Periodic Orion Information Mail - Oct 5 2001

2001-10-05 Thread Karl Avedal

News this week:

1. Version 1.5.3 in testing
2. Atlassian Orion Knowledge Base launched
3. Partner news
4. Miscellaneous news

Version 1.5.3 in testing

Orion 1.5.3 is now in testing with select partners. After such a long time 
without an upgrade we expect that many people will want to upgrade at the 
same time, so we're trying to make sure that it's working reasonably well 
before putting anything out there.

Atlassian Orion Knowledge Base launched

Atlassian launches a new Knowledge Base system (at 
with access to much information about Orion in a very useful way with 
support for user contributed annotations, related pages, etc.

Partner news

These are our new partners for this week:

The Middleware Company (, the company 
behind, now provides Orion training. More information 
will be available on our site shortly.

Smart Soft - The Java Training Company (, use the 
Orion Server in their J2EE workshops: Java Servlets and JSP and Enterprise 
Java Beans.

The Elephantwalker ( is providing 
subscription based support services for Orion. This is not actually a new 
service, but it hadn't been announced as an official partner before.

Miscellaneous news

CocoBase tells us that their new version is Orion compatible

DevX Appserver Zone published an interesting Orion review:

RMI configuration 
document added and the tag library tutorial finanlized

The Orion Team


2001-08-05 Thread Karl Avedal

Another test mail, please ignore.


Re: Oracle deal

2001-06-07 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jay,

 Excuse me, but I'd like to say, I TOLD YOU SO!!! 
 I like Orion, but while we've been asking, Any news

 from Orion yet?? (Jan 13, 2001), and
 functioning as free testers, they've been working on
 the version for Oracle.

There has certainly not been any work on the version
for Oracle done at any point in time (unless you mean
the minimal process of making it available to them).

Negotiations and other exercises in patience has
obviously been stealing a lot of our time, but
remember, Oracle is a customer. They're obviously a
very important customer, but they're not taking over
the company any more than any other customer.

 Why pay for the cow when you can get the
 milk for free?  That's why they rarely answer our 
 questions directly anymore.

I don't quite understand what you're getting at here.
We are very happy about all the help we get from our
users. The reason for us not being able to participate
much on orion-interest is not this at all.

There's the reality of what happens when you start
getting a large number of customers. We've never spent
more time communicating to users than we do now, but
still it's much harder now to answer all, or even a
fifth of all questions because we simply get more and
more customers having questions needing our attention.

The purpose of the orion-interest has always been to
promote the exchange of experiences and knowledge
between our users, not as a channel to communicate
with us.

Early on, we had no customers. That meant that we had
a lot of time to be active on this user list, but the
price of actually having people use your product is
that you can no longer always prioritize what you
would be doing if you could choose freely.

 Now, I'm not complaining, because I like Orion and I
 will continue to use
 it.  Ironflare has never said they were in it just
 as an academic exercise.
  I admire the way they've managed to build a decent
 product without having
 to hire testers.  

You might have noticed that the price we charge is
somewhat lower than the mainstream price. With this
price there has not been any room to employ more
people than we have.

 If Oracle is smart, they'll look
 for those of us who have
 helped find Orion's bugs (Magnus and Karl, are you
 listening?) and have
 experience with it.

I'm listening, and I hope that Oracle will take part
in the user discussions with all the rest of you. And
if Oracle recruits talent from this list, that would
be a very nice thing.

 But, as I said before, they're not just Java guys in
 geek heaven -- they
 are clearly in it for the money, too.

We've never been in it for the money, but that doesn't
mean that you can survive in this society forever
without having any money. For all this time, we've
just gotten enough money to get by and pay our bills
(and for a very long time we made exactly $0 per month
and that's not very easy when you're fresh out of
school without any savings).

If we were in it for the money, what we would have
done, is to sell out the company to some big J2EE
vendor and let them kill off our server. 

What we instead chose is to make sure that our product
lives on and is being spread around the world, while
we can still continue to develop the product as we see
fit. I think that's closer to geek-heaven than a smart
decision if you're only after the money. Believe me,
if we wanted to, we could have made lots more money
from Orion.

The reaction I've gotten on this agreement from other
Orion users is that they're very happy about it, and
that they see new opportunities for themselves since
they can now claim to have world leading Oracle
competence. I hope this agreement will bring good
things to everyone of us. I know it will be good for
the product, which is why we're doing this.

Karl Avedal

Do You Yahoo!?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - skaffa en gratis mailadress på

Re: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support) team. Arethey still around?

2001-03-19 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Ate,

It seems like there exists a mail problem. Our mails to you (be it from
Bugzilla, orion-interest or personally) don't seem to get through to you. I'm
sure this is a problem on our side, since we recently moved our servers.

I guess this mail won't reach you either, but since you read the archives I hope
you see it, and just in case, I've also sent you a mail personally from another
network just now that I hope you receive.

I'll get you a password for Bugzilla somehow so you can use it to track the
progress on your bug.

Karl Avedal

"Douma, Ate" wrote:

 Hello all,

 I've been trying for weeks now getting any response from the orion team to
 no avail.

 First of all, I wanted to post a serious problem in Bugzilla but for that I
 need a account password.
 I've tried and tried, but never ever received a password after creating a
 new account or after requesting the account password to be send again.

 Then I tried sending a message directly to orion support. No response.

 Then I posted my problem to this list
 (Serious problem with Orion transaction processing: multiple connections
 used within a single transaction) februari 13, 2001, including a test case.

 I mailed this problem again to [EMAIL PROTECTED] februari 19, 2001. No

 I mailed Magnus Stenman directly on februari 27 explaining these problems
 and requesting access to Bugzilla. No response.

 I'm not clear what options are left, but we are seriously considering other
 application servers right now as this kind of support is really not
 acceptable in the long run. At least a simple acknowledgment of the
 reception of the problem would give us the idea that someone is actually
 monitoring [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailbox. It doesn't seems to be the case
 right now.

 Having to switch to another application server is something I really don't
 Overall I like the orion application server very much (certainly for
 We consider the bug we encountered as very, very serious which will have to
 be solved otherwise we just don't have another option.
 The bad (non-existing?) support makes this truly serious.

 If anyone did have some contact with the orion team (mailbased or otherwise)
 in the last month's I would be very grateful to know how they did that.

 The same question I have for anyone how was able to create a Bugzilla
 account recently.

 Lastly, somewhat less important: does anyone receive the orion-interest
 maillist still directly to their mailbox?
 Since Januari 11, 2001, we didn't receive any mail anymore, and can
 therefore only access the maillist at (re)Subscribing
 again didn't help a bit, not even using new mailaccount.


 | Ate Douma  iWise B.V. |
 |Hoofdstraat 2a-4a  |
 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  4941 DC Raamsdonksveer |
 | Phone  ++31 (0)162 517167  The Netherlands|
 | Fax++31 (0)162 516872|

Re: Why is Hypersonic SQL still being integrated

2001-03-14 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Randy,

Many people still find it useful to have a simple db preinstalled to play around
with and not having to seperately download one and set it up. And considering
hsql just adds about 170k, it's not a big issue to keep it there.

Karl Avedal

Kemp Randy-W18971 wrote:

 If HypersonicSQL is a dead project, why is it still being shipped with Orion?

Re: OrionServer stop of creating session after 10-15 requests

2001-03-14 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Ismael,

I just tried this using Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool
(assuming that's the same tool that you were using), and it does not show any
behaviour like that to me. I generated 200 users in the stress tool, and
everyone gets their session created correctly on the server.

If you want to, you can send the .mdb file from the stress tool to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and I can run the tests with exactly your settings.

Karl Avedal

Ismael wrote:

 I am making some test of OrionServer with one application. Once we have
 make it work we are watching its performace. But when using Web Application
 Stress tool we have detected a very strange behaviour, after 10-15 request
 OrionServer still accepts request but it does not create any new sessions.

 But if you invalidate some of this sessions then it regenerates them.

 Is there a way to avoid this?

 Are there any new about benchmarks of the latest versions.

 I am using J2SE1.3.02 and Orion Server 1.3.8.

 I have tested also with 1.4.7 it is capable of generating more sessions,
 but it has the same problem

Re: Orion Load Problems

2001-03-13 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Daniel,

These kind of problems are indeed hard ones to solve, since they appear only
under certain circumstances, but the load you specify is not something there
should be a problem with.

What you can do is try to change the VM options and try the 1.3.1 beta jvm to
see if you see any change in the behaviour. You can also try the latest
experimental Orion, 1.4.7 available via auto-update. If this is indeed caused by
a bug in Orion, it's definately one that needs to be fixed right away so we'd be
very happy if you could try another jvm to make it easier for us to locate what
goes wrong.

A temporary solution if it's extremely urgent, could also be to use load
balancing and setting up a small cluster until we have located what's going on.

Karl Avedal

Daniel Guillamot wrote:

 Dear Mailing List:

 I am relatively new to the Orion webserver, but have had lots of exposure to
 Apache and it's configuration files. 3 months ago I moved my website, to
 it's own server, with Orion installed. Orion ran great for 3 months. We ran
 3 separate web-site's off of it with their own application-deployments. This
 past week, one website has had peak load times, where we reach over one
 million views a day, over 100 000 page impressions during peak hours. It
 usually happens at around 12pm PST every day. When this happens, Orion stops
 taking any requests. Only on the one application (web site), the other 2
 websites running off of the same orion, the same machine, are fine. The
 extremely busy one just yields a white screen, waiting for a response, no
 error or Page Not Found appears, and no System.out logging appears from my
 servlets, nor does anything show up in the error.log. Even static html's are
 not loaded during this time. Although only one the one web site, the other 2
 on the same machine are fine.

 The behaviour is triggered during peak times of over 100 000 page views per
 hour. Orion continues in this stasis manner (no response, error, or output)
 until it is restarted. The system has 1 gig of RAM, and is running RH6.0 and
 the Sun JVM 1.3 HotSpot. The -server and -native java parameters are on. Max
 Connections is 1000, timeout is 10 000.

 Any ideas? It's starting to become difficult to keep monitoring it and
 restarting it every day, sometimes twice a day on very busy days.

 Thanks in advance.

Re: Inconsistent EJB JNDI Locations

2001-03-12 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Manne,

That's right, that is the way we recommend it to be done. Just want to clarify
something though. It is possible to lookup EJBs in another application. To do
so, use the parent attribute when defining the application in server.xml and the
children application's local context will extend the one of the parent, making
it possible to use EJBs from another application.

Karl Avedal

Manne Fagerlind wrote:

 I used the JNDI name "java:comp/env/ejb/MyBean" yesterday and it worked fine
 (older version of Orion; hope they haven't changed it). It seems that the
 object performing the lookup must be located inside the same enterprise
 application (i.e. application-entry in server.xml) for this to work,


 -Original Message-
 From: Gary Shea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 09 March 2001 20:57
 Subject: Re: Inconsistent EJB JNDI Locations

 On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Peter Pontbriand wrote:
  Yes, this is what works for us. Assuming that the Entity EJB is deployed
  with ejb-nameMyBean/ejb-name and that the Session EJB's deployment
  descriptor has an ejb-ref-nameejb/MyBean/ejb-ref-name, the home
  interface for MyBean is supposed to be found with
  'lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/MyBean")'. Unfortunately, this doesn't work,
  rather MyBean is found with 'lookup("MyBean")'.

 Recently I was looking at the spec while trying to figure out why
 Orion's JNDI setup isn't like the examples in the EJB books.  Turns
 out that the java:comp/env/{jms,ejb,...} locations are 'recommended',
 not mandatory.  Given that the non-Context contents of the env/
 directory must be String objects, it doesn't surprise me that the
 Orion folks decided it was tacky to put objects underneath a
 directory that's supposed to hold strings.  Also, I noticed when
 attempting to create objects below the env/ directory using the
 JNDI api, they somehow get turned into strings!  I'm a little unclear
 on whether this really happened or if I was doing something stupid,
 but it's what I think I saw!



Re: Anyone heard from evermind?

2000-12-10 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jim (and everyone else),


The only change that is planned is the addition of a seperate support license
for the ones demanding more support. There's no date set for when this will be
available yet.

We do not plan any changes to the normal license, neither in cost nor terms.
And it will still be free for developers and for non-commercial use.

Karl Avedal

Jim Archer wrote:

 Karl, sounds like great news. Congrats!

 I'm wondering if any major changes in licensing or pricing policy are
 coming within the next several or six months?



 --On Thursday, December 07, 2000 1:20 PM +0100 Karl Avedal

  I thought it was time for some explanation on our silence.
  Alot of things are happening structually right now to the company. The
  biggest news is probably that the company is no longer Evermind, but is
  now called Ironflare AB, which is a new limited corporation. The owners
  are the same so it is not a takeover or anything like that, but the new
  company form will enable us to expand faster than the old company. We
  will announce this officially within a few weeks.
  This will lead to a few things:
  1. The company will become more visible, with a company website and
  information and not just a product website with product information.
  2. The resources of the company will increase. The problem lately has
  been that non-development takes more and more time as we get more
  customers. As other resources get available that do more of the business,
  the core team will be able to focus more on development and bug-fixing.
  3. There might still be some time of confusion left. The company
  structure is not the only change we're going through. The expansion is
  just starting and as it goes on, resources will initially be spent more
  on building the organization and hiring the right people than would be
  necessary if we didn't make the expansion. Without the expansion we would
  however be lost eventually as we would hit a brick wall without the
  necessary resources.
  I will try to keep you posted on these developments and I want to
  reassure you that we are not gone, but quite the opposite, we are making
  a move to become more aggressive in the future, but it has made us less
  visible for some time and has hurt the product development and release
  cycle, and it is likely to do so from time to time as we go ahead. A new
  release with a few fixes shouldn't be far away now though.
  Karl Avedal

Re: Anyone heard from evermind?

2000-12-07 Thread Karl Avedal


I thought it was time for some explanation on our silence.

Alot of things are happening structually right now to the company. The biggest
news is probably that the company is no longer Evermind, but is now called
Ironflare AB, which is a new limited corporation. The owners are the same so it
is not a takeover or anything like that, but the new company form will enable
us to expand faster than the old company. We will announce this officially
within a few weeks.

This will lead to a few things:

1. The company will become more visible, with a company website and information
and not just a product website with product information.

2. The resources of the company will increase. The problem lately has been that
non-development takes more and more time as we get more customers. As other
resources get available that do more of the business, the core team will be
able to focus more on development and bug-fixing.

3. There might still be some time of confusion left. The company structure is
not the only change we're going through. The expansion is just starting and as
it goes on, resources will initially be spent more on building the organization
and hiring the right people than would be necessary if we didn't make the
expansion. Without the expansion we would however be lost eventually as we
would hit a brick wall without the necessary resources.

