Re: [newbie-it] Linux Pratico

2003-02-09 Per discussione Luigi
  sapete qual'e l'ultimo numero uscito di Linux Pratico?
 Il numero 9.

mi sai dire qual'e' il numero dell'ufficio abbonamenti?
mi sono abbonato a dicembre scorso e non ho ancora ricevuto un numero della 

Luigi Beltramini

Re: [newbie-it] Script per init 6 con aggiunte

2003-02-09 Per discussione IRON
Alle 18:02, sabato 25 gennaio 2003, Stefano Sebastiani ha scritto:
 Non c'è nessuno che mi possa aiutare a fare i due script di cui

mah.. io di solito per fare quello che vuoi tu uso il comando:

#rebootin windows

dove 'windows' è la relativa voce di LILO... E' chiaramente possibile 
usarne un'altra!

Marco Faenzi Vallés
ICQ#: 92399781

Re: [newbie-it] Linux Pratico

2003-02-09 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mi sai dire qual'e' il numero dell'ufficio abbonamenti?
mi sono abbonato a dicembre scorso e non ho ancora ricevuto un numero della 

Strano... Boh, magari ti arriva nei prossimi giorni (il numero 9 deve essere uscito da 
Comunque ecco i dati dell'ufficio abbonamenti e arretrati:

tel. 06/3200105
fax 06/3200143
dalle ore 9,30 alle 16,30, lunedì-venerdì



Re: [newbie-it] Linux Pratico

2003-02-09 Per discussione Corrado
Il dom, 2003-02-09 alle 15:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 mi sai dire qual'e' il numero dell'ufficio abbonamenti?
 mi sono abbonato a dicembre scorso e non ho ancora ricevuto un numero della 
 Strano... Boh, magari ti arriva nei prossimi giorni (il numero 9 deve essere uscito 
da poco)...
 Comunque ecco i dati dell'ufficio abbonamenti e arretrati:

Oddio, così strano non mi sembra, sinceramente... in una sola occasione
capitò di vedermi arrivare il primo numero di una rivista (mensile) dopo
solo un mese e mezzo dall'invio della richiesta... Il n.9 (mi pare sia
il primo utile dopo la richiesta di abbonamento) è uscito da pochi
giorni, e purtroppo la norma vuole che una rivista in abbonamento arrivi
*almeno* (e parlo di un grosso editore come Mondadori) una settimana
dopo l'uscita in edicola...
Ma il rpobela è delle poste.


Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 9.0 Problemi con lettore cdrom

2003-02-09 Per discussione Andrea Cecagallina
At 19.44 08/02/2003 +0100, you wrote:

Come si fa??? ;-)

Ad invertire?
Apri il Pc, scambi i cavi IDE di masterizzatore e lettore ed ovviamente 
cambi anche i settaggi dei jumper.
I settaggi giusti li trovi sui manuali (perchè tu li hai ancora, vero?) 
oppure potresti averli stampati anche sul retro dei due apparecchi (nel mio 
caso avevo sia i manuali che le impostazioni stampate)

Scusa ma io sono un po' digiuno...

A chi lo dici :)

Se puoi aiutarmi sarò un Pinguino felice, se poi non ci riesco mando alle
ortiche tutto per l'ennesima volta e continuo con Windazzo, anche se é
contro la mia genia

Non è facile migrare da Wina Linux, dato che sono due mondi diversi (ed il 
secondo è più complesso, forse per le sue origini Unix...)
Ma credo che valga la pena di passare ai Pinguini! :)


Re: [newbie-it] Suggerimenti: installazione e pacchetti

2003-02-09 Per discussione Andrea Cecagallina
At 17.00 08/02/2003 +0100, you wrote:

Dove trovo una classifica che mi indici quali sono i window-manager più
leggeri e quelli più pesanti per una determinata macchina?

Prova a
è un ottimo sito.

Cmq, da quel poco che ci capisco in 'sto nuovo mondo di Pinguini, il 
più leggero dovrebbe essere IceWM
Al limte prova a vedere le minidistribuzioni di Linux: se cerchi 
nell'archivio della lista trovi un paio di link interessanti.

Un'altra alternativa è Knoppix: nel senso che ti puoi fare la distribuzione 
come vuoi tu...

Ah. io ti dico tutto questo in teoria Nel senso che mi sto 
interessando delle varie cose, ma non è che sia un esperto :)

Buona domenica

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 9.0 Problemi con lettore cdrom

2003-02-09 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 19:02, sabato 8 febbraio 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

 Allegato: Allegato
Appunto...Gli allegati... 'ndo stanno??
Mi raccomando, mandali in formato .txt; pesano di meno.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake Update - skip automatico

2003-02-09 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 03:22, domenica 9 febbraio 2003, Di Fresco Marco ha scritto:
  Non ho mai utilizzato il Mandrake Update,da quanto si sente in lista,non
  funziona/funzionava molto benel'unico consiglio che ti posso
  dare,è di scaricarti i paketti in ftp o http
  questo è un esempio) da un qualunque mirror.lo lasci scaricare tutta


  notte, e il  giorno dopo cambi l'urll del Mandrake Update dandogli il
  paht in cui hai scaricato gli rpm.
  Credo che cosi possa andare senza intoppi...

 Ok, stanotte provo.

 Grazie del consiglio.

Aspè...Non hai bisogno di _tutti_ i pacchetti di aggiornamento.
La prima volta limitati a scaricare la lista.
_Poi_, di volta in volta, a seconda delle tue necessità, provvederai a 
scaricare quanto ti è necessario.
Per quanto riguarda Mandrake Update, posso confermare, per prove effettuate, 
che funziona bene.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 9.0 Problemi con lettore cdrom

2003-02-09 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quali allegati?
Ho ascritto solo il messaggio, non ho mandato allegati?
Comunque ti rimando il messaggio.

Fabio...  mi sono accorto che neppure il floppy viene letto, infatti 
guarda un po' cosa c'è nel fstab!!!

/dev/hda7 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda9 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/hdc,fs=iso9660,--,user,iocharset=iso9660,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount 
0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hdb5 /mnt/win_c2 vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 swap swap defaults 0 0

e lilo.conf

  append=quiet devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi
  append=devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi
  append=failsafe devfs=nomount hdd=ide-scsi

Tu mi hai chiesto anche:

(cose c'è su IDE0 e IDE1). e che é? Io ho il lettore cdrom e il 
masterizzatore, sò solo dirti che sotto Windazzo funzionano. Se mi dici 
dove devo guardare ti saprò dire di più!!!

 dottore mi dica é grave Guarirò

Saluti e sempre grazie per la tua pazienza


Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake Update - skip automatico

2003-02-09 Per discussione Corrado
Il dom, 2003-02-09 alle 14:18, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:

 Per quanto riguarda Mandrake Update, posso confermare, per prove effettuate, 
 che funziona bene.

Idem, almeno dalla 8.2...
I problemi possono tuttavia verificarsi a seconda del mirror scelto per
il download; io scarico sempre da server austriaci, tedeschi o francesi,
di norma, perchè, a parte che spesso sono a me più vicni geograficamente
di quelli italiani, Edisontel di Firenze, per esempio, mi ha *sempre*
creato problemi... :-/


RE: [newbie-it] Mandrake Update - skip automatico

2003-02-09 Per discussione Di Fresco Marco
  Per quanto riguarda Mandrake Update, posso confermare, per
  prove effettuate, che funziona bene.

 Idem, almeno dalla 8.2...
 I problemi possono tuttavia verificarsi a seconda del mirror scelto per
 il download; io scarico sempre da server austriaci, tedeschi o francesi,
 di norma, perchè, a parte che spesso sono a me più vicni geograficamente
 di quelli italiani, Edisontel di Firenze, per esempio, mi ha *sempre*
 creato problemi... :-/

Infatti il messaggio di errore faceva intuire che il problema era legato al

Il problema e' che ora non so come, eventualmente, cambiare il server. La
schermata che mi si presenta, mi da solo la possibilita' di selezionare i
pacchetti e di scaricarli.

Di Fresco Marco
ICQ #51985192

| Spock (Court Martial - TOS): If I let go a hammer on a planet having a   |
| positive gravity, I need not see it fall to know that it has, in fact,   |
| fallen.  

Re: [newbie-it] saned, parzialmente risolto

2003-02-09 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 02:27, martedì 4 febbraio 2003, carmine de pasquale ha scritto:

 grazie, ma comunque niente da fare.
 dopo il settaggio il file è diventato root root rw-rw-rw-, ma
 all'avvio di xscan da locale, user group rw-rw

allora, mi sono informato
devi agira a livello di configurazione di devfs
apri un attimo devfs.conf e modules.devfs
(io non lo uso quindi vado a memoria)
hai delle linee con chiamate di tipo REGISTER
ecco, vedi se il tuo dispositivo è riportato e modifica i permessi,
altrimenti copia una linea e modificala per le tue esigenze

mi dispiace di non poter essere più chiero ma è una cosa che non ho 
mai usato 



- -- 

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] come conf. samba

2003-02-09 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 08:54, martedì 4 febbraio 2003, Enrico Piccinini ha scritto:

 - Aprendo HardDrake, dovrei vedere tra le periferiche la mia scheda
 di rete? Se sì, come mai che non vedo niente? (A proposito di
 questo, se devo installare una nuova scheda di rete, come si fa?).

lasciamo perdere per un attimo harddrake
lancia da shell 

 # lspci -v

vedi qualcosa del tipo
ethernet controller ?
se si, dovresti avere anche il tipo, mandalo in lista

 - Una volta configurati l'IP e la Subnet mask, il campo
 nomecomputer.dominio, è importante per samba? 

assolutamente no

 Se sì il dominio è
 quello che di default windows chiama Workgroup?

no, quello per win$ è il gruppo di lavoro o il dominio visto da WINS 
(quindi reti soloo M$ basate su smb e nmdb),
che non ha nulla a che vedere con il DN inteso dai DNS

per samba, 
se vuoi mettere un samba server, il dominio dovrai inserirlo in 
smb.conf (in /etc/  o in /etc/samba/)

se il tuo pc è un client, 
dovrai solo accedere alle risorse esportate dal server M$
montandole con smbmount  (da shell) o
 mount -t smbfs (in fstab)

 - Qual'è il tool più semplice per configurare la rete? Ho provato
 ad usare linuxconf, ma ci sono un sacco di parametri di cui non so
 niente (interfaccia di rete, modulo da usare, .)

credo che mandrake abbia qualcosa simile a netconfig
e in drakxconf dovresti avere una linea relativa alla rete

altrimenti, (solo per vedere se la tua scheda funzia)
iniziamo col riconoscerla (usando lspci come detto prima)
immaginiamo che sia basata su chip rtl 8139 (il più comune)
daremo un 
#modprobe 8139too 
per caricare il modulo
#ifconfig eth0 netmask up

a questo punto la tua scheda dovrebbe aver ricevuto un indirizzo IP e 
potrai verificarlo col comando 
senza parametri (apparirà la tua scheda con l'IP appena dato)

ora, potrai controllare se il link è attivo lanciando un ping verso 
un Pc del quale conosci  l'indirizzo , es.

se il ping non dovesse darti risposta, le cause potrebbero essere:

1. rotta non settata. 
lo verifichi col comando 
 senza parametri
la tua eth0 dovrà essere riportata come default gateway per la rete 
in caso contrario
#route add default gw eth0

2. firewall settato male
lo verifichi con 
# ifconfig -nLv

nel caso di catene chilometriche, per ora ti limiterai ad azzerarle 
#iptables -F
#iptables -X

come creare un firewall per accettare connessioni lo vedremo dopo
per ora, 
ti consiglio la lettura di un ethernet-howto e
cerca in rete anche qualcosa su samba e iptables

 Grazie infinitamene a tutti.
 Buona giornata



- -- 

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Problemi scheda audio

2003-02-09 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 12:02, venerdì 7 febbraio 2003, Eraser Head ha scritto:

   via82cxxx_audio18144   1
   uart401 6336   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
   ac97_codec  9568   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
   sound  57292   0  [via82cxxx_audio uart401]
   soundcore   4068   4  [via82cxxx_audio sound]
  li hai caricati tutti quindi problemi non ci sono!

