Re: [perl #32421] Bug: segfault in imcc parsing bad if statement

2004-11-13 Thread Gopal V

 Segfault in the lexer. Bad.
 349 sprintf(label, %s%d, yytext,
 (gdb) p frames
 $1 = (struct macro_frame_t *) 0x0

I didn't know how or why or what a frame is in this
context which is why this isn't a patch :)

Do you Yahoo!? 
Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. 

Re: Last bits of the basic math semantics

2004-09-01 Thread Gopal V

 fixed sizes of integer, so I'd aim some ops at low-level types of
 known size and leave it at that. 

Quite a while back, I did add a few opcodes for fixed size integer operations 
for Parrot .. But they were added for a totally different HLL :)

 matter what you do with the high bits.  I suppose another way to
 look at it is that they'll just want ops that'll JIT well, which
 usually means to make the ops work on the natural datatype sizes
 of the machine.  But that fights against the fact that most crypto
 algorithms do their commutations based on a known number of bits.

Maybe the dotgnu.ops needs to be renamed as fixedsize.ops and add
a few more fixed size int operations ?. int , uint, long and ulong should
suffice for most crypto folks , but those ops are not JIT'd AFAIK.


Re: The encoding API

2004-08-13 Thread Gopal V
Hi Dan  Michael,

As a guy who speaks a strange language (multi byte chars, multi glyph
chars,  caseless
text and half vowels) , I think you have made it too complicated than
it should be .

 charset end of things, offsets will be in graphemes (or Freds. I
 don't remember what we finally decided to name the things))

Writing a unicode composition and rendering is VERY VERY HARD ...
Find a way to leech that ... (I've tried a pango module for malayalam and
it's really really hard to do).

 When dealing with variable-length encodings, removal of codepoints in
 the middle may make the string shrink, and adding them may make it
 grow. The encoding layer is responsible for managing the underlying
 byte buffer to maintain consistency.

It was soo easy with immutable strings ... I think that is why Java could
implement unicode properly :)

   void to_encoding(STRING *);
 Make the string the new encoding, in place

A String should always be Unicode IMHO , they should be converted to
byte buffers
by encoding and back from byte buffers while decoding.

   UINTVAL get_codepoint(STRING *, offset);
   void set_codepoint(STRING, offset, UINTVAL codepoint);

*if* , String always contains (length, UINTVAL[])  always , doesn't it
make life easier  ?

   UINTVAL get_byte(STRING *, offset)
 Byte offset. Needs more clarity.
void set_byte(STRING *, offset, UINTVAL byte);

My advice would be to never let the layer above the encoding know that
we're storing
it in bytes :)

STRING *get_codepoints(STRING, offset, count);

Immutability of returned string (and original) would save memory ..
especially the UINTVAL
array was GC allocated :) .. of course what you have here is the
substring operation in
a new and obfuscated name :)

// some psuedo code as I see it.
substring(string, offset, count)
// validate params or catch fire and exit
   string2-length =  count;
   string2-data = (string-data[offset]); // hopefully data is also gc_alloc'd
   return string2;

I'm afraid your design is waaay too complicated, at least for an
average guy like me .
I'd like to suggest that all STRING be  unicode and convert to byte
buffers and back for all
other purposes. But that's just a suggestion :)


Re: This week's summary (gcc and parrot)

2003-07-17 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Paolo Molaro wrote:
  You're insane. :)

Why does this sentence keep popping up whenever anyone discusses modding
gcc :)

  registers, and register starvation's one of the more annoying things
  a compiler has to deal with.

imcc ! 

But this is what Dan had to say about compiling C to Parrot 
(conversation dated: 2002-10-19)

[11:31] rhysw Dan: to go off on a different tangent now - C support
[11:31] rhysw Dan: compiling C to Parrot, that is
[11:31] Dan Ah, that. Yeah, definitely doable. It'll be rather slow, though
[11:31] Dan Our function call overhead's rather large compared to what C needs
[11:32] Dan Still, I find the thought of C with native continuations 
  rather interesting. Scary, but interesting
[11:32] rhysw Dan: I was more thinking of the memory layout issues.  
C code is very particular about struct layout, array 
representation, etc.  I didn't see any opcodes that 
would allow one to do pull an int32 out of offset N 
from this pointer.
[11:33] Dan C's not at all particular about struct layout, unless they 
  changed the standard.
[11:33] Dan Still, you can do them either with struct PMCs, whcih'd be 
  slowish, or with the pack/unpack opcodes, which I bet are 
  insufficiently documetned
[11:35] Dan Still, the packed structures need more thoght. Hrm.
[11:35] rhysw Dan: I suppose a better question would be is supporting 
 C a goal, or would it just be a cool hack but 
 otherwise uninteresting?
[11:36] rhysw because, as you say, it wouldn't be terribly efficient ...
[11:36] Dan Neither, really. It's interesting in the sense that it'd let 
  people use code that they otherwise couldn't, if they don't 
  have a C compiler for.
[11:36] Dan But it's definitely not a primary goal
[11:36] Dan Consider it both mildly interesting and mildly bemusing :)

So ... the verdict then was mildly interesting ... and the partly done is still commented out ... is there any change now ?

 There is already a (limited) gcc backend that targets the CLR that
 sets up an area of memory for that use, but, as you can guess, it's not
 vey nice.

Currently I can dump stack opcodes (like the CLR) using a triple var
(or rather temporaries) code generator off AST .. and directly translate
stack opcodes to Parrot without any of the stack++ crap .. almost
making half the JIT-time operations during compile time . 

I've used that idea to build a small mathematical expression compiler
which dumps IL or Parrot (and acme did the perl5 codegen)...

 I think a gcc port would require parrot to provide at least a stack 
 memory area and a register (sp) that points to it. 

No, actually I think the gcc backend could lighten up on the register 
allocation and just add new temporaries as needed ... also there are 
no special registers for parrot which makes it a bit easier too ..
All I can say is that PMCs might be underutilized in this model.

 There may be other issues with the parrot instruction set, but since 
 you have already hundreds (or thousands?) of opcodes, I guess it 
 wouldn't be an issue to add a few more if needed:-)

I object ... no special registers or stack areas please .. 

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Class instantiation and creation

2003-06-10 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 It's possible to just go ahead and do it *all* at runtime, and have 
 no compile time component at all--just a series of newclass, 
 addparent, addattribute ops, assuming those are the op names we go 
 with. Classes just get created at code initialization time or 

That would be cool .. a lot easier to debug this kind of thing , 
especially when you could dump it as imcc and have it constant
evaluated as a bytecode segment (wishful thinking ;)

Question #1 : Are classes allowed to have fields ?
Question #2 : Visibility ?
Question #3 : Static methods ?
Question #4 : Static constructors ?
Question #5 : Destructor semantics ..

Questions #3  #4 can be emulated and #2 is only optional but #1  #5 
are of concern .. 

 instantiate a new class you need a chunk of bytecode around.  It's 
 possible that at least some of this is only doable with metadata in 
 bytecode, but the bytecode metadata segments can be easily created on 
 the fly.

Hmm... like compile some imcc on the fly ? 

 Anyone got any feelings or opinions on this, besides Why yes, I want 
 an object system? :) Class-based info I may be missing would also be 

Why who wouldn't ? 

How would the override of a method happen ? ... would it be purely by
name or would you provide some way to force a method to override 
another of a different name ? .. Ie add a method forcibly over an 
occupied slot ?.

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Make mine SuperSized....

2003-06-02 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:
  No .. to add large numbers very quickly ... ie split registers and
  enemies ;-) 
 Understood.  My point was that - to parallel virtual machines with
 physical ones - the big drive for 64-bit has never been about squeezing
 out another point-n percent when doing ultra-high precision math, but
 more about the ability to represent a range of numbers, such as those 
 needed to address memory or storage.  (Which Parrot is completely
 dependent on the hardware to do.)  

Let me get this straight  if we endup using a 64-bit INTVAL in
a 32-bit machine , it will suffer a speed loss even when you write
a Rot13 converter ?

/me mutters about Dan, Python , Zope labs and banana creme pie

 I'm not saying keep Parrot 32-bit.  I'm saying there's no reason to run
 the Parrot core at a width wider than the hardware.  (So core Parrot on
 a 64 bit machine will do 64 bit math.  That doesn't prevent languages
 running atop from using wider types, as long as Parrot is aware.)

