[newbie-it] host.deny

2003-01-03 Per discussione Paolo Tomiato
Mi ritrovo sempre impossibilitato ad accedere ai miei server smtp e pop3
dall'esterno da una istruzione in host.deny che recita cosi':

ALL:ALL DENY  (sono in ufficio e vado a memoria quindi potrebbe non
essere proprio quella esatta)

il vero problema e' che se la vado a commentare:


allora tutto funziona e riesco a scaricare e mandare la posta perfettamente
anche dalle macchine esterne ma dopo un po' non ho capito bene quale demone me
la riscrive paro-paro in una riga successiva e mi si blocca tutto di nuovo.

Non vi sto a descrivere quale confusione ho in testa riguardo a xinetd, inetd e
tcp wrappers aspetto lumi.

Re: [newbie-it] scheda audio: mi arrendo

2003-01-03 Per discussione carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
From: LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] scheda audio: mi arrendo

 Alle 01:00, mercoledì 18 dicembre 2002, carmine de pasquale ha
  il pc in questione è uno degli ultimi con bus isa (asus p2b con p2
  300@600) e vorrei sapere se qualcuno sa se la scheda audio ESS 1868
  plug pRay audiodrive funziona o sa indicarmi qualche scheda audio
  sotto i 10 euro (non mi servono prestazioni base solo per sentire
  qualche suono nelle casse) PCI 100% compatibile con mandrake

 La scheda non compare nel database dell'hardware riconosciuto
 consapevolmente da MDK.


 Lavorandoci un pochino dovrebbe pero' funzionare bene:
 Usando i driver alsa, il procedimento e' qui:

 Un altro link utile e' questo (per gli OSS):

già fatto. resta muta

 P.S. per quanto riguarda l'overclock (ottima idea ;)) verifica che il
 sia sempre in specifica o cmq non molto distante (8-10 MHz), le schede
 audio sono mooolto sensibili alle variazioni di frequenza)

ovvio e ho provato anche a frequenza di specifica

 P.S.-bis: per far riconoscere la ISA PnP segnati i dati utili per il
 rilevamento della stessa (indirizzi I/O, IRQ, DMA ecc...) e dovrai
 seguire il procedimento (per la parte relativa agli ISA) in
 http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Plug-and-Play-HOWTO.html (oppure
 http://ildp.pluto.linux.it/HOWTO/Plug-and-Play-HOWTO.html ),
 http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=3269 [anche se datato],
 nonche' la documentazione degli isapnptools, anche se e' molto
 che la distribuzione gia' si faccia carico del rilevamento.

 GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 ** k 2.4.20-acpi+preempt+lowlat+pktwrt
 LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583

beh, comunque ho risolto con uno scambio con una ess-maestro1 con un
amico che usa solo videogiochi e che quindi non è attratto dai pinguini
e che funziona in maniera divina

ti ringrazio per la risposta


[newbie-it] spostamento della partizione /home

2003-01-03 Per discussione carmine de pasquale
dovendo cambiare un hard disk, vorrei fare in maniera rapida il backup
della partizione che contiene le cartelle /home per spostarla su un
nuovo hard disk. In pratica devo salvare tutto (impostazioni e permessi
compresi), spegnere, sostituire l'hd e ripristinare il tutto sul nuovo
hd senza fare casini.

approfitto per fare gli auguri a tutta la lista

[newbie-it] configurazione scheda di rete SuperLanUSB10/100

2003-01-03 Per discussione Loredana
Ciao a tutti

ho un problema con la configurazione della nuova
scheda di rete che ho dovuto comprare per servirmi di
Ho due sistemi operativi e per quanto riguarda Windows
la connessione è attiva.

Sono veramente una dilettante nell'usare Linux quindi
avrei bisogno di una guida alla configurazione
veramente 'elementare'
Ho cercato di utilizzare il Mandrake Control Center
(ho la Mandrake 8.0) per effettuare la Configurazione.
L'interfaccia è precisamente:
SuperLan 10/100 USB Ethernet Adapter

Ad un certo punto mi chiede:
-Come vuoi connetterti a Internet?
ed io scelgo : - Connessione LAN

quindi incalza:
- quale driver net dovrei provare?
mi compare un elenco, io li ho provati tutti, tra cui
anche: RTL 8129/8139, RTL -8139

ma il tentativo risulta FALLITO

Cos'è che devo fare?
Scusate per il linguaggio elementare...

un saluto

Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per le tue feste!

Re: [newbie-it] host.deny

2003-01-03 Per discussione Paolo Tomiato
Scusate un piccolo errore di dgtazione, l'indirizzo ip ovviamente e' e non


- Original Message -
From: Paolo Tomiato [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 9:57 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] host.deny

| Mi ritrovo sempre impossibilitato ad accedere ai miei server smtp e pop3
| dall'esterno da una istruzione in host.deny che recita cosi':
| ALL:ALL DENY  (sono in ufficio e vado a memoria quindi potrebbe non
| essere proprio quella esatta)
| il vero problema e' che se la vado a commentare:
| allora tutto funziona e riesco a scaricare e mandare la posta perfettamente
| anche dalle macchine esterne ma dopo un po' non ho capito bene quale demone me
| la riscrive paro-paro in una riga successiva e mi si blocca tutto di nuovo.
| Non vi sto a descrivere quale confusione ho in testa riguardo a xinetd, inetd
| tcp wrappers aspetto lumi.

Re:[newbie-it] configurazione scheda di rete SuperLanUSB10/100

2003-01-03 Per discussione Marco Forti
Una domanda per capire meglio e poterti aiutarti: che scheda è?
Cioè è una scheda ethernet collegata ad una porta USB o cosa??



Re: [newbie-it] configurazione scheda di rete SuperLanUSB10/100

2003-01-03 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 11:23, venerdì 3 gennaio 2003, Loredana ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti

 un saluto

nemmeno io sono esperto nella configurazione di schede di rete. Credo, però, 
che tu debba partire dall'identificazione del chipset montato sulla tua 
scheda (al di là della marca commerciale), per verificare se esista un 
driver adatto. In questi casi è sempre meglio informarsi prima: 
recentemente ho dovuto montare una scheda di rete sul PC di mia sorella 
(che usa Linux), ed ho chiesto e cercato prima informazioni su quale 
chipset adottare. Il risultato è stato che la scheda è stata perfettamente 
riconosciuta da Mandrake.
Il mio consiglio è anche quello di inviare una email al produttore della 
scheda, chiedendo se esista un driver per Linux.
A presto,



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la 
numerazione binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

[newbie-it] puntatore mouse fantasma?

2003-01-03 Per discussione Mario Cancellieri
Buongiorno a tutti,
sono un neofita di linux. Ho appena installato la Mandrake 9 su una 
partizione del mio Hd e, incredibile dictu, è andato tutto bene, linux e 
windows Xp funzionano entrambi.
L'unico problema è che sia in il puntatore del mouse non viene 
visualizzato, al suo posto c'è una sorta di quadrato la cui area è colorata 
da strisce nere. Come posso risolvere il mio problema?
Ho letto da qualche parte che dovrei modificare un parametro all'interno 
del XF86Config che è allocato sotto /home/etc/X11. Il parametro dovrebbe 
esseew SW_CURSOR. E' giusto?
Come ci si arriva e cosa dovrei fare?

salve a tutti e grazie anticipatamente a chi mi vorra' aiutare.



2003-01-03 Per discussione Loredana
--- Marco_Forti ha scritto:
  Una domanda per capire meglio e poterti aiutarti:
  che scheda è?
  Cioè è una scheda ethernet collegata ad una porta
  USB o cosa??

 Sì è una scheda di rete su porta USB 
Aggiungo che:
in realtà nel libretto allegato ci sono delle
istruzioni per la Configurazione per LINUX ma mi
sembrano un po' complicate per me, speravo, mediante
il Mandrake Control Center, di riuscire a fare la
configurazione in modo più 'automatico'.

Riporto comunque qualcosa scritta sul libretto, forse
può essere d'aiuto:

Compilare: gcc -DMODULE -D_KERNEL_ -c rtl8150.c

Inserire il driver come modulo: insmod rtl8139.o
(eseguire 'Ismod' per vedere se il modulo è inserito) 

Associare un indirizzo IP al vostro adattatore USB:


Se servono le riporterò integralmente.

Secondo voi è il caso che mi avventuri ad eseguire
tale tipo di istruzioni? (che immagino dovrò esguire
come utente root)


Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per le tue feste!

Re: [newbie-it] puntatore mouse fantasma?

2003-01-03 Per discussione Fabio Cinti
Alle 10:49, venerdì 3 gennaio 2003, Mario Cancellieri ha scritto:
 Buongiorno a tutti,
 sono un neofita di linux. Ho appena installato la Mandrake 9 su una
 partizione del mio Hd e, incredibile dictu, è andato tutto bene, linux e
 windows Xp funzionano entrambi.
 L'unico problema è che sia in il puntatore del mouse non viene
 visualizzato, al suo posto c'è una sorta di quadrato la cui area è colorata
 da strisce nere. Come posso risolvere il mio problema?
 Ho letto da qualche parte che dovrei modificare un parametro all'interno
 del XF86Config che è allocato sotto /home/etc/X11. Il parametro dovrebbe
 esseew SW_CURSOR. E' giusto?
 Come ci si arriva e cosa dovrei fare?

purtroppo il mio unico aiuto è che capitò anche a me con una versione 
precedente, la souzione è stata cambiare la versione della Mandrake,
un pò brutale però ha funzionato

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione scheda di rete SuperLanUSB10/100

2003-01-03 Per discussione Giovanni Coan
 --- Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
Alle 11:23, venerdì 3 gennaio 2003, Loredana ha
  Ciao a tutti
  un saluto
 nemmeno io sono esperto nella configurazione di
 schede di rete. Credo, però, 
 che tu debba partire dall'identificazione del
 chipset montato sulla tua 
 scheda (al di là della marca commerciale), per
 verificare se esista un 
 driver adatto. In questi casi è sempre meglio
 informarsi prima: 
 recentemente ho dovuto montare una scheda di rete
 sul PC di mia sorella 
 (che usa Linux), ed ho chiesto e cercato prima
 informazioni su quale 
 chipset adottare. Il risultato è stato che la scheda
 è stata perfettamente 
 riconosciuta da Mandrake.
 Il mio consiglio è anche quello di inviare una email
 al produttore della 
 scheda, chiedendo se esista un driver per Linux.
 A presto,
Ne ho appena configurate duem di schede di rete USB,
con mdk 9.0.
1 - Controlla se il driver usb fornito con la mdk va
bene...si adatta alla maggior parte di schede usb! Se
è così, l'hai già configurata..Dimenticavo, il driver
si trova in centro di controllo
mandrake-network-expert-configurazione rete (collega
la scheda, fai partire linux e te la ritroverai in
quella posizione, da configurare).

2 - Nell'eventualità sia così...cerca il suo driver
con estensione .c (es.: xxx.c), quindi prova a
compilarlo , così:

SCRIVI IN UN TERMINALE (tutto di fila, senzaa capo):
gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -c xxx.c -I//

al posto di 2.4.x mettici il tuo kernel

et voilà!

Dopodichè : insmod xxx.o

E poi il tool di configurazione del punto 1

Giovanni A. Coan
Medico chirurgo
V. Aldo Moro,5
40036 Monzuno (BO)

Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per le tue feste!


2003-01-03 Per discussione freefred
On Friday 03 January 2003 12:32 pm, Loredana wrote about 

  Sì è una scheda di rete su porta USB

puoi guardare intanto come e se viene vista al boot.
magari con
dmesg |grep eth0

sembra comunque una RealTek.
non ne ho mai usate su usb, prova comunque a dare

modprobe 8139too

non credo dovresti aver bisogno di compilare il modulo, la Mandrake
dovrebbe gia' averlo nel kernel.

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - http://web.genie.it/utenti/f/freefred/
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione scheda di rete SuperLanUSB10/100

2003-01-03 Per discussione Loredana
 --- Giovanni Coan [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:   

 Ne ho appena configurate duem di schede di rete USB,
 con mdk 9.0.
 1 - Controlla se il driver usb fornito con la mdk va
 bene...si adatta alla maggior parte di schede usb!
 è così, l'hai già configurata..Dimenticavo, il
 si trova in centro di controllo
 mandrake-network-expert-configurazione rete (collega
 la scheda, fai partire linux e te la ritroverai in
 quella posizione, da configurare).

