Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] does the squeezebox have a webserver for config

2010-11-05 Thread snarlydwarf

bitbonk;587310 Wrote: 
 For example it remembers what favorites I have set up.

No, it doesn't.

It connects to the server (either yours, or MySB) and says play
favorite number 3!

The SB itself has no clue what favorite 3 is.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-26 Thread snarlydwarf

fatboy66;585148 Wrote: 
 Lucky for me I didn't find this forum until after I got my radio. If I
 had seen all this first I never would have bought this amazing gizmo.
 I tried starting a thread so people that find this forum first can see
 some people love the radio. The thread is already dying. 

Well, that's because for those of us where the Radio fits our needs
(mine is sitting next to me right now: I bought it to have music at
work, SoftSqueeze on PC speakers was sucking badly -- whenever my cell
phone synced to the network or rang, the speakers would make some
horrible sounds...), there is no reason to post my Radio is my fave
SB all the time.

I'd rather be listening to it than posting.

This is pretty common online, though.  Don't always trust negative
posts: some people have axes to grind and people who are happy very
rarely go back to post that.

 If this forum scares enough people away the product line will die, more updates or
 If anyone who sees this is thinking about getting the radio GET IT,
 it's great. 
 Just don't throw out your old alarm clock first and you will be happy.

Or use a local server.  (Although my wireless is now getting futzy,
relying on a network connection for something as crucial as making it
to work on time is risky.)

Besides, I like my music library.  The Squeezeboxen have made me spend
a ton of money building it to where I'm sated.  (And my long-time goal
of replace all the vinyl with CD's has been accomplished finally.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-25 Thread snarlydwarf

BLatSD;584993 Wrote: 
 Then my fellow neighbors, don't read it!  The Canada Calling thread
 for example, I didn't read it, doesn't apply to me, so I skipped it. 
 Why can't everyone do the same everytime this subject brews?  Obviously
 you all know the tenor of this thread, you all know the guy easily pulls
 your strings, yet everyone seems forced to both read  respond. 
 Unless you own stock in Logitech, what difference should it make to
 anyone that he constantly expresses his disatisfaction with the
 product? You all share equal responsibility for his ongoing rants with
 responses that give him the soapbox to continue doing it.  It takes two
 to tango!

You do know that many people read this forum via email, right?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-24 Thread snarlydwarf

0xdeadbeef;584827 Wrote: 
 But if you should ever experience a lucid moment of seldom insight...

 2) Insulting people or telling them that they should shut off or that
 they are whining or that they should just ignore the problem is NOT a
 valid point in a discussion. You would assume that grown ups would know
 this, but yeah well.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Newbie question, sorry...

2010-10-05 Thread snarlydwarf

iulius99;580928 Wrote: 
 Received the second SB radio, it works fine this time.
 But I cannot find the Europa FM/ Romania station. I go to
 World/Romania/All Stations but I cannot find EuropaFM 106.7. 
 What I do wrong?

I just did a 'search' for Europa.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Newbie question, sorry...

2010-10-05 Thread snarlydwarf

iulius99;580954 Wrote: 
 Or, play EuropaFM station and then press the big button and then go More
 Info and please send me the URL. I'll input it manually in favorites.
 Thanks big time. has the URL.

Works fine for me...  Right now it's playing Phil Collins...

(Not at all what I expected from a Romanian station...)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Newbie question, sorry...

2010-10-05 Thread snarlydwarf

iulius99;580968 Wrote: 
 Mine is Ver 7.5.1. Can I get 7.6? 

7.6 is a nightly snapshot: works fine for most people.  Only real
mishaps I've had recently have been my own fault.

You can download it from

 Can I change the Datacenter? 

Only by moving: they use DNS trickery to put you at the closest
datacenter.  For Europe, that's in Frankfurt.  It shouldn't make a whit
of difference in this case.  Sometimes one or another may be overloaded,
but my guess is that there were issues with 7.5 and AAC playback, so it
hides AAC stations on  Using a local server should get you
around that: it certainly does for me.

 P.S. I bought this for my wife to listen this station (70s and 80s

Yes, not a bad station... not my cup of tea (being more a Peter Gabriel
than Phil Collins fan...), but surprising to hear so much
British/American music whenever I turn there.  Was expecting, well,
Romanian music.

It may be that you have to use a local server for AAC format stations
for now.  The Radio and Touch can play them back just fine (at least
with 7.6 builds) with no transcoding, but may need to upgrade
to get it right.  ( always runs stuff based on the most recent
official release: stability is crucial for that service, more than


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Newbie question, sorry...

2010-09-30 Thread snarlydwarf

iulius99;579911 Wrote: 
 Where can I see all the radio stations that SB is able to play?
 Could you please check if you have Romania\EuropaFM ? 
 thanks a lot

There is no such list of everything it can play...

By default, Squeezeboxes use the radio stations listed at as a sort of index.  (It's sort of like the
olden days Yahoo when they were a 'web index' instead of a poor search
engine then web portal and whatever they're trying to be now...)

Check there to see if your stations are listed...

But, that's still not a complete list and due to the chaos of the 'net,
they can't ever be totally complete.  But you can also add your own
stations to your favorites if you know the stream URL, and if you're
nice, you can request RadioTime add them so they'll be available for


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Newbie question, sorry...

2010-09-30 Thread snarlydwarf

(And for what it's worth, yes, EuropaFM 106.7 from Romania plays fine on
the SB Radio in the US.  It's an AAC stream so Radio and Touch should
both work fine.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio Startup Time

2010-09-28 Thread snarlydwarf

Cape11;579361 Wrote: 
 Sorry if this has been asked before:
 I've read that this radio needs 45 seconds to start up. I presume this
 includes the time to make the handshake with the WiFi system. Is this
 timing accurate? 45 seconds seems a long time to wait for it to burst
 into life.

That's perhaps right if you turn it completely off (unlike other SB
products, the Radio does have a 'real' off mode).  If you leave it in
quasi-off mode, it turns on quickly.

In Quasi-off state, it can display a clock or whatever, so most people
do leave it in this state.  (It can also wake itself up completely for
alarms, etc... in 'real off', it's effectively unplugged and won't wake
itself up.  Why?  Because if you pack it in your suitcase and hit the
road, a radio with batteries would wake up and start playing default
alarm sounds at your alarm time.. this would tend to panic those
loading luggage into a plane and you'd be part of some Homeland
Security incident since it has batteries, the Real off is useful
to silent it completely when it needs it.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech Squeezebox Radio $169.99 - Includes Accessory Pack

2010-09-26 Thread snarlydwarf

chipmalee;578956 Wrote: 
  Does anyone remember last year if the prices get even lower before the
 holidays (Black Friday)?

Last year the sbradio was only a couple months old before amazon and
best buy got into their price war.  It was pretty stable around $150 or
so.  Don't recall it dropping more than a couple bucks below that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] any easy shortcut to cancel the alarm??

2010-09-08 Thread snarlydwarf

valentine;575181 Wrote: 
 hmm, but I thought even when the radio is turned off, it will be woken
 up by the alarm?

The radio actually has a 'real' off unlike other SB's... the reason is
simple: if you're taking it on vacation and pack it in your suitcase,
do you really want it waking up and playing music in the cargo hold? 
(Remember the Radio can have batteries...)  Or just have it running
down the batteries on the trip to keep track of time?

In 'real off' (hold the power button down), it is really off -- there
is no power or battery usage.

Pressing the power button normally puts it into the 'off screensaver'
mode, which isn't really off at all, just not playing music and using a
different screensaver.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Server not seeing all my music

2010-08-31 Thread snarlydwarf

clievers;573515 Wrote: 
 glad you figured out. i had a weird one the other day. in the past i did
 my work on windows, but files are stored on linux - so i just use samba
 shares. but now i am using my mac, and on the first new album i moved
 from my mac to my linux server, it did not pick it up. i manually
 browse my music folder to pick up the new folder. i had to go on to my
 linux server and for this new album folder, set executable permissions,
 then it was able to see it while browsing. weird. you would think
 read-only would be all that is required.

Directories on *nix systems usually need 'x'.  

 Execute permission. In the case of a regular file, this means you can
 execute the file as a program or a shell script. On a directory, the
 execute permission (also called the search bit) allows you to access
 files in the directory and enter it, with the cd command, for example.
 However, note that although the execute bit lets you enter the
 directory, you're not allowed to list its contents, unless you also
 have the read permissions to that directory.

So it's not all that useful in most cases to have a directory readable
but not executable (or 'searchable', the label may be 'x' but it's
diifferent for directories..)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] 'Full off' bug and consequent battery power problems

2010-08-27 Thread snarlydwarf

ww1223;572536 Wrote: 
 For what it's worth, I noticed one inaccuracy in my original post - the
 restart doesn't happen within a few seconds, rather the 'Goodbye'
 message stays frozen on the screen for about a minute, and then the
 restart gets going.

