
2003-03-29 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Scusate, ma vorrei essere rimosso dalla vostra ML.


Un saluto.


[newbie-it] Re: Per installare MDK 9.1

2003-03-29 Per discussione max
 --- francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 max wrote:
 Ho scaricato i tre file iso corrispondenti ai tre cd rom.
 Si presentano con l'icona di tre file di testo, dal peso di 650 mb.
 Non ci sono directory da aprire
 Ho masterizzato il primo su un cd, settato il boot per l'avvio da cd
 rom, ma all'avvio i cd rom viene ignorato e parte normalmente il PC
 il vecchio sistema operativo.

 masterizzato con cosa?
  prova a dire il nome del programma
  usa nuovo file iso , da immagine e seleziona ...
 non so prova dire qualcosw in più...
 non masterizzarli con opzione crea  cdrom di boot
  ( i cd sono già  di boot)
 ciao francesco

Ho masterizzato con CGCOMBUST.
E' vero, non ho selezionato: ISO 9660 image.
Tuttavia, la masterizzazione ora non parte. Non conosco gli altri
Ho i file iso nella directory della mia home, così:
Ho selezionato il file in File Dati, quindi selezionato ISO 9660
Non capisco tra le altre opzioni cosa devo fare.
Devo utilizzare Scegli dove mettere l'immagine.
In tal caso, dove? In mnt/cdrom2 o /dev/scd0?
Non funziona in entrambi i casi.
Oppure devo selezionare altro, per esempio, crea immagine da file.
Selezionando quest'ultima si mette in atto una rapida operazione, che
però nulla scrive su CD.

Grazie per la pazienza.   :)

Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

Re: [newbie-it] Re: Per installare MDK 9.1

2003-03-29 Per discussione tom
On Saturday 29 March 2003 02:38, max wrote:

 Ho scaricato i tre file iso corrispondenti ai tre cd rom.
 Si presentano con l'icona di tre file di testo, dal peso di 650 mb.
 Non ci sono directory da aprire
 Ho masterizzato il primo su un cd, settato il boot per l'avvio da cd
 rom, ma all'avvio i cd rom viene ignorato e parte normalmente il PC con
 il vecchio sistema operativo.

se usi nero, li dive masterizzare come immagine

Ciao , Tom

 . ~ .
 / v \
   /  /  \  \
 /  (  )  \
^^   ^^
 nel dubbio coricati

majaSlack 8.1-2.4.20
Linux user Tattari_manna

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione KDE 3.1

2003-03-29 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 00:00, sabato 29 marzo 2003, Gaetano ha scritto:
 Un saluto a tutti,

 vorrei installare il KDE v.3.1 trovato su un cd allegato a
 Linux Magazine (ottima rivista) aprendo la cartella KDE_3.1
 ho trovato vari pacchetti relativi a questo ambiente, (kdebase-3.1,
 che penso sia quella principale, kdeutils-3.1, ecc. ovviamente
 tutti con estensione .tar.bz2)!

cerca negli archivi della lista, ho mandato le istruzioni dettagliate 
per la compilazione della 2
nella 3 è anche più facile perchè non servono le Fam libraries

 grazie tante in anticipo!



- -- 

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Installazione GeForce 4 420 (HELP ME!!!!)

2003-03-29 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 08:42, venerdì 28 marzo 2003, Vincenzo Scaccia ha scritto:

 per segnalarvi un problema che mi sta dando il tormento. Non riesco
 ad installare in modo corretto la scheda grafica in oggetto. Ho
 trovato una guida e ho seguito passo per passo tutte le istruzioni
 ma il problema è rimasto. Spero che qualcuno mi possa aiutare
 perchè sono disperato Aspetto un vostro riscontro.

che tipo di errori hai?
installi i precompilati rpm o i sorgenti?

- -- 



- -- 

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


[newbie-it] guarddog

2003-03-29 Per discussione fabio
in lista qualcuno aveva chiesto come configurare guarddog, potete trovare 
qualcosa sul sito www.pcimprover.it

Re: [newbie-it] filesystem criptato

2003-03-29 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 00:22, sabato 29 marzo 2003, fabio ha scritto:
 Per utilizzare le funzioni di filesystem criptato, devo utilizzare il
 kernel-secure-2.4... e come lo imposto in fase di installazione ?
 Grazie a tutti.
...La sparo...
Hai provato a vedere in sede di installazione, schiacciando F1 (o qualcosa del 
genere); dovresti arrivare ad un prompt, e lì impostare il caricamento da te 
desiderato. L'opzione help dovrebbe poi dari delucidazioni sicuramente più 
approfondite delle mie...

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione KDE 3.1

2003-03-29 Per discussione Gaetano
 Alle 2:13 PM, sabato 29 marzo 2003, MiKe ha scritto:

 cerca negli archivi della lista, ho mandato le istruzioni dettagliate
 per la compilazione della 2
 nella 3 è anche più facile perchè non servono le Fam libraries

Trovati! Non è che sono dettagliatidi più! :-)

Grazie tante a te e a tutti quelli che mi hanno risposto!

P.S.: domani (o stanotte) provo l'installazione, e vi faccio sapere, ciao!

Re: [newbie-it] Re: Per installare MDK 9.1

2003-03-29 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 12:56, sabato 29 marzo 2003, max ha scritto:

 Ho masterizzato con CGCOMBUST.
 E' vero, non ho selezionato: ISO 9660 image.
 Tuttavia, la masterizzazione ora non parte. Non conosco gli altri
 Ho i file iso nella directory della mia home, così:
 Ho selezionato il file in File Dati, quindi selezionato ISO 9660
 Non capisco tra le altre opzioni cosa devo fare.
 Devo utilizzare Scegli dove mettere l'immagine.
 In tal caso, dove? In mnt/cdrom2 o /dev/scd0?
 Non funziona in entrambi i casi.
 Oppure devo selezionare altro, per esempio, crea immagine da file.
 Selezionando quest'ultima si mette in atto una rapida operazione, che
 però nulla scrive su CD.

 Grazie per la pazienza.   :)

Ti consiglio la lettura del CD-Writing HOWTO, che sicuramente avrai a 
disposizione sulla tua precedente mdk.
Oltre a darti la possibilità di masterizzare a riga di comando, ti permette di 
decodificare le schermate di qualunque front-end, che effettivamente, quando 
non si sa esattamente cosa si fa, può essere più d'impaccio che di aiuto...

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair

[newbie-it] Tiscalinet adsl

2003-03-29 Per discussione stefano
Chi lo sta usando?
Ciosa si sà dei modem che assegna?

Re: [newbie-it] Re: Per installare MDK 9.1

2003-03-29 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 02:38, sabato 29 marzo 2003, max ha scritto:

 Ho scaricato i tre file iso corrispondenti ai tre cd rom.
 Si presentano con l'icona di tre file di testo, dal peso di 650 mb.
 Non ci sono directory da aprire

sono immagini,
non puoi aprirle,
ma puoi montarle usando l'opzione loop
#mount  -t iso9660 image.iso /mountpoint -o loop
quindi entri in /mountpoint e trovi il filesystem del cdrom
quindi verifichi anche se la iso e bootabile, o fai le tue modifiche 
o semplicemente copi le cose che ti servono (ad esempio, non serve 
masterizzare i 3 cd, basta il primo, gli altri pacchetti li installi 
direttamente dalle iso, magari copiate su un server...)



- -- 

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it]

2003-03-29 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 13:43, sabato 29 marzo 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

 Scusate, ma vorrei essere rimosso dalla vostra ML.
Vuoi il permesso?


[newbie-it] SchedaGrafica

2003-03-29 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Salve a tutti,

Anzittutto grazie a tutti quelli che mi hanno dato la dritta per creare il 
dischetto di installazione
Sempre nel pc datato e abbandonato sul quale sto lavorando credo che la scheda 
grafica non funzioni correttamente perché

1) quando c'era win non funzionava correttamente, strisce orrizontali e 
sfarfallio sullo schermo.
2) quando ho installato mdk il sistema l'ha riconosciuta e tuttavia dopo 
l'installazione, quando avvio il server X trovo strisce orizzontali e 
3) La modalità testo mdk funziona correttamente

Chiedo se c'è un modo per settare da consolle il server X in modo che 
scavalchi la scheda grafica e si appoggi alla modalità testo che invece 
funziona benissimo...
Oppure esiste un quanche altro modo per affontare il problema??
Grazie a tutti

[newbie-it] antivirus

2003-03-29 Per discussione piterpan8
ciao ML
qualche giorno fà un gentile utente della ML mi ha consigliato di usare
un antivirus, scaricabile da http://www.f-prot.com .
volevo chiedere, se uso il pc solo come client e non come server, l'antivirus
è necessario? non mi risulta che ci siano molti virus per linux.

Re: [newbie] Install of 9.1 has broken KDE

2003-03-29 Per discussione Richard Jones
On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 17:49, Richard Jones wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 17:31, Richard Jones wrote:
  Wow, thanks for the quick reply!
  On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 17:07, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
   You might want to check and modify your /etc/ld.so.conf to include some
   of the lib dirs found in your /usr/lib - including /usr/lib and
   /usr/local/lib as well - and make sure you run ldconfig to rebuild the
   cache - also - you can put KDEDIR='/usr' in your /etc/profile along with
   (towards the end of it) export KDEDIR so that KDE knows where it
  This all seems rather unnecessary, but in desperation I gave it a go
  anyway :)
 Am going to try reinstall. Will see what happens...

Nope, fresh install, following all the rules. KDE still breaks.

Any more ideas?


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[newbie] installing 9.1...now! Is it normal to have long lulls?

2003-03-29 Per discussione eric huff
Hi folks,
I was just about to go to bed, but then though  Ah, i'll just toss the cd
in and see if it boots ok...