Ho cercato di configurare tramite il centro di
controllo Mandrake e, al momento in cui mi chiede
'quale driver net dovrei provare?', compare una lista
in cui tra gli altri ci sono:
RTL 8129/8139
RTL -8139

mentre non compare Rtl8150.c che a quanto ho capito è
quello necessario(da libretto di installazione)

 2 - Nell'eventualità sia così...cerca il suo driver
 con estensione .c (es.: xxx.c), quindi prova a
 compilarlo , così:
 SCRIVI IN UN TERMINALE (tutto di fila, senzaa capo):
 gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -c xxx.c -I//
 al posto di 2.4.x mettici il tuo kernel
 et voilà!

Ho provato e naturalmente mi dice
gcc:rtl8150.c file inesistente

 Dopodichè : insmod xxx.o
 A questo punto mi sono procurata il floppy che
contiene il driver per questa scheda di rete. Si
chiama appunto:

ma dove lo devo copiare?
una volta copiato seguo esattamente le istruzioni del
libretto (che sono identiche alle tue) o va cambiato
Inoltre le istruzioni del libretto aggiungono:

Associare un indirizzo IP al vostro adattatore USB:
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK}
broadcast ${BROADCAST}

Aggiungere l'adattatore USB nella IP routing table ed
aggiungere un gateway:
/sbin/route add default gw ${GATEWAY}dev eth0

Faccio tutto?

Grazie mille per l'appoggio!

Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per le tue feste!

[newbie-it] problemi con pacchetti rpm

2003-01-03 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ciao a tutti!
Sono un utente linux da soli 2 mesi e ho un problema con i pacchetti rpm.
Fino a 1 settimana fa funzionava tutto, ma da oggi quando avvio il file rpm da kde o 
da terminale mi chiude la finestra di dialogo mentre fa il controllo delle dipendenze, 
premetto che qualche giorno fa ho installato solamente delle librerie libmng da rpm e 
ora non va con nessun pacchetto.
Vi ringrazio e spero di risolvere questo problema!

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione scheda di rete SuperLanUSB10/100

2003-01-03 Per discussione Giovanni Coan

 Ho cercato di configurare tramite il centro di
 controllo Mandrake e, al momento in cui mi chiede
 'quale driver net dovrei provare?', compare una
 in cui tra gli altri ci sono:
 RTL 8129/8139
 RTL -8139
 mentre non compare Rtl8150.c che a quanto ho capito
 quello necessario(da libretto di installazione)

E' il driver per la MIA scheda, guarda nel libretto di
istruzioni qual è per la tua...comunque in MDK esiste
un driver usbnet che dovrebbe funzionare bene...  

  A questo punto mi sono procurata il floppy che
 contiene il driver per questa scheda di rete. Si
 chiama appunto:
 ma dove lo devo copiare?
Copialo dove vuoi, io l'ho copiato nella mia directory
 una volta copiato seguo esattamente le istruzioni
 libretto (che sono identiche alle tue) o va cambiato
Vai nella directory dove l'hai copiato e segui le
istruzioni alla lettera,compreso insmod rtl8150.o
 Faccio tutto?
No, per l'indirizzo di rete e uttto il resto, usa il
tool di configurazione di mkd9.0
 Grazie mille per l'appoggio!

Prego, di niente e buon anno!
 Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per
 le tue feste!


Giovanni A. Coan
Medico chirurgo
V. Aldo Moro,5
40036 Monzuno (BO)

Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per le tue feste!

Re: [newbie-it] Help Grip

2003-01-03 Per discussione Luigi
  ho installato grip (su mandrake 8.2) ed ho gia' dei problemi; in
  pratica non riesco a visualizzare le tracce del cd audio e se premo
  il pulsante scan disk mi visualizza no disk

 Se ricordo bene, ho avuto anch'io questo problema con la 8.2...
 cercherò di ricordarmi come lo risolsi (spero qualcuno possa aiutarti
 prima, naturalmente); intanto, però: hai un solo lettore?

si ho un solo lettore cd
tra l'altro ho scoperto che non riesco ad ascoltare il cd con il lettore audio
forse il problema sta' li
come si puo' risolvere?

Luigi Beltramini

Re: [newbie-it] modem Lucent (mi cadono le braccia)

2003-01-03 Per discussione tom
Alle 23:07, mercoledì 1 gennaio 2003, miKe ha scritto:

 dobbiamo conoscere il modello di modem (dmesg, lspci -v)
 poi vediamo a che punto arriva l'inizializzazione del modem
 (/var/log/messages /var/log/sysylog)

Dopo svariati tentativi per poter comprendere cosa ci fosse che nn andasse
gli ho fatto la domanda fatidica TATA!(inquanto consideravo ovvia la 
copio parte della mail
hai installato i driver per sto lucent.vero??
dimmi di si!!!

non credevo ci fosse bisogno

dopo questo abbiamo appurato che è un Lucent AMR
e se non sbaglio gli AMR non sono suportati!

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione scheda di rete SuperLanUSB10/100

2003-01-03 Per discussione Loredana
 --- Giovanni Coan [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:  

 E' il driver per la MIA scheda, guarda nel libretto
 istruzioni qual è per la tua...comunque in MDK
 un driver usbnet che dovrebbe funzionare bene...  
Ho controllato: è proprio questo il driver ed è quello
presente nel floppy
   A questo punto mi sono procurata il floppy che
  contiene il driver per questa scheda di rete. Si
  chiama appunto:
  ma dove lo devo copiare?
 Copialo dove vuoi, io l'ho copiato nella mia
  una volta copiato seguo esattamente le istruzioni
  libretto (che sono identiche alle tue) o va
 Vai nella directory dove l'hai copiato e segui le
 istruzioni alla lettera,compreso insmod rtl8150.o


  Faccio tutto?
 No, per l'indirizzo di rete e uttto il resto, usa il
 tool di configurazione di mkd9.0
Ho cercato di cofigurare la Connessione LAN dal
Control Mandrake Center (in particolare io ho la
mandrake 8.0), ma mi serve aiuto anche per questo:
Adesso finalmente legge la scheda di rete e nella
finestra che si apre compare
Adattatore: 1
Interfaccia: eth0
Indirizzo IP: ...
Protocollo: ...
Driver: ...

A questo vorrei configurare.
Mi chiede appunto:

indirizzo IP:
Protocollo di boot: static, dhcp, bootp
Attivato/a al momento del boot: yes, no

Cosa devo mettere?

Inoltre vorrei sapere una cosa.
Una volta che la configurazione della Connessione LAN
è andata a buon fine, devo conoscere qualche
istruzione o procedimento per navigare?

Scusa per la mia assoluta incapacità di muovermi da
Grazie di nuovo e buon anno anche a te!!!


Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per le tue feste!

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione scheda di rete SuperLanUSB10/100

2003-01-03 Per discussione Giovanni Coan

 A questo vorrei configurare.
 Mi chiede appunto:
 indirizzo IP:
 Protocollo di boot: static, dhcp, bootp
 Attivato/a al momento del boot: yes, no
 Cosa devo mettere?

Indirizzo IP:
Netmask :
Protocollo di boot :static
Attiva al momento ecc...: yes
 Inoltre vorrei sapere una cosa.
 Una volta che la configurazione della Connessione
 è andata a buon fine, devo conoscere qualche
 istruzione o procedimento per navigare?
Se ti connetti con una macchina windows devi
configurare Samba, se ti colleghi ad uno unix,come un
altro Linux, usa NFS

Nel manuale di Mandrake è sèiegato tutto... Se lo
leggi capisci meglio che se te lo spiego io... Lo
trovi sia nella distro che in linea... 
 Scusa per la mia assoluta incapacità di muovermi da
No problem, ci passiamo tutti
 Grazie di nuovo e buon anno anche a te!!!

Giovanni A. Coan
Medico chirurgo
V. Aldo Moro,5
40036 Monzuno (BO)

Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per le tue feste!

Re: [newbie-it] spostamento della partizione /home

2003-01-03 Per discussione Germano
Alle 10:53, venerdì 3 gennaio 2003, hai scritto:
 dovendo cambiare un hard disk, vorrei fare in maniera rapida il backup
 della partizione che contiene le cartelle /home per spostarla su un
 nuovo hard disk. In pratica devo salvare tutto (impostazioni e permessi
 compresi), spegnere, sostituire l'hd e ripristinare il tutto sul nuovo
 hd senza fare casini.

 approfitto per fare gli auguri a tutta la lista

Hai già scartato l'ipotesi di un bel 
tar -cvzf nomearchivio /home/tuahome

Ovviamente leva e aggiungi le opzioni che preferisci

Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] Help Grip

2003-01-03 Per discussione Corrado
Il ven, 2003-01-03 alle 18:48, Luigi ha scritto:

 si ho un solo lettore cd
 tra l'altro ho scoperto che non riesco ad ascoltare il cd con il lettore audio
 forse il problema sta' li
 come si puo' risolvere?

Mi ero espresso male: intendevo se hai anche un masterizzatore o un
lettore dvd; cmq, anche se non fosse, mi pare ti abbiano già chiesto se
per caso Mandrake lo veda sotto emulazione scsi...


[newbie-it] scelta lettore DVD

2003-01-03 Per discussione pigi
Ho deciso di istallare un lettore di DVD:
devo stare attento per problemi di comnpatibilita' col pinguino o mi va bene 
un qualunque modello? (uso mdk 9.0)

Se qualcuno mi puo' dare un consigliuo ...

... grazie  e ciao!


Re: [newbie-it] scelta lettore DVD

2003-01-03 Per discussione Corrado
Il sab, 2003-01-04 alle 03:00, pigi ha scritto:
 Ho deciso di istallare un lettore di DVD:
 devo stare attento per problemi di comnpatibilita' col pinguino o mi va bene 
 un qualunque modello? (uso mdk 9.0)
 Se qualcuno mi puo' dare un consigliuo ...

Non dovresti avere problemi; io ho comprato da poco un LG, comunque!


Re: [newbie-it] host.deny

2003-01-03 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 09:57, venerdì 3 gennaio 2003, Paolo Tomiato , in merito a 
[newbie-it] host.deny,  ha scritto:
 Mi ritrovo sempre impossibilitato ad accedere ai miei server
 smtp e pop3 dall'esterno da una istruzione in host.deny che
 recita cosi':

 ALL:ALL DENY  (sono in ufficio e vado a memoria
 quindi potrebbe non essere proprio quella esatta)

 il vero problema e' che se la vado a commentare:


 allora tutto funziona e riesco a scaricare e mandare la posta
 perfettamente anche dalle macchine esterne

non è una buona idea rimuovere quel ALL
è meglio se aggiungi il tuo host in hosts.allow

 ma dopo un po' non
 ho capito bene quale demone me la riscrive paro-paro in una
 riga successiva e mi si blocca tutto di nuovo.

puoi sempre renderlo non modificabile con 
#chattr -i hosts.deny
ma ti ripeto che non è una cosa pulita ai fini della sicurezza



- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] modem Lucent (mi cadono le braccia)

2003-01-03 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 19:54, venerdì 3 gennaio 2003, tom , in merito a Re: 
[newbie-it] modem Lucent (mi cadono le braccia),  ha scritto:

 hai installato i driver per sto lucent.vero??
 dimmi di si!!!


 non credevo ci fosse bisogno


 dopo questo abbiamo appurato che è un Lucent AMR
 e se non sbaglio gli AMR non sono suportati!

non lo erano 
possiamo cercare in giro per vedere se qualcuno ha scritto 

..ora deve proprio dirmi cosa inizializzasse  kppp, però...
il mouse?
il microonde??


 Ciao , Tom




- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e convivenza

2003-01-03 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 20:49, giovedì 2 gennaio 2003, paolo brusasco , in merito a 
Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e convivenza,  ha scritto:
 veramente l'avevo fatto su una partizione (hda1) da 30 giga
 con su 2 giga scarsi di dati, ed ho fatto scandisk e defrag,
 finito il defrag, riavviato, ridimensionato a 20 giga, fregato

è strano,
il ridimensionamento non tocca i settori bassi,

quindi al massimo potevi predere il file di scambio, ma con 
problemi  limitati

al riavvio cosa non trovava?
ntldr ?



- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-03 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 02:03, venerdì 3 gennaio 2003, Emiliano La Licata , in 
merito a Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel,  ha scritto:

  Si può ritentare di ricompilarlo partendo dalla directory
  /usr/src/linux e creando dunque una nuova immagine??


 Sto provando a riconfigurare il Kernel e appena esco dal menù
 xconfig c'è questo messaggio di errore:

 ERROR - Attempting to write value for unconfigured variable

usa menuconfig
che è mille volte più veloce...

poi scusa, per usare xconfig vai in X da root?

okkio che se kde crea casini da root poi non è facile risolvere 
come se lo facessa da utente 

 Cosa è MOD DVB??

root@mdk:# less /usr/src/linux/.config | grep CONFIG_MOD_DVB

pezza mandrakiana?
nel mio non c'è...

copia .config in /boot/config-prova
lancia make mrproper
copia /boot/config-prova in .config
rilancia make dep
ora fai di nuovo make menuconfig e vedi se hai l'errore
in ogni caso, credo che quel modulo tu possa escluderlo, non 
sappiamo cosa sia, figuriamoci se lo usiamo...




- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] puntatore mouse fantasma?

2003-01-03 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 11:49, venerdì 3 gennaio 2003, Mario Cancellieri , in merito 
a [newbie-it] puntatore mouse fantasma?,  ha scritto:

 ... Ho letto da qualche parte che dovrei modificare un
 parametro all'interno del XF86Config che è allocato sotto
 /home/etc/X11. Il parametro dovrebbe esseew SW_CURSOR. E'
 Come ci si arriva e cosa dovrei fare?

ci arrivi con un qualsiasi editor
ti consiglio mcedit è molto semplice e immediato

altrimenti un qualsiasi editor grafico, ma ricorda che devi 
editare da root, (sconsiglio sempre di entrare in grafica da 
root, usa la schell di superuser che ti mette a disposione 

a questo punto modifica la linea in questione, mettendo True,
infatti è di tipo booleano,

Option SWCursor   True

problemi con le finestre, comuni quando la scheda non supporta in 
hardware alcune funzioni,   possono essere risolti anche con 
shadow_framebuffer, e shadow_status

Option ShadowFB   True 

Option ShadowStatus   True 

sono opzioni che rallentano parecchio il ridisegno, però,
non usano nessuna accelerazione HW

(man XF86Config, per ogni info)





- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Errore in installazione

2003-01-03 Per discussione Stefano Salari
 --- fabio [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 vado a memoria: quando installi il sistema
 utilizzando il CDROM, all'inizio di 
 permette di utilizzare anche la modalità testo o di
 inserire determinati 
 comandi hai già provato ?

No, non ancora e praticamente e' proprio quella
l'unica videata che riesco a vedere! In realta' non
ricordo ci sia la possibilita' di selezionare
l'installazione in modalita' testo (almeno, non
ricordo di averlo visto nella mdk 9), ma posso fare
una prova per verificarlo. Se non ci fosse una voce di
menu che mi dice installa in modalita' testo
comunque tu dici che c'e' un parametro da passargli
per forzare quel tipo di installazione? (sperando che
il problema sia proprio na scheda video)

Grazie ancora e buon anno a tutti!!

Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per le tue feste!

Re: [newbie-it] visualizzare documenti in .html

2003-01-03 Per discussione tom
Alle 22:14, lunedì 30 dicembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:

 nel caso del mio, che è un documento xml, potrebbe  avere
 ma tutti gli altri

 cosa ti dice profilerc?

Ero convinto che l'argomento fosse morto liinvece avevo perso quest 
ultima mail!!!

incollo tutto il profilerc che per me è linguaggio macchina!!
[application/x-php - 1]

[application/x-rpm - 1]

[application/x-rpm - 2]
Application=.hidden/Software installer.desktop

[text/html - 1]

[text/html - 2]

[text/html - 3]
Application=mdk/Use the Internet/quanta.desktop

[text/html - 4]

[text/html - 5]

[text/html - 6]

[text/plain - 1]

[text/plain - 2]

[text/plain - 3]

[text/plain - 4]

[text/plain - 5]

[text/plain - 6]
Application=mdk/Use office tools/kword.desktop

[text/plain - 7]

[text/plain - 8]

[text/plain - 9]
Application=mdk/Use office tools/kword.desktop

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] permesso + link

2003-01-03 Per discussione tom
Salve lista,
ho creato un altro utente2.ora pro' voglio che questo utente possa 
scaricare la posta nella dir /Mail del vecchio utente1..
in poche parole che l' utente2 abbia lo stesso Kmail del utente1,
di modo che, scaricata la posta con l' utente2 ,una volta loggato come utente1 
e clikkando su Kmail ci siamo le mail scaricate dall utente2.
Come posso fare?
Non ho molta dimestichezza ne con chmod , ne con ln :)

Spero di essermi spiegato in maniera decente :)

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie] Unable to surf and do e-mail

2003-01-03 Per discussione Anne Wilson
Matthew, could you please turn off html for posts to the list?  Many of us 
don't use it, or display it.  Others simply never see any post that is in 


On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 7:01 pm, Matthew Dunaway wrote:
 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
 I just re-installed Mandrake and all is well, so far. I checked the
 settings in the Mandrake Control Center and Smoothwall is not installed.
 Maybe it will work this time??br

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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-03 Per discussione Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
Smiley wrote:

Hi, I know this topic isn't exactly new :)
but I need help in order to allow a friend of 
mine to get rid of W2000 :-D

What I need is to know how he can resize
(avoiding re-installation) of W2000 without
losing any datas...

I know diskdrake can't do that...
So, any suggestion about Partition Magic
or everything else?


Partition Magic is the tool you need to use for re-sizing partitions 
without losing data. I highly recommend it to resize the Windows 
partitions, provided it is installed on Windows. I only have V5 which 
doesn't support anything past NT, but I think the new V7 supports Win 2000.


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Re: [newbie] Unable to surf and do e-mail

2003-01-03 Per discussione Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
Matthew Dunaway wrote:

I have Mandrake 9.0 Power Pack (boxed set) It installed without a 
hitch. I was able to connect to my ISP and surf and do e-mail. When I 
was done, I disconnected from my ISP. When I went back on-line, 
nothing. Mandrake would connect to my ISP, but that's all. I can't 
surf or do e-mail. I did not change any settings or anything. Now I am 
using SuSE to write this message. I would really like to go back to 
Mandrake, but not if I can't use the web or e-mail. Anybody have a 

Hi Matthew,

I also recently had problems with surfing and email on Mdk 9.0. A 
complete reinstall did it for me but for you, do check that the bottom 
left blue plugs(if you're using Mozilla) are connected. They do not 
automatically connect when you dial up or disconnect when you drop the 


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

2003-01-03 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Friday 03 Jan 2003 2:49 am, Mark Mitchell wrote:
 I have a machine running windows 2000 server and Mandrake 8.0
 I want to upgrade to Mandrake 9. Is there anything I should beware of
 before upgrading a dual boot machine. If I lose my 2000 install I will
 be screwed.

 - Mark

Others deal with the upgrade issue.  Just to add my 2p worth -

You wouldn't try to upgrade, would you?  Most people have found that dodgy.  A 
clean install is to be preferred.


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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: Archives was Re: [newbie] Installing Java plugin for Mozilla

2003-01-03 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Friday 03 Jan 2003 7:37 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
 Mark Weaver wrote:
  Hi there,
  I wish I had a dollar, (accounting for the current rate of inflation),
  for every time I've seen this need addressed in these lists. Doesn't
  anyone read the archives any more? ;)

 If there was a way to request the archives to send us information by
 email from a email query I am sure many of us would use the archives.
 Unfortunately though many of us do not have either permanent or cheap
 24/7 connections to the Internet.


If there were clear links to the archives and an easy way of searching them we 
would use them more.  I haven't seen the archives for months - I never see 
any link to them and can't remember the url


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Re: [newbie] Lilo graphical

2003-01-03 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Friday 03 Jan 2003 3:54 am, Russ wrote:
 HI Anne,

 Thank you for responding to this post. Sorry for the delay in responding.
 It sort of slipped through the cracks (long story, I won't bore you with
 the facts). Anyway, I checked that file and it did say 5 on that line. I
 did know about the problem with exiting without saving so that wasn't the
 problem either.

 It did work in grub mode but I like eye candy (KDE vs GNOME? I was all for
 gnome till kde3 - no contest now) so I refused to just accept the
 situation. I did figure it out though. Here is the answer in case someone
 else has a similar problem.

 The problem was Trends ChipAway virus detector in my BIOS. While in GRUB
 mode the boot process slipped right though without a hitch. When in
 Graphical mode Trend would pop up telling me there was a boot virus and I
 had to tell it to continue before it would move on then it gave me the text
 screen. When I disabled Trend it worked perfectly.

Glad you got it sorted.  And glad you recognised the importance of passing on 
the knowledge :)  Thanks


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Re: Archives was Re: [newbie] Installing Java plugin for Mozilla

2003-01-03 Per discussione James Conner
Searchable archives are here:
and here


On Friday January 3, 2003 08:14 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 03 Jan 2003 7:37 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
  Mark Weaver wrote:
   Hi there,
   I wish I had a dollar, (accounting for the current rate of inflation),
   for every time I've seen this need addressed in these lists. Doesn't
   anyone read the archives any more? ;)
  If there was a way to request the archives to send us information by
  email from a email query I am sure many of us would use the archives.
  Unfortunately though many of us do not have either permanent or cheap
  24/7 connections to the Internet.

 If there were clear links to the archives and an easy way of searching them
 we would use them more.  I haven't seen the archives for months - I never
 see any link to them and can't remember the url


  3:01am  up 14 days,  6:04,  6 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.15

Running Mandrake 9.0 - Linux - because life is too short for reboots...

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Re: [newbie] Unable to surf and do e-mail

2003-01-03 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Friday 03 Jan 2003 7:49 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
 Matthew Dunaway wrote:
  I have Mandrake 9.0 Power Pack (boxed set) It installed without a
  hitch. I was able to connect to my ISP and surf and do e-mail. When I
  was done, I disconnected from my ISP. When I went back on-line,
  nothing. Mandrake would connect to my ISP, but that's all. I can't
  surf or do e-mail. I did not change any settings or anything. Now I am
  using SuSE to write this message. I would really like to go back to
  Mandrake, but not if I can't use the web or e-mail. Anybody have a

 Hi Matthew,

 I also recently had problems with surfing and email on Mdk 9.0. A
 complete reinstall did it for me but for you, do check that the bottom
 left blue plugs(if you're using Mozilla) are connected. They do not
 automatically connect when you dial up or disconnect when you drop the


Hehe - you learn something every day.  I didn't know that you could 
connect/disconnect by clicking the plugs (bottom *right* on my display).


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: Archives was Re: [newbie] Installing Java plugin for Mozilla

2003-01-03 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Friday 03 Jan 2003 3:30 am, James Conner wrote:
 Searchable archives are here:
 and here

Thanks - I'll explore later today


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-03 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes
I think that there are a few of us who had problems with PM products,
myself included. The newer versions might be better, the proof is in the
pudding though. Acronis on Mandrake is just demoware and does not write
the info to disk once you have made the changes. The only safe route is
to back-up the software and do what ever you feel comfortable with out
of the suggestions put forward so far.


-Original Message-
From: Franki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 7:43 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Linux  W2000

yeah, I'll agree with that..

I got Femmes copy myself...

it sucks... It found errors on my NTFS install and just died.. said it
couldn't help and exited..

Funny thing is winblows works fine...

I used and old copy of ghost to move to a new drive and it got the size
tiny bit wrong..

PM6 could not fix it, so I deleted it.. no use for useless software..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of FemmeFatale
Sent: Friday, 3 January 2003 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux  W2000

At 10:41 AM 1/2/2003 +, you wrote:
On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 12:05 am, Smiley wrote:
  On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 23:30:02 -
  Aurélio Diniz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Don't even think about resizing your win2k partition with
   can mess up your win2k.
  I didn't :)

I bought PM6, which is already unsupported by PowerQuest.  I'm not
but I think it caused a number of problems for me.  I would be very
The current version is 8.0, I understand.  Get a total backup before
anything like this.

Good luck


I am with Anne here.  PM Pissed me right off b/c less than 6 months
buying that POS they stopped supporting it.  Needless to say I wasn't
amused.  On top of that I lost a lot of installs due to PM finding
in the partition table.  Fix them for you ?  yes/no.  Click yes, kiss
goodbye your linux partition  possibly your Winfucks partition
on how PM feels that day.

PM bites.  Wnat my copy?  You can have total craptastic performance with


Good Decisions You boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Have a look at this. Thanks Gavin!

2003-01-03 Per discussione Lanman
Interesting Story.


Dan LaBine
Maximum Lans
(514) 489-7825
6915 Fielding Ave.
Suite # 228
Montreal, Quebec,
H4V 1P4

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Sorry To Be Off Topic

2003-01-03 Per discussione K. Spress
I am writing this as a simple letter if anyone in the U.S. or Canada or
Europe is interested in attempting to reduce their telcom bill. Please e
mail me. Also If you are interested in a linux friendly ISP.

Kenneth E. Spress

This is not a spam! Your are receiving this email either because,
you have sent me an email in the past, or you are on a list of marketers
requesting information. If this is not the case, PLEASE accept my
sincerest apologies and reply with remove in the subject field.
I will remove your name immediately!