I will try to keep you posted on these developments and I want to reassure you
that we are not gone, but quite the opposite, we are making a move to become
more aggressive in the future, but it has made us less visible for some time
and has hurt the product development and release cycle, and it is likely to do
so from time to time as we go ahead. A new release with a few fixes shouldn't
be far away now though.

Karl Avedal

Re: Very Strange Problem

2000-11-02 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Juan,

Since we haven't seen this behaviour ourselves when load testing, it's hard for us
to reproduce it.

To be able to give a good guess on what is wrong and if it's in Orion or not we need
a test-case. Please submit the suspected bug in bugzilla and attach a test-case so
that we can try it out.

Karl Avedal

"Juan Lorandi (Chile)" wrote:
 Here's the deal

 I'm load-testing my application; Orion's behaving properly and fast while
 the load doesn't get too high... but when it happens (say, 50
 requests/second of dynamic pages),
 DeadLock's start to ocurr

 Fine by me, I'm not ready to sacrifice data consistency to elevate the
 performance, BUT

 Somehow, Orion, after these problems start to ocurr, doesn't free the
 DataBase Connections it allocated (as you can see in the application log I'm
 attaching, first there are
 DeadLocks, then the server starts to fail waiting for connections). When I
 shut down the server, it starts printing in stdout:

 Datasource not closed, check out your code!

 Funny thing, I checked my code and guess what... no jdbc code at all.
 ;-) I'm using CMP

 This thing with variants happens when using different drivers aimed at
 different DBs:

 SprintA2000/SQL 7

 My guess is that when a request or response is cancelled by the requester,
 orion (perhaps OrionPooledDataSource) doesn't rollback the transactions nor
 it frees the connections

 The result being my orionserver coming to a complete halt whenever the
 requests are above a certain number, and sometimes it even refuses to shut

 This has me VERY worried because of possible DoS attacks, or even peaks in
 the site's use, which will ultimately be solved only by somebody pushing the
 reset button...

 Anybody has stumbled across this before?

 Orion Team, comments?

 One worried poor latin boy (JP Lorandi)

orion-ejb-jar.zipType: Zip Compressed Data (application/x-zip-compressed)
 Encoding: base64

Re: Initial JMSTest++ results, sort of

2000-11-01 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jason,

Interesting, we will look at that test suite to see what the results are. If a
very large number of tests fail, it might be because there is a bug that
triggers failure in more than one case which leads to a great number of
failures, but I can't tell for sure until I've run the tests.

JMS hasn't been the main focus for Orion but with J2EE 1.3 and EJB 2.0, JMS is
becoming more important so we will obviously make sure we have a great JMS
implementation (in J2EE 1.2, JMS was optional and not very tightly integrated).

Karl Avedal

Jason Rimmer wrote:

 JMSTest++ is a JMS v1.0.2 compliance test suite written by Fiorano
 ( which publishes a competing JMS implementation.  I
 performed the compliance tests on a machine with the following
 o Dell Intel Pentium 3 - 600 Mhz with 128Mb memory
 o Windows 200 SP1
 o Orion v1.4.0
 o Javasoft's JDK v1.3 (running in mixed mode)

 The compliance suite consists of ~800 tests which includes the breadth
 of functionality detailed in the JMS v1.0.2 specification..
 There is a caveat in that Orion's JMS implementation is only claimed to
 be JMS v1.0 compliant while the JMSTest++ tests are to determine JMS v1.0.2
 compliance.  This isn't a large issue as the difference between the spec's
 are small and therefore only cover a small percentage of the tests.
 This message was going to contain details of all the tests, their
 results, and commentary.  Unfortunately, Orion's JMS implementation was
 unable to pass anything more than the rudimentary tests.  The most common
 test result was a hang, though a functionality failure was right behind.
 I spent some time looking over much of the JMSTest++ source and while I
 can't claim every test is 100% legitimate, it largely appears reasonable.
 The test suite is in active internal use at not only Fiorano, but also Bea,
 and Progress (home of SonicMQ).
 Considering my results I believe it's false to claim that Orion supports
 JMS v1.0, let alone v1.0.2.  The bottom line is that I would not depend on
 Orion's JMS implementation for anything: educational tool, toy, or
 production application.
 I don't plan to take up the testing again unless Evermind makes major
 JMS updates or the list membership considers specific results to be

 Jason Rimmer

Re: Orion in production - Let's sell support!

2000-10-21 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jim,

Couldn't agree more on the business plans. We are looking for partners to do
support for money, if you're interested and your company has Orion knowledge,
we'd be very happy to help you "officially" to get customers.

However, you say that you have not bought a license yet and that means you have
not yet bought any support from us. If you are serious in choosing Orion I
think it can actually save you money to get a license when developing (even if
you can get free developer licenses), since it will mean you get better support
from us. However, the support you get for $1500 is, needless to say, limited.
We can't put 100 hours into giving you support at that price and still have
money left to develop the product. So we are going to provide more generous
support at a higher price, both ourselves and through partners.

We are speaking with multiple possible partners about outsourcing support and
selling support packages and if you are interested or know someone who is
interested in selling support and make decent money from it, feel free to
contact us.

Karl Avedal

Jim Archer wrote:

 Hello all...

 --On Friday, October 20, 2000 5:35 PM -0300 "Juan Lorandi (Chile)"

  And also, lack of support  documentation is becoming now, as most
  developers are finishing
  their work and reach deployment time(from what I pick up of many mails in
  this list), a critical point about orion.
  Many of us are reaching the point where we have to prove no only that
  orion's the best, but that it also is a good business
  choice. This is unfairly hard due to little colaboration from Evermind's
  team regarding, as said, support  documentation,
  tough it clearly seems to be changing.

 This is a key issue. There is an old saying that time is money. Not true in
 software. Time is far more valuable than money. Money can be raised but
 time can not. Orion is reasonably priced for the product itself. However,
 if using Orion means a lot of trial and error development and no official
 support from the vendor, the costs in extra consumption of developers time
 and oppertunity loss from delayed market entry could easily exceed the
 price tag of Weblogic.

 Don't get me wrong, I like Orion. I like it alot. Currently, our intention
 is to complete development on it and then license it and deploy with it and
 hopefully sell it with our product. This goal would be one heck of a lot
 easier to obtain if we had official support from the vendor. Right now,
 there are people here banging their heads on the wall just trying to guess
 at what works and what dossen't, whats implemented and whats not. It's

 Anybody want to help me start a business selling Orion support on a 900
 number? Just charge several dollars a minute, on an incident by incident
 basis. If the support is competant, it would sell big. Heck, we could make
 more money then Evermind! Big Grin OK, just kidding, but this is a
 serious issue.


Re: SSL question

2000-10-15 Thread Karl Avedal


Yeah, that's a good text, I'll add it. Thanks Mike!

Karl Avedal

David Ekholm wrote:

 That's what I call an answer! It explained a lot. Orion guys, pleas add that
 to your SSL howto.
 You can also retrieve a cert+CAcert already chained right from Thawte.
 Select an SSL type test cert and also check the chaining setting on the web
 page for test cert generation.

 - Original Message -
 From: Mike Atkin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: SSL question

 The problem with the first command is that keytool can't find the root ca
 certificates in your keystore and therefore can't build up the certificate
 chain from your server key to the trusted root certificate authority.  With
 the second example, keytool is using the system keystore and can locate the
 root ca  certs in jdk-dir/jre/lib/security/cacerts.

 When I created my keystore I used a certificate from bt trustwise which is
 an intermediate ca so I had yet another cert to add.  The commands went
 something like this (assume keystore does not yet exist):

 keytool -keystore keystore -import -alias cacert -file cacert.cer
 keytool -keystore keystore -import -alias intercert -file inter.cer  // Only
 need this if you are using an intermediate signing authority like BT
 keytool -keystore keystore -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias serverkey
 keytool -keystore keystore -certreq -file

 Get cert from csr then:
 keytool -keystore keystore -import -file -alias serverkey

 That should be that.  You can do a keytool -keystore keystore -v -list and
 check that a cert chain has been built.

 You can probably get round your problem just by importing the ca certs into
 your keystore and then trying to re-add your server cert.



Re: LogicalDriverManagerXAConnection not closed

2000-10-11 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jaco,

Jaco van Rooijen wrote:

 I think not.  This is the first time I GET the connection, and it complains that I 
did not close it.  Also, according to my understanding, I do not have to explicitly 
close pooled connections.  At least, when we were using 1.0.3 the documentation said 
something to that effect.

The error doesn't say that it hasn't been closed when you create it. It says that it 
hasn't been closed and points out where it was opened to make it easier for you to 
find the offending connection.

Also, you do have to close() it. When using pooling, close() does not mean that the 
connection is actually closed but that it is returned to the pool. If you do not 
return all connections to the pool but hold on to them, that's obviously a bad thing.

Karl Avedal

 Thanx for responding, I thought I wasn't getting my message through.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Will Glozer
 Sent: 09 October 2000 19:09
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: LogicalDriverManagerXAConnection not closed

 It means that you forgot to close the connection when you
 were finished using it.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jaco van Rooijen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 12:08 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: LogicalDriverManagerXAConnection not closed

 Anybody have any ideas?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jaco van
 Sent: 06 October 2000 13:40
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: LogicalDriverManagerXAConnection not closed

 I am developing against the stable 1.3.8

 I get an output stating:
 LogicalDriverManagerXAConnection not closed, check your code!
 Created at:
 java.lang.Throwable: OrionCMTConnection created
 at com.evermind.sql.OrionCMTDataSource.getConnection(JAX)
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
 at says -
   Connection newConn =
 The call goes through, but the console has this exception on it.  What does
 that mean?


Re: Stopping the Server

2000-10-09 Thread Karl Avedal


Check out and search
for "StreamCorrupted".

This will be in the FAQ shortly.

Karl Avedal

Miles Daffin wrote:

 Hi, Any ideas why I get this when issuing the command to stop the
 server? Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: Caught EOFException while reading
 the stream header; nested exception is: Caught EOFException while
 reading the stream header Thanks.--
 Miles Daffin
 Java Developer, Netherlands. Land: +31 (0)10 476 2412
 Mobile: +31 (0)6 2959 1423
 Permanent email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SSL and session timeout

2000-10-09 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello again,

Sorry, that would be #56, not 55.

Karl Avedal

Karl Avedal wrote:


 This was reported as bug #55 in bugzilla and has been fixed but is not
 yet released. Will be released in a few days.

 Karl Avedal

 David Ekholm wrote:

   I find that my ssl sessions time out at about 90 seconds. My http
  sessions time out at the specified time of 30 minutes. Any clues?I
  have set  the shared="true" attribute in your secure-site.xml/David
David Ekholm
  "The Las Vegas of Online  System Architect
   Gaming"  Hammarby Kajväg 14, 120 30 Stockholm
tel: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 11
Mob: +46 (0)70 486 77 38
fax: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 07

Re: SSL and session timeout

2000-10-09 Thread Karl Avedal


This was reported as bug #55 in bugzilla and has been fixed but is not
yet released. Will be released in a few days.

Karl Avedal

David Ekholm wrote:

  I find that my ssl sessions time out at about 90 seconds. My http
 sessions time out at the specified time of 30 minutes. Any clues?I
 have set  the shared="true" attribute in your secure-site.xml/David


   David Ekholm
 "The Las Vegas of Online  System Architect
  Gaming"  Hammarby Kajväg 14, 120 30 Stockholm
   tel: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 11
   Mob: +46 (0)70 486 77 38
   fax: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 07

Re: jsp.reuse.tags

2000-10-03 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello again,

Hmm, I should update my own reply, because that example is actually a bad one,
since it's illegal to reuse the tag in that specific case. However, the
principle is the same. Tags might be reused under certain circumstances, and
they assume this isn't done.

Karl Avedal

Karl Avedal wrote:

 Hello Luis,

 Let's say we have this in a JSP:

 foo:bar baz="123" baz2="234"/
 Some text
 foo:bar baz="123"/

 In a JSP container, tags might be reused (the tag instances are pooled), so
 when the tag foo:bar is used for the second time above, the optional
 attribute baz2 may still have the value "234" since the same instance as
 before is used, so when having optional attributes like above, you have to
 be careful.

 This is exactly what the pet store is doing and they assume that the tag
 will not be reused (that they get a clean instance every time). This
 probably comes from the fact that they implemented using the J2EE RI. The
 J2EE RI is not meant to be fast, but just to follow the spec, so that
 implementation does not reuse the tag instances.

 So when they tested the petstore on the RI it worked fine, but it did not
 work in containers doing this optimization. For this reason we provided a
 property for Orion to turn off the tag instance reuse optimization.

 Karl Avedal

 Luis M Bernardo wrote:

  can someone explain what's wrong with the pet store taglibs that we need
  to use the switch -Djsp.reuse.tags=false when running the orion port of
  that demo.

Re: jsp.reuse.tags

2000-10-02 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Luis,

Let's say we have this in a JSP:

foo:bar baz="123" baz2="234"/
Some text
foo:bar baz="123"/

In a JSP container, tags might be reused (the tag instances are pooled), so
when the tag foo:bar is used for the second time above, the optional
attribute baz2 may still have the value "234" since the same instance as
before is used, so when having optional attributes like above, you have to
be careful.

This is exactly what the pet store is doing and they assume that the tag
will not be reused (that they get a clean instance every time). This
probably comes from the fact that they implemented using the J2EE RI. The
J2EE RI is not meant to be fast, but just to follow the spec, so that
implementation does not reuse the tag instances.

So when they tested the petstore on the RI it worked fine, but it did not
work in containers doing this optimization. For this reason we provided a
property for Orion to turn off the tag instance reuse optimization.

Karl Avedal

Luis M Bernardo wrote:


 can someone explain what's wrong with the pet store taglibs that we need
 to use the switch -Djsp.reuse.tags=false when running the orion port of
 that demo.


Re: EJB QL and container managed relationships

2000-10-01 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jeff,

EJB QL is not supported yet, the EJB 2.0 PD support is just partial so far.
When EJB QL is available we will announce it.

Karl Avedal

Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

 Hello folks.  Once again I have some questions, this time about EJB QL.

 The quick version is:  How sophisticated is the current Orion support
 for EJB QL?  I want to define a finder query on a field which is the
 mapping field of a CMR relationship, but it doesn't seem to work.

