Re: CSWidespread Flu

2008-02-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Good place to stay the hell away from would be the hospital, unless you want to 
add a little MRSA infection to the mix.

Clayton Family wrote:
  thanks for the head's up- what state are you in?

On Feb 20, 2008, at 8:31 PM, Pat wrote:

 The CDC is reporting widespread flu in most states. Tonight we had to 
 go to the emergency room to see my father in law who was in there 
 because he just wasn't feeling right. The clerk at the desk said 
 there are no beds available for all the patients with flu, vomiting 
 and diarrhea and their dehydration. She said they'd set up beds in 
 the ER waiting room, and in the other waiting room (where I was), they 
 were putting patients waiting for a bed in the ER. Excuse me while I 
 go pickle myself in colloidal silver.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSWidespread Flu

2008-02-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Yep go in feeling fine or being treated for something else, and come back sick. 
Years ago had to bring in my daughter for stitches, the next day she contracted 
a roto-virus, nice.

Marshall Dudley wrote:
  On the news last night they said that some local hospitals have 
suspended visiting hours. They found that most visitors were coming 
back a few days later as patients.


Kurt Milkowski wrote:
 Good place to stay the hell away from would be the hospital, unless 
 you want to add a little MRSA infection to the mix.

 */Clayton Family /* wrote:

 thanks for the head's up- what state are you in?

 On Feb 20, 2008, at 8:31 PM, Pat wrote:

  The CDC is reporting widespread flu in most states. Tonight we
 had to
  go to the emergency room to see my father in law who was in there
  because he just wasn't feeling right. The clerk at the desk said
  there are no beds available for all the patients with flu, vomiting
  and diarrhea and their dehydration. She said they'd set up beds in
  the ER waiting room, and in the other waiting room (where I
 was), they
  were putting patients waiting for a bed in the ER. Excuse me
 while I
  go pickle myself in colloidal silver.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSWidespread Flu

2008-02-19 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Chemtrails anyone? I wonder how many of them went out for thier yearly jab of 
disease from thier well trained quacks?

Pat wrote:
  I'll find out how well my CS works. I spent an hour sitting in a doctor's 
waiting room next to a sick woman yesterday when I had to take my mother in 
law. Today when I had to go for my DOT physical, there were several people who 
were sick...two women who claimed to have flu and one scared to death healthy 
woman who was covering her face and begging the lab to take her immediately 
lol. When I told the PA and nurse to stay well, one said she hoped to but with 
so much flu she wasn't sure. I told her I wasn't too worried because I protect 
myself with colloidal silver. She said, You'll turn blue. I then told them 
that I wouldn't. They wanted to know how it was made and were very interested. 
I realize now that the blue man is bringing awareness of CS to thousands who 
would never have heard of it. Probably hundreds will be researching on their 
computers now and many will decide to try it. I had never met anyone who had 
heard the words colloidal
silver but at least now it is something which might cause interest and a 
search for the truth.

Flu is widespread now in most states. The pharmacist said they're extremely 
busy and 80% of it is because of the flu. 


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSWho Controls Oprah ?

2008-02-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
The same people are pulling her strings that are pulling all the other whores 
out there. [men and women included in the whore remark] I hope everyone here 
has realized the news and other programs are fairy tales.

Dee wrote:  v\:* {   BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml)  } 
 v\:* {   BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml)  }
PLAINTXT-NONE---;  Also, I don't think they 
really research into things like this either.  It is much more the impact of 
his blue face and the distress it will have deemed to cause him, that will set 
the tone of the interview I am guessing.  Maybe I will be wrong, and she will 
be different to other similar type things I have watched.  Like the cases of 
when dogs have killed children; no-one looks into the proper story to find out 
exactly what happened and where the fault lay.  The dog is killed period, and 
it is likely that all members of that particular breed will be banned, never 
mind how many have saved childrens or peoples lives before this particular 
incident.  Dee 
---Original Message---
From: Wayne Fugitt
  Date: 17/02/2008 19:33:21
  Subject: CSWho Controls Oprah ?

Evening Dee,

  But will she?  I think it far more likely she will sympathize with him.  

 I am not saying Oprah is controlled.

 Is she a Journalists ?   Not really, but I think some of the things that apply 
to a journalist apply to her, and most others that have entertainment programs, 
just like they apply to news commentators, and  True Jornalistst, if 
any exist.

So, What do I reference ?

The Dean of Journalism from the New York times made a statement talking to 
several hundred journalists, .
( many years back, I have the speech someplace )

Not a man here can say what he believes or what he thinks.

If he did, he would not have a job tomorrow.


Re: CSWho Controls Oprah ? Kurt

2008-02-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
You can't possibly be serious? 

Clayton Family wrote:  shame on you- this is a public 
forum, please refrain from suchlike 

On Feb 17, 2008, at 5:30 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 The same people are pulling her strings that are pulling all the other 
 whores out there. [men and women included in the whore remark] I hope 
 everyone here has realized the news and other programs are fairy 

 Dee wrote:Also, I don't think they really research 
 into things like this either.  It is much more the impact of his blue 
 face and the distress it will have deemed to cause him, that will set 
 the tone of the interview I am guessing.  Maybe I will be wrong, and 
 she will be different to other similar type things I have watched.  
 Like the cases of when dogs have killed children; no-one looks into 
 the proper story to find out exactly what happened and where the fault 
 lay.  The dog is killed period, and it is likely that all members of 
 that particular breed will be banned, never mind how many have saved 
 childrens or peoples lives before this particular incident.  Dee
 ---Original Message---
 From: Wayne Fugitt
 Date: 17/02/2008 19:33:21

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

2008-02-13 Thread Kurt Milkowski
So whats wrong with a little eugenics and genocide anyway? For whatever reason 
the truth has never been a popular subject. Theres just no profit in the truth.

joe bloggs wrote:
  .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  
FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }
compulsory vaccines
genetically modified food
eu legislation outlawing certain concentrations of vitamins and minerals
food labelling ARE YOU SERIOUS?

There's a world of difference between taking responsibility for our own health
and becoming outlaws and criminals, needing to break the law to get the
natural stuff that has been stolen by the authorities, i.e. unpasturised milk.

Or the need to lie to avoid having our babies compulsorily vaccinated.  What's
that all about Ode?  All this compulsory vaccinations that's going on right
now?  If YOU want to be vaccinated and believe the vaccines has 'saved millions 
of lives', fine.  there are many who have seen through that particular
lie, so it SHOLD be fine to refuse.   But it isn't in some States, is it?
Parents have been threatened with imprisonment if they refuse the vaccines
for their children.  Yes, you can say they still have a choice - imprisonment
or allow their children to be vaccinated.

Arnold, you say the world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived.  I
disagree and find your low opinion of the human race rather sad.


  Messenger on the move. Text MSN to 63463 now! 

Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

2008-02-13 Thread Kurt Milkowski
You can develope any version of the truth you want to. But there really can 
only be one truth.

Carol Ann wrote:
Long gone are the days when Kings could just order
their Serfs to the battlegrounds of certain death
because a neighboring ruler smutted him by hunting
game on his land. Ya know, today we have
rights...constitutions and all that good stuff in most
high tech countries. There is always equilibrium, if
not there, then here, or somewhere. In countries like
Africa, if you won't fight, your families are killed
or held hostage. The middle east peasants are so poor,
they've nothing to look forward to but Virgins. In
the States, they just use what people have been
psychologically conditioned to
accept...drs. Much smarter, profits are
good, infrastructures are retained, economies grow,
business is good. The US is so sophisticated, its
citizens entitled, it had to be duped, ala 911. 

People develop their own versions of truth be it
coerce, manipulation, or merely enjoying the status

--- Kurt Milkowski 

 So whats wrong with a little eugenics and genocide
 anyway? For whatever reason the truth has never been
 a popular subject. Theres just no profit in the
 joe bloggs wrote:
 .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } 
 body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; 
 FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } 
 compulsory vaccines
 genetically modified food
 eu legislation outlawing certain concentrations of
 vitamins and minerals
 food labelling ARE YOU SERIOUS?
 There's a world of difference between taking
 responsibility for our own health
 and becoming outlaws and criminals, needing to break
 the law to get the
 natural stuff that has been stolen by the
 authorities, i.e. unpasturised milk.

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

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Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

2008-02-13 Thread Kurt Milkowski
You have to ask? Pretty simple isn't it? How can there be more than one truth?

faith gagne wrote:  I can't resist.   And what would 
that one ttruth be?
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:28 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

  You can develope any version of the truth you want to. But there really can 
only be one truth.

Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

2008-02-13 Thread Kurt Milkowski
I know who the truth is is thats what your asking? But the origional wasn't a 
trick question at all. You can't have more than one truth. There was no hidden 
meaning behind it.

faith gagne wrote:  What a cop-out.  You don't know, do 
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 9:34 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

You have to ask? Pretty simple isn't it? How can there be more than one truth?

faith gagne wrote:   I can't resist.   And what 
would that one ttruth be?
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:28 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

  You can develope any version of the truth you want to. But there really can 
only be one truth.

Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

2008-02-13 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Are you smoking crack? There can only be one truth about anything. What is the 
secret you are looking for? Thats it, theres the truth and then theres not.
  What are you asking???

faith gagne wrote:
  You claim there is really only one truth.  What would the one truth be?  
I think you are blowing smoke, you don't really have an answer, and this is the 
last time I ask.
  I don't have time for this.
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 1:11 PM
  Subject: Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

I know who the truth is is thats what your asking? But the origional wasn't a 
trick question at all. You can't have more than one truth. There was no hidden 
meaning behind it.

faith gagne wrote:   What a cop-out.  You don't know, do 
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 9:34 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

You have to ask? Pretty simple isn't it? How can there be more than one truth?

faith gagne wrote:   I can't resist.   And what 
would that one ttruth be?
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:28 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

  You can develope any version of the truth you want to. But there really can 
only be one truth.

RE: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

2008-02-13 Thread Kurt Milkowski
An interpretation, if it's wrong, ain't the truth is it?

Dan Nave wrote:  Your interpretation of 

  From: Kurt Milkowski [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

You have to ask? Pretty simple isn't it? How can there be more than one truth?

faith gagne wrote:   I can't resist.   And what 
would that one ttruth be?
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:28 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

  You can develope any version of the truth you want to. But there really can 
only be one truth.

RE: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

2008-02-13 Thread Kurt Milkowski
When did I say I knew what the truth was?

Dan Nave wrote:  An interpretation is always 
wrong, in some respect.  
  And we don't have anything else *but* interpretation.
  This we includes you Kurt.

  From: Kurt Milkowski [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 1:53 PM
Subject: RE: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

An interpretation, if it's wrong, ain't the truth is it?

Dan Nave wrote:   Your interpretation of 

  From: Kurt Milkowski [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

You have to ask? Pretty simple isn't it? How can there be more than one truth?

faith gagne wrote:   I can't resist.   And what 
would that one ttruth be?
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:28 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

  You can develope any version of the truth you want to. But there really can 
only be one truth.

Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

2008-02-13 Thread Kurt Milkowski
I'm not sure what planet I'm on anymore? Just because something works, does 
that make it the truth? Very simple, there can only be one truth to anything, 
it's impossible to have 2 truths. wrote:  There can be more than one Truth if some 
thing works for one person and not for another, are not both true.
  Some times what we believe makes the difference on whether some will work for 
a person and some times not.  Bob

  The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music 
takes you there.

RE: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

2008-02-13 Thread Kurt Milkowski
At least we have something in common.

Dan Nave wrote:  Not to worry.
  I know you do not know what the truth is...
  Dan  ;-))

  From: Kurt Milkowski [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 3:42 PM
Subject: RE: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

When did I say I knew what the truth was?

Dan Nave wrote:   An interpretation is 
always wrong, in some respect.  
  And we don't have anything else *but* interpretation.
  This we includes you Kurt.

  From: Kurt Milkowski [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 1:53 PM
Subject: RE: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

An interpretation, if it's wrong, ain't the truth is it?

Dan Nave wrote:   Your interpretation of 

  From: Kurt Milkowski [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

You have to ask? Pretty simple isn't it? How can there be more than one truth?

faith gagne wrote:   I can't resist.   And what 
would that one ttruth be?
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:28 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDo we want to be Deceived?

  You can develope any version of the truth you want to. But there really can 
only be one truth.

CSTake Your Pill

2008-02-01 Thread Kurt Milkowski

Re: CSbest tick repellent

2008-01-30 Thread Kurt Milkowski
That should do the trick for them pesky ol' ticks, but won't help you with the 
  Kurt wrote:
  I'd like to know the best repellent for traveling for the children. 
Presently, I use Neem, anything better?

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape. 

Re: CSRecreational Drugs far less likely to Kill you than Precribed Drugs

2008-01-16 Thread Kurt Milkowski
I'd smoke pot before I'd take a pharmaceutical, as long as it was from a 
reliable source. Pot and tobacco do have healing properties as long as they are 
not abused.

Clayton Family wrote:
  well, maybe for you, but every medication I have ever had to use has 
had side effects, and sometimes it led to severe long term side effects 
that probably would not have been as much of a problem if I had not 
taken them. In other cases, they have saved my life, so it is a 
risk/benefit assessment we all have to do.

My kids learned in high school that even moderate marijuana use has 
some pretty severe long term side effects on the brain and on brain 
deveopment (which I could attest to in many people I saw fall by the 
wayside, having seen the late 60's and 70's). I personally knew several 
people that died from drug use (and I include alcohol as a drug), not 
counting famous people. Death is a pretty extreme measure of 
impairment, so I reject the headline out of hand. If you count all the 
death caused just by driving drunk, it might even surpass the medical 

well, anyway, that is my point of view, it is not a common one, most 
people and even drs discount which ever drug/alcohol/ bad habit they 
use or indulge in, saying it is not as bad as other things. I used to 
see drs that said that smoking in moderation was not likely to hurt 
much, and if it did become a problem, well, you could just quit. I 
agree that you can just quit without any help at all. In fact, nearly 
everyone I grew up with smoked, and they ALL quit without anyone else's 
help. The drug companies just want people to believe they are helpless 
so they can sell more ... drugs!

off my soapbox for now,


On Jan 15, 2008, at 4:42 PM, Richard wrote:

 everything in moderation , surely !

 On 15/01/2008, at 19:20, Clayton Family wrote:

 ALL drugs are bad for your health, and should only be used when 
 absolutely necessary.

 On Jan 15, 2008, at 7:32 AM, Kurt Milkowski wrote: 

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Address Off-Topic messages to:

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSRecreational Drugs far less likely to Kill you than Precribed Drugs

2008-01-15 Thread Kurt Milkowski

CSDr. Carley's comments to PBS re: Autism, ADHD, Vaccinations...

2008-01-15 Thread Kurt Milkowski

chrisgu...@alumni. uwaterloo. ca wrote: 
ADD  ADHD are primarily a result of vaccinations
  Further to: Vaccines Often The Cause of Multiple Sclerosis  Other 
DEMYELINATING Diseases here is another excellent response to junk health PBS 
programs of late. 
  All are sponsored by the same cabal* who brought you this disease via the 
nutrient depleted, addictive and toxic chemical added processed foods; 
surgeries; and last but not least the supposed magic of generally toxic 
vaccines and drugs. 
  Extracted from: PBS' Hidden Epidemic: Heart Disease in America - More Pabulum 
For The Masses
  Chris Gupta
http://tinyurl. com/4ulxd

  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Rukshana Engineer
Date: Jan 13, 2008 9:31 PM
Subject: VIDS (Vaccine Induced Diseases) Expert, Dr. Carley's comments to PBS 
re. . . .
  Just thought I'd share with you the comments forwarded to PBS by Dr. Carley. 
I'm sure it will be the first time that these researched challenged producers 
have seen the term VIDS!
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: drcar...@gmail. com
To: Rukshana Engineer 
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 22:40:21 -0500
Subject: Re: Thank you for your urgent wake up call to humanity and . . . 
  This is what I sent; let me know if it actually gets posted:
  ADD  ADHD are primarily a result of vaccinations; and the skyrocketing 
number of autoimmune diseases and cancer are also caused by the corruption in 
the immune system caused by direct inoculation of viruses and the tissues on 
which they are cultured as well as a cocktail of harmful chemicals as explained 
in my paper Inoculations; the true weapons of mass destruction that can be 
accessed at www.drcarley. com. Obviously, poor nutrition is also directly 
involved in causing hyperactivity; sugar is an addictive drug.
  For young children who have not even developed their brains to be put on 
psychotropic chemicals which purport to treat a chemical imbalance is the 
height of lunacy, and exhibit A as to how the pharma cartels continue to poison 
the population. Is ADD due to a Ritalin deficiency? Obviously not.
  The American public is one of the sickest on this planet, with escalating 
chronic disease and death secondary to medical treatment. There are natural 
solutions to all diseases, which is why our representatives in the district 
of criminals have passed Codex legislation, and are incrementally trying to 
make nutritional supplements in therapeutic doses available only by 
prescription. The pharma cartels completely control medical education; and any 
physician who steps out of the box and actually heals people is attacked by 
what has become a medical mafia. 
  Rebecca Carley, MD
Court Qualified expert in VIDS (Vaccine Induced Diseases) 
www.drcarley. com
  Listen to What's Ailing America? every Thursday night at 5:00 PM PST (8:00 
PM EST) on www.bbsradio. com; click on BBS station 2
  Inoculations are the true weapons of mass destruction, causing an epidemic 
of genocide Rebecca Carley, MD Court Qualified Expert in vaccine Induced 
  The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so 
monstrous that he cannot believe it exists
  J Edgar Hoover
FBI Director 
  All TRUTH passes through 3 stages:
1st - it is ridiculed
2nd - it is violently opposed
3rd - it is accepted as SELF EVIDENT
Arthur Schopenhauer
  In a time of universal deceit, telling the TRUTH is a revolutionary act. 
  1984, George Orwell
   - -
  On 1/13/08, Rukshana Engineer wrote:
  Dear Dr. Carley,

As someone who awoke to vaccine weapon of mass deception about 13 years ago, I 
cannot thank you enough for being a beacon of truth and courage in a sea of 
manipulation and lies.

Dr. Carley, I know you must be exceedingly busy but given your credentials I do 
hope that you can find a bit of time to submit your comments to the 
re. their Frontline Show recently entitled 'The Medicated Child'. (Re. drugging 
biopolar children etc.) Needless to say none of the causes of neurlogical 
problems was addressed. Though I wrote in discussing vaccines as well as 
excitotoxins etc., I think someone introduced with your credentials will get a 
lot more attention from the producers than myself. Yes, we know that these 
people rarely think out of the box and are heavily invested in the vaccine 
dogma. Still, I think it's valuable or them to receive as many e-mails as 
possible re. vaccines. If you could pass this on to others willing to submit 
comments, it would be most appreciated.
  Thank you for your valuable time and for your powerful work taking on the 
criminal vaccine pushers!

