Re: HTTP/2 support in Maven

2020-11-09 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-11-05 um 16:49 schrieb Jakub Bartecek:

I did a performance test of HTTP/2 and its comparison with HTTP/1.1 and I
would like to share my results with you.

I wrote a Python script [1] to download 100 artifacts in parallel using
asynchronous HTTP client supporting both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. I chose 100
artifacts [2] from Maven Central, which were downloaded when I did a clean
build of one of my projects.

All 100 artifacts were downloaded using HTTP/1.1 and also HTTP/2 and I
stored the results in this file [3]. I did 10 experiments and measured its
performance. In the middle I switch the order of HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2
requests to avoid a possible bias. I run it from my laptop connected to 160
Mbit/s network.

The experiments showed massive performance improvements when using HTTP/2
instead of HTTP/1.1

- *The average download time using HTTP/1.1 was 3753.7 ms and using
HTTP/2 971.8 ms* [4]

- *In average the artifacts were downloaded 3.86 times faster using
HTTP/2 than using HTTP/1.1* [5]



This testing is logically wrong/incomplete. You have to download 
serially maven-metadata.xml, its checksum files, POM, its checkfiles and 
artifact itself and its checksum files. Please redo, I would to to test 
this too then. Enable HttpClient debug logging to see that more than 
just the JAR is downloaded.


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Re: HTTP/2 support in Maven

2020-10-26 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-10-26 um 15:01 schrieb Jakub Bartecek:

On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 10:25 AM Michael Osipov  wrote:

Am 2020-10-23 um 10:08 schrieb Jakub Bartecek:

I'd like to ask if it is possible to turn on HTTP/2 support in Maven. I
haven't found such an option.

If not: Are there any plans to add the support?

There is nothing to turn on and that would be unwise, something like
this should be done through ALPN.

Maven uses by default Wagon HTTP Transport on top of Apache
HttpComponents 4.5.x. Beginning with Apache HttpComponent 5.0 HTTP/2 is
supported. One would need to write a new (updated) HTTP Transport to
move all gone.
There is one crucial issue needs to be solved first: HTTPCORE-626. Also
read the related discussion [1].

Is there anything explicitly you expect from HTTP/2 compared to
HTTP/1.1? I have done a lot of internal improvements to Wagon HTTP this
year which covers a lot of use cases.

Have you done testing with curl which proves some kind of improvement?
I have talked about possible benefits of HTTP/2 in corporate
environments with jfclere@ and he sees little benefit because when you
have a repo manager in house, you have (a) a gigabit connection and (b)
minimal hops between client and repo manager.

Thanks for the clarification.

I wanted to test out if there are significant performance improvements with
HTTP/2 (which I hoped there could be),
but I haven't done any measurements by simulating it with curl. My first
idea was to try it with Maven directly

Please do that first to have any numbers to compare. I don't see to put 
any effort into something which will deliver a single digit percent 
improvement given the amount of work.

Share numbers when you are ready.

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Re: HTTP/2 support in Maven

2020-10-25 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-10-25 um 19:09 schrieb Benjamin Marwell:

While TLS 1.3 and ALPN (and ciphers) may have been backported, I am not
aware of http2 being backported to Java 8. Even if it was, it would not be
part of EVERY JVM implementation, eg Eclipse OpenJ9.

You are talking non-sense. Don't mix lower level protocols like TLS with 
application protocols. Moreover, there is still h2c.

Tomcat 8.5+ just works fine with h2 and h2c when connected via curl.

On Sun, 25 Oct 2020, 09:52 Michael Osipov,  wrote:

Am 2020-10-24 um 14:25 schrieb Benjamin Marwell:

You need at least java 9 for http/2. Java 11 is a current LTS release


supports h2.

Why? TLS 1.3 and ALPN have been backported to Java 8 recently.

Is there anything in the transport code preventing h2 transport?

Yes, your participation to do the work!

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Re: HTTP/2 support in Maven

2020-10-25 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-10-23 um 10:08 schrieb Jakub Bartecek:

I'd like to ask if it is possible to turn on HTTP/2 support in Maven. I
haven't found such an option.

If not: Are there any plans to add the support?

There is nothing to turn on and that would be unwise, something like 
this should be done through ALPN.

Maven uses by default Wagon HTTP Transport on top of Apache 
HttpComponents 4.5.x. Beginning with Apache HttpComponent 5.0 HTTP/2 is 
supported. One would need to write a new (updated) HTTP Transport to 
move all gone.
There is one crucial issue needs to be solved first: HTTPCORE-626. Also 
read the related discussion [1].

Is there anything explicitly you expect from HTTP/2 compared to 
HTTP/1.1? I have done a lot of internal improvements to Wagon HTTP this 
year which covers a lot of use cases.

Have you done testing with curl which proves some kind of improvement?
I have talked about possible benefits of HTTP/2 in corporate 
environments with jfclere@ and he sees little benefit because when you 
have a repo manager in house, you have (a) a gigabit connection and (b) 
minimal hops between client and repo manager.



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Re: HTTP/2 support in Maven

2020-10-25 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-10-24 um 14:25 schrieb Benjamin Marwell:

You need at least java 9 for http/2. Java 11 is a current LTS release which
supports h2.

Why? TLS 1.3 and ALPN have been backported to Java 8 recently.

Is there anything in the transport code preventing h2 transport?

Yes, your participation to do the work!

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[ANN] Maven Resolver 1.6.1 released

2020-10-09 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Resolver version 1.6.1.

Release Notes - Maven Resolver - Version 1.6.1

** Sub-task
* [MRESOLVER-139] - Make SimpleDigest use SHA-1 or MD5 only
* [MRESOLVER-140] - Default to SHA-1 and MD5 hashing algorithms

** Bug
* [MRESOLVER-25] - Resume support is broken under high concurrency
* [MRESOLVER-114] - ArtifactNotFoundExceptions when building in 

* [MRESOLVER-129] - Exclusion has no setters
* [MRESOLVER-137] - Make OSGi bundles reproducible
* [MRESOLVER-138] - MRESOLVER-56 introduces severe performance 

** New Feature
* [MRESOLVER-109] - AndDependencySelector should override toString
* [MRESOLVER-115] - Make checksum algorithms configurable
* [MRESOLVER-123] - Provide a global locking sync context by default
* [MRESOLVER-131] - Introduce a Redisson-based SyncContextFactory

** Improvement
* [MRESOLVER-56] - Support SHA-256 and SHA-512 as checksums
* [MRESOLVER-116] - Add page with all supported configuration options
* [MRESOLVER-125] - Use type conversions returning primitives
* [MRESOLVER-127] - Don't use boolean for property 
* [MRESOLVER-136] - Migrate from maven-bundle-plugin to 

** Task
* [MRESOLVER-119] - Turn log messages to SLF4J placeholders
* [MRESOLVER-130] - Move GlobalSyncContextFactory to a separate module
* [MRESOLVER-132] - Remove synchronization in TrackingFileManager

** Dependency upgrade
* [MRESOLVER-105] - Update Plexus Components
* [MRESOLVER-106] - Update HttpComponents
* [MRESOLVER-107] - Update Wagon Provider API to 3.4.0
* [MRESOLVER-108] - Update mockito-core to 2.28.2
* [MRESOLVER-117] - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.30
* [MRESOLVER-118] - Upgrade Sisu Components to 0.3.4


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: Maven SSL certificate for

2020-09-06 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-09-04 um 11:22 schrieb Nicolas Meunier:


We are using an old version of Sonatype Nexus (2.0.6) and it seems that we are 
not able to get dependencies stored on maven central ( or
The error we get is that the certificate is not valid from the 24th of August: - Got RemoteStorageException in proxy repository 
"Maven Central" [id=central] while retrieving remote artifact 
"/io/swagger/swagger-jaxrs/1.5.20/swagger-jaxrs-1.5.20.pom" from URL, this is 1 (re)try, cause: NotAfter: Mon Aug 24 14:00:00 CEST 2020

It's strange because by browsing this address, the Certificate seems valid 
(from 17th of Aug. 2020 to 8th of Sept. 2021).
It seems that Nexus is trying to retrieve the artifacts from other servers 
(it's crawling either the addresses, or
Was the certificate updated on all your servers ?

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[ANN] Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 3.1.1 released

2020-09-04 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Project Info Reports Plugin version 3.1.1.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 3.1.1

** Bug
* [MPIR-374] - Unknown packaging: bundle when creating report
* [MPIR-398] - Nonsense links created for mailing lists when mailto 
is empty

** Improvement
* [MPIR-393] - MailiingListReport.getArchiveServer is weird
* [MPIR-394] - Link for Jenkins introduction should be updated to


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: Any specific requirements for extensions?

2020-08-12 Thread Michael Osipov


that was very valuable information! Thank you!

I have boldly applied your recommendation and it works in the core 

As for the plugin, I have stumbled upon a very interesting case which 
broke my entire approach. I tried my code on windup which uses 
furnace-maven-plugin. It never picked up my factory. It turned out -- as 
you have said -- that specific plugin uses ServiceLocator wrapped in a 
MavenContainer class. Even worse, it creates new instances upon every 
new mojo call. Completely breaking @Singleton and Maven extremely fast 
hits an OOME. When I moved to your solution the plugin used DefaultSCF 
again because it does not use injection and but lost the features of my 
To prove that I have added another commit which exists TCCL, CCL and 
instance pointers:

Maven itselfs retains the same singleton object at all times, the 
furnace-maven-plugin ignores -- for obvious reasons -- @Singleton.
Here is my complete trace file at your convenience:

Search for

ExecutionEventLogger - --- furnace-maven-plugin:2.28.4.Final: 
(deploy-addons-for-bootstrap-tests) @ windup-tests ---

followed by

104934 [BuilderThread 8] [TRACE] DefaultSyncContextFactory - Instance: 
org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.DefaultSyncContextFactory@285c4fd, identity: 

I wonder why Sisu's debug output does not log the priority on created 
objects :-(

Thank you very much again!


Am 2020-08-12 um 11:56 schrieb Stuart McCulloch:

Scratch that - the AetherModule and DefaultServiceLocator are only used by
clients that don't use dependency injection, they're not used by Maven

The log snippet you posted above shows both SyncContextFactory components
are being bound in the same realm - they are therefore given the exact same
priority, both being "default", which means the one with the earlier
alphabetical name wins. This is DefaultSyncContextFactory, as shown by its
order in the logs.

Note if the replacement component was bound in a plugin realm then it would
automatically win because the baseline priority is bumped for each plugin
realm added to the system. This is to support Maven's standard behaviour of
always allowing a plugin to override previously bound components. A
component's priority is based on the baseline priority of its realm, with
default components given a boost compared to non-default components. In
other words default components always have a higher priority than
non-default components regardless of the realm/plugin, while components
bound in later plugins have slightly higher priorities than the equivalent
component bound in earlier plugins.

Because the replacement component is bound in the same realm as the
original (since the extension is being pulled into the core realm) then it
has the same baseline priority. So to make sure it appears first you'll
need to explicitly give it a higher priority. You can do this by adding:


to RedissonSyncContextFactory - this will give that component the highest
priority, so it will always appear before any other implementation of that

On Wed, 12 Aug 2020 at 10:17, Stuart McCulloch  wrote:

The issue is indeed with AetherModule which is installed by Maven
via MavenAetherModule

This module adds concrete bindings for various Aether components which
cannot be overridden in plugins/extensions.

These bindings will need to be changed to support overriding, I'll create
a patch to show how this could be done.

On Tue, 11 Aug 2020 at 12:07, Michael Osipov  wrote:

Am 2020-08-11 um 11:48 schrieb Stuart McCulloch:

JSR330 annotation scanning is enabled for all realms including
extensions, so it should be picked up.

Does the replacement implementation have the same "hint" or name?
ie. @Named("default")

You can turn on detailed container logging with -Dsisu.debug which will


all bindings discovered in each realm/extension and any potential


Hi Stuart,

I have followed your advice and added explicit names: "default" for both:

@Named( "default" )
public class DefaultSyncContextFactory
 implements SyncContextFactory


@Named( "default" )
public class RedissonSyncContextFactory
 implements SyncContextFactory

I can see this:

77. LinkedKeyBinding{key=Key[type=java.lang.Object, annotation=*],

source=ClassRealm[plexus.core, parent: null], scope=Scopes.NO_SCOPE,

78. LinkedKeyBinding{key=Key[type=java.lang.Object, annotation=*],


Re: Any specific requirements for extensions?

2020-08-11 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-08-11 um 11:48 schrieb Stuart McCulloch:

JSR330 annotation scanning is enabled for all realms including
extensions, so it should be picked up.

Does the replacement implementation have the same "hint" or name?
ie. @Named("default")

You can turn on detailed container logging with -Dsisu.debug which will log
all bindings discovered in each realm/extension and any potential issues.

