Re: Maven Documentation

2024-06-22 Thread slipbits

Sorry about the late response.

Thank you all. I looked at the reference site and, sigh, to download the 
book I need to provide my email. I don't do this. Not because I object 
but I object to the endlessly following emails trying to sell me 
something, or tell me something, or encouraging me to do something. So, 
no book.

But I did find something, "Introducing Maven". It's old but it addresses 
topics in a way that I personally find satisfying. For one, it provides 
a consistent overview of topics, going into enough detail to illustrate 
a single point, and explaining that point, before going on. And to the 
point I have read, there are no errors; and all terms and tags are 
defined. I would add that in that long time past I was told that in 
order to provide a good presentation you should "say what you're going 
to say, say it, tell what you have said", and to this "Introducing 
Maven" does.

This is a significant departure from the Apache Maven collection in 
which none of the tutorial or referenced material has an overview but 
does have any one or all of errors, incomplete information on a topic, 
use of unexplained tags, endless references to material which suffers 
from the above. This condition exists in every single one of the 
tutorial and non-tutorial material I have looked at.

I have also looked at other book(s). Of those I have looked at none have 
an overview of the material to be covered.

I am endlessly grateful for your help.


On 6/2/2024 11:19 PM, Davide Grandi wrote:


1) get an example
2) mvn clean
3) mvn clean compile
3) mvn clean compile package
4) mvn clean compile package install

you can keep only "clean" and "the last command on he row", the 
intermediate ones are implied.

welcome on maven !


ing. Davide Grandi
linkedin :
On 03/06/2024 05:18, Tilman Hausherr wrote:
That's not helpful, because it's about syntax details, google "maven 
beginners" or "maven tutorial" and choose one that makes sense.

This one is not bad:

(my first hits were on the apache site but these seemed too complex, 
despite that I've been using maven for years)


On 03.06.2024 04:11, slipbits wrote:

I'm just getting into Maven and I'm trying to find a good book that 
describes the POM and Maven. I'm just going through the Apache Maven 
Project POM reference and things like:

According to the POM 4.0.0 XSD, the |build| element is
conceptually divided into two parts: there is a |BaseBuild| type
which contains the set of elements common to both |build|
elements (the top-level build element under |project| and the
build element under |profiles|, covered below); and there is the
|Build| type, which contains the |BaseBuild| set as well as more
elements for the top level definition. Let us begin with an
analysis of the common elements between the two.

are a real puzzler.

If this isn't the correct place to ask then please direct me to the 
correct source.


Maven Documentation

2024-06-02 Thread slipbits
I'm just getting into Maven and I'm trying to find a good book that 
describes the POM and Maven. I'm just going through the Apache Maven 
Project POM reference and things like:

   According to the POM 4.0.0 XSD, the |build| element is conceptually
   divided into two parts: there is a |BaseBuild| type which contains
   the set of elements common to both |build| elements (the top-level
   build element under |project| and the build element under
   |profiles|, covered below); and there is the |Build| type, which
   contains the |BaseBuild| set as well as more elements for the top
   level definition. Let us begin with an analysis of the common
   elements between the two.

are a real puzzler.

If this isn't the correct place to ask then please direct me to the 
correct source.


Re: Can;t link src/test/java to package being tested.

2024-04-03 Thread slipbits

Thanks. Almost there.

Sigh. You were correct. There were two main programs. One was deleted 
leaving the main main.

I tried right-click->Debug and it worked.

I tried Debug->File and it worked.

I tried Debug->Main Program and it did not work. The error is:

ERROR: transport error 202: connect failed: Connection refused
ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510)
JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports 

Command execution failed.

I changed com.mycompany.slip.Slip to 
test.main On the first version, Debug 
gave me a pom error saying it could not find the main file. On the 
second version I got the above error. My guess is that I' m going to 
have to read and understand Maven and relate Maven to some required 
folder architecture. I'm not sure about this. Right now it's only a guess.

I would like to use the debugged API in other projects, so the issue is 
persistent and important. Any help would be good. No help just means 
that I have to struggle through documentation to find the little nugget 
needed to make the project work as expected. And yeah, I know. This is 
one of those 'easy' ones that everyone knows.


On 4/2/2024 11:28 AM, Michael Bien wrote:
the exec.mainClass property of pom.xml is the main entry point of your 
program and becomes relevant if you want to run the project in the 
shell or once its built.

NB can run anything which has a main method or any test simply via 
right click -> run/debug. It doesn't really care what is in the 
property so you don't have to permanently change it just so that you 
can test something. You can even remove it and it will run fine if you 
press play.

My guess is that you ran the project once and NB asked you what Main 
class to start (do you have two?). The default setting of the dialog 
remembers the choice for the rest of the session and won't ask again. 
Then you moved or renamed the class and now it can't find it, NB 
should ask again if you restart.


On 02.04.24 20:19, slipbits wrote:

Thanks  Tamás;

I didn't know that and I'm glad you mentioned it. But the real 
question is how do I test the fool thing. I compiled everything 
successfully under NB. I built everything successfully under NB. Now 
here is where my ignorance shows. I don't want the fool thing located 
under "com.mycompany.slip.Slip". I know that this is referenced in 
the pom.xml file, but, if I change the pom entry my question is what 
do I have to do to the source folders? Going from 
com.mycompany.slip.Slip to 
Slip will this work and do I have to 
change the folder structure in some way? Or quite baldly, 'what do I 
do now coach"?

I'm reading the Maven document to find out how changing 
 effects the folder architecture but a little word of 
wisdom would save me a lot of time.


The run output dialog is below.

JPDA Listening Start...
JPDA Address:
cd D:\home\skidmarks\Projects\Unique\Project\slip; 
"JAVA_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk-17.0.1" cmd /c "\"C:\\Program 
\"-Dexec.args=${exec.vmArgs} -classpath %classpath ${exec.mainClass} 
${exec.appArgs}\" -Dexec.appArgs= 
Files\\Java\\jdk-17.0.1\\bin\\java.exe\" -Djpda.listen=true 
-Djpda.address=52253 \"-Dmaven.ext.class.path=C:\\Program 
-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 process-classes 

Scanning for projects...