  To unsubscribe: chrisgu...@alumni. uwaterloo. ca?subject= unsubscribe
To subscribe:  chrisgu...@alumni. uwaterloo. ca?subject= subscribe
List information is at: http://tinyurl. com/2xohw 
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CSDoctor alleges plans underway to microchip newborns

2008-01-14 Thread Kurt Milkowski

 Note: forwarded message attached.
 Doctor alleges plans underway to Microchip Newborns in U.S. And Europe
 Compiled by Lucien Desjardins
 http://www.agoracos mopolitan. com/home/ Frontpage/ 2007/01/08/ 01290.html
 Regarding plans to microchip newborns, Dr. Kilde said the U.S. Has been
 moving in this direction in secrecy. 
 She added that in Sweden, Prime Minister Olof Palme gave permission
in 1973
 to implant prisoners, and Data Inspection's ex-Director General Jan
 revealed that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-1980s. The
 technology is revealed in the 1972:47 Swedish state report, Statens
 Officiella Utradninger. 
 Are you prepared to live in a world in which every newborn baby is
 micro-chipped? And finally are you ready to have your every move
 recorded and placed in Big Brother's data bank? According to the Finnish
 article, distributed to doctors and medical students, time is
running out
 for changing the direction of military medicine and mind control
 ensuring the future of human freedom. 
 Implanted human beings can be followed anywhere. Their brain
functions can
 be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even altered through the
 changing of frequencies,  wrote Dr. Kilde. Guinea pigs in secret
 experiments have included prisoners, soldiers, mental
patients,handicappe d
 children, deaf and blind people, homosexuals, single women, the elderly,
 school children, and any group of people considered marginal by
the elite
 experimenters. The published experiences of prisoners in Utah State
 for example, are shocking to the conscience. 
 Today's microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that
 target them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be
 tracked anywhere on the globe. Such a technique was among a number
tested in
 the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl Sanders, who invented the
 intelligence- manned interface (IMI) biotic, which is injected into
 (Earlier during the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the
Rambo chip,
 designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream. ) The
 20-billion-bit/ second supercomputers at the U.S. National Security
 (NSA) could now see and hear what soldiers experience in the
 with a remote monitoring system (RMS). 
 When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of
hair is 50
 micromillimeters) is placed into optical nerve of the eye,, Dr. Kilde
 indicates it draws neuro-impulses from the brain that embody the
 experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once
 transferred and stored in a computer, these neuro-impulses can be
 back to the person's brain via the microchip to be re-experienced.
Using a
 RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages
 (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target's
 performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see
 and to hear voices in their heads.  
 Every thought, reaction, hearing, and visual observation causes a
 neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its
 electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts,
 and voices,  Dr. Kilde adds. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore
 change a person's brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing
 muscular cramps experienced as torture.
 Click to join TheFrontPage 
 A Comprehensive Christian News Group

Re: CSDoctor alleges plans underway to microchip newborns

2008-01-14 Thread Kurt Milkowski
I personally do not care if you are or are not a Christian, thats up to you. I 
don't think thats the objective at TheFrontPage, hey the job of saviour has 
already been taken. Just a pretty good source for info whoever you are, so come 
on down!

Carol Ann wrote:
 Click to join TheFrontPage 
 A Comprehensive Christian News Group

Heck, IF information contained within the body of your post is true and 
accurate, .even I would join a christian movementproviding they made 
this   their primary opposition objective and crusade as opposed to trying to 
convert the word to christianity..

Kurt Milkowski wrote:  
y to Microchip Newborns in U.S. And Europe
 Compiled by Lucien Desjardins
 http://www.agoracos mopolitan. com/home/ Frontpage/ 2007/01/08/ 01290.html
 Regarding plans to microchip newborns, Dr. Kilde said the U.S. Has b
 the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl Sanders, who invented the
 intelligence- manned interface (IMI) biotic, which is injected into
 (Earlier during the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the
Rambo chip,

 and voices,  Dr. Kilde adds. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore
 change a person's brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing
 muscular cramps experienced as torture.
 Click to join TheFrontPage 
 A Comprehensive Christian News Group

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
  Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. 

Re: CSDoctor alleges plans underway to microchip newborns

2008-01-14 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Kind of makes you wonder what all those guillotines are for? Great post Nancy!

Tad Winiecki wrote:
On Jan 14, 2008, at 5:37 AM, Carol Ann wrote:

 Heck, IF information contained within the body of your post is true 
 and accurate, .even I would join a christian movementproviding 
 they made this   their primary opposition objective and crusade as 
 opposed to trying to convert the word to christianity..

Carol Ann- You are probably aware the Bible predicts in the book of 
Revelation that under the Anti-Christ a mark in the forehead or hand 
will be necessary to buy or sell. Many think this could be a 
micro-chip. Those who refuse will come under harsh repercussions. 
Those who refuse to worship the Anti-Christ and take the mark of the 
Beast will be beheaded (but will be instantly in the presence of God in 
Heaven). Those who take the mark will have at most 7 years left, 
probably just 3 1/2 years, and suffer terrible things on the earth- 
sores that won't heal, scorpions that sting, but don't kill, the oceans 
and fresh water becoming like blood, all the grass and trees burned up 
in scorching heat, winds that cause men to die just from fear, (all the 
natural disasters being brought on my man himself) then be cast into 
the Lake of Fire. Some choice.

Some Christians believe the Church (body of believers in Messiah 
Yeshua, Jesus) will have been removed from the earth before the 
Tribulation begins and the Anti-Christ is revealed; this is the hope 
of the Rapture, when the dead in Christ will come out of their graves 
and the living will be transformed instantly into incorruptible bodies 
and will join them in the air. Jesus says that those who are worthy 
and watching for His return will not have to go through wrath, Luke 
21:36, and also tells the parable of 10 virgins awaiting the return of 
Bridegroom to take them to the wedding party, 5 of which are left 
behind because they have no oil (the Holy Spirit) in their lamps, and 5 
which go to the wedding party because they are prepared and watching , 
Matthew 25:1-13. Some believe in the Rapture at the start of the 7 
year Tribulation, some mid-Trib, some just as Jesus returns to rescue 
the Jews from the final destruction by the Anti-Christ and to set up 
His Kingdom on the earth. Some don't believe in the Rapture at all. 
The Word is there, people have opinions. There is still only one 

Under the pre-Trib view, being a Christian would spare you from the 
whole Tribulation woes, but not from the wars and rumors of wars, 
increasing earthquakes, and conquest of the whole earth (4 Horsemen of 
the Apocalypse) to create a One World government under 10 kings, marked 
by war, famine, and disease. So, let's see, being a Christian doesn't 
mean freedom from persecution, war and disease in this world but 
guarantees being in the presence of God and a total lack of all these 
things in Heaven, but someone who believes this should keep it to 
themselves and not try to take anyone with them? Wouldn't this make 
them monsters?

I should tell you that true Christians are not the ones that make the 
headlines, the ones who bomb abortion clinics, and are big on 
condemnation. We are actually called to reconcile the world with God 
and tell people that He is not holding their sins against them, they've 
already been paid. Colossians 1:20, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSChemtrails in mainstream news

2008-01-09 Thread Kurt Milkowski
YAY!! Wake up everybody. Keep talking and telling, sooner or later even the 
brain-dead will here you.

Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

It is becoming increasingly clear even to the corporate news outlets 
that chemtrails can't be ignored.

The local news in Shreveport LA., USA, is a good, unbiased report.

The translated German news report indicates that professional 
researchers are paying close attention also.

These trails can be seen intermittently in Japan as well.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSChemtrails in mainstream news

2008-01-09 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Well it ain't just pixie-dust folks. It's a whole bunch of stuff all rolled up 
into a ball to wreck your immune system, so you drop dead faster. Barium, 
aluminum, titanium, diseased red blood cells, mycoplasma, a nice soup.

Leslie wrote:
  Would really like to know what they are spraying
because they are all over Toledo Bend Lake where I am
at. I went to the store in La. and saw them
everywhere. I live on the Tx. side. Leslie
--- Carol Ann wrote:

 o dear. Thought I was responding to the OT list when
 I wrote back. This should be OT. See what you did
 Jonathan, ya brought da list man out :) 
 M. G. Devour wrote: Welcome
 Folks, let's give the topic of chemtrails a brief
 survey so that 
 those so inclined can continue research on their
 own. For the most 
 part, I'd like to leave the question of are they
 real up to the 
 individual, please.
 Thank you!
 Mike D.
 da list owner guy 
  I am new to chem trails . What is their purpose
 , what is in them and
  who is behind it? thanks On 09/01/2008, at 18:42,
 Carol Ann wrote:
   I too been wondering how long Chem trails would
 continue to be 
   ignored. Had previously believed that they would
 not be fully 
   investigated until one of the planes
 disseminating the chemtrails 
   crash landed in scientists and news reporters
 back yards.
   Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
   It is becoming increasingly clear even to the
 corporate news outlets
   that chemtrails can't be ignored.
   The local news in Shreveport LA., USA, is a
 good, unbiased report.
   The translated German news report indicates that
   researchers are paying close attention also.
   These trails can be seen intermittently in Japan
 as well.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [ ]
 [Speaking only for myself... ]
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
 Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Address Off-Topic messages to:
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are
 currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour 
 Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is
 different is how you think..
 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them
 fast with Yahoo! Search.

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.

Re: CSWho Is Barack Obama?

2008-01-06 Thread Kurt Milkowski
An aho

Dianne France wrote:
I thought you might find the following article from interesting: 

Re: CSWho Is Barack Obama?

2008-01-06 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hell no I didn't even have to open it to give you the answer!

Carol Ann wrote:  Kurt, were you the one that sent the 
link originally?

Kurt Milkowski wrote:An aho

Dianne France wrote:
I thought you might find the following article from interesting: 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
  Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. 

Re: Christ's birth, OT list anyone? was: Re: CSArgyria yes. Other side effects no.

2007-12-22 Thread Kurt Milkowski
If you translate merry Christmas it really means merry Christs death, so why 
all the celebrating?

faith gagne wrote:

- Original Message - 
From: His Child 

Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 2:42 PM
Subject: Christ's birth, OT list anyone? was: Re: CSArgyria yes. Other side 
effects no.

 Sounds like a great topic for the off-topic list :)


 --- Dee wrote:

 I think we would open up a whole new 'can of worms'
 with this Debbie 

 ---Original Message---

 From: Deborah Gerard
 Date: 22/12/2007 14:56:38
 Subject: Re: CSArgyria yes. Other side effects no.

 Anyone who would take the time to read the
 scriptures for themselves would
 know this isn't the time of Christ's birth it is the
 time for His conception
 ..people don't want to think for themselves on any

 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSBiological Warfare Testing

2007-12-04 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Yep , not bad. All part of the chemtrail program. I don't lnow why this guy 
seems so concerned by what we are spraying on other populations. He should 
focus more on whats going on here at home.

Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

Important reading.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSVitamins or Flu Shots

2007-11-25 Thread Kurt Milkowski
  Greetings!   Flu season is coming and in response, 
  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced the week 
after Thanksgiving, November 27 to December 2, as National Influenza 
Vaccination Week. This event is designed to highlight the importance of flu 
shots, as well as foster greater use of flu vaccine through the months of 
November, December and beyond.   This year, Tuesday November 27, 2007, is set 
aside as Children's Flu Vaccination Day, with a focus on vaccinating high-risk 
children. This day is designed to help raise awareness about the value of 
vaccinating children-especially high-risk children-and their close contacts.
  Watch for announcments of Free Flu Clinics and places where everyone should 
get their vaccine. Print the article off mye website, Flu Shots Don't Work 
and pass it on to your family and friends. 
  Instead of a flu shot, increase Vitamin D to 2000 IU/day, Vitamin C to 1000 
mg/day and use our new products, Cold-DFC and Flu-DFC to boost immune system 
all winter long. 
  (Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug 
Administration. These products not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent 
any disease.)

  Protect yourself and your family by boosting your immune 
system naturally. Each bottle will last the entire winter season.  
  To Your Health,  
  Dr. Sherri 

Re: Re[2]: CSAlzheimer's disease

2007-11-24 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Perhaps I should get over there. 

Hanneke wrote:
  My response to your post I sent to Off-topic silverlist.


At 08:27 AM 24/11/2007, you wrote:
For me it started in my late 30's. Sounds like you're from Great 
Britain? If so were you and your family members vaccinated? Lyme is 
really a VID, or vaccine induced disease. The really fun part is 
that it gets passed down from genarations and then you get stabbed 
with more needles adding insult to injury. I'll get a copy of that 
study to you.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSVaccines Killing Soldiers-Mercola

2007-11-24 Thread Kurt Milkowski

CSVaccines+Population Control

2007-11-24 Thread Kurt Milkowski

Re: Re[2]: CSAlzheimer's disease

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Well seems when treated for lyme the demetia/alzhiemers does get 

Deborah Gerard wrote:
Hi Zoe,
  What would you advise for the aging that are showing signs of dementia? 
thanks in advance debbie...send it to me privately if you wish.

zoe w wrote:
  Alzheimers is just one form of dementia but they are all being misnamed under 
that blanket recently. Alzheimers cannot be diagnosed except by autopsy- we can 
guess because of the symptoms.
There are as you suspected many possible causes for dementia
Multi-Infarct ( series of strokes) is just one of them, drug and.or alcohol 
abuse being another. Head injuries in which unconsciousness occurs is another 
one. It doesn't really matter,
what causes the dementia, be it Alzheimers or any other, the result is exactly 
the same. Treatments may differ according to the cause, but the effect is 
always the same. Dementia causes an erasing of the memory beginning with the 
present and working its way backwards. Multi-task sequencing becomes difficult 
and eventually impossible, communication skills are impaired, the ability
to take care of ones daily needs , no matter how simple becomes a very
difficult if not impossible task.

Brain tumors can also cause dementia, some are operable, some are not, but this 
should be ruled out before proceeding with any type of dementia treatment.


 thank you Kathryn.

 Clayton Family wrote: 
 One thought I had was that there was an essay for the NY Times written
 by a dr, the head of the autopsy dept at Johns Hopkins. His mom had 
 altzheimer's diagnosis before she passed away, but it turned out that 
 she did not have it- she had a series of small strokes that mimiced the
 other. It is entirely possible that there are numerous conditions that
 manifest as the series of symptoms that are known as Alzheimers.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

  Get easy, one-click access to your favorites. Make Yahoo! your homepage. 

Re: Re[2]: CSAlzheimer's disease

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Well apparently in a recent study 100 out of 100 alzhiemers patients tested 
positve for Borrelia Burgdorferi, post mortum. Some of the scientists studying 
this also believe that the plaques that develope on the patients brains are 
from Bb. Throw in flouride, aluminum, mercury, and whatever else the bugs seem 
to like and try and figure it all out. To me it seems fairly obvious, in light 
of the recent study.

Deborah Gerard wrote:
  Kurt is lyme the only thing that causes dementia/alzhiemers? thanks much 

Kurt Milkowski wrote: Well seems when 
treated for lyme the demetia/alzhiemers does get better.Hm.

Deborah Gerard wrote:
Hi Zoe,
  What would you advise for the aging that are showing signs of dementia? 
thanks in advance debbie...send it to me privately if you wish.

zoe w wrote:
  Alzheimers is just one form of dementia but they are all being misnamed under 
that blanket recently. Alzheimers cannot be diagnosed except by autopsy- we can 
guess because of the symptoms.
There are as you suspected many possible causes for dementia
Multi-Infarct ( series of strokes) is just one of them, drug and.or alcohol 
abuse being another. Head injuries in which unconsciousness occurs is another 
one. It doesn't really matter,
what causes the dementia, be it Alzheimers or any other, the result is exactly 
the same. Treatments may differ according to the cause, but the effect is 
always the same. Dementia causes an erasing of the memory beginning with the 
present and working its way backwards. Multi-task sequencing becomes difficult 
and eventually impossible, communication skills are impaired, the ability
to take care of ones daily needs , no matter how simple becomes a very
difficult if not impossible task.

Brain tumors can also cause dementia, some are operable, some are not, but this 
should be ruled out before proceeding with any type of dementia treatment.


 thank you Kathryn.

 Clayton Family wrote: 
 One thought I had was that there was an essay for the NY Times written
 by a dr, the head of the autopsy dept at Johns Hopkins. His mom had 
 altzheimer's diagnosis before she passed away, but it turned out that 
 she did not have it- she had a series of small strokes that mimiced the
 other. It is entirely possible that there are numerous conditions that
 manifest as the series of symptoms that are known as Alzheimers.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

  Get easy, one-click access to your favorites. Make Yahoo! your homepage. 

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CSDebbie- Salt/ Vitamin C Protocol

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
  Hey Debbie,

  Heres the basic protocol:

  A quick thumbnail summary of How To Do The Protocol is as follows:
(Note:  The best, most thorough How-To in terms of exactly what to do
step-by-step, how to properly Scale-Up, what to expect, when, where 
get materials, adjuncts to assist the protocol, etc., are available as 
complete eBook How Top Do The Oral Salt/C Protocol which is available
in the Advanced Members Section.)

  1.  Read The Basic Concept and Theory:  
At the original Lymephotos site:

  2.  Get the correct salt for the protocol:   
  Get the correct salt as noted at Link # 12. in the Links Section of
  this board entitled:  Salt Sources (online and offline).   If you
  use natural salts (instead of the 1 gram CMC salt tabs), get empty 
  capsules to fill to make a salt dose.  One size #00 capsule will
  give you roughly 1 gram of salt when filled. . 3.  Get Vitamin C:   
It can be any good Vitamin C tab or capsule from your local health 
or online.  Best is a natural source type C (example vitamin C from
rose hips) that also has bioflavanoids for better absorption and
assimilation.  Those with tender tummies from their Lyme complex, may
prefer buffered C.

Note: it is also possible to pre-mix a day's worth of salt/C doses
in a container and then take doses from it spread out through the day. 
This has been found helpful for those with nausea issues as result of
their Lyme complex.  For more information on this method see Link #9 of
the Links Section, entitled Mixture Method. 
  4.  The Scale-Up Method:   
DO NOT start out at full-dose (the up to 12 grams per day) as
described at the Lymephotos site.
  Use the Scale-Up Method.  Start with 1 gram of salt and 1 gram of
  Vitamin C, taken together - and literally just take them 1-2 times 
  day.  Many folks with high microbial loads have had significant
  die-off reactions (or herxheimer reaction - or herx for short),
  just on such a starting dosing.  (example: at 10AM and then again at
  2PM) Then, listen very carefully to the reaction of your body.  If
  there's even just increased fatigue, or the common itching, moving
  sensation of the skin, hold at that dose. Continue just at that dose
  until it flattens or plateaus, and the reaction subsides, before
  edging up an additional dose for the day, or 3 times spread-out in 
  day. Note:  drink plenty of water on the protocol, both with the
  dosing and in between, so that many glasses of water are consumed
  daily. If the reaction is really strong, really stiff as we say and
  is too uncomfortable, you can back down the dose or even hold off
  altogether for a day or so to allow the body to clear the die-off
  material.  (However, it is best wherever possible to simply back down
  the dose rather than stop the protocol, as it is the constant
  application of the protocol that has been found to bring a person 
  healthwise in a shorter time). During the die-off reaction (or
  herx) period, you will want to help the body and give it as much
  support as possible by:
l  drinking lots of good, pure water
l  take ample minerals (Concentrace liquid minerals are recommended) l 
eat an alkalizing diet (at least 75% good, fresh veggies/fruit, etc.) l

for digestive, nausea, toxic feeling, take Activated Charcoal (online 
health store) but away from the supps l  give your body as much rest as
  Follow the above pattern, edge the doses up gradiently and steadily,
  allow clearing as noted and support the body.  The motto is: pace,
  not race. . 5.  Herx periods:   
Expect to hit more pronounced or stiff herx periods at approximately
the 4-5 week period, the 8-9 week, the 12-13 week, the 16-17 week, and
roughly every 4 weeks from the time of starting for many months.  A
significant period can be found at the 6 month (or 26-27 week area) and
the 9-10 month area.

Top of page
Return To Yahoo Group Links Page
Go To Lyme Strategies Website

CS$100,000 offer for MD to publicly drink vaccine cocktail

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
 snipped this from another groupGREAT SUGGESTION..

I think this speaks volumes about the safety of
vaccinations. It is fun to
inform doctors who administer children's vaccinations
about this and ask if
they'll take up Jock's offer.


From: J Doubleday [mailto:jockdoubleday2007@] 
* * * PRESS RELEASE * * *

November 19, 2007

Ojai, CA -- On January 29, 2001, Jock Doubleday
$20,000 to the first U.S.-licensed medical doctor or
company CEO to publicly drink a mixture of standard
additive ingredients:

http://www.mercola. com/2001/ feb/10/vaccine_

The offer had no takers.

On August 1, 2006, Doubleday increased the $20,000
offer to

http://www.vaclib. org/links/ jockslinks. htm#press

The new $75,000 offer had no takers.


On June 1, 2007, the offer was increased to $80,000.
On July 1, 2007, the offer was increased to $85,000.
On August 1, 2007, the offer was increased to $90,000.
On September 1, 2007, the offer was increased to
On October 1, 2007, the offer was increased to
On November 1, 2007, the offer was increased to

The offer will increase $5,000 per month, in
perpetuity, until an
M.D. or pharmaceutical company CEO, or any of the 14
members of the ACIP (see below), agree to drink a
calibrated dose of the poisonous vaccine additives
that M.D.s
routinely inject into children in the name of health.