Hi Stuart,

I have followed your advice and added explicit names: "default" for both:

@Named( "default" )
public class DefaultSyncContextFactory
implements SyncContextFactory


@Named( "default" )
public class RedissonSyncContextFactory
implements SyncContextFactory

I can see this:

77. LinkedKeyBinding{key=Key[type=java.lang.Object, annotation=*], 
source=ClassRealm[plexus.core, parent: null], scope=Scopes.NO_SCOPE, 
78. LinkedKeyBinding{key=Key[type=java.lang.Object, annotation=*], 
source=ClassRealm[plexus.core, parent: null], scope=Scopes.NO_SCOPE, 
 annotation=[none]], source=org.eclipse.sisu.wire.LocatorWiring, 
scope=Scopes.NO_SCOPE, provider=org.eclipse.sisu.wire.BeanProviders$7@6cce16f4}
 annotation=[none]], source=ClassRealm[plexus.core, parent: null], 
 annotation=[none]], source=ClassRealm[plexus.core, parent: null], 

I am afraid that the AetherModule as well as DefaultServiceLocator 
basically break the bean names, thus making it unusable. The extension 
is defitively not picked up because I don't see log statements from it.

Tried also:

bind( SyncContextFactory.class ).annotatedWith( Names.named( "default" ) ) //
.to( DefaultSyncContextFactory.class ).in( Singleton.class );

Even removing did not work.

Changed order in m2.conf, no avail.

Anything else I could try?


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Any specific requirements for extensions?

2020-08-06 Thread Michael Osipov


I am trying to write an extension for Maven Resolver which shall replace 
a default implementation. The implemented interface is an exported 
package in maven-core, the implementing class has proper javax.inject 
annotations @Named(...) and @Singleton so does the default (bundled) 
one. Put in lib/ext as well as to .mvn/extensions.xml. At no case the 
new implementation is picked up by Maven Resolver. Sisu descriptor has 
been created also.

Is there anything I have missed? Does it require rather Plexus annotations?


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Re: Latest tag on maven-metadata.xml

2020-07-22 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-07-22 um 19:08 schrieb Vinicius Scheidegger:

Is Maven deploy plugin responsible to generate/update the latest tag on 

Not really, Maven Artifact Transfer is...

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Re: maven mvn help:system失败 一直失败

2020-07-13 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-07-13 um 10:24 schrieb :

You should try to ask less one single mail. Split your questions.

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Re: PKIX path building error with Azul ZULU Open JDK 14

2020-06-16 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-06-15 um 14:54 schrieb Raghavendra Chilakalapudi (rchilakalapu):


Query :
I am using Azul Zulu Open JDK (14.0)  and planning to integrate with Maven.
But getting following error when running mvn command for archetype plugin :

PKIX path building failed: unable to find 
valid certification path to requested target.

Do I need to add anything specific in settings.xml for resolve this 
certification issue?

Could you please help me out to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

This is not Maven problem. Add your CA to cacerts.

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[ANN] Maven Resolver Ant Tasks 1.2.1 released

2020-06-03 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Resolver Ant Tasks version 1.2.1.

Release Notes - Maven Resolver Ant Tasks - Version 1.2.1

** Bug
* [MRESOLVER-100] - Resolver Ant Task taskdef failing

** Improvement
* [MRESOLVER-102] - make build Reproducible
* [MRESOLVER-113] - Use a FileResource instead of PathElement for 
easier copy of path created by Resolve

** Dependency upgrade
* [MRESOLVER-110] - Upgrade to Maven 3.6.3
* [MRESOLVER-111] - Upgrade to Maven Resolver from 1.3.3 to 1.4.2
* [MRESOLVER-112] - Upgrade to Maven Antrun Plugin 3.0.0


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: Setting socks5 proxy for maven using settings.xml doesn't take effect.

2020-05-31 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-05-31 um 03:31 schrieb Hongyi Zhao:


I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 and installed maven using ` sudo apt-get
install maven `. Now, I want to set socks5 proxy for maven.

We don't support Debian-packaged Maven versions for various reasons.

When I set
it via environment variable liek this:

export MAVEN_OPTS="-DsocksProxyHost= -DsocksProxyPort=18887"

It can work smoothly.

Define works! what exactly works?

But if I set it by using ` ~/.m2/setting.xml ', the socks5 proxy
cannot be used at all.  The content of the setting.xml file is as


If you want to use HTTP transport (Resolver/Wagon) via Socks 5 proxy, it 
will not work because Apche HttpClient does not support Socks5 proxies 
with our setup.

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Re: [ANN] Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 3.1.0 released

2020-05-27 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-05-27 um 10:44 schrieb Michael Osipov:

Am 2020-05-27 um 03:44 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:


for whatever reason this plugin is missing in central 

Waiting for

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Re: [ANN] Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 3.1.0 released

2020-05-27 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-05-27 um 03:44 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:


for whatever reason this plugin is missing in central
Can you please check?

Good question, I have released the staging repo 10 hours ago. I will get 
in touch with INFRA and MVNCENTRAL.

On Wed, 27 May 2020 at 04:24, Michael Osipov  wrote:

The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven
Project Info Reports Plugin version 3.1.0.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 3.1.0

** Bug
  * [MPIR-373] - Upgrade from 2.9 to 3.0.0 introduces additional warning
  * [MPIR-374] - Unknown packaging: bundle when creating report
  * [MPIR-376] - LightweightHttpsWagon is always used
  * [MPIR-380] - Emails in developers section of pom are improperly
  * [MPIR-385] - Emails in mailing list section of pom are improperly
  * [MPIR-386] - Project building errors with plugins and central
repository override

** New Feature
  * [MPIR-375] - add plugin excludes feature for plugin-management

** Improvement
  * [MPIR-381] - Improve russian localization
  * [MPIR-384] - Use PatternExcludesArtifactFilter to exclude
artifacts in PluginManagement
  * [MPIR-387] - make build Reproducible
  * [MPIR-390] - Verify build by Github action

** Dependency upgrade
  * [MPIR-388] - upgrade Doxia Sitetools to 1.9.2 to remove
dependency on Struts
  * [MPIR-389] - Upgrade Doxia to 1.9.1


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 3.1.0 released

2020-05-26 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Project Info Reports Plugin version 3.1.0.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 3.1.0

** Bug
* [MPIR-373] - Upgrade from 2.9 to 3.0.0 introduces additional warning
* [MPIR-374] - Unknown packaging: bundle when creating report
* [MPIR-376] - LightweightHttpsWagon is always used
* [MPIR-380] - Emails in developers section of pom are improperly 
* [MPIR-385] - Emails in mailing list section of pom are improperly 
* [MPIR-386] - Project building errors with plugins and central 
repository override

** New Feature
* [MPIR-375] - add plugin excludes feature for plugin-management report

** Improvement
* [MPIR-381] - Improve russian localization
* [MPIR-384] - Use PatternExcludesArtifactFilter to exclude 
artifacts in PluginManagement

* [MPIR-387] - make build Reproducible
* [MPIR-390] - Verify build by Github action

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPIR-388] - upgrade Doxia Sitetools to 1.9.2 to remove 
dependency on Struts

* [MPIR-389] - Upgrade Doxia to 1.9.1


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Wagon 3.4.1 released

2020-05-26 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Wagon, version 3.4.1.

Release Notes - Maven Wagon - Version 3.4.1

** Bug
* [WAGON-591] - Transfer event is not restarted when request is 
* [WAGON-592] - Wagon fails when compiled on Java 9+ and run on 
Java 8 due to JDK API breakage
* [WAGON-594] - http.route.default-proxy config property never 
passes protocol and port of proxy server

** Improvement
* [WAGON-595] - Add configuration property 
* [WAGON-596] - Add configuration property 

** Task
* [WAGON-593] - Remove non-existent cache header


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: Accessing a nexus repository requiring a client certificate

2020-05-17 Thread Michael Osipov
It completely depends how Resolver is created and how/when a Wagon 
instance is created. If Resolver exists once during a Maven session and 
hopefully Wagon only once, but I don't know. Another issue with the 
current code is that the client is never properly shut down. I.e.g, no 
sockets are freed and the peer has to handle broken connections.


Am 2020-05-17 um 23:42 schrieb Olivier Lamy:

Oh Yes I agree the current API would need major (breaking?) changes.
But openConnectionInternal creating client would not reuse http connection
(or you have another idea?)
It was a bit of hackish to have http connection pooling due to current
design but especially with https it saves some IO.

On Mon, 18 May 2020 at 01:53, Michael Osipov  wrote:

Alex, I will get back to you in a couple of days because it is a lot of
work. But already agree, the current approach in Wagon makes it
impossible to hook in TLS mutual auth and #openConnectionInternal() must
create the client upon call.


Am 2020-05-17 um 17:31 schrieb Alex O'Ree:

Pinging you back again on this. Adding support for this (i think) it


to require some significant changes to the abstract http client wagon
class. Client certificate authentication, on a per endpoint basis,would
require separate ssl socket factories, which is constructed before the
pooling http client connection manager. Having everything static makes


difficult to implement without potentially breaking any other plugin that
uses this class programmatically. Would perhaps changing
'openConnectionInternal' be a better option for hooking this? I.e. if we
have a user defined key/trust setup, make a new configuration within this
method, otherwise fallback to the default static pool?

On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 7:10 PM Alex O'Ree  wrote:

I did some work on this over the weekend. Maintaining backwards
compatibility is going to be challenging due to the http connection pool
being static. Since the http client now needs to be specific to a
repository or destination, i'm not sure if that configuration will still
work. Anyhow, i ended up down a rat role of trying to understand why


of the unit tests were failing and making it worse in the process.

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 6:38 AM Michael Osipov 


Am 2020-05-05 um 22:03 schrieb Alex O'Ree:

I was looking over the docs for the settings.xml file and noted that


looks like it's possible to access a nexus repository using a client
certificate of sorts. It's not clear the docs if a JKS can be used or

if it

must be a ssh private key or what.

I wanted to confirm that the linked docs is still accurate? I have a


different use cases and may need to reference a client cert key pair



JKS or perhaps from the windows certificate store for authentication



nexus repository. Is still a supported configuration by maven? I found


references to support here:

which references setting maven options for* settings.
Considering the environment, i'll probably need to be able to specify


key alias name too, just in case there's multiple certificates


MNG-5583. I have intentionally closed this one since no was willing to
work on it. If someone wants to work on it, I'd be happy to discuss.

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Re: Accessing a nexus repository requiring a client certificate

2020-05-17 Thread Michael Osipov
Alex, I will get back to you in a couple of days because it is a lot of 
work. But already agree, the current approach in Wagon makes it 
impossible to hook in TLS mutual auth and #openConnectionInternal() must 
create the client upon call.


Am 2020-05-17 um 17:31 schrieb Alex O'Ree:

Pinging you back again on this. Adding support for this (i think) it going
to require some significant changes to the abstract http client wagon
class. Client certificate authentication, on a per endpoint basis,would
require separate ssl socket factories, which is constructed before the
pooling http client connection manager. Having everything static makes this
difficult to implement without potentially breaking any other plugin that
uses this class programmatically. Would perhaps changing
'openConnectionInternal' be a better option for hooking this? I.e. if we
have a user defined key/trust setup, make a new configuration within this
method, otherwise fallback to the default static pool?

On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 7:10 PM Alex O'Ree  wrote:

I did some work on this over the weekend. Maintaining backwards
compatibility is going to be challenging due to the http connection pool
being static. Since the http client now needs to be specific to a
repository or destination, i'm not sure if that configuration will still
work. Anyhow, i ended up down a rat role of trying to understand why some
of the unit tests were failing and making it worse in the process.

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 6:38 AM Michael Osipov  wrote:

Am 2020-05-05 um 22:03 schrieb Alex O'Ree:

I was looking over the docs for the settings.xml file and noted that it
looks like it's possible to access a nexus repository using a client
certificate of sorts. It's not clear the docs if a JKS can be used or

if it

must be a ssh private key or what.

I wanted to confirm that the linked docs is still accurate? I have a few
different use cases and may need to reference a client cert key pair in


JKS or perhaps from the windows certificate store for authentication to


nexus repository. Is still a supported configuration by maven? I found


references to support here:

which references setting maven options for* settings.
Considering the environment, i'll probably need to be able to specify


key alias name too, just in case there's multiple certificates


MNG-5583. I have intentionally closed this one since no was willing to
work on it. If someone wants to work on it, I'd be happy to discuss.

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Re: Accessing a nexus repository requiring a client certificate

2020-05-06 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2020-05-05 um 22:03 schrieb Alex O'Ree:

I was looking over the docs for the settings.xml file and noted that it
looks like it's possible to access a nexus repository using a client
certificate of sorts. It's not clear the docs if a JKS can be used or if it
must be a ssh private key or what.