-< com.slipbits:slip >--
Building slip 1.0-SNAPSHOT
  from pom.xml
[ jar ]-

--- resources:3.3.1:resources (default-resources) @ slip ---
skip non existing resourceDirectory 

--- compiler:3.11.0:compile (default-compile) @ slip ---
Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date

--- exec:3.1.0:exec (default-cli) @ slip ---
Error: Could not find or load main class com.mycompany.slip.Slip
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mycompany.slip.Slip
Command execution failed.
org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an 
error: 1 (Exit value: 1)
    at org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor.executeInternal 
    at org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor.execute 
    at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecMojo.executeCommandLine 
    at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecMojo.executeComman

Re: Can;t link src/test/java to package being tested.

2024-04-02 Thread slipbits
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launch 
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.main 


Total time:  1.117 s
Finished at: 2024-04-02T11:07:06-07:00

Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:3.1.0:exec 
(default-cli) on project slip: Command execution failed.: Process exited 
with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1) -> [Help 1]

To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.

For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
read the following articles:
[Help 1]

On 4/2/2024 11:02 AM, Tamás Cservenák wrote:


src/main/java and src/test/java is the maven standard...


On Tue, Apr 2, 2024, 19:46 slipbits  wrote:

I know this is a dumb question but I'm stumped. I created a new
project and NB created src/main and src/test subdirectories. When
I created my test code in src/test/... NB recognized the main
package and I could link to it i n the editor and run compiles.
But when I try to execute in in the debugger (debug->run) it fails
to load because it can't find the main package.

The project is a maven project, and I am beginning to read the
maven material to see if that will help. But, can you shortcut the
process and please tell me how to correct the issue and give me a
hint as to where I can look for additional resources.


Can;t link src/test/java to package being tested.

2024-04-02 Thread slipbits
I know this is a dumb question but I'm stumped. I created a new project 
and NB created src/main and src/test subdirectories. When I created my 
test code in src/test/... NB recognized the main package and I could 
link to it i n the editor and run compiles. But when I try to execute in 
in the debugger (debug->run) it fails to load because it can't find the 
main package.

The project is a maven project, and I am beginning to read the maven 
material to see if that will help. But, can you shortcut the process and 
please tell me how to correct the issue and give me a hint as to where I 
can look for additional resources.


How to fix C/C++ system error in finding a compiler file

2023-07-01 Thread slipbits

NB 18
Win 11-x64

Build command: c:\cygwin64\bin\g++.exe -O2 *.o -o Eliza.exe

I'm trying to use the C/C++ I/F. During a compile the error message 
"C:/cygwin64/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/11/collect2.exe: error while 
loading shared libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such 
file or directory" was issued. I checked the location in cygwin and in 
the Win shell and the file is there. I tried to find documentation on 
C/C++ and failed. Can anyone give me a hand with fixing this problem?

I tried to find C/C++ NB documentation online to see if I could fix the 
issue - can't find it.
I tried to find a video on the NB Youtube channel, and the only thing on 
C/C++ was debugging on NB 11.1 and a video on NB 8.1.

The Wiki seems to be concerned with NB developers.

Is there documentation on C/C++ Netbeans

2023-04-13 Thread slipbits
I'm trying to find some documentation which describes the Netbeans 
Lightweight C/C++ setup options. Are there any help files, manual for 
Netbeans, or tutorials?


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Re: Cannot Access C/C++ Range of Options

2023-03-14 Thread slipbits

Hi Brad;

I have installed a C++ Project. On the taskbar, "Run" has all options 
shaded except Run->Set Main Project. I can't compile a file, build my 
project, or execute my code. What I have been doing is using g++ in a 
bash for loop (using Cygwin on a Win7-64 platform). Is there any way to 
compile a file, build a project, or execute a build?

The editing is great.


On 3/14/2023 8:35 AM, Bradley Willcott wrote:

Hi Robert.
Tools/Plugins/Settings:  Activate -> Netbeans 8.2 Plugin Portal

Then goto "Available Plugins" tab, and install: "C/C++".

This will give you everything you are looking for.


On 12/3/23 12:13, Robert Yu Tin-Tat wrote:
When I go to the C/C++ to make a C/C++ program on Netbeans 17, there 
hasn't been as much options as it had in its previous versions.

In fact, there is only one option and that's to start up with a 
iightweight C/C++ project.

If I need more, what should I do?

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C/C++ Integration

2022-09-06 Thread slipbits

Is Netbeans abandoning future development of C/C++?

I have tried to use Netbeans Lightweight C/C++ IDE in the last few 
releases unsuccessfully. The current Netbeans 15 does not support syntax 
highlighting using CLANGD, and as in previous releases, individual files 
can not be compiled and (for me) I am unable to build. I would really 
like to use the Netbeans IDE, but is it time for me to look at other IDE's?

You have worked hard and successfully at your IDE. I use is for Java 
projects with no difficulty, and I'd like to thank you for the hard work 
you have put in to make this possible.


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Netbeans 14 delivery schedule

2022-06-09 Thread slipbits
Is there an updated schedule for NB 14? I am looking forward to any 
C/C++ updates.


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C/C++ Compiling and clangd integration

2022-06-01 Thread slipbits

NB 13
Win 7/10/11
gcc 11.3.0

I'm trying to use NB as a C/C++ IDE. Some issues:

1. I can't compile. Properties->Compile Commands = "g++.exe -c
   -dumpdir ..\obj\ -std=c++17 -o ..\obj\", but Run->Compile File is
   'grayed' and can't be used. I've also tried linux separators (/) and
   amisture of both, C:\cygwin/ ... . I can't seem to get this right.
   What am I doing wrong?
2. I am using clangd (Tools->Options->C/C++->clangd Location) but when
   I double-click on a underscored variable name (ab_cd), only the
   first part (ab) is highlighted. Any reason that the syntax of a
   variable is not recognized?
3. Highlighting a function name and then selecting Find in Projects
   fails to find the function (or variable) . Is this something that NB
   14 will fix?

I hope there is something that I can do to at least compile, and then 
build, my files. I've tried several versions of the compile command, all 
failing. I don't know what else to do.


Re: BufferedReader and BufferedWriter : non-static variable cannot be accessed from the static context

2022-05-24 Thread slipbits
It is true that there other people on this list nicer than you. But 
let's look at your reply for a second. You provided no help, only 
criticism. The person asking the question wanted help. Rather than your 
acerbic answer, you might have provided some aid and direction. You did 
say that this list is for Netbeans issues only. That is help. You did 
say that there are other places to look, with an implied criticism that 
no looking was done. Moreover, you neglected to mention any single place 
where help could have been found.