Listen to us every Sunday at 11:00 am EST at:
EZHelp, You  More Show Info

AIM: keniswhoiam
Yahoo: kspress
ICQ: 19870108

You Finally Have A Choice In Local Telephone
Service Ask Me How.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Failed install

2003-01-03 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Friday 03 Jan 2003 2:25 am, A. Contreras wrote:
 I'm curious (and please, if this is covered in a FAQ, point me in the right

 Say you have a machine with 9.0 installed, and on your network you have
 another machine that you can't get to install it and you suspect the CDROM
 is to blame. Short of taking a CDROM from one into the other, , can you use
 one to install the other?

 A. Contreras
 My CR website:

Yes. One way of doing it is to mount the CD images as loopback file systems, 
and then export them as NFS shares.  On the computer you want to boot you 
then boot from floppy using the 'network' boot image you will find on a 
Mandrake mirror site.
A network install allows you to boot from an FTP site, or an NFS share. Just 
follow the prompts.
This is 'mentioned' in the Mandrake installer instructions, but not really 
covered in depth. 

Once you are installed, if you then declare your software sources in Mandrake 
Software Manager to be ftp sites instead of Cd's you can manage without CDs 

It is even possible to manage without a floppy drive so long as your computer 
BIOS is able to perform a PXE network boot to acquire the boot image.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Derek Jennings
 Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 7:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Failed install

 On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 10:06 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:
  - Original Message -
  From: mycal62 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 3:51 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Failed install
  Thanks for the reply.
   Hi ,
   First , it can be quite frustrating to go through an install as you
   two things come to mind to ask though,
   were the cd's given you copies of downloaded iso's? or original cd's ?
  The CD-R's given to me were burned from downloaded ISO images.  The guy
  at work claimed he used them already numerous times, so I'm sure the
  problem is with my old 2x CD-ROM.
   Before you give up ( hopefully you haven't yet ) try another cd drive,
   and or new/origianl  disks ( if they weren't ).
  I'll definitely reinstall when the rewriteable gets here.  I just think,


  I stated in my original note, that the install process is poorly
  designed. The failures I encountered were in non-critical packages, so it


  just said so and finished the installation.

 If your CD drive is old, it may not be able to read the 700MB CDs Mandrake
 requires.  A lot of people have reported  trouble with older CD drives.
 A set of 650 Mb images is available for Mandrake Club members if you are
 desperate, but it is easier to just do a network install from an FTP site.
 (So long as you have broadband)



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Failed install

2003-01-03 Per discussione Anders Lind
On Fri, 3 Jan 2003 10:15:16 +
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes. One way of doing it is to mount the CD images as loopback file systems, 
 and then export them as NFS shares.  On the computer you want to boot you 
 then boot from floppy using the 'network' boot image you will find on a 
 Mandrake mirror site.
 A network install allows you to boot from an FTP site, or an NFS share. Just 
 follow the prompts.
 This is 'mentioned' in the Mandrake installer instructions, but not really 
 covered in depth. 

That is one way of doing it, and you can also set the one where it is installed as a 
FTP-server and install it from there.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] 9.0 scanner problem

2003-01-03 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars
On Thu, 2 Jan 2003 13:56:46 -0500

 I half way remember a thing about a typo that prevented scanners using an 
 snapscan interface from working. the scanner I need to get running again is 
 an Acer Prisa 340U (usb) after doing a fresh install of 9.0 since I had been 
 running with the download version and now loaded up the Powerpack (many nice 
 new toys to play with) I had it running before in 9.0, just lost my notes as 
 to where this capital A had to be changed to a small a (or something like 
 I also guess i did not install enough utilitys for supermount either since;
 mount /mnt/cdrom
 [root@dads sane.d]# cd /mnt/cdrom
 bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom: Input/output error
 [root@dads sane.d]# cd /mnt/cdrom2
 bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom2: Input/output error
 [root@dads sane.d]# mount /mnt/cdrom2
 [root@dads sane.d]# cd /mnt/cdrom2
 bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom2: Input/output error
 But I will take care of that as soon as I get done downloading updates

Subject: Re: [newbie] Agfa snapscan typo
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 15:47:39 -0400
User-Agent: KMail/1.4.3

thank you, Thank you, thank you

 The problem is that somehow a typo is introduced in the file
 /etc/sane.d/dll.conf. If you get the error 'no devices found' then edit
 the above file and change the word 'SnapScan' to 'snapscan' and it
 should work.

 hope this helps,


HTH :)


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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-03 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 9:57 pm, erylon hines wrote:
 On Thursday 02 January 2003 12:44 pm, you wrote:
  My installation is also from the discs and uninstalling and
  re-installing didn't work for me.
  Mozilla and Galeon crash when encountering applets;
  Konqueror doesn't crash, but the applet freezes when it's 29% loaded;
  Netscape still refuses to even acknowledge that java is loaded.
  Where to next??

 There is a fairly high probablility that you have two java's installed, and
 a bad link to the *.so going (or, maybe no link at all).  Note that this
 must be a link to the javaplugin_oji.so, copying the *.so to the
 /usr/lib/netscape/plugins directory will NOT work--same for mozilla.

 MozillaHelpAbout plug-ins  shows the java that you have installed??
 (should be the Sun version)

 #java -version  returns what?  (Kaffee should be o.k., but you can
 uninstall it using the package manager and re-make your path to the Sun
 version as a last resort--since this is only for web browsers that
 shouldn't be necessary).  I'm trying to determine just what mods the rpm
 installer made to your directories and links.

For me, java -version returns nothing at all.  I think that the rpm install 
has put things in the wrong places for me, and caused problems by it.  I am 
going to uninstall altogether and start again, making sure that I know where 
everything is going this time.  I do *not* want any of it installed on my old 
8_2 partitions.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Enabling quota

2003-01-03 Per discussione Bertrand Poulet
I've read a question about quota in archives  :
but didn't found how the problem has been solved...

i got the same error (invalid argument) and aquota.user file empty.
i'm using mandrake 9 (secure kernel) and file system is ext3

i've already enabled successfully on mandrake 8 and  ext2 .
but i can't do it on this box.

thanks for any help .


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RE: [newbie] Have a look at this. Thanks Gavin!

2003-01-03 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes
Did you look at the date of the article?

-Original Message-
From: Lanman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 9:55 AM
Subject: [newbie] Have a look at this. Thanks Gavin!

Interesting Story.


Dan LaBine
Maximum Lans
(514) 489-7825
6915 Fielding Ave.
Suite # 228
Montreal, Quebec,
H4V 1P4

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RE: [newbie] Have a look at this. Thanks Gavin!

2003-01-03 Per discussione Lanman
I try not to bother with the little details! Grin! Grin! Kinda missed that one. Oops!


Dan LaBine
Maximum Lans
(514) 489-7825
6915 Fielding Ave.
Suite # 228
Montreal, Quebec,
H4V 1P4

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] installed and installable packages/updates...discrepancy??

2003-01-03 Per discussione Angus Auld
Greetings everyone, I have something going on here with what seems to be a discrepancy 
between what my Install software and Remove software programs are telling me. :-/

I have found several packages that are showing as installed in 'Remove software, but 
in Install software there is an update showing as available from source:Update. 
These packages have identical id's and changelogs, but the files and sizes don't 
match. The packages shown as being required contain generally a lot of patches.

When I run Mandrake update, no packages are showing as required, and I am told that 
my system is up to date. I am completely baffled as to what is going on here.

These are the packages for which I have noted this apparent discrepancy:
I expect there are others too.

I hope I have described my situation clearly enough. Is anyone else showing this 
Any feedback on this would be appreciated.


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
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Re: [newbie] Sorry To Be Off Topic

2003-01-03 Per discussione Michael Adams
Sure looks like spam. Thank heavens i am vegetarian so i dont have to taste 
it and find out.

On Fri, 03 Jan 2003 22:59, K. Spress wrote:
 I am writing this as a simple letter if anyone in the U.S. or Canada or
 Europe is interested in attempting to reduce their telcom bill. Please e
 mail me. Also If you are interested in a linux friendly ISP.

 Kenneth E. Spress

 This is not a spam! Your are receiving this email either because,
 you have sent me an email in the past, or you are on a list of marketers
 requesting information. If this is not the case, PLEASE accept my
 sincerest apologies and reply with remove in the subject field.
 I will remove your name immediately!

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 Service Ask Me How.


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[newbie] Thanks for the help...just one more thing.

2003-01-03 Per discussione Colin McElhatton

First of all thanks for the help regarding installing a hardware modem as I have 
succeeded in  installing my Conceptronic External Modem on my Linux Mandrake 9.0 
installation. However I am now faced with another problem I am being disconnected from 
my service provider sometime after logon is carried out. The first time I was 
disconnected after 10 minutes ad the second time after only 3-5 minutes. Is there 
anything I can do to troubleshoot this problem?

Best Regards,

Colin McElhatton AIMIS 
ICQ#: 3012406
Mob:  79262628

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Re: [newbie] Sorry To Be Off Topic

2003-01-03 Per discussione magnet
BTW: If you respond to this email with REMOVE in the subject field remember, 
you will have just confirmed to this spammer that YES.. he has hit a valid 
email address and he will then sell it on and you will get even more spam but 
this time direct to you and not via the mailing list ;-))
Don't fall for the remove scam either :)


On Friday 03 Jan 2003 11:24 am, Michael Adams wrote:
 Sure looks like spam. Thank heavens i am vegetarian so i dont have to taste
 it and find out.

 On Fri, 03 Jan 2003 22:59, K. Spress wrote:
  I am writing this as a simple letter if anyone in the U.S. or Canada or
  Europe is interested in attempting to reduce their telcom bill. Please e
  mail me. Also If you are interested in a linux friendly ISP.
  Kenneth E. Spress
  This is not a spam! Your are receiving this email either because,
  you have sent me an email in the past, or you are on a list of marketers
  requesting information. If this is not the case, PLEASE accept my
  sincerest apologies and reply with remove in the subject field.
  I will remove your name immediately!
  Listen to us every Sunday at 11:00 am EST at:
  EZHelp, You  More Show Info
  AIM: keniswhoiam
  Yahoo: kspress
  ICQ: 19870108
  You Finally Have A Choice In Local Telephone
  Service Ask Me How.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

2003-01-03 Per discussione Michael Adams
And tar does do volumes.

On Fri, 03 Jan 2003 19:01, Brandon Vanderberg wrote:
 I haven't had any troubles installing Mandrake on a disk with an existing
 Windows 2000 NTFS partition. It was very clean. Obviously, you want to take
 your time and be very careful.

 On a side note, I would never have tried it even once without my important
 data backed up. I'd seriously think about finding some way to save that
 data. You say you have no way of backing up that much data right after you
 say that you can't afford to lose it. Can you afford 30 bucks and some time
 for a burner and a stack of cds? A second HD wouldn't be too much, and
 you'd have some quick and easy insurance. And a tape backup unit would be
 even better, but they're pretty pricey. So it's like the mechanic said,
 Good, Fast, Cheap - Pick two.

 On a side note to a side note, I know some people are right now have
 figured that it would take about 80 650MB CDs to do this, and then figuring
 out that how much time that would take. But that answer doesn't mean
 anything until it's compared to the time of recreating that 50GB worth of
 data from scratch.

 Anyway, hope it goes well for you.


  -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Mitchell
 Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 8:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

   Problem is I have over 50 gigs of MP3's and movies on the Windows
 partition that I cant afford to lose and I have no way of backing up that
 much data

   - Mark

   Keith wrote:

 Do not mess around...BACK UP important files/folders

 On Thursday 02 January 2003 08:49 pm, Mark Mitchell wrote:
   I have a machine running windows 2000 server and Mandrake 8.0
 I want to upgrade to Mandrake 9. Is there anything I should beware of
 before upgrading a dual boot machine. If I lose my 2000 install I will
 be screwed.

 - Mark


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[newbie] bloody VNC again

2003-01-03 Per discussione ivette brusselmans

hello and happy new year out there,

installed MDK 9.0 and everything works fine, except for VNC to remote Win98 
When I type VNCviewer in terminal, I get the following message:
VNC server default format:
32 bits per pixel
Least significant byte first in each pixel
True color: max red 255 green 255 blue 255 shift red 16 green 8 blue 0
Can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel. Sorry.

Any clues?


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Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-03 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Fri, 3 Jan 2003 10:26:20 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For me, java -version returns nothing at all.  I think that the rpm
 install has put things in the wrong places for me, and caused problems
 by it.  I am going to uninstall altogether and start again, making
 sure that I know where everything is going this time.  I do *not* want
 any of it installed on my old 8_2 partitions.