I wanted to confirm that the linked docs is still accurate? I have a few
different use cases and may need to reference a client cert key pair in a
JKS or perhaps from the windows certificate store for authentication to the
nexus repository. Is still a supported configuration by maven? I found some
references to support here:
which references setting maven options for* settings.
Considering the environment, i'll probably need to be able to specify the
key alias name too, just in case there's multiple certificates available.

MNG-5583. I have intentionally closed this one since no was willing to 
work on it. If someone wants to work on it, I'd be happy to discuss.

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Aw: Accessing a nexus repository requiring a client certificate

2020-05-05 Thread Michael Osipov
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 05. Mai 2020 um 22:03 Uhr
> Von: "Alex O'Ree" 
> An: "Maven Users List" 
> Betreff: Accessing a nexus repository requiring a client certificate
> I was looking over the docs for the settings.xml file and noted that it
> looks like it's possible to access a nexus repository using a client
> certificate of sorts. It's not clear the docs if a JKS can be used or if it
> must be a ssh private key or what.

No, there is no code in HttpClient Wagon Provider to support that.
Technically for HttpClient this is a no-brainer.

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[ANN] Maven Resolver 1.4.2 released

2020-04-27 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Resolver version 1.4.2.

Release Notes - Maven Resolver - Version 1.4.2

** Bug
* [MRESOLVER-38] - SOE/OOME in DefaultDependencyNode.accept

** Improvement
* [MRESOLVER-93] - PathRecordingDependencyVisitor to handle 3 cycles
* [MRESOLVER-102] - make build Reproducible


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Wagon 3.4.0 released

2020-04-25 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Wagon, version 3.4.0.

Release Notes - Maven Wagon - Version 3.4.0

** Bug
* [WAGON-568] - Fail to deploy on Sonatype OSS since Maven 3.5.4
* [WAGON-573] - EntityUtils.consumeQuietly() never called on 
non-2xx status codes

* [WAGON-576] - Retry handler docs are possibly wrong
* [WAGON-582] - HttpMethodConfiguration#copy() performs a shallow 
copy only

** Improvement
* [WAGON-570] - Use RedirectStrategy from HttpClient rather than a 
custom approach
* [WAGON-580] - Improve and unify exception messages by status code 
types throughout HTTP providers
* [WAGON-585] - maven.wagon.http.ssl features documentation is 

* [WAGON-586] - make build Reproducible
* [WAGON-588] - Handle 404 and 410 consistently in HTTP-based Wagon 

** Task
* [WAGON-579] - Handle SC_UNAUTHORIZED and 

** Dependency upgrade
* [WAGON-577] - Upgrade HttpCore to 4.4.13
* [WAGON-578] - Upgrade HttpClient to 4.5.11
* [WAGON-581] - Upgrade HttpClient to 4.5.12
* [WAGON-589] - Upgrade Maven Shade Plugin to 3.2.3


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Fluido Skin 1.9 released

2020-04-16 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Fluido Skin, version 1.9.

You should specify the version in your project's site configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Fluido Skin - Version 1.9

** Sub-task
* [MSKINS-105] - Provide alt text for all images

** Bug
* [MSKINS-157] - Fluido 1.8 has garbled footer

** Improvement
* [MSKINS-160] - Broken links to JIRA
* [MSKINS-161] - Upgrade Facebook Like button integration
* [MSKINS-162] - Add GitHub Action to confirm PR build

** Task
* [MSKINS-102] - Make Fluido-generated pages pass W3 HTML5 
Validation Service

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSKINS-163] - Upgrade to parent POM 34
* [MSKINS-164] - Upgrade to Maven Invoker Plugin 3.2.1


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: Release Maven Doxia Plugin 1.9.1?

2019-12-20 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2019-12-20 um 11:52 schrieb Konrad Windszus:

is a bugfix release of Doxia planned soon which contains 

Or is there any other workaround known to get markdown code statements (`...`) 
work correctly with the latest maven-site-plugin?

I won't be able to release anything before Christmas. If someone is 
faster, so be it.

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Re: A "?"/.m2 folder is created by Maven

2019-12-14 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2019-12-12 um 02:23 schrieb Leira Hua:

I use Nix under Debian. I installed clojure through nix-shell -p clojure.
clj successfully started the repl after downloaded some poms from maven.
Then I found there is a folder named ‘?’ created under my $HOME. The maven
cache .m2 is under this ‘?’ folder. I tried leiningen, it is the same.

I suppose it should be a Java related issue rather than Clojure. So I tried
to install Maven and try with mvn. A simple mvn archetype:generate created
a '?'/.m2 folder under the current folder. mvn clean -X|grep setting shows:

$ mvn clean -X|grep setting
[DEBUG]   Imported: org.apache.maven.settings < plexus.core
[DEBUG] Reading global settings from
[DEBUG] Reading user settings from ?/.m2/settings.xml

Where is this ‘?’ folder from? Is it expected behavior? How do I get rid of

Delete ~/.m2 and start the Java process with strace, upload that file. 
We will see direct system calls.


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Re: What should be the correct way for openjdk 13 maven pom ?

2019-11-24 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2019-11-24 um 06:01 schrieb Karen Goh:


I am having problems with maven compiling java openjdk 13 in Eclipse - 
jee-2019-09, despite following several examples from stackoverflow.

You cannot compile OpenJDK with Maven. OpenJDK uses a GNU autoconf/gmake 

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[ANN] Maven Fluido Skin 1.8 released

2019-07-31 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Fluido Skin, version 1.8.

You should specify the version in your project's site configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Fluido Skin - Version 1.8

** Sub-task
* [MSKINS-104] - Remove obsolete meta tags
* [MSKINS-106] - Replace unregistered meta tags with standard ones

** Bug
* [MSKINS-143] - Allow setting GA options for forceSSL and anonymizeIP
* [MSKINS-144] - Maven web site include ancient and non-functional 
Apache address

** Improvement
* [MSKINS-129] - Update Google Analytics to new analytics.js
* [MSKINS-137] - Enable "Hamburger menu" with top-nav only
* [MSKINS-142] - indent html for sub-menus
* [MSKINS-145] - Google+ Shutdown - remove code from skins
* [MSKINS-153] - Use XHTML5 tags in site.vm

** Task
* [MSKINS-107] - Add "generator" meta tag in HTML head
* [MSKINS-148] - Drop redundant "All rights reserved"
* [MSKINS-149] - Align common Velocity structures with Default Skin

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSKINS-155] - Upgrade Maven Site Plugin to 3.8.2
* [MSKINS-156] - Upgrade Maven Doxia Sitetools to 1.9.1 in skin 


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Site Plugin 3.8.2 released

2019-07-31 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Site Plugin, version 3.8.2.

Release Notes - Maven Site Plugin - Version 3.8.2

** Bug
* [MSITE-823] - Documentation says JDK 1.6 required, doxia 
dependency requires 1.7
* [MSITE-842] - $currentFileName and $alignedFileName are incorrect 
for Maven Report plugins that use several Sink instances

** Improvement
* [MSITE-824] - Generate (X)HTML5 by default
* [MSITE-830] - Dependency upgrades related to identified security 
* [MSITE-836] - when a report mojo fails with a RuntimeException, 
let m-site-p plugin tell which report is failing

* [MSITE-838] - Include support for confluence/docbook/twiki by default

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSITE-758] - upgrade wagon-api from 1.0 to 3.3.1
* [MSITE-839] - Upgrade to Maven Doxia (Sitetools) 1.9
* [MSITE-841] - Upgrade to Maven Doxia Sitetools 1.9.1
* [MSITE-843] - Update Jetty to 9.2.28
* [MSITE-844] - Update requirement to Java 7


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Default Skin 1.3 released

2019-07-31 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Default Skin, version 1.3.

You should specify the version in your project's site configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Default Skin - Version 1.3

** Task
* [MSKINS-136] - switch to Git

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSKINS-151] - Upgrade Parent to 33
* [MSKINS-152] - Upgrade Maven Doxia Sitetools to 1.9.1 in skin 

* [MSKINS-154] - Upgrade Maven Site Plugin to 3.8.2 for ITs


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia Sitetools 1.9.1 released

2019-06-23 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Doxia Sitetools, version 1.9.1

Doxia Sitetools is an extension of base Doxia component that generates 
either  HTML sites, consisting of decoration and content that was 
generated by Doxia, or documents like RTF or PDF.

You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

Release Notes - Maven Doxia Sitetools - Version 1.9.1

** New Feature
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-207] - Add "generator" meta tag in HTML head for 
default site template

** Improvement
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-209] - Align Google Analytics snippet with Fluido 

** Task
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-208] - Remove obsolete meta tags from default 
site template

* [DOXIASITETOOLS-210] - Drop redundant "All rights reserved"
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-212] - Align common Velocity structures with 
Fluido Skin


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Wagon 3.3.3 released

2019-06-16 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Wagon, version 3.3.3.

Release Notes - Maven Wagon - Version 3.3.3

** Bug
* [WAGON-494] - wagon-ssh: infinite prompts when EOF on stdin
* [WAGON-557] - Integer overflow prevents optimal buffer size 
selection for large artifacts

** Dependency upgrade
* [WAGON-559] - Upgrade Plexus Interactivity to 1.0
* [WAGON-560] - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.2.0
* [WAGON-561] - Upgrade JSoup to 1.12.1
* [WAGON-562] - Upgrade HttpClient to 4.5.9


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: Default Surefire version

2019-06-12 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2019-06-12 um 11:09 schrieb François Guillot:


The default Surefire version in Maven is 2.12.4, which is very old.
Any reason to not upgrade it to a more recent version ?

Read MNG-6169

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[ANN] Maven Resolver 1.4.0 released

2019-06-12 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Resolver version 1.4.0.

Release Notes - Maven Resolver - Version 1.4.0

** Bug
* [MRESOLVER-86] - ResolveArtifactMojo from resolver example uses 
plugin repositories to resolve dependencies

** New Feature
* [MRESOLVER-10] - New 'TransitiveDependencyManager' supporting 
transitive dependency management
* [MRESOLVER-33] - New 'DefaultDependencyManager' managing 
dependencies on all levels supporting transitive dependency management

** Improvement
* [MRESOLVER-7] - Download dependency POMs in parallel
* [MRESOLVER-84] - Add support for "release" qualifier
* [MRESOLVER-87] - Refresh examples to use maven-resolver artifacts 
for demo

* [MRESOLVER-88] - Code style cleanup to use Java 7 features


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia version 1.9 released

2019-06-02 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Doxia, version 1.9

Release Notes - Maven Doxia - Version 1.9

** Bug
* [DOXIA-497] - APTSink: links and paragraphs inside tables
* [DOXIA-538] - Tag  used for monospaced is not a valid 
html5 tag
* [DOXIA-567] - update dependency schema: pegdown not used any more 
but flexmark-java

* [DOXIA-570] - Unescaped links in xml based figureGraphics elements
* [DOXIA-577] - Handle whitespace in tables properly in ConfluenceSink
* [DOXIA-578] - Boxed verbatim sections uses incorrect Confluence 
* [DOXIA-579] - Lists in Confluence syntax requires 2 line breaks 
after the list
* [DOXIA-581] - Provide a usable output implementation for 
definition lists
* [DOXIA-582] - Text within a monospace block need to escape 
characters with special meaning in Confluence

* [DOXIA-583] - XhtmlBaseSink: Table caption is escaped incorrectly

** New Feature
* [DOXIA-584] - Support rewriting multiple page documentation 
crosslinks from .md to .html

** Improvement
* [DOXIA-409] - Upgrade to Apache FOP 2.2 (was 1.0)
* [DOXIA-528] - Enable rendering of HTML5 data- attributes
* [DOXIA-575] - Add support for (X)HTML5
* [DOXIA-585] - Propagate macro related exceptions to caller in 
xhtml parser

* [DOXIA-587] - Maven site generate invalid link with markdown

** Task
* [DOXIA-586] - Removed unused properties and cleaned up pom file
* [DOXIA-591] - Require minimum Java 7 at runtime

** Dependency upgrade
* [DOXIA-572] - Upgrade parent to 32
* [DOXIA-576] - Upgrade Http Components to 4.4.11 (core) and 4.5.8 

* [DOXIA-592] - Upgrade Markdown parser - flexmark-java to 0.42.8
* [DOXIA-593] - Upgrade to Apache FOP 2.3


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: maven-changes-plugin: include git tag and commit sha1 in announcement email

2019-05-24 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2019-05-24 um 18:35 schrieb 林自均:

Hi Michael,

Michael Osipov  於 2019年5月24日 週五 下午11:48 寫道:

Am 2019-05-24 um 06:08 schrieb 林自均:

Hi all,

I am using maven-changes-plugin to send announcement emails. Now I
would like to add the name of the release git tag and git commit sha1
in the announcement. However, I didn't see any available variable to
achieve this:

Why do you need both if the tag will poin to the commit and the commit
will list the tag?