Oooh that's an interesting piece of data: sounds like the shutdown
isn't working for some reason, then the watchdog kicks in (hey, things
are confused, let me reboot!) and nullifies the shutdown by

Of course the -why- of that is a different matter.

My Radio is on a different network than I am (even though I'm a foot
from it... it's on a cable modem instead of using the expensive work
bandwidth) so I can't check, but if you're comfortable with it, it
would be interesting if you could log into the radio and see if it's
logged something about why the shutdown failed.

You'd have to turn on ssh, log in to the radio and there are log files
in /var/log I believe.  Or let Mickey or someone else here step you
through things.. or send it back so they can.

That bit of data though is valuable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Using remote radio services

2010-08-25 Thread snarlydwarf

muchgooder;572056 Wrote: 
 I recently bought my in-laws a SB and I was hoping to allow them to
 access my music collection on my music server. They live in a different
 town and thus are not behind my firewall.  
 I am currently using orb and (sometimes) tversity to serve music to my
 blackberry.  I have this working but I have a login so that I am not
 serving my collection to the entire Internet. 
 Can someone verify that I am right about the following:  there is no
 way to allow SB Radio to log in to something like Orb.  The only thing
 that I could do to have any kind of security around this is to
 implement something at the network level (VPN or the like).  Thanks you
 very much in advance.

What I use: my server is running Linux, so I use 'knockd' to listen for
knocks and a couple scripts to open things for knockers.

The premise is that one must knock on a certain number of specific
ports and knockd will see these and automatically open a firewall for
those ports.

It is easy enough to script these knocks on Linux, and should be port
knocking clients for Windows.  If their IP changes, they just have to
knock again.

If they have a reasonably static IP (where reasonable = making changes
won't annoy you too much), you could do without that and just restrict
access by IP.  I would do this at the router instead of relying on
SBS's network restrictions, but I'm paranoid.

That may be the easiest method.

Just open 3483 tcp/udp and 9000 tcp from their IP to your server at the
router.  Will work fine until their IP changes.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Using remote radio services

2010-08-25 Thread snarlydwarf

muchgooder;572074 Wrote: 
 Thanks so much for your response - I am running windows server 2008.  So
 if I am to understand what I have read in other places, I can install
 one of these clients and restrict it to an IP/Domain range?  If so, can
 you recommend a good one for Windows?

I don't know if there is a port knocking server for windows (something
that automagically changes your firewall rules).

So in your case, the simplest method is two steps:

In your router configuration there should be some settings for what to
pass through.  Port Forwarding or something similar is what it would

You would tell your router, all connections on ports 3483 (both tcp
and udp) and connections on port 9000 (tcp) should go to
whatever-the-ip-of-your-server is.   (Your server should, then, have a
static IP on your network so you don't have to change these rules if the
router gives it a new IP.)

If your router lets you, you may also be able to restrict it by source:
ie, only packets from should get through to my server on these
ports.  But many routers don't let you specify things like that.

Then you need to make a change on your server machine: on the SBS
settings interface, under Advanced - Security there is a setting for
allowed clients.  here you would want to specify both your own network
(likely to be as well as the IP of your inlaws.  Add in as well.

Then hold your breath and set the block incoming connections pulldown
to Block.

You may or may not also have to allow the same ports in any firewall
software you're running.  Just like your router, if you can specify the
source address, it's good to do that.  Layers of security are good.

Then set the radio to connect to your public IP (ie, the router's IP
which you'll see on any pages that do show me my ip) and you're

The radio will connect to that IP... the router will realize it should
port forward those ports and send it onto your server, your server
firewall should see it and pass it, and SBS should see it and act on


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Server not seeing all my music

2010-08-21 Thread snarlydwarf

thainmlh;570961 Wrote: 
 It seems to go to about 1600+ and stop... that doesn't work so well for
 me since I have over 11k mp3's
 What am I doing wrong here??? IS there a limit? I'd imaging not since
 implementing something to detect and store 11k+ files is child's play.
 Please help so that I can avoid returning my Squeezebox Radio.

There is no practical limit -- several people here have well over
100,000 tracks.  Many have 30.000'ish.

Have you looked at the logs to see why the scan is failing?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Server not seeing all my music

2010-08-21 Thread snarlydwarf

thainmlh;570993 Wrote: 
 it is consistently skipping the same sub-directories each and every
 I look at the directory names and nothing is weird
 characters...totally bizarre. 
 For example:
 [10-08-21 21:18:26.1260] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333)
 Scanning: C:\Users\Jen\Desktop\Media\New Age and Electronic\Alpha Wave
 Movement\The Regions Between\Alpha Wave Movement_01_From the Ether.mp3
 [10-08-21 21:18:26.1675] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333)
 Scanning: C:\Users\Jen\Desktop\Media\New Age and Electronic\Alpha Wave
 Movement\The Regions Between\Alpha Wave Movement_02_Nucleogenesis.mp3
 There are FIVE whole directories between these two (alphanumerically)
 and they are just plain skipped...I don't get it.

there are?  those two seem to me to be in the same directory.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Wrong Time on Radio

2010-08-05 Thread snarlydwarf

oslpag;566943 Wrote: 
 Can anyone help, I must be a complete muppet as I cannot work something
 out so simple as setting the time on the Radio.
 The time on the radio is wrong, it is 9 hours ahead which must mean it
 is set to a wrong timezone but I cannot find out where this is set. I
 have checked on the web settings and it is correct, so is the server.

Check your router.

Part of the DHCP setup can have the DHCP server tell clients their

If it's wrong and the clients trust it (SB's do: they have no reason to
believe the router is lying to them..) they will use it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Problems since upgrading from 7.4.x to 7.5.x

2010-07-16 Thread snarlydwarf

It could be just plain and simple router overload.

My cheapo Belkin got converted to an AP-only (ie, i don't use the 'wan'
port and turned off DHCP) because under load it would do strange things.
Too much streaming, too many hits to a port-forwarded web server and it
would fill up its nat tables or some other memory and start dropping

Sadly another few megs of ram would fix it but.. they solder them in


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My 7.5.1 experience so far.....

2010-07-13 Thread snarlydwarf

ciarmer;561565 Wrote: 
 Radio is connected to Not connected to SBS. SBS is off (as is
 the computer which has SBS loaded).

My guess is that this is actually a bug on MSB since I haven't seen a
report of  the I think I will turn off with SBS.  For some mysterious
reason MySB is deciding the radio needs to be off.

It could be something such as an alarm state being incorrectly tracked
(oh, wait you're playing and the alarm period is over, so off you

VERY good information in that post: have you filed a bug report with
that over on  That information and perhaps
pulling logs for your account (what the heck, why does the server log
that it's turning your radio off)... no clue how spammy their
debugging logs are, should help narrow it down a ton.

Again, kudos for such a detailed report (including noting the different
screensavers, since 'off' is just a state of mind, knowing which off is
meant is useful info).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My 7.5.1 experience so far.....

2010-07-13 Thread snarlydwarf

ciarmer;561577 Wrote: 
 There are just so many open posts there related to this or similar
 I'm thinking about logging my post, as is, to the trail on bug 16170.
 What do you think?

Ugh, towards the end of the comments it becomes This Problem, but it
sure doesn't start out that way.

I'd guess 16170 would be the right place to put that, but 16295 looks
close, too.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My 7.5.1 experience so far.....

2010-07-13 Thread snarlydwarf

ciarmer;561594 Wrote: 
 The most interesting thing is now I cannot reproduce the behaviors in
 my post. In other words, when I turn on with a present, it stays on.
 When I turn it off, it stays off. How frustrating. Are enabled alarms
 creating these issues? If so, what a mess. Are the bugs with
 and not the radio?

That's my guess, some sort of synchronization of alarms: the Radio
plays, MySB sees it playing but decides 'oh crud, you started playing
hours ago from that alarm, you need to stop now' and turns it off.

I think it's a MySB bug: since it only seems to affect people using
MySB, not SBS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-07-02 Thread snarlydwarf

brucegrr;559249 Wrote: 
 This forum predates Logitech's purchase of Slim Devices by many years.
 (though I assume Logitech owns this forum domain)
 In the old days I am not sure if the forum was considered an official
 support forum but the CEO and staff at Slim Devices participated on the
 forum and were very helpful in answering questions and fixing problem.

Back when I bought my first SB2 (which was, what, 2005?) this was not
an official support forum either.  Support was officially handled by
email and phone.  Support staff were not (nor are they now) required
to read here, though some may do so if they wish.