Anne, if you have not already done so launch Remove Software from mcc
and select the alphabetical listing and go through all the rpms which
begin with j.
Depending upon where you got, whose it is, and which version your java
rpm could be named jre, j2re, jdk, jsk, j2dk, j2sk and several other
variation of the same.

It has been mentioned before but if you have kaffee installed installed
remove it.
It will prevent the proper operation of the java rpms.


I don't care where I sit as long as I get fed.
-- Calvin Trillin
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.20-2mdk

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Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

2003-01-03 Per discussione Mark Mitchell

If I do a clean install and format my Linux partitions will I still be able
to boot the windows 2000 partition through LILO?

- Mark

Anne Wilson wrote:

  On Friday 03 Jan 2003 2:49 am, Mark Mitchell wrote:
I have a machine running windows 2000 server and Mandrake 8.0
I want to upgrade to Mandrake 9. Is there anything I should beware of
before upgrading a dual boot machine. If I lose my 2000 install I will
be screwed.

- Mark

Others deal with the upgrade issue.  Just to add my 2p worth -

You wouldn't try to upgrade, would you?  Most people have found that dodgy.  A 
clean install is to be preferred.



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] bin file

2003-01-03 Per discussione Gil Katz
i downloaded the j2re-1_4_1_01-linux-i586-rpm.bin
now how do i install it?

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[newbie] VNC

2003-01-03 Per discussione ivette brusselmans

Hello out there,

Installed MDK 9.0 and everything works fine, except for VNC.
When I type VNCviewer in terminal and IPaddress of win98 box I get 
following message:

VNC server supports protocol version 3.3 (viewer 3.3)
No authentication needed
Desktop name ivette
Connected to VNC server, using protocol version 3.3
VNC server default format:
32 bits per pixels
Last significant byte first i each pixel
True color: max red 255 green 255 blue 255, shift red 16 green 8 blue0
Can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel. Sorry 

Any ideas?

MSN Zoeken, voor duidelijke zoekresultaten! 

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RE: [newbie] help needed for triple-booting

2003-01-03 Per discussione Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN
When I had 5 OS's on my machine (98, 2k, mdk, rh, debian)
for the linux's I just installed them in the above order.
Then made a directory in mdk's /boot for rh and debian
Copied the files from the other's /boot dir to them.
Modified the mdk lilo.conf entries, and all was fine.
I like the Mdk Graphical Lilo screen

Brian D. Klar - CVE
Network Engineer

-Original Message-
From: John Richard Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 7:17 AM
To: Vahur Lokk; NEWBIE 1
Subject: Re: [newbie] help needed for triple-booting

Vahur Lokk wrote:

Ühel kenal päeval (reede, 3. jaanuar 2003 01:14) kirjutasid sa:


No /boot partition ?

your trying to boot both OS's from one kernel, I guess.

Hmm... I guess I understand the problem a bit better now. About solving the 
problem: How to repair things without complete reinstall?
1. Can things work without separate /boot? Eg if I copy needed files from 
/boot on hda6 to hda7 will it work? What files? What else has to be modified?

certainly there is , there is an alternative to having a /boot 
partition,but the disadvantages are
that it is not straight forward and requires post install configuration, 
whereas if you go
to the trouble now of creating a /boot partition , at this juncture ,the 
task of dual linux booting,
and upgrading is a doddle here on after.

So if you don't want to create a /boot partition, you must mount the first
OS partition with entries in fstab, making directories in /mnt directory for
that partition and when you have gained access to the first linux OS you
must copy many files from /boot directory to the second linux OS /boot
directory these files include, the kernel, initrd.image
you must then create fresh new stanzas in lilo.conf to run these
kernels and initrd.image files at boot time, don't forget to run /sbin/lilo

However, I do assure you that despite what it looks it is easier and more
satisfying to create a /boot partition in the first place , run the install
proceedures again for both linux OS's taking particular care with the
lilo install in the second linux OS , so that all the stanzas
you need to boot both linux OS's are included in the scripts, it's
quite easy, drakX provides a very good graphical interface and
the choice of entries for each aspect of the lilo stanzas are
all there to be chosen from dropdown lists, just take your time and
think about the overall look of each stanza group. Make sure that
each kernel and initrd.image version is clearly defined. All the
entries to do this will be there because with a /boot partition
drakX puts all the kernels and initrd.image files in the one /boot partition
whereas without a /boot partition it does not.

2. If above approach is too messy, it is possible to snip a little more from 
the end of hda1 and make it a boot partition. Or is it? How big? Again, what 
has to go in there? What else has to be modified?

Of course just use either diskdrake or PM to snip 20-50mb off one of the 
partitions. As a rough guide a kernel these days is 13-15mb  the other 
files are negigeable
and so I choose 100mb as being simply ample for future needs including 
kernels. See this is why it is so easy and best to have a /boot 
partition, if for some
reason you need an updated experimental kernel , just install it, it 
will put itself into
that /boot partition then write another lilo stanza to boot an OS with 
it, no messing
about. Job done , and if it does not work out, deleate it, and the lilo 
entry, and you
still have your old kernel working properly as it ought to. I would not 
set my
linux OS's up any other way than with a /boot partition. Time spent now 
things set up is time and effort saved later on. Then when another mandrake
release comes along I install it in the older of the two linux OS 
partitions, drakX
does it's stuff and puts the kernels and init.rd.image files in the 
/boot partition
for you, you then have a choice of wherether to write a new lilo there 
and then
or use the old lilo to boot to desktop and add a stanza to boot the new 
linux OS
either way works, and I tend to choose do it on dektop if it's a beta 
version, or
do it from drakX lilo install if it is a full release.

And WTF all these hundred dual boot how-to's handle win/lin question that is 
actually no-question at all these days and not a word about other options?!
Because its so intuitive? OK im complete idiot then... or not quite sober yet 
from the new year party;) If you could point out some docs I would be glad 

Don't feel bad about it we all learnt this stuff the hard way.
The first time I learnt how to do this was one long weekend spent
in the company of my son in law on an old beatup HP with inadequate
memory and a borrowed hard drive, I think we did something between
20 to 30 installs before we got it right, I remember only too clearly
that it was M7.2 and M8.1 and M8.1 was the only installer with the
capability to write multiple 

RE: [newbie] bin file

2003-01-03 Per discussione Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN
Run it as any other file. ./filename.bin.
You may have to chmod +x the file though.
After running this file, you will be left with an rpm file.
rpm -Uvh filename as root will install it.

Brian D. Klar - CVE
Network Engineer

-Original Message-
From: Gil Katz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 8:14 AM
To: linux newbie
Subject: [newbie] bin file

i downloaded the j2re-1_4_1_01-linux-i586-rpm.bin
now how do i install it?

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Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

2003-01-03 Per discussione K. Spress

Before you do anything I would go ahead and use 
Symantec Ghost 2003 and back up the windows 2000 partition. You might be able to 
back up the Mandrake 8.0 with Ghost 2003 read the documentation
Kenneth E. Spress[EMAIL PROTECTED]

==This is not a 
spam! Your are receiving this email either because,you have sent me an email 
in the past, or you are on a list of marketersrequesting information. If 
this is not the case, PLEASE accept mysincerest apologies and reply with 
"remove" in the subject field.I will remove your name 
to us every Sunday at 11:00 am EST at:http://www.alternacast.comEZHelp, You 
 More Show Infohttp://learn.at/ezhelphttp://go.to/ezhelpAIM: 
keniswhoiamYahoo: kspressMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 
19870108You Finally Have A Choice In Local Telephone Service 

  - Original Message - 
  Mark Mitchell 
  Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 9:11 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Dual Boot 
  If I do a clean install and format my Linux partitions will I 
  still be able to boot the windows 2000 partition through LILO?- 
  MarkAnne Wilson wrote:
  On Friday 03 Jan 2003 2:49 am, Mark Mitchell wrote:
I have a machine running windows 2000 server and Mandrake 8.0
I want to upgrade to Mandrake 9. Is there anything I should beware of
before upgrading a dual boot machine. If I lose my 2000 install I will
be screwed.

- Mark

Others deal with the upgrade issue.  Just to add my 2p worth -

You wouldn't try to upgrade, would you?  Most people have found that dodgy.  A 
clean install is to be preferred.


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Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

2003-01-03 Per discussione Anne Wilson
Don't see why not.  I used to have W2K and Mdk 8.2 on this box and could boot 
to either from lilo.


On Friday 03 Jan 2003 2:11 pm, Mark Mitchell wrote:
 If I do a clean install and format my Linux partitions will I still be
 able to boot the windows 2000 partition through LILO?

 - Mark

 Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 03 Jan 2003 2:49 am, Mark Mitchell wrote:
 I have a machine running windows 2000 server and Mandrake 8.0
 I want to upgrade to Mandrake 9. Is there anything I should beware of
 before upgrading a dual boot machine. If I lose my 2000 install I will
 be screwed.
 - Mark
 Others deal with the upgrade issue.  Just to add my 2p worth -
 You wouldn't try to upgrade, would you?  Most people have found that
  dodgy.  A clean install is to be preferred.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: Archives was Re: [newbie] Installing Java plugin for Mozilla

2003-01-03 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 08:14:40AM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 03 Jan 2003 7:37 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
  Mark Weaver wrote:
   Hi there,
   I wish I had a dollar, (accounting for the current rate of inflation),
   for every time I've seen this need addressed in these lists. Doesn't
   anyone read the archives any more? ;)
  If there was a way to request the archives to send us information by
  email from a email query I am sure many of us would use the archives.
  Unfortunately though many of us do not have either permanent or cheap
  24/7 connections to the Internet.
 If there were clear links to the archives and an easy way of searching them we 
 would use them more.  I haven't seen the archives for months - I never see 
 any link to them and can't remember the url

If you use Mozilla or Phoenix (don't know about NS7) and haven't been
using custom keyword searching, now's the time to learn.

Just go to any site that has a search (like the newbie archives at
http://www.mail-archive.com/newbie@linux-mandrake.com/), enter a dummy
search phrase like coffee (no quotes) and bookmark the results page.

Next, go to Bookmarks  Mangage bookmarks, and look at the properties of
the bookmark you just made. Locate the word coffee in the URL and replace
it with %s (no quotes). In the keyword field, enter a short phrase
you'll remember; I use newb.

Now when I enter newb boot hang cups in the address bar I go directly to
the results page of a Mandrake newbie search on boot hang cups.
Pretty cool!

I also have custom searches for Freshmeat.net, rpmfind.net, m-w.com,
sourceforge, amazon.com, LDP, google (web, groups, images, and news) and
a few others. Very handy for URL's I'm always forgetting/misplacing.


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Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

2003-01-03 Per discussione John Richard Smith
It's your choice, either remove lilo with the dos switch  in which case 
your left with
w2k's own boot loader or leave lilo in place (it sits in the mbr) either 
way when
you come to install mandrake a new lilo will be written.

Mark Mitchell wrote:

If I do a clean install and format my Linux partitions will I still be 
able to boot the windows 2000 partition through LILO?

- Mark

Anne Wilson wrote:

On Friday 03 Jan 2003 2:49 am, Mark Mitchell wrote:

   I have a machine running windows 2000 server and Mandrake 8.0
I want to upgrade to Mandrake 9. Is there anything I should beware of
before upgrading a dual boot machine. If I lose my 2000 install I will
be screwed.

- Mark

Others deal with the upgrade issue.  Just to add my 2p worth -

You wouldn't try to upgrade, would you?  Most people have found that dodgy.  A 
clean install is to be preferred.




John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Installing WINE

2003-01-03 Per discussione matt T
Hello all, i'm a user of mandrake linux since 7 hours ago and i am having 
some troubles installing wine. i got this off the web elsewhere:

first, untar the file:
tar -xf wine.tar

second, go to the directory it untarred:

cd wine

third, run the configure script:


fourth, run the compiling script:


fifth, run the installing script:

make install

that should be all you have to do, unless you want to install to a different 
directory than the default.

Problem is, i have no idea how to do that. Thanks in advance for any 


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Re: [newbie] VNC

2003-01-03 Per discussione Frank Bax
At 08:16 AM 1/3/03, ivette brusselmans wrote:

Hello out there,

Installed MDK 9.0 and everything works fine, except for VNC.
When I type VNCviewer in terminal and IPaddress of win98 box I get 
following message:

VNC server supports protocol version 3.3 (viewer 3.3)
No authentication needed
Desktop name ivette
Connected to VNC server, using protocol version 3.3
VNC server default format:
32 bits per pixels
Last significant byte first i each pixel
True color: max red 255 green 255 blue 255, shift red 16 green 8 blue0
Can't cope with 24 bits-per-pixel. Sorry 

It would appear that your Win98 box is configured for 24 
bits-per-pixel.  On that system - right click on desktop, then choose 
'Settings' tab.  Change Colors to 16-bit or 32-bit.  I've heard that 
24-bit should be avoided (it's not always stable) on Win9x systems, so this 
is a good change anyway.