 Evviva! ...peccato però che i problemi invece ci sono, sigh...

hai una scheda audio che prende strane iniziative...

se leggi dmesg o 
fai un less /var/log/messages
less /var/log/syslog

ti appaiono messaggi ambigui sul settaggio dei tuoi moduli?
tipo richieste esplicite di irq/dma?

insomma se carica i moduli deve andare...

   2. no other programs is blocking the soundcard
  #fuser /dev/dsp

 Che dovrebbe fare? Se do questo comando non fa niente...

dovrebbe dirti chi occupa il dispositivo...
in kde c'è un servizio che gira come demone, aRTsd che occupa i 
dispositivi audio ,
se qualche applicazione cerca di accedere a questi in modo esclusivo, 
non ci riesce.. tutto qui

 Dunque, /dev/dsp è di root.root, ma è un link a /dev/sound/dsp che
 è di Lo stesso per /dev/sequencer, mentre /dev/midi
 non ce l'ho.

quanto odio devfs...

  in passato ricordo un problema simile risolto alzando i volumi
  col mixer di gkrellm (che hai al 99% nei cd )
  il mixer del dsp non aveva effetto..

 Però visto che i cd li sento benissimo non dovrebbe essere questo
 il problema, giusto? O mi consigli di provare comunque a installare

a questo punto oltre una macumba potrei consigliarti tutto...

 Grazie mille per l'aiuto!

se ti avessi aiutato...




- -- 

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie] Connecting through wireless router to....

2003-02-09 Per discussione Robert
My question is being posted on three different groups. Linux-Mandrake, 
Mac, and XP.

Can I connect from one machine to another through the wireless router? 
If so how do I go about it?

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Re: [newbie] HTML e-mail client

2003-02-09 Per discussione robin
FemmeFatale wrote:

At 09:04 PM 2/8/2003 -0500, you wrote:


You must have some artistic/creative/designer-type friends, because all
of the HTML mail eye candy I get is spam. And from all the spam, most is
not eye candy but really poorly designed (I know from seeing the wife's
spam in Mozilla).

But I do get HTML mail from some friends, and it is just plain--they
don't spend hours designing a mail template, or spend any time doing
anything remotely interesting with the mail. In fact, most don't have
any idea they're sending HTML mail because they use Outhouse or
something and they just go with the default settings. For that reason,
I think HTML is a waste. I mean, if you're going to waste the bandwidth,
at least spend some time designing a nice stylesheet or something! And,
no tables--if you can't design columns using a stylesheet, you shouldn't
be allowed to send HTML mail!

But it is indeed wonderful for spam.


Shrugs my sister sends me these JPG's all the time  sometimes some 
poetry written with HTML.  Spam..well... nothing I can say there.  FWIW 
you're right ... 90% of all my HTML mail is spam.
But for some ppl as I said, its nice to use it in their mail.  More 
power to them.

I've used it on a couple of occasions in the last few years.  Sometimes 
I need to use non-ascii characters, and can't rely on the receiver 
having the ability to decode any other way.  Once I had to circulate a 
document that wanted very clear subtitles and colour - I _could_ have 
done it in ASCII, but it wouldn't have been as clear.  Normally, though, 
I'd just use this wanderful thing they have with e-mail called an 
attachment.  HTML mail is so popular with spammers because they 
knowmostpeople won't bother to open attachments (though the success of 
e-mail worms implies that there are still some who will!).

Me, I'm wating for e-mail in LaTeX.

Sir Robin

 Like these cutters, and hackers, who will take the wall of men, and 
picke quarrells.
- G. Pettie

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] ooopps lost X!!!

2003-02-09 Per discussione Andrew Scotchmer
Hi there,

I don't know if this is something I've done or just md9 going screwy on me.
Anyway I was in gnome as a user and to shutdown I gave the command
shutdown -h now in the command line utility on the task bar.

Now although in run level 5 whenever I reboot I get the console as if in rl3
and though I type startx nothing happens exept my X server crashing.

This happens in all accounts including root.  How can I get my X server


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Re: [newbie] HTML e-mail client

2003-02-09 Per discussione Charlie
On Sunday 09 February 2003 01:18 am, robin wrote:
 I've used it on a couple of occasions in the last few years.  Sometimes
 I need to use non-ascii characters, and can't rely on the receiver
 having the ability to decode any other way.  Once I had to circulate a
 document that wanted very clear subtitles and colour - I _could_ have
 done it in ASCII, but it wouldn't have been as clear.  Normally, though,
 I'd just use this wanderful thing they have with e-mail called an
 attachment.  HTML mail is so popular with spammers because they
 knowmostpeople won't bother to open attachments (though the success of
 e-mail worms implies that there are still some who will!).

 Me, I'm wating for e-mail in LaTeX.

 Sir Robin

I've sent html e-mail occasionally myself. Personal greetings for special 
occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries, or for somber occasions where 
condolences would be more fitting. 

Personalized one off cards I mean. 

Everything has it's place and trying to deny people the free use of any form 
of self expression or technology because of abuse by a few rotten apples 
seems mildly retarded (technologically speaking) in my opinion. 

I prefer plain text personally, but there are times

Besides; I vaguely recall reading that in some few of the most recent mass 
mailer worms infection didn't actually require the recipient to open any 
attachments. All that was required was an un-patched Lookout and default 
settings. As well as no anti-virus scanner for that broken piece of Microsoft 

Registered user 244963
Absolute:  Independent, irresponsible.  An absolute monarchy is one in which
the sovereign does as he pleases so long as he pleases the assassins.  Not
many absolute monarchies are left, most of them having been replaced by
limited monarchies, where the sovereign's power for evil (and for good) is
greatly curtailed, and by republics, which are governed by chance.
-- Ambrose Bierce

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[newbie] eDonkey??????

2003-02-09 Per discussione Philip
Firstly a big HELLO to you all.

This is my first post on the list and I hope that I can be of some assistance 
to you all, I said, I hope.

I have a few problems my self and the first is:

Does anyone know anything about this program??  I have installed it on my 
Mandrake 9.0 distro but seem to be having a few MINOR difficulties with it.  
I don't want to bother you with the details unless someone has installed this 
program or knows anything about it.

Thanking you in advance

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RE: [newbie] Problem Installing Mandrake 9.0 on Asus A7V Motherboard

2003-02-09 Per discussione Robert Wideman
Troubleshoot, troubleshoot, troubleshoot.  For starters, try taking out your
scsi card and tape drive and 2nd HDget down to BARE MINIMUM.  If it gets
past the install then start adding parts till you find the piece it doesnt
like.  Also try updating your MB, i have same MB...A7V333.  If that doesnt
help then try another video card...what kind of video card do you have
anyway?  Mine is fine with ATI AIW 7500 and Diamond v770.  Also check what
is enabled in the bios, might disable everything you dont need...serial,
parrallel, etc.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John Passaniti
 Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 10:56 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Problem Installing Mandrake 9.0 on Asus A7V

 Thanks for the reply, but it didn't help.  As I wrote in my original
 message, I tried using the alternate boot images on floppies, but your
 suggestion of using the alt1 and alt2 images directly from the
 CD-ROM appears to be functionally equivalent.  Both of these images
 result in largely the same thing-- the only difference being that
 instead of identifying the Promise controller (PDC20265), the boot
 messages give it a different name (presumably a more generic IDE

 And yes, I forgot to mention it, but I do have the BIOS set to not
 assume a plug-and-play operating system.

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Marc Oestreicher
  Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 11:15 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Problem Installing Mandrake 9.0 on Asus
  A7V Motherboard
  On Saturday 08 February 2003 21:22, John Passaniti wrote:
   I am trying to install Mandrake 9.0 and I can't get very
  far.  I can
   boot from the CD-ROM and get the graphical screen telling
  me to press
   F1 or Return.  I press Return to start the graphical
  installation, and
   as Linux is booting, the system hangs.
   My system's configuration:
   Asus A7V motherboard, 900 MHz Athlon, 256M of RAM
   Two hard drives on primary IDE (not Promise controller)
   One CD-ROM drive on secondary IDE (again, not Promise controller)
   Adaptec AHA-2930 controller with HP T20 tape backup unit
   Here are the messages I see prior to Linux hanging (I'm
  retyping these
   from the screen, excuse any minor typos):
   - - -
   PDC20265: chipset version 2
   PDC20265: not 100% native mode, will probe iqrs later
   - - -
   The system hangs at that point.  Rarely, I see it add three more
   messages before it hangs:
   - - -
   PDC20265: (U)DMA burst bit DISABLED Primary PCI Mode
  Secondary PCI Mode
   ide2: BM-DMA at 0x8000-0x8007, BIOS settings hde:pio, hdf:pio
   ide3: BM-DMA at 0x800e-0x800F, BIOS settings hdg:pio, hdh:DMA
   - - -
   The problem appears to be with the Promise controller on the
   motherboard.  I have *nothing* connected to it (and I don't
  intend to
   use it at all).  I have flashed the motherboard with the
  latest BIOS,
   and I have disabled the Promise controller-- well, at
  disabled it as
   far as the BIOS goes.  There doesn't seem to be any way to truly
   disable it.
   The kernel version of Linux that is shown on the screen as it boots
Linux 2.4.19-16mdkBOOT
   I have also tried creating a boot floppy using the two alternate
   images provided for CD-ROM installation, and both also fail in the
   same way.
   I could probably install Mandrake Linux 9.0 without problems if I
   could somehow tell Linux to ignore the Promise controller
   Are there any command-line flags that I could provide the
  kernel that
   would make it ignore this device?
   Any help or suggestions people can provide will be much appreciated.
 I had a similar problem with a install of 9.0 a couple of
  months ago. You
  may want to try this . right after starting the machine with
  the CD in the
  cup holder press and hold F1 this should bring up a screen
  where you can
  choose to install 1 of 3 alternate kernals labeled OLT 0, OLT
  1 and OLT2
  they should say ALT in stead of OLT but the folks at mandrake
  made a typo,
 Try each of the alternate kernals one at a time and see if
  things go
  better. Also make shure your BIOS is set for a non PNP OS.
 Hope this helps

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Re: [newbie] new to list////gamming on linux

2003-02-09 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Saturday 08 February 2003 08:46 pm, Rob Blomquist wrote:

 Nothing is wrong with wineX, I just don't use it. I stay away from the
 Evil Empire by not running anything that needs it.


Hey Rob. There has been a lot of debate for/against WineX. Its been a real 
Godsend for me and my boys here. We love Jedi Knight 2, Diablo 2: LOD, 
Starcraft, Soldier of Fortune 2, Warcraft 3, etc, etc... All great games - 
especially multiplayer (well - except for SOF2 - can't get that one to work 
across the LAN).  If it wasn't for WineX - which does NOT require that you 
have Windows installed anywhere, then I'd have to dual-boot if I wanted to 
play these games. I loathe Windows, so WineX is perfect. Don't get me wrong - 
you'll never see me buy a Windows game if there is a Linux port for it! Until 
all game makers wake up and port their games to Linux - WineX is a good 
interim solution. :-)

PS Personally, I'm eagerly awaiting Doom 3 and Neverwinter Nights for Linux!



 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] eDonkey??????

2003-02-09 Per discussione Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Mldonkey runs fine and uses the eDonkey servers. You can download it from 
Penguin Liberation Front. Remember, if you have a firewall enabled you must 
open the tcp ports from 4660 to 4666

God luch!

El Domingo, 9 de Febrero de 2003 09:33, Philip escribió:
 Firstly a big HELLO to you all.