In parallel speaking IL has an INTVAL according to hardware and fixed 
size integers usable in the VM . (read more comments on that below)

 Of course, I completely forgot that splitting Parrot registers (which is
 basically casting a register as being wider, and obliterating the

DotGNU Parrot IRC meeting -- 2002-10-19 

*Parrot, IL and JVM**
[10:26] Dan acme: Do you remember if the JVM requires 64 bit ints?
[10:27] q[acme] Dan: yup, for longs. see
[10:28] Dan Okay, then. That clinches it. Time to do weird things for 
  parrot's ints.
[10:29] q[acme] shame that jvm and msil are more hardware-level really ;-)
[10:30] Dan I just begrudge the cache fluff that emulated 64 bit ints 
  will bring
[10:31] Dan But split registers are a major pain, and I don't want to 
  emulate 64 bit math anywhere if I can avoid it


 Perl 6, Lisp, DotGNU - they should be free within their own framework 
 to define their own types.  

Though those types are available for any language that's strict about 
sizes ... like say Java :-) . The mul.ovf and similar operations do 
throw exceptions on overflow from native...

The reason these were made into new ops instead of PMCs was to allow 
JIT'ing these in the future if needed ... They are simple enough to be 
easily JIT'd, but better wait until they are used :-)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Make mine SuperSized.... (integers only ;)

2003-06-02 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:

Reply inline ... and I've said more than I've quoted ... It could be
called as a critical appreciation ... though not much has been appreciated
below ... and what I know about parrot can be written on a shirt sleeve ;-)
Please do tell me if I've gone off the track below.

 If the hardware can do 64-bit math, and the compiler can produce the
 code to do 64-bit math on the hardware, then languages running atop
 Parrot should be able to do 64-bit math on the hardware.

What I wanted to say was to have fixed size variables and an interpreter
specific internal notation would be ideal. And only if you wanted to 
operate stuff with direct int registers.. The fixed size variables allow
the JIT to decide if we use half-a-register , one or two for each operation
according to hardware.

Though I must say this is totally against the INTVAL philosophy ...

But I think the INTVAL philosophy is a creep of a Perl idea into 
Parrot ie having variable size integers to execute ... Why this 
interpreter concept (ie perl5) ended up in the engine instead of
the code production phase shows how blurry the distinction is for
Parrot  Perl6 .

So compiling perl6 code with --with-64bit-integers (or something like that) 
will use the Int64 instead of Int32 for all int variables without affecting
the array indexing , addressing features. Thus the engine can adopt the 
policy of The compiler asked for Int64 and let it go at that. So we 
standardize data/integer sizes after the packfile phase of Perl6 code.

So after compiling something that needs 64 bit ints , you could pick it
up and run it in a Parrot configured to 32 bit operations and it will
use Int64  (2 registers, register pairs or software emulation -- JIT picks)
since that is mentioned explicitly in code . And we'll all be happy.
Similarly for 32 bit code compiled and ran on a 64 bit platform will
have the correct semantics  overflow modes as it is explicitly mentioned
as Int32 in the packfile.

Having said all that ... Isn't it a bit too late to bring this up ?

  The reason these were made into new ops instead of PMCs was to allow 
  JIT'ing these in the future if needed ... They are simple enough to be 
  easily JIT'd, but better wait until they are used :-)
 Good point.  But for most supported languages other than those
 statically typed - ie, Parrot's tier 1 audience - those operations are
 going to be vectored through PMCs anyway.  Perhaps even for statically
 typed languages.  After all, Parrot really only has one size register.  
 Have we provided full semantics - like overflow - for all supported
 integer sizes?

Another point ... how are PMC methods called ?. Do they cause a register
flush ?. Ie do you push registers before moving into a PMC ?. Because in
x86, an Int32 addition is 1 instruction and a (reg,reg) = (reg) operation
as well. Being able to do it inline rather than pass through a stack push,
call and pop is also another speed factor.

Such a register flush back to memory would have the a side-effect on the
perfomance .. Especially when *all* numerics are via PMCs.

 I think that with most languages handling their numerics via PMCs, there
 are few places within Parrot that need to built around long longs on a
 32-bit platform.  (Technically, we can't even *guarantee* long longs
 on a 32-bit platform.)

You're making me wonder if Parrot_Int4 should be the user/lang space type
and INTVAL the interpreter space type , instead of otherwise.

 As Leo and I both documented, the integer registers are iffy.  We don't

Neither do I ... I'm just saying what I can see ..And of course I'm
waiting for Dan and Leo to pounce on this thread (and hopefully they'll
be quick  merciful ;-)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Make mine SuperSized....

2003-06-01 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:
 Not to mention all the *other* problems we'll have if we've got more
 than 2^31 different opcodes.  (Although that's why there's UUIDs now,
 isn't there?)

I think parrot has already crossed the limit of 1024 ...
(I can't even keep 256 opcodes in my head , let alone 1024 :-)

 And for what?  To be able to add large numbers?

No .. to add large numbers very quickly ... ie split registers and
enemies ;-) 

No sense in keeping an Int64 in 2 32 bit regs if you have a 64 bit
CPU  shift-mask-add .. But how can you be sure where the .pbc will

 to borrow a page from the physical hardware and simply join two smaller
 registers together?  (The advantage of contiguous memory regions.)

Well that's only if those two regs are in memory ... the Parrot JIT
does use a register allocation scheme , IIRC .

 Can we simplify interpreter types this much, while still providing
 extended numerics to hosted languages?

I *had* to hack out a couple of types of parrot to have fixed size
types irrespective of implementation size ... (@see dotgnu.ops)

But of course it's a sad situation that Parrot is missing 
Objects still . Until then those opcodes are there to occupy numbers.

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Parrot for windows?

2003-03-11 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Benjamin Goldberg wrote:
 I suppose if there isn't a windows binary out there, I could try
 downloading and installing a C compiler (gcc?  djgpp?) and then
 compiling my own parrot... but I don't want to do that much work!

Cygwin ? ... I'm not using windows but I know quite a few people
who are using cygwin or the mingw32 gcc for building Gnu'ish stuff
on Windows. Cygwin might be better as it also comes with a perl5
interpreter to run the and stuff.

Otherwise you might have to *buy* a version of VC++ or something.

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

tail call stuff again

2003-03-06 Thread Gopal V

I was just wondering about the tail call confusion around here.
Why not just mark a tail call in bytecode ?. 

This is not strictly a new idea , and is inspired by:

In addition, each of these instructions may be immediately preceded by a tail. 
instruction prefix. This specifies that the calling method terminates with 
this method call (and returns whatever value is returned by the called method).
The tail. prefix instructs the JIT compiler to discard the caller's method 
state prior to making the call 

from the ECMA 335 spec for IL.

Wouldn't something like that be possible here instead of figuring out the
tail call stuff at runtime ?. (more work for the compiler devs :-)

Or am I totally off course here ?.
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: targeting parrot tutorial

2003-02-27 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Simon Wistow wrote:
 I'm not sure if the tutorial has gone anywhere but I cam across this
 earlier which may be useful as a start.
 Something about using TreeCC would be nice as well.

What would you need about TreeCC ?. I think Rhys has written a nice
write up for the Free Software Magazine's first issue a copy of which
showed up in his site as well (

I had written a very simple compiler targetting Parrot (IMCC) which also 
pushed out IL and Perl 5 (thanks to Leon Brocard) and one day might
spit out Python and C as well. And all this from the same AST  parser ! 

which does for/while/if , integer variables  string literals. I think
it would be a nice starting point for people to poke a stick at treecc.

I'd be happy to discuss anything about treecc (like if someone wants to
write a perl6/5 gen for treecc) , but technical discussions about 
treecc are better off in [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: access to partial registers?

2003-02-23 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
  Is it possible and/or meaningful to read and write from a part of a 
  register(e.g. a single word) in pasm?

I always thought bitwise and and or were the things to use to modify
partial content ?. Though I can't say if that makes sense because
INTVAL is not fixed and neither is the endianess of registers (IIRC they 
are not fixed ?).
 We have a very limited subset in dotgnu.ops.

Those were written to support the fixed size integers and longs that
C# needs (Int32  Friends). I think you could convert from/to sized
integer values with those opcodes (conv_u4,conv_i4...).

Parrot codegen for C# still awaits the second coming of the prophet Zarquon..
(to be accurate -- Object instructions ;)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Using imcc as JIT optimizer

2003-02-22 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 This sounds pretty interesting, and I bet it could make things 
 faster. The one thing to be careful of is that it's easy to get 
 yourself into a position where you spend more time optimizing the 
 code you're JITting than you win in the end.

I think that's not the case for ahead of time optimisations . As long
as the JIT is not the optimiser , you could take your time optimising.

The topic is really misleading ... or am I the one who's wrong ?

 You also have to be very careful that you don't reorder things, since 
 there's not enough info in the bytecode stream to know what can and 
 can't be moved. (Which is something we need to deal with in IMCC as 

I'm assuming that the temporaries are the things being moved around here ?.
Since imcc already moves them around anyway and the programmer makes
no assumptions about their positions -- this shouldn't be a problem ?.