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Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-03 Per discussione rluchor
On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 16:57, erylon hines wrote:
 On Thursday 02 January 2003 12:44 pm, you wrote:
  My installation is also from the discs and uninstalling and
  re-installing didn't work for me.
  Mozilla and Galeon crash when encountering applets;
  Konqueror doesn't crash, but the applet freezes when it's 29% loaded;
  Netscape still refuses to even acknowledge that java is loaded.
  Where to next??
 There is a fairly high probablility that you have two java's installed, and a 
 bad link to the *.so going (or, maybe no link at all).  Note that this must 
 be a link to the javaplugin_oji.so, copying the *.so to the 
 /usr/lib/netscape/plugins directory will NOT work--same for mozilla.
 MozillaHelpAbout plug-ins  shows the java that you have installed??
 (should be the Sun version)
 #java -version  returns what?  (Kaffee should be o.k., but you can 
 uninstall it using the package manager and re-make your path to the Sun 
 version as a last resort--since this is only for web browsers that shouldn't 
 be necessary).  I'm trying to determine just what mods the rpm installer made 
 to your directories and links.
 Everyone else reading this--I recommend that you use the version from 
 Blackdown if you must have a JVM because it is a bzipped tarball and not a 
 *.bin or rpm.  If you use tarballs you can have more control of the install.  
 Installing java ain't really hard--honest.
 1.  Download the bz2 tarball and put it in /usr/local then cd to /usr/local
 2.  Unpack it with the command  tar -xvvIf name_of_tarball   (note that is an 
 eye not an ell -- a directory /usr/local/java_version_directory will be 
 3.  ln -s 
/usr/lib/mozilla plugins
 4.  Repeat for netscape (note to use the proper plugin directory--moz and 
 netscape are different)
 I don't use Galeon--you are on your own for that
 If you must have a real JVM for some 3rd party program (not very likely, but 
 possible) remove Kaffee from your system.
 1.  open /etc/profile with your favorite editor
 2.  Add the line: export  PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/java_version_directory/bin
 (this sets the variable PATH to the previous PATH and adds the new line to it)
 3. Add the line:   export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java_version_directory
 4.  Reload /etc/profile
 If none of this works for you, I've exhausted my suggestions, but I assure 
 you, it has worked for me.

Well, I've exhausted all of my possibilities, none of the java installs
will work, Sun or Blackdown or Netscape.  I've also noticed that
Konqueror file manager crashes sometimes when I click on a Mozilla
directory.  There's something very wrong with my installation. 
Strangely, another computer that I upgraded (this one was a fresh
install) works perfectly!

Thanks to everyone for all of their efforts.



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[newbie] Mandrake Club (Troll)

2003-01-03 Per discussione Poogle
After all of the recent proclamations of undying support for Mandrake, why are 
there (nearly) alway more guests than members online ?  

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] DSL Configuration - How?

2003-01-03 Per discussione Jody Cleveland
Hello all,

Well, I took the plunge and installed Mandrake 9. So far, I'm very impressed
with it. I like it quite a bit better than Redhat 8. Any way, I'm trying to
setup my DSL connection. No matter what I do, it says it's unable to
connect, and to check my configuration. I dual boot with Mandrake 9 and
Windows XP. I tried to match up everything exactly as it is in Windows, but
it just won't connect. Is there a setting that needs to be set within the
network setup?

Mandrake 9
Linksys network card
Belkin Router
Dual-boot with XP

-Jody Cleveland

Winnefox Library System
Computer Support Specialist

Start your day with a smile and get it over with.
- W.C. Fields -

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Re: [newbie] Lilo graphical

2003-01-03 Per discussione Jason
MCCBootBoot ConfigConfigureThen in the dialog box that pops up, in 
the dropdown box under bootloader to use simply select LILO with 
graphical menu.

Done and save changes on exit of MCC.

Hope this helps.



Russ wrote:

Hi All, 

can anyone tell me how to change lilo to graphical instead of text? I am
using MD9 download and I have messed with the setting in Mandrake
Control Center - Boot Config. No matter what I do in there it doesn't
seem to change anything.



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] USB compactflash reader problems

2003-01-03 Per discussione Jason
Look through the recent archivesthis has been covered on list A LOT 
recently. I have had the same troubles with a Packard Bell multiple 
media USB CF reader. The trouble seems to be with the Mandrake compiled 
kernel but I'm not certain yet. Have yet to get mine going despite many 
days (and nights) of trying. I may have to try a personal compile of a 
kernel.org kernel to try that.




# cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
T:  Bus=01 Lev=00 Prnt=00 Port=00 Cnt=00 Dev#=  1 Spd=12  MxCh= 2
B:  Alloc=  0/900 us ( 0%), #Int=  0, #Iso=  0
D:  Ver= 1.00 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor= ProdID= Rev= 0.00
S:  Product=USB UHCI Root Hub
S:  SerialNumber=bce0
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=40 MxPwr=  0mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=hub
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=   8 Ivl=255ms
T:  Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#=  7 Spd=12  MxCh= 0
D:  Ver= 1.10 Cls=00(ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor=05dc ProdID=b002 Rev= 1.13
S:  Manufacturer=USB
S:  Product=Mass Storage
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr= 70mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=08(stor.) Sub=06 Prot=50 Driver=usb-storage
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms
E:  Ad=02(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms

usbview shows this:

Mass Storage
Manufacturer: USB
Speed: 12Mb/s (full)
USB Version:  1.10
Device Class: 00(ifc )
Device Subclass: 00
Device Protocol: 00
Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 8
Number of Configurations: 1
Vendor Id: 05dc
Product Id: b002
Revision Number:  1.13

Config Number: 1
	Number of Interfaces: 1
	Attributes: 80
	MaxPower Needed:  70mA

	Interface Number: 0
		Name: usb-storage
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: 08(stor.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 50
		Number of Endpoints: 2

			Endpoint Address: 81
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 64
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 02
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 64
			Interval: 0ms

# mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/card
mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist

Can anyone help here?  


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-03 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Java - lost it

Did you upgrade or do a fresh install. One of the features with 9.0 was supposed to be it's ability to upgrade over an older OS but I don't think that it works consistantly and may be you are better off with a clean install? Dennis M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 8:56 AM
To: Mandrake
Subject: Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 16:57, erylon hines wrote:
 On Thursday 02 January 2003 12:44 pm, you wrote:
  My installation is also from the discs and uninstalling and
  re-installing didn't work for me.
  Mozilla and Galeon crash when encountering applets;
  Konqueror doesn't crash, but the applet freezes when it's 29% loaded;
  Netscape still refuses to even acknowledge that java is loaded.
  Where to next??
 There is a fairly high probablility that you have two java's installed, and a 
 bad link to the *.so going (or, maybe no link at all). Note that this must 
 be a link to the javaplugin_oji.so, copying the *.so to the 
 /usr/lib/netscape/plugins directory will NOT work--same for mozilla.
 MozillaHelpAbout plug-ins shows the java that you have installed??
 (should be the Sun version)
 #java -version returns what? (Kaffee should be o.k., but you can 
 uninstall it using the package manager and re-make your path to the Sun 
 version as a last resort--since this is only for web browsers that shouldn't 
 be necessary). I'm trying to determine just what mods the rpm installer made 
 to your directories and links.
 Everyone else reading this--I recommend that you use the version from 
 Blackdown if you must have a JVM because it is a bzipped tarball and not a 
 *.bin or rpm. If you use tarballs you can have more control of the install. 
 Installing java ain't really hard--honest.
 1. Download the bz2 tarball and put it in /usr/local then cd to /usr/local
 2. Unpack it with the command tar -xvvIf name_of_tarball (note that is an 
 eye not an ell -- a directory /usr/local/java_version_directory will be 
 3. ln -s 
 /usr/lib/mozilla plugins
 4. Repeat for netscape (note to use the proper plugin directory--moz and 
 netscape are different)
 I don't use Galeon--you are on your own for that
 If you must have a real JVM for some 3rd party program (not very likely, but 
 possible) remove Kaffee from your system.
 1. open /etc/profile with your favorite editor
 2. Add the line: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/java_version_directory/bin
 (this sets the variable PATH to the previous PATH and adds the new line to it)
 3. Add the line: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java_version_directory
 4. Reload /etc/profile
 If none of this works for you, I've exhausted my suggestions, but I assure 
 you, it has worked for me.

Well, I've exhausted all of my possibilities, none of the java installs
will work, Sun or Blackdown or Netscape. I've also noticed that
Konqueror file manager crashes sometimes when I click on a Mozilla
directory. There's something very wrong with my installation. 
Strangely, another computer that I upgraded (this one was a fresh
install) works perfectly!

Thanks to everyone for all of their efforts.



Re: [newbie] DSL Configuration - How?

2003-01-03 Per discussione Anthony Abby
Jody Cleveland said:
 Hello all,

 Well, I took the plunge and installed Mandrake 9. So far, I'm very
 impressed with it. I like it quite a bit better than Redhat 8. Any way,
 I'm trying to setup my DSL connection. No matter what I do, it says it's
 unable to connect, and to check my configuration. I dual boot with
 Mandrake 9 and Windows XP. I tried to match up everything exactly as it
 is in Windows, but it just won't connect. Is there a setting that needs
 to be set within the network setup?

 Mandrake 9
 Linksys network card
 Belkin Router
 Dual-boot with XP

 -Jody Cleveland

Jody, does your system even see your network card?  Can you ping the
loopback address, or manually assign it an ip and ping it?  I'm not
familiar with the belkin, but if it's like the Linksys firewall router I
use at home, can you ping the default gateway address on it?  Need a
little more information to determine what exactly is happening here.


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[newbie] DSL Configuration - How?

2003-01-03 Per discussione Jody Cleveland

 Jody, does your system even see your network card?  Can you ping the
 loopback address, or manually assign it an ip and ping it?  I'm not
 familiar with the belkin, but if it's like the Linksys 
 firewall router I
 use at home, can you ping the default gateway address on it?  Need a
 little more information to determine what exactly is happening here.

Well, if I type ping localhost, it says the network is unavailable. But, if
I go into connection settings for network, it lists eth0 as having an ip
address. The weird thing is, the driver listed for the network card is
tulip. Does that make any sense? Should I try to download a new driver for
my card?


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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-03 Per discussione Jason
Depends on what you mean by preferable. I use KDE. I prefer KDE. Judging 
by user numbers (based on many polls), KDE is used more and is therefore 
considered preferable by many. However, I have yet to find apps from 
either WM that won't run on the other, so I suppose it's all about 
personal choice at the end of the day.



mike wrote:

I was wondering what people think is the preferable window manager?I know 
some Gnome programs run under KDE.Do KDE programs run under Gnome?

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Generic USB Storage Device

2003-01-03 Per discussione Jason
I'm on ML 9.0but have tried it on the recent cooker box as 
wellstill no joy.



John Richard Smith wrote:

Jason wrote:

Mine is a multiple media device so if you figure it out...please let 
me know how you did it!! =)



John Richard Smith wrote:

Funny thing, I just found that out , tonight, on my own.
the text editor has to end on a new blank line before saving and 
If you don't , nothing will be accepted by the mount proceedure and
mount -a
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab
mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist
is saying just that.

I've had some success , but mandrake's usbreader software
does not like multiple media /appeture readers, but someone
with redhat has got my reader working.


Jason wrote:

I am struggling with a USB card reader just the same. One thing I 
have learned is that at the end of fstab you MUST leave one blank 
line or you will have major system problems...I know I did.



PS, that's what it means by no new line...

John Richard Smith wrote:

This is what usbview shows,

Gdk-WARNING **: Creating pixmap from xpm with NULL window and colormap

Generic USB Storage Device
Manufacturer: Generic
Serial Number: 0AEC30501A002
Speed: 12Mb/s (full)
USB Version:  1.10
Device Class: 00(ifc )
Device Subclass: 00
Device Protocol: 00
Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 16
Number of Configurations: 1
Vendor Id: 0aec
Product Id: 5010
Revision Number:  1.00

Config Number: 1
Number of Interfaces: 1
Attributes: 80
MaxPower Needed: 100mA

Interface Number: 0
Name: usb-storage
Alternate Number: 0
Class: 08(stor.)
Sub Class: 06
Protocol: 50
Number of Endpoints: 2

Endpoint Address: 01
Direction: out
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval: 0ms

Endpoint Address: 82
Direction: in
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval: 0ms

location of usbdevfs devices file/proc/bus/usb/devices

I tried,

fstab - automount
with line,
/dev/sdb1 /mnt/reader vfat auto,user,fat=12 0 0

mount -a
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab
mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist

icon mount,
Could not mount device.
The reported error was:
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab
mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist

fstab - automount
with line
/dev/sdb1 /mnt/reader vfat noauto,owner,ro,user 0 0

mount -a
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab

icon mount,
Could not mount device.
The reported error was:
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab
mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist

fstab - supermount
with line,
/mnt/reader /mnt/reader supermount 
dev=/dev/sdb1,fs=vfat,exec,--,user,umask=0,fat=12,sync,dev,suid 0 0

mount -a
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab

icon mount,
Could not mount device.
The reported error was:
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab

These are only my guesses.Suggestions welcomed.



