Re: EMPolygonizer, Redshift and motion blur

2018-07-30 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Hi Balazs,

Just back from vacation here - did you solve this or is it still kicking around?
If you need, send me a file and I can take a look. I managed to get this 
working at some point as far as I remember :)


> Den 22. juli 2018 klokken 15:34 skrev balazs kiss :
> Thanks a lot for the quick response, I'll look into it later. I did take a
> quick look before I left the office, and I think the missing data must be
> the angular velocity.
> Cheers!
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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emFluid collider geo detail?

2018-06-27 Thread Morten Bartholdy
It has been ages since I last did some fluids sim with emFluid5 so I am a bit 

I have some collision objects which are pretty lowres, ie they have accurate 
shape (boxes and similar) but very few vertices/polygons. The fluids seem to 
not quite respect the collision objects and sort of leak through, so my 
question is if I need to dice the polygons or does it only help if I increase 
simulation substeps for collision precision?


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Re: Mootzoid plugins revisited 2018: emFluid v5

2018-06-25 Thread Morten Bartholdy
As far as I recall you need emTools installed too, but it's been a while since 
I dealt with it. I just have them all installed since long ago.


> Den 25. juni 2018 klokken 00:39 skrev Pierre Schiller 
> :
> Hi, I took quite a read through the docs here:
> and I even downloaded the sample scenes. Specifically Trex Combustion.scn
> opens with missing Vray parameters and the ICE tree for the combustion is
> all red out (which means everything is unplugged) there´s nothing
> simulating.
> I´m wondering if -perhaps- someone has got these files working?
> I´d really like to try the VDB volume grids on emFluid but I don´t know
> what other addons are needed to interact with the sample scenes.
> Please help.
> Thanks.
> * 
>  - 3D.VFX.Post - Click on
> socials:*
> * 

Re: OTish - Maya namespaces - clearing that up

2018-06-14 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Interesting - so there is a good use for it.

Personally I hate it when imported or referenced models don't have unique 
names, but I guess it depends on your pipeline and type of work :)

Thanks for the script - it will come in handy!


> Den 14. juni 2018 klokken 12:12 skrev Enrique Caballero 
> :
> Namespaces are annoying.
> When building assets, what I do to deal with them is I bind a hotkey to
> collapse all namespaces, as sometimes when you are building an asset, you
> are drag and dropping several other assets into the scene and
> frankensteining them together.  You then end up with a huge nested tree of
> namespaces that just takes forever to delete one at a time in the namespace
> editor.  I will share my script for collapsing namespaces at the end of
> this email.
> As annoying as they are, you can disable viewing namespaces in most
> editors,  and I recommend that you use them for your referenced assets,
> otherwise you will end up with name clashing on the scene Root.
> For example, the root object of all of our rigs is named "ROOT_NUL"
> If we didnt use namespaces, each one of those would get a number appended
> to them once imported.  Not the end of the world, but I don't want my
> referenced assets to go around changing their naming randomly.
> yes we could use more unique names for our ROOT_NULS, like putting the
> asset name in there, but I rather just let the namespace handle that, and
> keep all of our assets and rigs standardised.
> script for collapsing namespaces follows:
> """
> Collapses all namespaces (including nested) to root.
> """
> # Recursively collect all namespaces.
> def get_all_namespaces(iter_nsp=[":"]):
> for nsp in iter_nsp:
> yield nsp
> all_nested_nsp = cmds.namespaceInfo(nsp, listOnlyNamespaces=True) or []
> for nested_nsp in get_all_namespaces(iter_nsp=all_nested_nsp):
> yield nested_nsp
> default_namespaces = [":", "UI", "shared"]
> scene_namespaces = list(get_all_namespaces())
> for nsp in reversed(scene_namespaces):
> if nsp in default_namespaces:
> continue
> print "Removing namespace {}".format(nsp)
> cmds.namespace(removeNamespace=nsp, mergeNamespaceWithRoot=True)
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 4:47 PM, Stefan Kubicek 
> wrote:
> > Everybody hates Namespaces, but you don't necessarily need to use them.
> > First of all: Maya is more permissive with regards to duplicate names since
> > it only demands an objects “Full Name” (i.e. the name of the object
> > prepended by all it's parent's names) to be unique in a scene. In
> > Softimage, an objects name needs to be unique within it's Model,
> > irrespective of it's location in the hierarchy under that model, which is
> > of course a more deterministic way of identifying objects with regards to
> > file referencing, the animation mixer, etc, but that's not the point here.
> >
> > In Maya, just like in 3dsMax or Softimage (or any other 3d package I
> > think), you get automatic numbering of objects in case of a name clash
> > (i.e. when the full name of the new object is similar). That usually occurs
> > when creating or duplicating an object or node, importing or referencing a
> > file, or rearranging objects in a hierarchy. The closest thing to the
> > Softimage Model paradigm in Maya you can get is to use groups. For example,
> > instead of maintaining your character rig and meshes under a model in Soft,
> > you do the same under a group in Maya. There is even an option to
> > automatically group objects on import, which is what I usually do, and/or
> > to rename (i.e. number) clashing names on import, which is less tidy but
> > also helpful sometimes. That's it.
> >
> > Stefan
> >
> > PS: I still hope to find out the address of that moron at Alias one fine
> > day who decided that namespaces are a clever way to handle scene complexity.
> >
> > On 14.06.2018 09:56, Morten Bartholdy wrote:
> >
> > I am sure I am not the only one finding Mayas namespaces extremely
> > annoying.
> >
> > If I do a search on Maya namespaces, numerous hits explain how namespaces
> > are annoying and how to handle them and/or get rid of them via built-in
> > tools, scripts, or other methods – one of these even come from an Autodesk
> > Technical Specialist: 
> >

OTish - Maya namespaces - clearing that up

2018-06-14 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I am sure I am not the only one finding Mayas namespaces extremely annoying.

If I do a search on Maya namespaces, numerous hits explain how namespaces are 
annoying and how to handle them and/or get rid of them via built-in tools, 
scripts, or other methods - one of these even come from an Autodesk Technical 
 so even Autodesk knows how annoying this is... these guys are inane.

I get why there has to be a nameclash handling mechanism but find the 
straightforward method of incremental numbering in XSI as hassle free as 
possible, so I was wondering if anyone knows if there are any benefits at all 
with the Maya namespace method or if it has to do with Maya data handling why 
they haven't used the more straightforward incremental numbering which seems to 
be working in Maya anyway!?

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Improving Maya.... - no seriously :)

2018-06-05 Thread Morten Bartholdy
So I stumbled over this one via the XSI group on FB - worth a shot if it can 
make our lives a bit easier along the way.

Have a nice one out there - Morten
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RE: Simple ICE pointcloud to geometry method?

2018-05-23 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Never mind - I gave it a go and am fine now. Thanks for the pointer Ola :)


> Den 23. maj 2018 klokken 10:47 skrev Morten Bartholdy <>:
> Stupid me - that will of course probably work fine.
> I have licensed versions of a number of his plugins, but after moving to a 
> new workstation they open in Demo mode.
> Instead of bothering Eric to get licensing for the new workstation I would 
> like to get the free versions working. Do you know if I have to just 
> uninstall the old licensed ones and install the latest downloadable version 
> from I couldn't find any info about that.
> Cheers
> Morten
> > Den 23. maj 2018 klokken 10:30 skrev Ola Madsen 
> > <>:
> > 
> > 
> > Hi Morten,
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The easiest way is probably to use emPolygonizer. Eric released all his 
> > plugin for free some time ago so just head over to 
> >
> >  and enjoy 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Cheers
> > 
> > Ola
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Från: 
> > <> För Morten Bartholdy
> > 
> > Skickat: den 23 maj 2018 10:18
> > 
> > Till:
> > 
> > Ämne: Simple ICE pointcloud to geometry method?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I have been going through the XSI resources on 
> ><

RE: Simple ICE pointcloud to geometry method?

2018-05-23 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Stupid me - that will of course probably work fine.
I have licensed versions of a number of his plugins, but after moving to a new 
workstation they open in Demo mode.

Instead of bothering Eric to get licensing for the new workstation I would like 
to get the free versions working. Do you know if I have to just uninstall the 
old licensed ones and install the latest downloadable version from I couldn't find any info about that.


> Den 23. maj 2018 klokken 10:30 skrev Ola Madsen 
> <>:
> Hi Morten,
> The easiest way is probably to use emPolygonizer. Eric released all his 
> plugin for free some time ago so just head over to 
>  and enjoy 
> Cheers
> Ola
> Från: 
> <> För Morten Bartholdy
> Skickat: den 23 maj 2018 10:18
> Till:
> Ämne: Simple ICE pointcloud to geometry method?
> I have been going through the XSI resources on 
>  in order to find a way to generate geometry from a pointcloud instancing 
> geometry.
> I found Guillaume Laforges Create Polymesh from Instance 

Simple ICE pointcloud to geometry method?

2018-05-23 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I have been going through the XSI resources on
in order to find a way to generate geometry from a pointcloud instancing 

I found Guillaume Laforges Create Polymesh from Instance

and Grahame Fullers Instances to Mesh.

Guillaumes stuff is no longer available online it seems, and Grahames requires 
a lot of ground work it seems, to get it working.

I really just need to create simple geometry from my pointcloud as in copying a 
simple proxymesh on to each particle,so no need for transferring a lot of 
attributes etc.

So I was wondering what would be the simplest way to do this?


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Re: Any Dinosaurs Still Lurking?

2018-05-17 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Does he rant on Instagram too?? ha, ha


> Den 16. maj 2018 klokken 17:47 skrev Chris Marshall 
> <>:
> check out Instagram kim_aldis
> On 16 May 2018 at 14:43, Morten Bartholdy <> wrote:
> > Very well put Paul :)
> >
> > Quote:
> >
> > This year I’m making my latest attempt to learn Maya and Houdini, just so I 
> > can get a bit more work, but can’t see either of them knocking XSI off the 
> > top spot any time soon, until they up their game to a comparable standard 
> > of creative fluidity.
> >
> > End quote
> >
> > I guess I am a bit dinoish, as I started using Softimage 3D in 1992 and DP
> > 4:2:2 before that, so doing 3D since 1989. I had a go at Maya 1.0 thinking
> > I could start learning it by modeling in it and move stuff to Softimage for
> > animation and rendering, but abandoned it because it didn't have any of the
> > NURBS Powermodeling from Alias PA yet. I eventually switched to XSI around
> > v1.5
> >
> > Nowadays I am forced to use Maya at work because of client compatibility
> > and the need to keep the small workforce here on the same DCC. I get to use
> > Softimage every now and then for stuff that Maya sucks at or simply can't
> > do (which is quite often), but it has been a while since I did a full
> > production with Soft – sadly. We sort of switch between doing fx and other
> > advanced stuff in XSI and Houdini (between two guys) and put that into Maya.
> >
> > Arnold and lately Redshift are the only reasons Maya has not yet driven me
> > stark raving mad.
> >
> > I still use XSI/Redshift for fun stuff at home and can't really see
> > anything taking over anytime soon.
> >
> > Great to hear from all you guys – I have always loved this list and still
> > do :) I miss Kims rant's though and Porls tutorials.
> >
> > Morten Bartholdy
> >
> > -- Softimage Mailing List. To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with “unsubscribe” in the
> > subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> -- 
> Chris Marshall
> Mint Motion Limited
> 029 20 37 27 57
> 07730 533 115
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: Any Dinosaurs Still Lurking?

2018-05-16 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Very well put Paul :)

> This year I’m making my latest attempt to learn Maya and Houdini, just so I 
> can get a bit more work, but can’t see either of them knocking XSI off the 
> top spot any time soon, until they up their game to a comparable standard of 
> creative fluidity. 
End quote

I guess I am a bit dinoish, as I started using Softimage 3D in 1992 and DP 
4:2:2 before that, so doing 3D since 1989. I had a go at Maya 1.0 thinking I 
could start learning it by modeling in it and move stuff to Softimage for 
animation and rendering, but abandoned it because it didn't have any of the 
NURBS Powermodeling from Alias PA yet. I eventually switched to XSI around v1.5

Nowadays I am forced to use Maya at work because of client compatibility and 
the need to keep the small workforce here on the same DCC. I get to use 
Softimage every now and then for stuff that Maya sucks at or simply can't do 
(which is quite often), but it has been a while since I did a full production 
with Soft - sadly. We sort of switch between doing fx and other advanced stuff 
in XSI and Houdini (between two guys) and put that into Maya.

Arnold and lately Redshift are the only reasons Maya has not yet driven me 
stark raving mad.

I still use XSI/Redshift for fun stuff at home and can't really see anything 
taking over anytime soon.

Great to hear from all you guys - I have always loved this list and still do :)
I miss Kims rant's though and Porls tutorials.

Morten Bartholdy

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Re: Any Dinosaurs Still Lurking?

2018-05-14 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Now who would you be calling dinosaurs, Brad? ;-)

Morten Bartholdy

> Den 11. maj 2018 klokken 18:23 skrev Bradley Gabe <>:
> Just curious? 
> Now that I’m a resident in San Antonio, I was reminiscing about old SIGGRAPHs 
> on the Riverwalk, and came to the realization that the Softimage mailing 
> lists, for me at least, were my Facebook before there was official social 
> media. 
> San Antonio still owes me a camera! 
> --
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Re: Houdini : non VFX jobs?

2018-05-08 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Thanks Jordi. Well, like I said - I will have to dive in to Houdini at some 
point I guess :)

I would love a Soft2Houdini crash course :)


> Den 4. maj 2018 klokken 20:22 skrev Jordi Bares <>:
> For the sake of sharing my experiences...
> > On 4 May 2018, at 14:24, Morten Bartholdy <> wrote:
> > 
> > Pardon me for intruding, but I have to agree with Jonathan here.
> > 
> > It used to be that developers worked to make better tools and make them 
> > more accessible to the average artist (and I am not talking about Kais 
> > Powertools ;), but that path seems to have been abandoned in the pursuit of 
> > better and more advanced tools, and letting it up to the users to get a 
> > degree in rocket science to be able to wield said tools at all
> > 
> Tools are getting easier (just look at the new hair system in 16.5 vs 16.0 or 
> the new MAT context in order to blend BRDFs properly), complex things are 
> simply complex (DOPs for example) and you can’t simplify certain things 
> without loosing the whole point or it will take a lot to get there (for 
> example custom controls with DOPs records and others)
> > Houdini is probably the best example of this. I know a lot of effort has 
> > gone in to making it more accessible, but to my knowledge it still requires 
> > a fair amount of insight into expression syntax and scripting plus more 
> > than basic math end vector knowhow to get even simple things done.
> > 
> The fact you can add expressions in your fields (something you can’t do in 
> softimage) means you don’t need to script as much… so arguably you can choose 
> between learning simple expressions or learning to program.
> Both require a certain level of simple maths involving trigonometry, vectors 
> and matrices. 
> > I understand your position (stated in earlier threads) that the increased 
> > demands on production requires more complex solutions/tools,
> > 
> I would say sophisticated rather than complex… for example packed primitives 
> allow you to do things that are truly mind-bending in combination with 
> Material Style Sheets, but that does not mean they are difficult of full of 
> moving parts.
> > but I don't buy the premise that it also has(!) to become more difficult to 
> > use.
> > 
> I don’t think that either.. a good example of sophisticated tools in Houdini 
> 16 and 16.5 that are a pleasure to work are the new terrain tools… but it is 
> also true that unfortunately some problems are complex no matter what.
> > Good UI devs could alleviate that and make even really complex stuff 
> > accessible to the least technical artist in the room if ressources were 
> > made available, ie the management and dev team leads concur it would be a 
> > good idea. I am going out on a limb and guessing it might often come down 
> > to this – spend ressources on making the tool more accessible or spend them 
> > on making more and better tools… In reality I think in all fairness they 
> > try and balance it while keeping a keen eye on their userbase and potential 
> > for increasing it.
> > 
> With the UI and UX there is a major point Jeff Wagner explained to me long 
> time ago… Houdini is non-linear (branches splitting and mixing again) so many 
> things there can be easily put on a linear system (like Softimage) are not 
> possible in Houdini and therefore we have to accept certain limitations. 
> Exactly the same than ICE, you don’t have many tools making your live eraser 
> in terms of workflow inside ICE, you need to know what you are doing.
> But it is true also that Softimage vision of ICE is a lot neater, easier and 
> element in terms of packaging functionality in ICE… A LOT BETTER IN FACT.
> > What remains is that people like me find Houdini way too technical for 
> > practical use (the steep learning curve) and as such I have not delved into 
> > it for real yet.
> > 
> May be that is what makes you feel it is complex...
> > I will for sure, because I think it is probably the only major 3D DCC which 
> > is really evolving and making groundbreaking tools available to the users, 
> > so it will very likely inherit the world, but for me, and probably many 
> > others, as Jonathan probably indicates, it would do so much faster if it 
> > was made even easier to use :)
> > 
> Agreed, there are many things that should be a lot easier because you do them 
> all the time (like path deform for example, or layering animation, or having 
> a shape manager and others) but don’t be mistaken, it is not difficult at all 
> until you need to dive in certain areas.
> > And

Re: Houdini : non VFX jobs?

2018-05-04 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Pardon me for intruding, but I have to agree with Jonathan here.

It used to be that developers worked to make better tools and make them more 
accessible to the average artist (and I am not talking about Kais Powertools 
;), but that path seems to have been abandoned in the pursuit of better and 
more advanced tools, and letting it up to the users to get a degree in rocket 
science to be able to wield said tools at all.

Houdini is probably the best example of this. I know a lot of effort has gone 
in to making it more accessible, but to my knowledge it still requires a fair 
amount of insight into expression syntax and scripting plus more than basic 
math end vector knowhow to get even simple things done.

I understand your position (stated in earlier threads) that the increased 
demands on production requires more complex solutions/tools, but I don't buy 
the premise that it also has(!) to become more difficult to use. Good UI devs 
could alleviate that and make even really complex stuff accessible to the least 
technical artist in the room if ressources were made available, ie the 
management and dev team leads concur it would be a good idea. I am going out on 
a limb and guessing it might often come down to this - spend ressources on 
making the tool more accessible or spend them on making more and better 
tools... In reality I think in all fairness they try and balance it while 
keeping a keen eye on their userbase and potential for increasing it.

What remains is that people like me find Houdini way too technical for 
practical use (the steep learning curve) and as such I have not delved into it 
for real yet. I will for sure, because I think it is probably the only major 3D 
DCC which is really evolving and making groundbreaking tools available to the 
users, so it will very likely inherit the world, but for me, and probably many 
others, as Jonathan probably indicates, it would do so much faster if it was 
made even easier to use :)

And that would mean I would get to spend less time in Maya which honestly makes 
me short of breath to the point of needing to vomit, almost every day.

Just my two kr (the coin we use here)

Have a nice weekend all - Morten

> Den 3. maj 2018 klokken 19:17 skrev Jordi Bares :
> > And by my judgement, Houdini is no closer to being a generalist replacement 
> > for Softimage.
> This is what I would love to understand if you don’t mind… 
> jb
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Re: ice to maya workflow

2018-05-02 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Chris, I have just been there - same issue. A couple of bits are missing n the 
Exocortex installation info.

You need to create a folder directly in the C: root and name it 
ExocortexCrateAlembic and unzipped or copy the maya version folder directly 
into it - like this:


The Maya installation path and where to put the .mod file:

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016\modules\Maya2014ExocortexAlembic.mod

Then edit the last path in the .mod file to look like this:

+ Maya2014ExocortexAlembic 1.0 C:/ExocortexAlembic/Maya2016/Module

The missing part is in Maya, open Plug-in Manager and browse for this file:


- open it, refresh, and tick autoload (not that Maya cares always anyway, but 

Then Alembic should pop up in the top menubar in Maya.

Have fun - oh no I almost forgot, it is Maya...


> Den 1. maj 2018 klokken 18:38 skrev Chris Marshall 
> :
> Hi Jon,
> No not yet. I'm updating my soft licenses and have had issues.
> But I looked at it this morning and was following installation of the maya
> .mod files but as I've never done any installation of maya plugins before,
> I was struggling. I was trying to follow the Exocortex instructions but it
> kept referring to .mod files and example .mod files I wasn't sure which was
> which.
> On 1 May 2018 at 14:46, Jonathan Moore  wrote:
> >
> > Chris,
> >
> > Did you manage to get your ICE particles into Maya?
> >
> > jm
> >
> > On 30 April 2018 at 11:02, Chris Marshall 
> > wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >> Is there a workflow for getting ice particles into Maya?
> >> Thanks
> >> Chris
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here
> >> 
> >> .
> >>
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> >> Softimage Mailing List.
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> >> 1nlDSqaRWsenlq-2BshblPizg-2BR9go-2BAZFczZKP0LOVYUs-2BDzA0NJCpwyM-3D
> >> 

Re: Set Driven Key Copy/Paste in Maya

2018-04-30 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I feel your pain Paul. There is just about no fun having to work in Maya, and I 
have not even begun to look at rigging...


> Den 30. april 2018 klokken 17:30 skrev
> In fact I think I’d prefer to work in a supermarket than do this all day
> From: Ben Barker 
> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2018 3:52 PM
> To: ; Official Softimage Users Mailing List. 
> Subject: Re: Set Driven Key Copy/Paste in Maya
> In Maya set driven keys are the same node as normal animation keys, the 
> animCurve node:
> There's a bunch of child nodes listed there with two letters after the 
> "animCurve", which is the specific input/output that node handles.
> So like, animCurveTU takes input time (t) and outputs double (u). All the 
> animator set ones are the animCurveT* ones. All the animCurveU* ones are used 
> for set driven keys.
> I know this is always the maya answer but... I always did this with a script. 
> AnimCurve nodes are almost always named after the object/attribute they are 
> connected to. So it's pretty easy to duplicate the animCurve node, parse out 
> the attribute from the name, find your mirrored rig bit, and connect it up. 
> You can use listConnections to find the driver node and do something similar.
> Expression nodes are different. Essentially they just hold a giant string 
> (the expression itself) and when it gets compiled Maya does some under the 
> hood magic to make or break connections to the node. To mirror it you don't 
> need two expression nodes (you can if you want), but you need to copy the 
> text in the expression itself and search/replace your Lefts for your Rights. 
> You can do this at any time and the expression will hook up to the attributes 
> if they exist. Matt is right about using utility nodes in place of 
> expressions if you can. 
> Sometimes copy/pasting stuff works but it also makes a lot of garbage in the 
> scene. Honestly with Maya the faster you can get to a scripted rigging 
> pipeline the better. 
> On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 8:12 AM,  wrote:
>   Hello all,
>   I am being forced into learning Maya again after an abandoned attempt last 
> year.
>   I am finding almost everything frustrating and harder than it needs to be, 
> but todays annoying frustration is.. Copying expressions.. ( no drag and drop 
> then edit - here) 
>   I set up a foot controller, so it has some attributes (that drive some 
> rotations on groups which in have IK goals parented to.)
>   After doing one foot, I hoped it might be easy to copy/paste the set driven 
> keys/expressions and edit them for the other foot controllers/legs.
>   However this appears out to have been wishful thinking on my part. Its 
> seems very opaque as to where these things actually reside and how they are 
> edited / redistributed. After a fruitless trip around the node 
> ditor/hypergraph etc, I can’t work out how to do this. I wonder if anyone 
> could give me a clue as to what to do I’d be grateful.
>   Last week I watched a video on how to mirror a rig. After 40 mins the 
> conclusion of the video was ‘ the best method is to do it again manually on 
> the other side!’
>   When I learnt XSI, I remember having a lot of fun as my world of 
> opportunities opened up. This is not so similar.
>   If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here.
>   --
>   Softimage Mailing List.
>   To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.If you'd like to 
> unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here: 
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
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Re: OT'ish - Installing Crate for Maya?