Well, now i'm installing it.  I am using my old 200MHz Pentium, 4Gig hard

So, is it because i am using an old slow computer that i have long
(sometimes minutes) delays waiting for the next event?  (like when it's
looking for available packages)

Or is there something i need to fix


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Re: [newbie] installing 9.1...now! Is it normal to have long lulls?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Richard Jones
On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 19:38, eric huff wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I was just about to go to bed, but then though  Ah, i'll just toss the cd
 in and see if it boots ok...
 Well, now i'm installing it.  I am using my old 200MHz Pentium, 4Gig hard
 So, is it because i am using an old slow computer that i have long
 (sometimes minutes) delays waiting for the next event?  (like when it's
 looking for available packages)

On my P-III 450 the delays were longish, so I'd expect them to be longer
on your machine, yeah. Some of the package stuff can take ages 'cos
there's lots of crossreferences and dependencies to figure (not to
mention just the loading of the package lists)


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Re: [newbie] Install of 9.1 has broken KDE

2003-03-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 5:56 am, Richard Jones wrote:
 I've installed 9.1 from the ISOs that I downloaded and burnt to CD. The
 install went flawlessly, but once I rebooted I found that no KDE
 application would work. I've had to startx xdm manually to even get
 X11 to start up. Any KDE app I try to run once X11 is going just quits
 out as soon as it tries to open a window. Other apps (eg. Evolution,
 Mozilla, various terminals, the Mandrake RPM tools, ...) work fine - it
 appears to just be the KDE apps. For example, I run konsole, and get the
 following terminal output. Note, I nuked my ~/.kde dir, and ran konsole
 twice. The first has a whole bunch of KDE environment initialisation
 (and then dies). The second just has this:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] richard]$ konsole
 Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.
 Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.
 Xlib:  extension RENDER missing on display :0.0.

 I get a flash of some window, and then the app quits. I used strace to
 try to figure what might be going on, but it just dies with a SIGSEGV
 after doing some ioctl calls, then calls the KDE crash handler (which
 doesn't actually work, like all the other KDE stuff).

 Does anyone have a clue as to what might be going wrong???


It looks as if KDE expects the glx extension to be present.
Take a look at /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and look for a line in the Module 
Load glx

If it is not present add it.

If it is present take a look at /var/log/XFree86.0.log to see if it is failing 
for some reason.



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Re: [newbie] correct way of setting hostname and using dhcpcd?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 7:00 am, stormjumper wrote:
 thanks derek.

 i checked out /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

 apparently DHCP is enabled, i think
 so i was wrong in assuming that dhcp isn't enabled.

 however, since dhclient and dhcpcd are installed
 and they both work, i've no idea why eth0 fails during init,
 but works after that by running dhclient or dhcpcd.

 do you/anyone have any idea why?
 is anyone else have strange problems with networking in 9.1?
 i ask this because, unlike 9.0, 8.2 and 8.1,
 i wasn't asked networking information during at end of installation,
 and this seems somewhat strange to me.

Is the network service set to run on boot?, and I assume eth0 is set to start 
on boot.



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Re: [newbie] Install of 9.1 has broken KDE

2003-03-29 Per discussione Richard Jones
On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 20:31, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 5:56 am, Richard Jones wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] richard]$ konsole
  Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.
  Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.
  Xlib:  extension RENDER missing on display :0.0.

 It looks as if KDE expects the glx extension to be present.
 Take a look at /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and look for a line in the Module 
   Load glx

 If it is not present add it.

This does nothing - my card is an S3 Trio3d/2x and GLX isn't supported.

 If it is present take a look at /var/log/XFree86.0.log to see if it is failing 
 for some reason.

No such log, sadly. My .xsession-errors has this in it though, when I
try to run eg. konsole:

Window manager warning: Window 0x584 (Konsole - ) sets SM_CLIENT_ID
on itself, instead of on the WM_CLIENT_LEADER window as specified in the

Does anyone else get that when they run konsole? Ie. can that be
ignored? Seems strange that it'd cause me problems and no-one else...


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Re: [newbie] My sincere apology

2003-03-29 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 2:51 am, Ibly Piblo wrote:
 I apologise for all of the nfs noise on the list, I
 did not wish to waste bandwidth, not sure what I
 did wrong, I think I got it to work, by re-loading
 the netfs daemon on the server, must have been
 something to do with the newer version with
 9.1 on the workstation and the older ver. on the
 server which is mdk 8.2

 Nfs is so hard, I am sorry.

When you're under stress you don't always think clearly - at least I don't.  
At times it's difficult to know whether the new distro is causing the problem 
or a mistake you made.  It's important that people are not discouraged from 
talking about such problems, and it's important that the resolution is posted 
so that we can all learn from it.

In my book you have nothing to apologise for

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] correct way of setting hostname and using dhcpcd?

2003-03-29 Per discussione stormjumper
yes to both questions,
if what you're refering to are
eth0 is set to start on boot in ifcfg-eth0
network is ON in runlevels 3 4 5 using chkconfig
- Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 17:35
Subject: Re: [newbie] correct way of setting hostname and using dhcpcd?

 On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 7:00 am, stormjumper wrote:
  thanks derek.
  i checked out /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
  apparently DHCP is enabled, i think
  so i was wrong in assuming that dhcp isn't enabled.
  however, since dhclient and dhcpcd are installed
  and they both work, i've no idea why eth0 fails during init,
  but works after that by running dhclient or dhcpcd.
  do you/anyone have any idea why?
  is anyone else have strange problems with networking in 9.1?
  i ask this because, unlike 9.0, 8.2 and 8.1,
  i wasn't asked networking information during at end of installation,
  and this seems somewhat strange to me.

 Is the network service set to run on boot?, and I assume eth0 is set to
 on boot.



 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] upgrading from 9.0 to 9.1

2003-03-29 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
On Fri, 2003-03-28 at 16:05, Derek Jennings wrote:

  Which is the exact way to upgrade from 9.0 to 9.1? where do I read more
  about upgrading? is there any way I can know that mandrake is actually
  upgrading my system instead of installing it clean.

 During the install, I think it is after you have set up your mouse a screen 
 appears which asks if you are upgrading or installing.  
 In any case nothing is written to your hard drive until the partition section.

thanks, I've missed the question box 2 times, when I first did try to
install 9.1


Simone Cortesi
blog  *  photos  *  PHP manual in italian
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] installing 9.1...now! Is it normal to have long lulls?

2003-03-29 Per discussione et
On Saturday 29 March 2003 04:23 am, Richard Jones wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 19:38, eric huff wrote:
  Hi folks,
  I was just about to go to bed, but then though  Ah, i'll just toss the
  cd in and see if it boots ok...
  Well, now i'm installing it.  I am using my old 200MHz Pentium, 4Gig hard
  So, is it because i am using an old slow computer that i have long
  (sometimes minutes) delays waiting for the next event?  (like when it's
  looking for available packages)

 On my P-III 450 the delays were longish, so I'd expect them to be longer
 on your machine, yeah. Some of the package stuff can take ages 'cos
 there's lots of crossreferences and dependencies to figure (not to
 mention just the loading of the package lists)


of course if you want to see if something is really going on, and what, you 
can ctrl+alt+f3 or f4 to see the text of what is happening. might keep you 
from being board, or you might just find out that the burn is not being read 
right away for some file, and the installer is trying to re-read the info it 

Linux counter number 167806

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[newbie] Installing tar

2003-03-29 Per discussione Toran Korshnah


When instaling tar, I decompress with Konqueror and place the decompressed 
file in a self made directory.
Then I link it to the desktop.

Is there no better way to do this?
It works, but I think sometimes (like with opera), I lack dependicies.
I use for the moment mdk 8.1 Download Edition, but waiting for 9.1 Pro.



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[newbie] LAN interface isn't working

2003-03-29 Per discussione VST Sysadmin

OK I'll explain things in detail.

I installed MDK 9.1 on a box with KT400, palomino
3c905TX NIC, ati radeon 9000, 512 MB DDR333.

The instalation was successful, all hardware was
installed , no error messages, no [FAILED] scripts.

I asigned static network address to my NIC during
IP =
mask =
broadcast =

what was my surprise when I tried:
there was 100% loss with the message destination host

then I did that
tellinit 1
modprobe 3c59x - OK
ifconfig eth0 netmask
broadcast up - OK
destination host unreacable :(
ifup eth0
destination host unreacable :(
I noticed that
RX:0 TX:0 DROP:9233 at the output of ifconfig ?!

In windows XP, this box works OK.

Then I installed MDK 9.0 - ABSOLUTELY the same

After that I boot slackware 9.0 from CD.
I loaded the module 3c59x, put up the interface and
everything works OK

Now I have useless MDK 9.0 on my box :(
Please help me :)

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Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Install of 9.1 has broken KDE

2003-03-29 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Saturday 29 March 2003 12:56 am, Richard Jones wrote:
 I've installed 9.1 from the ISOs that I downloaded and burnt to CD. The
 install went flawlessly, but once I rebooted I found that no KDE
 application would work. I've had to startx xdm manually to even get
 X11 to start up. Any KDE app I try to run once X11 is going just quits
 out as soon as it tries to open a window. Other apps (eg. Evolution,
 Mozilla, various terminals, the Mandrake RPM tools, ...) work fine - it
 appears to just be the KDE apps. For example, I run konsole, and get the
 following terminal output. Note, I nuked my ~/.kde dir, and ran konsole
 twice. The first has a whole bunch of KDE environment initialisation
 (and then dies). The second just has this:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] richard]$ konsole
 Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.
 Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.
 Xlib:  extension RENDER missing on display :0.0.

 I get a flash of some window, and then the app quits. I used strace to
 try to figure what might be going on, but it just dies with a SIGSEGV
 after doing some ioctl calls, then calls the KDE crash handler (which
 doesn't actually work, like all the other KDE stuff).

 Does anyone have a clue as to what might be going wrong???

It is a QT bug, not a KDE bug.

There was a revision (the final one) to libqt that turned anti-aliasing on by 
default that caused problems when the render extension was missing.  This 
prevents qt apps from running in virtual sewssions like vnc and on video 
cards that do not support render.

I recompilked the qt3 without that patch and it solved the problem for me.  If 
you want to try the rpms, get them from here


To install, you will have to ude the --nodeps and --oldpackage flags.  Put all 
the rpms in one directory and 

rpm -Uvh * --nodeps --oldpackage

--oldpackage because it is a downgrade and --nodeps because I have an nvidia 
card and you will get the bogus libglcore dependency error.  I did not apply 
the fix to strip that dependency error because I was in cooker testing mode 
at the time.


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[newbie] testing...... (bouncing msg!)

2003-03-29 Per discussione Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas
Please DO ignore!
Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] user
http://counter.li.org/  Get Counted!

Sat, 29 Mar 2003 10:15:00 -0300
 10:15am  up  8:10,  3 users,  load average: 1.16, 1.07, 1.01
Sometimes, when I think of what that girl means to me, it's all I can do
to keep from telling her.
-- Andy Capp

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Re: [newbie] LAN interface isn't working

2003-03-29 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Saturday 29 March 2003 07:41 am, VST Sysadmin wrote:

 OK I'll explain things in detail.

 I installed MDK 9.1 on a box with KT400, palomino
 3c905TX NIC, ati radeon 9000, 512 MB DDR333.