It's also a pretty poor method for dealing with support.  There should
be a whole tracking method, tickets, restrictions on offtopicness
(please take your bug to your own bug report instead of cluttering up
others).  Something similar, perhaps, to Bugzilla, but with a more
pleasant UI.

What it can do, if people take a deep breath and remember that This Is
Not An Official Support Forum, is triage things.  Simple problems or
common problems are pretty easy to provide I do this and it works
sorts of answers.  Complex problems can be helped as well as long as
people start lookig for the commonalities: the thread somewhere around
here about my radio turns off appears to only affect those using MySB
and turning the radio on via a preset.  (Though there is plenty of ME
TOO! posts in that thread that do not confirm that trend... but then
they don't deny it, they just clutter it.)

In that case, the forum has done semi-well: it migrated from radio
randomly turns off to radio randomly turns off when it is started
with a preset, which is very good information for Bugzilla.  

It's still not an Official Support Forum, but it can provide a useful
filter for such.

Of course all the you suck! posts do absolutely nothing to the mix
except be annoying to other users.  They don't illuminate the problem
and are just noise that actually make it -harder- to help people.

But then, some would rather rant about things than fix them.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeeeze Box Radio turn off by Itself

2010-07-02 Thread snarlydwarf

sandymc;559096 Wrote: 
 My radio has always been on MySB when it happens, Infact it stopped and
 rebooted three times in a space of 10 min's this morning.So i will give
 SBS a go and see if that is any better.

My guess is that this thread title is a bit vague

The bug should be 'SBRadio turns off when using MySB and starting with
an implicit power-on via preset or external player connection etc'

(Since I may be leaving out some other way to have an implicit turn-on
of the radio.)

That should be sufficient information to reproduce the event, which
means sufficient information for Andy and others that have access to
MySB code to figure out where the 'turn off' is being triggered and fix

Cheap workaround #1: use SBS (yeah, yeah, I know you don't want to...
so see #2)
Cheap workaround #2: turn on the radio with the power button and then
use the preset.  An extra button press, but beats silence.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeeeze Box Radio turn off by Itself

2010-06-30 Thread snarlydwarf

Hint: has anyone in this thread seen this behavior using SBS?  Or is
this ONLY when on MySB?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm Function Removed After Firmware Update??

2010-06-19 Thread snarlydwarf

coreyo;556192 Wrote: 
 It appears that the radio needs to be connected to for
 the alarm to even show up. Is this correct? So if I lose my internet
 connection overnight, the alarm won't work in the am This alarm
 clock seriously needs to be connected to the internet to work???

it needs to be connected to a server (either local or mysb) to set the

if your network dies overnight, then you get an annoying sounding
fallback alarm.

it clearly can NOT play network radio if it's not on the net  I
don't know why that would be surprising.  it can not play files stored
on a local server if the server is off.  again, i don't know why that
would be surprising.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Which Version Is Needed For Battery Use?

2010-06-19 Thread snarlydwarf

diannabill;556209 Wrote: 
 Does anyone have an official answer as to which version of firmware is
 required for full battery function?  (I'm assuming of course I'll
 actually get one shipped to me).

7.4.2 or later is needed for proper battery function.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm Function Removed After Firmware Update??

2010-06-19 Thread snarlydwarf

coreyo;556229 Wrote: 
 You find it surprising that the alarm function doesn't work when I lose
 my internet connection? Hell, the $8 job from walmart doesn't need
 internet to buzz buzz buzz. When I say it doesn't show up, I mean it
 doesn't even give an option for alarm. Its as if the alarm function
 doesn't even exist. I'm really not sure where you got that I was trying
 to play files here or even network radio. I have been talking about the
 alarm the entire time

Geees, read what I said.

the alarm works FINE.  it will make an annoying 'fallback' alarm sound

it will NOT play a radio stream via the net if you do not have net

you can only SET the alarm when you have access to a server, because
the server -and- the radio need the alarm settings.

the -settings- of an alarm are not the same as the ACTIVATION of an


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New firmware update today

2010-06-18 Thread snarlydwarf

sheriff1972;555939 Wrote: 
 Senior members and fanboys should not take the observations of the
 deluded owners so personally.

So it is okay for you to be insulting and I shouldn't be bothered?

 My only advice for all of those people who are truly 100% happy with
 the SB Radio is to keep taking the tablets..

See?  that is insulting.  my personal experience is different than
yours so you accuse me of drug abuse?

 Oh and yes. and before i forget, i and many other users appreciate the
 help we get in trying to resolve our SB related problems.

off to the kill file for you: I don't help people who insult me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How to reset radio location?

2010-06-06 Thread snarlydwarf

glasscastle;553258 Wrote: 
 I live in Portland, OR. After we had to reset our wireless at home, my
 SBR doesn't not recognize our location and says Damascus, OR. It
 doesn't pick up local NPR stations. Any suggestions?

Yes, create a radiotime account at and link
it to your MySB account.

This will override geoip location that is normally used.  (Radiotime
gets it right for me, but google analytics thinks I work in Glide,
OR... which is down near Roseburg.. nowhere near Springtucky where I


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How to reset radio location?

2010-06-06 Thread snarlydwarf

snowmanvt;553306 Wrote: 
 Sorry, I live in Vermont. I have a radiotime account linked to the
 On radiotime itself, the correct local stations appear--but if I use
 the new firmware, I get Boston stations. Just another hiccup.

Do you have it set correctly on mysb?

(Hint: it's not in the firmware -- your radio connects to,
which uses account settings there to look up stations on radiotime.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Local reliable alarm, what would be acceptable ?

2010-05-18 Thread snarlydwarf

erland;548517 Wrote: 
 I'm not sure I want to add things like this, it will make it too
 complex. Sending WOL to the server should be ok, but just to make sure
 it's alive when you turn off the alarm and selects to continue playing
 your radio favorite/preset instead.

What is the lead-time on the WOL?  It seems that some number of
fallbacks are because the server isn't ready yet.  Would increasing
it to, say, a minute, allow for a sleepier server to get a cup of
coffee and wake up with plenty of time to be ready to service the
alarm?  It sounds like some people have servers that are not morning
people and wake up slowly.  (This may also be caused by going into
different sleep levels...)

On a similar note: there is an allegation (no clue if it's true: I
don't use the Radio's alarm) that too many people setting the alarm to
7am causes MySB overload type conditions.  Maybe some sort of random
startup in general would be good?  Ie, some people would connect at 47
seconds before 7, others and 23 seconds.. etc.

The only side effect is the radio display would probably wake up a
bit early sometimes, though I don't think anyone would complain too
loudly if they were blinded by the intense light of the radio 30
seconds before their alarm was scheduled... but one never knows.

Thanks for this thread, though, Erland, even if I never use my Radio's
alarm. :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio Accessory Pack

2010-05-18 Thread snarlydwarf

newy;548737 Wrote: 
 I can't promise making it available in Canada, but I'll do what I can
 to help our disappointed customers there.  Ummm, for a start, how
 about making the battery available here?  That would help. 

You do realize that Mickey is not the CEO of Logitech, right, and he
can't force other divisions within Logitech to stock things.

The best he can do is talk to Logitech Canada Sales and Marketing and
say, Guys, you realize we're selling these batteries faster than we
expected -- I bet you could sell them too and make money on your bottom
line if you stocked them...  Summer is coming and people will want to
drag their radios outside!

If you can get ahold of Logitech Canada Sales and are sufficiently
polite (swearing at them will just get you written off...), you could
try the same thing.  Hey, I have this radio and it really needs a
battery: you guys should stock them because I'm sure you could sell
them.. ask Logitech US how their sales are on this product!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SB Alarm Clock Mystery Deepens!

2010-05-12 Thread snarlydwarf

JohnN;545589 Wrote: 
 Yes, they're working on it so hard, they don't have time to post on this
 forum that that they're working on a fix, which will be ready in X days

You know, when the Touch was delayed, Andy tried posting here about it
and people complained.  You should be fixing the code not reading

And so he stopped and people complain Why aren't you updating us!

There are reasons I am glad I'm not Andy.

(My faves were from the people who complained that Andy's updates
should have come from someone in Marketing, why should they believe
some coder... never mind that Andy is almost certainly the one who
would tell qa, okay, I think this is it, if you can't break it, we're
gonna ship it.  i'd trust the code geeks long before I'd trust a


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarming number of alarm threads

2010-05-12 Thread snarlydwarf

Nicnac;545583 Wrote: 
 What is at the heart of the complaints here is a: this was not an issue
 before 7.5 so something was broken in that update. As far as I know,
 Logitech 'could' renumber 7.4.x to 7.6 and release it and 90% of the
 alarm complaints would go away.

no, they won't.  7.4 had some race conditions where alarms wouldn't go
off at all.  People complained about that, but it seems the fix has
brought around another set of problems.  That happens.

 b: When in the history of technology has a company remained completely
 silent about a major problem in a product because they are busy working
 on a solution. In my life, using computers, I have always head companies
 ANNOUNCE when they are working on a fix even if they don't have a
 timeline. When they don't say anything, they a: don't intend to fix it.
 b: cannot fix it. c: will not acknowledge the problem.

