with mandrake because
  i've spent some time with it and know it better but not at the expense of
  a monitor that freezes regularly. i'd appreciate an honest answer, i know
  how these distribution biases color peoples judgement. thanks

 Firstly, I apologise for the long message.

 Well... today I have just spent from 7.15am to 6.45pm (minus 1/2 hour lunch
 break) trying to get the nvidia drivers working in 9.0 AND STILL NO GO!
 Didn't have a problem in 8.1.  I have been trying to get the drivers
 working on and off for weeks!  I ended up installing RH7.3 (dual boot) just
 so I can play Quake3 and UT2003.

 I've tried (and retried each many times), the club rpms, source rpms and
 the tarballs.  I don't know if it has anything to do with it but I'm using
 the enterprise kernel (1024 MB RAM).  I did get the club enterprise rpm
 with urpmi.

 After installing the drivers (and editing XF86Config-4) I can start
 FluxBox, BlackBox, Enlightenment, etc but I can't start Gnome or KDE (I use
 KDE). I get the following error when trying to start KDE as root or user:
 There was an error setting up inter-process
 communications for KDE.  Tthe message returned
 by the system was:

 Could not read network connection list:

 Please check that the dcopserver program is running!

 Then the system takes forever to try to recover when I CTRL+ALT+Backspace
 but it usually ends up hanging and I use the ALT+SysRq combinations to end
 process, sync and reboot.

 Also the KDE apps like kedit, kmail, etc won't run in the other WMs but I
 can play tuxracer and UT2003.

 I checked (many times) that the libglx*, libGL.so* and libGLcore* files are
 installed correctly.  I tried all the different options for NvAGP and
 added all sorts of things to /etc/modules.conf.  One thing I noticed is
 that I only have nvidia0 and nvidiactl in the /dev dir (I don't get
 nvidia1, nvidia2 or nvidia3, etc).  And another thing I noticed is that
 stopping the devfsd service on boot and editing /etc/lilo.conf to
 devfs=nomount (+ running /sbin/lilo afterwards) then rebooting doesn't stop
 devfsd from starting at boot!  I've been searching all over the net for
 answers and trying suggestions given to others with a similar problem but
 like I said, no go.

 Anyway I've rebooted and shutdown about 30-40 times today and I've just
 about had enough so I think I'll just give up on the nvidia drivers for
 9.0.  Guess I'll just have to use RH  : (

 OK, having said all that, many others have got the nvidia drivers working
 in 9.0 without a hitch.  Oh, I'm so envious.


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your finger down his throat...' 

- The Book, on one of the Vogon's social inadequacies. 

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[newbie] test

2002-10-24 Per discussione ivette brusselmans

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[newbie] stuck with a (external) modem...

2002-10-24 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi
I tried them all, I'm out of resources...

I have a Trust 56K external modem. It worked fine with MDK8.2 and kppp 
dialer, still works fine with Windows. Doesn't work with Linux since I 
upgraded to MDK9.0.

I did not manage to configure the internet access using the control 
center. Modem dials out and connects but then drops the line after 10 
seconds. So I tried with gnome dialer - same result.

I told to myself, these are only front ends, let's try with the command 
line utilities. Issuing the
#pppd debug call something
I see from the syslog that chat reaches the CONNECT state and returns 
control to the pppd. pppd starts sending LCP ConfigRequests, but gets no 
answer form the remote and hangs up after 10 retries, with the serial 
line not clean merror message.

The LCP options included in the ConfigRequests sent by the linux ppd are 
the same that the Windows dialer uses (i.e. async map 0xa, protocol 
compression and address+control field compression), as seen from the 
windows ppp session log. But for some reason, the ppp on the ISP does 
not seem to send me the ConfigRequest back when I dial from linux.

I tried the kdebug 7 on the pppd command line, to see the binary 
packet content, but I don't get anything more than what I get with the 
usual debug option, so I am not really sure of what packets pppd is 
generating. Why doesn't this option work as documented? Do I need some 
form of support in the kernel?

I also tried to install kppp. rpmdrake reports that some sources are 
missing from the download CD. grrr.

The worst part is that my wife still browses the Internet with Windows, 
with an ironic smile on her face...

Sorry for the long post, any help gratly appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] .bin

2002-10-24 Per discussione Dennis and Sue
On Wednesday 23 October 2002 10:51 pm, you wrote:
 It's like an .exe file in Winsux--just run it:

   ./whatever.bin Enter

 You may have to be root.


  On Wednesday 23 October 2002 03:18 pm, andy wrote:
   How do you install .bin files?

For some .bin files I had to do something like :

1 - chmod 700  awesomeprogram.bin enter

2 - ./awesomeprogram.bin enter

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[newbie] VNC uninstall install

2002-10-24 Per discussione ivette brusselmans

uninstalled VNC with rpmdrake. When I try to install it again, get the 
message that it is already installed. But I can't find the icon anywhere in 
KDE. And when I type vncserver in console, nothing happens.
1 mandrake box  server
1 win98 box client with VNC installed and running
How come?
Doesn't KDE make an icon automatically when program is installed?


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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice....

2002-10-24 Per discussione Derek Jennings
You need to create symlinks from /usr/bin to wherever the tarball has put the 
application e.g.

ln -s /path_to/oowriter /usr/bin/oowriter

and similarly for
oomath   ooimpress oocalc


On Thursday 24 Oct 2002 3:51 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I installed OO from the .tar.gz file and can run it if I go to the
 directory it is in but when I try to use the menu editor to put a (what
 shortcut, alias?) on the menu bar I get an error message saying the
 executable can't be found. Won't the K menu (yep, using KDE) handle a

 Richard L. Babcock, Owner
 Tower Training
 At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Derek Jennings
  Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 7:26 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] OpenOffice
  On Wednesday 23 Oct 2002 1:12 pm, DaveA wrote:
   Hi y'all. Just installed my first program - OpenOffice 1.0.1 (and
   learnt heaps along the way!)  Being a refugee from the Windoze world,
   and VERY new to Linux, I sort of expected that the install would
   automatically create some shortcuts in the Start Menu, but I can's
   see anything. Maybe I need to logout and back in or somethin'?  TIA,
  It would do if you had installed OpenOffice 1.0.1 from the RPM on
  your 9.0
  install CD.
  But if you install from the .tar.gz file from OpenOffice.org it will not.
  The Mandrake RPM version will also be better at picking up system
  fonts, and

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Re: [newbie] galeon fonts

2002-10-24 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 24 Oct 2002 12:58 am, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 On Tuesday 22 Oct 2002 9:04 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Tuesday 22 Oct 2002 2:37 pm, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
   In my home pc I could see windows fonts in galeon(mdk 9), but not in my
   office pc. I have installed windows fonts in both pcs using control
   center and both pcs are having winme dualboot with mdk9. Any clues?
  Yes. It seems 9.0 still has the same bug that 8.2 had which is that
  drakfont does not list perlftlib as a dependency, and without that RPM it
  cannot make the font directories.
  You can confirm this if you run
  If it does not show /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/drakfont/ttf
  as one of the paths, then it was unable to add your Windows True Type
  fonts correctly
  Try installing perlftlib and then use drakfont to install your Windows
  fonts again.
  Then check chkfontpath again.

 Thanks. How to add additional windows fonts installed later.

just run drakfont again and import the Windows fonts again. If it cannot find 
the fonts used the advanced setting to point to a specif font file/files


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Re: [newbie] X, nVidia drivers ...

2002-10-24 Per discussione Sharrea
Thanks bascule, but I already did remove ~/.DCOP* and /tmp/* (countless 
times) but that made no difference.  Also removed ~/.ICEauthority ~/.mcoprc 
~/.mcop/ - also didn't help.  Obviously, one of the files that Gnome and 
KDE use is getting stuffed up.  Thanks for the reply tho.

Ah well...

On Thursday 24 Oct 2002 8:37 pm, bascule wrote:
 that error is not an nvidia error,
 i could be wrong but open a console and delete the following
 yo should find that kde now starts, at least that what i have done when i
 had that error, i also emptied /tmp but i don't think that is necessary


 On Thursday 24 Oct 2002 7:57 am, Sharrea wrote:
  I get the following error when trying to start KDE as root or user: 
  There was an error setting up inter-process
  communications for KDE.  Tthe message returned
  by the system was:
  Could not read network connection list:
  Please check that the dcopserver program is running!
  Then the system takes forever to try to recover when I
  CTRL+ALT+Backspace but it usually ends up hanging and I use the
  ALT+SysRq combinations to end process, sync and reboot.
  Also the KDE apps like kedit, kmail, etc won't run in the other WMs but
  I can play tuxracer and UT2003.

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Re: [newbie] VNC uninstall install

2002-10-24 Per discussione robin
ivette brusselmans wrote:

uninstalled VNC with rpmdrake. When I try to install it again, get the 
message that it is already installed. But I can't find the icon anywhere 
in KDE. And when I type vncserver in console, nothing happens.
1 mandrake box  server
1 win98 box client with VNC installed and running
How come?
Doesn't KDE make an icon automatically when program is installed?

Not normally.  Some programs are KDE integrated, so they will 
automatically add themselves to the system menu (not necessarily your 
own user menu - that depends on your preferences, I think) but I've 
never known a program automatically add an icon to your desktop, and I 
wouldn't really want them to.

I think your problem may be a corrupted RPM database (VNC was 
uninstalled but not removed from the database).  As root, type

rpm --rebuilddb

That _might_ fix it.

Sir Robin

You almost never hear that word computer anymore, do you?
They're part of everything now. They used to be boxes with
keyboards, you know. - Tad Williams

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi


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Re: [newbie] Kmails New Mail Beep

2002-10-24 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars
On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 19:42:41 -0500
Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to replace the annoying 'beep' with You've Got Mail but for the 
 life of me I can't figure out how to do it.  Any help would be appreciated.