Only the tag name or commit sha1 also works for me. The point is to
retrieve the git info during generating announcement email.

Evaluate exec-maven-plugin or better buildnumber-maven-plugin and filter 
that property in the Velocity template. It should work in theory.


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Re: maven-changes-plugin: include git tag and commit sha1 in announcement email

2019-05-24 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2019-05-24 um 06:08 schrieb 林自均:

Hi all,

I am using maven-changes-plugin to send announcement emails. Now I
would like to add the name of the release git tag and git commit sha1
in the announcement. However, I didn't see any available variable to
achieve this:

Why do you need both if the tag will poin to the commit and the commit 
will list the tag?

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[ANN] Maven Resolver Ant Tasks 1.2.0 released

2019-04-12 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Resolver Ant Tasks version 1.2.0.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

Release Notes - Maven Resolver Ant Tasks - Version 1.2.0

** Bug
* [MRESOLVER-83] - Classpath 'cp.runtime.test' in build.xml misses 
runtime dependencies

** Task
* [MRESOLVER-81] - Bump Java version to 7 in build.xml

** Dependency upgrade
* [MRESOLVER-70] - Upgrade Parent to 33
* [MRESOLVER-71] - Upgrade Maven Resolver from 1.1.1 (used by Maven 
3.5.3) to 1.3.3 (used by Maven 3.6.1)

* [MRESOLVER-72] - Upgrade Ant to 1.8.4
* [MRESOLVER-73] - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.2.0
* [MRESOLVER-74] - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.25
* [MRESOLVER-75] - Upgrade Plexus Interpolation to 1.25
* [MRESOLVER-77] - Upgrade Sisu Plexus to 0.3.3
* [MRESOLVER-78] - Upgrade JUnit to 4.12
* [MRESOLVER-79] - Upgrade Maven Ant Run Plugin to 1.8


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven SCM 1.11.2 released

2019-03-21 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven SCM, version 1.11.2.

Release Notes - Maven SCM - Version 1.11.2

** Bug
* [SCM-777] - scm:validate ignores scmCheckWorkingDirectoryUrl 
configuration in favor of system property

** New Feature
* [SCM-318] - Allow tags to be removed with Git implementation
* [SCM-832] - maven-scm-provider-jgit should support SSH public key 

** Improvement
* [SCM-917] - Allow tags to be removed with Subversion implementation
* [SCM-919] - Fix codecheck violations in JGit provider


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Archiver 3.4.0 released

2019-02-24 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Archiver, version 3.4.0.

You should specify the version in your project's dependency configuration:


Release Notes - Apache Maven Archiver - Version 3.4.0

** Bug
* [MSHARED-588] - User supplied Class-Path entry does not go first
* [MSHARED-782] - Deprecated option classpathMavenRepositoryLayout 
not marked as deprecated in the documentation

* [MSHARED-783] - Archiver documentation issue tracker 404

** New Feature
* [MSHARED-787] - Add optional buildEnvironment information to the 

* [MSHARED-798] - Add addDefaultEntries option (true by default)

** Improvement
* [MSHARED-362] - Support removing default manifest entries with 
Maven Archiver
* [MSHARED-777] - Remove deprecated main attributes from generated 
* [MSHARED-799] - Change "Created-By" manifest entry value to be 

* [MSHARED-800] - Remove Maven version from

** Wish
* [MSHARED-661] - Remove manifest entry "Built-By: " for 
reproducible builds
* [MSHARED-796] - use java.specification.version instead of 
java.version in Build-Jdk manifest entry

** Task
* [MSHARED-797] - Move current Build-Jdk manifest entry to 


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: Maven resolves wrong dynamic (transitive) dependency version

2019-02-24 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2019-02-24 um 21:04 schrieb Florian Schmaus:
Assume a project which declares a dependency on libFoo version 1.0.0, 
now libFoo also declares  a dependency on libBar using a dynamic version 
specifier [1.0, 2.0).

Now what I expect to happen is that Maven pulls in any, ideally the 
latest available release, libBar 1.0 version artifact. What actually 
happens is that Maven pulls in libBar 2.0-alpha5, which causes dynamic 
linking issues. Gradle, OTOH, pulls in libBar 1.3 when it is used to 
build the project.

I have created an example project, using the actual artifacts I 
experience this issue with, to demonstrate the different behavior 
between Maven and Gradle:

The example project is configured to depend on Smack, an FOSS XMPP 
client library, version 4.3.2. This Smack version declares jxmpp [0.6, 
0.7) as a dependency.

$ mvn exec:java
Smack version: 4.3.2 (4.3.2-4.3 2019-02-22)
jxmpp version: 0.7.0-alpha5
ERROR: jxmpp version does not start with '0.6' as expected. :(

$ gradle run
Smack version: 4.3.2 (4.3.2-4.3 2019-02-22)
jxmpp version: 0.6.3

Is that by design or a (known) Maven issue?

This looks similar to MNG-6567. The issue is likely rooted in 
org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ComparableVersion, but I cannot 
tell wether this is by design or a bug. I think the whole issue is that 
ComparableVersion does not know that these wellknown qualifiers do 
denote non-GA versions.

This would require a change in behavior which will likely *not* happen 
in Maven 3.x,


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Re: Maven Interships

2019-02-16 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2019-02-16 um 19:33 schrieb Oliver B. Fischer:

Hi all,

I spoke with Karl-Heinz about this topic and suggested to support the 
project by finding sponsors. Im still willing to help to find sponsors 
for Maven's development.

I also tried to provide patches for the Versions Maven Plugin. Simply to 
start to contribute. But it is even difficult to get them applied. 
Therefore I stopped as even my time is limited and I can't continuously 
ping the people.

So is the committer's time. I understand the frustration. I'd love to 
see one, even halftime, paid dev for us. The ecosystem is too big, too 
many use it, but too few work on.


Am 16.02.19 um 14:15 schrieb Michael Osipov:

Am 2019-02-16 um 13:17 schrieb Darius Cooper:
A bit off-topic, but has the Camel team considered using interns for 

of its project-work?

In a recent   Adam Bien  podcast interview...  Robert Scholte. mentioned
that there were about 10 contributors currently pretty active on 
Maven, and

that none was paid/full-time. It was all voluntary work. Meanwhile,
probably over 50% of the worlds Java projects use Maven. Sounds like the
team could use some help.

This is soo spare time horribly degraded over the years...

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Re: Maven Interships

2019-02-16 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2019-02-16 um 13:17 schrieb Darius Cooper:

A bit off-topic, but has the Camel team considered using interns for some
of its project-work?

In a recent   Adam Bien  podcast interview...  Robert Scholte.   mentioned
that there were about 10 contributors currently pretty active on Maven, and
that none was paid/full-time. It was all voluntary work. Meanwhile,
probably over 50% of the worlds Java projects use Maven. Sounds like the
team could use some help.

This is soo spare time horribly degraded over the years...

Often, it takes too much effort to bring a student/intern up to speed; but,
a large and well-known project like Camel may be able to attract students
from really good universities, who have already done useful coursework.

To be fair, one would need to give such students some interesting work, and
work that you really do want done. Yet, to be safe one could try to find
things that are less "core" and won't "break everything" if done wrong.

Are you talking about possible open tickets in JIRA? Many have been open 
for years...aren't they good enough for starters? I don't think we can 
have one person to work on a single issue for months. At least, I can't 
recall any which requires so much time.

For coordination, one might even be able to find a Computer Science
professor who is interested enough that he can do some of the mentoring
role. With the right professor pushing for it, the University may even
grant a small stipend.

That'll be great.



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[ANN] Apache Maven Wagon 3.3.2 released

2019-02-08 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Wagon, version 3.3.2.

Release Notes - Maven Wagon - Version 3.3.2

** Bug
* [WAGON-545] - Connection reset while downloading artifacts in 
cloud environment (Azure)

* [WAGON-546] - HttpWagon TTL not set
* [WAGON-554] - Tests with checkin rely on global Git config

** Task
* [WAGON-552] - Replace Commons Codec with Plexus Utils
* [WAGON-555] - Use java.nio.file.Path for URI construction of 
file:// URIs in tests

* [WAGON-556] - Skip parsing of user info for file:// URLs

** Dependency upgrade
* [WAGON-547] - Upgrade HttpCore to 4.4.11
* [WAGON-548] - Upgrade HttpClient to 4.5.7
* [WAGON-549] - Upgrade Commons Net to 3.6
* [WAGON-550] - Upgrade JSoup to 1.11.3
* [WAGON-551] - Uprade JSch to 0.1.55
* [WAGON-553] - Upgrade Plexus Classworlds to 2.6.0


-The Apache Maven team

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Aw: Re: Error with mvn site:stage-deploy

2019-01-08 Thread Michael Osipov
Please file an issue, I will take a look.

> Gesendet: Dienstag, 08. Januar 2019 um 17:37 Uhr
> Von: "Konrad Windszus" 
> An: "Maven Users List" 
> Betreff: Re: Error with mvn site:stage-deploy
> This seems to be related to the merged PR from 
> .
> Not sure why the error happens though...
> > On 8. Jan 2019, at 17:27, Enrico Olivelli  wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > I have this error with Maven 3.6.0 and maven-site-plugin 3.7.1 and
> > wagon-webdav-jackrabbit 3.3.1
> > 
> > java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
> > org.apache.maven.wagon.shared.http.AbstractHttpClientWagon.getBufferCapacityForTransfer(J)I
> >at org.apache.maven.wagon.shared.http.AbstractHttpClientWagon.access$000
> > (
> >at 
> > org.apache.maven.wagon.shared.http.AbstractHttpClientWagon$RequestEntityImplementation.writeTo
> > (
> >at org.apache.http.impl.DefaultBHttpClientConnection.sendRequestEntity
> > (
> > 
> > 
> > Is there anyworkaround ?
> > I am trying to force all of the dependencies in the site plugin
> > 
> > 
> >org.apache.maven.plugins
> >maven-site-plugin
> >3.7.1
> >
> >
> >  org.apache.maven.wagon
> >  wagon-http
> >  3.3.1
> >
> >
> >  org.apache.maven.wagon
> >  wagon
> >  3.3.1
> >  pom
> >
> >
> >  org.apache.maven.wagon
> >  wagon-http-shared
> >  3.3.1
> >
> >
> >  org.apache.maven.wagon
> >  wagon-webdav-jackrabbit
> >  3.3.1
> >
> >  
> > 
> > But no result...
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Enrico
> > 
> > -
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> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> > 

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[ANN] Apache Maven Wagon 3.3.1 released

2019-01-06 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Wagon, version 3.3.1.

Release Notes - Maven Wagon - Version 3.3.1

** Bug
* [WAGON-538] - Basic authentication fails if the password contains 
non-ASCII characters

* [WAGON-543] - wagon-ssh download hangs

** Improvement
* [WAGON-537] - Maven transfer speed of large artifacts is slow due 
to unsuitable buffer strategy

* [WAGON-539] - Explicitly register only supported auth schemes
* [WAGON-540] - Switch to modern-day encoding (UTF-8) of auth 

** Task
* [WAGON-544] - Work around JSch issue #122


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: Maven builds stalling on Bitbucket

2018-12-26 Thread Michael Osipov
I have fixed this already in Wagon 3.2.0 in WAGON-486. Use a Maven 
version which has this builtin. It should fix your NAT problem.

Reread the tickets, my explanations were very detailed.


Am 2018-12-27 um 00:20 schrieb Sander Verhagen:

Hi all,

I'm sorry for reposting this[1]. But I'm sure there is someone in this 
community who could inspire me to fix this. We are still seeing a lot of 
stalled Maven builds on Bitbucket, and we don't know anymore what to do about 
it, besides moving off of Bitbucket (which we've talked about... red tape). 
Your help would be much appreciated!!!

Best regards, Sander.


Sander Verhagen
[  ]

On 11/12/2018 13:19, Sander Verhagen wrote:

Hi all,

Need some help! My current gig is running its Maven builds on Bitbucket. On a 
regular basis, builds stall while downloading dependencies (I'd say 5%~10% of 
all builds). It looks a lot like [1]. The proposed solution 
(maven.wagon.http.pool=false) does not show any noticeable improvement. 
Atlassian declined to investigate, even though this only ever happens on 
Bitbucket (local builds have never been seen having this problem).

I have included some logging (-X) from just before the stall. The stalls can 
happen anywhere dependencies are downloaded, so seemingly unrelated to this 
particular goal.