 Here's the long version:

 I'm using EJB 2.0 CMR fields to map a relationship between two entity
 beans, called Member and MemberName.  The primary key for the MemberName
 is (not surprisingly) a string, and every Member has a MemberName as
 defined by the following relation:

ejb-relation-name Member-canonical-MemberName /ejb-relation-name
 This is a unidirectional one-to-one mapping from Member
 to MemberName.  Members have a single canonical MemberName.

 ejb-relationship-role-name Member-has-canonical-MemberName
 multiplicity one /multiplicity
 role-source ejb-name MemberEJB /ejb-name /role-source
 cmr-field cmr-field-name memberName /cmr-field-name

 ejb-relationship-role-name MemberName-is-canonical-for-Member
 multiplicity one /multiplicity
 role-source ejb-name MemberNameEJB /ejb-name /role-source

 Just a quick side-note, which I think was brought up before:  the EJB2.0
 spec (pd2) seems to indicate that the cmr-fields should _not_ also be
 defined as cmp-fields in the entity descriptor.  Orion 1.3.8 seems to
 require this.  In any case...

 The table which is created for Member has the memberName field which is
 of course a string (the MemberName's primary key).  Good.  Now I want a
 finder method on MemberHome which is

 public Member findByName(String name);

 I can imagine two ways of going about this.  The simple one would be to
 pretend that Member's memberName is a cmp-field.  The query would be:

  method-name ejbFindByName /method-name
   method-param java.lang.String /method-param
 ejb-ql FROM MemberEJB memb WHERE memb.memberName = ?1 /ejb-ql

 While this works for actual cmp-fields, this does not seem to work for
 cmr-fields.  Not surprising, since the spec doesn't mention this as an
 option (although it doesn't eliminate it, either).

 The "proper" way to write the query, if I'm reading the spec right, is:

  method-name ejbFindByName /method-name
   method-param java.lang.String /method-param
 ejb-ql FROM MemberEJB memb, n IN memb.memberName WHERE = ?1

 But I'm not wholly certain, because all the relational EJB QL examples
 in the spec are for one-to-many relationships, not one-to-one.  In any
 case, when I try this, I get the same results that I do for the first
 query, which is to say wholly incorrect results :-)  The failure mode is
 bad, too; rather than failing to find the Member, it seems to just
 return a random existing Member.

 So am I just pushing the edge of Orion's implementation of the EJB2.0
 spec, or am I defining my queries wrong?  If this is heading into
 unimplemented space, should I log bugs in Bugzilla or just assume that
 the authors are busily working on this very problem and don't need yet
 another monkey on their backs?  :-)

 Is anyone else working with EJB2.0 beans?

 Jeff Schnitzer

Re: SSL w/ virtual domains really possible?

2000-09-30 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Dale,

As I think I have pointed out many times before, if you want to reach the
Orion team, do not mail orion-interest, it is a mailing list for the Orion
community, ie. the users. We try to follow the list, but we do not read
every single message and give no guarantees about answering questions posted

However, you should use multiple keystores, but for a future reference,
mailing the list is a bad way to get our attention (as I'm sure you've

Karl Avedal

"Dale M. Boresz" wrote:

 This is my fourth posting, and still no response from the Orion team.

 The question remains:

 When using virtual domains, and multiple certificates - how do I get the
 correct certificate associated with the appropriate domain??? All certs
 in same keystore? Each cert in a separate keystore? Separate
 secure-web-site.xml file for each site?

 I don't have any problem getting SSL to work. The problem is that with
 multiple certs and multiple virtual domains, all domains continue to use
 the same single cert -  that one being the last one imported into the
 keystore. I don't understand by what mechanism the virtual domain is
 associated with a particular cert.

 I've been through the three-step SSL How-To, and it does NOT address
 this issue - nor does any other part of the documentation. I can't
 believe that SSL can work on only one site under Orion, and I'm sure
 that I'm just missing a line or two in a configuration file, but I've
 spent almost 40 hours trying to 'guess' the right way - without success.

 Orion team - P-l-e-a-s-e  address this. I can't be the only one trying
 to get more than one virtual domain SSL site running under Orion.

 Thank you.


Re: EJB ClassCastException problem

2000-09-30 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Erin,

Look at

The parent attribute is used for exactly what you want, a child application sees
the objects of its parents, so you can have an application hierarchy where you
have shared EJBs in the root node and more specialized in the children. By
default every application has the global application as their parent (just like
all Java classes inherit java.lang.Object).


application name="utils" path="../applications/utils.ear" auto-start="true"/
application name="webshop" path="../applications/webshop.ear" auto-start="true"

(This is in server.xml btw)

The rationale behind having a domain/application based JNDI tree is the same as
the rationale behind OO. You want to hide the different applications from
eachother, so that they don't interfere with eachother.

This is especially useful when you deploy 3rd party applications or in hosting
environments when an Orion instance is possibly shared between more than one

Karl Avedal

Erin Hill wrote:

 I have had that same problem. Like you, I have been pulling my hair out
 trying to figure out
 how to access a component in one application from a component in another.  I
 too stumbled
 upon the RMIInitialContextFactory as well but I cannot cast/narrow objects
 obtained via JNDI.
 I always get a ClassCastException. I have temporarily gotten around the
 problem by using
 reflection to call methods but it's not a solution. I think it's a bug in
 Orion. I believe it's a class loader
 issue. The object returned from JNDI and the class object you pass to narrow
 have different
 class loaders - it appears to me each application has its own class loader.

 I am frustrated by the fact that I cannot access beans across application
 domains without resorting
 to proprietary incantations.  ejb-refs do not work either across domains -
 deployment fails..  I think this
 "feature" is a non-comformance of the J2EE/EJB specs. The spec says nothing
 about partitioning the
 namespace. The container should resolve the ejb-ref no matter where the
 referenced bean resides. Other application servers I have tried employ a
 flat namespace and do not have these issues.

 Overall I think Orion is a good product but I see application namespace
 domains as a limitation.
 I really don't see the rationale behind the design. You cannot see another
 apps namespace with
 the JNDI context provided by the container but you CAN using another context
 Seems inconsistent to me.

 Ill be interested to see how they handle domains when they implement
 IIOP/CosNaming for EJB 2.0.
 Will C++ CORBA clients see a flat namespace?

Re: new documentation

2000-09-29 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Denis,

Please do not send messages meant for me or for the orion team to
orion-interest. I try to read most things that happen, but I don't read every
single message on this list and the others don't either.

Karl Avedal

Denis Jaccard wrote:


 I'm unable to download the new version of documentation. The link in the
 left side of the homepage (under download) points to the older version
 ( In the on-line documentation area, there is also a link
 which gives me the possibility to download the documenation package. This
 link seems good since it points to but, unfortunately, the
 zip file is empty/corrupted.

 Karl, could you have a look ?

 Denis Jaccard

Re: Orion, clustering, and SSL

2000-09-29 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Kevin,

"Duffey, Kevin" wrote:


 Is there any news on the ability to get a Verisign certificate yet? We are
 ready to order one.

The ability has been there for a long time, however, it has not been specified
exactly what cert to get. A short guide is in the documentation.

 Also, is Orion now "stable" in the SSL/Clustering..I
 think Magnus said version 1.3.8 would be, but I am not sure if that is a
 completely stable build like 1.2.9? If not, when can we expect a stable
 build good for deployment that supports the clustering and SSL stuff?

1.3.8 is our current stable release

 Lastly, do I have to do any special stuff for SSL? Other than getting the
 certificate to work, when a request comes in as HTTPS, does Orion do the
 work for me like IIS does for us now? Or do I have to do as someone
 suggested, make a special web-app on the SSL port and any page that needs to
 be secure has to run in that web-app? If so, why is it this way? I would
 think the web-server would handle this for me, and I wouldn't need any
 special port/web-app to handle SSL.

HTTPS listens to another port than HTTP does. The default is that HTTPS listens
to 443 while 80 is used for HTTP, so the URLs and access different ports. If you run HTTPS on port 80 you need
to access it through

You do not run HTTPS and HTTP on the same port in either Orion or IIS.

Karl Avedal

Re: Orion, clustering, and SSL

2000-09-29 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Kevin,

This is in the docs, but what you need to do except for pure SSL settings is
that you copy the default-web-site.xml file to another name and add
secure="true" to the web-site tag of the new file.

So, yes, you need to do something.

However, normally you want to present different applications and content on the
secure site and not just a copy of your normal site (entering your credit card
info should probably only be available on HTTPS for example) and then of course
you need to reference in the web-site.xml that it will serve other

Karl Avedal

"Duffey, Kevin" wrote:

 Hi Karl (and all),

  HTTPS listens to another port than HTTP does. The default is
  that HTTPS listens
  to 443 while 80 is used for HTTP, so the URLs and access different ports. If you run HTTPS
  on port 80 you need
  to access it through
  You do not run HTTPS and HTTP on the same port in either Orion or IIS.

 Ok..this I understand. However, what I am getting at is on our current
 setup, IIS/JRUN, we have IIS with a certificate..set up on port 443.
 However, when I make a request to a page, I simply put in  On the server side, I don't have to do
 anything extra with IIS or JRUN, other than the IIS certificate setup, to
 get it to make those pages secure. Someone on this list said I would
 probably have to put all my secure pages in a completely separate web-app
 tied to port 443 to make them secure under Orion. That is what I need to
 know. Do I have to do anything extra that I am not doing now, other than the
 certificate process, to get my pages located in the same dir (and web-app)
 that need to be secure? Or can I just install the certificate somehow, and
 all is hunky dory?


Re: Orion Support

2000-09-28 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Mikko,

We're not the ones running but we will get back with
any news on it to the list.

Karl Avedal

Mikko Kurki-Suonio wrote:


  Does anyone know what's up with
 I try to access the site and all I get is:

 "Thanks for visiting.

 I thought I had something to say, but I was wrong. "

New batch of documentation

2000-09-28 Thread Karl Avedal


To give you an update on the documentation work, today we added a few
documents and put up other documentation improvements on the site:

* New more thorough index page
* New "debugging" document meant to help debug Orion applications, with
info about logs and how to get more verbose info from Orion
* New auto-generated docs for the .xml configuration files (attribute
alphabetical listing and tag alphabetical listing)
* Overview of the distribution (directories, files and what they are)
* Overview of J2EE applications, roles, and development lifecycle
* Improved CMP primer
* Tools reference

And a few other things. There's still much to come in the coming weeks
though, documentation is high on our priority list.

The added documenation will shortly be available for download in a zip,
for local access.

Karl Avedal

Re: new documentation site

2000-09-28 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Sanjay,

Absolutely, we're open to any suggestions to improving documentation, I'll look
right into that, we have not used that certificate ourselves, that's why it's
been hard to say anything about it.

Karl Avedal

Sanjay wrote:

 Hi Karl,
 the new orion documentation site
 still doesnt say much about how to set up Global server certificates
 could that be incorporated as Weblogic have described in detail how to
 install all the different type of certificates

 thank you

 - Original Message -
 From: "Mikko Kurki-Suonio" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 11:14 AM
 Subject: Data type mapping

   How does Orion handle mapping java data types to database types?
   Specifically, I'm having trouble mapping "long", with Solid and
  InterBase. I've tried "decimal(20,0)" "binary(64)" and even just "integer"
  as the corresponding database type, but neither database digests
  these without hickups.
   Deployment goes fine, but when you try to actually create an entity with
  a "long" member field, the database spews errors like
  SOLID Table Error 13039: Illegal assignment from type CHAR to type DECIMAL
  Invalid Conversion
  Invalid Assignment

Re: New batch of documentation

2000-09-28 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Chris,


The link was wrong, it should be fixed now.

Karl Avedal

Chris Miller wrote:

 Karl and the rest of the Orion team,

 I just want to say thank you vey much for this update, it looks good (and
 will keep myself and many others busy for a while I suspect ;-).

 One small thing I noticed, this link is broken (or perhaps just hasn't been
 uploaded yet):

 Thanks again, keep it coming!


 - Original Message -
 From: "Karl Avedal" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 1:02 PM
 Subject: New batch of documentation

  To give you an update on the documentation work, today we added a few
  documents and put up other documentation improvements on the site:
  * New more thorough index page
  * New "debugging" document meant to help debug Orion applications, with
  info about logs and how to get more verbose info from Orion
  * New auto-generated docs for the .xml configuration files (attribute
  alphabetical listing and tag alphabetical listing)
  * Overview of the distribution (directories, files and what they are)
  * Overview of J2EE applications, roles, and development lifecycle
  * Improved CMP primer
  * Tools reference
  And a few other things. There's still much to come in the coming weeks
  though, documentation is high on our priority list.
  The added documenation will shortly be available for download in a zip,
  for local access.
  Karl Avedal

Re: Orion datasource.verbose output

2000-09-28 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Rick,

As we say in the documentation for those modes:

"Also some settings may not ever be useful to you. We want to provide this
information anyway since we believe that they are often useful to finding
problems with j2ee applications and we let you decide whether to try them or

They are totally unsupported and are not guaranteed to give you the info you
would want. However, we will put the most useful modes into log files and make
them "stable", but everything that is in those properties are provided "as is"
and they might not work at all. The info you are looking for is most likely to
be promoted to a jdbc log file at some point.

Karl Avedal

Rick Bos wrote:

 I do not understand some of the output from the datasource.verbose
 debug mode:

 It seems to report the pool size incorrectly:

 Pooled jdbc:caribou:jsqlingres://apsdev:6024/apstrain: Releasing
 connection Pooled COM.cariboulake.sql.JSQLConnection@16ecd30 to pool (Pool
 size: [Ljavax.sql.PooledConnection;@b034a0)


Re: New batch of documentation

2000-09-28 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Cory,

Oops, will fix right away.

Karl Avedal

Cory Adams wrote:


 Also the database schema link seems to have a link to a local file

 I would have dropped it in Bugzilla but that seemed to be confined to core
 app bugs...

 Great job.



 At 04:02 PM 9/28/00 +0200, Karl Avedal wrote:
 Hello Chris,
 The link was wrong, it should be fixed now.
 Karl Avedal
 Chris Miller wrote:
  Karl and the rest of the Orion team,
  I just want to say thank you vey much for this update, it looks good (and
  will keep myself and many others busy for a while I suspect ;-).
  One small thing I noticed, this link is broken (or perhaps just hasn't been
  uploaded yet):
  Thanks again, keep it coming!
  - Original Message -
  From: "Karl Avedal" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 1:02 PM
  Subject: New batch of documentation
   To give you an update on the documentation work, today we added a few
   documents and put up other documentation improvements on the site:
   * New more thorough index page
   * New "debugging" document meant to help debug Orion applications, with
   info about logs and how to get more verbose info from Orion
   * New auto-generated docs for the .xml configuration files (attribute
   alphabetical listing and tag alphabetical listing)
   * Overview of the distribution (directories, files and what they are)
   * Overview of J2EE applications, roles, and development lifecycle
   * Improved CMP primer
   * Tools reference
   And a few other things. There's still much to come in the coming weeks
   though, documentation is high on our priority list.
   The added documenation will shortly be available for download in a zip,
   for local access.
   Karl Avedal

Re: One IP - 3 Sites - 3 Domain Names

2000-09-27 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Dave,

Dave Ford wrote:

 I have one physical machine with one IP address. This one ip address is
 associated with three domain names. Each domain name should pull up a
 different web-site.