The only question I have here , how does imcc identify loops ?. I've
been using if goto to loop around , which is exactly the way assembly
does it. But that sounds like a lot of work identifying the loops and
optimising accordingly.

To make it more clear -- identifying tight loops and the usage weights
correctly. 10 uses of $I0 outside the loop vs 1 use of $I1 inside a 100
times loop. Which will be come first ?. 

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Using imcc as JIT optimizer

2003-02-22 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
  I'm assuming that the temporaries are the things being moved around here ?.
 It is not so much a matter of moving things around, but a matter of 
 allocating (and renumbering) parrot (or for JIT) processor registers. 

Ok .. well I sort of understood that the first N registers will be the
ones MAPped ?. So I thought re-ordering/sorting was the operation performed.

Direct hardware maps (like using CX for loop count etc) will need to be
platform dependent ?. Or you could have a fixed reg that can be used for
loop count (and gets mapped on hardware appropriately). 

  does it. But that sounds like a lot of work identifying the loops and
  optimising accordingly.

 Loop info
 loop 0,  depth 1, size 2, entry 0, contains blocks:
 1 2

Hmm.. this is what I said sounds like a lot of work ... which still 
remains true from my perspective :-)

   r-score = r-use_count + (r-lhs_use_count  2);
r-score += 1  (loop_depth * 3);

Ok ... deeper the loop the more important the var is .. cool.

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: [CVS ci] CGP - CGoto Prederefed runloop

2003-02-09 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Nicholas Clark wrote:
 I had a (possibly) impractical idea - computed goto / JIT 
 (or even computed goto / prederef / jit) core
 I don't know whether this is possible:
 Inside a cgoto core have 1 extra op - enter JITted section.
 The bytecode is compiled by the JIT (at some point) - if there are a run
 of consecutive JIT-able ops, then issue a section (an isolated section) of
 machine code for those ops, and replace those ops in the bytecode with an op
 that calls that section. If there isn't a run of JIT-able ops, then just
 leave the ops as ops, and use the regular computed goto core dispatch.

Are you discussing some sort of unroller for native code for some 
opcodes ? .. basic blocks ?. Anything too complicated to unroll is 
replaced by a jump back into the interpreter core ?..

This strategy has been used in pnet's engine (which is still a souped up
interpreter) ... the motivation was ease of porting unrollers than full
JITs, ie opcode by opcode .

 I'd envisage it becoming a win if PBC often ends up with tight, isolated
 loops that use a lot of JITted ops, but most of the code is ops we've not

See the Unrolling section on Rhys's paper for a detailed discussion on 
this idea

Speaking truthfully , all I know is that it lifts pnetmark score for 
loops by about 10 times . 

Hope it helps,
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Bytecode metadata

2003-02-05 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, James Michael DuPont wrote:
  JVM had a LineNumberTable and VarNameTable for debugging which were
  declared as ``attributes'' to each method in the .class tree.
  I suppose VarNameTable is totally irrelevant for Parrot ...
 I dont know that, what is it? Variable name table? If so,  i think it
 might be good for debugging.

Mapping between local vars and variable names ... because JVM has unlimited
(well virtually unlimited) local vars, this works for the JVM. But since 
Parrot has only 32 registers , they get re-used for local-vars .

I think using IMCC will in general mess around the registers numbers for
the temporaries. So it doesn't make sense for Parrot to have a VarNameTable.

  I think Parrot is going to *need* reflection operations :) ...
  You might be able to extract information like you do with C# ,
  with reflection looping over the methods.
 You might want to run C# in parrot, then you need it.

Not really for C# support only ... Dynamic invocation will need it...

$a(); // get method name foobar from global scope, run

Something of this sort will need to occur .. C# is much easier as you
already know what all types/method there might be and there's no dynamic
member lookup :).

 I think it is meta-data, all information about the bytecode that might
 be interesting to a person, to understand what a give bytecode is and
 means, it's context, meaning, usage, and all that. it is all meta-data.

You could argue about that , but IMHO except the basic Reflection stuff
and debug information , all the other itty-bitty details are useless for
the engine . Better keep it in a seperate file ?. (and build a cool 
bytecode analysis tool as well :)

  .line 42 life.fubar
 Again, nice to meet you again Mr. Victory,

That's quoted off my fubar-to-IL compiler ... (that's what we call
the f'uped beyond recognition pascal clone we ``implement'' in our lab).

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Bytecode metadata

2003-02-04 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, James Michael DuPont wrote:
 I just want to know how where we can put it. The Microsoft IL
 has a whole section on meta-data, 

AFAIK, that just holds the offset, line number and filename. IIRC the 
JVM had a LineNumberTable and VarNameTable for debugging which were
declared as ``attributes'' to each method in the .class tree.

I suppose VarNameTable is totally irrelevant for Parrot ...

 yes I agree, I just want to be able to reconstruct the tree for
 debugging or reverse engineering (if the compiler that produced the
 bytecode whats to produce this).

Optimisations ? ... (bang, there goes the line numbers ;) 

 Normally you dont need this information, I just want to know how I can
 store it if I *do* need it.
 The metadata from the c++ that i am extracting even exceeds the size of
 the sourcecode itself. 
 yeah, that is the idea. Reflection and introspector require the
 meta-data, that can be read by special reflection operations.

I think Parrot is going to *need* reflection operations :) ...
You might be able to extract information like you do with C# ,
with reflection looping over the methods.

Btw, your RDF stuff wouldn't be what I call metadata :) .. it's 
data itself in a pre-processed format.

  IMCC can pick out
  the chunks of IMC, generate bytecode, 

.line 42 life.fubar


PS: don't look at me like that , I don't know anything about debugging
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: [Introspector-developers] Re: Bytecode metadata

2003-01-28 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, James Michael DuPont wrote:
   Bah. That's parrot -o foo.o foo.pmc isn't it?
  And if we make C a parrot supported language we can even build parrot
  with parrot?

Hmmm... bootstrapping 

 1. The gcc : I have %99 of the information about the function bodies of
 parrot c source code in rdf/xml. That could be fed to parrot.

That would only be part of the issue ... generating stuff out of 
RDF AST's is only half of our trouble ... In fact , I think it would
be much easier if someone managed to convert RTL into Parrot (a gcc
backend) ...

It won't be a hack like egcs-jvm since Parrot is already a register
machine and has pointer instructions already ... 

 2. The pnet/C : there has been work done by Rhys to make a managed c
 compiler for pnet. Gopal has been working on a parrot bytecode emitter
 for Pnet.

Well ... I haven't been working on parrot bytecode emitter ... 
It's just that we have a treecc handler inside parrot
which is stubbed up ... until I can do some kind of class generation
for parrot, the C# AST cannot be used for anything useful.

Also Dan was not so hot about having a C compiler for Parrot when he
met Rhys on IRC... 

So I'm sticking to compiling C# to Parrot as an aim , and *maybe* Java
as well ...

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Objects, finally (try 1)

2003-01-23 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Erik Bågfors wrote:

 But if I write a library in ruby that depends on the missing_method
 method it will not be usable from other languages, since those languages
 doesn't call missing_method if the method they try to call doesn't

Hmm... that's twisting language features with virtual machine instructions.
Actually that's a gray area as far as I can see ... we'll have to go on
with `n' number of methods for `n' languages for member resolution ...

 Of course, in real life I don't think that's a problem because I haven't
 seen much use of missing_method.

Unfortunately I use a lot of __getattr__ for my python code (especially
GUI) ... 

 Also, having a instruction would be faster which of course is more fun

Yes... But this not only makes it ugly (as an instruction) , but slow as 
well ? . Like you said only a small number of people use this feature , 
does it make sense to slow down the rest ? . And how does hacker ZZ add 
a new language with a different member lookup without getting his patches 
inside Parrot ?..

Anyway I'm not *against* implementing this , I'm just questioning the
*need* to implement this ... Just a question for the philosophers ...

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Compiling to Parrot

2003-01-21 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leon Brocard wrote:
 An interesting project to do would be to do a Java-Parrot compiler.

Hmm... I think with the current Parrot setup that might be a bit difficult.
We need object instructions for that , also I need to be able to define
classes,interfaces and all the Java thingys there ...

 Basing it on an existing Java compiler such as Jikes is probably the
 best way to do this:

Yikes ! (in a thick foreign accent)...

My bachelor's project is a Java compiler for DotGNU ... and I had a look
over of Jikes (and Kjc) for retargetting ... Eventhough I was planning on
building a stack bytecode , I found it quite something to hack on...
(in short, my attempts broke it...)