Settings  configure kmail  network  receiving  new mail
notification  check execute command line and uncheck beep :-)
If you are using KDE's artsd soundserver this is a possible command:
artsplay something.wav.



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Re: [newbie] .bin

2002-10-24 Per discussione Hesham Khonji

./filename.bin when you are in the directory of the file, otherwise type the 
full path of the file. The reason you must include ./ when running 
executables from the current directory is security. Imagine someone plants a 
harmfull executable called 'cp' in some directory. When you want to use the 
copy command, while in that directory, the executable in the current 
directory would take precedence. ./ makes sure you want to run the 
executable in the current directory and not a globaly set command.

Subject: [newbie] .bin
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 15:18:23 -0500

How do you install .bin files?

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Re: [newbie] .bin

2002-10-24 Per discussione JM5379
also, make sure you have the execute permission set for yourself
for that file, since it most likely will not have that set by
default when downloaded.  since it's most likely an install
script of some sort, chmod 700 (rwx--) if you want only
yourself to do anything at all with it, otherwise, whatever modes
are appropriate for your environment.

--- Original Message ---
From: Hesham Khonji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] .bin

./filename.bin when you are in the directory of the file,
otherwise type =
full path of the file. The reason you must include ./ when
executables from the current directory is security. Imagine
someone plant=
s a=20
harmfull executable called 'cp' in some directory. When you want
to use t=
copy command, while in that directory, the executable in the
directory would take precedence. ./ makes sure you want to run
executable in the current directory and not a globaly set command.

Subject: [newbie] .bin
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 15:18:23 -0500

How do you install .bin files?

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Unlimited Internet access -- and 2 months free!=A0 Try MSN.=20

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RE: [newbie] Mandrake 9 and Gnome config

2002-10-24 Per discussione Ralph M. Los
Yeah, I know THAT, but what I mean is...even though Gnome is running
perfectly out of the box, I can't find the place it keeps its settings
(menu in particular) as I want to copy it into my BlackBox
configuration.  Can someone help me out?

-Original Message-
From: Steve Jeppesen [mailto:ampster40;attbi.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 11:31 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9 and Gnome config

just open up a console and type 
vi .xinitrc
then enter what ever you want in there and to save it type
to save it then
to quit.  Make sure you are in your /home/yourhomedirectory/ when you
create .xinitrc restart x and you should be on your way.  

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 23:13:56 -0400
Ralph M. Los [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey all,
   I just got into this install I've got and figured, hey, let's change

 window managers, right?  So I figured I'd find and edit my .xinitrc 
 file and see what I could find in it and do exec blackbox or 
 something. Well, much to my surprise I don't have an .xinitrcso 
 where and HOW does gnome get it's menu configuration, marching orders,

 etc, etc?
 Thanks, trying to dig deeper into the linux world

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Re: [newbie] .bin

2002-10-24 Per discussione andy
Yea it seemed to work too when i typed in something like su ./file.bin

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Re: [newbie] Advice-Setting up a dedicated server

2002-10-24 Per discussione Technoslick
Thanks for your insight. What kind of horsepower do you have currently 
in the Win2k server? I am opting to stay away from any Internet related 
services since my Lynksys router seems to do a decent job of it and I 
don't want to bottleneck the file server. However, I like the added 
protection of a software firewall/proxy that tells me what's going on. I 
question whether my tired and old server could do that plus file serve.

Are you planning on using bind or any DNS? Are you going to statically 
address or let your linux server provide DHCP services?



- netmaniac - wrote:

I'm not an expert on linux server but I have one win2k server that i'm 
wanting to change for a linux one. Because of this, I've been doing some 
researches about this subject. In my opinion, the basic server services 
are: the SAMBA to share files with windowze machines, maybe an NFS 
service to share files with linux machines, and other common services 
like apache (httpd), ftpd, and so on.

I'm going to change the win2k directory service to samba and put the 
squid (proxy server) to share my internet connection (adsl/256k). Until 
now, everithing seems to work fine.


OK, boys and girls. I really would like your advice before I embark on 
this needed journey. I have been without my NT 4.0 server for a few 
weeks now and am getting really antsy without file sharing 
capabilities. Yes, I could have easily set that something temporary, 
but this has to be done on a permanent basis so I might as well wait 
until I am ready to redo the server.

Here's what I have in the network environment:

2- Win 98 SE
1- MDK 8.2
2- MDK 9.0
1- RH 6.1 (soon to be TurboLinux 3.0.1)
* and guest PCs of either Win 95 and up, or Linux
1- cable modem Internet access provider coming into a Linksys 4-port 
EtherFast Cable/DSL Router BEFSR41 providing DHCP, routing and 
firewall protection.
1- Kingston Workgroup Hub EtheRx 8-port hub (connects to the output of 
router and serves connectivity to all the PCs and server.
1- Intel NetportExpress 10/100 Print Server providing printing 
capabilities for all PCs (both Windows and Linux), statically 
addressed and accessed as an LPD resource. One laser and one color 
ink-jet printer.
1- Dedicated server (MDK 8.2 or 9.0?) that is solely a file sharing 

Specs for the server are meager, so this is another reason for asking 
advice. I do not want to load it up with unnecessary overhead:

Intel P233 MX, 256 MBs SDRAM, 15 GB IDE HD, Wimpy Jaton TV-67 Video w/ 
1 MB RAM, Kingston KNE-120TX/20 NIC

What I would like to hear from anyone with some thoughts on what 
services are minimally needed to set up a solid file server. I am 
interested in MySQL at some point in the future, so it can be 
installed, but isn't as important as file sharing. No printers will be 
run off this server. It will not be doing IP forwarding, firewalling 
or proxying the Internet connection for the PCs (I really don't want 
to bog down the server with heavy downloads, especially with printing 
services running over TCP/IP on a slow network -- 10 Mbs throughput.) 
The Lynksys router has been managing DHCP quite nicely, so I am of a 
mind not to fix what isn't broken, but would like to know whether 
there is any advantage to having the server take that responsibility 
over when its only purpose is to be a file server. And of course, 
should I be running DNS services (bind)? (I never ran WINS or DNS on 
the NT 4.0 server) Will doing so conflict with the DHCP services of 
the hub and the Internet connection provider? I definitely do not want 
any Web serving. This is a closed system file sharing server.

So, I guess I would like just a list of services, maybe a brief idea 
why  you think that I should run them, but I do not expect any actual 
instructions. I really am looking for direction. Once I have that, I 
am happy to muddle through the particulars and only ask for help when 
I need it. At this point in time, I need to ask everyone to work 
within the specs I have listed. There's no chance that I will be 
adding or upgrading hardware right now. And above all, remember that I 
am not experienced in Linux. :-)

Thanks so much for your opinions.


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Re: [newbie] S3 Savage 2000 and XFree86 4.2.1 problems

2002-10-24 Per discussione shipahoy
On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 16:49:15 -0400
Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, shipahoy, what version of Savage do you have? I have the Savage 2000
   w/ 64 MB RAM. When I used the 1.1.25t driver, my screen colors looked 
 like someone took a garden rake to them and Xine takes a dump a moment 
 after starting up. I ended up copying back the original savage_drv.o 
 file and now the quality is back, but I still can't get Xine to stay 
 open now. sigh I done broke it, I think.
 Any ideas how to bring life back to Xine? It played my DVDs the best of 
 the bunch.
Sorry for the delay in replying.

 I have the savage4. From reading the probo.com site again it seems
that some things on the Savage 2000 are still broken.

I suppose eventually it will get sorted out.

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Re: [newbie] S3 Savage 2000 and XFree86 4.2.1 problems

2002-10-24 Per discussione Technoslick
Oh, well. :-(


shipahoy wrote:

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 16:49:15 -0400
Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK, shipahoy, what version of Savage do you have? I have the Savage 2000

 w/ 64 MB RAM. When I used the 1.1.25t driver, my screen colors looked 
like someone took a garden rake to them and Xine takes a dump a moment 
after starting up. I ended up copying back the original savage_drv.o 
file and now the quality is back, but I still can't get Xine to stay 
open now. sigh I done broke it, I think.

Any ideas how to bring life back to Xine? It played my DVDs the best of 
the bunch.

Sorry for the delay in replying.

 I have the savage4. From reading the probo.com site again it seems
that some things on the Savage 2000 are still broken.

I suppose eventually it will get sorted out.

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[newbie] GUI-driven Complier/IDE for C/C++

2002-10-24 Per discussione Technoslick
I want to get back into learning to program in C/C++, but want to do so 
in Linux. I am a bit comfused about library and program conflicts, so I 
am asking anyone with experience in programming within Linux to 
recommend the best overall GUI-driven program(s) that would track well 
with SAMS books that are referring to M$ Visual C++ in the learning 
process. I think text-editor creation and command-line compiling for me 
is a down the road thing. I have looked through the 8.2 and 9.0 
download distribution (3 CD set), but I am not sure of what I am looking 
for, or what libraries and supporting apps need to be loaded to get a 
complete, working programming environment.



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[newbie] linux documentation!?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Dimitris Adamopoulos
Hi all!

Anybody knows where i could find 
linux documentation (pdf or anything else)
besides www.tldp.org
I am trying to make a library of books 
that i can't afford to buy from the stores!

thanks a lot!

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[newbie] MD5SUMS

2002-10-24 Per discussione John Richard Smith

md5sum psyche-i386-disc1.iso

b087f9c628bfb5e2c69b05424c65b731 psyche-i386-disc1.iso

does it mean it has failed, when,

d7b16b081c20708dc0dd7d41793a4177 psyche-i386-disc1.iso

is the key supplied. Ought not there to be some explanation ?