I would love to get some suggestions on how to fix this, or at least on how to 
troubleshoot it further.

Thank you!


Sander Verhagen

[DEBUG] ---
[DEBUG] Goal: com.github.warmuuh:pactbroker-maven-plugin:0.0.13:upload-pacts 
[DEBUG] Style: Regular
[DEBUG] Configuration: 

<... snip ...>

[DEBUG] ===
[DEBUG] Could not find metadata commons-io:commons-io/maven-metadata.xml in 
local (/root/.m2/repository)
[DEBUG] Using transporter WagonTransporter with priority -1.0 for 
[DEBUG] Using transporter WagonTransporter with priority -1.0 for
[DEBUG] Using transporter WagonTransporter with priority -1.0 for
[DEBUG] Using connector BasicRepositoryConnector with priority 0.0 for
[DEBUG] Using transporter WagonTransporter with priority -1.0 for 
[DEBUG] Using connector BasicRepositoryConnector with priority 0.0 for 
[INFO] Downloading from some_repo_snapshot: 
[INFO] Downloading from
[DEBUG] Using connector BasicRepositoryConnector with priority 0.0 for
[INFO] Downloading from spring-snapshots:
[DEBUG] Using connector BasicRepositoryConnector with priority 0.0 for 
[INFO] Downloading from some_repo_release: 
[DEBUG] Writing tracking file 
[DEBUG] Using transporter WagonTransporter with priority -1.0 for
[DEBUG] Using connector BasicRepositoryConnector with priority 0.0 for
[INFO] Downloading from sonatype-nexus-snapshots:
[DEBUG] Writing tracking file 
[DEBUG] Using transporter WagonTransporter with priority -1.0 for
[DEBUG] Using connector BasicRepositoryConnector with priority 0.0 for
[INFO] Downloading from clojars:
[DEBUG] Writing tracking file 
[DEBUG] Using transporter WagonTransporter with priority -1.0 for
[DEBUG] Using connector BasicRepositoryConnector with priority 0.0 for

Re: Crashes while running "Maven In Five Minutes"

2018-12-04 Thread Michael Osipov
Am 2018-12-03 um 15:56 schrieb Steve Ramage:> If I follow the steps 
listed here 

> mkdir scratch; pushd scratch; mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-app 
-DinteractiveMode=false; cd my-app; mvn package; mvn clean 
dependency:copy-dependencies package; mvn site

> I get several crashes. The first of which is:
> [INFO] -
> [INFO] -
> [ERROR] Source option 5 is no longer supported. Use 6 or later.
> [ERROR] Target option 1.5 is no longer supported. Use 1.6 or later.
> Even if I fix that error I get another error later.
> [INFO] --< 

> [INFO] Building my-app 1.0-SNAPSHOT
> [INFO] [ jar 

> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.3:site (default-site) @ my-app ---
> [WARNING] Report plugin 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin has an empty 

> [WARNING] It is highly recommended to fix these problems because they 
threaten the stability of your build.

> [WARNING] For this reason, future Maven versions might no longer 
support building such malformed projects.
> [INFO] configuring report plugin 
> [WARNING] Error injecting:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 

>  at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0 (Native Method)
>  at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors (
>  at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors (
>  at 

> ...
>  at 
>  at 
>  at 
>  at 
>  at 
>  at 

> ...
>  at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.main 
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
>  at 

> ...
> $mvn --version
> Apache Maven 3.6.0 (NON-CANONICAL_2018-11-06T03:14:22+01:00_root; 

> Maven home: /opt/maven
> Java version: 11.0.1, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: 

> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
> OS name: "linux", version: "4.14.84-1-lts", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
> Anyway I think the generated archetype should actually work with the 
maven version I'm using (especially because the advice on getting help 
is to run the latest), or failing that the Getting Started Guide should 
include the descriptions on how to fix them, imho.

Please file an issue with MNGSITE.

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Re: Unknown packaging: bundle while building dependency report

2018-10-19 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2018-10-16 um 08:17 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:

Hello All,

I'm getting lot's of exceptions like the one below during the build.
These exceptions are not affecting build status but polluting the logs

Maybe you know how it can be fixed?

maven-bundle-plugin version: 4.0.0
maven-project-info-reports-plugin version: 3.0.0

These issues have already been reported. I do believe that Maven does 
not read extensions in that mode and therefore reports the packaging as 
invalid. Robert has left some ideas how this can be solved for MPIR. I 
haven't found anytime yet to have a look at it. If you do, I'll highly 
appreciate a PR.


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[ANN] Maven Resolver 1.3.0 released

2018-10-09 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Resolver version 1.3.0.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

Release Notes - Maven Resolver - Version 1.3.0

** Bug
* [MRESOLVER-45] - Git repo is gone/moved
* [MRESOLVER-50] - Source repository coordinates incorrect

** New Feature
* [MRESOLVER-46] - Add support InputStream/OutputStream transformers

** Improvement
* [MRESOLVER-31] - Use the Felix Bundle Plugin to generate OSGi 
* [MRESOLVER-35] - Move dependency collector and friends to 
subpackage in maven-resolver-impl
* [MRESOLVER-36] - SLFJ - remove LoggerFactory from dependency 
* [MRESOLVER-42] - Use pre-compiled pattern in DefaultArtifact 

* [MRESOLVER-47] - Link to older Aether Wiki in Eclipse on front page
* [MRESOLVER-48] - Add default Travis CI configuration for Java 7, 
8, 10

** Task
* [MRESOLVER-44] - switch from Git-WIP to Gitbox

** Dependency upgrade
* [MRESOLVER-51] - Upgrade maven-parent to version 32
* [MRESOLVER-57] - Upgrade Jetty to 9.2.26.v20180806
* [MRESOLVER-58] - Upgrade HttpClient to 4.5.6
* [MRESOLVER-59] - Upgrade HttpCore to 4.4.10


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: publishing Apache Netbeans maven plugin to central

2018-10-05 Thread Michael Osipov
> Hi Maven folks,
> Apache NetBeans is under incubation right know and we would like to publish
> it to maven central.

What is the benefit having all NetBeans on Central? Those aren't usable 
but a whole package. Can't it just live in the Apache Dist area?


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[ANN] Apache Maven Wagon 3.2.0 released

2018-09-29 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Wagon, version 3.2.0.

Release Notes - Maven Wagon - Version 3.2.0

** Bug
* [WAGON-478] - WebDavWagon accepts SC_OK for MKCOL
* [WAGON-486] - Wagon fails to download artifacts if number of 
dropped pooled connections (by intermediate) are greater than default 
retry count

* [WAGON-500] - Re-enable ScmCvsExeWagonTest

** New Feature
* [WAGON-526] - Make the retry handling of HttpClient configurable
* [WAGON-531] - Add default TTL for HTTP connections

** Improvement
* [WAGON-525] - Support for detecting and using of KiTTY's 
klink.exe and kscp.exe

** Task
* [WAGON-527] - Drop custom user agent in WebDAV Wagon
* [WAGON-528] - Extend and unify compression capabilities in HTTP 
(Lightweight) Wagon
* [WAGON-529] - Clean up inconsistent status code and reason phrase 

* [WAGON-530] - Drop invalid header 'Expires'

** Dependency upgrade
* [WAGON-532] - Upgrade Maven SCM to 1.11.1
* [WAGON-533] - Upgrade HttpCore to 4.4.10
* [WAGON-534] - Upgrade HttpClient to 4.5.6
* [WAGON-535] - Upgrade EasyMock to 3.6
* [WAGON-536] - Upgrade parent to 32


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven SCM 1.11.1 released

2018-09-14 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven SCM, version 1.11.1.

Release Notes - Maven SCM - Version 1.11.1

** Sub-task
* [SCM-908] - GitScmProviderRepository#parseUrl(): skip parsing of 
user info for file:// URLs
* [SCM-910] - SvnScmProviderRepository#parseUrl(): skip parsing of 
user info for file:// URLs

** Bug
* [SCM-518] - wrong model in vss-settings.mdo works only with a bug 
in Modello 1.0-alpha-21 but not with Modello 1.0+
* [SCM-628] - scm:checkout parsing URL for clone does not match 
what is passed in with -DconnectionUrl

* [SCM-745] - Perforce blame result parsing too greedy
* [SCM-791] - GitExe Provider does not work properly in Cygwin
* [SCM-815] - GitExe Provider does not commit files in Cygwin
* [SCM-834] - Commit encoding is platform-dependent instead of UTF-8
* [SCM-835] - includes directive doesn't work correctly when other 
files in directory changes
* [SCM-857] - AnnotateConsumer fails to parse author name if name 
contains dot
* [SCM-859] - Subversion commands don't work if path or URL 
contains '@'

* [SCM-889] - Jazz tag command creates snapshot in wrong workspace
* [SCM-892] - URLs aren't set where URLs are expected
* [SCM-895] - Starteam tag command inverts logic of tagging subsets 
of directories
* [SCM-896] - Subversion config file path incorrectly calculated on 

* [SCM-905] - Tests with checkin rely on global Git config (2)
* [SCM-906] - JGit provider tests miss SLF4J binding
* [SCM-911] - Skip tests if Git executable is not in PATH

** New Feature
* [SCM-486] - Support signed tags for Git

** Improvement
* [SCM-805] - Add SVN --pin-externals option to copy command 

* [SCM-891] - Remove duplicate code in tests
* [SCM-912] - Unify messages if SCM system command is not available

** Task
* [SCM-894] - Upgrade parent to 32

** Dependency upgrade
* [SCM-893] - Upgrade Modello to 1.9.1
* [SCM-898] - Upgrade Extra Enforcer Rules to 1.0-beta-9
* [SCM-899] - Upgrade Commons IO to 2.6
* [SCM-900] - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.1.0
* [SCM-901] - Upgrade JUnit to 4.12
* [SCM-902] - Upgrade Mockito Core to 1.10.19
* [SCM-903] - Upgrade Plexus Security Dispatcher to 1.4
* [SCM-904] - Upgrade JGit to


-The Apache Maven team

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[HEADS UP] Maven SCM 1.11.0 coming

2018-09-01 Thread Michael Osipov


I'd like to release Maven SCM 1.11.0 in a week or so. If someone wants 
to add a fix or an improvement, please go ahead. We have a lot of open 
issues without any feedback for sometime.


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Re: Double copy of XML in POMs

2018-08-02 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2018-08-02 um 12:48 schrieb Joshua Fox:

I got a lot of these error messages using Maven 3.5 on Windows 10.

*The POM for… jar…  is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not
be available, enable debug logging for more details*

It turns out that the POM files consisted  of a *double copy *of the XML!
See the attached example.

I removed ~/.m2/ and rebuilt, and the POMs were  OK.

Is this a known issue? It is very strange to see XML appearing twice.

Hard to tell if we cannot reproduce this. It also could be a Modello 
issue. Have you checked open ones with MNG in JIRA?


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Re: repository problems ( - redirections , HTTP response codes

2018-07-05 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2018-07-05 um 16:24 schrieb David Balažic:


During a clean build (we wiped the local repository cache) we encountered a
problem with one artefact.

We used the latest maven version 3.5.4 with Java 8u171.

The error reported by maven is:

Downloading from central:

There is no reason to use ibiblio or alike anymore. Central these days 
is backed by several machines as well as people use repo managers.

Go to TLS-enabled Central only.

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[ANN] Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 3.0.0 released

2018-06-27 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Project Info Reports Plugin version 3.0.0.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 3.0.0

** Bug
* [MPIR-348] - Usage of HTTP in web site for resources 
cause redirects to HTTPS
* [MPIR-349] - Bad modules links in 'index/modules' reports when 
'' comes from settings.xml

* [MPIR-359] - Generated links for Mercurial SCM are broken
* [MPIR-362] - Dependency Management report doesn't exclude system 
scoped dependencies
* [MPIR-365] - Failed tests on Java 9 due to error with keytool 
plugin "keytool: not found"
* [MPIR-370] - Upgrade transitive BCEL to 6.2 to avoid 

** Improvement
* [MPIR-352] - Use protocol-agnostic URL for Gravatar
* [MPIR-358] - Add GitHub for issue management
* [MPIR-366] - Drop Maven 2 support

** Task
* [MPIR-323] - Align Mojo class names, goals and output names
* [MPIR-345] - Upgrade to Doxia 1.8
* [MPIR-346] - Upgrade to Doxia Sitetools 1.8.1
* [MPIR-347] - Upgrade to Java 6
* [MPIR-350] - Upgrade of plexus-interpolation to 1.24.
* [MPIR-353] - Upgrade parent to version 30
* [MPIR-354] - Upgrade Maven Site Plugin to version 3.5.1 for ITs
* [MPIR-355] - Upgrade dependencies which are code- and testsafe
* [MPIR-356] - Deprecate not used methods in ProjectInfoReportUtils
* [MPIR-367] - Remove Dependency Repository Locations from 
dependency report

* [MPIR-368] - Upgrade to Java 7
* [MPIR-369] - Drop Commons Lang for System builtins
* [MPIR-372] - Remove fields duplicating parent class members

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPIR-361] - Upgrade parent to 31
* [MPIR-363] - Upgrade dependencies to latest versions


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Wagon 3.1.0 released

2018-06-07 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Wagon, version 3.1.0.