As of December 1, 2007, the offer will increase to
As of January 1, 2008, the offer will increase to
$115,000. . . . etc.

This offer has no expiration date unless superceded by
a similar 
offer of higher remuneration.

In health,

Jock Doubleday
Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.
A California 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation
http://gentlebirth. org/nwnm. org/nwnm_ org.html


[Letter sent out August 1, 2006]

To Whom it May Concern:

As of August 1, 2006, I have increased the reward from
$20,000 to
$75,000 for the public drinking of the vaccine
additives mixture.

Please see the full text of the offer below (PRESS

The original $20,000 Vaccine Offer was made January
29, 2001.
Since that time, 14 doctors, or persons claiming to be
doctors, have
contacted me about publicly drinking the vaccine
additives mixture.

None has followed through.

Regarding the new $75,000 Vaccine Offer, please note
that I have
added to the list of potential candidates the 14
relevant members of
the CDC's 2006 Advisory Committee on Immunization
(ACIP), as follows:

Jon S. Abramson, M.D. (Chair)
Ban Mishu Allos, M.D.
Carol Baker, M.D.
Janet R. Gilsdorf, M.D.
Harry Hull, M.D.
Susan Lett, M.D.
Tracy Lieu, M.D.
Dale L. Morse, M.D.
Julia Morita, M.D.
Kathleen Neuzil, M.D.
Patricia Stinchfield, N.P.
Ciro Valent Sumaya, M.D.
John J. Treanor, M.D.
Robin J. Womeodu, M.D.

In health,

Jock Doubleday
Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.
A California 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation
http://gentlebirth. org/nwnm. org/nwnm_ org.html

Jock Doubleday is the author of
Spontaneous Creation:
101 Reasons Not to Have Your Baby in a Hospital, Vol
A Book about Natural Childbirth and the Birth of
Wisdom and
Power in Childbearing Women


* * * PRESS RELEASE * * *

August 1, 2006


THE FOLLOWING OFFER is made to U.S.-licensed medical
who routinely administer childhood vaccines and to
company CEOs worldwide:

Jock Doubleday, director of the California 501(c)3
corporation Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc., hereby
$75,000.00 to the first medical doctor or
pharmaceutical company
CEO who publicly drinks a mixture of standard vaccine
ingredients in the same amount as a six-year-old child
is recommended
to receive under the year-2005 guidelines of the U.S.
Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. (In the event that
thimerosal has
recently been removed from a particular vaccine, the
containing version of that vaccine will be used.)

The mixture will not contain viruses or bacteria dead
or alive, but
will contain standard vaccine additive ingredients in
their usual
forms and proportions. The mixture will include, but
will not be
limited to, the following ingredients: thimerosal (a
derivative), ethylene glycol (antifreeze) , phenol (a
dye), benzethonium chloride (a disinfectant) ,
formaldehyde (a
preservative and disinfectant) , and aluminum.

The mixture will be prepared by Jock Doubleday, three
professionals that he names, and three medical
professionals that
the participant names.

The mixture will be body weight calibrated.

Because the participant is either a professional
caregiver who
routinely administers childhood vaccines, or a
company CEO whose business is, in part, the sale of
vaccines, it is understood by all parties that the
considers all vaccine additive ingredients to be safe
and that the

Re: Re[2]: CSAlzheimer's disease

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
For me it started in my late 30's. Sounds like you're from Great Britain? If so 
were you and your family members vaccinated? Lyme is really a VID, or vaccine 
induced disease. The really fun part is that it gets passed down from 
genarations and then you get stabbed with more needles adding insult to injury. 
I'll get a copy of that study to you.

Hanneke wrote:
  Kurt,  I would be interested in seeing a reference to this  recent study.  

Alzheimer's 'runs' in our family - on my mum's side, the FAD (Familial  
Alzheimer's Disease) and appears to have a clear genetic component to it.  
I have lost my  grandma, my mum, 2 uncles and, only this week, my own brother - 
59,  to this disease.  
Deterioration of brain functions involving memory can have many different 
causes, but not all dementia is Alzheimer's. 

Although there appears to be still a lot of uncertainties and un-knows with 
regard to this disease,  the slow developing form more often than not  begins 
at an earlier age. For all of my relatives it started to manifest  in their 
early forties.


At 02:09 AM 24/11/2007, you wrote:
  Well apparently in a recent study 100 out of 100 alzhiemers patients tested 
positve for Borrelia Burgdorferi, post mortum. Some of the scientists studying 
this also believe that the plaques that develope on the patients brains are 
from Bb. Throw in flouride, aluminum, mercury, and whatever else the bugs seem 
to like and try and figure it all out. To me it seems fairly obvious, in light 
of the recent study.

Deborah Gerard wrote:

   Kurt is lyme the only thing that causes dementia/alzhiemers? thanks much 

   Kurt Milkowski wrote: 

   Well seems when treated for lyme the demetia/alzhiemers does get 

   Deborah Gerard wrote:

   Hi Zoe,
   What would you advise for the aging that are showing signs of dementia? 
thanks in advance debbie...send it to me privately if you wish.

   zoe w wrote:

   Alzheimers is just one form of dementia but they are all being misnamed 
under that blanket recently. Alzheimers cannot be diagnosed except by autopsy- 
we can guess because of the symptoms.
   There are as you suspected many possible causes for dementia
   Multi-Infarct ( series of strokes) is just one of them, drug and.or alcohol 
abuse being another. Head injuries in which unconsciousness occurs is another 
one. It doesn't really matter,
   what causes the dementia, be it Alzheimers or any other, the result is 
exactly the same. Treatments may differ according to the cause, but the effect 
is always the same. Dementia causes an erasing of the memory beginning with the 
present and working its way backwards. Multi-task sequencing becomes difficult 
and eventually impossible, communication skills are impaired, the ability
   to take care of ones daily needs , no matter how simple becomes a very
   difficult if not impossible task.

   Brain tumors can also cause dementia, some are operable, some are not, but 
this should be ruled out before proceeding with any type of dementia treatment.


thank you Kathryn.

Clayton Family wrote: 
One thought I had was that there was an essay for the NY Times written
by a dr, the head of the autopsy dept at Johns Hopkins. His mom had 
altzheimer's diagnosis before she passed away, but it turned out that 
she did not have it- she had a series of small strokes that mimiced the
other. It is entirely possible that there are numerous conditions that
manifest as the series of symptoms that are known as Alzheimers.

   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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CSLyme Disease/ Alzhiemers Plaques

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
  1: Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(3):592-600. Epub 2006 May 3.

Plaques of Alzheimer's disease originate from cysts of Borrelia burgdorferi, 
the Lyme disease spirochete.

MacDonald AB.
St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center, Department of Pathology, 50 Rte 25 A, 
Smithtown, NY 11787, USA.

Here is hypothesized a truly revolutionary notion that rounded cystic forms of 
Borrelia burgdorferi are the root cause of the rounded structures called 
plaques in the Alzheimer brain. Rounded plaques' in high density in brain 
tissue are emblematic of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Plaques may be 
conceptualized as rounded pock mark-like areas of brain tissue injury. In 
this century, in brain tissue of AD, plaques are Amyloid Plaques according to 
the most up to date textbooks. In the last century, however, Dr. Alois 
Alzheimer did not require amyloid as the pathogenesis for either the disease or 
for the origin of its plaques. Surely, amyloid is an event in AD, but it may 
not be the primal cause of AD. Indeed in plaques, amyloid is regularly 
represented by the congophilic core structure which is so named because the 
waxy amyloid material binds the congo red stain and is congophilic. However an 
accepted subset of plaques in AD is devoid of a congophilic amyloid core region
 (these plaques cotton wool type plaques, lack a central congophilic core 
structure). Furthermore, there is plaque diversity in Alzheimer's; small, 
medium and large plaques parallel variable cystic diameters for Borrelia 
burgdorferi. Perturbations of AD plaque structure (i.e. young plaques devoid of 
a central core and older plaques with or without a central core structure) 
offer room for an alternate pathway for explanation of ontogeny of the plaque 
structures. If amyloid is not required to initiate all of the possible plaques 
in Alzheimer's, is it possible that amyloid just a by product of a more 
fundamental primal path to dementia? If a byproduct status is assigned to 
amyloid in the realm of plaque formation, then is amyloid also an epiphenomenon 
rather than a primary pathogenesis for Alzheimer's disease. In the anatomy is 
destiny model, cysts of borrelia are always round. Why then not accept 
roundness as a fundamental structure determines function argument for
 the answer to the mystery of why Alzheimer plaques are always round? Parataxis 
causality, a concept borrowed from philosophy, is the error that comes from 
linking two events, which occur contemporaneously or in close proximity to one 
another with a cause and effect relationship. Parataxis tells us that what 
appears to be cause and effect in the couplet amyloid plaque merely by a 
proximity relationship may be spurious causality which is a cognitive dead 

PMID: 16675154 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 

Re: CSDebbie- Salt/ Vitamin C Protocol

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
No problem Debbie. Glad to try and help.

Deborah Gerard wrote:
  Big thank-you Kurt I appreciate it very much...debbie

Kurt Milkowski wrote:  
  Hey Debbie,

  Heres the basic protocol:

  A quick thumbnail summary of How To Do The Protocol is as follows:
(Note:  The best, most thorough How-To in terms of exactly what to do
step-by-step, how to properly Scale-Up, what to expect, when, where 
get materials, adjuncts to assist the protocol, etc., are available as 
complete eBook How Top Do The Oral Salt/C Protocol which is available
in the Advanced Members Section.)

  1.  Read The Basic Concept and Theory:  
At the original Lymephotos site:

  2.  Get the correct salt for the protocol:   
  Get the correct salt as noted at Link # 12. in the Links Section of
  this board entitled:  Salt Sources (online and offline).   If you
  use natural salts (instead of the 1 gram CMC salt tabs), get empty 
  capsules to fill to make a salt dose.  One size #00 capsule will
  give you roughly 1 gram of salt when filled. . 3.  Get Vitamin C:   
It can be any good Vitamin C tab or capsule from your local health 
or online.  Best is a natural source type C (example vitamin C from
rose hips) that also has bioflavanoids for better absorption and
assimilation.  Those with tender tummies from their Lyme complex, may
prefer buffered C.

Note: it is also possible to pre-mix a day's worth of salt/C doses
in a container and then take doses from it spread out through the day. 
This has been found helpful for those with nausea issues as result of
their Lyme complex.  For more information on this method see Link #9 of
the Links Section, entitled Mixture Method. 
  4.  The Scale-Up Method:   
DO NOT start out at full-dose (the up to 12 grams per day) as
described at the Lymephotos site.
  Use the Scale-Up Method.  Start with 1 gram of salt and 1 gram of
  Vitamin C, taken together - and literally just take them 1-2 times 
  day.  Many folks with high microbial loads have had significant
  die-off reactions (or herxheimer reaction - or herx for short),
  just on such a starting dosing.  (example: at 10AM and then again at
  2PM) Then, listen very carefully to the reaction of your body.  If
  there's even just increased fatigue, or the common itching, moving
  sensation of the skin, hold at that dose. Continue just at that dose
  until it flattens or plateaus, and the reaction subsides, before
  edging up an additional dose for the day, or 3 times spread-out in 
  day. Note:  drink plenty of water on the protocol, both with the
  dosing and in between, so that many glasses of water are consumed
  daily. If the reaction is really strong, really stiff as we say and
  is too uncomfortable, you can back down the dose or even hold off
  altogether for a day or so to allow the body to clear the die-off
  material.  (However, it is best wherever possible to simply back down
  the dose rather than stop the protocol, as it is the constant
  application of the protocol that has been found to bring a person 
  healthwise in a shorter time). During the die-off reaction (or
  herx) period, you will want to help the body and give it as much
  support as possible by:
l  drinking lots of good, pure water
l  take ample minerals (Concentrace liquid minerals are recommended) l 
eat an alkalizing diet (at least 75% good, fresh veggies/fruit, etc.) l

for digestive, nausea, toxic feeling, take Activated Charcoal (online 
health store) but away from the supps l  give your body as much rest as
  Follow the above pattern, edge the doses up gradiently and steadily,
  allow clearing as noted and support the body.  The motto is: pace,
  not race. . 5.  Herx periods:   
Expect to hit more pronounced or stiff herx periods at approximately
the 4-5 week period, the 8-9 week, the 12-13 week, the 16-17 week, and
roughly every 4 weeks from the time of starting for many months.  A
significant period can be found at the 6 month (or 26-27 week area) and
the 9-10 month area.

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CSLyme-Autism-Vaccine connect the dots

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
  _ php?option= com_content task=view id=42154 
( php?option= com_content task=view id=42154 

Evidence Mounts Implicating Lyme Disease in the Autism Epidemic 
( php?option= com_content do_pdf=1 id=42154) 
( php?option= com_content task=view id=42154 
pop=1page= 0Ite
( php?option= com_content task=emailform 
id=42154 itemid=9) A new article in Medical Hypotheses 
(_http://www.scienced science?_ ob=PublicationUR L_tockey= 
%23TOC%236950% 23%23999 99
%239%23FLA% 23_cdi=6950 _pubType= J_auth=y _acct=C50221 _version= 
lVersion=0_ userid=6271824 md5=995d1b571754 f3dc6cda665b9c20 d2af_ 
(http://www.scienced science?_ ob=PublicationUR L_tockey= 
#TOC#6950# #9# 9
#FLA#_cdi= 6950_pubType= J_auth=y _acct=C50221 _version= 
=0_userid=6271824 md5=995d1b571754 f3dc6cda665b9c20 d2af) ), The association 
between tick-borne infections, Lyme Borreliosis and autism spectrum 
disorders was released this week. Robert Bransfield, M.D., the main author 
collaborated with top doctors in both fields on this paper such as Jeff 
Wulfman, M.D., 
William T. Harvey, M.D. and Anju Usman, M.D. 
The summary of the article states that Chronic infectious diseases, 
including tick-borne infections such as Borrelia burgdorferi may have direct 
effects, promote other infections and create a weakened, sensitized and 
immunologically vulnerable state during fetal development and infancy leading 
increased vulnerability for developing autism spectrum disorders. 
Bransfield et al 
(_http://www.ncbi. sites/entrez? Db=pubmed Cmd=ShowDetailVi 
ewTermToSearch= 17980971 ordinalpos= 1itool=EntrezSy stem2.PEntrez. Pubm
ed.Pubmed_ResultsPa nel.Pubmed_ RVDocSum_ 
(http://www.ncbi. sites/entrez? Db=pubmed Cmd=ShowDetailVi 
ewTermToSearch= 17980971 ordinalpos= 1itool=Entr
ezSystem2.PEntrez. Pubmed.Pubmed_ ResultsPanel. Pubmed_RVDocSum) ), examine cli
nical observations, case reports, laboratory testing of patients with Autism 
Spectrum Disorder for tick-borne diseases, brain imaging results, 
epidemiological findings, infections and autism, tick-borne/Borrelio sis 
infections and 
psychiatric illness and many other factors in this collaboration of research 
Numbers indicate that 20-30% of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder may 
be infected with Lyme Borreliosis and pathogenic Mycoplasma may be a 
contributor in 58% of cases. With these staggering numbers, families and 
need education on the proper testing and treatment methods currently available. 
With these 20-30% numbers representing around 140,000 cases of autism in the 
United States alone, the human impact of this disease is staggering. 
Bransfield et al states that If just 20% of the 560,000 recognized cases of 
ASD in 
the US can be prevented or more effectively treated, this could result in a 
savings of $358 billion in addition to the incalculable human impact of this 
The authors recognized the contributions of Charles Ray Jones, M.D. for 
decades of expertise and dedication in helping hundreds of children with Lyme 
Borreliosis and autism spectrum disorder. 
Parents needing more information on testing and treatment can turn to the 
LIA Foundation (_http://www.liafound ation.org_ (http://www.liafound ) 
for support. They are a non-profit organization which focuses on research, 
awareness and education on the multiple infections, including Borrelia/Lyme 
Disease, and how that impacts children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 
About Autism: 
Autism is a disorder that currently affects 1 out of 150 children. Boys are 
the majority of those affected. The numbers of autism cases spiked in the 
mid-late 90's and continues to remain high. Most children do improve with some 
sort of biomedical and behavioral intervention. 
About Lyme Disease: 
Lyme disease is generally caused by a tick bite and can is more effective 
when antibiotics are administered soon after the infection. Borreliosis is a 
long-term infection that exists and can be undiagnosed Lyme disease or 
transmitted in some other way. Symptoms 
(_http://www.lymeindu cedautism. com/symptomcheck list.html_ 
(http://www.lymeindu cedautism. com/symptomcheck list.html) ) 
include achy joints, confusion, slurring words, word retrieval problems, brain 
fog, sensitivity to light and sound. Lyme disease in its late stage can be 
fatal, causing MS like symptoms and debilitating its victims. One of the 
in which Lyme disease is known to mimic is autism spectrum disorder. 
About the LIA Foundation (_http://www.liafound ation.org_ 
(http://www.liafound ): 
The foundation was started in September 2006 by parents of children with 
autism and Lyme disease. Kathy Blanco of Beaverton, OR and Tami Duncan of 

Re: Re[2]: CSAlzheimer's disease

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
You may be headin off to antarctica to find that place unfortunately. And if 
theres no Burgdorferi, theres Afzelii, Garinii, and a couple hundred more 
relatives out there.

Duncan Crow wrote:
  One might think by the study that there is no alzheimers in 
regions that don't have Borrelia Burgdorferi then, right?

Anyway, look into oxidative stress; I have had the research on 
my site for several years. What it boils down to is that 
glutathione breaks down oxidative stress from all sources as well 
as reduces infection of all types.


On 24 Nov 2007 at 7:47, Hanneke wrote:

 Kurt, I would be interested in seeing a reference to this 
 recent study.
 Alzheimer's 'runs' in our family - on my mum's side, the FAD 
 (Familial Alzheimer's Disease) and appears to have a clear 
 genetic component to it.
 I have lost my grandma, my mum, 2 uncles and, only this week, my 
 own brother - 59, to this disease.
 Deterioration of brain functions involving memory can have many 
 different causes, but not all dementia is Alzheimer's.
 Although there appears to be still a lot of uncertainties and un-
 knows with regard to this disease, the slow developing form more 
 often than not begins at an earlier age. For all of my relatives 
 it started to manifest in their early forties.
 At 02:09 AM 24/11/2007, you wrote:
 Well apparently in a recent study 100 out of 100 alzhiemers 
 patients tested positve for Borrelia Burgdorferi, post mortum. 
 Some of the scientists studying this also believe that the 
 plaques that develope on the patients brains are from Bb. Throw 
 in flouride, aluminum, mercury, and whatever else the bugs seem 
 to like and try and figure it all out. To me it seems fairly 
 obvious, in light of the recent study.
 Deborah Gerard wrote:
 Kurt is lyme the only thing that causes dementia/alzhiemers? 
 thanks much debbie
 Kurt Milkowski wrote:
 Well seems when treated for lyme the demetia/alzhiemers does get 
 Deborah Gerard wrote:
 Hi Zoe,
 What would you advise for the aging that are showing signs of 
 dementia? thanks in advance debbie...send it to me privately if 
 you wish.
 zoe w wrote:
 Alzheimers is just one form of dementia but they are all being 
 misnamed under that blanket recently. Alzheimers cannot be 
 diagnosed except by autopsy- we can guess because of the 
 There are as you suspected many possible causes for dementia
 Multi-Infarct ( series of strokes) is just one of them, drug 
 and.or alcohol abuse being another. Head injuries in which 
 unconsciousness occurs is another one. It doesn't really matter,
 what causes the dementia, be it Alzheimers or any other, the 
 result is exactly the same. Treatments may differ according to 
 the cause, but the effect is always the same. Dementia causes an 
 erasing of the memory beginning with the present and working its 
 way backwards. Multi-task sequencing becomes difficult and 
 eventually impossible, communication skills are impaired, the 
 to take care of ones daily needs , no matter how simple becomes a 
 difficult if not impossible task.
 Brain tumors can also cause dementia, some are operable, some are 
 not, but this should be ruled out before proceeding with any type 
 of dementia treatment.
  thank you Kathryn.
  Clayton Family wrote:
  One thought I had was that there was an essay for the NY Times 
  by a dr, the head of the autopsy dept at Johns Hopkins. His mom 
  altzheimer's diagnosis before she passed away, but it turned 
 out that
  she did not have it- she had a series of small strokes that 
 mimiced the
  other. It is entirely possible that there are numerous 
 conditions that
  manifest as the series of symptoms that are known as Alzheimers.
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Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

2007-11-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Please do, don't know if it'll do much good, docs get brainwashed in medical 
school to push drugs. They don't learn about lyme, and if they try and treat it 
they get in a whole heap of trouble.