John Richard Smith

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RE: [newbie] linux documentation!?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Kesav Tadimeti
Mandrake Linux allows you to download PDFs (user guide  reference guide)
from their web site. 
There are other PDFs available for free such as advanced Linux programming,
Linux administration...
Contact me offline if you want me to mail them to you.

Tadimeti Kesav
E9 - E12, SDF
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-Original Message-
From: Dimitris Adamopoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 4:12 AM
To: Newbie
Subject: [newbie] linux documentation!?

Hi all!

Anybody knows where i could find
linux documentation (pdf or anything else)
besides www.tldp.org
I am trying to make a library of books
that i can't afford to buy from the stores!

thanks a lot!

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Re: [newbie] GUI-driven Complier/IDE for C/C++

2002-10-24 Per discussione Bela Markus

there are several options.

You can use KDEVELOP as a GUI under X, or RHIDE which is a character
oriented console IDE, like BORLAND's TURBO C or TURBO PASCAL.

Another possibility is BORLAND's KYLIX3 which support C/C++, not only


- Original Message -
From: Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 2:40 PM
Subject: [newbie] GUI-driven Complier/IDE for C/C++

 I want to get back into learning to program in C/C++, but want to do so
 in Linux. I am a bit comfused about library and program conflicts, so I
 am asking anyone with experience in programming within Linux to
 recommend the best overall GUI-driven program(s) that would track well
 with SAMS books that are referring to M$ Visual C++ in the learning
 process. I think text-editor creation and command-line compiling for me
 is a down the road thing. I have looked through the 8.2 and 9.0
 download distribution (3 CD set), but I am not sure of what I am looking
 for, or what libraries and supporting apps need to be loaded to get a
 complete, working programming environment.



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] GUI-driven Complier/IDE for C/C++

2002-10-24 Per discussione Technoslick

Thanks for such a speedy reply!

Here's what I have currently loaded and showing off of the 'Development' 
menu of KDE (MDK 9.0):

Off of 'Development environments'


Off of 'Tools'

Cervasia (CVS Frontend)
KBabel (Translation Tool)
Kbabel - Catalog Manager
KBabel - Dictionary
KBugBuster (KDE Bug Management)
Kompare (Diff/Patch Frontend)

I have no idea what most of these are for; my guess is that some are for 
developing the KDE environment and others are related to some acts of 
programming (debugging tools.) I do not see KDevelop under any of my 
menu choices, so I must not have picked it when I was choosing what 
packages to install. Am I assuming correctly that by installing that 
program, all necessary applications that support it will be also 
installed, like a dependency?

I will check into Rhide, but would rather stay away from console-level 
management of my programming until I am comfortable with my skills and 
understanding of the creation process. Otherwise, I would be able to use 
the GNU stuff that is so readily available, right?

Is Kylix3 a commercial product that will need to be purchased? I have 
never known Borland to ever give anything away for free. I will do a Web 
search on this, as well.

Thanks, Béla. I have a starting point. If you have any follow-up 
suggestions, or new ideas, please let me know! :-) (You can send that 
via my email address, unless someone else is interested in this?)


Bela Markus wrote:

there are several options.

You can use KDEVELOP as a GUI under X, or RHIDE which is a character
oriented console IDE, like BORLAND's TURBO C or TURBO PASCAL.

Another possibility is BORLAND's KYLIX3 which support C/C++, not only


- Original Message -
From: Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 2:40 PM
Subject: [newbie] GUI-driven Complier/IDE for C/C++

I want to get back into learning to program in C/C++, but want to do so
in Linux. I am a bit comfused about library and program conflicts, so I
am asking anyone with experience in programming within Linux to
recommend the best overall GUI-driven program(s) that would track well
with SAMS books that are referring to M$ Visual C++ in the learning
process. I think text-editor creation and command-line compiling for me
is a down the road thing. I have looked through the 8.2 and 9.0
download distribution (3 CD set), but I am not sure of what I am looking
for, or what libraries and supporting apps need to be loaded to get a
complete, working programming environment.



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] log analyzer for squid? can't get calamaris to work

2002-10-24 Per discussione Kenn Murrah
i have my transparent proxy working now (thanks in no
small part to the generous of some you on this list)
... all that remains to be done now is to find a log
analyzer that works ...

i've tried calamaris running from webmin, but i can't
get it to display my logs ... i've set the path for my
log to var/log/squid/access.log, but it's not working

is calamaris installed by default?  how can i find out
if it's running?  does anyone know what i'm doing

thanks in advance ...

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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell laptop

2002-10-24 Per discussione Technoslick
I finally got around to installing my external Zip 100 drive to one of 
my MDK boxes...

Before I tried to manually install it on my MDK 8.2 computer, I looked 
at several references, one of which from Iomega's own Web site (you 
pointed me there, indirectly.) Those instructions conflicted a bit with 
another set that came up as a high score in Google for what I was 
looking for. I tried it both ways, neither of which helped me get the 
drive to be recognized. I eventually ended up reinstalling 8.2 because I 
think I may have messed up my symlinks and got so terribly confused. On 
install, 8.2 found the drive and took care of everything for me. Phew!

I have been following the numerous supermount problems others have been 
having in the listserv, so I know that it can get flaky. Here's what I 
noticed on mine:

1) If I try to do a listing of the contents of a newly inserted Zip disk 
from the console prompt, it either tells me there is an 'input/output 
error' or that the device does not exist. Which one depends on whether I 
have accessed the drive through X-windows prior to doing this at the 
console level or not.

2) If I go into KDE and click on the Zip drive icon, it tells me I do 
not have permission to access the device.

3) If I then go into Konqueror and try to access '/mnt/zip', it happily 
does so without a problem. As long as I switch to another folder outside 
of '/mnt', switch my zip disks, then go back into '/mnt/zip', Konqueror 
has no problems automounting the disks as I change them.

4) Once I exit out to the console level, doing a listing gives me the 
error as stated in 1). However, I can CD over to the Zip disk and do a 
listing easily enough.

I guess it comes down to knowing the rules of the game, huh? Have you 
noticed about the same, Sharrea?


Sharrea wrote:
On Sunday 20 Oct 2002 10:01 am, Technoslick wrote:

So, your external zip drive was automatically recognized during install?
Is it USB or parallel port?

I have an old parallel port zip drive that I have cursed as much as used
in the past. (really don't like the things) I haven't interacted much
with Iomega, so I can't complain about them. I was just never impressed
with the way their software always screwed up my printers and caused
what seemed like random lock-ups...

I wonder if it would be worth giving it a go in Linux? Does yours work
pretty reliable under MDK?

Mine is an old parallel port zip drive (250MB) and yeah, I don't like my zip 
drive much either... too slow.  However it works flawlessly in linux, no 
problems whatsoever.

A few months back Tom (at least I think it was Tom) had suggested mounting 
your zip drive somewhere other than under the /mnt dir so you don't have to 
wait while the zip disk is read when browsing other mounted devices in the 
/mnt dir.  Seems like a good idea to me, I just haven't gotten around to 
doing so.  Actually, I'll go do it right now!

Get back to us if you have any problems installing your zip drive.


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Re: [newbie] GUI-driven Complier/IDE for C/C++

2002-10-24 Per discussione Spencer
On October 24, 2002 06:33 am, Technoslick wrote:
Another good GUI/IDE is anjuta. It's in the contrib section. I used it a lot 
when I was parallel compiling in Visual C++ and Linux.


 Thanks for such a speedy reply!

 Here's what I have currently loaded and showing off of the 'Development'
 menu of KDE (MDK 9.0):

 Off of 'Development environments'


 Off of 'Tools'

 Cervasia (CVS Frontend)
 KBabel (Translation Tool)
 Kbabel - Catalog Manager
 KBabel - Dictionary
 KBugBuster (KDE Bug Management)
 Kompare (Diff/Patch Frontend)

 I have no idea what most of these are for; my guess is that some are for
 developing the KDE environment and others are related to some acts of
 programming (debugging tools.) I do not see KDevelop under any of my
 menu choices, so I must not have picked it when I was choosing what
 packages to install. Am I assuming correctly that by installing that
 program, all necessary applications that support it will be also
 installed, like a dependency?

 I will check into Rhide, but would rather stay away from console-level
 management of my programming until I am comfortable with my skills and
 understanding of the creation process. Otherwise, I would be able to use
 the GNU stuff that is so readily available, right?

 Is Kylix3 a commercial product that will need to be purchased? I have
 never known Borland to ever give anything away for free. I will do a Web
 search on this, as well.

 Thanks, Béla. I have a starting point. If you have any follow-up
 suggestions, or new ideas, please let me know! :-) (You can send that
 via my email address, unless someone else is interested in this?)


 Bela Markus wrote:
  there are several options.
  You can use KDEVELOP as a GUI under X, or RHIDE which is a character
  oriented console IDE, like BORLAND's TURBO C or TURBO PASCAL.
  Another possibility is BORLAND's KYLIX3 which support C/C++, not only
  - Original Message -
  From: Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 2:40 PM
  Subject: [newbie] GUI-driven Complier/IDE for C/C++
 I want to get back into learning to program in C/C++, but want to do so
 in Linux. I am a bit comfused about library and program conflicts, so I
 am asking anyone with experience in programming within Linux to
 recommend the best overall GUI-driven program(s) that would track well
 with SAMS books that are referring to M$ Visual C++ in the learning
 process. I think text-editor creation and command-line compiling for me
 is a down the road thing. I have looked through the 8.2 and 9.0
 download distribution (3 CD set), but I am not sure of what I am looking
 for, or what libraries and supporting apps need to be loaded to get a
 complete, working programming environment.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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[newbie] Sylpheed - how to send?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Len Lawrence

Nothing but problems these days.  Hearing that pine is deprecated for 
Mandrake 9+ I thought I should try to get used to a graphical client
and Sylpheed seemed the best bet.  It seems awkward after over 10 years
of the simplicity of pine, but it is time to join the 21st century 
community I guess.  Postfix is running fine and picks up incoming mail no
bother once kppp has connected (and boy is that slow! over a minute 
compared with the 4 or 5 seconds using a homegrown chat script on my
old machine).  Sylpheed incorporates the messages OK.  The trouble comes
when posting to the outside world.  An error occurred is reported;
no indication what.  However, it might be related to the configuration
for SMTP servwer (send).  What should that be?  The manual is too terse
to be useful.  postfix did not work.  My .pinerc file lists 
smtp-server=localhost, so I tried that.  Still no joy.  There are a lot
of Sylpheed users out there - how did you do it?