2018-04-24 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I found the Exocortex Alembic google group and found some info. Installed it by 
copying the modules folder to 


- and put the .mod file in 

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016.5\modules

- and made sure the path in the .mod file was 

Still it does not show up in Maya, so I am kind of stuck.


> Den 23. april 2018 klokken 15:44 skrev Morten Bartholdy 
> <>:
> I have run into Mayas alembic IO not supporting multiple UV sets (surprise), 
> so I am trying to install Crate for Maya.
> Unfortunately I have no Maya plugin installation experience and our current 
> Maya artist is not terribly techy. The Crate documentation says to copy the 
> Maya2016ExocortexAlembic.mod file to my Maya users folder 
> C:\Users\MB\Documents\maya\2016 in my case,
> and copy the content of the Module folder into the same place and edit the 
> .mod file path, then load the plugin in Mayas Plug-in Manager.
> Unfortunately I see no Crate reference in Maya so no cigar. I am sure this is 
> supersimple to fix but am stuck, so I would appreciate if someone could point 
> me in the right direction.
> Thanks :)
> Morten
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
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OT'ish - Installing Crate for Maya?

2018-04-23 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I have run into Mayas alembic IO not supporting multiple UV sets (surprise), so 
I am trying to install Crate for Maya.

Unfortunately I have no Maya plugin installation experience and our current 
Maya artist is not terribly techy. The Crate documentation says to copy the 
Maya2016ExocortexAlembic.mod file to my Maya users folder 

C:\Users\MB\Documents\maya\2016 in my case,

and copy the content of the Module folder into the same place and edit the .mod 
file path, then load the plugin in Mayas Plug-in Manager.

Unfortunately I see no Crate reference in Maya so no cigar. I am sure this is 
supersimple to fix but am stuck, so I would appreciate if someone could point 
me in the right direction.

Thanks :)

Softimage Mailing List.
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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: OTish - Houdini meshes to Maya with motiondata?

2018-04-03 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I just got a reply from Redshift. From Houdini write a vertex color attribute 
from the motiondata - it could be called Vel or whatever. It imports into Maya 
as a Color Set which name needs to be entered in the Alembic objects Mesh 
Controls Motion Vector Color Set, ie. write Vel in that frame - no dropdown 
with choices, but that's Maya for you.

It seems the Houdini motion data values are per second, so we needed to divide 
the frame duration by 25 (25fps) to get realistic motionblur.

One would expect all this to be transparent to the user in 2018 but hey, it 
seems everybody gave up on making UI's accessible and cram as much tech crap as 
possible in instead.


> Den 3. april 2018 klokken 14:56 skrev Artur W <>:
> I'd like that one too. Although my original mesh came from Realflow, I
> somehow couldn't transfer velocity attributes in Houdini to mesh for MB to
> work in Maya Redshift.
> Artur
> 2018-04-03 13:36 GMT+02:00 Morten Bartholdy <>:
> > We are getting meshes from particle/fluid sims in Houdini exported as
> > Alembic for rendering in Maya. We get no motionblur, so I am guessing no
> > PointVelocity data available, despite our Houdini guys says he has exported
> > the data. He tried both PointVelocity and VertexVelocity, but obviously
> > something is amiss.
> >
> > I imported to Softimage to visualize the PointVelocity data in ICE and can
> > see nothing when getting it and visualizing.
> >
> > Since most people here have migrated to Houdini and/or Maya I was thinking
> > at least some of you have come across this and perhaps know the right thing
> > to write out of Houdini and how to get it working with Redshift in Maya!?
> >
> > Thanks in advance :)
> >
> > Cheers
> > Morten
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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OTish - Houdini meshes to Maya with motiondata?

2018-04-03 Thread Morten Bartholdy
We are getting meshes from particle/fluid sims in Houdini exported as Alembic 
for rendering in Maya. We get no motionblur, so I am guessing no PointVelocity 
data available, despite our Houdini guys says he has exported the data. He 
tried both PointVelocity and VertexVelocity, but obviously something is amiss.

I imported to Softimage to visualize the PointVelocity data in ICE and can see 
nothing when getting it and visualizing.

Since most people here have migrated to Houdini and/or Maya I was thinking at 
least some of you have come across this and perhaps know the right thing to 
write out of Houdini and how to get it working with Redshift in Maya!?

Thanks in advance :)

Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: The Maya Chronicles - or how retarded that software is...

2018-03-28 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Spot on! That is exactly how it is working in Maya :-D

> Den 28. marts 2018 klokken 15:53 skrev balazs kiss <>:
> I hear ya! I want to punch through my screen every 5 minutes when I have to
> do shading work in it. It's like a remote desktop to the Moon.
> This video sums up my experience so far :
> -balazs
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 1:25 PM, Morten Bartholdy <>
> wrote:
> > I am keeping a text document updated with all the annoying, timeconsuming
> > and showstopping stuff in Maya in order to A: hopefully find out I was
> > wrong and Maya can do something I didn't think it could, B: There is a
> > workaround that is not too silly and arduous, or C: confirm I am right and
> > document why I need to leave my workstation to breathe deeply several times
> > a day (this is for my sanity).
> >
> > The name of this document is Maya Crap - which is very to the point. I
> > will share some stuff in the hope someone perhaps can offer insight so we
> > may have an A or B situation so I learn something.
> >
> >
> > Todays sliver of insanity in Maya:
> >
> > 
> > -
> >
> > The infinitely pathetic relationship editor
> >
> > Light linking in the Relationship Editor - Objects can not be deselected
> > by clicking their parent groups, requiring to expand all(!)
> >
> > hierarchies to unlink geometry in a scene, in order to only link one
> > object. Dooo
> >
> > No way to unlink all objects!!! Dooohh
> >
> > 
> > -
> >
> > Relationship Editors - UV/Texture linking + Hypershade - slow to update
> >
> > For some reason the Relationship Editor (RE) is horribly slow to update if
> > the object selected has a high polycount, even for something as simple as
> > linking UV sets and textures, which is really just list items and simple
> > data. It is also really slow to update when selecting a list item, UV set
> > or texture. It seems the RE for some reason is associated with all the data
> > associated with the geometry in question! WWTT???
> >
> >
> > - on a related note:
> >
> > The Hypershade is slow to update A: when there are many materials (I guess
> > updating shaderballs) and even slower when the selected object has many
> > polygons. Horrible waste of the users time. WWTT??? (which is short for
> > "What Were They Thinking")
> >
> > 
> > -
> >
> > Sorry for the noise, but the goal is actually to learn here ;)
> >
> > Morten
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
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RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-27 Thread Morten Bartholdy
It's been a while since I needed the usertools, so had to jog my memory a bit 
here, but no entries in the .ray3hosts file. The thing is Softimage started up 
really quick until the FlexLM change, so I was not suspecting any Softimage 
related to cause the delay.

Thanks anyway :)


> Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 16:44 skrev Sven Constable 
> <>:
> its ".ray3hosts"  Sorry, I misspelled it.
> But as said, you can also use the "User Tools"
> (Startmenue/Autodesk/Softimage/User Tools) and edit it from there.
> If there is no ray3hosts file, well then it is probably not the cause of the
> delay anyway. :)
> Sven
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Morten
> Bartholdy
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 3:19 PM
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> I can't seem to find a .rayhosts file... I even searched for it on C:.
> MB
> > Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 15:01 skrev Sven Constable
> <>:
> > 
> > 
> > BTW: any installation above Softimage 2011 did not configure MR 
> > distributed rendering within the installation process, like it was 
> > with earlier version (thanks to ADSK). But regardless if satellite 
> > rendering is working or not, Softimage will look for a rayhost file on 
> > startup. Then it reads the machine entries, looks for them on the network
> and will try to establish a link.
> > That takes a little and even longer if these machines are non-existent 
> > or do not respond.
> > In short: If you're not using mental rat satellite, you should delete 
> > all entries in the rayhosts file, if there are any. Or set a # in 
> > front of the machine names.
> > 
> > Sven
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Sven 
> > Constable
> > Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 2:39 PM
> > To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> >
> _-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist=DwICAg=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2
> pA=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA=C5XhO5BKZhZ6_h4E3EzJeYmBz
> FJR_j0POUXqn6GR9xU=gajx0t3ox8FrHLSp0GtrQhbsOYw4o723brGCVcpW_RE='
> > Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> > 
> > No, on the workstation you're using. 
> > Startmenue/Autodesk/Softimage2015/User
> > Tools.
> > There is an entry to edit the rayhost file.
> > 
> > Sven
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> > Bartholdy
> > Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 2:03 PM
> > To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> >
> > _forum
> > _-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist=DwICAg=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9u
> > zNzd_2 
> > pA=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA=d6w1XCIJRBqnBLsnMcr
> > x4CP5q 
> > CrsZTCAHLVxbWKr-Qo=tIopkdH8Yc3m6o98tqCo8WDrBubhokbOfLIPjgzGbzg=
> > Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> > 
> > I am guessing on the server where we run FlexLM!?
> > 
> > MB
> > 
> > 
> > > Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 13:46 skrev Sven Constable
> > <>:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > just check if there are any entries in the .ray3hosts file (open 
> > > with notepad). It's in your user folder ...
> > > C:\Users\%user%\Autodesk\Softimage_2015_SP2 or whatever version.
> > > Or use the "Softimage User Tools". It's also editable from there.
> > >  
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From:
> > > [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> > > Bartholdy
> > > Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1:17 PM
> > > To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> > >
> > > om
> > > _forum_-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist=DwICAg=7

RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-26 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I can't seem to find a .rayhosts file... I even searched for it on C:.


> Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 15:01 skrev Sven Constable 
> <>:
> BTW: any installation above Softimage 2011 did not configure MR distributed
> rendering within the installation process, like it was with earlier version
> (thanks to ADSK). But regardless if satellite rendering is working or not,
> Softimage will look for a rayhost file on startup. Then it reads the machine
> entries, looks for them on the network and will try to establish a link.
> That takes a little and even longer if these machines are non-existent or do
> not respond.
> In short: If you're not using mental rat satellite, you should delete all
> entries in the rayhosts file, if there are any. Or set a # in front of the
> machine names.
> Sven
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 2:39 PM
> To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> No, on the workstation you're using. Startmenue/Autodesk/Softimage2015/User
> Tools.
> There is an entry to edit the rayhost file.
> Sven
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Morten
> Bartholdy
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 2:03 PM
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> _-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist=DwICAg=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2
> pA=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA=d6w1XCIJRBqnBLsnMcrx4CP5q
> CrsZTCAHLVxbWKr-Qo=tIopkdH8Yc3m6o98tqCo8WDrBubhokbOfLIPjgzGbzg=
> Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> I am guessing on the server where we run FlexLM!?
> MB
> > Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 13:46 skrev Sven Constable
> <>:
> > 
> > 
> > just check if there are any entries in the .ray3hosts file (open with 
> > notepad). It's in your user folder ...
> > C:\Users\%user%\Autodesk\Softimage_2015_SP2 or whatever version.
> > Or use the "Softimage User Tools". It's also editable from there.
> >  
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> > Bartholdy
> > Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1:17 PM
> > To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> >
> > _forum_-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist=DwICAg=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7
> > a_IF9uzNzd_2pA=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA=H6rLQgY
> > 9XkZ6_7fKOKs=
> > Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> > 
> > That is interesting. I honestly don't know about the MR satellite 
> > rendering as I have not used it except for the occasional 
> > texturebaking in years (5+) I have no idea where to set it up nor 
> > unset
> it.
> > 
> > I guess it is time for some doc reading.
> > 
> > Morten
> > 
> > 
> > > Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 13:08 skrev Sven Constable
> > <>:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Regarding the longer startup times: I moved my licenses to a new 
> > > server last week (win srv2016) and also installed the newest version 
> > > of flexlm. No delay and same startup times as before. Latest NLM by 
> > > Autodesk using flexlm v11.14.1.3.
> > > Do you have (accidently) configured MR satellite rendering? This 
> > > will cause longer startup times, especially when the machines in the 
> > > rayhost file are not accessible.
> > > 
> > > Sven
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From:
> > > [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> > > Bartholdy
> > > Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 10:12 AM
> > > To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> > >
> > > om

RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-26 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I am guessing on the server where we run FlexLM!?


> Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 13:46 skrev Sven Constable 
> <>:
> just check if there are any entries in the .ray3hosts file (open with
> notepad). It's in your user folder ...
> C:\Users\%user%\Autodesk\Softimage_2015_SP2 or whatever version.
> Or use the "Softimage User Tools". It's also editable from there.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Morten
> Bartholdy
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1:17 PM
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> That is interesting. I honestly don't know about the MR satellite rendering
> as I have not used it except for the occasional texturebaking in years (5+)
> I have no idea where to set it up nor unset it.
> I guess it is time for some doc reading.
> Morten
> > Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 13:08 skrev Sven Constable
> <>:
> > 
> > 
> > Regarding the longer startup times: I moved my licenses to a new 
> > server last week (win srv2016) and also installed the newest version 
> > of flexlm. No delay and same startup times as before. Latest NLM by 
> > Autodesk using flexlm v11.14.1.3.
> > Do you have (accidently) configured MR satellite rendering? This will 
> > cause longer startup times, especially when the machines in the 
> > rayhost file are not accessible.
> > 
> > Sven
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> > Bartholdy
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 10:12 AM
> > To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> >
> > _forum_-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist=DwICAg=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7
> > a_IF9uzNzd_2pA=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA=24U6MOI
> > z08V7g2B27jQHY1JGjld2e5-LdOvjvfi80Xg=LWfmsS3YbsVK5X7rgvxQs4BCdS0_tlX
> > wGbakAORsv5Q=
> > Subject: Re: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> > 
> > I have absolutely!! no love for AD but I will chime in on this. We had 
> > stupid issues with getting our new Maya licenses working after 
> > upgrading FlexLM (the pile of crap) which was required for running 
> > newer Maya versions.
> > 
> > I reported the issue and the next day a AD license support person 
> > actually called me on the phone and resolved the issue via remote support.
> > 
> > The solution was horribly stupid and involved fixing windows files(!) 
> > but eventually it worked. A negative sideeffect was that now Softimage 
> > takes ages to start up (probably because it takes a long time to get 
> > licens
> > granted) G
> > 
> > I was surprised and pleased about the call, and it goes to show that 
> > not everything is bad at AD. It doesn't change my dislike of their 
> > corporate policies and software offerings though. Maya is still crap.
> > 
> > Morten
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > Den 12. marts 2018 klokken 20:02 skrev Sven Constable
> > <>:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > just contacted ADSK support about the issue, that an old network 
> > > license (softimage 2011)  was not listed in my account. It was not 
> > > listed for several years btw and I didn't care but since I plan to 
> > > move even the old licenses to a new server, I contacted them via the
> > online chat.
> > > 
> > > Problem solved in minutes. I wouldn't have expect this, really.
> > > 
> > >  
> > > 
> > > Sven
> > > 
> > >  
> > > 
> > >  
> > > 
> > > --
> > > Softimage Mailing List.
> > > To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> > >
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

The Maya Chronicles - or how retarded that software is...

2018-03-26 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I am keeping a text document updated with all the annoying, timeconsuming and 
showstopping stuff in Maya in order to A: hopefully find out I was wrong and 
Maya can do something I didn't think it could, B: There is a workaround that is 
not too silly and arduous, or C: confirm I am right and document why I need to 
leave my workstation to breathe deeply several times a day (this is for my 

The name of this document is Maya Crap - which is very to the point. I will 
share some stuff in the hope someone perhaps can offer insight so we may have 
an A or B situation so I learn something.

Todays sliver of insanity in Maya:


The infinitely pathetic relationship editor

Light linking in the Relationship Editor - Objects can not be deselected by 
clicking their parent groups, requiring to expand all(!) 

hierarchies to unlink geometry in a scene, in order to only link one object. 

No way to unlink all objects!!! Dooohh


Relationship Editors - UV/Texture linking + Hypershade - slow to update

For some reason the Relationship Editor (RE) is horribly slow to update if the 
object selected has a high polycount, even for something as simple as linking 
UV sets and textures, which is really just list items and simple data. It is 
also really slow to update when selecting a list item, UV set or texture. It 
seems the RE for some reason is associated with all the data associated with 
the geometry in question! WWTT???

- on a related note:

The Hypershade is slow to update A: when there are many materials (I guess 
updating shaderballs) and even slower when the selected object has many 
polygons. Horrible waste of the users time. WWTT??? (which is short for "What 
Were They Thinking")


Sorry for the noise, but the goal is actually to learn here ;)

Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-26 Thread Morten Bartholdy
That is interesting. I honestly don't know about the MR satellite rendering as 
I have not used it except for the occasional texturebaking in years (5+) I have 
no idea where to set it up nor unset it.

I guess it is time for some doc reading.


> Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 13:08 skrev Sven Constable 
> <>:
> Regarding the longer startup times: I moved my licenses to a new server last
> week (win srv2016) and also installed the newest version of flexlm. No delay
> and same startup times as before. Latest NLM by Autodesk using flexlm
> v11.14.1.3.
> Do you have (accidently) configured MR satellite rendering? This will cause
> longer startup times, especially when the machines in the rayhost file are
> not accessible.
> Sven
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Morten
> Bartholdy
> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 10:12 AM
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> Subject: Re: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> I have absolutely!! no love for AD but I will chime in on this. We had
> stupid issues with getting our new Maya licenses working after upgrading
> FlexLM (the pile of crap) which was required for running newer Maya
> versions.
> I reported the issue and the next day a AD license support person actually
> called me on the phone and resolved the issue via remote support.
> The solution was horribly stupid and involved fixing windows files(!) but
> eventually it worked. A negative sideeffect was that now Softimage takes
> ages to start up (probably because it takes a long time to get licens
> granted) G
> I was surprised and pleased about the call, and it goes to show that not
> everything is bad at AD. It doesn't change my dislike of their corporate
> policies and software offerings though. Maya is still crap.
> Morten
> > Den 12. marts 2018 klokken 20:02 skrev Sven Constable
> <>:
> > 
> > 
> > just contacted ADSK support about the issue, that an old network 
> > license (softimage 2011)  was not listed in my account. It was not 
> > listed for several years btw and I didn't care but since I plan to 
> > move even the old licenses to a new server, I contacted them via the
> online chat.
> > 
> > Problem solved in minutes. I wouldn't have expect this, really.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Sven
> > 
> >  
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-16 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Crashing is but a small part of the madness contained in Maya. The original 
Maya devs must have been seriously retarded. I have to go and breathe deeply 
several times a day when doing anything other than shading/lighting/rendering 
in Maya, and it is only because of Arnold and Redshift that this part of the 
work is bearable in Maya.


> Den 15. marts 2018 klokken 17:09 skrev Mirko Jankovic 
> <>:
> Well said Morten, well said.
> When you pick up controller and move a prop in scene and maya crashes out
> of the blue... simply hard to resist any chance to vent a bit.
> On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 4:19 PM, Morten Bartholdy <>
> wrote:
> >
> > It is easy to sit happily in Houdini-land and wonder about the ongoing
> > display of dislike for AD.
> > If you were forced to use their shitty tools every day it might be easier
> > for you to understand why an initial serious dislike of them deepens. It is
> > simply not something you get easily over when a happy worklife (with XSI)
> > has become a mediocre to shitty one using Maya. Some of us can't choose
> > freely.
> >
> > Thanks for your input over the years Dan - you have definately contributed
> > to the quality and good nature of this list.
> >
> > If Side FX finally manages (or chooses) to make Houdini accessible to less
> > technically inclined artists, we might meet again :)  Bye and keep the good
> > memories.
> >
> > Morten
> >
> >
> > > Den 15. marts 2018 klokken 13:56 skrev Dan Yargici <
> > >:
> > >
> > >
> > > Hey guys and gals,
> > >
> > > I stayed subscribed to the list over these last few years since I moved
> > > over to Houdini (haven't touched Softimage in 2 years now!) as
> > occasionally
> > > a little nugget of useful, non-Softimage specific information would still
> > > surface through the Autodesk-hating noise (I should add that I also
> > > massively dislike Autodesk, I just don't see any point in expending as
> > much
> > > energy in stating it as some people).
> > >
> > > I think the time has now come to pull the plug and sign off.
> > >
> > > Not trying to be dramatic, just felt I should acknowledge the last 18
> > years
> > > that I've been on the list interacting with so many people I respect so
> > > much who generously took the time to share so much of their knowledge
> > with
> > > a 'bye and thanks for the memories!' post.
> > >
> > > So, bye and thanks for the memories!
> > >
> > > It's been a great pleasure.  Good luck with whatever the future holds!
> > >
> > > DAN
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 11:25 AM, Nicole Beeckmans-Jacqmain <
> > >> wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > i don't understand why so many users of softimage have , it seems from
> > > > your posts here,
> > > > turned to Maya, which, if less easy to understand, is yet positively
> > > > evolving it's tools, that's why i say AD is good
> > > >
> > > > AD is something like a gentle farmer of the 3d tools.
> > > >
> > > > yet it is a US farmer, which means it is an industry.
> > > >
> > > > if users turn to Maya, it's from being 'encouraged' to do so by their
> > > > bosses in the 3d industry
> > > >
> > > > now why has the industry faltered during the years 2000 between XSI and
> > > > Maya, and finally chosen Maya,
> > > > i might be given counter-argument to that, but I think ''Disney'' (who
> > > > creates the standards, who is the most creative, being a big industrial
> > > > farmer)
> > > > got threatened by the upheaval from the underground which came along
> > with
> > > > non-''Disney'' actors, like the music video scenes and popularisation
> > of
> > > > nodes and mudboxes
> > > > all over the planet, just in a time where it has been decided the
> > Marvel
> > > > DC comic should change the way Hollywood targets the whole planet.
> > > >
> > > > about Nasa, the Nazi scientists from defeated Germany went hired by
> > Nasa
> > > > in the rocket launchers competition against Stalin etc.
> > > >
> > > > (there is a famous underground cult-book by Thomas Pynchon who
> > elaborates
> > > > on the tight (sexual?) 