Wow, you don't use Microsoft products then.

NUMEROUS critical security bugs have gone unfixed for months.  They
very rarely comment on security problems until there is a fix released.
(And not a 'hotfix', but a patch tuesday update.  Sometimes they fix
critical security bugs that the security community knows full well
about and has posted exploits for, and don't mention it's a security
fix in their update notices.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Does anyone recommend the SB Radio?

2010-05-05 Thread snarlydwarf

Mine sits on my desk at work, and is probably the player I use most.

FWIW, most of the complaints about the radio are the alarm (which I
don't use, so I don't care if it works or not) and MySB,  which
likewise I don't use.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio Alarm Useless!

2010-04-29 Thread snarlydwarf

Redsvg;541773 Wrote: 
 Thanks for your reply,  andI will try it, although the phone support
 rep. seemed to suggest that my problem with the alarm had not been
 figured out yet.
 How can I get 7.5.1?  My radio states the firmware (7.5.0) is up to
 date and will only redownload and re-install that one.
 Thanks for your help!

7.5.0 is the current release version, 7.5.1 will eventually be
official, for now it's nightly snapshots.

But that's where bug fixes go.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Stuck - wifi terms and conditions

2010-04-19 Thread snarlydwarf

SRS-EKern;537536 Wrote: 
 I understand that I could add a MAC allow rule but is there another way
 that I could agree to the TC's from the Squeezebox? Would it be
 possible to write an app for the new Touch that would allow it to see 
 agree to the webpage? Could I agree to the TC's with a laptop and then
 copy the laptop MAC address to my Squeezebox and connect through that?
 Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated!

The other way around might be easier: set the laptop to have the
player's MAC, authenticate, and then set it back (or go offline) and
the Touch in theory should be okay.

It's unlikely to have a generic method that could run on the Touch. 
These tc pages often have a ton of javascript that would need to be
interpreted, and there is no standard.  (Not to mention that
auto-accepting TC type pages violates the whole intent of such

The touch would pretty much need to run a reasonably complete web
browser to do it.  That's not gonna happen with the limited memory.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Stuck - wifi terms and conditions

2010-04-19 Thread snarlydwarf

SRS-EKern;537633 Wrote: 
 Thanks for your reply, that makes perfect sense. There would be no way
 of permanently staying connected would there? I'd like to permanently
 hookup a touch to location using wireless with a TC page but I would
 assume that if the player ever stops or has to reconnect then I would
 have to authenticate that MAC address once again using a laptop.

Depends on how their tc page works I've never had the displeasure
of having to use such a thing.  I would assume accepting would keep the
system 'active' for some period.  It would be very annoying to have to
keep reauthenticating.

But I usually stay at remote places that just slap up unrestricted wifi
because they have no neighbors and it's cheaper/easier for everyone.

Or I abuse one of the free Internation Wifi ISP's like 'linksys' and


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio Accessory Pack

2010-04-19 Thread snarlydwarf

pfarrell;537807 Wrote: 
 And unless something happened that you have not
 stated, no one took your money.

They turned me into a newt!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio Accessory Pack

2010-04-19 Thread snarlydwarf

pfarrell;537814 Wrote: 
 Yeah, but neither Visa nor MasterCard care of someone does that to

Drat, should have used American Express.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio Accessory Pack

2010-04-19 Thread snarlydwarf

pfarrell;537814 Wrote: 
 Yeah, but neither Visa nor MasterCard care of someone does that to

Drat, should have used American Express.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Lose WiFi after unplugging???

2010-04-16 Thread snarlydwarf

Whenever I visit the inlaws, I grab my Radio from work, and take it
along with me.  It remembers the network name at the inlaws as well as
the key and is online as soon as I plug it in.

So, um, yeah it drops Wifi when I unplug it and toss it in the car for
a couple hours.   It comes right back when I take it out of the car and
plug it back in.

(Not as simple as buy a battery pack! in that case, since it's 100
some miles to the inlaws, I don't think their wifi extends that far...)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Local? LOL!

2010-04-14 Thread snarlydwarf

You should probably set up and configure a radiotime account, so they
don't have to guess your locations based on IP.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Local? LOL!

2010-04-14 Thread snarlydwarf

Hans_NL;534669 Wrote: 
 There isn't much guess work involved when it comes to IP addresses,
 unless one is using anonymous proxies (which I do occasionally on a
 notebook to bypass silly region discrimination). The radio however is
 just plain connected at all times, no proxies involved. All websites I
 visit know immediately that my location is the Netherlands.

oh, really?

GeoIP is guesswork with some input from a variety of sources, some of
which is public (whois, which, well, is often wrong, since it is the
information about the -network- not the host) and some which is private
(including things like addresses filled out on orders, which is also
wrong since people may very well order something to be shipped or
billed elsewhere).

My parents routinely 'move' several hundred miles according to Google

 I followed your advice though, created an account there, did a reset
 and now I live in Australia. I'll give it some more time.

You don't need to do a 'reset', you need to attach your MySB account to
Radiotime.  It can take a while for Radiotime to propogate your
location, usually a few hours is sufficient though.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Battery for the Squeezebox Radio

2010-04-12 Thread snarlydwarf

Hans_NL;533816 Wrote: 
 Thinking about that battery pack...
 Undeterred by the current firmware bugs (alarm) and quirky server, I ordered a second radio (now in red). I'm
 still convinced that Logitech will sort things out eventually.

Ah, well, the Red radio is the Audiophile edition.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Feature needed: The NAP

2010-04-06 Thread snarlydwarf

erland;530884 Wrote: 
 Isn't that what the Settings/Sleep functionality is supposed to do ?
 It continue to play for the specified number of minutes and then turn
 of the player.

I think he wants the opposite: silent for 30 minutes, and then an
alarm.  (ie, 'nap' instead of 'snooze')

If I recall right, the KitchenTimer plugin can do just that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Playlist - Squeezebox Server - Linux issue

2010-03-29 Thread snarlydwarf

Tremor;528920 Wrote: 
 I have squeezebox server installed on my linux server and for the life
 of me i can't seem to create a playlist. I know how to do it in theory,
 i find all the buttons and such but i just get hit with Note: Playlist
 could not be saved. when ever i give it a title and hit the save
 button on the Squeezebox Server interface.

Make sure the directory you specified in server settings is writable by
the SB Server user.

 Now here is another odd litle detail, i can find all my music fine, and
 if i save it via the Squeezebox Radio itself, it saves! One playlist
 maximum, if i try to save another it simply replaces the previously
 saved playlist regardless of different naming.

Check your permissions.

 Also, when ever i try to create a playlist manualy, by creating a .txt
 file and changing the extension to a .m3u it will show on the playlist,
 but none of the songs will be on the list. Its empty, and i know that im
 using the right path which the server recognizes. 
 E.g. /mnt/disc2/musik/lalala.mp3/

Is that a typo?  There should not be a '/' at the end of the file

You will also need to make sure the file is readable by the SB Server:
if it can't read it, it won't.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio sound quality... 'lacking'

2010-03-21 Thread snarlydwarf

Peter314;527111 Wrote: 
 Wav or flac..? ;)

red or black radio?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SB Radio Losing Connectivity

2010-03-12 Thread snarlydwarf

sportera;524552 Wrote: 
 Well, it seems that I have a wireless issue.  I wired my connection and
 the Slacker app seems to be working flawlessly now.  Would my next step
 be to try a static IP address?

If it's a wireless issue, the static IP won't really help much.

If you have 'NetStumbler' or something similar, you can see what
wireless networks are near you and what channels they are on.  Keep in
mind that when they designed 802.11g frequencies they were sloppy, or
perhaps the hardware is sloppy to keep costs down, so a given channel is
actually a curve 'around' the channel.  Ie, channel 6 spews RF into 4
and 5 as well as 7 and 8, it's just that MOST of the signal sits on the
channel 6 frequency.

So if you have neighbors using channel 6 and 11, go for channel 1.  Try
to move as far away from the strongest signals as you can.  Most routers
default to channel 6, so odds are just moving to 1 or 11 will move you
away from your neighbors wifi.

There is a lot of other junk in the 2.4Ghz range, though, that
NetStumbler won't see.  (It looks for -signal- not -noise-...)  So if
your neighbor has a baby monitor that sits where channel 1 is, you won't
see it with NetStumbler, but it will spam the frequency with noise
whenever there is a sound.