Waiting hopefully

Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] GUI-driven Complier/IDE for C/C++

2002-10-24 Per discussione Technoslick
Thanks for the referral. I took a look at the Anjuti Web site. Very cool 
looking interface! I will probably stay away from it right now because 
it is very beta and I wouldn't know as yet whether a problem was my poor 
programming, ignorance, a program bug, or a combination of all the 
above. :-) This is what I am looking for, though.

Worth checking back to , now and then. It looks like it will be an 
awesome app when nearly finished.

Thanks again.


Spencer wrote:
On October 24, 2002 06:33 am, Technoslick wrote:
Another good GUI/IDE is anjuta. It's in the contrib section. I used it a lot 
when I was parallel compiling in Visual C++ and Linux.


Thanks for such a speedy reply!

Here's what I have currently loaded and showing off of the 'Development'
menu of KDE (MDK 9.0):

Off of 'Development environments'


Off of 'Tools'

Cervasia (CVS Frontend)
KBabel (Translation Tool)
Kbabel - Catalog Manager
KBabel - Dictionary
KBugBuster (KDE Bug Management)
Kompare (Diff/Patch Frontend)

I have no idea what most of these are for; my guess is that some are for
developing the KDE environment and others are related to some acts of
programming (debugging tools.) I do not see KDevelop under any of my
menu choices, so I must not have picked it when I was choosing what
packages to install. Am I assuming correctly that by installing that
program, all necessary applications that support it will be also
installed, like a dependency?

I will check into Rhide, but would rather stay away from console-level
management of my programming until I am comfortable with my skills and
understanding of the creation process. Otherwise, I would be able to use
the GNU stuff that is so readily available, right?

Is Kylix3 a commercial product that will need to be purchased? I have
never known Borland to ever give anything away for free. I will do a Web
search on this, as well.

Thanks, Béla. I have a starting point. If you have any follow-up
suggestions, or new ideas, please let me know! :-) (You can send that
via my email address, unless someone else is interested in this?)


Bela Markus wrote:


there are several options.

You can use KDEVELOP as a GUI under X, or RHIDE which is a character
oriented console IDE, like BORLAND's TURBO C or TURBO PASCAL.

Another possibility is BORLAND's KYLIX3 which support C/C++, not only


- Original Message -
From: Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 2:40 PM
Subject: [newbie] GUI-driven Complier/IDE for C/C++

I want to get back into learning to program in C/C++, but want to do so
in Linux. I am a bit comfused about library and program conflicts, so I
am asking anyone with experience in programming within Linux to
recommend the best overall GUI-driven program(s) that would track well
with SAMS books that are referring to M$ Visual C++ in the learning
process. I think text-editor creation and command-line compiling for me
is a down the road thing. I have looked through the 8.2 and 9.0
download distribution (3 CD set), but I am not sure of what I am looking
for, or what libraries and supporting apps need to be loaded to get a
complete, working programming environment.




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[newbie] Lexmark Z25

2002-10-24 Per discussione Poogle
I'm trying to get one of these to work for a friend with little success, I d/l 
the linux tarball from lexmark and installed it, also installed enscript 
which it apparently needs but then nothing, can anyone offer any 
suggestions please. MD 9.0 BTW

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Re: [newbie] MLdonkey

2002-10-24 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Miark wrote:

This is strictly in the context of eDonkey 2000, but 

1) Visit http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/mldonkey/stable/
2) Download the tarball that applies to you.
3) Untar it.
4) cd into the directory, and run ./mldonkey_gui



Please  can you explain , this is not for ordinary
dialup modem connection then ?

What is edonkey ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] MLdonkey

2002-10-24 Per discussione Miark
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 Please  can you explain , this is not for ordinary
 dialup modem connection then ?

You can use it on a dial-up connection.
 What is edonkey ?

Peer-to-peer filesharing. Check out http://www.edonkey2000.com/


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Re: [newbie] MLdonkey

2002-10-24 Per discussione Miark
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 There are RPMs for MLDonkey 2.0 on PLF now.

 I tried it out but found the user interface incomprehensible. How do you use 

Perform a search under the Queries tab, and the results will come up on the 
Results tab. Double-click the file you want and monitor the download progress
under the Downloads tab. I never use the last four tabs or the Friends tab.

I'm not sure exactly what it does to stay connected to servers, but if you want
it to scan more servers, click the Connect to More Servers button under the 
server tab.


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Re: [newbie] Primary and secondary IDE

2002-10-24 Per discussione Spencer
On October 24, 2002 01:02 pm, Charlie wrote:
 On Thursday 24 October 2002 12:27 pm, Tony Castro wrote:
  Norton Ghost would be able to clone your whole hard
  drive onto the bigger one. I use occasionally to image
  my hard drive and i've never had problems with it.


 That's correct Tony; it probably would do the job and cause no grief. But
 for a few minor sticking points:

 1.) I'll never tell a user they need to buy proprietary software to
 accomplish a task that can be done for free using freely available existing
 tools. The reason is my own but simply put; I don't know whether the budget
 of the original poster has the flexibility to buy an utility that may only
 be used once, and not all demo versions of software will accomplish the
 task(s) required.
 2.) Norton Ghost may be quality software; and work adequately well for most
 people, and give no grief, except it's _Windows software_ and I've seen
 Windows screw things up just because my face didn't display the correct
 expression. Or hadn't bowed to the southwest (from here anyway) and recite
 the Bill Gates is a God mantra three times. GNU/Linux will oops too at
 times, but that's usually a problem in the CTKI (chair to keyboard
 interface. *me* in other words) and doesn't usually commit suicide just
 because it's asked to work from a different address after it's been told
 the new address and has confirmed it knows the new address.
 DISCLAIMER: I don't use file sharing software but know some that do. I
 think it's bad form but that's just my opinion.
 3.) If the answer to 1.) above is Are you kidding? I can download it free
 from KaZaa or edonkey and use it, I don't have to buy it!; I stop giving
 that individual any help with anything.

 Developers and programmers have to eat too. I don't think it's the right
 thing to do and will never advise it. Even as mildly distasteful as I find
 MS software and operating systems I try to help people that I know, but I
 won't help anyone that pirates a copy of anything. If they break it they're
 on their own and good luck to them.

 Just an opinion; and no I don't just run the download edition of Mandrake,
 Red Hat, SuSe (8.1 demo), whatever. I buy box sets when they're available
 and when I intend to continue using it after testing. That usually means
 every second release or more frequently.

Very nicely put Charlie;)))

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Re: [newbie] Preserving /home

2002-10-24 Per discussione bascule
i haven't had any problems with that part of upgrading except that a few 
desktop items lost their icons, and the mandrake control centre icon had the 
wrong path to drakconf, all fixable by right clicking on them and entering 
the correct info, i've run kmail, konqueror all okay so far


On Thursday 24 Oct 2002 7:23 pm, Jordan Elver wrote:
 I am about to install 9.0 on my current 8.2 box. I want to keep my /home
 partition intact. Will any of .kde directories affect the operation of the
 new KDE installation? I'd like to setup KDE from scratch. Or shall I just
 rename the directories and then re-install?


'Why don't I feel angry?' 
(Wyrd Sisters)

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Re: [newbie] Primary and secondary IDE

2002-10-24 Per discussione Charlie
On Thursday 24 October 2002 12:27 pm, Tony Castro wrote:
 Norton Ghost would be able to clone your whole hard
 drive onto the bigger one. I use occasionally to image
 my hard drive and i've never had problems with it.

That's correct Tony; it probably would do the job and cause no grief. But for 
a few minor sticking points:

1.) I'll never tell a user they need to buy proprietary software to accomplish 
a task that can be done for free using freely available existing tools. The 
reason is my own but simply put; I don't know whether the budget of the 
original poster has the flexibility to buy an utility that may only be used 
once, and not all demo versions of software will accomplish the task(s) 
2.) Norton Ghost may be quality software; and work adequately well for most 
people, and give no grief, except it's _Windows software_ and I've seen 
Windows screw things up just because my face didn't display the correct 
expression. Or hadn't bowed to the southwest (from here anyway) and recite 
the Bill Gates is a God mantra three times. GNU/Linux will oops too at 
times, but that's usually a problem in the CTKI (chair to keyboard interface. 
*me* in other words) and doesn't usually commit suicide just because it's 
asked to work from a different address after it's been told the new address 
and has confirmed it knows the new address.
DISCLAIMER: I don't use file sharing software but know some that do. I think 
it's bad form but that's just my opinion.
3.) If the answer to 1.) above is Are you kidding? I can download it free 
from KaZaa or edonkey and use it, I don't have to buy it!; I stop giving 
that individual any help with anything. 

Developers and programmers have to eat too. I don't think it's the right thing 
to do and will never advise it. Even as mildly distasteful as I find MS 
software and operating systems I try to help people that I know, but I won't 
help anyone that pirates a copy of anything. If they break it they're on 
their own and good luck to them.