Kjc is a bit more decent though it's quite OO and might take some redesign
to pass back the result register (instead of assuming that the value is
in the stack top) ...

I've decided to base it on the codegen... (I've got it into 
parsing now...)  ... This is a Java - IL compiler from Java source ...

But once the C# - Parrot compiler works , you might even have a Java - 
Parrot compiler ... (because I'm re-using almost all the C# AST nodes
for my compiler, the PMCodegen should generate correct Parrot as well).

Hopefully all this will work out for me... :)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Parrot compilers

2003-01-18 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Cory Spencer wrote:
 most example languages implement a complete compiler (ie lexxer - parser
 - optimizer - code emitter), which seems to be somewhat of a
 duplication of labour.  

Some are in C, others in pasm and yet others in Perl ... how do do you re-use 
libraries in that case ? ...

 Has or is anyone worked on a framework a la gcc

gcc is not my ideal pick because it has an RTL bridge in between ... But I 
get the idea ...

 which would only require that new languages have a lexxer/parser written
 that coerced data into a standardized AST which could be passed off to other
 compilation stages?  (Similarly, other end targets (such as Java bytecode
 or native code would only require the implementation of a new code
 emission module.)

I have been working on just such a compiler collection , which generates 
.NET IL  JVM from C# ... The next target is obviously Parrot and we plan
at acheiving this by adding a new PMCodegen to the compiler backend.

It uses a custom AST management tool (TreeCC) which should speed up
development of ASTs. The system combines visitors and inhertiance to 
simplify compiler dev. 

Anyway treecc is there if you want to simplify AST management ... though
I should say it's a bit different from OO or procedural programming ,it's
aspect oriented... takes some getting used to.

Take a look at the DotGNU's CSCC for examples, if you want 
to ... (and no, -mparrot will not work, though -mjvm might...) 

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Objects, finally (try 1)

2003-01-16 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Jonathan Sillito wrote:
 x = a.f  # get the method, a limited form of currying
  # since the first arg (a==self) is stored
 x()  # output: A.f()
 setattr(A, f, g)  # replace A's f with g
 a.f()# output: g()
 x()  # output (still): A.f()  !!!
 Which shows that the dispatch (i.e. selecting which method to call) can
 happen before the invocation.

This makes sense  let me put it in this way


The dispatch vs invocation looks childishly simple when written this way..
(and I hope I'm right about that ... :)

Underneath the high level language most things are really simple ... The 
Python compiler should work around all these language quirks and generate
appropriate Parrot code ... In bytecode it should look direct, simple and 
fast !.

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Objects, finally (try 1)

2003-01-15 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 rather than attributes, but I may be incorrect here. Are the current 
 python instance attributes both:
 *) defined per object rather than per class
 *) Essentially global, that is not hidden from parent classes or 
 anything. (Basically one big pool 'o things attached to the object)

Speaking out of turn  Python instance stuff is per Object ...
And from the looks of it's just a dictionary lookup in the 
obj.__dict__ dictionary ... So the stuff looks essentially global.


class Foo:
def __init__(self):
def toString(self):
return self.Name

class FooBar(Foo):
def __init__(self,name):

print a.toString()

PS: considering the fact that non-virtual functions are the only portion
holding out the TreeCC Python plugin , I have had quite some heart burn
with this. (or I need a switch statement :)
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Objects, finally (try 1)

2003-01-12 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Paolo Molaro wrote:
 The CLR runtimes use 16 bit chars and UTF16-encoded strings (at least as
 far as it's visible to the 'user' programs).

1023.2.3 #Strings heap
11 The stream of bytes pointed to by a #Strings header is the physical 
representation of the logical string heap.
13 but parts that are reachable from a table shall contain a valid null 
terminated UTF8 string. When the #String

So I think the runtime does a UTF16 conversion , I suppose ...So you're right
... all C# programs get UTF16 strings to work with... but that's not the way 
they're in meta-data... (JVM also has UTF8 strings and 16 bit chars, it's not 
really a big issue :)

But coming back to parrot ... I don't think parrot uses UTF8 (from what
I could gather it seems to be all ASCII ?) ... Or is UTF8 hiding in 
somewhere ?... 

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Objects, finally (try 1)

2003-01-11 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Nicholas Clark wrote:
 fussy. I presume Rhys is thinking about compiling C code to parrot, and then
 linking through to native C code (such as the native standard C library) via

Nope ... At least for our .NET platorm stuff ,we are planning to compile
glibc into IL so that the native ABI is accessed only via the engine.
Most peices of glibc, depend on a few platform functions to run (most 
notably some in unistd.h) ... Most of the other peices of glibc can be
directly used like the printf formatting code or file functions , once
these underlying posix calls are in place... this is consistent with design
philosophy of glibc which has been source portability rather than binary.

So get your own glibc-managed.dll according to long,int, and char sizes :)

 without needing a C compiler, but you'd not be able to call out from your
 C code.

We are facing a similar situation, but only that we have PInvoke (like your
NCI) which allows you to define PInvoke methods from Managed C (I'd prefer
the term Micro-Managed :)

But the following does work for some functions :)

extern int puts(const char *s) __attribute__((__pinvoke__(;

mm... ugly !

Rhys has also been really cool about the data stored via C ... So legacy
code which used fixed size files (otherwise called records) will be useful.
This allows us to declare 8bit characters and strings of those and all the 
stuff we're used to with C like unions ... (C# has 16bit chars, and strings
are UTF8 encoded , IIRC) ...

In short, we will keep similar layouts in memory for structs and unions as
far as possible ... (unions without offset based access to memory boggles
my mind) 

So even with all the type-safety of IL we can run the following code ... 

float a=3.14;
int b=*((int*)((a)));

 What Rhys is thinking about is potentially far more interesting, as it would

What Rhys is using right now is a custom stdlib which is called pnetC and
was just released ... People *really* curious about what Rhys is doing 
(and what those half-a-million lines are doing in DotGNU) should try the C compiler ( .. We have 
mirrors on each gnu mirror as /projects/dotgnu ... (since we're likely to
be slashdotted to death soon)

Very, Very curiously ... I can call C# methods from Managed C, but not the
otherway around :) ..  and I can call native methods from Managed C , but
that's dreadfully unportable like you said ...

I'm really working only to get C# compiled to Parrot  other language
frontends in development like Java or C or JScript can wait a looong time.

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Objects, finally (try 1)

2003-01-11 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Nicholas Clark wrote:
 That doesn't sound right. But if it is right, then it sounds very wrong.
 (Translation: Are you sure about your terms, because what you describe sounds
 wonky. Hence if they are using UTF8 but with 16 bit chars, that feels like a
 silly design decision to me. Perl 5 performance is not enjoying a variable
 length encoding, but using an 8 bit encoding in 8 bit chars at least makes
 it small in memory.)

I mean they're using UTF8 encoded strings ... and chars are 16 bit ...
which means that reading chars from strings is wonky (from all I remember,
ILString* uses int16[] for storing stuff... but the files do use UTF8)..
Actually I think the ILImage functions in abstract out the
UTF8 reading and return int16* arrays ...

Hope that makes more sense :)

 Ooh. So what happens if I try to run:
 char *a = 0;

Assuming you meant (*a)++; ... coz *a++; is optimsed away into just a++;
by GCC ..

 Does the VM just segfault the failing thread, rather than all threads in
 a process?

How does this do for an answer ?

Uncaught exception: System.NullReferenceException: The value 'null' was found where an 
instance of an object was required
at Module.main() in segfault.c:3
at Module..start(String[])

Bye Bye segfaults, hello exceptions ...

 Hmm. So if DotGNU has a C to Parrot compiler, then we just compile the perl5
 source code down to Parrot bytecode, et voilá, we have a perl implementation.

This is assuming we can get all the perl5 dependencies compiled to Parrot
without any issues ... (in fact this might be very,very hard... considering
the fact that parrot codegen is still commented out for most of

 I do hope no-one wanted it to go fast. :-)
 [then again, I wonder how the parrot JIT would cope]

Which is why nobody is really interested in doing this :-) ... we're 
building the C compiler for fun ...

 So Rhys is mad:
  The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success
 I hope he falls on the right side of the divide.

That's *my* sig ... and I'm attempting a cross-over :)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Objects, finally (try 1)

2003-01-10 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Chris Dutton wrote:
 Actually, if you really want Eiffel to compile to Parrot, it might be 
 interesting to work on getting ANSI C to compile to Parrot first, since 
 most Eiffel compilers use compilation to C as an intermediate step.