Smitty wrote:
  Thanks, Kurt, for the story. I'll pass it on to my niece
who just became an MD.


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Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

2007-11-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Believe me, they were sent from heaven!

Clayton Family wrote:
  Thanks, Kurt, that was a story!

Thank heavens for the Girl Scouts.

On Nov 20, 2007, at 7:40 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Ok, i just sent this to Deb I think privately so instead of 
 re-typing[really shitty typer] I copied it;
 Not girl scout cookies, the girl scouts. Long story short, about a 
 year and a half ago, I was ready to check out. Started developing 
 parkinson's, ms, alzhiemers, etc, was a mess. Figured was basically 
 going to drop dead at any moment and didn't really care because I 
 wanted to stop being in pain. The headaches alone were enough to want 
 to be dead. So after going to the wonderful doctors for years being 
 told there was nothing wrong with me[including my md sister], my 
 daughter brought home some info from school one day. The girl scouts 
 had done a presentation on lyme disease. My wife was looking at a 
 booklet from and said you better take a look at this. As I 
 looked at the symtom list it was like they were writing about me! I 
 had almost every one of them. All I could think was how in the world 
 could they not know this. As I now know they do know, they just ain't 
 telling. The reason is they would be cut off from the money supply for 
 letting the cat out of the bag. I don't know if you know this but lyme 
 is vaccine induced, from childhood vaccines. Yes you can get 
 re-infected by ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, etc, but you get your 
 intitial dose from the vaccines and your parents. Thats it in a 
 nutshell, hope you enjoyed it,

 Carl Deb Charter wrote:
 Please Kurt, you have to share your story about the girl scouts with 
 us and how they helped your Lymes!! Please!!!

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Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

2007-11-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Spirochetes are bacteria, what do you think the thimerisol is preserving? There 
is an offer in California that has been on the table for about 5 years. The 
offer is for any doctor or somone working in the CDC[centers for disease 
creation] lab, to drink a vile of standard childhood vaccine cocktail. The 
offer has recently been increased to $100,000 and they haven't had any takers 
yet. I wonder why? Hm...

Dave wrote:
  I also would like to know just how they go about putting spirochetes in the 

Carl Deb Charter wrote:   Sorry Kurt, One more question about lymes coming 
from vaccines and parents. Could you explain that better. Thanks again!! Deb
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:40 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

  Ok, i just sent this to Deb I think privately so instead of re-typing[really 
shitty typer] I copied it;
  Not girl scout cookies, the girl scouts. Long story short, about a year and a 
half ago, I was ready to check out. Started developing parkinson's, ms, 
alzhiemers, etc, was a mess. Figured was basically going to drop dead at any 
moment and didn't really care because I wanted to stop being in pain. The 
headaches alone were enough to want to be dead. So after going to the wonderful 
doctors for years being told there was nothing wrong with me[including my md 
sister], my daughter brought home some info from school one day. The girl 
scouts had done a presentation on lyme disease. My wife was looking at a 
booklet from and said you better take a look at this. As I looked at 
the symtom list it was like they were writing about me! I had almost every one 
of them. All I could think was how in the world could they not know this. As I 
now know they do know, they just ain't telling. The reason is they would be cut 
off from the money supply for letting the cat out of the bag. I
 don't know if you know this but lyme is vaccine induced, from childhood 
vaccines. Yes you can get re-infected by ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, etc, 
but you get your intitial dose from the vaccines and your parents. Thats it in 
a nutshell, hope you enjoyed it,

Carl Deb Charter wrote:
  Please Kurt, you have to share your story about the girl scouts with 
us and how they helped your Lymes!! Please!!!
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

  It is! That is one of the reasons why I stay the hell away from the medical 

Clayton Family wrote:
  Girl Scouts? Sounds like quite the story.

On Nov 20, 2007, at 5:27 AM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Just be careful where you get your info. There is alot of 
 dis-information out there about lyme from the medical mafia. After a 
 dozen or so md's failed to dx me with lyme, it was easily done by the 
 girl scouts.[H] I can lead you to the the right sources if 
 youd like, just send me a private e-mail.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.1/1141 - Release Date: 11/20/2007 
11:34 AM

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Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.1/1141 - Release Date: 11/20/2007 
11:34 AM

Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

2007-11-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Well gee willakers wally, do you think it would be advertised? I don't think 
our government would tell people we have a nifty little experiment going on to 
make you ill and eventually kill you off so we can make some money and keep the 
population in check, do you? Remember the Tuskeegee experiment? Same thing 
different spirochete.

Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
  I don't know about the lyme/vaccine angle. This is something I have 
never heard. I do know that mainstream science accepts that many of us 
in the USA are infected with SV40, as a result of polio vaccines during 
the 1950's and '60's. The ramifications of that are not clear to me. 
The same method of making the vaccine is reportedly still in use, 
despite better methods being available.

Profits are the motivation for retaining the old ways.

On Wednesday, Nov 21, 2007, at 10:40 Asia/Tokyo, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Ok, i just sent this to Deb I think privately so instead of 
 re-typing[really shitty typer] I copied it;
 Not girl scout cookies, the girl scouts. Long story short, about a 
 year and a half ago, I was ready to check out. Started developing 
 parkinson's, ms, alzhiemers, etc, was a mess. Figured was basically 
 going to drop dead at any moment and didn't really care because I 
 wanted to stop being in pain. The headaches alone were enough to want 
 to be dead. So after going to the wonderful doctors for years being 
 told there was nothing wrong with me[including my md sister], my 
 daughter brought home some info from school one day. The girl scouts 
 had done a presentation on lyme disease. My wife was looking at a 
 booklet from and said you better take a look at this. As I 
 looked at the symtom list it was like they were writing about me! I 
 had almost every one of them. All I could think was how in the world 
 could they not know this. As I now know they do know, they just ain't 
 telling. The reason is they would be cut off from the money supply for 
 letting the cat out of the bag. I don't know if you know this but lyme 
 is vaccine induced, from childhood vaccines. Yes you can get 
 re-infected by ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, etc, but you get your 
 intitial dose from the vaccines and your parents. Thats it in a 
 nutshell, hope you enjoyed it,

 Carl Deb Charter wrote:

 Please Kurt, you have to share your story about the girl scouts with 
 us and how they helped your Lymes!! Please!!!

 - Original Message -
 From: Kurt Milkowski
 Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:02 PM
 Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

 It is! That is one of the reasons why I stay the hell away from the 
 medical mafia.

 Clayton Family wrote:

 Girl Scouts? Sounds like quite the story.

 On Nov 20, 2007, at 5:27 AM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

  Just be careful where you get your info. There is alot of
  dis-information out there about lyme from the medical mafia. After a
  dozen or so md's failed to dx me with lyme, it was easily done by the
  girl scouts.[H] I can lead you to the the right sources if
  youd like, just send me a private e-mail.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Address Off-Topic messages to:

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

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 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.1/1141 - Release Date: 
 11/20/2007 11:34 AM

Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

2007-11-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Deb,
  Well it is passed on to the fetus in gestation. I was born with a version of 
lyme then given some more via vaccination. It has a snowball affect, so when my 
daughter was born she needed surgery when she was 3 days old to remove dead 
intestine. They called it necrotizing entrocolitis at the time, which we now 
know was lyme. Kind of like chron's disease which is caused by lyme as well. 
All I can say is beware the needle.

Carl Deb Charter wrote:
  Sorry Kurt, One more question about lymes coming from vaccines and 
parents. Could you explain that better. Thanks again!! Deb
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:40 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

  Ok, i just sent this to Deb I think privately so instead of re-typing[really 
shitty typer] I copied it;
  Not girl scout cookies, the girl scouts. Long story short, about a year and a 
half ago, I was ready to check out. Started developing parkinson's, ms, 
alzhiemers, etc, was a mess. Figured was basically going to drop dead at any 
moment and didn't really care because I wanted to stop being in pain. The 
headaches alone were enough to want to be dead. So after going to the wonderful 
doctors for years being told there was nothing wrong with me[including my md 
sister], my daughter brought home some info from school one day. The girl 
scouts had done a presentation on lyme disease. My wife was looking at a 
booklet from and said you better take a look at this. As I looked at 
the symtom list it was like they were writing about me! I had almost every one 
of them. All I could think was how in the world could they not know this. As I 
now know they do know, they just ain't telling. The reason is they would be cut 
off from the money supply for letting the cat out of the bag. I
 don't know if you know this but lyme is vaccine induced, from childhood 
vaccines. Yes you can get re-infected by ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, etc, 
but you get your intitial dose from the vaccines and your parents. Thats it in 
a nutshell, hope you enjoyed it,

Carl Deb Charter wrote:
  Please Kurt, you have to share your story about the girl scouts with 
us and how they helped your Lymes!! Please!!!
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

  It is! That is one of the reasons why I stay the hell away from the medical 

Clayton Family wrote:
  Girl Scouts? Sounds like quite the story.

On Nov 20, 2007, at 5:27 AM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Just be careful where you get your info. There is alot of 
 dis-information out there about lyme from the medical mafia. After a 
 dozen or so md's failed to dx me with lyme, it was easily done by the 
 girl scouts.[H] I can lead you to the the right sources if 
 youd like, just send me a private e-mail.

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Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

2007-11-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Deb,
  No problem. Actually I started taking antibitics to treat lyme prescribed by 
an LLMD[lyme literate medical doctor] After being abused bt the medical mafia 
for so long I decided to start doing my own research. Found out that abx are a 
temporary fix, will never cure you of lyme. Led me to holistic medicine, 
dropped the abx and started on the salt and vitamin c protocol. Dietary changes 
and exercise, went from 220 pounds in june of 2006 to 160 pounds in september 
of 2006, which is where I remain today. Of  course with such rapid wieght loss 
people thought I was croaking from aids or a tumor! I also use 
electro-medicine, have a photon genie, the sucker is a very powerful machin. If 
you know what a Jarisch-Herxhiemer reaction is, I herxed my but off with the 
genie salt/c combo. Of course I made the mistake of overdosing with the genie a 
couple times, which I don't do anymore!

Carl Deb Charter wrote:
  Thanks you Kurt, it must have been such a blessing even just to find out 
that there was a name to what you had.  You sound as if you are doing much 
better, was it CS that cured you? Could you please share that as well?  I guess 
I'm making you work for it today!!  Thanks again for your story!!  Deb
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:40 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

  Ok, i just sent this to Deb I think privately so instead of re-typing[really 
shitty typer] I copied it;
  Not girl scout cookies, the girl scouts. Long story short, about a year and a 
half ago, I was ready to check out. Started developing parkinson's, ms, 
alzhiemers, etc, was a mess. Figured was basically going to drop dead at any 
moment and didn't really care because I wanted to stop being in pain. The 
headaches alone were enough to want to be dead. So after going to the wonderful 
doctors for years being told there was nothing wrong with me[including my md 
sister], my daughter brought home some info from school one day. The girl 
scouts had done a presentation on lyme disease. My wife was looking at a 
booklet from and said you better take a look at this. As I looked at 
the symtom list it was like they were writing about me! I had almost every one 
of them. All I could think was how in the world could they not know this. As I 
now know they do know, they just ain't telling. The reason is they would be cut 
off from the money supply for letting the cat out of the bag. I
 don't know if you know this but lyme is vaccine induced, from childhood 
vaccines. Yes you can get re-infected by ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, etc, 
but you get your intitial dose from the vaccines and your parents. Thats it in 
a nutshell, hope you enjoyed it,

Carl Deb Charter wrote:
  Please Kurt, you have to share your story about the girl scouts with 
us and how they helped your Lymes!! Please!!!
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

  It is! That is one of the reasons why I stay the hell away from the medical 

Clayton Family wrote:
  Girl Scouts? Sounds like quite the story.

On Nov 20, 2007, at 5:27 AM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Just be careful where you get your info. There is alot of 
 dis-information out there about lyme from the medical mafia. After a 
 dozen or so md's failed to dx me with lyme, it was easily done by the 
 girl scouts.[H] I can lead you to the the right sources if 
 youd like, just send me a private e-mail.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


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Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.1/1141 - Release Date: 11/20/2007 
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Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.1/1141 - Release Date: 11/20/2007 
11:34 AM

Re: CSLyme

2007-11-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Your sister has lyme.

Colleen wrote:
  I live in the Southeast US.  There are often deer in my yard.  It 
would not be strange to find a tick somewhere on my body after being outside.  
I certainly would never think that I should rush to my local Dr. for an 
extended course of antibiotics.   For those of you who battle Lyme, how have 
you used CS to help treat that?
  Also, I use about 30 volts through silver wire in a quart of filtered water 
for 7 minutes to make CS.  I have done it that way for about 7 years.  My 
fingernail beds are light blue to purple.  They seem to get more and less dark. 
 I am considered of fair complexion.  I am more healthy than I was when I began 
taking CS.  The year I began taking CS I had met my insurance deductible  in 
January.  I seldom meet that anymore unless I am having a surgery.   I  also 
use gold made the same way, but for an hour.
  My husband had his last (of many) sinus surgery to remove nasal polyps before 
he began taking CS.  Despite the use of antibiotics and steroids the Dr.s 
couldn't understand why he would develop polyps; or why they were occurring 
more and more frequently.  Nor did they seem to care.
  Right now I am having a lot of chronic back pain, and I find that anything 
that the Dr. can prescribe either will make me gain lots of extra weight, or 
affect my insomnia negatively.  Since I have already had gastric bypass 
surgery, I am not willing to find out how much weight I can gain from SSRI's, 
and antidepressants.
  My sister has Lupus, Fibro, and arthritis.  
  Thank you all very much for your help in moving my address.  C

  Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it 

Re: CSLyme disease- Girl Scouts?

2007-11-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Dave,
  How do you think the bacteria got into the deer ticks in the first place? And 
how did the ixodes scapularis ticks get here from Africa? They are not 
indigenous to our country and they can't swim that far. There's a pretty good 
book out there called Lab 257, another new book called The Poison Plum. These 
diseases are created by somebody, they don't fall from the sky-unless you are 
talking about chemtrails.

Dave wrote:
  Thanks for the snide remark Kurt.
That still doesn't explain how the spirochetes get in the vaccine in the first 
Do they catch deer ticks and milk the bacteria out of them to inject into the 
vaccine mix?
  It doesn't seem they would be there accidentally.  I contacted Lyme about 20 
years before they even new what it was so I wouldn't think it could have been 
from the shots of the day, at least to be intentional.
I think you can read about the offer at ( might be wrong but I 
know I read it somewhere)


Kurt Milkowski wrote: Spirochetes are bacteria, what do you think the 
thimerisol is preserving? There is an offer in California that has been on the 
table for about 5 years. The offer is for any doctor or somone working in the 
CDC[centers for disease creation] lab, to drink a vile of standard childhood 
vaccine cocktail. The offer has recently been increased to $100,000 and they 
haven't had any takers yet. I wonder why? Hm...

Dave wrote:
  I also would like to know just how they go about putting spirochetes in the 

Carl Deb Charter wrote:   Sorry Kurt, One more question about lymes coming 
from vaccines and parents. Could you explain that better. Thanks again!! Deb
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:40 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

  Ok, i just sent this to Deb I think privately so instead of re-typing[really 
shitty typer] I copied it;
  Not girl scout cookies, the girl scouts. Long story short, about a year and a 
half ago, I was ready to check out. Started developing parkinson's, ms, 
alzhiemers, etc, was a mess. Figured was basically going to drop dead at any 
moment and didn't really care because I wanted to stop being in pain. The 
headaches alone were enough to want to be dead. So after going to the wonderful 
doctors for years being told there was nothing wrong with me[including my md 
sister], my daughter brought home some info from school one day. The girl 
scouts had done a presentation on lyme disease. My wife was looking at a 
booklet from and said you better take a look at this. As I looked at 
the symtom list it was like they were writing about me! I had almost every one 
of them. All I could think was how in the world could they not know this. As I 
now know they do know, they just ain't telling. The reason is they would be cut 
off from the money supply for letting the cat out of the bag. I
 don't know if you know this but lyme is vaccine induced, from childhood 
vaccines. Yes you can get re-infected by ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, etc, 
but you get your intitial dose from the vaccines and your parents. Thats it in 
a nutshell, hope you enjoyed it,

Carl Deb Charter wrote:
  Please Kurt, you have to share your story about the girl scouts with 
us and how they helped your Lymes!! Please!!!
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

  It is! That is one of the reasons why I stay the hell away from the medical 

Clayton Family wrote:
  Girl Scouts? Sounds like quite the story.

On Nov 20, 2007, at 5:27 AM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Just be careful where you get your info. There is alot of 
 dis-information out there about lyme from the medical mafia. After a 
 dozen or so md's failed to dx me with lyme, it was easily done by the 
 girl scouts.[H] I can lead you to the the right sources if 
 youd like, just send me a private e-mail.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.1/1141 - Release Date: 11/20/2007 
11:34 AM

  No virus found in this incoming message.
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Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database

Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

2007-11-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Sasha-lasha,
  Where you been? Just finished posting a reply that included those 2 books, 
guess i should have read your post first.

S-Max wrote:
  Kurt, did you tell everyone about the two books to read which are Lab 257
and The Poison Plum. 
While Lab 257 is factual, the author of The Poison Plum wrote his book as
fiction as he was/is afraid for his life. 

From: Kurt Milkowski 

Ok, i just sent this to Deb I think privately so instead of re-typing[really
shitty typer] I copied it; 

Not girl scout cookies, the girl scouts. Long story short, about a year and
a half ago, I was ready to check out. Started developing parkinson's, ms,
alzhiemers, etc, was a mess. Figured was basically going to drop dead at any
moment and didn't really care because I wanted to stop being in pain. The
headaches alone were enough to want to be dead. So after going to the
wonderful doctors for years being told there was nothing wrong with
me[including my md sister], my daughter brought home some info from school
one day. The girl scouts had done a presentation on lyme disease. My wife
was looking at a booklet from and said you better take a look at
this. As I looked at the symtom list it was like they were writing about me!
I had almost every one of them. All I could think was how in the world could
they not know this. As I now know they do know, they just ain't telling. The
reason is they would be cut off from the money supply for letting the cat
out of the bag. I don't know if you know this but lyme is vaccine induced,
from childhood vaccines. Yes you can get re-infected by ticks, mosquitoes,
fleas, flies, etc, but you get your intitial dose from the vaccines and your
parents. Thats it in a nutshell, hope you enjoyed it, 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

2007-11-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hi Dianne,
  Don't use MMS, but know of some folks that are having good results. The 
narcolepsy is from the lyme, treat the lyme throw the pharma-crap away. The 
parkinson's that killed his father is also caused by lyme.