 This is my first post on the list and I hope that I can be of some
 assistance to you all, I said, I hope.

 I have a few problems my self and the first is:

 Does anyone know anything about this program??  I have installed it on my
 Mandrake 9.0 distro but seem to be having a few MINOR difficulties with it.
 I don't want to bother you with the details unless someone has installed
 this program or knows anything about it.

 Thanking you in advance

Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Departamento de Biología Vegetal
Universidad de Murcia
E-30100 Murcia
España (Spain)

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Re: [newbie] Spamassassin Mail to a folder

2003-02-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 5:12 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
 I want spamassassin to log or put mail that it thinks is spam in a folder
 in my kmail setup. I have given the command spamassassin
 --log-to-mbox=Spam in a console but it doesn't seem to be doing the job.
 Should I have used the -l switch first or just how does one get it to
 filter and send to a particular folder? TIA for any help or suggestions.

The way I do it is to use a procmail recipe like this :-

#Run SpamAssasin
| spamassassin -a -P 
* ^Subject:.*\*\*\*\*SPAM\*\*\*\*

This recipe will pipe a mail through spamassassin. Any positive mails will 
have their 'Subject' line modified, and the recipe then puts all mails with 
modified subject into a spam mailbox.

Alternatively if you use Kmail, you can configure filters to run spamassassin 
for you. This is explained in the spamassassin installation notes. You may 
find it at /usr/share/doc/spamassassin-2.41/INSTALL



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Re: [newbie] eDonkey??????

2003-02-09 Per discussione Ralph Slooten
On Sun, 9 Feb 2003 12:22:59 +0100
Francisco Alcaraz Ariza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mldonkey runs fine and uses the eDonkey servers. You can download it from 
 Penguin Liberation Front. Remember, if you have a firewall enabled you must 
 open the tcp ports from 4660 to 4666
 God luch!

And also remember that you will be hated by hub owners of other networks like
Direct Connect, who will probably ban your IP the second you try connect
(scripted), as MLdonkey is a very unpopular client due to it's greedyness. I
haven't actually tried it myself, but from what I know it's kind-of like a
web-crawler logging into several different networks and so on, finding your
files, and it's simply due to this data-traffic generated by just one client
that it's become the Nazi of file-sharing programs. I'm not trying to start
yet another long chain of bunny-bashing yes-no-maybe e-mails, just informing you
;-) If you first use Mldonkey, and then switch to, let's say DCGui (Direct
Connect Client), chances are you won't get into any of the popular servers due
to your IP ban. Your IP is normally published directly into the main chat to
make matters more interesting, telling everyone that you are using Mldonkey,
leaving you to a peril of the kiddie-hackers.

I haven't experienced this myself, so I'm not talking from experience, but I do
have a lot of contact of Direct Connect hub-owners, who all use these kind of
scripts. I would too, if only I could get my bloody script to work ;-)


Linux is not The Answer. Yes is the answer. Linux is The Question

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Re: [newbie] Making software raid filesystems

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 08:23 am, Brian Parish wrote:

 Is this a feature to stop me doing something stupid, or am I missing

Yes ;-)

There should be a button on the gui to put yourself in expert mode, which 
should give you back the options.  You may want to read the software RIAD 
howto's for your illumination.  I found the boot on RAID howto to be the most 
well written for understanding how to set up any RAID partition.

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] SBC Yahoo DSL Problem

2003-02-09 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Saturday February 8 2003 05:47 pm, MRE wrote:
 Has anyone on this list been successful getting Mandrake 9.0  or
 RH8.0 to work on SBC Yahoo DSL?  I had been using DirectvInternet
 DSL for over a year on my AMD 500 system so I know there is no
 hardware problem. If you had luck using SBC DSL, pleae let me know
 what you did to get it to work... I've tried auto and manual
 approaches, but so far have not had any luck.  I have the primary
 and secondary DNS nos. and IP address, but manually configuring
 does not seem to work...

 Thanks, Mick

I've seen the other replies. I've got sbc dsl, dynamic. As was 
already suggested, I use rp-pppoe.  I don't enter any IP or DNS 
numbers, as dns is provided by sbc's server.  All I enter in 
'adsl-setup' (actually with 9.1 you don't even need to do this step 
if you set it up during installation) is provider/username/passsword, 
and for dns, enter 'server'. Also as somebody already said, if you're 
setting it up after installation of 9.0, use 'tkpppoe' as root.

The only little glitches I ran into when I first got the service 
was sbc's server wont accept just my user name, it insists on   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Also for the first several days I had service, it 
was neccesary two or three times, to completely power off (unplug) 
the modem, leave it off for a minute, then power back on and wait a 
few moments for it to re-sync.  I got that suggestion from the 
dsl-howto's trouble shooting section. It worked each time, I haven't 
had to do it again since.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] ooopps lost X!!!

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 08:51 am, Andrew Scotchmer wrote:
  When you get to the command line and type startx, what is the error


 It mentions having problems reading /etc/X11/XF86Config.  Talks of Data
 Missing from this file


Post the contents of that file so we can take a look at it.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Samba and XP - Is there a way around it?

2003-02-09 Per discussione Lanman
Brian; In order to get Samba and XP playing nice together, there are several 
considerations to take into account.

1) What name does the XP box have? Not the username, the host name of the XP box?
2) Are the XP box and the Samba box in the same domain? ie; xp.localdomain or and samba.localdomain or ?
3) Are the XP box and the Samba box in the same workgroup? If not, is the XP box's 
workgroup also a workgroup on the samba box, as a LINUX workgroup?
4) What is the version of Samba you're running on the box?
5) Did you re-enter the XP box user's password in webmin, as a new password?  Did you 
also UNcheck the No Password Required box in the Edit Samba users section of 
Webmin/Samba for the XP user?

Let's start with these questions first. Get back to me on or off-list.



On 2/10/2003 at 12:13 AM Brian Parish wrote:

OK, I know that XP manages to make life as difficult as possible for
Samba, but does anyone have a way to make a workable solution preserving
at least minimal security?

All I want to do is to have one totally open, public share available to
all W$ machines and one share that is secured by a password.  W98 can be
made to behave enough to have this work I believe, but the secure
share needs to be accessed by a XP machine.

I can make the XP machine see and use the open share by setting Samba to
allow guest access, but for any security, I need to pass a username and
password from XP and no matter what I do it arrives as a guest.
Usernames and password are identical on the Samba machine and the XP
machine and Samba is set to allow encrypted passwords.

I believe that M$ have broken XP sufficiently to make this intentionally
difficult.  They seem to have screwed up W$ to W$ networking fairly
convincingly in the process, but that's another story.

Any clues gratefully received.


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Dan LaBine
Maximum Lans
(514) 489-7825
6915 Fielding Ave.
Suite # 228
Montreal, Quebec,
H4V 1P4

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Re: [newbie] HTML e-mail client

2003-02-09 Per discussione Warren Post
On Sat, 8 Feb 2003 10:58:30 +0200, Gil Katz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 is there any HTML e-mail client like outlook express?

There are several. If you're familiar with Outlook Express you'll feel right at home 
with Evolution. It does everything Outlook does except propagate viruses.

Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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[newbie] how to cron?

2003-02-09 Per discussione magnet
I have set up my tv card and I can capture programs to HDD using streamer.

I'm using v4lctrl setstation channel number to set the correct channel.
and then streamer... options follow.blah blah to do the capturing.

These commands have been put in a script but I'm not sure where this script 
should be stored. I was thinking it would be in /home/bin/ ?

Next, how do I set up crontab to call this script?

Cheers for any pointers if you can help :)

Registered Linux User: 281659
Registered machines: 163839,163840,163841,163842,163843,163844
6xAthlon 1.2GHz all running some flavour of Mandrake.

My home is over-run with penguins that like a warm environment!

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Re: [newbie] HTML e-mail client

2003-02-09 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Sun, Feb 09, 2003 at 09:14:36AM +0200, Gil Katz wrote:
 i didn??? express myself ouite clear enough
 i got several accounts in hotmail and the easiest way to handel them is by 
 outlook express so that what i need.

I'm not sure I understand what you want to do. Do you want to access
your various Hotmail accounts using a mail client like Outlook or any
other client that can read multiple accounts?

I set my wife up with hotwayd, which lets your computer act like a
pop3 server to interface with Hotmail. She can access her Hotmail
account without going to that dreadful website.

You can get hotwayd here:


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Re: [newbie] eDonkey??????

2003-02-09 Per discussione Damian Gatabria
On Sunday 09 February 2003 12:25, Philip wrote:
 On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 12:03 pm, Ralph Slooten wrote:
 Thanks for the advice.

 See the only problem I have with eDonkey is that I am having a problem
 trying to get the GUI to be able to connect to the core.  I can load load
 both manually but can't seem to get both to talk.

 I am pulling my hair out.

Have you made sure you started the commandline client with the -! 
parameter? as in:

./donkey -!

this tells the command line client that there is a GUI controller expected.
If you miss out this parameter, it will not accept any connections.



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Re: [newbie] how to cron?

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 09:59 am, magnet wrote:
 I have set up my tv card and I can capture programs to HDD using streamer.

 I'm using v4lctrl setstation channel number to set the correct channel.
 and then streamer... options follow.blah blah to do the capturing.

 These commands have been put in a script but I'm not sure where this script
 should be stored. I was thinking it would be in /home/bin/ ?

 Next, how do I set up crontab to call this script?

 Cheers for any pointers if you can help :)

There is a setup tool for cron jobs in the Mandrake Control Center.  You can 
also use webmin, which I personally like better.  The third option (which I 
add only for edification and illuminiation) is to hand edit the file 
/var/spool/cron/user replacing user with the username that you want the 
job run under.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] This fellow needs help. His mails are being rejected.

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 01:00 am, civileme wrote:

 It is being rejected because reverse lookup doesn't work.  His ISP has the
 dns misconfigured.

Search results for:

 OrgName:One Call Communications
 Address:801 Congressional Blvd
 City:   Carmel
 StateProv:  IN
 PostalCode: 46032

 NetRange: -
 NetHandle:  NET-64-72-128-0-1
 Parent: NET-64-0-0-0-0
 NetType:Direct Allocation
 NameServer: NS1.ONECALL.NET
 NameServer: NS2.ONECALL.NET

 NOCName:   Technical Contact
 NOCPhone:  +1-888-223-8633

 SInce they are direct allocation addresses, he may need to set up his own
 reverse dns zone on his own machine to respond.

 [tester@ibm333 tester]$ host -a
 ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 19162
 ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 2

 ; IN  PTR



 NS1.ONECALL.NET.42844   IN  A
 NS2.ONECALL.NET.42844   IN  A

 Received 193 bytes from in 698 ms
 [tester@ibm333 tester]$

 But it looks OK from here so most likely someone has a badly set subnet

Thanks for jumping in here Civileme.  Your detailed knowledge of Mandrake's 
systems always adds a level of understanding that can't be reproduced without 
your presence.  It's good to see you back around.

Anyway, backed to the discussion at hand.  I have already checked this out 
with the ISP and they have told me the problem relates to the fact that I am 
on a virtual host.  Since so many domains point to the ip address, the 
reverse lookup is actually the machine name doing the virtual hosting, in 
this case Hosting-132-17.PHPWebHosting.Com.  My domain,, points to 
the numeric ip address that you looked up (, which on a reverse 
lookup points to Hosting-132-17.PHPWebHosting.Com.

Perhaps you can tell me if they are all wet and this can be fixed with changes 
to the DNS entries.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] eDonkey??????