This won't be too much of stretch  We already have an ANSI C compiler
working well with DotGNU pnet.. (with a IL output plugin)...

log of=#dotgnu on=22-10-2002

[11:31] rhysw Dan: to go off on a different tangent now - C support
[11:31] rhysw Dan: compiling C to Parrot, that is
[11:31] Dan Ah, that. Yeah, definitely doable. It'll be rather slow, though
[11:31] Dan Our function call overhead's rather large compared to what C needs
[11:32] Dan Still, I find the thought of C with native continuations rather 
interesting. Scary, but interesting
[11:32] rhysw Dan: I was more thinking of the memory layout issues.  C code is very 
particular about struct layout, array representation, etc.  I didn't see any opcodes 
that would allow one to do pull an int32 out of offset N from this pointer.
[11:33] Dan C's not at all particular about struct layout, unless they changed the 
[11:33] Dan Still, you can do them either with struct PMCs, whcih'd be slowish, or 
with the pack/unpack opcodes, which I bet are insufficiently documetned
[11:34] Action: Dan apparently can't type this evening
[11:35] Dan Still, the packed structures need more thoght. Hrm.
[11:35] rhysw Dan: I suppose a better question would be is supporting C a goal, or 
would it just be a cool hack but otherwise uninteresting?
[11:36] rhysw because, as you say, it wouldn't be terribly efficient ...
[11:36] Dan Neither, really. It's interesting in the sense that it'd let people use 
code that they otherwise couldn't, if they don't have a C compiler for.
[11:36] Dan But it's definitely not a primary goal
[11:36] Dan Consider it both mildly interesting and mildly bemusing :)
[11:37] fitzix Dan: It could make it very useful as a power tool
[11:37] Kyeran Could someone toss up the Parrot URL so I can find out what it is? :)
[11:37] fitzix Dan: sort of a swiss army knife kind of thing
[11:37] Dan True, but I'm not willing to lose sight of the primary goal for it.


Was our last conversation about Parrot  C compilers .. 

We'll be adding a Parrot codegen for the compiler backend , as soon as the 
Objects are set in stone So possibly there exists a possibility for doing
up the C compiler (with codegen tweaking) to develop a C compiler targetting

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Object semantics

2003-01-05 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
   Why would we want to avoid this? It looks exactly like what ought to

If you can provide that in-vm , it would be a lot faster ...(hmm, that's 
one argument that should convince you ;) 

But like I said , I need lots of sticky notes for all the opcodes for 
parrot ...(I'm still in can't remember all opcodes mode)

 Just because C# does it doesn't mean that he likes it. :)

To end all further debate -- 

*) C# has something like this , 

*) I can't see what Dan has in head for parrot , 

*) I don't want feature creep into parrot 

*) Our C# - JVM compiler already has the workarounds for this like:
   invokestatic MyStruct copyIn__ (LMyStruct;)LMyStruct;

*) I really don't like valuetypes that much :).

*) Rhys will be doing most of the design , this is his headache actually :-)

So does that cover all bases ?

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Object semantics

2003-01-03 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 language-level we're object-oriented dammit! objects, not the 
 lower-level stuff we're currently working with) should/will behave.

yay ! ... finally !

 reference-style objects and non-reference values. 

How large can a non-reference value be ? ... (in the .NET opcodes the
'struct' seems to be unlimited in size ...) But well, I'd settle for 
a non-reference of at least large integers (64bit)...

And how will non-reference values dispatch methods ? ... would they be
boxed into a reference for each method call, so that the method call
can modify them ? ...or are all non-reference values immutable ?

to put it down clearly ...

MyValueType a;

would a be able to modify itself ? (unfortunately C# allows that)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Compiling to ParrotVM

2002-12-17 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, K Stol wrote:
 I'm thinking of a compiler for Tcl which produces Parrot Assembly code, 
 but the source language (which will be compiled) is not definite yet. 

Instead of generating Parrot assembly, you might find it easier to 
generate imcc code which is a simplified form . This takes care of the
register allocation involved in Parrot assembly generation and spill
over of registers. Writing your own register allocator is not advisable
(unless you want to tear your hair out in bits  peices).

 I have basic knowledge on compiler construction, but I think I can make 
 a good start. The implementation language I'll use will most probably be C. 

If you're going to use C , please take a look at TreeCC which is a 
compiler tool for simplifying Syntax Tree traversal . It was developed
for the DotGNU compiler collection and being used to build the C#  C
compilers now. (

flex+bison+treecc has been demonstrated with multiple codegens (IL,Parrot)

Hope it helps,
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: A work list! (Coming soon)

2002-12-10 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Nicholas Clark wrote:

 A Java bytecode to parrot bytecode translator

Oh... the horror ... ! ... I wrote the entire JVM loading features
of JILC (now in, because the savannah project got removed
from inactivity).. I'm not working on or doing anything similar like the
JILC (more due to being unmentioned on their website, than boredom) .

Having said all that ... It would be good to wait for the Object stuff
to start working before starting with something like this ... I'd think
that having 32 Object registers (or are they going to be special PMCs ?),
and the spillover tactics of imcc can take you there ...

The question here, why would you need it ? ... (other than running Swing).
A real Java compiler is more flexible and a better tool when it comes to
optimized codegeneration ...

Life was too simple when 

iload_1became $I0=LOCVAR_I0 + LOCVAR_I1;

Let's move on a bit before planning this out ... (thankfully mapping 256
opcodes to a sparse set of 4 G opcodes is comparitively easier)...

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: A work list! (Coming soon)

2002-12-09 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 What I'd like is for folks to take the next day or three to think of 
 the things that they need parrot to do that aren't working or 
 designed yet, and throw them at the list. (Try against the latest 
 CVS, just to make sure that it's not gotten done when you weren't 
 looking) In the mean time I'll work on my list, and we'll get a Big 
 List 'O Things, throw them into RT, and start digging through them.

Object support ! ... 

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: [CVS ci] imcc syntax change

2002-12-06 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 WOuld it help to split imcc.y into main/parser/parser_utils or are you 
 doing this anyway?

yes pushing some code from imcc.y into a seperate file is what I had in
mind ... But have not got to that yet ... 

Was curious about the following lines and sort of wasted that whole 
evening ...

|| return iANY(name, fmt, regs, 0);

if emit (last param) is zero when called from INS ... when does the code
actually get emitted ?

So can I just do this to emit *.pbc ?


to do my stuff ? (and how to do that without the interpreter interfering)

So I sort of concluded to leave the output to direct fprintf's . Roughing
it out with the changes in imcc seem easier than programming for this 
interface :-)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: [CVS ci] imcc syntax change

2002-12-04 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 Yes, but I think, that incompatible changes shouldn't be necessary any 
 more - sorry for breaking things.

No problemo ... I just hate working on the same things again ...

 SymReg *r = mk_ident(char *name, char type)

 iANY(add, R3(r0,r1,r2))

Thanks, a shared library implementation of such a thing is what I'm 
looking for ... I'll take a look at doing that ...

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: [CVS ci] imcc syntax change

2002-12-03 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 Therefore these changes were necessary:

Is there any other way to feed imcc code other than via writing to a
file and running it ?...

My work needs a lot of string substitutions to work with the new IMCC ...
Dan was saying something like a C interface to IMCC which bypasses the
parser and lexer phases was possible ?

(thankfully all I needed to fix could be done with a couple of regexps)

 Languages involved:
 - perl6 (P6C/IMCC)
 - cola
 these are adapted accordingly

The problem grows as the number of languages supported increases ...

I really would like something like this (shameless snitch)

IMCC_Var *tempVar ;
IMCC_Expr *expr;
tempVar = IMCC_GenTempVar(code,type);
expr = IMCC_GenAdd(code,myParam1,myParam2);

I know this is a lot more complicated than fprintf , but IMHO such an
abstraction is worth it ... (any similarity to treecc's _create calls are
purely intentional ... :-)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Adding new function signatures to parrot's NCI call list

2002-11-29 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leon Brocard wrote:
 ../parrot: relocation error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: 

I don't know if this is twisting the knife in the wound ... but it works
for me ...

[gopal@mushroom parrot]$ perl acme.pasm  acme.pbc
[gopal@mushroom parrot]$ ./parrot acme.pbc 
SDL_Init worked just fine
[gopal@mushroom parrot]$ 

 How would I do this for the parrot code?

You can't link in static libs (.a) with parrot or any other form of
dlopen/dlsym ... Check if you have a somewhere ... if
you have , then it will work  (glibc-devel has it ,IIRC) ..

And one *minor* point ... you'll need to do this in an Xterm .. the
SDL libs need X11 to initialize ..

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: C#/Parrot Status

2002-11-25 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Rhys Weatherley wrote:
 on 32-bit, 64-bit, and native-sized integer types (8-bit
 types don't need it).