 I currently have 3 web-sites defined in server.xml:

 web-site path="c:\@web\@OrionConfig\web-site-1.xml" /
  web-site path="c:\@web\@OrionConfig\web-site-2.xml" /
 web-site path="c:\@web\@OrionConfig\web-site-3.xml" /

 I then have three web-site-x.xml files defined. It's not clear what the
 value of the host and virtual-hosts attributes should be for each of these
 three files. I have read the docs and the faq but still can't get it to

 I tried this:

 In web-site-1.xml: web-site host="" 
 In web-site-2.xml: web-site host="" 
 In web-site-3.xml: web-site host="" 

 And this:

 In web-site-1.xml: web-site host=""
 In web-site-2.xml: web-site host=""
 In web-site-3.xml: web-site host=""

This 2nd one is correct, but you only need to give the host attribute if you
just want to listen to one of multiple IP:s on the server.

web-site virtual-hosts="" in one and web-site
virtual-hosts="" in another is enough (but of course you also
want the other web-site to do something differently from the first, like have
other applications and content deployed)

Karl Avedal

Re: Error while trying to deploy

2000-09-27 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Chris,

Looks like it's either a bad error message from Orion or some other bug.
Either way, can you submit it to Bugzilla and add an ejb-jar that
demonstrates the behaviour as an attachement?

Karl Avedal

Chris Evans wrote:


 has anybody got an idea about this error???

 Auto-deploying guid-factory-ejb.jar (No previous deployment found)...
 at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.fx.af1(JAX, Compiled
 at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.fz.aez(JAX, Compiled
 at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.f7.ahe(JAX, Compiled
 at, Compiled
 at, Compiled
 at, Compiled Code)

 at, Compiled Code)
 at com.evermind.server.Application.f9(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.ri(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.apa(JAX, Compiled
 at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.f9(JAX)
 at, Compiled Code)


Re: Karl... Any update on the new SSL docs?

2000-09-24 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Dale,

Please don't send personal questions to the list. I'll answer this time
since there might be others who'd want an SSL pointer until the new docs
are all done and we've worked it out with the CA's to list Orion as a

Check out:

For a step-by-step guide mailed to the list by Mike Fontenot.

His steps will be integrated into the docs, but we are still working
with Thawte to add Orion to the server list, so until then, you can do
what Mike did.

Karl Avedal

Dale Bronk wrote:

 Really need ssl so these promised updated docs would be great.
 Dale Bronk
 Windscape Consulting, Inc.

Re: No response from Customer Support for Licensed Version

2000-09-21 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Sach,

Are there any additional outstanding issues rather than the ones we have
acknowledged and talked to you about? If so, send a new mail to support@, I
thought all your issues had been answered to on the phone and via mail.

On suspected bugs, it can take a few days before we have any information to give,
since we initially try to reproduce and analyze the behaviour. Sometimes that can
be a tedious process and take time and we can't always find or fix the bugs within
days, and sometimes it can even take a few weeks, but I think that's still very
fast compared to most companies in the business.

We always try to fix it as soon as possible, and try to communicate any progress
or need for extra info to the reporter, either via mail or via Bugzilla.

Sometimes we are bad at telling the reporter about the progress on a bug. That's
when nothing new has been found yet, but I know it's essential for you to
immedietaly get an estimate on when we will know if it's a bug and when the fix
can be issued, and we'll try to improve on that point. If nothing else we'll try
to be faster to tell you that we can't estimate the time for an available fix.

Karl Avedal

Sach Jobb wrote:

 Well, at least you're not alone.  I have the same problem with several
 open issues.

 On Thu, 21 Sep 2000, Gary Albelli wrote:

  I have a few emails that have been sent to support with the following
  EJB 2.0 many to many relationship deployment  [priority: CMR1B23BAB].
  I would like to know if I am doing something wrong in making this request or
  am I just not getting any response.
  Gary Albelli

Re: Online Orion Support

2000-09-19 Thread Karl Avedal


Orion-interest is not an official support channel, it's for discussion
among the orion user community.

Karl Avedal

"J.T. Wenting" wrote:

 AFAIK this is it...

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
  Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 11:11
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Online Orion Support

  Hello there ,Is there any online Orion support available?We
  have a licensed  verison of Orion but still i am unable to
  get support. thank youCheers

Re: Benchmarks

2000-09-18 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Christof,

Scott Ferguson (the Caucho guy) tested a later version on Orion (and a newer
Resin) in April and got these results for a simple Hello world JSP:

1 client/no keepalive (in ops per second), IBM JDK 1.2:
Orion: 428
Resin: 234

4 clients/ 4 keepalives
Orion: 717
Resin: 311

Scott Ferguson's comment was: "So, indeed, Orion's Hello World JSP
significantly beats Resin's. Great job from the Orion team!"

This can be found in the archives for the JSP-interest list in a message
sent by Scott at April 20 2000.

However, things change all the time, and our own tests do not indicate such
a big difference between Orion and Resin as that test did.

Karl Avedal

Christof Baumgärtner wrote:

 Orionserver claims to be the fastest one out there. What is the official
 comment to the numbers presented at ?

Re: User/Group manager guide

2000-09-18 Thread Karl Avedal


There's already a guide about this being written.

Karl Avedal

Guilherme Ceschiatti wrote:


 I'm almost leaving Orion because the lack of documentation, mainly about how to
 manage User/Groups. As many people have lots of doubts related to it too, I'm
 asking the Orion team or anybody else to write a tutorial about it.  I really
 don't want to leave Orion, because I've made good things on it, but I'm
 spending a lot of time trying to "decifrate" how to use the Orion API.

 Guilherme Ceschiatti

Re: Changing data outside orion doesn't reflect in orion calls.

2000-09-18 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Claudio,

Set exclusive-write-access="false" in entity-deployment in orion-ejb-jar.xml.

We just corrected some bugs related to this however, so I recommend getting a new
version tomorrow.

Karl Avedal

Claudio Miranda wrote:


 I am using Orion 1.3.6, with Oracle 8i as rdbms, with an app with some
 entity, sessions, web-app, all working fine and quickly (congratulations
 orion team, your product is very good, and easy to understand), so, when
 orion is up, and someone change data from any sql tool (outside of
 orion), this changes doesn't reflects in entity beans, only when I
 restart orio, the changes is OK in beans.

 I anyone knows about this, any information will be very usefull.

 very thanks 4 all

 Claudio Miranda

Re: Detail logging? Is it possible (System.error.println - where do it go to in Orion)

2000-09-13 Thread Karl Avedal


Have you looked at the application log for the application you are deploying?
Either check application.log for your paplication or check the application log
in the console.

Karl Avedal

Richard Landon wrote:

 After a week (and a week-end) trying to bring our smoke-tests up under
 I finally got the unit-test stuff executing. However, these fail. All I see
 in any of the Orion logs, is, well nothing. Is there any means to have
 the server give me some kind of indication of why it isn't working?
 Perhaps if I knew what it's problem with the code was, I could change
 it (although I pretty much deployed the same code on 7, and counting, other
 J2EE servers at this point).

 The J2EE RI has a -verbose option, that tell's you various things.
 When using the RI a System.error.println with a EJB writes output to the
 obvious place, standard error. I don't see this working?

 I'm probably confused.

Re: Quick help with News App

2000-09-10 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Cory,

Seems like Hypersonic SQL can't access its database files. Check that everything's
ok with Hypersonic and with that file.

Karl Avedal

Cory Adams wrote:

 I'm using Orion1.2.9
 JDK 1.3 on Win NT

 I have followed the directions in the news-install.txt file.

 After going to the /news and clicking on 'View News' I receive the following:

 What did I do wrong   Thanks.

  error snippet from the Browser --

 500 Internal Server Error

 com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Database error: File
 input/output error: ./database/
 at com.evermind.ejb.NewsSessionEJB.getChildren(
 at /news.jsp._jspService(/ (JSP page line 26)
 at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.wa(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.du.rr(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.du.forward(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.d5.rx(JAX)
 Nested exception is:
 java.sql.SQLException: File input/output error:
 at org.hsql.Trace.getError(
 at org.hsql.Trace.getError(
 at org.hsql.Trace.error(
 at org.hsql.Log.saveProperties(
 at org.hsql.Log.create(
 at org.hsql.Database.init(
 at org.hsql.jdbcConnection.openStandalone(
 at org.hsql.jdbcConnection.init(
 at org.hsql.jdbcDriver.connect(
 at com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource.getConnection(JAX)
 at com.evermind.sql.OrionPooledDataSource.ef(JAX)
 at com.evermind.sql.OrionPooledDataSource.d1(JAX)
 at com.evermind.sql.OrionPooledDataSource.getConnection(JAX)
 at com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerXADataSource.en(JAX)
 at com.evermind.sql.aj.ek(JAX)
 at com.evermind.ejb.NewsSessionEJB.getChildren(
 at /news.jsp._jspService(/ (JSP page line 26)
 at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.wa(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.du.rr(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.du.forward(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.d5.rx(JAX)

Re: 3rd post, no answer

2000-09-09 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Dale,

I think this might be something that most people isn't using heavily
(mailing from different servers) and that this can explain why noone on
the Orion-Interest list has answered you. Remember that the people
answering the questions on orion-interest (Joseph, Arved, Krüger, Chan,
Adams, Smith, Elias, Salaman, Richardson, Ernst, Wenting, Walnes,
Lorandi, Duffey, Thiele, Myrseth, Rydin, Cannon-Brooks, a great thanks
to all of you, and the ones I missed for helping out as much as you do
here on the list), are answering because they feel like helping out, and
if they didn't answer the first or second time around, they might not
feel like answering the third time around either.

If you believe it's an Orion bug, submitting it to Bugzilla will mean
that you will be notified about the status of it from the Orion
developers (sorry if you have already done so).

Karl Avedal

Dale Bronk wrote:

 Sorry to keep posting this, but I really need an answer. I have a
 problem that I hope isn't not normal behavior and something I have
 configured incorrectly. Snip of my sever.xml: global-application
  application name="Client1Domain"
  application name="Client2Domain"
  application name="Client3Domain"
  application name="Client4Domain"
  application name="Client5Domain"
 / In mydomain-application.xml, I have: (note that this is my global
 application)   mail-session location="mail/MailSession"
   property name="mail.transport.protocol" value="smtp" /
   property name="mail.smtp.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" /
   property name="mail.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" /
/mail-session Now I want to also place the same mail session
 entries in each of my clients application.xml files except specifying
 their domain:   mail-session location="mail/MailSession"
   property name="mail.transport.protocol" value="smtp" /
   property name="mail.smtp.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
   property name="mail.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" /
/mail-session I have a FormMailServlet that I install on all my
 clients web.xml files which uses mail.jar classes send the email.  My
 problem is it doesn't matter which one I go to, Orion always uses my
 mail-session entries from the global application.  It doesn't seem to
 get over written for each other application.  I also tried to
 explicitly set the mail server in my FormMailServet to what is passed
 in.  I pass in and inside my class I do the
 following:  properties.put( "",
   properties.put( "smtp-host", "");   // Not
 needed as far as I know I also turn verbose on so I can see what is
 happening.  It always uses!  If I comment out the
 mail-session entries from my global application xml then it works fine
 as long as I pass in the value and explicitly set the
 as above.  In other words, it seems to ignore the mail-session in the
 Clientxxx-application.xml files as I pointed the smtp-host entry in
 one of the application.xml files to an existing server, but a
 different one.  When I explicitly set the entries it uses the entries
 I set, not the mail-session entries. Seems to only use the
 mail-session entries only if in the global application xml file and no
 where else.  When in the global application xml file, it seems you can
 only use that one even if I explicitly set it to a different one. What
 gives?  Sorry for the long email, but I wanted to be sure to give all
 the data. Dale Bronk
 Dale Bronk
 Windscape Consulting, Inc.

Re: Orion Difficulities....

2000-09-09 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Richard,

Well, the documentation has so far assumed that the user understands the
concept of different URL schemes and different protocols (like http://,
ftp:// or ormi://) and understand that they are not the same thing and
use different ports, but that you normally don't need to specify the
port unless you change something. We will somehow explain this in the
FAQ to avoid more confusion about this.

However, there is a reason why there is no admin port mentioned in the
documentation. It's simply because no special admin port exists. The
admin traffic use the regular ormi port.

Karl Avedal

Richard Landon wrote:

 Wow, thanks. Perhaps, I'm lame, but that was not obvious in the

  -Original Message-
  From: Jason von Nieda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:09 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: Orion Difficulities
  Remove the port (8080) from your ormi URL. The admin port is
  different from the web port and is configuredin

   - Original Message -
   From:Richard Landon
   To: Orion-Interest
   Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:51 PM
   Subject: Orion Difficulities
   I am have some major problems with the learning
   curve with this server. I have previously used
   (succesfully)(1) J2EE RI(2) Web Logic 5.1(3)
   IAS(4) Silverstream(5) Gemstone/JI start the
   server as follows:[C:/orion] java -jar orion.jar
   Orion/1.2.9 initializedI take this to mean the
   server is running.I then do a and see the web
   page.(I modified the port since I'm already
   running Apache on port 80).For example, according
   to the documentation, to shutdown the
   server:[C:/orion] java -jar admin.jar
   ormi:// admin root -shutdown

   Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: Caught
   EOFException while reading t
   he stream header; nested exception is: Caught
   EOFException while reading the stream header
   So after two-days, it is not possible to figure
   out how to shutdown the server.I'll try a little
   bit long, then remove this server from our vendor

Re: Deployment confusions

2000-09-08 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Richard,

Try the Management Console (java -jar orionconsole.jar or java -jar orion.jar
or try admin.jar (java -jar admin.jar).

These tools let you do those things via a graphical tool or via a command line

For more info on how to deploy using the command like, see this entry in the

How do I deploy an application on a remote machine (without ftp or telnet
access)? (

Karl Avedal

Richard Landon wrote:

 I am probably stupid, but

 I still very confused about deployment using Orion. My understanding from
 the documentation is that
 I must edit the server.xml and add the code. No problem for me as a
 developer. But when it comes
 to migrating our application into pre-production or production, whoa-nellie,
 that ain't going to cut
 it. So, here's they same question I posted here repeatedly since yesterday.

 I need a command-line method to deploy the ear file once it gets built into
 the Orion server.
 I need a command-line method to acquire the client support files from the
 Orion server.
 I need a command-line method to invoke a EJB client(s).

 I guess I spend the rest of the day trying to figure it out, and then take
 this server off our list.

Re: Help - SSL Usage in Production - is it really possbile?