Re: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-15 Thread Morten Bartholdy

It is easy to sit happily in Houdini-land and wonder about the ongoing display 
of dislike for AD.
If you were forced to use their shitty tools every day it might be easier for 
you to understand why an initial serious dislike of them deepens. It is simply 
not something you get easily over when a happy worklife (with XSI) has become a 
mediocre to shitty one using Maya. Some of us can't choose freely.

Thanks for your input over the years Dan - you have definately contributed to 
the quality and good nature of this list. 

If Side FX finally manages (or chooses) to make Houdini accessible to less 
technically inclined artists, we might meet again :)  Bye and keep the good 


> Den 15. marts 2018 klokken 13:56 skrev Dan Yargici <>:
> Hey guys and gals,
> I stayed subscribed to the list over these last few years since I moved
> over to Houdini (haven't touched Softimage in 2 years now!) as occasionally
> a little nugget of useful, non-Softimage specific information would still
> surface through the Autodesk-hating noise (I should add that I also
> massively dislike Autodesk, I just don't see any point in expending as much
> energy in stating it as some people).
> I think the time has now come to pull the plug and sign off.
> Not trying to be dramatic, just felt I should acknowledge the last 18 years
> that I've been on the list interacting with so many people I respect so
> much who generously took the time to share so much of their knowledge with
> a 'bye and thanks for the memories!' post.
> So, bye and thanks for the memories!
> It's been a great pleasure.  Good luck with whatever the future holds!
> On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 11:25 AM, Nicole Beeckmans-Jacqmain <
>> wrote:
> >
> > i don't understand why so many users of softimage have , it seems from
> > your posts here,
> > turned to Maya, which, if less easy to understand, is yet positively
> > evolving it's tools, that's why i say AD is good
> >
> > AD is something like a gentle farmer of the 3d tools.
> >
> > yet it is a US farmer, which means it is an industry.
> >
> > if users turn to Maya, it's from being 'encouraged' to do so by their
> > bosses in the 3d industry
> >
> > now why has the industry faltered during the years 2000 between XSI and
> > Maya, and finally chosen Maya,
> > i might be given counter-argument to that, but I think ''Disney'' (who
> > creates the standards, who is the most creative, being a big industrial
> > farmer)
> > got threatened by the upheaval from the underground which came along with
> > non-''Disney'' actors, like the music video scenes and popularisation of
> > nodes and mudboxes
> > all over the planet, just in a time where it has been decided the Marvel
> > DC comic should change the way Hollywood targets the whole planet.
> >
> > about Nasa, the Nazi scientists from defeated Germany went hired by Nasa
> > in the rocket launchers competition against Stalin etc.
> >
> > (there is a famous underground cult-book by Thomas Pynchon who elaborates
> > on the tight (sexual?)  relation between US and Nazi, 'Gravity Rainbow.
> > Laurie Anderson wanted to turn this book into an opera)
> >
> > given the destruction in Syria at this time, or for example in Vietnam
> > before, and the industrial farms, and the roles of narratives and images in
> > advertising and colonization of non-US realities, and arts,
> > i think it is fair to say that i, poor individual, alone, not  charismatic
> > leader not wanting to influence anyone into my views, think that AD is a
> > mix of good, and evil.
> >
> > it is good, because they can be helpful, and can be innovative, if your on
> > the right side of their story, and even if not, because, at least up to
> > this moment,
> > Maya can be rented by middle class directors doing research in digital
> > painting and 3D. yet, if nothing changes, if Trump gets re-elected in 2020,
> > soon the best tools will only be available for those hired by the "Disney"
> > farms,
> > while poor individuals, non charismatic, will be given a text-to-speech
> > processor and a facebook page to post memes.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 2018-03-15 10:55 GMT+01:00 Morten Bartholdy <>:
> >
> >> How is Nasa evil?
> >>
> >> AD is US corporate greed, perhaps not at its worst, but bad as they come.
> >>
> >> Morten
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> > Den 14. marts 2018 klokken 12:47 skrev Nicole 

Re: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-15 Thread Morten Bartholdy
How is Nasa evil?

AD is US corporate greed, perhaps not at its worst, but bad as they come.


> Den 14. marts 2018 klokken 12:47 skrev Nicole Beeckmans-Jacqmain 
> <>:
> I see AD a bit like the Nasa, it's a mix of good,  and evil
> 2018-03-14 10:13 GMT+01:00 Mirko Jankovic <>:
> > well once they take your money and lock you up in subscription and push
> > you to buy software that they think you need, then sure support is there to
> > help you.
> > but just you try resisting.. ;)
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 10:11 AM, Morten Bartholdy <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> I have absolutely!! no love for AD but I will chime in on this. We had
> >> stupid issues with getting our new Maya licenses working after upgrading
> >> FlexLM (the pile of crap) which was required for running newer Maya
> >> versions.
> >>
> >> I reported the issue and the next day a AD license support person
> >> actually called me on the phone and resolved the issue via remote support.
> >>
> >> The solution was horribly stupid and involved fixing windows files(!) but
> >> eventually it worked. A negative sideeffect was that now Softimage takes
> >> ages to start up (probably because it takes a long time to get licens
> >> granted) G
> >>
> >> I was surprised and pleased about the call, and it goes to show that not
> >> everything is bad at AD. It doesn't change my dislike of their corporate
> >> policies and software offerings though. Maya is still crap.
> >>
> >> Morten
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> > Den 12. marts 2018 klokken 20:02 skrev Sven Constable <
> >>>:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > just contacted ADSK support about the issue, that an old network license
> >> > (softimage 2011)  was not listed in my account. It was not listed for
> >> > several years btw and I didn't care but since I plan to move even the
> >> old
> >> > licenses to a new server, I contacted them via the online chat.
> >> >
> >> > Problem solved in minutes. I wouldn't have expect this, really.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Sven
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > Softimage Mailing List.
> >> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> >> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >> --
> >> Softimage Mailing List.
> >> To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> >> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Mirko Jankovic
> > *
> > <>*
> >
> > Need to find freelancers fast?
> >
> > <>
> >
> > Need some help with rendering an Redshift project?
> >
> > <>
> >
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
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Re: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-14 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I have absolutely!! no love for AD but I will chime in on this. We had stupid 
issues with getting our new Maya licenses working after upgrading FlexLM (the 
pile of crap) which was required for running newer Maya versions.

I reported the issue and the next day a AD license support person actually 
called me on the phone and resolved the issue via remote support.

The solution was horribly stupid and involved fixing windows files(!) but 
eventually it worked. A negative sideeffect was that now Softimage takes ages 
to start up (probably because it takes a long time to get licens granted) G

I was surprised and pleased about the call, and it goes to show that not 
everything is bad at AD. It doesn't change my dislike of their corporate 
policies and software offerings though. Maya is still crap.


> Den 12. marts 2018 klokken 20:02 skrev Sven Constable 
> :
> just contacted ADSK support about the issue, that an old network license
> (softimage 2011)  was not listed in my account. It was not listed for
> several years btw and I didn't care but since I plan to move even the old
> licenses to a new server, I contacted them via the online chat.
> Problem solved in minutes. I wouldn't have expect this, really.
> Sven
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: XSI animators

2018-02-22 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Glad to hear XSI is still being used out there :)


> Den 22. februar 2018 klokken 12:17 skrev Jean-Louis :
> Hello everybody,
> We’re looking for an animator starting next week for 3-4 weeks for some 
> character animation for a full CG commercial.
> It would have to be on-site here in Brussels, but we have accommodation 
> available so no worries if you’re coming from abroad.
> Please get in touch on if you’re interested and 
> available, thanks!
> Kindest regards,
> Jean-Louis
> Jean-Louis Billard
> -
> Digital Golem
> BE: +32 (0) 484 263 563
> 53 Rue Gustave Huberti
> 1030 Brussels
> -
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: Softimage to Arnold going open source

2018-02-21 Thread Morten Bartholdy
That deserves a BIG thumbs-up from me Steven :)


> Den 21. februar 2018 klokken 01:40 skrev Steven Caron :
> Exactly, I would happily contribute some time in making sure new features
> in Arnold core make it into SItoA.
> @Tenshi, best thing to do is fill up the ticket/bug/feature requests. So we
> know what is needed.
> On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 2:03 PM, Frederic Servant <
>> wrote:
> > Hi Tenshi,
> >
> > Hopefully we'll continue implementing stuff on our spare time, maybe the
> > community will team up to implement new features and keep up with the
> > Arnold releases.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > --
> > Fred
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: Modeling Options

2018-02-16 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Thanks for the info, Jonathan. Never too late to learn new stuff, but perhaps a 
bit pricey if only for modeling if you don't do that much of it :)


> Den 15. februar 2018 klokken 17:44 skrev Jonathan Moore 
> <>:
> Full transparency - I'm an alpha/beta tester for Foundry but IMHO nothing
> beats Modo for asset creation. It used to be flakey and bug ridden but
> since Modo 10 they moved over to a new incremental development strategy and
> things are far more solid. You can rent or buy outright but with the rental
> being circa $500 per annum it's actually not a bad route to take,
> especially if your unsure about any long term commitment. There's three
> major point releases each year, and you can set up a new 30 day demo for
> each. It's not an oversight, it's something the Modo team decided to
> provide seeing as each release brings significant new features.
> When you start moving beyond the asset creation toolset things are still a
> little flakey, badly designed or both. But for modelling, UVing etc nothing
> comes close for the money.
> Blender is obviously an option, but I think the modelling UX in Modo is
> worth the price of entry alone.
> On 15 February 2018 at 16:23, Morten Bartholdy <> wrote:
> > Marc, are you by any chance trying to install on a Win10 machine?
> >
> > I had the exact same problem and some googling provided a solution:
> >
> >
> > 2015-error-1603-on-windows-10/td-p/6993199
> >
> > Quote:
> >
> > Re: Softimage 2015 - error 1603 on Windows 10
> > Options
> > 04-05-2017 02:20 PM in reply to: brissef2
> > OK I found the solution.
> >
> > I had to uninstall the MS Visual C++ redist. 2012, both x86 and x64
> > versions, that were prevously installed on my machine.
> >
> > That apparently was the cause of the problem, since the setup process kept
> > rolling back the Softimage installation without those two installed before
> > it.
> >
> > Mysteries of Windows...
> >
> > Now there's another problem: the software doesn't support text scaling, so
> > with my 21:9 high res monitor the fonts and the icons are too small to read!
> >
> > End Quote"
> >
> > This actually worked on my end, so you can give it a go.
> >
> > If everything fails, I would go with Blender if I were you.
> >
> >
> > Good luck!
> >
> > Best Morten
> >
> >
> > > Den 14. februar 2018 klokken 19:01 skrev Marc Brinkley <
> >>:
> > >
> > >
> > > Hey List
> > >
> > > So what are people modeling in these days? I am trying to get Soft up
> > and running again so I can do some basic modelling and what not. Mostly for
> > myself. But installation is not going so well. The usual 1603 error that I
> > am trying to diagnose without much luck. Even the ex-si support blog has
> > not be able to clue me in.
> > >
> > > But it got me wondering what people are using for modelling software
> > these days in case I cant get Soft running again (which I have to admit is
> > going happen some day).
> > >
> > > I would prefer a non-ADSK product for obvious bias. I have never been
> > able to get comfortable in Maya for modeling. It feels like modeling with
> > mittens on.
> > >
> > > Thoughts?
> > > --
> > > Softimage Mailing List.
> > > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: Modeling Options

2018-02-15 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Marc, are you by any chance trying to install on a Win10 machine?

I had the exact same problem and some googling provided a solution:


Re: Softimage 2015 - error 1603 on Windows 10 
04-05-2017 02:20 PM in reply to: brissef2
OK I found the solution.

I had to uninstall the MS Visual C++ redist. 2012, both x86 and x64 versions, 
that were prevously installed on my machine.

That apparently was the cause of the problem, since the setup process kept 
rolling back the Softimage installation without those two installed before it.

Mysteries of Windows...

Now there's another problem: the software doesn't support text scaling, so with 
my 21:9 high res monitor the fonts and the icons are too small to read!

End Quote"

This actually worked on my end, so you can give it a go.

If everything fails, I would go with Blender if I were you.

Good luck!

Best Morten

> Den 14. februar 2018 klokken 19:01 skrev Marc Brinkley 
> :
> Hey List
> So what are people modeling in these days? I am trying to get Soft up and 
> running again so I can do some basic modelling and what not. Mostly for 
> myself. But installation is not going so well. The usual 1603 error that I am 
> trying to diagnose without much luck. Even the ex-si support blog has not be 
> able to clue me in.
> But it got me wondering what people are using for modelling software these 
> days in case I cant get Soft running again (which I have to admit is going 
> happen some day).
> I would prefer a non-ADSK product for obvious bias. I have never been able to 
> get comfortable in Maya for modeling. It feels like modeling with mittens on.
> Thoughts?
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: Maya's reassign locally?

2018-02-13 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I totally get you. I actually try and find out how to do things in Maya and do 
it the Maya way (ie. usually clumsy) but every now and then I have to give up 
because it takes too long and get things done in XSI.

Try in Maya plotting a curve from a moving object in order to deform some geo 
on the curve - loong and painstakingly clumsy procedure - 1-2 minutes of work 
in XSI including the IO procedure.


> Den 13. februar 2018 klokken 10:06 skrev David Saber :
> Thanks all for the help! : )
> I like Olivier's method. If only I could still use it!!
> See you,
> David
> On 2018-02-12 18:17, David Saber wrote:
> > How can I select a bunch of vertex in Maya and tell him they should be
> > assigned to one bone only?
> >
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items

2018-02-06 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I had our Maya girl explain this to me today. I had a run in with Maya 
selection modes previously when trying to select faces on a selected object, 
which off course does not at all work like that in Maya.
For fucks sake the devs must have been retarded. Super clumsy and non intuitive 
as usual. She always gives me a semi blank stare and a shrugging smile when I 
point out why it is retarded and forces me to spend more time doing what I want 
than required elsewhere...

Anyway, when I tick the chain select thingy off, I can select my geo the way I 
want without the chain priority trying to think for me... - thing is I know 
what I want to select and still have the dexterity required to aim my pen and 
thus the cursor so as to click on the right pixels.


> Den 2. februar 2018 klokken 19:00 skrev Adam Sale <>:
> Joint priority, IK Handle priority really tick me off in Maya.
> I have a toggle MEL script bound to a hotkey for that kind of thing.
> I am used to the gesture based rmb left, right, up etc... now, but have
> still bound U,I and O as Face, Edge and Point select. Q gets bound to the
> Object Select Command I believe, as the default sometimes has had issues
> for me with clearing the previous selection mode completely.   The
> rebinding doesn't replace any crucial Maya hotkeys I've ever used.
> I also find I tend to use Ctrl 1 a lot to isolate things when preforming
> complex multi selections, or use the show menu.
> Ahh Maya... Breathe in Hold, Breathe Out.
> Ujjayi Breathing for Maya Users
> Adam
> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 2:53 AM, Anto Matkovic <> wrote:
> > Could be something with selection priority, considering that you mentioned
> > the rig in scene. If there is joint somewhere, it will shows its priority
> > somehow in that way. However I wouldn't suggest you to play with
> > preferences related to selection priority, as one particular option could
> > create problems with who-knows-what-else.
> >
> > One 'typically Maya' workaround could be switching into vertex component
> > mode with marque selection, selecting overlapping objects from there, and
> > going back to object mode - or, just forget the view-port and use the
> > Outliner. That said, it has to be f8 component mode. Component mode from
> > marking menu is different thing, with own set of rules and problems.
> > That unbelievably over-complicated and still not competitive selection to
> > other app is sort of Maya tradition, don't believe it has anything with
> > consumer graphic cards.
> >
> > Perhaps only one selection preference that worth to change ( and it's
> > harmless), is smaller 'tweak dead space', to avoid unwanted selections of
> > vertices in tweak mode.
> >
> > Regrading Maya 2016, this is last qt4 version, everything above is less
> > stable and even more 'mad'. 2018 fixed some old problems but also
> > introduced a set of new, like corrupted meshes with some sculpting brushes.
> > As Myara said, unless you just need features like Time Editor - your best
> > upgrade is Maya 2016.5 or like.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > *From:* Morten Bartholdy <>
> > *To:* "Userlist, Softimage" <>
> > *Sent:* Thursday, February 1, 2018 11:19 AM
> > *Subject:* OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items
> >
> > Am I the only one being seriously annoyed by the seeming inaccuracy of
> > selection of items in Maya viewports?
> >
> > I click directly on geometry with plenty of screenspace around, and Maya
> > selects an adjacent object. Orbit a bit and dolly in, try again - Maya
> > selects another irrelevant adjacent object. Click elsewhere on object I
> > want to select, and finally I get to select it. WTF were they thinking?
> >
> > I find myself selecting adjacent objects and rig elements, making quick
> > selection sets (so I can quickly find and unhide them again) and hiding
> > them, just to select one particular object. Needless to say it is a massive
> > waste of time.
> >
> > Is there a reason behind this madness or is is something like depth
> > sorting inaccuracy or what??
> >
> >
> > Morten
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to softimage-requ

Re: Friday Flashback #329

2018-02-06 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Better times - sadly


> Den 2. februar 2018 klokken 19:25 skrev Stephen Blair 
> :
> What's Cool This Week !
> (Feb 2001)
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items

2018-02-01 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I have never had issues in XSI, Nuke, Fusion, Blender, Mudbox, Syntheyes, 
Photoshop, Illustrator and others using GeForce cards, so this is clearly a 
Maya issue :)


> Den 1. februar 2018 klokken 12:48 skrev Matt Lind <>:
> Flakey behavior can be the result of using a gaming graphics card like a 
> GeForce instead a workstation graphics card like a Quadro.
> Gaming cards cut many corners to get their speed up, cost down, do one thing 
> very well, and mediocre at everything else.  Games tax a few specific 
> resources pretty hard, but the number of different resources they tax is 
> fairly thin.
> Workstations cards, on the other hand, are designed for a wider array of 
> uses providing more depth with extra buffers, overlay planes, and so forth 
> because their purpose is to be reliable in most any situation.  Many 
> applications lean on these extra buffers to work properly.  If you are using 
> a gaming card, you may run into situations where the application either 
> takes a performance hit, or makes bad decisions because the buffer does not 
> exist.
> When I was at Carbine, we had a mix of graphics cards.  My workstation had a 
> midrange Quadro while the artists had top end GeForces.  There were many 
> issues where they would run into flakiness that my workstation could not 
> reproduce.  For example, if multiple windows occupied the same screen space, 
> applications would get confused which one had focus.  If you were using 
> photoshop and clicked on a particular part of the screen to paint, the 
> application would think you were using the explorer window in XSI because 
> the explorer window was in the same 2D screen space, but on a different 
> layer.  Likewise, if you were in XSI and did something in a viewport, the 
> application would think you were working in your email client if it was open 
> in the same screen location.  Quadros did not have this problem.
> In another example, an artist needed to do video capture to demonstrate a 
> modeling technique, but each time he did his capture session, the 
> application would only capture the active viewport in XSI, not the entire 
> screen.  If the schematic view had focus, then only the schematic view would 
> be captured while everything else was black because XSI's interface was 
> comprised of multiple windows embedded into a framework, and each window was 
> on a different overlay plane.  Gaming cards typically only have support for 
> a few overlay planes (if that).  Again, the Quadro did not have this issue - 
> it supported multiple overlay planes to capture all the windows in the XSI 
> interface.
> Matt
> Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2018 11:19:06 +0100 (CET)
> From: Morten Bartholdy <>
> Subject: OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items
> To: "Userlist, Softimage" <>
> Am I the only one being seriously annoyed by the seeming inaccuracy of 
> selection of items in Maya viewports?
> I click directly on geometry with plenty of screenspace around, and Maya 
> selects an adjacent object. Orbit a bit and dolly in, try again - Maya 
> selects another irrelevant adjacent object. Click elsewhere on object I want 
> to select, and finally I get to select it. WTF were they thinking?
> I find myself selecting adjacent objects and rig elements, making quick 
> selection sets (so I can quickly find and unhide them again) and hiding 
> them, just to select one particular object. Needless to say it is a massive 
> waste of time.
> Is there a reason behind this madness or is is something like depth sorting 
> inaccuracy or what??
> Morten
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items

2018-02-01 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I should have mentioned I am on Maya 2016 SP6, due to collaborative 
compatibility requirements. I think I am looking forward to switching to 2018...


> Den 1. februar 2018 klokken 11:35 skrev Martin Yara <>:
> No you're not the only one. And that's one of the main reasons why I work
> in Softimage when I can, before exporting to Maya and get crazy again.
> Maya has had these problems since forever. Maya 2016 Extension 2 was
> supposed to fix this selection problem, and in that moment after reading
> the news I though, finally ! we will be able to select what we actually
> want to select ! Which is ironic considering how may years of development
> this software has, but so far I've noticed that it is just a little better
> than before.
> I haven't had problems like yours at object level, but in component level,
> yes. A lot. It doesn't let me select some components and select a near one.
> Sometimes I have to try quite a few times to select a simple point.
> Another similar problem is that Multi-cut sometimes doesn't let me select a
> point to add an edge. It just doesn't let me click. So I have to use the
> old split edge tool that isn't anywhere anymore in the GUI but you can call
> it by command. And although it isn't as fancy as Multi-cut, at least it
> does what I want all the time. Add an edge !
> The tweak mode is also a nightmare. Probably 5 out of 10 times it doesn't
> select the point I want, or doesn't select anything at all. Oh I miss
> Softimage's M key.
> Martin
> On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 7:19 PM, Morten Bartholdy <>
> wrote:
> > Am I the only one being seriously annoyed by the seeming inaccuracy of
> > selection of items in Maya viewports?
> >
> > I click directly on geometry with plenty of screenspace around, and Maya
> > selects an adjacent object. Orbit a bit and dolly in, try again - Maya
> > selects another irrelevant adjacent object. Click elsewhere on object I
> > want to select, and finally I get to select it. WTF were they thinking?
> >
> > I find myself selecting adjacent objects and rig elements, making quick
> > selection sets (so I can quickly find and unhide them again) and hiding
> > them, just to select one particular object. Needless to say it is a massive
> > waste of time.
> >
> > Is there a reason behind this madness or is is something like depth
> > sorting inaccuracy or what??
> >
> >
> > Morten
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
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OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items

2018-02-01 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Am I the only one being seriously annoyed by the seeming inaccuracy of 
selection of items in Maya viewports?