Just an opinion; and no I don't just run the download edition of Mandrake, Red 
Hat, SuSe (8.1 demo), whatever. I buy box sets when they're available and 
when I intend to continue using it after testing. That usually means every 
second release or more frequently.

Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
The Golden Rule of Arts and Sciences:
He who has the gold makes the rules.

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[newbie] VNC

2002-10-24 Per discussione ivette brusselmans

installed VNC. How do I start up the programme? When I run Console 
VNCserver, i get the following message:[luclocalhost luc]$ vncserver

Warning: localhost.thuis.com:1 is taken because of /tmp/.X11-unix/X1
Remove this file if there is no X server localhost.thuis.com:1

Warning: localhost.thuis.com:2 is taken because of /tmp/.X11-unix/X2
Remove this file if there is no X server localhost.thuis.com:2

New 'X' desktop is localhost.thuis.com:3

Starting applications specified in /home/luc/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /home/luc/.vnc/localhost.thuis.com:3.log

[luclocalhost luc]$

Any ideas?

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Re: [newbie] linux documentation!?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Sharrea
On Friday 25 Oct 2002 11:42 am, Dimitris Adamopoulos wrote:
 Anybody knows where i could find
 linux documentation (pdf or anything else)
 besides www.tldp.org
 I am trying to make a library of books
 that i can't afford to buy from the stores!

http://www.linuxdoc.org has some good stuff.  There's also the Linux 
Cookbook which a google search should find.

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Re: [newbie] X, nVidia drivers ...

2002-10-24 Per discussione Dale Huckeby
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Rainer wrote:

 Where can I find those old .29xx drivers? thanks.
  Go to http://www.nvidia.com/
  Click on Download Drivers
  Click on Linux Display Drivers
  Choose second rather than first driver in list.  That will take you to
the download page for the 2960 driver files.  Good luck!

Dale Huckeby

 - Original Message -
 From: Dale Huckeby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 11:24 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] X, nVidia drivers ...
 . . .
 OK, having said all that, many others have got the nvidia drivers
 working in 9.0 without a hitch.  Oh, I'm so envious.

   I've had devfsd problems before, so anymore I just don't install it.
 I don't know if uninstalling it will have the same benefit, but it's worth
 a shot.  Also, you've probably already been through this, but if you're
 using the nvidia 3123 drivers instead of 2960, that's likely your problem
 right there.  The newer drivers screwed my and apparently some others'
 screens up good.

 Dale Huckeby

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[newbie] Preserving /home

2002-10-24 Per discussione Jordan Elver
I am about to install 9.0 on my current 8.2 box. I want to keep my /home 
partition intact. Will any of .kde directories affect the operation of the 
new KDE installation? I'd like to setup KDE from scratch. Or shall I just 
rename the directories and then re-install?

Jordan Elver
The memory management on the PowerPC can be used to frighten small children. 
--- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Primary and secondary IDE

2002-10-24 Per discussione Tony Castro
Norton Ghost would be able to clone your whole hard
drive onto the bigger one. I use occasionally to image
my hard drive and i've never had problems with it.

--- Charlie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wednesday 23 October 2002 07:24 am, George Baker
  - Original Message -
  From: Charlie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 11:44 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Primary and secondary IDE
   If it were mine I'd put the two CD drives on
 secondary IDE with CD-RW as
   master, and the hard drives on the primary as
 master and slave in
   whatever order you like. Depending whether you
 want to re-install your
   operating system of course. If not the 3.2 will
 have to stay as master on
   IDE channel since most versions of Windows won't
 boot from anywhere else.
  I've heard that Laplink will clone your drive. If
 I understand this
  correctly I can clone my 3.2 gig HD to my new 30
 gig HD and then make the
  30 gig master and it should boot into Windows.
 Does this also clone Lilo
  and my MDK 7.0 partitions? If so it would be great
 but if it at least
  clones the Win partition that would be OK as I
 don't mind reinstalling MDK
  as I was going to upgrade to Ver 8.2 anyway.
  Any info would be appreciated.
  George Baker
 Hi George;
 If you're going to reinstall Linux anyway you may be
 better served by 
 installing the new hard drive and partitioning it
 with diskdrake (or 
 whatever) being sure you preserve the first
 partition for Windows, then 
 moving or copying any personal data you want to keep
 to a partition in that 
 drive. Then wipe and reinstall the operating systems
 as you like after 
 switching that drive to master on the primary IDE
 channel. I personally don't 
 trust any software to move data or clone a drive,
 especially Windows 
 software. I've seen too many people bitten that way.
 Having said that; the easiest and most reliable way
 I've seen to clone a 
 Windows system to a new drive is run from DOS, not
 Windows. Make your 
 partitions on the new drive, leaving room for
 Mandrake to work of course; 
 then at the prompt in DOS using the tree command:
  XCOPY C:\ D:\/h/i/c/k/e/r/y/s  
 There's a space between XCOPY and C:\; a space
 between C:\ and D:\ but NO 
 spaces anywhere else. (the \/ looks as though it's a
  V but it is actually 
 a backslash and a forward slash next to each other.)
 This process _must run 
 in DOS_ not a DOS prompt. You know, from the command
 Then from your Windows bootdisk do fdisk and make
 the new drive active. It 
 should act and appear the way the old one did, just
 a lot BIGGER.
 It's been a long time since I touched this kind of
 process; and my memory 
 isn't what I would deem totally reliable. The syntax
 may be out of whack. :-) 
 Or I am. But you should be able to preserve all of
 the files in any directory 
 including the properties thereto (hidden, system,
 etc) and then be able to do 
 a fresh Windows install on the new drive after
 appropriate selector switching 
 (master IDE0) and use them to restore your
 configuration as it is now.
 I found this link that may help you with your
 'cloning' questions and I 
 (vaguely) recalled some of the information from
 (almost) three years ago; the 
 last time I owned a machine running Windows
 The tree command is on the site! Amazing, I'm not
 the only one to do it that 
 way in the past apparently.

 Best of luck and I hope some of this stuff helps
 Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
 I would have you imagine, then, that there exists in
 the mind of man a block
 of wax...  and that we remember and know what is
 imprinted as long as the
 image lasts; but when the image is effaced, or
 cannot be taken, then we
 forget or do not know.
   -- Plato, Dialogs, Theateus 191
   [Quoted in VMS Internals and Data Structures,
 V4.4, when
referring to image activation and termination.]
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RE: [newbie] Problems with C ++ compiling and LM 9

2002-10-24 Per discussione Gary Armstrong
Just a guess, but I think the new style for includes leaves off the

#include iostream

Good luck

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com] On Behalf Of Dennis Herndon
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 9:15 AM
Subject: [newbie] Problems with C ++ compiling and LM 9

After upgrading to LM 9 - I tried to compile a test program using c++
I'm getting an  error like

In File included from /usr/include/c++/3.2/backward/iostream.h:31, from

.#warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated
header.etc etc etc

Does anyone know what this means?

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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell laptop

2002-10-24 Per discussione Technoslick
If supermount were disabled, why would the Desktop icon open an 
unmounted drive? Wouldn't you 'have' to mount the drive, first?


Ugh. Its why I disabled supermount. Now I can just click on my Zip icon on my 
KDE desktop, and boom! up blows a window with the contents... snip

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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell laptop

2002-10-24 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 24 October 2002 10:05 am, you wrote:
 I finally got around to installing my external Zip 100 drive to one of
 my MDK boxes...

Ugh. Its why I disabled supermount. Now I can just click on my Zip icon on my 
KDE desktop, and boom! up blows a window with the contents. Or right click 
and use the mount option in the menu. Or from a shell type mount /mnt/zip.

  Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] X, nVidia drivers ...

2002-10-24 Per discussione Dale Huckeby
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Sharrea wrote:

 On Thursday 24 Oct 2002 4:52 pm, Rainer wrote:
 after using mdk 8.2 for almost 8 months, i still seem to be unable to get
 the x server and my nvidia card to coexist peacefully. it took me a
 couple of months to get it to be relatively stable after the first
 install. i got the glx and kernel rpms at that time and i believe i had
 to reinstall the kernel drivers from tar.gz. my news readers still froze
 after this (pan, mozilla, knode) but the rest seemed alright. recently, i
 had to reinstall mdk 8.2. i got the latest drivers and my x server won't
 start at all. checked all the documentation i could find, nvidia readme,
 mandrake user nvidia section and i'm still at a loss, the config-4 file
 was fine.

 after spending about 10 hours on this the easiest thing to do seems to be
 to reinstall. but i don't want to go through that again unless i have a
 pretty good idea about what the problem is, and a relatively straight
 forward solution (this is a newbie speaking!) does 9.0 deal better with
 the nvidia geforce2 mx/mx 400? i installed red hat 8.0 and the graphics
 are rock solid so far. i would like to continue with mandrake because
 i've spent some time with it and know it better but not at the expense of
 a monitor that freezes regularly. i'd appreciate an honest answer, i know
 how these distribution biases color peoples judgement. thanks