Ain't wifi fun?

You should only need to change the channel on the router: any clients
should notice and follow it to the new channel.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] batteries out of stock ...

2010-03-12 Thread snarlydwarf

Hap;524660 Wrote: 
 I guess Logitech figured they already had our (pre-order) money, why not
 sell these to someone else.

Um, they don't have your preorder money.  They don't charge you until
the product is ready to be shipped.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] accessing with fios verizon action MI424-WR

2010-03-05 Thread snarlydwarf

dindin;522787 Wrote: 
 Hi, I tried setting security to Low, but that didn't help. Outbound
 policy is set to 'accept' on Medium as well.
 I certainly don't want to accept all inbound requests by keeping the
 setting on 'Low'.
 Also when I run diagnostics on the radio it does say OK on all the
 ports, see my first post. Which should indicate that the ports are not
 So this remains a mystery to me.

Yeeks that's actaully a pretty confusing sucky setup.  Guess someone in
sales said make it look secure, add three levels for them to choose! 
Who cares if it makes sense!

A cheapo generic (ie Linksys/Belkin/etc) router doesn't usually have
that setup and doesn't worry about 'Incoming connections: reject' type

They do 'address translation' from the internal network to the real

So if you have a real IP on the internet of, say, machines
behind the router will have numbers like  When a machine
inside starts a connection to outside, the router changes the 'source'
from to  It also remembers this, so packets
coming back to that are on the same ports as the original
request get forwarded back to

In addition (and this is why the settings are weird), packets that come
to that do NOT have an entry in the address translation table
are discarded: the router has no idea which machine on your local
network they should go to, so it will discard them.  This is why, for a
server of some sort behind such a router, you need to set up portforward
rules, so if someone tries to connect to port 80, it knows to forward it
on to the machine you told it to...

So, it does effectively block -unsolicited- packets.  Solicited replies
come through just fine.

Which is why those settings are very confusing: you shouldn't need to
tell it to reject things, it should just do it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Don't shoot the Newbie

2010-03-02 Thread snarlydwarf

RCA;521893 Wrote: 
 I have a Revo Mondo hooked to my stereo using Reciva and it is easy to
 enter new stations
 On the 2 day old Squeezebox I opened an account went to my favorites
 and put in the URL for KRTH,WLW700,KFI 640,KCAA and The Big Talker 1210
 because these were not already in the station list. I got the URL's from
 the stations via E-mail to make sure I got the right ones  and everyone
 comes up and warns me it may not be supported and they are right they do
 not work.  If they are enterd by somebody do they show up for everyone
 as with Reciva. What if anything am I doing wrong. 
 A retired cop using two fingers to type this

KRTH has two streams that should be available, searching for KRTH
should bring them up, it did for me.

700WLW seems to only stream in Flash as far as I can see: that's not
supported.  Reciva doesn't do flash either, so if it works for them,
they have some other URL to fetch the stream.

KCAA also comes up in a search as does WPHT (the big talker 1210).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] no sound

2010-03-02 Thread snarlydwarf

KTMCDO;521970 Wrote: 
 i was using the sbs to control my radio
 it showed the album was playing but there was no sound from the radio
 and i have the volume around 20 and there are no headphones atached

This is a known, but no one knows how to reproduce bug.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Don't shoot the Newbie

2010-03-02 Thread snarlydwarf

RCA;521992 Wrote: 
 The search you did was it on the radio or on your computer? I cannot
 find those stations anywhere in my SB search function

I did it from the web interface.  One sec and I'll try from the radio,
which should be the same.

Just tried 'krth' on the Radio (Internet Radio - Search - krth) and
it worked fine... that's on a local server.  Let me switch to

And that finds it too.

Make sure you used the 'search' under the Internet Radio option, else
it will search your music library (assuming a local server), or, um,
something else on MySB.  (I don't usually use mysb... had to turn it
back on in the menu actually...)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Internet Radio, Local, State, City

2010-02-26 Thread snarlydwarf

Stevereno;520848 Wrote: 
 I suspect this is something involving the IP that is dished out via
 DHCP from whatever ISP service you're connected to. Otherwise, why does
 local change?. I haven't changed or edited anything at all in my
 Squeezebox programming whatsoever.
 Any others experiencing something similar when you take your Squeezebox
 outside of your regular home location?

Yes, that's exactly it.

RadioTime (who provides that whole menu thing) uses some sort of GeoIP
service which maps IP numbers into locations.  These can be pretty
accurate, but they can also be completely nuts.  My parents routinely
move from Fremont to Hollywood, even though they actually live in
neither location google's GeoIP and Comcast's DHCP assignments just
make them virtually move.

The solution is to create a radio time account at and the attach your MySB account to that at  This will tell their servers to NOT use GeoIP guesses
to locate you but just use the provided location.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Internet Radio, Local, State, City

2010-02-26 Thread snarlydwarf

Stevereno;520902 Wrote: 
 The regular Internet Radio Local still looks to be based on my IP/ISP
 same as before, but I don't see a down side or a way to change that.

That should be using the same RadioTime account, but I think it takes a
few hours to migrate around.

 Is how I've described it above the proper way it should be operating
 using Radio Time?

(oops forgot to type anything here).

If it works, yes.  Give it a few hours to get the 'Internet Radio' -
Local thing to work.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio Dropping Stream

2010-02-26 Thread snarlydwarf

peter.s;520895 Wrote: 
 External connectivity could only be restored by resetting the router.
 So I reset router and went back to bed.

I'd blame the router.

My Belkin dies randomly, whether playing music or not.  My personal
guess is that it runs out of memory: it was lasting about 5 minutes
between reboots when it was a real router and I had a web server
port-forwarded behind it.

Now it usually lasts for a few days, though I've seen it crash twice in
30 minutes.

It only lasts that long since I'm not using it as a router any more,
just as an AP, but it knocks off everything at once, so I blame it.

You may want to see if there is a firmware upgrade for the router. 
Mine has never had an upgrade, though maybe you're lucky.

(We won't get into why my cable modem does something similar until I
remove power and plug it back in... since it does telephone it has a
working battery inside it, and in fact doesn't reboot when I remove
power, but it goes from silent to passing data as soon as I unplug the
power... and stays that way for a while after plugging it in... it must
do some sort of minor reset when power is removed, but no clue what.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] outdated internet radio list

2010-02-26 Thread snarlydwarf

KTMCDO;520982 Wrote: 
 there are a few stations that no longer stream 
 is there a method to update the station lists 
 thailand has quite a few that arent streaming

They control the radio lists and take submissions for new stations as
well as updates for existing ones.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Wireless Help - won't work with WEP

2010-02-22 Thread snarlydwarf

jmpage2;519469 Wrote: 
 There are thousands of other devices out there that are WEP only.  Many
 people want some very basic security and live in a low density area
 where they aren't worried about being hacked by a neighbor but don't
 want to run their network 'open' either.

WEP is not even 'very basic security'.

 But yes, let's excuse Logitech for not fixing this problem and instead
 insist that people throw thousands of perfectly usable electronics in
 the trash heap because Logitech can't fix a 12 year old feature in their
 Makes perfect sense.

In your world, perhaps, but since I didn't say that, I guess you can
have your own little argument with your imaginary friend.  

WEP does work for many with the radio.  Most likely people are entering
their keys wrong.  Hard to say, the usual claim is simply it doesn't

(For example, in this thread is the radio being given a key or a
passphrase?  Oh, wait, they never say!)

You never bothered to ask.

Of course you did state:
 In the interim the options are simple, switch to WPA and strand your
 legacy device or turn encryption off. 

Which is not substantially different from what I posted, but then you
argue with me.

Get a clue and be consistent.

If you tell a poster to turn off encryption or remove their device,
then why the hell do you have a problem when I say the same thing?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Wireless Help - won't work with WEP

2010-02-22 Thread snarlydwarf

jmpage2;519484 Wrote: 
 The issue that I have with you is that you don't acknowledge that
 Logitech has an issue to fix.  There have been several posts about WEP
 not working.

There is insufficent information to state that.

Again, is the problem with people typing PASSPHRASES instead of keys?

That has been a hold up since the days of the SB2 and probably before.

 I'm pretty sure that the problem could be recreated and fixed.
 Instead of politely coaxing additional details that would help make
 this happen, you instead prefer to demean the use of WEP, and imply that
 Logitech shouldn't bother to fix it even if it is broken.

Imply?  Stop inserting what you believe people are saying into their

 The tone of your response above pretty much says it all.  Maybe you can
 try to be more civil in the future instead of coming across as a cranky

From someone who posts contradictory information in the same thread,
and then denounces someone for happening to have the same side as them
(again, in this VERY THREAD, you suggested turning off encyrption or
abandoing the device), I take your views very seriously.