I click directly on geometry with plenty of screenspace around, and Maya 
selects an adjacent object. Orbit a bit and dolly in, try again - Maya selects 
another irrelevant adjacent object. Click elsewhere on object I want to select, 
and finally I get to select it. WTF were they thinking?

I find myself selecting adjacent objects and rig elements, making quick 
selection sets (so I can quickly find and unhide them again) and hiding them, 
just to select one particular object. Needless to say it is a massive waste of 

Is there a reason behind this madness or is is something like depth sorting 
inaccuracy or what??

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Re: the end.....again

2018-01-22 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Thanks Stephen :)


> Den 20. januar 2018 klokken 13:20 skrev Stephen Blair 
> <>:
> The 2015 doc download includes both the user and sdk guides.
> On Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 7:09 AM, Fabricio Chamon <> wrote:
> > Here's my backup copy of the Developer docs in case anybody needs it:
> >
> >
> > <>
> >
> > 2018-01-19 13:04 GMT-02:00 Morten Bartholdy <>:
> >
> >> Sad indeed. I bet the decision has been made based on traffic stats...
> >> Extra beer tonight.
> >>
> >> Morten
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> > Den 18. januar 2018 klokken 17:14 skrev adrian wyer <
> >>>:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > so it would seem the softimage online help has finally gone to the great
> >> > internet archive in the sky
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > ladies and gentlemen, a moment of silence if you wouldn't mind.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > a
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Adrian Wyer
> >> > Fluid Pictures
> >> > 4th Floor
> >> > 4 Bath Place
> >> > Rivington Street
> >> > London
> >> > EC2A 3DR
> >> > ++44(0) 207 684 5575
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> <>
> >> > <blocked::blocked::blocked::blocked::blocked::
> >>
> >> com_=DwICAg=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&
> >> r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA=RRFLmGbgfBe5
> >> rrSGySdDbwGMKU6SZhoUv_tcDFE23-g=VNRpefse9QGkUlUwJWirzVMIuh
> >> nmDsBs_Ju99LVv3bY=
> >> > >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
> >> > Company number:5657815
> >> > VAT number: 872 6893 71
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > Softimage Mailing List.
> >> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> >> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >> --
> >> Softimage Mailing List.
> >> To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> >> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
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Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: the end.....again

2018-01-19 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Sad indeed. I bet the decision has been made based on traffic stats... 
Extra beer tonight.


> Den 18. januar 2018 klokken 17:14 skrev adrian wyer 
> :
> so it would seem the softimage online help has finally gone to the great
> internet archive in the sky
> ladies and gentlemen, a moment of silence if you wouldn't mind.
> a
> Adrian Wyer
> Fluid Pictures
> 4th Floor
> 4 Bath Place
> Rivington Street
> London
> EC2A 3DR 
> ++44(0) 207 684 5575 
>  >  
> Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
> Company number:5657815
> VAT number: 872 6893 71
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: All MOOTZOID plugins are for free now! Thanks, Eric!

2018-01-10 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I have used Mootzoid plugins on numerous projects and Eric has always been very 
helpful when needed. Thanks Eric for your long time support of Softimage and 
dedication to the society, and thanks again for making these tools available.

Good luck whereever you go - I am sure you will find a good spot for yourself :)


> Den 21. december 2017 klokken 17:32 skrev Oliver Weingarten 
> :
> Hey there,
> as Eric moves on to something else, he decided to make all his plugins 
> available for free!
> Read his post here:
> Cheers,
> oli
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
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RE: OTish - Setting RoyalRender up with Redshift ?

2018-01-09 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Hi Holger,

Thanks for clarifying - it is very helpful.


> Den 8. januar 2018 klokken 22:31 skrev Schoenberger <>:
> Hi Morten
> The information you have is slightly outdated.
> Please see the new help page with that information, the blue text:
> You can use Geforce cards within a service since some time. Depending on your 
> RR version, you have to change the rrClient config and
> enable that the GPU is available within a service.
> The -UITakeOverService is there to run the client as service AND as an 
> application.
> In case you need the application mode sometimes and otherwise log out.
> Depending on your RR version, you can tell RR to use one GPU per job thread 
> on each client.
> And decide that some threads accept GPU jobs only, while the first one takes 
> all jobs (e.g. Arnold)
> The latest RR support up to 8 job threads.
> The rrClient UI and the rrControl client table are showing a summed GPU usage 
> of each client.
> Starting with 8.2 the job thread settings are not part of the client config 
> preset any more.
> Which means you can use the same client config preset for non-GPU and GPU 
> rendering.
> Holger Schönberger
> technical director
> The day has 24 hours, if that does not suffice, I will take the night
>  |> -Original Message-
>  |> From: [mailto:softimage-
>  |>] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
>  |> Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2018 3:48 PM
>  |> To: Userlist, Softimage <>
>  |> Subject: OTish - Setting RoyalRender up with Redshift ?
>  |>
>  |> I am trying to set up RoyalRender for Redshift, and have run into a snag.
>  |>
>  |> Holger explains the proces in the documentation like shown below. My 
> problem is I have no
>  |> idea how to add a commandline flag in the options of the 
> RR/win_rrClient.bat link. I am
>  |> sure many of you have done this, so a nudge in the right direction will 
> be much
>  |> appreciated.
>  |>
>  |> Thanks - Morten
>  |>
>  |>
>  |> 
>  |> Dual Mode:  service +  interactive application mode
>  |> 
>  |>
>  |> If you do not have a second GPU card, then you have to start the rrClient 
> manually in your
>  |> interactive session (Application Mode).
>  |>
>  |> To start the client in interactive mode, you can just add a link to the 
> win_rrClient.bat
>  |> file in the RR  Root and place it into your "Startup" start-menu folder.
>  |>
>  |>
>  |> The disadvantage of an interactive mode is that you have to login on the 
> machine.
>  |>
>  |> And if you have not setup an (plain password) auto-login, then your 
> rrClient is not
>  |> running if you startup the machine.
>  |>
>  |> Therefore you can run two clients.
>  |> Keep the service running as usual.
>  |>
>  |>
>  |> Create a link to RR/win_rrClient.bat (via right-click in windows 
> explorer).
>  |> Edit the properties and add the commandline flag -UITakeOverService The 
> interactive client
>  |> will start and stays in an invisible mode.
>  |> The service will disable itself, but it does NOT abort a render that is 
> in progress.
>  |> Once the service is disabled, the service puts itself into invisible mode.
>  |> And the interactive client takes over.
>  |>
>  |>
>  |> You might want to use additional commandline flags like:
>  |>
>  |> -IgnoreWorkingHours
>  |>
>  |>
>  |> Do not disable the interactive client during working hours
>  |>
>  |> -ShutdownEvenIfLoggedIn
>  |>
>  |>
>  |> Temporally enables the setting "Shutdown even if a user is logged in"
>  |>
>  |> -MapGlobalDrives
>  |>
>  |>
>  |> Map the drives set in rrConfig at startup.
>  |>
>  |> -NoPassOnClose
>  |>
>  |>
>  |> The Client does not ask for a password if you try to close it.
>  |>
>  |> (Overrides the setting rrConfig,Tab Logins "Lock with rrAdmin password")
>  |> --
>  |> Softimage Mailing List.
>  |> To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> with "unsubscribe"
>  |> in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: OTish - Setting RoyalRender up with Redshift ?

2018-01-05 Thread Morten Bartholdy] On Behalf Of Mirko Jankovic
> Sent: 03 January 2018 20:08
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing 
> List.<List.>
> Subject: Re: OTish - Setting RoyalRender up with Redshift ?
> Deadline complicated? :)
> How people have different point of viewed... I tried RR couple times before 
> and every single time it was a mess of setup after easy ride with deadline so 
> I stick to it.
> Even redshift multi GPU support once asked on deadline support forums was 
> introduced and blazing speed and working like a charm since early redshift 
> alpha.
> But I guess each to it's own ;)
> On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 6:37 PM, Sandy Sutherland 
> <<>> wrote:
> Morten - can Holger not help you out directly, he was always very helpful 
> when I was using RR. I would strongly suggest sticking with RR, Deadline is 
> way way more complicated than RR in every way, unless you have strong Python, 
> even to setup a basic server RR is a piece of cake compared to DL.  Sorry I 
> cannot help you more, been away from RR for over 2.5 years now and not kept 
> up with it - and before you all ask, we use Deadline here at Axis and I have 
> been working with it, so it is not an unknown - basically have used both 
> quite extensively!
> S.
> On 3 January 2018 at 17:23, Jeremy Smith 
> <<>>
>  wrote:
> Hello Morten,
> We have been using Royal Render and RedShift for about two years now without 
> issue (Softimage and Maya - but more recently Maya only).  If you want a hand 
> setting this up, please drop me an email at 
>  and will be happy to give you a hand getting this running (can do a remote 
> session if you would like).
> Few questions for you.
>   1.  Are you running Windows or Linux (I assume Windows)?
>   2.  What version of Royal Render are you using?
> All the best and will keep an eye out for your email!
> Jeremy
> From: 
> [<>]
>  On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
> Sent: 03 January 2018 15:34
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List. 
>  <<>>
> Subject: Re: OTish - Setting RoyalRender up with Redshift ?
> Hi Mirko,
> We are long time RR users but stuff like this might make us look elsewhere. I 
> have no time for tinkering with sysadmin stuff that I just really want to 
> work, and quickly :) Time spent on that is less time for producing pixels.
> So what is the basic setup procedure in Deadline?
> One thing though - Thinkbox can apparently not be bothered with posting 
> pricing - you actually have to contact them to get to know -> oldschool -> 
> sucks.
> Morten
> > Den 3. januar 2018 klokken 16:18 skrev Mirko Jankovic 
> > <<>>:
> >
> >
> > this is not helping and maybe a bit out of the place but have you tried
> > deadline instead? it has fantastic redshift support and stupid simple to
> > setup as well
> >
> > On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 3:47 PM, Morten Bartholdy 
> > <<>>
> > wro

Re: OTish - Setting RoyalRender up with Redshift ?

2018-01-03 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Thanks for the rundown Mirko. I guess I will try and find time to take a closer 


> Den 3. januar 2018 klokken 16:49 skrev Mirko Jankovic 
> <>:
> Thinkbox does have that sales thing going on but as I remember there is
> annual license for $49 per slave.
> You install Repository on one  machine it can be render slave as well but
> it is better to have it on dedicated server, and you install clients on
> render slaves.
> They connect to repository server over LAN and also you can even run it on
> different location so it can connect over web as well.
> But Assuming you have all in LANB lets stay on that.
> License server is also installed on server machine and other comp connects
> to it.
> Both repository and license server installations are fairly simple and
> straight forward.
> And that is it.
> You also have submission scripts that are installed with simple exe files
> and configured automatically for submitting render tasks from 3d apps.
> Other then that.. and yes it does have great redshift support allowing you
> to setup concurrent tasks and also GPUs per frame as well all from
> submission script and Deadline handles the rest.
> Let me know if you need any other details.
> Also they have bin great as well providing even temporary licenses for
> testing out everything fully before buying so that is also doable to
> arrange with them as well.
> As soon as they answer email that is.. or phone I guess that could be
> faster.
> If you decide to go and try out that route feel free to call for any
> additional assistance with setup, although they have good support too but
> sometimes someone else can be faster ;)
> On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 4:34 PM, Morten Bartholdy <>
> wrote:
> > Hi Mirko,
> >
> > We are long time RR users but stuff like this might make us look
> > elsewhere. I have no time for tinkering with sysadmin stuff that I just
> > really want to work, and quickly :) Time spent on that is less time for
> > producing pixels.
> >
> > So what is the basic setup procedure in Deadline?
> > One thing though - Thinkbox can apparently not be bothered with posting
> > pricing - you actually have to contact them to get to know -> oldschool ->
> > sucks.
> >
> > Morten
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Den 3. januar 2018 klokken 16:18 skrev Mirko Jankovic <
> >>:
> > >
> > >
> > > this is not helping and maybe a bit out of the place but have you tried
> > > deadline instead? it has fantastic redshift support and stupid simple to
> > > setup as well
> > >
> > > On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 3:47 PM, Morten Bartholdy <>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > I am trying to set up RoyalRender for Redshift, and have run into a
> > snag.
> > > >
> > > > Holger explains the proces in the documentation like shown below. My
> > > > problem is I have no idea how to add a commandline flag in the options
> > of
> > > > the RR/win_rrClient.bat link. I am sure many of you have done this, so
> > a
> > > > nudge in the right direction will be much appreciated.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks - Morten
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > Dual Mode:  service +  interactive application mode
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > > If you do not have a second GPU card, then you have to start the
> > rrClient
> > > > manually in your interactive session (Application Mode).
> > > >
> > > > To start the client in interactive mode, you can just add a link to the
> > > > win_rrClient.bat file in the RR  Root and place it into your "Startup"
> > > > start-menu folder.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > The disadvantage of an interactive mode is that you have to login on
> > the
> > > > machine.
> > > >
> > > > And if you have not setup an (plain password) auto-login, then your
> > > > rrClient is not running if you startup the machine.
> > > >
> > > > Therefore you can run two clients.
> > > > Keep the service running as usual.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Create a link to RR/win_rrClient.bat (via right-click in windows
> > explorer).
> > > > Edit the properties and add the commandline

Re: OTish - Setting RoyalRender up with Redshift ?

2018-01-03 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Hi Mirko,

We are long time RR users but stuff like this might make us look elsewhere. I 
have no time for tinkering with sysadmin stuff that I just really want to work, 
and quickly :) Time spent on that is less time for producing pixels.

So what is the basic setup procedure in Deadline?
One thing though - Thinkbox can apparently not be bothered with posting pricing 
- you actually have to contact them to get to know -> oldschool -> sucks.


> Den 3. januar 2018 klokken 16:18 skrev Mirko Jankovic 
> <>:
> this is not helping and maybe a bit out of the place but have you tried
> deadline instead? it has fantastic redshift support and stupid simple to
> setup as well
> On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 3:47 PM, Morten Bartholdy <>
> wrote:
> > I am trying to set up RoyalRender for Redshift, and have run into a snag.
> >
> > Holger explains the proces in the documentation like shown below. My
> > problem is I have no idea how to add a commandline flag in the options of
> > the RR/win_rrClient.bat link. I am sure many of you have done this, so a
> > nudge in the right direction will be much appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks - Morten
> >
> >
> > 
> > Dual Mode:  service +  interactive application mode
> > 
> >
> > If you do not have a second GPU card, then you have to start the rrClient
> > manually in your interactive session (Application Mode).
> >
> > To start the client in interactive mode, you can just add a link to the
> > win_rrClient.bat file in the RR  Root and place it into your "Startup"
> > start-menu folder.
> >
> >
> > The disadvantage of an interactive mode is that you have to login on the
> > machine.
> >
> > And if you have not setup an (plain password) auto-login, then your
> > rrClient is not running if you startup the machine.
> >
> > Therefore you can run two clients.
> > Keep the service running as usual.
> >
> >
> > Create a link to RR/win_rrClient.bat (via right-click in windows explorer).
> > Edit the properties and add the commandline flag -UITakeOverService
> > The interactive client will start and stays in an invisible mode.
> > The service will disable itself, but it does NOT abort a render that is in
> > progress.
> > Once the service is disabled, the service puts itself into invisible mode.
> > And the interactive client takes over.
> >
> >
> > You might want to use additional commandline flags like:
> >
> > -IgnoreWorkingHours
> >
> >
> > Do not disable the interactive client during working hours
> >
> > -ShutdownEvenIfLoggedIn
> >
> >
> > Temporally enables the setting "Shutdown even if a user is logged in"
> >
> > -MapGlobalDrives
> >
> >
> > Map the drives set in rrConfig at startup.
> >
> > -NoPassOnClose
> >
> >
> > The Client does not ask for a password if you try to close it.
> >
> > (Overrides the setting rrConfig,Tab Logins "Lock with rrAdmin password")
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> -- 
> Mirko Jankovic
> *
> <>*
> Need to find freelancers fast?
> Need some help with rendering an Redshift project?
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
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OTish - Setting RoyalRender up with Redshift ?

2018-01-03 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I am trying to set up RoyalRender for Redshift, and have run into a snag.

Holger explains the proces in the documentation like shown below. My problem is 
I have no idea how to add a commandline flag in the options of the 
RR/win_rrClient.bat link. I am sure many of you have done this, so a nudge in 
the right direction will be much appreciated.

Thanks - Morten

Dual Mode:  service +  interactive application mode

If you do not have a second GPU card, then you have to start the rrClient 
manually in your interactive session (Application Mode).

To start the client in interactive mode, you can just add a link to the 
win_rrClient.bat file in the RR  Root and place it into your "Startup" 
start-menu folder.

The disadvantage of an interactive mode is that you have to login on the 

And if you have not setup an (plain password) auto-login, then your rrClient is 
not running if you startup the machine.

Therefore you can run two clients.
Keep the service running as usual.

Create a link to RR/win_rrClient.bat (via right-click in windows explorer).
Edit the properties and add the commandline flag -UITakeOverService
The interactive client will start and stays in an invisible mode.
The service will disable itself, but it does NOT abort a render that is in 
Once the service is disabled, the service puts itself into invisible mode.
And the interactive client takes over.

You might want to use additional commandline flags like:


Do not disable the interactive client during working hours


Temporally enables the setting "Shutdown even if a user is logged in"


Map the drives set in rrConfig at startup.


The Client does not ask for a password if you try to close it.

(Overrides the setting rrConfig,Tab Logins "Lock with rrAdmin password")
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Re: Safe to delete the default pass?

2017-12-14 Thread Morten Bartholdy
My experience exactly back when I started using passes. I haven't deleted a 
Default Pass ever since.


> Den 13. december 2017 klokken 20:31 skrev Matt Morris :
> Still use them religiously, if only to by default hide any new geometry or
> lights in the scene. Last time I worked with a scene without the passes
> would randomly not show any contents, and for lack of anything else to
> blame...
> On 13 Dec 2017 7:28 pm, "Sven Constable"  wrote:
> > Hey List,
> >
> >
> >
> > back in the days it was troublesome to delete the default pass AFAIK. Is
> > it still a problem? Did anyone encounter problems doing it?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Sven
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: some very useful tools for the "maya converts" out here....

2017-11-29 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Definately big thanks to Arvid, and you Rob - anything that can alleviate the 
madness is very welcome.


> Den 23. november 2017 klokken 15:52 skrev Rob Wuijster :
> For everyone who have missed these tools:
> A huge thanks to Arvid making these tools public! :-)
> -- 
> cheers!
> Rob
> \/-\/\/
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: end of another era

2017-11-22 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Mental Ray was good at stills and simplistic animation - it had good shaders 
and could render stuff fast, however it became useless for film style 
production as it was unable to do proper FG with motionblur and DOF, which is 
also where it hung and crashed plenty.

I have lost many nights and lots of hair troubleshooting MR crap, and it was 
not for lack of understanding of raytracing. I actually tested it pretty 
thoroughly so I have a pretty good understanding of how to optimize it.

3Delight came to my rescue at some point and shortly after that Arnold came 
along and made lighting and rendering fun again.

MR had its place and time, but it is long gone :)


> Den 21. november 2017 klokken 17:06 skrev Matt Lind :
> A lot of people don't know this, but mental ray received a HUGE update last 
> year with acceleration as much as 20x for global illumination and related. 
> The version that ships with Softimage didn't receive this update, of course.
> After acquiring mental ray, Nvidia let it rot for a few years before 
> deciding they should put effort into it after all, then put significant work 
> into it, but not until after many people went to other options.
> As much flak as people put towards mental ray, it's actually a very good 
> renderer, but it requires you have knowledge of raytracing algorithms to 
> make best use of it.  The problem is most users only used the interactive 
> version which was hamstrung by the XSI interface which created most of the 
> problems related to crashing due to memory constraints and other issues.  If 
> you ever used mental ray from the command line on it's own, you'd know it 
> was actually very fast and stable.  If it had continued to be included as a 
> standalone renderer after XSI v2.x, it would've been more popular as those 
> serious about rendering would've gone to the command line and/or written 
> their own scripted UI for it such as with Qt.  Classic case of marketing 
> ruining a product's profitability.
> My only complaint as a shader writer was that mental ray was overly 
> compartmentalized which sometimes made it difficult to access parts of the 
> scene to create comprehensive shading effects.  What you could do with a 
> single uber shader inside another renderer, required teamwork between 
> multiple smaller shaders in mental ray.  It was also not documented very 
> well in the advanced areas.  You had to really figure it out on your own. 
> While the documentation was accurate, a lot of it didn't make sense until 
> you already know how the renderer worked.  But once you did, you had a lot 
> of power at your finger tips.
> Matt
> Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2017 09:01:52 +0100
> From: Olivier Jeannel 
> Subject: Re: end of another era
> To: Anto Matkovic , "Official Softimage Users
> MR wasn't heaven, but it's again another widely used abandonned software.
> Of course the provider will never tell the user that he has stop its
> development, no, instead the users finds out waiting months, then years,
> that nothing happen or changed on the platform he thinks everything is fine.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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RE: Crank and piston rigging

2017-11-08 Thread Morten Bartholdy
One thing puzzles me though. I would have thought the Curve Param constraint 
could do what I have needed many times, ie constrain an object so it could move 
freely along a spline driven by something else by its other end, so to speak. 
Like a rod with a ring at the end hanging from a wire - you can pull the other 
end of the rod and it will only be able to move along the wire.

I guess this requires a more complex system where the curve parameter is 
somehow driven by the object that drives the animation.