I haven't figured it all out yet, but here is where you can start.


Our readers require multiple bus addresses, I got mine to access
the first device, but it was not the aperture to the media type
I wanted , ie smartcard reader aperture, and so I failed, I suspect
mandrake kernel does not support multiple aperture readers , as
yet , but I also suspect Redhat does. I think mandrake will have to
follow suit , it's what is wanted. People want multiple reader
devices through one usb port.

Incidentally, my readers is properly identified thus,
cat /proc/scsi/usb-storage-0/0 ( maybe -0/1 , or -1/2 or something 
like it )
  Host scsi0: usb-storage

  Vendor: PQI

 Product: Travel Flash

Serial Number: 4710765066451

Protocol: Transparent SCSI

   Transport: Bulk

GUID: 353800010004710765066451

Attached: 1

Which is not how my M9.0 is currently reading it , but should.
What OS are you on, bye the way.

I suspect we are going to need an updated mandrake kernel
to get all the facility we want, keep me posted of anything
you find out,



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Generic USB Storage Device

2003-01-03 Per discussione Jason
Thanks for the help. I have reformatted the SM card as fat32 but it 
still doesn't work. I believe the problem is in how the Mandrake kernel 
handles multiple media readers (to make matters worse, mine is also a 
writer). Since Linux USB support is still patchy I am now convinced I 
will have to wait for a later kernel to solve my problems. I will 
continue playing though and if I turn up anything I will let you know.
Thanks again for all your efforts.



John Richard Smith wrote:

Jason wrote:

Mine is a multiple media device so if you figure it out...please let 
me know how you did it!! =)



John Richard Smith wrote:

Funny thing, I just found that out , tonight, on my own.
the text editor has to end on a new blank line before saving and 
If you don't , nothing will be accepted by the mount proceedure and
mount -a
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab
mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist
is saying just that.

I've had some success , but mandrake's usbreader software
does not like multiple media /appeture readers, but someone
with redhat has got my reader working.


Jason wrote:

I am struggling with a USB card reader just the same. One thing I 
have learned is that at the end of fstab you MUST leave one blank 
line or you will have major system problems...I know I did.



PS, that's what it means by no new line...

John Richard Smith wrote:

This is what usbview shows,

Gdk-WARNING **: Creating pixmap from xpm with NULL window and colormap

Generic USB Storage Device
Manufacturer: Generic
Serial Number: 0AEC30501A002
Speed: 12Mb/s (full)
USB Version:  1.10
Device Class: 00(ifc )
Device Subclass: 00
Device Protocol: 00
Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 16
Number of Configurations: 1
Vendor Id: 0aec
Product Id: 5010
Revision Number:  1.00

Config Number: 1
Number of Interfaces: 1
Attributes: 80
MaxPower Needed: 100mA

Interface Number: 0
Name: usb-storage
Alternate Number: 0
Class: 08(stor.)
Sub Class: 06
Protocol: 50
Number of Endpoints: 2

Endpoint Address: 01
Direction: out
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval: 0ms

Endpoint Address: 82
Direction: in
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval: 0ms

location of usbdevfs devices file/proc/bus/usb/devices

I tried,

fstab - automount
with line,
/dev/sdb1 /mnt/reader vfat auto,user,fat=12 0 0

mount -a
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab
mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist

icon mount,
Could not mount device.
The reported error was:
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab
mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist

fstab - automount
with line
/dev/sdb1 /mnt/reader vfat noauto,owner,ro,user 0 0

mount -a
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab

icon mount,
Could not mount device.
The reported error was:
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab
mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist

fstab - supermount
with line,
/mnt/reader /mnt/reader supermount 
dev=/dev/sdb1,fs=vfat,exec,--,user,umask=0,fat=12,sync,dev,suid 0 0

mount -a
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab

icon mount,
Could not mount device.
The reported error was:
[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab

These are only my guesses.Suggestions welcomed.



I haven't figured it all out yet, but here is where you can start.


Our readers require multiple bus addresses, I got mine to access
the first device, but it was not the aperture to the media type
I wanted , ie smartcard reader aperture, and so I failed, I suspect
mandrake kernel does not support multiple aperture readers , as
yet , but I also suspect Redhat does. I think mandrake will have to
follow suit , it's what is wanted. People want multiple reader
devices through one usb port.

Incidentally, my readers is properly identified thus,
cat /proc/scsi/usb-storage-0/0 ( maybe -0/1 , or -1/2 or something 
like it )
  Host scsi0: usb-storage

  Vendor: PQI

 Product: Travel Flash

Serial Number: 4710765066451

Protocol: Transparent SCSI

   Transport: Bulk

GUID: 353800010004710765066451

Attached: 1

Which is not how my M9.0 is currently reading it , but should.
What OS are you on, bye the way.

I suspect we are going to need an updated mandrake kernel
to get all the facility we want, keep me posted of anything
you find out,



Re: Archives was Re: [newbie] Installing Java plugin for Mozilla

2003-01-03 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Friday 03 Jan 2003 1:45 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 08:14:40AM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Friday 03 Jan 2003 7:37 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
   Mark Weaver wrote:
Hi there,
I wish I had a dollar, (accounting for the current rate of
inflation), for every time I've seen this need addressed in these
lists. Doesn't anyone read the archives any more? ;)
   If there was a way to request the archives to send us information by
   email from a email query I am sure many of us would use the archives.
   Unfortunately though many of us do not have either permanent or cheap
   24/7 connections to the Internet.
  If there were clear links to the archives and an easy way of searching
  them we would use them more.  I haven't seen the archives for months - I
  never see any link to them and can't remember the url

 If you use Mozilla or Phoenix (don't know about NS7) and haven't been
 using custom keyword searching, now's the time to learn.

 Just go to any site that has a search (like the newbie archives at
 http://www.mail-archive.com/newbie@linux-mandrake.com/), enter a dummy
 search phrase like coffee (no quotes) and bookmark the results page.

 Next, go to Bookmarks  Mangage bookmarks, and look at the properties of
 the bookmark you just made. Locate the word coffee in the URL and replace
 it with %s (no quotes). In the keyword field, enter a short phrase
 you'll remember; I use newb.

 Now when I enter newb boot hang cups in the address bar I go directly to
 the results page of a Mandrake newbie search on boot hang cups.
 Pretty cool!

 I also have custom searches for Freshmeat.net, rpmfind.net, m-w.com,
 sourceforge, amazon.com, LDP, google (web, groups, images, and news) and
 a few others. Very handy for URL's I'm always forgetting/misplacing.

That sounds excellent.  I'll try it.


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Re: [newbie] installed and installable packages/updates...discrep ancy??

2003-01-03 Per discussione Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2003 08:19:43 -0300
Subject: [newbie] installed and installable packages/updates...discrepancy??

 Greetings everyone, I have something going on here with what seems to be a 
discrepancy between what my Install software and Remove software programs are 
telling me. :-/
 I have found several packages that are showing as installed in 'Remove software, 
but in Install software there is an update showing as available from 
 These packages have identical id's and changelogs, but the files and sizes don't 
match. The packages shown as being required contain generally a lot of patches.
 When I run Mandrake update, no packages are showing as required, and I am told 
that my system is up to date. I am completely baffled as to what is going on here.
 These are the packages for which I have noted this apparent discrepancy:
 I expect there are others too.
 I hope I have described my situation clearly enough. Is anyone else showing this 
 Any feedback on this would be appreciated.
Just an addendum..
I have keep my system updated with all the updated packages that I have been notified 
off by email from MandrakeSecurity. Also I have run Mandrake Update on a regular 
basis. It appears that my updates haven't been properly acknowledged by the urpmi 
database. Why would this occur?

I'm quite certain that I do indeed have all the updates installed, and when I run 
Update, that is indicated. There is the apparent discrepancy between Install 
software and Remove software though. Install shows the updates as not being 
installed, while Remove says they are :-/

Is there a way that I can manually straighten this out?



Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

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Re: [newbie] USB compactflash reader problems

2003-01-03 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Does anyone happen to know if there is an updated rpm kernel to install 
and try ?

Jason wrote:

Look through the recent archivesthis has been covered on list A 
LOT recently. I have had the same troubles with a Packard Bell 
multiple media USB CF reader. The trouble seems to be with the 
Mandrake compiled kernel but I'm not certain yet. Have yet to get mine 
going despite many days (and nights) of trying. I may have to try a 
personal compile of a kernel.org kernel to try that.




# cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
T:  Bus=01 Lev=00 Prnt=00 Port=00 Cnt=00 Dev#=  1 Spd=12  MxCh= 2
B:  Alloc=  0/900 us ( 0%), #Int=  0, #Iso=  0
D:  Ver= 1.00 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor= ProdID= Rev= 0.00
S:  Product=USB UHCI Root Hub
S:  SerialNumber=bce0
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=40 MxPwr=  0mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=hub
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=   8 Ivl=255ms
T:  Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#=  7 Spd=12  MxCh= 0
D:  Ver= 1.10 Cls=00(ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor=05dc ProdID=b002 Rev= 1.13
S:  Manufacturer=USB
S:  Product=Mass Storage
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr= 70mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=08(stor.) Sub=06 Prot=50 
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms
E:  Ad=02(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms

usbview shows this:

Mass Storage
Manufacturer: USB
Speed: 12Mb/s (full)
USB Version:  1.10
Device Class: 00(ifc )
Device Subclass: 00
Device Protocol: 00
Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 8
Number of Configurations: 1
Vendor Id: 05dc
Product Id: b002
Revision Number:  1.13

Config Number: 1
Number of Interfaces: 1
Attributes: 80
MaxPower Needed:  70mA

Interface Number: 0
Name: usb-storage
Alternate Number: 0
Class: 08(stor.) Sub Class: 06
Protocol: 50
Number of Endpoints: 2

Endpoint Address: 81
Direction: in
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval: 0ms

Endpoint Address: 02
Direction: out
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval: 0ms

# mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/card
mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist

Can anyone help here? 


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Club (Troll)

2003-01-03 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Friday 03 Jan 2003 3:33 pm, Poogle wrote:
 After all of the recent proclamations of undying support for Mandrake, why
 are there (nearly) alway more guests than members online ?

Possibly because unless you use automatic login it's not worth the trouble for 
much of the time.


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RE: [newbie] USB compactflash reader problems

2003-01-03 Per discussione walt

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of John Richard Smith
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] USB compactflash reader problems

Does anyone happen to know if there is an updated rpm kernel to install 
and try ?

Go to kernel.org and search there.


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Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

2003-01-03 Per discussione Keith
Buy  back up to another HDD..They are CHEAP now adays...

On Thursday 02 January 2003 09:59 pm, you wrote:
 Problem is I have over 50 gigs of MP3's and movies on the Windows 
 partition that I cant afford to lose and I have no way of backing up 
 that much data
 - Mark
 Keith wrote:
 Do not mess around...BACK UP important files/folders
 On Thursday 02 January 2003 08:49 pm, Mark Mitchell wrote:
 I have a machine running windows 2000 server and Mandrake 8.0
 I want to upgrade to Mandrake 9. Is there anything I should beware of 
 before upgrading a dual boot machine. If I lose my 2000 install I will 
 be screwed.
 - Mark

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Re: [newbie] uninstalling Mandrake

2003-01-03 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Carroll Grigsby wrote:

On Thursday 02 January 2003 06:56 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:

Steve Mendizabal wrote:

Anyone know where I can find the docs to uninstall Mandrake as well as



Good God man! thats blasphemy!


Apart from just wiping out the partition there isn't any more to it then
starting your comp with a windows boot floppy, booting to an A:\ prompt
and typing fdisk /mbr.

At that point you'll want to enter fdisk and wipe out the Non-dos
partition, but for the life of me I can't think of one good reason for
doing such a hanious thing!


Does fdisk /mbr still work with the newer versions of windows (2000, XP)? Not 
that I'd know -- win98SE is as far as I ever got. And further than I should 
have gone.
-- cmg

yup. at least in my experience. that little fdisk trick still works.
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.0

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Re: [newbie] DSL Configuration - How?