Hmm... maybe there's only one way to stop this lng thread ...

Oct 18 20:31:20 Nicholas  no, no, you have it wrong. you don't 
*ask* us to add features. YOu just send 
us patches which do them :-)

Nov 25 03:09:38 Dan   And I'm serious. If you want a dotnet.ops file, 
go for it.

I couldn't make myself name it dotnet.ops so named it dotgnu.ops ...

DISCLAIMER: I don't know anything about how parrot opcodes should be
written .. So all errors are accidental and I would like somebody to
point them out to me ..

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

** dotgnu.ops
#include parrot/method_util.h


=head1 NAME




Additional opcodes for C# compilation needed by cscc PM codegen


inline op conv_i1(inout INT) {
  $1= (int)((char)($1));
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_i1_ovf(inout INT) {
  if($1 = -128  $1 = 127) {
$1= (int)((char)($1));
  else {
internal_exception(1, Overflow exception for conv_i1_ovf\n);
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_u1(inout INT) {
  $1= (int)((unsigned char)($1));
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_u1_ovf(inout INT) {
  if($1 = 0  $1 = 256 ) {
$1= (int)((unsigned char)($1));
  else {
internal_exception(1, Overflow exception for conv_u1_ovf\n);
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_i2(inout INT) {
  $1= (int)((short)($1));
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_i2_ovf(inout INT) {
  if($1 = -32768  $1 = 32767 ) {
$1= (int)((short)($1));
internal_exception(1, Overflow exception for conv_i2_ovf\n);
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_u2(inout INT) {
  $1= (int)((unsigned short)($1));
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_u2_ovf(inout INT) {
  if($1 = 0  $1 = 65535) {
$1= (int)((unsigned short)($1));
internal_exception(1, Overflow exception for conv_u2_ovf\n);
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_i4(out INT, in NUM) {
  $1= (int)($2);
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_i4(out INT, in PMC) {
  $1= (int)($2-vtable-get_integer(interpreter, $2));
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_u4(out INT, in NUM) {
  $1= (unsigned int)($2);
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_u4(out INT, in PMC) {
  $1= (unsigned int) ($2-vtable-get_integer(interpreter, $2));
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_i8(out PMC, in INT) {
  $1-vtable-set_integer_native(interpreter, $1,$2);
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_i8(out PMC, in PMC) {
  $1-vtable-set_integer_same(interpreter, $1,$2);
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_i8(out PMC, in NUM) {
  $1-vtable-set_integer_native(interpreter, $1,(int)$2);
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_r4(out NUM, in INT) {
  $1=  (FLOATVAL)($1);
  goto NEXT();

inline op conv_r4(out NUM, in PMC) {
  $1= (FLOATVAL) ($2-vtable-get_number(interpreter, $2));
  goto NEXT();

Re: C#/Parrot Status

2002-11-25 Thread Gopal V

I guess I have more to learn about writing opcodes for parrot ... But
all I can say is you people make it almost too easy :-)

If memory serves me right, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 The INTVAL could be a long long.

Ok ... /me sort of needs an Int32 there ...

 Parrot_Int2 will be generated by a test in config/auto/somewhere and 
 will be short.

I asked the IRC room

Nov 25 16:23:21 gopz  on a related note .. does parrot size types ?
Nov 25 16:23:33 gopz  sort of like a Int8 I could cast to ?
Nov 25 16:24:19 pdcawley  I just write the summaries.
Nov 25 16:24:52 gopz  :-)

Sure, made note of Parrot_Int2 for future use ... 

 inout, because the PMC has to exist in advance, and isn't emerging new 
 here, like an int or num.

OK ..

 The vtable function has to do the conversion.

Yes.. especially if I have to use it for Float to Int64 ... 

Thanks for correcting my errors,
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

What dotgnu.ops does (Re: C#/Parrot Status)

2002-11-25 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Gopal V wrote:
 I couldn't make myself name it dotnet.ops so named it dotgnu.ops ...

On nicholas' advice I'm writing out the expected results for all
these opcodes... in the hope that someone more well versed in writing
..t files than me can help ..

conv_i1  conv_i1_ovf
Truncate to between (-128 and 127) so 128 converted to -128 ... 0 to 0
and the basic sign extensions of `char' apply here . 'ovf' suffix 
instruction throws an OverFlowException message if the value is not 
between -128 and 127. (TODO: throw catchable exceptions)

conv_u1  conv_u1_ovf
To between 0 and 255 ... ovf throws the OverFlowException if value not
in range. Original post bugs out for 256 ... See attached patch

conv_i2  conv_i2_ovf
To between -32768 and 32767 .. ovf for out of range 

conv_u2  conv_u2_ovf
To between 0  65535 ... ovf for out of range 

NUM to int : 3.1415 to 3 , -3.1415 to 3
PMC to int (until csint64.pmc is done...try testing with perlint please ..)

NUM to unsigned int: 3.1415 to 3,  -3.1415 is not 3
PMC to int (when csint64.pmc is done ...)

(int to csint64.pmc , NUM to csint64.pmc ...)

(PMC to floatval) ... to be implemented as csint64.pmc
test 3 to 3.000 ... (not much of a test , eh ?)

I'll try to catch up on PMC writing at leisure ..

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

--- /tmp/dotgnu.ops Mon Nov 25 21:26:31 2002
+++ dotgnu.ops  Mon Nov 25 21:27:02 2002
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 inline op conv_u1_ovf(inout INT) {
-  if($1 = 0  $1 = 256 ) {
+  if($1 = 0  $1 = 255 ) {
 $1= (int)((unsigned char)($1));
   else {

Re: Native function calls

2002-11-21 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 I do actually like it. I was shooting for simplicity with the 
 assumption that, since we were calling out to non-parrot-aware code, 
 all bets were off with respect to type safety. If you load in and call functions dynamically there's not much we can do 
 with respect to proper security.

Well IMHO you can't add in any type safety in between parrot and C ...
All I am suggesting is that .. 

1) As far as possible .. have a sort of extern declaration in parrot
   domain, so we get a warning from the compile when I try to call that
   function in the .pbc file ... Sort of proxy for the native call ?..
   A sort of check for type of param and number ...

2) When you are using it directly (unsafe) ... you deserve it if it blows
   up ... dlopen , dlsym does it frequently with me ... ;-)

This 2 pronged approach is IMHO the ideal way ... afterall perl is all
about many ways to do the same thing ...

 But well ... I should admit , I'm just trying to make the C# to parrot
 compilation as safe as IL  (PInvoke and stuff...)
 No problem with that. I think you're not going to get it by default, 
 since my big thing's speed, but it does mean we need to reevaluate 
 things, since we need typechecking in safe code.

Well if we can generate verifiable IL ... we should be able to generate
type-safe Parrot code ... That's more of a language feature than bytecode
feature ..

What I was concerned was that we wouldn't have an extern definition for
the native call to check if the actual params in C# are correct and of the 
same type as the formal params of the native func... Especially if we're
going to check the calls before runtime ... (as is customary in static
typed languages)...

Hope I make myself clear,
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Native function calls

2002-11-21 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 Currently open is the situation of flags and such from more complex 
 calls. (Like what we do if we get back a pointer that's getting 
 stuffed into a PMC--do we set the type, if so what type, and what do 
 we set the flags to?)

So is it totally type unsafe ? ... (as you know I'm obsessed with type
safety) ...


Does this appeal to anybody  [Disclaimer: idea borrowed totally 
from JVM signatures Ljava/lang/String;(Ljava/lang/String;i)... Where
the Long 'L' was later on modified to carry type info of the pointer...]

 I'm thinking, as part of this, that more introspection on buffers and 
 PMCs is in order, so we can have bytecode manipulate their flags and 
 types properly.

Well that does not totally satisfy me  I might be expecting a XPMC
when the pointer is stuffed into a YPMC and my program blows up in the
middle  (of course throwing an exception is not technically blowing
up, it's damage control)..

But well ... I should admit , I'm just trying to make the C# to parrot
compilation as safe as IL  (PInvoke and stuff...)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: C#/Parrot Status

2002-11-18 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

 Please have a look at include/parrot/datatypes.h. I hope that there are 
 all types you'll need.

It seems so ... but I'm not really certain about Float data types ...

 Can you specify, what opcodes you would need?