In my experience on this list, I have found many people who tried to be 
helpful. The person asking the question was not asking for a fight, and 
probably did not know the fundamental purpose of this list. The question 
asker would have certainly gone elsewhere if it was known that this list 
was for Netbeans, not Java.

Your comments are unwarranted and not helpful. If you felt annoyed you 
should not have commented, or been more gracious in your comments.


On 5/23/2022 9:52 PM, Mark A. Flacy wrote:


Other people on this list have attempted to help prior to this reply. 
They are much nicer than I.

 1.  You *never* asked a question.   You posted a bit of code and
indicated there was an error.  You didn't indicate that you tried
to figure out the error or anything else.  The people who
subscribe to this list aren't your parents and are under no
obligation to try to read your mind (assuming your parents have
that obligation) to solve your _unstated_ problems.
 2.  This mailing list is to discuss Netbeans issues.  Basic java
problems really shouldn't be addressed here, although I might be
in the minority in this mailing list with that opinion.

There are ample places other than this list to find an answer to your 
implied problem.


Mark A. Flacy

On 2022 M05 22, Sun 17:52:55 CDT Zulfi Khan wrote:

> Hi,

> I have written the following code:

> /*

>  * Click

> nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Licenses/license-default.txt to

> change this license * Click


> va/${packagePath}/${mainClassName}.java to edit this template */


> package com.mycompany.add2strjop;

> import javax.swing.*;

> import java.lang.NumberFormatException;

> import;

> import;

> import;

> import;

> import;

> public class Add2StrJOp {

>   BufferedReader BF= null;

>   BufferedReader BW= null;

>   String str = "test";


>    public static void main(String args[]){

>   try{

>   FileReader file = new FileReader("abc.txt");

>   BF = new BufferedReader(file);//E

>  //BF= new BufferedReader(new FileReader("abc.txt"));

>   while ((str = BF.readLine())!=null){//E

>     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, str);//E

>   //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "hello World");

>     //BF.clos()

>   }

>  }catch(IOException e){

>   e.printStackTrace();

>  }

>   finally{

>  try{

>     if( BF!=null){//E

>    BF.close();//E

>     }

>  }catch(IOException e) {

>     e.printStackTrace();

>   }

>     }//finally

>   try{

>     BW = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("abc.txt"));//E

>     String str= "This is a test";

>     BW.write(str);//E

>     BW.close();//E

>  }catch(IOException e) {

>  e.printStackTrace();

>  }

> }

> }



> I have commented the lines as //E where I am getting the error 

> variable cannot be referenced from static context. Zulfi.

Can't open Netbeans 13

2022-05-19 Thread slipbits

Netbeans 13.0
Win 7-64

I've been waiting for Netbeans 14 w/C++ support, but, I am ready to code 
and decided to open NB13. These are the Diagnostics. Since NB14 is 
imminent is it worth spending time trying to find and fix the root problem?


bin >> ./netbeans64.exe
WARNING: package sun.awt.X11 not in java.desktop
WARNING: package not in java.desktop
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Missing hosting module 
org.netbeans.libs.javacimpl for fragment org.netbeans.modules.nbjavac.impl

    at org.netbeans.ModuleManager.enable(
    at org.netbeans.ModuleManager.enable(

    at org.netbeans.core.startup.Main.getModuleSystem(
    at org.netbeans.core.startup.Main.getModuleSystem(
    at org.netbeans.core.startup.Main.start(

    at java.base/

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Re: Trouble with file access permission in a C++ projet

2022-01-27 Thread slipbits


I tried to place the path to my compiler in
Commands ["C:\cygwin64\bin\c++.exe"]

with no good effect.

Same for Windows->Files->->Properties->Build->Run.

Tools->Options->C/C++ only allows entry of the path to ccls or clangd.

It is clear I don't know what I'm doing. Is there some documentation on 
this, or a tutorial, or something. I hate to waste your time in 
describing something I should be able to do myself. I just don't know 
what the secret sauce is, and I'm sure you're getting pretty frustrated 
with me.


On 1/27/2022 12:02 AM, antonio wrote:


In my box CYGWIN\lib\gcc\x86_64-pc-cygwin\10\include\c++ is a 
directory, so of course NetBeans is not able to "execute" it.

It seems you're missing the path to the compiler you want to use. In 
my box this is "CYGWIN\bin\c++.exe".


On 26/01/2022 22:18, slipbits wrote:

NB Diagnostic Message
 Exception in thread "main" Cannot run 
program "C:\cygwin64\lib\gcc\x86_64-pc-cygwin\11\include\c++": 
CreateProcess error=5, Access is denied

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Trouble with file access permission in a C++ projet

2022-01-26 Thread slipbits

NB 12.6

I'm trying to get C++ up an running. I think I've got everything set up 
correctly but I get an access violation at build time. I've checked all 
of the security permission on the path for my account, and in each 
directory I see that in the Security Property pop-up I have no 
permissions, but when I try to change the permissions, it says I have 
Full Control and all permissions are available.

I think the problem is that I have all the permissions, which allows me 
to do changes in the directories on the path, but somehow these 
permissions are not public for NB to see, or, I just don't understand 
the problem. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?

Win7 Security dialog (in Windows Explorer)
     right-click: Properties->Security Permissions for  
  right-click: Properties->Security->Advanced->Change 
Permissions->Edit all permissions granted

NB Diagnostic Message
    Exception in thread "main" Cannot run program 
"C:\cygwin64\lib\gcc\x86_64-pc-cygwin\11\include\c++": CreateProcess 
error=5, Access is denied

    Caused by: CreateProcess error=5, Access is denied
    at java.base/java.lang.ProcessImpl.create(Native Method)
    at java.base/java.lang.ProcessImpl.(
    at java.base/java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(

    ... 2 more

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Re: [C/C++] Unable to install and use clangd protocol server

2022-01-19 Thread slipbits

NB 12.5
gcc v11 installed under cygwin
clang v8.0.1 installed under cygwin
clangd v13.0.0 installed under Win-7

Hi (and sorry for being a pest);

I'm still having difficulty.