Maybe you can be consistent instead of attacking people who say the
same thing as you have.

Your two-sided argument where you posts that WEP should be eliminated
from a network and then argue the counter side when someone posts the
same thing, makes it look to me like you're just wanting a fight:  How
dare you post something in agreement with my prior post!  For that I
will change my argument and argue exactly the opposite.

You, sir, started the attack on your own views, not I.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Wireless Help - won't work with WEP

2010-02-22 Thread snarlydwarf

jmpage2;519503 Wrote: 
 Maybe you should get your facts straight instead of trying childish
 redirection in this thread.  Seeing as I've been dealing with your likes
 from BBS days I don't think it's going to pose much of a challenge to
 show that you are the one who is being foolish.  My flame retardant
 undergarments are 20 years old, how old are yours?

Much older, going back to ASR33's on timesharing systems with 110bps
acoustic couplers.  That was, what, 1977?  (Ah the days of breaking into
accounts at UCB and Lawrence Hall of Science, and getting an ITS account
to play games on the Arpanet... from Etcheverry Hall...)  I remember
how cool the Tek4051 was, with such a pretty color screen, and it was
FAST since they had a 300bps modem on it.

Since the Sol20 was barely on the market then, I think that is

I don't see how that is relevant, though.

And I'm not the one inserting random straw men or get into size wars
about I have been on BBS's! like it matters.

 Your very first post in this thread included this gem;
 From the outset you were less interested in figuring out WHY it was not
 working and instead bashing on the very idea of using WEP since it is

Old?  No, because it is insecure.

Read the words: nothing there is about old, it is about being insecure,
and being insecure for years.  That's not about age, that's about very
well known security problems.  A recent security problem is less
dangerous than a well known, well documented security problem that has
well-developed scripted attacks.

 I then said that in the *INTERIM* an option would be to turn security
 off or ditch the legacy devices.  However, I have made it clear in
 multiple posts in this thread that I consider this a *SECONDARY* option,
 as the *FIRST* option should be for Logitech to fix whatever
 incompatibility there might be in the device.  There's no need for
 people to junk perfectly useable 1st generation devices (like the
 original Squeezebox) just because WEP is easily hacked.

Unless they happen to value the security of their network and all data
that passes through it.

As in my original post: the cow-orker didn't know how easy it is to
compromise WEP, and also believed he needed it for his PS3.  When he
found out that it was trivial to break and that his PS3 does WPA2/AES
fine, he switched and it worked.

That is a better answer: the user gets a secure network, and his radio

 It still has to be hacked and that's still more effort than most
 people will go to.  In other words, WEP still tends to keep random
 idiots out of your network, even if it is a protocol that can be

For some definition of 'random idiots'.  It certainly doesn't stop
anyone with bad intentions, it doesn't even slow them down much.  (It
may even attract them: hanging an I have an insecure network sign on
every packet doesn't seem wise to me..)

 The OP also pointed out that he spent over 1.5 hours on the phone with
 Logitech trying to resolve the problem unsuccessfully.  You really think
 that in all that time they did not verify that the key he was typing in
 was a valid one?  *He has an SB 1 that uses WEP I'm pretty sure he
 understands that he can't use a PASSPHRASE and must use a WEP KEY*.

He never said, and I don't have logs of the support call.  Unlike you I
don't insert words into other people's mouths and assume too much.

 As I said, the real thing that needs to happen is that he needs to
 provide some more information about the model router he has so that we
 can determine if the problem can be recreated, and then a bug out can be
 opened to try to get the problem addressed.

And whether he is using a key or passphrase.

Since many many people have WEP working fine... clearly WEP is not
completely broken on the Radio.

And it is still advisable to get rid of it on any devices on your
network and move to something that has no known exploits.  (When
WPA2/AES is broken, then it's time to move on from that.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Wireless Help - won't work with WEP

2010-02-21 Thread snarlydwarf

Merlyn52;519270 Wrote: 
 I've tried for a week. The radio claims WEP compatibility, but doesn't
 provide it, and Logitech support on the issue is useless. My radio goes
 back to Best Buy today. Pity.

You should take back whatever is making you use WEP.

WEP is trivial to break in less than a minute ... meaning it offers as
much security as duct taping your front door shut intsead of using a

Turn off security or use WPA2/AES.  Anything else is trivial to break.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Scrolling Through Albums/Artists Quicker

2010-02-20 Thread snarlydwarf

giraut;519051 Wrote: 
 Am a new owner of a Squeezebox Radio, which I'm really enjoying.  Have
 set it up to access the iTunes library on my computer, but I have one
 gripe.  I have A LOT of music in my library, so whether I'm looking
 through albums or artists, I have to scroll down with the wheel A LOT
 just to get to items that begin with the letter D.  If I don't figure
 something out, I'll be listening to a lot of Allman Brothers, but not
 much Van Morrison.  Is there a way to quickly jump or scroll faster down
 through the alphabet?

If you have a large library, Erlands plugins make life much nicer.

In your case, you'd want to look at CustomBrowse, which can add a
'Browse Artist by Letter' menu.

(TrackStat, DynamicPlaylist, etc are all also very nice with large


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Battery pack delayed again--now 3/31/10

2010-02-08 Thread snarlydwarf

jdoering;515241 Wrote: 
 It's pretty sad that software is apparently holding up a battery
 release. That's crazy. I think it's a big downside that they have to
 release a whole new update to the software for this kind of thing (which
 increases the chance of delays) rather than having an ability to release
 a point-fix to whatever charging issue is delaying the damn battery.

It is a point fix.

Ie, 7.4.2, currently in what sounds like 'release candidate' stage.

(be wary of any dates cited on the logitech site... they tend to just
make them up.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Battery pack delayed again--now 3/31/10

2010-02-08 Thread snarlydwarf

mlsstl;515251 Wrote: 
 That's certainly reassuring.

Well whichever division of Logitech that runs their website certainly
doesn't pay attention to things.  I am not even sure they load their own
page to look for formatting issues.,en
is amazingly ugly on firefox.

I dunno how big I have to make my browser to make that render the  and
 right, and to have the scrollable section work.

For a long while they had an image that simple contained the text,
This is a mockup image, do not use or somesuch on it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio battery on Logitech UK... kinda

2010-02-05 Thread snarlydwarf

testmatch;514236 Wrote: 
 I see that,en
 now states Product available March 31, 2010. and the US site carries
 the same information.

Yes, Andy said the batteries are actually all ready to ship, just
waiting for qualification of 7.4.2 release.

So should have them before the sun comes out here for its two-week
annual visit.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SB Server doesn't recognize SB Radio

2010-02-03 Thread snarlydwarf

maura;513498 Wrote: 
 I'm new to the forums and to Squeezebox products. I just got the Radio,
 and it's working very well so far--no problems with setup or playback,
 connects to My SB just fine, plays nicely with my router. But I'm
 running SB Server on my Mac, and it doesn't recognize the radio. When I
 go to the player tab in Advanced Settings, I get this message:

The radio can be connected to one server at a time: or
a local server.

The radio looks for a server, not the other way around.

Find the My Music or whatever entry on the radio and choose that: it
should then look for a local server.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Browsing Music Library

2010-02-02 Thread snarlydwarf

stevef;512845 Wrote: 
 I already have a SB Duet and am considering the radio. How is browsing
 of a large music collection handled? Is it similar to the Duet?

Almost identical: they both run SqueezePlay, though there are some UI
differences and physical differences (the dial on the Radio turns a lot
more easily than the dial on the SBC, which isn't surprising considering
the hardware differences).

On both, Erland's Custom Browse can be used to make browsing huge
libraries easier by grouping artists by first initial.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Second Half of January

2010-01-18 Thread snarlydwarf

andyg;507714 Wrote: 
 Here's the current status with the battery.  One bug remains to be fixed
 related to charging.  Batteries are already sitting in the distribution
 center and are just waiting for us to release 7.4.2 with this bug fix. 
 Hopefully it won't be much longer.

As long as they are out before we get sunny weather, that's fine by

In these parts of the Great Northwet, that would be the 3rd week of
July, then we go back to rain again,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Second Half of January

2010-01-18 Thread snarlydwarf

majones;507864 Wrote: 
 What do other users of the forum think?

I think you typo'd your name.

Shouldn't it be 'cajones'?

(I'll let you figure out where the smilies go...)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can't connect my SB Radio wireless

2010-01-12 Thread snarlydwarf

frank1969;505813 Wrote: 
 So, I finally solved my problem of not connecting via w-lan
 WEP 64bit didn't work,
 WEP 128bit didn't work,
 WPA-PSK [TKIP]  works - don't ask me why, for router AND SB Radio claim
 to know the WEP-protocol.
 Maybe this helps some others too.