2000-09-08 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Paul,

It's possible to use 128 bit SSL with Orion. Just about now it will be
possible to use 128 bit globally and not just in the US. I know a few
customers are using it today, but we are still working on making an easy
way to get a production cert with Orion. We are in contact with Thawte
(Owned by Verisign these days) about adding an Orion option on their
website and that will be done. For now, I think it's best to get a
"Netscape cert chain format" or a "PKCS#7 cert chain format".

Karl Avedal

Paul Knepper wrote:

 Karl,Its been a couple of weeks since there was any activity on this
 thread.I am now ready to get my beta site ready for deployment and
 need to get 128-bit SSL working with Orion.  Is this
 possible?Thanks,Paul Knepper

Re: Clustering problems.

2000-09-08 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Dylan,

 (... about lack of documentation)

 And it isn't like it isn't a known problem. Almost every review of Orion I have
 seen points out this glaring fact. And this mailing list is seething with people
 patiently waiting for something that should be already written.

Absolutely, documentation is our biggest and most important task (as I've pointed out 
many times on this list)

 How about the whole orion team just STOPS coding for a week... (I don't
 care about 1.2.10!!!)... and fill in the gaps in the documentation. I think it
 would be a very productive move.

Well, even though you might not care about getting new versions every day (of course 
noone cares for every update) there are many people who are running Orion on their 
production sites serving thousands
of people, or are in the process of going live, and if they find a bug we try to help 
them with it. We get an enormous amount of reports and requests for enhancements and 
new features and if we stopped
developing for a whole week we would get far behind on helping our customers, and 
believe me, a week of documentation isn't enough to improve documentation in that many 
areas that it makes it worth to
stop responding to everyone.

All I can say is that we are working on documentation (when we're not working on 
explaining that we are working on documentation ;) ) and that we are aware of the 
amounts of documentation that you need
to work with a product of this complexity. A big problem is also that things are 
moving so fast. We make something available as a preview (like EJB 2.0) and of course 
people want documentation and
examples the day after (understandable), but it's a tough task to work that fast.

 Yes, I know the "price is right"... but come *ON*... inexpensive means nothing if
 the features you need are available but undocumented.

Of course. We are working like this: When we have a new feature we start out by giving 
a little documentation on it so that everything is at least documented (although very 
briefly) and then we follow
up with more complete documentation, but those usually take a fair bit longer to 
produce. Examples are SSL, Clustering and user management that have had very sparse 
documentation so far (but Clustering
was improved today), and we are working on providing complete tutorials and how-to's 
about these subjects.

We understand that you need complete and good documentation to work with our product, 
and if you can not live with the state of the current documentation, you should of 
course look at other products
that fit your needs better. We are doing our best to make sure that Orion is the best 
J2EE server and we certainly are working on making sure that everyone can use it, and 
I think we've taken big steps
in this direction lately, with a few noticable additions like the Bugzilla, the 
improvements to the Changelog and the new documentation that's starting to pop up, 
like the clustering doc, The start to
the GUI tools tutorial, the start to the Filter tutorial, The CMP Primer (not on the 
site yet, but available at (yeah, Ernst is writing 
some documentation for Orion
"officially" now)) and a few other docs that are in the later stages of production.

Eventually we will get there.

Karl Avedal

Re: Deployment confusions

2000-09-08 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Will,

 I don't know what "a command-line method to invoke a EJB client(s)."
 is either.  If you are making a client.jar then it is up to you to
 make it an executable jar via the manifest Main-Class: attribute.

Just to add, there's also the "applicationlauncher.jar" that allows you to run
an application-client that's located on a remote server.

Karl Avedal

Re: Device dependent xsl translation recommendation

2000-09-08 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello James,

Sounds cool, and probably many people would be interested in this. Do you mind if we
make it linked from an FAQ entry and give you the credits for it? (you can answer in
private rather than to the list).

Karl Avedal


 After posting the original message this morning, I went to work putting
 together a custom tag to do what I suggested this morning.
 A zip file containing all the source, and instructions is attached to this
 email. Please feel free to use it.  If you run into any problems, let me

 (See attached file:

 James Birchfield

 a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
 5 Corporate Center
 9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
 Suite 2000
 Louisville, KY 40223

Re: Loadbalancer.jar HOWTO?

2000-09-06 Thread Karl Avedal


I'm currently preparing this. The whole clustering document was delayed
to include the new load balancer but it will be available shortly.

Karl Avedal

Jason von Nieda wrote:

 I would also love to know at least SOMETHING about this. It sounds
 like somethingI could really use but I have been trying to get it do
 something for a few days to noavail.

  - Original Message -
  From: Jen Hsien Huang
  To: Orion-Interest
  Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 10:40 PM
  Subject: Loadbalancer.jar HOWTO?
   How to use the loadbalancer.jar , I can't find any document
  about it.Can anybody explain how to use it in
  Jen Hsien Huang

Re: Japanese display

2000-09-06 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jonathan,

Can you send us a kanji-JSP that we can try with? Also, what version are you
using? There have been a few i18n fixes recently.

Karl Avedal

Jonathan Scott wrote:

 When I save a .jsp file in x-sjis format for Japanese kanji, and then access
 it through Orion, it comes out all wrong. For those of you without the
 Japanese fonts, it might look something like my signature. I have put into
 the orion-web.xml file


 And it still doesnt work. I checked the browser's encoding, and it is
 correct. When I access html files in the same way, nothing bad happens.

 Any suggestions?
 Jonathan Scott

 $B%$%(%k%M%C%H3t02qR(B $B%7%9%F%`%0%k!%W(B

 $BEl5~ET=BC+6h=BC+(B2-2-10 $B@D;3(BHA$B%S%k(B4F

Re: need help getting orion working with cyrillic

2000-09-04 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Stanislav,

Have you tried the latest 1.2.9? A few i18n fixes has been done recently.

Karl Avedal

Stanislav Maximov wrote:


 I've got this problem here:
 I'm having a database with data stored using cyrillic encoding
 "windows-1251", Orion shows the data fine if in global-web-application.xml
 there is a setting - default-charset="windows-1251". But when I submit the
 windows-1251 text into the form, it appears as something like this: "
 If I remove default-charset setting from global-web-application.xml, the
 submit data appears okay, but the data from the database being shown
 Is there some workaround for this?

 Need the urgent help with this. Thanks in advance!


Re: Is this list moderated?

2000-09-04 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Ismael,

No. In fact, I searched my orion-interest folder and found 10 mails from
you (including this one) that I've gotten on the list over the last week,
so they seem to have gotten there.

Karl Avedal

Ismael Blesa Part wrote:

 I have written several mails and not all of them has been sent on the
 list. Is this list moderated by someone?

Re: Orion 1.2.7 download broken

2000-08-31 Thread Karl Avedal


Yeah, there was a problem for some time.

Karl Avedal

Ted Neward wrote:

 I just did, off the very URL you gave in the message. No problems.

 Ted Neward
 Java Instructor, DevelopMentor (

 - Original Message -
 From: "Michael Mok" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 6:32 PM
 Subject: Orion 1.2.7 download broken

  I tried to download Orion 1.2.7 from .
  However the server reported that there is no such file.
  Anyone managed to download 1.2.7?
  Michael Mok

Re: Problem using admin.jar

2000-08-26 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Santosh,

I know others have answered, but I'd like to clarify somewhat why the error
message says. StreamCorruptedException means that the data gotten back from
the server isn't consitent with what can be expected, or like the docs say
it: "Thrown when control information that was read from an object stream
violates internal consistency checks"

Which usually means that what you connect to is not using the same protocol.
The admin tools connect with ormi (as the URL implies), and if the responding
end (port 9000 in your example) is not talking ormi, but for example http,
you get that error.

Karl Avedal

Santosh S wrote:


   What could be the cause for this error:

 java -jar admin.jar ormi:// admin 123 -shutdown

 Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: Caught EOFException while reading the
 stream header; nested exception is: Caught EOFException while reading the
 stream header

 Env: WinNT4 SP6,JDK1.2.2,Orion 1.0.3

 santosh s:)

Re: Strange exception related to console output

2000-08-23 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jens,

Yeah, sounds like "funny" behaviour. Do you have something that reproduces this
behaviour that we can look at?

Karl Avedal

Jens Stutte wrote:


 i recieve a strange exception on the client side with my standalone client
 accessing some session bean in orion 1.2.0 (and i tried to copy back
 orion.jar v1.1.37, but the error remains - maybe in some other changed jar,
 i did not backup?):

 com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Disconnected: Connection reset
 by peer: JVM_recv in socket input stream read

 No stacktrace, the server itself just terminates (sic!) without any
 exception nor on stdout/err neither in the logfiles. This seems to be
 related to output on stdout made by my beans; if i disable the output, it
 works. It's a big problem, because without having the possibility to write
 to stdout, debuggin' ain't easy...


 Jens Stutte


 NetMedia GmbH
 Neugrabenweg 5-7
 66123 Saarbruecken

 fon: +49 (0) 681 - 3 79 88 - 0
 fax: +49 (0) 681 - 3 79 88 - 99

Re: database-schema.dtd (was: Can)

2000-08-23 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jennifer,

That particular dtd has been misspelled, it should read

Note however that the dtd:s are also included in orion.jar, so that Orion can
load them locally rather than from the net when using them.

Karl Avedal

Jennifer Kew wrote:

 Hi there,

 Can anyone tell me where to get "database-schemes.dtd"? According to .xml
 files at $orion_home/config/database-schemas/, it should locate at
 "", but I could not find
 the file at this url.


 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: load-on-startup moving around and breaking things

2000-08-23 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Duane,

Please send suspected bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED], it's much safer than hoping
that someone will pick it up and forward it. I'll forward this one.
Orion-interest is for public community discussions, so all of us don't read
every mail sent to the list.

Karl Avedal

Duane Fields wrote:

 Ok, in my expanded war's web.xml I have...


 which works great, as expected. However, when I startup orion, it changes it


 It moves the load-on-startup around then when I try to start orion the
 next time, with validatexml on, I get

 Auto-deploying /usr/local/orion/default-web-app...
 Error initializing site Default Orion WebSite: Error loading web-app
 'mc-public' at /home/dfields/dev/splashdown/src/mc/mc-public: Error parsing
 WEB-INF/web.xml in /home/dfields/dev/splashdown/src/mc/mc-public: Error at
 line 12: Element "servlet" does not allow "init-param" here.

 Which seems to indicate that the load-on-startup must be first, which of
 course isn't true

 Duane Fields
 Managing Engineer, Web Development
 (512) 744-1012

Re: ejb.deployment.ContainerManagedField ERROR, PLEASE HELP

2000-08-23 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Mathias,

If you want the Orion team to check it out, please mail us (you can
still mail the list too to get help from the community), but there are
so many mails to the list that all developers won't read them all, so
please mail to the correct address (support@ for support, bugs@ for
suspected bugs).

But since I'm mailing, do you have any code that shows the problem that
we can see? If you do, we can probably find the error pretty soon.

Karl Avedal

mathias bogaert wrote:

 I have a rather strange problem with my CMP beans. The
 deployment descriptor is absolutely correct, all my
 beans have correct home interfaces, client interfaces,
 create() methods and finder hints. Everything checks
 out correctly, but we still get this error (very
 quickly after orion startup):

 at com.evermind.server.ejb.database.en.aa8(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.ff.adr(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.e9.adr(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.e9.p1(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.ff.p1(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.ejb.EJBContainer.b0(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.Application.b0(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.Application.f8(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.o2(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.alv(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.f8(JAX)
 at Source)

 I already spent 6 hours trying to figure this one out.
 I use Java SDK1.3, Jikes, J2EE 1.21 and Orion 1.2.0
 (same problem with 1.1.37 and 1.0.3b).
 Mathias Bogaert

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: Help - SSL Usage in Production - is it really possbile?

2000-08-23 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Mike,

We're currently making sure that Thawte will have an Orion option for the purchase
to make it easier to get a cert (and we'll work with Verisign too).

We are also creating a guide to show how you can get a 128 bit or 40 bit production

Karl Avedal

Mike Clark wrote:

 Unfortunately, that cert is no longer available from Thawte.  We're still out of
 business with Orion using a production SSL certificate.

 What gives?


 Mattias Arbin wrote:

  I have Orion running with a "real" 40-bit cert from Thawte.
  I guess it does not matter which web-server you say you have. Probably it is
  for statistics. (I chose Java Webserver).
  You will be able to choose from a number of different formats when you
  download the cert.
  Here I chose "PKCS #7 Certificate Chain". Make sure that you save it in a
  file that ends with a new line before importing it to the keystore.
  Good luck.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Mike Fontenot" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 10:50 PM
  Subject: Help - SSL Usage in Production - is it really possbile?
   orion users,
   I've been using the test certificate from Thawte, as both the orion docs.
   and the OrionSupport suggested. That has been working fine. However, I am
   now ready to move to production with our e-commerce system and I have run
   into some major snags that leads me to think NO one is using Orion in a
   production SSL environment.
   After going through the Thawte process for getting a server cert, the
   your web server' does not list Orion. After talking with Thawte support
   suggested picking 'Apache SSL' as a choice. Ok, that seems fine to me.
   However, they also said I would need to pick the certificate type: x509v3.
   Since I've been using the 'SSL Chained CA Cert' for development, I wanted
   try this out with a development cert to be sure it would work. I tried
   using a X509v3 development cert but it will not work. Again, after getting
   back in touch with Thawte support regarding X509v3 not working, I said I
   will need to just use the 'SSL Chained CA Cert'.  They then informed me
   they no longer sell this type of certificate, and that I must go to
   to obtain this type of certificate. Well, my first question to Thawte was
   'If you dont sell this type of certificate, why is it available on your
   developers cert pages?' Answer from Thawte: 'Yeah, I've been meaning to
   to our developers to take that off the website.'.
   Guess how much hair I've lost so far!?  Now I am in the 'process' of
   a certificate from Verisign. Of course they do not have 'Orion Server'
   listed in their pick list of valid webservers. Since I just started this
   process today I really dont know if they can/cannot support the type of
   certificate I will need to work with Orion.
   I'll be the first to admit I'm not real familiar with the Java 1.3
   and different certificate meanings. But, if anyone has really obtained a
   valid production level SSL certificate, from any Certificate Authority,
   successfully integrated this with Orion, please let me/us know how this
   accomplished. The only docs I've see are related to development certs, and
   as I stated earlier, I've got this working fine. I now need to graduate to
   real e-commerce transactions. Please dont make me go back to Apache/JRun,
   feel Orion is so much better but this is a real show-stopper. I have
   through the orion mail archives and it seems all discussions are related
   trying to get the developer certs to work, not production certs.
   Thanks in advance,
   Mike Fontenot - Object Systems Architect
   BrandMatrix, Ltd.
   Golden, Colorado

 //  Mike Clark
 //  Clarkware Consulting
 //  Enterprise Java Architecture, Design, Development
 //  +1.720.851.2014

Re: Console bug report

2000-08-22 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Hani,

please file bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

However, the console provided with 1.2 is an alpha version, which means
it's not quite finished, which means there are things that are simply
not implemented yet, so if you can hold off your bug reports for a while
until it's supposed to work... :)

About Open Source, I'll check out how integrated the console is with
other things and how much effort would have to go into open-sourcing it,
however I can't promise anything.