1. clang/clangd downloaded and installed. (no issue)
2. Tools->Option->C/C++->ccls configuration changed to clangd location.
   (no issue)
3. Tools->Option->C/C++->code assistance->C++ Compiler changed to the
   current location of the include libraries. (issue).
4. Compile fails to find . I have verified that this file
   exists and is in the C++ paths in Step 3.
5. Right click on ->Build and found 4 entries;
   Configuration Name, Build, Clean, and Run. All were empty. David
   said to put the include directories here. Does this mean that the
   include directories are inserted directly, as in Step 3 above, or
   does the gcc build parameters have to be used. I have inserted all
   of the directories in Step 3 into Build w/wo gcc link prefixes
   without good effect.
6. What purpose does Step 3 have if the include files are not used in
   the compile. I could understand that the Step 3 includes are for all
   builds and the Step 5 includes are for project specific needs, but I
   can't get either to work.

OK. What am I getting wrong. Are my assumptions  incorrect (Step 3/6) or 
is there something that I'm missing (probably), or both (most likely). 
Do I have to install NB 12.6 (it's on my todo list so this really isn't 
an issue).


=== code ===

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
   exit (1);

On 1/18/2022 11:29 AM, slipbits wrote:


After I followed Bradley Willcott's directions I returned to 
Tools->Options->C/C++ and found that it (now) contained linkages to 
clang, not clangd. Before this change the C/C++ options where for ccls 
and clangd, not clang. You are probably correct in that I downloaded 
the indexer, but I think that NB should change to 'clangd' to 'clang' 
to clear up any confusion, not to say that I won't continued to be 


On 1/18/2022 9:33 AM, antonio wrote:

Hi there,

The "clangd for Windows" does not have any "clangd-index-server.exe", 
nor "clangd-indexer.exe", just a "clangd.exe". You've probably 
downloaded the indexer, not the clangd.

Just unzip clangd zip file somewhere in a directory in your disk. If 
you have this directory in your PATH then NetBeans should find it for 
you. Otherwise you'll have to add it manually (say 


On 17/01/2022 22:17, slipbits wrote:
'm trying to host all my C/C++ projects on Netbeans (because I like 
NB) and am having some difficulty. NB tools->options->C/C++ requires 
either a ccls or clangd 
server. I downloaded clangd 
<> for windows 
as a zip file and then extracted clangd-index-server-monitor.exe, 
clangd-index-server.exe. clangd-indexer.exe to my cygwin /bin 
directory. Then, in turn, I changed the C/C++ "clangd Location" to 
each of  the files (/bin/). In all cases I was then unable 
to modify my project file (below).


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Re: [C/C++] Unable to install and use clangd protocol server

2022-01-18 Thread slipbits


After I followed Bradley Willcott's directions I returned to 
Tools->Options->C/C++ and found that it (now) contained linkages to 
clang, not clangd. Before this change the C/C++ options where for ccls 
and clangd, not clang. You are probably correct in that I downloaded the 
indexer, but I think that NB should change to 'clangd' to 'clang' to 
clear up any confusion, not to say that I won't continued to be confused.


On 1/18/2022 9:33 AM, antonio wrote:

Hi there,

The "clangd for Windows" does not have any "clangd-index-server.exe", 
nor "clangd-indexer.exe", just a "clangd.exe". You've probably 
downloaded the indexer, not the clangd.

Just unzip clangd zip file somewhere in a directory in your disk. If 
you have this directory in your PATH then NetBeans should find it for 
you. Otherwise you'll have to add it manually (say 


On 17/01/2022 22:17, slipbits wrote:
'm trying to host all my C/C++ projects on Netbeans (because I like 
NB) and am having some difficulty. NB tools->options->C/C++ requires 
either a ccls or clangd 
server. I downloaded clangd 
<> for windows 
as a zip file and then extracted clangd-index-server-monitor.exe, 
clangd-index-server.exe. clangd-indexer.exe to my cygwin /bin 
directory. Then, in turn, I changed the C/C++ "clangd Location" to 
each of  the files (/bin/). In all cases I was then unable 
to modify my project file (below).


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[C/C++] Unable to install and use clangd protocol server

2022-01-17 Thread slipbits

NB 12.5
Windows 7

I'm trying to host all my C/C++ projects on Netbeans (because I like NB) 
and am having some difficulty. NB tools->options->C/C++ requires either 
a ccls or clangd 
protocol server. I 
downloaded clangd  
for windows 
as a zip file and then extracted clangd-index-server-monitor.exe, 
clangd-index-server.exe. clangd-indexer.exe to my cygwin /bin directory. 
Then, in turn, I changed the C/C++ "clangd Location" to each of  the 
files (/bin/). In all cases I was then unable to modify my 
project file (below).

How can I get some functionality out of NB w/C/C++?  I know, I know, 
I've asked this question before, and the answer was something like 
File->New Project->C/C++ etc. Then enter the compile and build commands. 
But no previous guidance on clangd, although there was guidance on using 
the NB 8.2 plugin for C/C++ (which is not listed as available in NB 
12.5). So, I'm stumped.

= project code =

 * Click 
nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Licenses/license-default.txt to 
change this license
 * Click 
nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/cpplite/CPPTemplate.cpp to edit 
this template

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
   exit 1;

Re: Opening older C/C++ projects in NB 12.4

2021-12-06 Thread slipbits
I've been using Netbeans for years (2 decades or so) for both Java and 
C++, but under the current Netbeans to use C++ I can't take advantage of 
any JDK after jdk 8.0. Are there any plans to change this?

As a (disgruntled) side note, I  have been using Visual Studio for C++ 
since March, and have so far reported 25+ errors in the generated code 
or in parsing. So I would really, really like to get back to Netbeans. 
gcc seems to be so much more reliable.


On 12/4/2021 7:48 AM, Tom Maszerowski wrote:
Thanks. This looks like it should work but I’m on a Mac and haven’t 
been able to get Netbeans run with jdk1.8. I tried it from a shell 
using the open command and —args and with setting jdkhome as an 
environment variable but it still fails the validation step. I’m okay 
with NB11 for what I’m doing despite the lack of support.

On Dec 4, 2021, at 1:48 AM, wrote:

To install previus version C/C++ plugin into new netbeans 12.4 or 
12.5 you need to start netbeans with jdk 1.8, if you run it with 
higher jdks the validation, during installation, doesn't work.

eg.: /work1/bin/netbeans/netbeans-12.5/bin/netbeans --jdkhome 

B) tools->plugin
Enable netbeans 8.2 plugin portal

C) go to available Plugins tab
Press chek for newest and will appear C/C++, select it and then 

After installation will appear "installation completed successfully"

If you go to Installed plugins you can see "User installed Plugins" 
with C/C++"


After this installation you can use C / C ++ projects like on Netbeans 8.

I hope I understand your question.
I hope it was useful to you.

