Re: Nested tab layouts possible?

2003-07-22 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 You can nest tab layout, but you need to modify the tabsLayout.jsp to 
take into account the several tabs layout. Try  and adapt the 
nestedTabsLayout.jsp located in tiles-documentation.war under layouts.

 Hope this help,



Has anyone been able to get nested tabs working using tiles?

I have a tile that uses a tab layout. Within the first tab is another tile
that also has a tab layout. 

So within tab A, I want to see sub-tabs 1 and 2.

 definition name=tabslayout.default path=/jsp/layouts/tabslayout.jsp
   put name=selectedIndex value=0 /
   put name=parameterName value=selected /
   putList name=tabList
item value=Tab A link=/jsp/tabA.jsp /
item value=Tab B link=/jsp/tabB.jsp /
 definition name=tabslayout.nested path=/jsp/layouts/tabslayout.jsp
   put name=selectedIndex value=0 /
   put name=parameterName value=selected /
   putList name=tabList
	item value=Subtab 1 link=/jsp/tab1.jap / 
	item value=Subtab 2 link=/jsp/tab2.jap / 

Main JSP:
tiles:insert definition=tabslayout.default flush=true /
Tab A JSP:
tiles:insert definition=tabslayout.nested flush=true /
At runtime, the indexing of tabs doesn't work properly. If I click on
sub-tab 2, it takes me to major tab B. There seems to be no way of selecting
a subtab index within a main tab index.
Anyone know if there a way to nest these things? Or a better approach?

Any help appreciated.

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Re: [tiles] ComponentContext returning null

2003-07-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 The ComponentContext exist only if you are in a tile. You are in a 
tile if you insert your jsp or action with one of the tile 'insert' 
mechanism: tiles:insert .. or a forward to a tile definition. 
Otherwise, the ComponentContext doesn't exist.

  Hope this help,


William Salvucci wrote:

Can anybody explain how the component context is set? 

From within an Action when I call 
ComponentContext context = ComponentContext.getContext( request );

context is always null.

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Re: [tiles] programatically putting a definition into a layout

2003-06-24 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 There is an example on how to retrieve the tile context in 
 A tile context is created each time a tile is inserted. The tile 
context is hold in a ComponentContext object.

 Hope this help,


William Salvucci wrote:

tiles context? How do I get that?

The logon.jsp has a struts html:form attribute that is associated to the action class.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/23/03 06:05AM 

William Salvucci wrote:


with the following tiles-def, I can forward to layout.main and everything is fine:

definition name=layout.main path=/layoutMain.jsp
  put name=header value=header.jsp /
  put name=app /
  put name=footer value=footer.jsp /
definition path=/layoutApp.jsp
  put name=mainMenu value=menu.main /
  put name=subMenu value=subMenu.jsp /
  put name=body value=welcome.jsp /
!-- Menu bar definition --
definition name=menu.main path=/menu.jsp 
putList name=items 
  add value=Item 1 /
  add value=Item 2 /
  add value=Item 3 /
I then modify the tiles-def so that in layout.main app = logon.jsp where logon.jsp submit is associated with a struts action. In the struts action I set the layout.main app = 

ComponentDefinition layout = TilesUtil.getDefinition(layout.main, request, 

 It is not recommended to change a definition dynamically, unless you 
know very well what you do. A definition content is shared by all the 
website. Changing the content will be reflected to all user of the 
definition. If you want to change a definition attribute for the current 
tiles, you should do so in the tile context, which hold a temporary copy 
of the definition.


and forward to layout.main. So basically after the action everything should be the same as my original setup. However, I get the following error on the forward

Jun 20, 2003 1:16:00 PM EDT Error HTTP Included resource or file /netl-c
ommons/ not found from requested resource /netl-commons/layoutMain.j

 The name has been interpreted as an URL.  It appear that 
the Tiles mechanism hasn't catch it.
 I don't see how you call the action from the logon.jsp page.



layoutMain.jsp is not changed during my update and looks like

TABLE border=1
TRTD COLSPAN=2tiles:insert attribute=header//TD/TR
TRTD COLSPAN=2tiles:insert attribute=app / /TD/TR
TRTD COLSPAN=2tiles:insert attribute=footer//TD/TR
Any idea why layoutMain.jsp could load in the original, but can't when I programatically put it into layout.main? I noticed that the put method doesn't have type as an argument for specifying string, page, definition, so I hope that isn't it.

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Re: A tiles controller is called for an unrelated tiles defintion.

2003-06-24 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 The log indicate that your .login definition is called by a way or 
another. It is hard to say why without knowledge of the workflow of your 
application. Is your /greeting action called when you hit a page issuing 
the log ?


Rick Smith wrote:

Have you tried to remove the associated controller from your login

definition ?

When I remove the controller from the .login definition everything works as
expected. Also if I move the controller from the .login definition to a
different tiles definition, the controller is not called multiple times.

Where do you get or insert your login definition ?

The .login definiton is retrieved via an ActionForward, I don't explicitly
'get' or 'insert' it from within a JSP.
action=/greetings  forward=.login/



The attached file shows the template JSP used in the tiles .baseLayout
definition that all other definitions extend; it also includes a sample of


'content' tile that gets substituted for each definition.

I control the navigation to the various pages by using tiles definitions as
I hope that the above is acceptable tiles practice.


-  My BaseLayout.jsp  

This is a page layout that provides for a header area, a navigational

bar, a context menu, a content

area and a footer area.

* Does NOT open the BODY tag.
* This allows header tiles to set body-tag attributes.
* Does close the BODY tag.
* Exports attributes to request so that they can be used by any sub-tile.

* Expects app.title to be defined in the application resources
* as name of the application.
%@ page language=java %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-bean prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-html prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-logic prefix=logic %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/tiles prefix=tiles %
tiles:importAttribute scope=request/


 tiles:get name=header /

 tiles:get name=banner /

 tiles:get name=navigationBar /

 table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2 width=740

summary=Page Content

 td valign=top width=155 br
 	logic:present name=contextMenu
	   table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=155

summary=Secondary Navigation

  tiles:get name=contextMenu /
td valign=top width=3img src=bean:message

key=images.commonURL//spacer.gif height=1 width=3 alt= /td

td valign=top bgcolor=#cdcdcd width=1img src=bean:message

key=images.commonURL//spacer.gif height=1 width=1 alt= /td

td valign=top width=5img src=bean:message

key=images.commonURL//spacer.gif height=1 width=5 alt= /td

td valign=top width=530tiles:get name=content /  /td

td valign=top width=7img src=bean:message

key=images.commonURL//spacer.gif height=1 width=7 alt= /td

td valign=top bgcolor=#cdcdcd width=1img src=bean:message

key=images.commonURL//spacer.gif height=1 width=1 alt= /td

td valign=top width=7img src=bean:message

key=images.commonURL//spacer.gif height=1 width=7 alt= /td

tiles:get name=footer /

VV  ---  a sample content


This renders the content of the welcome text for Type1 users
%@ page language=java import=util.Constants%
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-bean prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-logic prefix=logic %
 table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2 width=740

summary=Page Content

 td valign=top class=contenttext
		   img src=bean:message

key=images.commonURL//main_title_company.gif width=367 height=21
border=0 alt=My Systembr

		   logic:present name=%=Constants.USER %
			bWecolmenbspbean:write name=%=Constants.USER %


   logic:notPresent name=%=Constants.USER %
bWelcome Type 1 user/b,/p
  pbean:message key=welcome.type1user/br

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Re: A tiles controller is called for an unrelated tiles defintion.

2003-06-23 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Rick Smith wrote:

Normally, the controller is called only when its definition is

A search of my JSP source code directory confirms that I do not use the
tiles:insert tag at all, I'm using tiles:get: all my tiles are defined
in my tiles-defs.xml.

 The tiles:get tag extends the tiles:insert tag. The primer is for 
compatibility with the template mechanism. If you get or insert your 
login definition, its associated controller is called.
 Have you tried to remove the associated controller from your login 
definition ? Does the controller still called ?
 Where do you get or insert your login definition ?


The attached file shows the template JSP used in the tiles .baseLayout
definition that all other definitions extend; it also includes a sample of a
'content' tile that gets substituted for each definition.
I control the navigation to the various pages by using tiles definitions as
I hope that the above is acceptable tiles practice.



-  My BaseLayout.jsp  

 This is a page layout that provides for a header area, a navigational bar, a context menu, a content
 area and a footer area. 

* Does NOT open the BODY tag. 
* This allows header tiles to set body-tag attributes.
* Does close the BODY tag. 

* Exports attributes to request so that they can be used by any sub-tile.

* Expects app.title to be defined in the application resources 
* as name of the application.
%@ page language=java %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-bean prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-html prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-logic prefix=logic %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/tiles prefix=tiles %

tiles:importAttribute scope=request/


  tiles:get name=header /
  tiles:get name=banner /

  tiles:get name=navigationBar /

  table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2 width=740 summary=Page Content
  td valign=top width=155 br
logic:present name=contextMenu
   table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=155 summary=Secondary 
  tiles:get name=contextMenu /

 td valign=top width=3img src=bean:message key=images.commonURL//spacer.gif height=1 
width=3 alt= /td
 td valign=top bgcolor=#cdcdcd width=1img src=bean:message key=images.commonURL//spacer.gif 
height=1 width=1 alt= /td
 td valign=top width=5img src=bean:message key=images.commonURL//spacer.gif height=1 
width=5 alt= /td
 td valign=top width=530tiles:get name=content /  /td

 td valign=top width=7img src=bean:message key=images.commonURL//spacer.gif height=1 
width=7 alt= /td
 td valign=top bgcolor=#cdcdcd width=1img src=bean:message key=images.commonURL//spacer.gif 
height=1 width=1 alt= /td
 td valign=top width=7img src=bean:message key=images.commonURL//spacer.gif height=1 
width=7 alt= /td

 tiles:get name=footer /

VV  ---  a sample content tile  

This renders the content of the welcome text for Type1 users
%@ page language=java import=util.Constants%
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-bean prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-logic prefix=logic %
  table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2 width=740 summary=Page Content
  td valign=top class=contenttext
		   img src=bean:message key=images.commonURL//main_title_company.gif width=367 height=21 border=0 alt=My Systembr
		   logic:present name=%=Constants.USER %
			bWecolmenbspbean:write name=%=Constants.USER %  property=firstName//b,
		   logic:notPresent name=%=Constants.USER %
			bWelcome Type 1 user/b,/p
		  pbean:message key=welcome.type1user/br

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[Fwd: Using Struts tab layout]

2003-06-23 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The Tiles tabsLayout.jsp accept jsp URL and definition names. So, 
using definition name in the tabList, as you porpose, should work. You 
can check tabsLayout.jsp code to see how it works.


 Original Message 
Subject:Using Struts tab layout
Date:   Fri, 20 Jun 2003 17:59:20 +0200
Reply-To:   Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm a Struts newbie and this question may have been already addressed, but I can't 
seem to find anything relevant in the mail archives.
I'm trying to use the generic Struts tab layout to my web content and have various 
page definitions built on top of my tile modules. In the tabs application demo, each 
tab directly references a link to a JSP url. However, all of my pages are defined via 
the tiles XML definition file, it would be nice if I can reference these definitions 
in the tab list rather than the URL link (would mean a reworking of my design). Is 
there a way to do this or can someone recommend a solution? Any help would be 
Here's a scaled-down version of my definition file.

definition name=.aFGenericReportPage 
put name=title value=SOME TITLE HERE/
put name=header value=SOME HEADER HERE/
put name=body   value=SOME BODY HERE/
definition name=.aFOTDRMeasReportPageOverview 
put name=title value=OTDR Measurement Report/
put name=header value=OTDRMeasReportHeader.def type=definition/
put name=body   value=aFOTDRMeasBody.def type=definition/
!-- Page Definitions ends here --

!-- tabs page --
definition name=aFOTDRTabbedMeasBody.def 
put name=selectedIndex value=0/
put name=parameterName value=selected/
putList name=tabList
			!-- would like to do something like this, but not sure on how and 
	syntax --
			add value=Overview link=.aFOTDRMeasReportPageOverview/
			add value=Detailed link=.aFOTDRMeasReportPageDetailed/

definition name=.aFOTDRMeasReportPage
put name=title value=OTDR MeasurementReport/
put name=body value=aFOTDRTabbedMeasBody.def/
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Re: [tiles] programatically putting a definition into a layout

2003-06-23 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

William Salvucci wrote:

with the following tiles-def, I can forward to layout.main and everything is fine:

definition name=layout.main path=/layoutMain.jsp
   put name=header value=header.jsp /
   put name=app /
   put name=footer value=footer.jsp /
 definition path=/layoutApp.jsp
   put name=mainMenu value=menu.main /
   put name=subMenu value=subMenu.jsp /
   put name=body value=welcome.jsp /
 !-- Menu bar definition --
definition name=menu.main path=/menu.jsp 
 putList name=items 
   add value=Item 1 /
   add value=Item 2 /
   add value=Item 3 /
I then modify the tiles-def so that in layout.main app = logon.jsp where logon.jsp submit is associated with a struts action. In the struts action I set the layout.main app = 

ComponentDefinition layout = TilesUtil.getDefinition(layout.main, request, this.servlet.getServletContext());

 It is not recommended to change a definition dynamically, unless you 
know very well what you do. A definition content is shared by all the 
website. Changing the content will be reflected to all user of the 
definition. If you want to change a definition attribute for the current 
tiles, you should do so in the tile context, which hold a temporary copy 
of the definition.

and forward to layout.main. So basically after the action everything should be the same as my original setup. However, I get the following error on the forward

Jun 20, 2003 1:16:00 PM EDT Error HTTP Included resource or file /netl-c
ommons/ not found from requested resource /netl-commons/layoutMain.j

 The name has been interpreted as an URL.  It appear that 
the Tiles mechanism hasn't catch it.
 I don't see how you call the action from the logon.jsp page.


layoutMain.jsp is not changed during my update and looks like

TABLE border=1
 TRTD COLSPAN=2tiles:insert attribute=header//TD/TR
 TRTD COLSPAN=2tiles:insert attribute=app / /TD/TR
 TRTD COLSPAN=2tiles:insert attribute=footer//TD/TR
Any idea why layoutMain.jsp could load in the original, but can't when I programatically put it into layout.main? I noticed that the put method doesn't have type as an argument for specifying string, page, definition, so I hope that isn't it.

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Re: A question on Tiles and Frames

2003-06-20 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 Each frame of a frameset is filled with a web page. Each one issue an 
independent http request to the web server. So each page corresponding 
to a frame should be publicly accessible on the web server, and can't be 
under WEB-INF.


Jeff Kyser wrote:


I was trying to use a Tile Definition like:

definition name=associator.masterPage
put name=title   value=Associator /
put name=heading value=/WEB-INF/pages/tiles/heading.jsp /
put name=codevalue=/WEB-INF/pages/tiles/emptyMenu.jsp /
put name=menuvalue=/WEB-INF/pages/menu.jsp /
put name=button  value=/WEB-INF/pages/button.jsp/
put name=textvalue=/WEB-INF/pages/categories.jsp/
with a framesetLayout.jsp that looks like:

frameset rows=137,* frameborder=NO border=0 framespacing=0
frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString 
name=heading / name=heading scrolling=NO noresize
frameset cols=217,* frameborder=NO border=0 framespacing=0
frameset rows=0,* frameborder=NO border=0 
src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString name=code /   
src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString name=menu /   
frameset rows=26%,* frameborder=0 border=0 
framespacing=5 cols=*
src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString name=button / 
name=button noresize/
src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString name=text /   
name=text noresize/

but I get Forbidden errors, presumably because my JSPs are beneath the 
WEB-INF directory and
therefore not accessible.

Is there an alternate way to do this and still have my JSPs underneath 

(Basically, I have a frames-based layout with a scrollable panel, and 
am trying
to figure out how to best implement that feature using Struts/Tiles 
without exposing all
my JSPs.



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Re: Multi-channel tiles example

2003-06-20 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 There is an (old) example of multi-channels in the Tiles distribution 
 Be aware that this example has a lot of bad links, but the links 
related to multi-channel should still working.

 You can also find the following a valuable resource:

 Hope this help,


Trevor Porter wrote:

The struts tiles guide 
( mentions 
multi-channel tiles as a feature to load different tiles according to 
some arbitrary key. Is there any documentation or examples 
demonstration this?

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Re: A tiles controller is called for an unrelated tiles defintion.

2003-06-20 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 Normally, the controller is called only when its definition is 
inserted. Are you sure that you don't insert the .login definition 
from the pages you navigate ? What is the jsp for one of this page ?


Rick Smith wrote:

I have a Tiles controller that has been simplified to write to the log. This
controller is attached to the tiles definiton used for my login page (no
other controllers are used anywhere). What I don't understand is that as I
navigate accross the site, every time I am forwarded to a new page (created
from a tiles definiton), the logon-controller gets called. Could somebody
please explain to me why this might be happening? Below I have included a
sample of my tiles-defs.xml, and a portion of the log illustrating the
In my tiles controller I have :

public void perform(ComponentContext arg0, HttpServletRequest arg1,
HttpServletResponse arg2,
  ServletContext arg3)
throws ServletException, IOException {
arg3.log( ___Tile Controller: tile definition name -+
In my tiles-defs.xml I have:


  definition name=.baseLayout
put name=tileDefinitionName value=.baseLayout /
put name=titleKey   value=app.title /
put name=header value=/WEB-INF/pages/common/header.jsp/
put name=banner value=/WEB-INF/pages/common/banner.jsp/
put name=navigationBar value=/WEB-INF/pages/common/navigationBar.jsp/
put name=contentvalue=${content}/
put name=footer value=/WEB-INF/pages/common/footer.jsp/
   definition name=.login extends=.baseLayout
put name=tileDefinitionName value=.login /
put name=navigationBar
put name=contentvalue=/WEB-INF/pages/login.jsp/
  definition name=.welcome extends=.baseLayout
put name=tileDefinitionName value=.welcome /
put name=contentvalue=/WEB-INF/pages/welcome.jsp/
   definition name=.widgets.main extends=.baseLayout
put name=contextMenu
put name=contentvalue=/WEB-INF/pages/widgets/widgetsMain.jsp/
 put name=tileDefinitionName value=.widgets.main /
   definition name=.widgets.selected extends=.baseLayout
put name=contextMenu
put name=contentvalue=/WEB-INF/pages/widgets/widgetsSelected.jsp/
 put name=tileDefinitionName value=.widgets.selected /
From the log after navigating around the site:
2003-06-19 13:40:35  ___Tile Controller: definition name -   .login
2003-06-19 13:40:42  ___Tile Controller: definition name -   .login
2003-06-19 13:40:47  ___Tile Controller: definition name -   .login
2003-06-19 13:40:49 action: Executing base logic
2003-06-19 13:40:50  ___Tile Controller: definition name -   .login
2003-06-19 13:40:52 action: Executing base logic
2003-06-19 13:40:53  ___Tile Controller: definition name -   .login
2003-06-19 13:40:54 action: Executing base logic
2003-06-19 13:40:54  ___Tile Controller: definition name -   .login

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Re: possible to parameterize template path in tiles definition whenusing tile def config file?