If you can do WPA2/AES, that would be better.

All the above are insecure.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can't connect my SB Radio wireless

2010-01-09 Thread snarlydwarf

frank1969;504421 Wrote: 
 I type my password (and I checked MANY times - it's right and it's the
 same that gets my PC connected!)

Are you entering a passphrase or a key?  They are different...

If you're entering a passphrase, perhaps you should try entering a
-key-.  Keys for WEP-64 are 10 hex digits.

That said, you do know that WEP offers only a 'mild annoyance' level of
protection to your network, right?  It isn't secure at all.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Please HELP! Got SB Radio AirPort what?

2010-01-02 Thread snarlydwarf

Basic connection for DSL:

You'll have a wire from the phoneco that goes to the dsl modem.  This
carries DSL data.. the modem 'modulates and demodulates' (hence the
name) and then sends it to/from the ethernet port on the modem.

Now, in a simple one-device home, you could plug that into your Mac, as
you have done.  But you have two devices now...

So you take the ethernet cable from the modem and plug it into the
router on the port labelled 'WAN' or 'Internet' or otherwise different
from the other ports.

Then you plug the Mac into one of the 'other' ports (usually 4 of them)
on the route.

You could plug a Radio or even things like network aware printers,
other machines, whatever ethernet devices you have into one of the other
4 ports... or connect them wirelessly.

The router is basically a 'connection sharing' device.  It sits
directly on the internet and routes (hence the name) from your local
network to and from the internet.  If it's a wireless router, it will
also route from your wireless network to and from the wired network and
to/from the internet as needed.

It's like a hub but smarter.  

The only real trick is telling the difference between the ports on the
router, they're not all the same.  The 'unique' one (WAN, or Internet or
however they label it) goes to your DSL or Cable modem.. the others go
to clients.

It should be pretty much plug it in and it works, except for setting a
password and name for your wireless network.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Tone Control missing on $200 Radio?

2010-01-01 Thread snarlydwarf

JJZolx;501417 Wrote: 
 Need help with anything else there, John?  If so, don't hesitate to ask.
 I'm sure everyone is just dying to help you right about now.

Oh, I'm sure, people would love to help the man behind Quae.

Selfrighteousness from imposters is amusing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Disappointed by Boom to Radio switch

2009-12-30 Thread snarlydwarf

jrebeiro;500440 Wrote: 
 I also tracked down the random reboot issue to a problem with AAC
 encoded files. When I reencoded the tracks to MP3 they played without
 rebooting the device.

You should submit that as a bug and attach one of the
this-makes-my-radio-crash files to it.  Sounds like some bug in the
decoder or possibly the encoder ... since AAC playback is moving to the
players, it is important for it to be robust.  [I say it could be an
encoder bug because I know of at least one buggy FLAC encoder that would
not only crash SB's, but also confused the heck out of the official flac
decoder...  someone got tricky in their code and was emitting bad

 Regardless of my decision to keep the Radio or not, the decision to
 omit backlit buttons was a mistake on Logitech's part. For those who
 don't like the lights, a setting could be made to turn them off. If cost
 was an issue, I highly doubt a $209 MSRP price point would deter
 potential buyers. Most retailers are selling the device for $149 anyway
 so I doubt the price would really increase.

Yes, a backlight could probably be done for the cost of adding an LED
either letting the gaps around buttons leak light for side illumination
and/or having a transparent part of the button.  Not a huge engineering
change, but these days any change gets spendy.  (Ah, the olden days of
'Engineering Change Orders' that specified running wire from one spot on
a PCB to another... and socketed chips...)

But I still love my Radio... the form factor and sound are just too
nice to let go of despite well it could be better.. things.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] newbie: Radio or server runs plugins?

2009-12-30 Thread snarlydwarf

edllew;500482 Wrote: 
 I see various plugins available which say they work with the Radio.  Do
 I need to run Squeezebox Server to install these plugins to work on the
 Radio?  And/or does Squeezebox Server need to be running for the plugins
 to operate on the Radio, even after installed to the Radio?

Plugins run on the server.  'Applets' (which are new and rare for now)
run on the Radio.  'Apps' run on (and usually have a
related plugin on the server, though these are installed by default in
all or almost all cases).

 Specifically, I am wondering about running the weather plugins without
 Squeezebox Server.

Weather is local to the server,

It would be nice if had weather info, but my guess is they
would need to pay a license fee to 'someone' for that data.  Weather
data is often free for personal use, but as soon as someone with money
is spotted, they want money.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Carrying Case for Radio

2009-12-30 Thread snarlydwarf

waygil;500577 Wrote: 
  Maybe something a little more sturdy than a Crown Royal bag. :)

So drink two bottles of Crown Royal and double bag it?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How can I use radio without ?

2009-12-29 Thread snarlydwarf

w42;500019 Wrote: 
 Unpacked my radio, looks nice. Tried to hookup to my (running !) SBS
 7.4.1. No dice.
 Do I really need to hook up to Which does not
 currently work by the way.
 All I want is to stream some local music ...
 There are not that many options available on first installation,
 directly connecting to a local SBS is what I would like to do, but that
 does not seem to be an option :-(

It should work fine for local music.

Are you running a firewall?  Can other machines on your network connect
to your music server?

Is the IP number of the Radio on the same network as the SBS (needed
for 'discovery' to work).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Headphone Volume Too Low

2009-12-22 Thread snarlydwarf

Sounds like the usual more than one volume in the chain problem.

If you're using something with its own volume control, you should set
the radio to full volume, and use that device's volume control.

Why?  Supposed you set the Radio to 50% volume... now you have capped
the max volume of the other device...

Since I like the water hose analogy...

The city provides water on a nice 1 pipe.

You decide you want a shutoff valve in the middle to adjust the flow,
and you set it to 50% open.   Now, when you take a shower, the faucet in
the shower, turned up all the way, gives you less flow.

But if you go back and open your valve 100% of the way, your shower
faucet now has more pressure, and at half-open, it is able to provide
the same flow as before when the new valve was 50% open... and at 100%
open, it's got much better pressure.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Carrying Case for Radio

2009-12-22 Thread snarlydwarf

usch;498342 Wrote: 
 Not trying to be a killjoy, but are you sure you will have internet
 access on the road?

Just use one of the free international Wifi providers.

I use 'linksys' and 'default' myself.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio complaints (plug-ins, settings)

2009-12-19 Thread snarlydwarf

blazeslim;497102 Wrote: 
 In SqueezeCenter 7.4.1, under Settings / Player, half the available
 settings are missing for the Radio.  Menus and Date and Time for
 example.  Why is this?
 Also, several of my plug-ins don't work on the Radio: LazySearch2 and
 Bookmarks, for example.  They work fine on 7.4.1 on my other 9
 Squeezeboxes (V2, V3, Boom).  What's up with this?

The user interface of the radio is very different from the UI of the
older players... Your 3rd party plugins will need to be updated so that
they can work on the Radio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simple questions not answered in docs / websites

2009-12-18 Thread snarlydwarf

dial;496884 Wrote: 
  * Would it be feasible, technically and legally, for another company
 or other organisation to set up in competition with Do
 Logitech make this easy or difficult? SBS and provide
 non-identical functionality -- right?
 What I'm driving at here is that one couldn't use SBS to replace -- correct?
 Does SBS connect to

SBS connects to MySB for 'some things' like Pandora and Rhapsody and
such.  It connects there at the moment for RadioTime, too, I think, but
it hasn't always been that way, and it certainly doesn't -need- to be
that way.  It's just a bit easier to centralize things I think.

SBS is mostly about serving local music.  MySB is mostly about
serving non-local music.  There is a ton of crossover, though, where
some things can be served from SBS -and- MySB.  For some of them, it's
only to make things consistent in the local music is SBS, non-local is
MySB scheme of things (ie, if it's non-local, maybe you turned off your
server and still want to access your
radiotime/live365/LiveMusicArchive/Lastfm/etc stations, so they're
centralized on MySB).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simple questions not answered in docs / websites

2009-12-18 Thread snarlydwarf

dial;496916 Wrote: 
 I just did.  But it was a Reciva radio.

Oh, well, so the point of your post was not at all to get pre-purchase
comments from other users, but rather to waste my time responding to
your questions?

Next time, it would be nice if you posted please don't use ten minutes
of your life responding to me, because I'm not interested and have
already made my decision.   It's sort of rude to ask questions of
fellow humans and then blow them off after wasting their time.

 Tried that.  It hung immediately on startup on my plain old Ubuntu
 karmic machine.

You have to build SqueezePlay yourself for Linux.  Softsqueeze is java
so should work fine on any compliant jre.