Karl Avedal

Hani Suleiman wrote:

 Bugreport: I keep getting this error when trying to execute any sql
 from within the orion console:

 Exception occurred during event dispatching:
 at com.evermind.gui.jdbc.RowSetTableModel.arz(JAX)
 at com.evermind.gui.server.DataSourcePanel.are(JAX)
 at com.evermind.gui.server.DataSourcePanel.ard(JAX)
 (rest of stack trace snipped, it's just swing/AWT stuff)

 Now, if the tools were open source, I'd be submitting a patch instead
 of a bugreport!

 I agree with the idea of getting credited in a readme/about box, being
 associated with the development of such a fine app server would be a
 pretty big incentive (for me anyways).

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kevin
  Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 4:02 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Cc: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Documentation initiative
  Hi Karl,
   I will try to make a list of areas where it would be easy
  to contribute in
   documentation and in source code and get back to this. Of course
   we are not
   expecting you to get nothing out of this yourself if you
   contribute, so there
   should be some kind of reward connected to contributing. Any

Re: Size of the jar needed on the client side

2000-08-22 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Frank,

We are making a small client.jar that contains what you need on the client, but
right now there's some trouble with it. If you really want it, mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] about your requirements.

Karl Avedal

Frank Eggink wrote:


 It occures odd to me that I seem to need the mail.jar and the jdbc.jar file
 on the client side when running EJBs remotely. Does anyone have some
 experience with that?

 I'm also wondering how small you can make orion.jar. What classes can you
 strip from the jar?

 With JRun it looks like you can reduce the amount of jars you need to
 download to your browser. I'm wondering to what extend I can reduce the
 amount bytes Orion needs to transfer from the server to the client.


Re: request dispatcher problems under load !?!

2000-08-22 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Bradley,

Can you reproduce this and set us up with an .ear that shows the same

If it is an Orion bug it's very serious and we want to be able to fix it
right away, that's not something that should be able to happen :)

Also, in the future, if you send suspected bugs to bugs@ that helps us
to solve the problem quicker, since this list is a rather high-traffic
one and some of us don't read every mail on the list (it's meant for the

Karl Avedal

bradley mclain wrote:

 hi all,

 we were stress testing our app today with real users
 and found that at high loads some users were winding
 up with others' session info.  as we autopopulated
 text controls with previously entered information,
 some users found that info entered by others on other
 client machines was popping into their screens.  has
 anyone else seen anything like this before?

 the stress on the server was particularly heavy as we
 were running a trace logger at the time, which of
 course involved serious i/o pressure, so this wasn't
 in response to particular user load (about 10 people
 executing fairly involved searches).  as soon as we
 shut down the trace function, the problem disappeared,
 but we're worried that once we get 100-200 people at
 once onto this app that we'll have problems again.

 we thought that perhaps request dispatcher might be
 the root of the problem.  does anyone know if it is
 supposed to be thread safe?

 any other ideas?

 we're running orion 1.1.37 on redhat linux, using the
 blackdown 1.2.2-RC4 jdk/jre.

 bradley mclain

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Re: POLL: what are you missing in apache-like functionality?

2000-08-20 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jeroen

"J.T. Wenting" wrote:

 I think such request merely indicate the need for more complete
 documentation. Documentation (and you are doing a good job, but it should
 not be needed, Evermind should do it for us)

Yes, as I've said many times before, we are working on documentation but
things are not always going as fast as we would want them to. J2EE and
Orion is a vast area to cover and things are changing so rapidly that
documentation needs to be updated extremely often. However, we are
putting out more docs and will continue to do so, in a pace that will be

 is the greatest weakness Orion
 has (not counting the bugs Swing causes in the tools, these are generic to
 Java applications using Swing).
 I like Orion, but without docs, I could never sell people on it (the people
 who need to set up and maintain it are not programmers, they are Unix and NT

Yes, and we have focused a lot on this for Orion 1.2 with the graphical
management console. However, it's more of a preview and it will improve
much in the coming versions. Of course graphical tools can never be a
replacement for quality documentation though, but you should definately
not have to be a programmer or a Unix or NT admin to install or maintain

Also, I think you are being somewhat harsh in saying "without docs",
considering that there is a fair bit of documentation available. For
example our taglib tutorial has become the default tag library tutorial
for many people and you will find that for example Sun is linking to it
from their site for people who want to learn them. But yes, the
documentation isn't as complete as we would like and we'll continue to
work on this until it is. If anyone wants a job as a technical writer,
we are accepting applications, there is a lot of work to be done :)

 And at the price, it is difficult to get management people
 convinced anyway (the expensive == good syndrome is very strong here).

Of course we don't know all about this, but the expensive == good
syndrome does not seem to be a problem for sales at all. People are
getting more used to cheap or even free software every day and even
though we still see people thinking like that, we are certain that it is
a smaller problem than most people realize. Not a lot of people will
suggest that Solaris 8 isn't a viable operating system anymore just
because you can get it from Sun for the cost of media + shipping. More
and more people start to realize that software isn't like other

For a software purchase, you don't mainly pay for costs related to your
license, but to the research, development and marketing behind the
product. So if a company sells 10 licenses at $2,000, that's not much
worse than selling 1 at $20,000 (of course it's worse, but not much).
Whether you sell 10 cars for $2,000 or 1 car for $20,000 however is a
huge difference, since 1 car may cost $15,000 to manufacture. Because of
this, there's no reason why quality of a software product (unlike a car)
affects the price of the product. What does affect the price most is
where the companies think the optimal price lies to maximize the
revenue. We are certain that there will be a continued and increased
pressure on the larger vendors to lower prices and this will be good for
the whole J2EE industry.

Karl Avedal

Re: Help: Mapping roles to users.

2000-08-18 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Dave and others,

we'll post some better explanation on this soon, but until then, have
you gotten the ATM to work with the user management? It is a good
example of using roles and users in Orion

Karl Avedal

Dave Smith wrote:

 This has been a long running problem that I never received an answer
 to, despite much discussion on this list.

 wim veninga wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have created an  set of Enterprise beans and in the assembly
 descriptor I have
 defined a set of roles that have some permissions to run methods (
 in ejb-jar.xml).
 When I deploy the application and the modify orion-ejb-jar.xml to
 map the
 roles to different groups in the assembly descriptor and than
 re-start or re-deploy the application (using orionconsole.jar) orion
 overwrites the changes I've made in
 orion-ejb-jar.xml (see below for the deployment descriptors
 ejb-jar.xml, orion-ejb-jar.xml and orion-ejb-jar.xml after

 Has anybody done this in orion (with ejb 2.0 on orion 1.2.0) ? If so
 can you sent me the deployment descriptors ?

 Have I made an error ? (The groups are defined in principals.xml and
 the role-mappings aren't being overwritten in

 Does the default-method-acces tag in orion-ejb-jar.xml means that
 all the methods that aren't tied to a method permission in
 ejb-jar.xml can
 be called by the group/user and that all the methods that are can't
 be called ?

 Thanks  in advance,
 Wim Veninga

 In ejb-jar.xml:
 ?xml version="1.0"?
 !DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise
 JavaBeans 1.1//EN" ""


  descriptionThe deployment descriptor for the com.fnv.kozijncalc









 !-- Security roles --


 !-- The method permissions that the different roles have to call
 methods --

 !-- The method permissions for the werkvoorbereiding role,
 currently not any methods--
 !-- The calculator method permissions --

 descriptionThe permissions of the calculator

descriptionThe permissions for the klant entity bean
descriptionA permission for the klant entity bean
descriptionA permission for the klant entity bean

Re: Orion crashes on Solaris

2000-08-16 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Egor,

That is a bug in your Solaris JDK. I note that you are using a rather
old JDK, upgrade to the latest version and try again to see if it helps.

Karl Avedal

Savotchkin Egor wrote:

 Hi all!Has anyone experienced problems with Orion on Solaris?
 Sometimes Orion server crashes writing the following in the server
 console "SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation si_signo [11]: SIGSEGV 11*
 segmentation violation " and "SIGBUS 10* bus error si_signo [10]:
 SIGBUS 10* bus error ". I am using sun jdk 1.2.1 build
 Solaris_JDK_1_2_1_04c and Orion version 1.1.37? Egor Savotchkin.

Re: please please please include change list with new releases

2000-08-16 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Ari,

All I can say is that I couldn't agree more, we really need that and I'm
internally pushing developers to write good notes meant for users, for
every change they make :)

Hopefully it will help. However, changes.txt will be updated to 1.2 when
it's released (it's just experimental so far).

Karl Avedal

Ari Halberstadt wrote:

 I have no idea what has been changed in each version. Does version X fix some
 bug? What are the new features I can use? Anything cool and fun to play with?
 The changes.txt file included with v1.2.0 only goes up to v1.1.16, which is
 woefully out of date. Configuration management and bug tracking software can be
 used to automatically generate complete release notes, or you could have your
 engineers keep notes and include them with the distribution.

Re: Different data-sources for different applications?

2000-08-16 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Anders,

I see you've gotten good answers already, just wanted to point that if you want
to use different defaults per application rather than per ejb, you can set the
default-data-source attribute in the orion-application.xml file.

Karl Avedal

Anders Bengtsson wrote:

 Rick Bos wrote:
  You can modify this in orion-ejb-jar.xml.
  This file is found in orion/application-deployments/your-app/ejb
  You can copy this file to /ear/ejb/orion/orion-ejb-jar.xml and modify it
  ( where ear is your development directory and ejb is your Enterprise Java
  Bean directory).
  Hope this helps.

 Thanks, that will solve most of my problems!

 The remaining problem is that this would require a different .ear file
 for each deployment. I'm trying to deploy the same application many
 times on the same Orion, with different databases, to separate our
 different customers.
 Ideally it would be possible to change the data-source in some
 deployment config outside of the .ear. But I guess I can simply solve
 this by writing some small script to modify the .ear for each


Re: 1.20 Changelog

2000-08-14 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Joe,

When we release 1.2 as a "stable" (which is a few days away, if we don't
find any serious errors that we can't fix immediately) we'll announce it
and describe the main changes as well as update the documentation. Feel
free to test it until then :)

Karl Avedal

Joe Walnes wrote:

 Can we have and update on the changes please?

 -Joe Walnes

Re: EJB 2.0

2000-08-14 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jim,

Yeah, that's a safe assumption. More details will follow with the "official"
release of it. It still does not support the EJB-QL though.

Karl Avedal

Jim Archer wrote:

 Its safe ti assume, then, that the 1.2.0 binary posted for DL on the web
 site has some 2.0 draft spec support?

 --On Monday, August 14, 2000 6:31 AM -0400 "Joseph B. Ottinger"

  The dev versions (1.1.37+ at the very least) have early EJB 2.0, although
  not EQL.
  On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, NomadIQ wrote:
  Does Orion group planning to support EJB2.0 specs,If yes when it will be
  ? Thank you,
  Elena Neroslavskaya   Senior Software Developer
  NomadIQ   Malcha Technology Park
Jerusalem 91489,POB 45
  Fax:  972-2-6490701
  Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  HOMES.COM Developer

Re: A very interesting problem with JSP's and Finland

2000-08-10 Thread Karl Avedal


Yeah, JAX is generating some classes with "evil" names, we're fixing that.

Karl Avedal

"Joseph B. Ottinger" wrote:

 On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Aleksi Kallio wrote:

  There is a very funny bug in Orion. I think it is in JSPservlet, because it 
appears only when compiling jsp pages. I have the package fi.infomates in import 
clause, which leads to the following error:
  Ambigious name:
  fi is both a class and a package
  After a long search I succeeded to locate the problem to orion.jar, to 
  Is it that we Finnish developers aren't allowed to use JSP? :)

 Yeah, those swedes have it in for you! :)

 Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  HOMES.COM Developer

Re: EJB client on Solaris.

2000-08-08 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Rick,

You are using code from the J2EE RI it seems (*
classes). Get rid of j2ee.jar or any other J2EE RI jars. Orion is not the one
complaing, but the J2EE RI ORB.

Karl Avedal

Rick Bos wrote:

 When I try to run a simple console client application accessing an
 I get this error :

 ERROR! Shared library ioser12 could not be found.
 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
 at javax.rmi.CORBA.Util.loadClass(
 at Unloaded Method
 at Unloaded Method
 at ApplicantClient.init(
 at ApplicantClient.main(

 This is my file:


 I tried putting in my PATH, but this did not work.
 I have orion.jar and j2ee.jar in my CLASSPATH.

 I am using JDK1.2.2.



2000-07-31 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello David

David Sierra Fernandez wrote:

 Anyone has used the ejbmaker graphical tool???

 I think it is used to map a entity bean to a table in a DB or to generate
 the code of a entity bean but i'm not sure???

It is used to generate Entity Beans quickly, there is a tutorial about it at


 Where are the promissed improvements in doc??
 Are you on holidays??

We are constantly working on improving documentation, and there is a new
batch coming out in a few weeks, but as I am sure you understand, it is not
our only priority. We are still behind on the support side so documentation
time has sometimes become support time, and our new support system has been

But we will get there :)

Karl Avedal

Re: Problem unsubscribing

2000-07-22 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello (cross-posting to Orion-interest in case there's any people with the same
problem left),

What problem did you have with unsubscribing? I ask, because I just unsubscribed
all 3 of you successfully, using the online form. However I didn't get the
correct message after unsubscribing you, but I checked the database and you were
gone. If you can give me the details on what happened when you tried to
unsubscribe, it would help. (Answer to me, not to the whole list, please)

Karl Avedal

Chandrakanth Rao wrote:

 u r right. i am also trying to unsubscribe form this mailing list from quite
 a long time. so please the maillist admin please solve the problem.

 From: "zhora" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Problem unsubscribing
 Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 13:17:01 -0700

 I find it impossible to unsubscribe from this mailing list.  This function
 doesn't seem to work.
 Can maillist administrator unsubscribe me, please

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Re: Is Anybody In Sales?

2000-07-21 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello dlp,

I saw your mail to info@ but I didn't forward it to sales since it seemed like you
wanted a more far reaching agreement than just buying a license. I'm forwarding
this mail to sales now, so you'll hear from them.