2003-06-20 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 The current implementation of Tiles doesn't allow to change 
dynamically the path/layout of a definition. This is an enhancement request.
 A workaround is to have a struts action forwarding to different 
definitions, according to the path you want to use.
 Another trick is to have a jsp/tiles used as indirection. This tile is 
used as the path of your definition. This tile do an insert with the 
path set from one of the attribute (as you suggested), and pass all 
others attribute.

 Hope this help,


Trevor Porter wrote:

I'm trying to figure out if it's at all possible to parameterize the 
template path for a tiles defintion dynamically at runtime while at 
the same time declaring the tile definitions from a config file. I 
understand that this is straightforward when declaring a tile 
definition within a JSP (tiles:definition id=definitionName 
page=%layout%), but I want to use my tile definitions as 
ActionForwards, thus I need to declare them in a config file. This 
would be useful for scenarios where pages need to be laid out 
differently based on some key (such as user preference or browser 
type) but the struts-config file only knows of a single definition to 
forward to for a given action. For example, imagine the following 
struts-config action mapping:

  action path=/login
forward name=success path=.account.home/  The forward path 
points to a tiles definition that renders the account home page. I 
would like to dynamically control which template layout page is used 
for this definition from within the LoginAction. Is this possible?

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Re: A question on Tiles and Frames

2003-06-20 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 The page of a frame should alway be publicly accessible. It is alway 
possible to access it directly without the other associated frames. So, 
you can't hide them.



Jeff Kyser wrote:

Hey Cedric,

Thanks for the response. I guess I'd figured out I couldn't put them
under WEB-INF for the reasons you stated. So how can I implement
a scollable region such as a frame might offer and still use Tiles and
stay with some of the 'best practices' recommended for Struts
development such as hiding your JSPs under WEB-INF? I suppose
it gets off-topic, but surely there must be a way to have independently
scrolled regions of a web page in a Struts environment without
making every page publicly accessible?
thanks, I'd sure like some insight as to how to proceed...



 Each frame of a frameset is filled with a web page. Each one issue 
an independent http request to the web server. So each page 
corresponding to a frame should be publicly accessible on the web 
server, and can't be under WEB-INF.


but I get Forbidden errors, presumably because my JSPs are beneath 
the WEB-INF directory and

therefore not accessible.

Is there an alternate way to do this and still have my JSPs 
underneath WEB-INF?

(Basically, I have a frames-based layout with a scrollable panel, 
and am trying
to figure out how to best implement that feature using Struts/Tiles 
without exposing all
my JSPs.



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Re: Old time jsp:include and tiles

2003-06-13 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

ajTreece wrote:

Afternoon folks...

I've got a web site that uses Struts (v1.x) and Tiles exclusively and 
it works great. The challenge is that I have been asked to include 
some code from another group that displays a couple of menu drop 
downs. They want to keep control of this particular code so they are 
requesting that I just jsp:include the full path to their file. This 
doesn't work real well inside of tiles.

Is there a tiles: / parameter or option that I can use to include a 
file with a path like http://sse.central/includeFiles/nav_pulldowns_g
 No. Tiles can only insert resources from the current web application.
 Have you try to use the struts bean:include ... / tag ?
 What is wrong with jsp:include .. ?

Thanks, ajTreece

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Re: Tiles - putlist , add and beanName

2003-06-03 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The beanName and beanScope attributes are only allowed in a jsp tag 
tiles:add  They are not allowed in a definition declared in the 
config file.
 The reason is that there is no beans declared in the config file, so 
you can't reference one.
 One can expect that using beanName in the config file will reference a 
bean in the jsp where the definition is used/inserted. This is not the 
case in the actual version. This can be an enhancement request for the 
next release (you can open a ticket in bugzilla if you whish).




according to the tld and documentation the following should be possible:

definition name=someInfo extends=test.somePage
  put name=InfoHeader value=Some Info /
  putList name=InfoMessages
 add beanName=myMessageBean beanScope=request/
The beanName attribute should work for both the put and add tag. Using the
above configuration, I get nothing
Can anyone shed some light on this?
Henrik Bentel

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Re: [tiles] item attribute for the SimpleMenuItem from ApplicationResources?

2003-06-02 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 In the tiles config file, you specify the key of the resource 
(, and in your menu layout, insert the resource 
from its key with the bean:message ...  struts tag:
replace %=item.getValue()% with bean:message 
key=%=item.getValue()% /


Mick Knutson wrote:

I want to use the SimpleMenuItem in the Tiles example as my menu is 
fairly simple, but I want to make the value=Label something like which would come from the Resource Bundle to 
be internationalized automatically.
How can I do this?

Mick Knutson
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Re: Replacement for Tiles DefinitionsUtil.setActionDefinition(..)

2003-06-02 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 There is no replacement (yet ?) for 


Martin Denham wrote:


Many of the example actions which come as part of the Tiles package use
DefinitionsUtil which has been deprecated.
I have copied the example actions in my code but would like to get rid of
the deprecation warnings.
Is there a replacement for DefinitionsUtil.setActionDefinition(..)?


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Re: Where can i find documentation/examples of Multi-channels intiles??

2003-05-30 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 There is an old example in the tile distribution from This example was based on an old 
version of the tiles-doc.war, and some links aren't working. But, the 
example show how you can write a definition factory to serve a multi 
-channel application. You can also check to know more 
about writing a definition factory.

 Another approach for multi-channel is to use the i18n feature of 
Tiles, with the variant part of the locale indicating a channel (ex: 
tiles-config_FR_fr_variant.xml). The advantage is that you don't need to 
write a new definition factory.


Ferran Parra wrote:

Where can i find documentation/examples of Multi-channels in tiles??
I could not find anything in, or the
official struts home page.

Ferran Parra
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Re: how to catch exception using tiles ???

2003-05-30 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 Originally, it was possible to use the jsp page directive @ page 
|errorPage=|relativeURL @ on a nested tile bases| |for error/exception 
handling. But this doesn't work anymore.

 I have no simple solution. You can try one of the following:

   * Put a surrounding try/catch block in the tile throwing an
 exception, and treat the exception from there.
   * Change the insert ... tag behavior by changing the
 implementation of Look for the method
 processException(...). All is happening here. You can either
 provide your own new tag, or change the original tag  behavior.
   * Avoid throwing an exception in a Tile. This is certainly the best
 way :-). Page rendering should normally not throw an exception. If
 you have an action or controller  throwing an exception, consider
 using a Struts action with associated exception mechanism, or
 catch the exception in the action and do a forward accordingly.
   * Wait for the next release which will provide a better exception
 handling mechanism. This can take some times :-(

Thomas Oldervoll wrote:

Cedric Dumoulin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 Actually, the tiles:insert ... tag catch all the exceptions and
show the message in place of the tile. This behavior help developing a
complex page made of several tiles. If you set the logging level to
debug, the complete exception stack trace will be shown.

This behavoiur actually causes a problem for me. I want to show a
pretty error message when a page or a tile failes. I use my own
RequestController, a subclass of TilesRequestController. To handle
page faults I have added a method process() that calls super.process()
surrounded by a try/catch-block. I wanted to do the same thing for
each tile, so I tried implementing processInclude(). This didn't work
since tiles:insert never calls processInclude(). Investigating other
options, I can't find any way to get tiles:insert to not print out
the exception on the JSP and rather let me decide want to do. 

What I want is:
- no generated exception message in the HTML output
- the ability to print my own error message and log the error, or
maybe even try to get hold of some cached content to use instead.
Any tips for how to achieve this?

Thomas Oldervoll, Zenior AS

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Re: Tiles .. Should what level should one Drill down

2003-05-28 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Nimish Chourey , Tidel Park - Chennai wrote:

Hi All ,
	Looking at the examples of Tiles , I could make out that if you see
a pattern in your JSP's then they could be easily factored into templates or
what you can also called as tiles . For eg . you can divide your page in
terms of Menu , Header , footer and body . Now my question is till what
level can we define tiles or templates ??
Say I have a form with say 4 tables . These tables are similar . I mean I
could easily make a template for these tabels .
And these type of tables are used in all my JSP's .
Should I make a tile for this type of table . 

 You can make a Tile for your tables, and for any part of a page that 
is often used. This will improve reuse and reduce maintenance.

The point to note here is
these all tables are in a single form .
 You can insert tiles inside a form. What you should care about is that 
the open and close tag of the form should be in the same tile. There is 
an  example  in  tiles-documentation.war under /tutorial/invoice showing 
the possible use of a form with reusable tiles.


If I go ahead with this , what type of problems can I face ? Or the tiles
should  really be used at very high level ie say at Menu Footer Header level
Hope I have made my question clear .
Comments are welcome ..


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Re: tiles:initComponentDefinitions and NullPointerException

2003-05-28 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 This will not work with this tag because it checks for the factory 

 You can use the special action to reload the factory.


Bastian Zapf wrote:

Salut Cedric and everybody else,

can you also use tiles:initComponentDefinitions ... to re-initialize the
factory? We're working here with a Websphere App. Server and would like to
do that without restarting the server/whole application.
bas  marco.
Dienstag, 27. Mai 2003 15:51
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Cedric Dumoulin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: tiles:initComponentDefinitions and NullPointerException


 The  tiles:initComponentDefinitions ... tag can be used to
 initialize the tiles factory without Struts. However, the preferred way
 to initialize Tiles without Struts is to use an initialization servlet,
 like the TilesServlet.
 A blank war file initializing a Tiles factory without Struts can be
 found in the bin dist from Locate
 the file tiles-blank.war.

Umit VARDAR wrote:


Hello all,

I am trying to replace jsp pages of an application with tiles. All I do:
1. added taglib tags to web.xml
2. created tiles-defs.xml under the WEB-INF
3. added tiles:initComponentDefinitions file=tiles-defs.xml / as the


tiles tag into the index.jsp

I am getting the following error, when I acces index.jsp:

   at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.Class.forName(


the rest is in the error.txt file.

What could be the reason? Can you help me please.

Best regards
PS. error.txt, index.jsp and tiles-defs.xml are attached.

   at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.Class.forName(










   at org.apache.jsp.index$jsp._jspService(index$


   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(






   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(






































Re: role - tiles definition?

2003-05-28 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 There is a simple example of usage in tiles-documentation.war under 
test/testRole. In brief, when you specify a role, the insert is 
performed only if the user is in requested role. Otherwise the tag is 

  You can refer  to the documentation of  insert .. tag 
(, and 
 What you should know: the role attribute work in definitions with 
definition ... role=aRole/, but not in the put ... tags of a 
definition. ,Furthermore the role attribute only accept one role.
 An alternative is to use the logic tags of struts to check roles.


José Fortunato H. Tomás wrote:


I read the tilesAdvancedFeatures.pdf in some fast way.
At end I see (9.2) a reference to role for tiles definition. I look 
backwords in the document I could find any mension of how it works, or 
how it should be used.

Any one has a reference or could tell how this role works, or how I 
should use it?


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Re: Please help a Tiles problem

2003-04-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 The error message says that the definition factory is not found. Have 
you initialized the tile plugin ?


Vernon wrote:

1. The error message:

root cause

javax.servlet.ServletException: Can't get definitions factory from 

at org.apache.jsp.page_jsp._jspService(

2. The translated JSP file

 public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, 
HttpServletResponse response)
   throws, ServletException {

   JspFactory _jspxFactory = null;
   javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext = null;
   HttpSession session = null;
   ServletContext application = null;
   ServletConfig config = null;
   JspWriter out = null;
   Object page = this;
   JspWriter _jspx_out = null;
   try {
 _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory();
 pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response,
 null, true, 8192, true);
 application = pageContext.getServletContext();
 config = pageContext.getServletConfig();
 session = pageContext.getSession();
 out = pageContext.getOut();
 _jspx_out = out;
 if (_jspx_meth_c_if_0(pageContext))
 if (_jspx_meth_c_if_1(pageContext))
// ...
 if (_jspx_meth_c_if_37(pageContext))
 if (_jspx_meth_tiles_insert_0(pageContext))
   } catch (Throwable t) {
 out = _jspx_out;
 if (out != null  out.getBufferSize() != 0)
 if (pageContext != null) pageContext.handlePageException(t); 
 line 189
   } finally {
 if (_jspxFactory != null) 
   3. The JSP file with the definitions

% taglib prefix=tiles uri=/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-tiles.tld %
% taglib prefix=c uri=/WEB-INF/tlds/c.tld %
c:if test=${empty applicationScope.FRONT}
   tiles:definition id=FRONT template=/jsp/templates/myLayout.jsp
   put name=title  value=Front Page /
   put name=header value=/jsp/signon/header.jsp /
   put name=footer value=/jsp/homepage/footer.jsp /
   put name=body   value=/jsp/frontpage/content.jsp /
c:if test=${empty applicationScope.SIGNON}
   tiles:definition id=SIGNON extends=FRONT
   put name=title  value=Sign On /
   put name=body   value=/jsp/signon/content.jsp /

If I erase all defintions, but keep the first one, the attributes 
wouldn't loaded.

The Tiles is from

I don't have any JSP debugging tool. Can someone please tell me where 
is wrong or how to find out the cause.


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Re: Build the Tiles

2003-04-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Yes you can build the tiles from the sources. You need to compile
classes under o.a.s.tiles and o.a.s.taglib.tiles.

Another simplest solution is to get the struts.jar, rename it to
tiles.jar, open it with winzip or whatever you want, and suppress all
the classes not related to tiles.


Vernon wrote:

Hi, all,

I need to use the Tiles as a standalone component in my project. I am new to Tiles in 
less than on week. I follow the chapter 11, Developing applications with Tiles, of 
Struts in Action to set up Tiles. I run into a couple of problem and hope someone 
can give me a hand.

The tiles.jar file I get from Cedric Dumoulln's site, which was built in the last 
Noverber. But the all common libraries are the most recent releases. I think the old 
build might cause those problem. 

After uploaded the rc1 source base, I only can see the Tiles installation, but not 
compiling and archive Tiles. Can I build Tile from the source? If yes, how I can do 

Thanks for your helps.



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Re: Tiles Question:Diff between jsp and XML tiles definations...

2003-04-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 There is some differences:

   * Xml definitions are store in a factory; they can be inserted with
 insert name=aDefinition; they are declared in a centralized
 file, they can be declared using inheritance; they can be used in
 a struts forward ... tag; they need the initialization of the
 factory (done by the plugin)
   * jsp definition are stored in one of the jsp context. They are
 inserted with insert beanName=aBeanId; they don't need the
 factory; they can't be used as struts forward ...; they are
 created each time the tiles:definition .. tag is encountered.
 Hope this help,



Hi All,
I am new to tiles and experimenting with it a bit to see if our struts 1.0 template 
based application can be ported to Tiles easily...
I have got some sample pages from our application working using tiles definations But the definations are defined in a jsp file.

So my question is whats the difference between Using an xml file for defination and using a jsp file?If I am using jsp definations, Do i stil need to initialise the Defination factory?

If I go the jsp way, Will I be still able to use all features of tiles ?because I think to use tiles I need to use ActionComponentServlet(Struts 1.0) instead of ActionServlet...And the ActionComponentServlet modifies the forward behaviour for use with tiles...So does it mean that whether I use xml definations or not,I need to use ActionCOmponentServlet...Is it true?

Any help is appreciated...

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Re: Build the Tiles

2003-04-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 Yes, we have discuss of that in the struts-dev list. There is pro and 
cons. Check the archive to know more. For now, we stay with the actual 
status quo.



Have you (the strut's commitors) discuss about the possibility to separate
the struts components (tiles, valdator, struts-html, struts-bean, ...) into
differents jars ?
a good advantage is not to wait struts versioning for an enhancement on one
of these components.(very similar to the commons-XX.jar files)


-Message d'origine-
De: Cedric Dumoulin [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   vendredi 4 avril 2003 10:16
À:  Struts Users Mailing List
Objet:  Re: Build the Tiles
Yes you can build the tiles from the sources. You need to compile
classes under o.a.s.tiles and o.a.s.taglib.tiles.
Another simplest solution is to get the struts.jar, rename it to
tiles.jar, open it with winzip or whatever you want, and suppress all
the classes not related to tiles.

Vernon wrote:


Hi, all,

I need to use the Tiles as a standalone component in my project. I am new

to Tiles in less than on week. I follow the chapter 11, Developing
applications with Tiles, of Struts in Action to set up Tiles. I run into
a couple of problem and hope someone can give me a hand.

The tiles.jar file I get from Cedric Dumoulln's site, which was built in

the last Noverber. But the all common libraries are the most recent
releases. I think the old build might cause those problem. 

After uploaded the rc1 source base, I only can see the Tiles

installation, but not compiling and archive Tiles. Can I build Tile from
the source? If yes, how I can do it?

Thanks for your helps.



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Re: Tiles problem

2003-04-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 How do you insert your tiles ? Do you use the tiles:insert 
name=home.main  tag, an action forward name =home.main / or 
something else ? You should use one of insert or forward.


Stephen Smithstone wrote:

Hi all got a problem with a tiles contoller heres the controller code

public class IndexTiles implements org.apache.struts.tiles.Controller {

 public void perform( ComponentContext comCtx , HttpServletRequest req ,
  HttpServletResponse res , ServletContext serCtx )
   System.out.println( Processing IndexTiles.. );
   List newStories = new ArrayList( );

   NewStory story = new NewStory( );

   story.setStory( A New Document Store System is now in place that allows 
sub directories to be assigned to different people );
   story.setStoryDate( new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( dd/MM/ ).format( 
new java.util.Date( )));

   newStories.add( story );

   comCtx.putAttribute( News , newStories );

   Iterator it = comCtx.getAttributeNames();

   while( it.hasNext() )
 System.out.println( );
and in my tiles-defs.xml i have

definition name=home.main extends=main.layout
   put name=body value=/home/pages/index.jsp /
   put name=heading value=Intranet - Home /

how ever on my page index.jsp i have

tiles:importAttribute name=News/

when ever i go to the page is says it cant find News in the context please 


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Re: Tiles Question:Diff between jsp and XML tiles definations...

2003-04-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin


Hi Cedric,
Thanks for the reply once again..:-))
But I still have one question.
So does it mean that using the jsp approach is a bit inefficient?
 Yes, unless you provide a mechanism to avoid the reload of definition

But is the the only disadvantage?

 No, Definition are located in jsp pages instead of a central file, and 
you can't easily use inheritance.

My main concern is can I use all the features of tiles (Mainly defination Inheritance etc.)with the jsp approach?

 Inheritance is not fully implemented whith def in jsp.

I am trying to avoid the use of action component servlet as We already have extended ActionServlet in our project.And I am not sure if we Instead inherit ActionComponentServlet will it affect any thing else..

 Try to inherit from the TilesActionComponentServlet. It overload few 
methods, so it should not interfere with your class.


-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 2:19 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Tiles Question:Diff between jsp and XML tiles

 There is some differences:

   * Xml definitions are store in a factory; they can be inserted with
 insert name=aDefinition; they are declared in a centralized
 file, they can be declared using inheritance; they can be used in
 a struts forward ... tag; they need the initialization of the
 factory (done by the plugin)
   * jsp definition are stored in one of the jsp context. They are
 inserted with insert beanName=aBeanId; they don't need the
 factory; they can't be used as struts forward ...; they are
 created each time the tiles:definition .. tag is encountered.
 Hope this help,




Hi All,
I am new to tiles and experimenting with it a bit to see if our struts 1.0 template 
based application can be ported to Tiles easily...
I have got some sample pages from our application working using tiles definations But the definations are defined in a jsp file.