But a geek would know that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simple questions not answered in docs / websites

2009-12-18 Thread snarlydwarf

dial;496920 Wrote: 
 I tried SoftSqueeze.  As you say, it should work, but that did not
 prevent it from not working :-)

Then you really should fix your JRE.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simple questions not answered in docs / websites

2009-12-18 Thread snarlydwarf

dial;496938 Wrote: 
 My JRE was indeed old / broken.  The automated upgrade from Ubuntu
 jaunty to Ubuntu karmic apparently didn't upgrade sun-java6-bin, and
 apt-get install --reinstall didn't do the trick, had to apt-get remove:

Wow that was neato.  I've never seen output from apt-get before.

I found all that to be very enlightening and not at all a waste of a

I hear there is 'dpkg -l' or something that would be much less spammy,
yet include the relevant version number.  But that's certainly not as
much fun as pasting all that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm clock ones!

2009-12-17 Thread snarlydwarf

aubuti;496635 Wrote: 
 I expect this should be easy to implement. It should be possible via
 cron and ntp, although I'm sure more elegant solutions exist.

just plain ntp will do, adjusting its polling interval based on how
accurate it thinks the clock is.

Would need to use something like if internet access was


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm clock ones!

2009-12-16 Thread snarlydwarf

TriangleRocks;496376 Wrote: 
 It appears the alarm clock app has major issues, but I'm seeing issues I
 don't see discussed here. First, my alarms work, but they work 3 hours
 later than they are scheduled. I have an alarm set for 5:30am during the
 week, but it goes off at 8:30am. On weekends, it's set for 9am, but it
 goes off at noon. WTF I suppose I could set all my alarms for 3
 hours earlier, but why would this even happen? Does it think I live on
 the west coast???

That is exactly what it sounds like.  Are you using SBS or   If SBS, what OS?

On, check 'account settings' at the top of the page
and set your time zone.

 Also, for the last two weeks or so, my radio won't let me select the
 sound for the alarm clock. When I select that option, I see the wait
 animation, but the clock never shows me the next screen. It did at one

Dunno that one, and Radio is at work so can't see what it does for me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Good Christmas gift for Mom?

2009-12-12 Thread snarlydwarf

kphinney;495012 Wrote: 
 Mom and Dad are only as technologically savvy as my ability to visit. 
 They have no always-on computer, no MP3, FLAC, ALAC, or WAV files, and
 absolutely no FM radio reception (NNY).

Sounds like my parents and my mother in law...

 Can I set up a SB Radio for Mom in the kitchen using my laptop and walk
 away after Christmas expecting her to be able to use it for Pandora,
 Slacker, and SqueezeNetwork without too many tech support calls?

I would think so.  If the mother in law didn't need some other stuff
more, the Radio would be her Christmas present.

 Am I so comfortable with the SD/Logitech devices that I'm over
 estimating my Mom's ability?

I don't think so.  If you remove 'local library' from the picture, and
all that entails (tagging, tagging, more tagging, fixing tags, etc) it
gets pretty simple for 'net radio' type things.  MySB has a very nice
selection of radio and radiolike (slacker, etc) type.

 OOH -- can I remotely configure and fix her SBRadio?

I guess with portforwards on the router, you could ssh in...

But I don't think there is much you could fix that a reboot or smacking
the router wouldn't fix.  (or in my case at work, rebooting the cable
modem... the router didn't fix it..)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Looking at Squeesbox Radios

2009-11-25 Thread snarlydwarf

steve617;489155 Wrote: 
 I've been researching the Radios the last couple of days and went to BB
 today they had a couple in the box (no display model)so I actually was
 not able to see the radio its self. It was a little smaller than I
 thought. All the reviews I have read has been very good. Does anyone
 know what the RMS power is and how do you all like the sound quality.
 Looks like a great christmas present. Thanks

Well, let's put it this way: I bought a Radio for work (I got tired of
Softsqueeze, my annoying PC speakers, etc).  My boss saw it and was
thinking about it... but sale at Amazon pushed him over the edge, and he
bought one.  Then a cow-orker bought one.  My boss came by this morning:
he got his Radio yesterday and liked it so much he bought another one
last night

So, yeah, they are incredibly nice.  The sound is amazing for such a
tiny thing.  Crisp, clear and can get loud enough to annoy people.

No clue what RMS would be (or if it's really relevant in an
'all-in-one' sort of design...).

And, yes, my 'work' Radio is coming home with me this afternoon, so I
can have music at the inlaws this weekend.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Looking at Squeesbox Radios

2009-11-25 Thread snarlydwarf

steve617;489161 Wrote: 
 Thanks i felt of one in the box and it was heavier than I thought. Which
 usually leads to good components. I think I will get one for christmas
 if the wife makes me wait that long. I just got to shop for prices.
 Thanks again

Well, you may not want to wait... it's $149 at Amazon and Best Buy
right now, but Amazon has been moving it on and off sale for the past
couple of days.  I don't know how long they will keep doing that before
pushing it back to regular price.

At $149, it's a total steal... I was happy with the $199 I paid, and if
I could justify it, I would get another.  At $149, it's a great bargain.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Does SB Radio have a Digital Output?

2009-11-23 Thread snarlydwarf

No, it does not.

Headphone output only.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio on Sale

2009-11-16 Thread snarlydwarf

I already bought a red one (direct from slim apparently just before
Logitech consumed their direct sales), but have one cow-orker who just
ordered the black one from Amazon and another thinking about it.

Yes, my red radio sits on my desk at work and it made them jealous.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio on Sale

2009-11-16 Thread snarlydwarf

micah;486232 Wrote: 
 Wow.  I had an amazon pre-order that didn't get shipped to me till
 October 15th.  Less than one month later and it is $50 cheaper.  I'm
 glad you all are getting such a good price and I just might pick up a
 second one.  But are there any other early adopters out there that are
 feeling a little jipped?

Not really: I still think at $200, the radio is a steal: don't tell
whoever sets prices that, though.  At $149 it's a great deal.. if I had
a decent excuse for buying another SB (I'm running out of rooms!), I'd
pick up another radio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio under-cabinet mount?

2009-11-11 Thread snarlydwarf

aubuti;484269 Wrote: 
 But does the SB Radio have the same bolt-holes, etc as the Boom?

Not that I see on mine, and the rounded back would make it a bit
tricky.   The 'finger ledge' is pretty small.

That said, it isn't very deep... maybe a 6 deep shelf would be the
best way to do it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SB Radio - Wireless totally unreliable?

2009-11-05 Thread snarlydwarf

AbMagFab;482158 Wrote: 
 It was working pretty well for about a week, but now it's completely
 unreliable.  I can't keep a wireless connection for more than an hour,
 and when it goes out, it can fail for a couple minutes, or hours.
 I have a wireless router within 15 feet of it now, and it still won't
 If I hard wire it, it works fine.
 The wireless network shows up on the list on the Radio with a very
 strong signal.
 Is this a known issue?  Any advice?

Try rebooting your router... my router (now relegated to being an AP
since it died more often as a router) dies in neat ways now.  (That's at
home on a much busier network with a few SB's, laptops, etc).

Here at work, my Radio is probably 60' from the nearest router, and
it's stable as can be and I listen to it all day.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Major Radio and Router problems

2009-11-05 Thread snarlydwarf

and, again, I still don't see how you can maintain a connection to via wireless, but not to your local server unless:

a) Your router is seriously braindamaged regarding local traffic but
works fine with internet traffic.  (Not the wireless part itself,
the routing part of the router...)

b) Your SBS is having problems for some reasons.

If the wireless from Radio - Router - works...

Then it shouldn't be any different for local services.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Major Radio and Router problems

2009-10-29 Thread snarlydwarf

danco;479353 Wrote: 
 After a long call to a Logitech support person, I finally got told that
 the Squeezebox Radio is incompatible with my router, a Netgear DG834G
 (v3). And that this was why my Radio works for a while and then drops
 off from connection to my Squeezebox Server (see my posts in other
 threads). So far I have had no problems with connection to, other than one dropout that got resolved in a few
 hours and was probably due to connection to a server that was not
 currently working.

That sounds bogus to me: if you can maintain a connection to via wireless, then your Wifi between the radio and the
router is fine.

If the connection drops only on local playback, then you should look at
other things (is SBS server crashing? is the server connected via
wireless as well, effectively doubling the bandwith required?)

Are you in the US or abroad?  US support has always been excellent...
Logitech proper support has been somewhat iffy it seems, certainly not
on par at all with the support here.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] I live in San Francisco - Where can I go buy one NOW?

2009-10-22 Thread snarlydwarf

If you hurry (and call perhaps), and it gets out in today's UPS, you'd
probably have it tomorrow.


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