2003-02-09 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Sun, 9 Feb 2003 13:03:21 +0100, Ralph Slooten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 9 Feb 2003 12:22:59 +0100
 Francisco Alcaraz Ariza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mldonkey runs fine and uses the eDonkey servers. You can download it from 
  Penguin Liberation Front. Remember, if you have a firewall enabled you must 
  open the tcp ports from 4660 to 4666
  God luch!
 And also remember that you will be hated by hub owners of other networks like
 Direct Connect, who will probably ban your IP the second you try connect
 (scripted), as MLdonkey is a very unpopular client due to it's greedyness. I
 haven't actually tried it myself, but from what I know it's kind-of like a
 web-crawler logging into several different networks and so on, finding your
 files, and it's simply due to this data-traffic generated by just one client
 that it's become the Nazi of file-sharing programs. I'm not trying to start
 yet another long chain of bunny-bashing yes-no-maybe e-mails, just informing
 you;-) If you first use Mldonkey, and then switch to, let's say DCGui (Direct
 Connect Client), chances are you won't get into any of the popular servers due
 to your IP ban. Your IP is normally published directly into the main chat to
 make matters more interesting, telling everyone that you are using Mldonkey,
 leaving you to a peril of the kiddie-hackers.
 I haven't experienced this myself, so I'm not talking from experience, but I
 do have a lot of contact of Direct Connect hub-owners, who all use these kind
 of scripts. I would too, if only I could get my bloody script to work ;-)

According to the MLDonkey FAQ (, only
the eDonkey and Overnet networks are supported in the official release. To
connect to other networks, you need to be using a CVS build.

MLDonkey has full client (and some server) support of the eDonkey network.
Unfortunately, on Overnet it can only download, which the MLDonkey developers
blame on a lack of cooperation on the part of the Overnet developers.

Sridhar Dhanapalan
  [Yama |]

It is particularly easy to cut down the load on the [UNIX] system so that only
the minimum number of services is running. This reduced complexity aids
stability and transparency.
-- Microsoft, 'Converting a UNIX .COM Site to Windows', 2000-22-08

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] eDonkey??????

2003-02-09 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
Are both the client and GUI set to use the same port? IIRC, the default port is
4001. If the GUI is running on another system, might there be a firewall
blocking communication? If they are both on the same system, do you have
loopback networking running? To check, type '/sbin/ifconfig lo' in a root
console and see if it says something like UP LOOPBACK RUNNING.

On Sun, 9 Feb 2003 12:25:29 +, Philip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 12:03 pm, Ralph Slooten wrote:
 Thanks for the advice.
 See the only problem I have with eDonkey is that I am having a problem trying 
 to get the GUI to be able to connect to the core.  I can load load both 
 manually but can't seem to get both to talk.
 I am pulling my hair out.
  On Sun, 9 Feb 2003 12:22:59 +0100
  Francisco Alcaraz Ariza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Mldonkey runs fine and uses the eDonkey servers. You can download it from
   Penguin Liberation Front. Remember, if you have a firewall enabled you
   must open the tcp ports from 4660 to 4666
   God luch!
  And also remember that you will be hated by hub owners of other networks
  like Direct Connect, who will probably ban your IP the second you try
  connect (scripted), as MLdonkey is a very unpopular client due to it's
  greedyness. I haven't actually tried it myself, but from what I know it's
  kind-of like a web-crawler logging into several different networks and so
  on, finding your files, and it's simply due to this data-traffic generated
  by just one client that it's become the Nazi of file-sharing programs.
  I'm not trying to start yet another long chain of bunny-bashing
  yes-no-maybe e-mails, just informing you ;-) If you first use Mldonkey, and
  then switch to, let's say DCGui (Direct Connect Client), chances are you
  won't get into any of the popular servers due to your IP ban. Your IP is
  normally published directly into the main chat to make matters more
  interesting, telling everyone that you are using Mldonkey, leaving you to a
  peril of the kiddie-hackers.
  I haven't experienced this myself, so I'm not talking from experience, but
  I do have a lot of contact of Direct Connect hub-owners, who all use these
  kind of scripts. I would too, if only I could get my bloody script to work

Sridhar Dhanapalan
  [Yama |]

I don't actually follow other operating systems much. I don't compete - I just
worry about making Linux better than itself, not others. -- Linus Torvalds

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] how to cron?

2003-02-09 Per discussione magnet
On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 3:10 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 2:59 pm, magnet wrote:
  I have set up my tv card and I can capture programs to HDD using
  I'm using v4lctrl setstation channel number to set the correct
  channel. and then streamer... options follow.blah blah to do the
  These commands have been put in a script but I'm not sure where this
  script should be stored. I was thinking it would be in
  /home/bin/ ?
  Next, how do I set up crontab to call this script?
  Cheers for any pointers if you can help :)

 The script can go wherever you please
 As for cron The easy way to set it up is with webmin.
 Install webmin RPM and then point your browser to https://localhost:1
 You will find cron setup under the 'System' Tab



Hi Derek,
Ok, that's a good start. Means I can keep all the vcr scripts in one place.
I have/use webmin all the time for various other stuff across all 6 machines 
but am a little confused with the setup boxs so a little more help would be 
In webmin I have clicked on Create Cron Job...
Execute cron job as magnet-- username
Command... I'm assuming this is the full path to my script?
Input to command... Is this where you can pass params to your script if 

When to execute seems fairly straightforward :)


Registered Linux User: 281659
Registered machines: 163839,163840,163841,163842,163843,163844
6xAthlon 1.2GHz all running some flavour of Mandrake.

My home is over-run with penguins that like a warm environment!

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Re: [newbie] how to cron?

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 10:28 am, magnet wrote:

 Hi Derek,
 Ok, that's a good start. Means I can keep all the vcr scripts in one place.
 I have/use webmin all the time for various other stuff across all 6
 machines but am a little confused with the setup boxs so a little more help
 would be appreciated.
 In webmin I have clicked on Create Cron Job...
 Execute cron job as magnet-- username

 Command... I'm assuming this is the full path to my script?


 Input to command... Is this where you can pass params to your script if


 When to execute seems fairly straightforward :)

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Spamassassin Mail to a folder

2003-02-09 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Sunday 09 February 2003 05:39 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 5:12 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
  I want spamassassin to log or put mail that it thinks is spam in a folder
  in my kmail setup. I have given the command spamassassin
  --log-to-mbox=Spam in a console but it doesn't seem to be doing the job.
  Should I have used the -l switch first or just how does one get it to
  filter and send to a particular folder? TIA for any help or suggestions.

 The way I do it is to use a procmail recipe like this :-

 #Run SpamAssasin

 | spamassassin -a -P



 * ^Subject:.*\*\*\*\*SPAM\*\*\*\*

 This recipe will pipe a mail through spamassassin. Any positive mails will
 have their 'Subject' line modified, and the recipe then puts all mails with
 modified subject into a spam mailbox.

 Alternatively if you use Kmail, you can configure filters to run
 spamassassin for you. This is explained in the spamassassin installation
 notes. You may find it at /usr/share/doc/spamassassin-2.41/INSTALL

This would be fine except I have no idea what or which regular expression to 
use. I have little to no programming experience.  Is your next to last line 
in script above the regular expression you use for filter? Thanks for your 
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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[newbie] Sound problem

2003-02-09 Per discussione Keith Powell
I have downloaded and installed a program from the internet, which needs to 
access the soundcard. When I try to run it, I get the error message:

Cannot open Audio Device  /dev/sound/dsp: Device or resource busy.

I have checked permissions and they are correct.

Any ideas to overcome this error, please?

Many thanks


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[newbie] Trouble with Hardware

2003-02-09 Per discussione Yaakov
i'm hannes and i have got some trouble running mandrake 9.0 on my system.
after the installation and starting kde i tried to run several programs 
like kwrite, some games, etc. but everything program took a long time 
loading. so i was checking the hardware on the mandrake control center and 
what i found was the mandrake could not find certain modules for my chipset 
and for usb.
i already read the support on the intel website but nothing i tried applied.
can you help me? is it my processor? or my motherboard or even my harddrive?
here are the information about my current system: P4 2,53GHz; Epox 4G4A 
with Intel i845G chipset; Radeon 8500; Seagate Barracuda 80GB (2x)
thx for helping me

regards Hannes 

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[newbie] Installing Java...

2003-02-09 Per discussione Julian Templeman
OK... now I've got 9.0 working, time to do something with it!

I need Java on here, so I've downloaded the .bin distribution from
Sun. Since I'm still a Clueless Newbie at this stage, I want advice on
the best place to install it... On a Windows machine I'd just install
it any-dam-where and add the directory to the path. Is this the
recommended way on Linux, or should the Java folder tree live
somewhere in particular?



Templeman Consulting Ltd.
London and North Wales

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[newbie] security update corrupted package

2003-02-09 Per discussione ivette brusselmans

when security updating on
I keep getting the message:
package samba-client-2.2.7-2.1mdk.i568.rpm is corrupted.
I tried serveral other mirrors, same message.
cannot install any security updates



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Re: [newbie] how to cron?

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 11:12 am, magnet wrote:

 Hmm, so why isn't it working??? I've chmod the script to 755 just to
 confirm there were not exec restrictions in force.

 Here is my shell output

 [magnet@linux1 magnet]$ ./drive1/magnet/vcr/
 bash: ./drive1/magnet/vcr/ No such file or directory

 Any clues what Ive done wrong?

Your path looks weird.  Where exactly is your script located?

I use a scripts directory in my home, which I would write like this:




What is the ./ at the beginning of your path for?

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Sound problem

2003-02-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 3:49 pm, Keith Powell wrote:
 I have downloaded and installed a program from the internet, which needs to
 access the soundcard. When I try to run it, I get the error message:

 Cannot open Audio Device  /dev/sound/dsp: Device or resource busy.

 I have checked permissions and they are correct.

 Any ideas to overcome this error, please?

You could try setting it to use /dev/dsp or /dev/dsp1
If there is no configuration option available try creating a symlink
ln -s /dev/dsp /dev/sound/dsp



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Re: [newbie] how to cron?

2003-02-09 Per discussione Michael Adams
On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 05:12, magnet wrote:
 On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 3:47 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Sunday 09 February 2003 10:28 am, magnet wrote:
   Hi Derek,
   Ok, that's a good start. Means I can keep all the vcr scripts in one
   place. I have/use webmin all the time for various other stuff across
   all 6 machines but am a little confused with the setup boxs so a little
   more help would be appreciated.
   In webmin I have clicked on Create Cron Job...
   Execute cron job as magnet-- username
   Command... I'm assuming this is the full path to my script?
   Input to command... Is this where you can pass params to your script if
   When to execute seems fairly straightforward :)
  - --

 Hmm, so why isn't it working??? I've chmod the script to 755 just to
 confirm there were not exec restrictions in force.

 Here is my shell output

 [magnet@linux1 magnet]$ ./drive1/magnet/vcr/
 bash: ./drive1/magnet/vcr/ No such file or directory

 Any clues what Ive done wrong?

Putting ./ infront of a file means in this directory.

If drive1 is in root, and if the cd is /drive1/magnet, then 
./drive1/magnet/vcr/ means 
/drive1/magnet/drive1/magnet/vcr/ and wont be found. Try 
/drive1/magnet/vcr/ wothout the dot in front.

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Re: [newbie] how to cron?

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 11:39 am, magnet wrote:
 The script is located here:   /drive1/magnet/

Than eliminate that the . in front.

./ is the directory entry for the current directory, which is why you have to 
use it when you are running a script from the directory you are in.  If you 
are using the full path, you don't need the dot.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] how to cron?

2003-02-09 Per discussione magnet
On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 4:57 pm, Michael Adams wrote:

  Hmm, so why isn't it working??? I've chmod the script to 755 just to
  confirm there were not exec restrictions in force.
  Here is my shell output
  [magnet@linux1 magnet]$ ./drive1/magnet/vcr/
  bash: ./drive1/magnet/vcr/ No such file or directory
  Any clues what Ive done wrong?

 Putting ./ infront of a file means in this directory.