So my question is whats the difference between Using an xml file for defination and using a jsp file?If I am using jsp definations, Do i stil need to initialise the Defination factory?

If I go the jsp way, Will I be still able to use all features of tiles ?because I think to use tiles I need to use ActionComponentServlet(Struts 1.0) instead of ActionServlet...And the ActionComponentServlet modifies the forward behaviour for use with tiles...So does it mean that whether I use xml definations or not,I need to use ActionCOmponentServlet...Is it true?

Any help is appreciated...

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Re: Probelm with Tiles download...

2003-04-03 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The download from the cited site should run.
 The tutorial is in tiles-doc.war. It should run immediately, unless 
you have a configuration problem (missing jars, bad parser version, ...).
 The tutorial in this dist is based on a now old struts 1.1 pre beta 
 If you want to use tiles with struts1.0.x, I advice to do the following:

   * get the tiles-documentation.war from struts distribution. Learn,
 do the tutorial  and experiment with this war file. The files from
 the tutorial are in this version.
   * After you are comfortable with Tiles, experiment on a struts1.0
 platform: get the dist from my website, locate
 tilesForStruts1-0.jar and use it with struts1.0.
   * You can start from the tiles-blank-struts1-0.war file to have a
 good starting point with struts1.0.
 Hope this help,



Hi All,

I just downloaded from the tiles home page( need to use it with struts 1.0.

The readme.txt says that there is a tilies-tutorial.war which i cant find any where.

Also there are 2 jar files(tiles.jar in /lib and tilesForStruts1-0.jar in /lib/struts1.0).SO which one i shoule be using?

And when I deploy the tiles-documentation.war and access it,I get following exception

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Can't get definitions factory from context.

Where can I get a proper download of Tiles for struts 1.0.

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Re: Probelm with Tiles download...

2003-04-03 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 Args ... I mean struts 1.1. Tiles framework has been integrated in 
struts 1.1. It can work with struts1.0, but you need the TilesForStruts.jar.
for installation.



Hi Cedric,

Thanks for the advice...I will try the same..

But what you mean by Struts distribution?Do you mean Struts 1.0.x distribution or struts 1.1 distribution?

Because as far as I know, struts 1.0.x dist does not contain tiles.SO if i need to get struts 1.1,then I will have to run the tiles tutorial with struts 1.1.

-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 1:57 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Probelm with Tiles download...


 The download from the cited site should run.
 The tutorial is in tiles-doc.war. It should run immediately, unless 
you have a configuration problem (missing jars, bad parser version, ...).
 The tutorial in this dist is based on a now old struts 1.1 pre beta 
 If you want to use tiles with struts1.0.x, I advice to do the following:

   * get the tiles-documentation.war from struts distribution. Learn,
 do the tutorial  and experiment with this war file. The files from
 the tutorial are in this version.
   * After you are comfortable with Tiles, experiment on a struts1.0
 platform: get the dist from my website, locate
 tilesForStruts1-0.jar and use it with struts1.0.
   * You can start from the tiles-blank-struts1-0.war file to have a
 good starting point with struts1.0.
 Hope this help,




Hi All,

I just downloaded from the tiles home page( need to use it with struts 1.0.

The readme.txt says that there is a tilies-tutorial.war which i cant find any where.

Also there are 2 jar files(tiles.jar in /lib and tilesForStruts1-0.jar in /lib/struts1.0).SO which one i shoule be using?

And when I deploy the tiles-documentation.war and access it,I get following exception

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Can't get definitions factory from context.

Where can I get a proper download of Tiles for struts 1.0.

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Re: Problem forwarding from a Tile or Template.

2003-04-02 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The provided code should work with Tiles if you have set the 

 The problem is that the jsp spec forbid the use of forward once the 
response is committed. But the jsp spec also said that a response is 
committed when you do an insert(). Tiles, and Templates, use 
include(). Struts action forward tag use forward(). So there is a 
problem. The TilesRequestProcessor takes care of this problem, and use 
include() instead of forward() when you use a forward ... in a struts 



I get Cannot forward because the response has already been committed. I get the same response using Templates or Tiles. Here is a simplistic version of my problem.

My JSP is ...
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
tiles:insert page=/one-pane-template.jsp 
   tiles:put name=main value=/ /
one-pane-template.jsp is 
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
head /
tiles:insert name=main/
I am trying to attain a Tiled display, where one of the Tiles is a wizard. As there are a lot of initial form parameters for this app, I call the action and form to initialise the data. Hence, the .do call.

If I create an Action for the Tile container (one-pane-template.*) and populate the necessary beans there, calling and requestCreate1.jsp works, but this seems the wrong place to put the logic.

FYI - I initially raised this as a bug (for Templates), but it was invalidated as Tiles had superseded it.



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Re: Using a Tile Definition from within a Servlet ?

2003-04-02 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 Yes, it is possible. There is no simple API to do that, but take a 
look at the TilesRequestProcessor.processTilesDefinition(...) method to 
know how it is done by the struts servlet.
 What you should do is:

   * retrieve the definition from the factory
   * create the new tile context from thedefinition
   * save the current tile context
   * store the new tile context in the jsp context
   * include the new tile
   * restore the current context
  Hope this help,


Trevor Nightingale wrote:

Is it possible to forward to a tiles definition with a servlet ?

Something like

RequestDispatcher dispatcher = 
Thank you in advance,
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Re: Problem forwarding from a Tile or Template.

2003-04-02 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 You are going in the right direction, but you should declare the tiles 
plugin as follow in the struts-config.xml:

 plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
   set-property property=definitions-config
value=/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml /
   set-property property=moduleAware value=true /
 This should be inserted after the /action-mappings tags.

 You can check the struts-config.xml file in tiles-documentation.war as 



I assume you mean, add the following to the struts-config.xml

But having done this I now get;

Cannot initialize RequestProcessor of class org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtilImpl

Am I going in the right direction?


-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 April 2003 09:58
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Problem forwarding from a Tile or Template.


 The provided code should work with Tiles if you have set the 

 The problem is that the jsp spec forbid the use of forward once the 
response is committed. But the jsp spec also said that a response is 
committed when you do an insert(). Tiles, and Templates, use 
include(). Struts action forward tag use forward(). So there is a 
problem. The TilesRequestProcessor takes care of this problem, and use 
include() instead of forward() when you use a forward ... in a struts 




I get Cannot forward because the response has already been committed. I get the same response using Templates or Tiles. Here is a simplistic version of my problem.

My JSP is ...
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
tiles:insert page=/one-pane-template.jsp 
  tiles:put name=main value=/ /
one-pane-template.jsp is 
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
head /
tiles:insert name=main/
I am trying to attain a Tiled display, where one of the Tiles is a wizard. As there are a lot of initial form parameters for this app, I call the action and form to initialise the data. Hence, the .do call.

If I create an Action for the Tile container (one-pane-template.*) and populate the necessary beans there, calling and requestCreate1.jsp works, but this seems the wrong place to put the logic.

FYI - I initially raised this as a bug (for Templates), but it was invalidated as Tiles had superseded it.



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Re: tiles:insert tag inserting carriage return before /td on linux box

2003-04-02 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The Tiles tags only insert the content of the specified pages. There 
is no extra insertion. So, your problem should come from one of your 
pages having this extra character. Check particularly the layout jsp ...
 Also, try to isolate the exact location in your pages where this extra 
car is inserted. Delete the cars and rewrite them on the unix system.


Alix Jermyn wrote:

Our tiles work fine with Tomcat 4.1.12, struts1.1b3, jdk1.4.01 on an NT box,
but as soon as we port it to a Linux box (SUSE,  same 1.1b3, tomcat 4.1.24)
our rendered html displays a subtle and rather nasty error, as a carriage
return is inserted immediately before the /td tag, causing the well known
rendering bug in tables.
for example;

td blah blahtiles:insert attribute=MainHeader //td

will be rendered correctly as:

td blah blah Main header text/td

on the NT system, but as

td blah blah Main header text
on the linux server, with the carriage return causing ugly display problems.
As far as we are aware, we have saved all our text files (jsp, html, tld,
xml ...) in unix format without the NT double ODOA  CR sequence.
Any ideas???


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Re: [Tiles] putList() Displaying

2003-03-31 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The tiles:insert tag don't check if the attribute is a list because 
element of the list can be of several kind (def name, URL, Item, custom 
bean, ...). Doing an insert on a attribute of type list  doesn't means 
that you want to insert each element of the list. Maybe you simply want 
to display the element.
 Take for example the menu layout. It requires as input a list of 
Item. One can customized the Item: how the insert tag can take into 
account such customization ?
 In the current proposal, the insert tag just pass the list as is, and 
let the programmer play with the list according to what have been pushed 
in the list.


Jacob Hookom wrote:

I was wondering if I missed something in the documentation pertaining to
displaying lists of includes without using scriptlets.
The tiles example war uses putLists to describe menus, but then uses a
scriptlet with an Iterator to actually display them.  Why doesn't the
tiles:insert tag know if it's a list and iterate over the results to display
them-- again, I may have completely missed it in the documentation?
Best Regards,
Jacob Hookom
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Re: custom tile definitions leads to error

2003-03-31 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 If you use your own defined Item class, you can disable the xml 
validation to add your extra properties (set the appropriate option in 
the TilesPlugin).
 Also, you can use the bean tag instead of item:
 bean classname=...
   set-property property=... value=... /
   set-property property= ... value=... /

 Maybe we should add the set-property ... tag to the item tag ?


Dan Allen wrote:

I took the lead of Cedric when he made his SimpleMenuItem and I
extended it to make a SimpleMenuActionItem with the following
item text=Home action=/Home classtype=net.creativerge.bean.SimpleMenuActionItem/

However, now I am getting DTD parse errors all over the place.  It
seems sort of lame to have to worry about DTD issues if you want to
extend and make your own custom tag.  But I guess such is life with
XML.  So I can do one of two things at this point.  I can create my
SimpleMenuActionItem using the original attributes and just have a
non-intuitive mapping between the two (the attribute name and what
it actually does) or I can modify the DTD for my new item set.
However, if i modify the DTD I have no idea where to put it or how
to reference it (okay, so I lack some XML knowledge).  However, I
thought it was a pretty good idea, seeing how struts should always
make internal links action links, to make a SimpleMenuActionItem.  I
also felt that the attribute text was more intuitive for the
contents between the link than value since the other option is
my proposal for the DTD is as follows:

+ add an attribute action which, when used in place of link will
reference a struts action
+ change value to text to counter the icon

I could be just talking crazy here, but it seems like a good idea to
me.  Perhaps we could excite some interest in defining how to extend
the items list a bit better.


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Re: [Tiles] putList() Displaying

2003-03-31 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 You can getting away of scriptlet by using logic:insert ... with a 
jsp 1.2 compliant server, or use jstl c:forEach.
 The examples provided in tiles-documentation should be jsp1.1 
compliant, so they use a loop in a scriptlet. But this doesn't really 
matter, as this scriptlet only occur in a well located jsp. You can 
think of this jsp as a black box, and don't bother at what there is 
inside. Your jsp can contain only tag with no scriptlet, and use some 
layout containing the scriptlet.


Hookom, Jacob John wrote:

Why can't the tag or the tiles controller do something along the lines of instanceof, if the property is a list-type, then process each member of the list to the page?  I thought everyone was getting away from scriptlets


	-Original Message- 
	From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Mon 3/31/2003 3:50 AM 
	To: Struts Users Mailing List 
	Subject: Re: [Tiles] putList() Displaying

	  The tiles:insert tag don't check if the attribute is a list because
	element of the list can be of several kind (def name, URL, Item, custom
	bean, ...). Doing an insert on a attribute of type list  doesn't means
	that you want to insert each element of the list. Maybe you simply want
	to display the element.
	  Take for example the menu layout. It requires as input a list of
	Item. One can customized the Item: how the insert tag can take into
	account such customization ?
	  In the current proposal, the insert tag just pass the list as is, and
	let the programmer play with the list according to what have been pushed
	in the list.
	Jacob Hookom wrote:
	I was wondering if I missed something in the documentation pertaining to
	displaying lists of includes without using scriptlets.
	The tiles example war uses putLists to describe menus, but then uses a
	scriptlet with an Iterator to actually display them.  Why doesn't the
	tiles:insert tag know if it's a list and iterate over the results to display
	them-- again, I may have completely missed it in the documentation?
	Best Regards,
	Jacob Hookom
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Re: [Tiles-Definitions] can't find bean in request.

2003-03-29 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Joel Wickard wrote:

Cedric Dumoulin wrote:


 The definition from the tiles file are stored in the factory.
 You should use the following to insert a definition:
tiles:insert name=admin /

the above method of trying to insert the predefined defs results in 
the following exception when I try to view the page. 
 So you have an error in your config or in your definition declaration.
 Please, check the examples in the tiles-documentation.war. You can 
also check one of the following articles:

  * and many other ...



 Check the tag syntax :-)


Joel Wickard wrote:

Here's the first few lines of the root cause of the exception I'm 

root cause

javax.servlet.ServletException: Error - Tag Insert : No value 
defined for bean 'admin' with property 'null' in scope 'request'.


at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Here's my web.xml entries:

Here's my struts-config entries:

 plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
   set-property property=definitions-config 
value=/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml /
   set-property property=definitions-debug value=2 /

Here's my tiles-defs.xml entries:

   definition name=admin 
path=/admin/templates/backendMain.jsp   put 
name=page-title value=QuatraData :: Default /
   put name=logo-content value=/logoDefault.jsp /
   put name=menu-layout value=/menuBar.jsp / 

Here's the page I'm trying to use the template in:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html%
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
tiles:insert beanName=admin beanScope=request/

( what I'm trying to do is just have a page that uses all the 
defaults specified in tiles-defs, that's why I have no put tags )

Here's the template itself:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html%
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
titletiles:getAsString name=page-title //title
   script language=Javascript
function launchTimeClock(){ ./timeclock/timeClock.jsp, 
puchClock, resizeable=no, height=170, width=230);

body leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 
bgcolor=#CC onLoad=launchTimeClock();
table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0
td width=300
!-- Logo Content --
   tiles:insert name=logo-content /
td valign=top
tiles:insert name=menu-layout /
/td /tr

Here's the pages that should be inserted:


I am a logo


My Menu Bar

If I don't use definition, if I just use a template and then 
manually use tiles:put, it works fine.

Any help would be great,  I can supply any other requested information.

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Re: REPEAT: Tiles put attribute beanScope not found in DTD -is this right?

2003-03-29 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 Hi Richard,

 The scope attribute in an insert is used to specify the jsp scope from 
which a definition should be retrieved. Definition can be stored in a 
jsp context by the user or with the help of the tiles:definition ..  tag.

 Definitions declared in the tiles config file are NOT stored in a jsp 
scope, but in the tiles definition factory. There is no way to store 
them in a jsp scope from the config file. So the scope attribute is not 
available in the config file.


Richard Mixon wrote:

Sorry, to repost, but this seems like a bug. No?

Hi. We are trying to use the beanScope attribute. The Tiles
documentation that comes with Struts 1.1rc1 says that both the
definition and put tags support beanScope. When I use it we get the
following error when Tomcat 4.1.18 starts up:
19:26:14,593 ERROR Digester:1434 - Parse Error at line 29 column -1:
scope is not declared for element definition.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Attribute scope is not declared for
element de
   at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.error(
   at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(
I' also looked at both the tiles-config.dtd and tile-config_1.1.dtd -
neither indictates that beanScope is supported. However the
struts-tiles.tld file does reference the beanScope.
Is it intentional that defining Tiles in the XML config file is
down-level from defining Tiles in the actual JSP page?
Thanks - Richard

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Re: Questions concerning Tiles

2003-03-28 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 Hi Guillaume,

 It is hard to say, I have never evaluated the cost of creation of a 
new Date object.
 You need to evaluate this cost, and compare it against a solution 
where you cache the object. Maybe the Date implementation already do a 
kind of caching !
 If not, it should be simple to create a singleton class(a static one) 
with one method: getDate(). This method cache the real object, and take 
care of updating it daily :-).



is that make sense to define a bean type for printing the today date with
the scope of the application ( in order not to instanciate the Date each
time) ?

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Re: Tiles - how to handle missing jsp page

2003-03-27 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

aps olute wrote:

  How to handle missing jsp pages so one does not get errors?  Not all
these elements have ignore attributes, so how to handle them? Some of
these are in defs.xml and some are in the regular jsp files.
1. on the putlist listed under item value=... links=.../

2. on the putlist  added via  add value=../

 You can handle them when you insert them in the layout:
tiles:insert attribute=.. ignore=true /
My problem is if these were missing at start of tomcat, no exceptions
are displayed, but upon adding the missing jsp -- they get displayed
okay. But now if I delete this jsp file again, NO exception is thrown
but the old image is still displayed even though the jsp is missing
now. Why? (as if the jsp did not get recompiled, I expect recompilation
if there is a missing jsp page).  

 Looks like a container problem: your container doesn't detect the 
deleted jsp, and use the existing generated java code.
 What server do you use ?


I can think of a scenario that in a live environment jsp pages are
moved/removed from a page and it should not throw an exception or
display an older page (if the included page has been removed).
Thanks in advance.
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Re: [Tiles-Definitions] can't find bean in request.

2003-03-27 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The definition from the tiles file are stored in the factory.
 You should use the following to insert a definition:
tiles:insert name=admin /
 Check the tag syntax :-)


Joel Wickard wrote:

Here's the first few lines of the root cause of the exception I'm 

root cause

javax.servlet.ServletException: Error - Tag Insert : No value defined 
for bean 'admin' with property 'null' in scope 'request'.
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Here's my web.xml entries:

Here's my struts-config entries:

 plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
   set-property property=definitions-config 
value=/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml /
   set-property property=definitions-debug value=2 /

Here's my tiles-defs.xml entries:

   definition name=admin 
path=/admin/templates/backendMain.jsp   put 
name=page-title value=QuatraData :: Default /
   put name=logo-content value=/logoDefault.jsp /
   put name=menu-layout value=/menuBar.jsp / /definition

Here's the page I'm trying to use the template in:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html%
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
tiles:insert beanName=admin beanScope=request/

( what I'm trying to do is just have a page that uses all the defaults 
specified in tiles-defs, that's why I have no put tags )

Here's the template itself:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html%
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
titletiles:getAsString name=page-title //title
   script language=Javascript
function launchTimeClock(){ ./timeclock/timeClock.jsp, puchClock, 
resizeable=no, height=170, width=230);

body leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 
bgcolor=#CC onLoad=launchTimeClock();

table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0
td width=300
!-- Logo Content --
   tiles:insert name=logo-content /
td valign=top
tiles:insert name=menu-layout /
/td /tr

Here's the pages that should be inserted:


I am a logo


My Menu Bar

If I don't use definition, if I just use a template and then manually 
use tiles:put, it works fine.

Any help would be great,  I can supply any other requested information.