 Firstly, I apologise for the long message.
 Well... today I have just spent from 7.15am to 6.45pm (minus 1/2 hour lunch 
 break) trying to get the nvidia drivers working in 9.0 AND STILL NO GO!
 Didn't have a problem in 8.1.  I have been trying to get the drivers 
 working on and off for weeks!  I ended up installing RH7.3 (dual boot) just 
 so I can play Quake3 and UT2003.
 I've tried (and retried each many times), the club rpms, source rpms and the 
 tarballs.  I don't know if it has anything to do with it but I'm using the 
 enterprise kernel (1024 MB RAM).  I did get the club enterprise rpm with 
 After installing the drivers (and editing XF86Config-4) I can start FluxBox, 
 BlackBox, Enlightenment, etc but I can't start Gnome or KDE (I use KDE).  
 I get the following error when trying to start KDE as root or user:
 There was an error setting up inter-process
 communications for KDE.  Tthe message returned
 by the system was:
 Could not read network connection list:
 Please check that the dcopserver program is running!
 Then the system takes forever to try to recover when I CTRL+ALT+Backspace 
 but it usually ends up hanging and I use the ALT+SysRq combinations to end 
 process, sync and reboot.
 Also the KDE apps like kedit, kmail, etc won't run in the other WMs but I 
 can play tuxracer and UT2003.
 I checked (many times) that the libglx*, libGL.so* and libGLcore* files are 
 installed correctly.  I tried all the different options for NvAGP and 
 added all sorts of things to /etc/modules.conf.  One thing I noticed is 
 that I only have nvidia0 and nvidiactl in the /dev dir (I don't get 
 nvidia1, nvidia2 or nvidia3, etc).  And another thing I noticed is that 
 stopping the devfsd service on boot and editing /etc/lilo.conf to 
 devfs=nomount (+ running /sbin/lilo afterwards) then rebooting doesn't stop 
 devfsd from starting at boot!  I've been searching all over the net for 
 answers and trying suggestions given to others with a similar problem but 
 like I said, no go.
 Anyway I've rebooted and shutdown about 30-40 times today and I've just 
 about had enough so I think I'll just give up on the nvidia drivers for 
 9.0.  Guess I'll just have to use RH  : (
 OK, having said all that, many others have got the nvidia drivers working in 
 9.0 without a hitch.  Oh, I'm so envious.

  I've had devfsd problems before, so anymore I just don't install it.
I don't know if uninstalling it will have the same benefit, but it's worth
a shot.  Also, you've probably already been through this, but if you're
using the nvidia 3123 drivers instead of 2960, that's likely your problem 
right there.  The newer drivers screwed my and apparently some others' 
screens up good.  

Dale Huckeby

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Re: [newbie] Preserving /home

2002-10-24 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Thursday 24 October 2002 22:08, bascule wrote:
 i haven't had any problems with that part of upgrading except that a few
 desktop items lost their icons, and the mandrake control centre icon had
 the wrong path to drakconf, all fixable by right clicking on them and
 entering the correct info, i've run kmail, konqueror all okay so far


I noticed the same thing and had to change some icons info by adding /usr/bin/ 
or /usr/sbin/.
Strangely enough, after a while they stopped working. Changing the info back 
to the original cleared that again..go figure?!?!?!?

That's about only mishap I had using the 'upgrade' option and frankly this is 
the first time I've ever upgraded that easily.
Standard procedure uptonow: try to upgrade and then repair the mess by doing a 
new install anyway whilst keeping the former /home partition as home-old.:o)

That's progress for ya!

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] Preserving /home

2002-10-24 Per discussione Jordan Elver
Thanks for everyones replies. I think I will backup. If I have problems you'll 
probably here from me again ;-)


On Thursday 24 October 2002 7:57 pm, Gavin Rollins wrote:
 On Friday 25 October 2002 03:23 am, Jordan Elver wrote:
  I am about to install 9.0 on my current 8.2 box. I want to keep my /home
  partition intact. Will any of .kde directories affect the operation of
  the new KDE installation? I'd like to setup KDE from scratch. Or shall I
  just rename the directories and then re-install?


 I'm sure most people on the list will tell you (as they told me..BACK YOUR
 IMPORTANT FILES UP FIRST!!) can't stress that enough. Next, It's always
 best to do a FRESH install.. some files might not want to play with each
 other.. even though they're from the same house...past experience here.

 Remember, Fresh is always best!!
 Hope This Helped a bit! good luck!!

Jordan Elver
I think I'm likely to be certified before Perl is... :-) --- Larry Wall

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Re: [newbie] RedHat email support

2002-10-24 Per discussione Charlie
On Thursday 24 October 2002 03:49 pm, Robert Beach wrote:
 Just curious if anyone here knows what the support email address for RedHat
 Linux would be?
 Can't seem to find it on Redhat.com

Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
What!?  Me worry?
-- Alfred E. Newman

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[newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Joe Harkins
I just installed ML9. During setup I choose the option of a single user. I 
set the root correctly, etc. (I had M* so I just repeated what I'd 
previously setup)

Now, on boot, the sys gets to the user login prompt and stops. It does not 
proceed to open the program. So, after giving al the time it wants and when 
nothing happens other than a few murmurs from the HD,

I enter my user name joe


password: (I enter my password) and hit enter

I get a prompt [joelocalhost joe]$

followed by a blinking cursor and a cursing user.

So what does the sys want? And why does it not proceed to autoboot as M8 
used to?


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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed - how to send?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 15:22:28 +0100 (BST)
Len Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nothing but problems these days.  Hearing that pine is deprecated for 
 Mandrake 9+ I thought I should try to get used to a graphical client
 and Sylpheed seemed the best bet.  It seems awkward after over 10 years
 of the simplicity of pine, but it is time to join the 21st century 
 community I guess.  Postfix is running fine and picks up incoming mail
 no bother once kppp has connected (and boy is that slow! over a minute 
 compared with the 4 or 5 seconds using a homegrown chat script on my
 old machine).  Sylpheed incorporates the messages OK.  The trouble comes
 when posting to the outside world.  An error occurred is reported;
 no indication what.  However, it might be related to the configuration
 for SMTP servwer (send).  What should that be?  The manual is too terse
 to be useful.  postfix did not work.  My .pinerc file lists 
 smtp-server=localhost, so I tried that.  Still no joy.  There are a
 lot of Sylpheed users out there - how did you do it?
 Waiting hopefully

Just go to Configuration  Preferences for Current Account  Basic and
under Server Information select None (local) and for SMTP server (send)
give your domain.

I'm using Sylpheed-Claws 0.8.2, but I think that config doesn't change
much from version to version.


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Re: [newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 18:13:45 -0400
Joe Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just installed ML9. During setup I choose the option of a single user.
 I set the root correctly, etc. (I had M* so I just repeated what I'd 
 previously setup)
 Now, on boot, the sys gets to the user login prompt and stops. It does
 not proceed to open the program. So, after giving al the time it wants
 and when nothing happens other than a few murmurs from the HD,
 I enter my user name joe
 password: (I enter my password) and hit enter
 I get a prompt [joe@localhost joe]@$
 followed by a blinking cursor and a cursing user.
 So what does the sys want? And why does it not proceed to autoboot as M8
 used to?

startx? (Speaking about 8.2--go to the control center  boot  boot
configuration and check automatically start x or something to that
effect. At least I think that addresses your problem.)


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Re: [newbie] VNC

2002-10-24 Per discussione RichardA
ivette brusselmans, Thursday 24 October 2002 20:15:
 installed VNC. How do I start up the programme? When I run Console
 VNCserver, i get the following message:[luclocalhost luc]$ vncserver

 Warning: localhost.thuis.com:1 is taken because of /tmp/.X11-unix/X1
 Remove this file if there is no X server localhost.thuis.com:1

 Warning: localhost.thuis.com:2 is taken because of /tmp/.X11-unix/X2
 Remove this file if there is no X server localhost.thuis.com:2

 New 'X' desktop is localhost.thuis.com:3

 Starting applications specified in /home/luc/.vnc/xstartup
 Log file is /home/luc/.vnc/localhost.thuis.com:3.log

 [luclocalhost luc]$

 Any ideas?

I think it /is/ starting. Find out with ps -A|grep vnc.
Delete those lock files in /tmp/.X11-unix/ and restart it so it will run on X 
server 1.
I launch it with:

$vncserver -depth 16 -geometry 800x600

On the other box I do:

$vncviewer server i.p.:1

Also, I think /etc/X11/kdm/Xaccess needs a * on one line.


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Re: [newbie] Kmails New Mail Beep

2002-10-24 Per discussione Chris
On Thursday 24 October 2002 05:20 am, you said, and I quote:
 On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 19:42:41 -0500

 Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'd like to replace the annoying 'beep' with You've Got Mail but for
  the life of me I can't figure out how to do it.  Any help would be

 Settings  configure kmail  network  receiving  new mail
 notification  check execute command line and uncheck beep :-)
 If you are using KDE's artsd soundserver this is a possible command:
 artsplay something.wav.


Thanks works great. 

  Registered Linux user #283774 @ http://counter.li.org
  5:55pm  up 3 days, 33 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.14, 0.14

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Re: [newbie] Preserving /home

2002-10-24 Per discussione Robin Turner
Jordan Elver wrote:

I am about to install 9.0 on my current 8.2 box. I want to keep my /home 
partition intact. Will any of .kde directories affect the operation of the 
new KDE installation? I'd like to setup KDE from scratch. Or shall I just 
rename the directories and then re-install?

I had no problems installing 9.0 with 8.1 home directories.

Sir Robin

A free man ought not to learn anything under duress.
Compulsory physical exercise does no harm to the body,
but compulsory learning never sticks in the mind. - Plato

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533


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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice....

2002-10-24 Per discussione Joseph Braddock
If you installed OO from the .tar.gz file, it installed in the directory you 
specified, most likely under /usr/share/OpenOffice.org or something like that.  The 
problem is that that directory is not in your path.  You have two solutions, either 
add it to your path or create symlinks under /usr/bin (which is in your path).  
Actually, there is a third option - download and use the Mandrake RPMS for OO and you 
won't have to worry about it.  The links will show in your menu and the program files 
will be in /usr/bin.