Il 03/12/2021 12:59, Geertjan Wielenga ha scritto:
Probably the plugins for C/C++ you had installed previously you'll 
need to install again in 12.4.


On Fri, Dec 3, 2021 at 12:50 PM Tom Maszerowski 

I just took the plunge and upgraded from NB 11 to 12. When I try
to open C/C++ projects that worked fine in NB 11 nothing
happens. There’s no error, NB just doesn’t do anything. Has the
project format changed? Do I need to re-create the projects from
scratch? It’s obviously not the end of the world but I’ve got a
bunch of projects and would rather not build them all again.



Tom Maszerowski

Re: Linker error in cpplite

2021-04-17 Thread slipbits

Hi Geertjan;

I don't know what other scenario I can provide.

I have not setup any gcc compiler and linker commands, in fact nothing 
is set up, just the project. But I wouldn't expect NB itself to fail. I 
would have guessed that NB would have said something about me failing 
(to comport myself). I can work with a diagnostic message. It is NB 
itself failing that I'm having difficulty with.

What I have done is to create a project containing the following 
main.cpp file:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   return 0;

And then set it up as the main project and then did "Run->Build Main 
Project" with the same results as below.

I will do anything you suggest to provide a scenario. What type of 
scenario do you need?


On 4/17/2021 2:30 PM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:

Sorry, not going to figure out a scenario for this to reproduce it.


On Sat, Apr 17, 2021 at 11:28 PM slipbits <>> wrote:

Run->Build Main Project

On 4/17/2021 1:41 PM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:

Can you provide a sequence of steps for someone to reproduce the


On Sat, 17 Apr 2021 at 22:36, slipbits>> wrote:

NB 12.3

Is there a fix for this? If it is in my program, is there any
way of
finding out where?

I am (very, very) reluctantly using Visual Studio. If this
issue is
resolved, I can go back to NB. If it's something I need to do
or haven't
done correctly, can someone give me a clue? My program executes
correctly in VS.

Error message during run>Build Main Project
Exception in thread "main"
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0

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Linker error in cpplite

2021-04-17 Thread slipbits

NB 12.3

Is there a fix for this? If it is in my program, is there any way of 
finding out where?

I am (very, very) reluctantly using Visual Studio. If this issue is 
resolved, I can go back to NB. If it's something I need to do or haven't 
done correctly, can someone give me a clue? My program executes 
correctly in VS.

Error message during run>Build Main Project
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0

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Installing ccls on NB12.3

2021-03-25 Thread slipbits

Win 7-64 OS

I'm trying to run a C/C++ project with NB. C/C++ plugin information 
indicates that ccls needs to be installed, and ccls indicates LLVM needs 
to be installed. I've installed LLVM but am having difficulty 
downloading  ccls, I use Cygwin git vrs. 2.30.1. No variant of the POSIX 
download command "git clone --depth=1 --recursive; seems to work. Don't know what to do 
next. Anyone have a binary distribution available?

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Re: [Netbeans Platform] Tutorials are unusable since transition to Apache

2021-03-06 Thread slipbits
Don't know if this helps. Whenever I use a system, a.k.a, Netbeans, I 
attempt to download everything in site. Just because I spend most of 
life living under a rock with pretensions of paranoia. With this in 
mind, I have all the Netbeans documentation given with distributions 
(8.2, 9.0, 11.0, 12.2) and java documents including tutorials (8.2 et 
alia). They run to the 'to big to count' but if you'd like I'll try to 
figure out how to send a few.

The Java XML stuff I have is:


If this is helpful I'll zip it up.


On 3/6/2021 11:51 AM, Richard Grenon wrote:

Hello Geertjan.

Netbeans Platform concepts are not easy to understand (I have 
purchased the book for beginners), and wrong tutorials are rather 

I do not know where and how to fill an issue, and I discovered the 
problem for the XML editor tutorial this evening. The old tutorial has 
gone and the new one is wrong. You can have a look on this tutorial 
that is rather short.

Only the first screenshot for creating the project is correct. All 
following screenshots do not follow the text, and some of them seem to 
be from other applications.

Finally, the short piece of code given for the method is melted with 
html links, so it is unreadable.

I cannot provide correct screenshots and code because I have erased my 
first test of this tutorial, and the html page with the correct old 
version of the tutorial has gone.

I do not know if other Apache tutorials are wrong, but the transfer of 
this one is rather disappointing. Why the old version from  has not been simply copied to a new 
Apache page rather than rewritten with errors ? For me, correcting the 
tutorial would be simply to provide a link pointing on the old version.

So the question is : where can we find all the tutorials from the old ?


Le sam. 6 mars 2021 à 20:05, Geertjan Wielenga 
> a écrit :

Which screenshots specifically are wrong — I’d be happy to
collaborate with you to work on the tutorials that you would like
fixed. If you create a new issue for each tutorial you’d like to
work together on, with very precise descriptions of what is wrong,
ideally providing the correct screenshot or code, and otherwise
just being precise in saying what should be corrected, we can work
on this together to improve the tutorials in order of your preference.

What do you think?


On Sat, 6 Mar 2021 at 19:54, Richard>> wrote:


Some days ago, I successfully performed a tutorial for XML Editor
extension. The link was :

As I had removed this test from my disk, today I tried to
perform again
this tutorial, but the link points now to :

On this new link, the screenshots do not correspond to the
text, and the
code given for the method "actionPerformed" is unreadable
because it
contains links to javadoc html pages, and all these links
point to the
Apache transition page :

Please, could anybody check this tutorial (and maybe other
tutorials) or
provide a link to the correct old version ?


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Re: SAX Question

2020-09-09 Thread slipbits

Sorry. Ignore the post. I found my error.

Sorry to waste the bandwidth!

On 9/9/2020 10:05 AM, slipbits wrote:

NB 12.0
JDK 14

I'm trying to use a SAX XML parser and found the following issue?

import org.xml.sax.Attributes;

public class XMLReaderHandler extends 
org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler {
   public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String 
qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
  if (attr.getLength()) // getLength not found but Ctl-B Attribute 
shows it


[1] When I do a Ctl-B (go to declaration) on Attributes I see 

[2] But when I do attr.getLength(), getLength() is undefined.

[3] Hovering on 'attr.' shows the Attribute methods but not getLength().

[4] The JDK 14 documentation shows getLength() defined under 
org.xml.sax.Attributes. Attributes is an interface.

Am I doing something wrong?