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Re: Configuring Tiles + Validation + Modules

2003-03-27 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Niesen, Nathan wrote:

I basically have the same questions. I've been searching the user docs and
mailing lists trying to get a handle on what modules were intended to do,
what modules can and can't do, and how I can use modules to improve my
application framework. It appears to me that the modules feature opened up a
whole can-o-design-worms and they're still wiggling. I can't find anything
that clearly defines intended usage of modules or the limitations of
modules; especially in regards to using resources outside of a modules
In addition to John's questions, I have the following question:

1) How can I use tiles/templates to assemble a page in one module from
reusable components/pages in one or more other modules? For example: I
have pages in modules B, C, and D, that all want to pull in a menu page from
my default module as well as a reusable page from module A.

 Tiles config file consider the url as absolute to the application. So, 
simply specify the absolute URL of your layout, page or tile.
 The tiles-documentation.war use 3 modules. You can check it for examples.


Other issues with modules:

1) Not all tags (html:img in particular) use the pagePattern or
forwardPattern attributes from the controller. If I want to use an image in
my header.jsp, the image file has to be physically located in each module or
I get a broken link.
2) The pagePattern and forwardPattern are defined on the controller which
means all tag or forward URLs for the module will be mapped to the same
context relative URL. I think it would be more flexible if you simply
specified the pattern as part of the URL attribute for the tag or forward.
For example: html:img alt=get an image from the default module
page=$P/header.gif/ and html:img alt=get an image from the current
module page=$M$P/module.gif/
3) The examples don't effectively demonstrate the effects that the
contextRelative, inputForward, pagePattern, and forwardPattern attributes
have on the page, forward, action, and href attributes.
4) The examples only show how to switch from one self-contained module to
another. They don't demonstrate how to combine resources/pages from multiple
modules into a single page via either includes or tiles/templates.
Thanks, Nathan.

-Original Message-
From: 	Hohlen, John C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:	Wednesday, March 26, 2003 8:20 AM
To:	Struts-User (E-mail)
Subject:	Configuring Tiles + Validation + Modules

I'm looking for some help on how to configure the Tiles and Validation
Plug-Ins.  A lot of the good books (Struts In Action, Programming Jakarta
Struts, etc.) and replies to the mailing list address these topics
independently, but not collectively.  In addition, I took a look at James
Holmes Switching Modules example, but that focuses on the different ways
to switch b/t modules, not on how to configure Modules with Tiles and the
Validation frameworks. 

For discussion purposes, let's assume I have following 3 modules (default,
modA, modB).  Here are my questions:
1) If I have a form bean definition used by all 3 modules, does it need to
be defined in each of the 3 struts-config files, or can I just declare it in
the default struts-config?
2) Does each modules' struts-config file need the following declaration to
use the Validation framework, or can I simply declare this once in the
config file for the default module?
 plug-in className=org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn
   set-property property=pathnames 

3) For Tile Definition config files, can all of these just be declared in
the default struts-config, or should they be declared in the module
struts-config they correspond to (assuming you've divided your Tile
definitions by module)?  For example:
 plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
   set-property property=definitions-config

4) Can I use the default module's application resource file for text common
across modules?  Therefore, preventing me from having to duplicate entries
across modules.  If so, this means Struts always looks in the particular
module's application resource first, then the default module.  But this
doesn't apply for form bean definitions or action mappings, correct?
5) Is the following an acceptable way to configure the application resource
--- struts-config.xml (default) ---
message-resources parameter=Messages 

--- struts-config-modA.xml (default) ---
message-resources parameter=Messages-modA 

--- struts-config-modB.xml (default) ---
message-resources parameter=Messages-modB 

Thanks in advance for your help,


Re: Configuring Tiles + Validation + Modules

2003-03-27 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Hohlen, John C wrote:

I'm looking for some help on how to configure the Tiles and Validation
Plug-Ins.  A lot of the good books (Struts In Action, Programming Jakarta
Struts, etc.) and replies to the mailing list address these topics
independently, but not collectively.  In addition, I took a look at James
Holmes Switching Modules example, but that focuses on the different ways
to switch b/t modules, not on how to configure Modules with Tiles and the
Validation frameworks. 

For discussion purposes, let's assume I have following 3 modules (default,
modA, modB).  Here are my questions:
1) If I have a form bean definition used by all 3 modules, does it need to
be defined in each of the 3 struts-config files, or can I just declare it in
the default struts-config?
 All modules are independent, so you need to declare form bean 
definition in each module. You can have a struts-config file containing 
the common declaration, and use it in each module (with the multi config 
file capability).

2) Does each modules' struts-config file need the following declaration to
use the Validation framework, or can I simply declare this once in the
config file for the default module?
 plug-in className=org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn
   set-property property=pathnames 

 You need it for each module.

3) For Tile Definition config files, can all of these just be declared in
the default struts-config, or should they be declared in the module
struts-config they correspond to (assuming you've divided your Tile
definitions by module)?  For example:
 plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
   set-property property=definitions-config

 You need it for each module. Some module can use different factory, or 
no definition factory at all.


4) Can I use the default module's application resource file for text common
across modules?  Therefore, preventing me from having to duplicate entries
across modules.  If so, this means Struts always looks in the particular
module's application resource first, then the default module.  But this
doesn't apply for form bean definitions or action mappings, correct?
5) Is the following an acceptable way to configure the application resource
--- struts-config.xml (default) ---
message-resources parameter=Messages 

--- struts-config-modA.xml (default) ---
message-resources parameter=Messages-modA 

--- struts-config-modB.xml (default) ---
message-resources parameter=Messages-modB 

Thanks in advance for your help,


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Re: Tiles Controller in definitions

2003-03-27 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Kevin Cramer wrote:

I was playing around with this more and if I include the tile with the
controller directly in the JSP with the tiles:insert definition=
tag then it works.  If I use the tiles:insert name= tag which
refers to an attribute which dynamically defines the definition / JSP
to use then it does not work.
 What is your exact syntax ?

Something like:
tiles:insert name=anAttribute
with anAttribute referencing a definition associated to a controller 
should call the controller.


Can this not be done?  I would prefer to do it the way I am doing
since the tile that is inserted there is specified in a parent tile.
On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 10:27:23AM -0500, Kevin Cramer wrote:

If I put a System.out.println in the perform function, it never shows
up in the logs.  I'm positive it is not being called but I can't
figure out why.  I am using definitions and I saw a post from Cedric
that you need to use tiles:insert to get it working but I am doing
this in my JSP.
Any ideas?

On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 09:54:16PM -0700, David Graham wrote:

Well there's only 1 method in the Controller interface:
What happens when you do a System.out... in the controller?



From: Kevin Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Tiles Controller in definitions
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 21:50:19 -0500
I'm trying to setup a controller for a Tiles definition.  I follow the
examples I've seen but it appears that the controller class is not
called.  I've seen posts here that indicate that you need to use
tiles:insert to enable the controller but I'm always using that
whenever I include the JSP.  Perhaps my use of tile definitions is
causing problems?  I'm also unsure whether I'm supposed to use the
perform() or execute() on the Controller interface.  The error I get
is that the JSP of the tile with the controller complains that it
cannot find the object that I am doing the putAttribute with.  The
error is on the tiles:importAttribute.
I have the following in my tiles-defs.xml:

definition name=standardPage
  put name=title.key   value=title.notDefined /
  put name=header  value=.standardPage.header /
  put name=content value=NO CONTENT DEFINED /
  put name=leftvalue=/WEB-INF/common/other1.jsp /
  put name=right   value=standardPage.testcontroller /
definition name=.standardPage.header
  put name=headerbar
  put name=left  value=NO LEFT DEFINED /
  put name=right value=NO RIGHT DEFINED /
definition name=standardPage.testcontroller
Here is the testcontroller.jsp:

%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-html prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-tiles prefix=tiles %
tiles:importAttribute name=TEST/
bean:write name=TEST property=value/
Here is the controller class:

public final class TestAction extends TilesAction implements Controller {
  public static final String TEST_KEY = TEST;
  public ActionForward perform(
  ComponentContext context,
  ActionMapping arg1,
  ActionForm arg2,
  HttpServletRequest arg3,
  HttpServletResponse arg4)
  throws IOException, ServletException {
  perform(context, arg3, arg4, 
  return null;

  public void perform(
  ComponentContext context,
  HttpServletRequest arg1,
  HttpServletResponse arg2,
  ServletContext arg3)
  throws ServletException, IOException {
  MyTestObject test = new MyTestObject(Test Value);
  context.putAttribute(TEST_KEY, test);
  public ActionForward execute(
  ComponentContext context,
  ActionMapping arg1,
  ActionForm arg2,
  HttpServletRequest arg3,
  HttpServletResponse arg4)
  throws Exception {
  perform(context, arg3, arg4, 
  return null;

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Re: Tiles Controller in definitions

2003-03-26 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 If you use a class as controller, you need to implement the Controller 
interface, which define only one method:

  public void perform(ComponentContext tileContext,
  HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse 
  ServletContext servletContext)
   throws ServletException, IOException;
 So you have to implement this method. Another solution is to extend 
the ControllerSupport class, which implement the Controller interface.
 The TilesAction class is a convenience class to be used with a 
controller URL.


Kevin Cramer wrote:

I'm trying to setup a controller for a Tiles definition.  I follow the
examples I've seen but it appears that the controller class is not
called.  I've seen posts here that indicate that you need to use
tiles:insert to enable the controller but I'm always using that
whenever I include the JSP.  Perhaps my use of tile definitions is
causing problems?  I'm also unsure whether I'm supposed to use the
perform() or execute() on the Controller interface.  The error I get
is that the JSP of the tile with the controller complains that it
cannot find the object that I am doing the putAttribute with.  The
error is on the tiles:importAttribute.
I have the following in my tiles-defs.xml:

definition name=standardPage
   put name=title.key   value=title.notDefined /
   put name=header  value=.standardPage.header /
   put name=content value=NO CONTENT DEFINED /
   put name=leftvalue=/WEB-INF/common/other1.jsp /
   put name=right   value=standardPage.testcontroller /
definition name=.standardPage.header
   put name=headerbar
   put name=left  value=NO LEFT DEFINED /
   put name=right value=NO RIGHT DEFINED /

definition name=standardPage.testcontroller 

Here is the testcontroller.jsp:

%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-html prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-tiles prefix=tiles %
tiles:importAttribute name=TEST/
bean:write name=TEST property=value/
Here is the controller class:

public final class TestAction extends TilesAction implements Controller {
   public static final String TEST_KEY = TEST;
   public ActionForward perform(
   ComponentContext context,
   ActionMapping arg1,
   ActionForm arg2,
   HttpServletRequest arg3,
   HttpServletResponse arg4)
   throws IOException, ServletException {
   perform(context, arg3, arg4, getServlet().getServletContext());
   return null;
   public void perform(
   ComponentContext context,
   HttpServletRequest arg1,
   HttpServletResponse arg2,
   ServletContext arg3)
   throws ServletException, IOException {
   MyTestObject test = new MyTestObject(Test Value);
   context.putAttribute(TEST_KEY, test);
   public ActionForward execute(
   ComponentContext context,
   ActionMapping arg1,
   ActionForm arg2,
   HttpServletRequest arg3,
   HttpServletResponse arg4)
   throws Exception {
   perform(context, arg3, arg4, getServlet().getServletContext());
   return null;
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Re: Tiles Error

2003-03-25 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 It is hard to say what is wrong without more information ;-).
 Jasper report an error while it try to convert the jsp page ?
 Check your jsp for a tiles:put  .. tag whith a path attribute, or 
path as attribute value ... Then, check if your tag has the correct 


Alonso, Damian wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to migrate my app to use Tiles (using Struts 1.1 RC 1).  I am
currently getting the following error trying to load my first page:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Warning - Tag put : Bad type 'path'.
   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
... [snip]

Does anyone know why this exception occurs??

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Tiles - Forward - Images/Color not shown

2003-03-25 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 First of all, when you have a bad page not showing what you expect, 
check the page source on the client side. Does the page contains the 
image tags and so on ? Does the page is well formed ? Is there some 
syntax errors ? Save the page, reload it from the server until you have 
a correct page. Look for the differences ... If the page is correct, 
this is a problem with your browser. If not, there is a problem on the 
server side.
 Check if all your tiles are inserted as expected.

  Hope this help,


Bank Kiratisin wrote:

Hi all,

I have a problem with tiles not shown up. My web application uses
struts/tiles on Tomcat 4.1.18. Almost every click on the site submits a
form to an Action, which forwards visitors to the next page that
consists of multiple main and small tiles.
Now the problem is 'sometimes' some tiles (in the same page) don't show
up. But when I click refresh button (and of course the browser warns if
I want to resubmit the form), the tiles do show up again. It happens
often with the images and background color, while the content text shows
up normally. Can anyone help me?
Ps. I don't know if this is related, but it trends to happen more often
when I tested from outside the company network (the application is
hosted at the company and it happens less when I tested at the office.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
-- Bank

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Re: [tiles] tiles:insert not working for relative path

2003-03-24 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 When you use Tiles, you should better use absolute paths (relative to 
the application). This is because you never know from where a tiles is 
inserted, and so you don't know to what the path is relative with.

 The only change that can explain the behavior change between 1.1b2 and 
1.1RC1 is the internal use of RequestDispatcher.include() instead of 
PageContext.include(). This later accept relative paths, while the first 
 Try to use the latest nightly build instead of the rc1: we have revert 
to a call to PageContext.include(). So, your application should work again.
 Let us know the result.

Volker Krebs wrote:


I've just updated our system from struts-1.1b2 to struts-1.1rc1.
It seems that tiles:insert page=/ only works for an absolute Path 

tiles:insert page=/path/to/jsp/MyJSP.jsp flush=true/
is working while
tiles:insert page=MyJSP.jsp flush=true/
is not working.
MyJSP.jsp is in the same Directory the other JSP is.
Can anyone confirm that ? I didn't find a bug entry for that.
Or has something changed in RC1 ?


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Re: [Tiles] Is it possible to get a definition name in a layout.jsp

2003-03-21 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 It is not possible in the actual version to retrieve the definition 
name. It is an enhancement request for a next version.
 The workaround is to add an attribute whose value is the definition name.


Raible, Matt wrote:

I have the following definition in my tiles-config.xml:

   definition name=.login extends=baseLayout
   put name=title.key  value=login.title/
   put name=heading.key value=login.heading/
   put name=content value=/WEB-INF/pages/welcome.jsp/
baseLayout has a path of:

definition name=baseLayout path=/layouts/baseLayout.jsp

In baseLayout.jsp, is it possible to retrieve the definition's name (i.e.
.login).  I'd like to use this in my body tag as an id, so after the
login definition is rendered, I'll have:
body id=.login

My reason for wanting this is so I can specify minor CSS tweaks on a
per-page basis.  This idea was inspired by


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Re: passing 'title' to a tile in a frame

2003-03-20 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 One important thing to remember when you use frames is that each frame 
is a different page and and that each frame will issue a different 
request to the server. So, it is not be possible to pass attributes from 
one frame to another using the request context, or tiles !  
 You have to find another way to do that, like passing the value as a 
http parameter of the frame url:
 frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:get name=header 
/?title=%=tiles:get name=title / name=header


Jeff Kyser wrote:

hello, all

have searched, searched, but no examples, and getting I guess hung
up on syntax.
Problem: I want to pass the 'title' declared in my tile definition to 
the 'header' tile,
which is itself  displayed in a frame.

From Cedric's posts and help from Steve Strait, I've gotten the syntax 
for putting
the title into the header in my layout.jsp file:

tiles:insert name=header
   tiles:put name=title beanName=title beanScope=tile/
And I also see from the tiles examples, the use of frames as:

frameset rows=73, *, 73
  frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:get name=header 
/ name=header

Can somebody help with the proper syntax for putting these together 
such that
the header frame gets the title?



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[Ann] Meeting in Paris this Saturday

2003-03-20 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 For those interested to discuss with me about Struts and Tiles, I will 
be this Saturday 22 march in Paris at the bookstore Le Monde en 
'tique' from 16h to 18h (


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Re: Tiles

2003-03-19 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 Check the struts archive. There is some answer to this question.
 You can also check for the thread Sell me on Tiles

Nathan Steiner wrote:

I am fairly new to struts, and was just getting comfortable with templates,
and now must dig into tiles.
With tiles, from what I can gather, you can compose your definitions in
jsp's and/or tiles-def xml file, and extend them, yada, yada, yada.
I guess my question is what are the pros-cons for both?



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Re: modules, is it possible to share tiles template?

2003-03-18 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 A possible workaround:

link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=%=request.getContextPath()%/css/onelook_ie.css 


Mark Zeltser wrote:


Global Tile:
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=html:rewrite
Regualar reference, html output:
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=/sample/css/onelook_ie.css 
Reference from sub module, html output:
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css
How to avoid having /module/ as part of URI when referenced from sub module?

Mark Zeltser wrote:



Is it possible to share tiles template from submodule? I woudlike to set
common look and feel for all sub apps. However, when sub module accesses
common tile, all image, stylesheet, etc, referenceses are changed to
include sub module as part of the URI. How can I solve this?
I tried to use /html:base tag with no success.

struts 1.1_b3
tomcat 4.1.8
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Re: useAttribute and simple Types

2003-03-18 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The useAttribute tag doesn't perform any type conversion. When you 
specify a classname, the tag will do something like:
 Classtype varName = (Classtype)request.getAttribute( attributeName );

 So, there is no way to specify primitive types.


Alban Soupper wrote:

Hi all,

Just a little question,
is it possible to use a tiles:useAttribute .../
with a value passed as boolean or int values ?
If yes, How :) ?
Thanks all,
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Re: useAttribute and simple Types

2003-03-18 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 Maybe we can improve the useAttribute tag to let it convert the 
primitive types. But I think that it will be only possible to convert 
primitive types to their corresponding wrappers.
 You can open a ticket for that in bugzilla if you wish. Even better, 
you can propose a patch ;-)


Alban Soupper wrote:


So what it the common use for passing boolean value to tiles:
via a String attribute ?

-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: mardi, 18. mars 2003 11:24
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: useAttribute and simple Types


 The useAttribute tag doesn't perform any type conversion. When you 
specify a classname, the tag will do something like:
 Classtype varName = (Classtype)request.getAttribute( attributeName );

 So, there is no way to specify primitive types.


Alban Soupper wrote:


Hi all,

Just a little question,
is it possible to use a tiles:useAttribute .../
with a value passed as boolean or int values ?
If yes, How :) ?
Thanks all,
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Re: Tile variable in a custom tag

2003-03-17 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 Import the tile attribute in one of the jsp scope:

tiles.importAttribute name=OBJECT_NAME /

 Then, you can use it in your tag as el expression.
 If you need to use it as java variable, use tiles:useAttribute 
 Check the tag syntax to know more ...


Sloan Seaman wrote:

Is there any way to get a variable passed to a tile into a custom tag within
that tile?
I pass to the tile:
   tiles:put name=OBJECT_NAME value=node/
and then I want to so something like:

pantryLoading:getBarcodeTree name=${OBJECT_NAME} property=nodeList

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Re: Tiles context and forwards

2003-03-14 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The better reading is the tiles sources ;-).