APIC?  Is Slackware's kernel compiled with or without apic support?  Mandrake 
has apic enabled by default.

Try booting the kernel with noapic boot parameter.


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Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Damian Gatabria
 appears as unknown device. I just want to test if I can dial my ISP. For
 that, I need to terminate my ASDL connection, how do I do that?

 Teilhard Knight
 The Extraterrestrial

Try, as root, 
service adsl stop


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Re: [newbie] 9.1 a no go while 9.0 worked fine.

2003-03-29 Per discussione Teilhard Knight
On Saturday 29 March 2003 09:08 am, Leo Abbott wrote:
 I am knowledgeable about Windows (and DOS) but a Linux greenhorn.  I bought
 Mandrake 9.0 Power Pack several weeks ago and used Expert install to get
 all the partitions and hardware right.  Worked great with every thing I
 tried-mostly exploring the desktop and Internet.  Screen 1024x768 16bit
 with NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64/64.

 Yesterday I downloaded the last 9.1 ISO and ran an upgrade.  Upgrade
 successful, reboot.  Ended up with 3 screen flashes, a black screen and a
 logon prompt.  Logged on but could not load KDE or any Xwindow.  Logoff but
 could not shut down so turned it off, rebooted same story.  Tried Install.
 Carefully checked Video setting: said NVIDIA TNT2, the only choice.  Same
 result.  Error messages about improper shutdown and:
 (EE) NVIDIA 0 failed to initialize the Nvdriver kernel module!
 (EE) NVIDIA ***aborting***
 (EE) Screen(s) found. But none has a useable configuration
   fatal error: no screens found.
 XIO: fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server :0,0

 I am on Dual boot, Windows first drive, and Linux on a second drive.  One
 option is to wipe Linux and reinstall 9.0 which works.  But before doing
 that is there some way to get 9.1 to use video card and screen as nicely as
 9.0 did?

 I will hold off hoping for advice that will save 9.1.

You are right. I have the same card in one of my computers and it works great 
under 9.0. I'm afraid I haven't endeavoured into 9.1 to be able to share 
experiences with you, but what you say discourages me to upgrade

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 a no go while 9.0 worked fine.

2003-03-29 Per discussione Srinivas V.

I don't have the same card; but basically have the same problem. Mandrake 
9.0 works out of the box on my Toshiba laptop. But with 9.1, X seems to 
struggle. The configuration fails, and I am not able to start X even if I 
set my card manually. Right now I am using the Vesa driver. Any good card 
should support this. With Vesa I am able to get my usual resolution of 
1024x768x24. My card is an S3 SuperSavage. My guess is that the problem is 
with XFree86 4.3 ? Mandrake 9.0 used XFree86 4.2.


On Saturday 29 March 2003 09:08 am, Leo Abbott wrote:
 I am knowledgeable about Windows (and DOS) but a Linux greenhorn.  I 
 Mandrake 9.0 Power Pack several weeks ago and used Expert install to get
 all the partitions and hardware right.  Worked great with every thing I
 tried-mostly exploring the desktop and Internet.  Screen 1024x768 16bit
 with NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64/64.

 Yesterday I downloaded the last 9.1 ISO and ran an upgrade.  Upgrade
 successful, reboot.  Ended up with 3 screen flashes, a black screen and 
 logon prompt.  Logged on but could not load KDE or any Xwindow.  Logoff 
 could not shut down so turned it off, rebooted same story.  Tried 
 Carefully checked Video setting: said NVIDIA TNT2, the only choice.  
 result.  Error messages about improper shutdown and:
 (EE) NVIDIA 0 failed to initialize the Nvdriver kernel module!
 (EE) NVIDIA ***aborting***
 (EE) Screen(s) found. But none has a useable configuration
 		fatal error: no screens found.
 XIO: fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server :0,0

 I am on Dual boot, Windows first drive, and Linux on a second drive.  
 option is to wipe Linux and reinstall 9.0 which works.  But before doing
 that is there some way to get 9.1 to use video card and screen as nicely 
 9.0 did?

 I will hold off hoping for advice that will save 9.1.

You are right. I have the same card in one of my computers and it works 
under 9.0. I'm afraid I haven't endeavoured into 9.1 to be able to share
experiences with you, but what you say discourages me to upgrade

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial
Who ate my sandwich?

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Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Teilhard Knight
On Saturday 29 March 2003 09:30 am, Damian Gatabria wrote:
  appears as unknown device. I just want to test if I can dial my ISP.
  For that, I need to terminate my ASDL connection, how do I do that?
  Teilhard Knight
  The Extraterrestrial

 Try, as root,
 service adsl stop

Thank you. I suppose after I test my dial up modem I can start my ASDL 
connection again with asdl-start? or service asdl start?

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

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Re: [newbie] correct way of setting hostname and using dhcpcd?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Saturday March 29 2003 01:00 am, stormjumper wrote:
 i checked out /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

 apparently DHCP is enabled, i think
 so i was wrong in assuming that dhcp isn't enabled.

 however, since dhclient and dhcpcd are installed
 and they both work, i've no idea why eth0 fails during init,
 but works after that by running dhclient or dhcpcd.

 do you/anyone have any idea why?
 is anyone else have strange problems with networking in 9.1?
 i ask this because, unlike 9.0, 8.2 and 8.1,
 i wasn't asked networking information during at end of
 installation, and this seems somewhat strange to me.

   I'm probly the wrong one to answer this, cause I don't understand 
what's going on lately.  All thru the 9.1 development, I never had 
any problems with adsl/dynamic/pppoe. Then with RC2, I still had no 
problem but many people did.  I started hopin they wouldn't screw it 
up tryin to fix problems _other_ people were havin ;)

I did a fresh install of 9.1 yesterday, even tho I was already 
running cooker 9.1 final.  Sure enough, minor problem with the 
connection.   eth0 on first boot took forever to initialize, but 
eventually did. Early on in 9.1 development, before beta1 IIRC, for a 
month or so bootup would pause at eth0, and after about a minute, 
eth0 would fail. Amazingly, it was up when the boot process was 
finished, and my connection worked.

   Changing BOOTPROTO=dhcp to =static fixes this. BUT it *shouldn't*.
I definitely have a dynamic IP, pppoe connection.  Still, now eth0 
initializes almost instantly during boot. dhcp-client-3.0-2pl2.5mdk
dhcp-common-3.0-2pl2.5mdk   are installed, as they have been all a 
long in the 9.1 development.  dhcpd isn't, never has been.  
Fortunately I saved all my old connection related config files, 
including ifcfg-eth0.  That's where I got the idea to change to 
BOOTPROTO=static.  Still seems back asswards tho ;)

   /etc/hosts   localhost.localdomain localhost   localhost
After the install yesterday, only the first line above was in that 
file. Checking my old saved 'hosts', it also had the second line. So 
I overwrote /etc/hosts with the saved file.  But with or without that 
second line, the connection still worked.  It's been my experience 
over the years that changing hostname from the default 
localhost.localdomain  causes nothin but problems sooner or later ;)
Yes, I realize for some of you it's not an option to use the default 

During install (not as expert), I wasn't asked to setup a 
connection either. Fortunately I knew to click on the connection 
button at the summary screen.  Then I was presented with a few 
screens asking for  provider, userID, password, dynamic/static, etc.
IIRC I wasn't asked for timezone til I clicked on that in the summary 
screen either.  I believe it's fine doin these configurations at the 
summary screen, but there should be a clear instruction at that point 
to do so.  'Course it's NBFD, you can do these things afterwards in 
Mdk Conrol Center.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 installation: the best of the best!!

2003-03-29 Per discussione robin
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 15:20, Carroll Grigsby wrote:


BTW, I just got my 9.1, and attempted to install it on my Atari 800, but
the installation was a complete failure. Tomorrow I'm going to try my

The tricky bit is moving the CD's to cassette tape. After that, it's pretty 
much a piece of cake.
-- cmg

I wrote to Mandrake and Redhat asking about providing the installation
software on cassette tape - I haven't heard anything back from either,
so I'll take it that it's either a foolish request, or something they're
considering. If they're really going to consider it, I'm going to have
to solder some more chips onto the MB of the Atari800 - cuz I don't
think that 512k is going to cut the mustard here...

I'm just going to wait for the Sinclair Spectrum version to come out.

Sir Robin

A Perl script is correct if it gets the job done before your boss fires you.
- Larry Wall
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] MDK 9.1

2003-03-29 Per discussione Dennis Sue
Freshly installed, But with one problem.
Every application opens way too big.
I know there is an easy fix, But I can't remember what it is.

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 a no go while 9.0 worked fine.

2003-03-29 Per discussione robin
Leo Abbott wrote:

I am knowledgeable about Windows (and DOS) but a Linux greenhorn.  I bought
Mandrake 9.0 Power Pack several weeks ago and used Expert install to get all
the partitions and hardware right.  Worked great with every thing I
tried-mostly exploring the desktop and Internet.  Screen 1024x768 16bit with
NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64/64.
Yesterday I downloaded the last 9.1 ISO and ran an upgrade.  Upgrade
successful, reboot.  Ended up with 3 screen flashes, a black screen and a
logon prompt.  Logged on but could not load KDE or any Xwindow.  Logoff but
could not shut down so turned it off, rebooted same story.  Tried Install.
Carefully checked Video setting: said NVIDIA TNT2, the only choice.  Same
result.  Error messages about improper shutdown and:
(EE) NVIDIA 0 failed to initialize the Nvdriver kernel module!
(EE) NVIDIA ***aborting***
(EE) Screen(s) found. But none has a useable configuration
fatal error: no screens found.
XIO: fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server :0,0
I am on Dual boot, Windows first drive, and Linux on a second drive.  One
option is to wipe Linux and reinstall 9.0 which works.  But before doing
that is there some way to get 9.1 to use video card and screen as nicely as
9.0 did?
I will hold off hoping for advice that will save 9.1.

Did you have the proprietary nvidia drivers installed?  It looks like 
that can screw up X on an upgrade, though obviously it's no problem on 
an install.

Sir Robin

A Perl script is correct if it gets the job done before your boss fires you.
- Larry Wall
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 a no go while 9.0 worked fine.

2003-03-29 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Saturday 29 March 2003 10:08 am, Leo Abbott wrote:
 I am knowledgeable about Windows (and DOS) but a Linux greenhorn.  I bought
 Mandrake 9.0 Power Pack several weeks ago and used Expert install to get
 all the partitions and hardware right.  Worked great with every thing I
 tried-mostly exploring the desktop and Internet.  Screen 1024x768 16bit
 with NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64/64.