Dianne France wrote:
  With using the MMS have your symptoms/disease gone away?  They had diagnosed 
my husband with Lyme but now say he is clear since he went thru some 
homeopathic medications.  I think he is still showing some symptoms.  He is not 
convinced that vaccines are bad and got another flu shot this year.  I got sick 
about three days later but larger doses of CS took care of it.  He doesn't do 
the computer and I've read many things and downloaded others and he is coming 
around but it's hard to give up a lifetime of beliefs.  
  I just got our first order of MMS in and will have to do it first for him to 
consider trying it.  I have several chronic health problems and need the MMS.  
The only thing stopping me from starting is we have friends coming to stay with 
us for three weeks during the holidays and I don't want to be sick during their 
stay.  If I get good results then I am sure he will follow.  
  When someone writes an email telling that they have had good results for 
problems he has I make a hard copy for him to read.  He is very good about 
reading anything I download during his breakfast before he heads down to the 
barn.  He is a strong 70 year old but he is starting to falter in some areas, 
his mental function isn't what it was and I think that worries me more than 
anything and he is narcoleptic.  He is on some strong medication for the 
narcolepsy. His mother died from Shrug-Strauss Syndrome which was the result of 
steroids the doctors had her on for severe asthma .  His father had Parkinson's 
and just died at 96.  My husband was in the woods constantly growing up in 
Tennessee and as an adult was an avid archer and competed in 3-D competitions 
in the woods and had many tick bites.
  I guess I've said all this to ask you to tell what the MMS has done for the 
problems you were having so I could download it for him to read.
  Appreciate your help in his direction.  Dianne  
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 8:40 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

  Ok, i just sent this to Deb I think privately so instead of re-typing[really 
shitty typer] I copied it;
  Not girl scout cookies, the girl scouts. Long story short, about a year and a 
half ago, I was ready to check out. Started developing parkinson's, ms, 
alzhiemers, etc, was a mess. Figured was basically going to drop dead at any 
moment and didn't really care because I wanted to stop being in pain. The 
headaches alone were enough to want to be dead. So after going to the wonderful 
doctors for years being told there was nothing wrong with me[including my md 
sister], my daughter brought home some info from school one day. The girl 
scouts had done a presentation on lyme disease. My wife was looking at a 
booklet from and said you better take a look at this. As I looked at 
the symtom list it was like they were writing about me! I had almost every one 
of them. All I could think was how in the world could they not know this. As I 
now know they do know, they just ain't telling. The reason is they would be cut 
off from the money supply for letting the cat out of the bag. I
 don't know if you know this but lyme is vaccine induced, from childhood 
vaccines. Yes you can get re-infected by ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, etc, 
but you get your intitial dose from the vaccines and your parents. Thats it in 
a nutshell, hope you enjoyed it,

Carl Deb Charter wrote:
  Please Kurt, you have to share your story about the girl scouts with 
us and how they helped your Lymes!! Please!!!
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

  It is! That is one of the reasons why I stay the hell away from the medical 

Clayton Family wrote:
  Girl Scouts? Sounds like quite the story.

On Nov 20, 2007, at 5:27 AM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Just be careful where you get your info. There is alot of 
 dis-information out there about lyme from the medical mafia. After a 
 dozen or so md's failed to dx me with lyme, it was easily done by the 
 girl scouts.[H] I can lead you to the the right sources if 
 youd like, just send me a private e-mail.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver

Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

2007-11-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Debbie!
  Yes it was a blessing in disguise, as it woke me up to whats going on around 
me. Brought me to the truth and faith in God. I have been on a quest for 
knowledge ever since, and feeling great too. Not sure how to advise you on the 
coagulens, haven't read anything on that. Lucky you having your family going 
down the path with you. It's not happening in my house, though I really wish it 

Deborah Gerard wrote:
Kurtgood for you sometimes these awful diseases are a blessing in 
diguise huh? Get's us of our dead behinds and start asking questions and 
searching for knowledge and take responsibility for ourselves. Looking back I 
am glad it happened to me because it woke me from my slumber to alot that is 
going on around us. Question for you I was at the Farmers feed store yesterday 
and I noticed they had refrigerated some super biotics obviously for 
animals...but in the list of ingredients was coagulens...what is your opinion 
on a person consuming something like this. This was a good sized jar and was 
like fifteen dollars. So does your family share your zeal also with all your 
health family does and I am so glad.

Kurt Milkowski wrote:
Hey Deb,
  No problem. Actually I started taking antibitics to treat lyme prescribed by 
an LLMD[lyme literate medical doctor] After being abused bt the medical mafia 
for so long I decided to start doing my own research. Found out that abx are a 
temporary fix, will never cure you of lyme. Led me to holistic medicine, 
dropped the abx and started on the salt and vitamin c protocol. Dietary changes 
and exercise, went from 220 pounds in june of 2006 to 160 pounds in september 
of 2006, which is where I remain today. Of  course with such rapid wieght loss 
people thought I was croaking from aids or a tumor! I also use 
electro-medicine, have a photon genie, the sucker is a very powerful machin. If 
you know what a Jarisch-Herxhiemer reaction is, I herxed my but off with the 
genie salt/c combo. Of course I made the mistake of overdosing with the genie a 
couple times, which I don't do anymore!

Carl Deb Charter wrote:
  Thanks you Kurt, it must have been such a blessing even just to find out 
that there was a name to what you had.  You sound as if you are doing much 
better, was it CS that cured you? Could you please share that as well?  I guess 
I'm making you work for it today!!  Thanks again for your story!!  Deb
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:40 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

  Ok, i just sent this to Deb I think privately so instead of re-typing[really 
shitty typer] I copied it;
  Not girl scout cookies, the girl scouts. Long story short, about a year and a 
half ago, I was ready to check out. Started developing parkinson's, ms, 
alzhiemers, etc, was a mess. Figured was basically going to drop dead at any 
moment and didn't really care because I wanted to stop being in pain. The 
headaches alone were enough to want to be dead. So after going to the wonderful 
doctors for years being told there was nothing wrong with me[including my md 
sister], my daughter brought home some info from school one day. The girl 
scouts had done a presentation on lyme disease. My wife was looking at a 
booklet from and said you better take a look at this. As I looked at 
the symtom list it was like they were writing about me! I had almost every one 
of them. All I could think was how in the world could they not know this. As I 
now know they do know, they just ain't telling. The reason is they would be cut 
off from the money supply for letting the cat out of the bag. I
 don't know if you know this but lyme is vaccine induced, from childhood 
vaccines. Yes you can get re-infected by ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, etc, 
but you get your intitial dose from the vaccines and your parents. Thats it in 
a nutshell, hope you enjoyed it,

Carl Deb Charter wrote:
  Please Kurt, you have to share your story about the girl scouts with 
us and how they helped your Lymes!! Please!!!
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

  It is! That is one of the reasons why I stay the hell away from the medical 

Clayton Family wrote:
  Girl Scouts? Sounds like quite the story.

On Nov 20, 2007, at 5:27 AM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Just be careful where you get your info. There is alot of 
 dis-information out there about lyme from the medical mafia. After a 
 dozen or so md's failed to dx me with lyme, it was easily done by the 
 girl scouts.[H] I can lead you to the the right

CSVaccine Links for Jonathan

2007-11-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Heres a bunch of links, I hope they come through:

  I know it sounds unbelievable and doesn't make sense at first, but
really is something to the MMR and autism and lyme and numerous other
diseases. I really don't like spending the time to look up references
but I guess I will. Basically, there is just too much of an 
outcry linking the MMR to various diseases that it just can't be
ignored. The DPT comes in second place. I have seen so many 
stories, news reports, science, etc. But the bottom line is the
overwhelming evidence. You don't want to know it. If you don't want to
cry, than don't look at these websites because your view of mankind 
be changed forever. This is just a tidbit of the beyond numerous
arguments against vaccines. Do you really think all these people have
nothing better to do than to donate their time for such a cause if 
was not some truth to it. The evidence is beyond overwhelming. As far 
MMR causing Lyme. Some theories I have heard is that it harms the 
system, allowing pathogens like lyme to grow; vaccines contain 
that link with other pathogens in us to make a new stronger species; 
the vaccines, themselves, contain pathogen contaminations, infected by
the various animals the vaccines are made from, being that it is
unrealistic to believe that all viruses can be removed from living

_http://www.rense. com/general45/ tentimes. htm_ 
(http://www.rense. com/general45/ tentimes. htm) 

_http://www.aapsonli newsofday265. php_ 
(http://www.aapsonli newsofday265. php) 

_http://video. videoplay? docid=6890106663 412840646
q=autism+ vaccines total=492start= 0num=10 so=0type=
searchplindex= 0_ (http://video. videoplay?
docid=6890106663 412840646 q=autism+ vaccines total=492 start=0num=
1 0so=0type= searchplindex= 0) 

_http://www.uow. sts/bmartin/ dissent/document
s/AIDS/Elswood94 .html_

(http://www.uow. sts/bmartin/ dissent/document
s/AIDS/Elswood94 .html) 

_http://video. videoplay? docid=8610554679 207090010_ 
(http://video. videoplay? docid=8610554679 207090010) 

_http://www.autismfi issue1_10. htm_ 
(http://www.autismfi issue1_10. htm) 

_http://www.jpands. org/vol11no1/ geier.pdf_ 
(http://www.jpands. org/vol11no1/ geier.pdf) 

_http://www.mercuryp _ (http://www.mercuryp 

_http://home. dstormmom/ metcalf.htm_ 
(http://home. dstormmom/ metcalf.htm) 

_ content/view/ 319/41/_ 
( content/view/ 319/41/) 

_http://www.liferese archuniversal. com/vaccine. html_ 
(http://www.liferese archuniversal. com/vaccine. html) 

Heidi N

Re: CSSpirochetes

2007-11-21 Thread Kurt Milkowski
And they are still doing them today. Sorry if I cause a bit of turmoil, but it 
is my job to seek and tell the truth to people. You would be very surprised at 
how unpopular the truth can be.

wordsjunkie wrote:
  All this may be true, but at the same time our government has done some 
really nasty things in the name of research to, us, CITIZENS, in the past. I 
think it's safe to assume you just haven't found out about the newest 

And the recounting of past outrages and the historical proof is all over the 
net. You only have to do a search.

It's horrendous to think the government could do something like this, but 
they have done horrendous things in the past, so it's not a surprise that 
people expect horrendous things. Sad, but suspecting such atrocities is not 
completely unfounded, based on past performance.

Yes, while there are SOME decent, dedicated public servants. They can do 
things in ignorance if they don't KNOW all the facts.

Whether vaccines have all that stuff in them or not, I don't know. But don't 
make the government into a saint, because it's far from it. The things 
leaking into public through the press, and whistleblowers, in the last few 
years, ought to tell you they're doing things in secret, that we know 
nothing about, and that are not in our best interest. That my friend is 
absolutely bone chillingly scary. Heck the things they do right in front of 
us boggles the mind. When I think about what they're getting up to behind 
our backs, I get chills up and down my spine.

- Original Message - 
From: Jonathan B. Britten 
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 3:56 PM
Subject: CSSpirochetes

You have made very provocative assertions without providing any
evidence. No one here can check on anything. In contrast, the work
of Ed Hopper, r.e. the origin of AIDS, consumed 17 years of his life,
and probably was the research that led to the widespread knowledge of
SV40 infection. It's a lot of work to establish what is and is not

The idea that the mercury in vaccines is used to preserve spirochetes
frankly sounds absurd to me. Long ago, mercury was actually used as a
treatment for syphilis and other STDs, by the way. Whether it worked
at all or not, I don't know.

Presumably the mercury in vaccines is to prevent the growth of
bacteria. It may be harmful to humans, and I suspect it is, but
that's another issue. To suppose it's added to preserve spirochetes
is beyond implausible.

I don't see any reason to trust this claim than those of the
government, which of course includes many dedicated public servants.
If you have links to information that support your claims, I'm sure
everyone would welcome them. I'd read them.

On Wednesday, Nov 21, 2007, at 21:16 Asia/Tokyo, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Well gee willakers wally, do you think it would be advertised? I don't 
 think our government would tell people we have a nifty little experiment 
 going on to make you ill and eventually kill you off so we can make some 
 money and keep the population in check, do you? Remember the Tuskeegee 
 experiment? Same thing different spirochete.


 Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

 I don't know about the lyme/vaccine angle. This is something I have
 never heard. I do know that mainstream science accepts that many of us
 in the USA are infected with SV40, as a result of polio vaccines during
 the 1950's and '60's. The ramifications of that are not clear to me.
 The same method of making the vaccine is reportedly still in use,
 despite better methods being available.

 Profits are the motivation for retaining the old ways.

 On Wednesday, Nov 21, 2007, at 10:40 Asia/Tokyo, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

  Ok, i just sent this to Deb I think privately so instead of
  re-typing[really shitty typer] I copied it;
  Not girl scout cookies, the girl scouts. Long story short, about a
  year and a half ago, I was ready to check out. Started developing
  parkinson's, ms, alzhiemers, etc, was a mess. Figured was basically
  going to drop dead at any moment and didn't really care because I
  wanted to stop being in pain. The headaches alone were enough to want
  to be dead. So after going to the wonderful doctors for years being
  told there was nothing wrong with me[including my md sister], my
  daughter brought home some info from school one day. The girl scouts
  had done a presentation on lyme disease. My wife was looking at a
  booklet from and said you better take a look at this. As I
  looked at the symtom list it was like they were writing about me! I
  had almost every one of them. All I could think was how in the world
  could they not know this. As I now know they do know, they just ain't
  telling. The reason is they would be cut off from the money supply
  letting the cat out of the bag. I don't know if you know this but
  is vaccine induced, from childhood vaccines. Yes you can get
  re-infected by ticks, mosquitoes

Re: Re[2]: CSAlzheimer's disease

2007-11-20 Thread Kurt Milkowski
This appears to be a government sponsored site. I would run like forrest gump 
from this.

zoe w wrote: is a ton of information 
and assistance available.   Please check into the Alzheimer's Association
  nearest you.  There are support groups available   and libraries of 
information at your disposal.

thanks kurt i well look into the lyme disease, and its not me its my 87 
year old dad. and i want him to be able to injoy the life he has left. more 
info would be greatly appreated thank you.

  Kurt Milkowski wrote: 
  You might want to look into treating yourself for lyme disease. Seems 
everyone with alzhiemers tests positive for lyme.

  norm donatien wrote:
  Hello everyone i am fearly new to the list.
  I am look for any info that mite help with the first stage of the disease 
which is dementia.
  Thank You all in advance.



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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, 
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are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSAlzheimer's disease

2007-11-20 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Just be careful where you get your info. There is alot of dis-information out 
there about lyme from the medical mafia. After a dozen or so md's failed to dx 
me with lyme, it was easily done by the girl scouts.[H] I can lead you 
to the the right sources if youd like, just send me a private e-mail.

norm donatien wrote:
  thanks kurt i well look into the lyme disease, and its not me its my 87 year 
old dad. and i want him to be able to injoy the life he has left. more info 
would be greatly appreated thank you.

Kurt Milkowski wrote: You might want to look 
into treating yourself for lyme disease. Seems everyone with alzhiemers tests 
positive for lyme.

norm donatien wrote:
Hello everyone i am fearly new to the list.
  I am look for any info that mite help with the first stage of the disease 
which is dementia.
  Thank You all in advance.

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  Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it 

Re: CSVaccine Ingredients

2007-11-20 Thread Kurt Milkowski
This should do the trick:

Mystykalsky wrote:
  My daughter just came home with a form for me to sign .. a consent 
that I either do or DONT want her to get these vaccines.. she's in grade 9 and 
are giving them this year Meningococcal ACYW-135 Conjugate Immunization.. 
  where can I find something on this vaccine.. seems to have some on this site 
but not for the actual vaccine?? 
  she doesn't want to get it but I want her to see what is in there.. and see 
that she is doing this for the right reason.. as my other daughter now in grade 
11 .. decided to get it and now feels like she shouldn't of... any info would 
certainly be appreciated.. 
  Im sorry if this is OT.. but I would love the help.. 
  take care,
- Original Message - 
  From: Deborah Gerard 
  To: cs 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:36 PM
  Subject: CSVaccine Ingredients

  Which one of these is for the flu vaccine they are giving to the poor people 
these days?

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Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.1/1140 - Release Date: 19/11/2007 
7:05 PM
  Mystykalsky Reg'd Havanese

Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

2007-11-20 Thread Kurt Milkowski
It is! That is one of the reasons why I stay the hell away from the medical 

Clayton Family wrote:
  Girl Scouts? Sounds like quite the story.

On Nov 20, 2007, at 5:27 AM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Just be careful where you get your info. There is alot of 
 dis-information out there about lyme from the medical mafia. After a 
 dozen or so md's failed to dx me with lyme, it was easily done by the 
 girl scouts.[H] I can lead you to the the right sources if 
 youd like, just send me a private e-mail.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

2007-11-20 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Ok, i just sent this to Deb I think privately so instead of re-typing[really 
shitty typer] I copied it;
  Not girl scout cookies, the girl scouts. Long story short, about a year and a 
half ago, I was ready to check out. Started developing parkinson's, ms, 
alzhiemers, etc, was a mess. Figured was basically going to drop dead at any 
moment and didn't really care because I wanted to stop being in pain. The 
headaches alone were enough to want to be dead. So after going to the wonderful 
doctors for years being told there was nothing wrong with me[including my md 
sister], my daughter brought home some info from school one day. The girl 
scouts had done a presentation on lyme disease. My wife was looking at a 
booklet from and said you better take a look at this. As I looked at 
the symtom list it was like they were writing about me! I had almost every one 
of them. All I could think was how in the world could they not know this. As I 
now know they do know, they just ain't telling. The reason is they would be cut 
off from the money supply for letting the cat out of the bag. I
 don't know if you know this but lyme is vaccine induced, from childhood 
vaccines. Yes you can get re-infected by ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, etc, 
but you get your intitial dose from the vaccines and your parents. Thats it in 
a nutshell, hope you enjoyed it,

Carl Deb Charter wrote:
  Please Kurt, you have to share your story about the girl scouts with 
us and how they helped your Lymes!! Please!!!
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlzheimer's disease- Girl Scouts?

  It is! That is one of the reasons why I stay the hell away from the medical 

Clayton Family wrote:
  Girl Scouts? Sounds like quite the story.

On Nov 20, 2007, at 5:27 AM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Just be careful where you get your info. There is alot of 
 dis-information out there about lyme from the medical mafia. After a 
 dozen or so md's failed to dx me with lyme, it was easily done by the 
 girl scouts.[H] I can lead you to the the right sources if 
 youd like, just send me a private e-mail.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.1/1141 - Release Date: 11/20/2007 
11:34 AM

Re: CSAlzheimer's disease

2007-11-19 Thread Kurt Milkowski
You might want to look into treating yourself for lyme disease. Seems everyone 
with alzhiemers tests positive for lyme.

norm donatien wrote:
Hello everyone i am fearly new to the list.
  I am look for any info that mite help with the first stage of the disease 
which is dementia.
  Thank You all in advance.

  Get easy, one-click access to your favorites. Make Yahoo! your homepage. 

CSNew Adult Vaccine Guidlines

2007-11-09 Thread Kurt Milkowski

Re: CScs: Article Put Vaccine Fears to Rest

2007-11-03 Thread Kurt Milkowski
This means if you believe this lie, we can tell you another one.

Dianne France wrote:
  In Prevention magazine, October 2007, they had this article  Fear: 
Mercury Fact:  A few years back researchers raised the concern that people 
(especially babies) might accumulate a toxic dose of mercury, from thimerosal, 
a vaccine preservative that consists largely of the metal.  To be on the safe 
side, thimerosal was removed from many pediatric vaccines.  But since then, 
studies have shown that the form of mercury found in the preservative, athyl 
mercury, does not build up in the body.
  I guess they are trying to convince us that mercury is okay.  Safe would be 
none.  Does this mean they removed it but plan on putting it back?

Re: CScs: Article Put Vaccine Fears to Rest

2007-11-03 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Kind of like when they told us terrorists were responsible for 9/11.

Scott wrote:
  They want people to keep their faith in the pharmaceutical industry. I really 
am skeptical as to whether they took the mercury out at all. If they did, they 
definitely will put it back in. The biggest things they want from the public is 
their money and their trust. We are such a gullible society that we will give 
them both without even questioning them. Go figure. So I think you answered 
your own question.

Dianne France wrote:  In Prevention 
magazine, October 2007, they had this article  Fear: Mercury Fact:  A few 
years back researchers raised the concern that people (especially babies) might 
accumulate a toxic dose of mercury, from thimerosal, a vaccine preservative 
that consists largely of the metal.  To be on the safe side, thimerosal was 
removed from many pediatric vaccines.  But since then, studies have shown that 
the form of mercury found in the preservative, athyl mercury, does not build up 
in the body.
  I guess they are trying to convince us that mercury is okay.  Safe would be 
none.  Does this mean they removed it but plan on putting it back?

In His Service,
  Scott Young 
The ultimate healing is death. - Elisabeth Kugler-Ross

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Re: CSMass vaccination in Scotland

2007-10-28 Thread Kurt Milkowski
If that doesn't work, I'd suggest a gun.