 A tile context is created each time a tile is inserted. A tile can be 
inserted with insert ..., or by a forward clause in a struts action. 
When the context is created, it is initialized with the definition 
attribute if any.
 The tile context is accessible once created. This is trivial to said, 
but this has some implication:
 If you specify a struts action as the definition path, the tile 
context is accessible in the action.
 If you directly call an action, there is no tile context accessible in 
the action, even if the action forward to a definition (the context is 
created at the forward time, i.e. after the action execution).

 A tile context can be retrieved with: 
ComponentContext.getContext(Servlet). There is some example in  

 Hope this help,


Mark Lowe wrote:

Anybody know any good reading i can do to better my understanding of 
how to get one's grubby mitts on the context for a given tile. i.e. 
how can i forward to a tile?  i.e how can i get a tile's context from 
an action servlet?

many thanks mark

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Re: Is it possible to change the base tile on the fly

2003-03-13 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 I have a very simple solution:

   *   Create a struts action that switch to the appropriate layout (a
 jsp), according to the user settings:
   action path=/switchLayout
   forward  name=layout1   path=/layouts/layout1.jsp/
   forward  name=layout2   path=/layouts/layout2.jsp/
   forward  name=layout3   path=/layouts/layout3.jsp/
   *   Then, use this action in the master definition in place of the
 layout ( ).
 A better solution would be to be able to do that with a Tiles 
controller: change the layout path in the controller. Unfortunately, the 
current tiles implementation doesn't allow to change the path of a tile 
context. Maybe a future version.


Raible, Matt wrote:

The reason I want to do this is to have two totally different skins based on
a user's settings.  How can I change a baseLayout and all children on the
fly?  Is it possible - can I just point to a specific tiles-config.xml after
they login?
I realize this is possible using stylesheets and some fancy CSS, but I'd
like to explore doing this using Tiles.



-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 10:27 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Is it possible to change the base tile on the fly

 It is possible to change a definition attribute like the 
path on the 
fly, but this will not change all the child definitions has 
you expect.
 This is because in the actual implementation all definitions have 
their own copy of the attributes. There is no lookup to the 
parent value.


Raible, Matt wrote:


I have the following base tile definition that all my other 



definition name=baseLayout path=/layouts/baseLayout.jsp
put name=title.key/
put name=heading.key/
put name=header value=/common/header.jsp/
put name=footer value=/common/footer.jsp/
Is it possible to change the path attribute of this 

definition on-the-fly

- perhaps based on a value received in an Action?  If so, how?



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Re: [Tiles] Creating SubTabs (Tabs within Tabs)

2003-03-13 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Affan Qureshi wrote:

I have implemented the TabLayout as described in the examples and works
well. I want to define sub tabs under the main Tabs. So my requirement would
be like having putList elements inside putList elements(which is not
possible in DTD) so that I can define nested lists. How have you implemented
this in your apps?
 You should define one definition for each subtabs. Such definition use 
the tabsLayout, and define the appropriate list.
 In the parent tabs, specify the subtabs definition name instead of the 
 Also, there exist another tabs layout more adapted to nestedTabs. You 
can download if from here

Looking at the DTD I saw an element putListElements. Where des this fit
in? Can this be helpful in this regard?
Also can I specify the class by
classtype=org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem to something more
sophisticated so that I can add some more info? What will I need to change?
 Yes, you can. Write your class extending or implementing the MenuItem 
class, specify this class as classtype.
 You need to disable the xml validation or add your entries in the 
tiles dtd to be able to read the config file containing your new 


Thanks a lot.


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Re: tiles:definitions extends attribute

2003-03-13 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 The extends attribute refer to a definition in the factory 
(initialized from the config file). The definitions define directly in a 
jsp page are not stored in the factory, but in a jsp context, so they 
can't be found by the extends attribute. This is certainly something to 
improve, but the ability to define definitions in jsp is not often used. 
It is usually replaced by the use of an xml config file.


Michael Ruppin wrote:

For an exercise, I decided to try using a JSP for my
definitions, as opposed to XML.  All went fine until I
tried to implement a definition with an extends
attribute.  It works fine in XML, but in a JSP I
get:javax.servlet.ServletException: Can't get
definitions factory from context.  Both my JSP and XML
tests used the same struts-1.1-rc1 jars, in Tomcat
4.1.18. Can this not be done?  I've never seen an
example, but all the documentation I've found
indicates this is a valid tag attribute.  My war
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Re: urgent:projecting with tiles

2003-03-12 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 Tiles allows to build pages dynamically. However, you should not use 
this functionality all the time ;-).
 In you r case, you can have a  login page, an error page (or more), 
and  other pages. Each page is build by assembling tiles, and by using a 
common layout, header, footer, ...
 To each page you can associate an action that do a kind of logic. For 
example, the action can check the appropriate login. According to the 
logic result, the action forwards to the appropriate rendering page 
(here a tile definition containing the appropriate body).

 But maybe I have miss something in what you are trying to do.



Hi, i've an question about tiles..
i would use tiles for my application, but i have an problem.
If i use tiles instead of frame but i face this problem: how obtain the
definition of page?
Example, i have in my application the login page and if an page call the login
page i would that the module of login will put into body of this page( manteins
header,footer an menu )..for this i append at the all link an parameter that
rappresent the definition of page, in an action i use this definition for create
an new definition and put the login module in the body. Now i have another
problem: if there is an error in a action i would reload the page that call this
action and display an error message. But the page not contains the logic,
contains only tag that iterate on collection of element passed from preavious
action. For this the action that have an error must call the preavious action
and not preavious action must know the url for call the preavious
action ( path,param and definition of preavious page). For this i add another
parameter at all my link, this parameter conteins the preavious url.
example of a complect url:
it's very orrible..but how i know the definition of page and the preavious url
if i not add this in the link?
i think to save this in session, but first this is very heavy for my server and
second if a client save the link and call my page with this savedlink???
i think to use the attribute input in action element, but some page dont't have
this ( example action of menage language could call from some jsp...)
i think to extends TilesRequestProcessor for adding at request an collection
conteins the preavious url and definition, but this function if my client
browsing normaly my site..if my client save the url and call my site with this
don't work...
there is an soluction of this problem?Somebody to explain the tecnics that use
in your application for solve these problem?
Thanks in advance,

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Re: modules, tiles and html:form

2003-03-12 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 I think that the problem comes from the fact that you put the pages 
belonging to one module under the WEB-INF umbrella. If you move your 
broken1.jsp to /StrutsIssues/admin/broken1.jsp, and change the 
definition tile.broken1 accordingly, all work fine:
 definition name=tile.broken1 extends=layout
 put name=body value=/admin/broken1.jsp/

 The problem is that in your not working solution, the path of the page 
is /WEB-INF/jsp/admin/broken1.jsp. Struts use this path to determine 
the module. The default algorithm is 'all page under /admin belong to 
the admin module'. With your previous path, struts found that your page 
belong to the default module. It is possible to specify another 
directory to store the pages of your module. Check struts doc.

 Hope this help,


James CE Johnson wrote:


I'm having a problem with a combination of modules, tiles and 
html:form. Hopefully someone out there has a better solution than what 
I've come up with.

The short version of my saga is that html:form in a jsp included as a 
tile by an action of a sub-application cannot resolve it's 'action' 
attribute into the appropriate action defined in the sub-application's 
struts config file.

The long version of the saga... (and there's a URL to a tarball of an 
example of my problem at the bottom)

My web.xml specifies two struts configuration files:
Each of the named config files installs the Tiles plugin. 
struts-config.xml looks to tiles-definitions.xml while 
struts-config-admin.xml looks both there and at 

In struts-config-admin.xml I have the following action defined:
   action path=/broken1
 forward name=success path=tile.broken1/
This, of course, corresponds to the context-relative url 

The tile definition for 'tile.broken1' in tiles-definitions-admin.xml is:
 definition name=tile.broken1 extends=layout
 put name=body value=/WEB-INF/jsp/admin/broken1.jsp/
Finally, the 'layout' tile is defined in tiles-definitions.xml as:
 definition name=layout path=/WEB-INF/jsp/layout.jsp
   put name=title   value=Struts Issues /
   put name=header  value=/ /
   put name=footer  value=/
   put name=bodyvalue=/WEB-INF/jsp/blank.jsp /
broken1.jsp attempts to create a trivial form thusly:
html:form action=/admin/
 html:text property=name/
So, with all of that in place, when i try to access 
http://localhost:8080/StrutsIssue/admin/ (using JBoss 3.0.6 
by the way) I get a nasty stacktrace telling me:
[ServletException in:/WEB-INF/jsp/admin/broken1.jsp] Cannot retrieve 
mapping for action /admin/bar' javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot 
retrieve mapping for action /admin/bar at 
org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.lookup( at 
org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.doStartTag( at 

Thinking that, perhaps, the jsp thinks it is within the /admin scope 
(if you'll pardon the misuse of the term), I try again with:
html:form action=/
 html:text property=name/
But, as expected, that fails because there is no /bar action defined 
in the struts-config.xml (only in struts-config-admin.xml)

I have a workaround but I don't like it very much. First we return to 
struts-config-admin.xml with a new pair of actions:
   action path=/working
 forward name=success path=tile.working/
   action path=/workingView
 forward name=success contextRelative=true 
I don't like this for two reasons:
1) I have to define two action paths for every action
2) I now have an action path that directly forwards to a jsp rather 
than handling all of that with tiles

tiles-definitions-admin.xml picks up the new tile.working definition 
so that the defined layout will be pleased:
 definition name=tile.working extends=layout
 put name=body value=/admin/
I don't like this because now my tiles have knowlege of the 
sub-application's context. Ideally, the '/admin' partial-path should 
only be known to web.xml.

And the working.jsp is:
html:form action=/
 html:text property=name/
The only thing I really like about the solution is that the 
working.jsp references the action path within the scope of the /admin 

I'm using struts 1.1-RC1 BTW.

A simplified and fully working example of my problem is here:

Re: Anyone using tiles with pager tag lib?

2003-03-12 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 When you hit a page through a struts action, the action is executed, 
then the request is forwarded to the associated page or tiles. The jsp 
spec specify that when you do a forward, the requestURI is change 
accordingly. This is why you get the URL of the tiles layout instead of 
the action URL.

 In fact, Tiles framework try to respect the struts way by doing 
forward (instead of include) as long as it is possible.
 A trick is to let think the tiles request processor that it should do 
an include instead of a forward. For that, you should put an empty 
tileContext in the request.
 I join an action that do exactly that. You should use this action with 
the struts action used to associate an URL to a tiles definition 
defining a page. You should avoid to use it with action used as included 

 action path=/showRequestURI
 forward  name=successpath=test.action.noforward/
 Hope this help,

package org.apache.struts.webapp.tiles.test;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.tiles.ComponentContext;
import org.apache.struts.tiles.ComponentDefinition;
* Implementation of strongAction/strong that create a TileContext 
in order
* to force the TilesRequestProcessor to do an include instead of a forward.
* The side effect is that request.getRequestURI will return the URL of the
* calling struts action instead of the URL of the tiles layout.
* See the jsp documentation to understand why.
* Usage:
* use this action in conjunction with an action declaration in struts 
* The action declaration should have one success forward to a Tile.
* pre
*   action path=/showRequestURI
*forward  name=successpath=test.action.noforward/
*  /action
* /pre
* @author Cedric Dumoulin
* @version $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2002/11/16 04:58:47 $

public final class NoForward extends Action {

   // - Public 

* @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance
* @param form The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any)
* @param request The HTTP request we are processing
* @param response The HTTP response we are creating
* @exception Exception if the application business logic throws
*  an exception
* @since Struts 1.1
   public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
   throws Exception {
 // Try to retrieve tile context
   ComponentContext context = ComponentContext.getContext( request );
   if( context == null )
 { // Not found, create a context
   // This context will be detected by the TilesRequestProcessor 
which will do an include
   // instead of a forward.
 ComponentContext tileContext = new ComponentContext( );
 ComponentContext.setContext( tileContext, request);
 return (mapping.findForward(success));

Laker Shen wrote:

The reason is that tiles mess up with the request url. Pager rely on
%= request.getRequestURI() % to build the url for next page. Tiles 
always point the request URI to be the layout.jsp.

Before the url for next page is: SearchResult.jsp?pager.offset=10,
now it is: tiles/layout/mainLayout.jsp?pager.offset=10
That's why it's not working. What should I do?

Tiles is nice, but did cause so many troubles.

From: Laker Shen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Anyone using tiles with pager tag lib?
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 22:14:36 +
Have trouble to use tiles with pager tag lib (from 
Anyone uses this two together? Is there a way to fix it? Thanks.

When I clicked the next on my search result page:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Error - tag.getAsString : 
component context is not defined. Check tag syntax

at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(


Re: Is it possible to change the base tile on the fly

2003-03-12 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 It is possible to change a definition attribute like the path on the 
fly, but this will not change all the child definitions has you expect.
 This is because in the actual implementation all definitions have 
their own copy of the attributes. There is no lookup to the parent value.


Raible, Matt wrote:

I have the following base tile definition that all my other definitions
definition name=baseLayout path=/layouts/baseLayout.jsp
put name=title.key/
put name=heading.key/
put name=header value=/common/header.jsp/
put name=footer value=/common/footer.jsp/
Is it possible to change the path attribute of this definition on-the-fly
- perhaps based on a value received in an Action?  If so, how?


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Re: Nested and Tiles taglibs together

2003-03-12 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 Hi Chris,

Chris Butler wrote:

So, I've been using struts for a while... even back when Tiles used to
be called Components. :-)
I'm pretty impressed with how far things have come and how useful the
framework is...
Anyway, I'm new to using nested tags and am trying to use them in
combination with Tiles.
The goal I have is to iterate over a bunch of questions, each question
which has its own layout. For now, ignore how the layout switch is
handled - I'm more concerned about passing nested context between tiles
if it's possible.  (I've actually accomplished the switch via a
logic:equals sort of hack for the time being rather than pre-loading any
data in a tiles controller.  Why this works with a tiles:insert, I'm not
sure since one would think it would have flush-from-within-a custom-tile
issues as well.)
First pass (without swapped layout):
nested:iterate property=questions scope=request
   nested:nest property=question
   nested:write property=questionText /br /
   nested:hidden property=questionId /br /
  !-- insert answers here later --
What I would like to do in concept:
*** questions.jsp
nested:iterate property=questions scope=request
   tiles:insert attribute=questionLayout flush=false/
*** questionLayout.jsp
nested:nest property=question
   nested:write property=questionText /br /
   nested:hidden property=questionId /br /
  !-- insert answers here later --
Problems I've had:
1. Tiles  flush = false
  I'm using JBoss 3.2.0RC1 w/Jetty - the Tiles flush tag doesn't seem 
  to work or Jetty mishandles it.  I know we're fighting against the
JSP 1.1 spec.
  Symptom: The flushed tile HTML appears first, the containing JSP HTML

 There is a ticket opened in bugzilla for this issue.You can try the 
proposed patch, and vote for it.

2. Losing nested context
  Once I do the tiles:insert, I lose the nested context.  I need to be
  to generate the problem index for each question in the form.  This
  look something like:

 I don't know how nested is implemented, but it looks like it store its 
context in the page scope. Need to be in the request scope to work with 

1. When will Struts move to support JSP 1.2?  It's been around for a
long time now.
  In fact, isn't JSP 1.3 out there as well?
 It is jsp1.2

2. Is there any good documentation on Tiles and Nested in combination?
  So far, I've been to a lot of the struts resources without much luck.
 I don't know about any documentation for Tiles/nested. Any help is 


3. I love the concept of Tiles controllers.  These are fantastic for
moving a 
  Tile around a webapp solely by referencing it via the JSP/tiles defs.
  there anyway to leverage this concept in relation to my desired

Thanks loads - any tips or even possible approaches would be fantastic.


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Re: [Tiles] Design - Overriding putList items

2003-03-10 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Affan Qureshi wrote:

I have divided the modules(logical) in my application in a Tab layout. I
want to show different pages under the same tab at various points in the
application. It means the putList items change all the time. If I want to
extend and override the values inside the putList tags I have to write the
whole putList tag again in the extended definition. Is this right or is
there a better way?

 It is right, the list itself is not extended ;-(. This is an 
enhancement request. I am not sure if it is already in bugzilla.Feel 
free to add it or vote for it.

I have created a bean in which I keep values for links to display in each
tab and modify them at runtime in my Action classes. I put that bean in
session and copy its properties to the TilesContext in the controllerClass
actions. The problem is that this design is not very easy to maintain and
enhance. Also I get the values mixed up in the session which makes the user
go to a wrong page sometimes. And the layout code is all over the place
instead of a single, configurable one (like the XML file).
Is this the right design I have? Any suggestions/solutions?

 In tiles examples I use the following for a user customized menu:

   * A definition contain the attributes for the menu, with a list of
 default items to show.
   * The controller  try to retrieve a customized list of items (from
 the session, but could be from a persistent storage)
 o If the list isn't found, get the one defined in the tile
   context from the definition, copy it and store it
   appropriately in the session. So, the list in the definition
   is used to initialize the default values !
   * Replace the list in the tile context with the customized one
   * Return from the controller and show the tile
 In this scenario, the definition is used to defined the default 
values. So, the management still centralized in the xml file. The 
controller is used to prepare appropriately the data to show.

Hope this help,


Thanks a lot,
My Tiles Code below:
This is my basic/default definition:

definition path=/webpages/layouts/tabsLayout.jsp
   put name=title value=MyAppName/
   put name=header value=/webpages/header.jsp/
   put name=footer value=/webpages/footer.jsp/
   put name=selectedIndex value=0/
   put name=parameterName value=selected/
   putList name=tabList
   item value=Home link=/webpages/home.jsp
   item value=Taxonomy link=/webpages/template.jsp
   item value=Search link=/webpages/search.jsp
In actions i have the following code to set the values in the session bean:
   LayoutSettings settings =
   List tabList = settings.getTabList();
   SimpleMenuItem searchTab = (SimpleMenuItem)tabList.get(3);
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Re: [Tiles] Localization Using Extended Tiles Definitions

2003-03-10 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Paul Hodgetts wrote:

Should I be able to do the following localization using
extended tiles definitions?
In tiles-defs.xml:

definition page=/default-layout.jsp
put name=header value=/header.jsp/
put name=footer value=/footer.jsp/
put name=content value=/index-content.jsp/
put name=content value=/cart-content.jsp/
 You need a .page.local definition in this file too. This file is used 
as default when the locale can't be resolved. In your case, when the 
locale is not de_DE. So, this file must be able to be fully resolved by 

In tiles-defs_de_DE.xml:

put name=menus value=/menus_de_DE.jsp/
 This is ok. When the locale is de_DE, this definition will be used in 
place of the definition with the same name in the default config file.

In other words, there is a common base page across all the
locales.  Each local adds a locale-specific menu to every
page.  Then there are the variety of specific pages that
add their unique content.
Does this make sense? 
 Yes, in your localized files, just rewrite the definition that need to 
be rewritten.

Is this the right way to do this, or
is there some other way to accomplish this? 
 This is the right way to do, but don't forget that you need a default 
configuration file. This later should be fully resolvable when it is 
read by the definition factory. This mean that all ancestor definitions 
must be accessible in the file, or in one of the file specified in the 
factory config.