Release Notes - Maven Wagon - Version 3.1.0

** Bug
* [WAGON-452] - RelaxedTrustStrategy does not handle multiple 

* [WAGON-493] - Maven wagon-scm documentation is erroneous
* [WAGON-495] - Fix checkoutDirectory leak
* [WAGON-496] - site-deploy using wagon-ssh broke in 2.12 because 
of the fix for WAGON-465
* [WAGON-497] - ScmWagon#put() strips parent dirs from the target 
path if they already exist in SCM
* [WAGON-498] - ScmWagon should work in binary and shallow mode 
when possible

* [WAGON-499] - apache-rat complains about Eclipse .checkstyle files
* [WAGON-503] - Directory gives out of date error in putDirectory() 
to a non-empty Subversion repo
* [WAGON-518] - AbstractHttpClientWagon#putFromStream() reads 
entire content to memory

** New Feature
* [WAGON-501] - Add ScmGitExeWagonTest

** Improvement
* [WAGON-482] - Use sparse files in HugeFileDownloadTest with Java 7

** Task
* [WAGON-504] - switch from Git-WIP to Gitbox

** Dependency upgrade
* [WAGON-505] - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.25
* [WAGON-506] - Upgrade Jetty to 9.2.24.v20180105
* [WAGON-507] - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.1.0
* [WAGON-508] - Upgrade JUnit to 4.12
* [WAGON-509] - Upgrade Commons IO to 2.6
* [WAGON-510] - Upgrade parent to 31
* [WAGON-511] - Upgrade Plexus Container Default to 1.7.1
* [WAGON-512] - Upgrade EasyMock to 3.5.1
* [WAGON-513] - Upgrade HttpClient to 4.5.5
* [WAGON-514] - Upgrade HttpCore to 4.4.9
* [WAGON-515] - Upgrade JSoup to 1.11.2
* [WAGON-516] - Upgrade Jackrabbit WebDAV to 2.14.4
* [WAGON-519] - Upgrade to SCM 1.10.0


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven SCM 1.10.0 released

2018-05-28 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven SCM, version 1.10.0.

Release Notes - Maven SCM - Version 1.10.0

** Bug
* [SCM-763] - Password masking for svnexe does not handle all cases
* [SCM-797] - gitexe checkIn() fails due to Windows command line 
length limitation
* [SCM-814] - Dead links on Maven SCM plugin usage page and Maven 
SCM Providers Matrix page

* [SCM-818] - Updating doesn't work when in detached HEAD
* [SCM-821] - fix incorrect resolving of branch name from HG 
outgoing changes && NPE in HgUtils.differentOutgoingBranchFound

* [SCM-829] - CommandParameter incorrectly removed from parameter list
* [SCM-836] - scm:bootstrap throws NPE
* [SCM-846] - userInfo in Git HTTP URLs not escaped according to 
RFC 3986

* [SCM-862] - apache-rat complains about Eclipse .checkstyle files
* [SCM-863] - NPE in GlobalOptions.setCVSRoot(null) with newer 

* [SCM-865] - cvsnt: rls: invalid option -- d
* [SCM-866] - Cvs ScmProvider.list() does not return correct entries
* [SCM-867] - ScmWagon has no way to work with CVS and SVN in 
binary mode
* [SCM-868] - gitexe add() does not return added files when invoked 
in subdir

* [SCM-869] - gitexe list() implemented incorrectly
* [SCM-874] - ScmResult output password masking does not handle 
multiline text

* [SCM-875] - GitUpdateCommand assumes master branch by default
* [SCM-878] - AbstractConsumer#parseDate() logs wrong locale in 
case of a ParseException
* [SCM-879] - 
JazzChangeLogCommandTest#testListChangesetConsumerWithTimeOnly() fails 
with NPE on Java 10

* [SCM-881] - ScmWagon has no way to work with SVN in binary mode
* [SCM-882] - ScmWagon has no way to work with GIT in binary mode
* [SCM-886] - Tests with checkin rely on global git config
* [SCM-887] - Plexus Utils 3.0.24 makes some tests fail
* [SCM-888] - Changelog generation fails on Windows with Mercurial SCM

** Improvement
* [SCM-739] - Release Plugin: Use "git --depth 1" When Checking Out
* [SCM-748] - Automatically create parent dirs with 'svn --parents'
* [SCM-855] - Upgrade to Java 7
* [SCM-873] - Improve documentation on svn-settings.xml and 
* [SCM-884] - Upgrade jgit to last version of java 7 release 

* [SCM-885] - Extend GitChangeLogCommand by using revision only

** Task
* [SCM-876] - switch from Git-WIP to Gitbox

** Dependency upgrade
* [SCM-824] - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.0.24


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: [maven-scm-api] Looking to perform svn remote move

2018-05-18 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2018-05-17 um 15:12 schrieb Rob Tompkins:
> Hello maven guys,
> Over on commons we’ve been writing our own release-plugin

What is wrong with the current Maven Release Plugin and why are you 
writing your own whereas we could improve the current one, can't we?


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[ANN] Release Maven Help Plugin 3.0.1 released

2018-03-27 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Help Plugin version 3.0.1.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Help Plugin - Version 3.0.1

** Bug
* [MPH-135] - help:effective-pom crashes with NPE in multi module 
builds with -Doutput set

* [MPH-139] - Invalid default namespace set for effective settings
* [MPH-140] - Multiple XML declarations written

** Task
* [MPH-137] - Use JDOM's PrettyFormatter throughout
* [MPH-138] - Drop AbstractEffectiveMojo#addMavenNamespace()
* [MPH-141] - Use non-deprecated field in DateFormatUtils

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPH-136] - Upgrade JDOM to 1.1.3


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Release Maven Help Plugin 3.0.0 released

2018-03-17 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Help Plugin version 3.0.0.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Help Plugin - Version 3.0.0

** Bug
* [MPH-53] - mvn help:describe returns the version that is 
specified in metadata instead of  the one in the parent pom
* [MPH-87] - help:effective-pom/effective-settings uses platform 
encoding and garbles non-ASCII characters, emits invalid XML
* [MPH-97] - [Patch] maven-help-plugin does not build with latest 
version of maven-plugin-testing-harness

* [MPH-99] - Evaluate has no output in quiet mode
* [MPH-105] - Effective pom aggregation is not triggered
* [MPH-107] - Mojos use inconsistent line endings throughout
* [MPH-108] - Patch for MPH-72 not fully applied
* [MPH-110] - Cannot run ITs successfully
* [MPH-111] - IT 'effective-pom_properties' fails if run with 

* [MPH-114] - Goal fails with “Unable to get the POM for the artifact”
* [MPH-119] - The "artifact" parameter is not taken into account 
with Maven 3

* [MPH-121] - incorrect text in help:describe for cmd
* [MPH-123] - all-profiles does not show right active status

** Improvement
* [MPH-106] - add gav parameter to calculate effective pom for any 
gav, not only reactor

* [MPH-109] - Use ISO 8601 date format for the remaining goals
* [MPH-116] - Printout the information if a goal is a report goal 
or not

* [MPH-120] - Migrate plugin to Maven 3.0
* [MPH-124] - Show parameter aliases in describe goal

** Task
* [MPH-103] - Remove unused dependency maven-monitor
* [MPH-112] - Upgrade to Commons Lang3
* [MPH-126] - Require Java 7
* [MPH-132] - Drop parameter 'medium'
* [MPH-133] - Drop deprecated alias 'full'
* [MPH-134] - Drop deprecated alias 'mojo'

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPH-102] - Upgrade to maven-plugins parent version 27
* [MPH-104] - Upgrade maven-plugin-testing-harness to 1.3
* [MPH-117] - Upgrade plexus-utils to 3.0.22
* [MPH-118] - Upgrade maven-plugins to version 30
* [MPH-125] - Upgrade parent to 31
* [MPH-127] - Upgrade Maven  Artifact Transfer to 0.9.1
* [MPH-128] - Upgrade Maven Reporting Exec to 1.4
* [MPH-129] - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.1.0
* [MPH-130] - Upgrade XStream to 1.4.7
* [MPH-131] - Ugprade Commons Lang to 3.7


-The Apache Maven team

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[HEADS UP] Spring cleanup JIRA

2018-03-10 Thread Michael Osipov
NOTE: This has been already announced at dev@ and accepted, informing 
users also!

We have currently almost 400 open issues which haven't been touched for 
more than three (3) years.

The last two times I autoclosed them with a message. People could 
request a reopen, only a few did.

If you think any of those is worth keeping, please drop a comment "still 

JIRA query:

Issue will be autoclosed by 2018-03-16 22:00 UTC.



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[ANN] MMaven Resolver 1.1.0 released

2017-07-06 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Resolver version 1.1.0.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

Release Notes - Maven Resolver - Version Maven Artifact Resolver 1.1.0
** Bug
* [MRESOLVER-13] - Exceptions are suppressed incorrectly when 
closing resources fails
* [MRESOLVER-19] - DefaultRepositorySystem resolveDependencies() 
can yield a NullPointerException

** Improvement
* [MRESOLVER-4] - Use java.util.Objects#requireNonNull to intercept 
null input
* [MRESOLVER-6] - Use java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets wherever 
* [MRESOLVER-11] - Project dependency collection result should 
contain repositories.
* [MRESOLVER-14] - Statistics should be calculated using 
System.nanoTime() instead of System.currentTimeMillis()
* [MRESOLVER-18] - DefaultDependencyCollector does not provide 
pre-managed state for exclusions and properties.

* [MRESOLVER-23] - Avoid implicit primitive type casts
* [MRESOLVER-24] - Turn some IllegalArgumentExceptions into 
* [MRESOLVER-26] - add Automatic-Module-Name entry to MANIFEST.MF 
for Java 9 automatic module names

** New Feature
* [MRESOLVER-2] - Add repository id to TransferResource

** Task
* [MRESOLVER-3] - Update dependencies
* [MRESOLVER-5] - Update minimum Java version to 1.7
* [MRESOLVER-16] - Site should contain links to the license
* [MRESOLVER-22] - Upgrade to Maven Parent 30


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Wagon 2.12 released

2017-01-30 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the 
ApacheMaven Wagon, version 2.12.

Release Notes - Maven Wagon - version 2.12

** Bug
* [WAGON-408] - ITs for #testSecuredGet() fail with Windows
* [WAGON-426] - Fingerprints loss in known_hosts
* [WAGON-439] - Jsch issue in java 1.7 and Kerberos-enabled ssh servers
* [WAGON-449] - CLIENT not changed after setting 

* [WAGON-469] - wagon-http does not enable Expect-Continue by default
* [WAGON-475] - TransferEvent GET used instead of PUT and vice versa
* [WAGON-476] - HTTP Provider follows redirects on PUT and may 
change request method
* [WAGON-479] - Preemptive auth with HTTP Provider may fail because 
BasicScheme is added as completed=true to the AuthCache
* [WAGON-480] - Non-threadsafe HttpClientContext is shared between 
threaded use of HttpClientWagon
* [WAGON-481] - Sensitive (auth) information is not cleared when 
HttpClientWagon is disconnected
* [WAGON-485] - ScpWagon parses file size to int causing overflow 
for large files

** Improvement
* [WAGON-455] - Upgrade of 'plexus-utils' to version 3.0.23.
* [WAGON-458] - Implementation for FTPS
* [WAGON-460] - Upgrade plexus-utils to 3.0.24
* [WAGON-464] - Upgrade jsch dependency to 0.1.51 or newer to 
support ECDSA host key typess
* [WAGON-465] - wagon-ssh: add API option to check for remote exit 
* [WAGON-466] - wagon-ssh: Better error message when ssh account is 
* [WAGON-467] - wagon-ssh: options to configure hostKeyChecking and 

* [WAGON-472] - Upgrade Commons IO to 2.5
* [WAGON-484] - Update WebDAV Provider naming

** Task
* [WAGON-389] - Incorrect versions on gh-pages
* [WAGON-447] - Remove Commons Lang 2 for a few cases
* [WAGON-457] - Wagon tests fail on Windows because Subversion 
crashes on a test repo

* [WAGON-470] - Update TLS certificates for HTTPS tests
* [WAGON-471] - Clean up dependency mess (reported by 
* [WAGON-473] - Don't abuse IllegalArgumentException to intercept 
null input

* [WAGON-474] - Upgrade and revise all tests for Jetty 8
* [WAGON-483] - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.22


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia Sitetools 1.7.4 released

2016-11-11 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Doxia Sitetools, version 1.7.4

Doxia Sitetools is an extension of base Doxia component that generates 
either  HTML sites, consisting of decoration and content that was 
generated by Doxia, or documents like RTF or PDF.