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SAX Question

2020-09-09 Thread slipbits

NB 12.0
JDK 14

I'm trying to use a SAX XML parser and found the following issue?

import org.xml.sax.Attributes;

public class XMLReaderHandler extends org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler {
   public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, 
Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
  if (attr.getLength()) // getLength not found but Ctl-B Attribute 
shows it


[1] When I do a Ctl-B (go to declaration) on Attributes I see 

[2] But when I do attr.getLength(), getLength() is undefined.

[3] Hovering on 'attr.' shows the Attribute methods but not getLength().

[4] The JDK 14 documentation shows getLength() defined under 
org.xml.sax.Attributes. Attributes is an interface.

Am I doing something wrong?

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Re: Issue with recognizing functions

2020-07-06 Thread slipbits


On 7/6/2020 9:39 AM, HRH wrote:
This statement in your codeSystem.out.println(attr.toString()); will 
not print the permissions. The toString() operation on 
PosixFilePermissions class requires a parameter. Here is the method 

PosixFilePermissions.toString​(Set perms)

On Monday, July 6, 2020, 8:08:10 PM GMT+4:30, slipbits 

I am trying to create files/directories and to assign attributes to 
them. I would like my software to play on multiple OS's and I am 
trying to find the Java way of identifying OS specific attributes. Two 
issues came up. In one, there is no discussion of Windows attributes. 
I have assumed that they are the same as Posix. In the second case, I 
found a method (fromString()) which looks like a useful thing to know 
but can't get either NB12 or OpenBeans to recognize it and I'm stumped.

The test code is:

package test;

import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission.fromString;
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission;
import java.util.Set;

public class test {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
 Set attr = fromString("rwxrw");
   }; //  void main(String[] args)
}; // class test

I have tried to fix this with:

import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission.*; and

Set attr = 

without success. The puzzler is that the Java tutorial 
and the Java 1.8 documentation both seem to say that any of the above 
should work.

Can anyone please help. Are the Windows attributes the same as Posix, 
and how can I use fromString()?

Issue with recognizing functions

2020-07-06 Thread slipbits
I am trying to create files/directories and to assign attributes to 
them. I would like my software to play on multiple OS's and I am trying 
to find the Java way of identifying OS specific attributes. Two issues 
came up. In one, there is no discussion of Windows attributes. I have 
assumed that they are the same as Posix. In the second case, I found a 
method (fromString()) which looks like a useful thing to know but can't 
get either NB12 or OpenBeans to recognize it and I'm stumped.

The test code is:

package test;

import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission.fromString;
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission;
import java.util.Set;

public class test {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
 Set attr = fromString("rwxrw");
   }; //  void main(String[] args)
}; // class test

I have tried to fix this with:

import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission.*; and

Set attr = 

without success. The puzzler is that the Java tutorial 
and the Java 1.8 documentation both seem to say that any of the above 
should work.

Can anyone please help. Are the Windows attributes the same as Posix, 
and how can I use fromString()?

Re: JavaFx Problem

2020-07-06 Thread slipbits


Learning is a lifetime avocation. Once you 'start' to enjoy it, you will 
always enjoy it. And that's what gets you through the day.

I used to say (still do for that matter) that anything that I once 
learned I will use. Sometimes I will use it years after I 'learned' it. 
When this happens, its a big 'kick' and tells me that I should have 
learned more.

And this is both in the generic sense and in the pragmatic sense. And, 
it does last you forever.

So, for me, the notion of what to do and how to stay motivated is the 
process of learning everything. Nothing goes to waste. And need not be 
specific to one field, or language, or framework, or ... .


On 7/6/2020 8:14 AM, Brain Rebooting wrote:
Wow. Some great things I came to know about you. Especially "always 
learning new things" probably take a special kind of mindset. 
Otherwise, very fewer people are willing to do that. And you people 
are some of those fewer people.
But I'm a little shocked by knowing that, you don't drink coffee now. 
Probably in the long term, its negative effect suffer your life.

Thanks for information about your life. I am trying my best to take 
advice from it.


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Re: Help in setting up JavaFX on NB 12 and OpenBeans 12

2020-06-26 Thread slipbits

Thanks Gj;

You are right that learning JavaFX is the goal and using gradle is not. 
And in the interest of expediency you are again correct to ignore 
gradle. But this is a 'learning experience', and learning gradle is 
probably part of it.

However, giving the devil his due, I will probably do just as you 
suggest: forget gradle and learn JavaFX, probably by using a different book.

As to 'Preferences'. I (finally) found a Gradle and JavaFX setting. It 
is at Tools->Options->Java. There is no 'Preference' but there seems to 
be everything else. The mystery is solved.

Thanks to all

On 6/25/2020 11:28 PM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:

On Mac, go to NetBeans | Preferences, on Windows to Tools | Options.

All this that you’re doing with Gradle is completely unnecessary since 
what you’re doing is learning JavaFX, for which there are two Maven 
archetypes that run out of the box without you needing to tweak anything.


On Fri, 26 Jun 2020 at 08:25, slipbits <>> wrote:

That's the problem. Tools->Options->anything doesn't seem to have
a 'Preferences', or I've missed it. Run->Set Project
Configuration->Customize is similarly bereft of 'Preferences'.
I've looked at some of the other menu items and, well, I just
can't seem to find the fool thing.

There is a Tools->Libraries and Tools->Java Platforms which have
possibilities, but I'm sure that I'm not sure what to do with them.

I should have told you all this stuff before.

Sigh. We have different versions of NB. (Since it's late at night)
This is where we can start the NB wars. The "nah, nah, nah nahnah,
my NB's better than your NB. On the other hand, your NB works!

I did get the environment variable set correctly, and I did change
PATH correctly. So now a command line "> gradle -v" works. And
here a side note. I use the cygwin shell exclusively, so, as
needed, I set up aliases, paths and whatever else I need. NB uses
windows. So I'm always doing some kind of translation to figure
out where I am and what I've got.


On 6/25/2020 5:35 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

Programming involves typing. Get used to it.
Even though I use the IDE for writing the code, I often build
from the command line.

Learning to set JAVA_HOME is Java programming 101.  I have a
small script/alias to set it to whatever version of Java I need
to use in the moment.