 In Tiles, there is one factory for each matching locale (a matching 
locale = there exist a file with appropriate suffix for the locale). The 
factory is loaded when the locale is encountered. File loading follow 
the java i18n rule: The default file is loaded, then it is overloaded by 
files with the same name and a local matching i18n suffix.


Right now, I'm getting an error saying that it can't find a
definition for .page.local, but I may be doing something
else wrong.
Paul Hodgetts -- Principal Consultant
Agile Logic  --
Consulting, Coaching, Training -- On-Site  Out-Sourced Development
Java, J2EE, C++, OOA/D -- Agile Methods/XP/Scrum, Use Cases, UI/IA
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Re: how to catch exception using tiles thrown by e.g. org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtilStrutsModulesImpl.doInclude

2003-03-10 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 This design have been chosen in order to not penalize an entire page 
when only one tile fail. With this design, the page is shown correctly, 
and the faulty tile report an error.
 What is missing in this design is a way to customize what should 
happen in case of error. This is an enhancement request to be added to 
bugzilla (or vote for it if it already exist).


Jörg Maurer wrote:

Wondering why i have no chance to catch any exception i did some
investigation on that topic , so i consulted the java logic of your
insert tag. it is that ~good~ shielded against any exception bubbling,
that my own error handler logic never gets a chance because ALL
Insert Tag(commented out is your code, underneath that is what i want -
throw new JspException(ex.getMessage())) : 

			} catch (ServletException ex) {
Throwable realEx = ex;
if (ex.getRootCause() != null) {
	realEx = ex.getRootCause();
//	realEx,
//	[ServletException in: + page +
]  + realEx.getMessage() + ');
   throw new JspException(ex.getMessage());
			} catch (Exception ex) {
//processException(ex, [Exception in: +
page + ]  + ex.getMessage());
   throw new JspException(ex.getMessage());
			} finally {
// restore old context
// done only if currentContext not null
(bug with Silverstream ?; related by Arvindra Sehmi 20010712)
if (currentContext != null)
			return EVAL_PAGE;

Looking at Geary´s template insert tag, he always chose to do throw new
Your logic displays by default a simple stack trace(Exception type and
exception message) of where the tile should be. I dont want to show that
to my customer, but as i said, i have no change to display my  jsp-error
page instead.  

So if that feature is not here for any other reason, i consider that
being a unlucky design for me, because i have to at least vesion my own
tiles.jar or do some dirty subclassing your tag.
I would appreciate your comment.

Greets Jörg

-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Donnerstag, 06. März 2003 11:57
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: how to catch exception using tiles thrown by e.g.

Jörg Maurer wrote:




exactly as you said, insert is used. despite the big try-catch block
approach, its unclear to me why error-page in web.xml doesn#t get a


Additionally i searched for similar behaviour and all i found was
page 52 of the JSP 1.2 spec : 
Note: if autoFlush=true then if the contents of the initial Jsp-
Writer has been flushed to the ServletResponse output stream
then any subsequent attempt to dispatch an uncaught
exception from the offending page to an errorPage may fail.
When an error page is also indicated in the web.xml
descriptor, the JSP error page applies first, then the web.xml

You as a more experienced one than myself, does it make some sense to
the issue?

 This make sense: Your page is made of several tiles. The first ones 
have already been compute, and so some outputs have been flushed. Then, 
one of the insert .. throw an exception. This exception is not catched

by the jsp mechanism because the output stream has already been flushed


-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Dienstag, 04. März 2003 18:35
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: how to catch exception using tiles thrown by e.g.

I suppose that your exception is thrown by a tiles:insert ... tag


a jsp.
This exception is thrown by the tiles framework, which know nothing 
about the struts exception mechanism, so it can't be used. The


is then propagated by the tag handler and reach the jsp page (the tile 
jsp). If there is an exception handler associated to the jsp, it is 
called, if there is no handler, the exception is propagated to parent 
page inserting this one. If the parent page have inserted the child


with an insert ..., then the insert catch the exception and show


Normally, the jsp exception handling should work, but it appear that it


is not always the case.

A workaround is to put a big try/catch in the jsp throwing the 
exception ;-(. This will be improved in future versions.


Jörg Maurer wrote:


Hi struts people!

I have really defined everywhere i think i can put an exception


for servlet exception : 
1.) in my base layout.jsp an %@
2.) in struts config a global

Re: Struts-Tiles causes charset problem!!!

2003-03-07 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 So you have a encoding type problem on the server side. This is not 
related to Tiles because you have the same problem with jsp:include.

  Have you try to specify the encoding in each faulty jsp:
% page pageEncoding ..%.
 You can also specify the encoding of the tiles-config.xml file:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1 ?
 Hope this help,


Eric Chow wrote:

Hi Cedric,

The returned page has appropriate encoding tag.


- Original Message -
From: Cedric Dumoulin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: Struts-Tiles causes charset problem!!!

 Check if the returned page (the page source in the browser) has the
appropriate encoding tag.
The page encoding is usually set in your template.jsp file.

Eric Chow wrote:



I want to display some Chinese in JSP(Customer Tag).

If my JSP as following: (showChineseContent.jsp)
% page language=java contentType=text/html %
% taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/test.tld prefix=test %
% taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/share.tld prefix=share %
meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8
meta HTTP-EQUIV=Pragma CONTENT=no-cache
titleChinese Form/title
link rel=stylesheet href=css/myapp.css
table border=0 width=100% align=center cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2
tdtest:chineseFormInfo property=messageID//td
tdtest:chineseFormInfo property=name//td
The above JSP works very well, I can retrieve those Chinese from database

and display them correctly.

After I change it to use Tiles as a template as following:

definition name=showChineseLayout path=template.jsp
put name=title  value=Test Chinese /
put name=content value=showChineseContent.jsp /
in my showChinese.jsp
tiles:insert definition=showChineseLayout flush=true /

After changed to tiles, everything is wrong, all the Chinese displayed as


Is there any problem in Tiles?  And, I tried to use jsp:include

page=showChineseContent.jsp flush=true/ instead of Tiles, it also not

Any idea on it?

Best regards,


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Re: Tiles and appending request parameters

2003-03-07 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Brandon Goodin wrote:


let me provide a more real world example and see what you would do.

- I have a menu that is customized according to the user.
- I have a tile that displays the menu data.
- I have a layout that has a tiles:insert name=menu
- In my tiles-defs.xml I give the following definition for the menu
definition name=main
 put name=menu
- The contollerUrl needs to retrieve the userid from the
original action that called the mypage definition. Since the
definition spawns it's own request I assume it does not have access to the
request of the parent page. Therefore, I was wondering if there is a way to
pass the userId down into the request that is spawned by the controllerUrl.
 Tiles use RequestDispatcher.include() to include a tile or call a 
controller. The original request is accessible in all the included tiles 
or controller. So, you can access the userId.

Here is a step through of the process I envision

request -
Action -
page that contains controllerUrl tile definition -
menu tile calls controllerUrl Action -
(Here is where I want to pass parameters into the request spawned by the
 Here you retrieve the userId, and create the appropriate user menu. 
There is several solutions:

   * set a tile attribute to a predefined menu definition
   * create dynamically a list of menu entry
   * ...
Action does it's magic -
Action returns a page with a menu customized to a particular user.
 The action forward to the menu tile which retrieve the appropriate 
attribute and show it as a menu ...

 Check the example in struts-documentation/example: there is a user 
customizable menu. This menu is set in a controller according to what 
the user has chosen. The corresponding definition is in 
tiles-examples-def.xml (examples.userMenu).


Thanks for your help.

Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
PO Box 85
Whitefish MT 59937
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354
-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 4:06 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Tiles and appending request parameters


 I think that the problem is not related to the Tiles. What you want is
to be able to add a request parameter to the current requestResponse.
 When Tiles include the controller via its url, is simply do an
include, and doesn't modify the requestResponse object. So, you still
have all the http parameters that are associated to the request. You can
yourself modify the requestResponse object in your action before
inserting the tiles. Check the jsp and servlet spec to know if it is
possible to add an http parameter. Personally I use to pass such extra
parameters in the request context or Tile context rather than a new http
 Hope this help,


Brandon Goodin wrote:


Hey all,

I have asked this question in the past and have lived with the limitation


not being able to do it. The only reason why I ask now is that I recently
gave a quickstart presentation on tiles and wasn't sure if somethin had


added to remedy the problem. So, I wanted to pose it again to see if there
has been an enhancement that supports it or there is a viable workaround
that can produce the same results (without scriplets).
I have a layout that has an insert that uses the controllerUrl attribute.
I want to append a parameter to the controllerUrl. Is this possible yet?
For example:

I have this definition:

When the page renders I want to attach the following request paramters to
the controllerUrl value:

So that the controllerUrl ultimately calls:

The parameters will be supplied by the action that called the parent


This is not a realworld example. It is just a simple illustration. Please


not send me alternate approaches. I just want to know if dynamic parameter
appending is possible with tiles.
Thanks all.
Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
PO Box 85
Whitefish MT 59937
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

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Re: Beginner Tiles Problem

2003-03-06 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Kuzminski, Nicolas wrote:

Besides, any one knows if it's posible to have an url association with tiles definitions, as we have with actions and, for example, /*.do urls? 
It would be great to have, let's say, /*.def requests

 You can post an enhancement request in bugzilla ;-)


Saludos, Nicolas.

-Original Message-
From: Kuzminski, Nicolas 
Sent: Martes, 04 de Marzo de 2003 17:30
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Beginner Tiles Problem

The problem is, you can't use a definition as a plain forward. It does not work as a url. Try this instead:

   action path=/go 
 forward name=successpath=/ok/
 forward name=error  path=/err/

(those two forwards are required, don't know why)

And redefine the forward:

   forward name=welcome path=/ redirect=false/

So now you have a real url that points to a definition: /

Saludos, Nicolas.

-Original Message-
From: White, Joshua A (CASD, IT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Martes, 04 de Marzo de 2003 17:28
Subject: Beginner Tiles Problem
I have successfully set up tiles using a tiles-def.xml file.  In this file,
I have set up a definition for my.default.
I have been successfully able to view this layout by inserting the following
code into a jsp:
%@ taglib uri=struts-html prefix=html%
%@ taglib uri=struts-bean prefix=bean%
%@ taglib uri=struts-tiles prefix=tiles%
tiles:insert definition=my.default/
Again, this works fine.  I have been attempting to declare a global forward
mapping for the same layout:
   forward name=welcome path=my.default redirect=false/
I have inserted the following code into a jsp file to test the forwards:
%@ taglib uri=struts-logic prefix=logic%
logic:forward name=welcome/
When I hit the page containing this code, Tomcat gives me a 404 (The
requested resource (/myapp/my.default) is not available.).  Whats happening


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Re: Basic Tiles question

2003-03-06 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 A tile attribute is only visible in its tile, not in its parent, not 
in the sub tiles.
  You should pass the attribute explicitly from the current tile to the 
inserted tile, or put the value in the request context:

 tiles:insert attribute=header 
   tiles:put name=title beanName=title beanScope=titles /

Steve Stair wrote:

How do I get the contents of a variable which is clearly available
inside the layout file
to be available inside a tile?
In my layout file, I can have something like tiles:getAsString
name=title/ which works just fine.
If I put the same tag in a tile, I get this error message:

 [ServletException in:/tiles/test.jsp] Error - tag.getAsString :
attribute 'title' not found in context. Check tag syntax'

Steve Stair
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Re: Tiles problems (Building complex pages)

2003-03-06 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Fabio Mancinelli wrote:

Hash: SHA1
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Cedric Dumoulin wrote:



 It looks like your unlucky using Tiles ;-).


Thank you for your answers. I admit that some of my questions were a bit 
brain-damaged :) Anyway passing a definition to the vboxLayout via the 
add beanName=.../ doesn't work because all the passed attributes are 
inserted in the vboxLayout by using a insert name=.../

I made it work by modifying the vboxLayout in this way:

Iterator i = list.iterator();
while(i.hasMoreElement()) {
  String name = (String);
logic:present name=%= name %
%--A bean is present with the attribute name so it should be a definition--%
tiles:insert beanName=%= name %/
logic:notPresent name=%= name %
%--Standard tiles insertion--
tiles:insert name=%= name %/
So, when I insert that tile I alway use 
add name=.../ regardless if I am passing a definition (local or 
tile-config defined) or a path to another tile.This is necessary, I 
think, because add beanName doesn't work at all. Do you think this is a 
reasonable solution?

 I think this is a good solution.


However this solution fails for adding normal strings, but I agree with 
you (Cedric) that you should not compose body tiles with a list of small 
strings packed in a vboxLayout! :) So the lack of support for normal 
strings isn't really an issue! 

A presto,
- -- 
- -
Fabio Mancinelli, PhD student EMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dipartimento di Informatica WWW :
Universita' dell'Aquila
- -

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Re: how to catch exception using tiles thrown by e.g. org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtilStrutsModulesImpl.doInclude

2003-03-06 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Jörg Maurer wrote:


exactly as you said, insert is used. despite the big try-catch block
approach, its unclear to me why error-page in web.xml doesn#t get a try.
Additionally i searched for similar behaviour and all i found was
page 52 of the JSP 1.2 spec : 
Note: if autoFlush=true then if the contents of the initial Jsp-
Writer has been flushed to the ServletResponse output stream
then any subsequent attempt to dispatch an uncaught
exception from the offending page to an errorPage may fail.
When an error page is also indicated in the web.xml
descriptor, the JSP error page applies first, then the web.xml

You as a more experienced one than myself, does it make some sense to
the issue?
 This make sense: Your page is made of several tiles. The first ones 
have already been compute, and so some outputs have been flushed. Then, 
one of the insert .. throw an exception. This exception is not catched 
by the jsp mechanism because the output stream has already been flushed ...


-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Dienstag, 04. März 2003 18:35
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: how to catch exception using tiles thrown by e.g.

 I suppose that your exception is thrown by a tiles:insert ... tag in

a jsp.
 This exception is thrown by the tiles framework, which know nothing 
about the struts exception mechanism, so it can't be used. The exception

is then propagated by the tag handler and reach the jsp page (the tile 
jsp). If there is an exception handler associated to the jsp, it is 
called, if there is no handler, the exception is propagated to parent 
page inserting this one. If the parent page have inserted the child page

with an insert ..., then the insert catch the exception and show it.

Normally, the jsp exception handling should work, but it appear that it 
is not always the case.

 A workaround is to put a big try/catch in the jsp throwing the 
exception ;-(. This will be improved in future versions.


Jörg Maurer wrote:


Hi struts people!

I have really defined everywhere i think i can put an exception handler
for servlet exception : 
1.) in my base layout.jsp an %@
2.) in struts config a global exception handler
3.) in web.xml

Still ServletException slip through my guards. Last know point as stack
trace shows below is

t , which throws ServletException but is never
catchable to me. The point is not the FileNotFound, which is pretty
clear to me, but why such exception doesn´t hit any of my error


Any hints appreciated!

2003-03-04 12:36:06 ApplicationDispatcher[] Servlet.service() for
servlet jsp threw exception
javax.servlet.ServletException: /pages/wf_category/pager_region.jsp





  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(







  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(





  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(


Re: Struts-Tiles causes charset problem!!!

2003-03-06 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 Check if the returned page (the page source in the browser) has the 
appropriate encoding tag.
The page encoding is usually set in your template.jsp file.


Eric Chow wrote:


I want to display some Chinese in JSP(Customer Tag).

If my JSP as following: (showChineseContent.jsp)
% page language=java contentType=text/html %
% taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/test.tld prefix=test %
% taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/share.tld prefix=share %
meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 
meta HTTP-EQUIV=Pragma CONTENT=no-cache
titleChinese Form/title

link rel=stylesheet href=css/myapp.css
table border=0 width=100% align=center cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2
 tdtest:chineseFormInfo property=messageID//td
 tdtest:chineseFormInfo property=name//td

The above JSP works very well, I can retrieve those Chinese from database and display them correctly.

After I change it to use Tiles as a template as following:

definition name=showChineseLayout path=template.jsp
 put name=title  value=Test Chinese /
 put name=content value=showChineseContent.jsp /
in my showChinese.jsp
tiles:insert definition=showChineseLayout flush=true /

After changed to tiles, everything is wrong, all the Chinese displayed as some QUESTION-MARKS !

Is there any problem in Tiles?  And, I tried to use jsp:include page=showChineseContent.jsp flush=true/ instead of Tiles, it also not worked.

Any idea on it?

Best regards,

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Re: Tiles and appending request parameters

2003-03-06 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 I think that the problem is not related to the Tiles. What you want is 
to be able to add a request parameter to the current requestResponse.
 When Tiles include the controller via its url, is simply do an 
include, and doesn't modify the requestResponse object. So, you still 
have all the http parameters that are associated to the request. You can 
yourself modify the requestResponse object in your action before 
inserting the tiles. Check the jsp and servlet spec to know if it is 
possible to add an http parameter. Personally I use to pass such extra 
parameters in the request context or Tile context rather than a new http 

 Hope this help,


Brandon Goodin wrote:

Hey all,

I have asked this question in the past and have lived with the limitation of
not being able to do it. The only reason why I ask now is that I recently
gave a quickstart presentation on tiles and wasn't sure if somethin had been
added to remedy the problem. So, I wanted to pose it again to see if there
has been an enhancement that supports it or there is a viable workaround
that can produce the same results (without scriplets).
I have a layout that has an insert that uses the controllerUrl attribute.
I want to append a parameter to the controllerUrl. Is this possible yet?
For example:

I have this definition:

When the page renders I want to attach the following request paramters to
the controllerUrl value:

So that the controllerUrl ultimately calls:

The parameters will be supplied by the action that called the parent layout.

This is not a realworld example. It is just a simple illustration. Please do
not send me alternate approaches. I just want to know if dynamic parameter
appending is possible with tiles.
Thanks all.
Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
PO Box 85
Whitefish MT 59937
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

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Re: Urgent, TilesRequestProcessor

2003-03-06 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 If you use Tiles, and want to extends the RequestProcessor, you need 
to extend the TilesRequestProcessor. This later extends the 
RequestProcessor, so you transitively extends it also.

 The TilesRequestProcessor purpose is to catch the definition names 
used in urls. If  a struts url (like forward=) is a definition, then 
this definition is inserted in place of the url. The 
TilesRequestProcessor doesn't interfere with other functionalities 
provided by the original processor.
 To understand exactly what happen, you can check the RequestProcessor 
workflow (defined in the process() method). This will help to understand.



Hi, i've a problem with TilesRequestProcessor;
i insert in my struts-config.xml the definition of my classes:
controller  processorClass=struts.requestP /
and requestP extends  TilesRequestProcessor (i don't understand whi if i use
tiles plug-in i don't exstend RequestProcessor..)
in this class i overload the processPreprocess and processForwardConfig methods,
now if i call an jsp page this processor dont't work (i use System.out for see
if it work..), it's work if i use TilesAction...whi?
example of my page:
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
tiles:insert definition=base flush=true controllerUrl=/ /
and in my struts-config.xml:
action type=struts.tilesA path=/til
forward name=success path=mainLayout/
in my tiles-defs.xml:

definition name=base  path=/tilesLayout/baseLayout.jsp
put name=page  value=baseEstesa /
put name=title  value=prova.titolo /
   put name=header value=/tilesLayout/header.jsp /
put name=body   value=/tilesLayout/body.jsp /
put name=menuI   value=/tilesLayout/menuI.jsp /
   put name=footer value=/tilesLayout/footer.jsp /
in this case i use an TilesAction and i see the System.out from my processor(my
processor work),but if i don't use the TilesAction:
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
tiles:insert definition=base flush=true /
the processor don't work...whi?
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Re: Unable to access title attribute in Tiles under layout (1.1-rc1)

2003-03-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 Once again ;-) :
The attributes of a tile are only accessible from this tile, not from 
its sub- tiles or its parent. Attributes of a tile are like parameters 
of a method: they are only visible in this method.