 Yesterday I downloaded the last 9.1 ISO and ran an upgrade.  Upgrade
 successful, reboot.  Ended up with 3 screen flashes, a black screen and a
 logon prompt.  Logged on but could not load KDE or any Xwindow.  Logoff but
 could not shut down so turned it off, rebooted same story.  Tried Install.
 Carefully checked Video setting: said NVIDIA TNT2, the only choice.  Same
 result.  Error messages about improper shutdown and:
 (EE) NVIDIA 0 failed to initialize the Nvdriver kernel module!
 (EE) NVIDIA ***aborting***
 (EE) Screen(s) found. But none has a useable configuration
   fatal error: no screens found.
 XIO: fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server :0,0

It looks like you had the nVidia closed source drivers installed and those 
need to be upgraded also.  You can get them at the Club website or go to 


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Re: [newbie] 9.1 a no go while 9.0 worked fine.

2003-03-29 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Saturday 29 March 2003 10:08 am, Leo Abbott wrote:
 I am knowledgeable about Windows (and DOS) but a Linux greenhorn.  I bought
 Mandrake 9.0 Power Pack several weeks ago and used Expert install to get
 all the partitions and hardware right.  Worked great with every thing I
 tried-mostly exploring the desktop and Internet.  Screen 1024x768 16bit
 with NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64/64.

 Yesterday I downloaded the last 9.1 ISO and ran an upgrade.  Upgrade
 successful, reboot.  Ended up with 3 screen flashes, a black screen and a
 logon prompt.  Logged on but could not load KDE or any Xwindow.  Logoff but
 could not shut down so turned it off, rebooted same story.  Tried Install.
 Carefully checked Video setting: said NVIDIA TNT2, the only choice.  Same
 result.  Error messages about improper shutdown and:
 (EE) NVIDIA 0 failed to initialize the Nvdriver kernel module!
 (EE) NVIDIA ***aborting***
 (EE) Screen(s) found. But none has a useable configuration
   fatal error: no screens found.
 XIO: fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server :0,0

It looks like you had the nVidia closed source drivers installed and those 
need to be upgraded also.  You can get them at the Club website or go to 

You can get X working in the meantime by switching to the open-source nv 
driver.  Edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file and replace the nvidia with nv 
in the device section.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 installation: the best of the best!!

2003-03-29 Per discussione eric huff
 I'm just going to wait for the Sinclair Spectrum version to come out.
 Sir Robin

Ha!  I learned on the Timex Sinclair 2068 (the US of the spectrum).
Actually, my dad still uses it occasionally

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 a no go while 9.0 worked fine.8

2003-03-29 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 09:08:18 -0600
Leo Abbott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am on Dual boot, Windows first drive, and Linux on a second drive. 
 One option is to wipe Linux and reinstall 9.0 which works.  But before
 doing that is there some way to get 9.1 to use video card and screen
 as nicely as 9.0 did?

Since you installed the  Powerpack you probably also installed the
nvidia drivers.
These drivers will only work with the kernel for which they were built.
These are closed source drivers and are only offered by Mandrake as user
requested and the drivers for 9.1, as was true with previous, are only
offered by Mandrake in the Powerpack or through the Club. 
The nvidia site will eventually offer the 9.1 kernel and GLX drivers
and/or you can dl the src rpms for each and rebuild them to run on your
system, which is what I do. 

Unless/until you install the new drivers you need to edit your
In the module section # all GLX entries and then under the listing for
driver change nvidia to nv.
Save the changes and reboot or switch to init 5 and you should be able
to start X without problem.

You can make the above changes by booting the 9.1 kernel to init 3 and
using a CLI editor, vi , emacs, mc or you can do so by booting the old
9.0 kernel either to init 3 or to X and making the changes from there.


There's always room to merge behind a diesel bus
-- Murphy's Driving Laws n°4
Mandrake Linux 9.1 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.13mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] an error in konquerror

2003-03-29 Per discussione Jozef Riha
p s wrote:
If I right-click on a postscript file in konquerror
(in mdk9.1) it displays an error message, don't
remember precisely, but something like
incorrect menu entry
(after I click OK, the popup menu appears)
I don't understand the problem. If I right click on a
pdf file, there is no error, though there is a very
similar file convertpdftops.desktop. Here they are:
the problem is that these files are too similar ;) compare Desktop 
Action in the both files and probably you will understand..

i also discovered one more bug in desktop entries (with Zip operation) 
under servicemenus and i am attaching the patch for both of them..


-- joe


[Desktop Entry]
[Desktop Action convertpdftops]
Name=Convert PS file to PDF
Exec=ps2pdf %f.ps %f.pdf

[Desktop Entry]
[Desktop Action convertpdftops]
Name=Convert PDF file to PS
Exec=pdftops %f %f.ps

Description: GNU Zip compressed data
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[newbie] fonts messed up in konsole

2003-03-29 Per discussione Srinivas V.

I just installed 9.1 on my Toshiba satellite. When i display man pages in 
konsole, i get funny symbols e.g. - is displayed as a box. also once i 
scroll thru a man page, small bits of characters get left on the screen 
(does that sound too vague/wierd ?? mebbe i should send a screenshot ??). i 
have to minimize and restore the window to get rid of those.

is this a problem with konsole ? or could it be bcos i am using the vesa 
driver in X. i wasn't able to use X with the savage driver for my S3 
SuperSavage, tho it worked fine in 9.0.

any suggestions ?



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Re: [newbie] installing 9.1...now! Is it normal to have long lulls?

2003-03-29 Per discussione eric huff
Thanks for the Don't worry messages.

 you can ctrl+alt+f3 or f4 to see the text of what is happening. might keep
 from being board, or you might just find out that the burn is not being

This is cool.  On an earlier screen, it said to use alt+f3, which doesn't
seem to always work.

Unfortunately, the first time i used it, i got a report of a crash.  Which
was good to get, of course...

Hmmm... Just for kicks, i tried it again at the accept license screen, and
now i cant ctrl+alt+f1 to get back.
Time to reboot.


I tried it again during the post partitioning white screen, and this time
the notice gives some X11 screen related errors, and says safe to reboot.
I thin kmaybe the screen switching routine gets jammed (just a guess), or
maybe errors were happening even when i didn't switch, but the install prog
just recovered behind the seens?

I think i'll just enjoy the blank white box  At least i can do email
while it thinking.  (i have 2 computers running here).

Here's a laugh:  lookout express crashed while writing the email. Internet
expl*der has also seemed to crash more often while doing linux searches than
anything else.  I feel a conspiracy theory emerging!


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Re: [newbie] 9.1 does not work

2003-03-29 Per discussione Joeb

On Fri, 28 Mar 2003 12:57:26 -
QingHua Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,
 I downloaded 3 cds of Mandrake 9.1 yesterday, but when I try to install it
 this morning I find it can not resize my hard drive, which is a fujitsu
 MHR2030AT all in NTFS with a size of 27.9 GB. (the intsller just said it's
 not resizeable) Can anyone please give some pointers to fix it? Many thanks
 in advance.
 BTW, even the install failed I think this version of 9.1 is very nice

I haven't installed to an XP system, but when I did to a Windows 2000 system, I first 
had to defrag.  Next, I had to remove the swap file because Windows insisted on 
putting it at the very end of the free space (IIR, you remove it by setting the 
virtual memory to 0 and rebooting).  After removing the swap file and rebooting the 
install CD things worked fine.  Once everything is installed, don't forget to go back 
and turn the virtual memory/swap back on in Windows.  Again, this worked in Windows 
2000, for XP, YMMV!


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[newbie] ldm_validate_partition_table() after installing mdk 9.1

2003-03-29 Per discussione Jozef Riha
Hash: SHA1
once i installed 9.1 (over 9.0 installation) and rebooted i get this
error message during the boot-up and on login/logout:
ldm_validate_partition_table(): Disk read failed

by booting with the old kernel: 2.4.19-24mdk this message disappears..

any suggestions please?


- -- joe
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

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Re: [newbie] installing 9.1...now! Is it normal to have long lulls?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Derek

 Hmmm... Just for kicks, i tried it again at the accept license screen, and
 now i cant ctrl+alt+f1 to get back.
 Time to reboot.

That is because the graphical screen is Ctl+Alt+F7

If you want to see something really funky. Once you have everything installed 
and X running, enter Ctl+Alt+F1  Log in as a user then enter
startx -- :1

You will then get another graphical logon screen and can start a second X 
Switch between your X sessions with Ctl+Alt+ F7/F8


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Re: [newbie] installing 9.1...now! Is it normal to have long lulls?

2003-03-29 Per discussione eric huff
Yeah, i realize now that that earlier screen referring to ALT F1, F3, F4 is
totally different than this.  Earlier i ctrl+alt'd my way up to F6, then
gave up!  Oh well, now i know.

Thanks for the info.  This is good stuff.


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] installing 9.1...now! Is it normal to have long lulls?

  Hmmm... Just for kicks, i tried it again at the accept license screen,
  now i cant ctrl+alt+f1 to get back.
  Time to reboot.

 That is because the graphical screen is Ctl+Alt+F7

 If you want to see something really funky. Once you have everything
 and X running, enter Ctl+Alt+F1  Log in as a user then enter
 startx -- :1

 You will then get another graphical logon screen and can start a second X
 Switch between your X sessions with Ctl+Alt+ F7/F8


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] My sincere apology

2003-03-29 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Saturday 29 March 2003 05:48 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 2:51 am, Ibly Piblo wrote:
  I apologise for all of the nfs noise on the list, I
  did not wish to waste bandwidth, not sure what I
  did wrong, I think I got it to work, by re-loading
  the netfs daemon on the server, must have been
  something to do with the newer version with
  9.1 on the workstation and the older ver. on the
  server which is mdk 8.2
  Nfs is so hard, I am sorry.

 When you're under stress you don't always think clearly - at least I don't.
 At times it's difficult to know whether the new distro is causing the
 problem or a mistake you made.  It's important that people are not
 discouraged from talking about such problems, and it's important that the
 resolution is posted so that we can all learn from it.

 In my book you have nothing to apologise for

I'll second that motion, everytime someone posts I learn something new and it 
all relates to something we do with our computers. No apology needed. 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] LAN interface isn't working

2003-03-29 Per discussione VST Sysadmin

--- Greg Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Saturday 29 March 2003 07:41 am, VST Sysadmin
  OK I'll explain things in detail.
  I installed MDK 9.1 on a box with KT400, palomino
  3c905TX NIC, ati radeon 9000, 512 MB DDR333.
 APIC?  Is Slackware's kernel compiled with or
 without apic support?  Mandrake 
 has apic enabled by default.
 Try booting the kernel with noapic boot parameter.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

That's it. Yes. It works now. God bless you Greg.