Things should start going much smoother once you have you dev
environment properly set up. However NB will set JAVA_HOME on
your behalf based on your project settings when running Gradle

In Windows I believe the NetBeans settings are buried in the
tools menu as Options or something. I’ve been meaning to write a
overview of how I think the menus need an overhaul in NB. On a
Mac the preferences are where they are supposed to be, so I
forget that for Windows users they are well hidden.
You’ll have to dig a bit to find the Gradle settings once you’re
there: click Java on the top and then go to the Gradle tab where
you can set a custom Gradle path and choose to use the wrapper if
there is one.

Send the full output of the build attempt and we should be able
to get this sorted out.


On Jun 25, 2020, at 6:44 PM, slipbits 
<> wrote:

I know this is going to sound tacky,, but I have an IDE. Two of
them in fact. Why would I try to do all this work by hand? Sigh.

I'm getting their but gradle says that JAVA_HOME is not set
correctly. I just can't stand the fun.

Where is "preferences"? I've looked all over the blasted IDE,
and I even looked at my NB 8.2 IDE and can't find it (except in
NB 8.2 makefile). Now I know it's somewhere. ... Nope. I lost it


On 6/25/2020 3:18 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

Set the path to Gradle in the NetBeans preferences/options.
If you are using the Gradle wrapper then Gradle will use the
version specified by the project which it will download and
cache in the .gradle folder of your home directory.

Have you tried building the project from the command line?


On Jun 25, 2020, at 5:15 PM, slipbits 
<> wrote:

Win 7-64 & cygwin

Tried it on NB 12. Failed.

The build message says "Could not run build action using

I have JavaFX installed @ /Program File/JavaFX
/javafx-sdk-14.0.1 (openJFX)

I have java installed @ /Program File/Java/jdk-14.0.1

I have Gradle installed @ /ProgramFile/Gradle/gradle-6.5
   ( <>)

However, I don't have any way to tell NB 12 that I have
installed JavaFX or Gradle. So, NB and OpenBea

Re: Help in setting up JavaFX on NB 12 and OpenBeans 12

2020-06-26 Thread slipbits
That's the problem. Tools->Options->anything doesn't seem to have a 
'Preferences', or I've missed it. Run->Set Project 
Configuration->Customize is similarly bereft of 'Preferences'. I've 
looked at some of the other menu items and, well, I just can't seem to 
find the fool thing.

There is a Tools->Libraries and Tools->Java Platforms which have 
possibilities, but I'm sure that I'm not sure what to do with them.

I should have told you all this stuff before.

Sigh. We have different versions of NB. (Since it's late at night) This 
is where we can start the NB wars. The "nah, nah, nah nahnah, my NB's 
better than your NB. On the other hand, your NB works!

I did get the environment variable set correctly, and I did change PATH 
correctly. So now a command line "> gradle -v" works. And here a side 
note. I use the cygwin shell exclusively, so, as needed, I set up 
aliases, paths and whatever else I need. NB uses windows. So I'm always 
doing some kind of translation to figure out where I am and what I've got.


On 6/25/2020 5:35 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

Programming involves typing. Get used to it.
Even though I use the IDE for writing the code, I often build from the 
command line.

Learning to set JAVA_HOME is Java programming 101.  I have a small 
script/alias to set it to whatever version of Java I need to use in 
the moment.

Things should start going much smoother once you have you dev 
environment properly set up. However NB will set JAVA_HOME on your 
behalf based on your project settings when running Gradle builds.

In Windows I believe the NetBeans settings are buried in the tools 
menu as Options or something. I’ve been meaning to write a overview of 
how I think the menus need an overhaul in NB. On a Mac the preferences 
are where they are supposed to be, so I forget that for Windows users 
they are well hidden.
You’ll have to dig a bit to find the Gradle settings once you’re 
there: click Java on the top and then go to the Gradle tab where you 
can set a custom Gradle path and choose to use the wrapper if there is 

Send the full output of the build attempt and we should be able to get 
this sorted out.


On Jun 25, 2020, at 6:44 PM, slipbits  wrote:

I know this is going to sound tacky,, but I have an IDE. Two of them 
in fact. Why would I try to do all this work by hand? Sigh.

I'm getting their but gradle says that JAVA_HOME is not set 
correctly. I just can't stand the fun.

Where is "preferences"? I've looked all over the blasted IDE, and I 
even looked at my NB 8.2 IDE and can't find it (except in NB 8.2 
makefile). Now I know it's somewhere. ... Nope. I lost it again.


On 6/25/2020 3:18 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

Set the path to Gradle in the NetBeans preferences/options.
If you are using the Gradle wrapper then Gradle will use the version 
specified by the project which it will download and cache in the 
.gradle folder of your home directory.

Have you tried building the project from the command line?


On Jun 25, 2020, at 5:15 PM, slipbits  wrote:

Win 7-64 & cygwin

Tried it on NB 12. Failed.

The build message says "Could not run build action using 

I have JavaFX installed @ /Program File/JavaFX /javafx-sdk-14.0.1  

I have java installed @ /Program File/Java/jdk-14.0.1 (oracle)

I have Gradle installed @ /ProgramFile/Gradle/gradle-6.5 (

However, I don't have any way to tell NB 12 that I have installed 
JavaFX or Gradle. So, NB and OpenBeans installed something (let's 
call it Gradle) @ /../AppData/Local/NetBeans/Cache/12.0/gradle and 
/../AppData/Local/OpenBeans/Cache/2019.12/gradle and at 
/c/user/.../.gradle. None of this appears to be gradle.

That's everything I know. I did try to follow the instructions and 
did modify the build.gradle file. The modified file is:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
apply plugin: 'application'

mainClassName = 'HelloWorld.Main'

repositories {

dependencies {
    testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13'

plugins {
  id 'application'
  id 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' version '0.0.8'

javafx {
    version = "14"
    modules = [ 'javafx.controls' ]

I tried several versions of adding an "apply plugin:" for JavaFX 
without success. Don't know what else to do.


On 6/25/2020 9:53 AM, Scott Palmer wrote:

On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 5:27 PM slipbits <>> wrote:

Under Java with Maven I see "FXML JavaFX Maven Archetype
(Gluon)" and "Simple JavaFX Maven Archteype (Gluon)". I
suspect one of these should be chosen. The book I'm reading,
JavaFX 8 by Example, recommends Java with Gradle. Any idea
when that will be ready?

Java with Gradle works now.  Make a new Gradle project, then edit 
build.gradle to include the javafx plugin as per the Gradle 
examples on Ope

Re: Help in setting up JavaFX on NB 12 and OpenBeans 12

2020-06-25 Thread slipbits
I know this is going to sound tacky,, but I have an IDE. Two of them in 
fact. Why would I try to do all this work by hand? Sigh.