 If drive1 is in root, and if the cd is /drive1/magnet, then
 ./drive1/magnet/vcr/ means
 /drive1/magnet/drive1/magnet/vcr/ and wont be found. Try
 /drive1/magnet/vcr/ wothout the dot in front.

ok, slight typo in last posting by me... here is latest attempt:

[magnet@linux1 magnet]$ /drive1/magnet/vcr/
: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I have started my script with #!/bin/bash so Im not sure what this error 

Registered Linux User: 281659
Registered machines: 163839,163840,163841,163842,163843,163844
6xAthlon 1.2GHz all running some flavour of Mandrake.

My home is over-run with penguins that like a warm environment!

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Re: [newbie] This fellow needs help. His mails are being rejected.

2003-02-09 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 12:52, Greg Meyer wrote:

 The same exact problem that adelphia has.  Thank you very much for clarifying, 
 I now have the info that I need to speak with the ISP again.
 - -- 

Greg, could you send me an email directly to my account? Just out of
curiosity and to get more information with the delivery path.

Using your problematic account, of course
   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //cel: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax: +58 212 952-6797   //pager: (# 609-6213)

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Re: [newbie] how to cron?

2003-02-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 3:28 pm, magnet wrote:
 On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 3:10 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 2:59 pm, magnet wrote:
   I have set up my tv card and I can capture programs to HDD using
   I'm using v4lctrl setstation channel number to set the correct
   channel. and then streamer... options follow.blah blah to do
   the capturing.
   These commands have been put in a script but I'm not sure where this
   script should be stored. I was thinking it would be in
   /home/bin/ ?
   Next, how do I set up crontab to call this script?
   Cheers for any pointers if you can help :)
  The script can go wherever you please
  As for cron The easy way to set it up is with webmin.
  Install webmin RPM and then point your browser to https://localhost:1
  You will find cron setup under the 'System' Tab

 Hi Derek,
 Ok, that's a good start. Means I can keep all the vcr scripts in one place.
 I have/use webmin all the time for various other stuff across all 6
 machines but am a little confused with the setup boxs so a little more help
 would be appreciated.
 In webmin I have clicked on Create Cron Job...
 Execute cron job as magnet-- username
 Command... I'm assuming this is the full path to my script?
 Input to command... Is this where you can pass params to your script if

Dunno, I always put the entire command including options in the 'Command' box



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Re: [newbie] xserver??

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 01:33 pm, Aaron wrote:
 I need to know how to upgrade my xserver. I am using MDK 9.0

To what? for what purpose?

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] Saving wallpaper to a folder

2003-02-09 Per discussione Russ
Hi All,

I am trying to save different wallpaper images in a folder that everyone
can get to so I do not want it in my home folders. I tried creating a
folder called more in /usr/share/wallpapers/ but I cannot save any
images there. Anyone wish to shed some light on the hoops I have to jump
through to get this done?


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Re: [newbie] how to cron?

2003-02-09 Per discussione Michael Adams
On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 04:08, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Sunday 09 February 2003 09:59 am, magnet wrote:
  I have set up my tv card and I can capture programs to HDD using
  I'm using v4lctrl setstation channel number to set the correct
  channel. and then streamer... options follow.blah blah to do the
  These commands have been put in a script but I'm not sure where this
  script should be stored. I was thinking it would be in
  /home/bin/ ?
  Next, how do I set up crontab to call this script?
  Cheers for any pointers if you can help :)

 There is a setup tool for cron jobs in the Mandrake Control Center.  You
 can also use webmin, which I personally like better.  The third option
 (which I add only for edification and illuminiation) is to hand edit the
 file /var/spool/cron/user replacing user with the username that you
 want the job run under.

For the hand edit option the official methed is crontab -e.
Try man crontab first.


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Re: [newbie] how to cron? - working now

2003-02-09 Per discussione magnet
On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 5:14 pm, Michael Adams wrote:
 On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 04:08, Greg Meyer wrote:
  On Sunday 09 February 2003 09:59 am, magnet wrote:
   I have set up my tv card and I can capture programs to HDD using
   I'm using v4lctrl setstation channel number to set the correct
   channel. and then streamer... options follow.blah blah to do
   the capturing.
   These commands have been put in a script but I'm not sure where this
   script should be stored. I was thinking it would be in
   /home/bin/ ?
   Next, how do I set up crontab to call this script?
   Cheers for any pointers if you can help :)
  There is a setup tool for cron jobs in the Mandrake Control Center.  You
  can also use webmin, which I personally like better.  The third option
  (which I add only for edification and illuminiation) is to hand edit the
  file /var/spool/cron/user replacing user with the username that you
  want the job run under.

 For the hand edit option the official methed is crontab -e.
 Try man crontab first.

Right. Update for anyone following this thread.
Found a typo within the script. Not sure if this had a follow-on effect for 
everything after but it all seems to be working fine now.
Thanks very much for the pointers/hints/advice as usual with this problem.

Registered Linux User: 281659
Registered machines: 163839,163840,163841,163842,163843,163844
6xAthlon 1.2GHz all running some flavour of Mandrake.

My home is over-run with penguins that like a warm environment!

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Re: [newbie] Spamassassin Mail to a folder

2003-02-09 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Sunday 09 February 2003 10:58 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 3:59 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Sunday 09 February 2003 05:39 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
   On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 5:12 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
I want spamassassin to log or put mail that it thinks is spam in a
folder in my kmail setup. I have given the command spamassassin
--log-to-mbox=Spam in a console but it doesn't seem to be doing the
job. Should I have used the -l switch first or just how does one get
it to filter and send to a particular folder? TIA for any help or
   The way I do it is to use a procmail recipe like this :-
   #Run SpamAssasin
   | spamassassin -a -P
   :0: $LOCKFILE
   * ^Subject:.*\*\*\*\*SPAM\*\*\*\*
   This recipe will pipe a mail through spamassassin. Any positive mails
   will have their 'Subject' line modified, and the recipe then puts all
   mails with modified subject into a spam mailbox.
   Alternatively if you use Kmail, you can configure filters to run
   spamassassin for you. This is explained in the spamassassin
   installation notes. You may find it at
  This would be fine except I have no idea what or which regular expression
  to use. I have little to no programming experience.  Is your next to last
  line in script above the regular expression you use for filter? Thanks
  for your patience

 Dennis. I see from your Email header you are using Kmail. So the simple way
 to get Spamassassin going is :-

 1/ SettingsConfigureFilters

 2/ Click on 'New Filter' button (bottom left above 'Help') Highlight the
 new filter and use the 'Up' button to move it to the top of the list.

 3/  Select 'Match all' , In the first row of drop down options select 'any
 header',  'matches regular expression',  and in the right hand box just
 put '.'  (without the quotes)   (All mails will match this regex, so
 everything gets piped through spamassassin)

 4/ Set Filter Actions 'pipe through' 'spamassassin -Pa'  (without quotes)

 5/ Create another filter below the last one. Set
 'Subject', 'contains', '***SPAM***'   (without quotes)
 Filter Action 'Move to Folder', 'Junkmail'  where Junkmail is a mail folder
 you previously created.

Thanks Derek, that was exactly what I needed. Who knew that . was a regular 
expression?  I don't seem to get much spam from any source, maybe once a 
month, but I know that sooner or later it will come. Your help is 
appreciated.  So much to learn, so little time.  :  )
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] xserver??

2003-02-09 Per discussione Aaron
Well I was having system problem and some one said to try using an older
version of X 3.xx. But it made no difference and I pretty much narrowed
my problem down to hardware.

I now want to upgrade to 4.01 to take advantage of wineX.
On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 18:55, Greg Meyer wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Sunday 09 February 2003 01:33 pm, Aaron wrote:
  I need to know how to upgrade my xserver. I am using MDK 9.0
 To what? for what purpose?
 - -- 
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake9.1bwta3

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

Good to see people testing.

On Sunday 09 February 2003 12:10 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

 1) Diskdrake failed to colour classify correctly one ext2 partition
 /dev/hda10 which it insisted was NTFS and it therefore colour coded it
 blue in accordance with diskdrake colour menu, but the partition was in
 fact an ext2 partition and any attemt to rectify the file system
 clasification threatened elimination of all data, which I certainly did
 not want it to do. I chose to leave it as it was.

I recall a couple of bug reports coming across and this may have been fixed 
already.  I cannot confirm though.

 2) Once again it insisted on installing lilo,which I would of prefered
 it did not, since I have a dualboot M9.0/M9.1beta3 setup and if anything
 goes wrong with this beta install it messes up my M9.0 boot, and indeed
 this is precisely what it did as will become apparent.

This has been fixed in the latest Cooker.  You can now choose whether to 
install lilo to floppy or root partition as wel as mbr.

 3) No printer configuration at all, error message: foomatic rpm not found .

This has been fixed in the latest Cooker

 4) The whole install programme finally came to a complete halt at any
 attempt to install monitor configuration,and video card drivers etc.
 There was no xwindows at all, as the install completely hung right at
 the beginning .I had to crash to get out of it.

Not sure about this as it went okay here.  You may want to have a look at 
bugzilla to se if there are any workarounds for this.

 I will have another attempt tonight at a fresh install, but I do wish
 the installer gave us an option not to install lilo at all, it makes
 beta testing, a likely high risk failure rate process, far less trying.

Make a boot floppy for your 9.0 install and test it before you try again.  
Hopefully it goes smotther next time.

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Saving wallpaper to a folder

2003-02-09 Per discussione et
On Sunday 09 February 2003 12:04 pm, Russ wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am trying to save different wallpaper images in a folder that everyone
 can get to so I do not want it in my home folders. I tried creating a
 folder called more in /usr/share/wallpapers/ but I cannot save any
 images there. Anyone wish to shed some light on the hoops I have to jump
 through to get this done?


be root to write the files to /usr/share/anyfolder, or change folder 

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Re: [newbie] Saving wallpaper to a folder

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 12:04 pm, Russ wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am trying to save different wallpaper images in a folder that everyone
 can get to so I do not want it in my home folders. I tried creating a
 folder called more in /usr/share/wallpapers/ but I cannot save any
 images there. Anyone wish to shed some light on the hoops I have to jump
 through to get this done?

that directory probably has write access for root only.  You could copy 
everything you want to put there into a folder in your home, and then load 
File Manager as root and make the move that way.  

K Menu = Applications = File Tools = File Manager - Super User Mode

Or assuming you have all the wallpapers in a folder, change to that directory 
at a command line and as root type 

cp ./* /usr/share/wallpapers/

assuming everything is now copied where you want it, you can delete the items 
in your home, or leave them there as a backup for when you reinstall and they 
get wiped out.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Trouble with Hardware

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 11:01 am, Yaakov wrote:
 i'm hannes and i have got some trouble running mandrake 9.0 on my system.
 after the installation and starting kde i tried to run several programs
 like kwrite, some games, etc. but everything program took a long time
 loading. so i was checking the hardware on the mandrake control center and
 what i found was the mandrake could not find certain modules for my chipset
 and for usb.
 i already read the support on the intel website but nothing i tried
 applied. can you help me? is it my processor? or my motherboard or even my
 harddrive? here are the information about my current system: P4 2,53GHz;
 Epox 4G4A with Intel i845G chipset; Radeon 8500; Seagate Barracuda 80GB
 (2x) thx for helping me

It is the harddrive.  The new kernel update for 9.0 (2.4.19-24mdk) patches the 
kernel to allow udma access with your chipset (i845).  You should install it.

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Sound problem

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 10:49 am, Keith Powell wrote:
 I have downloaded and installed a program from the internet, which needs to
 access the soundcard. When I try to run it, I get the error message:

 Cannot open Audio Device  /dev/sound/dsp: Device or resource busy.

 I have checked permissions and they are correct.

 Any ideas to overcome this error, please?