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Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Saturday March 29 2003 03:37 am, Teilhard Knight wrote:
  Try, as root,
  service adsl stop

 Thank you. I suppose after I test my dial up modem I can start my
 ASDL connection again with asdl-start? or service asdl start?

tom# adsl (and then hit the Tab key)
adsl-connect  adsl-setupadsl-startadsl-status   adsl-stop

These are all Roaring Penguin commands for pppoe dsl.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Sound card problem

2003-03-29 Per discussione Vinh N. Pham
I just install MDK 9.1.  Everything is fine except my sound card
(Turtle Beach Santa Cruz) doesn't work.  This has been working before. 
I even tried to compile the ALSA code and install it manually but
nothing work.
Anyone has advice for me?


Vinh N. Pham

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[newbie] New cursors for 9.1

2003-03-29 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
Name: cursor_themesRelocations: (not 
Version : 0.0.1 Vendor: MandrakeSoft
Release : 1mdk  Build Date: Sat Mar 29 
16:08:15 2003
Install date: (not installed)   Build Host: 
Group   : Graphical desktop/Other   Source RPM: (none)
Size: 3215704  License: GPL
Packager: Buchan Milne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL : http://kde-look.org
Summary : A Collection of cursor themes for XFree86 4.3 or later
Description :
This package contains all the freely distributeable cursor themes for 
4.3 or newer currently available from http://kde-look.org, along with 
simple script (choose_cursor) which will allow you to easily choose a
cursor theme.

It's on the cooker contrib (RPMS2) mirrors.  'choose_cursor' runs 
a little GUI that lets you change the cursor for XFree 4.3 from among 
nearly 30 choices.  It works well, try it you'll like it ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Teilhard Knight
On Saturday 29 March 2003 09:30 am, Damian Gatabria wrote:
  appears as unknown device. I just want to test if I can dial my ISP.
  For that, I need to terminate my ASDL connection, how do I do that?
  Teilhard Knight
  The Extraterrestrial

 Try, as root,
 service adsl stop

I was waiting for some more responses, but they do not come. I kust want to 
let you know that your suggestions didn't work. No Linux commands.

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] getting new mails in evolution

2003-03-29 Per discussione dfox
I'm using Evolution in 9.1 and brought in my big mail spool in 
/var/spool/mail/dfox (35 megabytes approximately) and it doesn't
seem to want to bring in new messages as they arrive. I can see how
to import the messages into Evelution in the first place (which I did)
but if I do that again, I'll get a rash of duplicate mails in my
evolution inbox. I didn't clear out the spool, and neither did
Evolutinn. And new mails just arrived.

Evolution is set to automatically bring in new messages every 10 minutes
but after having it open for sometime it doesn't appear to get new


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] New cursors for 9.1

2003-03-29 Per discussione Jozef Riha
Tom Brinkman wrote:
Name: cursor_themesRelocations: (not 
Version : 0.0.1 Vendor: MandrakeSoft
Release : 1mdk  Build Date: Sat Mar 29 
16:08:15 2003
Install date: (not installed)   Build Host: 
Group   : Graphical desktop/Other   Source RPM: (none)
Size: 3215704  License: GPL
Packager: Buchan Milne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL : http://kde-look.org
Summary : A Collection of cursor themes for XFree86 4.3 or later
Description :
This package contains all the freely distributeable cursor themes for 
4.3 or newer currently available from http://kde-look.org, along with 
simple script (choose_cursor) which will allow you to easily choose a
cursor theme.

It's on the cooker contrib (RPMS2) mirrors.  'choose_cursor' runs 
a little GUI that lets you change the cursor for XFree 4.3 from among 
nearly 30 choices.  It works well, try it you'll like it ;)
could u please send me a direct link? i cannot find it anywhere..
-- joe

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Sound card problem

2003-03-29 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Saturday March 29 2003 11:37 am, Vinh N. Pham wrote:
   I just install MDK 9.1.  Everything is fine except my sound card
 (Turtle Beach Santa Cruz) doesn't work.  This has been working
 before. I even tried to compile the ALSA code and install it
 manually but nothing work.
   Anyone has advice for me?

   First run 'top' , then Shift+p to sort by cpu usage. If 'aplay' 
is hoggin nearly 100% cpu, then as root, 'urpme alsa-utils'

   Then start 'aumix'. All the levels are probly set to -0-. Move the 
sliders up, and you should be able to hear sound.

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Frankie
service internet stop

try that..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Teilhard Knight
Sent: Saturday, 29 March 2003 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

On Saturday 29 March 2003 09:30 am, Damian Gatabria wrote:
  appears as unknown device. I just want to test if I can dial my ISP.
  For that, I need to terminate my ASDL connection, how do I do that?
  Teilhard Knight
  The Extraterrestrial

 Try, as root,
 service adsl stop

I was waiting for some more responses, but they do not come. I kust want to
let you know that your suggestions didn't work. No Linux commands.

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Can't get ADSL with PPPoE to run on 9.1

2003-03-29 Per discussione Anders Lind
 ...have you tried Roaring Penquin's PPPoE for this type of
 connectivity? How is your ADSL setup? (Mine's connected to my network
 hub, so I don't have to muck with such silly stuff) - but it would help
 to know how y'all's stuff is setup mate...

I haven't this time, I have to check this out on monday, but before RP has
not worked on this machine for some reason,  I have no idea why.

I will check it on monday as I said, this weekend is kinda busy...will be
with more details as they unfold.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] how to NOT save a kde session

2003-03-29 Per discussione mycal62
Hi all,

In past versions  of Mdk ,  when logging out of kde you had the choice 
of saving the session or not.
in 9.0 running kde 3.1  the choice is gone and it just automatically 
saves the session.

this is a problem in 9.0 for me because I use  firestarter.  because in 
9.0 it saves the fact I WAS running firestarter
( and does this even if I turn it off before logging out ) and tries to 
start it up again when I log back in as a user.
because firestarter requires root access I get four error messages that 
I can't stop , and still have to  su in console and become root
then start firestarter. ( I know in 9.1 firestarter works properly  and 
what I do in 9.0 isn't needed )  but I want to stay in 9.0 until
a few things catch up to 9.1. - then I will change and this email will 
be unnecessary. ;-)

What I want to do is turn off the auto save session feature  under 9.0 
running kde 3.1.

Yes I know I can update to 9.1 , ( the problem is resolved as far as I 
can tell in 9.1 ) 
but don't want to just yet, and yes I know and have read the manual, I 
have even tried to edit some files,
but I'm not finding the right file to edit in Mdk 9.0 / kde 3.1 .

does anyone know how to do this? or if it's possible?


Mike McNeese Springdale, Arkansas USA

Dual booting 98lite;MDK 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16 Kde 3.1 
Registered Linux User #248955 acqua / Keramik Theme

If obstacles are what you see in your path...
   Then you have lost sight of your goal!  

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 installation: the best of the best!!

2003-03-29 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 3:58 pm, robin wrote:
 Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 15:20, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 I'm just going to wait for the Sinclair Spectrum version to come out.

Nudge me to wake up when it does, my ZX81 should be next in line g

Registered Linux User No.293302

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] how to NOT save a kde session

2003-03-29 Per discussione Derek
On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 6:58 pm, mycal62 wrote:
 Hi all,

 In past versions  of Mdk ,  when logging out of kde you had the choice
 of saving the session or not.
 in 9.0 running kde 3.1  the choice is gone and it just automatically
 saves the session.

 this is a problem in 9.0 for me because I use  firestarter.  because in
 9.0 it saves the fact I WAS running firestarter
 ( and does this even if I turn it off before logging out ) and tries to
 start it up again when I log back in as a user.
 because firestarter requires root access I get four error messages that
 I can't stop , and still have to  su in console and become root
 then start firestarter. ( I know in 9.1 firestarter works properly  and
 what I do in 9.0 isn't needed )  but I want to stay in 9.0 until
 a few things catch up to 9.1. - then I will change and this email will
 be unnecessary. ;-)

 What I want to do is turn off the auto save session feature  under 9.0
 running kde 3.1.

 Yes I know I can update to 9.1 , ( the problem is resolved as far as I
 can tell in 9.1 )
 but don't want to just yet, and yes I know and have read the manual, I
 have even tried to edit some files,
 but I'm not finding the right file to edit in Mdk 9.0 / kde 3.1 .

 does anyone know how to do this? or if it's possible?

In KDE Control CentrePersonalisatiobSession Manager you can select 'manually 
saved session'

It will then load the session details found in /usr/share/autostart
The files in here are in the format 'application_name.desktop' If you have a 
menu item for your firestarter you can just drag and drop from your menu into 
the autostart folder. Alternatively right click on your desktop, select  
CreateNewLinktoApplication fillin all the details in the pop up, and than 
drag/drop that link into the autostart folder.

You can also drop desktop links into the folder ~/.kde/Autostart  if you want 
an application to only open for a specific user.



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 installation: the best of the best!!

2003-03-29 Per discussione walt
Geeze, are we a bunch of OLD people on this list Most of these
computers mentioned came out BEFORE most of my computer geek friends
were born LOL My son couldn't believe I did anything with my model one
but add 2 + 2 and 16 k memory couldn't even be imagined now...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anne Wilson
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 installation: the best of the best!!

On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 3:58 pm, robin wrote:
 Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 15:20, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 I'm just going to wait for the Sinclair Spectrum version to come out.

Nudge me to wake up when it does, my ZX81 should be next in line g

Registered Linux User No.293302

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars
On Saturday 29 March 2003 19:30, Frankie wrote:
 service internet stop

 try that..



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Teilhard Knight
 Sent: Saturday, 29 March 2003 7:54 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

 On Saturday 29 March 2003 09:30 am, Damian Gatabria wrote:
   appears as unknown device. I just want to test if I can dial my ISP.
   For that, I need to terminate my ASDL connection, how do I do that?
   Teilhard Knight
   The Extraterrestrial
  Try, as root,
  service adsl stop

 I was waiting for some more responses, but they do not come. I kust want to
 let you know that your suggestions didn't work. No Linux commands.

 Teilhard Knight
 The Extraterrestrial

 Who ate my sandwich?

This message from me seems to have had problems travelling the internet :(

Re: [newbie] How do I disconnect an ASDL connection?