I will also contact you about the more far reaching agreement.

Karl Avedal


 I've contacted Orion sales twice and received no response of any sort. We would
 very much like to purchase the product as well as refer other customers but
 nobody responds to requests sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Anybody else had any luck?

Re: Orion price

2000-07-21 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Rob,

The price is definately not per year.

The license agreement says as it does because you only get free upgrades
for on year. However you may continue using what you have bought forver
and ever.

I'll check out the agreement to see if the text is implying something
else, and if it does, we'll change it, we never meant it to be per year.

Karl Avedal

Rob Lapensee wrote:

 Does everyone realize that the Orion price is per year?
 (or it seems so from the license agreement).


 Rob Lapensee
 Director of Technology
 Delfour Corporation

Re: Orion price

2000-07-21 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello again,

As a follow-up. I think the text wasn't really right on this, so we'll
change it. Sorry if it scared you...

Karl Avedal

Karl Avedal wrote:

 Hello Rob,

 The price is definately not per year.

 The license agreement says as it does because you only get free upgrades
 for on year. However you may continue using what you have bought forver
 and ever.

 I'll check out the agreement to see if the text is implying something
 else, and if it does, we'll change it, we never meant it to be per year.

 Karl Avedal

 Rob Lapensee wrote:

  Does everyone realize that the Orion price is per year?
  (or it seems so from the license agreement).
  Rob Lapensee
  Director of Technology
  Delfour Corporation

Re: value of default config items.

2000-07-20 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Sumit,

Adding the max-http-connections tag is a way to restrict the number of http
connections. That is, without such a tag, there isn't such a limitation.

Most config tags do not have default values since it doesn't make sense for
them (for example addresses, paths, names). However, there could of course be
cases where tags should have defaults and we've missed it, and we'd be happy
to get feedback on such specific cases.

Karl Avedal

"Nijhawan, Sumit" wrote:

 Does anyone know how to figure out the default value of config items?
 Specifically, I am looking for the default value of the maximum number of
 http connections at a time allowed in Orion.  Does the absence of the
 relevant tag mean an unlimited number of connections.  The documentation
 merely describes the tags in the xml config files but does not always
 mention what the default settings are.



Re: exception error while shutting down the server???

2000-07-17 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Andy,

Are you using any of the lastest releases? 1.0.3b or 1.1.24?

There were a few versions out with a bug related to shutdown, I think that might be
what you're seeing.

Karl Avedal

PS. To get in touch with the Orion team, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Andy Glover wrote:

 Orion team-
 I am seriously evaluating Orion and am rather disappointed that I can't
 shutdown nor can I restart Orion without receiving a ClassNotFound
 exception.  I have Orion running on Win2000 and on RedHat6.2 and have
 experienced the same problem on both.  I have run -install and I have even
 downloaded a newer copy of orion.jar as dictated in previous emails.  While
 I don't mind doing a kill -9 or a ^C in development as
 suggests, I can't seriously recommend Orion as a viable alternative to our
 current environment until this is fixed.  Please fix this or publish a
 solution to quell the non believers!

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Christian Sell
 Sent: Monday, July 17, 2000 2:56 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: exception error while shutting down the server???

 I just posted this to

 which port do I mention to admin.jar (e.g. to shutdown the server)?

 you use the RMI port, which is given in RMI.XML. If you havent changed the
 default (which is 23791, see orion "docs"), you can leave it out, like so:

 java -jar admin.jar ormi://myserver myuser mypassword -shutdown

 -Original Message-
 From: nirav dani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Dienstag, 18. Juli 2000 00:37
 Subject: exception error while shutting down the server???

 my system:
 Linux-mandrake 7.1
 JDK1.3 for linux on usr/local
 Orion 1.0.3 on usr/local

 I am running this command from another "konsole"to
 shutdown the server,
 java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:8080 admin
 password -shutdown

 but it gives me this kind of error:
 Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: EOFException
 while reading the stream header; nested exception is: EOFException

 while reading the stream header;
 javaEOFException while reading the stream header

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Re: R: Error in ejbCreate(): getUserTransaction() returns a null pointer

2000-07-15 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Stefano,

Sounds like a bug... we'll look into it.

Karl Avedal

Stefano Andreani wrote:

  Hello Stefano,
  This is a known bug that's been fixed for a while (assuming it's the
  can you try with the latest version?
  Karl Avedal

 First of all, thanks for your answer. But after downloading and installing
 orion 1.1.24 I solved only partially my problem: in fact now I can invoke
 getUserTransaction() from my Stateless SessionBean without any exception,
 but this method returns a null Object!! So, as I try to invoke a method of
 UserTransaction on my [null] instance, a NullPointerException is thrown.
 My question is: is it possible to use transactions from a Stateless Session
 Bean with Orion? Why do I obtatin a null pointer? (My transactional code
 works in J2EESDK Reference Implementation without any problem).

 Thanks a lot,

  Stefano Andreani wrote:
   My EJB (ServExecEJB) is a Stateless Session Bean. After the execution of
   ServExecEJB.ejbCreate() the following exception is thrown:
   com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Error in ejbCreate(): Only
   beans with user-managed transactions can invoke getUserTransaction()
   In my ejb deployment descriptor I specified
   transaction-typeBean/transaction-type, so I wonder why this
   Thanks to any answer,

Re: data-sources.xml changes in 1.1.24

2000-07-14 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Kirk,

Are you certain Orion didn't ask if you wanted your data-sources.xml to be
overwritten? This happens when the data-source definitions in the distribution has
changed, and it recently has to make Hypersonic SQL be pre-installed with Orion to
make it easier for new users who don't want to start with setting up a db.

The xml configuration files is not something that should be overwritten without
quering the user.

Karl Avedal

KirkYarina wrote:

 The latest autoupdate makes some interesting changes in data-sources.xml,
 removing "Default data-source" -

  name="Default data-source"

 and replacing it with


 changing the name and all the locations.  Does anyone know the reason for this?

 Of course, it broke my BMP test beans, until I re-added the appropriate

 com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: javax.ejb.EJBException:
 looking up dsName 'jdbc/DefaultEJBDS', jdbc/DefaultEJBDS not found
  at com.evermind.server.ejb.EJBUtils.getUserException(JAX, Compiled

 Also, is there any info anywhere on the new GUI tools?


 Kirk Yarina

Re: LDAP based Auth

2000-07-14 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Hanasaki,

Orion uses the UserManager interface for plugging in different persitence
methods for your user information. If you really want to you can make an
LDAPUserManager or similar and let Orion get its user data from there. What
we provide today is an EJBUserManager and a DataSourceUserManager, and these
should also simplify single log on, since other non-Orion applications can
us the same data-source to get the data, but we are of course planning to
make an LDAPUserManager.

Karl Avedal


 Is there a way to use LDAP or a RDMB ie: PAM modules for orion instead
 of principals.xml?

 You guessed it.. SingleSignOn!

Re: WAR Files: ME TOO

2000-07-14 Thread Karl Avedal


You can either look at the "How do I create and deploy a J2EE application?"
entry in the FAQ (it provides two links that explains both .ear and .war

Or you can get a book on the subject, there are now many JSP and Servlet books
(make sure you get one that covers Servlet 2.2 or JSP 1.1 though).

Or you can check out the web application chapter of the Servlet specification,
it's a well written specification.

Or you can try to find it in the Servlet/JSP documentation on the Sun Java site.

Or you can create a new war (or a few of them) using the webappassembler.jar and
see how its structure looks if you like leaning by example. You can also study
the examples that are shipped with Orion

Karl Avedal

Steven Punte wrote:


 I'm looking for the "idiot guide to building war files"

 STeve Punte
 e-Business Software Architect
 Technologent Inc

 - Original Message -
 From: Robert Keith (UK) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 2:13 AM
 Subject: WAR Files

  Hi guys,
  Does anyone know of a decent site that details what should be described in
  the web.xml file, I can't find anything on Sun's site that is of any use,
  and how to go about creating a WAR file.

Re: Class Cast Exception when using development mode and changing source

2000-07-12 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Kevin,

Kevin Duffey wrote:


 I am using the development mode (true) and set up the source directory to
 point to my source. When I save a change, and refresh the page, I am always
 getting a Class Cast Exception error. I store a bean called HtmlBean as
 application scope. In the .java generated, I see that the
 syncronized(application) {  } code is where the exception is occuring. It
 looks something like this: htmlBean;
   htmlBean = ("htmlBean");
   if(htmlBean == null)
 htmlBean = new;
 application.setAttribute("htmlBean", htmlBean);

Note that you're storing the bean as an application scope variable. This means
that the bean scope is tied to lifetime of your web-application, not the
session. In your case, as the class is modified you will still have the "old"
bean stored in the ServletContext and you try to cast it to the "new" bean.
Normally Orion should restart the web-application in such a case and serialize
the application scope contents across the restart (but of course, if your bean
isn't serializable with a serialVersionUID set, the values will be lost between
restarts, as usual).

We will look into if this is due to something wrong in Orion's behaviour or if
it can be something else. Possibly the old application hasn't died and
serialized the application contents.

Karl Avedal

Re: What's going on with Evermind?

2000-07-12 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Tom,

Tom Wnuk wrote:


 What's going on with Evermind?

 I've sent messages to this list, sales, info, and support about different
 issues and no one has responded.  I thought I remember someone saying that
 they were overwhelmed since returning from JavaOne and that the support
 situation would be resolved this week.

 I haven't seen it, if anything it's gotten much worse and there's been
 nothing but silence from the Orion team.  If we knew what was happening it
 would minimize the frustration levels.  I'm going to be hard pressed to
 recommend this product for production use given the type of support I've
 gotten over the past few days -- none!

We have received one mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from you 6 hours ago, and
we can not guarantee answers to your support questions that fast (and I doubt
others do this for non-paying users as well).

As I pointed out last week, we do have to prioritze customer support right now,
and other queries may not get answered the same day.

I know you have also mailed me in person earlier (yesterday), but as I'm sure
you understand, that's not a good place to mail if you want support in
reasonable time, since I'm flooded with mail and can't possibly respond to all
mails sent to me in person. I try to forward mails to support@ at times, but
don't bet on it. You've also mailed orion-interest etc. but that is not a good
bet for fast support either. We do scan it, but we don't read it every hour and
as I've said before, the point of it is for Orion developers to discuss among
each other. For support, it's not the right place.

Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we will answer you as soon as possible. But
again, for non-paying customers we do not guarantee any support, but in general
we do want to answer all questions within a few days.

Also, we do have better support resources now than just a week ago and I do
believe we have started to cut down on the response time in the general case,
but of course it'll still take some time before it's perfect. Also, the new
support system is not put into production yet, but that will help a lot.

Karl Avedal

Re: SSL - 100% CPU

2000-07-05 Thread Karl Avedal


Yes, we have found a bug related to the 100 % CPU thing. It seems that when a bad 
was used, IOException's get thrown in the ServerSocket accept() call immediately, 
which is
not the usual behaviour of a ServerSocket. We are now taking care of that problem in a 
way, and hopefully you should not get that behaviour in 1.1.9 which is available.

If you do, please let us know.

Karl Avedal

Klaus Thiele wrote:

 Hi Mattias,

  Have you found any solution to the SSL problem? I have tried for days now
  without success.

 me too :(
 i've read your posting and i tried your steps without success.

  step1.bat:keytool -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -alias testalias -keystore mykeystore 
  "cn=My Name, ou=MyCompany, o=MyCompany, c=SE" -storepass 123456 -keypass
  654321 -validity 360

 how did you do that?
 my keytool does not accept this parameters. i have to remove -alias, -storepass, 
 and -validity from the commandline and then it works!?!

 step2.bat: i got following error
  keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to establish chain from reply
 after removing the initial keystore the import works!?!

  Output when running the scripts:
 same as yours.

 == https://my_ip_addr
 == SSL - 100% CPU :((

 i tried with WinNT and Linux, jdk 1.2.2, 1.3 and IBM-jdk1.3
 all the same result.

 perhaps anyone from the orion-team looks for this bug(?)
 this is one of the last "kock-out" points which must be cleared
 before we will purchase orion.


 Klaus Thiele - Personal  Informatik AG

  "There's got to be more to life than compile-and-go."

Re: UserTransaction.

2000-07-05 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Rui,

Currently we do not support getting a UserTransaction reference from an
application client (the specification does not say that clients should have
access to it). We will probably implement it in a future release, but it will
then be Orion specific and not portable to every J2EE server. Also, it's usually
not a good choice to do transaction demarcation on the client.

I would recommend doing the transaction demarcation from a session bean. If you
want to, you can see the session bean as a part of your client logically, just
that it's residing on the server, and you can probably put the kind of logic you
want client transaction demarcation for in the session bean (but since I don't
know exactly what you're using it for, I can't say for sure...)

Karl Avedal

Rui Gil wrote:

 Hi !

 I'm trying to use an UserTransaction in a client code.
 None of the usuals JNDI names work, like,
 UserTransaction utx =

 What is the default JNDI name where the UserTransaction is bound for clients
 Do I have to include it as a resource in my application-client.xml to bind
 it to JNDI ?
 And how do I configure this ?

 thx for the help.

 Rui Gil

Re: Does the EBB-JAR Class-Path manifest attribute ?

2000-07-05 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jeff,

Can you please send details that will help us reproduce this?

Did it give any stack trace?

How do your classes interdepend?

please send this info to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you can.

Of course it would help us very much if you could just send the ear, but we
understand if you can't.

Karl Avedal

Jeff Tuatini wrote:


 Am trying to deploy an EBB which has dependent classes in other jar files;
 these other jar files are specified in the ebb-jar file's Class-Path
 manifest attribute (sec 17.3 of the EJB spec) and deployed in the EAR.

 When loading the ejb-jar I get a java.lang.ClassCircularityError exception.
 This does not occur if I stick the dependent jar on the system class path,
 or as an installed extension, or unzip the contents and deploy inside the

 Has anyone tried deploying dependent jars which are specified in the ejb-jar
 Class-Path manifest? If so, any success? Or is this a known bug in the EJB
 class loader?

 Cheers, Jeff

Re: UserTransaction.

2000-07-05 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Rui,

Ok, since you want it, we'll implement it. It's put up as a feature request, so
expect it in about a week.

Rui Gil wrote:

 Hi Karl,

 Well, you're right, as far as I know the specification doesn't say
 that this should be implemented, but it doesn't say the opposite
 either... and this is a common feature around J2EE servers. So I
 really hope that the Orion team implement this one quickly...

 I don't understand why the implementation is not going to be portable,
 aren't we talking about standard interfaces here ?

It will not be portable since it's outside the specification of the platform.
You're looking somethign up from the environment that the specification isn't
saying will be there. That's like relying on System properties that might be
there on some platforms, but not on some. You are using a standard interface to
access the systerm properties, but they will not always be there.