> Den 7. november 2017 klokken 14:38 skrev Ola Madsen 
> <>:
> Hey Morten,
> I don’t think you searched the online tutorials enough 
> Did you try this one: 
> Cheers
> O
> -Ursprungligt meddelande-
> Från: 
> [] För Morten Bartholdy
> Skickat: den 7 november 2017 13:57
> Till: Userlist, Softimage <>
> Ämne: Crank and piston rigging
> I have a quick question for the rigging minded here about how you would rig 
> this one.
> I keep coming back to scenarios where I would like to have a curve 
> constraint, ie being able to constrain an object to stay on a curve while 
> being driven/moved by something else, like this scenario where I need the end 
> of piston arm to stay on the straight line (so axis constraint could do) 
> while being animated by the revolving crank axle.
> I am probably overcomplicating this, but the ideal solution escapes me so 
> far. I checked online tutorials which don't quite cover this scenario, except 
> for a C4D expresso one which I can't readily translate into XSI rigging. The 
> remaining part I think I can handle with various constraints.
> Any pointers will be much appreciated - thanks!
> Morten
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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RE: Crank and piston rigging

2017-11-07 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Thanks Ola - you are the man :)


> Den 7. november 2017 klokken 15:40 skrev Ola Madsen 
> <>:
> Hi Morten,
> I managed to find the old files for you. You can download them here:
> Cheers
> O
> -Ursprungligt meddelande-
> Från: 
> [] För Morten Bartholdy
> Skickat: den 7 november 2017 15:14
> Till: Official Softimage Users Mailing List. 
>  <>
> Ämne: RE: Crank and piston rigging
> Hi Ola,
> I actually saw it but could not download the scene file, so I was trying to 
> translate your expression into my scenario. I have a V engine, so I also need 
> to tilt the cylinders in two directions without breaking stuff.
> Thanks for the pointer though - I had originally thought it could be done 
> with constraints and found that I will need expressions too. I just saw a 
> Maya tutorial where there is a two way constraint to make it work. Softimage 
> will not allow that warning me of a cycle, but I introduced an intermediate 
> null and now it works, with only a simple y-position expression and no 
> trigonometry. Next I will have to see if it can be parented and rotated.
> MB
> > Den 7. november 2017 klokken 14:38 skrev Ola Madsen 
> > <>:
> > 
> > 
> > Hey Morten,
> > 
> > I don’t think you searched the online tutorials enough 
> > Did you try this one: 
> >
> > 
> > Cheers
> > O
> > 
> > -Ursprungligt meddelande-
> > Från: 
> > [] För Morten Bartholdy
> > Skickat: den 7 november 2017 13:57
> > Till: Userlist, Softimage <>
> > Ämne: Crank and piston rigging
> > 
> > I have a quick question for the rigging minded here about how you would rig 
> > this one.
> > 
> > I keep coming back to scenarios where I would like to have a curve 
> > constraint, ie being able to constrain an object to stay on a curve while 
> > being driven/moved by something else, like this scenario where I need the 
> > end of piston arm to stay on the straight line (so axis constraint could 
> > do) while being animated by the revolving crank axle.
> > 
> > I am probably overcomplicating this, but the ideal solution escapes me so 
> > far. I checked online tutorials which don't quite cover this scenario, 
> > except for a C4D expresso one which I can't readily translate into XSI 
> > rigging. The remaining part I think I can handle with various constraints.
> > 
> > Any pointers will be much appreciated - thanks!
> > 
> > 
> > Morten
> > 
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
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> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
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RE: Crank and piston rigging

2017-11-07 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Hi Ola,

I actually saw it but could not download the scene file, so I was trying to 
translate your expression into my scenario. I have a V engine, so I also need 
to tilt the cylinders in two directions without breaking stuff.

Thanks for the pointer though - I had originally thought it could be done with 
constraints and found that I will need expressions too. I just saw a Maya 
tutorial where there is a two way constraint to make it work. Softimage will 
not allow that warning me of a cycle, but I introduced an intermediate null and 
now it works, with only a simple y-position expression and no trigonometry. 
Next I will have to see if it can be parented and rotated.


> Den 7. november 2017 klokken 14:38 skrev Ola Madsen 
> <>:
> Hey Morten,
> I don’t think you searched the online tutorials enough 
> Did you try this one: 
> Cheers
> O
> -Ursprungligt meddelande-
> Från: 
> [] För Morten Bartholdy
> Skickat: den 7 november 2017 13:57
> Till: Userlist, Softimage <>
> Ämne: Crank and piston rigging
> I have a quick question for the rigging minded here about how you would rig 
> this one.
> I keep coming back to scenarios where I would like to have a curve 
> constraint, ie being able to constrain an object to stay on a curve while 
> being driven/moved by something else, like this scenario where I need the end 
> of piston arm to stay on the straight line (so axis constraint could do) 
> while being animated by the revolving crank axle.
> I am probably overcomplicating this, but the ideal solution escapes me so 
> far. I checked online tutorials which don't quite cover this scenario, except 
> for a C4D expresso one which I can't readily translate into XSI rigging. The 
> remaining part I think I can handle with various constraints.
> Any pointers will be much appreciated - thanks!
> Morten
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: OT - Maya extrusion explained?

2017-11-06 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Thanks for chiming in everybody. It can seem so simple watching a tutorial, but 
when you get to an actual case in Maya it becomes clumsy, convoluted and 
unintuitive as usual, and is poorly or not explained in the docs.

So through trial and error from your suggestions I found that what really 
matters is to find the end of a curve and position the profile/cross section 
curve correctly relative to that - otherwise all sorts of scewed results occur. 
The trouble is if you extrude on closed curves like a circle or racetrack, you 
need to find the start/end position in order to position the profile curve. 
This is not explained in the docs, and makes for a clumsy and time consuming 
workflow for something the software should handle just like XSI does. Oh, that 
goes for pretty much everything in Maya, so what am I talking about...

Thanks again for your help - this remains a wonderful list :) You often come up 
with answers our Maya peeps can not.


> Den 2. november 2017 klokken 13:20 skrev Anto Matkovic <>:
> And, yeah, what I've suggested in previous post, it works if curve and cross 
> section are not parented under anything. In case of some component parented 
> to something, most likely there's new set of rules - or maybe not, I really 
> don't have willing power to investigate.
>   From: Morten Bartholdy <>
>  To: "Userlist, Softimage" <> 
>  Sent: Wednesday, November 1, 2017 11:11 AM
>  Subject: OT - Maya extrusion explained?
> Since this is a place where the few remaining sane people in the world 
> reside, I would like to hear if anyone knows of a comprehensible tutorial on 
> the mess Maya calls Extrude?
> I have the (almost) simplest scenario which would take all of 10 seconds to 
> do in XSI, but our Maya artists can only do it after 10 minutes of fiddling, 
> and I seem unable to replicate it (the first one gave up(!))
> even though I wrote the procedure(!) down.
> I have a profile curve and a path curve. I want to extrude the profile curve 
> on the path curve, so the resulting geometry is positioned with the path 
> curve down the center spine.
> This seems like an unsurmountable task in Maya but I just saw it done. What 
> seems to be the case is you (really) have to oblige the Maya way of doing 
> things and yet, following my quickly scribbled notes, this still fails. 
> Either the resulting geometry is not positioned at the path or the cross 
> sections on the geometry is scewed, or both
> I could do it in XSI and be done i 2 minutes, but really want to learn to use 
> Maya for big and small things alike, and thinking many of you have come 
> across this scenario and found out the do's and dont's I was hoping some of 
> you could offer advice or point me to a comprehensible tutorial on the 
> subject. The Maya documentation is as usual almost of no use, and the 
> tutorials I have found don't really seem to cover this scenario - they are 
> usually quite spcific on one particular workflow which does not apply.
> Please, and thanks!
> Morten
> --
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Re: Re:

2017-11-05 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Yeah, ExocortexCrate1.1.148 is the latest I have found. Better than the 
built-in in most cases (but not all).


> Den 6. november 2017 klokken 07:57 skrev Alex Doss :
> 1.1.148 is the last =(
> .. so far..
> On 6 November 2017 at 07:45, Mirko Jankovic 
> wrote:
> > Hey, anyone had a chance to find any newer version if there is one of
> > exocortex alembic for softimage?
> >
> > --
> > Mirko Jankovic
> > *
> > *
> >
> > Need to find freelancers fast?
> >
> > 
> >
> > Need some help with rendering an Redshift project?
> >
> > 
> > ᐧ
> >
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> -- 
> Alex Doss
> Mobile: +31 (0) 6 5437-2515
> web:
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: Softimage - not going away...

2017-10-31 Thread Morten Bartholdy
..Foundry - shudder...
Better Maxon then - could give C4D a nice boost.


> Den 30. oktober 2017 klokken 13:30 skrev kenny wood <>:
> Maybe the Foundry
> On 30 Oct 2017 13:29, "Stefan Kubicek" <> wrote:
> > No official statement yet from anyone I know there.
> >
> > If they don't open source it I hope at least someone worthy buys it
> > (i.e. not Autodesk, and not some insurance company who are looking for a
> > faster way to do their number crunching either). But since they are
> > funded by an investor I doubt they have a lot of influence on such
> > decisions. It might even end up in the lap of some large VFX vendor who
> > already is their customer (was that MPC or the Mill, don't remember).
> > Speculation is futile I suppose.
> >
> > S
> >
> >
> > On 30/10/2017 12:47, Angus Davidson wrote:
> > > Anyone know what is going on with that ?
> > > --
> > > ICT Project Manager
> > > Digital Arts
> > > Wits School of the Arts
> > >
> > > 011 717 4683
> > >
> > > 
> > > From: Morten Bartholdy []
> > > Sent: 30 October 2017 11:23 AM
> > > To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> >
> > google.com_forum_-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist=DwIGaQ=76Q6Tcqc-
> > t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVM
> > srMw7PFsA=foIbz6TYA6v29rC2bpfHV6Y8p_zM8GqIkvC6Tz2lZsQ=
> > gS8BYrYbaNceApRP5V72OlR9ino30s96DsSsNDWPrUg=
> > > Subject: Re: Softimage - not going away...
> > >
> > > Aw, that is sad.
> > >
> > > Morten
> > >
> > >
> > >> Den 27. oktober 2017 klokken 19:26 skrev pedro santos <
> >>:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Another hit :(
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 6:16 PM, Mirko Jankovic <
> >>
> > >> wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> It is really sad that years after SI is killed best possible
> > replacement
> > >>> is still years away
> > >>> What are we talking about? Let's kill best software it is not so
> > >>> profitable as others and push back production workflow and progress 10
> > >>> years back who needs progress when you can charge subscription for
> > >>> every day getting close to where Softiamge already is (yes.. AD..
> > yes...)
> > >>>
> > >>> ᐧ
> > >>>
> > >>> --
> > >>> Softimage Mailing List.
> > >>> To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > >>> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > >>>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> --
> > >> --
> > >>
> > >> Pedro Alpiarça dos Santos
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> * 
> > >> <
> >
> > t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVM
> > srMw7PFsA=aQJibcOU6qnEZIKLRmsqR9Pnljk_nfXVWdFHcLgNbfw=CMOwMy8K_
> > N55hFoZnzjlZEJjWpMB6_8flcenMoCOLk0=> *
> > >> --
> > >> Softimage Mailing List.
> > >> To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > > --
> > > Softimage Mailing List.
> > > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > >
> > >  > style="width:100%;">
> > > 
> > >  > face="arial,sans-serif" size="1" color="#99"> > style="font-size:11px;">This communication is intended for the addressee
> > only. It is confidential. If you have received this communication in error,
> > please notify us immediately and destroy the o

Re: Softimage - not going away...

2017-10-30 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Aw, that is sad.


> Den 27. oktober 2017 klokken 19:26 skrev pedro santos :
> Another hit :(
> On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 6:16 PM, Mirko Jankovic 
> wrote:
> > It is really sad that years after SI is killed best possible replacement
> > is still years away
> > What are we talking about? Let's kill best software it is not so
> > profitable as others and push back production workflow and progress 10
> > years back who needs progress when you can charge subscription for
> > every day getting close to where Softiamge already is (yes.. AD.. yes...)
> >
> > ᐧ
> >
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> -- 
> --
> Pedro Alpiarça dos Santos
> * 
>  *
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

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Re: Softimage - not going away...

2017-10-26 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Houdini is still to technical to even start using. Blender I have actually 
looked at and it doesn't look half as bad as Maya, but it also very much 
depends on where you are working or aspire to work.

Maya is a ticket to work in most places these days I guess, but it is also 
certain to drive you mad, and hate going to work everyday.

Honestly I would love to work with Houdini, and might even sit down and try and 
learn it some day, but it is still damn hard to start using, so downtime is 


> Den 25. oktober 2017 klokken 14:53 skrev Gerbrand Nel :
> > I read the stories by people who had the bad fortune to have to learn Maya 
> > earlier and I have to say everything they wrote is true and then some. 
> > After 3 months+ of everyday Maya punishment I actually only like some 
> > modeling tools and being able to see layered textures in the viewport - the 
> > rest is a horrible mess. And our Maya artists are blissfully oblivious to 
> > how much easier their lives could have been if things had been different.
> >
> >
> > Morten
> If you read on, the story splits.
> Kinda like a "choose your own adventure"
> Some people choose Maya, and THEY DIE
> Others choose NOT-Maya and live.
> Honestly I would rather use bryce and poser.
> Why not Houdini or Blender, Morten?
> G
> --
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Re: Softimage - not going away...

2017-10-26 Thread Morten Bartholdy
> > Softimage and I couldn't be happier that I finally made that move. Don't
> > make the mistake of being too comfortable in your ways of working. It'll
> > become obsolete sooner then you think. There's a ton of new toys out
> > there waiting to be discovered. Your ex broke up with you. Accept it and
> > move on. Sure, you'll date a few girls that will underwhelm you at
> > first, but you just might find one that will blow your mind and change
> > your life for the better, but you have to take that leap first and give
> > it a fair chance.
> >
> > That's my rant/recommendation. Now it's on you to decide how you want to
> > manage your career.
> >
> > -Mathieu
> >
> > On 25/10/2017 10:46 AM, Stefan Kubicek wrote:
> > > There are only two kinds of CG artist in the world: Those who use
> > > Softimage, and those who never tried.
> > >
> > > S
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Morten Bartholdy <> <>
> > > Reply-to: "Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> > >
> > >
> > google.com_forum_-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist=DwIDaQ=76Q6Tcqc-
> > t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVM
> > srMw7PFsA=QlldJiBL18aXEJ17DNGup4yl49-idQLqvaXfTwQeJQ0=
> > QE3ckC9GK7WPFXoMa4iFbvFLcjJpaa5u98JrEqLaEuw="
> > >
> > ><>
> > <>
> > > To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> > >
> >
> > IF9uzNzd_2pA=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA=
> > QlldJiBL18aXEJ17DNGup4yl49-idQLqvaXfTwQeJQ0=
> > NxAaMqkq9iQETVUC7EXDQ2ptrv8PXk3QHLlJlEpq8VQ=
> > > .com/forum/#!forum/xsi_list <>
> > <>
> > > Subject: Re: Softimage - not going away...
> > > Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2017 09:20:56 +0200 (CEST)
> > >
> > > Amen to that!!
> > >
> > > If I knew the people who decided to EOL Soft I would make sure they had
> > > flat tires for a year.
> > > If I knew those who designed Maya I would strongly suggest they admit
> > > themselves to a mental facility.
> > > Oh, and the ones who decided to EOL Softimage I would also flog with
> > > wet newspapers for a year.
> > >
> > > I read the stories by people who had the bad fortune to have to learn
> > > Maya earlier and I have to say everything they wrote is true and then
> > > some. After 3 months+ of everyday Maya punishment I actually only like
> > > some modeling tools and being able to see layered textures in the
> > > viewport - the rest is a horrible mess. And our Maya artists are
> > > blissfully oblivious to how much easier their lives could have been if
> > > things had been different.
> > >
> > >
> > > Morten
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >> Den 24. oktober 2017 klokken 21:59 skrev Mirko Jankovic  > >>>:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> I do believe that there is still ton of Softimage people that are
> > >> pushed
> > >> into hell of maya that would give a leg to have a chance to work
> > >> again in
> > >> Softimage so..  :)
> > >> ᐧ
> > >>
> > >> On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 9:47 PM, David Gallagher Softimage <
> > >>> wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> Great work!
> > >>>
> > >>> Big high-five for using Softimage still. I do too!
> > >>> Curious though, how do you handle new employees? Do you only bring
> > >>> in
> > >>> people who know Softimage already? I'm just imagining a new
> > >>> employee
> > >>> learning your pipeline with EOL software and how they handle that.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> On 10/24/2017 7:16 AM, Jean-Louis wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> Hi list,
> > >>>
> > >>> Softimage still alive and well over here at Digital Golem:
> > >>>
> > >>> m.com_portfolio_range-2Drover-2Dfireflies_=DwIFaQ=76Q6Tcqc-
> > >>> t2x0ciW

Re: Softimage - not going away...

2017-10-25 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Love to hear it.


> Den 24. oktober 2017 klokken 22:03 skrev Michael Amasio 
> :
> Using Softimage today at Double Negative Vancouver!  woot for legacy
> licenses!
> On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 12:59 PM, Mirko Jankovic 
> wrote:
> > I do believe that there is still ton of Softimage people that are pushed
> > into hell of maya that would give a leg to have a chance to work again in
> > Softimage so..  :)
> > ᐧ
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 9:47 PM, David Gallagher Softimage <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Great work!
> >>
> >> Big high-five for using Softimage still. I do too!
> >> Curious though, how do you handle new employees? Do you only bring in
> >> people who know Softimage already? I'm just imagining a new employee
> >> learning your pipeline with EOL software and how they handle that.
> >>
> >>
> >> On 10/24/2017 7:16 AM, Jean-Louis wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi list,
> >>
> >> Softimage still alive and well over here at Digital Golem:
> >>
> >> 
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> JL
> >>
> >>
> >> Jean-Louis Billard
> >> -
> >> *Digital Golem*
> >> BE: +32 (0) 484 263 563
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> >> 53 Rue Gustave Huberti
> >> 1030 Brussels
> >> -
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Softimage Mailing List.
> >> To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> >> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Softimage Mailing List.
> >> To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> >> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Mirko Jankovic
> > *
> > *
> >
> > Need to find freelancers fast?
> >
> > 
> >
> > Need some help with rendering an Redshift project?
> >
> > 
> >
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: Softimage - not going away...

2017-10-25 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Amen to that!!

If I knew the people who decided to EOL Soft I would make sure they had flat 
tires for a year.
If I knew those who designed Maya I would strongly suggest they admit 
themselves to a mental facility.
Oh, and the ones who decided to EOL Softimage I would also flog with wet 
newspapers for a year.

I read the stories by people who had the bad fortune to have to learn Maya 
earlier and I have to say everything they wrote is true and then some. After 3 
months+ of everyday Maya punishment I actually only like some modeling tools 
and being able to see layered textures in the viewport - the rest is a horrible 
mess. And our Maya artists are blissfully oblivious to how much easier their 
lives could have been if things had been different.


> Den 24. oktober 2017 klokken 21:59 skrev Mirko Jankovic 
> :
> I do believe that there is still ton of Softimage people that are pushed
> into hell of maya that would give a leg to have a chance to work again in
> Softimage so..  :)
> ᐧ
> On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 9:47 PM, David Gallagher Softimage <
>> wrote:
> > Great work!
> >
> > Big high-five for using Softimage still. I do too!
> > Curious though, how do you handle new employees? Do you only bring in
> > people who know Softimage already? I'm just imagining a new employee
> > learning your pipeline with EOL software and how they handle that.
> >
> >
> > On 10/24/2017 7:16 AM, Jean-Louis wrote:
> >
> > Hi list,
> >
> > Softimage still alive and well over here at Digital Golem:
> >
> > 
> >
> > Cheers,
> > JL
> >
> >
> > Jean-Louis Billard
> > -
> > *Digital Golem*
> > BE: +32 (0) 484 263 563
> >
> >
> > 
> > 53 Rue Gustave Huberti
> > 1030 Brussels
> > -
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> -- 
> Mirko Jankovic
> *
> *
> Need to find freelancers fast?
> Need some help with rendering an Redshift project?
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: Softimage - not going away...

2017-10-24 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Redshift and Softimage is a powerful combination :) Lovely and easy to use.


> Den 24. oktober 2017 klokken 17:11 skrev Jean-Louis :
> Thanks, it’s all Redshift. We’re using Arnold less and less these days.
> JL
> Jean-Louis Billard
> -
> Digital Golem
> BE: +32 (0) 484 263 563
> 53 Rue Gustave Huberti
> 1030 Brussels
> -
> > On 24 Oct 2017, at 17:05, toonafish  wrote:
> > 
> > Great stuff ! The firefly close ups are brilliant. Rendered in Arnold or 
> > Redshift ?
> > 
> > Cheers
> >  
> > -Ronald 
> > 
> > 
> >> On 24 Oct 2017, at 15:16, Jean-Louis  >> > wrote:
> >> 
> >> Hi list,
> >> 
> >> Softimage still alive and well over here at Digital Golem: 
> >>
> >>  
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Cheers,
> >> JL
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Jean-Louis Billard
> >> -
> >> Digital Golem
> >> BE: +32 (0) 484 263 563
> >> 
> >>
> >>  
> >> 
> >> 53 Rue Gustave Huberti
> >> 1030 Brussels
> >> -
> >> 
> >> --
> >> Softimage Mailing List.
> >> To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> >>  with "unsubscribe" in the 
> >> subject, and reply to confirm.
> > 
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: Softimage - not going away...

2017-10-24 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I just wish more studios had the good sense to stick with Softimage for at 
least some more years to come. Maya is unbearably beyond stupid.

The number of workarounds and silly methodology employed is driving me insane.


> Den 24. oktober 2017 klokken 16:10 skrev John Clausing 
> <>:
> "Madness they call maya"?.you're being a tad generous..
> Just had to upgrade so my scene would work again lol
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Oct 24, 2017, at 10:05 AM, Morten Bartholdy <> wrote:
> > 
> > Lucky you. I am stuck in the madness they call Maya.
> > 
> > Nice work there - I like the details and the slowmo :)
> > 
> > 
> > Morten
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >> Den 24. oktober 2017 klokken 15:16 skrev Jean-Louis 
> >> <>:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Hi list,
> >> 
> >> Softimage still alive and well over here at Digital Golem: 
> >>
> >>  
> >> <>
> >> 
> >> Cheers,
> >> JL
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Jean-Louis Billard
> >> -
> >> Digital Golem
> >> BE: +32 (0) 484 263 563
> >>
> >>
> >> 53 Rue Gustave Huberti
> >> 1030 Brussels
> >> -
> >> 
> >> --
> >> Softimage Mailing List.
> >> To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> >> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: Softimage - not going away...