Carol Ann wrote:
  Yeah. Lie, forge vaccination papers, whatever is necessary if religious 
grounds won't cut the bureaucratic mustard. If you are adamant about not being 
vaccinated be as clever and creative as the WHO vaccinators when they approach 
with their needles selling their wares of could, possible anti-cancer viles.

Dianne France wrote:Ian
  Is there any way you can prevent this vaccination? 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..  
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Re: CSMass vaccination in Scotland

2007-10-28 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Does that mean the population of these countries are dumber than us americans? 
Are they all lining up for thier shots voluntarily?

Carol Ann wrote:
No joke man.  This is serious stuff based upon the could  potentially claims 
of the drug lords. 
GSK seeks WHO backing for cervical cancer vaccine,  GSL - Glaxo Smith, Kline 
make the vaccine which goes under the name Ceravic,; Merck mfgs. Gardasil.  
Guess, what. It is being aggressively marketed in almost every country in the 
World. Africa, Taiwain, Australia, Ireland,  Canada, Israel, Sweeden, Scotland 
Asia. Britain is the latest European country to offer the vaccine routinely to 
girls, following similar moves by Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, France, 
Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and Norway. 

t was announced on the 26th October 2007 that vaccinations to prevent the onset 
of cervical cancer will be provided to all British schoolgirls aged 12 and 13. 
The programme will begin in September next year.
Some lawmakers and health professionals want to make the vaccine mandatory for 
11- and 12-year-old girls, but face opposition from conservatives who say the 
vaccine encourages premarital sex.

*In some (smaller) areas the whole school will be vaccinated. 
**Country and remote schools may be earlier.

Kurt Milkowski wrote:Hey Carol, you mean 

Carol Ann wrote:
  That's OK Kurt, they were planning mass innoculations of young women 
approaching their child bearing years here in the US as well.  However, they 
are not yet mandatory and both parents and doctors nationwide are questioning 
the widsom of this innoculation.  Weel, lets hope, that there is still hope. 

Kurt Milkowski wrote: Like I was trying to 
say, vaccination causes disease. Chron's and MS are diseases caused by Borrelia 
Burgdoeferi, Borrelia Afzelii, Borellia Garinii, along with many other 
bacterial, viral pathogens AKA Lyme disease. Beware the needle.

Ian Davies wrote:
Hello everyone,
  I live in Spain but I am Scottish, I believe that Scotland has the highest 
incidence of Chrone's and of MS in the world, it is also apparently number two 
on the list for obesity second to the US , now they are going to vaccinate all 
girls from 12 to 18 against cervical cancer. What will their next number one 
  IT is the first mass vaccination against cancer in Britain - and the result 
of Professor Ian Frazer's 20-year dedication to scientific progress. 
The government announced yesterday that every girl between the ages of 12 
and 18 will receive an injection to combat cervical cancer. The programme will 
start next year and is expected to save hundreds of lives a year in the UK. 
  I wonder how many times Scotland has been targeted for such experiments...
  Ian {ô¿ô}

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..   
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Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..  
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: CSMass vaccination in Scotland

2007-10-27 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Like I was trying to say, vaccination causes disease. Chron's and MS are 
diseases caused by Borrelia Burgdoeferi, Borrelia Afzelii, Borellia Garinii, 
along with many other bacterial, viral pathogens AKA Lyme disease. Beware the 

Ian Davies wrote:
Hello everyone,
  I live in Spain but I am Scottish, I believe that Scotland has the highest 
incidence of Chrone's and of MS in the world, it is also apparently number two 
on the list for obesity second to the US , now they are going to vaccinate all 
girls from 12 to 18 against cervical cancer. What will their next number one 
  IT is the first mass vaccination against cancer in Britain - and the result 
of Professor Ian Frazer's 20-year dedication to scientific progress. 
The government announced yesterday that every girl between the ages of 12 
and 18 will receive an injection to combat cervical cancer. The programme will 
start next year and is expected to save hundreds of lives a year in the UK. 
  I wonder how many times Scotland has been targeted for such experiments...
  Ian {ô¿ô}

Re: CSMass vaccination in Scotland

2007-10-27 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Carol, you mean Guardakill?

Carol Ann wrote:
  That's OK Kurt, they were planning mass innoculations of young women 
approaching their child bearing years here in the US as well.  However, they 
are not yet mandatory and both parents and doctors nationwide are questioning 
the widsom of this innoculation.  Weel, lets hope, that there is still hope. 

Kurt Milkowski wrote:Like I was trying to 
say, vaccination causes disease. Chron's and MS are diseases caused by Borrelia 
Burgdoeferi, Borrelia Afzelii, Borellia Garinii, along with many other 
bacterial, viral pathogens AKA Lyme disease. Beware the needle.

Ian Davies wrote:
Hello everyone,
  I live in Spain but I am Scottish, I believe that Scotland has the highest 
incidence of Chrone's and of MS in the world, it is also apparently number two 
on the list for obesity second to the US , now they are going to vaccinate all 
girls from 12 to 18 against cervical cancer. What will their next number one 
  IT is the first mass vaccination against cancer in Britain - and the result 
of Professor Ian Frazer's 20-year dedication to scientific progress. 
The government announced yesterday that every girl between the ages of 12 
and 18 will receive an injection to combat cervical cancer. The programme will 
start next year and is expected to save hundreds of lives a year in the UK. 
  I wonder how many times Scotland has been targeted for such experiments...
  Ian {ô¿ô}

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..  
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Re: CSMass vaccination in Scotland

2007-10-27 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Can you think of a better way to control the population?

Carol Ann wrote:  PS. Isn't it so interesting how this 
particular cervical vaccination is being planned for world wide distribution so 
quickly?  More so when one considers the age group of these young women..

Carol Ann wrote:  That's OK Kurt, they were planning 
mass innoculations of young women approaching their child bearing years here in 
the US as well.  However, they are not yet mandatory and both parents and 
doctors nationwide are questioning the widsom of this innoculation.  Weel, lets 
hope, that there is still hope. 

Kurt Milkowski wrote:Like I was trying to 
say, vaccination causes disease. Chron's and MS are diseases caused by Borrelia 
Burgdoeferi, Borrelia Afzelii, Borellia Garinii, along with many other 
bacterial, viral pathogens AKA Lyme disease. Beware the needle.

Ian Davies wrote:
 now they are going to vaccinate all girls from 12 to 18 against cervical 
cancer. What will their next number one be?
  IT is the first mass vaccination against cancer in Britain - and the result 
of Professor Ian Frazer's 20-year dedication to scientific progress. 
The government announced yesterday that every girl between the ages of 12 
and 18 will receive an injection to combat cervical cancer. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..  
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CSFwd: [Avian2005] Vaccines: The Deadly Cure - Prison Planet Research Archive

2007-10-19 Thread Kurt Milkowski

Note: forwarded message attached.---BeginMessage---
Vaccines: The Deadly Cure - Prison Planet Research Archive

Concerned parents across the U.S. are leading a nationwide revolt
against unnecessary, untested and dangerous vaccines as CDC records
show a growing amount of religious exemptions on vaccine forms,
following a media blitz by Jenny McCarthy in which she blamed a
vaccine for causing her son's autism.

Awareness to the dangerous side-effects and deadly consequences of
vaccines is growing exponentially. This research archive is a
compilation of information concerning mercury in vaccines, their link
to autism, other vaccine controversies, and the nationwide hoax that
vaccines are mandatory.


---End Message---

Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-19 Thread Kurt Milkowski
No problem Marshall.

Marshall Dudley wrote:
  Wow! That is news to me, but searching the net, I find quite a few 
articles on this. Definitely worth more research on my part.



Kurt Milkowski wrote:
 The pathogen is Borrelia burgdorferi and all of its friends. The 
 aspartame and mercury are food for the bugs. Yes lyme has been around 
 for a long time, they just keep making it better all the time. Keeps 
 us confused that way. In a recent study 100 out of 100 alzhiemers 
 patients tested postive for Bb post mortum, very intersting.

 */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:

 I used the wrong word. I meant weapnoized for the lyme. Lyme existed
 long before it was apparently weaponized, but apparently as a much
 virulent strain. The present epidemic seems to have developed from a
 strain that appeared near Lyme in the 70's.

 Do you have anything to support that the other diseases you listed
 designer? I know that several can be caused by neurotoxins, such as
 aspertame and mercury, but as a designer disease, I would think a
 pathogen would be required.


 Kurt Milkowski wrote:
  Well you have to look at how long other designer disease have
  around. Here are a few, alhiemers, als, parkinsons, ms, lupus,
  just to name a few.
  */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:
  Kurt Milkowski wrote:
   How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a new
   been around for a long time. Just became named recently.
  From what I have been able to determine it was designed in the
  to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's
  warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.
   */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:
   Kurt Milkowski wrote:
Hey Jess,
Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
   How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
   century or more.
*/jessie70 /* wrote:
Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
-Original Message-
*From:* Kurt Milkowski []
*Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue
Hey Kathryn,
No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
*/Clayton Family /* wrote:
Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
reading. The
chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
syndrome and fibromyalgia as well.
It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
and it may
well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
infections being
implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
conditions. Asthma
can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
residing in
the strata in the western states.
I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
entrenched fungal
infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
began having die
off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
when exposed
to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
toxins in
some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
going on that
the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
something else, and
the silver was doing quite a bit.
fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
fungal, I wonder?
Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
seen The
Future of Food ? it is about genetically engineered food,
and it seems
like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
and poisons
deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
becomes poisonous
at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
seems like the
best idea.
On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
 Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
  In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
Virology Institute
  declared that up to one billion people around the
world could die
  during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
human herd is
  to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
reasons, the dead
  microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
Colloidal Silver

Re: CSQuarantine[Simon]

2007-10-18 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Simon,
  I like the way you think. This is a government for the people by the people, 
or it was I should say. Unfortunately these folks have no idea whats in store 
for them. A couple of groups you may like to check out, avian2...@yahoo  and 
thefrontp...@yahoo , more like minded people here.

Simon Jester wrote:
   I've heard discussions about what would be done in various
 hypothetical cases. Here's one: a boarding school full of kids has to
 be quarantined because one or more of them suddenly develops
 something like Ebola.

First false premise: people don't just 'develop' something like Ebola.

 As soon as quarantine is declared, hordes of parents, some armed,
 descend on the school determined to get their kids out,

I'd be one of them... since ebola is an ENGINEERED virus, why would I 
want to leave my child's destiny in the hands of the same people (in 
essence) who are responsible for the situation in the first place?

One alternative that I might be willing to put up with instead of seeing 
how many jack-boots I could take with me would be for 'them' to allow us 
parents to take our children HOME, and then imprison us there.

Another alternative I might consider is if they let me bring all of my 
'stuff' with me and join my child(ren) in quarantine...

 and to hell with anyone else, the

No... to hell with the people who engineered these super-bugs.

 In such a scenario, how would one respond? I'd say the everyone in 
 the boarding school would have to be quarantined and that the angry 
 parents would have to be disarmed.

Read: murdered.

 I imagine others would say otherwise. Other very tough calls involve
 efforts to stop fetal alcohol syndrome by imprisoning irremediably
 alcoholic mothers during pregnancy. It would be interesting to hear
 some reasoned opinions about the broader issue of control.

It is called fascism - and I will fight it and anyone who tries to force 
it down my throat to the death. And I will fight anyone who advocates it 
'for the good of the children' or 'to protect me from myself' with 
words, as long as that is all they are using.

The fact is, life is sometimes tragic, and SHIT HAPPENS.

I'd much rather live in a free society, where people are free to live 
their lives, and MAKE THEIR OWN MISTAKES (and have to suffer the 
consequences of them), rather than some controlled society where the 
myth of 'safety' is the over-riding concern, and people abdicate their 
personal responsibility for determining what is and is not safe to some 
petty tyrant wanna-be's who are more than happy to do it for them.

 As for the hypothetical question below,

Excuse me, but there's absolutely nothing 'hypothetical' about it.

 I think the problem may be that immunizations are not 100% effective
 for everyone over all of a lifetime, and even advocates admit that.

Actually, the more correct wording would be:

Immunizations are not 100% INeffective for everyone over all of a 
lifetime, and more and more former advocates are admitting this every day.

 The game plan is to keep infectivity low, I think.

The game plan SHOULD be to:

1. DESTROY the stranglehold that the fascist-medical-pharmaceutical 
system has on the treatment of disease,

2. DESTROY the stranglehold that the fascist system has on the education 
of our children, and go back to the basics - teach them reading, 
writing, arithmetic, and most of all the ability to think for themselves.

3. DESTROY the stranglehold that this fascist government has on our 
agricultural system, and provide incentives for farmers to use 
traditional techniques - like letting the laand lie fallow, the use of 
powerful cover crops like hemp to regenerate the soil and resotore it to 
its natural, health-giving state

4. Provide incentives in the form of tax breaks to doctors, teaching 
hospitals, etc to start studying HEALTH, instead of disease

5. Provide incentives in the form of tax breaks for insurance companies 
to pay for alternative services - and while doing so, to begin compiling 
statistics on what modalities are more effectiove for which condition

These are just off the top of my head... and there are many more things 
that could be done - that would not cost a bloody cent (as far as tax 
dollars are concerned)...

 I'm no expert.

That is obvious... but neither am I... which is obvious too...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-18 Thread Kurt Milkowski
The pathogen is Borrelia burgdorferi and all of its friends. The aspartame and 
mercury are food for the bugs. Yes lyme has been around for a long time, they 
just keep making it better all the time. Keeps us confused that way. In a 
recent study 100 out of 100 alzhiemers patients tested postive for Bb post 
mortum, very intersting.

Marshall Dudley wrote:
  I used the wrong word. I meant weapnoized for the lyme. Lyme existed 
long before it was apparently weaponized, but apparently as a much less 
virulent strain. The present epidemic seems to have developed from a 
strain that appeared near Lyme in the 70's.

Do you have anything to support that the other diseases you listed are 
designer? I know that several can be caused by neurotoxins, such as 
aspertame and mercury, but as a designer disease, I would think a 
pathogen would be required.


Kurt Milkowski wrote:
 Well you have to look at how long other designer disease have been 
 around. Here are a few, alhiemers, als, parkinsons, ms, lupus, autism, 
 just to name a few.
 */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:

 Kurt Milkowski wrote:
  How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a new
  been around for a long time. Just became named recently.
 From what I have been able to determine it was designed in the
 to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's
 warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.

  */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:
  Kurt Milkowski wrote:
   Hey Jess,
   Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
   one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
  How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
  century or more.
   */jessie70 /* wrote:
   Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
   -Original Message-
   *From:* Kurt Milkowski []
   *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
   *Subject:* Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue
   Hey Kathryn,
   No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
   Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
   vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
   */Clayton Family /* wrote:
   Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
   reading. The
   chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
   Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
   syndrome and fibromyalgia as well.
   It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
   and it may
   well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
   involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
   infections being
   implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
   conditions. Asthma
   can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
   residing in
   the strata in the western states.
   I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
   entrenched fungal
   infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
   began having die
   off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
   when exposed
   to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
   toxins in
   some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
   going on that
   the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
   something else, and
   the silver was doing quite a bit.
   fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
   fungal, I wonder?
   Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
   And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
   seen The
   Future of Food ? it is about genetically engineered food,
   and it seems
   like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
   and poisons
   deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
   becomes poisonous
   at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
   seems like the
   best idea.
   On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
 In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
   Virology Institute
 declared that up to one billion people around the
   world could die
 during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
   human herd is
 to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
   reasons, the dead
 microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
   Colloidal Silver.
   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
   To post, address your message to:
   Address Off-Topic messages to:
   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently
   List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Kurt Milkowski
My guess would be the same assholes that load the webmd site.

T. J. Garland wrote:
  ODE, who do you think puts the info on Wikipedia? More MSM bullshit.
- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

 Regardless of unproven bullshit, Does any transport person have the 
 right to be a disease carrier?

 You are saying that the smallpox vaccine hasn't eliminated smallpox?
 ..That cowpox antibodies don't immunize from smallpox?

 Which vaccines work and which don't and that some vaccines may be harmful 
 to some people for different reasons, may be questionable, but the whole 
 field of vaccination is pretty much an over all proven success with 
 centuries of experience to back it up.

 Smallpox inoculation was started 
 in India or 
 China before 200 
 BC.[1] In 
 Lady Mary Wortley 
 Montague reported that the Turks have 
 a habit of deliberately inoculating themselves with fluid taken from mild 
 cases of smallpox and she inoculated her own 
 In 1796 
 Edward Jenner inoculated using 
 cowpox (a mild relative of the deadly 
 smallpox virus). Pasteur and others 
 built on this


 At 02:38 PM 10/11/2007 -0400, you wrote:

I don't think they can force you to take a vaccine, but they can 
constitutionally en force a quarantine.

No, they can't - but they can UNconstitutinally enforce one.

If you aren't vaccinated, you disqualify yourself from being an enforcer 
or having any part in a transport operation, becoming a potential part of 
the problem vs part of any solution.

? Vaccines simply DON'T WORK. It appears you have fallen for the FUD?

No job and rightly so, but not force, just choice. Work safe or stay at 

Bullshit... sorry, Ode, but this is ridiculous. No one has the 'Right' to 
force someone to do something so ridiculous in order to keep a job. 
Vaccines are one of the big cons - right up there with the income tax and 
drivers licenses.

A vaccine costs everyone a lot less than a quarantine,

More bullshit. A vaccine won't prevent diddly.

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Re: CSDoctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Sorry you are fed up with this conversation, unfortunately the truth is very 
unpopular. First realize the these wonderful doctors make an oath to apollo, 
the greek god of destruction. It is not only my problem, it is the problem with 
amerika today.If you find the truth uncomfortable, delete.

faith gagne wrote:
  I am really fed up with this conversation.  
  I have 3 or 4 extremely good and wonderrful doctors who have not only helped 
me immeasurably over and over again,  but who I have come to consider kind, 
loving and caring friend.   
  All this doctor-bashing is really getting to me.   I like and admire 
professional people and If you do not like or trust doctors that is your 
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 5:42 PM
  Subject: Re: CSDoctors...

  When so many people go to see a doctor because they have no idea what is 
wrong with them and are sent away being told that there is nothing wrong with 
them all the while the doctor knows but he is lying, that makes them EVIL. I 
know there may be some that don't have a clue as to whats going on, but if 
they've been around for a while they know. 

Ode Coyote wrote:
  It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors toe the official line
If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore 
more...but deviate just a little and be wrong, unbelievable law suits, 
flocks of vultures swoop in for their pound of flesh with the victim 
getting a third share.

I've met a few that will whisper, very quitely and privately, Colloidal 
Silver, then pretend he didn't.
I've had some at my house and turned them on to CS.
I know a few dentists that would love to be able to use EIS in their 
practice...they've seen what it can do with their own eyes.
Looks goodunfortunately, can't use it
Most doctors...almost ALL doctors...are very sincere people, but they have 
to huddle under the legal umbrella for protection.

I sold a box of 6 EIS generators delivered to a hospital in NYC...probably 
to treat street people who don't have lawyers or any money, and several 
more to names with MD behind them...I assume, for their friends and families.

No, they aren't Devils and they aren't stupidthey are afraid.


On Oct 15, 2007, at 5:09 AM, M. G. Devour wrote:

Allow for the existence of the exceptional few... *every* time you make
a statement about doctors. It doesn't take many words -- most,
nearly all -- to tranform the environment from hostile to merely

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.12/1072 - Release Date: 10/15/2007 
5:55 PM

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Re: CSDoctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Carol,
  Again, when you realize the oath the doctors take is to the greek gos of 
destruction, apollo, you may think twice. Been through a fair share of 
surgeries and hospitilazations with my family, not a whole bunch of fun. Do I 
give the credit to any humans for the successful outcomes of these invasive 
procedures, absolutely not, God gets that. Now that I have realized that the 
cause of the problems was due to the vaccines these wonderful people have 
stuck in our asses, I do what I can to let others know.
  I should probably let you know that my sister belongs to this group of quacks 
known as md's. I will also tell you that after being run through the mill be 
these caring professonals, I had started to develope parkinsons about a year 
and a half ago. I can tell you also that as of now I don't have parkinsons at 
the moment, again I give the credit to God, that I'm not in the same shape as 
Michael J. Fox is right about now.
  Whose fault is it for trusting doctors? Mine. Having a sister for an md I 
thought I had and in. All pretty funny that I had to suffer for such a long 
time before waking up. I might seem a bit angry to some about it, and I am. The 
anger however is mostly at myself for letting myself be decieved. 