Are you running KDE.  It sounds like the kde sound server (arts) not releasing 
the dsp to arts unaware software.  Try killing the sound server in the KDE 
COntrol Center and seeif that changes it.  If it does, you can try setting 
the idle suspend to a shorter time, or leave it off completely.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] xserver??

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 02:25 pm, Aaron wrote:
 Well I was having system problem and some one said to try using an older
 version of X 3.xx. But it made no difference and I pretty much narrowed
 my problem down to hardware.

 I now want to upgrade to 4.01 to take advantage of wineX.

You really should be using 4.2.1 to take advantage of the latest hardware 
drivers.  What is your hardware setup?
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] This fellow needs help. His mails are being rejected.

2003-02-09 Per discussione et
the answer is that Adolfo uses his ISP mail serrver to route his outbound mail 
thru, and Greg is tring to have his mail server send it right out to the 

On Sunday 09 February 2003 11:24 am, Adolfo Bello wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 11:17, Greg Meyer wrote:
  Thanks for jumping in here Civileme.  Your detailed knowledge of
  Mandrake's systems always adds a level of understanding that can't be
  reproduced without your presence.  It's good to see you back around.
  Anyway, backed to the discussion at hand.  I have already checked this
  out with the ISP and they have told me the problem relates to the fact
  that I am on a virtual host.  Since so many domains point to the ip
  address, the reverse lookup is actually the machine name doing the
  virtual hosting, in this case Hosting-132-17.PHPWebHosting.Com.  My
  domain,, points to the numeric ip address that you looked up
  (, which on a reverse lookup points to

 Sorry to jump into this thread.
 My domain name ( is hosted as a virtual domain by the server

 adolfobello # host has address

 adolfobello # host domain name pointer

 Mandrake list does not check that the name/ip match because it if would
 then my mails were rejected and they are not. As those from any other
 virtual domain.

 I think that Mandrake list checks the servername/ip no matter the domain
 from which the mail is sent. Something like this:

 1.- [EMAIL PROTECTED] sends (smtp) to
 impersonated by
 2.- ( tries to deliver mail from
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED] which is served by
 3.- makes a reverse lookup on, gets and receives the mail form [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If at point 3, the reverse lookup don't yield the name of the server
 that is trying to send the mail, then it rejects it.

 Mu question would be: is Hosting-132-17.PHPWebHosting.Com (
 the server name trying to deliver the mail?

 A lookup of the server results in a no host found response.
 adolfobello # host Hosting-132-17.PHPWebHosting.Com
 Host Hosting-132-17.PHPWebHosting.Com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

 In any case, these people have a problem with their DNS setup. A name in
 the arpa zone with no CNAME or A register associated in the direct zone.

  Perhaps you can tell me if they are all wet and this can be fixed with
  changes to the DNS entries.
  - --
  Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
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Re: [newbie] This fellow needs help. His mails are being rejected.

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 12:51 pm, et wrote:
 the answer is that Adolfo uses his ISP mail serrver to route his outbound
 mail thru, and Greg is tring to have his mail server send it right out to
 the internet

Could you clarify what you mean?

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] This fellow needs help. His mails are being rejected.

2003-02-09 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 13:51, et wrote:
 the answer is that Adolfo uses his ISP mail serrver to route his outbound mail 
 thru, and Greg is tring to have his mail server send it right out to the 
No, it is not that way. They are sending their mails through their
hosting service smtp server. The hosting service has a DNS
misconfiguration. SMTP helo command is given by the right server but
reverse lookup returns a non DNS qualified machine.

I had the problem that you mentioned trying to use sendmail, but now I
route my mails through my hosting service SMTP server.
   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //cel: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax: +58 212 952-6797   //pager: (# 609-6213)

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Re: [newbie] Spamassassin Mail to a folder

2003-02-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings

 Thanks Derek, that was exactly what I needed. Who knew that . was a
 regular expression?  I don't seem to get much spam from any source, maybe
 once a month, but I know that sooner or later it will come. Your help is
 appreciated.  So much to learn, so little time.  :  )

1 a month!  I get about 50 a day! I have obviously been too careless with my 
email address :-(

With spamassassin in place that comes down to about 1 spam every 2 weeks, and 
zero false positives.

BTW: Spamassin can be tuned to add more tests, (some tests are disabled by 
default because they are chargable for non personal use), to set the spam 
points threshold, or to tune the points of individual tests.

This is what I use as my ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs

required_hits   6 #default is 5
whitelist_from  *
blacklist_from  *   #these guys make their spam
   #look innocent
score RCVD_IN_RBL   10
score RCVD_IN_RSS   1
score RCVD_IN_DUL   1
score FROM_AND_TO_SAME_1 5

If spamassassin was installed from the Mandrake RPM from Contrib, then the 
default scoring is rather strange. (For example mails sent with Kmail are 
considered as 'spammish' ) I always replace the 
/usr/share/spamassassin/ file with the one from the spamassassin 
tarball at

Have fun



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Re: [newbie] xserver??

2003-02-09 Per discussione Aaron
I have a dual processor pentium III 550MHz with 128 meg ram, A Matrox
G400 dual head. 

I have had lots of problems so far with system lock ups this has been
connected with pro audio applications. I was told that it could be my
mother board and when I I searched for info on system lockups and my
Tyan thunderbolt I saw there were problems. 

I would like to speed up my system (and do some audio work) and let my
kids play a few games

On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 19:51, Greg Meyer wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Sunday 09 February 2003 02:25 pm, Aaron wrote:
  Well I was having system problem and some one said to try using an older
  version of X 3.xx. But it made no difference and I pretty much narrowed
  my problem down to hardware.
  I now want to upgrade to 4.01 to take advantage of wineX.
 You really should be using 4.2.1 to take advantage of the latest hardware 
 drivers.  What is your hardware setup?
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Re: [newbie] kmail 1.5

2003-02-09 Per discussione Rob Blomquist
On Sunday 09 February 2003 12:20 am, Paul Kaplan wrote:
 I upgraded to kde3.1 and have found one minor, but annoying glitch.
  In kmail, the folder list is visible, but the folder names are
 not.  The number of unread messages in each folder is legibe (in
 bold black text, or a - if there are no unread messages, both on
 a white background.  The folder names might as well be white text
 on a white background.  The list of messages is normal as are the
 message bodies, just the folder list is affected.

 I haven't found any other kde3.1 text that is white on white (or
 black on black for that matter).  Does anyone know what the problem
 is or how to fix? TIA

I have not had that problem at all. My Kmail upgrade left me with 
screwed up folders, and a new (an in my mind useless) window. You can 
fix the fonts in Settings/configure/appearance/fonts/use custom 
fonts/folder list. 

I assume that you may have a system setting for white text that is 
being imported and used by kmail, so I would turn on custom text and 
change the features on Folder List.

The useless window can be shut off at 
settings/configure/appearance/layout, and check show mime tree 

The extra folder column on total can be shut off by right clicking 
on the folder header, and unselecting total column.

Rob Blomquist
Kirkland, WA

On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section,
it said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed Linux and 
happily ever after.

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Re: [newbie] Making software raid filesystems

2003-02-09 Per discussione civileme
On Sunday 09 February 2003 04:23 am, Brian Parish wrote:
 Hmmm.  When diskdrake runs during an install, I can create partitions of
 type linux raid (I think that was it) and then add them to a raid
 set.  Now on a working 9.0 system, when I run diskdrake I only get a
 small subset of the options offered during install.  Linux raid ain't
 one of 'em.

 Is this a feature to stop me doing something stupid, or am I missing


Well, if you have two disks and space on each and you TOGGLE TO EXPERT MODE, 
your options should appear.

The screenshots there were made with DiskDrake


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Re: [newbie] SBC Yahoo DSL Problem

2003-02-09 Per discussione MRE

- Original Message -
From: Scott Thayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] SBC Yahoo DSL Problem

 I have been running SBC DSL on Mandrake for a couple of years,
although I can't speak to what effect the recent upgrade to yahoo-DSL
may have. (For once I'm planning not to fix something that isn't broken.)
 I have had very good luck w/ Roaring Penguin's RP-PPPoE with and
without the gui. The rpms are on the distro.
 The distro uses rp-pppoe to install adsl pppoe networking, but I have
always had better luck explicitly installing it. Once installed, execute
tkpppoe (or adsl-setup from CLI) as root and it will walk you through
setting up your ADSL connection. Since you're installing from the mdk rpms,
it will even show up on the Mandrake 9.0 menu under Networking Remote

Thanks Scott, Robert, and Tom,

You guys are the greatest!  I managed to get SBC DSL running because of the
info you provided.
I realized that I made a mistake during the Mandrake install.  It
recommended using Ethernet for the DSL setup, which worked on my previous
DSL provider, but the ADSL was the one to choose.  It automatically set up
the PPOE software and now I am connected!

Thanks a million!

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Re: [newbie] This fellow needs help. His mails are being rejected.

2003-02-09 Per discussione et
On Sunday 09 February 2003 01:01 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On Sunday 09 February 2003 12:51 pm, et wrote:
  the answer is that Adolfo uses his ISP mail serrver to route his outbound
  mail thru, and Greg is tring to have his mail server send it right out to
  the internet

 Could you clarify what you mean?
I think Adolfo corrected me, I was under the impression you had a 
miss-configured sendmail or whatever MTA.
 - --
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] How long to download 9.0

2003-02-09 Per discussione David E. Fox
 I get about 500 to 550 MB's/hour from decent sites with a 
 1.5Megabit adsl line (~150K/sec). DSL connections also vary quite a 
 bit, from half my speed to almost twice as fast. The mirror you use, 

My DSL is 384k-1.5 megabyte variable, nat fixed. All that's guaranteed
is the 384k and I don't think I've ever seen the line drop below that,
but as you say, the speed is highly variable. I've had good results
from Netherlands mirrors, of all places ( and it's my primary
source for cooker stuff. olf's site in CA (the penguin liberation
front) though is very slow - a couple of K per second. By comparison,
nluug is roughly 150k or more per second.

Last time I downloaded 9.0 CD images I think it took maybe 3-4 hours
or so per CD. BTW, I don't have a burner - I botched my first install
of 9.0, so someone was kind enough to burn a 0.0 CD. However you need
disk 2 and 3, so I got them as ISOs and have them loopback mounted for
file access.

As far as the spped of various hosts go, I suppose one can write a
script that does the comparisons, and then picks the fastest
mirror. I got a script that's designed for CVS mirrors, specifically
for KDE, but it could I suppose be tailored for cooker and/or Mandrake

 I recently d/l weren't on the mirror yet, so I had to get 'em one at 
 a time as they appeared. Worst way is to use a browser to d/l.

I do nearly all my downloading via ncftp. I've also used cvs and rsync
in the past. 

 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Sound problem

2003-02-09 Per discussione Keith Powell
On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 4:46 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 3:49 pm, Keith Powell wrote:
  I have downloaded and installed a program from the internet, which needs
  to access the soundcard. When I try to run it, I get the error message:
  Cannot open Audio Device  /dev/sound/dsp: Device or resource busy.
  I have checked permissions and they are correct.
  Any ideas to overcome this error, please?

 You could try setting it to use /dev/dsp or /dev/dsp1
 If there is no configuration option available try creating a symlink
 ln -s /dev/dsp /dev/sound/dsp


Hello Derek.

Thank you for the suggestions, but unfortunately none of them work. In fact, 
things have got more complicated.

There is no config file for the program. The configuration is set up from the 
program when it is running. The error box which shows the device 
(/dev/sound/dsp), appears to have the facility to change the device by typing 
in a different one. I have altered it to /dev/dsp, but pressing the OK button 
still gives the same error. However, on restarting the program, the original 
device is shown again.

There is no dsp1, only /dev/dsp and /dev/sound/dsp. Should there be a dsp1?