Hmm... I guess I can only quote the ECMA spec here ... 
conv.i1 Convert to int8, pushing int32 on stack
conv.i2 Convert to int16, pushing int32 on stack
conv.i4 Convert to int32, pushing int32 on stack
conv.i8 Convert to int64, pushing int64 on stack
conv.r4 Convert to float32, pushing F on stack
conv.r8 Convert to float64, pushing F on stack
conv.u1 Convert to unsigned int8, pushing int32 on stack
conv.u2 Convert to unsigned int16, pushing int32 on stack
conv.u4 Convert to unsigned int32, pushing int32 on stack
conv.u8 Convert to unsigned int64, pushing int64 on stack
conv.i  Convert to native int, pushing native int on stack
conv.u  Convert to native unsigned int, pushing native int on stack

Thanks to the polymorphic nature of the opcodes the from entry is in 
another table in ECMA  But I guess conversions of lower integer
data types to I registers and back would be a starting point ?

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: C#/Parrot Status

2002-11-18 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
  Hmm... I guess I can only quote the ECMA spec here ... 
  conv.i1 Convert to int8, pushing int32 on stack
 truncate to [-128..127]? And why the push?

IL is a fully stack language ... pop int32, trunc, push int8 ...
Yes, truncate is the required operation . I guess sign-extension
is also present for up conversion ...

 What is the behaviour on overflow?

*.ovf suffixed instructions like (conv.i1.ovf) exist seperately ..
but that could be remedied by an explicit check ? ...

 Datatypes bigger then INTVAL would need a PMC as storage.

Ok. Otherwise this would complicate register handling ? (jvm allocates 
2 adjacent local variables for a long and double .. *yow*)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

[OT] Re: Quick note on JIT bits

2002-11-16 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Paolo Molaro wrote:
 If you think you have novel ideas in the JIT (or in the intepreter) space, 
 you're probably just deluding yourself.

Oh yes  I said that debuggable JIT is one of my very own personal
ingienous ideas .

This list for people who are interested in parrot and its VM Which
is why I posted that info .. But I cannot see the same motive behind your
mail ...

 If you can find a better implementation than mono's, I'd like to know
 about it, too:-)  

Guess I'll have to wait until the Parrot guys finish 

*sigh*, do you Ximian people never quit stalking me ? ... 

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Quick note on JIT bits

2002-11-15 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 Yep, you are right - I did miss this point sometimes. We have to do a 
 _save_registers before calling code, that might throw an exception.

Excuse me for butting in ... But how are the parameters to a C code being
passed .. I assume that would use a stack or register ... So it is always
possible for a C code to break the ability to restore registers if they
are stored in the stack  

I guess pushall,call,popall would be the easiest approach ... let the 
programmer writing C code handle the rest of the mess ... You can't 
prevent SEGFAULTs in external calls , just let the programmer handle 

Speaking about debugging calls from JIT'd code ... Does parrot JIT 
generate a debugging segment ? like a dwarf2 segment so that we can
debug with gdb ? ... (I hate it when I see 200 ?? in a backtrace).

I'm a man of simple ideas ... :-)
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Quick note on JIT bits

2002-11-15 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

 pusha/popa is overkill. The called functions always save bp and bx,di,si 
   when used. ax is the return value, remaining is dx (cx is used by 
 shifts) - i386 of course.

Ok ... push_necessary() ;-) ... 

  Speaking about debugging calls from JIT'd code ... Does parrot JIT 
  generate a debugging segment ? like a dwarf2 segment so that we can
  debug with gdb ? ... (I hate it when I see 200 ?? in a backtrace).
 That would be a really nice feature. Can we - and how - handle over 
 debug info to a running gdb?

It is possible ... JIT generated code looks just like loaded code to
gcc ... Typically gdb should only need access to a symfile to correctly
allow debugging ... So an .o  file of the JIT'd code should be correctly 
generated with all the trimmings.

$ gdb parrot
(gdb) run -debug=dwarf2 --break __main__ Foo.pbc
(gdb) call Parrot_debug_make_syms()
(gdb) add-symbol-file Foo.o
Reading symbols from Foo.o
(gdb) frame
#0 __main__ at (HINT: where's the python compiler :-)

The trick here is to use `gas' or the gnu assembler to generate the 
debugging info from the assembly dump you provide ... For example a
function would be dumped as...

..string Func
..byte 0x13 ; METHOD_RETVAL
..byte 0x01 ; _public 
..byte 0x00 ; _none (not virtual)
..long .L_TYPE_0 - .L_debug_info_b ; return type at label 

This would mean that in debug mode the JIT will have to turn off all
the optimisations and that the packfile contains a linenumber table
or something similar ... (maybe even the whole source program too.. 
like gcc does ..)

This is just an idea ... I'm too busy in DotGNU to try this out now ..
And we have no JIT to do this stuff ... just an X86 code unroller for
simple instructions sort of like the u-v pipelines in pentiums .. the
fast x86 run or slow interpret according to instruction complexeties ..
There this idea would mean gdb has to debug both the modes together

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Source code analysis (was: Would a getting started guide help)

2002-11-15 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Tim Bunce wrote:
   CCured is a source-to-source translator for C, which
   analyzes the program to determine the smallest number of
   run-time checks that must be inserted in the program to
   prevent all memory safety violations.

Yow ! .. the output looks __WILD ...

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Quick note on JIT bits

2002-11-15 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Paolo Molaro wrote:
 You can find the complete examples of how the jit debugging features
 work in the mono tarball (mono/doc directory): 

Same old lupus  I never realized I had a wolf pack hunting me :-)

 the above was a partial cutpaste with s/mono/parrot/ :-)

But don't act like you invented it  Kaffe had one before you thought
about mono JIT ...

I just saved some typing by cut-pasting what I had in my box 
And don't bother to thank me for introducing the debug jit so that you 
could show up with Mono has this and more banner

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Selfbootstrapping compilers (Was: faq)

2002-11-14 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Nicholas Clark wrote:
 I believe that it can be done with just a C compiler. (no make tool or shell
 needed). If we use an equipped machine to unroll the makefile into the correct
 steps (in the correct order), and turn that into C code that runs each in
 turn, then we can bootstrap enough to run bytecode. (and a bytecode make tool)

Hey that's unecessary ... what I was concerned about was a first step 
bootstrap for compiling the perl6 compiler 

I'm perfectly satisfied with the way parrot  miniparrot compiles work ..
On a really bad setup .. I can always dump the Makefiles somewhere and 
use them..

If the Parrot team can provide a current and working perl6c.pbc for the
compiler written in perl6 , it's cool with me ... But I've seen that idea
fail quite a few times when the published binary falls out of sync with
the runtime ... Well that's just another point of failure ... That's all.

Also perl6c.pbc shouldn't really worry about trojaned stuff in it as you're
not using an external bootstrapper (unlike gcc using cc)

Hope that makes it clear,
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Selfbootstrapping compilers (Was: faq)

2002-11-13 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Markus Laire wrote:
 Miniparrot can then be used to build everything else, including full 
 parrot, perl6, other parrot-supported languaged, etc..
 This 2nd step might be e.g. Bytecode-compiled perl6-program which is 
 simple enough to work with miniparrot.

Please for heaven's sake don't write a perl6 compiler in perl6 ... It's
*very* frustrating if I have to download version 1 to compile 1.1 and
so on... (imagine compiling CVS head with a chain of older stuff) ...
And even that is suspect when the fingerprinting and other stuff changes
the binary packfile format ... (stuff like additional blobs or blocs have
been discussed lately) I have seen instances where a fix to support
feature x will need feature x to compile  Dependency hellhole..
This is especially true as parrot doesn't have a fully functional reference 
implementation (like gcc using cc) to start a bootstrap .

But yeah, I don't have any solutions either ... 

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Quick roadmap

2002-11-11 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 Should be reasonably straightforward. Hopefully quick, too, as I'm 
 pressed for time here.

Hmm... Object frameworks ? ... (or is that shelved for the present ?)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: branch dump

2002-11-11 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 All you need to do is change the offset a bit to point to an opcode 
 and you'll be fine.

Hmm... you mean to say that a jump to a non-instruction is valid ? ..

We've had the verifiability question hashed out ... but jump target 
validation is one of the simplest cases. This could a serious issue
if Parrot starts using precompiled .pbc files (instead of the .pm model).

Also it must be relatively simple to check for right ? ... A special
option (for the sake of speed freaks ?) parrot -fverify hello.pbc ?

Excuse my ignorance if such a thing already exists ...
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: branch dump

2002-11-11 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 Sure. Or at least not forbidden.

k ...

 that case, why bother verifying? 

Hmm wouldn't the JIT benifit from a pre knowledge of basic blocks
and types or some information ? ... (I seem to think so ...).

 at runtime anyway. With a full scan of the bytecode, of course, and 
 you'd need to figure where each and every instruction starts, which 
 can be costly.

Can't that be added onto the JIT'ing process ? ... viz during conversion
,check for jump targets ?..

I still have this assumption that JITs need to maintain some sort of
basic block identification for peephole optimisations ?.. 