Frans Ketelaars [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Yesterday 14:17:22

On Friday 28 March 2003 07:43, Teilhard Knight wrote:
 I configured my ASDL connection to start on boot and it works great. In
 Windows it sometimes goes down, but here it is hidden, I never see an icon
 indicating the state of the connection or anything, but it is always on.
 Thing is, I installed Mandrake in a small hp Pavillion computer wich comes
 with a Win Modem. Someone told me that Linux doesen't support Win Modems,
 so I went and got me an external USB modem. I know now that several Win
 modems are supported by Linux, but mine sems not to have been detected by
 Mandrake, I know where to find the drivers for Debian, there must exist for
 Mandrake, so it should be not much of a problem to make it work. But I am
 now mainly concerned with the USB modem. Now, if I go to the control
 centre, I can see the modem under USB devices. But, in the USB viewer, it
 appears as unknown device. I just want to test if I can dial my ISP. For
 that, I need to terminate my ASDL connection, how do I do that?

 Teilhard Knight
 The Extraterrestrial

 Who ate my sandwich?

I created a dektop icon that runs '/usr/sbin/net_monitor'.



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] fonts messed up in konsole

2003-03-29 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
Il sab, 2003-03-29 alle 17:50, Srinivas V. ha scritto:

 I just installed 9.1 on my Toshiba satellite. When i display man pages in 
 konsole, i get funny symbols e.g. - is displayed as a box. also once i 
 scroll thru a man page, small bits of characters get left on the screen 
 (does that sound too vague/wierd ?? mebbe i should send a screenshot ??). i 
 have to minimize and restore the window to get rid of those.
 is this a problem with konsole ? or could it be bcos i am using the vesa 
 driver in X. i wasn't able to use X with the savage driver for my S3 
 SuperSavage, tho it worked fine in 9.0.

I've got this same problem on my 9.1 box, but no clue on how to solve

Simone Cortesi
blog  *  photos  *  PHP manual in italian
Did I help you? Consider a gift: http://cortesi.com/wishlist.php

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] KMail enhancements

2003-03-29 Per discussione Warren Post
El vie, 28-03-2003 a las 04:26, Owen Berio escribió:
 I'm presently using KMail but I can't find any way to enhance text such as 
 hi-lighting, underline, italicize, etc.

What you are referring to is called HTML mail. I don't use KMail but
take a look in KMail's preferences for some way to activate HTML mail.

The use of HTML mail is frowned upon by most lists (including this one)
and many users. My mail filters, for example, throw away all HTML mail
unread, as the only HTML mail I receive is spam. So I would encourage
you to use HTML mail sparingly or not at all.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT: old computers was: Mandrake 9.1 installation: the best of the best!!

2003-03-29 Per discussione eric huff
 Geeze, are we a bunch of OLD people on this list Most of these
 computers mentioned came out BEFORE most of my computer geek friends
 were born LOL My son couldn't believe I did anything with my model one
 but add 2 + 2 and 16 k memory couldn't even be imagined now...

Ha!  The entire memory of those things is just a fraction of what we
consider a unit of memory today.

But, in my 6 years of middle school and high school, i had a grand total of
2 significant word processor file losses!  And it was my fault for not
saving them. (really, in the early days, i would forget to save until i was
done, and that was almost never a problem!).

I remember talking to my friends in our math classes about some math
problem, then coming home and programming it on my sinclair to get the
answer.  We even had that little thermal plotter, and i setup my printout
routines to print continuously so i could graph functions for large amounts
of time.  I'd come into school with a 4 by 2 foot printout!

Sorry to go on like this.  Just a bit of fun nostalgia.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Teilhard Knight
On Saturday 29 March 2003 11:40 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Saturday March 29 2003 03:37 am, Teilhard Knight wrote:
   Try, as root,
   service adsl stop
  Thank you. I suppose after I test my dial up modem I can start my
  ASDL connection again with asdl-start? or service asdl start?

 tom# adsl (and then hit the Tab key)
 adsl-connect  adsl-setupadsl-startadsl-status   adsl-stop

 These are all Roaring Penguin commands for pppoe dsl.

Excuse my dumbness, but what do you mean by tom#? Surely it is not a command 
(although I have tried it, just in case). Do you mean a port. logical link or 
something of the like? If so, could you give me an example? And where should 
I enter those instructions? In a command line I never feed imput with the tab 
key. Could you be so kind so as to explain it for a real newbie?

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] which shell?

2003-03-29 Per discussione eric huff
Hi Folks,

I know this is a wide open, there's-no-real-answer question,
but what is your favorite shell these days?

Way back, i liked tcsh the best, but i get the feeling most people use bash.

Any suggestions?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Teilhard Knight
On Saturday 29 March 2003 12:30 pm, Frankie wrote:
 service internet stop

 try that..

Thank you, I have already, but service is not a Linux command.

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Frankie
its just his prompt...

just type:


and press the tab key.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Teilhard Knight
Sent: Saturday, 29 March 2003 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

On Saturday 29 March 2003 11:40 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Saturday March 29 2003 03:37 am, Teilhard Knight wrote:
   Try, as root,
   service adsl stop
  Thank you. I suppose after I test my dial up modem I can start my
  ASDL connection again with asdl-start? or service asdl start?

 tom# adsl (and then hit the Tab key)
 adsl-connect  adsl-setupadsl-startadsl-status   adsl-stop

 These are all Roaring Penguin commands for pppoe dsl.

Excuse my dumbness, but what do you mean by tom#? Surely it is not a
(although I have tried it, just in case). Do you mean a port. logical link
something of the like? If so, could you give me an example? And where should
I enter those instructions? In a command line I never feed imput with the
key. Could you be so kind so as to explain it for a real newbie?

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] how to NOT save a kde session

2003-03-29 Per discussione Teilhard Knight
On Saturday 29 March 2003 12:58 pm, mycal62 wrote:
 Hi all,

 In past versions  of Mdk ,  when logging out of kde you had the choice
 of saving the session or not.
 in 9.0 running kde 3.1  the choice is gone and it just automatically
 saves the session.

 this is a problem in 9.0 for me because I use  firestarter.  because in
 9.0 it saves the fact I WAS running firestarter
 ( and does this even if I turn it off before logging out ) and tries to
 start it up again when I log back in as a user.
 because firestarter requires root access I get four error messages that
 I can't stop , and still have to  su in console and become root
 then start firestarter. ( I know in 9.1 firestarter works properly  and
 what I do in 9.0 isn't needed )  but I want to stay in 9.0 until
 a few things catch up to 9.1. - then I will change and this email will
 be unnecessary. ;-)

 What I want to do is turn off the auto save session feature  under 9.0
 running kde 3.1.

 Yes I know I can update to 9.1 , ( the problem is resolved as far as I
 can tell in 9.1 )
 but don't want to just yet, and yes I know and have read the manual, I
 have even tried to edit some files,
 but I'm not finding the right file to edit in Mdk 9.0 / kde 3.1 .

 does anyone know how to do this? or if it's possible?

Well, I am running 9.0 and when I log off (restart, shutdown) I get a box I 
can check to save the session and uncheck it if I do not want to. Maybe 
because I am running KDE version 3.0?

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Teilhard Knight
On Saturday 29 March 2003 01:17 pm, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
 On Saturday 29 March 2003 19:30, Frankie wrote:
  service internet stop
  try that..
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Teilhard Knight
  Sent: Saturday, 29 March 2003 7:54 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?
  On Saturday 29 March 2003 09:30 am, Damian Gatabria wrote:
appears as unknown device. I just want to test if I can dial my
ISP. For that, I need to terminate my ASDL connection, how do I do
Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial
   Try, as root,
   service adsl stop
  I was waiting for some more responses, but they do not come. I kust want
  to let you know that your suggestions didn't work. No Linux commands.
  Teilhard Knight
  The Extraterrestrial
  Who ate my sandwich?

 This message from me seems to have had problems travelling the internet :(

Please read my Note and apology above. I made a mess with my posts. Sorry.

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] KMail enhancements

2003-03-29 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 7:50 pm, Warren Post wrote:
 El vie, 28-03-2003 a las 04:26, Owen Berio escribió:
  I'm presently using KMail but I can't find any way to enhance text such
  as hi-lighting, underline, italicize, etc.

 What you are referring to is called HTML mail. I don't use KMail but
 take a look in KMail's preferences for some way to activate HTML mail.

 The use of HTML mail is frowned upon by most lists (including this one)
 and many users. My mail filters, for example, throw away all HTML mail
 unread, as the only HTML mail I receive is spam. So I would encourage
 you to use HTML mail sparingly or not at all.

Like many people, I have KMail set to send html mail straight to trash, so you 
would be advised to avoid it on the list, as you will miss out on good advice 
from some very knowledgeable people.

If, however, you want to use it, say for family emails, it is very easy to 
switch between modes in KMail - you could switch it on for one message and 
off again immediately afterwards.  To to Settings  Configure KMail  
Appearance  Profiles.

Registered Linux User No.293302

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] not able to log on as root

2003-03-29 Per discussione walt

I installed Mandrake 9.1..fresh
install. I needed to log on as root so I logged out and I did not see root
so I could click on it and do what I have to do. Anyone have any ideas as to
what I am doing wrong


Re: [newbie] not able to log on as root

2003-03-29 Per discussione Jozef Riha
walt wrote:
I installed Mandrake 9.1..fresh install. I needed to log on as root so I 
logged out and I did not see root so I could click on it and do what I 
have to do. Anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong



type root in the fillbox. anyhow logging as root into X system (kde, 
gnome..) is not recommended

-- joe

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Installing tar

2003-03-29 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 05:41, Toran Korshnah wrote:
 When instaling tar, I decompress with Konqueror and place the decompressed 
 file in a self made directory.
 Then I link it to the desktop.
 Is there no better way to do this?
 It works, but I think sometimes (like with opera), I lack dependicies.
 I use for the moment mdk 8.1 Download Edition, but waiting for 9.1 Pro.

Hello Toran,
I'm not so sure if I really understand what's going on - I'm not sure
what you really mean with installing tar - but I would think you mean
unpacking an archive with TAR and trying to install it...yes?

If that is yes, then what you're really wanting to do is to unpack a
TAR archive in probably an empty directory somewhere, then open a
console/terminal in that directory, and run ./configure  make  make
install - that's generally how source is compiled and installed for
literally any linux distro...

Is this getting warm?