When I create the symlink, it says that the file /dev/sound/dsp already 

So, I uninstalled the program and reinstalled it. Now, I get the error 

inexact sampling rate: request for 8000 resulted in 48000Cannot open audio 
device /dev/sound/dsp: Invalid argument

I have just installed the program into SuSE (which I rarely use these days, 
preferring Mandrake). It runs perfectly, with no error messages about not 
opening  /dev/sound/dsp or the sampling rate.

The plot thickens! 

Sorry your suggestions did not work.



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Re: [newbie] Making software raid filesystems

2003-02-09 Per discussione Brian Parish
Oops.  This was meant to go to the list.

On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 06:44, civileme wrote:
 On Sunday 09 February 2003 04:23 am, Brian Parish wrote:
  Hmmm.  When diskdrake runs during an install, I can create partitions of
  type linux raid (I think that was it) and then add them to a raid
  set.  Now on a working 9.0 system, when I run diskdrake I only get a
  small subset of the options offered during install.  Linux raid ain't
  one of 'em.
  Is this a feature to stop me doing something stupid, or am I missing
 Well, if you have two disks and space on each and you TOGGLE TO EXPERT MODE, 
 your options should appear.
 The screenshots there were made with DiskDrake

Thanks Civileme, Robert and Greg,

I must have clicked that button a hundred times, but not for this

I note in Civileme's how-to:

If the reader is wondering why no screenshots of the setting of mount
points and file types, DiskDrake as part of Mandrake Control Center on a
running system balks at this point, bringing down X and making the
system go into a huddle that can be met only with Alt-sysrq-r,
alt-sysrq-s, alt-sysrq-b. RAID must really be defined at install time.

Just to clarify:  I have a running system, but with two disks in
addition to that holding /, /usr, /home, /var and /tmp.  These can be
completely repartitioned when setting up raid - in this case just a
RAID1 mirror of the complete disks.

Is diskdrake going to choke in this circumstance?  That machine is on
another site, so I can't play with it for the moment.  If it's going to
screw up, then I better start reading about how to do it with the CLI.

thanks again

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Re: [newbie] Saving wallpaper to a folder

2003-02-09 Per discussione David E. Fox
 be root to write the files to /usr/share/anyfolder, or change folder=20

A possibly better way would be to symbolically link a directory to 
/home/whereever/wallpapers. That way the other users can read (but not
alter, presumably) the contents of your wallpaper directory. However,
if /usr or /usr/lpcal/ is on another partition, you're probably
screwed, as symbolic links can't be created across partitions, and
apparently hard links for directories can't be created. So you're
basically screwed, I guess. A pity, because ideally one would give
other people accessibility to the common area without having to dig
into your personal home directory, without having to keep updating the
public directory with private contents. (private in the sense that
they're in a private directory, i.e., your home directory.)

I suggest /usr/local/share/wallpapers though - slight nitpick, as
/usr/share is part of the distribution, and you don't want your stuff
lost when you do an upgrade. Of course, with a symlink, removing a
link doesn't remove the data, only a path to it.

And of course, you could always keep the wallpaper in the public
directory - that's probably the fail-safe position. In other words,
punt. :)  And it need not be root-owned - the permissions could be set
up like /tmp (i.e, anywone can write there but one user can't delete
the other user's files).

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Re: [newbie] Sound problem

2003-02-09 Per discussione Keith Powell
On Sunday 09 Feb 2003 5:48 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Sunday 09 February 2003 10:49 am, Keith Powell wrote:
  I have downloaded and installed a program from the internet, which needs
  to access the soundcard. When I try to run it, I get the error message:
  Cannot open Audio Device  /dev/sound/dsp: Device or resource busy.
  I have checked permissions and they are correct.
  Any ideas to overcome this error, please?

 Are you running KDE.  It sounds like the kde sound server (arts) not
 releasing the dsp to arts unaware software.  Try killing the sound server
 in the KDE Control Center and see if that changes it.  If it does, you can
 try setting the idle suspend to a shorter time, or leave it off completely.
 - --

Thanks for the suggestions, Greg. Sorry, but they don't work.

I deselected arts, rebooted and tried starting the program in KDE, Gnome, 
IceWM and Failsafe. Always the same error messages. 

In my reply to Derek, I mentioned that the program ran in SuSE. I was running 
KDE with arts active.

I have just got rid of the sampling rate error, by reselecting arts and 
setting the use custom sampling rate to 4800 in the soundserver section of 
the KDE Control Center. It's just the dsp device now to crack.

I wonder if I should set use custom device to /dev/sound/dsp or /dev/dsp? 
I'll try it tomorrow.



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[newbie] Mandrake 8.1 update wrecked my system.

2003-02-09 Per discussione Josef Lowder
Recently, my monitor died and the process of finding a suitable replacement 
led to a series of new problems. Someone at Mandrake told me that I really 
needed to update my 8.1 system (which had been working just fine), and the 
process of installing the updates royally messed everything up. 

Now, when I try to boot up with Linux or Win4Lin, after the system goes 
through all the usual start-up processes, a shell login appears on the 
screen for less than second and then the screen goes black and there is 
nothing I can do except hit reset on the box. 

If I boot up with either Linux-nonfb or failsafe, the computer starts up 
fine and everything works fine, except I cannot start up Win4Lin. 

I have been trying for more than two weeks to solve this problem, without 
any progress. 

I am willing to pay a reasonable fee for a satisfactory solution, but feel 
that the Mandrake 8.1 updates are responsible for my problems and it irks me 
to have to pay for a solution that Mandrake caused. My system worked just 
fine before doing the Mandrake updates. 

Since I am not currently subscribed to receive all the newbie mailing list 
mail, please respond directly to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Mesa, Arizona 

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Re: [newbie] Saving wallpaper to a folder

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 05:18 pm, David E. Fox wrote:
 as symbolic links can't be created across partitions,

Minor correction.  symlinks can be made across partitions, hardlinks cannot.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] ADSL Modem/Router

2003-02-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
I have a customer that has a Dynalink ALE070 ADSL USB modem; has ANYONE
either experienced this animal - either in getting it to work or not?

(Feels nice to ask y'all a question for a change, ya reckon?)

Mon, 10 Feb 2003 09:40:00 +1100
  9:40am  up 3 days,  1:58,  4 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.12, 0.17
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

There is more simplicity in the man who eats caviar on impulse than in the
man who eats Grape-Nuts on principle.
-- G.K. Chesterton

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Re: [newbie] Installing Java...

2003-02-09 Per discussione Rob Blomquist
On Sunday 09 February 2003 01:59 pm, wrnash wrote:
 For mandrake 9.0 you can do the following

 After install of the bin you will need to link it to the java bin

 ln -s /usr/java/j2re1.4.1_01/bin/java /usr/bin/java

 Change j2re1.4.1_01 to what java you have installed.

You can also just move the files over to the /usr/bin/java directory, 
as they are installed in a block, in what ever directory they get 
put. Or you can just add the new java directory to your path.

Rob Blomquist
Kirkland, WA

On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section,
it said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed Linux and 
happily ever after.

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Re: [newbie] Installing Java...

2003-02-09 Per discussione John McQuillen
On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 10:20, Rob Blomquist wrote:
 On Sunday 09 February 2003 01:59 pm, wrnash wrote:
  For mandrake 9.0 you can do the following
  After install of the bin you will need to link it to the java bin
  ln -s /usr/java/j2re1.4.1_01/bin/java /usr/bin/java
  Change j2re1.4.1_01 to what java you have installed.
 You can also just move the files over to the /usr/bin/java directory, 
 as they are installed in a block, in what ever directory they get 
 put. Or you can just add the new java directory to your path.

Or you could do it the way it is done by default in 9.0, with the
/etc/alternatives system...

As root do: update-alternatives --display java

you should get something like the following output:

java - status is auto.
link currently points to /usr/lib/kaffe/bin/java
/usr/lib/kaffe/bin/java - priority 30

to add the new java to the alternatives system do (as root):

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java
/usr/java/j2re1.4.1_01/bin/java 40

The above is one line. Then 'update-alternatives --display java' should
give the following output:

java - status is auto.
link currently points to /usr/java/j2re1.4.1_01/bin/java
/usr/lib/kaffe/bin/java - priority 30
/usr/lib/j2re1.4.1_01/bin/java - priority 40

man update-alternative will give you the inside scoop.

Hope this helps



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Re: [newbie] xserver??

2003-02-09 Per discussione Mark
On Sun, 9 Feb 2003, Aaron wrote:

 I have a dual processor pentium III 550MHz with 128 meg ram, A Matrox
 G400 dual head. 
 I have had lots of problems so far with system lock ups this has been
 connected with pro audio applications. I was told that it could be my
 mother board and when I I searched for info on system lockups and my
 Tyan thunderbolt I saw there were problems. 
 I would like to speed up my system (and do some audio work) and let my
 kids play a few games


All that should be necessary for you to upgrade from XFree86 3.3.x to 
4.x.x is to open MCC and redefine your monitor, screens, color depth and 
so on as you did when you first installed Mandrake. That should take care 
of things. 


If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.0
ICQ# 27816299

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Re: [newbie] Saving wallpaper to a folder

2003-02-09 Per discussione Russ
Okay, I created this folder in my directory file:/home/russ/wallpaper.
Now how to I create a symbolic link to it from say
file:/usr/share/wallpapers which is where all the others are.


On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 14:18, David E. Fox wrote:

 A possibly better way would be to symbolically link a directory to 
 /home/whereever/wallpapers. That way the other users can read (but not
 alter, presumably) the contents of your wallpaper directory. 

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[newbie] Boot disk (floppy)

2003-02-09 Per discussione Russ
Where do I go to make a boot disk for this configuration in case
something goes haywire?


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Re: [newbie] Boot disk (floppy)

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 08:35 pm, Russ wrote:
 Where do I go to make a boot disk for this configuration in case
 something goes haywire?

Mandrake Control Center = boot = bootdisk
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Saving wallpaper to a folder

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 08:29 pm, Russ wrote:
 Okay, I created this folder in my directory file:/home/russ/wallpaper.
 Now how to I create a symbolic link to it from say
 file:/usr/share/wallpapers which is where all the others are.

use ln -s target linkname

so by example, if your wallpapers are in /home/russ/wallpaper and you want a 
link to that directory in /usr/share/wallpapers called russpaper

ln -s /home/russ/wallpaper /usr/share/wallpapers/russpaper

You'll get an entry called russpaper in /usr/share/wallpapers/ that if you 
click on it in your file manager, or cd to it from the command line, you will 
be magically transported to /home/russ/wallpaper.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] kmail 1.5

2003-02-09 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Sunday 09 February 2003 12:48 pm, Rob Blomquist wrote:
 On Sunday 09 February 2003 12:20 am, Paul Kaplan wrote:
  I upgraded to kde3.1 and have found one minor, but annoying glitch.
   In kmail, the folder list is visible, but the folder names are
  not.  The number of unread messages in each folder is legibe (in
  bold black text, or a - if there are no unread messages, both on
  a white background.  The folder names might as well be white text
  on a white background.  The list of messages is normal as are the
  message bodies, just the folder list is affected.
  I haven't found any other kde3.1 text that is white on white (or
  black on black for that matter).  Does anyone know what the problem
  is or how to fix? TIA

 I have not had that problem at all. My Kmail upgrade left me with
 screwed up folders, and a new (an in my mind useless) window. You can
 fix the fonts in Settings/configure/appearance/fonts/use custom
 fonts/folder list.

 I assume that you may have a system setting for white text that is
 being imported and used by kmail, so I would turn on custom text and
 change the features on Folder List.

 The useless window can be shut off at
 settings/configure/appearance/layout, and check show mime tree

 The extra folder column on total can be shut off by right clicking
 on the folder header, and unselecting total column.

Have you made sure that the name column is wide enough? I had to stretch mine 
out a bit to see the folder names, they were offset to the right more than in 
the old Kmail. So I clicked and held the left click button down with the 
mouse arrow on the divider and stretched  it to the right and the folder 
names came out from hiding. HTH
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] kmail 1.5

2003-02-09 Per discussione Paul Kaplan
Batta bing!  Just as your e-mail came through I noticed the same thing and 
fixed the problem.