 It is why you can't access the title attribute owned by the layout 
from the header tile.
 To access it, you need to pass it explicitly to the tile:
tiles:insert attribute=header 
 tiles:put name=title beanName=title beanScope=tiles /


Steve Stair wrote:

Inside  /layouts/layout.jsp page, I have the following:

  %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
  titletiles:getAsString name=title//title
Which works fine, the page title as defined in the tiles defintion file
is displayed in the browser's title bar
However, when I attempt to use that same title in /tiles/header.jsp

  %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
   h1tiles:getAsString name=title//h1
I get the following error message:

  [ServletException in:/tiles/header.jsp] Error - tag.getAsString :
attribute 'title' not found in context. Check tag syntax' 

I haven't been able to find an example that does this.
So far I've only found an example that statically includes the header
which somewhat defeats the purpose of using Tiles.
My definition looks like this

 definition path=/layouts/layout.jsp
   put name=title value=${title} /
   put name=header value=/tiles/header.jsp /
   put name=nav value=/tiles/nav.jsp /
   put name=messages value=/tiles/messages.jsp /
   put name=content value=${content} /
   put name=footer value=/tiles/footer.jsp /
Steve Stair
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Re: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

2003-03-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 The configuration you propose should work. All example ship with 
struts are based on this kind of nesting (portal, tabs, menu, ...).
 The reported exception usually appear when an insert ... is 
performed inside a tag implementing the BodyTag interface (like insert, 
iterate, ...).
 Is there a tag surrounding tiles:insert ... in your memberDetail.jsp 
file ?


Roland Berger wrote:

Hi Cedric

Sorry, but I can not find the problem even with the examples. I belive I do
it the same way as it is done there.
May be you can have a look at the code below:

*** tiles-defs.xml snippets ***

   definition name=.detailLayout
   definition extends=.detailLayout
   put name=body
   put name=bodyHead
 involved jsp page snippets 

File: detailLayout.jsp
   tiles:insert  attribute=body /
File: memberDetail.jsp
   tiles:insert  attribute=bodyHead flush=false/
If I don't set flush to false I get:
Can't insert page '/WEB-INF/pages/memberDetailShowHead.jsp' : Illegal to
flush within a custom tag Illegal to flush within a
custom tag at
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent.flush( at
va:817) at
Again, the page memberDetailShowHead.jsp is put at the beginning of
memberDetail.jsp and not where the tiles:insert  attribute=bodyHead
flush=false/ tag is.
Thank you very much

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Montag, 3. März 2003 18:08
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: AW: Tiles Body question

 The examples in struts-documentation use a master layout
(classicLayout.jsp), and the body is often made of tiles inserted with
another layout (like columnsLayout, vboxLayout, tabsLayout...). You can
easily define your own layout with an insert. It is also possible to
insert the definition corresponding to a page inside a nested bodies
(see the tabs in the example directory).
 Maybe I have miss something in what you are trying to do ...


Roland Berger wrote:


Yes, that's exactly what I also want to do. But it seems that I missed the
big picture. When I set flush=true I get a Illegal to flush error. If I
set flush=false the tile I want to insert into the body template is
inserted at the top of the page and not where the insert tag is. Can you
give a small example with tiles-defs.xml and the JSP Part?
( see also thread:  'tiles insert in sub layout' )

Thanks a lot.
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Samstag, 22. Februar 2003 14:13
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: Tiles Body question

You can have a body acting as a body template which in turn insert
other bodies ...

James Prance wrote:


In a classic template, the header, footer and menu could be common across
your application.
However the body would likely change depending on the business process.
Is there a way to alter the 'body' value dynamically? I'm a bit confused


this at the moment and my current understanding is that you need a new
'layout' for each differing 'body' page..
is this correct or am i totally arse about face?


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Re: Setting tiles attributes from a bean in different scopes

2003-03-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

BaTien Duong wrote:

Thanks Cedric. You save us a day! 3 more items to be sure:

1) Assuming we have *myAttribute* from *myBean* in user session
myBean.getLevel2().getMyAttribute(). To use myAttribute as a JSP Java
variable, we need:
	//set an attribute for tile insert
	tiles:insert attribute=myAttribute /
	  tiles:put name=myAttribute beanName=myBean
	beanScope=session beanProperty=level2.myAttribute /

 This declare a tile attribute initialized from your bean. This 
attribute can be used in the inserted tile only, not in the current page

//declare a Java variable for JSP usage
tiles:useAttribute name=myAttribute scope=request /
 This can be done in the inserted tile only. It declare a java variable 
and a bean in the request scope. A java variable is only visible 
inside the jsp page where it is declared. The bean is visible in its scope.

// myAttribute is now available for all sub tiles in the jsp
%= myAttribute ... %
 NO ! The java variable is not visible in sub tiles because they are 
other jsps. But the bean stored in the request scope is visible. so, you 
can retrieve it from the scope:
bean:define .../

2) Assuming now level2 is a HashMap and myAttributeName is the key
corresponding to myAttribute value: myAttribute = (HashMap
the beanProperty can be set: beanProperty=level2.myAttributeName
 I don't remember the exact syntax for accessing hashmap. It is the 
same syntax used in Struts tags.

3) Assuming as in (2) but myAttribute is now a property of level2Obj, which
is the value of myAttributeName key: myAttribute = ( Level2Obj (HashMap
myBean.getLevel2()).get(myAttributeName).getMyAttribute(), the
beanProperty can be set:
 It should work. In fact Tiles use the BeanUtils library. So, if this 
library support it, Tiles support it also.



-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 9:35 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Setting tiles attributes from a bean in different scopes


BaTien Duong wrote:


Hello Cedric and the group:

Issue: need to retrieve properties of *myBean* in user session scope as
values for tiles attributes in request scope.

 You can't set the scope of a tiles attribute: a tiles attribute is
defined with put nested in an insert. A tile attribute is always in
the tiles scope (the tiles context). However, you can import
(importAttribute) a tile attribute in any jsp scope, or use
it (useAttribute) as java variable.
 So, I don't clearly see what you are trying to do ;-).

Solution from a scratch of my head:
jsp:useBean id=myBean scope=session /
tiles:useAttribute id=myAttribute name=myAttribute scope=request
className=java.lang.String /
tiles:put name=myAttribute beanName=myBean beanProperty=myAttribute

 This code is not valid because the put tag should be nested inside
an insert tag.

1) The bean and attribute are in different scopes. Can one set tile
attributes from session scope?

 You can set an attribute from a bean stored in any scope:
tiles:insert ...
 tiles:put name=myAttribute beanName=myBean beanScope=session /
 This declare and set an attribute for the tile to be inserted. The
attribute is called myAttribute, its value is taken from the bean
myBean which is in the session scope.

2) Is there a faster way to assign an attribute at the time of
initialization in useAttribute tag so we do not need jsp:useBean and
tiles:put tags?

 useAttribute .../ tag is used to declare a java variable inside the
jsp page. This variable is initialized from an attribute of the current
tiles. This attribute has been passed to the current tiles. A side
effect of this tag is to declare also a bean in one of the jsp scope.

3) Assuming myAttribute is a nested level of myBean ( i.e.
getMyBean().getMyLevel2().getMyAttribute() ), is there an EL way similar to

 Remind that you can use the dot separator in the bean property name:



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Re: AW: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

2003-03-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Roland Berger wrote:

Yes, the Tag's surrounding tiles:insert are:

nested:form  ...
 nested:nest ...
   nested:nest  ...
 table ...
   tr ...
 td ...
   tiles:insert ...
Do you know a work around?

 No workaround apart not using nested:nest .

 The problem is not from Tiles, but from the jsp spec: it is not 
allowed to flush inside a BodyTag.
 Also, your webserver seem to deal badly with inclusion because when 
you set flush=false, the tiles should normally appear at its right 
place, not at the top of page. What webserver do you use ?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. März 2003 11:33
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

 The configuration you propose should work. All example ship with
struts are based on this kind of nesting (portal, tabs, menu, ...).
 The reported exception usually appear when an insert ... is
performed inside a tag implementing the BodyTag interface (like insert,
iterate, ...).
 Is there a tag surrounding tiles:insert ... in your memberDetail.jsp
file ?



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Re: Tiles problems (Building complex pages)

2003-03-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 It looks like your unlucky using Tiles ;-).

Fabio Mancinelli wrote:

Hash: SHA1
Hi all,

Sorry for this lengthy mail but I am getting crazy!
I am working with Struts and Tiles and I am developing a small site to 
test (and stress this technology)

I reused some layouts taken from the tiles documentation. The standard 
page layout with the classical header, body, footer attributes and, in 
particular I took the vboxLayout:

 Iterator i = list.iterator();
 while(i.hasNext()) {
   String name = (String);
tiles:insert name=%= name % flush=true/
What I want is a page with the standard layout whose body is a vboxLayout 
with some tiles.

To do this I have to write the following files:
 If you use the tiles-config.xml, you can replace this page by a Struts 
action forwarding to a definition.


 As it use the vboxLayout.jsp, you can alsoreplace this page by a 

 These are your bodies, you need them ;-)

Where main is a page which uses the standard layout, mainBody is a simple 
.jsp with only a 

tiles:insert page=vboxLayout.jsp
tiles:putList name=list
tiles:add value=t1.jsp/
tiles:add value=t2.jsp/
t1, t2 are .jsp tiles.
Now my questions are: 

1) The mainBody contains a list of tiles some of which might be text-only.
I would like to do something like this:
tiles:insert page=vboxLayout.jsp
tiles:putList name=list
tiles:add value=t1.jsp/
tiles:add type=stringThis is an embedded text only tile/tiles:add
In this way I would get rid of all the .jsp which contains only text/html 
and are peculiar to a single page. But this doesn't work.

 This is useful only if the body contains small text, and preferably 
without tags.
 Specifying type=String should work.

2) Another problem is when a tile, let's say t1.jsp, needs some attributes 
to be passed in order to be instantiated. Let's suppose that the tile t1 
needs a title. How do I pass that attribute in the previous example?

 You can define another definition declaring your attributes. Then, you 
specify the definition instead of the jsp url:
definition name=t1 page=/t1.jsp 
 put name=title value=Yupi/

definition name=body page=/layouts/vboxLayout.jsp 
 putList name=list 
   add value=t1/
   add value=/t1.jsp/
tiles:insert page=vboxLayout.jsp
tiles:putList name=list
tiles:add value=t1.jsp
 tiles:put name=title value=Yupi/
tiles:add value=t2.jsp/
Doesn't work. 

I tried to write a local definition before actually inserting the tile:

tiles:definition id=instantiatedT1 page=t1.jsp
tiles:put name=title value=Yupi/
 This define a definition defined in a jsp scope.

tiles:insert page=vboxLayout.jsp
tiles:putList name=list
tiles:add value=instantiatedT1/
 You need to do somethink like:

tiles:add beanName=instantiatedT1/

But I am not sure that the vboxLayout support a definition bean as list 
element. Definitions are more useful when defined in the tiles factory 
from a tiles-config.xml file.

tiles:add value=t2.jsp/
But this doesn't work too. I tried also to specify different scopes for 
the definition (even the application one!) and different types for the 
tiles:add tag (namely type=definition and also 
The only way I've found to make this work is to put the definition inside 
the tiles-config.xml, but this would be equivalent in having a separate t1.jsp 
with no parameters.

I suppose the problem is in the vboxLayout but I cannot figure out how to 
write a layout which supports what I said in 1).
The problem in 2) still has no solution (to me).

 I suggest that you use the tiles-config.xml file. It will help reduce 
the number of pages. I also suggest to have one jsp per tiles, and to 
not write big pieces of body inside a put tag.
 Also, don't forget that you can write your own layout doing the exact 
behavior that you are looking for.


A presto,
- -- 
- -
Fabio Mancinelli, PhD student EMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dipartimento di Informatica WWW :
Universita' dell'Aquila
- -

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Re: how to catch exception using tiles thrown by e.g. org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtilStrutsModulesImpl.doInclude

2003-03-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 I suppose that your exception is thrown by a tiles:insert ... tag in 
a jsp.
 This exception is thrown by the tiles framework, which know nothing 
about the struts exception mechanism, so it can't be used. The exception 
is then propagated by the tag handler and reach the jsp page (the tile 
jsp). If there is an exception handler associated to the jsp, it is 
called, if there is no handler, the exception is propagated to parent 
page inserting this one. If the parent page have inserted the child page 
with an insert ..., then the insert catch the exception and show it. 
Normally, the jsp exception handling should work, but it appear that it 
is not always the case.

 A workaround is to put a big try/catch in the jsp throwing the 
exception ;-(. This will be improved in future versions.


Jörg Maurer wrote:

Hi struts people!

I have really defined everywhere i think i can put an exception handler
for servlet exception : 
1.) in my base layout.jsp an %@
2.) in struts config a global exception handler
3.) in web.xml

Still ServletException slip through my guards. Last know point as stack
trace shows below is
org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtilStrutsModulesImpl.doInclude(TilesUtilSt , which throws ServletException but is never
catchable to me. The point is not the FileNotFound, which is pretty
clear to me, but why such exception doesn´t hit any of my error handler.
Any hints appreciated!

2003-03-04 12:36:06 ApplicationDispatcher[] Servlet.service() for
servlet jsp threw exception
javax.servlet.ServletException: /pages/wf_category/pager_region.jsp
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Re: i18n in SimpleMenuItem

2003-03-03 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The Tiles config files should contain the resource keys (put 
name=title value=a.key /). You use this keys in the jsp file in 
conjunction with tags accepting such keys:
tiles:importAttribute /
bean:write name=a.key /.

 You can implement your own SmartMenuItem, taking a key as input, and 
providing the translated value as output ... You should find a way to 
specify the resource bundle to use.


Dan Allen wrote:

Has anyone written a class (which they would like to share) that
extends SimpleMenuItem to retrieve the bundle key for value and
global forward for the link?
I was envisioning something along the lines of:

item value=news
I am not even interested in the global forward as much as the
bean:message bundle resource.
Also, while I am on the topic of tiles.  Is there any way to use the
bean:message key=webapp.title/ in the tiles definition file?  I
know that you can have different definition files for different
languages, but it would seem to be more logical to be able to
reference the application message bundle instead.  It would seem to
me a new type of message would be the most approrpriate if it is
not already possible to do this.
I would be grateful for any responses to those two inquires.



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Re: tiles insert in sub layout

2003-03-03 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 Have you tried to set flush=true in your insert tags ?


Roland Berger wrote:

Hi all

tiles:insert does not insert the jsp page where it should.
I have the following setup:
In my master Layout (classicLayout.jsp) I have the tag:

 Code snippet start of classicLayout.jsp *
 tiles:insert  attribute=body/
 Code snippet end *
The attribut body references another tiles definition which inserts the
mitgliedDetail.jsp page. In that JSP page I have another tag: tiles:insert
attribute=bodyHead flush=false/ which points the
mitgliedDetailBearbeitenKopf.jsp Page.
 Code snippet start of tiles-defs.xml **
   definition name=.pages.mitglied.detail.bearbeiten
   put name=body value=.pages.mitglied.detail.bearbeiten.kopf/
   definition name=.pages.mitglied.detail.bearbeiten.kopf
   put name=bodyHead
value=/WEB-INF/pages/mitgliedDetailBearbeitenKopf.jsp  /
 Code snippet end ***
Instead of inserting the JSP page, referenced by the name bodyHead, into
'detailMitglied.jsp' where the tiles:insert  attribute=bodyHead
flush=false/ is, the page is inserted at the beginning of the page
'detailMitglied.jsp'. But the insert Tag is not at the beginning but
somewhere in the middle.
What is the proper way to insert jsp pages, which are insertet into the
master layout, and have themselfs insert tags? ( Kind of nested inserts )
Kind regards
PS: I work with struts version 1.1 beta 3

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Re: [Tiles] Whay can't a controller be assigned in the put tag?

2003-03-03 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 A Tiles controller is associated to the tile being inserted. The 
controllers are called when a tiles is inserted.  They are declared in 
the insert tag, or in the definition tag which is used by insert.
 The put tag is used to specify an attribute which is passed to the 
insert. So, the controller can't be associated to the put tag.

 What could be done in an future enhancement is something like this:
put name=body
 definition extends=a.def controllerUrl=aController /
 This will specify that the attribute body is a definition extending 
another one, and overloading the controller. The same mechanism will 
allow to overload definition parameters inline.
 This is an enhancement request that need a new ticket in bugzilla ;-).


jennings, christofer BOZ j wrote:

I'm curious why Tiles controllers can't be assigned in the put tag.

As far as I can tell, a controller can only be assigned at the level of
definition or input, which means that the controller must know enough to
format data for mutiple put sections of a page or tile. What I want,
though, is to have each put section (may we say node of a  tile?)
display independent data. I do not want a bunch of definitions that each
wrap one put, but it seems this is the only answer.

Am I wrong? If not, why can't a controller be assigned in the put tag?




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Re: Tiles Body question

2003-03-03 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 You can have a body acting as a body template which in turn insert 
other bodies ...


James Prance wrote:

In a classic template, the header, footer and menu could be common across
your application.
However the body would likely change depending on the business process.
Is there a way to alter the 'body' value dynamically? I'm a bit confused by
this at the moment and my current understanding is that you need a new
'layout' for each differing 'body' page..
is this correct or am i totally arse about face?


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Re: Setting tiles attributes from a bean in different scopes

2003-03-03 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

BaTien Duong wrote:

Hello Cedric and the group:

Issue: need to retrieve properties of *myBean* in user session scope as
values for tiles attributes in request scope.
 You can't set the scope of a tiles attribute: a tiles attribute is 
defined with put nested in an insert. A tile attribute is always in 
the tiles scope (the tiles context). However, you can import 
(importAttribute) a tile attribute in any jsp scope, or use 
it (useAttribute) as java variable.
 So, I don't clearly see what you are trying to do ;-).

Solution from a scratch of my head:
	jsp:useBean id=myBean scope=session /
	tiles:useAttribute id=myAttribute name=myAttribute scope=request
className=java.lang.String /
	tiles:put name=myAttribute beanName=myBean beanProperty=myAttribute

 This code is not valid because the put tag should be nested inside 
an insert tag.

1) The bean and attribute are in different scopes. Can one set tile
attributes from session scope?
 You can set an attribute from a bean stored in any scope:
tiles:insert ...
 tiles:put name=myAttribute beanName=myBean beanScope=session /
 This declare and set an attribute for the tile to be inserted. The 
attribute is called myAttribute, its value is taken from the bean 
myBean which is in the session scope. 