On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 23:06:47 -0400
Ralph M. Los [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, so if I want to make my own menu items, say for the sake of argument
 I want to use BlackBox...where are the binaries for these?  I can't seem
 to find them...I guess I'm just looking in the wrong places?
 -Original Message-
 From: BCSoft@TowerTraining [mailto:bcsoft;towertraining.net] 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 10:52 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] OpenOffice
 I installed OO from the .tar.gz file and can run it if I go to the
 directory it is in but when I try to use the menu editor to put a (what
 alias?) on the menu bar I get an error message saying the executable
 can't be found. Won't the K menu (yep, using KDE) handle a script? R
 Richard L. Babcock, Owner
 Tower Training
 At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You! www.towertraining.net
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Derek Jennings
  Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 7:26 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] OpenOffice
  On Wednesday 23 Oct 2002 1:12 pm, DaveA wrote:
   Hi y'all. Just installed my first program - OpenOffice 1.0.1 (and 
   learnt heaps along the way!)  Being a refugee from the Windoze 
   world, and VERY new to Linux, I sort of expected that the install 
   would automatically create some shortcuts in the Start Menu, but I
   can's see anything. Maybe I need to logout and back in or somethin'?
   TIA, DaveA.
  It would do if you had installed OpenOffice 1.0.1 from the RPM on your
  9.0 install CD.
  But if you install from the .tar.gz file from OpenOffice.org it will 
  The Mandrake RPM version will also be better at picking up system 
  fonts, and printers.

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Re: [newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Joe Harkins
At 06:19 PM 10/24/2002 -0400, you wrote:

startx? (Speaking about 8.2--go to the control center  boot  boot
configuration and check automatically start x or something to that
effect. At least I think that addresses your problem.)

Thanks. It's a start. (no pun intended)

What it startx got me was a series of lines . . .

xauth: creating new authority for /joe/.Xauthority
xauth: creating new authority for /joe/.Xauthority

xinit: no such file or directory (errno 2) :unable to connect to server
xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error
[joelocalhost joe]$

In other words, it return me to the prompt at which I entered startx.

I suspect this the new issue arises because I had work done on my computer 
and got it back only yesterday. I run Win on the Primary HD. Before that 
work, the prinary drive was (and remains hdda) slave drive was partitioned 
as hdd1 through hdd6.

The work included installing a CD R/W and the techie installed it as hdd. 
The slave drive is now hdb.

When I installed M9, I only put it on /, leaving /home and the swap as 
they had been in order under M8 to save the data on /home.

So it that configuration the cause of the inability to find /joe/home? Or 
am I off the mark?

Can you suggest how I can fix the problem?


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Re: [newbie] SLIGHT CORRECTION what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Joe Harkins

Correction: I left out the /home.

xauth: creating new authority for /home/joe/.Xauthority
xauth: creating new authority for /home/joe/.Xauthority

xinit: no such file or directory (errno 2) :unable to connect to server
xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error
[joelocalhost joe]$

In other words, it return me to the prompt at which I entered startx.

I suspect this the new issue arises because I had work done on my computer 
and got it back only yesterday. I run Win on the Primary HD. Before that 
work, the primary drive was (and remains) hda - ALSO CORRECTED - not hdda 
- slave drive was partitioned as hdd1 through hdd6.

The work included installing a CD R/W and the techie installed it as hdd. 
The slave drive is now hdb.

When I installed M9, I only put it on /, leaving /home and the swap as 
they had been in order under M8 to save the data on /home.

So it that configuration the cause of the inability to find /joe/home? Or 
am I off the mark?

Can you suggest how I can fix the problem?


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 19:18:40 -0400
Joe Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 06:19 PM 10/24/2002 -0400, you wrote:
 startx? (Speaking about 8.2--go to the control center  boot  boot
 configuration and check automatically start x or something to that
 effect. At least I think that addresses your problem.)
 Thanks. It's a start. (no pun intended)
 What it startx got me was a series of lines . . .
 xauth: creating new authority for /joe/.Xauthority
 xauth: creating new authority for /joe/.Xauthority
 xinit: no such file or directory (errno 2) :unable to connect to server
 xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error
 [joe@localhost joe]$
 In other words, it return me to the prompt at which I entered startx.
 I suspect this the new issue arises because I had work done on my
 computer and got it back only yesterday. I run Win on the Primary HD.
 Before that work, the prinary drive was (and remains hdda) slave drive
 was partitioned as hdd1 through hdd6.
 The work included installing a CD R/W and the techie installed it as
 hdd. The slave drive is now hdb.
 When I installed M9, I only put it on /, leaving /home and the swap as
 they had been in order under M8 to save the data on /home.
 So it that configuration the cause of the inability to find /joe/home?
 Or am I off the mark?
 Can you suggest how I can fix the problem?

You're getting beyond my level of experience, but it sounds like you have
a problem with the X server. I'd probably try to repair the install, but
I'll defer to others here who have more expertise. Sorry :(


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Re: [newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Spencer
On October 24, 2002 04:18 pm, Joe Harkins wrote:
 At 06:19 PM 10/24/2002 -0400, you wrote:
 startx? (Speaking about 8.2--go to the control center  boot  boot
 configuration and check automatically start x or something to that
 effect. At least I think that addresses your problem.)

 Thanks. It's a start. (no pun intended)

 What it startx got me was a series of lines . . .

 xauth: creating new authority for /joe/.Xauthority
 xauth: creating new authority for /joe/.Xauthority

 xinit: no such file or directory (errno 2) :unable to connect to server
 xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error
 [joelocalhost joe]$

 In other words, it return me to the prompt at which I entered startx.

 I suspect this the new issue arises because I had work done on my computer
 and got it back only yesterday. I run Win on the Primary HD. Before that
 work, the prinary drive was (and remains hdda) slave drive was partitioned
 as hdd1 through hdd6.

 The work included installing a CD R/W and the techie installed it as hdd.
 The slave drive is now hdb.

 When I installed M9, I only put it on /, leaving /home and the swap as
 they had been in order under M8 to save the data on /home.

 So it that configuration the cause of the inability to find /joe/home? Or
 am I off the mark?

 Can you suggest how I can fix the problem?

I don't know if it will help but we'll try. It sounds like when they installed 
your burner, they scrambled the location of your partitions. As root do the 
following. Type 'dmesg' in console. This will give you your exact location of 
harddrives,cd and burner. Still in console, type 'df -t'. This will give you 
the location of your partitions. Have a look at /etc/fstab. Does fstab agree 
with df -t? If not, you can edit fstab with vi. Now if that scares the hell 
out of you, identify exactly where your /home partition is, re-install ML9 
leaving /home untouched. This will also re-establish your X-server (plus give 
you support for the new burner if you didn't have one before). Good luck and 
let us know how you make out.


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Re: [newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Joe Harkins
At 05:35 PM 10/24/2002 -0700, you wrote:

I don't know if it will help but we'll try. It sounds like when they 
your burner, they scrambled the location of your partitions. As root do the
following. Type 'dmesg' in console.

Can't do that. Please keep in mind that attempts to boot are not completed. 
I never get to past the login prompt. Or am I missing something? Is what 
you describe something that can be done by interrupting booting at some 
point before that?

Thanks, Joe

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Re: [newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Spencer
On October 24, 2002 05:58 pm, Joe Harkins wrote:
 At 05:35 PM 10/24/2002 -0700, you wrote:
 I don't know if it will help but we'll try. It sounds like when they
 your burner, they scrambled the location of your partitions. As root do
  the following. Type 'dmesg' in console.

 Can't do that. Please keep in mind that attempts to boot are not completed.
 I never get to past the login prompt. Or am I missing something? Is what
 you describe something that can be done by interrupting booting at some
 point before that?

 Thanks, Joe
You can do all of it from the login prompt. When you have the prompt, login as 
root. Keep in mind that you don't have X so you're automatically in console .

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Re: [newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Joe Harkins
At 06:05 PM 10/24/2002 -0700, you wrote:

You can do all of it from the login prompt. When you have the prompt, 
login as
root. Keep in mind that you don't have X so you're automatically in console .

here's what I get:

localhost login: root
password: (pw entered)

[rootlocalhost root]#

(long list of lines, none of which mention hard drives, cd, burner or at 
least nothing that I recognize as such) followed by:

[rootlocalhost root]# dmesg (enter)

-bash: df-t: command not found

[rootlocalhost root]#

By the way, please tell me how to shut down from the root or local prompt 
without turning off the machine. I've tried quit, exit, q and a whole 
bunch of familiar shutdown hoepfuls, none of which work.

Anyway, as you can see, I'm either not understanding what you are 
suggesting and not following your advice correctly or something else is 
happening that isn't supposed to.


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Re: [newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Spencer
On October 24, 2002 06:35 pm, Joe Harkins wrote:
 At 06:05 PM 10/24/2002 -0700, you wrote:
 You can do all of it from the login prompt. When you have the prompt,
 login as
 root. Keep in mind that you don't have X so you're automatically in
  console .

 here's what I get:

 localhost login: root
 password: (pw entered)

 [rootlocalhost root]#

 (long list of lines, none of which mention hard drives, cd, burner or at
 least nothing that I recognize as such) followed by:

 [rootlocalhost root]# dmesg (enter)

 -bash: df-t: command not found

 [rootlocalhost root]#

 By the way, please tell me how to shut down from the root or local prompt
 without turning off the machine. I've tried quit, exit, q and a whole
 bunch of familiar shutdown hoepfuls, none of which work.

 Anyway, as you can see, I'm either not understanding what you are
 suggesting and not following your advice correctly or something else is
 happening that isn't supposed to.