On Monday 10 February 2003 02:18 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Sunday 09 February 2003 12:48 pm, Rob Blomquist wrote:
  On Sunday 09 February 2003 12:20 am, Paul Kaplan wrote:
   I upgraded to kde3.1 and have found one minor, but annoying glitch.
In kmail, the folder list is visible, but the folder names are
   not.  The number of unread messages in each folder is legibe (in
   bold black text, or a - if there are no unread messages, both on
   a white background.  The folder names might as well be white text
   on a white background.  The list of messages is normal as are the
   message bodies, just the folder list is affected.
   I haven't found any other kde3.1 text that is white on white (or
   black on black for that matter).  Does anyone know what the problem
   is or how to fix? TIA
  I have not had that problem at all. My Kmail upgrade left me with
  screwed up folders, and a new (an in my mind useless) window. You can
  fix the fonts in Settings/configure/appearance/fonts/use custom
  fonts/folder list.
  I assume that you may have a system setting for white text that is
  being imported and used by kmail, so I would turn on custom text and
  change the features on Folder List.
  The useless window can be shut off at
  settings/configure/appearance/layout, and check show mime tree
  The extra folder column on total can be shut off by right clicking
  on the folder header, and unselecting total column.

 Have you made sure that the name column is wide enough? I had to stretch
 mine out a bit to see the folder names, they were offset to the right more
 than in the old Kmail. So I clicked and held the left click button down
 with the mouse arrow on the divider and stretched  it to the right and the
 folder names came out from hiding. HTH

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Re: [newbie] Boot disk (floppy)

2003-02-09 Per discussione Rob Blomquist
On Sunday 09 February 2003 05:41 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On Sunday 09 February 2003 08:35 pm, Russ wrote:
  Where do I go to make a boot disk for this configuration in case
  something goes haywire?

 Mandrake Control Center = boot = bootdisk

I have to say that I did not get a bootable bootdisk from there. I was 
lucky however to have the other boot levels in LILO.

Rob Blomquist
Kirkland, WA

On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section,
it said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed Linux and 
happily ever after.

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Re: [newbie] Saving wallpaper to a folder

2003-02-09 Per discussione Russ
Hi Greg,

Did it and it worked great (after I logged into the console as su).
Isn't there a way to do this in KDE or Gnome?


On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 17:45, Greg Meyer wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Sunday 09 February 2003 08:29 pm, Russ wrote:
  Okay, I created this folder in my directory file:/home/russ/wallpaper.
  Now how to I create a symbolic link to it from say
  file:/usr/share/wallpapers which is where all the others are.
 use ln -s target linkname
 so by example, if your wallpapers are in /home/russ/wallpaper and you want a 
 link to that directory in /usr/share/wallpapers called russpaper
 ln -s /home/russ/wallpaper /usr/share/wallpapers/russpaper
 You'll get an entry called russpaper in /usr/share/wallpapers/ that if you 
 click on it in your file manager, or cd to it from the command line, you will 
 be magically transported to /home/russ/wallpaper.
 - -- 

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RE: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 on Intel Hardware

2003-02-09 Per discussione Richard Babcock
Actually, I think it would run on this toaster just fine: ;-)
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You! 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Marc Oestreicher
 Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 11:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 on Intel Hardware
 anything with 64 MB or more of ram and a large enough hard drive 
 for all the options that you want to install.  Well anything with 
 in reason don't try to run it on a toaster or can opener.

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[newbie] Some SAMBA Questions

2003-02-09 Per discussione Marlo Montanaro

I've kind of got Samba working and I've got a couple of questions before I
go further.

My network is 3 computers:
- Windows ME with my HP DeskJet 694C printer
- Windows XP on a laptop
- Mandrake Linux 9.0

The two Windows machines see each other fine, sharing hard drives and the
one printer.

The two Windows machines can see the Linux box as a Windows machine with
Samba running.  The Windows XP machine is capable of logging and mapping a
drive to a share based on username.  When I connect from the XP machine I
get a username/password prompt.

When I attempt to connect from the WinME machine, I get a different prompt -
no username field.  It just says \\servername\IPC$ and a password box.

Isn't there someplace where I can set the default user or something, within
Samba?  If not, how do I get the WinME machine to login to the Linux box, in
other words, what username is it requesting?

Once I get this working, I'm assuming I'll need to setup CUPS on the Linux
machine so it can print back to the Windows ME machine, correct?

Thanks in advance!

Marlo Montanaro
Registered Linux User 303184

There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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[newbie] File Management

2003-02-09 Per discussione Russ
Hi All,

I have been trying to learn how Linux's file system works and what goes
where. I am gaining ground. Here is my pet peeve though. When navigating
the various files and folders, you do not know which actual partition it
is on. In windows explorer it separates the drives and shows you what is
on each. I hate to say it (especially here) but I like how windows
explorer works. The left column gives you a list of all drives,
floppies, CD's and what not. Makes it easy to navigate your file system.
Is there a file manager for Linux that does this as well? This would
help me keep all these things straight. 


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RE: [newbie] File Management

2003-02-09 Per discussione Robert Wideman
You are too used to Winblowz.  Stay on Linux/UNIX for another year and you
will totally disagree with your current self.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Russ
 Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 9:56 PM
 To: Newbie
 Subject: [newbie] File Management

 Hi All,

 I have been trying to learn how Linux's file system works and what goes
 where. I am gaining ground. Here is my pet peeve though. When navigating
 the various files and folders, you do not know which actual partition it
 is on. In windows explorer it separates the drives and shows you what is
 on each. I hate to say it (especially here) but I like how windows
 explorer works. The left column gives you a list of all drives,
 floppies, CD's and what not. Makes it easy to navigate your file system.
 Is there a file manager for Linux that does this as well? This would
 help me keep all these things straight.


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Re: [newbie] File Management

2003-02-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 14:56, Russ wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have been trying to learn how Linux's file system works and what goes
 where. I am gaining ground. Here is my pet peeve though. When navigating
 the various files and folders, you do not know which actual partition it
 is on. In windows explorer it separates the drives and shows you what is
 on each. I hate to say it (especially here) but I like how windows
 explorer works. The left column gives you a list of all drives,
 floppies, CD's and what not. Makes it easy to navigate your file system.
 Is there a file manager for Linux that does this as well? This would
 help me keep all these things straight. 

This is the nature of the *nix file system structure. Every partition
and/or drive is mounted as part of the file system. This allows you to
have many drives, but a single file structure. To my knowledge, there
are heaps and heaps of different file managers, but nothing that will
ever show anything like a drive.

If you've done a default installation side-by-side with a Windows
installation, you will find your Windows partition under /mnt/

The true beauty of the file system was designed from the beginning (more
than 30 years ago) to be able to have a single file system.

If you open up a console window, you can type:

sfdisk --list get a listing of the partitions

You can type:

mount view the drive mountings.

If you're in KDE, you can type

kwikdisk show how drives are mounted and allow you to mount/unmount from
your system tray.

Remember that you're going to have to rethink/relearn how the file
system works. In the reality of it, the MSDOS manner of drive labelling
is actually more clunky and less logical...only 26 drives?


Mon, 10 Feb 2003 14:55:00 +1100
  2:55pm  up 3 days,  7:13,  5 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.15, 0.21
|____  | kuhn media australia|
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|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

   Nothing I do is my fault.
  -- Calvin

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Re: [newbie] Boot disk (floppy)

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 10:11 pm, Rob Blomquist wrote:
 I have to say that I did not get a bootable bootdisk from there. I was
 lucky however to have the other boot levels in LILO.

Anytime I created a boot floppy here it was because the floppy disk turned out 
to be defective, not because the utility was defective.  Anyway, it is always 
a good idea to test it before you rely on it.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Saving wallpaper to a folder

2003-02-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 09 February 2003 10:46 pm, Russ wrote:
 Isn't there a way to do this in KDE or Gnome?

I think when you drag a file to a new location in Konqueror and release, it 
will ask you if you want to move, copy or create a link in the new location.  
The problem is you have to load Konq as root user to do what you wanted to do 
in the directory you wanted to do it in.  There is a menu entry in the KDE 
menu to load the file manager in super user mode to be able to do this.  I 
think it is Kmenu = applications = file tools = file manager SU mode.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] File Management

2003-02-09 Per discussione Damian Gatabria

 Hi All,

 I have been trying to learn how Linux's file system works and what goes
 where. I am gaining ground. Here is my pet peeve though. When navigating
 the various files and folders, you do not know which actual partition it
 is on. In windows explorer it separates the drives and shows you what is
 on each. I hate to say it (especially here) but I like how windows
 explorer works. The left column gives you a list of all drives,
 floppies, CD's and what not. Makes it easy to navigate your file system.
 Is there a file manager for Linux that does this as well? This would
 help me keep all these things straight.


If you open up a terminal (like konsole or xterm) and type  df  you will see
each partition, with information about it's free space and where is it mounted

I felt a bit lost too at first, but as you gain more experience, you'll notice
that Linux's way of handling devices and partitions is much more logical and
flexible than Windows'. The reason you cannot see each drive separately
is because Linux does not build it's structure on drives or partitions. It has
one tree. One structure. And you can add partitions to any branch of it,
giving you a whole lot of control of where stuff goes. 

If you REALLY need to manage your files in a partition-oriented way,
you can open up konqueror. You'll have the tree view of all the directories,
and on the right side, the main pane with the view of the current dir. Now,
between the tree view and the right pane (depending on you konqueror
version, you can have it at the left of the treeview too) you will see a small
column of buttons. click on the one at the bottom. The treeview will dissapear
and a new one with device-oriented structure will appear, much like

But, i must say this: You will not regret it once you get familiar with
Linux and the way it does things. On the other hand, you might regret it
if you try to make Linux behave like Windows as you will find that Linux is
not a better Windows than Windows. It is different.



I don't want Windows to be only for the 31173. Yes, we've come a long way from
all those security holes, virii, and cryptic commands like Edit textfile.txt
(what in the hell is that supposed to mean?)

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RE: [newbie] Complete newbie, trouble trying to install mandrake 8.2 on a Mac G-4

2003-02-09 Per discussione Richard Babcock
I ordered the disks from cheapbytes and they work fine on my iMac. As I
recall, you need a mac boot partition to begin with (I made mine as small as
possible) and then you start the install program from your MacOS (8.2 in my
I didn't keep ML 8.2 on my iMac, however, because I never got the nvida(sp?)
driver problem solved. I may try to make the iMac a web server but that
project can wait for another day.
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kaj Haulrich
 Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 11:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Complete newbie, trouble trying to install
 mandrake 8.2 on a Mac G-4

 On Saturday 08 February 2003 05:28 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:

  Dan, I think it will be cheaper for you to order from
  although it's giving up on burning. All my coasters are
  excellent for my daughters rifle-practice at 300 meters.
  Kaj Haulrich.

 Sorry, Dan. I see you live in Canada, try here :

 Kaj Haulrich.
 Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
 Registered Linux user # 214073 at
 Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

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Re: [newbie] File Management

2003-02-09 Per discussione Todd Slater
On 09 Feb 2003 19:56:05 -0800

 Hi All,
 I have been trying to learn how Linux's file system works and what goes
 where. I am gaining ground. Here is my pet peeve though. When navigating
 the various files and folders, you do not know which actual partition it
 is on. In windows explorer it separates the drives and shows you what is
 on each. I hate to say it (especially here) but I like how windows
 explorer works. The left column gives you a list of all drives,
 floppies, CD's and what not. Makes it easy to navigate your file system.
 Is there a file manager for Linux that does this as well? This would
 help me keep all these things straight. 

For normal operation, why do you need to know what partition stuff is on?


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