This means that your application will not be "pure J2EE" and work on every J2EE
server, but as long as you're ok with that, it's no problem, except for the
usual problems of transaction demarcation from the client (network latency
making the transactions long, and with many clients, you could get many long
transactions going...)

Moving your transaction demarcation across the network to the session beans on
the server will usually help your application to perform better.

Karl Avedal

Re: EntityContext Environment

2000-07-05 Thread Karl Avedal



InitialContext ic2 = (InitialContext)ic1.lookup("java:comp/env");


Context context = (Context) ic1.lookup("java:comp/env");

and you shouldn't get the error.

InitialContext is the starting context, not all contexts are InitialContexts, that's
why you get a ClassCastException.

Karl Avedal


 I am trying to get the EntityContext's environment .  Since Sun deprecated the
 getEnvironment() method.  I have to use the JNDI interface.

 My code looks like this:

 try {
  InitialContext ic1 = new InitialContext();
  InitialContext ic2 = (InitialContext)ic1.lookup("java:comp/env");
  Hashtable env = ic2.getEnvironment();
  Enumeration keys = env.keys();

  while(keys.hasMoreElements()) {
   Object key = keys.nextElement();
   Object value = env.get(key);
   System.err.println(key.toString() + " = " + value.toString());

 } catch (Exception e) {

 My problem is that I am getting an Exception

 java.lang.ClassCastException: com.evermind.util.r

 on the line:

 InitialContext ic2 = (InitialContext)ic1.lookup("java:comp/env");

 I looked in the orion.jar file and that file is there.  Not sure what to make of
 this.  Does anybody have any idea what is going on??

Re: HELP: Reoccurring ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Orion

2000-07-05 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Tom,

There's an application log file written for every application. You can
find it in application-deployments/myapplication/application.log (or
similar depending on if you use another deployment dir and depending on
your application name...)

With the graphical console that is days away from a preview you'll
easily see exactly what is loaded into the server, so if you can just
wait a few more days...

Karl Avedal

Tom Wnuk wrote:

 I was just getting a similar error but it was due to an existing jsp
 page that was using a tag incorrectly.  In my case they we're using
 %@ some java code % which Orion didn't like and it threw an
 out-of-bounds exception on a String. There's probably an JSP syntax
 error somewhere in your code.Note to Orion developers:One thing that
 would be more helpful, trace messages in the console window or even to
 a log file.  Sometimes you'll get an error w/o a stack trace and all
 you get is an 'unable to display the page' message, not very
 helpful.   How about msgs upon startup so we can determine what's been
 loaded or not, etc..Does anyone know if tracing exists in Orion and if
 so, how do you turn it on?Tom

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
  Steven Punte
  Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 10:42 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: HELP: Reoccurring ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  from Orion

  Dear Orion Interest Group: Has anyone experienced this
  error below?  My team is repeatedlyrunning into this,
  but I cannot create the problem in a deterministic
  manner.  We are using no arrays, so the error is from
  somewhere insideOrion.  Once this error occurs, all JSPs
  on all application becomenon-functinoal. Any help
  appreciated! 7/5/00 10:19 AM ebusinessWebApp: Servlet error
  java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 13274200
  com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.tb(Compiled Code)
  com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(Compiled Code)
  at com.evermind.server.http.df.o3(Compiled Code)
  at com.evermind.server.http.df.forward(Compiled
  at Code)
  at Code)
  at Code)STeve Punte

  e-Business Software Architect
  Technologent Inc

Re: Performance Scalability Concern

2000-07-02 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Tom,

Tom Wnuk wrote:

 I just migrated some ejb's from a Weblogic 5.1 installation to Orion.   The
 version I'm using is whatever was available from the web site about a week
 ago -- orion.jar dated 6-5-2000, v1.xx.

Try the latest one by doing a java -jar autoupdate.jar or get

(XML parser question already answered by Magnus, so I won't repeat)

 2.  Performance significantly slower
 It's not rocket science, but I clocked the elapsed time it takes to complete
 a round trip from a test client.  Using the same code, Orion was at least 2x
 slower than WL 5.1 and did not scale well when more clients were added.
 WL 5.1  Orion 1.x
 One client  .4xx.8xx
 Multiple (3).6xx2.xx

 I could live with 2x slower but when adding more clients it simply gets
 worse, much worse.   For development purposes no problem, not ready for
 production use though.

This is very interesting and not at all like our own testing. If it is ok with
you we would be very interested in trying your code to see what could cause
this. We should normally be much faster than Weblogic so we want to see if
there's something weird happening.

What type of EJBs are you using? Session beans? BMP entities? CMP?

There could of course be some bug in Orion that acts as a bottleneck and if that
is the case we want to get rid of it. I will make some tests on Orion vs.
Weblogic right away to see if there's been some bug inserted in a recent version
that would make it slower than before. I'll get back to you with results on our

Whether the jdbc drivers are causing this is impossible for me to say without

 I'm evaluating Orion, JBoss, and JRun.  I'm leaning towards Orion for many
 reasons that I won't go into here but scalability is a 'big' issue.

Believe me, it's a big issue for us too. We're always aiming to be faster than
anything else and our server is very highly optimized.

If we could get access to your code we would be very pleased, but we understand
that you might not want to give it out. Source would help most, but binaries are
a help too.

Karl Avedal

Re: Orion steeling IP addresses.

2000-06-29 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Patrik,

The problem with this behaviour, is with how the ServerSocket class
handles this. When you want a Java ServerSocket to bind to all IP's, you
use the special IP address. This works fine normally.

However, if there is one IP being used, for example by IIS, the creation
of the ServerSocket will fail, so there's no point in having Orion
running since no ServerSocket is created.

As far as I know (I could be wrong), should actually mean "all
available" IP:s and deal with the situation fine, but obviously it
doesn't in your case. I can't say for sure, but this could be a jvm bug
or something similar.

Now you might say, if fails, you can open 1 ServerSocket per
available IP and not care about the IP:s it can get. Besides the
possible performance issues, the problem with this is how to actually
get a collection of all available IP:s on a box. The obvious way to do
it would be to use

That should return an array of all IP:s, but unfortunately it doesn't on
certain systems. This could be an issue with how these systems resolve

We are looking for a way to solve this, and there might be a way to work
around it in a portable way and if there is, we'll implement it.

If we don't find a work-around we'll mail Sun to ask about it since you
want it. But I have to warn you that this could be outside our control
to get a quick fix.

Karl Avedal

Patrik Andersson wrote:

 I know all that. But that doesn't help that orion won't start if there
 is another webserver that owns an ip address on port 80 that orion
 tries to use. This has to be a bug. I can accept that orion takes all
 available addresses. But it shouldn't try to use other addresses if
 that means that it doesn't start.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Cannon-Brookes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: den 29 juni 2000 16:18
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Orion steeling IP addresses.

 This is defined in your web-site file in the config directory. The
 is IP="ALL" (obviously because Orion doesn't know your IP). Change
 this to
 whatever IP / block of IPs you want.


 Member of The "Unofficial" Friends of Orion Support Team ;)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Patrik
 Sent: Thursday, 29 June 2000 11:54
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Orion steeling IP addresses.

 I've run into something that took a while to solve. Orion steels all
 available ip addresses on port 80 on the machine it's running on. This
 not an acceptable behavior since this machine also hosts other sites
 IIS. We added a site to the IIS on ip:A port 80. At the same time
 orion was
 running another site running on ip:B on port 8000. When I restarted
 orion it
 said something like: HttpServer: address in use: bind. It took a while
 locate the problem I can tell you. Why won't my site work if no other
 is using it's ip address?
 Patrik Andersson

Fix for shutdown issue

2000-06-29 Thread Karl Avedal


Ok, thanks to Magnus the shutdown issue should now be fixed (in 1.1.4),
thank you for all of your reports.

If you do an auto-update now (or download and replace your old
orion.jar) it should work.

This is not yet an official release and we have not run it through our
test suites so be advised, it can contain other new bugs. Until we have
we will not include this jar in the zipped download.

Karl Avedal

Re: Do new updates (1.1.4) include the new EJB 2.0 beta support, etc?

2000-06-29 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Kevin,

Well, inofficially, 1.1.4 does include support for most of the EJB 2.0
OR-mapping and support for message-driven beans as well as certain changes, like
abstract accessor-methods for entity beans.

However, it's very beta and we're developing some examples for it and testing it
internally before officially launching it.

EJB 2.0 requires the container to be fully EJB 1.1 backwards compatible, so you
can rest assure that your EJB 1.1 beans still will work. The server
automatically detects whether it's an EJB 1.1 bean or an EJB 2.0 bean.

This means that we do not need 2 seperate branches, thus not having any problems
of bug-fixes being left out of a certain version.

Karl Avedal

Kevin Duffey wrote:

 I am curious, being that there have been some problems noticed with the 1.0
 release, and fixes are coming out, do these updates also include the latest
 work on say EJB 2.0, and the likes? Or is that a separate "branch" of the
 project slated for say, Orion 2.0?

 The reason I ask is that if the work on EJB 2.0 is being included in the
 latest 1.1.4 update (and later), that might cause some problems with
 backwards EJB 1.1 support. So I am curious if the Orion team is working on a
 separate branch for the EJB 2.0 support (most likely J2EE 1.3 version), and
 the current branch for updates/fixes of Orion 1.0. Lastly..if you are doing
 the two separate branches, do you continually merge the 1.0.+ fixes into the
 2.0 version so that those getting the latest to test out EJB 2.0 (if you are
 even releasing that yet) get the latest fixes in the previous versions.


Re: admin -shutdown

2000-06-28 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Eric,

Eric Richardson wrote:


 We are evaluating orion for an internal app and our overall opinion is
 thumbs up.
 1. it is really j2ee compliant
 2. stable
 3. good performance
 4. not expensive

Thank you!

 If you are using internal or selling there is a risk of course.
 1. small company
 2. not open source-you can't fix problems yourself(not too many
 opensource alternatives)

A brief comment on 2:

There will be very hard to find any full J2EE implementations that are
Open Source, since Sun actually forbids us from publishing the source.
They claim that any J2EE implemetation, even if it's not based on any
Sun source code uses their intellectual property and can only be shipped
to J2EE licensees. Theoretically it could be possible to get it
published under the Sun Community Source Licensing, but that means even
bigger problems.

Karl Avedal

Re: admin -shutdown

2000-06-28 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello David,

David Sierra Fernandez wrote:

 I've tried it and I have always the same result:

 C:\orionjava -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:23791 admin 123 -shutdown
 Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid username/password for default

 What does this funny error mean ??

Hmm, to me that error message seems pretty clear. Are you sure that your admin
password is 123?

What the error message say is that the used credentials were not correct.

 I think that probably today Karl Avedal and Mike are sick, because the
 don't talk clearly to us.

Who is Mike?

No, I can assure you that we are not sick, however we do get up to a hundred mails
every single day...

As of next week, we'll have somewhat more resources and we're constantly looking at
getting more, but the app server market is very "hot" and it's hard to expand as
fast as the interest for Orion is expanding.

As a clarification (I've said this many many times, but I'll try again).

Orion-interest is a public mailing list that we provide for different Orion users
to have a channel to discuss with each other and help each other. It is not a
support channel from us, and although we answer many mails and monitor it, we give
no guarantees that we will read every mail, since the list simply isn't meant for

For support, always mail [EMAIL PROTECTED], for possible bugs, mail

Because of the huge interest in Orion, certain days not even all support@ mails
will get answer, but we have to prioritize and answer the paying customers, but we
do try to answer all support@ mails even if you are not a customer.

Regarding the shutdown issue. We are trying to find out when it happens, because we
have not yet been able to get the same behaviour on our computers, we are using the
admin.jar many times every day on different platforms and it always work, but I'm
sure we'll find it and fix it within 24 hours.

Karl Avedal

 The same happens with fail-over, connection pools and hot deploy

The same thing? Password error?

Karl Avedal

Re: Newbie Question: Permission To Browse Directories? How?

2000-06-26 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Steven,

Ok, we normally don't answer these questions on the community
mailing-list, but since I thought this was a good FAQ I'll answer it and
put it up in the FAQ :) (btw, anyone who has good FAQ's, feel free to
mail them to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Check out the documentation for the Orion web-application descriptor:

Search for directory-browsing

Since it's set in the server-specific deployment files, you can find the
descriptor for the default web-application (the one installed with Orion
out-of-the-box) at

Karl Avedal

Steven Punte wrote:

 Dear Orion Group: I'm brand new to Orion.  Have been using tomcat
 for a longtime, but need something with a bit more commercial
 support. How does one configure Orion so that directories can
 bebrowsed instead of getting the 403 Forbidden error? I know
 it got to be somewhere in all the config files,but I haven't been
 able to find the answer in thedocumentation yet. Thanks In
 Advance  STeve Punte
 e-Business Software Architect
 Technologent Inc

Re: Orion 1.0 : Problem With Access DB (Ultradev Tutorial)...

2000-06-23 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Luis,

My french isn't the best, but if I read that error message right it says
"Optional function/feature not installed/implemented". This could
possibly mean that the JDBC driver (or in this case ODBC driver) does
not support something in the API.

How does your line 7 (and the surrounding lines) in your
/ultradev/extranet_news_b9shawe53j.jsp look?

The stack dump does indicate a problem with setting the timeout, but
find out to make sure exactly what you can't do. The solution depends on

Karl Avedal

Luis Arias wrote:

 Hi, I am getting the following error in orion 1.0 : 19/06/00 09:35
 defaultWebApp: Servlet error
 java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][Pilote ODBC Microsoft
 Access]Fonction optionnelle non installée
  at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(
  at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(
  at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLSetStmtOption(

 (JSP page line 7)
  at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
  at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.tb(JAX)
  at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
  at com.evermind.server.http.df.o3(JAX)
  at com.evermind.server.http.df.forward(JAX)
  at This occurs while using the
 Dreamweaver Ultradev tutorial.  I believe the error has something to
 do with the query timeout.  Is there any way of getting around this ?
 A newer odbc driver ?  An orion parameter ?

Re: java.lang.SecurityException when attempting to run ejb sample app

2000-06-22 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Dan, and others who had the same issue.

It wasn't very obvious that you had to specify your own password to run the
example and we will update the installation text to point this out clearly,

Karl Avedal

 Thanks, David.
 I'll give this a try asap.

 Dan Malks   Enterprise Java Architect
 Sun Java Center 703.208.5794

 On Wed, 21 Jun 2000, David Heffelfinger wrote:

  The file in the directory for the EJBs has the wrong
  password.  I had the same problem and took me a very long time to figure
  out.  Modify on that directory to have the correct password
  and your problem will be fixed.

Karl Avedal

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