2017-10-24 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Lucky you. I am stuck in the madness they call Maya.

Nice work there - I like the details and the slowmo :)


> Den 24. oktober 2017 klokken 15:16 skrev Jean-Louis :
> Hi list,
> Softimage still alive and well over here at Digital Golem: 
> Cheers,
> JL
> Jean-Louis Billard
> -
> Digital Golem
> BE: +32 (0) 484 263 563
> 53 Rue Gustave Huberti
> 1030 Brussels
> -
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: Maya - What were they thinking 3 - pivots

2017-10-10 Thread Morten Bartholdy
What you mention here resonates well with my findings so far. Even a lot of the 
tools and functionality I see implemented from Softimage in later versions of 
Maya tend to be Mayarized, ie. packaged up in the nonsensical way of having to 
open several windows from submenus to submenus, instead of the direct context 
sensitive way we know it from Softimage. I guess this is in order to not break 
the workflow the large Maya userbase is accustomed to, but it provides a poor 
UI experience.

After 2+ months of Maya transition I think I have only found one feature where 
I think Maya shines: Inserting edgeloops + to some degree the way the Arnold 
RenderView is implemented. The rest is pure rubbish. Granted, I have not delved 
far into modeling yet, and from what I read it is quite strong, but that 
remains to be found out.

Not a happy camper -

> Den 9. oktober 2017 klokken 13:32 skrev Brent McPherson 
> <>:
> That is definitely part of the problem.
> Existing customers become accustomed to the multi-step workflows (many which 
> have been there from the beginning) and so these basic workflow issues don't 
> tend to get logged or mentioned but they are more obvious to customers 
> migrating from another software package.
> When I worked in Maya modeling we definitely paid attention to the 
> small-annoying-things-to-fix-in-maya and the ideas-for-maya forums and would 
> address items that aligned with our goals for a particular release.
> --
> Brent
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
> Sent: 09 October 2017 11:59
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List. 
>  <>
> Subject: RE: Maya - What were they thinking 3 - pivots
> Well I think there is no doubt Maya was groundbreaking at the time, and given 
> that the Sumatra team was delayed by the Digital Studio efforts, Maya was the 
> new software chosen by a ripe market. It is just sad to see how bad Maya 
> still is so many years on, compared to the smooth workflow in XSI.
> I have our Maya people proudly showing me absolutely lame unintuitive 
> multistep workflow solutions to really simple tasks which would take one 
> click, or a hotkey, interaction and be done in Softimage. It is mindboggling 
> that professional developers have come up with so many counterproductive 
> workflows, but I guess it is testiment to the genius of the Softimage core 
> dev team.
> Morten
> > Den 6. oktober 2017 klokken 17:09 skrev Steven Caron <>:
> > 
> > 
> > I an pretty sure Brent helped ship Maya 1.0... so maybe he isn't sane 
> > or a 'Softimage man'.
> > 
> > :P
> > 
> > 
> > *written with my thumbs
> > 
> > 
> > On Oct 6, 2017 7:45 AM, "Morten Bartholdy" <> wrote:
> > 
> > Being a former Softimage man, I'd peg you as at least a lot(!) more 
> > rational and logical than the other species of software dev's ;)
> > 
> > Morten
> > 
> > 
> > > Den 6. oktober 2017 klokken 14:30 skrev Brent McPherson <
> >>:
> > >
> > >
> > > Huh? Where did you get the impression I'm sane! :-O
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: 
> > > [mailto:softimage-bounces@
> >] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
> > > Sent: 06 October 2017 13:05
> > > To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List. 
> > >
> > >  .
> > com/v2/url?
> > xsi-5Flist=DwIFAg=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA=Gm
> > X_ 32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA=dpzgBs0ngbUSd3U7joA_
> > ugvV0VgBSdVPrZXoO0vZ_no=twFHsPAQtXj39VNITMISNu4qszGa7y4LhcRk3Q06k00&
> > e=

RE: Maya - What were they thinking 3 - pivots

2017-10-09 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Well I think there is no doubt Maya was groundbreaking at the time, and given 
that the Sumatra team was delayed by the Digital Studio efforts, Maya was the 
new software chosen by a ripe market. It is just sad to see how bad Maya still 
is so many years on, compared to the smooth workflow in XSI.

I have our Maya people proudly showing me absolutely lame unintuitive multistep 
workflow solutions to really simple tasks which would take one click, or a 
hotkey, interaction and be done in Softimage. It is mindboggling that 
professional developers have come up with so many counterproductive workflows, 
but I guess it is testiment to the genius of the Softimage core dev team.


> Den 6. oktober 2017 klokken 17:09 skrev Steven Caron <>:
> I an pretty sure Brent helped ship Maya 1.0... so maybe he isn't sane or a
> 'Softimage man'.
> :P
> *written with my thumbs
> On Oct 6, 2017 7:45 AM, "Morten Bartholdy" <> wrote:
> Being a former Softimage man, I'd peg you as at least a lot(!) more
> rational and logical than the other species of software dev's ;)
> Morten
> > Den 6. oktober 2017 klokken 14:30 skrev Brent McPherson <
> >
> >
> > Huh? Where did you get the impression I'm sane! :-O
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [mailto:softimage-bounces@
>] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
> > Sent: 06 October 2017 13:05
> > To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List. 
> >
> >  .
> com/v2/url?
> xsi-5Flist=DwIFAg=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA=GmX_
> 32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA=dpzgBs0ngbUSd3U7joA_
> ugvV0VgBSdVPrZXoO0vZ_no=twFHsPAQtXj39VNITMISNu4qszGa7y4LhcRk3Q06k00=  <
> > Subject: RE: Maya - What were they thinking 3 - pivots
> >
> > Thank you Brent. It is good to hear at least one sane person is working
> on Maya development ;)
> >
> > Morten
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Den 5. oktober 2017 klokken 15:54 skrev Brent McPherson <
> > >
> > >
> > > I added bake pivot as it was frequently requested by Softimage users.
> > > ;-)
> > >
> > > If you want to look behind the curtain it is implemented by the
> bakeCustomToolPivot.mel script in the Maya runtime directory.
> > >
> > > Internally it just calls the move/rotate commands with the
> > > -preserveChildPosition and -preserveGeometryPosition flags. (after
> > > figuring out the desired orientation and position)
> > > --
> > > Brent
> > >
> > > From:
> > > [] On Behalf Of
> > > Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]
> > > Sent: 05 October 2017 14:42
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Maya - What were they thinking 3 - pivots
> > >
> > > Hey,
> > >
> > > Given the recent discussion on Maya transforms, and my prior comments
> on the subject, I thought I would post this here since I think most
> Softimage folks will find it useful.
> > >
> > > I've been attempting to acclimate to Maya again after a long time away
> from it and as a result of some recent projects that I had that felt were
> better suited to Maya. In the process I've discovered a few things that
> have changed or been added in recent version. One discovery in particular I
> think most former SI users will find useful is Bake Pivot.
> > >
> > > It appears that the command Bake Pivot was added somewhere during
> version 2016, and evolved a bit between extension 1 and extension 2 of that
> version. In its current incarnation in 2017 and 2018 it appears to function
> in a way that will permit you the ability to edit the pivots to get a
> result similar to what you were getting in Softimage. To use it:
> > >
> > >
> > > Create an object
> > > Hit the Insert key
> > > Modify your pivot as desired in both position and orientation (do not
> > > exit the pivot editing before baking) Execute Modify>Bake Pivot (make
> > > sure it is Position and Orientation

RE: Maya - What were they thinking 3 - pivots

2017-10-06 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Being a former Softimage man, I'd peg you as at least a lot(!) more rational 
and logical than the other species of software dev's ;)


> Den 6. oktober 2017 klokken 14:30 skrev Brent McPherson 
> <>:
> Huh? Where did you get the impression I'm sane! :-O
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
> Sent: 06 October 2017 13:05
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List. 
>   <>
> Subject: RE: Maya - What were they thinking 3 - pivots
> Thank you Brent. It is good to hear at least one sane person is working on 
> Maya development ;)
> Morten
> > Den 5. oktober 2017 klokken 15:54 skrev Brent McPherson 
> > <>:
> > 
> > 
> > I added bake pivot as it was frequently requested by Softimage users. 
> > ;-)
> > 
> > If you want to look behind the curtain it is implemented by the 
> > bakeCustomToolPivot.mel script in the Maya runtime directory.
> > 
> > Internally it just calls the move/rotate commands with the 
> > -preserveChildPosition and -preserveGeometryPosition flags. (after 
> > figuring out the desired orientation and position)
> > --
> > Brent
> > 
> > From: 
> > [] On Behalf Of 
> > Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]
> > Sent: 05 October 2017 14:42
> > To:
> > Subject: Maya - What were they thinking 3 - pivots
> > 
> > Hey,
> > 
> > Given the recent discussion on Maya transforms, and my prior comments on 
> > the subject, I thought I would post this here since I think most Softimage 
> > folks will find it useful.
> > 
> > I've been attempting to acclimate to Maya again after a long time away from 
> > it and as a result of some recent projects that I had that felt were better 
> > suited to Maya. In the process I've discovered a few things that have 
> > changed or been added in recent version. One discovery in particular I 
> > think most former SI users will find useful is Bake Pivot.
> > 
> > It appears that the command Bake Pivot was added somewhere during version 
> > 2016, and evolved a bit between extension 1 and extension 2 of that 
> > version. In its current incarnation in 2017 and 2018 it appears to function 
> > in a way that will permit you the ability to edit the pivots to get a 
> > result similar to what you were getting in Softimage. To use it:
> > 
> > 
> > Create an object
> > Hit the Insert key
> > Modify your pivot as desired in both position and orientation (do not 
> > exit the pivot editing before baking) Execute Modify>Bake Pivot (make 
> > sure it is Position and Orientation)
> > 
> > 
> > Once baked, the pivot will now be relative the object much the way you 
> > experienced this in XSI. And it seems to inversely modify the transforms so 
> > that everything is maintained within Maya space but in a way that will be 
> > familiar to anyone with a prior Softimage background. It seems to be doing 
> > something very similar to what we used to do in Maya by performing a 
> > unparent/freeze/reset/reparent relative the object and a dummy locator at 
> > world space. The Bake Pivot apparently performs all the inverse 
> > transformations and freeze/reset without the need to unparent.
> > 
> > If you're not on Maya 2016 Ext 2 or later you will still have to deal with 
> > pivots in the legacy manner. And  I'm still of the mindset to recommend 
> > that it is best not to edit pivots in Maya at all if you can avoid it. And 
> > least till I better understand what Bake Pivot is really doing...
> > 
> > 
> > Joey
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: Maya - What were they thinking 3 - pivots

2017-10-06 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Thank you Brent. It is good to hear at least one sane person is working on Maya 
development ;)


> Den 5. oktober 2017 klokken 15:54 skrev Brent McPherson 
> :
> I added bake pivot as it was frequently requested by Softimage users. ;-)
> If you want to look behind the curtain it is implemented by the 
> bakeCustomToolPivot.mel script in the Maya runtime directory.
> Internally it just calls the move/rotate commands with the 
> -preserveChildPosition and -preserveGeometryPosition flags. (after figuring 
> out the desired orientation and position)
> --
> Brent
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Ponthieux, 
> Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]
> Sent: 05 October 2017 14:42
> To:
> Subject: Maya - What were they thinking 3 - pivots
> Hey,
> Given the recent discussion on Maya transforms, and my prior comments on the 
> subject, I thought I would post this here since I think most Softimage folks 
> will find it useful.
> I've been attempting to acclimate to Maya again after a long time away from 
> it and as a result of some recent projects that I had that felt were better 
> suited to Maya. In the process I've discovered a few things that have changed 
> or been added in recent version. One discovery in particular I think most 
> former SI users will find useful is Bake Pivot.
> It appears that the command Bake Pivot was added somewhere during version 
> 2016, and evolved a bit between extension 1 and extension 2 of that version. 
> In its current incarnation in 2017 and 2018 it appears to function in a way 
> that will permit you the ability to edit the pivots to get a result similar 
> to what you were getting in Softimage. To use it:
> Create an object
> Hit the Insert key
> Modify your pivot as desired in both position and orientation (do not exit 
> the pivot editing before baking)
> Execute Modify>Bake Pivot (make sure it is Position and Orientation)
> Once baked, the pivot will now be relative the object much the way you 
> experienced this in XSI. And it seems to inversely modify the transforms so 
> that everything is maintained within Maya space but in a way that will be 
> familiar to anyone with a prior Softimage background. It seems to be doing 
> something very similar to what we used to do in Maya by performing a 
> unparent/freeze/reset/reparent relative the object and a dummy locator at 
> world space. The Bake Pivot apparently performs all the inverse 
> transformations and freeze/reset without the need to unparent.
> If you're not on Maya 2016 Ext 2 or later you will still have to deal with 
> pivots in the legacy manner. And  I'm still of the mindset to recommend that 
> it is best not to edit pivots in Maya at all if you can avoid it. And least 
> till I better understand what Bake Pivot is really doing...
> Joey
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Re: mTextureEditor

2017-10-06 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I wholeheartedly agree :)


> Den 6. oktober 2017 klokken 11:05 skrev Andrew Prostrelov 
> :
> It looks like it took alot of time and work to release this plugin.
> Its looks solid and provide alot of tools that XSI really needed in 2017.
> Nice work. It's so great that we still have such enthusiasts.
> --
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Re: Maya - What were they thinking 3 - pivots

2017-10-06 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Thanks for all the clarification Joey. It is very helpful in the troubled life 
of learning Maya (Alternative Abreviation for Piece of Shit Software).


> Den 5. oktober 2017 klokken 15:41 skrev "Ponthieux, Joseph G. 
> Hey,
> Given the recent discussion on Maya transforms, and my prior comments on the 
> subject, I thought I would post this here since I think most Softimage folks 
> will find it useful.
> I've been attempting to acclimate to Maya again after a long time away from 
> it and as a result of some recent projects that I had that felt were better 
> suited to Maya. In the process I've discovered a few things that have changed 
> or been added in recent version. One discovery in particular I think most 
> former SI users will find useful is Bake Pivot.
> It appears that the command Bake Pivot was added somewhere during version 
> 2016, and evolved a bit between extension 1 and extension 2 of that version. 
> In its current incarnation in 2017 and 2018 it appears to function in a way 
> that will permit you the ability to edit the pivots to get a result similar 
> to what you were getting in Softimage. To use it:
> Create an object
> Hit the Insert key
> Modify your pivot as desired in both position and orientation (do not exit 
> the pivot editing before baking)
> Execute Modify>Bake Pivot (make sure it is Position and Orientation)
> Once baked, the pivot will now be relative the object much the way you 
> experienced this in XSI. And it seems to inversely modify the transforms so 
> that everything is maintained within Maya space but in a way that will be 
> familiar to anyone with a prior Softimage background. It seems to be doing 
> something very similar to what we used to do in Maya by performing a 
> unparent/freeze/reset/reparent relative the object and a dummy locator at 
> world space. The Bake Pivot apparently performs all the inverse 
> transformations and freeze/reset without the need to unparent.
> If you're not on Maya 2016 Ext 2 or later you will still have to deal with 
> pivots in the legacy manner. And  I'm still of the mindset to recommend that 
> it is best not to edit pivots in Maya at all if you can avoid it. And least 
> till I better understand what Bake Pivot is really doing...
> Joey
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Re: mTextureEditor

2017-10-05 Thread Morten Bartholdy
This looks pretty cool Martin - thanks for sharing, and not least thanks for 
making another great tool for our beloved.


> Den 5. oktober 2017 klokken 12:56 skrev Martin Yara :
> Hi, I just released a custom Texture Editor I hope some of you find it
> useful.
> I started to write this because we have 2 Softimage projects that are going
> to last at least 1 more year (at least one of them), and the UV work is
> pretty heavy so using default tools is a little slow and painful.
> I'm using also a modified version of Ahmidou Lyazidi's StampUV. Thanks for
> the code and permission !
> Martin
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RE: OT Maya Q - default cameras clipping planes

2017-10-05 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Holy crap, this is lame, even for Maya. Your suggestion works - upon inspection 
the default cameras are too close to the large objects, which effectively clips 
the closest parts. I had no idea, as there is still a ton of stuff I don't know 
about Maya. This is after framing the objects using both A and F in order to 
see what might fix it, plus trying to dolly away to no avail.

What I do know about Maya - never expect it to act or behave sensibly nor 
logically :-/

Since you know the ins and outs - it drives me crazy that there apparently is 
no actual zoom function in Maya wievports, like the one we know from Softimage. 
I am talking about changing camera fov using Z interactively while working on 
framing in a scene. Asking our Maya residents they reply they don't use that so 
they don't know how. They say to select camera and change fov in the Attribute 

How do you manage stuff like that (assuming you have found a smarter way).


> Den 4. oktober 2017 klokken 19:15 skrev "Ponthieux, Joseph G. 
> (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]" <>:
> So it seems I was wrong. The 1000.1 value can change when using the Framing 
> function. The F key. But It doesn’t change when attempting to zoom or dolly 
> in the front, top or side viewport using the mouse.
> What I am seeing is the part of a really large object closest the camera is 
> clipped and the near clip is incapable of seeing anything because the camera 
> head is not actually in front of the object. And I can't set near clip to a 
> negative value. Is this what you are experiencing?
> To replicate, in a new scene create a sphere with a radius of 1500 units. 
> Select the sphere and hit F key in the Front viewport. This illustrates that 
> part of the 1500 radius sphere is past the normal position of the Front 
> camera which is 1000.1 units Z. You can clearly see the problem if you have 
> the viewport set to shading. So in Front camera for example you have to 
> manually set camera Z to a value which places the camera in front of all 
> geometry, such as 1600 units Z, which means you have to know the geometry 
> extent relative that camera. And then make sure the far clipping plane is 
> beyond the far side.
> It seems that you can somewhat correct the situation by executing 
> View>Default View for the viewport in question, executing the A key or 
> selecting the object or objects then hit the F key. Then suddenly it will set 
> the Z extent in front of the selected geometry without difficulty.
> I'm seeing this in 2018 and all the way back to 2014. As long as your scene 
> is never beyond 2000 units wide, or twice the distance wide of the camera 
> position to world center, you're not likely to ever see the problem. Further, 
> the inability to frame on the object appears to be affected by the size of 
> the object rather than its position. In other words multiple objects at a 
> distance of 3000 units apart but at normalized sizes seem less likely to 
> exhibit the framing problem than one object that is 3000 units across.
> I don’t recall if this is how it worked in the past. This does not seem 
> normal. But this seems to not be framing the objects correctly nor permitting 
> the user to dolly the orthographic cameras in a predictable fashion without 
> first executing Default View which apparently knows how to correctly set the 
> orthographic camera's lens position outside the volume of the existing 
> geometry.
> Joey
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Ponthieux, 
> Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 11:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: OT Maya Q - default cameras clipping planes
> I'm seeing them work even after 1 Billion units in the front camera. Having 
> issues at 1500 units does not seem normal. I suspect the camera has been 
> edited.
> Check the following in the Front Camera:
> 1. Select the front camera in the outliner
> 2. In the attribute editor for front, is Z set to 1000.1.
> Top should have always have 1000.1 for Y, and Side should have 1000.1 for X. 
> These should never change though the remaining position values will. 
> If they are not 1000.1, does setting them manually to that value fix the 
> problem? 
> Alternatively, does executing View> Default View for each viewport fix the 
> issue?
> Joey
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
> Sent: Wednesda

RE: OT Maya Q - default cameras clipping planes

2017-10-04 Thread Morten Bartholdy
The scene is not that large - only about 1500 Maya units across and deep. I 
have worked with scenes 100x larger in Soft. It seems ridiculous.

Changing clipping plane values has no effect on the default scene cameras - I 
am on Maya 2016 base version if that makes any difference, and the cameras are 
neither scaled nor rotated as far as I can tell.

I use wip cameras that I create for moving cameras around as I don't know the 
do's and dont's with Maya default cameras, so I thought it better to leave them 


> Den 4. oktober 2017 klokken 17:04 skrev "Ponthieux, Joseph G. 
> (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]" <>:
> I’m wondering exactly how large your scene is. Sometimes things get weird 
> with astronomically large scenes.
> You should be able to edit the Far Clip Plane for frontShape, topShape, or 
> sideShape. I just tested this and it works as expected. But the numbers I am 
> using are less than 100K.
> Have the Top, Front, or Side cameras been edited in any unusual way? They are 
> special cameras, special objects if you will, that can act bizarrely if 
> treated like real objects, or articulated in ways they are meant to be. 
> Rotation or Scaling for example. They can be moved but should only be 
> articulated using the viewports. They are generally hidden by default and 
> should remain that way. I do remember having issues when treating them in a 
> non-typical way. But there is no obvious reason I can think of that would 
> directly prevent their clipping planes from being edited.
> Joey
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Rob Wuijster
> Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 10:40 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: OT Maya Q - default cameras clipping planes
> I ran into the same thing for my last project.
> Huge scenes that were clipped off in the default cameras, so a hard time 
> selecting stuff in the viewport.
> Due to time limits I never had the chance to dive into this, so anyone who 
> can answer the question please do.
> And scaling up stuff, including cameras can result in some nasty render 
> surprises. Unless that has been fixed in the last couple of versions.
> Rob (already grey...)
> \/-\/\/
> On 4-10-2017 15:48, Morten Bartholdy wrote:
> I have run into a problem with Mayas default scene cameras for top, front and 
> side views. It appears if I work with very large objects, like in landscape 
> scale, the objects are clipped by distance in the respective cameras. 
> Changing the clipping planes of these cameras does not work - the objects are 
> still clipped. A very unfortunate side effect is I can't select components of 
> my objects that are outside the clipping planes, ie. if I have a long grid 
> road piece and want to select edge vertices to move them all, I can't do that 
> from the side or front view - only the vertices visible inside clipping 
> planes get selected.
> The workaround (usual Maya style) is to either make new camera and position 
> as side- or frontview camera, because for new cameras clipping planes 
> work(!), or to select edgerings and move them instead of selecting all 
> vertices in sideview - or as our local Maya resident (a patient man these 
> days ;) says, to work at smaller scale and then scale up at the end. I say it 
> is moronic.
> I am sure you smart people have run into something similar and perhaps have a 
> more nifty workaround I can use.
> Thanks
> Morten (rapidly turning greyhaired while learning Maya)
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OT Maya Q - default cameras clipping planes

2017-10-04 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I have run into a problem with Mayas default scene cameras for top, front and 
side views. It appears if I work with very large objects, like in landscape 
scale, the objects are clipped by distance in the respective cameras. Changing 
the clipping planes of these cameras does not work - the objects are still 
clipped. A very unfortunate side effect is I can't select components of my 
objects that are outside the clipping planes, ie. if I have a long grid road 
piece and want to select edge vertices to move them all, I can't do that from 
the side or front view - only the vertices visible inside clipping planes get 

The workaround (usual Maya style) is to either make new camera and position as 
side- or frontview camera, because for new cameras clipping planes work(!), or 
to select edgerings and move them instead of selecting all vertices in sideview 
- or as our local Maya resident (a patient man these days ;) says, to work at 
smaller scale and then scale up at the end. I say it is moronic.