Alt/Ctrl Backspace should get you back to login. While in root, try startx

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Re: [newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Michael Viron
They will be listed as hda through hdd -- it'll look something like:

hda: Maxtor 90645D3, ATA DISK drive
hdb: MAXTOR 4K060H3, ATA DISK drive
hdd: MAXTOR 4K060H3, ATA DISK drive

By the way, it's 'df -T' (with a space between the 'df' and the '-T').  The
output of this will look something like:

FilesystemType   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1 ext2 1027768129432846128  14% /
none tmpfs  321448 0321448   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hdb1 reiserfs58631516   8326104  50305412  15% /home
/dev/hdd1 reiserfs58631516  30413992  28217524  52% /isos
/dev/hda6 reiserfs 3068280   2593576474704  85% /usr
/dev/hda7 reiserfs 1662640131240   1531400   8% /var

Type in 'shutdown -h now' (and yes, there is a space between 'shutdown' and
'-h' and '-h' and 'now'.) to shutdown your computer.  Depending on your
security level, you may have to be logged in as root to do so.


Michael Viron
Project Manager / Primary Developer / Manager of Online Operations
General Education Online

At 09:35 PM 10/24/2002 -0400, you wrote:
At 06:05 PM 10/24/2002 -0700, you wrote:
You can do all of it from the login prompt. When you have the prompt, 
login as
root. Keep in mind that you don't have X so you're automatically in
console .

here's what I get:

localhost login: root
password: (pw entered)

[rootlocalhost root]#

(long list of lines, none of which mention hard drives, cd, burner or at 
least nothing that I recognize as such) followed by:

[rootlocalhost root]# dmesg (enter)

-bash: df-t: command not found

[rootlocalhost root]#

By the way, please tell me how to shut down from the root or local prompt 
without turning off the machine. I've tried quit, exit, q and a whole 
bunch of familiar shutdown hoepfuls, none of which work.

Anyway, as you can see, I'm either not understanding what you are 
suggesting and not following your advice correctly or something else is 
happening that isn't supposed to.


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Spencer
On October 24, 2002 06:35 pm, Joe Harkins wrote:
 At 06:05 PM 10/24/2002 -0700, you wrote:
 You can do all of it from the login prompt. When you have the prompt,
 login as
 root. Keep in mind that you don't have X so you're automatically in
  console .

 here's what I get:

 localhost login: root
 password: (pw entered)

 [rootlocalhost root]#

 (long list of lines, none of which mention hard drives, cd, burner or at
 least nothing that I recognize as such) followed by:

 [rootlocalhost root]# dmesg (enter)

 -bash: df-t: command not found

 [rootlocalhost root]#

 By the way, please tell me how to shut down from the root or local prompt
 without turning off the machine. I've tried quit, exit, q and a whole
 bunch of familiar shutdown hoepfuls, none of which work.

 Anyway, as you can see, I'm either not understanding what you are
 suggesting and not following your advice correctly or something else is
 happening that isn't supposed to.

I stand corrected. 'Exit should return you to login.

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Re: [newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Sharrea
On Friday 25 Oct 2002 2:35 pm, Joe Harkins wrote:
 By the way, please tell me how to shut down from the root or local prompt
 without turning off the machine. I've tried quit, exit, q and a
 whole bunch of familiar shutdown hoepfuls, none of which work.

To shutdown, at the prompt just type:

halt enter

To reboot type:

reboot enter

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Re: [newbie] S3 Savage 2000 and XFree86 4.2.1 problems

2002-10-24 Per discussione Michael Notforyou
On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 16:16, Joan Tur wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Es Dilluns 21 Octubre 2002 05:51, en shipahoy va escriure:
  My S3 Savage works well in Mandrake 9.0 with XFree 4.21 once you update
  to the latest 1.1.25t driver from http://www.probo.com/timr/savage40.html.
  This driver solved the Zine hang for me and, even better, it adds xgamma.
 One (newbie) question: the make command doesn't compile the kernel... what 
 should I run to compile it??  8-)

First you configure it using:
make config
make menuconfig
make xconfig

Then, here's the basic sequence of compile parameters that I use (some
people use different ones):

make dep
make clean
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install

Then copy the image (/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/bzImage - I think.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.) to your /boot (use a different name
probably) and configure LILO/GRUB.

 - -- 
   Joan Tur. Eivissa-Spain
  AOL quini2k,  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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*Michael Notforyou*
Registered Linux User #197888
Registered Linux Machine #166780

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RE: [newbie] Problems with C ++ compiling and LM 9

2002-10-24 Per discussione Michael Notforyou
On Thu, 2002-10-24 at 13:02, Gary Armstrong wrote:
 Just a guess, but I think the new style for includes leaves off the
 #include iostream

I think so, but there are reasons to use the .h.

i.e. the iomanip library. If you're using the APSTRING class (Advanced
Placement Computer Science course - College level course taken in High
School), which includes iostream, and conflicts with namespace std, you
can't use #include iomanip, because you'd need to declare namespace
std, but there's a conflict. If you use #include iomanip.h, a
namespace declaration is not needed, so...

There are reasons for depreciated headers.

 Good luck
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com] On Behalf Of Dennis Herndon
 Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 9:15 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Problems with C ++ compiling and LM 9
 After upgrading to LM 9 - I tried to compile a test program using c++
 I'm getting an  error like
 In File included from /usr/include/c++/3.2/backward/iostream.h:31, from
 .#warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated
 header.etc etc etc
 Does anyone know what this means?

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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*Michael Notforyou*
Registered Linux User #197888
Registered Linux Machine #166780

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Dedicated firewall machine

2002-10-24 Per discussione Nikolai Razouvayev
Hi everyone
I've got a spare Pentium 200 collecting dust at the moment so I decided
to turn it into my gateway box for my home machine.It's got I think
what's needed to run Mandrake 9.0, i.e. 64 MB of RAM, 2 Gig disk and an
adequate CPU (I think) plus 2 spare NICs I can use (although one is a
USB one).

Can anyone point me to a place where I can read up on how to go about
setting up a gateway box with a single purpose in life of being my
firewall or maybe briefly outline what I need to do?

A couple of words about my main machine - it's a dual boot Mandrake
9.0/Win XP Pro, I use both systems for my work (Photoshop, Flash on XP)
so I guess I need Samba to be running when I'm using XP, I'm connected
via a cable through DHCP, I'm planning to run Apache from time to time
for testing (I do web development) but no other usual services, they
will be all shut down.

Any suggestions?


PS - my cable connection came with an USB NIC and I had no luck making
it work, back then I was running Mandrake 8.2, so I had to replace it
with something less fancy. Now I'm wondering, since I'm running Mandrake
9 now if that USB NIC is supported now. It's an SMC 2206 USB/Eth thingy.

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Re: [newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Robert Delaporte
 By the way, please tell me how to shut down from the root or local prompt
 without turning off the machine. I've tried quit, exit, q and a whole
 bunch of familiar shutdown hoepfuls, none of which work.

 Anyway, as you can see, I'm either not understanding what you are
 suggesting and not following your advice correctly or something else is
 happening that isn't supposed to.


To shutdown, try typing shutdown now


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[newbie] urpmi

2002-10-24 Per discussione Robert Delaporte
I have seen a couple mentions in news groups comparing urpmi to apt-get.  I 
have debian on my other box just for learning reasons, and I cant see urpmi 
being even close.  I have tried putting different sources on my list, but it 
either cant connect half the time or it cant get the required dependacies.  
Is there anyone with a sample urpmi setup that works well?



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Re: [newbie] what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-24 Per discussione Spencer
On October 24, 2002 06:52 pm, Michael Viron wrote:
 They will be listed as hda through hdd -- it'll look something like:

 hda: Maxtor 90645D3, ATA DISK drive
 hdb: MAXTOR 4K060H3, ATA DISK drive
 hdd: MAXTOR 4K060H3, ATA DISK drive

 By the way, it's 'df -T' (with a space between the 'df' and the '-T').  The
 output of this will look something like:
Oh sigh. I keep forgetting if that option is upper or lower case. Thanks;)

 FilesystemType   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda1 ext2 1027768129432846128  14% /
 none tmpfs  321448 0321448   0% /dev/shm
 /dev/hdb1 reiserfs58631516   8326104  50305412  15% /home
 /dev/hdd1 reiserfs58631516  30413992  28217524  52% /isos
 /dev/hda6 reiserfs 3068280   2593576474704  85% /usr
 /dev/hda7 reiserfs 1662640131240   1531400   8% /var

 Type in 'shutdown -h now' (and yes, there is a space between 'shutdown' and
 '-h' and '-h' and 'now'.) to shutdown your computer.  Depending on your
 security level, you may have to be logged in as root to do so.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] MLdonkey

2002-10-24 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What I was hoping for is, You see Rich, mldonkey is use for . and is
really cool because it  but you have to watch out for  and it's
Something like that.
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Miark
 Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 12:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] MLdonkey

 This is strictly in the context of eDonkey 2000, but

 1) Visit http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/mldonkey/stable/
 2) Download the tarball that applies to you.
 3) Untar it.
 4) cd into the directory, and run ./mldonkey_gui


 BCSoft@TowerTraining [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

  Ok, explain what this is to me. I download a lot of stuff and
 would love the
  increased speed.

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Re: [newbie] Mail

2002-10-24 Per discussione Paul Dimitriu
Actually, I want to create one of these, so I need to
know how I access this file.

--- Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is that what you are looking for ?
 On Thursday 24 Oct 2002 4:07 pm, Hot Karl wrote:
  I'm trying to create a web interface so I can
  my mail (kinda like AOL, Hotmail, etc.)  The only
  problem I have is how to access my imap mail file.
  This is a file that only allows the owner to
  it.  My question is this:  How do I access this
  Do you Yahoo!?
  Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
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Do you Yahoo!?
Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] MLdonkey

2002-10-24 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
So how is this related to the gnutella network?
 John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
  Please  can you explain , this is not for ordinary
  dialup modem connection then ?
 You can use it on a dial-up connection.
  What is edonkey ?
 Peer-to-peer filesharing. Check out http://www.edonkey2000.com/

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