Carol Ann wrote:
  Kurt ~
Doctors are no more evil or good based solely upon their profession than 
say...your local pastor, or service engineer be they mechanics or plumbers. 
More so when the individual seeking advice is totally ignorant about the 
service sought. 

Doctors are but mere mortals, human beings although I have met my share of 
those who believe otherwise.  With those gods, I've gone 10 rounds sometimes. 

 The simple fact is that somme are more or less honest than others.  About 3 
years ago my son and I sat before an anesthesiologist   who steadfastly  
proclaimed that there were absolutely no dangers whatsoever associated with 
general anesthesia.  My son needed an operation.  Did the doc have his 
way.absolutely not because the operation did not require a general.  The 
meeting was scheduled because I objected from the get go..I knew a general 
was not necessary but he would have scheduled it as a matter or routine.   As I 
sat assessing him, I concluded that he was lying, and it didn't take but a few 
minutes before he knew,  that I knew. 

 Did he say this because he was dishonest, truly believed what he said,  
inexperienced, or just a demented idiot?  Each person must do their own 
evaluation when they place their lives in another's hands.  To this day I will 
be eternally grateful to the surgeon who sewed four fingers back of one of my 
sons who would have otherwise  lost them due to a water skiing accident.  And 
then there's the surgeon who fixed another sons fibula that had completely 
severed in a football game.

My neice will soon be attending Med School.  She calls the witch doctor, as she 
fondly calls me, to see if I have any Echanesia on hand when she comes down 
with a cold. And its usually because she runs out. Does she know about 
colloidal silver. Absolutely.
When she attends med school, will they attempt to brain wash her. Absolutely. 
The primary difference between her and the anesthesia guy will be that 
integrity and honesty cannot be  bought or sold.

When a person approaches a health care provider, or anyone else providing a 
service,  and relinquishes their self-responsibility for acquiring  at least 
some knowledge of the problem they are sealing their fate. If you know your 
engine is always stalling and the mechanic tells you he's done an evaluation 
and you're crazy, would you keep bringing your car back to him?

Kurt Milkowski wrote:When so many people go 
to see a doctor because they have no idea what is wrong with them and are sent 
away being told that there is nothing wrong with them all the while the doctor 
knows but he is lying, that makes them EVIL. I know there may be some that 
don't have a clue as to whats going on, but if they've been around for a while 
they know. 

Ode Coyote wrote:
  It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors toe the official line
If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore 
more...but deviate just a little and be wrong, unbelievable law suits, 
flocks of vultures swoop in for their pound of flesh with the victim 
getting a third share.

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
  Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us. 

Re: CSDoctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Not a bad idea Wayne, from one silly carpenter to a goofy ole' technician.

CWFugitt wrote:
  Morning Kurt,

At 06:31 AM 10/17/2007, you wrote:
 First realize the these wonderful doctors make an oath to apollo, the 
 greek god of destruction.

I am only a goofy old technician and my first rule is

Do thy patient no harm.

I guess we need to print up a few thousand of these oaths that doctors take 
and scatter them around the shopping centers and the doctors office 

Or cram a few down their throats.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSRe: Vaccines Part 3

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Lets just take a look at how the pandemic is spreading. It is being helped by 
the hand of man.

Simon Jester wrote:
   But you have argued in favor of ENFORCED, INVOLUNTARY vaccinations, 


Admitted, and retracted... I apologize again for making this mistake. I 
still don't know what I read or how I got that into my head that you had 
said that... but...

 Enforced isolation [quarantine] for those that refuse, sure, but not 
 forced vaccination.

This is almost as bad - and you even said earlier something about 
SHOOTING those who may choose to reject your forced quarantine. WHO 
DECIDES? Who decides who is sick? Who decides which 'germs' qualify for 
'quarantine'? Who decides how long the quarantine read: DEPRIVATION OF 
THE RIGHT OF LIBERTY, aka, freedom of movement and locomotion - lasts?

George Bush? Or maybe you prefer Hillary Clinton?

 There is a choice, neither of them all good or sure, but one or the 
 other is necessary.

Here is where we differ...

Assuming a pandemic is spreading... and that the goal is to try to 
minimize the spread of the disease as much as possible...

You would advocate the quarantining of everyone who refuses to be 

I, on the other hand, would advocate the quarantining of all of the 
people who actually evidence symptoms of said disease - and would 
strongly urge those whose immune systems are compromised - whether 
through poor lifestyle choices, lots of vaccinations, or some 
combination thereof - to stay home, and away from other people.

Vaccination or nonvaccination would be irrelevant...

I'd still like to hear why people who believe in the safety and efficacy 
of vaccinations (and therefore are vaccinated themselves, right?) are so 
afraid of the unvaccinated.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Thats funny Dan, It didn't escape at all. It was deliberate, set out to test 
people. That of course is one of the later versions. The older versions have 
been around over a hundred years. They always find newer and better bugs to 
give us.

Dan Nave wrote:  The likes of you usually 
feel that it is an escaped biological warfare experiment escaped from a 
facility near Lyme Connecticut.

  From: Kurt Milkowski [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a new disease, been 
around for a long time. Just became named recently.

Marshall Dudley wrote:   Kurt Milkowski wrote:
 Hey Jess,
 Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is the 
 one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another name.
How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a 
century or more.


 */jessie70 /* wrote:

 Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess

 -Original Message-
 *From:* Kurt Milkowski []
 *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

 Hey Kathryn,
 No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
 Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
 vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.

 */Clayton Family /* wrote:

 Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
 reading. The
 chronic fatigue part stood out for me.

 Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
 syndrome and fibromyalgia as well.

 It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
 and it may
 well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
 involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
 infections being
 implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
 conditions. Asthma
 can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
 residing in
 the strata in the western states.

 I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
 entrenched fungal
 infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
 began having die
 off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
 when exposed
 to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
 toxins in
 some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
 going on that
 the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
 something else, and
 the silver was doing quite a bit.

 fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
 fungal, I wonder?
 Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.

 And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
 seen The
 Future of Food ? it is about genetically engineered food,
 and it seems
 like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
 and poisons
 deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
 becomes poisonous
 at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
 seems like the
 best idea.


 On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

  Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
   In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
 Virology Institute
   declared that up to one billion people around the
 world could die
   during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
 human herd is
   to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
 reasons, the dead
   microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
 Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Address Off-Topic messages to:

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
I think Simon is just fed up with the nazi facist attitude of the public as am 

Richard wrote:
  Simon, why are you so aggressive ? are you really a tough guy or 
just pretending . ? What is a pinch of salt  in your lingo ? Cheer 
up or chill , please ! Richard
On 17/10/2007, at 18:40, Simon Jester wrote:

 On 10/17/2007, Dave ( wrote:
 Do you consider that Ode just might be stirring the pot?
 In the distant past Ode expressed views that weren't that much 
 different than yours.

 When someone advocates something like he is advocating, in the 
 manner and medium that he is, no, don't consider such a possibility.

 If he is, then he is a sick bastard... and I would happily 
 'explain' this to him in person.

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 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:

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 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue[Dave]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Were either you or your parents vaccinated Dave?

Dave wrote:
  That makes me wonder how I got it in 1957.

Marshall Dudley wrote:

 Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a new disease, 
 been around for a long time. Just became named recently.

 From what I have been able to determine it was designed in the early 
 to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's 
 biological warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.


 */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:

 Kurt Milkowski wrote:
  Hey Jess,
  Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
  one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
 How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
 century or more.

  */jessie70 /* wrote:
  Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
  -Original Message-
  *From:* Kurt Milkowski []
  *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
  *Subject:* Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue
  Hey Kathryn,
  No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
  Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
  vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
  */Clayton Family /* wrote:
  Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
  reading. The
  chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
  Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
  syndrome and fibromyalgia as well.
  It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
  and it may
  well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
  involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
  infections being
  implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
  conditions. Asthma
  can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
  residing in
  the strata in the western states.
  I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
  entrenched fungal
  infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
  began having die
  off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
  when exposed
  to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
  toxins in
  some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
  going on that
  the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
  something else, and
  the silver was doing quite a bit.
  fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
  fungal, I wonder?
  Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
  And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
  seen The
  Future of Food ? it is about genetically engineered food,
  and it seems
  like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
  and poisons
  deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
  becomes poisonous
  at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
  seems like the
  best idea.
  On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
   Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
  Virology Institute
declared that up to one billion people around the
  world could die
during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
  human herd is
to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
  reasons, the dead
microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
  Colloidal Silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Address Off-Topic messages to:
  The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Well you have to look at how long other designer disease have been around. 
Here are a few, alhiemers, als, parkinsons, ms, lupus, autism, just to name a 

Marshall Dudley wrote:
  Kurt Milkowski wrote:
 How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a new disease, 
 been around for a long time. Just became named recently.
From what I have been able to determine it was designed in the early 
to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's biological 
warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.


 */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:

 Kurt Milkowski wrote:
  Hey Jess,
  Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
  one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
 How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
 century or more.

  */jessie70 /* wrote:
  Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
  -Original Message-
  *From:* Kurt Milkowski []
  *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
  *Subject:* Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue
  Hey Kathryn,
  No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
  Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
  vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
  */Clayton Family /* wrote:
  Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
  reading. The
  chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
  Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
  syndrome and fibromyalgia as well.
  It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
  and it may
  well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
  involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
  infections being
  implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
  conditions. Asthma
  can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
  residing in
  the strata in the western states.
  I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
  entrenched fungal
  infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
  began having die
  off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
  when exposed
  to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
  toxins in
  some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
  going on that
  the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
  something else, and
  the silver was doing quite a bit.
  fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
  fungal, I wonder?
  Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
  And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
  seen The
  Future of Food ? it is about genetically engineered food,
  and it seems
  like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
  and poisons
  deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
  becomes poisonous
  at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
  seems like the
  best idea.
  On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
   Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
  Virology Institute
declared that up to one billion people around the
  world could die
during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
  human herd is
to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
  reasons, the dead
microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
  Colloidal Silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Address Off-Topic messages to:
  The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDoctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Carol,
  I feel bad for these people having been brainwashed. I was one of them, then 
I woke up. Unfortunately we live in a greedy, sick world. I know its the 
hippocratic oath, the oath was origionally made to the god appolo.

Carol Ann wrote:
  Kurt ~
Question.What do you think about the millions of people who go to  doctors with 
mysterious complaints.  They're given a RX because the doctor really dosen't 
have a definitive diagnosis and is taking their best shot with a drug that they 
believe might help.  The patient has the RX filled and never bothers to read 
the inserts.  When bad reactions happen or their conditions continue worsen or 
morph and their  health deteriorates,  they claim to be mystified. So the doc 
prescribes another RX and the cycle continues.   Do you see them as individuals 
who  have a certain amount of  responsibility for their own health or should 
doctors solely shoulder the blame.

btw...its not the Apollo oath, its  the Hippocratic oath. :)

Kurt Milkowski wrote:Hey Carol,
  Again, when you realize the oath the doctors take is to the greek gos of 
destruction, apollo, you may think twice. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..  
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Re: CSDoctors...[Carol] - Kurt

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Carol,
  What I am doing now is this, trying to give some folks information. As you 
know most don't like the truth, the truth is uncomfortable. Waking up is hard 
to do, Niel Sedaka could rewrite a good song there. That has been my job for 
the last year and a half. The more we get to wake up the better we will be when 
the shit hits the fan.

Carol Ann wrote:
  Hey Kurt ~
Re your sis.  Forget mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what 
you're going to do now and do it. ;)

Ya know, of course, that by now,   what you are experiencing is a learning 
process which is sometimes very painful but very applicable to the old 
saying...what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. 

The problems you mention are universal, no need to take it personally on the 
chin in silence or turn the other cheek. Our current system is merely a mirror 
of societies deeply entrenched belief systems; what people acquiesce to by 
letting govt,media, perceived gurus (doc's included) demonstrates/mirrors how 
people have allowed themselves to be used. There has always been way to much 
complacency...the you do it for me because I don't want to be responsible 
mentality. Others become the ultimate teachers, bosses, healers. Someone, just 
tell me what to do mentality! Boils down to ideological worship and 

Is it frustrating.  Absolutely. Unfortunately, humans need to be tricked, lied 
to and deceived before they can become aware.  Those that become aware are the 
better for it.   Not to hijack the thread in any way, but I will make a quick 
reference for to the current state of affairs re the Iraq War as an analogy. 
People allowed the progression of national affairs in this regard because of 
complacency, lack of interest, naivety, acquiescence of their voting power, 
etc, etc.

Like it or not..what the medical professions and govt are accused of doing is 
really reflecting  complacency and heinous archaic common beliefs and 
projecting the drama back. ...which means, for the most part, in many ways,  
those choosing to remain  in acceptance and un-informed, are essentially no 
better than the accused.  

Undirected anger is imvho just a waste of exceptional and often, very 
productive energy. 

Kurt Milkowski wrote:Hey Carol,
I do what I can to let others know.
  I should probably let you know that my sister belongs to this group of 
quacks known as md's.
  Whose fault is it for trusting doctors? Mine. Having a sister for an md I 
thought I had and in. All pretty funny that I had to suffer for such a long 
time before waking up. I might seem a bit angry to some about it, and I am. The 
anger however is mostly at myself for letting myself be decieved. 

Carol Ann wrote:
  Kurt ~
Doctors are no more evil or good based solely upon their profession than 
say...your local pastor, or service engineer be they mechanics or plumbers. 
More so when the individual seeking advice is totally ignorant about the 
service sought. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..  
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Re: CSDoctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Paula, Sure post away. I went to the doctor, was of no use at all, just 
went alot.

Paula Perry wrote:
  I was reading an article just this morning posted on Rense about drugs. Some 
of the drugs they were talking about in the article actually caused a drug 
indused Parkinson's Disease and other diseases. I will post the article if you 
want to read it. You did say that you used a lot of md doctoring.
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 7:46 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDoctors...[Carol]

  Hey Carol,
  Again, when you realize the oath the doctors take is to the greek gos of 
destruction, apollo, you may think twice. Been through a fair share of 
surgeries and hospitilazations with my family, not a whole bunch of fun. Do I 
give the credit to any humans for the successful outcomes of these invasive 
procedures, absolutely not, God gets that. Now that I have realized that the 
cause of the problems was due to the vaccines these wonderful people have 
stuck in our asses, I do what I can to let others know.
  I should probably let you know that my sister belongs to this group of quacks 
known as md's. I will also tell you that after being run through the mill be 
these caring professonals, I had started to develope parkinsons about a year 
and a half ago. I can tell you also that as of now I don't have parkinsons at 
the moment, again I give the credit to God, that I'm not in the same shape as 
Michael J. Fox is right about now.
  Whose fault is it for trusting doctors? Mine. Having a sister for an md I 
thought I had and in. All pretty funny that I had to suffer for such a long 
time before waking up. I might seem a bit angry to some about it, and I am. The 
anger however is mostly at myself for letting myself be decieved. 

Carol Ann wrote:
  Kurt ~
Doctors are no more evil or good based solely upon their profession than 
say...your local pastor, or service engineer be they mechanics or plumbers. 
More so when the individual seeking advice is totally ignorant about the 
service sought. 

Doctors are but mere mortals, human beings although I have met my share of 
those who believe otherwise.  With those gods, I've gone 10 rounds sometimes. 

 The simple fact is that somme are more or less honest than others.  About 3 
years ago my son and I sat before an anesthesiologist   who steadfastly  
proclaimed that there were absolutely no dangers whatsoever associated with 
general anesthesia.  My son needed an operation.  Did the doc have his 
way.absolutely not because the operation did not require a general.  The 
meeting was scheduled because I objected from the get go..I knew a general 
was not necessary but he would have scheduled it as a matter or routine.   As I 
sat assessing him, I concluded that he was lying, and it didn't take but a few 
minutes before he knew,  that I knew. 

 Did he say this because he was dishonest, truly believed what he said,  
inexperienced, or just a demented idiot?  Each person must do their own 
evaluation when they place their lives in another's hands.  To this day I will 
be eternally grateful to the surgeon who sewed four fingers back of one of my 
sons who would have otherwise  lost them due to a water skiing accident.  And 
then there's the surgeon who fixed another sons fibula that had completely 
severed in a football game.

My neice will soon be attending Med School.  She calls the witch doctor, as she 
fondly calls me, to see if I have any Echanesia on hand when she comes down 
with a cold. And its usually because she runs out. Does she know about 
colloidal silver. Absolutely.
When she attends med school, will they attempt to brain wash her. Absolutely. 
The primary difference between her and the anesthesia guy will be that 
integrity and honesty cannot be  bought or sold.

When a person approaches a health care provider, or anyone else providing a 
service,  and relinquishes their self-responsibility for acquiring  at least 
some knowledge of the problem they are sealing their fate. If you know your 
engine is always stalling and the mechanic tells you he's done an evaluation 
and you're crazy, would you keep bringing your car back to him?

Kurt Milkowski wrote: When so many people go 
to see a doctor because they have no idea what is wrong with them and are sent 
away being told that there is nothing wrong with them all the while the doctor 
knows but he is lying, that makes them EVIL. I know there may be some that 
don't have a clue as to whats going on, but if they've been around for a while 
they know. 

Ode Coyote wrote:
  It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors toe the official line
If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore 
more...but deviate just a little and be wrong

Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue[Dave]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Dave, 
  You just answered your own question!! You were in the army. You guys were 
among the first to recieve the latest tests. The needles that were stuck in 
your ass is where you got the disease.

Dave wrote:
  I had a bunch of them when I joined the Army but not before. That was in 
1955. Later they tried to give me a booster shot for flu and I was almost court 
martialed  for refusing.  The first shot made me so sick I wasn't going back 
for more even if it meant the stockade. They didn't really back off just 
penciled in that I had received it.
  My mother had infantile paralysis but that was 30 years before I was born.  
Don't really know what shots she might have had but my father and mother lived 
far up in the mountains and had little other human contact.
  Does that give you any ideas?

Kurt Milkowski wrote: Were either you or your parents vaccinated Dave?

Dave wrote:
  That makes me wonder how I got it in 1957.

Marshall Dudley wrote:

 Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a new disease, 
 been around for a long time. Just became named recently.

 From what I have been able to determine it was designed in the early 
 to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's 
 biological warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.


 */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:

 Kurt Milkowski wrote:
  Hey Jess,
  Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
  one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
 How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
 century or more.

  */jessie70 /* wrote:
  Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
  -Original Message-
  *From:* Kurt Milkowski []
  *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
  *Subject:* Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue
  Hey Kathryn,
  No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
  Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
  vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
  */Clayton Family /* wrote:
  Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
  reading. The
  chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
  Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
  syndrome and fibromyalgia as well.
  It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
  and it may
  well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
  involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
  infections being
  implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
  conditions. Asthma
  can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
  residing in
  the strata in the western states.
  I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
  entrenched fungal
  infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
  began having die
  off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
  when exposed
  to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
  toxins in
  some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
  going on that
  the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
  something else, and
  the silver was doing quite a bit.
  fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
  fungal, I wonder?
  Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
  And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
  seen The
  Future of Food ? it is about genetically engineered food,
  and it seems
  like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
  and poisons
  deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
  becomes poisonous
  at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
  seems like the
  best idea.
  On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
   Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
  Virology Institute
declared that up to one billion people around the
  world could die
during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
  human herd is
to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
  reasons, the dead
microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
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  Colloidal Silver.
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  The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDoctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Carol,
  History just keeps repeating itself. Its really kind of funny when you think 
about it. We get all knids of new toys to play with but we don't get any 
smarter do we?