I am sure you smart people have run into something similar and perhaps have a 
more nifty workaround I can use.

Morten (rapidly turning greyhaired while learning Maya)
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OT - looking for available Houdini FX artists for teaching gig

2017-09-29 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Like it says - a friend of mine who works at a CG animation school in 
Copenhagen, Denmark, is looking for a Houdini FX artist to jump in and teach a 
course. Time limited but payed of course.

Are any of you guys available or do you know where else to ask?

Thanks, and have a lovely weekend!


>>> Maya sucks spades!!! - sorry, long week <<<
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RE: Maya - what were they thinking 2 - transforms

2017-09-11 Thread Morten Bartholdy
bject as child to the gun must be zero-centric to 
> it. In other words, the gun must be the "world" coordinates for the gun. Does 
> that make sense?
> Run the MEL commands below in your script editor in an empty scene. See 
> specifically the angle of locator2 and the keyframed z translation of pCone1. 
> Move locator1 around at will, and you can change the orientation of locator2 
> if you desire, but the cone's motion is always maintained on Z axis relative 
> everything it is parented to. And it is only animated explicitly on Z. See 
> the Graph editor for pCone1. Is this similar to what you are trying to 
> accomplish?
> file -f -new;
> spaceLocator -p 0 0 0;
> updateRenderOverride;
> spaceLocator -p 0 0 0;
> CreatePolygonCone;
> polyCone -r 1 -h 2 -sx 20 -sy 1 -sz 0 -ax 0 1 0 -rcp 0 -cuv 3 -ch 1; parent 
> pCone1 locator2 ; select -r locator2 ; selectKey -clear ; parent locator2 
> locator1 ; select -r locator2 ; selectKey -clear ; rotate -r -os -fo 9.453111 
> 0 0 ; setAttr "locator2.rotateX" 45; select -r pCone1 ; selectKey -clear ; 
> if( `getAttr -k ""`||`getAttr -channelBox ""` )setKeyframe 
> ""; currentTime 30 ; move -r -ls -wd 0 0 -8.127347 ; if( `getAttr -k 
> ""`||`getAttr -channelBox ""` )setKeyframe ""; 
> currentTime 22 ; selectKey -clear ; currentTime 15 ; select -r locator2 ; 
> selectKey -clear ; select -r locator2 pCone1 ; selectKey -clear ; select -r 
> pCone1 ; selectKey -clear ;
> Joey Ponthieux
> __
> Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not 
> represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 6:17 AM
> To: Userlist, Softimage <>
> Subject: Maya - what were they thinking 2 - transforms
> So I understand (to some degree) that there are fundamental differences 
> between the  way transformations are handled in Maya vs Soft, but I just ran 
> into something which on the surface looks simple, but is quite mindboggling. 
> Hopefully it is just a case of Mayas way of hiding useful stuff in some 
> obscure submenu or relationship editor, but here goes:
> I am doing some very simple keyframe animation in Maya (one of the few things 
> that does not drive me entirely crazy) and am animating a thingy which is 
> parented to a gun which is pointed in a particular direction. I just want it 
> to fly of on its local z-axis so I select it, set Transform Tool Settings, 
> Axis Orientation to Object, key frame translate out along z-axis and 
> keyframe. Now I want to edit the function curves to make sure it accelerates 
> as desired, open the graph editor and see graph representation of its motion 
> is in world space, ie. it is not only animated on the z-axis, but also on x 
> and Y. Obviously editing these curves  manually will easily lead to having 
> the object not flying in a straight line...
> In this case I could draw a curve to use as motion path, but is is more 
> cumbersome (like so many things in Maya) and for many reasons I would really 
> prefer to be able to switch between World space and Object space in the Graph 
> Editor. Our resident Maya artist has looked for similar functionality many 
> times through different Maya versions, so far without luck, so she can not 
> offer relief from this specific lack of brainpower on the part of the Maya 
> devs.
> Can Maya knowledgeable people here confirm this fundamental lack of 
> functionality or perhaps tell where I find it, or barring that, offer advice 
> regarding how to achieve something similar?
> Thanks (sigh)
> Morten
> --
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Re: Friday Flashback #315

2017-09-11 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Good times :)


> Den 8. september 2017 klokken 17:05 skrev Stephen Blair 
> :
> 1998 Bunny hops to fame
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Maya - what were they thinking 2 - transforms

2017-09-11 Thread Morten Bartholdy
So I understand (to some degree) that there are fundamental differences between 
the  way transformations are handled in Maya vs Soft, but I just ran into 
something which on the surface looks simple, but is quite mindboggling. 
Hopefully it is just a case of Mayas way of hiding useful stuff in some obscure 
submenu or relationship editor, but here goes:

I am doing some very simple keyframe animation in Maya (one of the few things 
that does not drive me entirely crazy) and am animating a thingy which is 
parented to a gun which is pointed in a particular direction. I just want it to 
fly of on its local z-axis so I select it, set Transform Tool Settings, Axis 
Orientation to Object, key frame translate out along z-axis and keyframe. Now I 
want to edit the function curves to make sure it accelerates as desired, open 
the graph editor and see graph representation of its motion is in world space, 
ie. it is not only animated on the z-axis, but also on x and Y. Obviously 
editing these curves  manually will easily lead to having the object not flying 
in a straight line...

In this case I could draw a curve to use as motion path, but is is more 
cumbersome (like so many things in Maya) and for many reasons I would really 
prefer to be able to switch between World space and Object space in the Graph 
Editor. Our resident Maya artist has looked for similar functionality many 
times through different Maya versions, so far without luck, so she can not 
offer relief from this specific lack of brainpower on the part of the Maya devs.

Can Maya knowledgeable people here confirm this fundamental lack of 
functionality or perhaps tell where I find it, or barring that, offer advice 
regarding how to achieve something similar?

Thanks (sigh)

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Re: What were they thinking....

2017-08-31 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Well a lot of XSI functionality has popped up in the modeling section of Maya 
2018. Still looking for UI logic and straightforward useability.


> Den 31. august 2017 klokken 14:16 skrev Rob Wuijster <>:
> Yet I'm foolishly waiting for Maya to pick up some of the SI workflow 
> and menu setups..
> e.g. forest of mesh options en menu's.
> Rob
> \/-\/----\/
> On 31-8-2017 13:55, Morten Bartholdy wrote:
> > It is good to know that there is at least one sensible person in close 
> > proximity of Maya development :)
> >
> > Morten
> >
> >
> >
> >> Den 30. august 2017 klokken 17:28 skrev Luc-Eric Rousseau 
> >> <>:
> >>
> >>
> >> ok, I'll have someone take a look. thanks
> >>
> >> On 30 August 2017 at 10:18, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]
> >> <> wrote:
> >>> No, unfortunately I'm not confused about this.
> >>>
> >>> If you build a scene, save that scene, there is no lingering copy 
> >>> clipboard file still resident in the temp directory, and you never hit 
> >>> CTRL-C, hitting CTRL-V while in the Outliner rereads the same exact scene 
> >>> you are currently in, and had just saved, back into itself.
> >>>
> >>> It then begins telling me with via the progress bar, that the scene I had 
> >>> just saved, in my particular case with all 40,000+ objects, is now being 
> >>> read into the working scene.
> >>>
> >>> Which means my scene now has two iterations of itself present in the 
> >>> scene after it is finished.
> >>>
> >>> The repro steps for this are here:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> The point of this "feature" was apparently to facilitate the copying of 
> >>> objects across independent Maya sessions. But the cutCopyPaste.mel 
> >>> appears to be caching the current scene name and decides to use that 
> >>> instead if copy has never been executed prior to the paste or if no 
> >>> clipboard file is available and found. It just summarily, and without 
> >>> warning, proceeds to "paste" the saved scene back into itself.
> >>>
> >>> The upshot is that CTRL-V assumes an input that was never given it by the 
> >>> user.
> >>>
> >>> I'm not sure why in the world I would ever want it to do that when I can 
> >>> use "import" to explicitly re-read the scene, or explicitly perform a 
> >>> copy on the active scene hierarchy, to accomplish the same result.
> >>>
> >>> Instead it is an uncalled for action that has the potential to cause 
> >>> severe loss of data. Which is what happened in my case, because when I 
> >>> went to delete the 40,000+ extra copies that I did not need, it was still 
> >>> trying to delete them a day later.
> >>>
> >>> Joey
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> -Original Message-
> >>> From: 
> >>> [] On Behalf Of Luc-Eric 
> >>> Rousseau
> >>> Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 9:51 AM
> >>> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List. 
> >>>!forum/xsi_list 
> >>> <>
> >>> Subject: Re: What were they thinking
> >>>
> >>>>Ctrl-V executes a scene read, of the currently saved scene into the
> >>>> existing scene This happens if you are in the outliner
> >>>>Its basically the equivalent of import scene
> >>> I think you're confused about this one.  Ctrl+V is just the "paste"
> >>> command and the clipboard is implemented by saving objects when you press 
> >>> ctrl+C, and later importing objects on paste from a temp scene.
> >>> Exactly the same as it is XSI.  The only thing new here is that a 
> >>> progress bar was added to the outliner to show progress when there is a 
> >>> massive number of nodes added, and the log window will say something 
> >>> "scene read in 1s" or something, which may be confusing you.
> >>> --
> >>> Softimage Mail

Re: OTish - license issue with ECSU 2018

2017-08-30 Thread Morten Bartholdy
And now they are moving Arnold licensing to the ever lovely Autodesk Licensing 
Framework. I have been so happy with how RLM is working (as happy as you can be 
with any licensing management) but now those days are over :/

> Den 30. august 2017 klokken 10:21 skrev Rob Wuijster <>:
> you gotta be kidding me.. That's a lot of hoop jumping for fixing a 
> problem that shouldn't be there in the first place. :-\
> Running your apps as administrator, and editing the security 
> permissions... WGCW. ;-)
> Reminds me of the old Avid applications that only could run with a admin 
> account - and- stored all project data in the registry.
> Support days on Avid stuff were so much fun ;-)
> Rob
> \/-----\/----\/
> On 29-8-2017 9:59, Morten Bartholdy wrote:
> > For general information, I contacted Autodesk support on the phone, as they 
> > were slow to get back to me and time down was running. After a longer 
> > teamviewer session the problem was resolved for one workstation(!)
> >
> > It turns out we have to follow an arduous procedure on each workstation to 
> > get connection from workstations and renderclients to LMTOOLS v11.13 on our 
> > license server.
> >
> > Basically manually removing licensing connectivity files in the 
> > installation path, app specific windows paths and setting permissions for 
> > each Autodesk application, including older installs.
> >
> > I find the whole thing absolutely ridiculous and a great waste of our time. 
> > I can only deem it sloppy or inept programming on the part of Autodesk and 
> > Flexera, plus lacking information in the installation guides.
> >
> > I should mention the Autodesk supporter on the phone was very helpful and 
> > got things working, but this is not the way it is supposed to be. He 
> > admitted they have a large number of licensing issues atm, so there.
> >
> > For those interested and in case it can help others with similar issues, 
> > here is the procedure:
> >
> > -
> >
> > As discussed over the phone and on the remote session; you need to follow 
> > the steps listed below:
> >
> > Follow this path and delete the folder with the name: 657J1_2018
> >
> > C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\CLM\LGS\657J1_2018 (delete this folder)
> >
> > Then remember to follow also the instructions below:
> >
> > 1- Close any running Autodesk programs.
> > 2- Remove all files under C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ADUT.
> > 3- Remove all files under C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ADUT.
> > 4- Go to C:\ProgramData\FLEXnet and delete all files that start with 
> > adskflex.
> >
> > Then, go to the shortcut of Maya on the desktop and make a right click, go 
> > to properties and when you are on the compatibility tab; put a check mark 
> > on the "Run as an administrator" option. Then, please go to the security 
> > tab and edit the permissions for all the users available (add the full 
> > control to all of them).
> >
> > -
> >
> > MB:
> >
> > Fixing Softimage connection to Flexlm license server:
> >
> > Go to the shortcut of Softimage on the desktop and make a right click, go 
> > to properties and when you are on the compatibility tab; put a check mark 
> > on the "Run as an administrator" option. Then, please go to the security 
> > tab and edit the permissions for all the users available (add the full 
> > control to all of them).
> >
> > ---------
> >
> > Via Flexnet License Finder it is apparently required to Specify the License 
> > File location:
> >
> > L:\Autodesk\ECSU_License_2018\ENCSU2018_skynet.lic
> >
> > -
> >
> > Morten - Generally pissed off Autodesk customer
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> Den 24. august 2017 klokken 13:56 skrev Morten Bartholdy 
> >> <>:
> >>
> >>
> >> We have just upgraded to Maya 2018, which did not run off our flexlm 
> >> v11.12, so we had to upgrade to v11.13. Now I am unable to obtain a 
> >> license for neither Maya nor Softimage.
> >>
> >> I am in contact with AD support, but they are 6+ hours behind (I am in 

Re: Friday Flashback #313

2017-08-30 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Very cool! Glad to see people are still building tools for our beloved :)


> Den 29. august 2017 klokken 20:35 skrev Jason S :
> Great flashback!
> ... and also, "Rock Falcon" is back! :-)
> Showing a newly available, very simple, very easy and very fast, 
> hot-swappable and "ready to wear" fa?ial anim setup.
> -- FloatingFaceRig
> Brought to you by a former SpecialProjects team member :)
> On 08/26/17 10:25, Stephen Blair wrote:
> > Fantastic Fa?es
> > 
> >"Just around the corner from Venice?s famous Muscle Beach, in 
> > offices that, ironically, were formerly occupied by Arnold Schwarzenegger, 
> > the Softimage Special Projects Group tackles customer problems such as 
> > creating realistic fa?ial animation."
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > 
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: Animated booleans now and then

2017-08-29 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Implosia is a good bet. Remember to triangulate your geo before doing complex 
booleans - it will be a lot more stable.

Other than that, I know it might not help you, but the new boolean engine in 
Houdini 16 looks amazing:

Also Maya has lately gotten a couple of boolean plugins that look promising, 
although I have no idea about stability:



> Den 29. august 2017 klokken 13:09 skrev wavo :
> Hello,
> you can also try Implosia 
> its now free, You can create booleans via Icetree or sricptedOp vie the 
> PulldownMenu
> Am 8/28/2017 um 11:28 PM schrieb Sven Constable:
> >
> > ,,
> >
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I had several projects lately  that involved animated booleans with 
> > CAD data, which is problematic sometimes. I used the old BoolTrace 
> > shader by Alan Jones but it has its drawbacks: With many objects, 
> > using different materials, it's hard to  keep track of the shaders. 
> > Another problem was, that there is a limitation in the shader with 
> > reflections. Let's say you have a box and a sphere and the box is 
> > cutting the sphere in half. If another objects that is reflective, 
> > intersects the cutting volume (the box) it will reflect the box by 
> > it's primary rays. I assume that is because the shader interchanges 
> > primary and secondary rays under the hood. I could potentially get it 
> > solved by using passes/partition trickery or another shader to get 
> > selective reflections on object basis. However, this becomes quite 
> > complicated with a handful ob objects, all using different materials.
> >
> > On some projects I switched back to real (geo) booleans and fixed the 
> > "popping" of meshes by slighty adjusting the fcurves or cleaning the 
> > topology a bit, but its a hack. On another project I got away with 
> > slightly incorrect reflections using render time booleans. At the end 
> > it worked somehow but it was almost never elegant or straight forward.
> >
> > Is there an alternative to the (rather old) booltrace shader for XSI? 
> > Anything for redshift in that area? Last, not least, how do you 
> > approach animated booleans with complicated/heavy meshes nowadays?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Sven
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> -- 
> *Walter Volbers*
> Senior Animator
> Animation & Digital Effects GmbH
> Kontorhaus Osthafen
> Lindleystraße 12
> 60314 Frankfurt am Main
> Germany
> Telefon +49 (0) 69.48 000 55.50
> Telefax +49 (0) 69.48 000 55.15
> _
> ESC*58*
> Eine Kooperation der escape GmbH und der FIFTYEIGHT3D GmbH
> _
> _
> --
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Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: OTish - license issue with ECSU 2018

2017-08-29 Thread Morten Bartholdy
For general information, I contacted Autodesk support on the phone, as they 
were slow to get back to me and time down was running. After a longer 
teamviewer session the problem was resolved for one workstation(!) 

It turns out we have to follow an arduous procedure on each workstation to get 
connection from workstations and renderclients to LMTOOLS v11.13 on our license 

Basically manually removing licensing connectivity files in the installation 
path, app specific windows paths and setting permissions for each Autodesk 
application, including older installs.

I find the whole thing absolutely ridiculous and a great waste of our time. I 
can only deem it sloppy or inept programming on the part of Autodesk and 
Flexera, plus lacking information in the installation guides.

I should mention the Autodesk supporter on the phone was very helpful and got 
things working, but this is not the way it is supposed to be. He admitted they 
have a large number of licensing issues atm, so there.

For those interested and in case it can help others with similar issues, here 
is the procedure:


As discussed over the phone and on the remote session; you need to follow the 
steps listed below:

Follow this path and delete the folder with the name: 657J1_2018

C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\CLM\LGS\657J1_2018 (delete this folder)

Then remember to follow also the instructions below:

1- Close any running Autodesk programs.
2- Remove all files under C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ADUT.
3- Remove all files under C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ADUT.
4- Go to C:\ProgramData\FLEXnet and delete all files that start with adskflex.

Then, go to the shortcut of Maya on the desktop and make a right click, go to 
properties and when you are on the compatibility tab; put a check mark on the 
"Run as an administrator" option. Then, please go to the security tab and edit 
the permissions for all the users available (add the full control to all of 



Fixing Softimage connection to Flexlm license server:

Go to the shortcut of Softimage on the desktop and make a right click, go to 
properties and when you are on the compatibility tab; put a check mark on the 
"Run as an administrator" option. Then, please go to the security tab and edit 
the permissions for all the users available (add the full control to all of 


Via Flexnet License Finder it is apparently required to Specify the License 
File location:



Morten - Generally pissed off Autodesk customer

> Den 24. august 2017 klokken 13:56 skrev Morten Bartholdy 
> <>:
> We have just upgraded to Maya 2018, which did not run off our flexlm v11.12, 
> so we had to upgrade to v11.13. Now I am unable to obtain a license for 
> neither Maya nor Softimage.
> I am in contact with AD support, but they are 6+ hours behind (I am in 
> Denmark) and I was thinking someone here have run into the same issue and 
> found a way to resolve it which I might learn from.
> We have a license server running our license managers, so it is a simple 
> network license.
> When I launch Maya 2018 or 2016 I get: 
> Network License Not Available
> Error: [-15.570.0]
> Softimage 2015:
> Softimage 2015 can't run: 
> Error: there is no interactive network license available to run Autodesk 
> Softimage 2015.
> Autodesk suggest solving the Error: [-15.570.0]  bu fixing the license server 
> name in the registry, but it is correct as is.
> Any insight is much appreciated. I really wish AD would switch to RLM - no 
> hassle there.
> Cheers
> Morten
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: What were they thinking....

2017-08-25 Thread Morten Bartholdy
What gems you found there.

The lack of logical thinking behind the Maya UI and tool design is appalling - 
I am greying rapidly these days.


> Den 24. august 2017 klokken 23:50 skrev "Ponthieux, Joseph G. 
> Having been requested to do a project that would be best suited to do in Maya 
> because of some of the features Maya provides by default, namely fluids, I 
> have been using Maya several weeks for the first time in a really long while.
> I thought I would share, especially from a Softimage perspective, apparently 
> Maya has some hidden hotkeys and some hidden commands associated to existing 
> hotkeys that did not exist in the past.
> 1.   Z key executes Undo.
> a.   Its supposed to be Ctrl-Z, not Z, but apparently Z by itself does 
> the same thing
> b.  As a former Softimage user, prone to hitting the Z key very often, 
> I've been hitting this key a lot this week.
> c.   This command is documented, at least its searchable in the hot key 
> editor.
> d.  The command is redundant and inconsistent and makes it to easy to 
> undo something.
> e.  It has the potential to bite you by undoing your work without your 
> knowledge.
> 2.   Ctrl-V executes a scene read, of the currently saved scene into the 
> existing scene
> a.   This happens if you are in the outliner
> b.  Its basically the equivalent of import scene
> c.   It uses the current scene name as the import
> d.  If the scene is previously saved it will add a copy of the scene into 
> the existing scene
> e.  I was in outliner, renaming groups for a massively large scene, in 
> excess of 4 objects, I forgot to double click an item in the outliner to 
> initiate the rename of the object name, now it is reading another 40,000+ 
> objects into my scene. It will be tomorrow before I can salvage it, if at 
> all...
> f.This command is undocumented, the hot key editor provides no 
> context for this behavior related to the outliner.
> 3.   This occurs in Maya 2017. I am sure there are other insanities like 
> this lurking. Be warned
> Joey
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

OTish - license issue with ECSU 2018

2017-08-24 Thread Morten Bartholdy
We have just upgraded to Maya 2018, which did not run off our flexlm v11.12, so 
we had to upgrade to v11.13. Now I am unable to obtain a license for neither 
Maya nor Softimage.

I am in contact with AD support, but they are 6+ hours behind (I am in Denmark) 
and I was thinking someone here have run into the same issue and found a way to 
resolve it which I might learn from.