You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

Release Notes - Maven Doxia Sitetools - Version 1.7.4

** Bug
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-171] - DefaultSiteRenderer must use 
Package#getImplementationVersion to check for Doxia Sitetools prerequisite


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Fluido Skin 1.6 released

2016-11-10 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Fluido Skin, version 1.6.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

You should specify the version in your project's site configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Fluido Skin - Version 1.6

** Bug
* [MSKINS-119] - Text overlapping on mobile devices
* [MSKINS-127] - For all pages it take 2 
minutes to see content in China

** Improvement
* [MSKINS-128] - split site.vm into site.vm+site-macros.vm
* [MSKINS-130] - improve generated html for menu and breadcrumbs
* [MSKINS-131] - Enable the responsive features of Bootstrap 2.3.2

** New Feature
* [MSKINS-132] - Add option to skip adding the Date-Revision meta 

** Task
* [MSKINS-125] - upgrade maven-site-plugin for ITs to version 3.5


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Ant Tasks Retired

2016-05-18 Thread Michael Osipov
As you can see in the release notes below, this component has now been 
retired. There will be no more releases of this component.

* [MANTTASKS-252] Retire this component

-The Apache Maven team

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[RESULT] [VOTE] Retire Maven Ant Tasks

2016-05-18 Thread Michael Osipov


The vote has passed with the following result:

+1: Karl Heinz Marbaise, Mirko Friedenhagen, Anders Hammar, Igor 
Fedorenko, Jason van Zyl, Andreas Gudian, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Ralph 
Goers, Manfred Moser, Connolly, Robert Scholte, Michael Osipov, Tamás 

PMC quorum: reached

I will continue with the steps required to retire this component.

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[ANN] Maven Changes Plugin 2.12 released

2016-04-03 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Changes Plugin version 2.12.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Changes Plugin - Version 2.12

** Bug
* [MCHANGES-346] - Update plexus-interpolation for thread safety issues
* [MCHANGES-354] - The plugin should fail to execute if the 
changes.xml file cannot be parsed
* [MCHANGES-358] - Remove dependency resolution 
ResolutionScope.TEST  from AnnouncementMojo

* [MCHANGES-361] - GitHub issue ids don't appear in announcement.vm
* [MCHANGES-364] - DueTo is always empty
* [MCHANGES-368] - Report page has unneccessary indentations when 
having empty releases

** Improvement
* [MCHANGES-305] - Provide support for private Github repos
* [MCHANGES-345] - Upgrade maven-filtering to 1.2
* [MCHANGES-347] - Upgrade maven-filtering to 1.3
* [MCHANGES-355] - Upgrade plexus-utils to 3.0.22
* [MCHANGES-356] - Upgrade org.eclipse.egit.github.core to 2.1.5
* [MCHANGES-363] - Add support for opened issues in announcement Mojo


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 2.9 released

2016-03-06 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Project Info Reports Plugin version 2.9.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 2.9

** Sub-task
* [MPIR-341] - Align mojo class names to element names in pom.xml
* [MPIR-342] - Document upcoming mojo and file names change in 3.0

** Bug
* [MPIR-251] - Artifact ## has no file error regression
* [MPIR-268] - Add Gradle dependency information
* [MPIR-308] - Plugin fails with Java 8 (caused by BCEL)

** Improvement
* [MPIR-340] - Omit legend and dependency details in Dependency 
Convergence if there is 100 % convergence

** Task
* [MPIR-336] - Upgrade to Maven Shared JAR 1.2
* [MPIR-337] - Localize sealed information on JARs
* [MPIR-338] - Localize alternative text for used icons
* [MPIR-339] - Align/pluralize name of and all of its usages


-The Apache Maven team

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Upcoming Maven Project Info Reports release

2016-02-29 Thread Michael Osipov

Hi folks,

I intend to roll 2.9 this week. There are still a few long-standing 
issues. If anyone wants to make some progress, feel free to do so. If I 
don't hear anything, I'll start on Wed/Thu.


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[ANN] Maven Default Skin 1.2 released

2016-02-27 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Default Skin, version 1.2.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

You should specify the version in your project's site configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Default Skin - Version 1.2

** Sub-task
* [MSKINS-114] - Update skins footer handling once 
DOXIASITETOOLS-82 has been published
* [MSKINS-124] - Update skins head handling once DOXIASITETOOLS-155 
has been published

** Bug
* [MSKINS-122] - Cannot run invoker ITs on Windows with Maven 3.3.1+

** Improvement
* [MSKINS-123] - Remove decoration model default value duplication 
in macro #publishDate


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Fluido Skin 1.5 released

2016-02-27 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Fluido Skin, version 1.5.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

You should specify the version in your project's site configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Fluido Skin - Version 1.5

** Sub-task
* [MSKINS-114] - Update skins footer handling once 
DOXIASITETOOLS-82 has been published
* [MSKINS-124] - Update skins head handling once DOXIASITETOOLS-155 
has been published

** Bug
* [MSKINS-100] - Fluido skin ignores changes from DOXIASITETOOLS-71
* [MSKINS-122] - Cannot run invoker ITs on Windows with Maven 3.3.1+

** Improvement
* [MSKINS-113] - Update the documentation accordingly to MSKINS-110
* [MSKINS-118] - Avoid mixed content block for Google Search
* [MSKINS-123] - Remove decoration model default value duplication 
in macro #publishDate

** Task
* [MSKINS-115] - Remove old and horribly outdated press.apt
* [MSKINS-120] - Clean up skins for Doxia Sitetools 1.7 (Velocity 
1.7 upgrade, header/footer type, date)


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven JAR Utilities 1.2 released

2016-01-03 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven JAR Utilities, version 1.2.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

You should specify the version in your project's dependency configuration:


Release Notes - Apache Maven JAR Utilities - Version 1.2

** Bug
* [MSHARED-409] - maven-shared-jar fails to analyse JARs containing 
Java 8 code

** Improvement
* [MSHARED-481] - Clean up and update class version detection for 
Java 7/8

** Task
* [MSHARED-482] - Upgrade to Maven 2.2.1
* [MSHARED-483] - Upgrade to Maven Shared Utils 0.9
* [MSHARED-485] - Add missing dependencies indicated by 


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: [MNG-5947] dependency management: imports and lack of nearest-wins

2016-01-02 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2016-01-02 um 17:00 schrieb Michał Kowalcze:

Basically it's in along with
example POMs. Graphically - having imports in dependency management like:


 + import:1.0

 +  parent:3.2.1

 + commons-collections:3.2.1

 + parent:3.2.2

 +  commons-collections:3.2.2

Version for commons-collections is 3.2.1 due to first match.

Nearest match makes sense to, i.e., shortest path to a node when several 
are in the dependency tree.


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Re: Another yearly issue cleanup in JIRA

2016-01-01 Thread Michael Osipov
Just wanted you to remember that no issue has been updated since my last 
mail. You still have a couple of days to take a look. Monday is deadline.

Am 2015-12-25 um 19:00 schrieb Michael Osipov:

Hi folks,

the previous had a bad wording, so I decided to rerun that.

I'd like to do another issue cleanup in JIRA like a did last year.
We currently have 127 unresolved issues which haven't been updated for
more than three years.

They drill down as follows:
Wish: 3
Task: 4
New Feature: 14
Improvement: 34
Bug: 72

Here is the query for: category = Maven AND updated <= -156w AND
resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY updated DESC

I hardly believe that they will be updated or resolved ever. Maybe they
have been resolved with new versions automatically.
Please have a look whether you see some of yours which are still valid
or anything else. Is an issue worth kept alive, add a validity note to
it. If you don't object, I will go ahead and close them
as won't fix. Let me know by 2 January 2016.

@Hervé Is that an acceptable approach for you?


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Re: Another yearly issue cleanup in JIRA

2016-01-01 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2016-01-01 um 23:13 schrieb Ron Wheeler:

You might want to delay your deadline for a few days to allow people who
have been on holidays to get back to work.

Good point, let's push for another week until 2016-01-10.


On 01/01/2016 3:25 PM, Michael Osipov wrote:

Just wanted you to remember that no issue has been updated since my
last mail. You still have a couple of days to take a look. Monday is

Am 2015-12-25 um 19:00 schrieb Michael Osipov:

Hi folks,

the previous had a bad wording, so I decided to rerun that.

I'd like to do another issue cleanup in JIRA like a did last year.
We currently have 127 unresolved issues which haven't been updated for
more than three years.

They drill down as follows:
Wish: 3
Task: 4
New Feature: 14
Improvement: 34
Bug: 72

Here is the query for: category = Maven AND updated <= -156w AND
resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY updated DESC

I hardly believe that they will be updated or resolved ever. Maybe they
have been resolved with new versions automatically.
Please have a look whether you see some of yours which are still valid
or anything else. Is an issue worth kept alive, add a validity note to
it. If you don't object, I will go ahead and close them
as won't fix. Let me know by 2 January 2016.

@Hervé Is that an acceptable approach for you?


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[ANN] Maven Application Skin, Maven Classic Skin, Maven Stylus Skin Retired

2015-12-28 Thread Michael Osipov
As you can see in the release notes below, these skins have now been 

There will be no more releases of these skins.

* [MSKINS-121] Retire this skin

-The Apache Maven team

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[RESULT] [VOTE] Retire Maven Application Skin, Maven Classic Skin, Maven Stylus Skin

2015-12-28 Thread Michael Osipov


The vote has passed with the following result:

+1: Karl Heinz Marbaise, Stephen Connolly, Hervé Boutemy, Dennis 
Lundberg, Maxim Solodovnik, Andreas Gudian, Robert Scholte, Uwe Barthel, 
Petar Tahchiev, Mirko Friedenhagen, Maxim Solodovnik

PMC quorum: reached

I will continue with the steps required to retire these skins.

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Another yearly issue cleanup in JIRA

2015-12-25 Thread Michael Osipov

Hi folks,

the previous had a bad wording, so I decided to rerun that.

I'd like to do another issue cleanup in JIRA like a did last year.
We currently have 127 unresolved issues which haven't been updated for
more than three years.

They drill down as follows:
Wish: 3
Task: 4
New Feature: 14
Improvement: 34
Bug: 72

Here is the query for: category = Maven AND updated <= -156w AND 
resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY updated DESC

I hardly believe that they will be updated or resolved ever. Maybe they 
have been resolved with new versions automatically.

Please have a look whether you see some of yours which are still valid
or anything else. Is an issue worth kept alive, add a validity note to 
it. If you don't object, I will go ahead and close them

as won't fix. Let me know by 2 January 2016.

@Hervé Is that an acceptable approach for you?


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[VOTE] Retire Maven Application Skin, Maven Classic Skin, Maven Stylus Skin

2015-12-24 Thread Michael Osipov

as previously suggested, it makes sense to retire those skins because
they haven't been updated for a long time and we don't have the resources
to maintain them properly [1].

Last releases:
Maven Application Skin: 2012-01-18
Maven Classic Skin: 2012-01-18
Maven Stylus Skin: 2012-07-30

I therefore propose that we retire these skins.

If this vote is successful I will make one final release of the skin, making
it clear on the skin site that it has been retired. After that the source code
will be moved into the "retired" area in our Subversion repository.
The process for retiring a skin is described here:
(Though these aren't plugins, the process is universal)
The vote is open for 72 hours.
[ ] +1 Yes, it's about time
[ ] -1 No, because...

I would ask kindly those who have already cast their vote to revote to make it



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[ANN] Maven Checkstyle Plugin 2.17 released

2015-10-18 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Checkstyle Plugin, version 2.17.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Checkstyle Plugin - Version 2.17

** Bug
* [MCHECKSTYLE-302] - Using inline configuration does not work with 
Maven 2.2.1
* [MCHECKSTYLE-304] - Using inline configuration, 
checkstyle-checker.xml is generated using DTD v1.2

* [MCHECKSTYLE-310] - Parrallel build failing with various errors
* [MCHECKSTYLE-311] - "mvn clean site -Preporting" fails with Could 
not find resource 'config/maven_checks.xml'

** Improvement
* [MCHECKSTYLE-291] - Change format of violation message
* [MCHECKSTYLE-293] - Update to use non deprecated method 

** Task
* [MCHECKSTYLE-307] - Upgrade to Checkstyle 6.11
* [MCHECKSTYLE-313] - Upgrade to Checkstyle 6.11.2


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: [ANN] Apache Maven Assembly Plugin 2.5.4 Released

2015-04-27 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2015-04-27 um 20:39 schrieb Kristian Rosenvold:

The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven Assembly Plugin, version 2.5.4

The Assembly Plugin for Maven is primarily intended to allow users to aggregate
the project output along with its dependencies, modules, site documentation,
and other files into a single distributable archive.