Carol Ann wrote:
  Hi Kurt,
I got curious about the Apollo comment because I never read that before.  
Anyway, this  is one of the references I found and thought you might enjoy it.
It made me laugh.  Just substitute modern terminology, for example, gods of 
prophecy/priests/ = doctors;  temple/abaton =- 
hospitals/nursing/hospice/doctors offices.  Visions/dreams - big pharma tv 
commercials;  offerings; health ins/medicade;  etc.  etc.  Things haven't 
changed muchhave they. :)   

In the temple of Artemis, sister of Apollo, god of prophecy, patients would 
pray and make offerings for aid. The most important building, however, was the 
abaton. After making offerings to the gods, patients were ordered to sleep in 
the abaton and not to open their eyes under any circumstances. During the night 
Asclepius, his daughters, and his priests would visit patients in turn. 
Asclepius was believed to examine each patient before applying remedies, 
medicines made of natural ingredients. Some patients reported that Asclepius 
had sent snakes to lick their wounds clean. When the patients woke the next 
morning, they would often declare themselves totally cured. Even patients 
suffering from blindness or other seemingly incurable conditions reported 
success. The priests would also prescribe treatments and regimes based on a 
patient's visions or dreams while asleep. Patients who had been cured left 
offerings of money or inscribed tablets detailing their treatment at the
 temples. Success may have been more to do with the physical regime or the 
practical treatments devised by the priests, but belief in the healing powers 
of Asclepius also had a positive effect.

Kurt Milkowski wrote:Hey Carol,
  I feel bad for these people having been brainwashed. 
I know its the hippocratic oath, the oath was origionally made to the god 

Carol Ann wrote:
  Kurt ~
Question.What do you think about the millions of people who go to  doctors with 
mysterious complaints.  

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..  
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Re: CSDoctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Well I've always kind of been going against the grain, swimming upstream. Now 
the waters just running a little faster, hope I don't drown.


Carol Ann wrote:  Hey there, speak for thee...and not 
for we.   
 I dunno know about thee, I've been going left when everyone else was going 
right since I was but a wee babeor so my daddy used to tell me up until the 
day he died. Society overall, has not yet demonstrated to me why I should do an 
about face any time soon.

Kurt Milkowski wrote:Hey Carol,
  History just keeps repeating itself. Its really kind of funny when you think 
about it. We get all knids of new toys to play with but we don't get any 
smarter do we?

Carol Ann wrote:
  Hi Kurt,
I got curious about the Apollo comment because I never read that before. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..  
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RE: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue[Jess]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Jess,
  Thats the one that causes normal kids to turn into autistic kids after being 

jessie70 wrote:
  Kurt, How do you know you get lyme from the measles vaccine? Thanks again,


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Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-16 Thread Kurt Milkowski
You'd be surprised at how 'cool' some of these guys are,  just under 
 the lab coats, nearly incomprehensible back deck  barbecue party 
 conversations and triple PHD exteriors
  No hookers to go along with the barbeques? It would help ease thier minds as 
they develope new ways to kill people.

Simon Jester wrote:
   Silver IS being rediscovered in more effective forms as 
 nano-technology and ion exchange technology are better understood 
 though progression of discovery.
 You haven't noticed how many products it's being used in lately?
 The list is a long one.
 Even the Pharm is catching on.

Sp, we should just bow down and worship at the altar of big pharm 
because they have deigned to acknowledge something that some of us 
simple-minded peasants have known for many many years?

 As of around 5 years ago, a pharm research department head friend of 
 mine was working on metallic nano particles.
 That's all he would say.

Ahh... some explanation for your attitude at last. Begone, herr 

 Might have been touched off by a CS generator gift a year earlier.
 I don't know, but he got pretty quiet after that.
 They aren't all turkeys , you know.

Maybe not turkeys - but definitely COWARDS. If even a SMALL number of 
these people would stand up to the tyranny, the big pharmas house of 
cards would come tumbling down around their heads - and many, many 
people would end up in jail - and if I had my druthers, on DEATH ROW - 
for their crimes against humanity.

 You'd be surprised at how 'cool' some of these guys are, just under 
 the lab coats, nearly incomprehensible back deck barbecue party 
 conversations and triple PHD exteriors. 

Yeah, really 'cool'... Ode, you just lost any shred of credibility you 
may have had...

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Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-16 Thread Kurt Milkowski
And the purpose of the vaccines and the chemtrails is to do just that, weaken 
your immune system. When you look at why the fictional bird flue, the reason it 
doesn't kill humans yet is because of our body temparature. The virus when 
inhaled by humans dies right away because the temparature in our mouth and 
nasal passages isn't high enough to sustain it. If you had a good ole' fever 
though, shazaam, your dead. Rest assured they are working on ways to help the 
virus survive at lower temps.

Simon Jester wrote:
   Hey, flus do kill.

Only those with a sufficiently weakened immunse system.

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Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-16 Thread Kurt Milkowski
How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a new disease, been 
around for a long time. Just became named recently.

Marshall Dudley wrote:  Kurt Milkowski wrote:
 Hey Jess,
 Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is the 
 one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another name.
How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a 
century or more.


 */jessie70 /* wrote:

 Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess

 -Original Message-
 *From:* Kurt Milkowski []
 *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

 Hey Kathryn,
 No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
 Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
 vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.

 */Clayton Family /* wrote:

 Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
 reading. The
 chronic fatigue part stood out for me.

 Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
 syndrome and fibromyalgia as well.

 It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
 and it may
 well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
 involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
 infections being
 implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
 conditions. Asthma
 can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
 residing in
 the strata in the western states.

 I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
 entrenched fungal
 infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
 began having die
 off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
 when exposed
 to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
 toxins in
 some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
 going on that
 the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
 something else, and
 the silver was doing quite a bit.

 fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
 fungal, I wonder?
 Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.

 And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
 seen The
 Future of Food ? it is about genetically engineered food,
 and it seems
 like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
 and poisons
 deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
 becomes poisonous
 at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
 seems like the
 best idea.


 On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

  Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
   In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
 Virology Institute
   declared that up to one billion people around the
 world could die
   during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
 human herd is
   to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
 reasons, the dead
   microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
 Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:

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 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-16 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Actually president shrub, just vetoed a bill that would have removed mercury 
from vaccines, What a guy.

Simon Jester wrote:
   BUT it sure doesn't give whoever is producing 
 these vaccines the right to put mercury and/or anyother extremely 
 harmful additive to these vaccines that are causing havoc in the 
 unsuspecticing, trusting publics, bodies.debbie

 No disagreement there...and they have stopped doing that now that 
 the issue has been studied some and found,

Wrong, as I stated earlier. They ARE still putting this into many (but 
not all) vaccines. They took it out of most children's vaccines, but not 
the influenza - and there are others.

 And that amount of mercury has no effects on adults over and above 
 the now normal much higher levels of environmental mercury.

BULLSHIT, Ode. What you and your medical gods are ignoring is the 
in NO way be compared to mercury that is ingested incidentally with 
certain foods, and/or breathed in minute amounts in the air.

Same goes for vaccines. Direct injection can in no way be compared to 
the fundamental concept (which is actually homeopathy, which I'm fairly 
certain I've seen you diss - funny, really, considering).

 And even if that amount of mercury isn't the problem, adding that 
 to other unavoidable sources can be avoided...and IS being avoided 
 as of a couple of years ago...just on general principle, just in 
 case and no good reason not to since the development of better 

Again, WRONG... but your refusal to acknowledge the highly toxic nature 
of mercury just shows your ignorance on this issue. Too bad smart people 
are often too smart for their own good, as you are herein proving beyond 
a shadow of a doubt.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSDoctors...

2007-10-16 Thread Kurt Milkowski
When so many people go to see a doctor because they have no idea what is wrong 
with them and are sent away being told that there is nothing wrong with them 
all the while the doctor knows but he is lying, that makes them EVIL. I know 
there may be some that don't have a clue as to whats going on, but if they've 
been around for a while they know. 

Ode Coyote wrote:
  It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors toe the official line
If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore 
more...but deviate just a little and be wrong, unbelievable law suits, 
flocks of vultures swoop in for their pound of flesh with the victim 
getting a third share.

I've met a few that will whisper, very quitely and privately, Colloidal 
Silver, then pretend he didn't.
I've had some at my house and turned them on to CS.
I know a few dentists that would love to be able to use EIS in their 
practice...they've seen what it can do with their own eyes.
Looks goodunfortunately, can't use it
Most doctors...almost ALL doctors...are very sincere people, but they have 
to huddle under the legal umbrella for protection.

I sold a box of 6 EIS generators delivered to a hospital in NYC...probably 
to treat street people who don't have lawyers or any money, and several 
more to names with MD behind them...I assume, for their friends and families.

No, they aren't Devils and they aren't stupidthey are afraid.


On Oct 15, 2007, at 5:09 AM, M. G. Devour wrote:

Allow for the existence of the exceptional few... *every* time you make
a statement about doctors. It doesn't take many words -- most,
nearly all -- to tranform the environment from hostile to merely

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-15 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Just exactly what did they tell you was a false positive? That would be like 
taking a pregnancy test and only being a little pregnant. If any band shows 
positive on a western blot, thats a positive result. Now I don't remember which 
one but one of the bands shows up in anybody thats been vaccinated, h.

Clayton Family wrote:
  Have you seen the work by dr Shoemaker of new Jersey and Dr Schaller, 
with lyme's and other biotoxin diseases? They have had some good 
results, and it is at least an interesting read, even if you have your 
own protocol down. Shoemaker cures the fibro for some.

Lyme is endemic here, so I might have it too. The test came back as a 
false positive. I know what this is in relation to some other tests, 
but am a little suspicious about this one, just a gut feeling, no real 
reason. The silver should take care of it (whatever it is) when I get 
up to a reasonable dose.

I do recommend Future of Food film- really excellent.

On Oct 14, 2007, at 5:31 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Hey Kathryn,
 No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons. Check into 
 lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a vaccine. Lots of folks 
 with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.

 Clayton Family wrote:
 Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting reading. The
 chronic fatigue part stood out for me.

 Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic fatigue
 syndrome and fibromyalgia as well.

 It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue, and it may
 well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and infections
 involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma infections being
 implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related conditions. 
 can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi residing in
 the strata in the western states.

 I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an entrenched fungal
 infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I began having 
 off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get when 
 to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular toxins in
 some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection going on 
 the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but something else, and
 the silver was doing quite a bit.

 fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella fungal, I wonder?
 Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.

 And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you seen The
 Future of Food ? it is about genetically engineered food, and it 
 like the film understates the problem. There are toxins and poisons
 deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it becomes poisonous
 at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown seems like the
 best idea.


 On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSForced Anthrax vaccines - NOT... WAS: Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-15 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Unfortunately, thats the problem. Everybody does what thier doctor tells them. 
This has got to change. Doctors will tell you anything as long as it benefits 
thier bank accounts.

Michael Zangari wrote:
Having been exposed to anthrax, I can simply say that surviving it has 
stregthened my immune system, or so they tell me. I wonder about the shot. In 
my wildest imaging I'm thinking that it is  stop gap measure against other 
biological warfare.
  But mandatory? Yeah. That's bothering me as well. 
  I probably got vaccinated the same time the marines did in Hawaii.
  I didn't know at the time.If they told me it didn't register. I just did what 
my doctor told me.
  If I had done that with the resulting congestive heart failure (after anthrax 
exposure) I'd be dead.

Carol Ann wrote:
  Here here!! If the govt begins vaccinating anyone under the point of a could take for granted the vaccine cannot be one designed for 
longevity. I personally don't think the govt thinks that highly of anyone 
individual, let alone the masses,  with regard to what is absolutely in their 
best interests. 

btw, Simon, it would stand to reason that once they kill you with a gun, they 
won't bother with further attempts to vaccinate you. ;)

Simon Jester wrote:   

If they force vaccinations on American citizens, it will not be under 
any constituionaly authority, it will be at the tyrannical point of a 
gun - and I will see to it that they will indeed have to kill me to 
vaccinate me.

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RE: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-15 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Jess, 
  Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is the one that 
seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another name.

jessie70 wrote:
  Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
-Original Message-
From: Kurt Milkowski []
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

  Hey Kathryn, 
  No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons. Check into lyme 
disease, thats what I have, got it from a vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme 
suffer from cfs and fibro.

Clayton Family wrote:
  Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting reading. The 
chronic fatigue part stood out for me.

Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic fatigue 
syndrome and fibromyalgia as well.

It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue, and it may 
well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and infections 
involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma infections being 
implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related conditions. Asthma 
can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi residing in 
the strata in the western states.

I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an entrenched fungal 
infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I began having die 
off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get when exposed 
to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular toxins in 
some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection going on that 
the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but something else, and 
the silver was doing quite a bit.

fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella fungal, I wonder? 
Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.

And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you seen The 
Future of Food ? it is about genetically engineered food, and it seems 
like the film understates the problem. There are toxins and poisons 
deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it becomes poisonous 
at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown seems like the 
best idea.


On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
  In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian Virology Institute
  declared that up to one billion people around the world could die
  during the next pandemic. It would appear that the human herd is 
  to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever reasons, the dead
  microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSDoctors...

2007-10-15 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Well the more people become aware of the evil medical system the better off 
everybody will be. 800,000 killed last year at the hand of these genius', can 
anyone explain to me how this could possibly be accidental?

Clayton Family wrote:
  Thanks, Mike, well said, and worth repeating.

It is very frustrating to have such negative experiences at the hands 
of those who are in the business of helping us, and then to learn of 
the blatent warfare tactics of a powerful few to keep the rest in line 
and promote one point of view, and one standard of care. It often seems 
as though there is no one who will listen and help, and would rather we 
go off and die quietly than continue to bother them with our non 
existent, psychosomatic complaints. My insurance company certain would 
have liked that- one less person to interfere with their money making 

Then you find a gem- one who even calls you at home to make sure you 
are not off dying in an emergency room without him knowing, another one 
who while shackled with restraints, makes sure I know who is 
successfully treating this if I would like to go, and makes off the 
record recommendations of supplements that he knows will help.

There is a real and serious problem with medical practice in this 
country, and it seems to start with HMO's, and standards of care that 
are necessary to deal with the litigous nature of the populace, who in 
general seem to believe everyone has a *right* to good health, and may 
think suing a dr means suing an insurance company. Stuff happens. To 
everybody, if you only live long enough to not die tragically young. 
Everyone is dying, if you want to look at it that way. We all just want 
to put it off for as long as possible, and enjoy our life as much as we 
can. Many good doctors help with that. I owe my life twice over to good 
drs that keep up, and know how to think through problems. Thank God for 
them. I also owe my recovery to my own efforts,and I prefer to fix 
myself when ever possible. Sometimes it has not been possible.


On Oct 15, 2007, at 5:09 AM, M. G. Devour wrote:

 Allow for the existence of the exceptional few... *every* time you make
 a statement about doctors. It doesn't take many words -- most,
 nearly all -- to tranform the environment from hostile to merely

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-15 Thread Kurt Milkowski
When did they make a flu shot that works? 

Ode Coyote wrote:
I can go look at the slides and research, blow by blow this does that 
with piles of repeatable evidence.
You have to rely on an unfounded opinion being promoted by notoriously 
ignorant anti-believers who *don't* used their heads as a methodology.

Anything that's opposite from a carefully selected partial truth is the 
whole truth
Sure, but only if you're a simpleton.

Well, believe this:
If you have the flu, you have no right to go out in public, much less 
transport people around.
Doing so is irresponsible, if not illegal.

That you can is a dangerous oversight, not a right. [unless you are a 
mosquito with no choice but to bite and get flattened for it.]

You can refuse a vaccination, but then, stay at home making it your 
problem and not many many other peoples problem.
In the case of life threatening pandemic, it will be illegal and you 
could rightfully get yourself shot if you leave home.
If by chance the vaccination doesn't work, at least you've taken the steps 
than can be taken to prevent transmission, vs, no steps at all...or anti-steps.

That some vaccinations might not work as advertised doesn't mean none do, 
at least, something.

I'll betcha that when you see some people around you dropping like flies 
and some not, you'll be wondering why, then.

If *everybody* corks off, THEN you can feel real safe about being right 
about not taking the least risky course of action amid an overwhelming danger.

In a battlefield, not too many people worry about being allergic to body 
armor and the bullet it doesn't stop has nothing to do with those it did 
stop when deciding if body armor works or not.

Imperfect doesn't mean useless. [except to fanatical anti believers ]


At 04:02 PM 10/12/2007 -0400, you wrote:

Regardless of unproven bullshit, Does any transport person have the 
right to be a disease carrier?

YES, Ode, I have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to live my life free from being 
assaulted with a deadly weapon by you just because you have some 
undefined, unproven FEAR that something that I might or might not be 
carrying might or might not be dangerous to you.

You are saying that the smallpox vaccine hasn't eliminated smallpox?
..That cowpox antibodies don't immunize from smallpox?

Yep - thats what I'm saying. If you believe it does, then you have fallen 
for their FUD.

Which vaccines work and which don't and that some vaccines may be harmful 
to some people for different reasons, may be questionable,

Nope... not questionable. NONE of them work, and they are ALL harmful.


but the whole field of vaccination is pretty much an over all proven 
success with centuries of experience to back it up.

Yep - you've fallen for their lies/FUD.

And as for the rest, fyi - wikipedia is nice as a BEGINNING reference for 
researching things - but just because something is in wikipedia doesn't 
make it true.

Some of those links refer NOT to modern 'vaccines', but a process similar 
to homeopathy, and may indeed have been beneficial to an extent... but it 
bears ZERO resemblance to the modern day nightmare that is 'vaccines'.

Pasteur was a fraud - read up on Antoine Bechamp...

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Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-15 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Thats because it's the biggest cover up ever. If you look at the crappy testing 
you will see it's crappy for a reason. If it were accurate we would have a 
revolution already. Bowen labs in Florida was never able to find a person that 
did not test positive. Bowen looked for the presence of Borrelia Burgdorferi, 
the spirochete, not for an anit-body respose like the other tests do.

Clayton Family wrote:
  Well, when she told me about that, she also gave me a referral to a doc 
that works along the lines of Shoemaker, and treats chronic lymes', so 
I think she knew that. In this state the powers that be will pull a drs 
liscense for stepping out of line. The lab wrote false positive on the 
result. I am not sure what they means by that- if their procedure was 
bad or what. More likely someone told them what to respond when certain 
bands show? or something. And this does not even get into the territory 
of the test testing for the european strain and not the north american 
indigenous varieties, nor other bugs that can cause similar symptoms, 
so I hear.


On Oct 15, 2007, at 4:34 AM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Just exactly what did they tell you was a false positive? That would 
 be like taking a pregnancy test and only being a little pregnant. If 
 any band shows positive on a western blot, thats a positive result. 
 Now I don't remember which one but one of the bands shows up in 
 anybody thats been vaccinated, h.

 Clayton Family wrote:
 Have you seen the work by dr Shoemaker of new Jersey and Dr Schaller,
 with lyme's and other biotoxin diseases? They have had some good
 results, and it is at least an interesting read, even if you have your
 own protocol down. Shoemaker cures the fibro for some.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-15 Thread Kurt Milkowski
There is no fedaral law requiring any vaccination.

Leslie wrote:
  Is this one that is required for the children to be in school? I know 
they will send them home now if they don't have all their shots. Mine is out 
now thank God.
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 4:12 PM
  Subject: RE: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

  Hey Jess, 
  Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is the one that 
seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another name.

jessie70 wrote:
  Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
-Original Message-
From: Kurt Milkowski []
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

  Hey Kathryn, 
  No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons. Check into lyme 
disease, thats what I have, got it from a vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme 
suffer from cfs and fibro.

Clayton Family wrote:
  Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting reading. The 
chronic fatigue part stood out for me.

Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic fatigue 
syndrome and fibromyalgia as well.

It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue, and it may 
well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and infections 
involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma infections being 
implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related conditions. Asthma 
can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi residing in 
the strata in the western states.

I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an entrenched fungal 
infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I began having die 
off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get when exposed 
to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular toxins in 
some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection going on that 
the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but something else, and 
the silver was doing quite a bit.

fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella fungal, I wonder? 
Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.

And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you seen The 
Future of Food ? it is about genetically engineered food, and it seems 
like the film understates the problem. There are toxins and poisons 
deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it becomes poisonous 
at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown seems like the 
best idea.


On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

 Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
  In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian Virology Institute
  declared that up to one billion people around the world could die
  during the next pandemic. It would appear that the human herd is 
  to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever reasons, the dead
  microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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