2) Is there a faster way to assign an attribute at the time of
initialization in useAttribute tag so we do not need jsp:useBean and
tiles:put tags?
 useAttribute .../ tag is used to declare a java variable inside the 
jsp page. This variable is initialized from an attribute of the current 
tiles. This attribute has been passed to the current tiles. A side 
effect of this tag is to declare also a bean in one of the jsp scope.

3) Assuming myAttribute is a nested level of myBean ( i.e.
getMyBean().getMyLevel2().getMyAttribute() ), is there an EL way similar to
 Remind that you can use the dot separator in the bean property name: 



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Re: AW: Tiles Body question

2003-03-03 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 The examples in struts-documentation use a master layout 
(classicLayout.jsp), and the body is often made of tiles inserted with 
another layout (like columnsLayout, vboxLayout, tabsLayout...). You can 
easily define your own layout with an insert. It is also possible to 
insert the definition corresponding to a page inside a nested bodies 
(see the tabs in the example directory).

 Maybe I have miss something in what you are trying to do ...


Roland Berger wrote:

Yes, that's exactly what I also want to do. But it seems that I missed the
big picture. When I set flush=true I get a Illegal to flush error. If I
set flush=false the tile I want to insert into the body template is
inserted at the top of the page and not where the insert tag is. Can you
give a small example with tiles-defs.xml and the JSP Part?
( see also thread:  'tiles insert in sub layout' )

Thanks a lot.
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Samstag, 22. Februar 2003 14:13
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: Tiles Body question

 You can have a body acting as a body template which in turn insert
other bodies ...

James Prance wrote:


In a classic template, the header, footer and menu could be common across
your application.
However the body would likely change depending on the business process.
Is there a way to alter the 'body' value dynamically? I'm a bit confused by
this at the moment and my current understanding is that you need a new
'layout' for each differing 'body' page..
is this correct or am i totally arse about face?


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Re: TILES - Network Traffic...

2003-03-03 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 Tiles doesn't use any javascript. It is a framework to build pages by 
assembling small pieces (tiles) on the server side. However, you can use 
your own javascript in tiles ...

 There was a discussion Sell me on tiles in the mailing list. Check 
the mailing list archive:[EMAIL PROTECTED]msgId=658517


Puneet Agarwal wrote:

I am quite new to TILES and have a query abt the way it renders HTML pages.

Does it embed the javaScript code into the HTML page itself or
it has generic JavaScript Library files, and includes them using a
JavaScript include directive in HTML for JavaScript file, so that it could
be cached at client side and lead to smaller payload on network front.
If not is there any other advantage of using TILES.
For our project network traffic is the biggest concern, the decision to use
TILES greatly depend on the above.
Your view shall help us greatly.
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Re: Tiles: dynamically adding definitions

2003-02-28 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The doc is temporarily available at
 It will be added to the official doc asap.
 It is not planned yet to add the feature you describe to Tiles. Such 
future can be implemented and used by extending the current core 
implementation, without changing it. If you use the extension mechanism, 
your implementation should survive any future enhancement of the Tiles core.
 However, if you make such extension, feel free to make it available to 
other users. If this feature is heavily used, we will  add it.


John Nikolai wrote:

Thanks Cedric, I look forward to seeing the document.

Is this a feature which may be added to Tiles at a future date?
Or is this too specialized?
Thanks again,
 - John
On Thursday, February 27, 2003, at 10:46 AM, Cedric Dumoulin wrote:


 The answer is yes, but it need some coding.

 The default definition factory doesn't provide a well know API to 
add dynamically new definitions.
 What you can do is to implement your own definition factory to 
provide such functionality. You can extends the existing factory and 
add the methods you need.
 You have to know that the extends mechanism is resolved statically 
when the config file is loaded. After that, definitions are stored 
resolved. So, you have to resolve yourself your extend. This is 
however simple to do: get the definition referenced by extend, 
create a new definition initialized with the previously loaded one, 
add your own attributes, store your definition in the factory.
 I have a short document describing how to write a factory. I will 
make it accessible asap.


John Nikolai wrote:

Is it possible to define a few base tiles definitions (loaded using 
TilesPlugin) and, during runtime, read in other definitions which 
extend these base definitions?

Here is an example use:

We have an XML file which defines a web site and used to generate 
the web site navigation. If we add a new page to the site we need to 
update this XML file to update the navigation as well. Can I add a 
tiles definition to this XML file and add that definition into tiles 
for processing?

nav path=/events file=events.jsp
leftnav Events amp; Activities /leftnav
breadcrumb Events amp; Activities /breadcrumb
put name=body value=/events/events.jsp /
NOTE: is defined in the default definitions loaded at 
startup using TilesPlugin.

Doing it this way when I add a new file I only need to update a 
single XML file as opposed to several.

Thanks for your help!
 - John
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Re: [Tiles] Q: Are paths always servlet relative (instead of modulerelative)?

2003-02-27 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

James Young wrote:

When using Tiles with multiple modules (with
moduleAware=true), consider the following JSP
tiles:insert page=/myTemplate.jsp
 tile:put name=main value=/myMain.jsp/
 tile:put name=menu value=../myMain.jsp/
1. Are both /myTemplate.jsp and /myMain.jsp always
servlet-context relative, not module relative?
 All paths interpreted by the Tiles framework are servlet-context 
 A module relative mechanism will be added later.

2. Is the same rule applied to definition path=..
and put value=.. in a Tiles XML definition file?
 Yes. Paths still servlet-context relative when defined in a config file. 

3. What about definition controllerUrl=..? Is the
action path servlet context relative or module
 Servlet-context relative. You need to prefix a struts action with the 
appropriate module name.

4. Is ../myMain.jsp above valid?

 It is valid, but generally not useful.
 The problem is that you can't says from where a Tile is inserted, so 
it is hard to say to what ../ refers.

5. Can tiles:put page=.. and put page=.. refer
to an action path instead of JSP?
tiles:put page=.. doesn't exist.
 You can have tiles:insert page=.. ... or tiles:put value=.. 
 In both case you can use an action path (prefixed with the appropriate 
module name).



J. Young

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Re: Frames and the Tile PutList

2003-02-27 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 I don't really understand what you are trying to do ;-).

 Can't you pass your apps attribute as a simple attribute (put 
name=apps .../) instead of as a list (putList name=apps add 
value=/ ...) ?


Jean Mercier wrote:

Thanks for replying Cedric,

I've created a scriptlet that removes the offending characters I'm able to
pass request.getContextPath correctly but try as I might I can't get
tiles:getAsString name=apps/ to be resolved and passed as
/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp when sent to the scriplet.  At best I pass
tiles:getAsString name=apps/ as a string.  Is there something like
eval() that I can use?
Thanks in advance,


-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: February 26, 2003 3:48 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Frames and the Tile PutList


 The extra '[' ']' are there because you declare the apps attribute as 
a list. You should either declare it as a normal attribute (put .../), 
or use an index to peek up the appropriate element in the list (not 
supported by getAsString or get or insert, you should get the list and 
use a scriptlet).


Jean Mercier wrote:


Hi All,

I searched the archive and I have not found a solution to this problem. I
unfortunately am required to use frames so when I attempt to use putlist to
extend my tiles definition, I get
/BrokerPortalWeb[/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp] when I would like to get
/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp is there a way around this.  

I submit my definition and results.

I've defined my tiles in tiles-config.xml

definition name=layout.notree.frame
put name=popupscript value=/carosys/popupjs.jsp
put name=banner value=/carosys/cmon/cmonBanner.jsp
direct=true /
put name=navigation value=/carosys/cmon/cmonBlankNvgt.jsp
direct=true /
put name=footer value=/carosys/cmon/cmonFooter.jsp
direct=true /
putList name=apps /
definition name=logonFrame extends=layout.notree.frame
putList name=apps
add value=/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp/
and carosys/templateNoTreeFrame.jsp is defined as
frameset rows=50,25, *,10 
frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString name=banner
/ name=banner 
frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString
name=navigation / name=navigation 
frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString name=apps
/ name=apps 
frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString name=footer
/ name=footer 
When forward to logonFrame the following is rendered all except apps comes
back fine
frameset rows=50,25, *,10 
frame src=/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/cmon/cmonBanner.jsp name=banner 
frame src=/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/cmon/cmonBlankNvgt.jsp
frame src=/BrokerPortalWeb[/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp] name=apps 
frame src=/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/cmon/cmonFooter.jsp name=footer 

Jean Mercier

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Re: Tiles: dynamically adding definitions

2003-02-27 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The answer is yes, but it need some coding.

 The default definition factory doesn't provide a well know API to add 
dynamically new definitions.
 What you can do is to implement your own definition factory to provide 
such functionality. You can extends the existing factory and add the 
methods you need.
 You have to know that the extends mechanism is resolved statically 
when the config file is loaded. After that, definitions are stored 
resolved. So, you have to resolve yourself your extend. This is however 
simple to do: get the definition referenced by extend, create a new 
definition initialized with the previously loaded one, add your own 
attributes, store your definition in the factory.
 I have a short document describing how to write a factory. I will make 
it accessible asap.


John Nikolai wrote:

Is it possible to define a few base tiles definitions (loaded using 
TilesPlugin) and, during runtime, read in other definitions which 
extend these base definitions?

Here is an example use:

We have an XML file which defines a web site and used to generate the 
web site navigation. If we add a new page to the site we need to 
update this XML file to update the navigation as well. Can I add a 
tiles definition to this XML file and add that definition into tiles 
for processing?

nav path=/events file=events.jsp
leftnav Events amp; Activities /leftnav
breadcrumb Events amp; Activities /breadcrumb
put name=body value=/events/events.jsp /
NOTE: is defined in the default definitions loaded at 
startup using TilesPlugin.

Doing it this way when I add a new file I only need to update a single 
XML file as opposed to several.

Thanks for your help!
 - John
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Re: Frames and the Tile PutList

2003-02-27 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
  If you use a list, you should treat the attribute apps as a list:

tiles:useAttribute name=adds classname=java.util.List /
 String aValue = adds.get(0);
frame src=%=request.getContextPath() + aValue% name=apps 
frame src=%=request.getContextPath() + adds.get(0)% name=apps 
Jean Mercier wrote:


Yes I can and that is what I'm doing at the moment but in the future I may
need use a list so that my tiles can be a bit more dynamic.  Also on a
personal note, I spent way too much time trying to figure out way to do it
yesterday.  So am very curious on how it could be done, it's like not being
able to finish puzzle. 

Anyway cheers!,


-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: February 27, 2003 1:31 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Frames and the Tile PutList


 I don't really understand what you are trying to do ;-).

 Can't you pass your apps attribute as a simple attribute (put 
name=apps .../) instead of as a list (putList name=apps add 
value=/ ...) ?


Jean Mercier wrote:


Thanks for replying Cedric,

I've created a scriptlet that removes the offending characters I'm able to
pass request.getContextPath correctly but try as I might I can't get
tiles:getAsString name=apps/ to be resolved and passed as
/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp when sent to the scriplet.  At best I pass
tiles:getAsString name=apps/ as a string.  Is there something like
eval() that I can use?
Thanks in advance,


-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: February 26, 2003 3:48 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Frames and the Tile PutList


The extra '[' ']' are there because you declare the apps attribute as 
a list. You should either declare it as a normal attribute (put .../), 
or use an index to peek up the appropriate element in the list (not 
supported by getAsString or get or insert, you should get the list and 
use a scriptlet).


Jean Mercier wrote:


Hi All,

I searched the archive and I have not found a solution to this problem. I
unfortunately am required to use frames so when I attempt to use putlist


extend my tiles definition, I get
/BrokerPortalWeb[/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp] when I would like to get
/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp is there a way around this.


I submit my definition and results.

I've defined my tiles in tiles-config.xml

definition name=layout.notree.frame
put name=popupscript value=/carosys/popupjs.jsp
put name=banner value=/carosys/cmon/cmonBanner.jsp
direct=true /
put name=navigation value=/carosys/cmon/cmonBlankNvgt.jsp
direct=true /
put name=footer value=/carosys/cmon/cmonFooter.jsp
direct=true /
putList name=apps /
definition name=logonFrame extends=layout.notree.frame
putList name=apps
add value=/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp/
and carosys/templateNoTreeFrame.jsp is defined as
frameset rows=50,25, *,10 
frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString name=banner
/ name=banner 
frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString
name=navigation / name=navigation 
frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString name=apps
/ name=apps 
frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString name=footer
/ name=footer 
When forward to logonFrame the following is rendered all except apps comes
back fine
frameset rows=50,25, *,10 
frame src=/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/cmon/cmonBanner.jsp name=banner 
frame src=/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/cmon/cmonBlankNvgt.jsp
frame src=/BrokerPortalWeb[/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp] name=apps 
frame src=/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/cmon/cmonFooter.jsp name=footer 

Jean Mercier

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Re: Frames and the Tile PutList

2003-02-26 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The extra '[' ']' are there because you declare the apps attribute as 
a list. You should either declare it as a normal attribute (put .../), 
or use an index to peek up the appropriate element in the list (not 
supported by getAsString or get or insert, you should get the list and 
use a scriptlet).


Jean Mercier wrote:

Hi All,

I searched the archive and I have not found a solution to this problem. I
unfortunately am required to use frames so when I attempt to use putlist to
extend my tiles definition, I get
/BrokerPortalWeb[/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp] when I would like to get
/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp is there a way around this.  

I submit my definition and results.

I've defined my tiles in tiles-config.xml

definition name=layout.notree.frame
put name=popupscript value=/carosys/popupjs.jsp
put name=banner value=/carosys/cmon/cmonBanner.jsp
direct=true /
put name=navigation value=/carosys/cmon/cmonBlankNvgt.jsp
direct=true /
put name=footer value=/carosys/cmon/cmonFooter.jsp
direct=true /
putList name=apps /
definition name=logonFrame extends=layout.notree.frame
putList name=apps
add value=/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp/
and carosys/templateNoTreeFrame.jsp is defined as
frameset rows=50,25, *,10 
 frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString name=banner
/ name=banner 
 frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString
name=navigation / name=navigation 
 frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString name=apps
/ name=apps 
 frame src=%=request.getContextPath()%tiles:getAsString name=footer
/ name=footer 
When forward to logonFrame the following is rendered all except apps comes
back fine
frameset rows=50,25, *,10 
 frame src=/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/cmon/cmonBanner.jsp name=banner 
 frame src=/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/cmon/cmonBlankNvgt.jsp
 frame src=/BrokerPortalWeb[/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp] name=apps 
 frame src=/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/cmon/cmonFooter.jsp name=footer 

Jean Mercier

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Re: Reuse Frames with Tiles

2003-02-25 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 The Tiles insert mechanism use the RequestDispatcher.include(...) 
which only allows to include a resource from the same webapp. So, you 
can't insert a tile from another war file.
 A solution is to implement a tile that read its content from an 
external location. But, the external location will not have access to 
the current request and so on ...


Bernhard Lenz wrote:

We have multiple web applications (wars) which all use the same header
(e.g. header.jsp). Currently since the jsp:include tag only works within
a war's context we have to package/copy header.jsp into each war. Now
every time header.jsp changes all applications have to be repackaged and

The goal is to store header.jsp only once e.g. in a common repository
war and have all other wars access this common repository to obtain the
header information. 

Is this possible with struts tiles? If so how? The examples that are
provided with tiles all reside in a single web application / war. An
inter war tile definitions example is missing. 

Your help is greatly appreciated. 



P.S.: The app server we're using is WL 6.1. 


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Re: Tile configuration problem: No value defined for bean

2003-02-25 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 You should use tiles:insert name=sccLayout .../ rather than
tiles:insert beanName=sccLayout .../
 beanName is for retrieving a definition from the jsp scope.
 name is for retrieving a definition from the tiles factory.


I'm experienced with Struts 1.0.2 and am trying to use 1.1 with Tiles for
the first time, and have successfully created my layout, but now I can't
seem to get my definitions to register in the tiles-defs.xml.  I've been at
this for two days and searched newsgroups and archives but can't seem to
find a solution...
I am using Struts 1.1 b3 on Weblogic 6.1 SP4
Using the struts-blank.war as my example, I placed the following in my
 controller processorClass
=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor /
 message-resources parameter=resources.application /
 plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin
   set-property property=definitions-config value
=/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml /
   set-property property=moduleAware value=true /
   set-property property=definitions-parser-validate value=true /
then in the WEB-INF/tiles-def.xml, I have put:
   definition name=sccLayout path=/common/layouts/upLayout.jsp
 put name=pageTitle value=CHANGEME/
 put name=stylesheet value=css/scc.css /
 put name=menuoptions value=/common/scc-menuoptions.jsp /
 put name=body-content value=CHANGEME/
Finally, in my jsp file, I have:
tiles:insert beanName=sccLayout beanScope=request flush=true
 tiles:put name=pageTitle value=Shipment Cancellations direct=true
 tiles:put name=body-content type=string

 centerh3bean:message key=index.heading//h3
 table width=50%
   bean:message key=index.message/
Any time I hit this jsp, I get the following error:
Feb 21, 2003 12:08:06 PM CST Error HTTP
[WebAppServletContext(3210383,scc,/scc)] Root cause of ServletException
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Error - Tag Insert : No value defined for
bean 'sccLayout' with property 'null' in scope 'request'.
   at jsp_servlet._secure.__index._jspService(
   at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
I have verifyed this layout will work, but only if I use it as a JSP
Any clues?  Am I missing something obvious here??

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Re: tiles plugin compatible with struts 1.0?

2003-02-21 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 The Tiles plugin is for initializing the Tiles framework in struts1.1

 The Tiles framework can be used in Struts1.0.x. You need a special 
tilesForStruts1.0.jar file, available in the distribution from Also, the setup 
differ. Check the docs, or use the tiles-blank-struts1.0.war file in the 
previous distribution.


Raymaker, Dora wrote:

Is the tiles plugin compatible with struts 1.0, or only with 1.1?





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Re: TilesAction and Controller

2003-02-20 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

David Graham wrote:

The controllerClass attribute doesn't appear to be hooked into the 
Struts exception handling mechanism so I tried controllerUrl.  I 
pointed the controllerUrl attribute at a / action.  That 
action throws an exception which does get delegated to the exception 
handling mechanism.

However, the ActionForward returned from the ExceptionHandler is not 
recognized by Tiles so the user doesn't get forwarded to the error 
page, the tile shows up instead. 

 When you use controllerUrl, Tiles do a RequestDispatcher.include() of 
your url. Any processing done from this include is taken into account. 
However, the goal of controllerUrl is to be able to associate a tiles 
controller which should normally only preprocess data (no rendering). 
So, you should avoid the use of ActionForward of forwards with an action 
used as tiles-controller.

 If you want to write a controller having different rendering views 
depending of errors/computation, you should better write a struts action 
used as controller, and do some forwards to tiles definition.

 The controller concept of Tiles is very basic: just one method called 
before the tile rendering; no error mechanism. Struts allow witting 
complex controllers as Actions.




 If you don't need  the struts properties, use a Controller class and 
 If you need the struts preprocessing or the struts properties in 
your controller, use a TilesAction and controllerUrl.
 A TilesAction is a regular Struts action which can be called through 
the servlet mechanism, and so can be catch and preprocessed by 
Struts. In addition, a TilesAction should be declare in the struts 
config file, and called throw its URL.


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