Sun Mar 30 07:25:01 EST 2003
 07:25:01 up 8 days, 19:12,  4 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.10, 0.09
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Entreprenuer, n.:
A high-rolling risk taker who would rather
be a spectacular failure than a dismal success.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Neverwinter Nights

2003-03-29 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 17:24, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Well, no one else has mentioned this, so...  :-)
 Public beta number 3 of Neverwinter Nights is out, available from the Bioware 
 web sight. You will have to register with them to be able to download though.
 Now. Does anyone here actually have it working? I've bought the game, I used 
 Icculus's (raven) installer to put it in /usr/local/games/nwn, but I get the 
 dreaded SDL segmentation fault (parachute deployed) message.
 Bioware says to use v1.25 of SDL, which I don't have. I'm running Mandrake 
 v9.0, with SDL 1.24 - if I try to upgrade I get (literally) a hundred 
 dependency errors.
 Anyone care to recommend a good way to upgrade SDL without breaking everything 
 else on a setup?

Upgrade to Windows
(smart-arse remark from down under)

Can't you upgrade the SDL libraries using urpmi?

Sun Mar 30 07:25:01 EST 2003
 07:25:01 up 8 days, 19:12,  4 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.10, 0.09
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Entreprenuer, n.:
A high-rolling risk taker who would rather
be a spectacular failure than a dismal success.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Neverwinter Nights

2003-03-29 Per discussione Benjamin Pflugmann

On Sat 2003-03-29 at 01:24:10 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, no one else has mentioned this, so...  :-)
 Public beta number 3 of Neverwinter Nights is out, available from the Bioware 
 web sight. You will have to register with them to be able to download though.
 Now. Does anyone here actually have it working?

Jupp. Works fine. And for me (CPU-bound: Athlon 500 + GiForce 4200)
between 50% and 100% faster (yes, really!) than the MS Windows
version, depending on the area.

The only glitch is that the mouse kind of lags behind a bit (even with
the recommended work-arounds).

 I've bought the game, I used Icculus's (raven) installer to put it
 in /usr/local/games/nwn, but I get the dreaded SDL segmentation
 fault (parachute deployed) message.

This seems to be simply some general error. Just a shot in the dark:
Check for a patch.key file. If you have it, take away readable flag
(chmod a-rwx patch.key) and check if it makes a difference.

Probably not, but you can try. Else, I cannot help much, because I
used the existing MS Windows install to copy the data file.

(Don't forget to change the permissions afterwards, if the change it
doesn't help).

 Bioware says to use v1.25 of SDL, which I don't have. I'm running Mandrake 
 v9.0, with SDL 1.24 - if I try to upgrade I get (literally) a hundred 
 dependency errors.

Well, I have 9.1 (more precisily: Cooker) which comes with

 Anyone care to recommend a good way to upgrade SDL without breaking
 everything else on a setup?

Try 9.1? ;-)

Sorry, don't have any solution for this. Never cared about SDL. Only
noticed that it already existed in my install when I followed the
install instructions.



Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Install of 9.1 has broken KDE

2003-03-29 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 21:10, Richard Jones wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 20:31, Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 5:56 am, Richard Jones wrote:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] richard]$ konsole
   Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.
   Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.
   Xlib:  extension RENDER missing on display :0.0.
  It looks as if KDE expects the glx extension to be present.
  Take a look at /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and look for a line in the Module 
  Load glx
  If it is not present add it.
 This does nothing - my card is an S3 Trio3d/2x and GLX isn't supported.
  If it is present take a look at /var/log/XFree86.0.log to see if it is failing 
  for some reason.
 No such log, sadly. My .xsession-errors has this in it though, when I
 try to run eg. konsole:
 Window manager warning: Window 0x584 (Konsole - ) sets SM_CLIENT_ID
 on itself, instead of on the WM_CLIENT_LEADER window as specified in the
 Does anyone else get that when they run konsole? Ie. can that be
 ignored? Seems strange that it'd cause me problems and no-one else...

I just thought of something - could it be the version of Xwindows?

Sun Mar 30 07:35:00 EST 2003
 07:35:00 up 8 days, 19:22,  4 users,  load average: 0.28, 0.14, 0.10
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

The Great Movie Posters:

When You're Six Tons -- And They Call You Killer -- It's Hard To Make Friends...
-- Namu, the Killer Whale (1966)

Meet the Girls with the Thermo-Nuclear Navels!
-- Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs (1966)

-- A Taste of Blood (1967)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Still unable to enjoy Mandrake 9.0 on my pure-Linux machine

2003-03-29 Per discussione Hendrik Boom
On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 09:57:58AM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 26 Mar 2003 10:28 pm, Hendrik Boom wrote:
  On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 04:54:58PM -0500, et wrote:
   what does cat /etc/hosts say? what does cat /etc/resolv.conf say is
   DNS runnig? named? ypserv?
  Thanks.  You have given me a few leads. Here's an incomplete reply.
  /etc/hosts:   topoi.pooq.com topoi   localhost.localdomain localhost  topoi.pooq.com topoi
 This looks strange to me.  I would have thought that it was being told to look 
 in two places for topoi, which would  certainly confuse it.  FWIW I had huge 
 problems with massive delays, and it turned out to be just this sort of 
 problems, so stick with it.
 What IP did you give for your nic?

I removed the, no implrovement in CDROM mount time, although MCC now  starts 
up in only 45 seconds.

  I don't recognise these nameservers.
 Could they be your isp's dns?

I don't know.  I booted with the DSL modem on, got an internet connexion, and it seems 
to be defaulting to, which is not on the list, but is what my ISP 
provides.  I guess the pppoe setup provides this DNS.

-- hendrik

 Registered Linux User No.293302

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 Install

2003-03-29 Per discussione Fri13
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 09:55:51 -0500, walt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i check that version with MD5 Sum and it was right so i dont think its bd 


Are you sure you downloaded a good copy of the software? I had to
download it 2 times to get a working copy...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fri13
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 9:43 AM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 Install
How i can get my motherboard work on mandrake 9.1 install.
It is supported hardware on list and it still wont work
motherboard is KT3 Ultra2 Raid.
Install wont find any harddrivers and none of drivers on list work.
Is that install software crap? mandrake 9.0 work fine. i cant even
becouse 9.1 dont find any harddrivers

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] LAN interface isn't working

2003-03-29 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 23:41, VST Sysadmin wrote:
 OK I'll explain things in detail.
 I installed MDK 9.1 on a box with KT400, palomino
 3c905TX NIC, ati radeon 9000, 512 MB DDR333.
 The instalation was successful, all hardware was
 installed , no error messages, no [FAILED] scripts.
 In windows XP, this box works OK.
 Then I installed MDK 9.0 - ABSOLUTELY the same
 After that I boot slackware 9.0 from CD.
 I loaded the module 3c59x, put up the interface and
 everything works OK
 Now I have useless MDK 9.0 on my box :(
 Please help me :)

Look, each distro is going to load modules differently - and possibly
assign IRQ's and IO addresses differently - what you might try to do is
to change the options for loading the 3com modules in the
/etc/modules.conf file - you should be able to read the info on that
module under the /usr/src/linux/drivers/net directory - even if it means
reading the header code (.c and .h) for the options...

The 3com card are quite standard as you can well imagine, so it's got to
be something silly and simple.

You might want to either disable PNP OS in your BIOS or try changing the
options for loading the module. It HAS to work...they're flawless
cards...even moving it into a different slot might have a better effect,
but that's more work and editing a text file...

Sun Mar 30 07:40:00 EST 2003
 07:40:00 up 8 days, 19:27,  4 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.11, 0.09
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Well, well, well!  Well if it isn't fat stinking billy goat Billy Boy in
poison!  How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap stinking chip oil?  Come
and get one in the yarbles, if ya have any yarble, ya eunuch jelly thou!
- Alex in Clockwork Orange

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

2003-03-29 Per discussione Benjamin Pflugmann
On Sat 2003-03-29 at 08:01:08 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Saturday 29 March 2003 12:30 pm, Frankie wrote:
  service internet stop
  try that..
 Thank you, I have already, but service is not a Linux command.

It is a valid command with Mandrake Linux. You have to be root to have
it in your path. If you are trying as mere user, your shell won't find
it. The full path is /sbin/service. 

So open a root shell or become root in an existing shell (e.g. su -)
and then try again.

An alternative method is to start up mcc (The Mandrake Control-Center),
go to System, click on DrakXServices. Look for adsl and press stop.
Alternatively, look for internet and also press stop.

If you look at this description you now know, why people prefer to
refer to the shorter shell commands for giving advice. ;)



Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 installation: the best of the best!!

2003-03-29 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 02:58, robin wrote:

 I'm just going to wait for the Sinclair Spectrum version to come out.
 Sir Robin

Yeah, well my Atari kicks yer Spectrums bum! I even got 256 colours!
Nyah! (g)

Sun Mar 30 07:55:00 EST 2003
 07:55:00 up 8 days, 19:42,  4 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.13, 0.11
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

It was a JOKE!!  Get it??  I was receiving messages from DAVID LETTERMAN!!

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Install of 9.1 has broken KDE

2003-03-29 Per discussione Richard Jones
On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 23:44, Greg Meyer wrote:
 There was a revision (the final one) to libqt that turned anti-aliasing on by 
 default that caused problems when the render extension was missing.  This 
 prevents qt apps from running in virtual sewssions like vnc and on video 
 cards that do not support render.

Hurm, AA appears to be working with some things - eg. Mozilla. I guess
that could be working through different mechanisms though.

Perhaps I should toddle off to the local computer swap meet and buy a
decent video card.

 I recompilked the qt3 without that patch and it solved the problem for me.  If 
 you want to try the rpms, get them from here

Sorry, I get file not found for that URL.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] getting new mails in evolution

2003-03-29 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 04:01, dfox wrote:
 I'm using Evolution in 9.1 and brought in my big mail spool in 
 /var/spool/mail/dfox (35 megabytes approximately) and it doesn't
 seem to want to bring in new messages as they arrive. I can see how
 to import the messages into Evelution in the first place (which I did)
 but if I do that again, I'll get a rash of duplicate mails in my
 evolution inbox. I didn't clear out the spool, and neither did
 Evolutinn. And new mails just arrived.
 Evolution is set to automatically bring in new messages every 10 minutes
 but after having it open for sometime it doesn't appear to get new

What I'm wondering is whether you've setup the account properly in Evo -
I've seen this before - and my resolution was to delete the account and
then recreate the account (after deleting the account, run a killev
and then fire it up again) - Evo generally works wonderfully with
mbox/mh style mailboxes...

I use Evo in conjunction with fetchmail grabbing stuff, tossing it to
sendmail, then to an mbox in /var/spool/mail - so I'm there already...