2003-01-03 Per discussione Damian Gatabria
On Friday 03 January 2003 15:39, Jody Cleveland wrote:
 Hello all,

 Well, I took the plunge and installed Mandrake 9. So far, I'm very
 impressed with it. I like it quite a bit better than Redhat 8. Any way, I'm
 trying to setup my DSL connection. No matter what I do, it says it's unable
 to connect, and to check my configuration. I dual boot with Mandrake 9 and
 Windows XP. I tried to match up everything exactly as it is in Windows, but
 it just won't connect. Is there a setting that needs to be set within the
 network setup?

Personally, i had many problems getting Mandrake Control Center
to configure my ADSL connection. In fact, i never could get it to work.

What i do is configure it from the command line. It's really simple
and fast. Even faster that configuring the same connection under
XP pro. Just log in as root, and type in a shell: 


the adsl-setup will ask you some simple questions about your
connection (like username/password, a name for your connection,
and DNS servers), and you'll be good to go in about a minute. From
there, whenever you need to connect to the internet, you just type
adsl-start. (and to disconnect you type adsl-stop).

for this, you need the rp-pppoe package installed. if you
get adsl-setup: command not found you can install it by typing

urpmi rp-pppoe



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Re: [newbie] Installing WINE

2003-01-03 Per discussione David Williams
On Friday 03 January 2003 08:57 am, matt T wrote:
 Hello all, i'm a user of mandrake linux since 7 hours ago and i am having
 some troubles installing wine. i got this off the web elsewhere:

 first, untar the file:
 tar -xf wine.tar

 second, go to the directory it untarred:

 cd wine

 third, run the configure script:


 fourth, run the compiling script:


 fifth, run the installing script:

 make install

 that should be all you have to do, unless you want to install to a
 different directory than the default.

 Problem is, i have no idea how to do that. Thanks in advance for any


 Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

You will need to use a terminal program (probably superuser mode) and enter 
the inputs from the command line. If you are not familiar with them, you 
might want to read up a little on the basic command line inputs for changing 
directories, copying and deleting files, etc. They are in the Command line 
documentation (get there in KDE by clicking on the red and white lifesaver).
Start there and enjoy the learning experience.
   ( )_( )
   ( OO )
 (   )

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Re: [newbie] ML 9.0 update mirrors don't work

2003-01-03 Per discussione bpx
I had this problem as well.  Grabbing the urpmi update file after the initial
install corrected the problem.  I had some other issues the motivated me to
re-install anyway.


I am trying to run Mandrake Update in ML 9.0 and get the dialog box (in
Gnome) which asks if I am connected to the Internet and would like to select

a mirror. I am and I would so I click ok. The list of mirrors appears
without a problem but none of them can be added successfully. I have been
through every mirror on the list and none work.
I know it isn't my Internet connection since I can surf and get email. Where

else can I check to begin troubleshooting this problem.
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

2003-01-03 Per discussione et
 Do not mess around...BACK UP important files/folders
 On Thursday 02 January 2003 08:49 pm, Mark Mitchell wrote:
 I have a machine running windows 2000 server and Mandrake 8.0
 I want to upgrade to Mandrake 9. Is there anything I should beware of
 before upgrading a dual boot machine. If I lose my 2000 install I will
 be screwed.
 - Mark
back up is not something you do once before you screw with things, like saving 
documents you are working on, it is something to be done often. 
that said
you will not have any problem with the M$ partitions as long as you do an 
expert install and do not screw with any fat or ntfs partitions. I boot, 
WinME (hda1), MDK 7.0 to 9.0 (clean installs across 2 harddrives,hda5 for 
/home, hda6 for/, hda7 for swap, and hdc5 fat data, hdc6 for /var) and  hda8 
has Win2k.
lilo sees the win2k bootloader as windows and then I choose either win2k or 
never a problem since Lilo overcame the 1024 cyl limit.

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Re: Re: [newbie] Failed install

2003-01-03 Per discussione elnonio
Well, I did manage to get the install to work from FTP:

on my good PC, I activated IIS5's FTP server, root is ./linux9
I copied the files from CD1 to ./linux9/d1, CD2 to ./d2 and CD3 to d3.
Figuring that the installer would prolly not look at d2 and d3, I also copied 
./d2/Mandrake/RPMS2 to ./d1/Mandrake/RPMS2 AND the contents of RPMS2 to 

Overkill, but that way I felt sure the installed would find the RPMS either from RPMS2 
or RPMS. Did the same with disk 3.

Installation kicked off, but I'm still having issues with the system.
It can boot, but freezes whenever I try to access configuration tools (harddrake2, and 

Next plan is strip the box from all unnecessary hardware (sound card, CDROM, I had 
already pulled the modem) and start again.

Starting to get pretty frustrated with this box and thinking about buillding a new 
one, just need a new mother board, got plenty of other spares. Anyone have a recent 
motherboard with AGP, pentium II slot for sale?


---Original Message---
From: Anders Lind [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 01/03/03 04:30 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Failed install

 On Fri, 3 Jan 2003 10:15:16 +
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes. One way of doing it is to mount the CD images as loopback file
 and then export them as NFS shares.  On the computer you want to boot
 then boot from floppy using the 'network' boot image you will find on a 
 Mandrake mirror site.
 A network install allows you to boot from an FTP site, or an NFS share.
 follow the prompts.
 This is 'mentioned' in the Mandrake installer instructions, but not
 covered in depth. 

That is one way of doing it, and you can also set the one where it is
installed as a FTP-server and install it from there.



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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Club (Troll)

2003-01-03 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 10:33, Poogle wrote:
 After all of the recent proclamations of undying support for Mandrake, why are 
 there (nearly) alway more guests than members online ?  

Very good question, Poogle.  Why don't we go online and start asking
them in the club forums?


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Have a look at this. Thanks Gavin!

2003-01-03 Per discussione et
On Friday 03 January 2003 04:54 am, Lanman wrote:
 Interesting Story.


 Dan LaBine
 Maximum Lans
 (514) 489-7825
 6915 Fielding Ave.
 Suite # 228
 Montreal, Quebec,
 H4V 1P4
you do realize that the date on this article is ;17:04 Wednesday 30th January 

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RE: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-03 Per discussione rluchor
Originally I did an upgrade on both of my computers, the laptop is still
working, but my main computer crashed about a week later, reason
unknown.  I was unable to recover from the crash,so did a fresh install.

I think my step step, if I can find the time, will be to hunt down all
vestiges of java and then do an upgrade followed by a fresh install of


On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 10:32, Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:
 Did you upgrade or do a fresh install. One of the features with 9.0
 was supposed to be it's ability to upgrade over an older OS but I
 don't think that it works consistantly and may be you are better off
 with a clean install? Dennis M.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 8:56 AM
 To: Mandrake
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Java - lost it
 On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 16:57, erylon hines wrote:
  On Thursday 02 January 2003 12:44 pm, you wrote:
   My installation is also from the discs and uninstalling and
   re-installing didn't work for me.
   Mozilla and Galeon crash when encountering applets;
   Konqueror doesn't crash, but the applet freezes when it's 29%
   Netscape still refuses to even acknowledge that java is loaded.
   Where to next??
  There is a fairly high probablility that you have two java's
 installed, and a 
  bad link to the *.so going (or, maybe no link at all).  Note that
 this must 
  be a link to the javaplugin_oji.so, copying the *.so to the 
  /usr/lib/netscape/plugins directory will NOT work--same for mozilla.
  MozillaHelpAbout plug-ins  shows the java that you have
  (should be the Sun version)
  #java -version  returns what?  (Kaffee should be o.k., but you
  uninstall it using the package manager and re-make your path to the
  version as a last resort--since this is only for web browsers that
  be necessary).  I'm trying to determine just what mods the rpm
 installer made 
  to your directories and links.
  Everyone else reading this--I recommend that you use the version
  Blackdown if you must have a JVM because it is a bzipped tarball and
 not a 
  *.bin or rpm.  If you use tarballs you can have more control of the
  Installing java ain't really hard--honest.
  1.  Download the bz2 tarball and put it in /usr/local then cd to
  2.  Unpack it with the command  tar -xvvIf name_of_tarball   (note
 that is an 
  eye not an ell -- a directory /usr/local/java_version_directory
 will be 
  3.  ln -s 
 /usr/lib/mozilla plugins
  4.  Repeat for netscape (note to use the proper plugin
 directory--moz and 
  netscape are different)
  I don't use Galeon--you are on your own for that
  If you must have a real JVM for some 3rd party program (not very
 likely, but 
  possible) remove Kaffee from your system.
  1.  open /etc/profile with your favorite editor
  2.  Add the line: export 
  (this sets the variable PATH to the previous PATH and adds the new
 line to it)
  3. Add the line:   export
  4.  Reload /etc/profile
  If none of this works for you, I've exhausted my suggestions, but I
  you, it has worked for me.
 Well, I've exhausted all of my possibilities, none of the java
 will work, Sun or Blackdown or Netscape.  I've also noticed that
 Konqueror file manager crashes sometimes when I click on a Mozilla
 directory.  There's something very wrong with my installation. 
 Strangely, another computer that I upgraded (this one was a fresh
 install) works perfectly!
 Thanks to everyone for all of their efforts.

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Re: [newbie] Have a look at this. Thanks Gavin!

2003-01-03 Per discussione Lanman
YUP! I've been told already, but thanks.


On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 13:10, et wrote:
 On Friday 03 January 2003 04:54 am, Lanman wrote:
  Interesting Story.
  Dan LaBine
  Maximum Lans
  (514) 489-7825
  6915 Fielding Ave.
  Suite # 228
  Montreal, Quebec,
  H4V 1P4
 you do realize that the date on this article is ;17:04 Wednesday 30th January 
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Club (Troll)

2003-01-03 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 11:09, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 03 Jan 2003 3:33 pm, Poogle wrote:
  After all of the recent proclamations of undying support for Mandrake, why
  are there (nearly) alway more guests than members online ?
 Possibly because unless you use automatic login it's not worth the trouble for 
 much of the time.

Maybe so, but for me, having paid for membership, I kinda like to log in
and post to the forums as myself, so I don't give anyone the idea that
I'm freeloading.  That way I can contact friends if the opportunity
presents itself, ask questions as a known member, etc etc.  Logging in
makes the whole point to everyone that you cared and were concerned
enough to pay.  I also think that there *are* alot of freeloaders taking
advantage of the open nature of the club.  I don't think beginners
should be run off, but those guys that have been doing the guest thing
for over several months should be looked at.  I don't know how to
delineate except to ask them.


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Have a look at this. Thanks Gavin!

2003-01-03 Per discussione Robin Turner
et wrote:

On Friday 03 January 2003 04:54 am, Lanman wrote:

Interesting Story.


you do realize that the date on this article is ;17:04 Wednesday 30th January 

Hell, my system clock does that to me all the time!

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533


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RE: [newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

2003-01-03 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
Title: Message

I have 
done this several times without any problem.


  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Mark MitchellSent: Friday, January 03, 2003 10:11 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [newbie] 
  Dual Boot UpgradeIf I do a clean install and format my 
  Linux partitions will I still be able to boot the windows 2000 partition 
  through LILO?- MarkAnne Wilson wrote:
  On Friday 03 Jan 2003 2:49 am, Mark Mitchell wrote:
I have a machine running windows 2000 server and Mandrake 8.0
I want to upgrade to Mandrake 9. Is there anything I should beware of
before upgrading a dual boot machine. If I lose my 2000 install I will
be screwed.

- Mark

Others deal with the upgrade issue.  Just to add my 2p worth -

You wouldn't try to upgrade, would you?  Most people have found that dodgy.  A 
clean install is to be preferred.


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[newbie] converting a lot of images

2003-01-03 Per discussione Kristjan

Hi there

I have learned that anything is possible with Linux.
only question is how to do that

I have around 100 images that need to be prepared for a web presentation. That is html 
only site, so I can not use any fancy magics on the webside.

They are different sizes 1028x768 and some are bit smaller.

I need them in 2 sizes, all the same 
1 - 187 x 140
2 - 512 x 348 

has anyone ides for me hoto do that. I rather spend some time to get it done 
automatically (and learn some more tricks), rather than manipulating with gimp 


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[newbie] RPMDRAKE stopped working

2003-01-03 Per discussione Bela Markus

from one day to another RPMDRAKE and KPACKAGE stopped working (MDK 9.0.
KPACKAGE hangs on immediately after start. Do not accept any command.

In MCC update, install, remove hangs on at the same point when checks
existing packages.

Any advice?

Regards... Bela

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