This release is mostly a bugfix release, but due to MASSEMBLY-764 we
also gained multithreaded ZIP compression, which should especially
benefit users with large zip files.

This works by default and requires no further config? How does the logic 
decide that divide and conquer will gain a speedup?


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[ANN] Maven PMD Plugin 3.4 released

2015-02-03 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
PMD Plugin, version 3.4.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.4

** Bug
* [MPMD-165] - target/site/pmd.html created with invalid 

* [MPMD-171] - Rule properties are ignored when run under MPMD
* [MPMD-174] - Using a permalink from Sonar as a ruleset does not work
* [MPMD-187] - Report is generated even when skip is true
* [MPMD-193] - CPD's sourceEncoding not set since PMD 5.1.1 is used
* [MPMD-200] - Regression: Rule:UnusedPrivateMethod

** Improvement
* [MPMD-129] - Maven PMD plugin does not have suppressMarker 
property that is available in PMD itself

* [MPMD-170] - Have targetJdk default to
* [MPMD-197] - Update dependencies and resolve minor Java warnings
* [MPMD-199] - Support PMD functionality on JSP files

** Task
* [MPMD-195] - Upgrade to PMD 5.2.2 as soon as it is available
* [MPMD-198] - Upgrade to PMD 5.2.3 as soon as it is available
* [MPMD-201] - Clean up unused and used undeclared dependencies
* [MPMD-202] - Remove notes to ancient version of this plugin and 
expired information

* [MPMD-203] - Upgrade to MPIR 2.8


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 2.8 released

2015-01-10 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Project Info Reports Plugin, version 2.8.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


RRelease Notes - Maven Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 2.8

** Sub-task
* [MPIR-321] - Disable/remove dev/contrib current time generation 
because it is broken

** Bug
* [MPIR-242] - Incorrect translations list for GPL v3 (illegible 
letters for Catalan and Arabic)
* [MPIR-247] - Comparison method violates its general contract! 
while generating site
* [MPIR-273] - links to modules broken in modules.html of flat 
multimodule parent project

* [MPIR-279] - Wrong hyperlinks on index and modules page
* [MPIR-280] - Clarify that Web Access SCM link is not suitable for 
SCM checkout

* [MPIR-281] - Misleading SCM report title
* [MPIR-289] - DependenciesRenderer's FileDecimalFormat claims to 
use SI prefixes but calculated numbers do not match
* [MPIR-293] - On the team list report the picUrl property 
appears in the table, although no other properties are set for that team 
* [MPIR-301] - Update plexus-interpolation to 1.21 to avoid thread 
safety issues

* [MPIR-303] - Backslash in multi-module project
* [MPIR-309] - The Integration test mpir-229 breaks on Apache Jenkins
* [MPIR-311] - Specific SCM intro is missing if dev connection is 
given but not anonymous connection

* [MPIR-313] - License name is mandatory but it is not validated
* [MPIR-319] - Apache Ant has no dependency management but Apache 
Ivy has

* [MPIR-325] - JIRA report is not generated

** Improvement
* [MPIR-263] - improve minimum java requirement when m-compiler-p 
not explicitely configured: use default properties

* [MPIR-265] - Improve debug information in Dependencies report
* [MPIR-287] - Misleading report titles in Project Information overview
* [MPIR-290] - improve git support: remove directory info (after 
'.git') for git clone
* [MPIR-291] - if scm tag is present, propose git clone --branch 

* [MPIR-295] - Enhancements on dependency convergence report
* [MPIR-296] - SBT Output not correct for dependencies
* [MPIR-298] - Continuous Integration support for Travis CI
* [MPIR-299] - Update to SCM 1.9.1
* [MPIR-304] - Update dependencies to the most recent usable versions
* [MPIR-305] - Upgrade Doxia + Site Tools to 1.6
* [MPIR-306] - Upgrade to maven-plugins version 25 to 26
* [MPIR-310] - Improve 'JDK Rev' label in dependencies report
* [MPIR-314] - Upgrade to maven-plugins version 26 to 27
* [MPIR-315] - Replace org.apache.maven.shared:maven-doxia-tools 
with org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-integration-tools
* [MPIR-316] - Removed dependency 
* [MPIR-322] - Dependencies Files Details should reuse installed 
jars instead of target/classes
* [MPIR-326] - Remove notes to ancient version of this plugin or 
the Site Plugin in the apt files

** New Feature
* [MPIR-288] - Add a skipEmptyReport option
* [MPIR-297] - add a skip parameter

** Task
* [MPIR-317] - Remove FAQ entry for Recaptcha Mailhide
* [MPIR-318] - Link time zone FAQ entry to the POM reference 

* [MPIR-324] - Clean up unused and used undeclared dependencies


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: [DISCUSS] In the event of adopting the owl as project mascot, what will we call it?

2014-11-25 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2014-11-25 um 20:56 schrieb Matt Benson:

From the peanut gallery: someone had complained that the owl as a

mascot disregarded the Yiddish origin of the term Maven. How about
naming the owl something like Abraham, Jacob, or Moses? :D

That was me and I still highly dislike the connection between the owl 
(Greek wisdom) and Yiddish background.

This always leads me the same question: Why the owl? Having sad that, I 
would love to see a stylized version of a Woody Allen type:


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Re: [DISCUSS] In the event of adopting the owl as project mascot, what will we call it?

2014-11-25 Thread Michael Osipov

:-D that would either look funny or ridiculous but worth evaluating.

Are you or is someone else able provide a rendering which a 
Jewish-looking owl? Woody Allen style, for example.


Am 2014-11-25 um 21:51 schrieb Matt Benson:

How about a rabbinical owl?


On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Michael Osipov wrote:

Am 2014-11-25 um 20:56 schrieb Matt Benson:

 From the peanut gallery: someone had complained that the owl as a

mascot disregarded the Yiddish origin of the term Maven. How about
naming the owl something like Abraham, Jacob, or Moses? :D

That was me and I still highly dislike the connection between the owl (Greek
wisdom) and Yiddish background.

This always leads me the same question: Why the owl? Having sad that, I
would love to see a stylized version of a Woody Allen type:


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Re: [DISCUSS] Adopt Mr Couché-Tard as our mascot, change the logo font to Alte Haas Grotesk, change the colour letter to v

2014-11-20 Thread Michael Osipov

My opinion on this:

I do not like the connection between the owl and the word maven.
While the owl stands for wisdom in the Greek culture as on the Greek 
euro coins, Maven is not of Greek origin. It is cleary of Hebrew/Jewish 
[1] origin. I see no connection here. I would rather see an old and wise 

I see no point on having 'v' in a different color, as if the word 
consists of two syllables. It is just a coincidence that the words 
'maven' and 'version' have/share the 'v' combination.

Unfortunately, I have artistic talent, so I cannot come up with a decent 
vector graphic for an old and wise man :-(



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Re: [DISCUSS] Adopt Mr Couché-Tard as our mascot, change the logo font to Alte Haas Grotesk, change the colour letter to v

2014-11-20 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2014-11-20 um 21:21 schrieb Michael Osipov:

My opinion on this:

I do not like the connection between the owl and the word maven.
While the owl stands for wisdom in the Greek culture as on the Greek
euro coins, Maven is not of Greek origin. It is cleary of Hebrew/Jewish
[1] origin. I see no connection here. I would rather see an old and wise

I see no point on having 'v' in a different color, as if the word
consists of two syllables. It is just a coincidence that the words
'maven' and 'version' have/share the 'v' combination.

Unfortunately, I have artistic talent, so I cannot come up with a decent
vector graphic for an old and wise man :-(

That was supposed to mean: I have no artistic talent...

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[ANN] Maven Archiver version 2.6

2014-10-31 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Archiver, version 2.6.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

You should specify the version in your project's dependency configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Archiver - Version 2.6

** Bug
* [MSHARED-241] - Use last plexus-archiver version
* [MSHARED-360] - Upgrade plexus-archiver to 2.6.1 (was 2.6) and 
plexus-utils to 3.0.18 for java7+ symlink support
* [MSHARED-368] - Update plexus-interpolation to 1.21 to avoid 
potential thread safety issues

** Improvement
* [MSHARED-224] - Add documentation on the useUniqueVersions to the 
index page
* [MSHARED-270] - Add Implementation-URL to 
* [MSHARED-273] - Update documentation for the Created-By 
manifest entry

* [MSHARED-363] - Update version of plexus-archiver to 2.7

** Task
* [MSHARED-373] - Upgrade Maven baseline to 2.2.1
* [MSHARED-374] - Upgrade Plexus Archiver to 2.8.1
* [MSHARED-375] - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.0.20
* [MSHARED-376] - Upgrade Maven Shared Utils to 0.7


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Javadoc Plugin 2.10.1 released

2014-10-02 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Javadoc Plugin, version 2.10.1.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Javadoc Plugin - Version 2.10.1

** Bug
* [MJAVADOC-406] - Regression: MJAVADOC-398 commit changed wrong line
* [MJAVADOC-407] - Cannot parse annotations when generating javadoc
* [MJAVADOC-416] - java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to 

** Improvement
* [MJAVADOC-412] - Update version of plexus-archiver to 2.5


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: Plugin to invoke SQLLDR

2014-07-03 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2014-06-26 23:12, schrieb hanuman:

Hi All,

I am planning to invoke SQLLDR from in the POM.xml.
any idea which plugin we can use to invoke the same?

The best approach here is use Antrun Plugin or Exec. Externalize the 
password and do NOT pass as command line arg better yet -- use Oracle 


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Re: [Clash Inspector] Release 0.9 and asking for quick feedback

2014-06-28 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2014-06-28 23:54, schrieb

Hi guys,

some students have created a nice Maven plugin:
It analyzes potential problems regarding version clashes between
(transient) dependencies.

Where is the difference to

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Re: Running plugin with own classloader for slf4j in maven 3.2

2014-06-17 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2014-06-17 21:34, schrieb alexlehm:

Until Maven 3.0.x it was possible to run plugins that use slf4j with a
configuration of slf4j chosen by the project files (e.g. slf4j log4j binding
or a simplelogging config in the project), since Maven wasn't using slf4j
itself. Now in 3.2, the slf4j classes are loaded by Maven and so use the
ones that are stored in the lib and config dirs of Maven.

It is possible to remove the slf4j related files from maven and use other
ones instead, but I would prefer it if I could select the binding inside the
project. I assume that this requires some kind of classpath change to force
the plugin to use a new instance of slf4j and use the files select in the
project, but I have no idea how to do that (or if it is possible at all).

You can swap slf4j-simple against Logback if you like. As far as I know, 
plugins are isolated aren't they? Does SLF4J report duplicate bindings 
if you try so?


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Re: Complex Maven projects - Tutorials? Books?

2014-06-12 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2014-06-12 16:46, schrieb Hohl, Gerrit:

Hello everyone, :)


Does someone know a good book or tutorial which handles all of these
issues around Maven and CI/CD in more depth?

Hi Gerrit,

here is the approach I have been using all the years, I think this is 
quite common in companies:

1. Set up a Nexus instance in your company, mirroring Central and with 
release/snapshot repos for your company.

1.1 Make sure that Nexus works correctly.

2. Let the CI server deploy SNAPSHOTs of you libraries deploy to your 
Nexus instance frequently.

3. Refer to those SNAPSHOTs in your project POMs if you need bleeding 
edge. This makes it easier to soak in fixed bugs in deps. If you think 
that your lib is stable enough, release to SCM and Nexus.

4. Use the maven-versions-plugin to update your project dependencies and 
or fix to a release version.

It is perfectly fine to rely on SNAPSHOTs during development but not 
when you perform mvn release:prepare release:perform.



PS: Upgrade your Maven version to a new one if you are able to.

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Re: [ANN] Mojo's JAXB-2 Maven Plugin 1.6 released

2014-03-13 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2014-03-13 16:02, schrieb Anders Hammar:

is there actually a need for this plugin? The official Maven JAXB2 Plugin
does quite a good job. (At least for my JAX-WS stuff).

I haven't used the official JAXB2 plugin, but as far as I know it doesn't
include schemagen support. Also, the docs is far from good/complete in my

The reason I am asking is that people on SO still do not know which 
options they have and which suits best:


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