...and actually, I'm going to move to IMAP shortly instead of all the
rest - just because I can (and share it with the wife-unit)...

Sun Mar 30 08:20:01 EST 2003
 08:20:01 up 8 days, 20:07,  4 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.12, 0.09
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Lisa:   Remember, Dad.  The handle of the Big Dipper points to the 
North Star.

Homer:  That's nice, Lisa, but we're not in astronomy class.  We're in
the woods.

   The Call of the Simpsons

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Install of 9.1 has broken KDE

2003-03-29 Per discussione Richard Jones
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 07:03, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 19:05, Richard Jones wrote:
  Nope, fresh install, following all the rules. KDE still breaks.
  Any more ideas?
 Fresh install - hmmmwell, something is obviously wrong here...have
 you reset your runlevel to runlevel3 and tried doing the mods to the
 /etc/ld.so.conf and the /etc/profile again?

Nope - will do in a bit. I'm currently compiling KDE 3.1.1 (just alsa,
libs and base) to see if a home-built version will work.

And the word is in. bzzt. no-go. Apps built manually still barf just
like the others.

Might have to try the Qt solution that Greg Meyer proposed - though the
url he gave is broken, so I'll compile from scratch instead. While
that's running, I think I'll go off and see how much a GF4 or similar


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Re: [newbie] fonts messed up in konsole

2003-03-29 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 05:43, Simone Cortesi wrote:
 Il sab, 2003-03-29 alle 17:50, Srinivas V. ha scritto:
  I just installed 9.1 on my Toshiba satellite. When i display man pages in 
  konsole, i get funny symbols e.g. - is displayed as a box. also once i 
  scroll thru a man page, small bits of characters get left on the screen 
  (does that sound too vague/wierd ?? mebbe i should send a screenshot ??). i 
  have to minimize and restore the window to get rid of those.
  is this a problem with konsole ? or could it be bcos i am using the vesa 
  driver in X. i wasn't able to use X with the savage driver for my S3 
  SuperSavage, tho it worked fine in 9.0.
 I've got this same problem on my 9.1 box, but no clue on how to solve

Have y'all tried changing the konsole font and saving the schema? As
well, I installed heaps of TTF fonts and used anti-aliasing - then that
prob disappeared...

Sun Mar 30 08:35:00 EST 2003
 08:35:00 up 8 days, 20:22,  4 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.05, 0.06
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Scientists were preparing an experiment to ask the ultimate question.
They had worked for months gathering one each of every computer that was
built. Finally the big day was at hand.  All the computers were linked
together.  They asked the question, Is there a God?.  Lights started
blinking, flashing and blinking some more.  Suddenly, there was a loud
crash, and a bolt of lightning came down from the sky, struck the
computers, and welded all the connections permanently together.  There
is now, came the reply.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Installing Optushome on Mdk 9

2003-03-29 Per discussione Ronald Kuwawi
Hi all,
I'm very newbie in Linux, and got dualboot Win2000 and Mdk 9.
Does anyone has any success installing Optushome on Mdk 9?
[Optushome is a cable modem service in Australia - I live in Sydney].
It did recognize my Motorola SB 4100 cable modem at the installation,
but I couldn't figure out what the next step is.


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Re: [newbie] Still unable to enjoy Mandrake 9.0 on my pure-Linux machine

2003-03-29 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 9:45 pm, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 09:57:58AM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Wednesday 26 Mar 2003 10:28 pm, Hendrik Boom wrote:
   On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 04:54:58PM -0500, et wrote:
what does cat /etc/hosts say? what does cat /etc/resolv.conf say
is DNS runnig? named? ypserv?
   Thanks.  You have given me a few leads. Here's an incomplete reply.
   /etc/hosts:   topoi.pooq.com topoi   localhost.localdomain localhost  topoi.pooq.com topoi  
  This looks strange to me.  I would have thought that it was being told to
  look in two places for topoi, which would  certainly confuse it.  FWIW I
  had huge problems with massive delays, and it turned out to be just this
  sort of problems, so stick with it.
  What IP did you give for your nic?

 I removed the, no implrovement in CDROM mount time, although MCC
 now  starts up in only 45 seconds.

   I don't recognise these nameservers.
  Could they be your isp's dns?

 I don't know.  I booted with the DSL modem on, got an internet connexion,
 and it seems to be defaulting to, which is not on the list,
 but is what my ISP provides.  I guess the pppoe setup provides this DNS.

 -- hendrik

Hendrik, these nameservers are not causing your problem, and they're not 
harming you.  You can find out who they are and decide whether to keep them 
after the problem is solved.

I am convinced you have a resolution problem.  There is a file somewhere, and 
I can't remember where, that holds your domain name.  The name needs to be a 
fully qualified name, but not one that it will confuse with an internet name.  
You need to find that file.  See if you can search for that file by searching 
on part or whole of what you set your domain to be.

Registered Linux User No.293302

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Install of 9.1 has broken KDE

2003-03-29 Per discussione Richard Jones
On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 23:44, Greg Meyer wrote:

uppercase RPMS:



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Re: [newbie] Install of 9.1 has broken KDE

2003-03-29 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Saturday 29 March 2003 05:06 pm, Richard Jones wrote:
  I recompilked the qt3 without that patch and it solved the problem for
  me.  If you want to try the rpms, get them from here

 Sorry, I get file not found for that URL.

Sorry, case sensitive


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] not able to log on as root

2003-03-29 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 07:26, walt wrote:
 I installed Mandrake 9.1..fresh install. I needed to log on as root so
 I logged out and I did not see root so I could click on it and do
 what I have to do. Anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing

CTRL-ALT-F1 - gets you to a console login - login as root!

Sun Mar 30 08:50:01 EST 2003
 08:50:01 up 8 days, 20:37,  4 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.08, 0.08
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

The glances over cocktails
That seemed to be so sweet
Don't seem quite so amorous
Over Shredded Wheat

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] not able to log on as root

2003-03-29 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 9:26 pm, walt wrote:
 I installed Mandrake 9.1..fresh install. I needed to log on as root so I
 logged out and I did not see root so I could click on it and do what I
 have to do. Anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong

You can just type in 'root' and the password.  But it's not a good idea, 
usually.  You can use 'su' in a console if you need to do root jobs, or use 
File Manager Super User Mode to do it in a gui.  Both allow you to quickly 
and easily get back to being a user, with full security.

Registered Linux User No.293302

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] KMail enhancements

2003-03-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 9:02 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 7:50 pm, Warren Post wrote:
  El vie, 28-03-2003 a las 04:26, Owen Berio escribió:
   I'm presently using KMail but I can't find any way to enhance text such
   as hi-lighting, underline, italicize, etc.
  What you are referring to is called HTML mail. I don't use KMail but
  take a look in KMail's preferences for some way to activate HTML mail.
  The use of HTML mail is frowned upon by most lists (including this one)
  and many users. My mail filters, for example, throw away all HTML mail
  unread, as the only HTML mail I receive is spam. So I would encourage
  you to use HTML mail sparingly or not at all.

 Like many people, I have KMail set to send html mail straight to trash, so
 you would be advised to avoid it on the list, as you will miss out on good
 advice from some very knowledgeable people.

 If, however, you want to use it, say for family emails, it is very easy to
 switch between modes in KMail - you could switch it on for one message and
 off again immediately afterwards.  To to Settings  Configure KMail 
 Appearance  Profiles.


Not Quite
Kmail will not generate html mail under any circumstance.
You can however select whether kmail will display html mail.
Html mail can be a security risk, hence the option to disable it.

If you want a mail client to compose html mail try mozilla mail.



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Re: [newbie] Installing Optushome on Mdk 9

2003-03-29 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 08:55, Ronald Kuwawi wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm very newbie in Linux, and got dualboot Win2000 and Mdk 9.
 Does anyone has any success installing Optushome on Mdk 9?
 [Optushome is a cable modem service in Australia - I live in Sydney].
 It did recognize my Motorola SB 4100 cable modem at the installation,
 but I couldn't figure out what the next step is.

Ronald, OPTUSHOME is a thrown together way of getting a simple service
to work on an operating system.

In all reality, the only things you ever need are either an IP address,
a username and a password.

Since you're using the Sydney crap, er, service, you're going to need to
be a bit more descriptive in how your ADSL is setup; so if you want to
email me offlist to fix this issue, I promise I won't charge you (grin)
- but I am familiar with the setup through The Big Smoke'n'Choke - I'm
just down in Wollongong and travel up there, unfortunately, to deal with
clients/customers...most of whom have ADSL or cable...

Cheers without beers!

Sun Mar 30 08:55:00 EST 2003
 08:55:00 up 8 days, 20:42,  4 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.14, 0.10
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Ninety percent of everything is crap.
-- Theodore Sturgeon

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Re: [newbie] not able to log on as root

2003-03-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Saturday 29 Mar 2003 9:26 pm, walt wrote:
 I installed Mandrake 9.1..fresh install. I needed to log on as root so I
 logged out and I did not see root so I could click on it and do what I
 have to do. Anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong


Mandrake 9.1 comes with a choice of 3 different login managers.

mdkKDM does not permit log on by root.

KDM is the same as in 9.0 and will permit root logon

GDM is the Gnome login Manager and will permit root logon.

You can select which one is used in 

The reason the mdk default is to forbid root logon is because it really is not 
a good idea. If you log on as root *every process* will run as root including 
your web browser. You would only have to visit a malicious internet site 
making use of a browser exploit and you could lose control of your computer.
(Its not likely, but possible)

By contrast if you visit a malicious site as a user and your browser is 
hacked. The attacker will not be able to alter any of your binaries to 
install back doors, and only your user data files are at risk. (And you back 
them up don't you?)

Any maintenance you need to do as root can be done by opening a terminal and 
typing 'su' to become root. Then only processes opened in that terminal will 
be root. There are also tools available from the menu such as 
ApplicationsFileToolsFileManager(SuperUser) which will open a konqueror 
window for you as root.


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[newbie] Check Sums Flaky 9.1 problems

2003-03-29 Per discussione Dad
Where do I find the check sums on the CDs I burned from downloading.
I burned at 1/2 media speed.
Are there often problems downloading/burning which could cause the flaky 9.1 
version I have?
I tried 9.1, but no kppp to connect to internet, and other weird problems,so 
I went back to my 8.2 powerpak.

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[newbie] file system of unmounted partition

2003-03-29 Per discussione Anguo


How can I determine what filesystem is used by a partition 
that is currently unmounted.
The aim is precisely to be able to mount it and read (only) 
the data inside.

Thanks for any help


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