We have a license server running our license managers, so it is a simple 
network license.

When I launch Maya 2018 or 2016 I get: 

Network License Not Available
Error: [-15.570.0]

Softimage 2015:

Softimage 2015 can't run: 

Error: there is no interactive network license available to run Autodesk 
Softimage 2015.

Autodesk suggest solving the Error: [-15.570.0]  bu fixing the license server 
name in the registry, but it is correct as is.

Any insight is much appreciated. I really wish AD would switch to RLM - no 
hassle there.

Softimage Mailing List.
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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: Otish - is there a Maya equivalent of XSI's Deform by Curve?

2017-08-22 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I have just tried all the options for World Up Type - they just produce 
different types of flipping.

I will try lattice on curve and see how it goes.


> Den 22. august 2017 klokken 17:11 skrev toonafish <>:
>  strange, what’s the Up Vector setting in the Attribute Editor of the 
> deformed objects motion path attributes ?
> maybe you could try creating a lattice on the curve instead of the object (in 
> the Flow Path Object Options )  ?
> -R
> > On 22 Aug 2017, at 16:56, Morten Bartholdy <> wrote:
> > 
> > Maya 2016 Ext1 - but I tried again and tried not selecting the path curve 
> > before applying FlowPath, and it works, only it works the Maya way - see 
> > attached...
> > 
> > How do I avoid the up vector flipping? I can't see any options in the 
> > FlowPath menu.
> > 
> > MB
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >> Den 22. august 2017 klokken 16:43 skrev "Ponthieux, Joseph G. 
> >> (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]" <>:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> In which version of Maya?
> >> 
> >> Joey
> >> 
> >> 
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: 
> >> [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> >> Bartholdy
> >> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 10:42 AM
> >> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List. 
> >>!forum/xsi_list 
> >> <>
> >> Subject: Re: Otish - is there a Maya equivalent of XSI's Deform by Curve?
> >> 
> >> Just tried this and got a fatal error and hard crash - gotta love Maya...
> >> 
> >> MB
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >>> Den 22. august 2017 klokken 16:01 skrev Toonafish <>:
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> I had to do something similar in 2017 a while ago. You have to attach 
> >>> it to a path via the constrain panel ( constrain > motion paths > 
> >>> attach to motion path ), and then "> flow motion path".
> >>> 
> >>> Like Joseph already mentioned, Maya then creates a lattice deformer 
> >>> that deforms the mesh along the path.
> >>> 
> >>> - Ronald
> >>> 
> >>> On 8/22/2017 15:39, Morten Bartholdy wrote:
> >>>> I am on Maya 2016 ext1, and no Curve Warp :(
> >>>> 
> >>>> We are installing Maya 2018 tomorrow, so no biggie.
> >>>> Thanks.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Morten
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> Den 22. august 2017 klokken 15:32 skrev Rob Wuijster <>:
> >>>> 
> >>>> Just to add, pretty sure this was added in one of the later 
> >>>> Extension packs of Maya 2016.
> >>>> It always amazes me how basic functionality like this is often not 
> >>>> found in Maya.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Rob
> >>>> 
> >>>> \/-\/\/
> >>>> 
> >>>> On 22-8-2017 15:19, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II] wrote:
> >>>>> Maya has a command called Curve Warp in the Deform menu. It was 
> >>>>> introduced in Maya 2016 I think. Its fairly similar to SI's Deform by 
> >>>>> Curve.
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> Joey
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> -Original Message-
> >>>>> From: 
> >>>>> [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> >>>>> Bartholdy
> >>>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 9:09 AM
> >>>>> To: Userlist, Softimage <>
> >>>>> Subject: Otish - is there a Maya equivalent of XSI's Deform by Curve?
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> This place is still the best to ask questions like this, because people 
> >>>>> here understand, so please bear with me.
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> I am looking for a Maya equivalent to XSI's Deform by Curve, but have 
> >>>>> found nothing like it. How do people do similar stuff in Maya?
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> Thanks!
> >>>>&g

RE: Otish - is there a Maya equivalent of XSI's Deform by Curve?

2017-08-22 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Maya 2016 Ext1 - but I tried again and tried not selecting the path curve 
before applying FlowPath, and it works, only it works the Maya way - see 

How do I avoid the up vector flipping? I can't see any options in the FlowPath 


> Den 22. august 2017 klokken 16:43 skrev "Ponthieux, Joseph G. 
> (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]" <>:
> In which version of Maya?
> Joey
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 10:42 AM
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List. 
> <>
> Subject: Re: Otish - is there a Maya equivalent of XSI's Deform by Curve?
> Just tried this and got a fatal error and hard crash - gotta love Maya...
> MB
> > Den 22. august 2017 klokken 16:01 skrev Toonafish <>:
> > 
> > 
> > I had to do something similar in 2017 a while ago. You have to attach 
> > it to a path via the constrain panel ( constrain > motion paths > 
> > attach to motion path ), and then "> flow motion path".
> > 
> > Like Joseph already mentioned, Maya then creates a lattice deformer 
> > that deforms the mesh along the path.
> > 
> > - Ronald
> > 
> > On 8/22/2017 15:39, Morten Bartholdy wrote:
> > > I am on Maya 2016 ext1, and no Curve Warp :(
> > >
> > > We are installing Maya 2018 tomorrow, so no biggie.
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> > > Morten
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Den 22. august 2017 klokken 15:32 skrev Rob Wuijster <>:
> > >
> > > Just to add, pretty sure this was added in one of the later 
> > > Extension packs of Maya 2016.
> > > It always amazes me how basic functionality like this is often not 
> > > found in Maya.
> > >
> > > Rob
> > >
> > > \/-\/\/
> > >
> > > On 22-8-2017 15:19, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II] wrote:
> > >> Maya has a command called Curve Warp in the Deform menu. It was 
> > >> introduced in Maya 2016 I think. Its fairly similar to SI's Deform by 
> > >> Curve.
> > >>
> > >> Joey
> > >>
> > >> -Original Message-
> > >> From: 
> > >> [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> > >> Bartholdy
> > >> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 9:09 AM
> > >> To: Userlist, Softimage <>
> > >> Subject: Otish - is there a Maya equivalent of XSI's Deform by Curve?
> > >>
> > >> This place is still the best to ask questions like this, because people 
> > >> here understand, so please bear with me.
> > >>
> > >> I am looking for a Maya equivalent to XSI's Deform by Curve, but have 
> > >> found nothing like it. How do people do similar stuff in Maya?
> > >>
> > >> Thanks!
> > >>
> > >> Morten
> > >> --
> > >> Softimage Mailing List.
> > >> To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> > >> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > >>
> > >> --
> > >> Softimage Mailing List.
> > >> To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> > >> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > > --
> > > Softimage Mailing List.
> > > To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> > > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > > --
> > > Softimage Mailing List.
> > > To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> > > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > >
> > 
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.--
Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: Otish - is there a Maya equivalent of XSI's Deform by Curve?

2017-08-22 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Just tried this and got a fatal error and hard crash - gotta love Maya...


> Den 22. august 2017 klokken 16:01 skrev Toonafish <>:
> I had to do something similar in 2017 a while ago. You have to attach it 
> to a path via the constrain panel ( constrain > motion paths > attach  
> to motion path ), and then "> flow motion path".
> Like Joseph already mentioned, Maya then creates a lattice deformer that 
> deforms the mesh along the path.
> - Ronald
> On 8/22/2017 15:39, Morten Bartholdy wrote:
> > I am on Maya 2016 ext1, and no Curve Warp :(
> >
> > We are installing Maya 2018 tomorrow, so no biggie.
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Morten
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Den 22. august 2017 klokken 15:32 skrev Rob Wuijster <>:
> >
> > Just to add, pretty sure this was added in one of the later Extension
> > packs of Maya 2016.
> > It always amazes me how basic functionality like this is often not found
> > in Maya.
> >
> > Rob
> >
> > \/-\/\/
> >
> > On 22-8-2017 15:19, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II] wrote:
> >> Maya has a command called Curve Warp in the Deform menu. It was introduced 
> >> in Maya 2016 I think. Its fairly similar to SI's Deform by Curve.
> >>
> >> Joey
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: 
> >> [] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
> >> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 9:09 AM
> >> To: Userlist, Softimage <>
> >> Subject: Otish - is there a Maya equivalent of XSI's Deform by Curve?
> >>
> >> This place is still the best to ask questions like this, because people 
> >> here understand, so please bear with me.
> >>
> >> I am looking for a Maya equivalent to XSI's Deform by Curve, but have 
> >> found nothing like it. How do people do similar stuff in Maya?
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >>
> >> Morten
> >> --
> >> Softimage Mailing List.
> >> To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> >> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Softimage Mailing List.
> >> To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> >> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
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Re: Otish - is there a Maya equivalent of XSI's Deform by Curve?

2017-08-22 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Roger that - thanks :)


> Den 22. august 2017 klokken 16:01 skrev Toonafish <>:
> I had to do something similar in 2017 a while ago. You have to attach it 
> to a path via the constrain panel ( constrain > motion paths > attach  
> to motion path ), and then "> flow motion path".
> Like Joseph already mentioned, Maya then creates a lattice deformer that 
> deforms the mesh along the path.
> - Ronald
> On 8/22/2017 15:39, Morten Bartholdy wrote:
> > I am on Maya 2016 ext1, and no Curve Warp :(
> >
> > We are installing Maya 2018 tomorrow, so no biggie.
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Morten
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Den 22. august 2017 klokken 15:32 skrev Rob Wuijster <>:
> >
> > Just to add, pretty sure this was added in one of the later Extension
> > packs of Maya 2016.
> > It always amazes me how basic functionality like this is often not found
> > in Maya.
> >
> > Rob
> >
> > \/-\/\/
> >
> > On 22-8-2017 15:19, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II] wrote:
> >> Maya has a command called Curve Warp in the Deform menu. It was introduced 
> >> in Maya 2016 I think. Its fairly similar to SI's Deform by Curve.
> >>
> >> Joey
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: 
> >> [] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
> >> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 9:09 AM
> >> To: Userlist, Softimage <>
> >> Subject: Otish - is there a Maya equivalent of XSI's Deform by Curve?
> >>
> >> This place is still the best to ask questions like this, because people 
> >> here understand, so please bear with me.
> >>
> >> I am looking for a Maya equivalent to XSI's Deform by Curve, but have 
> >> found nothing like it. How do people do similar stuff in Maya?
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >>
> >> Morten
> >> --
> >> Softimage Mailing List.
> >> To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> >> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Softimage Mailing List.
> >> To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> >> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
Softimage Mailing List.
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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Re: Otish - is there a Maya equivalent of XSI's Deform by Curve?

2017-08-22 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I am on Maya 2016 ext1, and no Curve Warp :(

We are installing Maya 2018 tomorrow, so no biggie. 


Den 22. august 2017 klokken 15:32 skrev Rob Wuijster <>:

Just to add, pretty sure this was added in one of the later Extension 
packs of Maya 2016.
It always amazes me how basic functionality like this is often not found 
in Maya.



On 22-8-2017 15:19, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II] wrote:
> Maya has a command called Curve Warp in the Deform menu. It was introduced in 
> Maya 2016 I think. Its fairly similar to SI's Deform by Curve.
> Joey
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 9:09 AM
> To: Userlist, Softimage <>
> Subject: Otish - is there a Maya equivalent of XSI's Deform by Curve?
> This place is still the best to ask questions like this, because people here 
> understand, so please bear with me.
> I am looking for a Maya equivalent to XSI's Deform by Curve, but have found 
> nothing like it. How do people do similar stuff in Maya?
> Thanks!
> Morten
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Softimage Mailing List.
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Softimage Mailing List.
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Otish - is there a Maya equivalent of XSI's Deform by Curve?

2017-08-22 Thread Morten Bartholdy
This place is still the best to ask questions like this, because people here 
understand, so please bear with me.

I am looking for a Maya equivalent to XSI's Deform by Curve, but have found 
nothing like it. How do people do similar stuff in Maya?


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Re: OTish - Maya equivalent to weightmap in Softimage?

2017-08-09 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Right, thanks Enrique. I found that, but how do I actually get to paint values 
into this set?
My apologies, but the documentation is not very helpful on this issue.


> Den 9. august 2017 klokken 10:00 skrev Enrique Caballero 
> <>:
> Morton,
> Try Vertex Color Sets.
> We found that this was the closest to an equivalent.  We use that and then
> use that to drive various things similar to a weight map
> it's under the mesh display tab, there is also a Color Set editor that you
> can use to organise them.
> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 3:22 PM, Morten Bartholdy <>
> wrote:
> > Thanks Steve. Given the quality of the Maya documentation this might
> > easily slip under my radar :)
> >
> > MB
> >
> >
> >
> > > Den 8. august 2017 klokken 18:27 skrev Steve Parish <
> >>:
> > >
> > >
> > > If using Arnold hit "Export Vertex Colors" under the Arnold property on
> > the
> > > object.
> > >
> > > Steve
> > >
> > > On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 9:45 AM, Morten Bartholdy <>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Thanks for clarifying Anto - I sort of suspected that much :/
> > > >
> > > > MB
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Den 5. august 2017 klokken 00:13 skrev Anto Matkovic <
> >
> > > > >:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > There is no weight map property usable for everything in Maya,
> > neither
> > > > in Max. Weight map for modulating the deformer, like blend shape, is
> > tied
> > > > to deformer, perhaps even stored with deformer node. For Hypershade and
> > > > rendering, you can use vertex colors and vertex color painter, if your
> > > > renderer has appropriate shading node, I think it's aiUserColor for
> > Arnold.
> > > > Maybe there's utility around, able to exchange these maps.
> > > > >   From: Morten Bartholdy <>
> > > > >  To:
> > > > >  Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 11:37 AM
> > > > >  Subject: OTish - Maya equivalent to weightmap in Softimage?
> > > > >
> > > > > I am learning Maya atm and have run into a snag (one of many). I
> > would
> > > > like to use weightmaps in Maya like I am used to in Softimage. Our Maya
> > > > artists have no clue what I am talking about, so no help there.
> > > > >
> > > > > It looks like I can paint attributes on geometry using Artisan paint
> > > > tools, but the proces (from reading docs and forums) is not so
> > > > straightforward.
> > > > >
> > > > > Am I correct in assuming I should apply a paintable attribute to the
> > > > shapenode(!?) and then use a silly mel command (as opposed to have it
> > > > paintable when applied, or at least via a button) to make it
> > paintable? And
> > > > how do I then grab the painted values in the Hypershade or for an
> > operator?
> > > > >
> > > > > Could someone who has been there quickly run through the steps, or
> > point
> > > > to a different workflow to achieve something similar?
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks!
> > > > >
> > > > > Cheers
> > > > > Morten
> > > > > --
> > > > > Softimage Mailing List.
> > > > > To unsubscribe, send a mail to softimage-request@listproc.
> >
> > > > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > > > >
> > > > >
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> > > > > Softimage Mailing List.
> > > > > To unsubscribe, send a mail to softimage-request@listproc.
> >
> > > > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > > > --
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> > > > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > > >
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> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
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> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
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Re: OTish - Maya equivalent to weightmap in Softimage?

2017-08-09 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Thanks Steve. Given the quality of the Maya documentation this might easily 
slip under my radar :)


> Den 8. august 2017 klokken 18:27 skrev Steve Parish <>:
> If using Arnold hit "Export Vertex Colors" under the Arnold property on the
> object.
> Steve
> On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 9:45 AM, Morten Bartholdy <>
> wrote:
> > Thanks for clarifying Anto - I sort of suspected that much :/
> >
> > MB
> >
> >
> >
> > > Den 5. august 2017 klokken 00:13 skrev Anto Matkovic <
> > >:
> > >
> > >
> > > There is no weight map property usable for everything in Maya, neither
> > in Max. Weight map for modulating the deformer, like blend shape, is tied
> > to deformer, perhaps even stored with deformer node. For Hypershade and
> > rendering, you can use vertex colors and vertex color painter, if your
> > renderer has appropriate shading node, I think it's aiUserColor for Arnold.
> > Maybe there's utility around, able to exchange these maps.
> > >   From: Morten Bartholdy <>
> > >  To:
> > >  Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 11:37 AM
> > >  Subject: OTish - Maya equivalent to weightmap in Softimage?
> > >
> > > I am learning Maya atm and have run into a snag (one of many). I would
> > like to use weightmaps in Maya like I am used to in Softimage. Our Maya
> > artists have no clue what I am talking about, so no help there.
> > >
> > > It looks like I can paint attributes on geometry using Artisan paint
> > tools, but the proces (from reading docs and forums) is not so
> > straightforward.
> > >
> > > Am I correct in assuming I should apply a paintable attribute to the
> > shapenode(!?) and then use a silly mel command (as opposed to have it
> > paintable when applied, or at least via a button) to make it paintable? And
> > how do I then grab the painted values in the Hypershade or for an operator?
> > >
> > > Could someone who has been there quickly run through the steps, or point
> > to a different workflow to achieve something similar?
> > >
> > > Thanks!
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > > Morten
> > > --
> > > Softimage Mailing List.
> > > To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > >
> > >
> > >--
> > > Softimage Mailing List.
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> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
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> >
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Re: OTish - Maya equivalent to weightmap in Softimage?

2017-08-08 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Thanks for clarifying Anto - I sort of suspected that much :/


> Den 5. august 2017 klokken 00:13 skrev Anto Matkovic <>:
> There is no weight map property usable for everything in Maya, neither in 
> Max. Weight map for modulating the deformer, like blend shape, is tied to 
> deformer, perhaps even stored with deformer node. For Hypershade and 
> rendering, you can use vertex colors and vertex color painter, if your 
> renderer has appropriate shading node, I think it's aiUserColor for Arnold. 
> Maybe there's utility around, able to exchange these maps.
>   From: Morten Bartholdy <>
>  To: 
>  Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 11:37 AM
>  Subject: OTish - Maya equivalent to weightmap in Softimage?
> I am learning Maya atm and have run into a snag (one of many). I would like 
> to use weightmaps in Maya like I am used to in Softimage. Our Maya artists 
> have no clue what I am talking about, so no help there.
> It looks like I can paint attributes on geometry using Artisan paint tools, 
> but the proces (from reading docs and forums) is not so straightforward.
> Am I correct in assuming I should apply a paintable attribute to the 
> shapenode(!?) and then use a silly mel command (as opposed to have it 
> paintable when applied, or at least via a button) to make it paintable? And 
> how do I then grab the painted values in the Hypershade or for an operator?
> Could someone who has been there quickly run through the steps, or point to a 
> different workflow to achieve something similar?
> Thanks!
> Cheers
> Morten
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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RE: Friday Flashback #311

2017-08-04 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I think there was only Metamesh Extreme - and it did transfer UV's as far as I 

I did a gig in London for Pison (Pison Tools) where we used Metamesh for 
characters. Great stuff.


> Den 4. august 2017 klokken 22:30 skrev Sven Constable 
> <>:
> There was also 'Metamesh Extreme'. Can't remember the difference. Was it the
> ability to transfer UVs?
> Sven
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Morten
> Bartholdy
> Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 10:19 PM
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> Subject: Re: Friday Flashback #311
> I still remember the liberation of Phoenixtools Metamesh after years of
> trying to glue NURBS patches :)
> MB
> > Den 4. august 2017 klokken 21:49 skrev Stephen Blair
> <>:
> > 
> > 
> > Softimage @ SIGGRAPH 2000
> >
> > --
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RE: inevitable misery...

2017-08-04 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Well - Arnold and RLM licensing has been a calming factor in my tedious 
licensing chores along the way. Autodesk licensing crap has cost me weeks if 
not months of lost worktime - I hate that shit.


> Den 4. august 2017 klokken 22:03 skrev Sven Constable 
> <>:
> its'friday but calm down, dude. :)  Do you really thought, AD would not go 
> the rental/subscription way with arnold?
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
> Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 9:50 PM
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List. 
> Subject: Re: inevitable misery...
> I just read the terms - fucking assholes!!! I am certain AD has a Trump 
> member on the board.
> MB
> > Den 4. august 2017 klokken 17:32 skrev Andi Farhall <>:
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Changes in Licensing for Arnold | Search | Autodesk Knowledge 
> > Network<>
> >
> > Solid Angle, and the Arnold renderer, were acquired by Autodesk in 2016. As 
> > part of our ongoing integration process, Arnold transitions to the Autodesk 
> > Licensing Framework on July 25, 2017. This change applies to new licenses 
> > of Arnold. The Autodesk Licensing Framework is the same licensing 
> > technology we use for many of our other software products including 
> > Autodesk® Maya® and Autodesk® 3ds Max®
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
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> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
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Re: inevitable misery...

2017-08-04 Thread Morten Bartholdy
I just read the terms - fucking assholes!!! I am certain AD has a Trump member 
on the board.


> Den 4. august 2017 klokken 17:32 skrev Andi Farhall :
> Changes in Licensing for Arnold | Search | Autodesk Knowledge 
> Network
> Solid Angle, and the Arnold renderer, were acquired by Autodesk in 2016. As 
> part of our ongoing integration process, Arnold transitions to the Autodesk 
> Licensing Framework on July 25, 2017. This change applies to new licenses of 
> Arnold. The Autodesk Licensing Framework is the same licensing technology we 
> use for many of our other software products including Autodesk® Maya® and 
> Autodesk® 3ds Max®
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Re: inevitable misery...

2017-08-04 Thread Morten Bartholdy
In other words - an utter shit experience...


> Den 4. august 2017 klokken 17:32 skrev Andi Farhall :
> Changes in Licensing for Arnold | Search | Autodesk Knowledge 
> Network
> Solid Angle, and the Arnold renderer, were acquired by Autodesk in 2016. As 
> part of our ongoing integration process, Arnold transitions to the Autodesk 
> Licensing Framework on July 25, 2017. This change applies to new licenses of 
> Arnold. The Autodesk Licensing Framework is the same licensing technology we 
> use for many of our other software products including Autodesk® Maya® and 
> Autodesk® 3ds Max®
> --
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Softimage license transfer

2017-08-04 Thread Morten Bartholdy
There was a thread about buying Softimage licenses from other users a while 
ago. Autodesk does not permit selling licenses but in the EU this practise has 
been established as unlawful:

Did any of you find out if it is currently possible to get Autodesk to make a 
license transfer if you have managed to find someone to buy a license from? I 
found this on the topic:

After all there should be plenty unused Softimage licenses around these days, 
so it should be possible.
Is anyone here interested in selling their copy of Softimage?

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