I'm getting their but gradle says that JAVA_HOME is not set correctly. I 
just can't stand the fun.

Where is "preferences"? I've looked all over the blasted IDE, and I even 
looked at my NB 8.2 IDE and can't find it (except in NB 8.2 makefile). 
Now I know it's somewhere. ... Nope. I lost it again.


On 6/25/2020 3:18 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

Set the path to Gradle in the NetBeans preferences/options.
If you are using the Gradle wrapper then Gradle will use the version 
specified by the project which it will download and cache in the 
.gradle folder of your home directory.

Have you tried building the project from the command line?


On Jun 25, 2020, at 5:15 PM, slipbits  wrote:

Win 7-64 & cygwin

Tried it on NB 12. Failed.

The build message says "Could not run build action using 

I have JavaFX installed @ /Program File/JavaFX /javafx-sdk-14.0.1  

I have java installed @ /Program File/Java/jdk-14.0.1     

I have Gradle installed @ /ProgramFile/Gradle/gradle-6.5    

However, I don't have any way to tell NB 12 that I have installed 
JavaFX or Gradle. So, NB and OpenBeans installed something (let's 
call it Gradle) @ /../AppData/Local/NetBeans/Cache/12.0/gradle and 
/../AppData/Local/OpenBeans/Cache/2019.12/gradle and at 
/c/user/.../.gradle. None of this appears to be gradle.

That's everything I know. I did try to follow the instructions and 
did modify the build.gradle file. The modified file is:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
apply plugin: 'application'

mainClassName = 'HelloWorld.Main'

repositories {

dependencies {
    testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13'

plugins {
  id 'application'
  id 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' version '0.0.8'

javafx {
    version = "14"
    modules = [ 'javafx.controls' ]

I tried several versions of adding an "apply plugin:" for JavaFX 
without success. Don't know what else to do.


On 6/25/2020 9:53 AM, Scott Palmer wrote:

On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 5:27 PM slipbits <>> wrote:

Under Java with Maven I see "FXML JavaFX Maven Archetype
(Gluon)" and "Simple JavaFX Maven Archteype (Gluon)". I suspect
one of these should be chosen. The book I'm reading, JavaFX 8
by Example, recommends Java with Gradle. Any idea when that
will be ready?

Java with Gradle works now.  Make a new Gradle project, then edit 
build.gradle to include the javafx plugin as per the Gradle examples 
on <>



Re: Help in setting up JavaFX on NB 12 and OpenBeans 12

2020-06-25 Thread slipbits

Win 7-64 & cygwin

Tried it on NB 12. Failed.

The build message says "Could not run build action using 

I have JavaFX installed @ /Program File/JavaFX /javafx-sdk-14.0.1  (openJFX)

I have java installed @ /Program File/Java/jdk-14.0.1     

I have Gradle installed @ /ProgramFile/Gradle/gradle-6.5    

However, I don't have any way to tell NB 12 that I have installed JavaFX 
or Gradle. So, NB and OpenBeans installed something (let's call it 
Gradle) @ /../AppData/Local/NetBeans/Cache/12.0/gradle and 
/../AppData/Local/OpenBeans/Cache/2019.12/gradle and at 
/c/user/.../.gradle. None of this appears to be gradle.

That's everything I know. I did try to follow the instructions and did 
modify the build.gradle file. The modified file is:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
apply plugin: 'application'

mainClassName = 'HelloWorld.Main'

repositories {

dependencies {
    testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13'

plugins {
  id 'application'
  id 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' version '0.0.8'

javafx {
    version = "14"
    modules = [ 'javafx.controls' ]

I tried several versions of adding an "apply plugin:" for JavaFX without 
success. Don't know what else to do.


On 6/25/2020 9:53 AM, Scott Palmer wrote:

On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 5:27 PM slipbits <>> wrote:

Under Java with Maven I see "FXML JavaFX Maven Archetype (Gluon)"
and "Simple JavaFX Maven Archteype (Gluon)". I suspect one of
these should be chosen. The book I'm reading, JavaFX 8 by
Example, recommends Java with Gradle. Any idea when that will be

Java with Gradle works now.  Make a new Gradle project, then edit 
build.gradle to include the javafx plugin as per the Gradle examples 
on <>



Help in setting up JavaFX on NB 12 and OpenBeans 12

2020-06-24 Thread slipbits

Win 10-64

I've installed the JavaFX plugins and now I'm trying to create an 
application.  When I do:

File->New Projects->Java with Ant->JavaFX->JavaFX Application

I get a message: "Failed to automatically set-up a JavaFX Platform. 
Please go to Platform Manager, create a non-default Java SE platform, then go to the JavaFX tab, 
enable JavaFX and fill in the paths to valid JavaFX SDK and JavaFX Runtime. 
Note: JavaFX SDK can be downloaded from JavaFX website."

Using "Manage Platforms" I have set up a non-default Java SE Platform. 
There is no JavaFX tab in the Java Platforms pop-up. I'm stumped.

I did get it going (somehow) on my Win-7 system.

Where is the "JavaFX tab"?

Navigate CTL-B/CTL-SHIFT-B not working

2020-06-15 Thread slipbits

*Product Version:* Apache NetBeans IDE 12.0
*Updates:* NetBeans IDE is updated to version NetBeans 8.2 Patch 2
*Java:* 1.8.0_111; Java 
HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.111-b14

*Runtime:* Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_111-b14
*System:* Windows 7 version 6.1 running on amd64; Cp1252; en_US (nb)
*User directory:* C:\Users\skidmarks\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\12.0
*Cache directory:* C:\Users\skidmarks\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\12.0

Win 7-x64

Navigate->Go to Source         Ctl-Shift-B

Navigate->Go to Destination   Ctl-B

Does not work in my Java code. When pressed/clicked nothing happens.


2020-06-03 Thread slipbits

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Netbeans 11.3 C/C++ Plugin

2020-05-31 Thread slipbits

Netbeans 11.3
Win 7-64 bit

I would like to install a C/C++ plugin for Netbeans 11.3. The comments 
I've read seem to indicate that an integrated C/C++ has been in the 
offing for quite some time (Oracle was late in delivering the C/C++ 
modules).  I have had header difficulty with Netbeans 8.2 and g++ - 
resolved when I used Visual Studio. But I'd like an integrated 
environment with Netbeans.