Or is that totally irrelvant for register VMs ? ... (this is the first
register VM I have encountered...)

 option (for the sake of speed freaks ?) parrot -fverify hello.pbc ?
 No, the option'd be more that you enable verification rather than 
 disable it. Speed is the default.

Yup I meant just that  not -noverify' , but -verify :-)...

So, Parrot is more secure than perl is ? (that being your benchmark).

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Draft sketch of bytecode generation

2002-11-06 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
  (Parrot bytecode is inherently  unverifiable as well, at least in 
  the general case, which exacerbates the problem)

Hmm... Why ? ... Loose typing ? 

Or does it just become an undecidability problem ?...

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Looking for a Parrot contact person

2002-10-26 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 The changes are 99.9% internal - all (parrot + perl6) tests are running 
 during these changes.

Hmm... a .pbc I assembled last week refused to run today ... which was
really surprising for me ..

`PackFile_unpack: Bytecode not valid for this interpreter: version mismatch'

So what I had been wondering was , while using a statically typed 
language like C# , you need to lookup the method signatures and similar
things at compiletime ... In general, the libs-metadat can be read to
provide this info , but if such changes as above quoted occur ... we
might be into a bumpy road ..

/me wants to be able to cscc -mpvm -lSystem 1.cs for pnet, which would
mean that we need an image loader for parrot as well .. I hope I make
myself clear.

 what changes do actually break e.g. C#, but are totally ok for us, 
 because they are termed internal.

Hmm I know is in CVS , but the design issue of classes
is still holding rhys back (or I think so)... So I also don't really know
the breaking points we might have ..

 I can include these tests prior to committing non bugfixe like changes.

Well not today or tomorrow ... Pnet has a nice testsuite (cscctest) to
test the compiler ... And pnet cvs might not be that much a hassle to 
compile  test ... So this is almost exactly what I had in mind...

But remember, we still have to hammer out the PMCodeGen nodes to let
you test the stuff ... :-)

 I think Dan is the coordinator here. Though if you can spec your needs 
 towards opcodes or other issues, more people could consider, how to 
 efficiently implement these.

/me knows Dan is the Designer  and we might be able to reuse or
slightly readjust the existing opcodes ... That would mean that either
we study parrot from end to end or we ask someone with experience for
advice ... (guess which I'll prefer :-)

 As _currently_ I seem to be the one, doing ~80% changes in CVS, I 
 probably should take that part - though I really don't know the demands 
 of your project. 

Ok, so that would mean the you and rhys should be the people on top...
I think that needs the hands of the two designers and the code demons..
(/me is an implementor , not a designer  )

 This is a good thing IMHO, because parrot will work for different HLs in 
 an optimized way.

Yes ... from a quick glance my expr_compiler code which generates imcc
and il code from arithmetic expressions showed that parrot was quite 
faster than pnet (which is unsurprising as pnet is a souped up interpreter).

 As you seem to use imcc now as the target assemble language, any 
 thoughts towards this are welcome too.

Nice language ... It solves the eternal problem of register spills 
that plague the standard register based VMs . Than means no more 
no linear scan, graph coloring is better arguments !! ... That's 
one of the reasons we're so eager to do it .. Because we can almost 
generate subexpression code without a care for spillovers and let 
imcc optimise it later..

Theoretically we need only as much temporary variables as (max_stack_size 
* max_var_types) .. with $typen being the stack top and all that ..

 I did download treecc and I had a brief look at it. Yes - it looks like 
 this is the tool perl6 might need, for going to be native C compiled. 

Hmm... it's going to be native compiled ? ... from my experience , trying
to *read* gcc code is more difficult that writing treecc code ...

 Current thoughts AFAIK are towards a self bootstrapping miniparrot, 
 compiling the perl written perl6 compiler - but as said AFAIK and far 
 future still ... print eval(all(future_dev_paths)) ~ NL;

That would mean reuse of the exisiting code ... or maybe you should try 
your hand at a perl generator for treecc (has gens for c,c++,java  c#)..

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Parrot 0.0.9

2002-10-26 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 Huh? No, you misunderstand. Each chunk of the bytecode has a separate 
 TOC for stuff like this. The full identifier would be 
 file/chunk/entry, which should be reasonably guaranteed to be unique. 
 When the compiler's emitting code to reference a piece of binary data 
 (which is essentially a big binary string constant, but I realize 
 that having it in separate segments is terribly useful) it can turn 
 any human-readable identifier into the internal identifier the engine 
 needs to look up the actual data.

Are you suggesting something like JVM's .class's contant pool ? ...
viz a constant  pool and use indexes stored in segments (Attributes for
JVM) to get the internal name ? ...

This model however is not very favourable for fast loading if you're going
in for this for everything... If it's just for custom segments, great .


PS: I can't seem to post to perl6-internals :-(
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: strange behaviour of concat operator

2002-10-26 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Ramesh Ananthakrishnan wrote:
 I have this code
  set S12 
  set I0 0
  concat S12 hi
  add I0 1
  lt I0 10 WHILE
  print S12
 Right version of Parrot, so is this a bug?

I get

No entries on stack!

last changelog entry in my built parrot is on 2002-03-19 22:54 .. so I 
guess it's a bit outdated :-)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Looking for a Parrot contact person

2002-10-26 Thread Gopal V
Hi All,
We've been thinking long and hard about Parrot and found that
the spec viz packfile versions , code segmentations, opcodes and 
virtually everything is changing minute to minute ... 

So we think it might do good to have a Parrot-dev'r do the
co-ordination duties . What I had in mind was a guy who said to us
hey folks, the packfile has changed .. refer pod whenever some
serious change happened. As well as review the opcodes needed for
C# like some sort of i2f or something and report an RFC for that..

I would like to know if anyone would like to ensure that the
two projects remain in constant communication about standards,
specs and stuff... 

Also to finish up with a question, how is the perl6 compiler
built ?. A brief look at left me wondering ... it looks
almost like a manual version of treecc code ,with all the sub's
representing operations::names...(just comparing to cscc design,
so that we can keep track of changes to both easily).

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Perl 6 Summary for last week (JVM-PBC)

2002-10-22 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Piers Cawley wrote:

/me is a newcomer from DotGNU ... and has missed the mails quoted,
hence here's what I have ..

   Regarding JVM - Parrot Compatibility
 Newcomer Karthik Kumar is interested in writing a tool to convert java
 .class files to parrot .pbc files and asked for information on what
 had been done in this area. 

I had a run-in with JILC (, in which
the entire JVM loading and disassembly was hijacked from my curriculum project
work The ILC part is still lacking (the reasons for /me giving up is
simple, those people started :-)

But KK should be able to make use of the code atleast partially ...

 it's very easy to get the basics working because of the low 
 number of JVM bytecodes.  

Don't fall into that trap  /me has made that mistake once ...
In JVM a localvariable can contain any data type , viz ints,floats,
or objects.. It takes a lot of flow analysis to figure out what
type is in a particular localvar.. 

goto jmp1
goto jmp2
pop // or maybe a toString() which clears the stack ?
pop // or a println();

is a valid bytecode formation ... viz, I need to split
this into 2 localvars and track with type information for IL ...
(no, it's not an undecidability problem , but still it's difficult
 which is yet another reason why JILC got left in the wayside)

I'm assuming that parrot will need a similar mapping to store 
to the 'I' and 'F' type registers ?

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: C# and Parrot (dotgnu meeting)

2002-10-20 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Leon Brocard wrote:
 It looks like the DotGNU weekly IRC meeting will be discussing
 Parrot. Could be interesting:

A condensed summary of the IRC meetings have been posted as :-

Also the full logs are available from


ps: here's my hello world to parrot , a small example compiler that does IL
and *now* parrot.
Check out the treecc AST operation management .
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: C# and Parrot

2002-10-20 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:
  It looks like we're going to need 8,16,32,64 bit types...
 Interesting read.  Dan skimmed over this, but what do .NET (and JVM) doe
 for floating point numbers?

IL (Ecma-335)
134.1.1 Floating Point
14   The floating point feature set consists of the user-visible 
 floating-point data types float32 and float64, and
15   support for an internal representation of floating-point numbers.

Float32 -- Single 
Float64 -- Double

And,IIRC the same for JVM as well ?.

 Are we still targeting a middle ground for C?  (Enough to be able to
 parse and handle structs natively, and possibly even make calls

Hmm... would be thinking of something like PInvoke in C# ?
(viz a lot like JNI, but marshalls/unmarshalls args automatically,
 and we've managed to wrap parts of X11 with it).

Or are you thinking about compiling C to Parrot ?
Dan : Consider it both mildly interesting and mildly bemusing :)

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